The Pom Reader October 1985

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77iOctober ^cSt. ^Sitha jac oirttmaClmw.C 21ji. Siaa jfeiceyCmondFirst Chocolate Tan Champion in the history of the breed. Kittenfi myixyN l tt O9ff - PRESENTS GIRLSGIRLS GIRLS'Sioo'Best of Breed winner, finished in 4 straight shows. Lorie BethJ'ilo uy JacNational Specialty Sweepstakes Winner and RWB, 8-7-85. BOS, BOW, WB, Pom Club of Greater Houston, 8-8-85. Holly2901 Putty Hill RoadtLarry Diane Johnson Ph. 301 661-7289CiZ4S'Siaw jacBOB, Group I, and Best Puppy In Match - Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore, August 24, 1985. PamelaBaltimore, MD 21234PcommsH ruvvEvsTPOMERANIANSDick Sally Baugniet Phone 414-755-2994 IRISH SETTERSNORWICH TERRIERS11224 County Hwy. B Mishicot, Wl 54228BREEDERS OF 36 POMERANIAN CHAMPIONS, 25 NORWICH TERRIER CHAMPIONS, 1 IRISH SETTER CHAMPION Congratulations to Nancy Bartholomew on her new ChampionCH. POMIRISH PRUFS CREME D MENTHEMinny finished with 3 majors and a Group I.She is the 36th Champion bred by us.\\rest OFOur newest showmanPOMIRISH SCOOTER S VICTORYVictor won his first 2 points at 6 months, 1 day of age under Mrs. Robert Tongren..At 6 months, 212 weeks old, Victor has 10 points and a Group III.Victor is shown going Best of Winners for 2 points under Mr. Bishop.We have some 7 month old show quality males and females available. Please inquire after October 14th.The Pom Reader October 198547io6\tcderVolume1, Number 8UUJvwTable of ContentsThe Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33805, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all- copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and All-Breed judges.Direct all inquiries toJoe McGinnis, Editor The Pom Reader 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805 PH.813 858-3839. 9. THE FEMALEA tribute to the ladies of the canine world by Will Judy. Submitted by Vila Herold and Marilyn Marino.10. FOND MEMORIES OF CLARARobert M. Jackson remembers the wonderful Clara Alford.11. CLARA MAHALA ALFORD - A TRIBUTEThe dedication from the Kennel Morraine KC Show held in memory of Clara.12. A LOW POINT OF VIEW by Ch. Brickens Penelope LPenelopes cry for equality is answered...and then some With a little help from Susan Wade.16. NEW ARRIVALThe nerve-wracking period before the arrival of your new puppy is examined by Shannon Johnson.18. VIEW POINT by Victoria PowellVikkis guest this month is Dr. Bill Johnson DVM, proponent of the highly successful Epidural anesthetic procedure.20. GENERALLY SPEAKING by Susan WadeSusan examines vitamin supplementation in breeding programs.23. A LITTLE BIT OF BUSINESS by Duane DollThe Business Manager of the Pom Reader gives us an update on circulation and advertising.24. ASK SHU-SHUMore advice from Canine Consultant Shu-Shu. Assisted by Shannon Johnson.26. POM NOTESLetters to the PR.26. POM PIXPoms and their People in amusing Predicaments.26. SPECIALS ADDITIONThe action heats up in the point system. For Champions of Record, compiled by the staff of the PR as of the September 1985 AKC Gazette.27. UPDATEEdna Girardot maintains her lead, but the points are adding up, up, up. For Exhibitors, compiled by the staff of the PR as of the September 1985 AKC Gazette.This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront CoverLARRY DIANNE JOHNSON SILVA LADEBAUGNIET, S............................................... 3BARTHOLOMEW, N. F........................... 23BENKO, A................................................... 19CAPAGRAPHICS........................................22CARSON, M. B........................................ 17CILIBERTO, B. L..................................... 15COOK, S......................................................24CREED, C...............................................14,15CUNNINGHAM, W........................................ 7GIRARDOT, E..............................................23GODDARD, T. S...................................... 25GRIFFIN, G..................................................11HEARTZ, J. C.......................................... 19HIEMENZ, S.................................................25HILLS PET PRODUCTS............................. 8HOVEY, J.....................................................25JOHNSON, L. D......................................1,2JOHNSON, S...............................................13LUGINSLAND, J......................................... 23MCKAMEY, N..............................................23MILLER, E................................................... 25NORRIS, B...................................................19PFEFFER, C................................................21PIAZZA, S....................................................25PRESSER, M. M...................................... 19REESE, M..................................................... 5REILLY, R. J............................................19ROSENBAUM, M...................................... 25ROSS, N...................................................... 22SANDIFER, D.............................................. 17STAFFORD, J..............................................25VICKERS, M................................................. 5YOUNG, J......................................................YOUNG, J. B............................................24The Pom Reader October 19855jffr j55mv4 ffimerumanb\ ivMAGPIEm9---------------- KOPY KAT ---------------- -------------Thankyou, Mr. Mrs. A. E. Ward, for letting us have our three little Black White Fun Girls.BAE-BEE PANDAMILDRED REESE---- La Posh Pomeranians --------13455N. PINEY LAKE ROAD, PARKER, CO 80134The Pom Reader October 19856SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITOREvery once in a while I try to view the sport of pure-bred dogs through the eyes of a, well, how can I put this Civilian. Just to see where we are, for our sport has got to be one of the most misunderstood of all.And it seems that every time I do see us through outside eyes, my pride and confidence are restored.Three scenes from the Dallas Cluster which supported my ever- high opinion of my dog fancier friends...A woman, who must have been 93, in a wheelchair, had come by herself and was planning to spend the whole day and early evening there were a number of specialties going on. When my civilian friend asked her if there was anything she needed, the lady replied, Not right now, dear, but dont worry. These people wont let anything happen to me....A good friend of mine in another breed was showing a lovely open bitch, got dumped for Winners in what has to be the worst call I have ever witnessed, and still volunteered to take the opponents bitch in for Best of Breed. My civilian friend commented, Thats true good sportsmanship, isnt it - knowing that my friend in the ring was gritting her teeth, I replied, More than you know....The lady telling my civilian friend that her 17 year old daughter had driven out to the west coast for a number of shows, by herself, had spent a month, civilian friend stopped her. By herself she asked. Werent you worried And the mother gave her a funny look, and said, Worried Why She was at dog shows.Well, of course, not everybodys a saint, but by and large, what a great, caring lot of people are in the purebred dog game. And so I try to treat the people and the sport with the respect it deserves. Even if its sometimes a little out of place.I was raised to do some things that dont always fit in at dog shows. We were taught to open doors, not just for older ladies, and not just for female persons, but for everybody. Try holding a door open in Manhattan, these days, and notice the dirty looks you get. Everyone thinks that you are going to slam it on them, and take their wallet at the same time. Thats a shame. But Im going to keep on opening doors for people.And we were taught to say Excuse me - and I mean to the point of being ridiculous. In Madison, Wisconsin, they are still laughing about the time I tackled a fellow in a football game, and then said Excuse me. I didnt realize that I did it - it was simply a matter of reflex. And, of course, this year at the Garden I said excuse me 7,456 times. Half the time I dont think anybody heard me, but occasionally, someone did, and would look up, startled...and then smile. So I am going to go on saying excuse me. Its those little things, I guess, that can make the differenceThe Pom Reader October 1985between just getting through the day, and having a good day. And its not just a desire for Gracious Living, its because I like people. And Lord knows, when youre a dog fanatic, Gracious Living goes out the window.Being a dog fancier can sometimes interfere with your desire for Gracious Living - and I am not talking about the usual doggie complaints, i.e., a litter of pups in the hot tub those little teeny hairs that stick like cement to the brocade upholstery all those muzzle marks on the division window of the limousine or the dried-out bait in the pocket of your Tux. We all live with that kind of thing. But there are some things that you do not have to live with, if you take the time to fix them.For over a year, an ice-maker of our was on the fritz, and if we had taken the time to think about it, it was really stupid. Guests would arrive, and we would say, Welcome Welcome Come in Would you care for an iced tea A lemonade Perhaps a cocktail, and then proceed to pull out this huge slab of ice and whack off little chunks with a butcher knife. Although a few eyebrows were raised, most people were too polite to say anything. Or too busy most of our guests are also dog fanciers, and we would all be feverishly planning and predicting the outcome of the next show circuit. And so month upon month went by in that manner. We were getting to be very adept with the butcher knife.But then...a sensible person came over. Witnessing our ice ritual, this individual was upset enough to throw caution to the wind, and said, Why dont you get your ice- maker fixed. We were shocked, to say the least, but we did have a reply. Oh, we will, right after the Tarheel Circuit.And next it was right after Philadelphia. And then right after the Garden.When confronted with a situation like the above, most sensible persons would probably vacate the premises, fast. But, in an effort to help or in an attempt to get a decent sized ice cube in his drink, this sensible individual did an astounding thing. He ordered the part, which cost almost nothing, and in a major repair operation that took all of two minutes, Fixed The Ice Maker No more risking life and limb for a cold glass of water Of course, the sensible individual did find dog hair in the chip dip. You cant have everything.Having mostly everything are the ladies featured in the pages of this issue devoted to bitches - continued advancement and improvement is surely promised through these beautiful girls. Thanks again for your support.Til next month, Poms awayJ06 fa, of coroe, fynfu'ajL---------------- FOR SALE ---------------------Ch.DaCuns Pometto of WrightwayVjnri 1BEST OF BREED or VARIETYGR.FORT MYERS DOG CLUBMAY 1985 HOT0BY ANNPictured above with judge Mrs. William Kendrick and William Cunningham, Iggy finished his Championship at 11 months of age with several Bests of Breed and a Group Placement.Reasonably priced to breeders with good reputation and good home.SERIOUS INQUIRIES PLEASEAddress all inquiries toWilliam Cunningham, PHA655 S. Highway 17-92 Longwood, FL 32750 Telephone [305] 699-5505The Pom Reader October 19858i 230,v V^1Xf^i x bfa"'WMjarrA. C^UMA-'-----rhrc-f-\If iPf\\lt^y AestMc.ABOUT THE SERIESHills Pet Products, Inc. is proud to introduce the sixth drawing in the Performance Art Series. Ms. Pamela Powers was specially commissioned to do this handsome work. The art piece is offered in limited edition and will truly become a collectors item in years to come.ARTIST BIOGRAPHYPamela Wynne Powers was awarded a Merit Scholarship by the School of Fine Arts, Washington University in St. Louis, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.Her published works include a promotional booklet for the St. Louis Zoological Park, calendar pages for the Hammermill Paper Company and a promotional brochure for the St. Louis Wolf Sanctuary Marlin Perkins, Director.In addition, Ms. Powers has done various free lance assignments, including Graphic Illustrator at the American Kennel Club.HOW TO ORDERPrints of the TOYS" Performance Art Series VI are available in a limited edition of 425. Each print is numbered and signed by the artist, and is available unframed for 70.00. These beautiful prints are 18" x 24", printed on fine premium No. 1 stock, and are without advertising or copy.A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these prints will be donated to The Dog Museum of AmericaThe American Kennel Club Foundation. Order your print from Hills Pet Products, Inc., Art Department, P.O. Box 148, Topeka, Kansas 66601.. j SCIENCE m DIETpp ppooucrs INC P.O. BOX 148 TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 913-354-8523Because preventive health care starts with proper nutrition.The Pom Reader October 1985sAemaTHE FEMALE dog has all the virtues of her sex. Prejudice too often prefers her brother altho she excels him in almost all the good qualities. In the field, on game the female is just as keen and successful trainers in fact prefer her for she learns more quickly than the male. In the house she is a better watchman and surely discriminates more carefully between friend and foe.The housewife has less trouble with the female, less furniture to mend and less sweeping to do. And the female attends strictly to her own business unless it be with children, when she takes a motherly care in them and will take them out of danger or give extra attention to the baby. Why do we, like Chinamen, drown the girls and save the boys In a dog we want companionship, watchfulness, and usefulness these the female gives in greater measure and more ably than does the male.If housebreaking be a task that is heartrending, try the female. She is cleaner in the house, she does her outside duties less frequently and more modestly, and if she comes in season not monthly but only twice a year, and then for eighteen days at a time, the male is in season all the year. She only asks that for a few days twice a year she be kept on her own home grounds.In breeding, the female is just as important as the stud male for producing ideal puppies. Her pedigree should be studied just as carefully. And she has the advantage of motherhood, for a female dog can be bred and thus add to the family funds and present her owners with duplicates of herself to carry on. Logically a female is worth more than the male and the purchaser of a puppy should give her the advantage.-Will JudySubmitted by Vila Herold and Marilyn Marino.ARTWORK BY NANCY ROSSThe Pom Reader October 198510FOND MEMORIES OF CLARAby Bob JacksonsBISTINSH0YClara Alford with the Pekingese Ch. Chik TSun of Caversham, Mid-Continent KC, July 1957. Judge Hans Oberhammer.Randall photo courtesy of Edna VoylesThe Kettle Moraine Kennel Club held its July 27th show at Waukesha, Wisconsin, to honor the memory of Clara Alford.We remember the first time we saw Clara. We were attending one of our first dog shows, a group of Breed Specialties held at Navy Pier in Chicago. We were fascinated by the tiny lady with sterling and turquoise rings and bracelets covering her fingers and arms, rushing back and forth to the Chihuahua ring. We didnt know much about showing dogs at that time, but could tell that there was something between Clara and the dogs she showed.After she started showing the famous Chik TSun of Caversham and made several shows in our area, we had the opportunity to get acquainted, and it was always a thrill to watch her show Chik TSun to some of his many triumphs. We never saw him with a hair out of place or making a wrong move with Clara, this was the perfect combination of dog and handler. Chik TSun adored Clara and never took his beautiful eyes off of her when in the ring. He was to start a new trend in coat and glamour for the Pekingese Breed, and Claras conditioning and presentation of him was perfection.We saw him go Best In Show at the Chicago International twice, and in those days, this was on of THE shows with the top dogs from both coasts and all points in between meeting to battle it out for BIS.It was a thrill to get to carry him from the ring or to the car after the show when Clara came up to Illinois.Clara showed two young dogs for us in our early days, winning all of the points but the last major on each which was elusive at the shows she was making. When we finished Ch. Lin Yutang of Fourwindswith a five point win at the International, she was ready to cheer us on and said, Okay, Ill get the points on your boys, and you can get the major to finish them Something that few handlers would tell their clients, Im sure But that was Clara.When she retired as a handler and started judging, she drew wonderful entries, as everyone wanted to show under her.I remember one of the first times she judged in our area. We had a parti-color bitch that we hoped to finish. When she gave me the Reserve ribbon, she winked at me and said, You know I dont like parti-colors. However, all was not lost as our Special won the Breed and went on to the Toy Group First.Another time at the Peoria show we had a puppy that I knew she would like and he took a 4 point win under her. This was just when it became fashionable for women to wear wigs, and when having a picture taken, Clara said, You are the first person to have a picture taken with me and my new wig Needless to say, this is now one of our most prized photos.The following was a page in the recent Kettle Moraine KC Show Catalog which was dedicated to her memory. Clara meant so much to all who knew her and made the greatest history ever for the Pekingese Breed. I dont know who wrote this tribute but felt that it was beautifully done and should be shared with Toy breeders everywhere, see CLARA MAHALA ALFORD A TRIBUTE [Ed. note - Robert M. Jackson is well known in Toy circles as one of the most successful Pekingese breeders in the United States. We thank Mr. Jackson for this beautiful tribute to a tremendous lady.-J]The Pom Reader October 1985The Pom P der October 198511CLARA MAHALA ALFORD A TRIBUTEIn continuing our series of annual memorial shows honoring the departed greats of our sport, we take particular pleasure in paying tribute for the first time to a lady - and what a lady Clara Alford demonstrated all the varied qualities which lead to distinction in any field - especially the world of dogs determination, coolness, an uncanny rapport with her beloved dogs, plus the artistry and star quality which sets the special ones apart from the crowd. In addition, she accomplished all that she attempted, plus something almost unheard of in dogs - she never made an enemy a direct quote from Tom Crowe, ex-handler and currently the President of MBF, Inc..Clara was a 90 lb. dynamo, but a true giant in every other sense of the word. She will always be remembered as the tiny genius who piloted the immortal CH. CHIK TSUN OF CAVERSHAM to a then world record of 126 all-breed BIS triumphs, in an age when the Interstate system was barely started and when the luxurious, air-conditioned motor homes were still on the drawing boards. Despite lengthy hours on two-way roads and far fewer shows than today, the record of the Venables fabulous Pekingese stood for many years until the modern era of dog shows.The idea that Clara was a one-big-winner handler should be quickly dismissed. Despite the fact that she was older than is customary when she first gotseriously involved in dogs, she soon acquired a reputation as one of the countrys top handlers of Toy breeds. Many of her great wins were made with Pomeranians, Miniature Pinschers, Italian Greyhounds, Chihuahuas her original breed, as well as the Pekingese.Clara Alford fought cancer with the courage and dignity which she displayed throughout her life, and she met an untimely death in 1972. Her last few years saw her develop into an outstanding judge, and her passing was a loss to g sport.In saluting Clara Alfords memory, we are also paying tribute to all the ladies in the world of dogs. They have bred and handled great dogs. They have founded clubs and organized many of the worlds greatest dog shows, and their ranks have produced and are still producing fine judges this is the sorority of which Clara was such an outstanding representative. It is sad to reflect that she did not live to see the day of the belated acceptance of the gentle sex in the ranks of AKC delegates, and of the seating of a talented woman on the ruling bodys Board of Directors.It is fitting that Best In Show at our Clara Alford Memorial Show will be chosen by her closest friend, the distinguished Miss Maxine Beam. Clara would have liked that. Courtesy of Bob Jackson cftorite ^omeromany PRESENTING APOLLOETTE BIMBO OF STARLITE Pictured at 8 monthsWatch for this boy in the California show this winter------------------------- Puppies For Sale --------------------------------Ch.Starlite Miss Dragon Magic x Starlite Lucky Gambler Ch. Starlite Lucky Shanticy x Starlite Lucky Gambler Due September 1985 write for pedigrees and color photosGAYLE L. GRIFFIN9125 DEJONG ROAD, AMITY, OR 97101CHEROKEE POMERANIANSCh. Chnscendo Western Express ChadAm. Can. Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip xCan. Ch. Chrisendo Chatelaine We are pleased to be the new home of this fine little stud dog who has also become my dear companion.Also at stud Multiple Group placing Ch. Cherokees Darin Drummer, son of B.I.S. Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan, half brother to B.I.S. Ch. D-Nees Darin Duffie.Watch for our new boy Twin Pines Tico Tico, son of Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond, on the Fall show circuit. FLASH Two litters sired by Chad have arrived. 3 Females, 1 Male.CHEROKEE POMERANIANSJanice Young St. Clair, MO 63077 618 W. Springfield Rd. [314] 629-275412FROM A LOW POINT OF VIEWBy CH. BRICKENS PENELOPE LDear Friends,Well, my appeal to my canine compatriots concerning the titles BB Bed-Buddy and BBX Bed-Buddy Excellent has resulted in a flood of response. This month I would like to share with you this letter I received from one of our more illustrious Bed Buddies.Dear Penelope,I have little problem acquiring the BB BBX Canine Awards - you see, I am quite a remarkable dog At least my friends, Cymbal a Golden Retriever, Duffy an Irish Setter, and Max a Doberman keep telling me this whenever we are sitting around in Obedience class. They always keep muttering something about my size. I really dont know what they are talking about - after all, I am just as much dog as they are and I just sometimes get into these perdictaments. But, back to the BB BBX.The first requirement is easy. At home my mistress bed is composed of a mattress and box spring flat on the floor. She tells her human friends that this is so she wont be able to hide things under the bed. Actually, it is this way so all of us can get up there easily. She is well trained.I do enjoy traveling to either friends homes or motels. There the beds are normal. I usually start out the night under, but as soon as She is asleep, I take my proper place.Pillows are not really important to me. I have two myself - a king size one, and atop that a regular one. I prefer to start off the night on these. After mistress Mary is in her place, I curl up between her neck and shoulders. Sometimes, though, she gets very restless - disturbing my sleep. Then the Under Cover Exercises become very important I perfected that when I was about 6 months old and must admit that I was a master of Stealth.Only get to go to the sand when we are near a beach. And I really dont like sleeping on sand granules. But if it is a requirement, Ill do it. How about using food crumbs Its great having a midnight snack in bed.The Long Sleep is really fun. I never thought about it until you told me. It mysterfied my mistress when I did it. She couldnt figure out what was wrong with me. Most of the time I do a variation on the Long Sleep, but I do it with the covers on top of me. I have to come out when she starts saying that Burglars must have come in the house and stolen me. Doesnt she know that I would take care of any mysterious strangers in the nightAt home, doing everything to get the BB BBX is easy. Once, though, my mistress sent me away with some people to show me in the show ring. Now, it was really hard there. They kept me locked in a crate at night. It took a lot of thought and time, but I finally figured how to get to sleep in a nice, soft bed.First, I became the darling of the kennel. Since I already had my CD in Obedience, I made sure to behave myself. They let me have the run of the kennel, and finally, the house. It was a short hop into bed whenever someone was taking a nap. And after that, well, night came and I just stayed. And stayed....and stayed....and stayed. Never did get to sleep with them when we were traveling. I always had to stay in my crate next to the other show dogs.One of the things that happened, oh, a while ago which none of my obedience friends believed until I showed them this picture, is how I saved my mistress when she fell into the water. I dont really remember what happened to her as I was resting. But there The Pom Reader October 1985she was in the water calling for someone - anyone. So I jumped in and swam over to her. She grabbed hold of my leash, and I pulled her to the grass. Some man walking by took the pictures which he sent to us. Shell be upset is she finds the pictures gone, so please return.PEV Vr.5jV _LMe - to the rescueYoull notice that when I typed my name, I put the X in parenthatses. Ive got two legs towards this title. My mistress is threatening that if I dont get the 3rd leg on either September 21 or 22nd, that shell never take me to Obedience classes again. I really like seeing all my friends and all her friends, so Ill do it. Besides, that means steak, french fries, and a bit of ice cream for both of us, and shell really be happy. I really like the idea of the special dinner, but most importantly is how proud and happy she will be. After all, thats what it is all about...especially when you are a ToyAnnons Huggy Bear from Scamp CD X Susan Penelope - Huggy has funfilled all requirements for the BB BBX. I wondered why his sleep habits had changed so much. He never did wake me up, but bedmate Joy another Pom really bitched about these changes one morning. When I asked Hug what he was up to, he carried over the August Pom Reader and flipped it open to A Low Point Of View.Huggy really is exceptional. Despite all his schooling and worldly contacts, his grammar, spelling and typing leave much to be desired...but he really tries.Mary Vickers2818 Jefferson Drive, Alexandria, VA 22303 P.S. I know all about the pictures Huggy hates licking stamps and envelopes. Til next month...Ch. Brickens Penelope Land Susan Wade, CTXCanine Translator XtraordinaireRoute 1, Box 340, Auburndale, FL 33823Jfdercer aQav--Swuy\mmmmCH. BONNERS KRISTIN STARMIST BONNERS STARPUFF POWERCH. BONNERS BEAUTIAN CREAM PUFF CHESAI SUNPOWER CYCLONEAMCAN CH. COLLIERS GOLDEN BERI COLLIERS GOLDEN CHARLENEINT. CH. MAYKENS SUN CRICKETT CH. MERCERS YOUNG DUKE OF TIM SUE CH. MERCERS TOUCH O DUKECH. BONNERS STARCREST MINETTE MERCERS MARISA TOUCHBECK-ANNS GAYLO MERCERS GAYLA DEETRI DONS SHADEE LADEEAlyssa has just turned one year old and has made her debut loud and clear with several Best of Breed wins and Group placements.Qoo-'Suif meraman'BreederOwnerSHANNON JOHNSON5135 N. Gale Davison, Michigan 48423The Pom Reader October 1985CH. BEV-NORS FUDGE DELIGHT\ XI IB ft RVUtft fMSTDJLsuPookieMay Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tiny Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy Lennis Tom Tom Brittons Little Miss Muffet Lennis Springold JulieHow proud I am to own Pookie, a full sister to Toasty, and where Southland Poms began. Thanks, Bev BillSOUTHLAND POMSCHARLOTTE CREED6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 Ph. 318-466-3456SOUTHLAND FUDGE DOUBLE DIP SOUTHLAND HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILLSOUTHLAND POMSCHARLOTTE CREED6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 Ph. 318-466-3456CH. THELDUNS ALMOND FUDGE x CH. BEV-NORS FUDGE DELIGHTMay Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge DelightCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy Brittons Little Miss MuffetFrom Pookie bred back to her sire came these two girls. Both with limited showing are almost finished and have taken time out for breeding. Pookies first babies Puppies Available.The Pom Reader October 198515CH. SOUTHLANDS TOAST1312TO BEV-NORPoastyMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy Brittons Little Miss Muffet May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge DelightCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy Brittons Little Miss MuffetPookies best creation. This super black tan bitch, perfectly marked, is being specialed now with Mike Kemp. She is the result of full brother-sister breeding. Thanks Bev Bill, for without BEV-NOR, there would be no SOUTHLAND. Exclusively handled by Mike Kemp for Owner Judy Boston Payne 13548 Castleton, Dallas, TX 75234BreederCo-ownerSOUTHLAND POMS CHARLOTTE CREED6618 Lost Ridge, Pineville, LA 71360 Ph. 318-466-3456CRESCENDO POMScame out of sabbatical with a real winner, chips took 4 points first show, finished with 3 majors. crescendo sat out a few dances but made a HP music between sets. 3 more home-bred girls ready to showmch. crescendo counter partcHIPPIbreedersownershandlers 1-813-996-3811bernie lois ciliberto route 2, box 2560 land o lakes, fl 33539The Pom Reader October 198516New Arrivalby Shannon JohnsonThe phone rang and I answered, hoping it was the call I had been waiting for. It was My little Pomeranian puppy was to arrive tomorrow. Yes, she was fine and yes, they arrived from Minnesota to Michigan with no unusual problems.This was my first small dog, and I was in the process of selling the last of my larger breed. Someone to cuddle and hold on my lap - finally I was ecstatic to say the least. Tomorrow, a long 24 hours to wait, but much preparation to keep the new little one confident and secure in her new environment. I sat back in the rocker, with my head against the head rest, daydreaming of what she would look like. I had never seen a 7 week old Pomeranian before. Will she heed me to hand feed her and walk with her up and down the steps She will be so tiny, so fragile, so insecure. My baby.Time was getting short and it was time to get prepared for the new arrival. I looked at my 60 foot kennels and realized she would get lost in there, but where would I put her She will want a small space to call her own. It seemed odd that a small dog could change your entire kennel structure. Baby bowls, baby toys, baby blankets, baby gate, baby bones, even baby scales, baby everything. It was off to the what else baby store, where I purchased all the above and a few extras for the cost of 150.00. That was just the beginning.Food Will her tummy be touchy with so many recent adjustments in the last 24 hours It was off to the grocery store, pet shop and feed store, and out with 300 pounds of dry dog food and cases of a variety of canned meats. Just for persuasion Stop by the veterinarian for kaobiotic. To the drug store for kaopectate, the department store for a clock and water bottle, baby-sized, of course. I had heard this clock routine worked for a new arrival, but fortunately never had to use this method with my larger breed. Home again to arrange a special corner in the kitchen for her.A crate I had forgotten to purchase the crate. It was back to the pet store luckily it was only 20 minutes away, where I was able to buy a tiny crate, a lovely soft red bed, and adorable little round, barrell-shaped carpet house used for cats, I was told, along with a leash, collar, vitamins, a baby-sized brush and a winter coat. Another 200.00. They would arrive in the early morning, which left me with less than 12 hours to go. Check all the equipment. Set out water and food in a bowl on the rubber mat, set the toys out in a small box. Less than one hour to go. Check equipment, change food and water bowl.The door bell rang. In walked the breeder with a wooden box held by its heavy wooden handle. Oh, set it down please, I cant see inside I pleaded. The breeder set the box down on my kitchen carpet and explained that the papers were back in Minnesota, but that they would bemailed, etc., etc., the reason they were a few minutes late this morning was...and on and on with gentle small talk that I hardly even heard. The box, I just wanted her to open the carrier so I could see that sweet adorable baby curled up on a little blanket in the corner of the box, looking up at me with such sad, mournful eyes.As the breeder unsnapped the latch of the wooden carrier, my heart began to race with joy and excitement. She raised the top of the deep box and out jumped the most precious little Pomeranian you have ever laid eyes on. I went to pick her up and to love and comfort her and to let her know it was allright to be afraid, but she was gone. Running from one room to another, chasing my new 7 week old puppy, hoping she would need my comforting touch, I ran into furniture and objects I never knew were there. Up the stairs she ran, with me after her and down again she came. She never seemed to tire out. Shy Afraid Insecure Fragile Never Not then, and surely not now.That puppy never stayed in a crate, played with her baby toys very seldom, never used a clock or a hot water bottle, nor did she need any medication for an upset stomach. Rarely did I need to comfort her, she was never a baby that needed it. Back then, I would have to steal a hug and squeeze from her. Three years later and I am still feeding the dry dog food to the wild ducks and geese that fly in for daily visits on the pond. Three years later, that dog and I are still wonderful companions with great admiration for one another. Three years later, Shu-Shu is still full of the dickens and there is no animal that could take her place. Each Pomeranian is its own individual, and with each individual Pomeranian, there is something very unique and special. We have all found this to be true, thats just the way it is.Shannon JohnsonARTWORK BY CHRIS HEARTZ \JAcHacaPUT YOUR SHOW PHOTO HEREPUT YOUR DOG S NAME HERE YOUR WIN INFORMATION HERE,YOUR NAME HERE-and put the savings in your pocketPRICE 18.00The Pom Reader October 198517t fSLSE d iTottdftpsrfft AftmsOkDESIREES RIPPLING BROOKEMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus CH. BEV-NORS FUDGE RIPPLECh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy Brittons Little Miss Muffet Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Linda Desirees Fancier FaithCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Sandees High Hope Sandees Baby LoveShown with her latest litter sired by Ch. Great Elms Models Timstopper, whelped April 25, 1985, Brooke is the dam of Ch. Desirees Rippling Fudge, and Desirees Smoky Mt. Boy soon to be campaigned.DESAREE SANDIFER509 OAKDALE STREET GASTONIA, N.C. 28052TELEPHONE 704 865-0859AKC PUPPIES CH. BLOOD LINES STUD SERVICEEMCEES POMERANIANSpresentsTwo of the Top Ten Specials BitchesfmCh. Emcees Chiquita de Oro Ch. Emcees Golden JaymyMorris Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, VA 23233 Ph. 804 740-7977The Pom Reader October 198518ViewPointVICTORIA POWELLTOmThis month, in keeping with the position that we should all share as much knowledge from as many diversified sources as we can, I would like to present Dr. Bill Johnsons thoughts on Caesarian Sections and his explanation of this not-often used method. All of the vets I queried on the subject had indeed heard of the method and many had seen it performed, but not one had sought to utilize this section method in their general practices. Many large Bay Area kennels and smaller breeding operations have had Dr. Johnson do their C-sections and mortality in dam or her pups is rare.In our immediate family on the West Coast, Jean Thomas uses Dr. Johnson exclusively and is very enthusiastic about the results she is getting with her Pekes.Anyone desirous of communicating directly with the owners of bitches successfully sectioned with the epidural method, or any other questions you may have on the subject, should feel free to write to me and I will be happy to get you the answers whenever possible. And now, wishing all of you healthy bitches and many healthy is Dr. Johnsons reportEPIDURAL ANESTHESIAANESTHESIA for any reason can present a problem for the dog breeder and owner.Choices of anesthesia have increased over the past 10 years or so with the discovery of new anesthetic agents. Narcotic agents demerol, leritine, morphine Tranquilizers acepromazine, thorazine, valium Tranquilizer-Analgesic Combinations rompum, ketamine, innovar-vet Inhalant Gas halothane, metaphane Barbituates biothal, surital, brevane and Local procaine, xylocaine anasthetics or combinations of these drugs are all available to your Veterinarian. Each veterinarian has his or her favorites - that they feel comfortable with in anesthesizing your dog.The choice of anesthesia depends on the surgical procedure at hand. When doing a Caesarian section on a bitch there is only one safe - and I do mean safe - anesthesia for both the bitch and her puppies. Nearly all anesthetic agents cause some degree of sedation in the puppies, which can mean life or death to the newborn. The exception to this is the use of a local anesthesia in the posterior spinal canal - its called Epidural Anaesthesia. 1-2 cc of Xylocaine 1-2percent is placed into the epidural space slowly with a needle and syringe. Posterior paresis temporary paralysis occurs with effective anaesthesia up to the umbilical area. The bitch is fully awake during the surgery, but feels no pain in the surgical area.Duration of anesthesia is variable from 1-2 hours. The puppies are lively, kicking and full of energy providing no other problems were present prior to surgery. The most important factor in this anaesthetic procedure is that there are no respiratory problems for the bitch. Too often I hear from clients that their bitch died of a heart attack cardiac arrest during anesthesia. Epidural anesthesia when properly administered has absolutely no effect on your bitches heart and will not cause cardiac arrest. I use epidural anesthesia as my anesthesia of choice in Caesarian sections on all breeds of dogs. Ask about epidural anesthesia before you need it. Prepare yourself for a happier bitch and lively puppies.Bill Johnson DVMSan Mateo, CaliforniaThe Pom Reader October 1985196awynVVBEST OF BREED or VARIETYVENICE KENNEL CLUB MAY 1985photo by tyvdanCH. MCGUIRES LITTLE NIKE GidgetSire Ch. Millamors TrademarkDam Bobbys CuddlesGIDGET is a lovely orange Bitch shown winning another Best of Breed. In limited showing she completed her Championship with back to back 4 5 point majors. Gidget is handled by her owner Arlene Benko.BREEDER GOLDIE MCGUIRE OwnersJohn Arlene Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 305-842-5591CHESAIPOMERANIANSMostly BonnerAristic LinesCHESAI POMSROBERT JOAN REILLY 26093 HIGHWAY 281 NORTH SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78260 Ph. 512-438-2667Marlene Marlin Presser 21789 East Highway 4 Stockton, CA 95205_________________209 463-8554_______________BEV-NOR POMSHome ofCH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983 24 Bests In Show, 5 Specialty Bests Sire of top winning Female 1984, and 1st Black Tan to go B.I.S.A., Champions, Breed Group Winners.CH. THELDUNS ALMOND FUDGEsire of 22 Champions, Best in Show Dogs, Group, and Specialty winners. A Top Producer every year.STUD FEES 150.00 puppies nowBev Norris 7747 Meadow Road 301-255-1343 Pasadena, MD 21122The Pom Reader October 198520tTKWGenerally Speakingby Susan wadeC SiSome years ago, an article appeared in Prevention Magazine dealing with the uses of Vitamin C in dogs - megadoses of Vitamin C. That article was written by Wendell O.Belfield, DVM, and was most interesting - he found that by using Vitamin C, he could effectively fight viral diseases in animals, namely, Distemper.Vitamin therapy for animals Routine supplemention Absurd Not really. Over the years, Dr. Belfield has found that a little brewers yeast mixed in your dogs food will keep the fleas off. The brewers yeast is a rich source of B complex vitamins and produces a taste in the dogs skin that fleas dont like. A pregnant bitch on supplements will deliver her pups in far less time. Extra Vitamin C will stop hip dysplasia. Vitamin C and vitamin E will prevent ruptured discs. A good regimen of vitamins and minerals can eliminate those itchy problems. This so- called unorthodox therapy can help our Senior Citizens live a more comfortable life. I see nothing silly in this.After the article in Prevention Magazine and a paper published in 1976, Dr. Belfield, with the aid of Martin Zucker, published the book How to Have a Healthier Dog in 1981. This book has taken its place on my shelf next to Mercks and the Dog Owners Home Veterinary Manual -my Bibles.Dr. Belfield recommends a prevention program that certainly seems to work for me. The first litter I used his program with will soon be three years old. I have kept in contact with the owners of these pups and all have been extremely hardy animals- the owners have been very co-operative in continuing the vitamin and mineral supplements in the book. I retained a bitch from the litter for my own use and have two males in co- ownership. Two bitches I sold are nearby so I see them frequently. All are healthy, have shiny coats, and bright eyes. Two of the bitches have been bred I whelped both litters and produced their pups in a short time and with relative ease for a first litter, so I am convinced. I must add - these dogs are Longhaired Dachsunds, therefore I cannot judge whether or not I will have back problems in the future, but things do look good. Oh yes Coats have been thick and shiny at birth.Dr. Belfields blueprint for a prevention program calls for three separate items 1 A pet multivitamin and mineral, following the dosage instructions on the label of the product, 2 Extra Vitamin C and 3 Extra Vitamin E. This plan applies for all animals except pre-weaned puppies, who will be taking pediatric drops. The following dosages are given according to the activity of the dog - an active dog should receive the higher dosage.FOR ADULT DOGS Vit.C 500 to 1500mg. Vit.E-100 IU FOR AGED DOGS Vit.C- 250 to 750 mg. Vit.E 200 IU FOR PREGNANT AND LACTATING DOGSVit C.-1500mg Vit.E-100 IU Remember You will be giving a good pet vitamin and mineral supplement along with the above. PRE-WEANED PUPPIES Vit. C pediatric drops. Dosages are figured in milligrams and increased after the first five days and then again after the second five days. Maintain the last dosage until weaning, when the puppy can gradually be switched onto a tablet or powder form of supplementation.The Pom Reader October 19851-5 days 20 mg. 5-10 days 35 mg. over 10 days 65 mg.WEANED PUPPIES Follow directions of label for pet vitamin and mineral supplement. This will contain some Vitamin E and is sufficient for the young puppy. Start with Vitamin E supplement at about six months and build gradually to the adult dosage.First six months Vitamin C-250 mg.Six months to one year Vitamin C-250 to 500 mg. Remember, you increase their Vitamin C gradually and over a period of time. If a puppy is placed in a high stress situation Obedience School, any type of training, Dr. Belfield suggests that the Vitamin dosage be built gradually to the higher level.All dogs will not tolerate the same level of Vitamin C. You must start small and build up gradually - even when starting adult dogs on the prevention plan. Increase the Viatmin C. gradually until the dog develops a soft stool. When this point is reached, back off to the next lower level when the dogs stool wasnt soft. This would represent the maximum level for that particular dog. The level can shift from time to time depending on stress and activity, but you can simply follow the general recommendations and cover your dogs needs nicely. If, at any time, you do encounter a soft stool, just drop down the level of Vitamin C.For the Pre-weaned puppies, you will be using the pediatric drops that come in a small bottle with droppers. The label will tell you the milligram potency and you can compare that to the chart. The pups can be started on the drops two or three hours after birth.Just as you slowly wean puppies off mothers milk, you can wean them from the drops. The doctor suggests a transition period where you apply the drops to their food and then gradually introduce the powdered or crunched-up tablets.The whole idea of Dr. Belfields plan is to use supplements to prevent and minimize disease and infections, and to develop a strong immune system. It is not wise for any of us to play doctor with our dogs when they are sick. Take the dog to the vet for a proper diagnosisThe supplementing as recommended by Dr. Belfield will yield results in a myriad of situations Allergies, Seizures, Heart Problems, Dysplasia, Kidney and Bladder Problems, Skin and Hair Coat, Trauma and Viral Disease.For my own crew, I have found that using the powdered form of Ascorbic Acid is the easiest. You can buy this under different brand names from any number of Veterniary Suppliers. The smallest size of Vitamin E is 100 IU capsules-if this is over the recommended dosage, dont worry. Dr. Belfield says that the extra Vitamin E is unlikely to cause any problems as it is extremely non toxic. If anything, the animal will benefit.I am very happy with the health and vitality of my dogs, so its up to you. Dr. Belfields preventive plan, coupled with a good commercial food can do nothing but good. Get a copy of his book from your library or a friend, read it and see if you wont add it to your bookshelf. Sueiohn e. heathPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY P.O. BOX 1259, TRURO, N.S. CANADA PHONE 902 895-742721C0rrecious c^i t, es-rSsforwlt sexBEbl . petruusHi My name is EDNEYS MITY ISIS DELIGHT. Perhaps youve heard of my two children,CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIEL and CH. BEV-NORS HO-LEA TERRA.I am pictured above with judge Mr. Thomas Conway, and my owner Claudia.CH. MAY MORNING BRAVO BRAVO MAY MORNING SOCIAL LION MAY MORNING ALICE CH. THELDUN'S TIM-DANDEE OF EDNEY CH. BLAIRS SOLITAIRE CH. DUNNS LITTLE TINA PRESHUSMAY MORNING SWEET MARY ANNECH. GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPER AGAIN CH. GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPERS IMAGE GREAT ELMS LINDA POSTCRIPTS AFT-NOON DELIGHTCH. THELDUNS TIM-DANDEE OF EDNEY EDNEYS MISS PATTY CAKE EDNEYS TAFFYCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432 Jefferson, Louisiana 70181504 737-1729IB w.9Ch.StudService22e Pom Reader All about Poms and Pom People12 Months - 12 Issues24.00 third class post40.00 first class post Overseas rates upon requestADVERTISING RATESin U.S. DollarsAD SIZE OPEN RATE CONTRACTFull Page 120.00 96.00Half Page 65.00 53.0014 Page 35.00 27.0018 Page 20.00 16.00116 Page 12.00 8.00Full Color is avaiable at 250.00 additional per page. Ads 14 page and larger include one photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each.Contract advertisers may take advantage of contract rate regardless of change in ad size or content from month to month. Contract advertisers receive a FREE subscription. Make checks payable toCM7V ^leacer8848Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805 813 858-2639Pet Portraitsi\r\VCALL OR WRITE FORFREE FULL-COLOR BROCHUREDept. OE 718 331-95231559 82nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11228NOW AVAILABLECUSTOMIZEDSTATIONERY ENVELOPES PEDIGREE FORMSWe specialize in personalized paper goods for all your needs. We can use your present logo, or design a new one for you, featuring the beautiful head studies of artist Nancy Ross.matfIOnlytop quality bond used - at below market rates.Fast, efficient service of your dog lovers for dog lovers.For information and prices, writetMCIOTHE POM READER 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 3380523A LITTLE BIT OF BUSINESSDuane DollWe received a letter from Janice Luginsland recently, and it brought up - tew points I thought might be of in- rest to our readers. Here is Janices IterDear Joe Duane,Here is my ad copy for this month.I think my greatest advantage as an advertiser is the short lead-in time.Possible hassle for you, though.Thanks - Janice There's no question that the short period of time between deadline and publication makes for a few headaches, but we have always felt that thats the only way to stay right up to date. And thats just what we want to do.One of the biggest problems that advertisers run into is the short lead-in time. Sometimes people are too busy to sit down and plan an ad thats why we are more than happy to design the ad for you. All you need to do is to give us a general idea of what you want to say, and we will make it as attractive and eye appealing as possible. Because the better your ad looks, the better the magazine.Our subscribership continues to grow. As of the September issue, our circulation is over 600, which is the largest collection of Pom people to be reached by any Pom magazine. As to cost, on the contract rate, a Pom Reader ad costs as little as 113 cents per person reached, and for a full page ad the cost is as litttle as 16 cents per person reached. We lieve this to be the best advertising rate available.. our support for The Pom Reader has been tremendous, and we are looking forward to making your magazine larger and more beautiful in the months to come.Thanks again for your support DuaneLABRADORS SM. FOX TERRIERSBANDBOXCh. Stud Service in Cream-Orange Red SablePuppies For Show and Companion OccasionallyNANCY FOREST BARTHOLOMEW SR. ROUTE 1, BOX 182, OLA, AR 72853 501-489-5733Scotia Kennels, Regd.Breeder of 150 Champions in 27 Years Occasionally I have show prospect pups or older dogs for sale. Almost always have pet males, usually Champion sired but not what I consider show quality. Well protected by shots, 250.00 and up.Also occasionally have a proven stud or brood bitch and a Champion for sale. State all your wants in first letter.Edna E. Girardot P.O. Box 646 Floral City, FI 32636 904 726-2001MCKAMEYS SUNDAWN KENNELSCH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL STYLESTEPPER AT STUDCH. MILLAMOR MOONROCK CH. DAJA JUSTA ROCKSAMPLEHOODS SWEET COOKIE PTD.CH. KEN GAY CAVALIER JOE CH. MCKAMEYS CAVALIERS PEPPER MCKAMEYS LITTLE DUTCHESS CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL CONQUEST CH. MCKAMEY'S IDEAL STYLESTEPPER KRYSTALS CHERRY KIJAFA CH. MCKAMEYS ENCHANTING PEPPER CH. MCKAMEYS ENCHANTING BEN JO MCKAMEYS BLOSSOM JOCH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL PERFECTIONCH. MCKAMEYS JUST A HONEYPuppies for breeding, show ring, or loveable pets, allpopular lineage. Bloodlines include Cavaliers,Sungolds, Millamor, Bonner, Crieder, Hood, Cherokee, Emcees, Great Elms, Aristic, Model, Brown,Disicland, English Hadleighs, Preservenes, Akela.MRS. NORRIS MCKAMEY R.R. 1, BOX 185 Bettendorf, Iowa 52722Phone 319 332-5809 LLL KENNELS OFFERS FOR SALECH. LLL MITE OF GOLD DEUCEWhelped 5879, 4 lbs., Price 1800.001Nugent PhotoSire ofCh. LLL Deuces Lil Gold DealerGroup I, II, IV from the classes Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold Cheri for saleFinished undefeated from the puppy classes Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold MikeBOB over specials when finishing Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold Cindy LouBOB over 5 specials when finishing Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold KrissyWB,BOW,BOS, Dallas-Ft. Worth Pom Specialty Im keeping 10 Poms...everyone else goesJanice Luginsland Route 1, Box 97, Americus, KS 66835 Ph. 316-443-5157The Pom Reader October 198524Dear Shu-Shu,I have 12 points towards my Championship and need only a 3 point major to finish, but it is taking so long. I am a very classy bitch and show my heart out. I would be so very happy if a nice judge loved me just as much as my family and he would help me to get that Championship I deserve and am working so hard for. What do you think My friends call mePIXIE New Boston, Mich.Qear Tascte,TfeeexcuAy tAe same a Ao n me, astyoa co aat yottrseff. 7onfy neet6 marefotns to fiats A, am.2 majors, ATe maty yare aa, Aa netrer ytoe of. oat at, am es sfeaA ay am aAiei ate are AoA itamfs 9A cear Te may tetre.r sfeaA ayam Afooe,JAa -tJArnDear Shu-ShuBOOHAPPY HALLOWEEN, SHU-SHUGuess WhoQear ffaess,cAre of rateta...yoa Atte moiAey. cAia a Aeaafateat am SA ooe Aa sof. TAa ts yoar satfee P P PDear Shu-Shu,I love Halloween when the little people ring the door bell and come in to visit me. This year I want to help decorate the house, but what can a small canine like me doPOOKIE, Calumet, Mich.Aear TSooueTee See Ae Aatse. T o ottsae.. .rtsitef As easy, fasfoom yoar famtfty a Ae aAiroom ft taesn matter lOttcAs merter tsj, arat fateafy am tanoeenfy, tmti tAe fafer toorA csfast aAoa cone. TfarA AAe a AAotAArsy, fsyeAotc caitne. TAe cat trof tAe ro an Ae floor, yraA for Aer ArtcAes am ran amstttrt Ae to^ yet to Aefron coor. APie sAe ts oaAuay Jar Ae sasfetettnrater^ yoa toamecAer aAoat,ymtyyraA Ae em of Ae ro of ATfafer am AoaA ArotttyAs eatAs room of Ae Amtse Aeforeyoa^ye catty A. ASy Ae meyott are caf - ttret, yoar ro ts antaoam, amAe Aaase an Ae TAasfy yCi tarte, As sotaus so famA'ar.jfooe,^IAa^lmJAa -c ktYShu-Shu is enjoying her time with you each month, but would like to hear from more of you Poms and Pom people. Take a minute to jot down an experience and send in on to Shu-Shu.I dare you to challenge her knowledge and wisdom. Until next month, have a safe and happy Halloween. Address your questions toShu-Shu Shannon Johnson 5135 N. Gale Road Davison, Ml 48423SHU-SHU SHANNONL . Pomeranians Rain Beau Pomeranians\j] Shih Tzu Home of Ch. Stud Service American Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitchesJean Sue Cook7 Puppies OccasionallyJessie Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Rd. 6810 S. Magnolia, Ocala, Florida 32676603 435-8731 Loudon, NH 03301 904 237-1636The Pom ReaderOctober 1985JUSTA POMS presentsCh. Justa Menehune Group Placing andAustins A Knight To RememberHeavy coated blackWatch for them at the spring showsSharon Hiemenz 904 437-2190oute 1, 31 Remington Rd. Ormond Beach, FL 32074JD S POMPOUS POMSWERE MOVING To the Southern California area. Will advise new address as soon as one is available. Any mail will automatically be forwarded, but it may be some time before we obtain a telephone. Any inquiries into puppies or stud service could be mailed to our former address, but give plenty of time for forwarding. Thank you.Janet Hovey 1163 Hwy. 26208 684-4648 Blackfoot, ID 83221Multiple Best In ShowCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDBI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum Phones36520 28th Ave. South 206-838-6397Federal Wav, Wa 98003 206-927-2369ICERAMA POMERANIANSCH. BELLS HOUSTON STAR PERFORMERSKIP PIAZZA Co-OwnerProfessional Handler Jon MarcantonioTHE KENNELS 527 B Church Road Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266WISHING YOU WELLTHE POM READER AND ALL READERSMARY VICKERS 2818 Jefferson Drive 703 960-7755 Alexandria, VA 22303MUIomm,Eleanor Ken Miller - Ph. 813 646-5864 5426 Spring Lake Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803TIM SUE POMERANIANSBreeding for qualityChampions at stud - Puppies OccasionallyTIM SUE GODDARD 19719 RICE LAKE LANE 713 492-0849 HOUSTON, TX 77084jwSTORKREPORTTELL EVERYONE ABOUT YOUR NEWEST LITTER OF SHOW-STOPPERSSubmit date of birth, sire dam, how many males females, your name, address phone. Then sit back and wait for the calls to flow inPRICE 10.00Windjammer PomeraniansBorn September 9, 1985 One Male, One FemaleCh. Millamors Im a Windjammer X Ch. Anadors Dragon Dancer.WINDJAMMER POMS, Robert Jeanne Stafford, 1436 Powers Court, Niles, Ml 49120. Tel. 616 683-0214The Pom ReaderOctober 198526POMNOTES POM PIX Dear Joe Duane,As each month goes by, your magazine gets better and better You are doing a super job, and we look forward to every months issue.I would like to comment on the sportsmanship of Pom people in this area. With the exception of a few of course, we are all like one big happy family. While everyone hates to lose, who better to lose to than to a friend My husband and I have made several friends, lasting ones, I hope. These friends have given us their never ending support every time weve entered a ring, and we have even had fellow exhibitors apologize for beating usTo all these people you know who you are, we thank you and value our friendships with youWe will see you in the ringBob Jean Stafford Dear Duane Joe,Just received The Pom Reader. Love itThanks,Lois Ciliberto Dear Joe,This may sound silly or out of order but all I can think of to say is that you are precious. I think this is about the nicest thing that can happen. You certainly have boosted my morale with all the attention you have given me. There is no way I can really and truly express my appreciation for all you have done for me.Per usual, the Reader is just great, and all work stops here when it comes in. I dont even try to estimate the time and effort you put in on this magazine we Pom folks enjoy so much.I am entered in the NC shows and hope to go but I never know. Just put in 48 hours of constant pain - I could hardly stand and I am sure I could not have shown dogs during that time. It is come and go with me and I just have to chance that it will not be too bad this coming weekend. Nothing ventured, nothing gained so I am venturing and hope all goes well.Again my sincere thanks,Edna Girardot The Pom Reader October 1985Do I look like the type to have done that on the carpetMRLeave me alone. You know I hate Mondays.Thish new watersh great I dint like the olivesh, tho. HICphotos courtesy Jane Johnston June Coy-------- SPECIALS ADDITION --------------ASOF THE SEPTEMBER 1985 AKC GAZETTEPresently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Ten Pomeranian dogs and Top Ten Pomeranian bitches in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as follows.Breed points not to be confused with Championship points are allotted to CHAMPIONS OF RECORD according to the hightest placement received in any given AKC show.A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds 500 BEST IN SHOW Specialty 250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty 75TOY GROUP FIRST 250TOY GROUP SECOND 150TOY GROUP THIRD 75TOY GROUP FOURTH 25BEST OF BREED 10BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX All Breed 5NOTE The only exception will be BISS will be worth 10points, and BOSS will be worth 5 points, until a total ofthree wins are published for that dog.The following is the ranking of the Top Ten DOGS AND Top Ten BITCHES as of the September GazettePOINTS DOGS BISA BISS BOSS I II Ill IV BOB BOS5770 Ch. D. Nees Darin Duffie 2 2 11 6 4 5 17 05765 Ch. Coys Top of the Mark 3 10 7 8 3 3 1340 Ch.Herds Little Yo Yo - 1 3 5 3 11 11275 Ch. Bi Mar Sundance Kid - 5 - - 1 - 1065 Ch.Patricks Mr. Larry - 2 1 2 5 13 2850 Ch. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine - 1 1 3 4 6 2810 Ch. Daisys Lil Bit of Jabil - 1 1 2 4 16 1685 Ch. Sungold Diamond Stud - - 1 3 3 16 585 Ch.L.R.s Rock Concert Av Strand 1 - - - 1 6 570 Ch.L-Rs Monty Rock of MillamorBITCHES1 1 2 11 2265 Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tan Ya - 1 1 - 1 6260 Ch. Emcees Chicquita D-Oro 1 - - - 2145 Ch. Hi Times Kaleidoscope - - 1 - 2 10130 Ch. Queenaire Glory Huntress 1 - - - 2 7110 Ch. Southlands Toast To Bev-Nor - - - 6 1080 Ch. Mike-Mars Sophie Mae - - 1 3 580 Ch. Tim Sues Angel Sabrina - - 1 - - 170 Ch. Wests Miss Charm Patrick - - 2 - 455 Ch. Emcees Golden Jaymy - - - 5 145 Ch. McGuires Little Nike - - - 1 745 Ch. Moonshine Snapshot - - - 2 5tie placements alphabetical------------------- UPDATE ----------------------ASOF THE SEPTEMBER 1985 AKC GAZETTEWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the United States is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until November.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Point are allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS A LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE SEPTEMBER 1985 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR POINTSE. GIRARDOT 77J. LUGINSLAND 55G. HODSON 45S. BAUGNIET 41A. CANNON 40L. CLARK 40C. EDWARDS 38C. PFEFFER 37D. WATTS 33J. B. YOUNG 33 tie Placements alphabeticalThe Pom ReaderOctober 1985om ^ieacer9aurSiacoca of ur-2reclJULY 1Q85Bht.Vxmm12Months - 12 Issues 24.00 third class post 40.00 first class post Overseas rates upon request Back issues available 3.00ADVERTISING RATESin U.S. DollarsFull Color is avaiable at 250.00 additional per page. Ads 14 page and larger include one photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. Contract advertisers may take advantage of contract rate regardless of change in ad size or content from month to month. Contract advertisers receive a FREE subscription.AD SIZE OPEN RATE CONTRACTFull Page 120.00 96.00Half Page 65.00 53.0014 Page 35.00 27.0018 Page 20.00 16.00116 Page 12.00 8.00Preferred positions by reservation onlyFront Cover 250.00 Back Cover 150.00 iSpecialty Clubs may take advantage of the contract rate at any time.DEADLINES The deadline for each issue of the Pom Reader is the tenth of the month prior to publication date i.e., July tenth for the August issue. The magazine is published on the tenth day of the month. Ad received after deadline will be published in the next available issue.8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805 Telephones813 858-2639 or 813 858-3839