The Pom Reader May 1986
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^TvesMAY 1986 0TvXlr fv-1r IVv-.Tft 1 v, -rr3IIN,j'1M. -IV ,p r fBt VJL-11r \htX-rIuOn The Cover Ch. Patricks Mr. Larry being awarded his ninety-fifth Best of Breed by judge Miss Martha Jane Ablett.Baudierj Reg\ j1-Ar ity 'r zc v CH. PATRICKS MR. LARRYBest of Breed 96 over over 7 years of age. Thank you, judge Miss Bessie V. PickensMr has been awarded Best of Breed over 90 times in 212 years, shown coast to coast.OwnerBaudier, Reg.Michael Husband 4010 Meridian Houston, TX 77017 713 645-5760BreederMildred Patrick214 341-8699Agent Michael Collins3801 W. Huntington Drive Phoenix, AZ 85041 602 268-93253Hr jlVATMM 1 II 1WEESTW OT\t s gesOTws rfi r-era'7SS --' 'Z' '- ,. . ' ' -. -, VS p,'', ' ,- ." ' ,-s- 4-" f^ . j 174 3^ -vat V- ,Posty, Ch. Southlands Toast To BEV-NOR, 1 Pom Bitch Posty and Southland wish to thank Bill Bev Norris for giv- 1985, leaves the show ring hoping to be as successful with ing us a chance Judi Boston Payne for believing in her Mike motherhood - Posty will be bred to her half-brother Kemp for his expert handling all the judges who saw the merits Southlands Toasted Fudge major pointed. of this super BT girl and all her fans who admired her.Breeder-OwnerCharlotte CreedPh. 318-466-3456SOUTHLAND POMS Rays of Sunshine6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360The Pom Reader May 19864on ^leacerVolume2, Niunber 3Cf.tnVrV \.sTABLE OF CONTENTSThe Pom Reader is published by Doll- McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33805, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. Ail articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and All-Breed judges. Direct all inquiries toJoe McGinnis, Editor The Pom Reader 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805 PH.813 858-3839. This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront Cover8. CAJUN CHATTER by Kathy MasillaThis month Kathy discusses CHPG Pyloric Stenosis12. WHEN THE DOG BITES, WHO PAYSAn examination of legal liabilities of dog fanciers by Mygnon Evans, Practicing Attorney.14. DALLAS FORT-WORTH POM CLUBResults of the March Specialty in Dallas.15. SPECIALS ADDITIONTop twenty Poms as of the April 86 AKC Gazette.16. AS TIME GOES BYThe more things chance, the more they remain the same. By Dr.Alvin Grossman.17. MIDWEST NEWSJeanne Stafford brings us up to date...again.17. JOKE OF THE MONTH Department17. SECRETARYS PAGERoom for reports from Secretaries of licensed Pom Clubs.18. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors as of the April 86 AKC Gazette.19. ASK SHU-SHUCanine Etiquette from our resident Coquette.20. VIEW POINT by Victoria PowellVikki remembers her early days, and says Be kind to the novice.22. LETTERS TO THE EDITORMICHAEL HUSBAND Back Cover JANE JOHNSTON JUNE COYBAKER, O. D................................................ 14BAUGNIET, S.................................................. 14BARTHOLOMEW, N. F............................... 17BIANCHINI, C.................................................... 8CARSON, M. B............................................. 14COOK, S.......................................................... 17COY, J.............................................................. 24CREED, C..................................................... 3,11DENLINGER PUBLICATIONS............................DOLL, D........................................................... 10FIDDICK, J......................................................... 7FREIA, J............................................................. 8GAD, N............................................................. 14GODDARD, T. S..................................... 13,17GRIFFIN, G...................................................... 13GRIFFITH, K.................................................... 11HARTZ, K......................................................... 13HEARTZ, J. C.............................................. 17HIEMENZ, S..................................................... 16HOVEY, J......................................................... 14HUSBAND, M................................................. 1,2JOHNSON, S................................................... 12JOHNSTON, J................................................. 24LUGINSLAND, J.............................................. 13MCGINNIS, J................................................... 10MCKAMEY, N.................................................... 7MILLER, E........................................................ 14NORRIS, B....................................................... 14PFEFFER, C...................................................... 5PIAZZA, S.......................................................... 8PRESSER, M. M.......................................... 17REILLY, R. J.................................................. 7ROSENBAUM, M............................................. 16SANDIFER, D.................................................. 11STAFFORD, J.................................................. 12YOUNG, J. B................................................ 175Ch. Precious Petites GabrielIf5CvBEST OF BREED VARIETY02ARKS KENNEL CLUB 1986PHOTO BY PETRULISmu..Shown being awarded Best of Breed under judge James Vaughters en route to a Group D, April 27, 1986,Ozark Kennel Club. Thank you Mr. Vaughters.Handled by Kathy BucherC^Precions cfJehies LBreederOwner CLAUDIA PFEFFER P.O. BOX 10432 Jefferson, LA 70181 504 737-1729The Pom Reader May 19866SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITORGetting screamed at is, of course, one of the fringe benefits of my job.Some of the other benefits are long hours, little pay, and having to scream at other people to get what I want. Recently I have had several people question the quality of reproduction of black white photos in the Pom Reader yes, at times they dont come out perfectly. Some of it is due to the photographs themselves, and some of it is due to work in the darkroom, but were working on it. Well get there. Still, by and large, I think the people at the press do a mighty fine job, all things considered.So consider is the byword for May everything must be considered. And I do not mean as in be considerate this month Vikki Powell remembers her early days, but yesterday I had an interesting experience, something worth considering.I have a friend who is heavily involved in the Shar-Pei breed as a matter of fact, I judged a match for them not too long ago and that in itself was an unusual experience. You see, the parent club, although not yet recognized by AKC, has devised a system whereby they can finish champions not real champions, but worth working for just the same. So in this match I had a five-point entry in each sex, and had to be very careful that I did a good job - I guess I did my Winners Dog finished that very day, and my Winners Bitch finished the next weekend out. Anyhow, shortly after that I hosted a match for them here on our property they had an entry of 60 or so, and...left the property absolutely immaculate. Not one cigarette butt or piece of paper to be found. I was impressed by the Central Florida Shar-Pei Club, to say the least. I found them to be very considerate. But thats not the point. Yesterday I found something most inconsiderate.My friend had to be away in Dallas on business, and asked if I would consider handling his 11 month old Shar-Pei for him at a Match. Well, sure, why not I guess I did okay with that, because we went all the way from the classes to Best In Specialty Match. So that was fun. But here was the not very fun part.This match was held in conjunction with a sanctioned Terrier Club Match while I was standing holding the lead of this Shar-Pei, a lady from the Terrier Club came up to sell raffle tickets and I bought quite a few. Then she proceeded to be so condescending to me I about fell over. Informing me, in a very snippy manner, that real AKC people do this and that and I mean, treating me like some kind of yayhoo. I suppose I could have informed her that I have been involved in AKC dogs for many years, have bred Champions in three different variety Groups, and have a little bit of knowledge of the workings of real AKC things. Instead, I gave the raffle tickets to a runny-nosed kid over by the swingset, and I hope he won their stupid pooper- scooper.I found myself feeling badly for all newcomers, if thats the way we treat them. I know that I will go out of my way now, even more than usual, when confronted with questions or comments from people starting out. But just wait til that Terrier Lady comes to me for a trophy donation. I might just say something inconsiderate.Of course, non-doggy people can be just as inconsiderate. One day a lady was here to pick up a check for some charity or other, and I had a puppy in my arms when she arrived. And she proceeded to inform me how much she hated little dogs, she could see no reason for their existence. Can you believe that Asking me for money, and belittling my little dogs, to boot. Where they get these people I have no idea. I did, of course, resist the temptation to tell her that my little dogs do not like fat ladies who wear polyester suits, but felt that that would have been inconsiderate. But it would have felt real good.Speaking of feeling good, consider, if you will, all the fun everyone had in Texas I dont know why, but the Texas people always seem to have more fun than anybody else. Not a stuffed shirt in the bunch I am always amazed at people who can find all sorts of excuses to have a bad time at dog shows fight over wins, get mad at the judge, etc. When you spend as much time, money, and effort as you do in this sport, you might just as well have a good time. It doesnt cost any more.Some years ago I wrote a piece entitled Do You Still Beat Your Dog] all about the people who dont realize that when they come out of the ring with a Bad Attitude...the dogs know about it. These poor little guys must feel that they have done something wrong, when, in all probability, it is the handler that goofed up in the first place. Someday Ill dig out that article and see if its any good. Seems to me it wasnt bad, but I dont recall. Anyhow, its somewhere in File 13...along with everything else I couldnt find any other place for.But we have lots of things this month for you to consider, including the first installment from Mygnon Evans, an attorney who also loves dogs. Read When The Dog Bites, Who Pays - several points to ponder, for all dog fanciers. Welcome, Mygnon, and thanks.Had a delightful chat with popular judge Georgina Lane recently Georgina has submitted an account of her trip to Crufts, where, of course, The Pom Won The Group Watch for complete details next month. Thanks, Georgina. Also, again thanks to all of you helping this magazine to grow and thrive. You know that I consider you...Top Drawer.Til June, Poms AwayJoe f one,, Susitia JVl ..Jk. 7CHESAIPOMERANIANSImnmrnmmmmMostly BonnerAristic LinesCHESAI POMSROBERT JOAN REILLY 26093 HIGHWAY 281 NORTH SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78260 Ph. 512-438-2667MCKAMEY'S SUNDAWN KENNELSCH.CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL STYLESTEPPER AT STUDCH. MILLAMOR MOONROCK DAJA JUSTA ROCKSAMPLE HOOD'S SWEET COOKIE PTD.CH. KEN GAY CAVALIER JOE CH. MCKAMEY'S CAVALIER'S PEPPER MCKAMEY'S LITTLE DUTCHESS MCKAMEY'S IDEAL CONQUEST CH. MCKAMEY'S IDEAL STYLESTEPPER KRYSTAL'S CHERRY KIJAFA CH. MCKAMEY'S ENCHANTING PEPPER CH. MCKAMEYS ENCHANTING BEN JO MCKAMEYS BLOSSOM JOCH. MCKAMEY'S IDEAL PERFECTIONCH. MCKAMEY'S JUST A HONEYPuppies for breeding, show ring, or loveable pets, allpopular lineage. Bloodlines include Cavaliers,Sungolds, Millamor, Bonner, Crieder, Hood, Cherokee, Emcees, Great Elms, Aristic, Model, Brown,Disicland, English Hadleighs, Preservenes, Akela.MRS. NORRIS MCKAMEY R.R. 1, BOX 185 Bettendorf, Iowa 52722Phone 319 332-5809mIPom Acres KennelWould like to present 4 ,,0Pom Acres Boss A NovaAt 3 months.Ch. Shy Acres IKan Too x Pom Acres TeenaTimsons Image OPom AcresAt 10 weeksYap Yap Timson OPom Acres x Pom Acres Fanci FreeWatch for these little guys in a few monthsA special thanks to Lois Martin for handling Timson and helping us in our efforts to produce our own Pom Acres Champion. Timson received a 5 point major in Oklahoma City on April 12, 1986. Thanks to judge William Bergum for this major move in Timsons show career Look for picture next issue.R.R. 4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613Robert Juanita Fiddick Telephone 319-989-2199The Pom Reader May 19868CAJUN CHATTERKathy MasillaSpring has definitely arrived. Just as my flowering jade plants decide to look decent the Mysterious Mad Plant Masher strikes My hapless pots of greenery are shredded beyond recognition and potting soils scattered everywhere. Enraged, I go looking for the per- pretrator of such a heinous crime, only to encounter innocent expressions...Surely it was not me - would certainly never stoop as low as to get my dainty paws full of that yucky mud Innocent faces or not, I put my suspects behind bars aka expens and try to salvage the remnants. One day later, the Mad Masher strikes again. By now half my dogs are in ex-pens. But the next day, I realize my flowering jades days are numbered, so I put the sad-looking remains on my front porch away from the Mad Masher.The word for this month is pyloric stenosis, or chronic hypertrophic pyloric gastropathy CHPG, or the obstruction of gastric outflow. Generally there is a blockage of the pylorus, or that portion of the stomach which joins the duodenum. Food cannot pass through into the intestine and is vomited. If left untreated, the animal eventually dehydrates and dies. Occurence in young puppies is generally considered congenital rather than hereditary, and treatment for puppies is considered less serious than for adults. For puppies, the operation is simple and usually results in a complete cure.PylorusCardiaBodySpleenFundusReference Chronic Hypertrophic Pyloric A Review of 16 Cases, Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association In the older dog, its more complicated. CPHG is considered to be an acquired illness, and dogs who suffer from chronic vomiting should be considered suspect. Severity of the problem is determined by the canine equivalent of an upper and lower G.l. series. The animal is given barium, and X-rays are taken. There is also a technique where a light is passed into the stomach and the vet can get an eye view of the internal damage. A biopsy is taken of the affected tissue to determine if there is malignancy, and an evaluation is made on the test results. Surgery is indicated, except in some instances.A study was done by Dr. Robert I Sykes DMV, et. al., from August 1980 to December of 1982. Sixteen cases of dogs with CPHG were reviewed, all dog of 6 years and older. All were suffering with the chronic vomiting classic to CHPG syndrome. All of these dogs had surgery. Of the 16, one dog died during surgery, 3 continued to vomit afterwards and were euthanized, one case did not follow up after the surgery, and 8 cases improved following surgery I recently had firsthand experience with this problem, as a year ago one of my older dogs began to vomit frequently, and had trouble keeping food down. The problem worsened, so that the only way I was able to sustain the dog was by feeding baby food andadministering acepromazine, a tranquilizer which contains a powerful anti-vomiting agent. My normally 9 pound dog was down to 7.My own vet referred me to the LSU veterinary clinic, where tests were run to determine the extent of the problem and what the chances for recovery were following surgery. They made no guarantees, but we took the chance and had the surgery performed. The technique they used is called the Billroth, where the affected portion of the pylorus is removed and the healthy ends resected together. Its been roughly 6 weeks since the operation, and my patient is now 8 pounds and eating like a pig. I only wish I had not waited so long to get my dog in to see a specialist. The earlier the problem is corrected, the better the animals chances.I had the chance to speak with Carlotta Curtis recently, and she shared a truly frightening experience she had been through. Following a C-section, one of her bitches unravelled her entire incision to where her internal organs were exposed. Carlottas quick thinking saved the day, and by rushing the bitch to the vet they got her stitched up again. It seems that the vet who performed the first surgery did not make enough knots, and the incision came undone. Carlotta is one very lucky lady...I know of several others who were not quite so lucky - sometimes the bitch goes into shock when this happens and dies. This can occur also if the vet uses synthetic gut to sew up an incision, as the stuff is slippery and can unravel more easily than regular gut, even if careful knots are made.Until next month, watch out for those Mysterious Mad PlantMashers...they do get into mischiefDKathy Masilla, 969 Porteous St., New Orleans, LA 70124^fayzeaJerrie Freia P. O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466FOR SALE Son of Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple, born 5-13-83. Half brother to Madison Square Gardens Best of Breed winner Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel. Before one year of age he took 5 first places, won 3 point major, two Reserves to 4 5 pt. majors. Show home only or bred for lineage. 750.00 or trade for 2 good young breeding bitches. Carol Bianchini, Rt. 2, Box 802, Breaux Bridge, LA 70517.ICERAMA POMERANIANSACH. BELLS HOUSTON STAR PERFORMERSKIP PIAZZA Co-OwnerProfessional Handler Jon MarcantonioTHE KENNELS 527 B Church Road Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266The Pom Reader May 1986COMING IN JULY...9THEPOM READER STUD DOG DIRECTORY sSSa 'ARTWORK BY CHRIS HEARTZ COURTESY OF C. HEARTZ E. MILLERALL ADS MAY INCLUDE A PHOTO OF YOUR STUD DOG, A THREE GENERATION PEDIGREE, BRIEF REMARKS ABOUT HIS SHOW CAREER AND HIS PROGENY. STUD FEE OPTIONAL. DONT MISS THIS ECONOMICAL OPPORTUNITY TO TELL THE WORLD HOW PROUD YOU ARE OF YOUR FABULOUS STUD DOG.SPECIAL RATES FULL PAGE 90.00 HALF PAGE 49.00ALL ADS WILL BE IN A PRIVATE SECTION OF THE MAGAZINE IN THE ORDER RECEIVED.DEADLINE JUNE 10TH The Pom Reader May 198610SPECIAL THANKS TOHouston ^HcieoarAFOR 25 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP TO THE DOG FANCYBEST OF LUCK IN YOUR NEXT 50 YEARSFROMCH. PRECIOUS PETITS RIPLE SUPREME JOE DUANEAfter a brief vacation at his Florida home, Abe will be back on the road againPANATELLA POMSOwned Loved by DOLL MCGINNIS 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33805 813 858-2639The Pom Reader May 198611tIu.SOUTHLAND...Proudly presents..Southlands Toasted FudgePictured taking a very prestigious Breed win over 4 specials in tough competition at 11 months of age.Sire Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983Dam Ch. Southland Happy Birthday BillMulti Breed winner Group placerWatch for this super red-sable boy Stud Fee 150.00Breeder-Owner-Handler Charlotte Creed SOUTHLAND POMS6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 Ph. 318-466-3456Co-OwnerCo-BreederBeverly Norris BEV-NOR POMS7747 Meadow Road Pasadena, MD 21122DESIREES CANDY RIPPLEMacon Kennel Club, April 11, 1986 - Winners Bitch, Best of Opposite Sex - 2 points. Thank you judge Mr. Don Rogers.Special thanks to Harry Pennington for expert handling.Desaree Sandifer 704 865-0589509 Oakdale Street Gastonia, NC 28054cjCenette flower an LandStud Service available on the following studs Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette, 100.00.312 pound orange. Grandson of Ch. Great Elms Timstop- per Too.c Ch. Woods Magic Masterpiece. 100.004 pound orange. Son of Ch. Model's Gold Momento. c Ch. Tomanolls Wee Short Stack 100.00312 pounds, Irish Setter red - line bred for many generations.c Beaver of Lenette 75.00Pointed - deep red, 4 pounds. Son of Ch. Models Tlmstop- pers Echo.Puppies generally available from these studs as well as other top studs.Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis. N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnerOtorANew expected fitters... 10.005SOUTHLAND proudly announces the birth of a daughterSouthlands Step Aside Boys StepperBorn March 30, 1986. Sire Southlands Toasted Fudge major pointed. Dam Southlands Fudge Double Dip 1984 BOS National Specialty Sweepstakes winner.Southland Poms, Charlotte Creed, 6618 Lost Ridge, Pineville, LA 71360. 318-466-3456.Whelped 4-1-861 Male, 1 FemaleSire Am. Can. Ch. Millamors Mood Music Dam Ch. Crescendo Counter Part Crescendo Poms, Bernie Lois Ciliberto, Rt. 2, Box2560, Land OLakes, FL 33539. 813 996-3811.Whelped 4-5-862 Males, 1 Female Sire Ch. Millamors Mark Medallion Dam Crescendo Counter Point Crescendo Poms, Bernie Lois Ciliberto, Rt. 2, Box 2560, Land OLakes, FL 33539. 813 996-3811.The Pom Reader May 198612 WHEN THE DOG BITES, WHO PAYSMYGNON EVANS, Attorney at LawA sold Hercules to B when he was a young pup. B trained him well he became a Champion. Then, when family demands prevented B from attending shows personally, she retained the services of C to show Hercules. Although Hercules had never before shown any inclination to bite, at one show while he was standing at ringside a woman spectator approached and attempted to pet him without warning, he snapped, tearing her dress and inflicting a serious wound. She sued both B and C. Can she collectAn axiom of common law - which essentially is judge-made law - holds that every dog is entitled to one good bite. That doesnt mean that the owner is necessarily exempt for liability for the first bite it does mean, however, that a dog is presumed to be of a non- vicious nature until he has shown otherwise. After the dogs first bite, that presumption is lost, and the owner is at considerably greater risk if the dog bites anyone else.Other factors must be considered, too. For instance, was the person lawfully on the property Did he provoke the attack by his own actions Did he behave in a manner that the dog perceived as a threat to the master loud voice, flailing of armsIn an Illinois case, for example, a Dobie had bitten a young child. The parents sued the owners who, in turn, impleaded the kennel where they had bought the dog 212 years earlier, claiming that the kennel had sold a dangerous animal and had failed to warn of the danger.The court refused to find the Dobie dangerous. Noting that the dog was caring for a litter of ten-day old pups at the time she bit the child, the judge pronounced as a matter of common knowledge that mother dogs will fight to protect their young he also found that a reasonable person, i.e. an adult on the scene, would have anticipated the likely reaction of the dog.A common law analysis, however, provides only part of the answer because the common law controls only in the absence of legislation. If a state has adopted a dogbite statute, that statute will prevail over the common law. Many states have, in fact, adopted laws abolishing scienter as a requirement for proving an owners liability for a dog bite. Such laws normally impose strict liability upon owners. That means, in general terms, that the victim need only prove a that A owns the dog, and b that the dog bit him. Thats all it takes to make the owner pay damages.Such statutes sometimes lead to ludicrous results. In Florida, for instance, where a statute makes the owner liable not only for the dog bite but also for any injury caused by the dog, a judge held the owner of a St. Bernard liable for shotgun wounds. The facts a young man, boyfriend of the dogs owner, picked up the dog to move him from one house to another. He put the dog all 150 pounds -- in the backseat of a Volkswagen where, unfortunately, he had left a loaded shotgun. The dog apparently became entangled in the gun it discharged, seriously wounding a child standing outside the car.Common sense suggests that the young man should not have crammed the dog in the backseat with a shotgun. But the judge was not considering negligence. He looked no further than the statute which, read literally, placed full liability on the owner. Most judicial decisions show greater flexibility than the one descriv- ed above. For instance1 Two children walking along a road beside a fenced-in backyardwere frightened by a snarling German Shepherd who lunged at them against the chain link fence. One child, terrified by the dog, raced into the road and was hit by a car. Liability An injury caused by the dog The judge said no the proximate cause of the injury was the auto, not the dog.2 A woman playing in a open field with her friends Great Danewas knocked down by the dog. The fall broke her leg. She sued the owner. No liability, said the judge when a person chooses to romp with a dog, he assumes the risk that an accident may occur.Some courts too have scrutinized the reference to Owner. The burden is on the plaintiff to prove that the defendant owned the dog. Sometimes that isnt as simple as it at first appears. Consider the man, bitten by a bulldog who sued the widow who had referred to the dog as our dog. Her husband had died several months earlier the AKC registration was in his name. The dog belonged to the estate, said the judge since the widow was not the owner, she was not subject to the strict liability statute.It follows, then, that persons who are caring for the dogs of others do not share in the strict liability standard. If the dog bites someone while in their care, they may be liable under a negligence theory, but the law does not usually impose strict liability upon keepers as opposed to owners of dogs.CONCLUSIONS1 Unless C the keeper was negligent in his bailment of Hercules,there is no probably liability.2 Under the common law, since Hercules had never before bittenanyone, B has no liability. Depending upon the particular state, however, B may be liable under a state dogbite statute.3 An argument for Bs and Cs lawyers is that the woman assumed a risk of dogbite when she came to the dog show and particularly when she tried to pet Hercules.4 Considering the time lapse since A sold Hercules to B and thelong pattern of non-agressive behavior by Hercules, it is especially unlikely that A has any liability for breach of warranty or negligence.The above column provides information illustrating general principles of law. If you have a particular legal problem, you should consult an attorney to determine the law in your particular circumstances and locality.DMygnon Evans is a practicing attorney with a keen interest in the interaction between dog fanciers and the law. In the months to come she will be joining us with discussions of us and our rights.Direct any questions you may have to Mygnon Evans, CO The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809.Stfn-'gIjag Pnmtramati Palate6270 TRIPP ROADIjtilllllf HOLLY, MICHIGAN 48442 313634-1331Ch. Jammer and Ch. Dancer congratulate their son Windjammers Night Ranger on his 3 point major win at 6V2 months of age.Congratulations to Gabriel on your 2nd All Breed Best In Show winBob Jeanne Stafford 1436 Powers Court616-683-0214 Niles, Ml 49120The Pom Reader May 198613mr.se9jsketchby Chris Heartz Am. Can. CH. Chriscendo City Lights andCH. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon Rock CH. Tim Sues Puff Magic Dragon CH. Jolly Wee Magic of Tim Sue CH. LLL Dazzlin Gold MikeAnnounce that TIM SUE POMS and people are moving to Opelousas, LA. Mailing address next issue.Until thenTim Sue Goddard19719 Rice Lake Lane, Houston, Texas 77084 713 492-0849LLL KENNELS PRESENTSf 3, 1IViMilLLL Ts Gold Totally Awesome7 month male shown going WD, BOW for a 3 point major, Heart of America KC. Sire CH. LLL Moongold Trapper.Dam Ch. LLL Mite of Gold SusannaCongratulations Carol Galavich on finishing LLL Nugget of Gold Short Stuff with a 5 point major. Also Donna Megenhardt for 5 point major on LLL Trappers Gold Daiseymae.Champions and show prospects still available.Janice Luginsland, Route 1, Box 97, Americus, 66835 Ph. 316-443-5157KS STARL1TE POMERANIANS iuBEST Of 0. SEX 10 CVTVES KENNEL OLOS,Proudly presents APOLLOETTE BIMBO OF STARLITE Winning his first major, watch for more show reports on this Starlite bred boy. Thank Marlene for the excellent job of handling him 1985-1986.- WE ARE STILL IN TEXAS GAYLE TOM GRIFFIN 9125 DEJONG ROAD AMITY, OR 97101 MAIL IS FORWARDED Dover Holihouse PomsPresent. 1Pombredens Heavenly Toy BoyPictured at 9 months. Black White. Half brother to Mex. Am. Ch. Sun Rays Snowman. Sire Pombredens Chrismatic Parti beigewhite. Dam Pombredens My God Reigns Too chocwhite.Breeder-Owner HandlerBarbara Robert Breden Patricia Eik Foley794 Swallow Ave. 657 Second St.Rialto, Ca 92376 Trenton, NJ 08611714 820-2162 609-394-0298He is at stud to Parti bred girls. Call for fee and pedigree. P.S. Yes, he is proven and produces partisThe Pom Reader May 1986DALLAS - FT. WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1986SWEESTAKES Judge Charles J. Smith Puppy Dogs 6-9 MonthsLLL Ts Gold Totally Awesome Janice LuginslandPuppy Dogs 9-12 MonthsSlemps High Stakes Binky Mrs. J. B. SlempPuppy Bitches 6-9 MonthsCreiders Spoonful of Sugar Mrs. Norma CreiderPuppy Bitches 9-12 MonthsChulas Choice of Dragon Mark Norma C. GadBest In SweepstakesChulas Choice of Dragon Mark Norma GadBest of Opposite Sex SweepsLLL Ts Gold Totally Awesome Janice LuginslandREGULAR CLASSES Judge Mrs. E. W. Tipton Jr. Puppy Dogs 6-9 MonthsLLL Ts Gold Totally Awesome Janice LuginslandPuppy Dogs 9-12 MonthsTim Sues Moon Rocket Erika MoureauOpen DogsShy Acres Little Beau Jangles Audrey RobertsWinners DogShy Acres Little Beau Jangles Audrey RobertsReserve Winners DogLLL Ts Gold Totally Awesome Janice LuginslandPuppy Bitches 6-9 MonthsDancing Rockette of Oakridge M. Deane Rinehart Nina EppaPuppy Bitches 9-12 MonthsBoni-Poms Parkin After Dark Bonita GrayBred By Exhibitor BitchesPedrons Chychyn Dragon Pete Galindo Ronald WelchAmerican Bred BitchesHHH Kissn Kate Donna MotleyOpen BitchesChulas Texican Peppermist Erika Moureau Norma GadWinners BitchChulas Texican Peppermist Erika Mouread Norma GadReserve Winners BitchLLL Ts Gold Bubblicious Janice LuginslandBest of BreedCh. Precious Petites Gabriel Claudia PfefferBest of Opposite Sex, Best of WinnersChulas Texican Peppermist Erika Mourea Norma GadSpecial thanks to Dallas-Fort Worth Pom Club Corresponding Secretary PEGGY HENDRICKS for the marked catalogue.JDs Pompous PomsHome of CH. CIRCLE M COMES A HOSSMAN and EMCEES TRULY A DIAMOND. Pets, adults, and show prospect puppies.Janet Hovey, 5136 W. Avenue M-2, Quartz Hill, CA 93536 temporary address. Ph. 805 943-6516HOME OF THEKILLER AND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Westside Road El Paso, TX 79932BEV-NOR POMS - Home of CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE 1Pom 1981, 1982, 1983, 24 BIS, 5 Specialty Bests, Sire of top winning Female 1984, and 1st Black Tan to go B.I.S.A., Chs, Multiple Group Winners. Stud Fee 200.00 limited to 20 bitches per year AND CH. THELDUNS ALMOND FUDGE sire of 23 Chs, BIS Dogs, Group, and Specialty winners. ATop Producer every year. Stud Fee 250.00 limited to 15 bitches per year. Make your reservations now, as they will be on a limited basis effective Nov 1, 85to Nov 1, 86.. Bev Norris, 301-255-1343, 7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122EMCEES POMS14 years of breeding and raising Poms. Have bred and finished over 35 Champions. Occasionally we have show prospects, a few pets, older Poms for sale. All from top producing bloodlines. Champion sired. All have clean bill of health. S350.00 and up.Morris Betty Carson, 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, VA 23233. Ph. 804 740-7977aNORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942WITH PLANNED PARENTHOOD DARRELL OLGA BAKER207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Texas 77586 713 326-2250MILLAMORELEANOR KEN MILLER5426 Spring Lake Drive Lakeland, Florida 33803 Residence Telephone 813 646-5864Pc Ktommsrt wtwttxsPOMERANIANS NORWICH TERRIERSIRISH SETTERSBreeders of 33 Pomeranian Champions25 Norwich Terrier Champions - 1 Irish Setter ChampionDick Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hyw. BPhone 414 - 755-2994 Mishicot, Wis. 54228The Pom Reader May 19861715-------------- SPECIALS ADDITION ------------------TOPTWENTY POMERANIANS - AS OF THE APRIL 1986 GAZETTEPresently we find a number of Poms making their im- A number of points has been allotted to the variouspact in Specials competition. In order to keep you in- placements, and they are as followsformed as to the progress of these hard-working BEST IN SHOW All Breeds......................... 500members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you BEST IN SHOW Specialty.......................... 250SPECIALS ADDITION. BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty. 75SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system TOY GROUP FIRST....................................... 250of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. TOY GROUP SECOND.................................. 150Rules for the rating system are as follows. TOY GROUP THIRD......................................... 75Breed points not to be confused with Championship TOY GROUP FOURTH.................................... 25points are allotted to individuals according to the BEST OF BREED............................................. 10highest placement received in any given AKC show, as Statistician Susan Wade. The following is the listing reported in the American Kennel Club Show, Obedience of the Top Twenty Pomeranians as of the APRIL 1986 and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be AKC Gazette used for point awards.POINTS NAME BISA BISS BOSS I1150 Ch. D-Nees Darin Duffie d.............................................. - - - 2830 Ch. Daisys Little Bit of Jabil d........................................ ....750 Ch. Mullers Encore d......................................................... - 1 - 750Ch. Precious Petits Riple Supreme d - - - 1625 Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel d - 1 - 620Texicans Giant Killer Chula d........................................ ....510 Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid d............................................. -1-1455 Ch. Herds Little Yoyo d..................................................... - - - 1395 Ch. Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor b - - 1 330Ch. L Rs Monty Rock of Millamor d................................. - - - 1280 Ch. Pomirish Scooters Victory d - - - 1270 Ch. L-Rs Rock Concert Av Strand d................................ - - - 1270 Ch. Texicans Great Balls of Fire d ....260 Bev-Nors Statesman d - - - 1240 Ch. Harbins Time To Pop The Cork d 235 Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready Rocky d225 Ch. Hi Times Kaleidoscope b.........................190 Ch. Galaxys Star Dancer Two Ts d....150 Pattys Dinomite of Bryn-Roy d.....................130 Ch. Sungolds Gay Caballero d........................130 Ch. Timothys General Beauregard d...,n ra iv bob2 3 3 54 13 82 1 1 102 2-512 153 11712 1 31117 2 - - 332111211-243 - 12 1 51 - - 41 - - 11 31 1 3Tie placements alphabeticalm dleacerThePom Reader May 198618-------- UPDATE -----------TOPTEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE APRIL 1986 AKC GAZETTEWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the UnitedStates is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until November.. The Gazette year, as a rule, rims from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS THE LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE APRIL 1985 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR POINTSS. BAUGNIET................. 46E. GIRARDOT................ 34E. MILLER........................ 34C. READY.......................... 27RINEHART EPPS... 18 M. WOOD.......................... 18R. BEUTLER.................... 15C. J. EDMISTON 14 G. HODSON 14L. D. JOHNSON.......... 14C. SLATER....................... 14S. TERRITO 14The Pom Reader April 198619dAosSAwDear Shu-ShuHow long will this family baby me I am sick and tired of all the pampering. Cant get on the bed - He might fall off, Cant get on the sofa, He might jump off and break a leg. Cant go up and down the stairs, he might tumble down and kill himself. Im 212 years old for crying out loud. Tell them in your column, I can handle it. I can take care of myself.KCKansas CityDear KC and his family,HE CAN HANDLE IT, x 4 I HE CAN TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF, x t Family and friends can send sympathy cards, money, or flower arrangements to me...........Shu-Shu.1si yCsAsmSadly yours,Shu-ShuDear Shu-ShuI was sold and have moved into a farm situation. I have to share the love from my family with horses, cats, dogs, and of all things, PIGS Im afraid that they are getting too busy to notice me and would like a suggestion as to how to get my familys attention more often.MollyDavison, MlDear Molly,Go join the PIGS in their pen for a quick roll. Do this on a daily basis and I guarantee the family will notice you the nimute you enter the house. You will get their attention.Love,Shu-Shu'S.\Dear Shu-ShuHow is your medical knowledge for us Poms Is it okay to eat those soft and yummy rawhide bones My mom buys them for me all the time and I eat them right up. Have you ever eaten them Do you think it is doing me any harmChickletDetroit, MlDear ChickletDo I know medicine Thats my Pom Specialty Rawhide bones are great to eat if you have teeth. Heck no, they won't hurt you. Especially if you made it past the slippers, carpet, furniture, shoes, squeekie toys, etc...I ate all that stuf and look at me. Im still as cute as ever, dont you thinkYours CHEWLYShu-ShuSend your letters to Shu-Shu Shannon Johnson at 6270 Tripp Road, Holly, Ml 48442.The Pom Reader May 198620ViewPointVICTORIA POWELL.^^11 of us have memories of the first time we encountered a dog show. For some it may have been at a very young age, initiated by parents who were doggy people. For others it could have been as an adult, on your own with no immediate helping hand to explain procedure as you watched in awe all the beautiful dogs parade by. My first experience as a spectator was like that.I had heard that there was a big dog show at the Cow Palace in San Francisco and so, husband in tow, I went to the show. It was still is a benched show, not that we understood what that was To us it was just one giant doggy flea market and we had a ball wandering around the benching just staring and listening. We stayed all day and talked with many exhibitors - it was obvious that we were totally ignorant of the workings of a confirmation show, but interestingly enough, despite all the chatting, we never found out from anyone that the benched row of dogs was not the dog show. We never would have guessed that there was judging oc- curing down in the arena, so we went home satisfied that we had seen the show. In the course of the next year, however, after reading every book on dogs and dog shows I could find, I decided that I wanted a show dog to show at Cow Palace. In the course of my studies I also discovered one very interesting thing to us, anyway...we had actually missed the show. Next year we returned to Cow Palace, only this time we knew there was judging to be found and how to watch and understand it My question to all of you, however, is this What percentage of average spectators would research a process they dont understand, come back again to observe it in action, and eventually become an avid dog show junkieThere are only a few benched shows left in the U.S. the aforementioned Cow Palace Golden Gate Kennel Club being our West Coast Westminster, then of course the ultimate - Westminster The Garden, and a few others. How many exhibitors have never been to a benched show Many, I am sure. How many have and have vowed never to go again because of the yvear-and-tear on the exhibitors patience And then, how many go every year, hating the noise and confusion and masses of people but loving every minute of this ultimate presentation of the top participant sport in the nationI would hope that benched shows never become totally obsolete. The value of this type of presentation of our prized as well as prizewinning stock cannot be rivaled for its promotional benefits. Sure it is hard on the exhibitors dealing with all those people who cant tell a Peke from a Pom and who ask you where the Cock-A-Poos are benched tries our sensitivities. But please remember, people who repeatedly attend the same benched show year after year being to recognize and look for you They may become enamoured of your breed and they definitely appreciate your gracious answering of their sometimes stupid questions [Ed note and always remember what my mother said There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers. JMcG]. And when that day comes that they want to buy a dog they will come to you. Then the dog grows up and they want another, only this time they want to try showing it. There...the ranks of converts to dog show mania just opened upand accepted another. Thisscenario doesnt happen with near the frequency at unbenched shows because the spectators cant find you And lamentably so, they dont understand catalogs and judging schedules and they cant figure why they cant find any Toy Poodles that day. What they hear when they ask someone why, is this Theyve all left for the day except for the Breed winner. Huh" The Best of Breed Winner - itll be in the Group. The Group. What is that The TOY GROUP Oh." And the disappointed spectator goes away not understanding anything that the exhibitor just said to them. Possibly they may never attend another dog show and when they do buy that dog they are searching for it may be from a disreputable breeder or a pet shop.Benched or unbenched show...both have a place in the dog show world. How can we, the exhibitors, better promote our sport to spectators at either type of show Please let us all try to never let a spectator or novice go away confused if it is at all avoidable. If they catch you at your rig at a regular show and you are too busy to talk, ask them to return later when you are done grooming. If you are at a benched show and not either grooming or on your way to the ring please answer their questions. You are literally tied to your spot all day with your dogs - why not use that time to educate people to some extent So some people ask questions like if your Champion Chin is a Pekeapoo - if youre offended, try not to show it Use your energy to explain to this person what your dog is and how much better a pure-bred dog is than a mutt. We are the P.R. people for our own breeds and pure-bred dogs in general. Many people come to a dog show with the specific intent to find a certain breed. Take advantage of their willingness to learn And experienced dog person can tell a frivolous question from a serious one. Be your own best emmissary for your breed. If you have a tractable dog along, let people touch it - with supervision, of course, but let their hands feel the difference between this fine specimen and the pet they have at home. Watching the joy light up a genuinely interested persons eyes because you are letting them touch the dog is worth your time. Remember, P.R. is the byword here. Go ahead and tell them what they can use to make their dogs look prettier - not a detailed explanation of show grooming just information to help them at home. Suggest products and books to buy and then recommend your favorite vendor and send them happily on their way to buy, buy, buy. Dont forget to tell them to buy a catalog and be sure to mention your ring time and number. Ask them to come clap for you - they will I actually had a man and his wife hang over the arena from their seats, waving and clapping, after I had won. They felt a part of the goings-on because they had talked to someone and now that same person was holding a purple ribbon.And finally, give them your card so they can reach you, always remembering this Spectators and novices never forget who was nice and who wasnt when they first came onto the scene.VIKKI POWELLThe Pom Reader May 198621Award Winning Publicationsfor theSerious Breeder Exhibitormfrom Denlinger Publishers by Dr. Alvin GrossmanGmmrmm OGGHfl QXD0 mmNominated for the BEST DOG BOOK OF 1985. Ahumorous and informative look at the sport of PUREBRED dogs. A rib tickling but factual expose of the Dog Show game as seen through the eyes of two bright and eager exhibitors. Follow the adventures of Grace and Ralph and their wonder dog Rudolph through the labyrinth of the Dog Show game and experience with them the pratfalls and highs of owning a winning dog.The over 90 cartoons by Joe Murray alone are well worth the price. After reading this book we are sure you will have an entirely different perspective about the ins and outs of our fascinating sport.IXJ8WD0BE mm QKF GXD [DGMDOKIThis most interesting book combines the artistic principles of having an eye for a dog with sound scientific principles of breeding and genetics, which will prove to be of immense value to both the first time breeder and the successful breeder of many Champions.Rave reviews for this stellar text on how to breed an ideal dog.These books are available at all Dog Shows. Please send me a copy of The Great American Dog Show Game at 24.95 plus 2.05 for Postage Please send me a copy of The Standard Book of Dog Breeding at 16.95 plus 2.05 for PostageNAME __________________________________________________________________________________ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________CITY ____________________________________________ STATE _______________ZIP CODE ______Payment Enclosed _________Charge Master Card VisaAccount Number_____________________________________________________Expiration Date Total Enclosed_______DENLINGER PUBUSHERS EO. Box 76, Fairfax, VA 22030unoThe Pom Reader May 198622 LETTERSDear Joe,In response to the letter from Katherine Davy we find the Reader is a very well balanced publication fun articles, very worthwhile educational articles, lovely pictures and those yummy tidbits from the Readers own Rona Barrett. Many of us cant attend many shows and these tidbits let us join the fun albeit vicariously.We feel qualified to pass judgment as at last count we receive 6 Breed publications, 3 All Breed publications, 3 Breed newsletters and the Chronicle. Keep up the good work.Sincerely,Nancy BartholomewDear Nancy,Thank you Were still striving to get better wtih each issue, and hope to continue to grow.Best of luckJMcGDear Joe,How are you I trust youve recovered from your nasty letter which appeared in the April issue of the Pom Reader. I think my note will be a lot easier for you to swallowIm not a business woman, nor do I possess the ability to conduct a critique on a publication. Im just a Pom enthusiast who enjoys anything and everything to do with Poms and their owners. I live in Canada, and through your magazine Im able to journey to places and shows Id otherwise be unable to attend. I enjoy celebrating the wins of other through their lively photos. Without a picture showcase, perhaps half your subscribers would have no idea as to who won what where and when. Having a monthly magazine filled with educational articles and glorious Poms is what helps me to keep striving for that near to perfect Pom I have met some wonderful people through their Poms. If a magazine didnt allow all these people to advertise their wins, who would a novice, like myself, turn to for advice and possible business dealsI feel that the Pom Reader is a well- balanced publication but who am I, and what authority do I have to comment I only have my own personal opinion and I know what I enjoy reading about and looking at. All my cravings for enjoyable Pom-oriented news are satisfied due to this magazine. You have my vote of confidence and my next years subscription Take care, and best of luck to all in your second yearElizabeth DupuisDear Joe,Finally, I got to go on a show circuit with Lois Martin of Ja-Los Bostons. Shes the one who has encouraged us to get into the sport of showing and shows our little Timson.Oklahoma was great Met Kathy Bucher and Gabriel - what a beauty both of them Also visited with Brenda Hudson. She was very nice and very helpful - thanks, Brenda.It was an experience III never forget - showing under Dorothy Bonner was real exciting. Ive read all her articles and look up to her for the success shes had all these years. Its going to be hard to settle down to take care of my Pom kids after going to Oklahoma, but I sure missed all of them...and they seem to have missed me.Sincerely,Juanita FiddickDear JoeAs President of the Northern California Pomeranian Club, I would like to respond to the letter from Betty Drudge that appeared in the March issue.It brings some questions to mind. Is her breeder a member of a club If so, has she asked when the club meets or how to apply for membership When a person is not actively exhibiting a dog and is a new face at a show, it is difficult to invite membership without knowing ones serious interest in the breed. Membership in a breed club implies responsibility and a willingness to uphold the objectives of the club. A random question at ringside from a bystander would hardly warrant an invitation to join a breed club.But since Betty Drudge is expressing genuine interest and is in touch with the two breeders mentioned in her letter who are members of Northern California Pom Club and past officers, perhaps they would sponsor her application or she can contact me directly. We would be delighted to hear from her and hopefully to have her join our seven novices who have recently become members.Well, Joe, maybe Ms. Drudge will have real good news for you in the next issue, we hope so.SincerelyMarlin PresserDear Marlin,I hope so, too, and hope that she will prove to be an asset to your club.I personally think that the whole problem goes back to the modern, un-benched show. Everyone is in a hurry to get into the ring, is busy grooming, no time to talk then you win or lose, and usually leave. I have felt badly many times when Ive told a newcomer Til be glad to talk with you right after I get done showing,only to find that they didnt wait around. This is why we offer the Secretarys page for the Breed clubs to identify themselves and tell whats going on - the Pom Reader goes out to many, many Pom people that have nowhere else to turn for information. Thats what were here for.Thanks for writing, and continued success with the NCPC.JMcGWHERE TO FIND IT...Antibiotics for Puppies....Cajun Chatter by KathyMasilla, January '86Avoiding C-Sections....Generally Speaking bySusan Wade, April '85 Being As Professional as the Profes- sionals.Generally Speaking by Susan Wade, May'85Caesarian Sections for the Pom....Sally Baugniet,November '85Christmas Gifts for Dog Fanciers....Cajun Chatter by Kathy Masilla, November '85 Contracts.... Generally Speaking by Susan Wade,June '85Contracts Again....Generally Speaking by SusanWade, September '85 Do It Yourself Flame Throwing....J. Mill, March 85 Epidural Anesthesia....Viewpoint by VictoriaPowell, October '85Fleas....Rambling Along by Dorothy Bonner, May'85Fun Matches Should Be Fun....Generally Speaking by Susan Wade, August '85 Gastroenteritis In The Kennel....Cajun Chatter by Kathy Masilla, August '85 Growth Development of the Promising Puppy....Alvin Grossman, March '86 Guarantees for Puppies....Generally Speaking bySusan Wade, March '86 Help Your Local Club....California Report byMarlene Presser, January '86 Helpful Hints....September '85 How to Advertise... A Little Bit of Business byDuane Doll, April '85Living With The Elderly Canine....Cajun Chatter by Kathy Masilla, February '86 Open Letter to a Novice Exhibitor....Dorothy Bonner, September '85Pity the Poor Statistician....Generally Speaking by Susan Wade, November '85 Poisonous Plants....Viewpoint by Victoria Powell,November '85Preparing for the show circuit....Generally Speaking by Susan Wade, March '85 Protein Nutrition ...Viewpoint by Victoria Powell,June '85Re-Cycling....Generally Speaking by Susan Wade,January '86Selling Puppies At Christmas....Cajun Chatter byKathy Masilla, December '85 Some Dont Like It Hot.... Generally Speaking bySusan Wade, July '85Spring Problems...Cajun Chatter by Kathy Masilla,April '86Sportsmanship....Alvin Grossman, February '86 Stick To Your Guns....Claudia Pfeffer, January '86 Time Neednt Hound You....Rose Radel, June '85 Tube Feeding Formula....Viewpoint by VictoriaPowell, August '85Vitamin Supplementation.Generally Speaking by Susan Wade, October '85 Whelping Part I....Viewpoint by Victoria Powell,December '85Whelping Part II....Victoria Powell, January '86Whelping Part III__Victoria Powell, February '86Why Do You Show Dogs....Generally Speaking by Susan Wade, December '85 Profiles William Bergum, April '86 Edd Bivin, March '85 Carol Garrison May '85 Edna Girardot July '85 Barbara Jarmoluk June '85 Ed Jenner April '85.The Pom Reader May 1986DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONSMin Pn vMonthlyI KwIww .v,swVOty ma division ofDoll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, Florida 33805 [813] 858-2639 or [813] 858-3839oamv expressJULY ms. Jpeoufrfor.t4WHVS PORK grffAMKS HAWPtg 1T OABKfftmmfie 'star tCH, EYE WITNESS TO TOSAHO RQTTWE1L XPRESSl-oo, ------ - M\W\KMdw W r.H, Atm M AITS5H0BEST WISHES TO HOUSTON 8s TODDIE CLARKFROMCh. Coys Top of the Mark0AOvi mi5vISSHOWBESTNUMBER ONE POM 1984Owned 85 Loved By Exclusively Handled ByMRS. JAMES M. COY HOUSTON 8s TODDIE CLARK8s JANE JOHNSTON Breeder 1631 Jenkins Road3429 Oak View Drive JAMES M. COY Chattanooga, TN 37421Lakeland, FL 33803 615 892-9184813 644-5389