The Pom Reader February 1988
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Q i ii119ATr TPCt-' j 1rfe sWmWi 9j IBirjBESTOF winners ti6K.TcLUB1ashbe^ " Our Cover DogCH POMBREDENS HEAVENLY TOY BOYAt DOVER-HOLIHOUSE the parti is going on, and on, and on...TROY went to our National Specialty in New York and left CH. POMBREDENS HEAVENLY TOY BOYpending AKC confirmationWINNERS DOG, BEST OF WINNERS, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX, AWARD OF MERIT A RECORD WIN FOR A PARTI - A TOTAL ENTRY OF 165 POMS TROY is the only Parti the only Partithe only parti to be shown as a champion at Westminster - what a way to go DOVER-HOLIHOUSE and POMBREDEN wish to thank the judges that joined our partiMr. Merrill Cohen, WD, BOW, 3 Point Major Mrs. Sue Kauffman, WD, BOW, BOB, 3 Point Major Mrs. F. W. Braun, WD, 4 Point MajorAND LAST BUT NOT LEAST...Pom BreederJudge Mrs. Dorothy Bonner for the super 5 Points at our National win a National Specialty to finish with all majorsTROY will be with Dover-Holihouse for a while to finish his stud obligations, then home to California. Breeder-owner Agent-Handler Biggest FanPOMBREDENS HOUHOUSE DOVERBarbara Robert Breden794 S. Willow Avenue Rialto, CA 92376 714-820-2102Patricia Foley657 Second Street Trenton, NJ 08611 609-883-2916 or 394-3459Kathryn Hartz319 Ardmore Avenue Trenton, NJ 08629 609-695-1642CONGRA TULA TIONSU CONGRA TULA TIONSUTo American Pom Club Best of Breed winner Westminster Kennel Club Best in Show winnerCh. Emcees Chiquita de Oro Veteran BitchHandler Skip Piazza Owners Morris Betty CarsonCh. Great Eims Prince Charming II Owners Skip Piazza Olga Baker SUPER BEST AT THE GARDEN... EVERYONES DREAMTHE SNOWMANwiVfi. ' , r'JMexican, American Champion Sun Rays SnowmanShown finishing his American Championship under judge Dr. William E. Field Jr..POMBREDENS gratefully thanks Fern Rodriguez for letting THE SNOWMAN come home to daddy, Pombredens Charismatic Parti. Barbara and Nan also send our deepest sympathy to Fern in the loss of her magnificent Ch. Sun Rays Ambassador, Snowmans grandfather. Ch. Pombredens Heavenly Toy Boy see cover and Mex. Am. Ch. Sun Rays Snowman both are sired by the same outstanding particolor producer, Pombredens Charismatic Parti.Pombredens wishes to thank all the judges who put up the Snowman and Toy Boy. Most of all we thank God and Praise Jesus for helping us establish such an outstanding line of exotic colors. Psalm 37 3-5.POMBREDENSBarbara A. Breden126 A East Wilson, Rialto, CA 92376 714-820-2162The Pom Reader February-March 198847itffieacier^etrwi^-jidarcAsVolume IV, Number 1TABLE OF CONTENTS10. THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBDorothy Bonner reports on the Centennial Specialty in New York.12. JUDGESEDUCATIONSally Baugniet reports on new committees.14. SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January 1988 AKC Gazette.16. TOY TAKE THE CAKE AT WKCCh. Great Elms Prince Charming II makes history17. BISA AT THE GARDENHistoric photos by Steve Blodgett.18. FROM PRINCE TO KINGBarbara Stoffer gives her impressions of the Garden.20. LOOKING BACK THE YEAR WAS 1965Who was winning twenty-three years ago22. A CANADIAN BREEDERS POINT OF VIEWKaren Bradshaw reports from north of the border.24. MEMORIES ARE MADE OF...Orpha Jaquish Thomas remembers when.26. MIDWEST NEWS by Jeanne StaffordJeanne sends best wishes for the coming year.28. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January 1988 AKC Gazette.30. SECRETARIESPAGEReports from Breed clubs.31. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Telephones 813 858-3839 or 813 858-2639.The Pom Reader February-March 1988This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront CovenROBERT BARBARA BREDEN POMBREDEN POMS KATHRYN HARTZ DOVER POMS Back Coven CHERYL A. JACKSON JOEL M. TAYLOR GLEN IRIS POMSALLAN, M....................................................25BARRON, D................................................ 25BARTHOLOMEW, N. D.......................... 22BENEDETTO, A..........................................29BENKO, A................................................... 25BRADSHAW, K...........................................23BREDEN, R. B.................................... 1,2,3CARSON, M. B....................................... 26AM. CHAMPION PEDIGREE SVC...27CILIBERTO, B. L.....................................13COOK, S......................................................22CREED, C................................................... 27EPPS, N............................................................FEDDICK, R. J........................................ 29FREIA, J......................................................22GAD, N........................................................11GALAVICH, C...............................................7GODDARD, T. S..................................... 27GRAF, H........................................................5GRIFFIN, G................................................. 27GRIFFITH, K............................................... 26HARTZ, K...........................................1,2,3,19HEARTZ, J. C..........................................26HOVEY, J....................................................27JACKSON, C.............................................. 32JOHNSON, S.............................................. 27KELLY, S.....................................................15LUGINSLAND, J.........................................23MARCHBANKS, M. J..............................27MARTIN, D..................................................27MEGENHARDT, D........................................7MILLER, D.................................................. 26MILLER, K. E.......................................... 27MUNSTER, S.............................................. 26NAGY, S. B..............................................27NORRIS, B..................................................27PFEFFER, C................................................22REILLY, R. J............................................. 9RINEHART, M.D......................................... 27ROSENBAUM, M........................................21SANDIFER, D..............................................27SIMON-IS, D................................................27STAFFORD, R. J.....................................27TAYLOR, J..................................................32WELLNITZ, M.A..........................................225^ r HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO THE POM READER HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY TO POMS IN AMERICAWE ARE EXPECTING SEVERAL EXCELLENT UTTERS - BOTH PARTICOLORS AND SOLID COLORS CALL FOR DETAILS - iVw9GRAFENHORST POMERANIANS HORST GRAF 12000 N.W. 2ND STREET PLANTATION, FL 33325 305 475-2465The Pom Reader February-March 19886-------------- SHOWSIGHTIf you have been unconscious for the past three weeks, you may not know that a Pom won at Westminster. It was the seventh Toy victory in over 80 years, and the first ever win for a Pomeranian at the Garden when Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II topped almost 2600 dogs. Within the pages of the PR this month and next you will find complete coverage of the Westminster week activities, including The Pomeranian Club of America Centennial Specialty. But there are some facts about making a trip to the Garden that do not enter into the regular news reports.Our annual trek to Manhattan for Garden week is always very special for me, and I eagerly await my departure. As early as New Years Day I was happily anticipating the trip, and therefore instead of New Years Resolutions, I made Westminster Resolutions This year I decided that I would not take fourteen pieces of luggage, would not drink or eat too much, would not stay up too late, and would not spend far more money than I should. Well, I didnt take fourteen pieces of luggage Gust ten. The rest we wont talk about.The fun started when we flew upon Friday the 5th an uneventful flight which arrived on time and again this year our driver was on time, also. For a change of pace we had our headquarters at the Helmsley Leona does not lie when she brags about her hotels - this place was superb, although we missed sharing the premises with dog people. The commercial toy people were there in abundance, but as you can imagine we had little in common to talk about. A quick change of raiment and we were off the the first annual Science Diet Winners Circle Awards Dinner, with a stop for drinks at the Penta with Mike Barbara Jarmoluk before proceeding on to the dinner. Mike Jarmoluk does not attend many dog functions, which I find to be a shame, because he is a very interesting individual and a pleasure to be with. And he is going to have even less time soon a major publishing house is compiling a book on professional football players, and as former Captain of the Philadelphia Eagles, Mike is going to be the subject of an entire chapter. Well buy it. All we can say is, Come join us anytime you can, Mike, youre always welcome.On we ventured to the Marriott Marquis for the Awards Dinner. Sponsored by Hills Pet Products, this function was extremely well run for a first-time event, and all had a wonderful time. We got to visit with numerous decked-out dog fanciers, among them Pete Glenda Dawkins, Paula Bradley, Lina Basquette who vied for Best Dressed with Dorothy Nickles, Ann Wanner, Chris Terrell, Jim Dearinger, Peter Gaynor Green. An appealing aspect of the event was the live music which everyone enjoyed Sam Phelan looked sensational in her tuxedo, and she cuts a pretty mean rug Joe Waterman handles himself as well on the dance floor as he does in the ring in all, the Awards Dinner was super, and we say Thanks to Hills Pet Products. From the dinner a large group of us moved on to the venerable Rainbow Room for more partying, starting off the weekend on the right note.Saturday brought the fabulous Ken-L Ration Show Dogs of the Year Awards Dinner held again at the Grand Hyatt. This affair is absolutely top-drawer all the way, from the elegant cocktail party to the equally opulent sit down dinner for four hundred fanciers. During the media presentation prior to the affair, we got to meet many of the powers-that-be of Quaker Oafs what a capable, outstanding group of people they have assembled. Following an outstanding cocktail hour and dinner, the awards ceremony commenced, during which Top Toy award was given to last years Garden Toy Group winner, Ch. Briarcourts Coral Gable, the Peke handled by DavidThe Pom Reader February-March 1988Fitzpatrick for owners Joyce Bill MacKay.An interesting collection of people at our table included our friend Joan Mylchreest Joan is, of course, the breeder of Coral Gable. The guest speaker this year was television news corresondent Charles Osgood, who brought down the house with his Standard of female human beauty set to poetry. And what a bevy of beauties we had in the limo following the affair Barbara Jarmoluk, Dorothy Nickles, Lina Basquette and Betty Leininger. Again this year our hats are off to Quaker Oats for this incredible event.We could not resist the downstairs brunch at our hotel on Sunday morning, although it seemed a shame to spend one hundred dollars for fifty-three minutes of food. That wasnt the hotels fault we could have stayed all day but we had to be off to the Toy Specialties. Our first stop was the Pug and Min Pin Specialties held at the Loews Summit, where we visited with numerous wonderful people, including Norton Betty Moore, Arlene Czech, Josie Mitchell, Kay Jeffords, Rose Radel, William Stifel, Luc Boileau, and Charlotte Patterson. Elaine Rigden joined our party at this point and we were off to the big event of the day, the American Pom Club Centennial Specialty at the Roosevelt, where we enjoyed seeing Olga Darrell Baker, Kathryn Hartz, Eleanor Miller, Morris Car- son, and Janice Luginsland, among numerous others. Pom authority and Judge for the Regular Classes Dorothy Bonner looked tremendous and was every inch the pro she is. For complete coverage, see The American Pomeranian Club Centennial Specialty by Dorothy Bonner in this issue. We also enjoyed visits with Richard Camacho, Ron Prado and Sam Zaneoff. A stellar event in celebration of 100 years of Pomeranian reign.Again this year we were pleased to be invited to the party given by Richard Snyder at the Metropolitan Republican Club, during which awards were also given Most Forgivable Dog Publication, Best Dressed Judge, Nicest Judge To Show To, etc, and enjoyed visits with Vic Lorraine Boutwell, Jim Grace Moran, Eleanor Rotman, among others, and then we were off to an intime dinner party hosted by Ron Barbara Scott at La Mangerie.Monday morning bright and early brought Toy day at the Garden, and we spent the entire day happily ensconced in the company of Toy people from all over. The crowds were greater this year than we have seen, and I dont think we missed judging of a single Toy breed. Kenneth McDermott judged an entry of 47 Poms, with the ultimate award going to Prince Charming. Record-breaking attendance added to the air of excitement up 5,000 people from last year, totalling 21,000 spectators.In between Breed and Group judging The AKC Gazette hosted a party in the Hall of Fame Room at the Garden, for many years the site of the fabulous party thrown by Mr. Mrs. Walter Jeffords we enjoyed seeing Jackie Liddle, Gazette Advertising Manager Amy Clarke, and Pat Beresford, long-time editor and now Gazette consultant. The Gazette sponsored the cocktail and buffet to celebrate its new look.And then it was back to the box seats for Group judging. Thelma Brown, looking spectacular, judged the Toy Group, obviously enjoying her assignment, and awarded first to the eventual BISA winner Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II, second to the Brussels, Ch. Starbecks Silken Sunshine, third to the Jap Chin Ch. Cross Kairyu, and fourth the the Shih Tzu, Billies Follie Electric Shaver. Following Group judging most adjourned to the Penta to celebrate.Continued on page 8FROM THE EDITORAPIXIES and MEGSARE DOUBLY PROUD TO PRESENT7CH. PIXIES PUFFED-UP FANCY IMAGEBred by Carol Galavich and handled by Donna Megenhardt. Finished at 10 months, Timmy is typey and fun loving, and a true product of the Pixie line. Thanks to all the judges who saw his merits, especially Jackie Klein and Robert Ready for his majors. Already a proven stud.' -57..... rff ' 9f,CH. LLL TS GOLD COUNTRY MISSYBred by Janice Luginsland, handled by Carol Galavich, and co-owned by Donna Megenhardt. Missy is a housepet, a brat, a love. She preferred life on a silk pillow to that of the show ring. But finished in fine style with back to back majors under Alexander C. Schwartz Jr. and Dr. William S. Houpt.Carol A. Galavich52821 German Hill Powhatan Point, OH 43942 Phone 614-458-1705Donna C. Megenhardt8026 SR 43 Streetsboro, OH 44241 216-626-4368The Pom Reader February-March 1988SHOWSIGHT - THE GARDEN continuedTuesday was a very long day, waiting for Groups and Best. One of the highlights of the second day of the Garden was courtesy of the Lhasa ring. Kansas Citys own Lorraine Cole, well-known Shih Tzu and Lhasa breeder, and wife of Dr. Stuart Cole, provided comic relief to a large ringside crowd. Lorraine hit the ring dressed to the nines, escorting a lovely bitch. Suddenly, and with very poor timing, the bitch, in very Lhasa-like fashion, got a wild hair so to speak, and exploded - knocking over the potted chrysanthemums, knocking over the placement markers, trying to climb into Lorraines lap everyone was laughing with the notable exception of Lorraine. When Lorraine finally got her under control, she showed like a dream and made a nice placement, but Lorraine was a wreck. I imagine that interesting epithets later spewed forth from Lorraines pretty face, but we couldnt hear from ringside.But we might be able to hear it on TV Everywhere you looked at this years Garden were camera crews from the television program 48 Hours, which is devoting an entire program to the Westminster Kennel Club event. They even had hidden microphones on handlers and spectators I cant wait to see this one. Apparently at one point, an exhibitor in the grooming area or on the bench, I couldnt find out let out with a rather strong expletive, and one of the TV crew members remarked, Gee. These people really take this seriously We could have told you that. Watch your television listings for the show devoted to the Garden, it promises to be an eye- opener. 48 Hours is on CBS Tuesday nights.It is not the fault of Clif de Raita that he directed us to a restaurant we will never visit again. In between Breeds and Groups we went back to the hotel to change into formal attire for BIS, and patronized the aforementioned bistro. Everyone on the staff was new, no one knew what they were doing, and it was ridiculous. At one point I inquired if I might have a BB with my coffee. The waiter chuckled and wandered away. Several minutes later I again requested my drink. Again he laughed and left. Finally I got exasperated and said if he wasnt bringing my BB he could just bring my check.With a look of consternation, he replied, You mean there really IS a drink called a BB I thought you were kidding me I turned to Duane and said, This is New York Added to that was the presence of the Soap Opera Star at the next table who was so enamored of himself I lost my appetite. And then I thought, Yeah, this is New York.And it was really New York when we returned for Groups and BIS. Our friend Vikki Powell joined us as we eagerly awaited the finale. The crowd went wild as the seven contenders entered the ring, with equal enthusiasm for judge Michelle Billings, looking absolutely breathtaking in a beige beaded gown. Interestingly enough, the Pom was not the crowds favorite at the beginning other competitors seemed to ellicit more response. But the more he strutted, keeping up with the big guys, never letting down, never a foot out of place, more and more the crowd leaned his way, until he was clearly the number one choice among the spectators. And when Billings handed him the top award, the place went bananas. And there were many, many Pom fanciers in attendance, and in the television audience...with tears in their eyes. An incredibly illustrious win for the dog and for the Breed itself. Congratulations are in order to everyone in Poms recognition like this cannot be measured.And more and more recognition was to follow to the delight of all, Skip Piazza, Olga Baker, and Prince were featured on the television program Good Morning America the following day I wonder how much sleep they got the night before.Following BIS we were invited to the Southgate and the Dog Writers Association hospitality room where we visited with Bill Stanfield and Al Esme Treen. And then back again to the Penta for more.And is there more Yes. Next month The Dog Fanciers Luncheon at Sardis, culminating another wonderful year at Westminster.And its been another wonderful year for The Pom Reader. Were looking forward to a really super fourth volume, and thank everyone for their continued support.Until next month, alway remember...Poms Away...ALL THE WAYJMcGfrom97i om tfleacerYourShowcase for Purebred PomsThe Pom Reader February-March 1988Chesai PomeraniansBEST WISHES TO THE POM READER ON YOUR 3RD ANNIVERSARY. WE WISH YOU CONTINUEDSUCCESS AS YOU BEGIN YOUR FOURTH YEARCHESAI HAS HAD A GOOD YEAR WITH 3 POMS AND A DACHSHUND FINISHING, AND SEVERAL OTHERS POINTED.CH. CHESAI MIDNIGHT COWBOY - 5 POINT MAJOR AT HOUSTON POM SPECIALTY HIS 1 ST TIME OUT. OWNED BY BOB DONNA THIEDE.CH. WESTEX QUITE A NIGHT, A LOVELY BT STANDARD LONGHAIRED DACHSHUND - BOOZERS FIRST 2 SHOW AS A PUPPY WERE SPECIALTIES WITH ALMOST 500 ENTRIES. HE PLACED ALL 4 DAYS IN SWEEPS AND REGULAR CLASSES. BOTH MAJORS AT NEXT TWO SPECIALTIES.putCH. CHESAI SISNBEN SCARLET ROSE- BOTH MAJORS FIRST WEEKEND OUT FROM 6-9 MONTH PUPPY CLASS. OWNEDBY ANNA BENEDETTO.A.CH. MERCERS MAGIC TOUCH O DUKE - 4 STRAIGHT MAJORS. BRED BY DAN MERCER. OWNED BY CHESAI POMS.CONGRATULATIONS ARE ALSO IN ORDER FOR THE PRINCE OF POMS...HE WAS MAGNIFICENT WHAT A WONDERFUL VICTORY FOR OUR BREED. WE REJOICE WITH SKIP OLGA RUTH BEAM. SKIP SHOULD HAVE A HANDLER OF THE DECADE AWARD SEVERAL LITTERS DUE MARCH AND APRIL MOSTLY BONNERARISTIC LINESCHESAI POMERANIANSROBERT JOAN REILLY 26903 HIGHWAY 281 NORTH 12-438-2667 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78260The Pom Reader February-March 198810THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.Centennial Celebration of AKC Recognition SpecialtyBy Dorothy BonnerAmid the glitter and prestige of the Grand Ballroom of the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, an entry of 231 Pomeranians strutted their hearts out for owners and handlers at the Centennial Celebration of AKC recognition Show on Sunday, February 7, 1988. This was the largest entry in the Clubs history.62 Puppy Sweepstakes were judged by Mrs. Olga Baker of Houston, Texas, who selected as Winners SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY, bred by Audrey Roberts and owned by Nancy Burnette. Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes wasTOMHO MEGA PLEASER, bred and owned by Tommi Hooban.All Regular and Non-Regular Classes were judged by Mrs. Dorothy Bonner of San Antonio, Texas. Winners were present from as far as California and Canada with supreme quality in every class, selections being close.Top honors of Best of Breed went to the Veteran Bitch, CH. EMCEES CHIQUITA DE ORO, a gloriously coated red- orange, bred and owned by Morris Betty Carson, and brought out of retirement at six years of age as a true example of gorgeous Pom maturity, an answer to judges who object to too much coat. The Carsons are from Richmond, Virginia.Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex was POM- BREDENS HEAVENLY TOY BOY, breeder-owners Barbara Robert Breden of Rialto, California. Toy Boy sported a dazzling black and white coat with a Chin look in parti- color, setting a new trend in Poms as he swept the field.Special awards for excellence went to the following CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIEL, CH. PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR, CH. TEXICANS GIANT KILLER CHULA, CH. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOY, and CH. GREAT ELMS SHINING STAR.Winners Bitch was LLL DAZZLIN GOLD KATRINA, a lovely representative of the breed owned by Janice Luginsland of Americus, Kansas. GREAT ELMS SHINING STAR won the Stud Dog class, and CH. HILANES SONJA OF MAI-T-TOI was the Brood Bitch winner. A beautiful Bitch Brace, TRU-KEPS TRIBUTE TO TODD and TRU-KEPS TODDS TREASURE owned by Irvin Trudy Keplinger was shown, distinctive markings on both Poms exactly similar. As entertainment, there was an interesting demonstration of Pom teams pulling miniature sleds.Regular class winners were as followsPuppy Dogs 6-9 Months TIM SUES FLASHING LIGHTS owned and bred by Tim Sue Goddard.Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months LANAS TOP ECHELON, owned and bred by Lana Ejchorszt.Novice Dogs EMCEES A LIL BIT OF DIAMOND, bred by Morris Betty Carson, owned by Geraldine Mitchell. Bred by Exhibitor Dogs TRU-KEPS GOLDEN SAND bred and owned by Irvin Trudy Keplinger.The Pom Reader February-March 1988American Bred Dogs POMBREDENS HEAVENLY TOY BOY, Breeder-owners Barbara Robert Breden. Open Dogs black, brown, blue DOVER-HOLIHOUSE KRIS KRING-L, bred by Patricia Foley and Kathryn Hartz, owned by Patricia Foley, Kathryn Hartz, D. Ninotski.Open Dogs, red, orange, cream, sable TRU-KEPS SCOT HAYDEN bred by Trudy Keplinger, owned by Irvin Trudy Keplinger.Open Dogs, any other allowed color BLACK TIE AND TAILS bred by Jean Hurley, owned by Deborah Wheeler. Winners Dog POMBREDENS HEAVENLY TOY BOY Reserve Winners Dog TIM SUES FLASHING LIGHTS Veteran Dogs CH. MILBROOKS EL GRAN CABALLERO bred by Barbara Paine, owned by Anna La Fortune. Puppy Bitches 6-9 Months HILANES VENUS MAI-T-TOI bred and owned by Jerome Cushman Angela Nisbet.Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months ANIMATIONS ELARDO, bred by Lorinda Vasuta, owned by Lorinda Vasuto Darren Lane.Bred by Exhibitor Bitches SILVER MEADOWS MY-T PRESHUS bred and owned by Gold Blackacre, Regd. American Bred Bitches GOLD BLACKACRE CUPID REPLICA, bred and owned by Gold Blackacre, Regd. Open Bitches black, brown, blue DOVER-HOLIHOUSE KICHIN WITCH, bred by Patricia Foley Kathryn Hartz, owned by breeders and D. Ninotski.Open Bitches, red, orange, cream, sable LLL DAZZLIN GOLD KATRINA bred and owned by Janice Luginsland.Open Bitches, any other allowable color ANNONS COME TO THE PARTI, bred and owned by Ann Cannon. Winners Bitch LLL DAZZLIN GOLD KATRINA Reserve Winners Bitch Open Bitches ROCS VALLEY BROOK CARMEL KANDY owned by Jim Butler. Bred by Howard, Margaret, Kathleen Northley. Veteran Bitch CH. EMCEES CHIQUITA DE ORO, owned and bred by Morris Betty Carson.My intention was to make a complete critique on all winners but, with the quantity of Poms, time was at an essence, not permitting any extension.There was a large amount of partial over-trimmng which was responsible for some excellent specimens not placing.The Pom Fancy is proud of CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II for his unprecedented win at Westminster, the first in the history of this breed. In our hearts, all of us who love Poms, own a little bit of Prince Charming, and are happy and proud that he has been designated at Westminster as the best dog of all breeds in the nation. Dorothy Bonner, JudqeKilleri.iDp _ ii.s-vJJT-.v-wrviV. ilTVSj-- - 'X .--v.- cf' tC' ' ' - .1 ' ^ - L- .-. - - Ch.Texicans Giant Killer Chula Three Nationals - Three Awards of Merit1985 - ANNE ROGERS CLARK1986 - KENNETH MILLER1987 - DOROTHY BONNERAlways A Serious Contender, in Top CompetitionCongratulations DR. STEVE AYERS, on your KILLER-PROMISE pupsCHULA is expecting KILLER babies from our PEDRONS MANDARIN DRAGON.Congratulations Olga, Skip, Ruth, and the wonderful prince...What a Fabulous win for a Gorgeous PomNORMA C. GAD CHULA POMS EL PASO, TEXASThe Pom Reader February-March 198812JUDGES EDUCATIONby Sally Baugniet-I have been asked by the American Pomeranian Club to be the Education Coordinator for our Pomeranian Breed. The two main purposes of this position are one, as a liaison between the AKC judges education department and the APC and two, as the contact person for judges and others interested in obtaining educational materials about Pomeranians.To date, we have the APC Pomeranian Review and the Pom Reader magazines as reference material. An incomplete list of books that may be of use to those interested in educating themselves on the Pomeranian followsThe New Pomeranian by Sari Brewster Tietjen HowellThe Pomeranian Review Anniversary Issue by American Pomeranian ClubThe Pomeranian by Hilary Harmar Foyles - London, EnglandThe New Complete Pomeranian by Viva Leone RickettsHowellThe Complete Dog Book by American Kennel ClubHowellThe A.K.C.s World of the Pure Bred Dog edited by Duncan Barnes and the staff of The American KennelClub HowellI intend to complete my list soon, after I research the listing at the AKC library. The latest Pomeranian book is published by Howell Book House, The New Pomeranian by Sari Brewster Tietjen. This is an excellent new book on Pomeranians. It covers the history of Poms, the English, Dutch and American Pom, color and genetics of the Pom. It also covers the topics of breeding, whelping, grooming and showing the Pomeranian. There is a section on the obedience Pom, and even a short section on the Pom as a pet. There is something for everyone, breeders, judges, exhibitors, and anyone else interested in the breed. The book is well written, very informative and contains many photos of various types of Poms. Thanks, SariThere is a need for the American Pomeranian Club toThe Pom Reader February-March 1988develop a packet for judges similar to what the Finnish Spitz Club of America has developed with the A.K.C. They have An Illustrated Guide and A Photographic Essay. The West Highland White Terrier Club of America has an illustrated explanation of their Standard and a video. Standardization Committee named4Mary McCoy Ken MillerThe APC video will be completed shortly, I understand. A committee consisting of Ken Miller, Mary McCoy and Sally Baugniet is working on the standardization of the Pomeranian Standard. This is an AKC requirement of each breed clubs standard. AKC has given us a categorized outline or standard format to follow, with definite required parts to be included. Some of these parts are missing in some breeds standard. Ours is no exception. Many breed standards have to be rearranged to fit into AKCs format. Some words need to be reworded to conform to the official AKC language. The official definitations to be used are to come from the book Canine Terminology by Harold R. Spira.We, as members of the APC and others who would be members, have a momentous task ahead. It is impossible for a handful to create all of the material we need to provide to judges who desire to learn about our beloved Pomeranian. Please, if you would like to be considered for a committee member to work on judges education projects, send in your name or the name of someone who is capable to help create some educational Pomeranian material.Send names and suggestions toSally Baugniet 11224 Co. Hwy. B Mishicot, Wl 54228 Til next month... Sally Baugniet1352FROM CRESCENDO POMERANIANSdaughtersoRYCRESCENDO FORTEdamJ7 Shown by owner 6 January Florida Circuit Shows 11088 Reserve to 5 Pts. GILBERT KAHN 11288 Reserve to 5 Pts. MARY MCCOY 11388 5 Pts. BOW, BOS KEN MILLER 11488 5 Pts. BOS EMIL KLINCKHARDT11788 4 Pts. BOS RALPH LEMCKEBOS - over bitch specialFORTY is not over 39, will be all of 2 in April and is a mother. Her coat is just startingsireCfc H9 mPP7EES _3M . aso- i -J9oDYillCh. Crescendo Counter Part Am. Can. Ch. Millamors Mood MusicOther girls waiting in the wings to show their own musical' ability Chrescendo Kelli Klein, Crescendo Prestissima and Millamor N Crescendo Pepsi Hi. And one boy, who like his human daddy is always late for everything, Crescendo Rondo.Ch. Crescendo Counter Part is by now mothering pups sire by Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein. Millamor multiple Group winner. She was preceeded in this chore by her sister who is partially responsible for Crescendo Kelli Klein.Crescendo Counterpoint, Kellis dam, is now bred to a mysterious Millamor gentleman called ROBERT. Although some call him Robby, hes too well bred to be called ROBBYbernie lois ciliberto, 9605 land olakes blvd., land olakes, fl 34639 813-996-3811The Pom Reader February-March 198814SPECIALS ADDITIONTOP TWENTY POMERANIANS JANUARY 1988 AKC GAZETTE Presently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsBreed points not to be confused with AKC Championship points are allotted to individuals according to the highest placement received in any given AKC show, as reported in the American Kennel Club Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point awards. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements,and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds..........................500BEST IN SHOW Specialty............................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty..............75TOY GROUP FIRST........................................ 250TOY GROUP SECOND................................... 150TOY GROUP THIRD......................................... 75TOY GROUP FOURTH..................................... 25BEST OF BREED............................................. 10Statistician SUSAN WADE. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Pomeranians for 1987, as compiled from the JANUARY 1988 AKC GAZETTE.POINTS NAME Owner BISA BISS BOSS I900 CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIEL D........................................... ... 3Claudia Pfeffer, Owner645 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING D D................................. ....PiazzaBaker, Owners570 CH. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOY D........................................... 1B. Stetson, Owner430 CH. PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR D........................... 1GalindoWelch, Owners425 CH. LANAS TOP PRIORITY D........................................................ ....CraigEjchorszt, Owners400 CH. IDAS TOUCH OF BEV-NOR D................................................. 1HagemanTarverCreed, Owners340 CH. CLAIRMONTS CAROLINA DELITE B..................................... 1L. Bryson, Owner295 CH. BELLS GRANDSTAND ROWDY D......................................... B.Bell, Owner260 CH. HERDS LITTLE YO YO D......................................................... 1B. Gibbs, Owner160 CH. TEXICANS GIANT KILLER CHULA D.................................... NormaGad, Owner150 CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID D....................................................... MaryRosenbaum, Owner150 CH. KARLEE TWENTY FOUR KARAT D......................................... B. P. Curry, Owners75 PAT-EL TERRYTUNES OVANHAAS B............................. P.Haas, Owner75 CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR D..................................... F.Stoll, Owner45 CH. WEE HEARTS BIT OF GOLD DUST D................................... C.Ready, Owner40 CH. TOPAZE JACKPOT TOBEY D................................................. J.Butler, Owner35 CH. SOUTHLANDS MR. VIP OIDA D............................................ CreedJenner,Owners30 SILVER MEADOWS SS SQUEAK D................................... J.Klein, Owner30 CH. WEE HEARTS JUST-E-NUFF D............................................... nin IV BOB1 - - 4-1212-21- - 313 21- - 2411-711 - - 111 - - 1- - 11241 13 3C. R. Ready, Owners25 The following are tied at 25 points representing one 1 Toy Group IV LANAS TOP ECHELON D, Lana Ejchorszt, Owner CH. MIXONS ROSSI OF FRIPP D, L. Collings, Owner TEXICANS PRIMO DE PICO D, Erica Moureau, Owner CH. WHARTON'S SEPPI VON HONIG D, CokeWharton, Owners.Tie placements alphabeticalThe Pom Reader February-March 198815Congratulations, Prince...On Your BIS at Westminsterr z.MS ssio7BEST INWESTMINSTERFEBVFromSylvia KellyDE AMO KENNELS7544 Vista Del Monte Van Nuys, CA 91405818-780-7663 818-780-6300The Pom Reader February-March 198816TOY TAKES THE CAKE AT WKCJudgeMichelle Billings awards BISA to Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II, handled by Skip Piazza, owned by Piazza Olga Baker. Show Chairman Chester Collier on left Wesminster Kennel Club President William Chishom on right. ASHBY PHOTOHistory was made at the 112th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show February 9th, 1988, when the Pomeranian, Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II was awarded Best in Show. This marked the first time in history that a member of this Breed was awarded the top honors at the Garden, and only the seventh time in 80 years that a Toy went all the way to the top at the most prestigious dog show in the United States.In 1956, the Toy Poodle, Ch. Wilber White Swan owned by Bertha Smith became the first Toy to top the Garden. In 1960 a Toy again went all the way when the Pekingese, Ch. Chik TSun of Caversham was awarded Best in Show, and in 1961 another Toy Poodle, Ch. Chappoquin Little Sister owned by Miss Florence Michelson swept the field.It was to be another seventeen years before a Toy again took the Garden in 1978 Ch. Cede Higgins, the Yorkshire Terrier owned by Barbara Charles Switzer was awarded BISA at Westminster. The years 1981 and 1982 saw back-to-back Toy victories when the Pug, Ch. Dhandys Favorite Woodchuck owned by Robert Hauslohner won the 105th annual WKC show, and the Peke, Ch. St. Aubrey Dragonora of Elsdon owned by Anne Snelling won the 106th.Other contenders for BISA in the past decade were the Toy Group winners Ch. Lennis Tar Lacy Foxfire owned by Ed Jenner Pomeranian - 1979 Ch. Ivanwold Senator Sam owned by Mrs. Robert V. Clark Jr. Pug -1980 Ch. Lou Wan Rebel Yell owned by Lou Wanda Gee Shih Tzu -1983 Ch. Ouachitah For Your Eyes Only owned by Linda George Smooth Coat Chihuahua - 1984 Ch. Fairviews No Nonsence owned by Joan Hartsock Toy Poodle - 1985 Ch. Berryhill Gandolph owned by Mrs. A. R. Howard Jr. Cindy Reed Brussels Griffon -1986, and Ch. Briar- courts Coral Gable owned by William A. MacKay Pekingese - 1987.Contending for Best In Show this year were the Sporting Dog Ch. NMKs Brittania V Sibelstein, German Shorthaired Pointer owned by Dr. Gary Stone Carol Chadwick, bred by Kathy Sibley and handled by Bruce Schultz, who won the Group under Alvin Maurer Jr. this was a repeat win for the GSP bitch the Bloodhound Ch. Vikings Thor owned by Charles Sexton, bred by Kenneth The Pom Reader February-March 1988Sexton and handled by Vic Capone, winning the Hound Group under Robert Stein, again a repeat Garden Group win the Doberman bitch Ch. Royal Tudors Wild as the Wind CD, owned by Susan Arthur Korp Beth Wilhite, bred by Beth Wilhite Judith Bingham, handled by Andy Linton the Cairn Terrier Ch. Tidewater Master Gold owned and bred by Charles Merrick III, handled by Linda More taking the Terrier Group under judge Mildred Bryant.Winning the Non-Sporting Group under judge Edmund Kauffman Jr. was the Standard Poodle bitch, Ch. Alekai Airy owned by Tatiana Nagro, bred bY Ale Kaiser Alekai and handled by Wendell Sammet, and the Herding Group under judge Eileen Pimlott was the Sheltie, Ch. Rockwoods Gold Strike breederownerhandled by Barbara Kenealy, co-owned by Robert Kenealy. From this illustrious group the Pom emerged victorious.In an entry of 47 Pomeranians, Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II was awarded Best of Breed by judge Kenneth M. McDermott of Newburgh, NY in a total Toy entry of 436 he was awarded Toy Group I under judge Mrs. Thelma Brown of La Mesa, California, and ultimately on to Best In Show over 2593 dogs of all breeds under judge Michelle Billings of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Bred by Ruth Beam, owned by Olga M. Baker Skip Piazza, and handled by Skip Piazza, the three-year-old orange-red male added the ultimate win to a career that has included several BISA and BISS.The first Westminster Kennel Club show was held in 1877 at Gilmores Garden, with a total entry of 1177 dogs, and remained at that show site for 3 years. With the exception of the years 1881, 1882 and 1890, when it was held at the American Institute Fair Building, the years 1912-1914 at New Grand Central Palace, and 1920 at the Grand Central Palace, the Westminster Kennel Club event has been held at the various Gardens of Madison Square 1883-1925 at the original Madison Square Garden, 1926-1968 at the New Madison Square Garden, and 1969 to the present at Madison Square Garden Center hence, the Westminster Kennel Club event is commonly referred to as The Garden. The Westminster Kennel Clubs Annual All Breed Dog Show is the oldest consecutively-running sports event in the United States.JMcG17BEST IN SHOW AT THE GARDENPhotos by Stephen BlodgettIw5 TERVA.v r .ilLThePom Reader February-March 198818FROM A PRINCE...TO A KINGby Barbara StofferAs millions of people from all over the country and perhaps the world watched, via their TVs...and thousands roared their approval in the great Madison Square Garden...a tiny little PRINCE was crowned KING of the World of Dogs as he stole the heart of everyone, with his CHARMING, winning ways...He put on a fantastic show Covering the floor of the famous Garden with a smooth, flowing, free moving gait - proudly strutting those tiny Pomeranian paws - and coyly tilting his beautiful little head at the judge, at just the right moment, his every movement was precise perfection. His expression was remarkably appealing and quite direct -1 dont think anyone could have resisted THAT LOOK. So small in comparison to the other competitors, he gave a performance that was truly unforgettable. This beautiful little guy never quit showing for a moment. Watching him was the kind of experience that gives you goosebumps all over. Seeing him gait and then come to a stop in an absolute perfect stance, coupled with his dynamic personality and great expression, made it impossible not to thrill to his outstanding performance. Handled expertly and with obvious loving care by Skip Piazza it was a sight to behold. CHAMPION GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II is indeed a deserving KING among the elite of Dogdom. He will now be entered in the annals of Canine History as the FIRST POMERANIAN TO GO BEST IN SHOW at this prestigious WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB EVENT. It is even more appropriate that it happened now, as this is the CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY FOR THE POMERANIAN BREED. All in all, this is starting out to be, definitely, THE YEAR OF THE POMERANIANIt is not surprising, however, that this little PRINCE has blossomed into A KING, for he was bred by a lady that has devoted a lifetime to the heritage of this breed. Ruth Beam has produced, from her respected GREAT ELMS KENNEL in North Carolina, some of the finest Poms known in the breed today. This modest lady that does not care for the publicity nor the fuss and bother of getting out and about in the dog show world, has quietly, and with very little help except her own two hands, made an unmistakable mark on the Pomeranian breed. Starting many years ago, she has worked very hard to reach her goals - the results of her achievements are like a beacon-light shining through the fog, for many of us.Sadly, there are many in our breed who dont really care there are also, some who just dont know where to start or what to do. Ruth Beam has shown us all what can be accomplished IF youre willing to make the sacrifices, do the hard work YOURSELF, take the heartaches along the way. Like most of us, she lets a little bit of her heart go with each puppy or Pom that leaves her home. We know we cant keep them all...but we will always wonder IF that Little One will be okay - or if, perhaps, we should have kept it after all... Im sure Ruth has picked each of her Poms new homeThe Pom Reader February-March 1988carefully. Obviously, the ones she has let go have been loved and cared for. They have represented Great Elms exceedingly well they are showing the dog world that Poms DO have a rightful place, anywhere, whether its at home being a part of the family, or at the very top of the Show Dog world at Westminster, being crowned...KING.I have never had the pleasure of meeting Ruth Beam in person...but from the time I had my first Pom over 25 years I have admired this fine lady. In reality I really have no right to speak about her - for I have never spoken with her. I sincerely hope she wont be upset with me for this article - nor offended in any way - it is not meant as a tribute or glorified praise - it is simply, my heartfelt gratitude, from one Pom lover to another. For caring enough about our breed to give it a lifetime of love and dedication. I only hope that I can give the same level of myself to our wonderful breed over the years...I may never achieve the same dreams that Ruth Beam has realized, but I still feel we have something in common... We love our Poms, this wonderful breed, and we would like the very best for them that is possible.I have talked with people who do know her and have never heard anything but true admiration and deep respect for this lady. I truly would like to meet her someday, if possible. It is one of my fondest wishes I feel such overwhelming amazement at what she has given of herself for her Poms. If every I do have the honor of meeting Ruth Beam, I would like to try to convey my sincere appreciation of her accomplishments - and WARMEST thoughts that she will be able to enjoy the results of her past years, for many future years to come...Each new Pom puppy that is born, again carries the hopes and dreams of a bright and shining future. Each tiny ball of fur, hopefully, will have the potential to go from a PRINCE to a KING [Ed. note or from Princess to Queen. JMcG]. Ruth beam has helped bring those hopes and dreams a little closer for us all by sharing her little PRINCE who has CHARMED the world of dogs and brought the Pomeranian Breed a long-awaited place in Canine History.At the Westminster Kennel Clubs 1988 show, Im sure one of her dreams came true, her little PRINCE, through his present owners Skip Piazza Olga Baker, brought down the house by stealing the spotlight at Madison Square Garden...A gallant little Pom, certainly CHARMING in every way...CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II is living proof of Ruth Beams...dreams...A PRINCE IS NOW A KING - LONG LIVE THE KINGAs an added bonus, I think its great that so many of us, as Pom lovers, got to share a part of that great moment on Tuesday evening, whether it was THERE, at the GARDEN, or home, via our TV...what a wonderful feeling, sharing this moment of POM HISTORYBarbara Stoffer, 2118819NORTH, SOUTH, EAST WEST...REBELS THE ONE THEY LIKE THE BESTL V'Miss Anna Katherine Nicholas,Winners Dog for 4 points Best of Breed over Specials Male.mMr. Alexander Schwartz Jr., 3point major Winners Dog.evMrs.Barbara Jarmoluk, 5 point major Winners Dog.Mr. Henry Stoecker, 3 point major Winners Dog.CH. DOVER-HOLIHOUSE REBEL ROUSEROUR THANKS TO ALL THE JUDGES WHO MADE OUR BOY A WINNERDOVER-HOLIHOUSEKathryn Hartz D. Ninotski Pat Foley609-695-1642 609-394-3459The Pom Reader February-March 198820LOOKING BACKTHE YEAR WAS 1965......and these were some winning Poms How many names do you recognize From akc recordsAMERICAN POM CLUB POM CLUB OF MICHIGANNew York City, New York Detroit, MichiganFebruary 14, 1965, Judge Mr. Isidore SchoenbergBOB Ch. Leaders Little Buck A Roo KniffenBOS Ch. Mar Bi Leas Gay Cinderella McCoyBOW Millamors Music Man WB Cindys Gay Cavalette MortonBAY COLONY POM CLUBFramingham, MassachusettsJune 5, 1965. Judge Mr. Robert R. ReedyBOB Ch. Schirman Oaks Timstopper PetersonBOS Ch. Aristic Dear Adorable BrewsterBOW Scotia Cavillers Little Guy GirardotWB Scotia Cavillers Gay Conquest GirardotCOLUMBIA POM CLUBPortland, OregonMarch 6, 1965. Judge Mrs. Beatrice H. GodsolBOB Ch. Skylark Gold Star Banner CohnWD, BOW Skylark Gold Spangled Banner Floffman BOS, Winners Bitch Skylark Gold Carolin HoffmanPOM CLUB OF FLORIDAMiami, FloridaJanuary 16, 1965. Judge Mr. Edward D. McQuownBOB Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Little Mite Van Hoozer BOS Scotias Cavillers Dream Girl GirardotBW Great Elms Spring Dance LangWD Van Hoozers Lucky Teddy Bear Van HoozerFORT WORTH POM CLUBFort Worth, TexasMarch 26, 1965. Judge Mr. Isidore SchoenbergBOB Ch. Scotts Mark of Distinction BryantBOS, WB Maykems Gay Contessa MayesBW, WD Terrific Beau of Shady Grove CloningerThe Pom Reader February-March 1988March 7, 1965.BOB Ch. Highland Strutaway ThallonBOS, WB Millamors Gold Flame MillerBW, WD Cympeg Model SledgeNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POM CLUBSan Francisco, CaliforniaJanuary 17, 1965. Judge Mr. Percy RobertsBOB Ch. Tiny Tims Haja MuellerBOS Ch. Riders Gay Robbie Knapp ReynoldsBW Hadleigh Little Robin ForsbergWB Pom-A-Dors Scarlet PicksleyNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POM CLUBSan Francisco, CaliforniaJuly 4, 1965. Judge Col. James K. ArimaBOB Ch. Sungolds Darling Spectacular LaFortune Darling BOS Ch. Little Autumn Orange Reynolds KnappBW Wylies Little Flash of LPK WylieWB Skylark Gold Petal HoffmanSAN DIEGO POM CLUBSan Diego, CaliforniaFebruary 21, 1965. Judge Mr. Major B. GodsolBOB Ch. Sungolds Darling Spectacular LaFortune Darling BOS Ch. Twink Twink of Point Loma HughesWB Naps Angel Hair NaprstekWESTERN POM CLUBChicago, IllinoisApril 2, 1965. Judge Mrs. M. HealdBOB Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Little Mite Van HoozerBOS Ch. Mar Bi Leas Gay Cinderella McCoyBW Cynpeg Ambush of Gold Blackacre Gold Blackacre, Reg. WB Golden Rule Little Pometta NortonNext Month 194521MULTIPLE BEST IN SHOWCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDNUMBER ONE PRODUCER - 1986Shown taking a Group 2nd under Miss Frances Thornton in December 1987 at the Portland Kennel Club show. Over7 years old, Sonny still wins the Group or a big chunk of it. He has sired 3 Champions this year with others that are AKCpointed. A definite LEGEND IN HIS TIME. Own a piece of the LEGEND with one of the following offspring sired by BISCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDWhelped 10185, RedOrange male with AKC show points. Sired by BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID and out of Bi-Mar Kat Balloue. This is a repeat breeding that produced Ch. Autumns Red Blaze of Bi-Mar and Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Charmer. Danny has a beautiful heavy coat and lots of style. His sire was the 1 producer for 1986 and his dam was the 3 producer for 1986. Proven stud. Sold to show home only................................................................................................................................................................1500.00Whelped 7487, RedOrange female sired by BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID and out of Bi-Mar Kat Ballou. Same breeding as the above male. Show quality..................................................................................................................................................................750.00Whelped 42486, RedOrange female and male. Half brother and sister breeding on Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear. Their dam is a full sister to BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID. Show potential on both. Nice heavy coats.Female 750.00. Male 500.00Whelped 11786, Black and tan female. Sire is a Black Tan male with all Scotia breeding. Dam is a full sister to Bi-Mar Impressive needs 3 points for AKC Championship. Bottom side of bloodlines is BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and BIS Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver. This is a nice coated and baby-faced female.......................................................................................................................500.00Whelped 42087, RedOrange male and female sired by BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID and out of Bi-Mar Kate. Repeat breeding that produced Ch. Sandtowns Bi-Mar April that finished at the American Pomeranian Club Specialty in New York at 10 months from the puppy class. Show potential........................................................................................................... Female 650.00 Male 550.00Whelped July 1987, RedOrange female sired by Ch. Queenaires Coup DEtat and out of a Ch. Bonner Co-Starlynn Newsmaker daughter and Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too granddaughter. Possible show prospect and a good brood quality............................450.00WANTED TO LEASE OR PURCHASE, females with Bonner andor Great Elms bloodlines to breed to BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID. Lease options, females returned to owner bred to BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID or a paid fee. Call evenings or mail inquiries toBI-MAR POMERANIANSMARY A. ROSENBAUM 36520 28TH AVENUE SOUTHPHONES 206-838-6397 FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON 98003206-927-2369The Pom Reader February-March 198822A CANADIAN BREEDERS POINT OF VIEWby Karen BradshawI am a Canadian breeder of Maltese, Pekingese and Pomeranians. Pomeranians have been my pet love since I was sixteen.My first Pom was an unregistered pet named Tiny. She stole my heart with her loving and pert disposition. Little did I know when I purchased her, that she was opening up my future love and responsibility to her kind.After being married four years, with a daughter of one year and a son of two months, I purchased my first registered Pomeranian female for breeding. I bred Gigi to a local Pom male and experienced my first Pom litter. Well, you can imagine what happened next. Yes, I was hooked. Pretty soon I had four females and one male of my own, on an acreage my husband and I rented near Guelp, Ontario. My husband attended the University of Guelp while I stayed home and raised our children and Poms. At that time I had pet quality Poms as I didnt know the difference in those days.When our children Kim Carl were 5 and 4 years old, my husbands work took us out to Western Canada, to Edmonton, Alberta. At first I wasnt pleased, as we were moving into the city and could only take two of my Poms. As it turned out, this was the turning point as a breeder.I met a wonderful elderly lady, Mrs. Mary Allen of Win- dyhull Kennels, registered in England and Canada. We lived close to one another and she showed her Poms. We struck up a relationship out of the love of Poms. She advised me to sell the dogs I had brought west with me, which I did, and then I purchased two show females from her. All my linebred Poms go back to these two beautiful girls.She took me and my dogs to the shows and taught me how to groom, trim and show them. Her line was all British - she had bred Poms in England for thirty-seven years. She had many homebred Champions showing at Crufts and other large shows in England. She was close friends with the owners of Hadleigh, Andersley and Windsor kennels.When we expanded our breeding stock, Mrs. Allen would go over to England, or have one of her Pom friends purchase show quality, English stock for us. Without this ladys love and guidance I dont know where I would be today in my Poms.I have been raising Poms now for 19 years and showing for fourteen. My kennel, Sunburst, is permanently registered now with the Canadian Kennel Club as I have made over ten Canadian Champions. I am like most of you, still trying to breed the perfect Pom.My husband Garry and I now live on a farm near Bowden, Alberta. I have 28 Pomeranians, 9 Maltese and 3' Pekingese and show all three breeds. I show all my own dogs and really enjoy it.In the months ahead I will be writing on subjects that concern us all. Your point of view and input on these articles will be greatly appreciated.A Canadian Breeders Point of View is not necessariThePom Reader February-March 1988ly the opinions of Canadian breeders as a whole, but my views as a Canadian breeder.I am a member of the Pomeranian Club of Canada. The Club puts out a bymonthly newsletter in a magazine format. Members advertise and write articles for this magazine, and it brings all us breeders closer together. We have American members, so if you would like to join the Pomeranian Club of Canada, just drop me a line. Your input into our club magazine would be welcome.Karen Bradshaw RR1Bowden, Alberta, TOM 0K0 CanadaBANDBOXCh. Stud Service in Orange, Cream Red Sable Puppies and Adults OccasionallyNANCY DEFOREST BARTHOLOMEW Rt. 1, Box 182, Ola, AR 72853 501-489-5733Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia. Ocala. Florida 32676 904 237-1636CRYSTAL CHARMPomeraniansMary Ann Wellnitz, RR 1, Box 86, Rushville, NE 69360. Tel 308-327-2533SvC^Jrecious ^JelliesBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson. LA 70181 504 737-1729Jerrie Freia P. O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-746623V t ^ 1- ' 1'ip M II \Y^ 'I' ^VlS-5 L 4ie'ENGLISH BLOODLINESKaren BradshawR.R. 1 jBowden, Alta. TOM OKO Canadapf - - 403-224-3792 ,. ^dfeaJL-^l BEST OF WV BRFFnBEST OF BREED, ALBERTA KENNEL CLUBj FEBRUARY I987I MICRONTf4fWml iSQHs^ 97Meggens winning Breed BOW over specials Breeder-Owner-Handled CH. SUNBURSTS MEGGENS SHADOW Ch. Sunbursts Little Prince x Ch. Sunbursts Puff-N-StuffSpike winning BOS over specials CH. SUNBURSTS JACK OF SPADES, owned handled by Janet Deleeuw, JANDALA KENNELS, Reg., 135 Overdown Dr., Red Deer, Alta. T4P, 1W5, Canada. Tel 403-346-5756WINNERS BITCH AT APC SPECIALTY LLL DAZZLIN GOLD KATRINA...999_ oriSWINNERSRICANIAN CLUBftVE ASHBEYJudge, Breed Authority Dorothy Bonner. BreederOwnerHandler Janice Luginsland. Trophy Presenter, Audrey Roberts, Show Chairman. Sire Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Deuce. Dam Ch. LLL Kaptivatin Katy. Katrina was four weeks in whelp to Ch. Tim Sues High Lights.LLL KENNELSJanice Luginsland, Rt 1, Box 97, Americus, KS 66835. 316 443-5157The Pom Reader February-March 198824MEMORIES ARE MADE OF..IBy Orpha Jaquish ThomasSpokane, Washington, and the strange decade of the 60s was coming to a well-deserved end. It was night, in the dog show arena, and the Hound Group was being shown. Someone in the kennel club had the really neat idea of having all the lights out except for a large spotlight that would light up nothing but the dog being shown, following it around the ring. My Peke had long been tucked away in his kennel after his usual loss, but since I was travelling with a Basset person, we stayed for the Group. Tension was so great that when I asked the man in front of me where the Afghan was from, he shouted Afghanistan I said, oh. It turned out later to have been the glorious BIS Ch. Mr. CaliforniaIn any case, as the Borzoi began its movement around the ring, it decided it was going to be exactly that a movement, as in bowel. The person in charge of the spotlight kept it on the dog. The woman on the other end of the leash gave small yanks, saying, come on, good boy, come on, and the Borzoi continued doing his jobbie with that sort of halfsmile of contentment a dog gets when the time and place is exactly right for a healthy B.M.Finally, at his obvious leasure, he moved on. The next hound in the spotlight was a Beagle, and his handler, wise in the ways of the ring, didnt even break stride as he came to the not small object in his way, but jumped OVER it, and the Beagle did likewise, the spotlight following every step of the way.The Kennel Club had two choices at that point send the clean-up boy out in the spotlight, or turn on the lights. They chose the latter, although Ive always thought the formerThe Pom Reader February-March 1988would have sort of fit right in with what had already happened The woman was standing with the Borzoi, fighting back tears real show people do cry saying Ill never go in the ring again, never It turned out it WAS her first time in the ring - or at least in the Group The Borzoi continued its very pleasant smile.The lady I travelled to the show with had a Basset named VICTORIA, who was truly beautiful, but unfortunately in season. Now when a Basset bitch is in season, she is very OBVIOUSLY so, and there is no way you can just brush a little hair over the problem as you can with the long coated breeds. Well, Basset people are used to this, but Victoria had an additional problem a huge, red, zit on the vulva. No matter what anybody thinks, we dog people have SOME modesty, and Victorias owner was no exception, so she spent hours searching the stores for a shade of pancake makeup that would match the color of Victorias willing flesh. And there she was, at ringside, wearing her armband, down on her knees applying pancake makeup to Victorias backside.Victorias great eyes were clearly deep in thought, and the thought was, Why cant I have a regular handler like everybody else"[Ed. note - Only in Tillamook, Oregon, can you find someone as delightful as Orpha Jaquish Thomas, long-time dog fancier and author. In the months to come Orpha will be joining us with her unique viewof the world of purebred dogs. JMcG]The Pom Reader February-March 198825USTORK REPORTFinally Dizweea Kennels is extremely proud to announce the birth of four beautiful Pomeranian puppies. 1 Sable male - 3 Females, orange to orange-sable, whelped 4 January 1988.Sire Southlands Fudge Bandit Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge sonCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge grandsonDam Bev-Nors Dizweea Fireball Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge daughterA Special thank you to Charlotte Creed Beverly Norris for this great opportunity.Well be seeing you in the ring this fall.Happy Anniversary Pom Readerreecer'Aoner' 66446 WicAfartlQsZueew ffleaness 65encuxa, 6Forua 3260Qtasia 6fcasisi 66arronr 466^-2^2were flyin high at ALLAYNS.._____tr'.'rWINNERSCANADIAN VALLEY KENNEL CLUB I987PHOTO BY FETRULIS5CH. CAROUSELS ANGEL FOR ALLAYNCh. Precious Petites Gabriel x Ch. Creiders Jessica Even though a late one-year shed had taken its toll of her usually superb coat, this lovely, short-backed, cobby little girl was still good enough to win a 4 point major to finish, thank you Mr. R. S. Shaw.Angel is currently bred to her half-brother, Macs Top Tune Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel x Ch. Macs Beaux of Scarlet owned by Bill Bullis.ALLAYNS, Mary Allan, 2508 E. Tacoma, Broken Arrow, OK 74014. Tel 918-355-2531Blossom Heights PomeraniansSCyVaBlossomHeights Peter Pan Thank you judge Mrs. Mildred Bryant Handled by Owner Arlene Benko 11 points, both majors at 10 months Sire Ch. Millamors Mood Music Dam Bobbys Cuddles Proven Stud - Fee 150.00 Owners Arlene John Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 305-842-5591The Pom Reader February-March 1988MIDWEST NEWSJeanne StaffordftWHEW Can you believe it A Pom winning Best in Show at Westminster And a gorgeous one at that Im sure the entire Pom fancy joins me in congratulating Ruth Beam, breeder Skip Piazza Olga Baker owners and Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II on their big win in New York. You made us all so proud - and you both looked great out there I keep watching my VHS tape over and over again it will be worn out before I know it. [Ed. note - Skip told me hes been doing the same thing -JMcG]Congrats are also in order for the Pom Readerl Three years and better then ever. Keep up the good work, guys I, for one, look forward to a monthly publication on our breed, and Im sure many more of you out there do, too If so, how about a little support Anything Let Joe Duane know you are out there and want to see this publication continue To continue, they need YOU If you have a true and tried remedy, send it in A brag, send it in A new litter, send it inThank you Shannon Johnson for suggesting Pediatric Stat. I have recently lost 2 young pups and am now keeping this on hand. It is a high volume vitamin that works wonders on sick and weak puppies - and can be purchased through your vet. Get it now ...before you need itWell, until next month, see ya in the ringJeanne Stafford, 1231 Carberry Road, Niles, Ml 49120miohn e. heaftzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY P.O. BOX 1259, TRURO, N.S. CANADA PHONE 902 895-7427u KARMUN tMUNSTER NEVER DULL KENNELS Shelties 314 So. Joliet St. romeramansWilmington, Illinois 60481BREEDER KAREN MUNSTER 815-476-2039EMCEES POMS Puppies available occasionally Stud Service to approved bitches Great Elms, Model lines Morris Betty Carson, 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, VA 23233. Tel 804 740-7977ADORABLE YOU BET4 Males - Champion Sired Tim Dandie, Great Elms Moe Best linesWhelped 12-22-87 Orange Sables - 400.00 and up Thanks to Sharon Hiemenz HUNE is great and so are you Donna J. Miller 611 Minnesota Avenue St. Cloud, FL 32769 days office305-892-2161, ext. 176 days answering machine evenings 305-891-1919jesiet omerasuasiBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 3435 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnerCONGRATULATIONS TO Ruth Beam, Olga Baker and Skip Piazza on the BIS win of Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming IIat WestminsterVYES We have puppies by that sensational new stud GREAT ELMS BOBBY BEAM. We have three litters consisting of 6 males and 4 females. We have four more bitches bred to him. We also have puppies available sired by Ch. Beaver of Lenette, Ch. Woods Magic Masterpiece and Chesai Golden Challenger. Puppies due soon by Ch. Great Elms Something Special. Please write or phone for our latest price list and we will be happy to put you on our mailing list to receive our newsletter.PUPPIES GENERALLY AVAILABLE PRICED FROM 200 UP. Most of our Poms are from the GREAT ELMS bloodline.The Pom Reader February-March 198827CONGRATULATIONS TORUTH BEAM, Breeder SKIP PIAZZA OLGA BAKER, Owners AND CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING IION BIS AT WESTMINSTER from all of us at...LA CHERIE POMS, Dorothy Martin, Rt.2, Box 30M, Rock Hill, SC 29730. Tel 803-377-7718J AND MS POMS-R-US - In 1987 we added several excellent prospects to our force and would like to extend a big THANK YOU to each of the followingSue Goddard Randy Freeh for Jolly Wee Dans Mighty Moe - dog Joan Reilly for Chesai Double Luv of Two Js - bitch co-owner, Judy Evans of Ju-Paws Pomeranians Opal Dumler for O MY Peppery P-Nut O J and Ms - bitch. Watch for each of these and also their kids in the near future. Mary and JJ Marchbanks, 4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621. Tel 714994-0259PoxnsPoms for fun, nof profit.'Piojla. bimo7lipft, bt2YZAJ.Aio-na, 7VR 'liooiSouthlandPomeraniansRAYS OF SUNSHINE CHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE PINEVILLE, LA 71360 PHONE 318 - 466-3456yskmWindjammer PomeraniansAT STUDAC Ch. Millamors Im A Windjammer Group Winner, 4 time BISS winner Ch. Windjammers Touch of PetiteGroup Winner, Sweepstakes WinnerJeanne Bob Stafford 1231 Carberry Road616-683-0214 Niles, MI 49120TIM SUE POMERANIANSTIM 8s SUE GODDARD Route 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622For sale Black Tan male, whelped August 17, 1987, 212 pounds at 412 months. Inquiries toDesaree Sandifer509 Oakdale Street, Gastonia, NC 28054 Telephone 704-865-0859 STARLITE POMS^GAYLE GRIFFINP.O. Box 469, Amity, OR 97101Snn-'BIjag Pomeranian PalaceShannon Johnson Shannon Johnson Jr.6270 Tripp Road, Holly Ml 48442 Tel 313-634-1331JDS POMPOUS POMSHome of CH. Circle M Comes A HossmanJanet Hovey34856 Acton Canyon Road, Acton, CA 93510 805 269-5575MILLAMORELEANOR KEN MILLER5426 Spring Lake Drive Lakeland, Florida 33803 Residence Telephone 813 646-5864BEV-NOR POMS home of Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, 1 Pom for1981, 1982, 1983, 24 Best in Shows, 5 Specialty Bests, Sire of only BLK TAN to ever go BISA. Sire of CHs and TOP WINNING FEMALES 1984,1985. Sire of BIS multi Group winners. Stud Fee 250.00 limited to 20. Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge - sire of 35 Champions, BIS, Group Specialty winners limited to 15. Stud fee 250.00. Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman, Multi Group winner, 1986 BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES winner New York. Stud fee 200.00. 2-572 month old males, real nice and Fudge Puppies.BEVERLY NORRIS, 7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. 301 255-1343.Pomeranians are our specialty. Exquisite, frameable parchment. 4 gen. 7.00 5 gen. 10.00 6 gen. 16.00 7 gen. 30.00 Rolled 2.00. Shipped in beautiful frame 4 gen. 4.50 5 gen. 5.50 extra. All titles typed in red. Free colors upon request. Send copy of registration.10115 ALLENDALE ROAD, WOODSTOCK, IL 60098.De ArtasOakridge PomeraniansM. Dean Rinehart De Arta Kennel422 W. Fairchild Drive Midwest City, OK 73110 405-732-0402Nina K. Epps Oakridge Kennels R4, Box 48X El Dorado Springs, MO 64744RHEA-NA POMS.. . breeding exclusively the Bev-Nor line. All litters by Ch. Bev-nors Statesman, Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, out of Champions, pointed and Ch. Producing daughters of same. For Sale Red male, Ch. Statesman x Fudge daughter, 93087, HUGE coat. Full brother to Ch. Bev-Nors Echo. The first Statesman champion.Steve Barbara Nagy, Rt.2, Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. 703 869-3749The Pom Reader January 198828-------- UPDATE -------------TOPTEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY 1988 AKC GAZETTE Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the UnitedStates is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until December.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about November of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS THE LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS FOR 1987, JANUARY 1988 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR............................... POINTSM. B. CARSON...............................................14JOANN REILLY................................................. 13GALAVICHMEGENHARDT..............................12ANNA LA FORTUNE.........................................11EPPSRINEHART............................................. 10F. K. FREEMAN.............................................. 9A. J. BENKO................................................... 9J. KLEIN..............................................................9C. EDWARDS..................................................... 8C. GALAVICH.....................................................8MELISSAWINSLOW..........................................8Tie placements alphabeticalYour Showcase for Purebred PomsThe Pom Reader February-March 198829Pom Acres PresentsCH. POM ACRES STUNNINGLY SABLESire Yap Yap Timmytoo OGreat Elms Dam Pattys Pride of Pom AcresSable is shown taking Best of Breed under judge Mary McCoy at Lakeland-Winter Haven KC 1-12-88. Sable finished October 25, 1987 with 3 majors. We wish to thank judge Michelle Billings 4 points, judge Edd Embry Bivin 3 points and judge Kurt Mueller Jr. 3 points and all the other judges who have seen the beauty and quality in Sable - he is producing beautiful sound puppies.Pom Acres would like to congratulate CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II and his owners Skip Piazza and Olga Baker on the Best in Show at Westminster. To Ruth Beam, all I can say is what pride you must feel at this achievement - keep up the good workPom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613Robert Juanita Fiddick Tel 319-989-2199-BEST OF BREED or VARIETYLAKELAND-WINTER HAVEN KENNEL CLUBJANUARY I988 PHOTO BT4HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO THE POM READER AM. CAN. BDA. CH. SISNBEN PRIDE OF JOY BOBBYBobbys first visit to Bermuda he took a Group I. This year he went back to finish his championship. Handled by Patricia Mentiply At Stud To Approved BitchesBreederOwnerHandlerAnna M. Benedetto56 Kearney Street, Pequabuck, CT 06781The Pom Reader February-March 198830w\QOfSeeretarasEach month The Pom Reader will welcome reports from the Secretaries of recognized Pomeranian clubs and organizations. As our staff can not be all places at all times, we think this is an excellent way to keep the world apprised of your activities and successful undertakings. Secretaries forget about a deadline, we know youre busy. Just submit as you can and we will publish as quickly as possible - your news will still be news, because we publish once a month - 12 times per year.OHIO VALLEY POM CLUB...FLASH Ohio l Valley Pom Club members did quite well at the 1100th Anniversary Pom Specialty in New York, fin Sweepstakes, 9-12 months puppy bitches, in a class of 15, Animations Raggedy Ann owned by Lorinda Vasuta, placed second in Regular classes, puppy dogs 6-9 months in a class of 16, Pixies Top Choice of Trapper owned by Carol Galavich was fourth in 9-12 Puppy Bitches, Animations Elaroo owned by Darren Lane,, placed first in the Best of Breed competition there were 31 outstanding Poms entered three of our Ohio Members had their lovely specials there Carol Galavich Donna Megenhardt with Ch. Pixies Puffed Up Fancy Image, Lorinda Vasuta with Ch. Animations Tweety Bird and Bonnie Stetson had Ch. Great Elms Pride Joy. Bonnies champion was chosen for an Award of Merit, along with 4 others from that nice class of 31.It was a very impresive Specialty with some really beautiful Poms showing. This was my very first time at a Specialty in New York. Thanks to my good friend Ron Feyh, I met some very nice people - there were many distinguished names from the Pom breed there. Ron also helped me get around in New York...that is one VERY IMPRESSIVE city I spoke with many of the breeders at the beautiful banquet - also got to talk with other Newsletter Reporters.I did get a chance to talk with Olga Baker for a short time at Westminster after Prince won the Breed. She was so excited then - I can imagine how she was after the Best in Show She is one very special lady. Skip Piazza did such a beautiful job with Prince at the Garden Skip has a real special way with his Poms - he seems so gentle with them, so caring - they certainly do respond to it. The Prince himself was very calm about the whole affair - such a gentleman - it must be his southern upbringing that makes him so CHARMING. I did a short write-up on him which will be published in The Pom Reader. LOVE THAT PRINCEA raffle was held after the Specialty on Sunday - a beautiful quilt with different Pom symbols on it was donated. Our OVPC members won it Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane got to bring that cherished gift home needless to say, they were thrilled. All in all my trip to New York was one Ill always many nice many GREAT POMSO.V.P.C. had a GREAT turnout for our supported entry at the Medina KC show in Cleveland in December. There were lots of Pom entries and the trophies were just beautiful. We got to meet many interesting and friendly Pom people, from all over, who later joined us in our hospitality area. Larry Rookstool, who was in charge of the refreshment committee, really outdid himself. Many of our members donated both time and effort to make this venture such a success. We will be going it again in 1988, as the Medina KC asked us back.As of December we have 52 members and are still growing, thanks to the help of all. Poms really do help to bring people togetherSome of our active show members have accomplished excellent awards with their little friends. Congratulations to Lorinda VasutaDarren Lane for having the Two Top Producing Pomsmale female as of the December AKC ratings, Ch. Cinquays Yankee Doodle and Ch. Emcees SussAnna Bonnie Stetson for finishing her first champion with Jeribeths JB Star Bonnie Stetson and Ch. Great Elms Pride Joy for several Group wins recently Carol Galavich for finishing another champion, Pixies Puffed-Up Fancy Image Betty Lepera for some nice wins with her Ch. Animations Sylvester The Cat Jamie Lepera, one of our junior members, her first time out WON FIRST PLACE in Junior Handling with Ch. Animations Sylvester The Cat in a class of 13 and Shari Stoffer for putting the first two points on her homebred puppy, Idle Acres American Tale. OVPC wishes best of luck to all.On March 26 we will be sponsoring our first SEMINAR, with the very respected Dr. Hutchinson speaking on Artificial Insemination and Thyroid problems. It will be held at the Holiday Inn, Akron, Ohio. The next day at the same location we will be holding an ALL TOY MATCH for more information on both of these upcoming events please contact Ron Feyh, 614 274-2118, or OVPC Secretary Betty Lepera, 1212 S. Monroe, Tallmadge, OH 44278. Tel 216 733-1453. Both events will be held indoors with excellent accomodations.I think thats about it for this time, except for one small note just for the g\r\s...REMEMBER GIRLS, IF HES CUTE, TRIM, WELL- GROOMED, DEPENDABLE, FRIENDLY AND AFFECTIONATE WITHOUT MAKING DEMANDS...HES PROBABLY WALKING AROUND ON FOUR LEGS, WEARING A COLLARHappy Poms to allBarbara Stoffer, 13810 Eston NE, Alliance, OH 44601THE NEW DELAWARE VALLEY POMERANIAN CLUB...A newclub has formed in the New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware area. The Delaware Valley Pomeranian Clubs first meeting was held in September 1987. Our clubs charter membership closed in December 1987 with 23 members. Acting officers for the club are Jackie Rayner, President Skip Piazza, Vice-President Dolores Eitelberg, Treasurer John Price, Recording Secretary Susann Stackhouse, Corresponding Secretary. Monthly meetings are held on the third Wednesday evening of each month in the Tren- ton, New Jersey, area.Although our members are from the Delaware Valley vicinity, we encourage all who are interested in joining the club, or attending meetings, to contact me for further information and directions.Specialty Fun Match...the Delaware Valley Pom Clubs first Fun Match will be held on Sunday, March 27, 1988, at Macungie Memorial Park indoors, Macungie, PA. Our judge for Puppy Sweepstakes and Best in Sweeps is Judy Green judging Regular Classes and Best in Match will be Ann Cannon. Entries Regular Classes 3.00 pre-entry4.00 day of show Sweeps 2.00 pre- entry3.00 day of show Parade of Champions 2.00 Admission to the show 2.00. Day of show entries taken from 9-1030 a.m. Pre-entries must be received by March 23, 1988. Mail pre-entries to John Price, Match Secretary, Box 568-4 Bachman Road, Macungie, PA 18062. For more information, contact Robert Bohrer, Match Show Chairman, 215 966-4769.Please join us at our next meeting and our FUN MATCH Susann Stackhouse, DVPC Corresponding Secretary, Box 1070, Rancocas Road, Mount Holly, NJ 08060CHECK YOUR MAILING LABEL...if your name is followed by 388 you need to renew your subscription. You wont want to miss our blockbuster third year of THE POM READERThe Pom Reader February-March 19887uYour Showcase For Purebred PomsPresented by Doll-McGinnis Publicationsa division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Inc. 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephones 813 858-2639 or 813 858-3839ADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsFULL PAGE 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 8.00 12.00All ads 14 page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. Full Color is available at 300.00 per page. Accent Color is available - call for quote. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. SAMPLE ISSUES 3.00 each BACK ISSUES 3.00 each subject to availabilitySUBSCRIPTION RATES12 Months - 12 Issues 24.00 third class post40.00 first class postRESERVE YOUR COVER TODAY...We have several covers available for the upcoming year plan ahead to feature your Pom on the cover of THE POM READER...all covers suitable for framing Cost of front cover includes full-color front cover and black white inside front page. 500.00.DEADLINESThe deadline for advertising is the 10th of the month preceding publication date i.e., March 10th for the April issue. All ads received after the deadline will appear in the next available issue. All photos will be returned with your copy of thS"magazine.THE POM READER is sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best in Show judges.MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO Doll-McGinnis Publicationssfl0An-sags\ d Wjf , i Jr\.1-1 ' i f 1. t i v \i^vfjrOwner-handled to a GROUP I from the classes over BIS Specials JudgeMrs. George John Wanner Sr. JudgeMrs. Thomas Gately Finished under Mrs. Margaret Young, handled by his new friend Mike KempMany thanks to Eleanor and Charlotte for trusting us with this flashy little, showmanLook for Skyler later this spring with Mike KetapSire Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge Darn Ch. Jamels Smudge Orange Parfait Bred ByEleanor Clark JAMELS POMERANIANS andCharlotte Creed SOUTHLAND POMERANIANSUSOwned Loved By Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor GLEN IRIS POMERANIANS1038 16th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603L'^Pometamcms