The Pom Reader November 1991

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Tfte TamNOVEMBER 1991 VOLUME VI, NUMBER NINECH. TWIN OAKSsV-- w- J. -sJiOifcJ, , , \-Gentleman JackOn The CaverCh. Twin OaksS. i\ -V- .^__ A'._______ , 4,"-wSHr IV..4rWe have several promising puppies available from super bloodlines - see page 3, THE POM READER, October 1991.HappyHolidaysfrom Twin OaksIN EJHK5 POMS ftBELL and CAROL CATES 948 Wyndsor Drive, Hixson, TN 37343 615-842-8184Gentleman JackJack is shown on the cover being awarded a Group placement by judge Mrs. Glenda Dawkins. Thank you Mrs. Dawkins for honoring this super combination of soundness, style and spirit Jack is superbly handled by Ellen Perry.Show puppies sired by Jack available to serious breedersexhibitors.TWIN OAKSPISTOL PETE, Va-Pete is shown above being awarded Winners Dog from the puppy class - his first show Thank you judge Mrs. Glenda Dawkins and handler, Ann Terry. Watch for him in the ring with new owner Lamonte Cottrell of Atlanta.WALLYcontinues his winning waysCHAMPION GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKERGroup IIThank you judge Mrs. Betty MundenIn just two months,Wally has6 BOBs 1 Group I 1 Group H1 Group III2 Group TVsTHANK YOU JUDGES-tVARIETY GROUPOwnerSHARON MASNICK Huger, SCjaldm dimTom803-928-3511AgentMICHELLE MILLER Greer, SCThe Pom Reader November 19914Tfce rPamREADERNovember 1991 Volume VI Number 9TABLE OF CONTENTS 1,2. ON THE COYER CH. TWIN OAKS GENTLEMAN JACKOwned by Bill Carol Cates, Twin Oaks Poms.8. I.V. LEAGUE by Dr. Tom GravesCancer in the Canine.10. NEW CHAMPIONSThe recent titleholders.H. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.12. OLYMPIA aka Lois CilibertoAnswering readers questions.14. SALLYS SOAP BOX by Sally BaugnietIndian Summer brings visitors - some good, some bad16. DID YOU Sharon MasnickAllergies Overcoming Fear18. SPECIAL ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January - September.19. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-September.10. MY POM by Pam WestA month of thanks.22. WHATS IN A NAME by Dale AdamsA catchy moniker can make or break your dog24. CANINE GOOD CITIZEN TESTWhat is it Who should take it25. POM ESCAPADES by Susan JohnsonTable training - Pom style.26. POM BOUTIQUEItems for Poms and their people.27. PR PLAYMATESOur popular candid photo department.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in thisThe Pom Reader November 1991publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The publishers reserve the right to refuse advertising deemed unsuitable. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and FirstThis issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFRONT COVERBACK COVERBill Carol Cates TWIN OAKS POMSINDEX TO ADVERTISERSALLAN, M...............................................................17BENKO, A............................................................... 19BERNARDO, G.......................................................17BERRY, N................................................................17CARLTON, J.......................................................... ISCATES, W. C...........................................1,2,19,28CONRAD, H............................................................21COOK, S..................................................................23CORBIN, T.............................................................7,9DOMRASE, A. J.................................................23DOSSINGER, M..................................................... 17FIDDICK, R. J....................................................19FINCH, D.................................................................21FREIA, J..................................................................19GAD, N.....................................................................29GRAF, H..................................................................23GRIFFIN, G............................................................ 23GRIFFITH, K......................................................... 23HARTZ, K............................................................... 17HEARTZ, J. C.................................................... 19HOVEY, J................................................................17JACKSON, C...........................................................17JENSEN, P...............................................................21LUDKE, K...............................................................23MARTIN, D.............................................................23MASNICK, S........................................................3,19MASON, B. J...........................................................21NAGY, S. B......................................................... 21NORRIS, B.............................................................. 21PEEL, C................................................................... 17PFEFFER, C........................................................... 19POOLE, R................................................................. 5PRESSER, M. M................................................ 23RGS PEDIGREES..................................................21RGS POMS..............................................................23RANDALL, B..........................................................17RAY, B..................................................................... 17REILLY, R. J......................................................21ROSENBAUM, M...................................................23SAMPLES, M..........................................................19SPROUSE, L...........................................................21STACKHOUSE, S.................................................. 17WELLS, M. G.....................................................17YOUNG, J................................................................15Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pbm Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Please direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor The Pom Reader 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809.TEL 813 858-3839 FAX 813-853-3624.5VX\5ST-BEST OF BREEDmMOBILEKENNEL CLUB FALL I99J COT. WTO TosamCH. IDAS TOUCH OF BEV-NOR x CH. IDAS MS. PRISS BY BEV-NORAT THE MOBILE KC SEPTEMBER 8,1991, TAKING WB, BW, BOB FOR A 3 POINT MAJOR, ALL FROM THE PUPPY CLASS. THANKS TO HIRAM STEWARTS LOVING EXPER- TISE IN PRESENTING MISSY SO WELL, HER HONORS HAVE BEEN OUSTANDING IN SO SHORT A TIME...NORMAN PATTON - WB, BOW, BOB PEGGY CARR - WB MERRILL COHEN - WB, BOS MARY MCCOY - WB, BOW CHARLOTTE PATTERSON - WBTHANK YOU ALL FOR APPRECIATING THIS SOUND LITTLE GIRL AS MUCH AS WE DORubys PomeraniansRUBY POOLE RT 1 BOX 190 CLAREMORE, OK 74017 918-341-6921The Pom Reader November 1991DID SEEZE ALLFROMTHEEDITORI know, I know, one should behave with decoram at all times one should turn the other cheek one should treat his fellow humans as one would prefer to be treated oneself. But there are times when they really push you too far, as evidenced by an incident that happened, not an hour ago, to me. Today will go down in history as the day that saw The Battle of the Brushes.Of course, I can be stupidly forgiving of slights. There are many times I can recall when I should have reacted differently, more forcefully, upholding my rights, but on some occasions it seems easier to say, Well, what the heck, consider the source, etc. And as a rale I find myself more offended when someone elses space is violated, and will speak out for their freedoms more quickly than I would my own. But that is not always the case, as it certainly was not, today.Out running an errand, I was, and not un- typically I decided to wash the car. There is a place right down from us which may seem like a step back in time, a retro-convenience You pay money, and then you get to wash your own car. Nobody drives it in or out for you, or makes you sit in the waiting room reading magazines. You do it yourself. Although to some it may seem a waste of energy, I can assure you it is not. They have high-tech pressure washers, and brashes that spit out foaming soap, and all sorts of little towels and cleaning implements you can use if you pay more to ensure that the car is clean right down to the spaces in between the wires on the wheels. Or the little indentations in the tail lights that tend to trap dirt, my own personal pet peeve. Of special note are the pressure guns which shoot water with such force that people are forever dousing each other accidently or on purpose and which could very possibly put someones eye out, but thats another story. Anyhow, depending on your mood andor dedication to the task at hand, you can get the car precisely as clean as you want it to be.Now, lets face it. You wouldnt take a dog into the show ring with a less-than-glossy coat, or without manicured nails, or in any other unprepared condition. My favorite thing in life is dogs my second favorite, cars. Why take a car out in public in any less than showring condition So I drove in, happily anticipating a shining-clean exterior and an uplifting experience.Also not untypically, one of the three bays into which you pull your car was out of order, leaving, if youre any good at highermathematics, two. Both were occupied, but strangely enough, with automobiles unaccompanied by people. I plugged in some music and pondered the situation. And it quickly became clear that something was amiss.A lady and gentleman and I use the terms loosely ambled over and started rubbing a towel up and down one car. Then she wandered over to the other car, looked inside for something, then started buffing about on it. Back and forth they went, inspecting the vehicles for persistent dirt, and despite my irritation I admired their tenacity. Bear in mind that you do not pay this facility by the minute you only pay when you spray or scrub using the implements provided, on timers provided, fueled by funds in twenty-five cent increments. And so, in effect, these people were trespassing. My frustration was increasing. There were now four cars in line behind me.The manager of the place came out, not once, but twice, to urge the people to speed it up. They quickly snapped to, and made a great show of efficiency, only to lapse back to their lackadaisical attitude when he returned to other business. It had now been twenty minutes that I had been sitting there.Now you may note that I could just have gone on about my business, returning later, to accomplish my desired task. Sure, I could have but I refused there was a principle involved here, albeit a small one they were, by their cavalier attitude towards this public facility, violating my rights. I found myself growing more angry by the minute.The third times the charm, and again the manager came out to augment the production. He apologized to me, and said, if I wanted, for no extra charge, I could go through the automatic wash where you just sit there and the brushes run around the outside of the car. I said, Thanks, but this is a new car and if anyone puts a scratch on it I want it to be me, so there is no one else to blame. That made sense to him he went on his way.There were now six cars behind me, thirty minutes had elapsed and still these people were wandering back and forth, inspecting their cars for deposits of dirt. And between you and me, their cars werent all that deserving of such meticulous cleaning measures. I had listened to Amy Grant sing Baby Baby to the point of boredom, which I had not thought possible. I was about to call it quits when the girl dropped the chamois cloth back into a bucket, and looked, finally, ready to leave. The man walked up to her, they smiled...and then they took a cigarette break.My hand tightened on the door release with more than necessary force and I was out before I knew it. As I approached the pair I said to myself, This is how murder happens, Mack. You say something to them, they pull out a gun, and thats all she wrote. But I couldnt stop myself. I walked up and said, Ill give you ten seconds to get this blanking car out of here or Im coming in on top of it. I stomped back to my car all the time in disbelief that I was being so rude put it into gear and started forward. Like magic their cars were clean enough they hauled it out of there in an instant.The other patrons honked their horns and smiled and waved I was the hero of the car wash. But I felt a little cheap and dirty, having reacted to this infringement upon my rights in such a childish manner. And then I thought, Just who are these people to affect my life I am completely within my rights to ask them to respect the rest of us.And so it goes with the dog fancy. There are animal-rights groups out there so tenacious and vociferous as to affect all that we hold dear. I have heard of roving gangs appearing at dog shows with the express purpose of giving the dogs their freedom i.e., letting them out of their crates in order that the imprisoned animals return to a natural environment. Well, you find me one purebred dog that can survive in this world on its own. There are legislative actions being taken to seriously curtail our freedom to even own canines, much less breed and show. As responsible breeders and owners, it is our imperative to protect and propogate the breed that we fancy we must be circumspect in our dealings with the public we must keep an eye out for restrictive legislation and we must use our voices, our brains, and our resources when pushed. But I believe that as long as we act accordingly, we dont have to apologize to anybody. Nor do we have to take any junk from anybody - just like we dont have to stand for abuse like I got from the two people at the car wash.There was a bumper sticker on the back of their Lexus. It said I BRAKE FOR ANIMALS. I bet it wasnt even their car.JMcGCan. Ch. Starlite ILgacy Moon DancerLLL Moongold Sunsation x Starlite Ms. San Antonio Rose Breeder Gayle Griffin Starlite Poms, USAF23x.mLEGACY co-owned with Frosty Poms, Chantel Van Beek. Handled in Canada by Betty Mackillop.[fo trie ah 5 PomsCan. Ch. Schimmels Princess Lia LeiCan. Ch. Bavanews Dynamic Dynamite x Schimmels Baby Bambie Button Breeder Waltraud Repka, Schimmel Poms, Canada74 2Tammy Corbin 10801 150th Street, Edmonton, Alberta,Can. Ch. Princess Lia Lei was number 1 female and number 7 Pom for Canada in 1988. she is now retired as a Group winner. Can. Ch. Starlite Legacy Moon Dancer left finished his title with three Best of Breed awards and a Group HI from the classes.We have a male puppy I pictured right for sale as a show prospect. Princess will be bred only one more time, for she was not shown until she was five years of age and she is getting old now. Her clear orange puppy is now 4 months old - photo taken at 2 months.T5P 1R6 Canada. 403-486-0151. Leave message.The Pom Reader November 1991fi8Your Hookup To Canine HealthLV. icAWcCancer in the CanineThomas K. Graves, DVMI have been kicking around the idea of writing an article about cancer. Well, thats a pretty depressing topic for most people, and its difficult to write about. Just last week I transferred to the oncology ward. I tend to be the kind of veterinarian who gets emotionally involved probably a little too much at times with his patients, and I dreaded being assigned to a ward filled with patients with terminal diseases...To make matters more intense, I realized that these patients are at a major referral hospital like OSU because they have owners who are absolutely in love with them and want to do everything possible to keep their pets around for as long as possible. These people have tremendous emotional and financial investments in dying dogs. And I have to be their veterinarian. The tour of duty through oncology was going to be rough.Weve all known people who have had to deal with cancer. In some ways, cancer is even more obscene when it occurs in animals. They are so innocent, almost like children. Weve seen the painful side effects of chemotherapy and the extensive surgical procedures performed on human cancer patients. How could anyone justify putting an animal through thatUnfortunately, just about any tumor you can think of which occurs in people also occurs in dogs. Cancer is very common in veterinary practice. Much of our knowledge about diagnosis and treatment of cancer in dogs is extrapolated from human medical experience. The reverse is also true with animals with cancer serving as important models to study tumor behavior and cancer treatment in humans.However, the approach to treating cancer in veterinary medicine is much different than in human medicine. In human medicine, the aim is to attempt a cure sometimes at any cost. If a human suffers tremendously from the deleterious effects of a chemotherpeutic agent, a radical surgery or extensive radiation therapy, it can be rationalized. The suffering may be well worth it if there is a possibility of a cure or keeping the cancer in remission for an extended period of time. Animals, on the other hand, cannot be expected to understand such a concept. Therefore, it would be wrong to take the same approach in treating canine cancer patients. Thats my opinion, anyway.Dont get me wrong I do not think that all The Pom Reader November 1991dogs with cancer should be put to sleep immediately. I think cancer treatment, if used wisely, can be very rewarding. I am the first to admit that I am not an experienced oncologist and I have much to learn about cancer in animals. But there are a few philosophical guidelines I think are important in approaching the veterinary patient who is suffering from cancer.If you were to bring me your dog with cancer, I would have a look at the dog, we would do a few tests, and then we would sit down together and have a heart-to-heart talk. This is what I would say1. You must realize, as difficult as it is, that your dog has an incurable disease and that we very likely will not be able to change that.2. The goal of treatment is not to cure at all costs. The goal of treatment is to make the animal comfortable, to alleviate pain, to try to slow the progression of the disease, and to give the animal as much quality, pain-free time with its family as is possible without subjecting it to the painful side-effects of therapy.3. We have extensive data on the behavior of various tumors and the effects of therapy. Statistics are often available as to the average survival time of patients with a given tumor and with a given treatment protocol. However, your dog is not a statistic. He or she is an individual patient and could do better or worse than the statistically average patient. Our decision as to whether to treat may be guided by what the statistics say ourchances are, but cancer is never predictable.4. At some point your dog will have to be put to sleep. It may be weeks, months, or years from now, but you must be prepared to make that decision. You will know when your dog is no longer happy and is not feeling well. Is she still eating well Does she still do the things she likes to do Does she play with her favorite toys Does she sleep comfortably These are questions only you can answer. And when the bad days outnumber the good days, it is wrong go keep the dog alive. There is nothing harder than deciding to put a dog to sleep, but to let an animal die from cancer is quite simply cruel. Your dog deserves better.5. Some people just cannot handle the thought of living with a dog with cancer. Maybe they have been through a recent traumatic experience with cancer in a human loved one. Maybe they cant stand living day to day with the knowledge that their sweet litde dog might not be around much longer. Maybe they cannot financially afford treatment. In these cases, euthanasia, as difficult for the owner and for me as it is, is not unjustified.When- a dog is diagnosed with cancer, the first step towards treatment is staging of the disease. Chest x-rays, abdominal x-rays or ultrasound, blood tests and biopsies are performed to determine exactly what type of tumor it is, whether or not the tumor has spread, and if the tumor is causing any metabolic abnormalities or organ systemContinuedDr. Tom Graves on Cancer, continued...failures. These are all important prognosticators and will determine what therapy, if any, is warranted.For example, if a dog has a mast cell tumor, a very common skin tumor of dogs a very uncommon tumor in people, it is necessary to determine if the tumor has spread to the regional lymph nodes, to the bone marrow, or is circulating in the blood stream. This necessitattes lymph node biopsies, bone marrow aspirates and blood tests. Mast cell tumors can cause gastric ulceration by releasing chemicals which affect the lining of the stomach, so further tests must be performed. All of the information gathered from these tests determines whether surgery, radiation or chemotherapy is necessary.At OSU we perform many surgical procedures on dogs with tumors. As stated earlier, the approach of a veterinary on- cosurgeon is usually conservative and is aimed at removing the structural problems caused by the tumor. If a tumor can be completely removed cured surgically without causing tremendous suffering to the dog, great. If not, a combination of surgery and other therapy will be used.For example, I recently saw a little Miniature Schnauzer with an adenocarcinoma of the anal sac. These are quite malignant tumors of older female dogs and are associated with a high rate of metastasis spread of tumor and with metabolic problems. The tumor was making it very difficult for the dog to defecate and she was in considerable pain. Certainly not all of the tumor was removed at surgery to do so would have made the dog incontinent. The goal of surgery was not to resect radically so much of the tumor as to make the dog incontinent. The goal was to make the dog able to defecate comfortably. Following surgery the dog was treated with chemotherapy.Chemotherapy is a scary word. When we think of chemotherapy, we think of patients losing their hair, losing weight and unable to eat without vomiting. Dogs, however, handle chemotherapy extremely well. The vast majority of dogs on chemotherapy seem to suffer very few side effects. Some lose a little hair, but they usually eat well and owners report very good activity levels. Again, if we have to use enough chemotherapy to really make a dog miserable, its probably not worth it. A different treatment protocol must be considered.Radiation therapy is not widely available in veterinary medicine. In general, however,there are a few university teaching hospitals and large referral centers at which radiation therapy is available for veterinary cancer patients. Some tumors, depending on the type and location, are known to be very radiosensitive, and, in these cases, radiation therapy can be very rewarding.At first, I had a very negative attitude about working with cancer patients. Now I have a new oudook. Its still very, very painful to see animals die and to see the heartbreak their owners experience. But I dont look at treating cancer as simply postponingdeath. I look at it as giving devoted pet owners some quality, healthy time with their beloved pet which they would not have had otherwise. From that perspective, it is very rewarding.Dr. Tom GravesSpecial thanks to Dr. Graves for his continued excellent input.Readers are encouraged to submit questions or ideas for future columns. Write to Dr. Graves co The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604.9BISS, BIS CAN. BDA. CH. JER-MARS CLASSIC GOLD CHIPCHIPPER wasnumber one Toy and Pom in Bermuda in 1990, and in the top 5 Poms in Canada for 1989, 1990, and 1991. To date Chipper has won 53 Group Firsts in Canada and Bermuda. Watch for Chipper at Starlite Poms in the States. Chipper has produced Canadian Champions. He will be at stud to approved bitches.CHIPPER is shown with style in the U.S. by Gayle Griffin. Watch for him in Florida and other states.Puppies sired by Chipper for sale - Chipper is registered in the U.S. AvrrOwned ByCORLEAHS POMSTammy Corbin 10801 - 150th Street Edmonton, Alberta T5P 1R6 Canada403-486-0151 Leave MessageBred ByCHIP-A-WAY POMSShown in the States By STARLITE POMS Gayle Griffin 3074 Lancaster Drive NE 253 Salem, OR 97305The Pom Reader November 1991NeuChampionsConfirmed Champions of RecordOct. Nov. 1991OCTOBER 1991Autumns Lady Alice B, by Ch. TLC Is A Prince Too x Pickles Special Autumn Lady. Breeder Emily Untalan. OwnerEmily Untalan E. C. Untalan.CJs Mi Amorsito Diamonte D, by Scotia Mark of Distinction x Ch. CJs Sungold Ever-Ett. Breeder-Owner Pete Castaneda.Deartas Rock N Jessica B, by Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition x Rock Dancers Little Rock. Breeder Nina K. Epps M. Deane Rinehart. OwnerDiana L. Nolan.Dover-Holihouse Ho-Lee Terra B, by Camelots Rebel Did x Ch. Annons Lea Tar of Dover. Breeder-Owner Kathryn Hartz P. A. Foley D. NInatoski.Finchs He Walks On Water D, by Finchs Bom Sweet Scottie x Finchs Ambrosia Mystery. Breeder-Owner Diane L. Finch.Golden Aires Here I Am B, by Ch. Twin Pines Tico Tico x De Artas Dancing Marketta. Breeder-Owner Sharon Masnick.Jabils Naughty Nigel D, by Ch. Jabils Simply Sinful x Ch. Serius Persimmon. Breeder-Owner Jessie W. Young Barbara A. Young.Jestoms Something Special D, by Ch. Emcees Chips Ahoy of Coy x Fanfares Sweet and Sassy. Breeder-OwnerThomas L. Stephens Jessie M. Stephens.Linchris A Moving Violation B, by Ch. Southland N Bev-Nor Nut E Fudge x Bianco-Gryder Heavens Gift. Breeder- Owner Linda S. Brogoitti.Merrymont American Express D, by Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein x Merrymont Cameo Keepsake. Breeder Patricia Jo Griffin. Owner Carolyn Turnage.Morenos Buttercup Blossom B, by Ch. Sharels Southern B and B x Morenos Blossom Elegance. Breeder-Owner Mrs. Julie Moreno.Queenaire Handsome Stranger D, by Queenaire Diamond Apple x Ch. Queenaire Bright Promise. Breeder Dudley Roach Wanda Roach. Breeder- Owner Art Davison Joy Davison.Sharlans Rockin Robin D, by Fanfares Twinklin Red Robin x Cristyhills Carmen OSharian. Breeder-OwnerDavid I. Berry Carolyn S. Berry.Southlands Make Me Famous D, by Ch. Southlands Mr. Vip Olda x Ch. Southlands Toast to Jamel. Breeder Charlotte Creed. Owner Charlotte Creed Marlin Presser Marlene Presser.Starfires Rock-N-Rolling D, by Ch. Star- fires Rocky x Ch. Great Elms Tiffany of Lenette. Breeder-Owner Jose A. Cabrera.Stolannes Classique Comet D, by Ch. Bea Mary Hazy Day x Ch. Stolanne Mystic Starlet. Breeder-Owner Frances J. Stoll.Twin Oaks Gentleman Jack D, by Dizweeas Glen Iris Starlord x Glen Iris Star Topaz. Breeder-Owner Carol L. Cates Bill Cates.Watts-Scotia Little Paddywac D, by Ch. Great Elms Little Timmy Beam x Ch. Watts Scotia Little Bobbi-Sue. Breeder- Owner Dolores A. Watts.Watts Little Lindee Lou B, by Ch. Great Elms Firestarter x Ch. Watts Little Thumbelina Girl. Breeder-Owner Dolores A. Watts.Wee Hearts Im A Pleasure Too D, by Wee Heart Lifes Lil Pleasure x Wee Hearts Ambush. Breeder Cassandra Ready Regina Ready. Owner Cassandra Ready Curtis Mack.Willorun Marked For Victory D, by Ch. Great Elms Pride And Joy x Ch. Great Elms Jewel of Lenette. Breeder Bonnie Stetson. Owner Bonnie Stetson Donna C. Megenhardt.NOVEMBERApolloette Carbon Copy D, by Ch. Apolloette Gone-A-Lot x Apolloette Katrina. Breeder Marlene Presser Marlin Presser. Owner Marlene Presser Marlin Presser Marie V. Thompson.BenRays Golden JoshN Envy D, by Ch. Texsuns Lone Star x Golden Aires Heart of Gold. Breeder-Owner Benson Ray.Bi Mar Saucy Sadie B, by Creiders Tulsa Tornado x Bi-Mar Tia Maria. Breeder Mary A. Rosenbaum. Owner Susann Stackhouse.Bi-Mar Sunnys Obsession D, by Ch. Bi- Mar Sundance Kid x Bi-Mar Kat Ballou. Breeder-Owner Mary A. Rosenbaum.Chriscendo Cloudbuster D, by Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein x Wests Destiny of Medallion. Breeder-Owner Christine D. Heartz.Elans Inferno D, by Ch. Great Elms Firestarter x Silva Lade Joys Silhouette. Breeder-Owner Melissa A. Dahlenburg David K. Dahlenburg.Golden Aires Contessa Cello B, by Ch. Golden Aires Princess Gem x Golden Aires Lady Kaye. Breeder Sharon Masnick. Owner Benson E. Ray.Golden Aires Moon walker D, by Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition x De Artas Dancing Marketta. Breeder-OwnerSharon Masnick.Jakens Molly Muldoon D, by Great Elms Top Gun x Millie of Lenette. Breeder Jacqueline Rayner. Owner Lynda J. Breault Jacqueline Rayner.Jambos Royal Rascal D, by Tomanolls Im The Pitts x Bradleys Holilday Sparkler. Breeder Shirley Bradley. Owner Nora Higbee.Jamels My Southern Diamond D, by Ch. Sharels Southern Diamond x Sharels Charmer of Jamel. Breeder Eleanor Clark Sharon Hicks. Owner Sheron Spry Carolyn Turnage.ContinuedThe Pom Reader November 199111Jan-Shars Catch a Rising Star B, by Ch. Bev-Nor N Southland Rambo x Jan- shars Southern Star. Breeder Sharon L. Hanson. Owner George Mae White.Jeribeths Prince Put-Up Pat D, by Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Prestigious Top Trick. Breeder Pat McLary. Owner Carrie Cochran Olga Baker.Tffo PamREADERLakewoods Jumping Jack Jr D, by Ch. Pomirish Prufs Jumping Jack x Kagi Fluff Puff. Breeder-Owner B. Adams.Macs Lucky Legend D, by Ch. Macs Tag Along x Macs Show N Tell. Breeder-Owner Mrs. B. G. McDonald.Mai-T-Tois Nighty Toy OHilane D, by Ch. TNT Joshua Jones of Hilane x Ch. Hilanes Sonja of Mai T Toi. Breeder- Owner Angela Nisbet J. Cushman.Millamors Levi of Larron D, by Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein x L-Rs GorgUs Moonlyt Sunsation. Breeder Ronald J. Feyh Larry L. Rookstool. Owner Eleanor W. Miller.Pinehavens Just An Illusion B, by Ch. Southlands Janesa Berry x Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold Cheri. Breeder-OwnerGale B. Sharland.Rhynstone Ravishing Rick D, by Tiperons Dandy Lion x Wyndmeres Terracotta Rose. Breeder-Owner J. Urban.Tne TamNOVEMBER tool VOLUME VI. NUMBER NINECH. TWIN OAKSJMasmmirYour Showcase for Purebred PomeraniansSUBSCRIPTION RATESIn U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per YearDomestic24.00 Third Class Post 40.00 First Class PostForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 4.00 each Back Issues 4.00 eachsubject to availabilityRogueland Royal Flush D, by Ch. Muller Kazar Trump of Sungold x Rogueland Little Lollipop. Breeder-Owner Mary L. Milhoan.Starfires Sky Rocket D, by Ch. Bev- Nors Toasted Fudge x Bev-Nors Katrina of Starfires. Breeder-Owner Jose A. Cabrera.Tanglewood Solid Gold B, by Ch. Tangle wood Humagumas x Tanglewood Rachel. Breeder-Owner Carol J. Aubut.Teakwoods Oliver Twist D, by Ch. Idas Toby OSouthland x Teakwoods Penny Annie. Breeder Laureen Ivey. OwnerKaren M. Worth Laureen Ivey.Tim Sue High Lights Chablis B, by Ch. Tim Sues High Lights x Tim Sues Pink Champagne. Breeder Tim Goddard Sue Goddard. Owner Jean Focke.Watts-Scotia Little Do-Si D, by C. Watts Little Do-Si-Do x Ch. Scotia A Bit Of Consolation. Breeder Dolores A. Watts. Owner Diane L. Ward.ADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsANNUALPREPAIDAD SIZE CONTRACT OPEN RATEFULL PAGE Color 300.00 350.00FULL PAGE bw 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 10.00 12.00All ads 4 page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Make checks payable toDOLL-MC GINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604 TEL 813-858-3839 FAX 813-853-3624WE HONOR VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESSThe Pom Reader November 199112AKA Lois CilibertoDOGS HOWL AND....................Answering Readers QuestionsQUESTION Is the better dog always the one with the better recordANSWER Depends on what you consider the better recordSlomo began his show career on May 1, 1990 he finished on October 29, 1990. Kwiklick made his debut on August 3, 1990, and finished on October 30, 1990. Slomos owner held a job that prevented her from going to shows with consistent regularity, and she preferred showing her own dogs, not caring a fig for fast track records. Kwiklicks owner was able to be at shows every weekend and had quite a record of finishing large numbers of dogs. Kwiklicks owner was always remarking on Slomos turtle career, but Slomos owner turtled on, hitting a show here, a show there, slowly ploughing away at the points. Slomo had competed against Kwiklick on several occasions, always coming away with the blue white ribbon Winners, whilst Kwiklick came away with the purple white Reserve Winners. This had Kwiklicks owner licking a few jealous wounds, which cankered and when Kwiklick finished one day after Slomo got out of the way, Kwiklicks owner came boisterously back to the grooming area to boast that the question was now definitely settled Kwiklick had finished in less than 3 months of showing, whilst Slomo had been dragged around the ring forever Kwiklick, the faster finished, was the better dogAs Kwiklicks owner was more repeatedly on the show scene, with a large number of finished dogs over the years, she naturally had developed a reputation that drew a coterie of either new exhibitors or exhibitors that reckoned that record-keeping was V.I.P. in the dog showbreeding game. This coterie breathed in every holy word that Kwiklicks owner voiced and soon there was quite a bit of vocalization around the grooming tents about Slomos obvious demeaning quality. Naturally, the sour grapes reached Slomos unflappable owner, who smiled and seemingly went on her turtling way, which was preparing Slomo for a Specials career, that The Pom Reader November 1991is, a career that fit in with the owners work schedule and had nothing to do with hyping up a record to sell puppies and finished champions.A month later the usually crowded and noisy grooming tent on a weekend show ground was enlivened by more noisy chatter than usual. Kwiklicks owner, hearing the sniggles as people gathered around a piece of paper tacked to the central pole of the tent, went over to see. The piece of paper was not very large but the letters were in caps. It said.............................THE HARE AND THE TORTOISESLOMOS RECORD12 Shows in a period of 6 months less 2 days, since the starting line l-4th, l-3rd, 5-Reserves, and 4 BOBs for a total of 16 points, with 3 majors and never placing out of the ribbonsKWIKLICKS RECORD 29 shows in a period of 3 months, less 1 day, since the starting line in 15 of these 29 shows, he either placed or won, with no BOBs, 1 BOW and never once did he beat SlomoWho did you say it was that won that raceAs Kwiklicks owner angrily tore the paper from the ten pole and crumpled it in her hand, two members of her coterie were heard to be whispering. One said to the other I guess the moral is let the hearer of the record beware and be-bright enough to look beneath the silk bedspread for the cotton sheets...QUESTION My dog doesnt have black skin disease,yet his coat is always shedding and he smells awful. I bathe him every week and give him a dip, too, for the fleas. Why should he smellANSWER Too much bathingBesides, you should not have to be dipping so much for fleas,. Ive said it before and will say it again, that there is no better method that I have found and I havent had a flea in years, and neither have my dogs than Siphotrol II Plus House Treatment. It comes in liquid form for spraying, and in foggers. For a bad infestation use both. Saturate floors, and even spray furniture - it leaves no residue. It leaves no odor and once it is dry to the touch it is safe even for a kitten to walk on. The product says 17 weeks of pest control, but in my experience, after the first heavy dosage to kill off a heavy infestation created by fill dirt in my front yard that came from a cow pasture, the product need only be used at most twice a year. I am now using it but once a year. First, though, plan to dip the dogs and spray thepuppies NOT WITH SIPHOTROL the day you plan to sprayfog the premesis. Give it about 4 hours to dry, air out the house or kennel and give another 10 days for the dogs adult fleas to die and no nestings will hatch. This has also proven effective for the Florida roach problem at my house. For patio, yard and kennel runs we use Diazanon liquid, diluting to bottle directions and spraying liberally and allowing to dry thoroughly. This latter outdoorkennel area treatment was recommended by our vet as perfectly effective and perfectly safe.But back to your shedding and odor. It is a fact that some dogs, more than others, cannot tolerate the natural distraction from the skin that over-bathing causes. I groomed professionally for some 20 years and believe me the worst shedodorskin problems cameContinued13OLYMPIA continuedwith the dogs who were overbathed, and to me that means any dog bathed more than once every 2 months. In fact our dogs are hardly ever bathed, and they Dont smell nor shed, other than the expected sheds. We useJohnsons plain baby powder, not with cornstarch, to clean the for before a brush, being careful around the head area. The only skin problem we have ever experienced, some 20 years in the breed, is one bitch who had an allergy to God only knew what andwas chronic from puppyhood and a bout with cheyletiella mites, which occurred because our de-fleaing program is so effective we used no pesticides and the mites, brought in by a strange dog, had no impediment to their progress.2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2^ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2^ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ^2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ^2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ^2 2 2 ^2 2 2 2 r vj vj y y v vj vj vj vjQUESTION Ivomec, Ivermectin - should we or should we notANSWER Sometimes I do, sometimes I dont.Time after time this question comes up, both in print somewhere in THE READER and by personal conversations to the manic machine, OLYMPIA. Especially since Olympia wrote an article in which Ivomec was mentioned as being used to treat for the Cheyletiella mites Dec. 90. I had also written much earlier that Ivomec is great for ear mites. At that time, it was a new product for ear mite treatment and I got lots of inquiries. Now it is old hat to use it for ear mites. But for those who have not yet used it, for ear mites you simply put a few drops of cattle IVOMEC 1 Ivermectin in a sterile dilution in the ears and rub the base of the ear. Once is enough It generally cures all but the most stubborn cases, and in the really badly affected ear mite cases I have never had to use it more than twice several days apart. A few days after dosing the ear with Ivomec I cleanse the ear with alcohol or any earcleaning product on the market and swab the brown gum out with Q-tips.For the Cheyletiella mites see Dr. Tom Graves article, June 90 POM READER my vet recommended Mycodex with Carbaryl shampoos, which would take weeks to do the job. On pups under 4 months, this had to be carried out. Over-4-month pups I elected, after long soul-searching, to use the quick method of Ivomec. 4-8 months got lower dosages than the older dogs, and all got 2 treatments, 3 weeks apart. None of my older dogs got a reaction, although I was advised by my vet that I took this method at my own risk, as some breeds such as Collies and Shelties have severe reactions to this product.My only other contact with Ivomec has been showing dogs for others who have the dog on the product to prevent heartworms, which is claimed also prevents other worms and fleas. I have heard some using it in strengths of .10cc tuberculin syringe direct from the cattle Ivomec which is, again, 1 dilution of the base product Ivermectin This is for an approximately 5-6 lb. dog. The product is given by mouth, removing the needle The Pom Reader November 1991from the syringe after withdrawing the product from the rubber-topped bottle I have heard of others diluting the already-diluted Ivomec with Propylene Glycol, lcc Ivomec to 49cc propylene glycol, and administering it monthly for heartworm prevention. My own vet said that either the .05 or . lOcc tuberculin dosage, when diluted with propylene glycol, even administered monthly, is far too low to be effective against prevention. In his words, they are kidding themselves. Whether they are or not, I dont know, as I have heard and read so much about this product that is AT VARIANCE from the different vets and breeders, that I can only profess confusion as to what is right or wrong or whether WE SHOULD OR SHOULD NOTIn short, I do not recommend this product to anyone, as I am not qualified to recommend. I am advocating using it for ear mites, and I did take my own risks when using it to combat the mite problem, which so overwhelmed me, especially with the death of a particularly promising puppy, that I was desperate to kill those disgusting, walking dandruff things.As both myself and READER editor, Joe McGinnis, mentioned in the September issue in Letters from our Readers a VERY in-, teresting forum we at the READER would be delighted to have input from more qualified people to explain the foil import of the product Ivermectin. There are certainly, according to Gail Rodgers of Staten Island, New York, many Ivermectin products surfacing out there. In a letter published in our READER forum, she mentioned pour-on Ivomec, swine injectible and, I have heard, a sheep drench Ivomec...and so on. I know only for a fact that my vet dislikes recommending Ivermectin, yet he was not averse to my using it when I told him that another vet recommended it for Ear Mites, and that he only smiled knowingly when I said that my Cheyletiella mite problem was solved swiftly. He smiles just as knowingly when I mention it for heartworm preventive but other than saying that he thinks the dosage, when mixed with Propylene Glycol, is not enough for prevention, he wont say a word. In short, yours truly is totally confused.Until the dog howls again and some expert comes forward and gives us the low- down on Ivermectin...OLYMPIA aka Lois Ciliberto 9605 Land OLakes Blvd. Land OLakes, FL 34639.813-996-5499.JSTo tfaincf published nor shured eon- rersutionully cun tube the pluce of the udriee of your trustedreterinuriun . Tslerer udminister unythinef toyour dofs rrithout first consulting your medicul professional.Ed.The Pom Reader November 199114 'By Sally BaugnietI know, by the time many of you read this, we who are potential snow birds, will beyearning for your southern hospitality and weather. Until then, I have to make you envious of our fantastic summers and gorgeous fall seasons... 3 c , If you Pom people are not associated with Terriers at all, you probably have not heard of or did not realize what Montgomery County Kennel Club in Pennsylvania is. This is THE Terrier show in the east. It draws 2200 Terriers. The average allbreed dog show draws around 300 Terriers. Since I raise and show Norwich Terriers and judge over half of the Terrier breeds, I try to get to this show to see some of the best terriers in the country. It is an educationTwo all-breed dog shows are held on Friday and Saturday of this weekend. I watched Pom judging and met some Pom people that I usually see only once or twice a year. Among those there were Jackie Rayner, Susan Conlee, Karen Fitzpatrick, Thelma Dunn and Jackie Stacey. It is always a pleasure to be welcomed by Pom people from all over the country. It seems as though no matter what shows you go to, you will always meet someone you know and always feel welcome. That is what is nice about the sport of dogs.The trip home through the mountains was spectacular The mountains were like a carpet of orange, yellow and red flowers. This was the beauty of the autumn trees. At home, the trees were just as brilliant. It is a shame that it only lasts for a few days.I have just a little update on animal rights. There was a single dog show in Wisconsin followed by a four day cluster. Several animal rights people were at the single dog show inten- The Pom Reader November 1991ding to let dogs out of their crates. They were watched very carefully. Exhibitors were warned. Police were called and these people left the show site. The police from the first shows county followed them to the county line of the next dog show site, where those county police were waiting and followed them. I slept overnight in my van in the grooming building to watch for anything strange. The police patrolled the show grounds with their dogs. To make a long story short, no dogs were let out of their crates, we had complete police cooperation and all went fine. In case some of you dont know, the animal rights groups pay college students or anyone they can find who wants to earn 1000 or so per hour, to picket andor do their dirty work. These groups work by intimidation and by using illegal means. If you donated money to any of these animal rights groups, such as PETA, PAWS, ALF, ARM and yes, even the HSUS, you are contributing to high salaries and fringe benefits for their top bananas, possibly to illegal acts andor the bail for those who end up in jail for those illegal acts. These extremists have lied to you about their real objectives.There is a very worthwhile organization that has been started. It is called Putting People First. If you want more information, their address is 4401 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 310-A, Washington, DC 20008.While I was writing this article, three cars full of people pulled into our driveway. This day was a typical Indian summer day, so I had all the dogs outside in the yard. About ten people got out of the cars to look at the dogs. When I went out to meet them, they asked if they could have their pictures taken with the Pomeranians. Sure, I said. They had a Polaroid and I took a group picture. Before they left they said they were with the Quaker Oats Company and there would be about eight more groups coming. As it turned out, one hundred Quaker Oats employees were at a seminar at the Fox Hill Motel and Convention Center which is near us. Eight more groups 100 people stopped in to have their groups picture taken with our Poms and Norwich. We were one of the stops on the company scavenger hunt. They asked for my business card and promised to send some dog food my way.What an unexpected fun time and such a nice group of people. It made my dayThought for the monthIf you want an accounting of your worth, count your friends.A little humor for this monthA tourist, camera in hand, climbed the pasture fence and walked toward a grazing bull. Hey he called to the farmer, is this bull safeA dam right safer than you are. replied the farmer.Sally Baugniet 9411 S. State St.Mishicot, WI 54228.Phone or Fax 412-755-2994.15As a result of my mothers passing away, Frys Magic PomeraniansOFFERS FOR SALEAC Ch. Millamors Im A Windjammer MCh. Millamors Trademark x Millamors Rock Rosette. Whelped 6-30-84.Ch. LLL Bit OGold Danielle FCh. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine x LLL Bonanza Stella Whelped 9-13-87.Ch. LLL Highlights Brass Doll FCh. Tim Sues Highlights x Ch. LLL Rockys Brass Bellringer. Whelped 1-8-89.Frys Magic Merry Christmas MCh. Stolannes Thunderbolt Thor x Ch. Frys Magic Jeanne. Whelped 12-25-90.Frys Mister Magic MCh. Frys Magic Kamehameha x Ch. Frys Magic Pru. Whelped 12-29-90.Frys Magic Mrs. King FCh. Stolannes Thunderbolt Thor x Ch. LLL Highlights Brass Doll. Whelped 1-10-91.Ch. Frys Magic Honeysuckle Rose FCh. Millamors Im A Windjammer x Stolannes Magic Pete of Frys. Whelped 4-27-89.For more information, contact Jennifer Carlton 812 886-93213200 Bruceville Road, Vincennes, IN 47591mm m Na Na MCH. STAR HAVENS SOLID GOLD CHIP whelped 12-16-89. Ch. Stylestepper Mark of Oakridge x Ch. Chip- A-Ways Heavenly Body. 5 lbs. Group placing. Siring show quality.CHIP-A-WAYS ANGEL STAR, Whelped 10-2-89. Ch. Emcees A Chip Of Diamond x Starfrost Shining Angel. 5 lbs. red orange. Producing show quality.STAR HAVENS STYLESTEP MILLIE, whelped 3-23-90. Ch. Stylestepper Mark of Oakridge x Star Havens Vanilla Frost. 7 lbs. Orange. Produces lovely puppies.GREAT ELMS CHARLENE OF LENETTE, whelped 5-4-87. Chesai News Flash x Great Elms Annice ofLenette. IVi lbs. Black Tan. Produces nice puppies.MELLAMORS MUSICAL CHIME, whelped 12-19-89. Ch. Tim Sues Dixie Dynamic x Millamors Sand Song. 3 Vi lbs. Orange. Show prospect.STAR HAVENS CAMEO APPEARANCE, whelped 10-8-88. White Havens Bill Cody x White Havens Irish Special. 5 lbs. Black Tan. Dam of Specialty winning, multi group placing Ch. Star Havens Rock N James Brown.STAR HAVENS DIXIE SUNRISE, whelped 4-15-89. Wee Hearts Jack of Spades x White Havens Irish Special. 5 Vi lbs. Black Tan.SEVERAL NICE PUPPIES AVAILABLE FROM THE ABOVE. Doctors orders I must reduce my workload.For more information, contactJANICE YOUNG618 W. Springfield Road, St. Clair, MO 63077 Tel 314-629-2754The Pom Reader November 199116Did you know..... by Sharon MasnickAllergies Puppy Development\\Dogs really do suffer from allergies...Dogs do develop allergies to a large range of common allergens. One- third of all skin ittirations are normally caused by allergies. Signs of these allergies may be seasonal in nature. Tree and grass pollens or heightened periods of mold activity in the moist and warm climates can trigger allergies.Signs of allergies usually begin with rubbing the face, watering of the eyes and licking of the feet. Itching can involve most or all of the body leading to self-mutilation which can cause bacterial skin infections. The result is extreme hair loss. Food allergies may lead to vomiting and diarrhea. The above signs mentioned cannot be exclusively caused by allergies and so an accurate diagnosis of your dogs skin problem is vital to correct treatment.Your veterinarian is the one to make the diagnosis of your dogs allergies. The K-9 RAST rapid antibody serum test is a simple blood test which is used to determine the amount of antibody with the suspected allergens. Correct knowledge of the specific cause of an allergy will allow a more appropriate The Pom Reader November 1991treatment program.The best form of treatment would be to avoid the problem allergen. However, this may be a very difficult task. Control of the itch can be accomplished by using corticosteroid drugs. Prolonged use of these drugs, however, is not advisable. Another method of treatment is called hyposensitization. Injections are given of the problem or offending allergen over a period of time. An immunity or tolerance is built up by the dog. This method allows your dog to live more comfortably in the existing surroundings.This summer I experienced an allergy problem with a male Pom that is two years old. His symptoms were frequent sneezing spells. Our area was experiencing a rain shower every day and mold was forming or there was never sunlight to dry the ground or walks, buildings or walls. He was treated by using an allergy medication. The problem went away as soon as the weather conditions returned to normalFears are among the most successfully treated behavior problems...A couple of years ago I purchased a female puppy at 10 weeks of age and found her to be very outgoing and well socialized. Training for shows was easy as she was always eager to please. Six months rolled around and I entered her in three shows. The week prior to the shows she was entered in I decided to take her to the shows I was attending closer to home. I felt the exposure would be good for her.Upon arrival at the show site, I set up an X-pen and she was placed in it. She was fine and liked all the attention people gave her as they passed by. I put a lead on her and started to walk her down an aisle where many dogs were crated and beinggroomed. She managed to take three steps and she stopped and never took another step that day I tried everything but she was frozen to the spot. My reaction was absolute disbelief I knew I had a real problem and had only five days to solve it. I knew that people were not the problem but it was the building and the noise.After much thought on the trip home, I decided to try to reintroduce her to a similar environment as soon as possible. On Monday, she was taken to a grooming shop and was exposed to people bringing in different breeds to be groomed. On Monday evening she was taken to dog training classes at a big school gym. We placed her in her crate in the middle of the training floor with the door closed. Halfway through the session, I opened the door to the crate and let her emerge on her own and that took several minutes. I allowed her to nose and wander around and just talked to her. Finally, I placed a lead on her and started walking her with the other dogs. Our crisis was over and she was back to her normal happy self. She had to learn for herself that she was safe in a large building that was noisy.Perhaps I was lucky to solve my problem so quickly but the experience taught me a lesson. I now try to train in a noisy environment, attend fun matches, and take a puppy to shows prior to entering. I also drop items beside and behind the dog, clap my hands, and create noise in the puppy room on a routine basis. All of this has helped my dogs adapt much better.If you have had similar problems please drop me a line and perhaps other problems and solutions can be shared in other articles.Sharon Masnick HCR 65 Box 745 Huger, SC 29450jh Jris 'Poms ^kwood'JyemkpresentOur newest little star is sired by Ch. Glen Iris Ivanhoe and is a half- sister to the top-ranking Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock. Repeat breeding available female, 4 months as well as other quality puppies out of Ch. Glen Iris Ivanhoe Am. Can. Ch. Jamels Fugicle of Southlandproducer of Specialty BPIS winners Ch. Tim Sues Distant Lights Ch. Glen Iris Castle RockGLEN IRIS GLENWOODCheryl A. JacksonJoel M. Taylor Donna Hobart205 328-6603 205 352-9509A Aimu CircmfMMMidWe can offer for a limited time, two valuable studs to this area Canadian Ch. Great Elms Topper of Lenette Ch. Coys Top of the Mark x Great Elms Tiny Tiffany Great Elms Image of Lenette Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond x Ch. Great Elms Honey of Lenette, full brother to Ch. Merrymonts Golden Image.Pedigrees and fees upon request. Litters by these and other Champion sired Great Elms and Emcee studs are due in October November. Inquiries welcome.Don Barbara DeFord Cheri Peel5490 A Street SE 15143 Foxhill Road SEAuburn, WA 98002 Yelm, WA 98597206-833-4634 FAX 206-458-3771 206-458-3198TWO EXTREMELY HANDSOME CONFIRMED BACHELORS one orange,one black tan, seek Junior Handlers color immaterial for fun and companionship. Call Danny or Solo, CO Mary Allan, Rt 3 Box 531A, Wagoner, OK 74467. 918 485-3010.ISrendeam TmmOFFERS FOR SALE Small Blue male whelped 6-3-91 orange male whelped 8-6-91 2-year-old proven blue female. For information, contact Brenda Randall, 3981 Highway 373, Columbus, MS 39701. Tel 601-434-6681.^en^ayPOMERANIANSYPuppies2007 Vestry Drive CHARLESTON, SC 29414 Stud Service 803 571-6165Pedigrees Stud Fees on Request. JANET HOVEYIPOlVIlPOliS IPOIVISStuds in residence CH. Circle M. Comes A Hossman CH. JDs Country Bumpkin CH. JDs Midnight Oil CH. JDs Truly a Gem 1 CH. Goldcrests Pacific Dreamer 1 CH. Westviews Moonglow RockyRR 3, Box 45A, Huntingdon, TN 38344. PH 901-986-0014.DOSSMARParti-Color pups and breeding stock available. Solids also. Watch for Golden Aires Nick ODossmar at the shows this spring. He is a solid orange son of Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince. At Stud to solids only.Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Road414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040Phillbrooks Fancy PomeraniansShow, breeding and pet Most colors including PartisSusann Stackhouse Box 1070 Rancocas Road Mount Holly, NJ 08060 609 267-4644Behind such well-known bloodlines as Bi-Mar Bonner Cedarwood Creiders D-Nee Great Elms Pombreden Sun-RayDOVER-HOLIHOUSE POMSCh. Stud ServiceParti, Chocolate, Black Tan and Black Stud Service Puppies OccasionallyKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski 319 Ardmore Ave., Trenton, NJ 08629 609-695-1642duIfrcrTstFOR SALE100 SUNRAY 2 Males, 1 blk., 1 choc.Glenn Bernardo Kelly J. Rogers 2819 MagnoUa Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806 213-424-9207 800-888-7646IL erryShow Pet Puppies Stud ServiceJ P.O. Box 907omeraniansryCina UK. Ujerry318-582-6690203 Larry St. Iowa, LA 70647MNMS POMERANIANSPortraits of PerfectionFEATURING Linebreeding of distinction Studs of inherent quality Striking show candidates Mary Gene Wells4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621 Tel 714-994-0259.The Pom Reader November 1991181-----------------ISPECIAL ADDITIONtop 20 Poms January-September 91 AKC Gazette 1Presently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials BEST IN SHOW All Breeds..........................500competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these in show rSpeeialtyl...............................2S0hard-working members of the Breed, we are pleased to offer you BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty 75SPECIAL ADDITION. Tnv romm firstSPECIAL ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top luv 1KS1.......................................Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system TOY GROUP SECOND...................................150are as follows TOY GROUP THIRD........................................ 75Breed Points not to be confused with AKC championship points toy oroitp fourth ...................................... 2Sare alloted to individuals according to the highest placement in any rfst of rrffh mgiven AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience andFields Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point Statistician Susan Wade. Tie placements are alphabetical and markedcredit. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, with an asterisk. BISS is for Independent Specialties only. The followandthey are as follows ing is the listing of the Top Twenty Poms, as per the dates above.POINTS NAME BISA BISS BOSS I H III IV BOB4290 CH. TOMHO CHAMPAGNE WISHES D................. 1 - 6 11 5 5 143500R. Koeppel, OwnerCH. JAMOLS KLASSIC HI TIME D........................ 7 7 7 1 152190B. Pauli, OwnerCH. PHYNER GOLD JACKPOT D............................ 6 3 2 2 42050TraunerMoreno, OwnersCH. SOUTHLANDS MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE D - 1 2 4 6 4 151800C. Creed, OwnerCH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY D.................. 1 1 2 4 1 51575SmartRoberts, OwnersCH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK D........................... 4 2 2 3 51485MoureauJackson, OwnersCH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH D................. 1 7 1 111395J. Hurley, OwnerCH. PIXIES BUTTONS N BOWS B......................... 4 1 2 1 71390C. Galavich, OwnerCH. TOMHO STRUTTING TERMITE D................. 2 5 1 1 41340H. Sklar, OwnerCH. JANES WEE PRINCE OJERIBETH D... 1 6 2 41195G. J. Reed, OwnersCH. JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT D.......................... 1 5 1 4 21055BaumgartnerContinoBaker, OwnersCH. JAN-SHARS HILLBILLY CLASSIC D... 1 5 1 31025H. Reed, OwnerCH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D............................. 3 1 1 5850T. S. Goddard, OwnersCH. SOUTHLANDS MR. VIP OIDA D.................... 1 3 2 10845JacksonTaylor, OwnersCH. WEE HEARTS THATS NUFF D....................... 1 3 1 7810C. E. Evans, OwnersCH. PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR D... - 1 1 1 2 1810GalindoWelch, OwnersCH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR D... 2 1 1 1 6790F. Stoll, OwnerCH. TIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTS D....................... 2 1 1 1 4625S. P. Conlee, OwnersCH. BI-MAR SHO-GUN OF JERBOS D................... 1 2 1 5615J. D. Owens, OwnersCH. SHADOMOUNTTN ONE MAN SHOW D.. 1 1 2 1 4BucherSnyder, OwnersTie Placements alphabeticalThe Pom Reader November 1991AT STUDCh. Blossom Heights Firecracker Blossom Heights Poms John Arlene Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 407-842-5591John Sharon Masnick HCR Box 745 Huger, South Carolina 29450 803 928-3511iohn e. heaftzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY PO BOX 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S. CANADA BON 1C0Tel 902 673-2446POTftS Offers PUPPIES, BROODS STUDS directly from GREAT ELMS KENNELMargaret Samples 704 821-74505816 Deal Road Matthews, NC 281051W1N QFIK5 PDM5 ftBILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE, HIXSON, TENNESSEE 37343 615-842-8184Pom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613319-989-21993THome of GabrielBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432C^Jrecious ^JelliesJefferson, LA 70181 504 737-1729I HUMi Uf IHfc.ghlP KILLERAND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS NORMA C. GAD 5908 Upper Valley Road915 584-0942 El Paso, TX 79932UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors January-September 1991Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranians fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience, and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this publications will be used for point credit. Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e., a September show may not be published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year. Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor. The following is the listing of the top ten exhibitors as of the abovedates of the AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR.........POINTSE. C EVANS............. 49K. L. LUDKE............45P. GRIFFIN.................. 43J. CABRERA................ 40S. HANSON................ 38F. STOLL................... 37J. ONEIL.................... 34L. IVEY...................... 33D. WATTS................... 32T. S. GODDARD....30RINEHARTEPPS........ 30Tie placements alphabeticalJerrie Freia . P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466The Pom Reader November 1991Bp Tarn 1Vest'Mw PamThis is the month of Thanksgiving, the month when we all need to reflect on what we are thankful for. There are many things for which I am particularly thankful. I am most thankful for all the freedom I have by living in America. I am thankful for healthy children and a wonderful husband. He never complains when I get calls at 2 a.m. from a novice breeder whose Pom is in labor. I am thankful for the friendship of so many Pom breeders and exhibitors especially the ones who never complain when I call THEM at 2 a.m. with a problem. Everyone is thankful for a judge who will allow no nonsense but be totally honest. We are thankful for the testicles when they finally drop on that special male pup. We are thankful when the soft spots close up on ALL the pups. As we each line up to go in the ring with our special Pom, we each start praying, let me win, let me win.. .And we are each so thankful when we do win. We are each and every one thankful for an easy birth when our females do not have to have a C-section. But most of all I am thankful for discovering what a truly wonderful pet the Pomeranian is.PAM WESTSubmit a cute photo and story of your Pom to MY POM,CO Pam West, 3521 S. Buckner Tarsney Road, Grain Valley, MO 64029.ROCKY KODI Owned Loved By Susan C. Splan Rockford, Illinoisl'it'i.........Jl .-,L.BEAU JANGLESOwned Loved by Laurie Wagner Bellevue, WashingtonIBUDDYOwned loved by Lavanna GrahamSubmitted by Gail Humbert Aft on, WyomingThe Pom Reader November 199121MASONS POM HE A VENrQUALITY PUPS AND YOUNG ADULTS FROM MILLAMOR, LLL, EMCEES, GREAT ELMS, LUELLS BONNERS CRESCENDO.Betty Jo Mason590 E. Orange Avenue, Perris, CA 92370 714 657-8166ChesaiPOMERANIANSRobert Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, Texas 78260 512 438-2667^hea^yTPOMERANIANSA Standard of Excellence...NOVEMBER BREEDINGS planned to several daughters of Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, and Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman. Most are Champion producers. Reserve your puppy now.If we missed answering your call, please call or write againBarb Steve Nagy, Rt 2 Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Telephone 703-869-3749CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE, \ Pom 1981,1982,1983, 24 BIS, 5 Specialties, sire of 21 Chs, announces the arrival of 2 new litters.CH. BEV-NORS STATESMAN, multi Group winner, sire of 14 Chs, announces a new litter. Dam is Ch. Bev-Nors N Southlands Who Me, group placer. Also, 5 month old male sired by Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman.Beverly Norris, BEV-NOR POMS, 7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. Tel 301 255-1343.Lu-d\[eaCs PomeraniansGREAT ELMS CHAMPION SIRED ADULT MALES PUPPIES FOR SALE LOUISE SPROUSE 404 HUNTER STREETTEL 803 229-6054 GREENWOOD, SC 29646Finchs PomeraniansDiane L. Finch Rural Route 1515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50132Ch. Apolloette Wild Fire Ch. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf Great Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines WhiteRed, and WhiteBlack Parti PedigreesPomeranian pedgirees researched in any length. Monthly breeder specials. Beautiful originals with Champions in red. Colors free on all generations. 3-generations 8 4-generations 10 5-generations 15 6-generations 257-generations 35. OCTOBER SPECIAL BUY ONE, GET A FREE 3-GENERATION PEDIGREE. Offer good on any order during October 91. THIS MONTHS WINNERS The winner of the 4-generation pedigree in the RGSPom Reader drawing was Claudia Pfeffer, PRECIOUS PETITES, page 7, October issue The winner of the 6-generation pedigree was Janet Hovey, JDS POMPOUS POMS,, page 5, October issue. Prize certificates are in the mailRGS Pedigrees904-247-5384STUD SERVICE6520 GAME FARM RD. E MOUND, MN 553642153 Cypress Landing Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYfattysfonjeraqiaijsPATTY JENSEN Phone 612 472-5950MANOR HILL POMSSilver Meadows Skip OScooterPointed Son ofCh. Silver Meadows Scooter Star Puppies Expected Helen Conrad1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 Tel 813-475-1724The Pom Reader November 199122by Dale AdamsWell, for registered dogs it is 25 letters or less and perhaps your dogs future image. It seems appropriate to discuss this all-important subject at this point in the aftermath of the Gulf crisis, because you and I both know that now, six months later, a whole crop of puppies will be surfacing with names such as Stormin Norman, Scud Buster, Incoming Missile, and The Patriot...Patriotic Yes Unique, individualistic, memorable NO In fact, just the opposite of what a name should be. Have you ever noticed how many people look like their names I mean, would women drool over Robert Redford or Burt Reynolds if their names were Heimi Lipschitz or Irving Landfill Well, the dogs we want to be stars should also have stage names. When I name a dog that I think will possibly mature into an individual worthy of campaigning, I want a name that is catchy, unforgettable, and one that lends itself to some snappy advertising.Of paramount importance should be a name that can be pronounced by at least 50 of the dog community. Many different breeds, because of their heritage, are plagued by breeders who feel compelled to use foreign language terms. Just because your dog is German, it is not necessary to name him Der Schutzen Krieger vom Shimmelplatz Haus or Mein Leibchen Grutzenkringle aus Krankenwagen. There are German terms, not over-used, which might be more readily acceptable to the general public.Chihuahuas could really get into it. How about one named La Preciosa Muy Hermosa De La Casa De Su Esposal Or a French Poodle, LEtoile Responsable Du Frere Du Richelieu And just because a dog is Japanese or Chinese does not mean you have to name him after the last survivor of the ming dynasty.The use of these terms, even if pronounceable, could lead to embarrassment. Dont you just love it when you admire somebodys Japanese Chin and innocently ask his name They reply Komochi Marupoch Keso Kawazu. THATS nice, you say. And what do you call him Komochi Marupoch Keso Kawazu. Translation Your fat mother makes love to a frog.Or this What a pretty Peke Whats his name Chuan Hey Da Chiao Wu Bee Ma. All Black Big Footed No-Nosed Mother.The Pom Reader November 1991If you feel you must adhere to the Oriental nomenclature thats okay, but please, a simple call name and a little research into meaning. I have included a short list of Chinese names and their English equivalents at the end of this article.Dont you just love it when you admire somebodys Japanese Chin and innocently ask his nameThey reply ccKomochi Marupoch Keso Kawazu. THATS nice, you say. And what do you call him ccKomoehi Marupoch Keso Kawazu. Translation ccTour fat mother makes love to a frog. Then there are the Goopy Names, dripping in enough trite drivel to bring tears to the eyes of an IRS agent. Precious Gem of the Orient, Beautiful Geisha of Mine, and the boys not to be spared, are named like Sweet Samarai of Love.One pet peeve are those obsessive individuals who become so enamored of a name that they use it with slight variation throughout their entire breeding career. I recently read a pedigree where the same name with one letter changed appeared, top and bottom, for six generations. At first glance it appeared that this bundle of hormones bred for nine years having eleven litters and at onepoint had two litters during the same week. Thats when it dawned on me that there might have been more than one bitch involved. At least number them if you must do that.A friend of mine suggested that if you wait long enough, puppies will name themselves through their antics and developing personality. For instance, one puppy that bit into a lamp coard was immediately dubbed Crispy Critter. I, on the other hand hastily named one adorable little girl Sweet Sensations upon which she promptly developed a habit of growling she ended up with the nickname Temper. Whatever the method, give it time and thought and remember, its for life.If you study ad campaigns on TV, magazines and billboards, you will notice that they have a theme, or buzz word designed to stay with the customer. With that in mind, why not try to pick a name with its own buzz word, useful in both word of mouth and magazine advertising It doesnt have to be a classic or even pretty name it just has to be memorable. One good example in the dog world was Ch. Eye Witness To Tosaho Peepers. Thats a straightforward metaphoric name with a great call name and a multitude of oppportunities for great advertising spinoffs.There are lots of places to glean name ideas songs, movies, books, TV, ad signs along the road, slogans, anything that looks good to you. Many breeders like to incorporate the stud or bitch name into that of a puppy and thats fine, I do that myself. But whenever possible get that buzz word in there also. Live with a name for a while write some ad copy, try it out on friends and when you feel this is the name you want to see in lights send in that blue slip. Dale AdamsDale Adams is a toy breeder of long standing and a popular author. Her acclaimed article, No Crates NO THANKS appeared in the June 91 issue of The Pom Reader. JmcGALDENS KENNELHome of Champion Parti GirlsCh. Aldens Parti Pepsi Hi Ch. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-Dot pic High Quality Exotic Breed Stock Available A1 Jan Domrase, 815 728-0559 6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 60072POMERANIANSShow rebate. Lifetime heredity guarantee, medical insurance. Most colors available. Inquiries welcome.RGS Poms, 2153 Cypressland Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. Telephones 904-247-5384 or 904-720-POMS.ain "Kean rPamHome of Am. Can. Ch. Coys Lucky EightBeautiful Black At Stud To Approved BitchesJean Sue Cook 904 237-16366810 S. Magnolia Ocala, FL 32676j\s umntryTel 81ICaren LudkeTel 815 938-3468 6869 S. Hollywood Road Baileyville, IL 61007Grafenhorsts...Specializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans, Chocolates-IAtGrafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Pictured left, a typical Grafenhorst Pom.Watch for our Poms in the show ringBreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving HomesBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K.G. GRIFFITH, OwnerPuppies Sired byCh. Great Elms Beam of Sunshine 3 Champions standing at stud as well as non-champions.PUPPIES ARE GENERALLY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE PRICES. Pets priced from 250.00, show and breeding stock priced from 500.00. Please ask for a free copy of our price list.WE SPECIALIZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINE. We do have some Aristic-Bonner Chesai Poms.SATISFACTION IS ALWAYS GUARANTEED AT LENETTE. We give a written guarantee with every Pom sold.3 K 3 a_u L3P O M E RGAYLE TOM GRIFFIN 3074 LANCASTER DRIVE NE 253, SALEM, OREGON 97305 TELEPHONE 206-247-5917aDOT MARTIN 5354 BLUEBIRD LANE YORK, SC 29745heriePomeraniansBiJMarPOMERANIANS]MARY A. ROSENBAUM 38711 200th Ave. SE206-833-2160 Auburn, WA 98002JA Apallaette Jjg Champion Stud Service mQuality PuppiesMarlene Marlin Presser 209 886-564021789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95215The Pom Reader November 199124CAMNE GOOD CITIZEN TESTPurposeThe purpose of the Canine Good Citizen Test is to demonstrate that the dog, as a companion of man, can be a respected member of the community, and can be trained and conditioned always to behave in the home, in public places, and in the presence of other dogs in a manner which will reflect credit on the dog. The Canine Good Citizen Test is not a competitive program, but rather a program of certification it seeks to identify and recognize officially those dogs that possess the attributes that enable them to serve effectively as personal companions and as members in good standing with the community. SponsorAny AKC Club of record or any other qualified dog training organization, may hold a Canine Good Citizen Test.EvaluatorsAny person can be an Evaluator, but it is strongly recommended that Evaluators be experienced in working with and training dogs in Obedience, or for shows, or for the field.In the interest of time and maintaining spectator appeal, three Evaluators should be employed as followsFirst Evaluator conducts test number one. Second Evaluator conducts tests two through nine.Third Evaluator conducts test number ten. Evaluating The Dog The Evaluator must have considerable knowledge of dog behavior, he must have experience in the working and training of dogs as well as a keen awareness of the publics attitude towards dogs.Before the Evaluator passes the dog it should be considered if this is1. The kind of dog that you would like to own.2. The kind of dog that would be safe with children.3. The kind of dog that you would welcome as a stranger.4. The kind of dog that makes its owner happy and isnt making someone else unhappy.QualifyingDogs will be evaluated on the basis of Pass- Fail. In order to qualify for the Canine Good Citizen award a dog must pass each of the ten test categories. The dog need only to pass this test once in order to receive a Canine Good Citizen Certificate.Any dog that eliminates during testing must The Pom Reader November 1991be marked failed.DismissalAny dog which growls, snaps, bites, attacks or attempts to attack any person or another dog shall be dismissed from the Test. Any handler who displays unsportsmanlike conduct or who is seen to kick, strike or otherwise roughly manhandle a dog at any time during a test shall be dismissed from the Test.TESTSNote All tests are performed on a leash Collars and LeadsClubs should require that all dogs to be tested should wear well-fitting buckle or slip collars of either leather, fabric, or chain.Special tranining collars such as pinch or spike collars are not acceptable.The lead should be either leather or fabric.1. Appearance GroomingThe Evaluator will inspect the dog to determine if it is clean and groomed. The dog must appear to be in healthy condition i.e. proper weight, clean, healthy and alert. The owner must present current rabies certification, any other state or locally required innoculation certificates and license. This part of the test demonstrates the owners care, concern and responsibility. The Evaluator then combs or brushes the dog lightly and in a natural manner to show the dogs willingness to be groomed and to permit someone other than his handler to do so. The Evaluator will then lightly examine the ears and gendy pick up each front foot.This is a practical test, demonstrating that the dog will welcome being groomed, and examined, and will permit a stranger, such as a veterinarian or hisher assistant or someone other than the owner to do so.2. Accepting a StrangerThe principal feature is to allow a stranger to approach handler and dog in a natural everyday situation.The Evaluator will walk up to the dog and handler and greet the handler in a friendly manner, ignoring the dog.The Evaluator and handler will shake hands and exchange pleasantries. The dog must show no sign of resentment or shyness, and must not break position or try to go to the Evaluator.3. Walk on Loose Lead Out for a WalkThe principal feature of this test is to demonstrate that the handler is in control. The dog must be on the left side of the handlerthe left side position is required in all activities where dog serves man, i.e. Guide Dogs for the blind, Canine Corps, etc.. The dog need not be in the heel position as required by AKC Obedience Tests. Ideally, the dog should be in such a position as to leave no doubt that the dogs attention is on the handler and that it responds to movement and change of directions by the handler. The Evaluator may use a preplotted course or may direct the team by issuing instructions or commands. There must be a left turn, a right turn, and about turn, with at least one halt in between, and one at the end.4. Walk Through a CrowdThe principal feature of this test is to demonstrate that the dog should have no difficulty in moving about in pedestrian traffic.The dog and handler will walk around and pass close to several persons at least 3, demonstrating that the dog is conditioned to behave at all times and is under control in public places. The dog may show some interest in the strangers, but should continue to walk with the handler without evidence of shyness or resentment. The dog should not be straining at the leash.5. Sit for ExamThe principal feature of this test is to demonstrate that the dog will allow the approach of a stranger and permit petting.With the dog sitting at the handlers left side thorugh the exercise, the Evaluator approaches and proceeds to pet the dog on the head and body only.The dog must not show shyness or resentment. The Evaluator then circles dog and handler, completing the test.6. Sit and Down on CommandThe principal feature of this test is to demonstrate that the dog has had some formal training and will respond to the handlers commands.The handler may take a reasonable time and use more than one command to make the dog sit and then down. The Evaluator must determine if the dog does respond to the handlers commands. The handler may not force the dog into either position.7. Stay in Position Sit or DownThe principal feature of this test is to demonstrate that the dog will assume, and remain in the position commanded by the handler sit or down position being the option of the handler. ContinuedCANINE GOOD CITIZEN TEST continued...The handler may use more than one command to get the dog into position, taking a reasonable time to do so. The handler then gives a command for the dog to stay and, when instructed by the Evaluator, drops the leash and walks forward about 20 feet, turns and returns to the dog at a natural pace.The dog must maintain the position in which it was left until the handler returns and until the Evaluator instructs the handler to release the dog from its position.8. Reaction to Another DogThe principal feature of this test is to demonstrate the proper behavior when in the presence of other dogs.Two handlers and their dogs approach each other from a distance of about ten years, stop, shake hands and exchange pleasantries, andcontinue on about five yards.The dogs should demonstrate no more than casual interest. Neither dog should go to the other dog or handler.9. Reaction to Distractions The principal feature of this test is to demonstrate that the dog is condifent at all times when faced with distracting conditions.The Evaluator will select two of the followinga A person on crutches, in a wheelchair or using a walker. This test will simulate a handicapped person requiring such an aid.b Sudden closing or opening of a door.c Dropping a large book, no closer than 10 feet, behind the dog.d A jogger running in front of the dog.e Good-natured pushing and shoving and animated excited talk and back slapping by persons with the dog and handler passing within 10 feet.f A person pushing a shopping cart approaching from the front or rear, passing about 6 feet to the side of the dog.g A person on a bicycle approaching from the front or rear, passing about six feet from the dog.The dog may express natural interest and curiousity, may startle but should not panic, try to run away, show aggressiveness or bark.Dog Left AloneThe principal feature of this test is to demonstrate that the dog may be left alone, demonstrating training and good manners.The handler will fasten the dog to a fifteen- foot line and go to a place out of sight of the dog for 5 minutes. The dog should not bark, whine, howl, or pace unnecessarily or register anything other than mild agitation or nervousness. Courtesy Dianne Van Keirsblick,25Pom Escapades by Susan JohnsonTable Training Pom StyleStyr5" f ^51 fIf \nXIIL_ p \44, ^ s, \ f 'A Y z 1. heccThe one rvith the short legs is the best source - she drops everything. 'The boy hichs and heys onlygood for vegetables,The Pom Reader November 1991Pan i BoutiqueDelectable Collectibles Jbr Poors cirrcl their PeopleJust in time for holiday shoppingCERAMIC MUGS feature a Ml color reproduction of your fevorite photo Pets name is imprinted free. Cost is 12.95 each plus 2.50 shipping - NJ residents add 7 sales tax. Photo will bereturned. Send check or money order to CPM Enterprises, Dept OE, 26 Lake Drive, Boonton, NJ 07005-1047. Delivery time 3 weeks.DOG NOTE PAPER by Elizabeth Harvey Trehame. Sample 50. Over 90 Breeds including. DOGNOIEPAPER, PO Box 974, Dover, NJ 07801.DOG WEAIHERVANES KENNEL SIGNS. Most breeds, custom made. For brochure, contact WESTWINDS, Dept OE, 3540 76th, Caledonia, MI 49316. 800-635-5262DOG BOOK CMALOG new out of print books on all dog-related subjects. Toll-free ordering, free sh.DIRECT BOOK SERVICE, PO Box 15357F, Seattle, WA 98115. 206 434-5962.CANT FIND A NAME HERE IT IS Book ofCOMMEMORATE YOUR POMwith a unique 18th-century style English enamel box pictured right. From your photo, an heirloom to treasure. Hand- painted and handmade. May also be ordered in quantity. For more information, contact CAMERON SMITH,LTD, PO Box 242, Dept. DM,Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417. Tel201-848-1288.KUZIE, specializing in dog figurines. Most AKC breeds available.Write for list KUZIE, 3545 North Highway 101, Depoe Bay, OR 97341.Dorothys Sculptured Pets. Pendants, Charms, Tie Tacs, Earrings, Rings. Silver or 14k gold. Poms and most other breeds. For catalog, send 1 refunded with first order to DOROTHYS SCULPTURED PETS, 301 N. Windsor Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90004.Pomeranian checkbook cover. Beige, suede-texture checkbook cover. 3.95 plus 1 PH. Sutton Place Grooming Shoppe, 2301 Mountain Lake Road, Dallas, TX 75224. Other breeds also available.FREE CAIALOGUESPEDIGREES, the catalog for pets and their people. A colorful 40-page catalog filled with old favorites and exciting new items. PEDIGREES, PO. box 905, BH 1S4, Brockport, NY 14420.names for dogs. Great names, many with meaning and ANIMAL PETCARE PRODUCTS - everything for the pet from leashes to sweaters to origin. Send 45.00 to ANGLIN ENTERPRISES, 301 kennel crdtes. Special Holiday items. ANIMAL PETCARE PRODUCTS, P.O. Box 854, Legacy Drive, Dept OE., Pineville, La 71360. rv^rfelH ut 84015.SUN SCREEN TARPS cut 80 of the sun. Made of the best polypropylene fabric. Ideal for dog shows or just shade around the yard. For information, call 800-8-SHADE-8, or write EDS SHADE, EO. Box 1093, Osprey, EL 34229.EVEN OLD FURNITURE LOOKS GREAT IN PUPPY UPHOLSTERY Unique breed designs silk screened on 45 100 cotton cloth. Fabric can be purchased ty the yard or in hand crafted items. For free catalogue, write DOGS BY THE YARD, RQ Box 341, Portsmough, RI 02871.NO ROOM AT THE INN The Pets Permitted hotel motel directory will save you the frustration of driving and driving until you find an establishment willing to take your dog. Also available Pet a A , Travel Guide. Send 9.95 plus 2.50 ' SH to JPS, Box 66006-BB6 West Des Moines, IA 50265-9410 The Pom Reader November 1991R.C. STEELE, wholesale dog supplies. Medications, shampoos, combs brushes, flea control, rawhide chews, toys, you name it, theyve got it. 50 minimum order. R.C. Steele, 1989 Transit Way, Box 910, Brockport, NY 14420-0910.Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas... Christmas card designed by artist W. E. McKinney The lovely white Pomeranian puppy rests in a bright red and green Christmas sleigh.Cards are shrink-wrapped in packages of a dozen and are priced at 13.95. Please add 1.75 to cover shipping and handling. For each additional dozen ordered add .50 shipping handling.To order your Christmas cards, send check or money order payable to THE DALLAS-FORT WORTH POM CLUB, INC., 1814 Marydale, Dallas, TX 75208If you know of or produce a Pom-related product you feel belongs in this department, submit photo and description to PR POM BOUTIQUE, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. Items published as space permits. Publishers not responsible for errors or omissions.27Pl^ 'Plaumatex a.,\i--T 'v^ . iA- -. '. Iwish they all could be California girls...Moocher, courtesy Alison Hahn, Los Angeles, CaliforniaTYou dont REALLY have to go to work today...DO YOUPecan, courtesy Bobbi Miller, Tecumseh, MichiganSUBMIT YOUR CUTE PHOTO FOR OUR POPULAR PLAYMATES DEPARTMENT Any clear photo will do, color, black white, Polaroid or regular film. Please mark your name and address on the back of each photo. Mail to PR PLAYMATES 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. Photos published as space permits.These are my best friends... theyre warm, theyre cozy, and...THEY DONT TRY TO STEAL MY COOKIESNikki Courtesy Joanne Gargiulo Newark, Delaware r30The Pom Reader November 1991Gh, Twin Oaks Gentleman TackOFCHKMPIONWINNERSMEDINAKENNEL CLUB INC4Himrjrr'T^ -r... j .1Shown finishing his Championship under judge Mrs. Betty Dexter, handled by Ellen Perry.Always a Gentleman, Jack says THANK YOUTWIN OAKS POMS BILL and CAROL CATES 948 WYNDSOR DRIVE HIXSON, TN 3"343 615-842-8184DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809LINDA GALLAGHER PR 1291 1990 RIDGE NAY DR EUGENE QR 97401 USA 3NEWS PUBLICATION - DO NOT DELAY - ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDBULK RATE U.S. POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FL