The Pom Reader July 1987
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m ^leace.JULY 1987V Vi ' irLi I[BEST IN SHOWACADIANA KENNEL CLUB FALL 1987 6PHOTO BYL. SOSABEST IN SHOWSo o5B.I.S. CH. TEXICANS GREAT BALLS OF FIREOn The Cover...WE PROUDLY PRESENTB.I.S. CH. TEXICANS GREAT BALLS OF FIRESire Ch. Tomboys Pico Chico Dam Texicans Miss IndependencePointedhrHandled by Erica Moureau Dayna JohnsonG.B. is pictured on the cover being awarded B.I.S. by the esteemed Breeder-Judge Edd Bivin. Other outstanding achievements 3 Group I, by Judges Edd Bivin, Harold Bishop, and E. W. Tipton Jr. 2 Group II 3 Group III, and 3 Group IV in very limited showing. STARS IN HIS CROWN 4Dee Dee Nike Bayou BoySire Ch. Texicans Great Balls O Fire x Ch. Texicans Tim-Sue SieBe looking to see these cuties in the ring around fall.Others Berrys Texicans Mouse, Berrys Cut Above G.B., Elaines Great Balls 0 Fire.BERRYS POMERANIANSOffering Show and Pet Quality Dogs Puppies For SaleNina M. BerryP.O. Box 907, Iowa, LA 70647 318 582-6690THE FATHER-SON TEAM3JAMMERAm. Can. Ch. Millamors Im A Windjammer Ch. Millamors Trademark x Millamors Rock Rosette Sire of 3 Champions in 1987 with a 4th just singles awayJammer is shown winning a Group 2nd under Mrs. Barbara Jarmoluk, after winning his 2nd BISSIa-RANGERAmCan. Ch. Windjammers Night Ranger Am. Can. Ch. Millamors Im A Windjammer x Ch. Anadors Dragon Dancer.Ranger is shown winning under Mrs. Dorothy Welsh, who then went on to award his sire Jammer Best of Breed. Our special thanks to these two ladies for making Memorial Weekend such a MEMORABLE one Watch for Jammer Ranger kids to be out soonBoth of these boys are at public stud fees and pedigrees sent on requestc-.Ji \BEST OF WINNERSa VHOLLAND. MICHIGAN KENNEL CLUBMAY1987BOOTH PHOTOJ KK.rv.SB"''WINDJAMMER Bob Jeanne Stafford1231 Carberry Road, Niles, Ml 49120 616-683-0214JAMMERKARMUN Karen Munster314 S. Joliet St., Wilmington, IL 60481 815-476-2039RANGERThe Pom Reader July 19874^lecicerVolume 3, Number 5jES'-v^ V V ' . \Artwork by Nancy RossTABLE OF CONTENTS8. RUTH BEAM - Breeder ExtraordinaireKen Griffith tells about this successful Pom breeder.14. THE SHOW MUST GO ON...But this one went to the dogs Shannon Johnson tells of a hair-raising experience. Artwork by Nancy Ross.16. SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-June AKC Gazette.18. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-June AKC Gazette.18. POM READER VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.20. HAPPY HAWAIIAN BIRTHDAYSally Baugniet tells of her judging trip to Hawaii.22. LETTERS...Questions from our readers.22. STORK REPORTNew expected litters.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL.Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Tel 813 858-3839.The Pom Reader July 1987This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront CoverNINA BERRYCenter SpreadKATHRYN HARTZ DOVER-HOLIHOUSE Back CoverOLGA BAKER JERIBETH POMS SKIP PIAZZA ICERAMA POMSBAKER, 0.................................................21,24BARTHOLOMEW, N. D..........................21BAUGNIET, S................................................ 9BERRY, N....................................................1,2CARSON, M. B........................................ 21COOK, S....................................................... 15CREED, C................................................ 11,15FIDDICK, R. J.......................................... 21FREIA, J.......................................................... 5GAD, N......................................................... 21GALAVICH, C............................................. 19GODDARD, T. S...................................... 23GRAF, H........................................................15GRIFFITH, K................................................ 20GUSTAFSON, A. L..................................21HARTZ, K................................................12,13HEARTZ, J. C........................................... 20HENDRICKS, B. C...................................21HIEMENZ, S.................................................21HILLS PET PRODUCTS.............................. 7HOVEY, J..................................................... 21JACKSON, C................................................ 17JENSENrHft--........................................... 15JOHNSON, S................................................ 21LUGINSLAND, J.......................................... 23MARCHBANKS, M. J..............................23MARTIN, D...................................................20MCKAMEY, MRS. N................................... 10MEGENHARDT, D...................................... 19MILLER, K. E........................................... 19NORRIS, B................................................... 21PRESSER, M. M....................................... 15REILLY, R. J.............................................17ROSENBAUM, M........................................ 15SANDIFER, D...............................................15SHEARER, J................................................. 21STACKHOUSE, S........................................ 17STAFFORD, R. J........................................ 3TAYLOR, J................................................... 17TERRITO, S.................................................. 20WELLNITZ, M.A..........................................20Ch. Bev-Nors Toastmaster mMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Dunns Little Lina Preshus Ch. Bev-Nors Toaster FudgeCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Bev-Nors Sweet SassyBrittons Little Miss Muffet Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper TooGreat Elms Wee JulieBev-Nor's Missy MissCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms HoneybunJANESAS KENNELS Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 MORGAN CITY, LA 70381 504-384-7466 After 600 P.M. pleaseThis typie young stud has producedCh. Bev-Nor N Southlands Rambo bred by Charlotte Creedowned by Sharon Hanson Jane FleshmanCh. Idas Touch of Bev-Nor bred by Ida Tarverowned by Dorothy Hageman, Ida Tarver, Charlotte Creedcurrently shown by Barbara HumphriesCh. Janesa Sunkisted bred by Jerrie Freiaowned by Polly FergusonBayou View Country Boy major pointedbred owned by John Lewis Adam VerrettJanesas Damien major pointed bred owned by Jerrie Freia co-owned by Leanna RillieuxBayou View Pop Tart major pointedbred owned by John Lewis Adam VerrettJanesas Renee major pointed bred owned by Jerrie FreiaThe Pom Reader July 1987SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITORDid you ever have one of those days when you were just ready to quit Well, I did...yesterday. It was just a regular Sunday morning, so things should have been allright, but I had been working for three hours and had accomplished nothing. It seemed that I would typeset two words and delete three. I threw up my hands and walked out of my office. I said to Duane Doll,You know, Im way ahead of schedule and Im not having a good day. I think Ill quit.I think Ill sit down, have a drink, and then take a nap. Doesnt that sound...WHAT ON EARTH IS THAT I hollered. Out on the patio ten feet away, was the mangiest, largest, ugliest raccoon I have ever seen. As I jumped to my feet in shock his head swiveled around to face me and...his eyes told me everything I needed to know.RABIES Every cliche about panic hit me at once. I forced my mind to move from fear to consciousness. Quick - are any of our dogs out in the yard No - everyones in the house. I glanced across the lawn to the building wherein we house our old, retired dogs. The door was wide open. Oh My God, I thought, Dont head that way. Please dont head that way. I quickly made the decision to dash across the yard and slam the door, and then I thought, What am I doing I havent had a Rabies Shot At that very moment the creature turned slowly, and in a staggering fashion headed up the hill into the field. Quick Think In the field are cows - who ever heard of a cow getting rabies The coon continued weaving up the hill. Then, suddenly, he started to climb the chain link fence into our tenants yard. Christy and Billy Quick Think They have four cats...three dogs...and CHRISTY IS IN A WHEELCHAIR having been thrown off her horse. I had a flash vision of Christy pumping the wheelchair madly down the driveway with cats and dogs in her lap and all of them being chased by a demented, cackling raccoon. In any other circumstance it would have seemed funny. It wasnt funny. It was terrifying.I grabbed for the phone. Billy Theres a raccoon in your yard and I think hes rabid Get your gun Billy is an avid hunter. Now, in times of emergency my whole system reacts in one of three ways If there is something I can do, administering first aid at an accident scene, counseling a berieved friend, preparing for a hurricane,I calmly go about taking care of the problem. If I cant do much, but can be of some help, I am okay, too. But in an emergency if there is absolutely NOTHING I can do, I panic. Throw a bomb Set fire to the property Call the Marines However, in this instance, Billy and Duane were more suited to action than I. As I hopped back and forth from one foot to the other, Billy and a friend calmly unlocked the rifle cabinet and proceeded to come outside.Now by this time the raccoon had ventured into our enormous elephant ear tree if you are unfamiliar with this type of tree, know this it is very tall, very beautiful, very dense, and affords millions of places for a rabid raccoon to hide. As I peered at the tree for some sign of the little devil, Billy and his friend came around the back of their house. With rifles. I hate guns. I became a basket case. Right here, on my property, a piece of property completely given over to life and comfort of animals...there was to be an intentional slaying. Billy, Duane, and Billys friend decided that I would possibly be of much more help were I to return to the house and man the phone. I tore back to the house and called Animal Control. Help Help, I yelled. Theres a rabid animal on my property. Can you spell your name, sir CAN I SPELL MY NAME WHATS THE DIFFERENCE And your address, sir Thank you. Ill have an officer get right back to you.Feeling fairly confident that smashing my fist through the refrigerator would produce little, if any, positive results, I again ranThe Pom Reader July 1987outside. A car swept up the drive. For an animal control officer, I thought, shes sure dressed up And then I remembered Susan Wade, who also lives here, was expecting company. I walked up to the car. Hello, Im looking for Susan Wade., the lovely guest announced. Well, lets go over to that building over there, thats where Susan [KABOOM]. A rifle went off. I did a somersault over the hood of her car. Struggling to maintain some semblance of serenity, I managed to inhale, exhale, and walk across the yard simultaneously. Oh, Susan, I called politely, You have a [KABOOM] I wrapped my arms firmly around the concrete pillar in front of Susans door. Susan shot me a strange look and I weakly smiled as she introduced her friend. Betty, Id like you to meet [KABOOM] As luck would have it we were not shaking hands at the time The pretty guest was surely saved from a severe hand injury. How nice to meet you, I smiled, with my fingernails gauging into my palms. Please excuse us, we dont normally arrange this kind of entertainment for our [KABOOM] I flew back across the yard to pick up the ringing phone. Im sorry Mr. McGinnis, but until the animal has bitten someone we have no reason to come out. YOU WHAT I screamed in disbelief. [KABOOM] I snapped. LISTEN LADY, IF THAT RACCOON BITES ANYTHING ON MY PROPERTY, IM GOING TO COME DOWN AND BITE YOU I flung down the phone. Calm down, I thought, Calm downRelatively sure that tearing the siding off of the house was not going to do any good, I looked around frantically for something constructive, not to mention calming, to do. I siezed a real estate guide and quickly estimated the amortization schedule, possible floor plans, and necessary repairs on a building I admired in Leesburg, Florida. [KABOOM] The real estate guide flew one way and I the other. The phone rang. I snatched it up. Mr. McGinnis, Animal Control is on the way THANK YOU I hollered, and headed for the door. Rather than to simply run down the stairs I decided to execute an energy-consuming jump in order to calm down. As I launched myself skyward, I glanced to my right - up to the elephant ear tree, and saw, with unusual clarity, the raccoon perched upon a very high branch.And then it happened. [KABOOM] This shot connected. With a scream, the raccoon fell from the branch upon which it had taken refuge. My feet and his body hit the ground simultaneously. And the thought then hit me. Even in his weakened, sickened condition, he had still fought for life, not willing to let go. My stomach turned inside out.It was over. Totally drained, I went back into the house for the drink and the nap I had promised myself three hours earlier. I sat down, took a sip and...GAGGED. The drink tasted like fear. And Blood. And Gunpowder. As I thrust it away in distaste the phone rang. Mr. McGinnis, Im sorry to bother you, but I need your opinion and possibly your advice about... and he mentioned a subject with which I am very familiar and relatively well-versed. I fought down the urge to scream obscenities..and then a strange thing happened. The mind started to work. Facts and figures came together and made sense. My heart slowed to its regular pace. My fists unclenched and my eyes quit squinting. I was reapproaching normalcy. At the end of the conversation my caller said I want to thank you for all your help. And I replied, And I thank you for yours. Hes probably still wondering why I said that.I reached again for my drink. This time it tasted great. And so did the next one. Have a nice nap, my friends.Until next month...Poms AwayJMcGLike any warm-blooded animal, cows can indeed contract rabies, and in many areas entire herds are routinely vaccinated against the disease. J'JK4e\ 1SCCE^jiutsOTET^_____y '.CANINE^GROWTH _L science0OGK3O0 H DIETsaomgTn^CANINESCIEMCE MAINTENANCEDIB SCGNufiCALLY FORMULATEDADuU DOGSSCENCfWETDOSfO fobww^ C^NNE SEMfOR006 FOODSa'nsouyFQO,.I\SiV.wYouhave different nutritional needs.So does your dog.Just like you, as age and activity level change, your dog's needs for protein, calcium, salt, fat and fiber also change. That's why it's important to feed the specific food formulated to meet your dog's specific needs. A food that consistently provides the optimum nutritional balance and special ingredients vital for better health and to aid in the prevention of heart, kidney, bladder and other diet-related diseases.That's Science Diet foods.CANINE GROWTHfor puppies and pregnantnursing dogs.CANINE MAINTENANCE for adult dogs. CANINE SENIORfor older dogs. CANINE PERFORMANCE for adult dogs requiring extra calories.And each guarantees you'll see thedifference in your dog's health and appearanceor your money backBut Science Diet isn't at the supermarket. It's available only at your veterinarian's and finer pet shops. People who, like you, appreciate the benefits of superior nutrition.m SCIENCE DIET.Superior nutrition for the life of your petCALL TOLL FREE 1-800-445-5777Monday-Friday 800 a.m.-500 p.m. Central Standard Time for the location of the Science Diet dealer nearest you or additional information on howto improve your pet's nutrition.Or write Customer Service Veterinarian, Hill's Pet Products, Inc., P.O. Box148,Topek^, Kansas 66601.RUTH BEAMGolden Lady of the South Breeder ExtraordinaireText By Ken Griffith Lenette PomeraniansNineteen thirty seven was a great year for the Pom fancy because it was the year that Ruth Beam bought her first Pom. I imagine that she would not have had any idea whatsoever that fifty years later she would be recognized as one of the foremost breeders of Poms in the world.Ruth started with Pekes as well as Poms soon after graduating from college. She taught school for a few years and worked in her fathers General Store in Pineville, North Carolina, for many years. Most of her life, however, has been devoted to the development of the Pom and in particular to her own Great Elms bloodline.For a few years Ruth raised pets but soon became interested in breeding for show. She knew of the reputation of the Aristic kennels of Gladys Schoenberg in San Antonio, Texas, so she decided to send Aristic Lady Pamela down to be bred to one of the many Aristic champions. Ruth shared that she was a little disappointed that Gladys had bred her bitch to Aristic Little Timstopper and not to a champion. She had left the decision to Gladys, and she soon found out that the breeding was to produce her second champion and the sire that would prove to be the foundation of the Great Elms line. She whelped two male puppies from the breeding but lost one and the one that survived, Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper, went on to win 25 Bests of Breed and 8 Group Firsts. During the early fifties when Timmy was being shown it was almost unheard of for a Pom to win a group, let alone eight. Timmy went on to sire 20 champions and many of his get themselves later on produced champions.I think to understand the accomplishments of this breeder extraordinaire you have to realize that Great Elms has always been a very small kennel and not very many pups have been raised. Needless to say we all know how hard it is to raise Pom puppies. The name for Ruths kennel was taken from the large elm trees that at one time covered her parents property. Today just a few remain and right across the street is a large shopping and business complex.Many things have been written and said about Ruth Beam but so much more needs to be said. She was honored by being the very first Kennel Visit for the Pom Review back in 1958 and honored again in the 20th Anniversary issue.If you would indulge me for a little bit I would like to share with you on a personal basis how I got to know this Golden Lady in Poms. Back around 1955 I decided that I wanted to start raising Poms so I started shopping around and reading dog magazines and soon found out that just thirty six miles south of me was one of the top breeders in the world. I had been going to Pineville for several years on a regular basis taking my Grandmother to an Herb Doctor. Thats right - herb doctors many years ago were an important part of the old South. I started stopping in to visit Ruth every time I was in town. I soon found out that getting a Great Elms Pom was about the nearest thing to impossible. I didnt give up and started saving my money. It took over two years before I finally talked Ruth out of my first Pom. One Pom was all it took to change my life - similar to how it had changed Ruths. I became a literal pest around the Lowery household. At that time Ruths mother was still living and The Pom Reader July 1987 fM--.A a close friendship developed between us three. Ruth was always known in her little textile town as Miss Lowery. Even today she may walk down the street and have someone greet her by saying, Hello, Miss Lowery.I used to write Ruth quite often and at that time as a teenager I didnt realize what I was asking for her to answer my letters. I realized then that she did not answer most of her letters unless they were for stud service. Ruth seemed to just put aside what she was doing long enough to answer my letters, and understandably complained all the time while doing so. I spent many hours at her house and also at the ole General Store she was running since her fathers death. We both lost our mothers about the same time and I sort of adopted Ruth as my new mother. As the years quickly passed and today they number over thirty two, our friendship has continued to grow. I wonder how many friends can say to each other that in that many years they have never had a cross word with one another I am sure there were many times Ruth wanted to tell me to get lost but she was always that Southern Lady with kindness in her heart for her fellow man just like her beautiful and gracious mother.I wish I had the space and time to share with you a lot of the things about Poms that Ruth has taught me. I would like to share just a few. I think the very first thing I remember Ruth telling me was that you do not breed females under 5 pounds. Every time I have broken this golden rule I have paid the price. Another important aspect of breeding Poms that Ruth has helped me with is the fact that we should not run to the vet with every little thing. I have learned to treat 90 of my dog problems myself. In whelping Ruth has been so much help. She tells the novice not to panic and stay away from that Vet until you really need him. She almost never has a section and in my years of breeding Poms I have had very few. She taught me to give the bitch a chance. She has had many deliveries that went over 24 hours and in some cases two days. Most Vets are knife happy and the first thing they want to do is cut that bitch open. I am fortunate to have an outstanding Vet who does not believe in sections and he rarely will have to operate on one of my bitches. Oh that we had more vets like him and breeders like Ruth BeamContinued next page9POMERANIANS NORWICH TERRIERSIRISH SETTERSDick Sally Baugniet11224 Co. Hwy B Mishicot, Wl 54228 Ph 414-755-2994Breeders of 41 Pomeranian Champions, 28 Norwich Terrier Champions, 1 Irish Setter ChampionCh. D-Nees Darin Dinadan Pomirish Pooh Bear's TiggerCh. Pomirish Pooh Bear Cn. Ch. Pomirish Pooh Bears Huny Bear NCh. Great Elms Buddy of LenetteEdna of LenetteAddie of LenetteMorenos Sunny San of Hadleigh Shamrocks Pomirish Gem SmokyMorenos Lady-B-GoodCh. Pomirish Cream PuffCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da OCavilierCh. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey BrochureAM. CN. CH. POMIRISH CR PUFFS ONLY CHANCEMulti group and specialty winner. Sire of numerous cream Champion-bitches. Sound. Cream. Cream show males for sale now, whelped 9-19-86 ex Ch. Pomirish Bubbles Lil Sprite.Ch. Scotias Little Buddy Buddy Ch. Wee Moneymaker of SouthmontGoldie Jones HorneCh. Pomirish Lil GuyCh. Apples Traveling BuddyTravelers KatinaJewels Shadow of Gidget Pomirish Pooh Bears TiggerCn. Ch. Pomirish Tiggers Huny Bear NEdna of LenettePomirish Cream Puffs Carry OnShamrocks Pomirish Gem SmokyCh. Pomirish Cream PuffScotia Double Gr Da OCavilieri .tVSiMl Ch. Pomirish Lil Guys Dbl ProofDam is Chances litter sister. Very typey, sound moving. Orange.Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Ch. Great Elms Models TimstopperModels Sweet LeilaniCh. Pomirish Desirees G. E. ScooterCh. Great Elms Timstoppers ImageDesirees Beautiful BabeSandees Christmas Mistletoe Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Pomirish Glory's HallelujahPomirish Glory ReclaimedPomirish Hallelujahs GloryGreat Elms Little TeddyDee Dee of LenetteRosewoods Becky LouCh. Pomirish Scooters VictoryMulti-group winner. Deep orange. Victors sire Scooter is also at stud. Victors first son is now being shown - 7 points including a 5 point major, Cabrillo KC California.Other pups and adults available. Judging does not allow me to show at as many shows as I did.HOMEBRED CHAMPION 41 Congratulations to Babe McCombs for finishing our co-owned Ch. Pomirish GG Scooters Sherry.The Pom Reader July 198710KEN GRIFFITH on RUTH BEAM Continued...If I started listing all of Ruths accomplishments it would take this whole magazine but to list just a few Ch. Great Elms Timstop- per Again sired 23 champions Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image, 12 champions Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too , 10 champions. Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy , 10 champions Ch. Great Elms Little Timsun, 3 champions and many years ago won 4 Groups in 4 shows. There have been some great bitches over the years. Aristic Lady Pamela for being the mother of the original Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper and other quality Poms Dixielands Gay Linda was the dam of 6 champions. Great Elms Sweet Candy is the dam of several champions and should surpass Lindas record. Candy is the dam of Ch. Great Elms Shining Star which has approximately 25 Canadian Bests in Show and Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II who has several BIS and is now the top winning Pom in America. I personally have seen several more of Candys pups that will finish I am sure.Novice breeders quite often ask, why are there not more Great Elms champions if this is such a good and long-enduring bloodline Simply states, Ruth has not shown very much and wanted it this way. She is not the person to blow her own horn, so to speak. She has a tendency to put her dogs down rather than build them up.I think this speaks very highly of this great Southern lady who does not need to be on an ego trip. I can assure you that there could easily have been hundreds of Great Elms champions had Ruth wanted it that way. It didnt take Ruth very long to realize that all Pom breeders are not nice people to deal with. Although not an iron clad rule, Ruth just about has to know you before she will sell you a Pom for breeding. She has preferred to sell the few breedable females she gets to her close personal friends or as pets to local individuals. I know for a fact that many, many Poms of show caliber have been sold in the Charlotte area - Poms that could have easily been finished. She simply preferred to sell them as pets as opposed to dealing with some breeders. Walk down the streets of Charlotte or even on top of one of our beautiful mountains and you are likely to see a lovely show quality Pom on a leash that was bought out of the Great Elms kennels as a pet. I know I have seen them, even on top of that mountain.Another comment one hears occasionally is that they are not getting as good quality pups from their Great Elms Pom as they would like and in some cases the pups are too large. When I hear a comment like this I immediately know their Pom did not come out of the Great Elms Kennels. If they truly have a good, well-bred Pom the pups will not be large. In fact, quite the contrary it is difficult to get a bitch that weighs over 5 lbs. from the Great Elms line. Those breeders that took the good Great Elms dogs and continued to breed them into other top lines have produced their own great lines. This list is almost endless but just to name a few would be Bob Goodrich with his famous Model line and Morris Carson with his equally famous Emcee line. Most of the Poms here at Lenette are Great Elms breeding and I could go on and on listing many kennels that have been greatly benefitted by the Great Elms bloodline.I think for many years to come breeders, both new and old alike will be trying to get Great Elms Poms. I know in our breeding program with our Great Elms Poms we have never been able to supply the demand. As long as dogs keep winning in the show ring that have Great Elms breeding behind them, then the demand will be there. Some of the top winning Poms of today in addition to Prince Charming and Shining Star are Ch. Herds Little Yo Yo, winner of many BOBs and Groups and sired by Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too , and Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel has much Great Elms behind him. Many other Poms that go back to the Great Elms line are being shown right now and will soon finish their championships.I wish every Pom breeder could get to know Ruth Beam - up- close and on a personal basis. Truly she is all that many say sheis and even more. Truly she is a wonderful and caring person., Truly she is the Golden Lady of the South and Breeder Extraordinaire.yMVVIRuth Beam with a full brother to Prince CharmingRuth, we in the Pomeranian world congratulate you on your fifty years in Poms and wish for you many more years of successful breeding and good health. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend all these many years and may Gods richest blessings be upon you and your bloodline. Ken GriffithCH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL SUNSATIONkCh. McKameys Ideal Conquest CH. MCKAMEY'S IDEAL STYI.ESTEPPERKrystal's Cherry KijafaCh. Mlllamors Moonrock CH. DAJA JUSTA ROCKSAMPLEHoods Sweet Cookie ptd.Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe CH. MCKAMEY'S CAVALIERS PEPPERMcKameys Little DuchessCh. McKameys Enchanting Pepper CH. MCKAMEYS ENGHANTING BEN JOMcKameys Blossom JoCh. McKamey's Ideal Conquest CH. MCKAMEYS STAR OF GOLDMcKamey's Star MillicentCh. McKameys Ideal Perfection CH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL SUNSATIONMcKameys Elnor DianePuppies for breeding, show ring, or lovable pets, all popular bloodlines including Cavaliers, Sungolds, Millamor, Bonner, Creider, Hood, Cherokee, Emcees, Great Elms, Aristic, Models, Browns, Dixieland, English Hadleighs, Preservenes, Akelas, going back to our good old lines Julos, Moneybox, and many more.MCKAMEYS SUNDAWN KENNELS, Mrs. Norris McKamey, 1112 Sycamore Drive, Le Clare, IA 52753. Tel 319 332-5809The Pom Reader July 1987111A.Proudly presents Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge. Sire BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge1 Pom1981-82-83, 24 BIS, 5 BISS. Dam Ch. Southland Happy Birthday Bil Group placer. We at Southland are so proud of Lil Toasty his first offspring Southland Step Aside Boys - both majors 3 5 points bred owned by myself.Southland N Bev-Nors Dynasty 2 BOB wins over specials - a 4 point major Group IV. Bred by myself Bev Norris owned by Shannon Johnson.Southland N Bev-Nors Tar-Baby 4 point major,Best of Winners. Bred by myself Bev Norris owned by Opal Peterson.Southlands Toast to Jamel 4 pts. major, BW. Bred by myself Eleanor Clark and owned by myself. Southlands Mr. VIP Olda 3 pt. major, BW at 6 mos. 12 days. Bred by myself Ida Tarver and owned by myself.Southlands Justa Dreamer Bred by myself Owned by Polly Ferguson. 4 pt. major, BW. 2 pts., 1 pt. Janesas Hi Struttin Daisy4 pt. major. Bred owned by Jerrie Freia.Courbetter Fudge It BudgetQB - 2pts. at 6 mos. 1 day bred owned by Vicky Leitner.SEVEN PUPPIES MAJOR POINTED another pointed. Not a bad start, Dad Lil Toasty is very inbred on Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge sire of 33 Champions, 2 BIS multi group specialty winners and Bev- Nors Sweet and Sassy a Ch. Tar Baby daughter who produced 2 BIS winners, a group winner 3 champions. Baby who I regret to report is no longer with us produced nothing less than a Champion. I feel her contribution to the Greatness of the Bev-Nor line is immeasurable. I was fortunate to have Baby the last years of her life. I loved her miss her - she was a love.Southland...Rays of Sunshine.Lil Toasty is owned by myself Bev Norris.CHARLOTTE CREED6618 Lost Ridge, Pineville, LA 71360 Ph. 318-466-3456.souTHLANDbest ofOPPOSITE baton ROUGE kennel clubI98TPECINSISOUTHLANDS STEP ASIDE BOYSLil Toastys first born takes her second major - 5 points - under judge Joan Alexander. Watch for Stepper this fall. Sire Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Southlands Fudge Double Dip pointed.SOUTHLAND...RAYS OF SUNSHINEBreederOwnerHandlerCharlotte Creed6618 Lost Ridge, Pineville, LA 71360 Ph. 318-466-3456souTHLANDf' ih H aAlKttMJxSOUTHLANDS MR VIP OIDAZack is one to watch - we think he will be a great one. Shown taking a 3 point major Best of Winners under noted breederjudge Janice Luginsland at 6 months, 12 days. Watch for Zack this fall. Sire Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Idas Princess of Bev-Nor.SOUTHLAND...RAYS OF SUNSHINEBreederOwnerHandlerCharlotte Creed6618 Lost Ridge, Pineville, LA 71360 Ph. 318-466-3456The Pom Reader July 1987DOVER-HOLIHOUSE SAY GOODBYE FOR THE SUMMER19.r1DOVER-HOLIHOUSE REBEL ROUSERREBJune 14th - Winners Dog for a 4 point major - on to Best of Winners, Best of Breed over Specials Male Reb thanks judge Miss Anna Katherine Nicholas for this super win.The Boys are by Camelots Rebel Did x Ch. Annons Lea Tar of DoverBreedersOwnersHandlers Kathryn HartzD. Ninotski Pat FoleyWatch for two more Rebel kids in the ring come fall The Pom Reader July 198713WHAT A WAY TO GO - FIVE SHOWS, SIX WINSr. px- S.Airviif, i iBEST OF WINNERSMID-HUDSON KENNEL CLUB1987ASHBEYDOVER-HOLIHOUSE LIL BIT O REB-LSHAWNJune 20th - Winners Dog, Best of Winners for a 3 point major ...from the puppy classShawn thanks judge Mrs. Shirley Thomas. Shawn also thanks judge Edd E. Bivin for WD 2 points - also from Puppy Class. FLASH June 21st - Dover-Holihouse Kris Kring-L Leon - Best of Winners 2 points, Staten Island KC, judge Mrs.Ruth Davidson. THANK YOUDOVER HOLIHOUSEKahryn Hartz Pat Foley609-695-1642 609-394-3459Before 8 AM or after 9 PMNote new phone number for Holihouse The Pom Reader July 198714THE SHOW MUST GO ON...BUT THIS ONE WENT TO THE DOGS Shannon JohnsonShu-Shu is taking it easy this summer and has left this month^s article up to me, her slave, while she relaxes in her own pool of clear, crystal clean water. She has suggested that I write about a recent experience.XL - mm 'Pp1SArtworkby Nancy RossA call from New York from a lady who puts together animal behavior programs was received here at Doo-Shay. Mrs. Eckstein acquired my name and number from a prominent Michigan Pom person, Eloise Chandler, bless her heart...As I sit here, I wonder if she will be at all happy she gave out my name to participate in what Im sure she thought I would be asked to do educating people about our breed on a local Detroit TV station. I think I thank her for this opportunityWarren Eckstein, who has done hundreds of animal segments on TV all over the country, was to be the guest on the Kelly Co. morning talk talk about none other than the Toy breeds. Of course I accepted the invitation, hesitantly. I had no idea what was expected of me or the dogs. I had suggested a couple of other breeds and their breeders in our area to join me and thank goodness they accepted.I stayed awake all night before the show, rehearsing important things I might be asked, such as the name of my breed. ..POMERANIAN must remember that I just hoped that I would remember the dogs in the morning with the case of nerves that was rushing through me. The names of the The Pom Reader July 1987dogs -1 had to get that down pat...and for sure, i didnt want to forget MY name. I was certain that on camera I was going to tell everyone my name was TAR BABY or CHAD. At any rate, nerves and all, I boarded the van at 600 AM dogs, grooming equipment, etcetera. Arrival time was 630 AM and my 5 dogs were groomed perfectly - as well as myself - for our TV debut. After being at the studio a brief time, I realized I wouldnt be going before the camera after all ...WHEW That was a reliefOnly the dogs were required and Warren needed just a few minutes to get to know them and asked that the dogsbe placed on lead and that the owners rush on stage and hand him all adult dogs. No problem -1 knew I could handle that. ACTION Oh, look at the dogs, they are adorable, I said. Tar Baby stood like a little statue in front of the camera...l wasnt too pleased with the position he chose for himself. He had just had an anal gland problem and his entire rear end was completely SHAVED. Oh well, it was just the beginning of the hour-long show and I was sure he would turn himself around sooner or later so everyone could view his adorable face.Continued next pagePOMS ON TV Continued... 15JEFFERY kept that from happening. Jeffery was a male Shih Tzu that had romantic eyes for TAR BABY and TAR BABY, being the macho male he is, wasnt about to move from his territory. A statue he remained - REARWARD Jeffery didnt give up - he moved on to CHAD, who is vacationing here with us from South Carolina. Chad couldnt believe how Michiganders treat Southerners. He was terrified, ran behind the hostess who had hold of both males. The camera zoomed in on MS. TURNER to avoid the obscenities between the two boys...but unfortunately Ms. Turners upper torso was rocking back and forth in short, quick motions as the boys were at it again. I guess the guest, Warren, felt compelled to yell at JEFFERY to save Ms. Turners reputation. CHAD took offense and ran off the stage to seek my loving and secure arms for the remainder of the show. Well, that took care of two of my TV celebrity dogs.The puppies - surely they would steal the show with their cute behavior. Two of them being black tan, it was difficult for me to distinguish between the two...but did it really matter MACGUYVER was the first to do his performance. LIVE His sister, MATTIE HAZE, truly enjoyed this socialization time and quickly located the show props of plastic privet hedge...there were stems flying everywhere Between MacGuyvers "performance and Matties redecorating abilities, I was hoping that everyone working on the set would link me with the well-behaved BICHONS FRISE or the adorable MALTESE pups. Howver, the mortified look on my face could only prove the Poms were mine. Finally a long-awaited commercial and a hurried cleanup due to puppys mess took us into the next segment. Mattie just couldnt believe that anyone would tidy up her territory and this time, dove into the privet hedge with her newly found friends. While standing in the background behind the cameras and waving frantically to distract the puppies and their entertainiment, I happened to see my other pup, TANGO-TANGO running through the studio, seeing if anyone could catch her.I marveled at the Show Must Go On attitude of the hostess and her guest. Im sure it was a terrific show and one that a person might have learned from...however, I never heard one word.Yes, the DOO-SHAY Poms made it to TV here in Michigan.I know I have always said I enjoy watching my brats at work,but PLEASE.....NOT ON TV. My hat goes off to the Channel 7 crewfor their COURAGE, FORTITUDE, and ENDURANCE. We humbly apologize for any distraction we may have caused...and now...ON WITH YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED PROGRAM, ALREADY IN PROGRESS...THANK YOU ALL SO MUCHProudly yours, Shannon JohnsonPattys PomeraniansGreat Elms, Showstopper, Creider and Queenaire lines Quality Poms at Reasonable Prices Patty Jensen 6520 Game Farm Rd. E.612 472-5950 Mound, MN 55364SOUTHLAND........................................................Southland Poms - Rays of Sunshine"6618 Lost Ridge, Pineville, LA 71360 Ph. 318-466-3456Charlotte CreedMultiple Best In ShowCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDBI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum Phones36520 28th Ave. South 206-838-6397Federal Wav. Wa 98003 206-927-2369J^ELZEE 4, 7^0724,DESAREE SANDIFER509 OAKDALE STREET, GASTONIA, NC 28054 TELEPHONE 704 865-0859Marlene Marlin Presser209 886-5561 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95205Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia. Ocala, Florida 32676 904 237-1636GrafenhorstsPomeraniansX- AnA HorstGraf12000 N.W. 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325305 475-2465The Pom Reader July 198716SPECIALS ADDITIONTOP TWENTY POMERANIANS JANUARY - JUNE 1987 AKC GAZETTEPresently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsBreed points not to be confused with AKC Championship points are allotted to individuals according to the highest placement received in any given AKC show, as reported in the American Kennel Club Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point awards. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements,and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds..........................500BEST IN SHOW Specialty............................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty..............75TOY GROUP FIRST........................................ 250TOY GROUP SECOND................................... 150TOY GROUP THIRD......................................... 75TOY GROUP FOURTH..................................... 25BEST OF BREED............................................. 10Statistician SUSAN WADE. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Pomeranians, as compiled from the JANUARY through JUNE 1987 AKC GAZETTE.POINTS NAME Owner BISA BISS BOSS I3890 CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIEL D............................................ 11-7Claudia Pfeffer, Owner2105 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING H d................................... 11-4BakerPiazza, Owners1835 CH. APOLLOETTE MOONLITE GAMBLER D......................................................... ... 5M. M. Presser, Owners1140 CH. TEXICANS GIANT KILLER CHULA D.............................................................. ... 2Norma Gad, Owner915 CH. TOPAZE JACKPOT TOBEY D........................................................................... ... 2J. Butler, Owner795 CH. D-NEES DARIN DUFFIE D........................................................ -1-1N. Hersil, Owner755 CH. PATTYS DUFFIES LIL SKIPPER D................................................... 1S. Kelly, Owner720 CH. PRECIOUS PETIT RIPLE SUPREME D.................................... 1DollMcGinnis, Owners650 CH. HARBINS TIME TO POP THE CORK D................................... - - 1 1I. S. Harbin, Owners640 CH. HERDS LITTLE YO YO D.......................................................... 1B. Gibbs, Owner595 CH. DUPRES SPARKLING GOLD-BUSTER D......................... ... 2J. Dupre, Sr., Owner535 CH. IDAS TOUCH OF BEV-NOR D............................................ ... 2I. Tarver, Owner510 VALCOPY WAKHAM COVER GIRL B............................................. -1-1Gemmill Plonkey, Owners465 CH. AUTUMNS RED BLAZE OF BI-MAR D.................................... 1L. Untalan, Owner300 IDLE ACRES PINBALL WIZARD D.S. Kubankin, Owner280 CH. DIGNITYS CHRIS OLIGHTS D.......................... .B. M. Dignowity, Owners280 CH. MIXONS MUSIC MAN D.............................................................. 1R. Mixon, Owner270 CH. MILLAMORS IM A WINDJAMMER D...................................... 1R. J. Stafford, Owners265 CH. CLAIRMONTS CAROLINA DELIGHT B................................... L.Bryson, Owner260 CH. BI MARS SUNDANCE KID D.................................................... 1M. Rosenbaum, OwnerTie placements alphabetical11 IE IV BOB5 4 2 4114 33 1-63 2-42 1-41 21-16 1 2 2 1212 1122 41 - 2 1 1 1I- 142 - - 112332II- 4 1The Pom Reader July 198717Qffen 3-fils^Powetamcmgpresents a new masterpiece.Xt-Xs'SGlen Iris Autumn MasterpieceCh. Mee-Gees Masterpiece x Cherokees Autumn Orange. Firefly is shown taking BOS at the Memphis KC under Morris Howard.The previous day she was BOS under Robert Sharp.Joel M. Taylor 1038 16th Ave. S.Cheryl M. Jackson 205 328-6603 Birmingham, AL 35205^Sur ooA s Slavic ^reseat QauiJ Q-^ee s A Jsmze7'-BEST OF WINNERSJLI UR xir.-TfpCh. D-Nees Darin Duffie x Dainti Devilish DeliteDee is pictured above winning Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex at 9 months under judge Raymond Filburn Jr. Many thanks to Mr. Filburn for recognizing Dees fine quality. Thanks also to Jackie Liddle for helping me find Dee and to Doreen Fernandez for an excellent breeding.OwnerHandlerSusann StackhouseBox 1070, Rancocas Road, Mount Holly, NJ 08060 609 267-4644CHESAIPOMERANIANS " 1iSJI \mCHESAI CHARMING CHARLIE To start with Larry Rookstool handling Back to back Toy Group Firsts at Y-City KC fun matchCHESAI PLAYING FOR TIMEto start with Ron Feyh handlingRobert Joan Reilly 512 438-266726093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260The Pom Reader July 198718------------- UPDATE ---------------TOPTEN EXHIBITORSAS OF THE JANUARY - JUNE 1987 AKC GAZETTEWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the UnitedEXHIBITOR...........States is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until December.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about November of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS THE LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY thru JUNE 1987 AKC GAZETTE.POINTSL. VASUTA.................................................................38L. BRYSON................................................................33B. MCDONALD........................................................30C. R. READY.........................................................29L. COLLINGS........................................................... 28P. HENDRICKS........................................................28A. G. GONOS.........................................................27N. MCKAMEY............................................................ 26L. EJCHORSZT......................................................... 24R. FRECH.................................................................23R. MIXON.................................................................23D. WATTS...............................................................23Sam PleaderYourShowcase for Purebred Poms The Pom Reader is published monthly by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Inc., 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Telephones 813 858-2639 813 858-3839. Telephones answered 24 hours a day - because we care.ADVERTISING RATES in U.S. DollarsAD SIZE OPEN RATE CONTRACTFull Page 120.00 96.00Half Page 65.00 53.0014 Page 35.00 27.0018 Page 20.00 16.00116 Page 12.00 8.00All issues of the Pom Reader are sent complimentary Ilicensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best in Show judges.The Pom Reader July 198719PresentingOur Beautiful Little Flower...Ch. LLL Trappers Gold Daiseymaeti 9Irin,1 . .........Handled by Donna MegenhardtOwned by Carol Galavich Donna MegenhardtBred By Janice LuginslandFinished with 1 5 Point major, two 3 point majors and a Group IVThanks to all the judges who saw her meritsSpecial thanks to Janice for allowing Daiseys sire Ch. LLL Moongold Trapper to visit our Ohio girls. Beautiful Trapper puppies for sale Carol A. Galavich52821 German Hill Road Powhatan Point, OH 43942 Phone 614-458-1705Donna C. Megenhardt8026 SR 43 Streetsboro, OH 44241 Phone 216-626-4368CH. CHRISCENDO CALVIN KLEINSireCh. Millamors Rock MedallionDam Chriscendo Confetti Co-Owned by Chris Heartz Also At StudCh. Millamors Mood Music Ch. Millamors Copyright Ch. Millamors Trademark Ch. Millamors Mark Medallion Ch. Bev-Nors New CreationBitches met at Tampa InternationalKen Eleanor Miller 5426 Spring Lake Drive813-646-5864 Lakeland, FL 33811MILLAMORrjV4X V,iThe Pom Reader July 198720 HAPPY HAWAIIAN BIRTHDAYSally BaugnietHow would you like to celebrate your birthday in Hawaii That is exactly what I did - judging the Specialty show of the Hawaiian Pomeranian Club I am going to give you an idea of what a person might experience going to a judging assignment. Dick, my husband, drove me to Green Bay for my 800 A.M. commuter flight to Chicago. I boarded the DC 10 and we left Chicago for Honolulu at 1100 A.M..Two hours out of Chicago one of the four jet engines developed problems. The pilot announced that he had to shut down that engine and was turning around to head back to Chicago. We were happy to land safely at 330 P.M. with the three good engines functioning properly. The fire trucks were out there in case of an emergency during landing. A little scary.The plane had no place to go when we got on the ground, so we sat in the plane just off the runway while they tried to find a gate for our plane. They found one, but the ramp would not function. The captain said, This is just not our day, folksHow many times have we said that at a dog show So is life We just have to resign ourselves to that fact. It is good that life and dogs shows arent always like that. Things do get better, eventually.At 430 P.M. they found a gate for us. OHare Airport in Chicago is an airport I normally try to avoid. If you ever fly in there, you will find out why. The freight department tells you to allow 4 hours to transfer a dog from one flight to another at Chicago. That is why I would rather drive to a direct flight airport when shipping a dog.The Airline set up a hospitality room in the Hotel across the street. We walked about 14 mile from our arrival gate to get there, all in tunnels. They treated us to free drinks and hors doeuvres. There, we were notified that they could not fix the fuel leak in the troublesome engine, so all the luggage and carry-ons would be moved to another plane coming in from Texas.We were reassigned seats, picked up our carry-ons before we boarded, and left Chicago for the second time that day. This time it was 800 P.M., nine hours later. The remainder of the flight went well. We had seats with half again the room the other one had. The plane landed at 6 A.M. Central Daylight time 1 A.M. Hawaiian time.Luckily, I allowed myself an extra day before the judging assignment, so I could relax, soak up some sun, swim, and I even took the bus to do little Shopping. [Ed. note - again with the shopping J]On Sunday, May 241 was picked up in a white Mercedes convertible, driven around the city until it was time to go to the outdoor showsite. The weather was gorgeous. The wind was strong. The Poms were beautiful. I was given a beautiful orchid lei and a lei made from the leaves of the Tei plant.My choice for Winners Dog and Best of Winners was Alanis Nanakuli Flasher bred by Josephine Ching and owned by Betty Aona. This finished his champion title, subject to AKC, I was told.Winners Bitch, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, and Best Puppy, was Woodroses Midnite Waltz, a black puppy bred and owned by Clarice Yvette Oganeku, expertly shown by Yvette. Both WD and WB earned 5 points at this show.Best of Breed was Ch. Queenaire Whizzle Stik bred by Dudley Wanda Roach, owned by Josephine Ching. He is a nice cobby Pom in good coat and shows his best for all to see.The Club had a buffet dinner at a Japanese restaurant that evening. The next day I was driven all over the island. We even drove inside Diamond Head, also saw the Sea World Park and show, plus breathtaking scenery. That evening we had a home The Pom Reader July 1987cooked Hawaiian dinner.Many thanks for the privilege of experiencing the great hospitality and Poms of the Hawaiian Pom Club members, including Shirley Leu, Betty Aona, Janet Cox, Clarice Oganeku, Josephine Ching, Ellen Takayama, Thomas Casillano, and Mike Dru Thorstad. I first met Mike when he was active with the Denver Club and APC had a Summer Specialty in Denver a number of years ago. Imagine my amazement when I saw him in Hawaii He is stationed there in the Navy. He and Dru are parents of two boys, three are 3-month-old twins. Congratulations and good luck to all.I was given three more beautiful leis by the Pom people and taken to the airport by Mike after supper at Thorstads. The plane left on time and arrived on time. Dick was there to meet me. Hesaid he was there the day before to pick me up. I goofed -1 told him I was coming home on the 26th but I forgot I left at 1000 Hawaiian time and arrived at Green Bay at 225 P.M. on the 27th, the next day Sorry about that, Dick Sally Baugnietiohn e. heaftzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY P.O. BOX 1259, TRURO, N.S. CANADA PHONE 902 895-7427jftz oAeri ^omerunlcuzsyBreeding for a better Pom-morrowGreat Elms, Precious Petites, Showstopper Lines Dorothy MartinRt. 2, Box 30M, Rock Hill, SC 29730 803-377-7718SIOffers At Stud CH. BONNERS LEGACY GOLDEN DRAGONOwnerHandler SANDRA TERRITOP.O. Box 33 Lakeland, LA 70752 Tel 504 627-5200 PET PILLOWS Fragrant, cedar chips stuffed. Repels fleas and ticks. Removable, washable, pile, cream color cover. 19x16- 14.00 19x23 - 16.80 28 x24 - 21.50 29x35 - 26.00. Postage Paid. Mary Ann Wellnitz RR 1, Box 86, Rushville, Nebr. 69360 Tel 308-327-2533cjLenette J^omeranianA Stud Service Available on the following Studs Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette, 312 pound son of Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too. 100.00.Ch. Woods Magic Masterpiece, 4 pound orange son of Ch. Models Gold Momento.Ch. Tomanolls Wee Short Stack, 3V2 pounds, Irish Setter red, linebred for many generations. 100.00. Beaver of Lenette, Pointed, deep red, 4 pound son of Ch. Models Timstoppers Echo.Puppies generally available from these studs as well as other top studs.Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081Phone 704 938-2042K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner21pSon-j^ljag Pomeranian PalateDYNASTYLV.....-V"Srr V. jrSouthland N Bev-Nors Dynasty Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Bev-Nor N Southland Poasty. Dynasty has received 2 BOB and 1 Group IV in limited showing...all under 1 year of age. Thank you Charlotte Creed for letting Dynasty be a part of our breeding program two litters due August and to Dr. Houpt for this win and the Group IV. A glorious daySHANNON JOHNSON, 6270 Tripp Road, Holly, Ml 48442. 313-634-1331DOVER HOUHOUSE......request that the lady on Long Island who wanted the LEON look-alike male puppy if still interested please call PAT or KATHY as we have misplaced your name phone numberTHANK YOUPAT609-394-0298KATHY609-695-1642CAROUSEL POMERANIANSOffers For SaleRed Sable female, whelped 32187, sired by Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel no shipping.Art Linda Gustafson 5001 S. Peebly Road405 391-2960 Newalla, OK 74857JDS POMPOUS POMSHome of CH. CIRCLE M COMES A HOSSMANShow prospect puppies available. We are also reducing stock and have a few adults as breeding stock.JANETHOVEY, 34856 Acton Canyon Road, Acton, CA 93510. 805 269-5575BEV-NOR POMS - home of Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge 1 Pomfor 1981, 1982, 1983, 24 BIS, 5 Specialties, sire of top winning females in 1984, 1985, sire of only Black Tan to ever go BIS. Stud Fee 200.00 - limited to 20 bitches per year. Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge - sire of 33 champions, BIS, Group, Specialty winners. Stud Fee 250.00 limited to 15 bitches per year. Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman - multi Group winner, 1986 Best in Sweepstakes winner NYC, Stud fee 200.00. 6 August litters due, several repeats. BEV NORRIS, IT AT Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. 301-255-1343.mEMCEES POMS Show puppies available Stud service on Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Prince, son of Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II Fee 250.00.Morris Betty Carson, 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, VA 23233. Ph. 804 740-7977.Offers For SaleBonner-Corn Duke male puppy, whelped 11-27-86.JUDY SHEARER, 523 Miller Avenue, Sugarcreek, OH 44681216-852-4136BANDBOXCh. Stud Service in Orange, Cream Red Sable Puppies and Adults OccasionallyNANCY DEFOREST BARTHOLOMEW Rt. 1, Box 182, Ola, AR 72853 501-489-5733KHANIRAINBOW POMSByron Connie HendricksP.O. Box 644, Arcadia, CA 91006 Tel 818 444-5131HOME OF THEKILLER AND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLSNORMA C. GAD 915 584-09425908 Westside Road El Paso, TX 79932 ^crrzer2man' 'WITH PLANNED PARENTHOOD DARRELL OLGA BAKER 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Texas 77586 713 326-2250JUST A POMS presentsCH.JUSTA MENEHUNEproducing 80 females - watch for his winning daughters at the showsand AUSTINS A KNIGHT TO REMEMBERHeavy coated black - sire Ch. Shadras Battery Not IncludedSHARON HIEMENZ, Rt 1, Remington Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32074. Tel 904 437-2190The Pom Reader July 198722LETTERS...Dear Joe,I had four litters of Poms this winter. I had 20 puppies in all - one bitch had 7 very healthy puppies, 2 had five puppies each and one had three. Have you ever had anyone write and tell you what the record is for a litter of Poms It would be interesting to know. I am raising two females from the litter of seven. The bitch had 3 puppies her first litter, 5 in her second, and 7 this time. Now I am curious to see what her daughters do. The bitch is only 5Vz pounds.I enjoy the Pom Reader very much as Ive been a Pom lover for years. We have 8 house pets all senior citizens like us. The oldest is going on 13 years old.Sincerely,Glenda Teytand, Teytands PomeraniansDear Glenda,Thats interesting - going up in increments of two each time. If your bitch has nine in her next litter, I dont want to hear about it Seriously, I have never heard just what is the record for the largest litter of Poms breeder judge Dorothy Bonner tells me that she has heard of several litters of seven but she was not sure if all the pups survived. Dorothy states that her experience has been more like litters of 1APC President Olga Baker concurs Olga just told me that the largest litter she has ever heard of was seven pups, and that it is much more usual to have litters of one or two than anything larger than that. This all reminds me of what an old-timer told me years ago If you have a puppy thank goodness if the puppy was free- whelped thank heaven. If the puppy grows up beautiful...Thank GodOn another note of greater interest to me would be to find out the largest litter ever produced by a Champion bitch. ReadersJMcGStorNew expected litters...10.00JUNE 18TH...MORE PARTISPombredens Heavenly Toy Boy Troy x Prestigious Parti Girl Cookie - double granddaughter of Ch. Madam Butterfly. 1 Blkwhite girl, 1 redwhite male. Both marked well. DOVER-HOLIHOUSE POMS, Pat Foley 609 394-0298 or Kathryn Hartz 609 695-1642The Magazine of the Toy Group...'7XT'TOP NOTCH TOYSGROUP FIVE PURE DYNAMITE HANDLE WITH CAREPresented by Doll-McGinnis Publications a division ofDoll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida 33809 [813] 858-2639 or [813] 858-3839SUBSCRIPTION RATESELEVEN ISSUES PER YEAR40.00 third class post60.00 first class postBACK ISSUES AVAILABLE 5.00 EACHJANUARY 1987 - PROFESSIONAL HANDLERS ISSUEFEBRUARY 1987 - ANNIVERSARY ISSUEMARCH 1987 - TERRIFIC YORKSHIRE TERRIERSAPRIL 1987 - PICTURE-PERFECT PUGSMAY-JUNE 1987 - MINIATURE PINSCHERS ITALIAN GREYHOUNDSJULY 1987 - THE PAPILLONCOMING IN AUGUST...COMPANIONS OF ROYALTY ENGLISH TOY SPANIELSCOMING IN SEPTEMBER- MARVELOUS MALTESESPECIAL OFFERING.. -For a limited time we are offering a special reduced subscription rate to the TNT29.95 per year.Make all Checks Payable to Doll-McGinnis Publications 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809The Pom Reader July 1987POM ACRES SERRA NADEPom Acres Phantom Kelly red sable x Pattys Pride O'Pom Acres red sable Pups ready August 1, 1987Ch. Shy Acres I Kan Too x Pom Acres Fanci Free 2M, 2F Yap Yap Timmytoo OGreat Elms x Pom Acres April1 male, 3 females.Both of these females are Great Elms linebred. Weight 5 lbs. Robert Juanita Fiddick, Route 4, Cedar Falls, IA 50613. Tel 319-989-2199 LLL KENNELS BESTOPPOSITE SEXcOZARKS KENNEL CLUB I987PHOTO BT PETRULISLLL Dazzlin Gold KatrinaWhelped 82486, Sire Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Deuce. Dam Ch. LLL Kaptivating Katy. Shown taking WB, BOS for 2 points under judge Mildred Bryant, Ozarks KC, Breederownerhandled.Janice Luginsland, Rt.1, Box 97, Americus, KS 66835. Ph. 316-443-5157JOLLY WEE is Cajun Country - joining us here at TimSue where we plan to carry on the excellent breeding program of Mrs. Randall Freeh, who has produced numerous champions including Top Toy Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Pep- pi. His sons, grandsons and granddaughters including multiple BIS winner Ch. Jolly Wee Im A Pepper Too will be a welcome addition.Of necessity we will be reducing both our kennels and will be able to offer Poms in every category - Pets, show, breeding stock to the right homes.vfr f Taw- vwTIMSUE POMERANIANSTim Sue GoddardRt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622J and Ms Prestigious PomeraniansSay Hi to our Lulu COBBS LUTECE OF CHAPSLulu is pure Jolly Wee breeding and is one of our show quality brood matrons. Pictured here 5 months after delivering her first litter all show quality you see only half her coat. Look for a picture of her daughter, Tess, next issue. We have a Lulu daughter for sale outof JDs Desert Bred Colt.Mary JJ Marchbanks4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621 714994-02593 --s. \si.NHo 8'" 2fi 2 QagpTaV