The Pom Reader October 1988

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it itOCTOBER 1988 VOLUME IV, NUMBER 84f' -rc r . 'VT m smBEST OF BREED-HUNTSVILLE KENNEL CLUB FALL 1988vAPHOTO BYL. SOSACh. Janesas Glen Iris Sorceress On The Cover Ch. Janesas Glen Iris SorceressB.O.B. over Group winning Specials Mrs. Peggy Carr Group I over BIS Specials Mr. Bil BergumfMrs. Ruth WinstonCo-OwnerHandler Hiram StewartBred By Jerrie Freia JANESAS POMERANIANS\MiERMr. Richard GuevaraA Group winning champion bitch at ten months of age Come under her spell...Enchanted Owners Cheryl JacksonJoel Taylor GLEN IRIS POMERANIANS 1038 16th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 205-328-6603QnCH. STARFIRES VALENTINO-1S'rBESTOF BREED or VARIETYGREATER NAPLES DOG CLUBMAY 1988 PHOTO BY SABRINAlW\\\\\\\\PICTURED AT ELEVEN MONTHS.LOOK OUT FOR HIM WITH HIS NEW COATIN THE WINTERThank you judge Mrs. Mildred Bryant.TARFIRE POMERANIANSTONY CABRERA275 SW 72ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FL 33144 305 266-7471The Pom Reader October 19884iSom Q\^leacerV 88Volume IV, Number 7TABLE OF CONTENTS8. AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYJanice Luginsland reports on the summer National.10. POM CLUB OF GREATER DES MOINESSally Baugniet reports on the 1988 Specialty.12. SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-September AKC Gazette.14. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-September AKC Gazette.16. A CANADIAN BREEDERS POINT OF VIEWKaren Bradshaw tells of The Parvo Scare.18. TOO MANY PURE-BRED DOGSPam Guevara brings some enlightening statistics.19. OLYMPIAOld breeders dont die...they just hint away877i 8omy ffieocerThePom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication maybe reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Telephones 813 858-3839 or 813 858-2639.The Pom Reader October 1988This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront CoverCHERYL JACKSON JOEL TAYLOR GLEN IRIS POMSINDEX TO ADVERTISERSALLAN, M................................................ 9BENKO, A................................................9CABRERA, T........................................... 3CARSON, M. B.................................. 13CILIBERTO, B. L................................13COOK, S................................................ 13CREED, C.............................................. 13DOSSINGER, M.....................................13EPPS, N................................................. 13FEDDICK, R. J................................... 13FREIA, J.................................................13GAD, N...................................................13GODDARD, T. S.................................13GRAF, H.................................................11GRIFFIN, G............................................ 17GRIFFITH, K.......................................... 15HARTZ, K...............................................17HEARTZ, J. C.,...................................13HOVEY, J...............................................13JACKSON, C..................................... 1,2,9KELLY, S............................................... 13LEWIS, J.................................................. 7LISELLI, A. J........................................5LOVELY, V............................................ 11LUGINSLAND, J....................................17MARCHBANKS, M. J.........................17MARTIN, D.............................................17MILLER, K. E.............................17MILLER, B. P.............................10MUNSTER, S......................................... 13NAGY, S. B.........................................13NORRIS, B.............................................17PFEFFER, C...........................................17PIAZZA, S.............................................. 13REILLY, R. J.......................................15RINEHART, M.D.................................... 13ROSENBAUM, M.............................17SANDEFER, D.......................................10SUBY, R. P...........................................9TAYLOR, J.........................................1,2,9VERRETT, A............................................7AN-JO POMERANIANSWe are proud as can be. We are celebrating our First Champion...CH. GOLDEN AIRES LIL GOLD CADDYCh. Twin Pines Tico Tico x Wee Hearts Our Girl Friday..i5WINNERSfRAP FALLSKENNEL CLUBCy JNAE7mTICAShe showed in style and made us a winning team.Tica has made her move and finished quickly in fine style. Shown winning her second major under judge Mr. R. Stephen Shaw.On September 4,1988, after taking a break due to the summer heat, Tica finished under judgeMr. Cyril Bernfeld.We would like to thank all the judges who have seen her special qualities03-26-88 Mr. William Bergum 05-27-88 Miss Iris de la Torre Bueno 06-26-88 Mr. Ronald N. Rella major 07-10-88 Mrs. Jean K. Lepley 07-22-88 Mr. R. Stephen Shaw major 07-24-88 Mr. Kenneth D. Falconi 09-04-88 Mr. Cyril BernfeldThank you Sharon John Masnick for trusting a Novice with such a special little Pom.Thanks to all our ringside friends, old and new, for all your advice and encouragement. You helped make Ticas show career a very pleasant and memorable experience.Watch for Tica as a Special as soon as she is in full coat.Owned and Loved By ANNA JOSEPH LISELLI 27 President Road Mastic Beach, NY 11951 516 281-8246Bred and Loved By SHARON JOHN MASNICK GOLDEN AIRES POMS Huger, South Carolina 803 928-3511The Pom Reader October 1988SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITOROf course, if I didnt have to work, I could do all of the things that I have to pay others to do around here while Im working. Not that I mind working, you know, but I mind the way other people work when they dont work the way I think they should work. Or the way I would work. Take for example Junior His Wife.Some years ago it became quite apparent that I did not have the time to maintain the lawn. In order that we not become overgrown, however, we necessarily had to find someone who could do it. Following this there was a succession of yard-management types hanging around the place. First there was the up-and-coming new lawn care professional who arrived, impressed me with incredible photos and rock-bottom rates, and seduced me into signing a contract. Then he left. Three days later a man resembling a panhandler knocked on the door. He was here to care for the yard. Well, its right out there, over there, and back there, I offered, in case he had missed it. Presuming he went out to do his work, I went back to mine. Soon he was back. May I have some ice water, he inquired. Sure, its right up there, the glasses are over there, and the ice is in there. I returned to what I was doing. Again he knocked. Do you have an extra can of gas You didnt bring gas Well, okay, its over there behind the cars. I got the gas for him. It wasnt enough. May I use your phone Yeah, sure, you can use the phone. Twenty- seven minutes later he went back outside. No, I did not eavesdrop, but I could not figure out why he had to call his wife, his brother, and a friend to tell them that next time he would bring his own extra gas. Ah, well, what did I know I thought you started a mower, drove it around until the grass looked short, and then stopped, but then my own experience as a professional lawn person was less than stellar. Maybe this was the way the pros did it. I sighed to myself and forgot about it.Soon he was back again. Do you have a weed-eater Sure, its in the back of the barn, but dont you usually FINISH the lawn before you trim In answer to my question he shrugged, and ambled away across the yard. I watched out the window for him to reappear. He didnt. I went back to work. He still didnt come out of the barn. I went out and ran into him. Ill have to go get the company weed eater, he decreed. Ive never run one like yours. Then he was gone, and I went back to work.Long about two in the afternoon he returned with no explanation for the lengthy delay. You know, I mused, in the time you have gathered up all your things I could have mowed AND RAKED all ten acres. He shrugged again and I went into the house to call his superiors. I was just getting ready to throw a real snit when I finally, and for the first time that day, heard the whine of a mower out back. I went back to work with one ear geared to outside sounds. But something was amiss. It seemed to me that the sound of a mower, in the course of travel, alternates in pitch. This one just hummed the same note, a D flat if Im not mistaken, and I found it odd. I went outside. And there was the mower, idling in place, having cut a strip possibly twelve feet long. I hollered for Duane, whom I had kept apprised of the days progress or lack of it and when Duane came outside I yelled Do you believe this And using our gas WHERE IS THAT STUPID S.O.B. Whereupon the person in question popped out from behind a shrub, obviously roused from a much-needed nap. I threw him and his mower off the property and cancelled the contract with the company. And then they tried to get me to pay the six-month balance, and of course did not succeed, but thats another story.And speaking of story, quite a time was had in Texas by all, and there are numerous stories to tell. I refer, of course, to the recentThe Pom Reader October 1988cluster of shows in Ft. Worth, at which I was happily in attendance. The Dallas-Fort Worth Pom Club held its Specialty on Friday, and there were three All-Breed shows following that. I got a chance to visit with Janice Luginsland, who was on a busmans holiday, observing the Peke Specialty, and I watched quite a few classes of Poms, but there wasnt much time to spend with all the people I would have liked to spend time with. Olga Baker and I had planned a secret date to go dancing dont tell Darrell Baker but she stood me up, so from now on, until Darrell has recovered from his leg injury, Olga can just do the Watusi, solo. Or is it the Texas Two-Step I dont know, but whatever it is they do, Olga and I didnt do it. Maybe well just wait for the APC Specialty and then well do the Manhattan Minuet, much more proper anyway.But getting back to the lawn, if we must. One year some friends of ours had a brainstorm two of their children had decided to go into the lawn care business and our friends mortgaged the manse to provide the very latest in high-tech maintenance machines. And of course we were their very first customers. These kids showed up, radio headphones blaring, Gravelys roaring, high-pressure air things to whoosh around the left-over grass blasting, and the very latest in trimming equipment whining. Oh yes, and futuristic vacuum devices sucking up everything but the cement. They went through the place like a hurricane, and we thought they were great. But they only lasted a short while then they got bored and retired. The last time I went over to our friends, their garage resembled a fully stocked, if slightly dusty, Lawn Garden Department at Nieman Marcus.But getting back to Junior His Wife, after several unsatisfactory attempts at hiring yard people, we interviewed the aforementioned duo. They did not look like your usual garden variety workers. They were quite up in age they were not tan, and unlike their predecessors, they had no fancy gadgetry, nor manicured office and grounds. They took our calls at a tavern, and arrived whenever we needed them. We were never sure, but there were times we thought they had been at the tavern BEFORE they came to cut. On those days, they would make incredible, sweeping passes around the property, in random fashion, at top speed, waving at each other as their mowers crossed paths. Our insurance agents are at this very moment having collective cardiac arrests we never told them about Junior His Wife We had to run FAST across the yard if we wanted to go out mostly we stayed IN until they finished. At that point in time we had several vehicles, one a classic of English extraction. The Juniors would roar between the cars and I would close my eyes in terror. But they never left a scratch. And their machinery broke down without fail, but they always came back when it was fixed. They would stagger around with the weed machines then I couldnt even look out the window. But when they got done, the place was gorgeous, and they would have been proud if they could have seen it.But for the four years they worked for us, they always had a smile on their faces, and so I was understandably surprised the day they showed up with frowns. And they looked very strange clean shaven him, coiffed her, dressed up, very somber and sober. They could no longer work for us, they reported. Why, I asked, Arent you happy here Well, yes, they were happy, but there was something they had to show us. We walked out to the truck, and there on the front seat was the most adorable little girl you ever saw. Three years old, blonde. Adopted. And the light of their lives.The last time I saw Junior His Wife, the kid was going on five the Jr.s had both had full-time, INSIDE jobs for two years, and the smiles on their faces were for real, this time. Good luck, Junior His Wife Their Girl. My lawn can wait.Until next month, Poms Away JMcG7CH. BAYOU VIEW MAHOGANY ACTIONCONGRATULATIONS MIKEY ON YOUR NEW TITLELW.mmv'-V'"V.lm. 111 ^WE ARE VERY PROUD TO BE THE BREEDERS OF THIS EXTRAORDINARY BOY.THANKS VIRGINIA DAVIS AND ANITA NAGEL, HIS OWNERS, AND DENNIS MCCOY HIS HANDLER, FOR LOVING AND BELIEVING IN MIKEY.GOOD LUCK AS YOU BEGIN YOUR SPECIALS CAREER WITH DENNIS MCCOYBreedersJOHN LEWIS ADAM VERRETT P.O. BOX 1943 MORGAN CITY, LA 70381 504 384-0486OwnersHandler VIRGINIA DAVIS ANITA NAGEL25707 COUNTY ROAD 32DENNIS MCCOY ELBERTA, AL 36530205 986-8218The Pom Reader October 19888AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB 1988 SUMMER NATIONAL SPECIALTYFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1989 DES MOINES, IOWABy Judge Janice LuginslandI would like to thank the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines, Inc., the host club for the 1988 Summer National Pomeranian Specialty, for inviting me to judge my first National Specialty. It will always remain a very special memory for me. The show was efficiently managed with a lovely trophy table, excellent home-cooked meal and capable stewards. The video filmed by Jane Lehtinen and Bob Fiddick was excellent. If anyone has the opportunity to view this video, it is certainly worthwhile.Unfortunately, early September is not a prime time for Pomeranian coats and the entry was not as large as I had anticipated. The other clubs in the cluster co-operated by having Pomeranian breeder-judges for the four days of judging.I do appreciate the exhibitors who supported the club with their entries even though their Poms might not have been at their best coat- wise.I was looking for atypey Pom with good balance and soundness, adequately coated with the typical Pomeranian personality.I found that head types were generally good. I found no exhibits with overly large ears but a few ear placements that could have been higher. Bone size was generally medium which can only be determined by feeling as some Poms carry much heavier leg hair than others. Back length was short to average with good level backs.I do not remember a roached back in any entry and only two that were a bit low in the shoulder. Tail sets were generally good with several exhibits having end of tail lying on side rather than straight up the center of the back. There were some stifle problems either noticeable in table examinations andor in gaiting. I feel breeders must try to achieve proper balance, correct angulation in front and rear with soundness in legs in breeding programs.My lineup for Best of Breed was lovely to behold. The ring was large and gave each exhibit an opportunity to space himself adequately. The hot weather had taken its toll on some of the dogs coats. I do thank all the exhibitors who presented their Poms so well and made my job both easier and HARDERMy selection for Best of Breed went to Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Amigo, bred by Mrs. James Dupre, Sr., owned by Marlene Frank Penney of Milton, Ontario, Canada. He was handled by Marlene Penney. He was a red with shading, medium size, attractive head with good expression and pigmentation, compact body, movement good coming and going and particularly well balanced in side movement. He was in adequate coat for time of the year and with good texture to coat. He acted as if he were enjoying his outing to the United States.My Winners Dog was from the Bred By Exhibitor class, breederowner Jane Lehtinen of Minnesota. He was a clear orange in good coat for the time of the year. He had an attractive head with good wedge and nice ear size. He had a compact body with short back set off by high tailsetting. He was balanced in his angulation exhibiting good movement front and rear. He was shown at the proper speed for him.My Winners Bitch and Best of Winners, Jestoms MissWonderful, came from the 6-9 puppy class. She is bred and owned by J. T. Stephens who were in the process of moving back to the West Coast. I truly felt the is the type of Pom that should go on to help this breed. She is a redorange, nice size with enough leg to be stylish. She had a solid, cobby body with short back coupled with four good legs which gave her good movement with proper side movement and extension. She showed in typical puppy fashion being interested in everything going on around her and with short attention span. I hope I have the opportunity to see her again when she is fully mature.My Best of Opposite Sex was Ch. Cherlyns Aint She Sweet, bred and owned by Cheryl Bergerson of MN. She is a lovely female of ideal size in my mind, good coat of proper texture and good density. She has a sweet expression and good ear placement compact, cobby body with good legs and movement and balanced angulation. She, too, enjoyed her time in the limelightFIRST PLACINGSPuppy Dogs 6-9 Months JOLEES SPIKE D-ORNG CAROUSEL.Owner Joan L. Williams, Colorado Springs, CO.Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months Ml BABES M CRASH . Owner Babe McCombs, Ola, AR.American Bred Dogs LON-DUI AM A DANDY. Owner Arlon Duit, Monticello, IA.Open Dogs, Black, Brown, Blue HIGHVIEWS MIDNIGHT APOLLO.Owner Rose John Hansen, Belderville, Wl.Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream Sable ROCKYS CHIP OF GOLD. Owner Virginia Rockhold, Albers, IL.Winners Dog JAN-LES RAGTIME MUSIC RWD ROCKYS CHIP OF GOLDPuppy Bitches 6-9 Months JESTOMS MISS WONDERFUL. Owner J. T. Stephens, WA.Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months ANNONS THE PEGGING FORCE.Owner Ann Cannon Linda Napolitano, Manassas, VA. Novice Bitch COURBETTES RISE SHINE. Owner Victoria Leitner, Bonnie, IL.Bred-By Exhibitor Bitches ANNONS BONNIE BLUE. Owner Ann Cannon, Nokesville, CA.Open Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream Sable BELTANE SUCH A SPREE. Owner Paul Barbara Curry, Ml.Winners Bitch JESTOMS MISS WONDERFUL RWB BELTANE SUCH A SPREEVeteran Dogs CH. MIDAS ROCK TEMPO. Owner Jonanthan Roberta Massey, Iron, MN.Best of Breed CH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD AMIGO. OwnerMarlene Frank Penney, Milton, Ont., CN.Best of Winners JESTOMS MISS WONDERFUL. Owner J. T. Stephens, WA..Best of Opposite Sex CH. CHERLYNS AINT SHE SWEET. Owner Cheryl Bergerson, Chisago City, MN.Janice Luginsland, JudgeThe Pom Reader October 19889MEE-GEE POMS and GLEN IRIS POMS presentCH. MEE-GEES TOUCH OF FROSTLver'BOB Paducah KC, Dr. L. SeligmanBOB Southeast MO KC, Mrs. E. W. TiptonBOB over BIS Specials Blennerhassett KC, Mrs. E.Boutwell photoRUCKUS the cream sable that can MOVE FLASH Gr. Ill, Clarksville KC, Mrs. K. Blumberg-Kahn Gr. I, Nashville KC, Mrs. F. Thornton Polly Ferguson Cheryl Jackson239 Ridge Avenue 1038 16th Ave. SouthGreenville, MS 38701 Birmingham, AL 35205601 334-9569 205 328-6603Fudge son availableBLOSSOM HEIGHTS PUPPET9Sire Ch. Millamors Mood MusicDam Bobbys Cuddles Best in Match All Breed at the Jupiter Tequesta Dog Club, 9-11-88 Best In Match Judge Joyce Ecker Breed Group Judge Joan ScholzOwner Arlene Benko Breeder Goldie McGuireBLOSSOM HEIGHTS POMS, 5351 Jeffrey Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33407. Tel 407-842-5591ALLAYNS....An Equal Opportunity Kennel3 fBEST OF BREED OR VARIETY 1ALLAYNS SOUTHERN COMFORT Ch. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine x Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold Koquette C.D.Shown taking Best of Breed for a major over two male Specials. Thank you, Mr. Norman Patton. BELLE has been out on Maternity Leave, but shell be back in the ring very soon now. Watch for her.Mary Allan2508 E. Tacoma Street Broken Arrow, OK 74014 918 355-2531CH. SHILOHS ICY TEDDY BEARjsrrBESTOF BREED OR VARIETYnew championTeddy finished August 13,1988, at Oakcreek, Wisconsin. His wins include a Group III. Thanks to all the judges and special thanks to Lois Martin for lovingly showing Teddy for us. Puppies available, McKamey Great Elms lines.SHILOH KENNEL - Ron Phyllis Suby Rt. 3, Box 178, Forest City, IA 50436 Ph. 515 582-4553The Pom Reader October 198810THE POMERANIAN CLUBOF GREATER DES MOINES SEPTEMBER 1988 SPECIALTY SHOWSATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1989 DES MOINES, IOWA By Judge Sally BaugnietI had an unexpected opportunity to judge Poms for the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines the day after the American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty in Des Moines. Darrell Baker fell while going downstairs at his home..__ I understand he has a very bad breakr A to one of his legs and has a cast on hisv S' entire leg up to his hip. Darrell, heal fast - good luckNeedless to say, I could not show my bitch I had entered at either of the two Specialties, nor could I watch Friday, September 9th at the A.P.C. Specialty. Someone else will hopefully give you a critique of that show. [Ed. note see The American Pom Club Specialty by judge Janice Luginsland in this issue. JMcG]This year the Pom Club of Greater Des Moines held their specialty with the all-breed Central Iowa Kennel Club show so the A.P.C. could take their usual Friday date. The results of the judging are as followsPuppy Dogs 6-9 Months POM PUFS SPUNKYS STARR SPARKLER, breeder-owner Gwen R. Hodson. A very sound moving, nicely coated puppy. A larger sized puppy but not too large for me. Nice proportions and a good attitude. Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months SILLBERGS FUN N FROLIC, breeder- owner Ruth A. Ellis. A very nice smaller type pup. Well balanced and good moving.Bred By Exhibitor Dogs JAN-LES RAGTIME MUSIC, breeder- owner Jane Lehtinen. A nicely proportioned dog. Good rear movement and very well presented. This was my Reserve Winner.Open Dogs, Brown Blue HIGHVIEWS MIDNIGHT APOLLO, breeder-owner Rose John Hansen. Pleasant head, medium sized black. A single entry.Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream Sable MULLER KAZAR SUNGOLD ILLUSION, breeder, Lillian David Muller, owner Richard Lackey. Orange, well balanced, good moving dog. Winners Dog and Best of Winners.Puppy Bitches 6-9 Months JESTOMS MISS WONDERFUL breeder-owners Jessie Tom Stephens. Such a fantastic bundle of dynamite. Watch her when she grows upPuppy Bitch 9-12 Months MCKAMEYS RUFFLES LACE, breeder Mrs. Norris McKamey owner Peggy Autumn Roberts. We had some very nice puppies in this class. I liked the carriage and coat of this puppy.Novice Bitch COURBETTS RISE SHINE breeder-owner Victoria Leitner. A single entry.Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitch ALLAYNS ROCK OPERA breeder-owner Mary Allen. A very nice single entry.American bred bitch POM ACRES SERFIA NADE, breeder-owner Juanita Fiddick. A single entry.Open Bitches Red, Orange, Cream Sable BELTANE SUCH A SPREE breeders Barbara Currey JoAnn Schiffer owners Paul Barbara Currey. A very nice orange bitch overall. True front and rear gait, but bounced. This was Winners.Veteran Dog CH. MIDAS ROCK TEMPO, breeder-owner Jonathan Roberta Massey. A gorgeous Veteran in beautiful coat and full of vim vigor.Best of Breed CH. PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR, breeder-owner Peter J. Galindo Ronald L. Welch. A cobby, beautifully coated orange. Head carried proudly and high. True free and easy gait, front rear. He went on to Group 2nd.Best of Opposite Sex CH. CHERLYNS AINT SHE SWEET, breeder-owner Cheryl Bergerson. A very nice heavily coated specials bitch.I wonder if we as breeders sometimes lose good fronts and rears in our quest for cute faces and huge coats. Contrary to what some people will tell us, a Pom is a dog which should be able to romp and play with other dogs, free of crippling pain and free of as many defects as possible. Poor legs and patellas are a big problem in our breed. This may be perpetuated by the breeder who thinks a Pom only has to be cute and can be carried from the couch to the food dish. The Pom has the potential to be more than that, it is intelligent. If it has good legs, the Pom could be tops in obedience as well as an excellent pet.Let us raise Poms that are sound, not just cute. Can you say your Poms can jump on the couch and back down without help Can they romp and play painlessly with each other Do they walk on all four legs or are they one of those mathematical Poms put three down and carry oneDSally BaugnietD^aiES 'tPom1 BT male, whelped Feb. 29, 1988. Sire Desirees Dark Danny Boy Dam Desirees Pom Pom.1 BT male whelped Dec. 25,1987. Sire Ch. Desirees Rippling Fudge. Dam Desirees Fancy Charity.1 BT male - Desirees Dark Danny Boy whelped Feb. 15, 1986. Sire Desirees Smoky Mt. Boy. Dam Desirees Fancier Faith. Danny is the litter mate of Desirees Chriscen- do Colorful, a BT who finished his Canadian championship in 2 shows, despite the fact that BTs are hardly recognized in Canada.DESAREE SANDIFER509 OAKDALE STREET GASTONIA, NC 28054 704 865-08593KYIANDPOMERANIANSBeverly Presley Miller Rt. 1, Box 1064 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 919-670-2613Puppies Sired by Great Elms ChampionsThe Pom Reader October 198811CRESKENS GOLDEN BOY BI-MAR SON N DANCE MANTfUH wmSPWHOOft6PhotoswsTEVE.N ROSSImported from Singapore - Australian BloodlinesBreederNitinkumar ParekhWatch for Bears Daughter LOVELY POLARPOM OF CRESKENOwnerVictoria LovelyW.E-T5Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid x Bi-Mar Kat BallouBreederMary RosenbaumLovely Pomeranians12022 30th Street E., Puyallup, WA 98372 206 863-8608OwnersVictoria Lovely Blake JonesWatch for Dannys daughter LOVELY BABY DOLL OF BI-MARGRAFENHORSTS POMSPRESENTSTEDDYBEAUTIFULLY AND EXCLUSIVELY HANDLED BY GLYNETTE CASS, PHA FOR OWNER HORST GRAF GRAFENHORST POMS 12000 N.W. 2ND STREET PLANTATION, FL 33325 305 475-2465CH. TINIEST TOYS LITTLE SHORT STUFF6VSiCHAMPIONBEST OF WINNERSSPARTANBURG KENNEL CLUB JULY I988PHOTO BY SABRINAThe Pom Reader October 198812---------------- SPECIALS ADDITION --------------------TOP TWENTY POMERANIANS - JANUARY THROUGH SEPTEMBER AKC GAZETTE Presently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the Breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsPoints not to be confused with AKC championship points are alloted to individuals according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and Fields Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point credit. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds...............500BEST IN SHOW Specialty.................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty...75TOY GROUP FIRST..............................250TOY GROUP SECOND.........................150TOY GROUP THIRD............................... 75TOY GROUP FOURTH........................... 25BEST OF BREED....................................10Statistician Susan Wade. Tie placements will be marked with an asterisk and listed in alphabetical order. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Poms, through the SEPTEMBER 1988 AKC Gazette.POINTS NAME11285 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING H D... PiazzaBaker, Owners4430 CH. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOY D.............................B. Stetson, Owner2200 CH. APOLLOETTE MOONLITE GAMBLER D.. M. M. Presser, Owners1420 CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIEL D............................C. Pfeffer, Owner1315 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D.......................................LuginslandGoddard, Owners1270 CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY D...........................N. Burnette, Owner1170 CH. HOMESTEADS SPITN POLISH D.............................J. Hurley, Owner1140 CH. LANAS TOP PRIORITY D.........................................CraigEjchorszt, Owners1120 CH. WHARTONS SEPPI VON HONIG D..........................CokeWharton, Owners960 CH. BI-MARS SUNDANCE KID D....................................M. Rosenbaum, Owner925 CH. BELLS GRANDSTAND ROWDY D...........................B. Bell, Owner905 CH. SUN RAYS BATMAN D.............................................F. Rodrigues, Owner830 CH. PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR D GalindoWelch, Owners770 CH. SYSAME CLEAN SWEEP D.......................................S. Schlienz, Owner755 CH. CHRISCENDO CALVIN KLEIN D...............................HeartzMiller, Owners680 CH. MIXONS ROSSI OF FRIPP D....................................L. Collings, Owner625 CH. TEXICANS GIANT KILLER CHULA D.... N. Gad, Owner610 CH. MIDAS FASCINATING RHYTHM D............................J. Lehtinen, Owner600 CH. SOUTHLANDS MR. VIP OTDA D..............................CreedJenner, Owners585 CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR D.... F. Stoll, OwnerTie Placements alphabeticalBISA BISS BOSS I9 1 - 184 1-6541 - - 231 - - 21- - 11 212n in iv bob10 5 4 615 3 84 4 1 102 1123 2 43 - - 72 3 1 125 4 2 42 3 173 - - 12 2 1 203 2 132 - - 31 3 1 1211-31 4 2 1812 151 1 12 52 3-6The Pom Reader October 198813HOME OF THENORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942KILLER AND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Westside Road El Paso, TX 79932TIM SUE POMERANIANSTIM SUE GODDARD Route 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622RHEA-NA POMS.. .Breeding exclusively the Bev- Nor line. All litters by Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman, Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, out ofChampions, pointed, and Ch. producing daughters of same. FOR SALE 2 Ch. Toasty sons X Ch. Statesman daughter X Ch. Producing Fudge daughter. Several litters due in July.Steve Barbara Nagy, Rt. 2, Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Tel 703 869-3749.SouthlandPomeraniansRAYS OF SUNSHINE" CHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE PINEVILLE, LA 71360 PHONE 318 - 466-3456JDs Pompous PomsHome of Ch. JDs Bella DonnaCh. JDs Country Bumpkin Ch. Circle M Comes A Hossman JANET HOVEY, 34856 Acton Canyon Road, Acton, CA 93510. Tel 805 269-5575DE AMOSYLVIA KELLY13347 SHERMAN WAY, NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 818-764-5223 or 818-780-7663IGERAMA POMSSkip Piazza THE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266De ArtasOakridge PomeraniansM. Dean Rinehart De Arta Kennel422 W. Fairchild Drive Midwest City, OK 73110 405-732-0402Nina K. Epps Oakridge KennelsR4, Box 48X El Dorado Springs, MO 64744DOSSMARFor Sale Beautiful chocolatewhite parti females born 7-15-88.Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Road414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040Since 1967bernie lo\s"cRciliberto9605Ph 813-996-3811esceNDO PomsLand oPom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613Robert Juanita Fiddick Tel 319-989-2199Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia. Ocala. Florida 32676 904 237-1636EMCEES POMS Puppies available occasionally Stud Service to approved bitches Great Elms, Model lines Morris Betty Carson, 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, VA 23233. Tel 804 740-7977^asieassJerrie Freia P. O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466iohn e. heaitzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY P.O. Box 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S., CANADA BON ICOPHONE 902 895-7427KARMUN iMUNSTER NEVER DULL KENNELS'Shelties 314 So. Joliet St. nomeraniansWilmington, Illinois 60481BREEDER KAREN MUNSTER 815-476-2039The Pom Reader October 198814---------- UPDATE -------------TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY THROUGH SEPTEMBER AKC GAZETTEWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranians fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on this area. The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience, and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this publications will be used for point credit. Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e., a September show may notbe published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS THE LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE JANUARY THROUGH SEPTEMBER AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR........................... POINTSJ. CABRERA..................................46M. B. CARSON........................... 44G. HODSON....................................40JACKSONTAYLOR.......................38T. HOOBAN....................................36I. TARVER.....................................35GALAVICHMEGENHARDT ... 34 P. GRIFFON.................................. 34J. KLEIN..................................... 34A. LAFORTUNE............................33C. R. READY............................. 33Tie placements alphabeticalThe Pom Reader October 198815 NEW FOR 1989 THE ALL TOY CALENDARFeaturing the work of Paulette Braun, PETS BY PAULETTEmJrfThe All Toy Calendar promises to be a collectors item for all Toy Dog fanciers. Featuring the award-winning work of Paulette Braun of PETS BY PAULETTE, this full-color, magazine size calendar will contain 13 exciting studio shots of different Toy breeds a perfect gift for doggie friends and a must for any Toy fanciers office or home. Offered exclusively by Doll-McGinnis Publications.Regular Price 10.95 each SPECIAL SUMMER RATES Single Calendar Price 7.95 each Ten or more calendars 6.95 each Offer good through August 15, 1988Please add 1.50 for postage handlingOrder now to take advantage of reduced prices. Send check or money order to Doll-McGinnis Publications, Dept. T, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Tel 813-858-3839ChesaiPomeranians.CHESAI PLAYING FOR TIME Handled by Ron Feyh 9 points to date Robert Joan Reilly 512 438-266726093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260SEenetfe tPo rneianian^Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Ownera2o IPuppies generally available sired by our own champions as well as other studs. Most of our Poms are Great Elmsand we strive to breed Poms of good size and type. Pictures and pedigrees upon request. We will be glad to put you on our mailing list to receive our offerings and newsletter. Puppies priced from 200.00 and up. Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette.The Pom Reader October 1988A CANADIAN BREEDERS POINT OF VIEWby Karen Bradshaw THE PARVO SCAREThis article was written in December of 1982 for the Canadian Pom News. I had parvo in my kennel the summer of 1981. This is how I coped with the unknown at that time.In July, 1981, we arrived home from a two- week vacation to find one of our Pom puppies with enteritis. She was at that time six months old. I got out my Vansup and gave her a dose that would stop a train and figured she would be right as rain by morning. The next morning she wasnt any better, so I gave her another dose and due to the fact she was a little weak, I gave her some Nutrical diet supplement in a tube to pick her up. Well, by noon she had picked up some, but sheer instinct told me I wasnt dealing with a simple case of enteritis. So off to the Vets we went.My Vet took one look at my Pom and said, YOU HAVE PARVO IN YOUR KENNEL. Well, right away my brain started over-working, trying to figure out where did I pick this up Panic set in as I thought of my fifteen remaining Poms at home, the results of seven years of breeding. How was I going to endure losing my little dogs At this point I was on the verge of tears and despair.The only way to help the situation was to get a grip on myself and start to think positive. The first thing on my mind was to find out as much about the disease as possible. Secondly, how can you kill it Thirdly, did they have a vaccination I could give my dogs other than feline originWell, I found out that the Parvo virus attacks the healthy dividing cells in the intestinal tract. These cells rupture and bleed. This causes the bloody enteritis. The virus is passed from one dog to another in the stool of an infected dog. This virus is so strong that a dog can relieve itself on a sidewalk, the mess is then washed away by rain, you walk over this area without knowing and pick up the virus on your shoes. Then you take it home with you.The girl that was minding my kennel while I was away, had walked into my kennel with street shoes on about a week before we returned.Also, Parvo remains in the dogs stool up to eight weeks after infection. The only two known disinfectants that will kill this virus are formaldehyde and chlorine bleach like Javex.Well, I was lucky in the fact that the first shipment of the killed virus serum had just arrived at my Vets. I took enough home to do all my dogs and vaccinated them right away and again two weeks later.Armed with twelve gallons of Javex bleach, I assaulted my kennel. My plan of attack was as follows1. Placed a foot bath at the door of the kennel with a strong solution of Javex and water in it, wore rubber boots and walked through it going in and out of the kennel changed the foot bath every day2 Each Pom stayed in his own kennel for six weeks after the last outbreak Seems cruel It saved their lives And stopped the spread of the virus.3 Scrubbed out all pens and the floor with strong Javex soluThePom Reader October 1988tion and water every day Kept windows and doors open.4 Always wore rubber gloves for cleaning out pens or touching dogs, and left them in Javex solution when not in use5 Washed all clothing worn in kennel in strong Javex wash.6 Allowed no outsiders in kennel.7 Cleaned the run out and raked it well put all findings in plastic garbage bags and locked them up until they could be taken to thedump. Always threw bags into the pit out of reach of other dogs. Papers are usually damp so they dont burn successfully. With a weed sprayer, I soaked my runs with a strong solution of Javex and water also sprayed the fencing. This I did twice.8 Checked the Poms every three hours day and night and cleaned out the pens every trip. In doing this I could keep track of when they went last, if they were vomiting, not eating, etc.9 At the very first sign of the virus, I gave the Poms Vansup antibiotic used in the treatment of scours. In most cases this coated the intestines and stopped the diarreah. I also gave penicillin orally. Most of the adult Poms had a light case of Parvo. I think this was due to the serum as it was a week after the pup got it that the other Poms started. Ths Poms had been vaccinated a week by then. This treatment only works for mild cases. The severe ones need intravenous fluids, for dehydration, so you must get them to your Vet.Well, you might say, looking at this regimen, how can one individual hold up for a whole month at this rate It wasnt easy I was a walking zombie, kept going by the love I have for my Poms. After a whole month of fighting the battle, I lost only two of my Poms. The battle was well worth fighting.A catastrophe such as I went through is avoidable, you see, only two of my Poms were vaccinated for Parvo as I was showing them. Due to public controversy, I hadnt done the rest. Vaccinate all your Poms with the killed virus serum. The live virus will shed off in the stool. As yet my vet wont let me use it. My pups are done at six weeks, eight weeks, and again at twelve weeks. I havent had a recurrence in my pups because of this regimen. All my Poms are done every six months with the killed virus. Again - no recurrence.Dont wear street shoes in your house or kennel. Have guests take their shoes off at the door. Dont let people into your kennel. Foot baths are a good idea at the kennel door during the warmer months. Use one pair of boots or shoes for the kennel only.Dont let all your Poms run together in the kennel house. Get them separate pens. Large Airline Kennels work well. If a dog is off its food you know it immediately. If he is sick you can tell right away. When they run together and eattogether it is sometimes too late by the time you have found the Pom with the problem.All outside dogs coming in for breeding should have had a booster within the last six months. Insist upon itHopefully, these suggestions will help you.Well, you know, one month after my Poms had been sick, my son came running up to the barn yelling for me. Knowing the urgency in his voice, I went running out to him. He yelled, Mom, I have good news and bad news. The good news is Lucy had a litter of pups and the bad news is she had them in the kennel. Well I told him that wasnt all the bad news, as I couldnt remember breeding her so who was the father We ran to the kennel and put the pups in my shirt and moved the family into the puppy room in the house. Looking at the pups, I said they should be from a certain male, but he was too small to reach. Later I looked at my breeding records and I had indeed bred her just before our vacation.I had been so mentally and physically exhausted that I had forgotten completely about her and she had hidden them so well I didnt suspect her pregnancy. Well here this female had had her pups in a kennel that less than a month before had been full of a deadly virus. All of them grew up healthy with no problems at all.The first litters from two of my femaies that had parvo died within three weeks of birth. The second litters were 100 percent okay. All other females showed no problems at all.Since the parvo epidemic here we have serviced nine outside females all had been vaccinated without any reinfection to them or their offspring. To date, one and a half years later, we have had no recurrence of Parvo. If you ever suspect parvo in your Poms, call your veterinarian right away. The Pom can start out with depression, vomiting and the diar- reah, or any one of these symptoms. Early treatment is of great importance. Remember you only fear what you dont understand.By the way we saved that little Pom who had parvo.Karen Bradshaw, RR1, Bowden, Alberta, TOM 0K0, CanadaMILLAMORKen MillerHawthorne, Apt. E-6 Mt. Vernon, OH 43050 Tel 614-392-1718Eleanor Miller 5426 Spring Lake Drive Lakeland, FI 33811 Tel 813-646-5864MNMS POMS-R-USMARY MARCHBANKS4986 AVILA WAY, BUENA PARK, CA 90621 Tel 714994-025917Bev-Nor Pomeranians, home of CH. bev-N0RS toasted fudge,1 Pom for 1981,1982,1983 24 Best in Shows, 5 Specialties. Sire of only BLACK TAN to ever go BISA sire of top winning females 1984,1985. Sire of BIS, Group and Specialty winners. Stud Fee 250.00 limited to 20. CH. THELDUNS ALMOND FUDGE, Sire of 35 Champions, BIS, Group and Specialty winners. Stud fee 250.00 limited to 20. CH. BEV-NORS STATESMAN, Multi Group winner, sire of champions. Stud fee 250.00. 6 Litters by the above studs due September BEV-NOR POMS, Beverly Norris 7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. Tel 301 255-1343. jAewes AiBameramaisDOT MARTINRt.2, Box 30M, Rock Hill, SC 29730 Tel 803-377-7718BiMar PomeraniansHome of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Mary A. Rosenbaum36520 28th Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003 206-838-6397 or 206-927-2369DOVERHOLIHOUSEPOMSThe Partis Just BegunKathryn Hartz Patricia Foley Dan Ninotski 609 695-1642 STARLITE POMSGAYLE GRIFFINP.O. Box 469, Amity, OR 97101LLLJanice Luginsland Route 1, Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316-443-5157C^Jrecious ^JeiiiesBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson, LA 70181 504 737-1729The Pom Reader October 198818TOO MANY PURE-BRED DOGSby Pam GuevaraI thought many people would find these two sets of numbers interesting to compare. The set from 1947 came from an old AKC Gazette, and I compared them to the registrations from the month of November, 1987, as per the AKC Gazette.Ive long contended that there are simply too many pedigreed dogs being bred and registered too many being produced to make a fast buck. Nothing in these figures has given me reason to change my mind. The difference alone between the totals for these two months adds up to more than the entire human population of Eau Claire, Wisconsin a moderately large community. Take that difference for a year and you have a number roughly equivalent to the total human population of the state of Montana, and far exceeding the populations of the states of Delaware, or Wyoming, or Vermont, or either North or South Dakota. Thats just the difference The total number of dogs registered with the AKC in 1987 would exceed the population of several more states. The total number of dogs registered in the past 10 years would place AKC dogs if they lived in a state of their own 9th overall in population in the U.S. between Michigan and New Jersey in total population.Thats one HELL of a lot of dogs. Forgetting the puppy mills, I think we ALL ought to be more careful in our breeding programsThe following is the difference for ONE month, November 1947 November 1987, in the Toy breeds aloneTOY GROUPBreed 1947 1987Affenpinschers........................... .......... 9Brussels Griffon......................... ........... 7 19Chihuahuas........................................... 465 1457English Toy Spaniel................... ........... 16 9Italian Greyhounds.................... ........... 1 69Japanese Chin........................... ........... 7 56Maltese...................................... ........... 889Miniature Pinschers................... ........... 93 383Papillons.................................... ........... 2 73Pekingese.................................. ........... 633 1305Pomeranians......................................... 524 1962Pugs.......................................... ........... 72 769Shih Tzu..................................... ........... 2444Silky Terriers.............................. ........... 179Toy Manchesters....................... ........... 184 Yorkshire Terriers...................... ........... 20 2477TOTALS 2024 12100Difference PLUS 10,076The Pom Reader October 1988The following is the total for each Variety Group, November 1947 November 1987VARIETY GROUP 1947 1987SPORTING GROUP................................. 7863 21900HOUND GROUP....................................... 3193 8500WORKING HERDING GROUPS. 3796 19300TERRIER GROUP.................................... 1743 5800TOY GROUP............................................. 2024 12100NON-SPORTING GROUP........................ 2346 15700TOTALS 20965 83300DIFFERENCE 62,335For purposes of tabulation, Working Herding Groups are combined prior to the early 1980s, the breeds in our current Herding Group were classified as Working Breeds.The author has been involved in the sport of purebred dogs for many years. For most of this time she has been associated with the top winning dogs of KNOLLAND FARMS, owned by Edward B. Jenner.OLYMPIADogs Howl and...Old breeders dont die, they just hint awayZV yOld Noah built his ark and sailed away, but you have to stay put and fight the flood of fleas Try this when the next annual innun- dation comesSiphotrol II Plus House Treatment 32 oz. spray container and Siphotrol Plus Foggers 6 oz. and 11.5 oz. containers used in conjunction in home and kennel area kept Olympialand flea free for two years after only one application, and we live in the south, where the innundation is year round We sprayed the II Plus liberally on floors and some furniture it is non-oily, leaves no staining residue, closed up the house and kennel first removing all the critters and covering the fish tanks which we turned to OFF, set off the foggers, the size of fogger dependent on the size of each room treated. We stayed out for three hours and there was no smell when we reentered. It is safe for walking on, even for our resident cat, as soon as it dries. The directions said the product would rid us of pre-adult and adult fleas for up to seventeen weeks, but it far outlasted that, and also got rid of some pesky ugh roaches which our monthly pest-control man had not been so successful at. We no longer use a monthly service. On both the first occasion and the second that we used this method we still had a few recalcitrant fleas for about ten days, and checked the dogs daily to spray them if they had one or two on their bodies, but after the residual effect was completed that was that At least a dozen other doggy folks have tried this method, when all other and some very drastic measures had been taken unsuccessfully and they praise it most highly. This product is available at most vets, but it is cheaper through the dog wholesale catalogs. We used 7-32 oz. spray containers on a 2500 sq. ft. area, plus 5 foggers for special room areas where fleas were a real problem. We also took care to flea free the dogs and cat on the same day that the house was treated. Do NOT use this product ON your dogs or catsEar Mites Or...ONCE IS QUITE ENOUGH Ivermectin, product name Ivomec, which I have heard lately you all are talking so much about as a control for internal parasites, is an exceptional product for treating ear mites. I have not used it internally, and so know nothing about that principle, but my vet gave me Ivermectin in a squeeze bottle mixed with sterile water, 1 part Ivermectin, 1 part water as an alternative to messy, oily, matting and long term uggh ear mite treatment. 2-3 drops in each ear ONE time does the job in most cases. Only in one stubborn case did I have to go back a week later to repeat the treatment. Since my initial meeting up with this product I have purchased it in a 50 ml. bottle from a dog wholesale supply house most of them advertise it and the price ranges anywhere from 29.00 to 35.00 for a 50 ml. bottle but the price is worth it, considering it is mixed 10-1 And considering that ONCE IS ENOUGHFt U Cling Free Those cling free sheets we use in the dryer have two good uses in Pommiedom. They are simply marvelous to use as anti-static reducers on those electrically charged show days one The Pom Reader October 1988swipe down the slant of britches or over the tail plume after it is brushed and spread over back will get rid of the hair raising static. I also use cling frees to wipe those hardened areas under eyes where tear-stainers weep avoiding contact of the sheet with the eye itself. This softens the hardened area and it wipes right off, with no more squealing or resistance from the dog.Its PARKAY, not BUTTER I luv butter on my bread, but my operator insists on budgetary margarine However, whichever of these products you place on the butt of your newborn puppies for a dam who does not think butts are biscuits the dam will lick off the wonderful stuff, and thereby get the idea of what SHE is supposed to do so you wont have to do itVanilla Float, Anyone One drop of vanilla extract on a dogs nose will keep him from mat sniffing for bait in the show ring, and a few drops rubbed into the fur of a newborn pup who has to be given to a foster dam will rid the pup of the real dams scent and make acceptance by the foster dam easier.FILTER IT The spongey type of room or window air conditioner filters the ones with no plastic edge trim or backing placed in the washing machine with doggy towels and bedding will collect most of the hairs that cling to such materials. The filter will emerge covered with hair balls. These I brush off with a slicker brush, dry and re-use again and again.DONT MOVE, STAND STILL...This is a stick-up Awww, put your hands down, I dont have a gun But sometimes I wish I did, like when I see young dogs being literally dragged around for training. And it isnt the dogs fault, its the trainers. Did you know that the best method of training a young dog to walk on a lead is simply to make him become used to the feel of a lead Like, horses first wear halters before they are bridled. The first few times a young dog, and 8-10 weeks is not too young is put on a lead just stand still, or sit still, watch TV or read a newspaper, with one eye on the pup of course, and let him get used to the feel. Dont put a lead on and start walking The pup will walk around, maybe paw at the lead a little, get interested in some object or movement around him and discover the limitations of being on a lead without ever knowing the startlement of being dragged to his task. Every now and then give him a little snack-treat, talk to him, and without putting any undue pressure on his tender neck he will feel the limiting tensions of his new situation just by the flick of your wrist in controlling the lead no need to use your whole arm to pull the dog around. After such a pleasant way of becoming used to the lead the pup will just naturally want to follow you when you finally do start walking away with him. Practice this in your living room or kitchen. It keeps the pup trainee from losing that precious liveliness that he was born with.The hint cupboard, unlike the cookie jar, isnt yet empty, but Ive got to go out for more cookies...til the dog howls again OLYMPIASTLYour Showcase For Purebred PomsPresented by Doll-McGinnis Publicationsa division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Inc.8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephones 813 858-2639 or 813 858-3839ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATESIn U.S. DollarsAD SIZE PREPAID BILLEDFULL PAGE 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 8.00 12.00All ads 1A page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. Full Color is available at 300.00 per page. Accent Color is available - call for quote. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. SAMPLE ISSUES 3.00 each BACK ISSUES 3.00 each subject to availabilityIn U.S. Dollars12 Months - 12 Issues 24.00 third class post40.00 first class postDEADLINESThe deadline for advertising is the 10th of the month preceding publication date i.e., March 10th for the April issue. All ads received after the deadline will appear in the next available issue. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine.THE POM READER is sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best in Show judges.MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TODoll-McGinnis PublicationsPleaderMAY 1988.1A rS BESTkSHOW CHAMPION GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOY0-MBULK RATE U.S. POSTAGEDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809PAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FLTONEWS PUBLICATION - DO NOT DELAYf ------ -------LINDAGALLACHER PR 1288 "i2035 SE BETHELCORVALLIS OR 97333USA 3JADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED