The Pom Reader July 1988

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7itJULY 1988 VOLUME IV, NUMBER 53S2t " 0mi 1iiPm\MiMi 'mwmI Ch. Glen Iris Ivanhoe And the stars fell on Alabama The last few months have been very busy at GLEN IRIS We have finished four champions.akk' IS.BEST OF ^ BREEDVARIETYriCh. Glen Iris Ivanhoe With CherylrCh. Jamels Fugicle of Southland Group winner now with Mike Kemp\Ch. Bev-Nors Glen Iris Renesance With agent Hiram StewartCh. Wee Hearts Thats My Binky With JoelAND ANOTHER CHAMPION Jamels Texas Tornado finishes in Jackson, MS, co-owned by Eleanor Clark. Two others are major pointed Glen Iris Autumn Masterpiece Co-owner, Ron Humphries Jamels Glen Iris Sorceress To be handled this fall by Hiram StewartOur Brace Co-Owner Donna Hobart has two Best Brace in Shows Wee Hearts Glen Iris Fantasia Wee Hearts Glen Iris Rapunzel Congratulations to Jerri Freia Leanna Rillieaux on Ch. Janesas Damienhandled by us to his championship Breed wins.And we have had some gorgeous puppies out of Ho Ho, Skyler Damien Cheryl A. JacksonJoel M. Taylor 1038 16th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603Qlen 3itiisPOMAUNOK POMS3t-i ,y9NEWTON KENNEL CLUBDAVE ASHBEY^ . 'v-1 . , "\viSJMl.- ^'ck.DENNYCH. POMAUNOK ADDENDUMDenny is making me very proud. He finished with majors under Ralph Lemcke 4 pts. - BOW and Al Maurer 5 pts. - BOB over Special. He has a Group IV from the classes under Keke Blumberg at the highly competitive Harrisburg K.C. show. Thanks to all the judges whove liked him, and especially his handler, Gloria Setmayer, and co-breeder Gayle Griffin.Pomaunok Just A Speck Speck, Dennys littermate, is just starting now with Gloria and already has a 4 point major.THE BREEDING HAS BEEN REPEATED.BreederOwnerFran Bosmann 7 Summit Road Sparta, NJ 07871 201-729-7275 Co-Breeder Gayle L. GriffinThe Pom Reader July 19884om tfleacer^C988This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront Cover CHERYL JACKSON JOEL TAYLOR GLEN IRIS POMERANIANSVolume IV, Number 5 INDEX TO ADVERTISERSTABLE OF CONTENTS8. POMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGANPhotos from the Spring Specialty.10. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-June AKC Gazette.12. SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-June AKC Gazette.14. A CANADIAN BREEDERS POINT OF VIEWShipping Poms... When Things Go Wrong by Karen Bradshaw.16. MIDWEST NEWSJeanne Stafford reports on the Michigan Specialty.18. ANESTHESIA AND THE TOY DOGDr. Suzanne Rothchild offers advice.19. COMING ATTRACTIONS...The 1988 POM READER STUD DOG DIRECTORY.20. SECRETARIES PAGEReports from Breed Clubs.20. LETTERS...Our readers respond.22. NEWSThe Purina Invitational, and the Westminster Judging Panel.24. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and Subscription Rates.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Telephones 813 858-3839 or 813 858-2639.The Pom Reader July 1988ALLAN, M....................................................15BENKO, A...................................................11BOSMANN, F................................................3CABRERA, T................................................ 9CARSON, M. B........................................20CILIBERTO, B. L.................................... 21COOK, S..................................................... 21CREED, C................................................... 17DOSSINGER, M..........................................21EPPS, N...................................................... 21FIDDICK, R. J..........................................20FREIA, J......................................................21GAD, N........................................................21GODDARD, T. S..................................... 21GRAF, H......................................................17GRIFFIN, G.................................................21GRIFFITH, K............................................... 17HARTZ, K....................................................20HEARTZ, J. C......................................... 21HENDRICKS, B. C.................................. 16HOVEY, J......................................................7JACKSON, C............................................. 1,2JOHNSON, S.............................................. 21KELLY, S.................................................... 23LUGINSLAND, J.........................................21MARCHBANKS, M. J............................. 15MARTIN, D..................................................15MASNICK, S.......................................... 13,15MILLER, K. E.......................................... 21MUNSTER, S.............................................. 21NAGY, S. B..............................................16NORRIS, B..................................................21PFEFFER, C............................................... 21PIAZZA, S................................................... 16PRESSER, M. M......................................16REILLY, R. J............................................16RINEHARDT, M.D...................................... 21ROSENBAUM, M........................................11SANDIFER, D............................................. 21STAFFORD, J.............................................15TAYLOR, J.................................................1,2WILLIAMS, N................................................ 55Nolas Sugar Hill Conveys Congratulations to Olga Baker, Skip Piazza, Ch. Prince Charming IIv^H 3 SSMGREAT ELMS LUVY OF LENETTEProvidence County K.C., Winners - 2 Points Thank you Judge Mr. Raymond V. Fillburn Jr.Luvy, known as Tiffany, is presently on a maternity leave of absence. She decided prancing with the Prince was more rewarding Puppies are due in June.We wish to thank Olga Baker, especially, for her consideration, thoughtfulness, patience and love during the numerous traumatic airflight problems to Texas.Nola Williams, Owner 57 Richards Avenue Paxton, Mass. 01612 617-754-8996Joyce McComiskey, Handler Box 372Westminster, Mass. 014743Thank you Ken Griffith for this little dollThe Pom Reader July 1988SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITORWhat kids think fun these days is a mystery to me. The other day a friend said to me,I heard a rumor that your property is for sale. Well, we have been thinking about it, due to several reasons one, there is so much building going on all around us that we are no longer in the country two, we are getting very tired of maintaining a large piece of property with numerous buildings with roofs that need to be routinely replaced, and...three, those damn kids down the road. I mean it I get so mad at those kids Id like to strangle them. They careen up and down the road at incredible speeds they swerve in and out of the ditches and spin doughnuts on peoples lawns. One day not too long ago Duane went out to get the mail. He collected the days arrival, took two steps, and...the mailbox disappeared. It reappeared on the grill of the car that had just knocked it down. Duane is lucky that hes light on his feet.Speaking of which, a fine time was had by all at the Central Florida Kennel Clubs Rock and Roll 50s dog show and party. This event, in the middle of a three-show cluster, is underwritten by Kal Kan and coordinated by Diane Albers, President of the Club. You will remember that last year the theme was the Roaring Twenties Everybody roared and nobody was twenty. This year everybody rocked and rolled and everybody a good mood. It was a gas, and next month we will have photos to prove it.But back to those kids. The other night they decided to have even more fun, and spray painted quaint little sayings on our white board fence and the fence of our neighbors. Real cute things, like I hate Kelly, and love Sean. Then they painted the traffic signs Go Go Go, instead of Stop, and 95 instead of 25 mph. But the best thing they did was this...on the pavement out on TC Road they wrote their names. Now, I dont know about you, but I know about me were I to decide to deface property, Im not sure Id sign my name. Extremely intelligent are these little punks.But just when you think that you have trouble, you, you hear really bad news, and you realize just how good you have it. I want to take a moment to wish our deepest condolences to Cheryl Jackson and Joel Taylor on the death of Cheryls brother, Joseph Jackson, in a tragic accident over the July 4th Holiday. Our thoughts are with you and your family. But back to the little maniacs down the street I just dont understand. You see, when 1 was a kid we had a lot of fun, and none of it had to do with wrecking or demolishing anything. We always thought of more innovative ways to get our kicks. And the most innovative of all was my crazy friend Michael.Michael was really crazy, although in later years I learned the term Emotionally Disturbed. Boomerang family finances and alcoholic parents had made deep ruts in Michaels mental road at a very early age. But I didnt care I liked him better than anyone else around and he was a lot of fun. Of course, sometimes his fun approached the maniacal. Like the games he would play in Woolworths. We hated this one waitress, who had a very irritating voice. Well, Michael, an extremely good mimic, decided to have some fun. One day, while we were eating our banana splits, this waitress roared up to the little window out of which the food came and yelled Hot Dawg and Ralishl. And out came a Hot Dawg and Ralish. A little while later, she repeated the order and the order was repeated. A chill went up my spine I knew that Michael was going to switch into his fun mode. And that he did hiding behind a menu, he screeched Hot Dawg and Ralish and it magically appeared. In fascination, I watched as he repeated it Hot DawgThe Pom Reader July 1988and Ralish and an additional frankfurter was forthcoming. When the fifth hot dog appeared I was on my bike and out of there.One day a neighbor lady was sunning herself and Michael was mad at her. He snuck up, quiet as a mouse, crawled under her chaise and made noises like a rattlesnake. You should have seen old Bertha haul it out of there. But the best little caper Michael pulled off was the Bathroom Trick, and it is not for the fainthearted, so if you cant handle it, turn the page. Down the street there was a University Professor who, like many scholars, was very intelligent and extremely dumb. We played a lot of tricks on this fellow, but they paled in comparison to The Bathroom Trick.Of course, not all of Michaels capers came off without a hitch. One time we were bored in the library. We got on the elevator, waited until the doors were closing, and then screamed, for some reason, Everyone knows its Windy The doors slammed shut, we collapsed with laughter, and in our glee forgot to push the Down button. The doors opened and we popped out...right into the arms of one Irate Librarian. But Michael made up for that one with...The Bathroom Trick.One afternoon Michael and I were skulking around the neighborhood, and found ourselves, not surprisingly, in Mr. Meyers back yard. Suddenly Michael got that familiar glint in his eyes, and I thought, Uh oh, here comes trouble. Michael pulled a trash can up to one of the back windows, hopped on top and in a kindergarten voice yelled, Mr. Meyer Mr. Meyer What are you doing I hissed. Michael said, Just a second - this is gonna be great Then Michael again hollered through the window, Mr. Meyer Mr. MeyerAs realization dawned on me a muffled voice came through the door on the other end of the bathroom into which Michael was yelling. Yes Michael then said, Mr. Meyer Mr. Meyer There is no toy-lit tiss-yoo At this point I was writhing on the ground trying to contain my mirth. We heard nothing for a second, so I stood up to peak through the window. And as a I looked I saw...a hand, poking through the door, holding a roll guessed it.I dont know how long Mr. Meyer stood there delivering toy-lit tiss-you to an empty bath, because was in my own back yard, at the top of a tree, reading an Archie comic book. And looking very innocent.But not everything about Michael was hot dogs and giggles. He had deepset problems and a volcanic atmosphere at home. Down the road he was removed to some facility or other, then to a foster home, and I lost track of him. Many years later a young man walked into a tour home I owned in Galena, Illinois. He looked familiar. Sure enough, it was Michael. I hugged him and expressed my pleasure in seeing my old friend and accomplice in mischief. We went down the street for a Coke. And he was subdued. Quiet. No spark in the eyes. No smirk on the lips. Nothing. Wherever they had taken him, they had normalled him numb. And that great creative mind was dead.Ive never worried too much about running with the pack and fitting in. They made Michael fit in, and look where it got him. Michael, wherever you are, I hope youre laughing.But nobodys laughing about those kids down the street...but just wait. There are several of us around here that remember how to have fun, and were planning some surprises for those kids. And believe you me, they wont forget right away.Until August, stay cool, and dont fall for the Bathroom Trick.With apologies to the whole neighborhood.JMcG7JDS POMPOUS POMSChampion JDs Bella DonnaBell is our second home-bred Champion in just over a monthThis SUPER Sound little girl loves to perform for an audience and even though she can be a naughty little stinker, she wins the hearts of one and all.Our deepest gratitude goes to her handler, Timothy Reese, who shows these little Toys to perfection. Pending AKC APPROVALrkIIr5^ \Arl i3-BEST OF yUHNERSHPN CRMMHON _RICHLANDKENNEL CUJB SPRING 0FU988Photogrophy by.STEVEN ROSSChampion JDS Country BumpkinAKC has now confirmed that Bumper has completed his Championship.JDS POMPOUS POMS 34856 Acton Canyon Road, Acton, CA 93510 805 269-5575The Pom Reader July 19888POMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGANIn Conjunction with the Kalamazoo Kennel ClubLBest of Breed, CH. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOY, owned by Bonnie StetsonruMrs.Tipton awards Best of Winners to DOO-SHAYS WEARIN WRANGLERSweepstakes judge Tim Catterson with Best in Sweepstakes BLAKES SIR ROBERT JOHNfBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXAmWinners Bitch, Best of Opposite Sex BELTANE SUCH A SPREEThe Pom Reader July 1988Best of Opposite Sex in Sweeps TIA-LINGS GOLDEN MELODY9Drvif BEST OF BREED or VARIETYGREATER NAPLES DOG CLUBMAY 1988aa^photo by SABRINA k7MWWW T \\\\CH. STARFIRES VALENTINOAt Stud To Approved Bitches Stud Fee 250.00TONY CABRERA275 SW 72ND AVENUE MIAMI, FL 33144 305 266-7471The Pom Reader July 198810------------ UPDATE ------------------TOPTEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY-JUNE 1988 AKC GAZETTE Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranian fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on the Pomeranian doings in this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as followsThe source for all points is the official show awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the Gazette year, and published monthly according to appearance in the Gazette. As keeping track of each and every AKC show in the UnitedStates is an onerous task accomplished diligently by AKC, many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e.- a September show may not be published until December.. The Gazette year, as a rule, runs from about November of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to THE REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG AT THE TIME OF COMPETITION.Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS THE LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS FOR 1987, JANUARY- JUNE 1988 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR....................................... POINTSM. B. CARSON............................................................... 33JACKSONTAYLOR...........................................................30A. LAFORTUNE................................................................ 24D. TRAUNER.....................................................................24J. CABRERA...................................................................... 23S. BAUGNIET................................................................... 21GEMMILLPLONCKEY.....................................................21GALAVICHMEGENHARDT...............................................20J. KLEIN.......................................................................... 19K. MUNSTER................................................................. 19Tie placements alphabeticalom leacerYour Showcase for Purebred PomsThe Pom Reader July 198811BI-MAR POMERANIANSHOME OF CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID OFFERS FOR SALERedorange male whelped 10185. Has AKC show points and is a proven sire. Litter brother to Ch.Autumns Red Blaze of Bi-Mar and Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Charmer. Sired by BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID and out of 3 producer in 1986.Sable female whelped 5385. By BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID and out of black tan sister to BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tan-Ya. Proven brood female that is littermate to Ch. Bi-Mar Sonny-Go-Lucky.1000.00Red female whelped 72282. Full sister to BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID to a Bev-Nor and BIS Ch. Sunrays Little Beaver male that needs a major for championship. 850.00Red sable female whelped 7381. Is a full sister to BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID. Has produced two champions and has a litter now and when puppies are weaned she will be for sale. 350.00Red female whelped 42486. Out of a full sister to BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID and is sired by a half brother to Sonny. Has a litter now and when weaned will be for sale. Show prospect. 750.00Red female whelped 122487. Sired by BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID and out of 3 producer in 1986. Repeat breeding that produced Ch. Autumns Red Blaze of Bi-Mar and Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Charmer and AKC pointed Bi-Mar Son N Dance Man. Show Home Only.BI-MAR POMERANIANSPHONES MARY A. ROSENBAUM206-838-6397 36520 28th Avenue South206-927-2369 Federal Way, WA 98003BLOSSOM HEIGHTS SHOW BIZerr'WQ V".BEST OF BREED or VARIETYINVERNESS FL0RI0A KENNEL CLUB MAY I988^^photo by BONNIE3Thank you judge R. Stephen Shaw for a 4 point major over many Specials from the Bred By Exhibitor Bitch class.Also, thank you Wilma Hunter, Best of Breed 4th in Toy Group.BIZ is pictured with her loving owner, breeder, and handler Arlene Benko.BLOSSOMHEIGHTSPOMSJohn Arlene Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407407-842-5591The Pom Reader July 198812SPECIALS ADDITIONTOP TWENTY POMERANIANS JANUARY-JUNE 1988 AKC GAZETTE Presently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsBreed points not to be confused with AKC Championship points are allotted to individuals according to the highest placement received in any given AKC show, as reported in the American Kennel Club Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point awards. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements,and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds......................... 500BEST IN SHOW Specialty............................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty..............75TOY GROUP FIRST........................................ 250TOY GROUP SECOND................................... 150TOY GROUP THIRD......................................... 75TOY GROUP FOURTH..................................... 25BEST OF BREED............................................. 10Statistician SUSAN WADE. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Pomeranians for 1988, as compiled from the JANUARY-JUNE 1988 AKC GAZETTE.POINTS NAME Owner B1SA BISS BOSS I H5375 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING 0 D.................................. 3 1 - 10 6PiazzaBaker, Owners1775 CH. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOY D.......................................... 1 - - 3 1B. Stetson, Owner1140 CH. LANAS TOP PRIORITY D.............................................. .... 5CraigEjchorszt, Owners935 CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIEL D.......................................... - - - 3 1C. Pfeffer, Owner755 CH. CHRISCENDO CALVIN KLEIN D............................................. - - - 2 1HeartzMiller, Owners680 CH. PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR D.......................... - - - 2 1GalindaWelch, Owners1^615 CH. APOLLOETTE MOONLITE GAMBLER D..................................................................... 1 1M. M. Presser, Owners600 CH. SOUTHLANDS MR VIP OIDA D............................................. 1CreedJenner, Owners575 CH. CLAIRMONTS CAROLINA DELITE B.......................................................................... 1 1L. Bryson, Owner570 CH. IDAS TOUCH OF BEV-NOR D................................................ - - - 1 2HagemanTarverCreed, Owners485 CH. HERDS LITTLE YO YO D.............................................................................................. 1 1B. Gibbs, Owner480 CH. MIXONS ROSSI OF FRIPP D................................................... - - - - 1L. Collings, Owner475 CH. WHARTONS SEPPI VON HONIG D........................................ 1CokeWharton, Owners375 CH. TEXICANS GIANT KILLER CHULA D..................................... 1N. Gad, Owner365 CH. BELLS GRANDSTAND ROWDY D.......................................... 1B. Bell, Owner360 CH. SOUTHLANDS TOAST TO BEV-NOR B................................. .... 1CreedPayne, Owners335 CH. SUN RAYS BAT MAN D........................................................... 1F. Rodrigues. Owner310 CH. JAMOLS FUGICLE OF SOUTHLAND D................................. 1JacksonTaylor, Owners300 CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID D...................................................... .... 2M. Rosenbaum, Owner290 CH. SYSAME CLEAN SWEEP D..................................................... 1S. Schlienz, Ownerm IV BOB2 1 54 1 64 2 41 11 - 332 1 42 53 10 21 - 12 2 132 1 52 1 51 - 141 3 61 - 164The Pom Reader July 198813Golden Aires PomsintroducesGOLDEN AIRES MAGIC MARKODINNERSCOLUMBIA KENNEL CLUB MAY 1988JJPHOTO BT UnatamCh. Twin Pines Tico Tico x Dupres Kate Raising Cane On his first outing, Marko won WD for a three point major, owner handled. Thank you judge Kenneth Miller. We are so proud of Marko.Marko is an example of the temperament, coat, and soundness we are striving for in our breeding program. Marko is the son of Ch. Twin Pines Tico Tico, our foundation stud and we are pleased with the offspring Tico Tico has been producing for us.BreederOwnerHandlerSharon Masnick HCR 65, Box 745803 9928-3511 Huger, SC 29450P 1A e js5 NEW FOR 1989 THE ALL TOY CALENDARFEATURING THE WORK OFPAULETTE BRAUN, PETS BY PAULETTEThe All Toy Calendar promises to be a collectors item for all Toy Dog fanciers. Featuring the award-winning work of Paulette Braun of PETS BY PAULETTE, this full-color, magazine-size calendar will contain 13 exciting exciting studio shots of different Toy Breeds a perfect gift for doggie friends and a must for any Toy fanciers home or office.Regular Price 10.95 each SPECIAL SUMMER RATES Single calendar price 7.95 each 10 or more calendars 6.95 each Offer good through August 15, 1988 Please add 1.50 for postage handlingSend check or money order to Doll-McGinnis Publications, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Tel 813-858-3839.The Pom Reader July 198814A CANADIAN BREEDERS POINT OF VIEWby Karen BradshawSHIPPING OUR PRECIOUS POMS PART II WHEN THINGS GO WRONG...Ed. note Due to the nature of the subject, some of the statements contained within may seem cold-hearted. Readers must bear in mind that the average airline employee is not a dog lover, and is less than enthusiastic about shipping dogs. The only way we can protect our animals in flight is to make it extremely uncomfortable for the airline when they do not HANDLE WITH CARE. JMcG]In the last issue I talked about the preparation for shipping our Poms by air. It is very important that you insure the dog for the purchase price. This is done at the Air Cargo counter prior to shipping, for a small fee.The second part of this article will deal with the sick or dead Pom on arrival and what procedures you should take.MEETING THE POM AT THE AIRPORTAlways check the Pom over for any signs of stress. In my case the pup was weaving and had difficulty standing. If you suspect the pup is sick, tell the Clerks in the Cargo office. Take the Pom out of the crate immediately and give himher a drink of WATER and some NUTRICAL you have these with you from home. If its dehydration from the flight, the pup should perk up within minutes. If the Pom was shipped C.O.D., make sure you pay before you leave the Cargo office. Do not refuse to pay regardless that the pup arrived sick. You are only covered by the insurance providing you pay the C.O.D. as previously arranged. If the shipping and insurance is prepaid, you are insured.From the airport take the dog directly to the nearest Veterinarian. Do not take the dog home first, as it could mean losing your insurance claim should the dog die. Take the crate with you when you go to the Vet and have him make a report on all his findings.EXAMPLE If the dog was a tiny pup shipped in a bare crate with no blanket, etc...then the Vet might say the dogs condition was due to the shippers neglect. If this were the case,I would send a copy of the Vets report to the shipper along with the bill.This is an example just to show the importance of a Vets report. In this instance, the claim would be a personal one between the buyerseller, the airline would not be involved.WHAT TO DO IF THE POM IS DEAD ON ARRIVAL OR DIES SHORTLY AFTERIf the dog arrives dead, inform the clerks at the Cargo office. This is a good time to throw a tantrum should you desire As devestated as you would be, it wouldnt be hard to do. The more attention you demand wont allow them to forget you two months later when they are doing their inquiry. Also make sure they know it was a Pom. If the Breed registers, it helps. After paying your shipping bill, take the dog to the nearest Vet. Again, the dog should be with his shipping crate. Explain to the Vet that the dog arrived in this condition and that you require a full report in order to claim your insurance. Request four copies of the report.Have the Vet send the dog away for an autopsy, requesting five copies of that report. A Government Lab is the best. Usuallythe Vet and Lab will send their reports directly to the Airline Claims. You should also have the Vet call the Air Cargo office and Claims office immediately after the dog dies if it dies in his office or if the dog was Dead on Arrival. This just backs up your claim when it is fresh in everyones mind and it also confirms your observation of the dogs condition at the time of arrival. It also alerts the claims Officer that there was a mishap. You should be there with the Vet when he makes his call just in case you are required to answer any questions.Explain everything in detail on the phone and in writing to the Airline Claims. This includes the time the pup left the shippers residence to the time you picked up the dog. Always explain, in detail, what you did for the dog if it was still alive to help it before it died. No detail or observation on your part is too small to mention. Always inform the shipper of the mishap no matter how painful it might be.Here are a few tips that can help1 Before shipping have the dog examined by a Vet. Get a Health Certificate. This should be done a few days prior to shipping.2 Make sure you get a receipt for the total purchase price of the dog.3 FOUR copies of the Vet report. FIVE copies of the Autopsy report. The following is a list of who should get copies.1 Vet2 Air Claims3 Shipper4 Receiver you5 Laboratory just Lab report4 Send a letter to the Claims Office with every detail in writing. Including Vet visit and phone calls made, etc. Always use your Airway Bill number on all correspondence.5 Should you receive a notice stating that you are not covered, re-write them with more details. You may also state in your second note that you wont use their airline again to ship or receive dogs [Ed. note - better yet, not use the airline for any service, including human travel. J]6 Airlines only insure for loss and damage of goods. Only under some circumstances will they insure for Death. This is why a Health Certificate is vital. If you can prove that the dog was healthy before shipping, you stand a better chance for claiming damages.7 If the dog arrives with broken bones, etc., you would follow the same procedure as for sick. Only I would throw a real tantrum.I hope this in some way will help any of you who may have to deal with Insurance claims, when shipping by air. In my case the Airline was Air Canada and they did indeed pay in my favour and were quite apologetic.Karen BradshawThe Pom Reader July 198815ALLAYNS offer for salerBESTOF VJMCRSALLAYNS SWEET SORCERYCh. Allayns Moonshine Magic CD x Carousels Cotton CandySweetie is a 4 lb., orange female with 5 show points and several Reserves, including one to a five point major. She loves the ring and is a delight to show.AVAILABLE SHORTLY Two males, one orange, one cream, whelped 51288, repeat breeding of Sweetie-, one male, orange or sable, whelped 52388, Eng. HadleighGreat ElmsMillamor breeding. Pedigrees, photos, prices on request. ALLAYNS POMERANIANS, Mary Allan, 2508 E. Tacoma Street, Broken Arrow, OK 74014. Tel 918 355-2531.JfWW'a Pww-R-UaHES HERE...A DREAM COME TRUEtMNMS JJS JOLLY WEE DREAMJolly Wee Dans Mighty Moe x Cobbs Lutece of Chaps JJ is named after a dream my husband had before his death and this promising boy is definitely a dream come trueOn 51588, at his debut, in the Golden State Dog Fanciers All Breed Match, JJ at 11 weeks, rocketed to Group III. JJ was the only puppy in Group competition.JJs sire is the son of WORLD CH. JOLLY WEE FANCY DAN OF PEPPI and his dam is a double granddaughter of CH. JOLLY WEE IM A PEPPER TOO.MNMS POMS-R-US, Mary Marchbanks, 4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621. Tel 714-994-0259.GOLDEN AIRES POMERANIANScongratulatesEVANS SWEET CAROLINEVfr1jCh. Twin Pines Tico Tico x Ch. Loveladys Second Hand RoseCarrie is pictured taking WB, BOW and BOB under judge Barbara Camp, handled by Carroll James. Carrie is owned and loved by Mary Evans of Hanahan, S.C.Ch. Twin Pines Tico Tico congratulates his winning daughter and her breederowner. Watch for more Tico Tico offspring in the ring this fall. GOLDEN AIRES POMS, Sharon Masnick, HCR 65, Box 745, Huger, S.C. 29450. Tel 803-928-3511jfei ^cmeronlayz^NEW LITTERS1 MALE, 3 FEMALES by Ch. Models Timstoppers Echo Lauras La Cherie.1 MALE 3 FEMALES by Great Elms Bobbie Beam La Cheries Cinnamon Enchante.LA CHERIE POMERANIANS Dot Martin Rt. 2, Box 30M Rock Hill, SC 29730 803-377-7718Windjammer PomeraniansJAMMER top ten stud dogs 1987 congratulates his 9 month daughter, BELTANE SUCH A SPREE, on her 5 point major at the Michigan Specialty. Congratulations also to WINDJAMMERS SUNDAE SUPREME and Shirley Uphouse FL on their recent success in the ring.Best of luck to these new owners of WINDJAMMER POMS Sandy Balian Wl WINDJAMMERS TOUCH OF PIZAZZ F WINDJAMMERS TIFFANY ROSE F.Mrs. Riki Barker TX WINDJAMMERS MOSIACS DREAMM WINDJAMMER SUNDAE SURPRISE F.Sue White TN WINDJAMMERS TOUCH OF LUCKF.Pat Vebow KY WINDJAMMERS WHAT A DREAMM.Claudia Pfeffer LA WINDJAMMERS PRECIOUS JEANNEF. Jimmy Bridges GA CH. WINDJAMMERS TOUCH OF PETITEM. Special thanks for believing in us, and for keeping WINDJAMMER alive during our short break Jeanne Bob Stafford, 1231 Carberry Rd., Niles, Ml 49120. Tel 616 683-0214.The Pom Reader July 198816MIDWEST NEWSJeanne StaffordOn May 29, 1988, the Pomeranian Club of Michigan held their Summer Specialty in conjunction with the Kalamazoo Kennel Club all breed show. For the first time in 4 years, I was not exhibiting any dogs I was on the other side of the ring spectating. Let me say that it was much less nerve wracking, but not quite as exciting. There was a nice entry of both puppies and adults, with good quality in every class.Judging Sweepstakes was Mr. Tim Catterson, and his winners werePuppy Dogs 6-9 MonthsBLAKES SIR ROBERT JOHN Carol Galavich Donna Megenhardt12-18 Months DogsTIA-LINGS DREAM MAKER Paula F. McBayPuppy Bitches 6-9 MonthsTIA-LING'S GOLDEN MELODY Paula F. McBayPuppy Bitches 9-12 MonthsMERCERS JUSTINE FOR LYN-LEE Evelyn Rollie Conley 12-18 Months BitchesLYN-LEE MONTE CARLA Evelyn Rollie ConleyBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESBLAKES SIR ROBERT JOHN Carol Galavich Donna Megenhardt BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX, SWEEPS TIA-LINGS GOLDEN MELODY Paula F. McBayJudging the Regular Classes was Mrs. E. W. Tipton Jr., and her winners werePuppy DogsBLAKES SIR ROBERT JOHN Carol Galavich Donna MegenhardtBred By Exhibitor DogsTIA-LINGS DREAM MAKER Paula F. McBayOpen DogsDOO-SHAYS WEARIN WRANGLER Virginia McVey David GibbonsWINNERS DOGDOO-SHAYS WEARIN WRANGLER Virginia McVey David GibbonsRESERVE WINNERS DOGBLAKES SIR ROBERT JOHN Carol Galavich Donna Megenhardt Puppy BitchesTIA-LINGS GOLDEN MELODY Paula F. McBayBred by Exhibitor BitchesLYN-LEE MONTE CARLA Evelyn Rollie ConleyAmerican Bred BitchesGOLD BLACKACRE CUPID REPLICA Gold Blackacre, Reg.Open BitchesBELTANE SUCH A SPREE Paul Barbara CurryWINNERS BITCHBELTANE SUCH A SPREE Paul Barbara Curry RESERVE WINNERS BITCH TIA-LINGS GOLDEN MELODY Paula F. McBayBEST OF BREEDCH. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOY Bonnie StetsonBEST OF WINNERSDOO-SHAYS WEARIN WRANGLER Virginia McVey David GibbonsBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX BELTANE SUCH A SPREE Paul Barbara CurryI think everyone enjoyed themselves both in the ring, and afterward in the Hospitality room. This club always puts out a nice meal, and gives all a chance to relax after the big event.If anyone is interested in joining this club, please contact Evelyn Conley, Treasurer, at 20075 Vining Road, New Boston, Ml 48164.A big congratulations to all the winners, and continued success to you allJeanne StaffordThe Pom Reader July 1988ChesaiPomeranians. .. r . 4 rnlifermmllllii' s' ,jCHESAI CHARMING CHARLIECHESAI PLAYING FOR TIMERobert Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North512 438-2667 San Antonio, TX 78260RHEA-NA POMS.. .Breeding exclusively the Bev- Nor line. All litters by Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman, Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, out ofChampions, pointed, and Ch. producing daughters of same. FOR SALE 2 Ch. Toasty sons X Ch. Statesman daughter X Ch. Producing Fudge daughter. Several litters due in July.Steve Barbara Nagy, Rt. 2, Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Tel 703 869-3749.ICERAMA POMSSkip Piazza THE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266KHANIRAINBOW POMS Byron Connie HendricksP.O. Box 644, Arcadia, CA 91006 Tel 818 444-5131Marlene Marlin Presser 209 886-5561 21789 E. Hwy 4Stockton, CA 9520517souTHLANDS0UTHLANDring 'inrSTEPPERCh. Southlands Step Aside Boys is pictured taking her second 5 point major under judge Lena Wiseman. STEPPER finished with 3 majors and is the 9th Champion for her sire in 1988.Sire Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge Dam Southlands Fudge Double Dip BreederOwnerHandler Charlotte Creed6618 Lost Ridge, Pineville, LA 71360 PH. 318-466-3456 Subject to AKC approval3LIL RUTHIECh. Southlands Ms. Ruth of Great Elms is pictured finishing from the Puppy class at the Dallas Pom Specialty under judge Miss Maxine Beam. LIL RUTHIE was only entered in three point shows. She took three 5 point majors. Thanks, Ruth beam...shes everything I hoped for...and moreOwnerHandler BreederCharlotte Creed Ruth L. Beam6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360P.O. Box 937 Pineville, NC 28134PH. 318-466-3456LGrafenhorstsPomeranians___IWe are looking forward to 1988 and litters from Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette. We are also happily anticipating parti litters.Horst Graf12000 N.W. 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465^Eerteite EPc'me'ianianbBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner-aPuppiesgenerally available sired by our own champions as well as other studs. Most of our Poms are Great Elmsand we strive to breed Poms of good size and type. Pictures and pedigrees upon request. We will be glad to put you on our mailing list to receive our offerings and newsletter. Puppies priced from 200.00 and up. Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette.The Pom Reader July 198818ANESTHESIA AND THE TOY DOGby Dr. Suzanne B. RothchildAnesthesia is a tricky business under any circumstance. In humans, there are adult doses, pediatric doses, doses for patients with renal kidney disease, doses for patients with liver disease, doses for patients with cardiac heart disease, etc. In veterinary practice, there are cat doses, wild animal doses, dog doses, horse doses, etc. Should a Bullmastiff receive a similar anesthetic dose as a Chihuahua The answer is NO But here lies another problem. Is just a dose by weight and age the answer Again, NOIt has been found that cats are more sensitive to medications than dogs, and it takes less to do the same. It has been found that the sighthound breeds are more sensitive than other breeds their size and weight and are easily over-anesthetized if dosed by weight. Why To over-simplify the answer, it is due to a difference of bone density between breeds and species and the different bone-mass-to-muscle-mass ratio ratio. Dogs that are speedy have lighter bones, having more air spaces in them, making the animal more capable of speed.Valuable insight was gained into how this relates to Toys through my own misfortune. My Papillon, Ch. Josandres The Masters Touch traumatically ruptured an intervertebral disc slipped a disc and was operated on not once, but twice. The second surgery was necessary because the repair of the area from the first surgery did not hold because of the lightness of the bone involved. Master is a young dog and there was no evidence of disc disease or prior injury to the area. Subsequent repair was done similarly to the procedure the veterinarians use on cats, with great success. Bone samples from the surgery were studied because I had told the anesthesiologist about deaths under anesthesia and he was intrigued, as was a colleague at another veterinary school in Georgia. The bone samples showed density and trabeculation the way the bone is laid down and air trapping were similar to sighthound bone density. So if Toys are dosed by weight, they may be getting too muchNot only is the dose of a medication or anesthetic agent important, but the type of medication is also important. Most anesthesias involve premedicating the dog with a secretion drying- up agent and a sedation agent. Narcotics and barbiturates both suppress breathing respiration. Narcotics and their effects on the dog are reversible with the narcotic antagonist agents Narcan and Naloxone. Barbiturates and their effects are not reversible and the animal must metabolize use up the drug and excrete it from the body by way of the liver andor kidney.Premedication to reduce secretions and block vagal nerve reflexes, like spasm of the windpipe trachea and low heart rate bradycardia, is also necessary for the safety of the dog. For Toys, both anesthesia departments at the two consulting veterinary schools recommend a drug called glycopyrrolate or Robinul brand name. This is like the human drug atropine used most frequently before surgery in man. This drug, when given pre-operatively, reduces salivary mouth, tracheobronchial lung and pharyngael throat secretions reduces the volume and free acidity of gastric stomach secretions and blocks cardiac heart, vagal nerve inhibitory reflexes bradycarcia and bronchospasm during induction of anesthesia and intubation placing a tube in the throat. The drugmay also be used intra-operatively during surgery to counteract drug-induced or vagal nerve reflex-induced arrhythmias irregular heartbeat. The onset of action when given by vein is one minute. It cannot be used with the older gas anesthetic agent cyclopropane. Also, there are medications available to reverse the effects of glycopyrrolate if necessary.The Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Animal Health Newsletter Volume 4, No. 6, August 1986 reported on a relatively new gas anesthetic agent that may save future dogs ISOFLURANE. This agent was originally developed for use on horses, who also have a sensitivity to anesthetic agents. It has been found to work equally well on smaller animals such as dogs and cats. Unfortunately, while it has SIGNIFICANT advantages over other anesthetics for small animals it is less likely to produce heartbeat irregularities than halothane and less likely to cause kidney or liver toxicity than methoxyflurane, it is expensive. It also requires the use of a different type of gas anesthesia delivery apparatus than the other two mentioned gases. THE EXTRA COST IS WORTH IT Many of the veterinary hospitals in my hometown of Houston, Texas, have switched over to this agent because of its SAFETY when compared to the other agents.On the issue of premedication, barbiturates, the time-honored agent used to premedicate humans as well as animals before surgery or teeth cleaning in dogs, should not be used on some Toys except in doses suitable for cats or not at all, because the effects are not reversible. Barbiturates are the agents used when we put a dog down. The veterinary college anesthesia departments consulted recommend narcotics, in particular NUMORPHAN. This is oxymorphone hydrochloride and is a semi-synthetic narcotic substitute for morphine, and is reversible with Narcan if too much is given. This drug is currently a human product, but Pittman- Moore, a veterinary drug company, will be bringing it out under veterinary labels shortly. Another new generation drug that will do well is BUTORPHANOL, another synthetic narcotic reversible by Narcan.Many veterinarians have claimed that one cannot adequately clean a dogs teeth without the dog being completely asleep with gas anesthesia, as the ultrasound cleaning device disturbs most animals. This is simply not true. I persuaded my own veterinarian to try teeth cleaning under only very light sedation with a narcotic and Voila...he is now a believer. I have even had puppy teeth extracted under local anesthesia or very light narcotic sedation. While the new drugs are safer and veterinary knowledge becoming more fine tuned, it is still wisest not to put a Toy under gas anesthesia or barbiturate anesthesia unless absolutely necessary.If your veterinarians have any question, please have them contact me and I will try to answer all questions or forward them to the appropriate authorities at the veterinary colleges.I hope this information can help prevent future anesthetic deaths in our dogs. BUT, nothing is ever completely safe in medicine, and unfortunately, we will always lose a few.DSuzanne B. Rothchild, MD7507 Brompton, Houston, TX 77025The Pom Reader July 1988 ict s i i i i j i i i i i i i iComing in September...THE 1988 POM READER STUD DOG DIRECTORYa- i-irsiSfr -x ' 4 sj'j 0 ,AV-'\' ^ , \ V x. \^rv\Vis a\. \VXVA^fc.^ SPECIAL RATES FULL PAGE 90.00 HALF PAGE 49.00All ads include one photo, brief remarks about his show career or progeny, and a three-generation pedigree, if desired. Dont miss this economical opportunity to tell the Pom fancy how proud you are of your super Stud DogNEW THIS YEAR...GREATS OF THE PAST. Any Pomeranian male over the age of 9 will be given a 14 page display, including one photo, brief remarks, and a three-generation pedigree, if desired. THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SECTION OF THE MAGAZINE...IT IS OUR WAYOFSAY- ING THANKS TO THESE FRIENDS FROM DAYS GONE BY. Although they may or may not still be with us, these pillars of the breed deserve their place in the sun. All materials submitted will be returned. You wont want your old Pom friends to miss being included in this fascinating Directory. DEADLINE FOR THE STUD DOG ISSUE AUGUST 15th, 1988 Make all checks payable toDOLL-MCGENNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS, LAKELAND, FL 33809 TELEPHONES 813 858-3839 or 813 858-2639I cicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicicticticttic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic tic ticA A The Pom Reader July 198820Seeetarw EcupEach month The Pom Reader will welcome reports from the Secretaries of recognized Pomeranian clubs and organizations. As our staff can not be all places at all times, we think this is an excellent way to keep the world apprised of your activities and successful undertakings. Secretaries forget about a deadline, we know youre busy. Just submit as you can and we will publish as quickly as possible - your news will still be news, because we publish once a month - 12 times per year.OHIO VALLEY POM CLUB...celebrated its first anniversary in March. We now have 55 members and are still growing. We held our first ALL TOY MATCH on 327 at the Holiday Inn, Akron, Ohio. It went just great lots of entries lots of happy people...and 15 POMS represented our Breed quite well. Two Poms placed in the Groups ANIMATIONS BABY HUEY owned by Damella Powell, and IDLE ACRES AMERICAN TALE owned by Shari Stoffer. The facilities were just fantastic all indoors and all went very smoothly. Were hoping to have another here in the fall.In July, OVPC will hold our Annual Picnic and YardGarage Sale near Strasburg, Ohio. We hope many people will come and see us. For more information, get in touch with Lorinda Vasuta or Secretary Betty Lepera. 216 733-1453.The June meeting hosted our first annual Awards Banquet as well as our election of officers. I will have more about that later...We are very proud of our OVPC members that have been doing such outstanding things in the show ring...Olga Baker, who is one of our charter members, is, as everyone knows, co-owner of THE GREAT CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II. We congratulate her again on Princes wonderful win at Westminster. What a super tribute to our terrific little breed. But...did you know that right here in Ohio, another of our club members has a Pom that has won THREE BESTS IN SHOW in the past 2 months Bonnie Stetson of Akron, Ohio and her CH. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOY who is handled by Karen Albrecht have been rolling right along. They won their first BIS in Minneaspolis in March, then in April they took BACK-TO-BACK BESTS IN SHOW here in Ohio. We certainly hope they continue their winning ways.Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane have just finished two lovely little girls...both are charmers. Ron Feyh just finished his nice little male. Ron is a super guy - he has done so much for our club. Whenever he and Larry Rookstool are around, there is NEVER a dull moment. Both are always coming up with great ideas for new things. For our recent Anniversary meeting and Toy match, they went together and surprised all of us by bringing TWO beautiful anniversary cakes one to the meeting and the other one to our Match where judge Dorothy Kralik helped cut it.Well, the weather here in Ohio is typical Spring one day hot and muggy, the next day chilly and wet. [Ed. note What does chilly mean JMcG] But there are those few in-between beauties that make the rest worthwhile. Clean, fresh air that smells so good gentle wind that rustles the sheets that are finally hanging OUTSIDE on the line...lots of green grass growing too fast to keep up with but it smells so good after it is first cut...welcome, warm sun shining in through windows that could use another squirt of Windex...yes, thats spring in Ohio, and I love it so. The Poms are full of it as they run and play in the fresh green grass...they roll rear chase each other across the yard. Its great to watch them tumble around...then lay down with little back legs all stretched out behind them, belly deep in the cool green grass.Like all the Seasons, Spring is special in its own way. Its like everything gets a chance to start all over again. Happy Spring to all, and HAPPY POMS TO ALL even though it will be summer by the time you read this. Bobbie StofferThe Pom Reader July 1988LETTERSDear Duane Joe,I just wanted to drop a note and let you know about the recent Fun Match I attended. It was sponsored by the South Carolina Federation of Dogs Clubs and was held in Columbia, South Carolina. The Match was a judges training match. A licensed judge and 4-5 trainee judges went over each dog entered. I was fortunate enough for an adult Pom and a puppy Pom to place in the Group judging with a Group I and a Group II. By the time the day was over at least eight judges had gone over my dogs. It was excellent exposure for my dogs plus valuable ring experience.I highly suggest every exhibitor take advantage of this type of Fun Match if one is ever held in their area.Sincerely, Sharon Masnick, Huger, S.C.To Whom It May Concern,I have enclosed a check to continue my subscription to your fabulous magazine The Pom Reader. Please continue to sent them to the same address as before.Thank you very much for my past year as a subscriber to your magazine It was very exciting and I love to see new ideas this next year with you.Sincerely, Glenn C. Bernardo, Lakewood, CADOVER-HOLIHOUSEWere STILL waiting for our show photos Watch for us in the Center Spread next monthDOVER - KATHRYN HARTZ609-695-1642HOLIHOUSE - PATRICIA FOLEY609-883-3459EMCEES POMS Puppies available occasionally Stud Service to approved bitches Great Elms, Model lines Morris Betty Carson, 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, VA 23233. Tel 804 740-7977Pom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613Robert Juanita Fiddick Tel 319-989-2199211 HOME OF THE KILLER fcAND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS NORMA C. GAD 5908 Westside Road915 584-0942 El Paso, TX 79932BEV-NOR POMS Home of Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, 1 Pom for 1981, 1982, 1983 24 Best in Shows 5 Specialties. Sire of only BLACK TAN to ever go BISA, sire of top winning females 1984,1985. Sire of BIS, Multi Group winners and Chs. Stud fee 250.00 limited to 20Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, sire of 35 Chs, BIS, Group and Specialty winners. Stud fee 250.00 limited to 15Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman, Multi Group winner, 1986 Best in Sweepstakes winner New York, sire of Champions. Stud fee 250.00. 1 male, 1 female available. Beverly Norris, 7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. 301 255-1343,TIM SUE POMERANIANSTIM SUE GODDARDRoute 2, Box 540Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622Kennels^^P ^^P ^^P Janice LuginslandRt. 1, Box 97Americus, KS 66835J ^ J M -316-443-5157CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS STARLITE POMS^GAYLE GRIFFINP.O. Box 469, Amity, OR 97101DOSSMARStud Service - ChocolateWhite PartiPuppies and Adults OccasionallyMarian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Road414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040Pnmaraitian PalaceShannon JohnsonShannon Johnson Jr.6270 Tripp Road, Holly Ml 48442Tel 313-634-1331Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitchesJean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia. Ocala. Florida 32676 904 237-1636MILLAMORELEANOR KEN MILLER5426 Spring Lake DriveLakeland, Florida 33803Residence Telephone 813 646-58641 sSs'-'-PJ\ " BreederOwnerc\ y CLAUDIA PFEFFERp.o. BOX 10432yT\ yl\ Jefferson, LA 70181 1 JU. , 504 737-1729Cyrecious CyetitesSince 1967 J. o o\s _______________ ^ESCENnfPnmc^pasieayJerrie FreiaP. O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466---------- 1 1 Ulllo--------Ph 813-996-3811 D,yJ^eLee ^Pom^LDESAREE SANDIFER509 OAKDALE STREET, GASTONIA, NC 28054 TELEPHONE 704 865-0859John e. heaftzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY P.O. Box 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S., CANADA BON ICOPHONE 902 895-7427De ArtasOakridgePomeraniansM. Dean Rinehart Nina K. EppsDe Arta Kennel Oakridge Kennels422 W. Fairchild Drive R4, Box 48XMidwest City, OK 73110 El Dorado Springs, MO405-732-0402 64744WKi KARM UN \yijjfMUNSTER NEVER DULL KENNELSShelties 314 So. Joliet St. PomeraniansWilmington, Illinois 60481BREEDER KAREN MUNSTER 815-476-2039The Pom Reader July 198822NlNEWS...WIREHAIRED DACHSHUND AWARDED BEST IN SHOW AT THIRD ANNUAL PURINA INVITATIONAL DOG SHOWSt. Louis, May 20, 1988Ch. Pegdens Cactus Jack, a 2-yearoldmale Wirehaired Dachshund, took a long leap forward on his short, sturdy legs by winning the Best in Show award at the third annual Purina Invitational Dog Show May 2, 1988, in suburban St. Louis.With Reserve Best in Show being won by a 3-year- old female DobermanPinscher named Ch. Royal Tudors Wild as the Wind, the Purina Invitational has now showcased six different breeds in the top two positions in its first three years of competition. All proceeds from the Invitational once again benefit The Dog Museum, which relocated from New York City to the Jarville House, an historic 19th century house located in Queeny Park in suburban St. Louis County last November. The 15,000 raised at this years show brings the total amount raised for the Dog Museum from the first three Purina In- vitationals to more than 57,000.The Purina Invitational Dog Show, the only invitational held for the top dogs in all breeds in the United States, featured 323 entrants from 40 states and Canada. Representing 137 of the total 151 breeds and varieties recognized by the American Kennel Club, the entrants were ranked among the top dogs in their respective breeds, as determined by AKC records for 1987 competitions.This years Invitational was filmed by the USA Cable Network and will be telecast on Tuesday, July 26 from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. Eastern, and rebroadcast from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on Wednesday, July 27. Dorothy Welsh, president of The Dog Museum, provided color commentary of the proceedings.Agent Mark Stephenson led Ch. Pegdens Cactus Jack through his paces at the Best in Show competition following successful Best of Breed and Group participation earlier in the day. Cactus Jack is owned by Carl G. Nancy Jo Fein of Tacoma, Washington. Reserve Best in Show Ch. Royal Tudors Wild as the Wind, whose agent is Andy Linton, is owned by Arthur Susan Korp and Beth Wilhite of San Jose, California.An eminent panel of eight judges, including Best in Show judge Mrs. Robert V. Lindsay, participated in breed and group judging at the Invitational. All judging was done in accordance with American Kennel Club rules and regulations, with the exception of Reserve Best in Show."The diversity of championship caliber dogs has been very much evident at the first three Purina Invitationals, said George P. Cook, Director of professional programs for Ralston Purina. Having six different breeds finish first and second over the three years indicates the high quality of breeding and showing across the spectrum of American Kennel Club recognized breeds and varieties.Along with 2,500 in prize money, Cactus Jack will have his name engraved on the Silver Loving Cup that is permanently displayed in the lobby of the Dog Museum. Cactus jack joins last years winner, the German Shorthaired Pointer named Ch. NMKs Brittania V Sibelstein, and inaugural winner Ch. Devon Puff and Stuff, the Bichon Frise, on the Cups honor roll.Winners in the seven Variety Groups included Herding Group, judge Mrs. Maynard K. Drury Ch. Windsongs Fiera, Bouvier deThe Pom Reader July 1988Flanders bitch owned by Mary Silkworth of Jackson, Michigan Hound Group, judge Mr. William W. Fetner Ch. Pegdens Cactus Jack Non-Sporting Group, judge Miss Maxine V. Beam Ch. Karamain Ramadin Dali-Pa, Tibetan Terrier dog owned by William Sandra Hoffman Woody Nelson of Cary, Illinois Sporting Group, judge Mr. J. Donald Jones the Gordon Setter dog Ch. Brawridge TNT of Kris owned by Charles E. Mann R. L. Christanson of Sioux City, Iowa Terrier Group, judge Mrs. Andrea Brunotte the Miniature Schnauzer Ch. Sathgate Breakaway owned by Susan R. Atherton of Bartlesville, Oklahoma Toy Group, judge Mrs. Jane G. Kay the Maltese Ch. Bar None Firestarter owned by Pat Bullard of Nashville, Tennessee Working Group, judge Mr. Joe Gregory the Doberman Ch. Royal Tudors Wild As The Wind. Rosettes were given to all Breed winners, each of the four Group placements, Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show, while all Invitational participants were presented with Certificates of Recognition.The Dog Museum, according to Dorothy Welsh, is already drawing more visitors on a daily basis that it did during its stay in Manhattans insurance district. With our wonderful new facilities at the Jarville House in Queeny Park in St. Louis County, we anticipate steady growth in appreciation by the dog fancy, as well as the general public, says Welsh. Well be able to plan exhibits, such as our current The Dog Illustrated, to better serve our constituents and further educate dog lovers about the extensive treasures housed at the museum.The Purina Invitational was supported by Roy Jones Dog Show, Inc., and the St. Louis County Parks and Recreation Department. Ralston Purina is the leading manufacturer of dog foods and a leader in dog nutrition.Courtesy of AARON D. CUSHMAN ASSOC., INC.WESTMINSTER JUDGING PANEL ANNOUNCEDToy judges for the 113th Westminster Kennel Club event, February 13 14th, 1989, are as followsBEST IN SHOW Mrs. Muriel Freeman TOY GROUP Dr. Harry Smith Jr.AFFENPINSCHERS Emil R. Klinckhardt BRUSSELS GRIFFONS Alexander C. Schwartz, Jr. CHIHUAHUAS Robert CondonENGLISH TOY SPANIELS B PC Richard Hammond ENGLISH TOY SPANIELS KC R Richard Hammond ITALIAN GREYHOUNDS Richard Hammond JAPANESE CHIN Richard Hammond MALTESE Emil R. Klinckhardt MANCHESTER TERRIERS TOY Richard Hammond MINIATURE PINSCHERS Robert Condon PAPILLONS Alexander C. Schwartz, Jr.PEKINGESE Mrs. Edna F. Ackerman POMERANIANS Richard Hammond POODLES TOY Mr. Frank T. Sabella PUGS Alexander C. Schwartz, Jr.SHIH TZU Mrs. Edna F. Ackerman SILKY TERRIERS Mrs. Edna F. Ackerman YORKSHIRE TERRIERS Emil R. KlinckhardtWorking, Terrier, Non-Sporting and Herding Breeds will be benched and judged on Monday, with respective Group judging Monday evening Sporting, Hound, and Toy Breeds and Groups will be judged on Tuesday. The entry will be limited to 2,500 and will close on January 4th, or whenever the limit is reached. Entry fee 30.00. A dog must be credited with one or more championship points to be eligible for entry at Westminster. Premium lists will be mailed in November.CHAMPIONPATTYS DUFFIES LIL SKIPPERi^ MB, Skipper says, Im taking a short break. Best of luck to my kennel-mate and yard companion AVENGER in the coming showsCHAMPIONPJS SACRED THE AVENGERContra Costa K.C. Photo rightBest of Breed, Toy Group 3 Thank you Dr. William FieldLong Beach K.C.Best of Breed, Toy Group 1 Thank you Mrs. Jean LepleyThe Avenger is handled by VIKKI POWELL Paradise, CA For OwnersSylvia Kelly, Van Nuys, CA Duane Doll, Lakeland, FLwA K AV 4 V' v xs t A VS4jpVHAPPYFOURTH TO ALL, FROM THE POMS AND THE PEKE AT...DE AMO KENNELSSylvia Kelly7455 Vista Del Monte, Van Nuys, CA 91405 818 780-7663 eves. 818 783-6300 daysThe Pom Reader July 1988Your Showcase For Purebred PomsPresented by Doll-McGinnis Publicationsa division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Inc.8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephones 813 858-2639 or 813 858-3839ADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAD SIZE FULL PAGE HALF PAGE 14 PAGE 18 PAGE 116 PAGEPREPAID96.0053.0027.0016.008.00BILLED120.0065.0035.0020.0012.00All ads 14 page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. Full Color is available at 300.00 per page. Accent Color is available - call for quote. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine.SAMPLE ISSUES 3.00 each BACK ISSUES 3.00 eachsubject to availabilityom PleaderAPRIL1988 VOLUME IV, NUMBER 2'jcaSc-Joc. cocncee- oucfczte ce OroDOLL-MCGINNISPUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809SUBSCRIPTION RATESIn U.S. Dollars12 Months - 12 Issues 24.00 third class post40.00 first class postDEADLINESThe deadline for advertising is the 10th of the month preceding publication date i.e., March 10th for the April issue. All ads received after the deadline will appear in the next available issue. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine.THE POM READER is sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best in Show judges.MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TODoll-McGinnis Publicationsm M KVOLUME IV, NUMBER 4\IJCh. Bi-Mar Sundance KidBULK RATE U.S. POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND,FLLINDA GALLAGHER PR 1288 2035 SE BETHEL CORVALLIS OR 97333 USA 3NEWS PUBLICATION - DO NOT DELAY ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED