The Pomeranian Review May 2002
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Mlf]C3 WtA mr\fit mmfi iik.tYNN AIVERSON 2002alverson photoIllIMl I IITHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INCime 2002ATrpMi J3 y '' JP ssaggggimnri' [ CHAMPIONINDIANA JONES OF LENETTEBreederOwner K G Griffith mmmw___mffW mr mlVJC-1m, HhnTd1Ek KamsFBEST OF 1 OPPOSITE best of dinners AWARD OF MERIT 1AMERICAN IPOMERANIAN CU1 triHH itVEHSOH ^ 1alvebson PHOTO JCh. Peperte Pretty in pinkCh. Great Rivers Lie Loverboy X Cie Peperie PaprikaOur beautiful homebred girl goes WBBOWBOS at APC National, Louisville KY competing against some of the most lovely bitches in the country. She was just thirteen months old, and finished in ten shows, all majors.Many thanks to judge Jean Schroll for awarding her this special win, and to all the fellow competitors and friends who supported us.tThis certainly is a dream come trueCongratulations to Ken Griffith on Ch. Indianas well-deserved BOB win It was a pleasure to share the spotlight with you. We truly LOVE having Indy here with us Congrats also to our friend Kran Zozzaro on winning RWD with her Romeo, a wonderful partiPeter Pettersen and Vikki Oelerich P.O. Box 734 Woodbury, N.Y. 11797 viktrespomaol.comPICARD HAS RENEWED HIS TEXAS CITIZENSHIPManIntl 01 DiogenoirThe Rfeit Generation-m 1W4 9AWARD OF MERITAMERICAN Mi,POMERANIAN CLUB WLYNN ALVERSON 2002alverson photo Shown being presented an Award of Merit at American Pomeranian Club National Specialty in Louisville.On arrival in Houston, his debut in the Texas ring earned a Group 4 at Brazos Valley KC.WE ARE DELIGHTED HE IS BACKBreeders Presentation andLisa Stasiuk Virginia Watkins BreedinS EmotionMichael Carbano 281-442-1247 Erika K. MoureauCanada 281-351-951610.00 Ell'll Oil1 SIT MR 25.00MinimumShipping and Handling 5.00or 5.00 SH per setMake checks payable toOHIO VALLEY POMERANIAN CLUBSend ah orders toKaren Schwartz100 N Hardin Road Piqua, OH 45356-9601PRESENTS FOR SALEBEANIE POMERANIANS'Colors currently availableBLACK AND TAN, ORANGE, BLACKSIX INCHES TALL X SIX INCHES LONGThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 3 presents Jack our new Champion akc pendingCH Reginapoms Gator In Motiont'"s'WINNERSMAJORNEWCHAMPIONNORTHEASTERN dSfe INDIANA CLUBff IMHM01 K. BOOTHBESTOFOPPOSITE SEX u.breeder Regina NunnJack finished in Auburn In. with Judge R.Chashoudian giving him his fourth major for WD, BOW, BOS over two top winning specials.Watch for Jacks son Justin in the ring soonEGROUPFIRSTMATCHCLUBHaccfc 24,2002 K. BOOTH06K rDarlins Just By Chanceshown in his first fun match the same weekend that Dad finished, took Best Pom Puppy and went on to take a Group 1. We are hoping Jack puts the same attitude on all his puppies that Justin has.Congratulations to Fred and Pat Dieball,and belated congratulations to David and Carlene Gilstrap on your kennel visits.All poms are loved and owned byWiriLIeNLaurie Otis7721 Wright-Puthoff Rd Sidney, OH 45365 937-498-4970 QQDonna Machniak237 Groveland Dr Howell,MI 48843 517-546-7446 dejayismi.net4 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002oneven Paocy pootamA , , , ,out ken ote yean keet ivtfo a 'Wijl tuietfQ\. BEST OF' OPPOSITEcNf,GOLDEN VM.LEX \KENNEL CLUBNOVEMBERV CM1PHOTO \ by WE6 YjCongratulations to the Dieballs on your kennel visit.C^oreVeT ^oura Oom^ankmAMarge Kranzfelder 831-623-9265 kranzmar hollinet. comThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 5COTVTEIVTSAdvertisers Index.....................................................................72APC Membership Meeting Summary M Kranzfelder....46, 47APC National Results Classes..................................31, 32, 33APC National Photos............................. 15, 34, 35, 47, 63, 73APC National Sweepstakes Betsy Owens........................44, 45APC Officers...........................................................................13APC 2002 Summer Specialty Information.........................74, 75Ask Us Anything Annette Davis..............................................16Back Issue Information...........................................................72Behind New Titlists.................................................................73Coming Events..............................................12, 66, 72, 74, 75Des Moines Pom Specialty Karen Chisam........................ 56, 57Des Moines Pom Club Specialty Sept 2002...................... 74, 75Front Cover Article...................................................................6Health and Genetics Marge Kranzfelder.......................... 38, 39Judges Critique APC National Jean Schroll.......................... 31Judges Education Dot Martin.................................................25Kennel Visit Fred and Pat Dieball, Tisha Poms...............20 -24Membership Report Annette Davis........................................12Memorial Ch Glen Iris Castle Rock.......................................71Memorial Ch Pixies Buttons-N-Bows....................................71Memory Lane Jean Schroll....................................................70My First Pom Debbie Kingery................................................48Performance News Barbara McClatchey............49, 50, 51, 63Pom Club of Central IN Match Jackie Walsh............. 60, 61, 62Presidents Report Margaret McKee..................................14, 15Registrars Corner Diana Downey.........................................12SubscriptionReview Information.......................................10,72Way I See It And More Sally Baugniet.............................28, 29Ways and Means Donna Riehm............................................27Website Address................................................................12, 72Westminster KC Emilie Hussey.........................................54, 55No time to place an ad Not enough copy Post that new champion, import, special litter or big win in Wags and Brags Up to 60 words only 10.00 Phone, fax or email. Major Credit cards accepted.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.bigfoot.comAmerican.Pom.ClubFRONT COVERJ.....ICH INDIANA JONES OF LENETTEIndy started his show career by going fourth in the puppy class at the Central Carolina Pom Specialty. I thought he should have placed second. He was on the large side and a little long at the time. After talking to Vikki Oelerich, she somewhat reluctantly took Indy to show. He was a bit stubborn but soon started to look and show better. Once in the ring again he won often. At first I told Vikki that he might be good enough to finish and I wanted to try because I liked his pedigree. His sister was the best pup in the Utter and finished in three straight shows.In a few weeks the APC National and Baltimore Specialties were coming and Vikki told me she was going to the National and win Winners Dog. Boy Did I get a good laugh at that. As fate would have it Vikki lost a close family member and was unable to attend. I will always be greatful to Pete Pettersen for taking Indy to the Specialties.Pete asked Donna Lynn Wright, Charlotte Creed and Chris Heartz to take Indy into the ring for the two specialties and all three won with him. Pete also took him in and won one of the sweepstakes. For the two days, Indy won both Sweepstakes, Reserve Winners Dog at the Baltimore Specialty. Finally, the next day Indy won Winners Dog at the APC National, just as Vikki had predicted.The following spring Indy went second Award of Merit at the APC National. This year Vikki finally made it with Indy by winning the APC National under Judge Jean Schroll. Thank you Judge Schroll for this most prestigious win.Thank you Vikki for all that you have done with Indy. You two will always be special to us here at Lenette.When Tndy was a young puppy I felt my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ had given me a special Pom. Although Indy didnt look special until he was about ten months of age, I felt the Holy Spirit of God was telling me that someday Indy would be special and to have faith in him and be patient. Thank you Heavenly Father for this most precious gift.Breeders of fln-e Poms sLiute lsy1440Pom Orchid Lane maur" Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-75786 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 CAN CH FOXWORTH FAST LANEo\se MILLAMOR S MIGHTEE OF EMCEE X FOXWORTH FIRST CLASS-tts\Hf \ \ _SiMMCruiseis pictured winning WD at the APC National Specialty in Louisville.Thank you to Jean Schroll for this exciting winFoxworthDr. Pamela Dodsworth and Larry Fox2737 Middle River Road Middle River, NB E2A 6X7506-548-8780 foxworthnbnet.nb.caThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 7MOUNTAIN CREST POMERANIANSWANTS TO THANK THE REVIEW AND ALL OUR FREINDS THAT SUPPORTED OUR KENNEL VISIT2001 WAS A GREAT YEAR MOUNTAIN CREST RONNI ROMX - APC TOP DAM CH PAUGHPRINTS ON THE MTN. CREST ROM - APC 2 SIRE3 APC BREEDER OF THE YEAR 4 APC EXHIBITOR OF THE YEARCHAMPIONS FOR 2001CH. MOUNTAIN CREST X-CALIBUR CH. MOUNTAIN CREST RED VELVET CH. MOUNTAIN CREST MISCHIEF MAKER CH. MOUNTAIN CREST GINGER SPICE II CH. MOUNTAIN CREST GLOWING AMBER CH. MOUNTAIN CREST ADONIS SUNMOUNTAIN CREST POMERANIANSJ J wins back to back BEST OF BREED over special from the BBE classiBEST OFCONYERS K.C. FEB. 2002GRAY PHOTO BY CATHYvxMountain Crest JJCH. PAUGHPRINTS ON THE MTN. CREST, ROM X MOUNTAIN CREST SUMMER BREEZEThank you judges Mrs. Carole Beattie and Mrs. Robert Forsyth. Congratulations to Fred and Pat Dieball on their Kennel VisitAndA belated congratulations to good friend Jane Lehtinen.Mountain Crest PomeraniansDavid and Carlene Gilstrap PO. Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 dcgilstrapaol.comfDomerantan IRebittoTHE OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. PUBLICATIONEditor.....................................................................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave, Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217-347-5731 fame62401 yahoo.comSubscriptions........................................................................................................................................Brenda K Hutton15755 Greenway, Lansing, MI 48906 PH 517-485-5183 Email bkpomsearthlink.netBack Issues............................................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Rd, Goochland, VA 23063 PH 804-556-3380 Email idlewyldbigfoot.comSuhdodpUatw 6 issues per year3rd Class Subscription.................................37.00Foreign...........................................................65.00First Class......................................................45.00Single Copy..................................................... 8.00Back Issues......................................................8.00Zdaentiaing, SlatedFront Cover Color......................................500.00Back Cover Color.......................................350.00Inside Front Cover Color.......................... 275.00Inside Front Cover BW............................ 100.00Inside Back Cover Color........................... 275.00Inside Back Cover BW..............................100.00Page 3 Color................................................275.00Page 3 BW..................................................100.00Center Spread Color..................................500.00Center Spread BW....................................220.00Full Page Color...........................................250.00Full Page BW...............................................70.00Half Page BW.............................................. 40.00One Quarter Page........................................ 25.00Business Card 6 ...................... 60,double 90All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25.00 each. Additional black and white photos are 5.00 each.tDeadtineAd DeadlineNov 15............ .Jan 15..............Mar 15............May 15 ...........July 15.............Sept 15 ..........Issue ...JanFeb MarApril MayJune . JulyAug . SeptOct . NovDecSome flexibility is possible with deadline. Please contact us for further details.Cft Pomeranian Hetoteto.....official A. P. C. publication.....sent to Breed Group Judges.....reasonable rates.....quality reproductions.....only source of APC Archives.....provides APC news and reports.....APC Specialty coverage.....Regional Pom Club coverage.....Obedience training information.....interesting, informativeSUPPORT THE APE10 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002Tisha PomsOk cpoun, Kernel ViettPat and Fred - I would just like to thank you for all your help and encouragement since I began showing dogs back in 1990.There are no better mentorsAiiItfc.u..V ...t,TmFred -1 will always remember the fun I had during your class. Along with the fun, you taught me to handle my dogs to become champions. You made learning fun Thank you.Pat - You have taught me to groom both Lhasas and Poms and I could not have asked for a better handler for my dogs. I cant thank you enough for the career you gave Jona Ch. Palsans Just Jona and Sammy Tishas Great Balls of Fire. I hope these pictures bring back good memories.Lastly, congratulations on your GROUP 2 at DKC onCh. Tishas a Lil Bit OGustoMarch 17, 2002.I wish you continued success with this gorgeous little boy.PalsansSandy and Katie Topor30245 Barbary Ct. Warren, MI 48093 586-558-3924The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 -11MEMBERSHIP REPORT ANNETTE DAVIS391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello, ID 83204 208-234-0932 davis avalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Julie Kallbacka, 3703 Hancock Rd., Magna, UT 84044. Contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERS Michael Gordon CAAPPLICATIONSJohn Pauline McFarlane CASponsors Letitia Cannon Tammee FelixRon Merilyn Smith CASponsors Letitia Cannon Sharon HansonDeronda Derrik Sharp CASponsors Letitia Cannon Sharon HansonCaryl Fennell A. Todd Schrimpsher TX Sponsors Jose A. Tony Cabrera Cindy BoulwareKathy Steve Launderville IASponsors Jane Lehtinen Juanita FiddickLee D. Cook NCSponsors Rodger K. Beaty K G Griffith Bonnie Harris NYSponsors Marie E Carlough Marye E Picone Gina Bush CASharon Hanson and Letitia Cannon Ann Berryman INSponsors Melissa Dahlenburg David GilstrapREGISTRARS CORNER DIANA DOWNEYNever publishedCh. Jan-Shars Dudly Doright, GC,HOF MCh. Lovely Jessie Sais So, GC,HOF MROM Re-instatedJan-Shars Semi-Sweet BJan-Shars Shelly At Blakes BPompuf Fancy Rockette BCh. Queenaire Signature BCh. Starfires Sophia BNew ROMCh. Absolutes Harleys Son David MCh. Absolutes Magic Mist BDiana M, DowneyRegistrar of Historical Awards American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Dimonde httpwww.bigfoot.comAmerican.Pom.ClubVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.bigfoot.comAmerican.Pom.ClubCOMING KENNEL VISITS IN 2002JulyAug Jack and Gale Rivers, Gay-Els Poms SeptOct Hideko Strasbaugh, Candyfloss PomsPlease contact Cynthia Bradley, Stillcove Pomeranians, the Pomeranian Reviews Kennel Visit Co-ordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Cynthia may be contacted at 1908 NE 86th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97220-5508. Phone 503-253-8499 or email at pomymomy yahoo.com12 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002Ic Pomeranian PebteinTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INCORPORATEDAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT......................................................................................................................MARGARET MCKEE2426 Sandy Hook Rd, Goochland, VA 23063-2508PH804-556-3380 FAX 804-556-4107 EMAIL idlewyldbigfoot.comFIRST VICE PRESIDENT........................................................................................................FRANCES STOLLR R 3, Box 429, Washington, IN 47501PH 812-254-3857 FAX 812-254-3254 EMAIL stolannedmrtc.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT...............................................................................................................TIM GODDARD797 Frank Road, Opelousas, LA 70570-0540PH 337-543-6622 FAX 337-543-6622 EMAIL T_S_PomsASBANK.COMRECORDING SECRETARY..............................................................................................JULIE KALLBACKA3703 Hancock Road, Magna, UT 84044PH 801-252-3417 EMAIL kalasicburnettech.comCORRESPONDING SECRETARY........................................................................... CYNTHIA BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972-962-3872 FAX 972-962-3872 EMAIL American.Pom.Clubbigfoot.comTREASURER..........................................................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAUPH 281-351-951621522 Rosehill Church Rd, Tomball, TX 77375 FAX 281-351-6620 EMAIL texicandogaol.comAKC DELEGATE.....................................................................................................MARGE KRANZFELDER821 Brown Road, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045-9603EMAIL kranzmarhollinet.comPH 831-623-9265 FAX 831-623-2612JUDGES EDUCATION CONTACT..................................................................................DOROTHY MARTIN5354 Bluebird Lane, York SC 29745PH 803-831-8086 FAX 803-831-0351 EMAIL edwarda.martinatt.netSally Baugniet Annette Lynn Heise.BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Diana Downey Marge KranzfelderAnnette Davis Jane LehtinenThe Pomer aman Review11139 East Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217-347-5731 Email fame62401yahoo.comThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 13From the Presidents DeskMargaret McKeeWow Another terrific specialty. Our first attempt at a three-day event was jam-packed with activities. We kicked off Sunday evening with a Board meeting at 7. Then the Hospitality Room, hosted by the Ohio Valley Pom Club, opened. They had a woooooonderful variety of goodies to eat and Bourbon Slush. Fortunately, the Board meeting kept me from getting more than one glass. The next morning the Board meeting resumed at 8 am. The Grooming Seminar, featuring that whiz with the scissors Chris Heartz, began at 1100am for a capacity crowd, immediately followed by the Health and Genetics Seminar. I had to dash from that to the ballroom for the Obedience Trial. There were some heartbreaking misses, as usual, but those obedience Poms turned in some charming performances and took away lots of rosettes and trophies.Tuesday morning kicked off with Sweepstakes. I am not officially reporting results, as I was able to watch very little. Your President gets to do glamorous stuff like set up reserved grooming space at the Fairgrounds and sell catalogues. So many gorgeous and entrancing puppies The breed is in very good shape. In a lunchtime conversation with Judge Betsy Owens, she confirmed my impression that you breeders are doing a very good job.There were lots of concessions at which to shop and two different raffles going on. Jane Lehtinen had collected a fine assortment of equipment, which was raffled to help defray show costs. Ann Berryman made a spectacularly beautiful quilt which was raffled to raise funds for research on canine alopecia. Jane had also put together the great goodie bags, which were given to everyone.Monday evening, the Central Indiana Pom Club put on a B match, which I assume, was well attended. I took that opportunity to grab a little rest and play with the grandbaby. The Annual Meeting did not have a quorum, but fortunately we didn't need to vote on anything. It was announced that for the time being, the National Specialty will remain in Louisville as this site has proven so successful. Next year we hope to expand the schedule even more. This site is central the hotel has been good to work with weve drawn very large entries here and we are blessed with two strong regional clubs who are so supportive. We also announced new dues-paying procedures, to be more in line with the By-Laws. Dues notices will be sent out in October. Dues are DUE the first day of January. After that, your name may not be listed in the roster. If dues are received between Jan 1 and Jan. 31, a late fee of 15 will be charged. After Jan. 31, the membership has lapsed and the individual must reapply. So dont dawdle with that dues check Marge Kranzfelder has been appointed Chairman of the Nominating Committee. Please send suggestions for the slate to her. The meeting lasted just an hour, so that left more time for visiting at the Wine and Cheese Tasting.Wednesday brought the excitement of regular classes, which Judge Jean Schroll moved through quickly, thanks in part to our very efficient stewards, Kelly and Karen Schwartz. Another great specialty because14 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002so many people pitched in and worked hard. It is impossible to say thank you enough to Show Chair Jim Shearer and Show Secretary Cindy Boulware. They did a fabulous job. This was Jims last show,as he is taking a well-deserved rest from many years of serving APC in several capacities. Thank you, Jim. Cindy will continue thank God as Secretary next year. Greg Waters has graciously agreed to be Show Chairman and we are looking forward to working with him.The specialty festivities wound up Wednesday evening with the Awards banquet, which was attended by about 150 people. After a delicious buffet, Tish Cannon presided over handing out our numerous awards. Congratulations to all the winners. If it felt like we were calling out the names fast, it is because there were so many of them. Donna Riehm, Ways and Means Chair, had collected such a fabulous array of auction items, that we were actually able to hold 2 auctions. A silent auction was held during regular classes, then the rest of the wonderful goodies were auctioned off by Bob Fiddick after the awards. I spent entirely too much money.All week I saw positive signs that the club is in better shape than last year at this time. Erika Moureau reported that the books are finally in order, taxes are paid, and we are starting to operate in the black. Free copies of Pomeranian Review were snapped up by non-subscribers and new subscriptions ordered. Several people tried to turn in membership applications to me. They go to Membership Chair Annette Davis. H G Chair Marge Kranzfelder and her committee had set a goal of raising 2500 for a CHF study of canine alopecia X. As a result of profit from the seminar, the quilt raffle, and club and individual donations, that goal was reached by Wednesday night Whenever I asked for volunteers, two or three people came forward Thanks to Kelly Rimschissel, Janice Russell, Carol Leemhuis, Ken Griffith, and Greg Waters. By the way, I apologize for being late in thanking Jessica Smith for setting up and running the APC booth at the AKC Classic dog show in December. After attending three of the all breed shows I returned home tired but very satisfied with the way things are going. Congratulate yourselves, as you elected a Board that is talented, intelligent, and dedicated to APC and the breed, and you are supporting that Board and PR Ed Brenda with your individual efforts.Look for winners ads throughout this issue. Congratulations to all the winners. Actually, if you were at the APC National Specialty, you were a winner '--F42wkv ,IIThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 15By Annette DavisOur question for this issue is My Pom has been diagnosed with bladder stones Is there anything that can be done besides surgery to help herTreatmentPrevention Options1 Surgery. Stone removal is a major surgery but is the quickest way to relieve the problem.Bladder stones urolithiasis or cystic calculi are fairly common in some breeds such as dalmatians and miniature schnauzers. Although not very common, they can also occur in Pomeranians. Symptoms are frequent urination, straining, and possible blood in the urine.There are several factors that can make your dog prone to bladder stones1 Urine that is saturated with excesses of minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Your dogs diet and drinking water can be a factor in this case.2 Bacteria in the urine. Urine is normally sterile. When an infection causes bacteria in the urine, minerals may be attracted to the bacteria and begin to form stones. Dogs who experience chronic urinary tract infections are much more prone to bladder stones.2 Antibiotics if an infection is present.3 Offer distilled or reverse osmosis purified water. The addition of a small amount of apple cider vinegar may be helpful in some cases. Be sure your pet has a clean supply of water available at all times and seems to be drinking enough. Change the water and wash the water bowl often.4 Allow your pet to relieve herself often. Holding urine for extended periods may contribute to stone formation.5 Prescription diet. Your vet can prescribe special food which acidifies the urine. Acidifying the urine will dissolve some, but not all types of stones.6 Limit stresses i.e. prolonged exposure to cold weather which can lower your dogs resistance and leave him prone to an infection.3 Medications which increase calcium or alter the pH of the urine i.e. tetracycline antibiotics, sulfa drugs, and cortisone.4 Overuse of certain dietary supplements such as vitamin C.7 Support the overall health of your dog with a high quality diet, appropriate dietary supplements do not exceed the recommended dosages, exercise, moderate amounts of fresh air sunshine, clean living quarters, and good grooming habits.5 Diseases such as liver shunt. Our question for the next issue is What is collapsing tracheaYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions to Annette Davis, 391 N Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello ID 83204 PH 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail davisavalonpom.com16 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002Fire Burned Up The Ring At The Des Moines Specialt'VImWh'Kvv-.ryvPVIsptvfclivzfi 4r-WINNERST'A-'-firSPEC ALTYCOMBINEDIOWACLUBS or14 mm 2002MELPHOTO BYI. CH.MarbiPs Games of Chance FireCH. Ace High Dealer x Marbils Chance Of A Lifetime Breeder Mari Iffland Owners Mari Iffland Donna RiehmFire finished his championship by taking Winners Dog for a five point major at the APC Specialty in Des Moines. We are so proud of this prestigious win. Big thanks to his handler, Jane Lehtinen.Marbil-Riehm Riding In Style, Benz owned by Donna Riehm and bred by Donna Riehm and myself took the Reserve to Fire. Just when we didnt think it could get any better ... Benz took the major the next dayFire would also like to congratulate his sire CH. Ace High Dealer. Asa 9 yrs old went to the APC Nationals in Louisville and took Best Veteran Dog in Sweeps and Best Opposite Sex to Best Veteran under Betsy Owens. Thank you Betsy . . from me and the ole boy. We had a great time at Nationals and were pleased to have five dogs in the ribbons and extremely proud to see Benz take Best Puppy In Specialty. What a great week.Marbil Pomeranians 618435-6127Mari Iffland pomsawaylegypt.netThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 17CH TISHAS A LIL BIT OGUSTOfvm.c,rmPatrick'Cm HEART ANPatrick16 Alwaystl I STOLANNH THUNDERBOLT THORSPEC AL TREASURE"' ^M WEE-HEARTS HIGH SOCIETY________HEARTLAND'S HEAVEN SENTHEARTLAND'S PENNIES FROM HEAVENCH TISHA'S A LIL BIT OGUSTOCH VALHALLAS ROCK-N-ROLL OF OAKRIDGETISHAS RICOCHETCH TISHAS U BET-CHA BUTTONSCH TISHAS N ALL THAT JAZZTISHAS GRIN N BEAR IT CH TISHA'S JAMMIN SMORETISHAS WILD TOUCHBreeder-Owner-HandledPat and Fred Dieball2019 Greenwood Rd Lapeer, MI 48446 810 245-1924 tishapom prodigy.netSince 1977Lhasas and PomsCH TISHAS BEWITCHEDCH HEARTLANDS BOSA NOVA DANCER X TISHAS CASTLE SECRETCH TISHAS MYSTIQUECH HEARTLANDS BOSA NOVA DANCER X CH TISHAS SING-A-SONGPat and Fred Dieball2019 Greenwood Rd Lapeer, MI 48446 810 245-1924 KENNEL CLUBAlways Breeder-Owner-HandledArv A"Since 1977Lhasas and PomsAPC Crnef lisitwithTishas Pomeranians ^CH TISHAS A LIL BIT OGUSTOFred Pat DieballLapeer, folio ki^ax\m11T'TfiTnWMnill'CHTISHAS HALLELUJAH AND CH TISHAS JUSTAFREE SPIRITOur involvement in the dog show world and breeding began in 1976 with the purchase of our first Lhasa Apso show puppy before that we had numerous pets including dogs, cats, hamsters, birds and even a chameleon.We started showing atlocal shows and got bit by the dog show bug. Our first litter was bom in late 1977, and the entire family became involved. Our four daughters, ages three to seven at the time, were a big part oftraining and socializing our puppies. Kerry, our oldest daughter, and Jeanette, our youngest daughter, both began showing in junior handling when they were old enough and, the twins Kelley and Tracy were the extra setof hands at home and at the shows.We have finishednumerous Lhasa Apsos over the years and are very proud of accomplishing a Register of Merit as a breeder. The-AAlways Breeder-Owner-HandledSince 1977Lhasas and PomsPat and Fred Dieball 2019 Greenwood Rd Lapeer, MI 48446 810 245-1924 tishapomprodigy.net20 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002American Lhasa Apso Club recognizes any member that breeds ten or more champions with a plaque naming them as a R.O.M. Breeder. We have always shown our own dogsDad decided to step in and helped inquire about a reputable breeder. We contacted Janet Heffington, a well-known judge and exhibitor of a Best in Showbecame our foundation bitch, shown owner-handled by Pat. Eventually Na-Nook was specialed by Pat to a couple of Group ls and numerous group placings. We shallWe....are very proud of accomplishing a Register of Merit as a breeder....the American Lhasa Apso Club recognizes breeders of ten or more Champions....TvW''-r.' ftas owner-handlers or breeder- owner-handlers, whether a Lhasa or a Pom.In 1988 while we were attending the local shows with our daughter Jeanette, who was about fourteen years old at the time and showing a Lhasa in junior handling, she noticed the darling and adorable little Pomeranian and of course wanted one of her own.We discussed it in great lengths and finally after a year of pleading and begging we gave in to her request. She had been looking for a breeder at the shows that had nice Poms and she approached them on a show puppy. She was told they could only sell her a pet because of her age, I guess. Well being disappointed and feeling snubbed, Mom andPom. She recommended a few breeders to us that lived out of state. Shannon Johnson of Doo-Shay Poms had a little twelve-week-old male show prospect ready to go and was willing to let a fourteen-year-old show him.This little guy became Multiple Group Winning Ch. Doo-Shays Wild Thing Na- Nook. Na-Nook was totally trained, groomed and shown to his championship title exclusively by Jeanette. She had to learn it all from books, watching others at the shows and on the fly experience.Of course her parents also fell totally in love with this engaging little breed and had to have one all their own. An arrangement was made with Shannon and after a period of time Group Winning Ch. Doo-Shays Funky Medeanaalways be very grateful to Shannon for the faith she placed in our daughter Jeanette and very thankful for the quality poms she always sent our way. Na-Nook and Medeanas pedigree basically goes back to the Bev-Nor, Millamor and Model lines.Our breeding programhas always been very limited and still is. We usually breed only two-three litters a year. Our average litter size is only one-two puppies per litter, which gives us plenty of time to give each puppy a lot of individual attention. With Pat being at home to take care of things on the home front our grandkids get to spend a lot of time playing and socializing the puppies. We love working with our pom puppies for the show ring, as they are always such happy little guys and soThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 21easy to train, so willing to do what you ask of them.One of our earlier litters produced American and Canadian Ch. Tishas U Bet- Cha Buttons out of Medeanaand his brother Lucky were just 2 days old. They were born March 17, 2000, St. Patricks Day hence their nicknames. This was our first and hopefully only experiencequickly and is a fun pom in and out of the ring. He is the grandson of Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor and Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge. Boss is the sire ofrC5-Jm-mbred to Ch. Doo-Shays Western Expose a Ch. Chriscendo Western Express son, now owned by Catherine Fairbairn of Canada.It was decided that Buttons would be bred to Ch. Valhallas Rock N Roll of Oakridge, bred by Nina Epps and owned by Melissa Spranger. That breeding produced Tishas Ricochet. Ricochet bred to Ch. Tishas Jammin Smore, which was a tight line breeding, produced a litter of two girls. They became Ch. Tishas Sing-A-Song and Ch. Tishas N All That Jazz. Song and Jazzi were a lot of fun to show and seemed to take turns winning.Ch. Tishas A Lil Bit OGusto Patrick is the son of Jazzi. Sadly, Jazzi died when Patrickat bottle feeding and totally rearing orphaned puppies.In 1995, we purchased Ch. Watts Little Bullit as a five month old puppy from Dolores Watts. Bullit is a cream sable, owner-handled to his Championship title by Pat. Bullit possesses a very thick proper Pom coat that he passes along to his progeny. Bullits pedigree goes back to Great Elms and Scotia and he is the sire of Ch. Tishas Song and Dance Gal Josie and Ch. Tishas Dancin Smore Jax.Ch. Heartlands Bosa Nova Dancer has become a very influential sire for us. Boss was bred by Diane Kieffer and actually is the Boss around here. He needs to inspect everyone coming and going and gives his stamp of approval. Boss finished veryCh. Tishas Bewitched Delta, Ch. Tishas Mystique Misty, and Ch. Tishas A Lil Bit OGusto Patrick. Other Boss kids now being shown are Tishas Raisin A Rukus Alex and Tishas Saranade Sarah.Patrick will be specialed on a limited basis this year by Pat. With the arrival of Heidi, a Song daughter, Patrick becomes a sire and marks our fifth generation of breeding poms. Delta and Misty were both finished very quickly as puppies. Delta was a Best In Show Puppy twice in the year 2000. Misty was Best In Match at the Great Lakes Toy Clubs first A Match in 2001.We must not forget our little black pom from Diane Finch. Finchs Walkin Smore Oliver is major pointed and22 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002will be out later this year after he coats up again.While Pat does most of the whelping, socializing, training, grooming, and handling Fred has done hisbreeder-owner-handled to their championship titles.Over the years we have finished twenty Lhasas, seventeen Poms and one Brussels Griffon. Which is notSari Tietjen Bom To Win By Patricia Craige Trotter and The Joy Of Breeding Your Own Show Dog by Anne Seranne are a few books worth reading, to name a few.cJi- Arfa1CH TISHAS SING-A-SONGCH TISHAS N ALL THAT JAZZCH TISHAS A LIL BIT O GUSTO AND APRILpart. Fred has run a successful conformation training class since 1985. While he runs at least two classes a week almost every week of the year for All-Breeds, it is done because he likes to help others trying to get into the sport of showing dogs. This also gives Pat the opportunity to train puppies in a show type environment once a week for a couple of hours.Fred also has been approved to judge Pomeranians, Lhasa Apsos, Brussels Griffon, Shih Tzu and Junior Handling.We have always shown our dogs in limited showing but now, enjoy spending time with our ever-growing family. Thus we only attend dog shows once or possibly two weekends out of the month. All our Poms and Lhasas have been owner-handled ora record by any means but a number we are very proud of in limited local showing. Pat has also handled for others over the years, before Fred received his judging license, handling Shih Tzu, Papillons, Yorkies, and Cairn Terrier to name a few.We believe that the road to success comes from educating oneself with good literature and listening and observing others that are successful. We feel it is very important to start with and build upon a very strong line of bitches bred to a top producing line of sires.Puppies need a good start in life with good nutrition and proper socialization and training.Reading books and articles such as, The Pomeranian byBooks and articles are great education tools when it comes to breeding better dogs. Educating oneself should never end we are always learning.Being affiliated with a local all-breed club and breed clubs is also a learning experience. We were members of the Pontiac Kennel Club for twelve years, holding various offices. We are currently members of the Michigan Pom Club, Greater Detroit Lhasa Apso Club, American Pom Club and the American Lhasa Apso Club. Fred is currently a member of the Oakland County Kennel Club.Our life-long dream ofcountry living became a reality in 1999. We moved from the suburbs to a ten-acre country home with a pond,The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 23river, and woods. Our two- car garage became our heated kennel.Soon after we moved in a dog yard was added to the kennel. We had plenty of room toolder granddaughters, April and Rayanna, are just getting started in the dog show world by attending training class when ever possible and helping out in all areas ofvisit and for doing such a great job on The Pomeranian Review.r.m , t H jf leaf -4.,- lA m 5itraining. They are hoping to be ready for the junior handling ring when old enough. Could this be our third generation of show fanciersWe would like to extend a big thank-you to Shannon Johnson for our beginnings into this wonderful breed and also to Diane Kieffer for the Boss.walk and train our babies without worrying about the neighbors. We have also recently, added a barn complete with a couple of rescued barn cats, rabbits, chickens, ducks, and our first horse, an Appaloosa named Chief.Our Pom babies are bom in our bedroom and moved to the kitchen area at about four weeks of age for more socialization. They are within sight of people basically Pat as she buzzes in and out all day until old enough to be moved to the kennel. This has always worked well for us in socializing and training puppies one can live with.We have been delightfully blessed with six wonderful grandchildren ages one year to eight years old that we love spending time with. The twoWe also would like to thank our wonderful family for putting up with their parents through all this. And to Jeanette, who was our little girl that found this wonderful breed for us and for all the help she still bestows by watching all our critters so Mom and Dad can still travel to a few shows.A special thank-you also to Brenda for the honor of this24 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002t^pC Judges educationfot MartinWho needs education on the Pomeranian Why judges of course, of course, and if they are not properly educated you may think they are a horse, of course, of course.Do you know the difference between a Judges Breed Study Group and a Breed Seminar A Judges Breed Study Group can only be held in conjunction with a breeds National Specialty. A breed seminar can be held any time or place and should use the same materials that is the official study of the breed as prepared by the parent club. The difference is the availability of the larger number of dogs at the National that can be presented during the hands-on examination and for observation.At the National Specialty in Louisville in March, we invited owners, exhibitors and handlers as well as judges to attend the Judges Breed Study Group. This was not restricted to Judges only. We waived all fees to encourage attendance. There were fifteen judges and prospective judges who came to learn more about our breed. There were eleven Pomeranian fanciers that participated. The time we spent together was an exchange of ideas and information and I believe everyone left with a better picture of the ideal Pomeranian and what goes into selecting the best examples of the breed. Ring-side tutoring was available each day from Tuesday thru Friday during Pomeranian judging to assist judges in evaluating the dogs. Everyone tried to guess which entry the officiating judge would select. There were so many worthy dogs at the National that all observers could pick a favorite and mentally cheer for that dog. We hope that breeders and judges read the standard, however, some words or pharses need to be explained or discussed. Those who are new to our breed should spend time with more than one breeder and attend any opportunities for education that may be available. I want to thank the person brave enough to bring a Pom with alopecia so we could see the ravaging effects of that problem. Also, thanks to Marge Kranzfelder for the latest information about research on this disease.There have been many requests from judges organizations for education in 2002 on our breed. A goal of the education committee is to have APC members prepared in every state or region to serve as mentors and seminar presenters. A network of fanciers who have attended workshops and are skilled in the operation would greatly advance the interest of our breed on a national scale. Please let me know if you are interested in serving in this capacity. We would like to have a seminar on mentoring at the 2003 National in Louisville next March. Regional Pomeranian clubs should consider holding seminars in their own area in conjuntion with their specialties and invite breeders, pet owners and exhibitors as well as judges to attend. We need to get the word out to Pomeranian lovers, Come and teach and learn.Who needs education on the Pomeranian Why everyone, of course, of course. No one wants to be a horse, of course, of courseDot Martin is the American Pomeranian Club, Incorporated's Judges Education Chairperson. Dot may be contacted at 803-831-8086 or edwarda.martinatt.netThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 25finishing at 10 months oldCo-owned, loved and handled by Margaret Nance.Look for Jitterbugs littermate, Bi-Mar Sunnys Eclipse with both majors and going Best of Breed from the classes. Chip is our first black to be shown and we are excited about him. He is a double grandson of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and his great grandsire is BIS Ch. Valcopy Wakham Valentino.Watch for our new red sable boy sired by group winner, Ch. Bi-Mars All That Jazz and out of a BIS Ch. Valcopy Wakham Valentino daughter and co-owned with Margaret.Offered for saleWhelped 1201, black male and one red male sired by InternationalAmerican Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Image and out of a Ch. Bi-Mars Grasshopper daughter.Whelped 501, black male by IntemationalAmerican Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Image and out of a line bred female by Ch. Bi-Mars Grasshopper. Leash trained, micro chipped and vet checked sound. Baby faced, excellent bite with high ears. Beautiful temperament.See our webpage for more information, POMERANIANSMARY ROSENBAUM 360-767-0104 FAX 360-767-0105145 FAY ROAD CHEHAL1S, WA 9853226 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002Ways and MeansDonna Riehm, ChairpersonI want to first say Thanks to everyone that made the American Pomeranian ClubsNational Specialty, March 11,12 and 13, at Louisville, Kentucky such a grand event.mmI am so very proud of the generous donation of items so many of you gave in supportof the APC auction. Many of these items were one of a kind pieces of art and beautifulhandmade crafts. Several of you donated multiple items. I was so pleased to see the lovely donations fromour international friends from Australia, Italy, England and Canada.A really big Thank You to Carlene Gilstrap who was so kind to work with me during the show to assure that the Ways and Means responsibilities were handled in an efficient and professional manner.We tried very hard to tag all auction items with the donors name and kennel name so that our Specialty attendees and auction participants could appreciate the efforts of all who were so thoughtful to donate. The donations varied from prints, figurines, crate covers, beds, jewelry, china Pom plates, 2002 Olympic memorabilia, stained glass, etched glass, a tack box, abeautiful table clock, handmadeafghans, music box, popcorn holder, singing dolls, books, leather handbag, fresh pecans, grooming video, leather leads, wooden welcome signs, and SO MUCH MORE.We had so many items we had to split the auction and put part of it in a silent auction thefinal day of competition. This was one of the most successful APC auctions ever.Thanks to our donorsJanice RussellJuanita FiddickBrenda SegelkenDavid and Carlene GilstrapFran StollEd MartinDebbie KingeryMari IfflandDenise LeoJackie WalshNorthern California Pom ClubErika MoureauLauretta FlynnRoxanne CollinsKelley ReimschiisselStefano ScullinoSue LucatortoTammee FelixDonna MachniakLori OtisCheri McDonaldGreg and Charlene WatersKaren ChisamBetsy OwensCarol WallerLana PriceJackie Hirshberg Pom Club of Canada Peter Petersen Jen HryniukThanks to all bidders for your participation and purchases of the auction items.I so hope I have not overlooked anyone, as you all were so important to the success of this event.Besides the lovely donations, the auction was a great success because we had a TERRIFIC auctioneer. Huge Thanks to Bob Fiddick who did such a fantastic job.AND, I want to thank all of you that purchased the APC screened tote bagsx-pens.This was an exclusive fundraiser for Ways and Means this year. This project contributed 440.00 to the APC.The APC Ways and Means chairperson may be emailed at mom4poms aol.comThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 27The wayi i see it'^ hAOYtSally BaugnietThis issue we are presenting a response from a breeder-judge that has been judging for a long time. Our breeder-judge, Ken Miller, lives in Florida with his wife Eleanor and their very special dogs.Eleanor is still actively showing her beautiful Millamor Poms. Ken is very well respected in the dog world, for his knowledge and quality judging. Thank you Ken, for your very thorough response.1. How long have you been an AKC licensed Judge I have been approved to judge Poms since July, 1967.2. Why did you apply to become a judge Mymain reason to apply was the inability of some of the Pom judges at that time to pick what I thought was the best dog in the ring. We were heavily into showing then and some judges just didnt seem to know the breed. I guess you would say that I thought that I could do as well or better at judging the breed.3. What Breed of dogs have you owned, lived with, and bred Besides Poms, we have bred Toy Poodles, Maltese, and Lhasa Apsos. We also showed and finished Pugs and Chihuahuas.4. Did you ever own or show a Pomeranian If so, please tell us about some interesting happenings andor accomplishments. We still own and show Poms. We began in the middle fifties and although we have never kept a record of the number of champions we have bred and finished, it would probably be over one hundred.We finished a dog at Westminster, back when you could still show class dogs and have had our share of wins at the specialties. We were also the breeders of CH.Millamors Marketta, who finished undefeated from the puppy class at seven months of age. She is still the top winning Pom bitch of all time. She went on to win over hundred groups and thirty-six or thirty-seven Best in Shows.5. What do you enjoy about judging Poms Judging Poms today can still be a fun experience.I think its because you are always looking for that outstanding Pom to come into the ring. I can appreciate a good dog regardless of who the breeder is, as I know how hard it is to produce an outstanding dog.6. What do you expect from the exhibitors in your ring Exhibitors should know, when they walk into the ring, that I will give their dog the same consideration as anyone else in the ring. Their dog needs to be clean, well groomed and presented in a way that best relates to the judge, the qualities of that particular dog. Not all dogs can be presented in the same manner.7. In general, what do you think an exhibitor can do to improve the average show Poms presentation Working with the dog before entering the show... I know that there arent the training classes available anymore that we had years ago, but if the dog doesnt show properly, you have little chance of winning. Trimming is another area where exhibitors need to read the standard and trim accordingly. To me, trimming for28 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002neatness doesnt mean making the dog look like a Bichon Frise. If you cut off all the guard hairs, then your dog doesnt meet the standard.8. If you have been judging Pomeranians for over ten years, please answer the following question Has the overall quality of the Pomeranian improved since you began judging How Quality in the breed comes and goes as it does, I believe, in many breeds. The Pomeranian breed is a difficult breed to raise and with the small litters and mortality rate, breeders dont have a large number of puppies to pick from. I would have to say, in my opinion, that Poms are of as good quality now as they have been in the recent past. I have however, been aware of the increased number of Poms being shown with very low tail sets. A high tail set is a definite characteristic of the breed and a very important part of the overall outline.9. Do you have any comments concerning our present Breed Standard First, let me say that I think the standard has been changed too many times in the last few years. I have to ask Why should the standard be changed The Pom is the same breed today that it was years ago. In my opinion, the only reason to change the standard, is for clarity and not to fit the type of dog that is presently being exhibited. I feel that all colors, patterns and variations thereof are allowed, to be judged on an equal basis needs to be clarified so that the solid colors remain solid. If you take the new wording literally, there is no such thing as a mismark. Also, the area that describes the wedge by drawing a line from the tip of the nose through the center of the eye and the tip of the ear is mis-leading.10. If you have any additional questions or comments please feel free to express them. Ihave probably said too much already. The one thing that bothers me today is the excessive coat trimming. If you breed for the profuse coat as called for in the standard, why would you want to cut it all off Many dogs are being presented with no guard hairs, yet many of them win. I hear the exhibitors saying that if you dont trim your dog, you cant win. I say to them that if no one trimmed excessively, then the judge could not put up an excessively over trimmed dog......and MoreFor those of you not acquainted with this new column, the and More gives me a chance to give you my thoughts andor tell you about some of the recent happenings.Sorry for not presenting a non-breeder judges questionnaire response this issue as I have for my last two articles, and I originally said I would do, but Ken Miller wrote such a wonderful response so thoroughly covering the topics, that I want to give you the opportunity to assimilate his words. I could have easily titled his answers as, Words to Ponder.Your APC Board has approved a committee to correct and clarify what I call the new standard. Ken so aptly pointed out several of those areas. Our first draft of the Standard Revision has been presented to the Board. This first draft is by no means final. It is just that, a first draft. By the time you read this, there will have been a discussion on this revision, at the Louisville Specialty Board meeting. Keep in mind, the purpose is only to correct and clarify, not completely overhaul and change the whole thing...againFOOD FOR THOUGHT.If you have never been anywhere, it is hard to make a comeback.AndYour face value is improved by a smile.Nov-April 38115 Pierre Lane Zephyrhills, FL 33540 Email baugnietMSN.comMay-Nov3851Sand Bay Lane Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 Email baugnietdcwis.comThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 29bvmmaWINNERSNEW CHAMPIONEVANSVILLEKENNEL 1SSCH FAME GIFT OF THE SPIRIT X WEE HEARTS CALENDAR GIRLA GRAND TIME IN LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 2002Shane is the fourth generation to be awarded majors in Louisville, Kentucky.Wang TsuMary Carlisle - BreederOwner3433 County Rd. 900 N Wheatfield, IN 46392 219-956-3090 CH FAME GIFT OF THE SPIRITFAMEBrenda Segelken - HandlerOwner11139 E. Camelot Avenue Effingham, IL 62401 217-347-5731 fame62401yahoo.com30 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002APC National Continued from Page 31APC National Specialty Results - March 11,12 13,2002 REGULAR AND NON-REGULAR CLASSESJudge Ms. Jean SchrollPuppy Dogs, 6 months under 12 months1 STOLANNES ITS MY TURN. Donna S Riehm Frances J Stoll, 669 Ava Rd, Murphysboro, IL 62966.2 PJS JUST BECAUSE. Patricia Jo Barnett, 316 W Franklin St, White Hall, IL 62092.3 PLATINUM CARD AT SIRIUS. Nina M Fetter, 5350 Mowery Rd, Lima, OH 45801.4 JAN-SHARS JOE SOMETHING. Sharon Hanson, Rt 2 Box 263, Renick, WV 24966.Puppy Dogs, 9 months under 12 months1 MARBIL RIEHM RIDING IN STYLE. Donna Riehm, 669 Ava Rd, Murphysboro, IL 62966.2 AJS BROADWAY JOE. Ashley Jerry Miller, 102 Gettsburg Dr, Pensacola, FL 32503.3 KACEES MIDNIGHT MADNS OF LENETTE. Katy Stalnaker, Rt 2 Box 99B, Pennsboro, WV 26415.4 SHYACRES COMPLETE CONUNDRUM. Audrey M Roberts, 1984 VFW Rd, Leesville, LA 71446.Dogs 12 to 18 months1 MUSIC MAKER OF LENETTE. K. G. Griffith, 1440 Pom Orchid Lane, Kannapolis, NC 28081.2 CASCADES SUNKIST STONEY. Doris Wheeler, 4909 Wilmington Pike, Dayton, OH 45440.3 WEE HEARTS NO FEAR. Dian Lynch Cassandra Evans, 140 Sutton Lane, Ashland City, TN 37015.4 MARBILS THE RACE IS ON. Wendy Chambers, Rt 1 N 14, Lostant, IL 61334.Bred-by-Exhibitor Dogs1 FIREBROOKS JUSTIN THYME. Lee Cook, 1390-D Walkup Ave, Monroe, NC 28110.2 JAN-SHARS DISNEY ANIMATION. William Thlo Letitia Cannon, 12540 Indian River, Apple Valley, CA 92308.3 SHYACRES STEPPIN N TIME.Audrey M Roberts, 1984 VFW Rd, Leesville, LA 71446.4 ADAMS DUSTY THE DUSTER. William E Brenda R Adams, 8140 Hatton Rd, Frankfort, KY 40601.American Bred Dogs1 REGINA POMS GATOR IN MOTION. Donna Machniak Laurie Otis, 7721 Wright Puthoff, Sidney, OH 45365. Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1 WD - FOXWORTH FAST LANE.Pamela Dodsworth Larry Fox, 2737 Middle River Road, Middle River, NB, Canada E2A 6X7.2 TRUDYS PUFF DADDY OF NANZEE. Nancy Zurek Dorothy Domberg, 6412 Denison, Pama Heights, OH 44130.3 FOXWORTH FRONTIER SPIRIT. Pam Dodsworth Larry Fox, 27737 Middle River Rd, Middle River, NB, Canada E2A 6X7.4 ABSOLUTES DITTO DORIGHT. Regina Nunn, 2030 Russell Rd, Berryville, VA 22611.Open Dogs, Any Other Color, Pattern Or Variation1 RWD - CANTERBURYS MARK OF ZORRO.Frances Zozzaro, 3168 Whitney Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11229.2 HICKORY BENDS CARBON COPY JR. Janice Russell Donna Riehm, 3540 Kessler Blvd N Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222.3 POM ACRES LITS CRUISE. Jackie Parisek J. Fiddick, 41 W 384 Lenz Rd, Elgin, IL 60123.4 FOREVER FLYING DUTCHMAN. Walda A Green Jan Green, 8120 Harvard Dr, Ben Lomond, CA 95005.FOXWORTH FAST LANE- Winners Dog 5 pointsCANTERBURYS MARK OF ZORRO - Reserve Winners DogPuppy Bitches, 6 months under 9 months1 JAN-SHARS LEGALLY BLOND. Sharon Hanson, Rt 2 Box 263, Renick, WV 24966.2 STOLN SONG OF THE MAGIC PAST. Frances J Stoll, RR 3 Box 429, Washington, IN 47501.3 BAR-JONS LIL HAILSTORM. Barbara Messmer, 2249 Suwannee Dr, Marrero, LA 70072.4 EXOTIC XMAS SNO DOVE N JULY. Judy Stone, HC 7 Box 203, Briar. MO 63931.The American Pomeranian Club, IncAPC NATIONAL SPECIALTY REPORTby Judge Jean SchrollFirst of all it was such an honor to judge two hundred of the nicest Pomeranians in the world all in one place. I am so proud to have been asked. It was a lifetime dream fulfilled.There were so many beautiful dogs there it was a hard job. Iam sorry I could not give more ribbons. It all boiled down to type and soundness. Of which there were many.I have in mind the dog I would like to take home and try to follow that in what I put up.My Winners Dog, FOXWORTH FAST LANE and Winners Bitch, PEPERIE PRETTY IN PINK looked so much alike they could have come out of the same pod. They were both short and totally balanced to me. Also, they were not of the same bloodline. Balance in any breed is very important to me.I loved my Parti Reserve. It is not often you find a Parti balanced, good mover, pretty head. I was very pleased to find a Parti I felt deserved this win. I am surethere will be no trouble finishing him.The Specials Class was totally awesome. It was so hard to choose. My Best of Breed, CH. INDIANA JONES OF LENETTE, bred and owned by K. G. Griffith, is one of the most balanced dogs Ive ever seen. He was perfection standing still. And a very sound mover. There were several dogs from the same kennel that were lovely. As well as many others. I could have taken at least fifteen of them home and been perfectly happy.I am always sorry there are not enough ribbons.All of the Award of Merit Poms were worthy of winning the Breed. I am sorry we cannot hand out more ribbons. It seems so unfair that so many deserving dogs have to be left out.It was an experience I will never forget. Thank you American Pomeranian Club for choosing me this time.Many good years to the Club.Jean SchrollContinued on page 32Continued from page 33CH INDIANA JONES OF LENETTE - Best of BreedPEPERIE PRETTY IN PINK - Best of Winners Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed MARBIL RIEHM RIDING IN STYLE - Best Puppy in Regular Classes FIREBROOKS JUSTIN THYME - Best Bred-By-Exhibitor CH KAROKELS LICENSE TO THRILL - BEST VETERAN CH ACE HIGH DEALER - BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO VETERAN CH. JAN-SHARS DUDLY DORIGHT - Stud DogJUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP Open JuniorBest Junior HandlerEMILY HUSSEY. Cross Plains, TN CH. Raines Rhett Butlers DreamAPC OBEDIENCE RESULTSSEE PAGE 49.BEST JUNIOR HANDLER EMILIE HUSSEY fbest jr handlerAMERICANtmtunm etasim Aiysssos msalverson photoBEST OF BREEDCH INDIANA JONES OF LENETTEf-t Jimiw muSMEIUC tMMftMM tlMphot oPuppy Bitches, 9 months under 12 months1 FINCHS NUT BUSH CITY LIMITS.Theo Dockett, 11406 Birwood Dr, Little Rock, AR 72211.2 JAN LES JUST A DASH OF SMOKE. Jane Lehtinen, 1517 8th St So, Virginia, MN 55792.3 JANESAS KEEP THE FAITH. Marjorie Louis Conway, 7361 E Via Estrella Ave, Scottsdale, AZ 85258.4 LIONSHARES AMAZING GRACE. Terri L Stryker Daniel De Ross, 65 Lynmar Court, Huntington, NY 11743.Bitches 12 to 18 months1 RWB - TERIMARS BOUNCIN LOVE POTION. Regina Nunn Cathy Lasota, 365 W 12th, Conshohooken, PA 19428.2 JANESAS SIMPLY SMASHING. Katy Stalnaker Jerrie Freia, Rt 2 Box 99B, Pennsboro, WV 26415.3 MARBILS TICKLED PINK. Kathy Launderville Mari Iffland, 1924 350th St, Spencer, IA 51301.4 SUNDOWNS COME FLY WITH ME. Carol Leemhuis Camilla Knight, 2318 Rose Garden Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15220.Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitches1 JAN LES MAKE ME A SUPER STARR. Jane Lehtinen, 1517 8th St. S. Virginia, MN 557922 STARFIRES ONE NIGHT STAND. Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti, 23750 SW 142 Ave, Miami, FL 33032.3 SAPPHIRES ONE NIGHT LOVE AFFAIR.Beth Shattuck, 4629 Jasmond, Goodrich, MI 48438.4 FALKSTERS LITTLE MISS DAISEY DUKE. Jennifer Falk, 11255 Rose Rd, Emmett, MI 48022.Open Bitches, Black, Brown, Blue1 WEEWYNS I HOPE U DANCE. Cathy Anderson, 2412 25th St, Rockford, IL 61108.2 SAPPHIRES DANCING IN THE DARK. Beth Shattuck, 4629 Jasmond, Goodrich, MI 48438.Open Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1 WBBOWBOS PEPERIE PRETTY IN PINK. Petter A Pettersen Victoria Oelerich, PO Box 734, Woodbury, NY 11797.2 JAN-SHARS BEAUTY IS MY BUSINESS.Sharon Hanson, Rt 2 Box 263, Renick, WV 24966.3 2 MARBIL-RIEHM FANCY SOLITAIRE. Donna S Riehm, 669 Ava Rd, Murphysboro, IL 62966.4 FOREVER GLOWING EMBER. Marge Kransfelder, 821 Brown Rd, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045.Open Bitches, Any Other Color, Pattern, or Variation1 JAN-SHARS SNOW WHITE. Sharon Hanson, Rt 2 Box 263, Renick, WV 24966.2 GREAT RIVERS WHITE LACE. Sharon Yampiro, 146 Church Rd, Great River, NY 11739.PEPERIE PRETTY IN PINK - Winners Bitch 5 pointsTERIMARS BOUNCIN LOVE POTION- Reserve Winners BitchVeteran Dogs, 6 years under 9 yearsCH. KAROKELS LICENSE TO THRILL. Heike Wehrle Karen Schwartz, 7N 366 Rt 31, So Elgin, IL 60177.CH. ACE HIGH DEALER. Mari Iffland, 11290 Old Lake Rd, Benton, II 62812.Veteran Bitches, 6 years under 9 yearsCH. JAN LES RUMM TUMM TIGGER. Jane Lehtinen Judy Mehciz, 304 Morey St, Waukashaw, WI. 53188.CH. RAINES RHETT BUTLERS DREAM. Marcia Cox, 1216 W Chautauqua, Carbondale, IL 62901. Agent Emily Hussey.Veteran Bitches, 9 years overCH. CHAPMAN PATACAKE AT SHIMMEREE. Greggory S Charlene R Waters, 1625 E 11400 So, Sandy, UT 84092.Award of MeritAOM PEPERIE PRETTY IN PINKAOM CH. JAN-SHARS DADDY SAYS IM DARLING. Katy Stalnaker, Rt 2 Box 99B, Pennsboro, WV 26415. AOM CH. WYNDLOR DOIN IT RIGHT. Linda Mulso, Box 175, Garden Prairie, IL 61038-0175.AOM CH. DIOGENOIR THE NEXT GENERATION. Lisa Stasiuk, Michael C Carbno, Virginia Watkins Erika Moureau, 21522 Rosehill Church Rd, Tomball, TX 77375.AOM CH. STARFIRES ROBCARY SOBE IT. Caryl Fennell Scrimpsher, 14824 Bulverde Rd, San Antonio, TX. 78247.BOB CH. INDIANA JONES OF LENETTE. K G Griffith, 1440 Pom Orchid Ln, Kannapolis, NC 28081.APC National Continued on Page 34mu I '5'44fflSjraxfrfvvmttityllaIr urnm si st m hmmm iailM kIisaEBUiii-mBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX, BOW, WINNERS BITCH PEPERIE PRETTY IN PINKAWARD OF MERITCH JAN SHARS DADDY SAYS IM DARLINGAWARD OF MERIT CH WYNDOLOR DOIN' IT RIGHTsesMSSSiWVW kA AAA a i v. A AC- 1e5ts4s WC A.......^.............. l P"AWARD OF MERIT CH DIOGENOIR THE NEXT GENERATIONAWARD OF MERIT CH STARFIRES ROBCARY SOBE ITWINNERS DOG FOXWORTH FAST LANERESERVE WINNERS DOG CANTERBURYS MARK OF ZORRORESERVE WINNERS BITCH TERIMARS BOUNCIN LOVE POTIONSTUD DOGCH JAN-SIIARS DUDLY DORIGIITBEST PUPPYMARBILRIEHM RIDING IN STYLEBEST VETERANCH KAROKELS LICENSE TO THRILLBEST BRED BY EXHIBITOR FIREBROOKS JUSTIN THYMEArTIEI mmmm tuw V mSllXI if StiS waf . ' J,...A ft A... u,,ff-riiHziTTCh. Wyndlor Amazing, llftig2i4tfiZ i,fi-i r" r. i4i" t2 - M kiwiHti t. ftE.WINNERSMEW CHAMPION38 SKLIVINGSTONKENNELCLUB 19- 2J__ nf lktrCBOOTH PHOTO BY VNGFIACH. ABSOLUTES HARLEYS SON DAVID ROM X CH. ABSOLUTES MAGIC MIST ROMGus is pictured winning a five point major to finish his title handled by Donna Machniak.Why are they smilingWyndlorBecky Sabourin2814 E. Blackhurst Road Midland, MI 48642 989-832-3408 wyndlorchartermi.net36 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002Because with his title his parents are both now CHROMs ' 41.Ch. Absolutes Magic Mist ROMf S.ftCh. Absolutes Harleys Son David ROM Thanks to the judges who made this possible.Congratulations to our friends Fred and Pat Dieball on the occasion of their well deserved Kennel Visit. You are the bestWyndlorBecky SabourinThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 37AbsoluteJeanne BlankManga Jinawzfaldenara 03Opm Slewtta, Opm Minda and QmwuuM QwingThe success of our fund raising for the Canine Health Foundation Grant for DNA Alopecia Study proves that the Pomeranian Fanciers do care. First, I am very respectful that we all are acknowledging that a problem does exist. It is further heartening that we believe that together we can solve this puzzle. And then, to feel the generous support renews my faith in mankind.Those of you fortunate to be able to attend our recent National in Kentucky were able to be a part of this positive feeling of working together. To you, I give great thanks and am happy to report the final successful outcome. To those unable to attend, let me briefly describe how we got to those final figures.Even before arriving, fund raising began. The Board had voted to participate in the one dollar per entry donation program to CHF. Having a well-attended show produced one hundred and ninety-two dollars to donate.Ann and Joe Berryman has inspired us with their attitude together we can make this happen. What their talent and generosity made happen was a beautiful full quilt to raffle I will tell you later just how you all responded.On the first day of the National, the Health Genetics Seminar was very well attended. Our only constraints was having a room adequate to hold those wanting to attend. I appreciate the acceptance of this in good spirit. We will really work to have better conditions next time. Those attending were justly rewarded with two wonderful presentations. Dr. Jon Clark spoke of current anesthesia methods to minimize risks.While not meant to be a do it yourself course, the information he shared will help us judge if our Poms are receiving the type of care we desire.Fran Stoll shared her methods used to successfully save the atDr.Jon Clark38 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002risk puppy. The information she gave was alone worth the trip to Louisville.Cheri McDonald put her very talented artistry to work and generously brought a large, beautiful stain-glass Pom window artfully framed in oak to be auctioned off during the banquet. Its full proceeds will go our CHF fund. The generous high bidder was Gina Bush.B ^Gina BushWe had a goodly crew of Pom friends from Canada attending this National. Their donation from The Portage Legacy Project of 500.00 US was a wonderful surprise presented at our banquet. I am very touched by their spirit of co-operation in our DNA project. And thus, we cant complain that the beautiful Berryman quilt was won by someone experiencing those Canadian winters.our Poms. You have surpassed our first financial goal. I wish this ensured our results. But it doesnt. We will need to continue to support this study before we can hope to hear any results. We will have to work harder if the other breeds that share this problem choose not to address it. In order for this grant to be renewed in the future, we will need to keep fund raising going. What I promise to do for your ongoing efforts is to try to observe the process and report how the progress is going.Alane Levinsohn is working on a web site auction to benefit this study. Support it with donated items. Watch for items you just cant do without then purchase knowing it is for our Poms.Thankfully, we also have another APC member working on another fund raising method that will go out to the general public. I will report to you when this becomes established.Meanwhile, here is the updated list of our contributors and contributionsFrom ClubsCity of Angels Pom Club Northern California Pom Club Pom Club of Central Indiana The Portage Legacy ProjectCanadaFrom IndividualsMarge Conway 25.00Jerrie Freia 100.00Linda Browncin honor of To Be Simply Special of Great Elms 150.00Linda Allard 27.08Barbara Messmer 25.00Janice RussellAlane Levinsohn 35.00Alane Levinsohn for Julie Clemen 35.00Ken Griffith 50.00Joe Ann Berryman 25.00120.50 150.00 150.00 500.00 USOur list would not be complete without all the others From our Specialtythat gave cash donations. Together you share in Entry donation 192.00achieving the bottom figure we send to the CHF. Seminar income 600.00McDonalds Stain Glass 280.00Before I report those wonderful figures, I must say Berrymans Quilt Raffle donations 1294.00 how revitalizing your generosity is for those tryingto provide answers about the cause of alopecia in Total current donation............................................. 3758.58The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 39AMERICAN POMERANIAN NATIONAL SPECIALTYBEST PUPPYQMarbil-sR.iehm 0lidincj dbdn Qtbtphme sC 'm.wa SUF yt "i sf y'V,sysA'1,'^VMWVi4 ssr AB58cEmswei LfBESTPUPPYf 6 Sw..jAMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUBO'AtVNM ALVERSON 2002alverson photoK'L iVDERINGER OF LENETTE X CH HHPS LADY LEXUSBenz won the APC 9-12 month Puppy Class in both Sweepstakes and Regular Classes. It is a great honor to have Benz awarded Best Puppy. He was beautifully presented by Brenda Segelken. Prior to the specialty Benz had captured several Best of Winners placements that included three major wins. Thanks so much BrendaOwner Donna Riehm Riehm Pomeranians Email...mom4poms aol.comBreeders Donna Riehm Mari Iffland40 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002AMERICAN POMERANIAN NATIONAL SPECIALTY FIRST PLACE 6-9MO PUPPY DOGQbtolannes GY7 OWp ^'urnaTI v ijf ^6-9 MONTHSDOGAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBL'tHH fttVERSON 2002ALVERSON PHOTOCH. WYNDLOR DOIN IT RIGHT X CH.MARBILS PLACE IN THE SUNWhat a thrill for Turner to capture this exciting win his very first show.Thanks Judge Jean Schroll Owner Donna Riehm Riehm Pomeranians Murphysboro, IllinoisCoOwner Fran Stoll Stolanne Pomeranians Washington, IndianaThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 41New ChampionCH Janesas Southern Sundown0ILWMNEWChampion MAJORWINNERSWYOMING VALLEYKENNEL CLUB mc FEB232002rCH Janesas Hush Puppy x Janesas Dont For-Sake MeMorgan finished her championship with back-to-back four point majors in Niagara Falls in February. Thank you to judges Charles Trotter and Kenneth McDermott pictured for her majors Exactly one week after finishing Morgan free whelped three puppies sired by CH Sundown's Hide N Zeke CD, almost the repeat breeding of her son Keegan. Inquiries invited. Congratulations to Keegan on his wins in Niagara Falls and in Louisville. Morgans daughter Keegans littermate CH Sundowns Bets On Janesa BJ is already finished. Thank you to Jerrie Freia of Janesa Poms for breeding Morgan, a pretty girl that can do it all.Owned Handled ByCarol Leemhuis Camilla KnightPittsburgh, Pennsylvania Cincinnati, SundownFuse.net412 344-8257 513 271-782042 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002-'IN VnUMAJORWINBPT WINNERSKENNEL CLUB OFNIAGARA FALLSJS iFeb2i2002SUNDOWNS KEEGAN XAVIERCH SUNDOWNS LITTLE CASINO X CH JANESAS SOUTHERN SUNDOWNJust like his MomKeegan wins two majors in the same weekend Thank you to the judges Mr. James Reynolds picturedMr. Ken McDermottKeegan wins BEST BRED-BY IN SHOW in Louisville Thank you to the judge, Mr Norm Patton And to judge Dennis McCoy for Group 1Camilla Knight Breeder, Owner, Handler sundownfuse.netSundown Pomeranians Cincinnati, Ohio 513-271-7820The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 43I would like to thank the APC for the honor of being selected to judge the Sweepstakes this year. This privilege is something I will always cherish. Many, many thanks to all the breeder, owners and handlers that made this day unforgettable.APCJudge Betsy OwensftlThe quality of the classes were outstanding and this showed as soon as the first class came in the ring. I found my most difficult decision to be in the 9-12 bitches.In the veteran class there was one beautiful dog and two beautiful bitches. All three were in beautiful coat and still enjoyed being in the ring. I choseCh. Jan Les Rumm Tumm Tigger for Best Veteran In Sweeps Ch. Ace High Dealer was Best Opposite to the Best Veteran In SweepsThe first class of Junior Dogs, 6-9 had a large entry of eighteen. First place was awarded toJan-Shars Disney Animation, a well put together puppy, very clean coming and going, with a high tail set, good bite, pretty coat.The next class was twenty beautiful Junior Dogs 9-12. First place was awarded toMarbil-Riehm Riding In Style, this puppy was true moving with a beautiful expression and good coat.The Senior Dogs 12-18 had an entry of fourteen. First place was awarded toMusic Maker of Lenette, this young dog had a wonderful coat and a pretty head with a wonderful expression.Next came the Junior Bitch Class 6-9. This class had an entry of sixteen. First place was awarded toJan-Shars Legally Blond, this little girl was in full puppy coat, with a short back and high tail set, when she stopped,she stood true.My next class was an overwhelming class of twenty five Junior Bitches 9-12 First place was awarded toStarfires One Night Stand, this young bitch was very sound and extremely typey, with beautiful ears that she used, good tail set with the tail flat on her back, nice moving little girl that stopped true. Pretty orange coat. She was trimmed, but stilled had the double coat with good texture.My last class was the Senior Bitches 12-18. This class had an entry of eight. First place was awarded toJanesas Simply Smashing, this girl had wonderful coat and a beautiful expression with good movement.Best Junior in Sweeps STARFIRES ONE NIGHT STAND Best of Opposite Sex to Best Jr in Sweeps JAN SHARS DISNEY ANIMATIONBest Senior in Sweeps MUSIC MAKER OF LENETTE Best of Opposite Sex to Best Senior in Sweeps JANESAS SIMPLY SMASHINGGrand Sweepstakes Winner STARFIRES ONE NIGHT STANDAgain I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all that made this day possible for me. The only thing that would have made this better would have been to see more of the color Poms. In the last year I have seen some outstanding Poms of all colors and would have like to have seen them at the National.Betsy Owens44 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002-Amm smmsMs mmuz rostiuiH eiusyP A' MUSIC MAKER OF LENETTE JANESAS SIMPLY SMASHINGJAN-SHARS DISNEY ANIMATIONaiWiV0OS'N muicmMMIMnW " i k.r ixaiim ^ iawa^a a am s.RSO PHOTO MHI M mlSTARFIRES ONE NIGHT STANDiCH ACE HIGH DEALER14'ftms The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 45AnnualMembershipMeetingMarch 12, 2002 Marge Kranzfelder1 MAmerican Pomeranian Club, IncorporatedOnce a year, there is a meeting for all APC members and their guests held in conjunction with the National Specialty. This year, fifty two members and guests were present on Tuesday, March 12, 2002, at 730 pm.President Margaret McKee presided over the meeting and began with her report. She discussed how APC has solved substantial problems from one year ago. Board vacancies have been filled. APC is very fortunate to have a new Review editor, Brenda Segelken, doing a fantastic job.A nomination committee has been named to establish a slate of officers and Board members to run in the fall election. Marge Kranzfelder chairs this committee composed of Janice Russell and Nadine Hersil. They would like to hear from anyone with suggestions they might have.Greg Waters will chair the National Specialty in 2003. He could use volunteers for a variety of tasks but especially is in the need of grounds personnel.Margaret McKee needs all committee chairs to write up their job descriptions and turn them in to her by Fall. This will help people know what tasks need to be done when they first accept a chair position.New APC lapel pins have been ordered and will be available for purchase by APC members through the Ways and Means Committee.The National show sight will be in Louisville next year. There are no other location alternatives presented for consideration at this time. Record attendance has been present at this site.The membership application form will be revised so that the types of membership available correlate to what is stated in the Bylaws.In order to comply with the standing rules and by-laws and to facilitate publication of the Roster, APC will adhere to the following schedule for payment of dues. All dues are to be paid by January 1st. A 15. late fee must be added to dues arriving tardy during the month of January. Those members who have their dues arrive during this late period might not be listed in that years Roster. After January 31st, the person must reapply for membership.Brenda Segelkens Review Wish List includes featured column writers and ad solicitors. Brenda has several good ideas for featured columns so those that enjoy writing could add to the variety of articles printed. If the Review had ad solicitors that specialized in a geographical region, the magazine could cultivate more advertising interest.Olga Bakers fine work as the Gazette Reporter was recognized and appreciated. The Board will ask her to continue in this capacity.Janice Russell will fill the new position of Web-Link Monitor. She will browse the web to insure that people that are linked from APC have the reciprocal link from their site back to APCs as promised.As Corresponding Secretary, Cindy Boulware needs the regional Pom clubs to update her with the names and contact information of their officers each time there are any changes.Continued on Page 4746 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002Continued from Page 46Donna Riehms reports that the Ways Means T-Shirt sales has so far brought in approximately five hundred dollars. Her wonderful travel x-pen bags have raised four hundred and forty dollars in sales. And there are lots of APC decals available to purchase. The items for the auction look great. And a future ongoing on-line auction is being investigated.Health Genetics Report A wonderfully received seminar was held yesterday. Jon Clark, DVM presented information concerning safe Anesthesia procedures. Fran Stoll addressed saving at-risk puppies. Fund raising efforts for the Canine Health Foundation Study on Alopecia includes a quilt raffle and stain glass window auction item. 1 entry of this Specialty will be donated along with the proceeds from the seminar. We will also participate in another study needing DNA samples to help study the differentiation among breeds that is being conducted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Institute.Judges Education Report Dot Martin invited us to attend the Judges Seminar held this Thursday at the Exposition Center after Pom judging.Des Moines Specialty Juanita Fiddick invites all to attend this fall during the first week of September. There will be three All- Breed Shows, the two Specialties, followed by three more All-Breeds. Thus you have a chance of eight majors plus obedience competition.Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana Match The club reports a good entry of between eighty and ninety for todays match.International Shows Judy Stone reports that there might be the possibility of having International Shows here the weekend before the National. You could take home an International Championship along with your National wins.Ohio Valley Pom Club - We thank them for providing the wonderful Hospitality room food both nights. Their afghans are sold out, but some beanie Poms were still available.APC National March 11, 12 and 13, 2002k 4 xmm9iT' SSFViPi MAThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 47MYFIRSTPOMPtVpie- Xinyzrvj My first Pomeranian is my best buddy, Gizz- Moe. He came to me by accident.on the right side. Gizz-Moe was sporting a stunning leash and collar to match my outfit and I was in sandals.As we came out of the ring, a very kind woman took pity on us and pulled me over to the side. As she was putting my armband on my left arm she explained to me that we had to go back in for Winners Dog. She must have sensed that I just wanted to make a run for it. She also suggested that I find a training class in my area for conformation.When I returned home I did as she said. I learned of a class at Stone City Kennel Club and faithfully went twice a week.There werent any Poms in the class but I met Sharon Horjza who has Yorkshire Terriers. We started going to classes and shows together. She was a great help to me. I also went to every match that I could.In June of 1996 we went back in the ring, a lot more prepared, but still lax on grooming.In December 1996 one of the judges suggested to me that I get someone to help groom Gizz-Moes ears. Mari Iffland was having some people over to her house and invited me to come. Brenda Segelken was kind enough to trim Gizz- Moes ears and it made a big difference.Gizz-Moe was bom August 14,1991. At eight weeks old he was sold to a pet shop where my daughter worked. He was hypoglycemic and the girls were taking turns taking him home to be watched overnight. When I first saw him I fell in love.Gizz-Moe is black and tan with a little too large ear. His eyes are round and he has a bad right rear stifle. Hes never had the best undercoat. These are his faults. Good bite, great balance, flashy markings, wonderful expression and attitude are his strong points.I knew nothing about Pomeranians or showing when we entered our first show in January 1993.I received an entry blank for Grayslake, Illinois. I entered him in the American Bred Class because he was no longer a puppy and I had no idea what the Open class was. My first choice was the Novice class because it made more sense, since we were new at this. Thankfully, I didnt.I was totally unprepared and a real sight to behold when I think back on it. Into the ring we went, arm band and dogI also joined the Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana. The first person that comes to mind there is Janice Russell. Shes a great confidence builder and a wonderful person.Janice was there for support on my most memorable day. In Indianapolis, Indiana February 1997, Gizz-Moe won his class and went Winners Dog for his first two points I was so proud He went back in the ring and went Best of Winners and Best of BreedGizz-moe is semi-retired with eight points, three Best of Breeds and four Best of Winners. He has numerous reserves, many to majors. Gizz-Moe is nearly eleven years old now, neutered and almost toothless, but he still loves to show We will continue to enter the Veterans classes when we can, because he has earned it. Hes my unofficial champion.Weve learned a lot since the Grayslake Show and met a lot of wonderful people. Thank you for your help and support.Debbie Kingery - Kingerys Gizz-Moe and the Debut Poms48 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002-by Barbara McClatcheyAPC NATIONAL SPECIALTY OBEDIENCE TRIALResults are in from the Obedience Trial at the Specialty in Louisville, Kentucky. In some ways well, many ways, I wish I could have been there, but it just wasnt my year. I want to congratulate all of those who showed, in addition to the winners. I know you did what I call to my dogs, a Cookie good job. The results were reported by Carol Leemhuis.Novice B First Place Little Miss Turbo, NA, NAJ, owned by Mona Gitter, DVM, of Noblesville, Indiana, with a score of 197. Carol says, This is an enthusiastic working dog, obviously devoted to her owner. After the successful run-through, and exiting the ring, she was invited into her owners arms, where she exuberantly jumped from the ground to nearly waist high, resembling Border Collie-like behavior and devotion. She went on to take HIT.Open A First Place Bubbis Beauty, AX, AXJ, CD, owned by Jennifer Gitter, Mona Gitters daughter, with a score of 186. Carol says this bitch was handled and trained by junior Jennifer Gitter. Daughter of Mona Gitter in the Novice class. This was also a happy working dog.This was her third leg for her CDX title, a special birthday present for Jennifer.Open B First Place Tiny Tim Pendleton, CDX, OwnerBreeder Wendy Janet Donnelly of Alpharetta, Georgia, with a 189. Wendy explains that Timmys scores have been better. He was crawling and making googly eyes at the gorgeous black and tan female next to him on the long down out of sight. He also took High Scoring Bred bv Exhibitor.The Utility A dog was a non-qualifier, unfortunately. Docs Just a Titch, CDX, owned by Emilee C. Harris, DVM, of Hartselle, Alabama, NQd one article and half of the Directed Jumping exercise, but was a nice worker. He also NQd on the Group Sit and Retrieve Over the High Jump in Open B. In Open A, Little Tykes Playhouse CD, OA, NAJ, bred and owned by Sherri Alspaugh of Boonville, Indiana, NQd on the retrieving exercises. Sometimes you wonder what goes through the dogs mind at a time like this. Actually, sometimes I know that NOTHING is going through his mind dogs, like people, can have their moments of blanknessVeterans Open was won by Docs Just a Titch, CDX. This dog showed three times in one Trialand is a senior dog at that. Id like to hear some more from Emilee about this dog.Mona Gitter and Little Miss Turbo, NA, NAJBrace was won by Tiny Tim Pendleton CDX and Tommihawk CD, who are littermates owned by Wendy Donnelly, with a score of 192. Carol says they worked well as a team, looking like Frick and Frack. Wendy says, They were supposed to be competing against Marjorie Sturms female Brace team, but she pulled all her entries because her dogs would have been asleep at the time the trial started at five pm. We missed her. Needless to say we won a first place by default with a score of 192. That class is always fun and I never really know what the boys will pull on me, if they will do the correct finish or not. They were suppose to do a swing finish but they did the around instead and still ended up in heel position. At least they didnt each go doing a different finish and leave me hanging in the middle to fall on the floorMona Gitter tells about her experience at Louisville in Agility as well as Obedience My daughter Jennifer wanted to finish her title for her twelfth birthday Tues. so it was a big deal for us. Bagel got three last places to get her title but it took about two years. Jennifer much prefers agility training she is currently working on her MX. I, on the other hand, train obedience daily, but my dog has no confidence. So I was thrilled that Turbo got a 197 and more importantly enjoyed every minute of the Pom event. We then went back to Louisville for agility this weekend. Jennifer got no Qs, but I got an MX on my poodle, Lambchop, and Turbo got her OA title and ran amuck for four days in a row in Open JWW. She ran like a nut around the ring, barked at the judges and spectators and weaved like a maniacthere is hope when she is ten she might be brave enough to do agility in public and stay focused Right now Bagel gets happy and excited and runs crazy, Turbo gets scared and excited and runs frantically, and Lambchop just loves to run the correct obstacles in the correct order. I never had so much fun in agility as I did Saturday when she ran the 80X90 ring, TerriThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - mmmJ491Continued from Page 49Arnold closed the exit gate on her and then she came back to me and we ran like crazy to get in as many obstacles as possible without being whistled off.Wendy says her goals for Timmy are to eventually OTCh him. His scores will need to improve, he has a new trainer since the first of the year and there has been a good deal of improvement on his fronts and finishes. He seems to also have a lot more confidence in himself which of course makes me less nervous in the ring, in the past he has had a history of trying to do something new and entertaining to please the audience and make the judge laugh. That seems to have stopped for the moment. Possibly because he is maturing as he and Tommi just celebrated their 6th birthday complete with party and party hats.ARE YOU READYWhen the judge asks, Are you ready do you, as reported of one handler in Barbara Cecil and Gerianne Darnells Competitive Obedience Training for the Small Dog, reply, I will be as soon as I remember my dogs name Or can you take a deep breath and answer confidently, ReadyOne means of getting ready is to get your competition dog off that all-too-easy-to-give treat. Good dog we say, and he is a good dog, and deserves his treat, but can you give it to him in the ring He will get more and more puzzled as the exercises mount up and the praise and treat are not forthcoming. Some dogs begin to turn off at this point, and we say, Oh, hes ring-wise. Well, so he is, since either he knows that he cant be rewarded in the ring, or he thinks that maybe hes doing it wrongyou always reward him when he does it right, after all Here is one way to use the non-treat time to actually build up your dogs excitementWhen you know you will be entering the ring soon, take one day a week for ring-training. Start with the last exercise in the class. This is for Novice A B, Open A, and Utility AOpen B and Utility B will be discussed separately. Lets say that you have CH Mamas Little Poochie entered in Novice in four weeks. Warm up Poochie briefly outside the ring your training area on leash, just as you would at a show. A little heeling, a couple of fronts and finishes andTa-Dahe gets a super treat that you never otherwise give him. This can be a bit of chicken, Beggin Strips, or anything exciting he doesnt get in regular training time. Put the treat container on top of his crate, or wherever you would normally keep it at a show. Take him into the ring on leash. Remove the leash and pocket it or drape it around your neck.1. Heel him to your Recall place, leave, walk to the end of the ring, and call him. Finish. Put on the leash and lead him, with praise, out of the ring and up to the crate. Give him those wonderful rewards.2. Heel him to the start of the Heel Free exercise, remove and pocket the leash, and do the complete Heel Free. Praise as you are allowed to do in the ring, heel to a different Recall location and call. Finish. Put on the leash and lead him out of the ring as above.3. Heel him to the Stand for Examination location, remove the leash, do the Stand for Examination touching him yourself if you dont have a helper at this point. Praise. Do the Heel Free, changing the pattern. Do the Recall. Put on the leash, etc.4. Now you can do the Heel on Leash and Figure 8. Stand for Examination. Heel Free. Recall. Put on the leash, etc.There should be almost no corrections during this training sessionthe only correction should be for a serious problema failure to Drop on command, a Go-Out that is seriously short or wrong-sided, etc. The same is true for praisetry to replicate what you are allowed to do in the ring, which includes not saying Good front when the dog gives you a beautiful one. Let the glow of your face tell him, and praise after the Finish, when you could praise in the ring.The point of all this is that as you go through the exercises, your dog learns to look forward to a treat that he knows is coming, rather than wonder why he isnt getting one. This is not completely my own invention, by the way, but I cannot remember who originated the method Ive tweaked it a lot. For Open B and Utility B, where the exercises will come in a different order from one trial to the next, I suggest varying the order of the exercises on each week that you practice in this way. But again, build up so that you are doing first just one, then two, and finally an entire set of exercises during each session before rewarding. Always put on the leash at the end, so that your dog doesnt anticipate the reward so much that he charges out of the ring off leash and blows the whole thing. Remember, you are doing this on only one day a week the rest of the time you are doing your more normal training, focusing on problems, and being as nit-picky as you like and rewarding things well-done. If you are lucky enough to get a Show-n-Go or Fun Match, or whatever they are called locally during this time, see if you can get just ten minutes of practice on your terms instead of a normal pattern, and then do as much of this as you have time for, leaving the ring to treat and then coming back in to start over each time.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB 2001 OBEDIENCE AWARDSTop Novice Pom Jan Les T-Nee B-Nee Babe CDX, co-owned by Barb Dressier and Jane Lehtinen.Top Open Pom Jan Les T-Nee B-Nee Babe CDX, co-owned by Barb Dressier and Jane Lehtinen.L__________50 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002toTop Utility Pom Glen Iris Misty Mom UD, owned by Patti Hecht.Top Winning Obedience Pom Jan Les T-Nee B-Nee Babe CDX, co-owned by Barb Dressier and Jane LehtinenThese are the standards used for the APC Top Pom awards they are set by the APC Board. Top Novice, Top Open, and Top Utility Poms must finish the title during the AKC Awards year be an APC member, and have the top average of the three scores that count toward the title.The Top Winning Obedience Pom must be an APC member the award then goes to the Pom that defeated the greatest number of dogs during the Awards year.Previously, we had counted only the scores earned during the Awards year toward the Top Novice, Open, and Utility Pom. This eliminated a lot of dogs from competition if they finished the title in, say, November, after having earned the first two scores earlier. This is a more equitable system, if a little more difficult, since records must be kept from previous years. Patti and NikiIm going to try to get Babes story for the next column, meanwhile I did get something from Patti Hecht, whose Niki, Glen Iris Misty Mom, UD, HOF, took Top Utility Pom. Here is Pattis story about her journey with Niki to the Utility Dog titleNiki is my first Utility dog, and what a wonderful journey we had together. I started showing Niki in November,1996, when she was three years old. I trained her all the way through the Utility exercises before we walked into the ring for our first run in Novice. She earned her AKC CD in four shows, giving me a huge thrill for her last leg, which was a 197 for second place with twenty three dogs competing.Then on to Open. This took a bit longer, as Niki had developed a huge fear of large dogs, due to two incidents with two different Golden Retrievers that scared the life out of her and, needless to say, out of me. The second incident was a large Golden that I think just wanted to play he broke a sit stay and chased Niki all over the building, resulting in Niki having a very locked-in fear of large dogs. Even in play our little ones can get killed by a large breed dog. I had to work hard to get her to relax enough to not completely fall apart in the ring. The shut-downwas very bad if she became frightened in the ring by a large dog close by or if she got frightened just before we entered the ring by a large dog getting too close to her. I carried her to the ring gate and only put her down just before we entered the ring. I trained her to watch me outside the ring when a large dog was near by I would give her a cookie for doing this and taking her eyes off of the Boogie Dog. She soon learned to look at the Boogie Dog, then turn quickly back to me as if to say, See, I am looking at you, not at that big dog. Now where is my cookie"Niki was shown seven times for her CDX, with placements of third, second and fourth for her title. I also showed her in the Pomeranian National Specialty in March, 1999, for a fourth Open leg, where she won first place with a score of 192 under judge Lynn Eggers.Now on to Futility, I mean Utility This was a bit harder for Niki. She still showed Boogie Dog" fear from time to time, and would shut down in the heeling exercise but come alive for everything else. She usually busted only one exercise when I showed her in Utility. She earnedher UD title in nine shows. __________________________________________I will never forget the first time I showed Niki in Utility on July 23, 1999. We busted, but it was a cute bust. Her heeling was just awful. She was scared to death at that huge show. She went out and scented all the articles and decided that someone had forgotten to put it out there and returned empty mouthed. On to the Directed Retrieve. Niki got the correct glove but took it to the steward. Hey, here 1 am, here I am, I wanted to shout. The next day was even cuter Isnt it a shame we cant get some extra cute points with these adorable little creative thinking Poms She took the correct article across the ring to the judge, sitting nicely for a front, looking at the judges knees. The judge backed up and Niki thought she was getting a correction for a crooked front, so like the well trained Pom she was, moved in and gave her a nicer front. Again, I wanted to shout, Hey here I am" It seemed like several minutes went by, and Niki must have been thinking, Why isn't Mom taking the article" so she looked up at the judge and literally freaked across the ring back to me. Too late. The second NQ had just happened.In May, 2000, 1 got up nerve to show Niki in Utility again. I had crossed her over to clicker training, and it was helping a lot with her speed and shut down heeling problem. That day she got her first leg in Utility, under judge Ginger Pugh, with a score of 188.5 and fourth place. This was thrilling, as seven dogs qualified in Utility A out often showing Now on to the next day. Niki qualified again, this time under Linda Bryan, with a score of 183 for third place. Boy, did she feel proud of herself. Only four dogs qualified out often that day. When the judge was handing out the ribbons, Niki had a look on her face that seemed to say, Look Mom, I beat a Golden Boogie Dog. Then Niki was shown four times over the next year and did not qualify. I only show locally. I worked harder on the clicker heeling, as this seemed to be her most stressful exercise, and finally entered her in her last show, March, 2001, and she gave me her run of her lifetime for that final leg, getting the Utility Dog title with a score of 193 for second place under Judge Bill Oxandale. She was so happy and frisky during that last run that she got hit several points for forging, of all things. My little logger had turned into a forger Wow, this clicker thing workedContinued on Page 63The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 51Reginapoms and CLs are delighted about...iwMRS Bomw ion potmlmAMERiOftRmm AtviRseALVERSON r_TERIMARS BOUNCIN BEANIE X JAKEN LOVE POTION NUMBERNINE......going Reserve Winners Bitch at the American Pomeranian Club 82nd Specialty,March 13, 2002^ in Louisville, Kentucky. Thank You Ms. Jean Schroll for this prestigious win Virgie loved Kentucky and is one major away from her title. Terry, we hope we made you proudOwner Cathy Lasota365 W 12th Ave. Conshohocken PA 19428 610-828-7716 Showpomaol.comBreeder Terry MorrowOwner Regina Nunn2030 Russell Road Berry ville VA 22611 540-955-1209 Reginapomsbigfoot.com52 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002REGMARS REGINAS GATOR LEGACYWfi1'mBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXWINNERSGREATER PHILADELPHIA DOG FANCIERS associationtom Dl GIACOMOe vjkayWmmm.KTOA'\14mt j l 6-SIRE AMCAN CH REGINAPOMS LUV A GATOR ROM DAM REGINAPOMS HEY MACARENAONLY NEEDS 3 SINGLES TO FINISHSpecial Thanks to all the judges who have seen the quality in JuniorAlso, thanks to Juniors Best Buddy Cathy Lasota for helping us show Junior and also to Becky Frye.ReginapomsRegina Nunn Berry ville, VA Reginapoms bigfoot.comThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 53CJ"mtmmMewFebruary 11,2002 Madison Square Garden Center New York, New York21A TRIP TOTHE GARDENSTHROUGH THE EYES OF A JUNIOR POM HANDLERThe goal of almost every Junior Handler is qualifying to compete at the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Show and I was certainly no exception. Not only did I work hard to become the number one Junior Handler of Poms for 2001 but every time I went into the Junior ring I did my best hoping to receive that First Place win that would give me what I needed toward qualifying for the Gardens. And qualify I did, with twelve First Place wins in Open Junior and three Best Juniors in a total of three months of showing time. A lesson for all Juniors who think it can only be done with a large dog.I was off for my first visit to the Big Show in New York City with a toy dog. I was adamant about not getting on a plane besides, think of all the extra clothes and supplies you can take in the van I coerced my Aunt into driving for two days each way - a highlight of this was a stop in Hershey, PA for wonderful54 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002chocolate But I can assure you that after the PA turnpike a two hour plane ride looked much more invitingWe arrived the weekend before the Gardens so we could take advantage of watching the Progressive Toy Shows, doing a little sightseeing and lots of Macys shoppingSince entries for Juniors are so large, both Open Juniors and Open Seniors compete at the same level and are divided into two groups for Monday Judging and two groups for Tuesday judging. Two Juniors are selected from each of the four groups to compete in the finals which are held at 730 p.m. Tuesday evening.With hard work and perseverance DREAMS CAN COME TRUE, because I certainly made mine a reality over this past year. So for all you Juniors out there competing with a Pom - YES, IT CAN BE DONE, for my experience this past year is living proof Remember to keep your eyes and ears open at every show as the Pom handlers in the breed ring are an excellent source of information on training, showing and grooming your Pom. Without their help and inspiration Id never have made it where I am today - a 1 Pom Junior Handler and a top qualifier for this years Gardens.Even though I was not one of the two chosen from my group to go on to the finals, my trip to New York was an experience Ill never forget. I definitely enjoyed meeting many of the other top Juniors from all over the country and watching the top Poms compete for Best of Breed in the show ring. Perhaps someday I may even compete in the same Breed ring with a top special - we all can dreamIn conclusion Id like to thank everyone who gave me the help and support I needed to reach my goal - a trip to New York that was definitely an experience Ill treasure and remember alwaysEmily Hussey along with CH. Scarlett and CH. TaraPhotos by Marcia Cox and Emilie Hussey0 mThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 55The Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines had a beautiful day for their Feb. Specialty held in the 4H Building on the Iowa State Fair Grounds. It was the first time that I have been to Des Moines in the last five years that I did not either wade in snow or freeze almost to death, loading and unloading. It was truly a wonderful DayThe Club had a fun auction I got a beautiful Picture which included beds, crate covers, pecans, and various Pom doggie items. The bidding was very brisk They are working very hard toward hosting the APC summer Specialty September 6, 2002.The Sweepstake Judge was Ms. Carole Jackson and Her Best in Sweeps was Jan Les Dont Rain on my Parade owned by Jane Lehtinen and Judy Corbet.Ms. Peggy L. Lloyd was the Specialty Judge and her winners are as follows6-9 Puppy DogsMarbil-Riehm Ridding in Style owner Donna Riehm9 to 12 Puppy DogsFinchs Walk the Walk owner Diane Finch12 to 18 DogsNobles Finchs A Work of Art owner Diane FinchBred-By DogsNobles Worth my weight in Gold Owner Noble InglettOpen Dogs ROCSMarbils Games of Chanceowners Mari Iffland and Donna RiehmOpen Dogs AOACPom Acres Wildwood Phantom Owner Juanita FiddickIwmI'T. vl-VVWinners Dog Marbils Games of Chance Reserve Dog Marbil-Riehm Riding in Style6-9 BitchesNobles Positively Priceless Owner Noble Inglett9-12 BitchesFinchs Nut Bush City Limits Owner Theo Dockett12-18 BitchesNobles Affair to Remember Owner Tom Davidson and David LambBred by BitchesJan Les Make me a Super Starr owner Jane LehtinenOpen Bitches ROCSBritish Lane Sweet Spring owner Wendy ChambersBest of BreedCh. Wyndlor Doinit Right owner Linda MulsoBest of Opp and Best of WinnersNobles Positively Priceless owner Noble Inglett11\Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines SpecialtyReported by Karen Chisam56 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 \r fWipw, - 14zm tvi-miccccc^w mr-tPomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines Specialty February 16, 2002l 1iV nb ,- i I.AThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 57Sapphires Dancing in the DarkH JJJ J411 iSapphire Yorkies Pomeranians sapphiretir.comBeth Shattuck 4629 Jasmond Rd. Goodrich. MI 48438 810-797-3527Congratulations Tisha PomsI would like to congratulate Pat and Fred on their ...... xkennel visit. I have had the privilege of knowingffe them since 1985 when our kids were in Jr.j Showmanship. Through the years I have alwaysbeen able to go to Pat and Fred for showing andSapphires One Night Love AffairSapphire Yorkies Pomeranians jaiUttk 5miTgmtBethShattuck 4629 Jasmond Rd. Goodrich. MI 48438 810-797-3527on your kennel visitbreeding advice. They unselfishly shared all theVxJSV- i . -rvft .5 help they could give. Pat and Fred are trueexamples of what showmanship, breeding, and15 .sa y- friendship should be. I wish them continuing success in the future.POMERANIAN CLUB OF CENTRAL INDIANAPomeranian Mb of Central Indiana AKC Sanctioned B latchLouisville, Kentucky Tuesday, March 12, 2002I would like to thank the committee and members of the Club for inviting me to judge their match and the exhibitors for giving me the privilege of allowing me to go over so many nice dogs. The hospitality and generosity of the club was well beyond my expectations, my gift allowed me to take home my own Pom, even though it was jewelry, it is much treasured. This well run show was for the exhibitors, with lots of goodies to win.I started judging at 3pm with an entry of 86 entries with 10 absentees. Some in good coat, some not in their best bib and tucker and those that had never been on a lead before and some very well schooled, and for others it had been a long day and just wanted to rest. Taking all this into account on another day my placings may have been different. It was interesting to watched these puppies over the week as they went from not walking well on the lead to veterans at the job.Oboy, didnt we have fun trying to move the 17 4-6 month puppy dogs round the ring together, we sure did not repeat this with the 13 4-6 month bitches.m\\ 'l.Judge Mrs Jackie Walsh EnglandPUPPY DOGS 4-6 months1 KACEES READY SET GO owner Katy Stalnaker This four month orange puppy was just my type in a dog lovely short back nice topline with a good tail set and well up on toes in very good coat for age. His head for me was just lovely so cheeky and correct in shape of eyes tiny well-set ears and correct muzzle. I shall look for him in future Pom Reviews.2 TRESSTIQUE HEY AJ WHATD YA SAY owner Bonnie Harris 3TRUDYS PUFF DADDY OF INCHALLAH owner Heike and Tanya Wehrle4 FOXWORTH FIRST RATE owner P Dodsworth and L FoxPUPPY DOGS 6-9 months1 TRUDYS SUPER SPORTowner Bob and Nancy Coddington Nice orange male just coming into coat, nice medium bone good head with oval eyes and nice ear set, moved well, nice shape.2 KISSAMIS DESTINED TO ROCKIT owner Roxanne Collins 3 STOLANNES ITS MY TURN owner D. Riehm F. Stoll 4 MONARCS NO BULL owner Shari SheildsPUPPY DOGS 9-12 months1 JANES AS HURRAH owner Jerrie Freia.Well made orange different type to my other winners but won this class on his excellent movement keeping a nice level topline on the move.60 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 20022 JANESAS CHANCE FOR THE RIBBONS owner Jerrie Freia.3 KISS AMIS ROADSIDE ATTRACTION owner T. Stryker D. De Ross 4 WEE HEARTS RIDIN SHOTGUN owner Cassandra EvansPUPPY BITCHES 4-6 months1 JOLVIN PROMISE KEPT AT OPALINE owner Mr Mrs Beech A Simmons.BEST PUPPY IN MATCH a 5 month orange bitch and a real baby, coat just starting. She had nothing to hide, she is going to be a nice dual purpose bitch, as she has just enough bone and should make a good size. She showed like a true show girl expertly handled moving well round the ring with nice drive from behind, keeping a level topline. Lovely head nice eye good earset lovely pigment not over done in any way, with good tailset and up on toes, for me she was the best today because she was so balanced and showed so well.2 CASCADES SUNKIST GOLDEN HONEY owner Doris Wheeler.3 MTN VIEWS ONYX N LACE owner Patricia Daque 4 KAYCEES IM ON MY WAY owner Katy StalnakerPUPPY BITCHES 6-9 month1 JAN LE S MAKE ME A SUPPER STAR owner Jane LehtinenIm sure she will be a star some day, black and tan with lovely markings and in a good coat. Fine bone but with a good body every thing scaled down to make her a little jem. She moved with good drive around the ring keeping a lovely shape.2ALDENS LILPONEROSAMAGIC owner Sheny Cartwright.3 CASES LIBERTY BELLE AT LIL BEHR owner Joan Behrend 4 ADAMS INKA KOLA owner Cindy GoldenPUPPY BITCH 9-12 month1JAN LES JUST A DASH OF SMOKE owner Jane LehtinenOrange S able of nice size, nice head with lovely almond eyes just a little out of coat well up on toes carries her head well standing and on the move which she does with plenty of drive making a lovely ball shape. This bitch and the 6-9 from the same kennel and are similar short in back, lovely high set tail and covered the ground well.2 COURBETTE S CURTAIN CALL owner Victoria LeitnerADULT DOGS1 FOXWORTH FAST LANE ownerPamela Dodsworth Larry Fox A very well presented dog without being over trimmed lovely head enough muzzle and good ear set, upon toe with nice bone without being heavy. Moved well when settled. BEST ADULT and pleased to see him take winners dog at the speciality.2WEEPAWS SOUTHDOWN REBEL ROUSER owner Karen and Beauford Wilson3 RYDER owner April Ridderikhoff 4FARWYNS COLOUR ME RADD owner Heidi BartlesMatch SecChr. Sherri Alspaugh, Judge Jackie Walsh, Ring Steward Cathy GouldThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 61ADULT BITCHES1 PATRICIAS GOLDEN BEE owner Pati DanielsonNice dual-purpose orange bitch correct texture coat nice head with good eye shape, lovely high tail set just preferred dog for type.2 WEEPAWZ GENIE owner Donna MachniakBEST LITTERKATY STALNAKER won this with her litter of 4-month-olds one male and 2 bitches I found the group to be very typey. With lovely heads, very alike even though one was black or maybe black and tan, a bit too young to assess their finished colours.VETERAN DOG1 CH ACE HIGH DEALER owner Mari IfflandThis 9-year-old orange male had a lovely head in good coat and he enjoyed his day out. He won over the BT male who was 11 years old and enjoying himself.2 KINGERYS GIZZ-MOE owner Debbie KingeryVETERAN BITCH1 CH RAINES RHETT BUTLERS DREAM owner Marcia Cox This 6-year-old orange bitch was expertly handled, of nice size well balanced, enjoying her day out.JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP1 CH JANES AS SCARLET LIVES ON IN TARA shown by Emily Hussey 2 PANACHES POP THE CORK FOR SUNDOWN shown by Laura Meinke These young ladies handled their dogs very well. Laura performed her L with crispcomers. Emily on the other hand knew the mdiments of handling not to place herself between judge and dog this all comes with training.sseH.. In closing I would like to say I had a great time at all the shows this week. The friendship that was shown to me was generous, to the APC it was great, I hope I can make the trip again who knowsJUDGE JACKIE WALSH UK.n BV62 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002^Pe^ormance News ancffliews Continuec^rom Pag^TiSo that is my story of Niki and our journey for the Utility Dog title, and what a wonderful journey it was. She is now retired, much to her displeasure, as she is 9 years old. She is a tiny Pom, weighing only 4.5 pounds, but has a huge heart, and she did it, even with all those big Boogie Dogs" around herThank you, Niki, for giving me the thrill of my lifetime in obedience, and for all the wonderful memories getting to the end of our obedience journey. Now rest, Little one, and cuddle up next to me. You did goodThank you, Patti, for sharing that story with us.Theres not time and room in this column to list the titles achievedIll play catch-up next time. MeanwhileConeratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in ObedienceDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail .Bred by Exhibitor Wendy Donnelly and TimmyWendy Donnelly with Brace, Tim and TommL teT"'Sitsand Downs,AMERICAN PMfEAAS CU1Si kwmunFOSfiftHlAN GUIAPC Obedience, March 11, 2002 - Louisville, KentuckyAw\APC Banquet and1,. Chris Heartz Grooming Seminari 4 . 1The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 63The Pomeranian Club of Michigan4would like to congratulateFred and Pat Dieballon their well deserved APC Kennel VisitWe wish you blue skies, rainbows, continued success and many more Champion winsmCH. TARA and CH. CHATTER Are as happy as can be.Theyve found that theyre expecting And the ultrasound shows threeProud GrandMothers to beMARCIA COXCH. JANES AS SCARLETT LIVES ON IN TARA andJERRI K FREIACH RAINES JANESAS TIME TO CHATADVERTISING RATIOSFull Page Color 250.00Full Page Black White 70.00Half Page Color 135.00Half Page Black White 40.00Fourth Page 25.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION ratesFirst Class Bulk Rate Foreign Rate Single Issue4537658For more information contact Brenda Segelken 217-347-5731 fame62401 yahoo, com64 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002BI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay RoadChehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email Iffland11290 Old Lake Road Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127email pomsawaylegypt.netMillamor PomeraniansKen Eleanor Miller1777 Orange Picker Rd Jacksonville, Florida 32223 PH 904-260-4308ReginapomsMi1ualityRegina Nunn2030 Russell Road Berryville, VA 22611 540-955-1209 Reginapoms Bigfoot.comlaalcMHome ofCh. Avalon's Valentino Starfire Multiple Group Winning PomsAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.FINCH'SPOMERANIANS Ltd.iIffi'BIS, BISS, Ch Finch's He Walks on Water,ROMX Ch Reginapoms Patrick O'Finch's Ch Finch's Dream Walkin'Ch Finch's Walkin' After Midnite Ch Finch's A Noble Tradition Ch Finch's The Legend Continues Ch Finch's Mr. Bold N Beautiful Ch Pufpride Sweet DreamsBlack, Chocolate, Orange, Black Tan Partis, Stud ServiceDiane L Finch28453 630th, Kelley, IA 50134 515 769-2444dfinchhuxcomm.netShyxxvieAPOMERANIANSShy in size, huge in heartAudrey M. Roberts1984 VFW Road Leesville, LA 71446 Home Phone 337-239-3938 Email Shyacreshotmail.comThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 65What a journey it has been for you both in the Pom world. Thank you for letting me be a small part of the Tisha family beginning. May you continue to keep stepping on that winning platformCongratulations.1000 -iImp Pomeranians Shannon Johnson 100 Ridgemoor Dr. Aiken, SC 29803 803 642-7884a SBeaaRommouanSHOW - BREED - PETPat and Walt GilbertPH 407 658-9878 FAX 407-658-8673 Email Flea560AOL.COMtr Wishingthe 1VieSaCtsthe very 6est of everything, Corgratufations on your Xennet Visit,Louise Norman CroweRavens Pomeranians 25601 Haskell Taylor, MI 48180 313-291-5747'Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website httpwww.bigfoot.comAmerican.Pom.ClubThank you^y^wiy'Victoria LeitnerAPC Review Proofreader.COMING KENNEL VISITS IN 2002JulyAug Jack and Gale Rivers, Gay-Els Poms SeptOct Hideko Strasbaugh, Candyfloss PomsPlease contact Cynthia Bradley, Stillcove Pomeranians, the Pomeranian Reviews Kennel Visit Co-ordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Cynthia may be contacted at 1908 NE 86th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97220-5508. Phone 503-253-8499 or email at pomymomyyahoo.com66 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002netantariJ\VICTORIA E LOVELY 1406 -D 54th Ave E tacoma, wa 98424-1284 253 863-8608 home fax emmlAovel^PomsaoLcomIVULLUf EonLaurie Otis Donna Machniak7721Wright-Puthoff Rd Sidney, OH 45365 937-498-4970 pomswcoil.com237 Groveland Dr Howell, MI 48843 517-546-7446 dejayismi.net9oMMiiaiisVatOcmtan , M 2 -301-261-3727 sshields erols .comBUSINESS CARD ADVERTISING RATESSmall Ad 60.00 Large Ad 90.00Six issues, one photo included.s rmgWWvk'IMLsJPsomsFraizerAshleyand Jerry Miller 850-474-6277 102 Gettysburg Drive, Pensacola, FL 32503Show Pet Puppies Occasionally Ch Stud Service to Approved BitchesAvantesPomeraniansShow - Breeding Puppies Available W 707-464-8104t -. .. jfi Liza Stephens-Miner1193 California St Crescent City, CA 95531webepoms www.avantespomeranians.comFalksters Pomeraniansfalks ter greatlakes .netCongratulations to Fred and Pat Dieball and Tisha Poms on your Kennel Visit.We wish you continued success in the many years to come.SMIFalksters Sweet Emotion Jennifer Falkwww.falksterspomeranians.comThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 67Kissami Kennel Home of Moms PomsPresents our 2002 Show HopefulsKissamis Roadside Attraction SidKissamis Destined To Rockit Lil ManSid placed third in a class of eleven at the PCCI Match held at the Nationals.Lil Man placed second in a class of seven at the same match.We were very pleased with their placements and look forward to the year to come.We had a good time in Kentucky and enjoyed seeing all the gorgeous poms that were there. We send our congratulations out to all who won or placed at the Nationals.It was a great show and we look forward to seeing all of you again next year.Congratulations to Fred and Pat Dieball and their Tishas Poms on your Kennel Visit.We wish you continued success.Belated congratulations to David and Carlene Gilstrap on your Kennel Visit.It was good to meet you in Kentucky and we wish you all the best.Roxanne and Mike CollinsKissami Kennel PomeraniansHebron, IN219 996 7643www.angelfire.comiiikissaniikennel pommom netnitco .net68 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002x,\'A' XrL \\VLKLMUXQAAL 1ICLJCUl3 5VXA U24VCLi vThe Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002 - 69Jean Schroll, from Oregon City, Oregon began breeding and showing in 1958. Her original kennel name was and still is Jayjay's.Jean shares, I have always had a preference for the orange color but have also owned black and tan. I originally had Chihuahuas, but decided I wanted a breed that was more spectacular for the group ring.A CASUAL VISIT WITHJean Schroll Mwida CateThe most help I received when I began in Poms was the association with Barbara Holder from Texas. I purchased a male from her that became CH. Holder's A Little Red Flash. I specialed him to become the number two Pom upon his retirement in 1972.Today I would advise the person starting out in Poms to talk to well respected Pom breeders and handlers. Having one person as a mentor can be a world of information.What do I love about the Pomeranian I absolutely LOVE THE POMERANIAN BREED Each one is an individual each unto themselves.In my opinion, trying to housebreak a Pomeranian has been the hardest challenge. Mine never fails to go outside and then come back in to do the deed somewhere else than on the paperOlga and Darryl Baker's CH. Great Elms Price Charming II was my all time favorite Pomeranian, I would have loved to have owned himI have ABSOLUTELY NO REGRETS ABOUT BREEDING, SHOWING AND LOVING POMS My only heartbreak has been the problem we all have with their tiny size at birth, thus referral to Poms being the Heartbreak Breed.My greatest concern for the breeds future is keeping the current style we now have. After my judging of this year's APC Speciality, in my opinion, breeding depicts the style and movement I hope to continue to see in the show ring of tomorrow.It is with great sadness tiat we Memorialreport the passing of two well known Poms,idtli Pixie's Buttons and Bows.We say goodbye with heavy hearts,their little lives.Bor hearts are heavy and share the great loss.The] will he sorelj missed hj those who loved and knew them.CA. fen Jus Castle JtacACA. diodes Buttons -JV-JioxasAdvertisersBlank, Jeanne................................................................37Carlisle, Mary............................................................... 30Collins, Roxanne..................................................... 68,69Cox, Bruce and Marcia.................................................64Crowe, Louise...............................................................66Davis, Annette and Erik............................................... 65Dieball, Fred and Patricia.........................................18, 19Dodsworth, Pamela.........................................................7Downey, Diana.............................................................69Falk, Jennifer................................................................ 67Finch, Diane..................................................................65Fox, Larry.......................................................................7Freia, Jerrie................................................................... 64Gilbert, Pat....................................................................66Gilstrap, David and Carlene.......................................8, 9Griffith, Ken and Eleanor.......................Front Cover, 6Iffland, Mari............................................................. 17, 65Johnson, Shannon......................................................... 66Knight, Camilla........................................................42, 43Kranzfelder, Marge.........................................................5Lasota, Cathy................................................................ 52Leehmium, Carol.......................................................... 42Lovely, Victoria............................................................67Machniak, Donna....................................................... 4, 67Miller, Gerald and Ashley............................................67Miller, Ken and Eleanor...............................................65Nunn, Regina.................................................. 52, 53, 65Oelerich, Vikkie..............................................................2Ohio Valley Pom Club...................................................3Otis, Laurie.................................................................4, 67Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines...............74, 75Pomeranian Club of Michigan......................................64Pettersen, Pete.................................................................2Riehm, Donna.................................................17, 40, 41Roberts, Audrey............................................................65Rosenbaum, Mary.................................................... 26, 65Sabourin, Becky.......................................................36, 37Segelken, Brenda..........................................................30Shattuck, Beth..........................................................58, 59Stephens - Miner, Lisa................................................. 67Shields, Shari................................................................67Stoll, Fran.....................................................................41Continued next columnBack IssuesTo order back issues, mail check to Margaret McKee, 2426 Sandy Hook Rd, Goochland, VA 23063 804558-3380Issues available areAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 97 15.00Available Back Issues 8.00The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year 3rd class mail, 45 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 65.The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publishereditor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.bigfoot.comAmerican.Pom.ClubJulyAugust APC Kennel Visit Gale Rivers - Gay-El Deadline May 15, 2002Due to APC National Specialty Coverage, APC Review Archives, Grooming by Chris Heartz Bib and Body will appear in the JulyAugust Review.Index to Advertisers ContinuedStone, Judy....................................................................74Topor, Sandy and Katie................................................11Watkins, Virginia............................................................372 - The Pomeranian Review MayJune 2002BEHIND THE BJEW TITLISTSCH COTTONTOP ROCKETEER ORANGE MALE DOB 1-11-99 BREEDER LINDA MULSO OWNER ROXANNE COLLINSCH JOLLY WEE MACHO OF MOON ROCK CH TIM SUE'S MOON ROCKETTIM SUE'S JUST A LIL LOVIN CH FINCHS ROCKET TO THE MOONCHESAI TOUCH OF MAGIC FINCH'S MAGICALLY IMPRESSEDFINCH'S PUTTON THE PAISLEYCH JAN-SHAR'S HARLEY DAVIDSON CH ABSOLUTE'S MINI BIKEJAN-SHAR'S MADONNA ROMX COTTONTOP ABSOLUTLEY STUNNING BILLY BOB IX POM ACRES LORRAINA B POM ACRES ROXIECH WANG TSUS AIM TO FAME ORANGE MALE DOB 6-26-99 BREEDER MARY CARLISLE OWNERS MARY CARLISLE AND BRENDA SEGELKENCH FAME PIECE OF THE ROCK CH FAME CHIP OF THE GREAT ROCKCH FAME GREAT EXPECTATION CH FAME GIFT OF THE SPIRITCH FAME KING LINUS CH FAME IHS SPIRITCH FRYS MAGIC JEANNECH SUNGOLDS KAZAR QUARTERBACK WEE HEARTS TWO MINUTE WARNNCH WEE HEARTS MISS HANNIGAN WEE HEARTS CALENDAR GIRLWEE HEARTS FLASH FIRE WEE HEARTS TIME KEPT PROMISEWEE HEARTS SUMMER WINDEXOTIC XMAS SNO DOVE N JULYExotic Pomeranians is very proud of this little girl and handler, Laurie Otis she has done a great job handling and taking care of Sno. This deserves a special thanks. Sno has been in the ribbons at the shows in Indianapolis and Louisville.We would like to give thanks to all the Judges that give our little girl a placement. A special thanks to Betsy Owens Sweep- stakes Judge and Jean Schroll Specialty Judge for giving her Fourth Place both days. This was an honor to us.Thanks for all the kindness and compliments everyone has given to Sno. She is a little conceited but she has won our hearts.Loved being at the Specialty for the first time and it was more fun than I expected. See you next year.uFOURTHinnir 6-9 MONTHS BITCHAMERICAN POMERANIAN ClUBI,,, ALVERSON PHOTO " ExoticPomeranians Judy K Stone931 S Second St Boonville, IN 47601The Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines 25 i h Anniversary Regional Specialty and American Pomeranian Club Summer SpecialtyAug 31. Sept 1 and 2 Amana Cluster Shows Wednesday. Sept 4 APC National Specialty Thursday. Sept 5 APC National Specialty Friday. Sept 6 Pom Club of Greater Des Moines Regional Specialty Saturday, Sept 7 Des Moines Obedience Training Club Specialty Sept 7 Central Iowa Kennel Club Show Sunday, Sept 8 Des Moines Kennel Club Show Monday. Sept 9 Keomah Kennel Club Show Jack Onofrio, Superintendent 405427-8181 Entries 405427-0405 or www.onofrio.comSept 3 Acupuncture Seminar. Dr. Gary VanEngelenburg DVM 6 pm 10.00 Bonnie Hodson. 700 Rose Ave, Des Moines, IA 50315-3167 Hospitality - Pom Club of Greter Des Moines 7 to 10 pm Sept 4 - Sweepstakes. Judge Linda George Obedience Judge Shirley Jacobsen Sept 5 - APC Specialty Conformation Jr Handling Judge Margaret Young Rennihan Buffet Banquet 25.00 Reservations by 8-15-02 Bonnie Hodson address above Raffle tickets sold Wedns and Thurs. to be drawn at Banquet.Special Events Silent Auction, donations appreciated.Sept 6, PCGDM Annual Buffet following Specialty Free to exhibitors.APC Specialty will be held at Adventureland Inn I 80 at Hww 65 F.xit 142APO Box 3355 Des Moines, Iowa 50316 PH 515-265-7321 75.00 1-4 guests, refundable 10.00 pet charge Group 4879 by August 26. 2002 PH 800-910-5382 Adventureland Campground is adjacent to Adventureland Inn. Full hook-ups available. PH 515-265-7384 Des Moines International Airport or PH 800-451-2625 for transportation information.Catalog Advertising deadline 7-1-02 Kathy Launderville 1924 350th St Spencer. IA 51301 kamalapoms73hotmail.comAPC Trophy Donations deadline 7-1-02 Glenda Shaffer 319-827-1810 1151 215th St Jesup. IA 50648Kathy Launderville kamalapoms73hotmail.comIHtiuhiBmpFlW Apw^'- .V r .-l-r frUiS ... ut mi.0gfsrfvPOMERANIAN CLUB OF-GREATER DES MOINESp Ai ,..,' -B ' oAmusement Park. Inn Campqround..l80 Hwv.T65.Des Motnes^lA- . 3 Sc.svI LL'J ^2002 APC NATIONAL SUMMER SPECIALTYSEPTEMBER 4 and 5, 2002 ADVENTURELANDDES MOINES, IOWA25TH ANNUALPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER DES MOINESSUMMER SPECIALTYSEPTEMBER 6, 2002 See page 74 for more detailsflavor-lock pouchmLittleCadger ole Dinner . Jffiaiim, NOODLES Youll notice it doesnt say Libble Losers on the pouch.Packed with quality ingredients you can see, PEDIGREE LITTLE CHAMPIONS pouches have the great taste your dog will love. Each nutritious meal is sealed in its own lightweight FLAVOR-LOCK pouch. To serve, just shake, tear and pour. With eight different mouth-watering recipes, the taste of victory has never been this delicious.The home-cooked taste dogs 2002 Kal Kan Foods, Inc. PEDIGREE LITTLE CHAMPIONS is a registered trademark.