The Pom Reader November 1988

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NOVEMBER 1988 VOLUME IV, NUMBER 9Li KmVARIETY GROUP PLACEMENTPENSACOLA DOG FANCIERS ASSN. FALL 1988 6PHOTO BTL. SOSAlllllPENSACOLA DFAqotf'Ch. JameisTexas TornadoThey worried about Florence and braced for Gilbert, but in the fall of 88, nothing hit the Gulf Coast likeTHE TEXAS TORNADOhiW1iCH. JAMELS TEXAS TORNADOCh. Chriscendo City Lights x Sharels Tootie of Sunkist Bred by E. Clark S. Hicks On The Cover Group IV, Judge Dr. William Fields Above Group II Judge Mrs. Elaine MathisGroup I Judge Miss Frances ThorntonBe Prepared...TORNADO SEASONBreederOwner E. ClarkJAMELS POMERANIANS 212 Redwater Road Wake Village, TX 75501 214 832-1389HAS JUST STARTEDHandlerCo-Owner Joel M. Taylor GLEN IRIS POMS 1038 16th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603\v\ JlUlThis is CARINAher son CH. STARFIRES VALENTINOand her granddaughterGRETA\-ISTARFIRES POMS has been successful and we credit our success to the best Pom breeder...BEVERLY NORRISTARFIRE POMERANIANSTONY CABRERA275 SW 72ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FL 33144 305 266-7471The Pom Reader November 19884Sam deacte^This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront Cover7Ch. Jamels Texas Tornadoj\oVSnf Volume IV, Number 8TABLE OF CONTENTS 8. SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-October AKC Gazette.10. VIEWPOINTVikki Powell says, Make the most of shipping dogs.11. AKC PHONE NUMBERSDirect dial to different departments.12. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-October AKC Gazette.14. LOCAL EDUCATION COORDINATORSSally Baugniet identifies local informants.16. A CANADIAN BREEDERS POINT OF VIEW Puppy Mills by Karen Bradshaw.17. 1988 CHAMPIONSA listing of all 1988 published AKC Champions to date.20. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.77i Som tdfteacerThePom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Telephones 813 858-3839 or 813 858-2639.The Pom Reader November 1988CHERYL JACKSON JOEL TAYLOR GLEN IRIS POMSINDEXTOADVERTISERSBENKO, A..............................................13CABRERA, T...........................................3CARSON, M. B..............................13,15CILIBERTO, B. L..................................7COOK, S.................................................15CREED, C..............................................15DOSSINGER, M.....................................13EPPS, N....................................................5FIDDICK, R. J.....................................15FREIA, J.................................................15GAD, N...................................................13GODDARD, T. S.................................15GRAF, H.................................................11GRIFFIN, G...............................................9GRIFFITH, K............................................9HARTZ, K.................................................9HEARTZ, J. C.....................................15HOVEY, J...............................................15JACKSON, C........................................1,2KELLY, S...............................................15LUGINSLAND, J......................................9MARCHBANKS, M. J.........................15MARTIN, D...............................................5MILLER, K. E........................................9MILLER, B. P......................................15MUNSTER, S.........................................15NAGY, S. B.........................................15NORRIS, B.............................................13PFEFFER, C.............................................9PIAZZA, S..............................................15REILLY, R. J.........................................9RINEHART, M.D......................................5ROSENBAUM, M.....................................9SANDIFER, D........................................11TAYLOR, J............................................1,25DE ARTA OAKRIDGE7 ' 'v BESTOF WINNERS' MISSISSIPPI VALLEY^ kennel clubf 198 8 v _\zsiCm photo by PETRULIS-v.ANGEL was an angel and finished her Championship in the first 3 weekends of June our third Champion this year plus a Canadian Champion in July.Congratulations to Janice Luginsland for TRAPPERS Top Stud of the year. Im proud of him also since he has OAKRIDGE boys behind him.Congratulations also to Jean Brown for ROCKS 2nd place rating one less champion. Quite an accomplishment since she doesnt own a female and hasnt bred for years. We are proud of our 4 of his Chs kids plus grand kids.Ch. Stud for sale LLL Millamor.Also promising Bitch puppies.Nina K. Epps OAKRIDGEM. Deane Rinehart DE ARTA422 W. Fairchild Drive Midwest City, OK 73110 405-732-0402Looking to the Future...OREOnxuAmTVm3ySeamLA CHERIES OREO DOUBLE FUDGE 3V2 MonthsLa Cheries Hot Fudge Ripple x Desirees Mega FudgeFudgey is making his mark on future generations through his get. Oreo will join his sire in the ring in 1989.FOR SALE Female whelped 6-16-88 Great Elms Bobby Beam x La Cheries Cinnamon EnchanteMale whelped 9-4-88 Bev-Nors Toasted Cinnamon x La Cheries Sassy RascalPedigrees video on request.LA CHERIE POMERANIANS, Dot Martin, Rt. 2, Box 30M, Rock Hill, SC 29730. TEI 803-377-7718The Pom Reader November 1988SHOWSIGHT - FROM THE EDITORI was in a bar last night that I never go to and a man dropped dead. I dont think my nonroutine presence had very much to do with it, but you can never tell. Now, 1 have seen my share of medical emergencies and witnessed some very upsetting things one couldn't have worked in hospitals without being exposed to death but this was a new one on me.For this was the first time that I held the hand of a human being as he expired. I was there when Keith stopped being Keith.When you work in a hospital you become somewhat inured to this type of occurrence. The whole atmosphere of the place suggests that, yes, all is being done, but sometimes it is not enough, or not in time. One does not lose ones humanity, but one does become accustomed to the fragility of it all. And after the first dozen or so, one can still eat dinner and sleep after seeing the end of life. Its never easy, but you do. But to have it take place in that most benevolent of atmospheres, a cocktail lounge, is such a shock to your system that you cannot quite comprehend it.It was very quick the man was talking, suddenly he fell backward, and by the time I got there, there was almost no pulse. Several of us attempted to administer aid my once excellent abilities in that respect had, indeed, become rusty but there was another couple in attendance much more up-to-date than I. And so I was forced to take a side seat. What else could I do I took his hand and held it.I nominally knew this guy I knew his name, and had probably spoken to him once or twice. I had spoken to him that very evening, in a most superficial way I think I said No, I think thats yours when he asked whose disposable lighter was laying there. Now I dont suppose well ever be sure whose it was. I have it, though. But that was, of course, before he was stricken.The paramedics arrived almost before you could blink, and high-tech procedures were brought into play. But you know, I knew there was no hope. I felt the life drain, the soul or whatever leave that body. Still I knelt there. Having exhausted all possibilities, the team hoisted him up and out into the waiting ambulance. Rather than to upset the patrons, the staff at the place kept saying Hes going to be fine. Hell make it. But I knew. I knew at the hospital they were going to write down, Keith. White male. 48 years old. DOA.I left and drove around in a state of shock, numb. And I recalled the time when life, not death, sent me into a tizzy.The summer I was seventeen I worked full-time at a small hospital near the Wisconsin Dells. I worked The Graveyard Shift, they call it, which is, unfortunately, apt. I also worked full-time days at an AP. What can I say, I always liked to work. My job description would sound very strange to those who have been affiliated with larger health-care facilities I was head of admissions in charge of the front switchboard, assistant in ER if needed, and when there was nothing better to do I had to calculate patient charges for the day. Do not get the idea that this was a junk joint it was a well respected hospital with an excellent staff. There just wasnt that much that went on from 11 to 7, and one person could handle all of it quite easily. Usually.So one night a crackly call came from the Highway Patrol Dispatcher. Lady in labor E.T.A. eighteen minutes. This wasnt all that unusual, and I calmly put in the call to the attending physician, upstairs in the doctors suite I called the head nurse in Maternity, and then proceeded to get out the necessary reams of paperwork to be completed by our little mother-to-be. The doctor and nurses assembled at the emergency entrance, and everyone wasThe Pom Reader November 1988prepared.Or so I thought. The next call from the dispatcher was slightly irregular. He hemmed and hawed around and then dropped all semblance of regulation Radio Communications Procedure. This lady passed the patrol car and we cant catch her I thought that was hilarious, and chuckled to myself. I had personally outrun the highway patrol on my way to work two nights prior, so I wasnt surprised. I was prepared to like this lady a lot.Subsequently acquired knowledge will help to explain. Not far from this hospital was a migrant workers camp. The mother-to-be in question was not driving, HER mother was, and they did not understand enough about the States to know that the cops were there to help. A lifetime of distrust is not forgotten in one night. They did, however, know where the hospital was. They would not stop, and the police were afraid to give chase, for fear of an accident. Someone from the camp had called for assistance thats how the authorities knew what was up but the mother apparently panicked and took measures into her own hands. Hence the late- night high-speed ride.But back at the hospital, everyone was on alert the Emergency entrance doors were open and the staff was wired. The last thing any of us expected, however, was what happened next. As I sat at the admitting desk the front door slammed open, and in came the aforementioned ladies. Into the front lobby. I jumped up and ran to assist. They were yelling in Spanish, which I spoke, but shock and tension had eroded my usual fluency. Cuantos minutos... I hollered Cuantos minutos uh, los dolores, como... I was getting nowhere. Then, to my horror, the mother-to-be plopped down on the couch, let out a yell Dios Salvame, if I remember correctly and delivered. I was the one who caught the kid.Not a minute elapsed between the birth and the arrival of the doctor and the nurses. But in that short period of time which seemed hours I held in my arms a brand new life. I spent the better part of the month in a state of exaltation I had not known before, nor have felt since.So it seems I have come full circle, now, with that birth so many years ago, and that death last night. And my musings on the subject were prompted by an unfortunate aspect, or member, of the dog fancy. As dog fanciers, we all are subjected to great depths of emotion, from the joy of winning, to the miracle of breeding, to the disappointment of losing and the devastation of loss of life, canine and otherwise. And yet I once more became aware of the one thing that is the antithesis of everything I believe in, everything I feel should be part and parcel of the dog fancy itself. And that is the trouble-makers and gossips and the damage that they do.Of course, a little gossip can be fun. The other day I ran into a fellow member of my kennel club. He brought up the subject of someone who is always causing trouble, and I said dont have time for that baloney, I find it boring. And he responded, and I grew to like him even more. His reply Yeah, skip the B.S. and get to the good parts. Like whos shackin with who. Now THATS funAnd so we come to the reason for this writing. There are, unfortunately, those in the fancy who expend their energies ripping and chipping away at the reputations of others Of dogs that may win, or people whose dogs may win, or anybody in the limelight, or anybody they do not like for whatever reason they have if, indeed, the individuals are capable of reason. And in light of all I have seen in my day, I have trouble feeling compassion for these individuals. But maybe I do I feel sorry for these people they must not have much of a life.Next month I promise well laugh about something. JMcG7Since 1967bernie \oisiis ciUberWesceNDO PomsFOR SALECRESCENDO PANDORAFemale, June 88. Orange sable at this age. Show prospect. Should be large enough to breed. Dam freewhelper of four each time, usually girls. This litter 4 girls. Sound puppy, very short face, good ear set, tail set, sound legs, short back. Sire a City Lights son Dam a Ch. Chriscendo Western Express daughter.CRESCENDO ALLEGRAFemale, June 87. Red orange, self colored. Brood size, sound in every respect. Two seasons behind her, unbred. Free whelping dam and sister. Sister pictured page 9, August 88 Pom Reader. Good pedigree. Excellent personality.CRESCENDO BALLATAFemale, December 87. Deep orange sable. Showy, large enough to breed. Out of same dam as Pandora Sire pictured page 8, August 88 Pom Reader V2 Millamor, V2 Great Elms. Sound legs, very short face, good ear, tail set, short back. Littermates were oranges.PAGALEW ANDREASMale, June 88. Orange sable. Show prospect. Should mature 5 lbs. Sound legs, good ear, tail set, short back, sweet face. Has 2 nice Match wins as of 102088. Sire pictured page 8, August 88 Pom Reader Dam pictured page 9, August 88 Pom Reader, bottom.Bemie Lois Ciliberto, Crescendo Poms, 9605 LOL Blvd., Land OLakes, FL 34639. Tel 813 996-3811Phone after 3 pm EST, please NEW FOR 1989 THE ALL TOY CALENDARFEATURING THE WORK OFPAULETTE BRAUN, PETS BY PAULETTEThe All Toy Calendar promises to be a collectors item for all Toy Dog fanciers. Featuring the award-winning work of Paulette Braun of PETS BY PAULETTE, this full-color, magazine-size calendar will contain 13 exciting exciting studio shots of different Toy Breeds a perfect gift for doggie friends and a must for any Toy fanciers home or office.Regular Price 10.95 each Ten or more calendars 8.95 eachPlease add 1.50 per order for postage handlingSend check or money order toDoll-McGinnis Publications 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809 Tel 813-858-3839.Exclusively offered by Doll-McGinnis PublicationsThe Pom Reader November 19888---------------- SPECIALS ADDITION ------------------------TOP TWENTY POMERANIANS - JANUARY THROUGH OCTOBER AKC GAZETTE Presently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the Breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsPoints not to be confused with AKC championship points are alloted to individuals according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and Fields Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point credit. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds...............500BEST IN SHOW Specialty.................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty...75TOY GROUP FIRST..............................250TOY GROUP SECOND.........................150TOY GROUP THIRD...............................75TOY GROUP FOURTH...........................25BEST OF BREED....................................10Statistician Susan Wade. Tie placements will be marked with an asterisk and listed in alphabetical order. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Poms, through the OCTOBER 1988 AKC Gazette.POINTS NAME13860 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING H D... PiazzaBaker, Owners4685 CH. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOY D.............................B. Stetson, Owner2285 CH. APOLLOETTE MOONLITE GAMBLER D.. M. M. Presser, Owners1420 CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIEL D............................C. Pfeffer, Owner1330 CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH D...........................J. Hurley, Owner1315 CH. BELLS GRANDSTAND ROWDY D............................B. Bell, Owner1315 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D........................................LuginslandGoddard, Owners1270 CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY D...........................N. Burnette, Owner1140 CH. LANAS TOP PRIORITY D.........................................CraigEjchorszt, Owners1120 CH. WHARTONS SEPPI VON HONIG D..........................CokeWharton, Owners960 CH. BI-MARS SUNDANCE KID D....................................M. Rosenbaum, Owner930 CH. SUN RAYS BATMAN D.............................................F. Rodrigues, Owner830 CH. PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR D GalindoWelch, Owners780 CH. SYSAME CLEAN SWEEP D......................................S. Schlienz, Owner755 CH. CHRISCENDO CALVIN KLEIN D...............................HeartzMiller, Owners690 CH. MIXONS ROSSI OF FRIPP D....................................L. Ceilings, Owner680 CH. JAMELS FUGICLE OF SOUTHLAND D... JacksonTaylor, Owners625 CH. TEXICANS GIANT KILLER CHULA D.... N. Gad, Owner610 CH. MIDAS FASCINATING RHYTHM D...........................J. Lehtinen, Owner600 CH. SOUTHLANDS MR. VIP OTDA D.............................CreedJenner, Owners'Tie Placements alphabeticalBISA BISS BOSS I12 1 224 1-654111 - - 2321 - - 12122121n in iv bob10 6 4 62 6 3 124 4 1 112 1123 3 1 134 2 1 293 2 43 - - 75 4 2 42 3 173 - - 13 2 2 32 - - 31 3 1 1311-3 1 4 2 191 1 812 151 1 12 5The Pom Reader November 19889MILLAMORKen MillerHawthorne, Apt. E-6 Mt. Vernon, OH 43050 Tel 614-392-1718Eleanor Miller 5426 Spring Lake Drive Lakeland, FI 33811 Tel 813-646-5864BiMar PomeraniansHome of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Mary A. Rosenbaum36520 28th Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003 206-838-6397 or 206-927-2369DOVERHOLIHOUSEPOMSThe Partis Just BegunKathryn Hartz Patricia Foley Dan Ninotski 609 695-1642 STARLITE POMS^GAYLE GRIFFIN9P.O. Box 469, Amity, OR 97101LLLJanice Luginsland Route 1, Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316-443-51578rC^Jreczous C^JeiiiesBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson. LA 70181 504 737-1729ChesaiPomeraniansCHESAI PLAYING FOR TIME Handled by Ron Feyh 9 points to date Robert Joan Reilly 512 438-266726093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260^Eenelle rfo meianianjBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnerPuppies generally available sired by our own champions as well as other studs. Most of our Poms are Great Elmsand we strive to breed Poms of good size and type. Pictures and pedigrees upon request. We will be glad to put you on our mailing list to receive our offerings and newsletter. Puppies priced from 200.00 and up. Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette. _______The Pom Reader November 198810VIEW POINTby Vikki PowellMake The Best of Shipping DogsIt seems that whenever we hear about air transport of dogs it is prefaced or accompanied by fear, remorse, anger, or any number of other negative emotions.However, as it goes with all complaints, you usually only hear one side of the issue.It can be much the same as dining out when a problem arises a person will complain loud and long if they are unhappy, but rarely will do anything if they are pleased. Often it is the same with shipping animals you hear a lot of complaints, but no commentary on how well the majority of shipping goes.The purpose of this article is not to diminish the sorrow felt by those who have lost dogs during shipping, but rather to present some of the positive things about shipping and offer ways for us ail to become more effective shippers ourselves.After spending some time chatting with cargo workers at a major airport, I was surprised to find that many of the cargo workers felt that one of the problems with handling expensive animals for shipment was the attitude of the shippers themselves. Many cargo workers revealed resentment toward the attitude of superiority sometimes displayed by the person shipping the valuable dog. The workers felt that some owners were often snotty and as one said, They lord it over you like their dog is more important than everyone elses. Like I could care. That doesnt make the shipper sound too good, but honestly, we have all seen that same attitude the cargo workers were talking about at some time or other. Regardless, the bottom line here is that the airline workers think of show dogs in exactly the same light as they view passengers pets they are dogs, live cargo, transport passengers. And it seemed evident from these workers that the fastest way to get them NOT to cooperate was to get snippy actually, they used the word bitchy with them.But, if the shippers have a problem with an air of superiority on the part of the shipper, what about the problems we all have had at least once with the airline workers attitudes towards us Sometimes they are downright obnoxious but what can we do One thing not to do is lose your temper and toss vitriolic insults at the workers, because ALWAYS REMEMBER, those persons and their friends on the tarmac are in charge of directing your live dog, and you dont need them annoyed with you. It is much like the old adage about never making the waiter mad at you, because he is responsible for your food and YOU CAN NOT SEE what is happening when he is away from your table.Try to be nice even if they make you mad. Your main objective is shipping your dog safely and quickly, not repartee with a recalcitrant worker. If you have a complaint save it for the right person. Slinging threats like Your boss will hearThe Pom Reader November 1988about this... usually only causes the average worker in any job to become annoyed, and it probably wont intimidate them in the least. Direct your complaints to the administrator who will do something about it, but until your live dog is where you want him to be, dont lose your cool with the workers. You can usually out-nice even the nastiest person with a little ingenuity.When you are accompanying your dogs, you have a little more control over their travel, but again, niceness will help. A woman I know makes friendly small talk with the airline personnel and tracks her dogs progress when she travels with them. If you have to switch planes and you want to be sure your dogs get on and off safely, stand and watch at the windows at both your arrival and transfer gates. Enlist the help of the staff to be sure your dog is on most people in this country are staunch pet lovers and they are always empathetic. When you cant carry your own dog down to the dock, be sure to tip the porter nicely and smile your thanks. Most airline personnel will do almost anything for you if you treat them with kindness, for so many people are harried and rushed when travelling that they rarely are more than perfunctory when dealing with airline workers. No matter what happens, remember that any negative reaction you leave with the workers in charge of your live cargo could negatively affect the manner in which they expedite your animal. Please take off the rose-colored glasses here, for we are dealing with human responses.If an airline does right by you, make your verbal thanks profuse and consider a written thank you to AIR CARGO as well. Most workers have a sense of pride and, when given impetus, want to do their jobs well. If you do get a disgruntled employee, try your personal charm as a tactic to gain the response you desire. Most of all, always remember what we all know but often forget the worker in front of you DID NOT MAKE THE RULES, so do not chastise him if there is a problem. Go to the top and raise Cain if need be, but please dont start at the bottom.While extravagant media coverage may often make us believe otherwise, the actual percentage of loss or injury during air transport is very low when compared to the number of live animals shipped daily all over the world. That fact does nothing to alleviate the pain and grief of those who have lost^ an animal but it may help people to understand that shipping is not always a deadly game of roulette.Some rules of thumb were exuberantly offered to me by the cargo workers I spoke with and these, when followed, should make the chances of problems on your end slim. 1 Always know and follow the rules their rules. Be on time with the correct paperwork. 2 Make advance reservationsContinued next page11VIEW POINT Continued...whenever allowed by the airline. I would like to add here always TRIPLE check your sources as to times, rules, and reservations. Also check on the weather at the point of arrival before you leave, for if it isnt within the airlines acceptable limits, they may not take your dog and you will have wasted a trip to the airport. 3 Make sure your crate is USDA approved no cutting corners here even if the airline is willing to take your dog in a non-approved crate. Dont do it the crate may not hold up under crushing pressure. Ed. note A recent USDA ruling requires that all dogs have a water bowl inside the crate during shipping - lack of a water bowl may result in a fine for the airline or refusal of your pet. Most people 1 know who are shipping coated breeds simply put an EMPTY water bowl inside for short trips. JMcG] Also, double check the fastening screws before letting the dog go be sure they are all there and tightly fastened. 4 Ship at night when it is hot, days when it is cold, even if it is an inconvenience to you. Cutting corners on anything only leaves the shipper open to problems. 5 Make sure your crate is labeled with indelible ink, noting point of desination, phone numbers, etc. And here is some great advice a ticket counter worker gave me once be sure the clerk puts the right stickers on your crate and that they are fastened in a location where they will not easily come loose when the crate is being moved around by either its handle or the side grips. If you take precautions and follow the rules, you have avoided half of the problems inherent to shipping.If you do have a problem, dont forget about the channels you can use to file a complaint. Go to the top with the airlines if you have to, and dont forget two over VALUABLE resources for air cargo complaints or offenses. The first and most important is the United States Department of Agriculture. The USDA is in charge of making sure the airlines comply with the Animal Welfare Act. Dr. Richard Rissier is assistant director of domestic programs for the USDA. Regional technicians are in charge of making inspections at various airports around the country. If you think you have been wronged, dont just talk about it file a complaint, after you have made sure that an offense has in fact occurred. Another resource is the Humane Society of the United States, located in Washington, D.C. Phyliss Wright is the person to contact if you have problems. There is also an Air Transportation Association of America which may be of some help if you feel your complaint is serious and needs attention.As I mentioned, this article is in no way meant to diminish the pain felt by those who have lost an animal in shipping, but rather is for offering viable ways for you to do your part in ensuring your dogs safety during shipping.[d ^PoYYLIl1 BT male, whelped Feb. 29, 1988. Sire Desirees Dark Danny Boy Dam Desirees Pom Pom.1 BT male whelped Dec. 25, 1987. Sire Ch. Desirees Rippling Fudge. Dam Desirees Fancy Charity.1 BT male - Desirees Dark Danny Boy whelped Feb. 15, 1986. Sire Desirees Smoky Mt. Boy. Dam Desirees Fancier Faith. Danny is the litter mate of Desiree's Chriscen- do Colorful, a BT who finished his Canadian championship in 2 shows, despite the fact that BTs are hardly recognized in Canada.DESAREE SANDIFER509 OAKDALE STREET GASTONIA, NC 28054 704 865-0859GrafenhorstsPomeranians' .tv'I'Weare looking forward to 1988 and litters from Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette. We are also happily anticipating parti litters'.Horst Graf12000 N.W. 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465iSiAMERICAN KENNEL CLUB TELEPHONE NUMBERS 576-1550 Registration information 696-8383 Foreign Registration Information 696-8208 Investigations and Inspections 696-8360 The American Coon Hunters Association 696-8281 Show Records 696-8353 Judging Information 696-8232 Show Plans 696-8276 Obedience Department696-8286 Field Trial and Hunting Test Plans and Records696-8306 Coonhound General Information696-8206 By-Laws Inquiries696-8207 New Clubs696-8332 Gazette Editorial696-8260 Gazette Advertising696-8226 Subscriptions Pure-Bred DogsAmerican KennelGazette, American Kennel Club Awards, American Kennel Club Stud Book Register. Newsletters Hunters Whistle AKC Pure-Bred Dogs Afield.696-8392 AudioVisual Fulfillment 696-8245 Library 696-8200 Main SwitchboardOutside New York City, dial area code 212. AKC offices are open from 830 a.m. to 415 p.m. Eastern time. Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.The Pom Reader November 198812----------- UPDATE ---------------TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY THROUGH OCTOBER AKC GAZETTEWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranians fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on this area. The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience, and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this publications will be used for point credit. Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e., a September show may notbe published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS THE LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE JANUARY THROUGH OCTOBER AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR............................ POINTSEPPSRINEHART................... .. 59J. CABRERA..................................49M. B. CARSON............................46G. HODSON............................___40D. TRAUNER..........................___40GALAVICHMEGENHARDT ___39A. CANNON................................38JACKSONTAYLOR...............,...38J. KLEIN..........................................37T. HOOBAN....................................36Tie placements alphabeticalDue to an error on the part of AKC, points that should have been allotted to Nina Epps M. Deane Rinehart were not previously recorded. The error is now corrected, and AKC records reflect a total of 59 points for the owners.The Pom Reader November 198813EMCEES POMERANIANS9 9CH. EMCEES GOLDEN TOPO DE OROCh. Emcees Sparkling Gold Mico Ch. Dupres Sparkling Gold-Buster Dupres Thats My Dolly Am. Can. Ch. Emcees Solid Gold AmigoCh. Emcees Diamond Solid Gold Dupres Mona Lisa of DiamondDupres Ideal Mystery GirlAm. Can. Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip Am. Can. Ch. Emcees Golden ChipCh. Jabils Stephanie of Emcee Ch. Emcees Golden JaymyCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Emcees Tartan TamBrittons Little Miss MuffetFinished to his title at 11 months. Bringing the best of past bloodlines to the front in our breeding program. AT STUD. Proven.MORRIS BETTY CARSON, 9826 Waltham Drive, Rich- mond, VA 23233. PH 804 740-7977.FOR SALE 2 FEMALES Whelped July 10,1988K - iPedigree of SireCh. Models Mr. Roberts Ch. Models Gold MementoCh. Models Lil Julie Ch. Woods Magic MasterpieceMar-Bi-Leas Sun Fella Cedarwoods Pitti PattiCedarwoods Laday Gaylor Sire CUTSHAWS LIL BIT OF MAGICCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Models Timstoppers Echo Majestic April LoveJane Tara of LenetteCh. Anwins Lil SiriusMolly of LenetteRous Koko TeiaPuppy on the left is out of Cutshaws Golden Girl this bitch is sired by Great Elms Tar Baby. Puppy on the right is out of Cutshaws Sweet Turn Out this bitch is sired by Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette. Both of these puppies should be large enough to breed. One is deep orange and one red.DEBORAHS POMS, Hwy 152 East 5840, Rockwell, NC 28138. Phone 704-279-5906.If ^fBLOSSOM HEIGHTS POMSBlossom Heights Puppet Sire Ch. Millamors Mood Music. Dam Bobbys Cuddles Arlene John Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 407-842-5591DOSSMARThanks to Barb Nagy RHEA-NA for sending us a super CH. TOASTY son. Available for Stud Service in Spring.Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Rd.414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040BEV-NOR POMS Red sable female, BLK TAN male SIRE Ch. Fudge. DAM Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge daughter. CH. FUDGE is sire and grandsire. Red Male, SIRE Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge. DAM Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman daughter. TOASTY is sire and grandsire. Red sable male SIRE Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge. DAM out of littermate to Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman, her sire is CH. FUDGE. Our BLK TAN BEST IN SHOW GIRL Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tan Ya due 104 repeat. Sire is Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman. Orange male and red sable female out of Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge daughter.BEY BILL NORRIS, 7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. PH 301 255-1343.NORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942HOME OF THEKILLERAND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Westside Road El Paso, TX 79932 NEW FOR 1989THE ALL TOY CALENDARFEATURING THE WORK OFPaulette Braun, PETS BY PAULETTEnThe All Toy Calendar promises to be a collectors item for all Toy Dog Fanciers. Featuring the award-winning work of photographer Paulette Braun of PETS BY PAULETTE, this full- color, magazine-size calendar will contain 13 exciting studio shots of different Toy breeds a perfect gift for doggie friends and a must for any Toy fanciers office or home.Price 10.95 each 10 or more calendars 8.95 each Please add 1.50 for postage handling Send check or money order to Doll-McGinnis Publications, Dept. P, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Tel 813 858-3839.The Pom Reader November 1988PARENT CLUBNATIONAL ASSOCIATION EDUCATION COORDINATOR AND COMMITTEEby Sally Baugniet, A.P.C. Education CoordinatorVI am writing this article to plead with those local Pom Clubs, who have not done so, to appoint a local education coordinator for their club and get back to me with this information. I know some clubs are very busy as are their leaders, but please, would the following Pom Clubs send this information to me. A.K.C. has asked for that information. I have contacted you, but A.K.C. may have sent me an outdated list. Bay Colony Pom Club, Pom Club of Greater Des Moines, Pom Club of Greater Baltimore, Dallas-Fort Worth Pom Club, Western Pom Club, Pom Club of Greater Houston, Northern California Pom Club.These are the national and local education coordinators who HAVE REPLIED and accepted the position thus farAmerican Pomeranian Club Audrey Roberts, Sec. 1410 S. 10th Street Leesville, LA 71446Patty Griffin 2767 Calumet Street Winston Salem, NC 27106 919-724-7562Saugerties, NY 12477 914-246-6012APC National Education Coordinator Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy B Mishicot, Wl 54228 414-755-2994National Education CommitteeNancy Bartholomew Rt. 1, Box 182 Ola, AR 72853 501-489-5733Alison Brewster 716 Reef Road Vero Beach, FL 407-231-5345 Nov. - May424 Belden Hill Road Wilton, CT 06897 203-672-8212 June - Oct.Ann Cannon 10504 Crockett Road Nokesville, VA 22123 703-368-1341Opal Dummler 1091 S. Lake Gulch Road Castle Rock, CO 80104 303-688-3786Ronald J. Feyh OHIO POM CLUB 2520 Eakin Road Columbus, OH 43204 614-274-2118Norma Gad 5008 Westside Road El Paso, TX 79932 915-584-0942Sue Goddard LA CAJUN POM CLUB Rt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318-543-6622Irene HarbinPUGET SOUND POM CLUB 10759 Sand Pt. Way NE Seattle, WA 98125 206-365-1748Donald G. Hayes 1925 Triplett Street Owensboro, KY 42301 502-686-9390 502-685-5637Ray Hudson SOONER POM CLUB 10920 Blue Fox Drive Edmond, OK 73034 405-341-9216Sylvia KellyCITY OF ANGELS POM CLUB 13347 Sherman Way N. Hollywood, CA 91605 818-764-5223Marion Lazzara Rt. 2, 1507 Lincoln Schaumburg, IL 60172 312-307-1530Jane Lehtinen RR1, Box 55 Iron, MN 55751 218-744-5653 218-744-5958Janice Luginsland Rt. 1, Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316-443-5157Dan Mercer P.O. Box 147 Big Springs, NE 69122 308-889-3109Garrett ODell 6208 Old Rt. 32Margaret Ontiveros SAN DIEGO POM CLUB 22981 Calle Cumfre San Diego, CA 92139 619-473-2531Karen PruittPOM CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIX 4221 N. 57th Lane Phoenix, AZ 85031 602-245-0974Jackie Rayner 748 Norway Avenue Hamilton, NJ 08629 609-587-2586Cassandra Ready Rt. 1, Box 167JJ Graniteville, SC 29829 803-593-3600Maureen Quinlan 447 Currans Road Middle Island, NY 11953 516-924-3176Jean Schroll COLUMBIA POM CLUB 12950 S. New Era Road Oregon City, OR 97405 503-650-0023Bonnie Sullivan POM CLUB OF MICHIGAN 855 W. 8 Mile Rd., Lot 37 Whitmore Lake, Ml 48189 313-449-2881Dru Merkey-Thorstad POM CLUB OF HAWAII 2038-A Puakika Place Honolulu, HI 96818 808-839-6418Sally Baugniet11224 Hwy B Mishicot, Wl 54228 Ph 414-755-2994The Pom Reader November 198815i HOME OF THE KILLER AND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLSNORMA C. GAD 5908 Westside Road915 584-0942 El Paso, TX 79932TIM SUE POMERANIANSTIM SUE GODDARDRoute 2, Box 540Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622RHEA-NA POMS...Breeding exclusively the Bev- Nor line. All litters by Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman, Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, out ofChampions, pointed, and Ch. producing daughters of same. FOR SALE 2 Ch. Toasty sons X Ch. Statesman daughter X Ch. Producing Fudge daughter. Several litters due in July.Steve Barbara Nagy, Rt. 2, Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Tel 703 869-3749.SouthlandPomeraniansCLJDs Pompous PomsHome of Ch. JDs Bella DonnaCh. JDs Country BumpkinCh. Circle M Comes A HossmanJANET HOVEY, 34856 Acton Canyon Road, Acton, CA 93510. Tel 805 269-5575DE AMOSYLVIA KELLY13347 SHERMAN WAY, NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 818-764-5223 or 818-780-7663ICERAMA POMSSkip PiazzaTHE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266SKYLANDPOMERANIANSBeverly Presley MillerRt. 1, Box 1064North Wilkesboro, NC 28659919-670-2613Puppies Sired by Great Elms ChampionsMNMS POMS-R-USMARY MARCHBANKS4986 AVILA WAY, BUENA PARK, CA 90621 Tel 714994-0259Since 1967,v 7-2SCENDO PomsPh 813-996-3811Pom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613Robert Juanita Fiddick Tel 319-989-2199Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S- Magnolia, Ocala. Florida 32676 904 237-1636EMCEES POMS Puppies available occasionally Stud Service to approved bitches Great Elms, Model lines Morris Betty Carson, 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, VA 23233. Tel 804 740-7977Jerrie Freia P. O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466iohn e. heaitzA PPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY P.O. Box 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S., CANADA BON ICOPHONE 902 895-7427.KARMUNit-a MUNSTERNEVER DULL KENNELS Shelties 314 So. Joliet St. PomeraniansWilmington, Illinois 60481BREEDER KAREN MUNSTER________ 815-476-2039The Pom Reader November 19881611A CANADIAN BREEDERS POINT OF VIEWby Karen Bradshaw PUPPY MILLS A Problem in Both Canada and the United StatesPuppy mills are a problem that both our countries have to deal with. As breeders we should work together and try to come up with a solution to this problem.In Canada we dont have too many of them. When the breeders of purebred dogs and members of the C.K.C. find out about a suspicious kennel, we notify our C.K.C. rep. We also spread the word not to sell to these people. Now, we dont act on heresay, either. One of us breeders has been to the kennel in question, or spoken with the person. Right now we are really helpless to do anything unlessa cruelty is suspectedb unsanitary conditions are presentc violations in registration are suspectedd parentage of registered dogs is questioned.We are a free nation and we can go into any profession or business we choose. It is our right as citizens of the free world. But when we go into the business, we have to get a business license andor vendors license.I think every kennel should be licensed. If the kennels had to be inspected by the S.P.C.A. and a committee set up from the A.K.C. or C.K.C., puppy mills could be stopped. The A.K.C. or C.K.C. committee would know the standards and know the breed in question.Most puppy mill dogs are usually far from the breed standard. The females are usually larger and longer than life, so they can produce large litters. The males are then smaller in hopes they will produce smaller puppies. Also when these people are interviewed they are always impressed with litter size. In most cases the breeding stock are not socialized and they have temperament problems. The committee could then reject a license to this puppy mill.I think everyone other than kennels should have to pay a goodly sum for unneutered pets, in licensing. Now, I know people pay for a dog license and pay extra for a female if The Pom Reader November 1988not spayed. But these people should also have to pay a lot more for a license for each dog not neutered. This would not be enforced if you were a registered breeder with the C.K.C. or A.K.C. and had a kennel license. Now, heres how my system might work. Everyone that advertised puppies for sale would have to give their kennel license number before their ad could be put in a newspaper Registered kennels - one series of numbers un-neutered pet dogs - a different series pets - another series. Newspapers, etc., would put your numbers in the computer. If you had a kennel license, it would go through. Un-neutered pets would not go through. Neutered pets would go through. With this system only registered kennels could sell puppies, breeding stock, etcetera. Pet people could sell their pets if they couldnt keep them for one reason or another. The people who let their dogs run at large and reproduce wont be able to advertise their puppies. It would be an incentive to neuter. Puppy mills couldnt advertise to sell puppies. Without a license puppy mills couldnt export their dogs for sale.These are just a few thoughts I have on the subject. We breeders should not worry about inspection of our kennel facilities and our business practices. If we are worried about such a plan, then we had better clean up our act.If we all work together, I think a solution might be found. My suggestions are just that, but maybe it will get you people thinking, too. This idea of mine could cut down on all the unwanted dogs, and put an end to puppy mills. What do you think You never know, we just might find a solution.Karen Bradshaw RR1, Bowden, Alta., TOM OKO, Canada171988 CHAMPIONSPomeranians PUBLISHED in the calendar year 1988, as per AKC recordsA-Reynolds Tiny Kitina b, 688. By Ch. Nanshadows Hurricane Juan x A-Reynolds Tidy Chassie. Breeder Armetha Reynolds. Owner Diana Simo-Nis.Adorable Watts Its Name d, 788. By Ch. Watts Little Chipperof G Elms x Ch. Annons Miss Ellie.BreederOwner Deborah J.Kennedy.Aldens Hero of Hercules d, 288. By Ch. Luells Spartan Warrior x Joers Watsilalabout OElfie. Breeder Janet R. Domrase. Owner Alden A. Domrase Janet R. Domrase. Animations Elaroo b, 688. By Ch. Devennys Mason Dixon Dandy x Ch. Animations Tweety Bird. Breeder Lorinda Vasuta. Owner Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane. Animation's Raggedy Ann b, 888. By Ch. Animations Atom Ant x Ch. Emcees SussAnna. Breeder Lorinda Vasuta. Owner Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane.Annons Class Act b, 988. By Ch. Annons Magnum Force of Scamp x Annons Lucille Legend. BreederOwner Ann Cannon. Annons Dime A Dance b, 588. By Ch. Annons Magnum Force of Scamp x Annons Dark N Tan Image. Breeder Ann Cannon. Owner Dolores Eitelberg.Annons Speck of Scamp d, 1088. By Ch. Petersons Scamp of Lennis x Kennors Lady Tina. BreederOwner John K. Bishop Ann Cannon.Apolloette My-Joy-Kneesa b, 288. By Ch. Apolloette Foolish Pleasure x Apolloette Kandy. Breeder Marlene Presser. Owner Sue Chewning Larry Chewning.Autumns Precious Zhen Zhan b, 988. By Bradleys Storm Warning x Ch. Cedar Glens Tiffany OBradley. Breeder Alicia L. Kvamme. OwnerEmily Untalan.Bayou View Front Runner d, 288. By Ch. Bev-Nors Toastmaster x Ch. Bayou View Sugar 'N Spice. BreederOwner John C. Lewis Adam J. Verrett.Bayou View Mahogany Action d, 1088. By Ch. Bev-Nors Toastmaster x Janesas Strait Lace. Breeder John C. Lewis Adam Verrett. Owner Virginia Davis Anita Nagel. Bayou View Pop Tart b, 188. By Ch. Bev-Nors Toastmaster x Ch. Bayou View Sugar N Spice. BreederOwner John C. Lewis Adam J. Verrett.Bea Mary Vacation Rain b, 888. By Ch. Mar-Lens Toby D of Browns x Mar Dons Spice. Breeder Mary W. Keeling. Owner Mary W. Keeling Jeanne R. Lynn.Bei-Meis Gemini Gigger d, 788. By Bev-Nors Sandman x Sharon's Little Angel. BreederOwner Patricia M. Melton.Benjis Briteyed Angel Rock b, 988. By Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition x Benjis Smilin Blonde Muff. Breeder Judy Caplan. Owner Nina K. Epps M. Deane Rinehart.Benjis Sweet-N-Sunny Dancer b, 588. By Tiny Sun Dancer of Oakridge x Benjis Kissie Sweetums. BreederOwner Judy Caplan. Berrys Peaches-N-Cream b, 1088. By Ch. Texican's Great Balls of Fire x Ch. Texicans Tim-Sue Sie. Breeder Nina M. Berry. Owner James R. Berry.Bev-Nors Echo d, 288. By Ch. Bev- Nors Statesman x Bev-Nor's Vanilla Fudge. Breeder Beverly Norris. Owner Frances Freeman Kenneth Freeman Sr..Bev-Nors Glen Iris Renesance b, 788. By Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge x Bev-Nors Missy Miss. Breeder Beverly A. Norris Charlotte Creed. Owner Dr. Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor. Bev-Nors Nuttin To It d, 988. By Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman x Bev-Nors Missy Miss. Breeder Beverly A. Norris Charlotte Creed. Owner Stephen V. Nagy Barbara Nagy. Bev-Nors Rhea-Na Tuff-E-Nuff b, 888. By Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman x Andersons Chewy Girl. Breeder Marlene Anderson. Owner Stephen V. Nagy Barbara F. Nagy. Bev-Nor N Southland Sinsation d, 288. By Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge x Lynnwrights Miracle Worker. Breeder Cynthia J. Silhan Beverly Norris. Owner Beverly Norris Charlotte Creed.Bev-Nor 'N Southland Tar Lacy b, 388. By Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Bev-Nor 'N Southland Poas- ty. Breeder Beverly Norris Charlotte Creed. Owner Jose A. Cabrera.Black Tyeand Tails d, 688. By Ch. Annons Spittin Image x Ch. Homestead's Daisy Dumpling. Breeder Jean Hurley. Owner Deborah Wheeler.Blakes Sir Robert John d, 1088. By Ch. Annons Sir Kennor x Jan-Shar's Sherry At Blakes. Breeder Evelyn E. Blake. Owner Donna C. Megenhardt Carol A. Galavich. Bonners Rosechamp Lucky Pup d, 888. By Ch. Bonners Pendart Champagne x Rosewood Costarlyn News Item. Breeder Dorothy Bonner. Owner Lois McCrae.C Js Masterpiece of Marks d, 888. By Scotia Mark of Distinction II x Ch. C J's Crystals Isadora. Breeder Pete Castaneda. Owner Averil H. Asbeck Wendy A. Feist.Carousels Angel for Allayn b, 1188. By Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel x Ch. Creider's Jessica. Breeder Linda Gustafson. Owner Mary Allan. Cassio Pinto Little Big Man d, 888. By Ch. Funfairs Pinto O Joe Dandy x Christmas Gaudette. BreederMichael Gaudette Clara E. Gaudette. Owner Joy S. Brewster Katherine A. Burke.Chesai Starpuff Vignette b, 588. By Bonners Starpuff Power x McPhies Pattie Bee. BreederOwner Joan M. Reilly.Chesai Sisnben Scarlet Rose b, 388. By Bonners Starpuff Power x Chesai Bambi Dancer. Breeder Joan M. Reilly. Owner Anna M. Benedetto.Chriscendo Cachet b, 288. By Ch. Coys Top of the Mark x Chriscendo Cashmere. BreederOwner Christine D. Heartz.Chriscendo Calvin Klein d, 188. By Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion x Chriscendo Confetti. Breeder Christine D. Heartz. Owner Christine D. Heartz Eleanor Miller.Chulas Diamond O Dragonmark b, 588. By Ch. Pedrons Mark of the Dragon x Ch. Chulas Choice of Dragonmark. BreederOwner Norma C. Gad.Cjs Sungold Ever-Ett b, 188. By Ch. Sungolds Dyn D Moe Rider x Ch. Cjs Crystals Isadora. BreederOwner Peter Castaneda. Colliers Pretty Boi Floyd d, 488. Colliers Here Come D Judge x Colliers Golden Topsy. BreederOwner Lula Mae Collier.Courbettes Fudge It Budget b, 788. By Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Weeh RTs Sunrise at Courbette. BreederOwner Vickey Leitner. Crescendo Forte b, 588. By Ch. Millamors Mood Music x Ch. Crescendo Counter Part. BreederOwner Bernard Ciiiberto Lois Ciiiberto.Dainti D-Nees Desirae b, 188. By Ch. D-Nees Darin' Duffie x Dainti Devilish Delite. Breeder Doreen Fernandez. Owner SusannStackhouse.Dainti Devilish Delite b, 388. By Breezy Oaks Brandy x Skeeter XXII. Breeder Linda Rasmussen. Owner Doreen Femendez.Damata A Certain Majic d, 188. By Babas Dragonslayer x Damata A Ga Nes. BreederOwner Darlys Flaata. Daybreak's Barbara Ann b, 788. By ch. Idlewyld Star Coral CDX x Daybreak Bruiser of Idlewyld. BreederOwner Fran Day Warren Margaret R. McKee.De Artas Flaming Tradition b, 788. By Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition x Little Judy of Wright Way. BreederOwner Nina Epps M. Deane Rinehart.De Artas Top Tradition d, 688. By Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition x De Artas Wee Dancing Cheri. Breeder M. D. Rinehart Nina K. Epps. Owner Verla Dagel.Doo-Shays Wearin Wrangler d, 988. By Southlands Tar-Babys Image x Doo-Shays Har La Quinn. Breeder Judith A. Bayliss. OwnerDavid B. Gibbons Virginia L. McVey.Dover-Hoilhouse Rebel Rouser d, 288. By Camelots Rebel Did It x Ch. Annons Lea'Tar of Dover. BreederOwner K. Hartz D. Ninot- ski P. A. Foley.Emcees Diamond Princess b, 788. By Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Emcees Diamond Chippa. BreederOwner Morris E. Carson Betty F. Carson.Emcee's Gold Brendan d, 688. By Ch. Emcees A Chip of Diamond x Emcees Adorable Bit of Gold. Breeder Morris Carson Betty Car- son. Owner Courtney Kyle Lindsay Kyle.Emcees Good As Gold d, 488. Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Terrific Wee Betsy. Breeder Morris Bett Carson. Owner Jessie M. Stephens Thomas L. Stephens.Emcees Solid Gold Amigo d, 188. By Ch. Dupres Sparkling Gold Buster x Dupres Mona Lisa of Diamond. Breeder Mrs. James Dupres Sr. Owner Morris Betty Carson. Emcees Solid Gold Tuco d, 888. By Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Tiny Chips. Breeder Carolyn Roberts. Owner Ywonnelee McGhee.Estarobarbecs Wicket d, 988. By O My Mias Oklahoma Wolfie x Bonnies Precious Sugar's Baby. Breeder Bonnie lacono. Owner Barbara Strong.Fancy Gold Nugget of Oakridge d, 888. By Ch. LLL Charming Gold Beeper x Little Judy of Wright Way. BreederOwner Nina Epps M. Deane Rinehart.Fancy Lady of Wright b, 588. By Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor x Tinker of Wright Way. Breeder Francis Wright. Owner Francis Wright Priscilla P. Brown.Fanfares Amanda b, 788. By Ch. Emcees Chips Ahoy of Coy x Harbin's Ruby Red Robin. Breeder Carolyn Edmisten JUlie Edmisten. Owner Julie A. Calhoun.Fantastic Fancy Frills b, 588. By Ch. Robinhoods Found Worthy x Weises Precious Girl. Breeder Clara F. Wiese. Owner Glenna Beck. Fiddlers Green Star Trek Fan b, 288. By Ch. Taj Mahal Brown Sugar Babe x Fiddlers Green Penny Wise. BreederOwner Phyllis T. Greer Jefferson E. Greer III.Franks Loma Bea-Can of Beaver d, 888. By Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver x Ch. Franks Loma Cotton Candee. BreederOwner Harley R. Frank Ellen Frank.MORECHAMPIONSNEXTPAGEThe Pom Reader November 198818 1988 CHAMPIONS 1988 CHAMPIONS 1988 CHAMPIONS 1988 CHAMPIONS 1988 CHAMPIONS 1988 CHAMPIONS Gaulkes Pepper Upper b, 688. By Ch. Kennors Dont Letem Kidya x Gaulkes Button Up. Breeder Duane Gaulke Charlotte Gaulke. OwnerJane Lehtinen.Glen Iris Ivanhoe d, 288. By Ch. Mee-Gee's Autumn Masterpiece x Cherokees Autumn Orange. Breeder Cheryl A. Jackson. OwnerCheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor.God Emperor Leto of Foxalre d,888. By Ch. Models Bit-O-Whiz x Ch. Foxaire My Sweet Promise. BreederOwner Stephen Ayres Linda Ayres.Golden Aires Priceless Gem d, 488.Ch. Wee Hearts Bit of Gold Dust x Little Copper Penny. BreederOwnerSharon Masnick.Golden Glow Master Regi d, 488.Ch. Golden Glow Regi x Golden Glow Prides Girl. BreederOwner Dennis Larson.Golden Glow Pepper Jr. d, 988. By Ch. Golden Glow Pepper x Golden Glow Show Me. Breeder Alicia Bauer. Owner Alicia Bauer Karen Millard.Great Elms Karen of Lenette b, 988.By Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond x Tomanolls June Bug. Breeder K. G. Griffith. Owner Patricia J. Griffin.Great Elms Firefighter d, 788. By Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond x Great Elms Sweet Candy. BreederRuth L. Beam. Owner Olga Baker Bill Henry.Great Elms Lil Beve of Lenette d,588. By Ch. Beaver of Lenette x Jennifer Holt. Breeder Helen Holt. Owner Bonnie Stetson.Guysngals Orange Krush b, 788.By Ch. Queenaire Whizzle Stik x Ch. Guysngals Dollie Patches. Breeder Josephine Ching. Owner Janet M.Cox.HHH Samantha Supreme b, 288. By Ch. HHH High Speed Bandit x HHH Crystal Pistol BreederOwner Peggy Hendricks.Harbins Charming Touch d, 688.By Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Ch. Harbins Touch of Class. BreederOwner Irene N. Harbin Sylvia Harbin.Idas Mr. Toasty by Bev-Nor d, 588.By Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge x Creiders Camelia Olda. BreederOwner Ida M. Tarver.J DS Bella Donna b, 888. By Cobbs Easter Parade of Dan x Cobb's Babe of Pepper. BreederOwner Janet L. Hovey.Jakens Sweet William d, 588. Ch. Annon's Magnum Force of Scamp x Jakens Black Eyed Susan. BreederOwner Jackie Rayner Ken Rayner Jr.Jamels Fugicle Of Southland d,488. Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Ch. Jamels Smudge Orange Par- fait. Breeder Eleanor Clark Charlotte Creed. Owner Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor.Jamels Texas Tornado d, 988. By Ch. Chriscendo City Lights x Shar- Ells Tootie of Sunkist. Breeder Sharon L. Hicks Eleanor Clark. Owner Eleanor Clark Joel M. Taylor.Jan-Les Legacy by Design d, 988.By Ch. Thelduns John John x Midas Chiffon Legacy. Breeder Jane Lehtinen. Owner Jane A. Lehtinen Thelma M. Dunn.Jan-Shars Sky High b, 288. By Ch.The Pom Reader November 1988Bev-Nor N Southland Ram bo x Hansons Dolly Parton. Breeder Sharon Hanson. Owner Sharon Hanson Jane Fleshman.Janesas Damien d, 688. By Ch. Bev-Nors Toastmaster x Janesas Antique Gold. Breeder Jerrie FReia. Owner Leanna Rillieux Jerrie Freia.Janesas Hi-Struttin Daisy b, 488. Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge xCh. Janesas Roulette. BreederOwnerJerrie Freia.Janesas Renee b, 788. By Ch. Bev- Nors Toastmaster x Janesas Sunkist Runner. BreederOwner Jerrie Freia.JDs Country Bumpkin d, 788. By Doctors Pepper x JDs Seeme Im A Pompous Pom. BreederOwnerJanet L. Hovey.Jeribeths J-B Star d. 288. By Jolly Wee Duke of the West x Jeribeth's Idol Baker. Breeder Mrs. Olga Baker. Owner Judy Shearer Jim Shearer.Jerlbeth Sir Lancelot d, 788. By Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Ch. Jeribeths Chula Dragonette. BreederOwner Olga M. Baker. Jubilee Whisper of Mica b, 488. Ch. Moonshadows Mica x Jubilee Nightsong. BreederOwner Lorene Bradbury Sharon Logan. Kar-Muns Norma Jeanne b, 288. By Ch. Windjammers Night Ranger x Brianwoods Sugar Cookie. BreederOwner Karen Munster. Karatylls Tigger d, 588. By Shamrocks Headliner x Karatylls Kokolossal. Breeder Kathleen Winslow Barbara Winslow. Owner Kathleen Winslow Barbara Winslow Melissa Winslow. Ken-Bers Melissa Ann b, 188. By Theodore Von Sipes Hill x Rapps Cupcake Sugar Plum. Breeder Cynthia J. Rapp. Owner Kenneth G. Atkinson.Kenneys Gold Mist Casper d, 988. By Dupres Sparkling Gold Block x Ch. Kenneys Gold Mist Lotus Blossom. BreederOwner Sallie Sajonce.Khani Midnight Masterpiece d, 988. By Khani Red Rascal x Khani Hap- pystorm. Breeder Connie Hendricks. Owner Holly E. Webster.Lessard Snagrila of Jubilee b, 288. By Ch. Moonshadows Mica x Jubilee Nightsong. Breeder Lorene Bradbury Sandra Logan. Owner Alice Lessard Nitsa Trayler.Lilaes Animated Nikk-Nakk b, 888. By Ch. Edney's Moe-Best Special Order x Shopes Cupid Bella Donna. BreederOwner Mrs. Lilae M. Shope Kenneth H. Shope.LinGal's Choleathe Pawnee d, 688. By Lin Gals Cochise x Lin Gals Saca- jawea. BreederOwner Mildred Ruthe Hillyard.LLL Charming Gold Capt Jack d, 188. By Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Cricket x LLL Charming Gold Kansa. Breeder Janice Luginsland. Owner Ron Bee Nancy Burnette.LLL Dazzlln Gold Katrina b, 488. Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Deuce x LLL Kap- tivating Katy. BreederOwner Janice Luginsland.LLL High Lights Lil Chickadee b, 1088. By Ch. Tim Sue's High Lights x Rosewood's Gold Mite Legacy. Breeder Janice L. Luginsland. Owner Janice Luginsland NancyBurnette Bertie Burnette.LLL Shining Brass Firefly b, 488. Ch. LLL Charming Gold Top Brass x LLL Desert Breeze Copygirl. Breeder Janice Luginsland. Owner Donna Megenhardt Carol A. Galavich. LLL Ts Gold Country Missy b, 288. By Ch. LLL Moongold Trapper x Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Suzanna. Breeder Janice Luginsland. Owner Carol A. Galavich Donna Megenhardt. LLL Ts Gold Sparkle Plenty b, 288. By Ch. LLL Mongold Trapper x Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Suzanna. BreederOwner Janice Luginsland. Lyn-Lee Monte Carla b, 888. By Ch. L-R's Rock Medal x Lyn-Lees Mona Lisa. BreederOwner Evelyn Conley Rollie Conley.Mac's Top Tune d, 988. By Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel xCh. Macs Beaux of Scarlet. Breeder Mrs. B. G. McDonald. Owner Bill Buliis. Majis Good Golly Miss Molly b, 288. By Ch. Millamors Mood Music x Davon Shire Blossoms Image. Breeder Marcella Jewett Karen Hardcastle. Owner James Jewett Marcella Jewett.Mercers Magic Touch O Duke d, 288. By Ch. Mercers Touch O'Duke x Mercers Mocha Star. Breeder Dan Mercer. Owner Joan M. Reilly. Merrymont Image Maker d, 988. By Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond x Foskeys Foxy Lady. BreederOwner Patricia Jo Griffin. Mickeys Tiny Tot Marble Eyes d, 888. By I M Rocky of Gold Blackacre x Kariee Chasing Rainbows. Breeder Sue Dahlstrom. Owner Susan A. Brendel.Midas Fascinating Rhythm d, 888. By Ch. Midas Rock Temp x Dixielands Music Box. Breeder Jonathon S. Massey Roberta Massey. Owner Jane Lehtinen. Millamors Marquetta b, 888. By Ch. Millamors Trademark x Millamors Roxanne. Breeder Eleanor W. Miller. Owner Malinda L. Fiveash. Millamors Minnie Mood b, 1088. By Ch. Millamors Mood Music x Millamor's Rose Reflection. Breeder Eleanor W. Miller. Owner Marty Flugel.Millbrook's Majestica b, 288. By Ch. Millbrooks Sauci Topper x Ch. Sungolds Gold Ante. Breeder Barbara Paine. Owner Anna La Fortune.Moreno's CC Jr By Choice d, 688. By Ch. Moreno Critics Choice x Tiffany Coquette Lepew. Breeder Richard W. Stiehl. Owner Shirley Ann K Leu.Morocco's Mr. Highway Man d, 188. By Bob-A-Lou's Magic Man x Morroccos Tillie. BreederOwner Charles J. Edwards.Muller Kazar Trump of Sungold d, 888. By Ch. Mullers Just A Nip Jr. x Rommels Miss Fashion Tease. Breeder Lillian M. Muller David G. Muller. Owner Richard Lackey Anna La Fortune.My-Joy-Cassie-Of-Apolloette b, 488. Ch. Apolloette Coast to Coast x Ch. Apolloette My-Joy-Kneesa. BreederOwner Sue Chewning Larry Chewning.Myway Aurora Gem b, 188. By Ch. Myway Sunni Gem of Collier x Myway High Finance. BreederOwner Molly M. Miller.Nanshadows Hurricane Juan d,688. By Ch. Mac's Maybe I Will x Ch. LLL Charming Gold Kandee. BreederOwner Nancy Burnette. Nanshadow's Oh Henry Will d, 588. By Ch. Macs Maybe I Will x Ch. LLL Charming Gold Kandee. Breeder Nancy Burnette. Owner Skip Piazza Nancy Burnette.New Wave Gallagher d, 588. By Ch. Mayken Bee Beautiful of Naona x Crismaran Sun Princess. Breeder Kenneth W. Mayes. Owner J. Ruth Wagner.Phyner Black Minikin b, 488. Ch. Morenos Critics Choice x Phyner Spellbinder. BreederOwner Dolly B. Trauner.Phyner Black Molecule b, 288. By Ch. Morens Critics Choice x Phyner Spellbinder. BreederOwner Dolly B. Trauner.Phyner Man About Town d, 1088. By Ch. Starlite Legacy Choco Bear x Phyners Lulus Back In Town. BreederOwner Dolly B. Trauner. Pixies Constant Comment b, 1088. By Ch. Post Script Sparkle-N-Rock x Pixies Little Margie. Breeder Carol A. Galavich. Owner Carol A. Galavich Donna C. Megenhardt. Pixies Puffed Up Fancy Image d, 188. By Pixies Puffer Stuff x Pixie's Somthin Fancy. BreederOwner Carol A. Galavich.Pom Acres Stunningly Sable d, 1188. By Yap YapTimmytoo OGreat Elms x Pattys Pride OPom Acres. BreederOwner Juanita Fiddick. Pomaunok Addendum d, 788. By Ch. Silver Meadows PepR 0 Legacy x Starlite Shantilly Lace. BreederGayle L. Griffin Fran Bosmann. Owner Fran Bosmann. Pomaunok Just A Speck d, 1088. By Ch. Silver Meadows PepR OLegacy x Starlite Shantilly Lace. Breeder Gayle L. Griffin Fran Bosmann. Owner Fran Bosmann. Pombredens Heavenly Toy Boy d, 488. Pombreden Charismatic Parti x Pombredens My God Reigns Too. BreederOwner Barbara A. Breden Robert W. Breden.Pomirish Chances Dina Mite b, 188. By Ch. Pomirish Cr Puffs Only Chance x Pomirish Squirts Come Again. Breeder Sally Baugniet. Owner Sally Baugniet Patricia Krause.Pomirish Scooter SugR N Spice b, 588. By Ch. Pomirish Desirees G E Scooter x Pomirish Chance Swt Crm N Sugr. Breeder Sally Baugniet. Owner Maureen Quinlan Sally Baugniet.Pomirish Sprites Jolly Good d, 788. By Ch. Pomirish Cr Puffs Only Chance x Ch. Pomirish Bubbles Lil Sprite. BreederOwner Sally Baugniet.Pomirish ThankgivN Puf b, 188. By Ch. Pomirish Prufs Jumping Jack x Ch. Pomirish Chances Dream Puff. BreederOwner Sally Baugniet. Pomirish Victors Challenger d, 288. By Ch. Pomirish Scooters Victory x Pomirish Top Hat. BreederOwner Sally Baugniet. Pompuf Wee Sparklin Dragon d, 588. Ch. Pompuf Wee Preshus Dragon x Pompuf Sparklin Nadia. BreederOwner Gwen R. Hodson. Post Scripts Pandora b, 1088. By Ch. Edney's Moe-Best Special Order x Post Script's Jasman. BreederOwner Rose Keller.MORE CHAMPIONS NEXT PAGE 1988 CHAMPIONS 1988 CHAMPIONS 1988 CHAMPIONS 1988 CHAMPIONS 1988 CHAMPIONS 1988 CHAMPIONS Precious Petit Riple S Royale b, 888. By Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple x Lynnwrights Sweet Charity. BreederOwner Claudia J. Pfeffer. Queenaire More Promises b, 588. Ch. Models Bit-O-Whiz x Ch. Queenaire Bright Promise. Breeder Dudley Roach Wanda Roach. Owner Mrs. B. G. McDonald. Sallys Little Gold Digger d, 988. By Ch. Emcees Limited Edition x Foxie Lady From Tequila. BreederOwner Sally A. Jenkins.Scotia Little Davey d, 188. By Ch. Zodiacs Cavalier Commander x Ch. Scotia Best Yet's Lisa Doll. Breeder Edna Girardot. Owner Delores A. Watts.Shadras Hob Nobbin OPosmarkd, 1088. By Sharel's Southern Image d, 788. By Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond x Sharels Southern Belle. Breeder Sharon Hicks. OwnerBabe McCombs.Shilohs Icy Teddy Bear d, 1088. By McKameys Donny x Krieger's Miss Cupcake. Breeder Diane L. Finch. Owner Phyllis Suby.Shy Acres Our Man Friday d, 688. By Ch. Macs Maybe I Will x Sungolds Corse U Will. Breeder C. M. Roberts. Owner Nancy Burnette. Silva Lade Littlest Outlaw d, 788. By Silva Lade the Outlaw x Ch. Silva Lade Little Miss Marker. Breeder Larry Johnson Dianne Johnson. Owner Suzanne G. Bemey.Silva Lade Outlaw Josie Wales d, 888. By Silva Lade The Outlaw x Silva Lade Crowning Glory. Breeder Larry Johnson Dianne Johnson. Owner Delores A. Watts.Silver Meadows Mi-T Preshus b, 888. By Ch. Silver Meadows My-T Love 'N Joy x Ch. Silver Meadows Ms. Krickett. BreederOwner Jacquelyn W. Klein.Silver Meadows SS Squeak d, 288. By Ch. Silver Meadows Scooter Star x Silver Meadows Ursula. BreederOwner Jacquelyn W. Klein.Singleoak Ity Bity Tic b, 988. By Singleoak Image of Great Elms x Singleoak Little Debbie. BreederOwner Carol L. Gillespie Tom Gillespie.Singleoaks Wooly Bully d, 688. By Singleoak Image of Great Elms x Singleoak Little Susie. Breeder Charles Hunsaker. Owner Gladys Von Horn.Slemps High Stakes Binky d, 188. By Ch. LLL Charming Gold Beeper x Slemps Little Bitty Mindy. BreederOwner Mrs. B. J. Slemp.Southland 'N Bev-Nor Dynasty d, 788. By Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Bev-Nor 'N Southland Poas- ty. Breeder Charlotte Creed Beverly Norris. Owner Cassandra Ready Regina Ready.Southland 'N Bev-Nors Nut E Fudged, 588. Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Bev-Nors N Southlands Hope. Breeder Beverly Norris Charlotte Creed. Owner Jan Wilhite. Southland 'N Bev-Nors Tar-Baby d, 688. By Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Bev-Nor 'N Southland Poas- ty. Breeder Charlotte Creed Beverly Norris. Owner Linda S. Brogiotti. Southlands Justa Dreama b, 588. Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Bev-Nor N Southland's Hope. Breeder Charlotte Creed. Owner Polly Ferguson Charlotte Creed. Southlands Ms. Ruth of G E b, 688. By Cedarwoods Golden Nugget x Great Elms Sassy. Breeder Ruth L. Beam. Owner Charlotte Creed. Southlands Step Aside Boys b, 888. By Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge x Southland Fudge Double Dip. BreederOwner Charlotte Creed.Starfires Valentino d, 788. By Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman x Doo-Shays Elegant Chic. BreederOwnerJose A. Cabrera.Sun Dots Just Me d, 588. Ch. Sun- Dots Rambolin Strut N Stuf x Sunp- Dots Ramboling San Doll. Breeder Ruth Dotson. Owner Ruth Dotson Myrtle Klensch.Sun Ray's Bat Man d, 188. By Ch. Sun Ray's Ambassador x Sun Ray's Lil Dovie. BreederOwner Fern Rodrigues.Sungolds Lady Mercedes b, 788. By Ch. Mac's Maybe I Will x Ch. Sungolds Portrait of Quesera. BreederOwner Anna La Fortune. Sungolds Rider Almond Moca d, 388. By Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge x Ch. Sungold's Karat. BreederOwner Anna M. La Fortune.Sungolds Solo d, 888. By Ch. Sungolds Kazar Quarter Back x Ch. Sungolds Portrait of Quesera. Breeder Anna La Fortune. OwnerGail Jeub.Sunsation's Dancing Cindy Lou b, 888. By Puff Balls Lil Huggie x Lil Bonanza Gold Stella. BreederOwner Andrea L. Hall. Texicans Primo De Pico d, 188. By Ch. Tomboys Pico Chico x Ch. Chulas Texican Peppermist. Breeder Erika Moureau Norma C. Gad. Owner Erika K. Moureau.Texicans Speedy Gonzales d, 288. By Ch. Tomboy's Pico Chico x Texicans Margarita. Breeder Erika K. Moureau. Owner Pauline Cook. The Pines Strut-N-My Stuf b, 188. By Ch. The Pines Jack in the Box x Sweethills TalaTridle. Breeder LoisL. Horan. Owner Mrs. Louis M. Sweet.Tia-Lings Dream Maker d, 988. By Ch. Flame of Wright Way x Ch. Golden Girl of Wright Way. BreederOwner Paula F. McBay. Tim Sues Brass Lights d, 788. By Ch. Chriscendo City Lights x Tim Sues Brass Toy. Breeder Sue Goddard Tim Goddard. Owner Ron Feyh.Tiniest Toys Lil Short Stuff d, 1088. By Ch. Riders Sungold Diamond x Tiniest Toy's Post Script. Breeder Virginia R. Kersey. Owner Horst Graf.TNT Joshua Jones of Hilane d, 1088. By TNT The Devil Made Me Do It x Goldenray-Cka Moonmist Star. Breeder Marcia Doane. Owner A. W. Waterman J. Cushman Lynn De Rosa Marcia Doane. Tomho Champagne Wishes d, 888. By Ch. Tomho Apricot Strut x Ch. Tomho Timtu. BreederOwner Tom- mi Hooban.Tru-Keps Golden Sand d, 788. By Ch. Tru-Keps Starman x Tru-Keps Merry Melanie. Breeder Trudy B. Keplinger. Owner Trudy B. Kepl- inger Irvin P. Kepler.Tru-Keps Star Sensation d, 688. By Ch. Thelduns Dandee Sensation x Keplingers Princess Buffy. Breeder Trudy B. Keplinger. Owner ThelmaM. Dunn.V I Ps High Hopes b, 588. Ch. Bev- Nors Statesman x V I P French Vanilla. Breeder Fran Smith. Owner Fran Smith Joanne Reed. Valcopy-Wakham Fashion Vogue b, 388. By Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Idolmaker x Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style. BreederOwner Randy Gemmill Dana Plonkey.Walden Eights Darkins Delta d, 888. By Walden Wights Boidarkin x Tahana. Breeder Laurel McFarland. Owner Walden McFarland. Watters Tiny Touch O Amber b, 288. By Ch. K and Ws Touch of Diamond x Mercers Amber Touch. Breeder Maxine A. Watters. Owner Evelyn Rollie Conley.Watts Little Tia Maria b, 1088. By Ch. Watts Little Chipperof G Elms x Watts Little Crisco of Scotia. BreederOwner Delores A. Watts. Watts Little Xmas Eve OScotia b,988. By Ch. Scotia Dennis' Inspiration x Ch. Wynningways Tiffgem OScotia. Breeder Delores A. Watts. Owner Bess P. Roberts.Webers Space Cadet Ewok d, 588. Ch. Millamors Mark Medallion x Webers Kleine Aeffchen. BreederOwner Pat L. Weber David A. Weber.Wee Hearts Max-A-Milllon d, 788. By Solo D-Oro x Wee Hearts Martini of Lennis. Breeder Cassandra Ready. Owner Ywonnelee McGhee Cassandra Ready.Wee Hearts Mercedes Benz b, 788. By Solo D'Oro x Scotia Sweet Gypsy Rose. Breeder Cassandra Ready. Owner Polly S. Harris Cassandra Ready.Wee Hearts Thats My Binky b, 388. By Wee Hearts Tuffer N Love x Wee Hearts Luvin Kuddles. Breeder Cassandra Ready Regina Ready. Owner Dr. Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor.Wee Rambo of Coys Top Mark d, 988. By Ch. Coys Top of the Mark x Coys Sunrise Serenade. Breeder June J. Coy Jane E. Johnston. Owner Geneva B. Pennock.Wee Robins Dancer of Oakridge d, 188. By Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor x Ch. Wee Dancing Robin of Oakridge. Breeder Nina K. Epps. Owner Nina K. Epps M. Deane Rinehart.Weeheart Pretty Place Lu-Cha b, 588. By Ch. Silva Lade Midnight Caper x Sh-Nas Bev-Nor Koo-Key. Breeder Lucha Schroder. Owner Cassandra Ready Regina Ready. White Pine Red Label d, 988. By Ch. Cherokees Darin Drummer x Morn- ingsides Ms Lacey. Breeder Sharon W. Heigert Hope Hartenbach. Owner Sharron W. Heigert. Windjammers Touch of Petite d, 188. ByCh. Precious Petit Touch of Riple x Dias Delight of Windjammer. BreederOwner Robert L. Stafford Jeananne C. Stafford.Windwick Wild Whimsy b, 288. By Ch. O My Pattys Touch-O-Pepper x Caldwells Sundae Soda. Breeder Bonnie Butterfield. Owner Arabelle B. Hodges.Wl Dakotahs Lil Huggy Bear d, 988. By Ch. Watts' Little Dakotah x Princess Nasheeta. BreederOwner Mark Baldwin Carol Baldwin. Woods Fancy Fashion b, 288. By Ch. Woods Magic Masterpiece x Woods Dainty Doll. Breeder Maynard Wood. Owner Robert L. Goodrich.This list is updated monthly.07i bmYOUR SHOWCASE FOR PUREBRED POMSThe Pom Reader November 1988Your Showcase For Purebred PomsPresented by Doll-McGinnis Publicationsa division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Inc.8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephones 813 858-2639 or 813 858-3839ADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAD SIZE PREPAID BILLEDFULL PAGE 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 8.00 12.00All ads 'A page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. Full Color is available at 300.00 per page. Accent Color is available - call for quote. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine.SAMPLE ISSUES 3.00 each BACK ISSUES 3.00 eachsubject to availabilitySUBSCRIPTION RATESIn U.S. Dollars12 Months - 12 Issues 24.00 third class post40.00 first class postDEADLINESThe deadline for advertising is the 10th of the month preceding publication date i.e., March 10th for the April issue. All ads received after the deadline will appear in the next available issue. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine.THE POM READER is sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best in Show judges.MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO Doll-McGinnis PublicationsVOLUME IV. NUMBER 4VOLUME IV, NUMBER 27tkSmceefo ouquictc c Qro- \fh. Bi-Mar Sundance KidDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809oBULK RATE U.S. POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FLNEWS PUBLICATION - DO NOT DELAYLINDA GALLAGHER PR 1288 2035 SE BETHEL CORVALLIS OR 97333 USA 3ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED