The Pom Reader April 1987

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APRIL 1987jsrli'w-- fftl'-i-.4\ ae 1r35 -' - IE8Kfe i - -yHm asa-\ \. .V '- ... VCH. TOPAZE JACKPOT TOBEYOUR COVER DOGTHE YANKEE SWEEPS THE TARHEEL CIRCUIT- CH. TOPAZE JACKPOT TOBEYi1t ftGROUPVt.RSTDANVILLECLUBKENNEL4CH. TOPAZE JACKPOT TOBEY Sire Ch. Sweet Hills Bi-Line Dam Ch. Topaze Little Cleo Tobey is pictured on the cover being awarded Group I by judge Lawrence Stanbridge, and above being awarded Group I by Dr. Harry Smith Jr. Handled by John Heartz.Thank you judges for seeing the quality in TOBEYTidewater Kennel Club Allamance Kennel ClubBest of Breed, Dr. Jacklyn Hungerland Breed, Mr. William E. UsherwoodGroup II, Mrs. Robert S. Forsyth Raleigh Kennel ClubDanville Kennel Club Best of Breed, Mrs. Robert Forsyth Group I, Dr. Harry Smith Jr.Carolina Kennel Club Best of Breed, Dr. Harry Smith Jr. Group I, Mr. Lawrence StanbridgeBest of Breed, Mr. James P. Cavallaro Group III, Mrs. E. W. Tipton Jr. Fayetteville Kennel Club Best of Breed, Group II, Mrs. Paula J. Bradley Lumberton Kennel Club Best of Breed, Mrs. Betty MundenTOPAZE POMERANIANSBreederOwner James R. Butler17 Wareham Street Middleboro, Mass 02346Handled by John E. HeartzTruro, Nova Scotia, CNAt Stud ToApproved BitchesxJAar^Just A Sample of Jan-SharSire Ch. Bev-Nor N Southland RamboDam Woodland Stormy NightJan-Shars Wee Treasure Sire Ch. Bev-Nor N Southland RamboDam Shell Barks ShastamA tThese beauties are just a sample of what Rambos producing. We are so pleasedThe following pups are for saleJAN-SHARS CUJO, Show prospect orange male, 3 lbs., 7 months of age. Sire Ch. LLL Moongold Trapper Dam Ch. Clayhavens Sweetwater Sioux.JAN-SHARS TOP GUN, show prospect creme male, 3 lbs, same litter as CUJO.Show prospect creme male, 1 year old, 512 lbs., sire Lennetts Beaver Dam Shall Barks Dolly Parton.2 show prospect black males, 4 months old, sire Lennis Mour Piere La-Pue black tan dam Woodlands Black Lady.Sharon HansonRt. 2, Box 263 Renick, WV 24966 304-497-2446 ^av-SAa^Jane FleshmanRt. 2, Box 375C Lewisburg, WB 24901 304-497-3190The Pom Reader April 198747ioomy tfleacerjmI 7Volume 3, Number 1TABLE OF CONTENTSv \ \4 xi8. THE BONNER THEORY OF BREEDINGDorothy Bonner discards genetic low cards.10. SECRETARIES PAGEAddresses of Breed Clubs.10. CLUB NEWSThe American Pomeranian Club and San Diego Pom Club Specialties.11. ASKSHU-SHUShu-Shu and Shannon Johnson offer more advice.12. THE POMERANIAN VIDEOThis issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront Coven JAMES BUTLER TOPAZE POMS Back Cover SHANNON JOHNSON DOO SHAY POMS JEANNE STAFFORD WINDJAMMER POMS JANICE LUGINSLAND LLL POMSDorothy Bonner reports on the progress of the committee.13. HEARTWORM DISEASEIts that time of year again, folks14. SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-March Gazette.16. POM PARADECalifornia news by Connie Hendicks.17. KENNEL REVIEW TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONSResults from the awards presentation.18. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-March AKC Gazette.20. TOWELSA look at the importance of terry cloth by Sally Baugniet.21. POM READER VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Tel 813 858-3839. BAKER, 0......................................................12BARTHOLOMEW, N. F..........................12BUTLER, J...................................................1,2CARSON, M. B........................................12COOK, S........................................................12CREED, C.....................................................12F1DD1CK, J..................................................17FLESHMAN, J................................................3FREIA, J........................................................12GAD, N..........................................................12GODDARD, T. S......................................12GRAF, H.......................................................13GRIFFIN, G...................................................12GRIFFITH, K................................................20HANSON, S....................................................3HARTZ, K..................................................5,15HEARTZ, J. C...........................................11HENDRICKS, B. C...................................15HIEMENZ, S.................................................12HILLS PET PRODUCTS..............................7HOVEY, J.....................................................11JENSEN, P....................................................11JOHNSON, S............................................19,24KELLY, S........................................................9LUGINSLAND, J.....................................15,24MARCHBANKS, M. H............................15MARTIN, D..................................................19MCKAMEY, N.............................................13MILLER, E....................................................12NANCY ROSS PET PORTRAITS...............22NORRIS, B...................................................11PFEFFER, C..................................................17PIAZZA, S.....................................................17PRESSER, M. M.......................................17REILLY, R. J.............................................17ROSENBAUM, M.........................................23SANDIFER, D..............................................11STAFFORD, J..........................................11,24TERRITO, S..................................................11WELLNTTZ, M............................................11The Pom Reader April 1987DOVER-HOLIHOUSE5Everyone near and far is talking about...THE PARTIO'1RESERVEWINNERS RIVERMILLSAWCLUBKENNELASHBEIPOMBREDENS HEAVENLY TOY BOYTroy thanks judges Edd Bivin pictured, Mrs. Paula Hartinger APC Specialty, Mr. James Moran, Mrs. Keke Blumberg, Mrs. E. W. Tipton, Mrs. Mildred Bryant, and Mrs. Kenneth Stine for nice placements.A .rD _ THANK YOU MR. MERRILL COHEN FLASH 3 POINT MAJORCome spring, Troy will have help with his Parti Campaign from another Pombreden Parti male, orangewhite.Others who have accepted invitations to join the PARTI are Dover Holihouse Painted Da-Zi, orangewhite female Dover Holihouse Painted Klown, orange sablewhite female Prestigious Parti Girl a Ch. Madame Butterfly double granddaughter. Da-Zi is out of Pombredens Read Luke Sixteen. Painted Klown is out of a Luke daughter bred back to Luke. She is in MA with Fran Richardson.Troy will be bred to Dover Holihouse Snow Bunny again and also to Parti Girl Cookie.Troy and other Parti males are at Stud photos PR back cover, July 86Troy is owned byPOMBREDENS Barbara Robert Breden794 S. Willow Avenue Rialto, CA 92376 714-820-2162 Partis for saleTroy is staying withDOVER-HOLIHOUSEHandlerPat Foley657 Second Street Trenton, NJ 08611 609-394-0298The Pom Reader April 1987SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITORI havent been on a horse for years, but the other day I sure could have used one. Now, most everyone heading for the Ken- tuckiana Circuit has some sort of itinerary for their day of departure last minute details, packing doggie things, the usual - but I think you will agree that our list of things to do included an unusual item. It read pick up dry cleaning cook liver groom dogs go to bank service car pack clothes pull cow out of swamp. Pull cow out of swamp Im not kidding. We had a new and interesting experience the day we were leaving for Kentucky.Early in the morning the telephone rang. Dont you have Black Angus the caller inquired. Thinking it was another person who had driven by and admired the troops, I replied, Why, yes we do. And a Bull as big as a semi Sure now that the caller was a purebred cattle fancier, I proudly said, Yes, thats Caney Valley Senator, hes a son ofLovana owned by Dr. Armand Hammer and... The caller spoke again. Well, fella, the Senator is in my front yard. Oh Be right there., I replied.Now, in the old days, one would have hopped on a horse, zipped over the field and rounded up the troops. However, things have changed a bit. I hopped in the car, whipped out the drive and started to corral the errant bovines. We have worked out a pretty good system for this Duane walks and I drive. And I drive well, too the vehicle chosen for the duty is a flashy navy blue station wagon, very nimble and quick. I can turn that thing on a dime and, if you have ever chased a cow, you will realize how important that maneuver is. So between Duane, yours truly, and the horsestation wagon, we rounded everyone up and shooed them back to their living quarters.All except for one, it turned out. Duane counted heads and we realized that Lizzie, a cow with temperament somewhat akin to a Pekingese I wonder where she got that, was not in the fold. We proceeded to look for her. We wandered and hollered, to no avail her baby Lucy was bellering for mother, but mother was not to be found. Our last trip around the probable area brought us to the edge of the swamp suddenly, something caught my eye. Sure enough, there were her head and forelegs sticking up out of the quicksand-like muck. And she did not look amused.This called for drastic action - Im not kidding. Once they get mired down, their strength goes, they quit fighting for freedom, and...well, we had to get her out. Chains and ropes were quickly attached to chains and ropes and other things. Duane and a neighbor of ours had to work their way through the dense swampy forest, watching out for pockets of muck and, of course, water moccasins. I was of invaluable help out on the road, on the top of the car, yelling A little more toyourleft.. About twenty feet south...Come toward my voice... Etcetera. We were having lots of fun. Once contact was made, we then proceeded to pull her out. Using what are referred to as come-alongs, we winched her close enough to attach her to the four-wheel drive, and slowly eased her out, up and on to the road.I am always amazed at the recuperative powers of these huge creatures. After four hours of being mired down in cold disgusting muck, being pulled out by her neck, and regaining her balance and composure, she returned to her normal, contrary self. In thanks to me for saving her life...she knocked me flat on my you-know- what. Thats gratitude for you.And speaking of gratitude, thanks are due to all the clubs that comprised the Kentuckiana Circuit. The Kentucky Fair Exposition Center in Louisville is large, clean well-lit and comfortable. WithThe Pom Reader April 1987i.entries around 3,000 dogs, you would have never known it the whole circuit was super. We enjoyed visiting with numerous people. Had a nice visit with judge Beverly Lehnig Paula Roger Hartinger were on hand, and we watched the Basset Specialty together they kindly cleared up a couple of questions I had about that breed. Thats one of the things I enjoy most about cluster shows there is no need to rush off to the next show site, and you have ample opportunity to study and discuss your own breed and others as well. We did not get to spend near enough time with Edna Voyles, but we __ always enjoy speaking to this wonderful lady.^ As St. Patricks Day was the Tuesday of thecircuit, Edna showed up sporting Kelly Green hose with shamrocks on them. Nice gams, Edna. All in all, Kentucky was great, and we plan to be there next year, also.Of course, I told you about leaving for Kentucky and the trouble we had however, more trouble of a fowl nature awaited our return. Now, as you probably know Duane Doll has some Guineas, commonly referred to around here as BOYSANGIRLS, and they have been driving me nuts. First the ordeal of the brandy-soaked bread. BOYSANGIRLS, stop acting wackyfThen they took to running across the roof, making one think that aliens have landed. BOYSANGIRLS, GET OFF THE HOUSE One day while I was cleaning, they ventured up the ramp into the dog room, just to see what was new. BOYSANGIRLS Get out of the Dog Room Then, and this was the best of all, there was The Attack Of The Enemy Guineas. This will give you an idea of how intelligent these birds are. One of the cars has wide strips of chromium along the quarter panels. Of late, these have not always been sparkling clean, but I do my best. Anyhow, one day the birds were bagawking around the yard, and ...they spied what they thought were intruders. Before you could say, Im leaving this nuthouse they were in full-fledged battle with their own reflections in the chrome. This of course was not to be tolerated. BOYSANGIRLS Stop pecking on the Mark Rapidly approaching my high level of tolerance, I thought to myself, well, thats the final straw. Ive seen everything now.I spoke too soon. Guess what theyre up to now Having Guinlets No, thats not gin with lime juice. And they have decided to grace the shrubbery around the front of the house with their collective nursery activities. The goose goose - well, the male, stands there all day long and screams at the top of his lungs, lest someone try to take a peak. And the females cluck and squawk something awful. I asked Duane, Uh, how long will they keep this up and he replied, happily, Oh, the hens will lay an egg a day until they decide to start sitting on them, and then theyll stop. You go figure that one. I only have this to say BOYSANGIRLS GET OUT OF MY LIFETil next month, Poms AwayJMcGv7SPECIFIC FOODS FOR YOUR DOGS SPECIFIC NEEDSHIGH ENERGYRecognizing The NeedHunting dogs. Work dogs. Show dogs. Finicky eaters. Dogs with weight maintenance problems or poor skin and coat conditions. Breeds with nervous dispositions. They can all benefit from Canine Performance. Because nufrifion research indicates that these and other types of highly active adult dogs have higher than average energy requirements.The Canine Performance DifferenceMany high protein, high mineral, allpurpose foods can be harmful to your dog's health, if fed over an extended period of time.But Canine Performance provides the optimum nutritional balance that dogs with extra energy requirements need throughout their adult years.Scientifically formulated by veterinary nutritionists, Canine Performance contains a high concentration of calories for stamina and to help maintain proper weight. It also provides just the right amount of quality protein, vitamins and minerals to help improve your dog's vitality and promote a healthy- looking coat.are restricted to help prevent harmful effects on the kidneys minerals are restricted to help prevent bladder stones and the level of salt is reduced to help prevent the onset of high blood pressure and heart disease.That's why Canine Performance can guarantee you'll see the difference in your dog's health and appearance.Not Sold In SupermarketsCanine Performance is available in 10,20 and 40 lb. bags only through veterinarians, authorized pet shops or other pet professionals. People who, like you, appreciate the benefits of superior nutrition.mSCIENCE DIET.Superior nutrition for the life of your pet"For additional information on how to improve your dog's nutrition, write Hill's Customer Service Veterinarian, Hill's Pet Products, Inc., R O. Box 148, Topeka, Kansas 66601. Or call TOLL FREE 1-800-HILLS PR " 800-445-5777, Monday-Friday, 800 a.m.-500 p.m. mtral Standard Time.100 Satisfaction GuaranteeCanine Performance is highly palatable. Yet the levels of protein and phosphorusPRivX \ 'liSCIENCEOHS DIET r SCIENCESCIBTCE, ^PET.______N \ ce\f CANINE ^ V I PERFORMANCE m M1 iaiwnHOuvrcM'jiAJic W f y tiCjjcs.-,yniACiDisThe Pom Reader April 19878THE BONNER THEORY OF BREEDINGby Dorothy Bonnerk r. \rThis theory is based upon the comparison of genes with a deck of cards...Let us presume that I have bought a little pet of a certain breed, and some time later dog shows become interesting to me. I then show this little pet with no favorable results, and there is the realization that a better specimen is necessary. If wise, I study the best breeders who have culled and worked with the AKC Standard in mind. These seem to the ones who most often and most consistently win at the shows. Then comes the discovery that there are different types within this breed, all within the standard. Deciding which type is most pleasing to me, say hearts, instead of diamonds or spades, I explore for availability and cost estimates. The favored breeder has already linebred selectively for a number of generations, discarding many of the low cards undesirable genes. I cannot afford one of the best females, so a linebred cull is chosen, one in whom some of the low cards are still apparent, but will probably not be predominant in inheritance. This bitch is brought back, advisably, to the same kennel to be bred to his top stud he is heart type and close to standard perfection. The high cards desirable genes, now in predominance, are shuffled. The best puppy resulting from this union is retained, thereby leaving behind more of the low cards.This puppy is now bred back in the same manner. As these higher cards in the great majority are again shuffled, The Pom Reader April 1987results may be astounding, or the influence of a few low cards may slip back, necessitating another generation of selective breeding to obtain champion material of the type desired.A wise breeder practices this theory of selective linebreeding the entire length of his career. He has culled through many generations, and even one of this culls, bred carefully, will produce better types than a specimen of more perfection from a lesser kennel. The lesser kennel, who has shuffled the entire deck might be just lucky enouth to secure an excellent hand, but this one will usually lack the genes of scientific breeding.Lucky is the purshaser who can afford to buy a brood of champion quality from a kennel with years of top breeding, and linebred this female with a male of equal value and background. The money will be well spent in the years that it may save to work up to the same degree. The high cards are there to be shuffled at every breeding, and the possibility of low cards slipping back becomes slighter, but always present. In many breeds, the high cards give lower production in quantity the reason, so far obscure. However, quality, for which we strive, overbalances.Dorothy Bonner9CH. PATTYS DUFFIES LIL SKIPPER THE BEST IS SAYING THANKS...mmmwm mssmms. rWMass9 ifmi 81 gjjggThank you Patty...for letting me have SKIPPER Breeder Patty JensenOwner SYLVIA KELLY 7455 Vista Del Monte Van Nuys, CA 91405 818-780-7663 eves. 783-6300 daysHandlerJohn BrownSanta Ana, CaliforniaThe Pom Reader April 198710tSecretay B8aup8gmKHEach month The Pom Reader will welcome reports from the Secretaries of recognized Pomeranian clubs and organizations. As our staff can not be all places at all times, we think this is an excellent way to keep the world apprised of your activities and successful undertakings. Secretaries forget about a deadline, we know youre busy. Just submit as you can and we will publish as quickly as possible - your news will still be news, because we publish once a month -12 times per year. SPECIALTY CLUBS Submit photos of your winners, a critique if you have one, and a marked catalogue. We will publish your results free of charge, and return the photos to you after publication.THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. and the San Diego Pomeranian Club will hold their spring Specialty shows Thursday, May 14 and Friday, May 15, 1987, at the La Jolla Village Inn, La Jolla, California. Scheduled judges for the Specialties are as follows comprising the panel for the American Pom Club Specialty are Mr. Darrell W. Baker for the Regular and Non-Regular classes, and Mrs. Olga M. Baker for Sweepstakes. Comprising the panel for the San Diego Pom Club are Mrs. Thelma R. Brown for regular and non-regular classes, and Mrs. Dora Henderson for sweepstakes. Peter Galindo will be Show Chairman for both Specialties. For more information, contact Peter J. Galindo, 611 New York El Paso, TX 79902. Tel 915-542-0753. Entries close Noon, Wednesday April 29, 1987.'StorA tfleortNew expected litters... 10.0077ie ABom tfleacerYour Showcase for Pure-Bred PomsSUBSCRIPTION RATES12 Months - 12 Issues 24.00 third class post 40.00 first class post Overseas rates upon request Back issues available 3.00ADVERTISING RATESin U.S. DollarsAD SIZE OPEN RATE CONTRACT Full Page... 120.00 96.00Half Page.. 65.00 53.0014 Page... 35.00 27.0018 Page... 20.00 16.00116 Page.. 12.00 8.00Preferred positions by reservation only Front Cover 250.00 Back Cover 150.00Full Color is available at 250.00 additional per page. Ads 14 page and larger include one photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each.Contract advertisers may take advantage of contract rate regardless of change in ad size or content from month to month. Contract advertisers receive a FREE subscription.Specialty Clubs may take advantage of the contract rate at any time.DEADLINES The deadline for each issue of the Pom Reader is the tenth of the month prior to publication date i.e., July tenth for the August issue. The magazine is published on the tenth day of the month. Ads received after deadline will be published in the next available issue.Make checks payable toDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephones813 858-2639 or 813 858-3839THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR SUPPORTThe Pom Reader April 198711^AsA SAu-SAav993^sDear Shu-ShuIs there really a way a regular owner can win in the show ring with all these experienced handlers overpowering the ring Maybe we should just give up. Seems as though we just get excited to win, and then we get beat. The handlers seem real friendly and all, but maybe thats just outside the ring. Whats your viewpoint What can I do MistyWaxahatchie, TexasDear MistyHandlers generally are swell folks inside as well as outside the ring. There is a way to beat our handler friends. Try this technique before you go into the ring. Offer each handler, one at a time, a seat in your nice new lawn chair you of course just picked it up during last weeks garbage pick-up. Once the handler accepts most of them are most congenial and is in the chair...the chair gives way and down he goes. Your worries are over broken arms and legs rarely do well in the ringI saw this technique used at a show once. I do believe it was a very original idea. Stupid, but original. Come to think of it, I havent seen the dog and her owner since, but the handler is doing quite well...Oh, go ahead and give it a shot. I hear that you are planning on coming to the Michigan area anyhow, so maybe My troubles will be over. Too bad we couldnt meet in person.Deviously yoursSHU-SHUDear Shu-ShuWhat a cute idea - a column for Pomeranians. How in the world did you come up with something like that I sure would be interested in doing something such as this myself some day. Let me know when you decide to retireDear I doubt that you could do it very well the first thing you have to do is leave your address so we can write to you. Retire Thats when you grow up and blame your mistakes on being forgetful due to old age, isnt it YOUR NAME YOU FORGOT YOURNAME.......Happy RetirementYouthfully yours,SHU-SHUSend your letters to Shu-Shu Shannon Johnson at 6270 TrippRoad, Holly, Ml 48442 CEDAR CHIP PET PILLOWS Item....................................................... Price Shipping HandlingPillow, 19 x 23............................. 7.00 Pillow Cover 2.00Pillow Cover, removable, washable, lux- Pillow alone 2.00urious cream color pile.........................7.80 Cover alone 1.00Home grown cedar, freshly chipped for fullest aroma. Handmade with tender loving care. Successfully Pom tested. Repels fleas andMary Ann Wellnitz, R.R. 1, Box 86, Rushville, NE 69360. Tel 308-327-2533Pattys PomeraniansGreat Elms, Showstopper, Creider and Queenaire lines Quality Poms at Reasonable Prices Patty Jensen 6520 Game Farm Rd. E.612 472-5950 Mound, MN 55364JDs Pompous PomsWatch for JDs Buttons N Bows. She took BOS to Best Adult in match at the City of Angels Match on February 15, 1987Our congratulations to Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel for his group placement at WestminsterJanet Hovey34856 Canyon Road, Acton, CA 93510 Tel 805 269-5575VWINDJAMMER POMSCorrection to March 8 7 Pom Reader...Dam of male puppy offered is Ch. Anadors Dragon Dancer pictured, sired by Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripplealso sire of 3 top Twenty Poms, last PomReader.Bob Jeanne Stafford, 1231 Carberry Road, Niles, Ml 49120. Tel 616-683-0214Offers At Stud CH. BONNERS LEGACY GOLDEN DRAGONOwnerHandler SANDRA TERRITOP.O. Box 33 Lakeland, LA 70752 Tel 504 627-5200DESAREE SANDIFER509 OAKDALE STREET, GASTONIA, NC 28054 TELEPHONE 704 865-0859vm.iohn e. heartzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY P.O. BOX 1259, TRURO, N.S. CANADA PHONE 902 895-7427BEV-NOR POMS - home of CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE, 1Pom for 1981,1982, 1983, 3 Stud Dog 1985 - has 24 BIS, 5 Specialties, Sire of TOP WINNING females 1984, 1985. Sire of only BLACKS TAN to go BISA. Sire of BISA and Multiple Group winners. Stud Fee 200.00 limited to 20. CH. THELDUNS ALMOND FUDGE, 2 Stud dog 1985, sire of 37 Champions, BIS dogs, Group Specialty winners. Stud Fee 250.00 limited to 15. CH. BEV-NORS STATESMAN, Multi Group winner, 1986 Best in Sweepstakes winner New York. Stud Fee 200.00.UTTERS DUE BY ABOVE STUDSBev Norris, 7747 Meadow Rd., Pasadena, MD 21122. 301-255-1343The Pom Reader April 198712Labradors Smooth Fox TerriersBANDBOXCh. Stud Service in Orange, Cream Red Sable Puppies and Adults OccasionallyNANCY DEFOREST BARTHOLOMEW Rt. 1, Box 182 501-489-5733 OLA, AR 72853 STARLITE POMERANIANS Home of Champion Bitches STARLITES LUCKY SHANTICY STARLITES MISS DRAGON MITE STARLITES EDITOR'S BWITCHED STARLITE FANTICYS STAR MAKER Write for color photos or pedigrees Gayle Tom Griffin 9125 De Jong Road, Amity, OR 97101HOME OF THENORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942KILLER fcAND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Westside Road El Paso, TX 79932EMCEES POMS14 years of breeding and raising Poms. Have bred and finished over 35 Champions. Occasionally we have show prospects, a few pets, older Poms for sale. All from top producing bloodlines. Champion sired. All have clean bill of health. 350.00 and up.Morris Betty Carson, 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, VA 23233. Ph. 804 740-7977JUST A POMS presentsCH.JUSTA MENEHUNEproducing 80 females - watch for his winning daughters at the showsand AUSTINS A KNIGHT TO REMEMBERHeavy coated black - sire Ch. Shadra's Battery Not IncludedSHARON HIEMENZ, Rt 1, Remington Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32074. Tel 904 437-2190TIM SUE POMERANIANSCome see us ANYTIME in our new homeTIM SUE. GODDARD Route 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622SOUTHLAND.Southland Poms - Rays of Sunshine6618 Lost Ridge, Pineville, LA 71360 Ph. 318-466-3456Charlotte CreedJerrie Freia P. O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466NEWS....POMERANIAN VIDEO...Nancy Barr of the American Kennel Club Video Department has stated that the taping for Pomeranians will probably take place in September of this year, it will be directed solely by the American Kennel Club staff with professionals filming. We have provided the narration and are depended upon to supply the Pomeranians. All Pomeranians who have won a Best In Show are invited to be present. Also, some Poms with serious faults will be used as a demonstration. No dog will be identified, and some may not be used at all as this is the sole responsibility of the AKC staff. However, the American Pomeranian Club Video Committee Dorothy Bonner, Olga Baker, and Christine Heartz must have a supply at the filming site.All of these dogs must come at their owners expense with no real assurance of being filmed. However, the experience of being there is worth the trip, especially for breeders who live within driving distance. Those who intend to be present, please notify Dorothy Bonner as soon as possible at 26093 Highway 281 North, San Antonio, TX 78260. Tel 512-438-2256.Submitted by Dorothy BonnerMILLAMORELEANOR KEN MILLER5426 Spring Lake Drive Lakeland, Florida 33803 Residence Telephone 813 646-5864WITH PLANNED PARENTHOOD DARRELL OLGA BAKER207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Texas 77586 713 326-2250Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coy^ Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia, Ocala, Florida 32676 904 237-1636Pom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613Robert Juanita Fiddick Tel 319-989-2199Multiple Best In ShowCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDBI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum Phones36520 28th Ave. South 206-838-6397Federal Wav. Wa 98003 206-927-2369The Pom Reader April 198713HEARTWORM DISEASE...By Ken Wickliffe, Ball State University, Muncie, IndianaBecause heartworm continues to spread across the United States, dog owners should take steps to prevent the disease, according to a Ball State University professor.Dr. Robert Pinger, director of the Public Health Entomology Laboratory, Ball State, said dog owners should have their pets tested for heartworm before each mosquito season so the animals can be put on preventative medication.Heartworm is one of the most serious illnesses a dog can get, said Dr. Pinger. An animal gets heartworm, a parasitic infection, from the bite of a mosquito that carries the disease.The disease can spread very rapidly, said the professor. A mosquito bites an infected dog, then bites another dog and infects it. Because dogs can get hundreds of bites in an evening outdoors, the risk of infection is high.If a dog gets the disease, the treatment is costly and potentially harmful to the animal, Dr. Pinger continued. "By far, the best way to treat heart- worm is to keep a pet from getting it in the first place.He added that prevention becomes more important each year as heart- worm spreads from the Gulf Coast states, where it has long appeared with great frequency, into all areas of the nation. Heartworm has now been identified in all 50 states and is common in the South and Midwest, particularly in the Mississippi River Valley.Dr. J. Michael Volpp, Muncie veterinarian, said the disease has become so serious in parts of the Midwest that unprotected dogs are almost certain to get heartworm sooner or later.In many areas, if a dog has not been given the preventative and has spent considerable times outdoors during mosquito seasons, the animal will almost certainly get heartworm eventually, he said.Keeping a dog free of heartworm is not difficult.Dog owners should contact a veterinarian to schedule a blood test for their pet, Dr. Ringer said. The blood test is necessary to make certain the dog is not already infected with heartworm.Once the dog has been tested and found to be free of the disease, the veterinarian prescribes a medication, which the dog owner gives to the pet each day. Dog owners should begin giving the preventative medication to their animals one month before the beginning of rnosquito season and continue two months after the first frost.Dogs that live in warm climates - where mosquitoes are active all year - should receive the protection year-round.Preventing heartworm is much less expensive than treating the disease and much better for the dog, he said. The cost of heartworm prevention for a 20 pound dog during an entire mosquito season is about 30.00, including the blood test. Treating the disease can cost 100.00 to 150.00, and sometimes even more.The veterinarian added that the treatment for dogs who already have the disease makes the dog sick and can jeopardize the health of an older pet or one with other health problems. Some dogs do not survive the heart- worm treatment.Dr. Pinger cited information from the Cooperation Extension Service, Purdue University, which indicates that homewpners can do a variety of things to reduce the number of mosquitoes on their property. As a supplement to heartworm medication, mosquito control can reduce dogs chances of being infected.Any container that collects water is a perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes, noted Dr. Pinger. Old tires, tin cans and other waste should be thrown away. Rain gutters should be kept clean so they do not accumulate water.The Purdue Extension Service also recommends that water in bird baths be changed once or twice a week and wading pools be drained when not in use. Any necessary outdoor water storage pools or tanks should be covered tightly. Tree stumps--a favorite breeding place for some species of mosquitoes-should be removed.Drs. Volpp and Pinger cautioned that mosquito control measures are not a substitute for the heartworm preventative medication. Even with efforts to reduce the number of mosquitoes, dogs are bound to be bitten many times.Courtesy of MARIE FRASER, Director Public Information Services BALL STATE UNIVERSITYCH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL SUNSATIONCh. McKameys Ideal Conquest CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL STYLESTEPPERKrystal's Cherry KijafaCh. Miilamors Moonrock CH. DAJA JUSTA ROCKSAMPLEHoods Sweet Cookie ptd.Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe CH. MCKAMEYS CAVALIERS PEPPERMcKameys Little DuchessCh. McKameys Enchanting Pepper CH. MCKAMEYS ENGHANTING BEN JOMcKameys Blossom JoCh. McKameys Ideal Conquest CH. MCKAMEYS STAR OF GOLDMcKameys Star MillicentCh. McKameys Ideal Perfection CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL SUNSATIONMcKameys Elnor DianePuppies for breeding, show ring, or lovable pets, all popular bloodlines including Cavaliers, Sungolds, Millamor, Bonner, Creider, Hood, Cherokee, Emcees, Great Elms, Aristic, Models, Browns, Dixieland, English Hadleighs, Preservenes, Akelas, going back to our good old lines Julos, Moneybox, and many more.MCKAMEYS SUNDAWN KENNELS, Mrs. Norris McKamey, 1112 Sycamore Drive, Le Clare, IA 52753. Tel 319 332-5809rofeniorfr cmeromanRUTI^rVMIKEYfhFinest Toys Macho MikeWinners Dog, Fort Lauderdale Dog Club, December 86 Thank you judge Mrs. Paula BradleyHorst Graf12000 N.W. 2nd StreetPlantation, FL 33325 ,Agent305 475-2465 Jodi LawyerThe Pom Reader April 198714--------------- SPECIALS ADDITIONTOP TWENTY POMERANIANS JANUARY - MARCH 1987 AKC GAZETTEPresently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsBreed points not to be confused with AKC Championship points are allotted to individuals according to the highest placement received in any given AKC show, as reported in the American Kennel Club Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point awards.A number of points has been allotted to the various placements,POINTS NAME Owner BISA BISS BOSS I n m rv BOB1580 CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIEL D..........................Claudia Pfeffer, Owner1 2 4 2 2 3710 CH. PRECIOUS PETIT RIPLE SUPREME D...................DollMcGinnis, Owners.... - - 1 1 2 2 11670 CH. TEXICANS GIANT KILLER CHULA D....................Norma Gad, Owner- - 2 1 - - 2630 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING H D................R. Beam, Owner.... - - 2 - 1 1 3595 CH. HERDS LITTLE YO YO D........................................B. Gibbs, Owner- - 1 1 2 1 2520 CH. DUPRES SPARKLING GOLD-BUSTER D.............J. Dupre, Sr., Owner.... - - 2 - - 2510 VALCOPY WAKHAM COVER GIRL B............................Gemmill Plonkey, Owners1 - 1 - " 1475 CH. HARBINS TIME TO POP THE CORK D..................I. S. Harbin, Owners.... - 1 1 1 - 455 CH.AUTUMNS RED BLAZE OF BI-MAR D..................L. Untalan, Owner- - 1 1 1 3320 CH. PATTIES DUFFIES L1L SKIPPER D.....................S. Kelly D. Keller, Owners1 - - - 7300 IDLE ACRES PINBALL WIZARD D........................S. Kubankin, Owner- - 2 - 270 CH.MILLAMORS IM A WINDJAMMER D....................R. J. Stafford, Owners1 - - - - 2250 CH. TEXICANS GREAT BALLS OF FERE D................N. Berry, Owner.... - - 1 225 CH.POMIRISH SCOOTERS VICTORY D....................Sally Baugniet, Owner- - 1 - 1 5170 CH. APOLLOETTE MOONUTE GAMBLER D...............M. M. Presser, Owners- - 1 - - 170 SIRIUSSIMPLY SPLENDIFEROUS D..................L. Collings, Owner- - - 1 - - 2160 DIGNITYS CHRIS OLIGHTS D...........................B. M. Dignowity, Owners.... - - 1 - - 1160 CH. HI JAYS CLASSIC B............................................D. Jones, Owner.... - - 1 - - 1150 SUN RAYS GOLD BANNER D....................................F. Rodrigues, Owner- - - 1 - - 145 CH.BEV-NOR N SOUTHLAND RAMBO D....................... HahnFleshman,Owners lit Placements Alphabetical1 7and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds.................... 500BEST IN SHOW Specialty...................... 250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty.........75TOY GROUP FIRST...................................250TOY GROUP SECOND..............................150TOY GROUP THIRD.................................... 75TOY GROUP FOURTH................................ 25BEST OF BREED........................................ 10Statistician SUSAN WADE. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Pomeranians, as compiled from the JANUARY through MARCH 1987 AKC GAZETTE.The Pom Reader April 198715 LLL KENNELS EVER-SHINING STAR .9 Ch. LLL Kaptivating Katy pictured at 7 months, finished at 7 months and went on to produce numerous LLL Champions. A Champion worth her weight in gold and still producing2 orange males available, Ch. sire, Ch. damJanice Luginsland, Rt.1, Box 97, Americus, KS 66835. Ph. 316-443-5157J MS POMERANIANS PROUDLY PRESENTSJDS JUMPIN JACK FLASH O J AND MJDs Puff OSmoke x Bi-Mar Romeo BabeOh his second time out, Jack went BOS PUPPY IN MATCH at the City of Angels Pom Club Match on 21587. Many thanks to judge Juan C. Volante for liking Jack. This beautiful red sable will be starting his show career in March, 1987 keep your eyes open for him. Congrats to JDS PUFF OSMOKE owned, bred and handled by Janet L. Hovey for going WD and BOW at the Palm Springs Kennel Club on 1487.MARY JJ MARCHBANKS4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621. 714 994-0259jHA niRAINBOW POMSIVOii ll congratulations toHolly WebsterandKhani Midnight MasterpieceiBest of Breed under judge Toddie Clark who told Holly that Blacks usually dont take the Breed, but that THIS one is very good.Ch. Scotia Litleman Spectacular and Ch. Scotia Pipers Chintily Kobyko congratulate their daughter on her championship Ch. Scotia Spectaculars Pia Nono, bred by Edna Girardot, owned by Allison Brewster. Darling tiny, toy puppies Champion bloodlines All colorsByron Connie HendricksP.O. Box 644, Arcadia, CA 91006. Tel 818 444-5131DOVER-HOLIHOUSEOffer For Sale 3 Males2 Blacks 1 OrangeSire Ch. Snowfires Pecan Sandyclear orangeSandy is out of Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Millamor Bonner breedingDam Shadras Coal Citty OHolihouseCCs sire is Ch. Camelots Mighty ThorHer grandsire is Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of EdneyHer dams sire is Am. Can. Ch. The Pines Jack in the Box goes back to Ch. Bonners Krisp Golden CometCC is also the dam of Leon Missy See pictures in November POM READERDOVER HOLIHOUSEKathryn Hartz Pat Foley609-695-1642 609-394-0298Call for Price Full 6 Generation PedigreeThe Pom Reader April 1987POM PARADE...CONNIE HENDRICKS60 chance of rain throughout Sunday was the weather forecast for February 15,1987...But the Angels were smiling down on their namesake L.A. Pom Club and the rain stayed away. So the long awaited Plan B Match was held on schedule. It had preciously been postponed when the AKC approved date was usurped by the Shoreline KC to stage their first ever Show. And what a beginning Everything went perfectly. The gracious Club Members, with the men bedecked in Blazers with the Club emblem and the beautifully dressed women, going out of their way to welcome and help exhibitors the grounds were spacious and convenient and they had an excellent entry, especially considering that the entries had closed a week early and had caught many exhibitors unaware. They really know how to put on a Show All Pom People should watch for this Show next year.The Match had an excellent turnout with 21 entries despite the foreboding forecast.The Club was fortunate to obtain the services of Mr. Juan Volante to be our Judge. Although he officiated as if he were doing a Point show, he still took the time to let the handlers make it fun for their youthful entrants. He was easy, but thorough with his table exams. And all of the young dogs seemed to like him. It was a good beginning for future show dogs.Plaudits go to Match Chairman Linda Ayres, as everything was well organized and ran smoothly. And thanks to her husband, Dr. Steve who was the capable, helpful Ring Steward.And what a layout at the Luncheon Table. Terrific food was supplied by Janice Wetton along with help from Mom Dad Jack Dorothy Keller. And everything was kept hot and good with the latest in fine camping equipment. Unfortunately, because the weather scared off a lot of people and others expecting the customary hot dogs ate before coming, there was a lot left over. But next time the City of Angels Pom Club has a Match, be sure and come even if its just to eat the food Unless Janice gives up, and next time we get the hot dogs.Linda Noblitt was the winner of the Free Drawing.And our appreciation to Sylvia Kelly, who paid the Park fee so we could have such a lovely location to hold the Match. Full of trees and good grass, it is a convenient location for all.JJ Marchbanks was on the spot with his camera catching all of the winners as well as some of the fun and frolic.RESULTSPuppy Dogs 4-6 MonthsJDS SMORES, Janet HoveyPuppy Dogs 6-9 MonthsJDS JUMPIN JACK FLASH O JMS, JJ Mary MarchbanksBred By Exhibitor DogsMOON DUST, Art DirectoOpen Dogs ROCSKHANI GOLD GLORY, Byron Connie HendricksOpen Bitches ROCSJDS BUTTONS BOWS, Janet HoveyOpen Bitches BBBJU-JAWS DARK DESIRE, Paul Linda EvansBest In Match Adult KHANI GOLD GLORY Best Opposite Sex Adult JDS BUTTONS BOWS Best in Match Puppy LANAS MANDY Best of Opposite Sec Puppy JDS JUMPIN JACK FLASH O JMThe Pom Reader April 1987Changing the subject, am proud to report that the Southern Californians DO NOT OVERTRIM their Poms One of the adored characteristics of our Breed is that they are bouncing balls of fur. And the Standard is very definite on this - overtrimming is to be HEAVILY PENALIZED. When you come to our shows you see beautiful, full-coated, proud Poms. This was brought to mind because in a recent large entry there were a few Poms that had just been shown back in New York, and they were very neatly coiff- ed. It certainly is to judge Dorothy Nickles credit, and shows her knowledge of our Standard, that even though these were very nice Poms she did not put them up. All of her Winners had picture pretty, stand-off full coats. What good is a gorgeous Pom if it doesnt have a striking characteristic Pom coat I dont know how many of you are familiar with previous Standards, but in the old days coat counted for 25 If your dogs didnt have a glorious coat you might as well stay home. Our Oldtimers would shake their heads in disbelief if they saw one of these funny-looking little hairless Poms that some people are exhibiting today.My bumper sticker is going to read If you want a sculptured Pom - buy a statueAfter writing the above I was talking on the phone to Jill Webster of Gainesville, Floria. They bought a very good black male from us for their little daughter Holly. From reports we have heard that Holly has done an exceptional job of preparing Masterpiece for the shows, and she has been doing well with him. But-Jill said that there are a lot of Poms being shown in their area that are trimmed down, some to the extent that they dont even hardly look like Poms. She said that at some shows Masterpiece is the only one there with his coat blowing in the wind, and at those shows he looks strangely out of place. She said she was wondering if maybe they should give up on the idea of a full-coated Pom, and trim him down so he would look more like the competition. What advice would you give to little Holly Would you tell her to cut the hair off of her precious little Pom I couldnt tell her to do that. I told her to stick it out, because there are a lot of good judges out there who are following the Standard, and penalizing the overtrimmed dogs. Incidentally, her Best of Breeds were won under Toddie Clark and Mignon Murray. And she also had a very nice win under Keke Blumberg that I know of. For you exhibitors who keep track of these things, these are three judges who support natural Poms.In defense of judges, I will also make this statement. The overtrimmed Pom is said to be heavily penalized - not disqualified. And I am sure if I was doing the judging, and I was faced with a truly superior overtrimmed Pom that was showing against inferior competition, there is no doubt that I would give it to the better dog. This very seldom ever happens today. However, in an entry where there is more than one good quality Pom, the preference would unhesitatingly go to the correctly coated dog.One of the enjoyments of The Pom Reader is keeping tabs on who is doing what all over the Country. And in particular to see how we Californians are doing in comparison. And the answer is - great. Starting out with the January Gazette, we have 2 out of the Top Ten Exhibitors. Darlys Flaata is in a three-way tie for third, and Lana Ejchorszt is in a two-way tie for 6th.And as far as the Top Twenty Poms Ch. Patties Duffies Lil Skipper is sitting way up in 3rd place, and tied for 20th are Ch. Circle M Comes A Hossman and Ch. Del Sols Mighty Murphy.LAST CHANCE to find out about entries for the San Diego Pomeranian Extravaganza in May For information on the Dinner Cruise and Entries contact Kim Dickinson, P.O. Box 517, Bonita, CA 92002 phone 619-463-2700 and for Ads and Trophy Donations get in touch with Anna LaFortune, 3139 Florine Drive, Lemon Grove, CA 92044 phone 619-463-2700. 9 shows in 12 daysGood luck to allD Connie Hendricks10038 Giovane St., El Monte, CA 91733 Phone 818 444-513117NEWS...1987 KENNEL REVIEW MAGAZINE AWARDS PRESENTATION TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS Over 850 guests attended Kennel Review Magazines Annual Awards Presentation and Tournament of Champions in Detroits Cobo Hall on March 7,1987. The dog games most noted celebrities and the nations top winning dogs gathered there for one of the years most spectacular events.The Kennel Review Awards winners came about as a result of a nationwide poll of over 2,000 members of the dog fancy. The results were held secret until that evening.The Tournament of Champions competition is held in four categories Showdog of the Year, Breeder of the Year, Veteran of the Year, and a new category, Rare Breed Dog of the Year. There were 247 dogs in competition. A total of 14,900.00 in cash prizes was awarded. The winners were as followsSHOWDOG OF THE YEAR Ch. Galsul Excellence Wire Fox Terrier, owned by Mr. Mrs. William MacKay and Ruth Cooper, bred by J. Galvin and handled by Peter Green.BREEDER OF THE YEAR Salilyn Kennels English Springer Spaniels, owned by Julia Gasow the trio consisted of Ch. Salilyns Candidate, Ch. Salilyns Conquest, and Ch. Salilyns Baccardi.VETERAN OF THE YEAR Ch. Salilyns Private Stock English Springer Spaniel, bred owned by Salilyn Kennels handled by Kellie Fitzgerald.RARE BREED DOG OF THE YEAR Can. Ch. Vendric Deja Vu Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen, owned by Anne E. Snelling bred by Richard Gilbert handled by Garrett Lambert.The Awards Presentation recipients were as followsJUDGE OF THE YEAR Langdon L. Skarda, Clovis, New Mexico. SHOW OF THE YEAR Santa Barbara Kennel Club, Santa Barbara, California.OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION BY AN INDIVIDUAL Pat Beresford,Winsted, Connecticut.OUTSTANDING JOURNALIST Pat Beresford, Winsted, Connecticut. BEST OWNER-HANDLER George Bell, Snohomish, Washington.BEST MALE PROFESSIONAL HANDLER Peter J. Green, Bowmansville, Pennsylvania.BEST FEMALE PROFESSIONAL HANDLER Jackie Liddle, Prior Lake, Minnesota.BEST NEW PROFESSIONAL HANDLER David Roberts, Harwinton, ConnecticutCourtesy of KENNEL REVIEW MAGAZINEar.reciousBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson, LA 70181 504 737-1729tesICERAMA POMERANIANSSKIP PIAZZA, Professional Handler THE KENNELS 527 B Church Road Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266Marlene Marlin Presser209 886-5561 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95205ChesaiPomeraniansjBPP^ "artMHIrMl wsCHESAI CHARMING CHARLIE To start with Larry Rookstool handling Back to back Toy Group Firsts at Y-City KC fun matchCHESAI PLAYING FOR TIMEto start with Ron Feyh handlingRobert Joan Reilly 512 438-266726093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260THE BOSSBEST OF WINNERS OKLAHOMA CITY KENNEL CLUB 1965PHOTO Bt PETRULISCH. SHY ACRES I KAN TOOLitters due the end of May. We have two promising boys out of Boss we hope to start in 2-3 months, so watch for Patrick and Nova. Thanks again JANICE LUGINSLANDR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613Robert Juanita Fiddick Telephone 319-989-2199The Pom Reader April 198718------------------------ UPDATE ---------------------TOPTEN EXHIBITORSAS OF THE JANUARY through MARCH 1987 AKC GAZETTEWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the UnitedEXHIBITOR.............L. COLUNGS................................................................25L. VASUTA...................................................................25A. G. GONOS..........................................................19B. MCDONALD.......................................................... 19B. C. HENDRICKS....................................................18R. FRECH...................................................................17J. LUGINSLAND........................................................ 17C. ROBERTS............................................................. 17L. BRYSON....................................................................16S. BAUGNIET........................................................... 15L. EJCHORSZT............................................................15J. THOMAS..................................................................15D. WATTS...................................................................15Tie placements alphabeticalYour Showcase for Purebred PomsStates is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until December.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about November of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS THE LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY thru MARCH 1987 AKC GAZETTE.POINTSThe Pom Reader April 198719Sno-iliag Pomeranian Palace IS PROUD TO INTRODUCEShannon Johnson Jr. Tar BabyJUNIORHANDLERDETROIT KENNEL CLUBMARCH87 PHOTO BYK. BOOTHSOUTHLANDS TAR BABYS IMAGEA CUTE LIL BLACK TANLITTLEEARS...on Tar Baby. Oh, Shannon has little ones, too."GOOD BONE BEAUTIFUL LEGS...That was meant for Tar Baby. ANIMATION PLUS A REAL BRAT...That certainly wasnt meant for Shan.A CUTE LIL REAR...Oops Sorry Shan, I meant Tar Baby - HONESTJUST TWO YEARS OLD...Thats Tar Baby - Shan is 13.AN ADORABLE FACE...That ones for Shan to go with her inner self. YOU HAVE WORKED HARD...AND IT HAS PAID OFFLove, Ma6270 Tripp Road, Holly Michigan 48442 313-634-1331A page from PRECIOUS Coloring Book....MjjBEST OFOPPOSITE SEXPRECIOUS PETIT MS. MERIZEROwner Dorothy Martin Breeder Claudia PfefferRt. 2, Box 30 M, Rock Hill, SC 29730 P.O. Box 10432803-377-7718 Jefferson, LA 70181Here I am going BOS at 10 months of age.COLOR ME PROUDHeres my owner - she handled meCOLOR HER ECSTATICHeres our judge, Mrs. E. W. Tipton Jr.COLOR HER SUPER-WONDERFULDid you hear about my big brother Gabriel He was 3 Toy at WestminsterHugs and kisses to my breeder, Claudia Pfeffer, for letting me move to South Carolina, and to my special friend, Chris Mullen, who never lost faith in me.The Pom Reader April 198720TOWELSSally BaugnietTowels - what a weird subject for a dog article, you say. Today, I was folding some freshly washed and dried towels. Some were marked with afterbirth stains that just will not come out. Another has little tiny dots all over it, the remnants of blood stains from cutting toe nails. A few more have snags all over the whole towel. This was from a mama- to-be and mamas that already were. Then I came across some towels that had no stains, looked pretty good but somewhat old. These were my doggy bath towels. Lo and Behold, once in a while I would come across a new-looking, unblemished, beautiful towel. Ah ha - a people towelNow, the average person, when asked what kinds of towels there were, would probably say - hand towels, face towels and bath towels. I could add to that. We have whelping towels, puppy kennel towels and doggie bath towels - in no particular color.I like to have a towel or blanket in the whelping box before a bitch whelps - it helps me sleep better. The whelping pen is next to our bed. A bitch generally starts digging around and arranging things to her liking, days before the actual whelping. Like a woman - just when you think everything is arranged satisfactorily, she decides to rearrange. You know how paper sounds then a bitch makes her nest She doesnt stop until she tears it up clear to the bottom and you end up with nothing covering the bottom of the box and everything in shreds.My husband made whelping pens with two compartments. One part in the box is solidly enclosed on three sides and a removable piece about four inches high keeps the pups in the nest until you want them to come out at weaning time, but yet allows the bitch out. The next box has a false bottom under which is a heating pad. I cover the false bottom with layers of newspaper and tuck it under on all four sides. The false bottom is then put back in the whelping box. A loose towel or blanket is thrown into the box. She usually rearranges the towel, leaves the newspapers pretty well intact and I can hopefully get a good nights sleep.I take the loose towel out during the whelping or push it to one side. Strips of torn newspaper are put in the box. She will move those around, too.When the pups are a day or two old, I put a towel on top of the false bottom and tuck it under on all four sides so the bitch cannot bunch it all up. She digs in it, and it gets all full of snags, but if it is done correctly, the towel stays flat giving the pups some leverage in moving around. This strengthens legs and generally helps create a stronger pup. I dont like to leave a towel or blanket loose in the whelping box, because a pup can get under it and either get stepped on, laid on, or not find its way out to nurse - a good way to lose part of the litter.The other section of the whelping pen is wire. This is where the bitches food and water is put. This is also where the pups are fed when they are being weaned. Newspapers are put down in that section. With the four-inch partitionThe Pom Reader April 1987. .7Aremoved the pups have access to both sections. A clean towel remains in the nest box. This nest box and towel acts somewhat like a childs security blanket The pups make a beeline for that area if anything startles them.Now it is time for me to wash more clothes. Think of me when you wash and fold your towels. From now on, think of those towels as a good friend that you and your puppies can depend upon.A few months ago I wrote an article on boo-boos made in showing dogs. I received the following letter from a long time acquaintance. I thought you might enjoy it.Dear Sally,Regarding your column in December issue of POM READER I love dog shows, and as I expect everyone knows I have two left feet and ten thumbs, so naturally I do not like to show But occasionally Bernie has pressed me into service. I had, however, almost forgotten my biggest embarrassing moment...until I read your article and the ghastly ghost came back to haunt me.Bernie had 3 entries that day, under a well known breeder judge, and I was elected to take in a promising female. Just keeping my eyes on my feet so I dont trip, and on my thumbs so they dont entangle with the lead and choke the dog to death is about all I can manage when in the ring, so keeping arf eye on the judge is for me nearly impossible. However, I made it through pretty well and was feeling real proud of myself when the judge made the placement signals and I thought I was fourth. First would have been better, I thought, but with me handling, fourth was terrific Ha Striving to keep my equilibrium I lined up, not noticing those ahead of me, nor counting. Imagine my chagrin when the kindly judge came down the line passing out ribbons and said to me, I wish I could place them all, they are so lovely, but unfortunately that isnt possible. And I truly wish there were fifth place ribbons, but unfortunately there arent.Talk about red facesThe Big Boo Boo LoisUntil next time. Sally BaugnietoLenette o me ran ran 6 Stud Service Available on the following Studs Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette, 312 pound son of Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too. 100.00.Ch. Woods Magic Masterpiece, 4 pound orange son of Ch. Models Gold Momento.Ch. TomanoNs Wee Short Stack, 312 pounds, Irish Setter red, linebred for many generations. 100.00. Beaver of Lenette, Pointed, deep red, 4 pound son of Ch. Models Timstoppers Echo.Puppies generally available from these studs as well as other top studs.Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081Phone 704 938-2042K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner21Your Showcase For Purebred PomsPresented by Doll-McGinnis Publicationsa division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Inc. 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephones 813 858-2639 or 813 858-3839ADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsOPEN RATE FULL PAGE....120.00HALF PAGE.........65.0014 PAGE........35.0018 PAGE....... 20.00116 PAGE...........12.00CONTRACT RATESContract rate applies to advertisers who agree to place one ad each month on a yearly basis. Size of ad and content may vary month to month, but advertiser must have one ad per issue. Contract advertisers receive a FREE subscription.FULL PAGE.......96.00HALF PAGE.........53.0014 PAGE....... 27.0018 PAGE....... 16.00116 PAGE............. 8.00All ads 14 page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. Full Color is available - call for quote. Accent Color is available - call for quote.SUBSCRIPTION RATES12 Months - 12 Issues 24.00 third class post40.00 first class postRESERVE YOUR 1987 COVER TODAY...We have several covers available for the upcoming year plan ahead to feature your Pom on the cover of THE POM READER...all covers suitable for framingDEADLINESThe deadline for advertising is the 10th of the month preceding publication date i.e., March 10th for the April issue. All ads received after the deadline will appear in the next available issue. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine.THE POM READER is sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best in Show judges.SPECIALTY CLUBSSubmit photos of your Specialty winners BISS, BOSS, WD, RWD, WB, RWB, Best in Sweeps, a marked catalogue, and a critique if available THE POM READER will be happy to publish your Specialty results at no charge. Photos will be returned.MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO Doll-McGinnis PublicationsASjf'fciiifc,om ^TLeoctUQT IN SHOW AM. A CAN. CR__BAVANEWS MASTER SKYLARKThe Pom Reader April 198722Pet Portraits.SS1Ca or write for FREE FULL-COLOR BROCHUREDept. TNT 1559 82nd Street718 331-9523 Brooklyn, NY 11228Coming in July...THE 1987 POM READER STUD DOG DIRECTORYSPECIAL RATES FULL PAGE 90.00 HALF PAGE 49.00Ads may include a photo, three generation pedigree, brief remarks about his show career or progeny, all the important attributes of your super stud dog. Photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. All ads will be in a private section of the magazine in the order received.DEADLINE June 5th, 1987The Pom Reader April 1987FOR SALEWhelped 5385. Red Sable male. Ch. Bi-Mar Sunny Go Lucky, finished at the Columbia Pom Club Specialty with his second 5 point major. Sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a black tan litter sister to BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tan Ya. Grandsire, BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge. Lucky is Specials quality and a proven sire.Whelped 111183, redorange free-whelping brood female. Sired by AKC pointed litter brother to BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a Scotia bred female. 500.00.Whelped 5385, sable female that is littermate to Ch. Bi-Mar Sunny Go Lucky. Sire BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Dam BlackTan littermate to BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tan-Ya. Grandsire, BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge.Whelped 92582, redorange female, free whelper. Dam of Ch. Sandtowns Bi-Mar April, who finished at 10 months of age from the puppy class at the National APC Specialty going Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex. Kate is now bred to BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid for a repeat breeding that produced April.Whelped 9386, one redorange female by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Repeat breeding that produced Ch. Sandtowns Bi-Mar April. Show prospect. 500.00Whelped 11983, red female that is littermate to Ch. Greenacres Prima Donna of Bi-Mar. Sired by a half brother and out of a full sister to BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. 300.00Whelped 4586, redorange male. Sired by half brother and out of a sister to BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. 300.00Whelped 5286, redorange male. Parents are half brother and half sister to BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Doubling on Ch. TomanoNs Tiny Teddy Bear. This is a producing line. 550.00Whelped 91186, redorange female by Ch. Queenaire Coup DEtat and out of an AKC pointed daughter of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Show prospect. 550.00Whelped 5886, red male by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Dam is BonnerGreat Elms breeding. Repeat breeding that produced Ch. Bi-Mar Bit of Tassajara. Show prospect. 550.00Whelped 8283, black tan female, sired by Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge. Littermate to BIS Ch. Bev- Nors Toastys Tan-Ya. Dam of Bi-Mar Sunny Go Lucky who finished with his second 5 point major at the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty.Redorange female, 312 years old by Ch. Que Sera Spirit of La Rita and out of Ch. Que Sera GGs Barbi Doll. Covergirl is the dam of Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn. Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn ws Best Puppy and Best of Winners at the Columbia Pom Specialty from the puppy class under judge Maxine Beam. 600.00FLASH CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID rated Number One Sire for 1986 Canine Chronicle 3rd Quarter Also bred females and all young show stock for sale BI-MAR POMERANIANSMARY A. ROSENBAUM 36520 28TH AVENUE SOUTHPHONES 206-838-6397 FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON 98003206-927-2369LLL BIT O GOLD JIGGERAJm J.lBESTOF WINNERSAWARD OF MERITAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB NATIONAL SPECIALTTFEBRUARY 1987CALLEAJIGGER is shown being awarded BEST OF WINNERS by MRS. PAULA HARTINGER at the AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY IN NEW YORK, handled by JEANNE STAFFORD. Trophy presenters DOROTHY BONNER and MARLENE PRESSER.DOO-SHAY says THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUSPECIAL THANKS also to JANICE LUGINSLAND for giving us the opportunity to have JIGGER for us to love, for us to cherish, and for us to OBEY Hes lovable, funny, entertaining and a real brat thats just the way we like em. Hats off to LLL for a fine breeding programCONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS AT THE 1987 APC SPECIALTYOwnerSHANNON JOHNSON DOO-SHAY POMS 6270 Tripp Road Holly, MI 48442HandlerJEANNE STAFFORD WINDJAMMER POMS 1231 Carberry Road Niles, MI 49120Co-Owner JANICE LUGINSLAND LLL POMS Rt. 1, Box 97 Americus, KS 66835