The Pom Reader January 1986
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fiTwJANUARY 198619NC5 4,ik- SPECIALTY BEST IN SHOWCH. PRECIOUS PETITES RIPLE SUPREMEHES BACK...AND TODDIES GOT HIMPANATELLA PRESENTS...ABESi4 ' .-v - j---vT1IlCH. PRECIOUS PETITES RIPLE SUPREMEOwned Loved By PANATELLA POMS D. Doll J. McGinnis 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805Special thanks to CLAUDIA JOE PFEFFER for letting us have this beautiful boyBred byPRECIOUS PETITES Claudia J. PfefferExclusively Handled by Toddie Clark3CHESAI POMERANIANS AM .CAN. announcing a new champion CH. CHESAI STARPUFF VIGNETTEFinished her Canadian Championship with a Group 3 and her American Championship with a 5 point major entry of 27 bitches and Best of Winners entry of 20 dogs a neat finish, folks We are proudNettie makes the third 1985 Champion that was sired by one of our Bonner Boys.Robert Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North512 438-2667 San Antonio, TX 78260 BONNERS STARLYN MODARTStarmist son, Stylepepper grandson Sire of 1985 Champion Ch. Bonners Pendart Challenge Bred by Dorothy Bonner BONNERS TRIBUTE TO TRILETTE 3 times StarmistSire of 1985 Champion Ch. Camelots Evita Bred by Gert Jacoby Karen Holder BONNERS STARPUFF POWER Starmist sonSire of 1985 Champion Am. Can. Ch. Chesai Starpuff VignetteThe Magic of STARMIST Goes On...Nearing Am.Can. titlesMERCERS ALLYSSA OF DOO-SHAY Breder Dan Mercer Owner Shannon Johnson Sired by Chesai Sunpower Cyclone Starmist grandson- i to.air. Swfes^.jOMUW KENNER1. TTaTO C40 UfMts Ufertiy'Stochicn. i dip Ugv. 14,19^5APOLLOETTE MOONLITE GAMBLERGambler is just starting his show career and he is already on a roll.Gambler is pictured going Group 4 from the classes under judge Miss Dorothy Nickles. Thank you also to judge Mr. Thomas Conway who gave him the Breed over specials. We have high hopes for our young boy.Gambler sendS congratulations to his half brother CH. APOLLOETTE EVER READY ROCKY and coownerhandler Jerry Moon on another Group placement Group 3 at Yosemite KC under judge James Moran.We have some quality puppies for sale.Marlene Marlin Presser 209 886-5561 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95205The Pom Reader January 19864Sam tfleacer'rf3c\^asiuaryyVolume1, Number 11ty'Wr v\Vv m HpfiaAd rif avWTABLEOF CONTENTSThe Pom Reader is published by Doll- McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33805, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and All-Breed judges. Direct all inquiries toJoe McGinnis, Editor The Pom Reader 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805 PH.813 858-3839. This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront CoverDuane Doll Joe McGinnis8. VIEW POINT by Victoria PowellThis month Vikki presents Part II of Margie Bartleys excellent article on whelping.10. GENERALLY SPEAKING BY Susan WadeWaste Not...Want Not. Sue says, Re-Cycle.12. SPECIALS ADDITIONThe PR Point System for Champions of Record - FINALS FOR 1985.14. UPDATEThe PR Point System for Exhibitors - FINALS FOR 1985.15. WHATS ZATClaudia Pfeffer says Stick to your Guns when it comes to type16. THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS...WITH POMSBetter late than never...a lighthearted look at Christmas Eve by Barbara Stoffer.17. CALIFORNIA REPORT DOG SHOWSMarlene Presser says help your local club18. CAJUN CHATTERThis month Kathy Masilla takes a look at what antibiotics are Best for Babies.19. ASK SHU-SHUThat little dickens is at it again With a little help from Shannon Johnson.Back Cover Charlotte CreedALLAN, M....................................................11BAUGNIET, S..............................................10BARTHOLOMEW, N. F........................... 15CAPAGRAPHICS........................................13CARSON, M. B........................................11COOK, S......................................................13CREED, C....................................................24DOLL, D......................................................1,2EPPS, N.........................................................7FIDDICK, J..................................................11GODDARD, T. S...................................... 13GRIFFIN, G.................................................11HEARTZ, J. C.......................................... 13HIEMENZ, S...............................................,17HOVEY, J.................................................... 18JOHNSON, S.................................................7LUGINSLAND, J..........................................10MCGINNIS, J..............................................1,2MCKAMEY, N..............................................15MILLER, E................................................... 13NOAHS KINGDOM.......................................5NORRIS, B.................................................. 18PFEFFER, C................................................23PIAZZA, S....................................................13PRESSER, M. M........................................3REEDER, T....................................................7REILLY, R. J.............................................. 3RINEHART, M.D............................................7ROSENBAUM, M.......................................,21ROSS, N......................................................15SANDIFER, D..............................................13STAFFORD, J..............................................13YOUNG, J. B............................................18The Pom Reader January 1986YOUR POMERANIANS GONNA LOVE 5i GNOAHS KINGDOM isa very special line of 100 natural nutritional supplements, treats, foods and grooming aids for pets. We are dedicated to making the purest natural pet products in the world. Once you use Noah's Kingdomr STAM-Xyou will see the amazing difference .they make. Your petwill be happier, healthier and live longer. Hea Ithy dogs look and feel like championsYou have to try Noah's Kingdom to believe itThere is a difference.No Preservatives No coloring agents No chemical additives Here is your chanceSPECIAL of the MONTH ALPHA-BISCUITS for the educated dog100 natural oven-baked Dog Biscuits 1.79per pound reg. 2.49Alpha-Biscuits are made with special herbs to aid digestion. They are also a natural aid to remova I of tartar and keep gums healthy and teeth clean. Your dogs will love them ISend check or money order to NOAHS KINGDOM 233 East 70th Street, Dept. P R 1 New York, NY 10021 Or call toll free 800-223-7503For a free complete brochure of our complete line of product just write or call.WE KNOW YOUll BE GLAD YOU DID6SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITORIf you had a headache on New Years Day, dont come crying to me. I wouldnt think of going out on New Years Eve...because thats when they let all the crazies out. I should know. I used to have to work on New Years Eve.We always dreaded that night. I dont know why, but even the most courteous, polite, peaceful people become, by way of some mystical transformation, Mr. Mrs. Ignoramus on New Years Eve. They scream that they got the wrong table. They scream that they got the wrong food. They scream that the bands too loud. They scream that the bands too quiet. They scream at each other. They scream at their friends. They scream at the waiter. And then, as if by magic...MIDNIGHT Love and kisses Hugs Happy New Year And then they leave, and they say, This is the best New Years weve ever had We would all sit down with a great sigh of relief, glad that it would be another whole year before people came back to be rude again.And we always wished that, some day, we could turn the tables on those people, and behave in a preposterous manner ourselves. If we could, we would say, Get back in line, fellow, or Ill bust you in the chops, or You sit where I tell you to sit, or You eat what I want you to eat, or That food looks good enough for the likes of you, or Forget it lady, I hate that song. Ill sing what I want to sing, or Hey, ugly, get off the dance floor- youre ruining my appetite.Of course, we could never, ever, behave in that way we were just joking or so wesaid. But New Years Eve always gave me a headache. Coming home with a headache one New Years, I had a dream... The Day That Everyone At The Dog Show Behaved Like They Were Out For New Years Eve...Hey you, we shouted, parking lot man Out of the way I made my Reservations a week ago Move it And we screeched on into the parking lot and stole a space from a little old lady. Pushing and shoving our way up to the front door, we shouted, Hey, little kid Carry this grooming table and these crates over there. And dont give me any of your lip As we whooshed our baby powder all around, we said to the lady next to us, Tough, honey. You should know never to wear black at a dog show. Buzz off What a sleazy show site we hollered, as we shouldered our way toIy mlSIthe ring, bumping small dogs out of the way with our feet and walking on the towels meant for dogs to lay on. This stupid club What a jerk the Show Chairman must be we screamed. Sliding peoples chairs over, we muscled our way up to ringside. Give us our armbands, like right now, buster - you can mark your book later we yelled at the ring steward. And then we spied the judge. We smiled, and we said to each other, real loud, Doesnt she look lovely today, and Not one minute older than she looked fifteen years ago, and Im just showing ONE DOG TODAY., and Didnt you win the Group at the LAST FIFTEEN SHOWS. Then we winked at each other, and smirked.Just then, the parking lot man walked up to the judge. See you later, dear He said. And the Show Chairman walked up to the judge. Sis, would you like some coffee And a lady with a black suit with white splotches walked up and said, Mother, Ill pick you up after youre through judging. And a little boy walked upand said, Grandma, Im going home. My back hurts. Then the ring steward said to us, All right, folks, come on in. Its time for you to be judged. ...we woke up in a cold sweat - with a Real Bad Headache. Of course, two of my favorite events of the dog year are coming up...the January Florida Circuit and the Garden. Between these two trips you get to see almost everybody, and thats always lots of fun. Rumor has it that Jeanne Stafford will be down to Florida for the circuit, Charlotte Patterson always makes an appearance, Sue Wade will be around, and Vikki Powell is arriving this very evening Lots of Pom Reader people to party in the Florida Sun We also have plans to watch the videotape of the APC Specialty in Houston - courtesy of Claudia Joe Pfeffer. Remember our interview with Barbara Jarmoluk when she said, People tell me that Im a fast judge. The other day we watched the Specialty tape in fast forward...It was absolutely hilarious I thought I was going to die from laughing. Lots of wins to everybody One quick note...we have many, many people living here in Florida whose reflexes may not be quite as quick as yours, so if youre driving, think ahead. Happy New Year to everyone Til February...POMS AWAYJoe rrr, cottrre, iynftajThe Pom Reader January 19867ALLYSSA \,esTGROUPPSSEX CWkBWO-ClUBMERCERS ALLYSSA OF DOO-SHAYShes impressive Shes expressive Shes adorable and she is leaving her mark wherever she goes. Thank you to Dan Mercer, the breeder of this exciting little bitch.OwnerSHANNON JOHNSON 6270 TRIPP ROAD HOLLY, MICHIGAN 48442 313634-1331Affectionately Handled ByDavid B. Gibbons 25313 Mary Taylor, Michigan 48180De Arta and Oakridge Kennels presents our Newest ChampionMl IBEST 0 BREED VAIVMID - DEL-TINKER KENNEL CLUB 1985PHOTO BT PETRULISCH. TANGO DANCER OF OAKRIDGEPictured here winning Best of Breed over several Champions for 5 points - Thank you, judge Dorothy Nickles. Tango Dancer finished on the Arkansas circuit 3 weeks later with Best of Winners for 5 points, thank you judge A1 Williamson, and another Best of Breed over 8 Champions for last 5 points and on to Group 3. Thank you judge Lorraine Heichel Masley.Nina Epps OAKRIDGE KENNELS R 4, Box 48XEl Dorado Springs, MO 64744M. Deane Rinehart DE ARTA KENNELS 422 W. Fairchild Drive Midwest City, OK 73110The Pom Reader January 1986ViewPointVICTORIA POWELLWHELPING by Margie Bartley edited and presented by Vikki Powell PART IIThis month I am pleased to present Part II of a three-part series on whelping written by AKC judge and Toy breeder Margie Bartley.Last month we left off just at the point of delivery of the first pup. This month we will cover the actual delivery of the litter, how to do it, and what potential problems to watch for. And now, on with Part II...In the early stages of labor, the first light contractions may not always be evident or they may be accompanied by panting, chills, or slight shivers. Soon afterwards, you should begin seeing definite contractions or be able to feel them rippling down her torso. If this is her first litter, she may be as apprehensive as you are sinse she is unfamiliar with what is happening, also. She may even whimper some, but this should not be confused with a cry of actual pain. Talk to her, stroke her gently and reassure her that you are there and that you will see this ordeal through together. Generally, this will have a calming effect and she may even rest some through the beginning contractions.Dont become alarmed if she doesnt produce a puppy within the first hour or two. The exception to this rule is if she is having hard contradtions andor straining. Do not let this type of labor continue for longer than an hour or an hour and a half at most without consulting your vet. It is preferable that the vet see her at this time, in case she is in need of a Caesarian Section due to any number of problems. This could be necessitated by a larger-than-usual puppy, a small pelvic opening, a breech backward presentation, or a deformed or dead puppy. Strangely enough, a dead puppy is often more difficult to deliver than a live one. One litter many years ago we had a bitch deliver four pups freely and had to have her sectioned to get the dead one outIf the bitch is cooperating at this point by doing things in accordance with normal circumstance, then she will be in a steady labor pattern, i.e., having rhythmic contractions, 3 or 4 in a row every 2 to 3 minutes. At this point, a bubble may appear outside her vulva or she may beThe Pom Reader January 1986dilated enough that it will be visible at the opening of the vulva. If it is outside, the bubble may be the size of a marble or even as large as a ping pong ball. There will be fluid within this bubble and you may be able to discern the head or feet of the whelp. DO NOT BREAK OR PULL ON THIS BUBBLE It is the sac of the first puppy and does not normally appear again with the rest of the litter. Even though this bubble may be visible, it could be an hour or longer before the puppy is fully delivered. However, if it has not been delivered within one hour it is time for you to talk with your vet. If you must take your bitch in to the hospital at this point, try to have someone accompany you. If you cant, I place the bitch in a large laundry basket and keep it near me on the car seat so I can see her at all times.Once the first puppy has actually been delivered, this is the procedure for assistance to the bitch and pups. As soon as the pup arrives, your primary goal is to get it breathing on its own as quickly as possible.[Most Pekes are not good at removing the sac from the newborns face. Assume that you will have to do this and as soon as the pup is delivered, break the sac by pulling it apart with your fingers up around the nose and peel it back over the head and down to the neck area to free up the head area for your ministrations. You now must clear the nose, throat, and lungs so the pup may breathe.] There are those who sling the puppy to clear the nose, throat and lungs however, I was not taught this method and would never attempt it. To those of you who have mastered it, great continued next page9WHELPING PART II continued[Slinging is the method of clearing the passages whereby the pup is placed face down between the palms of both hands and slung downwards, causing the passages to empty. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS METHOD WITHOUT A VET OR TRAINED PERSON TO SHOW YOU HOW It is very easy to lose your grip on a pup if you do not know how to properly sling it.]I was taught by my vet to use an ear syringe, but before you use it you need to separate the placenta from the pup. We clamp a hemostat available from your vet to the placenta which is still attached to the bitch usually and another to the cord near the belly of the pup about an inch away is good and cut between the two hemostats. This gives you the baby to work with and you can return to the bitch after you get the baby breathing with either the slinging or ear syringe method. If you dont have hemostats you can use snap- type clothes pins that have been sterilized. I leave the hemostat attached and safely tucked under the puppys tummy while I am removing the fluids from the nose, throat and mouth.Now, for removing the fluids with the ear syringe once the membrane sac has been removed from the face dont worry about the rest of it at this point take the ear syringe check with your vet where to obtain one, depress the bulb of the syringe and insert the tip of the syringe into the puppys mouth about half way back. Release the pressure on the bulb an let it refill with air and the fluid and mucous. Squeeze the bulb onto a paper towel to rid it of its contents, then depress it again and repeat the process. Do the same at the puppys nostrils depress the bulb and hold it at the nostril opening. This will clear the nose and more of the throat. It only takes a few times to remove the major portion of the fluids and then the puppy begins to squeak and cry.Now that the puppy is breathing more or less freely, you can slow down in your frantic ministrations and take the time to remove the rest of the sac and rub the puppy dry. By now the homostat has stopped the bleeding of the severed umbilical cord and you remove the instrument. If the cord is too long you can pinch it back closer to the belly, hold firmly for a couple of minutes and them remove the excess. Vivan Longacre was the one who showed us this method. Usually just the extreme pressure of your fingers will stop any bleeding from the umbilical cord. In the event that it doesnt, you may tie the cord if you desire 1 found my bitches chewed at the cord if it was tied or use a pinch of blood-cotting powder on the end of the severed cord. This time is a good time also to check for cleft palates by taking the tip of your ear syringe and checking the roof of the pups mouth and far back along the sides. This is an excellent implement for this chore since it is smaler than ones smallest finger. It is also softer and more plyable.Now you need to safely place the puppy in a warm dry place so he is not in the way of the next delivery. We use a small rectangular plastic dishpan with a heating pad ON LOW for this. If there was an interval between them and the bitch was anxious over them, we placed them with her to lick and nurse as time permitted, removing them when another birth was imminent. If she was tired or disinterested and we had the time, we dried and rubbed them more between puppies and if they were hungry we fed them a few drops of warmed goats milk formula.With the first pup settled and healthy, you need to get back to the bitch. If the hemostat or clothes pin is still attached to the placenta which is usually still inside the bitch, it cant slip back inside her to be retained. To remove the placenta, use a paper towel to grasp the placenta and tug GENTLY on the cord this usually serves to loosen it and it is expelled. If not, simply leave the hemostat in place and the afterbirth, cord and all, will usually be expelled with the next puppy. Be sure you have one afterbirth per puppy so that one is not retained which will cause infection later. Some people prefer to let the bitch eat at least one of the afterbirths, saying it brings down their milk faster weve done it both ways and have seen no difference in the supply of milk or when it was released.If a puppy is delivered head first there is usually no problem, for one the larger head is passed the rest of the pup easily follows. If it is born feet first there may be a problem with the head getting stuck in the pelvic opening. The sac will be slippery and wet, as will the puppy if the sac has ruptured and the puppy is not enclosed in it. Take a clean towel and grasp as much of the puppy as possible, then GENTLY but firmly pull out and downward at the same time. NEVER JERK HARD OR PULL STRAIGHT BACK - you may break the puppys neck. If this gentle action doesnt release the head you may need to use vaseline or KY jelly and very gently insert a finger on either of the puppy and free the head, thereby releasing the pup for delivery. If the pup is belly-up instead of belly-down you may also turn the puppy, release the head and then deliver it using this method.[There are countless dog books that have chapters written in great detail about whelping. It is always advisable to consult as many as possible to glean more information, especially if this is your first litter.]Some puppies are born screaming and kicking while others are lethargic and seemingly lifeless. Regardless, in addition to your hemostats, Ky jelly, Kwik-stop, paper towels, and other things mentioned, you should have numerous ter- rycloth towels on hand. Use these to give the newborns a brisk rubdown once you have cleared the fluids from their noses, removed the rest of the sac, and made sure the cord isnt bleeding. Hold the pup in your hand and rub briskly all over. Dont be afraid of hurting them - just rub well until it yells and if there is time, I rub until they are dry and crying with each stroke.Well, this concludes part II of our series - next time we will cover the remainder of the delivery and some more things to watch for, and also what to do with the little cuties now that they are safely here.HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL VPDWrite to Mrs. Powell atVictoria Powell 3797 Honey Run Road Paradise, CA 95969The Pom Reader January 198610' GENERALLY SPEAKINGSusan Wade rVWI must be a rebel at heart - had I been living in 1860, I probably would have been a Southern sympathizerWe are truly living in a Throw-Away Society - have you ever kept track of all the things you throw away Somewhere I read that we Americans throw away enormous amounts of paper, plastics and food. Shame Some months ago I decided to rebel - besides making me feel better, I found that some of these things are quite economical, too. It irritates me no end to find that I have misplaced a spray bottle again and have to buy one at a showWe all know about re-cycling newspapers, dont we If you operate in organized chaos the way I do, you must have been caught with blankets in the dryer when the thermometer dipped - right Those newspapers come in handy for shredding for bedding. Dont throw away the core from a roll of paper towels - they make great mailers for pedigrees Save the little plastic bags that enclosed your newspapers - they are great for cleaning up after your dog Sure they are - slip your hand down into the plastic, pick up the calling card, turn the plastic wrong side out and down over your hand - VoilaFor heavens sake, dont throw away your old towels Fold them to fit your crate, stitch back and forth a la quilting and you have a pad. You can, if you wish, slip this pad inside a baby-size pillow case, the just toss the case into the washerQuilted bed pads do become worn. When they do, mine get relegatqd to the whelping pen. Cut a double-sized one in half lengthwise, cover the raw edge with bias tape, fold in half, and you have a great pad washable bleachable for the whelping pen and for puppies to crawl around on for their first few weeks. I use the puppy pens with the mesh floors and little feet will go through for about three weeks.All containers - medical and otherwise - get a thorough checking before they are tossed. Plastic bottles with eye droppers are great containers for almost any liquid medication. If you are like most dog people, you buy things in quantity - liquid vitamin supplements by the gallon, powdered supplements by the five-pound container. All of these things have to go with you to the shows, so check your containers Margarine tubs They will hold anything from cotton balls to brewers yeast powder. I discovered a couple of pill bottles that are perfect for cotton swabs and a taller one for cotton bals. They fit into my tack box perfectly.Spray bottles are my downfall. So many of them dont work very long... you pump and pump or squeeze and squeeze and nothing comes out The very best spray bottle I have everhad, came into the house containing bathroom spray cleaner After emptying it and soaking off the label, I let it soak for a lonnnnngggg time to remove any traces of cleaner. They work great and are flat rather than round and take up much less room in the tack box.My favorite re-cycle is my filing system for magazines. I was very fortunate to acquire a rather complete set of breed magazines. All these magazines plus Gazettes are used constantly in my research projects and I got pretty tired of finding the magazine I wanted on the bottom of the pile or behind the shelves where it had fallen. My solution Detergent boxes The Giant Size will usually accomodate most magazines. Cut off the top, measure about halfway down the narrow side and cut from that point diagonally up to the top on both sides of the box, cut across the narrow side and you have a magazine container just like the ones at the libary. If you find them somewhat less than attractive - cover them with contac paper. Coffee cans covered with contac are good airtight containers.Look around you and examine things with re-use in mind. Let us know if you have some good ones Happy Re-cyclingSusan Wade Rt. 1. Box 340. Auburndale. FL 33823LLL KENNELS Janice LuginslandRoute 1, Box 97, Americus, KS 66835 Ph. 316-443-5157rommsH KovelsPOMERANIANS NORWICH TERRIERSIRISH SETTERSBREEDERS OF 36 POMERANIAN CHAMPIONS,27 Norwich Terrier Champions, 1 Irish Setter Champion11224 County Hyw. B Mishicot, Ik is. 54228.Dick Sally Baugniet Phone 414 - 755-2994The Pom Reader January 198611POM ACRES KENNEL''x-4 77.ACh. Shy Acres FKan Too xYap Yap Clemntine O Great Elms Female Whelped 10-20-85 - out of a litter of three.Robert Juanita Fiddick R.R. 4, Cedar Falls, 1A 50613 319-989-2199 STARLITE POMERANIANS PresentsStarlites Miss Butterscotch Winning her first major second show - San Joaquin KC, Stockton, CA, November 85. BreederHandled Sire Sim Fox Skree Marr.Dam Ch. Starlites Lucky Shanticy. Butterscotch Shantastic full sisters are for sale Gayle L. Griffin9125 Dejong Road Amity, Oregon 97101ALLAYNSProudly PresentsiMCH. LLL DAZZLIN GOLD KOQUETTEpending AKC confirmationCookie finished with her 3rd major and BOS over specials. She is a super-sound, typey girl with a lovely temperament. Bright as well as beautiful, she will out in the Obedience ring in the spring. Come and cheer her on She is currently bred to CH. LLL MOONGOLD TRAPPER.Thank you to the judges that saw her merit, and very special thanks to JANICE LUGINSLAND for allowing a novice to have both this lovely girl and her litter sister CH. LLL DAZZLIN GOLD KRISSY. What better foundation could I ask forMary Allan2508 E. Tacoma Street Broken Arrow, OK 74014EMCEES POMERANIANS-v-------- ^LBtry.Ch. Emcees Solid Gold DiamondTICOA Top Producer of 6 Champions in 1985 A Top Producer of 5 Champions in 1984HAPPY NEW YEARMorris Betty Carson9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 23233 Ph. 804 798-7977The Pom Reader January 198612--------- SPECIALS ADDITION ------------TOPTEN SPECIALS DOGS TOP TEN SPECIALS BITCHESFINALS FOR 1985Presently we find a number of Poms making their im- BEST IN SHOW All Breeds 500pact in Specials competition. In order to keep you in- BEST IN SHOW Specialty 250formed as to the progress of these hard-working BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty 75members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you TOY GROUP FIRST 250SPECIALS ADDITION. TOY GROUP SECOND 150SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system TOY GROUP THIRD 75of the Top Ten Pomeranian dogs and Top Ten Pomera- TOY GROUP FOURTH 25nian bitches in the United States. Rules for the rating BEST OF BREED 10system are as follows. BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX All Breed 5Breed points not to be confused with Championship NOTE The only exception will be BISS will be worthpoints are allotted to CHAMPIONS OF RECORD ac- 10 points, and BOSS will be worth 5 points, until a totalcording to the hightest placement received in any given of three wins are published for that dog.AKC show. Statistician Susan Wade. The following is the listingA number of points has been allotted to the various of the Top Ten DOGS AND Top Ten BITCHES as of placements, and they are as follows the DECEMBER 1985 AKC GazetteDOGSPOINTS NAME BISA BISS BOSS i n m IV BOB BOS10360 Ch. D-Nees Darin Duffie 4 5 - 15 14 li 6 25 25765 Ch. Coys Top of the Mark 3 - 10 7 8 3 3 3110 Ch. HerdsLittle Yo Yo - - 3 8 11 4 15 31790 Ch. Daisys Lil Bit of Jabil - - 3 2 4 6 29 11525 Ch. Bi Mar Sundance Kid - - 6 - - 1 - 1210 Ch. PreciousPetites Gabriel - - 1 4 - 2 6 1205 Ch. SungoldDiamond Stud 1 - - 1 3 3 17 1180 Ch. GalaxysStar Dancer Two Ts - - 2 2 4 5 18 1160 Ch. PatricksMr. Larry - - 2 1 2 7 17 3850 Ch. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine - - 1 1 3 4 6 2BITCHES705 Ch. Southlands Toast To Bev-Nor - - - 1 - 2 2 10 22350 Ch. Hi Times Kaleidoscope - - - - 1 1 1 3 14270 Ch. Emcees Chicquita D-Oro - - - 1 - - - 1 2265 Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tan-Ya - - - - - 1 1 1 6175 Ch. Queenaire Glory Huntress - - 1 - - - 6 8170 Ch. Karlee Holiday Flare 2 1 2160 Ch. Cordies Tandy De-Cole - - - - - 3 1 1155 Ch. My Ways Stormy NightDreamer - - - 2 _ - 180 Ch. Mike Mars Sophie Mae - - - - _ _ 1 3 580 Ch. Southlands Toast To Prancer - - _ . _ 1 _ _ 180 Ch. Tim Sues Angel Sabrina - - - - - 1 - - 1tie placements alphabeticalThe Pom Reader January 198613NOW AVAILABLECUSTOMIZEDSTATIONERY ENVELOPES PEDIGREE FORMSWe specialize in personalized paper goods for all your needs. We can use your present logo, or design a new one for you, featuring the beautiful head studies of artist Nancy Ross.Only top quality bond used - at below market rates.Fast, efficient service of your dog lovers for dog lovers.For information and prices, write'AViCIOTHE POM READER 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33805kMillamosiEleanor Ken Miller - Ph. 813 646-5864 5426 Spring Lake Dr. Lakeland. FL 33802ICERAMA POMERANIANSCH. BELLS HOUSTON STAR PERFORMERSKIP PIAZZA Co-OwnerProfessional Handler Jon MarcantonioTHE KENNELS 527 B Church Road Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266j\ew 9ea^Hope to see you all at the Show in New YorkDesaree Sandifer 509 Gastonia Street704 865-0598 Gastonia, NC 28052TIM SUE POMERANIANSBreeding for qualityChampions at stud - Puppies OccasionallyTIM SUE GODDARD 19719 RICE LAKE LANE 713 492-0849 HOUSTON, TX 77084Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitchesJean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia, Ocala, Florida 32676 904 237-1636Windjammer PomeraniansCh. Millamors Fm A Windjammer at stud.Puppies expected late spring. We Feed Science Diet Bob Jeanne Stafford 1436 Powers Court616683-0214 Niles, MI 49120john e. heaftzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADAPOMS A SPECIALTY P.O. BOX 1259, TRURO, N.S. CANADA PHONE 902 895-7427The Pom Reader14- UPDATE TOPTEN EXHIBITORSFINALS FOR 1985Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the UnitedEXHIBITORE. GIRARDOT J. LUGINSLAND G. HODSON A. CANNON S. BAUGNIET J. KLEINC. EDWARD G. GRIFFIN E. MILLER L. CLARKD. W.ROACHStates is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until November.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points Eire allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS THE LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE DECEMBER 1985 AKC GAZETTE.POINTS8976715756544544424040The Pom Reader January 198615WHATS ZATClaudia PfefferJeanne, you asked wheres zat whats zat column Here it isHere are a few words of wisdom from a bystander who is really not in Poms at all. This person owns one Pom female and bred to one of my males...and got 1 black male, one BT female, one creme and sable female, and one orange sable female. Wow All those femalesAll the pups are healthy and nearly 6 weeks old. So,I said to her How did you get four Most of mine would only have one or two pups. Her answer to my question was How close are you breeding your line" I said CLOSE. She told me to buy one of her females and cross with mine. I immediately told her But I want to keep TYPE Her reply was Type is no good if they are all dead. Perhaps too close breeding does make weak pups, but I think size has a lot to do with the amount of pups. However, I must say I did get 3 pups out of a 412 pound female. for thought. Just what do you want to achieve when you are breeding Decide that and proceed. Do you want quality, type, or are you interested in quantity I will gladly settle for one good show prospect over three average pups. I think most of us are striving for the betterment of the breed, but we all have a preference when it comes to type.Its just as easy to love a beautiful specimen of the breed as opposed to a not-so-niceStick to your gunslOmmClaudia Pfeffer P.O. Box 10432 Jefferson, LA 70181LABRADORS SM. FOX TERRIERSBANDBOXCh. Stud Service in Cream-Orange 8s Red Sable Puppies For Show and Companion OccasionallyNANCY FOREST BARTHOLOMEW SR. ROUTE 1, BOX 182, OLA, AR 72853 501-489-5733Pet Portraitsp-, ----\K '' YCALL OR WRITE FORFREE FULL-COLOR BROCHUREDept. OE 1559 82nd Street718 331-9523 Brooklyn, NY 11228MCKAMEYS SUNDAWN KENNELS0CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL STYLESTEPPER AT STUDCH. MILLAMOR MOONROCK CH. DAJA JUSTA ROCKSAMPLEHOODS SWEET COOKIE PTD.CH. KEN GAY CAVALIER JOE CH. MCKAMEYS CAVALIER'S PEPPER MCKAMEYS LITTLE DUTCHESS MCKAMEYS IDEAL CONQUEST CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL STYLESTEPPER KRYSTALS CHERRY KIJAFA CH. MCKAMEYS ENCHANTING PEPPER CH. MCKAMEYS ENCHANTING BEN JO MCKAMEYS BLOSSOM JOCH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL PERFECTIONCH. MCKAMEYS JUST A HONEYPuppies for breeding, show ring, or loveable pets, allpopular lineage. Bloodlines include Cavaliers,Sungolds, Millamor, Bonner, Crieder, Hood, Cherokee, Emcees, Great Elms, Aristic, Model, Brown,Disicland, English Hadleighs, Preservenes, ^keVa.MRS, NORRIS MCKAMEYR.R. 1, BOX 185 Bettendorf, Iowa 52722Phone 3191 332-5809The Pom Reader January 198616The Night Before Christmas...with PomsBarbara StofferTwas the night before Christmas at our Pom house all our little friends were quiet - even their toy mouseTiny stocking all hung by the fireplace with care waiting for Santa to come - if he dareThe poms were all nestled - curled up in their beds while visions of liver treats danced in their heads Jennifer beside me, curled up in a ball Joshua snoozed in the toy box in the hall.When out in the yard there was such a great clatter The Poms all jumped up - to see what was the matter I ran to the window, as fast as 1 could With the little ones barking - more than they shouldThe moon shown like diamonds on new fallen snow Giving brightness of day to all objects below.Rubbing my eyes and suppressing a yawn,I blinked - as I saw what appeared on our lawn.There was a tiny sleigh - and to it was hitched eight lovely small Poms - it must be bewitched The little old driver did not even pauseI knew right away - it must be Santa ClausFaster than huskies, his coursers, they cameAnd he whistled and shouted and called them by name...Now Pinto, now Dandy, now Cavalier, now Coy on Duffie, on Rocky, on Nugget Sir RoyLike dry leaves that before the fall storms do fly The eight tiny Poms flew up towards the skyAnd then in a moment, without any flaws,We heard on the rooftop the sound of their pawsI toned from the window, my Poms all around then Santa Claus dropped in - not making a sound He was dressed all in red, with white furry trim and a little bit of soot - all over himHis eyes, how they twinkled - he smiled with delight as he spied my Little ones checking him out, this night.With his pleasant big smile and his snowy white beard They realized Santa was not to be feared.He did not take long - and he never did speakAs me and my little friends were taking our peek He filled all the stockings, then toned one last time,As if to bid goodbye - before his upward climb.What a jolly little fellow - even Jennifer thought so- As we watched him getting ready to go.He touched his finger to the side of his nose and magically, up the chimney he roseInto his sleigh he jumped, and fastened his sashHe whistled to his team - they were gone in a flashThen we heard a voice calling, as his Poms took him away MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL...AND HAPPY NEW YEARS DAYThe Pom Reader January 1986Ms. Stoffer is a Pom fancier from Alliance, Ohio17CALIFORNIA NEWSDOG SHOWSMarlene PresserSeasons Greetings...with the Holidays upon us, many of us are still out there showing our Poms. Last year on Christmas Day, we were talking to close friends, and my husband asked them what would they be doing on Christmas Day if they could choose to do anything they wanted. Their answer...We would be at a dog show. I guess a lot of us probably feel the same way.oI would like everyone to take a moment and think about who puts on an AKC licensed dog show. You probably think to yourself, The Club putting on the show and AKC are the ones doing the show., and you are right. But have you ever stopped to think that the licensed shows need people to do this, that without help from their membership, there would be no dog showsMy husband was just Show Chairman me, the wife...the silent worker for a show here in California with a total entry of 2,879 dogs - not a small show. This was the first time for one of us to chair an All-Breed dog show. There is a lot of work and the committees must work and co-operate together. You must be sure all your paper work is received by AKC at the proper time, try to line up judges so many judges are booked several years in advance the paper work that must go to your superintendent in time, and so many other things. Each and every job, item, etc., must be taken care of at the right time and in the right way.Without the members who volunteer to help the club in putting on their show, there would be no dog show. And if only a few people have to do all the work, it gets to be a major project for those few workers.Please help your kennel club or breed club in any way possible, even if you dont know anything about putting on a show...get in there and learn the dogs clubs need working and caring members, and just think of the education and fun you can have, tooMy Congratulations to all the All-Breed and Breed clubs, and members for jobs well done in putting on their licensed shows - without you there couldnt be a show.HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL'n Marlene Presser21789 E. Hwy. 4Stockton, CA 95205In Memory ofJusta Sashaying Susie 9-4-82 5-24-855 points, Best of Breed winnerand her 2 beautiful puppies died due to an overdose of anaesthesia during C-sectionJusta Poms extends our deepest appreciation to Joe McGinnis, Duane Doll, and Sally Baugniet for their concern over our tragic loss, and subsequent publication of excellent articles on Caesarian section. Hopefully, through this information no more Pom owners will suffer the needless tragedy of losing their beloved Poms to improperEll6Stll6SlESHARON HIEMENZ Rt 1, Remington Road 904 437-2190 Ormond Beach, FL 32074The Pom Reader.All about Poms and Pom People12 Months - 12 Issues 24.00 third class post40.00 first class post Overseas rates upon requestADVERTISING RATESin U.S. DollarsAD SIZE OPEN RATE CONTRACTFull Page 120.00 96.00Half Page 65.00 53.0014 Page 35.00 27.0018 Page 20.00 16.00116 Page 12.00 8.00Full Color is avaiable at S250.00 additional per page. Ads 14 page and larger include one photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each.Contract advertisers may take advantage of contract rate regardless of change in ad size or content from month to month. Contract advertisers receive a FREE subscription. Make checks payable to tfunuer864Q Beverly HillsLakeland, FL 33805 813 858-2639The Pom Reader January 198618CAJUN CHATTERKathy MasillaHappy New Year In most cities, its getting back to business as usual, but here in New Orleans, the new year signals the beginning of Carnival Season with its nightly balls and galas culminating in 3 weeks of parades and madness before the start of the Lenten season.Ive had several phone calls from different breeders concerning puppies, asking which antibiotics are safe to use with very young babies who are suffering with diarrhea. One thing to remember with very young puppies is that their intestinal flora usually doesnt settle until they are roughly 10 days to 2 weeks old, and that stools will be sometimes soft or slightly loose. There is no cause for alarm as long as the stools do not stink and do have a brown caramel or yellow color, and the puppies are quiet, nurse well and continue to gain weight. A greenish or foul-smelling stool accompanied by redness around the anal area and crying puppies usually indicat an infection in the digestive tract. The safest and most effective antibiotic for young puppies is Amoxycillin, given in drop form. It will not hurt the babies, and the problem usually clears up without taking the puppies from the mother. Ive recently used a product called Bene-bac put out by Bordens to help settle the stomachs of young babies at the onset of weaning, but it can also be used to treat stomach upset in newborns, and diarrhea in adults. Its a paste containing cultures of lactobacillus and vitamins, and it does work very well.In general I try to avoid giving the babies anything unless abolutely necessary. Amoxicillin is the only totally safe antibiotic I know for use in baby puppies. Other antibiotics may affect kidneys, tooth color, or tax other major organs, so I would not recommend them unless prescribed by a veterinarian.I got a nice surprise in the mail the other day. My friend Muriel Porciello Chaylo had sent me two lovely ice pack covers cleverly made from bath towels. The ends are sewn together to form an envelope which the ice pack slips into. They look easy to make and they do help keep the dog dry while letting him stay cool, so a big merci beaucoup to you, MurielI also had the chance to chat with Patty Sacco for a while, and in the midst of discussing other problems, she mentioned the loss of puppies due to hyaline membrane disease. I recently lost a puppy myself with the same problem. This is primarily a condition occurring in premature human babies, but it happens in dogs also. The lungs are not fully developed and usually fill with fluid, killing the infant or puppy. It is nothereditary as this would not occur had the pup or infant been carried full term, giving the lungs the chance to develop. The tragedy with this is that in puppies it can kill after the pup is beyond 3 weeks of age, when the breeder has had the chance to get emotionally attached to the puppy. Another thing Patty and I talked about was the use of Mucomyst in the eyes to help heal an ulcer. It is a rather expensive drug, expires quickly, and can cause serious side effects in some animals and should not be used longer than a few days.Well, thats about it from us in Cajun Land. May the New Year bring you all many wins and healthy litters, and see you next month.Kathy Verdi Masilla 969 Porteous Street, New Orleans, LA 70124Pomeranians Shih Tzu Ch. Stud Service Puppies OccasionallyJessie Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Rd.603 435-8731 Loudon, NH 03301JDs Pompous PomsNow residing in California. Our temporary address is8733 Calva, Leona Valley, CA 93551CH. CIRCLE M COMES A HOSSMAN standing at stud. Stud fee 150.00. Bitches met at L.A.X.Janet Hovey, JDs Pompous PomsBEV-NOR POMS - Home of CH. BEV-NORS TOASTEDFUDGE 1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983, 24 BIS, 5 Specialty Bests, Sire of top winning Female 1984, and 1st Black Tan to go B.I.S.A., Chs, Multiple Group Winners. Stud Fee 200.00 limited to 20 bitches per year AND CH. THELDUNS ALMOND FUDGE sire of 23 Chs, BIS Dogs, Group, and Specialty winners. A Top Producer every year. Stud Fee 250.00 limited to 15 bitches per year. Make your reservations now, as they will be on a limited basis effective Nov 1, 85to Nov 1, 86.. Bev Norris, 301-255-1343, 7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122The Pom Reader January 198619S77iom tfleaceriour iSAotchcae' of ur-3reclan tfieadeJULY 1985fc yKSNBtoi _________ - - '-L CH. L-RS MONTY ROCK OF M1LLAMORm Pleaderer Yvjou-'1 --y.ftV K1Ca D-NEE'S DARIN DUFF1E12 Months - 12 Issues AD SIZE OPEN RATE CONTRACT24.00 third class post Full Page 120.00 96.0040.00 first class post Half Page 65.00 53.00Overseas rates upon request 14 Page 35.00 27.00Back issues available 3.00 18 Page 20.00 16.00ADVERTISING RATES 116 Page 12.00 8.00in U.S. Dollars Preferred positions by reservation only Front Cover 250.00Back Cover 150.00Full Color is avaiable at 250.00 additional per page. Ads 14 page and larger include one photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. Contract advertisers may take advantage of contract rate regardless of change in ad size or content from month to month. Contract advertisers receive a FREE subscription.Specialty Clubs may take advantage of the contract rate at any time.DEADLINES The deadline for each issue of the Pom Reader is the tenth of the month prior to publication date i.e., July tenth for the August issue. The magazine is published on the tenth day of the month. Ad received after deadline will be published in the next available issue.8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805 Telephones813 858-2639 or 813 858-3839The Pom Reader January 198620S i f^IsA SAa-SAaThe following has been rated I I insulting and insolent. Please dont take a personal offense against Shu-Shus comtemptuous conduct. Continue to write - we love hearing from you, each and every one of you. Letters may be condensed to fit available space.Dear Shu-ShuI need some quick answers before my family decides to kick me out. How does one get pregnant Im 4 years old and I havent had any puppies for them yet. My family keeps planning, but nothing happens. All I give them is a big stud bill. HelpSam Birmingham, MlDear SamThere are two different ways. One is mate, the other, female. Im not so sure which category you fall into Are youLove,Dear Shu-Shu w^ JAm^SAmI understand that you haven't acquired any points toward your Championship Can you tell us anything about your accomplishments in obedience titlesSignedDear NO Can you tell us your name and address Love,Dear Shu-ShuI have had 8 babies in the past 3 litters. All were C-sections. What are my chances for another C-section They are so painful and such an expense to my owners. Is there any way I can avoid this procedure againBessieRye, NYSAm-iSmn.Dear BessieYes. CELIBACYLove,mdAui -d'lMDear Shu-ShuIm in real trouble now. I ran away from home again and got into the neighbors trash. They have the best garbage in the world. What do you think the family will do to me this timeBrick Oklahoma City, OKDear BrickNot your first offense, eh Second offenders should become garbage and therefore unable to indulge. Good thing Im not your family.Love,mUAn.-dAa' -ait-SHU-SHU SHANNON'SAtM-^yur and dAansion[Ed. note Shu-Shu has embarrassed her family so much this past year that they were forced to leave town Send your letters to Shu-Shu Shannon Johnson at their new address 6270 Tripp Road, Holly, MI 48442 -JMcG]The Pom Reader January 1986STORKREPORT21ARTWORK BY CHRIS HEARTZPUT yourYLMJH S_owPHOTO HEREPUT YOUR DOGS NAME HEREYOUR WIN INFORMATION HERE,YOUR NAME HERE-and put the savings in your pocketPRICE 18.00h\ EVERYONE ABOUT YOUR NEWEST LITTER OF SHOW-STOPPERSSubmit date of birth, sire dam, how many males females, your name, address phone. Then sit back and wait for the calls to flow in_____________ PRICE 10.00LITTER WHELPED 12-14-85Sire Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge RippleDam Little Miss FancyOne Male.Claudia Pfeffer, P.O. Box 10432, Jefferson, LA 70181FOR SALE Red sable male, sired by CH. TOMANOLLS TINY TEDDY BEAR and out of a black tan female. Great Elms bloodlines Proven producer. Huge coat and baby face with small ears. 600.00 Orange sable female, has show points and was Reserve Winners Bitch at the APC National Summer Specialty in 1980. In whelp to BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID. Free whelper. 700.00 Red female, Champion sired. Dam of CH. VALCOPY WAKHAN TALLY-HO. Great Elms bloodlines. Free whelper. 500.00 Red-orange female, full sister to BI-MAR KATE dam of CH. SANDTOWNS BI-MAR APRIL, who finished at 10 months old from the puppy class, going Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex over specials at the APC Specialty 1984. 500.00 Red orange male, whelped 6-4-85. Full brother to CH. SANDTOWNS BI-MAR APRIL and sired by BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID. Show prospect. 500.00 Red orange male, whelped 7-4-85. Full brother to CH. BI-MAR BIT OF TASSAJARA. Sired by BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID. Show prospect. 450.00 Three extra nice male puppies that are sired by BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID. Repeat breeding that produced BI-MAR SHAWN who won Best in Sweepstakes at the Columbia Pomeranian Specialty. 300.00 500.00We have several other females that will be sold after they are bred.BI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum Phones36520 28th Avenue South 206-838-6397Federal Way, Washington 98003 206-927-2369The Pom Reader January 198622COMING IN MARCH...THE ANNIVERSARY ISSUEWhat Happened This Year...What We Hope For Next YearS'"1nf J J , V3 US.Help celebrate the Anniversary of the PR with an ad telling about your kennel, your favorite dogs, your best news this past year, your puppy hopefuls for the coming yearSPECIAL RATESFULL PAGE 90.00 HALF PAGE 49.00DEADLINE FEBRUARY 10th, 1986DONT MISS OUT ON THIS COLLECTORS ITEM, THE ANNUAL BLOCKBUSTER WHOS WHO EDITION OF THE POM READER...COMING IN MARCH.The Pom Reader January 1986ji. reciHi arielififr m " '-k-.v, .-mma GROUPJ PLACEMENT J' TOWN COUNTRY imf i, c 5- PETROUS IImI- I' kTRYTOYJudge Dr. Jacklyn HungerlandLook for us at Westminster and the APC in New YorkHandler Kathy BucherisrService 3, I'OCIOUSBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson, LA 70181 504 737-1729CASSOUTHLAND...J , VWWiHERHMiCHSireCh. Thelduns Almond FudgeCH. SOUTHLAND HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILje Dam Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge DelightHappy is pictured taking the Breed over specials.Co-Owned byBeverly Norris 7747 Meadow Road Pasadena, MD 21122 ^Subject to AKC ConfirmationCo-Owned 6c Bred by Charlotte Creed Southland Poms6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 [318] 466-3456