The Pomeranian Review July 2003

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rnrhTHE0I CAN POM EP I mIAL PUBLICTHE'4^KQ tili irmpastV.'rfAJ.B8OOIIRBETTES CERTAIN ILL TCH Courbettes Road Show CD, NA, GC x Stolannes Wish For CourbetteIf I looked happy, I was. If Curtsy looked wet, she was. And if the glove looked large, it was This photo was taken shortly after Curtsy completed the tracking test andbecame Courbettes Curtain Call TD tracking dog. It was a rainy, 45 degree day on April 30, 2003 but Curtsy completed her 450 yard plus track by finding the tracklayers glove in the field pictured in the background. She is the first Pom I have obtained a TD title on, but she will probably not be my last. It was great fun She is the ninth Pomeranian in history to earn the Tracking Dog titleVictoria Leitner - Owner, Breeder, HandlerCourbette5535 N. Cherryville Ln.Waltonville, IL 62894 618 279-9937 talespinsmvn.netCjf 11fH5''rvv.StomivV\WA 98ISupport The American Pomeranian Club Support The Pomeranian Review RESERVE YOUR COVER NOW,noa'Flash' Twizzle goes BOB under breeder judge Mrs. Ellen Fetter and Group 4 under judge Mrs. JudyOoniere at Cincinnati on May 25. Thank you Mrs. Fetter and Mrs. DoniereLaueva KennelCH DHCrew Sunkist Cinnamon Twist3-ms A BEST OFmKMai-T-Tois Arizona Tumbleweed X Cascades Sunkist AmberFrom her start with a 5 pt major, to her back-to-back 3 pt majors that finished her championship, and through her multiple BOB wins, this little girl has displayed a real winning attitude. She loves to show and has been a real pleasure at home and on the road. Thanks again, Hal DHCrew Poms, for letting me be a part of her life, and many kudos to you and Angie Nesbit Mai-T-Toi Poms for breeding this little dynamite package.My heartiest congratulations to Erika Mourcau and Virginia Watkins for all you have done in the breed. May you enjoy your retirement from the ring. My sincerest condolences to Virginia on the loss of your husband. Congratulations to Mary Allan on your Kennel Visit, keep up the good work, and to Bob and Juanita Fiddick on your special features. It is a pleasure to know and meet so many fine Pom people.Laueva KennelHome ofCh LaCuevas Pistol Packin Pete Ch TaCuevas Peppered Palomino Ch D-Zines Absolute Stunner Ch DHCrew Sunkist Cinnamon TwistCh LaCuevas Dreamweaver OAmaroq Ch LaCuevas Bebop A Lula Ch LaCuevas Walk A Mile M My Shoes Ch Winfield Dharma Jean LaCucvaBreederOwnerHandler of many fine Poms, Siberian Huskies and Smooth Fox Terriers.BreederOwnerHandlercherri\'nn X pagersP.O. Box 33605, Dayton OH 45433 937 275-4062^llapns presentsjUtckepu iTA a\ oI n jWINNERS SEMINOLE KENNEL CLUB 2002PHOTO BY MELIA J7j-A.-i \ 11PJ N Millamors MickeyPJs What a Guy x PJs AgathaMickey is a stunning redsable boy, with a lovely head, short back and great legs. He has only been shown very sparingly, yet he has 10 points, both majors, lie will be out in the Fall to search for those last few singles.Thanks to his breeder, Patty Jo Barnett, and his previous momma, Eleanor Miller, for allowing this gorgeous dog to come and live in Oklahoma.Good luck to Daniel Yona with his new Allayns puppy sired by my Jake son, DLara Rockn SkyHigh.Mary Allan^ilajm^ flomeramans anb l^ooblegRt3, Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467 918 485-1040a r\-yMary AllanDallas. Best In Show is in progress. The handler moves smoothly, elegantly, perfectly matching his gait to that of his magnificent charge. The atmosphere is electric. I can feel goose bumps erupting on my arms. I am enthralled as I watch them and I whisper a promise to myself OneI am not sure of the year. It was probably mid to late 70s. The handler was Bobby Peebles and the dog was the Standard Poodle Ch. Dassin Debauchery. I was attending one of my first"A'erican dog shows. I knew right then that one day I would show dogs. I knew I could never match the grace, elegance and style of Mr. Peebles, but he gave me something to strive for.trtUlcMfmb' 'jdMatynb' trfiltiynSfr tUlagwfr tlllay.wA' jlLtynSfrJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 5Allayn's Kennel Visit Continued From Page 5Fast-forward to 1982.1 had attended many shows by now. I had shown a Great Dane and a Saint Bernard to their CD obedience titles. I was looking for a dog that I could groom and show owner- handled in conformation. I wanted one that was glamorous, sweet natured, and - because by then I had been subjected to three back surgeries - did not require a four-minute mile to be competitive.I had spent quite some time learning asm could about the Pomeranian asking questions, checking out the different types and figuring out which were my preferences. I subscribed to the AKC Gazette Show Results. I tabulated who had won at the shows and with what. I was looking for a breeder that had done plenty of winning, finishing several dogs of the type I liked. I figured that if they were breeding enough to finish a fair number, then they might make a really nice one available to start me off.mature at about five pounds and be expected to ffee- whelp have a pretty head perfect scissors bite tiny, high set ears short back high, flat tail set heavy double coat flawless gait perfect showy personality be show ring ready.OK. It looks pretty dumb now, but I had read all the right books, done my homework carefully and cw exactly what I wanted. I could quote the verbatim. 1 could pick out a good one hundred paces. I was a scientist by nature and I en had a little formal training in the biological sciences, including genetics. How could I lose Who wouldnt jump at the chance of being my mentor Well, actually, quite a few people wouldnt. Some breeders ignored my requests, probably with a roll of the eyes and a Not another one. Some of them were kind hearted enough to reply, even though they didnt have the paragon I needed. Dorothy Bonner even offered me a bitch that was not show quality,- .-V. ' - i. , tp"' - r '..-. r\- , - . j, ' .r .-... i.." ,r- y -T' . - ..'.-y fair. -JTOf course, I did write letters. You all know the one. I bet plenty of you wrote at least one or two of its ilk yourselves. Most of you have certainly received a few just like itDear [Well-Kno\It is my desire and intention to improve the Pomeranian Breed and so I am writing to enquire if you would have a show quality female for sale. She should be clear orange at least 6 months old tobut who had produced two champions. Of course she was not at all what I was looking for did I mention that I was pretty dumbwas given an introduction to Mrs. Janice mgmsland now Earl of LLL fame. I had watched her show her lovely dogs. I was impressed by the fact that she showed her bitches as well as her males. She was kind and considerate and invited me to her home to look at the puppies she had available. Oh,6 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewatI was in heaven. She showed me her kennel, told me a little about each dog there, mentioning who had won what -1 was intoxicated and impressed. We finally got back to her house to look at puppies. I looked and looked, and there were a couple that I liked, but no one was screaming take me home. There was one other that had really caught my eye. This one was a little older, and in an X-pen on her own. Janice never mentioned her at all, so I assume available. We were invited to stay the i we could take the evening to make up our min by the morning I had already decided which I wanted. I wanted that older dog and was determined to have her no matter what. Imagine my delight when I was told that she was, indeed, available. I was on my way. I left that day with LLL Dazzlin Gold Koquette Cookie, who added the titles Ch and CD to her name despite my grooming and handling efforts, and who was to become my dreamed-of foundation bitch. 'MMellwhen I found out that the phrase trimming for neatness could have several interpretations. Agroomer was bom.It was also right about then that I figured out there was more to showing your dog than meandering around a ring with visions of purple ribbons in your head. I had always tried to get into the ring either ectly in front, or directly behind, Janice. I had pied her slavishly, with no idea of what she was doing or why. She would be carefully angling her dog to show off the darling head, I would angle Cookies pleasant and beloved, but not darling, head directly at the judge and get rewarded with a ribbon that was any color other than purple. Janice would finish one girl, and I would breathe a sigh of relief. Now it was my turn. Next show, Janice would turn up with another winner. It is to Cookies credit and a testament to her quality that she was almost never out of the ribbons and she had a stack of majorMlm .mv 0 fii-TLsm - . 1^.-'5 ..v mSTUART CH CAROUSELS ANGEL FOR ALLAYN CH MILLENIUM DREAM OF ALLRIDGEKENNEL INTERIORI was so excited to have a real show dog, but soon reality reared its ugly head. I had no idea whatsoever on how to do even the most rudimentary grooming. Trimming the ears was a major operation, the feet a monumental task. Fortunately, I was at pretty much the same shows as Janice, and she was very gracious about fixing my terrible attempts at either. Of course, in those days the Standard said that trimming other than ears, feet and anus was verboten, remember that Why did Cookie look so wild compared to the other competitors That wasReserves even though I hadnt a clue. I took to watching more carefully. I attended some handling classes, and I guess the judges started getting fed up with seeing us, because they gave me enough of those purple ribbons for AKQto send me a certificate admitting that I had finally got my first Champion. I took up residence on Cloud Nine.Now for my desire and intention to improve the Pomeranian breed. Janice obviously had a handle on this breeding thing, so she was the one I turnedContinued On Page itsdlloAfni' ryJMayi\ tstflUtynS tdUlafyft JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 7Allayns Kennel Visit Continued From Page 7to for advice. She suggested that Cookie would go well with her Ch LLL Moongold Trapper, ROM, a cream male with a very pretty head. I was rewarded with two male pups, one an orange that I sold, the other a darling cream that I kept and finished - Ch Allayns Moonshine Magic, CD. Moonie was a beautiful dog, but I was too green to know how to properly train or show him, and he was never specialed much, and with not a lot of success when I did, but we had .gLfgBeing a Breeder was pretty heady stuff, so I did it again - this time to a great-producing male that was with Nina Epps - Ch Millamors Mark Tradition. I got one girl and two boys from that litter. None finished, but one boy, Allayns Rock Revival and the girl, Allayns Rock Opera were major pointed. A breeding to Ch LLL Charming Gold Brandywine produced Ch Allayns Southern Comfort, who was shown and finished by my son, Stuart, and a halfAngelfor Allayn. She rapidly achieved her title, shown mostly by Stuart, then was bred to another of my all time favorite dogs - Charlotte Creeds Ch Southlands Toasted fudge, ROMX, known as Lil Toasty to his friends and fans. From this breeding came AmCan Mex Ch. Allayns Sinnerman Toast, a Group placer in all three countries and the sire of four champions, and his litter sister Ch Allayns Celestial Fudge, the dam of three champions.0Jr'I had also acquired a small black and tan bitch called Shamrocks Tarbubble V Allayn, not quite show quality, but small, short backed, very sound. She was a wonderful producer, giving me Ch Allayns Dark Krystal from a breeding to Ch Macs Top Tune a Gabriel son and two major pointed daughters from a breeding to Lil Toasty. She also produced two champions for Maria Kneisler.I think that every champion I have ever bred goesvrr \m3SHAMROCKS TARBUBBLE V ALLAYN ALLAYNS ROCK REVIVAL CH ALLAYNS MOONSHINE MAGIC STUARTsibling breeding to Ch LLL Dazzlin Gold Mike gave me Ch Allayns Dazzlin Gold Darlin, later sold to Donna Parkerson.Meanwhile, back in the show ring, there was aname was Ch Precious Petites Gabriel, handled by Kathy Sawyer then Bucher. Kathy told me that Art and Linda Gustafson had a female Gabriel puppy for sale that was out of their Ch Creiders Jessica. I purchased her, and registered her as Carouselsback to Cookie, Angel or Bubbles. Their quality shone through down the generations. I sometimes see them even now in a young pup - maybe just a turn of the head or a way of standing - just a glimpse of the past. It has always been my contention that the strength of any kennel lies in the quality of its bitches. I think it was Olga Baker that said if you breed pretty girls to handsome boys youd get good-looking kids. I have always tried to do that. Not all my girls are show quality, but they all have several things in common. They are all within Standard for weight and all have short backs,'tit' t'jdlfatfttfr adHttyjifr adllatynfr8 - JuiyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Reviewgood coats, good pigment and sound legs. Those are things upon which I place a premium.I have never produced many litters and rarely sell dogs except those that are pet quality. I prefer to have only enough puppies to keep me with a dog in the ring. My pups are born in my living room or bedroom, and stay in the bedroom for a fewiweeks. They then graduate to the living ro about three to four months go to which is a converted bedroom in the back of the house. Only at about ten months or so do they go down to the kennel - and one or two have been known to persuade me that they need to remain housedogs.I have placed one or two dogs with good friends and though my males are not at outside stud I have let them be used very occasionally - again, only bymultiple Group placer Ch Rash Mystic Rebel of Puf Pride Tinker. Maria Kneisler got her first dogs from me and went on to be a successful breeder and handler. I honestly cannot say how many champions I have produced or finished. It is more important to me to be producing good, sound dogs that I am proud of than to be able to give some meaningless number. We all know champion dogs that should never have of a ring. Most of us have at least ^serving dog that never finished, so to e the title is only a red line on a pedigree. The measure of any dogs true worth is the puppies it produces. If the dog is the top winner of all time and it does not produce quality puppies it isnt worth its fee. If it never finished yet almost always produces superior, typey, animated puppies that dog is worth whatever the owner wants to charge. When you are taking a stud service you are paying for that dogs sperm, not his show career. You are not going to be allowed to show his ribbons in the ring. My policygood friends. Valerie Allridge has been successful with a couple of dogs that go back to mine. Her first show dog was Ch Allayns Celestial Doll Valsu. Her Ch Allayns Something For Nothin Simeon was a multiple Group winner, and her Group placing Ch Millenium Dream of Allridge was sired by a dog I own and out of a bitch I bred. Coral Appleton was successful with Pookie - multiple Group placer C Allayns Rock N Rebellion. Virginia Dimick use' Pookie a couple of times, and he is behind BISA, BISS Ch Puf Pride Sweet Dreams Parker andA\aAMnhas usually been to wait to see what a dog produces before spending my hard earned dollars on a stud fee.9When breeding I strive for a dog that is up on leg, sors bite, short back, good coat, good in and good movement. Everything else is negotiable. I do not have a real preference in head types, as long as the head is attractive. I do not have a color preference though I have to admit to a love of cream and a long standing desire for a trueContinued On Page 10OMayny rjdllatytCfr- OMotynv OMaywfr rfdllatytpA' a v JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 9Allayn s Kennel Visit Continued From Page 9wolf sable dream on, Mary. Most of my dogs have been orange or sable, and I am just now starting with black. As I am English I do have a slight penchant for the style of the Hadleigh dogs with their short, short backs, their almost impossibly high tail sets and their heads laid almost on their backs. Chs Valcopy-Wakhan Batman and Batboy exemplify that type for me. I also lqved the look of Gabriel and even more so his son Ch1 1 MS JWm JVShadomountin One Man Show Tinsel. They were short backed, beautiful dogs w ith showmanship to spare. Other dogs I found truly exciting were C Tim Sues Highlights, Ch RockN Tradition of Oakridge Jake and Ch Great Elms Prince Charming II. None of these dogs look alike, but they all had that same indefinable it that set them apart from the rest. They had style and glamour and ring presence - everything that makes a Special... well... special. When they were in the ring you knew it. All the others were just dogs.having owned three shops - one with boarding attached. My home kennel was originally built with the idea of being a small grooming and boarding facility. It has ten 8x4 chain link runs and three 8xlO runs. A sealed concrete floor with central drains and plastic tile-board walls make it easy to hose, and a breeze tq, clean. I have a raised tub, a 10x20 grooming area and lots and lots of electric 'or all the goodies such as high power a computer. It also has a powerful central and air conditioning unit and three large outdoor communal runs. I officially retired from my shop in December of last year and decided that retired meant spending more time with my husband, Ken, not more time working, so I am lucky in having a well planned kennel for my dogs. It makes their care much easier, and gives me more time for the important stuff - playing with them.I have made many friends in dogs, and enjoy theets jf^ AKENNEL ipril CLUB'IK THE ALLAN HOMEI have been married for mumble, mumble years now, and have two grown children - Stuart and Amanda. Both are married. Amanda has two daughters eight-year-old Krystal who some of you have met at the shows and three yearbid Alex. Stuart and Annie are having too much fun right now to think of children. Ken works out of town a lot as a computer engineer, so I have spent plenty of time either alone or commuting to wherever he is working. I have been a groomer for many years now,time I spend at the shows chatting and swapping news, information and tips. I try to be helpful to new owners and exhibitors and to those that are just trying to gather information - I remember how confused I was,, when I first started and how hurt I felt when someone would rebuff me with a curt remark. I do try to persuade newbies to take their time before jumping into buying a dog. Often they are so eager to get started they fall into one of the many pitfalls that result from not being adequatelytpJMayynfr tFlUatyndy ^ ryJyHri^ny 'jdllatyn-'10 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Reviewprepared. It really does pay off to know what you want and to choose your breeder carefully. A breeder who is committed to helping and mentoring their puppy buyers is the most important person in the life of a new owner whether they are a pet owner or a budding breeder-exhibitor. We need to remember that the former may easily turn into the latter and we need to ensure that they do it right for the sake of the breed we love. Mentors are the ones that will impart the practical knowledge of grooming, trimming, showing, handling, breeding, whelping and raising puppies. They should also be the ones that instill the essential qualities of a mentor - honesty, integrity, an overwhelming passion to love and protect the breed, and impartiality. They need to be there to help with advice and they need to let their protege make their own decision - even if it is not seen as a particularly good one. Mistakes are just as important as successes in dog breeding. Each builds knowledge. The protege will, we hope, in turn be equipped to mentor another newcomer - that is the cycle we have to rely on for our breed to continue. It is incumbent upon us, the current breeders, to ensure that the people coming up are well prepared for the responsibility of ensuring the safety and integrity of the breed.Over the last few years I have done less breeding, perhaps a little more exhibiting. I have handled a few dogs that I really wanted to show. My two favorites were Ch Macs Top Tune Ba Bear, a14f BVCK'-r,.CH ALLAYNS SOUTHERN COMFORTGabriel son owned by Bill Bullis, and Ch Rash Mystic Rebel of Puf Pride Tinker, a son of a dog I bred, owned by Raymond Wells and bred by my dear friends Virginia Dimick and Coral Appleton. I got several Group placements on both, and won WD at the Nationals with Tinker when he was just ten months old and had known me for less than twenty-four hours - that was probably one of the proudest days of my life. I have judged at several matches and done the Sweeps at a few Specialties. I love judging, and I particularly love puppies. I keep thinking that one day I will apply for my license.I have also found that the Poodle has crept back into my life. I owner-handled a silver mini male to several points, despite his lack of enthusiasm and the fact that Poodles....Ch Dassin Debauchery.bought a cream male that have currently one point on. find myself dreaming and whispering One day... Mary Allanare almost exclusively professionally handled. I put fifteen points, one major, on a mini bitch that I bred to the top producing male Ch Parade Kiss and Tell. I will be showing her son next year. I bought and showed a young Standard male named Bentley. He is growing his big boy hair now and should be shown again the end of this year. I am currently showing a pointed black Standard puppy that I bred and co-own. I also got wind of a very special breeding that gave me goose bumps. Roger Pritchard and Cindy Pajak bred one of Cindys champion bitches via frozen semen to Ch Dassin Debauchery. I bought a cream male that I have currently one point on. I find myself dreaming and whispering One day... JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review -11COIVTEIVTSAdvertisers Index...............................................................84AKC Contact Information...................................................80AKC Pomeranian Point System........................................ 50AKC Pomeranian Breed Standard...............................56, 57APC Board Summary Janice Russell..............................21APC Officers......................................................................19APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel.................................... 46, 47APC Summer Specialty Information..............................30, 80Ask Us Anything Annette Davis....................................... 22Back Issue Information......................................................84Coming Events..................................................................80Cover Story Kevin Orr...................................................... 12Getting To Know You Barb McClatchey.......................... 42Health and Genetics Marge Kranzfelder..................... 52, 53Info Dots Mary Allen.....................................................23, 71International Show Report, Australia.................................83Judges Education Dot Martin........................................... 59Just FUR Fun.................................................................... 43Kennel Visit Mary Allan...........................................5 - 11Kennel Visits, Future..................................................... 58, 78Letters to the Editor...........................................................58Membership Report Annette Davis.................................. 18Memorial, Opie..................................................................18Memory Lane Marlene Halsey Scott........................... 60, 61My First Pom Anastasia Sowers......................................62Mystery Vial...................................................................76, 77New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel.............................. 47Performance News Barbara McClatchey................64 - 69Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana.................................50Pom Talk Roxanne Collins......................................70, 71Presidents Report Margaret McKee......................20, 21Prizewinning Pom..........................................................74, 75Puget Sound Pom Club Specialty.....................................30Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis................................. 18Salute to Our Armed Forces..............................................23Sooner Pomeranian Club Report.................................. 48, 49Subscription Card..............................................................80SubscriptionReview Information...................................16, 78Sunshine And Roses........................................................71Tracking, Lets Go..........................................................34, 35Tracking, The Little Dog That Could........................32, 33Way I See It And More Sally Baugniet........................38, 39Ways and Means Donna Riehm.......................................45Website Address...............................................................80Word Search......................................................................63Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgFRONT COVERtt.lT, a SIS SI JI1 BELIE EllIl lA6v1\V. tSH'.k 'V - kmI am so proud to now be specialing BISS Am. Int. Ch. Sugar Raes Im a Believer- Mickey. What a thrill and honor it was when Erika Moureau, Virginia Watkins and Angela Semansky asked me to continue specialing him when my WONDERFUL friend, Erika Moureau, decided to retire from showing dogs. 1 can never tell you how much this means to me. Mickey went BOB our first show out in Denton, Texas and went BISS the next Friday at the Sooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma City under respected Judge Wendy Kobrzycki. What a great start to our show career together Watch for me and Mickey in the Pom ring...........and be sure to come over and say hiMickey was bred by Angela Semansky. Presentation and breedingKevin Phone 817-605-0179 Cover photo by Creative Focus-Sara Scott and Carol Stum.12 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewTISHAS RAISIN-A-RUKUSHexm.a133NmimwarIpPWjUill\miAlex is pictured winning Winners Dog and Best of Winners on April 26,2003 under Mr. Thomas Kilcullen. Thank youAlex needs a major to finish.Congratulations to Mary Allan, Allayns Poms, on your APC Kennel Visit.ijjh 'W6 M A AV . \ \Always Breecler-Owner-HanclledSince 1977Lhasas and PomsPat and Fred Dieball2019 Greenwood Rd Lapeer, MI 48446 810 245-1924 tishapomprodigy.netJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review -13Mountain Crest Pomeraniansmm hmspm H-I iKC- . ry^tr r"MOUNTAIN CREST CLOECongratulations to Alane Levinsohn and Mountain Crest JJ on his BISS win at the San Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty while visiting in California.Congratulations to Mary Allan on your APC Kennel Visit.Mountain Crest Ronnie ROMXMountain Crest PomeraniansDavid and Carlene GilstrapP.O. Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422Phone 423-821-1015 Email dcgilstrapaol.comIBreeders of -fme Perns sli^e 195^1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 K. G. Griffith - Owneri Ch. Great Elms Mr. Chips X Angela of LenetteWe have puppies on the ground or due from the following studsCh. Great Elms Little Cricket Ch. Music Maker of Lenette Ch. Clairmonts Max in Carolina Demetris of Lenette Ch. Macs Frankly My Dear Ch. Pufpride Sweet DreamsCongratulations to Ruth Beam and her fabulous Ch. Great Elms Mr. Chips on beingthe top APC producing stud last year.Best wishes to Mary Allan and her Poms in being featured in this issue.If you would like to receive our offerings, please let us have your mailing address.jt ipotnerantan S^ebtetoEditor................................................................................ .11139 E. Camelot Ave, Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217-347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscriptions......................................................................15755 Greenway, Lansing, MI 48906 PH 517-485-5183 bkpomsearthlink.netBack Issues..........................................................................7008 Grace Avenue, Cinncinati, OH 45227 PH 513-271-3983 panachepomsnetzero.comProofreaders......................................................................Advertisement Manager....................................................1125 Sunset Lane, Wichita Falls, TX 76306 PH 940-642-8077 Keepsakessw.rr.comSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class.......................................45.00USPS Bulk.................................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico................... 55.00Foreign...................................................... 80.00Single Issue..................................................8.00Back Issues..................................................8.00Advertising RatesFront Cover Color..................................500.00Back Cover Color...................................350.00Inside Front Cover Color..................275.00Inside Front Cover BW....................100.00Inside Back Cover Color..................275.00Inside Back Cover BW.................... 100.00Page 3, 4 Color........................................275.00Page 3, 4 BW..........................................100.00Center Spread Color..............................500.00Center Spread BW................................220.00Full Page Color.......................................250.00Full Page BW...........................................75.00Half Page Color...................................... 135.00Half Page BW.......................................... 45.00One Quarter Page.................................... 30.00Business Card 6 ................... 65,double 95All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25.00 each. Additional blackwht photos are 5.00 each.DeadlinesAd DeadlineDec 1.............Feb 1.............April 1...........June 1............Aug 1............Oct 1..............Issue ... .JanFeb MarApril .MayJune ..JulyAug .SeptOct ..NovDecje ^omerantan Hefcteto....official A. P. C. publication ....sent to Breed Group Judges ....reasonable rates....quality reproductions....only source of APC Archives ....provides APC news and reports ....APC Specialty coverage ....Regional Pom Club coverage ....Obedience training information ....interesting, informativeSUPPORT THE APC16 - JuiyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewHtistog forosHtisteCs dsw kief d the Mocks2i BEST OfBREED OR VARIETYMAJORCHAMBERSBURG AREA KENNEL v CLUB' APBIl 11.2003TOM OIGIACOMOCH MUSTANGS AUDIE MURPHYSire - Ch Mustang Good Time Charlie a Jake grandson, Dam - Mustangs Sally II a Dominic granddaughterJust starting out as a special, Murph has picked up 10 Best Of Breeds at the age of 10 months old. We greatfully thank these respected judges for acknowledging this little guys fine qualities and movement.Mr William Dolan Mr Darrell Vice Keke Kahn M Patterson Margaret ReedMr NallenDr Margaret Matema Mr Robert High Mr Forrest McCoyA special thank you also to our friend and loving handler Sherry Lawall.We have some nice show prospects available to show homes only sire by Ch Mustang Good Time Charlie and ChHickory Bends Lets Bum A Debt.Congrats to Mary Allan and Cindy Boulware on their APC Kennel Visits.rJoyce Birks 570-888-4195ustangclarityconnect.comJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 17MEMBERSHIP REPORT ANNETTE DAVISMembership Report by Annette Davis 391 N Mink Creek Rd Pocatello, ID 83204208-234-0932 davisavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Janice C. Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N Dr., Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must received within 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APC Web or contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERS APPROVED 053003Debra Donahue FLSponsors Eleanor Miller, Benson E. RayJMmjWendy Donnelly GASponsors Diana M. Downey, Barbara McClatchyWalda A. Green CASponsors Melinda Bullene, Marge KranzfelderDuane A. Gaulke MNSponsors Jane Lehtinen, Nadine HersilJesus and Sara Reyes CASponsors Hideko Strasbaugh, Melinda BulleneCarolyn J. Bonin ALSponsors Jerrie Freia, Barbara MessmerAPPLICATIONSLeslie Stone TXSponsors Kevin Orr, Renate RichterJackie Hirshberg TXSponsors James Shearer, Bob PietzchVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at http www. americanpomeranianclub. orgREGISTRARS CORNER CAROL LEEMHUIS2318 Rose Garden Road Pittsburgh PA 15220 412-344-8257ROMCH Idlewyld Star Pendant CD B Owner Margaret McKeejbold ClubCH Pufpride Sweet Dreams D Owners Noble Inglett and Diane Finch\ ' rr ' ' ''.v- fKP^it \ -kGjK. a1 \ Brnmagl JCH Sirius Its All About Me DOwner Bonnie BirdwmCH Starfires Show Me The Huny D Owner Alane LevinsohnlFHall Of FameCH Pufpride Sweet Dreams D Owners Noble Inglett and Diane FinchCH Sirius Its All About Me D Owner Bonnie BirdIN MEMORY OFOPIEThe American Pomeranian Club gratefully acknowledges a donation of 25.00 sent to us by Kathe Vaughan in memory of her beloved Opie, a beautiful Pomeranian that brought so many moments of joy and blessed the Vaughan household for fourteen years. Kathe Vaughan and family are from Chapel Hill, NC.18 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Reviewt Pomeranian ixelnctnTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INCORPORATEDAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT.......................................................................................................... MARGARET MCKEE2426 Sandy Hook Rd, Goochland, VA 23063-2508PH 804-556-3380 FAX 804-556-4107 EMAIL idlewyldbigfoot.comFIRST VICE PRESIDENT..........................................................................................FRANCES STOLLR R 3, Box 429, Washington, IN 47501PH 812-254-3857 FAX 812-254-3254 EMAILstolannedmrtc.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT............................................................................................. JANE LEHTINEN1325 9th Street South, Virginia, MN 55792PH 218-741-2117 FAX 218-741-9435 EMAIL JanLeJanLe.comRECORDING SECRETARY....................................................................................JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd.N Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317-924-9093 EMAIL indypomindy.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY................................................................ CYNTHIA BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972-962-3872 FAX 972-962-3872 EMAIL American.Pom.Clubbigfoot.comTREASURER............................................................................................................ ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd, Tomball, TX 77375PH 281-351-9516 FAX 281-351-6620 EMAILtexicandogaol.comAKC DELEGATE......................................................................................... MARGE KRANZFELDER821 Brown Road, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045-9603PH 831-623-9265 FAX 831-623-2612 EMAILkranzmarhollinet.comJUDGES EDUCATION CONTACT.....................................................................DOROTHY MARTIN5354 Bluebird Lane, York SC 29745PH 803-831-8086 FAX 803-831-0351 EMAILedwarda.martinatt.netSally Baugniet Annette Lynn Heise.BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Annette Davis Marge KranzfelderDiana Downey Greggory WatersAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgThe Pomeranian11139 East Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217-347-3731 Email fame62401yahoo.comJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review -19From theMargaret McKeeResidents DeskReading in the Review about the winter specialty in Louisville brought back all the good times, excitement, and exhaustion. I loved pouring over the pictures, although I needed a magnifying glass to do it. Dont miss out on the fun next year. It will be Louisville, KY March 8-10, 2004, so start planning and budgeting now. But you dont have to wait that long. The summer specialty will be Friday, September 19, 2003 hosted by the Puget Sound Pom Club. Plan now to attend.The board has had a few complaints from members who havent found it convenient to pay their dues when they are due and want us to accept them any old time they choose to send them in.Dear Virginia Electric Power Company,I havent paid my bill this month because money has been tight. After all, I did have to pay those entry fees because the superintendents wont accept my entries without them. Im sure you understand, and will be patient because I have been a customer of yours for a long time. I may have to put it off another month because my vet bill is due. You know how it is. So should I expect to keep on getting electric service Sounds pretty silly, doesnt it If your Board did not operate this big club with its many responsibilities in a business-like way, youd be aggravated with us and rightly so. The APC has bills to pay and Erika must pay them on time. We too have to budget and plan ahead so that we have funds when we need them. So heres an early reminder that your dues notice will come this fall and you want to get your check in the mail to arrive well before January 1, 2004.I have been in the breed over 30 years. I have shown in conformation and obedience, bred, participated in lure coursing and agility events, taught classes, written a column for Pom Review. So I should pretty much know it all, right Of course not. I am learning all the time. I still can be surprised. This spring I had two 9-month old puppies that I was showing. For some unknown reason, one began chewing on the other. He cut the coat off to about an inch long on top of his back beneath the tail. It took three weeks of spraying the chewee with Bitter Apple twice a day to get the problem under control. At a show, I showed the shortened coat to a friend. He grinned, Who has been chewing on him It was nothing new to him. Hed had the same thing happen.A far more serious problem occurred more recently. I had acquired a bitch I will call her Bea to be a brood when she was just 3 months old. She had lived with us for over a year. No problem. Bea finally came in season but for various reasons I decided to skip her. About the same time, Reba20 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Reviewreturned after being leased for 3 months. The younger bitch attacked her. Since Reba had been away, I thought she must smell funny and kept those two apart. I thought once Bea was well out of season, that would end the problem. Then the potential brood began attacking other bitches, my sweet gentle little old ladies. She punctured Kittens ear and seriously hurt Tribble. When I got out in the back yard, she had Tribble by the head, shaking her. She meant to hurt her. 1 got the two apart and cleaned Tribble up to assess the damage. She began having seizures. We dashed for the emergency room. I am so blessed. It is only 25 minutes away. They are very good and very expensive. They were unsure of the extent of the brain damage and treated it aggressively. Tribble spent 24 hours there, then came home, where her recovery has been swift and seemingly complete. No more seizures, appetite fine, tail wagging. Thank you, God and Dr GrantI finally got the message. I kept the aggressor bitch completely isolated and at the earliest opportunity, returned her to her breeder. I figured it was some sort of hormonal imbalance, like postpartum depression in human females. Surprisingly, I wasnt angry at Bea. She never bothered any of the males. Very strange. One of the things I love about this breed is that they get along so well together. Unless someone is in season, nursing, or sick, all the Poms go out in the yard together. The Greyhound, Field Spaniels, and mixed breed go out together. I just didnt want to try to live with a dog that couldnt get along with the others and I sure dont want to breed her although that might cure her.. I will stay in touch with her breeder to see what happens.I am constantly learning. I watch, I ask lots of questions, I listen, I read books and magazines. Maybe someday Ill know enough, when its about time to quit. a APC Board Summary JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomindy.netA motion was approved to allow the spending of an additional 23 cents in postage in order to include the mailing of the Alopecia Research Surveys with the roster.To clarify board motion, this pertains to Pom Review Ads only. Motion 030302 the 4.00 Credit Card charge was discussed, and a motion was made and seconded to drop the 4.00 credit card charge on Pom Review Advertising only. Motion carried.The new budget effective June 2003 to June 2004 was presented to the board in March.A motion was made, seconded and the motion carried. It is shown belowAPC Budget 2003-2004EXPENSESPomeranian Review 48,000National Specialty Show 15,000Education 300Public Education 250Breeder Education 200Corporate 6,500postage, insurance, taxes, tax prep, dues,bank fees, roster, stationery, suppliesWays and Means 2,000Awards 1,500Other Committees 2,500Total 76,250INCOMEPomeranian Review 40,000National Specialty Show 21,000Membership Dues 11,000Ways and Means 3,500Miscellaneous 750Total 76,250A motion to name a person to audit the records was made, seconded and the motion carried.The Annual Awards and Historical Awards rules will be given their own articles in the Standing Rules, moving any existing Standing Rules sections that pertain to them to the new articles and including the current awards requirements. Motion made, seconded and passed.A motion to appoint a General Education Coordinator who takes care of educating breeders and the general public was made, seconded and passed.JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 21Annette DavisJOarOur question for this issue is My Pom has very dry skin. What can I do1 Are you feeding a premium food Grocery store dog foods generally do not have enough fatty acids and high quality protein for toy dogs.2 Is your dog drinking enough You should have a bowl of fresh water available throughout the day not necessary at night.3 How often are you bathing your dog and what products are you using Dog hair and skin should not be washed with harsh soaps and you dont need to bath as often as you might think. Use a gentle, good quality dog shampoo once a month or as needed when he is dirty or smelly or needs treatment for external parasites. Minimize alcohol based sprays and gels. Use a dog hair dryer or set your human dryer on low heat. Dog hairskin cannot take the high heat of human dryers.4 External parasites such as mites, fleas , and lice can cause dry skin. Goodwinol shampoo with the natural insecticide rotenone and dips with the natural insecticide permethrin are good to help prevent and treat external parasites. Essential oils such as eucalyptus, cedarwood, tea tree, lavender, peppermint and citronella are also good at deterring insects and external parasites.5 Intestinal parasites rob your Pom of nutrients which can also lead to dry skin. If you suspect that your Pom has parasites, he should be examined by your veterinarian and treated.6 Your Pom may not be digesting his food properly. Failure to digest properly can be caused by an intestinal flora disturbance due to antiobiotics or stress. Additionally, some dogs chronically do not produce enough digestive enzymes. Good quality enzyme and probiotic supplements will help in the case of digestion problems.7 Your Pom may need a coat supplement with fatty acids, biotin, and zinc. Weigh your Pom and follow the directions carefully so you do not overdose coat supplements.Reputable supplier for pet supplies Goodwinol shampoo, dips, pet supplements, etc. KV Vet Supply 800-423- 8211Reputable supplier for essential oils Time Laboratories 877-846-3522Our question for the next issue is What treats are O.K. to give to my PomYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions to Annette Davis, 391 N Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello ID 83204, 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792e-mail Link to previous Ask Us Anything articles www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm22 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewInfo Dots with Mary AllanDog food nutrient labels are listed in descending order of the weight of the ingredients.are surtor tb,osesev,eraldoHarev , ^ee p Waiket , ,s itha,erSiesWhen trying to slim down a portly Pom look for a regular adult kibble with a lower number of calories per cup, rather than a low fat content. It is the fat that makes us and our Poms feel satisfied.ISava'kbi,eiW,wThe most common allergens are wheat, soy, beets, beef, chicken. If you suspect an allergy use a kibble with only one meat and one grain source as these are the most common causes of the allergic reaction.For the skinnies amongst us - give a small ball of cheap, raw hamburger daily. The cheapest hamburger is the fattiest, and so the highest in calories. Most dogs will readily eat the raw meat.raLook for additional INFO DOTS, with Mary Allan, Allayn Pomeranians, throughout the Review.Mary Allan may be contacted at allaynsaol.comVfTOF6w jFw. vf2 kWe salute the courageous men, women and their families of our armed forces.May they be safely protected from all harm.SMGT ANDREW PELZ USMC, HUSBAND OF LINDA PELZMSgt. Clinton A. Moureau, Son of Erika MoureauMajor Penny H. Moureau, Daughter-In-Law of Erika MoureauServing in Kuwait, Chief Warrant Officer Ken Fralick, wife of Heather Fralick Jessie Kleins daughter.Second Class Petty Officer Mike P. Jankowski, nuclear technician, stationed on The USS Montpelier submarine, husband of Beth Kerr Jankowski.Email to submit names._________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 23BLACK IN THE RING TO FINISH HIS CHAMPIONSHIPCHAMPIONAKC pendingFinchs a Heart Throb WalkinArms x Finch's Bodacious WaterRocketJC,113 \. I.A BIG THANK YOU to Judge Kathleen Kolbert pictured above for awarding MOJO BOW-BOB, giving him his third Major and the last 3 pts needed to finish his Championship AKC pendingWe would like to thank all the Judges that pointed Mojo along the wayJudge Kenneth Rayner- 5pt Major Judge Barbara Dempsey Alderman-BOW, 3pt Major Judge Lydia Hutchinson-BOW, BOB, Puppy Group 1 Judge Jackie Rayner-BOWJudge Michael Dachel-BOW, BOB, Puppy Group 2'WBreeder OwnerDiane Finchwww.finchspoms.comdfinchhuxcomm.netOwner PresenterAnastasia SowersPICKET POMSJjctonkamicronaol.comBEST OF WINNERSHARRISBURGKENNELCLUBm.dge Jackie eft for inThank you to Judge Barbara Dempsey Alderman shown right for Mojos BOW Win also Mojos 2nd majorVBredand Owned by Diane Finchwww.finchspoms.comdfmchhuxcomm.netBEST OF WINNERSIcHERJtSzLoa oiStMALWAYS SHOWN BY OWNERANASTASIA SOWERSPICKET POMSPurcellville, VA Jjctonkamicronaol.comFinchs A Heart Throb WalkinMOJOW1 Hp T Thank you JUDGE LYDIA HUTCHINSON for Mojos BOB Win and Puppy Group 1 What a thrill to have him in the Puppy Best in Show RingfrlsaGROUP S PLACINGPUPPY MiThank you Judge Michael Dachel for Mojos BOB Win and Puppy Group 2 Mojo is a TRUE MUDDER Even pouring rain doesnt stop himi psNr BEST OF 8REEDVSREH WILMINGTON KC Always Shown by OwnerAnastasiaSowersf PICKET POMSi Jjctonkamicronaol.comBred and Owned byDiane Finchwww.fmchspoms.comdfinchhuxcomm.netVintageOH. VlNTflG'e TeQOIEfl OOlsfriwcAr.0HR - FIRST IN GROUPH K C DOG SHOWMIKE JOHNSON PHOTO" .CH Vintage Hot Edition of Howlene X Vintage Chardonnay for CassQuila is shown winning a Group I at the Hawaiian Kennel Club show from the BBE class under Mrs. Carolyn Herbel on 3103. Thank you to Mrs. Herbel for this very prestigious win over BIS and group winning specials. Quila completed his title the next day under Dr. John Shelton and went on to win another Group I at the Tropical Toy Dog Fanciers Hawaii Show under Ms. Sandy Wheat his first time out as a special 4603. Quila would like to congratulate his uncle, Ch. Vintage Vino Vino --- litter brother to his dam, Vintage Chardonnay for Cass on his wins at the Windward Hawaiian Dog Shows in April.VintageEllen TakayamaBreederCo-Owner Vintagehawaiiy ahoo. comCtl. VlNTfKSe VINO VINOw b-li ^s3 r'm_FIRST IN GROUPWINDWARD SHOWMIKE JOHNSON PHOTOffeji ' ' -V-r- mam^ 'WINDWARD Ch. Starftres Playboy of Haiku X Vintage Canadian MistVinnie is shown winning Group I at the Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Show under Mrs. Ann Hearn from Georgia on 41203. Thank you to Mrs. Hearn for this win as well as your kind comments about the quality of Poms in Hawaii.A warm mahalo to handler Lee Ann Chinen for the excellent presentationCongratulations to Robert and Juanita Fiddick on their back to back Best In ShowsVintageEllen Takayama_ BreederCo-OwnerVintagehawaiiyahoo.comCANEFYREShari FukuyamaOwnerchowzhawaii.rr.comANNOUNCINGTHREE POM SPECIALTY SHOWS CONFORMATION OBEDIENCE IN THE BEAUTIFUL PACIFIC NORTHWESTPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. IS PLEASED TO HOSTTHE APC SUMMER NATIONAL SPECIALTY ANDTWO BACK-TO-BACK LOCAL POM SPECIALTIES SEPTEMBER 17, 18 19, 2003 AT THE RED LION HOTEL, OLYMPIA, WA.SAPEcAlry rfi 1 j1 VI mL iA JL ffPUGET SOUND POM CLUB SPECIALTYPUGET SOUND POM CLUB SPECIALTYWednesday, Sept 17, 2003 Sweepstakes Cathy Cinnamon Conformation David Krogh Obedience Allan ImmermanTHE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. SUMMER NATIONAL SPECIALTYFriday, Sept 19, 2003 Sweepstakes Jeff Nokes Conformation Fred Basset Obedience Jean RassbachThursday, Sept 18, 2003 Sweepstakes Kris Wheeler Conformation Beverly Lehnig Obedience Judy JamesFOR HOTEL RESERVATIONS AND RV PARKING MAKE RESERVATIONS WITH THE RED LION HOTEL OLYMPIA, WA. 360-943-4000TWO ALL BREED SHOWS, GIG HARBOR KC, ON SEPT. 20 21 IN SHELTON, WA. ONLY 20 MINUTES AWAY FROM THE RED LION HOTEL. SHOW SUPT. MB-F, INC. 336-379-9352IF YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACTMARLENE PRESSER RANDY BUSKE360-785-0903 360-825-2103APOLLOETTELOCALACCESS.COM POMFULLYMYTANGLEDWEB.COM30 - JuiyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewNEW mAPiOMThanks to Arnold Hirahara of Super Groom on his subtle minimal trimming and handling to the judges who appreciated Jettas and Mamos glorious full coat to Ellen Takayama who predicted Jetttas future as my first homebred champion and to Josephine Ching for Mamo.fsJ WINNERSBESTOF OPPOSITEHH K C DOG SHOWMIKE JOHNSON PHOTO,4^ -NCH GUYS N GALS MAMO HOWELL HIGROUP PLACEMENTHILO SHOWMIKE JOHNSON PECA\T5 HOiUNiftlvWMmtCH S-M LEGACYS OB JET OF MYSTIQUEJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 31Id driven eight hours south to a small park outside of St Louis. My co-judge and I spent a cold, windy day plotting the tracks to be used the next day by the exhibitors. One of the many jobs a tracking judge must perform is to evaluate a field and try to plot tracks, which are comparable in difficulty, length and number of turns in order to be fair to all breeds of dogs. The brushy cover, waist to shoulder high in places, was thick with choke weed and multi-floral roses.The rain started about midnight. I stood at the hotel window and watched the wind blow and the rain fall in sheets. Normal people would not wish this weather on anyone, but trackers are a different breed. Trackers know that the rain will moisten the fields and hold down the tracklayers scent on the track. I close the drapes and smile, rain before a test is good,The morning dawned cold and dreary. The rain had stopped, but threatened to fall at any minute. We walked towards the first track with our first exhibitor, Vicky Leitner of Waltonville, IL and her Pomeranian Courbettes LITTLEDOGTHAT COULD1 2003 by Ed PresnallVicky and a very wet but happy Curtsy with the glove.m'A.-ar42sCurtain Call. Vicky held Curtsy, cuddled in a small blanket and partially tucked into her heavy coat. Vicky talked of her excitement at being in a tracking test and her hopes for Curtsy. Pointing to the start flag, we wished her well. With the temperature hovering around freezing, a cold, bone chilling, almost sleet-type of rain started to fall. After over hour of working through the tall brush and grass, the small, exhausted Pomeranian gave up, only thirty yards short of the glove.The judges, spectators and exhibitors cried. Our hearts went out to them. To work so hard and not reach their goal would have disappointed most people, but Vicky took it with style. She was proud. Curtsy had worked her heart out under conditions that stopped much larger and more powerful breeds.Five weeks later I was standing in another field not far from my home in Wisconsin. My co-judge and I had spent a lovely spring afternoon plotting what we hoped were comparable tracks for tomorrows exhibitors. After dinner I stood at the hotel window and watched the rainfall, gently soaking the fields.Sunday morning we gathered at the park to start the test. The conditions were almost perfect for tracking with32 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Reviewdamp fields, cold temperatures and dogs raring to go. We walked our first exhibitor to the start and nine minutes later congratulated her and her dog for passing. Our second exhibitor and her dog started and twenty-six minutes later mastered the track and found their glove. We were on a roll.Vicky walked towards us with Curtsy again tucked snuggly in a small blanket and commented that this time she was the one to make the eight-hour drive to the test. Her tracklayer stood nearby, alternating between silently praying and crying from excitement. She had flown in from England for a National Specialty and thought it would be fun to participate in a tracking test. Now she understood the pressure of test day and being the tracklayer.Her track was now one hour and two minutes old. Vicky placed Curtsy down in the waist high grass near the startflag. Curtsy started well and worked intently downhill for the first seventy yards to a left turn. Checking right, sheturned left and confidently pulled Vicky along an 80 yard long uphill leg. Making a nice right hand turn without stopping, Curtsy continued uphill for about 60 yards. Reaching the peak of the hill, she crossed a mowed pathand started downhill again. Forty yards later she turned left without hesitation and motored eighty-five yards through higher brush. She reached the final corner, an open turn of forty-five degrees to the right and never missed a step as she confidently shouted with her body language - follow me mom, I know where it is". After ninety yards she stopped to review the remains of a small animal along the track. A quick leave if from mom and Curtsy almost dragged Vicky the remaining twenty-five yards to the glove and her place in the history book.Judges, tracklayer and spectators all ran across the field to congratulate this team. It had taken Vicky and Curtsy twenty-two minutes to cover the four turn, four hundred and fifty yard track. It took us at least that long to calm down her tracklayer that was now alternating between hugging anything that moved or stood stilland crying for joy at the accomplishment of this hearty team. She will cherish this memory as she tries to establish a tracking community in England.Curtsy becomes only the ninth Pomeranian to earn a tracking title and is, I understand, the only living Pomeranian with a tracking title. As her tracklayer said, Well done laddie".Ed Presnail is an author, judge and trainer. Ed is recognized as one of the leading trainers in the sport of tracking and has earned multiple VST and Champion Tracker titles with his dogs. He is the author of three best-selling books, Component Training For Variable Surface Tracking 1998 Pawmark Press the 2001 DWAA Maxwell Medallion winner, Component Training, A Companion Guide for VST 2001 Pawmark Press and the 1999 DWAA Maxwell Medallion winner, The Clumber Spaniel Handbook 1999 Pawmark Press. Mastering Variable Surface Tracking, The Component Training Approach 2003 Dogwise is his latest training book.When not writing, consulting or judging the sport, he is involved in teaching tracking classes or hosting seminars in basic and advanced tracking throughout the United States and Internationally. He may be reached by e-mail at or through his web site at www. pawmark. comV'X1 \JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 33m puffing up my ruffled, orange coat to announce with pride that I have joined an elite group of eight other Poms who have received the Tracking Dog title from the American Kennel Club. And, I am now the only living Pom with that title Wow I cant believe little ole me has procured five minutes of fameWhen Mom, Vicky Leitner, and Auntie, Erika Wilson took my sister, Song and I out into the big yard when we were mere pups, I had no idea what find the glove meant. I soon found out that we would be stretching our legs and feeding our senses several times a week in the great outdoors. Neither sleet, nor rain, nor...TMjBy Courbeltes Curtain Call. TD Edited by Vicky LeitnerftfjLBPfw'Sferi m mTracking is something I really get off on. Gosh, what other time do we little guys get to tell our owners whats right They learn to follow us Yep, thats right. They have to trust us to take the right path. I usually take the right path to the glove cause theres usually a great treat inside. Of course, thats just the icing on the cake. Its really quite fun to find what the tracklayer has left in the field for me to find.Weve been working on this tracking stuff since I was five months old. I was a wild child, still am, and Mom thought this would be something we could do while I grew up. I guess I am in pretty good shape because the added distance that weve worked up to for the actual test didnt slow me down any. Tramping through the fields was actually harder on Mom. I think she was hoping that I would be a slow, methodical tracker but I fooled her. She has to walk very fast to keep up with the Flying Furball. The distance for the tracking test was around 450 yards - about the equivalent of five34 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Reviewfootball fields but with four turns. Its a pretty good jaunt for a physically challenged human, but I made it just fine, even in the pouring rain and 45 degree Wisconsin weather.I guess tracking is like riding a bike, cause even after taking a few months off during the summer heat, my nose didnt need any retraining. We just took up where we left off once the temperatures cooled off. I really like tracking in the snow - its a hoot With Mom trudging along in her ten-pound rubber boots, its easy for me to get the jump on her. I keep hoping to pull that line out of her hands so I can go on an extended excursion of all these neat places we go to, but I havent managed to do that yet., 'jsry.w t. rT' v\m " t i rhimt u . M ml. j Mi - .i r . U S'hVV.KV , 1S80 - ,- .vB a K'- Tji."S7r.41gA-.V ,WMom says she was really proud of me on the test when we went right by the remains of some dead critter. I just wanted to find that big, blue glove. Gosh, it weighed almost the same as me. I like retrieving, but that thing was wet and heavy. I just stopped and looked at it. That seemed to please everyone, cause boy did they start screaming and carrying onMom says were retired now that I have earned my TD title, but Id like to keep tracking. Its so much fun To all my Pommie cousins out there, put that nose to work Our noses are just as good as all those big dogs. Im trying to get my dad, CH Courbettes Road Show, CD, NA, GC to track but, for right now, hes content to gloat. His daughter is the ninth Pom in history to earn a TD and the first to do so since 1994. Big deal. Im just glad I got the opportunity to tour the outside world and all I had to do was follow my nose JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 35 Sim mA- ^ iLil Behrs Ever Ready Reprised\.mCh Great Rivers Lil Lover Boy X AmCan Ch Corleahs Ever Ready at WeitoiAt 8 months old, Roxi takes her first two points here at home on Long Island Thank you to Judge William Mott.Congratulations to my APC Mentor Seminar partner, Mary Allan on her kennel visit, looking forward to seeing you again in Kentucky next year.Congrats to Robert and Juanita Fiddick on Jordons back to back Best In Shows featured story.m m Joan C. BehrendBreederOwnerHandler Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 631 366-233036 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewVJan Le PomsCh. Jan Les Dont Pain On My ParadeSire is AmCa Ch. Jan Les Just a Dash of Millamor.Dam is Ch. K.I3s Accent By Design.This is our new champion.Thank you to the judges that put him up.1GROUPplacingKEhl CLUB AMUl SOWST t1bJan Les Chatter Poxwinning a Group Third under Ann Hearn. Thank you judges whohave liked her so far. She has nine points to date.We wish to congratulate Juanita and Bob Fiddick on their back to back BIS. It was a pleasure watching a breeder-owner win the first Best In show. Too bad I was not there to see the second. I hope you have many many more BISs with you kids.Jan Le PomeraniansJane Lehtinen 213 741 2117 Wflu It"avid MoreWe have four judges opinions featured in this column today.Their combined years of judging experience totals well over 100 years, Mildred K. Bryant, Martha M.Olmos-Olivera, Bessie V. Pickens, and Ruth C. Davidson. All of these judges featured are from west of the Mississippi River.Mildred BryantMildred Bryant lives in Texas and has been judging for over thirty years. She decided to become an AKC judge after judging several matches and having friends urge her to apply. She has owned, lived with, and bred Cairn Terriers, Airedales, Sealys, Dobes, Mini and Standard Dachshunds, Lhasa Apsos, and Rough Collies, but has never owned a Pom.Judging Poms is enjoyable to her because of their character and the lively look in their eyes. It is important to her how a dog looks at her. Poms, as a whole, have delightful bright eyes and lovely sweet faces.She expects exhibitors to show good sportsmanship in her ring. She also expects the exhibitor to be in tune with their dog, especially when gaiting.Ms. Bryant feels the overall quality of the Poms has improved somewhat since she began judging in that they are presented in a neater overall look. She also adds, And I dont mean over trimmed. She feels the standard is adequate.Martha Olmos-OliveraMs. Olmos-Olivera is in California and has been judging for forty years. She decided to become a judge after showing beautiful bitches and being defeated by less than great males. She has had Pekes, Cockers, Chihuahuas, IGs, Lhasas, various Terriers, including two Ch. Kerry Blues, but never a Pom.^XuCUST RevSa"Sally Baugniet3851 Sand Bay Lane Sturgeon Bay, Wl 54235 baugnietdcwis.comShe does enjoy judging good Poms. When in her ring, she expects an exhibitor to watch her patterns and show their dog to the best of their ability. In general, she feels the exhibitor can improve the average Poms presentation by having it in good weight and coat. The over all quality of the Pom has improved in size, coat quality and type, she states. We have some beautiful Poms being shown at the moment.Bessie PickensBessie lives in the state of Washington and has been judging dogs since 1969. The reason she applied to judge was because of a need for Toy Judges. She has owned, and lived with both Pekingese and a Pomeranian. Her Pomeranian was a pet that she owned in the 50s. This Pom did not have the kind of temperament that she preferred.She does enjoy judging Poms, because they are feisty and lovely. In her ring she expects exhibitors to be courteous and considerate of each other. Ms. Pickens feels the exhibitor can improve the average show Pom by presenting it more naturally - no over trimming. She thinks the overall quality of the Pomeranian has changed very little since she started judging.Ruth DavidsonMs. Davidson resides in California and has been judging for twenty years. She applied to judge because she got tired of being a professional handler after thirty- three years in that business. She has owned, lived with and bred Poodles, Boxers, Yorkies, Lakelands, Afghans, Papillons, Manchesters, Cockers, etc.Ruth showed Poms as a professional handler. What does she enjoy about judging Poms She replies, Up to now, color Also, they are all nice - NO VERY BADFwiMarilynCzarmtDia s Uptown Saturday NightRESERVEWINNERSMATTOONKENNELCLUBApril 20.2003A ribooth mono nr ibmdtDias Cfenttemen Prefer...DANCOS ESKIMO PI X DIAS LITTLE BIT OSPICEA beautiful cream who is so much fun to show. Thank you, Judge Ralph Lemcke. I am so grateful to David and Bessie for this wonderful gift and especially for twenty-two years of treasured friendship. Watch too for Marilyns handsome deep orange brother Czar. Siblings from a great litter of four, all with four on the floor plus a rainbow of colors in the family tree. Wolfies, parties, whites, blacktan, bluetan and cream just to name some.Breeder David A. Hogg Dias Pomeranians Richmond, IN Ph. 765 966-8878OwnerHandlerRenee Mcgratft DVM, MS Ballykin PomeraniansONES. The Poms personalities help to make them stand out. Never-the-less, I dont give extra points toward colors.A tip to the exhibitor to improve the presentation of the show Pom is to have someone check his or her speed in gaiting. This makes some look different. As far as the quality improvement, she always thought they looked great.Her comments concerning the standard, I try to not force putting up the colors that make the Pom look bad. The standard does say all colors.AND MOREWe thought summer would NEVER come, but come it does, eventually. Please, for the safety of your dogs, be constantly aware of the dangers of heat. In an enclosed area, such as any motor vehicle, the heat intensifies. Parked in the sun, an animal surely has its life in great danger. An open window may not cool the interior enough in intense heat.Motor homes with air conditioning are not fool proof. Generators have been known to fail. Unless you have arranged to have someone close-by check to be sure the generator is running and the motor home remains cool, the dogs might be better under an awning outside. It is always a good idea to have a reliable person keep an eye on your dogs while you are gone, anyway. Nothing is for sure when the weather or animal rights fanatics are concernedIf you take a vehicle other than a motor home, it may be best to keep your dogs under the shade of trees or under a tent. Always remember the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The shade moves. A sunshade cover for your exercise pen and your dog crates will keep the sun from your dogs and still let the breeze come through.Bring an electric fan. You may be lucky enough to find a place to plug in. This will definitely help to cool your dogs. Make sure they have plenty of fresh water to drink. After showing, a wet towel will help to cool your Pom. Dont be afraid it will ruin your grooming job. A little moisture might even help it. Good luck to you this summer whether it be in your quest for that new champion or a top winning Pom from the whelping box, the show ring...or bothThought for the day Making an occasional mistake is a good way to find out if anyone is paying attention. JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 39Ch. Millennium Dream Of AllridgeD.O.B. 01-01-01-mm-rmij Dlara RockN Skyhigh x Allayns Destiny of AllridgeMARY ALLAN congratulations on your APC Kennel VisitWith very limited showing, Dream won her championship, several group placements and is the number three Top Winning Pom Bitch for 2002. Dream is pictured here at two years old, retired from the show ring, and totally untrimmed the way I would love to have been able to show her.My Dream was made possible through the kindness and generosity of Mary Allan. Dreams dam was a gift from Mary several years ago. Thank you Mary for Destiny and the use of your Rocky to produce Dream, but most of all, I thank you for your friendshipValerie AllridgeAnchorage, Alaska - Alaskapomsaol.comyf.PAUGH PRINT POMERANIANSoffers for your considerationnr, T UPaugh Prints Lookin for Love, CooperCh. Paughprints on the Mtn Crest, ROM x Paugh Prints Strutn Stella Only needs a major to finish, at time of this submission.He is a good mover, with a big coat of proper texture.Would make a nice addition to someones kennel.2 We also have show puppies available to show homes.Paugh Prints Heart Throb, RobinCh. Paughprints on the Mtn Crest, ROM x Paugh Prints Strutn Stella This 5 lb POINTED redsable girl is an excellent mover.Call or e-mail for pedigree or additional information.Check out the new websiteSherri Alspaugh812-925-6477paughprintpomspeoplepc.comwww.paughprintpoms.comJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 41The Review asked for personal information for this article, specifically family, past previous jobs, personal likes, hobbies, etc., so I am going to try to provide that.FAMILY I have four children and twelve and one-half grandchildren. Theannouncement about the half came in an e-mail from my son in the form of an in-utero picture and the subject line Guess Who. The oldest son with the Guess Who child lives near San Diego with his wife and seven and one half children. He is the head of Pediatric Ophthalmology at San Diego Naval Hospital. My oldest daughter lives with her husband and four children in West Papua formerly Irian Jaya, Indonesia, where they do literacy work and Bible Translation. I was lucky enough to be able to visit there when the first three children were bom, and it was quite an experience, since they are in an area not easily accessible to tourists. My youngest daughter is a social work administrator and lives in Chicago with her daughter. And my youngest son lives with me currently while finishing college. The picture shows all the family except the San Diego contingency.JOBS In various stages of my lives, I have taught fourth grade,GettingToKnowYouBarb McClatcheyAuthor APC Performance lews and ViewsGetting To Know You will introduce the many talented fine folks that help bring you the APC Pomeranian Review.eighth grade English, and Writing and English Literature at the college and university level. I also worked for Wheaton College Illinois in the C. S. Lewis special collection of books and manuscripts, and was privileged during that time to be involved with cataloging manuscript materials of several authors, including not only Lewis, but J. R. R. Tolkien, Dorothy Sayers, and others. Currently I am retired, and teach dog obedience classes.PERSONAL LIKES Mountains. I really, really miss mountains. South Texas is F-L-A-T. I only lived near the mountains, in Colorado and Wyoming, for a few years, but used to vacation there occasionally. Now its just too far. Books. You can never have too many books. Travel. I love to get in my mini-motorhome and drive for hours, mostly with a dog show as the goal, but San Diego is a nice driveI get to see desert-y mountains on the way. Lots of beautiful mountains in Papuaits like the Swiss Alps.HOBBIES Dogs. Dog training. Teaching dog obedience. Rescuing Poms. Oh, and did I mention dogs This started, I think, when my mother borrowed a neighbors dog basket for a bassinet for me. She cleaned it well, and my grandmother lined it with pink satin, but I like to think that the doggie smell permeated my infancy. And, of course, I grew up with dogs always a part of the family. Right now I have four of my own and three Rescued Poms in the house. This is what heaven will be like 42 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewftBoth dollies owned by Dana Cochran, junior partner Wee Hearts Poms.v-'6Karen Wegg says, "We know who is boss at this house. iT3Poof You re a clown Anna McClatcheyChristine Bousquet asks, Ok, Who done it WANTEDI Oniqae and candid Pom photos are welcome. Its dast Far Fan.STy awtls3itlcUcfy^CMjfMUudcUicmb Strdy aridf^ucuvifa Pj'usdich wt6-cu-Jt to S-acJv tfn ff'lwMi.Mv. hsziJt6'fats hlfts laith hamfiicm' unci' th foorKxyitwfe into Ihe'jdwieiicun^Ponte'uvrUcvri' ^luA. TAanJt't fewytvt confinuetl'feiieritlb'ifet aw bufefetyvt'. Sftet'twaAe^ toi' fewitjp^cwrvJulia L. Smithfe^tifia .1 ^PcmifrSt. Paul, MN Phone 651 770 1306fe. iSBHUTtsSsgpv.. .nwMk mKfcV'4'fU .'-Vamii.\jvrxr4 \ . 31 yi -7 . 7km- - . jyffv . w 4mm h99.. RONALD SHERRY CARTWRIGHTu-.tfftz.Lil Ponderosa PomsHSSBSRt. httpangelfire.lvcos.comwi2LilPonderosaPoms - r.__ l.AshEmail Ph. 715-874-6936Kilpatricks Kalasie Panache Siring show qua puppies.At stud to approved bitches In private treaty. Negative brucellosis test required.Fee and lidl pedigree upon request.EMCEES SHAWS WEE SUNNY AMCAN CH KILPATRICKS WEE REBEL ROUSER HALLMARKS CHARADE KILPATRICKS IMA SHADOW 0 REBYELLOW ROSE CHIMNEY SWEEP KILPATRICKS IM EXOTIC PEPPERKILPATRICKS IMA PEPPER TOO KILPATRICKS KALASIC PANACHEAMCAN CH CHRISCENDO CALVIN KLEIN CH HALLMARKS MAXIMUM ATTRACTION MTLLAMORS MARRAKECH HALLMARKS ROCKIN SAVANNAAMCAN CH CHRISCENDO CITY LIGHTS HALLMARKS CITY GIRLCHRISCENDO CAMILLE44 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewAmerican Pomeranian Club, lec.mDonna Riehm ChairpersonGreetings Pom family,Anyone feeling like this year is on fast forward Gee whiz, were we not just in Louisville and it was only MarchWays and Means continues to offer some great items to be enjoyed by all. We still have the Chris Heartz limited edition prints, entitled Meet Me In Kentucky. This is a fantastic print, limited to only fifty copies. Dont miss the chance to own this wonderful piece of art. The price is 45.00 including shipping and insurance.We still have a vety few tee shirts in size XL and XXL depicting the Meet Me In Kentucky artwork. They are 18.00 including shipping. This is a fantastic tee shirt, you will need two, one to wear and one to just keep. The additional items we have are the Illustrated Standard, a must read for all, the APC logo lapel pins and APC decal sets.We appreciate all of you that continue to support our club and our beautiful Pomeranians through your purchases. APC Ways and Means has raised an additional 557.00 since our March specialty and have orders pending for 72.00.Thanks everyoneDonna Riehmje H m erimn ^om er ant an Club, 3nc.Meansao6\T SHIRTSBLACK INSULATED LUNCH BAG WITH APC LOGO 7.00 includes shippingAPC DECALS AND MEMBERSHIP LAPEL PIN SET 10 includes shippingX LARGE, XX LARGE LIMITED QUANTITY 15.00, PLUS 3 SHIPPINGMake checks payable to APC and mail toDonna Riehm, APC Ways N Means669 Ava Road Murphysboro, IL 62966 618 684-4644 Mom4Pomsaol.com2003 Meet Me In Kentucky by CHRISTINE HEARTZSIGNED AND NUMBERED LIMITED 50 PRINT 40 5 SHIPHANDLINGfje American Pomeranian Club Asternas reported in the AKC Awards issues online reports November 1, 2002 through April 25, 2003iJBreeb Competition12345678910 11 121314 14 161718 19 19Dog's Name CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams CH Jan-Shars Hail To The Chief CH Paradise Valley Royal Medallion CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD CH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief CH Wyndlor Doin' It Right CH Finch's Rolling Like A River CH Davins Midnight Eclipse CH Paradise Valley Moonstruck CH Shyacres Millenium Gem CH Cottontop Doin' It Bel CH Belstar's Sweet Ni CH Jan-Shars DudlGayel's Juxarose CH Wildwood CH Wang Tsu CH BrynroseCH La Chei CH Pawegn CH ShimmiBreedBOB PtsSex39 51817 26920 22917 19911291838278h4545 Juariite M Carl S TurnAcr37Be Aloner Skywalker Dot Martii atricia N erry Rotce v Yzienac ed By ouau- eb Competition itO.h Sex BIS G1 G2 G3 D 4 17 12 3 D 2 2G4amem5 D 2 2on D 12o021 3643513473252942392041951911611461441057673OwnersDiane Finch Noble inglett Ron Smith, Sharon Hanson Merilyn Smith Marshall Rokos, Jessica Smith R Turner Carol LeemhuisRon Smith Sharon Hanson Merilyn Smith Linda Mulso Theo Dockett, Jr.Kevin OrrJessica Smith R Turner .udrey Roberts Mulsoeese Diana Gross urinJa SegelkenAnnette Rister C Creeknson T JohnsonDog'1 CH Pufpride Sweet D2 Pom Acres Air Jordon3 CH Paradise Valley Royal4 CH Jan-Shars Hail To The5 CH Jan-Shars Dudly Doright6 CH Pom Acres Victorious Dawn7 CH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief8 CH Belstar's Sweet November9 CH Cottontop Doin' It Better10 CH Davins Midnight Eclipse11 CH Sundown's Hide N Zeke CD12 CH Wildwood Spirit Of Pom Acres13 CH Paradise Valley Moonstruck14 CH Vintage Tequila Gold15 CH Shyacres Millenium Gem16 CH Finch's Rolling Like A River17 CH Wyndlor Doin' It Right18 CH Patricia's Golden Bee19 CH Pawegre Dennis Menace20 CH Brynrose I Vant To Be AloneBreed Pts7,191 Diane Finch Noble Inglett ,628' Juanita Fiddickiarshall Rokos, Jessica Smith R Turner Ron Smith, Sharon Hanson Merilyn Smith Becky Sabourin Juanita FiddickRon Smith Sharon Hanson Merilyn Smith Shantra Reese Diana Gross Linda L Mulso Kevin Orr Carol Leemhuis Juanita Fiddick Jessica Smith R Turner Ellen Takayama Audrey Roberts Theo Dockett, Jr.Linda Mulso Pati DanielsonPatricia Murk, C Johnson T Johnson S Turner, B Turner, A Rister, C CreedEvery effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors to the attention of Kelly D. Reimschitssel, Annual Awards Chairperson at If your dogs is in the corrections' of the AKC Awards issues, please contact Kelly D. Reimschitssel before January 15,2004.46 - JuiyAuguST 2003 APC POMERANIAN ReviewW e 3PC ipgtemKelly D. Reimschiissel, Awards ChairpersonAs reported by AKC for March 2003 New Champions listed are either owned or bred by APC MembersJ eto ChampionNew Champions SexCH Amber Glows Winter Fantasy BCH Finch's Tailored To Win BCH Jan-Shars Bits And Pieces DCH Jessica's Desperado DCH Mountain Crest Quigley DCH Noble's I'm Gonna Getcha Good DCH Pnderosa N Jan-Shars Celano Eyes B CH Pom Acres Victorious Dawn BCH Rhynstone In Vogue BCH Sugar Rae's I'm A Believer CH Vintage Tequila GoldCH Vip-Odyssey Pocket RocketTitled29-Mar-0329- Mar-0330- Mar-03 22-Mar-03 14-Mar-03 29-Mar-039-Mar-038-Mar-0329-Mar-0316-Mar-032-Mar-03OwnersKarin GoadDiane L Finch Charlotte Meyer Hisae Suzuki Jessica SmithDavid L Carlene B Gilstrap Noble InglettJoyce K Smith Tammle L Ford Juanita Fiddick Joyce UrbanAngela Semonsky Virginia B Watkins Erika K MoureauEllen Takayamafigs 58o amber 1, 2002 throug 2003-0BreedersKarin GoadDiane L FinchSharon HansonCindy Rokos Jessica SmithDavid L Cartene B GilstrapNoble InglettJoyce K Smith Tammie L Ford Juanita Fiddick Joyce UrbanAngela K Semansky Ellen TakayamaJanet Lucido Fran SmithCopIfWIL f 11CH Pom Pom Acres Thrill Of Victory CH Bobii's Valentino Magic Mini CH Chriscendo Call To Arms Finch's Causin'CH Finchs He Walks On Water CH Gar-Vs Dandy Little Lion CH Dont Worry Be Happy CH Jan-Shars Head'K"'-lJ'CH Mountain Crest I CH Paughprints On CH Southlands MightyfnbttorgSharon Hanson Alice R. Carlson Jerrie Freia Benson E. Ray Bobii Earle2 Carol GalavichDiane L. Fine Evelyn Nc Hal E. Web Merilyn J.i Sharon Masn an5Cop amsCH Pom Acres Atomic Enola Gay Jan-Shars N-Vogue CH Johnstoy Fantasy Trip CH Peperie PaisleyogangeTh0Cop PreeersDiane L. Finch Sharon Hanson Juanita Fiddick Jerrie Freia Alice R. Carlson Eleanor W. Miller Lance Bryson Nancy Coddington63322222222277652222GTop Junior J^anblersCatherine M. Jessen, as reported by AKC Awards issues January through April November 1, 2002 through February 28, 2003 APC YearJordan Rothell Tyson Pate Alicia Marie Wood Caitlin Blowney Vanessa Shaake2610762In order to be eligible for APC Awards you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year. Every effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors to the attention of the Annual Awards Chairperson. Ifyourdogs are listed in the corrections of the AKC Awards issues, please contact Kelly D. Reimschiissel at before January 15,2004.JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 47Oklahomas rainy weather may have drenched some exhibitors, but it didnt dampen any of their spirits as thirty plus entries inundated the Biltmore Hotel in Oklahoma City May 16, 2003. The superb quality of Poms entered offered a major and made it difficult for Sweepstakes judge, Cindy Boulware and regular class judge Wendy Kobrzycki to make their selections. The drawing table loaded with not only dreamy doggie goodies but people prizes as well captivated ticket holders as everyone enjoyed some ringside hospitality and anxiously awaited his or her ticket to be drawn. The dinner at the Cimarron Steakhouse hosted by the Sooner Pomeranian Club the following evening tantalized everyones appetite with some of Oklahomas best grilled cuisine. Exhibitors and Pom fanciers had a wonderful evening of fellowship and fun.. i' fss. v.V . i SoonerBv Babe McCombsThe judges awarded the prizes as follows SWEEPSTAKES CLASSES Judge-Mrs. Cindy Boulware6-9 Months Puppy Dogs1st Jeribeth Mostly Tim Sue, Tim Sue Goddard2nd Jeribeth Trace Lighter N Air, Olga Baker3rd Mabins Ring Bearer, Marion Banding4th Pufprides Pillow Talk, Warren and Virginia Dimick12-18 Months Puppy Dogs1st Highland Puff of Smoke, Naomi Gates6-9 Puppy Bitches1st Creiders Cause for Applause, Norma Creider 2nd Mtn. Crest U TK My Breathawy, Barbara Moore 3rd Pufpride Scarlet Rose, Warren Virginia Dimick 4th Jeribeth Lil Tazmanian, Olga BakerBest in Sweepstakes Jeribeth Mostly Tim Sue, Tim Sue GoddardBest Opposite Sex Sweepstakes Creiders Cause for Applause, Norma CreiderREGULAR CLASSES Judge-Mrs. Wendy M. Kobrzycki6-9 Months Puppy Dog1st Jeribeth Trace Lighter N Air, Olga Baker2nd Pufprides Pillow Talk, Warren Virginia Dimick3rd Jeribeth Mostly Tim Sue, Tim and Sue Goddard4th Mabins Ring Bearer, Marion BandingBred By Exhibitor Dogs1st Kouteries Got a Bad Rap, Renate Richter2nd Moretoys Center Stage, Barbara MooreOpen Dogs1st Peachs Day Dream Believer, Bob Pietzch Jessie Klien2nd PPP Willy Wonka Wonder, Lael Ellis 3rd PJ N Millamors Mickey, Mary Allan 4th Highland Puff of Smoke, Naomi GatesWINNERS DOG -Peachs Day Dream Believer, Bob Pietzch Jessie KleinReserve Dog- Jeribeth Trace Lighter N Air. Olga Baker48 - JuiyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review.NI lrPomeranian Clubwl6-9 Months puppy bitches1st Mtn. Crest U TK My Breathawy, Barbara Moore 2nd Pufpridc Scarlet Rose, Warren Virginia Dimick 3rd Jeribeth Lil Tazmanian, Olga Baker 4th Creiders Cause for Applause, Norma CreiderOpen Bitches1st Kouteries Pinup Lady Luck, Renate Richter Taralyn Tucker2nd More Toys Aint She Fancy, Barbara Moore 3rdBen-Ji Sassy Sabrina, Mary Allan 4th Post Oaks Spicy Hot, Pam GaultWINNERS BITCH-Kouteries Pinup Lady Luck,Renate Richter Taralyn TuckerReserve Bitch- Mtn. Crest U TK My Breathawy,Barbara MooreVETERAN DOGChipawas Chip of Exotica, Mark WardBEST OF BREED COMPETITIONCH. Sugar Raes Im A Believer, Angela Semansky,Virginia Watkins Erika MoureauBEST OF WINNERS-Kouteries Pinup Lady Luck,Renate Richter Taralyn TuckerBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX- Kouteries Pinup LadyLuck, Renate Richter Taralyn TuckerJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 49Plan to attend now The Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana will host the Inaugeral PCCI Pomeranian Specialty onSeptember 27, 2003Indianapolis, IndianaThe PCCI Specialty will be followed by the Michiana KC and the Hoosier KC All Breed Dog Shows.'SI134SJudgeJames Hupp Kokomo, IN. Sweepstakes Judge Nadine Hersil Cudahy, WS.Pomeranian Club of Central IndianaFor further information contact PCCI Show Secretary Sherri Alspaugh or Janice Russell, PCCI President indypomindy.netAKC POINT SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE MAY 13, 2003POMERANIANS1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTS Dogs Bitches DBDBDBDBDivision 1 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont.2 2 4 4 7 9 8 10 11 13Division 2 Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania.2 2 5 6 7 9 9 11 13 14Division 3 District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia.2 2 6 6 10 9 15 13Division 4 Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina.23 202 2 5 6 8 9 9 11 12 14Division 5 Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio.2 2 7 6 11 9 13 10 17 13Division 6 Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Wisconsin.2 2 6 6 9 9 12 10 17 14Division 7 Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas. 2 2 6 6 10 10 12 12 17 15Division 8 Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming.2 2 7 7 11 11 14 14 19 19Division 9 California.2 2 7 7 11 11 13 13 17 18Division 10 Alaska.2 2 4 3 5 4 6 7 8 9Division 11 Hawaii.2 2 5 3 7 4 8 6 10 7Division 12 Puerto Rico2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6Division 13 Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota.2 2 5 3 8 4 10 7 12 8Division 14 Florida.2 2 6 4 9 6 10 8 13 11SO - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewV-1Sf.__Velocity Pomeranians would like to congratulate Mary Allan, breeder of some of the finest Pomeranians, on her kennel feature. Along with my mentor Valerie Allridge, Mary has answered my many questions as well as given sound advice. Mary was so gracious in entrusting me with my newest show hopeful Allayns Rockn Musica. Thank you for this generous gift, we hope to make you proudLove YaDaniel YonaAt press time, we are anxiously awaiting arrival of four very exciting litters, all due in early June, as follows Kisses gorgeous cream girl by Ch. S.M. Trademark bred to Ch. S.M. Puppet. Ch. S.M.Charisma Carrie bred to Ch. S.M. Cruise Jolene pointed full sister to Ch. Jody bred to young Maxx son of Ch. Puppet out of Kisses.SiLui Meadow Ch. S.M. Peachey, bred to Ch. S.M. Jody repeat breeding of Charisma.See pictures and pedigrees of Ch. Jody, Ch. Charisma, and Ch. Puppet, in the May-June 2003 issue of the Review.Email or call for updated information - we are hoping there will be good news to shareRon Jackie Klein4146 West Lake Rd.Silver Springs, N.Y. 14550 email Tel 585-237-5473rJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - fHEAOI iWD GENETICSMwtgz JbuuuLfeldvLTheres more in the alphabet besides DiA i.e. i.As you know the whole scientific communitys atten tion is targeting DNA research. This is appropriate and justified. The discovery rate in this field is explosive. Much benefit will come from this. It is comforting to think of the possibility of DNA cures for many of the medically unsolvable problems. Just as we always mention that a breeder must strive to balance many issues of concern in his breeding program, there are other areas that research attention should try to balance. One that I want to address here is that of infectious diseases.According to the San Jose Mercury News, an unprecedented explosion of more than 35 new infectious diseases have burst upon the world in the past 30 years. You have heard of one such example this Spring via the attention that SARS has received. The media has taught us there are always new viruses occurring. So without the added concern of bioterrorism, worldwide epidemics are possible and even likely.As dog fanciers we must pay especial attention to zoonotic diseases. These diseases may infect or be carried by or are vectors for both humans and other animals. Lets think of some of the serious outbreaks of zoonotic diseases that have occurred in the last few years Lyme disease, West Nile vims, E. coli, Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome, Ebola, and, of course, HIV. For animals, there presently is New Castles Disease quarantining birds in California and bison herds in Yellowstone decimated by brucellosis.One readily thinks of our global economy and travel as reasons for threats. But there are also other factors. Climate change such as drought or heavy rainfalls can vary the growth rate of disease organisms. As human population increases, the demographic ratio of humans and animals per geographic area increases. Along with this, ecosystems change. As more money is directed against terrorism, less political will and money is directed toward concerns relating to naturally occurring epidemics.Debra Lynch, former Vice-president of the CHF, pointed out There exists many canine infectious diseases we have not previously even encountered in the US canine population. We dont even know their names or are even aware of their existence. The use of the internet for global sales of even pet stock is on the enormousrise. Linking that with the breakup of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe is fast on the rise of puppy milling dogs. The United States has no quarantine requirements. So it makes sense we will experience some exposure to many more infectious diseases than we can ever presently imagine.How does that affect you What can you do to presently safeguard your PomsMost importantly, be aware.Do not let down your guard by not having the ability to quarantine new animals coming into your household. And that means from anywhere. Remember it is generally too late after symptoms appear. Do not make any exceptions. This is a common shortfall among us. Two weeks is the usual minimal recommended amount of time. If you do notice any sickness even of your own animals, do not hesitate.... quarantine this animal immediately. What does quarantine mean There are all levels of degree. Check with you vet for recommendations that you can provide. But generally speaking it means a separation from any direct contact, and eliminating any exchange of nasal discharge, mucus, saliva, vaginal discharge, urine or defecation contamination.Keep your Poms current on their regular vaccinations. If regular diseases lower resistance, your Poms are more susceptible for new ones. Reminder Late Summer and early Fall are notorious for the usual outbreaks.Be vigilant against parasites. They also lower disease resistance.If you have a sick Pom that your Vet doesnt seem to be able to quite diagnose, bring up the possibility there could be a new disease he is not thinking about. Chances are, this is not so. The old Look for horses, not zebras concept. But on the other hand, sometimes just suggesting the possibility gives the Vet another possibility to think about and the desire to seek additional help. For example, West Nile virus is not thought to affect canines however, it has now been published that there existed a few rare cases last summer. So, would your vet be thinking about the possibility of West Nile when there hadnt been previously published reported casesBe open minded that it could be a good idea if new legislation is suggested for requiring minimal quarantines for imports.At the risk of being associated with the Lil Red Hen that proclaimed, The Sky is Falling, I try to evoke your thoughts toward these current topics.Pom Alopecia SurveyI talked with Liz Hansen, Project Coordinator at the University of Missouri, during the middle of May. She reported having received only one of the survey concerning Pom alopecia back so far. These were designed to help us more clearly define what we see and to discern if there are more than one type of alopecia occurring. They are easy to fill out. Not only were they available in Kentucky, but they were also included in the mailing of the APC Roster. But for more than one copy or for non-APC members, they can be down loaded from Please take a few minutes to help our Poms. What does quarantine mean..a separation from any directcontact, and eliminating any exchange of nasal discharge, mncns, saliva, vaginal discharge, urine or defecation contamination.Designs PomeraniansV9 JamCongratulationsMary Allan on your APC Kennel Visit.Designs PomeraniansTeresa Livezey Bryan Acker P.O. Box 386 Depew, OK. 74028 918-324-5390 t.livezeyatt.netPhydeaux PomeraniansACongratulationsMary on your much deserved APC Kernel Visit My sincere appreciation for your friendship and all you have done for me in the past ten plus years. Last but not least for teaching me the true meaning of, Oh Well...Valerie OgilviePrestonCh.Ralston Pufpride Dreamer X Dupres Sparkling Gold LacePreston is a Ch Allayns RockN Rebellion grandson Thanks to Mary for being a part of Prestons design Wishing you much success in and out of the ring.PS. To my Hero I Love You Annie, hang in there my friend, you and I and Phil.... we have a masterplan...Jessie Klein Keepsake PomeraniansJessiemykeepsakes.net903-882-1950andbaJ aa'dan -"'.Mary- -ddanK oilyou utel-de6wed .VSw- SffjkueiaSffeiiiiel WiVfake mct \ ftAaid,youjbn ldioairay a. jfaAe Aon andycmdon.9S\Qa1680St. Hwy. W Ozark, MO 65721 Ph 417 581 1876'iwl1"' C, w'-1 m I W i.-54 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Reviewc nawztuatia6We join you in the celebration of Allayns Pomeranians on your well-deserved APC Kennel VisitWe have had many a good times together on our dog show trips during and after shows - dinner, speed shopping trips, sightseeing, or just plain ole relaxing after the show. At times it has been elbow to elbow in the RV getting set for the show and congeniality has always surpassed the expected.What a journey this has been We wish you many more successful years with your BEAUTIFUL fur pals.From your dog show buddies of many yearsCoral Appleton, PHA Kelly Broughton, PHA, Broughtmar Kennels Dr. Denise Travis, DVM, Roadrunner Dorene Thrash, Ezra Becky Stark, Star-K and Virginia Dimick, Pufpride Pomeranians, where the welfareand health of the dog is always first.Pufpride offers one near ring ready male, sired by Ch Pulpride Million Dollar Baby.Coral Appleton, PHA Kelly Broughton, PHAPeidmont, OK 405 373-4456 Groom Shop 454 7500Virginia and Warren Dimick Oklahoma City, OK 405 677-2511 ph fax Pulprideaol.comJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 55The APCAKC PomeranianBreed StandardGeneral AppearanceThe Pomeranian is a compact, short-backed, active toy dog. He has a soft, dense undercoat with a profuse harsh-textured outer coat. His heavily plumed tail is set high and lies flat on his back. He is alert in character, exhibits intelligence in expression, is buoyant in deportment, and is inquisitive by nature. The Pomeranian is cocky, commanding, and animated as he gaits. He is sound in composition and action.Size, Proportion, SubstanceThe average weight of the Pomeranian is from 3 to 7 pounds, with the ideal weight for the show specimen being 4 to 6 pounds. Any dog over or under the limits is objectionable. However, overall quality is to be favored over size. The distance from the point of shoulder to the point of buttocks is slightly shorter than from the highest point of the withers to the ground. The distance from the brisket to the ground is half the height at the withers. He is medium-boned, and the length of his legs is in proportion to a well-balanced frame. When examined, he feels sturdy.HeadThe head is in balance with the body. The muzzle is rather short, straight, fine, free of lippiness and never snipey. His expression is alert and may be referred to as fox-like. The skull is closed. The top of the skull is slightly rounded, but not domed. When viewed from the front and side, one sees small ears, which are mounted high and carried erect. To form a wedge, visualize a line from the tip of the nose ascending through the center of the eyes and the tip of the ears. The eyes are dark, bright, medium in size and almond-shaped. They are set well into the skull on either side of a well-pronounced stop. The pigmentation is black on the nose and eye rims except self-colored in brown, beaver, and blue dogs. The teeth meet in a scissors bite. One tooth out of alignment is acceptable. Major Faults Round, domed skull under-shot mouth overshot mouth.Neck, Top line, BodyThe neck is short with its base set well into the shoulders to allow the head to be carried high. The back is short with a level top line. The body is compact and well ribbed with brisket reaching the elbow. The plumed tail is one of the characteristics of the breed, and lays flat and straight on the back.ForequartersThe Pomeranian has sufficient layback of shoulders to carry the neck and head proud and high. The shoulders and legs are moderately muscled. The length of the shoulder blade and upper arm are equal. The forelegs are straight and parallel to each other. Height from elbows to withers approximately equals height from ground to elbow. The pasterns are straight and strong. The feet are well arched, compact,'m "'. '4' V Tis vV'jHSr . fc Au1 .7pVlfr56 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Reviewand turn neither in nor out. He stands well up on his toes. Dewclaws may be removed. Major Faults Down in pasterns.HindquartersThe angulation of the hindquarters balances that of the forequarters. The buttocks are well behind the set of the tail. The thighs are moderately muscled with stifles that are moderately bent and clearly defined. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground and the legs are straight and parallel to each other. The feet are well arched, compact, and turn neither in nor out. He stands well up on his toes. Dewclaws, if any on the hind legs may be removed. Major Faults Cow hocks or lack of soundness in hind legs or stifles.GaitThe Pomeranians gait is smooth, free, balanced and vigorous. He has good reach in his forequarters and strong drive with his hindquarters. Each rear leg moves in line with the foreleg on the same side. To achieve balance, his legs converge slightly inward toward a centerline beneath his body. The rear and front legs are thrown neither in nor out. The top line remains level, and his overall balance and outline are maintained.CoatA Pomeranian is noted for its double coat. The undercoat is soft and dense. The outer-coat is long, straight, glistening and harsh in texture. A thick undercoat will hold up and permit the guard hair to stand off from the Pomeranians body. The coat is abundant from the neck and fore part of shoulders and chest, forming a frill which extends over the shoulders and chest. The head and leg coat is tightly packed and shorter in length than that of the body. The forequarters are well feathered to the hock. The tail is profusely covered with long, harsh, spreading straight hair. Trimming for neatness and a clean outline is permissible. Major Faults Soft, flat or open coat.ColorAll colors, patterns, and variations there-of are allowed and must be judged on an equal basis. Patterns Black and Tan - tan or rust sharply defined, appearing above each eye and on muzzle, throat, and fore chest, on all legs and feet and below the tail. The richer the tan the more desirable Brindle - the base color is gold, red, or orange-brindled with strong black cross stripes Parti-color - is white with any other color distributed in patches with a white blaze preferred on the head. Classifications The Open Classes at specialty shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream, and Sable Open Black, Brown, and Blue Open Any Other Color, Pattern, or Variation.TemperamentThe Pomeranian is an extrovert, exhibiting great intelligence and a vivacious spirit, making him a great companion dog as well as a competitive show dog. EVEN THOUGH A TOY DOG, THE POMERANIAN MUST BE SUBJECT TO THE SAME REQUIREMENTS OF SOUNDNESS AND STRUCTURE PRESCRIBED FOR ALL BREEDS, AND ANY DEVIATION FROM THE IDEAL DESCRIBED IN THE STANDARD SHOULD BE PENALIZED TO THE EXTENT OF THE DEVIATION.Approved December 9, 1996 Effective January 31, 1997JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 57r.AtmaamagBiOdfewvj[dWarmly congratulates Becky Johnsonon finishing her first two champions, both homebredCh. Steal urhearts Encore Ch. Stealurhearts Joy at Sunrise.While I had the privilege of occasionally handling both dogs, Becky finished them herself. Way to goMargaret 'Mc'KeeHIEMASTERCARD AND VISA ACCEPTEDVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at http www. americanpomeranianclub.orgLetters to the EditorI love, love, love the Pomeranian Review. It gets better with every issue. Ive been a subscriber for many years.I am a Pom owner for seventy years and all my Pom babies have been the love of my life. At present I have a little six- year-old little girl who owns my house and lets me live here.Thanks to you and all the wonderful people who makes the Pom breed better all the time and who make the Pom Review such a wonderful magazine.Sincerely,tidliciaOur Review came today and we blubbered and boohooed all the way through it. That was so nice and loads of Westminster pictures of the little cutie Jordan that we never knew existed. Wow.Tevtd auWhat an outstanding issue, all of the stats and pics It was quite informative and enjoyable, a real pleasure Again I am impressed Already looking forard to the JulyAugust 2003 issue.Thank you so very much for the wonderful job you always do on our ads and the magazine.Ftc ancl' 3ie^aM'No time to place an adNot enough copyAdvertise that new champion, import, special litter or big win inWags and BragsUp to 60 words only 15.00 Phone, fax or email.MASTERCARD AND VISA ACCEPTED.Cindy Boulware - Love N CourSeptOct 2003Pat Barnett - Bar-Net Pomeranians NovDec 2003Please contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Co-ordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, TX 76306, Ph. 903-882-1950 or email - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewflpC Judges 0dacationfot MartinTHE FLEDGLING JUDGEWeve all done things for the first time. Moved to a new neighborhood, gone to a new school, started a new job. The list goes on.Recently I did my first provisional assignment in my new breeds. It was almost like starting to judge again for the first time. No matter how many times you have judged in a match, read the standard, taken tests or conferred with a mentor, theres nothing like that first time. I felt a little like a young bird testing its wings all on its own with no one to help. Recently I read an article in one of the magazines where long time judges had given interviews on the first time they had judged Best In Show. They expressed much the same thoughts. We all have a first time for many things.As I marked my judges book to make sure the handlers all had the right numbers, I recognized one in particular. I had first met this person at a dog show years ago when she had a top winning dog in a breed that I planned to apply to judge within the next year. I approached her while she was grooming her dog in the grooming area that day. She had won the breed and was waiting for the Group competition. I asked very politely if I might go over her top-winning dog because I wanted to apply in the near future to judge the breed. She agreed very politely.As I began, a friend stopped by to congratulate her and wish her well in the Group. From my first words until I said Thank you so much and left, she never stopped the conversation with the well-wisher and never offered me any words of instruction or assistance.As it so happened, I was approved to judge that breed within the next year, after having much instruction and attention from breeders and other mentors.Within a few months, I was checking armbands and recognized the same handler in my ring. She had a different special this time. I judged all the dogs fairly and selected my best of breed winner. The handler was not pleased with my selection and when I finished judging she approached me and proceeded to offer me instruction in the finer points of the breed. I listened very politely to her comments which, needless to say, included the information that I had selected the wrong dog. From my heart I wanted to say, I wish you had taken time to help me a year ago. Obviously, now she had time, but since we were being very polite, I only thanked her for her kindness and went my way. Having listened carefully to what she had said, I felt that she did not add anything to my understanding of the breed or that I had not heard before. She may have felt very justified and more than likely told everyone that I knew absolutely nothing about her breed. After all, I was merely a Fledgling Judge.Now for the rest of the story. On this most recent day, she did not recognize me, but I did know who she was. Never had she given me any help with this latest breed, either. This time she had the best dog in the breed, one I would have taken home with me. I awarded him the breed and gave out the ribbons. A thank you offered very politely was my reward, even though I was still a - Fledgling Judge.Now my ambition is to be an All-rounder and judge all breeds someday. That will require being a Fledgling Judge many times over. Some people will help me and others will help after the fact. I am more than happy to be instructed when I judge at matches or at ringside or any other place by those who have not just lost in the ring.The next time you are inclined to say, That judge knows absolutely nothing about my breed, stop and consider how many times you have been available to advise, assist, instruct or encourage.. .A Fledgling Judge.Dot Martin is the American Pomeranian Clubs Judge's Education Chairperson.Dot may be contacted at 803-831-8086 or edwarda.martinatt.netJuiyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 59-ON.sF AGrowing up in North Carolina, Marlene and her brother asked for a pet so their father came home with a small white Billy goat. This little guy ate everything in sight including an entire crate of grapefruit that was delivered during the night to the only cafe in their small town of Rutherfordton. Their mother was the dog person in the family and was the one to bring home the actual first petMarlenes first Pom was a Christmas gift from her husband and was given the name Jerry. Jerrys show career was short lived due to his size something Marlene discovered her first time out in the ring with him. She purchased a lovely little girl with the intention of a companion for Jerry but instead bred her to Ruth Beams CH. Great Elms Tim Stopper which produced Marlenes first champion.Over the years Marlene has shown and finished many bredMarleneScott Halsey 1996MtA Casual Visit withby Marcia CoxMarlene Scott Halseyby champions. One story related to one in particular, little Honey, made me think this Pom could have had an agility title as well Marlenes children would roll a ball across the floor and Honey would return it. When the kids became tired of this game, Honey would continue to amuse herself by picking up the ball, placing it in a little rocking chair. The motion of the chair would roll the ball across the floor. One evening Marlene counted this amazing little champion pitching to herself over six timesBesides showing her own breeding, Marlene was also a professional handler. One of her favorite Poms, Ch. Models Son of Fun owned by Bob Goodrich, is pictured being lovingly held by famous actress Ava Gardner. Sonny was only seven months old when he received his first Best In Show from the puppy class.I was so excited to see this picture of Ms. Gardner holding a Pom my next question to Marlene was, How did you meet this incredibly famous lady Marlene replied, Ms. Gardner was also originally from North Carolina.Marlene with Best In Show Pom. To her right is the President of the Japanese Kennel Club, Mr. Kaz Igarashi.One of Ms. Gardners favorite nephews worked under Marlenes husband. Ms. Gardner was also a huge dog fan having many Corgis of her own. Upon visiting her nephew she also made a stop at Marlenes home to admire and hold her lovely Poms.Another highlighted Pom finished by Marlene and owned by Lennis Rains named Keke received his first Best In Show at only a year old. The two were featured in a US Dog Fancier magazine following their trip New York for the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.Ava GardnerIn 1975 Marlene was asked to judge the Pomeranian Specialty in Japan and cites this event as the highlight of her career. Marlene said the Japanese had many lovely Poms to show her although they trimmed more heavily than their American counterparts. She recalls the exhibitors saying, Glate Ems for Great Elms as their English was just so so. Marlene is pictured with two Best In Show Poms from this Specialty. The Pomeranian Club of Japans Club President Kaz Igarashi is on her right.Today Marlene and her husband Burt reside in Virginia where they are retired. Burt continues to show dogs as an all breed handler while Marlene spends most of her time on the sidelines observing.Marlene says the Pom people shes met over the years have always been friendly and willing to share their knowledge whenever asked. She and Burt plan to continue showing for a long time to come and wish everyone as much fun and success as theyve experienced. Marlene bids us all a farewell by saying, See You At The Shows Please submit candidates for future Memory Lane visits to the editor.MYFIRSTPOMvT aAnastasiaSowersFormerly a large dog person, my friends laugh when I tell them I now have and show Pomeranians.My first dog growing up was an English Setter then came my Boxers and a Great Dane, and now I only have little foofy PomeraniansWhile working in veterinary hospitals as a Licensed Veterinary Technician I always enjoyed office visits with the high-spirited little dogs but never saw myself actually owning one, or six for that matterAfter a divorce and having to move into a town house with a small yard I decided my new husband, Jeff and I needed a small dog. We were lucky enough to find Tim and Terry Morrow of Terimar Poms about an hour from our home. I decided upon a little tiny brindle-ish puppy I named Tonka. Terry was reluctant to sell me such a tiny puppy since I had never owned such a small dog. Finally after lots of convincing she allowed me to take him home. Everyone that met him wanted a Pomeranian. My sister, in high school at the time, and watching him while I was away for the weekend, took him out to the town parade and to the homecoming football game. He was such a hit that when I went into the gym the following Monday, people that lived twenty miles away from us were asking me how my little Tonka toy was doingEveryone that meets him, remembers him. Tonka has the best personality, loves children, and puts up with all the new puppies I bring into the house. He has even allowed me to practice and learn how to groom on him.His obsession is playing Frisbee and he begs to play every evening and weekend with Jeff. Tonka is the reason I became obsessed with Poms and I cant imagine our life without him 62 - JuiyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review-V...'-MonArcPomsOdenton, MD 21113 310-261-3727Congratulations to my good friend Anastasia Sowers for finisher her little boy MoJo and also for her APC Pom Review My First Pom feature. Anastasia, best of everything to you and all your Pom kids.I would also like to thank you, Brenda, for the wonderful job youre doing with the Pomeranian ReviewAAETWA 1 TFWHG 1 AUSTA WW ETRWPAHONH LH 1 GHSSTSUJ JUM 1 G 1 N 1 OALHAWCA 1 RT PUPH1GH1NTR1ALAMSSEW JGAUPMUJ RABFACLSPMUJ UARATECNAMROFREPPMJU MQUAL1FYATPATTERNMUJ JNWODWLAREUPRWHS1N1F COMEWUA 1 NYYYATSMUMJ P OOPCUSASTASH1GHJUMPA MMENSLSTSYTSNASDARGT PEBESAMCEANAIWCFREPT0 A A 1 COMPAN 1 ONDOGYSAT UAEDXXEC 1 VONGWRT AS 1 A1 OREC 1 T CARPVWRE 1 1 SAW AYBBROADJ UMP 1 ASAUNUR AT COMPSDNAMMOCARCRNA SUSCOUREUSCOAAEABTUTWordSearchBARJUMPBROADJ UMPCOMMANDSCOMPAN I ON DOGD OWNFINISHFRONTGRADUATENOVICE HEELHIGHINTRIALH I G H J U M PNOVICEOBEDIENCEOPENPATTERNPERFORMANCEP O I NTSP R A C T I C EQ U A L I F YRECALLSCORESS I TSTAYTRAININGTRIALSUTILITYJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 63NEWS Ml MSby Barbara McClatcheyBREAKING NEWSOf course, this will not be news by the time you read it, but the Obedience Advisory Committee recommendations are at the time of writing freshly on the AKC website. Lots of good stuff, including a new Pre-Novice title and making all three levels of Rally into titling classes. Take the time to look it over. Remember that this is just a set of recommendationsthe AKC board still has to approve, make changes, or even ignore the whole thingOBEDIENCE TEACHING THE DROP-ON-RECALLMy friend Patti Hecht, whose Pom Niki was Top Utility Pom for 2001, has shown me a new method of teaching the Drop on Recall, which exercise is widely admitted to be the most difficult exercise in the Open Obedience class. Patti did not originate it, but got it from someone who may have gotten the idea from someone else. . . thats the way good training worksThe Hula-Hoop Down You need a hula-hoop and some treats for this, as well as a dog that already does a good Recall and knows the meaning of Down. Place the hula-hoop in front of you, and place the dog into the hoop. Using both verbal command and whatever your signal will be, down your dog. Praise, throw a treat some distance behind the dog and tell him to Get it. Dog runs out to grab the treat. As he finishes eating it it has to be small enough to eat fast, but big enough to see when he runs for it, you can call his name, and he will come back to you. As he gets to the hula-hoop, you say and signal the Down again. Throw the treat. Repeat and repeat, but stop before the dog gets tired of it. On the next day, you can move the hoop a short distance away from your feet. As you train, keep moving it back, and then change the distance between the hoop and you, so that his goal is to drop in the hoop wherever it is. If he drops outside the hoop, place him in a Down in the hoop, praise, and release, but no treat. You can also begin to do the first Drop following a standard Recall pattern, but dropping the dog in the hoop. Subsequent Drops in the same training session will be done as the dog is running back from getting his treat. Part of the time, after he gets his treat, do a standard straight Recall and reward the Front. When I do this with Oliver, he leaps over the hoop. You can also begin to alternate whether you use the verbal command or the signal for the Drop. Its really a good idea to have both of those available to you, since show conditions vary so. When the dog is really good at this, the hoop is replaced with a yardstick, which the dog must drop behind, then a string, and finally nothing at all. One advantage of the hula-hoop method is that it teaches you well, it taught me to use a friendly tone when you say Down. I hope that holds in the ring, where I tend to get nervous that my dog wont hear it or do it and sort of scream the word. Not goodJL____________64 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewrTEAM OBEDIENCEby Ann Griffith ' [My comments are in italics.] Obedience Team is the most fun I obedience class, 1 both for handlers and forspectators. In the obedience Team class, four dogs , and their handlers , performsimultaneously. Team is a non- regular class, meaning titles and l HIT cannot be earned from Team class, and the top , four scores get , ribbons,regardless of the score. The exercises are the Novice obedience I exercises, 1performed justj like the Novice exercises, with the notable exception that there are four dogs and handlers working at the i same time. The only difference between Team and Novice is the Recall exercise, described below. It must be performed in a double-sized ring, and requires two judges, one to call and one to score. Any AKC-registered dog can compete in team. At a specialty show, all dogs must be the breed of the I specialty but at all-breed shows, a team can be composed of any AKC breeds. It is probably the most fun of II all the AKC obedience classes and certainly has great crowd appeal, especially when a team is composed of II dogs who look unusual working together, like the three Irish Wolfhounds and the one Dachshund that used to I1I compete in the Portland area, or the three Pomeranians and the one Mastiff I showed with in December of lr 2002. Four Pomeranians in a team is just about the cutest team youll ever see j, In Team, judges generally ignore the AKC rules about dogs wearing costumes in the ring. In fact, most judges encourage music and cute dog-and-handler costumes. Actually, this is AKC policy for Team. The AKC Obedience Rep says that AKC encourages handlers and dogs to dress up for Team. Of course, there s a limit to how much you can dress the dog up and still get a performance, but interesting collars areContinued on Page 66 IJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomersmrn Review - 65sp0^1vAW'APerformance Continued From Page 65 great Team theme and costume ideas are subject only to the imagination of the team members. In October I was on a team whose theme was Girls and dogs just want to have fun We had hot pink t-shirts with that saying on it and dime store feather-and- rhinestone tiaras. The dogs wore sparkly cheap necklaces. Hootie wore a sparkly elastic bracelet around the base of his tail. Ive been on teams with a Christmas theme, a Halloween theme, and a Star Trek theme Poms do resemble Tribbles. I have seen a team with the theme Bad to the bone with the handlers wearing black biker-type outfits.VA.tjmMSmm meraSpectators will come from all over the show venue to watch Team competition, and because it is a nonregular class, handlers can go in the ring and have a good time showing off their great working dogs. The great thing about team is that if the dogs make a mistake, the spectators just laugh and enjoy it. And so do the handlers. Team competitors develop a good sense of humorIn the Team Recall, all handlers leave their dogs on a stay and walk to the other side of the ring. Then, on the judges command, the first handler in line calls her dog. When the dog is roughly halfway between the starting point and the handler, the handler commands her dog to drop. Then the next handler calls her dog and drops the dog next to the first dog. This continues until all four dogs are lying in a line. Then on the judges command, all handlers call their dogs simultaneously to front.Putting a team together can be challenging. Dogs must be able to perform the novice obedience exercises and the open drop on recall. When assembling a team, it is a good idea to have handlers who are compatible with each other as well as dogs who are not a threat to each other. If you are lucky enough to find four Pomeranians to make up a team, you will not face the issue of the dogs being a threat to each other. The other nice option if you cant find four Pomeranians is to search for other toy breeds to put on the team, for showing at all-breed venues. It is also possible to have large dogs on a team with Pomeranians, if you know and trust the dogs and handlers.One thing I have found to be important is to exercise the right to enter an alternate. The alternate does not pay any entry fee and gives the team the ability to show, in the event that one team member cannot go in the ring. I have twice been on a team where we used the alternate and once was unable to show because a team dog got sick literally ringside and was unable to show at a time when the team had not entered an alternate.It is a good idea, though not absolutely essential, to practice with the team before showing. I have occasionally shown on a team where we did not practice at all - but that works only with experienced obedience exhibitors and well trained dogs. How much the team practices depends entirely on the team members - how competitive they are, how much time they have, access to a practice venue, and the like - which illustrates the importance of compatible team members. If one person is intensely competitive and the others just want to have fun, there will likely be strife.In my experience, the procedures requiring most practice are handlers walking simultaneously while heeling, the figure eight, and the drop on recall. One of the first things to establish is the order in line of dogs and handlers. That order can be according to size andor color of dogs, separating dogs who dont like each66 - TulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewJr other or like each other too much, handler experience putting less experienced handlers in the 2 and 3i positions so they wont lead the line at any time, or just random, depending on the teams desires. Sometimes a team establishes an order and then changes it several times to work out the best arrangement. On America s Team, we made sure the Bulldog was at the end of the line, since his Drop was less likely to,i be controllable. Then the rest of us could drop our dogs to line up with him. I The team members can establish space by measuring an arms length between each other when lining up. When practicing, they should continue to keep that arms length distance and thus maintain uniformity. Pace I 1 can be maintained by having each team member pace herself by looking to the person to the left. The person 1 at the far left end of the line sets the pace. But when you do a turn, you will find yourself in a line of dogsJ and handlers. Then watch the person in front. The picture of Americas Team heeling shows us all, concentrating very hard on stepping together. As you can see, this resulted instead in our being just a bit of . a pace off each other When halting, the team should establish a set number of paces, usually three, to take after the judge calls the halt command. The figure eight in team is performed with five posts. Handlers always go to the left first. The two hardest parts of the figure eight are uniformity and making sure to do a figure eight, not a serpentine. Uniformity I can only be achieved with practice. Handlers need to establish uniformity not only in speed, but in how large I1 they make their semi-circles around the posts. If each handler leaves an arms length between herself and the I 1 post, the team will usually achieve nice uniformity, but it takes practice. Practicing heeling without the dogs will help the team develop uniformity. The Drop on Recall is by far the hardest team exercise and is usually the exercise that establishes the order of awards in team competition. To do it well requires a lot of practice, but dogs cant practice the Drop on Recall repeatedly during one training session, so it is difficult to get it right. It is very hard to get the dogs to hold a stay while other dogs are being called. A tip from my years of competing in team use hand signals during the individual parts of the exercise. Dogs seem to be less tempted to break when another dogs handler gives a command if the handlers are using hand signals. In practice, teach this exercise in little steps. I The handlers need to stay near the dogs and help the dogs get it right, and then gradually increase theI distance. Working on team Drop on Recall will certainly improve your dogs stays A big benefit of competing with a team is the incentive to get out and train your dog. You will be practicingJ with your team members, so you will have that extra nudge that is sometimes hard to find. By the way, it is. not necessary to have all team members at all practices. If one person or even two cant make a practice, '' practice anyway. You can gain a lot of polish working in groups of two or three occasionally. In short, team competition is a great way to have fun in obedience with your dog and your friends. If s a great way for novice handlers to get started in obedience and a nice introduction to the show ring for green I dogs. Its a big spectator event and lots of fun. Thanks for the write-up, Ann. If AKC STATISTICS This is in the for what if s worth department. The AKC Events Calendar publishes each April someJ statistics from dog shows for the previous year. For example, in Pomeranians 256 breed Championships are listed. Performance titles for Poms 25 CD, 6 CDX, 3 UD, 15 NA, 15 OA, 13 AX, 4 MX, 20 NAJ, 16 OAJ, 13 AXJ, 8 MXJ, 1 MACH, 3 MACH2, 3 MAP, 2 NJP. Thats 147 Performance titles in AKC alone if anyone wants to run similar statistics for other venuesUKC, NAD AC, CPE, etc.I will be happy to put them in my column. i Continued On Page 68 '______________________________ ______ __ _________ ____ _______ ____ _________ __ _______ __ ____________ JJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 67Performance Continued From Page 67Looking at the statistics for total titles completed by all the breeds is also fun to do. Of course, we all remember what someone has said about the three categories of falsehood Lies, Dd Lies, and Statistics. But playing with the numbers, it would appear that there is a semi-consistent progression from one title to the next. The first Obedience title is that of Companion Dog there were 5066 CD titles awarded in 2002. There were approximately 13 that many Companion Dog Excellent titles. Compared to the number of CDX titles, there were about 13 that many UDs. And again 13 as many UDXs. And yet again 13 as many OTCHs. This is to round the numbers out very roughly, of course, but still it is interesting. The numbers in Agility are less consistent, but it appears that the percentage of all dogs going on to the next level is closer to 12. In Pomeranians, it appears that more dogs stop after the Novice Obedience level than the all-breed percentage. And Agility Poms seem to go on in greater percentages than the all-breed numbers, at least in the first 3 levels.A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE TITLE...Isnt it funny that these things are NOT funny when it happens But we can really laugh about it later after weve had a few seconds to think about it. Ice, who is my Therapy and Tricks dog, has done a bunch of demos that ended up on TV, etc.Well, here I am in EXCELLENT B Agility. You know, where the dogs and handlers are supposed to know what theyre doing I lead out to the 3rd jump, look back to call my dog who is diligently waiting for me. I put my arm over the jump and say Ice Hup and she waves at me. Ok, Im starting to sweat so I try her release word, Ice, Free Hup and she waves again. I back up a jump to get closer to her to try to break the pattern and say Hup again and she puts her front foot over her nose and stays there. Thats her does it stink cue. Needless to say, everyone in the place was cracking up, even me by then. At that point I just went back to her and started running with her before she did anything else bizarre.Contributed by Pam Juliano. More contributions are encouragedTITLES, WE GOT TITLESAKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYCompanion DogSpringing Rocket of Troy, 11803, Lori Kucera Gidgets Cinnamon Prince, 2103, Mike Carolyn SmithRJs Chance To Rock At Sundown, 31403, Carol R Leemhuis CH Janesas Traditional Trend, 31603, Camilla KnightJimcins Memories Of Julie M., 32303, Gloria Ray Flippen RJ Easy Ryder, OA AXJ, 32303, Sarah Garfunkel DVM Companion Dog ExcellentToby En Charge, CD MX MXJ, 21503, Cindy Diglis Novice AgilityChaundis Tribble Minot, CD OAJ, 11703, Teresa Connors Rowdey Lynn Martin, NAJ, 3903, Rhapsody Rhodes Koenemann Sweethearts Sparkler, 3803, Jane OHanlon Novice Agility JumperHoneys Bouncing Bager Boy, 1503, Lou Ann Groth Taffy Of Peaceful Pakers, NA, 33003, Sandra James E. Lockwood, ILP Novice Agility PreferredGizmo Wilson II, OA OAJ NJP, 1503, Monica D. WilsonN68 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewAnn Griffiths team.Novice Agility Jumper PreferredGizmo Wilson II, OA OAJ, 1403, Monica D. Wilson Open AgilityCody Joe C Man, NANAJ, 1503, Carol Mehlhaff Gumi Bear, NA OAJ, 32203, Casie Niffenegger ILP Open Agility JumperCee Dees Inky Dinky, CD OANAJ, 12503, C. Thompson Gumi Bear, NANAJ, 21603, Casie Niffenegger ILP Open Agility Jumper PreferredMacs Little Ginger Boy, CDX AX AXJ NJP, 13103, D. Dan- Gizmo Wilson II, OANAP OAJ NJP, 3903, Monica Wilson Agility ExcellentLittle Polly Party Girl, OA AXJ, 11903, Betsy Ryba Beau James Fae Joyous Merit, OA OAJ, 2103, Chris Ellicott Excellent Agility JumperBeau James Fae Joyous Merit, AX OAJ, 2203, Chris Ellicott Master Agility ExcellentBig Furry Chop-Monster, AX MXJ, 12503, Daneen Fox ILP Finchs Peach Melba Delight, AX MXJ, 33003, Karl Judith Seiter Wasielewskis Mindy, AX MXJ, 3103, Lorraine Donna Wasielewski Master Excellent JumperLittle Polly Party Girl, AX AXJ, 22303, Betsy Ryba Maya Mango Shes A Delight, MX AXJ, 22203, Betsy Ryba Laulyslickety-Split, AX AXJ, 31503, Lynn Bradley Master Agility ChampionRiverstones Rockin The Boat, MX MXJ, 3903, Trish Whitley ILPUKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYUnited Companion DogUCD Queen Cleopatra of the Nile, Betsy Messinger Bee at the Teacup Agility trial.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in Obedience and A xilitvDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake lackson, TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297- 7383. Or e-mail me . SiAT t-rr-i-v.LJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 69Pom TalfctPom Talk questions and comments may be found online at httpwww.MyFamily.comisapi.dll Members and friends may post answers and comments online or contact Roxanne Collins,603 N Main Street, Hebron, IN 46341 FAX 219 996 7667 or pommomnetnitco.netOur question this month is How do I housebreak my puppyI doubt that my method of avoiding carpet destruction will be popular but it works for me, as I do not kennel my four Poms unless I leave the house. I use pee pads. I dont buy the ones specifically made for pets, Walmart carries a 30"x36" pad Assure is the brand name. It is much less expensive, and big enough for the dogs to turn around on and find that perfect spot Since the older kids already know that is where they go, if not outside, the younger ones learn from them. I rarely have a miss. If the puppy is an only child, dab a tinkle spot up wherever the accident happened. Then put the pad down. The puppys scent is there. If you see a poop coming, pick the puppy up and place himher on the pad. They catch on real quick. I live in Nebraska, where the winter weather can be dreadfully cold, and the summer heat equally nasty. The pads work for indoor dogs in inclement weather. We also have my husbands Goldens, who seem to instinctively catch on to outdoor training, but their heinies arent a few inches off the ground Linda JewellHow do I housebreak my puppy With newspaper to scold them. I havent been to anyones house where all their Poms are housebroken. Some people just have more luck than others. I have some that learn really quickly and I have some that are just as stubborn and hardheaded and stupid as you can get. Females for the most part tend to be easier to train, but there is always the exception to the rule. I find it easier to housetrain them if you can give them ready access to a pet door 24 hours a day or at least 16-18 hours a day but few of us can do that. A lot of people advocate crate training, which is fine for most larger dogs but doesnt seem to work as well on the toy breeds, although there is a modicum of success with crate training simply because no dog wants to sleep or be stuck where heshe potties. But there are limitations to that if you restrict the mobility of the dog for long periods of time in a crate where the space is limited the whole idea is to limit the space so they wont potty in it then you seriously restrict muscle development and may even cause skeletal malformations. Thats why I have chosen to use the behavior modification method.As with many Pom people, dogs are my hobby not my main business. I have to work for a living to support them and me. I cant just turn 14 -20 Poms loose in the house and go off to work for 10 hrs a day. I wouldnt have a house to come back to, and what I did have left, I wouldnt WANT to come back to. So I have built 2-4' pens in clumps of 3 where my Poms spend the day while I am at work and where they spend their nights. They have their beds, toys and dishes in these pens, which restrict their use of the space for much of anything else.I put two Poms to a pen in most cases. Actually, Poms are a rather social animal and they fare better and are happier if they have a partner in crime, so to speak someone else they can blame the mess on, by looking at you with those big, dark eyes and that Who me look. I establish a regular routine for eating and going out to potty, and playtime, etc. By praising, hugging and petting each performance of not pottying in the pen, and by admonishing and punishing those who do potty in their pen with a rolled up piece of newspaper. I tell them what a bad boy or bad girl they have been, and show them what they did, smacking their little butts with a rolled up piece of newspaper and telling them, No, bad boy. Outside, go potty outside. Then take them outside. I have had a good deal of success with this method. Im not saying you should beat your dog...and70 - JuiyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Reviewthats not what I do. Im just saying that the way most people trained their kids at least in my day and age has been an excellent dog-training tool for me. Sherri RogersOne of the most important parts of housebreaking, in my opinion, is the absence of accidents urine smell stains. Hence, any Pom puppy or adult for that matter that lives within our home wears a doggie diaper. It is used not only to remind the wearer not to potty in it, but also contains the accidents, preventing the odor that will draw the pup back to the soiled area. The rest is basic housebreaking. Place the pup outdoors as soon as heshe awakens from a nap, after eating and after any containment crated. Do not return dog until it urinates several times. When you are not able to attend to the puppy, use a crate. Remove the puppy from the crate and carry it directly outdoors. When you are finished housebreaking you can be proud of the successful job. However, in the end, YOU are trained, not the puppy. Brenda Segelken, Fame PomsI think housebreaking issues for breeders with a number of dogs are a little different than for pet owners who usually have just the one. I will answer this question from the perspective of a Pomeranian breeder. For me, training my dogs andor puppies to go potty outside is not really an issue. The older ones go outdoors for the most part, but they are also paper trained, and will always use a paper if short-taken I keep one in the bathroom and one in the laundry room off the kitchen since I find it helps to have more than one toilet with many dogs. I have found through experience that the very worst thing you can do with a litter of puppies is to cover the entire floor of the pen or area where they are kept with papers. Granted, it does make the clean-up a little easier while they are young, but puppies being puppies, they dont learn the difference between going on a paper and going on the floor - its all the same thing. I just provide one folded paper in the penarea and I find that they train themselves. By the time my puppies are five or six weeks old, they seldom miss the paper on the floor of the pen, and when they do its invariably very close to the paper. Sometimes they have their front feet on the paper and think they are all the way on. By the time they are eight weeks old, they are almost fully paper-trained. You should see the little ones running for the bathroom paper when they have to go. I have a litter now that is three months old and Ive seldom had an accident in weeks, they nearly always make it to the bathroom or the laundry room paper. Usually by the time they are three or four months old, they almost never miss. So I guess to answer this question, I just make it easy for the puppies to housebreak themselves. Its amazing how quickly they learn. Cheers Bev Carter, Damascusroad Pomeranians in CanadaI myself use about the same method as Bev. I buy the under pad sheets and my pups learn from an early age what they are and how to use them. It does help to have the older onesadults already know what these are for. The pups do seem to follow the monkey see, monkey do thing. Roxanne Collins, Kissami KennelThank you all so very much for the responses and making this article a pleasure to do.Our question for the next issue will be, How do you revivestimulate a puppy that is born not breathingRemember, responses to these questions are used as time and space allows.Thanks one and allInfo Dots with Mary AllanThe kibbles with a meat or poultry meal as the first ingredient has more real" protein than one that has fresh meat or poultry as the first ingredient. That is because the meat meal is muscle meat that has been dehydrated, and so is a lot more concentrated than the "fresh meat which is weighed whole - i.e., includes the weight of the water in the tissue.SimafUne ffioaedOur deepest condolences to Virginia Watkins on the loss of her husband. Get well wishes to Ken Griffith.Special blessings go out to Bonnie Stetson.Sunshine and Roses are published at no cost. Please send or Email the Editor.JuiyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 71r Itj,I-A^ i.VCH POM ACRES VICTORIOUS DAWNVSTARTE.VaXCongratulations to a great couple, Bob and Juanita Fiddick.Way to goBack to back Best In ShowsGo JordonRandolph S Arand ALL BREED HANDLER P.O. Box 301 Iowa City, IA 52245 319 430-8395J72 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewCongratulations to you Bo 6, Juanita, and M of course Jordon. fL^You dared to achievewhat one f ' ,could only Idream of.2 Bach^to hachjBests from the classes.Ml the Best to you and many more.. '1 '- A^ v jCH WILDWOOD SPIRITHHHIBHnHHMMKHBHMMIMHnHiOF POM ACRESYour family at Inchallah, __________9leihe, Bo6ert, and Yanya Wehrle wJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 73j 'r- Jgr 'uikunarejjTtWfc, j - M' T3SB '- INi . i.if, - - M-riiSW'isr.\ ' .1 r it' . " ' ' 1 , ,. ' jJF.C S,-.if M i lib'VWk irMMr mu -mm -WaterlooCedar Falls CourierMETRO - Sunday, y 4, 200374 - JuiyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewBRANDON POLLOCK Courier Staff PhotograplPrize-winning Pomeranian pup is champion poochRobert and Juanita Fiddick have received calls from across the country congratulating them on the success of their Pomeranian pooch, Pom Acres Air Jordan. Jordan took home back-to-back Best of Shows at the Mason City and Waterloo kennel clubs dog show.By EMILY GRAHAMCourier Staff WriterCEDAR FALLSPom Acres Air Jordan is a one-of-a- kind pup.Hes a superman, said Juanita Fiddick.For 22 years Fiddick and her husband, Robert, 60 and 61 respectively have bred and shown prize-winning Pomeranians. It wasnt until earlier this month that the duo, with some help from Jordan, completed the nearly impossible.Two weeks ago Jordan was shown atthe Mason City and Waterloo kennel clubs dog show. He entered the competition with just one point of the 15 he needed to be considered a champion pooch.By Sunday, he had earned another six points and garnered two Best in Show ribbons out of more than 750 entries, a tough feat for a champion dog and a nearly unheard of accomplishment for a class animal.It doesnt get much better than this, Robert said, pointing to the four ribbons on their kitchen table.The Fiddicks were nearly ready to call it a day after Jordan was placed inthe first class from the group ring.I did the fake heart attack when he got that, said Robert, who was showing Jordan that dayThen it was a day full of nerves as they waited for the Best in Show judging to begin. After entering the ring the judge asked Fiddick and another handler to step forward and perform another move.At that point I was thinking I was going to be next to the Best in Show, he said. But when the judge finally handed out the ribbon it was Jordanp roCedar Falls Pomeranian wins in dog showthat had won her heart. I couldnt hardly realize it. The applause was deafening.The next day was much of the same for the Fiddicks and Jordan. Juanita said she took great delight in telling everybody about Jordan and his one point.Robert likens the win to a golfer finishing the back nine in just nine strokes.It just doesnt happen, he said.Though Jordan is their star for the moment, the Fiddicks have 24 other full-grownPomeranians as well as four Pom pups. Over the years they have raised about 60 champion Pomeranians.I started when my son left home. I guess it was empty nest syndrome, she said.Each morning Juanita mops the kennel and does her chores. She keeps busy throughout the day socializing the dogs and preparing them for shows. When she not busy cleaning and playing with the pups she is preparing them meals vegetables for the older ones and homemade treats.The front room of the kennel is her own personal groom room and their basement has been converted to a pup nursery Set off in its own separate room behind glass windows, much like a hospital nurseryare several cages for expecting mothers. Currently Champion Pom Acres Atomic Enola Gay is living their alone. She will likely give birth by the end of next week.The room is set on its own thermostat so the heat can be turned up to about 80 degrees when the pups are small.In an adjacent room, four pups occupy two cages. They will be kept there until they are socialized enough to live with the bigger dogs in the kennel outside.In addition to their indoor rooms, they also have large runs and two fenced in yards where they often playThey have every right to be dogs, Juanita said. Sometimes they need to go outside and get dirtyoPDo9Special thanks to the WaterlooCedar Falls Courier Editor, Saul Shapiro for allowing us to reprint this article.JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 75TftFtBFBy Cindy BoulwareThe Following is a true account of an incident which occurred at my home last September. I think you will find it a little bit funny, a little bit crazy and maybe, just a little bit stupid.In March of2002, Marge Kranzfelder asked for our participation in three different University Studies that were being conducted for a variety of canine diseases. Marge stated that we would be required to send blood samples to these Universities and asked which of us would be willing to participate. As usual, without thinking, I raised my hand and said, Ill do it. Marge thanked me and wrote my name down.During the months of April and May I occasionally wondered why I had not yet received the requests for blood from any of the Universities. By June all thoughts of the blood samples had completely vanished. Then on September 22,1 opened my mailbox and was shocked to see inside, a very mysterious looking cardboard tube. This tube looked like a used toilet paper roll. There were two metal end caps on the roll but they appeared to be put on with scotch tape. I stood for several minutes staring into my mailbox trying to decide if I should take the tube out of the mailbox or leave it and call 911. Keep in mind I received this tube one year after the 9-11 attack on the Twin Towers and at the height of the anthrax scare.Now, I normally dont scare easily. I grew up with a redneck father who didnt like sissies. Even if they were girls, he made you face your fears head on. Consequently, I usually learned that my fears were unfounded. As I now stood looking at the mysterious tube in my mailbox, I could hear my dads voice saying, Dont be a sissy, pick it up. Finally, I lifted the tube out of the mailbox and took a closer look. Upon inspection I could see that indeed the metal caps at either end of the tube were taped on. The mailing label had my name and address type written with no return address and according to the postmark, this tube had been mailed almost four weeks prior.I took the tube into the house set it on the table and watched it for several more minutes. I finally decided that I should just throw it away I tossed it in the trash and walked away. A few minutes later I thought, what if someone finds the tube in the dump opens it and gets a big dose of anthrax. They might think that I put the anthrax in there. I had visions of being dragged off to San Quentin prison. Then it dawned on me. My son-in-law, Joe who lives next door, is a policeman. He would know what to do. At the time I wasnt thinking about how much he loves drama and how often he makes a mountain out of a mole-hill.I walked next door tapped on the door and walked in. My son-in-law, who works the night shift, had not been awake long. He was sitting on the sofa staring at the TV, his eyes still puffy from sleep. I held out my mysterious tube saying, Look what I got in the mail today. Joes puffy eyes got as big as saucers and a look of excitement crossed his face at the prospect of this new drama.Sure enough Joe stated that the tube looked very suspicious to him. He retrieved a plastic freezer bag from the pantry and placed the tube inside. Next Joe stated that the Mesquite Police department had sent out bulletins to all officers telling them to call Environmental Control immediately if they came across any suspicious mail or packages. Joe asked me if I thought Kaufman76 - JuiyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewCounty had an Environmental Control Department. I had to laugh at Joes question. Even though Kaufman County covers a fairly large area, most of the county is ranch land. The actual city of Kaufman is small with a very small budget. There is usually not a lot of city aid available.When you see commercials advertising Texas as being full of cowboys whose mentality appears to be about the same as the cows, you know they probably filmed the commercial in Kaufman. I am not saying that everyone in Kaufman is dumb. Certainly that is not the case and it would be a major mistake to try and pull the wool over the eyes of one of these cowboys.If they found you out, they would not go to the trouble of suing you. Instead you would probably find yourself recovering in a hospital from what a Kaufinanite would call a butt whoopin.Joe decided that we should at least call the county courthouse to inquire about an Environmental Control Department. Sure enough Kaufman does have one. Joe wrote down the phone number he was given and preceded to place the call. Environmental Control answered immediately. After listening to what Joe had to say they agreed to come out right away, stating that we should under no circumstances open the tube. I could just envision their excitement as they put away their game of horseshoes and donned their neat little space suits. They were probably already rehearsing what they would say to the news reporters that evening. Yup, we figure that what is contained in this here tube is anthrax We wont be one hundred percent sure until the specimen comes back from the lab. But, this just goes to prove, if the little bitty town of Kaufman is being sent anthrax, aint nobody safe.Within thirty minutes of Joes call a pick up truck with the words Kaufman County Environmental Control printed on the doors pulled into the driveway. Out of the truck steps one man wearing a space suit and one wearing jeans, cowboy shirt and hat. Joe grabbed the bag containing the tube and walked outside to greet the men. My daughter Sabrina followed Joe, and I fell in behind them carrying my granddaughter. The man in the space suit took the bag and rolled the tube around looking at it. He stated in a muffled voice that indeed this was very suspicious. He then turned around and began walking back to the pickup with the tube. Now, I figured that he would place the tube in a metal box and then take it away for testing at a laboratory after all, isnt that the way its done on TV Instead he walked to the back of the truck opened the tailgate and proceeded to take the tube out of the bag.What are you planning to do I asked. I am going to open the tube, the man stated. Thinking the man must be joking I stood speechless. As the man began taking the tape off of the end caps, I again found my voice. Wait, I cried, What if there is anthrax in that tube Acting as if he had not heard me the man proceeded to unravel the tape. I turned to Sabrina and said, We better go in the house or this guy will be the death of us all. My son-in-law did not follow us but, instead, stood beside the man waiting to see what was inside the tube. I felt as though I had been transported to a nut farm. What were these men thinking Did they think they were so macho that anthrax would not kill them Or was this the way Kaufman did their laboratory testing The guy in the space suit opens the tube, waits for Joe or the man in the cowboy hat to keel over dead, so he would know for sure this is anthrax.Sabrina and I stood inside the house peering out of her storm door watching this crazy scene unfolding before us. Inside the cardboard tube was a second metal tube with a lid screwed onto it. Thats it, I thought. Surely they wont open the metal tube. I dont know why I thought these men would come to their senses. They indeed found the metal tube to be very interesting. But, after a few minutes discussion, they couldnt stand it and began unscrewing the lid. Inside the metal tube were two liquid filled vials wrapped in tissue paper with the words ACD Solution written on them. I decided right then and there that if they dared open the vials I was going to find Joes service revolver and shoot all three of them. Just as I was grumbling to Sabrina about backwoods Kaufmanites, I heard my son-in-law yell out to me, Do you know anything about canine blood samples I knew instantly what he was talking about and my face must have turned three colors of red as I stepped out of the house mumbling, Yeah, I know about it.I apologized several times to the men for dragging them away from their game of horseshoes. They, of course, were very polite as cowboys always are to the weaker sex. Both of them said, Thats perfectly all-right maam, were just doin our job. I am not sure what the moral to this story is, but I do know that in the future any suspicious looking mail I receive will go in the trashcan. ...what is contained in this here tube is anthraxJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 77Congratulations to Mary Allan, Allayns Pomeranians on the APC Kennel Visit.Betsy Owens660 890-2255 noblebetsysocket.netKENNELVisitsCindy Boulware Love N Country PomsSeptOct 2003Pat Barnett - Bar-Net Poms NovDec 2003Please contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Co-ordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, Texas 75704, phone 903 882-1950, TKa'Uf Man on kernel vicitf 'Ifoci have ae comfaicked muck aritk tpoui keauti- ut doyc. 0 lementkeft meeting you on the lull Oklauma cincuit t93 1 think when you pricked cpm fact ckantfacn unci 0 kad fact ctanted ckoariny my fact fo ke ckamfan. 7kankc pi keiny a friend pi ca many yeanc.Sake 1ktcfamke 'TJti Sake Pontenanianc\ADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 250.00Full Page Black White 75.00Half Page Color 135.00Half Page Black White 45.00Fourth Page 30.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESFirst Class 45Bulk Rate 37Foreign Rate80Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico55Single Issue8For more information contactBrenda Segelken 217-347-5731 fame62401 y ahoo.comV J78 - JuiyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email ''aHome ofCh. Avalon's Valentino Starfire Multiple Group Winning PomsAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.MarbilPomeraniansvMari Iffland11290 Old Lake Road Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127email pomsawaylegypt.netFINCH'SPOMERANIANS Ltd.1BIS, BISS, Ch Finch's He Walks on Water,ROMX Ch Reginapoms Patrick O'Finch's Ch Finch's Dream Walkin'Ch Finch's Walkin' After Midnite Ch Finch's A Noble Tradition Ch Finch's The Legend Continues Ch Finch's Mr. Bold N Beautiful Ch Pufpride Sweet DreamsBlack, Chocolate, Orange, Black Tan Partis, Stud ServiceDiane L Finch28453 630th, Kelley, IA 50134 515 769-2444dfinchhuxcomm.netPomeraniansMi F IVijltKonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island NY 11953 631-205-5223 tresspomshotmail.comSfufXWidPOMERANIANS___________rnVShy in size, huge in heartAudrey M. Roberts1984 VFWRoad Leesville, LA 71446 Home Phone 337-392-2094 Email Shyacreshotmail.comJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 79COMING EVENTSAPC Summer SpecialtySeptember 19, 2003 Olympia, Washington Two Puget Sound Pom Club Spec.September 17 and 18, 2003 West Coast Hotel, Olympia, WA Show Sec. Sally Ferguson 541-459-5047 Marlene Presser Diana Solano rodispomsljuno.comj Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana Specialty September 27, 2003 Indianapolis, Indiana Show Sec Sherri Alspaugh, paughprintpomspeoplepc.comPomeranian Club of Central IndianaAPC NATIONAL SPECIALTYMarch 8, 9, 10, 2004 Louisville, KentuckySepteniberOctober ills API Pom ReviewRegional Pom Club information is published free of charge in the Coming EventsAugust 1, WScptOct 2003 APC MIL HSITiwh Boulware Country PomsLove SVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgMASTERCARD AND VISA ACCEPTEDAMERICAN KENNEL CLUB, INC.AKC Headquarters260 Madison Ave, NYC 10016 212 696-8200Open 830-415 ET weekdays except holidays AKC Operations Center 5580 Centerview Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606 919 233-9767Open 830-500 ET weekdays except holidays httpwww.akc.orgindex.cfmDIGITAL and EMAIL FILESPhotos for publication must be scanned at 300 DPI when emailing photo files. Set digital cameras minimum 3.5 MP to the highest setting BEFORE taking digital photos for publication in the APC Pomeranian Review. Email all photos, ad text and payment form MasterCard and VISA accepted tofame62401 yahoo.comLetters to the Editor, Yips and Yaps are welcome. Send to The Pomeranian Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. Camelol Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 or email fame62401 Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Subscription ManagerBRENDA HUTTON15755 Greenway Lansing, MI 48906 Ph 517485-5183 Email bkpomsearthlink.netI I I I IL80 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian ReviewSubscription CardYearly Bi-Monthly Subscriptions45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico80 ForeignNAMESTREET ADDRESS if 'V. nCITY, STATE, ZIPCODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESSVISAMASTERCARD CREDIT CARD NUMBER SSt-'ltEXPDArECARD HOLDERJflGNATURECatherine JessenElusive Toys 4r208 745-5267r 4 . , \PomsandToykidPoodlesa a eaU. P, omimuiMPat and Walt GilbertPH 407 658-9878 FAX 407-658-8673 Email Flea560AOL.COMMillamor PomeraniansKen Eleanor Miller1777 Orange Picker Rd Jacksonville, Florida 32223 PH 904-260-4308tonsDARLINS MAJOR COMMOTIONDonna Machniak237 Groveland Dr Howell, MI 48843 517-546-7446 Darlinpoms 1 hotmail.comLaurie Otis7721 Wright-Puthoff Rd Sidney, OH 45365 937-498-4970darlinpomsbright.netwww. DarlinPoms .comMtn View Stars ShinePat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 Phone 540-337-2965n Opit\6rOlMWW SoVShari ShieldsOdenton, MD 21113301-261-3727sshieldserols.comAvantesPomeraniansShow Breeding Puppies Availabler 707-464-8104" Liza Stephens-Miner1193 California St Crescent City, CA www.avantespomeranians.comX22A REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S Waters Charlene R Waters1625 East 11400 South Sandy Utah 84092-5428 801-571-4959SHIMMEREEMSN.COMQuality PomeraniansVisit with 'imlvBouhvai^P 1 I -jt,SeptOct 200S American PoiiieiiiniiinlliiliPomeranian RevienDEADLIIpAshley and Jerry Miller 850-474-6277 102 Gettysburg Drive, Pensacola, FL 32503 Show Pet Puppies Occasionally Ch Stud Service to Approved BitchesReginapomsBred for QualityRegina Nunn2030 Russell Road Berryville, VA 22611 540-955-1209 ReginapomsBigfoot.comJulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 81CH Belsfedp's Sutee^ WovembeiSire CH Sungolds Phyner Jus Wonderful X Dam CH Sungolds Dark ShadowKeanu finished his championship two months after he began his career in California. In just eleven shows he achieved ranking in the top twenty Poms in both breed and all breed points. He won five BOB and two Group placements from the classes over top ranked and BISS winning specials. He now has nine BOB wins and three Group placements in three months of showing.As always we are grateful to our mentors Anna Ray Lafortune of Sungold Pomeranians for giving us our start in Poms and constant encouragment.\ 444 1-V - 4SoBred and Owned by Diana Gross Shantra ReeseBelsfteo PomepemiditsEugene, OR Expertly and lovingly handled by Joanne Reed82 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review-15The forty-seventh Championship Show for the Pomeranian Club of New South Wales was held on Sunday, April 20, 2003 at the Bill Spilstead Complex for Canine Affairs - a show ground of many acres leased by the Royal New South Wales Canine Council. The Show ground is permanently set up for dog shows and other canine activities and is located at Erskine Park in Sydneys western suburbs.Many other Breed Club Shows were held at this location over Easter. Most weekends throughout the year, dog shows are held on the grounds.focuUet SPhviw in^USTlRAlsIA'JenJAcMrs. T. McNeill, a local breeder of Terriers, judged the forty-three entries.Challenge Dog and eventual Best in Show winner, Australian Champion Delrundra Simply the Best, was selected from the Australian Bred Dog Class.The Challenge Bitch, Australian Champion Luarts Perfect Model, also came from the Australian Bred Class. Challenge is equal to your winners but the Champions compete in the classes for the points as well.Best Baby Puppy in Show was the bitch Bowbell Miss Spellbound.Property Class winnersBest Head- Dochlaggie DetonatorBest Veteran- Grand Champion Delrundra Believe It Or NotBest Any Other Color- Avista Nice as SpiceThe Pomeranian Club of N.S.W. holds two Championship Shows each year. One is held every Easter Sunday and another show is held during October.The inaugural show for this club was held on November 28, 1959. On that occasion the club had an entry of fifty-nine exhibits for the Breed specialist judge Mr. J. Kavanagh of Waverley kennels.A record entry of one hundred Pomeranians for the Pomeranian Club of N.S.W. was recorded when another breed specialist, Mr. Stuart Finlay-Bisset of Cygals kennels U.K. judged the show.Even though the day was overcast and rain threatened all day, we had many interested spectators, including overseas visitors watching our breed being judged.If you are in Sydney, Australia for Easter or October come along and visit the Pomeranian Club of N.S.W. Show and you will be made very welcome.o"SBCHALLENGE aXDOGXB2wiWJiS.fjisift MWpm2ir-il JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Review - 83AdvertisersAcker, Bryan.................................................................54Allan, Mary.....................................................................4Allridge, Valerie...........................................................40Alspaugh, Sherri...........................................................41Appleton, Cora..............................................................55Arand, Randolph...........................................................72Behrend, Joan...............................................................36Birks, Joyce...................................................................17Broughton, Kelly.......................................................... 55Cartwright, Ronald and Sherry.....................................44Dague, Pat and Roger...................................................81Davis, Annette and Erik................................................79Dieball, Fred and Patricia.............................................13Dimick, Warren and Virginia.......................................55Epps, Nina.....................................................................54Fiddick, Robert Juanita.........85, 86,87, Back CoverFinch, Diane.............................................24,25,26,27,79Gilbert, Pat and Walt....................................................81Gilstrap, David and Carlene.........................................14Griffith, Ken and Eleanor.............................................15Gross, Diana.................................................................82Harris, Bonnie...............................................................79Iffland, Mari..................................................................79Jessen, Catherine.......................................................... 81Klein, Jackie.................................................................51Klein, Jessie..................................................................54Lehtinen, Jane............................................................... 37Leitner, Vicky................................................................. 2Livezay, Teresa.............................................................54Machniak, Donna.........................................................81McCombs, Babe...........................................................78McGrath, Renee............................................................39McKee, Margaret..........................................................58Miller, Gerald and Ashley............................................ 81Miller, Ken and Eleanor............................................... 81Miyake, Sylvia.............................................................31Nunn, Regina................................................................81Ogilvie, Valerie............................................................54Orr, Kevin.............................................Front Cover, 12Otis, Laurie...................................................................81Owens, Betsy................................................................78Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana............................50Puget Sound Pomeranian Club.....................................30Reese, Shantra...............................................................82Back IssuesTo order back issues mail check to Assistant Back Issues Manager, Laura Meineke 7008 Grace Avenue, Cinncinati, OH 45227 PH 513-271-3983 panachepomsnetzero.comAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 8.00The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk, and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 80 per year. US funds only.The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at http www. americanpomeranianclub.orgRoberts, Audrey...........................................................79Rogers, Sherrilynn.........................................................3Rosenbaum, Mary.......................................................79Smith, Julia L..............................................................44Sowers, Anastasia.....................................24,25,26,27Shields, Shari........................................................63, 81Stephens - Miner, Lisa................................................81Stark, Becky................................................................ 55Takayama, Ellen....................................................28,29Thrash, Dorene............................................................ 55Travis, Dr. Denise.......................................................55Waters, Greggory and Charlene.................................81Ways And Means........................................................45Wehrle, Heike............................................................. 73Yona, Daniel................................................................5184 - JulyAugust 2003 APC Pomeranian Reviewmmm7,mI '" r ' vThanks to Heike Wehrle and Judge ForresOwnersPom AcresRobert and Juanita Fiddick 32581 130th Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613sasMcCoy for this nice Group One winHandled by Heike Wehrle 7 N 366 Rt 31 South Elgin, 1L 60177E POM ACRES AIR JORDONBred and loved by Juanita Fiddick. Pending AKC confirmation.- . __ , ___Mill III II11II11 i 11II '-s- Ii-JVBESTIN SHOWWATERLOO KENNEL CLUB 2003photo sv MELIAACaSireMillamors Makin Waves Tobes, Breeder Eleanor Miller Dam Honey Dews Delight of Pom Acres, Breeder Angie RobertsPresented by Robert Fiddick.Thank you for the repeat performance Mrs. Sue Woodle BOB, Norman Patton Group One, Mrs. Ann Heam Best In Show. Its every breeders dream to get a BIS. My dream was a Group One as we had Groups two. three and four, never hoping for a BIS. We appreciate everyone for their support and well wishes on and after Easter weekend 2003Pom AcresRobert and Juanita Fiddick 32581 130th Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613-A Flash L- Jordon finishes at St. Peter under , Judge Charles Trotter.,\ .XBEST IN SHOWMASON CITY KENNEL CLUB2003photo ST M E LIASire Millamors Makin Waves Tobes, Breeder Eleanor Miller Dam Honey Dews Delight of Pom Acres, Breeder Angie RobertsPresented by Robert Fiddick.Robert and Juanita would like to thank the breeder of Jordons parents and the Judges that put up a class dog with only one point. Judge Ann Hearn BOB, Judge Sue Woodle Group One, Judge Norman Patton Best In Show. We are still in awe and shock.Pom AcresRobert and Juanita Fiddick 32581 130th Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613kllVPSSV ..p f' .', '1 t . 'It . si14 4\ 1, J, -X VJ ' iSfc' o4,GROUPFIRST rTOPEKA KENNEL CLU8 APRIL 2003PHOTO BY DOWNEY nNLChPom Acres Thrill of Victory X Ch Pom Acres Atomic Enola GayMany thanks to Randy Arand and the judges that appreciated this nice female.Judge Sally Villas - final points in Columbia, MO.Ms. Florice Hogan - Group One Mr. Don Rogers, Marcia Hostetler - Group ThreeMrs. Dawn Vick Hansen, Mrs. Peggy Hogg - Group FourTori congratulates her brother and sister on their champion titles.Ch Pom Acres Basic Black - Nonna Creider, owner Ch Pom Acres Classic TNT - Pat and Amy Gross, owners.Pom AcresRobert and Juanita Fiddick 32581 130th Street Cedar Falls, IA50613