The Pomeranian Review September 2001
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r m-rm TrJJ5Am swat. ,. . . CAmtLm l SAN POMERANIANmpJfsI4V-a 'm, ^SSS cP ig K-Hi-i i iifflinA.A, fSAXi"V 07S2SAciSSliBN^li fmmSUSS. -""1 4BisSS Phe-ts wins AnotherBest In ShowBIS CH. Woodnoses Bet The House3ri V.-''jLr t^Tf tOBEST IN SHOWid, b.CH. Jan-Shars Magic Touch X Woodroses Shady LadyHandler Yvette OganekuMahalo, Mrs. HutchinsonWhere Quality CountsWoo5poseBreeder Clarice Yvette Oganeku Owners Clarice Yvette Oganeku Betty Wrixon 45-232 Lilipuna Rd Kaneohe, HI 96744Phone 808235-8142 Fax 808247-4967 email woodrosehawaii.rr.com2 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001Woodnose PnesentsOur Newest Stan ....StashWoodnose's Stash The CashCH. Islands Here We Go X Woodroses Spring FeverHandler Yvette OganekuStashs multiple wins are as follows Hawaiian Kennel Club West Oahu Kennel Club Tropical Toy Club of HawaiiBIMBIMBest Toy DogMahalo to all the judges for his many wins.Where Quality Countsvv SwasflGROUPFIRSTNmSfe .OAHUWESTPHOTOJOHNSONMIKEmUSI Ii WoodnoseBreederowners Clarice Yvette Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Rd Kaneohe, HI 96744Phone808235-8142 j Fax 808 247-4967 j email woodrosehawaii.rr.comPomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 3A Stan Is Bonn11, .\y, ', .. s mkm. BEST OF WINNERS BEST OPPOSITE MAJOR WoodrosesA Star Is BornCh Woodroses Dash of Spice X Woodroses Pot O GoldTwinkles is shown at 8 mos. already has 12 pts., 3 majors. She went Best In Show Bred By Exhibitor at WHDFAs 75th show.Mahalo to the judges.WoodnoseBreedersOwners Clarice Yvette Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Rd Kaneohe, HI 96744Phone 808235-8142 Fax 808247-4967 email woodrosehawaii.rr.com4 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001Our Newest Champion' IV.4U2i,t ffifriWINNERS -"SPH NEW CHAMPION. ^fj Si'^ 1 WINDWARD SHOWMIKE JOHNSON PHOTO5-e^^CH. Woodroses Special SpiceCh Woodroses Dash of Spice X Woodroses Special TreasureLinus finished his championship with 3 majors. He is being offered for sale to a good home.Handler Yvette OganekuWoo 6 RoseBreedersOwners Clarice Yvette Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Rd Kaneohe, HI 96744Phone 808235-8142 Fax 808247-4967 email woodrosehawaii.rr.comPomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 56 CONTENTSADVERTISERS LIST..................................................................70ARCHIVES, APC POM REVIEW.........................................19-21ASK US ANYTHING..................................................................10AWARDS SYSTEM....................................................................46BEHIND NEW TITLISTS ...........................................................46A FUNNY TAIL.......................................................................... 53HEALTH GENETICS....................................................... 38, 39APC JUDGES CRITIQUE......................................................41-45MEMBERSHIP REPORT............................................................10APC OFFICERS...........................................................................11PERFORMANCE NEWS......................................................56-61PRESIDENTS REPORT........................................................14, 15REGISTRARS CORNER............................................................49SELECTIVITY IN BREEDING POMS................................48, 49APC STATISTICS^...............................................................51, 52APC SWEEPSTAKES............................................................29-32TRIBUTE TO DUDLEY WANDA ROACH...........................25A VISIT WITH RUTH BEAM, GREAT ELMS.....................22,23American Pomeranian Club, Inc Websitehttp www. bigfoot. comAmerican.Pom. ClubNOVDEC POM REVIEWturunvc DpeciaHty,, SoaUUanac2a dxijuiv ^anveoaniati oj^ J^ouiiaaa01awte Savla Sam Speciaftt^Coital Sametanicut............TJictaziatJCenad ............ Sieonai neZteSfdiXion ef'rierufa and 0am4AanianSam.Etonian, Stapatto,SL ^ 5 S ul St.................4 QueatiannaiM.and.3Co3ay. S'teilwuja.FRONTBEST" Jr sL.CUSmWA Deringer of LenetteCh Dominic of Lenette X Nikki of Lenette A beautiful boy bred by Ken Griffith and shown by Brenda Segelken. s Deringer is two points away from his Championship, capturing all points in- eluding his majors and a Best of Breed from the puppy classes. Deringer is a true showman" winning a spectacular class of 6- 9 puppy dogs at the first Lou- isville All Breed show following the A PC Specialty his very first time out Donna RiehmRiehm Pomeranians Njurphysboro, IllinoisWMimmm mmw' w Jlencttc PWHMUUcUtAbreeders, office Pom.s skce Dsy1440Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 Fax 704938-7578 K. G. Griffith, Owner3Ch. GREAT ELMS MR CHIPS X DEE DEE OF LENETTEThey are also grandchildren of Ch. Dominic of Lenette.Congratulations to Jane Lehtinen and Ch. My Faith of Lenette in winning the Pomeranian Club of Canada specialty by going BISS and also a week or two later by going BIS all breeds. Way to Go Girls This is Dominic's second champion for the year.Congratulations to Angela Semansky and Ch. Yankedoodle Dandy of Lenette in finishing his championship. This is Ch. Great Elms Mr. Chips 20th champion.Congratulations to Margaret McKee and Ch. Idelwyld Piper of Lenette on finishing her championship. This is Dominic's third champion and the 7th Lenette champion to finish this year.Write, Phone or Fax for our latest price list. Give your mailing address, please.WE SPECIALIZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINE.Best Wishes to our dear friend, Brenda Segelken on your new job as editor of the Pom Review.Pomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001 - 7IANVi M1m.NEW CHAMPION iBEST OFDINNERSmtONSSHOfEOf\SOUTMPORTKENNEL i 'fl CLUBm jtfim MtCH.Jan-Shars LambriginiCH. Jan-Shars Head Over Heels X Jan-Shars Crown VictoriaPictured here with judge Mrs. A. Katona and Handler Pam Dziuk.P1m wCh Jan-Shars The Tribe Has SpokenCh Jan-Shars No Way Jose X Ch Jan-Shars N Janesas Kitty KoolPictured here with judge Marsha Foy and Handler Pam Dziuk.Sharon Hanson - BreederOwner304497-2446 Phone www.janshar.com304 497-2289 FAX Pomsjanshar.com8 - Pomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001JANHARX,..f "' uBfcSf OFWINNERSS CJIWS ASv - 'CH. Jan-Shars Give Me Purple PleaseCH. Tookeyes The Goldsmith X Jan-Shars As Good As It GetsPictured here with judge Alexander Schwartz and handler Tish Cannon.ftM\Ch Jan-Shars Brittney SpearsVelvet Touch Bravado X Velvet Touch Lorea'l - Breeder Connie J. PerryPictured with judge Dr. Brad Patterson and Handler Tish Cannon.Sharon Hanson 304497-2446 Phone 304497-2289 Pomsja nsha r.comPomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 9ASK US ANYTHINGANNETTE DAVISOur question for this issue is Is there anything I can give before vaccinations to limit the possibility of an allergic reactionUntil recently, I never gave anything to my puppies before giving a vaccination and have never had an allergic reaction to a vaccine. Of course I always monitor my puppies carefully because I know the possibility does exist. I have observed stress reactions in my puppies such as diarrhea or a lowered appetite after vaccinations so i also always watch for that and make sure the pups are eating well and appear active after the vaccination.Because 1 have been having so many toy dog owners reporting allergic reactions in recent months and asking what they could do. I questioned my veterinarian to find out if she thought it is a good idea to take preventive measures to prevent a possible allergic reaction. She said that a very safe preventive measure is to give Benadryl Liquid 30 minutes before the vaccination. The recommended dosage is 0.5-1 mg 0.2 - 0.4cc per pound. 1 have tried this on my last couple of litters and have not noticed any adverse effects. I also checked with a number of Pom breeders who give a preventive dose of Benadryl before vaccinations, and they report very positive results from it.Our next question is What is a good weaning food to give to Pom puppiesYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis391 N Mink Creek Road Pocatello ID 83204 208-234-0932 FAX 208-234-0792 __________davisavalonpom.com__________Membership Reportby Annette Davis 391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello, ID 83204 208-234-0932 davisavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Julie Kallbacka, 3703 Hancock Rd., Magna, UT 84044. Contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERSPaul Gates MDNancy Coddington MISusan Lucatorto NYTed and Viola Dickinsen CA Liza Stephens-Miner CAAPPLICATIONSTom B. Davidson INSponsors Nina K. Epps, Pat Barnett David L. Lamb INSponsors Noble Inglett, Betsy Owens Suzanne Kenneth Warfield PASponsors Jackie Rayner, Judy Green Lauretta J. and John Flynn INSponsors Brenda Segelken, Janice C. Russell Leanne Wilkins NHSponsors Paula E Payson, Barbara Krzewicki William Adams KYSponsors Fran Stoll, Janice C. Russell Cheri McDonald CASponsors Letitia E. Cannon, Kay L. Adams Diana Gross ORSponsors Noble Inglett, Anna LafortunePatricia Murk FLSponsors Jose A. Cabrera, Joyce B. Winkels Paulette R. Homann WASponsors Randy Buske, Julie Clemen Elizabeth Heckert DESponsors Christine D. Heartz, Judith B. Green Dr. Rosanne M. Cebelenski NYSponsors Victoria Oelrich, Sharon Yampiro10 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001mPomeranianHeiJietoAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT................................................................................................MARGARET MCKEE2426 Sandy Hook Rd, Goochland, VA 23063-2508PH 804-556-3380 FAX 804-556-4107 EMAIL idlewyldbigfoot.comFIRST VICE PRESIDENT........................................................................FRANCES STOLLR R 3, Box 429, Washington, IN 47501PH 812-254-3857 FAX 812-254-3254 EMAILstolannedmrtc.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT...............................................................................TIM GODDARD797 Frank Road, Opelousas, LA 70570-0540PH 337-543-6622 FAX 337-543-6622 EMAIL T_S_PomsASBANK.COMRECORDING SECRETARY...................................................................JULIE KALLBACKA3703 Hancock Road, Magna, UT 84044PH 801-252-3417 EMAIL kalasicbumettech.comCORRESPONDING SECRETARY..........................................CYNTHIA BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972-962-3872 FAX 972-962-3872 EMAIL American.Pom.Clubbigfoot.comTREASURER...................................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd, Tomball, TX 77375PH 281-351-9516 FAX 281-351-6620 EMAILtexicandogaol.comAKC DELEGATE..............................................................................MARGE KRANZFELDER821 Brown Road, San luan Bautista, CA 95045-9603PH 831-623-9265 FAX 831-623-2612 OF DIRECTORS.............................Sally Baugniet Charlotte Creed Annette DavisAnnette Lynn Heise Marge Kranzfelder Jane LehtinenThe Pomeranian Review11139 East Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217-347-5731 EMAIL fame62401yahoo.comPomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 -11 3\HIf'-zrsW HigSTiN SHOWpumuvotitKEHNll CLUB SEPT 206mW -iv 'v SI ifani rssDelta finished at 11 months in very limited showing. Delta was BEST IN SHOW PUPPY at Dayton K.C. July 2000 and she did it again BEST IN SHOW PUPPY at Livonia K.C. Sept. 2000. Many thanks to the following Judges Mr. Alan Harper, Dr. Berdt, Mr. John Lusk, Ms. Dawn Vick Hanson, Ms Dorothy Welsch, Mr. Filbum Jr., Ms Betty Munden and Ms. Faye Straus. See pedigree in New Champions.Always Breeder - Owner - HandledWatch for her son this fallBEST WISHES TO OUR EDITOR DUDLEY THANK YOU FORA GREAT PAST 8 YEARS OF THE REVIEW. GOOD LUCK TO YOU IN YOUR FUTURE ENDEAVORS AND THE BEST OF HEALTH.Tisla Since 19Lliasas and PomsmiPAT FRED DIEBALLAiSE-mail TISHAPOMPRODlGY.NET12- Pomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001titer antan RebtetoEditor.....................................................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave, Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217-347-5731 Email fame62401yahoo.comSubscriptions......................................................................................................................Brenda K Hutton15755 Greenway, Lansing, MI 48906 PH 517-485-5183 Email bkpomsearthlink.netBack Issues.....................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Rd, Goochland, VA 23063 PH 804-556-3380 Email idlewyldbigfoot.comScckicn.ift lia dd 6 issues per year3rd Class Subscription......37.00Foreign......................65.00 upFirst Class..........................45.00Single Copy.........................8.00Back Issues........................10.00Front Cover, BW...........160.00Back Cover, BW............125.00Inside Front Cover...........85.00Inside Back Cover............85.00Page 3 BW........................85.00Center Spread BW........175.00Full page BW...................50.00Half Page...........................33.0014 Page.............................20.00Bussiness card......60.00 per yearAll ads include one photo.Additional photos are 20.00 each.Full bleed pages are 20.00 each.NW FEATURE Center Spread with Gate Fold 4 pages total is 425.00.'DecLcttineAd DeadlineNov 1...........Jan 1...........Mar 1..........May 1.........July 1.......................Sept 1..........Issue....JanFeb MarApril .MayJune ..JulyAug ..SeptOct ..NovDecDje Pomeranian Rtbielu......official A. P. C. publication......sent to Breed Group Judges.......reasonable rates......quality reproductions......provides APC news and reports......APC Specialty coverage......Regional Pom Club coverage......Obedience training information......interesting, informativeSUPPORT THE REVIEWPomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 -13From the Presidents DeskWere ba-a-ack I know you have missed Pomeranian Review as much as I have. As you know, the magazines hiatus was necessary due to the previous editors precipitous departure and the Boards desire to find the right editor. We appreciate the efforts of those who applied to be editor and we appreciate the patience of subscribers in waiting for the publication of the magazine to resume. Rest assured that your subscription will be extended by our very capable CirculationThe board is thrilled to welcome Brenda Segelken as editor of Pomeranian Review and hope she will serve in this capacity for many years. She undertakes this project with a lot of skill and enthusiasm. The Board looks on this as a rebirth of a magazine that is unique, Pom Review Was first published in magazine form in 1958, so it is the original and oldest Pom magazine. In addition, to providing thought-provoking articles and beautiful pictures of our Poms, it is the official voice of the American Pomeranian Club. It is how the Board communicates with APC members and the Pom fancy at large. This is where you find out what motions the Board has passed, who has applied for membership, or where the next summer specialty will be helcPom Review is essential tock out the newthe Review and it needs you. Pom Review is not just Brendas or the Board need you to help it succeed and grow. You need to support it with subscript you sell a puppy, give the buyer a free copy. Give "a subscription as a trophj sizes and prices for ads and brag or congratulate a friend. I hear complaints over the internet thatI ...m heBMPAPC is not doing this or that. For example, some have complained about th current standard. Why didnt we consult them before we changed it Well, proposed changes were discussed extensively in the pages of Pomeranian to subscribe to PR to be able to read that, and you had to be a member of changes. So now is the time to put your money where your mouth is and \ life of the official parent club for Pomeranians. If you dont already subscri1 Brenda Hutton. If you are not a member of APC, contact Membership Chairman Amto vote on thoseYour Board has had several other challenges to deal with in its first halately after the election Donna Lynn Wright resigned as Recording Secretary, citing other responsibilities, and Julie Kallbacka was kind enough to take over promptly those duties. Dave Dahlenburg got a new job, which necessitated working out of state and commit to Mississippi. Although he tried, he found he couldnt carry out the Treasurers duties efficiently and was forced to resign. Lucky us, Erika Moureau has stepped up and taken over as14 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001Treasurer with knowledge, skill, and energy. Because of the lack of a smooth transition from one treasurer to the next, the roster has been delayed. I hope you have received it by the time youre reading this. I promise the roster will come out in a more timely fashion next year.The biggest Pomeranian specialty ever, held in Louisville KY in March, is now history and we are eagerly planning for 2002 there. The Board voted to make it a 3 day event, and Show Chair Jim Shearer and Show Secretary Cindy Boulware are negotiating with the hotel so we can have a fim-filled time.As I write this, I am looking forward to attending the summer specialty hosted by the La Cajun Pomeranian Club in New Orleans. I know, as we read this, we will be basking in the glow of warm memories. Make your plans now to attend the winter specialty in Louisville in March 2002 and the summer specialty in Des Moines in September 2002.A committee has been appointed to review our By-Laws and consider changes, notably a allow for associate members. Please send your thoughts on the By-Laws to Secretary Cindy Boulware.I thank Donna Rhiem, Chairman, and the rest of the Audit Committee for the outstanding job they did on auditing the outgoing Treasurers books. See the summary of their report in the roster.was that the Board tends to appoint the same members-to chair committees. True. We would love to appoint you to a ow of your interest and abilities. There are lots of opportunities to me to solicit ads for Pom Review or to write articles. Tish Cannon for the annual awards. Do you have old specialty catalogues or morabilia Get in touch with Historian Cindy Boulware. Whether a complaint, ask a question, or pass on a compliment, let us hearNEW....NEW......NEWWags US' It ra gsNo time to place an adNot enough copyPost that new champion, import, special litter or big win.Special introductory price, 10.00 per 60 words.Additional charges for photos or text over 60 words.NEW....NEW.....NEWthe NovDecDeadlineof tiePomeranian ixebtetowill be extended toSeptember20, 2001 d'uftftorb tAeRaMear unti jar coin1S9999VV99v V9Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 -15V5V3 Breed SystemBISS Ch. T-JS LIL REMARKABLE EDWARDBISS Ch. T-JS Rock'n Wee Willy Wimzee X T-JS Lil Rock'n Hot Toddy A k k 16 - Pomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001f3imW-vThank you, Mrs. Lucretia Dye for this strong Group3 and to Joanne Deed, our expert handler.Flash Group 2 under Betty Krause Fare Well Dudley as Editor of the Review the past 8 years. Your work was outstanding. You always took time to help those of us in need with our ads. You and Wanda enjoy your retirement, we wish the best Take care and God bless. awyitujtUicul StCHtU, ok Udutty own, cuy Ac 'Pom, new, cdtfm. Tflc cic cdC icAwd fOK, tyintff T-JS PomsTherese L. John R. Reeder, Lt. Col., USAF, Rettjspomshome.comBo99Paradise VaCCey Rio LoGoK .Ch. Paradise Valley Royal Prince X Paradise Valley BridgetSBtntieeThank you, Marshall Cindy Rokos for this special little guy. Bo has a total of 9 pts recently went Best of Breed over specials on Aug. 4. in Canf ield, Ohio show. Thank you Judge Mr Raymond Filbunm, Jr, also to you Marshall for the fine presentation of our boy.Bo is a grandson of Ch. Paradise Valley Royal Reward, the Best of Breed winner at Westminster 2001.70e emdd idee to duitdi die fiaot ettodiene oh- de fSeoieto and evte iooiuKy pvuoMcl to- die neneeMd o a- yieat tuayayitte.Phone 815 652-8655E-Mail -\ Bob Mary Bonnell Oregon, IllinoisPomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001 -17proudly presents.... mmLftBALTIMORECOUNTY \ KENNEL3i.'Ch. Idlewyld Piper of LenetteCh. Dominic of Lenette ex Ruby Red of LenetteA beautiful red with an exquisite head and dynomite attitude, Piper finished with a Best in Sweepstakes and WB, BW, BOS at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore, pictured above 3 BOBs and 2 Group II's. She will be bred to another red, AmCan Ch. Idlewyld Tourmaline. Thank you, Breeder Ken Griffith-V M 1VBEST OFBREEDVARIETVSOUTHERN8.LMARYLANDkennel clubmi.9 AIdlewyld Treasure TroveCh Twin Pines Chico ex Idlewyld Rich Mans GoldTrove is shown above taking a BOB over a nationally ranked special. On weekdays, he works as a therapy dog with emotionally disturbed teenagers. Beauty and brains in one well-balanced package.Margaret R McKee804-556-3380IdlewyIdbigfoot.com2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland VA 23063m18 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001American Pomeranian Ju6, Inc. Archives ff ' \ l f yysvofc\mAs\a^Aftft'AGo3.0^ ,^A1 S AS ^tVA'V, 00' GftiXeA s^a, ^eA fte^tfteVrw ^ Pv,o"aeftvvftPomeranianReview. June 1958Kenve1 VisitGREAT ELMS KENNELS, REGISTERED, PINEVILLE, N. C.Down Carolina way, just within the city 'limits of the little town of Pine- vine, N. C., the Great Elms Kennels, home of beautiful pomeranians, overlooks a main highway going South. At the kennels, there is a full acre of ground for exercise. And, in case of bad weather, there is a wire, 35-ft porch where dogs can he trained or exercised.The owner of this kennel is one of the nicest persons Ive ever metMrs. Ruth Lowry Beam. Ruth, loved by all who know her, and with her sincere interest in all who are trying to breed better poms, is truly a person one values as a friend. She is fair in her dealings with others and her kind understanding and cheerful encouragement make many nov. ice breeders into enthusiastic exhibitors.Great Elms Kennels offers at stud three great champions. Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper. Timmy, is sire of 12 champions, the latest being Ch. Scotts Little Top Man. Ch. Great Elms Timsun, son of Timmy, has 17 BB and 5 group firsts to his credit. And finally, there is Ch. Great Elms Sir Richard. There are also champion matrons producing champions. Other matrons are of championship caliber. One, Dixielands day Linda, is the answer to a breeders prayer. Bred first when 10 months old, she has since never failed to have puppies when bred and has produced five championsWhen a matron is sent to Mrs. Beam for breeding, she meets her in a matter of minutes after arrival in Charlotte, N. C. All visiting matrons are kept in the house and receive special attention to prevent homesickness. After two, and sometimes three, breedings, the poms are returned to their owners by the shortest possible route.Mrs. Beam started with poms in 1937, using as a background Aristic and Dixieland breeding. She has, herself,. YvpTG'e'AeftVAt.D^tvcechampion-finis lied 7 homebred.Her home overlooking the highway is easily convenient for visitors, who will find that any visit with Ruth Beam is a never-to-be forgotten pleasure. by Mrs. Thelma V. Gunler, Thelcolyn Kennels.Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper At Stud Fee 40Return Service if Puppies Die Within Two Weeks Puppies Usually For Sale Great Elms Kennels, RegdRuth Lowry Beam, OwnerPineville, N. C. TEmple 5-2313V7AAe, 1 \ fXx APomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001 19VIAA A. Pcrnencan \l omerantan KNn - wvPomeranian RevueCH. RIDERS SPARKLIN GOLD NUGGETThe hwttc.-T thing hi poms now in the circuit L-t Sparky Ch. Riders Spark- lin Hold Nugget, T32K,3iJ5, whelped on the Fourth of July, 1935. it is impossible to resist- the temptation to suy he aturted life with a big bang Undoubtedly, intcwl in him is high, und he certainly bus earned the premiere spot on our first issue, just as he has earned the cover on other journals.Sparky was bred by Lee Johnson and was subsequently owned by Blanche V. Rider. Tt was under her banners that he was first shownand he started his show career with a hang, too.Sparkys first show was the annual specialty of the San Diego Pomeranian Club held on Saturday, IS February, 19136. The judge was Mrs. Elva U. Cohen of Golden Glow Poms. Heading the list of entries under puppy dogs, fl months and under 8, was pom number 37, Sparky. Before the day was over. Sparky was Wil over 11 others. Among them were at least four who luter Iks eurnc champions and big winners in their own right, including Sparky's sire. -Mrs. Cohen also placed pom number 37 B\V and BOS to Anna Lu Fortunes Ch. blcho of Waverly.Reflecting hack on that day when she put up such a young one over the many excellent specimens which turned out that Saumlay in 1956 ut Balboa Park, Mrs. Cohen writesHe had the style, good gait, flashy showmanship that I love in a pom. lfc caught my eye that day and 1 loved him. I saw him then as u great future winner. Yes, 1 gave him a 5 pt. win at his first show and I am proud of him ns a great little dog to represent the pomsWell, -Mrs. Cohen did not get Sparky, hut she did buy his sire and finished him, topping the group with him twice.But now to events uf the next day. Sunday, 19 February. 1956, and th-- huge winter all-breeds show of lh . O'4AC" Av,xc ccver Ray KC. Sun Diego. Word on this comes from Mrs. Porter Washington, the owner of Sparky ever since this memorable Sunday. Mrs. Porter Washington, with her husband, owns and runs Flakkce Kennels, ilfl Duheny Rd., Beverly Hills, Calif. Mrs. Washington says that for years she had wanted a pom, while raising Kncshonds large poms for 12 years. She says furtherMy husband gave Sparky to me for my birthday . . . Bert Heath saw him r the San Diego show, ami telephoned U. to ask if I still wanted a pom. He said he had just .seen the greatest pom. seven months old Bert bought him. and Sparky won the toy group that night. He was delivered to us that night after the show. He finished his championship in four weeks with four major shows.Sparkys first BIS cume at Boise. Idaho, in the fall of 1958. Again, Mrs. Cohen was involved. This time, she was a competitor and showing Corklo, Sparky's sire. On October 7, after returning home, she wrote The little male I love so well owned by Porter Washingtons of Los Angeles and son of my Corkie. wont BEST IN SHOW. Quite a thrill to mu as I thot he would do it someday when I judged him last Feb. Jn San Diego.She continues with the events of the next day, and one of Sparkys few losses in the breed Following day nt Twin Fulls, Idaho, we had same pom entry, hut all different platings. Corkie went over his son, Sparkle, in the breed and won toy group. Quite an upset. But the Washingtons we- t ringside rooting for Corkie to 1 ip. Very goodsports.Sparky 5 March.1958' -J9 groups.H rftk er win'^ -onlineCPN s'^ ,POMCRAN'AN REVIEW thins kept by Popular Dogs on the top winning dogs monthly and for ach year according to how many other dogs they have lioaten, which does away with the bias of differences in entries at shows. In 1957. Sparky was shown 34 limes, he won 33 best of breeds, 21 groups, and J host in shows.June. 195s 5Mrs. Washington concludes Sparky is at stud to approved bitches. His stud fee is 60. IT I ever sec a bitch that I love as much as Sparky, thot will he my downfall.The pedigree of Sparky, which is most interesting, J.K.A.Ch. Tceeo's Little Tuppet- h. Topper's Little Corkie Hart Wee HuttonsCh. Rider's Sparktin Gold NuggetLathams Wee Wimpy Riders Sweet Pamela PecolaCh. Little Timstoppers Tec Ch. Suncroft Sea Lass Ch. Lathams Wee Wonder Trinkets Dixie BelleCh. Latham's Wee Wonder Latham's Honey Bun Julo Mickey of Wildwood Tilleys Honey Girl.\Vw cV \x'jt o'' ,.o"' V no ,aL\\'VVV Vs fV1X \^J04 -, _Of \\v- S' -\m .t , oC1VV vv l.LO.American fktmrranianPOMREVIEWUNE958Qllub, JnrPublished Quarterly June, 1958teIjb V b\ V'rsSmencanMIIwICh. Riders Sparlclin Gold NuggetIN THIS ISSUEJudge, Mrs. Viva i.eona Ricketts Kennel Visit. Great Elms Kennels, Reg. owing and -Keening a Coat on a PomBehind the New ChamnionsAbroad Club NewsYips and YapsAnnual Specialsomerantan u20 -Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001iv\nlPet w v\Ip8an i\3n-U V.\ vv\Vo-vv\V'AU'mmaO5 IS\V n\V''FAwssan\\O'tViWf^rUT.atVAF flue\\nfa\.. ,cwmNTS bJUciforward v eiil J NOm,- ' -Not .m, j0'Ut ofVII1LEONerkkettsH'itJl , r"CU,"- '" ..ut '7 '"tiitK-r,.. , " Jh01PHn' JU.tly .................. ' th\'ot"Ut.-.t.-tu,,, ' A,, f - - W .Merftnv ..mail earsZZ src vStt- ISl,.V P'OUcJ.need.. 00 ulstiin.v. ," ti. a rr i. ci, ,'tr "w"v"'t frk-mlh- 'Whlt. I ulw. I,tVoa- Ji,r, fjovnient1VS PO,C 1001UZZlp. andJUdifor'' them spectatorsnn,-.are hidili ever, , to ktulc,r i,M1 Pse. 71,leven by Pom camiol ' why ,l,eans iiWle to Thf' fUlt th,may rfo not "lan.v faultsIf how"hj-rrc^-f-, alone.lUently i'tossing, tolT tofoiiiejj oj, ,,an" ^ ft.Iv.. - . "'C Wei-f. ... finds"'or W "'ft-iiMniin,, 'l' set I... . efiaSonjvfast dis.,nWC S,a'' state. ' peug, iLeg , ^ filed. Thism h laPpyt'oulm ,awi. Ib" in... ......4. Put tot,ma classexanijHtIOjl Jf sinel.v, the legsare lo"rifashion ^i-. ad js ,W awuv if 1 prw,- - U closely j,'' spraddle ninrlr.until , -J"11 thef Uy .re the Wl, Of , ^.Ota al,citl, fwi-ont w, ne thu n immltr me,, "f 0 faul[ k c on eTort tc ,s sail thittCT,^ WniTlTtype, hut\v\nn^\iv"oVfrtainb "^v-sVi'VlUaricrsWhen r ti-ach ami i,a^""'f m.l'e'Tn' i an' riinikL. i make , 3t "itaeked ,"strictly t0 . a Point or _ j. . pstrictly to th . a P'nt of pViV" '-uc Kick,,.V1 mera"'ar"S, ^Quality CORNER keKor a r,,f Trpr. - . E L P I N\A ofPOV.ANAN aw Jump. y ^ 8rtf Wan I Sfil fther feovHomPomer n having Mr .tart off this ive heard froi"eranian the vmost fortunate . Viva Leone Kkkctte judeing feature. Many n her in conjunction withiir.geRrviFW J UNF 1958Edit orit Note'sOUR FIRST ISSUEOh4Many of you recived onr prepulilica- tion circular, and now you have our first issue. We hope it has lived up to your expectations. If it hasn't, your .suggestions for improving it will always be welcome.The American Pomeranian Club thunks the many who came through in grand style in support Of the Pomeranian Review. The. response was indeed gratifying. But to make this a top publication, and to keep our breed tops, the continuous support of all will he necessary.First we ask that you cooperate fully and freely when asked for articles, lie- cause the Review is an exchange ami an exchange cannot work just one way. Too, your name on a by-line in this publication will not hurt you at all. Offers to write articles within the format of the publication urc solicited.Then, we shall always need new subscribers, When you sell a puppy, why dont you inform the prospective buyer thal the sales price includes a one-year subscription to the Pomeranian Review j It costs so little but think of the good 1 you might do. Did you know that the j Weimarener Club made mandatory the sale of a dub membership 1.00 Cor j dues and 4.00 for the dub news with the purchase price of each puppy and in , no time ran up its membership to over j 3,500 How else do you think they got] a Weimarener on the White House j lawn We could well follow suit. However you do it, we must continue to obtain additional subscribers from the periphery of the pom fancy. Only by word of mouthyourswill they ever leurn of tile existence of this publics.-1 tion, and they will lie thankful to you I for introducing them to it.Finally, continue your displays, both, in straight display advertising and by ] honoring your champions and winners til the appropriate pages of the Pomer- unhid Review. Doing so will give you stature and prestige, two indispensable attributes of a successful breeder. Do not hide your candles under a Ijaskot Consistently displaying your dogs and kennels in the Review cannot help hut identify you as one of those in the forefront of the fancy and make your name u household familiarity among all pom people. Kvcryonc else is interested in knowing what you linvcWith these thoughts, we put the first edition to press. In the next issue, your editor will explain. Annual Specials of lhe American Pomeranian Club.n wPomsiReviewinclV1958aVO'writing of the Complete Po r the publisher. Mr. Win. Den- Others met her during the ,4to- road" circuit earlier this yat in in anti Die Caro Unas. More recently, some of the readers have shown under her in the Midwest. No doubt, she will be making her appearances soon in the Southwest and Far may interest you to know that Mrs. Ricketts has finished initial writing of the new Complete Pomeranian, but much has to be done before book man. used pi emerges as the finished product. As an indication of how great a task she had. Mrs. Ricketts, the author, had U make a selection from over 300 photographs which were submitted To her from here and abroadSEND POMERANIAN REVIEW TO Please print or typeLast name, first name, initialStreet address, rural route, PO Boxo VCity, zone, and StateTelephone Kennel nameSubscription 2.25 for 1 year beginningCircle appropriate monthMake money order or check payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Mail form and reimbursement to Miss Burneice Lovelace, 7113 Oxford Road, Baltimore 12, Maryland.The American Pomeranian Club thanks you for your support Your cancelled check will be your receipt.Join the American Pomeranian Club and receive Pomeranian Review free. Annual dues 6.00.s H, vs-' . K ' TTti mature o add chihuahuas ire the year is tm judge an- rollirrate, VoGolden Glow Pomeranians,ePVJ wcNV\V\fZIh mencan kjl ottieranianJfu6, Inc. J^LrchivesI'Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 21reat O [ms KftHchIMigrftitnmrdk H4ennei' f i_____ M"'V" ineville, North Carolina1 Jp" is home to a most gracious Pomeranian breeder, Ruth Lowry Beam. Ruth has been breeding Pomeranians for 65 years and continues to live on the home site of her ancestors. Through the years Ruth continues to produce the ultimate Pomeranian type and structure.Ruth purchased her first Pom black in Dayton, Ohio, over 65 years ago. She said she knew nothing at all about Poms. She laughed and said the first Pom she paid 25.00 for didnt look at all like the beautiful Poms she admired. However, Ruth did return to Ohio to have the bitch bred. Four puppies were whelped. One male wassold as pet quality, but later finished his championship and won the Toy Group.Ruth also purchased Aristic Poms from the Schoenbergs, but paid 100.00 for three.Ruth said that was a lot of money then, especially for dogs. Later Poms were addedfrom the Dixieland and Models kennels, \ thus Great Elms.Reminiscing of her childhood, Ruth retire field is just back of the house where father paid 50 cents per 100 lb. of cotton meticulous job picking not one black lb.Ruth has fought many battles throughout carpal tunnel surgery on her left wrist, hand, grooming is difficult and kept to a grooming and taking proper care coats isRuth said the best thing about having delighted telling about Ch Great Elms In Show at Westminster in 1988, under winning the Specialty at 7 years, was ancallspicking cotton for her father. She said she continues to live today. Ruth said her picked by workers, however, Ruth did a spot or dirt, so she received 1.00 per 100her life, cancer in 1986, skin cancers and Carpal tunnel has also stiffened her right minimum these days. According to Ruth, the worst part breeding Poms.Poms was simply Prince Charming. Ruth Prince Charming IPs career, especially Best Judge Michelle Billings. Ch GE Shining Star other highlight Ruth shared.Well known in the show ring, a hounds-tooth jacket with a tan lining adorned Ruths favorite show attire. Anytime she approached the kennel wearing her show jacket, Timstopper would get so excited. He knew he was going to a show. Ruth would put Timstopper in the back seat and off they would go with him standing looking out the window. However on the return trip, he would lay stretched out across the seat sleeping, he had done his work. Ruth regrets, money was tight and Timstoppers show career was not as successful as it should have been.When asked what advice Ruth could give Pomeranian breeders, she said, There are so many different types of Poms today. Go to the shows and watch the judging. Find a type that you prefer and follow that line. Ruth also commented that, When searching for a stud, dont breed to the dog you prefer, breed to his sire. The sire produced that dog.'tyfrcc ccLtt t frcct uiitct a,liu-e, " RcctU Seastt,.22 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001A funny story shared by Ruth was a phone call she received from a lady wanting to breed her Pom. After some conversation, the lady informed Ruth that she didnt want stud service. She had a male that she thought Ruth should pay her to use, and give her a puppy. After Ruth shared a little about proper breeding, the lady again to try and persuade Ruth to use her stud, stating that she would pay Ruth. Ruth finally explained, You just dont understand breeding Poms.A few views shared by Ruth.. .Ruth contends that if a Pom wont eat Puppy Eukanuba, an egg omelet or a pancake, it is ill Pomeranian conformation over color, always. It is good to have a good friend, Live it up while you can, You cant get out of this world alive, You reap what you sow, and quoting her father, Dont count your chickens before they hatch.^or-^our dedication tee tAddmerauat andsAacm^^our- Anoadedpe.Jficupjpowpcodn-ce maup more cJair^Moa dSomeranians and continue to regain strengtA.-liePCCI Costume Contest, Louisville, KYV4Str-a.LmmfMtfrHAfon ly fcuuce 1Q.uA4eltk . s -.. jPomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001 - 23GAampwnT-VIUES TITANIC ROSECH Jan-Shars The Puck Stops Here \ CH Forever With One LookV t t J V ' nBSnc' 'vi jiHi' -f'WA, \r- , ''I VwU^f v. ,fp-W4 JVx ta4fcMCrAiv^ K B s.1 ''SMflfc MW kennel cluyMgp......."Si^5 2 fUpp9Otiose was est SAow,Sft reel-Ay ^xAlAiiot,Luu fc t J^udg Rasies ^ SlxonSDudtey,Qou ate itaelg going fo ^ missed. SfAantis for of sesteice and dedication to cm SB teed. SfAans patience in repotting lAe iifS0 sluts.fTlsA Gannon ST fMe 2fome tanianst'2540 Snidian Slice 3tue jfpple Wallet, -d 92301760J 270-7667eOMalle rtist^cvrigents goat fetNn24 - Pomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001tD00 0O'ITII000Tribute toDudley and dOanda dkoachanciers of a by-gone era always believed that a true dog person will spend time studying the breed, working hard with their own breeding program, compete, and give back to the breed by working hard for dog clubs. Todays novices often find this all very difficult with family and professional commitments. However, Wanda and Dudley Roach have been successful with every bit of the above and beyondIIP They have been very successful in both the conformation and obedience ring under their registered Queenaire prefix. Together they devoted countless time, effort, and talent to both All-breed and Pomeranian Specialty clubs. Not only did they study the breed themselves, they offered help to others.Dudley Roach 1968oo0D . 0Wanda Roach 1968vCH QUEENAIRES SCOTCH N SODA 1969Queenaire3000QAs an example of their volunteering to help a novice, Janet Lucido recalls when she was trying hard to show her first show Pom. Recognizing the quality of this Pom did not match his ring placements, Dudley and Wanda took Janet quietly aside to discuss and demonstrate Pom presentation. His very next time in the ring, Janets Murphy took the five point major.Wanda wrote articles about obedience and one was chosen by Paula Hughes for reprint in her book. Dudley collected, organized, and computerized a vast amount of historical Pomeranian pedigrees. Our other dedicated Pomeranian historian, Derial Jackson recognized this interest and placed his own collection in safe keeping with him.At a time of their life when retirement generally calls, they first answered the call of need in our American Pomeranian Club. Not only did Dudley come forward to act as Review Editor, but as Dolly Trauner remembers his same volunteer spirit answered our necessity for the National Show Chairman and catalog producer. Wanda completed the team as Show Secretary and Club Treasurer.Now, that they are taking a much deserved retirement from our breed, how can we pay tribute to such dedication and theQueenaire here after remembering from whence wecame.00 nOPomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 25mm'cV2 ^fMx rll ^SUPPORTED ENTRY BEST OF BREEDKENNEL CLUB00 HOLLOWAYCH Showcase Slick OperatorBISS CH Pominique N Nobles Dark Vader X Showcase So EnchantedThanks to Judge Victoria Lovely for this Best of Breed win from the puppy class over top ranking Specials. Thanks to Curtiss Smith for a wonderul job of handling.Thank you Dudley and Wanda Roach for your years of service to the American Pomeranian Club. We are VERY proud of the Queenaire behind our dogsShowcase PomeraniansAlane Levinsohnm [818 352-9536fax 818 352-884826 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001\ \sP4mi\ vm \ \ ^ Bv \ v\ s\MFms \\ \ All2001 HOLLOWAYMultiple BISA CH Sirius It's All About MeCH Absolutes Sole Survivor X CH Glen Iris ChardonnayCongratulations to Bonnie Bird for your aquisition of Ricky May you have asmuch fun with him as we have hadThanks to all of the Judges who found him worthy, to Rose Ann Fetter for breeding such a lovely dog and to Nina Fetter for knowing that wewould love him.Showcase PomeraniansAlane Levinsohnif 818 352-9536 fax 818 352-8040Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 27''1m.m ps........asfmmvipWkIWliat an adorable bundle of vital organs tliat needs to be nourished one cell at a time.DigestiCarc1' Contains the fiber of beet pulp to help maintain a healthy intestinal tract. sw.s\IVI m mv mfWImimmoHealth' Contains antioxidants to promote healthy development of vitalmmw m1Floppy ears aside, your puppy is one incredibly complex animal. Which is why Eukanuba Puppy Foods, and the whole Eukanuba line, now incorporate the ImmunoHealth Antioxidant System. It promotes the healthy development of vital7fivjatn CatiZjjfany 20014 .icNow with Antioxidantsa'i iorgans and cells while helping your puppys immune system grow stronger, sooner. To find out more, call I-888-Eukanuba. Or ask your veterinarian, that devoted cluster of powerful brain cells that knows exactly what your dog needs.EukarResults Orienlm mIJIltAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB NATIONAL SWEEPSTAKESMARCH 13, 2001 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY'8iCMxLa. Sw-ccjuttJia- cd,qeJudging the American Pomeranian Clubs National Sweepstakes was a dream come true. Thank you American Pomeranian Club members for honoring me....and thanks to the breeders, owners and handlers for making my judging assignment tough, but an absolute JOYThe APC Sweepstakes began with the VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES. A lovely Canadian bitch, CH FOXWORTHS PHOTOCOPY, bred by PAMELA DODSWORTH and CHRISTINE HEARTZ, owned by PAMELA DODSWORTH stole the show. A true showpom, at the age of 10 years demanded everyones attention and was proudly awarded BEST VETERAN IN SWEEP- STAKES. CH HEARTLANDS IN THE NICK OF TIME, bred owned by Dianne Kieffer was BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST VETERAN IN SWEEPSTAKES.The first Sweepstakes class, JUNIOR DOGS, 6 to 9 MOS, had an overwhelming 20 entrants present. First place was awarded to a sable male, JANLES MASTER OF THE CHASE, bred and owned by Jane Lehtinen. A sound moving pup, well up on leg.Eighteen beautiful Pomeranians emerged in the JUNIOR DOGS, 9 to 12 MOS class. First place and BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES was awarded to CHRISCENDO CALL TO ARMS, bred and owned by Christine Heartz. This Pom was what I was searching for in my judging assignment...........balance, shoulder layback, movement, almond eyes and medium bone. Congratulations on the win and for producing such a wonderful Pom.The SENIOR DOG, 12 to 18 MOS class was represented by 9 exhibits. First place and BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST SENIOR, was given to LYNNWRIGHTS HOUDINI, bred by DONNA LYNN WRIGHT, and owned by JENNIFER FALK and DONNA LYNN WRIGHT.Next, twenty four beautiful 6 to 9 MOS JUNIOR BITCHES entered the ring. Lovely exhibits, sure to pass their quality to future generations. First place was awarded to STARFIRE NICOLE, bred owned by JOSE CABRERA and FABIAN ARIENTI.The JUNIOR BITCH 9 to 12 MOS had 19 promising entrants. First place and BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST JUNIOR was presented to SUNTERRA SUPERMODEL, bred and owned by DOUG STRATTON. A true supermodel Pom.Pomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001 - 29tipm The SEMOR BITCH 12 to 18 MOS class 5 present was won by FAITH OF LENETTE, bred by K G GRIFFITH, owned by JANE LEHTINEN and KERI PEDERSON. This bitch was also awarded BEST SENIOR IN SWEEPSTAKES.As a breeder it is easy to know what you want to achieve in your breeding program, but the road to your goal can be long, hard and seem, at times, out of reach, leaving you discouraged.Breed on, myfriends, the future, well being, health and quality of the Pomeranian continues to improve The 2001 APC National Specialty was a grand display of the future generations of our precious Poms. Again, thanks to everyone who made the APC National Specialty specialAfephotosSharon Hanson, Darbi Kutilek and rati Danielsonmm- K30 - Pomeranian Review - SektOct 2001BEST JUNIOR IN SWEEPSTAKES CHRISCENDO CALL TO ARMS BEST OF OPP SEX TO BEST JUNIOR IN SWEEPS SUNTERRA SUPERMODELBEST SENIOR IN SWEEPSTAKES MY FAITH OF LENETTE BEST OF OPP SEX TO BEST SENIOR IN SWEEPS LYNNWRIGHTS HOUDINIGRAND SWEEPSTAKES WINNER CHRISCENDO CALL TO ARMSAPC VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RESULTSMARCH 13, 2001, LOUISVILLE KENTUCKYSWEEPSTAKES JUDGE BRENDA SEGELKENVETERAN DOGS 6 TO 9 YEARS1 ST PLACE CH HEARTLANDS IN THE NICK OF TIME, owner Dianne Kieffer2ND PLACE CH GLEN IRIS LIGHT TOUCH, Tambra White Patrick Farmer3RD PLACE CH ACE HIGH DEALER, Mari IfflandVETERAN DOGS 9 YEARS AND OVER1 ST PLACE CH MERCERS MOSTLY DUKE, Dan Mercer2ND PLACE KINGERY S GIZZ-MOE, Debra KingeryVETERAN BITCHES 6 TO 9 YEARS1 ST PLACE CH ABSOLUTES MAGIC MIST, Becky Sabourin2ND PLACE TRENTWOODS I HAVE A MASTERPIECE, Connie WarrenVETERAN BITCHES 9 YEARS AND OVER1 ST PLACE CH FOXWORTH S PHOTOCOPY, Pamela DodsworthBEST VETERAN IN SWEEPSTAKES CH FOXWORTHS PHOTOCOPYBEST OF OPP SEX TO BEST VET IN SWEEPS CH HEARTLANDS IN THE NICK OF TIMEPomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 31JUDGING RESULTSAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SWEEPSTAKES MARCH 13, 2001LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKYfteWd SeqelieKJUNIOR DOGS 6 TO 9 MOS1ST PLACEJANLES MASTER OF THE CHASE, owner Jane Lehtinen2ND PLACEJAN-SHARS WHO LET THE DAWGS OUT, Sharon Hanson3RD PLACEFOXWORTH FAST LANE, Pamela Dodsworth Larry Fox4TH PLACEPARADISE VALLEY MOONSTRUCK, Marshall Cindy RokosJUNIOR DOGS 9 TO 12 MOS1ST PLACECHRISCENDO CALL TO ARMS, Christine D Heartz2ND PLACEJAN-SHARS LAMBORGINI, Sharon Hanson3RD PLACEWINDMIST MADE YA LOOK, Robert A Stratton4TH PLACESTOLANNES HEY LOOK ME OVER, Frances StollSENIOR DOGS 12 TO 18 MOS1ST PLACELYNNWRIGHTS HOUDINI, Jennifer Falk Donna Lynn Wright2ND PLACESTARFIRES ROBCARY SOBE IT, Caryl Fenell Scrimpsher3RD PLACERUBYS PAINTED WARRIOR OF DW, Michael Wells Linda Pelz4TH PLACEAVALONS SPECIAL EDITION, Annette DavisJUNIOR BITCHES6 TO 9 MOS1ST PLACESTARFIRES NICOLE, Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti2ND PLACE RJS TANI MARA, Ruth Perry3RD PLACESTARFIRES NATALIA, Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti4TH PLACE JAN-SHARS OOPS I DID IT AGAIN, Sharon HansonJUNIOR BITCHES9 TO 12 MOS1ST PLACESUNTERRA SUPERMODEL, Douglas B Stratton2ND PLACE JOLVINS STAR ACCOLADE, Debora Hutchinson3RD PLACE TRESSTIQUE AIM ME TO THE TOP, Bonnie Harris4TH PLACE MONARCS CENTERFOLD, Shari ShieldsSENIOR BITCHES 12 TO 18 MOS1ST PLACE MY FAITH OF LENETTE, Jane Lehtinen Keri Pederson2ND PLACE LAKEWAYS BONNIE LASS, Elaine Way3RD PLACE SHOWCASE WALKING AFTER DARK, Terry Rothell, Alane Levinsohn4TH PLACE JANESAS THE PRINCESS ROYAL, Margorie Louis Conway32 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001cI4-mgmTRENTON .VKENNELCLUB g t . .F-yZfa-jSXr-Atr 6e-BEST ot BREEDTACOMAKENNEL CLUBholography By OSteven Ross SUMMER - 2001Special thanks toVikki Oelerichfor terrific presentation and care ofBISA, BISS CH LOVELY JESSIE SAIS SO, ROM, GC X LOVELY DEEDREVictoria, E lovely1406-D 54th Ave E Tacoma, WA 98424-1284 phonefax 253-863-8608 email LovelyPomsaol.comPomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 33iCh Jan Le's Quest of MineiUiAli TTTTTTVVTTTVVTTTTVTTYVToanHaHHiPJ4m-WINNERSMINNESOTA RIVER VALLEY KENNEL CLUB APRIL 2001DOWNEY PHOTO BY DIANE Our first champion of the year is Ch. Jan Les Quest of Mine. Mini finished with three majors. She is the light of Vickies life, treated like a queen thatshe can be.Conqrads Vickie and Pale on your first Pomeranian Champion.Loved and owned by Vickie and Dale Palmer Maple Grove, MN 55311co-owned and co-bred by Jane Lehtinen 217-741-9333 co bred by Eleanor Miller34 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001\ Ch Jan Le's Made By Magic iit^TVVTTTTTTTVVTTVTVVVVVTVTVVVVTTTTTTTTTTVVTTTTTTTTT7 01fcmmm.Vm.wemmmi iy\N\HU^KOHLERmOur second champion is Ch. Jan Les Made By Magic. Trevor is one of the last puppies sired by Ch. Jan Les Maker of Fools.Trevor is off to the obecjience rin^ with bis co-owner Jucjy Mebciz. Watch for biro in the nationals in Louisville in Judy Mehcizco-owned and bred by Jane Lehtinen 217-741-9333Pomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001 - 35w..7anvV..BEST OF WINNERSFORTDODGEkennel clubLUKE ALLENAmCa Ch. My Faith of LenetteFaith finished under Ed Biven and two weeks later won the breed at the Canadian National to finish her Canadian Championship under breederjudge Joan Beech.Thank you to both of these fine breeder judges for recognizing thequality of Faith.Thank you, Ken Griffith for breeding and selling me such a nice girl. Not bad for a brood, huh, Ken.JANE LEHTINEN218-741-933336 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001MlrwVWINNERSDOGtfCHAMPIONNf v1FORTDODGEKENNEL CLUBLUKE ALLENPHOTOGRAPHAmCa Ch. Jakens Quest for CamelotTrekie also finished at the National in Canada by winning Winners Dog all three days and one Best of Winners. We thought Trekie was finished in the states but was lacking a major. So he came out of retirement and we now have a Canadianand an American champion.Thanh you Ed for finishing him and Joan for doing the same.Owners are Jackie and Ken Rayner and Jane Lehtinen.JANE LEHTINEN218-741-9333Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 37Although it has been four years since the first successful sheep cloning remember Dolly, there hasnt been a successful canine or feline clone. So far they have successfully fertilized donor dogs eggs with Missys DNA. Now the hurdle is to successfully implant this egg in a surrogate mother. Cat cloning is one step ahead since their physiology is simpler and better understood. They have so far successfully implanted the egg to a surrogate cat, but it was later miscarried. Even with far more experience in sheep, pigs, goats, cows and mice, there is only 3-5 percent that survive until birth.^^orally, is this a diversion of science to make a profit, exploiting thegrief over losing a dear pet Even in the case of Missy, she came from a Humane Society and was therefore spayed. That means someone intended for Missy not to be someone else wants to create a new breed of lots of Missys. Is this prudentIf this is a futuristic source of our pets, I can see how our present day puppy mills will advertise, Dont settle for a perfect pet when you can own a unique pet bom using natural methods.a dream come true or nigh t - mareThe AKC is beginning to struggle with these moral issues. They approved on a one time special case basis the use of a surrogate mother. This was not cloning this was in vitro fertilization. Think about having your show girls dedicated only to a show career At the 1999 Canine Health Foundation, a reproductive specialist pointed out that just because an animal is cloned dont expect it to have the identical personality.As cherished as your most favorite Pom is, would you really want that one not to be unique Or do we really want to genetically design the perfect to standard Pom if it were possible Is a dream or nightmare Or is it simply put too much of a good thingOjVCcMarge CK.'mnzfelderPomeranian ehictosoppApcTELEPHONE EMAIL ADDRESSMail to Brenda K Hutton 15755 Greenway Lansing, MI 48906Ph 517 485-5183 BKPOMSbigfoot.com1ST CLASS S45.00 3RDCLASSS37.00 FOREIGN S65.00Make Checks tot American Pomeranian Club, Inc.The Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 39HEALTH GENETICSTn article in San Jose Mercury News on June 17, 2001, stated that a small company in thisBay Area, Genetic Savings Clone Inc. has dedicated 9 million into an effort to build a breed of identical Missys, Missy is an aging border collie-huskie mix breed. This Missyplicity project is widely considered the countrys best bet to be successful in this controversial genetics project of cloning. The basis for their edge over others attempting the same thing is the size investment in back of it and the partnership with Texas A M University, which was the first to successful clone cattle. Supposedly they have heard from hundreds of interested investors. Owners seem willing to invest perhaps 100,000. per animal they would like cloned. And again, supposedly hundreds have already paid down payments to three pet cell-storage businesses that have opened around the country. Genetic Savings Clone is said to ultimately offer not just copies of those pets, but also enhanced companion animals with longer life spans and other special capabilities. Designer petsAside from the moral question of cloning, this research project is unique from other standpoints. There are other wealthy families that have donated large amounts of money for medical research but generally it is toward an effort to cure human disease. It is rarely directed from thecommercialization viewpoint. And it is unusual to be so specific project oriented duplicating Missy.In case you want to rush right out to store your favorite Poms DNA, you have at least two other choices of companies Lazaron Bio-Technologies in Baton Rouge is associated with Louisiana State University, and PerPETuate is associated with Advanced Cell Technologies in Worcester, Mass. The cost ranges from 1000. to 2000. depending on if there is a rush the pet is dying or already dead. The annual service charge is 100. per year....until technology can successful clone. The present estimate of six figures for the cloning process is expected to drop to 20,000 as the process has improved.The basic cloning process is outlined as follows. A donor cell is extracted from the animal you want cloned and placed in a test tube. Another dogs unfertilized egg has the nucleus removed. These are fused . The donor nucleus causes the egg to develop into an embryo. Recall that an egg is a gamete with only half a cells required chromosome matter The donor nucleus side-steps the fertilization process that is required to add the sperms contribution to the DNA. The embryo is transferred into a surrogate mother dog where it divides like a normal embryo. And success is declared when a puppy genetically identical to the donor is bom.....the egg is a gamete with only half a cell's required chromosome matter. The donor nucleus side-steps the fertilization process that is required to add the sperm's contribution to the DNA.38 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001....Illllllllln...Gambler"Ch. Stolannes Keep fEm GuessingCh. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor X Stolannes Prisilla of LinraeThank You Judge James Hupp For this terrific BOB 'win over other specials.mPii1X1m0Thgnk you Ruth Beam for your many contributions ot the worl4 of Poms.Also Thanks to the APC officers an4 boar4 an4 our new e4itor, Bren4a Segelken foribcir efforts to continuethe Pomeranian Review.Janice Russell OwnerHandlerIndianapolis, IN.Email"IIIln..CIN-JANPOMERANIANS40- Pomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001Breeder Fran StollStolanne Pomeranians-fL udgescritique...BEECHI would like to commend the exhibitors on the overall quality of the entry. I most certainly had the luxury of excellent depth of quality, and in some classes, very fine points made the difference in the placing. DOGS6-9 puppy dogs - Sixteen entries, this was a very strong class 1st JAN-SHAR'S WHO LET THE DAWGS OUT This little guy presented a beautiful picture in profile, extremely well- balanced, put down to perfection and looking like he had been doing the show thing for years. Very pretty expression, soft eye, small, high-set ears. Moved with authority and didn't put a foot wrong always standing four square. Wonderful type.2nd Janie's Master of the Chase Same make and shape as the winner, moved well, a touch larger puppy.3rd Showcase Slick Operator Much the same shape as the other two, pretty head with high set ears, movedwell.4th Foxworth FastLane, Same type as the others, good expression, true moving.9-12 PUPPY DOGS - 16entries1st Chriscendo Call To Arms This dog presented a very pretty outline, super type, groomed to perfection. Pretty head and expression with high-set, small ears. Moved with authority and confidence, sound.2nd JANESA'S MAXXI- MUM OVERDRIVE Same type as No. 1, not as profuse a coat, but all the same, a very pretty young dog and a good mover.3rd Hickory Bend Carbon Copy Very pretty black tan, profuse coat, pleasing head, sound movement.4th Stolanne's Hey Look Me Over Smaller dog overall, but still quite correct. Pretty head and expression, moved well.12-18 MO PUPPY DOG5 entries1st Wyndlor Doin' It Right Good type, pretty head, moved well, presented properly.2nd Mountain Crest ChiggarPretty head, but while the ear set was good, I would have preferred asmaller ear. Sound mover.3rd Avalon's Special Edition Presented well and in good condition. Moved well.4th Kalo-Marbil Double R Nothing Nice eye and expression, sound mover.BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS 7 entries1st Janie's Made by Magic Good type, short back, pretty expression with a soft eye. Well put down and a sound mover.2nd Firebrook's Bristol Creme Same make and shape as the 1st dog, but not as solid in movement as No. 13rd Tresstique's The Menace Smaller dog, correct type, sound in movement but placed behind the first two in ear size and placement. 4th Poolside Lady's Man Pretty little dog, nice type, moved well.OPEN BBB DOGS -3entries1st Weewyn's A Walk In The Dark A nice, up-standing dog, good outline, pretty head, presented well.2nd Weewyn's LookWho's Walking NowPresented in good condiPomeranianReview - SeftOct 2001 - 41tion, moved well.3rd Jan Shar's Michael Jordan Sound mover, pretty head.OPEN ROCS DOGS 18entries1st Star Haven's Preachin Glory Pretty dog standing as well as on the move, properly presented, pretty head, soft expression, sound in movement, pushed by the dog placing No 2.2nd Diogenoir The Next Generation Same style, shape, pretty head and expression as No. 1, but wasn't as strong in side gait.3rd Forever Legend Has It Same pretty outlline, but not as clean in the head otherwise, a very nice dog.4th Windmist Made Ya Look Lots to choose from in this class, another correct outline and sound mover.OPEN DOG AOAC 1st Lynnwright's Hou- dini A very pretty black and tan, tons of expression, moved with determination and soundness, properly presented.2nd Kacee's Tailors Teddy Bear Another pretty BT, not quite as finished as the first placement, but very presentable dog who moved well.3rd Ruby's PaintedWarrior A pretty-headed dog shown in good coat, moving well.4th Dimonde's Twice Painted CrownWINNERS DOG JAN SHAR'S WHO LET THE DAWGS OUTRESERVE WINNERS DOG CHRISCENDO CALL TO ARMSBITCHES6-9 PUPPY BITCHI did not judge this class because of the overload, but it was my pleasure to consider the first placement from Winner's Bitch.1st Starfire's Nicole A pretty youngster who presented a proper picture both standing and moving, sound movement.9-12 PUPPY BITCH12 entries1st Marbil-Riehm FancySolitaire Four standing little bitch with a pretty head, small, high-set ears, soft expression, a nice solid mover.2nd Texican's Gindee Pye Alamode Very much the same bitch as first place, with same pretty head and ears, but lost to first on movement.3rd Jan-Shar's Volkswagon Beetle On the same outline as the other two with a pretty head as well, moved well.4th Jan-Shar's Camry Another bitch with the make and shape of the others, pretty expression, but a little larger ear and not moving as well on the day.12-18 PUPPY BITCH -2 Entries1st Janesa's Star at PoolsidePretty headed little bitch, but didn't use herself as well as she could have. 2nd Wildwood's You Go Girl Parti girl of a little larger size, nice expression, but again didn't make a lot of herself.BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCH - 9 Entries1st Starfire's NataliaPretty-headed bitch, beautiful expression, small, high set ears. Beautiful type. Presented a lovely picture standingand on the move. Soundas a dollar.2nd Janie's Quest ofVJAN-SHARS WHO LET THE DAWGS OUT WINNERS DOG1-2 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001aSTARFIRES NATALIA WINNERS BITCHMine Another pretty-headed bitch, proper shape and carried herself well.3rd Suber's Iron Butterfly Nice silhouette, but with a little larger eye and ear. Moved well.4th Kalo's Blowing in the Wind Pretty little bitch, sound mover.AMERICAN BRED BITCH1st Stolanne's Busy BetsyPleasing bitch with pretty head, high set, small ears using herself very well.OPEN BITCHES BBB1st Heartland's in Living Color Nicely shaped bitch with pretty head, stood four square and carried her shape moving. Moved well.2nd Her-She's Cocoa Blizzard Much the same as the first, same pretty head, but didn't move as well.3rd Sapphire's Dancing in the Dark Pretty head, good expression, but didn't make as much of herself on the move.4th Weewyn's Midnight Cinderella Nicely shapedbitch, but wasn't moving as well as she could have.OPEN BITCHS ROCS - 10 entries1st Sunterra Supermodel Anice, up-standing bitch of a type I like. Pretty expression and carriage, moving with authority. Well-coated, lovely exhibit.2nd My Faith of Lynette Nice shaped bitch, maybe not as finished as first place, but a pretty bitch overall and a solid mover.3rd Foxfire N Wee Heart's Homerun Four square standing and moving, much of the same shape as the others.4th Jan-Shar's Give Me Purple Place Placements in this class were all well shaped and worthy. This bitch had a pretty head, eye and ear, but didn't give out as well as she could.OPEN BITCHES AOAC - 3Entries1st Randy's I Believe in Magic TuFour square standing, but not as solid on the move. Good head and eye. Presented well. 2nd Patricia's No I'm Black N' TanMuch the same as first place, but she could have used herself better.3rd Kacee's N' Janesa's Lets Go Girl Nicely shaped girl, a little larger, but moved well and presented in good condition.WINNERS BITCHSTARFIRE'S NATALIARES. WINNERS BITCH SUNTERRA SUPERMODEL BEST OF BREEDCH JOARTS SUPER HARLEE DAVISON BEST OF WINNERS STARFIRE'S NATALIABEST OF OPP SEX CH JAN-SHAR'S DADDY SAYS I'M DARLINGVRRCH JAN-SHARS DADDY SAYS IM DARLING BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXPomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001 - 43AWARD OF MERITCH JAN-SHAR'S DUDLY DORIGHT CH FOXWORTH FANFARE CH INDIANA JONES OF LENETTE CH MOUNTAIN CREST IMAGE OF LOGAN CH PARADISE VALLEY ROYAL REWARDThe AOM's, to a dog, were of such quality that they each pushed for the top award, all very deserving of the "Specials" designation.CH JAN-SHARS DUDLY DORIGHTCH MOUNTAIN CREST IMAGE OF LOGANCH FOXWORTH FANFAREFAfsCH PARADISE VALLEY ROYAL REWARD CH INDIANA JONES OF LENETTE44 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001BEST OF BREED APC NATIONAL SPECIALTYLouisville, Kentucky - March 14, 2001CH JOARTS SUPER HARLEE DAVISON-4sg4WiV ABESTPUPPY IN REGULAR CLASSES JanShar's Who Let the Dogs OutBEST BRED-BY-EXHIBITORStarfire's NataliaThank you for the greatest honour bestowed on a breeder-judge and for the wonderful, quality entries brought before me.Melv BeechPomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 4-5APC AWARDS SYSTEMREGISTER OF MERITBehind the New TitlistsCH TISHAS BEWITCHEDOrange Sable Female Breeder Tish Cannon Owner Tish CannonCH Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor CH Heartlands Special Treasure Wee Hearts High Society CH Heartlands Bosa Nova DancerCH Rock N Tradition of Oakridge Heartlands Heaven SentHeartlands Pennies From Heaven CH Glen Iris Ivanhoe CH Glen Iris Castle RockCH Tim Sues Evening Lights Tishas Castle SecretTishas GrinN Bear It CH Tishas Jammin SMore Tishas Wild TouchCH GREAT ELMS FAME-US DOLLYOrange Female Breeder Ruth Beam Owner Brenda SegelkenCH Great Elms Prince Charming Great Elms Little FonziGreat Elms Sassie CH Great Elms Little CricketCH Emcees Terrific Wee Chips Chip-A-Ways Terrific LisaChip-A-Ways Terrific Wendy CH Great Elms Prince Charming Great Elms Little FonziGreat Elms SassieGreat Elms SyblCH Great Elms Sweet Prince Great Elms MandyGreat Elms ButtonslovtiyLOVELY POMERANIANSVictoria E Lovely 1406-D 54th Ave E Tacoma, WA 98424-1284 253 863-8608 home fax Email LovelyPomsAOL.comThis title is given to Pomeranians only by The American Pomeranian Club. It is abbreviated as ROM and may be used as a suffix to the dog's registered name but may not be used when entering official AKC events. The dogs receiving this award need not be owned by an APC member.To qualify for this award, dogs must produce 6 or more titled offspring and bitches must produce 4 or more titled offspring. Only AKC titles are counted and only one title per offspring is counted. Of the required titled offspring, only one obedience title will be counted and one tracking title.REGISTER OF MERIT EXCELLENTThis title is given to Pomeranians only by The American Pomeranian Club. It is abbreviated as ROMX and may be used as a suffix to the dog's registered name but may not be used when entering official AKC events. The dogs receiving this award need not be owned by an APC member.To qualify for this award, dogs must produce 15 or more titled offspring and bitches must produce 6 or more titled offspring. Only AKC titles are counted and only one title per offspring is counted. Of the required titled offspring, only one obedience title will be counted and one tracking title.HALL OF FAMEThis title is given to Pomeranians only by The American Pomeranian Club. It is abbreviated as HOF and may be used as a suffix to the dog's registered name but may not be used when entering official AKC events. The dogs receiving this award need not be owned by an APC member.To qualify for this award, Poms must either- produce 50 or more titled offspring dogs, bitches must produce 25 or more titled offspring. Only AKC titles are counted and only one title per offspring is counted. Of the required titled offspring, only one obedience title will be counted and one tracking title. All Other titled offspring must be conformation "bench" champions. 50 or 25- Win Best In Show at an all-breed dog show. BIS- Win High In Trial at an all-breed dog show or trial. HIT- Acquire both a Champion Ch. and a Companion Dog Excellent CDX title- Acquire a Utility Dog UD title- Earn a perfect 200 score in obedience competition. 200.46 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001ryryryryr yrr yr yr yr yr Ver yr yr yr yr yr yr yr yr yr yr yr yr yr yr yr yr yryr yr yr y,ry' yryr yr yr ' ^r ^r yryr yr yr yr Z' yr 3' ''ryryTv.4ryryT4ryTv.4ryryTv.4JLTv.4.ryTv.4ryf L andumuz CM'ltIts BACK TO BACK WINScane'eltry14r.yVS4ryery7C4^4r ryryryAnother outstanding performance at ORLANDO againEmily receiving Best Junior from Judge Dr. Eric LiebesFIRST PLAGE JUNIOR HANDLINGSEMINOLE DOG FANCIERS ASSN. JUNE 2001PHOTO BY Emily receiving First Place In Open Junior from Judge Mr. Carl YochumNow in Open Junior, Emily Hussey and Ch. "Scarlett" returned to the showsite where it all began, receiving a BEST JUNIOR from a total entry of 21 and a well-deserved First place from a class of five.8ryTv4ryTv.4ryTv.45 2Tv.4ryTv.4ryTv.4rymryTv.4ryTv.4ryry Tv.4 ry Tv.4 ry Tv.4 ry Tv.4 ry T v^ tfSS Tv.4 5^Tv4ryTv.43Tv-4rf1Tv.4ryryTv.4ryTv.4fflTv4Tv.43Tv.4if iTv4Tv.44ftsWorking hard since the end of the school year in May, these SOUTHERN GIRLS" are now over the hump" toward a possible invitation to The Gardens next February.THEIR THANKS GOES TO RESPECTED JUDGES DR ERIC LIEBES AND MR CARL YOCHUMFOR THIS EXCITING WEEKEND. ryTv.4fdCh. Raines Rhett Butlers Dream is owned by Marcia and Bruce Cox. 'Scarlett1' is loved and shown by their niece Junior Handler Emily Hussey.ryTv.4ryTv.4ry'ryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryry'yryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryryyryryryfiyryryTv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv^Tv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv^TvTv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv^Tv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv.4Tv5Tv5Tv^Tv^Tv5Tv^Tv^Tv^Tv^Tv^Tv5Tv^Tv^Tv.4Tv^Tv^Tv^Tv^TvTv.4Tv^Tv^Tv.4Tv5Tv^Tv^Tv^Tv^Tv^Tv^Tv.4Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 4-7One of the most powerful tools a breeder presently has is ^cCcCtixtCtCl' , , selectivity. As I was interviewing Ruth Dotson Sundot Pomsfor another article, she mentioned an incident that highlights the impact of selectivity. She said that Jessie Stevens Jestom Poms, now deceased once made the observation that by just looking at pedigrees, someone would think the Roachs' Poms Queenaire and hers would look more alike. Ruth replied but what we selected for is entirely different.This is not to slight the power of a pedigree, but it does point out how selectivity can affect the Poms in our breedmg program's phenotype what they look like and genotype what genetics they carry. I recall that in one of Dr. Dodds seminars she said sometimes a bad trait example hypothyroidism is so prevalent throughout a breed especially a rare breed which has a particularly limited gene pool, the only choice you have is to select away from it. Stated another way, every pedigree will carry the potential hazard so, if you are pmdent in your selection, your breeding program will see the problem less and less often.In one of Dr. Battaglia's breedmg seminars, he explained that generally by the time a breed notices a particular problem within the breed it has pervaded a vast part of the breed if not all because one extremely typey individual earned this trait recessively and was widely used at stud. It took several generations for the trait to surface and be recognized, thus spreading unchecked. Therfore, as a breeder, it is useless to look backward for the culpnt. It is more effective to go forward with great selectivity.What does "select away from it" mean Noted geneticist, Dr. Willis emphasized in his lecture at the 1999 Canine Health Foundation Conference that the amount of time it takes to eliminate a trait from your breeding program is directly proportional to the degree that you select away from it. Let's use the example of cryptorchidism failure of one or both testicles to descent into the scrotum. If you eliminate all males that display this trait, eventually, there will be less and less cryptorchid males being bom. But for a higher degree of selection, you would also eliminate both of his parents from any further breeding. The next higher degree would be to eliminate his siblings from the breeding program. And then, still higher, eliminate his parent's siblings. Adding each degree of selectivity will produce faster results in your breeding program. However, by now you get the idea that selecting away from eliminating individuals from a program a particular trait also limits the gene pool.In Equus 272 Laurie Bonner wrote an article "When good traits go bad." She points out that overselecting for any one trait, even to remove a defect, can lead to unintended and potentially dangerous genetic consequences. The case in point she referenced was a series of experiments with foxes in Russia. On fur farms, foxes are bred for coat quality, but their wild behavior makes them difficult to control. A Russian scientist selected for calmer foxes.After about 10 generations for selecting for calmness only, the foxes were no longer silver in color but instead were black and white. They were stockier, had drooping ears, curled tails, and rounder heads. Behavior and appearance were closely linked. The more doglike in appearance, the more doglike in behavior. A few generations later, epilepsy appeared. They would shed at abnormal times. Their hormones changed so that they would go into heat at any time.These counter-survival traits were recessive but surfaced when natural selection stopped. When selecting for only one trait, others will also surface. There are numerous other examples of how selecting for only one trait brings about unexpected results. The scientist in that Russian experiment would not have guessed that selecting for temperament alone would change coat color. Notice this selectivity is not in-breding. Yet both selectivity and m-bredmg can produce similar results. If type to type breeding is Over selective it can have the same restrictive quality on the gene pool. When we speak of a dog being of good balance, we mean all of his separate parts go together well or are in harmony. But a breeding program must also be in good balance. I mean that a conscientious breeder must weight each trait they are selecting for or against on a sliding scale of how adverse is that particular trait. If it is a health issue that is very injurious to the animal, we have strict selection standards. Some cosmetic traits should receive farSeftOct2001 Continued on Page 49Continued from Page 43less a priority. We need to select the OVERALL best Poms for our breeding program without closing down the gene pool too tightly.Let's discuss what this means in a practical sense for Poms. We could apply the selectivity method to handle the problem of Severe Hair Loss Syndrome alopecia. Out-crossing, if it exists, will not eliminate the problem but will only mask it keep it recessive for several generations. If we are fortunate to develop a DNA test for this, our approach would be all together different. But until then, using individuals with coat problems in a breeding program would be foolish. But eliminating that individual's parents, sibling's, or further back relatives is any breeders call until we know how it definitely is transmitted. But as Dr. Battaglia pointed out...this problem was probably carried by a very typey individual.So as the fox experiment demonstrated, completely choosing by one trait alone will undoubtedly change the type appearance of the Pom. That is the science of the problem. Now, comes the art of breeding. Your decisions as a conscientious breeder of what degree of selectivity to use will affect the health and type of our breed.REGISTRARS CORNERJEAN SCHROLL 12950 S NEW ERA ROAD OREGON CITY, OR 97045 503-650-0023Register of MeritWEE HEARTS AUTUMN II MOUNTN CREST MISS HOLLYWOOD CH MILNES PRIDE OF PATRICIARegister of Merit ExcellentDIMONDES SOLITARE OF EMCEEHall of FameCH NOBLES CHEWBAKA OF POMINQUEGold ClubCH COURBETTLS ROAD SHOW CD NASubscription Notice...................Because the Pomeranian Review dietnot Have an editor for severaf months, a number ofissueswere not maifedto our subscribers. How that we are againpublishing, afbactive expirationswere changed to reflect the newpublishing schedules ana ensure that our subscribers willreceive all the issues coveredby their lastpayment. 'The following shows the new expirationdates. Slote that you willalvays findyour expiration date on the mailing labelwhen yourmagazine arrives.If your expiration was Your new expiration is2001-02 2001-092001-04 2001-112001-06 2002-012001-08 2002-032001-10 2002-052001-12 2002-072002-02 2002-092002-04 2002-112002-08 2003-032002-10 2003-052003-06 2004-01Brenda Tfutton, JATC Tom Review Subscription ManagerPomeranian Review - SeftOct2001 - 49-rtr..BEST OFWINNERS" QUINCY flL KENNEL CLUB MAT 2001PHOTO or DOWNEY BEST BY 0QBVtEi. Cfi threat ECms Tame-ons DoCCyCh Great Elms Little Cricket X Great Elms SyblThanfcs to judges that appreciated Dolty's type, soundness and attitude Kenneth Falconi, Uo'fd Eraser, Dorothy Hutchinson, Margretta 'Patterson, Harvey German, Pichard Miller pictured, etty Krause, and Pawn VicK Hansen.Thanfyou to the very special defy that bredDotty andallowed us to addDotty to our Tame Toms,it it it ^uth Beam it it itRuth, you have given so much of your life andyoursetf to our dear tittle Pomeranians. We wilt ever be greatfuf.Phil Brenda SegelkenTamePH 217-347-573111139 E. Camelot Avenue FAX phone 1st 217-347-5731Effingham, IL 62401-443250 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001email fame62401yahoo.comffomumicui cSiatisticThe APC SYSTEM9hA Scuuwn, ^naual'^cuGwds SAalrpenoi November 1, 2000 through May 31, 2001 As reported in the AKC Awards issues January through July, 2001,5teed GompelilioiiTop 25 Best of Breed winners out of 214TotalRank Dog Sex Points BB G1 G2 G3 G4 BIS BISS Owners1 CH Jan-Shars Dudley Doright D 7438 14 9 1 1 1 3 Sabourin, B.2 CH Joarts Super Hariee Davison D 4323 34 6 5 5 3 2 Denton, D.Davison, J.3 CH Absolutes Wyndlor Solid Gold D 1826 33 4 1 1 7 Boehmer, B.4 CH Jolvin's Legacy Of Ginger D 1459 15 2 4 2 Beech, J.5 CH Sirius It's All About Me D 1244 9 2 2 3 Bird, B.6 CH Suber's Present Atom Ant D 1188 24 1 2 2 1 Bemey, S.7 CH T-JS lil Remarkable Edward D 1133 16 2 4 1 Reeder, X8 CH Peperie Persnickety B 1124 13 3 3 1 3 Pettersen, P.Oelerick, V.9 CH Indiana Jones Of Lenette D 1085 10 1 2 1 1 1 Griffith, K10 CH Dominic Of Lenette D 1029 12 1 3 1 4 Cook, L,11 CHMnmtian Chest Image Of Logan D 929 23 3 2 3 1 Moore, BJGilstrap, D.12 CH Paradise Valley Royal Reward D 758 13 2 1 1 1 Rokos, C.13 CH Diogenoir The Next Generation D 727 15 2 3 StasiukCarbnoMoureauWatkins14 CHKileis No Worries D 660 13 1 1 2 1 Reimschissel, D15 CH Jan-Shars Who Let The Dawgs OutD 638 10 2 1 1 Hanson, S.16 CHRodi's Black Gold D 637 10 1 1 Solano, D17 CH Jan-Shars Daddy Says I'm DarlingB 606 6 1 4 Stalnaker, K.Stalnaker, C.18 CH Woodrose's Bet The House D 594 9 4 2 3 i WrixonOganekuOganeku19 CH Starfire's Show Me The Huny D 578 7 2 1 2 Levinsohn, A.20 CH Trudy's Country Club D 575 12 1 1 3 Coddington, N.21 CH Ursa Minors Joe Sent Me D 565 21 1 1 2 1 Sklar, H.22 Gayels Sisqo Kid D 555 5 2 1 1 Rivers, G.23 CH Strutting T\venty-Four KT D 467 12 3 2 Sklar, H.24 CH Daystar Good Gracious B 396 5 2 Power, K.25 Great 0ms Little Aristocrat D 360 2 2 Beam, R.11 Indicates APC member.Every effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors discovered to the attention of Tish Cannon. If your dogs are listed in the corrections of the AKC Awards issues, please contact Tish Cannon before February 1, 2002.Tish Cannon, Annual Awards Chairperson Email tvillepommsn.comPomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001 - 51Mop ^Breederfroodor of Zsz GiouftpionSharon L. Hansonftieedots offrcot GUunpiomsK. G. Griffith Clarice Oganeku M.Sftteedts of Mtee GAampioiosJanet Bordelon Jose A. Cabrera Nancy Coddington Juanita Fiddick Sue Goddard Tim Goddard Ruby F. Poole Cindy Rokos Marshall Rokosof 6eo GAampionxFabian Arienti Olga Baker Marion Banding Tish Cannon Michael Carbno Melissa Dahlenburg Diane Finch L. Darlys Flaata David L. Gilstrap Barbara Krzewicki Roger M. Lau Thomas Mclntire Yvette H. Oganeku Michael Parrott Shalon Parrott Lisa Stasiuk Doris Wheeler Janice Young3op OxAiAdvn5xAAUot of GAajnpionsSharon L. HansonfsxAobiloT offfao GAeunpionxClarice M. OganekuAiAUot of GAtunpionJose A. Cabrera Nancy Coddington Yvette H. OganekuIf anyone would like to assist in recording statistics, please contact me. You may choose to record all or a segment of the reports.Attention all Juniors Please send your name and address to Tish Cannon.Attention all Exhibitors If you know of a Junior showing Poms, please have them contact me.Your financial support for annual awards is appreciated.Tish Cannons email Jelehone^76024M884^^^GxAWIct of Hop GUunpienKFabian Arienti Olga Baker Lavonne Beard Janet Bordelon Tish Cannon Bobii Earle Micha Ann Elliott Juanita Fiddick Diane L. Finch David L. Gilstrap Carlene Gilstrap Sue Goddard Tim Goddard Barbara Krzewicki Roger M. Lau Thomas Mclntire Adrienne B. Pye Cindy Rokos Marshall Rokos Linda Pelz Michael Wells Janice Youngfftoduoing leee GkojnpionsTookeyes The Gold Smith^Producing Htee GitunpionsCH Ajs Smokin Joe CH Macs Four On The Floor CH Rock N Tradition Of Oakridge CH Pom Acres Atomic Fireballuxaicuf Hoe OuunpionxCH Canton The Gigolo CH Damata Northwest Spirit CH Dominic Of Lenette CH Finchs He Walks On Water CH Jan-Shars Sinbad Of Velvetouch CH Jeribeth Sir Lancelot CH Paradise Valley Royal Reward CH Paughprints On The MTN Crest CII Tim Sues High Lights CH Valcopy Wakhan Valentino^ffdnnuaSrfwwuU - January Uiwugk fulySProduouup deep GAampiomCH Donaras Simply High HatCH Jan-Shars GeorgetteJan-Shars Minnie PearlJeribeth Plan It For A PrinceCH Pom Acres New DawnStar Havens Righteous Jane Woodrose Fashion ModelfCourtney White 47StShawn Patrick Jennings 25k vS Miss Lee-Amber Jessen 21Emily Hussey 20Miss Amanda Victoria Jennings 14j Miss Naomi Jean Bryant 12Steven Jacob Schiller 10kg' Victoria L. Jones 7Miss Savannah Souknhindy 6j Jourdan Brachen 6Includes one Best Junior In Show52 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001A PUNN9 TMl1AU, tti ifRemembered by Ruth Dotson and told to Marge Kranzfelder.Dudley Roach and Ruth Dotson crossed the country to NYC for a most memorial trip to the APC Specialty and Westminster KC Show in 1976. Ruth took Rambler. Dudley had his daughter.Hints of what were to come started with a red-eye circling in the freezing wee hours. By the time, the airlines unloaded the cargo...Dudley's puppy was quite cold. With little time remaining, Dudley did manage to celebrate then- safe arrival. Now, we are not "telling tales" because Mr. Roach is the first to admit he saved most of his puppy training for inside the ring.So, when Sweepstakes Judge Olga Baker asked him toplease put his pup on the table...........he contemplated thiscomplex action before replying "No". The gracious judge recognizing the full consequences of the green shade of his skin tone decided she best put the puppy on the table herself. The judge in all fairness decided the puppy was still deserving the Best Puppy Award.All through their stay at the Statler Hilton, Dudley just couldn't get served a decent meal....that is, beside the salad Edna Giradot brought from home and served up in her room. So, Dudley's conclusion for the New Yorkers unfriendly attitude was because they were "all suffering from hunger". After the Garden, he ordered veal cordon bleu. A small three inch patty arrived with two baby potatoes.Dudley's stomach growled "Don't you even get a biscuit" But maybe it was a good thing he didn't have a full meal for the following part of the adventure.Finding a phone to call results home was not easy after the Garden, Everyone rushes the few booths that were available. Well, there was exciting news to share with Wanda at home. when a booth was finally available.. .both Ruth and Dudley made a leap into it. Then as they tried to begin to recount Wanda all the goings on....all three startedSweeps Judge Olga Baker asked him to put his pupon the table.......he contemplated this complex action before replying "NO."laughing....not sleeping, not eating...contributed to the uncontrollable, infectious type of belly laughing. Somehow another Pom exhibitor just arriving on the scene didn't quite realize the innocence of the scene. . . and decided she'd better splitTypical of such a trip, even the ride home proved trying. They didn't want to risk that puppy near freezing on the tarmac like the trip out. So, a logical conclusion was to smuggle two Poms on board instead of the one allowed.Things were going all right until in flight when both ends of the carrier barked. What a cleaver ventriloquist their Pom wasRuth and Dudley were so glad to finally place their luggage in the trunk...they decided it was also a safe place to put their keys. Nothing like waiting another hour for AAA to rescue them in the middle of the night. It was even understandable that Dudley could hardly wait to get to a diner to order his first decent breakfast since he left home. He ordered everything on the discover his stomach must of shrunk....cause he could hardly make a dent in the heaping helpings on his plate.Things were going all right until in flight both ends of the carrier barked.See.....isn't it good to know some things never change inthe dog world.K Available JanFeb Pom Review..... asColor Ads....reserve your pages today250.00 70.00 500.00 350.00 275.00 100.00 275.00 100.00 500.00 220.00 40.00 25.00 80.00 photos 20.00.Full Page ColorBlackWhite Front Cover Back Cover Inside Frnt CoverBlackWhite Inside Back Cover BlackWhite Center Spread Color BlackWhite Half Page Fourth PageBusiness Card Ad 6 issuesAll ads include one photo. Additional are 20.00 each, Full bleed pages are November 20 - deadline JanFeb Pom Review. Major Credit Cards AcceptedComing in JanFeb Pom Review.....Kennel Visit with Jane Lehtinen, JanLePomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 53HICKORY BENDS CARBON COPY JRJ R"I "J R" was off to a fabulous start capturing two breed wins and two Group placements under the wonderful guidance of Handler Betsy Owens, all from the puppy class. Thank you Betsy Thanks also to Tom Davidson for the opportunity to have this beautiful boy.Our apologies to Judge Dr Roger Pritchard for the less than perfect photo.Janice Russell Cin-Jan Pomeranians Indianapolis, Indiana indypomindy. netDonna Riehm Riehm PomeraniansMurphysboro, Illinois mom4pomsaol. com54 - Pomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001CH. MarbiVs Black Satin PassionaSatin 5.Satin finished her championship in five weeks including Best of Breed over specials. She went to Canada for a weekend and took reserve at the Canadian Specialty, Best of Breed over specials the following day and a Group 2. She is an incredible mover with drive and reach that makes her side movement unbeatable. Thank you to Jane Lehtinen for a wonderful job handling her.BreederOwner Mari Iffland Co-Owner Donna Riehm Handler Jane LehtinenMarbil Poms Riehm Poms Jan-Le Poms618435-6127 618684-4644 mom4pomsaol.comWe currently have two showbroods, a show male and two pet males for sale to the right homes.Contact Mari for more informationPomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001 - 55PERFORMANCE NEWS AND VIEWSby Barbara McClatcheyIifI IIIIni i i i i i i i i i ii In October, I was contacted by the producer of the Animal Planet series Breed All About It They were looking for Pomeranians doing unusual activities that they could feature on the upcoming segment on Poms. I gave them the names of a number of Poms owners that do interesting things, and they settled on Lord Peter of Bristol Court, AX, AXJ, NGC, NJC, FM, aka Keoki owned by Connie and John m David Zieba. Keoki is currently the 2 Flyball Pomeranian in the world read more about Flyball in The Pomeranian Review, October-November, 1999. Thats four Agility titles, two in each registry and Flyball Master an NAFA title. By the way, Keoki is only the third Pomeranian in the world to achieve this title.As requested, Connie sent to the producer some pictures and information about Keoki, as well as their y web site httpffeeweb.pdq.netjzieba, and Keoki was selected to be one of the Poms featured on the P show, which was aired in December 2000. I will let Connie tell her own story.IWith this issue, We sicy jwtf bye. to Pudley fofcch ws editor of the Pomerivnitvn feWieW.After t learned how to mhke my computer talk, to pulleys computer, it Wees easy to submit columns to himThwnk you, Pulley for M the knr Work you hwdeput into cc Very demeendiny tevsk.OUR OWN TV STARiiOn October 20th, Janice E-mailed us. She called Keoki adorable and asked us if he really jumped over hurdles with a tennis ball in his mouth. She said she would like to profile him and hoped to make the shoot work with her schedules.Kristin, another of the producers for Breed All About It, called us to ask questions about Keoki. She wanted to know everything about him. What does he look like, what tricks can he perform, what are his favorite activities, what does he like56 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001niMto do best, what do we like to do with him, do we take him places, what kind of temperament does he have, etc.I told Kristin that Keoki loves to go for walks everyday, he loves to play ball in the backyard, he loves to push around his soccer ball, and he loves to play tug with his toys. He and Kalima our other Pom are therapy dogs, visiting hospitals and nursing homes. On Halloween,we dress both dogs in costumes, and they greet the trick or treaters at the door. During the Christmas season, they have their picture taken with Santa. Keoki also competes in agility.KEOKTS FAVORITE ACTIVITY IN THE WORLD IS FLYBALLKeokis favorite activity in the world is flyball. He is ball crazy, so flyball is the perfect sport for him. He runs on the Just Say Go - Gold team. Janice and Kristin were especially interested in the flyball angle. They discussed sending a film crew to Houston to photograph him. They wanted to get started right away. We told them his next tournament would be November 4th and 5th in Austin. That would really be the best time to film him because then they would get the whole picture. The tournament would show the lights, noise, other dogs all barking at once, all the teams, and all the excitement.Janice and Kristin were not sure they could wait that long, but in the end, they made it work. They said two producersphotographers were to arrive at our house in Houston on Friday, November 3, to film us at home. They would follow us to Austin and film Keoki at the tournament on Saturday, November 4th.I became a nervous wreck trying to anticipate their visit. The house needed to be cleaned, the yard had to be mowed, and the dogs had to be groomed. What should we wear, what should we say At the last minute, one of the producers mentioned we would be filmed packing up and getting into the car for the drive to Austin and the tournament. Now the car had to be washed and the garage cleaned out.Chris and Todd arrived at about 200 PM. on Friday. They were wonderful From the very beginning, their friendly personalities put us at ease. Todd attachedmicrophones to John David and myself. I wondered if the big cameras would scare the dogs but Keoki and Kalima ignored them completely.Filming began right away. Keoki and Kalima ran through all their tricks. Keoki chased his soccer ball all over the house. The photographers really got a kick out of that because Keoki becomes a wild thing when he is playing. He is noisy, to say the least. He chased the ball down the staircase over and over and over again. He played with his toys and had a terrific time.Chris and Todd also filmed John David and me playacting. We scooped out the dog food for the trip. We packed up the car. We walked out the front door with the dogs. We got in the car. We drove the car out of the driveway. We did every one of these things about 6 times each. The neighbors must have thought we were crazy to drive out of our driveway and then back in, over and over. I felt pretty crazy doing all that and trying not to look at the camera.The next day, filming began at 630 AM. at the tournament. Once again, John David and I had microphones attached to our shirts. We wore these microphones all day long until the end of the tournament at about 600 P.M. This was actually a little stressful since everything we said could be heard and recorded by Todd. He told us not to eat or go to the restroom without telling him first so he could turn our microphones offFILMING BEGAN AT 630 A.M.AT THE TOURNAMENTChris and Todd used three cameras. Todd operated the big one, Christ had a medium sized on, and they also used a tiny one at times. They always had two of the cameras running at all times. The tiny one was placed in Keokis crate to show him jumping into his crate when it was in the car. It was also taped to the flyball box tofilm him running up to the box, jumping on the box to trigger the ball, catching the ball, and pushing off from the box to run back down the lane. Those are our favorite shots. Chris showed them to us on the tiny screen and they look awesome.The men filmed Keoki all day long. They captured every one of his races. They filmed all his teammates dogs and people on Just Say Go. They picked out the biggest dogs atPomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 571I IIIpthe tournament and filmed Keoki standing next to them to show how small he is. They filmed Keoki and John David warming up for each race. Keoki was filmed getting a massage. He was filmed wearing his Body Cooler to cool him down after a race. Before the the racing began, he was filmed being measured the jump height is determined by the smallest dog.Keoki is the height dog smallest dog for his team, so the jumps are set for 8 inches when he races. He was filmed after each race when John David gives him hisreward-a miniature tennis ball. He really is ball crazyMY MICROPHONE WAS HIDDEN, SO I LOOKED LIKE I WAS TALKING TO MYSELF. A LOT OF PEOPLE GAVE ME STRANGE LOOKSThe photographers interviewed the officials, the judges, our teammates, our team captains, and us. They interviewed us over and over and over. I have never talked so much in my life. At the end of the day, I was exhausted.I was asked to narrate each race from the sidelines. Since my microphone was hidden, I looked like I was talking to myself. A lot of people gave me strange looks and one lady even asked me what I was doing. John David and I also had to do more playacting. At the end of the day we stood on the racing lanes and pretended to cheer for Keoki as if he were running towards us. We got even more startled looks from bystanders.Chris and Todd told us how surprised and pleased they were by their new understanding of Pomeranians. They had never dreamed Poms are capable of so much action. Our little dog holds his own against very athletic dogs. They told us they had had a great time.John David and I had a truly remarkable and memorable experience. We were thrilled to share the fun of jlyball and the joy, love, and happiness our dogs give us.Pictures of Keoki performing in Flyball were included in the December issue of Pomeranian Review. He was featured on Animal Planet's Breed All About It Pomeranian segment on January 6, repeated time to time.TRAINING HINTSHas anyone else noticed something I think is truethat dogs learn specific muscle movements before they learn position Example When you teach your dog to Sit, you usually get him into a Sit position using either the lure or modeling method from a standing position. After he has learned to Sit on command andor signal, you may then try to tell him to Sit, while he is lying down. He looks at you with that totally blank expression we are all familiar with and says, Sit Would you spell that, please He has learned that Sit means to make the muscle movements that put him there from a standing position you now have to teach him that what you want is actually the specific position. The same is true for the Down many trainers will actually put the dog into a Sit before giving the Down command. The dog then has no idea that he has to lie down from a stand when the Down is given. This can cost points when you begin showing in the Open competition where the dog must do the Drop on Recall. It is important to teach the position exercises Sit, Down, Stand from any other position early in your training, so that the dog will understand the command fully.SuperTherapyPom,FoxyI asked Beverly Taub to write about her super Therapy Pom, Foxy. I have known Beverly for several years, since she lives in the Houston area we met at Agility and Obedience Trials and at the NASACSOC Total Health and Safety Day, when Therapy Dogs are one of the health-promoters featured. Actually, I think I met her husband Joel58 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct2001II.1and his Lab at an Obedience Trial even before I met Beverly. I couldnt resist inserting a few comments of my own into her storyFOXY, CD, AX, AD FDCH, CGC, THERAPY DOGFoxy came into my life when she was a 10 week old 'fuzz-ball with a tongue.' Since my daughter had been bugging me for years to give her a little sister I registered Foxy as 'Foxy Little Sister' and advised my daughter this was the closest she was going to get to a having a little sister. Shortly thereafter my daughter went off to college and Foxy became my 'empty-nest child.'When Foxy was 6 months old, we enrolled in Obedience class. We went through the Basic class and continued on to the Novice class. Foxy was the top in both her classes 'no brag, just facf.We were all set to begin competing in Obedience that year when I attended the AstroWorld Series of Dog Shows and saw Agility and Flyball. I was hooked on agility after watching Cody, a Pom, put on a great performance. Gee, Poms can do this Cody went on to be the first dog of any breed to earn the Agility Champion title in USDAA Agility.I It took me several months, but I eventually found someone in our area to teach Agility and we signed up in the first class. We have been competing in Agility ever since. We compete at the Master's, Excellent B level, AKC and are hoping to earn the MX title before retiring.Flyball was another story. I had no idea what the object really was. Flyball was very young in this area and from what I could determine from watching, the dogs just kept running the course, going to the back of the line and running again over and over. In any event it looked like the dogs were having a ball. A pun, Beverly I found a team forming in our area and joined, only to find this particular team was only interested in big dogs. After a few months I convinced the small dogs to leave the team and I formed the Tiny Texans flyball team. Foxy is still competing with the team at 9 12 years old At the December tournament she was the only height dog on the team and ran every race for two daysshe still has it in her The 'height dog' is the one that set the jump height for the rest of the team the smaller the lowest dog, the lower the jumps are set for the whole team.Although we have a ball in our competition there you again, we have a passion for Animal Assisted Therapy. My sister, Sandra Wolfson, was very involved in AAT for many years and tried to get meinvolved because she felt Foxy would be a wonderful Therapy dog. I thought I did not have the time. Then in 1992 my sister died. A year later my husband and I both had the same idea of getting involved in Therapy he has a Lab. We both went through a workshop and tested with our dogs, thus beginning our work. We became Delta Society Pet Partners about four years ago and continue AAT as Pet Partners.I have found Foxy to be extremely versatile she works well with all ages, from very young to very old. Most of our current work is with children at the Children's Hospital at UTMB Galveston, and with adult rehab at Memorial Southeast's Hospital and Harborview Care Center.At The Children's Hospital she does anything from lying in bed with kids to playing fetch with them. She has amazed me by doing things there that she would not do at home. For instance, I have a vibrator chair when I turn it on, Foxy will not even walk on that side of the room. At the hospital, they have had Foxy lie next to a child having a vibrator treatment, and she just lay there beside the child. Foxy is not fond of needles the vet has to hide the needle behind her back while I distract Foxy, but she stayed with a child that was having an IV inserted. I later found out that that child had to have 5 adults hold her down to have her last IV inserted, whereas no one had to hold her when she had Foxy with her. How greatAt Harborview Care Center Foxy works in the therapy room with physical and occupational therapist. Foxy is used mainly in upper extremity rehabilitation therapy where patients brush her, throw balls directly to her, throw a Frisbee to her and feed her treats. With her on the floor in a down position we have our patients bend clear to the ground to feed her treats. It is always so neat when a patient says they can't bend that far, yet they manage to give Foxy her treats. We also work with the speech therapist, who has the patient blow on Foxy, a gentle blow will make Foxy sticker out her tongue and lick. A moderate blow, and Foxy will "wave" with both 'hands. A hard blow, and Foxy will tuck tail and run in tight circles. I have seen thisit is absolutely ridiculousAt Memorial Southeast we usually work with the patients while they are in bed, although some are in wheelchairs. Our goals are to increase endurance, get the patient to participate in conversation, get stroke patients to use the affected hand, or whatever the recreational therapist requests of us.iI I jiiiUiLij i1 iyj ^i i iPiyiI i iiiMi1 jIyii iiPomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 59III iIIIiiiii ii il IIIIlllIIIiFoxy is also very involved in communily service, working therapy booths for area health fairs. Along with my husband and his Lab, Bear, we do demonstrations and talks at area functions, and with our flyball team, Tiny Texans, Foxy and I have done fundraising demonstrations for several charitable organizations. We also presented a program last year at Butner Elementary School in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and have been invited back for 'A Very Special Day,' a military festival with helicoptersand usat Fort Bragg in May 2001.Seven years after Foxy's Obedience training, I was going to be attending an Obedience Trial out of state with my husband, so I thought for kicks I'd enter to give me something to do. Foxy received a leg both days. We entered a Trial locally and finished her CD on her next time in the ring. She was bored in the ring, so we're sticking with Agility and Flyball.Foxy's Obedience training, socialization at PetSmart and various parks, Agility and Flyball training have all been an important part of her successful Therapy work. Foxy is a very busy lady still, though 10 in March.RESCUEFirst, a report on Second Chance Oiver Twist, about whom I wrote in my last column. By the way, most Rescues come without a name, or with a call name given by the shelter they were in. I re-name them with my kennel name and then have fun. Oliver was found crossing a busy Galveston street, dragging a chain leash with leather handle. His front leg was badly broken. The shelter advertised for the owner, and a month later, when I returned from Indonesia, they called me to see if I could take him. I took this black, 7 pound, 9-month- old to my vet, who x-rayed for free, bless his heart and said it would require a specialist.Two months later, by the time Oliver had recovered from surgery which required insertion of a metal plate, I knew he was a super, super dog and needed a home where he would have a job. During his recovery, I had been looking for an Obedience, Agility, or Service home for him. Finally, I thought I had found itat San Francisco Hearing Dogs. Unfortunately for them, they were late in sending the testing material to me and by then I couldnt let him go, so instead of being a Hearing Dog, Oliver is now in training for Obedience and Agility competition-with me. I like to think that if I had received the Hearing Dog test on time instead of just a week before we were to leave for California, he would have passed it, and I would have given him up.As it is, I didnt give the test, which would have required two people he didnt know as testers, anyway, so where was I to find them on such a short notice Excuses, excuses. By the way, Dr. Daley, the orthopedic specialist, also said that his knees are perfectly sound. See his article on luxating patellas in the JulyJuly, 1995, Pomeranian Review. And his recovery from that break is such that Dr. Daley said that, yes, he can jump 10-30 times a day for 5 days a week with no problem. This is the first time in 8 years of doing rescue that I have kept one. What can I say I say watch for him in the Obedience and Agility ringsSecond, some Rescue concerns have come up on the APC Rescue e-mail list. Interested Sign up at OBEDIENCE TITLESAWARDS, OctNovDec 2000Companion Dog CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke and Carol Leemhuis, 8400 JC and Robert Crisp, 102100.Companion Dog Excellent Muffys Fluffy Muegge, CD, AX and Shirley Michaels, 41799 Pompuf Parti Buddy CD and Fay Cleary, 9900 Haikus Wind Spinner, CD and Stephanie Awai- Noguchi Rehmans Little Dream, CD and Kathy Buccero Shenanigans Jack Frost, CD, OAJ, AX and Debra Watson.60 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001TO GET YODR NAME AND THAT Or YOUR DOG IN BOLD, IOIN THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBAKC AGILITY TITLESNovice Agility Count Alexandras Marmol, NAJ and Nancy Marmol Harry Drigg, 72900 Sergeant Ceasar and Frances Fleck, 81200 Wasielewskis Mindy and Lorraine Wasielewski and Donna Wasielewski, 82700 Foxie Same and Darlene Copenhaver, 93000 Macs Little Giner Goy, CDX and Dawn Darr, 92300 Max Swifty Flyer Mercier, NAJ andRoger Mercier, 91000 Sir Smokey Sepulveda and Cheryl and William Sepulveda, 9400 Janesas Tiffany Is an Angel, CDX, NAJ and Barbara McClatchey Kodiak and Sheryl Petruska Lollie P Rushka, NAJ and Judith and Kristen Seiter.Open Agility Benrays Pupito on a String, NA, OAJ and Mary Evans Paul Rhodes, Sargeant Ceasar, NA, NAJ and Frances Fleck.Agility Excellent Jerry NAJ, OA and Eugene Hallenbeck, 91600 Lord Peter of Bristol Court, OA, AXJ and John David and Connie Zieba, 9400, Tootsies Buster Boy, CD, OA and Kimberly Smith.Novice Agility Jumper Hallie and Suzanne Record, 73000 Lessards Its a Gimme, NA and Alice Lessard, 82600 Wasielewskis Mindy and Lorraine Wasielewski and Donna Wasielewski, 82700 Muffin Half Pint II Mercier and Roger Mercier, 91700 Sergeant Ceasar, NA and Frances Fleck, 93000 Lollie P. Rushka and Judith Kristin Seiter Macs Little Ginger Boy, CDX, NA and Dawn Darr Mar-Vics Stuffd Black Bear, UCX, NA and Barbara McClathey.Open Agillity Jumper Chewy Chewy Tootsie, NA, NAJ and Judith Sample, 92300 Jerry, NAJ, AX and Eugene Hallenbeck, 91700 Judys Itzy Bitzy Mitzy, NAJ, OA and Judy Bussey, 91700 Benrays Pupito on a string, NA, NAJ and Mary Evans Paul Rhodes Megans Magic Man, CDX, NA, NAJ and Marti Halifko.Excellent Agility Jumper Megans Spitfire, CDX, OAJ, AX and Marti HalifkoAt an Agility trial recently, I was told that there is a Pom near to being the first Pomeranian to achieve the Master Agility Champion title. After running a few Agility courses, I have to say that that takes hard work, dedicated training, and very strong knees and ankles You won't ever see my dogs names with that title Ill leave that to those younger than I.To get your name and that of your dog in BOLD PRINT, join the American Pomeranian Club. This will also make you ehgible for the APC Annual Awards, awarded yearly. Yes, I know thats redundant, but its fun to say it that way. Historical Awards, on the other hand, are available to any Pomeranian.This joke was told to me by a staff member while Taffy was doing Pet Therapy in the Rehab unit at the local hospital. Taffy was very obviously enjoying the attention he was getting from a stroke patient who was exercising her arm by petting him.Q.A.How many Pomeranians does it take to change a light bulb Just one. The world revolves around them.Smile.57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566 409 297-7383 bclatchmas tnet.netIPiinIi[iiIIIiiiIIiiii iiiiiPomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001 - 61Bachman PomeraniansU . TTttcioHaJt i. PfixucJxruJL JcjicZVl \ 'V . . X-.- , fisam mv.TSPOFIRSif I best of winners.LAKE MATHERt KENNEL-CLUBCorvh. Nguyens Lady Lexusver acanWe're very proud of our 3rd Generation Bachman Pom Jewel, who started her show career with a 3 pt Major the very first time in the ring at 6 months 3 days old. Jewel's incredible record didn't stop there. Jewel finished her Championship from the Bred-By class within nearly 2 months of limited showing.What a dream come trueI'd like to thank Lana Price for allowing me to breed Jewel's Dam, Lexus, to her Ch. Cory and for her help and guidance with this litter. I'd also like to thank Karen Crawford for grooming Jewel while shewas being shown. You did a great job.I'd also like to thank my friends and family who gave me help and support while showing Jewel. Big thanks to Dan Tammee Felix for their ringside guidance. Tammee thanks for being there to help with Jewel's win photosfTacAiMaM PaTMc^gjugJti - Cheri McDonald - San Dimas, CA - 909-394-7923Email Web page www.mbfonline.combachman62 - Pomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001Bachman Pomeranians^uultcc with. 5-3Ch. Nguyen, Cory Loverboy of GQ X Bachmans Lady LexusJewel finished with an impressive record........Back to Back 3 point Majors at 8 Months and 4 days old.We would like to send thanks to all the judges who found Jewel worthy.April 29, 2001 Lake Mathews KC Mr. Thomas W Baldwin 3 pts Shown at leftMay 12,2001 Apple Valley KC Mrs. Peggy Dillard Carr 2 ptsMay 24, 2001 City of Angels Specialty Mrs. Michele Billings 4 ptsMay 27, 2001 San Fernando KC Mrs. Grace Moran 4 ptsJune 30, 2001 Long Beach KC Mrs. Ann Hearn 3 pts Shown aboveJuly 1, 2001 Long Beach KC Mr. Dennis McCoy 3 pts Kept in to hold majorTajcJt3Puu4. "PtrmcJta ula-ttS - Cheri McDonald - San Dimas, CA - 909-394-7923Email Web page www.mbfonline.combachmanPomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 63134 4035 j PHOTOGRAPHYSt OF NEW WINNERS CHAMPIONmmmrxf ft ^POMERANIAN CLUB OF ONTARIOMl s- S AM. CAN. Int'l. Ch. Stolanne's Back TalkBarkley went to Canada with his HandlerFriend Ann Berryman and earned his Canadian Championship in a few days along with a couple BOBs and Toy Group Placements.THANKS TO JUDGE CLINT HARRIS FOR THIS WIN AND TO ANN FOR HIS SPECIAL CARE AND HANDLING.Barkleys first champion get finished in June and more promising kids are on the wayFran Stoll R. R. 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 Phone 812 254-3857 Fax 812254-3254 email stolannedmrtc.net64 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001a new champion a CH. DHCrew ELIZABETHAN AGENDABeth- finshed her championship in high fashion by taking WB for a 5 pt. MAJOR. Awarded BOS over two very nice bitch specials in breed competition at the Harrisburg PA. shows on Good Friday of this year.THANK YOU JUDGE JUNE PENTA FOR FINISHING BETH WITH THIS MAJOR WIN. ALSO, A BIG THANK YOU TO SHERRY LAWALL FOR EXPERTLY HANDLING BETH TO HER CHAMPIONSHIP.SIRE DHCrew Maximum Agenda DAM Larrons Sounds of MusicHAL WEBSTER DHCrew Poms2300 Colfax Ave. Columbus, OH 43224Ph.- 614 475-1640 after 500 p.m. - E.S.T. E-Mail - DHCREWWEBaol.comShow Prospects and Pets Available OccasionallyrhmaA " V MU' MILLAMOR POMSKen and Eleanor Miller1777 Orange Picker Road Jacksonville, Florida 32223aPH 904-260-4308Marbil PomeraniansMari Iffland11290 Old Lake Rd, Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127 email pomsawaylegypt.netDEADLINEEXTENDEDThe NovDec Pom Review deadlinehas been extended to Sept 20 to allow coverage of the APC, LaCa- jun Des Moines Pom Specialties.ToDudley and Wanda RoachMany thanks for the many years of service to the Pomeranian Breed and The American Pomeranian Club.Richard and Sally Baugniet Pominsh Kennels baugmetdcwis.comPomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001 - 6S3sDudley and WandaThank you for the years of devoted service to the APC and the Pomeranian Review. Well miss you,Steada cutd Hevity 7cvutiStfpSunGloPomeraniansWould like to wish Dudley the Best in his Future Adventures. Thank you for Doing such a wonderful job with The Review. We wish you good health much happinessYou will be missedDan Tammee Felix the SunGlo PomsBI-MAR POMERANIANS'ElsasBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A. ROSENBAUM 145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email POMSS4sii fcCH. Jan-Shars Rock N RyeDr. Louis and Marjorie Conway 7361 East Via Estrella Avenue Scottsdale, AZ 85258480 609-8770 Fax 480 609-1876 poolsidpomaol.comBrynRose Pomeranianr m 4itM m144S.W.and Brenda Turner 3910 Concord Place Texarkana, TX 75503 brynrosewebtv.netaAY.mHome ofCh. Avalons Valentino Starfire Multiple Group Winning PomsAnnette Eric Davis 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquires welcome.FINCHS POMERANIANSBIS,BISS1CH Finchs He Walks On Water, ROMXCh Reginapoms Patrick OFinchs Ch Finchs Dream WalkinCh. Finchs Walkin After Midnite Ch. Finchs A Noble Tradition Ch. Finchs The Legend ContinuesWhiteRedOrange and WhiteBlack and WhiteBlack and Tan parti puppies Stud ServiceDiane L. Finch28453 630th, Kelley, IA 50134 515 769-2444 dfinchpcpartner.netSHYACRES POMERANIANSIShy in size, huge in heartAudrey M. Roberts 1984 VFW Road Leesville, LA 71446 Home 337-239-3938 Fax 337-239-0409 Email shyacreshotmail.comPomeranian Review - SeptOct 2001 - 67WMJWflBEST0F BREED 15T.BEST OF WINNERS SANTA CRUZ KENNEL clubw .r asr ipipTaugust 20 0 v'. PHOTOS TODAY916 988 5610 0 w ___We welcome new beginningsThank you, Brenda Segelken, for taking on the awesome responsibility of The Pomeranian Review and keeping this tradition with us.THANK YOU, JUDGE ART DAVIDSON, FOR AWARDING BUTTERFIELD A MAJOR SO HE CAN NOW BEGIN HIS LIFE AS A PAMPERED CHAMPION.And we welcome Walda Green to Pomdom......................having matured from another breed.68 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001Marge KranzfelderPhone 831-623-9265Fax 831-623-2612 kranzmarhollinet.comDimonde KennelDimondes Silver And GoldDimondes Gem Fire, CD, CGC X Dimonde Flynns Cover Girl The'3lue' TcwvthcxtccowNSBEST IF WINNERS OPPOSITE T PUPPY5-BESTJAMES RIVER KENNEL , CLUB 4I idAngel was awarded WB and BOS from the 6-9 mos. Puppy Bitch class by Mr. Harold Gell at the 7501 Catoctin K.C. show, and by Mrs. Elaine Mathis at the 7601 Northeastern Maryland K.C. show. She was breederowner handled.At the 8201 James River K.C. show, Mr. George Heitzman awarded her WB, BOW, BOS and Best Puppy from the 6-9 mos. Puppy class for a 3 point major. She was then awarded PUPPY GROUP 2 by Ms. Julie Secovnie. "Angel" was, and is now, handled by Sue Whaley.Thank you Mr. Gell, Mrs. Mathis, Mr. Heitzman and Ms. Secovnie for rewarding Angel.A special thank you to Sue Whaley for her fine handling job and for not sculpting my little girl.BreederOwnerDiana M. DowneyManassas, VA 703-392-7574 Dimondebigfoot.comwww. bigfoot. comDimondeHandlerSne Whaley, PHACPHBrandywine, MD 301-372-1744 www. decacs. comwhaleyPomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001 - 69Back IssuesTo order back issues, mail check toMargaret McKee, 2426 Sandy Hook Rd, Goochland, VA 23063 804558-3380Issues available areAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00 August 97 15.00All other available back issues are 8.00The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham. IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year 3rd class mail, 45 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 65.The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishereditor. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher.Coming Attractions NovDec Pom ReviewAPC Specialty Show Sept 6, 2001 New Orleans, LALa Cajun Pom Club of Louisiana pecialty, Sept 7, 200 New Orleans, LA-tf-J70 - Pomeranian Review - SeftOct 2001La. Cajun PomlranianClubOfiouisianaADVERTISERSBaughniet, Sally............. ...............65Bonnell, Mary................. .................17Cannon, Tish................... ...............24Conway, Marge............... ................67Cox, Marcia..................... ................47Davis, Annette Eric..................67Dieball, Fred Pat.........................12Downey, Diana............... ..............69Eukanuba, IAMS............................26Felix, Dan Tammee...Finch, Diane.....................................67Griffith, ken Eleanor ..................7Hanson, Sharon............... ............6, 9Hussey, Emily.................................47Iffland, Mari...........................55, 65Kranzfelder, Margaret. ..............66Leehmius, Caro 1............................71Lehtinen, Jane.........................36, 37Levinsohn, Alane........... ......26, 27Lovely, Victoria.,... ......33, 46McDonald, Cheri..................62, 63McKee, Margaret............................16Mehciz, Judy.................... ..............35Miller, ken Eleanor...................65Oganeku, Clarice..............2, 3, 4, 5Palmer, Victoria.............. ...............34Pedigree............................. back coverReeder, Therese............... ................16Riehm, Donna.......6, 54, frnt coverRoberts, Audrey.............. ..............67Rosenbaum, Mary........... ...............67Russell, Janice................. ..............40Segelken, Brenda...........................50Stoll, Frances................... ...............64Turner, Brenda.................Webster, Hal..................... ..............65American Pomeranian Club, Inc Websitehttpwww.bigfoot.comAmerican.Pom.ClubCh Rundowns Hide N Zeke CD- N- VviPyaIt. S.GROUPPLACINGV.yih. LACKAWANNAIP0 v t ii 'Mj2A\JgwS Wt ,-V-J -.-wes.-2Zeke wins Best of Breed all three days in Pennsylvania.On July 27, 2001 he received this group placement under Judge Roger Hartinger and the next day under Judge Paula Hartinger he brought home a Group 2 in very competitive toy group. Thank you to both of these judges That same weekend two of his daughters received majors at just eight months of age. Congratulations to major pointed KatieSundowns Catch Me If You Can and Sundowns Mother May I, May.OwnerHandlerCarol LeemhuisPittsburgh, Pennsylvania 412 344-8257BreederCamilla KnightSundownPoms 513 271-7820Pomeranian Review - SeptOct 2301 - 71 U3fLAVOR-LOCK POUCHLittle0M3WllSjCajjerole Dinner3188-, 4i ch.Youll nobice ib doesnb say Libble Losers on bhe pouch.Packed with quality ingredients you can see, new PEDIGREE LITTLE CHAMPIONS pouches have the great taste your dog will love. Each nutritious meal is sealed in its own lightweight FLAVOR-LOCK pouch. To serve, just shake, tear and pour. With eight different mouth-watering recipes, the taste of victory has never been this delicious.The home-cooked taste dogs lover2001 Kal Kan Foods, Inc. PEDIGREE LITTLE CHAMPIONS Is a registered trademark.