The Pom Reader November 1987
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-VOE 9...m Ti - ,ryv\4i.. TPI^ A \ r3J Wtft ' I.II MML .7ofefeerl Si...CH. LANAS TOP PRIORITYC7. Sungold Bingo Lil Muller x Ch. Lanas Moonlight Fan-Dancer In just 4 short months, Topper has presented us a very impressive list of show wins.31 Best of Breeds 7 Group Firsts 6 Group Seconds 4 Group Thirds 3 Group FourthsWe wish to thank the judges who have considered our boy worthy We also congratulate Toppers son, Lanas Top Echelon, on his Best of Breed and Group IV from the puppy classTopper isOwned Loved byMike Lorra Craig Lana Ejchorszt5915 Hudson Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92404 714-862-8623 818-285-3535Exclusively handled byDon Walker3YOUVE GOT TO FIGHT....FOR YOUR RIGHT.TO T I f\ Vus7LWINNERS iW\POMBREDENS HEAVENLY TOY BOY SHOWN WINNING HIS THIRD MAJORWINNERS DOG, VALLEY FORGE KC - 4 POINTS - UNDER RESPECTED JUDGE MR. F.W. BRAUN THANK YOU MR. BRAUN FOR BRINGING TROY TO WITHIN 4 SINGLE POINTS OF HIS TITLETroy wishes his redwhite parti-color son, Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice Conker good luck in his new home with Sandra Winchatz, Shillman, NJ.Troys daughter, blackwhite parti-color Dover-Holihouse Ebony N Ivory will be staying here at...DOVER-HOLIHOUSEHandlerAgent Pat Foley657 Second Street Trenton, NJ 08611 609-394-0298Kathryn Hartz319 Ardmore Avenue Trenton, NJ 08629 Telephone 609-695-16424cnw TteoaierJ\ovsnr'T97Volume 3, Number 9This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront CoverMIKE LORRA CRAIG LANA EJCHORSZT Center SpreadDOLLY TRAUNER Back CoverSYLVIA KELLYTABLE OF CONTENTS8. SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-October AKC Gazette.10. LET OLYMPIA ANSWER THATThe manic machine responds.11. DOG SHOW THOUGHTSAn hilarious poem by Barbara Stoffer.14. GENERALLY SPEAKING By Susan WadeSue takes a train to the wilds of Maine.16. FILMING THE POMERANIAN VIDEOCommittee Chair Dorothy Bonner reports on the shoot.16. LETTERSQuestions about parti-colors and reponse to AKCs proposed changes.18. NORTH VS. SOUTH By Sally BaugnietThe enjoyment of dog show travels.19. SECRETARIES PAGEReports from Breed clubs.20. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-October AKC Gazette.22. CHIROPRACTIC FOR CANINES By Bob SchuerchBob interviews Dr. David Kamen DC.23. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Telephones 813 858-3839 or 813 858-2639.The Pom Reader November 1987ALLAN, M.................................................9AM. CHAMPION PED. SVC.................. 19BARTHOLOMEW, N. D......................18BENKO, A.............................................. 18CARSON, M. B...................................21COOK, S................................................ 21CRAIG, M. L...................................... 1,2CREED, C...................................... 7,15,19EJCHORSZT, L.....................................1,2FIDDICK, R. J.....................................18FREIA, J.................................................18GAD, N...................................................21GODDARD, T. S................................ 21GRAF, H.................................................15GRIFFIN, G............................................ 17GRIFFITH, K.......................................... 19GROBY, D..............................................17HARTZ, K.................................................3HEARTZ, J. C.....................................18HENDRICKS, B. C.............................21HIEMENZ, S...........................................21HILLS PET PRODUCTS.........................5HOVEY, J.................................................7JACKSON, C........................................... 9JENSEN, P.............................................21JOHNSON, S......................................... 15KELLY, S................................................24LUGINSLAND, J....................................14MARCHBANKS, M. J....................15,19MARTIN, D............................................. 18MASNICK, S.......................................... 11MILLER, K. E..................................... 21NORRIS, B............................................. 18PFEFFER, C.......................................... 21PIAZZA, S.............................................. 18PRESSER, M. M.................................18REILLY, R. J...................................... 21ROSENBAUM, M...................................21SANDIFER, D........................................ 21SIMO-NIS, D.......................................... 11STAFFORD, R. J................................19TAYLOR, J...............................................9TERRITO, S........................................... 18TRAUNER, D.................................... 12,13WELLNITZ, M.A.................................... 21J'f1ISCIBtCEiuiihDIET__LCANINEGROWTH t SCIENCEHiiDIET"SSiEr CANINE MAINTENANCEDOG FOODSOENTWCAUY FORMULATH5 FOR ADULT DOGSgCSNCEfGFOOOSC^RXiyFOjMnLV bw\ \V,L1Bi will'i r.^riMiWYou have different nutritional needs.So does your dog.Just like you, as age and activity level change, your dog's needs for protein, calcium, salt, fat and fiber also change. That's why it's important to feed the specific food formulated to meet your dog's specific needs. A food that consistently provides the optimum nutritional balance and special ingredients vital for better health and to aid in the prevention of heart, kidney, bladder and other diet-related diseases.That's Science Diet foods.CANINE GROWTHfor puppies and pregnantnursing dogs.CANINE MAINTENANCE for adult dogs. CANINE SENIORfor older dogs. CANINE PERFORMANCE for adult dogs requiring extra calories.And each guarantees you'll see thedifference in your dog's health and appearanceor your money backBut Science Diet isn't at the supermarket. It's available only at your veterinarian's and finer pet shops. People who, like you, appreciate the benefits of superior nutrition.B SCIENCE DIETSuperior nutrition for the life of your petCALL TOLL FREE 1-800-445-5777Monday-Friday 800 a.m.-500 p.m. Central Standard Time for the location of the Science Diet dealer nearest you or additional information on howto improve your pet's nutrition.Or write Customer Service Veterinarian, Hill's Pet Products, Inc., P.O. Box 148,Topek^, Kansas 66601.SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITORI love to judge of course, I always enjoyed taking exams in school, so that should tell you something. My first assignment was about ten years ago, an all-breed Match, and I was to do Terriers and Terrier Groups, Junior, Senior, and Adult. I was excited, and determined to do a great job.The week prior to the assignment I had to make a trip to Phoenix. I studied all the way out and all the way back. I did it the way I always studied I read the material, closed the book, and rewrote the material in my own words. Then I compared the two. Then I tried a new tack -1 drew pictures of the perfect Airedale, or Kerry, or whatever, putting down in pen the attributes required. Of course, I am nobodys idea of an artist - ask Nancy Ross about the picture of a Pom I drew - its disgusting. But I really did - I studied so hard my head hurt. Finally I was prepared.And of course when I got to the Match there was a surprise in store. I had an entry of two, and they werent even in the same class I was devestated, as who wouldnt be, but one person saved the day for me, and earned my everlasting gratitude. Mignon Murray, intuitively sensing my chagrin, volunteered to steward my ring, and swept in with the calm pronouncement, Well, theres only two, but lets do the two right She taught me the correct way to mark the judges book, advised on ring procedure, made sure I had my correct start and end time, made sure I wrote legibly, and, well, made a big deal out of me as the judge. She, a licensed judge, stood there in the rain at a Match, doing her best to make me feel better. And now, all these years hence, when and I say with unabashed pride I recently drew the record entry for the Sweepstakes at a Peke Specialty, and am scheduled to judge, along with Duane Doll, the Pekin Palace Dog Association Open Show in England next year, I still think of those two terriers, and of that thoughtful, caring lady named Miss Murray. Thank you, Mignon.And speaking of which, judging from the excellent entry, the Progressive Dog Club is alive and well. Of course, The Progressive Dog Club held its fifty-fifth annual All Toy show on October 25th., at the Loews Summit Hotel in Manhattan. The panel consisted of Mr. R. Wayne Gurin of Bolton, MA, for Min Pins, Papillons, and Yorkies, and Mrs. Shirley Limoges of Ontario, Canada, for the balance of Toy Breeds, with Sari Brewster Tietjen scheduled to judge Best. Due to an overload, Mrs. Tietjen took over the judging of Maltese and Shih Tzu in Mrs. Limoges stead. Hot off the press, here are the results first place winners were as followsPOMERANIANS Judge Mrs. Shirley Limoges Puppy Dogs 6-9 MonthsMerrymonts Golden Image Maureen QuinlanPuppy Dogs, 9-12 MonthsPamaunok Addendum Fran BosmannBred by Exhibitor DogsPomaunok Just A Speck Fran BosmannOpen Dogs, ROCS Scotia Little Davey Dolores A. WattsWINNERS DOG Scotia Little Davey RESERVE WINNERS DOG Merrymonts Golden Image Puppy Bitches, 9-12 MonthsTomho Possum on the Run Tommi HoobanThe Pom Reader November 1987Bred by Exhibitor BitchesTeakwoods Penny AnnieLaureen Ivey American-Bred Bitches Emcees Wee Gold Yetta Happeth A. JonesOpen Bitches, ROCS Dainti D-Nees Desirae Susann Stackhouse WINNERS BITCH Dainti D-Nees Desirae RESERVE WINNERS BITCHTeakwoods Penny Annie BEST OF BREED Ch. Clairmonts Carolina Delite Lancy BrysonBEST OF WINNERS Scotia Little DaveyBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Ch. Topaze Jackpot Toby James ButlerCongratulations to all Special thanks to Joe Champagne for the marked catalogue.I had the pleasure of watching Dorothy Nickles judge again this weekend I have always loved to watch her judge and this time was no exception. The lady can really handle a ring, and she always looks and acts the true professional that she is.But getting back to ring procedure and bad experiences judging, the other day Nick Agliano told me a real horror story. At his first Match assignment there seemed to be a whale of an entry in Afghans. Imagine his surprise when a top breeder lead a parade into the ring 13 littermates in one class Would you like to evaluate 13 Afghan puppies Thanks, but I believe Id rather have my two Terriers. Nick and his wife Caroline Agliano are both licensed judges and are very popular with Toy people.But Ill never forget one experience I saw and lived through.I will not tell the breed, nor the state or city in which this happened, but I can tell you who the judge was. Duane Doll was scheduled to judge a Specialty match, I stewarded the ring, and the club members really got together to give him a workout. There was an entry of 160 in the Match - apparently people entered every individual they could put their hands on. The only problem was that many were very young and untrained. I called the 2-4 month puppy class into the ring, twenty-two of them in all. Duane made the error of trying to get them to gait - puppies were going every which way and tangling themselves up in each others leads and going in between the handlers feet and flipping over onto their backs and...well, it was a mess. I was trying to quit laughing and Duane kept hollering, Stop Stop to the exhibitors, none of whom paid any attention. Duane was afraid that they would all end up piled in a heap in the middle of the ring. Tragedy was averted when we finally got everyone to pick up their dogs and stand quietly in a polite line. Then, one by one, Duane examined the dogs and returned the people to the line. He evaluated them, first place through twenty- second, and then turned to me and said, Do I dare I nodded. Duane said, Ladies and gentlemen, just for experience, lets try to gait them one more time. They lined up, got ready to go, and...puppies went every which way, tangled themselves up in each others leads, went between handlers feet, flipped over onto their backs...Til next month, all the best, and see you in the puppy classJMcGm7JDs POMPOUS POMSUlOMffiR KI.SEPTEMBER 1987Ac'3PiJDs Me N My RC stepping out in style to take Best of Opposite Sex over 11 other Poms at the Lake Mathews KC Match, and Best of Breed went to his niece Tess J and Ms Jole Wee Coltessence.JDs Country Bumpkin taking a 3 point major his third day out under judge Frank Oberstar at the Cheyenne KC, a little rough around the edges, but giving quite a performance WATCH FOR MORE OF THESE LITTLE GUYS Janet Hovey Dan Farrell 805 269-5575JDs Pompous Poms34856 Acton Canyon Road Acton, CA 93510souTHLAND7IMrJEST OF BREEDMOBILE NNEL CLUB ALL I987 C 4VL.S0SACH. SOUTHLANDS TOAST TO JAMEL "Jamiefinished as a puppy with 4 majors and made his degut as a special with 2 Best of Breed wins and a Group III. Jamies parents are Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Ch. Jamels Smudge Orange Parfait. She was bred by Eleanor Clark and myself. Southland would like to congratulate other Lil Toasty kids on their recent winsSOUTHLANDS MR. V.I.P. OIDA 3 Best 6f breed wins and a Group I, owned by Edward B. Jenner and myself, handled by LucBoileau.SOUTHLANDS NEW YEAR TOAST 3 point major and 2 points owned by Opal Peterson and myself.SOUTHLANDS JUSTA DREAMER 8 points, 1 major owned by Polly Ferguson and myself. SOUTHLAND N BEV-NORS DYNASTY 10 points, both majors, and a Group IV, owned by Shannon Johnson.JAMELS FUGICLE OSOUTHLAND Jamies brother, 4 points and a Best of Breed over Specials, owned by Joel Taylor Cheryl Jackson.BAYOU VIEW CASUAL CONCEPT 2 points, bred and owned by John Lewis Adam Verrett.SOUTHLAND...RAYS OF SUNSHINECharlotte Creed6618 Lost Ridge, Pineville, LA 71360 318-466-3456COURBETTER FUDGE IT BUDGET 10 points, bred owned by Vicky Leitner.IDAS DELIGHT OSOUTHLAND 1 point, owned by Janet Bordelon.The Pom Reader November 19878--------------- SPECIALS ADDITION TOPTWENTY POMERANIANS JANUARY - OCTOBER 1987 AKC GAZETTEPresently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsBreed points not to be confused with AKC Championship points are allotted to individuals according to the highest placement received in any given AKC show, as reported in the American Kennel Club Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point awards.A number of points has been allotted to the various placements,POINTS NAME Owner BISA BISS BOSS I D m IV BOB7455 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING H D................PiazzaBaker, Owners.... 5 2 12 6 3 8 136820 CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIEL D..........................Claudia Pfeffer, Owner.... 2 1 - 14 8 6 4 72810 CH. APOLLOETTE MOONUTE GAMBLER D................KellyPresser, Owners- 5 7 5 1 112300 CH. D-NEES DARIN DUFFIE D......................................Nadine Hersel, Owner4 - 3 3 2 51340 CH. IDAS TOUCH OF BEV-NOR D................................TarverCreed, Owners- 3 2 3 1 41330 CH. LANAS TOP PRIORITY D.......................................L. Ejchorszt, Owner - 3 3 2 81315 CH. TEXICANS GIANT KILLER CHULA D....................Norma Gad, Owner.... - - 2 3 3 41060 CH. HARBINS TIME TO POP THE CORK D.................I. S. Harbin, Owners- 1 2 2 2 1 11025 CH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD PRINCE D.........................M. B. Carson, Owners- - 1 2 6 1 925 CH.CLAIRMONTS CAROLINA DELIGHT B.................L. Bryson, Owner1 1 1 2 1 10925 CH. TOPAZE JACKPOT TOBEY D.................................J. Butler, Owner - 2 2 1 - 5915 ALEXSANDS GOLDEN WHISPER D....................A. G. Gonos, Owners- - 1 3 1 14885 CH. KARLEE TWENTY-FOUR KARAT D.......................B. P. Curry, Owners- - 2 1 2 1 6840 CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID D.....................................M. Rosenbaum, Owner.... 1 1 1 2 - 4820 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D.....................................LuginslandGoddard, Owners - 3 2 2790 CH. PATTYS DUFFIES LIL SKIPPER D........................S. Kelly, Owner.... 1 - 1 2 9765 CH. PRECIOUS PETIT RIPLE SUPREME D..................DollMcGinnis, Owners - 1 1 2 3 14750 CH. TEXICANS GREAT BALLS OF FIRE D..................N. Berry, Owner.... 1 - 1 - - - 715 CH.MILLAMORS IM A WINDJAMMER D....................R. J. Stafford, Owners2 - 1 - 1 4675 CH. HERDS LITTLE YOYO D............................................. B.Gibbs, OwnerTie placements alphabetical1 1 2 3 5and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds.................... 500BEST IN SHOW Specialty...................... 250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty.........75TOY GROUP FIRST....................................250TOY GROUP SECOND...............................150TOY GROUP THIRD................................... 75TOY GROUP FOURTH............................... 25BEST OF BREED........................................ 10Statistician SUSAN WADE. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Pomeranians, as compiled from the JANUARY through OCTOBER 1987 AKC GAZETTE.The Pom Reader November 19879ALLAYNS latest heavenly body...1ST WWttoomfokiahta euBATCHWMl TO. IMJrWDTO III.MMIMary Allan2508 E. Tacoma, Broken Arrow, OK 74014 918 355-2531CAROUSELS ANGEL FOR ALLAYNBIS CH. Precious Petites Gabriel x Creiders JessicaAngel promises to live up to her impeccable pedigree. At 6 months and 3 days she took WB, BOW, BOS under judge Mr. Frank Nishimura, then the following day Dr. Leon Seligman gave her WB, BOB. At seven months she was Best in Sweepstakes and BOS to Best in Match at the Sooner Pomeranian Club Match Mrs. Sally Baugniet. After taking time out to change coat, her first ring appearance was at the Oklahoma City Kennel CLub sanctioned match, where she took Puppy Group I Mrs. Olga Schmidt. Two weeks later at the Astrohall, she took first in her class at the Houston Pom Specialty Dr. William E. Field Jr., RWB at the Houston KC show Mrs. Dorothy Welsh, and a big 5 POINT MAJOR for WB, BOW at the San Jacinto KC Show Mr. Gilbert S. Kahn. All the above were from the Puppy Class.Many thanks to her breeders, Art Linda Gustafson for placing her with us, and congratulations to her litter brother, Butch on his majors taken in Colorado.Thanks to Nina Epps and Mary D. Rinehart for Misty, our lovely new girl - De Arta Custom Maid for Allayn Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition x De Artas Wee Dancing Cheri. She should make her debut in Arkansas.Also preparing for Arkansas - Great Elms Becky of Lenette and her litter brother Great Elms Mark of Lenette BIS Ch. Coys Top of the Mark x Great Elms Rosa of Lenette. Thank you Ken Griffith for these promising youngsters.Qfo 7iiS^Poweiamansi -- . mra.CBESTOF BREED or VARIETYCtARKSVILLE KENNEL CLUB SEPTEMBER 1987A^^HOTO BY BONNIE'heryl A. Jackson Joel M. TaylorCH. MEE-GEES MASTERPIECEBEST OF BREED, CLARKSVILLE KC Thank you Mrs. RoweBEST OF BREED, HUNTSVILLE KC Thank you Mr. Berman A Special Thanks to Eleanor Clark of Jamels Pomeranians and to Charlotte Creed of Southland Pomeranians for letting us have Jamels Fugicle of Southland. Skylers show career with us started off nicely, taking Best of Winners at the Newnan Show and Best of Breed over specials at the Griffin KC show. Skyler is a littermate to Ch. Southlands Toast to Jamel and we are looking forward to showing him off1038 16th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603The Pom Reader November 198710Let OLYMPIA Answer ThatvT Tfr^rVA22DOGS HOWL AND...per SHOWSIGHT from the editor, Sept. 87, QUESTION 1 Abolish BOW or Passing the Points. Myboss, the operator, is no brain like me, and hasnt half my luck, but in looking back over her some 26 years in DOGSHOWLAND, I can only recall 3 times when she blew her top over missing out on the major by not going BOW. Is that bow, like in bow-wow On 2 occasions my operator shouted Politics. But after unplugged her, she cooled down and upon reflection gave way to admitting that although her entry was good, the entry winner in the opposite genre was just a teensy-weensy bit better. Just a teensy-weensy bit, mind you, but - sigh, alas - better. The 3rd occasion, have to hurry before SHE unplugs ME, our entry went Winners Bitch sometimes my boss calls me that, only without the winners with NO opposition and did not go BOW-WOW over the pointed DAWG arent I good with doggy lingo because the judge was a friend of hers who had become a foe. The bitch my boss was showing finished with 3 majors, a couple of breeds and several BOSs in v-e-r-y limited my boss knew, you see, that her bitch was no DAWG But abolish the BOW in bow-wow Perish the thought. Whatever would all those Brussels Griffons, Affenpinschers and French Bulldoggies dooo -- why, they wouldnt have to worry about getting that major after 18 months, theyd be 18 YEARS old before they ever found oneQUESTION 2 ONE MAJOR AFTER 18 MONTHS Take that and that and that you -- you -- you Irish Wolfhound, you By the way, isnt the life expectancy of an Irish Wolfhound 7 to 8 years In that case should they hurry up and wait, or wait and then hurry up Seriously, even a machine like me knows that ugly ducklings sometimes turn into swans, but how many swans revert to ugly ducklings A good lookin dog is like a good lookin woman, shes only young once and may fall apart in later years, but after all by then she deserves not to be wolf-whistled at. Shes done her thing and probably, forgive me, had a whole passel of younguns Now it is a universal truth that there are exceptions to every rule, such as the case of Miniature Dachsunds whose weight limit prevents them from being in OPEN until a year of age, or Toy Poodles with their height limit who sometimes, tho rarely, do not reach it until a year...but when does the minority rule Only in an absolute monarchy or dictator regime, NOT The Pom Reader November 1987re AKC considering Show regulation changesin a democracyQUESTION 3 TOO MANY DOG SHOWS Now, I thought I answered that one in my debut article when I asked Is This Sanity. But, since you persist, where, where, show me where, Im a blind machine, there are TOO MANY DOG SHOWS Here in sunny Florida Surely you jest Why, it was only some few years back that it was nigh onto impossible to finish a dog unless you left this beautiful state to tour the snow-driven hinterlands, or worse fate cruised the Carolinas, where, honest to Jehosophat it was hotter then here-down-under Now, dont quote me, I have friends in the Carolinas, but its so nice to be way down upon the S-U-W- A-N-N-E-E R-l-V-E-R, the good ol S-U-W-A-N-N-E-E - how I love ya, how I luv ya, my dear old S-U-W-A-N-N-E-E...and showing dogs without spending all my do-re-mi on travel QUESTION 4 EASY TO MAKE A CHAMPION Like my boss-operator, Miss Einstein, sometimes says, everything is relative. She once had this pom who was of good caliber but who wore a fur coat of an odd color and didnt always keep it on. This Pom went right out and took 2 4-point majors back to back and then coming down to the wire lacked one point. It took a further 14 shows to get this one point Hows that for difficult Then Miss Einstein had a Pommy who was good caliber who wore a fur coat of popular color who never took it off who went right out and won 2 back to back 4 point majors and finished shortly in 8 total shows. Hows that for easy If being in the right place at the right time with the right dog in the right condition and finishing the dog in under 10 shows is easy, then YES, it is too easy to make a championship. But if being in the right place at the right time with the WRONG dog in the WRONG condition is difficult, then, no it is not too easy to finish a championship. The theory of relativity. Miss Einstein once had a conversation with an all- rounder whilst they were observing a Working Group in progress. I put that German Shepherd up, remarked the judge, there were 89 entries in that breed and only 2 were adequate show specimens of that 2 only 1 was a truly good show specimen. So, for the owner of that German Shepherd who probably finished in five or less major pointed shows, yes, it was easy. For the other 99 it was not.Until the dog howls again...Olympia11DOG SHOW THOUGHTS By Barbara StofferIts still dark as we load up the car, with everything for the show.We must be nuts or wed still be asleep like most normal folks we know.Everythings ready and we get in the car to head for that place, up-state.One last check...just to be sureguess wed better get our dog and his crateThe road stretches away, like a ribbon of gray... the countryside is peaceful and still.Thoughts drift ahead to the day at hand as we ride through each valley and hill.Will the judge be fair...honest and keen... will he see the faults of eachOr will he just pick HIS type againif he does I think Ill screech...Well here we are, lets unload the car give the dogs some exercise...Well have to hurry, the class is early and we dont want any surprise.At ringside well get to talk with friends and with other dog people, too...Each is ready and waiting to take their turn praying for a ribbon of BLUE.Each lovely dog struts around showing his very best...The judge will have a difficult time, theyll put him to the test.He SEEMS to be nice and studies them all not hurrying them along.Carefully touching, then stepping backHe hasnt done anything wrong........... YETHis choice is made and he points to number one so it looks like we didnt win...But Reserve isnt bad, so we wont be sad...we just wont show under HIM again.Back to the car, chatting away trying to figure it outOne time you win, next time you lose sometimes you are in doubt.Your dog is really looking his best he should have won that class...Maybe the judge wasnt so good after all so we ll just let this one pass.It really is a game of chance showing in that ring...BUT, OH THE GREAT FEELING OF JOY THAT NEXT TIMES WIN WILL BRINGGOLDEN AIRES POMSpresentsm-'VEmcees Im Ena-ChipsEna is the daughter of Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond. Our sincere and heartfelt thanks to Dr. Mrs. Morris Carson for allowing Ena to join us.Ena is owner-handled at present, but will soon be with Carroll Mary James. Watch for this beautiful, cobby and sound girl.GOLDEN AIRES POMS Sharon Masnick HCR 65 Box 745 Huger, SC 29450SIMO-NIS POMSProudly presents our first homebred ChampionI7tssCh. Simo-nis Wee Willy Makette, pictured out of coat, picking up a 4 point major at the Houston Shows under Gilbert S. Kahn. Willy was beautifully handled by Nancy Burnette of Nanshadow. They had a short run this summer and are going on to Special. Watch for Willy Nancy. Hopefully more Simo-nis Poms will be in the ring soon.OwnerBreeder HandlerDiana Simo-nis Nancy BurnetteRt. 1, Adona, AR 72001 913 Shall Ct., Jacksonville, AR501 662-4251501 982-1132The Pom Reader November 198712THE CHOCOLATE-BROWN MALECh. Starlite Legacy Choco Bear Finished with 3 majors at 17 months of age ..-V' 315^ \\-V fKv.CHOCOCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonners Lisastar Legacy orangeBonners Little Miss Wag Choco chocolate brownCh. Phyner Night Editor blackStarlite Editors Bwitched blackStarlite Lucky Flame red-orangeHandlerAgentJeff Nokes BreederOwner Gayle GriffinOn Lease ToDolly B. Trauner2025 Lyon StreetSan Francisco, CA 94115The Pom Reader November 198713THE CHOCOLATE-BROWN BITCHCh. Phyner Tea Muffin Finished with 3 majors under 12 months of age G4. WV." '\J\w \vMrwBEMUFFYCh. Phyner Night Editor blackPhyner Editors Talisman blackPhyner Kitchen Witch blackMuffy chocolate brownCh. Phyner Night Editor blackPhyner Morgana Le Fey blackPhyner Morticia blackCh. Phyner Black Sombrero blackx Phyner Kitchen Witch blackHandlerAgentJeff Nokes BreederOwner Gayle GriffinOn Lease ToDolly B. Trauner2025 Lyon StreetSan Francisco, CA 94115The Pom Reader November 198714GENERALLY SPEAKING By Susan WadeIt had been many a year since Id been on a train, so I decided to go to Maine for my vacation - by rail That presented my first problem - cant get to Maine by AM- TRAK. The closest point was Boston, but that would work out since my son lives only an hour and a half away. The next problem was my luggage - one suitcase and one briefcase filled with D-McG magazines.Since this was to be a vacation, I would only be attending TWO dog shows Who wants to carry their baggage through Penn Station Not me - so I decided to check it through. Remind me to tell you sometime how I changed trains in Minneapolis-St.Paul in 15 minutes...6 months pregnant and with three bags Wellllll, that wasnt possible unless I checked my baggage in two days BEFORE I planned to travel - the train that I was to take from NY to Boston didnt have a baggage car. OK - into the suitcase went the heaviest clothes I own and into the briefcase with the magazines went the camera and my press badge. With my baggage on the way, and the liner for my coat rolled into my tote, I was ready for anythingMy memories of train travel include very polite and helpful Redcaps, comfortable berths, a dining car with linen, silver, crystal, fresh flowers and marvelously efficient and quiet waiters. There are still Redcaps, berths, dining cars and waiters - yes there are - however, things are a bit different. I had talked with friends who told me the food was awful and decried the lack of other amenities, but I must have been on a different train or else things have improved tremendously. Let me warn you about one thing - if you are the slightest bit claustrophobic, avoid the slumber cars...a space big enough for one rather narrow bunk and built-in toilet facilities. Spring for the roomettes, they come in two different sizes.I have to admit there was no silver, crystal, or fresh flowers in the dining car and the food is served cafeteria style - but tablecloths still exist beige rather than white, the waiters were there to take your trays and my food was excellent..the wine was just the right temperature, the food tasty and attractive, the dessert nicely chilled key-lime pie and the coffee hot, flavorful and served nicely So you see, rail travel isnt all badMy time in Penn Station was...interesting. I dont think I will ever get used to green, pink, or scarlet hair in spikes, but it was interesting. When the train pulled into South Station Boston, I hardly recognized the place - much restoration is being done that left this one-time resident a bit confused - however, we found Cheers without a lot of trouble. Ed. note - Fm surprised you recognized Cheers. Since Diane left it hasnt been the same. J] The Boston traffic was bumper-to-bumper, so we stopped for dinner. After fortifying myself with fresh lobster, I was ready to brave the Wilds of MaineThe name of the town near which my son lives is not important, but its location is...just forty minutes from Scarborough Downs where the Vacationland and Central Maine clubs were holding their shows. Both Chairpersons, Beverly Maxfield and Liane James were most kind in allowing me to put the magazines on display and run around snapping pictures. Since Ive never been to shows in Maine, Im not familiar with the history of these shows, but the entries on both days were well over 1,000 and the site did not seem to be crowded. All the larger dogs were judged in three rings downstairs of the Scarborough Downs Grandstand indoors, and the smaller ones and Toys were judged in three rings upstairs. There were some familiar faces in the rings, but I also got a chance to meet lots of new people and enjoyed myself thoroughly. Frances Thornton of Converse, Texas, judged Poms at the Vacationland The Pom Reader November 1987\J rDog Club show on Saturday, and among those entered were Poms owned by Nola Williams, Tom- mi Hooban, Laureen Ivey, Louise M. Sweet, and Toni Collings. Central Maine KC hosted the Sunday event, and the Pom judge was Anita Chapman from Ontario, Canada. Since this is a three-day cluster, I was pleased to see all the exhibitors keeping their areas neat and clean - these clubs should have no problem in keeping their site. These were well-run shows by obviously capable clubs.Although happily acclimated to the southern climate, I had to admit the cooler air felt good...wrapped as I was in layers and layers of clothing. The weather did get cold below freezing a couple of nights but the snow held off until after my visit. My granddaughters went happily skipping out the door to school in lightweight clothing - heavy for them, lightweight for me - and I insisted they return to put on heavier raiment. I was rewarded with the autumn credo of schoolchildren everywhere...Grandma Susan, its not THAT coldThe week passed quickly, and I must admit I had a wonderful time. I saw some beautiful scenery, enjoyed my visit, enjoyed the train...and Id do it again in a minute. You can say all you want about Southern Hospitality and being a Southerner, I would have to agree, but those New Englanders dont do badSusan WadeLL KENNELS NEWEST SPARKLING STARIBEST OF WINNERS vFORT WORTH KENNEL club 1987PHOTO 81 PETSULIS____ ___LLL TS GOLD SPARKLE PLENTY, shown taking WB, BOW, BOS for a 3 point major, Ft. Worth KC, judge Mr. Frank Sabella. BreederOwnerHandler Janice Luginsland.Sparkle is for sale. Also breeding quality show prospects from 250.00 up. Out of males.Janice Luginsland, R1, Box 97, Americus, KS 66835. 316-443-5157.15sou ilS3TH \LNSOUTHLANDand BEV-NOR proudly introduces our new guy - Bev-Nor N Southland Sin-Sation. Teddy made his debut at 7 months winning both days. Watch for this super-animated boy Sire BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge dam Lynnwrights Miracle Worker.Beverly Noris Charlotte CreedBEV-NOR SOUTHLAND7747 Meadow Road 6618 Lost RidgePasadena, MD Pineville, LA21122 71360301-255-1343 318-466-3456GrafenhorstsPomeraniansHorst Graf12000 N.W. 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325305 475-2465000-gJjag Pomeranian Palace-rv-CH.CHRISCENDO WESTERN EXPRESSA touch of the ole west has hit Doo-Shay and we are willing to share the profits...Doo-Shays Western RiderDoo-Shays Western Expose Doo-Shays Western TraderDoo-Shays Western Gold RushThese hombres all for sale - Sired by Ch. Chriscendo Western Express Am. Can. Bda. CH. Millamors Rock Medallion grandon dam Southlands Toasted Scarlett a Ch. Bev-Nors Toastmaster daughter.A slingin outcross that holster together. All short backssuper laybackadorable facesears high on toptight high tailsets. COAT- COAT-COAT Thank you Cassandra Ready WEE HEARTS for letting us adopt CHAD this past summer. Send him again sometimeDOO-SHAY POMERANIAN PALACE, Shannon Shannon Jr. Johnson, 6270 Tripp Road, Holly, Ml 48442.Telephone 313-634-1331J AND MS POMS-R-US- STILL GOING STRONG JAND MS JOLE WEE COLTESSENCETess continues to amaze us with her prowess. Shown here taking Best of Breed over 14 entries, out of the 9-12 class, at the Lake Matthews K.C. All breed match. It was a family day as Tess uncle, JDs Me N My RC, took BOS. Tess went on to take GROUP ill.WAtch for J and Ms Fancy Filly of Colt being handled by Kelly Green of Pacific Prancing Poms in the OctoberNovember shows.MARY JJ MARCHBANKS, 4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621. Tel 714994-0259The Pom Reader November 198716FILMING THE POMERANIAN VIDEODorothy BonnerThe filming of the Pomeranian Video was scheduled for October 6 at St. Huberts Giralda in New Jersey, an animal welfare and educational center between Madison and Morristown. With no knowledge of the vicinity, reservations were made at the seemingly nearest hotel chosen from a list sent from the AKC. My ticket took me to Newark Airport, then a taxi whose charge was 45.00 to my destination. Although Poms were arriving from all over the country, most were from within driving distance, and I was lucky enough to secure a ride to the filming site the next morning. The weather was perfect, sunny but cool, with no wind to damage Pom coats. St. Huberts Giralda is a beautiful acreage, entirely fenced, a park-like area covered with huge shade trees. A few small buildings included a wonderful museum and an extensive kennel filled with large dogs. Through tall gates, we entered a driveway shaped like a T. Numerous pens were set up under the trees, and we were permitted to drive near the camera location in a more secluded area. A runner was already calling for number 2 Pom, and we soon found that number 1 was ready to be photographed on the grooming table. So everyone there was listed and given numbers as they would be filmed in sequence. While one was on the table, a second was waiting, halfway there, while the next numbers were alerted. Each subject was accorded at least ten minutes of being filmed from every angle on the table, handled by John Heartz, equal consideration being given to both Best-In-Show winners and pet types, this being an educational project.Over 40 Poms were present, including those obedience trained, and even two adorable babies who had their turn in the limelight. An attempt was made to include all colors Kathryn Hartz given credit for assembling a large number of partis, browns, black tans, and combinations. Maxine Beam, AKC consultant, made comments and explanations in a van as Poms were shown on a monitor, her remarks to be used later in editing.The AKC served sandwiches and cold drinks to all during a rest period. Later, the cameras were changed to the driveway to film movement and Obedience. No one seemed tired and we were reluctant to leave such a lovely setting. The Pom Video Committee will be invited to New York on December 14 to view the edited product for final completion.Much credit goes to Edna Midge Horn, AKC Educational Coordinator, Norman, the filming director, Maxine Beam, consultant, John Heartz, handler, Skip Piazza, Assistant, and the Video Committee who put together the entire affair Dorothy Bonner, Chairman, Olga Baker, and Christine Heartz. The entire Pom fancy will be proud of such a beautiful presentation for years to come.Dorothy BonnerLETTERS...Dear Duane and Joe,I would like you to know that I really enjoy the Pom Reader every month. I breed Poms on a small scale purely for my own enjoyment because I love them so much, but I am also striving to improve the breed.Recently I purchased my first parti color. She is black and white with a wide white blaze. She is now 5 months old. When she was little she did not have any black spots on her feet and legs, but as she got older she developed them. I call them freckles. Is this something that parti colors are not supposed to have Since I never find much to read about partis and hardly ever see them, I dontThe Pom Reader November 1987know who to ask. Would you know the answer or know who I could talk to about partis This female is about 5-6 pounds already so may be too big for show quality but I would still like to know about the freckles.Currently I work 2 jobs and do not have time to get involved with showing my dogs, but in the meantime I am building up my kennel and hope to really get involved win the show circuit when I retire and have more time. I am learning a lot from the Pom Reader. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORKLynn Heise, Cedar Hill, TexasDear Lynn,I agree it is hard to find much information about the parti color Pom. The Standard clearly states that it is an acceptable color, and describes a parti-color as "white with any other color distributed in even patches on the body and a white blaze on the head. "Period.The Standard for the Parti-color Cocker Spaniel is more exacting Two or more definite, well-broken colors, one of which must be white, including those with tan points it is preferable that the tan markings be located in the same pattern as for the tan points in the Black and ASCOB varieties. Roans are classified as Parti- colors and may be of any of the usual roaning patterns. Primary color which is ninety 90 percent or more shall disqualify.Parti-color Pekingese are very popular within that breed, and The Pekingese Standard states The coloring of a parti-colored dog must be broken on the body. No large portion of any one color should exist. White should be shown on the saddle. A dog of any solid color with white feet and chest is not a parti-color. The Pom Standard makes no provision for width and depth of blaze, so I would presume this is dictated by personal preference. Obviously, the size of the white blaze greatly affects the appearence of the head.In response to your question, I contacted Kathryn Hartz of Dover-Holihouse, an avid fancier of parti-color Poms. Kathryn says The spots on the legs are common - more black white partis have them than the other colors. If conformation is good, and color pattern correct, the spots should not affect the dogs show career in any way. You will have to keep an eye on size unless your bitch stops growing real soon, she will probably go over the weight limit for Poms, which is 3 to 7 pounds. But then again, she may not. You will soon know.Thank you, Kathy, for your help, and thank you Lynn for writing we hope to have articles featuring the parti-color Pom in the near future. JMcGDear Joe,In response to your questions1 Abolish Best of Winners NO. Reason - the unworthy champion does not come from this class. Too many champions According to the number of shows, NO. Rare breeds or breeds with low entries still have very few champions per year.2 Major after 18 Months Maybe in some breeds, such as breeds that disqualify for being over 10 or whatever. Large breeds mature late, Toys are mature at 9-12 months of age. Instead, require that a dog must win nine points from wins from its own sex.3 Too many dog shows NO. People only go to as many as they can afford.4 Too easy to finish a champion HA HA HA. Once in a while you may have one finish in 5-6 shows, usually it is still 10 to 20 shows before one finishes. The reason competition or lack of it. At a three day cluster, seldom does one dog take points all 3 days. Many shows will have only 1-2 points per show in most breeds. So who finishes an easy championLucille Meystedt, Exhibitor and Judge P.S. Also see enclosed article, Unworthy ChampionsContinued next page17UNWORTHY CHAMPIONSThe number of tests a judge is required to pass does not mean the judge will apply that knowledge when judging. The unworthy champion does not necessarily come from cluster shows, stacked entries, or Best of Winners Classes. Id say they come from judges who are looking for assignments, or playing favorites, or payback for that assignment.Irrevelant of what everyone may think, handlers dont necessarily have the best dog all the time. Top handlers, if honest, will tell you due to economy, they show dogs of lesser quality that, a few years back, they would not be caught in the ring with. Still many judges think the dog is with a handler, so it has to be good, also the handler may get them an assignment. Ive had two handlers ask me if Id like to judge so and so place. I didnt place them in the points. To this day Im still waiting for those two assignments.Id like to relate a true incident. A judge received an assignment from a club he had judged matches for. On the day of the show, all went well. The next day the judge was again at the show, and another judge of acquaintance who was at the show asked the first days judge to sit at ringside and discuss the breed of specific interest. The second judge is a long time breeder of said breed, as well as a judge of 2 groups, plus other breeds, and also obtains many assignments for some of which she pays her own way. As the dogs were gaiting and being examined, her remarks were Isnt that one cute. That one has a cute little gait., etc. Then when a specific handler and dog came up for exam the first judge was asked why they had not placed that dog the previous day. The judge. replied, 1, the dogs ear placement is poor 2, the rear is 1 higher than the withers, and 3, the dog is severely cowhocked, and all 3 are severe faults of the breed and will also be passed on to the get. The second judge very huffily replied, Well, I dont judge in that much detail By the way, said dog didnt win the second day, either. But if that dog finishes, it is an unworthy champion. How and whyMany Toy judges think of the Toys as cute, bouncy, and if coated, tons of it, they are winners. A judge once told me toys do nothing but look cute, so what if they are cowhocked, etc If this is true, why are there Standards on the ToysThe judge that failed to place the above dog hasnt had a return assignment and doesnt expect one. Later the judge found out that the dog was owned by the Clubs president, as well as being sired by the Number Two judges maleThere are many top winning toys with very bad fronts and rears, some have many BIS. In my opinion they are unworthy champions, but are highly publicized and are owned by other judges.These unworthy champions are not new there always been and always will be, some. They are not just lately, look at some of the dogs 10 or 15 years ago or more. It just depended on who showed and who owned the dog. It is now becoming more noticeable, due to the doubling of entries at a show and the increased number of shows. So why the sudden concernMany judges will place a lesser quality dog over a good one, for BOB. Why The dog has more sportsmanship, flashier, more coat, or whatever, but IT WILL LOOK BETTER IN THE GROUP. Many times Ive overheard judges make this remark as to why they placed a said dog.Eliminating the cluster shows, Best of Winners, having classified shows some without points, or whatever else someone thinks of, will not keep the unworthy dog from receiving a championship.I personally would like to see no groups, no best in shows, no rating systems, for at least one year. Maybe, just maybe, the sportsmanship will partially return to dog shows, and the judges will judge for quality and everything will improve.Lucille Meystedt CH. STARUTES LUCKY SHANTICY ofc Shanticy will have Christmas puppies Elf is for sale to show home - Choco Bear x Ch. Shanticy tiny orange male to improve your chocolates. Payments accepted.SHOW FLASH Stariites Choco Bear, chocolate male has 10 points both majors, will be finished soon. Leasee Dolly Trauner. Handler Jeff Noaks.GRIFFINS STARLITE KENNELSP.O. Box 469, Amity, OR 97101ANYONE trading a pair of Champion Poms and 2 show quality female puppies ARABIAN MARE, 4 years old, 1 year professionally trained for Western Pleasure, 15 hands high, Bay, gentle. She is beautiful.Call 409 994-2980. Will send VIDEO, VHS.Dolly GrobyRt. 1, Box 51 Buna, TX 77612The Pom Reader November 198718NORTH VERSUS SOUTH Sally BaugnietAs I was putting papers on the floor of the Poms room, a thought came to mind. I really am thankful for the power of the pressI dont know what I would do without it. Those of you who show or travel only in one area dont realize how much you are missing. Some of us who travel in many areas sometimes miss the boat, too.How Many of us go to and from the dog shows...that is it How often do we take a little more time to see some of the historic, artistic, or entertaining points of interest Are we in such a hurry to get to and from the dog shows, that all we have time for is to use the Tollways and Interstates Some of the best scenery can be enjoyed when traveling on the two lane country roads.Many of you know that my husband, Dick, very seldom goes to a dog show with me - once every two years or so. When he does, he usually has something else in mind. This time we went to some Michigan shows via northern Indiana. We went to pick up our new Maxi-van, which was converted to a Canine Traveler. He had to come along to drive the other vehicle back home the old one... got the new one. He consented to go to the dog show as long as I was staying for only one. We took some of the back roads and saw some gorgeous fall leaf colors. The maples are the greatest This is something you people from the South miss, if you dont come north in October. I have seen your beautiful Spring when our Winter is still on the ground. It is nice to trade places for a couple of days.Now, the snow is flying in Wisconsin. As beautiful as are the heavy snow-laden branches and snow-covered hills, fields, driveways, and sidewalks, I look forward to seeing you in January for the Florida Circuit. We wont have to shovel that white stuff - but then, you dont have snowmobiles, snow skiing, tobogganing, sleigh riding, Poms rolling and tunneling in snow banks, coming into the house looking like little snow balls - Oh well, we cant all have everything, can weHave a Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year Sally BaugnietICERAMA POMSSkip Piazza THE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266Offers At Stud CH. BONNERS LEGACY GOLDEN DRAGONOwnerHandler SANDRA TERRITOP.O. Box 33 Lakeland, LA 70752 Tel 504 627-5200Pom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613Robert Juanita Fiddick Tel 319-989-2199Jerrie Freia P. O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466yooetMarlene Marlin Presser209 886-5561 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95205BANDBOXCh. Stud Service in Orange, Cream Red Sable Puppies and Adults OccasionallyNANCY DEFOREST BARTHOLOMEW Rt. 1, Box 182, Ola, AR 72853 501-489-5733jieri SameswilaYiBreeding for a better Pom-morrowGreat Elms, Precious Petites, Showstopper Lines Dorothy MartinRt. 2, Box 30M, Rock Hill, SC 29730 803-377-7718iohn e. heatlzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA "POMS A SPECIALTY P.O. BOX 1259, TRURO, N.S. CANADA PHONE 902 895-7427Introducing at Stud BLOSSOM HEIGHTS PETER PAN Heavy coated, light orange, 4V2 lbs. Sire Ch. Millamors Mood Music. Dam Bobbys Cuddles.BLOSSOM HEIGHTS POMS, Arlene John Benko, 5351 Jeffrey Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33407. Tel 305-842-5591.BEV-NOR POMS home of Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, 1 Pom 1981,1982,1983, 24 Best in Shows, 5 Specialties, sire of top winning females for 1984 1985, sire of only Black Tan to go BISA, sire of BISA and Group winners, Stud fee 200.00 limited to 20 per year Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, sire of 33 champions, BIS dogs, Group Specialty winners, Stud fee 250.00 limited to 15 per year Ch. Bev-Nor's Statesman, Multi Group winner, 1986 Best in Sweepstakes winner NY Specialty. Stud fee 200.00. 7 Males from above studs available in red, orange, red sable.BEV NORRIS, 7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122 Telephone 301 255-1343.1UK' JlVThe Pom Reader November 198719Secreara aupeEach month The Pom Reader will welcome reports from the Secretaries of recognized Pomeranian clubs and organizations. As our staff can not be all places at all times, we think this is an excellent way to keep the world apprised of your activities and successful undertakings. Secretaries forget about a deadline, we know youre busy. Just submit as you can and we will publish as quickly as possible - your news will still be news, because we publish once a month - 12 times per year.G\OHIO VALLEY POM CLUB...The beautiful FALL weather seems to be outdoing itself this year, even for Ohio...the colors are just breathtaking and the crisp, clean air is so invigorating. It made the drive down to tour first Puppy Match in Mt. Vernon a VERY SPECIAL event...The Match went along quite smoothly, we are happy to say there was a very good turnout, the judges were exceptionally nice, and we had some great stewards who did a super job, even though most were not experienced. Im sure everyone learned a lot from this first Match - we will be holding another next year, as well as a Specialty.This crisp autumn air makes the Poms feel so good - they really strut their stuff. Many of our members have been doing especially well at the shows. Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane of Animation Kennels had their Atom Ant entered in some 15 shows and he won 14 BOBs as well as several Group placements Animation Kennels has produced at least 8 champions in the past two years Carol Galavich of Pixies Hillcrest Kennels has produced 21 champions in the past several years, since starting to show Poms, and is almost ready to have that title again with Fancy Image Bonnie Stetson has just finished her first champion, Pride and Joy, the rest of us are working towards our final points or majors to attain that utmost ideal - a true Champion although we love them all, Champions or not. THERE IS NOTHING LIKE A POM, THEY ARE THE GREATEST.Things are moving right along with our club. We now have 50 members and are still growing. We received our first order of club jackets and they are really nice. At the October meeting we discussed we discussed the proposed AKC changes and everyone at the meeting was opposed to the changes. We will be writing to voice or opinions...Shari Stoffer Kubankin was in charge of the Open Forum for October, and chose the subject Puppy Pom Prices - needless to say, there followed a VERY interesting and varied discussion. The next Open Forum will be at the January 1988 meeting and Shari chose Pom Advertising for the subject it, also, should be very interesting. We have been in touch with other Pom clubs and are exchanging newsletters with them. Its a great idea and helps to get all of us sharing more Pom news...Our November meeting will be held after the Pom classes at the Lima Ohio KC show, which will be held at the Ohio State Fairgrounds in Columbus, on Saturday 1115. For exact time and meeting place, please contact Judy Shearer, 523 Miller Avenue, Sugarcreek, OH 44681. 215 852-4136. O.V.P.C. will be supporting the Pom entry at the Medina KC show in Cleveland, Ohio, on Friday 121187 and we hope as many members as possible will be there to try for the EXTRA nice trophies with Poms on them, as well as potential MAJORS, good friends, and our Hospitality area...I have noticed that many beautiful Poms have been making their mark at the shows lost of GROUP WINS BEST IN SHOWS...such great publicity for our breed. It seems that the overall quality of the Poms being shown is improving all the time - lets hope everyone keeps up the good work.Thats about all for this time - see all of you next month...LOVE THOSE POMSBarbara Stoffer13810 Easton NE, Alliance, OH 44601J MS POM-R-USMary JJ Marchbanks 4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621 714994-0259Pomeranians are our specialty. Exquisite, frameable parchment. 4 gen. 7.00 5 gen. 10.00 6 gen. 16.00 7 gen. 30.00 Rolled 2.00. Shipped in beautiful frame 4 gen. 4.50 5 gen. 5.50 extra. All titles typed in red. Free colors upon request. Send copy of registration.10115 ALLENDALE ROAD, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098.WINDJAMMERHome of AmCan Ch. Millamors Im A Windjammer atstud. Winner of 3 Specialty Bests in ShowBob Jeanne Stafford 1231 Carberry Road616-683-0214 Niles, Ml 49120SOUTHLAND..........................Southland Poms - Rays of Sunshine6618 Lost Ridge, Pineville, LA 71360 Ph. 318-466-3456Charlotte CreedcJenette J^omeraniand Stud Service Available on the following Studs Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette, 3V2 pound son of Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too. 100.00.Ch. Woods Magic Masterpiece, 4 pound orange son of Ch. Models Gold Momento.Ch. Tomanolls Wee Short Stack, 3V2 pounds, Irish Setter red, linebred for many generations. 100.00. Beaver of Lenette, Pointed, deep red, 4 pound son of Ch. Models Timstoppers Echo.Puppies generally available from these studs as well as other top studs.Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081Phone 704 938-2042K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner The Pom Reader November 198720---------------- UPDATE -------------------TOPTEN EXHIBITORSAS OF THE JANUARY - OCTOBER 1987 AKC GAZETTEWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the UnitedEXHIBITOR...........States is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until December.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about November of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS THE LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY thru OCTOBER 1987 AKC GAZETTE.POINTSD. WATTS..................................................................75C. R. READY..........................................................45A. G. GONOS....................................................... 38L. VASUTA...............................................................38P. HENDRICKS......................................................... 37G. HODSON.............................................................. 36N. MCKAMEY............................................................35A. LA FORTUNE....................................................... 34L. BRYSON..............................................................33L. UNTALAN............................................................33Tie placements alphabetical^Somy tfleacerYourShowcase for Purebred PomsThe Pom Reader November 198721MILLAMORELEANOR KEN MILLER5426 Spring Lake Drive Lakeland, Florida 33803 Residence Telephone 813 646-5864EMCEES POMS Show puppies available Stud service on Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Prince, son of Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II. Fee 250.00.Morris Betty Carson, 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, VA 23233. Ph. 804 740-7977.Multiple Best In ShowCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDBI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum Phones36520 28th Ave. South 206-838-6397Federal Wav. Wa 98003 206-927-23692^SLSS P,omDESAREE SANDIFER509 OAKDALE STREET, GASTONIA, NO 28054 TELEPHONE 704 865-0859KHANIRAINBOW POMSByron Connie HendricksP.O. Box 644, Arcadia, CA 91006 Tel 818 444-5131NORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942HOME OF THEKILLERAND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Westide Road El Paso, TX 79932TIM SUE POMERANIANSTIM SUE GODDARD Route 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622JUST A POMS presentsCH.JUSTA MENEHUNEproducing 80 females - watch for his winning daughters at the showsand AUSTINS A KNIGHT TO REMEMBERHeavy coated black - sire Ch. Shadra's Battery Not IncludedSHARON HIEMENZ, Rt 1, Remington Road, Ormond Beach, FL 32074. Tel 904 437-2190Pattys PomeraniansGreat Elms, Showstopper, Creider and Queenaire lines Quality Poms at Reasonable Prices Patty Jensen 6520 Game Farm Rd. E.612 472-5950 Mound, MN 55364Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia. Ocala. Florida 32676 904 237-1636CRYSTAL CHARMPomeraniansMary Ann Wellnitz, RR 1, Box 86, Rushville, NE 69360. Tel 308-327-2533BreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERPPrecious PJeiiiesP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson. LA 70181 504 737-1729ChesaiPomeraniansCHESAI PLAYING FOR TIME Handled by Ron Feyh 9 points to date Robert Joan Reilly 512 438-266726093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260The Pom Reader November 198722Bob SchuerchOn August 13th I caught a piece of ABCs World News Tonight on WTAE, our local ABC affiliate. I saw a man gently massage a bird and then a cut to the same man holding a 2x4 against a horses shoulder and hitting the board with a hammer. That got my attention. At the time, I was standing at the counter in the kitchen and just grabbed a piece of paper and a pen hoping to get names, addresses, etcetera. Here are my original notes ABC Chicago,Sharon Willoughby Dr. Kamen, Buffalo, III. After a little detective work and the help of the WTAE-TV News Desk and ABC WORLD NEWS TONIGHT, I located both Dr. Willoughby and Dr. Kamen and asked them to contribute to Peke Patter. Dr. Willoughby agreed to act as guest columnist. Dr. Kamen opted to respond to questions.We agreed that I would submit the first response first and give both priority over any article I might be planning. Dr. Kamen responded first and here he isDr. David Kamen received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa. Palmer College was the first school to pioneer the practice of chiropractic medicine. He has written several articles on the subject of animal chiropractic and recently appeared live on THE LATE SHOW. Dr. Kamen practices in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Q Dr. Kamen, How did you first become involved in chiropractic for animals Did you try it on animals of your own or were you approached by other animal loversA I was approached by patients who had sick animals and adjusted their pets as favors. [Ed. note - The term adjustment refers to the physical realignment of bone structure performed by a Doctor of Chiropractic. JMcG]Q How long have you been practicing chiropractic on animals and birds and how many cases have you treatedA For 512 years. I have treated maybe 6 birds, 50 to 70 dogs, about 50 cats, 100 or so horses, and 10 miscellaneous animals - llamas, lions, giraffes, etc.Q Do you practice mainly on large or small animalsA Large animals, mainly horses.Q What types of animals have you adjustedA Dogs, cats, giraffes, llamas, lions, horses, cows, guinea pigs, etc. Q Overall what conditions or maladies are most commonA Low back pain evidenced by spinal imbalances or strained walking. Neck disorders are also common.Q What types of complaints is animal chiropractic most likely to alleviate or correctA Musculo-skeletal disorders such as neck, shoulders, and low back conditions.Q With regard to dogs, what breed or breeds seem more susceptible to back related disordersA Abused dogs. This isnt a sarcastic answer, but the dogs Ive seen have accidentally been kicked, or have fallen down stairs, or have been involved in some type of trauma. I havent seen enough of one breed to make a judgement as to which may be more susceptible.Q Please describe one of the more unusual cases you have addressed.A A Llama with scoliosis abnormal spinal curve. It was a baby and could not walk a straight line. I massaged its back muscles rather than adjusting the spine. After three weeks, it walked much better. The llamas owner did the therapy afterthe first time.Q Would you care to comment on the role of preventative animal chiropractic and give some of the conditions it can preventA Preventative care means taking responsibility for ones own health. Sure, spinal adjustments will help alleviate stress, etc., but the owners of the animals must make certain that their pets are safe. Most animal disorders stem from trauma.Q Have you had any referrals from veterinarians or inquiries from veterinarians or chiropractors If so, give some examples of the subject matter.A Just Dr. Sharon Willoughby, DVM, DC, from Port Byron, Illinois. Other DVMs dont call me. Neither do they do manipulation.Q Have you experienced any hostility or criticism from the veterinary or chiropractic communities If so, please comment.A Not much. Once, about 5 years ago a veterinarian said what I was doing was illegal since I do not have a veterinarians license. Other chiropractors are enthused and very interested. Q If readers in other states or in other countries would like to avail themselves of animal chiropractic treatment for their animals, could you refer them to a chiropractor or veterinarian in their area If not, how can they get such informationA Yes, there are some 100 chiropractors who have made themselves known to me. But I usually tell a concerned pet owner to contact their local chiropractor. AT times they will adjust pets as a favor as I once did.Q Do you know of any schools of chiropractic that offer courses in treating animalsA I heard the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic has postgraduate seminars but Im not certain.Q Would you care to add anything on the subject of animal chiropractic Anything I have overlooked or you wish to emphasizeA The field of animal chiropractic will not grow unless the chiropractor can legally get paid for his or her services. For this to happen, state legislation has to be created for licensing requirements that also include accredited curriculums in the chiropractic colleges. This can be accomplished, but it will need the support, not only of a sizeable percent of the chiropractors, but of the public as well.DI spoke to Dr. Kamen after receiving his input. He indicated that since the August 13th exposure on WORLD NEWS TONIGHT he has been receiving many communications from other chiropractors, all enthusiastic about the possibilities and future for animal chiropractic. And why not If the medical profession can benefit from experimentation on animals, why shouldnt the animals benefit from the techniques available to humans That segment of the medical profession that confines its practice to the human animals has been gradually accepting the fact that chiropractic is a viable choice of treatment. Apparently there is movement in that direction in the veterinary segment of medicine as witnessed by Dr. Sharon Willoughby, DVM, DC who will be my guest columnist next month.See you next time. Bob Schuerchcr.Lder Rottweil Xpress November 1987Your Showcase For Purebred PomsPresented by Doll-McGinnis Publicationsa division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Inc. 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephones 813 858-2639 or 813 858-3839ADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsFULL PAGE 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 8.00 12.00All ads 1A page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. Full Color is available at 300.00 per page. Accent Color is available - call for quote. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine.SAMPLE ISSUES 3.00 each BACK ISSUES 3.00 eachsubject to availabilitySUBSCRIPTION RATES12 Months - 12 Issues 24.00 third class post40.00 first class postRESERVE YOUR COVER TODAY...We have several covers available for the upcoming year plan ahead to feature your Pom on the cover of THE POM READER...all covers suitable for framing Cost of front cover includes full-color front cover and black white inside front page. 500.00.DEADLINESThe deadline for advertising is the 10th of the month preceding publication date i.e., March 10th for the April issue. All ads received after the deadline will appear in the next available issue. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine.THE POM READER is sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best in Show judges.MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO Doll-McGinnis Publicationscj n jrp1 yepsY^I V eMultipl- Boil In Show Ch. Bi-Mar Sundacc Kidi77ie vBet i coming wme ...- -irtS W. ACH. PATTIES DUFFIES LIL SKIPPERHANDLED BY JEAN MARIE LEEDe Amo KennelsSYLVIA KELLY7455 Vista Del Monte, Van Nuys, CA 91405 818-780-7663 eves. 783-6300 daysThe Pom Reader November 1987