The Pom Reader May 1985

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-'O MAY 1985A3tFORT SMITH KENNEL CLUB FORT SMITH ARKANSASDECEMBER 3 \9BS TOY groupFORT SMITH KENNEL CLUBJvnss MIGNON MURRAY TOYlUCH. COYS TOP OF THE MARKCH. COYS TOP OF THE MARK TOPPER...STILL ON TOPTOPPER ON TOP WITH TODDIE J.TOY-TOYTOPPER ON TOP WITH HOUSTONOur first litter of Topper Showstoppers, Coys Orange Frost Coys Dust Buster congratulate their sire on his most recent TOP win...Toy Group I, Macon Kennel Club, April 12, 1985. Thank you judge Mrs. Anne Rogers Clark.CH. COYS TOP OF THE MARKOWNED LOVED BYSc ^an ffiAntort3429 Oak View DriveLakeland, FL 33803 813 644-5389BRED BYdch^HANDLED BY fflautort Saccfce' jcu^iy1631 Jenkins Road Chattanooga, TN 37421 615 892-9184The Pom Reader May 19853CHESAI POMERANIANSfH,CHARMERCHESAI POMERANIANSinvites you tovacation in Texas in August...HOUSTON IS HAVING A POMERANIAN CLUSTER TWO POMERANIAN SPECIALTIES THREE ALL BREED SHOWSBACK TO BACK SPECIALTIESAUGUST7, 1985 APC SUMMER SPECIALTY AUGUST 8, 1985 POM CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON SPECIALTY AUGUST 9, 10, 11, 1985 ALL-BREED SHOWS WE WELCOME YOUR SUPPORT THROUGH CATALOG ADS. CONTACT US BOB JOAN FOR INFORMATION ON ADS FOR BOTH SPECIALTIES.FOR ALL OTHER INFORMATION CONTACTPETE GALINDO 915 542-0753 - APC SPECIALTY ERIKA MOREAU 713 351-7907 - HOUSTON SPECIALTYWatch for CHESAI APRIL SHOWERS and CHESAI TEXAS TWISTER to be shown by co-owner ANN NOBLES Pensacola, FL.CHESAI POMSROBERT JOAN REILLY26093 HIGHWAY 281 NORTH, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78260512 438-2667The Pom Reader May 19854ReaderMay1985Volume 1, Number 3Table of Contents9 YOUVE GOT TO BE KIDDINGEwell love this Rambling adventure by Marilyn Marino Nan- cy Ross. We just hope it doesnt get your goat.10 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POM SPECIALTY.Marlene Presser fills us in on the festivities at the 25th Independent specialty.12 IN A CATEGORY BY HERSELF...CAROL GARRISONThe editors visit with a tremendously successful breeder.14 GENERALLY SPEAKINGSue Wade tells us how to become as professional as the professionals.15 POM PIX Poms and people in amusing predicaments.16 STORK REPORT18 DALLAS-FT. WORTH POM CLUB SPECIALTYCarla Prewitt reports on the 26th show.19 DEEP SOUTH DOINGSOlga Baker invites everyone to a hoe-down19 WHATS ZATClaudia Pfeffer clips the wings of those who overclip20 UPDATEThe PR point scale for exhibitors as of the March AKC Gazette.20 SPECIALS ADDITIONThe PR point scale for Specials as of the March AKC Gazette.21 RAMBLING ALONG Dorothy Bonner...on FLEAS22 MIDWEST NEWSJeanne Stafford shares an amusing way to beat the ringside blues.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33805, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and All-Breed judges.Direct all inquiries toJoe McGinnis, Editor 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805 813 858-3839.This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront CoverJane Johnston June Coy CoysBack CoverClaudia Pfeffer Precious PetitesBAUGNIET, S............................................... 7BARTHOLOMEW, N. F.........................P. 17CAPAGRAPHICS..................................... P, 16CARSON, M. B......................................P, 15COOK, S................................................... P. 19COY, J.......................................................P, 1,2CREED, C.................................................P, 11GIRARDOT, E...........................................P. 15GODDARD, S.......................................... .P. 5HEARTZ, J, C........................................P. 15HIEMENZ, S........................................... ..P. 17HILLS PET PRODUCTS......................... P. 8HOVEY, J..................................................P. 15JOHNSON, L. D....................................... 15JOHNSTON, J............................................ 1,2LUGINSLAND, J....................................... P. 22MILLER, E................................................... 19NORRIS, B................................................P. 17PFEFFER, C............................................. P. 17PRESSER, M. M................................ ...P. 11REILLY, R. J......................................... P. 3ROSENBAUM, M......................................P. 17ROSS, N..................................................,PD 16SANDSFER, D..........................................P, 21STAFFORD, J...........................................P, 19VICKERS, M................................................15YOUNG, J. B........................................ .P. 19The Pom Reader May 19855PRESENTINGENDO CITY LIGHTS,\Kmft.t\u OQHON W.OUJOiUW jl jh umm m k,Pictured going Best Puppy In Show with John Heartz. Finished in Canada, now in Texas with co-owner Sue Goddard.SIRE CAN. CH. MILLAMORS ROCK CONCERT DAM CAN. CH. CHRISCENDO CHATELAINETHREE TIMES TO CH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCKCO-OWNED AND BRED BY CHRISTINE HEARTZTIM 8s SUE GODDARD 19719 RICE LAKE LANE HOUSTON, TEXAS 77084 713 492-0849The Pom Reader May 19856SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITORWell that was some month, April. And I dont mean just on the fifteenth, although that is not my favorite day of the year.April is the month that all the school children that live within 70 miles deliver all the stuff they have conned me into buying all year long, thereby breaking the bank but good. One nice thing about that is, that I have plenty of bottles of heavy- duty detergent, lots of candy bars, and lots and I mean lots of cookies. So, now I get to throw out all the stuff they sold me last yearCOMPUTERS ARE NOT ALL TO BLAME DEPARTMENT I had a funny experience the other day. Well, actually, it was quite tragic, but during the chaos an amusing thing took place.I had a Champion bitch go into toxemia - the first time ever for me. She had whelped five puppies, and we had to work fast. Normally, we can get a blood-calcium report within twenty-four hours, but we didnt have the time. I mean, she went down, QUICK. And so my vet wrote up a work order, and I roared across town to the people hospital.Due to previous work experience, I know my way around hospitals pretty well. I know just how much to say to the ten people you have to talk to before you get to speak to the person you want. And I know pretty much what not to say. I was cutting through the usual hospital red tape theres another name for it, two syllables with incredible swiftness until I came up against a brick wall, so to speak. The Central Computer. But sir, the admitting officer kept saying, we have no record of this doctors name. Well, I replied, shes a vet. A vet, she countered, a vet I replied, well, yes, I told you that the blood sample was from one of my dogs. Dogs I thought you said daughters was her reply.Well, when we had batted that around for a while, it was determined that, yes, the hospital would be more than happy to aid us in this emergency situation, but they could not process the sample until the patient was duly registered. By this point, the whole office was hanging around the admitting desk. Department Heads kept appearing and disappearing, and I was getting, well, a little irked. While they were fighting about whether to use a form 4040A or a 5050A, my little daughter was fighting for her life. And so I inquired just what we could do to expedite matters. And between two Department Heads, two Admitting Officers, and myself, we came up with the solution.To make a long form short, Ill just hit the highlights...PATIENT NAME COCO MCGINNIS.WHITE SINGLE FEMALE. FOUR YEARS OLD. PREGNANT WITH QUINTUPLETS. BLOOD-CALCIUM LEVELS NEEDED STAT.And the computer was made happy. Coco is now duly registered in the Central Computer at the hospital, and is somewhat of a celebrity. She now has friends all throughout the place - they made me promise to bring her down to meet them just as soon as she gets better.And she is going to get better, due largely to the quick work of the staff, and an excellent vet. But the puppies wont be getting better. And we will have an examination of this not uncommon problem in a coming issue.Speaking of computers, and breaking precedent, I am pleased to offer you a visit with a top-notch breeder who has everything on computer, but she doesnt have any PomsCarol Garrisons name may be unfamiliar to many of you, but many, many of you have heard or seen the results of her work. The Carlee bloodline of Miniature Pinschers has broken all records in purebred dogs, and I recently interviewed Carol for The Min Pin Monthly. But the story I unearthed pertains to every breeder of pure-bred dogs. Thought provoking and extremely interesting are Carols breeding principles.And Im not saying that the rest of us dont have our own principles when it comes to breeding. Of course we do. But this is the first time I have ever heard them put so plainly, and so forcefully. See In A Category By Herself...Carol Garrison in this issue. And thank you, Carol.SMART LADIES CAN BE FUN DEPARTMENT You know who I always get a kick out of Olga Baker, of course. She has such a great outlook on life - were pleased to welcome Olga this month - see Deep South Doings. And the wonderful Dorothy Bonner again gives us good advice...this time its about fighting fleas See Rambling Along. Holding up the Western end of the country for us is Marlene Presser, out California way, with her report on the Northern California Specialty. Carla Prewitt covers the Dallas-Ft. Worth Pom Club Specialty for us, Claudia Pfeffer and Sue Wade offer some thoughts, and Marilyn Marino Nancy Ross have once again cooked up a comedy story for us. Thank you, ladies.And thank you ladies and gentlemen, all of you, for your support.Til next month, Poms AwayJoe f'and, ofcoanse', dynduaJJoe McGinnisThe Pom Reader May 19857fi KommHPOMERANIANSDick 8s Sally Baugniet Phone 414-755-2994IRISH SETTERSNORWICH TERRIERS11224 County Hwy. B Mishicot, WI 54228Breeders of34 Pomeranian Champions 25 Norwich Terrier Champions 1 Irish Setter ChampionOur 34th Homebred ChampionoTiiBEST OF WINNERSKETTLEMORAINEKENNEL CLUBtbooth photoINC.BEST OFCHAMPION POMIRISH LIL GUYS SWT REVENVE 4 majorsBreeder-Owner-Handled - Judge Dawn Vick HansenWe offer the following for sale1 orange male whelped 12-8-84. Pomirish Top Banana.Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf ex Ch. Pomirish Squirts Fizz.2 cream males whelped 2-18-85. Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf ex a cream daughter of Ch. Creiders Gold Venture Ch. Pomirish Squirts Fizz.1 cream male and female whelped 3-5-85. Pomirish Hundrd Prufs Hi Ball pointed ex Pomirish Bear Ns Midnite Sno.The Pom Reader May 19858mii'^r'JsL 3 ^ -'\l lKti' .C^amAL s^IlIACA^High Performance FoodsCanine Senior is for older dogs. It is scientifically formulated to help older dogs stay active and live longer. By properly restricting protein, salt and minerals while providing greater amounts of essential vitamins and fiber, it helps to compensate for conditions often present in older dogs, such as strain on the heart, kidneys and digestive system.SCIENCEHiifcl DIET.PFT PROOUCTS INCP.O. BOX 148 TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 913-354-8523Because preventive health care starts with proper nutrition.scienceDIETllSCffiNCEDIETCANINESENIORDOG FOODCANINESENIORdo FOOD For ordering and price information on a signed and numbered, limited edition print, write the Hills Art Department.The Pom Reader May 19859Youve got to be kiddingArtwork Nancy Ross ^J 1s Story Marilyn MarinoAbout twice a year, I purchase a leg of lamb. I know that sounds rather stupid to those who do not know me, but I am the only one in the family that is crazy about lamb. In addition to myself, my beloved Poms also are lamb lovers.So, down to the grocery store I go, picking up this one, and then that one, and the woman who is stacking the meat is now giving me dirty looks because I have just disarranged her neat pile of legs of lamb.I continue throwing them about like shoppers of old in Gimbles Bargain Basement when they used to have those marvelous sales, and the customers would fling the merchandise around until they found exactly what they were searching for.At last, there it was...on the bottom all the time. It was a biggie, and was a little better than fourteen dollars in price. My mind races, almost smelling the light scent of garlic and that oh, so heavenly aroma of cooking lamb. But, I am still in the store and getting emotional over a raw leg of lamb. I look around to see if anyone iw watching me. I simply have to get control.I check out at the cashier, not even thinking of what else I should have with it, as when I have lamb, vegetables and anything else can only be way down on the taste line. I even pass on the mint jelly, as I will do nothing to side-track the flavor of that meat.I get home, unwrap it as carefully as you would handle delicate crystal, and place it in my pan with a little water. The oven is on, and I now rub the leg lightly with garlic. Not too much...just the right touch...careful now.Into the oven it goes. The house smells so wonderful, you could just about join the Poms who are now pacing because they can smell what is coming up in a short time.After slow cooking for four hours, out it comes. It isa masterpiece The skin all brown and crisp I start carving it, and the juices that were precious aromas, start flowing onto the cutting board. Now all of the Poms are in a frenzy. One is starting to chase his tail, one is dancing on hind legs, one is leaning on the kitchen cabinets trying to be taller, and one is making noises that are not human, nor are they animal.I cut up enough for my little group, and put the dishes down. There was no discussion, no looking to see what the other had in their dish, for it was just downright eating.By the time I put the last dish down, the first one was empty, so I filled it, knowing that each enjoyed his treat. All in all, they had three dishes each.I, of course, was doing a good job of sampling about every sixth piece cut off. Instead of who was dancing, and who was prancing, it was now who was snoozing, who was under the bed, who was upside down. Each had gone to their favorite place for forty winks. Their little bellies were full, and they were all off to dreamland.I myself had sampled so much lamb that I decided to join the group in a quick nap. When I awoke, I decided to cut the rest of the meat off of the bone. I was shocked, for I only took off about six slices. I couldnt believe that we had that much of an intake.The next day, my husband asked me, What happened to that leg of lamb I dont see it in the refrigerator.I was forced to tell the truth. Lamb has a great deal of shrinkage when it is cooked slowly, so really we only could get one good meal out of that.Whenever I dont tell the exact truth, my face gets really red. Thank goodness he left the room, as my face looked like a poinsettia in full bloom.I could only hear him mumbling his last remark...Youve gof to be kiddingThe Pom Reader May 1985CALIFORNIAMy apologies for not having an article in the April issue.The Northern California Pomeranian Club held their 25th Anniversary Independent Specialty on February 16th in San Jose, California. They had an entry of 70 lovely Poms with a total entry of 110.The trophies were silverplate and silverplate crystal, and were arranged on a tired table covered with a turquoise club color table cloth, adorned with two very pretty turquoise, white, and silver floral arrangements.Our Sweepstakes judge, Mrs. Lois Nurmi Plawchen had an excellent entry of Pom puppies to choose from. She took her time with each one and was very gentle in her handling of the dogs. First place winners in the Sweepstakes wereJUNIOR DOGS 6-9 MONTHSJubilees Firecracker Ruth A. BugbeeINTERMEDIATE DOGS 9-12 MONTHSPa-Jis Royal Baron OMill brook Patricia Romero JUNIOR BITCHES 6-9 MONTHSMullers Miss Hi Fashion David Lillian Muller INTERMEDIATE BITCHES 9-12 MONTHS Apolloette Charley Ann Cheri Fleming Marlin Presser BEST PUPPY IN SWEEPSTAKES Jubilees Firecracker BEST OPPOSITE SEX SWEEPS Apolloette Charley Ann SENIOR DOGS 12-18 MONTHS Doris Romeo of Doyal Doris WeaverSENIOR BITCHES 12-18 MONTHS Fanfares Absolutely Adorable Carolyn Julie Edmiston GRAND SWEEPSTAKES WINNERDoris Romeo of Doyal BEST PUPPY IN SWEEPS Jubilees Firecracker BEST OF OPPOSITE SWEEPS Apolloette Charley AnnREPORTMarlene PressertvMrs. Mildred Bryant was the judge for the regular classes. She did an excellent job of judging and had a gorgeous array of Poms to choose her winners from. First place winners in the regular classes werePUPPY DOGS 6-9 MONTHSChiefs Lil Golden Skeeter Sybil J. TompkinsThe Pom Reader May 1985PUPPY DOGS 9-12 MONTHSHarbins Time To Pop The Cork Irene Harbin DOGS 12-18 MONTHSDoris Romeo of Doyal Doris WeaverBRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGSWatts Little Do-Si-Do Dolores A. Watts AMERICAN BRED DOGSPa-Jis Royal Baron OMill brook Patricia Romero OPEN DOGSApolloette Lil Gold Shindig Marlene Marlin Presser WINNERS DOGChiefs Lil Golden Skeeter RESERVE WINNERS DOGApolloette Lil Gold ShindigPUPPY BITCHES 6-9 MONTHSMullers Miss Hi Fashion Lillian David Muller PUPPY BITCHES 9-12 MONTHS QUEENAIRE ESSENCE OF SPRING Dudley Wanda Roach BITCHES 12-18 MONTHSFanfares Absolutely Adorable Julie Carolyn Edmiston AMERICAN BRED BITCHESMill brooks Belinda Gay Gayle Griffin OPEN BITCHESStarlites Miss Dragon Maggie Gayle Griffin WINNERS BITCHStarlites Miss Dragon Maggie BEST OF BREEDCh. Morenos Critics Choice Julie Gonzalo Moreno BEST OF WINNERSChiefs Lil Golden Skeeter BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Ch. Queenaire Glory Huntress Dudley Wanda Roach STUD DOG CLASSManies Lil Gold Brick Marlene Marlin Presser The NCPC wants to thank everyone who attended their Specialty, especially those of you who came so far, Dolores Dave Watts of Maryland, Irene Harbin of Washington, and Jeanne VerHage and Donna McDonnell of Arizona.I will be going East in April to visit and stay with Delores Dave Watts. We will be going to the Cherry Blossom Circuit. Hope to see some of the nice people I met in November when Marlin I went back for the APC and the Centennial. Those of you in California, please send me your news that you would like to share.Marlene Presser, 22562 Bird Road, Tracy, CA 9537611Bred For Greatness...CH. SOUTHLANDS TOAST TO BEV-NORtBEST OF BREED OR VARIETYLOUISVILLE KENNEL CLUB MARCH885 BOOTH PHOTOMulti BOB winner Poasty is pictured with judge Richard D. Hammond at 15 months of age. Poasty took her first Best of Breed at 8 months.Thanks to the many judges who have recognized this quality filled girl, perfectly marked even to the pencil marks on the toes. Animation personified.SIRE CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE DAM CH. BEV-NORS FUDGE DELIGHTNUMBER ONE POM 1981-1982-1983 Multi BOB winner, full sister to ToastyALWAYS BREEDER-OWNER-HANDLEDCO-OWNED BY BREEDER-OWNER-HANDLED BYBEVERLY NORRIS CHARLOTTE CREED301-255-1343 318-466-3456SOUTHLAND POMS 6619 LOST RIDGE, PINEVILLE, LA 71360s4tzoUaeUey ^omemniansy' PRESENTS CHAMPION 6CH. APOLLOETTE PEPSI SPIRITAPEPSI is shown going Best of Breed at Richmond Dog Fanciers Club, Inc., under judge Mr. Frank Oberstar. He finished his Championship the end of January. On the Arizona Circuit, PEPSI went Best of Breed over Best In Show specials.Thank you to all the judges who appreciated this lovely male Pom.MARLENE MARLIN PRESSER22562 BIRD ROAD TRACY, CA 95376 209 835-7329The Pom Reader May 198512In A Category By Herself...CAROL GARRISONExcerpts from the editors visit with one of the most successful Toy breeders in the United States.,7Its always a pleasure to be around a person who has worked hard, and attained their goals. Carol Garrison is one of these people. A resident of Hollywood, Florida, Carol and her husband Lee are very active in the dog game. Dog shows to them are always fun, they have a great number of friends in their breed, and other breeds, as well. And just as she does not limit her friends to just one breed, Carol does not limit her sharp eye and knowledge of structure to one breed, either.I recently sat with Carol ringside during the Working Group judging. And from her comments, it was obvious that Carol, has a good eye for all dogs, and a good grasp of many, many standards. Carol is devoted to her breed - as a breeder. Carol states that she doesnt have near as much fun in the show ring as she does planning her next litterAnd that devotion required hard work. Carols family, the four children, and now two grandchildren always came first it was during those years that Carol did the research and study to prepare for her role as a responsible breeder. And Lee has always been very supportive of his wifes love of pure-bred dogs.Lee is very proud of is evident anytime you are around them. And who wouldnt be In addition to being a top-notch breeder, Carol had her own fabric shop for some time, and also had a ceramics shop. To this day, Carol designs trophies for Specialties, complete with head studies of the breed-that she paints herself. Both Carol and Lee are proud of their home, which is beautiful, and also the result of hard work. Between Lees long-time experience as a contractor, and Carols eye for design, they developed a home that bowls you over upon entrance. Forover two years they worked on their dream house, and that it is...The focal point is the atrium in the center of the house - also stocked with the result of their combined green thumbs. What better place to plan litters of quality living things, then in a house surrounded with quality things The day I spent with the Garrisons was delightful. Carols list of accomplishments is amazing. Many, many of the most prominent Miniature Pinschers presently in the ring are out of her Carlee program. For example, her foundation bitches Ch. Jay Macs Rambling Rose is the dam of 24 Champions her daughter, Ch. Jay Macs Silk Stocking is the dam of 22, and will surpass her mothers record, probably, as there are five more presently pointed. Ch. Carlee Southern Prancer has sired 25 Champions, and Ch. Carlee Nubby Silk not only has 32 Champions to his credit, he was Top Producing Toy in 1984, is a Multiple Best In Show winner, and is ranked as 1984 Top Producer All Breeds by several different systems. Well, you say, those numbers are pretty large, but out of how many puppies Not very many - theres Carols secret. She wants very few, but they must be very good.I almost had to laugh while perusing Carols pedigree file...she doesnt need a black ribbon for her typewriter, because there is so much red on the page Several of her pedigrees are solid red for four generations. Several of her dogs are fourth and fifth generation Top Producers. Carol believes that you should only work with the best. And its worked well for her in Min Pins. But will it work in other breeds Well, here are Carols ideas, the result of years of study in genetics, and years of experience and hard work.You can decide for yourself.The Pom Reader May 198513NEVER COMPROMISE. The quickest way to get burnt is to break your own rules. You must stick to your own code of ethics, in your breeding program, in dealing with the public, all things.LEARN WHAT IS EASY TO CORRECT, AND WHAT IS HARD TO CORRECT. For example, in Min Pins, eye color is easy to correct. The hardest things to correct in that breed are bad rears and bad feet. Once you get certain faults in your line, they will keep cropping up forever.NEVER BREED TO A DOG YOU HAVENT SEEN. Dont breed to the top-winning dog just because he is the top winning dog. If it doesnt click with your line, you will be doing more harm than good.NEVER RULE OUT A BREEDING THAT MAY IMPROVE YOUR LINE. Appreciate the gene pool of a good dog - any good dog. No matter where it comes from, a compatible gene pool is what you want. Some of the top producing dogs are not Champions you want them to produce better than they are. Wouldnt you think, if there was a non- famous dog with the traits you desired, that it would be worth it to try Whats one breedingLISTEN TO BREEDERS. It is very important for new people to talk to breeders, but everything they say is not gospel. Listen to everything, then decide for yourself.THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A GOOD BROOD BITCH. Never breed a bitch that doesnt possess as many positive traits as possible. You have to be very critical.KNOW YOUR PEDIGREES. It is important to know what the dogs were, where the present ones came from, but remember the genes only hold for 3 or 4 generations - then, the influence dies out. Watch for the Top Producers. Top Producers produce.PUT EVERYTHING IN PERSPECTIVE. Decide what comes first in your breeding program, and stick with it.NEVER OUTCROSS. To start your own line, find 2 lines that are compatible, that have no anomalies. This is where you derive dominance. If you dont have a dominant dog bred to a dominant bitch, in lines what will click, you have nothing.KEEP YOUR NUMBERS MANAGEABLE. Youcan not keep every dog. Dont keep anything that is not helping your breeding program. Having too many will put you out of dogs faster than anything else. The number of brood bitches you have means nothing. It is the quality that counts.EDUCATE YOURSELF. You can acquire an eye even if youre not an artist. Take pictures, draw, learn. And study.REMEMBER EVERYTHING ISHEREDITARY. You can not rationalize faults. If the mind is sound, a single bad experience will not spook a dog forever. If the rear is sound, jumping off of the couch will not cause the dog to limp for days.LOCK IN YOUR GOOD TRAITS. Concentrate on keeping the positive characteristics in your bloodline, keeping in mind your priorities.CO-OPERATION BETWEEN BREEDERS IS VERY IMPORTANT. Pet people wont wait - if you dont have something for them, they will wind up at a pet shop. We call back and forth, and can usually provide a good pet for these people.DONT BE IN SUCH A HURRY. I always get suspicious of a dog that looks mature at 7-8 months. They will probably end up looking like a MastiffKEEP RECORDS. I keep graphs and weights of the puppies, and it is a tremendous aid in grading them. If you keep good records, you will soon see in black white what you are producing.PLAN EVERYTHING FOR THE GOOD OF THE BREED. We have to fight for what is right. We need to educate our judges to see what breeders are aiming for. And, we must breed to the standard. So, now I hope you see what I meant about Carols code of ethics. And as I said, its worked very well for her. To tell you the truth, I thought long and hard about publishing this article in this magazine. It seemed a little funny to feature a Min Pin breeder in a Pom magazine, but theres the key breeder. If you run a successful hotel, you could probably run a successful restaurant, automobile dealership, or flower shop - many of the same rules apply. And as I have said, this is the best set of rules Ive put my hands on yet, and I didnt want to waste time. Because if the above article can improve the quality of one litter, or save one person from heartache, it was well worth it.Thank you, Carol. JMcGThe Pom Reader May 198514SUSAN WADEGENERALLY SPEAKINGDont knock it if youve not tried it Knocking handlers, judges, another persons dogs, a show site - whatever - seems to be the favorite pasttime of some people. I wonder if some of these people have ever tried handling, or judging, or breeding, or finding a show site Handlers and judges seem to be the favorite targets for these chronic complainers.If you keep losing to the professional handler, there could be some valid reasons. Put aside your sour grapes and ask yourself some questions. Number one question deals with your dog. Is it a good one Is it perhaps better than good You and I must pick from what we have in our kennels, while a professional has a much wider field from which to pick. We must be sure than when we make our choice, the dog is a good or excellent specimen of its breed. By that, I mean more than just its structural components and how they are put together. What about the temperament The right temperament can mean the difference between taking the points and taking the Breed have you assessed your dog honestly If so, go on to the next question.Grooming - oh dear Do you know really know how your breed should be groomed I dont mean - do you know the fashion or grooming fad of the week, but do you know how your breed should look In some breeds, the standard states that the dog should not be trimmed, but shown in its natural we know that people trim their dogs, but do they look trimmed Everyone wants to camouflage faults - is it obvious Is the dog clean Is its coat in good condition A lot of professional handlers are above average groomers they are familiar with the breeds they show and the tricks of the trade, so you must hone up your grooming skils. Practice on that brood bitch that will not see the show ring again, or that puppy that is too young to show. If you goof, there is time for the coat to grow out. Does your dog present a picture of blooming health and elegance If so, proceed to the next step. Gaiting - do you know how your dog should move Practice, practice, practice Do you know ring procedure All judges do not ask for the same pattern of movement, so be sure you get to the ring in time to find out what your judge wants. Watch the dogs ahead of you. You can really stand out in the crowd if everyone in the ring has moved in a triangle and you move in an L Oh, yes - youll stand out alright - but it will probably be in a negative way. Does your dog present a picture of floating along when you move it, or does it move with the grace of a rabbit on a pogo stick You are looking for the speed that will give the optimum effect. Most judges like to see all four feet on the ground. Attend training classes Now, if your dogis groomed to perfection and moves with grace - onward Stacking - have you ever watched a really good handler stack his dog It is done with a minimum of effort, without undue bending, huffing and puffing, without mooning the judge and without disturbing the other competitors. Can you ease your dog into position Does he present a picture of alertness, yet comfort Watch your angles when you stack your dog - you can shorten a back, cover a not- so-great front, or expose an excellent rear just by changing the angle at which you stack the dog. Practice by posing the dog in front of a mirror.Now, we have groomed, moved and stacked - but is the dog really trained Very few pros are going to go into the ring with an untrained dog By training, I guess I mean, do you have your dogs attention at all times, or is he more interested in the next ring, the other dogs in your class, the birds in the trees, or that pine needle that just dropped to the ground Training classes and matches are the answer to this. Attend and take advantage of other peoples knowledge.Do you 'sfen Most professional handlers, long-time breeders and experienced owner-handlers are willing to share their knowlede. Ask questions Pick your time carefully - dont make a nuisance of yourself by dashing up just before ringtime with a long list of questions. Wait until after you have been in the ring and everyone is taking a chance to relax. Any hints you can pick up can be used at the next show. The importance lies in whether or not you listenU If advice is given, try you pick your judges Most pros do. By that, I do not mean that they show only under their friends or the Handler-Judge. They will actually study the type of dog a judge likes. If they or their client has a dog of that type, they enter it. You can do the same thing, but it could take some time. Follow the show reports, familiarize yourself with your breed. By doing this, you can determine which Judges have a preference for your type of dog - show under that judge.Now, dont get the idea that I am that perfect owner- handler, that wouldnt be true, but I think I am an adequate one I have won, and Boy, Have I Lost Ive never fallen flat on my face in the ring, Ive never put a Group placement on one of my own dogs, but Ive never left the ring in terrible embarrassment, either. I have groomed my own dogs and those of friends until two in the morning, savored that first cup of coffee by dawns early light while the dogs are in their ex-pens, exchanged comments moans and groans with the exhibitors in the next motorhome.Our non-doggy friends think we are nuts, and they are probably right. All that work for a two-and-a-half minute chance of glory Sure its work, and heartache, but...AINT IT FUNSue WadeP.O. Box 340, Auburndale, FL 33823rThe Pom Reader May 198515POM PIX mzisstmmtS4I always light a candle and say a prayer before a show. However, considering the competition today...nListen, buster, I paid good money for those enamel nails. Give it backrjWhat do you mean, hurry up I havent finished reading the funnies yetjohn e. heaftzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY P.O. BOX 1259, TRURO, N.S. CANADA PHONE 902 895-7427JDS POMPOUS POMS ANNOUNCESour new Champion CH. CIRCLE M. COMES A HOSSMANOur sincere thanks to Opal Dumler for letting us have Hoss, to Tim Reese for finishing him, and to all the judges who recognized his fine qualities.JDs Pompous Poms Janet Hovey1163 Hwy. 26 Blackfoot, ID 83221208 684-4648 Pending AKC ConfirmationDont look now, but Julio Iglesias is sitting in the front row SNAPSHOTS COURTESY OF MARIYN MARINO DUANE DOLLtSlchdLarry Diane Johnson 2901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore, MD 21234 Ph. 301 661-7289Scotia Kennels, Regd.Breeder of 150 Champions in 27 Years Occasionally I have show prospect pups or older dogs for sale. Almost always have pet males, usually Champion sired but not what I consider show quality. Well protected by shots, 250.00 and up.Also occasionally have a proven stud or brood bitch and a Champion for sale. State all your wants in first letter.Edna E. Girardot P.O. Box 646 Floral City, FI 32636 904 726-2001WISHING YOU WELLTHE POM READER AND ALL READERSMARY VICKERS 2818 Jefferson Drive 703 960-7755 Alexandria, VA 22303EMCEES POMERANIANSCH. EMCEES CHIQUITA de OROGroup I, Raleigh K.C. 3-23-85Breeders and exhibitors over 12 years Finished over 30 Champions Top producers - mostly Models Great Elms lines occasionally pet, show puppies for sale. Congratulations to THE POM READER Morris Betty Carson9826 Waltham Drive, Ricnmond, VA 23233 ____________ Ph. 804 740-7977The Pom Reader May 198516NOW AVAILABLECUSTOMIZEDSTATIONERY ENVELOPES PEDIGREE FORMSWe specialize in personalized paper goods for all your needs. We can use your present logo, or design a new one for you, featuring the beautiful head studies of artist Nancy Ross.Only top quality bond used - at below market rates.Fast, efficient service of your dog lovers for dog lovers.For information and prices, writeCIOTHE POM READER 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33805tPet PortraitsCALL OR WRITE FORFREE FULL-COLOR BROCHUREDept. OE 718 331-95231559 82nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11228STORKREPORTTELL EVERYONE ABOUT YOUR NEWEST LITTER OF SHOW-STOPPERSSubmit date of birth, sire dam, how many males females, your name, address phone. Then sit back and wait for the calls to flow inPRICE 10.00JCH. COYS TOP OF THE MARK COYS POLLYANNAannounce the birth of two sons on March 20, 1985.DUSTYFROSTYCOY POMERANIANS3429 Oak View Dr., Lakeland FI 33803 813 644-5389The Pom Reader May 198517BI-MARHOME OF MULTIPLE B.I.S.CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID SONNY WAS IN THE TOP TEN IN THE U.S. FOR 1983 1984. NUMBER ONE TOY IN THE NORTHWEST FOR 1984.WE HAVE FOR SALE BOTH SHOW PROSPECTS AND PETS SOME ARE SIRED BY SONNY.YOUNG AND OLDER BROOD FEMALES FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRICES.BI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum Phones36520 28th Ave. South 206-838-6397Federal Way, Wa 98003 206-927-2369JUSTA POMijplKEHNEL clubvariety groupTHIRDGROUPECEMBER 15,1984I wo by SABRINAjJjCH. JUSTA MENEHUNEShown being awarded Toy Group III under judge Mr. Frank Haze Burch, Hume wishes to thank Sally Baugniet for recognizing his quality and inviting him to Wisconsin to be specialed and to be bred to several of her fine bitches.Sharon Hiemenz 904 437-2190Rt. 1, Remington Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32074BANDBOX285APC SPECIALTY SWEEPS SECOND'.3SWEEPSTAKES MBANDBOX HR PUFF N STUFF CH. POMIRISH LIL GUYS HUNDRED PRUFF XCH. POMIRISH CHANCES CREM DBLOONWHEW MOM NEVER TOLD ME IT WOULD BE THIS HARDNANCY FOREST BARTHOLOMEWROUTE 1, BOX 183 OLA, AR 72853501-489-5733O D 'Sw-cocase'PUTY0UR SHOW PHOTO HEREPUT YOUR DOGS NAME HERE YOUR WIN INFORMATION HERE,YOUR NAME HERE-and put the savings in your pocketPRICE 18.00The Pom Reader May 198518DALLASFORTWoRTHPOMCLuBDALLASFORTW0RTHpOMCLUBDALLAS-FORT WORTH POM CLUB DALLAS-FORT WORTH POM CLUBDALLAS - FT. WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB 26TH ANNUAL SPECIALTY by Carla Prewitt, SecretaryWell, by golly, if we didnt have one of the most rootin-tootin shoot em up dog shows and parties here in Big D. We really outdid ourselves again. WOW, what fun, what dogs, what people, yes real Pom fanciers from all over, Dallas, Kansas, Waco, Louisiana, Washington, Oklahoma, Houston - all over. We really wish that all you Pom people out there and there couldnt have been too many left could have joined us here in Dallas. You certainly missed a great Specialty. The show ring was beautiful, the trophies were darling, the company was exceptional. Speaking of trophies, this years selection were all items that could be used, and are not just for catching dust -UGH The Puppy Sweepstakes trophies were exceptionally well done, and Estelle McDonald, ole girl, you really outdid yourself again making the trophies. The ring quilt and cuddlers were precious. The best trophies ever.We also had a great Sweepstakes judge, Chuck Johnson, and what a fine job he did...even if I didnt win What can I say Say who won, dummie, thats the real newsTHE WINNERS WEREJudge Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen Owners Claudia Joe Pfeffer. Handled by Kathy Bucher.N fftBEST OF BREEDCH. PRECIOUS PETIT RIPLE SUPREME 'WB, BOW, BOS, BEST PUPPY IN REGULAR CLASSES LLL DAZZLIN GOLD KRISSY Janice Luginsiand.BEST IN PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES SHARELS SOUTHERN KNIGHT Sharon Hicks. Judge Charles Johnson.WINNERS DOGBONNERS PENDART CHALLENGE Dorothy BonnerVv\LBEST OPPOSITE SWEEPS QUEENAIRE ESSENCE OF SPRINGDudley Wanda Roach.Didnt they do a great job of picking lovely Poms from so many beautiful Poms Thanks again to Mrs. Tietjen and Mr. Johnson.So, keep your bags packed and your Poms brushed, and we hope to see YALL SAME TIME NEXT YEARFIRST PLACE WINNERSSWEEPS Judge Charles Johnson PUPPY DOGS 9-12Sharels Southern Knight Sharon HicksPUPPY BITCHES 6-9 Grays Chattanooga TuTu Bonita GrayPUPPY BITCHES 9-12 Queenaire Essence of Spring Dudley Wanda RoachBEST PUPPY IN SWEEPS Sharels Southern KnightREGULAR CLASSES Judge Sari Tietjen PUPPY DOGS 9-12 Bonners PendartChallenge Dorothy BonnerNOVICE DOGS Sharels Southern Knight Sharon HicksBRED BY DOGS Tim Sues Puff Magic Dragon Sue Goddard Mrs. R. Freeh AMERICAN BRED DOGS Wests Golden Winds Gift of Gold Carla PrewittOPEN DOGS Jolly Wee Magic of Tim Sue Sue Goddard Mrs. R. FreehWINNERS DOG Bonner's Pendart Challenge, RESERVE Jolly Wee Magic of Tim SuePUPPY BITCHES 6-9 LLL Ts Golden Crystal Janice LuginsiandPUPPY BITCHES 9-12 LLL Dazzlin Gold Krissy Janice LuginsiandAMERICAN BRED BITCHES Dazzlin Wee Golfire Peggy DoyalOPEN BITCHES Shy Acres Macs Kan t Miss Mrs. B. G. McDonaldWINNERS BITCH LLL Dazzlin Gold Krissy, RESERVE Shy Acres Macs Kant Miss PHOTOS COURTESYDALLAS-FT. WORTH POM CLUBDALLAS-FORT WORTH POM CLUB DALLAS-FORT WORTH POM CLUBThe Pom Reader May 1985DALLASFORTWORTHpOMCLUBDALLASFORTWoRTHPOMCLUB19DEEP SOUTH DOINGSOLGA M. BAKERThe jury has been out but is now definitely in and with its decision on THE POM READER. Issue 1 .I felt sure some apprehension and doubt drifted into the minds of many Pomeranian people with announcement of a new breed publication and, while I personally had met the gentlemen who would sire the new magazine, had seen a sample of their publications, and was supportive from the outset...many Pom people did not have my advantage and were somewhat guarded. THE POM READER arrived, was enthusiastically snatched out of mailboxes and reviewed I am sure with critical thoroughness, and acclaimed immediately by all Pom people Ive encountered since. Unable to speak of course for the entire Pom world,I predict anyway triumph for a super new magazineI shall, at the request of Messr. McGinnis and Doll, write newsy bits from the South part of the country for you each month and will welcome suggestions.At the expense of this first column being far too localized Houston, Texas type, it is imperative that we invite you here for early August for spectacular Pomeranian activities. The American Pomeranian Clubs National Summer Specialty Show will be in Houston on August 7th, followed by the Houston Pom Clubs specialty show the next day, then three big Texas-sized all-breed shows at the Astrohall. Who can resist 5 big Pom exhibitions in 5 days. But that isnt even the best part We in the Pom Club in this area are planning terrific goings-on for you, with dinners, dancing with country and western style music and KICKER nonsense, fancy surprises and hospitality presents for our visitors, and an evening of real Texas bar- be-que, long-necks you Yankee folks may have to go look that up...maybe even horseback riding and roping. Weve promised only one thing...youll leave here smiling. We hope to make you enjoy yourselves so much, you wont even mind a yellow or white ribbon from the judge Smile a lot, good people...and mean itOlga M. Baker 207 Shirleen, Seabrook, TX 77586P.O. Box 10432, Jefferson, LA 70181^aAcl ^SchmeramanHome ofCH. DAISYS LITTLE BIT OF JABILJessie Barbara Route 8Young Loudon Ridge Rd.603 435-8731________ Loudon. NH 03301Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia, Ocala, Florida 32676 ________________________ 904 237-1636_______________________MillamviEleanor Ken Miller - Ph. 813 646-5864 5426 Spring Lake Dr. Lakeland. FL 33803ANADORS DRAGON DANCER14 points, needs a majorAfter a years rest from the ring due to a coat shed Dancer is now going to be out and about looking for her last major. Thanks to the judges who have loved her as much as we do.Congratulations to Claudia Joe Pfeffer on your excellent wins. We wish you the best of luck AMERICANCANADIAN CH. STUD SERVICE WE FEED SCIENCE DIET Bob Jean Stafford 1436 Powers Court Co-OwnerNiles, Ml 49120 Ann Welshinger__________________ 616-683-0214__________________WHATS ZATNew Orleans Newsby Claudia Pfeffer Weather here is so hot, all the Poms say lets get rid of this fur coat. I cant blame them, but dont they know they need coat to win showsI have been hearing rumbles that some Poms are overtrimmed. Lets look at our pride and joy. If this is true and your are doing this, or possibly your handler....STOP. I have found that this can be very costly in penalizing your beautiful Pom who deserves every good thing that comes to him and none of the bad. Since, after all, the Pom is not guilty, the people are Lets preserve the natural beauty.Hi to Jean Stafford, my friend in the midwest Abe says send down your Sweet Darlin. Keep up the good news from your area.Also, did anyone videotape the New York Specialty Please get in touch with me as I would like to copy it. Thanks Claudia Pfeffer20UPDATEAS OF THE MARCHWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the United States is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until November.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Point are allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.SPECIALSAS OF THE MARCHPresently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION. SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Ten Pomeranian dogs and Top Ten Pomeranian bitches in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as follows.Breed points not to be confused with Championship points are allotted to CHAMPIONS OF RECORD according to the hightest placement received in any given AKC show. A certain number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as follows1985 AKC GAZETTETHE FOLLOWING IS A LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE MARCH 1985 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR POINTSJ. B. YOUNG 29N. GAD 28A. CANNON 25L.W. CLARK 25L. ABJORNSON 22E. GIRARDOT 20S. BAUGNIET 18D. S. DAVIS 18G. HODSON 18C. BURNETTE 15M. WOOD 15tie Placements alphabeticalADDITION1985 AKC GAZETTEBEST IN SHOW AIS Breeds 500 BEST IN SHOW Specialty 250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty 75TOY GROUP FIRST 250TOY GROUP SECOND 150TOY GROUP THIRD 75TOY GROUP FOURTH 25BEST OF BREED 10BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX All Breed 5NOTE The only exception will be BISS will be worth 10points, and BOSS will be worth 5 points, until a total ofthree wins are published for that dog.The following is the ranking of the Top Ten SPECIALS DOGS AND Top Ten SPECIALS BITCHES as of the March 1985 AKC GazettePOINTS DOGS5170 Ch. Coys Top of the Mark 1275 Ch. Bi Mar Sundance Kid 920 Ch. D. Nees Darin Duffy 685 Ch. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine 605 Ch. Sungold Diamond Stud 585 Ch. Patricks Mister Larry 260 Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero 180 Ch. Pomirish Prufs Jumping Jack 175 Ch. Sysame Topo Gigio 170 Ch. Daisys Little Bit of JabilBISA BISS BOSS I IB III IV BOB BOS3 - - 9 6 6 2 15 - - 11 - 2-1221 1 2 3 3 1- 1 3 3 81112 5 21 - - - 1- 1 - - 3 1-1-1- - 1 1 7BITCHES245 Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tan Ya 35 Ch. Mike-Mars Sophie Mae 30 Ch. Emcees Golden Jaymy 30 Ch. Sweet Hills Ebony Storm 25 Ch. Queenaire Glory Huntress 15 Ch. Sandtowns Bi-Mar April 10 Ch. LLL Charming Gold Kandee 10 Ch. Harbins Poetry In Motion 10 Ch. Silva Lade Little Miss Marker 10 Ch. Southland Toast To Bev-Nor tie placements alphabetical133311121_ - 3 3 _ 22The Pom Reader May 198521RAMBLING ALONGBY Dorothy Bonner ON FLEASFleas are horrible. They are the only things that I can kill with enthusiasm, and thats saying something for a person who cant bear to step on a bug. One recent summer we dipped and sprayed every 3 weeks. The Poms hated this procedure which effected them emotionally. Upon smelling the dip mixing, every Pom tried to hide, and several, shivering in the corners, up-chucked in anticipation. At lunchtime, the guillotine doors were lowered to prevent escape to the runs, and most Poms stopped eating. However, happiness and spontaneity returned after the quick dunking and face-wash, as each burst into the yard to shake and run dry. Then dinner was finished and all was right with the world until next time. None conceived that summer. Although the runs and compartments were sprayed, fleas began to return as soon as the hair dried, but it took several weeks to build up their population.Reluctant to torture my little kids, a new method was tried the next summer starting early before multiplication began. A metal milk crate in each run provides a place to rest and obtain a higher view of the Pom world, also convenient for me at petting time, during the yard pickup. This includes a hair-by-hair observation, with tweezers handy. Any flea found could be annihilated immediately, leaving one less to create dozens later. Before infiltration starts, a quick going-over consumes some 10 minutes.Later, several hours could be spent on one dog. An old adage A stitch in time.Petting time was popular with the Poms, each waiting eagerly, and controlled but not erradicated the fleas. Though abhorant to the Poms, flea sprays helped, especially on the back, chasing the fleas to the bare stomach were most of them could be crushed. Pursuing a lone flea has taught me a few particulars. Fleas dont run in a straight line through the hair, but zig-zag, often back-tracking. Thats why a lost one is difficult to find. However, once he has room to jump, the chase is over in his favor, unless he lands in another place on the dog, which is often the intent. Fleas have territorities. A head flea seldom travels to the tail, possibly going underneath the chin, but no further than the neck or shoulders to escape. A tail flea will usually stay around the anus, not travelling further than the hips or lower back. Most exasperating is failure in an execution, resulting in an excessive search without results. Otherwise, you can kid yourself into thinking that none remain. With the certainty that, at least, there is one more, determination continues, time consuming.Fleas and dogs object to powders. They are allergy producers and rather ineffective here.Of course, the above course of action consumes all of ones spare time, but makes everybody happy except the fleas.Good luck to all of the Southern kennels, but start earandersist Dorothy Bonner26093 Highway 281 N., San Antonio, TX 78260J^eLiee dIn limited showing, at under two years of age,Rip has been awarded 11 points, including 2 four point majors, 1 Best of Breed, 1 Best of Winners, and Winners Dog. Thanks to the judges who appreciated our 4 pound, cream sable boy.Special thanks to co-owner and friend LAURA GRAY for her superb training and handling of Rip. Also thanks to Christine Mullen for all her help -1 couldnt have done it without youCongratulations to JOE CLAUDIA PFEFFER on their wins with the beautiful ABE.Best of luck to THE POM READERAKC PUPPIES CH. BLOODLINES STUD SERVICEDESAREE SANDIFERTELEPHONE 509 OAKDALE STREET704 865-0859_______________________ GASTONIA, NC 28052RES WINi SDESIREES RIPPLING FUDGE Reserve Winners Dog - APC Specialty Judge Ann Rogers ClarkThe Pom Reader May 198522Midwest NewsJeanne StaffordThis month Id like to share with you an offering from the Seminole Dog Fanciers Association News reprinted by permission.TIPS FOR PASSING TIME WHEN YOU ARE NUMBER 43 IN THE OBEDIENCE TRIALby Shirley Reilly1. Arrive at Trial might miss something.2. Check catalog for your dogs number.3. Check to see what number is in the ring.4. Exercise your dog.5. Visit rest room.6. Check your friends ring numbers.7. Ask everyone you see what leg theyre working on.8. Exercise your dog.9. Check to see what number is in the ring.10. Get a cup of coffee.11. Visit rest room.12. Change the toilet paper roll.13. Check catalog again to see if you missed something or someone.14. Ask everyone you see how they did in the ring.15. Water your dog...find a field and take a walk.16. Check your dog for sandspurs and ticks.17. Visit restroom and change toilet paper roll again.18. Converse with sure to find out how tough the judge is.19. Worry about the judge.20. Wipe sleep from dogs eyes...trim your nails with your teeth, naturally.21. Check to see what number is in the ring.22. Study judges pattern.23. Criticize could improve on it if asked.24. Listen to conversations of exhibitors who have been in the ring...avoid the tension-filled monosyllables of those who are still waiting.25. Check to see what number is in the ring.26. Worry about the judge for a while.27. Visit restroom. Yeah...gone again28. Wish regretfully youd worked your dog a little longer and stricter last week.29. Listen to judges criticisms about tight choke collars.30. Change your dogs choke chain.31. Listen to judges criticisms about extra long chains.32. Hurriedly change dogs collar.33. Exercise your dog...gee, hes nervous34. Visit restroom. No soap.35. Check to see what number is in the ring.36. YOURE IN THE RING37. Forget first place...worry about qualifying.38. Enter ring for sits only takes ten Hail Marys or five Our Fathers for the long down39. Worry about the judges KNOW he cant read a watch.40. Enter ring and receive green ribbon41. Start worrying about tomorrows trial and bring your own toilet paperDJeanne Stafford, 1436 Powers Court, Niles, Ml 49120 The Pom Reader May 1985tflecuer'All about Poms and Pom People12 Months - 12 Issues 24.00 third class post40.00 first class post Overseas rates upon request Back issues available 3.00ADVERTISING RATESin U.S. DollarsAD SIZE OPEN RATE CONTRACTFull Page 120.00 96.00Half Page 65.00 53.0014 Page 35.00 27.0018 Page 20.00 16.00116 Page 12.00 8.00Full Color is avaiable at 250.00 additional per page. Ads 14 page and larger include one photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each.Contract advertisers may take advantage of contract rate regardless of change in ad size or content from month to month. Contract advertisers receive a FREE subscription. Make checks payable to8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33805 813 858-2639LLL KENNELS Newest Starring Female LLL CHARMING GOLD FLAMEIPictured taking a 3 point major t Salina K.C. under Edd Bivin. She added a 4 point and 3 point majors to her wins on remainder of circuit.CH. SHY ACRES I KAN TOO, finished his championship on tough Oklahoma circuit with 3 consecutive 5 point majors.LLL NUGGET OF GOLD SHORT STUFF, dog, started in the show ring and loves it. Still for sale.Janice Luginsland Route 1, Box 97, Americus, KS 66835 Ph. 316-443-5157Pending AKC ConfirmationCOMING IN JULY...THE 1984 - 1985POM READER STUD DOG DIRECTORYfjmi xvnmiimCDARTWORK BY CHRIS HEARTZ COURTESY OF C. HEARTZ E. MILLERALL ADS MAY INCLUDE A PHOTO OF YOUR STUD DOG, A THREE GENERATION PEDIGREE, BRIEF REMARKS ABOUT HIS SHOW CAREER AND HIS PROGENY. STUD FEE OPTIONAL. DONT MISS THIS ECONOMICAL OPPORTUNITY TO TELL THE WORLD HOW PROUD YOU ARE OF YOUR FABULOUS STUD DOG.SPECIAL RATES FULL PAGE 90.00 HALF PAGE 49.00ALL ADS WILL BE IN A PRIVATE SECTION OF THE MAGAZINE IN THE ORDER RECEIVED.DEADLINE JUNE 10TH, 1985m 2.9Ch.Stud ServiceC0rvecious Sk iittes CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIELUEar\ A' i Jft7.XBESTWINNERStWICHITA KENNEL ClCLUB.4PETRULISPHOTO BYSIRE CH. BEV-NORS FUDGE RIPPLEDAM EDNEYS MITY ISIS DELIGHTGABRIEL finished his Championship April 11th at Seminole Kennel Club under noted judge Jack Brenneis. CONGRATULATIONS to agent Kathy Bucher for her excellent presentation of Gabriel...from March 16th, 1985, through April 11, 1985...4 majors and 2 points. WowThanks to the following judges who recognized his soundness and found him deserving of every point. Mrs. William L. Kendrick 2 PointsFrank Sabella 4 Point MajorKenneth M. McDermott 4 Point MajorDr. Jacklyn E. Hungerland 4 Point Major shown aboveJack Brenneis 3 Point MajorBREEDER OWNERClaudia PfefferP.O. Box 10432 Jefferson, Louisiana70181FLASH Gabriel wins 4th Place in Group April 27th.504 737-1729 Pending AKC Confirmation