The Pom Reader July 1990
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JULY 1990 VOLUME V NUMBER 5m\rVt.vION THE COVER4Judge Dorothy Bonner ch. majestic sparklin diamondCH. MODELS TRULY A DIAMONDCH. MODELS TRULY FAIRCH. APPLES TRAVELING DIAMONDCH. APPLES TRAVELING BUDDY APPLES TRAVELING CRICKETTMAR-BI-LEAS GOODTIME GALCH. APPLES TRAVELING DIAMOND CH. CEDARWOOD IMAGE OF DIAMONDCEDARWOODS PITTI PATTICH. CLAIRMONTS CAROLINA DELITECH. D-NEES DARIN DUFFIE CH. DAINTI DELITE OF D-NEESCH. DAINTI DEVILISH DELITEBREEDER-OWNERLANCE BRYSONBURLINGTON, NCThe Pom Reader July 1990HANDLERPAMELA CAMPBELLGabrielCH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIELA TOP PRODUCER TOP WINNER MULTIPLE BEST IN SHOW AND SPECIALTY WINNER AT STUDExcellent Head, Body, Coat and Movement 4 Pounds, Red SableApproved Matrons Met At New Orleans, LA AirportABECH. PRECIOUS PETIT RIPLE SUPREMEA TOP WINNING MULTIPLE GROUP AND BEST IN SPECIALTY WINNERAT STUDBeautiful head, short back, typey 4 Pounds.Approved Matrons Met At New Orleans, LA AirportP.O. BOX 10432JEFFERSON, LA 70181504-737-1729The Pom Reader July 1990This issue of the Pom Reader is possible in part by the following advertisersFront Cover LANCE BRYSONJuly 1990INDEX TO ADVERTISERSVolume V, Number 5TABLE OF CONTENTS8. PARTI LINE by Nan ShartelOur latest department, dedicated to the parti-color Pom.10. ON BORROWED TIME...A tale of Lyme Disease by Marye Picone Anna Liselli.12. LYME DISEASESMore about the disease from Dr. Susan Troka.13. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.14. SPECIALTY SCENES by Janice LuginslandThe American Pomeranian Club Specialty.16. OLYMPIAOlympia says, Dear Puppy Buyer...20. SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-June AKC Gazette.22. NEW CHAMPIONSNew titleholders published in June.24. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-June.26. LETTERS FROM OUR READERSThe fancy responds.28. EXOTIC COLORSIssue coming in September.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Telephone 813 858-3839.ALLAN, M....................APPLE, J.....................BARKER, R. S.........BENKO, A....................BERNARDO, G............BROWN, G..................BRYSON, L..................CABRERA, T...............CARSON, M. B........CATES, W. C...........CONRAD, H.................COOK, S......................CREED, C....................DOSSINGER, M..........DUPRES, E..................FEIST, V. W.............FIDDICK, R. J..........FINCH, D.....................FREIA, J......................GAD, N........................GODDARD, T. S...GRAF, H......................GRIFFIN, G..................GRIFFITH, K................HARTZ, K....................HEARTZ, J. C..........HOVEY, J....................JACKSON, C...............JENSEN, P..................JOHNSON, S...............LUGINSLAND, J.........MARTIN, D..................MASNICK, S................NAGY, S. B............. .NORRIS, B..................PEEL, C.......................PFEFFER, C................PIAZZA, S...................RGS POMS PEDS.REILLY, R. J............ROSENBAUM, M........ROYAL CANIN USA.SPROUSE, L...............SUKEFORTH, K..........TAYLOR, J..................WELLS, M. G...........WHIDDON, B..............The Pom Reader July 1990.... 21.......3.... 1111,19.... 25.... 17....1,2.... 27.... 21.... 19.... 19.... 25.... 21.... 21.... 25.... 19.... 25.... 21.... 25.... 18.... 25.... 18.... 19.... 25.... 25.... 25.... 19.... 21.... 25.... 21.... 21.... 17.... 21.... 21.... 25.... 19.... 18.... 18.... 25.... 21.... 21...... 9....19...... 5.... 21...... 7.... 185KITKORPROUDL Y PRESENTSBI MAR SUNNYS MUSIC GEORGEMULTIPLE BIS CH. BI MAR SUNDANCE KID X BI MAR MUSIC AND GIN EXCLUSIVE AGENT KAREN FTTZPATRICKm T4mtsumjmnw uymiiwinuiitflmm4tiutwmo .vmmmsmmGeorge is a beautifully pigmented bundle of Dynomite. He is producing wonderfully animated offspring with profuse coats and structurally sound. Watch for his daughter, Go Patty Go, making her debut soon in the puppy class with Karen.In limited showing, George is well on his wayMrs. Betty Munden Mrs. Elaine Rigden pic. Mr. Gilbert S. Kahn Mrs. Sari Brewster TietjenWDWDWD, BOW, BOS WDWe thank the judges recognizing his quality and a special thank you to Karen for presenting him so beautifully. George will stand at limited stud to approved bitches when finished. Ship to Portland, Maine.KITKORA Division of Sukee Kennels, Inc. Kaye SukeforthUS Rt. 1, Warren, Maine 04864 207-273-3300MAINE COON CATS For show, or just loving CFF, CFA, TICA, ACFA, MEMBER MCBFA Champion and Grand Champion linesThe Pom Reader July 199064Chicago, Chicago... Well, you know the tune, but do you really know the Town I do - or did - and recently renewed my love affair with the city of my birth. It had been quite a while since Id been back, and friends gave me fair warning You cant go home again. Nonsense, I said, and proceeded to not only make elaborate plans, but dragged along Duane who had never experienced downtown Chicago. I was determined to impress him Chicago cooperated completely.My kind of town...Chicago is always beautiful in June, and nowhere moreso than on the Lakefront. I had planned on staying at the beautiful and venerable old Drake, but my last-minute decision to take a dog precluded such a scheme the Drake no longer allows dogs. Forget it, I told the Reservations Girl. House me, house my dog. I searched for another suitable establishment in which to reside.And of course there was only one really nice place Downtown that takes dogs - actually, there are more, but I insisted to my Business Manager that The Ritz Carlton was the only one. Please dont enlighten him. And I bankrupted myself in the process, but had a marvelous, elegant time. And of course the first thing I did was to embarrass myself in front of God and everybody at the Ritz.I got no sleep the night before the trip - excitement making sleep elusive - and was a little dopey when I arrived at the hotel. I swept into the lobby, looking the part, I thought. In my white slacks and navy blazer, with my white hat and a suitably classy briefcase, I was greeted effusively - and by name - by the concierge. Impressive Not really, because I know all the hotel tricks. The doorman calls from the entrance so the check-in staff has advance warning. But it still makes you feel very special. I decided that, yes, I was going to enjoy living in the manner to which I would love to become accustomed.I was checked in and assured that everything possible would be done to make me feel at home. I smiled, tipped my hat, and spun away from the desk...whereupon my briefcase, which I had failed to latch, flipped open and spewed all manner of embarrassing items across the lobby. Instantly three or four uniformed attendants were gathering up pens, and a cheap novel I read on the plane, and the peanuts I stole from Delta, and some cologne and I forget what else. Some doggie biscuits flew out of there, too. And a Tour Book of Chicago, most embarrassing of all. Anywhere but Chicago you The Pom Reader July 1990might have been made to feel like an idiot, but no one batted an eyelash. Even a glitzy lady guest - you know, one of those so gorgeous that you find yourself staring - followed me to the elevator to hand me a 99-cent lighter I had dropped. But still I felt like a dope. And I had to get on the elevator with all the witnesses, among them Phil Collins the rock star, all smiling at me kindly as if every day they saw some jerk toss garbage all over the lobby of the Ritz Carlton. I beat a hasty retreat to my room.But not for long, for my City beckoned. Soon we were out to see the sights. I had a long list of things to show Duane things so wonderful that they defy description. Water Tower Place, of course, adjacent to our hotel, and The Hancock Building - right across the street, and restaurants and nightclubs and the Lake and The Drive and Buckingham Fountain and The Field Museum and The Art Institute and...well, you name it. Chicago has it. But it didnt take long for me to see that something was amiss My enthusiasm was not being shared. The problem was, Duane was becoming sick, having brought from Florida a case of flu, which effectively ruined his trip.If you want to know where to lose the blues, its Chicago, Chicago...Or FIND them. I did manage to drag Duane to a couple of Blues clubs, one fabulous, one such a tourist trap that we left in disgust. And of course if youre feeling under the weather, there is but one recourse A Dog Show We were there on Grayslake weekend, so we got to see friends from dogdom, also. But you didnt have to go to Chicago to see dog people having fun. I refer, of course, to the Central Florida Kennel Clubs all-breed show and Party in Orlando in June. This club always comes up with a great theme in the past its been the Roaring Twenties, the Fifties, the Circus, and this year it was Halloween. Club President and Show Chair Diane Albers looked appropriately scarey, done up as Mae East-, Linda Rowell as a caveperson brought shivers to our spines, as did Arlene Czech as a sex kitten. Boo We had a niceFROM THE EDITORvisit with Mrs. Curtis Humphries, popular judge and most pleasant lady, and also judges Gilbert Kahn and Dr. Harry Smith. Among the other revelers were Mark Kathy Lenhart, Carol Kepler, red-headed Brenda Reid who came au natureI -1 mean in her street clothes, er, without a costume - and this year Dr. Cheryl Jackson even brought along her husband Joel Taylor, which was fortunate as they took the only Toy BIS of the weekend on their Pom Ch. Southlands Mr. VIP Olda. CongratulationsA topic of many conversations of late is that of registrations. In a move to curtail puppy mills, AKC is considering a change by which individuals would be charged by the number of litters per year, i.e., the more litters, the more money. I do not see how this will work People without scruples will simply have larger litters, if you get my drift. And the Toy breeds would really take it on the chin, so to speak, for five litters of one would cost as much as, say, five litters of twelve Rottweilers. Charge per pup thats fair. What do you think Write to AKC, and let them know your thoughts. The per litter prospect is as scarey as Halloween.But the Halloween party came after Chicago, a tough act to follow. Chicago is even gorgeous when the weathers bad. The night before we left we were coming back up the Drive from the South Side, and again Chicago was out to impress one of those majestic Lake Michigan thunderstorms swept in as we drove northward and as the lightning flashed on the skyscrapers I had a hard time containing my pride. As if I had anything to do with their being there.I couldnt contain my pride, however, the following morning, as we had brunch at The 95th, the elegant restaurant on the, of course, 95th floor of the Hancock Building. The Lake was that unbelievable blue, there was a regatta of sail boats on the horizon, the city was gorgeous and clean and mine. I stared out over that panorama, that merging of man-made and Natural beauty, and felt emotion for this city that means so much to me.As I looked down I saw, in a flash from days gone by, a young man in an old Cadillac on the Outer Drive, with the top down and his spirits up, full of dreams, in the City that he loved. And I wondered why he left. And it wasnt until the waiter asked what was wrong that I realized I was crying.On State Street, that great street, I just want to say...Until August, Poms Away JMcGMNMS POMS-R-US77H GOLD f[R IS SPREADINGri-ft- ,BEST OF WINNERS t'V- j.BAHIASUR KENNEL CLUB " BERGMAN PHOTO rTr-t - .. - s ..-r-...-.-r W. 'SUN RAYS GOLD STRIKEThank you judge Mr. James P. Cavallaro for placing Striker career due to his one-year blow but watch for him later in Best of Winners at Bahia Sur KC on 6-17-90. 7 points to the year This is the time to stake your claim with this outstan- date. Striker will be taking a short vacation from his show ding boys stud expertiseNEW ARRIVALSWhelped 6-12-90 Orange male, MNMS STRIKE BUSTER OBOOBERS. Sun Rays Gold Strike x Masons Brightest Star. Very short, nose, extremely wide muzzle, beautiful coat. Buster is not for sale at this time.Whelped 6-20-90 1 Red sable male, 3 red sable bitches. MNMS FIRE ON THE MIDWAY m, MNMS GOLD SI-REN-A OSTRIKER, MNMS TREASURE TROVE OF GOLD and MNMS A BIT O DIAMONDS-N-GOLD. 12 Sun Ray and 12 Jolly Wee. Sun Rays Gold Strike x MNMs a Lulu of a Jolly Wee. Gorgeous heads and coats. Midway male and two girls will be offered for sale.UPCOMING BREEDINGS Approx. 790 Del Sols Lil Babear heavy coated black tan son of Group winning AmMex Ch. Sun Rays Bat Man x Tex- icans Honey Berry Ch. Tomboys Pico Chico daughter and double granddaughter of Ch. Sunrays Gold Gems President. Litter will be 34 Sun Ray.Approx. 990 AmMex Ch. Sun Rays BatMan group winner, son and grandson of Ch. Sun Rays Ambassador x Del Sols Penny Candy Ch. Sun Rays Fire Cracker granddaughter.In MemoryMasons Brightest Star 1986 1990Boobers passed away on June 16, 1990, in my arms, due to an unforeseen heart attack. This gorgeous little girl left her only son, Buster, at 4 days of age. Boobers will be greatly missed by us but we are thankful to have part of her living on in her son, Buster.Inquiries invited on stock for sale and upcoming litters.Mary Gene Wells 4986 Avila Way Buena Park, CA 90621 714-994-0259The Pom Reader July 19908THE PARTI LINEby Nan ShartelPARTI LINE is a new column in the Pom Reader, dedicated to and written by and for breeders of the Parti Pomeranian. It is coming to you from the pen of Nan Shartel, NaBob Pomeranians in Condon, Oregon. It is open to input from any parti breeder with the knowledge, interest, or curiousity to write a column about partis. It is this writers hope that this column will become a forum about all things dealing with partis. Their genetic background, show possibilities, etc.Living in this little town of 715 people in northeast Oregon, it is ever apparent how easily most problems are quickly solved by our close-knit community. Information travels as fast as a phone is picked up and a voice speaks into it. No one here doesnt know anything deemed important. Add good will and general country closeness to that and problems fade away. Help is a phone call away. Strangers dont exist if help is needed. May this be the overriding concept of this column - Condon, Oregons slogan is Its the People. May it apply to this column as well. Send all correspondence to me this is at editor Joe McGinnis request. Your input will be completely credited to you. You parti breeders can make this column the success it deserves to be. Id love to hear from you on our Parti Line...A little about the author...I began breeding Poms in earnest in 1982. My mentor was Fran Rodrigues of Sunray kennel. She methodically taught me about type, coat quality, and movement. She taught me about linebreeding for type and took me to dog shows to help me to understand what is going on in the ring, and how the judges made their decisions. Let it suffice to say, she taught me most of what I would ever need to know about breeding Poms. Fern taught me one of the hardest lessons all breeders have to learn NEVER LIE TO YOURSELF.In 1983 I bought my first parti from Barbara Breden, who taught me the joy in breeding this rare Pomeranian pattern. She taught me the attitude of patience and to be innovative. She also taught me to experiment with colors and patterns.From 1978 to 1986 I worked in various neonatal intensive care units in SouthernCalifornia. My thanks goes to all the pediatric geneticists who drew diagrams and discussed genetic riddles that I put to them, never knowing that I would use the knowledge just as much understanding dogs as I would human babies.From 1987 to 1989 I managed Pom- breden kennel for Barbara Breden, PARTI PARADISE, and with my own eyes saw and was involved with hundreds of exotic color breedings.This background allows me to approach the challenge of writing this column.Column 1 The Parti of the First PartTen years ago during a family trip to Grants Pass, Oregon, my husband, Bob, reluctantly followed me up a gravel road to investigate a dilapidated wooden sign that read simply POMS FOR SALE. During this time I owned two Pomeranian pets, now lovingly referred to as my originals. The owner and breeder of this kennel was a darling man retired due to failing health. His Poms were his pride and joy and he was happy to show them all to me. Later I discovered that this was a rare occurrence, indeed.That day I saw my first Parti Pomeranian. Her name was Dottie, she was white with fifty-cent spots sprinkled over her back and ears. I had never seen a Pom like her, she danced excitedly around my feet and I fell madly in love with the Pomeranians known as partis. Finally my curiousity got the best of me and I asked, How did you ever get a color like that Honesty was this breeders middle name. I am not really sure, he replied, but whenever I breed my black dog to a certain daughter of his I get one puppy in the litter this color.Dottie was not for sale So I left Oregonwithout her. My complete ignorance of her rare genetic color pattern would have made it a wasted purchase even if I had had the opportunity to buy her. I look back now and remember Dottie dancing around my feet, I realize she danced right into my heart and started a ten-year fascination and educational process with the parti. From the beginning it was like being moonstruck, a complete affair of the heart. The kind of feeling a five- year-old gets on Christmas morning when he sees all his presents wrapped in different colored paper, wondering whats inside each box. Each parti litter is like that what color will they be and how will they be marked Parti litters are always exciting, never boring.Soon after that day in Oregon I learned three things about partis one I was infatuated with them two understanding the genetics involved is the first key to successful breeding, and three patience is the second key to a successful breeding program. One important thing about breeding partis, is they are a recessive gene - that is, a father carrying a recessive gene, bred to his own daughter carrying that recessive gene, produces occasional partis in each litter. That sweet breeder from Grants Pass, Oregon, did not know where to go from there - neither did I - but in time the information started to fall into place.If you could use help on, or if you can add some information to make the experience of breeding partis more fun and successful for others, please feel free to become involved in this column. Let me hear from you, the rarest of Pomeranian breeders, the parti breeder. I hope to find out in the near future that you are definitely on my parti line.Nan Shartel409 N. Lincoln, Condon, OR 97823-0181The Pom Reader July 1990WANT TO WIN BEST IN SHOW90oIntroducing the Royal CaninClub CynotechniqueNow you can join an exclusive group that promotes the health and performance of your dogs and pays you cash for their victories.As a club member, you earn cash rewards every time one of your dogs wins at an AKC-approved event up to 1,000 if hes Best in Sho\y up to 250 for Group First,and up to 50 forBest of Breed. Plus cash awards go to the dogs breeder and to the retailer who sells you Cynotechnique dog food.Club Cynotechnique members also receive our newsletter featuring the latest in nutritional news and unique customized merchandise at discount prices.To join and qualify, you must feed Cynotechnique on a continuing basis. Winning dogs will also require proof that theyre being fed Cynotechnique at the time of the win.trNameAddressCityROmCMUNH'KUmiL'ICl'HTHE POWER OF BALANCE1Sign me up for membership in Club Cynotechnique. I have enclosed proof-of-purchase UPC symbols from 80 lbs. of Cynotechnique dog foods.State ZipPhone Breed of DogName of RetailerSend to Club Cynotechnique, Royal Canin U.S.A., Inc. 1600 Heritage Landing, Suite 112, St. Charles, MO 63303For more information, call Royal Canin U.S.A., Inc. at1-800-592-6687. WELCOME TO THE CLUBThe Pom Reader July 199010OnBorrowed Timeby Marye Picone Anna LiselliThis article should be entitled On Borrowed will clearly understand why as the story unfolds...Anna Liselli of Mastic Beach, New York, had high hopes for a little four-legged fellow she bred named Bubba, a 112-year-old Pom. He was her special one - full of life from the day he was born. He grew, developed, and soon was ready to show. Off to the show ring he went with Anna, and was shown for a few months before tragedy struck. As Anna reflects upon the events that led to this, she remembers that this little dynamo began to slowly change loss of appetite, listlessness, and muscle tone...BUT no lameness, soreness in the joints, or a rash. Hot weather and a bitch in season, surely, these were the causes of the unusual behavior. The first true warning signs were frequent urination and an increase of water-intake. Bubba was then taken to the Shirley Veterinary Hospital, Shirley, New York. There he was put under the care of Dr. Susan Troka. A physical exam, routine lab work, Lyme titer, and urinalysis were performed. Results of the lab work confirmed a diagnosis of Lymes disease with kidney involvement. Since Bubbas condition was deteriorating, hospitalization for intensive treatment was recommended. Intensive care consisted of intravenous antibiotics specifically, Chloramphenicol. During his five-day stay Bubba ate minute bits given by the staff and yet lost weight went from five pounds to four pounds. Annas help was requested.Each day I visited, he ate a little more and showed a little more enthusiasm. I was elated He would be going home soon. He did come home and still ate poorly. Then totally refused food, regardless of what was offered. Perhaps, force- feeding might help. I made up a formula of goats milk and fed him one teaspoon using a syringe. He did not accept this at all. Vomiting began soon after. By the next morning he was dehydrated and looked sick. Back to the vet he went to be put in intensive care. It was touch and go as to whether he would survive. Now it was confirmed that there was severe kidney damage. I felt that perhaps it would be best for his sake to let go. With continued encouragement from family, friends, and Dr. Troka, we did not give up on him. His The Pom Reader July 1990veins began to collapse so intravenous feeding was becoming an impossibility. He was weaned off intravenous and fluids were given by injection under the skin. He was still in serious condition but it was thought that home would be the best place for him with TLC. When he came home, the nightmare began. At this point I felt I was torturing him. He totally refused to eat any of the U.D. diet. I then had to force feed every two hours using a syringe...mashing the U.D. until it became gruel-like. He also had to take an antibiotic three time a day. This was forced. I gave him NutriCal four times a day to build up his strength. After a few days of forcing the pills down his throat, a light went on in my brain. Why not combine NutriCal and the contents of the capsules Hooray Success He kept the food down but still did not appear to be improving...attitude was deteriorating to the point where he was not fighting me any longer.He began to accept his fate. Thats when I realized I was in trouble. He was losing his fighting attitude. I felt he was going to give up. At this point I called the vet and we discussed trying a different diet...which worked He was put on K.D. kibble and accepted it. I started handing him one piece at a time. By the end of each day he would have consumed the prescribed amount. All force feeding ended and he slowly was changing in appearance, regaining weight and back to his sassy self.Today he is back to his normal self but is still in compromised kidney function. He is closely watched...for excessive urination, change in attitude, fluctuation in weight, change in stool color or consistency. He lives On Borrowed Time.All this would not have taken place if I were not encouraged by his caring veterinarians Dr. Tepper and Dr. Troka and my friends and family who held my hand through this ordeal. That is why I offer my helping hand now. If anyone needs encouragement or information, feel free to contact me at 516-281-8246 or Dr. Susan Troka of the Shirley Veterinary Hospital 516-281-8820. See related article next page11MOSAIC POMERANIANSWelcomes home to Texas MLmumEddieCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonners Co-Starlyn NewsmakerCh. Bonners Starcrest CoquetteCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Mercers Starla MistLa Posh Maim of Sir EchoEddie is a beautiful Silver Cream with jet black pigment.Ch. Cheelan Chesai Star EditorRiki Sonny Barker 17734 Melanie LaneNeedville, TX 77461 30 miles SW of HoustonPh 409 553-3672Our thanks to Sara Barrett-Lewis for making it possible for us to have Eddie. Eddie is producing lovely puppies.Stud Fee 150Puppies Available OccasionallyBLOSSOM HEIGHTS POMS...Proudly PresentsBLOSSOM HEIGHTS MCGUIRES AMYAmy is pictured with judge Thomas Baldwin and her proud owner-handler Arlene Benko Co-owner Goldie McGuire.Amys Latest WinsMrs. Jane Kay, WB, BOW, Palm Beach Dog FanciersMrs. E. Ruth Terry, WB, Jupiter- Tequesta Dog ClubMrs. Edna Ackerman, WB, Fort Lauderdale Dog ClubThank you, judgesBLOSSOM HEIGHTS POMSArlene John Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 407-842-55915frThe Pom Reader July 199012LYME DISEASEAdvice for the Pet OwnerShirley Veterinary Hospital, Shirley, New YorkWHAT IS ITLyme disease is a disease caused by a spiralshaped bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi. The disease in people begins with fatigue, headache, and often a characteristic rash. If left untreated, the disease may progress to include cardiac, neurologic and commonly arthritic manifestations. Infected pets will often only show the arthritic signs, which may occur with fatigue and reluctance to eat. However, many pets show no early signs or they are so vague or mild that the owner doesnt notice the change in the pets behavior.WHO CAN GET ITLyme disease was initially described in people, but the organism has been found in many wild animals. Horses, cows and cats may harbor the spirochete, but the dog is most commonly infected.HOW IS IT TRANSMITTEDThe disease is transmitted by the bite of a tick. Some biting insects have been found carrying the organism, but they are not considered as major vectors of the disease. There is no evidence that you can get the disease from your pet, but your pet could bring infected ticks into your yard or house. Most of the cases of Lyme disease are reported in the spring to fall, when tick populations are highest.WHERE DOES IT OCCURLyme disease appears to have a worldwide distribution. Cases have been reported in at least 32 of the United States, but 86 percent of these cases originated in only seven states. The areas with highest activity are the northeastern seaboard, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and northern California. If you reside in or travel to these areas, you pet could be exposed to the disease. Here in our area, exposure to the deer tick is very high. Our tests sugThe Pom Reader July 1990gest that nearly 25 of the dogs in our area have been infected.WHAT DOES A POSITIVE TEST MEANA positive antibody test for Lyme disease only shows that your pet has been exposed to the organism at some point in time. It does not mean that your pet is currently infected. Your veterinarian has offered the test to help him evaluate your pets clinical signs. Often a diagnosis of Lyme disease cannot be made until he sees the pets response to treatment. Many animals that are exposed to the organism may test positive, and remain healthy, getting over the infection without antibiotics. Our greatest problem with these cases is not having a way of knowing when the pet is truly cured, since later, more serious, symptoms may leave the pet with incurable or fatal conditions.HOW IS IT TREATEDThis disease is readily treated with antibiotics. The earlier in the course of the disease, the better the chances for a complete cure. Your pet may appear well after only a couple of days of medication, but it is important to continue giving the drug for the full time period prescribed, or your pet may get sick again.HOW CAN IT BE PREVENTEDApply repellents to yourself, and regularly use flea and tick insecticides for your pet. Check your pet and yourself for attached ticks, and remove them with tweezers. Do not crush ticks between your fingers, or you may become infected. Dr. Susan Troka, Shirley Veterinary Hospital, 1010 Montauk Highway, Shirley, NY 11967.Tel 516 281-8820Articles submitted by Sally Baugnietom ffieadeiP2iVVVCH. MIXON'S ROSSI OF FRIPP4PADECEMBER-.S. ' vsHIGH LIGHTSm vmsmr v,'r-V9-w' MULTIPLE BISCH. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOY12^ tfleacerJULY 1988 VOLUME IV. NUMBER 50e Sol ASomwasuan-iCh. Glen Iris IvanhoeYour Showcase for Purebred PomsSUBSCRIPTION RATESIn U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per Year Domestic24.00 Third Class Post 40.00 First Class Post Foreign Rates Upon Request Sample Issues 3.00 each Back Issues 3.00 each subject to availabilityADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAD SIZEANNUALPREPAIDCONTRACT OPEN RATEFULL PAGE Color 300.00 300.00FULL PAGE bw 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 10.00 12.00All ads 14 page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine.Make check or money order payable toDoll-McGinnis Publications8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephone 813-858-3839FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, WE HONORA tkVISA MasterCard3112 3500br 58C F FROST.The Pom Reader July 199014SPECIALTYSCENESby Janice Luginsland....BALTIMORE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTIESIf you werent at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore and American Pomeranian Club Summer National on July 5 and 6 in Baltimore, you missed attending one of those events that will continue to be talked about for months.Diane Johnson, show chair, expresses her sincerest gratitude to the hard working, dedicated members of the club for their countless hours toiling over their labor of love - The Specialties Each exhibitor and later spectators were presented with two goodie bags. It started my day off in a humorous mood when I found that a box of Midol PMS was in every bag The hospitality room opened Wednesday night with a generous assortment of food, drink and good conversation. But I did see a lot of faces that were new to me. Hopefully will eventually meet them all somewhere at the shows. Thursday dawned with members hard at work but very organized. The large ring allowed spectators to be seated on three sides with excellent viewing of the dogs gaiting and on the table. The ready ring and trophy table were arranged to avoid congestion. Several concessionaires carried special Pom items.BALTIMORE POM CLUBSWEEPSTAKES... Chris Heartz stepped into the ring at 800 a.m. looking like a photographers model for designer clothes. I hear she shops as efficiently as she judges dogs.Puppy Dogs 6-9 Months 12 exhibited Jaken WL All The Right Moves', owners Jackie Rayner Carol Baldwin. A very typey orange that also went 1st in the regular classes PD 6-9.Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months 8 exhibited Can. Ch. Shyacres Steeplechaser, Breeder- Owner-Handler Audrey Roberts showing him for the first time. He was trained and shown to his Canadian title by Elizabeth Dupuis. He also went 1st in the regular classes PD 9-12.Puppy Bitches 6-9 Months 14 exhibited Merrymont Gold Fever, Owner Patty Griffin agent Jon Woodring. This little cutie captured the hearts of many of the ringside with her appealing ways and movement. Puppy Bitches 9-12 6 exhibited Emcees Hy Lady Morganna , Owner Beverly Poplaragent Morris Carson. She was also 1st in regular Open Bitches.Best in Sweepstakes, Baltimore Pom ClubMERRYMONT GOLD FEVERBOS to BIS Sweeps CAN. CH. SHYACRESSTEEPLECHASER.BALTIMORE POM CLUB REGULAR CLASSES...Robert Reedy, judge for regular, non-regular and Junior Showmanship classes, conducted his ring in such a manner that all could see the dogs but allowed the exhibits and handlers to relax during the large classes.Puppy Dogs 6-9 Months 11 exhibited Jakens WL All The Right Moves repeating his Sweepstakes win.Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months 6 exhibited Can. Ch. Shyacres Steeplechaser repeating his Sweepstakes win and exhibiting the qualities that should make him special competition in the future.Novice Dogs 1 exhibited Mar-Vics Dazzling Rascal, Breeder-Owner-Handled by Mary Vickers.Bred By Exhibitor Dogs 5 exhibited Jakens Mite-E-Mouse, beautiful deep red, some sabling, very typey that reminded me of Ch. Beaver of Lenette. Breeder-Owner-Handler Jackie Rayner.American Bred Dogs 1 exhibited Rhea- Nas Country DJ of Jan-Shar, a typical Statesman puppy owned by Sharon Hanson and handled by a busy Pam Campbell. Open Dogs B,B,B 1 exhibited WL One More Nite, Post Script-bred black male with attractive head and carrying good coat. Breeder, Carol Baldwin Owners Carol Baldwin Beth Wicker. Handler Mark Baldwin.Open Dogs R,0,C,S 13 exhibited Apples Traveling Rambler, a very typey, attractiveheaded orange sired by Ch. Apples Traveling Diamond. Also piloted by Pam Campbell for owner, Joyce Apple. He did have another big win at the all-breed show on Saturday also.Winners Dog APPLES TRAVELING RAMBLERReserve Winners Dog CAN. CH. SHYACRES STEEPLECHASER Puppy Bitches 6-9 Months 13 exhibited Jan-Shars Southern Style exhibiting theconsistency of Rambos puppies for owner Sharon Hanson, handled by Pam Campbell. Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months 4 exhibited Watts-Scotia Pinch A Penny, a well-trained exhibit for the Watts...who went on to win the points.All Bred By Exhibitor Bitches were absent. Open Bitches R,0,C,S 5 exhibited Emcees Hy Lady Morganna, repeating her Sweepstakes win still showing well and looking very good.Open Bitches AOAC 2 exhibited Aldens Parti Pepsi, a chocolate and white well marked parti winning for the Domrases and handled by Nadine Hersel.Winners Bitch WATTS-SCOTIA PINCH A PENNY.Reserve Winners Bitch EMCEES HY LADY MORGANNA.Veteran Dogs Ch. Watts Little Chipper of G Elms, breeder Ruth Beam, owner Delores Watts, handled by Sue Whaley. He still remembered and enjoyed his time in the ring.The Best of Breed class is always impressive but was certainly worth the long drive to see them all together. Best of Breed went to Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II, bred by Ruth Beam, owned by Olga Baker Skip Piazza, handled by Skip Piazza. He looked every bit as good as I expected him to look and makes you appreciate the positive progress the breed is still making forward. Best of Winners went to Watts-Scotia Pinch A Penny for happy owner, Dolores Watts. Best of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Pixies Buttons-N-Bows, bred and owned by Carol Galavich ably handling this female firecracker was Karen Fitzpatrick.The Obedience Trial of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore was judged by Mr. Hal Cash with a total entry of 37 dogs. Novice A Janesas Southland Tanner b, breeder-owner, Jerri Freia, score 19312. Novice B Annons Killer Cupcake b, breeder, Ann Cannon owner Barbara McKenney, score 196.Open A Dover-Holihouse Fire N Ice d, breeders Kathryn Hartz Patricia Foley, owner Sandra Winchatz, score 196.Open B Shopes Cupid Bella Donna b, breeder Bernadine Royer, owner Ken Lilae Shope, score 195.The Pom Reader July 1990 Continued next pageBaltimore Pom Club, Obedience continued...Utility A No qualifiers.Utility B Penrys Suger Plum Fairy UD, breeders Rosalind Gotz Jessie Young, owner Rosalind Gotz, score 190.Graduate Novice Razzle Dazzle Music Man, breeder-owner Judith Green, score 194.5. Veterans Ch. Emcees Solid Gold ofJabil, breeder, Morris Betty Carson owner Rosalind Gotz.Brace Shopes Cupid Bella Donna CDX Ch. Lilaes Animated Nikk-Nakk, CD for owners Ken Lila Shope.My marked catalog did not show High In TrialThe efficiency of the judges and the show committee allowed us several hours to visit and relax before boarding the yellow school bus that took us to the Inner Harbor. We boarded the Bay Lady for a dinner cruise and entertainment afterwards by our waiters and waitresses. But WAIT...the real entertainment really began when Audrey Roberts formerly known as the shy Audrey and Sue Whaley decided to show the one couple dancing some real moves. They say laughter aids the digestion - then no one should have had enteritis The former Sparklette, Audrey Roberts, finally deserted Sue in favor of a pole and put on a performance never to be forgotten...and such eyesAPC Sweepstakes...Sunday morning Mr. Terry Stacy and his lovely wife, Jackie Lid- dle Stacy, arrived at the show area to be greeted by a purposed lovely lady with a sack on her head. Jackie started her APC Sweepstakes class at 800 a.m. looking very sharp, attractive as usual with an air of professionalism. She had lovely entries and her choices reflected her considerable experience as a top handler. I found her judging easy to follow with trade offs in some classes depending on her priorities.Puppy Dogs 6-9 Months 11 exhibited Pomsprings Emotion in Motion, a nicely boned, solid orange full of himself but never letting down for breeder-owner-handler Elizabeth Dupuis of Canada.Puppy Dogs 9-12 9 exhibited Can Ch. Shyacres Steeplechaser winning this class showing like a seasoned showman for the sack lady, Audrey Roberts.Puppy Bitches 6-9 Months 15 exhibited Jan-Shar Southern Style, Owner Sharon Hanson Handler Pam Campbell. Thistypey female went on to 2nd in regular classes. Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months 8 exhibited Emcees Hy Lady Morganna, repeating her win of previous day in both Sweeps and regular classes for owner Beverly Poplar handler Morris Carson.Best in Sweepstakes, APC CAN. CH. SHYACRES STEEPLECHASER BOS to BIS Sweeps JAN-SHARS SOUTHERN STYLE.APC REGULAR CLASSES...Mary McCoyarrived for her regular and non-regular and JS classes looking relaxed and ready to enjoy all the competitive entries.Puppy Dogs 6-9 Months Watts Scotia Little Paddywac handled by Dolores Watts obliging husband, Dave.Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months Can. Ch. Shyacres Steeplechaser, continuing his winning ways.Bred By Exhibitor Dgs Pom Springs Emotion in Motion, still showing well but tiring his pregnant handler, Elizabeth Dupuis. American Bred Dogs Rhea-Nas Country DJ of Jan-Shar, certainly a quality dog nice enough to be in any class at the Specialty. Too many entries for owner, Sharon Hanson, to fit them all in.Open Dogs B,B,B WL One More Night, black, repeating previous days win for Baldwin Wicker.Open Dogs ROCS Hapians Imperial Augustus, a beautiful-headed Prince Charming son with style and showmanship set off by a huge coat, handled by Jason Lynch for owners, Happeth Michael Jones. But the litter brother also went 4th in the class making it extra special.Winners Dog HAPIANS IMPERIAL AUGUSTUSReserve Winners Dog CAN. CH. SHYACRES STEEPLECHASER Puppy Bitches 6-9 Months Merrymont Gold Fever, still showing her little heart out for owner Patty Griffin and handler Jon Woodring.Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months Jakens Molly Muldoon, breeder, Jackie Rayner owners Rayner Lynda Breault.Bred By Exhibitor Bitches Tim Sues Tu Mini Lights, breeder-owner-handlers Sue Goddard Tim Goddard. She was giving Sue some problems but performed like a trooper in the ring.Open Bitches ROCS Bev-Nors N Southlands Who Me, breeder-owners Beverly Norris Charlotte Creed. This Toasted Fudge daughter was recoating after a litter 4 months previously. She went on to Winners Bitch.Open Bitches AOAC Aldens Parti Pepsi, the chocolate and white repeating her wins of previous day for owners Domrase and handler Nadine Hersil.Winners Bitch BEV-NOR N SOUTHLANDS WHO MEReserve Winners Bitch MERRYMONT GOLD FEVERVeteran Dogs Ch. Watts Little Chipper of G Elms, owned by Dolores Watts.Veteran Bitches Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tan-Ya, black and tan Fudge daughter still enjoying her time in the limelight for owner- breeder Beverly Norris and co-breeder, Elsa RaidmaBest of Breed for the APC Summer Nationalbrought 22 Specials into the ring along with the other winners. Mary McCoy gave each entry its time in the limelight. Then she regaited some entries before making her final decisions. Best of Breed again went to the stunning formerly retired Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II. Best of Winners to WD Hapians Imperial Augustus Best of Opposite Sex to Ch. Pixies Buttons-N-Bows.Winner of the Stud Dog Class for both days was Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II.Winner of the Junior Showmanship class and Best Junior Handler for both days wasElaine McKee.Winner of the Brood Bitch class for APC Specialty was Ch. Bev-Nors Toastys Tan- Ya for owners Norris Raidma. Winner of the Brace class for both days was Tru-Keps Tribute to Todd Tru-Keps Todd Treasure, a very closely matched brace. Breeder, Trudy Keplinger owner-handler Irvin Keplinger and co-owner Trudy Keplinger.I did submit a request to the APC Board for a committee on Skin Conditions of the Pomeranian. The Board did approve my request and appointed me chairman. My committee members are Chris Heartz, Sue Goddard and Dana Plonkey. We are taking this problem out of the closet and into the limelight. It is a very complex problem similarly affecting many other breeds. There will be a seminar in NY in February on Saturday, the day preceding the National Specialty. At this time it appears it will be an all-day seminar with a veterinarian and geneticist and a panel for question and answer session. Please do not start throwing rocks at certain bloodlines or else your rock may come home to rest on your doorstep in the future. We need all the assistance we can get on this project and will offer more information next month. Until then, just keep doggin along...Janice Luginsland Rt 1 Box 97, Americus, KS 6683515In MemoriamDee A. Shepherd, PHAAugust 19, 1953 - June 23, 1990One of dogdoms most respected and well-liked individuals...truly a loss to the fancy.The Pom Reader July 199016OLYMPIADOGS HOWL AND...DEAR PUPPY BUYER...cTAHI how is everything going in your part of the world this week Hopefully, you are fine and selling puppies like hot- cakes Life here in the midwest is fine. All of the farmers in our area are either getting ready to plant wheat or cut corn. In fact, many of them are preparing to plant wheat AND cut corn. For the past week, every time I have ventured out on the road between here and town, Ive met at least three tractors. In case you are unfamiliar with them, tractors do not generally travel the speed limit. All of that slowing down and speeding up REALLY cramps my style, but I guess it is a small price to pay for the goods those farmers provide. Speaking of providing goods, we have a large variety of puppies and kittens for you this week. This time of year we are not faced with a lot of air embargoes, but they can occur. Therefore, airlines permitting, these puppies are scheduled to be shipped on the 12th of October. Our salespeople will be waiting for your call, so be sure to phone Mary, Katie or Kim with your order todayAvailability List for the week of 10-9-89Akita Italian Greyhound Shar PeiAmerican Eskimo Keeshond SheltieBichon Lhasa Apso Shih TzuBulldog Maltese Siberian HuskyCairn Miniature Pinscher Silky TerrierChihuahua Min. Schnauzer Toy Fox TerrierChocolate Lab Papillon WestieChow Chow Peke-A-Poo WhippetCocker Pekingese Wire FoxDoxie Pomeranian Yellow LabDalmation Poodle YorkieGolden Pug HimilayanGreat Pyrenees ScottieFollowing Puppies at Special PricesDoxies M-75 F-95. Goldens M-80 F-90. Poodles M-70 F-95. Chocolate Yellow Labs 100. Keeshonds M-90 F-100.A These prices will be honored with an order of 4 full priced puppies.B These prices will be available on a call-in basis only.C Quanitities of all animals are limited to the numbers available.D To assure yourself of getting the breeds that you prefer, the best days to call are Friday and Monday.Sincerely,U PIK M Kennels, Bonehead, Nebraska 308999-9999 The above is a copy of an actual sales letter received by anThe Pom Reader July 1990exotic fish shop in my area. Most of us are all too familiar with the sales pattern of pet shops and puppy milles, but this letter seems to fit in with this months article. Availability list and letter were copied exactly, misspellings and all. The name of the kennel was changed to protect the guilty.About 8 months ago Olympia received a phone call from a potential puppy buyer who finally asked this question Why are you pricing this puppy at 500.00 Thats a bit steep. To which Olympia replied, I dont understand. You just told me you priced a puppy in a pet shop for 699.95 but said you did not want to purchase from a pet shop on your vets ad- vibe. Why is my price such a shockTo which the buyer retorted, I can understand the pet shops price as they had to buy their puppy and being in business they must have a markup to stay in business. You did NOT have to buy your puppy.After a long, deep breath, Olympia said In the absolute sense, no, I did not have to BUY my puppy. But in a more practical sense, I did. Let me explain Thirty-ish something years ago I started from scratch to buy foundation stock for my hobby of breeding to show. At that time prices ranged from 200-300 for good stock I opted for cheaper and then set out to prove their worth for breeding by the AKC approved method of showing in competition. They did not win. I had to eat my loss for breakfast and gave them away as the petstock they were. I had to begin again. I paid the going rate for good stock but bought the wrong sizes and ended up with C-section and fading puppy syndrome which left me in the card game with an empty hand. So, once more I had to start over. My new foundation stock ran around 300-400 apiece and they did produce puppies, but the pups did not resemble the parents and then I learned something about line- and in-breeding and began with a male that the breeder said, according to pedigree, would be prepotent, i.e., would produce like himself whatever bitch I bred him to. I paid a Rock-Ur-Socks off price for him and another Rock-Ur-Socks off bankroll to make him a champion only to find out the only thing he would breed was my bedspread. I had to sell Mr. Prepotency for 116 of his cost, as a pet. So again I had to start from scratch and this time I had to mortgage the homestead to buy the right dogs and in the ensuing fifteen years Rock-Ur-Socks vet, show and other upkeep costs became Rocket-To-The-Moon without a NASA liftoff During this time I learned all about skin problems, monorchidism, cryptorchidism, hydrocephalus, bad stifles, sterility, pyometra, bladder stones, chronic ear infections, kennel cough and sundry other ailments afflicting the hobby breeder. Vet bills This was now Jupiter II leaving earths atmosphere for intergalactic space.Continued next page17Z3aj^v\\voS uu\\v7Vy IMBHM. m a\\\ sAW\ V \ForSaleCH. TRIPP S DASH FOR CASH4 years, light orange, 312 lbs. Sire Apples Traveling Diamond Dam Tripps Kewpi Doll of Great Elms.AlsoOrange sable male, 3 yearsSired by Cedarwoods Image of Diamond2 Females, 2 yearsSire by Cedarwoods Image of DiamondContactGertrude Brown5004 Kyle Drive, Raleigh, NC 27604 919-876-0527LACHERIESOREODOUBLEFUDGECH. LACHERIES HOT FUDGE RIPPLE X DESIREES MEGA FUDGE.A REAL WINNER2REH1 VWINNERSHENDERSONVILLE KENNEL CLUBJUNE 1990PHOTO BY faaMAnother win for our sturdy little guy.Special thanks to judge Mrs. Bettie Krause.Owner-handledbyEd MartinDorothy F. Martin, 5354 Bluebird Lane, York, SC 29745. Tel 803-831-8086The Pom Reader July 199018Grafenhorsts Poms Tiny Partis Pretty Heads Open Markings Heavy Coats Short Backs Super SoundnessWe are very excited about our lovely litters from Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette, and the top winning chocolate in the U.S., Ch. Starlites Legacy Choco Bear.'9aThese super boys are at stud to approved bitches. Several promising puppies available. For further information, contactHORST GRAF GRAFENHORST POMS 12000 NW 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465^ ^ WHID-DONS POMSSvSr' Home Of- TIM SUE S SPARK 0F LIGHTf vfe.. J TIM SUES DYNAMITE'v rv Barbara T. Whiddon, 4703 Monroe Hwy.,MT" 'tV Pineville, LA 71310. Tel 318-640-2993.Quality Bred Puppies OccasionallyICERAMA POMSSkip Piazza THE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266Home of GabrielBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson. LA 70181 504 737-1729C^Jrecious ^JeiiiesNORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942HOME OF THEKILLERAND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Upper Valley Road El Paso, TX 79932Ask Olympia Continued...But somehow I trod the rocky road and managed to get to the point where l could sell the pups I could not keep for somewhere near the price I had to pay for parent stock. Today buying good stock costs anywhere from 600-2000, depending upon pedigree and show record. For the parents of the puppy you inquired about I paid 800 apiece, plus their show bills as they went out to seek championships. Never mind the other fees, such as worming checks, vaginal smears to determine ovulation dates, food and prenatal supplements costs, teeth cleaning and my own labor in training, brushing and keeping things hygienically clean.To make sure the puppy you inquired about would make it into this world alive I sat up 5 hours after midnight on the whelping day and your puppy was the first born but his delivery was difficult. He came butt first, had burst his birthsac and took 30 minutes to revive as I suctioned the fluids from his lungs. After the birthing I crawled into bed for 2 hours only to get back up at 7 am to let the mother exercise and to check to see if the puppies were nursing. Yours wasnt. After the purchase of Esbilac and a feeding tube I had to supplement his feeding every 3 hours around the clock for 7 days. At 4 weeks I had to teach him to eat, tending him like a human baby, wiping his bibb, his butt and when he got loose stool from the new food I had to bathe him twice daily, blowdry him and brush him out and put baby powder on his irritated behind. At weaning time both he and his dam objected to the separation. I went without proper sleep for 3 nights while they each howled their displeasure. I purchased toys to distract him and enlisted the aid of busy family members to play with him so he would be socialized so that when his loving buyer came to take him home he would be the outgoing, happy little fella you would see if you came here.After this it came time for his vaccinations. My program is geared towards final shots at 15-16 weeks for proper immunization which means while backyard breeders and pet shops are selling their 8-week-olds I had to pass up phone calls so that my unprotected puppy would not run the danger of being exposed to distemper, hepatitis, coronavirus, parvo, parinfluenza and Bordatella. There were also trips to the vet for worm checks and for a genetic defect check, such as heart murmurs and so on which you, Mr. Buyer, might possibly find wrong after you purchased him and want to return him for a full refund of purchase price. Which is something the pet shops will not refund, although they will replace the puppy, if they can find a replacement, and you, sir, can start all over from I did so many eons ago.Till the dog howls again - OLYMPIA aka Lois Ciliberto P.S. Did he buy the dog No. He didnt like my attitude. But 5 months later he called back to say he had not gone back to the pet shop but bought from a lady who had 20 puppies but no parents on the premises and at 7 months the puppy is a cryptorchid with a double hernia that will cost 350 to repair, no papers have been forthcoming and the dog weighs 8 pounds, has a double-curled tail and a nose that would make Pinocchio jealous But he loves the dog too much to part with it but would I sell him a show caliber, breedable bitch to which he can breed his male to improve the situation I have no idea why, but the phone line suddenly went DEAD...The Pom Reader July 199019 STARLITE POMERANIANS We proudly presentCHAMPION STARLITE CHOCOS LUCKY ELFX\ftACh. Choco Bear x Ch. Shanticy Owned Handled by Dover-Holihouse Ch. Starlite Legacy Choco Bear sends a big thank you to judge Sally Baugniet for giving him a merit award, February 1990, at the New York Pom Specialty.We usually have top quality breeding and show stock for sale...Gayle Tom Griffin, Page, Arizona - Phone 602-353-4031MANOR HILL POMSi 1ISilver Meadows Skip OScooter - pointed Bonner bloodlinesPuppies 42890 - 2M x Granddaughter of CH. Bev-Nors Do It To It 23 Champions51390 - 2M, 1Fx daughter of Ch. Silver Meadows Beau of Legacy 35 ChampionsPuppies by son of Ch. Silver Meadows Beau of LegacyDue 71590 x daughter of Ch Bi Mars Sonny Go Lucky 52 ChampionsDue 71890 x granddaughter of Ch. Silver Meadows Beau of Legacy 22 ChampionsReasonable prices - 3 Broods for saleHelen Conrad, 1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223. Tel 813-475-1724JDs Pompous PomsWe have moved AGAIN Finally have a phone and address, but are far from settled.Puppies from Ch. Circle M Comes A Hossman and also from Ch. JDs Country Bumpkin now available.FOR SALE Ch. JDs Country BumpkinCobbs Easter Parade of Dan sire of Ch. JDs Bella Donna.Janet Hovey Dan Farrell RR 3 Box 45A Huntingdon, TN 38344 901 986-0014FEISTYS POMERANIANS OFFERS FOR SALEBlack tan bitch 1, full sister and litter mate to Ch. Feistys My-T-Fine. She has a sweet head, spunky personality and is very solid arid there is nothing spindly about her bones She is being sold bred to Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn, a son of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. She is 112 years old she is well linebred.Black Tan bitch 2, 'A sister to the above bitch, their sire is Black Tan Ch. CJs Masterpiece of Marks. This girl is nearly a year old and a combination of Sungold, Scotia and the Queenaire line. She has a sound, short coupled body and is nicely coated like her sister mentioned above.Prices, pictures and pedigrees available on request. We would like to thank all the Pom fanciers who inquired regarding our last ad in the Birthday issue of ThePom ReaderThese two girls we are currently offering for sale, would be a great asset to the serious black tan fancierbreeder. Very reasonable.FEISTYS POMERANIANS Victor Wendy Feist 6325 SE 73rd Portland, OR 97206 503 774-8912Great Elms Champion Sired Poms Males and Females Selling out due to bad health Louise Sprouse404 Hunter Street, Greenwood, SC 29646 Tel 803 229-6054_Blossom Heights PomsBlossom Heights McGuires Amy John Arlene Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 407-842-5591CIRCUS CIRCUSFOXWOODAt Stud Great Elms Joey of Lenette Barbara Don DeFord Cheri L. Peel5490 A Street SE 15143 Foxhill Road SEAuburn, WA 98002 Yelm, WA 98597206-833-4634 FAX 206-458-3771 296-458-3198IwiN 0RK5 POMS ftBILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE, HIXSON, TENNESSEE 37343 615-842-8184The Pom Reader July 199020SPECIALS ADDITION JANUARY-JUNE 1990 Presently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the Breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIALS ADDITION.SPECIALS ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsPoints not to be confused with AKC championship points are alloted to individuals according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and Fields Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point credit. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds...............500BEST IN SHOW Specialty.................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty...75TOY GROUP FIRST..............................250TOY GROUP SECOND.........................150TOY GROUP THIRD................................75TOY GROUP FOURTH........................... 25BEST OF BREED....................................10Statistician Susan Wade. Tie placements are marked with an asterisk. BISS is for Independent Specialties only. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Poms, as per the JANUARY- JUNE 1990 AKC Gazette.POINTS NAME BISA BISS BOSS I3015 CH. JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT D................................................................ 1 - - 4BaumgartnerContinoBaker, Owners2000 CH. JAMOLS KLASSIC HI TIME D............................................................... - - - 4B. Pauli, Owner1975 CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH D................................................ - - - 4J. Hurley, Owner1895 CH. TOMHO CHAMPAGNE WISHES D................................................ - - - 4R. Koeppel, Owner1545 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D....................................................... - - - 2S. T. Goddard, Owners1400 CH. SOUTHLANDS MR. VIP OIDA D.............................................. - - - 2CreedJacksonTaylor, Owners1120 CH. TIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTS D......................................................... 1S. P. Conlee, Owners1095 CH. SHADOMOUNTIN ONE MAN SHOW D..................................... - 1 - 2K. Bucher, Owner950 CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY D.......................................... - - - 2A. Roberts, Owner900 CH. LLL HIGH LIGHTS GOLDIE HAWN B...................................... - - - 1StetsonLuginsland, Owners880 CH. JANES WEE PRINCE OJERIBETH D.................................... - - - 1G. J. Reed, Owners865 CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR D.................................... - - - 2F. Stoll, Owner530 CH. JAN-SHARS HILLBILLY CLASSIC D..................................... - - - 2S. Hanson, Owner500 FRYS MAGIC LIL ANGUS D...................................................................... - - - 2B. L. Smart, Owners475 CH. HARBINS CARRYING ON FOR MOM D................................. - 1S. Harbin, Owner450 CH. SOUTHLAND N BEV-NOR NUT-E-FUDGE D...................................J. Wilhite, Owner295 CH. JAN-SHARS AN AMERICAN TAIL D...................................... - 1E. Roberts, Owner290 CH. GOLDCRESTS PACIFIC DREAMER D................................... - - - 1J. Hovey, Owner275 PATTYS MOE-BEST LOOK AT ME B....................................................... 1D. Ward, Owner260 CH. MULLER KAZAR SUNGOLD ILLUSION D............................... - - - 1R. Lackey, Ownern in rv bob6 6 3 94 3 5 54 3 4 52 4 5 174 4 3 73 4 2 104 3 1212 12 2 2 - 32-52 2-32-1431 1 - 13151 2411The Pom Reader July 1990m2co9mFinchs PomeraniansDiane L. FinchRural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134515 769-2444 Puppies ByCh. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket ^ Ch. Pomirish Robin's Top Shelf" Great Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines WhiteRed SB WhiteBlack parti puppies.PomeraniansCh. Doo-Shays Funky Madeanna finishes prior to 11 months and takes a Group I and a Group IV - Smile, Pat Dieball We are - thanks to youShannon Johnson Route 1, Box 456 Warrenville, SC 29851. Tel 803 663-0210Sharon MasnickJohn Masnick 803 928-3511HCR 65 Box 745, Huger, SC 29450s-Emcees PomeraniansInquiries Invited 804 741-3024 Morris Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 23233SouthlandPomeraniansRAYS OF SUNSHINE CHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE PINEVILLE, LA 71360 PHONE 318 - 466-3456Pom Acres KennelR.R. 4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613319-989-2199DOSSMARFor sale or terms Blkwht. brood bitch, free whelper redwht. brood bitch, free whelper. Both 3 years old. Orgwht. male 112 years old. Parti pups born in March.Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Rd.414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040Q6I1 ^PoweiamcmsCheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor1038 16th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603ChesaiPomeraniansRobert Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260 512 438-2667RHEA-NA POMSExclusively Bev-Nor Breeding Champion sired puppies will be available summer fall. Steve Barbara NagyRt. 2 Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Tel 703-869-3749ALLAYNSMary Allan Ph 918 485-30102508 E. Tacoma Street OrBroken Arrow, OK 74014 918 355-2531BiMar PomeraniansHome of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Mary A. Rosenbaum36520 28th Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003 206-838-6397 or 206-927-2369KennelsLLLJanice Luginsland Rt. 1, Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316-443-5157Home of the Best in Show CajunCH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTSThe Pom Reader juiy iyvu22N EW CHAMPIONSEWCHAMPJuly 1990Benjis Punk Rock Tradition D by Ch.Millamors Mark Tradition x Benjis Smilin Blonde Muff. Breeder Judy Caplan. Owner Linda L. Harris.Berrys Sonny Delight D by Ch. Texicans Great Balls of Fire x Bi-Mars Ombre Rose. Breeder Nina Berry. Owner Barbara H. Grimison.Berrys Special Dee Dee B by Ch. Texicans Great Balls of Fire x Ch. Texicans Tim Sue-Sie. Breeder Nina M. Berry. OwnerErika K. Moureau Nina M. Berry.Bev-Nors I Love Lucy B by Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge x Bev-Nors Mindy. Breeder Beverly Norris. Owner Donna L. Wright Beverly A. Norris.Bi-Mar Fast Forward D by Ch. Bi-Mar Impressive x Bi-Mar Bayou Babe. Breeder Mary A. Rosenbaum. Owner Patricia Philipp H. Fred Philipp Jr.Dan Dees Mr. Roberts D by Ch. De Artas Top Tradition x Watts Little Elegant Lady. Breeder-Owner Verla Dagel.Fame Piece Of The Rock D by Ch. Wee Ram- bo of Coys Top Mark x Rocks Red Sand. Breeder Geneva B. Pennock. OwnerBrenda K. Segelken.Frys Magic Honeysuckle Rose B by Ch. Millamors Im A Windjammer x Stolannes Magic Pele of Frys. Breeder- Owner Nancy L. Fry Jennifer Carlton.Gartons Goldust B by Ch. Gartons King of Bavaria x Dupres Little Diamond Lulu. Breeder-Owner Lavina K. Garten.Golden Aires Sherrys Jubilee B by Ch.Beaver of Lenette x Great Elms Rose of Tiana. Breeder Sherry J. Adams. OwnerSharon Masnick.Great Elms Toby D by Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond x Great Elms Woods Dori. Breeder Ruth L. Beam. OwnerDolores A. Watts.Jan Les Rock My World D by Ch. Midas Ragtime Rock x Dixielands Music Box. Breeder-Owner Jane Lehtinen.I0NSDe Artas Moon Light Dancer D by Ch. WeeRobins Dancer of Oakridge x De Artas Dancing Marketta. Breeder Mary Deanne Rinehart Nina K. Epps. Owner Linda Cox.Doo-Shays Funky Madeanna B bySouthland Tar Babys Image x Doo- Shays Annie Getsha Gun. Breeder- Owner Shannon Johnson.Doo-Shays Western Expose D by Ch. Chriscendo Western Express x Southlands Toasted Scarlett. Breeder- Owner Shannon Johnson.Janes Lil Merri Puppins B by Emcees Sparkling Gold Nugget x Tillabays Gypsy Rose Lee. Breeder-Owner George S. Reed Jean E. Reed.Janesas Hi-Struttin Ubet B by Ch. Bev-Nors Toastmaster x Ch. Janesas Hi-Struttin Daisey. Breeder-Owner Jerrie Freia.LLL High Lights Brass Lassie B by Ch. Tim Sues High Lights x Ch. LLL Rockys Brass Bellringer. Breeder-Owner Janice Luginsland.More Champions Next Page...The Pom Reader July 199023N EW CHAMPIONSEWCHAMPI0NSJuly 1990 ContinuedMaranathas Liberty Belle B by Ch. Maranathas Lil Benjamin x Ch. Maranathas Lil Hallelujah. Breeder- Owner Gloria Carlin Steven Carlin.Mercers Star Vonna B by Mercers Star Flash x Mercers Vanna. Breeder Dan Mercer. Owner Evelyn Conley Rollie Conley.Merrymont One Nite Stand B by Ch. Merry- mont SatRday Nite Fever x Ch. Queenaire Signature. Breeder-OwnerPatricia J. Griffin.Pegs Sweet Magic Marker B by Ch.Millamors Mark Medallion x Sweet Loves Magic Lights. Breeder-Owner Peggy Doyal.Rain Beaus Over Wee Hearts D by Ch. Coys Lucky Eight x Wee Hearts Lolly Pop. Breeder Jean E. Cook Cassandra Ready. Owner Lisa D. Smart William A. Smart.Rubys Gator Maiden Oklahoma B by Ch.Idas Touch of Bev-Nor x Rockwoods Precious Daisy. Breeder-Owner Ruby F. Poole.Silva Lade Pistol Packin Mama B by Ch.Silva Lade The Outlaw x Ch. Silva Lade Little Miss Marker. Breeder-Owner Larry Johnson Dianne Johnson.Silverwoods Rising Star B by Silverwoods Foul Play OWatts x Silverwoods Morning Star. Breeder Bessie P. Roberts. OwnerBess P. Roberts.Sweethearts Golden Boy Dusty D by Lazy Si Damion x Lennis Pennies From Heaven. Breeder Kathy A. Hood. OwnerKathy Carroll.Tim Sues Light Of Destiny B by Ch.Chriscendo City Lights x Wests Destiny of Medallion. Breeder-Owner Tim Goddard Sue Goddard.Valcopy Wakhan High Fever B by Ch. Merrymont SatRday Nite Fever x Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style. Breeder-Owner Randy Gemmill Dana Plonkey.Watts Little Country Bumpkin B by Ch.Watts Little Do-Si-Do x Watts Little Crisco of Scotia. Breeder Dolores A. Watts. Owner Sharon L. Shipek.NUNThe Pom Reader July 199024- UPDATE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY-JUNE 1990 Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranians fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on this area. The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience, and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this publications will be used for point credit. Many times the actual show dates will varyfrom the date of publication i.e., a September show may not be published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.The following is the LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE JANUARY-JUNE 1990 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR...........................POINTSJ. CABRERA................................. 47P. GRIFFIN.....................................44JACKSONTAYLOR......................39S. HANSON....................................38G. S. CARLIN........................... 31FRYCARLTON............................31D. WATTS......................................29J. FREIA....................................... 28S. JOHNSON................................28A. CANNON..................................22S. PONTE-CORVO.......................22Tie placements alphabeticalThe Pom Reader July 199025Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia, Ocala. Florida 32676 904 237-1636-SUE POMERANIANSHome of the LightsTim Sue Goddard Route 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570318 543-6622TilRGS Pomeranians PedigreesLifetime guarantees, medical insurance, rebate program for show. Pedigrees researched. 24 hour availability. 904-247-5384.iohn e. heaitzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY PO BOX 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S. CANADA BON 1C0Tel 902 673-2446^Senette oo meianianbBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnerwICH. GREAT ELMS MODELS TIMSTOPPER4V.2 lbs. deep orangeStanding at stud to approved bitches. 150.00. Free color picture and pedigree upon request. Several litters due by Topper as well as other outstanding studs.Please call or write for price list. We offer our free newsletter to Pom breeders who are sincerely interested in working together to breed a better Pom.STUD SERVICE6520 GAME FARM RD. E MOUND, MN 55364PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYPattysPonferaifiaifsPATTY JENSEN Phone 612 472-59502Clolhrrcst JoracraniansMichael Bandy Glenn Bernardo 20524 Pioneer Boulevard Lakewood, CA 90715 213 402-9606 evesoi.amrwilasbSsSftarAifUp odMultiple Toy Group Winner, sire of Am. Can. Champion winners of Best in Show All Breeds National Specialties Multiple Toy Groups Multiple Group Placements Multiple Best of BreedsBreeder-Owner-Exhibitor Mrs. James R. Dupre Sr., Route 2 Box 878-A, Colfax, LA 71417. 318 627-5180.BEV-NOR POMS...C1. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Number 1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983, 24 BIS, 5 Specialties, Sire of top winning females 1984, 1985, sire of only Black Tan to ever go BISA, a top producer. Stud fee 250.00 limited to 15 per year.Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman Multi Group winner, a Toasted Fudge son, sire of Champions, a top producer for 1988 also. Stud Fee 250.00. Puppies Available.Bev Bill Norris 7747 Meadow Road301 255-1343 Pasadena, MD 21122DOVER HOLIHOUSE POMS The Partis Just BegunKathryn Hartz Patricia Foley Dan Ninotski 609 695-1642^anea'SsJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466The Pom Reader July 1990FROM OUR READERSDear Joe,Loved the ad in June Reader. Just had one teeny weeny complaint You forgot to include my thank you to Judge Mrs. Eleanor L. Rot- man. Which was another reason I sent the ad in.Im sure it was an oversight on your behalf. But would have liked to have given her credit for the win. Sincerely,Phyllis Martin, KON TIKI POMSPhoenix, AZP.S. Thanks again for the lovely ad.Phyllis Sorry about the error in your ad on page 31, The Pom Reader, June 1990, Volume V, Number 4. The ad copy should have readKON TIKI POMS PRESENTS Sweethearts Moonshine Glowg W M[' IH mm mIVee Hearts A Little Pizzazz x Sweethearts SmidgenShown the day he took his first 4-point major at Sahuaro State Kennel Club show, 3-4-90.It was a day we will long remember...and one that was long in coming. We will continue to give him his chance in the spotlight.Special thanks to judge Mrs. Eleanor L. Rotman for his wonderful winPhyllis Martin, 17210 N. 17th St., Phoenix, AZ 85022. Tel 602-867-1078And I was there when it happened My apologies. JMcGThe Pom Reader July 1990Dear Mr. McGinnisRecently it has been brought to my attention that someone has been advertising in your magazine that they have the first chocolate Pom champion in the last 20 years. Please be aware of the fact that we finished ours in 1974.Just for the record...Please refer to July 1974 issue of Pomeranian Review, pg. 5, and Pomeranian Review 1958-1978 20th Anniversary Issue between ppgs. 66 67. July 74 lists dates of wins announcing championship of Ch. Marlorns Chocolate Chip. Anniversary Issue presents a color picture of Ch. Marlorns Chocolate Chip Cookie and gives dates of birth and death. One of our ads with the statement Cookie was the greatest Chocolate Pom to ever enter the show ring, was edited from The Pom Review. Cookie finished 42874, which by my calculations is approximately 12Vz years prior. How is it that Phyner can advertise their Pom as the first Chocolate in 20 years and it is not subject to edit If this was a one-time ad I would think a mistake was made, but I understand this has been repeatedly advertised.1 must compliment you on putting out such a beautiful magazine, but please get the facts straight.Mary Straslicka, Marlorns Pomeranians,Brunswick, OH. Mary Thanks for your original letter and the second copy. Let me reiterate the position of this publication on that subject. If you will look on the table of contents page always page 4, you will note the following disclaimerThe opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers.Your correction is duly noted, and sorry for the misunderstanding. JMcG Joe,Here is a helpful hint for your next issue of The Pom ReaderVet Rx by Vetree Products, Ltd. - effective relief of respiratory ailments, colds, wheezing and sniffles in dogs and puppies.2 drops in each nostril for adult dogs and 1 drop for puppies. DO NOT REPEAT AS DIRECTED apply morning and evening. Works fantasticJust a suggestion. I happen to be one of your subscribers who reads your PR completely and I dont know how the response is coming in about breeders experiences with sire dam in the quality of the progenyand was surprised to see in your May issue, page 14, a mention of it. Maybe Im writing too early about this but since I wanted to send my helpful hint I thought I would mention that if the response is poor you could possibly rerun the question in a section more eyecatching. Keep up the good work Another Pom lover,Sue Soares, TLC PomsChino, California Sue Response to your question about who is more important, the sire or the dam, has been slow, but theres still plenty of time for people to answer. I repeat the question from Lois Cilibertos article in MayWhy not drop a letter to LETTERS FROM OUR READERS, co editor Joe McGinnis, and tell us your experiences with sire and dam in the quality of the progenyThanks for writing and keep on readingJMcGDONT MAKE ME SAY I TOLD YOU SO Dear Pom Readers,I hope you read my article pertaining to animals and rights in the April 1990 issue. After mentioning several things pertaining to the care given to raising mink, etc., and the concern we as persons involved in showing and caring for dogs should have regarding animal rights groups, I have learned that some of these people appeared at shows in Minnesota threatening to let dogs out of their crates. The same threat took place in Madison Wl, I am told.We, in the mink business, have had firsthand experience with these extremists and their radical, misguided ideas. Again, I urge you and AKC to recognize the threat they present to our animals, and to us as knowledgeable, sensible animal lovers. Please dont sit by and think this is an isolated case. I know for a fact, that some of the organized animal-rights groups pay 10.00 per hour for students and anyone else they can con, to picket and perform destructive acts.If enough of us, who have had first-hand experience with the threats from these people, write to AKC and dog publications, telling of these experiences, perhaps the general public and AKC will open their eyes before it is too late. Dont make me say, I told you so.Sincerely, Sally Baugniet, Mishicot, Wl Sally You want to see radical Let somebody try to let one of my dogs out of its crate. Readers, what do you think JMcG Write to Letters, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809.STARFIRES POMSN.J4P,7^14 4 P'lA'hCCM, ..She is in whelp to BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, her double grandfather.Also, Ch. Starfires Cristina is in whelp to her half-brother, Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman. STARFffiE POMERANIANS TONY CABRERA 275 SW 72ND AVE MIAMI FL 33144 305 266-7471 Coming in September...The Pom Reader PresentsEXOTIC COLORSOur first issue dedicated to the exotic-colored Pom was such a success that weve decided to make it an annual event Our September issue will again be a collectors item, page upon page of Poms of special colors. Again this year we offe special reduced ratesFull Page Color 275.00 Full Page bw 90.00Half Page bw 49.00Dont miss this economical opportunity to include your special dog or bitch in this parade of rare and beautiful PomsDEADLINE AUGUST 15, 1990Make checks payable to Doll-McGinnis Publications 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809 For more information, call 813-858-3839Or, for your convenience, we honorVISAjgFK3112 3500bIIDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS BALLfiCHER PR ' BULK RATE8848 BEVERLY HILLS l7.^. I' t ' ^ ^ U.S. POSTAGELAKELAND, FL 33809 7" PAID. - ' " . - .o'. 1 ' 1 PERMIT 395NEWS PUBLICATION - DO NOT DELAY - ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED LAKELAND, FL