The Pom Reader August 1991
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Tfae TomAugust 1991 Volume VI Number SixISTameranimmShares with you...JOSHBenRays Golden JoshN EnvyBreeder Benson RayAgentThe Lovely Pam CampbellBEST WINNERSOFKENNEL CLUB INCJUNE 9'Bcii'Kau SHOWCASE OF POMSIgw lB I r\.rBEST OF BREEDor VARIETYGR. VENICE FLORIDADOG CLUB' NOVEMBER '990photo 8 UiakamCH. BENRAYS SUNDANCING SIMONAS STUDCH. BENRAYS LIL BELLA SHERRYDUE TO WHELP MID-JULY7f0BEST OF WINNERSCHATTANOOGA KENNEL CLUB o MARCH 1991iCH. WHITEHAVEN GOL NUGGET LEGACYAT STUDInquiries BENSON E. RAY2007 Vestry Drive, Charleston, SC 29414 Telephone 803-571-6165GOLDEN AIRES CONTESSA CELLOCONNIE - POINTEDWATCH FOR BENRAYS WEE SUNDANCER Sired by Simon To be shown this Fall3Tvs fountry Pomeranians^ 6869 S. Hollywood RoadTel 815 938-3468 Baileyville, IL 61007CH. KS COUNTRY LITTLE TOO BITS KS COUNTRY MICRO MYRATOO BITS finished rapidly with 4 majors on her 9-month birthday. In limited showing as a special, she has garnered multiple BBs and a Group Placement.MYKA has just begun her show career and quickly took both her majors from the puppy class.These litter sisters have accomplished all this before their first birthdayKaren will soon be repeating this fantastic breeding.VBoth girls are exclusively handled by Linda Mike Fleming.Owned Bred By KAREN LUDKE 815-938-3468fyCvkaOwned By LINDA MIKE FLEMINGShow Puppies Now AvailableThe Pom Reader August 19914TamREADERAugust 1991 Volume VI Number VITABLE OF CONTENTS1,2. ON OUR COVER THE BENRAY POMERANIANSOwned by Benson E. Ray.8. SALLYS SOAPBOX by Sally BaugnietRemembering Edna, and Skin Problems.10. NEW CHAMPIONSRecent titleholders.10. POM ESCAPADES by Susan JohnsonOur popular cartoon department.12. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-June.13. SPECIAL ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-June.14. I.V. LEAGUE by Dr. Tom GravesLactation problems in the bitch.16. UNDERSTAND CONTRACTSLinda Rowell examines what constitutes a valid contract.18. MY PET by Pam WestPhotos and stories of companion Poms.20. PARTI LINE by Nan ShartelA Fashionable Fable.22. PR PLAYMATESOur hilarious candid photo department.24. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The publishers reserve the The Pom Reader August 1991right to refuse advertising deemed unsuitable. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809.TEL 813 858-3839 FAX 813-853-3624.This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFRONT COVERBenson E. Ray BENRAY POMSINDEX TO ADVERTISERSADKINS, D...........................................................9ALLAN, M........................................................... 9BENKO, A..........................................................19BERNARDO, G.................................................19BERRY, N..........................................................21BORWICK INNOVATIONS.............................7CATES, W. C................................................11CONRAD, H......................................................21COOK, S.............................................................11CREED, C..........................................................19DOMRASE, A. J...........................................11DOSSINGER, M................................................19DUPRES, E........................................................ 21FIDDICK, R. J..............................................19FINCH, D............................................................. 9FREIA, J.............................................................21GAD, N...............................................................21GRAF, H............................................................ 11GRIFFIN, G.......................................................21GRIFFITH, K......................................................9HARTZ, K..........................................................19HEARTZ, J. C...............................................19HOVEY, J.......................................................... 19JACKSON, C.....................................................19JENSEN, P.........................................................21LUDKE, K............................................................3MASNICK, S...................................................5,19MASON, B. J.....................................................11NAGY, S. B....................................................21NORRIS, B.........................................................19PEEL, C..............................................................9PFEFFER, C......................................................21PIAZZA, S..........................................................21PRESSER, M. M...........................................21RGS PEDIGREES............................................11RGS POMS........................................................11RANDALL, B.......................................................9RAY, B...............................................................1,2REILLY, R. J................................................21ROSENBAUM, M.............................................19SAMPLES, M....................................................21SOUCY, L............................................................ 9SPROUSE, L...................................................9,11STACKHOUSE, S.............................................19WELLS, M. G............................................... 195CHUB GOLDEN IBAMvftiJBEST OFWINNERS \ NOVEMBER 1990W\yjA 0 is shown winning a fiveAimeepoint major under judge EMIL KLINCKHARDT. She finished under judge FRANK OBERSTAR on June 23, 1991, at Brevard Kennel Club. She is the fifth Champion for hersire CH. TWIN PINES TICO TICO and the second for her dam DE AREAS DANCING MARKETTA.Best wishes to JOAN ROGENSKI with GOLDEN AIRES STORMIN NORMANWe have puppies from our own, CHRISCENDO and WEE HEARTS breeding. A special thank you to CASSANDRA EVANS for allowing us to use her boys who have given our breeding program a boostSHARON MASNICK GOLDEN AIRES POMS MICHELLE MILLER803 928-3511 HCR 65 Box 745 Huger, SC 29450 Our AgentThe Pom Reader August 1991FROMTHEEDITORThe phone has certainly been weird lately. Of course, the average person will get the occasional odd telephone call anybody at all involved in dogs gets more than his share of strange conversations, and any business is a target for pranksters. Should you be all of the above, however, you are really in for it.I, however, am in a unique position for dealing with phone calls of an unusual nature, for when we were kids we were masters at the art of Telephone Tricks. Not for us the run-of-the-mill phone games played by the less innovative, like calling a drug store and inquiring if they had Sir Walter Raleigh in a can when they answered yes, you shouted Well, youd better let him out before he suffocates There was also a stupid little trick wherein one would call a number at random and inquire if his or her refrigerator was running when he said yes, one would answer Well, youd better catch it before it gets away That was kid stuff we used more intriguing ploys to wreck someones day.One of the best was the Whistle Test. You called someone, identified yourself as the operator and said Were testing the sound on your line. Could you please whistle into the receiver This one paid off in spades when you contacted someone who could not whistle very well. Puffs of breath would echo down the line, interspersed with reedy little bursts of musical tones. Then, when they had pretty much exhausted their repertoire, you simply burst out laughing and hung up. People all over the city were left staring at their handsets, wondering how they fell for that.One really nasty telephone trick was the Wake Up Call, but it could only be employed in hotels, and was reserved for individuals you did not like, for whatever reason. You scanned the lobby for someone rude and theres always one and surreptitiously ascertained his room number. Then, you trotted over to the house phone, called the front desk and said Im in room 1409 and I have an urgent, early flight. Please make sure Im up at 330 a.m. This exercise is not reserved for juvenile delinquents I did this again just last year at the Garden to someone who made a nasty crack at a party. All day Tuesday she looked bleary-eyed, and now you know why. Although one must go to great lengths to accomplish a true telephone trick, they are almost always worth the trouble. The Pom Reader August 1991Nowadays it would be easier to play telephone tricks, as voices do not have to be so cleverly disguised. The advent of male operators would allow one to speak in a normal tone of voice in my day all operators were female, and one of the prerequisites of the job was an irritating, nasal voice. We simply clamped our fingers over our nostrils and raised the pitch an octave the result was a perfectly passable Operator Voice.One Telephone Trick for which you did not have to undergo vocal acrobatics was the Repair Man. A number would be dialed, and the phone, answered. One would then announce, This is the telephone repair man. I have to redirect the electrical circuit in your trunk box. This may cause your phone to ring but please under no circumstance pick up the receiver, or you will complete the circuit while Im working. Then you hung up. You waited one full minute. Then you called back and let it ring. And ring. And ring. No human being can stand it for long the record was 39 rings and so they finally grab the phone. Then you screamed at the top of your lungs.Now you may note that this is not exactly an intellectual pursuit but hey, we were never malicious. We were just bored.But the greatest of all was the Number Change. This was best accomplished around midnight on Saturday. You let the phone ring and ring, and finally made contact with an agitated individual on the other end. Again employing the Operator Voice, you said, This is your telephone operator. Due to overload on the existing lines, your telephone number has been changed. Shocked , the person would inquire as to what was the new number. You then replied, Im sorry, but I do not have that information. Then you hung up. Nobody ever went back to sleep.But what goes around comes around, I guess, and we have recently been the recipient of numerous stupid calls. The funny thing is that these are actual calls, not just pranks. My magazines bear the brunt of it, for example Is this Top Notch Toys Do you have Barbie and Kens Fun House The Orient Express Do you deliver Well have a quart of Moo Goo Gai Pan, four eg- grolls and two bottles of Heineken. Im always tempted to say well be there in thirty minutes, and then take the phone off the hook. Rottweil Xpress Can you get apackage to Pittsburgh by the 25th And of course, our favorite, The Pom Reader Do you also do Tarot Cards, or My wife and I are expecting a baby. Is it going to be a boy or a girl I said, Two of each. They dropped the phone.Complicating matters further is the tendency of people to say prescription rather than subscription, and the new Walgreens drug store whose phone number is one digit off from ours. Yesterday I got a call This is Mrs. Adams. I want to inquire about my prescription. Thinking she meant SUBscrip- tion, I replied, First name, please Ill check on it. I could not find a card under that name, and told her so. She then replied, Well youd better get it straightened out because I NEED THAT VALIUMBut sometimes am the cause of the commotion. The other day I got a call I love The Pom Reader, Ive been subscribing for years, and Im especially glad to see you have Olga Baker back writing. Shes great. Whats she writing about next month I replied, Yes, we re pleased to have her back, shes always been one of my favorite people. But here is where the trouble started. I said, In August, OLGA BRAKER IS TAKING A BAKE. Oops. Excuse me. I meant, OLGA BEEKER IS TAKING A BROOK. Cough, cough. Just a minute. Okay. OOGALOO IS A BARCALO UNGER. No. Wait. OLGA MO ISA VOLGA BOATMAN. Dear Gussie The caller then said, Are you okay And I replied, FINE. BUT MRS. DARRELL BAKER IS HAVING A MONTH OFF, OKAY I hate when that happens.But we are not without our prank calls, like one I received a little while ago. Being a retired expert at the art, they have to try awfully hard to get by me. The phone rang, and some kid said, Do you groom dogs I said yes we do have a mobile grooming business. Then she said, How much would you charge to wipe my dogs Without missing a beat I replied, 73.25 including tax. Would you like to put that on your credit card As she hung up I heard her say, Thats no fun. Hes too smart. Until next month, if the phone rings...brace yourself.JMcGPet Screen Door"VNo up-down, up-down when your pet wants in-out, in-out, IN-OUTNo flies in the house. No mosquitoes No ugly scratched or tornscreen.Durable, light-weight plastic. Snaps right into any screen.No screws or bolts. Install quickly and easily with only a hammer and knife.Magnets keep it from swinging in a strong breeze.Locks securely from inside.Convenient 8 x 10 opening for up to a 30-pound pet.Fully guaranteed.\r- W'v\ Yes, Please Make Our DayRush Me ______ Screen Doors at 19.95 Add 3.00 for Postage and HandlingI am enclosing a check for _____________Name______________________________________________________________________________Address____________________________________________________________________________City State ZipCalifornia Residents add Sales TaxBOKftlCKinnovations, incVP.O. Box 30345 Dept. TNT Santa Barbara, CA 93130 805 967-9469 Patent 4, 603,7241-800-365-56578a v ,n'ioy , alindBySally Baugniet 0 SKIN PROBLEMSI have very sad news to report. Edna Girardot, the grand lady of Scotia Reg. Pomeranians, died on May 13, 1991. She was well known for Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier, who still holds the record for siring more Champion puppies than any other Pomeranian. He produced over 65 Champions.There has always been a special place in my heart for Edna, for several reasons. I bought some of my first show stock from her Scotia line. At the 1991 American Pomeranian Club Specialty she told me she was proud to have given me my start with show Poms. I am very thankful that she did.Another very unusual reason, was her uncanny likeness to my mom. I had told Edna when I first met her that she looked very much like my mother. The year after Mama died, Dick and I took my dad with us on our annual January trip to Florida. We stopped in to see Edna at her Floral City, Florida, home. I asked my dad if she reminded him of anyone. He said, Mama.We, who were at the 1991 February Specialty, will never forget the applause given to Edna as she showed a veteran bitch. There were tears in our eyes. I said to myself, the other Veteran Bitch doesnt stand a chance today. Edna loved to show her Poms so much that she always turned down the offers to judge Sweepstakes. She didnt want to miss the chance to show her Poms.We send our sympathies to Dave and Dolores watts, who cared for Edna and with whom Edna lived when her health started to fail. The Watts must have gotten a wealth of knowledge from Edna, and Edna, care and companionship from them. She enriched the lives of all she met. The Pom Reader August 1991Is Elephant Skin, in the Pom, the same as Subaceous Adenitis in Poodles In studying and talking with other dog people to educate myself in other breeds, I overheard the discussion of some Standard Poodle people. They kept talking about SA. This, I found out, was short for Subaceous Adenitis, a skin disease that plagues several breeds. What they were discussing sounded much like what Pom people call elephant skin. Since Pomeranians have several skin diseases, I inquired about their topic of discussion. Barb Ingle graciously offered to send some information to me.The Genodermatosis Foundation, Inc.,publishes a free quarterly newsletter for owners, breeders, and researchers interested in SA, called Progress in SA Research. They also publish a pamphlet on SA. Permission is given to quote from these two sources as long as credit is given to this foundation. All quotes and much information in this article are taken from the material published by the Genodermatosis Research Foundation, Inc., a non-profit corporation 1635 Grange Hall Road, Dayton, Ohio 45432. The phone number is 513-426-7060.The GRF was organized in 1990 by a group of dog owners, breeders, and veterinarians with a common interest in genetic skin disorders in dogs, the foundation provides educational and scientific support for research leading to the alleviation of animal suffering through understanding, diagnosis, treatment, cure and prevention of heritable skin diseases.Interestingly enough, Pomeranians were one of the breeds listed as having been diagnosed with SA-like symptoms. All other breeds mentioned were some of the large breeds from the sporting and working groups,plus Standard Poodles. No other breeds from the toy or non-sporting groups were mentioned.Sebaceous Adenitis, inflamation and destruction of the sebaceous gland which is located around the bottom of the hair shaft under the skin is an inherited disorder. It usually appears in dogs from one to six years of age. It is not contagious. Most dogs affected with SA are healthy in other respects. It is believed to be a recessive trait where both the dogs sire and dam contribute to the genes that produce SA.At the onset an SA-affected dog will show varying degrees of hair loss or thinning. Patches of dry skin may appear on the muzzle, tops of the ears, or base of the tail. The dogs skin may thicken as the disease progresses. Secondary skin infections are common. A strong odor may develop. A silver-gray scaling may appear. This dandruff is most commonly seen in affected Standard Poodles.Unfortunately, current methods of treating SA do not cure the disease, but do make the dog feel and look better. Frequent bathing with a therapeutic shampoo is recommended. Antibiotics are useful in controlling secondary skin infections. Although hair may grow back where it was lost, the new hair is different in texture than normal hair.The quotes for this article were taken from Progress in SA Research published by the Genodermatosis Research Foundation, Inc. They welcome your support.Continued next month. Until then, best of luck to allSally Baugniet411 S. State Street Mishicot, WI 542289For Sale...RedOrange male, whelped 2-22-91. 5 lbs.Great Elms Bobby Beam Ch. Great Elms Little Timmy Beam Great Elms Sweet Candy Sire Watts Little Feisty PDQCh. Watts Little Peter Tan Mo-Best Ch. Watts Little Ebony of Scotia Watts Little Crisco of ScotiaLittle Black Sambeau II Soucys Tuffy BearBartons Rusty Vixen Dam Soucys Sugar BearMs. Castros Chipper Bear Soucys AngelCountess Cute and CuddlySpirit is offered for sale to a good home. For more information, contactLaurie Soucy6539 Townsend Road, Lot 283 Jacksonville, FL 32244 904-778-9687 or 904-269-5022Lu-9eas 'PomeraniansPresents TEAKA, our first Champion1m jCH. GREAT ELMS TEAKA OF LU-NEALSCh. Great Elms Timmy Timstopper x Echos Amber Star Cindee Thank you judgesTEAKA is now proud mom of 10 week old male. BREEDEROWNER HANDLERSLOUISE SPROUSE CARROLL MARY JAMES404 Hunter Street 2809 Fork Shoals RoadGreenwood, SC 29646 Piedmont, SC 29673PUPPIES OCCASIONALLY^ameramanBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K.G. GRIFFITH, OwnerfPuppy Sired by Ch. Great Elms Master Mark 3 Champions standing at stud as well as non-champions.PUPPIES ARE GENERALLY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE PRICES. Pets priced from 250.00, show and breeding stock priced from 500.00. Please ask for a free copy of our price list.WE SPECIALIZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINE. We do have some Aristic-Bonner Chesai.SATISFACTION IS ALWAYS GUARANTEED AT LENETTE. We give a written guarantee with every Pom sold.jMttru Allan JIt 91S 4S5-3O10,f\.Uagsjibtii jSertnce 3Rouie 3 jStnc 531Apuppies ccastrrttallu Jfflagtmer, 74467RENDEARA POMS. Offers for sale a Litter of blue males bom 6391. I Also other colors available. At Stud Brendearas Blue Ghost, Fully coated, 5 lbs., Feisty bloodlines. Brenda Randall, 3981 hwy. 373, Columbus, MS 39701Ph 601-434-6681Finchs PomeraniansDiane L. Finch Rural Route 1515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50132Ch. Apolloette Wild Fire Ch. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf Great Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines WhiteRed, and WhiteBlack Parti puppies.lAdkins PomeraniansLitter of 4 males, whelped 5-21-91 Sire, ADKINS TOPPER OF LENETTE Dam GREAT ELMS ROSA OF LENETTE. Puppies from CH. BI-MAR SUNNY GO LUCKY. Also snow whites. DOLORES ADKINS, 56 Camille Lane, E. Patchogue, NY 11772. 516-289-9682.The Pom Reader August 199110NewAllayns Dark Krystal B, by Ch. Macs Top Tune x Shamrocks Tarbubble V Alayn. Breeder-Owner Mary Allan.De Artas Golden Gina B, by Ch. De Artas Gold Cricket x Millamors Musical Gem. Breeder-Owner M.Deane Rinehart Nina K. Epps.Fasshy Dancer D, by Ch. Cobles Traveling Bear x Loves Diamond Jubilee. Breeder-Owner V. Thompson.Ks Country Little Too Bits B, by Tjs Ring Fire-Dancer x Aldens Rock Music Buff Mist. Breeder-Owner Karen Ludke.LLL Dazzlin Lights Headliner D, by Ch. Tim Sues Dazzlin Light x Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold Katrina. Breeder Janice Luginsland. Owner Peggy Roberts.Merrymont TrickR Treat B, by Ch. Merrymont Image Maker x Merry- monts Nut N Honey. Breeder Patricia J. Griffin. Owner Karen Crouch Greg Crouch.Morroccos Ambassador D, by Ch. Bev- Nors Statesman x Morroccos Honey Bear. Breeder-Owner Charles J. Edwards.Ozarks Mighty Mite D, by Clairmonts Carolina Diamond x Apples Ozark Dream. Breeder-Owner Karen Crouch Greg Crouch.Patricks Mr. Candy Man D, by Ch. Great Elms Firefighter x Ch. Patricks Miss Munchkin. Breeder Mildred G. Patrick. Owner Anne S. Vaughn.Pinyons Annie Oaklights B, by Tim Sues Shining Light x Jolly Wees Dusty Rose. Breeder-Owner Jean Focke.Puf-Pride Tandilizing Angel B, by Tiny Sun Dancer of Oakridge x LLL Happy Twinkling Tange. Breeder-Owner Virginia L. Dimick Warren G. Dimick.Sun-Dots Chewbka D, by Ch. Sun- Dots Ramboling On x Sun-Dots Lil Miss Ginger. Breeder Socorro C. Ded- mon Joseph P. Dedmon. OwnerRuth Dotson.The Pom Reader August 1991ChampionsConfirmed Champions of RecordJuly 1991 AKC GazetteTeakwoods Apple Annie B, by Teakwoods Biljonblue x Teakwoods Penny Annie. Breeder-Owner Laureen Ivey.Tiny-Tykes Little Hooker B, by Ch. Great Elms Firestarter x Annie Fanny of Tiny-Tykes. Breeder Lorraine Marie Hicks. Owner Gertrude M. Adair.Valcopy Wakhan Dress To Kill B, by Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Idolmaker x Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style. Breeder Randy Gemmill Dana L. Plonkey. Owner Elizabeth B. Eken MD Dana L. Plonkey.Valcopy Wakhan Lilly Dache B, by Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein x Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style. Breeder-OwnerRandy Gemmill Dana L. Plonkey.Wee Hearts Elvira B, by Ch. Weeheart The Stuff of Dreams x Ch. Wee Hearts Lady In Black. Breeder-Owner Cassandra Evans Estil W. Evans.Xtasis Devious Dingus Magee D, by ECs Smokee Shadow x Extaces Mis Bo Jangles. Breeder-Owner Gary D.Hull Elsie J. Hull.POM by Susan JohnsonESCAPADESAdvice to the Novice...J ", iC NXV, W, Jt\ jffVNSU5f JoknSDiOh, dont worry. In all my days of showing Ive only seen one or two of us die of fright in the ring11Lu-iNjecds 'PomeraniansGreat Elms Champion Sired Puppies OccasionallyLOUISE SPROUSE 404 Hunter StreetTel 803 229-6054 Greenwood, SC 29646ALDENS KENNELHome of Champion Parti GirlsCh. Aldens Parti Pepsi Hi Ch. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-Dot pic High Quality Exotic Breed Stock Available A1 Jan Domrase, 815 728-0559 6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 60072I i S PedigreesPomeranian pedigrees researched in any length. Monthly breeder specials. Beautiful originals with Champions in red. Colors free on all generations. 3-generations 8 4-generations 10 5-generations 15 6-generations 25 7-generations 35. THIS MONTHS WINNERS The winner of the 4-generation pedigree in the RGSPom Reader drawing was NORA GAD, CHULA POMS, page 21, July PR. Winning the 6-generation pedigree was TONY CABRERA, STARFIRES POM, page 3 of the July issue. Prize certificates are in the mailRGS Pedigrees 2153 Cypress Landing Drive904-247-5384 or 904-720-POMS Atlantic Beach, FL 32233MASONS POM HEAVENQUALITY PUPS AND YOUNG ADULTS FROM MILLAMOR, LLL, EMCEES GREAT ELMS, LUELLS, BONNERS CRESCENDO.BETTY JO MASON590 E. Orange Ave., Perris, CA 92370. Tel 714 657-8166rRQS "PomeraniansShow rebate. Lifetime heredity guarantee, medical insurance. Most colors available. Litters due out of Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn x Feistys Summertime Blues and Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn x Feistys Hanky Panky ORebel. Inquiries welcome. RGS Poms, 2153 Cypressland Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. 904-247-5384 or 904-720-POMS.IWIN HRS PDM5BILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE, HIXSON, TENNESSEE 37343 615-842-8184l^ain Beau TamsHome of Am. Can. Ch. Coys Lucky Eight Beautiful Black At Stud To Approved BitchesJean Sue Cook 6810 S. Magnolia904 237-1636 Ocala, FL 32676Grafenhorsts...Specializing in gorgeous Blacksy Black Tans, Chocolates2, \At Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Pictured left, a typical Grafenhorst Pom.Watch for our Poms in the show ringBreederHORST GRAF 12000 NW 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving Homesoneoss"Pet "PortraitsSpetiaMnq in beautiful Custom "Portraits fromyour photograph. Colt or write for information.9ancy Ogss Pet Portraits1550 82ruf Street Brooklyn, 9^11228 718 331-9523The Pom Reader August 199112UPDATE Top Ten Exhibitors January-June 1991Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranians fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience, and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this publications will be used for point credit.Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e., a September show may not be published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor. The following is the listing of the top ten exhibitors as of the above dates of the AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR....................... POINTSE. C EVANS................... ....39P. GRIFFIN............................35J. ONEIL................................33RINEHARTEPPS............. ....32FARMERKENNEDY.......28J. YOUNG..............................28S. HANSON............................26J. CABRERA...................... ....25P. HENDRICKS................. ...23L. IVEY............................... ...23G. SHARLAND.................. ...23D. WATTS..........................Tie placements alphabetical...23The Pom Reader August 199113ll 1 SPECIAL ADDITION Top 20 Poms January-June 91 AKC Gazette 111 Presently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials BEST IN SHOW All Breeds... .50011 competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress ot these REST IN SHOW tSnerialtvt....hard-working members of the Breed, we are pleased to otter youSPECIAL ADDITION. BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty...75TOY GROUP FIRST...........................250SPECIAL ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top TOY GROUP SECOND.. .150Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system TOY GROUP THIRD ..75are as follows TOY GROUP FOURTH. ..25Breed Points not to be confused with ARC championship points REST OF RRF.F.D........ .10are alloted to individuals according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and Fields Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point credit. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsStatistician Susan Wade. Tie placements are alphabetical and marked with an asterisk. BISS is for Independent Specialties only. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Poms, as per the dates above.POINTS NAME BISA BISS BOSS I H III IV BOB3275 CH. JAMOLS CLASSIC HI-TIME D...............................B. Pauli, Owner. - 7 7 5 - 102090 CH. TOMHO CHAMPAGNE WISHES D........................R. Koeppel, Owner. - 4 5 2 4 91550 CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY D....SmartRoberts, Owners1 1 1 4 1 51485 CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH D....J. Hurley, Owner. - 1 7 1 - 111370 CH. SOUTHLANDS MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE D - 1C. Creed, Owner- 2 2 3 1 71305 CH. TOMHO STRUTTING TERMITE D.........................H. Sklar, Owner. - 2 5 1 31245 ACH. JANES WEE PRINCE OJERIBETH DG. J. Reed, Owners- 1 6 1 " 21245 CH. PIXIES BUTTONS-N-BOWS B........................C. Galavich, Owner- 4 1 1 21195 CH. JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT D.........................BaumgartnerContinoBaker, Owners- 1 5 1 4 2925 CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK D.........................MoureauJackson, Owners- 2 2 1 2900 CH. PHYNER GOLD JACKPOT D...........................TraunerMoreno, Owners- 3 1 850 CH.SOUTHLANDS MR. VIP OlDA D...................JacksonTaylor, Owners- 1 3 2 10805 CH. WEE HEARTS THATS NUFF D.....................C. E. Evans, Owners- 1 3 1 3790 CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR D.F. Stoll, Owner- 2 1 1 1 4790 CH. TIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTS D.....................S. P. Conlee, Owners - 2 1 1 1 4625 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D.............................T. S. Goddard, Owners- - 2 " 1 - 5615 CH. SHADOMOUNTIN ONE MAN SHOW D.BucherSnyder, Owners" - 1 1 2 1 4455 CH. BI-MAR SHO-GUN OF JERBOS D.................J. D. Owens, Owners - 1 1 - 1 3445 MERRYMONT SATRDAY NITE LIVE DP. Griffin, Owner- 1 1 1 2350 CH. BRITESTARS BINGO BONANZA D....M. Porter, Owner 1 2 15Tie Placements alphabeticalThe Pom Reader August 199114tJL Lcm^ O ThomaYour Hookup To Canine HealthThomas K. Graves, DVMIt was my second night as the emergency room doctor at my new job as a clinical instructor of small animal medicine and surgery at the Ohio State Universitys veterinary teaching hospital. The Rottweiler bitch was lying on the floor of the exam room, depressed and weak. Her litter of four-day-old puppies huddled in a cardboard box beside her, crying to be fed...I had seen the litter the day before and had docked their tails and removed their dewclaws. Ill tell you frankly that I hate docking tails. I see enough pain on a daily basis without causing even more. I do it, however, because if I do not the next veterinarian down the road will. And at least I can make sure that the tail docking is done correctly to the breed standard and that it is done as cleanly as possible. I also think its important for students to be exposed to newborn puppies so they learn how to examine them properly.The little Rottweiler puppies were doing fairly well, but I had noticed that mom was not doing a very good job of keeping her babies clean. Where was the bitch, I asked, and could I examine her, please Unfortunately, the owners had left mom at home a mistake.The next day I was in surgery when my pager rang and I was told that the breeder was on the phone and that his bitch was not doing well. I called back as soon as we were finished with the surgery and after a couple of questions and answers we decided the bitch should come in on an emergency visit.There are a number of problem areas associated with lactation in the bitch. Many of these problems are avoidable with proper nutrition, sanitation and preventative health care. Early recognition and proper treatment can lead to happy, healthy mothers and healthy puppies with a decreased incidence of neonatal death.Decreased Milk ProductionThe absolute absence of milk production, agalactia, is very rare in dogs. In such cases, the mammary glands fail to develop prior to whelping and no milk is ever produced. The causes of this condition are poorly understood, but probably include hereditary causes, abnormal mammary glands, poor nutrition, systemic diseases and hormone defi- The Pom Reader August 1991ciencies.More common than actual agalactia is the failure of milk letdown. In these cases, the mammary glands are developed and are producing milk, but the milk is not being let down into the teat canal which leads to the nipple. Mammary gland development and milk letdown are both stimulated by the suckling of puppies, but failure of milk letdown is usually due to stress and over-excitement. This is especially common in young, inexperienced bitches. Failure of milk letdown can be treated with tranquilizers and ocytocin, but providing a comfortable, soothing environment is the key to success in treating this condition.Calcium supplements should NEVER be given to bitches prior to whelping. This predisposes to eclampsia.Inadequate milk production, not associated with agalactia or failure of letdown, is not uncommon. The causes of decreased milk production include genetics some lines of bitches produce more milk than others just like dairy cows, poor general health, poor nutrition and unsuitable environment. Lactating bitches must be treated with the utmost of care and kept in the best possible environment for raising a litter. Excessive noise, stress, extreme heat or cold, rough handling and poor sanitation can all lead to decreased milk production. I firmly believe that if we are going to ask our bitches to provide us with litters of puppies, we have an obligation to provide them with nothing but the best environment, the best food, and the best health care.Feeding for LactationExperts in the field of veterinary nutrition believe that malnourishment of the bitch is a factor in up to 30 percent of all canine neonatal deaths. Thats kind of staggering when you think about it. There is no excuse for not feeding a bitch properly.As with many things, the topic of canine nutrition is rife with controversy. Im not about to recommend a particular brand of dog food, but I have a few guidelines which, in my opinion, are important.Lactating bitches need a food that is highly digestible, high in protein, and calorie-dense. You cannot feed a maintenance diet to a lactating bitch. Some veterinarians believe B vitamins are of particular importance in feeding the lactating bitch. This is probably true, but a good, balanced commercial dog food should provide all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and I tend to shy away from the use of dietary supplements in my patients and in my own dogs. A diet for a lactating bitch should have greater than 80 percent digestibility. The protein should be around 29 percent and fat should be 17 percent or more. Calcium and phosphorus should also be balanced and not excessive. Calcium supplements should NEVER be given to bitches prior to whelping. This predisposes to eclampsia. Calcium content of the ration should be between 1.0 and 1.8 percent, with phosphorus between 0.8 and 1.6 percent.In general, the amount of food a bitch needs increases during the last 3 to 4 weeks of gestation. This is the period during which there is a rapid increase in fetal size. There are many formulas for determining the amount of food to feed a pregnant bitch. I think it is best toContinuedDr. Tom Graves continued use your own common sense. A healthy pregnant bitch should experience a 15 to 25 percent increase in body weight at the time of whelping. Bitches that fail to gain this amount of weight are probably being underfed. Also, pregnant bitches need to be fed more often than might otherwise be necessary. As the uterus fills with growing puppies, the abdomen becomes crowded and there is less room for expansion of the stomach. Twice a day feeding is a minimal requirement for advanced pregnancy, and free choice feeding is sometimes preferred.Once the pups are born, feed will have to be increased over the first three weeks until the bitch reaches peak lactation. One rule is to feed 1.5 times the maintenance during the first week, 2 times maintenance during the second week, and 3 times maintenance during the third week. I dont like rules like this because I dont think they take into account such factors as breed or litter size. A better rule might be to feed the amount the bitch needed at full term pregnancy plus an extra 25 percent per puppy. For example, if a bitch was eating 1 cup of food during her last week of gestation, and she has three puppies, she should need 1 cup 3x.25 cup 1.75 cups of food during her peak lactation. If a bitch is being fed free choice food, the need for calculating requirements might well be eliminated.The signs of malnutrition in the lactating bitch include 1. extremely poor body condition, 2. inadequate milk production, 3. fading puppies, and 4. uncontrollable diarrhea. The diarrhea is usually caused by feeding food that is more than adequate in volume but not adequate in digestibility so that the bitch has to eat excessive amounts in order to meet her caloric needs.Mammary Congestion and MastitisMammary congestion is seen when one or more of a bitchs teats are not being adequately drained of milk. This can occur a few days prior to whelping and up to a few days after whelping. When the number of puppies is less than the number of nipples, the breeder must pay attention to make sure that all of the mammary glands are being milked out equally.A congested mammary gland becomes swollen and can be quite painful and should be drained of milk by hand if necessary. If the gland is not infected, the milk will appear normal. If a congested mammary gland is left unattended it can lead to mastitis.Mastitis is a very serious disease in the bitch and can lead to severe systemic illnessThe signs of malnutrition in the lactating bitch include1. extremely poor body condition,2. inadequate milk production,3. fading puppies, and4. uncontrollable diarrhea.and very sick puppies. Mastitis in canines is usually associated with bacterial infection staphylococcus, streptococcus, orE. coli. It is believed that factors other than mammary congestion can lead to mastitis. These include trauma, especially from sharp little puppy claws, and poor sanitation.The signs of mastitis include heat, redness, swelling and sensitivity of the affected teat, fever, loss of apetite, listlessness, and loss of interest in the puppies. If the puppies drink the infected milk, they too can become sick and will cry excessively and appear to be bloated. Examination of the milk of a mastitic bitch reveals discolored milk yellow, brown or bloody with an abnormal consistency.The treatment of mastitis involves milking of the infected glands, applying hot packs for 10-15 minutes at least 4 times a day, and administration of antibiotics. Amoxicillin, ampicillin and chloramphenicol have been recommended. I prefer to use a cephalosporin such as cephalexin Keflex or cefadroxil Cefa-Tabs . These drugs aremore expensive, but they get good concentrations in the mammary gland and are effective against a wide spectrum of the organisms usually associated with mastitis. These drugs are also relatively safe for the puppies. You have to keep in mind that whatever drug you give the bitch ends up in the puppies. Puppies must be kept from nursing the affected glands. Tape a small piece of bandage material over the nipple when the bitch and her pups are left unattended. Should the puppies become ill, either from the milk for from the antibiotics in the milk, or should the mother become too ill to feed them, the puppies will have to be raised by tube or bottle feeding. Maybe next month Ill write an article about milk replacement formulas and tube-feeding puppies. Well see.Fortunately, mastitis is fairly easy to treat as long as the breeder is dedicated. Full recovery is usually within a few days and the future reproductive and lactational performance of the bitch is not impaired. Anyway, the Rottweiler bitch is doing just great. I put in a quick phone call to my friend Patty and asked her how the puppies had done when her little bitch, Peanut was put on cephalexin during a bout of mastitis. She reassured me that the puppies had done just fine and that Peanut had recovered uneventfully, and I sent the Rottweiler home on hot packs, milkings and antibiotics. The next day the breeder called to thank me for seeing his bitch so late at night and to tell me how well she and her puppies were doing. Im in a good mood just thinking about it.DTom Graves, DVMA graduate of the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine and a two- time winner of the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Veterinary Scholarship, Tom Graves is now a clinical instructor of small animal medicine and surgery at Ohio State Universitys veterinary teaching hospital in Columbus. We thank Tom for his continued dedication and stellar input into this magazine.Readers are welcome to suggest topics they would like to see addressed in Toms articles. Write to Tom Graves, DMV, co The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604.15The Pom Reader August 199116Understanding CONTRACTSby Linda G. Rowell Being a firm believer in putting things in writing, I would like to discuss the STUD AGREEMENT. Keep in mind that the conditions of an agreement can be almost anything within the imaginations of all involved, so long as a few contract rules are followed...To understand a contracts purpose and content, first lets define itCONTRACT a promise, or set of promises, for BREACH of which the law gives a REMEDY, or the PERFORMANCE of which the law in some way recognizes as a DUTY. 1 Williston 8 1.The essentials of a valid contract are1. Parties COMPETENT to contract.2. A proper subject matter.3. CONSIDERATION.4. MUTUALITY of agreement.5. MUTUALITY of obligation.286 N.W. 844. 846All of the above have to be present to have an enforceable contract. Here is a sample STUD SERVICE CONTRACTA THIS IS TO CERTIFY THATBreedName of BitchAKC NumberOwnersAddressPhone was bred to my stud NameAKC numberDate of Breedings Due Date Al Cash Fee Received B CONDITIONS OF SERVICE1. No fee refunded in whole or in part unless no breeding, either natural or artificial, has taken place.2. A Guarantee of Mating Only is made and not of pregnancy or of puppies living or dead. Mating may be either natural or artificial.3. If no pregnancy occurs from this breeding, a repeat service will be given with no charge at the bitchs next heat. Proper notification should be given to stud owner by the Due Date above.4. If my stud dies, is sold, or otherwise unavailable, I have the right to mate the bitch with one of my other studs. My choice.5. I will sign litter registration upon proper proof of litter, but not before 4 weeks of age.6. On maiden bitches or bitches difficult to breed, an artificial insemination will be performed and owners of bitch will be informed of such action, if AI is needed. Any expenses incurred by me, due to this procedure is extra and not included in the above stud fee, payable when bitch is picked up.7. Five days care is included in stud fee. Any additional days will be charged at the rate of per day, payable when bitch is picked up.The Pom Reader August 19918. The owners of said bitch, upon signing this agreement, release the owners of the stud from any liability for this bitch due to illness, accident or death.9. Should either of the parties to this agreement default in any of the provisions under this agreement, then and in the event, either party may bring an action in law or in equity under the terms of this agreement for the specific performance of the terms and conditions of this agreement and shall, in addition to all other damages, be entitled to reasonable attorneys fees and court costs in the bringing such action.10. Each of the parties hereby represents, each to the other, that he is signing this agreement freely and voluntarily, intending to be bound by it.11. Each of the parties hereto understands that they have incorporated into this agreement the full, complete and entire understanding and agreements that this agreement, consisting of pages constitutes the entire contract of the parties and supercedes any and all prior understandings between them on the subjects covered in this agreement, and that the parties agree that no representations or other matters of whatsoever character which have heretofore occurred and transpired between them, except as expressly set forth herein, shall have any force or effect.12. This agreement is executed and delivered and shall be performed in the state of , shall be interpreted, construed, andenforced in accordance with the laws of the state of ,and the parties hereto agree that if any provision is found to be invalid or unenforceable, all other provisions will, nevertheless, be continued in full force and effect.13. Time is of the essence in the performance of the conditions under this agreement.14. The parties agree that any failure of either of the parties to insist upon the strict performance of any of the provisions of this agreement shall not be construed as waiving his or her right to enforce the terms and conditions contained herein, and the parties hereto further agree that no modification or waiver of the terms of this agreement shall be valid unless stated in writing, signed by both parties and properly witnessed.The parties hereto have set their hands and seals on the date below. No part of this agreement is transferable.Owners of Bitch ____________________________ Date __________Owners of Stud ____________________________ Date __________Witness_____________________ Witness ______________________ContinuedCONTRACTS Continued...Using the sample contract on the previous page, well go downthrough the lines. denotes essentialA. General info of all involvedAlso, I require all bitches to be current on vaccines, fecal check, and brucellosis with written proof from their vet.1. Fee received amount paid for service or puppy in lieu of cash, etc.. Normally cash is given up front for stud services, unless you stipulate a puppy back Remember, once you breed the bitch, there is no way to undo it even if you do not get paid. If a check bounces, or refusal to pay after breeding takes place, you are in an undesirable situation. To prevent this from tplkdoiacash, not checks, is recommended when the bitch is dropped off for breeding.B. Conditions These are tailored to each individiual case.1. This clause is self-explanatory.2. This clause states what you are guaranteeing. Some people believe a stud service automatically means pregnancy. NOT SO. They are purchasing your studs sperm. I personally, cannot guarantee pregnancy of every bitch I breed, but by giving repeat breedings on bitches that do not conceive, I am doing my best to achieve pregnancy, the ultimate goal.3. This clause covers the repeat services. Most stud owners want each bitch to conceive on the first service, so repeats are not necessary. We tend to take the miracle of pregnancy for granted and assume all bitches can have puppies. So many things can come into play from the bitches end that even the most experienced stud dog cannot compensate for.4. This clause allows you to use another stud if the original one is unavailable, as clause number one is in contract.5. Since most people lose pups before 4 weeks of age, this clause is used to prevent unnecessary litter papers from being issued. You should try to see the litter when possible and keep records of numbers in litters. Although the AKC does not require the stud owner to substantiate this, I feel a responsibility since it involved my stud.6. This is a clause of individual preference and thought. I do my own AI, so do not use this but it is food for thought for those of you who use your vet for this. The average charge for this at a vets can be 50.00 for the first AI, including smears, etc., and 25.00 for each AI after that. With a stud fee of 175-200, you can see that would leave very little left. Should the owner of the stud pay this expense or not7. This clause can be used to alleviate the problem of people leaving their bitch for weeks unnecessarily, or unexpectedly. Years ago, a bitch was sent to be bred and when I tried to contact the owners for pickup, I was told that they had gone to Las Vegas for vacation Two weeks later they returned. So, for the stud fee, they had also received 17 days of free food and board. How nice Some people seem to plan their vacations around Poopsie being bred and expect the stud owner to keep her the extra time. With this clause, keeping the bitch extra time is then YOUR choice, otherwise you may charge. Normally the phone rings on the sixth day to check on the bitch.I have yet to charge anyone extra, for if the bitch is still breedable, is a late breeder, etc., Ill keep her 15 days if necessary, but again, at my discretion.8. Having someone elses bitch at your residence is a large responsibility and should not be taken lightly. You must use reasonable care and caution with her. It is advisable to keep incoming bitches separate from your dogs for several reasonsA. To allow the bitch to rest and adjust to her new surroundingsB. To prevent your stud dogs from raising cane C. To prevent undo exposure to your dogs and vice versa D. To keep better control on her whereabouts so there can be no accidental breedings, and E. To keep better tabs on her health-wise. This clause is for things beyond your control which still could be up to a court of law to decide.9. Standard clause and should be in ALL types of contracts 10. Standard ditto11. Standard ditto12. Standard ditto13. Standard ditto14. Standard dittoOTHER CLAUSES YOU COULD USE15. If you guarantee pregnancy and a litter, what constitutes a litter Does one puppy or more than one puppy What if she has a litter but all are stillborn What if they die 2 or 3 days after birth16. If you choose to take a puppy in lieu of stud fee, specify first pick puppy. At what age will you make your choice Normally 8-12 weeks is logical. Keep in mind, that if you do get pick puppy, make your choice on time, as agreed, as the owners of the bitch cannot make any decisions or sales until you make your pick. Common courtesy is needed here. What if there is only ONE puppy in the litter Do you take the only pup fter the owners of the bitch have raised it for 8-12 weeks, even though it is rightfully yours Or do you repeat the breeding, thus waiting another 8 months-plus Do you then take your cash stud fee in lieu of a pup All these things need to be spelled out so that all is understood.When designing a contract, you should speak with your attorney concerning the laws and requirements of your state. These are guidelines to make you aware of all the conditions involved and forethought needed to compose one.As you can see, there can be a lot of ifs, ands and buts, which is why putting terms in writing is vital, whether it be your best friend or a complete stranger. Do not leave anything to assumption. Discuss the terms, making sure the parties involved understand all the clauses. A written agreement can hopefully save friendships, promote new friendships, prevent frivolous litigations, and bring answers of questions to light that may have been passed off or assumed, otherwise. Linda G. Rowell5119 N. Orange Avenue, Winter Park, FL 3279217Best Wishes toSusanWadeOur Statistician and friend, for a quick recovery from her recent illness and hospitalization. Write to Susan atBox 22, Shapleigh, ALE 04076Duane Doll Joe AtcGinnis and The Pom ReaderThe Pom Reader August 199118Mi Iret lSfy Tam Wedti ymm\ r \mtttf I VITWHVVffIMVvm___________Lacy Prancer enjoy their private poolRosie, and Chamois the Lamb thinks shes a PomAs I sit here with my feet soaking in a tub of hot water, while a heating pad is propped against my back, I have time to reflect once again upon the sacrifices we make for our pets...From the time I bought my first Pom, six years ago, I have been hooked on Poms. So hooked in fact, that as my pets grew in number, my small residential yard complete with inground pool seemed to grow smaller.So, just a year ago we bought a house on 5 unfenced acres. We thought this would allow the Poms plenty of room to run. With so much room, why not build a kennel, we told ourselves. Why, we could even add inout doors to allow the Poms to come inside or stay outside, at their own discretion.While buying the galvanized fencing for the builder to put runs in the kennel, we thought, why not fence the back yard By doing this the Poms could run and play in grass or on concrete.So, with many thanks to Richard Terri Watts, also Pom owners, we fenced the entire back yard, which happens to be 3 acres. Now, thats a lot of fencing, not to mention aching muscles, and empty pockets.Of course, after the builder completed the kennel we decided a privacy fence around the kennel would provide safety against theft. Then after we built a beautiful privacy fence, we decided the kennel needed shade trees, and shrubbery for landscaping. We spent the following day at the nursery, where we bought several varieties of everything, a truckload of potting soil, new hoses with holes in them for equalized watering, and The Pom Reader August 1991more shovels. We had broken our others digging fence post holes.Last week while taking the first swim in our new inground pool, we had 3 Poms and a pet lamb jump into the water with us. At this point we decided it was certainly time to fence in the pool.While Bill my husband is paying for the lumber, concrete, nails, and water seal, I run to get yet another do-it-yourself book, this one on building a picket fence thinking if we do it ourselves it will be cheaper. Taking a day off work, we get started early installing a fence around the pool. It must have been a coincidence that today was the hottest and most humid of days weve had yet this year.While keeping track of my extremely active 3 year old, trying to keep the pet geese, Amos Andy out of the pool, watching out for Chamois the lamb as my husband and my three teenagers dig post holes, drive the pickup that is full of lumber and a wheelbar- rel full of concrete, I am spraying sections of the fence with Thompsons Water Seal. I look up once again keeping track of the whereabouts of everyone. I notice that the Poms are out in their runs watching excitedly as we work. Each of them has the same expression, as if to say, Oh boy What are they doing for us nowSo, as I sit here with all these aches and pains, in addition to the knowledge of how much money our pets have cost us, I cant help but ask myself, Is it really worth it YOU BET Pam WestSend your pets photo and description to MY PET, co Pam West, 3521 Buckner-Tarsney Rd., Grain Valley, MO 64029. Put name and address on each photo. My Pets published as space permits.NOT THE MAMA This 3-month-old male pup Stormy like to take over when Dolly the real mama takes a breakTANGY loves to ham it up but hates to give up her favorite chair Both photos courtesy of Audene French, N. Ogden, Utah.19DOSSMARParti-Color pups and breeding stock available. Solids also. Watch for Golden Aires Nick ODossmar at the shows this spring. He is a solid orange son of Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince. At Stud to solids only.Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Road414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040John Sharon MasnickHCR Box 745^yr\ Huger, South Carolina 29450'ruawA 803 928-3511Phillbrooks Fancy PomeraniansShow, breeding and pet Behind such well-known bloodlines asMost colors including Partis Bi-Mar Bonner- . CedarwoodSusann Stackhouse creidersBox 1070 Rancocas Road o-NeeMount Holly, NJ 08060 J ^tedTn609 267-4644 Sun-Raya johne.heaftzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTYPO BOX 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S. CANADA BON 1C0Tel 902 673-2446CIRCUS CIRCUSFOXWOODWe have litters by Great Elms Joey of Lenette Ch. Queenaire Starburst Ch. Great Elms Models Timstopper Ch. Bi-Mar Shogun of JerbosBarbara Don DeFord Cheri L. Peel206-833-4634 FAX 206-458-3771 206-458-3198offers PUPPIES, BROODS STUDS directly from GREAT ELMS KENNELMargaret Samples 5816 Deal P.oad704 821-7450 Matthews, NC 28105DOVER-HOUHOUSE POMSCh. Stud ServiceParti, Chocolate, Black Tan and BlackStud ServicePuppies OccasionallyKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski319 Ardmore Ave., Trenton, NJ 08629 609-695-1642Bi-Mar PomeraniansHome of BIS CH. Bi-Mar Sundance KidMary A. Rosenbaum38711 - 200th Avenue SEAuburn, WA 98002206-833-2160lolfrcrest C2819 Magnolia Avenue FOR SALE Long Beach, CA 90806100 SUNRAY 213-424-92072 Males, 1 blk., 1 choc. 800-888-7646SouthlandPomeraniansCLBEV'NOR Poms offersNew litters CH. SIRE CH. DAM. Also, 2 proven linebred young females bred to CH. BEV-NORS STATESMAN, Multi- Group winner, and to CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE, 1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983. Reasonable to right home.BEVERLY NORRIS, 7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. PH 301 255-1343.Pom Acres KennelR.R. 4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613319-989-2199MNMS POMERANIANSPortraits of PerfectionFEATURING Linebreeding of distinction Studs of inherent quality Striking show candidates Mary Gene Wells4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621Tel 714-994-0259.JDs Pompous PomsJanet Hovey Dan FarrellRR 3 Box 45AHuntingdon, TN 38344 901 986-0014AT STUDCh. Blossom Heights1 FirecrackerBlossom Heights PomsJohn Arlene Benko y 9 5351 Jeffrey AvenueiSI West Palm Beah, FL 33407407-842-5591meicmicmsCheryl A. Jackson 1038 16th Ave. SouthJoel M. Taylor Birmingham, AL 35205205 328-6603The Pom Reader August 199120W\m BxbyNan Sh artelA Fashionable Fable Part ILong ago and far away, tucked into a tiny corner of the black forest, was a magical kingdom. It was known throughout the European continent as the hub of unique and innovative fashion. The inhabitants of this fair land wore such lively styles, a kaleidoscope of colors, in such perfect taste, that their garb was known far and wide as the epitome of sophistocated dress.The gentlemen wore waistcoats and breeches of various hues, complimented by impeccable white collars and leggings, with jaunty caps worn rakishly over their ears, setting off their pale faces.The ladies gowns glide gracefully, as they move up and down the streets in hues of bitter chocolates, pale greys, rich golds or crimson, periwinkle, or the lightest sky blue. They are completed with white fur collars and sleeves, high white boots and bonnets to match the gowns.Tourists flocked to the quaint kingdom, to browse the shops and admire the loveliness of the fashions there.One day a traveling merchant happened into the little kingdom. Amongst his merchandise for sale were the latest fashions from Italy. In each town he visited he displayed the fashions. The residents of the magical kingdomconsidered the Italian merchants styles rather monotonous, but as true gentlemen and ladies they kept their opinions to themselves. The merchant was crestfallen, but tenacious. How, he thought, can I garner the approval of these most prestigious citizens for these new fashionsNow, the monarch of the little kindgom was renowned for his whimsical vanities and eccentricities, so the merchant devised a plan. The following day when he stopped at the Palace, he put it into action. When the monarch showed only passing interest in the fashions, the merchant whispered in his ear Your Majesty, what is there to distinguish you from your subjects The monarch frowned. Quickly, the merchant said, Perhaps you could have a more individual style of dress. Wont you try one of these Italian fashions They are unlike anything you have here. Youll set a new trend for your subjects.This idea appealed to the monarch, and he chose a bright orange suit. Perfect, said the merchant. With autumn drawing near, it is the perfect choice.The following day the monarch walked out amongst his subjects wearing his perfect orange suit. The promised effect was immediately evident. Residents haltedmid-step, stunned. Shopkeepers thrust their heads out the windows and gasped. Children at play ran out of their yards to follow, point, and giggle at His Majesty. The tourists were quite confused by the uproar.The Monarch hastened back to his palace and angrily summoned the merchant. How dare you, he said, sell me a suit that would make me a laughingstock amongst my subjects How dare your SUBJECTS, countered the merchant, laugh at the choice of the standard-bearer for fashion in this fair kingdomHmmm, said the monarch...and that very day sent forth a proclamation that affected the attire of all the citizenry in his realm. It readFrom this day forth all fashion previously worn will be put away and all citizens will wear the fashions sold by the Italian merchant that is favored by the monarch of this fair land. Reluctantly, they obeyed. And for a time it seemed there would be no happily ever after in the little kindgom...Next monthA Fashionable Fable Part IINan Shartel, 503 N. Lincoln, Condon,OR 97823-0181. Tel 503-384-5177The Pom Reader August 199121ICERAMA POMSSkip Piazza THE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266SrC^Jrecious ^JelliesHome of GabrielBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson, LA 70181 504 737-1729NORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942HOME OF THEKILLERAND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Upper Valley Road El Paso, TX 79932fovieass omJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466ChesaiPomeranians4S4Robert Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260 512 438-2667 STARLITE POMERANIANS Home of CH. Starlite Legacy Choco BearGayle Tom Griffin 3074 Lancaster Drive NE No. 253 Salem, OR 97305u.TOerryShow Pet Puppies Stud Serviceomeramans'yCina HT. OSerry318-582-6690 P.O. Box 907 203 Larry St. Iowa, LA 70647RHEA-NA POMS Due early JulyCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge daughter, BT, Ch. Prod., x Ch. Bev-Nors StatesmanCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge daughter, Show prod., x Red Double FudgesonCh. Bev-Nors Statesman daughter, Ch. Prod., x Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman. Look for RHEA-NAS BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY, Cruise, with Jackie Rayner. STEVE BARBARA NAGY, Rt 2 Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Tel 703-869-3749.jfc c4pallett Champion Stud ServiceQuality PuppiesMarlene Marlin Presser 209 886-564021789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95215STUD SERVICE6520 GAME FARM RD. E MOUND, MN 55364PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYPattysPonjeraijiaiisPATTY JENSEN Phone 612 472-5950MANOR HILL POMSSilver Meadows Skip OScooterPointed Son ofCh. Silver Meadows Scooter Star Puppies Expected Helen Conrad1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 Tel 813-475-1724CMterafuasiji. Qufirs SfcarAinys Gftuter'Multiple Toy Group Winner, sire of Am. Can. Champion winners of Best in Show All Breeds National Specialties Multiple Toy Groups Multiple Group Placements Multiple Best of BreedsBreeder-Owner-Exhibitor Mrs. James R. Dupre Sr., Route 2 Box 878-A, Colfax, LA 71417. 318 627-5180.The Pom Reader August 1VV122Plf^ Plan rn a le.-Eat your heart out, Fred AstairePhoto of Spunky courtesy Laura Cianciotta, Brooklyn, NYYouve seen Parti Poms - well, Em a Morning-After-The-Parti PomChewbaca, courtesy Clara Sage, Way land, MISUBMIT YOUR CUTE PHOTO FOR INCLUSION IN OUR POPULAR PLAYMATES DEPARTMENT Any clear photo will do, color, black white, Polaroid or regular film. Please mark your name and address on the back of each photo. Mail to PR PLAYMATES, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. Photos published as space permits.\\9,-rrIf I stay real quiet shell NEVER find me in time for my vet appointment Koda, courtesy Audene French, N. Ogden, UTThe Pom Reader August 1991I lost my contacts in the pool last night. Rambo, courtesy Olive Anderson, Seymour, TNfvN RAXVARIETY GROUP PLACEMENTGREATER OCALA DOG CLUB APRIL 1991 PHOTO BY fato yThank you Judge ATr. JVorman Z. Tatton Tony Cabrera 275 SW 72nd Ave. Miami, FL 33144 305 266-7471 lUe PamREADERTfie TamREADERAujjtiM \ Volume vj N.UI.I - txBfii'Kiix TVnu' iiiuaiusSJjans with you...BcnRas Golden JoshN EnvyJOSHMultiple BIS, BISS Ch. Homesteads Spit 'N PolishGOPHERYour Showcase for Purebred PomeraniansSUBSCRIPTION RATESIn U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per Year Domestic24.00 Third Class Post40.00 First Class PostForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 4.00 each Back Issues 4.00 eachsubject to availabilityADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAD SIZEANNUALPREPAIDCONTRACT OPEN RATEFULL PAGE Color 300.00 350.00FULL PAGE bw 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 10.00 12.00AH ads 4 page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Make checks payable toDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604 TEL 813-858-3839 FAX 813-853-3624WE HONOR VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESSDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONSBULK RATE8848 BEVERLY HILLS U.S. POSTAGELAKELAND, FL 33809 PAIDPERMIT 3952767'CALii^ET STLAKELAND, FLNEWS PUBLICATIONDO NOT DELAYADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED