The Pom Reader December 1991

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aDECEMBER 1991 VOLUME VI, NUMBER TEN, - - - - .. ________________A. '7\mf-- j WH'- '-sWJiyrvsc" Sea Stars'ViaaCM. TIJVL-STJES HARBOR LIGHTSOn the Cover vUriI2Judge Mrs. Paula HartingerMultiple BJj BJ.. ChampionTmues Marhor LightsExclusively handled By Chris C "Burkefor owners Jilt Cohen ' t Swan CouleeW Wfcr oJEr ^sifc ^Sir silr^ SJ5p^ nllir^7Iw wTw wTw wxw 7Tw wTv wTw wTw wTw wTw wTw wxw wTw wTWTFkir fk boys are...5IN THE NORTH... WILLY WALLYIN THE SOUTH 4 A vTOY GROUP 4LICKING RIVER KENNEL CLUB SHOWALVER30N PHOTOS 1 991GOLDEN AIRES WEE WILLY CH. GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKERShown by co-owner Eleanor Shown by agent Michelle Millerwith judge Betty Dullinger with judge Mr. Robert J. MooreCH. MELLAMORS MARK TRADITION X DE ARTAS DANCING MARKETTAWhat a special day as these two littermate boys are shown winning Group placements on the same day These boys are very special to us, as they were only one month old when Hurricane Hugo hit our area. We all survived a very difficult time They are making us proud.We have girls, too...GOLDEN AIRES SWEET CHARITY Millamors Musical Hobby x DeAirtas Waltzing Matilda CHER is shown being awarded WB and BOS for 2 points under judge Mr. Richard Guevara, shown by her owner. THANK YOUHAPPY HOLIDAYSGolden Aires PomsOwnerSharon MasnickHCR 65 Box 745, Huger, SC 29450 Inquiries Welcome 803-928-3511Agent Michelle Millers. IIi.rvwTw wTw wxw wxw wTw wTw wTw wTw wTw wiw wTSThe Pom Reader December 19914Ufa TamREADERDECEMBER 1991 VOLUME VI, NUMBER TENTable of Contents2. ON THE COVER Ch. Tim-Sues Harbor LightsWILLIAM" owned by Jill Cohen, SEA STAR, and Susan Conlee.8. DID YOU KNOW by Sharon MasnickPuppy Developement Obesity Puppys Christmas List10. OHIO VALLEY POMERANIAN CLUBThe results from the record-breaking match.14. I.V. LEAGUE by Dr. Tom GravesPoisons can plague the holiday pet.16. SPECIAL ADDITIONTop twenty Poms, Januaiy-October 1991.19. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.19. UPDATETop ten Exhibitors, January-October 1991.20. WHATS COOKIN by Olga BakerThe death of a fellow fancier.22. MY POM by Pam West22. POM ESCAPADES by Susan JohnsonYoud Better Watch Out24. FAREWELL TO A FRIENDRemembering Susan Wade.26. LETTERS...Our readers respond.28. PLAYMATESA last minute change puts the Playmates on the back porchThe Pom Reader is published twelve times per year since November 1983 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of undying love for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express The Pom Reader December 1991written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third Class service in the continental United States 24.00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First ClassINDEX TO ADVERTISERSALLAN, M....................................................25BENKO, A....................................................25BERRY, N....................................................21BERNARDO, G...........................................21CATES, B. C............................................25CHUMBLEY, R...........................................13COHEN, J....................................................1,2CONLEE, S.................................................1,2CONRAD, H.................................................21COOK, S.......................................................23DOMRASE, A. J......................................23DOSSINGER, M..........................................23FIDDICK, R. J.................................7,12,25FINCH, D......................................................21FRANKS, C..................................................27FREIA, J.......................................................21GAD, N........................................................ 25GRAF, H.......................................................23GRIFFITH, K...............................................27GRIFFIN, G.................................................23HARTZ, K....................................................25HEARTZ, J...................................................25HOVEY, J.....................................................23HRYNIUK, J. W......................................12JACKSON, C................................................27JENSEN, P....................................................21JOHNSON, S................................................15LUDKE, K....................................................23MARTIN, D...............................................5,23MASNICK, S.............................................3,25MASON, B....................................................21MCCOLLUM, L..........................................27NAGY, S. B.........................................17,21NORRIS, B...................................................21PEEL, C........................................................25PFEIFER, C.................................................25PRESSER, M. M......................................23RGS PEDIGREES.......................................25RGS POMERANIANS................................23RANDALL, B...............................................21RAY, B..........................................................23REILLY, R. J...........................................21ROSENBAUM, M........................................17SAMPLES, M...............................................25SOUCY, L.....................................................25STACKHOUSE, S.......................................23VANBEEK, C.................................................9WELLS, M. G..........................................23YOUNG, J.................................................... 1145.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request. ALL ISSUES OF THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO ALL LICENSED POMERANIAN, TOY GROUP AND ALL-BREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. Telephone 813-858-3839. FAX 813-853-3624. Office hours 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.o o-1fBEST OF BREED1 or VARIETYALAMANCE KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER 1991PHOTO BY BONNIEShown winning under judge Mr. Robert J. Moore with owner-handler Ed Martin.Happy Holidays from...Dorothy IF- Martin 5354 Bluebird Lane, York, SC 29745The Pom Reader December 1991Show Sightfrom the editorEverything I need to know I learned on Wilder Park...When famous athletes leave the arena, their numbers are retired. Racehorses put out to pasture are memorialized in bronze. The call names of famous show dogs are rarely used in subsequent careers, and people of particular import end up stuck on a stamp. But when the city of Elmhurst, Illinois, realized that there would never be another like me, the ultimate pre-school ruler of Wilder Park, they took it one step further. They not only knocked down my house, they tore out the whole street.In truth, I had heard inklings of the impending demolition on my last trip back, Thanksgiving of 1989. There were nasty rumors that the college had bought up the property to make a parking lot, but I dismissed it out of hand as ridiculous. So, when a letter arrived today from my best pre-kindergarten friend, Tom Wilbur, it came as something of a shock. His letter said, says, I feel as though Ive lost part of my youth.Speaking of which, another year is about to close, and I look back with some satisfaction. The Pom Reader continues to grow and thrive, and were meeting new friends by the day. We look forward to another year, in which on a monthly basis we celebrate the Pomeranian breed, and we have many exciting things in store for you. Special thanks to our dedicated writers for continued stellar input. And keep those PLAYMATES coming, for the world is waiting to enjoy your dog in The Pom Reader. Just grab the camera and snap - you dont whave to be a professional shutterbug.But I shudder when I think of the demise of my childhood home. We only lived there four or five years but theboys, none of whom met with my approval, while mine was my best friends mother, Mrs. Wilbur, and I even named a car after her, the ultimate sign of adoration.While in that house I learned many things which are modus operandi today. I learned that the truth sometimes hurts and is best left unstated, in one famous family incident when I told a visiting relative that her newborn child looked like a donkey - well, she did - and I was hustled from the room and soundly admonished, if that is possible from parents bent double in helpless laughter.I learned that humor will help you through even the most trying of situations, when a lady was visiting with her son who was so obnoxious even I wouldnt play with him. He entertained himself by smashing Coke bottles in our garage. His mother gazed at mine over her coffee cup and stated, Id kill that kid, but its against the law.I learned that power, in the wrong hands, can be dangerous, in the Hawthorne Kindergarten Monkey Bars Disaster. This was a pretty classy place, because we not only had outdoor facilites but indoor Monkey Bars as well - unfortunately, they were not affixed to the floor. I was the bus driver. Kids coming onto the Monkey Bars had to heed my directions. Move to the back of the bus, I stated, as each passenger piled in. That they did, and the laws of physics held sway the Monkey Bars crashed over from the lopsided weight,m iCwT II-f -'A.BeforeVisible above the garage is the famous window through which I fell to the driveway below, landing on my head - which may explain a few things. Photos by Tommys Mom, Genevieve Wilburtime spent in that house had singular impact on my life. The first Christmas in my memory was celebrated in that house, with me gleefully operating the first in a long line of Lionel electric trains. Trains have always been a big deal to me, ranking second only to dogs. My three sisters found first love - as did I - while living in that house. Their first loves were, of course, The Pom Reader December 1991and one girl hurt her hand a tiny bit. But she made a federal case out of it, caterwauling and moaning and there was no way I could shut her up before the teacher appeared. Then I had to sit in the hall and the janitor smirked at me.I learned that it is unwise to smirk at tittle kids, in a mystery unsolved to this day about how the janitors hat got dunked in the toilet.Mom and me back at the scene of the crime Wilder Park, Elmhurst, IL 1989 Photo Joshua Clayton StrodtmanI learned about responsibility, too, while in that house, in the famous episode of the dead goldfish, and to this day I swear I fed them properly, it must have been genetic.But mostly in that house I learned about friendship, how it starts, and if its good, how it never ends. Tommy and I were inseparable for years, and even though we moved right after kindergarten, twice, to one State to the East and then one to the North, not many months would go by before we would return for a visit, or Tommy would come to visit us. This continued on right through high school, and I drove to Elmhurst, picked up Tommy, and we went to the Indianapolis 500, then turned around, drove to Wisconsin and attended my graduation. Which is pretty trusting of high school seniors, but our parents never worried when we were together because we had always been such good kids.I saw Tommy again, not too long ago. He was down from D.C. to visit Disney, and we spent a few hours together. And it was as if there hadnt been ten years since the last time. Tommy, you re still my best friend. Congratulations to you Marisel on child number three, due on my birthday in March.Merry Christmas, my friends. Dont hesitate to lavish love on those you hold dear, for you cant go home again, once its gone.With deepest affection for Elmhurst. JMcGAfterch. pom acres sables savannar11vHaBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXBEST OF WINNERSBEST OF BREED OR VARIETYrSKOKIE VALLEY KENNEL CLUBDEC.1990 PHOTO BYK. BOOTHCUDAHY KENNEL CLUBAUC.19 91 BOOTH PHOTO BY RITTERNEW CHAMPIONWith judge Mr. Robert J. Moore, handled by Nadine HersilWith judge Mrs. Glenda Dawkins, handled by Heike WehrleThanks to Nadine Hersil who finished Annie in one monthy and to Heike Wevhle for loving Annie and showing her as a Special...We couldnt have done it without your excellent care and the love you give our AnniePom Acres fennel.ROBERT JUANITA FIDDICKROUTE 4, CEDAR FALLS, IA 50613 PH 319-989-2199The Pom Reader December 1991 I I I I IDid You Sharon MasnickPuppy Development Obesity Puppys Christmas List__PUPPY DEVELOPMENT...The first SEVEN weeks of a puppys life are critical to development.A puppy who explores his environment and socializes with his littermates and people is shaping his personality. This behavior should be allowed until at least seven weeks of age.Utnil two weeks of age, puppies do not have the ability to see. Hearing ability develops at about three weeks of age. The sensory organs when developed allow puppies to begin to explore their new environment.As motor skills improve, puppies will begin to communicate by barking, using body language, and trying to master adultlike behavior. At this stage of development puppies begin to be capable of developing relationships with their mother and littermates. Besides taking naps and eating, a puppy soon spends his time playing with littermates. Puppies begin to observe, with great interest, anything that moves.The next stage involves interacting socially. Activity involves climbing and pouncing on each other, biting and growling at each other. The time spent in engaging in these activities is very important for physical and behavioral maturation.During this period, the social relationships that pups establish become the building blocks for the adult canine social behavior. Through play-fighting, a puppy learns The Pom Reader December 1991pleasurable and painful experiences. He learns when to back down and when to be aggressive. Interacting with littermates teaches a puppy to use correct behavior for the situation. However, I am always watching to be sure a larger puppy is not too aggressive with a smaller more docile puppy.Seven weeks spent with his mother and littermates will help assure a friendly and happy adult. You will always be happy with the results if your puppy has this important seven weeks.We recently had a litter of only one Puppy. Special attention was given him as he was picked up and handled more often. He was talked to and encouraged to play with toys and us. We observed how special his mother treated him. She put up with his hair-pulling, and jumping on her back in great stride. She was a jewel with him.Remember, seven weeks is a short time, but can have long-term effects on your puppys life.OBESITYVeterinarians report that as many as four out of every ten dogs may be overweight. Our canine companions become overweight from eating too much or by not exercising enough. Metabolism rates can vary from pet to pet. This means calories get burned up at a different speed.We usually judge whether our dogs are overweight by feel. If you can easily feel your dogs rib cage and spot a waistline, the dog is not overweight. On dogs with a full haircoat as with our Poms, it is necessary to feel.We should be concerned about an overweight dog for various reasons. Being fat adds extra stress and can contribute to a shorter life span. Those extra pounds can aggravate arthritic conditions and respiratory conditions.Often the obese dog is eating the proper amount of dog food, but the extra treats and table foods are causing the problem. People food is not very good for dogs as it doesnt provide a well-balanced diet and often it has too much salt and fat than is necessary for our canines.A weight loss program for your dog should be supervised by your veterinarian. All table or people-food should be stopped. Treats should be cut in half. Normal food intake should be reduced by 25 . There are special foods made for the less active or dieting dog. You can feed one smaller meal a day or switch to twice a day by dividing the portion. Along with the reduced food intake, it is essential that the dog get enough exercise, too.Perhaps a goal for 1992 should be to diet and exercise with our dogs...and everyone will have a healthier yearPUPPYS CHRISTMAS LISTDear Santa,This is my first time writing to you, and I plan on asking for quite a lot. Id like a nice warm home with a responsible owner who can supply the followingADEQUATE SPACE... Puppies need room to frolicFOOD...Puppies eat a lot to grow and must be fed on a regular scheduleWATER...Puppies need clean, fresh waterATTENTION...Puppies dont like to be ignored I need to exercise and playTRAINING...Puppies want to be safe and well-behavedGROOMING...Puppies need to be brushed and bathed regularlyPATIENCE...Puppies are new to the world and dont know the ropesLOVE...Needs no explanationI need everything on this list FOR MY ENTIRE LIFE, not just Christmas Day. So please find e a home with a responsible family who can afford to take care of me and love me for many years to come.I think if I can get all these things for Christmas, this will be the last time I will need to write to youThank you...Puppy ASharon Masnick HCR 65 Box 745, Huger, SC 29450 803 928-35119Frosty Pomj Ch. Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcees Chips of DiamondEmcees Sparkling Hot Tamale Ch. Emcees Terrific Wee ChipsCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Emcees Gold Girl of TammyEmcees Tartan TamB.I.S.S, BIS. CAN. BDA.CH. JER-MARS CLASSIC GOLD CHIPJolly Timstopper Man Jolly Timstopper Sugar BoyElaines Mona Lisa Sweet Betsy of TimstopperIdas Red Rusty Bud Conways BetsyConways HeidiCHIPPER finished his Canadian title with a best in Show all-breeds from the classes. Chipper was in the Top 4 Poms in Canada in 1989, 1990, and 1991. He has to his credit 53 Group Firsts and 3 Bests in Specialty Show. Chipper finished in Bermuda with three Group Firsts to make him number 1 toy in Bermuda in 1990.Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcees Terrific Wee ChipsEmcees Golden Girl of Tammy Can. Bda. Ch. Jer-Mars Classic Gold ChipJolly Timstopper Sugar Boy Sweet Betsy of Timstopper Conways BetsyCAN. CH. CUDDLE BEARCan. Bda. Am.Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Can. Ch. Bavanews Dynamic DynamiteCan. Ch. Bavanews Zenobia Cassiopeia Can. Ch. Schimmels Princes Lia LeiCan. Ch. Wee-Mite Wee Joey Schimmels Baby Bambie Button Englishs Ava MarieBEAR was sired by Chipper. He finished his title very quickly, like his father. His mother was Number One Female and Number 7 Pom in 1988. Both parents were Multi-Group winners. Watch for Chipper and Bear puppies soon Puppies Available by Chipper Bear Chipper owned by Bear owned byCOR-LEAHS POMS FROSTY POMS10801 - 150th Street Chantel Van Beek Tel 403-986-3769Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5P 1R6 RR 2, Leduc, Alberta, Canada T9E 2X2The Pom Reader December 199110With 223 entries of Pomeranians, this is the largest Match ever held. Our judge Sue Goddard, a breeder-exhibitor of Poms was a perfect choice for a super-fantastic quality of Pomeranians exhibited. The classes were huge overall for her to find a 1-4 placing -1 would not have wanted to be Sue Her choices seemed to please all.Following are her class placementsJUNIORSPuppy Dogs 2-4 Months1 Jenuwayne Rumor Has It Jen Wayne Hryniuk2 Heartlands My T Fine Dianne Kieffer3 Great Elms Little Sparky Dolores A. Watts4 Crystal c Sundust Judy ShearerPuppy Bitches 2-4 Months1 Pom Acres Flash Dancer Roxanne Chumbley2 Toylands Rapunzel of Lancelot Debra Robertson3 Annons Play It Again For Sam Ann Cannon4 Pom Acres Tiny Tornado Juanita Robert FiddickPuppy Dogs 4-6 Months1 Sourwoods Dance of Millamor Eleanor W. Miller2 Stolannes Rebel Rouser Frances J. Stoll3 Jan-Shars RJs Knight Rider Louis Betty Gorby4 Cedarhurst How Can It Be Jan Le Jane LehtinenPuppy Bitches 4-6 Months1 Stolannes Thoradora Bella Frances J. Stoll2 Elans Infinity Diana M. Downey Melissa R. Dahlenburg3 Elans Inspiration Melissa R. Dahlenburg4 Tobe Madison of GE Tony Betty ShortBEST JUNIOR PUPPY POM ACRES FLASH DANSERSENIORSPuppy Dogs 6-9 Months1 Star Havens Terrific Dancer Janice Young2 Jan Les What A Sport Jeriann Rowe3 Subers Great Balls of Fire Suzanne G. Bemey4 Cascades LitI Dyna-Mo Doris WheelerPuppy Bitches 6-9 Months1 Unnamed Jo Julie James2 Watts Little Bunny Baby Dolores A. Watts3 Millamors Miss Golden Aire Eleanor W. Miller Sharon Masnick4 Toylands Heaven Sent Debra A. Robertson Pat CarneyPuppy Dogs 9-12 Months1 Watts Little Dasher Dolores A. Watts2 Cinnabars Little Nikita Vicki Clendenin3 Crystal C Pepper Dust Frances J. Stoll4 Stolannes Catch Me If U Can Frances J. Stoll The Pom Reader December 1991Ohio Valley Pom Club Matcht-L 1 n tn fK a m i u m -T77 a iff Di 1 r D11The biggest everLymjQ MPuppy Bitches 9-12 Months1 Pom Acres Little Miss May Tag Darcy Jon Overfield2 Subers Little Whistle Bait Suzanne G. Bemey3 Marshires Sparkle of Love Barbara Bradley-Sykes4 Tru-Keps Becky of Sunny Brook Irvin Trudy KeplingerBEST SENIOR PUPPY STAR HAVENS TERRIFIE DANCER ADULTSAdult Dogs1 Whisper Ln Youve Said It All Beth Wainger Carol J. Baldwin2 Can. Ch. Might Dandi Lord Peter Pom Marlene Penney3 Pixies Constant Sir Prize Carol Galavich4 Rhynstone Monterey Jack Joyce UrbanAdult Bitches1 Can. Ch. Jenuwayne Sweet Talker Jan Wayne Hryniuk2 Annons Angel In The Mist Delores Erletberg3 DAnns Sweet Sweet Honeybun Doris Pressley4 Whispering Ln Hugs N Kisses Mark Carol J. BaldwinBEST ADULT AND BEST IN MATCH CAN. CH. JENUWAYNE SWEET TALKER BEST COSTUMEMOE-BEST SUMMER LUV OV WATTS Carol J. BaldwinThe received many letters of thanks. I will share just few comments with youA note to tell you how much I enjoyed the Specialty Match. Im still in awe of the amount of work the Club put forth. The hospitality was unparalleled the club members very friendly.I hope you will tell the other club members how much the exhibitors appreciated the extra touches that make the Ohio Valley Pom Club match the Match of the Year. Janice Young, Star Haven Poms, St. Clair, MO...There was something for everyone - what more could we wantThelma Dun Thelduns PomsTo end a perfect day, there was a fantastic dinner at poolside with a great greenery surrounding it and an auction with wonderful items that were bought up quickly.We take this time to thank all who supported or traveled to OVPC Match, and hope to see you next yearLarry Rookstool, Match Chairman Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club11S2HAVEN POMERANIANS -aaHO \a BESTSR PUPPYN,Aomi.Mostof the dogs listed in the November issue are still available at this writing - For information, contactJanice Young, Star Haven Pomeranians618 W. Springfield Road St. Clair, MO 63077 314-629-3754presentsSTARHAVENSTERRIFICDANCERBest Senior Puppy at the big Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club Specialty Match October 20, 1991. Thank you judge Sue Goddard It was a special thrill since I was handling this time.We wish to give credit to his gorgeousl sire and beautiful dam...CH. STYLESTEPPER MARK OF OAKRIDGECH. CHIP-A-WAYS HEAVENLY BODYIThe Pom Reader December 199112Pom Acrescongratulates,,,Ohio Valley Pom Clubfor another successful Fun Match - thank you for another great weekendROXANNE CHUMBLEY DARCY OVERFIELDon BEST JUNIOR PUPPY with on FIRST PEACE, 9-12 Months Pom Acres Flash Dancer as I call- Pnppy Bitches with Pom Acres ed her when I entered, her YMiss JMaytag.registered name Pom Acres JVXighty Midge.ROBERT JUANITA FIDDICK, RR 4, CEDAR FALLS, IA 50613. tel 319-989-2199is picturedherewinningCan. Ch. Jenuwayne Sweet TalkerPatricks Mr. Tony x Tiperon SunsationSANTANABEST IN MATCHat the Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club Super Match held on October 20, 1991 with an unbelievable entry of223 under breeder-judge Sue Goddard. THANK YOU, SUESANTANA will be at the Specialty in New York with handler Marlene Penney as I will be too close to delivering our second child to goe romeramd.Jen Wayne Hryniuk 256 Edgemont Street South Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8K 2J2 Tel 416-549-7933' m11w\9',fThe Pom Reader December 199113^Jj^ndred presents... MidgePom Acres Flash DanserThank you to the Ohio valley Pom Club for holding this wonderful Fun MatchThank you also to breeder Sue Goddard for appreciating Midge. A Special thank you to Bob Juanita Fiddick for allowing us to own this lovely little girl3EST ness3BreederPOM ACRESRR 4, Cedar Falls, IA 50613OwnerROXANNE CHUMBLEY4328 7th Street, East Moline, IL 61244The Pom Reader December 199114Your Hookup to Canine HealthThomas K. Graves, DVMI hope nobody will consider me a grinch if I write about some of the less festive aspects of the holiday season. Christmastime is certainly a wonderful time of the year. There are, however, a few hazards of which everyone needs to be aware. So, if you ll just take a few moments away from your partying and shopping and gift wrapping and eating and carol-singing and tree trimming and egg nog drinking, Ill try to be brief.Deadly DecorationsChristmas decorations are an accident waiting to happen. At our house, the biggest problem is the ornaments we put on the tree. The cats enjoy ripping ornaments off of the lower branches. They have no interest in them once theyve hit the floor, they just enjoy un-decorating the tree. Of course once the little candy canes and toy soldiers hit the floor, the dogs take over. As a result, we decorate only the top half of the Christmas tree. I have to admit it looks really stupid, but we have no choice.Every year veterinarians see emergency cases of dogs swallowing Christmas ornaments. But the ornaments are far from the most dangerous things hanging on the tree.Personally, I would like to see tinsel outlawed. As a kid, I always hated putting it on the tree because it looked good only if you hung it strand by strand, and I tended to get impatient and throw it on in clumps. The darned stuff is fraught with static electricity and absolutely leaps off the tree towards anyone wearing a sweater. And worst of all, animals like to eat it and it causes terrible problems.I dont have any idea why animals like to eat tinsel, but they do. Often, ingestions of tinsel lead to intestinal obstruction. The signs of obstruction are vomiting and abdominal pain. This progresses to severe depression and dehydration. If surgery is not performed to relieve the obstruction, the animal dies. Tinsel is a hazard for cats and dogs alike.Even more hazardous is gift wrapping ribbon. Dogs and cats thoroughly enjoy playing with the ribbons from Christmas packages. These ribbons are quite commonly and quite easily swallow- The Pom Reader December 1991ed and often cause obstruction. Any type of ribbon or string, while your dog might enjoy it, makes a really terrible toy.Another medical emergency we see around holiday time is electric shock. With all the lights and decorations there are plenty of interesting new electric cords running around the house. Dogs, and especially puppies, often chew on these electric cords and the results can be devastating. Electric shock results in oral bums, cardiac arrhythmia and pulmonary edema fluid in the lungs. People often come home and find their dogs dazed and barely able to breathe. They ran it into the emergency room if its not too late and we find ulcerations and bum marks in the mouth. This is a true emergency, and if you suspect your puppy has received an electric shock, it should be seen by a veterinarian as soon as possible.Poisonous PlantsI get phone calls all the time from people upset because their dog has been nibbling on the house plants. At Christmastime, there are more of these hazards than usual.The poinsettia Euphorbia pulcherrima has gotten a bad rep. It seems to be common knowledge that this is a poisonous plant, but its harmful effects have been greatly exaggerated. There are no documented cases of animal poisoning with poinsettia. If anything, the poinsettia could cause a mild gastritis, and if enough were eaten, it could cause a dog to vomit, but thats about as bad as it would get. I wouldnt worry about this beautiful Christmas plant if I were you.Mistletoe Phoradendron spp. is another on the list of poisonous plants of Christmas. The whole plant is toxic, butthe berries are only toxic if consumed in large quantities. Mistletoe poisoning causes vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain, but usually is not fatal.Holly Hex spp. causes the same set of symptoms as does mistletoe. It is the red berry part of the plant that is poisonous.Anytime a poisonous plant - or any non-caustic poison for that matter - is ingested, the first line of defense is to limit exposure to the toxin by causing the animal to vomit. This can be accomplished in a number of ways. A veterinarian can adminster a drug apormorphine to cause vomiting. Fortunately, there are also methods available to induce vomiting at home. Ipecac syryp is available at drug stores and is effective when given at a dosage of lccpound. Hydrogen peroxide is often effective at inducing vomiting when given orally at a similar dose. The average Toy dog would require about a teaspoon of either to cause vomiting. If Ipecac syrup and hydrogen peroxide are not available, you can take a salt shaker and dissolve its contents in a little warm water and have the dog drink that. If all methods fail highly unlikely, the dog should be brought to the emergency room for gastric lavage.A few months back Kathy Masilla gave the number of the National Animal Poison Information Network NAPINet office in Illinois. She was referring to a poison control hotline available 24 hours a day through the veterinary college at the University of Illinois. There is also an animal poison hotline operated by the University of Georgia. Both numbers should be kept handy. In Illinois, the number is 217-333-3611. The number at the University of GA is 404-542-6751. 15Death by ChocolateI have often been thankful that human beings are not as sensitive to the harmful effects of chocolate as our dogs are. I would have died years ago. I love chocolate. And Im not even all that picky about what chocolate I eat. Godiva is great, but Im equally happy with a Her- sheys Kiss. Its my downfall.Chocolate contains a chemical called theobromine which is harmful to dogs. The signs of theobromine toxicity are trembling, increased heart rate, increased thirst and urination, vomiting, diarrhea, cardiac arrhythmia, and, if enough of the poison is eaten, coma and death. Fortunately, a dog has to eat a lot of chocolate in order to die, but less than you might think can make a dog sick.The dose of theobromine which will be lethal in 50 percent of dogs ingesting it a dose refered to as the LD50 is 250 mg per kg body weight. Most milk chocolate contains about 44 mg of theobromine per ounce, meaning that the average 10-pound dog would have to eat 26 ounces to cause death. Obviously a much lower dose would cause significant illness. Baking chocolate, on the other hand, is a killer. It contains a whopping 390 mg per ounce of theobromine, meaning that the lethal dose for 10-pound dog would be less than 3 ounces.Obviously a couple of bites of a chocolate chip cookie are not going to harm your dog, although you really shouldnt be feeding junk like that to your dog. If on the other hand you would like to feed junk like that to your veterinarian, feel free. However, if your dog eats a significant amount of chocolate, you should induce vomiting described above and call your veterinarian for further advice. If severe enough, chocolate toxicity necessitates intravenous fluid therapy and supportive care in the hospital.I hope everyone and all the dogs have safe and happy holidays. I can hardly believe another year is coming to an end. See you in 92.Dr. Tom GravesReaders are encouraged to write to Dr. Graves with questions or areas of interest for future articles. Write to Tom Graves, DVM, do The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604.Animal Poisoning HotlinesUniversity of Illinois University of Georgia543-675124tammmtansWe Sell Our Bestnv V-DOO-SHAYS TOY SCOOTERPictured aboveRed sable - outstanding movementSire Southlands Tar Babys ImageDam Doo-Shays Annie Getcha Gun Scooter has a beautiful headpiece, heavy thick coat, lovely earset, sweet personality. He is showable and does well on lead. He will be an excellent producer. Scooter is 18 months old. Price 1000.00Pedigrees sent on request. Puppies available from Annie Getcha Gun after Easter. Deposits taken after the first of the year. Sire is full brother to Eva Kaneeva.DOO-SHAYS ANNIE GETCHA GUNSire Ch. Chriscendo Western Express Dam Southlands Toasted Scarlett Scarlett is a Toastmaster daughter Annie is beautiful and should have been shown, but now I feel it would be an injustice to her as she is the house pet. She is extremely obedient and will be working in that area. She loves it She has attitude plus. Annie is a very heavy coated clear orange with breathtaking movement and has produced this in every one of her babies along with her other attributes.For more information, contactDOO-SHAYS EVA KANEEVA2 years old, 4 Vi pounds, thick, heavy red coat. Attitude plus. Excellent brood and free whelper. She only needs one major to finish. Sire Southlands Tar Babys Image. Dam Ch. Doo-Shays Hooligan Sabra.Price 2000.00Shannon Johnson 100 Ridgemoor Drive Aiken, SC 29803 Or call 803-642-7884after 900 p.m. EST, pleaseThe Pom Reader December 199116Salivas Soap BoxSallv Mauanietoooooooooooooooooeeeetby Sally BaugnietOn December 15, 1791, the first 10 amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America reeve ratified. 1991 is the 200th year celebration of the U. S. Bill of Rights. Some people still try to use accusation and intimidation to deprive some of us of our rights. Think about it and be grateful that we are citizens of the United States with the inalienable rights that are granted to us by the U. S. Constitution...rrhe Central Arkansas PomeranianClub has been recognized by AKCA and has been granted its first B Match. They have asked me to judge their 700 p.m. December Match, which I will happily do for them. Four all-breed shows follow their match at the same location. They are planning an education table, with material available to persons interested in furthering their knowledge of the Pomeranian.As a suggestion to persons interested in educating the general public the new AKC video, Best Friends and our own AKC breed video, are two excellent videos to present at a specialty show. A table covered by a tablecloth with your own club logo is pleasing to the eye and also identifies your club. You could have examples of various Pomeranian books, magazines and educational materials offered by the APC, such as The Interpretation and Elaboration of the Pomeranian Standard-, the Bibliography of Pomeranian books, magazines and pamphlets and the A.P.C. Information Booklet. If the local Pomeranian Club Education Coordinators will contact me and enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope, I will send a copy of the Elaboration, the Bibliography, and Short History of the Pom to you so you can duplicate it and have it for your members, specialty education table and any judge requesting it.Best Friends could be shown throughout an all-breed show as well as the other Breed videos available from AKC. This would have to be in an area that will not disturb the ring judging. It could be accompanied by an education table with pamphlets provided by AKC.January brings many of us Northerners The Pom Reader December 1991out of our cabin fever doldums, because we get to go to the Florida dog shows. The Florida circuit starts the first week of January with the Jacksonville Daytona shows. Two Georgia shows precede them. Lakeland Specialties, an all-breed show, Sarasota shows, Bradenton and Tampa Bay area shows are all choices available to us. The Florida Circuit always has majors in Poms. Of course, we all know Florida has additional attractions. Just ask Duane Joe about all of the goodies Florida offers to us.Following the January Florida shows is the A.P.C. National Specialty at the Marriott LaGuardia, East Elmhurst, NY, on February 8th and 9th. Yep, you heard right...two days of A.P.C. happenings February 8th is Obedience, Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes, Parade of Champions and Obedience title holders. On February 9th, the regular Conformation classes will be judged, as well as Stud Dog, Brood Bitch and Junior Showmanship. Dolly Trauner is Show Chair, Dudley Roach is show secretary.This show is dedicated to the memory of Edna Girardot. Joel Taylor 1038 16th Ave., South Birmingham, AL 35205 is in charge of catalog advertising. Elizabeth Dupuis Box 328, Mexandria, Ontario, Canada KOC 1A0 is in charge of trophy donations. I have not received word on the annual dinner and meeting as yet, but do make plans to attend and support us.The American Pomeranian Club Specialty will be followed by the All-Breed Champions- Only Westminster Kennel Club show at the Garden, the first time the entry has been so restricted. Save your dollars.. .it promises to be a truly eventful happening. See you thereAChristmasWishMay you all have a joyous holiday season and a healthy, evenful New Year. May your doggie efforts prove to be a worthwhile experience for you and the Pomeranian breed. Here are some suggested New Years Resolutions1. I will read as many books and articles, attend as many seminars, and educate myself on the Pomeranian in as many ways possible2. I will strive to breed my Poms as to better the breed3. I will represent my Poms honestly to a prospective buyer4. I will willingly help newcomers to the breed become better breeders, exhibitors or judges when they ask for my help andor my opinions5. I will happily volunteer my services to my Pomeranian Club6. If I don't think I have the talent to do something, I will try it, anyway. I might surprise myselfMERRYCHRISTMASSally Baugniet 411 S. State Street Mishicot, W1 54228 Phone or Fax 414-755-299417Na Pomsos4wr."0BESTOF WINNERS k OPPOSITEMATTAPONI KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER 1991DAVE ASHBEYCRUISERhea-Nas Born On The Fourth of JulySire Ch. Bev-Nors Southland Sensation Dam Bev-Nors Too Hot To Handle 3 lbs. of action - just staring his show career and gathering points. Wait until you see him - he is in full coat and WILL KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFFA special thanks to handler Jackie Rayner and judges Mr. James P. Cavallaro pic. and Mrs. Elaine Rigden.GOOD LUCK TO... Marge Kranzfelder and Missy - full sister to Ch. Rhea-Nas Country DJ of Jan-Shar Agus Kosasih and handler Jeanne Blank with Sha Sha - pointed first show Planned litters early 1992 Daughters of Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, CH. Bev-Nors Statesman Ch. Sinsation.STEVE BARB NAGYRt 2 Box 221 Stephens City, VA 22655 Tel 703-869-3749ISMorPOMERANIANSRed sable male and female whelped 7-17-91 by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Masterpiece and out of a Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince daughter full brother to BIS Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming H. Very heavy coated with short cobby bodies and nice heads. 750.00 each.Red sable male whelped 1-21-91 by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Masterpiece and out of Creiders Camelia OIda producer of many champions. This male is a super nice show prospect with big coat. 750.00Red female whelped 11-25-87 by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a Ch. Creiders Boxcar Willie daughter. Full sister to BISS Ch. Bi-Mar Shogun of Jer-Bos and Ch. Bi- Mar Sunnys Phantom. Free-whelped - show quality. Good home a must. 750.00Red sable female whelped 8-13-89 sire by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge daughter. Brood female that free whelps show quality puppies. 850.00Orange Male whelped 1-19-91, grandson of Ch. Bonners Lisalus Wag With Love 3 times in 4 generations to Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. Show prospect with baby face.400.00Red Sable Female whelped 8-20-89, granddaughter of Ch. Creiders Smoke N Flame and out of a Great Elms Bobby Beam daughter. Show prospect that is a free whelping brood. 650.00. If bred 850.00.Red sable male whelped 11-4-90 by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Masterpiece and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. High on leg, very short back and heavy coat. Show quality, table trained and leash-trained. 700.00Dark red male whelped 7-16-89, grandson of Ch. La Cheries Hot Fudge Ripple and out of a Ch. Great Elms Something Special daughter. Show quality and proven stud. Leash and table trained. 850.00Sable male whelped 11-15-89, by Ch. La Cheris Hot Fudge Ripple and out of a Ch. Desirees Rippling Fudge daughter. Show quality and proven stud. Table and leash trained. 850.00.Red-orange female whelped 10-24-87 by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a Ch. Creiders Smoke N Flame daughter. Show quality and full sister to Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Supreme. She is the dam of Am. Ch. International Bi-Mar Moonwalker. Needs C-section. 550.00Red male and female whelped 1-1-91 by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a Sunny daughter. Repeat breeding that produced Brandy with 14 AKC points both majors and Toy Group First. Show quality. Very short back, baby faced and should mature at 42 lbs. Specials quality. 1000.00FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACTBI-MAR POMERANIANS Mary A. Rosenbaum38711 200th Avenue SE, Auburn, WA 98002 206-833-2160The Pom Reader December 199118SPECIAL ADDITIONTOP TWENTY POMS, January through October 1991 AKC GazetteSPECIAL ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top BEST IN SHOW All-Breeds............................ 500Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating BEST IN SHOW Specialty...............................250system are as follows BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty.................75Breed Points not to be confused with AKC Championship points TOY GROUP FIRST........................................250are allotted to individuals according to the highest placement in any TOY GROUP SECOND.................................. 150given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and TOY GROUP THIRD....................................... 75Field Trials Awards Book. Statistican Susan Wade. A number TOY GROUP FOURTH....................................25of Breed Points has been allotted to the various group placements, BEST OF BREED..............................................10and they are as followsOnly show results published in the months quoted above appear in the totals for individual dogs.POINTS NAME Sex Owner BISA BISS BOSS Grl Gr2 Gr3 Gr4 BOB5325 CH. TOMHO CHAMPAGNE WISHES D...................R. Koeppel, Owner1 - - 8 14 6 5 153500 CH. JAMOLS KLASSIC HI TIME D.........................B. Pauli, Owner" 7 7 7 1 152250 CH. PHYNER GOLD JACKPOT D.............................TraunerMoreno, Owners- - " 6 3 2 2 102050 CH. SOUTHLANDS MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE D..C. Creed, Owner" 1 2 4 6 4 151850 CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY D...................SmartRoberts, Owners1 1 2 4 1 2 51760 CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH D..................J. Hurley, Owner- " " 2 7 1 1 111735 CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK D.............................MoureauJackson, Owners- " - 4 3 2 3 61685 CH. JANES WEE PRINCE OJERIBETH D.............G. J. Reed, Owners" 1 8 2 1 61575 CH. PIXIES BUTTONS-N-BOWS B...........................C. Galavich, Owner- " " 4 2 2 1 101500 CH. TOMHO STRUTTING TERMITE D...................H. Sklar, Owner" 2 5 2 2 51195 CH. JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT D............................BaumgartnerConinoBaker, Owners- " " 1 5 1 4 21065 CH. JAN-SHARS HILLBILLY CLASSIC D..............J. Reed, Owner- 1 5 1 41025 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D...............................T. S. Goddard, Owners" - 3 1 1 - 5850 CH. SOUTHLANDS MR. VIP OIDA D.....................JacksonTaylor, Owners" " - 1 3 2 10845 CH. WEE HEARTS THATS NUFF D.........................C. E. Evans, Owners" " 1 3 1 - 7810 CH. PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR DGalindoWelch, Owners- 1 1 1 2 1810 CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR D............F. Stoll, Owner- 2 1 1 1 6790 CH. TIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTS D........................CohenConlee, Owners- " 2 1 1 1 4655 CH. BI-MAR SHO-GUN OF JER-BOS D...................J. D. Owens, Owners" 1 2 " 1 8615 CH. SHADOMOUNTIN ONE MAN SHOW D...........BucherSnyder, OwnersTIE PLACEMENTS ALPHABETICAL1 1 2 1 4The Pom Reader December 1991Tfie PamREADERTfie TamVOLUME VI. NUMBER TEN'ill ia nxrtFoir Showcase forPurebredPomeraniansSUBSCRIPTION RATESz2 l. 5. Dollars11 Issues per year Domestic24.00 Third Class Post 40.00 First Class PostForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 4.00 each Back Issues 4.00 eachsubject to availabilityADVERTISING RATESin U.S. DollarsANNUALPREPAIDAD SIZE CONTRACT OPEN RA1FULL PAGE Color 300.00 350.00FULL PAGE bw 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 10.00 12.00STORK REPORT na 10.00All ads 14 page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra black white photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of themagazine. Make checks payable toDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604 Tel 813-858-3839 Fax 813-853-3624 WE HONORVISA MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESSUPDAEETOP TEN EXHIBITORS January-October 1991The procedure for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e., a September show may not be published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year to September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.The following is the listing of the TOP TEN EXHIBITORS as of the January-October 1991 AKC Gazette.EXHIBITOR . . . POINTSK. L. Ludke.............................51E. C. Evans.........................49F. Stoll...................................49S. Hanson.....................................47J. Cabrera....................................45P. Griffin......................................44M. Rosenbaum............................40D. Finch......................................36D. Watts......................................36J. ONeil.......................................34Tie Placements AlphabeticalThe Pom Reader December 199120Mints Cookinby OLGABAKERI have terribly sad news to report. Our dear friend Skip Piazza passed away November 18, 1991, following a lengthy illness. Many of you knew Skip, but for those who did not have the pleasure I want to share with you the Skip I knew and loved....SKIP HIS SKILL HIS SERIOUSNESS, HIS SILLINESS, AND HIS SWEETNESS.1 have just returned from Pennsylvania and some sad days with those who loved Skip the most...Richard Davis Rich, his companion for 14 years, and the neatest guy in the world, and John Marcantonio Marc, the other neatest guy in the world, with both of whom Skip shared his home, his kennel and his life...what loving friendships these wereWe all knew the hateful, devastating nature of the disease, but we kept thinking...Maybe...Just maybe...Our close friendship dictated that we talk on the phone2 or 3 times a week, and a couple of days prior to his death, he gently chastised me for not calling more often. He said, I always call you more than you call me...its YOUR turn I said, What a NAG...okay Ill do better... SKILL...Skip Piazzas skill was a sight to see in the show ring. He seemed to "become the dog he was showing and he conditioned, groomed and handled magnificentiy. I promised not to reflect much upon our uncanny win at Westminster with Champion Great Elms Prince Charming, as that is much-repeated history and only one claim-to-fame for Skip. I remember that respected judge Michele Billings wrote to me soon after the event and said, I have never seen a twosome like Skip Prince.. .never.. .it was as if one was an extension of the other, and it took your breath away to see them together SERIOUSNESS...Possibly one of Skips lesser-known attributes, as most of us loved his non-serious side the best. He could, however, in confidence, speak of heavy things...personal things...deep and reflective things. Skip could be wonderfully serious involving special friendships, his family, some memories. He often astonished me with his perception of people and their behaviors, and those who did not know him quite as well were often surprised at his depth, and inherent intelligence.SILLINESS...Oh, this is my favorite Skip and I giggled so much, in many situations, like 13-year-olds at a slumber party...ridiculous One of our most fun trips was to the Oklahoma circuit one year when we were campaigning Prince Chaming vigorously. 12 or 15 days of roaming about in Oklahoma, motel-hopping The Pom Reader December 1991from one town to the next.. .just Skip, Prince and me This was one of the happiest times of all. We shared a room and I yelled at Skip for being so fastidious. I said, Skip, no one but you takes 7 or 8 showers a day - 1 or 2, maybe, BUT NOT 7 OR 8, FOR PETES SAKE He would instantly check out the shower in each motel, and had his favorites...he also insisted the shower in our guest bathroom at home was PERFECT, with just the right hard, perfect water spray I accused him of being too eccentric about being "squeaky clean...Another typical event was the night just before Skip and Prince were to go in for Best in Show at the Garden. He was a little crazy, nervous to the point of irrationality me too...Skip insisted that Darrell and I accompany him to buy Best in Show clothes. We went to the worst possible place to shop - one of those hotel Mens Specialty Shops where a 24.00 shirt sells for about 59.95 We shopped and shopped and Skip picked out not one, but FOUR shirts and FOUR tiesI insisted he could only wear one into the ring but he laughingly explained that he could not decide, so we bought them all He modeled all in the hotel room, finally chose a shirt and tie, and I stuck a red rose with some fern stuff on it into his lapel...he wore it into the ring and looked wonderful. I also teased him about being the only man I had ever traveled with that took along 14 sport jackets each trip...just so he could be sure to select the right one Crazy guy with a splendid touchvV..rof vanity.SWEETNESS Skip was my doubt about that, prince Charming was BOTH of our doubt about that, eitherIn Pennsylvania when Slap died, I watched as Rich and Marc, who had cared for him constantly during his illness, reflected a kind of love and kinship Im not sure Ive ever seen before. His good friend, Cheryl Wagner, spoke some lovely words at graveside at Skips personal request. A sad day...Family and friends chose to have anyone wishing to do so, to donate in Anthony Skip Piazzas name to AMFAR American Foundation for AIDS Research, Attn Mr. Joseph Guimento, 1515 Broadway, Suite 3601, New York NY 10036-8901.Skip Piazzas friends were indeed fortunate to have known him.D Olga Baker207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586IN LOVING MEMORYAnthony Skip PiazzaI - .Skip Piazza and Olga Baker with BISA Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II With love from your friends.21MASONS POM HE A VENkmm. 71\V. QUALITY PUPS AND YOUNG ADULTS FROM MILLAMOR, LLL, EMCEES, GREAT ELMS, LUELLS BONNERS CRESCENDO.Betty Jo Mason590 E. Orange Avenue, Perris, CA 92370 714 657-8166ChesaiPOMERANIANSRobert Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, Texas 78260 512 438-2667hea'^TPOMERANIANSA Standard of Excellence.NOVEMBER BREEDINGS planned to several daughters of Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, and Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman. Most are Champion producers. Reserve your puppy now.If we missed answering your call, please call or write againBarb Steve Nagy, Rt 2 Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Telephone 703-869-3749CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE, \ Pom 1981,1982,1983, 24 BIS, 5 Specialties, sire of 21 Chs, announces the arrival of 2 new litters.CH. BEV-NORS STATESMAN, multi Group winner, sire of 14 Chs, announces a new litter. Dam is Ch. Bev-Nors N Southlands Who Me, group placer. Also, 5 month old male sired by Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman.Beverly Norris, BEV-NOR POMS, 7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. Tel 301 255-1343.'Brendeam TmmOFFERS FOR SALE Small Blue male whelped 6-3-91 orange male whelped 8-6-91 2-year-old proven blue female. For information, contact Brenda Randall, 3981 Highway 373, Columbus, MS 39701. Tel601-434-6681.nFinchs PomeraniansDiane L. Finch Rural Route 1515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50132Ch. Apolloette Wild Fire Ch. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf Great Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines WhiteRed, and WhiteBlack Parti puppies.dulfrcrestFOR SALE100 SUNRAY 2 Males, 1 blk., 1 choc.Glenn Bernardo Kelly J. Rogers 2819 Magnolia Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806 213-424-9207 800-888-7646U.TV.erryShow Pet Puppies Stud ServiceomeramansP.O. Box 907rCina JIT. D3erry318-582-6690'203 Larry St. Iowa, LA 70647STUD SERVICE8217 - 173rd St. SE Puyallup, WA 98373PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYTT QmercufdaMPatty Jensen 206 847-5851MANOR HILL POMSSilver Meadows Skip OScooterPointed Son ofCh. Silver Meadows Scooter Star Puppies Expected Helen Conrad1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 Tel 813-475-1724The Pom Reader December 199122MY POM5by Pam WestTis the season of Christmas, of joy, giving, and inner peace. As the snow falls here at my home in Missouri, I am wrapping gifts while Christmas Carols play in the background. Little Jazz named for his vocal ability, tries to howl along as the Vienna Boys Choir sings Silent Night. I have to smile as Madison, my soon-to-be four-year-old daughter, accompanies both the Choir and Jazz, in her own interpretation of what Silent Nights sounds like.My pups who are 7 weeks old, are playing tug of war with yet another bow. They have already discovered the delight of playing with the previously-wrapped gifts, by shredding all the paper, thereby providing me with more Christmas spirit as I wrap them once again. As the sun sets and the embers grow cold the Poms and the West family would like to wish you and yours a safe happy Holiday Season and the best of New Years.Merry Christmas from the West FamilyPam BillMeghann, Jordan, Aaron MadisonSubmit a cute photo of your Pom and a short description to MY POM co Pam West, 3521 S. Buckner- Tarsney Rd., Grain Valley, MO 640291ft1VSCharles Edgar SmallHalloween 1991CHARLIE looks forward to Halloween because we live between 3 girls colleges, Bryn Mawr, Harcum Rosemont. The girls all pet him when they come trick or treating. What more could a guy want Charlie is owned loved by Mrs. Laura Maiman Bryn Mawr, Pa.POM ESCAPADES by Susan Johnson YOUD BETTER WATCH OUT2 . V ffir i d7' fcV'i -7o \\\C'.J'NT "V ,' yn^ b ^ p HT If ..v^pa ' C 2-',A i I 17RM\\ X n lGUARD THE FIREPLACE IN CASE HE TRIES TO GET IN THAT WAY AGAINThe Pom Reader December 199123ALDENS KENNELHome of Champion Parti GirlsCh. Aldens Parti Pepsi Hi Ch. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-Dot pic High Quality Exotic Breed Stock Available A1 Jan Domrase, 815 728-0559 6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 60072POMERANIANSShow rebate. Lifetime heredity guarantee, medical insurance. Most colors available. Inquiries welcome.RGS Poms, 2153 Cypressland Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. Telephones 904-247-5384 or 904-720-POMS.KENNEL DISPERSALDue to career conflicts I must place all my Poms. Some show prospects, some companions, out of CH. OLIVER TWIST OF FRIPP, CH. COYS LUCKY EIGHT black and SCOTIA bloodlines. For information, contact RAIN BEAU POMS, Jean Sue Cook, 6810 S. Magnolia, Ocala, FL 32676. Tel 904-237-1636.j\s ountryTel 81 LudkeTel 815 938-3468 6869 S. Hollywood Road Baileyville, IL 61007Grafenhovsts...Specializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans, Chocolates9sPVAt Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Pictured left, a typical Grafenhorst Pom.Watch for our Poms in the show ringBreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving HomesaPO A1K R_A NIANS2007 Vestry Drive CHARLESTON, SC 29414 Puppies Stud Service 803 571-6165Pedigrees Stud Fees on Request. JANET HOVEYipoiviipours ipoivisStuds in residence CH. Circle M. Comes A Hossman CH. JDs Country Bumpkin CH. JDs Midnight Oil CH. JDs Truly a Gem 1 CH. Goldcrests Pacific DreamerCH. Westviews Moonglow RockyRR 3, Box 45A, Huntingdon, TN 38344. PH 901-986-0014.DOSSMARParti-Color pups and breeding stock available. Solids also. Watch for Golden Aires Nick ODossmar at the shows this spring. He is a solid orange son of Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince. At Stud to solids only.Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Road414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040Phillbrooks Fancy PomeraniansShow, breeding and pet Most colors including PartisSusann Stackhouse Box 1070 Rancocas Road Mount Holly, NJ 08060 609 267-4644Behind such well-known bloodlines as Bi-Mar Bonner Cedarwood Creiders D-Nee Great Elms Pombreden Sun-RaySl.H IT F C M E R A N I A N LlGAYLE TOM GRIFFIN 3074 LANCASTER DRIVE NE 253, SALEM, OREGON 97305 TELEPHONE 206-247-5917aDOT MARTIN 5354 BLUEBIRD LANE YORK, SC 29745heriePomeraniansMNMS POMERANIANSPortraits of PerfectionFEATURING Linebreeding of distinction Studs of inherent quality Striking show candidates Mary Gene Wells4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621 Tel 714-994-0259.c4paUaette MkPh^mninn StuH Sprvipp ^Champion Stud Service Quality PuppiesMarlene Marlin Presser 21789 E. Hwy 4209 886-5640 Stockton, CA 95215The Pom Reader December 199124I IThere is no job more distasteful to a publisher than having to report a death. When the death is that of a fellow fancier or familiar face, the job is even tougher. When the person in question was a friend so close as to be considered family, the job is almost impossible. But I must overcome my reluctance to tackle the task at hand, in order that we commemorate a lady of great courage and conviction, and celebrate a life spent in service to dogs in general and people in particular.Susan Wade died on Thanksgiving night, following a brief but valiant battle with cancer. All through her illness, Susan never once gave up hope nor lost her sense of humor, and the day she made her last trip to the hospital was spent, as had been many days for many years, calculating show statistics for our magazines. We spoke on the telephone before she left home it was to be our last conversation.But the conversations we had through our fourteen years of friendship had been many and varied. Susans interest and expertise in many different areas were always a source of pleasure and certainly educational. Susan was a veritable fountain of knowledge on the sport of purebred dogs, genetics, homeopathy as it applies to canine health, and her reputation as Canine Midwife of Polk County, Florida, as she put it, underscored the esteem she held for dogs of all breeds, her inexhaustible energy andX xSusan - onstage Lasdetermination when it came to protecting canine lives. Susan whelped and raised more litters of more breeds for more fellow breeders than anyone else I know. And she never charged anybody a buck. Susans articles published in this and numerous other publications were always acclaimed. But there were other sides to Susan you did not see, that I was privileged to see, and from which I derived much pleasure. That was Susan.Carol Susan Fisher Wade was bom in Oklahoma, and from the first her life revolved around Dogs and Dancing. Classically trained, Susan was a quick study and a natural athlete, and by the age of 12 she was not just studying, she was teaching, ballet. On through high school and college Susan pursued her education in terpsichore with typical drive the blow came when she was told, yes, she was an expert dancer, but too tall for a national ballet company and too short to be a RocketteUndeterred, Susan pressed on. After college Susan began dancing with Moro-Landis Productions of Hollywood, Cal., and through the years performed in Las Vegas, Reno, and elsewhere in the U.S. and Canada, with numerous well-known members of the entertainment world. After many years of success, Susan retired from active performing, and returned to teaching, devoting her spare time to raising and showing dogs.Susans success in the sport of purebred dogs paralleled her success as an entertainer. In a limited breeding program, her knowledge of genetics served her well, and she produced many Champions of which she was justly proud. The names which Susan gave her dogs were wonderful. Her prefix, Upstage, typical of the effect they had on the competition, was followed by catchy and memorable monikers, but her favorite was one for which I got full credit. Susan and I co-own a gorgeous Dachshund, bred by her, loved by us both, and I got to pick his name. She loved it, and it was indicative of the esteem in which I held her Andys name was Upstage Standing Room Only. Dont try to use that name its ours.Susan was a master groomer and an excellent Vegas handler. She also served inmany capacities for dog clubs, including Show Chairman for a major all-breed show and Hospitality Chair for a three-day National Specialty.Everything she did, she did well, with her heart and soul.Susans posi- Susan Wade tion as Statisti- 2103X 112891 cian and contributing author for this magazine ignited a fierce loyalty for the Pomeranian breed and its fanciers. You will recall her many excellent articles on all aspects of the sport, but you may not know that when Susan first became involved with this breed, she studied the standard, sat ringside for hours, and developed her own eye for what she believed was correct in the Pomeranian. She understood temperament, coat care, physical structure, and above all, the delightful personality of the Pomeranian, and for it she had great respect. Susan judged Poms at numerous Matches, and drew praise from the exhibitors, proving beyond a doubt her expertise. Had she been a licensed judge she would have doubtless been a valuable addition to the ranks. But my memories of Susan go beyond dogs, dog shows, and dog magazines.Susan lived here with us for several years before moving to Maine to help son David raise his two daughters, Bethany and Amber. In a refreshing reversal of the norm, a close friendship, when subjected to close quarters, not only endured but blossomed. During that time I was constantly impressed with the intelligence, stamina, and drive of this little lady. Always smiling, laughing, and yes, dancing, Susan kept her spirits up through thick and thin. She certainly served to keep us enthused. And she always kept us laughing.Our thoughts go out to those who loved her.. .and there were many of us - all who met her came to like her.Susan wouldnt have liked for me to tell her age. I wont. Suffice it to say she was much too young. But in my book, she was always the perfect height...Head and shoulders above the rest of us. We love you, Susan.r' fJoe McGinnis Duane Doll29 November 1991The Pom Reader December 199125AT STUDCh. Blossom Heights Firecracker Blossom Heights Poms John Arlene Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 407-842-5591John Sharon Masnick HCR Box 745 Huger, South Carolina 29450 803 928-3511iohn e. heaftzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY PO BOX 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S. CANADA BON 1C0Tel 902 673-2446DdWgl POMS Offers PUPPIES, BROODS STUDS directly from GREAT ELMS KENNELMargaret Samples 704 821-74505816 Deal Road Matthews, NC 281050FIK5 PDM5 ftBILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE, HIXSON, TENNESSEE 37343 615-842-8184Pom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613319-989-2199arPJrecious PJeliiesHome of GabrielBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson. LA 70181 504 737-1729I HOME Ur Ifit,0uM KILLER lbAND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS NORMA C. GAD 5908 Upper Valley Road915 584-0942 El Paso, TX 79932D0VER-H0LIH0USE POMSChampion Stud Service Parti, Chocolate, Black Tan and Black Stud Serivce Puppies OccasionallyKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski 319 Ardmore Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629 609-695-1642^anem Sarm504-384-7466Jerrie FreiaP.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381JMIamt 0Mary Allan918 485-3010Route 3 Box 531A, Wagoner, OK 74467Don Barbara DeFord Cheri Peel5490 A Street SE 15143 Foxhill Road SEAuburn, WA 98002 Yelm, WA 98597206-833-4634 Fax 206-458-3771 206-458-3198RC PedigreesPomeranian pedigrees researched in any length. Monthly breeder specials. Beautiful originals with Champions in red. Colors free on all generations. 3-generations 8 4-generations 10 5-generations 15 6-generations 25 7-generations 35. THIS MONTH'S WINNERS The winner of the 4-generation pedigree in the RGSPom Reader drawing was Mary Allan, ALLAYNS POMS, page 17, November issue. The winner of the 6-generation pedigree was Ruby Poole, RUBYS POMERANIANS, page 5, November issue. Prize certificates are in the mailRGS Pedigrees904-247-53842153 Cypress Landing Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233m'AJ iiANNOUNCING...SoucysRGS PDQS DakotaMale, bom 5-10-91 Weighs under 314 lbs. Champion Bloodline Reasonably Priced Laurie Soucy6539 Townsend Road No. 283 Jacksonville, FL 32244 Phone 904-778-9687 or904-269-5002The Pom Reader December 199126 vmmv4i J i JAFROMOURREADERSSHOULD YOU OR SHOULDNT YOU... Dear Joe,I will preface this letter to acquaint those readers who do not know, that as well as writing a column in The Pom Reader aka Olympia, I also am employed by Doll-McGinnis Publications in the position of advertising representative. Further, I wish to make it clear that I am NOT writing this letter because of any mercenary motives, as I am sure some might be led to believe. In fact, the majority of my income in the advertising field comes through another Doll-McGinnis Publication, TOP NOTCH TOYS TNT - the magazine for all Toy Breeds, and thus the Reader itself, does not greatly affect my income.However, the Reader definitely affects my heart, as I have written for it for over 5 years and of course, like all of you, I LOVE POMS Therefore I read all Pom-specific publications, and in the past have advertised in the READER, the Pom Review and the Pom Registry. I saw absolutely no conflict in this and certainly neither Duane nor Joe has ever even so much as thought of asking me to limit my advertising or my subscribership to any publication other than theirs They are too intelligent for that, as well as being full-fledged Americans like all of us, who believe in our basic Constitution-granted democratic rights.This right permits us to do as we please, save committing crimes or misdemeanors, and having the right to read what we like, to subscribe to what we like, to advertise where we like and to write articles for any publications we like is no crime or misdemeanor.I address this issue, which the majority of you are aware exists, because in the past several months this issue has been burning in the world of the Pomeranian fancy and nobody to date has addressed it although one highly-respected Pom authority and fancier tried to address it and her material was refused for publication by The Pom Review and also because I actually have people asking me if it is okay for them to subscribe to, advertise in or write for any publication besides The Pom Review.This alludes to the recent attempt within the American Pomeranian Club to have a motion passed denying officers, directors and possibly the general membership the privilege of subscribing to, advertising in or writing for any other Pom- specific magazine than the Review. This motion, understandably, did not pass but the very fact that it was moved and seconded and written up in The Review got the message across to most people.In fact, some people apparently are not sure the motion did NOT pass, as it was quite UNCLEAR in the secretarys report in 2 issues of the REVIEW as to whether or not the motion was still The Pom Reader December 1991on the floor for approval, or whether it had been voted upon.Living in the good oF US of A, at first I kind of laughed off the queries from people about whether they should keep getting all 3 Pom publications and etc...Who, I wondered, could even consider that their basic rights could be so slighted. As time passed and more such serious queries came along, I began to see it was hardly a laughing matter. Indeed, some Pom fanciers were confused, if not downright afraid that they might be ostracized if they did continue with other magazines. At this point I decided to break my former reserved silence on what I once considered a ludicrous and thoroughly un-democratic manipulation. I will remind that I formerly kept silence because 1 I knew dam well some would say I protested such actions as the APC attempted, to protect my income 2 I have not been a member of the parent club for years and felt this was strictly an internal club affair and 3 I assured myself that no one in their right mind could take this childish situation seriously.I have read and I have heard that the motive for this denial of democratic rights movement came about because of a shortage of funds within the club. The theory being that if no one in the club supported other breed-specific magazines indeed What about non-breed specific magazines the REVIEW would increase its monetary benefits, thereby benefitting the empty treasury. Well, let me tellyou that any good marketing business knows that competition is good for business else why would they NOT move Wendys, McDonalds, Burger King and Checkers miles apart, rather than on opposite comers of an intersection and any democratically-inclined individual will tell you that a monopoly leaves the buying public very little choice, especially in funds. And while on the subject, why was the motion made to state breed specific competition only Does that mean that APC members could still subscribe to, contribute articles to and advertise in, for instance, TOP NOTCH TOYS, CANINE CHRONICLE, KENNEL REVIEW, DOG NEWS, and all the other-non-breed specific publications available today That doesnt make any sense, does itI mean if your object is monetary and you want to shut out the competition you better shut out ALL the competition or your cause is doomed. Or your cause is a laughingstock.To the queries I receive on this issue, I answer with a question. If I, who very actively sell advertising in TOP NOTCH TOYS, were to imply to my clients that they could only advertise, subscribe to or write for TNT, avoiding CHRONICLE, KENNEL REVIEW, and DOG NEWS like the bubonic plague, what do you think they would do Put yourself in those potential advertisers, subscribers, writers place. After a moment there is a giggle. As there should be...I hope this finally and completely answers those queries about whether you should or whether you shouldnt. Lois CilibertoLois The last thing I intend to do is to get into a spitting contest with any other publisher. What a waste of time. I think, however, a few facts should be presented.Yes, I have heard about the problems presented to the Pomeranian fancy. I know that another Pom publication claims to have the biggest circulation. Well, all I can say about that is, just the facts, maam.THE POM READER is the only monthly POMERANIAN magazine in the United States - possibly in the world. No Club or polyglot dictates to our readership, advertisers or contributing authors. We do not publish the POM READER to feather our own nest in the sport of purebred dogs - we do not BREED NOR SELL POMERANIANS. We simply love the breed. And we are here to serve the fanciers of the Pomeranian, and celebrate the breed itself.What I DO sell is a monthly magazine as high in quality as funds allow. Advertising dollars are what fuel the press, and they are always needed. As far as circulation goes, I am very pleased at the support shown for this magazine, as our Statement of Mailing filed with the United States Postal Service proves our November mailing was 1,212 issues by 3rd Class and 92 by first class post. This does not include single issues purchased, nor foreign subscribers.The Pom Header has over 1,000 paid subscribers. I guess anybody can CLAIM to have the largest circulation, but unless they can PROVE it by publishing the facts and figures furnished to the Federal Government, the statement is fraudulent.The Pom Reader has over 1,000 paid subscribers. I guess anybody can CLAIM to have the largest circulation, but unless they can PROVE it by publishing the facts and figures furnished to the Federal Government, the statement is fraudulent.But enough about all this. Lets get back to the task at hand...enjoying the Pomeranian breed.JMcGDear Joe,I want you to know ONE thing - very important. I have, in the more recent years, advertised in ALL the Pom and dog magazines - BUT - I NEVER got a call - not ONE...ALL have come from the small ad I keep in The Pom Reader. You are certainly doing something right. Thank you.Sincerely, Barbara Nagy Barbara Thanks, I needed that. Continued success JMcG27Breeders of fine Poms since 19574345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Ownert 93 Champions standing at stud as well as non-champions. PUPPIES ARE GENERALLY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE PRICES. Pets priced from 250.00 show and breeding stock priced from 500.00. Please ask for a free copy of our price list.WE SPECIALIZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLING. We do have some Aristic-Bonner Chesai.SATISFACTION IS ALWAYS GUARANTEED AT LENETTE. we give a written guarantee with every Pom sold.McCollumsPOMERA NIANSBonner, Collier, Chesai, POMBREDEN LINESBreederLinda McCollumP.O. Box 3844 Corpus Christi, TX 78463 Telephones512-992-1404 512-813-3813PUPPIES AVAILABLE TO LOVING, RESPONSIBLE PET SHOW HOMES. - REASONABLE KENNELS- C.K.C. PERM. REGD.Pomeranians of Distinction Bred for Excellence - Raised with Pride. ITCAN. CH. TIMMY TIMSTOPPER OF LENETTETimmy is a very handsome boy and in very limited showing has a Group I, Group n, Group HI and 3 - Group IV.We here at CHEYENNE KENNELS would like to say a big thank you to Ken Griffith, LENETTE POMERANIANS, for all the lovely adult Poms we have been able to purchase as our foundation stock. We are more than pleased with the new babies they are producing for us PUPPIES BY RESERVATION ONLY Colleen J. FranksP.O. Box 131, Chemainus, B.C., Canada V0R 1K0 Tel 604-246-4627tomheights...Ch. Glen Iris Castle RockEvan is owned loved byCheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor Glen Iris Poms 205-328-6603Erica Moureau Texican PomsQuality puppies available - must limit our stock as our house fills up with strollers, carseats, toys, etc...The Pom Reader December 1991Happy Holidays fromThe Tom trader VlaymatehsfBaileyOwned by Jannell Ennis, Pennsylvania4AI The box is more fun than the ToyPrincess, courtesy Cindy Kline, MichiganSubmit your cute photo to PR PLAYMATES, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604.Illie Pom ReafceR8848 BeVGRly Hills LakelaNt, FL 33809-1604-Morgan Myers FriendsCourtesy Brenda Turner, Texarkana, TexasSanta said it was for MEWarlord Bearly courtesy Cheryl Jackson, AlabamaLINDA GALLAGHER PR 1291 1990 RIDGE MAY DR EUGENE OR 9740S USA 3News PublicatioN Do Not Delay AOtmess CoraiectioN ReQuesteOBULK RALE U.S. POSLAQEPAIDpermit 395LAKELAND FL