The Pomeranian Review September 2003

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50 hV3 1G0UHIm mrJ m, aImmm-SsS 'CH. SUN FUN SANDY OF MYRTLE BEACH 9ruSire Ch. Dominic of Lenette Dam Emcees Frita ChipsProud sire of SeaHorse and StarFish.5 point major - City of Angels Pom Specialty, Los Angeles, CA., under respected Judge Mrs. Michele Billings. 3 point major - Williamsburg. VA under Judge Miss Dolores Dee Maltz.Best Of Breed - under respected Judge Mrs. Paula Hartinger. Moore County KC. Pinehurst, NC.Best Toy - Group I under respected Judge Mrs. Myron Corky Gauger.Thanks to professional handlers Vikki Oelerich and Rick Day.Sun Fun SeaHorse of Myrtle Beach Sun Fun StarFish of Myrtle Beach StarThree months old puppies.Ch. Sun Fun Sandy of Myrtle Beach x Sun Fun Jewel of Myrtle BeachKenneth l Swainowner and breeder8801 Kings Road, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 Phone 843 449 6136 Email kswain8801 aol.comi f.njomi \- m- vKeepsakes Bikini BlushA Ch.Chriscendo Cloudbuster granddaughterme...faryet the one ww eauAed ou-rfriendduy. rf'ie dreamed manuy timet of the deufy that eitwr-you- on - fwertdleddm om-kand, hiA little reflica. Sffy-deefeAt reyreA eoniefro-m the amaAemny ffeaprience aA ffrealise my dffero- an elyoiinyreateAt love, fBl-. fjlaiAeeitdo ffloudluAter, iAaene. -dfla.we Ixmv Aoorttinae to owniA torn,ifle. ffufride fdloadlreaAer, who- A 9 8yrA old now.fffi f-myiyniye tlmt fffreaAen waA not uAed near- enough, lemuAe-ff Atarted Ae- Amall, -ffeel a deaeration in, my Acid. ffleaAe Anew ffdiinA of won often- aA my Ireedi-nyy froymm iA mjulljonee.fialeA a miyvhyfxmeofiddoy to- maletJessie Klein Keepsake Pomeranians 903-882-1950www.myKeepsakes.netl mamr.' V 'tit W m,Finchs Kick Butt Parti KickerAugust 9, 2002 - June 25, 2003A tragic accident and he was gone - my big hope after the loss of Travis, Kicker was Travis great great grandson with his marvelous show attitude and movement. Kicker is sorely missed and had just gotten his show career nicely started with a major and singles. Thank you Betsy Owens for loving and handling this marvelous little showman. His mom Finchs Bet I Can Parti and dad Finchs Dressed To Parti are paired again in hopes of another Kicker.Diane L. FinchFinchs Pomeranians Ltd.28453 530th Avenue Kelley, IA 50134-8549 EmaiI Website 515-769-2444Ch Love N Country Lit Bit O MagicLove N Country Pomeranians send congratulations to Bobby Elizabeth Pietzsch on their Group 1 win with Ch. Peachs Day Dream Believer and a belated congratulations to Robert Juanita Fiddick on your back to back BIS wins with Ch Pom Acres Air Jordon. Both of these beautiful Poms prove that dreams can come true1 would also like to send my condolences to Diane Finch on the loss of her wonderful Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water. I know you will miss him terri bly. A great Pom, such as he was, only comes along once in a lifetime.r.VCindy BoulwareKaufman, Texas972-962-3872 lovencountrypeoplepc.comBISS CH Mountain Crest JJtfcl t wmNext4 'k ^-' cs .-^7 f i\\' \BEST OF BREED O,3 PSAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUBVI AYbergmnPHOTOS it2003JJ was welcomed to California with a Best In Specialty win just four days after his arrivalThank you to David and Carlene Gilstrap for letting JJ visit Showcase.Special thanks to Judge Frank Nishimura and to Andy Linton for his expert handling.Congratulations to Cindy Boulware, LoveNCountry Poms on your APC Kennel Visit to Kira Parkin on the Junior Jive and to Evelyn Garrett on your Memory Lane features. Continued success with our wonderful breed.Showcase PomeraniansAlane Levinsohn818 352-9536 We OFA Patellas and Hearts, check Thyroid and CERF eyes.V A5 m-Ami.fvliam iA-.'134X4511 til tv . M1MStm SS- Ma\XV KK\\l1 HIV 2013_____ K. BOOTHAHIM JAlex is pictured winning Winners Dog and Best of Winners on May 18, 2003 under Mr. Kent Delaney to finish his championship. Thank you Alex will be specialed occasionally. Pedigree under New Titlists.Congratulations to Cindy Boulware on your APC Kennel Visit.Our sincere condolences to Diane on the loss of Travis and to Annie on the loss of Phil.Two outstanding Poms that will be greatly missed.f,C4r. w - V'-AAlways Breeder-Owner-HandledSince 1977Pat and Fred Dieball 2019 Greenwood Rd Lapeer, MI 48446 810 245-1924 tishapomprodigy.netLhasas and Pomso Breeders of fun-e Perns sliA.ce i5y1440Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 www. lenettepoms .com K. G. Griffith - OwnerAA\ a AAA.AAACH. CREIDERS GOBLIN OF POST OAK X CLAIRMONTS LITTLE JUANITA,-4ACONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING FOR FINISHING LENETTE POMS THIS YEAR.1. Ch. Tabs Mr. Jones of Lenette owned by Betty Brunner2. Ch. Kerdans Maxit Out of Lenette owned by Keri Pederson and Dan Wagoner3. Ch. Pomettos Poms Echo of Lenette owned by Janet M. Whorter4. Ch. Great Elms Summer of Lenette owned by Kelly Reimschiissel and Susan AdamsonEcho was champion 29 for Ch. Great Elms Mr. Chips and Summer was champion 30. Congratulations to Ruth Beam and her fabulous Mr. Chips on his accomplishments.We have several show prospect puppies available to show homes as well as stud and brood prospects. Yes, we do have puppies available sired by Ch. Macs Frankly My Dear Spud. We appreciate Vickie Coulter for allowing us to use her beautiful little Spud. We anxiously await his puppies hitting the show ring.Best wishes to Cindy Boulware on being featured in this issue.APAAAAAAPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 7The Pomeranian ReviewCcntents Trent CoverAdvertisers Index.............................................................94APC Board Summary Janice Russell..............................17APC National Specialty Info.......................................28, 90APC Officers....................................................................15APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel............................ 54, 55, 56APC Summer Specialty Information................................90Archives.......................................................................64, 65Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.......................................18Back Issue Information....................................................94Behind New Titlists..........................................................52Central Virginia Pom Club...........................................84, 85Coming Events................................................................ 90Cover Story Sharon Hanson............................................. 8Eye of the Tiger, Keoki...............................................77-79Health and Genetics Marge Kranzfelder.............60, 61, 62International Visit.............................................................92Judges Education Dot Martin.......................................... 69Junior Jive Kira Parkin.................................................82, 83Just FUR Fun.................................................................. 47Kennel Visit Cindy Bouiware......................................21-25Kennel Visits, Future Features........................................88Letters to the Editor.........................................................52Membership Report Annette Davis................................. 14Memorial, Ch Chriscendo Cloudbuster.......................50, 51Memorial, Ch Finch's He Walks On Water................ 32-35Memory Lane Evelyn Garrett...................................... 70, 71My Brave Little Dog, Tanu...........................................66, 67My First Pom Alane Levinsohn....................................... 72My Name Is Grace.......................................................... 68New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel..............................54Performance News Barbara McClatchey...................74-76Pom Talk, Roxanne Collins.........................................80, 81Presidents Report Margaret McKee...............................16Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis.................................14Rescue Me...................................................................... 68Salute to Our Armed Forces............................................88Subscription Card............................................................90SubscriptionReview Information.................................12, 90Sunshine And Roses.......................................................88UK Pom Club Championship Show................................ 93Way I See It And More Sally Baugniet.......................86, 87World Dog Show, Dortman, Germany.............................93Ways and Means Donna Riehm......................................63Ways and Means Advertisement.....................................63Weblink Notice.................................................................14Website Address..............................................................15Jan-Shars Futurem VtS,fiMmmLeft to right Making Waves,Goldilocks, Front And Center, Kenya and Just What The Dr. Ordered, bred by Sharon Flanson.Im always striving for that perfect dog, but cant seem to ever get there. 1 guess thats why I keep trying. This is the latest bunch with Handler Pam Dziuk. Hopefully all are future champions.Condolences to Diane Finch on her loss of Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water. He was truly one of the greats of our time..liin-SliiirPomeranianspomsj www.j anshar. comJan Los Quest For Random TaskrXkL rI DULUTHj KENNEL CLUBII JULYuBESTOFBREEDKEMP PHOTOfYtSire Ch. Avalons Prince Charming X Dam Ch. Jan Les Quest of MineMini MeOur newest girl to hit the ring and first weekend out, Best of Dreed under Ann Rogers Clark Best of Dreed over a nice special under Ed Divin and Winners Ditch the third day under Lee Reesin. Randi is another daughter of Ch. AvalonsFrince Charming.Thank you Annette Davis of Avalon Poms for the use of this wonderful boy.Vicky PalmerMaple Grove, MN 55311Jane Lehtinen210-741-2117Presentingri-\N\UUERo-j____JAvaCoris AAngeCinaJAngeCMAY 2003pMMWKMWl BEST OF ^OPPOSITE SEX KOHLERACh. Dominic of Lenette x Avalons Queen Nefertiti "NeffyAngel needs just singles to finish. Watch for her at the APC summer specialty in Washington with handler Cathy Jessen. Congratulations to Sandra Johnson on her new Avalon champion, Avalons Crystal of Sandpom. Congratulations to Cindy Boulware and the Love N Country Poms on the APC Kennel Visit.Good luck to Ken Griffith and Connie Charles with their new Neffy x Amigo boysOwnerBreeder HandlerAnnette Eric Davis Catherine JessenAvalon Pomeranians208-234-0932 www.avalonpom.comElusive Toys208-745-5267www.avalonpom.comElusiveToys.htmlJan Le PomszV3JXBEST OF BREEDOR VARIETY VIPSn0mJan Les Create Your Own Super StarrCh. Avalons Prince Charming X 515 AmCa Ch. Jan Les Millie Wakit of Luemar Millies second girl to hit the ring. Seven months old and has seven points to date. Condolences to Diane Finch and Annie Gouraud on the loss of your nice dogs. Congrats to Cindy Boulware on your APC Kennel Visit.Jan Le PomeraniansJane Lehtinen 218 741 2117Ije Pomeranian HebtetoTHE OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. PUBLICATIONEditor............................................................................11139 E. Camelot Ave, Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217-347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscriptions................................................................15755 Greenway, Lansing, MI 48906 PH 517-485-5183 bkpomsearthlink.netBack Issues....................................................................7008 Grace Avenue, Cinncinati, OH 45227 PH 513-271-3983 panachepomsnetzero.comProofreaders..................................................................Advertisement Manager................................................13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704 PH 903-882-1950 Jessiemykeepsakes.netSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class.......................................45.00USPS Bulk.................................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico................... 55.00Foreign...................................................... 80.00Single Issue..................................................8.00Back Issues..................................................8.00Advertising RatesFront Cover Color..................................500.00Back Cover Color...................................350.00Inside Front Cover Color..................275.00Inside Front Cover BW....................100.00Inside Back Cover Color..................275.00Inside Back Cover BW....................100.00Page 3, 4 Color........................................275.00Page 3, 4 BW..........................................100.00Center Spread Color..............................500.00Center Spread BW................................220.00Full Page Deluxe Color..........................250.00Full Page BW...........................................75.00Half Page Color...................................... 135.00Half Page BW.......................................... 45.00One Quarter Page.................................... 30.00Business Card 6 ................... 65,double 95All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25.00 each, additional black and white photos are 5.00 each.DeadlinesAd DeadlineDec 1.............Feb 1..............April 1...........June 1............Aug 1.............Oct 1..............Issue ....JanFeb MarApril .MayJune ..JulyAug .SeptOct ..NovDecCjje Pomeranian IMneto.......... official A. P. C. publication...........sent to Breed Group Judges......... reasonable rates...........quality reproductions...........only source of APC Archives.......... provides APC news and reports......... APC Specialty coverage.......... Regional Pom Club coverage......... Obedience training information......... interesting, informativeSend ad text, photo and payment toThe APC Pomeranian Review Brenda Segelken, Editor 1113 9 E Camelot Avenue Effingham, IL 62401or EditorAmericanPomeranianClub. org12 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003BI-MAR POMERANIAN PROUDLY PRESENTSALASKA KENNEL CLUB JUNE 2003BISHOP PHOTOGRAPHYCH. JENNY REBECCA OF ALLRIDGESire CH. MR. GEORDIE OF LENETTE SON OF CH. GREAT ELMS MR. CHIPS ROMXDam DAUGHTER OF CH. MACKS ME NO SISSYJENNY FINISHED WITH 5 MAJORS AND A GROUP I. BREEDEROWNER HANDLED.THANK YOU, VALERIE FOR TRUSTING US TO OWN SUCH AN OUTSTANDING GIRL AND I VALUE YOUR FRIENDSHIP.SHOW AND BREEDING STOCK AVAILABLE. SEE PICTURED ONBREEDERHANDLER VALERIE LOVED AND OWNED BY MARY ROSENBAUMBI-MAR POMERANIANSMary Rosenbaum360-767-0104145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 13REGISTRARS CORNER CAROL LEEMHUISMEMBERSHIP REPORT ANNETTE DAVIS391 N Mink Creek Road Pocatello, ID 83204 208-234-0932 davisavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Janice C. Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N Dr., Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be received within 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APC Web Site http or contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERS APPROVED 063003Babe McCombs ARSponsors Pat Barnett, Nina K. EppsNEW MEMBERS APPROVED 073003Leslie Stone TXSponsors Kevin Orr, Renate RichterJackie Hirshberg TXSponsors James Shearer, Bob PietzchAPPLICATIONSAngela Semansky SDSponsors Jane Lehtinen, K.G. GriffithKenneth Swain SCSponsors K.G. Griffith, Victoria OelerichNina M. Fetter OHSponsors Becky Sabourin Donna MachniakVictoria Ann Palmer MNSponsors Jane Lehtinen, Judith MechizSharon Wheeler FLSponsors Jose A. Cabrera, Debra Donahue2318 Rose Garden Road Pittsburgh PA 15220 412-344-8257REGISTAR OF MERITCH Great Rivers Lit Postman Owner Sharon YampiroGOLD CLUB\ .j \ thujWasielewskis Mindy MX MXJ B Donna WasielewskiHALL OF FAMEWasielewskis Mindy MX MXJ B Donna WasielewskiWeb Check NoticeAs instructed by the APC board, I am checking links from the APC web site to see if a reciprocal link from your site has been provided back to the APC site.If you do not have a link back, there are link back buttons and instructions on the APC site. Or you may link the words American Pomeranian Club.Per APC Standing Rules, the APC logo may not be used on websites. If your website has a link to the APC website, please update it. The new link is httpamericanpomeranianclub.orgThanks for your help and cooperation.Janice Russell indypomindy.net14 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003fe ipomerantan ilebtetuTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INCORPORATEDIN PUBLICATION SINCE 19S8AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT.................................................................................................MARGARET MCKEE2426 Sandy Hook Rd, Goochland, VA 23063-2508PH 804-556-3380 FAX 804-556-4107 EMAILidlewyldbigfoot.comFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.................................................................................FRANCES STOLLR R 3, Box 429, Washington, IN 47501PH 812-254-3857 FAX 812-254-3254 EMAIL stolannedmrtc.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT....................................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1325 9th Street South, Virginia, MN 55792PH 218-741-2117 FAX 218-741-9435 EMAIL JanLeJanLe.comRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................................JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd.N Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317-924-9093 EMAIL indypomindy.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY........................................................CYNTHIA BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972-962-3872 FAX 972-962-3872 EMAIL American.Pom.Clubbigfoot.comTREASURER...................................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd, Tomball, TX 77375PH 281-351-9516 FAX 281-351-6620 EMAILtexicandogaol.comAKC DELEGATE.................................................................................MARGE KRANZFELDER821 Brown Road, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045-9603EMAIL kranzmarhollinet.comPH 831-623-9265 FAX 831-623-2612JUDGES EDUCATION CONTACT............................................................DOROTHY MARTIN5354 Bluebird Lane, York SC 29745PH 803-831-8086 FAX 803-831-0351 EMAIL edwarda.martinatt.netSally Baugniet Annette Lynn Heise.BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Annette Davis Marge KranzfelderDiana Downey Greggory WatersAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgThe Pomer anian Review11139 East Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217-347-5731 Email fame62401yahoo.comAPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 15From the Presidents DeskMargaret McKeeThe theme of my last column was that I dont know it all. Im still learning. More examples. A couple of years ago I bought a puppy from Ken Griffith. He had just come through a bout of lice, which had been a huge problem in his kennel. See Pomeranian Review September 2001. He was distressed by it and gave me a bottle of rotenone shampoo to take home just in case. I put it away, thinking of course that it couldnt happen to me. I finished the bitch I bought from him and bred her.The next spring I began having strange coat problems. It didnt look exactly like anything I had had before. Naturally it spread through much of the kennel. No, I dont think this bitch brought it in, I think it was a breeder who brought a litter for me to evaluate. I later learned her kids had head liceI had read on an online Pom list about Ivermectin being a great way to treat all kinds of parasites including ear mites, heartworms, and intestinal worms. Where to buy it, how to mix and administer it in the ear or on food were all discussed. Proponents praised its safety, effectiveness and that it was inexpensive. So when my vet diagnosed my hair problem as lice and suggested lime baths very stinky, I asked about Ivermectin. She was pleased I was familiar with it and receptive to using it as she also thought it was a great idea. She uses it on her own Labs.We discussed dosages and where to buy it. Finding the Ivermectin was no problem I bought it at the feed store a mile down the road. It is meant for cattle and swine. The propylene glycol to mix it with was a bigger problem. It was not available at Walmart, as I had been told. I never did find it locally and used a dilute com syrup solution to administer the first dose. Ivermectin apparently tastes yucky and the propylene glycol is sweet. I finally ordered it out of one of my school supply catalogues and paid way too much for it. I have since found it in a catalogue for natural remedies for dogs. For the lice, everyone was dosed every two weeks for three doses. I have kept everyone on it monthly ever since to prevent heartworms. I have estimated I am saving over 700 per year by not buying heartworm pills. I keep a close eye on coats and still do fecal checks but so far no problems. If you want to know more, ask your vet or e-mail me.On a lighter note, I recently showed a finished champion in the Open Class in order to maintain the major entry. When the judge went over my dog on the table, she spent an inordinate amount of time examining his tail. She felt it, she pulled the hair apart, and she felt it some more. I was almost exasperated. Did she think the kink in his tail was THAT important After judging was over, I introduced myself and asked politely why she spent so much time on his tail. She replied that she was a Poodle person and she was looking for switches artificial hairpieces. After a stunned pause, I roared with laughter. That was certainly an unexpected answer. I dont trim my full tails to make them flat and smooth. The judge assured me that she has found switches in Pom tails. Oh dear.We got a nice compliment last spring. At the Raleigh shows I chatted with the President of another national toy dog club. She told me that her club was light years behind ours. She receives Pomeranian Review courtesy of a judge and found it extremely helpful. She said it was beautifully done and she got lots of ideas for her club from it. Thank you, Peggy, were glad to share.When you get this, fall will be upon us. Start planning your ads and trophy donations for our huge event in Louisville in March. And be looking for that dues notice.16 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomindy.netJune Board Summary Juy 2003 Board SummaryThere was a motion to appoint an Education Coordinator to coordinate both the GEC and JEC positions. Those two positions would report to the Education Coordinator. The Education Coordinator would report to the Board each month in time for all other necessary reports to the Board.Motion was seconded and motion carried.It was moved, seconded and motion carried that Olga Baker be asked to continue as the Gazette columnist.Motion made and seconded that if the Board receives negative communications during the first month after the applicant is published in the Review, the Membership Secretary shall notify the applicants sponsors that one or more negative communications have been received and that they have one month to provide positive comments from other APC members on the applicants behalf. The Membership Secretary shall not disclose to the sponsors or applicant the number of negative communications received, the contents of those communications, nor the authors of those communications. Motion carried.A motion was made that we charge a percentage of the price of APC services and products for credit card and PayPal payments, starting at three percent, except for Review ads. The Board will review this surcharge annually. The motion was seconded and passed.Motion made that we allow the PCCI to hold a B match at the 2004 National Specialty. Motion seconded and motion carried.A motion was made, seconded, and motion carried that all of the word typos preform in the Bylaws be changed to perform.Motion to review the twenty-year members list each year for potential candidates for life membership nominations. This review to be done at the annual board meeting each year. Qualifications for life members basically, twenty consecutive years and exceptional service to the club andor the breed. This motion received a second and passed.Motion was made and seconded that we read the Top Ten winners in all categories and present their trophies at the National Specialty banquet. Further, we should list all the New Titlists for the year, that are owned or co-owned by APC Members and Patrons, in the show catalog and should only print titlist certificates for those dogs. Co- owners that attend the National can pick up these certificates at their leisure from the Awards Chair or hisher delegate at the show committee table during the Specialty. The remainder will be mailed to the APC co- owner with their Roster, or separately if the Roster is mailed prior to the Specialty. This motion passed.Motion was made that the GEC will be the Chairperson of the Breed Advisory Committee. Motion was seconded and carried.Motion made and seconded that APC use the money received from the Red River PC as start-up funds for the national charity Pomeranian organization, the purpose of which is as discussed at the APC March 2003 Board meeting. Should this prospective organization not receive enough financial support to actually start the incorporation process within one year of this motion passage, the money will remain as unrestricted APC funds. This motion carried.Motion was made, seconded and passed that we join the Purina Parent Club Program.APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 17Annette DavisOur question for this issue is What treats are O.K. to give to my PomGiving your Pom unhealthy treats is a big mistake that can lead to obesity and ill health. Most commercially available dog treats fall into the unhealthy categoiy. You should avoid all treats with sugar, artificial colors, artificial preservatives and refined flour. Look for treats with wholesome ingredients like meat and whole grains or better yet, make your own. Here are a few very good treat recipes1 Frozen liver, beef heart, or other meat bits these make excellent treats or baitCook or boil liver or fresh meat. Cut into small bits and freeze on a cookie sheet. Transfer to a freezer baggie after they are completely frozen. There is no need to thaw the bits before giving. If you need to take them with you, keep them in a small cooler with ice.2 Marrow bonesAsk your butcher to cut beef femur into one-inch slices. Make sure there are no sharp edges and then bake to kill bacteria before offering to your Pom. If you have hunters in the family, wild game femur such as deer and elk make excellent marrowbones. Remember to avoid chicken, pork and turkey bones for all dogs. They are too soft and may splinter causing intestinal damage or death.4 Doggie cookies2 Cups pureed liver or beef heart 1 Egg1 Cup whole-wheat flour4 Cup oat meal make into flour in the blender or food processorVi Teaspoon granulated garlic or 1 clove minced garlicSpread onto a greased cookie sheet. Bake at 375 degrees until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean 20-30 minutes. Cut into bite size pieces and freeze. Transfer to a freezer baggie after they are completely frozen. As long as you cut them small enough, there is no need to thaw before giving. If you need to take them with you, keep them in a small cooler with ice.3 Raw carrotsMany dogs love to chew on raw carrots. They are healthy and also help clean teeth.Our question for the next issue is How can I get my Pom to lose weightYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello ID 83204208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792, E-mail davisavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm 18 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003.1,CONGRATULATIONS.CINDY BOULWAREif imy very special friend, and all the OVE N COUNTRY POMERANIANS honored as the featured APC Kennel Visit. I cant think of anyone more deserving thanyou to be featured. W CONGRATULATIONS on your MANYj. accompltshmentsdooth irPthe show nng exhibiting your lovely Pomeranians and in yoibreeding program. BEST WISHES for many years of CONTINUED success in both showing and breeding your beautiful, preciousPomeranians.w1 wish you lots and lots of Pomeranian kissesomenan^ANY MORE CHAMPIONS. w i i iCAROLYN CROCKETT713 630-062 mAPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 19Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Love 1C Country Love N Country ^0 Love 9T Country Low hn Country 'djjlp Love X Country l-ove lT Country Love W Country '0 Love X'Country tjOVe CountryCindy BoulwarenrffiMy first introduction to the Pomeranian breed began when I was bom. My mother owned a beautiful orange Pom namedFluffy. Mom loved him very much, but Fluffy hated me from the day I came home from the hospital. The little Pom soon decided he could not live with a screaming child in the house and began running away to the neighbors house up the street. The neighbors were friends of my parents and they had no children. Each time they brought Fluffy back home they would ask my mom if they could have him. Once Mom realized that Fluffy was determined to live with the childless neighbors, she finally agreed to let them keep him. Two years later the neighbors had a child of their own and once again Fluffy went on the hunt for a childless family. He finally found one and the neighbors were forced to give him up to the new childless couple. We lost track of Fluffy after that and to this day no one knows how many families he went through trying to keep away from screaming children.My next Pomeranian encounter was with a beautiful orange female who belonged to my uncle. I was around six or seven years old. 1 loved dogs more than anything else on Earth, but this little Pom hated my guts. For several years I tried to convince the little Pom that I would not hurt her. She never fell for it and tried to bite me every time I approached. I always left my uncles house feeling sad that 1 could not make this dog like me.Now rush forward to 1985. 1 am married with three children ages eleven, eight and five when one day I get a phone call from my mom telling me she has received a small inheritance from her aunt. She wanted to share some of the inheritance with her children and had decided she would buy me a Pomeranian. My first thought was, Why would 1 want one of those little snippy dogs ft will spend all of its time trying to bite my children. Secondly I thought, Leave it to my mom to decide to share her inheritance by buying me a dog. Good grief, mom, if you want to share some of the inheritance, SEND CASH, I need that a whole lot more. The more 1 tried to talk my mom out of getting me a Pom, the more determined she was to buy it. A few weeks later I got a second call from my mom telling me that the Pom puppy had been purchased and we should make plans right away to pick him up at her house. My moms home is in Illinois, eight hundred fifty miles from Texas, which meant that my little inheritance was going to cost me a pretty penny. I knew better than to buck my mom. Two months later we were on our way to Illinois to pick up our new orange Pom puppy.Within a year of receiving our little live inheritance I was madly in love with the breed, and to my delight, our little Pom loved my children. I knew I wanted more of these great little dogs, and so I began my quest to become a breeder. I was lucky enough to find a young woman who had purchased two beautiful females for show. The woman discovered she was pregnant and decided she needed to sell the females so that she could concentrate on taking care of her new baby. The first female was a four-pound orange sable with Silva Lade, Theldun and Bev-Nor lines. The second was a beautiful red sable bred by Peggy Hendricks of HHH Poms with heavy Queenaire lines. I did not realize at the time what a gold mine I had run into. It did not take a rocket scientist to see the beauty of these females. While I was at this womans home she handed me some old copies of the Pomeranian Review and a few dog supply catalogs. I never saw or heard from this woman again. I cant for the life of me remember her name, but I do owe her a great deal of thanks for those wonderful girls.s a love AT Country '3p ljOVe AT Country ^cve V Country tV Country Love tC Country Love N Country Love N Country Love AT Country love N' CountryCONGRATULATIONS CINDYon a well deserved, long past due APC Kennel Visit. Patience and hard work has produced for you beautiful, healthy dogs, happiness and success. Thanks for being a great friend and for sharing beautiful sweet Liberty with me. Although you didnt breed Scout and Chipawa, without your confidence and trust in me, they wouldnt be a part of my dog family.Thank you.Jackie HirshbergTinker Toi PomsK A rA 3r. .'m3i wChipawaScoutFor Cindy f^oulware POM pep.'DON eXTPAORDlNMP-eThis gal us, in a z-illion was Hardest of worK in VP.., and same in DFW Pom lub officer, director, breeder, exhibitor, worfcer, show chairman and a fun, lo[al little friendHapp'f Kennel VisitFrom 'our buddies down "SOUTH".Darrell and Olga aKerTeribeth Pomeranians9 tr20- APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003^ Love AC Country 'Mgp Love AC Country levs AC Country Q Q Love AC Country '^s Le w A" Country love AT Country Love A" Country l^ove A" Country ^0 Love AC Country 'sQkl.Love N CountrymmDAUGHTERS L-R CHERIE, SABRINA, AMBER PEPINUpon my return home I immediately ordered a subscription to the Pom Review and through the dog supply catalogs I ordered every medical, breeding and genetics book I could get my hands on. The Pom Review taught me who was who in the Pom world and the books taught me how to breed, and care for my Poms. Soon I was on a quest for a good stud to match my girls. The little Pom my mom bought me was very pretty, but he was large and not of the bloodlines I wanted. I was lucky enough to meet Sherry Dollar of Prestigious Poms and Mildred Patrick of Patricks Mr. and Miss Poms at a fun match. They were both very kind and helpful to me. Sherry had a couple of nice males that she thought I might be interested in breeding my girls to. One was Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf and the other was Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket. I made an appointment to visit Sherry and the rest, as they say, is history.Sherry eventually sold me my foundation male a beautiful red boy named Prestigious Hawk Eye. He was heavy Aristic on his sires side and Tim-Sue and Millamor on his dams side. This beautiful male bred to my Silva Lade female Phedra produced my foundation bitch. It is a shame that I was not showing then because both dogs truly deserved their championships. I went with Sherry to a few shows and a few Dallas - Fort Worth Pomeranian Club meetings, but 1 was very busy raising my children and did not feel I could do justice to my children, dogs, shows and clubs all at the same time. Instead 1 decided when my children were older I would become more involved in the dog world. In the meantime I wanted to learn all I could about breeding good quality healthy, happy Poms. Then if I was lucky enough maybe I could begin my show career with a Pom I had bred.In 1990 my beloved grandmother died. My mom once again received an inheritance. This time she shared some of the CASH with me. I decided to build a kennel for my Poms since my numbers were rapidly outgrowing our home. The kennel had large windows, dog door, grooming area, comfortable bedding, heat and air-conditioning, plus a fifty-foot by hundred-foot exercise area. The Poms HATED it and spent all of their time hanging on the fence begging to come back in the house. After a few months of this, I could not stand it anymore and brought everyone back inside. I now had an expensive kennel sitting empty. My Pomeranian hobby was also beginning to eat heavily into our budget. I knew I either had to earn enough money to pay for my hobby or give it up. I eventually decided to board dogs in my kennel. I would keep it small, do a little grooming on the side and hope for the best. As it turned out this was a very good decision. My boarding kennel has now been in operation for eleven years. It has allowed me to stay at home with my dogs, paid for their food, vet bills, showing expenses, etc. plus given me a little extra for my show outfits and the occasional piece of jewelry that I cant pass up.In 1992 I decided it was time to join the dog show world. I began to enter my Poms in some of the local shows. By this time Sherry Dollar, the only show person I really knew, had moved to Washington State. I was forced to go to the shows alone. I would show my dogs, accept my ribbons from the judges and leave. I am sure most of the people wondered who I was but no one approached me.Then in May of 1993 I entered the bred-by class with Rolling Oaks Rowdy Rebel Rolling Oaks was my first kennel name at the Collin County Kennel Club all breed show held in Denton, TX. Darrell Baker was judging and gave me Winners Dog. I was so flustered that I forgot to go back in for Best of Breed. I also had no idea that you were supposed to have your picture made with the judge. To this day I regret that I dont have a picture of my first win. I left that show feeling very good. I was on cloud nine to think that THE DARRELL BAKER liked my dog.Until this article Darrell and Olga have never known that they were my secret mentors. I truly thought they both hung the moon. I read every word Olga ever wrote and poured over old Pomeranian Reviews reading every article I could find that mentioned them. In them I saw two very happy people who shared their happiness with others. They obviously loved Pomeranians and having a good time. At shows they always treated everyone with kindness and respect. If they lost with their dog they would walk out of the ring Love AT Country Love AT Country Love AT Country QLove AT Country Love U' Country Q Love AC Country '4p Love AC Country Love AC Country Love A" CountryLave Country Love iV Country n^Unr VCountry Um K Country 4g Love X-County love .V Country Jp Love IT Country JL Ltn IT Countrr Love tC Country JfcfPRESTIGIOUS HAWK EYE CH LONE STARS LORD SAND CASTLE CH LONE STARS SOUTHERN PACKAGEsmiling, then stand ringside rooting for the remaining dogs as if each one were their own. I knew when I joined the dog show world I wanted to be like the Bakers. I have not always been able to live up to their happy, friendly way, but I still try. Today I consider Darrell and Olga good friends and I can honestly say that my first impression of them was right. They are lots of fun and truly good people.The day I won with Rowdy, Mildred Patrick stopped me as I was leaving and told me what a pretty dog I had. She also invited me to come to the next Dallas - Fort Worth Pomeranian Club meeting. I took Mildred up on her invitation, and after a couple of visits, she and Beverly Henry agreed to sponsor me for membership. I had been a member one month when it was brought to our attention that the current Rescue Chairperson would have to give up her position. Mildred, who was President at the time, asked if anyone would be willing to take the position. I raised my hand thinking they would never allow me to do it since I was so new. Boy was I wrong. It only took the membership a few seconds to raise their hands in agreement. My next thought was, How hard can this be Surely there arent many Poms given up by their owners Wrong again. Soon I had as many as twelve rescues at a time. For the next five years I rescued everything I could get my hands on. Our rescue program was very successful, but I was still trying to breed, show, board dogs, and groom dogs. I was Corresponding Secretary for the Pom Club and had become a Charter member and Recording Secretary of the Dallas - Fort Worth Toy Dog Club. Add to this a growing family by now we had two married daughters and three grandchildren I needed to make time for. Like so many other rescue people, I began to bum out. The final straw came one Fathers Day when a person who was interested in adopting one of our rescues wanted to come out to select a pet. Our family had plans to have dinner together and I was looking forward to relaxing with them. I explained to the potential adopter this day had been set-aside for my family. She kept insisting that she could come no other day. I finally gave in and allowed the woman to come, but when I hung up I was truly angry. I was angry with myself for giving in to the pushy woman. I was angry I felt forced to give in because I had so many Poms in need of a home. At that moment I realized that this was not fair to me, my own dogs, or my family. I knew I had to make some changes.I decided to take a year off from rescue to regroup. The hardest thing I have ever done was turning down that first Pom in need. I cried for over an hour and came very close to giving in. Several months into my rescue sabbatical I knew I truly wanted to continue rescue work, but I also realized that I could not save the world. I eventually came to the decision that limiting the number of Pom rescues I would keep at one time was the answer. I would also limit the number of rescues over eight years of age because it is very hard to find homes for the old guys those I cant find homes for live out their remaining years with me. This has worked well and I have been able to continue rescuing Poms without burnout. Currently I have three rescues over the age of ten and each year I am forced to turn down at least fifteen older Poms. My most recent call was from a lady who owned three Poms. The apartment complex she lives in has informed her that she is over her limit and must cut down to two dogs if she wishes to continue living there. The woman has decided that her eleven-year-old Pom is the one who will have to go and wants me to find a new home for the old guy. When I get a call like this I want to reach through the phone and slap the snot out of the person but I am forced, for the Poms sake, to keep my cool and try to help the individual come up with a solution.Rescue is not for everyone and anyone considering it should speak to as many rescue people as possible. They will give you lots of sound advice and can save you from learning everything the hard way like I did. Finally, if you are considering rescue work, be honest with yourself. Your motives to rescue must at all times be for the best interest of the dog. There will be few rewards for yourself you will be rescuing the good, the bad and the ugly, sick dogs, abused dogs and neglected dogs. There will be times when you are forced toLove Country' 'Alp Love V Country Love iV Country Love V Country Love HT Country 'cdfciQ Love iV Country Love V Country45. 5.Love iV Country ^9 Love N'Country '^p have A' Country Love N Country Love T Country P Love N' Country ^f Love if Country Mp Love N' Country hove IT Country 'sdjjj^Love \n Country tove X'Country ,3ps'r v itiiiVxtii fcLYELLOWROSE IM A MAGIC MAN YELLOW ROSE NORTHRN EXPOSURE CH LOVE N COUNTRY LIL BIT O MAGICput dogs to sleep because it is in their best interest. Other times you will nurse one back to health and fall in love. Your heart will tell you to keep the dog for yourself, but deep inside you will know this is not in the best interest of the dog. Eventually you will hand the dog over to a new family. Your heart will tear a little, but you will go on because the unwanted Poms still need someone to save them.I have made many wonderful friends since joining the dog world. Steve and Jill Cookston of Happy Kamper Pomeranians were among the first. We started out traveling to shows together and soon became best friends. In 1994, Steve and Jill purchased a beautiful male, Ch. Glen Tris The Sun King, from Joel Taylor and Cheryl Jackson of Glen Iris Pomeranians. Later that same year, Joel and Cheryl called saying that they had a few females for sale. The three of us decided that it might be fun to purchase a pair of the Glen Iris females, co-breed this line and use the prefix of Lone Star Pomeranians to distinguish our joint venture, but we would continue to keep our own kennels separate.Jill and I drove the 900 miles to Alabama and spent a delightful evening with Joel and Cheryl. They graciously showed us their beautiful Poms then brought out the girls that they were willing to sell. I thought we had died and gone to heaven. Each female they offered us was wonderful. Jill and I had a very hard time picking out only two. One of our purchases was a three-month-old puppy, Glen Iris Southern Smile Sassy. Her sire was Ch Glen Iris Castle Rock. As it turned out Sassy did not enjoy showing, but she did produce several very nice puppies. We kept two boys from different sires and I was able to finish both under the Lone Star prefix Ch Lone Stars Lord Sand Castle Pistol and Ch Lone Stars Southern Package Tracker. Jill died unexpectedly in March of 1998 before either dog had obtained his championship, but each time I showed one of these boys I felt that Jill was looking down from heaven, smiling at our beautiful Poms.Another wonderful friend is Lynn Heise, and from her I purchased two males who have had a large impact on my breeding program Yellow Rose Northm Exposure K-Bear and Yellow Rose Im A Magic Man Magic. Magic is a black and tan that, ironically, is a great grandson to the very first Pom my mother bought for me. He has what I consider to be the perfect Pomeranian head and has passed that beautiful head on to nearly all of his kids. K-Bear was the love of my life and from him I kept two male and two female pups. Thank goodness I did because I tragically lost K-Bear at the age of four years to a severe kidney infection.K-Bear became ill at the same time my husband was going through surgery to have one of his kidneys removed. I knew K-Bear was sick, but was so focused on my husband that I did not pay enough attention for the first two days of his illness. By the third day I could see that he was getting worse and took him to the vet. Blood work showed that he had a kidney infection and was going into kidney failure. For the next two weeks K-Bear, the vet and I fought hard to keep him alive but, in the end, we lost the battle. I was so broken hearted and felt so guilty that I decided to give it all up. No more breeding, no more showing, and no more rescuing. I would just go back to the normal life that I used to have. Lynn came to my rescue. She was the one person who should have been mad at me for not paying enough attention to the beautiful dog she had shared with me, yet here she was encouraging me to keep going. Slowly, I began to heal and I realized that I was not ready to give up on Pomeranians. A few months after this happened Lynn and the rest of the DFW Pom Club members presented me with a beautiful framed portrait of K-Bear. Upon opening the package I was so surprised that I burst into tears. This, of course, got everyone else crying and before it was over the whole room was blowing their noses. K- Bears portrait hangs on my living room wall today, and each time I look at it I am touched by the kindness of our Club members.I have now bred Pomeranians for sixteen years and have been involved in the show world for eleven years. I cant say that I have set the woods on fire with my numerous champions, but that has never been my goal. I love showing and would like nothing better thans e a Love N' Country Love IT Country Love N' Country ^3 Love N Country MrD Love fC Country Love dC Country ^3 Love Country sp Love Sr Country Love ftT Country4, 4. 4 4sees a a o jgp Low X Country Low X'Country Love Country Love X Country Love X Country '^0 Love X'Country Love X'Country Love X" Country ^4iap love BT Countryki.1 1-,9JL,BfeLOVEN COUNTRY TEXAS TEA LOVE N COUNTRY LITTLE MAN TATE LOVE N COUNTRY TEXAS LIBERTYto be in the ring every weekend, but I have so many other interests and responsibilities that I have to curtail my showing to once or twice a month. 1 dont have enough money to hire a handler and still show myself, so I choose not to use a handler. Mildred Patrick used to ask me what are your goals in Pomeranians She would get a little miffed at me when I would say I didnt have any goals. I know now my goals are the same as they were in the beginning. I want to produce beautiful, happy, healthy Pomeranians and I want to have fun doing it. If a Best In Show is ever in my future then that will be icing on the cake but, in the meantime, my dogs and I are having a grand time and I hope it continues forever.My most recent Champion is Ch Love N Country Lil Bit O Magic Ziggy. He is a son of Magic and grandson of K-Bear. Ziggy is expecting his first litter as I write this and I can hardly wait to see the babies. The expectant mother is a granddaughter of K-Bear on her sires side and a granddaughter of Steve and Jills Ch Glen Iris The Sun King on her dams side.Besides Ziggy I am showing Love N Country Texas Tea. She is a Magic daughter and only needs singles to finish. Love N Country Little Man Tate, a Magic son who is major pointed, is also being shown. The newest girl who will be shown by myself and co-owner Jackie Hirshberg is Love N Country Texas Liberty, a K-Bear granddaughter.When I first started showing and becoming involved in clubs I was told by a woman that you would never have more than five friends in the dog world you could really count on. I have not found that to be true. There are many wonderful people in Poms and over the years they have helped me in many different ways. I would like to take this opportunity to tell some of these people what I really think about them. First, Jackie Hirshberg, my traveling companion, best friend and confidant I am looking forward to a lifelong friendship with you. Carolyn Crockett, funny, honest, will go out of her way to help you just cant ask for a better friend. If Carolyn gives you her tip on the best scissors to buy, believe her. She knows what she is talking about. Bobby and Elizabeth Pietzsch kind, caring, down to earth, and great since of humor, all around good people. As an added bonus Bobby builds beautiful Roll Arounds. John and Diane Stephens, DFW Pom Club members for the last fourteen years that makes us family. Jim Shearer fun, big-hearted, and easygoing. I truly love you Jim and wish you lived closer. Bonnie Acquard you always know where you stand with Bonnie and if she is your friend she will jump through hoops to help you. Mildred Patrick loyal, elegant, encouraging. Mildred is the one who encouraged me to keep my rescue program going, join the Pom Club, the Toy Club, become an officer in the clubs and she just knew that I would make a good Show Secretary. Wait a minute Mildred, this is a lot of work Bronya Johnston very sweet, always thoughtful, loves dogs as much as I do, but she can get a little irate when pigmy goats try to show in the Toy Group ring with her. Barbara Moore always has a smile and kind words. I have never heard her speak ill of anyone, wish I was more like that. Noble Inglett always my friend. Greg and Charlene Waters loads of fun, love to laugh, they always put me in a good mood. Bob and Joyce Birks honest, down to earth, easy to like, would love to see more of them. Linda Lewis of Malaysia please come home, Jackie and I miss you. Tim and Sue Goddard calm and easy describes them best. If you ever feel stressed, go sit with them awhile and you will soon feel totally relaxed. Dorothy Martin one of the most interesting people I know, fun to talk to, knowledgeable, writes great articles. Nancy Reed would give you the last dime in her pocket if she thought you needed it. Kevin Orr best hairdresser in town, gives a great massage, can make you laugh so hard your sides will hurt.Last but not least to our APC Board Members, it has been a real pleasure working with each of you over the last three years. You truly care about the future of APC and it shows. I am honored to serve with you.Thank you Pomeranian Review for asking me to write this issues APC Kennel Visit, -feQ q q g q 99 99Love iT Country Love N'Country Love fiT Country Love Country Love N" Country Love H'Country '3e^Love \n Country Love M" Country Low X CountryCONGRATULATIONS CINDY BOULWARE THE LOVN COUNTRY POMERANIANSOUR POMERANIANS ARE SO FORTUNATE TO HAVE YOU IN SUPPORT OF THIS BREED.THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB IS BLESSED TO HAVE YOU SHOULDER ALL THE RESPONSIBILITIES YOU SO EXPERTLY HANDLE. WE ARE SO IN YOUR DEBT THAT THANK YOUS FALL SHORT OF EXPRESSING OUR APPRECIATION.WISHING YOU CONTINUED SUCCESSDONNA RIEHM RIEHM POMS JANICE RUSSELL CTN-JAN POMS FRAN STOLL STOLANNE POMSV_____________________________________________ Pommsrt Knvje1vSBest wishes to Cindy Boulware on a well deserved APC Kennel Visit. Cindy not only serves as the APC Corresponding Secretary, but also serves as the APC Specialty Show Secretary. Without her the Specialty would not be the success that it is. Congratulations CindyPomirish KennelsRichard Sally May-Oct., 3851 Sand Bay Ln Sturgeon Bay, WT 54235 Nov-April, 38115 Pierre Ln Zephyrhills, FL 33542CONGRATULATIONS TO TWO VERY SPECIAL MEMBERS OF THE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON. The Pomeranian ChihTO CINDY BOULWARE FOR A WELL DESERVED APC KENNEL VISITTO KEOKIFOR EXTRAORDINARYFAME IN THE WORLD OF FLYBALLrnf Greater Houston^9 5FROM THE MEMBERS OF THE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON26 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003CONGRATULATIONSCongratulations Cindy on your APC Kennel Visit ....about time....Cindy thanks for being our friend, mentor, and personal vet. We have enjoyed our friendship these past years. Wewish you all the BEST and continued success in all you do 9Peachs Cinnamon Sassy at 9 yrs. of age. Our first real Pom we got from Cindy.AvlllhGroupToy' ' .GROUPPLACEMENTKENNEL CLUB OP TEXARKANAJUNE2003G GARDEN STUOO. WC. ward by gkeg ITSassys grandson Davey, our newest champion.Ch. Peachs Day Dream BelieverShown here winning a Group 1 under respected judge Mr. E. E. Biven.Annie and was so sad to hear of your losses of Cloudbuster and Travis.'Peach e PomeBobby Liz Pietzsch214-986-0391 pommaniacaol.comAPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 27Big Congratulations goes toCindy Boulwareon her APC Kennel Visit. Thank you for always being there whenever for whatever reason, for all the help and understanding you have given me, for always being honest and fair in all your dealings. You are always willing to help the novice.Now if you could only get it through my head how to trimThank you.NANS POMSNancy ReedLone Star, TX 903-755-2324CongratulationsCindyBoulwareon a well deserved APC Kennel Visit.Jim ShearerCrystal KennelsKeepsake Pomeranians congratulatesCindy Boulwareon her much deserved kennel visitI have watched you work tirelessly for the APC and have seen you gently guide new ones into our breed. You are WORTH a celebrationDiane Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of a legend.To my Hero P.S. I LOVE YOU.Keepsakes Cherished Memory Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster grand-daughterJessie KleinKeepsake PomeraniansJessiemykeepsakes.net903-882-1950ATTENTION ATTENTIONAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. Trophy Chairman Advertising Chairman Grounds Chairman are needed for the APC National Specialty,March 8, 9 10, 2004 in Lousiville, Kentucky. Volunteer now Contact Cindy Boulware at 972-962-3872 or Greg Waters at 801-571-4959.HOSPITALITY HIGHLIGHTS I know it seems like the National is still a long way off, there are many things already being worked on. How would you like to host the hospitality room for 15-30 minutes This would give everyone a chance to meet you and for you to meet members of the Pom Fancy. This would also be a great help to the Hospitality Committee so they do not spend the entire evening working. Also, start thinking now about what you can make and bring for the Hospitality Meet Greet. We had fabulous dishes last year and I hope everyone will give us the same response for 2004. I would love to hear from you about hospitality for the 2004 National. If you have any thoughts or ideas send them to me. I want to hear from youKelly D. Reimschiissel 6214 West 10150 North, Highland, Utah 84003 801 756-2092 KileiPomsatt.net28 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003MOimNiG mtWE WISH TO SEND BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR DEAR FRIEND CINDY BOULWARE ON HER WELL DESERVED APC KENNEL VISIT. FOR YOUR WILLINESS TO ALWAYS HELP, YOUR DEDICATION AND LOVE FOR THE POM BREED AND FOR JUST BEING YOU.ON A SAD NOTE, WE WISH TO EXTEND OUR HEARTFELT SYMPATHY TO ANNIE GOURAUD AND DIANE FINCH ON THE TREMENDOUS LOSS OF TWO BEAUTIFUL POMS, PHIL AND TRAVIS. WE ARE SO VERY SORRY. THANKFULLY THEIR LOVELY OFFSPRING WILL CARRY ON FOR THEM.JOYCE BIRKSmustang,claritvconnect.comL__________________570-888-4195UmCONGRATULATIONS TO CINDY BOULWARE ON HER APC KENNEL VISIT.Cindy Your dedication to the breed through your work in the American Pomeranian Club and all your time and efforts involved in local rescue of Poms has not gone unrecognized. And a special thank you Cindy for your continued encouragement and friendship. I wish you much continuedsuccess in all your endeavors.BISS Ch. Texstar Dualin For Me, DuliaBreederOwnerHandler3onn\ AcquardTexstar PomeraniansMagnolia, TX 77354 251-259-0535Houston Specialty Shown\V iAPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 29CH LORELANDSire Ch Stolannes Hey Look Me OverThanks to the following judges who appreciated Annas quality and soundnessWilliam Cunningham- WB, BOW, BOB 4 pt major KeKe Kahn - WB, BOS 4 pt majorJackie Rayner - first place in the Twelve to Eighteen Month Class at the 2003 APC National Specialty Annas first showCarol Herbel - WB, BOW June Penta - WB, BOW 3 pt majorJanice Mercer - WB, BOW, BOBLorelandLauretta Flynn6930 Princess Lane, Avon, IN 46123 317 272 7318 Lorelandpmsaol.comANNABELLE LEEDam Little Callys Love PotionThanks to Brenda Segelken for handling Annabelle Lee to these nice wins. Anna finished with 3 majors.Condolences to Diane Finch on the loss of Travis and to Annie Gouraud on her loss of Cloudbuster.Congratulations to Cindy Boulware on her APC Kennel Visit. Thanks, Cindy for your hard work and dedication.Congratulations to everyone with special features in the Pomeranian Review.LorelandLauretta Flynn6930 Princess Lane, Avon, IN 46123 317 272 7318 Lorelandpmsaol.comMEMORIAL,CH. FINCHS HE WALKS ON WATERAugust 3,1990 - June 8, 2003The Quintessential Champion, BIS, BISS, Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water Travis was the winningest black Pom in the history of the breed. Home bred and raised at Finchs, Travis continued to excel at stud. Travis produced 54 champions in his career at stud with 30 more offspring currently working on titles throughout the United Staes.The short list of Travis accomplishments 9 All Breed BIS, 3 Best In Specialty Shows, 1992 APC Top Winning Pom, APC Hall of Fame, Gold Club Member, Westminster BOB 1994, APCs 1995 No. 2 Top Winning Dog, finished from the Puppy Class at 10 months, winningest black Pom in History Of Breed, Register of Merit, Producer of BIS and BISS, Register of Merit Excellence, twice first Award of Merit at Westminster KC, APCs 1999 No. 1 Top Stud Dog, and produced BIS, BISS son, daughter and grandson 3 generations of black Best-In-Show Best-In-Specialty Show.Travis list of titled offspring includeCh. Finchs Classic CreationCh. Valcopy Wakhan ValentinoCh. Valcopy-Wakhan Hot GossipCh. Wynmors Black N Tan BeautyCh. Dover-Holihouse Rogos WizardCh. Juls Yes Indeed Im WalkinCh. Golden Aires Walk N The RainCh. Tresstique Black MagicCh. Tresstiques Walkin TreasureCh. Finchs The Legend ContinuesCh. Finch's Black LaceCh. Candyfloss DazzlingCh. Wheats Walking In The MoonlightCh. Nobles Queen Of The NightFinchs Little Sister Megan, CDCh. Finchs Walkin In FashionCh. Bohrers Dream A Little DreamCh. Finchs Shes A Love FarrahCh. Finchs He Walks Among StarsCh. Finchs Walkaway JoeCh. Wheats He Walks Thru The LightCh. Finchs Mr. Bold N BeautifulCh. Weewyns A Walk In The ParkCh. Finchs He Rockets On WaterCh. Nobles Finchs A Work Of ArtCh. Finchs Billion Dollar BabyCh. Finchs Overnight SuccessCh. Finchs Walkin The WalkCan. Ch. Finchs My Heaven on EarthCan. Ch. Finchs Knight of ChaosCh. Finchs Midnight SpecialSW, NOR, FINN Ch. Finchs Walk On The Wild SideCh. Valcopy Wakhan HollywoodCh. Finchs Walkin Legacy Ch. Pominique Talking Waters Ch. Finchs Petipom Chances R Ch. Petipom He Aint No Saint Ch. Finchs He Can Moon Walk.Brazilian Ch. Finch's All That Jazz Spanish Ch. Finchs Como Tu Divine Night Ch. Finchs Midnight Moonwalker Ch. Sandpoms Touched By An Angel Ch. Dover-Holihouse Togos M.E.Ch. Finchs Amazin Lil Walker Ch. Finchs Walkin After Midnite Ch. Finchs Dream WalkinInt. Ch. Pominique N Nobles Dark Vader Can. Ch. Finchs I Walk On Water Too Ch. Finchs N Animations Popeye Danish Ch. Finchs Walkin Awesome Ch. Nobles Breakfast At Tiffanys Ch. Finchs Awesome Walkin In Red Ch. Finchs Shesa Lil Brick Ch. Wheats Moonlight SerenadeCurrently there are 30 offspring working on their titles throughout the U.S. And Travis sperm is frozen and will be used with Finchs Pomeranian bitches.Some of the dams that have produced these champions are Finchs Magically Impressed ROM, Finchs Black Lace Teddy, Finchs Black Fad Fashion ROMX, Ch. Finchs Exquisitely Obvious, Ch. Finchs Pearls And Lace. Ch. Finchs Bodacious Ten, Finchs Diamond Angel, Finchs Baby Likes To Rockit. 'ti-ji- ^ ___CHAMPION FINCHS HE WALKS ON WATERSILLERGS BLACKBERI ECHO CH JO-AI ECHOS PRIDEROCKYS SUE SUE FINCHS BORN SWEET SCOTTIEBANTANCOURT BEAU OSOUTHLAND LUCKY PUPS QUEEN OHEARTSROSEWOOD TIMSTOPPER CZARINASOUTHLANDS TAR-BABYS IMAGE DOO SHAYS MYSTIC MACGYVERSOUTHLANDS TOASTED SCARLETT FINCHS AMBROSA MYSTERYANNONS MARQUIS DE TARTAN WEE HEART'S TOTAL ECLIPSEWEE HEART'S ASHAUNTITRAMS994BEST IN SHOWTRAVIS SONCH. FINCHS HE WALKS AMONG STARSJCH FINCHS WALKIN AWESOME IN RED CH XITABLE SOCRATES OF FINCHSCH SHOWCASE SLICK OPERATORMBS----- i.U. .. JVCH FINCHS WALKAWAY JOECH VALCOPY WAKHAN HOT GOSSIP GRANDDAUGHTER 5 MOS OLD1 - FINCHSSTRIDE RIGHT BABY CH FINCHS MIDNIGHT MOONWALKERCH FINCHS ROLLING LIKE A RIVERwhat to feed Travis and how to care for him. My grocery store meat department hated to see me coming My instructions included ordering ground organ meat for Travis to eat.Travis loved to show his playful personality in the show rings. He drew the attention of the crowd with his playful antics of playing with Jackies skirt or pulling off her flats. He also did his moon walking kicking his back feet - which is also a trait he passes down to his progeny. He also would love to just try to wiggle out of my arms at any time when he saw something he wanted to go do or check out so I always had to be very careful to hang on tightly to him. He also would not give kisses to strangers - only to Jackie and me. When strangers put their face to his, he would turn his head the opposite way. He loved to show and loved the attention I marvel at how I could be so lucky to have two Poms in a lifetime that love to show so much and compile their own good show records and produce so well. If this is a dream, it is a good oneThere are various kinds of breeding everyone already knows - inbreeding, line breeding, outcrosses. Travis is an outcross and my breeding program is based on type to type out crossing and line breeding. Some have termed Travis a fluke but the following is how extremely prepotent sires in any breeds and species come to be. Sometimes there is an animal who is exceptional and who is so prepotent that he passes those qualities to his get for generations into the future. They stamp a look that is so distinctively their own and change the face of the show world with their color and progeny. His look is as distinctive two or three generations from him as his direct get. Why these specimens are so prepotent can only be speculated. But specimens like him are more apt to happen with type to type out crossing. Perhaps the chromosomes were inherited in such a way that they transferred to the offspring in completegroups with all of the right attributes. These individuals are called a sport - a specimen is produced that is greater than either of his parents and able to pass those traits on with remarkable consistency. With Travis gone now, I am now able to breed Travis sons and daughters half brothers and half sisters with unrelated dams to each other to get Travis replicas. And Im able to breed Traviss sons and daughters' daughters to a Travis son and get little Travis look-a-likes. Some people may term this type-to-type outcross breeding a fluke or sport or whatever, but I call it thinking outside the box. Overly restrictive rales on what color can be bred with what color or how to breed inbreeding, line breeding, out crossing just diminish the quality and is an antiquated tradition.Over the years it has been a pleasure to hear owners of Travis get tell me what a joy they are to live with and what neat personalities they have and how much they love their Poms. This is always good to hear, because for the most part breeding Poms is a heartbreaking job. Another joy is seeing the offspring Ive labored over do something great even if it is just giving me an adoring kiss.Travis and his offspring are also known for movement. Pat Hastings said no dog of any breed can reach farther than their nose. I have included a photo of a 5 month old out of coat Travis granddaughter to show the movement.I seem to have enough Travis sons and daughters and grandkids to be able to produce miraculous likenesses of him, but when the time comes that I want a direct Travis offspring, I will use the frozen straws Ive collected in his earlier years to get a few more Travis babies. In the meantime the heart must mend - he was a big love in my life. Rose Cebelenski wrote of Travis, I know he now walks on water with the First one who walked on water. Make plans to attendThe Pomeranian Club of Central IndianaInaugural PCCI Pomeranian SpecialtySeptember 27, 2003evening event, to follow BIS of Michiana KCAll Breed Shows Same weekend, same site Michiana Kennel Club, 927 Hoosier Kennel Club, 928 Roy Jones, Superintendent www.royj onesdogshows .comPomeranian Club of Central IndianaIndiana State Fairgrounds1202 E 38th StreetIndianapolis, IndianaFor further information contact PCCI Show Secretary Sherri or Janice Russell indypomindy.netSpecialty Judges Regular Classes James Hupp Kokomo, IN Sweepstakes Nadine Hersil Cudahy, WI. -r_____CUTE FACES ARE EXPECTED AT STOLANNECONGRATULATIONS EVELYN ON YOUR FEATURE MEMORY LANE.FRAN STOLLSTOLANNE POMERANIANSWASHINGTON, INDIANAAPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 73St^iineem oo-ndoeneeA to CSicme SdfdteA on tor om oSrcwiA and Sad, two loonderful do^A toAo made atfreat cantriAution to oar rood.SMo, mu diouattA are to SSnnie QettnattdaA degrieoeA otter tAejbaAAma Cf^SotidtrAer teo too, aA madeA mad on otor ooeu SomeremianA.StSau time eaAe union Aorroto.Our most heartfelt condolences to Diane Finch and Annie Gouraud on the loss of two great Poms in breed history BIS, BISS, Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water Travis and BIS CanAm CH Chriscendo Cloudbuster Phil. Our special little girl Ivy Lil bred on Ch Phil.Ponderosa For Your Eyes Only pictured is line V . A' Y-'"...' fvVLilPonderosa sends Congratidations to everyone featured in this and past issues, especially to Bob Juanita Fiddick on their fantastic back to back BIS wins Congratulations also to ALL the winners everywhere.Ronald Sherry Cartwright -Lil Ponderosa Poms E-mail 715-874-6936OtVf defiebd Atfmjiradey rjoeA- oiid Qicww dinch cm t o low heas dedowetd dTtowij r as, cfteiMW a^ud Cdicdeear. An nodKathy NoremSardes ^tedv cPamtowiiaMA'and Grace - Finchs One Tough Babe, a Travis and Fad granddaughter.BEST OF BREEDIHOIAMHEAD KEMMEL CUJBSATURDAYcvwiDsvygUSMtSclXMHMtSandpomsEnchanting Shakira Travis DaughterDiane, I am so Sony that Travis has passed away. Travis will be greatly missed. He was a wonderful representation of the Pomeranian standard. He has left a legacy of beautiful offspring. Thank you for all your help over the years. May your successftil breeding program continue for many years to come.Sandy JohnsonSandpomsHolmen, Wisconsin 608-526-10511 . W -v Aphrodites Pomeranianswould like to send our sincere sympathies to Diane Finch in the passing of Travis. He will always be remembered in our home. Also wed like to send heart felt sympathy on the passing of Black Fad Fashion and The Legend Continues. We are so sorry that you had such a painful year.Trudys Kentucky Blue at AphroditeLinda DeCiccoAphrodites PomeraniansWindham, ME Pomsaaol.comiHEARTFELT CONDOLENCES TO DIANE FINCH WITH THE DEATH OF TRAVIS, AN AMAZING DOG WHO TRULY LEFT A PERMANENT MARK ON THE BREED. SO MANY DOORS WERE OPENED BY TRAVIS FOR DOGS OF COLOR, ESPECIALLY THE BLACK POMS. HE WILL REMAIN SPECIAL FOR YEARS TO COME.WE ARE FORTUNATE TO HASTE A TRAVIS AND FAD DAUGHTER CH FINCHS BLACK LACE, A BEAUTIFUL BITCH.ALSO, OUR SYMPATHY EXTENDS TO ANNIE GOURAND ON THE PASSING OF CLOUDBUSTER. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL BOY.HE WILL BE S ADLY MISSED.DONNA RIEHMRIEHM POMERANIANMURPHYSBORO, ILLINOISFRAN STOLLSTOLANNE POMERANIANSWASHINGTON, INDIANADiane, may you find comfort in knowing that the great Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water will never be forgotten. He will live on, in all his splendor, through the many sons and daughters he has blessed us with. Thank you for sharing him with the Pom world.I cherish my Travis daughters, Secret Desire of Allridge Morgan and American Pride of Allridge Merica. I appreciate your generosity.African AfcdqeMericaMy deepest sympathies, also to Annie Gouraud on the loss of Phil, Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster.Valerie AllridgeAnchorage AlaskaCh. Finchs He Walks On Water x Bi-Mar Diamonds and Pearls IIDamascusroad PomeraniansSends sincere condolences toDiane Finch on the loss of TravisBIS BISS CH Finch s He Walks On WaterAnnie Gouraud on the loss of PhilBIS, Can. Am. CH Chriscendo CloudbusterWhat a sad day for their breedersowners and what a tremendous loss for the breed.These were two of the great ones and they will be sadly missed. My heart goes out to you both.Beverley A. Carter 88 Conception Bay Highway Holyrood, NL, Canada, AOA 2R0Phone 709-2291783 Website DAMASCUSROAD DREAM BUSTER 7 lA wks old Email bevcarterdamascusroad.caIBIS CANAM CH CHRISCENDO CALL TO ARMS X BAVANEWS ANGEL ON DAMASCUSROADtC Cl006J6j . Iihc o r ','Ken and Jackie'ABISS CH Pominique N Nobles Dark Vader- Travis has been the heart of our breeding program.We express our condolences to Diane Finch for her loss of BISA, BISS CH Finchs He Walks On Water, ROMSGCHOF and our gratitude for allowing us to use Travis in our program.Sired by TravisBISS CH Pominique N Nobles Dark Vader aboveCH Pominique Talking Waters 1997-2002Showcase Last Dance PointedShowcase Shes All That Showcase First Wish PointedCH Travis Grandget CH Showcase Music In The Night CH Showcase Charmed Im Sure CH Showcase Slick OperatorCH Showcase Walking After Dark owned by Terry RothellShowcase PomeraniansAlane Levinsohn818 352-9536 alane777aol.comWe OFA Patellas and Hearts, check Thyroid and CERF eyes.A MEMORIAL TRIBUTE TOBIS A, BISS CH. FINCHS HE WALKS ON WATER, ROMX- O'i uJk'r^s^' T'S . . ViBEST OF WINNERSAMERICAN POMERANIAN CH MARCH 1999 Btt NT PHOTO5A v.Judge Dorothy Welsh awarding Ch. Wheats Walking in the Moonlight, Drucilla, a Travis daughter,1999 National Specialty Best of Winners.It is with deep sadness that I have to say farewell to Travis, the sire of three of my black champion Pomeranian children, Ch. Wheats Walking In The Moonlight, Ch. Wheats He Walks Thru The Light, and Ch. Wheats Moonlight Serenade, all out of one litter, and the sire of two more hopeful champions out of a repeat breeding of the first litter. Travis opened the door for black Pomeranians and made judges sit up and take notice. He showed them that black is beautiful with his terrific type, substance, soundness, attitude, and magnificent correctly textured coat. He became well known for his ground covering movement. He has had a remarkable career as a stud dog enhancing the quality of Pomeranians forever. Travis positive impact and greatness in the show ring will live on in his winning get. I am so very fortunate to be owned and loved by several of these four-legged winners.CAROLYN CROCKETT 713 630-0627kTresstique PomeraniansWill deeply miss Travis. He was a great little dog and gave me these two beautiful champions.BILLY TREASURE \CH TRESST1QUE BLACK MAGIC CH TRESSTTQUES WALKIN TREASURE ROMCH FINCHES HE WALKS ON WATER X GOLDEN AIRES BILLY JEANTRAVIS GRANDCHILDREN INCLUDECH TRESSTIQUE TOUCH OF CINNAMON CH TRESSTIQUE-N-GGS INDY SUMMER CH TRESSTIQUE DENNIS THE MENACE CH TRESSTIQUE TREASURE TROVECH TRESSTIQUE GREAT POM SUNDAY CH TRESSTIQUE NO BULL EM CUTEAnd only needing her last major, is granddaughter TRESSTIQUES FABULOUS JEWEL. The great-grandchildren are too numerous to mention. Congratulations Cindy Boulware on your APC Kennel Visit. Tresstique PomeraniansBonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island, NY 11953 tresspomslu hotmail .com631-205-522342 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003Tresstique Pomeraniansis proud to introduce our next two show Poms.TRESSTIQUES BILLY JEANrv.W,WINNERSiBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXWINNERSOPPOSITE SUSQUE-NMiGOKENNEL CLUB2003JuneBilly .lean was sent to me from above one week after I lost my Golden Aires Billy Jean. This pup is doing very well, and is almost finished.TRESSTIQUES ROAD WARRIORi - ,WINNERSBEST OF OPPOSITECATOCTIN KENNEL CLUBgij Thursday . JULY 3.200JRhoda is also doing well with Handler Deborah Wheeler, 302-238-7874. Rhoda only needs five singles to finish. Thanks Deb for your tender loving care. I'm glad youre enjoying Rhodas personality. She is fun to show. And always, thank you to the judges for appreciating my dogs.Tresstique Pomeranians Bonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island, NY 11953 tresspomshotmail.coin631-205-5223APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 43LOVELY POMERANIANSPROUDLY PRESENT\BEST OF WINNERSMROCK CREEK Kennel ClubJuni 2ft 200S cJOHHASHBEYSlfBjPgl^P3LOVELY WORTHER WEIGHT N GOLDLovely White N Sable Gold X Lovely Dallara of Del Rey Now MAJOR Pointed presented by Lynn MeyerThe official Pomeranian Breed Standard, approved December 9, 1996, under the heading COLOR statesAll colors, patterns, and variations thereof are allowed and must be judged on an equal basis.Any questionsLovely PomeraniansVictoria E Lovely 1406-D 54th Ave E Tacoma, WA 98424 phonefax 253-863-8608 email LovelyPomsaol.comVintageCH. SUNGOLD VINTAGE CHIANTIVse^gle ROCKWLKENNEL CLUB iJUNE 2003BESOFWINNERSKEMPPHOTOCh. Sungold Phyner Jus Wonderful X Serenity Sweet As HoneyDitto is shown completing his championship at the Eagle Rock Kennel Club show on 61303 under Ms. Loraine Boutwell. Thank you to Ms. Boutwell for this win, to Marlene and Marlin Presser for the excellent presentation, to Anna LaFortune for letting me have him and to Sue Cook for conditioning and loving him in my absence.VintageEllen TakayamaVintagehawaiiyahoo.comKayra and GenStar KaitlynJoarts Diamond Chips x Kayras DManding OnePortrait by Nancy LatthithamKatie is a Best of Breed winner over specials, City of Angels Pomeranian Club Specialty Show WB, BOS, and needs just 4 single points to finish. Thank you Mrs. Elaine Rigden, Dr. Roger Pritchard, Ms. Victoria Lovely, Ms. Susan Sholar and Dr, John Shelton reserve for your compliments.9I am very pleased and excited to announce my first champion finished on July 4th, owner handledCh. GenStars Diamond GypsyBuddy is a beautiful cream. Joarts Diamond Chips x Kayras Gypsy Rose LeeBuddy finished with 4 majors and a BOB over specials Thanks to judges Mrs. Clover Allen, Mr. Stephan Hurt, Mr. Leslie Rogers, Dr. Steve Keating, Mrs. Joan Scott, and Mr. Desmond Murphy for awarding his points. Thanks also to Ms. Denny Mounce, Mrs. Anne Katona, Mrs. Jackie Stacy and Ms. Victoria Lovely for awarding Reserve Winners.Thank you to breeders, Kay Chaney and Reed Adams, Kayra, for these wonderful Poms.Your support and friendship is a priceless blessing. Much love to both of youSincere sympathy to Diane Finch and Annie Gouraud Le Bois de Moque-Souris on their recent losses.Proud Owner-HandlerGeneva CoatsChino CA coatclosetmsn.comVI think there s a spy among us...1Vi"A God bless Merica., Bred and owned by Valerie Allridge Trayis daugher. 4VLois MorkasseK 1ing smA\If s ^ist Far Fan.Pom Acres Kennel .. . .Ar 2 hr --^ 't 5.-.-s. n w'Ai_ t Tfc' g A -,. f .tnl r jPP ^ s,'"tiifLrGROUPFIRSTSFi 2. rsi r.HAWKEYE KENNEL CLUB JUNE 2003PHOTO BY DOWNEYrIdBfiflS Pa rA v ,I '-X11 i. A.t.lslr' LJCH Pom Acres Victorious DawnToriThank you Judge Clover Allen for Toris second Group I.A special thank you to our special friend, Randy A rand who has had faith in our Poms and has always been there to help out. Without Randy we may not have been showing this last five years.Bob and Juanita Mom Fiddick32581 130th Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613Pom Acres Kennel-9\V.i VJffri -IOur heartfelt thanks go to the Review and the wonderful judges that gave us an honor we never dared to hope for.If not for the breeders that our lines go back to, we could have never produced our wonderful little Jordan or Tori, who hasdone very well as a bitch special. We are grateful for their hard work.I cant believe the happiness so many people expressed to us on our special Easter weekend. We have always looked for the best in our friends and everyone we meet. We found the best Thanks to all who have been there to share our joy.Sincerely,Robert and Juanita FiddickRobert and Juanita Fiddick32581 130th Street Cedar Falls, TA 50613Mi________________MEMORIAL, CH. CHRISCENDO CLOUDBUSTERHow Little Phil Became FrenchA story of true loveIn October 1995 Phil arrived in France - he was almost six and one half years oldHaving admired the magnificent Chriscendo Poms, I went to spend a few days in Canada at the home of Chris Heartz, Phils breeder. There, I was able to meet in the flesh the wonderful Poms whose names and photos had filled my dreams Cliffhanger, Calvin Klein, Centre Stage and at that time, a young Classico. But I was to have the surprise of my life Chris suggested that I might like to take home with me to France the SUPERB Ch Chriscendo Cloudbuster, aka PhilFrom the time we both arrived home in France, there started seven and one half years of happiness. Phil was a delicious little Pom who very soon learned the meaning of lets go to bed in mommys room Extremely proud of his privilege, he would look at the others and then race to my bedroom to throw himself into his little bed just beside mine.Every moment with him was a joy. He was always at my side, traveling to shows with me where he was always much admired.Phil was first and foremost my little companion but he was also an exemplary stud dog for my kennel Le Bois de Moque-Souris, producing some exceptional champions, notably his daughter Ollywood World Champion 2000 in Italy, his grandson Patton World Champion 2001 in Portugal and his granddaughter Reine-Margot also World Champion 2003 in Germany.His last gift to me was when he was eleven years old and he presented me with his last son and heir, the famous Rominet Ch France, Ch Luxembourg, Ch International,Ch Europe, Best Dog 2002 and winner of seven Best in Shows.Little Phil left us on May 29th, 2003. He would have celebrated his fourteenth birthday ten days later. His little flame went out silently while he slept in his favorite armchair. Since then there is a terrible void in my heart and when the pain is too much to handle, I go to see him at the end of my garden where he sleeps under a little rose tree, fullof precious pink roses.I love you Phil....Annie Gouraud, France ' . A ' wM.. ' 'rV' ,r..............CH. CHRISCENDO CLOUDBUSTERMILLAMORS MOON ROCK CH MILLAMORS ROCK MEDALLION MILLAMORSMARRILYN CH CHRISCENDO CALVIN KLEINCH CHRISCENDO CAUSIN COMMENT CHRISCENDO CONFETTICHRISCENDO CASSANDRAMILLAMORS MOON ROCK CH MILLAMORS ROCK MEDALLION MILL AMORSMARRTLYN WESTS DESTINY OF MEDALLIONCHRISCENDO WEST EXPRESS WESTS STAR CRYSTALWESTS BON STARLYNmV,-.Rominet, his last puppy.AM. CAN. CH. CHRISCENDO CLOUDBUSTER66pjjjjw Christine HeartzThe story of little Cloudbuster began when we were able to acquire a Medallion daughter,Wests Destiny of Medallion, from Sue Goddard. We bred her to our Can. Am. Ch. Calvin Klein, a Medallion son, and she gave us two boys. The first became a Group winner, Ch. Chriscendo Contender, who we later sold. We kept the tiny brother and named him after the Kate Bush song,Cloudbusting.Phil finished quickly in Canada with a Best In Show, several Groups and Best Puppy In Show wins. He won his first American points on the Tar Heel circuit the following year.If it were not for the generosity of some very special people,Cloudbuster would not have beenso well known. Morris Carson had seen Phil at the Specialty that year and asked to lease him. Morris graciously had finished him while he was there, handled by Maynard Wood and Marlene Scott. He became a Group winner as well. While in Virginia. Phil sired some lovely puppies for Morris and several other breeders.He returned home, in 1993 but we always seemed to be using Calvin. So, when Sue Goddard asked to lease him, he left again, this time for Louisiana. Sue adored him and was much more successful at getting kids from him than we were. As it turned out, Cloudbuster is featured behind more Emcee and Tim Sue dogs than in our own Chriscendo pedigrees. Although he produced very few champions, his offspring proved to be very valuable. Those who had the foresight to incorporate him into a breeding program found that he seemed to produce through his grandkids. We will always be grateful to Sue for letting us have a granddaughter, Tim Sues Chriscendo Cloudcover to continue on with.In 1996 we had a visit from the Top Pom Breeder in France, Annie Gouraud. She too fell in love with Phil. Parting with any dog is never easy for us, but it just seemed right. Phil and Annie had a special bond from the time they met. With Annie, he would live more of a pet home situation and he would be much admired and loved by a whole new group of fans in France. We said good-bye at the airport, as he peered happily from his Sherpa bag, for he seemed to know that he was in good hands.He had a wonderful life with Annie and was her little prince. We never regretted letting him go, for we felt it was the best we could do for Annie, for Poms but importantly, for Phil. We were sad when he left almost seven years ago, but now we are sad for his best friend. The tiny dog who made such a big impact on so many hearts, 'APhibltrJune 10, 1989 - April 29, 2003Behind the TitlistsPlease submit new titlists information to the editor. Pedigrees of titlists owned by APC members are published free, as space allows.CH. TISHAS RAISIN-A-RUKUS ORANGE MALEBREEDEROWNERS FRED PAT DIEBALLCH STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR CH HEARTLANDS SPECIAL TREASURE WEE HEARTS HIGH SOCIETY CH HEARTLANDS BOS A NOVA DANCERCH ROCK N TRADITION OF OAKRIDGE HEARTLANDS HEAVEN SENTHEARTLANDS PENNIES FROM HEAVENTINY JOYS GENTLEMAN MOZ CH WATTS LITTLE BULLITWATTS LITTLE JEANE ANNE TISHAS JEST KEEP ON DANCINTISHAS RICOCHET CH TISHAS SING-A-SONGCH TISHAS JAMMIN SMORECH. DIMONDES SILVER AND GOLD BLUE SABLE FEMALE BREEDEROWNER DIANA M. DOWNEYCH. GREAT ELMS FIRESTARTER CH. ELANS INFERNOSILVA LADE JOYS SILHOUETTE DIMONDES GEM FIREDMDS BRITISH RED COAT DIMONDE SOLITAIRE OF EMCEEEMCEES SIMPLEMENTE MIELCH. DIMONDES CROWN PRINCE DIMONDES FLYNN FIRE CROWN CH. DIMONDES SAF-FIRE DIMONDE FLYNNS COVER GIRLCH. APPLES TRAVELIN DIABLO DELAN DIMONDES SATIN SEDUCTRESSDIMONDE SOLITAIRE OF EMCEENo time to place an ad Not enough copy Post that new champion, import, special litter or big win inWags and BragsUp to 60 words only 15.00 Phone, fax or email. Major Credit cards accepted.Letters to the EditorWe really enjoyed reading the aricles entitled Lets Go Tracking and The Little Dog That Could. Curtsy is a wonderful Pom and an adorable one. Congratulations to her and Vicky Leitner on a difficult and well earned tracking titleBehind the TitlistsCH. IDLEWYLD SCEPTOR ORANGE MALEBREEDEROWNER MARGARET MCKEECH GREAT ELMS SWEET PRINCE GREAT ELMS TOY BOYGREAT ELMS SYBLMAGICS FURBYCH EMCEES GRAN DORITO CHIPS MAGICS MISTYMAGICS STARDUST II GECH IDLEWYLD SEMI-PRECIOUS GEM CH TWIN PINES CHICOBILJON BLUE SAPHIRE IDLEWYLD CAMEOAM CAN CH IDLEWYLD TOURMALINE IDLEWYLD RICH MANS GOLDBILJONBLUE BELLS MAGICCH. IDLEWYLD TREASURE TROVE ORANGE MALEBREEDEROWNER MARGARET MCKEE IDLEWYLD ONYXCH IDLEWYLD SEMI-PRECIOUS GEMDAYBREAKS GOOD VIBRATIONS CH TWIN PINES CHICOCH GREAT ELMS FIRESTARTER BILJONBLUE SAPHIREBILJONBLUE BELLE OF THE BALLCH GREAT ELMS TOBY AM CAN IDLEWYLD TOURMALINEDAYBREAKS GOOD VIBRATIONS IDLEWYLD RICH MANS GOLDCH BELLS HOUSTON STAR PERFORMER BILJONBLUE BELLS MAGICBILJONBLUE MORROCOS MAGIC52 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003Qan. Qh- ^hrisceinio ^oudbusterwK June 10 1989 - April 29, 2003QhriscendoChristine D. and John E. HeartzP.O. Box 189 Brookfield, N.S. BON ICO CanadaTel 902-673-2446 Fax 902-673-2293 Email chriscendo Website http www3.ns.sympatico.cachriscendoiBeto CfjamptonsChampions of Record Confirmed by AKC WiguJ OlfiMipims ksted are- mlnad r bed fkf A'PC mUrsApril 2003S anBelstars Sweet November - D, TP28598101, Sbl, CH Sungold Phyner Jus Wonderful x CH Sungold's Dark Shadow. Owned by Shantra Reese Diana Gross, Bred by Shantra Reese Diana Gross. Bobiis 1 B Chivas Regal D, TP16550302, Cr Sbl, CH Bobiis I B Stuff N Nonsense x Bobii's Sparklin Sherry, Owned by Bobii Earle Ron Olson Vicky Olson. Bred by Bobii Earle.Fabyans Highway To Heaven D, TN98576401. Org Sbl,Fabyans Steppin My Way x CH Johnstoy Fantasy Trip, Owned Alice R Carlson, Bred by Alice R Carlson.Finchs Takes My Breath Away D. TR033276Q2pfChriscendo Call To Arms x Finchs Simply Breathtaking, O Diane L Finch, Bred by Diane L Finch. A ,Finchs Walkin The Walk B, TP2333^^^^^ffTnchs He Walks On Water x Pominique Chasing Rainbows," Charlotte Meyer. Bred by Diane L Finch.Itoba Lex Luther D, TP1466810J., OrgVQf Starfires Iman, Owned by Jayne M Sqhaecher,Winkels Patricia Murk. MmjfeSjW 'jkLovely TLC Diablo Rosso D. T[03 0603. Rd, CH TLC Oregonized Miscltief x CH Lovely Jillian Sais So, Ow ned bySmith, Bred by Victoria E Lovely. ' ,Marbil-Riehm Ever A Lady B, TN9435050I. Org,. CH Ajs Smokin Joe x Marbils Tickle Your I ancy. Owned by Carolyn G Brandenburg. Bred by Mari Ifflan J Donna S Riehm.Mountain Crest Extra Special - jSjylJjpte 134701, Org. Ced by David Gilsttpp5red 1Kojack Of Me x Mountain Crest Ronni. Carlene Gilstrap, Bred by David L GibWFinchs A Heart Throb Walkin D, TR03327402. Blk, CH Chriscendo Call To .Arms x Finchs Bodacious Waterrocket, Owned by Diane L Finch Anastasia L Sowers. Bred by Diane L Finch. Foxworth First Rate D, TR11346901, Org, CH Foxworth Fanfare x Foxworth First Class, Owned by Katy Stalnaker Charles A Stalnaker, Bred By Pamela R Dodsworth Larry E Fox.Gayels Juxarose B. TR01618302, Org, CH Gayels Sisqo Kid x lays tar Amazing At Gayels, Owned by Gale A Rivers, Bred ByA Rivers. .LejPbont Rain,.On My Parade D, TP 19089201, Org, CH Just A Dash Of Millamor x CH KB Accent On Design.iwnecl by Judy Corbett Jane Lehtinen, Bred by Jane Lehtinen. Jan-Shars EveEythiiig'jj,^Q^ B, TP32153001, Org, CH Jan- Shars LamborghinT^Sfe-SMrs FLVogue, Owned by Judy Paris, Bred Sharon Hanson. ' LJan-Shars Tvilles TP25365502, Org Sbl, CHForever Rock N Roll x Ci 1 .Jan-Shars. Brittney Spears, Owned by Ron Smith Sharon Hanson Mcrilyn JjSmith. Bred by Sharon Hanson. ian-SharsAfbung Blood WyW^82802, Org, CH Jan-Shars Whats Up Doc x Britestars CRM Mnacle, Owned by Sharon Hansen,JKsINMountain Crest Sir Lancelot D. TO25.8Qf-GjjJiQrg, Great Elms Master Gordon x CH Mountain Crest Red Velvet, Owned by Ashley Miller Jerry Miller, Bred by Carlene Gifstiapi^iPavid Gilstrap. Pom Acres Dailys Diva B, TP25879601.Gr Sbl, CH Pom Acres Skip A Beat x CH Pom Acres New Days Dawn, Owned by Juaniti Fiddick, Bred by Juanita Fiddick.Southlands Rebel Rouser D, TN63991601, Org Sbl, cPT Southlands Golden Boy x Southlands O My Ms Katy, Owned Charlotte Creed Annette Rister Brenda Turner, Bred byCreed.May 2003Avalons Crystal Of Sandpomsf, TN94845203, Rd, CH er, Owned by Kerri Pederson,'P26451702, Org, CH Mac's iy Rock N Bear. Owned bymB. TP30672801, Org, CH Avalon's Prince Matchabelli x Avalons Valentine Rose, Owned by Sandra Johnson, Bred by Catherine M .lessen Annette Davis.CR Toast To Daystar B, TP31026201, Org Sbl, Bev-Nor's State Of Affairs x CH Daystar Savanna Black, Owned by Celeste Favilla Solano Robert Solano, Bred by Karen Power Celeste Favilla Solano. Case's Liberty Belle At Lil Behrs B, TP25095901, Org Sbl, Bronze Boots Giorgio Of Lenette x CH Case's Repeat Of Show Time, Owned by Joan C Behrend Susan Lucatovto, Bred by Christine Lucatorto Susan Lucatorto.Dreamweavers Billy The Kid D, TR02284101, Org, CH Reginapoms Gator In Motion x DW Sazparilla Sparkler Of RD, Owned by Linda Pelz Michael Wells, Bred by Linda Pelz Michael Wells.Bred by-.Sharon Hansen.Kerdans Max it Out Of L, ' Q . Dominic Of Lenette X Great 4b^fK G GriffithKnuteries Pinup Lady Luck BLuck Of Thera Renate Ricmer Fara^h Tucken^red by Renate Richter.Love N Country Lil Bit A Magic D, TP16262202, Org Sbl, Yellow Rose 1 'm A MaficrMan.x Love N Country Scarlett Star, Owned by Cindy G Boul\\are,..BikdSy Cindy G Boulware.Merimaur Best Cases Scenario D, TN58467102. Blk, CH Syalcopy Wakhan Valentino x CH Merimaur's Timeless Image, Owned braSuIgh Lucatorto Christine Lucatorto, Bred by Maureen Quinlan, eres Air Jordon - D, TP23446402. Rd. Millamor's Makin Tobes x Honey Dews Delight Opomacres, Owned by JuanitaIiduick. Bred By Juanita Fiddick.abs MR. Jones Of Lenette D, TR01190901, Org, CH Indiana Jones Of Lenette x Kirstin Of Lenette, Owned by Betty Brunner Terri Brunner, Bred by K G Griffith.Ti Amo Liberty- Of Great Rivers B. TP26995502, Blk, CH Great Rivers Lil Lover Boy x Great Rivers Passion, Owned by Sharon Yampiro Dr. Rosanne M Cebelenski, Bred by Sharon Yampiro Dr. Rosanne M Cebelenski.Tishas Raisin-A-Rukus D, TP18052701, Org Sbl. CH Heartlands Bosa Nova Dancer x Tisha's Jest Keep On Dancin,Owned by Fred Pat Dieball, Bred by Fred Pat Dieball. Tresstique Hey Aj. Whatdya Say - D, TP27296501, Org Sbl, CH Tresstiques Treasure Trove x CH Tresstique Touch Of Cinnamon, Owned by Bonnie Harris, Bred by Bonnie Harris.Trudys Its Showtime - B, TR01766501, Org, CH Trudys Country Club x CH Trudy's Dressed In Style, Owned by Nancy Coddington Robert Coddington, Bred by Nancy Coddington.Data is received from AKC. If your name is spelled incorrectly, please check with AKC and have your name corrected with them, send a copy of the corrected AKC Certificate to the Awards Chair and it will be corrected.54 - APC Pomeranisn Review - SeptemberOctober 2003tEfje American Pomeranian Club internpreeb Competitionas reported in the AKC Awards issues online reports November 1, 2002 through June 23, 200312345678910 10 121314151617181920Dogs NameCH Pufpride Sweet Dreams CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD CH Jan-Shars Hail To The Chief CH Paradise Valley Royal Medallion CH Belstars Sweet November CH Pom Acres Victorious Dawn CH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief CH Paradise Valley Moonstruck CH Jan-Shars Dudly Doright CH Celestials Classic Image CH Peachs Day Dream Bely CH Wang Tsu Aim To Famgy CH Wildwood Spirit Of I CH Finchs Rolling Lik CH Davins Midnight CH Foxworth First R^CH Cottontop DoinCH Shyacres MilleniCH Brynrose I Vant'CH Wyndlor Doin ItSex BOB Breed PtsD 63 D 22Dogs Name1 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams2 CH Pom Acres Air Jordon3 CH Paradise Valley Royal Medallion4 CH Pom Acres Victorious Dawn5 CH Jan-Shars Hail To The Chief6 CH Belstars Sweet November7 CH Jan-Shars Dudly Doright8 CH Paradise Valley Moonstruck9 CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD10 CH Wang Tsu Aim To Fame11 CH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief12 CH Wildwood Spirit Of Pom Acres13 CH Cottontop Doin' It Better14 CH Foxworth First Rate15 CH Peachs Day Dream Believer16 CH Davins Midnight Eclipse17 Starfires Wicked Mean-N-Nasty18 CH Mountain Crest Quigley19 Kouteries Got A Bad Rap20 CH Vintage Vino VinoOwnersDiane Finch Noble Inglett Carol LeemhuisRon Smith, Sharon Hanson Merilyn Smith Marshall Rokos, Jessica Smith R Turner Shantra Reese Diana Gross Juanita FiddickSmith, Sharon Hanson Merilyn Smith J Smith, R Turner Becky Sabourin e Favilla R Solano th Pietzch Jessie Klein en Maty Carlisle a Fiddick pckett, Jr.Orrarles A Stalnaker ulso bertstte Rister C Creed ulso986286D 17 269D 22 254209D 14B 1391daKaty StDD 6 78..- 72 er, B TV sIfCoII tQA saGroupBIex 02,15S3All-Breed Points Owners12,831 Diane Finch Noble Inglett1,120 Juanita Fiddick1,033 M Rokos, J Smith R Turner825 Juanita Fiddick817 R Smith, S Hanson M Smith800 Shantra Reese Diana Gross703 Becky Sabourin487 J Smith, R Turner401 Carol Leemhuis391 Mary Carlisle, Brenda Segelken368 R Smith, S Hanson M Smith347 Juanita Fiddick328 Linda Mulso258 Katy Stahiaker C Stalnaker250 Bob E Pietzch Jessie Klein244 Kevin Orr223 Tony Cabrera Fabian Ariente 220 David L Carlene B Gilstrap 212 Renate Richter Vickie Coulter 210 Ellen TakayamaAPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 55preeber, Cxlnbttor, isure amAs reported by At\C November 1, 2002 through May 30, 2003Top Exhibit ore Top DamoSharon Hanson Diane Finch Alice R. Carlson Bobii Earle Jerrie Freia Juanita Fiddick Merilyn J. Smith Sharon Yampiro Denson E. Ray Carol Galavich Carlene B. Gilstrap David Gilstrap Dr. Rosanne M. Cebelenski Ellen E. Takayama Evelyn Newyear Hal E. Webster Jr.Raty Stalnaker Nancy Coddington Ron Smith Sharon Masnick Susan Lucatorto3 54 3 3 3CH Johnstoy Fantasy Trip CH Pom Acres Atomic Enola Gay CH Peperie Paisley Mountain Crest Ronni Pompuf lam No Lady Ravenna33222CH Chriscendo Call To Arms CH Finchs He Walks On Water CH Pom Acres Thrill Of Victory Finchs Causin A Comotion CH Bobiis Valentino Magic Mini CH Dominic Of Lenette CH Gar-Vs Dandy Little Lion CH Jan-Shars Dont Worry Be Happy CH Jan-Shars Head Over Heels CH Jan-Shars Lamborghini CH Mountain Crest Image Of Logan CH Paughprints On The MTN Crest CH Southlands Mighty Impressive CH Trudys Country ClubDiane I .J inch' Sharon Hanson Juanita iiddick 1 Jerrie Freia -0 David L. Giletrafts Afi^e R. Carlson K.Gsfriffith Nancyjggddington Barbara Rrzewickictodorini amV Car lane d. GW rapmLanogJBryson Mari Iffland , Sharon Yams5A-Top breeders1010654333222222222Junior HandlersCatherine M. Jessen, Juniors Chair As reported by ARC Awards issues January through June November 1, 2002 through April 30, 2003 APC YearJordan Rothell Ashly Messner Tyson Pate Alicia Marie Wood Miss Chelsea Valles Caitlin Blowney Miss Naomi Jean Bryant Valerie Tomezak Rristiana Lucero Vanessa Shaake Daniel Case75121077644321In order to be eligible for APC Awards you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year. Every effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors to the attention of the Annual Awards Chairperson. If your dogs are listed in the corrections of the ARC Awards issues, please contact Relly D. Reimschiissel before January 15, 2003 at awards3americanpomeranianclub.org56 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003Picon PomeraniansThank you Judge Mrs. Grace Moran for this nice win in Bred By.Sire Cases Gold Strike of Lennette Dam Ch. Picons Precious RockBreeder - Owner- Handled Teresa Picon Shirley, NY 631 399-3759 Fax 631 399-6042 Poms551CS.comPomerlwithlomingirflWe are pleased to announce a new Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen and the video as well as ordering, please visit our site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo or contact us at or 805-931-0219.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pomimque Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Xitable Pomeranians and FoxxLane Pomeranians would like to express our sincerest condolences to Diane Finch of Finchs Pomeranians on the loss of her great Travis as well as Fad and Trevor. Diane has done so much to successfully bring color into the show ring with her beautiful dogs. Remember the good times, Diane.Congratulations to Cindy Bouleware of Love N Country Poms and Pat Barnett of Bar-Net Poms on your kennel visits.Karen Crawford and John Pauline McFarlaneAPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 57proudly presentsm- rCh. Idlewyld ScepterMagics Furby, maj ptd. ex Idlewyld Cameo, maj.ptd.Hairy took major number 3 on 6-1-03 pictured and his fourth major on 6-22-03 to finish, all the way from the Bred-By-Exhibitor Class. Thanks to all the judges who appreciated his structure and movement, especially Barbara Dempsey Alderman Group IBBE, Mrs. C. A. Williams, Michael Canalizo, and Joseph Gregory for the majors. By the time you read this, there should be Hairy puppies on the ground. See hispedigree in Behind the New Titlists.Look for Hairys mom Cammy this fall. Shell be looking for her 2nd major after she coats up. Available Keys, a half brother to Hairy. Hes show quality. I just have too many males.Our sympathy to Diane Finch and Jackie Rayner on the passing of the great Travis,Ch. Finchs He Walks on Water.Margaret R. McKee 804-556-3380 idlewyldearthlink.net2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 2306358 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003proudly presentsmmr mWhfcaf^c_1-iBEST OF WINNERSW4r nr T' , VIRGINIA KENNEL100thANNIVERSARYCLUBSATURDAY JUNE 21, 2003TOM DIGIAC0M0Ch. Idlewyld Treasure TroveCh. Twin Pines Chico ex Idlewyld Rich Mans GoldTrove is the littermate of Cammy, Hairys dam. Trove took a major on 6-21-03 under Judge Carol Noe at Virginia Kennel Club. One week later on 6-28-03, Judge Roy Holloway gave him BW for a major to finish the championship. Trove is a proven stud. See his pedigree in Behind the New Titlists.Look for Gemmy, Idlewyld Precious Gem out this fall after he recovers from the year old shed. He is a deep red who needs just a major to finish. His recent wins include BOB over specials at Langley KC andMoore County KC.Congratulations to APCs Corresponding Secretary par excellence, Cindy Boulware, on her Kennel Visit.Margaret R. McKee 804-556-3380 idlewyldearthlink.net2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 59HEATH AND GENETICSMange JUatvzfeldenType, Balance, and SoundnessI want to address these most critical, and most misused, terms. I will not be trying to educate the reader to become judges. Under the auspices of the Health Genetics Committee concerns, this columns educational purpose is to make us better breeders. Evaluating our breeding stock is an important aspect of selection. Having our dogs compete in the conformation ring is asking the judges opinion for this same concern. I hope this article will help make you a better evaluator and as a side benefit give you a more in-depth understanding of what judges are to consider during competition. I am drawing from ideas presented by Anne Rogers Clark in her book Annie On...Dogs The book is a collection of her articles, which appeared in Dogs in Review.Before I begin to try to define these terms, did you ever stare and stare at your Pom in trying to evaluate it Wonder just what you are looking at Heres a hint Mrs. Clark mentioned Remember you cannot change them by looking at them again and again. In other words, what you see is what you get. Your initial reaction is probably going to be correct. Go with that instinct.However, our eye must be trained to assist us in our evaluation. Anne Rogers Clark quoted Marilyn Vos Savant To acquire knowledge, one must study, but to acquire wisdom, one must observe. We must get hold of an idea and by studying learn it, and by observation leam to apply it.... wisdom in use One captivation with our sport of dogs is that our learning is never Over. Our ability to evaluate what we see will hopefully improve with time if we are dedicating ourselves to becoming wise.TypeIn an evaluation process, we should first evaluate type. To quote Annie, A sound dog without type is useless. A mix-breed could be very sound. A typey dog which is sound is priceless. This is why I suggest to people first coming into our breed to look at as many Poms as possible. Besides studying ringside, get as many Pom magazines and literature as you can. Dont pay attention to names that information will come later get a picture in your head of what you believe a Pom should look like. This is our educational starting point.Defining the word type correctly is a difficult task because it encompasses two complex concepts. Mrs. Clark points out that these two concepts are having the knowledge of what that animal was intended to do and what part of that animals skeleton anatomy plays in forming that animals outline and function. Therefore, the evaluator must be knowledgeable in both form and function. Ah, form and function.... the AKC mantra. The same principle holds true whether we are evaluating any canine, bovine, equine, etc.Because our Pomeranians are miniaturized canines, we have to go a layer further in our Breed seminars. They are miniature whats Nordic dogs. Round outline. What creates this round outline Square body. What part of the skeleton measures square Head carriage keeps within that round outline. Plumed tail assists that round outline. Coarse double standoff coats keep that round outline. In strong, cold winds, it is normal to turn ones back toward the direction of the wind...thus the winds blow that fur in the direction of the head. Are other Nordic breeds slender of body No, the desert hounds are. Everything we can say about type could be explained in the relationship to Nordic canines. We could address miniaturized. Miniaturized, for what For companionship. So, even their temperament can be addressed in terms of form and function. By now, we are seeing theencompassing concept that the word type evokes. I will ask the reader do you think that there can possibly be two separate correct types that both comply with a breed standard Logically it is possible only if there are two separate functions. Does this occur in practice as it does in theory The readers should be able to answer this one for themselves.When we say a Pom is typey that should mean it is a representative of its breed standard. It should not merely mean it is typical or commonly seen. This individual must also be thought of as a prototype that is desirable for future generations. Therefore, is an unhealthy individual capable of being typeyBalanceI will list some phrases from the dictionary an aesthetically pleasing integration of elements, equalization in proportion, to evaluate or weigh alternatives, etc. The point I want to make to the reader is that two things must be compared to say that they are in balance. To quote the late James Edward Clark, Balance of bone to size, head to body, angle to angle, bone to bone, and ultimately proportion. This is balance. We could add to this list length of neck to body length, length of leg to length of body, tail length to body length, coat length to body size, the left side of this animal symmetrical to the right which can include the placement and positioning of legs, the proportion correctness of the front of this animal to its hind. The list could go on and on. Before we can use the word balanced we must think, Compared to whatIt is possible to have a dog with all correct parts that dont match each other their parts do not integrate well. Judges often humorously refer to these animals as designed by committee. I will add that this might result as a pitfall of an outcross or just be the result of poor breeding. Only the desperate would include this kind of animal in their breeding program.I suggest a good learning experience would be for the reader to take out a copy of our standard and find out what it says the comparisons should be to my above list. Or enjoy doing it as a group activity with your clubs. Ask a few judges to help referee.SoundnessThe Clarks reminded us that soundness can refer to teeth or eye.... but, we usually think of it in regard to movement, and in particular, to going and coming movement. Mr. Clark refers to that as show sound. This is easily evaluated and almost always a confirmation of flaws in structure. Hockiness peculiar front movement will often cause a roll in motion that is inefficient. Real soundness, as against show soundness, is an efficient, effortless collected ability to go over the ground, enhanced by great reach and ample drive without the need to lower to the ground. Horse people will note and understand the use of the word collected. I am pleased that an esteemed dog authority has acknowledged it as a necessary attribute for canines. It is unfortunately a concept generally ignored by dog people.This concept of soundness might be easier to teach by watching horses and even our larger breeds. I watched Irish Setters in a large outdoor ring. During a large class doing out and backs, it was so easy to count the number of paces each animal needed to complete the same distance. Efficiency of motion is obvious. A dog with good shoulders has the ability to take a longer stride in front, covering ground more easily with few steps. Bouncing or firm toplmes were obvious.Put anyone on top of a horse and that person will instantly feel the difference that collection makes. There is no doubt when it exists or not. Without going into a lengthy analysis of cause. 1 will note that an animal in a collected frame will appear smaller than an animal of equal size. A good way to explain what we desire is that the picture in motion should, for the most part, be the same picture they make standing and should not dissolve into a mass of unrelated pieces and parts. From that statement we dont even have to point out that not only does the topline remain firm but also the head position itself remains the same. Im not talking about those loose hounds. I can present the case here that if a dog that is to carry its head back standing needs to bring his head forward in motion is atypical or not typey. But I wish our Health Fund had a nickel for every time we saw a Pom do this in the show ring. This is an example of the relationship of movement to type.A square dog can move easily and well if absolutely square and perfect balance in front and behind. If the topline is not remaining stable, it can be showing that there is straining of a laboring front. If the hindquarters are overreaching the front action it causes the crabbing or sidewise motion. This crabbing dog is still capable of pulling itself together and is able to make a nice picture stacking because now he does not have to worry about foot timing and motion. Even from the side view a dog that crosses in the front can be detected dropping of the shoulders with each step causes a slight nodding of the head.Why did dog people learn from the horse people to evaluate soundness and balance of motion at a trot A trots two beat cadence is the most physically demanding of lateral symmetrical movement to maintain. It therefore provides us the easiest way to decipher a variance. If a dog is not efficient of movement, he will be unable to maintain long distance. Nordic breeds must beable to cover distance efficiently. This brings my discussion back to form and function, and hopefully shows you its relationship to type, balance and soundness.This article should assist you in your selection process. But that is only where that process begins. There should be other attention paid to temperament selection. And what about health testing As we know sometimes these critical areas are not as easily observed in the show ring. Yet we as breeders have moral obligations in all these aspects.Newly Recognized Influences on White Markings and Color PatternsThere is now evidence that sex genes and base colors could have effects on pattern phenotypes in addition to the presence of nongenetic influences.As Clarence Little remarked in his book, The Inheritance of Coat Color in Dogs, back in 1957, all mammals form essentially the same kinds of pigment by basically the same types of chemical reactions. Therefore, it is interesting and helpful to compare the genetic behavior of color varieties which have very much the same appearance in the various types of mammals.W-P'Sc .... , jfCoat color studies today in mice lead researchers to believe that mammals are likely to have at least 10 and probably more white markings genes, and that those genes are more complex than genes for basic coat colors. Gene interactions could be additive. Other genes could act to inhibit their full expression.Here are some facts recently proven scientifically in horses that those of you interested in color breeding should ponder1. From an article by Ann T. Bowling, Ph.D., UC Davis There could also be nongenetic effects influencing markings. Dissimilar markings in genetically identical twin foals produced from split embryos have clearly shown the effects of unknown factors on coat patterns.2. From the UC Davis Book of Horses For mules, the mother mostly determines the confirmation type and the coat color and patterns of the offspring. Mule a female horse x male donkey3. From Ann Bowlings article on Horse Color Genetics Its also been shown that coat color and sex influence markings sorrels and chestnuts orangesreds have more extensive markings than darker-colored horses, and males have more extensive markings than females.It doesnt mean that these observations necessarily hold true for canines and Poms, but these interesting facts could start us thinking in a direction slightly differing than normal. Out of that questioning, new understanding might develop.We might generalize that what sex the offspring is could affect what color genotype it is or maybe just the phenotype it is. If you keep litter records on the AKC provided forms, you could go back and do some statistical counts for your breeding program. For instance, were there more Black and Tans of one or the other sex Were there more Irish patterns of one or the other sex In breedings you did of a Black Tan with any other color dog, more likely to produce Black Tan if the mother is Black Tan From above statement 3, were orange partis more likely to have more white than black partis Are white toes or chest spots mismarks more likely to be maleMost households wouldnt near provide a statistically accurate analysis. But 1 would be interested in hearing from you if you did support or discredit these concepts. Please email me your related observations at Pom Alopecia Study has received the generous donation of 200.00 from Deborah Barrett in honor of Rocky Leemhuis. This check was forwarded to the AKC Canine Health Foundation. Thank you, Deborah, Carol, and Rocky.Poms Helping Other Poms Make your Pom boys extra proud. Please consider donating the money from one of your stud fees to the Alopecia Study. Our Pom charity foundation needs a little more time to become official, so just make the checks out as before directly to the AKC-CHF.Good news has been received from the Canine Health Foundation. Grant 2290 has been officially approved for this upcoming year. I am sure your support collectively through APC helped in this crucial decision. We have to keep up this good work during the year to come. The survey forms are now easily available at under the alopecia section. Please take a few minutes to help the University of Missouri try to formulate a good medical description of the problem or problems. American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Greetings Pom Family, Donna RiehmHope this finds all of you enjoying a funfilled, no-hitch whelping, beautiful puppy training, hugging those veterans, show winning year, with our wonderful Pomeranians.Ways and Means continues a very successful year in sales thanks to the fantastic support by all of you. SO MANY of you have purchased not just once but many times in support of our club. THANK YOU SO MUCH lam now getting orders from many of you making purchases in support of friends that are just starting in Poms. What a kind and thoughtful way to support them and enrich their experience by providing them with Illustrated Standard, tee shirts, decals, etc.Ways and Means continues to offer the WONDERFUL Meet Me In Kentucky limited edition print by renowned artist Chris Heartz. This edition was limited to fifty prints, and we are nearing the end of this offer. DONT MISS YOUR CHANCE. Order today. This print is sure to become a collector item. The price of the print is only 40.00 plus 5.00 shipping and insurance.Tshirts depicting the Meet Me In Kentucky artwork are very limited and available only in XXL. Please call or email prior to sending a check to confirm availability. Please check the ad in this issue for other items available for purchase.Since the March specialty through July 10, Ways and Means has raised 1027.50, and has orders pending for an additional 99.50.Your purchases continue to provide our club with revenue necessary to help fund the many ventures and accomplishments of our American Pomeranian Club in support of this breed. Thank You\t ^merltatrlpomevantan Club, 3nc.Meansaa\ aAV"BLACK INSULATED LUNCHBAG WITH APC LOGO 7.00 includes shippingAPC DECALS AND MEMBERSHIP LAPEL PIN SET 10 includes shippingT SHIRTSXXLARGEVERY LIMITED QUANTITY 15.00, PLUS 3 SHIPPINGMake checks payable to APC and mail toDonna Riehm, APC Ways N Means669 Ava Road Murphysboro, IL 62966 618 684-4644 Mom4Pomsaol.com2003 Meet Me In Kentucky by CHRISTINE HEARTZSIGNED AND NUMBERED LIMITED 50 PRINT 40 5 SHIPHANDLINGAPC Pomeramian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 63V--4.A--"- JS4'.THE LATE CH. PETER AND CH. PEERLESS BLACKACREtee photos are from a scrapbook collection of the late Maud W. Rensselaer. Huntington, Yew York and were provided bj Marye E. Picone and Tictoria Leitner. Thank you Marye and Victoria.To Judge N. Y. ShowA high compliment was paid to Mrs. AVm. Bigelow, 2811 Wilmot St., Philadelphia, Pa. in the selection of herselfRto judge poms at the Progressive Dog Show in New York on Nov. 17.The picture herewith shows her holding Ch. Flashy Boy on the left and on the right Twin Oaks Tangerine, 12 years old. Flashy Boy finished for the title last year on the day the photo was taken.American Pomeranian Cu6, Inc. Archives64 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003Mrs. Byron Hof manLeading Dog- Personalities Series At Siron Ks, 433 Boston PL, Toledo, O. Mrs. Byron Hofman houses Ch. Bantam Bingo and Ch. Miss Smarty Prospect of her own breeding. Smarty Prospect her first show pom, was half way thru championship at time of death. She has shown 52 dogs, onlyone out of the ribbons handled by a handler.At present she is mostly interested in pomeranians. Has had Bostons, collies, pugs, spitz and toy Manchester terriers, and now has a hankering for Shetland sheepdogs.Mrs. H. was born in Toledo, is of French German descent, and attended Waite High School, Toledo Conservatory of Music, Toledo Museum School of Art, and Jonathan Rogers school of Voice Culture. She has taught music for 15 yrs., was accompanist at Vocal Studio for 7 yrs., commercial designing four yrs., and 2 yrs. ago was assistant organist at Lutheran Church but dog shows made her give that up.Mrs. H. has been breeding for 17 years and states Have always been interested in breeding animals. Raised rabbits at 12 yrs. of age because mother wrvnlrlnf- permit me to have a rlnpPhoto., Alexander Studio, Southampton.CH. MONTACUTE RADIANTj[X the opinion of many of those whose judgments count, the most outstanding Pomeranian of the day i the dog whose photograph ornaments this page namely. Ch. Moxtacute Radiant, a beautifully coloured pure golden orange, whose body is covered with an extremely heavy and dense stand-ofT cont of a texture which is all that could' be, desired. He is particularly short in back, whilst his plume is well set. carried, and heavily feathered. His head is as near perfection as possible, being beautifully shaped and rot long before the eyes, which are small, and give him the cheeky expression characteristic of his breed. He has small ears, set and carried right on top of his skull, and he carries himself with a sprightliness and jnunti- ness which appeals to the hearts of all who see him. He has won a long list of prizes, including challenge certificates at Taunton. Bournemouth, and Brighton indeed, at his very Iasi outing when this was written, at a large show at Bournemouth, lie was made the lust of the breed, the best owned by a lady, came out of the class open to all with a red card, and emphasised these victories by stepping away with the trophy for the best exhibit of all broods in the show.He is particularly well bred, being a son of C.'h. Peter Blackiicre. and as a sire he is fast making history, his stock being small and. like their father, brimming over with qualitytvC,These photos are from a scrapbook collection of the late Maud W. Rensselaer, Huntington, lew York and were provided by Marye E. Picone and Victoria Leitner. Thank you Marye and Victoria.Below is the late Lorraine Ileichel Masley, sent in by lornia Creider. Thank you Norma.Mr. and Mrs. Bentley with a group of Home-bredMinegolds.ft \SibAmerican Pomeranian CCu6, Inc. ArchivesAPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 65This little blue dog has climbed some very big mountainsI wanted another small dog after our Silky Terrier passed away. I started reading about the various breeds and settled on a Pomeranian, my husband agreed. I started looking, calling, and searching. I answered an ad and went to look at the puppies.Upon entering the house, my instincts said to leave immediately, the place was filthy. There were three puppies in a cardboard box - a parti-colored, a chocolate and a little blue ball of fluff. My heart said to take them all, but my wallet said save one. I took her home on Tuesday and on Wednesday morning she seemed somewhat lethargic. I thought maybe too much excitement. Thursday morning, she was so weak I was afraid that if I put her down, she would stop breathing and her gums were as blue as her eyes. I called my vet and brought her in immediately. They did a test and said she had Parvo and told me to contact the breeder because chances were that the others had it too. She was admitted to the clinic to start treatment with her chance of survival slim she was so tiny and so young. My husband and I visited her every day she looked so fragile, lying there with her tubes in her leg. On the sixth day, a Sunday morning, Dr. Williams called and pleaded with me to come and get this boisterous little creature She was bouncing off the walls He had saved her life...By Candy ClementeSam, my husband, and I went to a local breed show one Sunday and they had an agility demonstration going on, we stopped to watch and I said Tanu would be good at this. I called them the next day to go for a trial lesson and we loved it. We went to school once a week and practiced at home once Sam started to build the equipment for us. About six months into training, Tanu and my other dogs and I were on a short walk. As we got back to the gate, I noticed a red glow in Tanus left eye, by the time we got to the front door, her eye was starting to swell so big that she could not close it. Again, I called Dr. Williams early in the morning and he saw her immediately. She was in great pain, but never cried out. His initial diagnosis was severe trauma to the eye. He sent us to a specialist who verified the diagnosis and gave us a grim prognosis, total loss of vision to the eye.After a couple of months we resumed training and she seemed to compensate very well, occasionally having trouble with the triples and doubles, due to lack of depth perception. She weaved equally as well on both sides, even though I was concerned, she did very well. I changed one thing in our handling, teaching her to approach the triples and doubles with a big command and sometimes taking them at a slight angle so she has a better idea of the spread.Tanu has always run very consistently in agility, although not very fast, she is very honest on course. When I walk the course, the first walk thru is for me, I then go back and walk it with my left eye closed, over the actual jumps, to get an idea from her perspective, to see what she is going to see or not see. Then I walk it again to see where I have to be to get her lined up for the next obstacle, taking into consideration that she may not see me on her left side if 1 am behind her.Her first show was in December of 1999. We have shown in both AKC and USDAA agility. She has qualified for the USDAA Nationals for the fourth year and qualified for the AKC Nationals for her second year. On January 1st, 2003 Tanu earned her Master Agility Dog Title in USDAA. In USDAA, she also has her Relay Master title and Jumper Master title.January 25th, 2003 I was on the way to a show with three dogs in the car. I am not very good at buckling up, although all my dogs wear a harness and sit in individual car seats that are attached to the seatbelts in the car. I live in a small town and have to drive a winding mountain road to get to the freeway. I did not put on my seatbelt as I left, but about one mile from the freeway, there was a loose dog running down the road and for some reason, I reached down and buckled up. We headed towards the freeway, glanced at Tanu in her seat, she was happy and rolling on her back, as I looked back at the road, coming out of the mountain on my right, was a coyote, I turned the wheel to the left to avoid him and thought I could just turn it back to recover, but the car went into a four-wheel slide, reversed direction, crossed the road backwards and slammed, passenger side into the mountain, then the car rolled over. Tanu 66 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 200311k -IP- - - t 4VV iv- tV vV5JBHW1 t 1 m\tii-r.rwas still buckled in, but sitting on the windshield and I was suspended from the ceiling of the car. A passing motorist helped me out, I got Tanu out and the Highway Patrol got the other two dogs out. I called my friend, who is also my Vet, who lives nearby. She came down and helped me unload the car, she checked out the dogs and said they were unhurt. I thought I could go on to the show in another car, but she insisted that she take me to the hospital to be checked. At first I resisted as we took the dogs home, but my neck was really hurting, so I relented.We went to the local hospital and as soon as they x-rayed me, they rushed into action - hard collar, strapped me to the backboard, etc. I asked them to call in my friend as they started to tell me I was in great trouble. I had a broken neck and in a very bad place, the slightest move could cause paralysis or death. My regular doctor did not have privileges at this hospital, so I was stuck under their care. Their doctor put me in a halo, a metal cage that is literally screwed into your skull in four places. After being unhappy with this doctor I went to my own spine doctor and he said that all the ligaments in my neck were tom, there were two broken bones that needed to be removed and one of the discs was herniated causing pain, numbness and severe weakness in my left arm. He scheduled a two-day surgery for two weeks away. Six weeks after surgery, Tanu and I went to an agility fun day to see if I could run again and we had two good runs, so I started entering shows, hoping to get her MACH before the AKC Nationals. I did not take into account that the dogs would be traumatized by the accident, but they were. None of them wanted to get back in the car and when I got them in and buckled up, they were very unhappy - restless, panting, whining. They have just now started to relax in the car.On the morning of May 17th, 2003, she had 29 double Qs and 733 points, we needed 17 points to get her MACH. She ran a nice standard course in 62.16 seconds, leaving us with only two more points needed. When I left the walk through for JWW, I was worried, we had only 43 seconds to complete it, and Tanu usually runs those courses with maybe one or two seconds to spare. My friends had informed the show chairperson of our impending MACH. The gate person said to look to the timer as we crossed the finish line to see if we made it. Somehow, Tanu knew it was a special ran. She ran so fast, clean and so happy As we crossed the last obstacle, a triple of all things, I heard a roar and applause as I looked at the timer and she shook her head in the affirmative, she ran it in 37 seconds They handed me the last bar of the course and we took our victory lapThis little blue dog has really climbed some pretty big mountains and come out on top We are a very lucky team Both of us are survivors and we can take a licking and keep on running Congratulations to MACH Chut Tanu Khuse And thanks to all, especially my husband, Sam, and my friend, Caroline, who have helped and supported us along this incredible journey APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 67By Kelley ScottWjf Hcnte Is GPdeeIn the summer of 2000,1 had my last litter of pups of many. I was eight or nine years old then. My master noticed some lumps on my mammary glands and decided it was time for me to retire. By then, I had lost all of my teeth and was feeling mighty drained from all those babies. I guess an older gal like myself just isnt as appealing as a fluffy pup. So my master took me and dumped me off in the Humane Society night deposit box in Anderson, Indiana.The shelter thought I was a sweet old thing. Even though it appeared I might have cancer, they decided to go ahead and try to place me. I was spayed, and I waited patiently for a new human to come and take me home. Folks only wanted to know why I had no teeth, and what were all those lumps on my tummy.After a week or so, the Anderson Humane Society contacted the Pomeranian Club of Central Indianas rescue team Karin Wise and Kelley Scott to see if they could find me a kind and loving home. Karin and Kelley took a Sunday drive to Anderson and picked me up. They had planned to attend the clubs meeting, but returned directly home after noticing the scabs developing on my neck and sides. They also wanted to get the lumps checked out as soon as possible.Kelley took me on Tuesday to her vet in Goshen, Indiana, who diagnosed me with cancer and ringworm. Lucky meThe following week after my treatment for the ringworm, a young woman named Lisa Mullis called the PCCI rescue folks. She stated that she had recently lost an elderly Pom that had been a rescue and wanted to know if we had any Poms that needed special attention and lots of love. Kelley immediately brought me to Lisas attention.I was so embarrassed I had just been spayed and shaved. I was scabby but healing nicely and I had these ugly lumps all over my tummy. Kelley sent my photos to Mrs. Mullis. It was love at first sight. Lisa soon made arrangements to meet Kelley and Karin in Westfield, IN. to adopt me. It was several hours of driving for Lisa from Bloomington, IN. Yes I am a very blessed little Pom But, I am Grace I am worth all of the effort it took to get me to my loving humans and my important station in life.I have been with the Mullis family almost two years now. Their little boy has cancer and is often very ill. Sometimes my human mom cries and holds me tight. I lick the falling tears and tell her to just hold on to me. I have been fine since my own tumors were removed and I owe my life and my heart to these wonderful people.My human mom calls me her angel. She has handled many scary moments better just because I am here. I am just an average old Pommie. But I know my place in this world. By the grace of love, I got a second chance. I am a survivor here to share that love. I dont think of what could have been. I was destined to come and help this family. My name is Grace, and by the grace of God I am still here.This is a true story of Grade, a rescue Pom, and may be seen on the PCCI website, httpwww.angelfire.cominpcciindex.htmlfeseife lUeRescue me not only with your hands but with your heart as well. I will respond to you.Rescue me not out of pity but out of love. I will love you back.Rescue me not with self-righteousness but with compassion. I will learn what you teach.Rescue me not because of my past but because of my future. I will relax and enjoy.Rescue me not simply to save me but to give me a new life. I will appreciate your gift.Rescue me not only with a firm hand but with tolerance and patience. I will please you.Rescue me not only because of who I am but who Im to become. I will grow and mature.Rescue me not to revere yourself to others but because you want me. I will never let you down. Rescue me not with a hidden agenda but with a desire to teach me to trust. I will be loyal and true.Rescue me not to be chained or to fight but to be your companion. I will stand by your side.Rescue me not to replace one youve lost but to soothe your spirit. I will cherish you.Rescue me not to be your pet but to be your friend. I will give you unconditional love.Rescue me with true love in your heart and 1 will give you these things all the days of my life.By Terri Onorato9d__flpC Judges 0dacationfot MartinAn Open Letter to the membership of the American Pomeranian Club...............Now is the time for all good members to come to the aid of your club and your breed.The American Kennel Club recently held an Advanced Toy Institute for Judges in Kissimmee, Florida. Twelve of the toy breeds were presented during the threeday Institute. One breed held its National Specialty on Thursday and Friday, and two breeds had regional specialties with seminars on Friday. It was an intense week of study for judges.Among the 65 judges present, there were those who aspire to judge someday and those who currently judge breeds in the toy group, and there were a few judges who already judge all breeds. This is not to mention the presence of Ms. Mari-Beth ONeil, several A K C Reps and other officials. The opening speaker on Sunday evening was none other than Mr. Edd Biven, who is wellknown as a multi-group judge and former breederexhibitor of Pomeranians.Fortunately, the Pomeranian presentation was on Wednesday morning at 800 am. Ed and I had the advantage of seeing where some things could be added and others removed to make a better and more interesting seminar. Some of the presenters had very well- constructed displays that were very informative and impressive. Others were less so. At least one had no visuals to share and had to give a lecture. This person was very knowledgeable about the breed and made the instruction very worthwhile.After the Pomeranian standard was changed in 1997, the revision committee did a fabulous job with art work and composition, and, since then, the American Pomeranian Club has used a good set of transparencies for seminars and Judges Breed Study Groups as the primary tool to educate judges. Those transparencies are woefully worn. At the National Specialty in Louisville in 2001, your Board of Directors voted to authorize work on a CD-Rom to be used in addition to the transparencies. Since that time, I have publicly requested that pictures be sent to me, to Margaret McKee, to anyone who could make sure that they would be passed along to the committee. To date, there has been little participation.Going back to the breed that had no visuals, the presenter apologized to those present and stated that her breed had not been able to construct anything of value because only a few people saw fit to help and those who did not complained because their dogs were not included in the dogs used to demonstrate various aspects of the breed HOW SADWe all know who JUDGES are. These are the people who give out ribbons and select winners in the breed and in the groups at the dog shows we attend. They are the people who elevate our dogs to the list of Top Ten in the nation. They are the people who hand out Group Placements and Best in Show wins. We need to have the BEST presentation around to make sure that the judges know what constitutes a really good Pomeranian.Here is what you need to do to help yourself and your dog when its show time.1. Send us pictures. They can be full body. They can be head shots. These will be used to demonstrate correct ear placement and correct eyes, etc. They can be puppies or adults. They can be moving shots. They can be demonstrating the various colors and patterns. They can be professionally done or home-made, but they need to be originals not copies. We need pictures of dogs that are not currently in competition, but are recent enough to give good representation of what is competing in the ring today. Please do not e-mail pictures. They should be sent by regular mail.2. You can attend the National in 2004 and participate in the seminars on mentoring and presenting. No matter how new or how old you are to the breed, it does matter that we are all on the same page so that education is a powerful tool to support our breed.3. No current dogs or owners will be identified on the transparencies or CD-Rom. All pictures will be returned if you identify them on the back with your name and address.4. This is your formal invitation. If you do not participate, dont say anything about those who do. Everyone has an equal opportunity. The committee will select the pictures to be used, and all will be fairly considered.I hope that our club will not demonstrate the pettiness of that other club and we can all be proud of our final product.Education is a valuable asset. It is time for all good members....Hope to hear from you soon.Dot Martin is the American Pomeranian Club s Judge s Education Chairperson. Dot may be contacted at 803-831-8086 or edwarda.martinatt.netAPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 69ft.'ftEvelyn Garrett and SweetieifMy first Pom, Little Babe, came to our house from JoyceBrowns Gold Toy Kennels on December 7,1957. She was perfect. My husband, Bill would have told you so. I had studied Dog World magazine to decide what breed to get. Poms were described as vivacious and friendly and the picture of Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod was so beautiful I said, Thats for me. Having had a Spitz dog as a child may have influenced me, too.We became acquainted with Nita Cox who lived in Lexington, Kentucky who raised and showed Poms. She taught us about the Pom Standard, how to trim a Pom for the shows and recommended us for membership in the American Pomeranian Club. Little Babe, also known as Gold Toys Wee Imp won a few points but we wanted puppies, that ended her show career.0 si A Casual Visitwithmm GarrettAmoretta PomsSomerset, Kentucky by Marcia CoxIn August 1959 Dorothy and Frank Bonner stopped in Lexington during their tour of the country with their trailer of Poms. We purchased a lovely bitch from them and showed her. Ch. Bonners Gay Golden Caprice became our first champion.We also purchased a male Pom from Joyce Brown in August 1961. The dictionary provided a name for him. Amoretto, which means little cupid, was so appropriate. He became Gold Toys Amoretto, or Cupid as we called him. Cupid gave us some very nice puppies. I used Amoretta as our kennel name but dont think it was an official registered name.One of our homebred bitches was taken to San Antonio, TX and bred to Ch. Stylepepper Preshus. She had 3 live pups. The male in the litter was named Amoretta Tiny Goldpiece and he won his Championship in February 1967. When I told Dorothy Bonner, she said she wished I had used Stylepepper in his name. I should have. Most of Tinys sires champion progeny did have Stylepepper in their names.Another regret is I didnt leam more from Ruth Beam. We had taken a bitch to be bred and she said my bitch had round eyes. I was surprised that I had not noticed they were not almond shaped as the standard called for. Ruth must have thought I was offended so, as sensitive and kind as she is, she never offered any more comments. I wish she had. I wasnt offended and I could have learned so much from her.It has been fun reminiscing about the Poms that shared our lives and the nice people we met because of them. My advice to a novice starting in Poms today is Enjoy your Poms. Enjoy the shows. Pleasant experiences make for happy memories.After Bill passed away in 1997,1 longed to have a Pom since I was alone. Having had show quality Poms before, I couldnt be satisfied with anything less so I contacted Fran Stoll. She had a four-month-old orange sable pup that I bought. All the way home I thought about what to name her. Fran had said I could use her kennel name. Stolanne Sweet Fran kept running through my mind. When I told Fran what I named the pup she seemed pleased. She said no one had ever named a dog for her before. Sweetie is what I call my current favorite Pom. She failed at motherhood twice but she jumps into my lap when I sit down. That is perfect for me.Editors note. Evelyn has been an APC member since 1961.I wonder if Christ had a little pet dog With two tiny ears like mineA black button nose that felt cold and wet, And two eyes, brown and tender, that shineIm afraid that He hadnt because I have read How He prayed in the Garden aloneFor all of His friends and disciples had fled, Even PeterThe one called a Stone.I am sure that the little pet dog With heart so tender and warm,Would never have left Him to suffer alone, But would have crept under His arm.Would have licked the dear fingers, in agony clasped,And they took Him away, would have trotted behind,And followed Him right to the Cross.Author Unknown Submitted by Evelyn GarrettEvelyns first Pom, Little Babe.___________Ch. Amoretta Tiny GoldpieceMy first Pomeranian was Louie, a chocolate and white parti, named Kahlua N Cream. He is the privileged bedbug who sleeps with us and has appointed himself the official watchdog and king of the household. Lou even helps with puppy whelping.After months of searching, calling and visiting, I found my first Pomeranian. I had, at the time, an older German Shepherd Dog and wanted a companion who I could pick up and carry with me. Also, since I competed in horse shows, I thought that a show or two might be a fun thing to do, so I was looking for a pet who I could show if I wanted. Little did I know where this would lead me.Louie was scheduled to arrive at LAX and 1 was at the airport hours ahead of time. When I opened his crate, although hewas deep into his uglies, he was gorgeous in my eyes. He was a tiny, tiny puppy tucked into the back of the crate, and when I took him out, he clung to my neck and would not let go. He rode the entire way back to my home like this, squeezing his body as close to mine as he could. The first night I put him in a crate to sleep, he started to cry and so I put him in bed with us and there he sleeps to this day.I proudly brought my new Pom to the next shows and learned that, although he was No. 1 in my eyes, he would not be No. 1 in the judges book Not only that, but at four months of age, he was already a big boy with the potential of getting even bigger. My tiny puppy was only tiny compared to my German Shepherd Dog. Of course, we were all way too attached to ever send him back, and so he has stayed.From Louie, I learned to love the exotic colors. Parti Poms are without a doubt more athletic and creative than the solids. He can climb, open pocket doors and squeeze himself through small areas if the incentive is there. By the time I got my first orange Poms, Louie had helped me Pom proof everything.When you come to visit, the first Pom you see will be MY first Pom, Lou. And lastly, how does he help out with whelping The moment a girl starts into serious labor, he starts to pace and whine on the bed. If I have dozed off, he paces and whines next to me until I wake up. Even though he is not a show dog, he has ended up being a working partner in Showcase Pomeranians. MY FIRST POMLouieWane Levinsohn72 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003Make plans to attendThe Pomeranian Club of Central IndianaInaugural PCCI Pomeranian SpecialtySeptember 27, 2003evening event, to follow BIS of Michiana KCAll Breed Shows Same weekend, same site Michiana Kennel Club, 927 Hoosier Kennel Club, 928 Roy Jones, Superintendent www.royjonesdogshows.comPomeranian Clut of Central IndianaIndiana State Fairgrounds1202 E 38th StreetSpecialty Judges Regular Classes James Hupp Kokomo, IN Sweepstakes Nadine Hersil Cudahy, WIIndianapolis, IndianaFor further information contact PCCI Show Secretary Sherri or Janice Russell indypomindy.netr i jSf\CUTE FACES ARE EXPECTED AT STOLANNECONGRATULATIONS EVELYN ON YOUR FEATURE MEMORY LANE.FRAN STOLLSTOLANNE POMERANIANSWASHINGTON, INDIANAAPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 73rrby Barbara McClatcheyUSE IT OR LOSE ITThere is a saying in many fields of endeavor, Use it or lose it. I often tell this to my Puppy Kindergarten and Basic Obedience students. They have taught their dog to sit on commandnow make him sit to put on the leash, sit while you put down his food dish, sit to greet people instead of jumping on them. True Confessions timeIm not always consistent about this myself, but dont tell my students They have taught the dog to come when callednow be sure not to call him and then let him get away with spending a few more minutes sniffing the grass before coming to you. On this one I am VERY consistent its a life and death issue to have a dog that will come immediately on command.But there are other ways to use your training, as we proved this past weekend in the Second Chance Poms rescue booth at the big dog shows in Houston. I didnt have my own dogs up there until the fourth day of the show. We had the rescues there the first three days, and they were a big hit. I had the brilliant idea of offering a dog show at the dog show for a 1 donation to support Pomeranian Rescue. Kids with parents were the best bet for this one, as well as young couples and elderly women in wheelchairs. The donation brought Tuffy out to Sit, Down, and Stand on command and then on signal.He finished off by circling me several times and zig-zagging through my legs and then bowing to his audience. They loved it. Tiffany and Oliver each did their own type of show. Olivers included the command Show your tattoo, which causes him to roll over on his back and expose his abdomen to view. I think next year Ill teach the dogs to retrieve bills and put them in the donation bowlanything for RescueFLYBALL GRAND CHAMPIONConnie and John David Zieba are the proud owners of a first for Pomeranians. Connie sent this description of the big eventOn June 21st, 2003, Keoki became the first Pomeranian and the first Toy Breed to earn the title of FGDCHFlyball Grand Champion. It takes 30,000 points to earn the right to be called a Grand Champion. Keoki brought it home at the Triple Crown Dog Academy in Hutto, Texas. His teammates on the Just Say Go Flyball Team were quick to surround Keoki and his proud dad, John David Zieba. Also on the sidelines cheering wildly were other Flyball Pom owners. This was a big moment for Poms racing everywhere. Keoki demonstrates that Poms can be just as competitive in sports as any other breed.Keoki began the race needing fast, clean heats to win the required number of points. An announcement was made to the crowd to cheer Keoki on. Well-wishers crowded around the lanes. This brought unexpected pressure and tension to bear on the team. In the first heat, one of the dogs was released too soon resulting in an early pass and no points. The second heat was run clean but too slow to outpace the opposing team. Now the pressure was enormous. If we did not win the third heat the race would be over. Keoki would leave without a title and worst of all, we would have to face the disappointment of the crowd.The third heat was run and, thankfully, we won. Now for a fourth heat and the chance for the necessary points. It happened as if in a dream. Keoki crossed the finish line to the biggest title in Flyball and First Pom status Best of all was celebrating with our teammates and friends from Flyball. We were given champagne, cake, presents, and many, many happy memories.74 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003Jrc --s111RtTtKsBEFORE ENTERING THE RALLY RINGRally is going to be a titling class one of these days, but even before that time, you should be preparing by entering Rally as a non-regular class now. It is a sport in which even beginners can have fun and even experienced obedience exhibitors can have problems. At a Rally Advanced class I judged in Houston last weekend, I used two stuffed longhorn cow toys for my distractions in the offset figure eight exercise. A wonderful Labrador, a recent OTCH dog, spotted those toys from across the ring and made a bee-line for them. Luckily, the owner was able to call the dog back before he retrieved them. She said afterwards that she was wondering what to do if he brought a toy to hersay give, and then hand it to the judgeHere are some instructions for preparing to show in any Rally eventArrive early enough to take a look at the posted course. At this time, AKC requires the judge to post the course at ringside, and allows, but does not require, judges to make individual copies available to exhibitors.Step 1 looking at the posted course Study the course layout. What is the path of the course L-shaped U-shaped E- shaped Some judges make a diagonal path on the course in addition to the straight parts. Compare the path not exercises at this point on the printed course with the actual path in the ring. All you are doing at this point is checking out the numbers to see where you will be going.Step 2 still looking at the printed course Look at the specific exercises. Make note of the obvious ones 360 degree turns, halt and sit, right turn and then look for the ones that are hardercall front, finish left, forward, etc. Make sure you knowkPerformance Continued on Page 76 APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 75pPerformance Continued From Page 75what each one requires of you is it a halt or a forward without the dog stopping, and also that you can see where you will be aiming as you leave that exercise. When you do the spiral, for example, where is the next sign going to beStep 3 when you are allowed to walk the course This is related to Step 1. Go out and walk the course, looking only at the numbers, so that you know where you are supposed to go. At this point, dont worry about the exercises themselves, only which direction you will be going from one number to the next. If youre not sure, check it outdoes the path require you to angle a bit at one point Where might you get lostStep 4 This is related to Step 2. Walk the course putting the exercises in. Just do them by yourself, without your pretend dog, until you can do this smoothly without losing your direction, and always recognizing what the sign requires.Step 5 Walk the course with your pretend dog. You know how big your dog is how much room do you need to take for the various turns Allow enough space so that your dog or you wont bump into signs or cones. Talk to your dog as you go, so that you will get the habit.Step 6 Go back to any exercises that caused you a problem and work until you get them smoothly.Step 7 Repeat steps 5 and 6 as needed.The judge will be on the course with you and you may ask questions such as, Where, in relation to the sign, do you want us to do the halt-1-2-3-steps forward Be sure to ask about anything you are unsure about. You will have fifteen minutes for steps 3-7 and questions for the judge.Remember that you are NOT allowed to have a tight leash most common problem according to current Rally judges or to touch your dog.After you have taken your real dog though the course, praise and reward the dog. Do not talk to anyone until after you have given the dog lots of attention. This is his reward for working with youThis is not as complicated as it sounds, believe me. But if you start doing it now in class and in the available matches, you will be way, way ahead when you actually show, and will feel totally comfortable. Well, almostA FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE TITLEFrom Ann Griffith I have a long list of stories to contribute thanks to my late Stanley Stanley Morris, CDX, OA, aka The Little Red Devil Dog. Heres one. We were showing in Open A outdoors on a big field that the wild geese had been shooed off of the night before. Things go great until the retrieve over the jump. I throw the dumbbell and send Stanley. He races up to the jump, stops dead right in front of it, spends a very long time carefully sniffing a big pile of goose doodoo. The gracious judge waits. I wait. Eventually he raises his head, goes over the jump, picks up the dumbbell, comes back over the jump, stops dead, drops the dumbbell, and carefully sniffs the pile of goose doodoo for a very long time. The gracious judge waits. I wait. I can hear tittering from the crowd. Eventually he picks up the dumbbell and does a perfect front. I take the dumbbell. He finishes perfectly. The judge says, tears of laughter running down her face, I dont know how to score that. Mind you, the only commands I gave him through this whole exercise were the ones allowed by AKC - no second commands of any sort. This is only one of many things the Little Red Devil Dog did to drive me crazyPerformance titles will not be printed in this issue due to the general wiped-out-ness of your columnist. Ill try to catch up next timeDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail .476 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003EYE OF THE TIGEBy Connie ZiebaLORD PETER OF BRISTOL COURT AX, MXJ, AD, OAC, OGC, OJC, FGDCHOn June 21st, 2003, our Pomeranian, Keoki, earned the title of FGDCH - Flyball Grand Champion. This is the highest title awarded by NAFA North American Flyball Association. A Flyball Dog must accumulate 30,000 points to be called a Grand Champion.For those of you who have never seen it, flyball is a sport for dogs of all breeds and sizes. Four dogs run a relay race, jumping over hurdles, triggering a box to release a ball, and returning to the start line carrying the ball back over the hurdles. When one dog returns, the next dog is released. It is a crazy sport to watch and an exciting one to participate in. Once you have won your first race ... you are addicted.Keoki was two and a half years old before we began flyball training. It had never occurred to us that Pomeranians could do flyball. Then we witnessed a tournament in Houston and saw small dogs successfully competing in flyball Keoki had always been ball crazy so we knew this was just the thing for him. We joined a team and started practicing. We immediately noticed an improvement in Keokis disposition. This was a dog that relished the extra activity.Our first tournament was in College Station, Texas, in January of 1998. My parents and brother had driven all the way from Norman, Oklahoma to watch the big moment. When Keoki was released, he ran down the lane, noticedContinued on Page 78..ftPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 77the dog on the opposing team, and changed course to chase the dog all the way back to the finish line Not the best start but very entertaining to watch. Keoki earned his first flyball title at this event.As time went on, my husband concentrated on teaching Keoki a swimmers mm on the box. This is a smooth, fluid motion in which the dog places all four legs on the box, catches the ball, and pushes off the box with his rear legs. The payoff for this maneuver is faster times. Because this is difficult to leam, fewer dogs have really good box turns. Keokis box mm has -Tim78 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003given him a competitive edge.Teams frequently consist of three big dogs and one small dog called a height dog. The smallest dog on the team determines the jump height for all the dogs. Lower hurdles mean faster times for all the dogs. Keoki set the jump height for his team at 8 inches the minimum possible.One of the most common breeds of height dog is the Jack Russell Terrier. Many teams would never consider having any other kind of height dog. At one tournament, as we were getting ready to race, we overheard members of the opposingVr I A 'team talking about the Pom.They were incredulous that we were really going to mn a Pom. They were so disdainful they put in a slower dog for one of their fast Border Collies. We quickly won the first two heats. The opposing team member had to run to his crating area, pick up his fast dog, and race back for the final heat. All to no avail, however, as we also won that heat and the race.On November 3rd and 4th, 2000, the television program, Breed All About It, filmed Keoki at a flyball tournament in Austin. The producers were surprised andAwmvt pleased that all this energy came from a toy breed. The program on Animal Planet exclaims, Few would believe this delicate looking dog has the eye of the tiger.Our flyball team, Just Say Go, has traveled to tournaments throughout Texas, and to Tulsa, Oklahoma City, Memphis, St. Louis, and Tampa. Keokis teammates include several Border Collies, Shelties, Jack Russells, a Black Lab, and a Golden Retriever.Keoki is now eight and a half years old. His times are still consistent in fact one of his best times came justlast March at a tournament in Dallas. On July 20th, in Houston, he proudly won his 31st, First Place trophy. He has the distinction of being the first Pomeranian to earn FMX, FMCH, ONYX, and FGDCH titles. He is the first Toy Breed to earn an FGDCH. He is the ranked Flyball Pomeranian America.Halfway through the year 2003, there were 12,905 dogs racing flyball in the United States and Canada. Only 298 of these dogs are Flyball Grand Champions. Now the first Pomeranian has joined their ranks.One of the very best things about flyball is all the great friends we have made. They have cheered for Keoki at every opportunity. Many of the members of The Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston have shown their enthusiasm and support. Some of these people are also members of the American Pomeranian Club. Thank you Olga, Darrell, Carolyn, Barbara, Renate, Sue, Tim, Adrienne, Cindy, and the rest.Our best wishes to all the Pomeranians racing now and in the future. Keoki is trained and handled by John David Zieba. Of 1in North1- Jm 1i4V aVc r m7k- .. - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 79LPom TalK Pom Talk questions and comments may be found online at isapi.dll Members and friends may post answers and comments online or contact Roxanne Collins, 603 N Main Street, Hebron, IN 46341 FAX 219 996 7667 or^ I-I-I-Z-I \ How do you revivestimulate a puppy that is bom not breathingNutri-drops used as directed are helpful, and aggressive rubbing, and swinging. I protect the puppys head with the way I lay it in my hand, and swing the puppy in a high to low arch. I just recently had a puppy that was from a c-section that wouldnt breath. It took quite a while of constant rubbing and even pinching, along with a bit of swinging to get the little one going. She was too weak to nurse, so I had to hand raised her for the first four days. As she gained strength, she decided moms milk was better than supplement, and she nursed from her mom, on her own. Happily, she is thriving.Linda Mulso, Cottontop PomsIf vigorous rubbing does not work quickly, then I use a drop of Dopram from my vet under the tongue then give puppy CPR using one finger to do chest compressions and folding the puppy by curling its head and chest downward to the body to do the lung ventilation. I do maybe six to ten compressions followed by two ventilations. Then I rub vigorously again for a second or two. Do not be too quick to give up sometimes it can take quite a while to get them going.Mary Allan, Allayns Pomeranians and Poodles1. The first thing is to take a Q tip and hold puppy upside down, put Q tip in mouth roll it back over the tongue, and press against the tongue, and pull it forward so you get all the fluid out of the lungs 2. The next thing is to clamp the navel cord. 3. The next is to vigorously mb puppy on the sides, and back. 4. If no action, then you hold pup upside down again, and depress over the heart just a little, then mb again. 5. Still no action, take something tiny, like the back end of a needle, and stimulate the puppy by just inserting the tip into the nose area, and move it around gently You alternate 3. 4. 5. Always clear the lungs, before you clamp the cord I do hope this helps all you good breeders out there.Trilvie Haynes, Kitsan PomsThe first and most important thing is DONT GIVE UP First of all, you fold the puppy in half a couple of times - that will help bring up any fluid that may have got down into the lungs and it wont hurt the puppy. Their bones are pretty soft first when they are bom. Then you suck out the nose a couple of times yes, I do it with my mouth, theres not much I wouldnt do to save a puppy. Then you mb the puppy with a big, dry towel very vigorously, really vigorously. Keep mbbing vigorously, and fold again every now and then. Rub, mb, and rub Youre trying to make the puppy mad, and you wont hurt it. Ive done this for as long as thirty minutes and saved the puppy when the vet thought it was dead. If you happen to be at the vets, you should also give the puppy some oxygen while you are rubbing. The important thing is not to give up too soon - Ive saved several puppies this way.Bev Carter, Damascusroad PomeraniansI shake it upside down to make sure no fluid in the lungs, take a bulb syringe and suck out the nose, do mouth to nose. A drop of Dopram, although now they are saying not to. If it is Fading Puppy Syndrome and its cold I mn the body under warm water and mb, rub, rub. I do this for a good ten minutes and if nothing I consider it gone. If it starts gasping I keep mbbing until its not rattley sounding in the chest. One pup took me a good forty-five minutes but it was fine after that.Julie Clemens, Rise-N-Shine PomsTo help and revive a newborn puppy that is not breathing, this is what I did for two of the puppies in a litter. You hold the puppy belly up, head down and while carefully supporting its head and neck you thrust it upside down toward the floor. This will help shake and expel any fluid in the lungs. Do this several times. Then place puppy right-side up against your cheek and briskly rub its back with a80 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003towel several times to stimulate its heart and breathing. If no breathing has begun, shake down the puppy again and again. Repeat the towel rubbing. You can even blow into the mouth. Once the breathing has begun, keep rubbing with the towel. Then place the puppy in a shoebox with a heating pad. Place a towel between the shoebox and heating pad. When the breathing is regular you can then place the puppy with its dam.Terri JansonYou cant kill a dead puppy, so I am vigorous in my resuscitation attempts. Wipe nose and mouth with towel. Sling it cradle it in right palm, belly to my palm, and nose at fingertips, cover it with left hand. Raise hands overhead, keeping arms straight, swing hands down toward floor. Wipe nose. Gently message chest between thumb and forefinger. Blow very gently into nose. Do it all again. If you have a stethoscope, check for heartbeat.Margaret McKee, Idlewyld PomsI briskly massage the puppy with the rag, use the suction bulb to clear fluids from the nose and mouth, and holding the puppy on its back in the cradle of both hands with thumbs applying gentle pressure across the rib cage, gently sling it, head down, between my parted legs, much like you would do with your young child when playing with them and they liked to be swung and slung. This helps to clear any fluids from the lungs. If the puppy is still not breathing, or is breathing tiny, intermittent gasps, I place a drop or two of Dopram under the tongue using a small syringe. Dopram is used to stimulate breathing. I also apply artificial respiration by placing my mouth over both nose and mouth of the puppy and using two fingers to fill the expansion of the lungs, blow gently but firmly into the puppys nose and mouth till the lungs expand, then release. I use those same two fingers to apply a brisk couple of taps to the heart region left side just above the bottom two ribs in-between blowing air into the puppys mouth and nose. If this doesnt net any result,I turn the puppy over, apply a couple of brisk, moderate blows to the puppys back, up near the shoulders to dislodge anything that might be caught in the trachea, and use my little finger to run through the puppys mouth and throat to remove anything that might be dislodged, briskly rubbing the puppy with the washcloth during this whole procedure. If theres still no breathing, and Mom has more puppies on the way, I place the puppy in the box on its stomach, with head turned to the side for drainage of fluids, and go back to it as time permits between the births of any other puppies. Unfortunately, they dont always survive or revive, and rather than risk the loss of any others, you have to make a decision at some point to just let go and move on to the next one.Sherrilynn Rogers, LaCueva Kennel Pomeranians Smooth Fox TerriersI hold the puppy firmly in both hands and swing it forcefully downward from waist high to between my legs. You must be careful not to let any part of its body dangle or slip out of your hands, or you will defeat the whole purpose. You dont want to give it whiplash, have its head hit the floor, break its neck or have it end up across the room It will be dead then for sure This is one technique that is VERY touchy. I dont recommend it for a novice.Sally B.When it has happened to me I have held the puppy upside down and shaken it gently to get any fluid up out of the lungs, also pinching at the back of the neck helps too, and then you also cradle the puppy in both hands tummy facing upwards and close the hands together so puppy is bent in two and releasing your hands to first position quite sharply, you may have to do this several times. I had a litter of Samoyeds about five weeks ago and had to do all this and got the puppy to get an intake of breath, and then gradually it started to breathe on its own. He is fine now and has a great pair of lungs.Ann Kingston, Glenvalley Show Kennels, IrelandWhen I had a pup bom not breathing and not at the vets for the use of Dopram this is what I have done. I will clean the pup and clamp the cord. I wrestle it in my hands between a dry cloth stimulating the body. I then give it the swing down motion, and clear its mouth and nose. Then I compress on the chest and give it mouth to mouth. I have on one occasion with the helpadvice of an Australian breeder used a household 9-volt battery. You make sure that both prongs of the battery touch the pups tongue. This can be hard, as you know Pom puppies mouths are very small. But I pry open the mouth with my thumb and forefinger and using the battery with the other hand rolled it across the tongue making both prongs touch. It acts as a stimulant, jolting the heart. Kind of like a shock system to the heart they use on cardiac arrest patients in hospitals. Grasping for last hope I was willing to try anything. It did work, and thankfully it has been the only time I have had to use this method. Most times the swing down method along with vigorous rubbing brings them around.Roxanne Collins, Kissami KennelOur question for the next issue is How often do you have your Poms teeth cleaned And what techniques do you use between cleanings to ward off tarter build-upSend answers to Roxanne Collins, or phone 219-996-7643.^Opinions, suggestions and techniques found within Pom Talk are opinions of each individual author. The American Pomeranian Cluh, Inc. and the Pomeranian Review does not endorse or recommend any procedure or accept responsibility of their use. Always consult a licensed veterinarian.APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 81 - V IV. My name is Kira Parkin. Im from Gloucester Virginia. Im ten years old and you know what that means. I can now compete for junior showmanship AKC points. Im so excited and looking forward to the rest of the show year.I started showing dogs at the age of five. Im a junior member of the Gloucester Club Kennel of Virginia, Inc. and the Pomeranian Club Of Central Virginia. I became interested in showing dogs because my Mom, Ellen Parkin, has been showing and training dogs for fourteen years. We have been going to shows, and sometimes we get up as early as 4 a.m. I really dont mind because I get great enjoyment being with my dog. My Dad stays home and takes care of the kennel for us. I help with handling some of the dogs in the show ring.We have American Eskimos and Pomeranians. I have been showing in Junior Showmanship with the United Kennel Club with an American Eskimo Dog named AKC Ch. Kadocs Diamond Delia Of LnQuest. The UKC allows you to start showing at an early age. I won Sub Junior Handler 4- 8 years old at the National American Eskimo Dog Assn. May 2001. I won a beautiful trophy. It is my favorite award. I have been doing a lot of showing with Delia. Weve been going to AKC fun matches and showing in regular conformation classes. I have won several first place ribbons and learn new things every time I go into the ring. I enjoy showing my skills of stacking and being able to handle my dog. One thing I keep forgetting is to move out of the way when the judge examines the dog from the opposite side. It cost me Best Junior In Show.I have met a lot of nice people and one of my junior handler friends is Kelsey Hazelwood who shows Australian Shepherds. My Mom surprised me last May 2002 by bringing home a beautiful male Pomeranian. She decided he needed a friend, so she got a little girl for herself. She drove all the way to Kannapolis, N.C. to Lenette Pomeranians. I had been wanting a Pomeranian to show in Juniors. I named him Sebastian. I also now have a kennel name, which is KQuest. So his show name is KQuest Dance on the Sea of Lenette. He is now a UKC Champion. I have been working really hard with him. We go to handling class each week, enter matches and fun dog events. He heels very well with me.My favorite ring pattern is a T. The judges drill you on the different patterns. So, I practice them a lot. Sebastian has a lot of coat, which makes it hard to maintain him. So, its brush, brush, and brush. Why I wanted a Pomeranian is they are beautiful, intelligent, and I can pick them up and put them on the table to be judged. We entered the Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia match, and I won best junior handler. Im hoping Sebastian will do well for me this year. Were getting ready to enter some junior showmanship shows. Sebastian definitely is intelligent. He knows some obedience commands. My goal with him is to82 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003Kira and Sebastian, Best Junior, PCCV Match 2003.ervKira and Delia running a relay race over jumpsshow him in Juniors, Obedience, and Agility. I also help with my Moms business K-9 Charm Boarding Kennel, training and grooming. My job is to help with feeding, watering, throwing the ball for some of the dogs, and other small jobs. As of now, Im thinking of being a veterinarian. I would also like to be able to compete at the Westminster Dog Show in New York. My mom said as long as I keep my grades up and work hard I can make it there. Watch for Sebastian and me in the Junior ring. Kira and Sebastian.Kira and Lila with Santa 2002I ^Kira and Delia win at the NAEDA 2001 Kira and Sebastian, PCCV match 2003.APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 83Pomeranian Club ofCentrVirginia, inC.June 21, 2003Judge Mrs. Betsy Horn Humer, Pungoteague, VA Puppy Dogs, 3-6 raos.1 - Honeykist True Grit - Christine Bousquet2 - Honeykist Ready To Rock - Christine Bousquet Puppy Dogs, 6-9 mos.1 - Honeykist Improvisation - Christine Bousquet2 - Firebrooks Sunkist Bucanneer - Rhapsody Rhodes3 - Monarcs Just A Gigolo - Deb Wheeler Puppy Dogs, 9-12 mos.1 - Honeykist Sting Like A Bee - Christine Bousquet Puppy Bitches, 3-6 mos.1 - Pickets Beach Bunny - Bette and Gary Meredith2 - Mtn Views Winter Hope - Patricia and Roger Dague3 - Sundowns Make A Wish - Roselie Malone4 - Sweet Baaboo - Barbara Chillemi Puppy Bitches, 6-9 mos.1 - Keelie Touch Of Class - Sally Jenkins2 - Emcees Chica Bee - Morris E. Carson3 - Emcees Mira Bee - Morris E. CarsonBEST PUPPY IN MATCH - Honeykist Sting Like A Bee - Christine BousquetBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX PUPPY IN MATCH - Keelie Touch Of Class - Sally Jenkins Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs 1 - Stormy - Sally JenkinsviiBEST ADULT IN MATCHDimondes Gem Covered Joker - Diana Downey, Clayton MooneyBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX ADULT IN MATCH Echos One Moment In Time - Roselie MaloneT rm '4lifeBEST PUPPY IN MATCH Honeykist Sting Like A Bee - Christine Bousquet84 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003Open Dogs1 - Dimondes Gem Covered Joker - Diana M. Downey and Clayton R. Mooney2 - Windmist By Invitation Only - Elizabeth Heckert3 - Emcees Destin Tobe Honeykist - Christine Bousquet4 - Marbils Gimme A Chance - Patricia Dague Novice Bitches1 - Echos One Moment In Time - Roselie Malone2 - Nala - Glenn and Evelyn Larsen Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches1 - Mtn Views This Sweet Dream - Patricia Dague Open Bitches1 - Eco Sal-Mar Sunshine Buffie - Sally Jenkins2 - Marbils Oh What A Feeling - Patricia Dague3 - Lnquest Mystic Charm Of Lenette - Ellen Parkin4 - Beau James White Snow Princess - Jacqueline M.SanderfordBEST ADULT IN MATCH - Dimondes Gem Covered Joker DianaM. Downey and Clayton R. MooneyBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX ADULT IN MATCH - Echos OneMoment In Time - Roselie Malone7-Ups Dogs1 - Biscuit - Diane Ruff2 - Sebastian - Kira Parkin 7-Ups Bitches1 - Raffles Treasured Lil Angel - Rhapsody Rhodes BEST 7-UP IN MATCH - Biscuit - Diane Ruff BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX 7-UP IN MATCH - Raffles Treasured Lil Angel - Rhapsody Rhodes Junior Showmanship 1 - Kira Parkin showing Sebastian Adult Showmanship1 - Ellen Parkin showing Lnquest Mystic Charm Of Lenette Costume1 - Raffles Treasured Lil Angel and Raffles Ima Lil Jewel Too- Rhapsody Rhodes29 Dogs showing in 32 EntriesThe PCCV will be holding an All-Breed Fun Match on 10403 at the J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College, Parham Campus in Richmond, VA. The Clubs web site is httpwww.geocities.compccv_home.X3EST v.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX PUPPY IN MATCH Keelie Touch Of Class, Sally Jenkinsre.OFKira Parkin and Sebastianbrook 3mt\fstDiana Downey and Marlene Scott Halsey Ellen Parkin and Lnquest Mystic Chann Of LenetteAPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 85S-]rV\t vvm stt tnCJaiid hAoreThe Way I See It opinions are from AKC judges Mr. William Cunningham, Mr. J.Robert Jacobson, Mrs. Beverly Lehnig,Ms. Julie Holm, and Ms. Diane Malenfant. Please keep in mind these answers are from more than a year ago.A new questionnaire will be sent soon to all Toy judges, along with the invitation to receive a complimentary subscription to the American Pomeranian Club publication, The Pomeranian Review.Mrs. Beverly LehnigMrs. Lehnig resides in Indiana, and has been a judge for more than thirty-seven years. She applied to judge because she felt she could contribute to the understanding of her breed, the Silky Terrier. Beverly has lived with Silky Terriers, Yorkshire Terriers, and Shih Tzu. She has never owned a Pom, but admires them.Mrs. Lehnig enjoys judging the Poms because of their spirit, beauty, sweetness, and naughtiness. Expected in her ring are politeness, good sportsmanship, and careful handling of exhibits. In general, she thinks the exhibitor can improve the average Poms presentation by training them to give ears and look at the judge so _expression can be seen. Her comment concerning the standard is, In my opinion it is very clear.She feels the overall quality of the Pom has improved since she began judging. They have better fronts and rears. There is better size, especially in black and tans, parti colors, blacks, and browns. Mrs. Lehnig states, Although I think breeders have worked hard to improve this breed, I would like to see better tail sets in many cases, also finer muzzles. I dont see too many large ears, but I dont like them.3851 Sand Bay Lane Sturgeon Bay, Wl 54235 baugnietdcwis.comMs. Julie HolmMs. Holm lives in California and has been judging dogs for twenty years. After breeding and showing her own dogs for fifteen years, the next step was to judge. She says she was tired of running around the ring and decided to become a judge.Whippets were her first breed, but she also owned Italian Greyhounds, Lhasa Apsos, and Smooth Fox Terriers. She has never owned or shown a Pomeranian, but enjoys judging all Toys.She expects all exhibitors in her ring to be courteous and follow directions. It also helps if they have groomed their dogs, she states. Over trimming is not doing the breed justice because it takes away the essence of the breed. In her opinion, she thinks the standard is very well done.Ms. Diane MalenfantMs. Malenfant, from Arizona, has been judging for twenty-five years. The breeds she has raised are Basset Hounds, Whippets, and Shih Tzu.I enjoy judging Poms because they are table trained better than most Toy breeds. It makes judging easier and more fun, Diane commented. She expects exhibitors in her ring to be on time when their class begins and expects them not to feed their dogs on the table. She also says, Dont over trim I am concerned about the increase of over trimmed dogs in the ring, especially in the Best of Breed class.Diane feels Poms have improved since she beganSally Baugniet86 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003judging, in particular the soundness in the rears. She also thinks the Pom standard is fine as it is.Mr. William CunninghamBill lives in Florida and has been judging for seven years. He retired from handling and applied to judge. He has owned, lived with and bred Poodles, Shih Tzu, Afghan Hounds, Borzoi, Whippets, Maltese, Poms, Basset Hounds, and Dachshunds.He owned and finished a couple of his own Poms and also showed quite a few for clients. He loves the breed and enjoys judging good quality of all ages, from the six-month age to the specials. He expects exhibitors to have their dogs clean and lead trained when they come in the ring. He likes a Pom neatened up.Mr. J. Robert JacobsenMr. Jacobsen resides in California and has been approved to judge since 1984. He became a judge as the next step after breeding and exhibiting.A list of Roberts breeder-owner accomplishments includes eighty five Pekingese champions, three National BIS winners, twelve All breed BIS winners owner handled seventeen Chow Chow champions, one All breed BIS winner breeder- owner handled five Japanese Chin champions, two National BIS winners and four Pug champions, Group One winners.He has also owned and finished the following four Poms, one Group One and BISS winner at ten months of age under Mary Rosenbaum Ch. Queenaire Rebel Holiday one Group winning Papillon three Yorkies, breeder-owner handled and Bulldogs, Tibetan Spaniels and a Norwegian Elkhound BIS winner.Mr. Jacobsen enjoys judging Poms because they are happy little dogs with lively personalities. He expects exhibitors that show in his ring to bring clean, well-groomed dogs that show If you bring a dog that is meticulously groomed, but not over trimmed, it gives an edge with an average dog.As to the question, Has the overall quality of the Pomeranian improved since you began judging, Mr. Jacobsen answers, Somewhat, but like most breeds, you go through times where you see a lot of good ones, then there are lean timesPoms are one of his favorite Toy breeds to judge and he quite often gives them a Group One or a placement. He feels the Pom standard is adequate.AND MOREI judged at the Way, Way, West Brush Prairie Cluster in July and had a terrific entry of fifty-five beautiful Poms. It was like a mini specialty. In fact, there are many specialties with fewer entries. This is a great credit to the exhibitors there who are breeding better than average Poms. As you know, the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club is having back-to-back shows and also hosting the summer APC Specialty, September 17, 18 and 19, 2003 in Olympia, Washington. This undertaking is always a big job. Im sure they would appreciate all the help and cooperation that can be given. I know it will be a huge success. Congratulations to all of the big winnersTHOUGHTS FOR THIS ISSUE A strong code of ethics is as reliable as a compass. You should never be too busy to say PLEASE and THANK YOU.Dear Diane and Annie,I am so very sorry for your loss of Travis and Cloudbuster. Sincerely,Jean Schroll JayJays Pomeranians\MASTERCARD AND VISA ACCEPTEDVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgAPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 87Sutwfiine fJlcseACongratulations an JCen and Eleanor Millers 50th. Wedding. Znniversarg.Continued get wed wishes to Bonnie Stetson.Qods richest Blessing fox a convptete recovery,Jien Qriffith..Mag Qod strengthen and heal dha Moureau. Speedy recovery to EBill Menry undergoing Bach, surgery. fBCessings to Virginia Watkins, having surgery.Sunshine and Roses are published at no cost. Please send or Email the Editor.w jOr We salute thecourageous men, women and their families of our armed forces. May they be safe andprotected from all harm.Let freedom ringSMGT ANDREW PELZ USMC, HUSBAND OF LINDA PELZMSgt. Clinton A. Moureau, Son of Erika MoureauMajor Penny H. Moureau, Daughter-In-Law of Erika MoureauServing in Kuwait, Chief Warrant Officer Ken Fralick, wife of Heather Fralick Jessie Kleins daughter.Second Class Petty Officer Mike P. Jankowski, nuclear technician, stationed on The USS Montpelier submarine, husband of Beth Kerr Jankowski.Email to submit names.KENNELNovDec 2003 f IS ITSPat BarnettBar-Net PomeraniansRenate RichterKouterie Poms JanFeb 2004Pati DanielsonPatricias PomsPlease contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Co-ordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, TX 76306, Ph. 903-882-1950 or email RATESFull Page Color 250.00Full Page Black White 75.00Half Page Color 135.00Half Page Black White 45.00Fourth Page 30.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESFirst Class 45Bulk Rate 37Foreign Rate 80Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 8For more information contactBrenda Segelken 217-347-5731 fame62401 yahoo. comV88 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003BI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email A- VN'- - .aMari Iffland11290 Old Lake Road Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127email pomsawaylegypt.netTmtiquePomeraniansIBonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island NY 11953 631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comimL iHm U 'Ch. Avalon's Prince Matchabelli "Monte" Starfire's Conan the Barbarian x Avalon's Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.FINCH'S POMERANIANS Ltd.BIS, BISS, Ch Finch's He Walks on Water,ROMX Ch Reginapoms Patrick O'Finch's Ch Finch's Dream Walkin'Ch Finch's Walkin' After Midnite Ch Finch's A Noble Tradition Ch Finch's The Legend Continues Ch Finch's Mr. Bold N Beautiful Ch Pufpride Sweet DreamsBlack, Chocolate, Orange, Black Tan Partis, Stud ServiceDiane L Finch28453 630th, Kelley, IA 50134 515 769-2444 dfinchhuxcomm.netAudrey Ttpherh"Jlovmyfy 'Handfiny Toys"iShyacres.comShyacreshotmail.com337-392-2094APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 - 89COMING EVENTSAPC Summer SpecialtySeptember 19, 2003 Olympia, Washington Two Puget Sound Pom Club Spec.September 17 and 18, 2003 West Coast Hotel, Olympia, WA Show Sec. Sally Ferguson 541-459-5047 Marlene Presser Diana Solano Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana Specialty September 27, 2003 Indianapolis, Indiana Show Sec Sherri Alspaugh, paughprintpomspeoplepc.comNATIONAL SPECIALTY March 8, 9, 10, 2004 Specialty Judge Janice Earl Sweepstakes Judge Nadine Hersil Louisville, Kentuckyof Central IndianaAPCJPC Pom ReviewmmiOct. 1,200200M Kill VISITPat Barnett Bar-let PomsBenate Richtei Routerie PomsVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgMASTERCARD AND VISA ACCEPTEDAMERICAN KENNEL CLUB, INC.AKC Headquarters260 Madison Ave, NYC 10016 212 696-8200Open 830-415 ET weekdays except holidays AKC Operations Center 5580 Centerview Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606 919 233-9767Open 830-500 ET weekdays except holidays httpwww.akc.orgindex.clmDIGITAL and EMAIL FILESPhotos for publication must be scanned at 300 DPI when emailing photo files. Set digital cameras minimum 3.5 MP to the highest setting BEFORE taking digital photos for publication in the APC Pomeranian Review. Email all photos, ad text and payment form MasterCard and VISA accepted tofame62401yahoo.comLetters to the Editor, Yips and Yaps are welcome. Send to The Pomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 or email fame62401 Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Subscription ManagerBRENDA HUTTON15755 Greenway Lansing, MI 48906 Ph 517-485-5183 Email bkpomsearthlink.netSubscription CardYearly Bi-Monthly Subscriptions45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico80 ForeignNAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY. STATE, ZIPCODE, COUNTRY VjPHONE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER A 1VISAMASTER CARDCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE90 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003Catherine JessenElusive Toys208 745-5267PomsV ilk - W[ m t' i andToyPoodlesja Bcue P ymAMUmAPat and Walt GilbertPH 407 658-9878 FAX 407-658-8673 Email Flea560AOL.COMMillanpr PomeraniansHIKen Eleanor Miller1777 Orange Picker Rd Jacksonville, Florida 32223 PH 904-260-4308 millamorbellsouth.netn^PoiiiewimsShari ShieldsOdenton, MD 21113301-261-3727sshieldserols.comMountain View PomeraniansMtn View Stars ShinePat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 Phone 540-337-2965DOLIN'DARLINS MAJOR COMMOTIONDonna Machnial237 Groveland Dr Howell, MI 48843 517-546-7446 Darlinpoms 1 hotmail.comLaurie Otis7721 Wright-Puthoff Rd Sidney, OH 45365 937-498-4970 darlinpomsbright.netwww.DarlinPoms.comA REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S Waters Charlene R Waters1625 East 11400 South Sandy Utah 84092-5428 801-571-4959SHIMMEREEMSN.COM Quality Pomeranians1 KVs " Pal Barnett Rcnale lliditeiAnipniiiii PimiFianiaii luhPomeranian ReviewOct umBUSINESS CARD ADVERTISING RATESSmall Ad 65.00 Large Ad 95.00Six issues,one photo included.A SF AS,C5N 16009 Edgewater Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78412 361-991-5410 361-993-4059 fabyanpomsaol.comAPC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 -91INTERNATIONALEdited by Joan BehrendThe following is the informal interview of Averil Cawthera-Purdy of Lireva Kennels, conducted at a dog show in the UK by Jackie Walsh. Jackie also shares some insight into her own kennel, Jacquis Poms. Jackie notes the English have few large breeding kennels and most Poms are breeder owner handled unless a friend helps out occasionally.LIREVA KENNELS the Cawthera Family.Averil Cawthera is a schoolteacher in the U.K., writes a regular column every week in the dog press, and is very involved with Junior handlers. The youngest in the family, Purdy, does most of the handling of the familys Poms and Samoyeds. Their kennel name comes from reversing the name AVERIL - LIREVA.In 1972, a Pom was bought as a birthday present, as the family show dogs were too strong and big for a little girl to handle. They bought the best Pom they could find, and bred from there. Purdy shows her dogs, and dogs for other kennels Thelma Alsford mentioned in the July Review that LIREVA kennels shows her dogs for her. Purdy also judges. Her last breed assignment was at Crafts in 1999.The LIREVA Kennels keeps approximately twelve to fourteen Poms on acreage that they have in the country. The Poms live in the house, but sleep in a separate utility room at night. The LIREVA dogs are not microchipped or tattooed and are not tagged in the house, but English law states that they must wear a collar and name tag when out.Generally, they use their own stud dogs for breeding, but find it easy to use others studs if needed. Their bitches have no more than two to three litters, and the average litter size is one to two pups. A C-section is needed approximately 50 of the time, and the veterinary bill is approximately 250 to 300 English pounds. LIREVA uses holistic medicine remedies as an alternative to conventional medicine when needed. One of the problems they have experienced with the breed is ear mites, which they believe stems from the wild rabbits that ran through the countryside. A few years ago, they had problems with hypoglycemia in certain lines, which she has discontinued breeding from.JACQUIS POMS Jackie WalshJackie started in dogs by rescuing a Poodle from one of her clients neighbors dogs. After having a few litters and trying to show these, she found that she was not good at the grooming needed to show the Poodles. Jackie waited six months for a Poodle breeder to sell her a Pom, and she sold her Pip, an orange female who was nearly a year old.Jackie shows and breeds Poms on a small scale, and has handled a few times for other people.Presently, Jackie has six female Poms. The oldest two are nine years old, one is seven years old, and she has a two year old with two nine month old puppies. All of them are orange, except for her only champion, Sugar, one of the nine year olds.Sugar is cream.Jackie and her dogs have a small garden in town, and the dogs live in the house as pets under her feet. One sleeps upstairs in her bed, the others sleep in crates in the kitchen. The dogs are neither microchipped or tagged, despite the English law that dogs outside must wear a collar and a tag.It is not difficult to obtain stud service for the Jacquis Poms, but the prices do vary, and some dogs are not at public stud. The Kennel Club in the U.K. passed a rale that breeders cannot breed their bitches before they are a year old, and you must wait a complete year before breeding the bitch again. Also, bitches can only be bred up until seven years old.Her litter size is usually two to three whelps. Jackie says that C-sections are not unusual, and the price differs around the country. In her area, C-sections cost between 200 and 400 English pounds, but in other places can ran as low as 150 pounds.Jackie has used homeopathic medicine at times. Among problems she has seen occur in the Pom breed are skin problems, heart problems, and fluid on the brain.In 2002, at the APC National Specialty, some of us had the privilege of showing our Poms under Jackie at the PCCI Match, ta92 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003AdvertisersAcquard, Bonnie............................................................. 29Allridge, Valerie............................................................. 37Baker, Darrell and Olga..................................................20Baugniet, Sally................................................................26Birks, Joyce.....................................................................29Boulware, Cindy............................................................... 4Carlson, Alice............................................................91, 95Carter, Beverly................................................................38Cartwright, Sherry.......................................................... 36Coats, Geneva................................................................. 46Crawford, Karen............................................................. 57Crockett, Carolyn...................................................... 19, 41Davis, Annette and Erik............................................. 9, 89Dague, Roger and Pat.....................................................91DeCicco, Linda............................................................... 37Dieball, Fred and Patricia................................................. 6Fiddick, Robert and Juanita.......................................48,49Finch, Diane............................................................... 4, 89Flynn, Lauretta.......................................................... 30, 31Gilbert, Pat......................................................................91Gilstrap, David and Carlene...........................Back CoverGriffith, Ken and Eleanor.................................................7Hanson, Sharon.........................................Front Cover, 8Harris, Bonnie.................................................... 42, 43, 89Heartz, John and Christine..............................................53Hoemke, Jayne................................................................39Hirschberg, Jackie...........................................................20Iffland, Mari....................................................................89Jessen, Catherine........................................................ 9, 91Johnston, Bronya.............................................................36Johnson, Sandra.............................................................. 36Klein, Jessie................................................................3, 28Lehtinen, Jane........................................................... 10, 11Levinsohn, Alane........................................................5, 40Lovely, Victoria..............................................................44Machniak, Donna............................................................91McFarland, Pauline.........................................................57McKee, Margaret.......................................................58, 59Miller, Ken and Eleanor................................................. 91Norem, Kathy..................................................................36Otis, Laurie.....................................................................91Palmer, Victoria..............................................................10Picon, Theresa.................................................................57Pietzsch, Bob and Elizabeth........................................... 27Back IssuesTo order back issues, mail check toAssistant Back Issues Manager, Laura Meineke 7008 Grace Avenue, Cinncinati, OH 45227, 513 271-3983 panachepomsnetzero.comAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 8.00The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk, and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 80 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible for the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at http www. americanpomeranianclub. orgPom Club of Central Indiana....................................... 73Pom Club of Greater Houston......................................26Rayner, Ken and Jackie................................................38Reed, Nancy................................................................. 28Riehm, Donna.......................................................26, 37Roberts, Audrey........................................................... 89Rosenbaum, Mary.................................................13, 89Russell, Janice.............................................................. 26Shields, Shari............................................................... 91Shearer, Jim..................................................................28Sowers, Anastasia........................................................95Stoll, Fran.......................................................26, 37, 73Swain, Kenneth..............................................................2Takayama, Ellen...........................................................45Waters, Gregg and Charlene........................................9194 - APC Pomeranian Review - SeptemberOctober 2003 -fKViueSo wvuf jIpn tU am ojj tfow title IMjmA ,7 eel o tacky to have kmcm turn fiencoaMy aad tokave me o^ kio fteautcfatl cme ol colm, TliCcnm ".mTttetZ6iZ Anastasia SowersJj ctonkamicronaol. comi, rZCZrSf JTCCH. FABYANS highway to heavenHIGHWAY finished with nine Best of BreedBest of Winners and two back to back three and four point majors in one weekend.Thank you to the honorable judges who have been so supportive.My deepest sympathy to Diane Finch on the very sad loss of BIS, BISS CH. Finchs He Walks On Water and to Annie Gouraud on the loss of BIS Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster.Congratulations and best wishes to Cindy Boulware on your APC Kennel Visit.BreederOwnerAlice Carlson361-993-4059 www.fabyanpoms.comHandlerAngela Lawrence830-772-4161err vXBEST 01WINNERSCIN-TEXG kennelLEBOilAMCAN Ch. Mountain Crest QjJLi^ r ' S S , V ' r ^ T y v i y y i y ' F__ J TOY vl GREATER KINGSPORT KENNEL CLUBAKC EVENT ,Lx NX MVESSOH 2003MVERSON PHOTO A wmfl iAMCAN Ch. Mountain Crest Quigleyf- CH. Paughprints on the Mtn.Crest x Mountain Crest Noratfhank you tflnn Jevcyman foi Quigley Canadian'CframpionJtflip. CpnylatulationS Cindy Jjoulwale. on yout well deceived ffC cKnnel llibit, fiincete Sympathy yoes to Jiane finch on the loss of f tavis, and ftnnle lautaud on the loss offhil.Mountain Crest PomeraniansDavid and Carlene Gilstrap, P.O. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-821-1015 Email