The Pom Reader October 1990

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iinu ISIIIImfmmV t- A'i 4mm\I A I I- - GROUP 1ST'4 t VSANDUSKY KENNEL CLUBKURUS PHOTO JULY 90jj I ...uttons-NCh. PixiesOn Our CoverCh. Pixies Buttons-N-Bows shown taking a Group I under judge Mr. Kenneth Miller at Sundusky KC Show,breeder-owner-handled by Donna Megenhardt.--citVAweBESTOF BREED OR VARIETYTOLEDOKENNEL CLUB SHOWJUNE 1990 .JO.VERSCN .PHJIOS BT NANCI ' t K R.At 6 Months and 12 Days...6B is shown finishing her championship with a Best of Breed, and on to a Group IV underAt 7 Months...B.B. is shown taking BOS at the American Pom Club National Specialty under judge Mary McCoy,judge Ronald N. Rella................................................................ handled by Karen Fitzpatrick.m-TB.B. gets a Group III under judge Mrs. Virginia S. Hampton at the Gloucester KC show...AT 9 MONTHS AND UNDER... We are proud of her winsTHANK YOU JUDGESWB and BOS at Michigan Pom Specialty Kenneth MillerBOS, Greater Baltimore Specialty Robert ReedyBOS, American Pomeranian Club Mary McCoyGroup IV Ronald N. RellaGroup IV Kenneth FalconiGroup I Kenneth MillerGroup II German Garcia Y. GarciaGroup III V. S. HamptonGroup II R. T. SwiderskyGroup III Barbara AldermanGroup IV W. Everett Dean Jr.Watch out for B.B...she KISSES all the Judges Proudly Owned and Bred By Carol A. GalavichPixie Pomeranians52821 German Hill Road Powhatan Point, Ohio 43942 Phone 614-458-1705CHAMPION SHARONSTASMANIAN DEVIL"Xi HV8 fQ^Vrf jXmy. i ifrr-ia. Kr'X 2 BEST OFBREEDt,V SANTA BARBARAKENNEL CLUB.3P X' sr. -. - --i -.., o .- - ' - SIWUMBSTAZ is pictured taking Best of Breed at the prestigious Santa Barbara K.C. Show 7-22-90 under respected judge Mrs. Anne Rogers Clark.NATIONAL SWEEPSTAKES WINNERMULTI GROUP WINNERMULTI BEST OF BREED WINNEROwnersStud Fee 200.00Sharon Neil Ponte-Corvo6130 Camino Real SP 161 Riverside, CA 92509 714-681-5220Exclusively Handled ByWood Wornall818-768-1885The Pom Reader October 199077ie 0171This issue of the Pom Reader is possible in part by the following advertisersFRONT COVER CAROL GALAVICH PIXIES POMERANIANSBACK COVERRTKI BARKER MOSAIC POMERANIANSOctober 1990Volume V, Number 8TABLE OF CONTENTS 8. OLYMPIAThe Silent Stalker, a breeders battle with Parvo.10. POMERANIAN ESCAPADESAnother Susan Johnson original Pomtoom.14. BY THE BOOK Tom GravesCryptorchidism.15. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.16. SPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms.18. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors.20. DIVORCE...What happens to the family pet By Nancy Holmes.22. LETTERSOur readers respond.23. PRODUCT REVIEWItems of interest to Pom owners.23. PUPPIES PUPPIES PUPPIESOur upcoming special puppy issue.23. STORK REPORTNew expected litters.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Telephone 813 858-3839. FAX 813-853-3624.The Pom Reader October 1990INDEX TO ADVERTISERSALLAN, M....................................................19BARKER, R.................................................24BENKO, A................................................... 21BERNARDO, G........................................... 17CARSON, M. B........................................19CATES, W. C...........................................21CONRAD, H................................................ 11COOK, S......................................................17CREED, C....................................................19DOSSINGER, M..........................................19DUPRES, E..................................................17FEIST, V. W.............................................11FIDDICK, R. J..........................................19FINCH, D..................................................... 17FREIA, J...................................................... 17GAD, N........................................................ 21GALAVICH, C............................................ 1,2GODDARD, T. S......................................17GRAF, H......................................................21GRIFFIN, G..................................................19GRIFFITH, K................................................17HARTZ, K....................................................17HEARTZ, J. C..........................................17HOVEY, J.................................................... 17JACKSON, C.....................................12,13,19JENSEN, P..................................................17JOHNSON, S...............................................19LUGINSLAND, J......................................... 19MARTIN, D..................................................11MASNICK, S..................................................5NAGY, S. B..............................................19NORRIS, B.................................................. 17PEEL, C.......................................................21PFEFFER, C................................................21PIAZZA, S................................................... 21PONTE-CORVO, N. S...............................3RGS POMS PEDS...................................21REILLY, R. J............................................19ROSENBAUM, M........................................19ROYAL CANIN USA.....................................7SAMPLES, M.............................................. 19TAYLOR, J........................................12,13,19TURNER, S. B.........................................11URBAN, J....................................................11WELLS, M. G...........................................17WHIDDON, B.............................................. 215IntroducesWILLYW-' V it4Si,1 Wsr t4a'A 0L c. ^HkL WINNEKbDOGwI PIEDMONTKCAUGUST1990Baines PhotosiGOLDEN AIRES WEE WILLYCh. Millamors Mark Tradition x DeArtas Dancing MarkettaThis adorable puppy pictured with judge Mignon Murray was Winners Dog at Piedmont KC and repeated the win the following day under judge Frank Oberstar. Thank you, judges.Thanks, also, to Michelle Miller for her expert handling of this exuberant little fellow who loves to show and likes an audience.To Nina Epps and Mary Deane Rinehart SPECIAL THANKS for making it possible for us to have Willy and for the addition of two more lovely females that will enhance our breeding program.Best wishes to Bonnie Harris with Golden Aires Billie Jean and to Marian Dossinger with Golden Aires Nick 0 Dossmar. Watch for Golden Aires Here I Am Aimee in the ring with Michelle soon. Aimee was Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes at the Carolina Pom Club Match in August.GOLDEN AIRESAgent Sharon MasnickMichelle Miller HCR 65 Box 745, Huger, SC 29450Greer, S.C. 803-928-3511Breeders of Willy Nina EppsMary Deane RinehartThe Pom Reader October 1990OLYMPIADOGS HOWL AND...THE SILENT STALKERXT2You cant hear him. He strikes his victims with no sound and they do not cry out in the night. You cant see him, either. He may be hiding on the bottom of your shoes or your neighbors shoes, or in the grass in your backyard or on the sunny shores of the beach or lake. He could even be clinging tenaciously to your clothes or your hands. He prefers adolescents and you might call him a pedophile but given the opportunity he will strike adults as well. His method of operation is so extraordinary that your only protection is to seek him out and shoot him fast, using a loaded needle. If you cannot shoot him fast enough then spray him in the face with clorox...mace willnot do. He is not a human stalker. His name is PARVO.This is a continuation from last months article about one breeders fight against kennel cough syndrome who got no RR from her battle fatigue but went right into a war against Parvo.I had just gotten over the worst of the upper respiratory thing and began to sleep well. By now my 5 litters of pups were between ages 10-16 weeks. I also had my final litter of the year, 2-week-old nursing pups. As you remember all but one of the 8 older pups had gotten kennel cough, one severely. This one had caught it at age 2 weeks and had to be hand-fed as he couldnt nurse but now he was still small as his birthweight had determined him to be but he was as scrappy as the others and I had begun calling him the little devil.Usually my program had been to keep the pups isolated from all outside influence and begin the full Puppyshot at 9 weeks, giving a series of 3 ending at 16 weeks, with annual boosters to adults and 6 month boosters of Parvo-Corona to show dogs. This time I had passed up shots on the 10-week-old as I figured the kennel cough thing and all the medication would cause more stress if I introduced vaccines. I had only given the 16-week-old two full shots and a 14-week- old 1 full shot. But I did not feel worried I figured since I had attended no shows in some months and that my pups had been with no other dogs, strangers nor outdoors, they would be safe.My pups live in pairs of two, separating littermates to preventThe Pom Reader October 1990dependencies, in 3x4 off-the-floor pens, with additional smaller pens for private stooling. They are given several hours a day to play in either carpeted kitchen or family room with a basket of toys and to socialize with the family members. One noon after the morning play period I found the small male, little devil, standing in his pen, with clenched teeth. I began forcing in Nutri-cal to no avail. In 2 hours he was at the vets and nothing, except the usual fontenal opening in small pups, was noticed. Fecal checked clear.He was given fluids under the skin for dehydration and an antibiotic shot. I was advised to continue the Nutri-cal. By 9 that night he was still standing with clenched teeth but began vomiting clear foam. This time at the vets he released a foul-smelling stool. The vet said this smelled like Parvo. Slide test in the office proved positive.By this time the pup was sinking fast and the vet said the only treatment was IV fluids and several days at least and with this pup he had very little chance of survival. He also suggested that with his fontenal opening he might be normal anyhow, which did not phase me as in small ones it is like that when theyre young and most vets just wont accept it. However, to save the little guy from suffering we had him humanely put to sleep.I reeled home. As cautiously isolated as I kept my pups and with the cleanly methods which were part of daily routine - and after 20 years of breeding with nary a disease or even worms in my dogs -1 could not believe it was Parvo. But it was.I reeled home. As cautiously isolated as I kept my pups and with the cleanly methods which were part of daily routine - and after 20 years of breeding with nary a disease or even worms in my dogs -1 could not believe it was Parvo. But it was. I gave immediate ParvoCorona shots to all non-nursing pups, and boosters to all adults, including the nursing dam as the vet said it would not hurt and might help.Continued next pagesuch aggravation in the press room last month The Pom Reader October 1990iiit.ii anu nesiea leu everyone youre championed out. and your Matrons Old Bitches.JMcG9THE SILENT STALKER continued...Two days later the large litter brother to the pup put to sleep came down, silently and limpidly, in only 4 hours time after a play period and was lying in a pool of dark liguid. There was no sign of blood. Not yet dehydrated, and having had no vomiting, the vet said this one had a 50-50 chance and so we took it. He spent 4 days on IVs and came home on the 5th. He was weak, his prick ears were flopped and he could only eat ID diet because after Parvo which is an enteritus virus his digestive tract could accept nothing else. He came along well. Then he developed symptoms of kennel cough He was the only one who had not succumbed to this when the other pups had it. He was put on Clavamox and did well, but it was not easy to get him to eat. Finally, I found a mix of the ID with a tiny bit of Nutri-cal and a sprinkle of garlic powder got him interested in the ID food. He got over the cough quickly.Three days after his return home a 14-week-old and 10-week-old female, companions in pairs of 2, to the 2 males who got parvo, got loose stools, not diarrhea. Taken for fecals they checked clear, were given an antibiotic and sent home. Two days later the 10-week female was down at 4 a.m. she was checked on and seemed fine, at 6 a.m. she was limp in a pool of liquid, no blood evidenced. She went on the IV program and lived till the 3rd day. The 14-week-old was found limp the day following the other females admittance to the vets. She had just eaten a midday meal and within 2 hours was going down. She lived on the IV for 36 hours and died.By now I was paranoid and also cloroxed out. The vet advised that clorox 125 dilution with water would kill the virus and that precautions had to be taken. I touched a pup, cloroxed my hands. All feedwater bowls were soaked in clorox water daily, all pens were taken out in the sun, cloroxed to the ninth degree and left to dry and then brought back in. The carpets were sprayed with clorox solution five times over and everything else but the rafters was soaked in clorox. It burned my eyes, my nostrils, gave me a cough and scalded my hands. I did not dare go near the nursing dams and pups without changing clothes, cloroxing hands and arms and was advised not to let these pups on the carpeting until they were 4 months of ageand it was sure that their maternal antibodies no longer interfered with their vaccine immunizations What was to happen with their early socialization with the family The other family members could not change clothes every time they came in from somewhere...and I was advised not to let them touch the pups if they didntNeedless to say that I was underinformed on parvo and coccidia but I began gathering information during my siege. I cannot tell you how much mis-information I got, even from vets and vaccine laboratoriesI still had 4 pups who had been exposed who had not come down with it. I was told if ten days passed the incubation period I could breathe free. 8 days passed and three of these 4 well pups got loose stools fecal checks showed nothing and otherwise they were normal in eating and playing habits. Then 2 days later the recovered male got a very loose stool. Rushed to the vet and given a fecal, coccidia showed up Now where did that come from The vet said it is difficult sometimes to locate coccidia in the fecal but if this pup had it they all did, and perhaps the ones who had parvo had this as well. All pups were put on Albon for 5 days and stools cleared in 6 and they are all doing fine the parvo incubation thing for them is over, and since they were challenged by the virus and did not succumb they are given life immunity.But I still have the 3 nursing pups, now 6 weeks old, to worry about. They go from cloroxed whelping pen to cloroxed trolley and no one but me touches them and I am cloroxed to the hilt They got their 1st parvo vaccine, modified live from a high-caliber vaccine manufacturer consult your vet and then distempermeasles vaccine and thenanother parvo and the full shots with hepatitis and corona, etc., at 16 weeks. But ask your vet what heshe recommends on this, please.Needless to say that I was underinformed on parvo and coccidia but I began gathering information during my siege. I cannot tell you how much misinformation I got, even from vets and vaccine laboratories Had I only had my wits about me I would have consulted some qualified experts but when one is undergoing this sort of trauma one does not think clearly. First of all here is some of the mis-information I was givenThat a new, vicious strain of parvo was out and only a new vaccine produced by a certain laboratory would cover it and this new vaccine would also get past the maternal antibodies in young pups and protect them. The old parvo vaccines would do me no good Then I was told that frequent administration of this vaccine would protect my pups and I would not have to worry about them being on the floor, etc. I was also told that they could catch the disease again, after full recovery. This scared me to death. I was told that my adults were at risk because they had not been given the new strain parvo vaccine and that even a housefly landing on the stool of my pups could carry it to them if it landed on their food dishes.I was shaking in my boots. Then I got my wits about me and called the James A. Baker Institute for Animal Health College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University and reached Dr. Leland Carmichael, who very graciously gave me his valuable time to explain some facts. He also sent along a most informative brochure that is available to any who request it, and I wish you would all read it. Address below.Much pertinent info is in this brochure it covers all questions about the facts and myths of parvo as well as giving all the latest about vaccines, such as modified live versus killed, the giving of multi-vaccines, the methods of getting a true titer, etc. It also suggests a vaccination schedule. It doesnt name brand names for vaccines but suggests consulting your vet. All in all I believe any mis-information regarding parvo as well as the giving of vaccines of any type is covered in this brochure and is well worth our efforts to obtain and read. It is free.Continued next pageThe Pom Reader October 199010THE SILENT STALKER continued...Mythmis-information this brochure dispelled for me There is no new strain of parvo since CPV-2 isolated in 1978 and the vaccines created for this strain in 1980 are still sufficient to cover all strains of parvo. No vaccine will get past the maternal antibodies. My adults were not at risk as their current immunization was adequate and it is believed that immunization can last up to 3 years, however a little insurance doesnt hurt by giving annual boosters or 6-month boosters to show dogs. The amount of virus a fly can carry would not do any damage, so I quit trying to zap every little fly as soon as it flitted in the front door. I also learned that once they have the disease and have recovered or as young pups are exposed and do not come down with it they are immune for life I also learned that no puppy under age 4 months, however often it is vaccinated, should be allowed out of its pen or taken to fun matches, etc., and should be treated with extra-special hygienic care as it is unsure in each pup till 16 weeks when the maternal antibodies stop interfering. I learned that there are such documented breeds such as Rotties, Dobies and Springers and perhaps many other breeds who get a particularly nasty case of parvo and succumb quickly because they have either parasite, corona or other bacterial coccidia infections running concurrently in their systems.Ive learned that 20 years of freedom from disease is no reason for complacency. I have the tiny little tombstones in my heart to prove it...Ive learned that 20 years of freedom from disease is no reason for complacency. I have the tiny little tombstones in myheart to prove it...Here lie Devil, DeeDee and Rhoda. Dead before their prime. Murdered by a Silent Stalker. His name is Parvo.No Name, Please.Thanks to this brave breeder for a frightening and though-provoking account of a battle with illness. Until the dog howls again...OLYMPIA AKA Lois CilibertoFor further information Dr. Leland Carmichael, Director, Cornell Research Laboratory for Diseases of Dogs, James A. Baker Institute for Animal Health, Ithaca, New York 14853. 1-607-277-3044Pomeranian EscapadesSusan Johnsonin'7A n" \rr 'rtZ.pVXv" VDON7 YOU JUST LOVE MY PERSONS EXPRESSION WHEN I DROP MY TAIL I learned that the 2 most important things to worry about in under-4-month pups is parvo and distemper in that order, that hepatitis and corona are rarely seen at that age. From now on Ill insist on coccidia treatment if any of mine come down with loose stools for more than a day, especially if there is hint of a virus running around as wellThe Pom Reader October 199011Feistys Pomeranians Proudly AnnouncesWe have the following available for the conformation exhibitorFeistys Isnt That Special Guaranteed show quality. Redorange, 4 lb. bitch, shown very little to date, but has done well. 112 years old, spunky and flashy She is sound, square with a proper textured coat. She is a granddaughter to Multi BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Dams side is a combination of Great Elms Bonner.5 months we expect her to mature at 5 lbs.Black White Parti Puppy Bitch This little gal should mature at 4-5 lbs. She has a blaze and has a lot to offer the Parti breeder. Her sire is an orange white parti.Feistys Triple Crown This 412 month old boy is very showy. We guarantee this boy will finish and if he continues as he is he should make someone a nice special. His name represents our 3 Champion Studs who have produced excellent quality in their get. His sire is Ch. Feistys My-T-Fine and his 2 grand- sires are Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn and Ch. C-Js Masterpiece of Marks. His dams side goes back also to the ever-loved for all time Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms.Elfanshes Black Berry Shasta This gal is a 4 lb. free-whelping black tan with a great body. Due in heat soon. Sire is our Ch. CJs Masterpiece of Marks black tan, and dam is a granddaughter of Ch. Queenair Coup DEtat.Orange to Red Puppy Bitch Sire is Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn. Dam is mostly Great Elms.These two show kids are guaranteed show quality and thus will be placed in show homes only.We have the following available to breeders working on the exotic colors of the Pomeranian rainbowFeistys Summertime Blues Not only is she a true blue, but she has a great coat and a sound, cobby body. She is a granddaughter x2 to Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn. Her dam is also a blue. AtWed like to thank everyone who responded to our last ad in the Pom Reader. Pedigrees and pictures available upon request.Congratulations to Geanine Hall on her recent win with Feistys Bomb Shell.VICTOR WENDY FEIST 6325 SE 73RD PORTLAND, OR 97206RHYNSTONE POMS offers 2 male show quality pups. A repeat breeding that produced Ch. Rhynstone Cowboy Pom Review Stud Issue 90 and Ch. Rhynstone Lady in Red Review, Oct. 89. Red sable orange. Also, 2-year-old sister to above, has U.S. and Canadian points. Also 3-year-old bitch for breeding or pet. All reasonable.RHYNSTONE POMS, Joyce Urban, 6068 Fist Road, Lockport, NY 14094. 716 625-8357.MANOR HILL POMSSilver Meadows Skip OScooter, pointed photo. 2 Litters expected by son of Ch. Tim Sues Dixie Dynamic.HELEN CONRAD, 1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223. Tel 813-475-1724.Finchs PomeraniansDiane L. FinchRural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134515 769-2444 Puppies ByCh. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf Great Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines WhiteRed WhiteBlack parti puppies.LaCherieDot Martin5354 Bluebird Lane York, SC 29745Pomeranians 803-831-8086is proud to presentChampionJamel's Texas Kane of SharelCh. Sharel's Southern Diamond X Jamel's Precious Mirade GirlT.K." finished his championship with a whirlwind campaign, lovingly handled by Sharon Hicks, owner of his sire, Champion Sharel's Southern Diamond.Many thanks to all the judges who rewarded his flashy movement and showy attitude. Much love to Eleanor for our beloved boy and for her patience with our emotional ringside anticsOwners S.W. Brenda Turner P.O. Box 7676 Texarkana, TX 75505 214832-7742 Breeder Eleanor Clark212 Redwater Rd. Wake Village, TX 75501 214832-1389The Pom Reader October 1990The Pom Reader October 199012t91 _CH. JANESAS GLEN IRIS SORCERESS BOSS Houston Pomeranian Club Judge Mrs. Dorothy Bonner Handled by Co-Owner Hiram StewartSable is a multiple Group winner and the free-whelping mother of champions below. Sire Ch. Jamels Fugicle of Southland - new Canadian Champion\mLlCH.JANESAS GLEN IRIS STARSTRUCK BOW, BOS, Award of Merit Best in Sweepstakes, APC Specialty 1990 AND Free whelping mother of two girls. Owner Jerrie FreiaCH. GLEN IRIS JANESA STAR A beautiful mover with style personality Owner Mary HechingerStentaway KennelsGlen Iris Pomeranians Cheryl A.Show Prospect Puppies AvailableThe Pom Reader October 1990mm13JCH.GLEN IRIS LADY GUENEVEREThe Bitch that has so much coat...Bambi bounced back from an easy stint at motherhood to finish quickly with majors from Mrs. Curtis Humphrey and Clinton Harris.HER SISTER HER DAUGHTER Sire Ch. Tim Sues Distant LightsBEST OF WINNERS ii ir\ BEST OF WINNERS BEST OF OPPOSITE v- SVASHEVILLEKENNEL CLUBJULY JIGLENWOODS BIT O HONEYNeeds a single point to finish Co-Owner Donna HobartGLEN IRIS DISTANT LADY Best Puppy, RWB, Houston Specialty New Owners Kathy, Mark Melissa LenhartJacksonJoel M. Taylor205-328-6603The Pom Reader October 199014Ky lc KeckTom Graves CRYPTORCHIDISM My champion bitch had a litter of puppies at the beginning of September. One of them is a beautiful at least to me little boy, and I am waiting, as many breeders do, to see if his testicles decide to drop into their correct position within the scrotum...Cryptorchidism is a big problem in many Toy breeds. As such, I think the subject deserved a column in The PomReader.Before we get started, lets get our terminology straight. Some people like to refer to a dog with one testicle in the scrotum as a monorchid. This is incorrect. A monorchid would be an animal with one testicle. Most dogs with undescended testicles actually have two testicles, one of which has chosen not to take its normal position within the scrotum. The term cryptorchid means hidden testicle. In a unilateral cryptorchid, one testicle resides within the scrotum, while the other is hiding either in the inguinal canal or within the abdomen. I have never seen a monorchid dog a dog with only one testicle. I have, unfortunately, seen many cryptorchids.In a normal dog, the testicles are descended into the scrotum by 10 days of age. If, by the time the dog is 8 weeks old, a testicle has still not descended, the dog is called a cryptorchid. These rules may or may not apply to the Pomeranian. I have known of dogs in which both testicles were scrotal at 8 weeks of age, yet eventually became cryptorchids. Conversely, I have known of instances in which breeders claim testicles did not drop into the scrotum until almost a year of age. As usual, Toydogs break all the rules.At any rate, the bottom line is this an alarmingly high percentage of male dogs end up being cryptorchids. Cryptorchidism is, in fact, the most common reproductive disorder of male dogs. According to one study, the incidence of cryptorchidism in the dog population is 13 percent. Researchers have found that there are certain breeds that are predisposed to cryptorchidism. ThoseThe Pom Reader October 1990breeds are the Miniature and Toy Poodle, Pekingese, Yorkshire Terrier, Miniature Dachshund, Cairn Terrier, Chihuahua, Maltese, Boxer, English Bulldog, Miniature Schnauzer, Shetland Sheepdog and you guessed it the Pomeranian.Whether the testicles descend normally or not is determined by genetics. There is nothing you can do about it once a puppy is born. Various treatments for cryptorchidism have been tried, including hormone injections. These are not successful, and should not be tried.Getting rid of cryptorchidism is likely to be a difficult business. The interitance mode of the disorder is not completely understood. At present, cryptorchidism is thought to be a sex-limited autosomal recessive trait. That means that both parents have to be carriers of the gene in order for cryptorchidism to show up in a puppy. As strange as it might sound for someone who does not know genetics, a female can carry genes for cryptorchidism as well as a male. That creates a problem. Since females do not have testicles, it is difficult to tell if a bitch carries a gene for cryptorchidism. However, if a bitch produces a cryptorchid puppy, she must be a carrier, since in order to express a recessive gene, a puppy must get that genetic material from both its father and mother.Furthermore, if a male puppy is not a cryptorchid, that does not mean that it is not a carrier. A dog with normal testicles can produce a cryptorchid puppy if he carries the gene. If you have a cryptorchid dog, you should have him castrated. In fact, castration of cryptorchid dogs is crucial for two reasons 1. Cryptorchids should not be used for breeding 2. There is a higher rate of testicular tumors in undescendedtesticles than in normal testicles. This has been well established by epidemiological research.As you might know, cryptorchid dogs are allowed to be exhibited at English dog shows. This is in contrast to AKC shows at which cryptorchidism is not allowed. I think it is unfortunate that a dog can become an English champion with only one testicle in its scrotum. Cryptorchidism is an unhealthy state and measures should be taken to eliminate the condition.Decreasing the incidence of cryptorchidism in dogs will depend on responsible breeding programs. Being a realist, I know that if every bitch that ever produced a cryptorchid were spayed and every sire of a cryptorchid, castrated, there would probably be very few breeding animals left. However, at the very least, males and females which have produced cryptorchids should not be mated to each other.On a related topic, a breeder recently asked me if it is necessary that a dogs testicles be both of the same size. It seems that her dog had been dismissed from the ring for the reason of having one testicle smaller than the other. In my experience, it is not uncommon for testicles to be slightly unmatched in size and I would not consider it a problem. However, extreme differences between testicular sizes could be considered pathologic. There are a number of conditions which can cause testicular hypoplasia. Also, there is a direct correlation between testicular size and sperm production. Dogs with larger testicles are more fertile.Tom Graves is in his senior year at Cornell Veterinary School and has twice been awarded the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Veterinary Scholarship. Tom is a frequent contributor to the D-McG Publications.15mv 3iVs miCH. MIXONS ROSSI OF FRIPPYour Showcase for Purebred PomsSUBSCRIPTION RATESIn U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per Year Domestic24.00 Third Class Post 40.00 First Class Post Foreign Rates Upon Request Sample Issues 3.00 each Back Issues 3.00 each subject to availability5DECEMBERatwiWfcMULTIPLE ECH. GREAT ELMS PRIDE AND JOV^ieacerJULY1988 VOLUME IV. NUMBER 59LICh. Glen Iris Ivanhoe0aJo tmerasuasiADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAD SIZEANNUALPREPAIDCONTRACT OPEN RATEFULL PAGE Color 300.00 300.00FULL PAGE bw 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 10.00 12.00ads 14 page and larger include one black white photo at noextra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine.Make check or money order payable toDoll-McGinnis Publications8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephone 813-858-3839FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, WE HONORVISAA VMasterCardr-r-'-r r'.. .II.. 1.3112wHC F FROSTSbOObThe Pom Reader October 199016SPECIAL ADDITION JANUARY-SEPTEMBER 1990 Presently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the Breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIAL ADDITION.SPECIAL ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsPoints not to be confused with AKC championship points are alloted to individuals according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and Fields Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point credit. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds....................500BEST IN SHOW Specialty......................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty...75TOY GROUP FIRST................................... 250TOY GROUP SECOND..............................150TOY GROUP THIRD.....................................75TOY GROUP FOURTH.................................25BEST OF BREED.........................................10Statistician Susan Wade. Tie placements are marked with an asterisk. BISS is for Independent Specialties only. The following is the listing of the Top Twenty Poms, as per the JANUARY- SEPTEMBER 1990 AKC Gazette.POINTS NAME4165 CH. JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT D................................BaumgartnerConinoBaker, Owners3795 CH. TOMHO CHAMPAGNE WISHES D........................R. Koeppel, Owner3255 CH. SOUTHLANDS MR VIP OIDA D...........................CreedJacksonTaylor, Owners3000 CH. SHADOMOUNTIN ONE MAN SHOW D.. K. Bucher, Owner2750 CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT TV POLISH D......................J. Hurley, Owner2010 CH. JAMOLS KLASSIC HI TIME D..............................B. Pauli, Owner1865 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D...................................S. T. Goddard, Owners1820 CH. JANES WEE PRINCE OF JERIBETH D.. G. J. Reed, Owners1715 CH. JAN-SHARS HILLBILLY CLASSIC D_________S. Hanson, Owner1670 CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR D. . F. Stoll, Owner1530 CH. LANAS TOP PRIORITY D.....................................CraigEjhorszt, Owners1260 CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY D.......................A. Roberts, Owner1120 CH. TIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTS D............................S. P. Conlee, Owners1045 CH. TEXICANS HOUDINI D.........................................M. Lang, Owner1010 CH. CLAIRMONTS TRAVELING DIAMOND D L. Bryson, Owner915 CH. TOMHOS STRUTTING TERMITE D___________H. Sklar, Owner900 CH. LLL HIGH LIGHTS GOLDIE HAWN B... StetsonLuginsland, Owners750 CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING H D. PiazzaBaker, Owners700 CH. GARTONS GOLDUST B.......................................L. Garton, Owner660 CH. ODYSSEYS KENO WHIZ D...................................TraunerManuscak, OwnersBISA BISS BOSS I1 - - 571 - - 41 - 65 4 2 1 4 4 2 2 1 2 1 2 12 - 111 - 1H HI IV BOB10 9 6 97 8 7 226 8 5 134 7 3 55 7 5 104 3 5 65 5 4 147 5 3 74-193 13 75 2 2 84 2-14 3 123 1-22 5 162-343 2-52 1151 - - 1The Pom Reader October 199017Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S. Magnolia. Ocala. Florida 32676 904 237-1636TIM-SUE POMERANIANSHome of the LightsTim Sue Goddard Route 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570318 543-6622DOVER-HOUHOUSE POMSCh. Stud ServiceParti, Chocolate, Black Tan and Black Stud Service Puppies OccasionallyKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski 609-695-1642iohn e. heartzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY PO BOX 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S. CANADA BON 1C0Tel 902 673-2446EEenette EPc'me'iamanbBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner'VCH. GREAT ELMS MODELS TIMSTOPPER4Vz lbs. deep orangeStanding at stud to approved bitches. 150.00. Free color picture and pedigree upon request. Several litters due by Topper as well as other outstanding studs.Please call or write for price list. We offer our free newsletter to Pom breeders who are sincerely interested in working together to breed a better Pom.STUD SERVICE PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYfattysfonferaijiaiis6520 GAME FARM RD. E MOUND, MN 55364PATTY JENSEN Phone 612 472-59505sCiolbcrcst JumeraniansMichael Bandy Glenn Bernardo 20524 Pioneer Boulevard Lakewood, CA 90715 213 402-9606 evesdi. chd ^BusterMultipleToy Group Winner, sire of Am. Can. Champion winners of Best in Show All Breeds National Specialties Multiple Toy Groups Multiple Group Placements Multiple Best of BreedsBreeder-Owner-Exhibitor Mrs. James R. Dupre Sr., Route 2 Box 878-A, Colfax, LA 71417. 318 627-5180.BEV-NOR POMS...C. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Number 1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983, 24 BIS, 5 Specialties, Sire of top winning females 1984, 1985, sire of only Black Tan to ever go BISA, a top producer. Stud fee 250.00 limited to 15 per year.Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman Multi Group winner, a Toasted Fudge son, sire of Champions, a top producer for 1988 also. Stud Fee 250.00. Puppies Available.Bev Bill Norris 7747 Meadow Road301 255-1343 Pasadena, MD 21122JDs Pompous PomsJanet Hovey Dan Farrell RR 3 Box 45A Huntingdon, TN 38344 901 986-0014MNMS POMS-R-USMARY GENE WELLS 4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621714-994-0259Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466The Pom Reader October 199018UPDATE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY-SEPTEMBER 1990 Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranians fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on this area. The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience, and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this publications will be used for point credit. Many times the actual show dates will varyfrom the date of publication i.e., a September show may not be published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.The following is the LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE JANUARY-SEPTEMBER 1990 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR..............................POINTSD. WATTS......................S. HANSON....................P. GRIFFIN....................J. CABRERA.................S. JOHNSON..................JACKSONTAYLOR. GEMMELPLONKEYREADYGRAY...............B. SEGELKEN...............M. ALLAN.......................57..55..544848..43..413737..36Tie placements alphabeticalThe Pom Reader October 199019VATft^i POTftS offers PUPPIES, BROODS STUDS directly from GREAT ELMS KENNELMargaret Samples 704 821-74505816 Deal Road Matthews, NC 28105mSooPomeraniansCh. Doo-Shays Funky Madeanna finishes prior to 11 months and takes a Group I and a Group IV - Smile, Pat Dieball We are - thanks ta youShannon Johnson Route 1, Box 456 Warrenville, SC 29851. Tel 803 663-0210 STARLITE POMERANIANS Home of CH. Starlite Legacy Choco BearGayle Tom Griffin 3074 Lancaster Drive NE No. 253 Salem, OR 97305Emcees PomeraniansInquiries Invited 804 741-3024 Morris Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 23233SouthlandPomeraniansRAYS OF SUNSHINEJ CHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE PINEVILLE, LA 71360 PHONE 318 - 466-3456Pom Acres KennelR.R.4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613319-989-2199DOSSMARFor sale or terms Blkwht. brood bitch, free whelper redwht. brood bitch, free whelper. Both 3 years old. Orgwht. male 112 years old. Parti pups born in March.Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Rd.414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040QQ.6IH 2 ^omeiamansCheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor SK1038 16th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603ChesaiPomeranians4Robert Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260 512 438-2667RHEA-NA POMSExclusively Bev-Nor BreedingChampion sired puppies will be available summer fall. Steve Barbara NagyRt. 2 Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Tel 703-869-3749ALLAYNSMary Allan Ph 918 485-30102508 E. Tacoma Street OrBroken Arrow, OK 74014 918 355-2531Bi-Mar PomeraniansHome of BIS CH. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Mary A. Rosenbaum 38711 - 200th Avenue SEAuburn, WA 98002 206-833-2160LLLPOMERANIANSHome of 1 Bitch 1989 CH. LLL HIGH LIGHTS GOLDIE HAWNJanice Luginsland Rt. 1 Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316-443-5157The Pom Reader October 199020DUc'uze...its an ugly word often conjuring unhappy emotions and angry strife. But what happens to the family pet during times of family stressby Nancy HolmesSome dogs are mostly left out of the issue as they belonged to one spouse or the other before the marriage. Sometimes one was not interested at all in a jointly purchased pet. Other times the dog goes with the kids - whoever has one gets the other.And weve all read about those funny cases where the bitterest divorce issue is custody of the dog. But what do you do when you are the breeder, and a person in the midst of the divorce comes to youHeres a situation, as yet unresolved, that has been presented to me. Its a tough one and I dont have the answers. As much as I would like to have them I dont know if I ever will. We all do the best we can and have to live with it when its not enough.I sold a puppy with my usual return it any time forever guarantee. He went off to a new home that had been carefully screened for previous pet ownership history and current living situation. A major plus was that the referral came from some great folks that owned the littermate and they were related to the purchasers. When they said they wouldnt hesitate to let these folks have their dog it was a clincher. I was terribly attracted to these pups, even moreso than usual as I had hand-raised them. Several checkups later all was well and everyone loved the dog with hubby perhaps being a little less interested than mom and son. The pup had been purchased as a son and hubby present by mom. The pup had bonded in well appearing to be closest to the mother as she was his usual caretaker and contact in the home.The phone call came out of the blue and rather late at night from the mother.It seems she had split up with her husband and while he had gotten custody of their son her husband had stolen the dog and his AKC papers from their home.This would not be too bad provided the dog was being well taken care of, but the husband appeared to be living out of his van. The dog was being left in the van in the summer heat. During the custody hearing the dog had been left in the van in the sun with all the windows rolled up. Looking in, people had thought the dog was deadOne big concern was that the AKCpapers were in the name of the husband. His name was the same as the sons and the son was too young to sign the papers, so just one name was used. From the gruesome details it was obvious the husband was punishing the wife, using the dog to do it. The dog would scream and run up and down the van when he saw the wife trying to get to her and the husband refused to let the wife even touch the dog.As all this is occurring a good ways away from me, and the husband has no known address, I felt quite helpless. I asked the wife to give her husband my name, address and phone number as I wanted to make sure he knew I would take the dog. The wife wasnt interested. I also suggested that she contact the local humane society as they have the power to remove a dog that is not being properly cared for. Thats if they can find the dog Each week the son visits with the father at a different motel in the area. I suggested that the Humane Society might be able to remove the dog from those premises if the wife made a complaint. As I have no description or license number for the van, I cant do what Im tempted to do - go and steal the dog myselfThe wife is now on welfare so the suggestion of a lawyer was also passed by as not acceptable. I was able to reassure her that the AKC papers were not considered from all Ive read, anyway to be legally binding as proof of ownership.To make sure I wasnt getting upset about a situation that was not really happening I checked with the relatives they were the ones who told me the dog had seeemed near death at the hearing and were amazed he had survived the heat. I still worry that I am becoming enmeshedin a family power struggle but I would like to be the dogs advocate. I entreated the relatives to urge follow-up on the Humane Society intervention idea. They too are horrified by the dogs situation but arent sure they want to butt in. I can understand as I really dont want to, either. But I dont want one of my puppies to die because I misjudged people In fact, I think the son could use some rescue, too. The happy loving family I saw seems to have come apart, leaving only bitter vindictiveness with innocent victims among the potential casualties.In the wake of all this I have a litter of puppies coming and Im wondering what Ill do differently when I screen buyers this time, to try to prevent a repeat of this situation. Im not sure there is anything I can do. After twelve years my screening techniques have greatly improved and over that time Ive made few mistakes. But I think that from now on I wont sell to anyone that I dont personally like no matter how well they check out with all the logical tests. If theres no warm and fuzzy feeling therell be no sale. This could definitely be a limiting decision and I know there are plenty of good pet owners out there that I wouldnt want as part of my family. I want to be fair. But how do I ask people who feel like strangers what will happen if...and get an answer I can feel is reliable other than by gut instinct This is definitely going to take some serious thinking.If anyone has any great suggestions for resolving the problem Id love to hear them. Id like to be able to share them with all of you, too. Solutions have become a hot item around hereNancy HolmesThe Pom Reader October 199021Grafenhorsts Poms Tiny Partis Pretty Heads Open Markings Heavy Coats Short Backs Super SoundnessWe are very excited about our lovely litters from Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette, and the top winning chocolate in the U.S., Ch. Starlite's Legacy Choco Bear.f These super boys are at stud to approved bitches. Several promising puppies available. For further information, contactHORST GRAF GRAFENHORST POMS 12000 NW 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465MANOR HILL POMS"'W4Silver Meadows Skip OScooter - pointed Bonner bloodlinesPuppies 42890 - 2M x Granddaughter of CH. Bev-Nors Do It To It 23 Champions51390 -2M, 1Fx daughter of Ch. Silver Meadows Beau of Legacy 35 ChampionsPuppies by son of Ch. Silver Meadows Beau of LegacyDue 71590 x daughter of Ch Bi Mars Sonny Go Lucky 52 ChampionsDue 71890 x granddaughter of Ch. Silver Meadows Beau of Legacy 22 ChampionsReasonable prices - 3 Broods for sale Helen Conrad, 1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223. Tel 813-475-1724WHID-DONS POMSHome OfTIM SUES SPARK OF LIGHT TIM SUES DYNAMITE_________________Barbara T. Whiddon, 4703 Monroe Hwy., V Pineville, LA 71310. Tel 318-640-2993. ' Quality Bred Puppies OccasionalIvICERAMA POMSSkip Piazza THE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266reciousHome of GabrielBreederOwnerCLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson. LA 70181 i 504 737-1729tesHOME OF THENORMA C. GAD 915 584-0942KILLER AND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS 5908 Upper Valley Road El 'Paso, TX 79932RGS Pomeranians PedigreesLifetime guarantees, medical insurance, rebate program for show. Pedigrees researched. 24 hour availability. 904-247-5384.Blossom Heights PomsBlossom Heights McGuires Amy John Arlene Benko 5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 407-842-5591CIRCUS CIRCUSFOXWOODWe have litters due in September and October By Great Elms Joey Of Lenette Ch. Queenaire Starburst Ch. Great Elms Models Timstopper Ch. Bi-Mar Sho-Gun of Jerbos Barbara Don DeFord Cheri L. Peel206-833-4634 FAX 206-458-3771 206-458-3198WIN EJRK5 POM5 ftBILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE, HIXSON, TENNESSEE 37343 615-842-8184The Pom Reader October 199022 MFROM OUR READERSSHES BAAAAAA CKMTo The Pom Fancy,Yes, the rumor is now confirmed. I am back...and back to stay After a forced 2-year absence, I decided that Poms were in my blood, and it was time to get back to doing what I love best breeding and showing Poms.One of my first steps was to renew my subscription to the Reader of course and to get back in touch with some of my very good friends and fellow breeders. Within a month, I had 5 dogs at my place Nothing like starting out small.I just wanted to take the time to thank the Pom fancy for my hearty welcome back - in the ring I was greeted with open arms. You people are the bestBut most of all, thanks to the special people who after my 2-year break, have not only encouraged me to show again, but have sent me their very best dogs to show First, theres David Hogg who called me one day - says to meet him in Kokomo on Saturday and sends 3 home with me. A gorgeous young champion male who won a Group 1st and 4th our first month out and 2 pups for training. And Riki Barker from Texas sent me a young gray pup out of 2 dogs I bred to show. Because of his color, this was to be a challenge for me, one I welcomed because of his exceptional quality. I knew he deserved his championship. This male just finished last weekend with a Group 2nd, and a Group 1st. And to my dear friend forever, it seems Shannon Johnson, your kids are just fine She sent me two of her best class dogs to show, so for now Im piloting Doo-Shay here in this area. They will be back soon, Shannon, I promise And of course I always have something cooking with Claudia Pfeffer...Thanks again, Pom Fancy - its so good to be backJeanne Stafford, WINDJAMMER POMS306 McCumber St., Buchanan, Ml 49107 Jeanne Its good to have you back - continued success JMcGJoe,I have received your publication for over a year now and am very pleased with it. I am sure I will be a subscriber for many years to come. Im also considering your Toy breed publication.Thank you and I look forward to doingfuture business with you.Gail Rodgers, GAILELLEN POMS Florham Park, New Jersey Gail Thanks for the note, and for your support.This must be the year of The Pom Reader. Our circulation has almost doubled and shows no signs of stopping. In addition, recent changes in the publishing world have made us not just the only monthly Pom magazine, but also the oldest continually- edited Pom magazine. When we were number two we tried harder, and now that were number one were going to pull out all the stops.With your continued support we look for many happy years of The Pom Reader.JMcGDear Pom Reader People,I just received my first issue of Pom Reader. I love itI want to order a years subscription for my sister-in-law. Enclosed you will find a check. Send gift subscription to Mrs. Donna Pratt, Spruce, Michigan.Thank you muchMrs. Abigail BardVirginia Beach, Virginia Mrs. Bard Mrs. Pratts first issue is on its way, and I thank you for you support.JMcGDear Joe,I loved Tom Graves column, By The Book. It is my belief that vaccines never get enough discussion. Ask him to elaborate on maternal antibody decline, innoculation before or after impregnation, and also the different antibiotic agents used to stabilize vaccines and each ones potential to cause anaphylaxis. Ive seen 5 cases of anaphylactic shock in 10 years, all caused by vaccines that use penicillin as the stabilizer. Its a pleasure to know that someone of Toms caliber is writing for our magazine.Olympia column never ceases to amaze me. I like it so much Finally the truth is beginning to come out about black skin disease. I had a dear friend with a champion that had pituitary growth hormone deficiency about 10 years ago. We carefully looked into solving the problem then. The condition was treatable but expensive - about 1500.00 for testing and treatment. The secondary problem from treatment was diabetes in about35 percent of treated animals.The 60 percent predilection in males certainly gives the indication that is it chromosomal sex-linked. Whenever a breeding pool becomes excessively inbred the potential for these difficulties can occur. Proof that understanding of genetics is important in dog breeding.Also enclosed is a big good luck in surgery cartoon from the Partis at Parti Line for Shannon Johnson. Could you either print it or send it to herI miss Shu Shus humor. Hope my humorous O.R. tech Pom will cheer Shu Shu up while Shannons in the hospital.Thanks Nan Shartel, NABOB POMS Nan Better yet, Ill print it AND sent it on to Shannon. That was a very nice thing for you to do and Im sure Shannon and Shu- Shu will appreciate it.WHAT DO YOU THINK, SHU SHU WILL THIS OUTFIT GET US INTO SHANNONS SURGERYGet well soon Pom Love Kisses from the PARTI LINE POMSAnd thanks for the comments about our columnists. Watch the Pom Reader for more from all concerned. JMcGduThe Pom Reader October 1990Product ReviewStaffNew from Borwick Innovations, Inc PET SCREEN DOOR.The following description accompanies the product Unless your pet lives strictly indoors or outdoors, you have had one of three choices ignore your pets scratches and replace your screening every few months get up and open your screen door every time your pet wants to go in or out or leave the door open and accumulate a house full of insects.Now, a new doorway to convenience for pet owners has been opened by a California manufacturer for about 24.00.Borwick Innovations of Santa Barbara has introduced a pet screen door that mounts directly into the screening of a door or window screen, accomodating the comings and goings of up to a 30-pound dog or cat. Made of durable, light-weight plastic, the door measures eight-by-ten inches and can be installed in minutes using only a knife and hammer.The door incorporates several convenient features. Pre-installed magnets prevent it from swinging in a strong breeze when not being used by the pet. Security locks may be closed from the inside to prevent the pet from using the door. The product is fully guaranteed by the manufacturer. Doors may be obtained from local pet or hardware stores, from mail order catalogs, or by writing Borwick Innovations, P.O. Box 30345, Santa Barbara, CA 93130. For more information, contact Eleanor Winters, 1-800-365-5657.Here at the offices of the Pom Reader we have had one of the Pet Screen Doors in use for two weeks. We are impressed.As stated, the pet screen door is a breezeto install - ours went into place in less than three minutes. One trip through and even the most stubborn Toy dog will enjoy this easy access to his adequately fenced yard. We would never advise the use of a product such as this without a secure outside area.The manufacturers do not mention, and might not have noticed, but there is an added advantage to the locking system. If you slide the bolts into the lock position while the door is open, the door will open inward but not outward. The pet can then gain access back into the house but cannot return outside. Perfect for a sudden rain or a slow-to- come-when-called Toy Dog.The plastic seems durable enough for years of use for the average dog. It will probably stand up to use by multiple dogs. There are no sharp edges to damage coat or inflict injury. The door itself is light-weight enough that should it bop the dog on the head they will receive no more than a surprise, but we are always leery of any swinging door for there is always the possibility of the dog going into reverse and trapping its head. As with any animal-related device, judicious use is important. We recommend leaving the door in the locked position any time a human is not in close proximity.The Pet Screen Door is not unattractive in fact, it almost blends into the larger screen door itself. In all it can be a boon to small- dog owners.The PR gives it three stars.COMING IN JANUARYPUPPIESPUPPIESPUPPIESOnly babies are allowed the special rates Celebrate your up-and-coming superstars in our January issue dedicated to the next generation of powerhouse Poms. Ads featuring pups under 12 months of age will enjoy these special ratesFULL PAGE Color275 FULL PAGE BW 90 HALF PAGE 49DEADLINE DECEMBER 15Doll-McGinnis Publications 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809Tel 813-858-3839 FAX 813-853-3624 We gladly honor VISA , MASTERCARD , American ExpressSTORK REPORTNew Expected LittersLITTER OF TWO 1 Male, 1 FemaleSire Wee-Paws Hot Bosco Ch. Janesas Trendsetter x Janesas Antique Gold x a red Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudgedaughter.MIA POMS, Ramona J. Smith, HCR 4 Box 26B, Bowman, ND 58623. Tel 701-574-3158.The Pom Reader October 1990cma0C\m4mGROUPFIRSTKENOSHAKENNEL CLUBOOTH PHOTO BY RITTERMrs. Riki Barker 17734 Melanie Lane Needville, TX 77461 409 553-3672CH. Windjammers Mosaic Dream x Windjammers Sundae SurpriseONLY is pictured above at 13 months winning the TOY GROUP under Dr. T. Allen Kirk. The day before, he finished his Championship with a BANG by winning a group 2nd under Mr. Charles Deer. Our sincere thanks to these two gentlemen and their positive comments on this stylish young dog, and to all the other judges and fans of THE GRAY DOG. SEE...YOU DONT HAVE TO BE ORANGE TO WINMOSIC POMS would like to extend a BIG THANKS to Jeanne Stafford for her excellent care and handling of ONLY. We here at MOSAIC are glad you are backPuppies Occasionally Stud ServiceBREEDEROWNER HANDLERMrs. Riki Barker Jeanne C. Stafford17734 Melanie Lane 306 McCumber StreetPending AKC ConfirmationBuchanan, Ml 49107 616 695-7308" S.