The Pom Reader December 1988
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DECEMBER 1988 VOLUME IV, NUMBER 10HAPPY HOLIDAYSNi" if, . . rv '. yJ i aJSspBrtSaiflMWDELSOL POMERANIANSpresentsTIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTSOn The CoverTIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTSA CH. CHRISCENDO CITY LIGHTS son Half brother to multiple BISA CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS see back cover Thank you SUE GODDARD for this lovely dogWatch for him in the ring with friend and handler DON WALKERCH. SUN RAYS BATMAN4t6.. 'h IjcntmCt"0oql atiac'BTOYCh. Scotia's President Jim Ch. Furys Bullet of Sun Ray Ch. Bellerina of Sun Ray Sire Ch. Sun Ray's AmbassadorCh. Lancer of Sun Ray Ch. Sun Ray's Lil Rosette Sun Ray's ScarletCh. Fury's Bullet of Sun Ray Ch. Sun Rays AmbassadorCh. Sun Ray's lil RosetteDam Sun Ray's Lil DovieCh. Fury's Bullet of Sun RaySun Ray's Lady Ora TanSun Ray's Gold-N-RavenThis well linebred male is producing exceptionally sound puppies. Heavy coats and beautiful heads are a trademark. Puppies in nearly all colors with exceptionally deep reds and black tans with bold markings.MULTIPLE GROUP WINS ALWAYS IN THE NATIONAL RANKINGS ALL SYSTEMSStud fees upon request to approved bitchesHERES WISHING HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONE, FROMvvSUN RAY KENNELSFern Rodriguez 8133 Royal Circle ^El Cajon, CA 92021 619 443-9946Del^olDEL SOL POMERANIANS Susan Conlee 2155 Olga Street Oxnard, CA 93030 805-485-0857Happy Holidays from POM ACRESr\aAPOM ACRES SOS MAX A MILLIONSireCH. POM ACRES STUNNINGLY SABLEDamPOM ACRES FANCI FREEPhoto byPETS BY PAULETTEif jf. ANNIEOwned by PATSY BEASLEYPhoto byBONNIE ANDING Ainsworth, IAProduced byYAP YAP TIMMYTOO OGREAT ELMS POM ACRES FANCI FREE at Pom Acres KennelMMM_ i7l rfiROBERT JUANITA FIDDICK Route 4, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 Ph 319-989-2199The Pom Reader December 198847iiSom tfleacfer'ISiv. VOLUME 1^ M MBEfc i HAPPY HOLIDAY fQecmr JSSVolume IV, Number 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS8. THE SAN DIEGO SPECIALTY AND OTHER THINGS...Sally Baugniet reports on recent events.10. SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-November AKC Gazette.12. A CHRISTMAS TAILConnie Warnock tells of Yuletide Trouble.13. A CANADIAN BREEDERS POINT OF VIEWKaren Bradshaw tells of her new home.14. OLYMPIAChristmas calls that flip your wig.16. GENERALLY SPEAKING by Susan WadeClass Consciousness.18. NEWS...Club doings and recent medical findings.20. DOG FOOD DILEMNADebbie Coleman examines diet.22. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-November AKC Gazette.22. NEW CHAMPIONSChampions of record published in November 1988.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication maybe reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Telephones 813 858-3839 or 813 858-2639.The Pom Reader December 1988This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront Cover SUSAN CONLEE DEL SOL POMERANIANS FERN RODRIGUES SUN RAY POMERANIANS Inside Back Cover BARBARA DEFORD CIRCUS CIRCUS TOYS CHERI PEEL FOXWOOD KENNEL Back CoverSUE GODDARD TIM SUES POMS JANICE LUGINSLAND LLL POMERANIANSINDEXTOADVERTISERSALLAN, M....................................................19BENKO, A..................................................... 8CABRERA, T................................................ 5CARSON, M. B....................................... 21CttJBERTO, B. L.................................... 21CONLEE, S................................................ 1,2COOK, S..................................................... 21CREED, C................................................... 21DEFORD, B.................................................23DOSSINGER, M............................................ 8EPPS, N.......................................................19FIDDICK, R. J...................................... 3,21FINCH, D..................................................... 19FREIA, J......................................................21GAD, N........................................................21GODDARD, T. S......................................24GRAF, H......................................................13GRIFFIN, G................................................. 17GRIFFITH, K............................................... 17HARTZ, K....................................................17HEARTZ, J. C..........................................21HERBAL ARK LTD.....................................19HOVEY, J....................................................21JACKSON, C.............................................. 17JONES, H....................................................19KELLY, S.................................................... 21KRANZFELDER, M.................................... 19LOVELY, V..................................................19LUGINSLAND, J....................................17,24MANATEE K.C........................................... 15MARCHBANKS, M. J............................. 21MARTIN, D.................................................... 9MILLER, K. E.......................................... 17MILLER, B. P.......................................... 21MUNSTER, S.............................................. 21NAGY, S. B............................................. 21NORRIS, B....................................................8PFEFFER, C................................................17PIAZZA, S................................................... 21REILLY, R. J............................................17RINEHART, MJD........................................ 19RODRIGUES, F........................................ 1,2ROSENBAUM, M..........................................7SANDIFER, D............................................. 21SHARLAND, G............................................. 9STACKHOUSE, S.......................................19TAYLOR, J..................................................17 A Family Presentation vvt, - jsAPAPABIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge4 1\MAMACh. Bev-Nor N Southlands Tar-LacyROCKY I JESSIE BELLFLASH Rocky Jessie hit the ring... Winners Dog, Best of Winners, and Winners Bitch at SIX MONTHS,TWO DAYS OF AGE Watch for this pair of beautiesSTIRFI1E POMERANIANSTONY CABRERA275 SW 72ND AVENUE, MIAMI, FL 33144 305 266-7471The Pom Reader December 1988SHOWSIGHT FROM THE EDITORI was just deciding whether or not to have another cup of coffee. What would that entail Well, tracing my steps to the cof- feemaker would involve the following step over Justice the Rottweiler yell at the Guinea hens to get off the patio furniture step over Liberty the Doberman yell at the new heifer to get out of the shrubbery pat seven Champions on the head play with two puppies yell at Caesar the cat to stop whatever he is doing, pour a cup of coffee and repeat the process back out to my office. I finally decided I dont have time for another cup of coffee.And its not only the animals around here that give a person pause. The other night I was coming back from somewhere and I was in rather a hurry, because I had to, well, I had to, well, I was in a hurry to get home. I rounded the last curve at a good clip, approached the front gate, and...came to a screeching halt. There was Christis van, completely blocking the drive. Christi is an employee of ours. I sat and waited. She didnt come out. I fidgeted some more. She still did not appear. Finally, I popped out of the station wagon, started up the van and drove it on in. At which point Christi and Duane came running out to see who was attempting to hijack the Sportsman. They had been, of course, sitting around blabbing. I jumped out of the van, ran to retrieve the wagon, and...THERE WAS THE U.P.S. MAN BLOCKING THE DRIVE. Obviously this was not my night.But of course, at this time of year one does not become angered at delivery people they could be bearing gifts This one was and an interesting Christmas gift it is, too. A Digital Rain Gauge. Just what Ive always wanted. You see, some cattle friends of ours, Jim Gail Gresham of the famous Circle G Ranch, do everything just right. When they hold a cattle sale it is a major event the catalogue is top quality, and the invitations engraved. And the sale weekend is a major-type party on Friday afternoon there is the cattle preview, and you stroll around this magnificent ranch looking at these breathtaking animals on the bench, so to speak. Each individual in the sale has a plaque with name, birthdate, and pedigree each pen pen doesnt quite fit it each viewing area is spotless, and the animals are arrayed all over the acreage, up the hill, under the trees its quite a sight. And the cleanup crews efficiency makes any dog shows look sick. While previewing the offerings, should you tire, they will whisk you around in golf carts, and should the heat or cold get to you, there are bars with formally attired attendants, everywhere you look. Following the preview is a sit-down dinner usually for two hundred complete with floral arrangements, fine china, numerous courses and appropriate wines...all in the barn The sale barn in itself is a masterpiece. Following dinner, there is a parade of cattle across a raised dais for your entertainment while you sip your cognac. And immediately following dinner there is music and dancing and drinking and everything. I M love to attend cattle sales, especially Gail Jims.And speaking of sales, KAL KAN PEDIGREE is anticipating increased sales of its product due to the new snazzy commercial starring Olga Baker and her Poms. The decidedly dolled-up Olga strikes yet another blow in the battle for increased recognition of Toy Dogs round the globe. NiceThe Pom Reader December 1988iKiWiSi1work, O.B.But back to Gail Jims...The following morning, breakfast is served, followed by luncheon, followed by the sale itself. And the sale at this particular place, as it is at almost every private sale Ive ever been to, is an event itself. The auctioneers are always top-flight, the pace is swift and entertaining, and through it all more food and drink are at your disposal. And the prices are staggering. Ah, you say, theres the answer. MONEY. And of course youre right it IS done for the money. This year the sale brought in over half a million dollars in three and one-quarter hours.So the sale brings in the bucks, but they wouldnt have to do it quite the way they do. Should you make a purchase and even if you dont you can still eat not only do you get your cattle, you receive a personal Thank-You note from the breeders. And followup letters as to the progress of the cattle you purchased. And in our case, for Christmas, a Digital Rain Gauge. Is this all just to bring you back, to spend more money, to get you hooked No. These particular individuals bring you back through more than gracious entertaining they always bring us back through ethical practices. And we go back twice a year.Last year we were unable to attend their spring sale, and tendered an offer in absentia. And we were gratified to purchase the lot of our choice, a tremendous cow bull calf pair of impeccable lineage. And the cow was bred back to a bull we admire, and hopefully in calf Angus language meaning in whelp. Several months later we noticed that the the bull calf was going lame, and becoming more crippled by the day. We called and reported the problem. No problem, was the answer, we were credited a chunk of change for the bull calf, no ifs, ands or buts. No ask for return of the bull calf, nothing. They took our word. We were more than satisfied. Then another month went by and the cow came back into heat, signalling that, of course, she was NOT in calf. They credited us eighty percent of the purchase price and let us keep the cow. We were dumbfounded. There are some things we dog people can learn from the cattle people, I guess. Ethics of this high caliber should be handsomely rewarded, and we wish these people the best of everything. So, well always go back for the ethics, party or no, and as for the spring sale, we wont miss another.But of course it takes two or more to tango. Everybody in purebred dogs has had a puppy not pan out, or something go awry. And most breeders are more than willing to make things right, providing there is communication and sensible thinking on the part of all parties. Its when people start screaming at each other that everything falls apart, and by then, youve missed your chance.And speaking of missing, numerous people have inquired how we are managing without our yard-care people, Junior His Wife. Well, when you need something done, depend upon your ownresources...THE D-MCG BOVINE BRIGADE left to rightTito Tiffany Car Care Vince Vanessa Lawn Garden supervised by Justice DuaneTony Belle Security.From us and ours, to you and yours, the very, very best of Holiday Seasons. And from the Angus, Happy Moo YearYour newfound expert on precipitation, JMcG7Bi-Mar Pomeranians FOR SALE RED ORANGE MALE whelped 112587, sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of a daughter of Ch. Creiders Boxcar Willie. Show Quality with outstanding coat and personality. Small ears and baby-faced. Show ring ready, Specials quality...............................1000.00RED FEMALE whelped 61586, sired by Ch. Creiders Wee Red Baron and out of a granddaughter of Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too. Small ears and babyfaced. A free-whelping bitch................................550.00CLEAR ORANGE MALE whelped 10285, sired by CH. Creiders Gold Venture II and out of a daughter of Great Elms Timstopper Too. This male is a proven sire of major pointed offspring from the puppy class as well as specialty winners. Excellent quality with huge coat, small ears. Show quality..................................... 800.00RED SABLE MALE whelped 51086, by Ch. Creiders Smoke N Flame and out of a Ch. Creiders Sundance daughter. Proven sire. Show quality. Show ring trained. Big coat with small ears................................ 800.00RED FEMALE whelped 92582 that has produced some of our best show Poms for us. Skylark, Great Elms, Millamor and Scotia bloodlines. Always has nice size litter and never misses.................................500.00DARK RED MALE sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Full brother to a champion that has Toy Group First and specialty wins. Has major AKC points and show ring ready............................................................850.00BLACK TAN MALE whelped 11787. This is a perfectly marked black tan male that is leash trained and show quality. Beautiful head. Sire is all Scotia breeding and his dam is a granddaughter of BIS Ch.Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and BIS Ch. Sun Rays Lil Beaver................................................................ 600.00RED ORANGE MALE whelped 82088 that is sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and out of Bi-Mar Kat Ballou. Repeat breeding that has produced CH. Bi-mar Sundance Charmer, Ch. Autumns Blaze of Bi-Mar, Ch. Bi-Mar Sonnys Masterpiece and Bi-Mar Son N Danceman major pointed. These Poms have toy group firsts, specialty wins and this pup can join the winning list of his brothers...................................800.00RED SABLE MALE whelped 72785 that needs a 3 point major for his AKC championship. Grandsires are BISA Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and BIS Ch. Sun Rays Lil Beaver. This male is about 4 lbs. with beautiful movement and style. Specials quality. Show ring ready. Proven sire........................................................2000.00RED FEMALE whelped 111587, sired by BIS Ch. Bi- Mar Sundance Kid and out of a Ch. Creiders Boxcar Willie daughter. This is a show and brood quality female that will be tough in the show ring and then be the type for a good brood bitch.......................................1000.00We are cutting down on our show Poms as well as our brood females. Here is a chance to purchase Pomeranians that are already ring trained and some with show points.Bi-Mar PomeraniansMary A. RosenbaumPhones 206-838-6397 206-927-236936520 28th Avenue South Federal Way, Washington 98003The Pom Reader December 1988THE SAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYand other Sally Baugniet, A.P.C. Education CoordinatorI had the opportunity to judge the San Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty in conjunction with the Del Sur Kennel Club.Winners Dog was PICCOLO OF POINT LOMA from the ROCS open class, bred and owned by Pauline Hughes. Winners Bitch was PHYNER SWEET SUCCESS from the ROCS open class, bred by Lorene Bradbury and owned by Dolly Trauner. Veteran Bitch CH. MILLBROOK SUZETTA was eleven years old and still going strong. She was bred by Barbara Paine and owned by Barbara Paine Gertrude Webber.There were seven other specials entered for Best of Breed. I chose a beautiful black bitch CH. PHYNER BLACK MINIKIN, bred and owned by Dolly Trauner. I would have liked to have her be a little larger, but she really had it togther. She was IT Best of Winners was the Winners Dog Best of Opposite Sex was a new Champion moved up from the classes SUNGOLDS MAX OF HARBIN, bred by Irene Sylvia Harbin and owned by Anna LaFortune.Stud Dog Class had one entry, CH. SUN RAYS GOLD BANNER, bred by Fern Rodrigues and owned by Sam Linda Levin. Two braces competed Pauline Hughes had the winning brace. Her brace was comprised of WANDA OPOINTLOMA and PICCOLO OF POINT LOMA, a motherTheshading on the Beaver color would be toward the browns rather than the shadings oranges have toward the red. Since beaver is definitely a Pom color and was in previous Pom Standards, I do believe it deserves to be put back in. Without identifying specific colors by just stating all colors allowed, we would open Pandoras box to accepting solid colored Poms with a white leg or white feet a mis-marked particolored, mismarked black, etc., and smuttiness. Do we want this I think, with A.K.C.s education programs, we can educate both Pom judges and Pom fanciers. What do you thinkPauline Hughes told me her new revised book on Pomeranians will be out and available to the public at the time of the 1989 New York Pom Specialty. This is one book I hope to add to my library. How about youHas anyone heard of a lilac color A woman from the state of Washington was told by the person from whom she bought her Pom, that it was lilac. She wonders if it is a blue gene. It is impossible for me to give her an answer without a color picture or questioning her. If anyone out there can help, please do.son combination.After Pom judging was completed, we had a delicious pot luck lunch including some Mexican dishes we dont have in Wisconsin. During this time I brought out the Standardized Standard that we have hammered out thus far. I am very serious about getting as much input from as many Pom people as possible. People at the Des Moines Specialties had a chance to contribute, also.One of the things extensively discussed was color. We can do one of three things leave it as it is, add acceptable colors with descriptions, or have all colors acceptable. The 1st and 3rd choices are easy. Adding acceptable colors is more complicated, but might be the best way to go. Colors that are being considered for addition are Any Solid Color With Tan Markings which are marked the same as tan markings in a black tan Brindle there are several of that color around, and Beaver. Pauline Hughes, Art Davison, Margaret Daniel Ontiveros and others were discussing the answer to my question What color is Beaver I had the beaver color described to me as beige not orange or cream. Beige-colored Poms have self-colored pigment. I thought, Oh, Oh, the judges are going to think a Beaver Pom is a shade of orange with poor pigment. This is probably why the Beaver color was left out of the more recent standards.Margaret Ontiveros sent a letter of quotes from various old books on color This Is The Pomeranian by Louise Ziegler Spirer Herbert F. Spirer, 1965 TFH publications, page 32, under colors ...The Beaver is a dark beige...Sally Baugniet11224 Hwy B, Mishicot, Wl 54228rzI arBLOSSOM HEIGHTS POMSBlossom Heights Puppet Sire Ch. Millamors Mood Music. Dam Bobbys Cuddles Arlene John Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 407-842-5591DOSSMARStud Service - ChocolateWhite Parti Puppies and Adults Occasionally Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Road414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040BEV-NOR POMS Red sable female, BLK TAN male SIRE Ch. Fudge. DAM Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge daughter. CH. FUDGE is sire and grandsire. Red Male, SIRE Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge. DAM Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman daughter. TOASTYis sire and grandsire. Red sable male SIRE Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge. DAM out of littermate to Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman, her sire is CH. FUDGE. Our BLK TAN BEST IN SHOW GIRL Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tan Ya due 104 repeat. Sire is Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman. Orange male and red sable female out of Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge daughter.BEV BILL NORRIS, TIM Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. PH 301 255-1343.The Pom Reader December 19889PINEHAVEN POMERANIANSr rmMvjBEST OF WINNERSTRAP FALLSkennel CLUB1988JOHN ASH6EY5^yVSBESTOF WINNERS LADIESdog club1987JOHN ASHBEYTrr"WEE HEART S BEAU GESTESire CH. WEE HEARTS BIT OF GOLD DUST Dam WEE HEARTS GLITTER OF LU-CHA Beau is pointed and has done well in limited showing. Including 3rd in Sweepstakes at the New York Specialty, February 1988. He is a proven sire and is ring ready. He is for sale to a show home. Also puppies available sired by Beau, and two brood bitches.PINEHAVEN KENNEL, Gale Sharland, Pinev '''PINEHAVENS PHOEBESire CH. SIRIUS SIMPLY SPLENDIFEROUS Dam WINDSONGS ROSE OF SHARON Phoebe is pictured winning her first points at 7 mos. of age. Phoebe is well on her way to her championship only needing a major to finish. She is a very showy little girl, and will be coming back into the show scene now that she is over her year shed. I hope to have her finished by Specialty time. I would consider selling her to somebody who would special a bitch.Street, Raynham, MA 02767. 508 823-8920IS EVERYBODY HAPPYYOU BETJudge, Mrs. Tipton Winner, Fudgey OwnerHandler Ed MartinAIKSBEST OF BREED OR VARIETYAUGUSTAKENNEL GWMSHOWLa Cheries Hot Fudge RippleCh. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple x La Cheries Shes Got PizzazzBEST OF BREED AUGUSTA, GEORGIAHAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONELA CHERIE POMERANIANS Dorothy Martin Box 30M, Rock Hill, SC 29730 Telephone 803-377-7718The Pom Reader December 198810--------------- SPECIALS ADDITION --------------------TOP TWENTY POMERANIANS - JANUARY THROUGH NOVEMBER AKC GAZETTE Presently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the Breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsPoints not to be confused with AKC championship points are alloted to individuals according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and Fields Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point credit. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds...............500BEST IN SHOW Specialty.................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty...75TOY GROUP FIRST..............................250TOY GROUP SECOND.........................150TOY GROUP THIRD............................... 75TOY GROUP FOURTH........................... 25BEST OF BREED....................................10Statistician Susan Wade. Tie placements will be marked with an asterisk and listed in alphabetical order. The following is the listing of theTop Twenty Poms, through the NOVEMBER 1988 AKC Gazette.POINTS NAME14120 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING H D... PiazzaBaker, Owners4695 CH. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOY D.............................B. Stetson, Owner2305 CH. APOLLOETTE MOONLITE GAMBLER D.. M. M. Presser, Owners1490 CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH D..........................J. Hurley, Owner1475 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D.......................................LuginslandGoddard, Owners1420 CH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIEL D............................C. Pfeffer, Owner1345 CH. BELLS GRANDSTAND ROWDY D...........................B. Bell, Owner1270 CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY D...........................N. Burnette, Owner1140 CH. LANAS TOP PRIORITY D.........................................CraigEjchorszt, Owners1120 CH. WHARTONS SEPPI VON HONIG D.........................CokeWharton, Owners1035 CH. BI-MARS SUNDANCE KID D....................................M. Rosenbaum, Owner930 CH. SUN RAYS BATMAN D.............................................F. Rodrigues, Owner830 CH. PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR D GalindoWelch, Owners800 CH. SYSAME CLEAN SWEEP D......................................S. Schlienz, Owner785 CH. MIXONS ROSSI OF FRIPP D....................................L. Collings, Owner770 CH. MIDAS FASCINATING RHYTHYM D.........................J. Lehtinen, Owner755 CH. CHRISCENDO CALVIN KLEIN D..............................HeartzMiller, Owners690 CH. JAMELS FUGICLE OF SOUTHLAND D... JacksonTaylor, Owners625 CH. TEXICANS GIANT KILLER CHULA D___________N. Gad, Owner600 CH. SOUTHLANDS MR. VIP OIDA D..............................CreedJenner, Owners'Tie Placements alphabeticalBISA BISS BOSS I12 1 - 234 1-651 - - 1- - 24 1321 - - 12122211- - nm IV BOB10 6 4 72 6 3 134 4 1 134 3 1 1413 2 52 1124 2 1 323 - - 75 4 2 42 3 173 1-13 2 2 32 - - 31 3 1 151 5 2 211112 11-31 1 912 152 5The Pom Reader December 1988119,Your Showcase For Purebred PomsPresented by Doll-McGinnis Publicationsa division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Inc. 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephones 813 858-2639 or 813 858-3839ADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsFULL PAGE 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 8.00 12.00All ads 14 page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. Full Color is available at 300.00 per page. Accent Color is available - call for quote. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine.SAMPLE ISSUES 3.00 each BACK ISSUES 3.00 eachsubject to availabilitySUBSCRIPTION RATES12 Months - 12 Issues 24.00 third class post40.00 first class postRESERVE YOUR COVER TODAY...We have several covers available for the upcoming year plan ahead to feature your Pom on the cover of THE POM READER...all covers suitable for framing Cost of front cover includes full-color front cover and black white inside front page. 500.00.DEADLINESThe deadline for advertising is the 10th of the month preceding publication date i.e., March 10th for the April issue. All ads received after the deadline will appear in the next available issue. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine.THE POM READER is sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best in Show judges.MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO Doll-McGinnis Publicationsfa71'erA.. ThePom Reader December 198812 A CHRISTMAS TAILTwas the night before Christmas, quite late by the clock The house was so quiet but soon it would rockThe stockings were hung in a row SEVENTEENOne for each little dog some were red, some were green. They were filled to the top with biscuits and toys for these pups were quite clearly their Moms pride and joysThe tree was a tall one and beautifully trimmed.Boxes spilled neath it the tree lights were dimmed.I looked at the room as 1 turned to retire.The picture I saw in the soft glowing fire, filled me with feelings of comfort and joy.Id managed to do it down to the last toyFor in this familys house as Im sure in some other, Christmas was hung up with love by the MotherSo weary but happy upstairs I creptAnd within a few minutes quite soundly I slept.Down in the kitchen, asleep in their beds, with visions of squeaky toys filling their heads the puppies were snoozing all except one and that one little scamp was just ripe for some funShe set to the task of waking her brother, who then turned around, and woke up anotherBy standing on edges and jumping and such, they were out in a minute it didnt take muchOn soft little pads they were soon outward bound and so far so good as they made not a soundThen into that beautiful Christmassy room they tumbled with barely a bounce or a boom.What a wondrous array met those round puppy eyesAll those glittering boxes that were almost their sizeAnd tinsel and tassel and bright colored bows - A room full of sniffs for each tiny black noseThe Pom Reader December 1988Connie R. WarnockThey went to work quickly with hardly a sound save the ripping of wrappings and ribbons around those beautiful packages done up so proper.The mess they created was really a whopperA bowl full of candy, set low on a table, was up-ended as soon as those puppies were ableTheir soft little tongues went straight to the heart they even ate wrappersThen they turned with a start - wide awake now with mischief to spare, they grabbed up the tinsel and went on a tearRound the tree twice just running pell mellThen into the hallway sweet with bayberry smell.Soon now this tale will turn round you hopeWell the puppies were reaching the end of their rope Tinsel, that is And just when they did - and that tinsel pulled tight that tree hit the floorWhat a terrible sightThe noise of the crash went straight up the stairs.I woke in a flash - as yet unawares.Downward I stepped still heavy with sleep.At the bottom I turned and the sight made me weepThe tip of the tree lay right next to my toes.The smell of bayberry was strong in my nose.I stood there a moment in true disbelief - Could a burglar have come in and caused us this griefA glance at the room in that dim disarray, forecast naught but disaster for that Christmas DayThe tie picked for Grandpa hung in shreds from a chair.A red negligee was partly here, partly thereThe shirt for son Billy was draped on the treeThe slacks that went with it torn out at the kneeAs I took in the wreckage, the family appeared.The looks on their faces became worse as they nearedWhat happened, they cried, Should we call up the copsAnd just at that moment there came from the top of the downed Christmas tree a soft mournful sound - we slowly edged forward till we all stood around and what to our wondering eyes should show up but one very scared and bewildered young pupRight up through the tree the others they cameWe stood there a moment then called them by name.Twas just before dawn by the time we were through and the tree was restored and the presents were too.But out in the kitchen it wasnt so merry for puppies whose tummies were feeling quite scaryA stern reprimand and confinement to bed a teaspoon of pink stuff was what they were fedSo we managed our Christmas in spite of it all - And by evening we found we could laugh and not bawlThat horrible disaster that wed wakened tohad faded quite mercifully into the blue.And the puppies exhausted slept on in their beds.Who knows what strange dreams filled their round little headsThey may dreamed of spankings which they never got or maybe of tummy aches which they had a lotAnd maybe, just maybe they heard me exclaimWell, I left the door open the pups arent to blame.After all, folks, its ChristmasEven Scrooge, that old coot, Couldnt stay mad at puppies so small and so cuteSo fix up the fire and throw on the logs Its all too apparent WEVE GONE TO THE DOGSTHE END1986 Connie Warnock13ACANADIAN BREEDERS POINT OF VIEWby Karen BradshawA BIG STEP...After twenty-three years of marriage my husband and I have gone our separate ways.On September 26th, 88, I packed up my dogs and headed east. My daughter Kim and some close friends of mine helped pack a one-ton rental truck with all my kennel supplies and personal effects. We left up ten large airline metal with trays kennels stacked two high, and into each one went three dogs. We placed these along one side of the truck, with a bed on the other and boxes etcetera, along the back. Kim drove the truck and we towed her car. Our destination was Astorville, Ontario, which is twenty-five miles southeast of North Bay.We averaged 350 miles a day, approximately seven hours driving. We stayed in motels at night and the dogs slept in the truck. We would let the dogs out in portable pens in the morning and at night, to do what dogs do best. The bed in the truck was for me to rest from sitting, as I had undergone spinal surgery eight weeks before, and was still recuperating. After six days on the road, we finally arrived at my sister Beths farm.Well, I had told her I was bringing 30 dogs, plus farm dog Rocky, house dog Cherie, and pup, Bit-A-Trouble. You can only imagine the look of surprise when we opened up the truckShe had just built a new garage and had it planned the dogs would occupy it until the new kennel was built.Well, now its five weeks later and we have all settled in well. My sister and her children love the dogs. My nephew, Jason, Beth and Kim have erected a new kennel house which will be ready in a weeks time. My Maltese Jody gave birth to 3 and the Pekingese had 3. Two Pomeranians and one Pekingese are due within the week. These puppies are the new beginnings of my kennel here.I have already been to my first kennel club meeting Nipissing Kennel Club.I will miss my show buddies at ringside in Alberta, and the many good friends. Hello to the Ontario breeders and show people. We will see you at ringside. Please come over and say hiKaren Bradshaw Box 48, RR1 Astorville, Ontario, POH 1B0 CanadaGrafenhorstsPomeraniansVA- - - - " --We are looking forward to 1988 and litters from Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette. We are also happily anticipating parti litters.Horst Graf12000 N.W. 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465 NEW FOR 1989THE ALL TOY CALENDARFEATURING THE WORK OFPaulette Braun, PETS BY PAULETTEThe All Toy Calendar promises to be a collectors item for all Toy Dog Fanciers. Featuring the award-winning work of photographer Paulette Braun of PETS BY PAULETTE, this full- color, magazine-size calendar will contain 13 exciting studio shots of different Toy breeds a perfect gift for doggie friends and a must for any Toy fanciers office or home.Price 10.95 each 10 or more calendars 8.95 each Please add 1.50 for postage handling Send check or money order to Doll-McGinnis Publications, Dept. P, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Tel 813 858-3839.The Pom Reader December 198814OL YMPIADogs Howl and...ITS THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAINIve been sitting here listening to my operator answer phone calls. It is that time of year again you know, that season where puppies suddenly become a hot commercial commodity. My operator is a Scrooge. SHE HATES CHRISTMAS But now I am finally beginning to understand why...Hello. Yes, we do raise Pomeranians. Oh, I see, you called the AKC and they gave you my name. How about they called the local kennel club, eh Well, I might have something available, just what is it you are looking forA puppy. To weigh no more than 4 pounds when grown. Female.I dont ever want to breed her but you know how, uh, males are well, you know, uh. Color Uh, orange isnt that what I am supposed to ask forSupposed to ask forUh, thats the color of the Pom who won the Garden, isnt it Yeah, well thats the right color then, I want orange. Uh, what do you mean you cant say for sure what color your puppy will be when grown Uh, it might have sabling on it whats that No, I never heard of orange sable...wait, yeah, Ive heard of wolf sable, though. Yeah, I wouldnt mind a wolf sable if you have one. I heard about that color at a pet shop. All their Pom pups are wolf sable Uh, you dont have wolf sable In fact, youve never even seen a wolf sable How come I mean, youre a breeder, arent you, the AKC recommended you highly. Sure the AKC did. Well, uh, lets get back to color later, right now I want to stress that I would like the little girl to grow up breedable size.I thought you said you wanted it to weigh no more than 4 pounds. Uh, well, what weight do you recommend for breedingI thought you said you were never going to breed herWell, I dont plan to, but, uh, well what if she gets pregnant Shes got to be big enough to have the babiesHows she going to get pregnant if you dont breed her, or do you have some knowledge that I dont possessUh, well she might get out or something, I dont know.Lets get one thing straight Mr. Roberts, is it Mr. Roberts, we do not sell Pomeranians to people who might let them get out neither do we sell to people who want breeding quality but state they dont want breeding quality. Now, whats it going to be If they hang up, so whatUh, well I guess Im a little confused or something, I dont know. Thats all right, Mr. Roberts, if I were to set out to buy a race horse I would be confused too, since I know nothing about race horses, yet I would know that I either wanted a top caliber horse or a mediocre one. My pocketbook would make that evaluation simple. Are you, accordingly, looking for a pet or for a breeding or showing dogUh, a pet. I thought I would give it to my girlfriend for Christmas. She has wanted a Pom ever since she saw that one win at Westminster.Well, Mr. Roberts, in that case I do happen to have a beautiful little Pom boy who should weigh out at about 3Vz pounds when grown, however I would sternly advise against letting him on the The Pom Reader December 1988furniture, as these small ones will break legs or a neck when jumping down.But I dont want a boyBut you said you did, Mr. Roberts But that aside, I also have a female for sale, but her caliber is better than pet quality. The price will be higher. If they want to breed them to get back their investment plus make money, let em pay, ehUh, that was my next question, what kind of prices we talking about hereWell, Mr. Roberts, you mentioned that you had been to a pet shop.I am aware of the prices they sell for and what caliber they sell for those prices. Unlike pet shops we do not sell our pups at 8 weeks. The pet shop has to because at 12 weeks it becomes painfully obvious that they are selling Arctic sled dogs rather than Pomeranians. Also our dogs are fully innoculated when they leave us, have been vet checked and are guaranteed health-wise. This guarantee is not simply a replacement puppy IF we had one but means that you have 48 hours to take it to a vet and if it is determined that the dog is not healthy we will refund your MONEY. Instantly Then too our puppy will have been lead trained, which is a big plus for those who are afraid their dog might get out, and our puppy will be of an age for proper evaluation, which is how we price them. According to whether they are pet, show or breeding. Pet caliber in a good breeders home means that they will look 100 percent typical Pomeranian and have the same charming personality as the ones you see in the show ring. However, they will either be too small or too large for breeding or showing, and in the case of males they may have one small missing part Oh, you shouldnt have said that you will spend a whole hour explaining that one, but then the price difference at purchase more than makes up for these small differences. In the case of breeding or showing caliber there is a differential between those qualities of about 2 percent. Maybe one will have a tail curved rather than over back, or be a bit long in muzzle or have wide ear placement, things that will have effect in the ring but should not interfere with producing good caliber if bred right. Whew, Mr. Roberts, I didnt mean to take up so much time explaining all this, but I am trying to un-confuse you as well as be ethical with you. So as to the prices I am offering the male for 350.00 and the female at 650.00, very reasonable prices considering they have all shots, are trained and are health-guaranteed.Uh, 350.00 for the boy and 650.00 for the girl ah, well, uh, maybe I better talk this over with my girlfriend and call you back. Is that okayYes, Mr. Roberts. That is quite okay. Quite, quite, quite okay In the meantime of course the roast has burned in the oven, five Poms sit verbalizing their need to have dinner, someone is at the front door and the telephone is ringing again...Hello. Yes, I raise Poms. Oh, I see you called the AKC and they gave you my number...Until the dog howls again...OLYMPIATheManatee Kennel Club, Inc.Licensed by AKCC'oorduda iaoiteana to- attend it60th All-Breed ShowUnbenchedDate THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1989Place ROBARTS SPORTS COMPLEX, Ringling Boulevard, Sarasota, Florida.Schedule of EventsTuesday, January 10, 700 P.M.Free Wine Cheese PartyMini Building, Robarts Sports Complex. This event is sponsored by IAMS.Wednesday, January 11, 1988Sarabay Kennel Club All Breed Dog Show licensed - unbenched.Wednesday, January 11, 600 P.M.The IAMS 60s PartyFried shrimp fish dinner, music dancing, costumes, featuring the All Star Celebrity Raffle proceeds to benefit the Southeast Guide Dogs Inc.Thursday, January 12Manatee K. C. 60th All Breed Dog Show.Puppy Classes divided brace classes available. Entries close 122388. For further information, check MB-F Premium list.CAROLINA POM CLUB...On September 3, 1988, the second meeting of the Carolina Pomeranian Club was held in Raleigh, NC. There were approximately 20 people in attendance.We are having a ball We have such great things planned, one of which is a Pom match to be held in February in conjunction with the Charlotte Dog Training Club. Our match will be held at the Piedmont Kennel Club building in Charlotte, NC. We hope everyone will join us. For more information, contact Dot Martin, Rt. 2, Box 30M, Rock Hill, SC 29054.We have such a fun and enthusiastic group of people in our club, you wont find a better group of people anywhere.Charter members are being accepted until December 31,1988. For information on joining our club you also contact Dot Martin. We would love to have you.Ramona Baldridge has done a great job on our club newsletter. She is keeping us up-to-date on whats happening within our club, and whats going on in the Pom world. Thanks, Ramona, for taking on this enormous task and taking time out of your busy schedule to do this for us...we greatly appreciate youOur next meeting will be held on November 12, 1988, at the Columbia Kennel Club show. We will meet ringside after the Pom classes. Come join usYolanda Webster 5126 Sumac Circle, Fayetteville, ND 28304OHIO VALLEY POM CLUB...Well, the late autumn days are getting far too short here in Ohio, but what they lack in time, they make up for in glory. The colors are breathtaking. The wind is quite fickle now...sometimes it gently strokes your cheek and brushes softly through your hair...then again it fiercely tugs at the branches of the trees and whips the leaves into a frenzy of whirling, swirling, confetti-of- colors. The Poms just LOVE it they run jump scatter the leaves everywhere. Especially after you rake them into neat piles...Our Club has had its first Specialty match, in October, and it went very well. We will be holding an ALL TOY MATCH on 3589 and a Seminar on 31189. For more information on these events contact President Ron Feyh at 614 274-2118. Our Medina K.C. supported entry for the December Cleveland shows is going very well and we will be having a Hospitality area. We hope many friends and exhibitors will join us again this year.As everyone knows, Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II is continuing his winning ways he has many Best in Show wins to his credit, and some very fine puppies in the ring already. Ch. Great Elms Pride Joy, owned by another OVPC member,The Pom Reader December 1988da Vasuta Darren Lane will be bringing out their puppies very soon they finished THREE puppies this past few months Donna Megenhardt Carol Galavich have also finished some of their Poms and are going strong with their new puppies. Our club is still growing and has much planned for 1989.The autumn sun is setting now, the skies are a beautiful gold orange...the wind is quiet and the Poms are sleeping at my feet. Its a peaceful time a time to give thanks for my many blessings. Take care God bless see you next time. LOVE THOSE POMSP.S. Foot-note for the day...My Pom is so obedient he does what he is bid.The Park Bench said Wet Paint... and thats exactly what he didBarbara A. Stoffer 13810 Easton NE, Alliance, OH 44601DIABETES CURE...We can cure any dog with insulin-dependent diabetes with our transplant technique and the drug cyclosporin, Rodolfo Alejandro, MD, said.His next challenge is to find a way to cure diabetes without relying on drugs which repress the immune system, and to bring the technique within the financial range of pet owners. It currently costs about 2000.00 for the process, and the drugs coast about 300.00 per month.Dr. Alejandro heads a team at the Diabetes Research Institute of Miami, Florida, which is transplanting islet cells, the cells in the pancreas which produce insulin, into dogs with diabetes. Once in place, the cells produce insulin which the dog lacks, and the diabetes is cured.Cyclosporin must be given regularly to prevent the dog from rejecting the foreign cells. The disadvantage of the drug is that it weakens the dogs immune system, leaving it prone to pneumonia and skin problems.The team is testing two techniques to inactivate the cells in the implant which stimulate the immune system to reject the implanted cells. If either prove successful, drug use could be cut down or perhaps even avoided. During the first two years of the study, Alejandros team learned to separate the islet cells from other tissues in donor pancreases. They learned that three or four donor pancreases are necessary to provide enough cells for a successful transplant even more for large dogs and how to successfully transplant the purfied cells into a vein of the liver. If a transplant failed, they learned that they could perform a second transplant.One dog from the early phase of the study, Fritz, a Schnauzer, developed diabetes in its first few months of life. Frits has lived 23 months without a sign of diabetes. Another, a Chesapeake Bay retriever, was in poor condition when it joined the study. The dog regained weight andknow how busy these people can be at a show, so the dogs may be shown by a member of the owners famiThePom Reader December 1988learn what the long-term results of the transplant may be, they cannot go back to their original homes, but are maintained in the universitys kennel. Two full-time veterinarians and a staff of animal technicians tend to their needs and provide companionship.Dr. Alejandros project has several purposes. Ultimately, he hopes to learn to cure diabetes in humans.Dogs with diabetes develop secondary complications similar to those of humans, but Dr. Alejandro selects dogs with recently diagnosed disease as transplant candidates. Through the process, his team is learning a great deal about diabetes and about transplant techniques.About 50 percnet of the dogs in the project have diabetes which appears similar to one type of diabetes in humans. This type, called Type 1, appears to be an autoimmune disease where the patients immune system destroys the bodys own insulin-producing cells. Another 30 percent of diabetes in dogs appears to come from damage to the pancreas by severe bouts of pancreatitis, an inflammation much more common in dogs than in people.At this time, purifying the cells for transplant is a sensitive and demanding procedure, requiring 24 hours of lab work. The surgery itself is extremely simple, Dr. Alejandro said. If more pancreases could be obtained from dogs which are put down, such as those destroyed by animal shelters, the cost of the transplants could be reduced. Dr. Alejandro, a strong advocate of organ donation, says in both humans and dogs, about 80 percent of potential organs for transplant are lost.MORRIS ANIMAL FOUNDATION13TH ANNUAL SEMINAR FOR SMALL ANIMAL PRACTITIONERS A total of 147 veterinarians from around the country gathered in September at beautiful Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, for Ralston Purinas 13th Annual Seminar for Small Animal Practitioners. Practitioners spent their days in meetings designed to catch up on the latest in medical techniques, animal research and individual case studies.M. J. Bojrab, DVM, spoke on New Techniques in Ear Surgery and Gastrointestinal Surgery-, Todd R. Tams, DVM, of Los Angeles discussed Endoscopy of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract-, Larry P. Thornburg, DVM, spoke on Liver Diseases in the Dog and Cat, and Dick Kealy, PHD, Manager of Pet Nutrition Care Research for Ralston Purina, addressed Applied Nutrition for the Veterinary Practitioner.Ralston Purina also announced that the 14th Annual Purina Seminar for Small Animal Practitioners will be held in Monterey, CA, September 12-16, 1989.AARON D. CUSHMAN ASSOC., INC.Susan Wade, Box 22, Shapleigh, ME 0407619fromALLAYNSVL IMary Stuart Allan 2508 E. Tacoma Street Broken Arrow, OK 74014 918 355-2531HAPIAN POMERANIANSWishes to congratulate our fellow Long Islanders, Joseph Anna Lisella on finishing their first champion,CH. GOLDEN AIRES LIL GOLD CADDY Happeth and Michael Jones Northport, N.Y.IOV61V POMGRflNIflNSFor Sale BI-MAR LOVELY BUTCH CASSIDYSired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Repeat breeding that produced Ch. Sandtowns Bi-Mar April who finished at a NY APC Specialty. Huge red-orange coat, 5 lbs., heavy boned, trained for show, outgoing personality. 112 years. Photo and pedigree available.Victoria Lovely, Blake Jones, 12022 30th St. E., Puyallup, WA 98372.FOR SALE Puppies out of Ch. Pombredens Heavenly Toy Boy. One black and white male nice markings but no blaze, and one female, black with white chest and socks. Both are 7 months.One 9 month old orange male out of Ch. MiDee Mikie of the Pines.Please call or write Susann Stackhouse, Box 1070 Rancocas Road, Mount Holly, NY 08060. 609 267^644.I FINCHS POMS Puppies AvailableChampion stud service Whitered whiteblack parti stud service'Great Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines Diane L. Finch, R.R.1, Kelley, IA 50134. Tel 515-769-2444PHYNER STORMYS NIGHTCAPOutstanding opportunity to purchase this pointed, well-bred solid black 4 lb. young male.Serious showbreeders may callMarge Kranzfelder, 415-572-0149De ArtaOakridgeM. Deane RinehartNina K. Epps 422 W. Fairchild Drive, Midwest City, OK 73110BE A WINNERGive your bitchesdogs the good health they deserve enhance their Reproductive YearsTime honored proven 100 all natural herbal food supplements. Offered to breeders from a breeder, the nations most distinguished Naturopathic Practition for Animals.PRO-DUCER - These herbs have been recommended for increasing the SPERM COUNT. Feed accordingly toy or small breeds, 10 drops twice a day medium breeds, 12 drops twice a day large breeds, 15 drops twice a day. CONTAINS HO-SHOU-WU, DAMIANA and SIBERIAN GINSENG. 14.00PRE-BREED - It is said to be a hormone BALANCER. We use this formula always for our difficult-to-breed and proven bitches. We start the formula three months prior to heat and continue to the day of breeding. Feed accordingly toy or small breeds, 15 drops twice a day medium breeds, 17 drops twice a day large breeds, 20 drops a day. CONTAINS PLANTAIN, DAMIANA, DANDELION and LOBELIA. 14.00GESTATE- Providing many nutrients to the bitch in whelp. Our experience with this formula is to find no whelping room odor, easier and sweet smelling births, and our bitches seem to have little bleeding. We start formula on day of breeding and continue until puppies are weaned. Feed accordingly toy or small breeds, 10 drops twice a day medium breeds, 12 drops twice a day large breeds, 25 drops a day. CONTAINS RED RASPBERRY, COM- FREY, NETTLES and SEAWEED. 13.00WHELP-EASE - Pioneer women relied on these herbs for human and animal deliveries. American Indian women are still known to use a similar formula, by using several drops in the mouth while birthing and upon completion. It is said to provide natural Oxytocin pit. CONTAINS ANGELICA, BLACK COHOSH, BLUE COHOSH, LICORICE. 13.00As a special service, we will custom blend herbs to meet your individual requirements. We will in the future be introducing the following MOR-MILK, for the nursing bitch N-R-GEE, to provide energy, stamina and endurance for the stressed show dog. The Herbal Ark Ltd. does not claim nor wish to imply any medicinal or curative powers in our formulas, only honest, pure herbal food supplements. Send for free information detailing how your animals may benefit from these special Herbal food supplementsP.O. BOX 368 ALDEN MANOR. NEW YORK 11003 718 481-8799P.O. BOX 368ALDEN MANOR, NEW YORK 11003 Dept. DM 718 481-8799The Pom Reader December 1988DOG FOOD DILEMNAby Debbie ColemanDuring my years of association with canines, I have had innumerable opportunities to change my beloved pets diest from the same mundane daily offering to something perchance a bit more enticing.Sometimes this change was required due to a Morris-type finicky behavior. Rather than the usual scarfing up of the dinner meal, my little darlings would meet me with undeniably pathetic stares. Then with an obvious arrogance, my pets would refuse to touch even the most miniscule of morsels.Oftimes, a change of diet was implemented to benefit a particular episode of my dogs lives...sometimes tailored to suit a young pup, older dog, or even a dog suffering from the stress of showing or illness. Sometimes it may have been from a poor condition of hair coat when his competition had luxurious quantities.Regardless of the primary reason which precipitated the change of diet, a change was necessary and made. As Im sure anyone in the likelihood of raising a dog for a lifetime will encounter a similar problem, I humbly beseech your indulgence as I have undertaken a real challenge for the benefit of enhancing your knowledge, as well as mine, on a subject close to our food.Let me approach this subject with trepidation as Ive never yet attempted to elaborate on a subject of such gargantuan proportions. Bear with me as I cover a few facts with which we should all become familiar.Supermarkets are designed with the busy shopper in mind...In order to expedite your shopping chores, everything is arranged in an orderly manner as to the most popular, brightest, most attractive packaging, or consumer appeal. Admit it, your eyes are attracted to brightly colored packages, items seen regularly advertised on television or in the magazines, or even items which appeal as to your dollar value.Similarly, the pet food section is designed to appeal for all the same reasons plus a built in appeal to YOUR taste. If a hamburger, pork chops, or a gravy laced entree is to your liking, their food in the design of those items is manufactured with you, the buyer, in mind. A dog hasnt the ability to shop for himself in the grocery store...people have. So, while you may choose from these formed foods shaped like pork chops, hamburger meat, hot dogs, etc., or dry food containing gravy, tiny bone or heart, or even vegetable shapes, or canned foods labeled as chicken chundks, beef stew, country platter, etc., are you being thoughtful of your pet by purchasing what you feel he may enjoy or are you wisely, methodically shopping for what is genuinely good for your petDog foods found in a supermarket are sold to someone who purchases a variety of items from a seemingly endless supply, while dog foods which are bought from a feed store, pet store, or veterinarians office, are generally sold to a nutrition-conscious consumer. Premium foods are designed with the idea of supplying the dog with a higher quality source of food at a bit higher price.One may look at a bag of premium food with a 25.00 price tag and be appalled at the fact that a bag of grocery store food of the same size costs considerably less But, lets look at the price tags for a moment. Consider that even clothing sales are generated on the same principle. While a department store may sell a purse, for instance, for 15.99 which will co-ordinate with an outfit in your wardrobe, is vogue in a fashion sense, and is inexpensive, thatpurse probably serves the same function as the designer bag found in exclusive stores for many times that price. In essence, a dog food which sells for 3.99 per 25-pound bag will feed a dog as pinto beans feed a person. However, who ever served beans at a fancy dinner party Chances are prime rib would better suit the affair. Again the beans vegetable in makeup compare to the 3.99 per bag of dog food as the prime rib an expensive choice of meat compares to the premium dog food at the 24.95 per bag price. Both will feed the dog, IF thats all you want to consider.Consider now the reason for the difference in cost. The cheaper bag probably consists of a mostly vegetable protein source while the more expensive bag is probably made up of a meat protein source...and remember hamburger sells for much less per pound than the higher priced cuts for roasts or steaks.Canines are carnivorous meat-eating so why feed them corn and wheat to fill them up, when nature designed them to consume meat as a primary source of nutrition If vegetable proteins make up a major ingredient in our dogs diets, then it should be processed as a canine would most likely encounter it in the wild.Studies show that as a wild animal, the canine would kill its dinner and the first thing to be consumed would be the gut of its kill. This was because the gut contained vegetable proteins already digested by the animal. Secondly, the dog would devour the vital organs of its victim which were rich in vitamin content. Lastly, the canine would consume the meat of the animals, bones for cleaning its teeth and the hair for a source of bulk in the diet.Seeing this, it would stand to reason, that any vegetable matter our canines would consume today, would be processed using enzymes to digest it to a state found in the wild and it wouldnt be the primary source of each meal. Meat would also be present in a somewhat larger portion. Vitamins and minerals, which would have ordinarily been found in the organ meats, bones, and hair of a freshly killed animal, should be added since during the manufacture of dog foods, the vitamins and minerals have mostly been lost in the process. Lastly, preservatives have to be added to ensure freshness.Some dog food manufacturers stick to only the above mentioned ingredients in the formulation of their pet foods. Others add more vegetable protein to cut costs and facilitate shaping of their food into tiny bone, heart, or meat-shaped morsels. They also add sugars and food coloring dyes to appeal to the human pruchasing their produscts. Some of the same food dyes outlawed for human use by the FDA, are used in the dog foods to make them appear to be more like real meat or in the gravies. If the product has been found harmful to us, why feed the same dyes to our petsLets consider that most foods today conform to rigid standards set as guidelines for the proper formulation of dog foods. This ensures that only foods manufactured according to those guidelines, as proven in various tests, are available to the shopper to provide the pet with the proper dietary requirements. That is to say that if a food lists on the packaging that it MEETS or EXCEEDS THE RECOMMENDED DAILY REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL STAGES OF YOUR DOGS LIVES, one should reconsider the implications of that statement. Continued next month The Pom Reader December 19881 HOME OF THE f KILLER AND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS NORMA C. GAD 5908 Westside Road915 584-0942 El Paso, TX 79932MNMS POMS-R-USMARY MARCHBANKS4986 AVILA WAY, BUENA PARK, CA 90621Tel 714994-0259d [PomDESAREE SANDIFER509 OAKDALE STREETGASTONIA, NO 28054 704 865-0859Since 1967 ^ a. mis _____________________viernie -----------^pCENDOPomsu Lakes i iPh 813-996-3811 34639 1RHEA-NA POMS...Breeding exclusively the Bev- Nor line. All litters by Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman, Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, out ofChampions, pointed, and Ch. producing daughters of same. FOR SALE 2 Ch. Toasty sons X Ch. Statesman daughter X Ch. Producing Fudge daughter. Several litters due in July.Steve Barbara Nagy, Rt. 2, Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Tel 703 869-3749.Pom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613Robert Juanita Fiddick Tel 319-989-2199SouthlandPomeraniansRain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitchesJean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia. Ocala. Florida 32676 904 237-1636clJDs Pompous PomsHome of Ch. JDs Bella DonnaCh. JDs Country BumpkinCh. Circle M Comes A HossmanJANET HOVEY, 34856 Acton Canyon Road, Acton, CA 93510. Tel 805 269-5575Mj W EMCEES POMSe Puppies available occasionallyHSKj Stud Service to approved bitches _ Jig Great Elms, Model lines^ Morris Betty Carson, 9826 WalthamH Drive, Richmond, VA 23233. Tel 804 HHHIHiHHHHB 740-7977DE AMOSYLVIA KELLY13347 SHERMAN WAY, NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 818-764-5223 or 818-780-7663Jerrie FreiaP. O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466ICERAMA POMSSkip PiazzaTHE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266johne.heartzWsmr professional handling in CanadaPOMS A SPECIALTY P.O. Box 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S., CANADA BON ICOPHONE 902 895-7427SKYLANDPOMERANIANSBeverly Presley MillerRt. 1, Box 1064North Wilkesboro, NC 28659919-670-2613Puppies Sired by Great Elms ChampionsR7 kARM UN^ MUNSTER NEVER DULL KENNELSShelties 314 So. Joliet St. PomeraniansWilmington, Illinois 60481BREEDER KAREN MUNSTER 815-476-2039The Pom Reader December 198822------ UPDATE -----------TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY THROUGH NOVEMBER AKC GAZETTEWelcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranians fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience, and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this publications will be used for point credit. Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e., a September show may not be published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.THE FOLLOWING IS THE LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE JANUARY THROUGH NOVEMBERAKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR.............................POINTSEPPSRINEHART............................ 59M. B. CARSON.............................52J. CABRERA................................... 49GALAVICHMEGENHARDT ... 48JACKSONTAYLOR.......................48A. CANNON....................................45G. HODSON................................... 45D. TRAUNER................................... 40J. KLEIN...........................................37T. HOOBAN..................................... 36Tie placements alphabeticalNEWCHAMPIONSPomeranians PUBLISHED as Champions of Record in November 1988, as per AKC recordsAnnons The Noog Man d. By Ch. Annons Dazzling Force x An- nons Miss Prim N Proper. BreederOwner Ann Cannon.Apolloette A Unique Pleasure b. By Ch. Apolloette Coast to Coast x Apolloette Lady of Pleasure. BreederOwner Marlene Presser Marlin Presser.Beltanes Such A Spree b. By Ch. Millamors Im A Windjammer x Ch. Karlee Holiday Flare. Breeder Barbara A. Curry Jo Ann Schiffer. Owner Paul T. Curry Barbara A. Curry.Dal-Leas Sara Ann b. By Dal-Leas Rhinestone Cowboy x Dal- Leas Lindy Lou. BreederOwner Mrs. Gertrude A. Howell.Dias Apricot Brandy Bear b. By Dias Pied Piper Bear x Dias Brandy Bear. Breeder David Hogg. Owner Renee K. McGrath DVM David H. Hogg.Emcees Im Hy-Chips d. By Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Diamond Chippa. BreederOwner Morris E. Carson Betty F. Carson.Golden Aires Lil Gold Caddy b. By Ch. Twin Pines Tico Tico x Wee Hearts Our Girl Friday. Breeder Sharon Masnick. OwnerAnna Liselli.Jan-Les Ragtime Music d. By CH. Midas Ragtime Rock x Dixielands Music Box. BreederOwner Jane Lehtinen.Janesas Glen Iris Sorceress b. By Ch. Bev-Nors Toastmaster x Bev-Nors Janesa Toast. Breeder Jerrie Freia. Owner Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor.Kazars Sungold Cowgirl b. By Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero x Kazars Lori. BreederOwner Richard Lackey Ethel Lackey.Sharels Southern Diamond d. By Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond x Sharels Southern Belle. BreederOwner Sharon Hicks.Stolanne Mystique Starlet b. By Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor x O My Starmist Minuette. BreederOwner Frances J. Stoll.Teakwoods House Mouse d. By Silva Lade Midnight Madness x Pombredens Glory in Victory. BreederOwner Laureen Ivey.Tim-Sues Dazzlin Light d. By Ch. Chriscendo City Lights x Tim Sues Dazzlin Lady Luck. BreederSue Goddard Tim Goddard. Owner Keith L. Neuway Ruth Ann Neuway.Tim-Sues Flashing Lights d. By Ch. Chriscendo City Lights x Tim Sues Duchess Sabrina. Tiniest Toys Lil Short Stuff d, 1088. By Ch. Riders Sungold Diamond x Tiniest Toys Post Script. Breeder Virginia R. Kersey. Owner Horst Graf.Twin Pines Jack Sprat d. By Ch. Twin Pines Diamond Chips x Twin Pines Gypsy. Breeder John H. Cribbs. Owner M. Marie Jatczak Henry V. Jatczak.Valcopy-Wakhan My Style b. By Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Idolmaker x Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style. Breeder Randy Gemmill Dana L. Plonkey. Owner Janell Reich Dana L. Plonkey Randy Gemmill.Watts Little Sir Walter d. By Ch. Scotia Chase National Dream x Ch. Scotia Tin Tin Fabulous. BreederOwner Delores A. Watts.The above are new Champions published in the November 1988AKC Gazette. Each month we will publish New Champions at theend of the calendar year we will publish a complete list of allPomeranians who have completed their titles for the year.The Pom Reader December 1988Great Elms Joey Of Lenettet mI Wiltysm Rityi .V t iJ J.-V SrJ'-jTiWKi ,yiiW ..if9 .V5s ' --A WS11yV3-H2r8JOEY is a perfectly marked Black Tan he is very sound, cobby, heavy-coated and weighs 4V2 lbs. He is proven, having produced very promising puppies in black tan, orange sable, red sable, and cream.We have puppies available now sired by AM. CAN. CH. EMCEES CHIPS AHOY OF COY. Puppies sired by JOEY occasionally available. Inquiries welcome.FOXWOOD KENNEL Cheri Peel15143 Foxhill Road S.E. Yelm, WA 98597 206-458-3198CIRCUS CIRCUS TOYS Barbara DeFord 5490 A Street S.E. Auburn, WA 98002 206-833-4634Multiple Best In Show CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS1MilaF-,m^c carXwmmbest in showCOLUMBIA MO.kennel club1988photo 8Y PETRUU5----. IEBRASKAPICTUREDWITH HANDLER MARLEEN RICKERTSON, WALTON, NBEST IN SHOW JUDGE BETTY McHUGHBreederCo-Owner Co-Owner At Stud WithTim Sue Goddard Janice LuginslandRt. 2, Box 540, Opelousas, LA 70570 Rt. 1, Box 97, Americus, KS 66835PH 318-543-6622 PH 316-443-5157Congratulations to Highs daughter, CH. LLL HIGHLIGHTS GOLDIE HAWN finished in 4 shows 4 majors and Group I At 7 MonthsDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809 NEWS PUBLICATION DO NOT DELAYLINDA GALLAGHER PR 1288 2035 SE BETHEL CORVALLIS OR 97333 USA 3ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDBULK RATE U.S. POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FL