The Pom Reader June 1987
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JUNE 1987VrS' tTOYCROUP.tsft OAK RIDGEKENNEL CLUB SHOWAir imtPMOTOl rr Ai.TtVOjftOAKRIDGE K.C vR"nV iufcVVrCH.CLAIRMONTS CAROLINA DELITEOn The CoverCH. CLAIRMONTS CAROLINA DELITEMOLLY-^9r tmVItVmBEST OF BREED9 99SPRINGFIELDkennel CLUBa9 87ISMOLLY, pictured above winning Best of Breed at the Bay Colony Pomeranian Specialty held at Springfield KC on 5-9-87 under judge Betty Moore. The following week Molly goes Group 1 at Oakridge KC and shes only 15 months old. Shes the 3 Pom, January thru April Canine Chronicle Points System.BreederOwner Lance Bryson535 Huffman Mill Road Burlington, NE 27215Agentpamela CampbellTHE PARTI GOES ON AT DOVER-HOLIHOUSE3tekSvM- wtvaJABEST OF BREED OR VARIETYu1R long island kennel club\ KERNANaPOMBREDENS HEAVENLY TOY BOYMay 17th - Troy took Winners Dog for another major - then on to BOW BOB and a nice look in the Group ring. Troythanks judge Mrs. Sue Kauffman for joining our PartiBarbara Troy congratulate Brenda Fleming owner and John Tyson handler on Ch. Pansey Panda Blkwhite parti bitch.Troys Breeders POMBREDENS Troys Handler Troys Biggest FanBarbara Robert Breden Pat Foley DOVER-HOLIHOUSE794 S. Willow Avenue 657 Second Street Kathryn HartzRialto, CA 92376 Trenton, NJ 08611 319 Ardmore Avenue714-820-2162 609-394-0298 Trenton, NJ 08629609-695-1642Troys May litter - 1 Girl, 1 Boy ...MORE PARTI TIME The Pom Reader June 198747iesom tfleacer.77,ctfleacerDECEMBER1085CfUawifa1jAatckfv^ane T77Volume 3, Number 4TABLE OF CONTENTSThisissue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront CoverLANCE BRYSON Center SpreadKATHRYN HARTZ DOVER-HOLIHOUSE Back CoverSYLVIA KELLY DE AMO POMS8. SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January through May AKC Gazette.12. GENERALLY SPEAKING by Susan WadeSue takes a look at natural insect repellents.13. POM READER COMING ATTRACTIONS...The 1987 Stud Dog Directory coming in July.14. CAJUN CHATTER by Kathy MasillaAllergy season arrives with a vengeance.15. ASKSHU-SHUMore interesting advice from our maven of mischief. Ably assisted by Shannon Johnson.16. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors as of the January through May AKC Gazette.17. SPECIALTIES...Sally Baugniet says that summer specialties can be super18. SECRETARIESPAGEReports from the Ohio Valley Pom Club and the Pom Club of Greater Baltimore.18. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and Subscription rates.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Tel 813 858-3839.The Pom Reader June 1987BAKER, 0......................................................14BARTHOLOMEW, N. F.......................... 15BRYSON, L................................................. 1,2CARSON, M. B........................................ 14COOK, S.....................................................5,14CREED, C..................................................... 12CUTSHAW, D................................................9FIDDICK, J................................................... 14FREIA, J........................................................14GAD, N..........................................................14GODDARD, T. S...................................... 14GRAF, H.......................................................17GRIFFITH, K................................................14HARTZ, K.............................................3,10,11HEARTZ, J. C...........................................17HENDRICKS, B. C...................................14HEMENZ, S..................................................14HILLS PET PRODUCTS.............................. 7HOVEY, J......................................................19JACKSON, C.................................................. 9JOHNSON, S................................................5,9KELLY, S......................................................20LUGINSLAND, J............................................9MARCHBANKS, M. H..............................9MCCOMBS, B..............................................19MARTIN, D.................................................. 17MCKAMEY, N.............................................19MILLER, E....................................................14NANCY ROSS PET PORTRAITS...............13NORRIS, B....................................................17PFEFFER, C..................................................14PRESSER, M. M.......................................14REILLY, R. J.............................................19ROSENBAUM, M........................................ 12SANDIFER, D...............................................17STAFFORD, J...............................................12TERRITO, S..................................................17WELLNITZ, M.............................................12CH. DOO-SHAYS HOOLIGAN SABRArHIE-jV34n' . ftsj ST,csSetmFinishes in fine style with back-to-back majors in one weekend with her Mr. Wonderful handler, DAVID B. GIBBONS. Thank you to judge Norman Pattonand also to judge Howard Tyler for a memorable weekend. Sabra will to on to motherhood in June. Congratulations to Jeanne Stafford for finishing Dias Sand Piper Bear, A Windjammer son that same weekend. Several champion breedings will be taking place in June and we do sell our best. Inquiries taken.Great ElmsLLLBonner lines mostly.SHANNON JOHNSON, 6270 Tripp Road, Holly, Ml 48423. Tel 313634-1331RAIN BEAU POMERANIANS Congratulates...tCassandra Ready of Wee Heart Kennels on her latest Champion, Ch. Wee Hearts Rose Royce pictured with Judge William G. Usherwood and handler Dr. Harold Codings. We also wish her good luck on Rosies litter sister Wee Hearts Mercedes 4 pts..Congratulations on your great day at Athens, Georgia at Classic City KC Wee Hearts Just-E-Nuff Justin, Winners Dog Best of Winners Wee Hearts Mercedes, Winners Bitch, Best of Opposite Sex Wee Hearts Bit of Gold Dust Dustie, BEST OF BREED AND TOY GROUP 1Keep up the good workRAIN BEAU POMERANIANSJean Sue Cook, 6810 S. Magnolia, Ocala, FL 32676 Tel 904-237-1636The Pom Reader June 1987SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITORMy mother always said I was born behind the wheel, and I guess theres some truth to that there has never been a car, boat, or gas-driven vehicle that I couldnt hop into, turn the key, and operate properly unfortunately this does not apply to planes my family and friends have steadfastly refused to allow me to get my pilots license, or to let me skydive, which I feel was very rude and probably stunted my development as a human being. From the very first my greatest desire was to drive in early years this was limited to an occasional spin on a tractor at our relatives farms, although, in all truthfulness, on occasion I would sieze the opportunity to drive a real car. Never on the streets - that would have been illegal - but I did spend one whole afternoon scrubbing skid marks off our driveway prior to my parents return from atrip. This desire, coupled with a natural feel for the road, made me an impatient, pushy person when it came to the drivers license. I got my drivers license on the very earliest date, at the very earliest appointment time, in an ice storm in a midwestern winter. And I passed with flying colors.Three days after I got my license, I was driving home from a not unusual Sunday trip to my fathers office - he always went in on Sunday, and we would often accompany him. In a major corporate building, there are lots of machines to play with, and you can use the WATTS line to call friends from Kindergarten and camp. You could also sneak into the elevator, pick up the phone and yell HELP and give the Security Guards something to do. As we turned onto Johnson Street, we noticed something unusual going on in a parking lot. There were lots of people standing around, and automobiles weaving odd patterns through pile-ons highway cones. I stopped to investigate. It seemed that there was a competition going on any licensed driver under the age of 21 could compete and the top two went on to national competition to try for first prize, which was a new convertible. One had to maneuver a large automobile through a long maze of pile-ons back down a very narrow lane parallel park in a small space go through another series of S-curves parallel park the other direction U-turn back up some more stop with the front wheels in a certain spot stop with the back wheels in a certain spot do a lot of other things and then finish. I decided to try.At that time in life I was very clean-cut and properlooking, button-down shirts and penny loafers, glasses, etcetera. When I filled out the entry form the people in charge exchanged looks. But youve only been driving less than a week, they exclaimed. I just smiled innocently. I was eligible after all, I had my license. They had to take me. I got in line to take my turn, and as I waited I watched my competition. Everyone else seemed to be about two minutes under the age of twenty-one and probably had five years experience behind the wheel. That was one. The vehicles provided were boring-looking four door sedans that was two. And everyone kept giving me smirky glances that was three. Ah well, I thought, Ill show them.The Pom Reader June 1987When my time came, I climbed on in, accompanied by a bored-looking official with a clipboard. I asked how the scoring was done, and he replied, Precision, Technique, and Speed. Precision Bingo. Technique OK. SPEED Buddy, youre on I thought.They began the countdown 10-9-8... I dropped her into low 7-6-5... I pushed the brake to the floor with my left foot and tromped the gas with my right 4-3-2... With a very surprised look on his face the official braced his hands on the dash, and over the roar of the engine he yelled, It looks like weve got a driver here Yes, you do, I thought to myself. And then they yelled GO I came smoking out of the starting gate I squealed through the S-curves on two wheels roared into the chicane and locked the brakes so the rear end would swing around later they told me I had executed a perfect skid turn - I didnt know that, I only knew it worked I backed up so fast that people jumped screeched into the parking space and back out, made the figure 8, made the Z, back into the Ss and came across the finish line with my foot to the floor and my heart beating wildly. And I hadnt touched one pile-on. I was thrilled.But speaking of rear ends reminds me of what happened the other day my secretary Carol came in and announced, The station wagon is making a roaring sound in the rear end I said, Well, dont look at me, call the mechanic. And she replied, Sure, and what am I supposed to say Hello, Im sorry to bother you, but I have a roar in my rear. But back to the competition although I had had the time of my life, I was sure I had lost, because everyone else had driven like little sissies and I like the Indy 500 I didnt care. I had gotten to drive hell-bent-for-election and the police couldnt give me a ticket for it Imagine my surprise not to mention my fathers when on the front page of the newspaper they announced that I had won.And speaking of winning, everyone seems to be doing quite a bit of that, which is always a good sign. Talked to Olga Baker yesterday her and Skip Piazzas boy Prince Charming II is really cleaning up Lance Brysons lady Molly is now a BISS. Thats wonderful -1 have always had a soft spot in my heart for big winning bitches. Kathryn Hartz team of exotically colored Poms is certainly making its mark Jackie Liddle won the Group at the Purina Invitational with Duffie - one last time for dog and handler. Jackie has, of course, retired, and we wish her the very best of luck in new endeavors. Jackie, well miss you.And speaking of missing and retiring reminds me of that driving contest of long ago. Oh, Ive slowed down in recent years, and rarely push an automobile past the traction limit, but the experience made one thing possible...Ive never been late to a dog show.Watch out for curves, stay under the limit, and...Til next month, Poms AwayJMcG 87s\ lSCtCEimtsDCl_CANINE 'growth J. SCIENCEOOGFOOO llllt DIETscfltfSSwskr CANINE MAINTENANCESCIENCE__1 SCENTtBCAUY FORMULATE FOR ADUU DOGSskggNecr. vso^gooss9NINEseniorOSFOOOSC5CAUyFOBM,.oudo8- --Iessir 'i IwWtf- \ 1t\V\V "iYou have different nutritional needs.So does your dog.Just like you, as age and activity level change, your dog's needs for protein, calcium, salt, fat and fiber also change. That's why it's important to feed the specific food formulated to meet your dog's specific needs. A food that consistently provides the optimum nutritional balance and special ingredients vital for better health and to aid in the prevention of heart, kidney, bladder and other diet-related diseases.That's Science Diet foods.CANINE GROWTHfor puppies and pregnantnursing dogs.CANINE MAINTENANCE for adult dogs. CANINE SENIORfor older dogs. CANINE PERFORMANCEfor adult dogs requiring extra calories.And each guarantees you'll see thedifference in your dog's health and appearanceor your money backBut Science Diet isn't at the supermarket. It's available only at your veterinarian's and finer pet shops. People who, like you, appreciate the benefits of superior nutrition.Mi SCIENCE DIET.Superior nutrition for the life of your petCALL TOLL FREE 1-800-445-5777Monday-Friday 800 a.m.-500 p.m. Central Standard Time for the location of the Science Diet dealer nearest you or additional information on howto improve your pet's nutrition.Or write Customer Service Veterinarian, Hill's Pet Products, Inc., P.O. Box 148,Topekp, Kansas 66601.8SPECIALS ADDITIONTOP TWENTY POMERANIANS JANUARY - MAY 1987 AKC GAZETTEPresently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is vour monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsBreed points not to be confused with AKC Championship points are allotted to individuals according to the highest placement received in any given AKC show, as reported in the American Kennel Club Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point awards. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements,and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds..........................500BEST IN SHOW Specialty............................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty..............75TOY GROUP FIRST........................................ 250TOY GROUP SECOND................................... 150TOY GROUP THIRD......................................... 75TOY GROUP FOURTH..................................... 25BEST OF BREED............................................. 10Statistician SUSAN WADE. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Pomeranians, as compiled from the JANUARY through MAY 1987 AKC GAZETTE.POINTS NAME Owner BISA BISS BOSS I2480 CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIEL D.......................................... - 1 - 4Claudia Pfeffer, Owner1065 CH. TEXICANS GIANT KILLER CHULA D...................................... ... 2Norma Gad, Owner930 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING H D.................... - 1 - 2R. Beam, Owner755 CH. PATTYS DUFFIES L1L SKIPPER D.......................................... 1S. Kelly, Owner755 CH. TOPAZE JACKPOT TOBEY D.................................................... ... 2J. Butler, Owner710 CH. PRECIOUS PETIT R1PLE SUPREME D................................... 1DollMcGinnis, Owners650 CH. HARBINS TIME TO POP THE CORK D.................... - - 1 1I. S. Harbin, Owners640 CH. HERDS LITTLE YO YO D.......................................................... 1B. Gibbs, Owner600 CH. APOLLOETTE MOONLITE GAMBLER D................................. 1M. M. Presser, Owners595 CH. DUPRES SPARKLING GOLD-BUSTER D......................... ... 2J. Dupre, Sr., Owner535 CH. IDAS TOUCH OF BEV-NOR D............................................ ... 2I. Tarver, Owner510 CH. D-NEES DARIN DUFFIE D......................................................... 2N. Hersil, Owner510 VALCOPY WAKHAM COVER GIRL B.............................................. -1-1Gemmill Plonkey, Owners455 CH. AUTUMNS RED BLAZE OF BI-MAR D.................................... 1L. Untalan, Owner300 IDLE ACRES PINBALL WIZARD D.................................. S.Kubankin, Owner270 CH. MILLAMORS IM A WINDJAMMER D...................................... 1R. J. Stafford, Owners260 CH. BI MARS SUNDANCE KID D..................................................... 1M. Rosenbaum, Owner260 CH. MIXONS MUSIC MAKER D........................................................ 1R. Mixon, Owner255 CH. CLAIRMONTS CAROLINA DELIGHT B................................... LBryson, Owner250 CH. TEXICANS GREAT BALLS OF FIRE D.................................................................... 1N. Berry, OwnerTie placements alphabeticalD HI IV BOB4 4 2 33 1-41 32 31-1611-31 2 2 1112 1122 42 - - 51 - 21 111I- 132 - - 211II-3The Pom Reader June 19879CH. JIGGER.1CH. LLL BIT OGOLD JIGGERJigger is so lovely, and we thank all the judges that felt the same. Jigger was shown just a very few times with almost an undefeated record. Janice Luginsland, his breeder, must be so proud 2887 - American Pom Club Specialty, New York - P. Hartinger - BOW 3887 - Detroit Kennel Club, D. Welsh - BOW 4487 - Saginaw Valley , D. V. Hansen - BOB 4587 - Livonia, L. Holcomb - BOW 42687 - Ann Arbor, H. Tyler, BOW 5887 - Oakland Co, BOWJigger will be out as a special, after being a daddy this summer. Owner Co-ownerShannon Johnson Janice Luginsland6270 Tripp Road, Holly Ml 48442 313-634-1331 LLL KENNELS PRESENTS OUR MACHO MAN \ J'VCh. Tim Sues High Lights shown taking WD, BOW, BOB, 5387, under judge Janis Hampton. Our Macho Showman repeated this win the very next day and added TOY GROUP I under judge Robert Waters 4 point major. Then 51687 - ANOTHER TOY GROUP I under judge Michelle Billings 5 point major, and on 51787, GROUP IV under judge Sari Brewster Tietjen.BreederOwner Sue GoddardCo-owner Janice Luginsland, Rt.1, Box 97, Americus, KS 66835. Ph. 316-443-5157wzeramaszss A New Classic...Glen Iris Ivanhoe\BEST OF WINNERSHUNTSVILLE KENNEL CLUB SPRING I987 0BOW, BOS from puppy class over specials. Thank you Mrs. Peggy CarrWatch for HO HO with handler Hiram Stewart. Cheryl A. Jackson 1038 16th Avenue S.Joel M. Taylor Birmingham, AL 35205205 328-6603DEBORAHS POMSGreat Elms and Models bloodlines. Pups available now, reds, oranges, and blacks Stud Service available. BreederOwner Deborah Cutshaw Route 3, Box 364 Rockwell, NC 28138 704-279-5906JDS POMPOUS POMS HOME OF CH. CIRCLE M COMES A HOSSMAN Janet Hovey34856 Acton Canyon Road, Acton, CA 93510 805 269-5575J MS PRESTIGIOUS POMERANIANS Star Resident JDS DESERT BRED COLTJMs wishes to express our heartfelt sympathy to Judy Paul Evans of Ju-Paws Pomeranians on the untimely passing of Ju-Paws Sassafrass their Colt daughter. A tragic accident took Sassy just prior to turning 6 months of age - so now there is a new shining star to light the heavens. ALWAYS REMEMBERED, NEVER FORGOTTEN. Mary JJ Marchbanks, 4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621.------ TTS PRESTIGIOUS POMERANIANSStar Resident JDS DESERT BRED COLTWe have 1 show quality female for sale to a show home. Orange sable, whelped 112486, heavy Corn Duke and Tomanoll breeding - super sound. Pedigree furnished upon request. All inquiries answered promptly.Mary JJ Marchbanks, 4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621. 714 994-0259The Pom Reader June 198710FROM DOVER-HOLIHOUSE...rS' ^ ^r--VV 'WINNERSikDOVER-HOLIHOUSE MISS L TOEMay 17th...Missy went WB, BOS for more points under judge Mrs. Sue Kauffman On May 11th Missy Went RWB from the Bred-By Class with competitionThe Kids have been taking Bred By Classes with competitionThanks to all the JudgesOwnersBreeders KATHRYN HARTZ D. NINOTSKI PAT FOLEYThe Pom Reader June 1987..WINNING KIDS OF COLOR111V VBEST OF OPPOSITELADIES KENNEL ASSOC- OF AMERICA MAY 1987tatham photo 14v1DOVER-HOLIHOUSE KRIS KRING-LMay 16th...Leon went WD for a major BOS from the Bred By Class with competition.Thank you judge Miss Martha Jane Ablett for Leons major and his sisters RWB.not easy when youre the only Blackswho agree that BLACK IS BEAUTIFULHandler,PAT FOLEY 657 Second Street Trenton, NJ 08611 609-394-0298The Pom Reader June 198712 GENERALLY SPEAKING...Susan WadeSummer in Florida can be a trial The mosquitoes arrive, plus those tiny little things that some people call midges or gnats, and the inevitable love bugs.Yecch If anyone wants to indulge in entomology, the place to live is FloridaThere are ways to live a fairly insect-free life, however - being a gardener helps, but herbs and natural remedies can be obtained in some natural food stores or garden shops. The dried and powdered heads of the Pyrethrum or Feverfew flowers both members of the chrysanthemum family are excellent contact poison for all insects and cold-blooded vertebrates. It is harmless to people and pets, so it makes a good insect repellent. Want to rid your kitchen, feed room or whatever of ants Crush some catnip and sprinkle it on the ant trails. Ants dislike the smell and will go elsewhere To keep flies outside where they belong, mix together equal parts of clover flowers, broken bay leaves, crushed cloves and eucalyptus. Tie this mixture into small mesh bags cheesecloth or net and hang them just inside your doors.Storing winter clothes Why bother with yukky moth balls - make small cloth bags and stuff them with rosemary\ Insects are not too wild about lavender, either. If you can find a source for oils herbal or flower scents, a marvelous repellent is made with 1Tbsp. of heliotrope oil, 1A tsp bergaot oil, and 18 tsp of clove oil. Melt one ounce of paraffin and stir in the oils. After it is well blended, pour the mixture into a flat pan enamel or wood. When it cools, just cut it into little bars and place in your storage area. Remember, too, that cedar shavings are good repellents for moths and for fleasAll of us cant have eucalyptus trees, but in a lot of the shops here in Florida you can buy the dried branches. They can be put into a vase as a dried arrangement or whatever. When the branches lose their scent, you can renew it by placing the branches in the bathtub with some warm, soapy water. Let them soak for thirty minutes or so, rinse and let drip dry. The water gets rid of any dust they may have accumulated some of us are deficient in the housekeeping department, and renews the odor that fleas and other insects do not like.My feelings about herbs and flowers combined with my ad- reading mania paid off for me. In a recent all-breed magazine, I ran across an ad for the Herbal Ark in New York. The founder and president of the company is not only a graduate Master Herbalist, but has a Ph.D. in biophysics and is afourth generation German Shepherd breeder and exhibitor. Dr. Goldmans grandmother ministered to the health of the animals in the kennel as well as the human part of the family with herbs.Some of the formulas used are family recipes that have been in use for a long time - ALL of the formulas have been researched, studied and used on their own animals and pets of friends.Part of my problem in using some of the remedies I have found has been the obtaining of all the ingredients and mixing them in the proper proportions. Well, I guess I wont have to worry about that anymore - now I can just sit down and order them all ready to serve from the Herbal Ark. You can even get them in a liquid form and since the measurements are in drops, all of my wrestling with stubborn dogs should be overThe formula that interests me most is the one they have devised to help a bitch to whelp. I do not like to use oxytocin, but this preparation is said to provide a natural form of oxytocin. It is made of three herbs Angelica, Black Cohosh and Blue Cohosh and licorice. I checked these herbs out in my little book and found The Pom Reader June 1987that all three are listed as aids to labor. The Black and Blue Cohosh are also knownas Squawroot or Papoose Root. The Angelica is credited with all kinds of good effects - good for coughs, a stimulant, a tonic helpful in colds, pleurisy or rheumatism, but the thing that is of interest here it that is helpful in expelling afterbirth.Other preparations include a male hormone enhancer Damiana and Siberian Ginseng, a fertility enhancer for either maiden bitches or proven bitches Plantain, Damiana, Dandelion and Lobelia and a formula called Gestate. This is designed for the bitches during their gestation period, containing Red Raspberry, Comfrey, Nettles and Seaweed.The formulas are available in powdered and capsule form as well as the liquid extract. Being a small company, they invite questions about their products and want to know the buyers reactions about the results. If you have a question or a particular problem, you can contact them and they will do their best to help you out.If your dogs have had bad reactions to some of the high- powered drugs that are in use today, why not give some thought to Herbal medications Most herbs are safe to use and you dont have to worry about some nasty side effect. Herbs can provide vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones and other nutrients that our dogs can use. Give it some thought and if you want more information, write Dr. Josephine Goldman, The Herbal Ark, Ltd., P.O. Box 368, Alden Manor, NY 11003.0 Susan WadeMultiple Best In ShowCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDBI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum Phones36520 28th Ave. South 206-838-6397Federal Wav. Wa 98003 206-927-2369Windjammer...Congratulates DOO-SHAY on their two new ChampionsJIGGER SABRABob Jeanne Stafford 1231 Carberry Road616-683-0214 Niles, Ml 49120SOUTHLAND......................Southland Poms - Rays of Sunshine6618 Lost Ridge, Pineville, LA 71360 Ph. 318-466-3456Charlotte Creed PET PILLOWS Fragrant, cedar chips stuffed. Repels fleas and ticks. Removable, washable, pile, cream color cover. 19x16- 14.00 19x23 - 16.80 28x24 - 21.50 29x35 - 26.00. Postage Paid. Mary Ann Wellnitz RR 1, Box 86, Rushville, Nebr. 69360 Tel 308-327-253313Pet Portraitsm xrCall or write for FREE FULL-COLOR BROCHUREDept. TNT 1559 82nd Street718 331-9523 Brooklyn, NY 11228Coming in July...THE 1987 POM READER STUD DOG DIRECTORYSPECIAL RATES FULL PAGE 90.00 HALF PAGE 49.00Ads may include a photo, three generation pedigree, brief remarks about his show career or progeny, all the important attributes of your super stud dog. Photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. All ads will be in a private section of the magazine in the order received.DEADLINE June 5th, 1987in information on this FUN MATCH can get in touch with Mr. Rookstool at 2520 Eakin Rd., Columbus, OH 43204, telephone 614 274-2118.Shari Staffer Kubankin is in charge of the Constitution Committee and presented an outline for it final plans will be decided at the May meeting. O.V.P.C. will have a referral service within the club for members who wish to sell any Poms Edie Allen will be in charge of the list.Anyone wishing to join our club during the first three months March- May will be considered Charter members For the present time, all future meetings will be held at the Cambridge Interchange Bonanza Restaurant in the Banquet Room. They will be held every 3rd Saturday of each month at 800 p.m. Anyone wishing to join or desiring information may contact our temporary Secretary Judy Shearer, 523 Miller Avenue, Sugarcreek, OH 44681 telephone 216-852-4136.We hope many of you will join us in the Club and dont forget our ALL BREED FUN MATCH in Lancaster, Ohio, on June 20th. Please let us hear from you...Youll be hearing from us next month. Until then, HAPPY POMS TO ALLSincerely, Barbara Ann Staffer Magazine Publicity SecretaryPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER BALTIMORE, INC...February was a most exciting month for the PCGB because we received approval from AKC to hold B-OB Matches. We have all worked so hard to get this approval. We were also granted permission from APC to host the summer specialty in 1990. We are all planning to work real hard and if the dogs smile on us favorably maybe we will be able to hold our first specialty at the same time.Another source of excitement is our futurity the entries closed on March 13th and we are anxiously waiting for the day of judging to arrive September 13th. Judging will be at our annual picnic the Futurity Stakes is 400.00 and the judges are, Sharon Dwier, Marlene Scott Halsey, and Burt Halsey.New champions are Ch. Watts Little Blackjack, breeder, S. Rae owner D. Watts Ch. Moe-Best Sugar Kane, breederowner Terri Moebuis Ch. Lynnwrights Ms. Sallekenmar, breeder C. Silhan, owner M. E. Snyder. Outstanding winners were PiazzaBaker with Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II - BEST IN SHOW SPECIALTY at the Dallas-Fort Worth Pom Club Specialty 32087 and BEST IN SHOW at Forth Worth KC 32187. Prince also has several Group 1 s and placements. Delores Watts was BW at Bay Colony Pom Specialty with Silva Lade Outlaw Josey Wales. Both Skip and Delores are leaving this week for shows in California, along with Bess Roberts and I think a couple of other PCBG members. Good luck to all and have a good time Dianne Johnson, 2901 Putty Hill Rd., Baltimore,MD 21234.116 Page.. 12.00 8.00Preferred positions by reservation only Front Cover 250.00 Back Cover 150.00Full Color is available at 250.00 additional per page. Ads 14 page and larger include one photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each.Contract advertisers may take advantage of contract rale regardless of change in ad size or content from month to month. Contract advertisers receive a FREE subscription.Specialty Clubs may take advantage of the contract rate at any time.DEADLINES The deadline for each issue of the Pom Reader is the tenth of the month prior to publication date i.e., July tenth for the August issue. The magazine is published on the tenth day of the month. Ads received after deadline will be published in the next available issue.Make checks payable toDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephones813 858-2639 or 813 858-3839THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR SUPPORTThe Pom Reader June 1987Pom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613Robert Juanita Fiddick Tel 319-989-2199oLenette fito me ran tan 6 Stud Service Available on the following Studs Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette, 312 pound son of Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too. 100.00.Ch. Woods Magic Masterpiece, 4 pound orange son of Ch. Models Gold Momento.Ch. TomanoNs Wee Short Stack, 3Vz pounds, Irish Setter red, linebred for many generations. 100.00. Beaver of Lenette, Pointed, deep red, 4 pound son of Ch. Models Timstoppers Echo.Puppies generally available from these studs as well as other top studs.Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081Phone 704 938-2042K. G. GRIFFITH, Ownerluioiauie, anu incse can rieip. i ne uesi way iu iigru aiiergyis to keep the dog as clean as possible and treat his symptoms. I have used gentocin durafilm as a nosedrop and it does seem to help. Benadryl 25mg can also relieve allergy, but my favorite way to treat pollen allergy is one I use on myself...good old LOCAL HONEY...that is, honey made by bees in your neighborhood. The logic here is that the honey is made from LOCAL pollens - those most likely to affect your dog. I give Vz teaspoonful in the morning and Vz teaspoonful in the evening. The old boy I give it to absolutely adores his honey, and its gotten to be pandemonium when I walk in with a teaspoon If you cannot locate a local beekeeper, you can try regular honey, but it does not seem to work as well. Two other products which can help are bee pollen with royal jelly tablets and alfalfa tablets which seem to help relieve stuffiness, but the honey seems to work better than anything else.Until next time, see you at ringsideKathy Masilla2 Cleveland Court, Metairie, LA 70003The Pom Reader June 19873k ISherry and Ml BABE POMS thank these judgesMrs. Virginia Hampton, WB, 3 point major Mrs. Betty Dexter pictured, WB, 4 point major Mrs. Michelle Billings, WB, 2 points Mr. Frank E. Oberstar, WWB, BOW, BOB, 2 points Dr. William S. Houpt, WB, BOS, 1 point.Sherry has been expertly and lovingly handled to all her wins by my good friend Nancy Burnette.Thanks, Sally Baugniet for trusting me with one of your good onesPOMIRISH GGS SCOOTERS SHERRY Sire Ch. Pomirish Desirees GE ScooterDam Pomirish Fizzs Golden Girli,\kA 'Ml BABE POMSRuby Babe McCombsRt 1, Box 184BB Ola, AR 72853 Phone 501-489-551011 iUXIll ICHESAIPOMERANIANS HIIHICHESAI CHARMING CHARUE To start with Larry Rookstool handling Back to back Toy Group Firsts at Y-City KC fun matchCHESAI PLAYING FOR TIMEto start with Ron Feyh handlingRobert Joan Reilly 512 438-266726093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL SUNSATION"V-V'Ch. McKameys Ideal Conquest CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL STYLESTEPPERKrystals Cherry KijafaCh. Mlllamors Moonrock CH. DAJA JUSTA ROCKSAMPLEHoods Sweet Cookie ptd.Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe CH. MCKAMEYS CAVALIERS PEPPERMcKameys Little DuchessCh. McKameys Enchanting Pepper CH. MCKAMEYS ENGHANTING BEN JOMcKameys Blossom JoCh. McKameys Ideal Conquest CH. MCKAMEYS STAR OF GOLDMcKameys Star MillicentCh. McKameys Ideal Perfection CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL SUNSATIONMcKameys Elnor DianePuppies for breeding, show ring, or lovable pets, all popular bloodlines including Cavaliers, Sungolds, Millamor, Bonner, Creider, Hood, Cherokee, Emcees, Great Elms, Aristic, Models, Browns, Dixieland, English Hadleighs, Preservenes, Akelas, going back to our good old lines Julos, Moneybox, and many more.MCKAMEYS SUNDAWN KENNELS, Mrs. Norris McKamey, 1112 Sycamore Drive, Le Clare, IA 52753. Tel 319 332-5809The Pom Reader June 1987DE AMO KENNELS THE BEST BET..........ISALWAYSAGOODGAMBLEI- CH.APOLLOETTE MOONLITE GAMBLER6 Group IOwnerSYLVIA KELLY7455 Vista Del Monte Van Nuys, CA 91405 818-780-7663 eves. 783-6300 daysTo Date THE GAMBLER S Record is8 Group II 4 Group III 2 Group IVCo-OwnerBreedersHandler MARLENE MARLIN PRESSERMARLIN PRESSER 21789 E. Hwy 4Stockton, California Stockton, CA 95205209-886-556113OdCtoPet Portraitsn.asCall or write for FREE FULL-COLOR BROCHUREDept. TNT 1559 82nd Street718 331-9523 Brooklyn, NY 11228Coming in July...THE 1987 POM READER STUD DOG DIRECTORYSPECIAL RATES FULL PAGE 90.00 HALF PAGE 49.00Ads may include a photo, three generation pedigree, brief remarks about his show career or progeny, all the important attributes of your super stud dog. Photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. All ads will be in a private section of the magazine in the order received.DEADLINE June 5th, 198714KHANIRAINBOW POMS Byron Connie HendricksP.O. Box 644, Arcadia, CA 91006 Tel 818 444-5131MILLAMORELEANOR KEN MILLER5426 Spring Lake Drive Lakeland, Florida 33803 Residence Telephone 813 646-5864Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coy's Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia, Ocala. Florida 32676 904 237-1636srC^Jrecious d^JehiesBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson, LA 70181 504 737-1729 ^erietA' lScMzerasilan WITH PLANNED PARENTHOOD DARRELL OLGA BAKER 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Texas 77586 713 326-2250Pom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613Robert Juanita Fiddick Tel 319-989-2199oLenette f^omeraniand Stud Service Available on the following Studs Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette, 3V2 pound son of Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too. 100.00.Ch. Woods Magic Masterpiece, 4 pound orange son of Ch. Models Gold Momento.Ch. Tomanolls Wee Short Stack, 3V2 pounds, Irish Setter red, linebred for many generations. 100.00. Beaver of Lenette, Pointed, deep red, 4 pound son of Ch. Models Timstoppers Echo.Puppies generally available from these studs as well as other top studs.Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081Phone 704 938-2042K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnerCAJUN CHATTERby Kathy Masilla--Springdecided to skip it this year and weve gone straight into 90 degree temperatures Coupled with a mild winter, breeders here are waiting for what has to be a dreadful onslaught of fleas this year.It seems as though some years the pests are more sensitive to some insecticides than others. Last year it was Dursban which clobbered the little vampires successfully the year before it was Malathion. Whatever you use to erradicate your flea problem, always remember to be careful that your dogs cont make contact with the wet spray used to treat the yard. Wait until the ground has a chance to dry thoroughly before letting your dogs run in treated areas. And if you use Lindane to spray for pests, remember that it has a longer residual effect than other pesticides, so check with an expert to see how long to go between sprayings.The warm weather has everything in bloom, along with complete allergic side effects. Ever have a dog with inhalant allergies It can be an experience, let me tell you The poor things get all the symptoms that humans get...watery eyes, stuffy nose, and sometimes ear problems along with it. You can put the poor baby through allergy testing, where they shave the hair off the side of the dogs body and prick designated areas with the suspected allergens. This tells you what the dog is allergic to avoid it is another magic trick There are special filters which clean the air, also, negative ion generators which seem to make the air more tolerable, and these can help. The best way to fight allergy is to keep the dog as clean as possible and treat his symptoms. I have used gentocin durafilm as a nosedrop and it does seem to help. Benadryl 25mg can also relieve allergy, but my favorite way to treat pollen allergy is one I use on myself...good old LOCAL HONEY...that is, honey made by bees in your neighborhood. The logic here is that the honey is made from LOCAL pollens - those most likely to affect your dog. I give V2 teaspoonful in the morning and V2 teaspoonful in the evening. The old boy I give it to absolutely adores his honey, and its gotten to be pandemonium when I walk in with a teaspoon If you cannot locate a local beekeeper, you can try regular honey, but it does not seem to work as well. Two other products which can help are bee pollen with royal jelly tablets and alfalfa tablets which seem to help relieve stuffiness, but the honey seems to work better than anything else.Until next time, see you at ringsideKathy Masilla2 Cleveland Court, Metairie, LA 70003The Pom Reader June 198715SAu-SAa'3itDearShu-ShuI figure the best way for me and my family to meet other dog people is to go to a dog show and let people know that we are genuinely interested in getting acquainted by joining in with the others in the show ring of a local show. Dont you agree, Shu-ShuMikonNeedham, MADear MikonIf you havent filled out an entry form several weeks prior to the local show, but still plan on entering the ring, I figure you will meet lots of real, live, genuine dog people Thats one way to get acquainted.Love,Shu-ShuDear Shu-ShuHow much grooming is too much for the show ring How should I be groomed to show off my lovely attributes First Im told Im too thick in coat then Im told Im too long in coat. I have been told I would be even shorter in body if I were trimmed all over. Coat, Coat, Coat I never realized so much coat could cause such a hullaballoo. I have also heard that over-trimming can be a no- no With all this coat of mine, it would be nice to have everyone be able to find me under it all. I need your help with the decision of what to do with all this hairREETA Broussard, LADear Reeta,Tell your owners to get out the electric clippersplace blade on top of your headturn switch on and quickly zip along, bearing down firmly, all the way to your tail. There ya go Now dont worry about grooming for the shows...stay home and let your coat growYour cosmetologist,Shu-ShuSend your letters to Shu-Shu Shannon Johnson at 6270 TrippRoad, Holly, Ml 48442Labradors Smooth Fox TerriersBANDBOXCh. Stud Service in Orange, Cream Red Sable Puppies and Adults OccasionallyNANCY DEFOREST BARTHOLOMEW Rt. 1, Box 182 501-489-5733 OLA. AR 72853d ^PoYY16lDESAREE SANDIFER509 OAKDALE STREET, GASTONIA, NO 28054 TELEPHONE 704 865-0859NORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942HOME OF THEKILLER AND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Westside Road El Paso, TX 79932EMCEES POMS14 years of breeding and raising Poms. Have bred and finished over 35 Champions. Occasionally we have show prospects, a few pets, older Poms for sale. All from top producing bloodlines. Champion sired. All have clean bill of health. 350.00 and up.Morris Betty Carson, 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, VA 23233. Ph. 804 740-7977JUST A POMS presentsCH.JUSTA MENEHUNEproducing 80 females - watch for his winning daughters at the showsand AUSTINS A KNIGHT TO REMEMBERHeavy coated black - sire Ch. Shadras Battery Not IncludedSHARON HIEMENZ, Rt 1, Remington Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32074, Tel 904 437-2190TIM SUE POMERANIANSCome see us ANYTIME in our new homeTIM SUE GODDARD Route 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622Marlene Marlin Presser209 886-5561 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95205Jerrie Freia P. O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466The Pom Reader June 198716-------------- UPDATE ------------------TOPTEN EXHIBITORSAS OF THE JANUARY - MAY 1987 AKC GAZETTEWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the UnitedEXHIBITOR...........States is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until December.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about November of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS THE LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY thru MAY 1987 AKC GAZETTE.POINTSL. VASUTA................................................................33L. COLUNGS.............................................................28A. G. GONOS.......................................................25L. BRYSON............................................................... 24R. FRECH................................................................ 23R. MIXON.................................................................23B. C. HENDRICKS................................................22L. EJCHORSZT....................................................... 19J. LUGINSLAND......................................................19B. MCDONALD........................................................19D. WATTS................................................................19Tie placements alphabeticalYour Showcase for Purebred PomsThe Pom Reader June 1987SPECIALTIESSally BaugnietI just returned from the San Diego and A.P.C. summer specialties. The weather was cool and overcast for these two shows - beautiful for the dogs, great for their coats. It caught me without any cool weather clothes -1 had a good excuse to go shopping . The three all-breed shows that followed the two specialties were overcast in the morning and sunshine in the afternoon. We had a chance to get a little tan some red noses and yet it was not uncomfortable. There was always a beautiful breeze blowing.We had different winners each day for the five shows - that gives you an idea of the outstanding quality of Poms that were in competition. Five point majors held every day.The hospitality of the San Diego Pom Club was absolutely fantastic. Kim Ted Dickinson, Margaret Dan Ontiveros transported us to and from the shows and airport. Beverly Griffiths and her committee did a bang-up job with the hospitality room. The club members contributed delicious food for the specialties lunches.An unusual and most delightful twist to the whole occasion was a two hour dinner-dance cruise in the San Diego harbor. The Pom people had the whole boat, which came equipped like the old steamboat - paddle wheel and all.Anna LaFortune was the trophy chairman. There was a beautiful array of trophies, including a huge trophy for Best of Breed. This trophy was offered in memory of Mr. James Griffiths to whom the San Diego specialty was dedicated.It was an absolutely wonderful week. Everything cooperated, the weather, people, dogs. If you dont go to the summer specialties, you dont know what you are missing Why not go to the next oneThe Des Moines Pom Club will host the 1988 APC Specialty which generally falls on Labor Day weekend. Des Moines has their Pom Specialty show on Friday with three all-breed shows following at the same location. At this time I am not sure if the APC show will be separate from or in conjunction with one of the All-breed shows. This is still in the planning stage and of course, subject to AKC approval.I will be trophy chairman, so if you feel the urge, dont wait. Ill take your trophy donation right now If you wish to donate something other than money, send the description of the trophy to me and make sure the trophy is in my hands before show time. We hope to see you there.Until next time. Sally Baugniet 11224 Cty. Hwy. B, Mishicot, Wl 54228 She doesnt need much of an excuse to go shopping. - Dickd 7^0724,DESAREE SANDIFER509 OAKDALE STREET, GASTONIA, NC 28054 TELEPHONE 704 865-085917mmmGrafenhorstsPomeraniansssmAA.Horst Graf12000 N.W. 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325305 475-2465BEV-NOR POMS - home of CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE, 1Pom for 1981,1982, 1983, 3 Stud Dog 1985 - has 24 BIS, 5 Specialties, Sire of TOP WINNING females 1984, 1985. Sire of only BLACK TAN to go BISA. Sire of BISA and Multiple Group winners. Stud Fee 200.00 limited to 20. CH. THELDUNS ALMOND FUDGE, 2 Stud dog 1985, sire of 31 Champions, BIS dogs, Group Specialty winners. Stud Fee S250.00 limited to 15. CH. BEV-NORS STATESMAN, Multi Group winner, 1986 Best in Sweepstakes winner New York. Stud Fee 200.00.LITTERS DUE BY ABOVE STUDSBev Norris, 7747 Meadow Rd., Pasadena, MD 21122. 301-255-1343Miohn e. heaftzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS" A SPECIALTY P.O. BOX 1259, TRURO, N.S. CANADA PHONE 902 895-7427Offers At Stud CH. BONNERS LEGACY GOLDEN DRAGONOwnerHandler SANDRA TERRITOP.O. Box 33 Lakeland, LA 70752 Tel 504 627-5200jffz jAerce ^orzeranlayz^Breeding for a better Pom-morrowGreat Elms, Precious Petites, Showstopper Lines Dorothy MartinRt. 2, Box 30M, Rock Hill, SC 29730 803-377-7718The Pom Reader June 198718Secreara' cufEach month The Pom Reader will welcome reports from the Secretaries of recognized Pomeranian clubs and organizations. As our staff can not be all places at all times, we think this is an excellent way to keep the world apprised of your activities and successful undertakings. Secretaries forget about a deadline, we know youre busy. Just submit as you can and we will publish as quickly as possible - your news will still be news, because we publish once a month - 12 times per year.___________________________OHIO VALLEY POM CLUB...A beautiful sunny spring day made the drive down to Cambridge, Ohio, a most enjoyable one...Good friends to ride with, winding highways through gently rolling hills...and the prospect of talking Poms with other interested people, made for a pleasant and relaxing journey. In no time at all we were at the Cambridge Interchange and enjoying our supper at the Bonanza Restaurant Banquet Room.At 800 p.m. we proceeded with our meeting. An open and friendly atmosphere prevailed throughout the meeting with everyone having ample opportunity to voice their opinions and suggestions. This was our 2nd meeting, held 41887 there were 10 members present with 3 new members joining that evening. Since March, there has been a change of officers for Treasurer our new Temporary Treasurer will be Darren Lane in charge of memberships for the present will be James Shearer. Mr. Shearer is also in charge of the Nominating Committee for the upcoming June election of officers. Ron Feyh is handling the General Publicity, with Larry Rookstool in charge of our June 20th ALL BREED FUN MATCH anyone interested in information on this FUN MATCH can get in touch with Mr. Rookstool at 2520 Eakin Rd., Columbus, OH 43204, telephone 614 274-2118.Shari Staffer Kubankin is in charge of the Constitution Committee and presented an outline for it final plans will be decided at the May meeting. O.V.P.C. will have a referral service within the club for members who wish to sell any Poms Edie Allen will be in charge of the list.Anyone wishing to join our club during the first three months March- May will be considered Charter members For the present time, all future meetings will be held at the Cambridge Interchange Bonanza Restaurant in the Banquet Room. They will be held every 3rd Saturday of each month at 800 p.m. Anyone wishing to join or desiring information may contact our temporary Secretary Judy Shearer, 523 Miller Avenue, Sugarcreek, OH 44681 telephone 216-852-4136.We hope many of you will join us in the Club and dont forget our ALL BREED FUN MATCH in Lancaster, Ohio, on June 20th. Please let us hear from you...Youll be hearing from us next month. Until then, HAPPY POMS TO ALLSincerely, Barbara Ann Staffer Magazine Publicity SecretaryPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER BALTIMORE, INC...February was a most exciting month for the PCGB because we received approval from AKC to hold B-OB Matches. We have all worked so hard to get this approval. We were also granted permission from APC to host the summer specialty in 1990. We are all planning to work real hard and if the dogs smile on us favorably maybe we will be able to hold our first specialty at the same time.Another source of excitement is our futurity the entries closed on March 13th and we are anxiously waiting for the day of judging to arrive September 13th. Judging will be at our annual picnic the Futurity Stakes is 400.00 and the judges are, Sharon Dwier, Marlene Scott Halsey, and Burt Halsey.New champions are Ch. Watts Little Blackjack, breeder, S. Rae owner D. Watts Ch. Moe-Best Sugar Kane, breederowner Terri Moebuis Ch. Lynnwrights Ms. Sallekenmar, breeder C. Silhan, owner M. E. Snyder. Outstanding winners were PiazzaBaker with Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II - BEST IN SHOW SPECIALTY at the Dallas-Fort Worth Pom Club Specialty 32087 and BEST IN SHOW at Forth Worth KC 32187. Prince also has several Group 1 s and placements. Delores Watts was BW at Bay Colony Pom Specialty with Silva Lade Outlaw Josey Wales. Both Skip and Delores are leaving this week for shows in California, along with Bess Roberts and I think a couple of other PCBG members. Good luck to all and have a good time Dianne Johnson, 2901 Putty Hill Rd., Baltimore,MD 21234.Pleader'Your Showcase for Pure-Bred PomsSUBSCRIPTION RATES12 Months - 12 Issues 24.00 third class post 40.00 first class post Overseas rates upon request Back issues available 3.00ADVERTISING RATESin U.S. DollarsAD SIZE OPEN RATE CONTRAFull Page.. 120.00 96.00Half Page. 65.00 53.0014 Page.. 35.00 27.0018 Page.. 20.00 16.00116 Page. 12.00 8.00Preferred positions by reservation only Front Cover 250.00 Back Cover 150.00Full Color is available at 250.00 additional per page. Ads 14 page and larger include one photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each.Contract advertisers may take advantage of contract rale regardless of change in ad size or content from month to month. Contract advertisers receive a FREE subscription.Specialty Clubs may take advantage of the contract rate at any time.DEADLINES The deadline for each issue of the Pom Reader is the tenth of the month prior to publication date i.e., July tenth for the August issue. The magazine is published on the tenth day of the month. Ads received after deadline will be published in the next available issue.Make checks payable toDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephones813 858-2639 or 813 858-3839THANKS AGAIN FOR YOUR SUPPORTThe Pom Reader June 1987iPOMIRISH GGS SCOOTERS SHERRY Sire Ch. Pomirish Desirees GE ScooterDam Pomirish Fizzs Golden GirlSherry and Ml BABE POMS thank these judgesMrs. Virginia Hampton, WB, 3 point majorMrs. Betty Dexter pictured, WB, 4 point majorMrs. Michelle Billings, WB, 2 pointsMr. Frank E. Oberstar, WWB, BOW, BOB, 2 pointsDr. William S. Houpt, WB, BOS, 1 point.Sherry has been expertly and lovingly handled to all her wins by my good friend Nancy Burnette.Thanks, Sally Baugniet for trusting me with one of your good ones i ,\k I ,v iMl BABE POMSRuby Babe McCombsRt 1, Box 184BB Ola, AR 72853 Phone 501-489-5510' 11 .HU I ChesaiPomeranians4CHESAI CHARMING CHARLIE To start with Larry Rookstool handling Back to back Toy Group Firsts at Y-City KC fun matchCHESAI PLAYING FOR TIMEto start with Ron Feyh handlingRobert Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North512 438-2667 San Antonio, TX 78260CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL SUNSATIONCh. McKameys Ideal Conquest CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL STYLESTEPPERKrystal's Cherry KijafaCh. Millamors Moonrock CH. DAJA JUSTA ROCKSAMPLEHoods Sweet Cookie ptd.Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe CH. MCKAMEYS CAVALIERS PEPPERMcKamey's Little DuchessCh. McKamey's Enchanting Pepper CH. MCKAMEY'S ENGHANTING BEN JOMcKameys Blossom JoCh. McKameys Ideal Conquest CH. MCKAMEYS STAR OF GOLDMcKameys Star MillicentCh. McKameys Ideal Perfection CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL SUNSATIONMcKameys Elnor DianePuppies for breeding, show ring, or lovable pets, all popular bloodlines including Cavaliers, Sungolds, Millamor, Bonner, Creider, Hood, Cherokee, Emcees, Great Elms, Aristic, Models, Browns, Dixieland, English Hadleighs, Preservenes, Akelas, going back to our good old lines Julos, Moneybox, and many more.MCKAMEYS SUNDAWN KENNELS, Mrs. Norris McKamey, 1112 Sycamore Drive, Le Clare, IA 52753. Tel 319 332-5809The Pom Reader June 1987DE AMO KENNELSTHE BEST BET....ISALWAYSAGOODGAMBLECH. APOLLOETTE MOONLITE GAMBLERTo Date THE GAMBLERS Record is6 Group I 8 Group II 4 Group 2 Group IVOwnerSYLVIA KELLY7455 Vista Del Monte Van Nuys, CA 91405 818-780-7663 eves. 783-6300 daysHandlerMARLIN PRESSERStockton, CaliforniaCo-OwnerBreeders MARLENE MARLIN PRESSER21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95205 209-886-5561m