The Pom Reader June 1990
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5252NUMBER 4VOLUME VJUNE 1990immtat T-n CRAB ORCHARD kenhel CLUB9fLIs5 fStolanne PomeraniansSalutes a winning combinationCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor x O My Starmist MinuettefjtFIRST N GROUPIVirr r Another Group I win judge Norman Patton. THOR congratulates his sire, Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor who has received special AKC recognition as sire of 20 Champions, 4 born at Stolanne Kennels.wThe repeat breeding of Thor produced these 3 Champion bitchesCh. Stolanne Mystique Starlet Ch. Stolanne Mica Rockelle Ch. Stolanne Sweet Ginger Brown owned by E. Suzann HendersonCongratulations to the owners of Thors newest Champion offspringCh. Ballykins Thors Cherubinoowned by Dr. Renee McGrathCh. Dias Drummer Boy Bearowned by David A. HoggCh. Tia-Lings Cherry Blossomowned by Paula McBayStolannePomeraniansCh. Stolannes Stormy Sequel, Thors first champion son, finished at 10V2 months with a BOB at his first show at 7 months.ON THE COVER Group I, judge Mrs. Robert Forsyth.Frances J. Stoll RR3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-3857In Memory of Sandy Gonos Sharons Pomeranians Proudly Presents Our New ChampionTAZ"r at- MroSPECIALTYSHOWOWINNERS^ KOHLERVm itCh. Sharons Tasmanian DevilSun Fox Lennis Rains It Pours x Alexsands Miss PiggyShown winning his second 5-point major, and title, at the Texas Specialty show under the very respected breeder and judge Janice Luginsland. Thank you and thanks to all the judges who made a dream come true.OwnersSHARON NEIL PONTE-CORVO 6130 Camino Real Sp 161 Riverside 92509 714 681-5220HandlerWOOD WORNALL 9515 La Tuna Cyn. Rd.Sun Valley, CA 91352 818 768-1885The Pom Reader June 19904 This issue of the Pom Reader is possible in part by the following advertisersFront Cover Fran StollSTOLANNE POMERANIANSJune 1990INDEX TO ADVERTISERSVolume V, Number 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS10. SPECIALTY SCENESJanice Luginsland reports on recent and upcoming shows.12. NEW CHAMPIONSTitleholders for May 1990.14. NEW CHAMPIONSTitleholders for June 1990.16. OLYMPIAAcanthosis Nigricans.18. ASKSHU-SHUMore letters for our canine Ann Landers.22. WORLD SHOW 1991Part II of this look at exhibiting overseas.25. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.26. BY THE BOOKTom Graves discusses mites.28. GENERALLY SPEAKING by Susan WadeJunior Dog Judging.29. EXOTIC COLORS ISSUEDetails for our second annual special issue.32. SECRETARIES PAGENews from the Carolina Pom Club.34. NEW POINT SCHEDULEHow many for a major36. SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-May 1990.39. UPDATETop Ten Pekingese, January-May 1990.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Telephone 813 858-3839.The Pom Reader June 1990ALLAN, M...............................................37BENKO, A.............................................. 37BERNARDO, G......................................33BRYSON, L.........................................20,21CABRERA, T......................................... 13CARSON, M. B...................................37CILIBERTO, L. B................................17CLENDENIN, V......................................19CONRAD, H........................................... 33COOK, S................................................ 33CRAFT, M...............................................17CREED, C.................................................7CROUCH, K. G...................................40DOSSINGER, M.....................................37DUNN, M................................................ 17DUPRES, E............................................ 33FEIST, V. W........................................33FIDDICK, R. J.....................................37FINCH, D................................................ 37FREIA, J.................................................33GAD, N...................................................30GARTON, L............................................37GODDARD, T. S.................................35GRAF, H.................................................30GRIFFIN, G............................................ 35GRIFFIN, P............................................8,9GRIFFITH, K.......................................... 35HALL, G................................................. 33HARTZ, K...............................................33HEARTZ, J. C.....................................35HOVEY, J...............................................35JACKSON, C......................................... 37JENSEN, P.............................................33JOHNSON, S......................................... 37LUND, N................................................. 38LUGINSLAND, J....................................35MARTIN, D............................................. 31MARTIN, P............................................. 31MASNICK, S.......................................... 37MCGRATH, R. K......................................5MT. RAINIER P.F...................................33NAGY, S. B.........................................37NORRIS, B........................................... 33PEEL, C..................................................35PFEFFER, C..................................... 23,30PIAZZA, S.............................................. 30PONTE-CORVO, S. N..........................3RGS POMS PEDS............................. 33REILLY, R. J.......................................37ROSENBAUM, M...................................37ROYAL CANIN USA..............................11STOLL, F...............................................1,2TAYLOR, J.............................................37WELLS, M. G......................................15WHIDDON, B......................................... 30I A v5.............................. and herecomes another Champion bearDm 5 - yf35ssCH. DIA S DRUMMER BOY BEARCh. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Wright Ways Touch of ClassBONNERMILLAMORbreedingOwnerDAVID A. HOGG 321 So. 14th Street Richmond, IN 47374 317 966-8878 Exclusively and beautifully handled by Momma BearFran Stoll 812 254-3857FLASH DRUMMER takes a Group placement his first weekend out with new handler Jeanne StaffordCongratulations to THOR on his recent multiple Group winsCH. BALLYKIN THORS CHERUBINOCh. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Ballykin Roisheen DuveFinished with 3 majors and a Group IIIPersonality Plus, outstanding bone and movement...JUST LIKE DAD317 462-5000The Pom Reader June 1990We love our THOR kids and think everyone should have oneBreederOwnerHandler RENEE K. MCGRATH, D.V.M., M.S. Dara Veterinary Clinic 735 S. State Street Greenfield, IN 46140.imFROM THE EDITORIve got the best bitch I can find now, what do I do This is the dilemna facing novice and experienced breeder alike. While working on this months Stud Dog Issue, I was reminded of an article brought to my attention by Chris Salyers. It follows.LOOKING FOR MR. RIGHTChoosing THE Stud Dog by Ariel SleethChoosing the stud dog who will suit your bitch and keep your breeding program moving forward is no easy task. Although you have produced a bitch that pleases you enough to build on, you must protect her quality and hopefully better it in some areas. The next step on your climb to greater achievements is to find the dog who will make a contribution - but you must avoid, at all cost, the slide to a lower level than your base. Thus is the dilemna encountered in choosing a stud dog. A television personality used to say, What you see is what you get. Nothing could be further from the truth when breeding dogs.Those not willing to constantly upgrade their knowledge soon fall by the waysideYou have not bred many litters without becoming aware that some lines have more variances to contend with than others and they require knowledgeable, talented breeders at the helm. Those not willing to constantly upgrade their knowledge soon fall by the wayside, better described as that large area of the ring beyond the winners circle. There would be no problem if we had only to choose the dog with the best win record or the kennel with the most cleverly written ad or the photograph closest to the breed standard, but these methods are loaded with pitfalls. So where to beginFirst step is to correctly evaluate your bitch to determine the weakness and the strength of her conformation. This is often best done with a friend to consult with as it keeps the evaluation more realistic. Another aid to use is a Polaroid picture or two as this keeps the evaluation more impersonal. It seems the more fond we are of a dog or a person, the more exaggerated the strengths are to us and the faults seem less severe. Make a list of the areas in which you wish to find some improvement, as these features will be top priority in your selection.This is the area in which we express our artistry, whether or not we have an eye...Next you will add to the list those qualitiesthat are most important to you in your chosen breed. These will be the qualities you do not wish to lose in your breeding program and they will vary with each of us. Some of us must have a typey elegant dog and will overlook a little weakness in other areas, while others of us insist on beautiful structure and movement and can tolerate less perfection in breed type. These are the personal requirements that make each of our kennels distinctive and slightly different from each other while being of equal value overall in producing good specimens. This is the area in which we express our artistry, whether or not we have an eye for the breed. We are now armed with the list of traits we are shopping for and ready to advance to the next step.Whether you outcross or linebreed, investigate bloodlines first...The second step is one often overlooked by the breeder looking for a stud. We are not ready to look for the dog at this time but should be looking for the bloodline that produces all or most of the qualities on our shopping list. This step will give us the depth that often talked about but elusive quality. If we are to produce improvement in these areas we must find an individual carrying both genes for each of the particular traits that we are concerned with and this is more likely to happen in an individual coming from a line where all or most of the dogs carry that trait. Whether you outcross or linebreed, investigate bloodlines first and only those strong in the qualities you are looking for, so the final choice will carry both genes for that trait and can only pass on a gene that is the one we are looking for.The final step is to find the individual dog in the family or bloodline we have decided on. The final choice should be able to improve in all the areas first listed, i.e., those areas of weakness in the bitch - our priority areas - and should be able to strengthen to some degree some of the areas on the second part of the list. This method of choosing the stud will allow you to make a greater degree of improvement with each breeding BUT you are not finished yet. If you want to avoid the merry-go-round syndrome - correct in this generation, lose it again the next generation, regain it again in the following generation, etc., etc. - you must breed to get the gene you want and then breed again to keep it...You must breed the first time to get what you want and breed those offspring for the same strength to keep what you have...Breeding dogs is very much a dog-in-the- manger affair. Selfishness must prevail in your breeding program if you are to hold onto what you have while reaching for still more. As there is no reward in constantly correcting and losing the same trait, you must correct and hold while you move on to strengthen another area. You cannot improve and hold that improvement without remembering the following strategy. Once you have found Mr. Right and the puppies are showing improvement in the area you were working with, you must go through the same process again for the same traits even though improvement or correction is evident in the bitch resulting from the first mating. For example, if the bitch were excellent in one area that was faulty in her dam, you would still put that trait on your priority shopping list. You must breed the first time to get what you want and breed those offspring for the same strength to keep what you have. This method will allow you to go on to other corrections without losing the ground you have just gained. In this manner you will continue to get closer to your ideal with each generation and avoid the lean years when the breeding program falls to pieces.Breeding good dogs is not easy and is not a pastime for the easily discouraged, but avoiding the pitfalls and the fast fix will build something dependable and productive.Thoughts to ponder for June while planning your next exciting litter, no. For breeding is a serious endeavor, one not to be undertaken lightly, as we all know well.And from the quality to be seen in the show ring at present, people are breeding wisely and well. Until July, keep up the good work, and always remember...Poms AwayJMcGThe Pom Reader June 19907souTHLANDPfruD'SCH. SOUTHLANDS TOASTED FUDGE Top producing sire 1988 with 11 ChampionsLil Toasty has a total of 18 Champions including BIS and Group winners. He is pictured with 4 of his Champion kids winning the stud dog class at the National Specialty in 1988.May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Blairs Solitaire BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeCh. Lennis Tar Baby Of Great Elms Bev-Nors Sweet Sassy Brittons Little Miss Muffet CH. SOUTHLANDS TOASTED FUDGE May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Southland Happy Birthday BillCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge DelightBev-Nors Sweet SassyCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Bev-Nors Sweet Sassy Ch. Bev-Nor Southland SinsationCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge Lynwrights Miracle WorkerPom-Runs Lilt Nioca CH. SOUTHLANDS SIR IMPRESSIVEMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Southland Fudge Double DipCh. Thelduns Almond FudgeCH. SOUTHLANDS SIR IMPRESSIVE Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge DelightFinished with Best of Breed win over Specials. Bev-Nor s sweet sassyWe think he will produce like Lil Toasty - watch for Sirs kids in the ring soon.Puppies Available from Lil Toasty Sir.SOUTHLANDPOMERANIANSCHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE PINEVILLE, LA 71360 PH 318-466-3456The Pom Reader June 19908 MERRYMONT\YCftt. CUtksbkKtQQitqinialCC.APRIL t19 90Baines PhotoCH. MERRYMONT LIL RED BEARONCH. COBLES TRAVELING BEAR x Apples Traveling AllspiceWe wish to thank the judges who put up this short-backed, super moving little dog. His wins include a Best of Breed over BISS and Group winning Specials Ed Jenner, judge and a 5-point major over 17 entries E. R. Sledzik, judge. Thank you also to Tads breeder, Joyce Apple, and most sincere gratitude to Jon Woodring and Wade Burns for believing in him.Watch for his sons at the Specialties in Baltimore Merrymont Lord of the Jungle with Geoff Browne, and Merry- mont Special Effects with new owner, Theresa Malinski.And best wishes to Tom Pat Brooks with Merrymont Jump For Joy.We presently have a seven-month-old puppy bitch Tad x Ch. Great Elms Honey of Lenette also available for your consideration. She should mature about 512 pounds. Show home only.At Stud To Approved BitchesHandler Jon Woodring Rt 1 Box 164 Advance, NC 27006The Pom Reader June 19909...Proudly Presents. Ij\as. 05l, M 3f hk V K,d- hi[\ " jfl BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXWINNERSGRIFFIN GAKENNEL CLUB SHOWMAR 1990PHOTOS BY ALVERSONA\ Wi.mCH. MERRYMONT ONE NIGHT STANDCH. MERRYMONT SATRDAY NITE FEVER X CH. QUEEN AIRE SIGNATUREThis adorable puppy pictured with judge Mildred Bryant strutted her way to major wins at Raleigh Kennel Club, Griffin Kennel Club and Huntsville Kennel Club, with Jon hurrying to keep up with her. Thank you judges. Thanks, also, to Diane Johnson for filling in for Jon for Pickles last points. Pickles is the third champion for Fever this year.Congratulations to Merrymont Satrday Nite DLite owners Greg Karen Crouch on her major win at seven months of age.Watch for other Fever offspring Ch. Merrymont Satrday Nite Specl, being campaigned for us by the Crouches in the Missouri area and Merrymont Gold Fever repeat of Pickles with Jon in the Ring soon.Puppies sired by Fever currently availble show homes only including a 3-month-old female out of a Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond x Ch. Great Elms Bitch daughter.Breeder-Owner Patty Griffin 2767 Calumet Street Winston-Salem, NC 27106 919 724-7562 After 5 PM EDT The Pom Reader June 1990SPECIALTYSCENES by Janice LuginslandThe week of May 25, 26, 27 was a busy one in several parts of the States. I was show chairman for 3 days of Keeshond shows - Futurities, Sweepstakes, OB, National Regional host shows. It was the largest Kees Specialty ever and certainly a learning experience for me. Ken Miller judged Bitches and Non-Regular classes for the Heart of America Keeshond Club on Saturday and flew to Michigan for his judging assignment the next day.Thanks to Bonnie Stetson for getting a marked catalog to me on the Pomeranian Club of Greater Michigan Specialty on May 27. The total entry was 31. Results to follow. The club gave cash prizes as added incentive for first in all classes, as well as reserves. Former Pom breederhandler Jeanne Stafford was back in the ring. Welcome back, Jeanne, and get sharp, competitors, as she is a very good handler.Tomho Strutting Bush Baby was transferred to Best of Breed competition and went over 6 other Specials to Best of Breed. He is sired by Tommi Hoobans Ch. Tomho Apricot Strut who is consistently producing winner after winner. I am sure he must have an equally nice dam in Tomho Possum On The Run interesting to know the story behind that name.Best of Winners and Winners Bitch was Pixies Buttons-N-Bows bred and owned by Carol Galavich. Agent was Donna Megenhardt, who must have had her hands full. This bitch is now finished with 3 majors and a group placement at 8 months. Buttons-N-Bows is sired by Evelyn Blakes Ch. Blakes Sir Robert John who is another sire producing lovely puppies.Winners Dog was Mercers Street Dancer, bred and owned by Dan Mercer. I hear this dog had some previous problems but Frances Stoll, who came without an entry, took this dog in hand and piloted him all the way to the points from the Open Class.POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER MICHIGAN SPECIALTYSweepstakes Judge Eleanor MillerPuppy Dogs 6-9 Months Elegants Robin Hood. Owner Samuel Linda LevinPuppy Dogs 9-12 Months Mosaic Only A Dream. Owner Mrs. Riki Barker.Dogs 12-18 Months Stentaways Gold Nugget. Owner Mary Hechinger Evelyn Conley.Puppy Bitches 6-9 Months Pixies Buttons- N-Bows. Owner Carol A. Galavich.Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months Ch. Doo-Shays Funkey Madeanna. Owner Shannon Johnson.Bitches 12-18 Months Northport Miss Crackerjack. Owner Mary Herr.Best in Sweepstakes PIXIES BUTTONS- N-BOWS. Owner Carol Galavich.Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes MOSAIC ONLY A DREAM. Owner Mrs. Riki Barker.Regular Classes - judge Kenneth MillerPuppy Dogs 6-9 Months Elegants Robin Hood. Owner Samuel Linda Levin.Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months Mosaic Only A Dream. Owner Mrs. Riki Barker.Bred By Exhibitor Dogs Suntwist Tomba La Bomba. Owner Nellie Sprunger.American Bred Dogs Rosewoods Sunmark Foxfire. Owner Roberta Russell Benson.Open Dogs ROCS Mercers Street Dancer. Owner Dan Mercer.Winners Dog MERCERS STREET DANCER. Owner Dan Mercer.Reserve Winners Dog MOSAIC ONLY A DREAM. Owner Mrs. Riki Barker.Puppy Bitches 6-9 Months Pixies Buttons- N-Bows. Owner Carol Galavich.Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months Lenettes Instant Decision. Owner Bonnie Stetson Donna Megenhardt.Bred By Exhibitor Bitches Northport Miss Snuffles. Owner Mary Herr.Open Bitches ROCS Northport Miss Crackerjack. Owner Mary Herr.Winners Bitch PIXIES BUTTONS-N- BOWS. Owner Carol Galavich.Reserve Winners Bitch NORTHPORT MISS CRACKERJACK. Owner Mary Herr.Veteran Dogs Ch. Jamols Pudge Royale. Owner E. M. Talsma.Veteran Bitches Ch. Hi TimesKaleidoscope. Owner Olive Lancey. Best of Breed CH. TOMHO STRUTTIN BUSH BABY. Owner Tommi Hooban. Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed PIXIES BUTTONS-N- Bows. Owner Carol Galavich.I am at this writing doing research for additional breeds. First stop was the English Toy Spaniel Club of America Specialty at Woodstock, Illinois. What a warm, wonderful group of exhibitors and club members Ask Cheryl Jackson about flying desserts and judges who didnt put up their dog. Next stop is Canton, Ohio, for the Tibetan Terrier National and then on to Poodle Club of America.While in Ohio I had the opportunity to see Pixies Buttons-N-Bows. She is a clone of my own Ch. LLL High Lights Goldie Hawn. I did have to see it to believe it myself. Same size, type, showmanship, personality - TOTALLY UNRELATED. Wouldnt I love to see them in a Brace ClassDont forget the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore Specialty on July 5. Sweepstakes Judge Christine Heartz Regular and JS classes - Robert Reedy. American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty also at Holiday Inn, Timonium, Maryland, on July 6. Sweepstakes judge Jackie Stacy. Bring her a big entry as she is very excited about this assignment. Regular and JS classes Mary McCoy.Puget Sound Pomeranian Club Specialty, Friday, August 10, Seattle, Washington. Sweepstakes judge to be announced Breed judge Alexander C. Schwartz, Jr. OB JS Betty Win- thers. Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston, August 9, Astro Hall in Houston Judge Dorothy Bonner.Please send your news items or Specialty results to me. Till next month, just keep doggin alongJanice LuginslandRt 1 Box 97, Americus, KS 66835The Pom Reader June 1990WANT TO WIN BEST IN SHOW0oIntroducing the Royal CaninClub CynotediniqueNow you can join an exclusive group that promotes the health and performance of your dogs and pays you cash for their victories.As a club member, you earn cash rewards every time one of your dogs wins at an AKC-approved event up to 1,000 if hes Best in Sho\y up to 250 for Group First,and up to 50 forBest of Breed. Plus cash awards go to the dogs breeder and to the retailer who sells you Cynotechnique dog food.Club Cynotechnique members also receive our newsletter featuring the latest in nutritional news and unique customized merchandise at discount prices.To join and qualify, you must feed Cynotechnique on a continuing basis. Winning dogs will also require proof that theyre being fed Cynotechnique at the time of the win.trNameAddressCityROY1 LCkNINTHE POWER OF BALANCE1Sign me up for membership in Club Cynotechnique. I have enclosed proof-of-purchase UPC symbols from 80 lbs. of Cynotechnique dog foods.State ZipPhone Breed of DogName of RetailerSend to Club Cynotechnique, Royal Canin USA., Inc. 1600 Heritage Landing, Suite 112, St. Charles, MO 63303For more information, call Royal Canin U.S.A., Inc.1-800-592-6687. WELCOME TO THE CLUBThe Pom Reader I June 1990NEWCHAMPIONSEW CHAMPIONSMay 1990Appoiloette Gone-A-Lot D by Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready Rocky x Apolloette Sparkling Fresca. Breeder-Owner Marlene Presser Marlin Presser.Benrays Sundancing Simon D by Golden Aires Magic Marko x Golden Aires Rockin Robin. Breeder-Owner Benson E. Ray.Dias Drummer Boy Bear D by Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Wright Ways Touch of Class. Breeder Frances Wright Geneva B. Pennock. Owner David A. Hogg.Glen Iris Castle Temptress B by Ch. Glen Iris Ivanhoe x Vanhaas Pat-El RockN Robin. Breeder-Owner Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor.Glen Iris Summer Heat B by Ch. Jamels Texas Tornado x Janesas Maybe She Will. Breeder Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor. Owner Cheryl A. Jackson Eleanor W. Miller.Glenwoods Thor D by Bev-Nors Glen Iris Excalibur x Wee Hearts Glen Iris Rapunzel. Breeder Cheryl A. Jackson Donna Hobart. Owner Donna Hobart Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor.Jan-Shars In Living Color D by Ch. Bev- Nor N Southland Rambo x Great Elms Almost Heaven. Breeder Sharon Hanson Jane Fleshman. Owner Sharon L. Hanson.Janesas Glen Iris Star Struck B by Ch.Jamels Fugicle Of Southland x Ch.Janesas Glen Iris Sorceress. Breeder C. A. Jackson Joel Taylor H. Stewart Jerrie Freia. Owner Jerrie Freia Joel Taylor.La Cheries Hot Fudge Ripple D by Ch. Bev- Nors Fudge Ripple x La Cheries Shes Got Pizzazz. Breeder-Owner Dorothy F. Martin.LLL High Lights Brass Doll B by Ch. Tim Sues High Lights x Ch. LLL Rockys Brass Bellringer. Breeder Janice Luginsland. Owner Nancy L. Fry Jennifer Carlton.Ra-Joys Cassanova Cupid D by Mixons Sugar Coated Rapper x Ra-Joys Cameo Rose. Breeder-Owner Ann Nobles.Singleoaks Angie At Warlords B bySingleoak Image Maker x Singleoak Desert Charm. Breeder Charles Hun- saker. Owner Raymond E. Mooney Jack Hookie.Southlands Janesa Berry Tby D by Ch.Southlands Toasted Fudge x Bev-Nors Fudges Fondue. Breeder Jerrie freia Charlotte Creed Nina Berry. OwnerGale Sharland.Tanglewood Humagumas D by Ch. Manchesters Mickey Ratont x Ch. Tanglewood One Tuff Cookie. Breeder- Owner Carol J. Aubut.Tim Sues Neon Lights D by Ch. Chriscen- do City Lights x Tim Sues Duchess Sabrina. Breeder Sue Goddard Tim Goddard. Owner Frances Freeman.CONGRATULATIONSThe Pom Reader June 199013CH. STARFIRES ROCKYPBESTOFOPPOSITELAKELAND SINTER-HAVEN KENNEL CLUBJUNE 1989May Morning Social LionCh. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Dunns Little Tina Preshus SIRE CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGECh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great ElmsBev-Nors Sweet SassyBrittons Little Miss MuffetCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch. Southlands Toasted FudgeCh. Southlands Happy Birthday Bill DAM CH. BEV-NOR N SOUTHLANDS TAR-LACYCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor N Southlands PoastyBev-Nors Missy MissAt Stud to Approved Bitches. STARFIRE POMERANIANS TONY CABRERA 275 SW 72ND AVE MIAMI FL 33144 305 266-7471 The Pom Reader June 199014NEWCHAMPIONSEW CHAMPIONSJune 1990Bayou View Country Cheers B by Bayou View Country Boy x My Precious Mindy. Breeder John C. Lewis. Owner John C. Lewis Adam J. Verrett.Beaus N Belles Mdm Pompadour B by Ch.Coys Lucky Eight x Ch. Beaus N Belles Precious Onyx. Breeder John C.Thomas. Owner Paul Williams Dee Lath ram.Beaus N Belles Pom-Pom Girl B by C.Dacuns Pometto of Wright Way x Ch. Wee Hearts Soho Likely Story. Breeder- Owner Barbara Anne Thomas.Cenias Cosmic Cutie B by Ch. MacsMaybe I Will x Kiti Aldos Kahlua-Bration. Breeder-Owner A. C. Williamson.Chesai N Starfires Bon Bon B by Chesai Golden Challenger x Chesai Gold Sprite. Breeder Joan M. Reilly. Owner Jose Tony Cabrera.Donaras Pequeno Caballero D by Donara Scamp Hadleigh Legacy x Wee Hearts Blk Satin N Lace. Breeder-Owner Nancy A. Shellman.Frys Mister of Northport D by Ch. Flame of Wright Way x Frys Charming Muffy. Breeder Nancy L. Fry. Owner Mary Herr.Golden Aires Moongold Scamp D by Ch.Twin Pines Tico Tico x Dupres Kate Raising Cane. Breeder Sharon Masnick. Owner Patricia Brooks Sharon Masnick.Jan-Shars Moon Struck B by Ch. Bev-Nor N Southland Rambo x Bev-Nors Fancy Free. Breeder Jane Fleshman Sharon Hanson. Owner Sharon Hanson.Maranathas China Doll OPens B byMaranathas Lil Aaron x Pens Lil Polar Snowbell. Breeder Penny Dees. OwnerGloria Carlin Steven Carlin.Maranathas Lil Benjamin D by Ch. Lanas Top Priority x Maranathas Miracle of God. Breeder-Owner Gloria Carlin Steven Carlin.Mi Babe Once For Rebel D by Ch. Sharels Southern Image x Mi Babe Erin OReilly. Breeder Babe McCombs. Owner Eula Gierer.Philbrooks Mamas Lil Jewel B by Ch. Mi- Dee Mikey of the Pines x Bi Mar Saucy Sadie. Breeder Susann Stackhouse. Owner Deborah Wheeler Susann Stackhouse.Rhynstone Cowboy D by Tiperons Dandy Lion x Wyndmeres Terracotta Rose. Breeder Joyce Urban. Owner Karen Wnek Joyce Urban.Shadowmountin Baby Angel B by Ch.Precious Petites Gabriel x Creiders Cee of Shadomountin. Breeder Kathy M. Bucher. Owner Larry Snyder DVM Jeanine Snyder.Sharons Tasmanian Devil D by Sun Fox Lennis Rains It Pours x Alexsands Miss Piggy Piggy. Breeder Alexandra L. Gonos MD Gus Gonos. OwnerSharon Ponte-Corvo Nell Ponte- Corvo.Tim Sues High Tide B by Ch. Tim Sues High Lights x Tim Sues Tu Mini Lights. Breeder Sue Goddard Tim Goddard. Owner Bronya Johnston Sue Goddard.CONGRATULATIONSThe Pom Reader June 199015MNMS POMS-R-USHAS HIT THE MOTHERLODESUN ZAV'S COLD STRllC 1n 4M.4V lbaIf4.VI-A if POINT MAJORTake a good close look at this outstanding boy because youre going to see a lot of him in the future. Talk about untold riches - well this boy has it ALL Exceptional front and rear, movement to go with it, beautiful head, sweet personality, excellent pigment, typey and VERY showy AND to top it all off -100 Sun Ray breeding Who could ask for more A proven stud Hes that too - 2 litters on the ground and more on the way.Striker caused quite a stir at the Santa Ana Valley KC on 42989 the prospect of gold does funny things to people Pictured going BOW after taking a 4 point major under the distinguished judge Mr. Timothy Catterson who is given a big THANK YOU from us all Striker has 6 points to date.Striker is proudly and exclusively handled by Glenn BernardoOwnersMNMS POMS-R-US Mary Gene Wells 4986 Avila Way Buena Park, CA 90621 714994-0259HandlerGOLDCREST POMS Glenn C. Bernardo 20524 Pioneer Blvd. Lakewood, CA 90715 213402-9606Goldcrest Poms - the up and coming young handler and our very dear friend. The two of them - Striker Glenn - are always going for the gold. Watch for this dazzling duo - a hard combination to beatSo, while theres still time, dont miss the rush - the Gold Rush, that is Join the crowds in California - stake your claim for a bit of the GoldCongratulations to Caren Marcinkiewiz for her gorgeous Striker son, Nugget. Watch for upcoming Striker litters out of LLL High Lights, owned by Kim Read of Luv-N-Poms, Ju-Paws Blues All- Nighter owned by Judy Paul Evans of Ju-Paws Poms, MNMs A Lulu of a Jolly Wee and Masons Brightest Star these two owned by MNMs.BreederSUN RAY KENNELS Fern Rodrigues 8122 Royal Circle El Cajon, CA 92022 619443-9946 The Pom Reader June 1990-116OLYMPIADOGS HOWL AND...ACANTHOSISNIGRICANS.... ^' the medical terminology for the so-called black skin or elephant hide disease in dogs. According to Mercks veterinary manual this disease is characterized by skin lesions that are bilaterally symmetrical, and increased pigmentation. Dogs who particularly suffer from this disease are Dachschunds, Airedales and other terriers and German Shepherds. Dogs with this disease may have a significent decrease in thyroid activity. Also the gonads sex glands and the adrenal glands located atop the kidneys which secrete ephinephrin and cortin may be involved with the development of the disease. Frequent lesions in friction areas tend to lend a mechanical influence on the disease as well. Lesions are found on the inner side of the thighs, scrotum, flanks, arm- pits, the ventral regions of neck and tail, as well as on the eyelids and lips, and sometimes on the muscular surface of the toes. In the beginning stage the skin swells, excessive shedding of hair takes place and in a few days the skin area affected turns greyish blue-black. Gradually the skin becomes thick and rough. Eventually, without hormonal therapy, the skin becomes covered with scales and folds form. The elephant skin terminology. The color deepens into black. The black skin terminology. The disease is chronic. Hormonal therapy gives a favorable outlook and can keep the condition in control, but recurrences are frequent.Other than this reference in the Merck manual I could locate no other literature on this subject which lately has been on the lips of many Pom fanciers. And after reading this reference I find it most confusing that on the dogs who have been pointed out to me as exhibiting acanthosis nigricans, or black skin disease, I have only witnessed dogs with cottony undercoats possessing no guard hairs. Usually it is an orange dog whose head and a small portion of back is orange but the hip, leg and rear-end is white. I have not seen any disgusting lesions nor rough and folding skin nor scales and blackened skin. Or have I seen the purported condition in its early stages Or are we REALLY seeing the classic acanthosis nigricans as defined by Mercks If not, WHAT are we seeingAre you confused by this Do you kinow more about this condition Have you read something about it or actually experienced it If so, we would greatly appreciate your sending your literary sources or comments to us at the below address. You may request anonymity if you like. Any and all comments will be subsequently published in a follow-up article in this column of The Pom Reader.Other than the reference material in the Merck manual all I have managed to discover on the problem is that I have heard only of males exhibiting the syndrome and that it mostly occurs in closely related dogs of a familial tree. If, indeed, females do NOT exhibit the symptoms then it has to be sex- linked. Sex-linked means that males alone exhibit the symptoms and that females exclusively transmit the defect, just as hemophilia is transmitted in humans. A hemophillic male mated to a normal female will produce NO sons with the defect but all daughters will be potential carriers. The daughter of a hemophillic male when mated to a normal male will produce hemophilia in half her sons and half her daughters will be carriers of the defect. Interestingly, Queen Victoria of England, who married her first cousin, Prince Albert, produced one hemophillic son and some of her daughters introduced the defect into most of the royal lines in Europe. Which produced disastrous results for the royal houses of Spain and Russia, in particular. Even more interesting, Queen Elizabeth II married her cousin, Prince Phillip, and both of them are fifth- generation grandchildren of Victoria their sons do not exhibit the defect nor are her daughters carriers.It is also interesting that like such defects as cleft palate, mornorchidism and hydrocephala in dogs the black skin or lack of guard hairs condition in dogs is the rarity rather than the norm. This being the case, why should we ostracize, via whispered rumors under the grooming tent or elsewhere, the bloodlines that occasionally produce such non-life threatening defects If we ostracized the bloodlines who occasionally produce cleft palates, hydrocephalics, subluxed patellas, monorchids and swimmer-legged puppies we would have to ostracize the entire Pomeranian breedLet us, as we gain knowledge on this confusing subject, use reasonable logic and consider numerics. If a bloodline made popular by the fact that its begators worked hard to produce a consistent type of exceptional quality produced one dog in, say, a hundred, who has a coat or minor skin condition why should we condemn that bloodline to mediocrity when we do not condemn other bloodlines because they produce more commonly accepted, and numerically rare, defects that can be either life-threatening or keep a dog from the show ring Until this so-called black or elephant skin condition is proven to be the REAL thing as defined by Merck or until it is proven to be commonly prevalent in a particular line i.e., occurring one in every ten let us unite in NOT condemning and in trying to learn moreMinor meaning a dog who does not exhibit skin leasions and other appropriate symptoms as defined by Merck under the medical term Acanthosis Nigricans.Until the dog howls again...OLYMPIA aka Lois Ciliberto 9605 Land OLakes Blvd., Land OLakes, FL 34639The Pom Reader June 199017CH. FAIR WINDS SHINING STARRDUSTCH.TYNAN TAG ALONG x EMCEES FAIR WINDS CHIP-A-WAYGROUP I FROM THE CLASSESMANATEE KENNEL CLUB 51390 1 r 4 4 V4 4 4 4 I 44 41 4 444 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4A 4 44x4 4 4aai4 444 4 44 444 4\4 sCLUB- MANATEE kennelPICTURED LEFT GOING BEST OF BREED OVER SPECIALS UNDER JUDGE MS. SUSAN CHISHOLM-JONES PICTURED AT RIGHT TAKING TOY GROUP I UNDER JUDGE DR. DAVID GREEN DOANETHANK YOU JUDGES FOR A VERY EXCITING DAYSPECIAL THANKS TO BERNIE LOIS CILIBERTO FOR PRESENTING DUSTY AT HIS BEST AND TO CAROLYN ROBERTS FOR DUSTYS MOM AND FOR LETTING US USE DUSTYS DAD.FLASH - BOW TO FINISH - THANK YOU JUDGE MRS. JOSIE MITCHELLFLASH GROUP H - THANK YOU JUDGE MR. WILLIAM BERGUMBreeder-Owners FAIR WINDSM. L. Dunn M. A. Craft P.O. Box 1303, Lake City, FL 32056 904 752-5285WE FEED SCIENCE DIETHandlerBERNARD CILIBERTO9605 Land OLakes Blvd., Land OLakes, FL 34639 813 996-3977 Pending AKC ConfirmationThe Pom Reader June 1990ASKSHU-SHUShu-Shu Shannon JohnsonDear Shu-Shu,Please give me your honest opinion My parents are planning on finding a canine companion for me. Wouldnt you agree it would be appropriate that I should accompany them to help choose my canine companion and see if I can enjoy my new friend We dont plan on having any additional ones, just us two, but I think I should be able to help with this decision.Admire-ingly yours,CHARLIE, Bryn Manor, PennsylvaniaDear CharlieAh-Ha I sure have heard that one before Past experience tells me that you shouldnt consider a canine companion. THEY MULTIPLY WITHOUT WARNING Look at me Years ago, I was the only one here, and was to be the only one - PERIOD Well, we got me a little friend, who in turn got himself a little friend pretty soon the friends got friends and would you believe we couldnt or wouldnt part with one of them. Thats why we have been called POMER-MANIAS.I am sure that I am the favored Pomer-Mania here at my home and I feel I need to warn you that you might be trampled by a herd of them within a short time just from this little rip your family is planning. Pretty soon, as the herd increases, you are the last on the list for the daily bone pitch and thats the pitsYou might be better off considering a little bird. My favorite little friend here at home is moms 2-year-old cockatiel bird. Baby Bird guess mom figured he would never grow up is small, and talks to me in his adorable bird-brain lingo. Teases me with his flapping wings - drops food from his cage to get a bulls-eye, which happens to be my head - chases me all over the floor with his head and neck stretched out and his mouth wide open, running full throttle. Actually he is a real irritation to me now that I think about it. Forget what I said about Baby Bird being my favorite companion. Now, if we are talking favorite dinner.....ummmmmTastefully yours,SHU SHUDear Shu-ShuI know I should be flattered to have so much responsibility placed on my little shoulders, but I not only resent having to be my familys protection alarm, but I also resent having to babysit the under-5 human beings. Isnt that a little degrading, Shu-Shu What can I do to restore my life as the faithful pet, the purpose I was created for in the first placeLove,SQUASH, Barnwell, South CarolinaDear Squash,I know what you mean. I have to do everything around here, such as1 Keep the little kiddie pool stirred up on hot days. AAAAHHHHH2 Make sure the food bowls are empty at all times Yummm3 Wash the kitchen floor. OOPS4 Pick up the yard and bury the rawhides. SHHHH5 Wash the car windows. YUCK6 Dig the holes so mom can plant her new plants. A DIRTY JOB, BUT SOMEBODY HAS TO DO IT.7 Gently put moms bird back in his cage. Yumm8 Make a message for the answering machine. BELIEVE IT OR NOT.When your life gets to number 8, then you have a bona fide canine complaintExhaustingly yours,SHU-SHUSend your letters toShu-Shu Shannon Johnson Route 1, Box 455 Warrenville, SC 29851.The Pom Reader June 199019Dumaxio- broud to-foreent...A9TfourthCENTRAL OHIO KENNEL CLUB APRILiqoo. PHOTO BT 199 K. BOOTHTaFTim Sues To High HeavenBIS BISS CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS x TIM SUES CHARLIES ANGELFrom the puppy classes BOB April 15 at Delaware Ohio KC over two specials under judge Mrs. Elaine Rigden BOB and Group IV, April 22 at Central Ohio KC under judge Mr. Charles S. Deer photo BOB over Specials, Mad River Kennel Club under judge Miss Maxine V. Beam BOB St. Clairesville, Ohio Kennel Club under judge Mrs. Toddie ClarkMany thanks to s Sue Tim Goddard for allowing Sasha to come to West Virginia s Ron Feyh Sasha sends kissy licks for all your help s The Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club Ringside Cheering SectionOwnerHandlerVicki Clendenin BreedersCINNABAR POMERANIANS Tim Sue Goddard3003 Brook Drive TIM SUE POMERANIANSPoint Pleasant, WV 25550 304 675-5479The Pom Reader June 199020jfi. DairfmMfrss ^achein^ QiaMmclSIRE CH. APPLES TRAVELING DIAMOND DAM CH. CLAIRMONTS CAROLINA DELITE"'XSim35r\ ' tilvNGROUPFIRSTCARROLL KENNEL CLUB MAY 1990'Ir KSkUufvIS'LiTHANK YOU MR. JAMES HAYWARD - GROUP I FROM THE CLASSES, MAY 20, 1990. ALSO, THANKS TO MRS. DOROTHY BONNER - GROUP I FROM THE CLASSES SHAWNEE KENNEL CLUB, APRIL 19, 1990.Qft'eeder--0-toner- tancerSamewThePom Reader June 199021Ajpv, .- ._ rV. ." Jr.fg S ".L "- "- . fc ..-a - \\Sv2 - "Cl^. . ...V a _ ^., tAfGROUPPLACINGMATTAPONI KENNEL CLUB MAY 990JOHN ASH9EY-2sm Bg'-3^'-^^ -- 'v.The Pom Reader June 1990WORLD SHOW 1991Part II by Sharon Irons Strempski Continued from MayKennel VisitsArranging kennel visits requires a bit of finesse. It can be done but you may have to work at it.Finding breeders is your first step. The AKC puts out a pamphlet called AKC SPECIAL REGISTRY SERVICES. Youll find the clubs devoted to your breed in this booklet. Should you decide to bring a dog home, itll give you all the requirements for doing so. Write to the club for your breed and ask for a list of breeders with their addresses. If at all possible, find someone to write the letter in German for you and ask for a reply in English.Write letters to some of the breeders who are located within a couple hours drive of the show site. Explain that youre coming for the World Show and would like very much to meet with a few breeders to talk about the breed and see their dogs. Mention that youll bring along pictures and pedigrees of your dogs. Contrary to what anybody will tell you, not everyone speaks English. A letter in German has more chance of being answered than one in English. If you do use English, keep it very simple.Should you get no replies to your letters, dont give up hope If youre considerably daring, call. Rates are lower after 100 p.m. and youll find that if you call before 700 a.m. the rates are even cheaper. Theyre six hours ahead of us EST so plan your time carefully. With any luck, you may find someone who speaks English. Slow your conversation speed to about one-half, drop all slang, and pronounce your words clearly.The show affords another opportunity to arrange a kennel visit. Some breeders may wish to get a look at you first before inviting you. Look for those exhibitors you wrote to and start up a conversation. Again, ask if its possible for a kennel visit.You can increase your chances for a visit with a few simple steps. Manners are considered of prime importance in relationships. The Travelers Guide To European Customs Manners by Nancy L. Braganti and Elizabeth Devine will guide you through everything from public manners, home visits, conversations and almost any social situation. Its a paperback book and it covers all the European countries. With any luck your library will have a copy. The advice is invaluable and itll keep you from making social blunders that could damage your chances for visiting a breeder.Take the time to learn a little German. Many high schools across the country offer The Pom Reader June 1990night school courses in conversational German. Sometimes there are German societies or singing groups in an area that have classes for beginners. There are several different language tape courses which also provide you with enough helpful phrases to get you by. The New York Times suggested in a travel article to have a German-speaking person make up custom language tapes for you to study. You might need phrases like That bitch has a lovely head, or My dog is sick and I need a veterinarian. If you meet a breeder you really want to visit who doesnt speak English, you need to have some skills at hand.The Airport SceneWhether youre traveling with a dog in cabin or in the baggage compartment, youll be paying an excess baggage fee. Remember, the bigger the dog and kennel, the bigger the bill. It may come as a shock to some to find out that the fee for the return flight is considerably higher than the flight going overseas. Every country has its own regulations and tariffs. There is little you can do about it but make sure you have enough funds available in cash or on your credit card for the flight home.Regulations on dogs in passenger cabins vary from airline to airline. Each sets limits on the number of dogs and the size of the carry-on kennel. When you make your reservations for the flight you must make reservations for the dog at the same time. Airlines will ask for the dimensions and weight of the kennel as well as the weight of the dog.If your dogs will be flying in baggage, you will need to follow the same procedures as you would for traveling in cabin. Mr. William Evans of TWA pointed out that the airlines need to calculate the amount of free airspace in the cargo compartment to ensure the safety of your dog.Evans advised that the 767 and 747 airplanes had the best airflow through the cargo department. He mentioned that the American Dog Owners Association brochure on airline travel was wrong in recommending the L 1011 for having proper air flow. If your dog will be flying as excess baggage, be sure to find out what type of plane youll be on.Picking an airline is a personal thing. Youll want to take into account their regulations on dogs, price, destination. The Dusseldorf airport is closer to Dortmund but if theres a considerable difference in price, you may wish to use Frankfurt which is not an unreasonable drive to Dortmund.Unless youve traveled to Europe before, airport security can be a bit unnerving. In the U.S. youll go through a metal detector, your carry-on bag will be x-rayed and in some cases, security may paw through your carry- on. In a New York airport if you leave your bag to go ten feet to purchase some candy, its highly likely your bag will be stolen. In Germany, its a different story an unattended bag will attract the attention of the bomb squad and you may be taken off for questioning. In addition to going through the metal detector and bag x-ray, I have had carry-on bags completely searched, Ive been frisked, and Ive had to line up with other passengers and identify my bags before boarding a plane. Security is serious business in Europe. Do not joke about it at all times be completey cooperative. The procedures are for your own protection. An argumentative passenger may find he misses his flightI hate to mention insurance in the same breath with airport security. However, its a good idea to have some for the trip. Cancellation insurance is well worth the price if something comes up that forces you to back out of the trip at the last minute or if your airline defaults. There are policies that cover trip cancellation, accidental death, medical expenses for both illness and accident, and baggage loss. Check with your travel agent to see what policies the agency carries. Not every agency carries every insurance and you may wish to check with several. The New York Times carried a list of insurance companies in its travel section on January 28, 1990. If your library carries the newspaper on microfilm, you can refer to the article and contact the companies independently. Its worth the extra effort.Continued next pageGERMAN DOG SHOW TERMSRasse - breed Rude - male Hundin - female Farbe - color kurzhaarig - short haired langhaarig - long haired Name des Hundes - dogs name Z. B. Number - stud book number fill in AKC registration number Wurfdatum - birth date Zuchter - breeder Inhaber - owner Mutter - mother Vater - fatherGabrielCH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIELA TOP PRODUCER TOP WINNER MULTIPLE BEST IN SHOW AND SPECIALTY WINNER AT STUDExcellent Head, Body, Coat and Movement 4 Pounds, Red SableApproved Matrons Met At New Orleans, LA AirportABECH. PRECIOUS PETIT RIPLE SUPREMEA TOP WINNING MULTIPLE GROUP AND BEST IN SPECIALTY WINNERAT STUDBeautiful head, short back, typey 4 Pounds.Approved Matrons Met At New Orleans, LA AirportP.O. BOX 10432JEFFERSON, LA 70181504-737-1729The Pom Reader June 199024Hotels and TouringTheres plenty of free information on touring that only costs you a phone call or letter. The German National Tourist Office 747 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10017 has the most marvelous brochures. For general information, request their booklet Happy Days in Germany. The German National Tourist Office also has available a free road map which will help you plan your trip. Recently I received three hotel brochures from them - Romantik Hotels Restaurants, Gast im Schloss and Individual Travel in Germany. The Romantik hotels are situated in historic buildings while the Schloss hotels are in German castles. Having stayed in both Schloss and Romantik hotels, I can say theyre great fun. A hotel doesnt have to be boringSupplement your free information with a few book purchases. Michelins red guide to hotels and their green guide to touring rate high among travelers. The hotel guide lists the amenities such as television in the rooms, saunas, parking and who allows dogs. Most Americans would find the hotels rated very comfortable equal to a business type hotel here. If one is staying in a city, anything less than very comfortable might not measure up. However, in the countryside, comfortable and quite comfortable hotels are often very satisfactory but may be lacking in some amenities like television in the rooms. The green touring guide lists the highlights of a number of cities and ranks them according to importance of sights. They also offer several suggested touring programs. There are many things that can be seen with a dog in tow.There are things your travel agent may not tell you about hotels. The average hotel will probably be very different from an American hotel. In Germany, wash cloths are considered a personal item like a toothbrush so pack your own. If a hotel caters to Americans youll probably find them but dont count on it. Their pillows tend to be square and filled with feathers, a point to remember if youre allergic. Dont expect sheets and blankets, youre likely to run into feather beds which can be described as a comforter sandwiched between two sheets. They take a bit to get used to but theyre quite comfortable.What to PackDont take more than a carry-on and one suitcase per person. Remember, you have to carry it. Ladies should plan to take a few dresses for in the cities and skirts and blouses for the country. A blazer and a sweater vest make good accessories. Men should plan on wash and wear dress slacks, dress shirts, and a blazer for the city and nice slacks and casual shirts for the country. Two pairs of shoes are recommended, one fordress and one for walking. The calendar may say June but it would be wise to pack a raincoat with the zip-in lining in place as well as rubbers or rubber duck shoes. Youll be thankful you have both on the first windy, chilly wet morning when youre out walking your dog Ive yet to find laundromats like we have in America so pack enough underwear for the trip. Remember the voltage is different so youll need either a converter for your razors or hair dryers or take dual-voltage models.Most men would not be caught dead with a change purse but theyre a necessity for both men and women. The Germans use a number of large coins for currency. Your pockets can be quickly weighted down with two- and five-mark pieces. Since you pay a premium calling from a hotel room, the change purse will come in handy to make those phone calls from the yellow international booths found in cities and on the autobahn. Its ever so easy to direct dial the U.S. from those phones.If youre taking a dog in cabin, plan to take a reasonable size toy crate in baggage. The crate can contain food, dog blankets, grooming equipment and bowls. On landing, the dog can be switched to the larger crate and the gear stuffed into the carry on. Youll probably want to take dog food because you might not be able to get your own brand in Europe. Some of the premium American dog foods are available at the booths in the dog show but youll pay a high price for them.Unfortunately, tourists tend to bring morehome than they took. Try for lightweight souvenirs. You can find all sorts of wonderful breed items at the show such as prints, jewelry, paperback books, and small figurines. If you have a passion for a cuckoo clock, please check prices stateside first. Unless its an outrageously good buy, you will regret the purchase when youre carrying it through the airport.Rental CarsMake your arrangements in advance. A class C rental car usually has standard shift and a class D is usually automatic. The class A and class B are cheaper but are not really ideal for high speed autobahn traffic. With a large breed, you may decide to rent a van. Make sure you have a valid U.S. drivers license. Many travel agents recommend having an International Drivers License which you can obtain from the Automobile Association of America. The clerks at the rental car booths will wish to see your regular license first.RecycleAll the information can be recycled for almost any European country. A national tourist office or consulate can give you the requirements for visiting their country with a dog. You can contact the kennel clubs and obtain information on how to get show entry blanks and the dates of their different shows. The world is growing smaller and you can venture out into it with a minimum of effort.DOGS IN CABIN REQUIREMENTSAmerican AirlinesNo Dogs in cabinPan AmUnderseat carrier not to exceed 9 inches high x 14 inches wide x 22 inches long. Hard sided leakproof container. Maximum of 5 pets in cabin on an international flight - 3 in economy, 1 in business, 1 in first class.TWAUnderseat carrier not to exceed 8 inches high x 16 inches wide x 21 inches long Hard sides leakproof container. Maximum of 1 dog per cabin -1 in economy, 1 in business and 1 in first class. A carry on kennel 8 inches high x 12 inches wide x 17 inches long is available for 10.00.LufthansaUnderseat carrier not to exceed 20 centimeters high x 40 centimeters wide x 55 centimeters long. Hard side leakproof container or waterproof handbag. Maximum of 1 dog per cabin - 1 in economy, 1 in business and 1 in first class. A free cardboard carton is available at the airport for transportation in the passenger cabin. Also available from Lufthansa German Airlines 750 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10022-1208 is a brochure, Lufthansas Jet Pet Service. Brochure contains dual language health certificate required for Germany.The Pom Reader June 199025 aVCH. MIXON'S ROSSI OF FRIPPDECEMBER 19mX.-'-e V-"5_YMBtHPLEasCH. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOYSZm ^teacerJULY1988 VOLUME IV, NUMBER 5. "Ik,tSfe Sol 5orYzntasi Ch. Glen Iris IvanhoeYour Showcase for Purebred PomsSUBSCRIPTION RATESIn U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per Year Domestic24.00 Third Class Post 40.00 First Class Post Foreign Rates Upon Request Sample Issues 3.00 each Back Issues 3.00 each subject to availabilityADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAD SIZEANNUALPREPAIDCONTRACT OPEN RA1FULL PAGE Color 300.00 300.00FULL PAGE bw 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 10.00 12.00All ads 14 page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine.Make check or money order payable toDoll-McGinnis Publications8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephone 813-858-3839FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, WE HONORVISAA kr123PQI33S3112 3500ba sesa58C F FROSTThe Pom Reader June 1990BY THE BOOKTom Graves MITES It hardly seems possible but I am now officially in my very last year of vet school. This year is going to be exciting. I hope to be spending most of the summer working on a special canine reproduction service in our hospital. I will be able to work with a variety of infertility problems. I will also have the opportunity to perform physical examinations on lots of dogs and bitches. Ill be learning more about vaginoscopy and semen evaluation. Vet school just keeps getting better and better.This months topic is mites. I hate mites. Every time I look at a skin scraping or a smear from a dogs ear and I see a mite scurry by, I start to itch. Dogs tend to itch also when they are infested with mites. As I write this, I keep catching myself pausing to scratch my arm.[Ed. note. As I typeset this so do I. J] This iMites are arthropods. They are tiny little insects that parasitize many different animals. For the most part, they are too small to see with the naked eye and can be quite difficult to diagnose. These are a variety of mites known to infest dogs. I guess the best way for me to present them is to go genus by genus and discuss the most common and important ones.SARCOPTES Sarcoptes scabiei is the bug responsible for canine scabies. Other names include sarcoptic mange, red mange, and barn itch. This is a serious disease and one of the most commonly-missed diagnoses in veterinary dermatology. This nasty little bugger causes severely pruritic thats medicalese for itchy, crusty, really disgusting lesions on the ears, elbows and tails of infected dogs. Other parts of the body can also be involved, but less commonly. This disease can spread to livestock, to humans, and to other pets. It is highly contagious. Any animal can get it even the most well-cared-for.Sacroptes mites can be very difficult to find. I recently got a letter from a Pekingese breeder who had puppies with sarcoptic mange. This poor lady had been to her veterinarian for skin scrapings. No mites were found and the diagnosis was missed. Only after the puppies failed to respond to antibiotics and special shampoos did another vet make a diagnosis of sarcoptic mange. Our dermatologists here at Cornell tell us that you can perform 25 skin scrapings on a dog with sarcoptic mange and still only have a fifty-fifty chance of ever finding a mite. Sarcoptes mites burrow deep into the skin. They are very good at evading a well-meaning veterinarian with a blade, a slide and a microscope. The rule of thumb is if you think you might have a case of canine scabies, you had better treat it whether you find mites on your skin scraping or not.Treatment of sarcoptic mange can be difficult. All dogs on the premises must be treated. The house or kennel must also be treated with some kind of insecticide since the mites can live for 2-3 days away from the host. The best treatment is 2 percent lime sulfur dip every week until two weeks after The Pom Reader June 1990going to be a tough article to writethe dog appears to have been cured. This is a huge problem for our breed since in order for the dips to be effective the coat should be removed. Ivermectin, a drug which I like to warn against, is probably a reasonable alternative in a kennel of show dogs in which clipping of coats is out of the question. You must, before you use ivermectin, be aware that there have been a number of toxic reactions associated with use of the drug. The drug is not approved for use in dogs and there is a lot we dont know about it. If you are going to use ivermectin, be careful. Make sure your dog gets the proper dose. To be effective, the drug must be given twice 3 weeks apart. Never, absolutely never, give ivermectin to a Collie or Sheltie You could easily kill the dog. CHEYLETIELLA Walking dandruff is the common term for cheyletiella mite infection. There are several species of cheyletiella mites these include Cheyletiella yasguri most common in dogs and rabbits, Cheyletiella blakei cat, and Cheyletiella parasitivorax rabbit, cat, dog. For some reason, this mite is very popular with Pekingese breeders. I have had a lot of questions about this parasite. Many people claim they have had experiences with the mite. Cheyletiella mites are actually quite rare in areas where fleas are found. The reason for that is simple. Cheyletiella mites are extremely sensitive to most of the insecticides used to kill fleas. At Cornell we very rarely see a case of cheyletiellosis.The signs of cheyletiellosis are quite variable. Sometimes dog infested with the mite are pruritic. Dandruff is a common finding. Often, however, dogs with cheyletiella mites are asymptomatic carriers.Once again, the little monsters can be hard to find on a skin scraping. This particular mite does not burrow as deeply as does sarcoptes, and is a little easier to find, but a negative skin scraping does not mean that the mite is not present on the dog.Humans are often sensitive to Cheyletiella mites. These mites love to bite humans and can cause a very nice rash. Usually, however, when people get rashes from their dogs, fleas are the culprits.Continued next pageTOM GRAVES on MITES, continued...emuic.Sarcoptes maleSarcoptes femaleftomale.Cheyletiella mitePhoto courtesy of Dr. D. W. Scott, Cornell University7.NDemodex canis OtodectesThere are a number of effective treatments of cheyletiella mites. Parasiticidal dips organophosphates or lime sulfur or pyrethrins shampoos flea shampoo once weekly for four weeks will usually do the trick. Cheyletiella mites can livefree in the environment for two weeks, so you must treat the environment flea spray or bomb as well. As with some other mites, ivermectin is thought to be an effective treatment. Dont worry. I wont repeat my ivermectin sermon again. DEMODEX My dermatology professor says that all Gods creatures got Demodex. Demodex mites there are a few species inhabit just about every animals normal skin. Your dogs most likely have Demodex. Although I hate to think about it, you and I probably have Demodex. Even Miss America has Demodex. These mites are, obviously, not a problem. Sometimes puppies whose immune systems are immature will develop dermatitis due to demodectic mange. Puppies get Demodex from their mothers. The lesions are usually confined to very localized areas of the body, especially on the face and paws. The dermatitis can be quite severe. Animals that are sick and debilitated, can develop demodectic mange over larger areas of the body. This condition is very difficult to treat and is usually heartbreaking.Demodex mites, especially when they are present in appropriately large numbers, are usually quite easy to find on a routine skin scraping. Ivermectin does not work in treating these mites. In fact, there is little evidence that any treatments are effective for treating localized Demodex. In most cases the disease will go away on its own as the puppy matures. Generalized Demodex, on the other hand, is probably the most difficult dermatological disease to treat in all of veterinary medicine. There are a number of treatments that have been tried, but none of them are completely effective. The worst thing you can do for a dog with any kind of demodectic mange is to give it steroids. Steroids suppress the immune system and can cause localized Demodex to become generalized. Dont worry, Im not going into my steroid sermon again.EAR MITES Otodectes cynotis is the mite that infests the external ear canal. Dogs and cats can be affected. This is a very, very common parasite. The clinical signs of otodec- tic mange ear mites are like the signs of many ear infections - itchy, dirty, sometimes crusty ears. It is said that as few as five little mites in a dogs ear can cause a bad case of otitis externa inflammation of the external ear canal. Otodectic mange can be diagnosed by looking under a microscope at a smear made from swabbing a Q-tip in a dogs ear. However, as with other mite infestations, if you dont find a mite that doesnt mean the dog has none.Treatment of ear mites involves first cleaning out the ear canal, then treating the canal with some kind of ear drops. Mitox and Tresaderm work well. Canex rotenone mixed 13 with mineral oil also works. When treating ear mites it is important to use an insecticide on the rest of the dog as well, since sometimes the mites leave the ear canal and cause problems elsewhere on the dog. I use flea powder for this purpose. Once a week for four weeks. I am a big fan of flea powder, but thats another article. Ivermectin is said to be effective against ear mites as well.Well, thats an overview of mites. Of course there are more, but these are the ones you are most likely to run into. Heres hoping you and your dogs are healthy and happy. Tom Graves is a veterinary student at Cornell University, recipient of the Westminster Veterinary Scholarship, and a regular columnist in The Orient Express, another Doll-McGinnis Publication. Thank you, Tom. JMcG.27The Pom Reader June 1990 The Pom Reader June 1990GENERALLY SPEAKING ,JUNIOR DOG JUDGINGWadeConsider this You are a judge and have received an invitation to judge BIS at the International Kennel Club of Chicago How marvelous for you - BUT - as well as judging BIS, you will be required to judge the Junior Dog Judging ContestWhat is this Junior Dog Judging Yep - it is exactly what it implies - Juniors judging dogs. Something new on the horizon Not really - it is an old idea that merits a comeback...I first ran across this non-regular class by sheer accident. One of my Christmas presents this past year was some old dog show catalogs..,1940s and early 50s. At this late date, I finally found a moment of peace and quiet to really go through them.The first one I picked up was from the Eastern Dog Club from 1949. The entry was 1,416 dogs with 1,509 entries it was a two-day benched show with judging starting at 930 AM and the last breeds for the day scheduled for 800 PM. BIS and BIS-American Bred that year was the Standard Poodle, Ch. Carillon Colin of Putencove, judged by David Wagstaff.The panel of forty-six judges contained some memorable names Mrs. Geraldine Dodge, Mrs. Beatrice Godsol, Mr. Laurence Horswell, Mr. Maxwell Riddle and Mr. Percy Roberts to name a few. Old, familiar kennel names are there, some of the greats in various breeds - both human and canine. Then came the portion of the catalog that really caught my attention.Between the pages listing the regular classes and the Obedience entries, are four pages with the rules and procedures for the Junior Dog Judging Contest, the winner of which would be eligible to compete in the Finals at the International Kennel Club of Chicago. I quickly checked the catalogs for 1950 and 1951 - there it was - further checking produced a 1949 catalog from Ladies Dog Club - they, too, had offered this event. I have never been to a show where this has been offered and it seemed to me that it would be The Pom Reader June 1990an excellent opportunity for Juniors if this event were offered again.Our editor suggested that i contact Mr. Louis Auslander of the International Kennel Club in regard to the subject - I did In my conversation with him, I discovered that the International still offers this class and its judging is automatically a part of the BIS judging assignment. To Mr. Auslanders knowledge, the International is the only club that does offer the event, but over the years a number of our present-day judges did enter this competition. One that Mr. Auslander remembers is Anne Rogers Clark. Mr. Auslander has great enthusiasm for this class and feels that it would be of great service to our young people if interest in it could be revived.The contest is for Amateur Dog Judges between the ages of twelve and twenty years of age inclusive. The stated purpose is to assist in promoting high standards for youthful judges by teaching them the importance of independent unbiased judgement, good sportsmanship, the art of close observation and accurate mental photography. Also to develop a retentive memory and the proper use of applicable terms in either written or oral expression.The contest is judged by two experienced judges - in the case of the Eastern Dog Club show in 1949, Percy Roberts Mrs. Emmett Warburton. It is their job to examine the dogs in each class and write down on special cards, the placements they feel is proper. These cards are then handed over to the Superintendent, the experienced judges placements kept secret.QThMC A4 SjfyhvCA...The Pom Reader PresentsEXOTIC COLORSOur first issue dedicated to the exotic-colored Pom was such a success that weve decided to make it an annual event Our September issue will again be a collectors item, page upon page of Poms of special colors. Again this year we offer special reduced ratesFull Page Color 275.00 Full Page bw 90.00Half Page bw 49.00Dont miss this economical opportunity to include your special dog or bitch in this parade of rare and beautiful PomsDEADLINE JULY 15, 1990VISAMake checks payable toDoll-McGinnis Publications 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809For more information, call toll-free1-800-780-3624Or, for your convenience, we honorjjjamrannaagi asspaas3112 3500bThe Pom Reader June 199030Susan Wade on Junior Dog Judging continued...Grafenhorsts Poms Tiny Partis Pretty Heads Open Markings Heavy Coats Short Backs Super SoundnessWe are very excited about our lovely litters from Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette, and the top winning chocolate in the U.S., Ch. Starlites Legacy Choco Bear.These super boys are at stud to approved bitches. Several promising puppies available. For further information, contactHORST GRAF GRAFENHORST POMS 12000 NW 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465WHID-DONS POMS Home 0fi TIM SUES SPARK OF LIGHT TIM QIIFC nVMAMITCTIM SUES DYNAMITEgrM A- \V"Barbara T. Whiddon, 4703 Monroe Hwy., 1 ' ' Pineville, LA 71310. Tel 318-640-2993.Quality Bred Puppies OccasionallyICERAMA POMSSkip Piazza THE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266Home of Gabrield^Jrecious C^JeiiiesBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson, LA 70181 504 737-1729HOME OF THENORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942 KILLER tAND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Upper Valley Hoad El Paso, TX 79932The two judges then observe the Juniors and grade them on their placements and the reasons given for those placements. A perfect score is 100 - 50 points for placements and 50 points for the reasons given. If time permits, the reasons for the placements will also be given orally.Each of the constestants is allowed 15 minutes in which to examine each class of four dogs. The dogs are identified by armbands numbered 1,2,3 and 4. The Junior is provided with a card for each class on which heshe would write their placements and the reasons for those placements - explaining WHY one dog was placed over another. After judging hisher classes, the cards are handed in and the contestants sequestered until the Judges and the Superintendent have totalled the scores. Ties are broken by having the contestants give two-minute oral reasons to the Judges on placements of an additional class of four dogs of another breed.I can find nothing in the rules regarding the selection of the dogs in the classes -1 would assume this is done at the discretion and the invitation of the show-giving club.One can understand the hesitancy of some contestants to enter a contest in which there are breeds less familiar to him than the one he owns. However, experience with 4-H contestants, in judging many breeds and classes, has proven the broadening effect upon the contestant preparing for the contest. This justifies having several breeds represented. Since the breeds to be judged are announced a year ahead, the contestants will have plenty of time to read the Standards, watch at shows, or talk with breeders and judges throughout that year.In my opinion, reviving this competition throughout the country would provide an unparalleled opportunity for Juniors to gain a wider knowledge of the dog world. Some may enter and not enjoy it - better to find out at a young age that judging is not your bag.The show-giving clubs throughout the country should give some serious thought to offering this non-regular class at their shows. If there is sufficient interest in the event, perhaps the International KC would again be interested in hosting the finals Another thought - Match Chairmen for the clubs should consider having some of these interested Juniors judge their matches. The classes at the shows are not meant to be training classes, so it would behoove the club members, officers, etc., to provide a training ground for budding judges as well as budding puppies and owners.THINK ABOUT IT AND THEN DO IT Im sure that our more experienced judges will show the same enthusiasm as Mr. Auslander -1 cant imagine a more fertile field from which to grow our future judgesIDSusan WadeBack Issues AvailableTo complete your collection, all issues of The Pom Reader are available from March of 1985 through the present. Special rates are available for purchase of entire volumes. Major credit cards accepted. For information, contact Duane Doll, Business Manager, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809, or call toll-free 1-800-780-DMcG 780-3624.T he Fom Header June lyyu31OREOLOOKIN GOOD...and just as good as he looks.IrBESTOFWINNERSLA CHERIES OREODOUBLE FUDGECh. La Cheries Hot Fudge Ripple x Desirees Mega Fudge Fudgeys Number One Son is owner-handled to his first points. Thanks to judge M. T. L. Downing.La CheriePomeraniansDorothy F. Martin 5354 Bluebird Lane York, SC 29745 803-831-8086I 4'"tlt' 'KON TIKI POMSpresents SWEETHEARTS MOONSHINE GLOWWee Hearts A Little Pizzazz x Sweethearts SmidgenShown the day he took his first 4-point major at Sahuaro State Kennel Club Show, 3-4-90.It was a day we will long remember...and one that was long in coming. We will continue to give him his chance in the spotlight.FOR SALE Kon Tiki Wizard OThe Dragon 3 lbs., orange. Pedigree on request.PHYLLIS MARTIN17210 N. 17th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85022 602-867-1078The Pom Reader June 199032Secretaries NEWS FROM THE CAROLINASReporter Patty GriffinNew Officers for 1990 are as follows President, Dot Martin Vice-President, Sharon Masnick Secretary, Judy McCall Treasurer, Lance Bryson Board of Directors Doris Warren, Harold Collings, Roger Beaty.NEXT MATCH Our next match will be held in Columbia, SC on August 18, 1990, in conjunction with the Piedmont KC all-breed show. As a result of the large turnout at our April match in Pineville, Don Wilson, president of the Columbia KC has offered us the opportunity to sponsor a supported entry at their show on August 19. A Supported Entry is a large step toward holding a Specialty. Our members have donated trophies for almost every class offered. Puppy classes will be divided. I know most of us dont show in the heat of the summer, but please make these shows an exception. The building is air-conditioned.POM PRINTS Christine Heartz has graciously offered us copies of her lovely Pom Prints entitled The Four Seasons to sell as a money-making project. You can purchase individual prints for 20.00 each or the complete set of four for 75.00 by sending your check to Lance Bryson, 535 Huffman Mill Road, Burlington, NC 27215. The prints will be delivered at the Match in Columbia on August 18. MATCH REPORT - April 7, 1990 As reported by Jodi Hudspeth. Match Chairman Jodi Hudspeth Trophies Harold Collings Dinner Ken Eleanor Griffith Ring Steward Pam Campbell Silent Auction Judy McCall. Match ResultsSWEEPSTAKES Judge Mr. Derial JacksonPuppy Dogs 3-5 Months Tanglewoods Traveling Bear, Owner Verl Anita Thompson.Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months Apples Traveling Rambler, Owner Joyce Apple.Puppy Bitches 3-5 Months Ar-Bees Mona Lisa, Owner Rodger Beaty.Puppy Bitches 5-7 Months McKenzies Dolly of Dendy, Owner Mary McKenzie.Puppy Bitches 7-9 Months Glen Iris Tropical Storm, Owner Junior McDaniel Kevin Lovelace.Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months Glen Iris Hurricane Angelique, Owner Cheryl Jackson Joel Taylor.Best in Sweepstakes GLEN IRIS HURRICANE ANGELIQUE Best of Opposite Sex Sweepstakes APPLES TRAVELING RAMBLERREGULAR CLASSES Judge Jon Woodring Puppy Dogs 3-5 Months Tanglewoods Flashy Dancer, Owner Verl Anita Thompson.Puppy Dogs 6-9 Months Golden Aires Moonwalker, Owner Sharon Masnick.Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months Apples Traveling Rambler, Owner Joyce Apple.Bred By Exhibitor Dogs La Cheries Lil Quincey Beam, Owner Dot Martin.Open dogs Love Little Jon Tuckahoe, Owner Margaret Samples.La eries Test For Fudge, OwnerPuppy Bitches 3-5 MonthsDot Martin.Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months Glen Iris Hurricane Angelique, Owner Cheryl Jackson Joel Taylor.Best in Match APPLES TRAVELING RAMBLER, Owner Joyce Apple.Best of Opposite Sex in Match GLEN IRIS HURRICANE ANGELIQUE, Owner Cheryl Jackson Joel Taylor.Imsur___Best in Sweepstakes GLEN IRIS HURRICANE ANGELIQUEIr'pviI'.V.St Best in Match APPLES TRAVELING RAMBLER Photos Courtesy Jodi HudspethThe Pom Reader June 199033STUD SERVICE6520 GAME FARM RD. E MOUND, MN 55364PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYPattysPonferaifiaifsPATTY JENSEN Phone 612 472-5950dolfrcrcst ^PomeraniansMichael Bandy Glenn Bernardo 20524 Pioneer Boulevard Lakewood, CA 90715 213 402-9606 evesRGS Pomeranians PedigreesLifetime guarantees, medical insurance, rebate program for show. Pedigrees researched. 24 hour availability. 904-247-5384.PRESENTING THE MT. RAINIER POMERANIAN FANCIERS 1990-1991 STUD DOG BROOD BITCH DIRECTORYFeaturing over 100 Poms from coast to coast in many shades of the Pomeranian rainbow.To order yours send 5.00 plus 1.00 postage toThe Mt. Rainier Pomeranian Fanciers CO Wendy Feist 6325 SE 73rd Portland, OR 97206 503-774-8912Make checks payable to the club, please -do not send cashDOVERHOLIHOUSEPOMSThe Partis Just BegunKathryn Hartz Patricia FoleyDan Ninotski 609 695-1642MANOR HILL POMSSilver Meadows Skip OScooter Pointed Puppies Expected Helen Conrad 1677 Manor Road Englewood, FL 34223 813-475-1724FEISTYS POMERANIANS OFFERS FOR SALEBlack tan bitch 1, full sister and littermate to Ch. Feistys My- T-Fine. She has a sweet head, spunky personality and is very solid and there is nothing spindly about her bones She is being sold bred to Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn, a son of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. She is 112 years old well linebred.Black tan bitch 2, V2 sister to above bitch, their sire is black tan champion CJs Masterpiece of Marks. This girl is nearly a year old and a combination of Sungold, Scotia and the Queenaire line. She has a sound, short coupled body and is nicely coated like her sister mentioned above.Prices, pictures, pedigrees available on request. We would like to thank all the Pom fanciers who inquired regarding our last ad in the birthday issue of The Pom ReaderThese two girls we are currently offering for sale, would be a great asset to the serious black tan fancierbreeder. Very reasonable.FEISTYS POMERANIANS, Victor Wendy Feist, 6325 SE 73rd, Portland, Oregon 97206. Tel 503-774-8912.^omeromarisyoi. od QButerMultipleToy Group Winner, sire of Am. Can. Champion winners of Best in Show All Breeds National Specialties Multiple Toy Groups Multiple Group Placements Multiple Best of BreedsBreeder-Owner-Exhibitor Mrs. James R. Dupre Sr., Route 2 Box 878-A, Colfax, LA 71417. 318 627-5180.BEV-NOR POMS...CJ. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge- Number 1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983, 24 BIS, 5 Specialties, Sire of top winning females 1984, 1985, sire of only Black Tan to ever go BISA, a top producer. Stud fee 250.00 limited to 15 per year.Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman Multi Group winner, a Toasted Fudge son, sire of Champions, a top producer for 1988 also. Stud Fee 250.00. Puppies Available.Bev Bill Norris 7747 Meadow Road301 255-1343 Pasadena, MD 21122Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S Magnolia. Ocala. Florida 32676 904 237-1636'xUa^matik'-p0MSGeanene Hall259 E. Sage Creek Cir.Springville, Utah 84663801-489-7943 S4iAJerrie FreiaP.O. Box 2775Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466The Pom Reader June 1990NEW POINTS SCHEDULEFOR POMERANIANS EFFECTIVE MAY 15, 1990DIVISION 1Maine., New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches2 2 4 5 7 8 8 9 11 12DIVISION 2Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches2 2 5 4 9 7 11 9 15 12DIVISION 3District of Columbia, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches2 2 6 5 10 8 11 10 13 13DIVISION 4South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches2 2 7 7 12 12 13 14 15 18DIVISION 5Michigan, Illinois, Indiana1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches2 2 4 5 7 8 8 10 11 14DIVISION 6Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches2 2 5 4 8 7 11 9 17 14DIVISION 7Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches2 2 6 6 11 11 15 15 21 22DIVISION 8Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakotai, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches2 2 5 5 9 9 11 10 16 13DIVISION 9State of California1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches2 2 5 5 8 8 11 11 17 17DIVISION 10 DIVISION 11 DIVISION 12Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches Dogs Bitches2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6San Juan, anyoneThe Pom Reader June 199035CIRCUS CIRCUSFOXWOOD 0 iM fGREAT ELMS JOEY OF LENETTE At Stud To Approved Bitches Pedigree Fee on Request Puppies Occasionally'Congratulations to Colleen Franks for her new Canadian Champion, Cheyennes Autumn Rose, sired by our Great Elms Joey of Lenette.Barbara Don DeFord Cheri L. Peel5490 A St. SE 15143 Foxhill Rd. SEAuburn, WA 98002 Yelm, WA 98597206-833-4634 206-458-3198FAX206-458-3771 STARLITE POMERANIANSThese boys have grown up... Born September 1989 500.00 - 600.00Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Moon Walker Sire LLL Moon Gold SunsationCh. Sunsations Joy To The World Bonner Chesai Pentoy Legacy Dam Starlites Ms San Antonio RoseSun Fox Starlite Xmas SparkleGayle Griffin Page, ArizonaSummer Fall of 1990 602-353-4031JDSPOMPOUSPOMSHome OfCH. JDs Bella Donna CH. JDs Country Bumpkin CH. Goldcrests Pacific Dreamer CH. Circle M Comes A HossmanJanet Hovey, 34856 Acton Canyon Road, Acton, CA 93510. Tel 805 269-5575TIM-SUE POMERANIANSHome of the LightsTim Sue Goddard Route 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570318 543-6622LLLKennelsJanice Lugin aland Rt. 1, Box 97 Americui, KS 66835 316-443-5157Home of the Best in Show Cajun CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTSbhn e. heartzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY PO BOX 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S. CANADA BON 1C0Tel 902 673-2446lenette obmewnmnJBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnerCH. GREAT ELMS MODELS TIMSTOPPER4V2 lbs. deep orangeStanding at stud to approved bitches. 150.00. Free color picture and pedigree upon request. Several litters due by Topper as well as other outstanding studs.Please call or write for price list. We offer our free newsletter to Pom breeders who are sincerely interested in working together to breed a better Pom.The Pom Reader June 199036SPECIALS ADDITION JANUARY-MAY 1990 Presently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the Breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsPoints not to be confused with AKC championship points are alloted to individuals according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and Fields Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point credit. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds............... 500BEST IN SHOW Specialty................. 250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty...75TOY GROUP FIRST.............................. 250TOY GROUP SECOND.........................150TOY GROUP THIRD............................... 75TOY GROUP FOURTH........................... 25BEST OF BREED....................................10Statistician Susan Wade. Tie placements are marked with an asterisk. BISS is for Independent Specialties only. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Poms, as per the JANUARY- MAY 1990 AKC Gazette.POINTS NAME BISA BISS BOSS I2520 CH. JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT D................................................................ 1 - - 6BaumgartnerContinoBaker, Owners1850 CH. JAMOLS KLASSIC HI TIME D............................................................... - - - 4B. Pauli, Owner1740 CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH D....................................................... - - - 4J. Hurley, Owner1490 CH. TOMHO CHAMPAGNE WISHES D......................................................... - - - 3R. Koeppel, Owner1135 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D.................................................................... - - - 2S. T. Goddard, Owners1120 CH. TIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTS D......................................................... 1S. P. Conlee, Owners950 CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY D........................................................ - - - 2A. Roberts, Owner900 CH. LLL HIGH LIGHTS GOLDIE HAWN B.................................................... - - - 1StetsonLuginsland, Owners880 CH. JANES WEE PRINCE OJERIBETH D.................................................. - - - 1G. J. Reed, Owners715 CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR D.................................................. - - - 2F. Stoll, Owner530 CH. JAN-SHARS HILLBILLY CLASSIC D.................................................... - - - 2S. Hanson, Owner515 CH. SOUTHLANDS MR VIP OIDA D........................................................CreedJacksonTaylor, Owners510 CH. SHADOMOUNTIN ONE MAN SHOW D................................... - - - 1K. Bucher, Owner475 CH. HARBINS CARRYING ON FOR MOM D............................................ - 1S. Harbin, Owner450 CH. SOUTHLAND 7 BEV-NOR NUT-E-FUDGE D...................................J. Wilhite, Owner295 CH. JAN-SHARS AN AMERICAN TAIL D................................................ 1E. Roberts, Owner275 PATTYS MOE-BEST LOOK AT ME B...................................................... 1D. Ward, Owner260 CH. MULLER KAZAR SUNGOLD ILLUSION D.............................. - - - 1R. Lackey, Owner255 CH. CHRISCENDO COVER GIRL B..........................................................CohenJenner, Owners250 CH. ODYSSEYS KENO WIZ D........................................................ - 1TraunerManuscak, OwnersH ID IV BOB6 3 3 73 3 5 53 2 4 42 3 3 142 3 2 64 3 122 2 - 32-52 2-3I- 1433 12 91111 1 113 151 211II- 3The Pom Reader June 199037Finchs PomeraniansDiane L. FinchRural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134515 769-2444 Puppies ByCh. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf Great Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines WhiteRed WhiteBlack parti puppies.MMScomPomeraniansCh. Doo-Shays Funky Madeanna finishes prior to 11 months and takes a Group I and a Group IV - Smile, Pat Dieballl We are - thanks to youShannon Johnson Route 1 Box 455Warrenville, South Carolina 29851 803 663-0210'oewSharon MasnickJohn Masnick 803 928-3511HCR 65 Box 745, Huger, SC 29450Emcees PomeraniansInquiries Invited 804 741-3024 Morris Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 232334888 Canal 15 Road Lake Worth, Florida 33463 305 967-5786APO Box 151 Dillwyn, Virginia 23936 804 983-2517tSariim s tInquiries WelcomeLAVINA JOHN GARTON Poms ExclusivelyPom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613319-989-2199DOSSMARFor sale or terms Blkwht. brood bitch, free whelper redwht. brood bitch, free whelper. Both 3 years old. Orgwht. male 112 years old. Parti pups born in March.Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Rd.414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040Cjen 3-kis c-Pomeiam'om8Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor1038 16th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603ChesaiPomeraniansiRobert Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260 512 438-2667RHEA-NA POMSExclusively Bev-Nor BreedingChampion sired puppies will be available summer fall. Steve Barbara NagyRt. 2 Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Tel 703-869-3749ALLAYNSMary Allan Ph 918 485-30102508 E. Tacoma Street OrBroken Arrow, OK 74014 918 355-2531BiMar PomeraniansHome of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Mary A. Rosenbaum36520 28th Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003 206-838-6397 or 206-927-2369'l Blossom Heights PomsAT STUDBLOSSOM HEIGHTS FIRECRACKER 12 points - 1 MajorArlene John Benko, 5351 Jeffrey Ave., West Palm Beach, FL 33407. Tel 407-842-5591The Pom Reader June 199038 - ^ _Ch. ScotiaDenis The MenisA\ t ' fvAtStud To Approved Bitches 407-682-1480The Pom Reader June 1990- UPDATE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY-MAY 1990 Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranians fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on this area. The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience, and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this publications will be used for point credit. Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e., a September show may notbe published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.The following is the LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE JANUARY-MAY 1990 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR............................POINTSJ. CABRERA..................................46JACKSONTAYLOR...................... 36S. HANSON....................................34FRYCARLTON..............................31P. GRIFFIN.....................................28S. JOHNSON................................. 25J. FREIA........................................ 23K. F. FREEMAN....................... 20D. MARTIN....................................20R. BEAM....................................... 19A. CANNON..................................19D. WATTS.....................................19Tie placements alphabeticalThe Pom Reader June 19909 hOht4' 4^ Lo^t to A tUAWA41r7i uIBESTOPPOSIT SEXJOZARKS KENNEL CLUB 1990 .photo BY PETRULISS loFC,4Judge Mrs. Paula H. HartingerJudge Mrs. Mildred K. BryantDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809This little girl takes after her sire Ch. Merrymont Satrday Nite Fever What a SireBreederPatty GriffinOwner-Handlers Karen Greg Crouch tBULK RATE U S. PQSAGENEWS PUBLICATION - DO NOTDELAY - ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDPAIDsEhlfflT 395 LAKELAND, FL