The Pom Reader October 1991
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Tfie TomVOLUME VI, NUMBER EIGHTOCTOBER 1991jam dm prmtfo,V i A4 4v 4 4-V 4 4 aA VARIETYGROUP5fr^Uatamaugust1991 Baines Photo ST4 Vl _ T"CHAMPION GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKEROur Cover Doff. ..WATCH FOR WALLYHes SPECIALI" \BEST OF BREEC or VARIETYCOLUMBIA KENNEL CLUE0 AUGUST 1801AH0I0 OiUJudge Mr. William Bergum Judge Dr. Harry Smith Jr.CHAMPION GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKERCfa. 2\Lillctmovs JYLcrvk rT''reeciition x De Demciritj JVlci'rketrtcLIn limited showing, Wally has won Best of Breed, Group I, Group III, and Group IV. Thank you judges.Special thanks to judge Mrs. Paula Hartinger front cover for Wallys Group IWally has already proven himself as a wonderful producer. He has pointed offspring and GOLDEN AIRES SOUTHERN SON will be shown this winter.Watch for Wally with Michelle Miller.OwnerBreeders Mary Rinehart Nina EppsTSHARON MASNICK 803-928-3511HCR 65 BOX 745 HUGER, SC 29450Beautifully Handled By Michelle Miller1WIN 0HK5 PDM5 ftBILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE HIXON, TENNESSEE 37343615-842-8184Offers for sale several promising puppiesfrom super bloodlinesWhelped 6-15-91 3 Males, 2 Females Whelped 9-1-91 2 MalesCh. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear Am. Can. Ch. Jamels Fugicle of SouthlandCh. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Dizweeas Glen Iris StarlordBi-Mar Kandi Kane Dizweeas Southland FireballSire Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance of Twin Oaks Sire Ch. Twin Oaks Gentleman JackSkylark Lancelots Banner Am. Can. Ch. Jamels Fugicle of SouthlandBi-Mar Kate Glen Iris Star TopazBi-Mar Timstopper of Ryals Ch. Wee Hearts Bearly An AngelSir Rufus Alexander Wee Hearts Puttin on the RitzSneeds Sir Lord Christopher Wee Hearts Jack of SpadesRoth wells Angelica Marquisa Wee Hearts Moonlite SerenadeDam Champagne Lady Buff Dam Ch. Twin Oaks Tar BabyBobs Sparky Waters Doo-Shays Mystic MacGyverChigger Too II Whitehavens Ophelia Wee HeartCoco Tiny Mia Wee Hearts Surely An AngelWhelped 4-23-91 1 Male Litter ExpectedCh. Southlands Toasted Fudge Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy BearAm. Can. Ch. Jamels Fugicle Of Southland Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidCh. Jamels Smudge Orange Parfait Bi-Mar Kandi KaneSire Dizweeas Glen Iris Starlord Sire Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance of Twin OaksSouthlands Fudge Bandit Skylark Lancelots BannerDizweeas Southland Fireball Bi-Mar KateBev-Nors Dizweea Fireball Bi-Mar Timstopper of RyalsAm. Can. Ch. Jamels Fugicle of Southland Ch. Wee Hearts Bit of Gold DustDizweeas Glen Iris Starlord Wee Hearts FirestarterDizweeas Southland Fireball Lennis Lollie Lollie PopDam Twin Oaks Canadian Misty Dam Wee Hearts Southern AccentSir Bentley Andrew Annons Ebony Mark IIMadame Pom Black Beauty Wee Hearts Magic MarkerPretty-Penny Catlett Lennis Chance To DreamThe Pom Reader October 19914Tfie TornREADERThis issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFRONT COVERSharon Masnick GOLDEN AIRES POMS BACK COVERClaudia Pfeffer PRECIOUS PETITESINDEX TO ADVERTISERSOctober 1991 Volume VI Number VIIITABLE OF CONTENTS1,2. ON THE COVER CH. GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKEROwned by Sharon Masnick.8. WHATS COOKIN by Olga BakerDo you tattoo10. OLYMPIA AKA Lois CilibertoTraveling with Edna, Part II.12. NEW CHAMPIONSAugust and September 1991.13. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.14. SALLYS SOAP BOX by Sally BaugnietThe Zodiac for dogs16. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-August AKC Gazette.17. SPECIAL ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-August AKC Gazette.18. AN OUNCE OF Sharon MasnickChoosing a vet Anesthesia for C-Sectiori.19. STUD DOG LAMENT by Nancy BottOne of our favorite comic pieces.20. MY PET by Pam WestBOO21. STORK REPORTNew expected litters.22. PR PLAYMATESOur popular candid photo department.The Pbm Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The publishers reserve the The Pom Reader October 1991right to refuse advertising deemed unsuitable. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809.TEL 813 858-3839 FAX 813-853-3624.ALLAN, M.......................................................... 15BARNETT, P.........................................................9BENKO, A...........................................................15BERNARDO, G.................................................. 15BERRY, N...........................................................15CATES, W. C...............................................3,15CONRAD, H......................................................... 9COOK, S................................................................9DALLAS-FT. WORTH POM CLUB..................21DOMRASE, A. J...............................................9DOSSINGER, M.................................................15EVANS, D.............................................................9FIDDICK, R. J.................................................15FINCH, D.............................................................. 9FREIA, J..............................................................15GAD, N............................................................... 21GRAF, H................................................................7GRIFFIN, G...........................................................7GRIFFITH, K........................................................ 7HARTZ, K...........................................................15HEARTZ, J. C.................................................15HOVEY, J.........................................................5,15JACKSON, C.......................................................15JENSEN, P.............................................................9LUDKE, K.............................................................9MASNICK, S.................................................1,2,15MASON, B. J.......................................................16NAGY, S. B....................................................-. .9NORRIS, B............................................................9PEEL, C...............................................................21PFEFFER, C................................................7,21,24PRESSER, M. M.............................................21RGS PEDIGREES.................................................9RGS POMS............................................................9RAY, B..................................................................7REILLY, R. J..........................................16ROSENBAUM, M................................................ 7SAMPLES, M......................................................15STACKHOUSE, S.............................................. 15WELLS, M. G..........................................155SOUNDNESS ABOUNDS IN 91SUPER SOUND POMS OF JDS POMPOUS POMSStill around and better than ever,finishing 5 Champions in less than 1 year of limited showingpresenting,His daughter...CH. RCSTRULY A CUDDLE BEARCUDDLES owner-handled to her Championship by RONALD B. CALL 17209 E. Millburgh Azusa, CA 91702 818 334-3781ALSO PRESENTING.3WINNERSDOGNEW CHAMPIONPOCATELLOKENNEL CLUB5c Tv....____Hs son...CH. JDS BIG MACKJIMMY handled FOR JDs Pompous Poms by DEEBIG MACK owner-handled by DEE Chappell-Haley WESTWIND KENNELSP.O. Box 638Ft. Morgan, CO 80701303 867-2067AND...' 1JCH. JDS TRULY A GEMiikVCH. GOLDCRESTS PACIFIC DREAMER MaxMAX MIDNIGHTHandled by Timothy Reese Randy WintersCH. JDS MIDNIGHT OIL MidnightOUR THANKS TO ALL THE WONDERFUL JUDGES WHO APPRECIATE OUR SOUNDNESSPiThe Pom Reader October 19916FROMTHEEDITORIm off this month - actuality, not OFF, but out of commission. Enjoy the October Issue, and the beautiful Poms contained within. Ill see you in NovemberJMcG tWL POM ESCAPADES by Susan JohnsonA X ysU\ A'V crmt,\r. Xitelo \'n r, 'n ifIt keeps saying Im your Mommy but I dont trust itThe Pom Reader October 1991Grafenhorsts...Specializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans, Chocolates9V4YAt Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Pictured left, a typical Grafenhorst Pom.Watch for our Poms in the show ringBreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving HomesBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K.G. GRIFFITH, OwnerX4Puppies Sired byCh. Great Elms Beam of Sunshine 3 Champions standing at stud as well as non-champions.PUPPIES ARE GENERALLY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE PRICES. Pets priced from 250.00, show and breeding stock priced from 500.00. Please ask for a free copy of our price list.WE SPECIALIZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINE. We do have some Aristic-Bonner Chesai Poms.SATISFACTION IS ALWAYS GUARANTEED AT LENETTE. We give a written guarantee with every Pom sold.JMappp ^xxti\bag toffl. ijufrje JStjjpfeSeptember 27, IBBl12 pars olMJBttll fun, feistg, mb fnllg recniiereit from Ips recent stroke.Elanfrta pfeffer Sc je Precious P elites mb pour prmb offspring.N M M yjt-OMEkAiNlANsGAYLE TOM GRIFFIN 3074 LANCASTER DRIVE NE 253, SALEM, OREGON 97305 TELEPHONE 206-247-5917aDOT MARTIN 5354 BLUEBIRD LANE YORK, SC 29745heriePomeranians1-MMARY A. ROSENBAUM 206-833-2160arPOMERANIANS38711 200th Ave. SE Auburn, WA 98002BenRay PomeraniansBENSON E. RAY2007 VESTRY DRIVE, CHARLESTON, SC 29414 TELEPHONE 803-571-6165The Pom Reader October 19918Whats byCOOKING ZIN THE SOUTH AND ROUNDABOUTSDO YOU TATTOOvrThe current effort by the American Kennel Club to identify and control commercial operations puppy mills is a worthwhile venture and toward that goal, AKC people are making unannounced visits to breeders all across the country to monitor operations, be they good, bad, or whatever. Anyone with any records at AKC is subject to such a visit at any time. Areas of most concern are PROPER IDENTIFICATION OF EVERY DOG, and...PROPER RECORD-KEEPING PROCEDURES.Record-keeping should not be such a problem, as we must absolutely MUST keep reasonably good records, lest we lose track of what the heck we are doing A good friend asked, Wonder if AKC will accept my record-keeping system...hundreds of little pieces of paper, scrap pad pages, backs of envelopes, all piled into a huge drawer in my bureau I would guess not.Regarding proper identification of every dog, there seems to be some confusion as to what AKC considers acceptable identification. Obviously, if we keep one doggie in one cage, with name, description, registration data, history, etc., that should certainly be perfect. However, when several or all your canine kids go out into exercise yards to run together for a while...or in kennels or places where 3 or 4 are housed together in a pen, exercise run or some such...what then And in lots of cases, folks have several doggies running about in the house, with little individual toys, beds, chewsticks and things...what then I feel the American Kennel Club might frown on identification such asThat one is Tommy...I know its Tommy cause he NEVER sleeps in his own bed...That tan one is Jackie...I know its Jackie because his teeth show on the right side when he snarls at Pom Reader October 1991Thats Jackie for sure Sorry about the bite and the blood...There is little problem in identifying her.. .she is 13 years old and only has 3 teeth left...but then she wont let anyone open her mouth but me, so take my word for it...Oh, here come Jeffie and Joey...cant miss those boys cause theyre brothers They kind of look alike, but Joey has one white foot, and Jeffie has a cute cowlick on top of his head - see Easily identifiedI have 24 doggies, and I know every one by heart, and probably my husband could tell you the names of maybe 7 or 8 of them. Just anytime you want to know, just ask me and Ill be glad to identify every one for youNaaaaahhhh.......somehow I dont believethe AKC would consider that PROPER IDENTIFICATION...More seriously, many consider tattooing dogs an excellent method for identification of all our animals. This is usually done on the tummy and is supposedly an easy, painless and permanent method. A companyorganization known as TATTOO-APET operates a reputable tattooing service, with representatives all across the country. Additionally, they maintain an excellent network for rescuing and locating the owners of any misplaced animal with an identifying tattoo. While it is improper for me to advertise for anyone, I can say that our Pomeranian Club recently purchased a tattoo machine from this tattoo registry and we have received excellent attention, instructions, and cooperation. The machine costs about 23000 and is guaranteed forever. You may get full details by calling 1-800-TATTOOS 828-8667 and MOST IMPORTANTLY TO ALL OF US, THIS REGISTRY IS DEFINITELY ACCEPTED BY AKC AS PROPER IDENTIFICATION.TATTOO-A-PET provides an audio tape with explanation of its services and instructions for tattooing your animals. I agreed to try first to tattoo our doggies, with machine to then be passed to other members of the Club.On a recent weekend Darrell and I found ourselves with NO DOG SHOWS, NO TRAVELING, so we had a lovely, leisurely, quiet, romantic Sunday morning to sleep late, have breakfast in bed, luxuriate with the Sunday paper and crossword puzzle...our favorite kind of day, right Later still piled up in the middle of our bed, we took out the tattoo machine, turned on the audio tape, read the booklet, and tried to learn how to operate this creature. They recommend you first ALWAYS PRACTICE ON GRAPEFRUIT until you have mastered the skills necessary to do your little animals. We closely adhered to instructions, with the little buzzing machine, ink, etc...must say we got some pretty good-looking tattoos on several grapefruit. First were a little sloppy- looking, but by the 4th or 5th grapefruit, they began to look quite professional. I also tattooed a tiny heart on my own foot, just to see if it hurt it didnt. Now we feel-ready to do our little canine-kids, but weve procrastinated a bit on THAT.I so love being a FIRST...I would wager a bunch of money that Darrell Baker and I are the FIRST PEOPLE IN HISTORY WHO EVER PRACTICED TATTOOING GRAPEFRUIT UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THEIR BED ON A SUNDAY MORNING. That is very likely a distinction we will always have and treasure.Till next time, SMILE A LOT, AND MEAN ITOlga Baker207 Shirleen Drive, Seabrook, TX 77586713 326-225]9P-JS PomsPatti Barnett 316 W. Franklin217-374-2539 White Hall, IL 62092CH. MERRYMONT IMAGE MAKERf J -a r f j A Li n11^ _ 5 AI'' I ' 1 If- S - J - _ _ - urn.". 1717Ch.Cedarwoods Image of Diamond x daughter of Ch. Emcees Solid Gold DiamondFemales, EMCEE and GREAT ELMS bloodlines. Inquiries invited. Puppies Available.Our thanks to Sonny Carolyn Roberts for their help.J hea^yTNOVFMRF.R RPOMERANIANSA. Standard of Excellence...NOVEMBER BREEDINGS planned to several daughters of Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, and Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman. Most are Champion producers. Reserve your puppy now.If we missed answering your call, please call or write againBarb Steve Nagy, Rt 2 Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Telephone 703-869-3749CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE. 1 Pom 1981,1982,1983, 24 BIS, 5 Specialties, sire of 21 Chs, announces the arrival of 2 new litters.CH. BEV-NORS STATESMAN, multi Group winner, sire of 14 Chs, announces a new litter. Dam is Ch. Bev-Nors N Southlands Who Me, group placer. Also, 5 month old male sired by Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman.Beverly Norris, BEV-NOR POMS, 7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. Tel 301 255-1343.Jalyns Pomeranians offers for sale...DESIREES KAYLEE, female brood bitch 50000. Whelped 7-23-87. Red, 5 lbs. Sire Desirees Smokey Mt. Boy Dam Desirees Model Brooke Shields. Pictures and pedigree upon request. ContactDeborah Evans, 11421 Tipton Avenue, New Port Richey, FL 34654. Telephone 813 869-7924.Finchs PomeraniansDiane L. Finch Rural Route 1515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50132Ch. Apolloette Wild Fire Ch. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf Great Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines WhiteRed, and WhiteBlack Parti puppies.RCS PedigreesPomeranian pedgirees researched in any length. Monthly breeder specials. Beautiful originals with Champions in red. Colors free on all generations. 3-generations 8 4-generations 10 5-generations 15 6-generations 257-generations 35. OCTOBER SPECIAL BUY ONE, GET A FREE 3-GENERATION PEDIGREE. Offer good on any order during October 91. THIS MONTHS WINNERS The winner of the 4-generation pedigree in the RGSPom Reader drawing was Sam Linda Levin, ELEGANTS, page 17, September issue The winner of the 6-generation pedigree was Alden Janet Domrase, ALDENS,, page 3, September issue. Prize certificates are in the mailRGS Pedigrees904-247-53842153 Cypress Landing Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233STUD SERVICE6520 GAME FARM RD. E MOUND, MN 55364PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYfattysfonjeraijiaijsPATTY JENSEN Phone 612 472-5950MANOR HILL POMSSilver Meadows Skip OScooterPointed Son ofCh. Silver Meadows Scooter Star Puppies Expected Helen Conrad1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 Tel 813-475-1724ALDENS KENNELHome of Champion Parti GirlsCh. Aldens Parti Pepsi Hi Ch. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-Dot pic High Quality Exotic Breed Stock Available A1 Jan Domrase, 815 728-0559 6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 60072KSPOMERANIANSShow rebate. Lifetime heredity guarantee, medical insurance. Most colors available. In quiries welcome.RGS Poms, 2153 Cypressland Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. Telephones 904-247-5384 or 904-720-POMS.l^ain Beau TamHome of Am. Can. Ch. Coys Lucky Eight Beautiful Black At Stud To Approved BitchesJean Sue Cook 904 237-16366810 S. Magnolia Ocala, FL 32676j\s CoxmtiyTel 81IC.-i re n Lud-lceTel 815 938-3468 6869 S. Hollywood Road Baileyville, IX 61007The Pom Reader October 199110AKA Lois CilibertoTraveling with EdnaFond memories of Edna GirardotThere we, my mother, my husband Bemie, and Edna Girardot, frantically trying to catch up with our train to Westminster. We missed it in Tampa we missed it in Plant City, we missed it in Lakeland, and our jet-propelled drive to Orlando would be our last resort. Thats when the policeman stopped Bemie, and Bemie discovered he had forgotten his drivers license. And thats when I reached behind me for the grooming box...In it was a small flask of brandy for the dogs. These were the days before NutriCal, and even though sugar or syrup worked, a lil brandy on the tongue can do wonders. Edna looked at me, I looked at her. Smokey was coming toward the car. Ber- nie was climbing out of the drivers seat. Mom was just sitting there with her wig over her eyes. Pretty soon she also stuck her fingers in her ears. Edna looked at the nip of brandy. She fumbled in her purse for an emergency flask of water she always carried. We tipped one together. Purely medicinal. Between her apoplexy and my heart attack we had to have some medical aid.OT Smokey was nice. He was fascinated. He looked in the window. Bern was giving him a long song and dance about this famous lady Edna who had not missed Westminster since 1929 and Smokey was listening with one ear and looking in the window and listening to the Pommies bark with the other. He apprised Mom with her fingers in her ears and bewigged eyes. He apprised Edna who was mumbling some unintelligibles about somebodys garden. He apprised me, who was sucking on a breath mint and sitting on the brandy flask. He apprised the back end of the wagon. 2 ice chests, 16 pieces of luggage, 2 ex pens, 2 grooming tables, 2 tack boxes, 2 wig boxes, 6 barking dogs and one kitchen sink...Yall been on radar since Lakeland. Did ya have a nice trip over was what Smokey said. My mom took one finger out of her ear, pushed up the wig and said, Oh, youre a nice gentleman Yes, we did. Couldnt have done better in my 4-on-the-floor, myself, if I do say so.Edna swooned then. I patted her back and got off the medicinal bottle and waved itThe Pom Reader October 1991under her nose. Smokey started to grin. His teeth were white and very, very big. He backed away from the car. So, that lady in there, shes been going to the Westinster show since 1929, huh Bern nodded, his Italianate tan faded to white. Yes, sir, and we missed the train in Tampa because of my shoelaces and then in Plant City and then in Lakeland, and now its rolling into Orlando and were never going to catch it. Smokey looked pointedly at his watch. He looked back at Edna. Her eyes were glazed, but they plainly begged for mercy.Smokey went up to his patrol car, got on his radio and we all just sat with baited breath. Smokey came back to the wagon. He handed Bernie a piece of paper. He peered in at Edna. Little lady, he said, have a nice time at the dog show. If you win, send me an autographed picture. And if you drive, he turned to Bernie, who was wiping sweat off his brow, if you drive within the speed limit and follow the shortcut I mapped out there, he motioned to the paper, you should make the train with 5 minutes to spare. Even as I talk its pulling into the platform and the station master, who says your mad chase has been hot on his wires all momin, is gonna hold it for you for fifteen minutes. Hurry...but dont break the law, this timeWhew www ww.Celebrities, we arrived at the station. All available red caps turned out to get our luggage aboard, people were staring out the windows, crowding the windows, some came out on the platform to watch and a special loading engineer appeared from within the station. He came to supervise the red caps and stood there taking count of the luggage that went into the baggage car and the baggage, and dogs, that went into the passenger car with us. The station master came out and shook our hands and asked Edna for her autograph. MY mom was in the wagon, wig perched gaily on her head, fiddling with the gizmos on Ednas wagons dashboard and checking out the power brakes. Never used to automatics I wondered, as I watched her depart the station from my train window, what she was going to do without a clutch and a gear shift- Part IIContinued from Septemberand if Smokey was just waiting for her to come hauling down 1-4 on her way back to Tampa. I shrugged. Mom had always been able to take care of herself. At any rate, I was sure when I got to New York thered be a message waiting from her. For better or for worse.Settling the 6 dogs in the 2 compartments took a while, as the train slowly picked up speed and headed for Sanford and Jacksonville, beyond. Edna finally came to our room and said, Well, lets get into that ice chest. Im famished. Its amazing what Italian sausage and cheese with crackers will do for ones attitude. All our troubles were behind.Until we began to perspire. A little at first, then heavily. Bernie opened the train window. Edna began to worry about her dogs. I put mine in the bathroom on newspapers, the crates having become too hot. Then came the porter, knocking on doors. Air conditioning is on the fritz. Gonna change cars in Jacksonville. Be ready to disembark and get aboard the new car.Great. It took 4 red caps and 3 porters and 1 engineer to get us aboard and now we had to re-get aboard I thought Edna would die laughing. She just kept laughing and laughing. She was still laughing quite a bit when we chugged into Grand Central Station at 9 a.m. the next morning. I could still hear her laughing as our porter took us out one door of the car and hers took her through another. Then Bern and I were in the mob scene at Grand Central and our porter was leading us fast, faster, and slam, we were in a taxi and I couldnt find Edna anywhere Oh, my God. Dont worry, Bemie kept saying, Remember Edna knows her way around. She has attended the Garden every year since 1929We were still standing in line arguing over the room reservations with an uncooperative desk clerk, along with about 50 other Pom fanciers, who were arguing with equally uncooperative desk clerks, when the front doors of the lobby were opened by a doorman, snow swirled in and here came Edna, walking and puffing, behind a Grand Central Porter pushing a cart full of luggage and dogs, with the ice chest and the kitchen sink very precariously balanced...Continued11,9lir Edna Girardot with Ch. Scotia Caviliers Leader, Ch. Scotia Dividend, and Ch. Scotia End of the Rainbow in 1963 Photo William BrownTraveling with Edna continued... Edna, everyone yelled in chorus. She was no longer laughing. And neither was the porter when he looked at the tip Edna had pressed into his outstretched paw. He looked at the bills and then at her. Lady, he said, and everyone was listening, Lady, whats this Your tip, came her reply. Lady, cmon. Its 75 cents per package and youve got- he turned to count - 15 packages and THEN we count the tipEdna peeled off more bills and turned around to me. Im flying home, Lois, I swear. No more trains for me This isnt civilized. I have no idea how to this day, but somehow our station porter got us nonworld-wary travelers out of the mob scene and into a taxi and Ednas station porter somehow got her out of the mob scene and onto the streets of New York, where she had traipsed to the hotel through the snow, porter in tow. Plus, she has lost her grooming case with all the expensive scissors and so forth and a wig case. She had the wig, but no case. This was, mind, in the days in the early 70s when wearing wigs was quite haute couture and I was equipped with same - it had nothing to do with Ednas ageOur hijinks in the Big Apple during our stay for the specialty and the benching at the Garden were on the same par as our attempt to arrive there. But we had loads of fun. Edna shared a room with Mary Jane Wilson, deceased now some years, who had in her young years been a lead singer with the Tommy Dorsey band, and Mary Jane, living in Connecticut came to the hotel equipped with 3 more ice chests Our adjoining rooms became a very popular night spot. Food, food and more food. But there is never enough food. We and a group set out for Momma Leones Italian Ristorante. That was a marvelous experience. Except cabbies always know who is a New Yorker and who isnt. We had to split into two large limo taxis. The one with several New York natives in it arrived at Momma Leones at the proper time. The one I wound up in, minus Edna and Bemie, took 45 minutes. We went the round about, tourist-you-pay route. Edna got a big kick out of that. It was snowing again as we retrieved our coats from the hat check gal. The maitre d mosied over to our group. He spied short, dark, and very Italian Bernie. He began bowing and scraping. He kept saying things in Italian to Bernie. Then he ran out the door and down the middle of the snow-covered, vacant street. It was very late. Next thing we knew two limo taxis pulled up and we were ushered in by the huff-puffing, street-running maitre d.What was going on Bernie finally told us. The poor guy mistook Bemie for someone else. He had been saying in Sicilian Italian that he was very sorry about the last time, and he wanted no more broken noses. He would do anyting we wanted. Anything. Bernie said all we needed were taxis...and we got em, f-a-s-t. Edna never laughed so hard. Everytime we ate spaghetti and Italian sausage she remembered Momma Leones and their famous cheeses and the Sicilian maitre d with the twice-broken nose.Edna did come home on the train with us. She changed her mind at the last minute. We got home without further incident, but her claim for her lost groom and wig case went unanswered. They never showed up. The next 2 trips we took together we flew. We doped Bern up on valiums slipped in his morning tea and loaded him in the plane and unloaded him when we got there. And when we went to local dog shows, Edna drove. Always, though, with one eye on the rear view mirror and possible Smokeys. She told me some years later that she did sent that trooper, who had left his address on the paper he gave Bern, an autographed picture of the bitch she went BOS with at that Garden.Edna was like that. She never forgot a kindness. She loved being with people. She never mentioned her handicaps, never mentioned her somewhat sad early life nor spoke much about Charlies death, although it must have left her very lonely. Charlie was an avid dog fancier and a prudent geneticist. He mapped out the program that led to the ScotiaPom success. Edna is buried now beside him. Had we known of the funeral we would have been there to say goodbye. Yet, again, maybe that would have been too sad, too final. During our time together we had ups and downs, even personality clashes. Our friendship was not a totally smooth bed of roses. No friendship ever is. But our respect for one another and our pleasure in sharing some of the fun things in life was always there in the shadowl. Edna did not like goodbyes. In our minds, there never will really be one.And this small tribute to her and our old friendship is but too scanty. It would take a book to recount all the thick and thin, the fun and the merriment, the fortunate and the unfortunate that we shared. Scanty as it is, mayhap there are those who will know a little more about the Edna who so many thought cared for nothing but dogs and wins and success. Edna did care highly for those things her very success proves it. But she also cared for everyone out there in the Pom world. Never had she a sorry word to say about anybody. And she listened with patience when sorry words were said about her. She listened and cleaned it out of her mind. She just went on. If she has an epitaph, I hope it readsNever give up. There will always be setbacks and disappointments, but you must always keep on going. Sadly, until the dog howls again,Olympia aka Lois Ciliberto 9605 Land OLakes Blvd., Land O Lakes, FL 34639813-996-5499The Pom Reader October 199112Men ChampionsConfirmed Champions of RecordAug Sept. 1991AUGUST 1991Alden Miget Parti Dot-To-Dot B, by Aldens Red Ripple Hero x Masons Parti Polka Dog. Breeder-Owner Alden A. Domrase Janet R. Domrase.Aldens Parti Pepsi Hi B, by Luells Black Spartan OAldens x Masons Parti-Coca- Dot. Breeder-Owner Alden A. Domrase Janet R. Domrase.Alexsands Golden Wisp B, by Ch. Alex- sands Golden Whisper x Lennis Tuff-E-Nuff Tuffie. Breeder Alexandra L. Gonos MD. Owner Julie Javernick.Aristo Phantom Of The Opera D, by Bells Justin of Aristo x Riders Carrie of Sungold. Breeder Ilse L. Blanc. OwnerWilliam M. Blanc Ilse L. Blanc.Bev-Nors Tst Fudges Sunny D, by Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge x Ch. Bev-Nors Trish Jul-Kan. Breeder Beverly A. Norris Julia A. McCullough. Owner Julia A. McCullough.Dainti Bev-Nor Ebony D, by Pattys Bev- Nor Teddy Ruxpin x Pattys Bifrost Easter Taffy. Breeder Patty Jensen. OwnerDoreen Fernandez.Dearta Sizzlinsummer Santers B, by Ch. Wee Robins Dancer of Oakridge x De Ar- tas Dancing Delite. Breeder M. Deane Rinehart Nina K. Epps. Owner Sandra Pritchard M. Deane Rinehart.Desirees Echo Brooke D, by Ch. Models Timstoppers Echo x Desirees Rippling Brooke. Breeder Desaree Sandifer. OwnerRodger K. Beaty.Doo-Shays Uil Bit E Tyke D, by Ch. LLL Bit O Gold Jigger x Doo-Shays Annie Get- sha Gun. Breeder Shannon Johnson. Owner Dr. William E. Field Jr.Doo-Shays Southern Savannah B, by Southland Tar Babys Image x Doo-Shays Miss Magnum. Breeder-Owner Shannon Johnson.The Pom Reader October 1991Grafenhorsts Gucci D, by Homesteads Nite Breeze x Mary Elizabeth of Lenette. Breeder Horst Graf. Owner Nicole Szary.Idas Miss Ruthie B, by Ch. Idas Mr. Toasty by Bev-Nor x Idas Princess of Bev- Nor. Breeder Ida M. Tarver. Owner Anna LaFortune.Southlands Im So Impressive D, by Ch. Southlands Sir Impressive x Southlands New Year Toast. Breeder Charlotte Creed. Owner Lynn Meyer.Teakwoods How Bout Hoover D, by Ch. Southlands Janesa Berry Tby x Teakwoods Catch Penny Twist. Breeder-OwnerLaureen Ivey.Texicans High Class D, by Ch. Tim Sues High Lights x Texicans Amazin Grace. Breeder Erika K. Moureau. OwnerDick Johnson Bronya G. Johnson.Whisperinglane Promises Kept D, by Ch. Watts Little Dakotah x Whispering Lane Sweet Gerkin. Breeder-Owner Mark Baldwin Carol J. Baldwin.SEPTEMBER 1991Allayns Sinnerman Toast D, by Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Ch. Carousels Angel For Allayn. Breeder-Owner MaryAllan.Apolloette Santana B, by Ch. Southlands Mr. Extraordinaire x Ch. Apolloette A Unique Pleasure. Breeder-Owner Marlene Presser Marlin Presser.Bayou View Teachers Pet B, by Ch. Bayou View Front Runner x Hi Times Krack Attack. Breeder-Owner John C. Lewis Adam J. Verrett.Berrys Cajun D, by Ch. Texicans Great Balls O Fire x Chesai Kat Dancing. Breeder Nina M. Berry. Owner Sylvia M. Aldridge.Bi-Mar Sunnys Image D, by Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid x Bi-Mar Sugar Pie Honey.Breeder-Owner Mary A. Rosenbaum.Cenla Annie Laurie OFriday B, by Ch. Shy Acres Our Man Friday x Cenlas Sugar Dumpling. Breeder-Owner A. C.Williamson.Chriscendo Classica B, by Ch. Great Elms Firestarter x Ch. Chriscendo Classique. Breeder Christine D. Heartz Judith B. Green. Owner Christine D. Heartz Robert Douglas Stratton.Chriscendo Contraband D, by ch. Pedrons Dragon The Conqueror x L-rs GorgUs Sun-D Rose. Breeder Christine D. Heartz. Owner Allen Chapman Patricia Chapman.Creiders Chase The Clouds d, by Creiders Tulsa Tornado x Ch. Creiders Spoonful of Sugar. Breeder-Owner Mrs. Norma Creider.D-Nees Desert DLight B, by D-Nees Teddy x D-Nees Desirae. Breeder-OwnerNadine Hersil.Gray Dawns Cotton Candy B, by Ch. Emcees Golden Topo De Oro x Post Scripts Jasman. Breeder-Owner Marsha Hartman.Great Elms Bonnie of Lenette B, by Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette x Luells Fuzzy Peach of Danny. Breeder K. G. Griffith. Owner Thomas J. McCann.Heartlands Fancy Free B, by Ch. Silva Lade Littlest Outlaw x Wee Hearts High Society. Breeder-Owner Diane Kieffer.Jan-Shars Pretty Woman B, by Ch. Blakes Sir Robert John x Ch. Jan-Shars Sayde. Breeder-Owner Sharon Hanson.JDs Big Mack D, by Ch. JDs Truly A Gem x JDs Golden Girl. Breeder Janet L. Hovey. Owner Dee Chappel-Haley.JDs Truly a Gem D, by Emcees Truly A Diamond x Cobbs Babe of Pepper To. Breeder-Owner Janet L. Hovey.ContinuedNEW CHAMPIONS continuedLa Cheries Princess Yasmin B, by Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince x La Cheries Happy Daze. Breeder-Owner Dorothy F. Martin.Lovely Jessie Sais So D, by Ch. Bi-Mar SonN Dance Man x Ch. Lovely Lady Shawna-Debutante. Breeder-Owner Victoria E. Lovely.Mac-Reynolds Tidy Wolfle D, by Ch. A- Reynolds Tidy-Skeeter x Macs Lady Courtney Royale. Breeder-Owner Rheadene McNeice.Morenos Tuff To Top D, by Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz x Morenos Simply Bittersweet. Breeder Mrs. Julie Moreno. Owner Dolly B. Trauner Julie Moreno.Phyner Sweet William D, by Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz x Ch. Phyner Sweet Success. Breeder Dolly B. Trauner. OwnerBetty Aona.Primrose City Limits D, by Ch. Chriscen- do City Lights x Rosewood Gold Mite Brass Ring. Breeder Donna L. Parkinson. Owner Marie Kneisler.Queenaire Kamikazu of Haiku D, by Queenaire Ramboling Sun-Dot x Queenaire Suntoy. Breeder Dudley Roach Wanda Roach. Owner Marit Hattori.Tne TamREADEROCTOBER 19V1jtlJm Aim fimik...........Htfji' VAV Tfie 'PamREADERVOLUME VI. NUMBER EIGHT V V CHAMPION GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKERYour Showcase for Purebred PomeraniansSUBSCRIPTION RATESIn U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per YearDomestic24.00 Third Class Post 40.00 First Class PostForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 4.00 each Back Issues 4.00 eachsubject to availabilityRaintrees Southern Bell B, by Ch. Doo- Shays Baby Face Nelson x Ch. Singleoaks Angie At Warlords. Breeder-Owner Ray Mooney.RCs Truly A Cuddle Bear B, by Ch. JDs Truly A Gem x JDs Mikis Mini Dream. Breeder-Owner Ronald B. Call.Shrdas Sargent Pepper D, by Ch. Silver Meadows PepR OLegacy x Shrdas Markie of My-T. Breeder David R. Edwards. Owner Susan C. Austin David R. Edwards.ADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsANNUALPREPAIDAD SIZE CONTRACT OPEN RATEFULL PAGE Color 300.00 350.00FULL PAGE bw 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 10.00 12.00Stolannes Spritz N Spice It D, by Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Dias Ballerina Bear. Breeder David A. Hogg Frances J. Stoll. Owner Frances J. Stoll.Sun Rays Gold Strike D, by Sun rays Diamond Jim x Raps Misty-Nite. Breeder Fern Rodriguez. Owner Mary E. Wells Eugene W. Wells.All ads 'A page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Make checks payable toDOLL-MC GINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604 TEL 813-858-3839 FAX 813-853-3624WE HONOR VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESSThe Pom Reader October 199114 aUgBy Sally BaugnietI recently ran across the following, and thought you might get a kick out of it.The ZODIAC For DogsArticle by Sara Nielsen, Submitted by Chris SalyersCan dogs be influenced by astrological signs Why not try it out Look up your dogs bir- thdate on the sun-sign chart at right, and read the description that corresponds.Before you begin, remember to keep in mind two rules1 If your dog was born as one sign changes to another, such as January 19, when Capricorn changes to Aquarius, he was bom on the cusp. All this means it that he has characteristics of both signs.2 Without casting a real horoscope, one cant tell what sign is rising. Another sign rising gives a slightly different personality. If your dogs is bom in, say, Gemini, yet acts more like a Scorpio, chances are he has Scorpio rising. For now you might as well disregard the rising sign.Beginning with the Fire signs, we find this group to be a lively, fiery, self-centered bunch, full of a certain pride and stateliness not found in the other signs.ARIES. The Aries dog is apt to be too full of fight, and tends to lose its head quickly. He is not timid or flighty, but rather bold, strong-willed and noble. The Aries dog thinks himself the family wonder-child, and will push his people around if not trained properly.LEO. The Leo is a magnificent, showy dog, with the bearing of a king. He loves admiration above all else, and his loyalty is strong. In training, appeal to his love of praise and fair treatment and you will be well rewarded. SAGITTARIUS. To the Sagittarius dog, the show ring is a great game. The excitement all around him attracts him, so he is a great lover of good friends and good times. He is a confident, good-natured chap.The Earth signs differ in that they tend to be much more stable, and more interested in doing a good job right the first time. They excel in Obedience.TAURUS. The Taurus dog loves the outdoors, good food, and lots of exercise. He takes to Obedience work well, since his love of perfection comes out under such training.The Pom Reader October 1991ARIES TAUJRUS GEMINI CANCER LEO VIRGO LIBRA SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN AQUARIUS PISCESHe can be stubborn.CAPRICORN. The Capricorn, like the Taurus, is an advocate of the great outdoors. When guarded well against sickness in pup- pyhood, the Capricorn dog tends to live a very long life. He could excel as a tracker, since he takes such delight in the having discovered something or outwitted someone. VIRGO. The Virgo dog loves perfection. He loves to do a task exactly the way it is to be done. As a puppy he may seem almost to absorb knowledge, or breathe it in. Never give too much sympathy to an ailing Virgo, or he will imagine himself much sicker than he really is.The Air signs have a tendency to flightiness or nervousness, as do the water signs. The friendly Air sign is very endearing, and they love activity and travel. GEMINI. The Gemini is ever-shifting in mood, and can be rather nervous. Training to a Gemini must be gentle and friendly. The Gemini enjoys the shows, travel, and companionship. The dull life is not for him. AQUARIUS. Friendliness is the trademark of the Aquarius. He loves harmony and good friends. He is not one to take much abuse, verbal or otherwise, in training, and will only learn with lots of praise and no losing of the temper. Be your Aquarius good friend as well as master, and you have the key to hisA fire sign An earth sign An air sign A water sign A fire sign An earth sign An air sign A water sign A fire sign An earth sign An air sign A water signloyalty.LIBRA The Libra is best trained in short lessons, or he may lose interest and do poorly. Be gentle and fair in training, or your Libras composure may be lost. He is a loving creature, and very friendly socially.The Water signs must be handled even more gently. They are among the sweetest, most loyal of dogs, and need you more than you would think.PISCES. The most sensitive of all, the Pisces dog must be raised in a quiet, loving atmosphere. Take care to train him without letting him fear you. He can be rather lazy, and has a tendency to become overweight. SCORPIO. The Scorpio dog is active, high- strung, domineering, and can be very jealous. Dont excite this jealousy. Training should be kept quiet and gentle. CANCER. The home is the true place of the Cancerian dog. While generally peace- loving, he will fight with terrible fury for his home and master. Loyalty runs strong here. Keep your training kind, so that he never learns to fear you. Most flighty, unstable water signs learned this temperament from unkind or short-tempered masters.Sally Baugniet 9411 S. State St., WI54228. Phone or Fax 412-755-2994.The Pom Reader October 1991MAR 20 to APR 20 APR 21 to MAY 21 MAY 22 to JUN 21 JUN 22 to JUJU 23 JUJU 23 to AUG 23 AUG 24 to SEP 22 SEP 23 to OCT 23 OCT 24 to NOV 22 NOV 23 to DEC 21 DEC 22 to JAN 19 JAN 20 to FEB 19 FEB 20 to MAR 1915DOSSMARParti-Color pups and breeding stock available. Solids also. Watch for Golden Aires Nick ODossmar at the shows this spring. He is a solid orange son of Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince. At Stud to solids only.Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Road414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040John Sharon MasnickHCR Box 745 Huger, South Carolina 29450 803 928-3511Phillbrooks Fancy PomeraniansShow, breeding and pet Behind such well-known bloodlines asMost colors including Partis Bi-Mar Bonner_ . CedarwoodSusann Stackhouse CreidersBox 1070 Rancocas Road o-NeeMount Holly, NJ 08060 I ^redTn609 267-4644 Sun-Ray^ John e. heartzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY PO BOX 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S. CANADA BON 1C0Tel 902 673-2446iHctnr Allan pip 91S 4S5-3010QUfampum ^^ertritE JRouie 3 IS ox 53lJ\.Puppirs ccastotutllo JSJagontr, 74467POTttS------------OffersPUPPIES, BROODS STUDSdirectly from GREAT ELMS KENNELMargaret Samples 5816 Deal Road704 821-7450 Matthews, NC 28105DOVER-HOUHOUSE POMSCh. Stud ServiceParti, Chocolate, Black Tan and Black 1W1N 0HK5 PDM5 mStud ServicePuppies OccasionallyKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski319 Ardmore Ave., Trenton, NJ 08629 609-695-1642BILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE, HIXSON, TENNESSEE 37343 615-842-8184dnlhcrest C2819 Magnolia Avenue FOR SALE Long Beach, CA 90806100 SUNRAY 213-424-92072 Males, 1 blk., 1 choc. 800-888-7646Jerrie FreiaP.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466Show Pet Puppies v^KvV JDerry stud ServiceP erani a ns'L rCna IK. Ojerry318-582-6690SS7\Vp.O. Box 907 203 Larry St. Iowa, LA 70647Pom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613319-989-2199MNMS POMERANIANSPortraits of PerfectionFEATURING Linebreeding of distinction Studs of inherent quality Striking show candidates Mary Gene Wells4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621Tel 714-994-0259.JDs Pompous PomsJanet Hovey Dan FarrellRR 3 Box 45AHuntingdon, TN 38344 901 986-0014AT STUDCh. Blossom Heightsr FirecrackerBlossom Heights PomsJohn Arlene Benko jBS 5351 Jeffrey AvenueL 53 West Palm BeachFL 33407407-842-5591IS cPomefcaniansCheryl A. Jackson 1038 16th Ave. SouthJoel M. Taylor Birmingham, AL 35205205 328-6603The Pom Reader October 199116MASONS POM HEAVENQUALITY PUPS AND YOUNG ADULTS FROM MILLAMOR, LLL, EMCEES, GREAT ELMS, LUELLS BONNERS CRESCENDO.Betty Jo Mason590 E. Orange Avenue, Perris, CA 92370 714 657-8166ChesaiPOMERANIAN SRobert Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, Texas 78260 512 438-2667UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors January-August 1991Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranians fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience, and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this publications will be used for point credit. Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.. a September show may not be published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year. Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor. The following is the listing of the top ten exhibitors as of the abovedates of the AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR..... POINTSE. C EVANS............... 49P. GRIFFIN.....................41K. L. LUDKE............38J. CABRERA..................37S. HANSON.................... 35J. ONEIL........................34L. IVEY.........................33D. WATTS.......................32T. S. GODDARD. 30 RINEHARTEPPS .. 30Tie placements alphabeticalThe Pom Reader October 199117SPECIAL ADDITION Top 20 Poms January-August 91 AKC GazettePresently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the Breed, we are pleased to offer youSPECIAL ADDITION.SPECIAL ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsBreed Points not to be confused with AKC championship points are alloted to individuals according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and Fields Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point credit. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds........................ 500BEST IN SHOW Specialty...........................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty...75TOY GROUP FIRST...................................... 250TOY GROUP SECOND.................................150TOY GROUP THIRD.......................................75TOY GROUP FOURTH................................... 25BEST OF BREED...............................................10Statistician Susan Wade. Tie placements are alphabetical and marked with an asterisk. BISS is for Independent Specialties only. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Poms, as per the dates above.POINTS NAME EISA BISS BOSS I3480 CH. JAMOLS CLASSIC HI-TIME D........................ - - - 7B. Pauli, Owner3265 CH. TOMHO CHAMPAGNE WISHES D................. 1 - - 4R. Koeppel, Owner1870 CH. SOUTHLANDS MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE D - 1 - 2C. Creed, Owner1830 CH. PHYNER GOLD JACKPOT D............................ - - - 6TraunerMoreno, Owners1800 CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY D........................ 1-12SmartRoberts, Owners1555 CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK D............................. - - - 4MoureauJackson, Owners1485 CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH D................... - - - 1J. Hurley, Owner1380 CH. TOMHO STRUTTING TERMITE D.................... - - - 2H. Sklar, Owner1340 CH. JANES WEE PRINCE OJERIBETH D... 1G. J. Reed, Owners1265 CH. PIXIES BUTTONS-N-BOWS B............................ - - - 4C. Galavich, Owner1195 CH. JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT D............................. - - - 1BaumgartnerContinoBaker, Owners1025 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D............................... - - - 3T. S. Goddard, Owners850 CH. SOUTHLANDS MR. VIP OIDA D..................... - - - 1JacksonTaylor, Owners845 CH. WEE HEARTS THATS NUFF D........................ - - - 1C. E. Evans, Owners810 CH. PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR D... -1-1GalindoWelch, Owners810 CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR D... - - - 2F. Stoll, Owner790 CH. TIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTS D........................ - - - 2S. P. Conlee, Owners735 CH. JAN-SHARS HILLBILLY CLASSIC D... 1J. Reed, Owner625 CH. BI-MAR SHO GUN OF JERBOS D..................... - - - 1J. D. Owens, Owners615 CH. SHADOMOUNTIN ONE MAN SHOW D.. - - - 1BucherSnyder, OwnersTie Placements alphabeticalH HI IV BOB7 7 1 138 4 5 143 6 4 122 - - 34 1-52 2 3 37 1 - 115 1136 2-411-4 5 14 211- 53 - 2 103 1-712- 11116 1114 2-11 2-15 12 14The Pom Reader October 1991An Ounce of Sharon Masnick Choosing a Vet FleasDid you know...You should choose your veterinarian with the same caution you would use to choose your own physicianIn meeting your dogs needs and assuring his good health your partner will be your veterinarian. What should you expect and look for in a veterinarian Foremost to me is the ability to be able to talk to my vet and have him really listen. If you have a sick animal no one is able to assess the situation and symptoms better than the owner. Your vet should be willing to answer any questions you might have and be able to explain any necessary procedures to be performed. So there are no surprises, the fees should be discussed before you agree to the service to be performed.Before you choose a veterinarian, be sure to ask friends and fellow dog owners for recommendations. In my case, I interviewed three vets and toured three clinics before I made a choice. Of extreme importance to me were the hours and the emergency care facilities. Evening and weekend hours are important to working career people. Also, emergency care services are vital to a breeder. You need to know what emergency clinic is available if your vets office is closed. Also, the staff and facility are important. A friendly and happy staff reflect pleasant working conditions and a good employer. A clean facility also indicated dedications to the profession.Of importance are the services that are offered and what services are available through referral. Examples would be cardiologists, dermatologists, and surgical services. Be sure your vet clinic is a full-service operation and can meet your needs. Anesthesia For C-Section By Dr. William Martin, DVM Submitted by Mark Lenhart The following article is written by Dr. William Martin DVM of Fletcher, NC, with all toy dogs in mind. The subject is Caesarian sections, as many of us know, too many bitches are lost to C-sections not to the surgical procedure itself, but from the anesthetic.The Pom Reader October 1991So, with this in mind I asked my vet, Dr. Martin, if he would be interested in writing an article on his procedures and the problems of anesthesia.Dr. Martin is a fine man who puts his career first. He cares very much about animals and their treatment. He is also a certified acupuncturist and has helped many animals with this treatment but thats another story. Dr. Martin has been a veterinarian since 1961. He has performed hundreds of Caesarian sections on toy dogs with great success. Never has a dog been lost on Dr. Martins table due to anesthesia.I hope the following article can help save some of our beloved animals. The article is printed as written by Dr. Martin.ANESTHESIA FOR C-SECTIONDr. William Martin, DVMCaesarian sections have twice the problems that most surgeries have due to the problem of the anesthetic crossing the placental barrier. As the anesthetic crosses the barriers, the pups can be removed from the uterus already anesthetized before their lungs have ever been exposed to oxygen. Pups in this state have to be maintained through massage artificial respiration andor a positive oxygen flow until the anesthesia agent is metabolized. As a result of anesthetic crossing placental barriers, a lot of pups die during Caesarian section.Since 1961 I have tried many anesthetic procedures. The first was morphine with atropine, which was how we were taught in vet school. The morphine a narcotic was for sedation and the atropine was to stop bronchial secretions and salivation. Then we gave lidocaine, a local anesthetic, at the incision line. Owners reported that the bitch and puppies cried a lot for 24 to 72 hours before they seemed to return to a normal state.In 1968 I started using an anesthetic gas called Fluothane using acepromazine a tranquilizer plus atropine as a pre-anestheticand then intubating the bitch for fluothane. This worked fairly well but the tranquilizer kept the bitch and pups sedated for 24-48 hours. Owners would have to be available at all times to be sure the bitch looked after the pups and did not crush them.Innovar vet, another pre-anesthetic medication which enhances barbiturates and reduces the requirements for general anesthesia plus the atropine and fluothane were my third choice the bitch and puppies still remained in a prolonged, soporific state.Choice number 4 consisted of light doses of sodium thiopental a barbiturate administered at the minimal dosage required to relax the bitch for intubation followed by inhalation therapy with fluothane. This regimen was promptly abandoned because of the same unfortunate results of prolonged sedation experienced with other anesthetic combinations.After reviewing all the combinations of anesthesia that I had tried, I decided to try masking the bitch down with fluothane only. This is where we actually put a rubber mask over the bitchs muzzle and physically restrain her until she is anesthetised. At this point we intubate her with an endotracheal tube and continue with fluothane anesthesia - sometimes I give dexamethasone intravenously and start a flow of lactated Ringers I.V., too. This is to prevent shock.When anesthesia is administered by a mask only, the pet or in this case the bitch goes through a voluntary excitement stage at first. Then when she is partially anesthetized she goes through an involuntary excitement stage. I feel this is very traumatic to the pet, therefore I like to have the owner with the pet as she is being anesthetized. As an added precaution I use the fluids and dexamethasone to prevent shock. I also do not give atropine until the bitch starts to wake up. This way the pups do not receive any atropine effects. This type of anesthesia was fantastic pups would come out crying and mother would walk out within 15-20 minutes after having the gas turned off.This method of anesthesia, was great on small to medium dogs large dogs andAnesthesia and the C-Sectioncontinued...large dogs and brachycephallic dogs created problems. Large dogs that could not be restrained to be masked down were given enough pentothal to relax and then they were masked on down to the point we can intubate them. At this point I leave the large bitch on fluothane very lightly to let the liver start to detoxify the pentothal before I start surgery. With the brachycephallic breeds Pekingese, Pug, etc. that do not have a muzzle to put a mask over, I use a plastic bag. The plastic bag that boxes of syringes come in are ideal. They are tough, and hard to tear. I cut a hole in the end and tape my anesthetic tube to the bag. I put a very large amount of ophthalmic ointment in both eyes fit the bag over the bitchs head and have an assistant secure it while having a hand place over the eyes. This forces her to close her eyes to prevent any possibility of corneal damage due to the fluothane. When she is relaxed we then intubate her with an endotrachial tube and proceed as above.After using fluothane for twenty years I learned that chronic exposure would cause liver problems in the operator and sometimes the patient. I mask most of my bitches down so therefore I was exposed more than most vets. In 1988 I converted my anesthetic machines to a new gas called Isoflurane. It is supposed to be easier on old vets and old pets. Puppies do not wake up quite as fast unless we keep the bitch very lightly anesthetized. I have not had any trouble so far with Isoflurane using the procedure I described earlier. I myself feel safer using this anesthetic gas.I will not describe the surgical procedure in this article because each vet has his or her own technique. I strongly feel that pets are not lost most times due to surgery but due to anesthesia, therefore, performing surgery as quickly as possible to shorten the time spent under anesthetic is of the essence.Stud Dog Lamentby Nancy BottMy job is making puppies and I get two tries at that.They pat me on the head and say Good Boy and that is that.Its half my job to give them teeth and toplines, fronts and otherRemember, its only half my job... they also have a Mother.Its not my job to carry pups, and make em grow and nurse emAnd feed and clean and make em strong Thats for mother and a Person. Its not my job to wean and feed the calcium and food.And stack and gait and house break and make em a showing brood. Its not my job to plan the breedings and learn what produces wellTo study pedigrees and learn whats what and pick out those to sell.Its not my job to guarantee champs the breeder picks the pairto mate and whelp and feed and show and hope the champ is there.Its not my job to be on hand when points are given out.The Breeder, Owner, Dam and Friends take credit with a shoutIts not my job to deliver a winner ...its only genes I sell.But let the puppies turn out bad and guess who catches HELLDr. W. M. Martin, DVM We thank Dr. Martin for his excellent article, and Mark Lenhart for submitting it to us. By the way, Mark Kathy Lenharts daughter, Melissa, was one of the top Junior Handlers last year with her Pom. Continued successSharon MasnickHCR 65, Box 745 Huger, SC 29450FOR SALECrescendo Piccolo, orange male, d.o.b. 490. Millamor bloodlines. Show home only. 80000AVAILABLE BY PRIVATE TREATYCrescendo McGuire Pepe La Pew aka the Foz, orange male d.o.b. 989, Millamor bloodlines, show home. Specials potential.FREE TO GOOD HOMEStunningly beautiful male, super coat, sweet face, healthy, but one bad leg. Super companion. No papers.For more information, contact CRESCENDO POMS, Lois Ciliberto, 813-996-5499.The Pom Reader October 1991Tam 'WestNiu IPetGhosts, Goblins, Witches, Ghouls...Dont you take us for anybodys foolsIts our turn to be ferocious, mean and scarey, instead of our usual cute, sweet merryTonight we ll have them shaking in their boots - No one will be saying My arent they cuteWhat fun it will be to go Trick or Treat.These costumes are the greatest - they cant be beatSo, when you see this gang come to the door,You d better have treats aplenty, and moreby Terri D. WattsoyQJU1' wLllnAJ Li,i. iiifnnSubmit a cute photo and story of your Pom to MY PET, co Pam West, 3521 S. Buckner Tarsney Road, Grain Valley, MO 64029. The Pom Reader October 1991S3C^Jrecious C^JeiiiesHome of GabrielBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson. LA 70181 504 737-1729HOME OF THENORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942 KILLER AND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Upper Valley Road El Paso, TX 79932I7BC^QJGJB CSGtCCCGliOffers for sale Brood, show prospect. Orange sable. This girl is a 2 year old, 4 lb., free whelper. Heavy coat, short back, has the baby face of her sire. Sire is black tan GREAT ELMS JOEY OF LENETTE. A few other females for breeding available now.New litters expected in October. All are GREAT ELMS and EMCEE lines. Black Tans possible. Inquiries welcome. Cheri L. Peel, 15143 Foxhill Rd. SE, Yelm, WA 985597. PH 206-458-3198 Fax 206-458-3771cApaUmttGhamninn Stud ServiceChampion Stud Service Quality PuppiesMarlene Marlin Presser 21789 E. Hwy 4209 886-5640 Stockton, CA 95215StorkReportNew Expected Litters 100WHELPED 8-23-91 1 M, 2 FCH. CEDARWOODS IMAGE OF DIAMOND Sire CH. MERRYMONT IMAGE MAKER see photo this issue FOSKEYS FOXY LADY CH. GREAT ELMS SWEET PRINCE Dam PJS DUTCHESS FERGIEPEGGYS DELIGHTFUL TAMMY P-Js POMS, Patti Barnett, 316 W. Franklin, White Hall, IL 62092. Tel 217-374-2539.Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...Order your Holiday Cards Now0rsis22Inside Greetings of the Season and Best Wishes for the New Year As part of our fund raising efforts, the Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club, Inc., is offering this precious Christmas card designed by artist W. E. McKinney This lovely white Pomeranian puppy rests in a bright red and green Christmas sleigh and this card is in colorCards are shrink-wrapped in packages of a dozen and are priced at 13.95. Please add 1.75 to cover shipping and handling. For each additional dozen ordered add .50 shipping handling.To order your Christmas cards, send check or money order payable toTHE DALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.1814 Marydale Dallas, TX 75208Sorry, no C.O.D., credit card or cash orders. U.S. funds only, please For additional information, call 214-941-2002.Name ____________________________________________Address _____________________________ ___________City ____________________ State ________ Zip ________Phone ____________________________________________The Pom Reader October 199122'IPlaMmatvV'mADont you EVER hide a pill in my treat againCourtesy Horst Graf, Grafenhorsts Poms, Plantation, FloridaSubmit your cute photo for our popular PLAYMATES Department Send to PR PLAYMATES, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604.aI think were doing something wrong here...Lead training Flipper courtesy Debbie Hall, Union Beach, New JerseyPViimPlay the video from Westminster again Courtesy Doris Pressley, Curtice, OhioThe Pom Reader October 1991PlaumatLc'i.1P4Sometimes you just have to stop and smell the roses. Courtesy Betty Jo Mason, Masons Poms, Perris, California4t fMIt CANT be six oclock already I just fell asleep Courtesy Gaile Schumann, Charlestown, New HampshireSUBMIT YOUR CUTE PHOTO FOR OUR POPULAR PLAYMATES DEPARTMENT t 3Vffff nThis is what I get for a rabies shot. You should see what they give me when I have to go to the boarding kennelPhoebe, courtesy Steve Gloria Carlin, Encinitas, CaliforniaAny clear photos will do, black white, color, Polaroid or regular film. Print name on back. Send to PR PLAYMATES, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. ThanksIt\ i aTHATS ALL, FOLKSLady, courtesy Lu Ann Schiff Forest Hills, New YorkThe Pom Reader October 1991ACEstill struttin at eight years of age...ftdK- "FIRST PLACE- ftIfHOUSTON COMBINED SPECIALTY ASSOCIATIONFALL 1981 BISS, Group Winning Ch. Precious Petites Riple SupremeShown winning the Veterans Class at the The Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston breeder-owner-handled by Claudia Pfeffer, Precious PetitesAbe was campaigned to Number One Pom by owner-handler Joe McGinnis 1986and is now at stud with breeder-ownerCLAUDIA PFEFFER PRECIOUS PETITESP.O. Box 10432, Jefferson, LA 70181 504 737-1729Tk fmi ted 8848 BEVERLY HILLS 37LAKELAND, FL 33809 ' '3.. - 2 NEWSPUBLICATION - DO NOT DELAY- AuukESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDBULK RATE U.S. POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FL