The Pom Reader July 1985

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JULY 1985f. wfMV r 4V rVs.sCH.L-RS MONTY ROCK OF MILLAMORCH. L-RS MONTY ROCK OF MILLAMORTOY GROUP FOURTHLICKING RIVERKENNEL CLUB SHOWPR . '985PHOTOS BY AIVERSOHOwned byRollie Evelyn Conley 20075 Vining Road New Boston, MI 48164 313 753-9245BreederRonald Feyh Eleanor MillerHandled by Ronald Feyh 2520 Eakin Road Columbus, OH 43204 614 274-2118CH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCK CH. MILLAMORS ROCK MUSIC MILLAMORS MARLITA MILLAMORS MUSICAL CONCERTCH. BROWNS GAMBLING MAN MILLAMORS JUDY BROWNBROWNS PRECIOUS JEWELCH. DIXIELANDS STYLESTEPPER CH. MILLAMORS MARK OF DIXIELAND DIXIELANDS LITTLE JUDY MILLAMORS MONTESSACH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCK MILLAMORS ROCK ROSETE MILLAMORS MARRILYNThe Pom Reader July 198518 Bests of BreedMrs. Barbara Jarmoluk, Mr. Richard Hammond, Mr. Thomas Conway, Miss Dorothy Nickles, Dr. Robert Berndt, Mrs. Shirley Thomas, Mrs. Sari Brewster Tiet- jen, Mr. Joseph Rowe, Mrs. Keke Blumberg, Mr. Merrill Cohen, Mrs. Sadie Thorn, Mrs. Lorraine Masley, Mr. Norman Patton, Mrs. Margaret Shoemaker, Mrs. Ruth Davidson, Mr. Forrest McCoy.3 B.O.S.Mrs. Leota Vandeventer, Mr. Ralph Lemcke, Mr. Richard Hammond.1 B.O.S.S.Mr. Harvey Berman Group IMr. James Vaughters Group IIDr. Robert Berndt Group IIIMiss Mignon Murray Group IVMr. Merrill Cohen Mrs. Margaret ShoemakerLAR-RON KENNELSProudly Introduces3CH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCK CH. MILLAMORS ROCK MUSIC MILLAMORS MARLITA MILLAMORS MUSICAL CONCERTCH. BROWNS GAMBLING MAN MILLAMORS JUDY BROWNBROWNS PRECIOUS JEWEL CH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCK CH. DIXIELAND S ROCK OF MILLAMOR DIXIELANDS VERONICA CH. L-RS HONEYSUCKLE ROSEAL KAYS PIECE OF THE ROCK L-RS FOXYRONS MILLAMOR DISCO LADYCH. L-RS MOONLYTE AND ROSESSkBEST OF WINNERSGRAND RAPIDS KENNEL CLUBHAY19BA BOOTH PHOTO--CH. L-RS HONEYSUCKLE ROSECH. JERIBETHS SILVER SPARKLE CH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCKMILLAMORS LULLABYE OF TIM SUE CH. DIXIELANDS ROCK OF MILLAMORCH. DIXIELANDS STYLESTEPPER DIXIELAND S VERONICAMILLAMORS MELODY BOX CH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCK AL KAY PIECE OF THE ROCK LYNNS WEE HONEY L-RS FOXYCH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCK RONS MILLAMOR DISCO LADY FLUFFY ROOKSTOOLLarry R. Rookstool Ronald J. Feyh2520 Eakin Road Columbus, OH 43204 614 274-2118The Pom Reader July 19854om ^ieacie^July 1985Volume 1, Number 5CSviKJjtc17 PR SHOWCASE18 SHOWING POMS ISTHE BEST MEDICINEPart 1 of the editors visit withEDNA GIRARDOT.20 GENERALLY SPEAKING- SOME DONT LIKE IT HOT Susan Wade tells how to keep your cool in the summer heat.21 REMEMBER MAMAA tribute by Dianne Johnson.22 SPECIALS ADDITIONThe PR Point System for specials as of the May AKC Gazette.22 UPDATEThe PR Point System for exhibitors as of the May AKC Gazette.1012131416Table of ContentsASK SHU-SHUEverything you always wanted to know about Pomeranian Etiquette...but were afraid to ask Shu-Shu is here to help with a little assistance from her owner Shannon Johnson.MIDWEST NEWSJeanne Stafford gives us theresults of the Michigan Specialty.STORK REPORTPROTEIN NUTRITIONTHE NEVERENDING QUESTIONPart II What To Feed.More on this most complicated subject from Vikki Powell.AND AWAY WE GOThe more human side of life in the elegant, exasperating Motor Home by Charlotte Patterson.23 THE 1984-1985 POM READER STUD DOG DIRECTORY.,.rneTmm aThe Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33805, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and All-Breed judges.Direct all inquiries toJoe McGinnis, Editor The Pom Reader 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805 PH.813 858-3839.This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront CoverROLLIE EVELYN CONLEY Inside BackKEN ELEANOR MILLER Back CoverHILLS PET PRODUCTSBAUGNIET, S..............................P. 26,27BARTHOLOMEW, N. F................. P. 30CAPAGRAPHICS..............................P. 17CARSON, M. B.............................. P. 25CONLEY, R. E................................P.1,2COOK, S............................................ P. 13COY, J............................................... P. 34CREED, C..........................................P. 9FEYH, R............................................. P. 3GAD, N...............................................P. 7GIRARDOT, E....................................P. 13GODDARD, T. S.............................P. 28GRAY, L.............................................P. 11GREEN, J...........................................P. 5HEARTZ, J. C................................ P. 29HIEMENZ, S.......................................P. 31HILLS PET PRODUCTS.............. P. 8,36HOVEY, J.....................................P. 21,30JOHNSON, L. D............................. P. 13JOHNSTON, J................................... P. 34LAFORTUNE, A................................ P. 34LUGINSLAND, J................................P. 9MCKAMEY, N................................... P. 9MILLER, E......................................... P. 35MOREAU, E.......................................P. 7NORRIS, B.........................................P. 13PFEFFER, C................................ P. 32,33PIAZZA, S..........................................P. 33PRESSER, M. M............................ P. 13REILLY, R. J................................. P. 9ROOKSTOOL, L................................P. 3ROSENBAUM, M...............................P. 13ROSS, N.............................................P. 15SANDIFER, D.................................... P. 11STAFFORD, J....................................P. 31VICKERS, M...................................... P. 13WALLS, M..........................................P. 24WEST, J. G.....................................P. 11YOUNG, J. B..................................P. 13The Pom Reader July 19855It Is With Great Pride ThatMIZZLE DAZZLEpresentsOUR FIRST CHAMPION7ssJ Is BEST OF OPPOSITEp9ROCK CREEK KENNEL CLUB985ASHBErCEL MILLAMORS ROXIE MUSICGh. Millamors Mock Music x Millamors Rock RosetteThis lovely double Moon Rock granddaughter is shown finishing her Championship with a 4 point major and BOS at Rock Creek Kennel Club under judge Merrill Cohen on April 22, 1985.Congratulations to Eleanor Miller on finishing Roxies litter brother, Am. Can. Ch. Millamors Rock Concert, with BOB over specials. Rocky and Roxie are a tribute to Millamor breeding and I am delighted to have one of these lovely Poms. THANKS, ELEANOROwnerHandler Judy Green822 Parkside Boulevard Claymont, DE 19703 302 798-3962"pending AKC confirmation The Pom Reader July 19856 SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITORI personally love typesetting pedigrees, you get such good insight into where the greats came from, where the breed is going, as you will see in this, our Stud Dog Directory Issue of the Pom Reader. A collection of fellows that surely promise continued advancement of the breed. Thank you all for your support.Travel. Everybody seems to have travel on their mind this month. Or things that have to do with travel.I am reminded of a funny incident on a plane. A fellow I know had to take a plane to a show circuit, bringing along a Top winning Peke Special and a Top winning Pom special. Now, none of us are thilled to fly with dogs, of course, but this fellow decided to skirt the issue, and figured out a way to bring both dogs in cabin. He simply poured the Peke into that little under-seat container, and hid the Pom in an oversized carry-on bag. That all would not go according to plan should have been apparent the minute he boarded feeling exuberant, the Pom let out with a few little Pom-sized yaps - the flight attendant glanced into the Pekes crate and said, My, what a little bark for such a big dog. Oh, yes, he mumbled, and quickly moved to take his seat, hoping the Pom would just go to sleep. The Pom, being nobodys fool, decided that this was, indeed, a good game, and he would play right along. This Pom proceeded to be so quiet that the gentleman grew worried was the Pom allright Probably spurred on by guilt, the man opened the bag to take a look and,...surprise There went the Pom, running throughout the plane, in between peoples legs, up onto their laps, with much upsettings of coffee and cocktails and enjoying himself thoroughly. And, of course, the Peke was very irked at the freedom being accorded the Pom, and set up a very vocal argument. When order was restored, and the inevitable accusations lodged, the gentleman had a hard time convincing the flight attendants that the Pom had stowed away, unbeknownst to him.Realizing that tossing a man and two dogs out the door at 30,000 feet was probably not good for the corporate image, it was determined that should the gentleman be able to contain his two small charges, the flight would continue according to schedule. But he reported that it was the most uncomfortable two-hour flight that he ever made, as everyone in the plane kept throwing him fishy glances, and people kept looking down between their feet.He got them back but good, though. One other time, traveling with a Chow, there was some kind of scheduling error a rushed change of planes made this fellow nervous, and he demanded that they go into the cargo hold to check on his dog. The Chow, happily asleep, was not exactly thrilled with a stranger peering into his crate, and let out a ferocious growl. The next thing anyone saw was the airline employee, barreling out of the cargo hold, screaming, Theres a blank-blank LION in there At last report the gentleman is now taking the bus.Probably considering travel by bus this month is Kenneth The Pom Reader July 1985Miller, and with good reason. Returning from a judging assignment in Newfoundland, Kens plane was delayed from take-off for two hours due to bad weather, and when cleared to depart, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. A bit too soon, it turned out. Shortly after becoming airborne, flashing lights came on it was announced that they had to dump the fuel tanks and return for an emergency landing. Apparently they got things fixed Ken did get home that day, slightly shaken, but unscathed. That takes a trooper -1 agree with Eleanor when she says that there is No Way they would have gotten her back on board a plane that day. Maybe Ken knows something about Newfoundland that we dont.HERE SHE COMES...THERE SHE GOES Department Speaking of covering a lot of ground, yesterday I had trouble with Edna Girardot. I had something I wanted to tell her that I knew she would get a kick out of, and I thought I could catch her at the show. Try catching Edna at a show - not the easiest thing to do. Three times I saw her coming, but by the time I maneuvered through the crowd, she was past. I dont think she was doing it on purpose, she just moves very quickly. Oh, well, we can all catch Edna this month - see Showing Poms is the Best Medicine, Part I, in this issue. A delightful visit with a delightful lady. Travelling by motor home can be atrial, also, as my friend Charlotte Patterson will attest. Charlotte joins us this month with a light-hearted look at Motor Home Life...see And Away We Go. On the more serious side, however,I want to take a moment to warn those of you with motor homes about one thing - it is easy to become overconfident with a motor home, and it can be a drastic mistake. I am talking about air-conditioning.At summer shows, you often see people running out to their motor homes to make sure that the generator is running, and if it is, they run back into the show site. I myself was very guilty of this practice for a long time. You see, we all reasoned that the more often you open the door, the more cool air is lost, but as long as the generator is whirring away, we figured everything was fine. This method, however, is not good enough. If the coils should freeze up, the generator will continue to run, but the air- conditioner is now blowing out HEAT, turning the most sophisticated of vehicles into, well, an oven. You must go inside to be sure all is well. Dont take a chance.But if you wont listen to me, just Ask Shu-Shu. The PR is most pleased to welcome to the team Shu-Shu Johnson and her secretary Shannon Johnson. In the coming months, Shu-Shu will be here to answer the pressing questions we all have and need answered. Also answering questions again this month is Vikki Powell, and Susan Wade discusses a topic of utmost importance for July - heat stroke. Thank you, ladies.Til August, Poms Awayjoe McGinnis_Joe7CURRENTLY - KILLER ROUTLEDGE SYSTEM9 WINNING POM2 RANKED POM IN 100 TOP WINNING TOYS 36221fcy\V ... ....CH. TEXICANS GIANT KILLER CHULABOB at Chaparral K.C. under Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen pictured On to Group 2 - Mrs. Mildred Bryant BOB at Rio Grande K.C.under Mr. Hayden Martin BOB at El Paso K.C. under Mr. Fred Basset On to Group 4 - Mr. Roy Ayers, Sr. OVER 3 POM SPECIALS ONE A B.I.S. B.I.S.S. WINNERBREEDERand this time handlerErika K. MoreauGADS CHULA POMS 5908 Westside Road El Paso,TX 79932 915 584-0942OWNERand sometimes handlerNorma C. GadThe Pom Reader July 198582a1 VI5^5AcLrrU ^d J-sS ABOUTTHE SERIESHills Pet Products, Inc. is proud to introduce the sixth drawing in the Performance Art Series. Ms. Pamela Powers was specially commissioned to do this handsome work. The art piece is offered in limited edition and will truly become a collectors item in years to come.ARTIST BIOGRAPHYPamela Wynne Powers was awarded a Merit Scholarship by the School of Fine Arts, Washington University in St. Louis, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.Her published works include a promotional booklet for the St. Louis Zoological Park, calendar pages for the Hammermill Paper Company and a promotional brochure for the St. Louis Wolf Sanctuary Marlin Perkins, Director.In addition, Ms. Powers has done various free lance assignments, including Graphic Illustrator at the American Kennel Club.HOW TO ORDERPrints of the TOYS Performance Art Series VI are available in a limited edition of 425. Each print is numbered and signed by the artist, and is available unframed for 70.00. These beautiful prints are 18" x 24", printed on fine premium No. 1 stock and are without advertising or copy.A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these prints will be donated to The Dog Museum of AmericaThe American Kennel Club Foundation. Order your print from Hills Pet Products, Inc., Art Department, P.O. Box 148, Topeka, Kansas 66601. SCIENCE DIETP.O. BOX 148 TOPEKA. KANSAS 66601 913-354-8523Because preventive health care starts with proper nutrition.nmThe Pom Reader July 198591313-ryat..ltjCH. SOUTHLAND S TOAST TO BEV-NOR Continues her winning ways a picture is worth a thousand words.Co-ownerBEVERLY NORRISBEV-NOR POMS 7747 Meadow Road Pasadena, MD 21122Breeder-Owner-Handler CHARLOTTE CREED SOUTHLAND POMS 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 Ph. 318-466-3456LLL KENNELS VERY SPECIAL GIRL LLL Ts Gold Crystalfemale, whelped 91384, orange-A,7\TtBESTWINNERSSTATEKENNEL CLUB photo nr PETROUSmPS9Sire Ch. LLL Moongold Traper Group IIDam Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Suzanna Group I Pictured at Tri-State K.C. under judge Lois Holcomb taking WB, BOW, BOS for 2 points. Crystal took a 3 point major at Canadian Valley under judge Maxine Beam. Always owner-handled.Excellent selection for sale from Champions down to young prospects. Honestly evaluated.Janice Luginsland Route 1, Box 97, Americus, KS 66835 Ph. 316-443-5157CHESAIPOMERANIANSMostly BonnerAristic LinesCHESAI POMSROBERT JOAN REILLY 26093 HIGHWAY 281 NORTH SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78260 Ph. 512-438-2667MCKAMEYS SUNDAWN KENNELSCH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL STYLESTEPPER AT STUDCH. MILLAMOR MOONROCK CH. DAJA JUSTA ROCKSAMPLEHOODS SWEET COOKIE PTD.CH. KEN GAY CAVALIER JOE CH. MCKAMEYS CAVALIERS PEPPER MCKAMEYS LITTLE DUTCHESS CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL CONQUEST CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL STYLESTEPPER KRYSTALS CHERRY KIJAFA CH. MCKAMEYS ENCHANTING PEPPER CH. MCKAMEYS ENCHANTING BEN JO MCKAMEYS BLOSSOM JOCH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL PERFECTIONCH. MCKAMEYS JUST A HONEYPuppies for breeding, show ring, or loveable pets, allpopular lineage. Bloodlines include Cavaliers,Sungolds, Millamor, Bonner, Crieder, Hood, Cherokee, Emcees, Great Elms, Aristic, Model, Brown,Disicland, English Hadleighs, Preservenes, Akela.MRS. NORRIS MCKAMEY R.R. 1, BOX 185 Bettendorf, Iowa 52722_______________ Phone 319 332-5809_______________The Pom Reader July 198510ytsA SAusSAu,Humans just dont realize the stress we go through in a days time. Jump out of our soft, warm bed to hit the outside cold, misty air to relieve ourselves on that wet grass that soaks our lovely hair and feet. Our humans always have the warm and dry home conveniences. Come in for a bit of breakfast. The same boring stuff to eat, day in and day out. Our humans always have a variety to select from on their plates. The morning chores of barking at strangers, chasing the cat, entertaining our friends, brothers and sisters in the back yard. Going bye-bye in the car to help our humans get their car safely home with its grocery contents. Training sessions, grooming times, and ball chasing. Stress - pure stressHi Im Shu-Shu Johnson, and I live with Shannon Johnson, who is going to assist me with my monthly column, Dear Shu-Shu. As your canine consultant, Im concerned with current comments on your conduct, community, and critical or crazy circumstances. As cohorts, it is important that you are aware that we can conquer our complex catastrophies together if we communicate.Please send us your comments quickly so that they may be shared with hundreds of POM READERS across the countryiDear Shu-ShuI am losing my hair so fast - am I going to be a bald Pom What is wrong with meRavenL.O. Mich.Dear RavenYou didnt mention if you were a parent or not. If you arent, then its normal to lose your hair at this time its called blowing your coat. If you are a parent, losing your hair is as normal as losing your mindShu-ShuAddress your questions toShu-Shu Shannon Johnson 5135 N. Gale Road Davison, Ml 48423 -or- Shu-ShuCO The Pom Reader 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805X Mt- . t V4^DearShu-ShuWhat makes you think you are so smart to be able to write a monthly column I suppose you want to be faMUTTSSmidgeonDavison, MlDear SmidgeonYears of experience, smarty pants, and from now on speak to me with respect after all, I AM your mamaShu-ShuvjvSHU-SHU SHANNONThe Pom Reader July 198511ELLIES ARE REALLY CELEBRATING - WE HAVE A CHAMPIONCH. DESIREES RIPPLING FUDGESIRE CH. THELDUNS ALMOND FUDGE SAM DESIREES RIPPLING BROOKEMany thanks to Ruth Beam and Beverly Norris, for their help in my breeding program. With friends likethese, how could I failLaura Gray joins me in thanking the judges who confirmed our belief in Rip.Mr. Edward R Klein 4 PT. MAJOR Dr. T. Allen Kirk Jr.Mr. James P. Cavallaro 4 PT. MAJOR Mr. Merrill CohenDr. Harry Smith, Jr. 3 PT. MAJOR Mr. Melbourne T.L. Downing1 PT.2 PTS. 1 PT.Desaree Sandifer 704-865-0859509 Oakdale Street Gastonia, NC 28054'Pending AKC confirmationCo-Owner Laura GrayWESTS POMERANIANS PROUDLY PRESENTSUratalIK1VDam Wests Star CrystalJean George West 2034 Lazy Grove Kingwood, TX 77339Wests Star Crystal 4 Point Major under j. Mr. J. H. Moran Winners Bitch - Best of Winners - Best of BreedFLASH Crystal Medallion1 Male - 2 Females whelped 5-28-85Sire Ch. Millamors Rock MedallionPhone713-358-8465The Pom Reader July 198512Midwest NewsPOM CLUB OF MICHIGAN SPECIALTYJeanne StaffordI guess the best way to start this article is with the hottest news flash of the area - Am. Can. Ch. L-Rs Rock Concert Av Stran won his second All Breed Best In Show at Ingham County KC on May 18th. Rocky won his first U.S. Best In Show a year ago almost to the date, on May 20th, 1984, at Oakland County KC. These are not the only big wins for Rocky he also has two Canadian Best In Show wins and a Specialty Best In Show to add to the list. This beautiful Pom was bred by Ron Feyh, is owned by A Babe Stranahan and Janet Heffington. Rocky is always handled to perfection by his co-owner Janet. Im sure anyone who has seen Rocky will agree, he is a real crowd pleaser Now, on to the SpecialtyThe Pomeranian Club of Michigan held their Specialty on May 19th, in conjunction with the Oakland County KC show. The Sweepstakes judge was Mrs. Margaret Moran, and Mr. Harvey Berman judged the regular classes. The prizes were never-ending, the trophy table making a magnificent display. Now, for the winners.Best in Sweepstakes went to the adorable Silver Meadows Love Affair of L-R, coming out of the 6-9 month puppy bitch class. Lovey was bred by Jaqueline Klein, and owned by Ronald Feyh and Larry Rookstool. Best of Opposite Sweepstakes went to Millamors Im A Windjammer, who came out of the 9-12 month puppy dog class. Jammer was bred by Eleanor Miller, and owned by Robert Jeananne Stafford.Here are the results of the regular classes.BEST OF BREED Ch. Hi Times Kaleidoscope, owned by Olive Lancey BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Ch. L-Rs Monty Rock of Millamor, owned by Evelyn Rollie Conley BEST OF WINNERS, WINNERS BITCH Nan- jos Portrait In Bronze, owned by Nancy Rakus and Anita Arnold. WINNERS DOG Millamors Im A Windjammer owned by Robert Jeananne Stafford.Due to pressed time, Mr. Berman was unable to critique the dogs, but his wife offered the following comments Mrs. Berman was very impressed with the quality of Poms entered. She feels the breed has come a long way in the last ten years. The heads are much nicer, and the coats have greatly improved. The thing that she feels has improved the most is movement. All in all, Mrs. Berman felt that there was not one Pom in the bunch that she wouldnt have stuck in her pocket and taken home wih her. Now, isnt that a nice complimentAfter the judging, the Club invited everyone to their hospitality room for desserts galore, and plenty of Pom talk.OFFICIAL SHOW PHOTOSThe Pom Reader July 1985IBEST OF BREED t' Jfc OR VARIETYr'iOAKLAND COUNT KENNEL CLUBlfl,. MOTO 1191 K- BOOTHJmkmMM ....MR. BERMAN AWARDS BEST OF BREED TO CH. HI TIMES KALEIDOSCOPE OWNED BY OLIVE LANCEY. AGENT SUE TALSMA Booth PhotoBEST OFjf . . WINNERS 'OAKLAND COUNTY KENNEL CLUB jru WINNERS BITCH, BEST OF WINNERS NANJOS PORTRAIT IN BRONZE OWNED BY NANCY RAKUS ANITA ARNOLD. Booth PhotoivvWINNERS DOG - BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES MILLAMORS IM A WINDJAMMER OWNER-HANDLED BY JEANNE STAFFORD Booth PhotoIt was a wonderful day, and I was glad to be a part of it. And to top it all off, the Breed winner went on to a Group Third. Way to go, Kallie, and agent Sue Talsma.Before 1 close, I would like to thank Shannon Johnson for her nice letter and support. Glad to know someone out there is interested Dont miss Shannons article on Sue Talsma Keep up the good work, Shannon.Until next issue, best of luck at the shows.Jean Stafford 1436 Powers Court, Niles, Ml 49120BI-MARHOME OF MULTIPLE B.I.S.CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID SONNY WAS IN THE TOP TEN IN THE U.S. FOR 1983 1984. NUMBER ONE TOY IN THE NORTHWEST FOR 1984.WE HAVE FOR SALE BOTH SHOW PROSPECTS AND PETS SOME ARE SIRED BY SONNY.YOUNG AND OLDER BROOD FEMALES FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRICES.BI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum Phones36520 28th Ave. South 206-838-6397Federal Way, Wa 98003 206-927-2369^3J7yGapSTORKREPORTTELL EVERYONE ABOUT YOUR NEWEST LITTER OF SHOW-STOPPERSSubmit date of birth, sire dam, how many males females, your name, address phone. Then sit back and wait for the calls to flow inPRICE 10.00DOC-KEN POMERANIANSBom May 22nd, 1985 4 Males and 1 Female For SaleSire Ch. Tomboys Pico Chico - Dam Docs Amber PetitDr. Ken Sadler 10864 FM 1960 W713 469-7610 Houston, TX 77070tSiau yuesLarry Diane Johnson 2901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore, MD 21234 Ph. 1301 661-7289WISHING YOU WELLTHE POM READER AND ALL READERSMARY VICKERS 2818 Jefferson Drive 703 960-7755 Alexandria, VA 22303Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia, Ocala, Florida 32676 904 237-1636Jessie Barbara Young 603 435-8731Pomeranians8s Shih Tzu Ch. Stud Service Puppies OccasionallyLoudon Ridge Rd. Loudon, NH 03301Scotia Kennels, Regd.Breeder of 150 Champions in 27 Years Occasionally I have show prospect pups or older dogs for sale. Almost always have pet males, usually Champion sired but not what I consider show quality. Well protected by shots, 250.00 and up.Also occasionally have a proven stud or brood bitch and a Champion for sale. State all your wants in first letter.Edna E. Girardot P.O. Box 646 Floral City, FI 32636 904 726-2001Marlene Marlin Presser 21789 East Highway 4 Stockton, CA 95205209 463-8554BEV-NOR POMSHome ofCH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE 1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983 24 Bests In Show, 5 Specialty Bests Sire of 1 Female 1984,1st Black Tan to go B.I.S.A., Champions, Breed Group Winners.CH. BEV-NORS NEW CREATION for sale multiple Best of Breed winner, proven stud CH. THELDUNS ALMOND FUDGE sire of above malesSire of 20 Champions, B.I.S., Group, and Specialty winners, a top producer each year.ALL STUD FEES 150.00 puppies nowBev Norris 7747 Meadow Road301-255-1343 Pasadena, MD 2112214 PROTEIN NUTRITIONVikki PowellPART II WHAT TO FEEDI made my annual May journey up into Oregon for a great two-show weekend. The drive is breathtaking and the shows are held in a campground right on the Rogue River.They are two of the smaller shows on the West Coast scene but the surroundings are such a treat I wouldnt miss it. This year, the general chatter was about coats and grooming preparations, soundness, and what do you feed ahhh, theres that question again. So, on to the promised remainder of my thoughts and findings on the question of what and how to feed your show dog...A few important points were mentioned last time that will come up again, one being that you cannot necessarily grow more coat legally where it is not genetically preordained, but you can feed to enhance growth and condition. There are many things that can adversely affect your dogs ability to produce optimum coat levels. One thing that harms haircoat almost more than any other single item is the presence of internal parasites. Fleas are also a big problem because the dog damages the precious coat by digging and scratching at it repeatedly. An unpleasant by-product of fleas is the infamous Flea Allergy Dermatitis which, in addition to the biting and scratching, produces red welts on the skin that the dog rips at, causing an even more vicious cycle. Since parasites are environmentally controllable, you can make eradicating them first on your list towards healthier coats. If your dog is parasite-free, gets plenty of quality exerice circulation is very important, is well groomed, and is genetically able to produce a good coat, and you are still having a problem growing a sleek, shiny coat, then you can investigate your dogs nutritional mainstays.Proper nutrition varies from breed to breed and can vary from dog to dog within a specified breed. A dogs blooming health depends on other factors as well as the aforementioned ones age, weight over- and underweight, stress encountered, sickness, reproduction and lactation all play an integral part in what type of nutrition your dog requires. Since most of us are concerned with show dogs that are also breeding, and these same dogs require extra energy to grow coats, the following information on feeding is aimed in that direction. Some of the information is fact, some opinion, and no one method will be right for everyone, so the by-words here are Investigate and Experiment.The suggestion to experiment with different foods hasThe Pom Reader July 1985its basis in logic. Many breeders would be astounded to know just how many dogs have difficulty tolerating or are even allergic to BEEF and its byproducts. This explains the recent trend towards dog food bases composed of poultry and its by-products, and sometimes even lamb and rice. Many dogs also do not tolerate soy products well due to the adult dogs lack of the enzyme needed to metabolize galactose properly, so soy can cause fermentation to occur, automatically producing gas and even diarrhea. Dog food packaging shows now that the companies are concerned, for those products not containing soy pronounce it in full view. The same goes for foods not containing preservatives, salt, and sugar - the companies make sure you know right up front. The worst offenders of utilizing unnecessary ingredients to make the food look yummy to the consumer are the makers of the semi- or soft-moist foods and I stay far away from those types.How do you choose a dog food by its base First, it is necessary to understand that dry dog foods are made up of proteins both animal and vegetable, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fillers. Meat meals and by-products, most especially those made from beef, are usually the first item on an ingredient list, followed closely by the cereal grains.As has already been stated, poultry is fast becoming the meat of choice in many dry foods, with wheat and corn cereals right behind forming the balance of meat and grain needed.Soy is a source of high quality vegetable protein and can also be combined with the other grains to form a balanced food, but when the dry food lacks meat as its main protein source, the quality is less.If you go to the supermarket and read the labels, you will find MANY foods in which the first three or four ingredients are grains and soy and what meat there may be is meat meal, and it is way down in the list of ingredients, signifying to the astute label reader that this foods protein base is of a lesser quality than what will probably be needed to maintain your show dogs. A high quality food label generally reads with the meat meals as the first ingredients. Listed dry weight protein and fat contents must be measured against the contents of the food to determine quality. Lower fat and protein levels as well as high crude fiber levels i.e. fillers indicates a strong possibility that you are looking at a lower quality food.15VIKKI POWELL continuedPlease note at this point that this DOES NOT MEAN that there is anything wrong with this type of food, but rather that the breeder of heavily-stressed dogs is looking for just a little bit more quality-wise than a food that is adequate for all stages of your dogs life. All of the above information is directed at those that may feed straight dry food with no supplementation of any sort.If the breeder supplements, be it with added fats, vitamins, canned foods or cooked meat, then the dry food protein base can easily be one of the lower fat and protein level foods, as long as your supplementation is done carefully. With the very high quality dry foods, it is usually not necessary to do this, except perhaps in stress conditions pregnancy, lactation, heavy show schedule, etc.,. Vitamin supplementation is an area I dont want to go into, but some vitamin strength can be lost during different types of food processing. Many food manufacturers are supposed to make up for this expected loss by adding more to begin with regardless of that, I find that my dogs thrive when a balanced dog multi-vitamin is added daily to their diets. I also add extra vitamin C.As far as fat content is concerned, many dry dog foods are deficient in the fats needed to maintain healthy show coats. Once again, this is not to say that there is anything wrong with the minimal amount of fat allowed 5, only that research has shown that dogs in stress conditions seem to need a much higher fat content 15-35 to reach optimum performance and growth levels. The obvious reason why most dry dog foods have a low fat content by choice is shelf-life, but many of the newer formulas are opting for higher fat contents 10-20 and lesser shelf- life. Many breeders use meat drippings, vegetable oils, lard or store-bought coat enhancers for their extra fats, but regardless of what you use, it is how you do it that counts with fats.When supplementing with fats, the breeder must remember that too much can be worse than too little. Some of the problems that can occur with over-use of fat in the diet follow. Most of the suggestions found in this section come from a great little book put out by the Alpo Pet Center entitled Canine Nutrition and Feeding Management, and they allow use of the information they have compiled in publications stressing good diet and nutrition. Too little fat in the dogs diet can cause dry, scaly skin and a harsh coat - BUT, too much fat introduced too quickly into the diet can cause loose stool, weight gain, and over-whelming of the pancreas. Another thing that can occur is this Fats and oils are the most concentrated energy source, therefore when you increase the overall amount, you increase energy density levels. To balance this out you must INCREASE TOTAL NUTRIENTS to make up for the necessary reduction in total food intake. In simpler terms, if you add more fat youmust decrease the actual amount of food your dog consumes or he will get fat. The average nutrient level per cup of food fed must therefore be higher than before since you are actually feeding less bulk than before. If this is not done correctly, it is obvious that serious nutrient deficiencies can occur. The lowest level of fat a dog should have is 5 of total food intake however, in the case of show dogs showing is always classed as a high-stress level, Alpo Pet Center recommends 15-30 fat for optimum performance.In conclusion, once again it must be stressed that the breeder needs to investigate various successful methods of feeding to grow nice coats and then must experiment to some extent until you hit on the right formula for your kennel. A tremendous amount of information can be gleaned from breeders who have been successful for many years. Specific diets cannot be shared in this magazine since it could constitute promotion of certain brands of foods. However, anyone can write to me at any time for actual data on specific brands, and also for information on other breeders who would be happy to answer questions about successful feeding regimens.Just remember that BALANCED is the single most important word in nutrition without it almost anything can go wrong.Good Luck...until next time, happy showingSend any questions or comments you may have toMrs. Victoria Powell, do Doll-McGinnis Publications, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33805Pet Portraits^ -PONVi - VVCALL OR WRITE FORFREE FULL-COLOR BROCHUREDept. OE 1559 82nd Street718 331-9523 Brooklyn, NY 11228The Pom Reader July 1985AND AWAY WE GOCharlotte Parnell PattersonWe have been very busy attending dog shows all over the country, and getting there is always an adventure. There are several modes of transportation available - car, station wagon, van, motor home, plane and barge this is for those lucky individuals that live on the Mississippi or the Intracoastal Waterway. In the years I have been attending dog shows, I have traveled many ways, starting like most people with one dog in a car, then three dogs in a station wagon, eight dogs in a van, and finally 15 dogs in a motor home. Occasionally, we travel with one dog by plane and feel like the privilidged rich, but since that is only on special occasions i.e. the Garden or Specialties we really cant count that as being a regular with todays flight schedules mostly irregular means of transportation.But most of the time we to by Motor Home. You will notice I capitalize the words because Lord knows I dont want to hurt the beasts feelings.Motor Homes are convenient, comfortable, fun, and possessed. Just when you think you have everything fixed or at least figured out...WHAM-0 it falls apart. They also provide you with excellent conversation starters. Just ask any Motor Home owner how his rig is doing and he will start on a two-hour dissertation of all his trails and tribulations. The good thing about listening to all of ths is that he will also ply you with drink so you wont run away screaming.One time on our way back from a show, we stopped to dump for those of you with vans, station wagons and cars - this means to empty the holding tank. The campground attendant told us to pull into an empty space and use the facilities. After completing the necessary task, we cranked her up and, rather then drive around the circle to exit, my husband decided he would make a hard right and pull out. As he was doing this naturally over my objections we heard a thump. I said in my most innocent voice, What was that We hit something. he replied. We looked out the window and to our amazement there was a geyser where the water spigot had been. As we watched, it shot higher and higher in the air. The manager came running out and dear old hubby, urbane as usual, said in his best businesslike voice I think I hit your water pipe. The poor fellow couldnt even speak, just stood there shaking his head and then ran for the shutoff valve. When he finally located it, in his confusion he turned it the wrong way and the water promptly shot even higher in the air. By this time the campground and all the campers were awash in not only water, but also red mud people were taking pictures and even the traffic on the nearby interstate was stopping to gawk What started out to be a routine stop to dump at the cost of 3.00 turned out to be The Pom Reader July 1985the most exciting event of the day. Of course, we thought 36.00 to repair the water faucet was a bit much.Then there was the time we were at a McDonalds for our usual balanced lunch, and upon Backing out of our parking place, there was a definite crunch. What was that my dauntless husband inquired. You hit something. I said. No, I didnt. he snapped. With that he promptly put it in reverse again and once again we heard a crunch. What was that he snarled. You hit it again. I replied sweetly I have found that in these situations my unfailing good humor stands me in good stead.. Finally, he got out and sure enough, there was a lovely Cadillac with a crunched-in rear end. He stood there and scratched his head in disbelief. Being the gentleman that he is, he marched into the restaurant to find the owner. Would you believe it - the owner of said crunched- in car turned out to be an attorney.Needless to say, we now avoid McDonalds parking lots like the plague.We have had our share of breakdowns, repair bills, and close calls, but I must say on the whole Motor Home travel is fun. Often times when you arrive at the shows, one of your friends will have saved you a place, and you will have dinner and drinks together, discuss yesterdays wins or losses, in which case you drink more and your hopes for tomorrow. You plan litters, grade puppies, discuss or cuss upcoming judging panels, and form deep and lasting relationships with people from all over the country that share your interest in pure-bred dogs.I couldnt close this column without telling you about the time we were doing the Texas circuit during a regular wind storm. We were tooling down Interstate 20 and we heard a flapping noise. Upon inspection we discovered our awning had blown up over the Motor Home. We pulled onto the shoulder and hopped out to re-roll it and lock it back in place.I had washed my hair and it was still in rollers. The wind was so strong it blew the rollers right out of my hair and across the interstate. We started laughing and couldnt get the awning up in all that wind. We drove down to the nearest exit, awning flapping, and curlers missing, and pulled off trying to block the wind with our rig so we could re-roll the darn thing. Within two minutes, two more Motor Homes pulled off to help us. These were not people we knew, just dog show folks in Motor Homes willing to help out in trouble. You dont often see that happen any more.Until next time........Charlotte606 Sea View Cir., Destin FL 3254117e Pom Reader All about Poms and Pom People12 Months - 12 Issues24.00 third class post40.00 first class post Overseas rates upon requestADVERTISING RATESin U.S. DollarsAD SIZE OPEN RATE CONTRACTFull Page 120.00 96.00Half Page 65.00 53.0014 Page 35.00 27.0018 Page 20.00 16.00116 Page 12.00 8.00Full Color is avaiable at 250.00 additional per page. Ads 1 4 page and larger include one photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each.Contract advertisers may take advantage of contract rate regardless of change in ad size or content from month to month. Contract advertisers receive a FREE subscription. Make checks payable to4m ileacfer8848Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805 813 858-2639LilUL- .-'r osb uuhcchcaPUT your showPHOTO HEREPUT YOUR DOGS NAME HERE YOUR WIN INFORMATION HERE,YOUR NAME HERE-ancf put the savings in your pocketPRICE 18.00NOW AVAILABLECUSTOMIZEDSTATIONERY ENVELOPES PEDIGREE FORMSWe specialize in personalized paper goods for all your needs. We can use your present logo, or design a new one for you, featuring the beautiful head studies of artist Nancy Ross.M.-5Only top quality bond used - at below market rates.Fast, efficient service of your dog lovers for dog lovers.For information and prices, writeiCIOTHE POM READER 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 3380518 SHOWING POMSIS THE BEST MEDICINEEDNA GIRARDOTl\ti Ednawith Ch. Scotia Caviliers Leader, Ch. Scotia Cash Dividend, Ch. Scotia End of the Rainbow in 1963 Wm. Brown PhotoThe one thing I really want to stress is to never give up. There will be setbacks and disappointments, but you must always keep on going. Never give up, she says. Keep on going, she says. Always, she says. And Im willing to listen, because if there was ever a testament to dedication and devotion, its Edna Girardot.This morning I was enjoying an article written by Edna. It was full of good advice, humorous and serious by turns much like the lady herself. At one point I happened to glance up at the dateline 1939.46 years ago. But even in 1939, Edna was no stranger to the sport of pure-bred dogs.In 1929, Edna Charles Girardot founded the Scotia Kennels in Scotia, New York -1 dont know if the kennel was named after the town, or the town named after The Pom Reader July 1985the kennel. An avid sporting couple, Edna Charles first dogs were Black Tan Coonhounds. Their interest in Sporting breeds increased, and they had the first Otter Hounds in their part of the country. Next the Girar- dots turned their sights to the Gordon Setter, were charter members of the Gordon Setter Club of America, and campaigned their Gordons on the bench and in the field. Further work with English and American Foxhounds would seem to cement their future in the Sporting breeds. But fate can be funny.In 1958, on the advice of her physician, Edna was forced to discontinue work with the large breeds she so dearly loved, and Edna purchased two Pomeranians as pets. Edna tried to sit back and relax, but...the best medicine, for Edna, was still the competition of the show ring.19E8nJudge Mary S. Brewster, Clara Alford with Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier at Ft. Worth Pom Club Specialty in 1961. Club President Edd Embry Bivin on right Luttrell Photo-WKENNEL CLUBSEPTEMBER I960PHOTO BT UftOkAm.Mr. Bivin judging, Edna Girardot with newly crowned Ch. Scotia Just Dandys Little Man in 1980 Graham PhotoEdna decided to get a Pom to show, and...enter Sungolds Gay Cavilier. Bred by Anna LaFortune, Cavilier came into Ednas life two days before his first show, The American Pomeranian Clubs Summer Specialty, where he and his handler Frank Ashbey went right through to Best of Winners. Later campaigned by the great Clara Alford, Cavilier was to distinguish himself again and again in the show ring, but his greatest legacy is, of course, the tremendous impact he has had upon the breed. See CH. SUNGOLD GAY CAVILIERSo the Sporting Dog lady turned to Toys, and not without a little trepidation When I made the change from the big gun dogs to the little toys, I was worried. said Edna. I never had been able to understand why people would have a tiny pet. But Im thoroughly converted - the Pom is vivacious, intelligent, and a wonderful watch dog. He seems to sense danger faster and better than the big guard dogs. Hes a lot of dog in a little package.If Edna Girardot was completely won over by the energetic, confident little Pomeranian, the dog world has been equally impressed with the work of this energetic, confident little lady Edna has bred or owned over 150 Champions, has held many offices in All-Breed clubs, has served several terms as President of the American Pomeranian Club, was honored by the Westminster Kennel Club for fifty years of attendance at the Garden, and in February of this year, the American Pomeranian Club dedicated its 66th Specialty Show to her. Thats enough to make the average person sit back and rest on their laurels, wouldnt you thinkWell, no one ever accused Edna of being average. Edna is constantly on the go, travelling all around the United States to shows I love to see Edna arrive at a show. Like a whirlwind, Edna enters the grooming tent, grooms them up like the pro she is, hits the show ring, againshe goes. I can hardly keep up with Edna.Yes, its the same Edna Girardot who almost thirty years ago was told to slow it down, to quit charging around the ring with those big gun dogs. I would love to see the look on the doctors face these days or, better yet, I would love to see that doctor keep up with Edna NEXT MONTHEDNA GIRARDOT TALKS ABOUT POMSandA PHOTO JOURNEY THROUGH 28 YEARS OF POMS...exclusively in 7i om tfleacer-. JMcGCH. SUNGOLD GAY CAVILIERSeptember 20, 1958 - November 27, 1971 Sire of 66 American Champions - 6 Foreign Champions Bred by Anna La Fortune of San Diego, California, Cav came to Edna in September of 1959, and within a year had won the Ft. Worth Pom Club and two Bests In Show All Breed. Handled at first by the late Frank Ashbey, and later by the late Clara Alford, Cavilier topped out his show career with a record of 2 All Breed Bests In Show, 37 Group Placements including 18 Toy Group Firsts, and five Specialty Bests In Show. Cavilier was retired from the show ring at two years of age for breeding purposes. Among the 66 domestic and 6 foreign Champions sired by Cavilier are many Toy Group and Best In Show winners, and his grandchildren and great-grandchildren continue his winning ways.The Pom Reader July 198520 GENERALLY SPEAKINGSusan WadeSOME DONT LIKE IT HOTJuly in the South It can be a dangerous time for our dogs My Vet has said that he treats more cases of heat stroke in the month of July than at any other timeHeat stroke is an emergency situation - it requires immediate recognition and treatment. We tolerate high temperatures much better than our canine friends.They depend upon rapid breathing to exchange warm air for cool. So, when the air temperature is close to the body temperature, this is not a very efficient method. Any dog with a disease of the airways has special difficulties in coping with excess heat.There are situations which predispose to overheating Being left in a car in hot weather being confined in concrete runs with no shade being of a short-nosed brachycephallic breed being left under a dryer or suffering from airway disease or any condition which impairs breathing.Heat stroke begins with rapid frantic noisy breathing. The tongue and mucous membranes are bright red the saliva is thick, and the dog will frequently vomit. His rectal temperature is high, usually over 106 degrees. If the condition is allowed to continue, the dog can become unsteady and stagger, he can have bloody diarrhea, and will become weaker and weaker. Coma and death ensue.Emergency measures must begin at once. In a mild case, simply moving the dog to cooler surroundings can do the trick however, if the temperature is over 104 degrees, or if he is unsteady on his feet, he should be cooled by being put into a tub of cool water. If this is impossible, try hosing him down with a garden hose or just pouring cool water over him - again and again. With a temperature over 106 degrees, cold water enemas can be given, but I would be on the way to the Vet The throat can swell during heat stroke and this does require veterinary treatment - often a cortisone injection.The Pom Reader July 1985My list of Dos and-Donts is thisDONT expose any dog with airway disease, impaired breathing, or short noses to prolonged heat.DO restrict exercise to the cool parts of the day.DO breed dogs in air- conditioned surroundings.DO crate a dog in a wire cage. DO provide plenty of shade and lots of cool water in the runs at all times.Editor Joe McGinnis also asked me to give a reminder to those of you who travel to shows in motor homes...Check your air conditioner often Out in the parking lot, if your generator should fail or your AC malfunction, those air-tight vehicles heat up very quickly - like an oven. Some people arrange with others parked around them to check back and forth during the day, to make sure that everything is functioning correctly. Joe always leaves the rig unlocked so that in case of trouble, anyone can get in. Ed. note Thanks There goes the VCR.-JAnother good thought, told to me by Kathy Masilla Keep an ice pack outside of the whelping box for new mothers. Some bitches get overheated after whelping and pant a lot, even though there is no calcium deficiency. Placing an ice pack oustide the whelping box, where mama can lie on it and watch the babies will keep her from panting her milk away. I thought that the ice might lessen the chance of her milk coming down, but it was quite the opposite...the ice pack made her milk come in with a vengeance.One of those plastic things sold for freezing and keeping food cold in coolers is great for dogs. Freeze it, wrap it in a towel, and put it in the bottom of his crate. Ive never known a dog whatever the breed that didnt appreciate a cool tummy on a hot daySusan WadeP.O. Box 340, Auburndale, FL 3382321I REMEMBER MAMADianne JohnsonMama, your running was a sight to behold,So I feel your story just has to be told.I remember my pride as youd stand there four-square,And challenge each Pom to a race if they dare.Of course theyd accept but in a minute theyd see Your speed and agility as youd race past the tree.Down over the hill and over the log,Theyd concede and proclaim my, what a dog.I remember you most when 7 see Miss Dianne With tears on her cheeks and just folding her hands,As she remembers your antics and the fun that you had That is the main reason we all are so sadBut some are so special you must understand,The Lord takes them beside him to play in his band.She remembers your beauty and your debut as a singer You were only four weeks along when you joined Lorie Beth in that beautiful songShe laughed til she cried because you were so small,But your voice how it echoed clear down the hall.The Lord is listening while angels play organs,And now Hes enjoying the songs of our Morgan.She remembers that you werent particularly happy When I was conceived but she was sure happy.She remembers you were even less thrilled The day amniotic water was spilled.And there I was a wiggly, wet pup,Waiting to dry and my hair to fluff up.She remembers your birthday was Friday thirteenth Oh - will it be lucky or will it be griefShe thought for a while that luck would take over,But that time was short and your life is now over.Oh, Mama, I love you, and miss you so much.And life here without you is going to be tough.But I remember your lessons and that helps me a lot to make the most of what Ive already got.I now make a promise to you and Dianne To make you as proud as I possible can.Pamelaby Dianne Johnson 2901 Putty Hill Rd., Baltimore, MD 21134CH.mJDS POMPOUS POMS CIRCLE M. COMES A HOSSMAN Now standing at StudHoss has TomanollBonner bloodlines. He has extremely good movement and has passed this on through good bitches. We are a small kennel and have one of his pups doing quite well in the ring now. We also have two more of his pups growing show coats. Watch for Puff and Miki in the ring this fallJDs Pompous Poms Janet Hovey1163 Hwy. 26 Blackfoot, ID 83221208 684-4648______ Pending AKC ConfirmationCOMING IN OCTOBER...The 1984-1985 Pom Reader BITCH DIRECTORYA07i Cftess of ti 0fefechsiAll ads may include a photo of your bitch, a three generation pedigree, brief remarks about her show career and her get.Dont miss this economical opportunity to tell the world how proud you are of your fabulous ladies.SPECIAL RATESFULL PAGE 90.00 HALF PAGE 49.00ALL ADS WILL BE IN A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE MAGAZINE IN THE ORDER RECEIVED.DEADLINESEPTEMBER 15, 1985The Pom Reader July 198522 SPECIALS ADDITIONAS OF THE MAY 1985 AKC GAZETTEPresently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Ten Pomeranian dogs and Top Ten Pomeranian bitches in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as follows.Breed points not to be confused with Championship points are allotted to CHAMPIONS OF RECORD according to the hightest placement received in any given AKC show.A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds 500 BEST IN SHOW Specialty 250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty 75TOY GROUP FIRST 250TOY GROUP SECOND 150TOY GROUP THIRD 75TOY GROUP FOURTH 25BEST OF BREED 10BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX All Breed 5NOTE The only exception will be BISS will be worth 10points, and BOSS will be worth 5 points, until a total ofthree wins are published for that dog.The following is the ranking of the Top Ten SPECIALS DOGS AND Top Ten SPECIALS BITCHES as of the May GazettePOINTS DOGS5170 Ch. Coys Top of the Mark 1675 Ch. D. Nees Darin Duffie 1275 Ch. Bi Mar Sundance Kid 685 Ch. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine 665 Ch. Sungold Diamond Stud 650 Ch. Patricks Mister Larry 625 CH. Daisys Lil Bit of Jabil 620 Ch. Herds Little YoYo 400 Ch. L-Rs Monty Rock of Millamor 260 Ch. Millbrooks El Gran CaballeroSISA BISS BOSS I II III IV BOB BOS3 - - 9 6 6 2 12 - 3 12 2 55 - - 11 1 2 3 3 1- 1 3 3 141113 9 21 1 1 2 10 1112 14 11 1 - 1- - - 1BITCHES245 Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tan Ya 110 Ch. Queenaire Glory Huntress 80 Ch. Tim Sues Angel Sabrina 40 Ch. Mike-Mars Sophie Mae 30 Ch. Emcees Golden Jaymy 30 Ch. Harbins Poetry In Motion 30 Ch. Sweet Hills Ebony Storm 25 Ch. McGuires Little Nike 20 Ch. Southland Toast to Bev-Nor 15 Ch. Apolloette Zachs Magic Touch 15 Ch. Sandtowns Bi-Mar April'tie placements alphabetical1-1 2- - 2 31 - - 1- - 3 2- - 3- - 6- - 3- - 2 1- - 4- - - 3- - 3UPDATEAS OF THE MAY 1985 AKC GAZETTEWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the United States is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until November.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Point are allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor. The Pom Reader July 1985THE FOLLOWING IS A LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EX HIBITORS AS OF THE MAY 1985 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR POINTSE. GIRARDOT 40A. CANNON 35S. BAUGNIET 30J. B. YOUNG 29N. GAD 28L.W. CLARK 25G. HODSON 24L. ABJORNSON 22D. S. DAVIS 20C. PFEFFER 19tie Placements alphabeticalTHE 1984 - 1985POM READER STUD DOG DIRECTORYAiAM jmiMK lARTWORK BY CHRIS HEARTZ COURTESY OF C. HEARTZ E. MILLERThe Pom Reader July 198524CH. THE WIZARD OF CAMELOT MerlinTC015504, Whelped 4482CH. THELDUNS DANDEE OF EDNEY REBEL OF EDNEYEDNEYS SWEET DIXIE CAMELOTS DOCTOR SAMSILVAMERES FIZZIES FAULT CAMELOTS NIGRA ET FORMOSA SCORPIOS MIDNITE MADNESSLITTLE KISSIN TEDDY BEAR EDNEYS MIDNITE SPIRIT FABULOUS BRANDY SCORPIOS MIDNITE MADNESS PETERS TINKER TOY LITTLE MISS MUFFIN XX MAJESTIC MISTYIn limited showing, Merlin was awarded the following4 Point Major at South Jersey KC October 19845 Point Major at Shawnee KC April 1985Finished at Plainfield KC May 26, 1985Took Best of Breed at Union County KC May 27, 1985Merlin has sired two litters so far, consisting of 3 blacks and 1 sable. The three blacks have the same proper, harsh coat as does Merlin.V'itOwnerMaleta Walls 657 Second Street Trenton, NJ 08611 609 394-1038Handler Lois Heron R.D.1, Box 69-D WRightstown, NJ 08562 609 298-4321The Pom Reader July 198525CH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD DIAMONDI isaCH. ENJAYS PUPPET ON A STRING CH. MAJESTIC SPARKLING DIAMOND BODAS TOPAZE MERRY GOLD CH. MODELS TRULY-A-DIAMONDCH. GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPERS IMAGE CH. MODELS TRULY FAIRGREAT ELMS CANDY CH. GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPERS IMAGE CH. MODELS SUN OF FUNMODELS RED AMBER MODELS SOLID GOLDCH. MODELS MAGIC TIMSTOPPER MODELS BEWITCHEDCH. JILLS LYRA ALTAIR WINDMERE 1978 New York Specialty Winner 1984 Top Pom Sire - 4 Champions Producer of 15 Champions Not at public stud.Morris Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Road Richmond, VA 23233 Ph. 804 740-7977The Pom Reader July 198526 Tommsn tnmxsPOMERANIANSDick Sally Baugniet Phone 414-755 2994IRISH SETTERSNORWICH TERRIERS11224 County Hwy. B Mishicot, WI 54228Breeders of34 Pomeranian Champions 25 Norwich Terrier Champions 1 Irish Setter ChampionPOMIRISH POOH BEARS TIGGER CAN.CH. POMIRISH POOH BEARS HUNY BEAR N EDNA OF LENETTEAM.CAN.CH. POMIRISH OR PUFFS ONLY CHANCE SHAMROCKS POMIRISH GEM SMOKY CH. POMIRISH CREAM PUFFSCOTIA DOUBLE GR DA OCAVILIERA sound, light cream Multi-Group winner and placer. Specialty Best of Breed. Sire of Champions including 2 cream female Champions. Litter whelped 3-2-85 ex daughter of Ch. Pomirish Lil Guys Swt Revenge May Issue.CH. D-NEES DARIN DINADAN POMIRISH POOH BEARS TIGGER CH. POMIRISH POOH BEAR CH. POMIRISH CHRISTOPHER ROBINCH. GREAT ELMS BUDDY OF LENETTE POMIRISH BUDDYS RED ROSE ANSAC OF LENETTERed sable color. Sire of 3 Champions, all clear dark orange. A repeat of the litter which produced Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf was whelped 5-31-85 two females, one male. A Topper-sired male is for sale - wh. 2-18-85.The Pom Reader July 1985Pomvusw KtrwzksPOMERANIANSDick Sally Baugniet Phone 414-755-2994IRISH SETTERSBreeders of34 Pomeranian Champions 25 Norwich Terrier Champions 1 Irish Setter ChampionNORWICH TERRIERS11224 County Hwy. B Mishicot, WI 54228xACH. WEE MONEYMAKER OF SOUTHMONT CH. POMIRISH LIL GUY TRAVELERS KATINA CH. POMIRISH LIL GUYS DEL PROOFCAN.CH. POMIRISH TIGGERS HUNY BEAR N POMIRISH CREAM PUFFS CARRY ON CH. POMIRISH CREAM PUFFDoobie is a beautiful, cobby orange brother of Ch. Pomirish Lil Guys Hundrd Pruf and Ch. Pomirish Lil Guys Swt Revenge ex Ch. Chances sister. We also have for stud Ch. Pomirish Prufs Jumping Jack whose sire is Hundrd Pruf.CH. GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPER TOO CH. GREAT ELMS MODELS TIMSTOPPER MODELS SWEET LEI LAN I CH. POMIRISH DESIREES G E SCOOTERCH. GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPERS IMAGE DESIREES BEAUTIFUL BABESANDEES CHRISTMAS MISTLETOEVery cobby, orange sable, A.K.C. Centennial Winners Dog. First litter whelped 2-24-85 second litter due 8-2-85.The Pom Reader July 19852.TIM SUE POMERANIANSCH. JOLLY WEE MACHO OF MOON ROCKCH. JOLLY WEE MACHO OF MOON ROCKCH. MILLAMORS FANCY GOLD DANCER CH. JERIBETHS SILVER SPARKLE PHILS SPARKLING DRAGONFLY CH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCKCH. MILLAMORS FANCY GOLD DANCER MILLAMORS LULLABYE OF TIM SUE SILVER MEADOWS GAY LIL MUSIC CH. RANDYS DUKE OF DRAGONFLY ACE HIS TEDDY BEARMACS STAR DUKES GAY BUNNY RANDYS BRANDY OF JOLLY WEECH. RANDYS DUKE OF DRAGONFLY RANDYS PRIDE AND JOY OF DUKE CH. ACE HIS BEAUT MICHELE MULTIPLE GROUP WINNER, SIRE OF CHAMPIONS. STUD FEE 150.00.AM. CAN. CH. CHRISCENDO CITY LIGHTSAM. CAN. CH. CHRISCENDO CITY LIGHTSCH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCK CH. MILLAMORS ROCK MUSIC MILLAMORS MARLITA AM.CAN.CH. MILLAMORS ROCK CONCERT CH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCK MILLAMORS ROCK ROSETTE MILLAMORS MARRILYNN CH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCK AM.CAN.CH. MILLAMORS ROCK MEDALLION MILLAMORS MARRILYNN CAN.CH. CHRISCENDO CHATELAINECH. MERCERS TOUCH OF DUKE MERCERS MELODEE TOUCH MERCERS GAYLA DEEBreeder 65 Co-OwnerStud fee 150.00Christine Heartzpending AKC confirmationTIM SUE POMERANIANS TIM SUE GODDARD 19719 Rice Lake Lane Houston, TX 77084 713 492-0849The Pom Reader July 198529CHRISCENDO'it CANADIAN, AMERICAN BERMUDANCH. MILLAMORS ROCK MEDALLIONCH. MILLAMORS FANCY GOLD DANCER CH. JERIBETHS SILVER SPARKLE PHILS SPARKLING DRAGONFLY CH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCKMILLAMORS FANCY GOLD DANCER MILLAMORS LULLABYE OF TIM SUE SILVER MEADOWS GAY LIL MUSIC CH. DIXIELANDS STYLESTEPPER CH. MILLAMORS MARK OF DIXIELAND DIXIELANDS DRAGONFLY DELITE MILLAMORS MARRILYNNLOU-LANS TOKEN OF FRIENDSHIP LOU-LANS APRIL GOLD MODELS GOLD PIECE12 times BIS in Canada, sire of 5 BIS winners, 14 Champions. Not at public stud after end of 1985.CANADIAN, AMERICAN BERMUDANCH. MILLAMORS ROCK MEDALLIONVtCANADIAN AMERICANCH. CHRISCENDO CAUSIN COMMENTCH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCK CH. MILLAMORS ROCK MEDALLION MILLAMORS MARRILYNN CH. CHRISCENDO CAUSIN A COMMOTION CH. BONNERS KRISTIN STARMIST CAN.CH. CHRISCENDO DANCING STARLET MILLAMORS DANCETTE CH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCK CH. MILLAMORS ROCK MEDALLION MILLAMORS MARRILYNN CH. CHRISCENDO CARLOTTACH. MILLAMORS MASCOT OF DIXIELAND CAN. CH. BELLS MISTY MASQUERADE BELLS HAPPY LADY LUCK Completed his American Championship undefeated for Best of Breed. His sire 85 dam are multiple BIS winners.CANADIAN AMERICANCH. CHRISCENDO CAUSIN COMMENT'kgcendoCHRISCENDOCHRISTINE D. JOHN E. HEARTZ P O BOX 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2 902-895-7427hrgcendoThe Pom Reader July 198530BANDBOXLabradors - Smooth Fox TerriersV ECH. WEE MONEY MAKER OF SOUTHMONT CH. POMIR1SH LIL GUY TRAVELERS KATINA CH. POMIRISH LIL GUYS HUNDRD PRUFCAN.CH. POMIRISH TIGGERS HONEY BEAR N POMIRISH CREAM PUFFS CARRY ON CH. POMIRISH CREAM PUFF CAN.CH. POMIRISH TIGGERS HUNY BEAR N CH. POMIRISH CREAM PUFFS ONLY CHANCE CH. POMIRISH CREAM PUFF CH. POMIRISH CHANCES CREME DBLOONCAN.CH. POMIRISH TIGGERS HUNY BEAR N CH. POMIRISH BEAR NS GOLD DBLOON CAVALIERS RARE TREASURECH. BANDBOX HR PUFF N STUFFThe Pom Reader has taken HR from Mays scared kid to Julys polished performer, shown finishing 526 under Maxine Beam at Kalamazoo KC.HR is a sound, typey cream with good movement and a heavy, stand-off coat of correct texture. He will be selectively specialed by Sally through 85. For more information you may contact her.OWNERS HANDLED BYNANCY FOREST BARTHOLOMEW SR. SALLY BAUGNIETROUTE 1, BOX 183, OLA, AR 72853 11224 COUNTY HWY B501-489-5733 MISHICOT, Wl 54228CH. CIRCLE M COMES A HOSSMANr\CH. DUKES LITTLE RED BARON OF OKALA CH. TOMANOLLS TINY TOWN TALKCH. TOMANOLLS WEE GO GO GIRL CH. TOMANOLLS SHORT STACKCH. TONAMOLLS TINY TORNADO OMAC TOMANOLLS REDS BEAUTIFUL TOMANOLLS TINY TIFFANYCH. BONNERS DARLASTYLE XMAS TOY CH. BONNERS KRISTIN STARMISTCH. BONNERS PEPPER K-GOLDMIST CIRCLE M PATTY PEPPER CEECH. KEN-GAYS SAMMY BOY O MY AFRICAN QUEENTHORSTADS SPUNGOLD LADYHoss is becoming well known for his superior movement, and since finishing his Championship, has taken 5 Bests of Breed with limited showing in the West.JD S POMPOUS POMS Janet Hovey 1163 Highway 26 Blackfoot, ID 83221 PH 208-684-4648'Pending AKC ConfirmationThe Pom Reader July 198531CH. JUSTA MENEHUNEMAY MORNING SOCIAL LION CH. THELDUNS TIM DANDEE OF EDNEYCH. DUNNS LITTLE TINA PRESHUS CH. EDNEYS MOE-BEST SPECIAL ORDERCH. GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPERS IMAGE POSTSCRIPT AFTERNOON DELIGHT EDNEYS MISS PATTYCAKE MAY MORNING SOCIAL LION CH. THELDUNS TIM DANDEE OF EDNEYCH. DUNNS LITTLE TINA PRESHUS CH. WATTS LITTLE ITSI DARLINGCH. LUNDS JUST DANDY OF HADLEIGH SCOTIAS LITTLE ANGEL V. WATTSCH. SCOTIA CAVALIERS HELLO DOLLY3 pounds, bright orange, many breed wins and group placing.SHARON HIEMENZ Route 1, Remington Road Ormond Beach, FL 32074 904 437-2190WINDJAMMER POMSMILLAMORS IM A WINDJAMMERCH. DIXIELANDS STYLESTEPPER CH. MILLAMORS MARK OF DIXIELAND DIXIELANDS DRAGONFLY DELITE CH. MILLAMORS TRADEMARKCH. MILLAMORS ROCK MUSIC MILLAMORS MUSIC BOX MILLAMORS MALARKEY CH. JERIBETHS SILVER SPARKLE CH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCKMILLAMORS LULLABYE OF TIM SUE MILLAMORS BOCK ROSETTECH. MILLAMORS MARK OF DIXIELAND MILLAMORS MARRILYNN LOU-LANS APRIL GOLDTo date, Jammer has 11 points including two 4 point majors. He also has 2 Canadian points, and hes under a year of age. Jammer is pictured taking his first major at the Michigan Pom Specialty under Mr. Harvey Berman at just 10V2 months of age.MILLAMORS IM A WINDJAMMER WE FEED SCIENCE DIET WINDJAMMER POMSRobert Jeanne Stafford 1436 Powers Court616 683-0214 Niles, Ml 49120- aTjJIWINNERS"LiOAKLAND COUNTY KENNEL CLUB MAY1065 PHOTO BTmiCV The Pom Reader July 1985Wkecious SZiUesli- IMmmilCH. BEV-NORS FUDGE RIPPLESire of Best In Specialty winner 1985, Sire of 1 Pom Bitch 1984, Producer of several Toy Group Winners with limited breeding. Fee and Pedigree upon request.OWNERCLAUDIA PFEFFER P.O. Box 10432, Jefferson, Louisiana 70181 504-737-1729mSrp . rp,.,-Qy ,recious CSevihitesiCH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIELSIRE CH. BEV-NORS FUDGE RIPPLE - DAM EDNEYS MITY ISIS DELIGHT Gabriel, our multiple Group winner, is a red sable with good movement and very sound body. Fee and Pedigree upon request.OWNERCLAUDIA PFEFFER P.O. Box 10432, Jefferson, Louisiana 70181 504-737-1729The Pom Reader July 198533Mrp . rp,., 'Cy recious CJetitesVuv- .vis .. .'mwmrrCH. PRECIOUS PETIT RIPLE SUPREMESIRE CH. BEV-NORS FUDGE RIPPLE - DAM BEV-NORS GOLDEN NUGGET Best In Show Specialty winner and multiple Group winner. Riple Supreme is light orange sable, very short backed with a beautiful head. At stud to approved matrons.OWNERCLAUDIA PFEFFER P.O. Box 10432, Jefferson, Louisiana 70181 504-737-1729CH. BELLS HOUSTON STAR PERFORMER...4^l-"-.....CH. BONNERS DARLASTYLE XMAS TOY CH. BONNER'S KRISTIN STARMISTCH. BONNER'S PEPPER K GOLDMIST CH. BELLS TREASURE OF HOUSTONBONNERS STYLE K TREASURE BELLS POPCORN TREASUREWILMA'S BLACKORBY DEBUTANTE CH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD DIAMOND CAN. CH. EMCEE'S TACO SAMBROSO LENNIS CAVILIER TANGIE BELLS WINTER SUNCOLLIER'S GOLDEN WALLY BELLS HAPPY LADY LUCKWILMA'S BLACKORBY DEBUTANTENational Specialty Sweepstakes Winner, Best In Show Multiple Group Winner. Stud Fee 150.00OWNER HANDLED BYSKIP PIAZZA Co-Owned byBreeder THE KENNELS Jon MarcantonioBETTY BELL 527 B Church RoadAvondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266The Pom Reader July 198534B.I.S. CH. SUNGOLD'S DIAMOND STUDCH. MODELS TRULY A DIAMOND CH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD DIAMOND MODEL'S SOLID GOLD CH. MILLBROOKS EL GRAN CABALLERO CH. LIL ELMO OF POINT LOMA CH. MILLBROOKS SUZETTE MILLBROOK'S WHITE FLAIR CH. SUNGOLDS CAMPUS CH. SUNGOLDS CANDY MAN SUNGOLDS DENA SUNGOLD'S PEGGYCH. SUNGOLDS CANDY MAN SUNGOLDS TAMMYCH. SUNGOLDS GAY LINDAAnna Ray LaFortune 3139 Florine Drive Lemon Grove, CA 92045 619 463-2700CH. BONNERS STYLESTEPPER PRESHUS CH. DIXIELANDS STYLESTEPPER DIXIELANDS LITTLE JUDY CH. MILLAMORS MARK OF DIXIELAND CH. CORN DUKE'S DRAGONFLY DIXIELANDS DRAGONFLY DELIGHT MILLAMORS MELODY BOX CH. GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPER AGAIN CH. GREAT ELMS TIMSTOPPER IMAGE GREAT ELMS LINDA CEDARWOODS LINDA LEIGHCH. DENDYS MIRACLE BOY CEDARWOOD'S SWEET SISSY CH. SISSY OF LENETTEPiloted to position of 1 Pom for 1984 by Houston Toddie Clark, Topper is now at home with his owners Mrs. James Coy Jane Johnston.Topper is at stud to approved bitches. Bitches met at Tampa International Airport.COY POMSMrs. James Coy Jane Johnston 3429 Oak View Drive Lakeland, Florida 33803813 644-5389The Pom Reader July 1985MILLAMORAMERICAN CANADIANCH. MILLAMORS ROCK CONCERTCH. JERIBETHS SILVER SPARKLE CH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCKMILLAMORS LULLABYE OTIM SUECH. MILLAMORS ROCK MUSICCH. JERIBETHS DRAGONFLY DEUCEMILLAMORS MARLITTACH. MILLAMORS MINUTE BOY CH. JERIBETHS SILVER SPARKLE CH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCKMILLAMORS LULLABYE OTIM SUEMILLAMORS ROCK ROSETTECH. MILLAMORS MARK OF DIXIELANDMILLAMORS MARRILYNNLOU-LANS APRIL GOLDMILLAMOR POMERANIANS KEN 85 ELEANOR MILLER 5426 Spring Lake Drive Lakeland, Florida 33803 813 646-5864 The Pom Reader July 1985A.VA-Wl'-Jf -'i u.HW. -AvVL'vv -\CjHWwItiJwX i\vJi'Xi vA'V4T V'r m. kIv T 1ir, ., AHigh Performance FoodsCanine Senior is for older dogs. It is scientifically formulated to help older dogs stay active and live longer. By properly restricting protein, salt and minerals while providing greater amounts of essential vitamins and fiber, it helps to compensate for conditions often present in older dogs, such as strain on the heart, kidneys and digestive system.SCIENCEmiil DIETPH POOOUCT5 NC P.O. BOX 148 TOPEKA. KANSAS 66601 913-354-8523Because preventive health care starts with proper nutrition.SDttTsdctCANINEDOG FOODSCENTIHCAliy FORMULATEDdogfocd FOR OLD DOGSFOBFor ordering and price information on a signed and numbered, limited edition print, see page 8