The Pomeranian Review November 2001
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XX .LVTHEBomerantan BebtetoTHE OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC PUBLICATIONAr J Of 9xy\mm1P. .iddflk iPWaoM.Wlitm axJ 3isltel 3MII, 4JFCH Mac's Four On The Floor X Mack's Rambling Gypsy, ROMX"Sioux" is pictured taking a Group 3. Thank you Judge Maxine Beam.miDOflAMJIMMIXSUMm mms- dw'i4' .5- 1 GROUPI "Sioux" is pictured taking a Group 2. Thank you Judge Lois Wolff-White. Big Thank You to Tish Cannon, who has handled "Sioux" for us at long distance shows.SECOND COOK INLET KENNEL CLUBAUGUST___2001BISHOP PHOTOGRAPHYCongratulations to Ken Griffith on your well deserved and long over-due Kennel Visit. A Big Thank You for letting us own "Sioux," who is one of the top Ranked Pomeranian bitches in Breed points since starting as a Special, April 2001. Also for our other two Lenette Poms, CH Desert Thunder of Lenette and our CH Mr Chips daughter, DreamWeavers Dakota of Lenette, who is currently showing and major pointed.OwnersHandlersLinda PelzMichael WellsDreamWeaver PomsBreederK. G. GriffithLenette Poms 704 938-2042Co-OwnerKathy BlairKatalla Poms2 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001Ar - Bee's Pomeranians presents . . . .Firebrooks Marcus Winners of R.B.sr4W \vvv-r --'Sire CH Dominic of Lenette Dam Firebrooks Plum PuddinThanks to Lee D. Cook for this beautiful puppy.Congratulations to Ken and Eleanor Griffith on their much deserved Kennel Visit.Truly very good friends and mentors.Wishing you continued success with your breeding program.Rodger and Vickie BeatyAr - Bees Pomeranians 10425 Rockwood Road704-598-6073 Charlotte NC 28215Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 -3Kilfci 'PomeraniansROARING FORK KENNEL CLUBJULY 1553u GROUP 1 THIRD KOHLERinsA Glimpse into the FuturePumbaa is finishing his career at the age of 7, with5 Groups,20 group placements,58 Best of Breeds,9 Pomeranian APC 2000, and was in the Top 20with limited showing the past three years.We would like to thank the following judges for their appreciation of Pumbaa. Barbara Alderman, Joan G. Alexander, Sandra Goose Allen, Steven Arnold, Maxine Beam, Richard Bauer, Bill Bergum, Michele Billings, Edd Bivin, Loraine Boutwell, Hans Brunotte, Mildred Bryant, Richard Camacho, Robert Caviness, Ruth Davidson, Arthur Davison, Joy Davison, Suzanne Dillin, Sam Draper, Sheila Gordon, Joseph Gregory, Dawn Vick Hansen, Paula Hartinger, Roger Hartinger, George Heitzman, Charles Herendeen, D. Roy Holloway, Jacklyn Hungersland, Arley Hussin DorothyHutchinson, M. Jean Lade, Dolores Dee H. Maltz, Charlotte C. McGowan, Kenneth Miller, Robert J. Moore, Frank Nishimura, Norman Patton, Murrel Purkhiser, Lee Reasin, Margaret Young Renihan, Elaine Rigden, Don Rogers, Harry Smith, Edmund R. Sledzik, Isabella Staffers, Joe Walton, Anna Wanner, Lois Wolff White, Sue Woodle, Elaine YoungBred, Owned and Loved byKelly D. Reimschiissel6214 West 10150 North Highland, Utah 84003 801 756-2092 Kilei Pomsatt.netExclusively Handled by Susan AdamsonCongratulations to Ken and Eleanor Griffith on their Kennel visit4 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001CH Kilei s No WorriesSPiunW'Multiple 6iroup WinnerPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - SCONTENTSAdvertisers Index............................................................70APC Archives...........................................................50, 51APC Board Meeting LA M Kranzfelder.......................41APC Officers..................................................................11APC Summer Specialty Margaret McKee..............30-32Ask Us Anything Annette Davis..................................10Awards Corrections Tish Cannon................................58Back Issue Information..................................................70Behind New Titlists........................................................23Coming Events............................................................6,70Delegates Report NY 91101 M Kranzfelder................41Des Moines IA Specialty Karen Chisam................34,35Endorsement Letters.......................................................62Endorsement Letter to Membership...............................63From the Front Cover.......................................................6Kennel Visit Ken Griffith, Lenette Poms..............16-23LaCajun Pom Specially Sue Goddard.........................47Letters to the Editor........................................................65Membership Report Annette Davis..............................23Memorial 91101...........................................................44My Rrst Pom Victoria Leitner.......................................48Performance News Barbara McClatchey...60-62President's Report Margaret McKee............................12Registrar's Corner Jean Schroll....................................10Rescue Story Mary Hilton.............................................65Rest of the Story Marge Kranzfelder......................42-44Statistics Report Tish Cannon.................................38,39SubscriptionReview Information...................................13Way I See It And More Sally Baugniet...................54,55JANUARYFEBRUARY POM REVIEWAPC Review Archives Obedience and More APC Specialty, Lousmlle KY DetailsInformation My First PomeranianKennel Visit..................Jane LehtinenJan Le PomsRegional Pomeranian Club ReportsThe Way I See It.......................Judges Questionnaire2002 APC NATIONAL SPECIALTYMarch 11,12,13, 2002 Executive Inn 978 Phillips LaneLouisville, Kentucky 40209 502 367-6161 1-800-626-2706For further details see the APC WebsiteMULTIPLE BISS, MULTIPLE GROUP WINNINGWmCHDOMINIC OF LENETTEDominic is one of the nations top Pomeranians in both breed and all breed, in just their first few months together.Noble Pomeranians would like to congratulate the Pom Review to be back up and running. Best of Luck, BrendaCongratulations to Ken and Eleanor Griffith on your Kennel Visit.Glad we could be a part of this visit.QUomiaco ayidBreederK G Griffith - Lenette PomeraniansOwnersNoble Inglett and Lee D. Cook 283 NW 40th Road Clinton, MO 647356 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001Congratulations LenetteKen Eleanor GriffithKen fllA,d BltCWAsDY,C-ozu7ratuLatLDiA, on your Kennel visit your true dedication to the Pomeranian has been outstanding, you have helped so many people starting in Povus through the years, your courage and determination has far exceeded the average breeder. The skills and knowledge you have gained have palol off with so many beautiful Poms completing their Championships. I am very proud of you and your successes. ThaiUe you far the many things you and Bleanor have done for me, and continue to do through the years. Thawtes is not enough to express my appreolatlaw. wish you the best in the future with the Lenette Poms, your Friend,R.uh peamThank you. Brenda for our Pom Review.EEAT ELMS Ruth 1I am 88 years old. and can no longer respond to inquires.NOTHING FOR SALE.L'Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 7ffan 3teCH MY FAITH OF LENETTE3wrm \ \fff BEST IN SHOW ISr. ImtrcH' kvnnvl x Ohi ihfmi' "h Vf' 'PHOTOS BY Barbara GauthierBeA".CH MY FAITH OF LENETTES first day as a special. Faith won Best In Show under judge George Taylor. What a nice way to start out.Thank you, Ken for letting us have this nice bitch. We are looking forward to having a litter out of her.Congratulations to Ken Griffith on your Kennel VisitJan Le PomsJane Lehtinen218 744 56538 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001ScvecfmJAN LE'S DONT RAIN ON MY PARADE'ImmA1 u VBEST IN SWEEPSTAKCOMBINED SPECIALTY CLUBS OF GREATER DES MOINES 2001photo by MELIAhs -JAN LES DONT RAIN ON MY PARADE, Rayman is our latest out of CH Jan Les Just a Dash of Millamor X CH KB Accent by Design. This was our last litter out of Lucky and we were lucky in getting him.At six months he won the Bred By Exhibitor class at the National and Best In Sweepstakes at the DesMoines Specialty.Rayman will be shown and co owned by Judy Corbett.Jan Le PomsJane Lehtinen218 744 5653anPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 9ASK XJS ANYTHINGANNETTE DAVISOur question for this issue is What is a good weaning food to give to Pom puppiesContrary to popular belief, it is not always necessary to wean Pomeranian puppies. Sometimes the dam will have plenty of milk and her puppies will naturally wean to her food and she gradually reduces the amount of time each day the pups are allowed to nurse. Some of the very best Moms will even crunch up pieces of kibble and give it to their pups as they begin to cut back on nursing time. If Mom seems to have plenty of milk, and the pups are chubby and alert, do not force weaning. Let Mom wean them naturally to her food. It is important to have a bowl of clean water available at all times and kibble small enough for young pups to nibble without choking.Unfortunately it is often necessary to provide a weaning food for toy puppies. Some dams do not have enough milk to nurse past 5 or 6 weeks. Some Mothers, especially spoiled lap pets, seem to lose some of their natural instincts. IfMom does not allow her pups to nurse often or long enough, her milk supply will wane and they will not be able to naturally wean to her food. The worst case scenario is an occasional Mom who has lurking jealousy with her food. Lurking Moms jealously guard their food bowls. They do not spend enough time nursing, and when its time for solids may not allow their pups to eat from their bowls at all. If you notice that your pups are thin, cry often, or do not gain weight steadily, it is wise to offer a suitable soft food supplement.You may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis391 N Mink Creek Road Pocatello ID 83204 208-234-0932 FAX 208-234-0792 davisavalonpom.comREGISTKARS CORNER JEAN S.CM ROLL12950 S NEW ERA ROAD OREGON CITY, OR 97045 503-650-0023REGISTER OK M ERIECHJAN-LESMAKER OF FOOLS CH JAN-SHARS HEAD OVER HEELS MOUNTAIN CREST RONNI SHERLEESMS THE ADOR A RUXPIN STARFIRES MARINA SUBERS REFLECTION D-ARTTC WOODROSES FASHION MODELREGLSTEROF MERIT EXCELLENTCH GREAT ELMS MR CHIPSHALLOFFAMECH WOGDROSES BET THE HOUSEAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc Websitehttp www.bigfoot. comAmerican. Pom. ClubNEW.......NEW.........NEWWags Ilf ItNo time to place an ad Not enough copyPost that new champion, import, special litter or big win.Special introductory price, 10.00 per 60 words.Additional charges for photos or text over 60 words.N EW.....N E W.....N E W10 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001mipomerantanmemetoAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT...................................................................................................MARGARET MCKEE2426 Sandy Hook Rd, Goochland, VA 23063-2508PH 804-556-3380 FAX 804-556-4107 EMAIL idlewyldbigfoot.comFIRST VICE PRESIDENT................................................................................FRANCES STOLLR R 3, Box 429, Washington, IN 47501PH 812-254-3857 FAX 812-254-3254 EMAILstolannedmrtc.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.......................................................................................TIM GODDARD797 Frank Road, Opelousas, LA 70570-0540PH 337-543-6622 FAX 337-543-6622 EMAIL T_S_PomsASBANK.COMRECORDING SECRETARY............................................................................JULIE KALLBACKA3703 Hancock Road, Magna, UT 84044PH 801-252-3417 EMAIL kalasicbumettech.comCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.....................................................CYNTHIA BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972-962-3872 FAX 972-962-3872 EMAIL American.Pom.Clubbigfoot.comTREASURER.......................................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd, Tomball, TX 77375PH 281-351-9516 FAX 281-351-6620 EMAILtexicandogaol.comAKC DELEGATE................................................................................... MARGE KRANZFELDER821 Brown Road, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045-9603PH 831-623-9265 FAX 831-623-2612 OF DIRECTORS......................................Sally Baugniet Charlotte Creed Annette DavisAnnette Lynn Heise Marge Kranzfelder Jane LehtinenThe Pomer anian Review11139 East Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217-347-5731 Email Pomeranian.ReviewBIGFOOT.COMPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 11jflanfaretI am sitting on the beach at North Carolinas famous Outer Banks as I write this. Ive been looking forward to this vacation for months. Much preparation and planning has lead up to this week. I had 3 trips in 2 weeks, so I had to make three lists and pack 3 suitcases. First, Rachal and 1 went to Raleigh for dog shows, a disappointment as majors in Greyhounds evaporated, and we just didnt win in Poms returned home in time to do battle with a very cranky computer and make final arrangements -lesson plans and work sheets-to miss so much school. Then it was hop a plane for New Orleans and the specialties. Actually did a little unplanned sightseeing, thanks to Becky and Mary Johnson. Finally, I returned from Nawlins and sweet hubby and daughter Elaine met me atvan I packed it before leaving for LA, so I could strike out for the beach. Each year, my mother rents a house on the beach where she and her four daughters gossip, eat, rest, eat, read, shop, and eat. Wonderful Ive been promising myself I would do nothing but read, rest, and relax for this week, but deadlines loom and one must not antagonize the new editor.I am very pleased to report to you that the American Pomeranian Club is in better shape than when this Board took office on January 1, 2001. Our first priority was to find an editor and resurrecfllligjjj Pomeranian Review. The voice of APC has been published continuously in magazine form since 1958, and we were determined it would not die. As you already know, Brendas arm was twisted unmercifully, and with some trepidation, she agreed to take the job. And as you already have seen in her first 72 pages issue, shes doing a great job. Hurray Ex speed by adding color at great ad prices. Dont waagain publish the names for applicants for membership, we will be able to process and vote on those applicants more efficiently.Treasurer Erika Moureau has paid our insurance, arranged for a credit card account, and is working to get the books in good order. Now you can char annual specialty in Louisville to your credit It wasnt easy, but Annette Davis, assisted by Erika, Diana, Brenda H and others has gotten the roster, printed by Cindy, to you. Thank you allNew committees have been appointed, complaints and suggestions considered, new medallions and pins ordered. Were rollinge can onceinI pick up my pen again. After almost 24 hours of watching TV reports of the heinous terrorist attacks on NY and DC, I am alternately stunned and enraged. When I do lie down for a few hours sleep, the phone rings to tell me that a very dear Pom friend has finally succumbed to a relentless cancer. The problems APC has suffered pale by comparison. So I ask you, and remind myself to try to keep the dog activities in perspective. It is not the end of the world if vou ao reserve to the major, if the judge seems a little too chummy with the winner,grow up pretty. Our dogs and our dog activities are very important to us, but they shouldnt take theplace of family, faith or friends. Enjoy your human family and holidays. God bless you.12 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001e Pomeranian RebtetoTHE OFFICIAL APC PUBLICATIONEditor.............................................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139E. Camelot Ave, Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217-347-5731 Pomeranian.Reviewbigfoot.comSubscriptions...............................................................................................................Brenda K Hutton15755 Greenway, Lansing, MI 48906 PH 517-485-5183 Email bkpomsearthlink.netBack Issues..................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Rd, Goochland, VA 23063 PH 804-556-3380 Email 6 issues per year3rd Class Subscription..........37.00Foreign.........................65.00First Class..............................45.00Single Copy..............................8.00Back Issues...............................8.00ivetUM4 7RtteFront Cover Color..............500.00Back Cover Color...............350.00Inside Front Cover Color...275.00 Inside Front Cover BW....100.00 Inside Back Cover Color... .275.00 Inside Back Cover BW.....100.00Page 3 Color........................ 275.00Page 3 BW.......................... 100.00Center Spread Color...........500.00Center Spread BW.............220.00Full Page Color....................250.00Full Page BW........................70.00Half Page BW.......................40.00One Quarter Page.................25.00Business Card6...60,double 90All ads include one photo. Additional photos are 20.00 each. Full bleed pages are 20.00 each.TeLcUiKeAd DeadlineIssueNov 15......................Jan 15........................Mar 15.......................May 15......................July 15.......................Sept 15......................IJometanian Hebteto......official A. P. C. publication......sent to Breed Group Judges.......reasonable rates......quality reproductions......provides APC news and reports......APC Specialty coverage......Regional Pom Club coverage......Obedience training information......interesting, informativeSUPPORT THE REVIEWPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 13CH INDIANA JONES OF LENETTE, BISSIfI ..MMkflGROUPPLACINGmriverheadKENNELCLUBm 5 U'm,SIRE CH GREAT ELMS MR CHIPS DAM HANNAH OF LENETTECongratulations Ken on your Kennel Visit.Owner and BreederMr Ken Griffith - Jlenette- Pomeranians1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis NC 28081IfeMHANDLED, CONDITIONED, AND LOVED BY'1iitvUcL' OetvUciviktrespomaol. comSt14 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001Amettc"Breeders of fW Poms stw.ce -i5J1440Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 K. G. Griffith, Ownerr, mr " jVm\mt mmTRENTOHI maiacu,K. \ V 'V- j May , 2001II V J J.C. PliotograptiyCH INDIANA JONES OF LENETTESire CH Great Elms Mr Chips Dam Hannah of LenetteThanks to the many judges that have liked Indy, making him the 5 Pom in the nation. Thank you Judge Jacobsen for this nice win pictured. We would like to thank KeKe Kahn and Arlene Benko for the two Group 1 during this past month. We especially want to thank his handler Vikki Oelerich for doing such a good job showing him.Indy puppies are now in the ring winning. He is standing at stud with his handler in New York. Phone 516-795-4058.We have several new litters of promising puppies from the following studs.CH Great Elms Mr. Chips, CH Little Duke of Lenette, and CH Kacee's Tailors Teddy Bear.Thank you so very much bo all who have supported us with The Kennel Visit in this issue.Phone, Fax or write for our latest price list. Include your mailing address w'hen Faxing.WE SPECIALIZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINEPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 15APC Kennel VisitJlcKCttC'KeuIt is always nice for one to realize a dream come true.In my case, it has been very long forty four years and, at times, very difficult. When I was about fourteen years old, I began to see lovely Pomeranians and thought, That is, without a doubt, the most magnificent dog in all the world. I had raised a litter of collies and a couple litters of Chihuahuas, and I said to myself, Someday I want to raise and show Pomeranians. I knew a lady in my church that raised lovely Poms and some of her bloodline came from Great Elms. I bought a Dog World magazine and found the Great Elms kennel was located only about forty miles south in Pineville. Ruth Beam and her Great Elms Poms were considered some of the best in the nation. With no experience, no money and coming from a very poor background, I made a commitment that I would someday be a breeder of show Poms. I was about fifteen years of age at that time.Our family frequently traveled to Pineville to my grandmothers herb doctor, Jerry Dorman. Jerry owned one of Ruths Poms and he told me about Ruth and how devoted she was to her Poms.On one of my first trips to Great Elms, I told RuthAKEN GRIFFITHthat I wanted one of her females and that I wanted to start breeding show Poms and only her bloodline. I started saving my money and waited and waited. Finally after about two years, my mother had a talk with Ruth and she finally agreed to sell me a female. Ruth never said, but I can only imagine that she didnt want to trust a young lad with one of her Poms. Ruth has always been a small breeder and perhaps it was that she simply did not have anything for me. Many people all over the nation were trying to buy Poms from her at this time. She had been breeding twenty years when she let me have my first Great Elms Pom.I shall never forget Labor Day weekend of 1957, my first dog show, and I met so many great names in Poms, Marlene Scott Halsey, Bob Goodrich of Model Kennels, and Carolyn and Rea Altwater from Jacksonville, Florida. I was seventeen years old and was going to get my first Great Elms Pom the next week. I still see Marlene Halsey at the shows. She is still as lovely as ever and has never looked her age. I learned to love and respect Bob Goodrich. Without a doubt, Bob was one of ourContinued on page 17IMS___16 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001Continued from page 16all-time best Pom breeders. Carolyn and Rea Alt- water became close personal friends. During those years, most of our correspondence came in the form of letters. In the spring of 1960, I went to Barber School, and this mamas boy was very homesick. I looked forward to those weekly letters from Carolyn. I would receive letters from a girlfriend and from Carolyn about Poms. I didnt know which to open first. I wish I had a whole book to write so I could say thank you to all those that have been so kind and helpful to me over the years. I have been so fortunate and truly my life has been enriched by many wonderful doggie friends.Without a doubt, my number one dog friend has been RUTH BEAM. I can just imagine the many times she probably said to herself that she wished she had never met me. From that September in 1957 until this day, I have stuck to Ruth like glue. I was so eager to learn and wanted to know everything I could in a short period of time. I would write her constantly and visit whenever possible. I remember one time she told me that it was just too expensive to write back and forth. Well I bought her some stationery and stamps and she continued to write. I didnt take the hint that she was telling me she was too busy to write a young lad so often.In 1961 my life took a dramatic turn when my mother was killed in an automobile accident. I had just gotten out of Barber School and was not making much money. I was very close to my mother since I didnt have a father around. I was left with a grandmother to look after with little income. A couple years after my mother died, Ruths mother passed away. These two tragic events in our lives just seemed to draw us closer, and soon I felt like Ruth was my adopted mother. As the years went by, she would tell people that I was her adopted son. No one has ever given me such a compliment. Today I have so much love for this woman who has given her entire life to breeding Pomeranians. Simply put, there would be no Lenette Poms except for Ruth Beam. I owe all my success to Ruth and to my Heavenly Father.aiWOn August28, 1966my life took a tremendous leap forward, for this is the day I married a lovely and very shy young lady named Eleanor Se- crest.Three pre- ELEANOR GRIFFITHvious relationships had failed and I thought perhaps God wanted me to be a bachelor. I had my eye on Eleanors girlfriend who was dating my first cousin. We planned a double date and we were going to a wedding of a girlfriend of Eleanor. My cousin didnt show up so I took the girls to the wedding. This must have surely been an omen for our first date, going to a wedding. For me it was love on first date. I never looked at another girl since. It took me eighteen months to talk her into marrying me. To this day, people tell me how fortunate I am to have her as a wife and unfortunate she is to be married to me. God put us together and it will be God who separates us for no man has ever loved a wife any more than I love mine. You see, God gave me a wife identical to my mother in every respect. I have never known two more kind and generous peoplealways willing to help their fellowman and putting others first.I know some of you are already bored with this article, but I have been waiting forty four years for a Kennel Visit, and I have a lot to say. You can stop reading if you want, but I need to use this kennel visit to thank precious people in my life.In the summer of 1961, just after the death of my mother, another dramatic event took place. I was lonely, depressed and I was searching for something to take my mind off my problems. I kept seeing an ad in the magazines, for 9.95, youContinued on page 18Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 17Continued from page 17could receive a live, budded orchid plant that would bloom in your own home in a few weeks. I had never owned a single plant, but was from a family that loved plants. The orchid arrived and bloomed beautifully. The three lavender blooms were put on the casket spray of my aunt. This was the aunt my mother was to visit in the hospital, when reckless teenage girls pulled out in front of her car and she was killed. Apparently I must have made the same commitment about orchids that I did about Pomeranians because I have spent my life growing and hybridizing orchids. Almost all older orchid growers came from rich families. I started with one 10 plant, kept buying twenty nine cent seedlings, growing them, and selling blooms to local florists. It took many years, but in 1978 we sold our retail florist shop and went into the orchid business full time. We never made the money that we did in the florist business, but it was my great joy. With hard work, determination, and the help of our Lord, Lenette Orchids are known all over the world. At the present, we are a very small orchid businessliterally in our front yard and struggling for survival. As I write this article, it has been one week since the tragic terrorist attack on New York and our Capitol. This could be detrimental to our orchid business, and we have had little response from our fall sale. I am getting too old to do both the kennel and the greenhouses. I am supposed to retire in January, so the next few months and years promise to be interesting. Will we have to close the greenhouses Will we have to sell out and move out into the country The adjoining property beside us is now up for sale and could be sold for a housingdevelopment. My kennel is literally next to this property. Since we are now in the city limits, it could be a constant legal battle to keep the dogs. We do not have money to fight progress. I learned years ago to let God direct me and let him fight my battles.I must tell you about my first kennel. My grandmother, who lived with us, had cows, chickens and many other barnyard animals although we lived only three miles from the square in Kannapolis. After she gave up all her animals, I built a run and some pens in the bam. I named my first Pom from Ruth, Great Elms Tars My Dream. I still carry her picture in my billfold. My first real show dog was a lovely bitch I bought from Ruth named Jill. She was winning at almost every show, and a man told me to name my price for her as I was going into the Charleston, SC show. I needed a pair of shoes badly and had just gotten a speeding ticket on the way to the show so I needed the money. I didnt sell Jill but lost her to leptospirosis a few months later. I didnt know what that was, and assume she got it from rodents around the kennel. From then on, every Pom Ive owned has been vaccinated for Lepto. I was so hurt at the loss of Jill that I wanted to do something to remember her, so I put Jill in front of Tara to make my first kennel name. You can still find my first kennel name, Jilltara, in old pedigrees. Around 1969 we needed a name for the retail florist shop we bought. Eleanor suggested Lenette, taken from our two daughters names, LeAnn and Annette. I decided to change the kennel name to Lenette, also.I wish I had kept up with the number of champiContinuedPg 19LENETTE GREENHOUSES AND KENNEL____18 - Pomeranian Review - NovDeo 2001Continued from page 18ons I have bred, but unfortunately, I have not. Since 1992, I have kept records and there have been forty Lenette Poms finished. Eight Poms finished last year, and I was tied with Tony Cabrera and Fabian Arienti for number two Breeder of the Year. So far this year, seven Lenette Poms have finished. I can remember years ago Bob Goodrich told me that a show kennel should be able to finish ten percent of the puppies they raise. I am doing a little better than that but I am still far from my goal of twenty percent. One reason I may not make that goal is I wont discriminate against newcomers just starting. 1 am just as apt to sell a dog to someone to show who has never owned a show Pom as I am to one who has been showing for years. I cant forget that Ruth Beam had to take a chance on me, and Imust help others, also. Often a novice will not be able to finish their dog. They dont know how to trim, train, and correctly present the dog. Some, of course, do but many do not. Finances also has taken its toll on Champion Lenette Poms. Eleanor and I simply have not had money to hire handlers. I kept several females last year to show and several from this springs litters, and it just doesnt seem likely that they will ever be shown. What are goals for the coming years If it is the Lords will, I will just keep on keeping on. I have faults in my bloodline and I am always concerned. I have outcrossed from time to time but seems I was worse off for the experience. At the present time, I feel a need to outcross, but Im at a loss as to what bloodline or lines to go into. My biggestPUPPIES SIRED BY CH GREAT ELMS MR CHIPSr muaconcern in going out is bringing in elephant hide. You wont believe this, but as God as my witness, in 44 years of breeding Poms, there has never been one single Pom in my kennel that has developed elephant hide. If you told me that, I wouldnt believe you. Yes, there have been a few Lenette Poms who have developed skin problems, but as far as I know, you could count them on one hand.I believe, without a doubt in my mind, we are in the midst of an epidemic of skin problems in Pomslike we have never seen before. I realize we brought this over from England over one hundred years ago, but it is getting worse each year. At present, one of the nicest males Ive ever bred has been reluctant to grow his adult coat. Thankfully he never lost all his coat and his skin never turned black. Breeders are seeing this on so many puppies today. It may take two or three years for a male to get an adult coat. This is one thing we breeders had better watch out for. If you are having skin problems on your Pom, and you know your dog is healthy and free from fleas, lice, mange mites, etc. do not take your dog to your local vet and spend a 1,000 or more, to be told they cant help you. Consult with your knowledgeable breeders and find the things that actually have worked that might grow hair back on your dog. This dog, with the puppy wool, has finally started growing hair, and we tried everything. We changed over to Back To Basics dog food and gave him Missing Link at the same time. Immediately he started growing hair. Remember, you should never give your Poms dog food withContinued on page 20Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 19Continued from page 19chicken. Chickens are fed high doses of female hormones to make them grow fast, resulting in testicle problems in Poms.Will we ever find out just what is causing elephant hide Quite frankly, I think it will be just as hard as finding a cure for AIDS. The crazy thing about skin problems in Poms is that the environment plays a part in the problem. Why is one kennel free for forty four years and another one is all but wiped out and has to close down I think our scientists better get out of the lab and out into the field to find some answers.If elephant hide is the first biggest challenge we will face in the future in Poms, then what is the second Without a doubt, it is the lack of qualified veterinarians that give a hoot about you and your dog. I hear this constantly, My vet wont work with me. Every vet in my county, and there are a lot, does not do emergency work anymore. After 5 p.m., you have to go to the emergency clinic. Most emergency clinics are staffed by new vets right out of college. After a dreadful experience, I will never go back to my emergency clinic. Fortunately for me, I have a loving, competent vet that treats me right. I have back-up clinics in case I need one. I dont know how breeders in the future are going to survive without a competent, caring vet willing to work a few extra hours a week. Ten years ago if you would have told me that in 2001 it would cost three times as much to have a dogs teeth cleaned as it does your own, I would have laughed.Brenda sent me some questions to answer. Since I have already written a book, I dont have any pages left to answer her, but just in case she gives me a few extra pages, here goes.What is the best advice you have ever receivedmv bitches suffer. I suffer. I have a section about once every two years.What would I change if I was starting over Iwould keep males that were no less than five pounds. Why shouldnt the male be the same size.7with this breed Without a doubt, it came from Ruth Beam and it came probably before I bought my first Poms. Be sure your females are big enough to breed. At least five pounds, and preferably larger. Here at Lenette we like our bitches to average six to seven pounds. We do not like to keep bitches over seven pounds and we also do not like those five pounders. I hate sections. WhenCH DOMINIC OF LENETTEas the bitch I think a lot of our problems with Poms, and in particular skin problems, come from the fact that we have bred runts to runts for over one hundred years. In 1928 Mrs. E. Parker, the famous Pom breeder in England, wrote a fabulous book entitled THE POPULAR POMERANIAN. She stated that breeders had already gone where they never should have gone, and if they didnt wake up and start breeding healthy Poms, that someday they would pay for breeding runts to runts. Boy, was she so very correct in her thinking Mrs. Parker was also famous for something else. She finished the first orange Pom, Ch. Mars, that started a revolution in Pom breeding. Suppose Mrs. Parker didnt know what she was talking about. How about God In the Bible God clearly states that we are not to use runts in our breeding program. He says to use only the strong and healthy. Could God know something you and I dont know You BetWhat is the most important advice you could givea newcomer Buy, from a reputable breeder,Continued on page 2120 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001Continued from page 20bloodlines that you like. The pedigree is more important than the dog. I would rather have an average quality Pom with a fantastic pedigree than have a champion with a lousy pedigree. Most Poms do not produce themselves although there are rare exceptions. Most Poms produce what is behind them in the next three generations. Listen to those older breeders when it comes to breeding and the characteristics of the Poms. Vets know nothing about breeding. The average vet has never raised a single litter of puppies. I recently read an article written by a vet that had started breeding, and he had bred seven litters of puppies. He says in his article that if the bitch has not had a puppy within thirty minutes from the time the water bag comes, to take her immediately and have a section. That may be true with his breed, but with Poms you rarely see a puppy until at least two hours after the water bag. I dont start getting uptight until after five hours. I recently had a live pup delivered fourteen hours after the water bag came. She only had one pup, and quite frankly I expected it to be dead, but it was a strong and healthy puppy.The bitch was nine years old, and that may have caused the delay in delivery. Generally at nine years bitches are retired from breeding.What have you contributed to the Pom breedNothing. Hopefully my puppies have brought a lot of love and joy to their owners. I have so many repeat customers, and I am so thankful for them and the confidence they place in our Poms. About fifty percent of all the Poms we sell go to previous customers.What has been vour biggest disappointment inPoms This is an easy one. Mean-spirited people who lie and to stab you in the back. The lie of alllies has been I am a puppy mill and have one hundred and fifty Poms in my kennel. You should see how small my kennel really is. At full capacity, I can only handle about twenty to twenty five Poms. At the time when rumors were flying around, I had less than fifteen adult Poms.When and how do I evaluate show prospect puppies I start the day they are bom. If they have a pretty head at birth, they usually have a pretty head when grown. Sometimes an ugly head turns out to be nice. Recently in a litter of four, the ugly pup looked like he was going to be a 500 pet at four weeks of age. At nine weeks, the lady who bought him for a show male, thought he was thebest, and I certainly didnt disagree with her. We generally price our puppies at eight weeks and start selling them at nine to twelve weeks depending on their size. We give an honest evaluation as to what size, color and quality we think they will mature. We hit it on the nose many times and there are times when we really miss the mark. Just remember when you are buying young puppies, you are taking a chance when buying one that young for show. If you are not a gambler at heart, then stay out of the casino. Very few breeders will sell their good dogs out of the show ring, but a few will. So if you dont want to gamble, then buy one out of the ring. Nothing tells you more about a Pom than seeing that dog being shown in the ring. You can buy a puppy as old as 6 months and they can still fall apart. The big difference is in price. A two month old pup is going to cost much less than a dog already in the ring. Many simply cannot afford a dog out of the ring, and choose to gamble. Just remember when you are buying a puppy, that it is the very sameContinued on page 22414mCH INDIANA JONES OF LENETTEPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 -21fDfAtXfCH BEAVER OF LENETTEprincipal as buying a used car. When you leave the yard, the dog or car is yoursfor better or worse, richer or poorer. Here at Lenette, we give a guarantee if not satisfied, return for a refund within three days.What is my most favorite Pom Ch. Beaver of Lenette. He was just special from day one. He came early and I had not put his mother up in her individual pen. He was born during the night in the run, and she had dug a hole in the sand. It was cold that morning. I immediately took him in and put him under warm water, and he never missed a beat. He never did much in the show ring, but Jackie Stacey finished him rather easily. He made his mark as a stud. He could stamp his type and pretty head on most of his puppies. He was the best stud physically also. You hold the bitch and he knew it was his job to have that bitch bred in five seconds or he thought he couldnt have her. Unfortunately for me, he quit siring at 10 years unexpectedly and I didnt get a male by him. I only have one granddaughter, some great granddaughters, and Im now keeping great great granddaughters. Yes, Beaver, you will always be my favorite for many reasons.Coming on strong for the love of my life is Ch. Indiana Jones of Lenette. Indy started out as the second best pup in the litter, and I only kept him for his pedigree. I sold his sister to Tony Cabreraand Fabian Arienti and she finished in three straight shows. Indy started his show career by going third or fourth in the puppy class. Needless to say, I disagreed with the judge although the pup that won had a prettier head than Indy. My friends liked Indy but we all agreed that he was way too long. I know the GE line, and they have a habit of getting shorter when they mature, so I sent him to Vikki Oelerich and told her I just had a hunch that someday he would make us proud. He didnt start his show career with a bang, but did okay. When he started coming together, Vikki said she hoped to win Winners Dog at the Summer Specialty. Laughingly I said, Dream on. Well, he did win Winners Dog and also one of the sweepstakes. Thanks to Pete Peterson, who took him to the specialties last summer because Viki had a death in the family. Thanks also to his three total strangers who took him in the ring and won with him. Charlotte Creed, Chris Heartz, and Donna Lynn Wright. I will be eternally grateful to you, and especially his handler, Vikki. It is such a treat to see Vikki and Indy in the ring together. Not only is Vikki very attractive on the outside, she is pretty on the inside. She and Indy just go together. Indy thinks Vikki is his wife and doesnt want to leave her side. Indy is still maturing and we believe by the spring, he will be approaching his full potential. His puppies are now in the ring and winning, we are hopeful he will not only be a top show dog, but a top producer also. From what we have seen so far, we have great expectations that he will indeed excel in the sire department. He has also won Group twice during this last month.I am also especially proud of Ch. Dominic of Lenette. He was just a kennel dog and one of our studs before Lee Cook bought him and started his show career. He had not had a leash on him for two years. I will always be grateful to Lee and Noble Inglett for doing so well with Dominic. I still have to pinch myself when I read Dominic is number four Pom in the nation. I recently went on a circuit where Dominic and Indy were competing together. What a treat to see both in the ring together. Out of the five days, together they wonContinued on page 2322 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001Continuedfrom page 22four of the five shows, and placed second orthird in the Group each day.I know I have rambled. After all, we Pom breeders are crazy or we would not be breeding Poms. However, I do need to make a few last comments. I want to thank Brenda for asking me to do this article, and 1 want to apologize to Dudley Roach for not doing the visit four years ago when he asked me. I also want to apologize to Benson Ray and Sharon Masnick for not doing a kennel visit they asked me to do two years ago. I feel very bad about this and sincerely apologize. Guess Brenda knew something on me that you three didnt know.I want to thank you, my loyal clients, for your continued support. Had it not been for you, then I could not have enjoyed this wild, wonderful, wicked world of breeding Poms. Your words of encouragement continue to be such an inspiration.There is one client I want to mention, and that is Colleen Franks on Vancouver Island. She is called the Great Elms of Canada. Colleen has, for years, bought Poms from me, and for five years in a row, was the top breeder in Canada. Colleen, thanks so very much for your business, but even more importantly, thanks for your friendship.Last and certainly not least of all, I want to thank my loving wife, Eleanor, for putting up with me for thirty five years. She is, without a doubt, the backbone of our two businesses. She is that steady rock that I depend on so very much. She cleans dirty butts and dirty papers the same as I do. Honey, maybe someday I will grow up and you wont have so much to put up with. I dont want to forget my Heavenly Father also. How good he is and what a great life he has given me.May Gods richest blessings be upon each ofyou.Membership Reportby Anndte Davis391 N Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204208-234-0932 davisavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Julie Kallbacka, 3703 Hancock Rd., Magna, UT 84044. Contact Annette Davis for membership applications.APPLICATIONSConnie Russell TNSponsors Donna J. Machniak, David GilstrapCeleste Favilla WASponsors Randy Buske, Julie ClemenGertrude M. Adair NYSponsors Thomas Burrows, Donald M. GillCH TISHAS BEWITCHEDOrange Sable Female Breeders Fred and Pat Dieball Owners Fred and Pat DieballCH Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor CH Heartlands Special Treasure Wee Hearts High Society CH Heartlands Bosa Nova DancerCH Rock N Tradition of Oakridge Heartlands Heaven SentHeartlands Pennies From Heaven CH Glen Iris Ivanhoe CH Glen Iris CasUe RockCH Tim Sues Evening Lights Tishas Castle SecretTishas GrinN Bear It CH Tishas Jammin SMore Tishas Wild TouchPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 23CH Mountain Crest Adonis SunCH Paughprints On The Mtn Crest ROM X Mountain Crest Mariah. \.ayv a a'N a a \W A \J A A I 1J AAAAAAsAAAsAsAs AAsAsAAA AAAAl AAA\A4 AAAAA ArtrAv A AACongratulations to Ron and Connie on their new Champion. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to show Adonis. We wish you success with him.Mountain Crest PomeraniansDavid and Carlene Gilstrap P. O. Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 3742224 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001DCGilstrapaoi.com423-987-0266423-821-1015CH Mountain Crest Ginger Spice IICH Paughprints On The Mtn Crest ROM X Mountain Crest Ronni ROMXNBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXTULLAHOMA K.C. OF TENNESSEE 2001'COPR. PHOTO BYLUIS F. SOSA504-889-9996Congratulations to Ken Griffin on his Kennel Visit. Thank you for our first foundation bitch.Mountain Crest PomeraniansDavid and Carlene Gilstrap P. O. Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422DCGilstrapaol.com423-987-0266423-821-1015Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 -25IntroducingREGINAPOMS ANDROMEDABEST OF WINNERSSssssksIsHill ICH REGINAPOMS BRICOR LIL MACHO X REGINAPOMS ALL THAT JAZZTHANK YOU Regina Nunn and Terry Morrow for allowing me to have this special little girl.Look for Andie at the showsCongratulations to Ken Griffith and Lenette Poms on their kennel visit.Cathy Lasota Showpomaol.com26 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001365 W 12th Avenue Conshohocken PA 19428 to erI101BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXWINNERSBEST i OFTIOGA COUNTYwan, club, me.AU9U.r atl-ix'a. J.C. lofityWRambling Flame of LenetteCH Dominic of Lenette X Sourwoods Rosita of LenetteThese are just three of the beautiful Lenette Poms Ken has entrusted us with, and at present we are very excited about the arrival of our "Gypsy" daughter. We send our sincere "Thank You." Congratulations Ken and Eleanor on your much over-due, well deserved kennel visit. We wish you continued success.S'' fa 4, V IaTl. t fa . XRamblingLenny of LenetteCH Dominic of Lenette X Aileen of Lenette31Hannah Lady Luck of LenetteCH Great Elms Mr Chips X Hannah of Lenette repeat breeding of CH Indiana Jones of LenetteJoyce and Bob BirksRD1 Box 89-H, Sayre, PA 18840 570-888-4195 mustangexotrope.netPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 -27DERINGER OF LENETTEI' WINNERSVTERRE HAUTEm iftrCLUBApril 21,2001 msfiK ICH DOMINIC OF LENETTE X NIKKI OF LENETTEDeringer is a true showman. I have really enjoyed watching this boy compete under the skillful guidance of Brenda Segelken.CONGRATULATOINS TO DERINGERS BREEDER KEN GRIFFITH ON YOUR KENNEL VISIT. OUR BEAUTIFUL POMS HAVE MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR FROM THE LEGACY THE LENETTE POMS AND YOU HAVE PROVIDED.DONNA RIEHMRiehm Pomeranians Murphysboro, IL 618-684-464428 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001JRReserve Winner APC Specialsm-mRESERVE WINNERSNATIONAL specialty APC200"ukTsowiHickory Bends Carbon Copy JRWe were thrilled to have JR take this fantastic win at a National Specialty.Your many comments made ringside about how nice this boy is was really appreciated.Janice Russell Cin-Jan Pomeranians Indianapolis, Indianaindypomindy.netDonna Riehm Riehm Pomeranians Murphysboro, Illinoismom4pomsaol. comPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 29The American Pomeranian Club Summer National SpecialtyBy Margaret McKeeSpecialties are always great fun. Some are more wonderful than others, depending on the effort, enthusiasm, inspiration and finances of the host club. Unless you have been part of a group that has put on such a show, you dont really appreciate how much work and attention to detail are involved. So APC and its Board are very grateful to each host club that undertakes putting on the APC Summer Specialty. Kudos to the La Cajun Pomeranian Club for the fine job they did on the 2001 Summer National.I arrived at New Orleans airport and was transported to the lovely Airport Hilton in a timely fashion, although not in time to attend the Judges Seminar conducted by Cindy Boulware. I am sure it was well- received. The Board of Directors gathered in the hospitality suite sniffing all those cajun goodies then retired to meet in Tim Goddards room at 700 pm. With a brief break to sample the treats provided in the hospitality room, the Board wrapped up business at 100 am local time. For some of our bodies, that was 2 am.The specialties were held in the Airport Hilton ballroom with plenty of room for grooming. Huge, heavy polished pewter trophies were laid out in an impressive array on a purple cloth. Coffee and pastries were available for exhibitors and spectators. I loved the armbands which had the host clubs or APCs logo on them. Very professional looking, they made a nice souvenir.At 900 am Jim Briley began sorting through 41 delightful puppies. I was pleased we had an assortment of colors. Alas, the judge didnt appear to agree and markedly favored oranges. Best in Sweeps went to the very deserving Foxworth Fun Games, owned by Pamela Dodsworth and Larry Fox, from the 9-12 Puppy Dog Class. Chance is an orange, compact showing machine with a lovely tail set. He never let down all day long. BOS to Jan-Shars Cher, owned by Sharon Hanson.There was plenty of time for a lunch break before Sue Woodle, looking trim in a smart black dress, took over the ring to carefully consider 32 dogs, 27 bitches, 1 Veteran, Dog, 2 Veteran Bitches, and 24 Specials.Winners Dog was the delightful Foxworth Fun Games. Winners Bitch went to the Open ROCS Bitch Jan-Shars The Tribe Has Spoken, owned by Sharon Hanson. Tina earned her first major in July, and this win finished her while still a puppy. The line-up of specials was wonderful, so many beautiful dogs that the judge couldnt go wrong Best of Breed to the lovely Ch. Paradise Valley Moonstruck, owned by Jessica Smith and Robin Turner. Best of Opposite Sex was the charming Ch. Peperie Paprika, owned by Peter A Pettersen Victoria Oelerich. Congratulations to all.That evening the banquet was held in another ballroom where we enjoyed a delicious buffet. The charming favors were harlequin dolls.The highlight of the program was an auction conducted by that wonderful auctioneer Steve Cookston. Bidders got away with a terrific variety of bargains.The next day, we did it all again at the La Cajun Pomeranian Club Specialty, with a completely different slate of winners That night,Becky Johnson and her mother Mary took me along for a foray intothe French Quarter. We had a fabulous dinner at the Court of Two Sisters, then walked around for awhile. It wasnt Mardi Gras, but there was plenty to seeThanks, La Cajun Club, for a terrific mini-vacation1 JFOXWORTH FUN AND GAMES1 .-FOXWORTH FUN AND GAMES30 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SUMMER SPECIALTYPuppy Sweepstakes Judge Jim BrileyPuppy Dog 6-9lbt Marbils Run for the Roses Donna S. Rhiem 2nd Jan-Shar s Chief Thunder Thud Sharon Hanson 3rd Jan-Les Dont Rain on My Parade JaneLehtinen Judy Corbett 4th LovN Country Lil Bit of Magic Cindy Boulware Puppy Dog 9-121st Foxworth Fun Games Pamela Dodsworth and Larry Fox 2nd Jan-Shars Joe Kool Sharon Hanson 3rd Shimmeree Amazed by You Terry Rothell 4th Shyacres Millenium Gem Audrey Roberts Puppy Dogs 12-181st Prestigious Gentleman Jim Sherry Dollar 2nd Prestigious Mr. President Sherry Dollar 3rd Hickory Bends Carbon Copy Janice Russell and Donna S. Rhiem Puppy Bitches 6-91st Jan-Shars Cher Sharon Hanson 2nd Avalons Valentine Rose Annette Davis 3 rd Forever Glowing Ember Marge Rranzfelder 4th Shyacres Steppin N Gold Audrey Roberts Puppy Bitches 9-121st Primetime Bright Sunshine Thomas Mclntire 2nd Jan-Shar The Tribe Has Spoken Sharon Hanson 3rd GHs Baby Steps G. H. Rumbaugh 4th Sundowns Catch Me If You Can Camilla Knight Puppy Bitches 12-181st Bar-Jons Southern Belle Barbara MessmerBest in Sweepstakes Foxworth Fun Games Best of Opposite Sex Jan-Shars CherRegular Classes Judge Sue Woodie Puppy Dogs, 6-91st Marbils Run for the Roses Donna S Riehm 2nd Jan-Shars Chief Thunder Thud Sharon Hanson 3rd LoveN Country Lil Bit of Magic Cindy Boulware 4th Shyacres Steppin N Time Audrey RobertsPuppy Dogs, 9-121st Foxworth Fun And Games Pamela Dodsworth and Larry Fox 2nd Shimmeree Amazed By You Terry Rothell 3rd Love N Country Little Man Tate Cindy Boulware 4th Shyacres Millenium Gem Audrey RobertsImJAN-SHARS CHERCH PEPERDE PAPRIKACH PARADISE VALLEY MOONSTRUCKBred By Exhibitor Dogs1151 Jan-Les Dont Rain On My Parade Jane Lehtinen2nd Lone Stars Southern Package Cindy Boulware Lyssa Webb3rd Prestigious Mr. President Sherry DollarOpen Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable1st Stealurhearts Encore Margaret R. Johnson 2nd Jan-Shars Joe Kool Sharon Hanson3rd She Shes Lucky Strikes Again Sheila De Cossas Dwain De CossasPomeranian Review- NovDec 2001 -31Open Dogs, Black, Brown, and Blue1st Jeribeth MLK Olga M. Baker2nd Bar-Jons Luckys Shadow Barbara Messmer3rd ppp wiHy Wonka Wonder Lael EllisOpen Dogs, Any Other Allowed Color1st Hickory Bends Carbon Copy Jr Janice C. Russell and Donna S. Riehm 2nd Prestigious Gentleman Jim Sherry DollarWINNERS DOG Foxworth Fun and Games Reserve Winners Dog Hickory Bends Carbon Copy Jr.Puppy Bitches, 6-91st Jan-Shars Cher Sharon Hanson2nd Avalons Valentine Rose Annette DavisPuppy Bitches, 9-121st GHs Baby Step G. H. Rumbaugh2nd Sundowns Come Fly With Me Carol Leemhuis and Camilla Knight 3rd Sundowns Catch Me If You Can Camilla Knight 4th Primetime Bright Sunshine Thomas MclntireBred By Exhibitor Bitches1st LoveN Country Texas Tea Cindy Boulware2nd Southpaws Aint MisbehaveN Sandra Shaneyfelt and Leanne Williams3rd Southpaws TGIF Sandra O. Shaneyfelt and Debbie ConyeauOpen Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable1st Jan-Shars The Tribe Has Spoken Sharon Hanson2nd Bar-Jons Southern Belle Barbara Messmer3rd Marbil-Riehm Fancy Solitaire Donna S. Riehm4th Velvet Touched By An Angel Sheila De CossasOpen Bitches, Black, Brown and Blue1st Southpaw Tera Lee Mis-Behaven Leanne Wilkins and Sandra Shaneyfelt 2nd Showcase Walking After Dark Terry Rothell and Alane Levinsohn Open Bitches, Any Other Allowed Color 1st Prestigious Royal Highness Sherry D. DollarWINNERS BITCH Jan-Shars the Tribe Has Spoken Reserve Winners Bitch LoveN Country Texas TeaVeteran Dogs1st Ch. Glen Iris Light Touch Tambra C. White and J. Patrick FarmerVeteran Bitches1st Ch. Whid-Dons Cloudland Jole Joyce Broussard 2nd Ch. Glen Iris Charleens Missy Lena H. NelsonBEST OF BREED Ch. Paradise Valley Moonstruck Best of Winners Foxworth Fun and Games Best of Opposite Sex Ch Peperie Paprika32 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001i 'f'' fey 0Eli mi rMWkat an adorakle kundle of vital organs tkat needs to ke nonrisked one cell at a time.DigesfaCare" Contains the fiber jjf beet p.i'p to help maintain a healthy intestinal tract.Metxft -..^eLm trc mm , mwb m ,ImmiinoH ealtj-T Contains antioxidants to promote healthy development of vital organs and cells.floppy ears aside, vour puppy is one incredibly organs and cells while helping your puppy's immunecomplex animal. Which is why Eukanuba Puppy Foods, system grow stronger, sooner. To find out more, calland the whole Eukanuba line, now incorporate the ImmunoHeakh" Antioxidant System. It promotes the healthy development of vitalNow with Antioxidants.ric Una Company 2001fedI-888-Eukanuba. Or ask your veterinarian, that devoted cluster of powerful brain cells that know exactly what your dog needs.EukanubaResultsOriented NutritionPomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines2001 Fall SpecialtyThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines 2001 fall Specialty show was held Friday, Sept. 7 in the new enclosed Varied Industries Building on the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines Iowa. Everyone began arriving early in the afternoon to prepare for the upcoming event that started at 3 pm.. .lots of visiting with old friends and making new acquaintances made the time fly. What a great start for the Specialty'VDuring the Specialty the club had a silent auction that had great things This Club is working very hard toward their Summer APC 2002 Specialty and they have great things planned... .hope all can attend. Its going to be a grand time for all.The Sweepstakes Judge was Mr. Don Harfst from Ankeny, Iowa. His placements werePuppy Dogs, 6 Mos Under 9 Mos.1st place Jan Les Dont Rain On My Parade Owner Jane Lehtinen Judy Corbet, Breeder Jan Lehtinen 2nd place Marbils The Race is On Owner Mari Iffland, Breeder Mari Iffland Puppy Dogs, 9 Mos Under 12 Mos1st place Nobles Finchs A Work of Art Owner Diane L. Finch, Breeder Diane L. Finch Puppy Bitches, 6 Mos Under 9 Mos.1st Place Avalons Valentine Rose Owner Annette Davis, Breeder Catherine M. Jessen and Annette Davis2nd. Place JanLes Free Da Be Me Owner Tina M Bottorff, Jane Lehtinen, Breeder Jane Lehtinen3rd Place Marbils Tickled Pink Owner Kathy Launderville,Mari Iffland, Breeder Mari Iffland,Donna RiehmBest in Sweeps Jan Les Dont Rain On My Parade - Best of Opp. Avalons Valentine RoseRegular Classes Judge, Mrs. Suzanne Dillin, was absent due to illness. The Specialty judge was Mrs. Rose Ellen Fetter. Her placements were...Puppy Dogs, 6 Mos to 9 Mos1st Marbils The Race is On owner, breeder - Mari Iffland Puppy Dogs 9 Mos Under 12 Mos.1st Nobles Finchs A Work of Art Breeder Noble Inglett Owner Diane L. FinchBred-By-Exhibitor Dogs1st. Jan Les Dont Rain on my Parade Breeder Jane Lehtinen, Owner Jane Lehtinen, Judy CorbetOpen Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream Sable1st. Paradise Valley Rio Lobo Breeder Cindy Marshall Rokos Owner Mary A. BonnellWinners Dog - Paradise Valley Rio LoboReserve Winners Dog - Pom Havens Blaze of Glory BreederOwner Patricia L. Millers .34 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001Two Mores\MSd1CH STOLANNE'S EASY ON THE EYESCH Stolannes Back Talk X Stolannes Prisilla Of LinraeShades garnered a Best of Breed over specials including her sire under Judge Norman Patton, and then went on to the Toy Group IV under Judge Margaretta Patterson from the classes. Thanks to the judges who appreciated her animation and good luck to Opal Dumler who has her littermate sister.Congratulations to Ken and Eleanor Griffithon your very first Kennel Visit36 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001mAt Stolanne'sv yX x\X' 2. I \ X\ \XXp IVXXXJX A\XVXX 5"X XAMX\ \ XHX X x \ \ 4V \ \ VXX \ \ jXK. BOOTH X AXCH STOLANNE'S HEY LOOK ME OVERCH A J S Smokin Joe X CH Mo Betta's Fluff ButtHeyley was awarded Best of Breed and a Toy Group I under Judge Lucretia Dye. He has since won three more BOBs and two Toy Group Ills and a Toy Group IV. Heyley finished his championship with four majors and all points were won from the Bred-by-Exhibitor Class. Thanks to the judges who appreciated this great little mover and to Ashley and Jerry Millerfor the use of Frazier.Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 37Puppy Bitches, 6 Mos Under 9 Mos.Is. Janesas Simply Smashing Breeder Jerrie Freia Owner Pat Cummings Puppy Bitches 9 Mos and under 12 mos.1st. Hickory Bends Heavens to Betsy BreederOwner Tom B. Davidson David LambTwelve to Eighteen Month Bitches1 Finchs Over Night Success BreederOwner Diane L. FinchBred-By Exhibitor Bitches1 Patncias Golden Bee BreederOwner Pati Danielson Open Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream Sable 1st place Marilyns Chewbecky BreederOwner Marilyn Garner Open Bitches, Any Other Allowed Color1st place Pompeis Demeter Andante OwnerBreeder Elizabeth Aquilar and Ms Catherine HarrisonCH WYNDLOR DOIN' IT RIGHTWinners Bitch 5pt - Finchs Over Night Success OwnerBreeder Diane L. FinchReserve Winners Bitch - Hickory Bends Heavens to Betsy OwnerBreeders Tom Davidson David LambBest of Breed Ch. Wyndlor Doin It Right Breeder Becky Sabourin, Owner Linda Mulso and Becky SabourinARTICLEPHOTOS BY KAREN CHISAMSENDiSonsuno to friends families throughout the year. Jumua ^Ws-are only 10.00.Get well, Sympathy, Birthday, Weddings, Anniversary, etc.American Pomeranian Club, Inc Websitehttp www. bigfoot. comAmerican. Pom. ClubMajor Credit Cards AcceptedComing in JanFeb Pom Review........................COLOR ADS...reserve your page NOWKennel Visit with Jane Lehtinen, JanLeSharon L Hanson 10Clarice M Oganeku 4JI Jose A Cabrera 3ll Nancy Coddington 3n Juanita Fiddck 3Jane Lehtinen 3Yvette H Oganeku 3Fabian Arienti 2JudyArdaiz 2Olga Baker 2^1 Lavorne Beard 2Janet Bordelon 2Tish Cannon 2A Melissa Dahlenburg 2T Darlene Denton 2 Bobii Earle 2 Mcha Ann Bliott 2 Diane L Finch 2 David L Glstrap 2 Carl ene Glstrap 2 Sue Goddard 3 Tim Goddard 3 Maya Hunter 2 Barbara Krzewicki 2 Darren Lane 2 Roger M Lau 2 Thomas Mclntire 2 Patricia Murk 2 Diana Quens 2 Jerry Owens 2 Tina Joanne Petrina 2 Adrienne B. Pye 2 Cindy Rokos 2 Marshall Rokos 2 Tammy Sharp 2 Linda Pelz 2 Mchael Wells 2 Janice Young 2 Sharon Yampiro 2Qthrough August, 2001Sharon L Hanson 12K G Griffith 5aarice WL Oganeku 4Jose A Cabrera 4Cindy Rokos 4Marshall Rokos 4Janet Bordelon 3Nancy Coddington 3Juanita Hddlck 3Sue Goddard 3Tim Goddard 3Ruby F. Poole 3Fabian Anenti 3David L Glstrap 3Cathy Anderson 2JudyArdaiz 2Olga Baker 2Marion Bandng 2fish Cannon 2Mchael Carbno 2Melissa Dahlenburg 2Diane LHnch 2Darlys Flaata 2Maya Hunter 2Barbara Krzewicki 2Roger M Lau 2Jane Lehtinen 2Thomas Mclntire 2Yvette H. Oganeku 2Mchael Parrott 2Shalon Parrott 2Lisa Stasiuk 2Frances Stoll 2Doris VWreeler 2Sharon Yampiro 2Janice Young 2Tookeyes The Gold Smith 8CH AJ's Smokin Joe 4CH Dominic Of Lenette 3CH Finch's He Walks On Water 3CH Itoba Rock NT Roll Legend 3CH Mac's Four On The Floor 3CH Rock N Tradition Of Oakridge 3 ChCH Paradise Valley Royal Reward 3CH Paughprints On The MTN Crest 3CH Canton The Gigolo 2 ftCH Damata Northwest Spirit 2CH Jan-Shars Head Over Heels 2CH Jan-Shars Sinbad Of Velvetouch 2CH Jeribeth Sir Lancelot 2Peppipoms Classically Yours 2CH Starfire's Brian Of Lenette 2CH Tim Sue's High Lights 2CH Top Gun Of Lenette 2CH Valcopy Wakhan Valentino 2Wyndlor-N-DJS Giver Twist 2aStar Haven's Righteous Jane 3Donara's Simply High Hat 2CH Jan-Shars Georgette 2Jan-Shars Minnie Pearl 2Jeribeth Plan It For A Prince 2Mountain Crest Ronni 2Ch Pom Acres New Dawn 2Starfire's Marina 2Woodrose Fashion Model 2Emily Hussey 56 1Courtney White47Shawn Patrick Jennings25 1Miss Lee-Amber Jessen21Miss Naomi Jean Bryant16Miss Amanda Victoria Jennings14Steven Jacob Schiller10Brian Schaffer 9Jourdan Brachen7Victoria L. Jones7Best Junior In ShowTish Cannon 12540 Indian River Drive Apple Valley, CA 92308 Email Telephone 760240-4884mamV-V.Your financial support for the Annual Awards is appreciated. Make your checks payable to APC,38 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001Tish Cannon, Annual Awards, ChairpersonThe APC SystemNovember 1, 2000 through June 30,2001 As reported in the AKCAwards issues January through August, 2001.Breed CompetitionTop 25 Best of Breed winners out of 245Dog's Name Sex Points BB GR1 GR2 GR3 GR4 BIS BISS Owners1 CH Jan-Shars Dudley Doright D 8590 19 10 3 1 2 4 0 Sabourin, B2 CH Joarts Super Harlee Davison D 4323 34 6 5 5 3 0 2 DentonDavison3 CH Sirius It's All About Me D 4167 17 5 4 4 1 2 0 Bird, B4 CH Absolutes Wyndlor Solid Gold D 2138 40 1 2 2 7 0 0 Boehmer, B5 CH Dominic Of Lenette D 1587 20 3 5 1 4 0 0 Cooklnglett6 CH Suber's Present Atom Ant D 1478 29 1 4 2 2 0 0 Berney, S7 CH Jolvin's Legacy Of Ginger D 1459 15 2 4 2 0 0 0 Beech, J8 CH T-JS Lil Remarkable Edward D 1327 20 0 0 3 4 0 1 Reeder, T9 CH Mountain Chest Image Of Logan D 1230 28 4 0 3 4 0 1 MooreGilstrap10 CH Indiana Jones Of Lenette D 122817 1 3 2 1 0 1 Griffith, K11 CH Peperie Persnickety B 1124 13 3 3 1 3 0 0 PettersenOelerick12CH Diogenoir The Next Generation D 1079 18 0 32 3 0 2 StasiukCarbnoMoureauWatkins13 CH Jan-Shars Who Let The Dawgs OutD 1057 16 0 4 1 2 0 0Hanson, S14 Gayels Sisqo Kid D 820 9 2 2 1 0 0 0 Rivers, G15 CH Kilei's No Worries D 763 17 1 1 2 2 0 0 Reimschissel, D16 CH Paradise Valley Royal Reward D 758 13 2 1 1 1 0 0 Rokos, C17 CH Razzle Dazzle Texas Hoedown D 700 13 0 1 1 2 0 0 WatersWaters18 CH Trudy's Country Club D 645 15 0 1 2 3 0 0 Coddington, N19 CH Rodi's Black GoldD 637 10 0 1 1 0 0 0Solano, D20 CH Jan-Shars Daddy Says I'm DarlingB 636 9 0 1 0 4 0 0 Stalnaker, K21CH Woodrose's Bet The HouseD 594 9 4 2 0 3 1 0 WrixonOganekuOganeku22CH Starfire's Show Me The HunyD 578 7 2 0 1 2 0 0 Levinsohn, A23 CH Ursa Minor's Joe Sent MeD 565 21 0 1 1 2 0 1 Sklar, H24 Great Elms Little AristocratD 477 3 0 2 0 1 0 0 Beam, R25 CH Strutting Twenty-Four KTD 467 12 00 3 2 0 0Sklar, Hindicates APC MemberEvery effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors to the attention of the Annual Awards Chairperson. If your dogs are listed in the "corrections " of the AKC Awards issues, please contact tish Cannon before February 1, 2002.Tish Cannon, Annual Awards Chairperson Email tvillepommsn.comPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 -39Millamoh Pomsmit.sJLMILL AMORS SPECIAL EDITIONWD, AND BW AT THE LA CAJUN POM CLUB SPECIALTYunder Judge Mrs. Joy Davidson on September 7, 2001Also, Special Edition won WD under Mrs. Kathy Sawyer at the Toy Dog Club of Central Florida on June 30, 2001Ken and Eleanor Miller 1777 Orange Picker Road Jacksonville, FL 32223 PH 904-260-430840 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001Fax 904-260-6879Email Millamorprodigy.netWebsite www. geocities. comPetsburghFair2389APC Board Meeting New Orleans, LouisianaSeptember 5, 2001This years' Rosters have been distributed to Club membership. APC pins are to be ordered and available for purchase.Our Treasurer, Erika Moureau, is arranging to be able to receive credit card payments for the Club. This should even help our entry capabilities. Motion 010701 PASSED. Any check written to the APC and returned unpaid to APC for any reason incurs a 25.00 handling charge to cover the Clubs bank expenses and collection expenses.Review Report Brenda Segelken, Review Editor, informed us of the starting up progress of getting her first issue to be published. She has arranged for bulk mailing capabilities. We discussed the costs of adding color which will be available the first of the year. She explained why digital photos are unacceptable for reproduction. Kennel Visit criteria was established Members only, having bred and finished a titled champion, presently having an active breeding program, and visit not repeated within five years.Annual Awards will be shifted to match the calendar year which is now possible due to the timely posting of show results electronically. APC is planning to have a breed information booth at the AKC Invitational. MOTION 010901. The APC will increase entry fees at the National starting 2002 by 1. to be donated to the Canine Health Foundation for matchmg funds on the Pom alopecia study.National Show Report Next year's National in Louisville, Kentucky will be a three day show March 12, 13, and 4. Room costs will be 77. and have a 50 returnable pet deposit. Motion 010903 passed. APC's regular classes at the National entry fee starting in 2002 would be increased to 24.00 plus one dollar to be donated to the CHF The By-Law Revision Committee was formed of Jane Lehtinen Chair, Marge Kranzfelder, and Diana Downey to investigate how to accomplish what we want to accomplish with associate membership without necessarily changing the By-Laws. Motion 010802 PASSED The price for our breed booklet and club information is 2.00. Standard Committee Sally Baugmet Chair, Lynn Heise, and Julie Kallbacka were named to this committee which will study our standard and make recommendations for possible changes to the Board.Marge KranzfelderAKC Delegate ReportFortunately, the September Delegates Meeting was held in Newark, NJ directly across the Hudson River from World Trade Center instead of its usual Manhatten location. Almost simultaneously with the events of 91101, the Forum's presentation was given.Pat Krauss, Assistant Vice President, and Sharon Anderson, Director of Agility, addressed their Companion Events Obedience and Agility, respectively. They outlined changes taking place in both type of events. For agility, this included alignment of fines and fees with that of conformation and obedience. They also will have a corresponding date table for the year's events. Pat Krauss outlined the changes in obedience which included adding a VCD Versatile Companion Dog . There is a new concept of Rally classes and titles starting in the future. Novice B can now show indefinitely. Pre-novice class is now offered as well as a New Graduate Novice class. There is a new variety to activities in the Open BUtility B classes.They conducted a study of 32 clubs to see if the fear that agility was causing a drop in obedience was correct. This study proved it to be unfounded. They will encourage combined events. The mileage rule applies among same venue events tracking to tracking, obedience to obedience, conformation to conformation. Agility clubs go through the same process as other clubs to become AKC recognized. All Breed clubs have the ability to add it to their existing events.Dr. Carmen Battaglia addressed the Forum on CAR Companion Animal Recovery . He mentioned that they were establishing three geographical centers to handle the necessary work due to high incidence of annual storms. Unfortunately, the day's events would necessitate another current need.The Delegates' Meeting was called to order, followed by an immediate motion to adjourn due to the concurrent terrorist events. It was amended to allow the Delegates to turn in their ballots for the standing committees on their way out. Present AKC staff filled in the roles of tellers for this election since the tellers were not present due to the current crisis. All otheragenda items are to be carried over to theDecember meeting in Orlando.Marge Kranzfelder Please see The Rest of the Story.Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 -4191101THE REST OF THE STORY MargeKranzfelderHaving just returned from the Specialties in New Orleans on 9801, I wanted to make my trip to the Delegates Meeting as efficiently as possible. To accomplish this, I decided to drive to San Francisco airport on 91001 so that I could fly directly to Newark, NJ Airport. The meeting was to be held at the Sheraton Hotel there on 91101 and I was planning to fly immediately back to San Francisco as soon as the meeting was adjourned. Thank goodness the location of this meeting was not on Manhatten as it had been in the past.I was listed on the first flight of the day to Newark leaving 645 am. It was an empty flight about 33 passengers. The whole terminal was quiet this first week after Labor Day. The flight to Chicago in the gate across from me already left. The gate adjacent wasn't being used. So, one other lady and I were awaiting a first class seat assignment. A very agitated Mid-easterner man in his late twenties arrived and made a phone call. I really felt from his appearance and actions he was under the influence of amphetamines. I have NEVER felt this strongly that a passenger was in an unsafe condition to fly. I felt he would likely cause problems for the flight crew and surrounding passengers. I was planning to discuss this with the gate attendant. I overheard his phone conversation which I thought was a personal break up at the time. He said he was going to make another trip to New York but this time "he wouldn't be coming back." He continued that he knew he did not see this person much in the last month but he "had his own issues" to deal with. He retrieved his coins for the phone from a leather case similar to the crew bags but it was not labeled as such. When the gate attendant was not busy and I was preparing to discuss this with her, "he" had disappeared. I do not think he had boarded my plane. Was there another to JFK Yes, I have already filed my report to the FBI.I sat next to a man that appeared to be writing a novel on his laptop. We didn't speak much until we had to circle Newark. The pilot announced that there was a sizable fire in the Newark Airport Administration building and we might be diverted to another airport. The kindly gentleman told me he had a meeting the next day at the WTC. I pray it was in the afternoon. We did land safely in Newark. That night I watched the news and saw that large fire by aerial videos. Now, I doubt it was coincidental.The AKC Forum was to start at 10 am. I turned on the television while I prepared. I saw the same horror you did. But on the other side of the hotel, one could look out and see the tragedy unfold. I forced myself toreport to the meeting. I noticed that the people I generally sit with from PA and MD were not there. They usually take the train. I worried, but it turned out they were warned by friends via cell phones to disembark their incoming train.While listening to the Forum's speakers I had to think of my own personal plan of action. I didn't think hopping on the next plane was wise.. .I didn't know exactly how wise at that moment. The WTC was down, the Pentagon hit, but the plane from Newark to SFO was not mentioned yet. I didn't want to take up critical phone lines, but after a short time I thought I should let my husband know I was ok. Phones circuits were busy. But my cell phone got through. My usually unruffled husband was glad I did. My son, Russell, along with his wholethe World Tower was down, the Pentagon circuits were"..a very agitated Mid-easterner man in his late twenties........would likely cause problems for the flight crew and passengers.."42 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001department at United were hoping I hadnt boarded that flight to San Francisco that eventually went down in PA. They were getting information before the media in this regard. There was the short time delay from the first hijackings until the Newark flight that they had hoped I didn't seek getting home that way. My close proximity, the low numbers on board, and my flying unlisted had made it a real possibility.I wanted to try to connect with someone that had driven from the PA, DE, MD, area to try to ask for a ride to my family there. Fortunately, when we adjourned I spotted James Ryan's name tag with Wilmington Kennel Club identification.My uncle is it's president. He offered me the much needed ride. He usually takes the train but this time he also had a business meeting at the WTC. He thought maybe he could drive over there after attending the Delegates meeting.Deciding to attend the delegate's meeting probably saved his life. As we left the hotel and entered the NJ Turnpike toll booth, the blockades were up for the north bound lanes towards Manhatten. The clear visual image of the skyline was directly across from us.. .an unbelievable site You have seen it over and over on television. However, the "for real" image is etched into my brain. The sights of the overhead army helicopters and jet fighters reinforced that we were in a military state. We travelled south through New Jersey. We didn't know what to expect...road blocks, bridge closures No, just the unbelievable sight of a solid line of ambulances, coast guard semi's, and medical supply trucks heading entire length of the state. No other traffic was allowed northbund.What a wonderful sight to spot my Uncle Frank Wolaniuk waiting for me at the Wilmington KC's building. I received a quick tour of this wonderful facility before my uncle took me to my cousin Gail's which is nearer the Philadelphia airport. As we pulled up in her driveway, the sight of her feeding her Arabians and being greeted by her Standard Poodles helped calm my jangled nerves. Waking up here the next day did not make the night mare disappear. At least there were not any more large disasters.I started calling rental cars and Amtrak. Already Amtrak was all booked for the next five days. Since it wouldthen take three days by rail and I didn't know how safe that would be, I decided to concentrate on car transport. I later did see the horrible carcass of the train wreck in Utah. Everyone but Hertz were not renting one-ways. Thank goodness, Hertz was working to help out in this dilemma and even wavered mileage fees.So, at 2 pm Wednesday, I started the long road home. The only time I had second thoughts about this decision was after about two hours of driving and looking at the atlas map of the USA that Gail had given me. Remember that I had only packed for a one day meeting trip. I established rules for myself. Save the cell phone for emergencies. Hand wash my clothes as soon as I checked into a motel so they could dry by the next day. Push onward. If I had only packed my new APC Roster with me more of you might have received a visitor along the way. I was driving by 730 am each morning until about 930 each night. Each day there were more and more rental cars on the road. . .and therefore, each night's lodging became harder to find. The night I made Rawlings, Wyoming, my destination, I found out the town's lodgings were all taken. I was so weary and the next town was 200 miles away, a kind young receptionist of one motel asked that another motel open their no longer in use wing for me. By the time, I had backtracked four miles, they had filled that wing but had saved me a room. My lesson learned for my last night's stay was to call ahead.I stayed in touch with the ongoing events on the radio...but some places my car just didn't have radio available. So, I was given lots of time to reflect. I was given the glorious September weather to see a very grand nation at a time that we would all be challenged. During the broadcast of the memorial service in DC, I saw the sorgumPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 43I started calling rental cars and Amtrak... everyone but Hertz's were not renting one waywe entered the New Jersey Turnpike toll booth, the blockades were up for the north bound lanestoward Ground Zero for theand milo of Kansas ready for harvest only spotted by either large silos or beautiful churches. Entering Colorado, there was a complete vista of flat crops...and one large crane placed in a field holding the hugest flagpole I've ever seen, our flag flying against a bright clear blue sky. Until Denver, the skies were completely silent. The mountains rise dramatically. The clouds were dark and laden with rain. And the first plane I spotted since last Tuesday landed through a hole made by a sunbeam. Yes, this trip was unforeseen. But, it was also remarkable.this trip was unforeseen, but it was also remarkable.... For now, all is right in my world.By 2 pm Sunday, I pulled safely into my son's driveway near San Francisco.After returning the rental car, I still had over an hour's ride to be able to see my own critters. The horses galloped to the sight of my car. My boxer repeatedly leaped into the air. The goats bleated their own form of welcome music while the Poms added the chorus. And my fifteen year old Pom, Flower, tried her best to dance. For now, all is right in my world.A Prayer for Our NationBy Billy GrahamOur Father and Our God,We praise You for Your goodness to our nation, giving us blessings far beyond what we deserve.Yet we know all is not right with America, we deeply need a moral and spiritual renewal to help us meet the many problems we face.Convict us of sin. Help us to turn to You in repentance and faith.Set our feet on the path of Your righteousness and peace.We pray today for our nation's leaders. Give them the wisdom to know what is right, and the courage to do it.You have said, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. May this be a new era for America, as we humble ourselves and acknowledge You alone as our Savior and Lord.This we pray in Your holy name, Amen.r -'Vv yofaAo-tAeir io 11,200144 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001silver MeadowsISk.BREEDBESTOFwinners0W0LWttlffftW2WW"SUWFeatured Poms above Left CH Glen Iris Toy Story of Tim Sue call name Joey owned by our dearfriend Margie Ehmann of Rochester NYRight Shown on the way to his Championship, our very special Joey son,Ch Silver Meadows Tu Jody pictured before he finished. We plan to publish further pictures of this Pom - watch for him. Please note - no excessive trimming or sculpturing was done on either of these dogs. We like 'em naturalWere very glad the Review has returned, and are grateful to the staff for making it happen.Best of luck to you now and in the future.Ron and Jackie Klein 4146 West Lake Road716-237-5473 Silver Springs NY 14550Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 45wants to congratulate Ken Griffith on his Kennel Visit, and thank him for our boyBRONZE BOOTS GIORGIO OF LENETTEr'75wftliGROUPPLACINGPUPPYDELAWAREWATERGAPv KENNEL r CLUBfv VDEC. 16. 2000jOHASSEVJojo is major pointed. Look for him back in the ring after our summer vacationOwnerHandlerJoan C. BehrendRonkonkoma, New York631366-2330MzJoaniwon. comBreeder Ken GriffithLenette Pomeranians46 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001La Cajun Pomeranian Club of Louisiana SpecialtySept. 7, 2001With a much smaller entry than what we anticipated based on our entry when we last hosted the national in '94, we did not lack in quality especially in Best of Breed. Most of the top ranked specials were in competition both days.Top winners were Best of Breed Ch. Jan-Shars Dudly Doright bred by Sharon Hanson, owned by Becky Sabourin and handled by Susan Talsma Best of Opposite to best of breed Ch. Jolvin's Crown Princess bred and owned by Joan Beech, Winner's dog Millamor's Special Edition bred and owned by Eleanor Miller Winner's bitch Jeribeth Vini Vidi Vici, bred and owned by Olga Baker Reserve winner's dog Foxworth Fun and Games, bred and owned by Pamela Dodsworth and Larry Fox Reserve winner's bitch Forever Glowing Ember, bred and owned by Marge Kransfelder, Best in Sweepstakes Shyacres Millenium Gem, bred and owned by Audrey M. Roberts, Best of Op. in sweeps Janesa's TuffToBe Black N' Tan, bred by Delilah Olivier and Jerrie Freia, owed by Jerrie Freia.ri 4Special thanks to Joyce and Gabe Broussard for their hard work and talent in presenting an impressive array of trophies. Both of them had been hard at work for two years to assemble Gabe sawed and Joyce painted ring side tables, beautiful carousels, lead holders, night lights, magnets and note cards. More applause for Barbara Messmer, who coordinated the hospitality featuring our welcoming "tasting party" and arranging the banquet. Jonny Messmer, Gabe Broussard and Jerry Miller helped Tim set up the room for the shows, after a very short night and of course cleaned up afterI also want to especially thank Tim Goddard for acting as show chairmansecretary for both shows. He was hampered by the fact that in the last year and onehalf, he has been working in Houston, home most weekends where he spent many hours at the computer. We both enjoyed the opportunity to visit with old friends and meet so many new fanciers. The La Cajun Pom Club thanks all who supported this specialty.Sue Goddard, Pres. La Cajun Pom ClubiMAIL TOPomeranian eWetoBRENDA K HUTTON 15755 GREENWAY LANSING, MI 48906PH 517-485-5183 FIRST CLASS THIRD CLASS FOREIGNSUBSCRIPTION CAR 1345.0037.0065.00VISAMASTERCARD NUMBER EXPIRATION DATECARDHOLDER SIGNATURE TELEPHONE-Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 47PmVictoria SfsMntsSomehow when the Review editor asked me to submit a My First Pom article, I doubt that the profile of Belkers Hairball was what she had in mind. Ones first Pom is supposed to be the love of ones life. Right When heshe passes away, one is supposed to be overcome with grief. Right Well, my first Pom, Belkers Hairball, pretty much lived up to the character he was named after. He was wild, wooly, and free spirited. Try as I might, I could never get close enough to him while he was living to grieve him when he died.i3In the beginning, Belker was the typical adorable, irresistable ball of colored fluff we all know and love. When I first met Belker he was less than twenty four hours old. Hjs breeder brought his mother and three siblings in to the veterinary office where I worked. He stood out like a sore thumb since he was the only black and tan puppy amidst three orange ones. It was love at first sight for me. Six weeks later Belker and his three litter mates returned to see the doctor for their first vaccinations. I wanted him then but my husband vehemently objected to a fourth dog joining the family. I shut up, but I never got the little guy out of my mind. Four weeks later the breeder again returned to the office with one pup left. I could not believe that the little black and tan boy had not been sold Yes, you guessed it, he came home with me.Though I was thrilled that Belker and I were together at last, my first Pom had quite another definition of togetherness. I took him everywhere with me but Belker set the rules. Wherever Belker went, Vicky was sure to follow. Belkers favorite game was seeing how invisible he could make himself so that he could slip out the door and launch himself in to the next county with me in hot pursuit. One minute Belker would be cutting zs in my husbands lap and the next minute he would be outside doing his best impression of Michael Johnson. Calling Belker after he had escaped resulted in him giving me a momentary glance over his shoulder followed by an explosive burst into the wild blue yonder. Fortunately, at the time, we lived in a very remote area on a state wildlife refuge so there was very little traffic near our house. After numerous attempts to catch the fleet footed Pom, I soon learned that chasing him was futile. Belker came home when he was good and ready.48 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001Though we had very little traffic, Belker would take every opportunity he had to chase cars, trucks, tractors or any other motorized vehicle. My girl friend and I tried everything we knew to dissuade his game of ambushing and attacking wheels. Of course this fun chase game extended to slipping in to our chicken coop on several occassions for an extra exciting round of let the fur and feathers fly Nothing made Belker more happy than being caught with a mouthful of rooster feathers. The day I took him to see our neighbors sheep I thought he would literally self de- struct. If given the chance to herd that day, I think we would probably still be eating muttonBelker had his sweet, endearing side. He loved the orphan pig that we bottle raised. Perhaps they spoke the same language or at least the same word fo-o-o-d. He enjoyed having cockle burs removed, riding in motorized vehicles and eating people food from the table. A better lap dog could not be had unless a door opened. A good game of tug the socks while your feet were still in them was a favorite source of pleasure.Despite Belkers devious ways, he managed to live a happy, healthy life and thrive for twelve action packed years. He taught me many lessons, i.e. the importance of obedience training, the necessity of neutering, and the need to fence ones yard. Actually I loved Belkers independent way of thinking and his free spirit. Though life with my first Pomeranian was not as I had envisioned, it was never boring. I shall always remember and be greatful for the lessons he taught me and for the bit of wild and wooly life we shared. I think theres a little bit of Belker hidden inside every Pom.NEW CHAMPIONCH ALLAYN 5 SOMETHIN FOR NOTHINRon-Di-Lees Boom Box X Ch Allayns Hotlips Houlihan BVPsPa-O'W d wsmkJMCmThank you Mr. Biven for this exciting Group winhCAVZsrThankyou Mrs. M Rosalie Anderson for finishing Simeon with BOB over the Special.Mary AllenThank you for breedingthis striking boy and giving hun to me as a puppy. Your generosity and encouragement have meant so much. Thank you, once again, for taking a diance on me. I am thrilled that Simeon and I have made you proud. Love Always,'ta.liiii.OwnersTheresa and Courtney McGIennAnchorage, AlaskaKen and Eleanor GriffithCongratulations on your Kamel Visit and the success you are aijoying with your fabulousLenette Pomeranians.OwnerHandlerValerie AllridgeAnchorage, Alaska E-Mail Alaskapomsaol.comPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 49fVA onSOFFICEBS OF 1THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB^cto'0ThirdVice-President Secretary TreasurerMRS. ANDREW W. ROSE MRS VINCENT MATTA MISS Ei-SIF. BLUM MISS VIOLA G. PROCTERVINCENT MATTA 2618 Diunare Bvd , Astoria, L. I.. N YShow CommitteeMRS VINCENT MATTA, Chairman MRS. JOHN P LAFUN MRS. H PROCTOR DONNELL MRS. ELSIE SIVORI MRS GEORGIE M SHEPPERD and Officers of the ClubStewardMISS ANNA KATHERINE NICHOLASVeteimarian-in-ChargeDR. C. V. ZEFP, I3tf W S3td Si.. Me'- York, N. YJUDGEMR. E. W. DILLONAtomic City. N. IUNDER THE MANAGEMENT OfFOLEY DOG SHOW ORGANIZATION, Inc.2009 Ranstead Sjtreefcj JgPhiladelphia, Pa.TELEPNgtte.-HmTENHUajc fe.4 26_AmKdHrlJiont Club Licensed SupjrinjiidantsSir Edmond J. RHtyVTwenty-eightht v y ,y yol -theotiV.'Atisn . rvtPomeranian ClubHELP- UNDER AMERICAN KIvMiiEL.CLI.tR RULilSLA.yymm1m.\e mmi\V iSSrn '33cd Street at nsa. CITYUSUIC y-y^3f mSunday, FebruOO 7et ^ 7mJTWENTY EIGHTH SPECIALTY SHOW Oo^s'' NEW YORK CITY 9 FEBRUARY 11,1940T tWe1 7 _50t " A-V OPARADEMrs.MrsMrsMrilK1life \^3OF CHAMPIONS.John P. Laflin. Ch. Princess Erika.John P. Laflin. Ch. Melinda.John P. Laflin. Ch. Harlow Countess II.V. Matta. Ch. Moneybox Gold Coin.V. Matta. Ch. Sealand Moneybox.V. Matta. Ch. Little Sahib.Andrew W Rose. Ch. Tollgate Goldie of Emrose Hill, Ch. Little Luxury oi Emrose Hill. Ch. Perfection of Emrose Hill.Ch. Sahib's Jewel oi Emrose Hill. Ch. Little Black Knight.Ch. Little Lady Emir.Ch. Little Lady of Emrose Hill.Ch. Little Lady Flash A Way.Ch. Georgian Cricket.Andrew W. Rose. Andrew W. Rose. Andrew W. Rose, Andrew W, Rose. Andrew W. Rose. Andrew W. Rose. M. Leah Conrad, gie M. Shepperd.^qth43.13'Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 ^ieySy ibte'WBITCHES. a ''-----------------------------------------------------J4-tnericanPomeranian ----------- -----------------------------------------------VFairbank Cirlito.Frn^T- Fnbank Flaming Mamie----------------- naghy.INDEX T EXHIBITORS^348761Bell..bune. M.s H , ,Bonniioj Knn.,. V 5 VCiajCnrad,... i... o Love's Lane. Edgewood, Pittsb Cennela. 6 Main Si., Springvale, Maines. Frank T . 97 TeanccV dj "Mrs. M ju, Mrs. M [tb le3ncck Rd.. Teaneck N r,,Jr9i. PaV l 'mDolan. Mrs. M., 2255 St. George A Flynn. Mrs. I. P.. 840 Wtfi. A. . 995'99.dwonJGlo - iUm\ ri \YsWto3 1 \ei\ass dn -"isvd1Stole Si. Rahvr,t AveTrenioi'ay. W. sll Wo1. 2 , 46'2. 13. 14 3232ton. ,v Sfo. JVW vAveFreeth, . .,w ri- CityGrisu. York Ci_ 01. Brooklyn.'liver. 4 Beverly Place. Edgewater, N. J.Dorothy. 1702 N. 55th St., Philadelphia.Mrs. V.. 2618 Ditma2039M'SBeach 38th Si,8rnx. NeGale6. 17,6phia, pQ'0o.Tin Wtn\eHah way, N jISFOX TROT "te" W yeSrSrs oldFox Trot left his stamp on the brwd as some o the most famous AmericanbredPomeranians of the last 15 years canbe traced back to him.I atlinyUiei^lAi_..iarsBtvd.. Astoria, N.Nolan. Mrs Marguerite, 2255 St. George Ave.nnell, Michael, 2064 Vyse Ave. Bronx. N. Y.Palmer, Mrs. Albert L. Mrs Marid Plankers, handler.211 Morningside Drive, San Antonio, Texas Putnam. Mrs. Lucy A.. York Harbor. MaineRaff, Naomi L., 316 Harlel St., Philadelphia, Pa.Rose. Mrs. Andiew W.. care Mrs. V. Matta, 2618 Ditmars Biva. Astoria. N Y 25. 26. 27, 28. o 5Shepperd. Georgia M . Fairfield Rd.. Caldwell. N. I.Shuiwell. Mrs. W Ritchey. 150 S. Harri^o- 'East Orange, N. JSivori. Mrs. Elsie. 244 Union A Stackpole M 0 1. 22.23. 24Best5T, O' n's Lt-Morilyosier.4841. B il 28, 19,rron St..p"", edvyMrs. E.. R. D. 1. Norris lawn. PuVan Rensselaer. Miss Maud W Philips T Long IslandWh.'h,M..28-----Breed'-0"MISSELSIE BLUMELMHURST, N. V.Samdin \ Secoiyi29, 30 31. 4,0. 4236, 3734. 35an Woodmere rsBenton\T'd.\ famous E,ro,c mT Best 1Fc6TWENTYEIGHTH SPECIALTY SHOWCATALOGUE UTCHEHOTEL PENNSYLVANIA'lasf NEW YORK CITY fFEBRUARY 11,1940- 1\- \CHAMPION SALISBURY SENSATIONyf rjyc n rest CM. Pomeranians of ail timeA3VManagers of the \ ^G^lJFOLEY DOG2009 Ranstead StrClTWCHAMPION PERFECTION OF fBest of breed ,u We-stmitiMcr, I37.EMROSE Hil lOwned bvMRS. ANDREW'W. ROSENew York, N. Y.e.. lii ^ cetoV,-it \ VV' Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - SIVJauoc-^c\-ctVL\ \v APOMSsends CowyuUcUcrfiotUto cXen Qriffitb of JlcKCttC Pome, on bis much deserved feature article. IkiUtdi tyM,, KeK for entrusting 9fobel and 9 with our beloved multiple BISS CH DOMINIC OF LENETTE.JLee Cook m- TiM. i-v ^, mb, I siVJP' V ft 4 4ViVBEST'i'Rc '' - mmIPV .2\Clemsoni t3fans2wUp' . JThankyou,JudgeDorothyNicholsfor thisnicewinFirebrooks Gamblin ManOur first Best Of Breed over specials from 6-9 puppy class. A CH DOMINIC OF LENETTE son see front coverLee D. Cook1390-D Walkup Avenue Monroe, NC 28112 704 282-0745 704 289-2021 ffrebrookpomsaoI.comPOMS52 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001PEPERIE POMERANIANS"-1lBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXNATIONAL SPECIALTY A PC2001COPR WTOBT LUIS F. SOSAjf.MSBCH PEPERIE PAPRIKATakes BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX at the American Pomeranian Club Specialty in New Orleans under judge Sue Woodle.Paprika is litter sister to our BIS CH Peperie Persnickety,Number One Pomeranian 2000.CONGRATULATIONS to dear friends Ken and Eleanor Griffith, Lenette Pomeranians on their WELL DESERVED Kennel Visit You have done a great job producing quality Pomeranians. Keep up the good work. Thanks for allowing INDY to be a part of our lives. He is a very special dog and we love himPEPERIEPeter A Pettersen and Victoria Oelerich P O Box 734 Woodbury NY 11797 Peperieaol. com Viktrespomaol. comPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - S3T6e Way t ee ftah4 Wm Pomeranian judges were sent complimentary subscription cards to The Pomeranian Review. They were asked if they would participate in a questionnaire. Many judges were willing toI participate, hence the rebirth of The Wav I See It. Judges Comments. Many judges have thoughts about breeds they judge, but do not always have the opportunity to express these thoughts. Breeders and judges want to do their best for the Breed. This is why breeders breed and judges judge.II was asked to begin this forum, since questionnaires had not been sent out in time for this issue. I agreed. In the future, I will be sending these questions to judges willing to participate, submit their input and finish with AND MORE. Name Sally Ray Baugmet State Wisconsin May-Nov. Florida Nov.-May Those dates are flexible, depending upon judging assignments.l How LONG HAVE you been an akc licensed judge I was approved to judge Poms, Norwich and Norfolk Terri- l ers fifteen years ago. I now judge Irish and Gordon Setters all Terriers Toys and Poodles Miscellaneous Junior Showmanship and Best-in-Show.a Why did you apply to become a judge I felt I had been quite successful as a breeder-owner-exhibitor, finishing over fifty Pomeranian and thirty Norwich Terrier Champions, many bemg multi-Group winning and Group placing dogs. I felt that many judges ignored some areas of the standard. Since I bred and specialed some very nice creams, I felt that all colors were not being judged equally, as our Standard stated. Time after time only oranges were winning, leaving better specimens of the other colors of Poms behind. I also started hearing the words "baby-face", and seeing the cutsy, wide, extremely short-muzzled Poms go up, when the Standard called for a muzzle "rather fine, but not snipy". I had also heard stated that Poms are Toy dogs that have no other purpose than to be pets that can be carried around. They dont have to be sound dogs. I was hoping to make a difference What breed of dogs have you owned, lived with and bred When I was in grade school, we had Poms. My mother bred a litter or two. We also had Gordon Setters. It was my job to exercise, feed and water the dogs. I could tell a few good stories with my experiences with those two breeds as a kid. When I was in college we had aD Chihuahua. Dick and I were married m 19, whoops, I almost gave away my age. He gave me a Dachshund for a wedding pre- sent, because he couldnt find a Pom. We later got a Pom and started showing in 1968. We purchased an Irish Setter 0 in 1972 we couldnt find a Gordon Setter and started showing them, also. In 1975 we were able to buy a Norwich a Terrier. I was going to dog shows nearly every weekend, showing all three breeds myself, sometimes asking my friends for help getting them all in the ring when there was a conflict. nanaoDooononaaDQaaDODoaaaaoaoaacoDODQODaco54 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 aoaaaaaa a a a o o o YOU EVER OWN or SHOW A Pomeranian Boy DID I I think I covered that in some of the previous questions What DO YOU ENJOY about judging Poms Seeing them I love to see a ring full of color and fluff. I know, that is no way for a judge to describe Poms, but I couldnt resist it. There is nothing that makes me smile more, than to see GOOD ones. It makes me say to myself "OH Now if it moves as good as it looks, we got it made."D o What do you expect from the exhibitors in your ring I expect exhibitors to be courteous to their fellow exhibitors. This means giving all Poms enough space, so as to allow the dog in front or behmd feel it is not going to be o stepped on. This means both in standing and moving. I dont want a Pom to be raced around the ring, nor do I want the movement distorted by stringing it up on a tight lead. I am hopeful that an exhibitor is at the ring early enough to watch the ring procedure used in the previous class. a If an exhibitor is showing more than one dog, make arrangements for other persons to help you previously to going in the ring. The same persons dog MAY go up in two different classes. I am NOT one of those persons who feels that I put up l a person for winners dog, so Ill give winners bitch to another person. I judge the PERSON in Jr. Show. I judge the DOG in the Breed, Group and BIS ring.a n I thank each exhibitor as I hand them their ribbons. I expect them to be courteous enough to pay me the same respect, even though they were not the winner of Breed or points and may even think Im a lousy judge. In general, what do you think an exhibitor can do to improve the "average" show Poms presentation o I expect the dog to be clean and groomed properly, e.g., I cannot judge the proper texture of the guard hair, if the guard l hair has all been cut off. Use a thinning shears where necessary, but there is nothing that looks nicer, than a quality Pom that is in its natural double coat. I should be able to see the guard hair outer coat, not the under coat. The under coat is supposed to be just that, UNDER the OUTER coat. Please do not use sticky hair spray. It is a "foreign substance" even though you bought it in the USA VBG. It prohibits a judge from feeling the proper harsh coat texture. There is an AKC rule against it and you are asking to be excused from the ring. a If you have been judging Pomeranians over 10 years, please answer the following question. Has the overall quality of the Pomeranian improved since you began judging How We have much improved the quality of the Parti-colors, and blacks. I do not see an improvement in the orange Pom. Over all, I see more wide ear sets, low tail sets, and too many lacking in shoulder angulation. The head cannot be carried "proudly and high" without proper angles. Wide ear sets, of course, are not the high set erect ears called for in the Standard. I do, however, see many very nice Poms being shown today, as well as ten years ago, also. a Do YOU have any comments concerning our present Standard Definitely. You will hear them in future columns. 0 AND MORE o The APC Board has approved a Standards Committee consisting of Sally Baugmet, Chairman Lynn Heise, and Julie Kallbacka. AKC will not approve any changes until five years from the last change, which would be 13102. The jpresent Standard needs clarifications and the elimination of conflicting statements. We will be working on this. You will hear from us later. o 0 Sally Baugniet l 38115 Pierre Lane Zephyrhills, FL 33540 Editors note The Wav I See It, Judges Comments, column appeared m the APC Pomeranian Review, 1958. Sally Baugniet, contributing columnist, will be adding AND MORE. Lets show her our support. D ooDooDonoaDoaoDDOoaooooDaooooGDncooDOQDODDDacaGDOGociDnaDnDnaapoaaaDPomeranian Revew - NovDec 2001 -55II. 3v- ...DANCERSTARFIRES TABLECongratulations to Ken Griffith of Lenette Pomeranians on your Kennel Visit.TONYCABREKA FABIAN web - 305-257-281856 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001CongratulationsKen Griffith Lenette Pomeraniansiion your long overdueKennel VisitKen and Jackie RaynerandMaking A Splash at LenetteiMI748 Norway Avenue Hamilton NJ 08629 609 587-2586Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 572000 APC AWARDS CORRECTIONSConformation - Tish Cannon Obedience - Reported by Barbara McClatcheyTop Winning DogCH JANSHARS DUDLY DORIGHT, BECKY SABOURINTop Winning BitchCH JAN LES MILLIE WAKIT OF LUEMAR, B. MARTIN JANE LEHTINENTop Producing SireCH GREAT ELMS MR. CHIPS. MS. RUTH BEAMTop Producing DamFINCHS BLACK FAD FASHION. DIANE FINCHBreeder of the YearSHARON L. HANSONExhibitor of the YearSHARON L. HANSONTop Junior HandlerJORDAN ROTHELLTop Winning Obedience DogRAZZLE DAZZLE CONCERTO. UD. LILIAN ZENTGRAF JUDITH GREENTop Novice PomeranianDIMONDE FLYNNS FLING. B. MC KENNY DIANA DOWNEYTop Open PomeranianMAR-VICS STUFFD BLACK BEAR, UDX NA NAJ. BARBARA MC CLATCHEYTop Utility PomeranianRAZZLE DAZZLE CONCERTO. UD. LILIAN ZENTGRAF JUDITH GREEN58 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001D hoc aggiekmmm\ 'MJ - hWUAUSTRALIAN CHAMPION DOCHLAGGIE DAZZLIN DREAMMULTI BEST IN SHOW SPECIALTY WINNERRoyal Melbourne Show 2001 Australias largest show - Challenge dog and Best of Breed - Ch Jan-Shars Aussie Downunder Import from U.S.A. for the second year in a row. - Challenge bitch - Ch Dochlaggie Dazzlin Dream.Waiting in the wings - Dochlaggie Don't Dare Me - Minor Puppy in Group an4 Show Winner.Dochlaggie Divine Dazzla - Reserve Challenge an4 Minor Puppy in group at her first show.Dochlaggie Parti Poppy - only 6 months of age an4 this stunning parti color has 2 challenges.Denise Leo DocMaqqie Paggie Komepamans rvusiraliaAusfrhttpwmv. dochlaggie. comBREEDERS OF QUALITY POMERANIANS IN ORANGE. ORANGE SABLE, CREAM SABLE, WOLF SABLE, WHITE, PARTI COLOR BEAVER BUCK AND TAN. BUCK AND PARTISPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 59PERFORMANCE NEWS AND VIEWSBarbara McClatcheyThis, the first Performance column written since the Spring, will be fairly short and will not include some of the usual things, titles, etc. I hope to get those into a later Review.THINKING IT OVERLike most of you, I spent the week following September 11 glued to the television set. And since then, again like most of you, Ive been rethinking my priorities. Actually, what I do has come through pretty well, and Id like to share that with you.Pet-assisted Therapy Going into nursing homes and hospitals to visit and to help with rehab exercises seems pretty worthwhile still. Yes, I enjoy it and the dogs enjoy it, but it is a matter of helping others. Some of my friends were in New York after the catastrophe there, visiting in the hospitals with their Therapy Dogs. We couldnt do that, but we could visit needy people here.Rescue Poms have needed Rescue during this time. Two Heartworm cases, one of them also with a hernia and flea allergy, one Pom needing bilateral orthopedic specialist knee surgery, others just needing a homefast This again is something I do for othersI enjoy it and get lots of love from the dogs and a good feeling from finding them good homes, but its not really a selfish thing.Obedience I do enjoy it, and the Poms do, but it is also pretty useful, as I use the various obedience routines to help in pet therapy. And of course, I learn from the training that I do how to teach others just to get control over their dogs. Its amazing how techniques can transfer from a small dog to a large one, and from the Obedience ring to around the home, but many of the principles are the same. For example, if this actually happened I drop a casserole dish full of food and the Poms come running visions of broken glass consumed along with the food, I can shout Down and go on to clean up the mess while the dogs lie there waiting to be released. And of course I train the Rescues while I have them so that they will be good family members when they go to their new homes.Agility Im not sure that this is much more than pure enjoyment on my part and the dogs part. Yes, I do use it as part of entertainment, taking a childrens play tunnel for the Poms to run through and jumps for them to go over when I do a demo for schools, libraries, and nursing homes. But its mostly just fun. And when you come down to it, fun is good as long as thats not all you do.Clowning This goes along with the therapy work. I do it to help entertain people who are in sad need of entertainment in the nursing homes, and to help in teaching children how to react around dogs and to care for their own dogs.As the childrens song used to say, You in your small comer, and I in mine.60 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001PUPPY TESTING FOR OBEDIENCEPuppy testing to select an Obedience dog has been around for quite a few years.The theory behind puppy testing is that you can select the puppy who will be most willing to learn and who will follow your commands happily. Its not necessarily the brightest puppy, though that is one factor, since the brightest may simply prefer to operate on his ownthats the one that learns how to climb the fence or dig under it. Hes bright enough to figure out how to get what HE wants. Puppy testing selects for both aptitude and willingness to please. Also, lots of Obedience people have bought into the you-have-to-get-a- puppy-at-7-weeks theory. If you dont get a puppy at seven weeks, according to this, he will not bond to you, and you will never get a super obedience dog if you get him any later. I have one friend who was planning to get a puppy of another breed for all the Performance activities. She was involved from the time of the breeding of the high-quality dog and bitch, visited the puppies as they grew, and then tested her puppy at 7 weeks. We all suffered with her, since the puppy did not pass the test she went through a grief period as though she had lost the dog.My own experience getting a Pom at a later age does not go along with the get-a-tiny-puppy rule. Tuffy UUD Mar-Vics Stuffd Black Bear UDX, NA, NAJ, HOF, GC, CGC, TDInc. was in an Obedience home during his early months, since his breeder, Mary Vickers, put Obedience titles on Tufiys father, Annons Huggy Bear from Scamp UD. Yes, he was puppy tested I still have the copy of the test somewhere, but Mary was unable to find a home right away. She did all the right things with him, and when I got him at 10 V2 months, he bonded to me readily and went on to become a super dog.My experience with Rescued Poms also tells against the theories. All of them bond to me readily, though they have had at least one, and perhaps more, homes. None of them have had the proper upbringing as puppies, but I have had several Poms in Rescue that would make super ObedienceAgility dogs, dogs that without any training heeled on leash looking up in my face like any Border Collie. No, they havent gone on to do Obedience or Agility, since thats not why most people get a Pom. Surprise One of them willSecond Chance Oliver Twist, whom I wrote about in my last column. I just couldnt let this dog go to a home where all that energy and attentiveness would go unfulfilled. But most go to pet homes.If anyone wants a Pom for Obedience or Agility or Flyball, by all means contact meI do find them about once or twice a year Remember, when spayedneutered they are registerable with the AKC as an ILP, and with UKC as an LP this allows them to compete in the performance venues.A PROTOCOL FOR PREVENTING UNWANTED BEHAVIOR IN DOGSPREVENT PROVIDE PROHIBIT PRACTICE PRAISEPREVENT the dog from having the opportunity to do the unwanted behavior.Example 1 When housebreaking, crate the dog when you cannot watch him.Example 2 If the dog chews your shoes, put the shoes in your closet and close the door.PROVIDE the dog with an equally attractive alternative.Example 1 Take the dog on leash to where you want him to urinate and defecate.Example 2 Give her a sterilized beef bone with a piece of marrow such as Rollover in it.Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 -61PROHIBIT the wrong behavior as soon as the dog begins to think about it.Example 1 When the dog starts to squat or lift his leg in the house you re watching him, remember, shout NO and rush him outside.Example 2 If the dog does get hold of a shoe, say Ah-ah-ah and take it away.But dont try to scold if you find the already chewed-up shoe. This works only if the dog is caught in the act.PRACTICE a command that the dog knows or is working on learning.Example 1 Use the command word you want for urination or defecation, such as Go pee. or Big business.Example 2 Tell the dog to sit and be sure she does it.PRAISE the dog enthusiastically for the good behavior of obeying your command.As I said, this is a very short column, but you can help to lengthen it by writing to me about what you are doing with your Poms.Barbara McClatchey 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566 409 297-7383 bclatchmastnet.netChallenge to all of the Pomeranian Clubs Congratulations August 30, 2001, the City of Angels Pomeranian Club voted to donate 125 to theCanine Health Foundation designated to be used for the Dr. Gary Johnson Grant to study Alopecia. This is a matching grant, so anyKenon your monies donated are doubled.Kennel VisitI would like to challenge the American Pomeranian Club and all of the local Pomeranian clubs to make a similar or greater donation to help this worthy causeThank you for selling me some very nice Poms.Alane LevinsohnPresident, City of Angels Pomeranian ClubThe Northern California Pomeranian Club hastaken up the challenge started by the City ofAngels Pom Club. We will donate 150 to the Canine Health Foundation directing it for the Pomeranian alopecia study.1 Brenda DuncanWe ask that other regional Pom clubs as well as individuals take up this challenge furtheringDuncan Poms toward our common goal., PO Box 973 Melinda Bullenc1 Bonners Ferry ID 83805 N.C.P.C. President62 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001Dear APC Members,On behalf of the American Pomeranian Club Board and its Health and Genetics Committee, we would like to urge you to participate in the genetic study currently in progress at the University of Missouri regarding alopecia coat loss. We are fortunate that the Canine Health Foundation has approved this project which is under the direction of Dr. Gary Johnson. As fanciers and breeders we need to support this study if we are going to have any breakthrough to understanding and resolving this problem that has plagued our breed for some time.Dr. Johnson needs blood samples of any Pomeranian with a coat loss problem and its relatives if also available. All submissions are kept extremely confidential. The names of the participants and the names of the animals submitted are not and will never be released.The form which needs to be submitted and the sample's handling instructions are the same ones as the study on epilepsy. Use these forms but be sure to mark the sample and accompanying submission form for the "alopecia study". These forms and instructions can be down loaded from httpcanine-epilepsy.netDocsDNAsamplCANINE DNA RESEARCH httpcanine-epilepsynetDocsDNAsampl.CANINE DNA RESEARCH -Individual dog.Additionally, please consider making a tax deductible donation to the Donor Advised Fund of the Canine Health Foundation. The study has been approved for its merit only, but has not yet been funded. The total amount needed for this study to proceed is 18,000. The Foundation will grant 9,000 of matching funds. We, along with Siberians, Malamutes, and Keeshonden, must commit to the rest. 2,250. per breed The study will not proceed without these funds. The good news is that it is a realistically "doable" amount. Earmark your donation for the Pomeranian breed and for the coat loss problem specifically. The APC Board has voted to increase next year's National's entries by 1. each to donate to this fund. That might cover our allotted 250. We need at least 2000. more.With the participation of all of us, we will be one step closer to resolving this health problem in our beloved breed. Thank you, in advance, for your participation.Sincerely,Health Genetics Committee Majorie Conway Alane Levinsohn Becky Sabourin Marge Rranzfelder, ChairAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc Websitehttpwww.bigfoot.comAmerican.Pom.Clubm\Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 63-NovDec 2001TJo The Three little Pistols99CH DOMINIC OF LENETTE X NIKKI OF LENETTEi iWr imREMINGTON BDL OF LENETTEOwner Margaret Eleison Queensland - AustraliaSATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL OF LENETTEOwners Russell and Jo Ann Kern Freeburg, IllinoisDERINGER OF LENETTE Owner Donna Riehm Murphysboro, Illinois1icA RESCUE STORY-mBy Mary HiltonAngie was bom and raised in Ash Fork, Arizona, just west of Flagstaff. Angie was the much-loved pet of an elderly couple. The husband and wife became terminally ill. Their only living relative was husbands sister who lived in Indianapolis, Indiana. The couple moved in with the sister, but were later asked to leave. The couple were forced to move into an apartment that did not allow pets.Angie was taken to the animal control officials and were told she would likely be put down. One worker knew a member of the Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana that fosters Poms, Melvina Langston. Melvina was Angies guardian angel. Janet Russell told Melvina she knew a couple that had recently expressed a desire to rescue a Pomeranian. Hence, Angies rescue.We have taken Angie through Beginners and Intermediate Obedience classes sponsored by Joel McMains and she has done very well. Angie is a real delight who has a very sweet disposition. Angie is very smart and has lots of personality. Angies favorite thing to do is go for a ride in the van or the car. During her ride, Angie loves to bark at cows. Whenever Angie sees property with a fence, she immediately starts to watch to see if there are cows.Angie has become best friends with Mary and Bills spayed female Miniature Schnauzer, Winnie. Angie and Winnie play and wrestle with each other. They love to play tug of war with their plush dog toys.I enjoy entering Angie in the Parade of Rescued Poms at the PCCI BOB matchs. It draws focus to a very worthwhile cause rescue. Many wonderful dogs are rescue dogs that just need a chance in life. I love to hear or read of a success story. Angie has added so much joy and happiness we could not imagine life without her.Editor's note Bill is on the Board of Directors of the Terre Haute Kennel Club and Mary is the current Terre Haute Kennel Club Recording Secretary. A success story, indeedJiutena fo ScUtcn , , , ,Mrs. Brenda Segelken,I showed my first Pom in Canada 70 years ago. I bred some top Poms in Canada for 30 years. My daughter is a Canadian Kennel Club judge and representative. She is a university teacher and trains dogs in drug work for RCMP. Her Rottie starred in a Disney Movie and she gives lectures in Canada and the USA on dog structure BC.'at VMrs.Marion Postgate, Vancover,I was widowed by the war 2. Forty years ago I remarried an American. I was appointed an AKC judge. I have not bred since but use my toys in therapy work. I have been on ABC, NBC, Discovery Channel and many news reports.In May 2001 the Federal Centre dedicated a new wing in memoryhonor of the love of my therapy dogs. In September, two of my therapy dogs, a Pekingese and Japanese Chin were killed in the car, when hit by lightning robe. They were in the front seat with me in my car coming home after work and died. I am lucky to have an exceptional heart and lived but the car was totaled.I received a Pomeranian from my daughter and he is now a special therapy dog. He is Sunterra Sparkling Capitano call name Capi and is registered in Canada.I will never show him but hes very special. His therapy work is so important. He works 4 days each week at the North County Senior Centre, Federal Adult Care Centre, Marinelife Centre Biologist says hes the hairiest turtle we have. He is a great dog to welcome the over 200 visitors a day that are sent by' schools, etc. At the big Tropical Flower Show he was the hairiest flower in the show and was on TV.I am 90 years old, very active and still judge. I still get top AKC rating and I have 3 shows in the next six months. I do not accept more, but look forward to doing a good job when I can fit them in.Sincerely,Georgina Lane Lake Park, FloridaPOMERAMAN REVIEW - NoVDEC 200 1 - 65ConratuCationsKen GriffithLenette Pomeranianson your Kennel Visit and wishing you continued success.Maynard WoodPark Station P O Box 2296 Waynesboro VA 22980warmly congratulates Ken Griffith on his well-deserved Kennel Visit.Thank you, Ken, for our beautifulCh IcCCewy CcC Tiyjer of Lenette We are eagerly looking forward to her first litter.Congratulations to JESSICA SMITH and ROBIN TURNER on winning BOB at the APC Summer Specialty with CH PARADISE VALLEY MOONSTRUCKand to AUDRY ROBERTS for winning Best In Sweepstakes at the LaCajun Specialty with SHYACRES MILLENIUM GEM who was sired by our CH IDLEWYLD SEMI-PRECIOUS GEM.Margaret R McKee804-556-3380PomeraniansldlewyldBIGFOOT.COM66 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001BI-MAR POMERANIANSISIS. BIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A. ROSENBAUM 145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email POMSJAN ESA'S STAR AT POOLSIDEDr. Louis and Marjorie Conway 7361 E Via Estrella Avenue Scottsdale, A2 85258480 609-1876 FAX 480 609-1876 poolsidepomsqwest.netMarbil Pomeranians-vMariIffland11290 Old Lake Rd, Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127 email pomsawaylegypt.netMILLAMOR POMSViKen and Eleanor Miller 1777 Orange Picker Road Jacksonville, Florida 32223PH 904-260-4308jdiwUcM 0G4ne2MurUcunmmHome of.Ch. Avalon's Valentino Starfire Multiple Group Winning PomsAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site Quality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.FINCH'SPOMERANIANSCH Finch's He Walks on Water,ROMXCh Reginapoms Patrick O'Finch's Ch Rnch's Dream Walkin'Ch Finch's Walkin' After Midnite Ch Rnch's A Noble Tradition Ch Rnch's The Legend ContinuesWhiteRedOrange and WhiteBlack and White, Black and Tan,Parti puppies Stud ServiceDiane L Finch28453 630th, Kelley, IA 50134 515 769-2444dfmchhuxcomm.netSHYACRESPOMERANIANS"Shy in size, huge in heart"Audrey M Roberts1948 VFW Road Leesville, LA 71446 Home 337-239-3938 Fax 337-239-0409Email shyacreshotmail.comPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 67MEW CHAMPIONWe are proud to presentN \iThanks so much to Nancy who expertly handled Buck in the Bred By Exhibitor class.CONGRATULATIONS KEN5Wafefyf ^Jroav oar Aoa to- jaarjOwnerCo-OwnerBreederHandlerKat Blair Nancy Coddington7814 County Road M 61026 Myrtle DriveLarsen WI 54947 VandaliaMI 49095katallaathenet. net rcodaol.com68 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001Proudly Introducing Avalon's Valentine RoseM Sri 8IBt ,rnaAvalons Valentine RoseCh. Starfires Nicolas cl Grande Ch. Avalons Valentino Star fireRtxbys Charming Alanda Ok la Ch. Diamonds Bit of Bold BravadoCh, Beaver of Lenette ROM Sherrys Rose Tiana of LenetteGreat Elms Rose of TianaCh. Great Elms Little Tiger Ch. Great Elms Tod Choice of LenetteGreat Elms Lvdia of Lenette Avalons Cherry Blossom of LenetteApples Traveling Miracle Bridget of LenetteYolandas Twinkle of Lenet te II4xVmGROUPFIRSTIPUPPYFREEBORN COUNTYKENNEL CLUB AUGUST 2001PHOTO BY DOWNEY Cakb. i.SffeyAH8TRosieis off to a great start with a puppy group first and BOS Sweepstakes win at the APC Louisiana summer specialty.Congratulations to Ken Griffith on his well deserved Kennel Visit Rosie and most of the Avalon Poms proudly carry Lenette ancestry.OwnerBreeder Eric and Annette Davis Co-breeder Catherine lessen Handler Jane Lehtinen Avalon Pomeranians 208-234-0932 www.avalonpom.comPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 69To order back issues, mail check to Margaret McKee, 2426 Sandy Hook Rd, Goochland, VA 23063 804558-3380Issues available areAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00 August 97 15.00All other available back issues are 8.00The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year 3rd class mail, 45 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 65.The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishereditor. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher.2002 APC NATIONAL SPECIALTYMarch 11,12,13, 2002 Executive Inn 978 Phillips Lane Louisville, Kentucky 40209 502 367-6161 1-800-626-2706For further details see the APC WebsiteLOVELY POMERANIANSVictoria E Lovely 1406-D 54th Ave E Tacoma, WA 98424-1284 253 863-8608 home fax Email LovelyPomsAOL.coml Advertisers Allridge, Valerie................................... ................49 Ariente, Fabian......................................................56 Beam, Ruth........................................... ...................7 Beaty, Rodger...................................... ..................3 Behrend, Joan...................................... ................46 Birks, Joyce.......................................... .................2 7 Blair, Kathy...................................... .................681 Cabrera, Tony..................................... ................56 Coddington, Nancy.............................. 68 Conway, Louis and Marjorie.. ................67 Cook, Lee............................................. ................52 Davis, Annette.................................................69,67 Eleison, Margaret................................. .................64 Finch, Diane......................................... ................67 Gilstrap, David and Charlene... ..........24,25 Griffith, Ken and Eleanor..................... ................15 IAMS, Eukanuba.................................. ................33 Iffland, Mari..........................................................67 Inglett, Noble....................................front cover, 6 Kern, Russell........................................ ................64 Klein, Jackie......................................... .................45 Lasota, Cathy........................................ ................26I Lehtinen, Jane...................................... ...............8,9 Leo, Denise.......................................... ................59 Lovely, Victoria....................................................70 McKee, Margaret................................. ................66 Miller, Ken and Eleanor....................... ..........40,67I Oelerich, Vicky.....................................................14 Pedigree Dog Food................................back cover Pelz, Linda............................................ ...................2 Petersen, Pete........................................ 53 Rayner, Ken and Jackie.........................................57I Reimschiissel, Kelly.............................................4,5 Riehm, Donna...................................... ....28,29,64 Roberts, Audrey.................................... ...........71,67 Rosenbaum, Mary................................ .................67 Russell, Janice....................................... ...............29I Segelken, Brenda.................................. ................64 Stoll, spread,36,37 Wells, Mike.......................................... ...................2 Wood, Maynard...............................................66American Pomeranian Club, Inc Websitehttp www.bigfoot. comAmericajn.Pom. Club-....................................... ............70 - Pomeranian Review - NovDec 2001h e\N h a t ' s NS years in p l a n n i n g 3 0 0 0 miles \ o t b r e e d i n g 9 weeks gestation AND ft is HERE check out our ad next issLee wtheCongratulations to Lenette Poms.Shyacreswww.geocities.comshyacresCharles Audrey Roberts 337-239-39381984 VFW Road 409-745-0832Leesville LA 71446 shyacreshotmail.comPomeranian Review - NovDec 2001 - 71FLAVOR-LOCK pouchm u3LittleCadderole DinnerPHfta .S . N VEF. NOODLES 4 VEGilPSYoull nobice it doesnb say Libble Losers on bhe pouch.Packed with quality ingredients you can see, new PEDIGREE LITTLE CHAMPIONS pouches have the great taste your dog will love. Each nutritious meal is sealed in its own lightweight FLAVOR-LOCK pouch. To serve, just shake, tear and pour. With eight different mouth-watering recipes, the taste of victory has never been this delicious.The home-cooked taste dogs lover2001 Kal Kan Foods, Inc. PEDIGREE LITTLE CHAMPIONS is a registered trademark.