The Pom Reader September 1985

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zVLz zmm-CH. TEXICANS GIANT KILLER CHULAr^BEST Ot WINNERSpetrousBREEDER ERIKA K. MOUREAUCh. Scotia Cavaliers Spectacular Ch. Scotia President Jim Scotia Nikki Tees Amy Ch. Sunrays Gold Gems President Major Dink of Sunray Ch. Sunrays Cupid Doll Sungolds Dolly CH. TOMBOYS PICO CHICOCh. Jerebeths Dragon Killer Ch. Gold Gems Fire Dragon Darlin Gold Gems Cavaliers Rustica Gold Gems Shannon MLady Gorrins Pixietown of Hadleigh Gold Gems RufflesGorrins Tracy Lynpeg of LanearCh. Creiders Golden Riptide Ch. Creiders Replica of Riptide Creiders Miss Maggie Ch. Robinhoods Replica BaronCh. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Queenaire Gin Fizz of Hood Queenaire Orange Pippin MERIDIAN CHEDDAR ptd.Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaire AristocratCh. Creiders Bit O Distinction Ch. Gay Mystic Sugar N Motion Ch. Macs Gay Terrific Gay Mystic Fire N Ice Topaze TashampX jIWwMCTBrEL PASORINEHARTKfllfl13 Bests of Breed Most over Multiple SpecialsMr. Darrell Baker, Mr. A. C. Williamson, Mrs. Betty Francis, Mr. Nick Calicura, Mr. Forest McCoy, Mrs. V. Olmos-Ollivier, Mr. Gilbert S. Kahn, Mrs. Erica Thomsen, Mrs. Dorothy Welsh, Mrs. Edith Nash Hellerman, Mr. Haydon Martin, Mrs. Sari Tietjen, Mr. Fred Bassett.APC AWARD OF MERIT Mrs. Ann Rogers Clark GROUP IIMrs. Victor Olmos-Ollivier Mrs. Mildred Bryant GROUP IVMr. Emil Klinckhardt from the ClassesMr. Glenn T. Fancy Mr. Roy L. Ayers, Sr.Finished December 1984 with back to back 5 point majors Mrs. Edith Nash Hellerman Mrs. Keke BlumbergCurrently ranked Number 5 Pom Canine ChronicleGADS CHULA POMS5908 Westside Road El Paso, Texas 79932 915584-0942OWNER NORMA C. GAD3 Starit SomeYmuw PRESENTS OUR 1985 CHAMPIONS CH. STARLITES MISS DRAGON MAGIC female 3-4-85 3 - 5 point majors OUR SPECIAL THANKS TO MARLIN MARLENE PRESSER FOR A GREAT JOB OF HANDLING AND THE LOVE THESE GIRLS RECEIVED. CH. STARLITE FANTICYS STAR MAKER female 6-22-85 3, 4, 4, 4 pt. majors WE HAVE LOVELY SHOW PUPPIES CH. SHANTICY X GAMBOLER CH. DRAGON MAGIC X GAMBOLER DOUBLE BREEDING ON B.I.S. CH. SUNDOTS RAMBOLING MANGAYLE L. GRIFFIN 9125 DEJONG ROAD AMITY, OREGON 97101Multiple Best In ShowCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDftBEST mfPORTLANDKERNEL CLUB SUNKEN \m2 Pomeranian Top 100 Toy Group - Canine Chronicle Finals for 19842 Pomeranian Top 10 Poms - Canine Chronicle Finals for 1984 2 Pomeranian Toy 100 All Breeds - Routledge Point Finals for 19842 Pomeranian Top Ten Pomeranians in the United States - AKC Gazette as of April 1985. LISTED AS A TOP PRODUCER FOR 1984BI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum Phones36520 28th Ave. South 206-838-6397Federal Way, Wa 98003_________________________________ 206-927-2369The Pom Reader September 19854Volume 1, Number 7The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33805, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and All-Breed judges.Direct all inquiries toWiTable of Contents8. VIEW POINT by Victoria PowellThis month Vikki provides the key to the tremedously successful Tube Feeding Formula developed by professional handler Lois Frank.10. ASK SHU-SHUAlls fair in love and the show ring Shu Shu again solves the puzzles that plague the everyday Pom. Ably assisted by Shannon Johnson.11. DEEP SOUTH DOINGS by Olga BakerOlga covers the Houston social scene during the Astrohall cluster.13. A BIRDS EYE VIEW by Betty Claire PeacockAn amusing incident and a near-tragic power failure.13. HELPFUL HINTSGood things to do to save time and aggravation.16. P.R. RINGSIDE AT...THE HOUSTON SPECIALTIESThe delightful Nora Doll pinch hits for the publishers to cover the festivities in Houston.24. OPEN LETTER TO A NOVICE EXHIBITORDorothy Bonner gives some warm and wise advice to a newcomer.25. MIDWEST NEWS by Jeanne StaffordUp to the minute in the Midwest.26. GENERALLY SPEAKING by Susan WadeContracts...again27. SPECIALS ADDITIONThe Pom Reader point system for Champions of Record as of the August AKC Gazette.27. UPDATEThe Pom Reader point system for exhibitors as of the August 1985 AKC Gazette.The Pom Reader September 1985Joe McGinnis, Editor The Pom Reader 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805 PH.813 858-3839. This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront CoverNORMA C. GAD CHULACenter Spread CLAUDIA PFEFFER PRECIOUS PETITESBack CoverHILLS PET PRODUCTSBAUGNIET, S............................................. 19BARTHOLOMEW, N. F............................ 7CAPAGRAPHICS....................................... 19CARSON, M. B........................................25COOK, S......................................................17CREED, C....................................................19GAD, N.......................................................1,2GIRARDOT, E.............................................17GODDARD, T. S......................................17GRIFFIN, G................................................ 3HEARTZ, J. C..........................................17HIEMENZ, S................................................17HILLS PET PRODUCTS.........................5,28HOVEY, J.................................................... 17JOHNSON, L. D........................................ 7JOHNSON, S..............................................21LUGINSLAND, J.......................................... 7MCKAMEY, N........................................... 21MILLER, E...................................................17NORRIS, B................................................... 9PFEFFER, C...........................................14,15PIAZZA, S................................................... 17PRESSER, M. M......................................17REILLY, R. J............................................25ROSENBAUM, M......................................... 3ROSS, N......................................................18SANDIFER, D..............................................17STAFFORD, J............................................. 24VICKERS, M................................................25YOUNG, J. B........................................... 17rHIdiitaii ceABOUT THE SERIESHills Pet Products, Inc. is proud to introduce the sixth drawing in the Performance Art Series. Ms. Pamela Powers was specially commissioned to do this handsome work. The art piece is offered in limited edition and will truly become a collectors item in years to come.ARTIST BIOGRAPHYPamela Wynne Powers was awarded a Merit Scholarship by the School of Fine Arts, Washington University in St. Louis, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.Her published works include a promotional booklet for the St. Louis Zoological Park, calendar pages for the Hammermill Paper Company and a promotional brochure for the St. Louis Wolf Sanctuary Marlin Perkins, Director.In addition, Ms. Powers has done various free lance assignments, including Graphic Illustrator at the American Kennel Club.HOW TO ORDERPrints of the TOYS Performance Art Series VI are available in a limited edition of 425. Each print is numbered and signed by the artist, and is available unframed for 70.00. These beautiful prints are 18" x 24", printed on fine premium No. 1 stock, and are without advertising or copy.A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these prints will be donated to The Dog Museum of AmericaThe American Kennel Club Foundation. Order your print from Hills Pet Products, Inc., Art Department, P.O. Box 148, Topeka, Kansas 66601.susssMfHillsPH PBOOUCTS INCSCIENCEDIETP.O. BOX 148 TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 913-354-8523Because preventive health care starts with proper nutrition.The Pom Reader September 19856SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITORI would like to take a moment to say a special thank you to Nora Doll for covering the Houston shows so beautifully for us.There are few endeavors more unpredictable than that of publishing, and constantly changing schedules often interrupt our plans. We were very disappointed not to be able to attend the Houston shows, but as you will see in this, which turned out to be the special Texas Issue of the Pom Reader, the Specialties and Festivities in Houston were fabulous. And also a special thank you from us at the PR goes out to all of you in Texas who were so gracious to Nora.Oh, this is interesting. We just received a subscription to the PR from the NORTH POLE Im not kidding - Pom fancier Colleen McFarland hails from the land of the midnight sun. I bet her Poms have coat Slowly but surely The Pom Reader is covering the globe - from Breezy Brazil to Down Under Australia, several points in Europe, all over the States Canada, Japan, and now the aforementioned icy environs. If its happening in Poms, we will be here to tell everybodyTHAT WOULD BE ALMOST LIKE BLACKMAIL Department...Of course, there are some things that should remain the priceless photo I have in my possession taken by Nora at Erika Wayne Moureaus Barbeque. This is a classic. Of Sue Goddard, no less. Well, maybe I shouldnt call it priceless...if Mrs. Goddard would care to drop me a check for 50,000.00 I will make sure no human eyes ever see it. Of course, there may be one month that I dont have the front cover sold, and may need something to put on it. In living color. I am, of course, just kidding. The more I looked at the photos from Houston the worse I felt for having missed it.Speaking of living color and front covers, is there anything as pretty as a Pom in color I doubt it. While most people would call stuffing hundreds and hundreds of Pom Readers into envelopes drudgery...its almost a pleasure to do it, when you can gaze at a photo like that of Norma Gads Killer,, while you work.Many of you know about the hurricane Elena scare we just went through...luckily enough, no severe damage was sustained by anyone we knew, but it was nerve-wracking, to say the least. When you have dogs, you cant just take off for the hills, and so you just have to sit and wait. And you cant really work, because the power surges up and down and sophisticated electrical equipment tumAjow - ntAiaJcex\ be, well, to use a technical term, goofed up. And so you just sit. What a waste of time. And I hate to waste anything.There are some things that make me think the whole world has gone a little spongey in the head. There is a common, rather stupid practice among nightclubs in which they offer Twofers - you buy one drink, and you get one free, mostly in the early evening. Of course, the secret is that you have to have both of them at once so you end up with one normal drink, and one that is all watered down,or warm by the time you get around to it. You can go to any of these places, and see a lot of glasses half-full and abandoned, which seems a stupid waste. Or they will kindly oblige you by putting two drinks into one glass, thereby doubling up the liquor content and throwing unsuspecting or incautious customers into early evening tailspins. And if you say to them, I only want one - if I wanted two, Id order two they look at you as if you are some kind of a nut. So, theres really no satisfying way to get along with this bargain-basement approach to entertainment. It is, however, a very popular offering. Well, thats all well and good, but the habit has passed on to other, ridiculous areas.Yesterday, on my back from town, I saw a new pizza parlor, and decided to try it out. I placed my order, ran a few errands, and returned for my pizza. And this fellow handed me two pizzas. I said there must be some mistake,I only ordered one pizza, to which he replied, Oh no, on Mondays its two-for-one. Now, even on my most voracious days, I find it difficult to eat a whole pizza by myself, and so I was not overly thrilled with the prospect of lugging two pizzas home with me, and having to throw one away. When I told the gentleman at the counter that, he became very agitated. You have to take it Its Two- For-One.Well, you cant fight that kind of logic, so took the two pizzas. Having eaten too much pizza, that night I had a nightmare...The Day They Had TwoFers At The Dog Show...Here, here the man at the entrance gate said, you forgot your second parking sticker I told him I only needed one, and he got very agitated and said You have to take it Its two-for-one And so I drove on in, trying to figure out how to take advantage of my extra parking space. Rent it to someone else Park sideways As I pondered the problem, a lady yelled at me Wait, wait, you left your second show catalogue. I said I could only read one at a time, and she got very agitated and said You have to take it Its two-for-one And so I collected my second show catalogue. Well, I could save it for a friend, or have one in good condition, and one dirty one, and as I was gamely trying to appreciate the situation, a little girl yelled Wait, wait you forgot your second doughnutI Carrying my catalogues and doughnuts,I ventured into the grooming area to set up my table, whereupon they insisted that I take up twice as much room as normal' You have to Its two-for-oneI they screamed. Well now, this was really getting good. I was making out like a bandit this morning. Soon enough, they were insisting that I take two rubber bands, twice as much room at ringside, and twice as long in the ring. It all seemed like a dream - too good to be true. Until the judge turned to me, and said Wait, wait You forgot your second Reserve Ribbon. Its Two-For-....l woke up in a cold sweat.Thanks again to all of you for your support, and for the help you gave to Nora. You made me very proud. But then again, I wasn't surprised. Dog People are the Best.Til October, Poms AwayJoe am, ofcouvie, uajf7Siaa oAritma JfeV'AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SUMMER SPECIALTY August 7, 1985 BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES RESERVE WINNERS BITCH c y- .K.1POM CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON SUMMER SPECIALTY August 8, 1985 WINNERS BITCH BEST OF WINNERS BEST OPPOSITE SEXCH. SHAMROCKS LITTLE IMAGE MAKER X CH. SILVA LADE ALMOND JOYSiaaLarry Diane Johnson2901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore, MD 21234Ph. 301 661-7289BANDBOXLABRADORS SM. FOX TERRIERSBANDBOX POOFIES PEARL1LLL KENNELS PRESENTS LLL TRAPPERS GOLD DAISYMAEBESTOPPOSITE SEXCh. Pomirish Lil Guys Hundrd Pruf X Lennis Bandbox DweezelPearl is a lovely, sound, pale cream with Match show Groups I III to her credit. She will be out playing hard ball in the late fall. She is owned by our good friend and neighbor RUBY MCCOMBS and is co-owned by us.Pearls cream litter brother, whelped 1-17-85, available to showbreeding home. Pictures and pedigree upon request.NANCY FOREST BARTHOLOMEW SR.ROUTE 1, BOX 183, OLA, AR 72853 501-489-5733Pictured at 6 months, 2 weeks Daisymae is a golden orange, stylish female showing the type of pups produced by her sire, CH. LLL MOONGOLD TRAPPER. Credit is also due her dam, CH. LLL KAP- TIVATING KATY, who has Champion produce from every litter and others pointed.We have more like her for sale and ready to start in the fall. Janice Luginsland Route 1, Box 97, Americus, KS 66835 Ph. 316-443-5157The Pom Reader September 19858ViewPointVICTORIA POWELLmm\Im9iK. iFor this months column, as promised, we have the pleasure of welcoming Lois Frank as guest columnist. She will be sharing with us her extensive knowledge on the subject of tube feeding how it is done, when it is done, and most importantly, why it is done. But first, for those of you who may not know who she is, a short introduction.Lois has been in dogs for over 28 years. During that time she was licensed by the AKC as an all-breed handler, and she has been showing, breeding, rearing, and living with many different breeds all that time. Lois has shown Salukisshe was the handler of the great Billa de Esta line, Borzoi, Dobies, Poodles, Shih Tzu, and Beagles, and of course, is presently the exclusive handler for the Ai Kou Pekingese of San Mateo, California.The formula and theories espoused in this article have been used by breeders too numerous to count and the method has saved countless puppies lives in breeds ranging from Pekes to Ibizans and back again. Please think about this method if you have need for it later on - it really works. And now, here is LoisThere are many reasons for supplemental feeding of newborn puppies. I find that after C-Sections, especially in Toys, the puppies are disoriented because of the anaesthesia and sometimes lack the sucking instinct. Also, the mother is hurting and groggy and can be unwilling to accept her new responsibilities. Occasionally, the bitch will develop an infection after giving birth and will be unable to nurse her pups. In any of these cases, you will have to take over the care and feeding of the pups at least temporarily. In some instances, the litter may be too large and there may not be enough room at the dinner table for everyone, in which case you may have to assist. But the saddest reason of all that necessitates tube feeding is that the mother dies and you are left with the orphan pups to raise. You may choose to bottle feed in any of these cases, but there many disadvantages to that method if the pup ingests air with the formula it may bloat or develop colic also, you can not measure exactly the amount of food the pup actually consumes and he may be overeating which also can cause colic or bloat. A big killer of newborn pups is overfeeding.Prevention of the above problems is easy with tube feeding. When tubing, you can measure accurately at every feeding and always know that every bit of the formula went into the stomach. A good rule of thumb for measuring forThePom Reader September 1985Lois Frankmula is 1 c.c. of formula per 1 ounce of body weight. A good ounce scale, then, is the first necessary piece of equipment for every breeder for it enables you to weigh each pup DAILY and feed accordingly, increasing formula as the pup gains each ounce. It is necessary to note here that even those who have had great success with bottle feeding will have no luck with a pup who is too weak to suck, but this common future champion could be saved by tubing. As for the rest of the equipment needed, I prefer to use a 8 catheter, cut off the flared end and attach it to a clean 35cc syringe. You are now ready to measure - place the end of the catheter at the puppys last rib or the umbilicus, and run it the length of its body to the mouth. Mark it at that point with a twist tie from a bread wrapper. Fasten the tie tightly enough that it will not slip but not tightly enough to stop up the feeding tube. DO NOT GUESS AT YOUR MARK YOU MUST MEASURE AND MARK YOUR TUBE EACH DAY, FOR PUPPIES GROW QUICKLY. Continued next page9Lois Frank on Tube Feeding continuedHOW AND WHAT TO FEEDHere is the formula that has worked so well for so many for so long1- 13 oz. can evaporated milk 4- egg yolks4 oz. 12 cup plain yogurt 1- tsp. rounded Best Foods Heilmans mayonnaiseBlend in a blender until mixed well 5-7 seconds. DO NOT OVERBLEND or it will be too frothy to use immediately. This formula can be stored in a covered jar in the refrigerator for up to one week. Before I go any further it just occurred to me that many of you reading this are thinking Why mayonnaise - bitches milk is high in fat. Mayo adds additional fat to balance the formula and make it as close to bitches milk as possible. Why yogurt - It helps the digestive tract assimilate and utilize the nutrients better and keeps the intestinal flora in balance.Now you are ready to begin feeding the babies. Begin by weighing the pups remember - EVERY DAY and record it on a weight chart you should be keeping one on every pup. Next, take your measured catheter and syringe set-up and insert the tip of the catheter into the formula, drawing up the exact amount for the first puppy. Remove any air trapped in the syringe and then place the syringe ONLY in a bowl of hot tap water to warm the formula - if you put it into a saucepan on the stove or in the microwave it will turn to custard. If you have never tube fed before you will be more comfortable sitting at your kitchen table with the pup on a folded towel. With your left hand, hold the puppys head so that you have a straight line from mouth to stomach. With your right hand, insert the tip of the catheter into the puppys mouth and very GENTLY slide the catheter down the puppys throat. DO NOT FORCE THE TUBE DOWN - if it is in proper position it will slide down easily. If the tube should stop, back off an inch and try again. You should be holding your marker at this point, and when the marker reaches the mouth, stop inserting the tube and begin to slowly depress the plunger on the syringe and feed the necessary ounces of formula to each puppy. Remember to feed only 1cc per ounce of body weight, a 5 oz. pup gets 5 oz. of formula a 4V2 oz. pup only 4120z. Once again, it is important to remind everyone not to overfeed. When you are through, withdraw the tube and go on to the next pup.After tube feeding your whole litter, you will need to clean up both the instruments and the pups. Clean your syringe and tube thoroughly by rinsing with hot tap water. Push several syringe-fulls of hot water through the catheter and then follow up by pushing air through to get all the water out and dry the tube out. Leave to air dry until the next feeding. Do not use soap in the feeding tube or the syringe.Because newborn pups do not eliminate on their own, you will need to provide the stimulation they need by gently rubbing them with a moistened cotton ball to stimulate their elimination. The pup will not have a bowel movement after every feeding, so PLEASE, absolutely DO NOT give newborn pups enemas or suppositories. Puppies are not born constipated. The first stool is firm and hard and will be eliminatedshortly after birth. After nursing or being fed the stools will be yellow and softer. The puppy will eliminate when it is ready, with a little help from its mother or you and your cotton ball. I have heard of breeders doing the darndest things to newborns - please be very careful.Now for the feeding schedule Feed a healthy pup every 4 hours. A weak or sick pup needs to be fed more often so cut the amount of formula in half and feed it every 2 hours, i.e. 2cc every 2 hours for a 4oz. pup that is weak or sick. Remember to weigh every morning and feed accordingly. When your pups reach 12oz. you may want to keep feeding 12cc for two or three days and then increase again. They will continue to gain weight at this point, but not at such a rapid pace and they seem to need less food at this stage. For my own convenience I feed at 10, 2, and 6 around the clock. You wont get much sleep, but you will have healthy, contented puppies. At about 12 ounces or approximately 10 days of age, you can stop the 200 A.M. feeding.Hopefully, most of you will not encounter situations where the above method is needed, but if you should, remember that proper nutrition is imperative to keep the newborn pups alive. Proper nutrition in the pre-natal stage for the dam is equally important. Tube feeding is very simple after one gets over their fears. You will find that after the first feeding the pups will swallow the feeding tube and with a little practice you will be very comfortable with this life-saving procedure. I wish to thank Lois Frank for taking the time out of her incredibly busy schedule to write this informative and life-saving article for The Pom Reader. It is so important for breeders to share the valuable knowledge they have on various subjects so that we all can promote healthier and better dogs. I know all of you out there have so much to share - please dont be hesitant to do so. I always welcome for submission any item anyone would like to contribute or see covered and would enjoy working with any of you to share knowledge via this medium.Until next time, have a wonderful FallVikki Powell3797 Honey Run Road, Paradise, CA 95969BEV-NOR POMSHome ofCH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983 24 Bests In Show, 5 Specialty Bests Sire of top winning Female 1984, and 1st Black Tan to go B.I.S.A., Champions, Breed Group Winners.CH. THELDUNS ALMOND FUDGEsire of 22 Champions, Best in Show Dogs, Group, and Specialty winners. A Top Producer every year.STUD FEES 150.00 puppies nowBev Norris 7747 Meadow Road 301-255-1343 Pasadena, MD 21122The Pom Reader September 1985yA 'SAoz-oAu'wSJrTHE FOLLOWING QUESTION AND ANSWER COLUMN, DEAR SHU-SHU, IS PROVIDED BY THE POM READER FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT AND FUN. VIEWPOINTS AND THOUGHTS ARE EXPRESSED THROUGH SHANNON JOHNSON FOR HER CANINE COMPANION, SHU-SHU.Dear Shu-ShuI am just a baby and want to make sure that I get into the right home when I am sold. How will I know whos best for meLove, Baby0ear ABapy-,Ad teAA tAie- AicAs around Aero to- pmop an tAie-pAoor and Aieep runniny around' tAie- room-so- tAiat no- one- can- catidi- tAiem. plfoa- yucdy-pindout tAie- new- owners- tempera-- ment, patience-, andyay rpAea. AAftAiy test out yot a sucAier. Ao-Jfor itAfooe, A__Jp 0Aa--0aDearShu-Shu,I am not very large, only 2 pounds to be exact. Even though I am three years old, I havent been able to overcome my fears of storms and especially the wind. Am I a...Scare Dee Cat0ear Jcare- 0ee-,ApfAd wereyou- and ofyoar size, Add eoen- Auwe-pears opa-pAea-s sneeze-Afoot-, ".SAue-SuiAddress your questions toShu-Shu Shannon Johnson 5135 N. Gale Road Davison, Ml 48423 or- Shu-ShuCO The Pom Reader 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805The Pom ReaderSeptember 1985Dear Shu-Shu,Id like some simple grooming tips for my dog. He will begin his show career this fall in the Michigan area and I want him to look his best. What to I trim and what do I leave aloneSure Winner0ear dinner,AffAir is as perfect as most p us- AAAAomeranians, Aie-won-t need one-tAiiny aAone-to Alim-. AAAoweoer, apptreciatinyyour questions-, tAie rest siyyestion- Ad can- offertyou- - seeiny as- Alow- my- own-fumify- arid Are- competiny ayainst^your cAoy - is- to-. 01000- cAown- tAie center tpAtis AracAt poitAi- Osier 40 Adadep.2. AAAeaa- tad ofal Aiair eocceptpor tAie- tip.3. Afeaoe Aiair Aony at tps- of ears- and ends offeeti.4. Soar cacium- into- Aden- andAet naisyrow- to- curl underfeet to- protect paos, pcoursef.6. 0oaA- udiateuer Aiair remains uriA- mousse-, comd pAat, and spray Aieaody- uritt- spray net.A. castrate-. AAAot a- simpde-yroominy tip, Arut Aast suyyestion-p.r sure- arias-.. .Gars, not 9oursJ Afooinyfy,SHU-SHU SHANNONDEEP SOUTH DOINGS OLGA M. BAKER11Texans notoriously bid farewell to friends by saying...Yall come back now, yhear. Following the August Astrohall series of shows - 2 giant Pom specialties, and 3 all breed shows - limitless parties, dancing, eating, playing, NOT sleeping, jamming 36 hours of activities into each 24 hour day...not one Texan had the heart to use that old Texas phrase Rather, since all attendees seemed convinced we were trying to KILL THEM, we felt the need only to promise dear guests and visitors that if they would come back to Texas again, we would vow to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING We only saw smiling faces and got genuine hugs and kisses though, as they all departed, and no complaints. Subsequent telephone calls, cards and letters from across the country verify that a good, good time was had by all.Now...okay, you guys - watch me make you a teensy bit ashamed...JOE MCGINNIS AND DUANE DOLL Mr. Mr. Pom Reader...where were you Does this mean its all over between us Naaaaahhhhh, guys...we do understand, but were sorry you could not be here in Texas with us. We missed you. Thank you, though, for sending adorable little Nora Doll...your cute little Lois Lane reporter for Pom Reader, who covered all events beautifully. She fit right into the rowdy, friendly crowd and we were delighted to have her...right there with pencil, pad, and camera in hand...ready to record the news, and there was lots to recordIm commissioned to report only social aspects of August 7-11. Doggie winners are being reported elsewhere, so I shall focus on the associated events. However, to comment on the dogs from my own personal standpoint, competition was absolutely awesome...even getting a ribbon of any color was an honor for these dog shows. Record-breaking entries from exhibitors coast to coast astonished everyone.It is impossible to properly express thanks and to acknowledge all the terrific Houston Pom people who put this all together. Take my word for it...these hard-working folks had an unequalled team functioning magnificently to do things up properly. Attendees had little happy surprises in their rooms, beautiful handmade fabric bags filled with surprises for attendees, decorated with fancy candle-wicking Pom figures...real treasures. Cut bumper stickers that said, I showed my tail in Houston...such as that.Thanks to fund-raising efforts by Houston Club members, our guests paid for only ONE EVENT. The bigdinner dance after the show...still a bargain since everything was provided...fine food, entertainment, open bar no extra charges, and hours of dancing and fun. All other things were on the house for our special guests. Speaking of that after-show dinner, have you ver heard of an after-show dinner being a sell-out Certainly NOT These things are often dull, expensive, tiring, and historically NOT well- attended. Wrong We had room for only 90 people maximum at ours...instead, we squeezed in 106 and literally had to turn some folks away Everyone was beautiful for that evening...handlers appeared in party clothes...tired exhibitors came to life, clad in cute hussy clothes sneakers were forsaken for high heels and even the menfolk amazingly handsome in their Calvin Klein looks...smelling of Brut...and mild-mannered gentlemen even some of the judge types forsook their images and took to the dance floor and really got DOWN A terrific disc jockey [Ed note- Johnny JC Colunga of JC Sounds did the honors] provided perfect banter and music for the jovial and amazingly sober crowd, and a special exhibition of super-fancy CountryWestern dancing got everyone in the mood. No one was immune...ALL DANCED...some even participating in the notorious B - S - Cotton Eyed Joe. Everyone sang along to dumb songs like Dont Mess With My Toot-Toot and I Wanna Go Home With The Armadillo.Another special event was planned by APC President Sue Goddard, and came off beautifully...a free potluck Mexican dinner provided to all guests following the Specialty Show on Thursday...held for convenience right there at the show site...welcomed by all tired and ready- for-bed guests and exhibitors.Then came the real whing-ding Saturday night on the gorgeous rancho of Wayne Erika Moureau...we werent kidding...we really did have calf-roping, horseback riding and Texas Bar-B-Que-ing with all the trimmings...huge auction Sam Zaneoff accidentally bought a horse...a superb evening for everyone.All 5 shows were held in excellent air-conditioned buildings...comfortable, spacious, and convenient, important to travelers. Our excellent judges should be recognized August 7th, National Specialty - Classes, Barbara Jar- moluk Sweepstakes, Sam Zaneoff. August 8th, Houston Specialty - Classes, Fred Bassett Sweepstakes, Tony Tellez. Judges were presented with Texas cowboycowgirl hats what else, and cute Barbara Jarmoluk, such a super good sport, wore that big continued next pageThe Pom ReaderSeptember 1985.XXy12Olga Happy Trails Baker continuedWestern hat, mounted a horse right alongside my hubby, Darrell Baker...and they rode off into the sunset like Roy Rogers Dale Evans well...sort of...Back to that wonderful day of the National very special part was my own creation...the Old Timers Event. A total of nine 9 wonderful seniors were given the spotlight and lovingly announced by Peter Galindo. The crowd lingered after the judging for this memorable part and specially-selected music was played for each senior-dog attraction. Goose bumps and happy tears were everywhere. One old 12 year old guy even performed some of his special obedience tricks, to the delight of the crowd This seemed the highlight of the day, and even those macho-men at ringside dug out handkerchiefs, sniffling right along with the gals. Superb performances...terrific event. Many have expressed a desire that this be made a part of every Februarys New York Annual Specialty. A great idea, as I see it. Never have we seen people so united and loving as during those few minutes of beautiful fanfare music, with the oldsters being presented for all to see.The night of that sellout dinner was lovely...not boring with lots of speeches, presentations, ackowledgements, and such. Master of Ceremonies George West gave a fine appropriate speech, commending Houston people for their artful and tedious work and donations of time and talent towards making this show as perfect as it was...then he presented Presented of the National Club, Sue Goddard, who further expressed gratitude for the success, commending those responsible and welcoming visitors most graciously. Mr. West then asked that I make a brief comment as President of the local Houston Club. It occurred to rne that my guy, Darrell, had not really been mentioned yet, although the poor guy had worked his tush off in preparation for the shows, as Show Chairman for both shows...up so very early that morning...laying down plastic sheeting, getting ring equipment set up, co-ordinating, working to be sure everything went, in typical Olga-idiocy, I chose to equally acknowledge his hard work, so rose to my feet for a quickie address and thank-you to everyone...stating only that One person we failed to mention was Darrell Baker...I just want you all to know that he was absolutely wonderful at six Oclock this morning Seems I have a way of putting things that never turns out quite this obviously brought the house down with catcalls and raucous laughter from all present...completely precluding my chance to clarify just what I had meant Oh well,..Post Script Darrell says he recieved lots of offers later...all wondering just how wonderful he truly is at 600 in the morningSpeaking of lots of offers...our Show Chairman, Peter Galindo, was without a doubt the finest of foremen- supervisors-captains-leaders...putting together absolutely everything at just the right times. What on earth would we do without our main man A few days after the events, Peter called to tell me he had received 3 or 4 requests from across the country...wanting him to similarly The Pom Reader September 1985secretary the shows of other Clubs in different parts of the country...hopefully like Texas. What a lovely compliment for usIf you missed all this...we are truly sorry, and you were missed. We even wound it all up by taking some of our visitors out to Mickey Gilleys Club for country western daincin the final night Sunday. A couple of our normally proper and mannerly Pom exhibitors, whose names I shall not mention, were even photographed RIDING THE BLAMED BULL AT GILLEYS...imagine that Oh yes, and there were dog shows too for those days. Almost forgot Til next time nice people, Smile a lot...and mean itOlga M. Baker, 207 Shirleen, Seabrook, TX 77586 The following is a glossary of terms provided by Olga Baker for those of you who spent the Texas week answering questions that you didnt understand and thinking that surely you were in a foreign country. A TEXAN SAYS...TRANSLATEDARE........................60 Minutes, as in Pom judgingstarts in about an are or an are- and a half., or well have a brief cocktail are before dinner.Sacks..................... Malefemale designation.Classes are divided by sacks...or Best of Breed Best of Opposite Sacks.Awrnge...................Citrus fruit. Also typical Pomeranian color. That Pom is sure a purty pretty awrngeSummitch...............Mild Texas profanity. Texans usethis in several ways Complimentary That Summitch is a fine judge. Derogatory Hes a good dog, but hes a Summitch to showPar..........................Forcestrength. As More par toya.Warsh and Arn...Cleanse by scrubbing...then get the wrinkles out.Nekked................... Bare - without clothing - sparselycoated. Naked.Har......................... Coat, tresses, fur, etc., As Ineed that major today, but my dawg lost all his har, and now hes buck-nekked.Lawng-nax............ .What Lone Star Beer comes intall bottles. Also - as Giraffes ail have lawng-nax.Yawl....................... A most important Texas word, forwhich there is no substitute in the English language. Translated, it means, and you, and you, and et cetera. How else can you possibly say,...Yawl come back now, yhearU13A BIRDS EYE VIEWby Betty Claire PeacockAlmost every summer my husband and I appear in our Community Theaters summer musical. This year we were trudging home about 100 A.M. after a performance, when we spied a dog in the street, which we recognized as our neighbors pet. The car lights revealed that their gate was standing open.Tom stopped the car, and I hopped out to round up the culprit.When I carried him inside the fence I discovered the gate could only be latched from the inside. It is a very substantial eight-foot stockade fence, but undaunted, I latched the gate and began the struggle to climb over the beastly thing. Once I made it to the top, the next problem was to find a foothold so I could lower myself carefully to the ground. As my astonished husband watched from the vantage point of the drivers seat, I managed to balance on the top, find a way to shinny down the outside of the fence, and make my getaway undetected. When I got to the car, Tom said, You know, dear, I was trying to decide what to say if a policeman had come along. Its rather difficult to explain what a forty-year-old woman in short-shorts, ballet slippers, and eight inches of stage makeup might be doing on top of her neighbors fence at this hour. Especially since I am attired in a T-shirt, shorts, ballet slippers, and am also wearing eight inches of makeup Our teenager laughed all the way homeAs the Bible says, That which I fear has come upon me.I have always worried about my kennel air conditioner failing. I change filters regularly and keep it serviced. This morning I woke up with a virus and proceeded to faint on my way to the back door. My daughter, Brenda, let the dogs out for me and went to check on them around noon, at which time the kennel was cool. I usually check them every two hours during the day, but it wasnt until about 400 that I felt able to go out. When I opened the door, I panicked - the temperature was 90 I snatched up the phone and called Brenda to come home. Then I opened all the windows Brenda arrived with two friends in tow and they began carrying dogs and crates into the house. Brenda remembered our discussions about what to do if this happened, and she got frozen ice pack or each crate. The repairman came within 30 minutes and pulled the unit to check it out and hopefully put it back in the morning. Meanwhile, my living room, dining room, and entry hall are full of crates, and everyone is just fine. We have switched ice packs for them and have ceiling fans and box fans, as well as central air. The dogs think its fun to be in the house, especially when we popped some popcorn and they all got some. It if had happened yesterday, Brenda and I were gone for ten hours. Other peoplehave not been so lucky and I feel very thankful that I caught it before any of my dogs suffered. Apparently the unit had just quit and the fans kept the dogs from being in distress right then, but, of course, it wouldnt have been too long before they would have been in trouble. I dread summers arrival each year, and Ill be glad for cool fall days.A thought occurred to me while holding a cuddly baby puppy...when you pick up a puppy and suddenly feel something warm and wet running down your leg and pooling in your shoe, whatever you do next is probably going to be wrong Betty Claire Peacock, 101 Patrick, Dumas, AR 71639HELPFUL HINTSFROM HERE THEREThymol Glycerine is a most useful cleaner for the teeth, particularly where there is tenderness and perhaps a little infection in the gums. It cleanses and leaves the breath with a pleasant smell. Use it diluted, 1 part to 3 parts of water.While on the subject of teeth, try cleaning with milk of magnesia this, too, will sweeten the breath.Bitch in season at the show Spray with any feminine hygiene product - nothing permanent, you understand, but it can help to relieve her of unwanted least temporarilyBitch in whelp Need extra calcium Try what a California breeder does - recycle your egg shells. Dry them and put them in the blender, he says. Weve had better luck with drying and then grinding them up in a mortar to a fine powder. Mix is with their food as you would any calcium powder.Hot spots Listerine seems to work.Ear Mites Use a diluted vinegar and water solution in the ear. About 2 tablespoons to a cup of water. The ear goop is alkiline which the mites like to live in. Turn the goop to acid by adding the vinegar water and the mites dont like the environmentHate scrubbing feed bowls Keep a bucket of 10 percent bleach water solution in the kennel. Pick up the bowls, dump them in the bucket - Zap Disinfected and clean as a whistle. Rinse well with very hot water.Messy stool in the coat Dampen the hair with a piece of cotton moistened in peroxide. It will dissolve the debris quickly.Helpful Hints couresty of S' san Wade, Laura Keator, Duane Doll Send your helpful hints to The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33805The Pom Reader September 1985.A MESSAGE FROMKathy and I had a heavenly time in Houston Two days Best of Breed and a Group IV. Then we went out to Missouri and received Back to Back Bests of Breed and two Group IIs.Here is my picture with my pretty handler Kathy Bucher, and a pretty fine judge, Mr. Joseph Gregory. Thank you Mr. Gregory for this wonderful win. My BreederOwner Claudia Pfeffer, is so proud, shes on cloud nineNow, Im not much for blowing my own horn, but I couldnt help it...The Devil Made Me Do It.^4ujeicaAaArielm'GcJ^ffe . J- 0. PFEFFER P.O. BOX 10432 erson, Louisiana 70181'JLs .15v1nB E S 1 OF BREED or VARIETYHOUSTONKENNEL CLUB1985 ASTRO-SERIES PEGINIt 5The Pom Reader September 1985Mr. Moureau was the auctioneer He had been barbeque- ing since 900 a.m. - and still running the auction at midnight Such humor - he really kept that bunch going. I think he could have picked up a pebble from the ground and sold it for a pretty penny He had been a professional auctioneer - he must have been plenty good at that.Sam Zaneoff from New York, who judged the APC Sweeps, turned out to be quite a guy. Right after the auction started, a horse was brought out to be auctioned...bidding went fast heavy...Sold - to Sam Zaneoff for 700.00 Take him and go the auctioneer said. Sam took the reins and headed off across the yard with the horse. Barbara Jarmoluk came running up - "Sam, this is a joke I put them up to this Sam said "Its my horse - Im taking him Everyone razzed him the whole evening, and what a good sport he was Later I found him in the kitchen eating watermelon. He is a very likeable per18HOUSTON HOUSTONWELCOMES YALL TO HOUSTOS 'MnTyUvM AXftMaster of Ceremonies George West and APC President Sue Goddard provide a hearty Texas welcomeBarbara Jarmoluk with Darrell Olga Baker. Olga seems to be saying Dont mess with my Toot-TootJrCs.Youre having a what at my house tonight Barbeque hostess Erika Moureau.The Pom Reader September 1985son - I would have liked to visit with him some more.The auction was still going on after midnight. Vernon suggested that maybe we should get going. I said, WhyWe dont have that much to do tomorrow. to which he replied, Its already tomorrow HOUSTON HOUSTON Joe Duane,I felt very honored that you asked me to cover the Pom festivities. I have been to every kind of show imaginable, cattle shows, horse shows, livestock shows, flower shows, every kind of show that man has, I suppose, but this is the first time for a show of just Poms. I met very sweet people and had such a good time. Everyone was wonderful. And you were missed. I want you to know without a doubt - you are very special to these very special people. Nora0 'r - Sr wThe cake... before Olga got to itI.Jackie Liddle and APC Best of Breed WinnerCh. D-Nees Darin Duffie-HrGood Guys Wear WhiteMike Jarmoluk Darrell Baker19The Pom Reader All about Poms and Pom People12 Months - 12 Issues24.00 third class post40.00 first class postOverseas rates upon requestADVERTISING RATESin U.S. DollarsAD SIZE OPEN RATE CONTRACTFull Page 120.00 96.00Half Page 65.00 53.0014 Page 35.00 27.0018 Page 20.00 16.00116 Page 12.00 8.00Full Color is avaiable at 250.00 additional per page.14 page and larger include one photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each.Contract advertisers may take advantage of contract rate regardless of change in ad size or content from month to month. Contract advertisers receive a FREE subscription. Make checks payable toffieacer8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805 813 858-2639SOUTHLAND POMSHome of Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Delight Toastys full sisterand Ch. Southlands Toast To Bev-Nor their daughterCHARLOTTE CREEDPuppies Available 6618 Lost RidgePh. 318-466-3456 Pineville, LA 71360ommH ruwvELs toPOMERANIANS NORWICH TERRIERSIRISH SETTERSBreeders of 33 Pomeranian Champions - 25 Norwich Terrier Champions - 1 Irish Setter ChampionDick Sally Baiif'iiid 11224 County Ilyw. IIPhone 414 - 755-2994 Mishicol, H is. 54228.NOW AVAILABLECUSTOMIZEDSTATIONERY ENVELOPES PEDIGREE FORMSWe specialize in personalized paper goods for all your needs. We can use your present logo, or design a new one for you, featuring the beautiful head studies of artist Nancy Ross.Only top quality bond used - at below market rates.Fast, efficient service of your dog lovers for dog lovers.For information and prices, writemiCIOTHE POM READER 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33805The Pom Reader September 198520 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON Iy...\\LlV. 6.I 1 SHOWED mi I^^K TATl.. in HOI i rTrmtmmm^Sr 1jB 0VI9W2KiAPom Reader reporter Nora Mrs. Vernon Doll...Olga Baker and friend...Carla Prewitt...Barbara Jarmoluk...Sam Zaneoff . Trophy Table...Pete Galindo...Polly Ferguson...CW Daincin ...Dolly Trauner Julie Moreno...Banquet shots...all photos courtesy of Nora Doll...The Pom Reader September 198521COMING IN OCTOBER...The 1984-1985 Pom Reader BITCH DIRECTORY9.S7i afte' QffiKhsi SewAll ads may include a photo of your bitch, a three generation pedigree, brief remarks about her show career and her get.Dont miss this economical opportunity to tell the world how proud you are of your fabulous ladies.SPECIAL RATESFULL PAGE 90.00 HALF PAGE 49.00ALL ADS WILL BE IN A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE MAGAZINE IN THE ORDER RECEIVED.DEADLINESEPTEMBER 15, 1985DOO-SHAY POMSRAMBODOO-SHAYS SYLVESTER STAR LONESwinging into view BreederOwnerSHANNON JOHNSON5135 N. Gale_____Davison, Michigan 48423_____MCKAMEYS SUNDAWN KENNELSCH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL STYLESTEPPER AT STUDCH. MILLAMOR MOONROCK CH. DAJA JUSTA ROCKSAMPLEHOODS SWEET COOKIE PTD.CH. KEN GAY CAVALIER JOE CH. MCKAMEYS CAVALIERS PEPPER MCKAMEYS LITTLE DUTCHESS CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL CONQUEST CH. MCKAMEY'S IDEAL STYLESTEPPER KRYSTALS CHERRY KIJAFA CH. MCKAMEYS ENCHANTING PEPPER CH. MCKAMEYS ENCHANTING BEN JO MCKAMEYS BLOSSOM JOCH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL PERFECTIONCH. MCKAMEYS JUST A HONEYPuppies for breeding, show ring, or loveable pets, allpopular lineage. Bloodlines include Cavaliers,Sungolds, Millamor, Bonner, Crieder, Hood, Cherokee, Emcees, Great Elms, Aristic, Model, Brown,Disicland, English Hadleighs, Preservenes, Akela.MRS. NORRIS MCKAMEY R.R. 1, BOX 185 Bettendorf, Iowa 52722______________ Phone 319 332-5809_____________The Pom Reader September 198522 HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON M- -2Onei^tiOES'Hr , N, 4S-a WJLAyThe Pom Reader September 1985...Sam Zaneoff gets TexifiedL.Ruth Wagner Ch. Wagners Golden Firerina 8 years old...Gloria Setmayer.Ring Steward Nancy Wharton...Guests... Ringside... Banquet...Norma Gad...Banquet Guests...Ken Eleanor Miller...Sally Elkins Dynamite...Betty Claire Peacock...Barbara Whiddon Won-N-Onlea...all photos couresty of Nora Doll... HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON HOUSTON ManAmmrfi.mi. '.V-SfeifWy ...Back in the saddle agin ...Rancho Moureau...Erika Wayne Moureau Barbara Jarmoluk.Dick Delores Watts...Sue Goddard Fred Bassett...Tony Tellez...Vernon Doll...Jackie Ron Klein and Nadine Herschel...Belly up to the bar, boys and girls...Oh give me land, lots of land, and a starry sky above - dont fence me in...YAII come back now, yhear...a photos courtesy of Nora Doll...srThe Pom Reader September 19852324OPEN LETTER TO A NOVICE EXHIBITORby Dorothy BonnerEverything was in such confusion recently after each Cluster Show, that I was unable to contact you for a pat on the back and an encouraging word. For your first shows, you were evidently overwhelmed and swamped by professionals, so departed hurriedly without talking to anyone, taking with you the thought that the other exhibitors were cold, uncaring, and only self-interested. Part of this was true just before they went into the ring - concentrating on their own exhibits - but after the Breed is finished, there is a different attitude and a better time to talk. Your entry, though young and unpolished, was very nice and might well have later possibilities. You undoubtedly entered without close advice which the more experienced breeder of your puppy could have offered.Now, if you are willing to accept advice to advance slowly and patiently, I want to help you. One must learn to swim before he dives...into some of the biggest shows in the country with all of the famous professionals. There is no better learning school than your local Club which puts you in touch with everything important. Join one.To polish your little dog while he is maturing, take him to training classes, enter him in Matches, and limit his shows to small ones where there is a better chance of success. Talk with every dog person possible, either long before shows, or afterward, to secure encouragement and advice, but dont stop now. Instant success is difficult to achieve, the slower route often being necessary.I speak from experience and have a special feeling for you.Sincerely,Dorothy Bonner26093 Highway 281 N., San Antonio, TX 78260SAowcaPUTY0UR SHOW PHOTO HEREPUT YOUR DOGS NAME HERE YOUR WIN INFORMATION HERE,YOUR NAME HERE-and put the savings in your pocketPRICE 18.00\m0^6AT,vU..ThePom Reader September 1985Millamors Im A WindjammerShown being awarded Best of Winners, Holland Kennel Club, under judge Mrs. Robert Ward.WINDJAMMER POMS, Robert Jeanne Stafford, 1436 Powers Court, Niles, Ml 49120. Tel. 616 683-021425MIDWEST NEWSJeanne StaffordABy now, yall should be 90 percent recovered from the excitement of Texas. It was definitely an action-packed week, and I had to come back to Michigan just to catch up on my sleep I will not elaborate on the Texas shows as Im sure there will be plenty of articles on them.Congratulations toMillamors Country Music on finishing his Championship with a Group III from the classes. Country was bred byEleanor Miller and is owned by Chuck Veronica Boudreau.Another Pom from this area is making quite a name for herself. Mercers Alyssa of Dooshay is her name, winning is her game. Lyssie picked up her first major by taking the breed over Top specials on to a Group III. The following weekend she took two more breed wins, and a Group III IV. Not bad for a puppy that would not even walk on a lead after a bad experience at training class. My congratulations to two wonderful people, Doug Shannon Johnson, the proud owners of Lyssie.Thanks to Ann Welshinger of Anadors, and Claudia Pfeffer of Precious Petites, for the packets of doggie information that you sent to me. Anyone that knows me at all is aware that I practically devour any info that even refers to dogs. Oh, well, you can never know enough, rightBefore I close, let me go back to the subject of Texas. To Sue Goddard, it was a pleasure meeting you, and thanks for helping me feel so welcome in Huge Houston. To Peter Galindo, you still owe me Vz cup of coffee, remember And to Ken Eleanor Miller, thank you both for convincing me that Jammer my little stowaway [Ed note I knew I shouldnt have told that story-J], and I could survive a trip to Houston - my first plane ride - and for taking us under your wings when we arrived. And to all the deserving winners, congratulations on a job well doneUntil next month, Jeanne Stafford 1436 Powers Ct., Niles, Ml 49120WISHING YOU WELLTHE POM READER AND ALL READERSMARY VICKERS 2818 Jefferson Drive 703 960-7755 Alexandria, VA 22303EMCEES POMERANIANSW'EMCEE S A CHIP OF DIAMONDBreeders and Exhibitors over 12 years Finished over 30 ChampionsCurrently have 2 Bitches in the Top Ten Pomeranians in theU.S.Ch. Emcees Chiquita de OroCh. Emcees Golden Jaymy Have mostly Models and Great Elms lines. Occasionally have pet, show puppies for sale.Our congratulations toTHE POM READERfor a wonderful job.Morris Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, VA 23233 Ph. 804 740-7977CHESAIPOMERANIANSJLP.'Mostly BonnerAristic LinesCHESAI POMSROBERT JOAN REILLY 26093 HIGHWAY 281 NORTH SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78260 Ph. 512-438-2667The Pom Reader September 198526GENERALLY SPEAKINGby Susan Wade CONTRACTS...AGAINWe all have puppies that are pets - not showable and not breedable. How do you dispose of these Do you give them to carefully screened applicants Do you sell them at a lesser price - without papers Do you sell them with a neutering agreement However you place them, it is wise to have a contract.The following is a quote from John Brownell, former AKC Vice President, in reference to the proper procedure for selling AKC registrable stock as pets without papersWhen a breeder sells a defective puppy from a registered litter for a nominal price as a pet, with the understanding that AKC registration is not to be given the purchaser, it is important that he get a signed statement from the buyer showing clearly that he the buyer understands that the dog is not to be registered and that he is not going to receive registration papers. This statement can be written on the Bill of Sale, with the original going to the purchaser and a copy being retained by the breeder. When this is done, the breeder should return one of the blue individual applications forms from the litter kit to AKC with the notation across the face of the form SOLD WITHOUT PAPERS, followed by the date of the sale and the breeders signature. The sex of the puppy should also be shown so the approximate notation can be made on AKCs records.If a person who has bought a dog on this basis later wants to enter it in Obedience competition, he can apply to AKC for Indefinite Listing Privileges anI.L.P. number.I have placed puppies without papers havent we all, but the majority of my pets are sold with a neutering agreement. On this agreement, I state the fact that the animal in question is purebred, the breed, the whelping date, Sire and Dam and their AKC reg. numbers, and the litter number for the pet, plus the statement that this sale is made upon the following terms and conditions1. The price of to be paid immediately upon purchase of the dog.2. Until proof of sterilization has been received by the breeder, name of breeder, the American Kennel Club application to individually register this dog will be held on file, along with a copy of this agreement.3. Upon receipt of a veterinarians certificate of sterilization, the breeder will forward to the owners the American Kennel Club application to individually register this dog.4. This agreement is not to be construed as compelling sterilization but if this is not done the application to individually register the dog with the American Kennel Club will not be provided, thus rendering the dog and the progeny from any breeding ineligible for American Kennel Club registration.Breeders SignatureI hereby accept the above terms and considerations of the sale.Buyers SignatureI make an original and two copies - the buyer taking the original, a copy for myself, and a copy to retain in my file to be sent to AKC.I consider the fourth condition very important. You cannot FORCE someone to neuter a dog, but YOU are the breeder and you have every right to protect your bloodline and your breed.One breeder of my acquaintance routinely gives a partial refund to the buyer upon proof of sterilization. Another takes the animal to her Vet, has it neutered, and the new owners pay the Vet bill and take the dog home with them. Settle on a policy and get it in writingThis method works for meDSusan WadeBox 340, Auburn dale, FL 33823The Pom Reader September 198527SPECIALS ADDITIONAS OF THE AUGUST 1985 AKC GAZETTEPresently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Ten Pomeranian dogs and Top Ten Pomeranian bitches in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as follows.Breed points not to be confused with Championship points are allotted to CHAMPIONS OF RECORD according to the hightest placement received in any given AKC show.A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds 500 BEST IN SHOW Specialty 250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty 75TOY GROUP FIRST 250TOY GROUP SECOND 150TOY GROUP THIRD 75TOY GROUP FOURTH 25BEST OF BREED 10BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX All Breed 5NOTE The only exception will be BISS will be worth 10points, and BOSS will be worth 5 points, until a total ofthree wins are published for that dog.The following is the ranking of the Top Ten DOGS AND Top Ten BITCHES as of the August GazettePOINTS DOGS BISA BISS BOSS I II Ill IV BOB BOS5765 Ch. Coys Top of the Mark 3 - 10 7 8 3 3 3290 Ch.D. Nees Darin Duffie 1 2 6 2 3 4 14 01275 Ch. Bi Mar Sundance Kid - 5 - - 1 - 970 Ch.Patricks Mr. Larry - 2 1 1 5 11 2870 Ch. Herds Little Yo Yo - 1 2 2 3 9 1850 Ch. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine - 1 1 3 4 6 2730 Ch. Daisys Lil Bit of Jabil - 1 1 2 2 13 1685 Ch. Sungold Diamond Stud - - 1 3 3 16 545 Ch.L-Rs Monty Rock of Millamor - 1 1 - 2 9 1340 Ch. Sungolds Gay Caballero - 1 - - 2 4 BITCHES265 Ch.Bev-Nors Toastys Tan Ya - - 1 1 - 1 6260 Ch. Emcees Chicquita D-Oro - 1 - - - - 2130 Ch. Queenaire Glory Huntress 1 - - - - 2 780 Ch. Southlands Toast To Bev-Nor - - - - - 3 1080 Ch. Tim Sues Angel Sabrina - - - 1 - - 165 Ch. Wests Miss Charm Patrick - - - - 2 - 355 Ch. Emcees Golden Jaymy - - - - - 5 145 Ch. Hi Times Kaleidoscope - - - - - 2 545 Ch. Mike-Mars Sophie Mae - - - - - 3 330 Ch. Harbins Poetry In Motion 630 Ch. Sweet Hills Ebony Storm - - - - - 3 -30 Ch. McGuires Little Nike 6tie placements alphabeticalUPDATEAS OF THE AUGUST 1985 AKC GAZETTEWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each 37 and every AKC show in the United States is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until November.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Point are allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS A LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EX HIBITORS AS OF THE AUGUST 1985 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR POINTSE. GIRARDOT 71S. BAUGNIET 39A. CANNON 39J. LUGINSLAND 38C. PFEFFERD. WATTS 33J. B. YOUNG 33L. ABJORNSON 32L. CLARK 31D. S. DAVIS 30tie Placements alphabeticalThe Pom Reader September 1985Wi.mmi4"KSfeflA.w- 'V "s\v ^-' ............... ...W, \ , 'M .j "' ,,rfpsl' f, mTLc^asfyHigh Performance FoodsCanine Senior is for older dogs. It is scientifically formulated to help older dogs stay active and live longer. By properly restricting protein, salt and minerals while providing greater amounts of essential vitamins and fiber, it helps to compensate for conditions often present in older dogs, such as strain on the heart, kidneys and digestive system. SCIENCEinib DIET.PTT PffOOUCTS INCP.O. BOX 148 TOPEKA, KANSAS 66501 913-354-8523Because preventive health care starts with proper nutrition.SCIENCESDEiCANINESENIORCANINE DOG FOODSENIOR SCIENTIFICALLY FORMULATEDDOS FOOD FOR OLDER DOGSformula^FORSr.i ttiweswFor ordering and price Information on a signed and numbered, limited edition print, see page 5 .