The Pom Reader December 1990

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MBER 1990 10St. S2MW.51 SlsiiSSr s MBffl -r. "LI , r .1'IL7C vittiii '- Iif rxlViI ftBEST OF WINNERSLAKE EUSTIS KENNEL CLUB e NOVEMBER 1990tyiaumPHOTO BY - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ' " -......................................................----------------------------------------------------------------^------------ma.'..m\h.... I.ON OUR COVERTWIN OAKS GENTLEMAN JACK takes best of winners from the puppy class under judge Mrs. Glenda Dawkins, handled by Ann Terry.MOTHER SONwish everyone a Merry ChristmasGLEN IRIS STAR TOPAZ Ch. Jamels Fugicle of Southland x Ch. Wee Hearts Bearly An Angel Breeders Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor Winners Bitch, Best of Opposite Sex Handled by Joel M. TaylorTWIN OAKS GENTLEMAN JACK Deywelas Glen Iris Starlord x Glen Iris Star Topaz Breeders Carol Bill CatesWinners Dog, Best of Winners Handled by Ann TerryTHANK YOU MRS. DAWKINS FOR THIS EXCITING DAY AT LAKE EUSTIS, FLORIDA Punnias availahla from Sonny Cf' Puppies available fromJV]N EJHK5 POM5 ftBILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE HIXSON, TENNESSEE 37343615-842-81843Doo-Shay says THANK YOUWithout the help and support from so many, we wouldnt be where we are today'Sir' 1 t5VCH.DOO-SHAYS WESTERN EXPOSE B.C.1990 Champion featured with judge Dr. Samuel Draper. Credits also go to judges Mr. Roland Ademack, Mr. E. Phoa, Mrs. N. Riley, Mr. A. Maurer.CH. DOO-SHAYS FUNKY MADEANNA 1990 Champion featured with judge Mr. Kevin Brown. Credits also go to judges Mr. John Honig, Mr. B. Taylor, Mr. F. W. Braun, Mr. D. Emmett, Mr. Harper. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU, MADEANNA FINISHED AT 9 MONTHS1WINNERSGRAND RAPIDS KENNEL CLUB MAY1990 BOOTH PHOTO BY RITTERCH. DOO-SHAYS WILD THING 1990 Champion featured with judge Barbara Alderman. Credits also goto judges Clover Allen, Elaine Rigden, Bill Taylor, Diane Anderson.SPECIAL THANKS TO PAT JEANETTE DIEBALL WHO HAVE TAKEN EXCELLENT CARE OF ALL MY BABIES DURING THEIR SHOW CAREERS. This brave team finished the above quickly and in record time. They must have gotten bored because they asked for more Doo-Shay Pills to show. Without these caring professional handlers and the judges mentioned above, we wouldnt have acquired 4 Champions in 1990.THANK YOU ALLALWAYS AND FOREVER...THANKS TO CHARLOTTE CREED OF SOUTHLANDPOMSWAY TO GO CAROL GALAVICHU BB IS A DOLLDOO-SHAY POMERANIANS SHANNON JOHNSONROUTE 1 BOX 455 WARRENVILLE, SC 29851 803 663-0210The Pom Reader December 1990December 1990Volume V, Number 10TABLE OF CONTENTS 8. SPECIAL ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, January-November AKC Gazette.10. OLYMPIAMore on cheyletiella.12. POMERANIAN ESCAPADES by Susan JohnsonA typical Pom owner takes a little trip14. PARTI LINE by Nan ShartelDreaming of a White Christmas...18. ASKSHU-SHUShu-Shu gets into the swim of things.20. NEW CHAMPIONSTitleholders published in November 1990,22. BY THE BOOK Tom GravesChristmas gifts.24. STORK REPORTNew expected litters.26. LETTERS...Our readers respond.31. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.31. UPDATETop Ten Exhibitors, January-November 1990.The Pom Reader is published by Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, Florida, 33809, out of admiration for the purebred Pomeranian. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, FL. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third-Class Service in the continental United States 24.00. Foreign and First Class prices upon request. Issues of the Pom Reader are sent as a courtesy to all AKC licensed Pomeranian, Toy Group, and Best In Show judges. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, The Pom Reader, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809. Telephone 813 858-3839. FAX 813-853-3624.The Pom Reader December 1990This issue of the Pom Reader is made possible in part by the following advertisersFRONT COVER BILL Carol Cates TWIN OAKS POMS BACK COVERSue Cook RAINBEAU POMSINDEX TO ADVERTISERSALLAN, M.....................................................25ALVERS PED. SVC.....................................25BENKO, A....................................................30BANDY, M................................................... 30BEAM, R......................................................25BERNARDO, G............................................30CARSON, M. B.........................................27CATES, W. C..................................... 1,2,30COBB, J.......................................................29CONRAD, H................................................ 30COOK, S.................................................30,32CREED, C....................................................27DALLAS-FT. WORTH POM CLUB............... 9DOSSINGER, M..........................................25DUPRES, E................................................. 29FEIST, V. W............................................. 13FIDDICK, R. J....................................... 5,27FINCH, D..................................................... 30FREIA, J...................................................... 29GAD, N.........................................................30GRAF, H...................................................... 30GRIFFIN, G................................................. 22GRIFFITH, K................................................24HARTZ, K.................................................... 25HEARTZ, J. C.......................................... 30HOVEY, J.................................................... 29JACHALKE, D. Y......................................25JACKSON, C............................................... 25JENSEN, P.................................................. 30JOHNSON, S............................................3,27LUGINSLAND, J..........................................25MARTIN, D.................................................. 23MASNICK, S................................................15MILLER, P................................................... 21NAGY, S. B...............................................25NORRIS, B.................................................. 29PEEL, C.......................................................24PFEFFER, C................................................30PIAZZA, S....................................................30RGS PEDIGREES.......................................29RGS POMS................................................. 29REED, P................................................. 16,17REILLY, R. J............................................ 25REIMSCHEISSEL, K...................................29ROSENBAUM, M........................................ 19ROYAL CANIN USA......................................7SAMPLES, M...............................................27SHARLAND, G............................................ 25SHARTEL, N................................................23WELLS, M. G........................................... 29WH1DDON, B..............................................305JUSTIN1x -T7 "\SAAho^2AVOtSOli v v\ftW VA x ,v O' - k vn x tssXJudge Mrs. Mildred K. BryantPom Acres Justin Tyme - BJPerfectly marked 412 lb. Black Tan - shown by his breeder Juanita Fiddick, owned by Lola Jo Strange. Proven sire, 3 sable pups out of Pom Acres I Shall Bee daughter of Ch. Shy Acres I Kan Too.JUSTIN is a joy to show and a joy to have back home - Thanks JosiePOM ACRES KENNELBOB JUANITA FIDDICK ROUTE 4, CEDAR FALLS, IA 50613The Pom Reader December 199064FROM THE EDITORI figure, if Tom Graves can browbeat his friends into giving him Christmas gifts, can at least throw around a few hints. There is no need to push and shove, however, for my Christmas list is extensive and runs the gamut from Things That I Would Like To Have, to Things That I Would Like To Have Very, Very Much. And almost every item fits the category of Things I Cant Afford.Of course, I must admit I am troublesome to buy for, and am rather a sneak when it comes to finding out what lies beneath the gift wrap. No one has ever been able to surprise me. And once I was able to surprise the Gift Giver.I was driving by the best department store in town, and saw a familiar car in the parking lot. Oh ho, I thought, somethings coming from Fancy Dans, which is not its name but which will have to suffice. I swiftly drove home, called the store, and by use of the account number and a couple of lies was able to ascertain what I was getting for Christmas. And that it was to be gift-wrapped and delivered to me. It was a pretty nice gift, I had to admit. I decided to have a little fun.I changed the color, style, and brand of the item in question. I added a couple of accessories which had been overlooked by the original buyer, then a new set of cufflinks to complete the ensemble, thereby running up the cost of the gift by about 150 percent. I had it packed up, wrapped real nice, and sent to me posthaste.Christmas Eve arrived and friends gathered to open gifts, taking turns. Everyone oohed and aahed over presents I gave -1 do have excellent taste. I saved my Fancy Dan package for last. I uncorked the traditional bottle of champagne, took center stage and opened my gift. You should have seen the look on Duanes face when the contents were revealed.I waited four months to explain - the poor guy was going nuts, thinking he had finally flipped over the edge into insanity, so I took pity and confessed. He was disgusted, and ever since has tried harder and harder to give me gifts about which I have no prior knowledge.Speaking of which, if you still havent finished your Christmas shopping, heres a little help, sent to me by Kathy Masilla.Another problem at Christmas is the eternal question...Whats a good gift for my doggy friends After searching around, I came up with the following books as a suggestion. Some of them Ive mentioned The Pom Reader December 1990.... anotherfancier.must have for any serious dogbefore, but all of them are real goodies and serve a real purpose in helping to breed better dogs. I know Tom Graves mentions two of my favorites in his column this month, The Merck Veterinary Manual and Dog Owners Home Veterinary Handbook. The following are more of my favorite books and brief descriptions of their contents.The New Knowledge of Dog Behavior byClarence J. Pfaffenburger, published by Howell Book House, Inc., 730 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10119. Fourteenth printing 1977. One of the best books published on dog psychology.Dogsteps Illustrated Gait At A Glance byRachel Page Elliott, also published by Howell Book House. Seventh Printing, 1981. There is a later edition of this book called The New Dogsteps, but the objective is the show how and why dogs move the way they do. This book is a must for any would-be breeder andor exhibitor.Dog Breeding For Professionals by Dr.Herbert Richards. Published 1978 by TFH Publications, Inc., 211 West Sylvania Ave., P.O. Box 27, Neptune City, NJ 07753, and its companion, Canine Reproduction, A Breeders Guide by Phyllis A. Holst DVM, published by Alpine Publications, Inc., 214 19th St. SE, Loveland, CO 80537. These are two extremely good books on breeding and whelping. I recommend them both, as each book contains valuable information. The first book is written more simply but has many good photographs, while the second goes into more detail, and is more up-to-date.Canine Terminology by Harold R. Spira, published by Howell Book House. 1982. This is a book for the consummate dog fancier, and for those who simply wish to learn. There is an excellent glossary of words ai phrases, technical and semi-technical, us4cL^ by dog fanciers. The illustrations, done by Mary Peggy Davidson, are both attractive and accurate, and help make this bookVeterinary Clinical Parasitology, Fifth Edition, by Margaret W. Sloss, BS, MS, DVM, and Russell L. Kemp AB, PhD. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa 50010. 1982. How to detect parasites and what to look for - this is a complete explanation of the parasites commonly found in dogs. It is a technical manual, and a welcome addition to the library of the serious breeder.From Riches to Bitches And a Cadillac For Your Vet and In Stitches Over Bitches And Now Your Vet Wants A Rolls Roycel,both written by Louise F. Shattuck. Published by Howell Book House. This author is no doubt the Erma Bombeck of the doggy set. These are two howling good volumes of episodes guaranteed to bring a tear and a smile to anyone who ever whelped a litter or walked into the show ring.Speaking of which, my presents are already rolling in and one from Kathy made it easier for another individual to buy for me. Kathy gave me a scale-model Rolls Royce Duane says hell give me the glue and the paint. Cheapskate.But this year they are determined to circumvent my God-given gift for divining Christmas presents, as evidenced by an occurrence just scant minutes ago. A package arrived, and the team went into action my attention was diverted and the box was spirited off to a most inscrutable, inaccessible spot. As a result I have no idea where the package went. Well, I guess they won this year - when I open my present, I will no doubt be the very picture of a person whos surprised. And ever so pleased at such a thoughtful, unexpected gift.And on that appointed evening, Christmas, wont the giver be surprised that I accidentally bought the shoes to match. Give yourself the gift that keeps on giving love of the Pomeranian, of your fellow man, and take the time to appreciate both.As 1991 approaches, I give you the present I want for you this December, and every December I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - and thats no surprise.JMcG7Guard Your Pet From Excessive Fat.Cynotechnique Pet Food is designed to help your dog or cat stay lean and lively.Some super-premium foods have more fat than. ..........^3omas mmmVS-lOYllCkNIN iIOY4LCN.NIN ROY4LCMROY4L CM ... 09amkTTTii amnROX4LCKNINA.GRSCYNOTECHNIQUE EE3E1]E]E]EHIEillE3E3E[A,2j^ I.3 -J [t.GRIMSIMpg-rnggi0 H provides oprimol boloneud energy ond nutrition for adult dog with sustained high levels of octivity.Cynotechnique' helpsdogsstiy lean and livelyOthor Cynoehniquo' products for iho dog53ra Eran TMPl.W s.cCC\4ffdiet with less risk of weight problems.For any stage of life or activity, theres a superpremium Cynotechnique food to help your pet reachthe animal needs, which can be harmful to top performance-and a long, healthy life,your pet. But Cynotechnique balances pro- Ask your professional pet-food supplier whichtein and fat in a nutritious fixed-formula Cynotechnique product is best for your pet.THE POWER OF BALANCEROY4LCKNINmi m himTo find the Cynotechnique dealer nearest you, call 1-800-592-6687. In Canada, call 1-800-527-2673. Royal Canin U.S.A., Inc.The Pom Reader December 19908SPECIAL ADDITION JANUARY-NOVEMBER 1990 Presently we find a number of Poms making their impact in Specials competition. In order to keep you informed as to the progress of these hard-working members of the Breed, we are pleased to offer you SPECIAL ADDITION.SPECIAL ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as followsPoints not to be confused with AKC championship points are alloted to individuals according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and Fields Trials Awards Book. Only this source will be used for point credit. A number of points has been allotted to the various placements, and they are as followsBEST IN SHOW All Breeds..........................500BEST IN SHOW Specialty............................250BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Specialty...75TOY GROUP FIRST.........................................250TOY GROUP SECOND....................................150TOY GROUP THIRD.......................................... 75TOY GROUP FOURTH...................................... 25BEST OF BREED...............................................10Statistician Susan Wade. Tie placements are marked with an asterisk. BISS is for Independent Specialties only. The following is the listing of theTopTwenty Poms, as per the JANUARY- NOVEMBER 1990 AKC Gazette.POINTS NAME5210 CH. HOMESTEADS SPIT N POLISH D.......................J. Hurley, Owner4640 CH. TOMHO CHAMPAGNE WISHES D........................R. Koeppel, Owner4625 CH. JERIBETH SIR LANCELOT D................................BaumgertnerConinoBaker, Owners4130 CH. SOUTHLANDS MR VIP OIDA D...........................CreedJacksonTaylor, Owners3590 CH. SHADOMOUNTIN ONE MAN SHOW D.. K. Bucher, Owner3350 CH. JAMOLS KLASSIC HI TIME D..............................B. Pauli, Owner3020 CH. TIM SUES HARBOR LIGHTS D............................S. P. Conlee, Owners2415 CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR D.. F. Stoll, Owner2340 CH. JANES WEE PRINCE OJERIBETH D... G. J. Reed, Owner1975 CH. JAN-SHARS HILLBILLY CLASSIC D.... F. Henson, Owner1920 CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY D.......................A. Robert, Owners1865 CH. TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS D...................................S. T. Goddard, Owners1540 CH. LANAS TOP PRIORITY D....................................CraigEjchorszt, Owners1455 CH. CLAIRMONTS TRAVELING DIAMOND D L. Bryson, Owner1275 CH. TOMHO STRUTTING TERMITE D.........................H. Sklar, Owner1055 CH. TEXICANS HOUDINI D.........................................M. Lang, Owner960 CH. PIXIES BUTTONS-N-BOWS B.............................C. Galavich, Owner930 CH. GOLDCREST PACIFIC DREAMER D.... J. Hovey, Owner900 CH. LLL HIGH LIGHTS GOLDIE HAWN B... StetsonLuginsland, Owners895 CH. TOMHO STRUTTING BUSH BABY D... T. Hooban, OwnerBISA BISS BOSS I2 1-871 - - 51 - - 61 - 71 - - 631 - - 41 - 25 3 2 2 2 2 22 12 1 3H ID IV BOB8 7 5 1110 12 8 2913 9 6 107 9 9 185 9 3 94 7 5 1011 7 3 24 2 3 97 5 3 94 - 1 106 3 125 5 4 145 2 2 93 5 2 84-55 3 1-3 2 2 2 62-28 3 2-51 - 7The Pom Reader December 19909Two brand new, limited edition sweatshirt designs, by artist W. E. McKinney, are being offered for a short time by the Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club, inc., as part of our non-profit fund-raising efforts They are available in a PolyCotton blend, brand name sweatshirt with Raglan sleevesDESIGN A POM FAMILY Mother Pomeranian, two puppies and butterfly are in bright red with distracted puppy in dramatic black Sweatshirt color is white0L.rman-.m Enclosed is _________________Mail check or money order payable toThe DFW Pomeranian Club, Inc.2108 Crockett Drive Carrollton, Texas 75006For immediate shipment on Credit Card orders, call 1-214-416-1583.Charge It VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVERDESIGN B POM IN POCKET Small, light gray Pomeranian with tiny red tongue rests in life- size pocket. The Pom in the pocket is puffed, making it stand out from the sweatshirt in realistic bas- relief Sweatshirt color is whiteDesign A POM FAMILY Sweatshirt DesignSize Qty. x Amount SubtotalM 19.95 ea. L 19.95 ea. XL 19.95 ea. Shipping Handling 3.00 ea. Total Due Design B POM IN POCKET Sweatshirt DesignSize Qty. x Amount SubtotalM 22.95 ea. L 22.95 ea. XL 22.95 ea. Shipping Handling 3.00 ea. Total Due Card Name .Exp. DateTelephoneAddressCity State Zip an cV AAllow 2-3 weeks deliveryimmediate shipment on credit card orders. No C.O.D. or Cash orders. U.S. funds only, pleaseThe Pom Reader December 199010OLYMPIADOGS HOWL AND...WHO SAYS THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN.rdG 1iCHEYLETIELLA is hardly news but it was to me. I first read about Cheyletiella mites in Tom Graves article in the June 1990 READER. I was familiar with the other mites he mentioned but had never heard of Cheyletiella or walking or moving dandruff as it is commonly called. Depending on how well a polaroid comes out in reproduction you should be able to see in accompanying photo what this walking dandruff did to one of my pups.We had sometimes noted in the past the super-undercoated puppies had a small amount of dandruff when brushed. Usually this disappeared by about 4 months of age. In several recent litters we noted a little MORE dandruff when we brushed but when the older of the pups became about 14 weeks they no longer evidenced it, yet they did have occasional itching bouts, and they had no fleas. This by the way, according to Tom Graves article, could be part of our problem with the Cheyletiella mite now, as in the past year we have had not fleas to combat and thus were using no chemicals of any kind to eradicate fleas. Tom said where flea pesticides were in use this particular mite is not seen as the pesticides keep it under control. Thus we may have had mild cases of the mite in past litters where we had some dandruff but the chemicals for de-fleaing we were then using removed the mites.We had a younger litter of 2 females, 2 males, whom the dam insisted on weaning at 7 weeks. They were very eager eaters and were hearty. The male was small but not unduly so. He was the best eater of the 3. In these pups, whom we began brushing at 6 weeks due to their extremely heavy coats, the dandruff was excessive it looked like a snowfall on the grooming table after a brushing. Three days after weaning the male in the litter began acting despondent and went off his food. Used to behavior like this The Pom Reader December 1990after weaning in some pups we put it down to that, but when he became slightly dehydrated and began standing in a stool- ing position with no stool problems we took him for a checkup. As it always is with pups it is difficult for a vet to pinpoint a problem, unless something like parvo, worms or coc- cidia shows up in the stool. His sample was absolutely negative for anything He was given subcutaneous fluids and we were advised to give him Nutri-Cal or Karo syrup and force-feed him via syrinage a blenderized diet if necessary. It was necessary. The following day he was even more despondent so we returned to the vet. At this time we mentioned the excessive dandruff. The vet took 3 hair samples before the Cheyletiella mites showed up under the microscope. Tom Graves said it was difficult to find these mites and he was right. However, later, after being told that the common term walking or moving dandruff meant literally just that, we spent about 5 long minutes peering into the parted coat before we saw this dandruff actually move. DisgustingWe raced home to re-read Toms article. He mentioned several treatments. Pyrethrin flea shampoo or parasiticidal dips once a week of either for 4 weeks and also briefly mentioned Ivomec, which Tom does not like to recommend as it is not yet tested for use in dogs. The label on Ivomec 1 sterile solution of Ivermectin reads that this product should not be used on animals other than cattle as severe reactions, and even fatalities in dogs, may result. I have heard of some breeds who absolutely cannot tolerate it, such as Collies and Shelties but I have used Ivomec in some of my dogs with no reactions and know that many breeders use it monthly to prevent heartworms.Our vet gave us Mycodex shampoo with Carbaryl. We also knew there was a Mycodex with pyrethrins. We ordered the latter and instead of the vet-given Mycodex with Carbaryl we elected to use a mild pyrethrins flea dip safe even for kittens on the 8-week-old puppies. Our adult dogs had no evidence of any dandruff. To the adults we elected to take our risks and gave each .10cc tuberculin syringe and the over-4-months pups .05 tuberculin syringe Ivomec, which would be repeated in 3 weeks time, with no dips or flea shampoos used. This method, we reasoned, was the better of giving coated adults and older pups a flea bath and brush out every week for four weeks. However, I stress the risk involved in using Ivomec is something you should discuss with your vet We had no reactions to Ivomec either in first or second dose. My vet advised that the risk was present but minimal in our breed but he advised not giving it to pups under 4 months of age. He also said that some vets are bitterly opposed to Ivomec, as it has not been tested adequately in dogs, and some vets use it themselves, but hesitate recommending it to clients. He said if we took the shortcut method to ensure NO dogs in our care had mites it was our risk alone. But he was not adamantly opposed.The 2 females in the 8-week litter were hale and hearty after the dip and brush out. They dropped about 75 of the dandruff and the vet also advised sprinkling flea powder into the coats midway through the week for the first 2 weeks of treatment. This we did. The 8-week male stopped eating completely 2 days after the dip and had to go on round- the-clock syringe feeding. On the 3rd morning after the dip he was found with a swimming-on-side seizure. Karo syrup quickly brought him alert. From then on we stepped up the karo, upon vet advice, and he had but one more minor swimming seizure and then none. On the 4th morning after the dip this puppys undercoat felt wet and sticky to the touch and looked like a mat.1 touched it and the entire coat came away from the skin in one patch area without a whimper from the pup. The photos at left show how much of his coat came out, and NO area was shaved The coat just came away like an unglued wig and the skin beneath was clear of any irritation. He looked like a plucked chicken The only areas where coat was left were his head, face, legs and one band that rounded his hips and tummy. Those who saw him said he looked like a Poodle groomers worst nightmare It almost appeared as if he had been deliberately shaved into a grotesque trim job The pup seemed to feel better after this fallout. He often resisted, firmly, our efforts to force-feed him but he was able now to get up and drink water from a bowl, leave his cushion to stool on paper, arrange his 2 favorite toys into a sort of pillow and even had brief periods where he played with us. We grew hopeful. However, he began to want to sleep more and more and would actually growl, very defensively, when we disturbed his sleep or re-arranged his toy-pillow arrangement. He also began more firmly to resist our feeding efforts, clenching his teeth closed so we had to pry his mouth open to feed. He kept his 1 lb., 7-week-old weight for2 weeks, then began to lose. We expected this as he was on a liquidized diet and not getting near enough down and would vomit up 14 of it if not fed every hour in small amounts. An every-2-hour feeding schedule became impossible as the larger amount caused immediate upchuck. Some thought he might have received brain damage during his two seizures, but I queried that. He knew enough to get off his cushion to stool, he reacted to playing, he knew just how he wanted his toys arranged for sleeping on. He even would go to the food bowl and stand over it, dip his head and try but he would not actually eat. I have seen brain-damaged pups after seizures, usually seizures heavy enough to make them comatose for a brief moment or more, but to me this pup exhibited no symptoms of brain damage.Finally, between 912 and 10 weeks he began crying when we fed him and the struggle was sad. We persevered, but our hopes grew dimmer. He died very quietly, gamely fighting to the end. We did not have him autopsied, as we have learned from past experience that no autopsy report on a puppy has ever come up with any broad hints as to cause, much less any conclusive evidence of what caused death. Read Olga Bakers October 1990 Pomeranian column in the AKC Gazette a most interesting article dealing with an apparently new syndrome The Pom Reader December 19901112OLYMPIA continued...going around that is sometimes fatal in pups and read her comments on autopsies.We do not know if the chicken or egg came first. Was this pup born with a weak constitution and the opportunistic mites took advantage He had triple the dandruff that his sisters did. Did the mites just luck onto him in far greater numbers and cause his weakness Or was he victim to some as-yet- unnamed new puppy syndrome, such as in Olgas article, with the mites being completely co-incidental to the fact We may never know.Midway through the writing of this article Wendy Feist of Feisty Pomeranians called to discuss the September article on upper respiratory disease and when I mentioned these mites I was fighting she likened them to the cradle cap so often seen in human infants. I harkened back some nineteen years and recalled that problem in 2 of my 4 children. Wendy said her vet had given her this idea and that the young pups outgrew the problem but that she used a special shampoo for all pups as a precautionary method and is not bothered by these walking dandruff mites. Wendy, could you drop us a note with the name of that shampoo 4s I look back now I can see that my older pups, who had some dandruff at 7-9 weeks of age, did in fact clear up on the dandruff itself by 15 weeks. Maybe Wendy has something there I know the 2 babies of mine who had cradle cap outgrew it and nothing cured it until they did Wendy also offered some new hints about upper respiratory problems and we will tell these in an upcoming issue. We do so enjoy any input into these articles Please feel free to write or phone anytime you have some hints or knowledge on subjects broached or on subjects you would like to hear about We will certainly give any donors credit in the articles for the input I am not a walking Merck Manual and your opinions and experiences are very important if this column is to continue to provide useful information from which we can all benefit.In closing, lets take a moment and think about rumors. Some wag once told me that rumors are ill humors in disguise. This was wise advice. But it does not keep me from listening to rumors, and sometimes being guilty of spreading them after hearing them. Im human, like you. And when I recently heard the ill humor rumor going around about moi I found some humor in it. Thanks a bunch, but I am afraid, alas, that Bernie and The Pom Reader December 1990Lois will have to decline to accept the trophy of the year award for being the largest breeder of Poms in the country. I dont believe that possessing, at present although the numbers do vary by a maximum of five from time to time 11 adults, of which 2 are yearling males for sale, and 1 is a female rescued from a bad home situation who is seeking a good placement, and 7 puppies ranging from 12 weeks to 24 weeks is quite a qualifying score for large scale breeding activity...and, by the way, I have noobjections as to how many dogs anyone has, so long as the dogs receive quality care, and the owners do not tell me face to face that all they produce are top quality and the owners do not try to rewrite the breed standard to fit their own personal needs.Until the dog howls again...OLYMPIA aka Lois CilibertoRt. 2, Box 2560 Land OLakes, FL 33539 813 995-3977PomEscapadesSusan Johnsonl- , \4iA,Vutom LI'u .a\ i7 XIts fun Just run around the front and meet me in the back13FeistysPomeraniansFOR SALECH. FEISTYS IMAGE OF COVERGIRL'frJfCH. CJS MASTERPIECE OF MARICS x BI-MARCOVERGIRLThis special free- whelping girl finished her championship at 8 months of age in just 4 short weeks. She is very reasonably priced and included are her show ribbons, show photos and championship certificate. She is a 12-sister to Ch. Bi- Mar Shawn, pictured on the front cover of the October 1990 Pomeranian Review.We also offer for your consideration...FEISTYS VALLEY GIRL A real cutie, she is a creamy white 7 BLACK WHITE PARTI BITCH WITH BLAZE Sugar is 512 lbsmonths and 3Vi pounds. I expect her to mature at 4 lbs. She is now coating up nicely.PINNTS LOVELY LITTLE JIM This boy is dear to me, full of spunk and expression, at just a year he weighs 4 lbs. Hes coating up nicely. As a puppy he was in a few shows, one was the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines, where he won the BBE class. Sire is a black tan dam is a blue. He is ink black with no lighter shadings.good natured, loves kids. At 212 years she had one litter free-whelped.Congratulations to Geanene Hall on your latest wins with Feistys Bombshell Feistys User Friendly.We would also like to congratulate Sheer Splendor Poms on your recent purchase of Feistys Isnt That Special Feistys Triple Crown, and to RGS Poms on your newest Feisty kids Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn will be visiting with RGS for awhile congratulations allAND AGAIN, THANK YOU EVERYONE WHO REPONDED TO OUR LAST POM READER ADHUSBAND WIFE TEAM VICTOR WENDY FEIST 6325 SE 73rd, Portland, OR 97206. Tel 503 774-8912The Pom Reader December 1990THEPARTI Ufi LINE fwttiby Nan ShartelWHITE CHRISTMASI am, I must confess, a nostagia buff I find myself checking the December television schedules to find every possible opportunity to watch Bing Crosby warble White Christmas in front of a roaring fire, with a Christmas tree of sparkling lights next to his well-worn but comfortable chair and a lovely snow falling outside his window in the Holiday Inn.When I moved from California, that palm tree and sunshine state, to the great Northwest, my greatest expectation was to experience for the first time my own White Christmas.I arrived in Oregon in the early fall of last year, just weeks before our little towns trees put on their autumn finery of red and gold. With baited breath I waited for the first lacy flakes to fall my new friends in town tried to be encouraging. It was a Condon fact of life that it always snowed at Thanksgiving. My friend,Frank, had a more pragmatic attitude about our weather whenever asked if he thought it might snow on any given day, his answer was inevitably Somewhere in Oregon.How quickly autumn put away its finery and colorful leaves began to blow up and down the streets and crunched like popcorn under little childrens feet. My Poms discovered the thrill of leaping at leaves drifting above their heads and kicking apart all the neat piles of leaves raked up around the yard.Thanksgiving came and went with no snow Town oldsters, trying to be reassuring, told me Gods being kind to Californians not yet fit for a truly cold Oregon winter. Philosophically I con- The Pom Reader December 1990tinued to wait.Icy dry fog began to drift in every evening to freeze on the trees during the night, creating a lacy wonderland that melted away by noon. As winter wore on the fog and ice lasted longer and longer each day until it didnt melt at all. The Poms enjoyed running full tilt to slide across icy spots. They looked like kids learning to skate their coats became luxurious.It seems to be a part of the human heart to be seasonally renewed by the Holidays.stable, right here in Gilliam County.It didnt snow for Christmas for me last year but once again Im waiting for that cinematic event. It seems to be a part of the human heart to be seasonally renewed by the Holidays.Waiting is well known to the dog breeder - its part of the game. There are breeders out there in their spring beginnings waiting for their summer harvest. Others are in their Autumn reorganization, with that quiet white of winter that gives us time to think about spring show bonanza.At Parti-Line we are waiting. Just as positively this year as in any other year for that oft-promised White Christmas, where all our dreams come true.Over these Holidays my wish to you is that all your breeding dreams come true. May they be small enough, sound enough, well-coated enough, marked well enough and move well enough, to give all of you the happiest possible show prospects in your New Year.Christmas week found us all carefully picking our way over an icy terrain tractionless as glass. Still no snow.My husband and I caroled from the back of a hay truck bundled up against the cold. Our voices drifted up into pockets of fog. Church bells, muffled, played softly and on Main Street each and every lamp post had speakers trilling Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and songs about a precious Babe of great promise, Who had been born in a stable, not unlike anyMerry Christmas from PartiLineNan ShartelGOLDEN AIRES POMS PRESENTS77ie cauiite 7eam...AIMEE MICHELLE..1\BEST OF BREED0LAMRENCEVILLE c.j OCT. 1990BOOTH PHOTO-BY LENNAH GOLDENAIRES HERE I AMCH. TWIN PINES TICO TICO x DEARTAS DANCING MARKETTAThis equisite seven month old puppy pictured with judge Sari Brewster Tietjen was Best of Breed over Specials in her first outing with Michelle. The following weekend she was WB, BOW for a five-point major under judge Emil Klin- ckhardt. THANK YOU JUDGESSpecial thanks to our exquisite Michelle Miller for her expert handling and care of Aimee.Best wishes to Luis Marjorie Floris with Golden Aires Special Effects Golden Aires Winsome Cherub.Thanks to Cassandra Evans for allowing Wee Hearts Summer Song to join us and to Bernie Lois Ciliberto for Crescendo Calvin Klein. They are sired by Ch. Chriscen- do Western Express and Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein.AgentMichelle MillerGreer, SCThe Pom Reader December 1990Breeder-OwnerSharon MasnickHCR 65 Box 745, Huger, SC 29450Inquiries Welcome 803-928-351116JANES POMERANIANSProudly PresentsAmerican Canadian Ch. Janes Wee Prince OJeribeth - TexasCh. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Jeribeths Toastie\'IiVHESR W WEffiS4pPUGET SOUND pomermumi CLUBSUIMKR mBISS at the Puget Sound Pom Club SpecialtyTEX now has over 30 Group placements all owner-handled. He is a 412 lb. solidly-built light orange Pom with very black pigmentation.Congratulations to his new champion kids all owner-handledCh. TLC I s A Prince Too Both handled finished by ownerCh. TLC Ity Bitys Princess Carol GillespieCan. Ch. Jestoms Chances Are owner-handled by Sharon Steele Ch. Janes Summer Sunshine see opposite pageThank you Olga Darrell Baker for this wonderful PomAlso a thank you goes to Jessie Stephens for help with the grooming.At Stud To Approved Bitches Puppies Occasionally224 Johnson RoadThe Pom Reader December 1990Jane ReedWinlock, WA 98596 205-262-376117JANES POMERANIANSPresents 1W-fa a z-^1VCiICH.JANES LIL MERRI PUPPINS Emcees Sparkling Gold Nugget x Tillabays Gypsy Rose Lee Finishing under judge Mrs. Dorothea Daniell-JenkinsJANES SOLID GOLD DYNAMITE C7. Janes Wee Prince OJeribeth x C7. Tillabays Annybananny 4 Point MajorJudge Mrs. Denny Kodner^pYERTOOL.E ' 3 ---- vtYAMCH. JANES WEE SUMMER SUNSHINE C7. Janes Wee Prince OJeribeth x Tillabays Time For Tillie BOW 4 Point Major Judge Dr. William HouptLine breeding on GREAT ELMS MODELS CORN DUKE has paid offShow prospect puppies occasionally...JANESPOMERANIANS224 Johnson Road, Winlock, WA 98596 Phone 206 262-3761The Pom Reader December 1990ASKSHU-SHUy Shu-Shu Shannon JohnsonDear Shu-Shu,Phew The hot summer is over. I tried my best to keep cool and the best way for me to do that was to sneak into the air-conditioned house when I was supposed to be outside. I couldnt take that heat. I thought Kentucky was bad, but we recently moved to this scorching hot territory. How do you take it in South Carolina, Shu- ShuAutumn Mist TexasDear AutumnWe love it here Shannon loves the South - ME TOO The weather stays perfect for swimming, almost all year AHHHHH This is the life Shannon has always provided us with a kiddy pool or two in the back yard for us to keep cool and to relax in. Most kind of her to go to so much trouble, dont you think I cant really get into a full-stroked doggie paddle in that dinky, tiny, shrimpy pool she got us and I have done my fair share of complaining about it to her After all Shannon should take into consideration that I am her most favorite of course, being that I am the most beautiful, and with the most intelligence here at Doo-Shay Not only that, but I am always having to do extra guard duty and certainly deserve nothing but the BEST for being the BEST Dont you agreeShannon has been trying to sell our home, so that we can relocate to a little more land and on higher ground. I never expected she would ever spend the time or extra funds to get ME my own, huge swimmin hole Why, she has created the most beautiful lake for me, right here in my own front yard. Right off the front porch, too, extremely convenient. Right here in my own front yard Very public I even have little frogs and lizards to chase and swim with. Seems everyone else in Aiken County likes MY lake, too Why, we even made the NEWSPAPER...Aiken County Begins Drying Out After Storm...The Pom Reader December 1990Storms May Damage Beaches More Than Hurricane Hugo...Residents Anxious As Rains Fall...More than one anxious Aiken home-owner slept fitfully in Thursday nights downpour recalling the flood of 1969 that drove several dozen families from their homes.For an hour early Friday the torrential, two-inch downpour following 24 hours of steady rain did indeed seem to threaten a repetition of the 1969 affair.There was one difference the city and county, following that flood, installed an extensive drainage system and for the most part it worked...So, as you see, were famous With lakefront property like this, I suppose we will be selling very soon we certainly are getting the public interest. Shannon does it right and I thank her from the bottom of my heart Love and Licks...Shu-Shu.Dear Shu-ShuOh please Lets not give me any credit, Shu-Shu give it to Hurricane MARCO Listen here, Shu-Shu, next time we have a severe storm like this, dont be scratching the doors open to let the water IN I really dont care to have an indoor pool as well as this temporary lakefront property.Soakingly yours - THE BOSS Dear Nan Shartel Nabob PomsI loved the Pom cartoon see October 1990 Pom Reader, page 22 and must say I would look rather classy in that outfit especially if I added a few Cockatiel feathers here and there at the neckline. Come here, BABY BIRD come see SHU-SHU...Stunningly yours, Shu-ShuThank you, Nan, for thinking of us in such a generous way The cartoon is hanging on my computer at work...Shannon Write to Shu-Shu Shannon Johnson at LAKE SHU-SHU Estates, Route 1, Box 455, Warrenville, SC 29851.a pomeranian BONANZABI-MAR POMERANIANShas moved to the POMDEROSA RANCH in the shadow of Mt. Rainier.We specialize in Pomeranians with correct double coat, soundness, and outgoing personalities.OFFERING FOR SALE YOUNG SHOW STOCK TWO RED MALES out of Ch. Bi-Mar Foxfire daughter of BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and sired by Ch. Bi-Mar Sonnys Phamtom son of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Show quality with tiny ears.................................................... 850.00TWO RED SABLE MALES out of a BIS Ch. Bi- Mar Sundance Kid daughter Littermate to Ch. Bi- Mar Sonny Go Lucky and sired by Ch. Bi-Mar Sonnys Masterpiece. Linebreeding on BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Very heavy coats with beautiful heads.................................................750.00TWO SABLE MALES out of a black tan daughter of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and sired by a son of Ch. Southlands Apollo Creed. Baby faced with heavy coats. The sire of this litter is also the sire of our Bi-Mars Moonwalker that has both his majors as a puppy and one of the hottest young males in the show ring.ONE RED MALE by Ch. Bi-Mar Sonnys Masterpiece and out of a Great Elms Bobby Beamdauqhter. Exquisite head and very classy.BI-MARBI-MARUPDATE...BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid is now the sire of 19 Champions. All have been BI-MAR bred and we would like to congratulate the current two to finish. Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance of Twin Oaks and Ch. Bi-Mar Sonnys Phamtom.We are expecting several new litters sired by Sonny. Now is the time to own a piece of the legend. Call us to reserve yur puppy sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and join a long list of National, Regional, Specialty Best in Show, Group 1st winners and International Champions.FLASH Sonny is the proud daddy of three girls out of Bi-Mar Sugar Pie Honey Sugar had both majors as a puppy and needs four single points for championship and will be shown after this litter she is a Sonny granddaughter and half sister to BISS Ch. Creiders Butterfly of Love.POMERANIANSMARY A. ROSENBAUM 38711 200TH AVENUE SEPH 206-833-2160 AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98002The Pom Reader December 1990201990 CHAMPIONS CHAS OF THE NOVEMBER 1990 ARC GAZETTEApolloette Kitsan Wild Card D by Ch. Apolloette Moonlite Gambler x Gold Dust Meranling. Breeder Trivie V. Haynes. Owner Trivie V. Haynes Marlene Presser Marlin Presser.Reed.JDs Midnight Oil D by Ch. Doctors Pepper CF x JDs Golden Girl. Breeder-Owner Janet L. Hovey.ABenrays Lil Bella Sherry B by Ch.Beaver of Lenette x Great Elms Rose of Tiana. Breeder Sherry J. Adams. Owner Benson E. Ray.Pom Acres Inchalla Shortchng D byCh. Pom Acres Stunningly Sable x Trisha OPom Acres. Breeder Juanita Fiddick. Owner Heike Wehrle.MP1ONSCedarviews Prime Time D by Cedar- views Made in the USA x Cedar- views Forever Krystal. Breeder Joyce A. Fritz. Owner Linda A. Teresko William O. Rohde.Chesai Fanny Brice B by Ch. Cheelan Chesai Star Editor x Chesai Fan Dancer. Breeder Joan M. Reilly. Owner Pat Y. Duncan.Doo-Shays Baby Face Nelson D bySouthlands Tar Babys Image x Doo-Shays Annie Getsha Gun. Breeder-Owner Shannon Johnson.Dover-Holihouse Kris Kring-L D byCh. Mi-Dee Mikey of the Pines x Shadra Coal Citty OHolihouse. Breeder Patricia A. Foley Kathryn Hartz. Owner Patricia A. Foley Kathryn Hartz D. Ninatoski.Glen Iris Lady Guenevere B by Bev- Nors Glen Iris Excalibur x Wee Hearts Glen Iris Rapunzel. Breeder Cheryl A. Jackson Donna Hobart. Owner Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor Donna Hobart.Janes Summer Sunshine B by Ch. Janes Wee Prince OJeribeth x Tillabays Time For Trixie. Breeder- Owner George S. Reed Jane E.Rhea-Nas Country DJ of Jan-Shar Dby C. Bev-Nors Statesman x Rhea- Nas Rhapsody in Red. Breeder Barbara F. Nagy Stephen V. Nagy. Owner Sharon Hanson.Silver Meadows Love Tico D bySweethearts Wee Cinna-Bear x Sweethearts Coronet Duchess. Breeder Kathy Carroll. OwnerMarge Kranzfelder.Tim Sues Just A Bright Lite D by Ch.Chriscendo City Lights x Tim Sues Just A Rose. Breeder Sue Goddard Tim Goddard. Owner Paul T. Curry Barbara A. Curry.Whid-Dons Amazing Grace B by TimSues Spark of Light x Dupres Gold Miracle Sho Nuf. Breeder Barbara T. Whiddon. Owner Janine G. Pannell.The above are all Confirmed Champions of record according to the American Kennel Club and published in the AKC Awards book November 1990, Volume 10, Number 11.The Pom Reader December 199021Best Christmas Present Ever...Millers First Champion CH. MILLERS WEE COPPER NINJAmNINJA IS SHOWN WITHHIS SPECIAL FRIEND AND HANDLER RANDOLPH ARAND. WATCH FOR THIS TEAM IN THE SPECIALS RINGMILLERS POMERANIANSPATRICIA L. MILLER 23321 261 STREET NORTH CORDOVA, IL 61242 PH 309 887-4820AGENT RANDOLPH ARAND P.O. BOX 301 IOWA CITY, IAThe Pom Reader December 1990Tom GravesQy HeIf Santa Claus walked up to me tomorow and asked me what I want for Christmas, I really dont know what I would say. I think I have a pretty good idea what my dogs would ask for. Tai Foon would want toys. Su-Chia would ask for something with calories in it. Patches would ask for some undercoat. Rocky wouldnt want any material goods he would just ask me to keep the puppies away from him for a day. Im kind of hoping my friend Patty gives me a couple of new icepack covers for Christmas this year. I think Im going to get her some of those little Hersheys chocolate Teddy Bears you can find at Bloomingdales. Dont worry, I didnt spoil the surprise. I dont think Patty reads this column at least she never mentions it..Did you ever wonder why this column is called By The Book Me too. Im not really sure what it means. It sounds good, though. At least thats what your and my favorite editor thinks. Anyway, I have decided to give some meaning to the title and write a column on books. I love books. Books make great Christmas gifts. So if you have a dog person on your Christmas list who has an interest in veterinary medicine or canine health, here are a few ideas.1. THE COMPLETE BOOK OF DOG HEALTH Thisbook comes from the Animal Medical Center in New York and is edited by the AMCs Chief of Staff, Dr. William J. Kay. It has chapters written by some of the leading experts on various types of disease. It is easy to understand and has excellent illustrations. The AMC is one of the leading veterinary institutions in the world, and this book is something any dog owner would find useful and interesting. Under 202. GENETICS FOR DOG BREEDERS - by RoyRobinson, published by Pergamon Press New York. Genetics is an interesting but difficult area for dog breeders to understand. Yet an understanding of how coat colors, physical traits, and many heritable diseases are passed from one generation of dogs to another is a very important part of a responsible and successful breeding program. This book explains genetics in clear, understandable terms. Under 203. FIRST AID FOR PETS by Robert W. Kirk, published by E. P. Dutton, Inc., New York. Im not sure if this book is still in print, but if it is you should try to find it. Published in paperback, it is full of useful information on handling common emergencies. This book tells you everything from how to give pills to what kinds of toxicities to avoid. There are many illustrations and photographs, and it is written in a straightforward, clear and understandable style. I recommend it highly. Under 204. VETERINARY PEDIATRICS Dog and Cats FromThe Pom Reader December 1990Birth To Six Months by Johnny D. Hoskins,, published by W. B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia. This is a veterinary textbook which was just published in 1990 and was intended for veterinarians and veterinary students. In fact, much of this book might be difficult for a non-medically trained person to understand. However, if you are in a medical field or if you have a strong interest in veterinary medicine and are well-versed, you will enjoy this book. There is a ton of information in this book there is really no other book like it. I use mine all the time. There are chapters on the various subspecialties of veterinary medicine written by some of the countrys leading experts. All chapters are geared towards puppies and kittens. In addition, there are sections on breed- associated inherited diseases, nutrition, preventative medicine, etc. This is a terrific gift for a very special dog person. Around 50 medical textbooks are terribly expensive5. SMALL ANIMAL REPRODUCTION AND INFERTILITY A Clinical Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment by Thomas J. Burke, published by Lea and Febiger Philadelphia. This is another veterinary textbook some of it would make difficult reading for a person not trained in medicine. However, if you are interested in reproduction you will find lots of useful information in this book. I certainly make use of my copy. Around 406. DOG OWNERS HOME VETERINARY HANDBOOK BY Delbert G. Carlson and James M. Griffin. This book was written as a reference source for pet owners and it is full of useful information. At Christmases past I have given this book to friends and I think it makes a perfect gift for a dog owner. If your dog is exhibiting a given symptom, you can easily look it up in this book and get a good basic understanding of what might be going on. Also, when your veterinarian makes a diagnosis, this book can provide you with a source for additional information. This book is easy to use and easy to understand. Under 20Continued23DAeri Armce Aamisidoing what she does best WINNING^ Ch. Great Elms Si'uxA-WINNERSFURNITURE CITY KENNEL CLUB e SEPTEMBER 1990V'-'d^PH0T0 8Y BONNIEcLJ iJudge Mrs. Betty Dexter Owner-Handler Dot MartinSweet Prince x La Cheries Happy DazeNew Arrivals1 Male - 1 FemaleCh. La Cheries Hot Fudge Ripple x La Cheries Zest For Fudge1 Male - 1 Femaleh. La Cheris Hot Fudge Ripple x La Cheries Cinnamon Enchante1 Male - 1 FemaleLa Cheris Sir Winston Yasmins brother x Desirees Mega FudgeHAPPY HOLIDAYS TO EVERYONEjfti jAerioPOMERANIANS Dorothy F. Martin 5354 Bluebird Lane York, SC 29745 . fAtvX r.IKKWee Hearts are all aflutter as Christmas time draws nearFor Dominique and Puddin those Parti girls so dear.Weve given Santa ordersorders so conciseDeliver to those Parti girls puppies marked so nice.At Nabob, and at Painters the waitings hard to bear.The whelping rooms in order Cassandra will be there.Poor daddy, hes been pacing, but sends his Christmas CheerMay his newborn Parti babies all be Champions this time next yearNABOBS PENTECOSTAL WARRIOR is pleased to have been considered for stud in the Wee Hearts Kennel Parti breeding program. Thank you Cassandra Ready Evans.Puppies from a Quickie daughter and Warrior available now. One perfectly marked lavendar white in this litterInquiries welcome on the three Partis for sale in this litter.NABOB POMERANIANSPictured above...Randy Blackburn with PAINTERS MR. QUICKIE right and PENTECOSTAL WARRIORGUITARSNABOBSNan Bob Shartel 409 N. Lincoln Condon, OR 97823-0181 503-384-5177The Pom Reader December 19907. CORNELL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE ANIMAL HEALTH NEWSLETTER This is not a book, but a monthly newsletter published by Cornell. It isnt only about dogs, but covers all species of animals. At 45 a year it might seem a little expensive for an 8-page monthly bulletin, but it always contains the latest information and it is really a useful publication. There are always interesting articles in this newsletter and I think it is a worthwhile investment. The Animal Health Newsletter can be obtained by writing to P.O. Box 52816, Boulder, CO 80322-2816.8. THE CORNELL BOOK OF CATS edited by Mordecai Segal, published by Villard Books New York. If you are like me and love cats, this book is a must. It is full of medical information and is well-written and clear. It is a nice hard-cover book and makes a beautiful gift for a cat person. This is quite simply the best publication of its kind. About 259. THE MERCK VETERINARY MANUAL publishedby Merck and Co., Rahway, New Jersey. This is a quick reference book intended as a tool for practicing veterinarians. It contains about 500 very short chapters on various diseases of all creatures great and small. I think every veterinarian owns a copy of this book, and I know a good number of breeders make use of it as well. The Merck Manual wont give you an in-depth understanding of anything, but it can give you a basic, practical look at most diseases commonly seen in veterinary practice.10. MEDICAL DICTIONARIES No one should be without a medical dictionary. Have you ever heard a medical term and not understood what it meant Did you ever read an article or a chapter in a veterinary book and stumble across terms you couldnt even pronounce much less understand There are a few good medical dictionaries available. My favorite is Stedmans Medical Dictionary. I think Tabers Encyclopedic Medical Dictionary is also really excellent. These books are expensive but you will get a lot of use out of them. What a nice gift for a dog breeder.Well, there are 10 good ideas for Christmas presents. Finding these books is not difficult. If you live near a university which has a veterinary college, you can stop by the college bookstore to find any of the textbooks. The dog-owner- oriented dog care books are available in most book stores. Im sure your local bookseller could order any of these books for you. In addition, some of these books are available through mail order pet supply catalogs.I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. If you see Patty, you might drop a hint about the icepack covers. See you in 1991.Tom GravesLaCheriePomeraniansDot Martin5354 Bluebird Lane York, SC 29745803-831-8086Breeders of fine Pomeranians Since 1957Puppies Generally Available Priced from 250 Vl-'omercLruandKEN ELEANOR GRIFFITH 4345 Rogers Lake Road Ph. 704 938-2042 Kannapolis, NC 28081cJienetteCIRCUS CIRCUSFOXWOODWe have litters by Great Elms Joey of Lenette Ch. Queenaire Starburst Ch. Great Elms Models Timstopper Ch. Bi-Mar Shogun of JerbosBarbara Don DeFord Cheri L. Peel206-833-4634 FAX 206-458-3771 206-458-3198SHARON JOHN MASNICK NCR 65 BOX 745 HUGER, SC 29450 803 928-3511StorkReport New Expected Litters 10.00LITTER OF ONEby the one and only GABRIELSire Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel Dam Precious Petites WindjammerONE FEMALE NOT FOR SALEPRECIOUS PETITES, Claudia WINDJAMMER POMS, 306 Pfeffer, P.O. Box 10432, Jefferson, McCumber, Buchanan, Ml 49107. LA 70181. Tel 504-737-1729. 616 695-7308LITTER 2 MALES Whelped 93090Sire Ch. Berrys Sonny Delight Dam Maranathas Precious FaithPRECIOUS PETITES, Claudia Pfeffer, P.O. Box 10432, Jefferson, LA 70181. Tel 504-737-1729.LITTER 2 FEMALES Whelped 82390Sire Ch. Precious Petites Riple Supreme ABEDam Precious Petites AngelicaPRECIOUS PETITES, Claudia Pfeffer, P.O. Box 10432, Jefferson, LA 70181. Tel 504-737-1729.LITTER 2 M, 1 F, Whelped 62090Sire Ch. Precious Petites Riple Supreme ABEDam Fonsecas Lil ShebaPRECIOUS PETITES, Claudia Pfeffer, P.O. Box 10432, Jefferson, LA 70181. Tel 504-737-1729.The Pom Reader December 199025PINEHAVEN KENNELOffers For Saley J. 4PINEHAVENS ORANGE CRUSHSire Ch. Southlands Janesa Berry TBY Dam Pinehavens Dinah Mite Pictured at 10 months of age - Nicholas is ring ready Video Available.Gale Sharland 508 823-8920 80 Pine Street, Raynham, MA 0767ALVERS PEDIGREE SERVICEAKC Foreign Member of 75 Foreign Clubs On Duty 24 Hours CHAMPIONS TITLES IN RED Typed on Parchment PaperPROVIDE Breed, Name of Dog, Sex, Registration Number, Date of Birth, Color andor Markings, Sire, Registration Number and Stud Book Date Dam, Registration Number and Stud Book Date, and name of breeder. NOTE Be sure to include the stud book date in parenthesis after registration number of sire and dam.RATESAll AKC AKCSome Foreign4 Generations 10.00 4 Generations 15.005 Generations 17.00 5 Generations 25.006 Generations 25.00 6 Generations 30.007 Generations 40.00 7 Generations 45.00Colors indicated through next to last generation. 1.50 EXTRAfor ROLLED, except 6 7 generations rolled FREE. We also buy and sell used AKC Stud Book and other dog books.ALVERSPEDIGREE SERVICEP.O. Box 56, Glover, MO 63646.The most complete pedigree service in the world noted for COMPLETED Pedigrees all over the world.Avoid Verbal Orders Say It In PrintingGreat Elms Kennels, Regd.ICh. Great Elms Sweet Pepper finishing championship in Ohio, August 3rd, under Dr. Harry Smith Jr., handled by Margaret Samples. Won his first 7 points while shown by Maynard Wood, winning 2 BBs and 1 Group IV.Ch. Great Elms Pope Gregory finished his championship November 4th at Langley. Shown 6 times - 2 BBs over Specials and one Group I. He was shown expertly by Maynard Wood.Great Elms Kennels, Regd.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937Phone 704 889-9233 Pineville, NC 28134DACARSPOMERANIANS'm.mCan. Ch. Harbins Editorial Comment Pointed in U.S. QUALITY BRED PUPPIES All Inquiries Welcome BreederOwnerExhibrtorDACARS POMERANIANSDavid Yvonne Jachalke 7613 158th St. Ct. E.Puyallup, Washington 98373 206 536-2004The Pom Reader December 1990FROM OUR READERSDear Joe,Hi As promised, enclosed are pictures of my miracle puppies - a litter of 7 Pomeranians They were free-whelped by me on 10890 and were the first litter for their dam. Mom babies were healthy from the start. Our thanks to God.It would be great if you did an article on the pups, so we can see if there ever was another litter of this size. The response will be interestingThe owner of the sire Ch. Postscripts Candyman 312 lbs., orange is Wilna Shoak of Pennsylvania. A dedicated, veteran Pomeranian and Lhasa Apso breeder, shes a true professional, but most of all, a devoted dog-lover. I couldnt have done this without her. She coached me via phone while I delivered all 7 pups. It was quite an experienceMy girl, Shadybrooks Foxy Lady we call her Tiffany had 5 female and 2 male pups. Colors range from orange to sable, even a cream All adorable, playful furballs.Please send me two copies of the issue in which the photos will appear. Sincerely,Adele Tidman Langhorne, PA Adele Thanks for forwarding the pictures I knew our readers would enjoy reading about your super-sized litter. Were all sick of litters of none or oneWe're hoping to hear from others with news of interesting happenings in the whelping box...keep watchingJMcGDear Joe,Gosh, the ads you did for me on the front and back cover of the exotic color September issue were terrific. The response has been really great. Could you please clarify that Patricia Baehrs number is 1-503-384-4203.Joe, your publication is a first-rate way to advertise. Ive gotten dozens of calls and letters....and stud service on the partis. Im sold Thanks much.Nan Shartel, Nabob Pomeranians Nan Thanks for the letter and kind comments. Its always nice to know your work is appreciated. JMcGThe Pom Reader December 1990TXJ\...3__ iTIFFANY and litter of seven - 5 girls and two boys4J tin f'V\ ..r11 I i__Photos courtesy Adele TidmanDear Joe,Check enclosed for quarter page ad. It is so nice to have a Pomeranian magazine published every month. I always look forward to the next issue. Sincerely,Ruth Beam, Great Elms Kennels, Reg. Ruth Thanks for taking the time to write. I thank you for your continued support, andwish you continued success and a joyous holiday season. JMcGDear Joe,Here is my ad for the December issue. Once again, everything in my last ad sold before my copy ever arrived I just love itWendy Feist, Feistys Pomeranians More letters next paget poms Off.,. PUPPIES, BROODS STUDS directly from GREAT ELMS KENNELMargaret Samples 704 821-74505816 Deal Road Matthews, NC 28105SJ3aScOPomeraniansCh. Doo-Shays Funky Madeanna finishes prior to 11 months and takes a Group I and a Group IV - Smile, Pat Dieballl We are - thanks to vouShannon Johnson Route 1, Box 456 Warrenville, SC 29851. Tel 803 663-0210 STARLITE POMERANIANSHome of CH. Starlite Legacy Choco BearGayle Tom Griffin 3074 Lancaster Drive NE No. 253 Salem, OR 97305Emcees PomeraniansInquiries Invited 804 741-3024 Morris Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 23233SouthlandPomeraniansRAYS OF SUNSHINE1 CHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE PINEVILLE, LA 71360 PHONE 318 - 466-3456Pom Acres KennelR.R. 4Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613319-989-2199DOSSMARStud Service in ChocolateWhite and OrangeWhite Pups Available Now In The Above Colors Marian Dossinger 3936 Hi Mount Road414-334-4889 Kewaskum, Wl 53040^tlS Cornelia mansCheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor1038 16th Ave. South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-660327ChesaiPomeraniansRobert Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260 512 438-2667RHEA-NA POMSExclusively Bev-Nor BreedingChampion sired puppies will be available summer fall. Steve Barbara NagyRt. 2 Box 221, Stephens City, VA 22655. Tel 703-869-3749ALLAYNSMary Allan2508 E. Tacoma Street Broken Arrow, OK 74014Ph 918 485-3010 Or918 355-2531DOVER-HOLIHOUSE POMSCh. Stud ServiceParti, Chocolate, Black Tan and Black Stud Service Puppies OccasionallyKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski 319 Ardmore Ave., Trenton, NJ 08629 609-695-1642LLLPOMERANIANSHome of 1 Bitch 1989 CH. LLL HIGH LIGHTS GOLDIE HAWNJanice Luginsland Rt. 1 Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316-443-5157The Pom Reader December 1990Dear Joe,The Ohio Valley Pomeranian ClubSpecialty Match was held on October 7, 1990, at the Holiday Inn, Cambridge, Ohio. We had 48 entries.Our judge, Tudy Terry of Bridgeport, WV, along with our Ring Steward, Larry Rookstool, called their first class to the ring at exactly 12 noon as planned. The winners were as follows2-4 Month Puppy Dogs Tim-Sues Fire Light Ron Feyh2-4 Month Puppy Bitches Ks Country Little Too Bits Karen Ludke4-6 Month Puppy Dogs DAnns Precious Brass Charm Doris Pressley4-6 Month Puppy Bitches Merrymont About Last Night Ron Feyh, Larry Rookstool, Mary PflaumBEST JUNIOR PUPPY KS COUNTY LITTLE TOO BITS6-9 Month Puppy Dogs Pixies Billy of Lili- Rock Dennis Glenetta LeGlise6-9 Months Puppy Bitches Bev-Nors Man- dy of Millamor Eleanor Miller Beverly Norris9-12 Months Puppy Dogs Blakes N Megs Essence of PJ Donna Megenhardt Evelyn Blake9-12 Months Puppy Bitches Larrons Show ODiamonds Yolanda Ron Feyh, Larry Rookstool, Mary PflaumBEST SENIOR PUPPY LARRONS SHOW ODIAMONDSBEST PUPPY IN MATCH KS COUNTRY TOO LITTLE BITSAdult Dogs 12 Months and Over Megs Pixies PJ Reflection Donna Megenhardt Carol GalavichAdult Bitches 12 Months and Over Cuddle Inns Wee Tinkerbel Donna R. Smith BEST ADULT CUDDLES WEE TINKERBELClasses were followed by a Parade of Champions with each beauty receiving a rosette from Tudy and a large round of applause from the audience. Ron Feyh introduced each champion with a brief resume.Our Costume Contest winner was Junior Member Jamie Lepera with Celebritys Lady Di. Jamie Lady were dressed as convicts with Lady actually pulling a ball and chain behind made of yarn, of course.My sincere thanks to all who exhibited and helped in any way. It was a very successful day.Judy Shearer, Secretary Ohio Valley Pom Club Judy Thanks for the news...but send a picture of Jamie Lady JMcGDear Joe,I was tickled pink to learn that the READER The Pom Reader December 1990is numero uno in Pom publications The immense effort you and Duane, accompanied by your readers and advertisers, is well reflected in the overall quality and beauty of the magazineI second the motion made by Nan Shartel of Nabob Poms, whom I do not know personally, to read more of Tom Graves articles in The Reader. His articles have been most helpful. Incidentally, I understand Tom is a brilliant concert pianist as well as an award-winning vet student at Cornell.Please give my grateful appreciation to all those who called or wrote to say they enjoy the machine who writes ...Olympia Sincerely,Lois Ciliberto, Crescendo PomsLois We hope to have many more contributions from Tom, a very special young man and a personal friend of mine, and we will continue to strive to grow and improve. And your help has been most appreciated. Your articles are enjoyed by all. A very Merry Christmas to you Bern.JMcGDDear Mr. McGinnis,Recently I came across this article in one of my husbands Veterinary magazines. Since I thought it would be of interest to your readers, I wrote the Managing Editor also author of this article, Dan Verdon, for his permission to use it in The Pom Reader as well as The Orient Express. Please find both a copy of the letter I sent to Mr. Verdon and his responding letter granting permission for use of his article in your publications.Sincerely,Susan Johnson, J Windfall PomsSusan Thank you The article is excellent and we appreciate permission to reprint. By the way, cards and letters are flowing in concerning our newest department, Pomeranian Escapades by...YOU Everybody loves your cartoons - keep them coming. Best, JMcGFellows,Effective with the December ad start using 116 of a page. I am enclosing a business card and this could be the ad content.I really hate to drop our 14 page ad with photo but feel I must do so for two reasons. First, is the recession. Our greenhouse business is off and we really have to watch everything we spend these days. Secondly, I thoroughly disagree with you on pushing the parti-colored Poms. I am sure you are aware that most all Pombreeders consider these to be mixed breeds. In other words, Poms mixed with Papillons, Chihuahuas, and Shelties. Your recent front cover is a good example. Anyone would recognize that the black white appears to be mixed with Papillon. The American Pomeranian Club has received more complaints on this subject than anything in the history of our Club. They refused to take a stand thinking it was only a fad. Now we see it is certainly more than a passing fad. If parti-colored breeders wants sic to breed polkadotted Poms then that is their business but when they breed that mess into our good purebred lines then it hurts us all. Many Pom breeders have bought Poms they thought were purebred only to whelp a litter of puppies and to find them mis- marked because one or more particolored Poms were in their background. I have supported you fellows and your magazine and at least onced sic a year I have given you a plug in our newsletter encouraging other breeders to subscribe to your magazine. I wish you continued success but do wish however that you would take into consideration that you will probably hurt the Pomeranian more by pushing the partis than you will help the breed. Ken Griffith, Lenette Poms Kannapolis, NCDear Mr. Griffith Thank you for your letter, and your continued support. I do think, however, that since the Parti-Color Pom is IN THE BREED STANDARD FORMULATED BY THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB AND ACCEPTED BY THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB that that particular item, the parti-color Pom, warrants its share of attention as surely as all other accepted colors of the Pomeranian rainbow. No less of a breed authority than Dorothy Bonner gave a five-point major to a parti-color Pom at the APC Specialty less than two years ago, and since Madam Butterfly partis have been doing quite a bit of winning. In fact, parti-color Poms were in the Standard before Black Tans were. The partis certainly have their fans, and this magazine is for all Pom lovers.I do not feel qualified to debate with The American Pomeranian Club or The American Kennel Club - these two august bodies have been around a lot longer than you and me and what they say goes.Thanks again for writing -1 wish you a speedy return to a more predictable economy and a lot less flack from your letter than you will probably get. JMcG29R G S proud to announce the Purchase of FEISTYS CINNAMON TWIST and FEISTYS SUMMERTIME BLUES, double granddaughters to CH. BI-MAR SHAWN, and FEISTYS HANKY PANKY OREBEL and GLENWOODS SHANI DANCER who are littermates to CH. FEISTYS MY-T-FINE. Also see Cindy on page 23 of the Pomeranian Reviews current issue and look for her to be out in the ring within the next few months.Vi r-_k.... -A Li. ... JiFEISTYS CINNAMON TWIST CINDYRGS Pomeranians2153 Cypress Landing Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Telephone 904 247-5384RGS PedigreesPomeranian pedigrees researched in any length. Breeder specials available monthly. Typed originals with champions in red and colors free on all generations. Rush available. 3-generations 8 4-generations 10 5-generations 15 6-generations 25 7-generations 35.RGS Pedigrees2153 Cypress Landing Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Call 904-247-3584 or 904-636-4707.Sheer Splendor PomeraniansChampion sired orange male 13 months old, coarse coat with vibrant coloring. Show prospect. 400.00. See Rudys sire on the front cover of the October issue of Pomeranian Review.Sheer Splendor announces the arrival of a black tan litter from Feistys Patch of Gold, whelped 10-21-90. Sire is Feistys Bandit of Pom Acres Great Elms breeding.For more information, contact Sheer Splendor Pomeranians503 829-7455_ Miei pomeranians Guitar Gremlin of Futurland Guitar Painters Mr. QuickieKhani White N Chocolate Cherub CHOCO MR. T BEARPombredens Prayer Party Powr Crystal Blue PersuasionMasons Blue BonnetMR. T is proven, throwing black and cream white his first litter. His sire is pictured with Randy Blackburn, Painter Poms, in the September issue of this magazine. Mr. T is 350.Thank you so much Randy for allowing me to purchase Painter Modern Classic, a beautiful wolf sable daughter of Marquis.Kelly Reimschiisssel, 667 North 550 East, American Fork, UT 84003. 801 756-2092jis. QButerMultipleToy Group Winner, sire of Am. Can. Champion winners of Best in Show All Breeds National Specialties Multiple Toy Groups Multiple Group Placements Multiple Best of BreedsBreeder-0 wner-Exhibitor Mrs. James R. Dupre Sr., Route 2 Box 878-A, Colfax, LA 71417. 318 627-5180.BEV-NOR POMS...Cfi. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Number 1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983, 24 BIS, 5 Specialties, Sire of top winning females 1984, 1985, sire of only Black Tan to ever go BISA, a top producer. Stud fee 250.00 limited to 15 per year.Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman Multi Group winner, a Toasted Fudge son, sire of Champions, a top producer for 1988 also. Stud Fee 250.00. Puppies Available.Bev Bill Norris 7747 Meadow Road301 255-1343 Pasadena, MD 21122JDs Pompous PomsJanet Hovey Dan Farrell RR 3 Box 45A Huntingdon, TN 38344 901 986-0014MNMS POMS-R-USMARY GENE WELLS 4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621714-994-0259^anea,'SsJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504-384-7466The Pom Reader December 199030Grafenhorsts Poms Tiny Partis Pretty Heads Open Markings Heavy Coats Short Backs Super SoundnessWe are very excited about our lovely litters from Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette, and the top winning chocolate in the U.S., Ch. Startite's Legacy Choco Bear.. - '-fXS iiThese super boys are at stud to approved bitches. Several promising puppies available. For further information, contactHORST GRAF GRAFENHORST POMS 12000 NW 2nd Street Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465Rain Beau PomeraniansHome ofAmerican Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky EightAt stud to approved bitches Jean Sue Cook6810 S Magnolia. Ocala. Florida 32676 19041 237-1636MANOR HILL POMSManor Hills Pure Luxury Mikie son of Ch. Tim Sues Dixie Dynamic 2 Litters expected Helen Conrad1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 Tel 813-475-1724Finchs PomeraniansDiane L. FinchRural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134515 769-2444 Puppies ByCh. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf Great Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines WhiteRed WhiteBlack parti puppies.John e. heaitzPROFESSIONAL HANDLING IN CANADA POMS A SPECIALTY PO BOX 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S. CANADA BON 1C0Tel 902 673-2446WHID-DONS POMS ^.i c Home Of ^TIM SUES SPARK OF LIGHT TIM SUES DYNAMITE fBarbara T. Whiddon, 4703 Monroe Hwy., ^Pineville, LA 71310. Tel 318-640-2993.Quality Bred Puppies OccasionallyIGERAMA POMSSkip PiazzaTHE KENNELS527 B Church Road, Avondale, PA 19311 215-268-8000 or 215-268-2266Home of GabrielMl\ ' BreederOwner" y CLAUDIA PFEFFERP.O. BOX 10432Jefferson. LA 70181 U i L 504 737-1729Cyrecious ClJetitesI HOME OF THE4 KILLER AND ALL THOSE GORGEOUS GIRLS NORMA C. GAD 5908 Upper Valley Road915 584-0942 El Paso, TX 79932Michael Bandy Glenn Bernardo 20524 Pioneer Boulevarddolbrrcst iuumcrantarts Lakewood, ca 907151 213 402-9606 evesJPRH Blossom Heights PomsBlossom HeightsH V McGuires AmyJohn Arlene BenkoJE 5351 Jeffrey AvenueWest Palm Beach, FL 33407HFJ ^tBal 407-842-5591STUD SERVICE PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYjffjjijk PattysPonferaijiaifs6520 GAME FARM RD. E PATTY JENSENMOUND, MN 55364 Phone 612 472-5950IWIN OHK5 PDM5 ^BILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE, HIXSON, TENNESSEE 37343 615-842-8184The Pom Reader December 1990------ UPDATE ----------TOP TEN EXHIBITORS JANUARY-NOVEMBER 1990 Welcome to UPDATE, your monthly rating list of breeders and exhibitors out there winning points in the show ring. As most all serious Pomeranians fanciers are, in one way or another, involved in campaigning their Poms for AKC Championship points, we feel that it is important to keep tabs on this area.The procedures for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience, and Field Trials Awards Book. Only this publications will be used for point credit. Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e., a September show may not be published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year until September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Susan Wade. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.The following is the LISTING OF THE TOP TEN EXHIBITORS AS OF THE JANUARY-NOVEMBER 1990 AKC GAZETTE.EXHIBITOR........................POINTSP. GRIFFIN............ ...................,72D. WATTS................................... 67S. JOHNSON...............................6S. HANSON.................................65JACKSONTAYLOR................... 53J. CABRERA...............................50GEMMELPLONKEY.................. 48J. LEHTINEN...............................44G. J. REED..............................41B. RAY.........................................38Tie placements alphabeticalYOUR SHOWCASE FOR PUREBRED POMS7e i-om Q.eacer W-5.SUBSCRIPTION RATES11 Issues Per Year Domestic24.00 Third Class Post 40.00 First Class Post Foreign Rates Upon Request Sample Issues S3.00 each Back Issues 4.00 eachsubject to availabilityADVERTISING RATESAD SIZEANNUALPREPAIDCONTRACT OPEN RA1FULL PAGE Color 300.00 300.00FULL PAGE bw 96.00 120.00HALF PAGE 53.00 65.0014 PAGE 27.00 35.0018 PAGE 16.00 20.00116 PAGE 10.00 12.00All ads Va page and larger include one black white photo at no extra charge. Extra photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned.Make check or money order payable toDoll-McGinnis Publications8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809 Telephone 813-858-3839STUMPED FOR A CHRISTMAS GIFTA subscription to THE POM READER fits any size stocking - and well include a card from you VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS phone orders accepted call 813-858-3839 and play Santa Claus from the comfort of your own living roomThe Pom Reader December 1990SEASONSGREETINGSLOOKING FORWARD TO A BRIGHT 19911\ \ ^BUZZ SUE COOK RAIN BEAU POMS 6810 S. MAGNOLIA OCALA. FL 32676 904 237-1636DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONSFATTi8848 BEVERLY HILLS rLLAKELAND, FL 33809 SINS c NCBULK RATE U.S. POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FLNEWS PUBLICATION - DO NOT DELAY - ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED