The Pom Reader August 1985
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AUGUST 1985fyfbtrv Ml 'i a isp^fnsX \'IX\mCH. D-NEES DARIN DUFFIECH. D-NEES DARIN DUFFIEOn the Cover CH. D-NEES DARIN DUFFIE, bred by Nadine Hersil, owned by Carol Frances Andersen.7VDUFFIE has won 4 National Specialties, 2 Stud Dog Classes entered twice only, and Best of Breed twice at the Garden.DUFFIES 1985 record includes 4 Bests In Show All-Breed, 1 National Specialty, and 15 Group Firsts, in limited showing. To the best of our knowledge, he is the most enduring Pom in the history of the breed. We hope all his children will follow in his footsteps.v.HCH. D-NEES DARIN DUFFIEOWNED BY HANDLED BYCarol Frances Andersen BRED BY Jaqueline E. LiddleSand Island Nadine Hersil 15630 Ridgemont Avenue SE427 Portland Prior Lake, MN 55372St. Paul, MN 55102612 447-49013EMCEES POMERANIANS804 740-7977Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, Virginia 23233SBCh. Emcee.s Chips of DiamondAfter twelve years of producing Champions, show and Group winners, we are proud to present the following producers. Mostly Great Elms and Models bloodlines.wi26kCiLi mm.CH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD DIAMONDlmVCH. EMCEES TERRIFIC WEE CHIPSEMCEE'S A CHIPS OF DIAMOND major pointed at 7Vz monthsCH. EMCEES GOLDEN HONEY BUN7 inr '-j HM . . .,CH. EMCEES CHIQUITA DE ORO CH. EMCEES GOLDEN JAYMYThe Pom Reader August 19854cThe'witAugust1985Volume 1, Number 6Table of Contents19 CALIFORNIA REPORT Marlene Presser tries to get caught up after her recent move.20 FROM A LOW POINT OF VIEWCh. Brickens Penelope L demands a whole new set of canine awards. Assisted bySusan Wade.22 SPECIALS ADDITIONThe PR Point System for specials as of the June AKC Gazette.This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront CoverCAROL ANDERSON SAND ISLANDBack CoverSHANNON JOHNSON Doo-Shay9 ASK SHU-SHUShu-Shu again answers our questions in her inimitable, implacable, and impolite manner with a little assistance from her owner Shannon Johnson.10 CAJUN CHATTERKathy Masilla tells of her horrifying experience - gastroenteritis in the kennel12 A PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURNEY28 YEARS IN POMSFrom the collection of Edna Girardot. How many faces can you recognize14 SHOWING POMS IS THE BEST MEDICINE Edna Girardot talks about Poms.16 MIDWEST NEWSJeanne Stafford admits that more than one at a time is too much18 GENERALLY SPEAKING FUN MATCHES SHOULD BEFUNSue Wade examines this most useful training tool.22 UPDATEThe PR Point System for exhibitors as of the June AKC Gazette.22 SPECIALS ADDITIONThe PR Point System for specials as of the July AKC Gazette.22 UPDATEThe PR Point System for exhibitors as of the July AKC Gazette.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33805, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and All-Breed judges.Direct all inquiries toJoe McGinnis, Editor The Pom Reader 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805 PH.813 858-3839.BAUGNIET, S....................................P. 17BARTHOLOMEW, N. F................. P. 17CAPAGRAPHICS..............................P. 21CARSON, M. B.............................. P. 3COOK, S............................................ .P.11CREED, C..........................................P. 5FYDDICK, R. J...............................P.15GIRARDOT, E....................................P.11GODDARD, T. S............................ P. 11HAYES, D..........................................P. 7HEARTZ, J. C................................ P.11HIEMENZ, S...................................... P.11HILLS PET PRODUCTS.................. P. 8HOVEY, J.......................................... P. 17JOHNSON, L. D.............................P. 11JOHNSON, S.....................................P. 24LUGINSLAND, J............................... P. 15MCKAMEY, N.................................... P. 7MILLER, E......................................... P. 11NORRIS, B........................................ P. 5PFEFFER, C......................................P. 7PIAZZA, S......................................... P. 5PRESSER, M. M............................P. 17REILLY, R. J.................................. P. 7ROSENBAUM, M.............................. P. 11ROSS, N............................................P. 20SANDIFER, D....................................P. 17STAFFORD, J................................... P. 5VICKERS, M......................................P. 11YOUNG, J. B................................. P. 11The Pom Reader August 19855BRED FOR GREATNESS...CH. SOUTHLANDS TOAST TO BEV-NORPoasty, our super daughter of Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge 1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983 and Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Delight Toastys full sister moves forward in her career with new owner Judy Boston Payne and handler Mike Kemp...Watch for her Puppies available11BEST OF BREED I OR VARIETYEVANSVILLE KENNEL CLUB ARCH1985 BOOTH PHOTOy-T......7TCH. SOUTHLAND'S TOAST TO BEV-NORExclusively handled byMike Kempfor OwnerJudy Boston Payne13548 Castleton Dallas, Texas 75234BreederCo-OwnerCHARLOTTE CREED SOUTHLAND POMS6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 Ph. 318-466-3456BEV-NOR POMSHome ofCH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983 24 Bests In Show, 5 Specialty Bests Sire of 1 Female 1984,1st Black Tan to go B.I.S.A., Champions, Breed Group Winners.CH. THELDUNS ALMOND FUDGE sire of 22 Champions, Best in Show, Group, and Specialty winners. A Top Producer every year.STUD FEES 150.00 puppies sired by above malesBev Norris 7747 Meadow Road301-255-1343 Pasadena, MD 21122ICERAMA POMERANIANSCH BELLS HOUSTON STAR PERFORMERSKIP PIAZZA Co-OwnerProfessional Handler Jon MarcantonioTHE KENNELS 527 B Church Road Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266WINDJAMMER POMSPresentsrmCH. ANADORS DRAGON DANCER pending AKC confirmationDancer finished by winning another 4 point major under judge Dawn Vick Hansen pictured above. We would like to extend thanks Mrs. Hansen and Mr. Melbourne Downing for her majors and to the other judges who considered her worthy of her Championship. And to her breeder, Ann Welshinger - Congratulations on another fine ChampionWindjammer offers at studAM. CAN. CH. ANADORS SILVER N SMOKE - 5 lb. wolf sable, multiple Group placing, sire of Champions.MILLAMORS IM A WINDJAMMER - major pointed, proven stud. Fee, pictures, and pedigrees sent on request. WE FEED SCIENCE DIET WINDJAMMER POMSRobert JeanneStafford 1436 Powers Court616 683-0214 Niles, Ml 49120The Pom Reader August 19856SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITORThis has been such a rush-rush summer that I was not at all sure that I could find the time to get ready to go to Houston for the Specialty. But along came Rose to the rescueA couple of months ago Rose Radel submitted a wonderful article about saving time, and I for one was amazed. What good ideas Surely even someone like myself could learn to save time with Roses plan. And so I launched a campaign calculated to make my days longer and more beneficial.First things first, I thought. Try to do certain tasks at the same time, if possible. Well, one of the cars needed servicing, and I had some research to, I thought, Ill kill two birds with one stone.Happily I packed my books into the car, and took off for the garage. A beautiful, sunny day, it was, and then another thought struck me...I hadnt had time to be out in the sun for a while, and since I had to drive anyways...why not kill another bird And so I whipped the sun roof open and felt the breeze riffling through my hair. Now, this was going to be great Of course, all my notes immediately blew out through the roof, but I didnt care...I was saving so much time that I could certainly reconstruct them - no problemAfter about ten blocks, I realized that the breeze was riffling through too much hair - another task to be undertaken While they were working on the car, and I was reading, I could be getting the haircut I neededFeeling very organized and time-smart, I dropped off the car, picked up the books, and started off in search of a barber. Now, most of the businesses near the service garage are strange to me, but I figured, how much difference could there be between barbers Little did I know.The rock music blaring from approximately four hundred speakers might have given me a clue, had I not been engrossed in a particularly interesting chapter, but it did not occur to me at the time. Let me explain. I am one of those unfortunates or fortunates, depending upon how you look at it who, when concentrating, can ignore the whole rest of the world. This came in very handy in the dorm at school, but can get me into trouble in other places. I have missed planes, alarms, and almost didnt make it into the Group ring once because I was reading. And so you can see that reading is probably what I should not be doing when trying to do anything else simultaneously.But I was reading anyway. At one point this fellow cutting my hair asked, How do you like your hair cut which is probably a valid question. But, I was busy and mumbled Do whatever you think.A half hour and sixty-two pages later plus 18.00 and a three dollar tip, I zipped out the door to go pick up the car.The mechanic gave me a funny look -1 dont know why. And then he said Weve been calling you at home for an hour - we needed an O.K. for some additional work. It might take another hour. Well, I thought to myself, if I had waited for the car to be done, and then gone to get my hair cut, that would have taken an hour, so Im still ahead of the game. So I smiled and said, Do whatever you think. And I went to read in the waiting area. It was your usual waiting area twelve half-empty cups of coffee, three full ashtrays, a soda machine, a machine with inedi- The Pom Reader August 1985ble, dry crackers, and a mirror on one wall. At one point I glanced up from my book, and thought to myself, Gosh, who would have thought that Rod Stewart would have his car serviced at the same place that I do Then I looked again...and went into shock. That was meA rapid exit brought me to within sight of another barber shop -1 was too embarrassed to return to the original place. I sheepishly inquired how much they would charge to repair the damage done to the outside of my head, while inwardly wondering what damage had been done to the inside of my head to let a thing like this happen. What do you want me to do to it the lady inquired. And I said, Do whatever you think. Well, an hour later my hair what was left of it was back in shape. That reminds me of a joke I heard once Do you know why they call it a Home Permanent Because after you get one, you have to stay Home. Permanent.Well, I didnt get a permanent, and I figured that the mess would grow out before the Specialty in Houston, so I thought to myself, Well, if you divide the time by two haircuts, Im still doing allrightThat extra hour had given the service manager plenty of time to find other things wrong, it was a slow day so I learned that there would be yet another wait. That was okay -1 could surely find something else I could do while reading and waiting. And then it hit me - a shoe shine You can always use one, and you can read while they shine So off I went in search of a shoe shine shop.Which I presently found. How nice, I thought, taking care of these little details while still working I am surely saving time. Another fly in the ointment of efficiency landed just then. Oh, excuse me, said the shine person, I got polish on your light blue socks. Knowing better than to say Do whatever you think, I said Never fear. Ive saved so much time today that I can buy new socks, and the taxi ride to my favorite department store will be great for reading And so I journeyed to the store, found the socks, and...there was the most beautiful Navy double- breasted blazer...on sale I had to have it, it would be great for Houston. ALTERATIONS WHILE YOU WAIT they said, and I was delighted -1 would not have to waste time coming back to pick it up if I waited, reading, while they worked.It seemed just a moment until they were finished, and off I went to pick up the car. There it was, shining and obviously ready, except for the fact that the joint was now closed. Oh well, thats okay, I thought, I can just stop by to pick it up tomorrow when I go back to get the books I left at the department store on my way to pick up the pen I left at the shoe shine shop before I stop to retrieve my checkbook thats at the second barber shop...but NO WAY AM I GOING TO GO BACK TO THE FIRST BARBER SHOP. That place is a waste of timeBut I didnt, unfortunately, make it to Houston but alls well that ends well. Joann Reilly called in the results just in time, and our Houston correspondent Nora Doll covered the festivities. Photos and comments next month...diixci'Uoey fTTie tfleacer.JoeJoe McGinnisPL . , L'Sl7 JP,\ ^CSsrecious CSseiihites Correction from stud issue CH. BEV-NORS FUDGE RIPPLESire of Number One Pom Bitch 1982 not 1984STUD FEES AS FOLLOWSCH. BEV-NORS FUDGE RIPPLE 150.00CH. PRECIOUS PETIT RIPLE SUPREME 150.00CH. PRECIOUS PETIT GABRIEL 150.00GOOD LUCK TO ALL AT THE AMERICAN POM CLUB SPECIALTY IN HOUSTON, AND THE HOUSTON POM CLUB SPECIALTYOWNERCLAUDIA PFEFFER P.O. Box 10432, Jefferson, Louisiana 70181 504-737-1729WESTVIEW KENNELSProudly Present the Winning TeamRO RC UTKY BEST OF BREEDVARIETYPADUCAH KENNEL CLUB 1985PHOTO BY PETRULISWESTVIEWS MOONGLOW ROCKYShown winning Best of Breed and on to Group IV at Paducah K.C. under judge Frances Thornton. An impressive Group placement first time out and at the tender age of 8 months.Thanks Mrs. Norris McKamey, breeder of fine Poms, and for a long beautiful friendship.AGENT OWNERDon HayesExclusively handled by Ruth Morrow476 Scott Street Madisonville, KY1925 Triplett Owensboro, KY 42301 685-5637 or 683-1053CHESAIPOMERANIANSMostly BonnerAristic LinesCHESAI POMSROBERT JOAN REILLY 26093 HIGHWAY 281 NORTH SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78260 Ph. 512-438-2667MCKAMEYS SUNDAWN KENNELSCH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL STYLESTEPPER AT STUDCH. MILLAMOR MOONROCK CH. DAJA JUSTA ROCKSAMPLEHOODS SWEET COOKIE PTD.CH. KEN GAY CAVALIER JOE CH. MCKAMEYS CAVALIERS PEPPER MCKAMEYS LITTLE DUTCHESS CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL CONQUEST CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL STYLESTEPPER KRYSTALS CHERRY KIJAFA CH. MCKAMEYS ENCHANTING PEPPER CH. MCKAMEYS ENCHANTING BEN JO MCKAMEYS BLOSSOM JOCH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL PERFECTIONCH. MCKAMEYS JUST A HONEYPuppies for breeding, show ring, or loveable pets, allpopular lineage. Bloodlines include Cavaliers,Sungolds, Millamor, Bonner, Crieder, Hood, Cherokee, Emcees, Great Elms, Aristic, Model, Brown,Disicland, English Hadleighs, Preservenes, Akela. MRS. NORRIS MCKAMEY R.R. 1, BOX 185 Bettendorf, Iowa 52722_________________Phone 319 332-5809________________The Pom Reader August 1985844 GL. Gu^- High Performance FoodsCanine Senior is for older dogs. It is scientifically formulated to help older dogs stay active and live longer. By properly restricting protein, salt and minerals while providing greater amounts of essential vitamins and fiber, it helps to compensate for conditions often present in older dogs, such as strain on the heart, kidneys and digestive system......mmSCIENCEDIETP.O. BOX 148 TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 913-354-8523Because preventive health care starts with proper nutrition. SCIENCE 13 DIETCANINESENIORDOG FOODCANINESENIORDOS FOODUseFor ordering and price information on a signed and numbered, limited edition print, write the Hills Art Department.The Pom Reader August 19859yCsA oAoz-ouiIf ant fdeased to- sAaro my tiouyfrtSy uddt^you and to- Qhodye the- Qoy 0rarie fry Qfreioeriny, eact montA, QfreoiAsA and frfeArioasy QAaynoey ofQfrady Qfroy Gfeemiay. Qrofyyoar- ffretads to- JdoDear Shu-ShuThere are so many in our family, I cant keep them all straight. Every time I turn around, another four-legged critter enters the house. How can I remember names and whos whoADAMfear ddanv,d'ooaldrecommendcateyories, fryinninyundtheseay ofeacA,followedfry coat cofror-, coat texture, cue- color, size, fyerlite, amount of teed, tail set, aye, intediyence, bloodline, ear- set, yait, attitude, and faults. day enouyA fet me frnow- low-youy mahe out, doe. ffrofesy.JdlUy-dfruyDear Shu-ShuIm so sick of fleas What can I do to get rid of them I get sprayed, bathed, groomed, powdered or dipped in between my rests and naps and meals, but I still scratch and scratch. All I want is to sleep, but someone is forever disturbing me Im sick of it What should I doBLUBBSfear ftufrfrs,Jdany frdfrat cc crafr fe huffy tfredleasy are there. Jcratchiny is^prohafrfry the onfform- gfeaxrciseyouyyet. dll fretyouyre realJot, tool iitii tSuiy-dhuyfydmDear Shu-ShuYEA FOR ME Im a man A STUD A PROVEN STUDI was a plain dog, then I became a Champion, now a great and glorious stud. WOWPlease make sure your readers are aware of my fantastic abilities so I can line the girls up and down the driveway.EDDIEfear dddie,d.late to he am yo luster, lot doe seeayyouy in action. doe time does not constitute a- great andalorious stud, dsfecially when it toofry tranguilizersy, ffffelly, fellows, stefs, oitamins.. .not to mention the hours, or should d.say days, or letteryet the firls If on dailed.Ion certainly tooAyour time... and eoeylody elses, dmight addoonyratulatione ewyour ferseroerance.dluy-ShuyAddress your questions toShu-Shu Shannon Johnson 5135 N. Gale Road Davison, Ml 48423 or- Shu-ShuC0 The Pom Reader 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805vSHU-SHU SHANNONThe Pom Reader August 1985CAJUN CHATTERThis has been one of the most unforgettable yet forgettable months I have spent in a long time. The secret words here are diarrhea and gastroenteritis. Somehow, either from contact at the last shows attended or from an unfortunate bird who chose to expire in my yard naturally my dogs presented me with their trophy...ugh one of my dogs came down with all the symptoms of gastroenteritis - diarrhea, offset by vomiting and eye discharge. Though I isolated the sick one at once, the next day I had 3 more cases, and my dogs began, one by one, to get this awful mess.My first fear was Parvo, but by sending a fecal sample to LSU we not only found that there was no Parvo or Corona virus present, but that there werent other problem-causing viruses present either. We then took a fecal culture and sent this to a local laboratory, but neglected to ask that all bacterial organisms be listed. The results showed that my dogs did not have salmonella or shigella, but did not tell me what the offending bacteria was. Dogs can have severe, even fatal cases of gastroenteritis from organisms such as Proteus Mirabilis, Escheria Coli, And Staphylococcus Aureus, which are commonly found in dog stool. Normally these organisms dont cause us much problem in themselves they are found almost everywhere and on all surfaces, but once they invade a dogs intestinal tract they become contagious and are easily passed from dog to dog.My problems came to an end when my veterinarian noticed that my dogs were responding to injections of Diathal a form of procaine penicillin used in treating diarrhea which has gotten out of hand. From this I asked if amoxicillin might not help to clear up the problem, and within 24 hours everyone was getting better after being put on amoxicillin.Because of going through the problem with this, I did a little research about diarrhea and found that it can be caused by a number of things. One is malabsorption of food, which usually happens when you get a bad bag of dog food. This kind of diarrhea usually goes away promptly if the food is changed after a 24 hour fast. Another cause of diarrhea is nervous upset, which clears up when the cause of nervousness is removed, but the causes which are most troublesome are those from bacterial and viral infections, and those from parasite and protozoa infestation.The danger of allowing diarrhea to go unchecked is that your dog can develop acidosis, dehydrate, and lose significant amounts of potassium from his system. All of these things are dangerous, and can cause death.During this problem, which lasted 3 weeks, I had the opportunity to use a great many products which aid in controlling diarrhea. Usually neomycin sulfate found in products like Biosol and Biosol-M will clear up minor bacteria-caused cases unless the bug responsible is not sensitive to it.Penicillin found in Diathal and used in the form of amoxicillin, ampicillin, and clavamox is another good choice, principally because of its wide range of effectiveness and using it is less likely to destroy necessary gut bacteria.Two veterinarian-dispensed drugs which aid in diarrhea control are darbazine and donnatol. Both medications slow down intestinal action, and sleepiness can be a side effect from using them. I liked the darbazine a little better as it comes in a time-released form it also comes in combination with neomycin known as neodarbazine. Donnatol is also very good, but the liquid form can cause problems when administered to the brachycephalic breeds as the taste is one of strong alcohol and can make the animal aspirate and set up a fluid problem in the lungs.Some of the best products I found were over-the-counter medications used for humans. One of the best is Pepto- Bismol. Be prepared, however, for the stool to turn blackish green. Another good standby is Kaopectate, which can be given in large doses and will not hurt the dog.One surprise which I discovered was the fact that Emetrol was very effective to control sour stomach and vomiting - I found that it really helped without making the dog sleepy. Another good application of Emetrol is its use to lessen the nausea of a bitch who has whelped or has gotten a sour stomach from being too fastidious in cleaning up after her newborns. It is simple carbohydrate and can not cause a problem given in a proper dose.If your dog develops diarrhea which does not check itself within 24 hours, the first thing to do is have a fecal examination made. It also doesnt hurt to put your dog through a worming I like Panacur as it gets almost all worms and the dog doesnt have to be starved even if the check is negative as in some instances the dog can have a severe case of whipworms and not have it show up in a stool sample. Naturally, if the dog still doesnt respond, veterinary assistance is a must. Depending on the accompanying symptoms, a fecal culture can help determine if the cause is bacterial and give which antibiotics the organism is sensitive to. A check under an electron microscope will tell if a virus is causing the problem. However, these are further steps which can be taken if yor veterinarians standard procedures dont help to check the problem. The key phrase here is WORK WITH YOUR VETA good practice I developed as a result of my experience is using a Clorox solution as a follow-up to scooping the yard. One part Clorox to 20 parts water will go a long way in stopping the spread of infectious diarrheas. Two words of caution here...Clorox can give a burn to a nosy critter who cant resist checking out what it is youre up to. Use your solution after the dogs are put away. The other caution involves the use of clorox without protecting your eyes...the stuff burns, believe me Also, if youve worked hard to cultivate a nice green lawn for your dogs to run on, clorox solution will kill your grass. Well, enough said about this subject except to say that I hope none of you ever has to go through such an ordeal. Have a good month, and see you next issueKathy Masilla969 Porteous Street, New Orleans, LA 70124Kathy MasillaThe Pom ReaderAugust 1985 The Pom ReaderAugust 1985BI-MARHOME OF MULTIPLE B.I.S.CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID SONNY WAS IN THE TOP TEN IN THE U.S. FOR 1983 1984. NUMBER ONE TOY IN THE NORTHWEST FOR 1984.WE HAVE FOR SALE BOTH SHOW PROSPECTS AND PETS SOME ARE SIRED BY SONNY.YOUNG AND OLDER BROOD FEMALES FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRICES.BI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum36520 28th Ave. South Federal Way, Wa 98003Phones206-838-6397206-927-2369MillamiEleanor Ken Miller Ph. 813 646-5864 5426 Spring Lake Dr. Lakeland. FL 33803J.vSTORKREPORTSiooLarry Diane Johnson 2901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore, MD 21234 Ph. 301 661-7289WISHING YOU WELLTHE POM READER AND ALL READERSMARY VICKERS 2818 Jefferson Drive 703 960-7755 Alexandria, VA 22303Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia, Ocala, Florida 32676 904 237-1636Jessie Barbara Young 603 435-8731Pomeranians Shih Tzu Ch. Stud Service Puppies OccasionallyLoudon Ridge Rd. Loudon, NH 03301Scotia Kennels, Regd.Breeder of 150 Champions in 27 Years Occasionally I have show prospect pups or older dogs for sale. Almost always have pet males, usually Champion sired but not what I consider show quality. Well protected by shots, 250.00 and up.Also occasionally have a proven stud or brood bitch and a Champion for sale. State all your wants in first letter.Edna E. Girardot P.O. Box 646 Floral City, FI 32636 904 726-2001TIM SUE POMERANIANSBreeding for qualityChampions at stud - Puppies OccasionallyTIM 86 SUE GODDARD 19719 RICE LAKE LANE 713 492-0849 HOUSTON, TX 77084iohn e, heaftzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY P.O. BOX 1259, TRURO, N.S. CANADA PHONE 902 895-7427TELL EVERYONE ABOUT YOUR NEWEST FITTER OF SHOW-STOPPERSSubmit date of birth, sire dam, how many males females, your name, address phone. Then sit back and wait for the calls to flow inPRICE 10.00JUSTA POMS presentsCh. Justa MenehuneGroup Placing andAustins A Knight To Remember Heavy coated blackWatch for them at the spring showsSharon Hiemenz 904 437-2190Route 1, 31 Remington Rd. Ormond Beach, FL 3207412A PHOTOGRAPHIC JOURNEY28 YEARS IN POMSFrom the Collection of Edna Girardotf 11 kSECOND SECTIONALBANY, N. Y., MONDAY, JULY 6, 1942In Spotlight At Dog ShowProperty Rights of Upheld in Bepnettft,LAFROM stem to stern, or vice versa. This handsome Gordon setter, shown by Edna Girordot, was one of the main attractions yesterday afternoon at the Mohawk Valley Kennel club dog show held on the grounds of the Albany Academy.ST DOG SHOWKrmaMlTv-A " - r,I 6mm Iit.1-.'The Pom Reader August 198513""SiV,.15S111 3fmw -9\ .i4r 1mmam m^STSHOW LfiHln o r, i h RPHOTO BY BOOTHmSpecial thanks to Mrs. Girardot for theuse of the fabulous photos. JMcGThe Pom Reader August 198514SHOWING POMS IS THE BEST MEDICINEPART II EDNA GIRARDOT TODAYAND I REALLY MEAN TODAYEdna Girardot flanked by Marlene Scott Halsey and Sam Zaneoff at the American Pomeranian Clubs 1985 Winter Specialty which was held in Ednas honor. John L. Ashbey PhotoEdna Girardot and I are both in bad moods today. I just hung up the phone from talking to her again, and we were consoling each other about the fact that neither of us got to go to Houston. But each of us are very disappointed. And disappointment is the one thing that Edna hates.Edna has always said Never give up. There will be setbacks and disappointments, but you must always keep on going. It may be easy to look at Ednas tremendous record in the breed, and wonder what she could possibly know about disappointment. I can assure you that the lady knows.The Pom Reader August 198515I am not talking about the disappointment one might feel when you lose at a show. I am talking about tragedy, the kind that makes you wonder whether to continue or not.For example 1960 Ch. Scotia Pot of Gold, known to his ny friends as Toby. At two years of age, Toby was starr- . ^ in the Schenectady Civic Playhouse production of Tobias and the Angel, drawing rave revues and admiration from all involved A most proficient actor. He was on stage a great deal, he never barked or fussed. He enjoyed people and lights and applause, but stayed quietly and even went to sleep if the action on stage did not concern him. from a tribute written by the cast of the play entitled Appreciation of an Actor. Killed in a freak accident. The cast of the play could not bear to replace their canine co-star, and substituted a toy animal instead. Edna swallowed her disappointment and carried on.For example Ch. Scotia Cavillers Nans Can-Can finished very young. Back to Back Toy Group Firsts, and the next weekend out...poisoned at a dog show. Edna swallowed her disappointment and carried on.For example 1984 Scotia Command Performance. Young red sable male, just starting out. Two shows, Winners Dog both times 2 3 points. At an Oklahoma show, an official came over to admire the little dog, they stood talking the clipboard the man was holding slipped out of his hand, and hit Ednas dog in the head. Command Performance died instantly. Edna quietly picked up the dog and walked away - what could you say And again Edna swallowed her disappointment and carried on.C ded on with what she has made her lifes work. Breeding v ery best Pomeranian that she can.The Pom is a very interesting breed. I especially love their loyalty to their owners. I have tried to keep the loyalty, the temperament, and strived to get perfection in comformation. I like expression - I like small eyes. I dont like too much of a baby face I have found some very bad mouths on them. I want good movement, good legs, good head, good ears. Tail set is very important to me. I like a substantial dog. Some of them you can press down on their back and they will cave in. I like a dog that can really push back.And I want a good, stand-off coat.I like a AVz - 5 pound Pom. I dont care much for the tiny ones. And this extreme stuff - thats no good.Im proud of what Ive done, but the bottom line is that everyone has the same chance. You must continue to strive. And again today, the lady is faced with disappointment. Edna had been looking forward all summer to the Houston shows, and at the last minute, became ill. When I called her last Friday in the hospital, I said I just wanted to check up on her, and wouldnt bother her for long to which she replied Oh, please do Im bored to death And so we talked more about Poms. We talked rather late about Poms. Edna is home now, and as Ive said, tremendously disappointed about having to miss the Houston shows. One might think that this one last disappointment might just have been gh to make even Edna Girardot give up. But is this the caseWell, I had to miss Houston, but Im going to the Carolina shows - no matter whatLLL KENNELS PRESENTS LLL NUGGET OF GOLD SHORT STUFFFOR SALEShorty is 4, ornage, good bone, right up on toes, good coat, attractive head. Needs major and 1 minor point to finish.CH. LLL CHARMING GOLD FLAME - finished her Championship at Edwardsville, Illinois.CH. LLL TS GOLD CRYSTAL - finished her Championship on Arkansas circuit in June.4 Champions for sale, number of male female show prospects, 4 breeding females.Janice Luginsland Route 1, Box 97, Americus, KS 66835 Ph. 316-443-5157 Pending AKC confirmationPom Acres Kennel2mPOM ACRES IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT CH. SHY ACRES I KAN TOO IS NOW A PART OF OUR FAMILY. WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK JANICE LUGINSLAND OF LLL KENNELS FOR ALLOWING US TO HAVE HIM.ROBERT JUANITA ROUTE 4FIDDICK CEDAR FALLS, IOWAPH. 319-989-2199 50613Carry on, lady. JMcG The Pom Reader August 198516Midwest NewsJean StaffordHas another month really gone by Its hard to believe that its time to write another article, but here goes.June was a quiet month for us compared to the excitement of May. We attended only two shows, one being that of our kennel club. I spent the day stewarding a new experience for me and rushing around like a crazy fool, jumping from one ring to the next to show my Bernese Mountain Dog and Springer Spaniel. Does this sound familiar You have three different breeds entered at a show. What are the chances of the judging to be close One in a million, right WRONGOne week before the show, you get your judging schedule...What The Springer goes in at 1130 after 11 dogs, the Berner and Pom both go in at 1200, first Thankfully, we have several good friends that volunteered their help. I showed my Springer, rushed to the Berner ring the other side of the building, of course just in time to switch dogs with my friend standing ringside with my Berner. After I showed her, I rushed upstairs to the Pom ring just in time to see the Breed judging.I was thrilled to see my husband in the ring with our puppy - he took Winners Dog Why does Bob look so upset This meant two more pointsOr so I thought. The other three males scratched, so there werent any points involved at all. Oh well, it proved to be an interesting dayMillamors Country Music is making quite a splash in this area. He is owned by Chuck Veronica Boudreau, and in very limited showing has 11 points and both majors. Country and our Jammer are racing each other to finish, but I believe Country will win because Jammer has decided that it is time to blow his coat, the bratCh. Jamols Fudge Royale and Ch. Hi Times Kaleidoscope have both taken Group Placements in June. Both are owned by Olive Lancey and handled by Gene Sue Talsma.I consider myself a novice breeder, having only bred 4 bitches in the last two years. Three of the four only whelped one puppy each, the other having two puppies. Out of the three single litters, two pups were stillborn, the third had to have a C-Section. All three pups were rather large, causing the problems, I believe. Our one litter of two was a success. Our bitch free-whelped both of these without problems.Now, this is where I need your help. Could my bitches be lacking something in their diet Is there anything I can do to prevent these one-puppy disaster litters from happening in the futureI would appreciate any input that anyone can supply. Let me hear from youUntil next month...happy showingJean Stafford, 1436 Powers Ct., Niles, Ml 49120^ FLASHAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SUMMER SPECIALTYAugust 7, 1985 Houston, TexasJudge Mrs Barbara JarmolukBEST OF BREEDCH. D-NEES DARIN DUFFIEWINNERS DOG, BEST OF WINNERSNABOBS CROSS FIREWINNERS BITCHBELLS GOLDEN PEBBLES COQUETTERESERVE WINNERS DOGCHELENES PIGEON FLYAWAYRESERVE WINNERS BITCHSILVA LADE XMAS JOYSWEEPSTAKES Judge Mr. Sam ZaneoffBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESSILVA LADE XMAS JOYBEST OF OPPOSITE SWEEPSWATTS LITTLE WAHOOSpecial thanks to Joann Reilly for the FLASH resultsThe Pom Reader August 198517 PRO LY PRESENTS..VWATTS LITTLE CRICKET OF G ELMS WATTS LITTLE AMARETTO OF PTCedarwoods Gold Nugget X Great Elms Dark Sweety Ch. Watts Little Peter Tan Mo-Best X Watts Little Kahlua Lua Thank you Delores Dave Watts for these two beautiful boys. They will add immensely to our breeding program. We love them dearly. Amarettos dam only needs a major to finish her Championship.Please make note of our new address. Our Phone number is temporary until the foreign exchange service is put is so we can be connected to Pacific Bell.Marlene Marlin Presser21789 East Highway 4 Stockton, CA 95205209 886-5561 temporary209 463-8554a dtT d PomOFFERS FOR SALEA black tan female puppy whelped May 1, 1985. Call or write for picture, pedigree, details.Congratulations to Dick Sally Baugniet on their new Champion Pomirish Desirees GE ScooterDesaree Sandifer 509 Oakdale Street704-865-0859 Gastonia, NC 28054BANDBOXidCHPOMIRISH HUNDRD PRUFS HI BALLREILLY makes Champion 3 for Poofie, and our Group-winning Poofie daughter will be out soon looking for 5 minors to finish. Congratulations to Poofies Pearl and owner Ruby McCombs on her Puppy Group I at the CAPC Match, and Group III at the Hot Springs KC four months of ageNANCY FOREST BARTHOLOMEW SR. ROUTE 1, BOX 183, OLA, AR 72853 501-489-5733JDS POMPOUS POMSWERE MOVING To the Southern California area. Will advise new address as soon as one is available. Any mail will automatically be forwarded, but it may be some time before we obtain a telephone. Any inquiries into puppies or stud service could be mailed to our former address, but give plenty of time for forwarding. Thank you.Janet Hovey 1163 Hwy. 26208 684-4648 Blackfoot, ID 83221Pommsn KtnmtsDick Sally Baugniet Phone 414-755-299411224 County Hwy. B Mishicot, Wl 54228BREEDERS OF35 POMERANIAN CHAMPIONS25 NORWICH TERRIER CHAMPIONS1 IRISH SETTER CHAMPIONWCH. POMIRISH HUNDRD PRUFS HI BALL Home bred Champion 35 Owned by Nancy Bartholomew co-owned by breederhandler Sally BaugnietFemale pups whelped 3-2-85, sired by Am. Can. Ch. Pomirish Cr. Puffs Only Chance.Male pups whelped 2-18-85 sired by Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf.The Pom Reader August 198518Generally SpeakingSusan WadeFUN MATCHES SHOULD BE FUNMatches are or should be our greatest educational tool in training our pups. Training classes are great, but matches are a must. Going from training classes directly to a show with its tensions and commotion is not fair to your dog. We could compare training classes to elementary school, matches to high school, and the shows are the college campuses.WHY do you go to matches Wins are nice, anywhere, but hardly important at matches. Each time I judge a match, I am amazed at the attitude of some of the participants One gets the impression that those match wins are going to count toward a title of some kindWhether as a judge or as an exhibitor, my aim is to make a match as pleasant an experience as possible. Starting from the minute you leave the driveway, until you come home. Try to arrive early - this is often a pups first encounter with the big outside world. Take time to put himher on a lead and wander around all that space. After the pup checks things out, there is time for a drink and a rest in their crate where they can watch everything and everybody.When its ring we go If there is anything more irritating to me than a person at a match with a perfectly trained puppy, Im not sure what it is. A first match is when you can make a perfect ass of yourself with impunity - chirping to the pup as you go around the ring backwards holding liver under the pups nose, or using two leads on a particularly young one. Thats right - two leads one under the belly and one around the neck. Dont laugh - it works WHATEVER it takes to get them around the ringNo matter what happens, this is always a GOOD PUPPY Keep telling them that...or say whatever is on your mind, just as long as the tone is loving All the way back to the crate with a ribbon or without, keep up the loving and praise. A good drink and a barking romp in the ex-pen before getting back in the crate is in order.From start to finish, the day should be a meeting of the Mutual Admiration Society of which you and your pup are the only members The greatest compliment I ever had after judging a match had nothing to do with the placements I made or the choices that were made in the group - it was from an exhibitor thanking me for making his pups first experience a happy oneRemember...any match, whether A or B, should be a Fun Match ^ FLASHPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON SUMMER SPECIALTYAugust 8, 1985 Houston, TexasJudge Mr. Fred BassettBEST OF BREEDCH. D- NEES DARIN DUFFIEBEST OF OPPOSITE, BEST OF WINNERS, WINNERS BITCHSILVA LADE XMAS JOYWINNERS DOG BI-MAR TEQUILA SUNSETRESERVE WINNERS DOGCHILENES PIGEON FLYAWAYRESERVE WINNERS BITCHSILVER MEADOWS SS CHARMERSWEEPSTAKES Judge Mr. Tony TellezBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESCREIDERS JESSICABEST OF OPPOSITE SWEEPSMEE-GEES TOUCH OF FROSTSpecial thanks to Joann Reilly for the FLASH results.1VmThe Pom Reader August 1985Susan Wade P.O. Box 340 Auburndale, FL 33823CALIFORNIA REPORTMarlene Presser19Sorry I have had no news the past few months. We have moved and my mother has been ill, and there just hasnt been any extra time.Chief Sybil Tompkinshave finished a very nice male, Ch. Chiefs Li I Golden Skeeter - congratulations. Carolyn Julie Edmiston have been woind well with their puppy bitch Fanfares Penny Serenade - she won a four point major from the puppy class recently.toAnother long-time breeder in the Stockton area, Doris Weaver, has also been doing well. She has picked up 3 majors on her male Doris Romeo II of Doyal, and a major on her bitch Doris Peaches N Cream.Morenos CC Jr. by Choice is the new male puppy Julie Moreno is showing. He looks a lot like his sire Ch.Morenos Critics Choice.Starlite Fanticys Star Maker, shown by Marlin Presserand owned by Gayle Griffin of Oregon finished her Championship in a month. She is a very nice bitch who has already proven herself in the whelping box.Queenaire kennels also has a new male they are showing, Creiders Queenaire Bonanza. The breeder is Norma Creider. He is close to finishing or could even possibly be finished by this time. Congratulations to Dudley Wanda Roach.On my trip to Maryland in April, I stayed with Delores Dave Watts. Delores and I traveled the Cherry Blossom Circuit with our dogs. We both did well, Delores picked up 2 majors on her male puppy and a major on a bitch she had bred, and I also won a 5 point major on my male puppy. I had a wonderful time and met a lot of nice people. Their new Pom Club The Greater Baltimore Pomeranian Club hope thats correct is really going great guns. They have a lot of talented people who really seem to care.I was impressed by the fact that everyone cheered each other on, regardless of who won or lost, and if a club member won the Breed they stayed to cheer them on in the Group.Also enjoyed the gab sessions we had at lunch or dinner after the shows. Thanks to everyone for a grand timelDCOMING IN OCTOBER...The 1984-1985 Pom Reader BITCH DIRECTORY' vi 7i ABml- oftAes OfflKhsito SeaAll ads may include a photo of your bitch, a three generation pedigree, brief remarks about her show career and her get.Dont miss this economical opportunity to tell the world how proud you are of your fabulous ladies.SPECIAL RATESFULL PAGE 90.00 HALF PAGE 49.00ALL ADS WILL BE IN A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE MAGAZINE IN THE ORDER RECEIVED.DEADLINESEPTEMBER 15, 1985Marlene Presser21789 E. Hwy 4, Stockton, CA 95205The Pom Reader August 198520FROM A LOW POINT OF VIEWBy CH. BRICKENS PENELOPE LDear Duane and Joe,I notice in your magazine that you ask for suggestions and comments. It has occurred to me that the titles that we canines can earn are all human-conceived and human- granted. There should be some kind of awards that are devised by Canines, for Canines. Therefore, I have formulated the requirements for just such an award. The first Canine- Granted Award for Canines shall be the BB and the BBX Bed Buddy and Bed Buddy Excellent.The first requirement shall be to show the ability to get up onto the human bed. Most beds are of a standard height, therefore some of the breeds, such as Toys, or close-to-the- ground breeds, may have some difficulty. An assist for these breeds will be permitted, whether in the form of a stool, bench, or a hand-up by ones Master or Mistress.The second requirement will deal with Speed. One must have a sufficient head of steam to reach the pillow at the head of the bed BEFORE the Master or Mistress As long as the subject of pillows has arisen, we shall deal with it.Pillows are important in attaining a BB-BBX. One must have the ability to gain possession of at least one half of the pillow without being obvious about it. This can often be done by gradually insinuating oneself snugly against the head of the Master or Mistress and using a cuddling motion to gain the desired one-half. Herein will lie our first fault for which points must be deducted this MUST be done without waking the human The speed with which this can be done will be a definite factor in qualifying.The third requirement will deal with Stealth sneakiness. As in the above Pillow Possession Exercise, stealth is needed - however, the Under Cover Exercise requires even more. In this exercise, one must have the ability to lift the covers with ones nose and VERY CAREFULLY work ones way beneath the covers. Remember - points are taken off in the even your human awakens The closer to the foot of the bed you can get, the more points toward qualificationThe RETURN is a simple exercise and should not cause much concern in performance. There are times when one must answer the calls of nature or need to see about some noise during the night...or suppose you are thirstyYou must get down from the bed to take care of these things. No assist is allowed in getting down, but the Exercise of the Return involves getting back into the bed. The larger or taller breeds should have no problem with the actual getting there, but points off if you wake anyone For the Toys and low-slung ones, you must make your desire known and get your Master or Mistress to lift you back. Points are added to your score when you have your humans well enough trained that they do this automatically - in their sleep, so to speakThe Sand Box Exercise is not used too often, but it must be conquered. There are times when all of us carry in sand on our feet the point of this exercise is to distribute this sand as evenly as possible across the bed. Extra points for doing this between the sheets If the distribution is done evenly,there is little discomfort to your human.The Long Sleep is probably the most fun exercise to practice and perfect. You must deposit yourself exactly bed- center Then proceed to sleep peacefully throughout the whole procedure of human bed-making. The only permissible moves are those that will facilitate your human in her endeavor. At the end of the exercise the bed will be made the human way and you will again be bed center, on top of the spread, and sleeping peacefully. This exercise is usually accompanied by much under-the-breath-grumbling on the part of the human - but - that is part of the gameDisqualifications all involve waking your human. Wakening him in any way, whether it is by snoring, breathing in his face, too much motion, or chewing loudly on a squeaky toy or chew chip, is a disqualificationHappy practicing to all you canines, and strive diligently for that BB-BBXCh. Brickens Penelope Land Susan Wade, CTX Canine Translator Xtraordinaire P.S. If any canines feel that they are ready for their BB-BBX, they can notify me at Route 1, Box 340, Auburndale, FL 33823, and I will be pleased to send them a certificate. Notification should be accompanied by a note signed by their human. Please include your registered name and all titles. - P.Pet PortraitsCALL OR WRITE FORFREE FULL-COLOR BROCHUREDept. OE 718 331-95231559 82nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11228The Pom Reader August 198521Th e Pom Reader All about Poms and Pom People12 Months - 12 Issues24.00 third class post40.00 first class postOverseas rates upon requestADVERTISING RATESin U.S. DollarsAD SIZE OPEN RATE CONTRACTFull Page 120.00 96.00Half Page 65.00 53.0014 Page 35.00 27.0018 Page 20.00 16.00116 Page 12.00 8.00Color is avaiable at 250.00 additional per page. Ads14 page and larger include one photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each.Contract advertisers may take advantage of contract rate regardless of change in ad size or content from month to month. Contract advertisers receive a FREE subscription. Make checks payable toomy ^lecuer8848Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805 813 858-2639itluL^- S 06' TourMf',PUT YOUR SHOWPHOTO HEREPUT YOUR DOGS NAME HERE YOUR WIN INFORMATION HERE,YOUR NAME HERE-and put the savings in your pocket PRICE 18.00NOW AVAILABLECUSTOMIZEDSTATIONERY ENVELOPES PEDIGREE FORMSWe specialize in personalized paper goods for all your needs. We can use your present logo, or design a new one for you, featuring the beautiful head studies of artist Nancy Ross.mOnly top quality bond used - at below market rates.Fast, efficient service of your dog lovers for dog lovers.For information and prices, writeCOTHE POM READER 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 3380522SPECIALS ADDITIONAS OF THE JUNE 1985 AKC GAZETTEPresently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Ten Pomeranian dogs and Top Ten Pomeranian bitches in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as follows.Breed points not to be confused with Championship points are allotted to CHAMPIONS OF RECORD according to the hightest placement received in any given AKC show.A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds 500 BEST IN SHOW Specialty 250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty 75TOY GROUP FIRST 250TOY GROUP SECOND 150TOY GROUP THIRD 75TOY GROUP FOURTH 25BEST OF BREED 10BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX All Breed 5NOTE The only exception will be BISS will be worth 10points, and BOSS will be worth 5 points, until a total ofthree wins are published for that dog.The following is the ranking of the Top Ten SPECIALS DOGS AND Top Ten SPECIALS BITCHES as of the June GazettePOINTS DOGS BISA BISS BOSS I II Ill IV BOB BOS5170 Ch. Coys Top of the Mark 3 - - 9 6 6 2 1 2815 Ch. D.Nees Darin Duffie 1 2 - 5 1 3 3 9 1275 Ch. BiMar Sundance Kid - - 5 - - 1 - 900 Ch. PatricksMr. Larry - - 2 1 1 3 9 2690 Ch. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine - 1 1 2 3 3 2685 Ch. Sungold Diamond Stud - - 1 3 3 16 675 Ch. HerdsLittle Yo Yo - 1 1 2 2 7 1625 Ch. Daisys Lil Bit of Jabil 1 1 1 2 10 1425 Ch. L-Rs Monty Rock of Millamor - 1 1 - - 2 1270 Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero - 1 - - - 2 BITCHES260 Ch. EmceesChicquita D-Oro - - - 1 - - - - 2250 Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tan Ya - l"- 1 1 - 1 3115 Ch. QueenaireGlory Huntress - - - - - 2 480 Ch. Tim Sues Angel Sabrina - - - - 1 - - 165 Ch. Southlands Toast To Bev-Nor - - - - - - 2 950 Ch. Wests Miss Charm Patrick - - - - - 2 - 40 Ch. Mike-MarsSophie Mae - - - - - - 3 230 Ch. Emcees Golden Jaymy - - - - - - 3 -30 Ch. Harbins Poetry In Motion 630 Ch. Sweet Hills Ebony Storm - - - - - 3 tie placements alphabeticalUPDATEAS OF THE JUNE 1985 AKC GAZETTEWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the United States is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until November.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Point are allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor. The Pom Reader August 1985THE FOLLOWING IS A LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EX HIBITORS AS OF THE JUNE 1985 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR POINTSE. GIRARDOT 52S. BAUGNIET 39A. CANNON 35D. S. DAVIS 30J. B. YOUNG 29N. GAD 28G. HODSON 27G. GRIFFIN 26L.W. CLARK 25C. PFEFFER 25 tie Placements alphabeticalSPECIALS ADDITIONAS OF THE JULY 1985 AKC GAZETTEPresently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Ten Pomeranian dogs and Top Ten Pomeranian bitches in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as follows.Breed points not to be confused with Championship points are allotted to CHAMPIONS OF RECORD according to the hightest placement received in any given AKC show.A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds 500 BEST IN SHOW Specialty 250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty 75TOY GROUP FIRST 250TOY GROUP SECOND 150TOY GROUP THIRD 75TOY GROUP FOURTH 25BEST OF BREED 10BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX All Breed 5NOTE The only exception will be BISS will be worth 10points, and BOSS will be worth 5 points, until a total ofthree wins are published for that dog.The following is the ranking of the Top Ten SPECIALS DOGS AND Top Ten SPECIALS BITCHES as of the July GazettePOINTS DOGS BISA BISS BOSS I II Ill IV BOB BOS5445 Ch. Coys Top of the Mark 3 - - 10 6 6 3 1 2845 Ch.D. Nees Darin Duffie 1 2 - 5 1 3 3 12 1275 Ch.Bi Mar Sundance Kid - - - 5 - - 1 - 910 Ch.Patricks Mr. Larry - - - 2 1 1 3 10 2870 Ch. Herds Little Yo Yo - - 1 2 2 3 9 1795 Ch. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine - - 1 1 3 3 3 2685 Ch. Sungold Diamond Stud - - - 1 3 3 16 625 Ch.Daisys Lil Bit of Jabil - - 1 1 1 2 10 1465 Ch. L-Rs Monty Rock of Millamor - - 1 1 - - 6 1270 Ch. Millbrooks El Gran CaballeroBITCHES1 2260 Ch. Emcees Chicquita D-Oro - - 1 - - - - 2255 Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tan Ya - - 1 1 - 1 4115 Ch. Queenaire Glory Huntress - 1 - - - 2 780 Ch. Tim Sues Angel Sabrina - - - 1 - - 165 Ch. Southlands Toast To Bev-Nor - - - - - 3 1050 Ch. Wests Miss Charm Patrick - - - - 2 - 40 Ch.Emcees Golden Jaymy - - - - - 4 - 40 Ch. Hi Times Kaleidoscope - - - - - 2 440 Ch. Mike-Mars Sophie Mae - - - - - 3 230 Ch. Harbins Poetry In Motion 630 Ch. Sweet Hills Ebony Stormtie placements alphabetical- - - 3 . UPDATEAS OF THE JULY 1985 AKC GAZETTEWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the United States is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until November.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Point are allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS A LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE JULY 1985 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR POINTSE. GIRARDOT 64S. BAUGNIET 39C. PFEFFER 37A. CANNON 35J. B. YOUNG 33D. S. DAVIS 30G. GRIFFIN 29N. GAD 28L.W. CLARK 27G. HODSON 27 tie Placements alphabeticalThe Pom Reader August 1985DOO-SHAYPOMERANIANSAcquaints you withoo SAauTH 'pcoiT DAN MnfjuCHESAI SUNPOWER CYCLONE XMERCERS MARISA TOUCHAt either end of our lead, a special breed appears. This handsome man in Alyssas life...DAVID B. GIBBONS^ What an impression these^ have made for the mor ly, 1985. We coujdn^j^e more pleased, Dave.Thank you J uty jUBlges Mrs. Merle Smith W1385 Mr. Ed Kline Yf 1485 Ms. M. Beam 9. 2785Mr. R. Guevara4y2885 Mr. T. "2985III enP IV\d wins BURLINGTON WISCONSIN KENNEL CLUB JULY 29 1985TOY0 ROUP Mi 3 RD.boothPHOTOmsxB.