The Pom Reader August 1989

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August 1989 Volume V, Number 6B.I.S.iCH. GARTONS KING OF BAVARIAON OUR COVERBISCH. CARTONS KING OF BAVARIAKING8m AftAj'TheBest in Show winning son of CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II x Gartons Baby BlossomShown on the cover being awarded Best in Show under judge Mr. J. D. Jones after taking Best of Breed and Group I under Mrs. Toddie Clark.Shown at left taking Toy Group III under judge Dr. I. Allen Kirk Jr., after winning Best of Breed under Mrs. Dorothy Welsh.Our thanks to the judges for honoring this up-and-coming young boy.BreederOwner Lavina K. Garton 4888 Canal 15 Road Lake Worth, FL 33463 407-967-5786Handled ByJayson Lynch2830 Spessard Ave. S.W.Roanoke, VA 24015703-774-9136The Pom that can moveSTARFIRES ROCKY-riABEST OF BREED or VARIETYCENTRAL FLORIDA KENNEL CLUB JUNE 1989^i4^photo by SABRINAV. -CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE x CH. BEV-NORS N SOUTHLANDS TAR-LACYSTARFIRE POMSTONY CABRERA275 S.W. 72ND AVENUE MIAMI, FL 33144 305-266-7471The Pom Reader August 19894yCu^ut' p6^Volume V, Number 6TABLE OF CONTENTSAugust 1989 Volume V. Number 6B.I.S.CH. CARTON S KING OF BAVARIA8. LYME DISEASEBob Schuerch brings more information on this frightening disease.10. POMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGANPhotos and results from the Specialty.12. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-June 1989.14. DOG VS. BITCHPam Guevara tackles a current question.16. OBEDIENCE UPDATEAKCs new terms for Obedience aficianados.16. LETTERSOur readers respond.17. SALYERS SYSTEMTop Ten Poms by dogs defeated.18. SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-June 1989.20. SECRETARIES PAGENews from breed clubs.21. COMING ATTRACTIONSDont miss the black, white, parti color issue.22. NEW CHAMPIONSThe latest stars in the Pom firmament.23. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Telephones 813 858-3839 or 1-800-780-3624.The Pom Reader August 1989This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFront Cover LAVINA GARTONBack CoverKAREN GREG CROUCHINDEX TO ADVERTISERSALLAN, M.............................................. 13BENKO, A..............................................15BERNARDO, G.....................................7,9CABRERA, T........................................... 3CARSON, M. B...................................15CILIBERTO, B. L................................15COOK, S................................................ 15CREED, C.............................................. 15DOSSINGER, M.....................................13FIDDICK, R. J.....................................13FINCH, D................................................13FREIA, J.................................................19GAD, N...................................................13GARTON, L. J..............................1,2,15GODDARD, T. S.................................13GRAF, H.................................................15GRIFFIN, G............................................ 19GRIFFITH, K.......................................... 19HALL, G................................................. 19HARTZ, K...............................................17HEARTZ, J. C.....................................15HERBAL ARK LTD................................13HOVEY, J...............................................13JACKSON, C......................................... 15JOHNSON, S..........................................17KELLY, S............................................... 15LEWIS, P..................................................7LUGINSLAND, J....................................13MILLER, B. P......................................15NAGY, S. B........................................ 19NORRIS, B.............................................15PEEL, C................................................. 19PFEFFER, C.......................................... 13PIAZZA, S.............................................. 15REILLY, R. J.......................................17ROSENBAUM, M...................................13ROYAL CANIN USA................................5SANDIFER, D.........................................19SMITH, L................................................ 17STEINMETZ, A.......................................13TAYLOR, J.............................................15WELLS, M. G.................................14,195OROYLCkNINS.CROYlLCkNIMROY41CMJINA.3^jjr1 ^ ROYSLCKNItf 12ii F.C Wi41 -n----- ]2.........4royilc^n ININTRODUCINGROYAL CANIN CYNOTECHNIQUEOur ingredient for performance is balance.New Royal CaninCynotechnique dog foods contain uniquely balanced levels of protein and fat which effectively help your-dog attain the best health and performance possible. Thats "The Power of Balance.For every Cynotechnique formulation, the fat content is carefully chosen first. The amount is more than sufficient for palatability and coat quality, but is not excessive. Once the fat level is established, protein and other essential nutrients are then proportionately balanced.Royal Canin believ most superpremium foods have too much fat, but dont confuse Cynotechnique with low-fat lite" dog foods which have less protein, too. Cynotechnique foods provide abundant protein, vitamins, and 1989 Royal Canin U.S.A., Inc.AROY4LCkNINAA.2vAROY4LCRNINROYILCrc c AROtmLCNNIN"Ml,Lil1CYNOTECHNIQUE'minerals, relative to fat.The nine Cynotechnique products are formulated to uniquely meet particular protein and fat requirements at all stages of life or activity. Only veterinarians and professional pet food suppliers carry Cynotechnique, so ask them which is best for your needs.Help your dog achieve top performance, while helping it stay lean and lively. Feed Royal Canin Cynotechnique, and see the Power of Balance at work.To find a Cynotechnique supplier near you, call 1-800-592-6687.THE POWER OF BALANCEROY4 LC MM INCYNOTECHNIQUESHOWSIGHT--------------------------------------------------- FROM THE EDITORIt must be premature stupidity, or something, but I really pulled a good one recently. I announced our special Exotic Colors issue, but mistakenly said Black,Whites, Parti-Colors. The Chocolate People were incensed Of course, in recent times we have seen an increase in the number of chocolates around, and their devotees are raving about the quality to be found at present. Well, shame on me, but not to worry - you will see chocolates, all right, next month. But speaking of parti-colors reminds me of the plight I am now in.I had a weekend break not too long ago. There were three shows coming up and, optimistically, we had entered three dogs at each. And the entry came back one short of a major. And of course the dogs only NEEDED a major. I said to hell with it. We went to the beach.Now, I could write the book on beaches nobody is better than me when it comes to sun, surf and sand. Being an ex-lifeguard, I can never completely relax, but I need nothing when there is a beach nearby. No food, no books, no other people...thats the way I like it. Its been that way since I was two.And speaking of hotels and water reminds me of the time I was the Star of the Pompadour Beach Hotel. I call it the Pompadour, which is not its name, because it is still there. I went by recently and it has stumbled over the brink into seediness, but when I was the Star it was swanky as could be. Any time you went to the Pompadour Beach you saw ritzy people in minks and diamonds and all sorts of things. Even at the pool.But of course you never saw any other kids, because my parents were the only people in history to take children to the Pompadour Beach. But what did I care there was a pool, and the Beach, and I was happy as a fish. But I was not at all a source of pleasure to the Ladies Around The Pool. You do not have to go to the Pompadour Beach to find these people every resort on earth has its Pool People. They are not restricted to sex although at the Pompadour Beach they were all female but the common denominator is that THEY NEVER SWIM. They lie by the pool all day long, every day, and never go in. Understandably, I hated them.Precisely at eight a.m. each day I would approach the pool, making loud, flopping sounds with my flippers, and I would be greeted daily with a sea of tan frowns. Then I would hurl myself into the water, causing a tidal wave and shrieks all around. I had a great time until my mother ruined it. At the time, back home, I had the lead role in my schools musical Christmas pageant. I was to play to perfection, I must admit Sf. Joseph, which is typecasting of a brilliant nature. But I wasnt overly thrilled with the prospect I knew the Baby would steal the show. And so I had not been fastidious about working on my part while we were away. The Pom Reader August 1989My parents had a wonderful habit of taking vacations during regular school terms, for which I am grateful to this day as probably were my teachers. But one day, in all innocence, Mom came walking out to the pool and cornered me. Joey, she commanded, Dont forget to study your script.My position as Premier Irritant of the Pompadour Pool was inexorably altered. Forty heads swivelled as if yanked by strings. Forty pairs of bottle-green sunglasses were lifted up eighty eyes saw me in new light. Isnt that the kid from Lassie, the whispers said. He was in Sound of Music No, thats Spin from Spin Marty...I was suddenly the Golden Boy of the Beach all the Pool Ladies were nice to me and bought me lemonade and even giggled when I splashed them. It ruined all my fun. It was simpler to behave.But that was just one time at the Pompadour back at home, every summer, there was a Pool Person who drove us to distraction. A lady belonged to our club who also never swam, but she was so shriekingly obvious in her non-nautical pursuits that we wanted to kill her. We called her Cleopatra, and her yellow Cadillac convertible was, of course, Cleopatras Barge. She was more predictable than the sunshine. Every day from nine to five Cleopatra greased herself up and glistened by the diving tank. Her hair was always perfect, not a strand out of place. Every hour she would stand up, stretch, and glide around the poolside decks. Every thirty minutes she would reapply ointment. But never two days in a row did she wear the same swim suit. For some reason that infuriated us, and at nine years of age we devised all manner of ingenious methods to knock her into the deep end. You pretend to slip, then bump into me, then well grab her and kersplashl, we would giggle. Or Pretend youre drowning and well grab the hook and accidently catch her around the neck. Then its into the Drink, we would chuckle. We would plan for days on end, but nobody but me ever had the guts to really capsize Cleopatra, and I was far too much of a gentleman to ever pull it off...alone. But one day Cleopatra stopped and talked to me, and she was absolutely charming. Demurely, she said she admired my swimming ability and regretted that she had never learned. That took the fun out of it but good.This last trip to the beach there was no Cleopatra, nor anybody else much. People are too smart to tangle with the Florida sun in July. But Ive always been blessed with skin that tans fast and deep, so I never really worry about exposure. Until now. My second day at the beach my skin was black as midnight unfortunately I did it too quickly and now some of it has fallen off. How embarrassing.Hand me the Solarcaine. Your Parti-Color Friend,JMcG7dolbcrest JomcraniansProudly PresentsCH. DOCTORS PEPPER CFCH. JOLLY WEE IM A PEPPER TOO x CH. OLIVIA CFi7.vVw r-rINapoleon is seen above taking a 5 point major at the APC Summer Specialty in San Francisco under the renowned Mrs. Michele Billings. This boy finished like a speeding bullet shown in only 2 short months. We thank the following judge show recognized this beautiful boyBOW Mr. Robert Sharp 3 Point Major first pointsBOW Mr. William Usherwood 4 Point Major finishing pointsBOW Mrs. Victor Olmos-Ollivier 1 PointBOW Mr. Frank Nishimura 1 PointBOW Mr. George Payton 1 PointBOW Mrs. Alberta Booth 1 PointBOW Mrs. Bessie Pickens 1 PointBOB Miss Frances Thornton 1 PointWe also thank all his fans for being there every show to cheer him on - youre the greatestNapoleon is a 412 pound, extremely sound, short-backed, heavy coated, black male who is producing himself in his get. Watch for his daughter, SOPHIA CF, who will also be shown by Glenn. He is also at public stud to approved bitches for 200.00. Pedigree will be sent on request.Watch for litters due out of CH. JD S BELLA DONNA, MARANTHAS LIL MAGGIE ROSE, AND COBBS BABE OF PEPPER TOO.OwnerSheree J. Hughes-lrwin 21206 Greeley Road Bakersfield, CA 93312 805 589-257315HandlerGlenn C. Bernardo 20524 Pioneer Boulevard Lakewood, CA 90715 213 402-9606BreederCo-Owner Howard Lola Field Star Rt. 3, Box 4500-7 Tehachapi, CA 93561 805 821-7190 The Pom Reader August 1989LYME DISEASE---------------------------------------------- ---------------- by Bob SchuerchI thought that Lyme Disease was a problem primarily affecting people in Connecticut where its cause was first discovered. Boy, was I ever surprised when our veterinarian, Dr. George Meerhoff, told me that 3 people in our area are affected and gave me several articles on the subject. Another article, in a recent newsletter published where I work, shed more light on the subject.Minnesota, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Jersey have the highest incidence of reported cases. No cases have been reported in Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Arizona, New Mexico, Alaska and Hawaii. The remaining states show light to moderate incidence. About 90 of the cases have occurred in California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin. To date 13,000 cases have been diagnosed. About 5,000 of these occurred in 1988 over twice the number reported the previous year. This country is not the only one affected. The disease, though not always attributed to the same source, has been observed in Europe since the turn of the century and is known to exist on all continents except Antarctica.Lyme Disease in humans was first diagnosed in 1975 in Lyme, Connecticut, from which it took its name. In 1982 the cause was found to be the borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochete bacteria. At first, the deer was thought to be the bacterias host and that it was transmitted to other species such as pets and people by the deer tick. It appears now, however, that other life forms are hosts of the bacteria and young ticks also. In the East white-footed mice are culprits. A different species of deer ticks carries the disease in the West where lizards and jackrabbits are the main host. The life cycle of the tick consists of the egg, larvae, nymph, and tick. Adult ticks need the white-tail deer to survive. Adult ticks feed and breed on the deer and drop off to lay the eggs. The eggs hatch into larvae. These become infected by feeding on white-footed mice and molt to become infected nymphs. Nymphs grow to young ticks and to adulthood, and all three of these stages can infect mammals and birds with their bites. Between 70 and 90 of the cases of Lyme Disease in humans is attributed to nymph bites. These buggers just sit in the grass and hook onto you or your pet as you pass.Since the spirochete bacteria can penetrate the skin, you dont need to be bitten by an infected tick to contract the disease. Dr. Willy Burgdofer in Montana, who first isolated the bacteria, contracted Lyme Disease when an infected rabbits urine splashed in his eye. Dr. Elizabeth Burgess, a veterinarian in Wisconsin, reports that it is possible to become infected from contact with horse or cow urine. Another veterinarian, Dr. Fred Guenther in Pennsylvania recommends removing ticks with tweezers to avoid contact with the ticks internal body fluids and states that contact with blood when field-dressing a deer could be a hazard. One case of Lyme Disease in Texas and one in Wisconsin are attributed to a cat flea bite.The Pom Reader August 1989In dogs the disease results in arthritis leaving the animal permanently crippled. Treatment and recovery are possible. The longer treatment is delayed, however, the less likely the recovery. In dogs, symptoms include fever, loss of appetite, and sometimes swollen glands. Since these symptoms are also associated with other disorders, it is wise to suggest that your veterinarian consider Lyme disease as a possible cause and that blood serum tests be performed.Lyme disease in humans can result in numbness, tingling, seizures, impaired vision, and cardiac damage. In pregnant women fetal damage, stillbirth, and miscarriages are possible. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to avoid these serious conditions. Treating adults with tetracycline or doxycycline are effective in the earliest stages of the disease and penicillin is used in children and pregnant women. Due to the genetic make-up of the patient or the strength of the bacteria, however, these may not be effective in preventing later development of more serious symptoms. A new antibiotic, Rocephin, that can penetrate the blood- brain barrier and kill bacteria there, may offer new hope.Symptoms are many and varied, but as is the case with animals, most are common to other causes. Additionally, those that are related more closely with Lyme disease are not always evident. Bulls-eye rash, flu-like chills, fever, headache, and fatigue may appear. Dizziness, a stiff neck, swollen and painful joints, and arthritis are also among the precursors. Add to these heart arrhythmia, weakness in the legs, facial paralysis, and general numbness and you can see why diagnosis is difficult and reported cases may only be the tip of the iceberg.To a large extent Lyme disease can be prevented. Check animals and their quarters for ticks frequently and keep them off furniture. Do not let them run in areas where deer are common. Some sources recommend using flea and tick collars on your pets.Avoid wooded or grassy areas if possible particularly between May and August when nymphs are most active. If in those areas, cover normally exposed skin wear light-colored clothing with long sleeves and pant legs. Tuck pants into socks and do not wear sandals. Insect repellants containing deet are suggested also. Check yourself for nymphs and ticks and remove any with tweezers remember, the ticks body fluids can transmit the disease through your skin. If you think you have been exposed, check with your doctor and follow the course prescribed.See you next time Bob Schuerch o 1 it r r c s t j J n n t c r n i i a n sSUN RAYS STACYCh. Furys Bullet of Sun Ray Ch. Sun Rays AmbassadorCh. Sun Rays Lil Rosette Sire Ch. Sun Rays BatmanCh. Sun Rays Ambassador Sun Rays Lil DovieSun Rays Lady Ora TanCh. Circle M Comes A HossmanJDs Puff OSmoke ptd.Stormy of JDs Pompous Poms Dam JDs Hill Top DuchessCh. Jolly Wee Fanci Dan of Peppi Cobbs Easter Bonnet of Dan Bills Tiny TykeStacy is another SUPERSTAR who is very elegant, stylish, and beautifully sound a perfect combination Shes a result of blending the JOLLY WEE and SUN RAY lines a remarkable blend Shell be making her grand appearance soon.Special thanks to Fern Rodrigues of the SUN RAY Kennels, Art Joy Davison of JOARTS, Randall Freeh of JOLLY WEE and Sue Goddard of TIM SUES for all the dogs theyve entrusted to us youre all worth a million Many thanks to Mary Gene Wells of MNMS POMS-R-US Good luck with Jolly Wee Looking Good and Judy Paul Evans of JUPAWS POMS for all your support, help and friendshipGoldcrest PomeraniansMICHAEL BANDYGLENN BERNARDO 20524 PIONEER BOULEVARDLAKEWOOD, CA 90715 213 402-9606 eves.The Pom Reader August 198910 CVUBofOITWe had a very good showThe Pomeranian Club of Michigan, Inc., held its annual spring Specialty show on May 28, 1989, in conjunction with the Kalamazoo Kennel Club in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It was a very successful event with the judges being Mrs. Victor Olmos Ollivier for the Regular Classes and Mr. Francis Wright doing the Sweepstakes.At 1200 Mr. Wright started our show by judging Sweepstakes. A Pom breeder, Mr. Wright knew what he liked and looked for it. He was rewarded with an entry of 12 puppies. As there were 2 absentees, he had 3 handsome males and 7 pretty females from which to make his selection. For Best in Sweepstakes he chose an orange female, Blakes Barbie Doll, bred by Evelyn Blake and owned by Donna Megenhardt, Carol Galavich, and Evelyn Blake. She was handled by Donna Megenhardt from Ohio. For Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes he chose a cream male, Dan-Ds Tiny Jack Frost, bred by Dorothy Baumgardner and owned by Dorothy Barnes. He was handled by Lori Carlton from Michigan.After the picture taking, Mrs. Victor Olmos-Ollivier, very neat and very much a lady, entered the ring and went to work. With 4 absentees, she was presented with 9 dogs and 19 bitches to select Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. Going over the dogs thoroughly, but gently, as our little friends should be treated, she made her selections. Winners Dog, Dias Mr. Brandon Bear, bred and owned by David Hogg. He was handled by Paula McBay from Indiana. For Winners Bitch she liked the same one Mr. Wright did For Winners Bitch - Blakes Barbie Doll, and placed her up to Best of Winners.With 4 beautiful Specials to look over, she chose a lovely female, Ch. LLL High Lights Goldie Hawn for Best of Breed. She is bred by Janice Luginsland and co-owned with Bonnie Stetson. She was handled by Karen Fitzpatrick.For Best of Opposite Sex, Mrs. Olmos-Ollivier chose a handsome male, Ch. Great Elms Lil Beve of Lenette. He is bred by Helen Holt and owned by Bonnie Stetson.Ch. Jamols Pudge Royale was presented by his owner, Gene Talsma, in the Veteran Class. Agent Karen Fitzpatrick presented Ch. Great Elms Pride and Joy in the Stud Dog class for owner Bonnie Stetson.Exhibitors, breeders, and fanciers of our breed were all welcome to our hospitality room for a buffet luncheon. Thanks to the generosity of members, our hospitality room was a success again Special thanks goes to Earl Bonnie Sullivan who hosted for us.In the hospitality room the trophies were presented to the winners. Mr. Wright was given a plaque to show the The Pom Reader August 1989Clubs appreciation for judging the Sweepstakes.Donna Megenhardt was a winner once more in our hospitality room. She held the lucky ticket for the Vari-Kennel that we raffled off.We had good sportsmanship between exhibitors, we had good cheer, and we had good food We had a very good showNext show time our annual fall show, November 25, 1989, to be held in Detroit, Michigan. Come join in the fun...Evelyn ConleyAV- 'Martha Olmos-Ollivier awards Best of Breed to CH. LLL HIGH LIGHTS GOLDIE HAWN handled by Karen Fitzpatrick for owners Bonnie Stetson Janice Luginsland.BOS CH. GREAT ELMS LIL BEVE OF LENETTEMore photos next pagePOM CLUB OF MICHIGAN continuediv-sWinnersBitch, Best of Winners BLAKES BARBIE DOLLIWinners Dog, DAS MR. BRANDON BEARBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES A.Sweepstakes judge Mr. Francis Wright awards Best in Sweeps to BLAKES BARBIE DOLL, handled by Donna Megenhardt, owned by MegenhardtGalavichBlake.k' 30T23B K32 3TI20S30,^ - J ABest of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes, DAN-DS TINY JACK FROST handled by Lori Carlton for owner Dorothy Barnes.THE 1990 TOY DOGS CALENDARABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS...and available NOW at reduced summer prices 7.95 each regular price 10.95. Please add 1.50 postage and handling per order. Substantial discount for large quantity orders.Featuring the award-winning photography of Paulette Braun, PETS BY PAULETTE. Exclusively offered by Doll-McGinnis Publications.Make Checks Payable toDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809TEL 1-800-780-3624The Pom Reader August 198912- UPDATE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY-JUNE 1989 Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranians fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on this area. The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience, and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this publications will be used for point credit. Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e., a September show may notbe published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.The following is the LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE JANUARY-JUNE 1989 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR........................... POINTSD. WATTS.......................................39J. LUGINSLAND............................ 30M. ROSENBAUM........................... 28H. COLLINGS.............................. 22FRYCARLTON.............................22JENNERHEARTZ........................ 22I. TARVER................................... 22JACKSONTAYLOR.....................21READYGRAY.............................. 21M. FLUGEL.....................................20FRYCARLTON.............................20Tie placements alphabeticalThe Pom Reader August 1989130P.O. BOX 468ALDEN MANOR, NEW YORK 11003DEPT. DM 718 481-8799BE A WINNERGive your bitchesdogs the good health they deserve...enhance their Reproductive Years.Time honored proven 100 all natural herbal food supplements offered to breeders from a breeder, the nations most distinguished naturopathic practitioner for animals.PRO-DUCER Said to be a male hormone enhancer. Give that added boost to stud dogs..................................... 14.00PRE-BREED For that maiden, proven, or hard to breed bitch. Said to be a hormone BALANCER.......................14.00GESTATE Nourishing the bitch in whelp and puppies. Easier deliveries, no odor, little bleeding......................... 13.00WHELP-EASE Said to be natural oxytocin pit. Safe for dam and puppies.......................................................... 13.00Send for free information detailing how your animals may benefit from these special herbal food supplements.ALLAYNSMary Allan2508 E. Tacoma Street Broken Arrow, OK 74014Ph 918 485-3010 Or918 355-2531LLLKennelsJanice Luginsland Rt. 1, Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316-443-5157Home of the Best in Show Cajun CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTSC^J^ecious C^JehiesHome of GabrielBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson. LA 70181 504 737-1729NORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942HOME OF THEKILLERAND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Upper Valley Road El Paso, TX 79932SouthlandPomeraniansRAYS OF SUNSHINE CHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE PINEVILLE, LA 71360 PHONE 318 - 466-3456DOSSMARStud Service - ChocolateWhite Parti Puppies and Adults Occasionally Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Road414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040Finchs PomeraniansChampions at stud Puppies by Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket WhiteRed WhiteBlack partistud service and puppies Great Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines Diane L. Finch, RR 1, Kelley, IA 50123. Tel 515-769-2444Pom Acres KennelR.R. 4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613319-989-2199JDS POMPOUS POMSHome of CH. Circle M Comes A HossmanJanet Hovey34856 Acton Canyon Road, Acton, CA 93510 805 269-5575BiMar PomeraniansHome of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Mary A. Rosenbaum36520 28th Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003 206-838-6397 or 206-927-2369TIM SUE POMERANIANSTIM SUE GODDARD Route 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622FANJETSKENNELSPomeraniansArlene Steinmetz9714 Magnolia Way Tampa, FL 33635 813 886-0249Stud ServiceThe Pom Reader August 198914DOG VS. BITCH---------------------------------------------------------------- by Pam GuevaraI recently read a series of articles penned by a fairly well-known dog authority, in which he gave the bitches in a kennel credit for everything short of getting themselves in whelp. He stated that bitches are responsible for at least 75 of the quality of the litter, does his breeding strictly on the lines of great bitches mostly his own, and I dont care much for the dog.Horsefeathers. Although this interview went further out of the ballpark than most, I still found it to follow the fashionable trend of stressing the bitch in the kennel and reducing the value of the stud dog that services her.Over the years I have heard people was lyrical over the importance of the quality of the bitch in a breeding program. I dont disagree. But 50 of her came from her father who was probably a better specimen than her mother, and 50 of her pups genetic background will come from their sire who hopefully will be a better specimen than their mother.I happen to hold a very unfashionable opinion about dog breeding. If I was offered my choice between an outstanding bitch who is a top producer, or a dog of the same caliber and talent, I would not hesitate an instant in selecting the dog. Why Because although the bitch might influence my own kennels record, a good stud would have an even stronger impact over a period of time. And studs influence the breed as a whole, unlike a bitch whose impact is far more limited.Now, before someone starts a debate of chicken-and- egg variety he also had a mother, I ask you to quickly name a bitch who had a wide influence on the course of the breed...Now, name a stud dog, or dogs, who did the same. The simple truth is that the bitches who have had the greatest influence on a breed happen to be the dams of the greatest stud dogs. And in all likelihood, nice though she might have been, these dams were probably put to sires who were superior examples of the breed when compared to herI know there are many breeders and judges who consider it a healthy state of affairs when the quality of the bitches in the ring outstrips that of the dogs. Myself, I wonder just who all these outstanding young ladies are going to get married off to when the time comes The inferior dogs Get real I was told early on that the best way to improve was to always breed up. Put your bitch to the best possible dog available. You never take a bitch to a dog who is inferior in quality to her. Thats not how you improve a breed and we all know it Ill even go so far as to state that I consider it kind of a waste when I see a really outstanding bitch. As a friend of mine once commented while we were viewing a stunning bitch who was racking up a tremendous record, Too bad shes not a dog. Id put every bitch in my kennel to her if she were. So, are the bitches in your kennel important to your sucThePom Reader August 1989cess Undeniably so. Are the stud dogs they are bred to important Overwhelmingly so And this is because a breed tends to be as strong as the stud dogs available to it. We all know that it takes two to tango, but keep in mind that its the fellows who leadDPam GuevaraMs. Guevara is a fervent proponent of the sport of purebred dogs, and has long been associated with the Knolland Farm kennel of Edward B. Jenner. JMcGMNMS POMS-R-USvJOLLY WEE DANS MIGHTY MOEMoe is a beautiful son of AMMEXINTWORLD CH. JOLLY WEE FANCY DAN OF PEPPI out of Jolly Wee Wendy Mischief. Moe is heavy coated with an abundance of undercoat and a very, long outer coat he has a beautiful head, almost non-existent ears and is passing these as well as other outstanding qualities to his offspring. He currently has a POINTED so Goldcrest Pacific Dreamer in the ring and a gorgeous little daughter Ju-Paws Blues All Nighter who shows great promise.We are ANNOUNCING that Moe is now at STUD to SHOW BREEDERS by PRIVATE TREATY and to approved bitches ONLY. For more information, as well as his pedigree, please feel free to contact us. All responses welcomed and answered promptly. Phone calls after 630 PM Pacific Time. Mary Gene Wells, 4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621. Tel 714994-0259,15Blossom Heights PomsAt StudBLOSSOM HEIGHTS FIRECRACKER 8 Points 1 MajorArlene John Benko5351 Jeffrey Ave., West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Tel 407-842-5591BEV-NOR POMS... Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Number 1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983, 24 BIS, 5 Specialties, Sire of top winning females 1984, 1985, sire of only Black Tan to ever go BISA, a top producer. Stud fee 250.00 limited to 15 per year.Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman Multi Group winner, a Toasted Fudge son, sire of Champions, a top producer for 1988 also. Stud Fee 250.00. Puppies Available.Bev Bill Norris 7747 Meadow Road301 255-1343 Pasadena, MD 211224888 Canal 15 Road PO Box 151Lake Worth, Florida 33463 305 967-57863Dillwyn, Virginia 23936 804 983-2517Marions fWsInquiries WelcomeLAVINA JOHN GARTON Poms ExclusivelyQhn 3ms ^PomeicmicmsCheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor1038 16th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603DE AMOSYLVIA KELLY13347 SHERMAN WAY, NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 818-764-5223 or 818-780-7663IGERAMA POMSSkip Piazza THE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266SKYLANDPOMERANIANSBeverly Presley Miller Rt. 1, Box 1064 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 919-670-2613Puppies Sired by Great Elms ChampionsSince 1967bern'e tois ciUberto.crescendo PomsPh 813-996-3811 34639Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitchesJean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia. Ocala. Florida 32676J904 237-1636EMCEESPOMERANIANSCH. EMCEES TOPO DE ORO Bear" - light orange At Stud to Approved Bitches Pedigree Upon RequestMorris Betty Carson, 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, VA 23233. Tel 804 740-7977.LaCherieDot Martin5354 Bluebird Lane York, SC 29745Pomeranians 803-831-8086iohn e. heartzprofessional handling in CanadaPOMS A SPECIALTY P.O. Box 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S., CANADA BON ICOPHONE 902 895-7427GrafenhorstsPomeranianstAP A vVTV vi i 'A . v-vWe are looking forward to 1989 and litters fromCh. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette and the top winning chocolate in the U.S., Ch. Starlites Legacy Choco-Bear.Horst Graf12000 N.W. 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465The Pom Reader August 198916Obedience Update---------------------------------------------AKCS New Obedience TermsThe Board of Directors of the American Kennel Club approved the addition of a Glossary to the Obedience Regulations. The change went into effect on March 1, 1989.Brisk, briskly Keenly, alive, alert, energetic.Command Verbal order from handler to dog.Crooked A dog that is not straight in line with the direction the handler is facing.Crowding A dog so close to the handler as to interfere with the handlers freedom of motion.Directly Immediately, without deviation or hesitation.Drop completely A down position that would be accepted for a long-down exercise.Forging Area from the dogs head to the shoulder, while dog is to be in the heel position, is forward of the position where it is considered to be in line with the handlers left hip.Gently With kindness, without harshness or roughness.Guiding gently by the collar Control of the dog by holding any part of the collar, with minimal pressure on the dogs neck.Lagging Area from the dogs head to shoulder, while dog is to be in the heel position, is to the rear of the position where it is considered to be in line with the handlers left hip.Lame Irregularity or impairment of the function of locomotion, irrespective of the cause, no matter how slight or severe.Minor penalty 2.5 points or less.Mouthing When a dog chews or rolls the dumbbell in its mouth.Natural Not artificial free of affectation, customarily expected in the home or public places.Order Direction from judge to handler, either verbal or non verbal.Prompt response Without hesitation, quick.Resentment unwillingness.Signal Nonverbal direction from the handler to the dog as described in Chapter 2, Section 20, of the Obedience Regulations.Smartly Quickly, vigorously.Substantial penalty 3 points or more.Turn in place Turning in the area that is occupied by the handler before the turn has started.Wide When a dog could be closer to the handler without crowding when in the heel position.Withers Highest point of the dogs shoulders.LettersDear Joe,I did not receive my June issue of The Pom Reader and Im very disappointed. I look forward to receiving it every month. My other Pom friends have received theirs and I usually receive mine before them. My subscription is paid until December. Please send me my June issue and also my July. Thank you.Now, on another matter The story written about Sparkle by Bobbi Stoffer was so sad and I cried when I read it. I would like to express my sympathy to her on the loss.Dear Bobbi,Your story about the loss of your loveable female Sparkle moved me to tears.What a tragic loss and I want to express my sincere sympathy to you. Time will not erase her memory but will help ease your pain.I hope all her puppies are fine and giving you a lot of love and happiness.Another Pom Lover, Sue SoaresJoe Please print this in The Pom Reader for me. Once again, thank you.Sue Soares, Chino, CASue Unfortunately, every month one or two magazines does not arrive at its destination. I apologize for the delay, and your replacement is in the mail. Now its up to the Post Office.I also want to express my appreciation for your kind thoughts to Bobbi. Every one of us has gone through some sort of tragedy in dogs, and its always horrible. The only thing that can carry you through is the thoughtfulness of friends. Thank you. JMcGThe Pom Reader August 198917SalyersSystemThe Salyers System is a listing of the top ten in each Toy Breed dogs are given one point for each dog defeated in Breed, Group, or Best in Show competition. The following is a listing of the top ten Pomeranians according to the actual number of dogs defeated in AKC competition for the months of January through June 1989. The Salyers System is a monthly feature of Top Notch Toys magazine, published by Doll-McGinnis Publications. Reprinted from the August issue of Top Notch Toys.DogsDefeated Name6,767 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II PiazzaBaker, Owners2,535 CH. APOLLOETTE MOONLITE GAMBLER PresserClevengerPresser, Owners2,809 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS LuginslandGoddard, Owners1,536 CH. SOUTHLAND N BEV-NORS NUT E FUDGE J. Wilhite, Owner1,473 CH. PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR GalindoWelch, Owners1,119 CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISHJ. Hurley, Owner917 CH. JAMELS TEXAS TORNADOJ. E. Clark, Owners874 CH. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOYB. Stetson, Owner715 CH. WHARTONS SEPPL VON HONIG CokeWharton, Owners432 CH. JERIBETH SIR LANCELOTO. Baker, OwnerPomeraniansShu-Shu says sell...and we will sell our best.Shannon JohnsonRoute 1, Box 456Warrenville, SC 29851.Tel 803 663-0210DOVERHOLIHOUSEPOMSThe Partis Just BegunKathryn Hartz Patricia FoleyDan Ninotski 609 695-1642MIA POMSOffers for sale...Black male puppy whelped 4389. Sire is Black Tan grandson of Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, dam is great-granddaughter. For more information, contactRamona J. SmithHCR4, Box 26B, Bowman, ND 58623 Tel 701 574-3158ChesaiPomeranianssiCHESAI PLAYING FOR TIME Handled by Ron Feyh 9 points to date Robert Joan Reilly 512 438-266726093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260The Pom Reader August 198918----------- SPECIALS ADDITION JANUARY-JUNE 1989 Presently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the Breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsPoints not to be confused with AKC championship points are alloted to individuals according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience Statistician Susan Wade. Tie placements are marked with anand Fields Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used asterisk. BISS is for Independent Specialties only. The followforpoint credit. A number of points has been allotted to the ing is the listing of the Top Twenty Poms, as per the JANUARYvariousplacements, and they are as follows JUNE 1989 AKC Gazette.POINTS NAME BISA BISS BOSS I n m IV BOB4035 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING H D...............................PiazzaBaker, Owners___ 3 - - 8 3 i - 13420 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D....................................................LuginslandGoddard, Owners___ 2 1 - 4 6 2 2 71950 CH. APOLLOETTE MOONLITE GAMBLER D..............................M. M. Presser, Owners___ 1 - - 4 1 2 2 101525 CH. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOY D.........................................B. Stetson, Owner.... - - 3 5 - . 1 1095 CH.PEDRONS DRAGON THE CONQUEROR D.........................GalindoWelch, Owners___ 1 - - 2 - 1 - 21035 CH. JAMELS TEXAS TORNADO D..............................................TaylorClark, Owners 2 1 3 2 111005 CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH D.......................................J. Hurley, Owner - - 1 2 4 1 13775 CH. SOUTHLAND N BEV-NOR NUT E FUDGE D.......................J. Wilhite, Owner.... - - 1 1 3 4 5640 CH. WHARTONS SEPPL VON HONIG D.....................................N. E. Wharton, Owners - - 1 2 - 2 4440 TOMHO STRUTTING ROOSTER D......................................T. Hooban, Owner - - 1 - 2 - 4430 CH. JERIBETHS SIR LANCELOT D.............................................O. Baker, Owner - - 1 - 2 - 3420 CH. LLL HIGH LIGHTS GOLDIE HAWN B....................................B. Stetson, Owner 1 - - - 2 - 2410 JAMOLS KLASSIC HI TIMES D..'........................................B. Pauli, Owner - - 1 1 - - 1355 CH. GUYSNGALS HUMBUG BUGZY D........................................J. Cox, Owner - - - 2 - 1 3350 CH. EMCEES GOLDEN JAYMY B................................................M. B. Carson, Owner - - - - 4 - 5290 CH. APOLLOETTE EVER READY ROCKY D...............................M. M. Presser, Owners - - 1 - - - 4290 SANDTOWNS TEDDY BEAR D...........................................L. B. Abjomson, Owners - - 1 - - - 4270 CH. DE ARTAS TOP TRADITION D..............................................V. Dagel, Owner 1 - - - - - 2265 CH. BELTANE SUCH A SPREE B.................................................P. B. Curry, Owners - - - 1 1 - 4260 CH. JANESAS GLEN IRIS SORCERESS B.................................JacksonTaylorStewart, Owners - - 1 - - - 1260 NABOBS TALK OF THE TOWN D.......................................N. Shartel, Owner"Tie Placements alphabetical1 1BEST IN SHOW All Breeds...............500BEST IN SHOW Specialty.................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty...75TOY GROUP FIRST..............................250TOY GROUP SECOND.........................150TOY GROUP THIRD............................... 75TOY GROUP FOURTH........................... 25BEST OF BREED....................................10The Pom Reader August 198919Ornette uomewinianbBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnerCH. GREAT ELMS MODELS TIMSTOPPER 4 V2 lbs. deep orangeStanding at stud to approved bitches. 150.00. Free color picture and pedigree upon request. Several litters due by Topper as well as other outstanding studs.Please call or write for price list. We offer our free newsletter to Pom breeders who are sincerely interested in working together to breed a better Pom. Starlite Pomeranians STARLITE LUCKY ELFC7. Choco Bear x Ch. Shanticy 8 months in picture ELF has his first major 10 Points PHYNER JUBILEE BROWN STUDY has 5 Points Choco Bear's chocolate son PHYNER CARMELLA - 4 Points Choco Bear's granddaughter Good luck to KATHY HARTZ DOLLY TRAUNER With these Choco Bear KidsGayle Tom Griffin P.O. Box 649 Amity, OR 97101MNMS POMS-R-USMARY GENE WELLS 4986 Avila Way Buena Park, CA 90621 714994-0259CIRCUS CIRCUSFOXWOODNEW ARRIVALS...June 6, 1989 4 Females Sire Great Elms Joey of Lenette Pictured in December 7 988 Pom Reader Dam Cherie of LenetteJune 29, 1989 2 Females, 2 Males Sire Ch. Queenaire StarburstPictured in April 1989 Pom Review Dam Muffie Of LenetteMostly Great Elms, Emcee Model Lines Champion sired litters due in July and August Champion stud service to approved bitchesBarbara DeFord 5490 A St. SE Auburn, WA 98002 206-833-4634Cheri L. Peel15143 Foxhill Rd. SE Yelm, WA 98597 206-458-3198Geanene Hall 259 E. Sage Creek Cir.Springville, Utah 84662 801-489-7943^avieassJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466-PomsitRHEA-NA POMS. Exclusively Bev-Nor BreedingFor sale Red Male whelped November 1988 One Only Double CH. THELDUNS ALMOND FUDGECurtailing Showing Due To Medical ProblemsSteve Barbara NagyRt 2 Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655, 703-869-3749ELTEE d P,omaFORSALE 2 Males whelped 6789 by Ch. Models Timstop- per Echo x Desirees Model Brooke Shield.FOR SALE 3 Males, Whelped June 30th, 1989, 2 BT and 1 Sable, by Desirees Smokey Mt. Sport, a grandson of Ch. Theldun Almond Fudge, x Desirees Fancy Charity, a double granddaughter of Ch. Great Elms Timstop- pers Image.DESAREE SANDIFER 509 OAKDALE STREET GASTONIA, NC 28054 TELEPONE 704 865-0859The Pom Reader August 198920of year, but we will keep everyone posted on our activities.Debbie Hall, Acting Corresponding SecretarySecretarysPageEach month The Pom Reader welcomes reports from the Secretaries of recognized Pomeranian clubs and organizations. As our staff can not be all places at all times, we think this is an excellent way to keep the world apprised of your activities and successful undertakings. Secretaries forget about a deadline, we know youre busy. Just submit as you can and we will publish as quickly as possible - your news will still be news, because we publish once a month.THE DELAWARE VALLEY POMERANIAN CLUB conducted its 1989 Fun Match on June 10,1989, on the grounds of the lovely home of Jack Lois Horan in Wrightstown, New Jersey. Thanks to our groundskeeper, Jack Horan, who solved a few mud problems, we had a beautiful day, despite all the rain that preceded the matchThe trophies, trophy table, and a beautiful handmade table cover made by Leslie Clark were all donated to the Club by Leslie. Leslie also made the table floral display and the hand printed Pom T-shirts and sweatshirts that we sold to benefit the club. Thank you for a super job, Leslie And, thanks to all of you who supported this effort.Our judge was the very capable Gail Roberson, who awarded the followingBEST PUPPY SILVA LADE JOYS SILHOUETTE owned by David Melissa DahlenbergBEST BOS PUPPY SHADRAS FULL STEAM AHEAD owned by Leslie Jerry ClarkBEST ADULT THE PINES HOT STUFF owned by Lois L. HoranBEST BOS ADULT POSMARKS BLACK FOREST owned by Maleta Walls.We have voted in a new Board of Directors for the Delaware Valley Pomeranian Club. The new officers are as follows President Susann Stackhouse Vice President Leslie Clark Treasurer Dianne Taylor Recording Secretary Vivian Higgins Corresponding Secretary Christine Post. Board Members Class of 1990 Jack Horan and Roberta Shields-Armetta Class of 1991 Debbie Hall and Robert Bohrer.At our September meeting we are having a Welcome back from Summer covered dish dinner coordinated by Roberta Armetta Debbie Hall.We plan to feature the Dog Steps Video at our October meeting. Also, in October our club will be supporting the Progressive Dog Club show held in New York City.Our membership has grown considerably since its inception two years ago. We are all busy with shows this time The Pom Reader August 1989THE SAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUB is holding its next Independent Specialty on Saturday, June 23, 1990, under the umbrella Golden West Dog Club, Inc. It will be held at the same time and place as other Toy Breed Specialties the day before the Kennel Club of Beverly Hills Show and be similar to the Great Western Terriers Show.We would appreciate your generous donation to the classes for the Pomeranian which will include Sweepstakes 6-9 months malesfemales, 9-12 months malesfemales, Best in Sweeps and Best of Opposite in Sweeps Regular Classes all including Winners malefemale, Best of Winners and Best of Breed and Non-Regular classes Veteran Dog, Veteran Bitch, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Brace, Team, Parade of Champions. Be among the first to contribute to our trophy list. We wish to include your name beside your generous donation in our various avenues of advertising.Our Trophy Chairman for our show is Sam Levin. He can be reached at most shows or at home, 794 S. Willow, Rialto, CA 92376. Telephone 714-873-8944.This is a FIRST for the West Coast so be in on the ground floorMargaret K. Ontiveros, SecretaryOURSLIPISSHOWINGThe inside front page of our lovely May issue contained several stupid errors.Angies dam was Sunrays Honey Bun II, and Connie and Jerry Brown live in Leona Valley. Butthe third mistake really takes the cake.Banner Angie were BRED by Fern Rodrigues, not SIRED by Fern. We know the lovely Fern is a super-talented lady, but that is stretching things a bitOur apologies to all concerned. However, if we dont make a mistake once every five years or so, people will start thinking we are perfect.JMcGCOMING IN SEPTEMBER..Sc SarFor the first time ever in THE POM READER...our September Issue will be dedicated to these exotic- colored Poms. Any black, white, or parti-color is eligible for these special reduced ratesFULL PAGE Color 275.00FULL PAGE bw 90.00HALF PAGE bw 49.00DEADLINE FOR ADS AUGUST 20, 1989Make plans now to feature your beautiful black, white, or parti-color Pom in our super September Issue.ALSO IN THE SEPTEMBER ISSUE...BLACK, WHITE PARTI COLOR GREATS OF THE PAST.Any black, white, or parti-colored dog or bitch born prior to January 1, 1982 is eligible for inclusion in this exciting reference section. Each showcase may include a photo, 3 generation pedigree, brief remarks, name of breeder and name of owner. Although they may or may not still be with us, these Poms deserve to be featured in this one-of-a-kind collection. All photos will be returned. THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SECTION OF THE MAGAZINE...IT IS OUR WAY OF PAYING TRIBUTE TO THESE RARE AND BEAUTIFUL POMS. Materials for GREATS OF THE PAST must be received by August 20, 1989.Send payment and materials toDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809.Tel 1-800-780-3624THE 1990 ALL TOY CALENDARThe 1990 Calendar is done and it is gorgeous Again this year Doll-McGinnis Publications and Pets by Paulettehave teamed up to produce the worlds most beautiful tribute to Toys. With a Pom gracing our cover, and our special reduced summer rates, you wont want to miss out. Special Summer Rates 7.95 each regular price 10.95 each. Please include 1.50 postage and handling. SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNT FOR LARGE ORDERS. Send payment to DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Tel Toll-Free 1-800-780-3624The Pom Reader August 198922NEW CHAMPIONS------------------------------------------------------------------- 7------- July 1989Aldens Spring Daisy Dancer b. By Ch. Aldens Doodle Dancer O Bingo x Luells Shy Spring Daffodil. Breeder-Owner Alden A. Domrase Janet R. Domrase. Bev-Nors Double Fudge d. By Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge x Bev-Nors Tarred An Feathered. Breeder Beverly A. Norris. Owner Mary W. Keeling. Bev-Nors Statesmans Rocky d. By Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman x Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tan-Ya. Breeder Beverly A. Norris. Owner Julia A. McCullough Beverly A. Norris. Chip-A-Way Heavenly Body b. By Ch. Emcees Terrific Wee Chips x Ch. Hobbits Heavenly Body. Breeder-OwnerCarolyn Roberts. Daystar New Attitude b. By Ch. Jestoms Chips First Edition x Daystar Three Times A Lady. Breeder Karen L. Power. Owner Randy Gemmill Dana L. Plonkey. Glen Iris Star Amethyste b. By Ch. Jamels Fugicle Of Southland x Janesas Maybe She Will. Breeder-Owner Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor. Great Elms Master Mark d. By Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond x Great Elms Sweet Candy. Breeder-Owner Ruth L. Beam. Great Elms Tiger Lily b. By Ch. Great Elms Snooty Hooty x Ch. Lennis Radio Action. Breeder Harry E. Pennington. OwnerOthella Smith Sam Smith. Hilanes Frick d. By Ch. Ea-Dons Mister Sandman x Ch. Lady Diana of Hilane. Breeder Jerome Cushman Jackie Rayner. Owner Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane. Jestoms Miss Wonderful b. By Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge x Jestoms Dinah Mite. Breeder-Owner Jessie M. Stephens Thomas L. Stephens. Mai-T-Tois Cupid of Hilane d. By Ch. Hilanes Butch x Ch. Hilanes Sonja of Mai T Toi. Breeder-Owner Angela Nibst Jerome Cushman. Morrocos Navajo Scout d. By Pomesto Little Scout x Bob-A- Lous Amanda of Chips. Breeder-Owner Charles J. Edwards. Pollys Play It Again Sam d. By Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Moon Walker x McKameys Moonglo Princess. Breeder-Owner Pauline Cook. Pomirish Hi Balls Frosty Mist b. By Ch. Pomirish Hundrd Prufs Hi Ball x Ch. Pomirish Lil Guys Swt Revenge. Breeder SallyThe Pom Reader August 1989Baugniet. Owner Maureen Quinlan Sally Baugniet. Pompuf Ima Fire Disco Flame d. By Ch. Pompuf Tynee Touch of Flame x Pompuf Ms. Fire Disco Rose. Breeder-OwnerGwen R. Hodson. Silver Meadows Make My Day b. By Ch. Millbrooks Sauci Topper x Silver Meadows Ursula. Breeder Jacquelyn W. Klein. Owner Patricia A. Martz. Southlands Apollo Creed d. By Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge x Bev-Nor N Southland Poasty. Breeder Charlotte Creed Beverly Norris. Owner Nina Berry Mary Rosenbaum. Southlands Sir Impressive d. By Ch. Bev-Nor Southland Sin- sation x Southland Fudge Double Dip. Breeder-OwnerCharlotte V. Creed. Starfires Jessie Bell b. By Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge x Ch. Bev-Nors N Southland Tar-Lacy. Breeder-Owner Jose A. Cabrera. Stolanne Mica Rockelle b. By Ch. Dixieland Rock Of Millamor x O My Starmist Minuette. Breeder-Owner Frances J. Stoll. Sun Rays Rose Anna b. By Ch. Sun Rays Bat Man x Sun Rays Ash Lee. Breeder-Owner Fern Rodrigues. The Pines Nutmeg b. By Ch. The Pines Jack In The Box CD x Glenardens Sugar 'N Spice. Breeder-Owner Lois L. Horan. Tim Sues Dixie Dynamic d. By Ch. Chriscendo City Lights x Jolly Wee Dixie of Tim-Sue. Breeder Mrs. Randall Freeh Sue Goddard. Owner Eleanor W. Miller Sue Goddard. Tim Sues Sunlight b. By Ch. Chriscendo City Lights x Ch. Tim Sues Sunshine Sabrina. Breeder Tim Goddard Sue Goddard. Owner Carolyn Crockett Sue Goddard. Tomho Caviar Dreams d. By Ch. Tomho Apricot Strut x Ch. Tomho Timtu. Breeder Tommi Hooban. Owner Carol J. Aubut Tommi Hooban. Valcopy Wakhan Oh So Snazzy b. By Ch. Patricks Mr. Dallas x Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style. Breeder-Owner Randy Gemmill Dana L. Plonkey. Watts Little Thumbelina Girl b. By Ch. Silva Lade Outlaw Josey Wales x Ch. Watts Little Kahluas Keoki. Breeder-OwnerDelores A. Watts. The above are Pomeranians confirmed by the American KennelClub as Champions of Record and published in July of 1989. NEWCHAMPIONS is a regular feature of The Pom Reader.BERRYS ARTEMIS OF PAGALEW--BEST OF BREED or VARIETYCLEARWATER KENNEL CLUB JULY 1989HOTO BY SABRINAmLf CH. SOUTHLANDS APOLLO CREED x JANESAS LEEANNAMissy is shown winning BEST OF BREED under Miss Frances Thornton at the tender age of seven months. Many thanks to Nina Berry and Jerrie Freia who bred Missy and entrusted her in my care. She is a great mover with a sparkling personality.My thanks also go to Bernie Lois Ciliberto for my foundation bitch, CRESCENDO ALLEGRETTA and all the assistance and encouragement they have given me.PAGALEWPomeraniansPaul G. Lewis 115 Crystal Way Dade City, FL 33525 904-521-3413S77l OJ71August 1989 Volume V, Number 6B.I.S.moCH. GARTONS KING OF BAVARIAffieacerYourShowcase For Purebred PomsADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAD SIZE PREPAID BILLEDFULL PAGE 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 10.00 12.00All ads 14 page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. Full Color is available at 300.00 per page. Accent Color is available - call for quote. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. SAMPLE ISSUES 3.00 each BACK ISSUES 3.00 eachsubject to availabilitySUBSCRIPTION RATESIn U.S. Dollars12 Months - 12 Issues24.00 third class post 40.00 first class postMAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO Doll-McGinnis Publications, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Tel 1-800-780-3624.The Pom Reader August 1989STOP THE PRESS...WHO S THA TMERRYMOUNT TRICK R TREATs x rv AAt 4 aBEST OF BREEDVARIETYaEDWARDSvLLt ILL. KENNEL CLUB 1969PHOTO sr PETRUUSmTRIXY IS SHOWN TAKING BEST OF BREED UNDER JUDGE MRS. MILDRED K. BRYANT FOR A 5 POINT MAJOR AT JUST 7 MONTHS OF AGE. A Special thanks to my wonderful wife for making our dreams come true.Breeder Owners HandlerPATTY GRIFFIN KAREN GREG CROUCH PAUL HANNAHDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809NEWS PUBLICATION - DO NOT DELAYSUE S. WOQDLE PR TJ 1500 OLD HIM5RED ROAD MIDLOTHIAN VA 23113 USA 3ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDBULK RATE U.S. POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FL