The Pom Reader July 1991
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IP amJuly 1991 Volume VI Number Five' s '7ftt4- .VARIETY GROUP FIRST I I, HI IfPENSACOLA 00G FANCIERS ASSN SPRING 1991 6 COPR. PHOTO BYL. F. SOSACH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE GUARDfVOUR COVER DOGWatch out for...EVAN...A New Sensationr.mviCH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCKCH. GLEN IMS IVANHOE x CH. TIM SUES EVENING LIGHTSEVAN IS A CONSISTENT BREED AND GROUP WINNER, AND IS ALREADY SIRING EXQUISITE PUPPIES - NOW WITH OWNER- HANDLER ERICA MOUREAU.OwnerErica Moureau TEXICAN POMERANIANS 21522 Rosehill Church Road Tomball, Texas 77357 713 351-9516Co-Owners Cheryl Jackson Joel Taylor GLEN IRIS POMERANIANS 1038 16th Avenue South Birmingham, Alabama 35205 205 328-6603Puppies AvailableSTARFIRESSJCFH O CArTBEST OF BREED GROUP IJudge Mr. Forrest Judge Mrs. Elaine YoungOver some of the top winning Toys in the country at only 10 MONTHS OLDTony Cabrera 275 SW 72nd Ave. Miami, FL 33144 305 266-7471 The Pom Reader July 19914Tlie 'PamREADERJuly 1991 Volume VI Number VTABLE OF CONTENTS1,2. ON OUR COVER CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE GUARDEvan, Owned by Erika Moureau, Cheryl Jackson Joel Taylor.8. WHATS COOKIN by Olga BakerThose Okies Really Know How To Do It9. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.10. SPECIAL ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms in the U.S.12. PARTI LINE by Nan ShartelMore about color registration confusion.13. POETS CORNERFor Sale To A Good Home by Joyce Wright.14. AIRLINE TRAGEDIES by Candace McCallPart II - continued from June.16. UPDATETop Ten exhibitors in the U.S..18. SALLYS SOAP BOX by Sally BaugnietSally wont take NO for an answer18. POM ESCAPADES by Susan JohnsonWhen the cat comes calling...20. MY PET by Pam WestPoms around the country.22. NEW CHAMPIONSThe newest stars in the Pom firmament.22. EXOTIC COLOR ISSUERates and dates for the blockbuster special showcase.23. PR PLAYMATESOur PUPular candid photo department.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The publishers reserve the The Pom Reader July 1991right to refuse advertising deemed unsuitable. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the POm Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809.TEL 813 858-3839 FAX 813-853-3624.This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFRONT COVERCheryl Jackson Joel Taylor GLEN IRIS POMS BACK COVERCassandra Estil Evans WEE HEARTS POMSINDEX TO ADVERTISERSALLAN, M..........................................................20BENKO, A.......................................................... 19BERNARDO, G..................................................19BERRY, N...........................................................21CABRERA, T........................................................3CARSON, M.......................................................17CATES, W. C..................................................20CONRAD, H.......................................................21COOK, S.............................................................20CREED, C...........................................................19DOSSINGER, M.................................................19DUPRES, E.........................................................21EVANS, C. E..................................................24FEDDICK, R. J...............................................19FINCH, D..............................................................7FREIA, J..............................................................21GAD, N...............................................................21GRAF, H..............................................................HGRIFFIN, G........................................................21GRIFFITH, K......................................................17HARTZ, K...........................................................19HEARTZ, J. C.................................................19HOVEY, J............................................................19JACKSON, C................................................1,2,19JENSEN, P..........................................................21MARTIN, D..........................................................5MASNICK, S......................................................19MASON, B. J.......................................................HNAGY, S. B....................................................21NANCE, J.............................................................UNORRIS, B..........................................................19PEEL, C...............................................................19PFEFFER, C........................................................21PIAZZA, S..........................................................21PRESSER, M. M............................................21REIMSCHHSSEL, K..........................................17REILLY, R. J..................................................21RGS PEDIGREES...............................................20RGS POMS.........................................................10ROSENBAUM, M..............................................19SAMPLES, M.....................................................19SOUCY, L...........................................................17STACKHOUSE, S..............................................19WELLS, M. G.................................................19Look what the Desert Storm blew in...AM CAN. CH.tmfIt.BEST OF BREED or VARIETYHENDERSONVILLE KENNEL CLUB JUNE 1991PHOTO BYSire Great Elms One Mor Timstopper x Dam La Cheries Sassy RascalBEST OF BREEDThanks to distinguished judge Owner-HandlerMr. Merrill Cohen Ed MartinLa Cherie PomeraniansDOT MARTIN, 5354 BLUEBIRD LANE, YORK, SC 29745The Pom Reader July 1991Sliowsiglrt_____________ ___ T7rk71T rrrrwT mrmD________________________ i------------FROMTHE EDITORAs you know, I have always tried to keep the contents of this page light-hearted and informative. We have enough trouble - without looking for it - that it seems to me we could all use a little break once a month. And thats what I like to provide. And the reason for this magazine has always been the celebration of the Pomeranian breed and the dedicated people who raise and love them.And yet as breeders and exhibitors of purebred dogs we are daily faced with the problems which go hand-in-hand with the hobby whelping problems training problems the miracle puppy that grows up ugly the fellow exhibitor who cannot gracefully suffer defeat.. .But I learned long ago to take everything in stride, and to view - as much as humanly possible - everything in a positive light. So I arrived at a recent show, full of hope and energy, ready to face the day with a smile on my face, come what may. I came around the comer of the Lakeland FL Civic Center and, what to my amazed eyes should appear, but a rig - a typical dog-show rig - black and burnt. And on the ground beside it were the dogs who had, not too long before, been happily and healthily ensonced within. And they were all dead.18 of dogdoms stars were there in body bags. 18 elaborately-cared-for coats were soaked from the firehoses 18 nutritionallyenvironmentallygenetically nurtured individuals were now a statistic. I do not know if any one of us could have witnessed this spectacle and emerged unscathed.And by all reports it was an accident. A freak electrical accident, which caused a spark, which started the blaze, which killed these dogs and almost got their human guardians, badly injured trying to rescue their charges. At this writing we still are not sure just what went on all we know is that the dogs will never gait again and the humans directly involved, may never again want to gait a dog.It is to my knowledge the most catastrophic accident to ever occur at a dog show. And it was this morning. I will have more details next month, not to dwell on an horrific experience nor to capitalize on a tragedy but to find out how to ensure that something of this nature can be averted if an accident can ever be averted down the line. And my heart goes out to the people entrusted The Pom Reader July 1991with those canine lives, and the owners of the canines who will not be coming home, and the dogs themselves.And so if you will excuse me, I will not share with you this month any gossipy good news - my heart is not in it. I will share with you something I wrote many years ago, on another, equally sad occasion.Enjoy the offerings from our dedicated writers in this issue and marvel at the beauty of the dogs featured within. But if you do nothing else today, take a moment to enjoy your dogs. JMcGON MONDAYA little pups eyes once asked me, Dont you know Im here You run out with this one, evaluate that one I smile and I laugh, but you do not see.On Monday, my love, On Monday, I said, Well sit in the sun, just you and me, and youll teach me to love, all of the little ones, each of the little ones, ones that are not as yet famous. And then she was a beauty.The Beauty-Pups eyes then asked me, Dont you know Im here Youre mad at that dog, the one that just beat me, I feel youre upset and Im hurt that youre mad, because all dogs are family to me.On Monday, my love, On Monday, I said, Well sit in the sun, just you and me, and youll teach me to love, all of the dogs, each of the dogs, for all dogs are family to you.And then she was a starlet.The starlets black eyes then asked me, Dont you know Im here Youre mad at that person, who gave us no ribbon, but I still had fun tho some other dog won and it hurts me when you are unhappy.On Monday, my love, On Monday, I said, Well sit in the sun, just you and me, and youll teach me to love, all of the persons, each of the persons, the persons who give out the ribbons.And then she was a Champion.The Champions eyes then asked me, Dont you know Im here Youre mad at those people, who said something snotty, but they kiss their dogs, they love their dogs, now iri them there must be some good.On Monday, my love, On Monday, I said, Well sit in the sun, just you and me, and youll teach me to love, all of the people, each of the people, including the ones who get snotty.And then she was a mama.The Mamas big eyes then asked me, Dont you know Im here You kiss my fat babies, you brag on the phone, and I swell with pride and their daddy does too, but I need you to tell me Im special.On Monday, my love, On Monday, I said, Well sit in the sun, just you and me, and youll teach me to love, both of the parents, each of the parents, the parents as much as the babies.And then she was an old lady.The Old Ladys eyes then asked me, Dont you know Im here You run out with this one, evaluate that one I smile and I laugh, but you do not see.On Monday, my love, On Monday, I said, Well sit in the sun, just you and me, and youll teach me to love, all of the older ones, each of the older ones, those that are no longer famous.And then she died. On Monday. This morning, a little Pups eyes again asked me, Dont you know Im here.........................................In Loving Memory of Tommi-Lee. JMcG, 5-19-817finch's 'PomeraniansDiane L. FinchRural Route 1 Kelley, Iowa 51034 515-769-2444Proudly PresentsCH. APOLLOETTE WILD FIRE\A 9ATi t 1 Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge BIS Ch. Southlands Mr. Vip OldaIdas Princess of Bev-Nor Sire Ch. Southlands Mr. ExtraordinaireBIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor N Southland PoastyBev-Nors Missy MissCh. Watts Little Peter Tan Mo-Best Ch. Apolloette Coast To CoastApolloette Sparkling Fresca Dam Ch. Apolloette A Unique PleasureCh. Apolloette Foolish Pleasure Apolloette Lady of PleasureApolloette Calamity JaneFire finished his Championship in 9 shows. Special thanks to Jackie Rayner, handler thanks to all the judges who appreciated this flashy boy and to Marlene Marlin Presser for letting me own this special Pom.And Introducing...FINCHS HE WALKS ON WATERTravis is presently with Jackie Rayner for 5 single points to finsh his championship. Still in the puppy classes, Travis has two 4-point majors owner-handled, both times going Best of Breed over Specials.Travis is already sire to 2 super litters with more to come.r. nThe Pom Reader July 19918Whats ^COOKING ZIN THE SOUTH AND ROUNDABOUTSTHOSE "OKIES REALLY KNOW HOW TO DO IT r ABefore we proceed one tiny INCH into this article, I make my plea that EVERY REGIONAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SUMMER SPECIALTY BE HELD IN OKLAHOMA CITY WITH RAY BRENDA HUDSON AT THE HELM TO DO ALL THE PLANNING Granted, I can be a little bit fickle, cause I recall having said a similar thing about other regional Specialties...California, Oregon,Baltimore...but this time I think maybe Oklahoma has won the prize Darrell and I have just returned from our trip to Oklahoma City, and this time we didnt have a tired bone in our bodies.. .just the exhilaration from such lovely fun, such special events, such a splendid dog show, and camaraderie the likes of which we havent seen in a very long time. EVERYONE was enjoying it, not just a few. We heard absolutely NO complaints, only compliments speaking well for those Sooner Pomeranian Club people who did all the work for us...our thanks, Oklahoma.A Hospitality Room with wine and cheese and other special things began the festivities. Well, actually, on Thursday afternoon many Judge-types went to the show site for a wonderful and enlightening Judges Education Seminar on the Pomeranian, presented by Sally Baugniet, our Education Chairman. This seemed well received by all attendees. THEN came the hospitality room with just everyone there except ME.. .1 was a good girl and stayed in my hotel room, as AKC does indeed frown on judges socializing with next- day exhibitors all reported a lovely evening.Next day...AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW The Midwest City Community Center had been reserved for this event by Ray Hudson, and a more convenient and comfortable place could NEVER have been found...spacious enough to be comfortable, but small enough to be cozy...PERFECT I was honored to have been invited to judge Sweepstakes, and the competent Mr. Roger Pritchard was chosen The Pom Reader July 1991to do regular classes. Sally Baugniet reported on the show last month in The Pom Reader in her usual, thorough and professional way, so I will simply comment on my first place winners from the judges point of view.Sweepstakes Four little stars emerged from their respective classes as my choices for that day. They were as follows PUPPY DOGS 6-9 MONTHS Jan-Les Touch Of Fascinaton, owned by Jane Lehtinen. A most adorable little guy, coveted by everyone present, who zoomed right on up into the big RESERVE win in Regular classes, with his amazing ring-presence and soundness.PUPPY DOGS 9-12 MONTHS Allayns The Entertainer, owned by Mary Allan. The little Entertainer truly entertained with his lovely rich deep color, short back, and everything in the right place Definitely a show dogPUPPY BITCHES 6-9 MONTHS Macs Morning Star, owned by Mrs. B. G. McDonald. A marvelous, very feminine, little orange girl, with the perfect gait we love in Poms, groomed to perfection, spunky, and behaving herself I loved her.PUPPY BITCHES 9-12 MONTHS Adlens Ks Country Chrisma, owned by Karen Ludke. This child didnt look like a child, but presented herself magnificently, in blooming coat, everything in place, showing perfectly. Her handler Obviously pleased with his little entry did everything right, and the puppy as well did everything right BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES was the 6-9 Months Puppy Dog BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKES was the 9-12 Months Puppy Bitch.It would give me pleasure to report on every Pom in Sweeps and in Regular classes, but time space preclude that advantage suf- ficdit to say that I was most honored and thankful to the exhibitors for presenting such magnificent dogs to me for my opinion.REGULAR CLASSES Here, I shall notbe presumptuous to comment on Mr. Roger Pritchards wonderful choices. I will, however, embarrass him by noting that on this day he was terribly HANDSOME and official-looking in the ring...looked very stem and intent on what he was doing, but underneath that facade of seriousness, I could detect an immense pleasure in what he was doing Roger was excellent with the dogs, TOTALLY thorough in examining every piece of every dog, and later he did comment to me Judge to Judge that he especially appreciated that exhibitors did not bring to him the over-trimmed and sculptured exhibits that have so often been seen in the ring these days. I also noted that puppies in Sweepstakes were sensibly trimmed in ONLY those allowed places, with only 2 or 3 really sculpted and scissored. Maybe a step in the right direction For a full report see the June Issue - congratulations to allThen came the cutest little Pomeranian costume parade you can possibly imagine... incredible What a day To top everything off in splendor, a beautiful flowing champagne fountain in the lobby refreshed and rejuvenated all the exhibitors as they gathered for ticket-drawings for all sorts of wonderful doggie-related items everything from adorable T-shirts to big crates, pens and functional things. My favorite won by somebody else, dam it was a precious Southwestern adobe-looking bird house that I would have KILLED for...precious The crowd was so utterly congenial, happy, pleasant...the way dog show events SHOULD BE Ray Hudson was so cute with his announcements of winners, and his cute little wife Brenda won something wonderful graft, corruption, politics, obviously... .naaaaaahhhhh.That evening was a banquet to end all banquets... the Sooner Club had arranged for a feast of Indian things most of us never had authentic corn soup wonderful Indian Fry bread, Payote meat buffalo, really, andContinued9WHATS COOKIN continued... grape dumplings, also quite native and different, but superb. Afterward, beautiful Plains Indians entertained the group with a colorful presentation that left the crowd awestruck, with costuming, realism, narrative to explain it all, and an adorable 3-year-old little guy named Dayton that danced his little moccasins off and enchanted the crowd Brenda Ray Hudson had spared nothing in seeing to it that all attendees were magnificently entertained. Ill never understand how the Sooner Pomeranian Club was able to PAY FOR ALL THAT for us Their secret.The theme for all these wondrous Specialty events was Indian Summer, and the beautiful Southwestern theme of decor, in perfect taste, followed through to table decorations, flowers, and gift bags for every exhibitor.On Saturday, the thoughtful Sooner Pomeranian Club arranged for early Pomeranian judging so all could have a DAY AT THE worked Many, many exhibitors and attendees journeyed to the magnificent Remington Park Racetrack, where we had the absolute creme-de-la- creme. Pomeranian people were placed in the gorgeous penthouse suites, and we had the bargain of the century.. .our fee included entry into the track, choice seating, free racing program, a tip sheet - also free, the most magnificent buffet all day long imaginable, and everyone there had a wonderful fun-time..far from the dog activities and a lovely respite from it all. We all felt very much like VIPs again, the Hudsons Ray Brenda had arranged for us to have the Crown Royal treatment in that lovely place.. .Maitre Ds attending to us individually and collectively...the gallery of horse-related art was in itself a special treat... what a luxurious and wonderful place. The buffet was so absolutely GRAND that we never made it past the salad section into the juicy prime ribhamand stuff food. We Parked at the lovely shrimpoystershors doeuvres section...SPLENDID We felt honored to even BE THEREThis is it Ive used up all my adjectives, but with good reason. Oklahoma out-did itself for his lovely affair, and we thank you, so sincerely. Please do let us come back soon. On behalf of the American Pomeranian Club I say WE LOVED BEING THERE IN OKLAHOMA WITH YOU TERRIFIC OKIES'1...Olga Baker207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook TX 77586Tfoe 'PamREADERREADERJuly 1991 Volume VI Number Five'OkrkfCH. CiLEN IRIS CASTLE GUARDTour Showcase for Purebred PomeraniansSUBSCRIPTION RATESIn U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per Year Domestic24.00 Third Class Post 40.00 First Class PostForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 4.00 each Back Issues 4.00 eachsubject to availabilityREA DERBreeder of Exquisite PomeraniansADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAD SIZEANNUALPREPAIDCONTRACT OPEN RATEFULL PAGEColor 300.00 350.00FULL PAGE bw 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 10.00 12.00All ads A page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine.Multiple BIS, BISS Ch. Homesteads Spit N PolishGOPHERTHE POM READER is the only monthly Pomeranian magazine in the U.S. and has subscribers in virtually every State and ten foreign countries.THE POM READER is sent as a courtesy to every AKC licensed Pomeranian judge.Make checks payable toDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604 TEL 813-858-3839 FAX 813-853-3624WE HONOR VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESSThe Pom Reader July 199110SPECIAL ADDITION Top 20 Poms January-May 91 AKC GazettePresently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the Breed, we are pleased to offer youSPECIAL ADDITION.SPECIAL ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsBreed Points not to be confused with AKC championship points are alloted to individuals according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and Fields Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point credit. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds........................500BEST IN SHOW Specialty..........................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty...75TOY GROUP FIRST......................................250TOY GROUP SECOND.................................150TOY GROUP THIRD...................................... 75TOY GROUP FOURTH...................................25BEST OF BREED..............................................10Statistician Susan Wade. Tie placements are alphabetical and marked with an asterisk. BISS is for Independent Specialties only. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Poms, as per the dates above.POINTS NAME BISA BISS BOSS I3265 CH. JAMOLS CLASSIC HI-TIME D.................................. - - - 7B. Pauli, Owner1485 CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH D........................... - - - 1J. Hurley, Owner1295 CH. TOMHO STRUTTING TERMITE D........................... - - - 2H. Sklar, Owner1255 CH. TOMHO CHAMPAGNE WISHES B............................ - - - 2R. Koeppel, Owner1245 CH. PIXIES BUTTONS-N-BOWS B.................................. - - - 4C. Galavich, Owner1235 CH. JANES WEE PRINCE OJERIBETH D.. 1G. J. Reed, Owners1215 CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY D........................... - - 1 1SmartRoberts, Owners1195 CH. JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT D................................... - - - 1BaumgartnerContinoBaker, Owners960 CH. SOUTHLANDS MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE D.... - - - 2C. Creed, Owner850 CH. SOUTHLANDS MR. VIP OIDA D............................ - - - 1JacksonTaylor, Owners780 CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR D.. 2F. Stoll, Owner755 CH. TIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTS D............................... - - - 2S. P. Conlee, Owners650 CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK D.................................... - - - 1MoureauJackson, Owners650 CH. PHYNER GOLD JACKPOT D............................. - - - 2TraunerMoreno, Owners645 CH. WEE HEARTS THATS NUFF D............................. 1C. E. Evans, Owners615 CH. SHADOMOUNTIN ONE MAN SHOW D.. 1BucherSnyder, Owners410 CH. BI-MAR SHO GUN OF JERBOS D......................... 1J. D. Owens, Owners410 MERRYMONT SATRDAY NITE LIVE D - - - 1P. Griffin, Owner375 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D.............................. - - - 1T. S. Goddard, Owners315 CH. BRITESTARS BINGO BONANZA D...................... M.Porter, OwnerTie Placements alphabetical11 HI IV BOB7 5-97 1 - 115-123 2 3 811-2 6 1-14 1-45 14 213 163 - 2 101113 11-3 2 111 - - 21-212 141 - - 11 - - 11 - 51 - 1 14The Pom Reader July 199111ABC BEACHES STAINED GLASSThese are beautiful custom designs.The illustrations DO NOT do them justice Satisfaction guaranteed Description Qty A Rectangle with chain 12"x15" 75.00B Lg. Suncatcher wchain 8V2" x 11" 40.00C Sm. Suncatcher wsuction cup 612"512" 20.00Custom ColorALL COLORS PLUS CLEARAVAILABLE. State color of dog, borders, background, or simply color in illustration.PRICESINCLUDES HTAXESTOTALCHECKSMONEY ORDERSCASHIER S CHECKSNOC.O.D. OR CREDIT CARDSPAYABLE TO ARTISTJOAN NANCE1350 Sonn Ct. N.W.Palm Bay, FL 32907MASONS POM HEAVENA 1QUALITY PUPS AND YOUNG ADULTS FROM MILLAMOR, LLL, EMCEES, GREAT ELMS, LUELLS BONNERS CRESCENDO.Betty Jo Mason590 E. Orange Avenue, Perris, CA 92370 714 657-8166Graferihorsts...Specializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans, ChocolateseAt Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Pictured left, a typical Grafenhorst Pom.Watch for our Poms in the show ringBreederHORST GRAF 12000 NW 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving HomesThe Pom Reader July 1991In recent months there has been some confusion about the registration of colors of the Pomeranian. This month we are pleased to share an article from the president of the American Pomeranian Club, Mary Vickers, addressing the problem.NEW POM COLOR REGISTRATION PROCESSsubmitted byMary Vickers, President AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBThere is a problem with the AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB regarding Pomeranians of certain colors becoming AKC registered. The AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB was made aware of this problem in mid- April. The APC has been working with the AKC to solve this problem since that time. It is possible that this problem occurred when the AKC moved their registration department to North Carolina. Exactly how or why it occurred is unknown. Pomeranians come in many colors. On the AKC Dog Registration Application there is space for only 9 nine different colors. Breeds such as the Golden Retriever, or the Rottweiler, use only a few of these color boxes. Other breeds, including the Pomeranian, need many more.How is this handled by the AKC The AKC works from 3 three color lists decided by the Parent Club. The first list is called Standard Colors. This appears on the dog registration application and is limited to those 9 boxes of pre-determined colors.As soon as they are accepted by the AKC computer, those for Pomeranians will be ORANGE RED CREAM ORANGE SABLE BLACK CHOCOLATE WHITE BLACK TAN CREAM SABLEAs it occurs on the registration form, it isThe Pom Reader July 1991the easiest to use. One just checks off the correct box showing the Poms color.The second list, although not well known, is the overflow list of other acceptable colors for that breed. It is knowN as the Acceptable Color list. For the Pomeranian it will soon include the following RED SABLE BLUE SABLE BLUE BEAVER WOLF SABLEMany breeders already have a nodding acquaintance with this list. They know the color they are seeking is not listed and they write-in this acceptable color. This will continue.The third list, again not well known, is called Markings Used In This Breed. Pomeranian breeders need to be well- informed about this list. It includes BLACK MASK BLACK POINTS BLUE POINTS BROWN POINTS WHITE MARKINGS TAN MARKINGS BROWN TIPS BLUE TIPS ORANGE PATCHES RED PATCHES CREAM PATCHES BLUE PATCHES BLACK PATCHES BROWN PATCHES ORANGE SABLE PATCHES RED SABLE PATCHES CREAM SABLE PATCHES BRINDLEAlthough this list has been in existence since the Pom gained AKC recognition,many people are not aware of this list nor how to use it. [Ed. note People who have been using the list and registering Pomeranians for many, many years were among those confused. When AKC applications were returned to those applying for incorrect color choice" due to the computer problem mentioned in the article here, the AKC registration department provided information far less conclusive than that mentioned above. See May 1991 Pom Reader for the three lists currently being provided by our National registry organization, AKC. JMcG] This is both a check-off list AND a write-in listLets say you have a chocolate and tan puppy markings as if it were a black and tan. Do you simply check off the chocolate box on the AKC Dog Registration Application Yes and no As it is a chocolate, you do check off chocolate on the registration application. However, you must also write- in the words with tan markings. This will tell the AKC that it should be registered as a chocolate and tan.The same holds true for a parti-colored Pomeranian. As the Pomeranian Standard describes the parti-color as a white dog with any other color distributed in even patches, the above would be followed. White would be checked off on the dogs registration application and written in would be whatever color patches make up that Poms parti-color.When the APC Board made the decision to re-align these three lists in this way, particular attention was given not only to colors, but to those who study pedigrees for color breeding. For instance, the particolored Pom could have been a standard or acceptable color by just calling it parti-color. If this were done there would not have been any further elaboration of this Poms color. No one would have known if it were a white orange parti or a white ContinuedPARTI LINE...The letter from Mary Vickers concerning the new Pom Color Registration Process, continued from previous pageblack parti. By breaking down the color of the patches, a better picture of that particular Pom is givenAs with any change this will require much education. The American Pomeranian Club will attempt to do this via the many Pomeranian magazines and newsletters available to the breed. However, with the high number of pom litters that have been registered in the past years, this will only reach a small portion of those who read this article. In 1990 alone there were 26,585 Pomeranian litters registered. The Pomeranian was 3rd third out of 131 breeds.If you have a Pomeranian who has been incorrectly registered because of this computer problem, or whose adult coat does not match the registered color, change is possible. After the new APC changes go through the AKC computer system, you may request a change in your dogs color. Do this by sending the Poms AKC individual registration form to the AKC indicating the correct color on it and enclosing a check for 7.00 payable to the AKC. The color will be corrected and a new individual registration will be sent to you.DMary Vickers, President AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB June 17, 1991Again, we thank President Vickers for this clarification. If anyone has further questions concerning acceptable colors or registration certificates, contact The American Kennel Club, Registration Department 919-233-9767, 830 a.m. to 430 p.m. EST.Rounding out my column this month is a poem, written from a dogs point of view, which accurately expresses the sentiments of all who responsibly breed Poms. It appears in our popular department, Poets Comer. My thanks to Laura Lola for sharing it with us.Until August, best of luck to all Pom lovers, and ALL Poms in ALL colorsNan Shartel 503 N. Lincoln Condon, OR 97823-0181 503-384-517713Poets ComerFOR SALE TO A GOOD HOMEby Joyce WrightI was bom in the summer a few years ago,Quite why 1 was bom, Ill never know.Some folk owned by mother, decided to breedNo reason I know of, except for their greed.I know I was hungry, I know I was coldThey sold me quite early at just five weeks old,My number one owners seemed friendly at firstAnd life was quite nice until my bubble burst.They started to argue, their marriage split up, and in went the advert For sale, 4 month pup. Some more folk arrived, the next ones in line,They treated me kindly and life was just fine.But Master dropped dead, and she couldnt cope So she sold me again Ill soon give up hope.I now had a new home right up in the skyWe went up in the lift fourteen floors highThe new folk were kind but they left me all dayI was bursting to wee and had nowhere to play.I was boredom, I think, when I chewed up that chair They agreed I should go as it just wasnt fair.The next home was good and I thought, This is it They started to show and I won... well, a bit.Then somebody told them I had no bone,and in went the advert For sale - to good home. "The next lot were dreadful they wanted a guard,But I didnt know how, although I tried hard.One night they got burgled and I didnt barkTied up in that shed all alone in the dark.For four months I lay in that cold, dark shed,With only an old paper sack for a bed.A small dish of water all slimy and greenThe state I was in, well, it had to be seenI longed for destruction, an end to the pain,But some new people came and I went off again.Well, now Im with Rescue and this home is good, Theres walks in the country and lots of good foodTheres kisses and cuddles to greet me each day, and I dread the time they will send me away.But for now here I stand, skin and bone on all fours, PLEASE...dont let ME happen to any of yoursFrom the EnglishPapillon Club newsletter, Spring 1991 Submitted by Laura LolaThe Pom Reader July 1991AIRLINE TRAGEDIESA nd Collecting Your ClaimPart II of II by Candace McCallDeadlines Statutes of Limitation.All contracts must come to an end at some time. Did you know that you have not one but TWO deadlines Some shipping papers state you have X days to file a claim or notify the airline of your loss. You will almost certainly, barring being in a coma or some other impossible situation, automatically lose your claim if you ignore the time limit. Thats the first deadline, the easy one, and it is the one you agreed to by contract it is the maximum time to start the clock running for your request for payment. The second deadline is when your time to get your payment runs out. It is decided by either arbitration rules or state law.If the contract says that in the event of a dispute here the language varies quite a bit the settlement will be done by arbitration, or the contract says that all disagreements are subject to the rules of the International or American Arbitration Association, or the Federal Arbitration Act, or some other language that clearly indicates arbitration, your time limit is usually short. Arbitration can be great - it is faster and much cheaper to settle a dispute in arbitration, and it is enforceable in a court of law. Therefore most arbitration includes a very short time limit from the time of the loss, say for example six months max. And they may mean actually filing suit with the arbitration association, not notifying or filing a claim with a carrier. The time limit is absolute. Even A DAY late is too late.There is another possibility silence about deadlines or a statement of what state law will be used for all disputes. Silence means the law of a state will be used. If you cannot tell what the second deadline is, and arbitration is not mentioned, state law provides how much time you have to file suit. Which states law is a big question, and states vary greatly on this point as to which states laws are going to be used. It could be the state where the deal was struck or the papers signed, or the state where the accident happened, or the state where the dog was shipped. Frequently the contract The Pom Reader July 1991Continued from Junestates that the laws of a particular state, for example, New York, control. Different states have different statutes of limitation for contracts, and they can vary from months to years. It is your responsibility to act before the time runs out and your claim expires forever. You can guess what Im going to say next the only way to find out what you need to do, by what time, is to READ the contract.Some contracts say both state law and arbitration applies. Use the shorter arbitration deadline. It is not a trick to confuse you. Carriers put this in the contract so that even in arbitration, if an issue comes up that is not covered by arbitration rules or the Federal Arbitration Act or Title 49 of the U.S. Code these are the statutes that used to regulate the airline industry and now apply to all airlines that cross state lines everyone is on notice about which states laws the arbitration panel will use to decide the issue.One other possibility is that a final time to resolve the claim is agreed to in the shipping contract. All the more reason to read the contract. Be careful here. If the contract was not signed, or there are other defects that render that contract void, the time limit on your shipping papers might not apply to your case. Instead, your state statute of limitations might be the right time limit. If you are unsure about which is right, pick the shorter time.I hope you see by now that all contracts are NOT the same and that it is critical to read the contract. I hope that you feel more comfortable in knowing what to look for and understanding that once the tragedy strikes, it is what your actions have been and will be that determine the outcome, determines whether or not you will collect what is owed to you.Getting Extra Help When You Need ItIf the airline gives you the frozen shoulder, what then Say that they are talking to you but you are getting the runaround you are getting nowhere fast and your deadline is dangerously close. Or maybe they sent you a check for 50.00 and told you that was all you would get. Or maybe they say they areprocessing your claim but nothing arrives. Day after day, week after week.Take heart a carrier cannot make you agree to not hold them liable if their negligence caused you damage. You did not sign this right away when you filled out the shipping papers. They are generally liable by law for their wrongdoing. But you might lose your right if you do not act. Let me rephrase that you WILL lose your claim if you do not act. Most carriers have a policy of dont act until you have to. Its a cost-saving strategy the more claims not filed in time, the more claims discouraged, the less claims to pay. Nothing personal or conniving here its business.You are still in control of your side of the story. Continue to contact them. To stop is to lose. No one ever loses until he stops trying.If this is your situation, do not let their policies or incompetence push you past the deadline so they win by default. One thing you might consider if youve been contacting them regularly with no results is to demand that they respond within so many days to your registered letter, then follow up with calls. If you do not hear or get a satisfactory response, you have your answer. Or you might be able to get action with a few well- placed phone calls. Adopt the attitude that you are running the show you really are, and they are only responding they really are. When in doubt, ACT.You may need to take additional steps in time to protect your claim. If you know you must resort to your final option, be it the legal system or arbitration, remember either you or a lawyer must do it in time. An early start can save much time and often a LOT of money. As a general rule, if you have not resolved your claim in several weeks, you might be headed for trouble. Trust your instinct. At the very least, leave about 3 months or more of time before the deadline before you contact a lawyer. Waiting until the week before leaves no time to fix errors or misunderstandings. You could be forced to file expensive legal proceedings or do otherContinuedAIRLINES work which the carrier may not have to pay for because the claim will pass the deadline and expire if expensive legal work is not begun immediately in order to meet the deadline for filing suit or arbitration. I recommend you leave a LOT of time, because often a lawyer can get the airline to settle up without having the expense of a fancy lawsuit. He or she will need time to research your claim, research the law, decide what to do, then do it, and still give the airline time to settle short of a court action.If you are confused or the carrier tells you that you do not have a claim, remember they have a stake in it and use your own independent judgment. If they were negligent you almost certainly have a good claim. Insist on them telling you WHY they will not honor your claim. Double-check it yourself. Do you agree with them Did you misunderstand or rely on what they said Is it ridiculously technical Something you did Is there something else they should know and dont Remember that what they say is their opinion or policy, that their loyalty is to themselves and that how they want you to see the situation should not be a substitute for your own good judgment.If you are genuinely intimidated, emotionally overblown, unsure, have unusual circumstances, are misled, or just plain want to get a lawyer to take care of this once and for all, or get an expert opinion other than that of the carriers claims department before you lose your entire claim, there are several ways to go about it. Local and state bar associations have referral lists, or you can ask friends, etc. One of the best ways to connect up with someone you will probably trust is to ask a local church or a group you belong to who their lawyer is and give them a call. Explain your problem and ask which lawyers in your area are experienced in contract law or claims law involving interstate commerce or if they themselves would see you. Instead of worrying what it will cost, ask them what they think it will cost. They EXPECT you to ask.An effective letter from a good lawyer to the right person telling the carrier why you win and what his options are is a signal you dont fool around and that you intend to collect. Invariably the until you have to part of their policy quickly takes hold. They know that if they do not listen closely to why you are entitled and why you are right, THEY may be out some heavy-duty expenses on top of your claim. If you feel shy, remember that you are the loser in all this and that they, not The Pom Reader July 1991you, should bear the financial burden of their carelessness.I hope you never need to refer to this. With all the talk, its easy to forget that carriers do routinely pay their undisputed claims. Your goal is to be one of those clean claims. It is up to you to get what is owed to you and to conduct your affairs so that you are protected by reading, understanding and doing whatever is required by those shipping papers. Dont join the sad group who will lose because they did not read or try to understand the contract, or did not document what they did, or did not act in time. And dont give up if you feel a carrier really pulled a fast one on you, or misled you with words and you trusted them. And I earnestly hope there is not one Pom breeder left in this country who does not vow from this day forward to read and understand his contract obligations.AddendumI have had some questions from concerned breeders about other aspects about making claims involving animals. Ths postscript is an answer to those questions I thought most everyone would want to know.1. Q What if my Pom is too old for breeding What value thenA. Please dont wince federal law under Title 49 of the U.S. Code applies only to animals used for showing, breeding, racing, and other commercial purposes. It is extremely probable that the airline will pay you the lowest tarriff rate they have registered under the federal act if you do not declare the replacement value on your contract. This bottom number is currently somewhere around 7.50 per pound of shipping weight for most carriers. You will not be reimbursed for legal fees, most likely, unless there are some circumstances beyond the loss of your Pom that indicate fraud or intentional wrongdoing, or other egregious circumstance. Emotional distress, pain and suffering, etc., does not apply to pets under the law, just as it does not apply to loss of your human friends when something happens to them. Opt to insure your Pom for a higher value, based on purchase price for a pet of the same quality, plus any expenses you will be out by shipping your Pom, by putting that amount on the declared value line.Q. Why are you saying here that I will only get a price per pound or some other low number, when before you were talking about replacement valueA. Because all carriers must by law offer you at least two rates this minimum pound rate, and a replacement value or higher rate. Many pets, freebies from the dog pound, agedanimals, etc., have no commercial value and therefore do not come under the federal law. Because they have no commercial value, even though they are cherished by us all, the minimum rate, price per pound, is what the law requires the airline to pay, and no more, unless you contract for the higher rate. If you fail to put in a value altogether, even for your champions, and there is absolutely no other thing wrong with the transaction it is signed, there is notice that you can declare a higher value, you were given the opportunity to put in the higher value opion for declared value, and you did not do it you have just agreed with the airline that you want to be paid by the pound The replacement value comes in when you have put in a declared value that you can substantiate. For us breeders, a showbreeding Pom is quite expensive compared to a pet price. You will have to substantiate what your Pom is worth. And believe me, anytime someone claims a dog is worth several thousand dollars, it will be challenged because the airlines want to make sure this is not a fraudulent claim more than fair value before they pay it. If the value is truly extraordinary, the airline may refuse to use the replacement rate and request you buy separate insurance. If they take your Pom with the extraordinary value, without extra insurance, they have agreed to reimburse you his true worth, provided you can prove it. There are lots of interesting, finely-tuned cases on this subject, so bear in mind this answer is generally what will happen.2. Q Is this a federal or a state claim What happens and whereA Okay, the what happens and where gets complicated fast if the claim is for more than 10,000 declared value on the shipping papers must be this high and your Pom crossed a state line, suit is filed in federal court. If the claim is for less than 10,000 and your Pom crossed a state line, it will be tried in state court, but the law you are claiming under is federal law. So you would be using the state court system, and the state judge would use the federal law to decide if you are entitled to recover less than 10,000 from the airline.If your Pom did not cross a state line, state law may apply, even if it is for more than 10,000 for example, state law probably applies if that particular airline never does business over a state line and is not subject to interstate commerce law. Most states have amended their laws so that they read very much like the federal law. It is brought in your state court, under that particular state law, or if such special laws are not in effect, then under contract law, although in some rare instances it may be brought in tort inContinued15I6 AIRLINES continued...juries beyond contract damages. These are the types of situations where arbitration is likely to pop up in your contract. If your Pom did not go over a state line, but the airline regularly engages in interstate commerce, then it is probably a federal claim. REMEMBER this is a general guide and is not intended to substitute for legal advice based on your particular case and its factsIt is a federal claim if it is brought in federal court, with one exception, diversity, which I wont get into here. It can be either a federal claim or a state claim if brought in state court, as I outlined above. The substantive law, meaning the law you are suing under the contract laws for bills of lading in interstate commerce, is federal. The procedural law, meaning tha laws that decide which courthouse and court, which town, time limits, what kind of motions you file, etc. and other things that have everything to do with prosecuting a lawsuit and nothing to do with what the airline did, is state law when brought in a state court, and part state and part federal law when brought in federal court. It does get worse.3. Q How do I find out what my statute of limitations time limit to bring a lawsuit isA Here is the do it yourself method for contracts and wrongs that happened in your home state. Every regional library has state code state statute books in the reference section. This is so that every citizen has access to the laws. Find the state law section. At the end of the last book, or in a separate volume, find the Index. Look up Limitation, or Actions, or Limitation of Actions, or Statutes of Limitation, in the index hopefully you will also see a reference to federal law brought in a state court, and the index should direct you to the right title and section of your state code. Each state varies a bit, but many say that any claim brought under federal law has x years from the occurrence or discovery of the occurrence to bring an action lawsuit. Others will say that any claim lawsuit, action brought for example on a contract has x years, tort claims y years, etc. You can also call your local courthouse and see if they have a law library open to the public. The librarians there will help you. You probably have a contract claim, so look there for mention of federal actions if you find no index reference to federal claims brought in a state court. To be safe, also look up injury to property, and tort actions. Use the shortest time as your guide if you are going to take action by yourself, or if you are trying to see how much time you have left before you have to go to a lawyer. This is Chapter Two of Murphys Law If theres anything you can do to fix it wrong, you will.4. Q If the airline rejects my claim, and I feel entitled to collect, what particular terms or situations are most likely to win in a lawsuitA If the contractbill of lading was not signed by you, or if you were given no opportunity to purchase insurance or opt for a higher valuation than the bottom per pound rate, or if there is a dispute over valuation extraordinary value when you put a value down, or more than ordinary value, or if you were rushed into signing only after they took possession of your Pom and it was too late to do much about it, then you probably have a good claim. Candace McCallMrs. McCall is a practicing attorney residing in Vienna, Virginia. We thank her for this informative look at one of the dog fancys most difficult problem areas. JMcGThe Pom Reader July 1991UPDATETOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY-MAY 1991Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranians fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience, and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this publications will be used for point credit. Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e., a September show may not be published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.The following is the listing of the top ten exhibitors as of the abovedates of the AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR.......................... POINTSE. C EVANS..............................37P. GRIFFIN...................................35J. ONEIL...................................... 30FARMERKENNEDY...............28J. YOUNG...................................28RINEHARTEPPS.......................26J. CABRERA.................................24T. S. GODDARD.......................22S. HANSON...................................21L. IVEY..........................................20Tie placements alphabetical17Uei TmmramansyOffers for your considerationCh. Models Truly A Diamond Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond ROMX BISS Models Solid Gold Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero Ch. Lil Elmo of Point Loma Ch. Millbrooks Suzette Millbrooks White Flaire Sire Riders Sungolds Jim Gem Ch. Scotia President Jim Sunrays President Jim Beau Ch. Sunrays Cuple Doll Riders Jenny-Lyn of SunrayPalmers Pepro of Blossom View Riders Blossoms Lulu Gold Gems LanceretteCh. Millbrooks El Gran CaballeroSungolds Hi Lite Penny XXIICh. Nabobs Talk of the TownCh. Sunrays Ambassador ROM Sunrays Mocha Minuet Nabob Bad Bobs Sunray Mocha Mouse Dam Painters Modem Classic Raps Rajah Pageant Goldsuns Checkered Tornado Goldsuns Butterfly Suncharm Bad Bobs Christmas CookieCh. Furys Bullet of Sunray Sunrays Miss Ora Tan Sunrays Gold n RavenFor Sale...RedOrange male, whelped 2-22-91. 3 lbs.Great Elms Bobby Beam Ch. Great Elms Little Timmy BeamGreat Elms Sweet Candy Sire Watts Little Feisty PDQCh. Watts Little Peter Tan Mo-Best Ch. Watts Little Ebony of Scotia Watts Little Crisco of ScotiaLittle Black Sambeau II Soucys Puffy BearBartons Rusty Vixen Dam Soucys Sugar BearMs. Castros Chipper Bear Soucys AngelCountess Cute and CuddlySpirit is offered for sale to a good home. For more information, contactStmtPictured at 7 weeks Orange Male Show prospect.My thanks to Randy Blackburn, Painters Poms, for allowing me to purchase Painters Forever My Girl, a beautiful black tan daughter of Nabobs Oregon or Bust and Painters Artist At Pombreden, and a wonderful addition to my kennel.INQUIRIES INVITED.Kelly Reimschiissel 667 North 550 East American Fork, UT 84003Laurie Soucy6539 Townsend Road, Lot 283 Jacksonville, FL 32244 904-778-9687 or 904-295-5022_eaetBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K.G. GRIFFITH, OwnerIsPuppies Sired byCh. Great Elms Beam of Sunshine x Great Elms Annice ofLenette 3 Champions standing at stud as well as non-champions.PUPPIES ARE GENERALLY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE PRICES. Pets priced from 250.00, show and breeding stock priced from 500.00. Please ask for a free copy of our price list.WE SPECIALIZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINE. We do have some Aristic-Bonner Chesai.SATISFACTION IS ALWAYS GUARANTEED AT LENETTE. We give a written guarantee with every Pom sold.kVAfter 18 years and over 60 Champions, we still breed the type that we have always strived to from our CH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD DIAMOND and CH. CHIPS OF DIAMOND. INQUIRIES INVITED.Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, Virginia 23233 804 741-3024The Pom Reader July 199118BySally BaugnietJust An ObservationJudges are encouraged to be positive instead of negative in their judging. With a lifetime of no and negative evaluations, it is hard to change to a positive evaluation. A baby learns the word no before the word yes. Being positive takes a deliberate re-training of the No- trained mind. Many of us are trying to re-train our minds, but...pick up a premium list. These are some of the nos that pop out at youNO dogs in the stands.NO exercise pens allowed.NO crates ringside.NO chairs ringside.NO chairs under the tent.NO chairs on the show floor.NO crates under the tent....and many other nos too numerous to mention. I guess negatives are sometimes necessary in our dog show world, just so it doesnt turn out to be...NO exhibitors allowed.NO dogs allowed.NO DOG SHOW.A thought for the month It is easier to find fault than virtue with things, because we look harder for it.Thought you might get a laugh out of the followingYoure Beyond Help When...The Pom Reader, your income tax refund, and Playboy arrive in the mail and you open The Pom Reader first...You go to a Disney movie and watch Plutos gait...You realize even your pajamas have a bait pocket...You havent had a new sports car in your life, but your RV dealer has added a new wing in your name...Someone tells you that you look like a dog and you thank him for the compliment...Your long distance phone bill is more than your mortgage...You dont see anything unusual about the above statements.Sally Baugniet, 411 S. State Street, Mishicot, WI 54228. Phone or Fax 414-722-2994POM ESCAPADES by Susan Johnson UH, OH DEPARTMENTt Laa,"V AI \ ftp\0V Cy f\^\i'Y\, 'V \ j ... h'Weve been daring him to come into our yard forever Why didnt we figure out what we were going to do about it when he finally didThe Pom Reader July 199119DOSSMARParti-Color pups and breeding stock available. Solids also. Watch for Golden Aires Nick ODossmar at the shows this spring. He is a solid orange son of Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince. At Stud to solids only.Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Road414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040Phillbrooks Fancy PomeraniansShow, breeding and pet Most colors including PartisSusann Stackhouse Box 1070 Rancocas Road Mount Holly, NJ 08060 609 267-4644Behind such well-known bloodlines as Bi-Mar Bonner Cedarwood Creiders D-Nee Great Elms Pombreden Sun-RayCIRCUS CIRCUSFOXWOODWe have litters by Great Elms Joey of Lenette Ch. Queenaire Starburst Ch. Great Elms Models Timstopper Ch. Bi-Mar Shogun of JerbosBarbara Don DeFord Cheri L. Peel.206-833-4634 FAX 206-458-3771 206-458-3198DOVER-HOLIHOUSE POMSCh. Stud ServiceParti, Chocolate, Black Tan and Black Stud ServicePuppies OccasionallyKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski 319 Ardmore Ave., Trenton, NJ 08629 609-695-1642SolfrmstFOR SALE100 SUNRAY 2 Males, 1 blk., 1 choc.Glenn Bernardo Kelly J. Rogers 2819 Magnolia Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806 213-424-9207 800-888-7646BEV-NOR Poms offersNew litters CH. SIRE CH. DAM. Also, 2 proven linebred young females bred to CH. BEV-NORS STATESMAN, Multi- Group winner, and to CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE, 1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983. Reasonable to right home. BEVERLY NORRIS, 7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. PH 301 255-1343.MNMS POMERANIANSPortraits of PerfectionFEATURING Linebreeding of distinction Studs of inherent quality Striking show candidates Mary Gene Wells4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621 Tel 714-994-0259.AT STUDCh. Blossom Heights Firecracker Blossom Heights Poms John Arlene Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 407-842-5591John Sharon Masnick HCR Box 745 Huger, South Carolina 29450 803 928-3511iohn e. heaitzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY PO BOX 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S. CANADA BON 1C0Tel 9021 673-2446VAM^r POMS_________ _Offers PUPPIES, BROODS STUDS directly from GREAT ELMS KENNELMargaret Samples 5816 Deal Road704 821-7450 Matthews, NC 28105Bi-Mar PomeraniansHome of BIS CH. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Mary A. Rosenbaum 38711 - 200th Avenue SE Auburn, WA 98002 206-833-2160SouthlandPomeraniansRAYS OF SUNSHINE'CHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE PINEVILLE, LA 71360 PHONE 318 - 466-3456Pom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613 319-989-2199JDs Pompous PomsJanet Hovey Dan Farrell RR 3 Box 45A Huntingdon, TN 38344 901 986-0014Qflen 3fiig ^PometamcmgCheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor rr.1038 16th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603The Pom Reader July 199120RC PedigreesPomeranian pedigrees researched in any length. Monthly breeder specials. Beautiful originals with Champions in red. Colors free on all generations. 3-generations 8 4-generations 10 5-generations 15 6-generations 25 7-generations 35. THIS MONTHS WINNERS^ The winner of the 4-generation pedigree in the RGSPom Reader drawing was SUE COOK, RAIN BEAU POMS, page 29, June PR. Winning the 6-generation pedigree was OLGA BAKER, JERIBETH POMS, page 3 of the June issue. Prize certificates are in the mailRGS Pedigrees 2153 Cypress Landing Drive904-247-5384 or 904-720-POMS Atlantic Beach, FL 32233llayns PomsNote New AddressMARY ALLAN Rt 3 Box 531APh 918 485-3010 Wagoner, OK 74467S 'PomeraniansShow rebate. Lifetime heredity guarantee, medical insurance. Most colors available. Litters due out of Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn x Feistys Summertime Blues and Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn x Feistys Hanky Panky ORebel. Inquiries welcome. RGS Poms, 2153 Cypressland Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. 904-247-5384 or 904-720-POMS.1W1N 3HK5 POMS ftBILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE, HIXSON, TENNESSEE 37343 615-842-8184Beaii 'PamHome of Am. Can. Ch. Coys Lucky EightBeautiful Black At Stud To Approved BitchesJean Sue Cook 6810 S. Magnolia904 237-1636 Ocala, FL 32676STORKReport New Expected Litters 1000WHELPED 4-19-91 2 MALES, 2 FEMALESCh. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond For more information,Sire Ch. Merrymont Image Maker please contactFoskeys Foxy Lady Patti BarnettStarfrost Shining Firefly 316 W. FranklinDam Starfrost Shining Angel Whitehall, EL 62092Starfrost Wee Copper Penny Tel 217-374-2539By Pam WestHI POM LOVERSThe Dog Days of summer are here - make certain that your pet is protected from the heat and made as cool as possible. We all love our pets and sometimes let them in the car with us. However, consider the fact that the dog should never be left in the car on a hot day. Even if the air conditioner is on there is a possibility that the engine could stop running, leaving you unaware that your pet is in grave danger. While most of us are planning to celebrate the 4th of July holiday by picnic-ing in the back yard, or at the lake, remember that fireworks terrorize and may injure our pets.-HI Scooter is my name. Mommy tells me Im so beautiful and she loves me dearly. I told Santa to bring her lots of Christmas things and I had pictures made for her. I am a very good boy and I love my mommy dearly. Her name is Viola Hudson and we live in Thousand Oaks, California.1 Our little Gal, D.D. was a frightened little dog when she first came home. I didnt think either of us would adjust. Now shes a big mama and thinks she owns me and everyone else. She has such a sweet and loving personality. No one could ask for a more loving mother and a very proud one at that. Shes 4 Vi lbs. of love and sunshine.Another victim of the Pomeranian Charm... Olive Anderson, Seymour, Tennessee.Send your pets photo and description to MY PET, co Pam West, 3521 Buckner-Tarsney Rd., Grain Valley, MO 64029. Put name and address on each photo. My Pets published as space permits.The Pom Reader July 199121ICERAMA POMSSkip Piazza THE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266cPPrecious PJehiesHome of GabrielBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson. LA 70181 504 737-1729HOME OF THENORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942KILLER fcAND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Upper Valley Road El Paso, TX 79932Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466ChesaiPomeraniansRobert Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260 512 438-2667 STARLITE POMERANIANS Home of CH. Starlite Legacy Choco BearGayle Tom Griffin 3074 Lancaster Drive NE No. 253 Salem, OR 97305TZerryShow Pet Puppies Stud ServiceomeraniansryCina 7IC. jBerry318-582-6690 P.O. Box 907 203 Larry St. Iowa, LA 70647RHEA-NA POMS Due early JulyCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge daughter, BT, Ch. Prod., x Ch. Bev-Nors StatesmanCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge daughter, Show prod., x Red Double FudgesonCh. Bev-Nors Statesman daughter, Ch. Prod., x Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman. Look forRHEA-NAS BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY, Cruise, with Jackie Rayner. STEVE BARBARA NAGY, Rt 2 Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Tel 703-869-3749.Apolkitte MLPhamninn StnH Sprvirp Champion Stud Service Quality PuppiesMarlene Marlin Presser 209 886-5640STUD SERVICEJip6520 GAME FARM RD. E MOUND, MN 5536421789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95215PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYPattysPoipcraijiaijsPATTY JENSEN Phone 612 472-5950MANOR HILL POMSSilver Meadows Skip OScooterPointed Son ofCh. Silver Meadows Scooter Star Puppies Expected Helen Conrad1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 Tel 813-475-1724amramasiss-41MultipleToy Group Winner, sire of Am. Can. Champion winners of Best in Show All Breeds National Specialties Multiple Toy Groups Multiple Group Placements Multiple Best of BreedsBreeder-O wner-Exhibitor Mrs. James R. Dupre Sr., Route 2 Box 878-A, Colfax, LA 71417. 318 627-5180.The Pom Reader July 199122NewChampionsConflicted Champions of RecordJune 1991 AKC GazetteApolloette Wild Fire D, by Ch. Southlands Mr. Extraordinaire x Ch. Apolloette A Unique Pleasure. Breeder Marlene Presser Marlin Presser. Owner Diane L. Finch.Ballykins Orange Roughy D, by De Artas Foxy Man x Dias Brandy Bear. Breeder David A. Hogg. OwnerRenee K. McGrath.Baudier Texican Pico Bandito D, by Ch. Tomboys Pico Chico x Baudiers Texican Bettina. Breeder Michael Husband Erika K. Moureau. OwnerRobert S. Kennedy Patrick Farmer.Great Elms Teaka of Lu-Neals B, by Ch. Great Elms Timmy Timstopper x Echos Amber Star Cindee. Breeder- Owner Louise Sprouse.HHH Coming Up Roses B, by Ch. Tim Sue Just A Lil Moonlight x Ch. HHH Honeysuckle Rose. Breeder-Owner Peggy Hendricks.Homesteads Topsy-Turvy B, by Ch.Homesteads Spit N Polish x Homeateads Second-Hand Rose. Breeder-Owner Jean M. Hurley.HHH Terra Cotta Moonlight B, by Ch. Tim Sue Just A Lil Moonlight x HHH Amandas A Dream. Breeder Peggy Hendricks. Owner W. E. McKinney.Janesas Wee-Paws Pom Express D, by Ch. Glen Iris Charlemagne x Janesas Sable. Breeder Jerrie Freia. OwnerJudy R. ONeil.Lynnwrights Walt Disney D, by Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Ghostbuster x Ch. Bev-Nors Lady Diana. Breeder Donna Lynn Wright Beverly A. Norris. Owner Mrs. Nina Berry.Merrymont Spring Fever B, by Ch. Merrymont SatRday Nite Fever x Ch. Great Elms Karen of Lenette. Breeder Patricia J. Griffin. Owner S. R.White.Odysseys Lady Rose B, by Ch. Moon- shadows G Wiz Wee-Bad x Moon- shadows Tiffany Rose. Breeder JanetPorter. Owner Rachel C. Capps.Pomada Showstopper Nickie D, by Golden Glow Little Guy x Pomada Remember Meme Darling. Breeder- Owner Darlene Wilson.Puf-Pride Royal Rendition D, by Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition x LLL Bit O Gold Weeun. Breeder Virginia Dimick Warren Dinick. Owner Loretta Smerchek.Tim Sues Just A Short Trip D, by Tim Sues Travel Light x Tim Sues Just A Rose. Breeder Sue Goddard Tim Goddard. Owner Bronya Johnston Dick Johnston.Weehearts Glen Iris Talisman D, by Doo-Shays Mystic MacGuyver x Ch. Wee Hearts Bearly An Angel. Breeder Molly C. Gray. Owner Jerrie Freia Cheryl A. Jackson.Whitehaven Gol Nugget Legacy D, by Ch. Wee Hearts Bit Of Gold Dust x Dias Chatter Box Bear. Breeder Sue White. Owner Benson A. Ray.Plan now for the SeptemberExctic dis IssueOur annual EXOTIC COLORS Issue of THE POM READER is always a blockbuster SPECIAL AD RATESFULL PAGE COLOR 30000 FULL PAGE BW 10900 HALF PAGE BW 5900Worldwide coverage at incredible rates Make check or money order payable to DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809 Tel 813-858-3839 Fax 813-853-3624Deadline August 5We Honor VISA , MASTERCARD , AMERICAN EXPRESS .The Pom Reader July 1991P1^ Planmated.1I said NO PHOTOS I havent done my hairCourtesy Debbie Hall, Union Beach, NJ.JtF W'i_. - 5r " 11 ,y^r1r ^.- i-...T. ..icpi - v-wac.^ ''- ^ .. .ZOP EVERYTHINGThe Pom Readers hereCourtey Lois Ciliberto, Land OLakes, FloridaSUBMIT YOUR CUTE PHOTO FOR INCLUSION IN OUR POPULAR PLAYMATES DEPARTMENTAny clear photo will do, color, black white, Polaroid or regular film. Please mark your name and address on the back of each photo. Mail toPR PLAYMATES 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604I think we hit a snag in our new breeding program Photos published asHope Blackburn her pal Lance, Courtesy Nan Shartel, Condon, Oregon space permits.The Pom Reader July 19917,jusAivWee 'Hearts PanmA- nJHI HullChampion Wee HeartsTHATS NUFF.In Limited Showing 1 Group I4 Group II 1 Group IIIThank you David Fitzpatrick for super handling of SNUFFY-I mj-'mAmChampion Wee HeartsELVIRA.Finished in less than 2 months Sire Ch. Wee Heart The Stuff of Dreams Dam Ch. Wee Hearts Lady In BlackThank you Manuel Gonzelez Terry Miller for professional presentationSNUFFY ELVIRA ARE BRED AND OWNED BYWee fi^eaitA PameraniaimCASSANDRA ESTIL W. EVANS, RT. 1 BOX 253, VIDALIA, GA 30474.TEL 912-537-2382 OR 912-537-2993DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS f ..... ----------------- --- V' BULK RATE8848 BEVERLY HILLS GRIFFIN PR 1I U.S. POSTAGELAKELAND, FL 33809 2767 CfiLJKET S i b I JN 5ALeft KC 27106USA 3PAIDPERMIT 395NEWS PUBLICATION - DO NOT DELAY- ADDRESS CORRECTIVE RmjuzaiED LAKELAND, FL