The Pom Reader June 1991

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Tne PamJune 1991 Volume VI Number FourGrafen horst s................... -v.Gvafenhorsts...POMERANIANSSpecializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans, and Chocolates,41_1i16'At Grafenhorsts Poms, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Watch for our Poms in the show ring.BreederHorst Graf12000 NW 2nd StreetPlantation, FL 33325Gucci, featured on the front cover, is bred by Grafenborsts Poms and is owned by Nicole Szary.The Pom Reader June 1991For more information, call 305 475-2465TAee Qe4Mtlo'h4 el cauMc^ccW.CHAMPION GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II...A SUPERB WINNER...and now a SUPERB PRODUCER Prince offspring are winning every where...many listed in Nationwide Top 10 Winners222 and are pleased to announce that CHAMPION PRINCE CHARMING is now atstud in Texas Stud Fee 300.00.9irfb7iv1Please.......haveyour girls Brucellosis-tested prior to shipping... we will appreciated it. Your girls willbe met personally at HoustonHobby Airport. Be sure to telephone us when first in season so we can make arrangements 713 326-2250.Skip Piazza Olga Baker, Owners. Breeder, Ruth Beam Great Elms.CHAMPION JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT....................NUMBER ONE POM 1991 - SON OF FAMOUS CHAMPION PRINCE CHARMING II. Lance is producing beautifully - sire of Champions. Producing cream color consistentlyCHAMPION SIR LANCELOT is at Stud now Stud Fee 200.00I Champion LancelotLancelot puppy gorgeous, HuhPlease...........have your girlsBrucellosis-tested prior to shipping. .. we will appreciate it. Your girls will be met personally at HoustonHobby Airport. Call us when your female is first in season. 713 326-2250. JERIBETH POMERANIANSOlga Darrell Baker 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586The Pom Reader June 19914Tfie 'PamRKADERJune 1991 Volume VI Number FourTABLE OF CONTENTS1,2. ON OUR COVER THE GRAFENHORST POMSBred by Horst Graf, Miami, Florida. WHATS COOK3N by Olga BakerNews from the South and Roundabouts.10. SPECIAL ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, Januaxy-April 1991.12. PR PLAYMATESJunes picture-perfect Boms.14. I.V. LEAGUE by Thomas K. Graves DVMHeartworm Disease.Id POM ESCAPADES by Susan JohnsonOur ever-popular cartoon department.1 SPECIALTY SCENES by Sally BaugnietThe APC Summer Specialty.2d SKIN CONDITION SEMINARA report on the event hosted by the American Pomeranian Club.22. MY PET by Plam WestPeople share photos of their best friends.24. AIRLINE TRAGEDIES...And collecting your claim. By Candace McCall.2d NEW CHAMPIONSRecent additions to the top ranks.2d POETS CORNERJust a Pet by Nan Shartel.28. NO CRATES NO THANKSDale Adams tackles the no-crates rule head on3a UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-April.31. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.The Ban Reader is published ty Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beveriy Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS BUSINESS MANAGER DEANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in ary form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The publishers reserve the right to The Bom Reader June 1991refuse advertising deemed unsuitable. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Groups and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Run Reader, 8848 Beveriy Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809.TEL 813 858-3839 FAX 813-853-3624.This issue of the Bom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFRONT COVERHorst GrafGRAFENHORST POMS BACK COVERGail Jeub Richard Schuster STARDUST POMSINDEX TO ADVERTISERSALLAN, M......................................................... 27BAKER, D 0................................................3J1BENKQ A....................................................... 527BERNARDO G..................................................27BERRY, N..........................................................23BLACKBURN, R...............................................15CABRERA, T.................................................... 17CATES, W. C................................................29CONRAD, H......................................................23COOK, S.............................................................29CREED, C..........................................................27DOSSINGER, M................................................27DUPRES, E........................................................ 29F1DDICK, R. J..............................................27FINCH, D........................................................... 29FREIA, J.............................................................29GAD, N...............................................................29GRAF, H............................................................ITGRIFFIN, G.......................................................23GRIFFITH, K....................................................21HARTZ, K..........................................................27HEARTZ, J. C...............................................29HOVEY, J...........................................................27JACKSON, C.....................................................27JENSEN, P......................................................... 29JEUB, G..............................................................32LOVELY, V.......................................................23MARTIN, D....................................................9,21MASNICK, S...................................................9,27MASON, B. J..................................................... 21NAGY, S. B....................................................23NORRIS, B.........................................................27PEEL, C............................................................. 27PFEFFER, C......................................................29PIAZZA, S..........................................................29PRESSER, M. M...........................................23REGONI, R. D...............................................19RF3MSCHIISSEL, K....................................... 23REILLY, R. J................................................23RGS PEDIGREES.............................................29RGS POMS........................................................23ROSENBAUM, M.............................................27SAMPLES, M....................................................23SCHUSTER, R.................................................. 32SHARTEL, N...................................................7J5SIACKHOUSE, S..............................................27WELLS, M. G............................................... 27WHDDDON, B.................................................. 29Ch. Blossom Heights\ EEgR0C2Emi.FIRECRACKER is a 4 lb. orange-sable, Proven stud. He is available at stud to approved bitches.BreedersOwnersBlossom Heights PomeraniansArlene John Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407Annons Image in Black N Tan Ch. Annons Spittin ImageAnnons Dark Lady Tina V Scamp Am. Can. Ch. Homesteads Spit N Polish Am. Can. Bda.Ch. The Pines Hells A Poppin Ch. Homesteads Pretty PetalCh. Homesteads Daisy DumplingDixieland Disco Music Man McGuires Fantasy Super StarPittards Lovely Tashia Girl Blossom Heights BoleroDixieland Disco Music Man McGuires Love Disco Girl Skylark Love CharmThe Pom Reader June 1991Tel 407-842-5591Sl70WSi5l7t------------------------------------------------- FROM THE EDITOR ---------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------Itsbeen some time since my APO days, and although I have no intention of pledging another fraternity, this does not mean that I did not recently, regrettably, experience the ultimate in Hell Weeks. I have never known, nor would have believed, that so much could go so wrong, simultaneously.Now, you may already have noticed a radical change in the looks of the PR. This is due, of course, To Cynthia. Many of you will recall, those many years ago, when we were unhappy with the quality of the magazine, and I bought my own equipment and learned how to do it myself. This began a long and loving relationship with the phototypesetting system that I called, affectionately, Cynthia. For eighty-two months, I spent upwards of 8 hours a day working on this machine, and she became, in time, an extension of myself. It quickly became unthinkable that I would ever work with anyone else.Not that we were without our problems. Any sophisticated equipment is subject to quirks and glitches, but for the most part, Cynthia produced beautifully and uncomplainingly.Until I made the last payment. As soon as the mortgage was burned, our troubles started heating up. Cynthia was suddenly afflicted with various hiccoughs and belches, most of which required expensive repairs. As the workload increased, Cynthia proved herself ever more incapable, and the time had come to make a change.It is my most distressful duty to report the death of one of Pomdoms most beloved individuals. Edna Girardot breeder of the Scotia Poms, died this month, leaving many broken hearts but many fond memories of decades of love of the Pomeranian breed. Up until three years ago Edna was a resident of Florida and we had the pleasure of her company at almost every dog show. Those of you who never had the privilege of knowing Edna cannot imagine what you missed the lady was a fountain of knowledge on the breed, a boundless bundle of energy and drive and a person of tremendous spirit. Ednas last foray into the Pomeranian ring was at the American Pomeranian Club Specialty in New York where she piloted her homebred Ch. Scotia Shamrocks Sue Ellen to first place in the Veterans Class to a standing ovation from ringside. She will be greatly missed by all. But back to Cynthia, if we must. As the production problems increased exponentially, The Pom Reader June 1991there was tittle choice but what to do. Without dependable equipment there was no way to provide this showcase for our favorite breed, the Pomerania. So again we signed on a major dotted tine and again we hoped for the best. The new equipment would arrive in 30 days.But somehow Cynthia knew. The minute I signed the contract she was suddenly afflicted with ills and ailments of a most serious nature. The likelihood of my suffering Separation Anxiety from Cynthia was becoming more remote all the time. But I had to make do there was no recourse. The magazines had to be done, and they had to be done on Cynthia.The dismantling of old and bringing in of new is a major problem at any time. This was compounded, of course, by the events of Hell Week. The new equipment arrived on Monday. But of course not everything came and so installation was not possible. This was also the day that Duane had to report for Jury Duty and so, in addition to my normal duties, I was solely responsible for a large boarding kennel, a mobile grooming business, my own dogs and a lot of other things I never realized Duane did. And of course Duane ended up on a protracted case - as Foreman of the Jury, of course - effectively knocking him out of the daily routine for the duration of the week.Which would have been okay except they piled all the new equipment inside the front door so I was climbing over and under and around eveiytime something took place. Then the storms blew in and the roof - which was supposed to have been repaired but obviously was not - proceeded to leak in about twenty places. Pots and pans placed strategically around contained most of the drips, but the place began to resemble a disaster area. Then one of the groomers smashed up a new van I laid my glasses down on the stove and melted the frames my favorite car - with three payments to go - decided to blow some gaskets or something we had to euthanize the White Cat whom we had rescued from the pound 13 years ago and who was a cherished member of the family - that alone would have ruined a good week the cover photo for one of my magazines was sent to 8848 Lakeland, Beverly Hills, FL and it took forever to trace an electrician disconnected a circuit while I was working, destroying about four hours of my labor it became laughable. But somehow we managed to make it through to Friday. At 400 p.m. Friday two of my largest magazines came1off the press - with the editors page in the wrong magazines. I somehow felt the Maltese people would not appreciate a picture of a Rottweiler in the magazine, or vice versa. This would involve disassembling several thousand magazines, reprinting the pages and rebinding the lot. At nine that night Duanes court case was finished. We decided to heck with it, theres nothing we can do till Monday. And we looked forward with pleasure to two dog shows on the weekend.At 600 on Saturday morning - an hour after we should have left - the phone finally rang the girl that helps us out was sick we both could not leave. But we had a bitch entered at the shows and it was a major on the nose. It was decided one would go ahead and one would follow later. I made a 3-hour drive in 127 minutes arriving just in time to be awfully late. The show site was hot and sticky and by the end of the day my clothes were unsuitable for a second days use. I looked forward to Duane arriving with spare clothes, etc. No Duane. I called. There would be no Duane, the girl was still sick. Youll have to buy some clothes, was Duanes solution. I replied, Well, I would, but Im low on cash and I think you have the Ruperts credit card and Duane replied, Thats okay. My wallet, my drivers license, money and my identification are under the front seat of the car you took.And so Hell Week drew to a close. I have never seen such a stupid set of circumstance in my life. I decided to check into the hotel, get the dogs comfy, have a drink and dinner and call it a day. Or week. But the hotels dining room and lounge were closed for repairs there was no place reasonably close and I never leave dogs unattended at a hotel. With a sigh of resignation I ordered a pizza and the dogs and I sat on the bed to eat and watch TV. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE was on, the scarey movie chronicling several days in the lives of two sisters which culminates in one of them dancing wackily and the other expiring on the beach. And I thought to myself, well, here I am with two Poms and a pizza, and were comfortable and secure, so things arent all that bad. But just look at these two ladies - now THEYRE having a bad weekSay welcome to .becauseonly the best is good enough for the Pom.See you in July JMcG7The wonder of 9iWHITE STUD SERVICE AVAILABLE FROMSUNRAY EMCEE CAMELOT ATKINS LINESNABOB WINTER WIZARDNABOB GOLDEN GALAHADNABOBSCHAMPAGNE ON ICE 250.00HNABOBS HERE COMES THE BRIDESire Ch. Nabobs Talk Of The Town Dam Nabobs Winter White Windsong OFFERED FOR SALE FOR 1200.00 AT FOUR MONTHS OF AGE.ALSO AVAILABLE CREAMS and BLACK TANS OUT OF THESE BREEDINGS.NABOBS WEE WINTER WONDERSire Ch. Nabobs Talk Of The Town Dam Nabobs Snow Patty Of Camelot OFFERED FOR SALE FOR 900.00 AT 4 MONTHS OF AGE.Now in the Northwest...MY WHITE BREEDING PHILOSOPHYFor the last 10 years I have been breeding white. Using the theories of genetic recessive color breeding, Ive been slowly capturing the white genes from the SUNRAY, EMCEE, and CAMELOT lines. Ive bred the white ATKINS and BROOK- ER line in to solidify the color. Ive reached a potential for mostly whites of superior quality this year.My whites are short bear-faced, heavy boned, double coated, cobby, well moving animals of show and breeding quality. I have not bred white to white to white. I have bred to excellent Champions who either were white or black, or carried a white gene, to accomplish this.For Whites, CallNABOB POMERANIANS409 N. Lincoln Condon, OR 97823-01811-503-384-5177Pictures and Pedigrees AvailableTHANK YOUS...To Randy Blackburn for the use of CH. NABOBS TALK OF THE TOWN for my white breeding programTo Horst Graf for Vz brothers out of CH. STARLITES LEGACY CHOCOBEAR to solidify my black breeding program.KUDOS...To Horst Graf on his homebred Champion black, CH.GRAFENHORST GUCCI.9PUNCH JUDYPastel Portrait By Patricia Baehr1-503-384-4203Judy bred to Vi brother to Wizard due in July.Both Poms are whiteWizardis pictured on the back cover of the September 1990 POM READER.The Pom Reader June 1991Whats COOKIN OlgaIN THE SOUTH AND ROUNDABOUTS BakerISNT IT FUN TO HAVE A COLUMN IN THE POM READER especially for the Houston folksIts been a while, so long overdue. These columns will not necessarily be those who won...who lost columns, but rather...SOME FUN things typical of that wonderful POM READER magazine.If youve suggestions, please feel free to yell at me.. .Olga Baker, 207 Shirleen Drive, Seabrook, Texas 77586...and Ill linclude your ideas in future columns As many of you know, I write the POMERANIAN COLUMN for the AKC GAZETTE - but that one must be a little more formal must conform a bit to standards but for THE POM READER, lets enjoy them a little more A little frivolity never hurt any one... and is usually appreciated by the publishers of the Pom Reader, Duane Doll Joe McGinnis.Last week we had an infrequent visit from our adorable single Yuppie daughter, Toni, accompanied by a perfectly wonderful big giant Greyhound named Rosalie gross name. Toni is our single child, a professional person Pharmacist who manages a large pharmacy-store, and an avid lover of dogs, cats.. .anything. Toni had agreed in her typical benevolent fashion to babysit with the greyhound for a week or so while her owner also her Professor had a vacation in Las Vegas. Toni had made the recommendation that her Professor get this doggie instead of an SPCA or Humane Society Dog, as she had heard wonderful thingsabout those Racing Greyhounds that were put out to pasture by the racing people...sometimes put to death at the end of their careers. Well.. .it worked, and the gentleman bought lovely brindle Rosalie. Paid for having her spayed and immunized...120.00 and is loving having her with him now. Only negatives were 1 Rosalie had not bonded with her new owner - seemed distant and detached - loved EVERYONE equally which of course rel- fects her history, and is not uncommon 2 would not come instantly when she was called - again, a rather common thing, considering her history.Positives were 1 Rosalie was 100-percent housebroken 2 clean and quiet 3 did not object to being crated at times 4 ate beautifully, anything, and 5 loved everyone with whom she had contact - owners, visitors, etc.Not a bad track record, huhDarrell and I thoroughly enjoyed having Rosalie here for a brief visit. We cut her toenails, enjoyed her bouncing smack into the middle of our big King-sized bed to go to sleep, and got quite attached to her during her visit. Rosalie was curious about our two kitties but not at all aggressive. Rosalie examined and talked to Champions Prince Charming and Jeribeth Sir Lancelot, showing absolutely NO assertiveness. Turned and walked away We were enjoying her thoroughly, and I decided a photograph of a tiny CREAM FEMALE POMERANIAN PUPPY ABOUT 10 WEEKS OLD, snuggling up with thisgiant big racing greyhound lovely conformation by the way...would be a delightful picture to use in the future. This tiny little fuzzy cream almost white Pomeranian baby is a precocious child anyway as she is an only child and afraid of absolutely NOTHING My idea was to bring the baby into the living room to introduce her to this big silly greyhound and hopefully snap picturesAt this point, my Darrell suggested sensibly that perhaps I was being a little bit trusting...that tiny pom-puppy cream, almost white in color MIGHT JUST POSSIBLY CLOSELY RESEMBLE A BABY BUNNY, right All you racing enthusiasts touts will quickly realize that racing greyhounds are trained to run 900 miles per hour trying to CATCH and KILL a bunny rabbit, right OH MY GODI changed my mind.. .Rosalie never met the tiny Pom puppy and will NEVER meet herCan you imagine what the outcome might have been of that incident Boy, what a column THAT would have been...Till next time, SMILE A LOT, AND MEAN ITOlga Baker207Shirleen Drive, Seabrook TX 77586VAThe Pom Reader June 19919A WINNING COMBINATION...Golden Aires La Cherie Pomeraniansare so pleased^smat.v" i.B'I JXw\mvGOLDEN AIRES SHADOW DANCER LA CHERIES OREO DOUBLE FUDGEOwner-Handled by Sharon Masnick Owner-Handled by Ed MartinJudge Mr. Richard KoesterSIRE La Cheries Oreo Double Fudge DAM Golden Aires Lady KayeThe happy couple is the proud parents of GOLDEN AIRES SHADOW DANCER SAYDE shown going BOS to her sires BOB at Piedmont Kennel Club. Sayde now has 3 points to her credit from the puppy class.GOLDEN AIRES MIDNIGHT SPECIAL, Saydes littermate brother, is coating up and getting ready to take the world by storm.THE FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT IN SOUTH CAROLINA...GOLDEN AIRESSharon Masnick HCR 65 Box 745 Huger, SC 29450 803-928-3511LA CHERIEDorothy Martin 5354 Bluebird Lane York, SC 29745 803-831-8086The Pom Reader June 199110SPECIAL ADDITIONPresently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the Breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIAL ADDITION.SPECIAL ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsBreed Points not to be confused with AKC championship points are alloted to individuals according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and Fields Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point credit. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsTop 20 Poms January- April 1991 AKC GazetteBEST IN SHOW All Breeds..................... 500BEST IN SHOW Specialty........................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty...75TOY GROUP FIRST....................................250TOY GROUP SECOND.............................. 150TOY GROUP THIRD....................................75TOY GROUP FOURTH................................25BEST OF BREED...........................................10Statistician Susan Wade. Tie placements are alphabetical and marked with an asterisk. BISS is for Independent Specialties only. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Poms, as per the JANUARY- MARCH 1991 AKC Gazette.POINTS NAMEBISA BISS BOSSI H Ill IV BOB3040 CH. JAMOLS CLASSIC HI-TIME D............................B. Pauli, Owner- - 7 6 4 - 91475CH.HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH D......................J. Hurley, Owner- " 1 7 1 101245CH. PIXIES BUTTONS-N-BOWS B..............................C. Galavich, Owner-4 1 1" 21235 CH. JANES WEE PRINCE OJEREBETH D...............G. J. Reed, Owners- - - 1 6 1- 11220 CH. TOMHO CHAMPAGNE WISHES D......................R. Koeppel, Owner 2 32 2 71195 CH. JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT D...............................BaumgartnerContinoBaker, Owners" "1 5 14 2990 CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY D.......................H. Sklar, Owner- 1 13 "4850 CH. SOUTHLANDS MR. VIP OIDA D........................JacksonTaylor, Owners- - 1 3 2 10755CH. TIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTS D...........................S. P. Conlee, Owners2 1 1 3650 CH. PHYNER GOLD JACKPOT D.................................TraunerMoreno, Owners- - 2 1 - 645CH.WEE HEARTS THATS NUFF D...........................C. E. Evans, Owners-1 2 12615 CH. SOUTHLANDS MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE D....C. Creed, Owner- - 1 1 2 1 4540 CH. SHADOMOUNTIN ONE MAN SHOW D...............BucherSnyder, Owners" 1 1 1 1 4530 CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR D................F. Stoll, Owner" - - 1 1 1 1 3410 CH. BI-MAR SHO-GUN OF JERBOS D.......................J. D. Owens, Owners- 1 1 - 1410 MERRYMONT SATRDAY NITE LIVE D...........P. Griffin, Owner-- 11 " 1295CH. BRITESTARS BINGO BONANZA D.....................M. Porter, Owner- - 1 " 1 12280 CH. GREAT ELMS POPE GREGORY D.......................R. Beam, Owner- 1 - - 3270 CH.DEL SOLS MIGHTY MURPHY D.........................S. L. Levin, Owners" 1-" - - 2270 JAN LES LASTING IMPRESSION D...................HansenLehtinen, Owners- - " 1 - - "2270 STAR HAVENS ROCK N JAMES BROWN D. J. Young, Owner1 2The Pom Reader June 199111Jeribeths Prince Put-Up PatSi^7FT. WORTH KENNEL CLUB Sjf ----------------- jmm mV- 3GROUPFOURTHKOHLERJS'...Special thanks to judge Mrs. Vera Halpin Bistrim for our Best of Breed win over Specials for a 4 point major. Also to judge Mr. Frank G. Nishimura pictured for Toy Group IV.SPECIAL HUGS TO DARRELL OLGA BAKEROwnersCarrie Cochran Olga Baker Rt. 4 Box 1725 Porter, TX 77365 713-354-2609Ch. Apples Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwoods Image of DiamondCedarwoods Pitti Patti SIRE Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming IICedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms DollyCh. Pomirish Christopher Robin Ch. Pomirish Robins Top ShelfCh. Creider Woodrose Bitta ClassDAM Prestigious Top TrickHandled Exclusively By MOMCarol CochranEdgewaters Raunchy Boy Prestigious Tricky Trixie Edgewaters PrancerThe Pom Reader June 199112JUNE 1991V FVHow much is that sticker in the window Courtesy Jerry Reed, DeSoto, TexasiHey You up thereI said I want a treat Courtesy Debbie Hall Union Beach, New JerseyStop fooling and and get the blow dryerCourtesy Debbie Hall, Union Beach, New JerseySUBMIT YOUR CUTE PHOTO FOR OUR POPULAR PLAYMATES DEPARTMENT Any clear photo will do color, black white, Polaroid, regular film. Mail to PR PLAYMATES, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604.The Pom Reader June 1991 ijSr,, pm " - - - "Were not eating your shoelaces - were guarding your shoesCourtesy Nan Shartel, Condon, Oregon13Ai-Cees PcmeidiriarsTfi _j.JTi' BEST OF BREED or VARIETY APRIL 1991 PHOTO BY fata JCH. DESIREES ECHO BROOKE AR-BEES POMERANIANS would like to present our first champion, Ch. Desirees Echo Brooke, also known as Rusty.He is sired by Ch. Models Tim- stoppers Echo and his dam is Desirees Rippling Brooke. His breeder is Desaree Sandifer.Pictured here with judge Mr. William Bergum taking Best of Breed, over three Specials, Rusty finished in four weeks going Best of Breed and on to Group 2nd at his last show, under judge Mr. Frank E. Oberstar. The following week as aSpecial, he went Group I under judge Mrs. Betty J. Munden. Our thanks to these, and all judges, who recognized Rustys attributes.We would also like to thank Wade Burns for the outstanding handling of our special dog.A very special thanks to Desaree Sandifer for allowing us to have Rusty.And further thanks to our special friends for all their help and encouragement Patty Griffin, Ken Griffith, and Dot Ed Martin.Rusty is available at Stud to apRUSTYprovedbitches Stud Fee 200.00. For more information, contactAr-BeesPomeraniansRodger Beaty 1293 Rockwood Road Charlotte, NC 28215 Tel 704-598-6073Puppies OccasionallyThe Pom Reader June 199114f.V.Your Hookup To Canine HealthThomas K. Graves, DVMHEARTWORM DISEASEYesterday, while mowing my friend Pattys lawn, I contemplated ideas for articles. I have already written about heat stroke from which Patty and I were both suffering so that was out of the question...The dogs were lined up in the shade along the edge of the porch that overlooks the massive acre of lawn, and they were quite cool and content to watch their mother and I toil in the hot sun. My mower coughed and sputtered as I slashed my way through a clump of solanum dul- camera. Theres an idea, I thought. How about poisonous plants I looked around me at the bumper crop of dandelions releasing their flocks of tiny umbrellas with each gust of wind off the lake. I noticed the young pine cones just getting ready to spill their powdery pollen. Most of the blossoms had already fallen from the fruit trees. Allergic skin disease What a good idea for an article. Then it hit me. Or rather, it bit me. With my first mosquito bite of the season came the end to my mental search.Very few of you who read this column are unfamiliar with heartworm. The disease has been recognized for many years and most dog owners are aware of the disease and familiar with testing and prevention methods. However, there are a couple of important new developments to report and some myths to dispel. But first, a brief review of the disease.Heartworm DiseaseHow It HappensHeartworm is the common name for dirofilaria immitis, a worm that actually infects and takes up residence in the heart of the unprotected dog. The adult heart- worm is very large they can be up to a foot long and great numbers of these worms can pack themselves into the chambers of the heart causing devastating disease.Understanding the life cycle of the heartworm and its transmission from dog to dog is the key to understanding testing and prevention methods. The adult heartworm produce tiny, microscopic offspring called microfilaria which circulate in the blood throughout the body of an infected dog. A mosquito, quite innocently The Pom Reader June 1991taking a blood meal from an infected dog, also become infected. The microfilaria then develop into infective third-stage larvae in the salivary glands of the mosquito. When said mosquito bites another dog, the infective larvae are transmitted into the dogs body. The young heart- worms go through the remaining developmental stages within the corrective tissues of the dog and eventually enter the bloodstream and take up residence in the heart and vena cava. When the number of heartworms becomes too great, the dog becomes ill with signs of heart and respiratory disease coughing, weakness, dullness, difficulty breathing, collapse and, if nothing is done to treat the infection, the dog eventually dies.Heartworm disease is a serious problem in many parts of the U.S. and is seen, at least to some degree, in every part of the country. The disease is especially prevalent along the Atlantic Coast and in the South, but there are endemic areas scattered throughout the U.S. In some parts of Minnesota, for instance, the disease is quite common. In endemic areas, nearly half of the dog population is infected with heartworm.Testing and TreatmentFortunately, the disease is easy to prevent by giving microfilariacidal drugs. These drugs are relatively inexpensive and almost never produce unwanted side effects. Before heartworm preventatives are given, however, a blood test must be performed to make sure the patient does not have the disease. If given to a dog with heartworm disease, the preventative drugs will casuse circulatory problems, anaphylaxis, and even death to the patient. If a blood test indicates that the dog indeed has heartworm disease the test actually looks for the presence of microfilaria in the blood, other drugs must be given to kill the adult worms. The treatment for heartworm disease is very taxing on the dog. In fact, it usuallymakes the patient very sick. Some dogs have died during treatment. As you can see, prevention is very important.PreventionDiethylcarbamazine.There are basically three drugs available for use as heartworm preventatives. The first, and oldest, is diethylcarbamazine. This drugs come in many different formulations some are pills, others for example, Filaribits are chewable treats. The drugs is relatively inexpensive and must be given once a day throughout the mosquito season.IvermectinA few years ago, dog owners everywhere cheered the introduction of a heartworm preventative that only had to be given once a month. The drug is marketed as Heartgard-30 , and the active ingredient is ivermectin. Heartgard-30 comes in a nice little package of six pills along with a set of little heart-shaped stickers to place on the kitchen calendar so that you always remember when its time for the monthly dose. For a dog under 25 pounds, the cost of a six-month supply would be about 15 maybe a little less. That sounds expensive for just six little pills, but most people think its well worth the cost.In order to save money, people with large numbers of dogs breeders, for example have tried using the formulation of ivermectin which is marketed for use in cattle Ivomec instead of Heartgard-30. In theory, theres no reason why this shouldnt work. Ivomec is not officially approved for use in the dog, and a veterinarian who prescribes it for heartworm prevention could find himself in a legal mess if anything should happen to go wrong. The biggest problem with using Ivomec in dogs is the likelihood of overdosing. Ivermectin is a relatively safe drug. It can be used at recommended doses in pregnant and lactating bitches. It has been shown to15Is this the quality you want inCREAM...Ch. Nabobs Talk of the TownBISS WinnerBOW all shows entered.3Is this the quality you want inWHITE....Pombredens Heavenly Town CrierThis male is the spitting image of Nabob Winter Wizard 4 lbs., ice white, proven stud\ 9Standing at Studfor White, Cream or Golden breedings NABOBS WINTER WIZARD NABOBS GOLDEN GALAHAD NABOBS CHAMPAGNE ON ICENABOB POMERANIANSNAN BOB SHARTEL 409 N. LINCOLN CONDON, OR 97823-0181 1-503-384-5177 STUD FEE 250.00Standing at Stud for Cream or White breedingCH. NABOBS TALK OF THE TOWNPAINTERS POMSRANDY BLACKBURN 537 N. 900 E.LEHI, UT 84043 1-801-768-3019STUD FEE 250.00The Pom Reader June 199116HEARTWORM DISEASE continued... be safe when used in dogs being treated for a multitude of other diseases. But if overdosed, the drug can cause toxicity. The dose of ivermectin in the Heartgard-30 tablet prescribed for dogs 25 pounds and under is 68mcg that equals 0.068mg. Since Ivomec contains 10mg ivermectin per cc of solution, the dose of Ivomec which would be used for heartworm prevention in a small dog would be 0.0068 mg. If you dilute 1 cc Ivomec with 9cc propylene glycol keeping in mind that propylene glycol can cause side effects of its own you have 1 mg ivermectin per cc of solution. This makes the heartworm preventative dose 0.068 cc. While this volume of solution or at least close enough, can be measured with a tuberculin syringe, I think you can see how easy it would be to make a mistake. I know breeders who routinely give 0.1 cc ivomec each month to their dogs and do not have problems. This dose might beused to treat mange, cheyletiella mites or ear mite infection, but is certainly overkill for monthly heartworm preventative. As far as I am concerned, the monthly use of this dose is unsafe.Milbemycin OximeRecently Ciba-Geigy Animal Health introduced a new once-a-month heartworm preventative called Interceptor . The active ingredient in interceptor is milbemycin oxime which is of the same class of drugs as ivermectin. This new drug appears to be very safe and very effective similar to Heartgard-30. However, Interceptor has also been studied and approved for use in hookworm infection. This is a great advantage and is a key element in the drug companys advertising campaign. It is possible if not probable that ivermectin is also effective against hookworms in dogs it probably works against roundworms too. we certainly make use of ivermectin for treating many differentspecies of parasites in horses and cattle. I wouldnt be a bit surprised to see the makers of Heartgard-30 working to get their product approved for use in treating parasites other than heartworm. Well see what happens.A Popular MythFinally, id like to address a myth that seems to be prevalent among breeders of heavily-coated breeds i.e. Poms. Some people think that since these dogs have such heavy coats it is impossible for a mosquito to bite and that heartworm, therefore, is not a potential problem. This is simply not true.I have known of a number of Poms with heart- worm. Two of them, in fact, were show dogs one a bitch and the other a magnificent male special. Coat or no coat, you cant afford to ignore heartworm.So long for now. Remember to keep those Poms cool this summer.Tom Graves, DVMPom Escapades By Susan Johnson WHEN THE CATS AWAY\ \ \ i \ \ \i ivavV '. \X 'fhv v- 'iV'O -O rrl4rt1v__^\ \'i \\\f \ , ,v \V \I V"^ i 'KOh good - shes home Shell be happy when she sees that getting you for my companion was one of the smartest things she ever didThe Pom Reader June 1991STARFIRES POMS Presents STARFIRES SKYROCKET5sak-jpjivamw BEST OF BREED or VARIETYGREATER MIAMI DOG CLUB APRIL 1991PHOTO BY tyiajka"iT.AmShow with judge Mrs. Glenda Dawkins taking Best of Breed en route to Group IV at only 8 months of age.STARFIRES POMSTony Cabrera 275 SW 72nd Avenue Miami, FL 33144 305 266-7471 The Pom Reader JI18Specialty Scenes by Sally BangnietWhat a wonderul A.P. C. Summer Specialty in Oklahoma The Sooner Pomeranian Club has always put on a quality event. I remember going to one of their B Matches during their quest for a point show. Their BiM trophy was a little pocket Sony Watchman T.V.. I won that T.V. Its protective case is one of Dicks old holey socks. It works great when traveling...The Sooner Pom Club hosted an American Pomeranian Club Judges Study Group on May 23rd. This was open to not only judges, but any breeder or exhibitor who wanted to learn more about the Pomeranian Standard and what the judges were learning about the Pom. The group was led by me, Sally Baugniet. Three other Pom judges helped with the discussions. I thank Garland Baker, A1 Williamson, and Darrell Baker for helping. We received a very positive feedback from the participants. So much so, that I am planning on doing the same thing next year in Washington State for the 1992 A.P.C. Summer Specialty, if both A.P.C. and the host club approve. The Sooner Pom Club had a wonderful Hospitality Room for everyone, delicious snacks, soft drinks and bubblies.Friday, May 24th, was the big day Not only was it the day of the Specialty, but it was my birthday. There was a beautiful cymbidium orchid corsage waiting for me when I checked into the motel on Thursday. The card said something like, For your 39th Birthday, just like Jack Benny, Love, Dick. Wasnt that sweet 39 Im not afraid to tell, but dont tell anyone else. Whisper - It was really 59. SSHHHH Now, find another lady that truthful.Sweeps judging started at 1200 noon, with Prince Charmings owner Olga Baker judging 41 Sweepstakes entries. The 6-9 month puppy class had an entry of 11 with one absent. The winner of that class was Jan-Les Touch of Fascination, bred and owned by Jane Lehtinen. He was a very outstanding cream puppy, who showed his little heart out. He wasalso Best in Sweeps.Of the 11 1 absent 9-12 puppy dogs the winner was Allayns The Entertainer owned by Mary Allan. There were some excellent puppy dogs shown.In the 6-9 month puppy bitch Sweeps, 11 were entered with 2 absent. Estelle McDonald had a gorgeous cobby little gal. Macs Morning Star was the winner of this class.The 9-12 month class had 8 entered. All were shown. Aldens Ks Country Chrisma owned by Karen Ludke, a very nice puppy, won this class and went on to win Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweeps.The regular classes were judged by Roger S. Pritchard of Shawnee, Oklahoma.Puppy Dogs 6-9 months first place winner was DeArta Tuf Cricket of Santer. A beautiful cream, he is owned by Sandy Pritchard M. Deane Rinehart. There were 11 entered and shown in this class.Puppy Dogs 9-12 month winner was Aldens Hard Headed Harry owned by Alden A. Janet Domrase. He was a nice orange guy. 7 were entered and shown in this class.Bred by Exhibitor class was an entry of 4 with no absentees. The Best in Sweeps winner won first and went on to Reserve Winners Dog. Again, Jan-Les Touch of Fascination owned and exhibited by Jane Lehtinen. I have been told that this nice puppy is now owned by Mary Rinehart. Congratulations, MaryAn Open Black, Brown Blue entry was absent.Winner of the Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream Sable was Primrose City Limits owned by Matt MariaKreisler, who was the eventual Winners Dog. This finished this dog as he was moved up to BOB class the next day. Congratulations, Kreislers There were 15 entered in this class with 1 absentee.Puppy Bitches 6-9 months had 11 entries with 1 absent. Winner of this nice class was Texicans Rainy Day, breeder-owner Ericka Moureau.Puppy Bitches 9-12 months with 8 entered, 3 absent, had Heartlands Fancy Free as its winner. She was a very nice, showey, orange and sable who went WB, BOW, BOB the next day. What a thrill for Dianne Kieffer at Seminole KCThere were 2 Bred-By-Exhibitor entries. Tim Sues Starlight took first place.Open Bitches Black, Brown Blue, 4 entries, 1 absent. Winner was Ballykin Magic Noire, breeder-owned by Renee McGrath DVM. She was a nice, sound moving black, nicely proportioned and a breedable size.Open Bitches Red, Orange, Cream Sable had an entry of 14. 3 were absent. Winning this class made breeder-owner-handler A1 Williamson very happy - I have never seen him with a bigger smile. This was on Cenla Annie Laurie OFriday guess who daddy was. But...this was only the beginning. Catch you in a minute.Open Bitches AOC. The single entry was a beautiful real true as true as I have seen in a long while wolf- sable bitch. Very nice but not really excited about being in the ring. Mercers Sassette bred, owned and shown by Dan Mercer. Dont give up, DanAls bitch went WB. Reserve Winners Bitch went to the second in Open ROCS, Fame Gold And Glitter, aThe Pom Reader June 1991 Continued'1990National Specialty BISGroup WinnerCH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE CH. BEV-NORS TOASTMASTER BEV-NORS MISSY MISS Sire CH. BEV-NOR N SOUTHLAND RAMBO CH. GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPER TOO BEV-NORS DESAREE SANDEES BABY LOVCH. JAN-SHARS AN AMERICAN TAILMAY MORNING SOCIAL LION CH. THELDUNS ALMOND FUDGECH. DUNNS LITTLE TINA PRESHUSDam JAN-SHARS MAGONS TOP NOTCH EMCEES LUCKY GEM WHITE HAVENS PEACHES N CREAM WHITEHEADS LIL BIT OSHADOWFIEVELis a dependable stud producing beautiful, sound pups. Inquiries Invited.Dars Foxridge KennelsRosemary Deena Regoni 385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322 803 472-3002f.-jiIm.ssW The Pom Reader June 199120SPECIALTY SCENES continued...nice cobby orange that did, indeed, carry her head proudly and high. She is owned by Brenda Segelken Geneva Pennock.There was one Veteran Bitch, a pretty little gal, Ch. Carousels Miss Bo Jangles, owned by Linda Gustafson. She was accorded the applause this veteran so richly deserved.Best of Breed had an entry of 16 11D, 5B [2 ab.] and Veteran Bitch, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch, of course. There were some beautiful specials competing for Best of Breed.The stunned but very deserving owner A1 Williamson was elated when BEST OF BREED and BEST OF WINNERS was awarded to his Winners Bitch, Cenlas Laurie Annie OFriday. As the saying goes, you could have knocked him over with a feather. This little showy girl really finished in a blaze of glory. Congratulations, AlAfter judging, many things were raffled dog food, T-shirts, grooming aprons, other grooming products and doggy products, a dog kennel, grooming table and blanket. Each person received a little hand-made tote bag with lots of miscellaneous things in it.That evening we were treated to local Indian-type food and various singing and dancing entertainment by one of the Indian tribes in full ritual dress. The next day, after early Pom judging, those of us who signed up, went to Remington Park to watch, yes, and BET at the Quarter Horse races. What an experience for me, who has only bought one lottery ticket ever, and never gone to the Greyhound races that have been allowed in our state for a year Horse race betting is now allowed and this was a first for me. We had an all-afternoon buffet, including a delicious array of desserts. Just what we need, rightA good time was had by all.I, personally, would like to thank Ray Brenda Hudson and the entire Sooner Pomeranian Club for the time and energy devoted to put onThe Pom Reader June 1991this 1991 A.P.C. Summer Specialty.This was the best Birthday Party I ever remember having. Wonderful Thanks guys. Those of you who didnt come, really missed it. Watch for the Sooner Clubs first point show this fallThe Skin Condition Seminar Committee submitted a report on the presentation in New York in February. It follows. Until next month, best of luck to allSally Baugniet411 S. State Street, Mishicot, WI 54228SKIN CONDITIONS SEMINARFEBRUARY 9, 1991, NEW YORK CITYA dedicated and interested group of over 40 attendees gathered on February 9, 1991, at the Loews Summit Hotel in New York City to listen to information on skin conditions of the Pomeranian. Guest speaker was Clint Lothrop, DVM, Associate Professor with the Department of Environmental Practice at the University of Tennessee. He gave a 3-hour presentation which covered the various types of possible skin conditions that occur in canines. The last session of his presentation and slide show dealt specifically with adult onset growth hormone responsive alopecia as it occurs in the Pomeranian. He showed before slides of what is commonly seen in severe cases of the skin condition, and after slides of dogs that were re-coted. He left everyone with much information to assimilate and discuss and decide how we as breeders and members of the parent club wish to proceed. Clint Lothrop suggested that formulating a protocol for specific tests to be performed by veterinarians might be the first place to start. The results of these tests could then be sent to him for his research. He also needs pedigree information for genetic research.The afternoon session was a question-and-answer session with the following panel Sue Goddard, Chris Heartz, Olga Baker, with Janice Luginsland as Moderator. The honesty and integrity of the breeders on the panel is to be commended. Many of the various treatments, home-made and otherwise,were openly discussed.The new APC President, Mary Vickers, has a serious and dedicated in anomalies s pecific to the Pomeranian as well as does the Board. The task now lies with the Board and General Membership to carry this project forward.Special thanks needs to be given to the committee Sue Goddard, Chris Heartz, Dana Plonkey and Janice Luginsland. Mary Vickers headed up the video production and distribution. Chris Heartz generously donated her lovely artwork for the cover of the packet which unfortunately did not carry her name. Bonnie Stetson and Executive Services of Akron, Ohio, were responsible for securing a donor for the printing, etc., of the packet saving APC several hundred dollars.Printed packets...are still available at 10 each by sending check made out to APC to Janice Luginsland, Rt. 1 Box 97, Ameri- cus, KS 66835. 316 443-5157.Videos...are also available at 20 each by sending check made out to APC to Mary Vickers, 2818 Jefferson Drive, Alexandria, VA 22303.Courtesy of Seminar Committee21oEe and Ed went to Mississippi...4BEST OF WINNERSmeV.SsSPRING 1991 GPH0T 'V SOSAammand came back BEST OF WINNERSThank you judge Dr. David Green Doane.LA CHERIES OREO DOUBLE FUDGECh. La Charies Hot Fudge Ripple x Desirees Mega FudgeDOROTHY F. MARTIN 5354 Bluebird Lane York, SC 29745 803-831-8086FOR SALE Orange Sable female, 8 wks. Small. La Cheries Oreo Double Fudge x La Cheries Sassy Rascal. Rascal is dam of Gropu I twinner Am. Can. Ch. La Cheries Little Sir Echo.MASONS POM HEAVENr iVQUALITYPUPS AND YOUNG ADULTS FROM MILLAMOR, LLL, EMCEES, GREAT ELMS, LUELLS BONNERS CRESCENDO.Betty Jo Mason590 E. Orange Avenue, Perris, CA 92370 714 657-8166SomraruasiBreeders of fine Poms since 19574345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner9Puppy sired by Great Elms Tiny Tim x Belinda of LenettePUPPIES ARE GENERALLY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE PRICES. Pets priced from 250.00, show and breeding stock priced from 500.00. Please ask for a free copy of our price list.WE SPECIALIZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINE. We do have some Aristic-Bonner and Chesai.SATISFACTION IS ALWAYS GUARANTEED AT LENETTE. Wegive a written guarantee with every Pom sold.The Pom Reader June 199122By Pam WestHi Pom Fans Our Pet Page is booming with interesting pet photos and comments. Remember this is your chance to see your pet in The Pom Reader - keep those photos coming inPhyllis Mann says her little PRINCE is an energetic, adorable little guy.Send your photos to MY PET, C0 PAM WEST, 3521 Buckner- Tarsney Road, Grain Valley, MO 64029. Please put name and address on each photo. Photos published as space permits.\ -I 13CAESAR, whom at age 18 months, completed his C.D. and is currently getting polished up to start on his C.D.X...-_______CAESAR - in photos above and left, goes through his paces with precision and pride. Talk about brains, beauty and personality What a joy he is tous Jackie Chuck Inzrillo, owners.The Pom Reader June 199123 ST ARLITE POMERANIANSGAYLE TOM GRIFFIN 3074 LANCASTER DR. NE 253 SALEM, OREGON 97305CHAMPION STARLITE LEGACY CHOCO BEARCHOCO SENDS A KISS TO ALL HIS FANS WHO ARE LOVING HIS KIDSCHOCO BEAR PUPPIES FOR SALE.ChesaiPomeranians4Robert Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260 512 438-2667FOR SALE Show Quality Black Tan Male1 year old on June 15. Great legsmovement, attittude, coloring. Orange sable. Dams pedigree contains Ch. Great Elms Timstop- pers Image 8 times in 5 generations. Brown sires pedigree contains BIS Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash 6 times. This is a very pleasant boy to live with who is available to a loving show home.VICTORIA LOVELY, 12022 30th Street E., Puyallup, WA 98372. 206 863-8608.uTD5Show Pet Puppies erry stud ServiceomeraniansryCna HI. OSerry318-582-6690'P.O. Box 907 203 Larry St. Iowa, LA 70647RHEA-NA POMS Due early JulyCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge daughter, BT, Ch. Prod., x Ch. Bev-Nors StatesmanCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge daughter, Show prod., x Red Double FudgesonCh. Bev-Nors Statesman daughter, Ch. Prod., x Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman. Look for RHEA-NA S BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY, Cruise, with Jackie Rayner. STEVE BARBARA NAGY, Rt 2 Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Tel 703-869-3749.Apottaette ftrhumninn tnrl SprvicpChampion Stud Service Quality PuppiesMarlene Marlin Presser 21789 E. Hwy 4209 886-5640 Stockton, CA 95215Kilei Pomeraniansproudly presents a litter due 4-12 from Riders Sungold Jim Gemx Painters Modern Classic.This litter is linebred on Sunray and Emcee and we expect show quality puppies. Call and reserved your puppy today.Kelly Reimschiisel, 667 NOrth 550 East, American Fork, UT 84003. 801 756-2092.MANOR HILL POMSSilver Meadows Skip OScooterPointed Son ofCh. Silver Meadows Scooter Star Puppies Expected Helen Conrad1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 Tel 813-475-17247 AmRC PedigreesPomeranian pedigrees researched in any length. Monthly breeder specials. Beautiful originals with Champions in red. Colors free on all generations. 3-generations 8 4-generations 10 5-generations 15 6-generations 25 7-generations 35. THIS MONTHS WINNERS The winner of the 4-generation pedigree in the RGSPom Reader drawing was JANE JOHNSTON, page 21, May PR. Winning the 6-generation pedigree was CASSANDRA EVANS, pages 1 2 of the May issue. Prize certificates are in the mail - congratulationsRGS Pedigrees 2153 Cypress Landing Drive 904-247-5384 or 904-720-POMS Atlantic Beach, FL 32233The Pom Reader June 1991AIRLINE TRAGEDIESAnd Collecting Your ClaimPart I of II by Candace McCallIn the early 1970s, I lost Major, a magnificent specimen and a dear friend. I remember virtually everything about him his gorgeous deep red color, even the expressions he would get on his face. But most of all, I remember Major when he chose to keep me company in my kitchen, lying luxuriously on the floor with those liquid eyes watching me. Once in a rare while you have a special kinship with a dog. He was one such.I shipped Major to Florida. He felt so good that morning, and traveling did not seem to bother him. He took off for the blue skies and his life was over. He had been put into a plane that did not pressurize the compartment he was in. That was it for him, but my grief went on. To make matters worse, the airlines gave me a bad time. We won out, but it took a lawyer and it was an awful experience.Times change. I am a lawyer now, and I dont ship dogs. I dont participate in breeding or shows much, but I do try to keep up with the fancy and my friends. Therefore I was saddened when Frank Tingley called. Another beloved dog, another tragedy, this time Franks prized champion bitch. Fm sorry, Frank and Ruth.I want to share with you what I know about dealing with public carriers. Bear in mind that this is not intended as a substitute for individualized legal advice. This is more what to do whenever you ship an animal, the reasons why, and how to protect your claim should you suffer a loss.First, understand that there are two and sometimes three sets of laws that will affect you federal law, state law and possibly arbitration law. State laws vary, so I am being very general here. My purpose is to tell you not what your states laws are, but what you can do so that the law that applies to you, whatever it is going to be, will work in your favor.Second, a word about your pain. Feelings can set you reeling. Before you blow up in frustration and grief, think deeply about what you are trying to accomplish when you file a claim with an airline. You may get hot when dealing with the people who caused you this loss. Ask yourself what purpose blasting an airline employee will serve. It will NOT make The Pom Reader June 1991you feel better. When you lose control of your feelings it will be when talking to the guy who found your dog hes not at fault - he knows its the airlines fault and truthfully came to your aid, or the woman in the claims department who has the power to direct your check to be mailed today. And dont get mad at the airline as an entity, either. It is not a person and does not exist except for business purposes. You might as well be mad at the clouds. I know how it feels I desperately wanted to make the airline not make any more mistakes, and also I wanted them to reimburse me for my financial loss. I promise, angry exchanges about your claim will not reform the airline industry. To reform, you must deal at a deeper level with those who have the power to change things from the inside out. This is only at the highest level of management. You will not find this person at the shipping desk or answering the phone in the claims department. It was hard for me, and it will be hard for you, too. Take charge of yourself. Put the energy to work in other ways.The Shipping Papers.These vary slightly from airline to airline. The purpose of these shipping papers also called a contract or agreement in this article is to represent the contract between them, the carrier, and you, the customer. Your champion may even be called goods or equipment in small print. Its not meant to be an affront or an inaccuracy. The word goods was chosen to cover as many things as possible so that it would be clear that the agreement you sign covers whatever it is being shipped, be it Pomeranian or pine oil.First, it is important to READ WHATEVER YOU SIGN. Your responseis, after a silent mental groan, tell me something I dont already know, right I am telling you this because everyone has a favorite excuse for not doing it. Most people dont feel comfortable doing this and as a result dont do it. Im sure weve all thought or heard the biggies 1 I have to agree to whatever is there anyway, so it really isnt so important, or 2 its too hard, or 3 I read one once but I dont know what Im supposed to look for or do about it, or 4 all shipping contracts are the same, or 5 there isnt time, and everybody gets so impatient. I hope by the end of this article you will be so convinced of the importance of reading your contract that you will never think this way again.Reading shipping papers can be slow going at first but requires no magic mental transformation based on voodoo or worse, legalese. Carriers learned long ago that as makers of the contract, any misunderstanding between you and them will most likely be decided in your favor if it is the languages fault and it goes to court. Result understandable English is now the rule. Dont let fine print scare you you can puzzle much of this out by careful reading. Common sense meaning is what it means, and after a couple of times you will be reading them much better without the anxiety attacks or magnifying glasses. And you will have little to do once youve read it, except perhaps something critical, like buying insurance because you are not covered.Second, always fill out the forms completely. Leave nothing to the imagination or the pen of another person after the fact. Of critical importance is the declared value. ALWAYS put a declared value on the papers. Some carrier contracts state sometimes in tiny print on the back that a carrier will onlyContinuedAIRLINES for things of ordinary value. What that means, in extremely broad language, is that if it is a 5,000.00 antique breakable lamp, they want to know about it. They are entitled to know what they are dealing with so they can take proper care when handling other peoples property. Tell them. SOME contracts state does yours that the carrier is not responsible for extraordinarily valuable items if you DONT disclose the value, and that if you do not you will only get ordinary value. So, if you do not tell them it is a 5,000.00 antique lamp, you technically may get the replacement value of what it costs to buy a replacement lamp at K-MartHere is another twist if the item is of more than ordinary value, the contract papers may require that you purchase special insurance or pay more if you want more than ordinary value. So when you put in the value of your champion, it may not have any relevance at all because you did not also enquire about extra required insurance. These are two great examples of how important it is to read the contract. There is no other way to tell if you are making sure your dog is covered. Do it. If you are not sure if you need extra insurance, ask. More about spoken words later. Failing to put down value can be impossible to remedy and even if you can, it will be expensive and extremely difficult. And a small possibility when they see how valuable your dog really is, they just might make different arrangements about where they will keep him and how they will handle him.Declared ValueYou are probably wondering just how much declared value to put down. A rule of thumb is to put in the replacement value - not future or past worth, but the value today. For those in your breeding program you would never dream of selling, being shipped say for a stud service or a show circuit, this idea may help If you had to sell on shipping day, try your best to calculate what someone else, not you, would pay to buy your dog. Your personal feelings about your prized dog might interfere with what you would pay for your own dog if someone else tried to sell it to you. Be fair, and be fair to yourself also and dont underestimate either. You may have to substantiate it later. If the value is grosslyoverstated, it may cost you more eventually because you may be challenged to prove it by the airline. And if the airline feels the amount is too high, it may insist you buy expensive insurance. You must call your own number on this one. If there is a stud service or other reasonable and relevant costs that you will be out because of the shipping, yes, you include them. Key points to remember GET A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT YOUR CONTRACT SAYS. Do you need separate insurance A separate agreement READ YOUR CONTRACT. ONLY YOUR CONTRACT, AND NOT THIS ARTICLE, CAN TELL YOU WHAT YOU MUST DO TO BE FULLY INSURED.Read your Contract.Only your contract, and not this article, can tell you what you must do to be fully insured.Third, the written word usually has more credibility than the spoken word. If an airline employee tells you something and you rely on it, for example here that putting down the value is not important, remember that most contracts say somewhere that you both agree that only what is in writing is binding. If the contract clearly says other than what you were told, if he is wrong, you may be bound to what the contract has in writing. I cant tell you how hard it can be to undo this one. Sometimes under unusual circumstances itcan be undone, but if an employee misrepresented something to you, whether intentional or not, and it involved shipping your dog, it can be the devil to fix. You were asked to sign the contract because the airline intends to rely on it. It represents in writing what you both agreed on. Can you see how hard it will be to prove that it is NOT what was agreed on Therefore if you rely on what someone tells you and the contract you did not read clearly states otherwise, you are likely to either lose your claim or incur great expense. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO KNOW IF WHAT HE SAYS IS NOT CONTRARY TO THE CONTRACT IF YOU HAVE NOT READ YOUR CONTRACTFourth, remember that this article is general and many other circumstances and clauses can come up. Read, ask and understand.Filing a Claim.It cannot be overstated DOCUMENT EVERYTHING YOU DO. Get a file folder or an envelope or something where all your papers will be put together. Keep whatever originals you can, and copies of everything else. DO NOT WRITE ON ANY OF THEM. KEEP THEM IN THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION. KEEP A PERFECT, CLEAN COPY OF EXACTLY WHAT YOU GAVE THE CARRIER. Better yet, keep two copies of everything in two different places. Note everything BUT ON SEPARATE PAPER the dates and times, names, and anything important that was said. Often people get burned when they do everything right but forget to document it and the other guy lost it, or never acted on it, or misfiled it. If later it is said that you never did anything in the first place, for example file the claim within 30 days as the contract requires, and therefore you lose, you must show that they and not you are at fault. Send it certified mail, or have someone go with you, get a receipt, a signature, whatever is appropriate. Think Murphys Law if anything can go wrong, it will. Only you can protect yourself.In addition to filing a claim, make for yourself as soon as possible a written account, or even a tape recording of everything you can remember about what happened. Memories can fade over time, and should there ever be a dispute it can be invaluable. Anything that comes to mind should be added over time.DCandace McCall NEXT MONTH PART II Deadlines and Getting Help When You Need It.25The Pom Reader June 199126New ChampionsConfirmed Champions of Record^^M.ay 1991 AKC GazetteCordies Appache Teardrop D, by Cor- dies Black Jacks x Cordies Jaquaita Bea. Breeder Cordie Musgrove. Owner Cheryl Caldwell.De Artas Gold Mist of Kenny D, by Ch. Kenneys Gold Mist Casper x Kenneys Gold Mist Roxanne. Breeder Sallie Sajonce. Owner M. Deane Rinehart Nina K. Epps.Extaces Solid Gold Nuggett D, by Hochs Whimsical Gold Nugget x KCs April Lamore. Breeder Patricia L. Forst. Owner Elsie J. Hull Gary Hull.Pomaunok Earth Angel B, by Ch. Homesteads Spit N Polish x Pomaunok Thank Heaven. Breeder Fran Bos- mann. Owner Fran Bosmann Gloria Setmayer.Prestigious Kitty Hawk B, by Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket x Prestigious Straight Flush. Breeder Sherry D. Steinmetz Earl L. Steinmetz. Owner Janine G. Pannell.Rambos Double Rock Top Mark D, by Ch. Wee Rambo of Coys Top Mark x Rocks Golden Rockette. Breeder Geneva B. Pennock. Owner GevenaB. Pennock Brenda K. Segelken.Rhynstone The Main Event D, by Ch. Rhynstone Dodger of Lenette x Ch. Rhynstone Lady In Red. Breeder- Owner Joyce Urban.Star Havens Rock N James Brown D, by Ch. Stylestepper Mark of Oakridge x Star Havens Cameo Appearance. Breeder-Owner Janice Yong.Stolannes Texas Tumbleweed B, by Ch. Stolannes Stormy Sequel x Texas Fancey Lady. Breeder Thelma Worley. Owner Frances Joanne Stoll.PoET5ScoRNERJUST A PETThree hundred dollars in my purse when we met The breeder had warned me I just get a pet.Hes nice, said the breeder his ears nicely set,big coat, lovely movement too big, just a pet.He wiggled and snuggled whined, fussed, how he fretWas happy to leave her to be just a pet.On a lead at a dog show, a judge that we met,Her eyes quite admiring came to rest on our pet.How old she asked sweetly Six months - not grown yet.We guess hes a big one too big just a pet.Here eyes softly twinkledStopped growing, I bet.My dear, youre mistaken Youve got more than a pet.And now hes a champion with beautiful get But we still love him like he was a pet.Nan Shartel, 1991The Pom Reader June 199127DOSSMARParti-Color pups and breeding stock available. Solids also. Watch for Golden Aires Nick ODossmar at the shows this spring. He is a solid orange son of Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince. At Stud to solids only.Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Road414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040Phillbrooks Fancy PomeraniansShow, breeding and pet Most colors including PartisSusann Stackhouse Box 1070 Rancocas Road Mount Holly, NJ 08060 609 267-4644Behind such well-known bloodlines as Bi-Mar Bonner Cedarwood Creiders D-Nee Great Elms Pombreden Sun-RayCIRCUS CIRCUSFOXWOODWe have litters by Great Elms Joey of Lenette Ch. Queenaire Starburst Ch. Great Elms Models Timstopper Ch. Bi-Mar Shogun of JerbosBarbara Don DeFord Cheri L. Peel206-833-4634 FAX 206-458-3771 206-458-3198DOVER-HOUHOUSE POMSCh. Stud ServiceParti, Chocolate, Black Tan and Black Stud Service Puppies OccasionallyKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski 319 Ardmore Ave., Trenton, NJ 08629 609-695-1642JiolbxrestFOR SALE100 SUNRAY 2 Males, 1 blk., 1 choc.Glenn Bernardo Kelly J. Rogers 2819 Magnolia Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806 213-424-9207 800-888-7646BEV-NOR Poms offersNew litters CH. SIRE CH. DAM. Also, 2 proven linebred young females bred to CH. BEV-NORS STATESMAN, Multi- Group winner, and to CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE, 1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983. Reasonable to right home. BEVERLY NORRIS, 7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. PH 301 255-1343.MNM'S POMERANIANSPortraits of PerfectionFEATURING Linebreeding of distinction Studs of inherent quality Striking show candidates Mary Gene Wells4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621 Tel 714-994-0259.AT STUDCh. Blossom Heights Firecracker Blossom Heights Poms John Arlene Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 407-842-5591John Sharon Masnick HCR Box 745 Huger, South Carolina 29450 803 928-3511ALLAYNSMary Allan Ph 918 485-30102508 E. Tacoma Street OrBroken Arrow, OK 74014 918 355-2531pomsOffers PUPPIES, BROODS STUDS directly from GREAT ELMS KENNELMargaret Samples 5816 Deal Road704 821-7450 Matthews, NC 28105Bi-Mar PomeraniansHome of BIS CH. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Mary A. Rosenbaum 38711 - 200th Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98002 206-833-2160SouthlandPomeraniansRAYS OF SUNSHINE" CHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE PiNEVILLE, LA 71360 PHONE 318 - 466-3456Pom Acres KennelR.R. 4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613319-989-2199JDs Pompous PomsJanet Hovey Dan Farrell RR 3 Box 45A Huntingdon, TN 38344 901 986-0014Qen 3kCheryl A. Jackson Joel M. TayloriS ^Pomeiam'ans1038 16th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603The Pom Reader June 1991Mo QvlctNO THANKS.BY DALE ADAMSConsider this article a Call to Arms for all small-dog exhibitors who are tired of the No Crates At Ringside rule made by some clubs...This rule has always been a problem which has caused great inconvenience at ringside, lower entries for the club in question and in some cases very real physical or emotional damage to the small dogs placed in a situation where they are completely vulnerable. And of course these same clubs always put the Toy ring in between the Rottweilers and the Sight hounds who only have eyes for the toys. For my part the last two show weekends were enough to motivate me to write this article and to try to stimulate some interest in this problem and a solution.Show Number One was held in a Rodeo Arena in what else the livestock bam. It should be noted at this point that the premium list did not state No Crates. My husband and I along with several other Toy people were pulling our dollies through three inches of meadow muffins in a valiant attempt to reach the ring and higher ground. Suddenly we were accosted by a horrible little individual whose manners had obviously taken sick leave and were being filled in for by a classic Napoleon Complex. This was his day. His small badge of Authority covered 80 of his chest and this he thrust forward with pride as he proclaimed that all crates must be kept in the spectator bleachers and that the large very adequate aisleway was for the spectators.I thought, What am I, a hemorrhoid, why do I feel this is ass-backward. Well, you cant argue logic with the terminally illogical so off to the ring we went five dogs, two exhibitors and some pas- The Pom Reader June 1991serby who was commissioned into the dog-holding service. The end result was a perfectly miserable show experience, trying to present a dog in the ring while watching the dogs outside the ring as they were being descended upon by a Mastiff whose mere footsteps measured 1.46 on the Richter scale.The next weekend was a repeat performance except that Napoleon had been replaced by a lovely Southern Lady who tugged on her vowel sounds as if for dear life. I quickly calculated that it would take her 15 minutes to tell me to get the crates out of the building and into the 90 heat and I only had ten minutes to get in the ring so I gave up and left her drawling her way into oblivion with some poor slob she thought was with me.The more I thought about this No Crates rule the more convinced I became that it is a self-defeating, unfair and in 80 of the cases a useless travesty of fairness and safety laws. And further that if everyone sits around complaining to each other about the seriousness of the situation and does nothing then it will NEVER change. I would like to list a few facts to draw from and offer some possible solutions and then I would invite readers to please join in sending additional information or suggestions and lets give it a try.Fact Small dogs pay the same entry fee as larger dogs.Fact The Toy entry at shows takes up less room per entry dollar than any other Variety Group.Fact Typically, small-dog exhibitors show an average of 3 dogs in abreed ring while large dog exhibitors show one.Fact It takes 4 100 crates stacked to cover the area used by one dog 60 lbs. or more.Fact No dog has ever been injured in a crate at ringside.Fact No spectator has ever been bitten by a dog in a crate at ringside even if he fell on it unless he poked his fingers inside the crate - whose fault is thatSolution Since Toy rings can be smaller, use the extra space paid for by the Toy breeds for a roped or fenced off Safe area for the Toy Breeds. Solution Place the small-dog rings near an exit where dead area can be utilized for a Safe Area.Solution Designate an area at ringside with a Leave right after exhibiting rule and limit the crate size.I truly feel this is a huge problem in our sport right now and it doesnt appear to be getting any better. I invite input from our readers send your ideas for ways by which we can solve this problem without added trouble for show-giving clubs or ruffled feathers of all involved. If the Toy people will band together, we may be able to get something done.Dale Adams8357 Damascus Drive Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 407-622-3709Familiar to many Pom fanciers, Dale Adams is a dyed-in-the-wool dog fancier and a highly-respected member of our sport. Write to her at the above. JMcG29RGS Pomeranians a fjHfeC ^2153 Cypressland Drive Q Atlantic Beach, FL 32233904-247-5384 or 720-POMSRGS KodysAtttempt Finale12 weeksBred for quality not quantityRGS Frisky Moriah Maxmillana12 weeksShow Rebate, Lifetime Heredity Guarantee, Medical Insurance. Most Colors.Pups due soon out of Feistys Summertime Blues x Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn, and Feistys Hanky Panky ORebel x Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn.BABY - Feistys Summertime Blues - 4 lb. Blue HANKY - Feistys Hanky Panky ORebel - 4V2 lb. BT CHAMP - Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn - 4Vz lb. red.Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitchesJean Sue Cook6810 S Magnolia. Ocala. Florida 32676 904 237-1636STUD SERVICE PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYPattys^JjMp Ponferaijiaijs6520 GAME FARM RD. E PATTY JENSENMOUND, MN 55364 Phone 612 472-5950 Finchs PomeraniansiMq Diane L. FinchPuppies ByCh. Tim Sues Moon RocketCh. Pomirish Robins Top ShelfGreat Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines WhiteRed WhiteBlack parti puppies.john e. heartzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTYPO BOX 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S. CANADA BON 1C0Tel 902 673-2446WHID-DONS POMSHome OfTIM SUES SPARK OF LIGHT TIM SUES DYNAMITEBarbara T. Whiddon, 4703 Monroe Hwy., V ^ Pineville, LA 71310. Tel 318-640-2993.Quality Bred Puppies Occasionally ICERAMA POMSSkip Piazza THE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266,.Y-a. treciousHome of GabrielBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson. LA 70181 504 737-1729HOME OF THENORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942 KILLERAND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Upper Valley Road El Paso, TX 79932Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466Qufcro,'S' ^omemmands. SfrarAiny QSuterMultiple Toy Group Winner, sire of Am. Can. Champion winners of Best in Show All Breeds National Specialties Multiple Toy Groups' Multiple Group Placements Multiple Best of BreedsBreeder-Owner-Exhibitor Mrs. James R. Dupre Sr., Route 2 Box 878-A, Colfax, LA 71417. 318 627-5180.lWIN EJHK5 POMS ftBILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE, HIXSON, TENNESSEE 37343 615-842-8184The Pom Reader June 199130UPDATE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY-MARCH 1991Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranians fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience, and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this publications will be used for point credit.Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e., a September show may not be published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor. The following is the LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE JANUARY-MARCH 1991 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR...................................................POINTSP. GRIFFIN............................................................... 30J. YOUNG..................................................................28E. C. EVANS.........................................................23J. CABRERA...........................................................21S. HANSON...........................................................21T. S. GODDARD...............................................20FARMERKENNEDY............................................20D. W. ROACH.....................................................18VASUTALANE......................................................18J. LUGINSLAND....................................................17S. MASNICK...........................................................17M. VICKERS...........................................................17Tie placements alphabeticalThe Pom Reader June 1991TornREADERTne TamREADERJune 1991 Volume VI Number FourGraferiharsts...Breeder of Exquisite PomeraniansMultiple BIS, BISS Ch. Homesteads Spit N PolishGOPHERYour Showcase for Purebred PomeraniansSUBSCRIPTION RATESIn U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per YearDomestic24.00 Third Class Post 40.00 First Class PostForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 4.00 each Back Issues 4.00 eachsubject to availabilityADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsANNUALPREPAIDAD SIZE CONTRACT OPEN RATEFULL PAGE Color 300.00 350.00FULL PAGE bw 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 10.00 12.00All ads 4 page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Make checks payable toDOLL-MC GINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604 TEL 813-858-3839 FAX 813-853-3624WE HONOR VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESSThe Pom Reader June 1991BISS CH. SUNGOLDS SOLO ONE IN A MILLIONw t, ' .-VwiaiSOLO is siring goregous puppies. We are expecting puppies sired by Solo at ad time, and in quiries are invited.Solo is handled byRAY LAFORTUNE 206 879-5390Stud Fee On RequestXSTARDUST Pomeranians BREEDING FOR THE STARS OF THE FUTURE Gail Jeub Richard Schuster 9100 - 61st Avenue Circle North Minneapolis, MN 55428 612-537-1413YOUNG SHOW PROSPECT FEMALE, SIRED BY SOLO, OFFERED FOR SALE TO APPROVED HOME. POINTED SHOW DOGS ALSa AVAILABLE FOR SALE.Ch. Sundots Just A Nip Ch. Mullers Just A Nip Jr.Blossom View Scarlet SIRE Ch. Sungold Kazars QuarterbackCh. Sundots Ramboling Man Mullers Rambolin RoseMullers Best BettLa Ritas TakesonetoknowoneCh. Quesera Spirit of La RitaLa Ritas Top Doll By Kash DAM Ch. Sungolds Portrait of Que SeraGolden Glow Sugar George Ch. Gigi of Golden GlowCh. Bet-lou Little Dukes JoyDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS --------- BULKRATE8848 BEVERLY HILLS PATY SRIFFIr r U.S. POSTAGELAKELAND, FL 33809 F- F ST PAIDPERMIT 395NEWS PUBLICATION - DO NOT DELAY - ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDLAKELAND, FL