The Pom Reader June 1993

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siLI77.77wis- ,JUNE 1993 VOLUME VIII, NUMBER THREE.ii'Vw.1' ME At 7-.,vS 6- -gre-g'SaBmn.7. ' cl7 V iPi-ywmmsMV'5gV IMSS 7'.'77.-Am.ggpf "7...7 3nu SK3.wm . mmwM77-. 77".'M-V'i Py p.'S''.fS s"'i jfwst-,.. O 57.1 _' 7..2^sbepA- - s11' . 7^77-7.^v, gg v '7i-rtjSli''35 OEMjaagWz0M.SgJ7-3a'J"iSgi. ' --.' 357"'.- -T" -. -.7. isms lUte- v-..7psl .r'sg 7 '.gSHP3 .sS I s I7 -jE 1V-, 7 774s v ins3-.7M 'V3F- .1^-71^k'.Vi. 7pT".,aft m3iWm v .-v s^SJfci7 \ ,v\'iSSp .SillW5PHg. VV-..3Hv A3 7'.ill f.y- '7. 7l'7 SS3 sv,- ' .V ft, , "'^Wt .'Vvn f33 17 7 .v ,-. 7 7 33 ' 70- 3X-4,fkS'3m mgmkkM .1 - s. . fSKwr.igp' yS 77L_ sL37' 7 ,_ d7.- . 7ri. r3^ ]3yf uij5On the CoversCfi. SoutMomefs uUtglity mftessiiGifV7e^.^..vO i IiJTTo'7 mi vJi iis" uRKENNEL CLUB m ..-SP PPP[yj ED]aOLIVE BRANCH KC Judge Merrill Cohen, BOB GRI Beth Speich, BISSAN ANTONIO KC Joan Alexander, BOB Jack Russell, GRI Ray McGinnis, BISighty is a gorgeous red sable with a clear head - he has what I think is the best head I've produced. He also possesses superb type, movement, showmanship, and soundness. I knew he was special as a young puppy. He is inbred on BISA, BISS CH. BEV-NOR'S TOASTED FUDGE as he is a double grandson."SOUTHLAND" sends condolences to BEVERLY NORRIS on the loss of "Toasty." He has contributed so much to Poms throughout the country in the 80's and 90's and he will be remembered long into the next century. There would be no Southland without him...but he lives on in Southland and others.MAiT nXsiBreederCo-OwnerCHARLOTTE CREEDCo-OwnersHOW J.C. BAUMGARTNER, M.D. NANCY SPELKEAgentJUDI HARTELLBRAZOS VALLEY KC Mrs Heywood Hartley, BOB BIS Mrs Dawn Vick Hansen, GRIThe Pom Reader. June 19933Moonwalker WallypresentsWindwalker Wendy -the windwalkin' girlWHO HAS STRUCTURE, TYPE AND PERSONALITYCH. GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKERXGOLD N ROCK OF OAKRIDGEJudgeSunny Dutton LI WAgentA1 Miniero Wk'Windy just breezed in fora FOUR POINT MAJOR. Thank you judge Dutton Watch for other Wally Kids to breeze in.VtQITCongratulations to Rosemarie Schroeder and Chrysa Guggenheimer with their new offspring sired by Wally 6 females, 2 males.fBEST OFOPPOSITE SEXPIEDMONT K.C.-V VdsAPR1993BAINES PHOTO .BEST BY BONNIE J BEST ___UrnGOLDEN AIRESBreederOwner SHARON MASNICK 803-928-3511"WALLY"BABIES EXPECTED INQUIRIES WELCOMEAgent AL MINIERO 803-838-9050The Pom Reader. June 1993ITie Pan iINDEX TO ADVERTISERSADAMS, T____ALLAN, M------ANDERSON,CBAKER, C____BEGLEY, K. .. BERNEY, S...BERRY, N----------BORDELON,J3535143515353526JUNE 1993 VOLUME VIII, NUMBER FOUR carson, m. bCATES, B. C.................................CILIBERTO, L. B........................COLCASURE, S................................CREED, C...........................................DAHLENBURG, D. M. .DOMRASE, A. J...........................FERGUSON, B..................................FRENCH, D........................................FIDDICK, R. J..............................FINCH, D...........................................FREIA, J.............................................G ASA WAY, I..................................GLASER, R........................................GRAF, H.............................................GRIFFITH, K....................................HARTZ, K..........................................HOVEY, J...........................................JAVERNICK, J...................................JONES, B.............................................KLEIN, J............................................LOVELY, V.......................................MACK, C............................................MASNICK, S.......................................MASON, B..........................................MARTIN, D........................................MILLER, E........................................NAGY, B.............................................NIMMO, U..........................................NORRID, S.........................................NORRIS, B. B...............................PHILBROOK, S................................PONTE-CORVO, S. N. .PRESSER, M. M...........................PURINA..............................................RGS PEDIGREES POMSRAY, B................................................RAYHOR, J.......................................REILLY, R. J................................RINEHART, M..................................ROGERS-RISTER, A.......................ROSENBAUM, M.............................SHERIDAN, C...................................SMAIL, S...........................................SMITH, R...........................................STEENBOCKS POMS--------------TURNER,D.......................................WELLS, M. G...............................YAP, B................................................3636TABLE OF CONTENTS 35361,2ON THE COVERCH. SOUTHLANDS MIGHTY IMPRESSIVE Bred and owned by Charlotte Creed, co-owned by J. C. Baumgartner Nancy Spelke.2.31372715368. DID YOU KNOW by Sharon MasnickFalse pregnancy Car seats for pets 353635KNOCK, KNOCK WHOS THEREThe Pom Reader visits Diane Finch of the FINCHS POMS..10. 14373716. BREEDER REFERRAL SERVICE by Sharon Irons StrempskiServing your Club while educating the public.363518,1922. SPECIAL ADDITIONTop twenty Poms.,35343622. UPDATETop ten exhibitors.353,5,36313624. IN LOVING MEMORYCH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE 361434,3530. OLDIES BUT GOODIES by Pam GuevaraThe debate over Veterans Classes.40353533. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates. 3520,2134. PR GENERAL INFO...Tips to help us serve you better.3636938. PLAYMATESOur popular candid photo department.373137The Pom Reader is published eleven times per year since reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of undying 24.00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 45.00love for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGIN- per year. Foreign prices upon request. ALL ISSUES OFNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to Friday.The Pom Reader June 199336become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third Class service in the continental United States 271426,3613TO ALL LICENSED POMERANIAN, TOY GROUP AND ALL-BREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis, Editor, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. Telephone 813-858-3839. FAX 813-853-3624. Office hours 9-5 EST Monday through26357I5We are all wrapped up inRAPPERb'imJudgeMelbourneDowning'wAgentKarenFitzpatrick 1' vsThank you judge Downing for this THREE POINT MAJORmf01Thank you Karen for expert handling. Watch for KAREN RAPPER at the shows.BEST OF WINNERSRAPPER is a joy to own and an asset to my breeding program. Thanks, Sharon, for allowing him to join us.a1 jROANOKE KENNEL CLUB KERNAN1993IKS'Golden Aires RhapsodyInquiries WelcomeBreeder OwnerSHARON MASN1CKGOLDEN AIRES 803-928-3511GERALD KRIPAKEVANSPARK POMS 215-489-4957The Pom Reader. June 1993tious project to date, an all-breed publication geared, like the rest of our magazines, to the promotion and protection of purebred dogs, with an upbeat approach and a watchful eye towards legislation that endangers our right to own and love companion animals of any breed. And the opportunity to be at the helm of this new venture is no more frightening to me than it has been to run this publication itself, for my goals are the same I want the very, very best for you and your dog. And the team we have assembled assures you continued satisfaction and quality.I want to take this opportunity to welcome Rhonda Glass and Cindy Ray to the team. Rhonda is on the day shift, Cindy on nights. I am on both shifts for the time being - but we all believe that through teamwork that will change. And I have made these two ladies a promise, and I also make it to you I promise to dress pre- sentably, behave rationally, and - hardest of all - to swear very little or not at all.But there's probably no reason to ever curse again, for now, for the first time in nine-and-one- half years, in 391 glossy magazines...I'm not alone anymore.I thank you for being with me all this time, and for being patient when my time was not my own. I extend special thanks to my best friend Duane Doll for handling all the other aspects of our publishing venture and holding up under a workload equal to mine. Duane has help now, too. And if you start to thinking that these other projects may take this magazine out of my first-priority category, you just remember...if theres a way to do things better, we'll find it, and as usual, Poms Away6FROM THE EDITORthing goes wrong - for no one would be able to fix it but me - and there is no one to take up the slack nor to take over if you're sick, or tired, or both.And frankly, I got sick and tired of never getting everything done. Letters to people that I should have written, photos that I should have returned, phone calls I intended to make that never got made and various and sundry areas that I would have liked to pursue, all went unaccomplished for lack of an extra pair of hands.And perhaps an extra brain cell or two.But that's all over and done with asSo I'm celebrating...And you should, too, for in the course of three short weeks my life has undergone a complete make-over. And you may note that, indeed, the change was overdue.You will have already noticed a drastic change in the design of this magazine - and that's just for starters, as I have only had three days' time on my new equipment. Moving the old equipment out was more than a little traumatic for me, as I had spent, all told, nine-and-one-half years working, usually seven days a week, sometimes 14 hours a day, on the machines that pounded out your magazine each month. And all that time I was, as you probably know, a solo act.There is a great deal to be said for working on a team of one. You can dress however you like, you can work crazy hours I start at 400 a.m., you can throw X-acto knives across the room if you're overcome with frustration, and - best of all - you can shriek all the words your mother forbade you to ever, ever utter. You also carry on entire conversations with yourself.Now, where in the H is the pica pole I know I used it less than 3 minutes ago. Should this be in Helvetica Font I hate Helvetica, only amateurs use it my apologies to Helvetica fans. Oh No She wrote on the back of her photo in ballpoint and it smeared on to the other picture Where in the H is the ink-removing solution I know I used it less than four minutes ago... But as being by yourself has its upside, it has, in truth, a tremendous downside.For now I can admit that it's been nine-and-one-half years of hell. There has been no one to turn to when everyiThisis not how I dress in the office even now.Photo Cindy Carpenter King. ioftoday.At 800 a.m. this morning, barely three hours away, a woman will walk in the door, sit down at her desk, and help me to do the things I want to do for you. How I will get used to this luxury, I don't know, for becoming a team player at this late date is somewhat of achallenge. But it is a challenge that I welcome, and an opportunity that I embrace.But that's not all, if you don't mind two buts in a row. I now have not one but two people working on production of this magazine - and the other four. "Four," you say, "I thought he did four total monthly magazines. " Well, you were right and now you're wrong, just like I was wrong and now I'm right.We have launched our most ambiJMcGTheOrient Express June 19937Cl^lcome AM. CH. JAN-SHAR'S IN LIVING COLOR AM. CH. BLAKE'S DYNAMITE ROCK AM. CH. JAN-SHAR'S HOME BREWAM. CH. RHEA-NA'S COUNTRY DJ OF JAN-SHAR who will no longer go back to the tl.S.AM. CH. JAN-SHAR'S WHISTLIN DIXIE AM. CH. JAN-SHAR'S JEANIE JOY AM. CH. JAN-SHAR'S SAYDE AM. CH. JAN-SHAR'S MOON STRUCK AM. CH. JAN-SHAR'S PRETTY AS A PICTURE AM. CH. JAN-SHAR'S PRETTY WOMAN AM. CH. JAN-SHAR'S AMAZING GRACE AM. CH. JAN-SHAR'S SKY HIGHAND MAJORITY OF THE JAN-SHAR DOGS THAT WILL BE JOINING CANTON KENNEL. THANK YOU SHARON HANSON FOR ENTRUSTING US WITH THE MAJORITY OF YOUR DOGS. WE ALSO THANK JERRIE FREIA FOR LETTING US HAVE AM. CH. JANESA STAR DUSTER CH. BEV-NOR'S TOASTED FUDGE X CH. JANESA GLEN IRIS STAR STRUCK.THESE DOGS JOIN US WHERE OUR FOUNDATION IS BASED ON CRUFT'S WINNER, ENG. CH. DERRONIL- L'S MAXAMILLION. y'dmV-4AT CANTON, RESIDE THE LAST TWO ENG. CH. DERRONILL'S MAXAMILLION SONSBISA PH CH. HADLEIGH MIGHTY STAR Eng. Ch. Derronill's Maxamillion x Nordic Ch. Hadleigh MaystarDERRONILL'S DEAR HEART repeat breeding of Eng. Ch.Derronill's Heart Throb who is by Eng.Ch. Maxamillion x Paddockwood Domino. Domino's litter sister produced 1989 top-winning Pom, ENG.CH. PADDOCKWOOD PRETTY RISKY. Domino's brother, PADDOCKWOOD HUCKLBERRY was England's top stud, producing ENG. CH. SABLEWAYS SILVER LINING and Crufts winner ENG. CH. SILVER STATESMAN.CRUFTSWINNER,ENGLISHCHAMPIONDERRONILL'S MAXAMILLION...AND ENG. CH. DERRONILL'S MAXAMILLION GRANDSON...PH CH DERRONILL'S BILLIONAIRE Eng. Ch. Derronill's Maxamillion son Eng. Ch. Derronill's Millionaire x Paddockwood Domino.BASILIO G. YAP \ \ Pasay Central P.O. Box 453 J J Pasay City 1399 f j J PhilippinesTel 632 828-0587 6-7 New York time632 827-85719SPVsVVJ9 77^^The Pom Reader June 19938m. y. '' ISii4Ga,0Sharon,JMasfiick I'I'"'CL Daround 40.00 plus shipping. For ordering information, write Pooch Perch Corporation P.O. Box 2615 Boca Raton, FL 33427id you know...That false pregnancy is a common problem faced by serious breedersFalse pregnancy comes on about eight weeks after the start of estrus, when progesterone levels drop. The female may have all the physical signs of pregnancy such as enlarged abdomen, enlarged breasts and a milky fluid from the nipples.The bitch will probably act like she's pregnant by making a nest, being loving or aggressive, and gathering toys to mother."Morning sickness" may also occur as well as an increase in food intake.The cause of false pregnancy is progesterone. Progesterone is necessary to maintain a pregnancy and until the level of the hormone decreases the dog will look and act like she is pregnant. There seems to be a greater frequency of false pregnancy in bitches who have been bred.A complication associated with false pregnancy is mastitis. Repeated false pregnancies could indicate a more serious problem such as ovarian cyst.False pregnancy can be controlled by use of drugs and hormones. A permanent solution is to spay the female, if she is not needed in a breeding program.It is best to seek the advice of your veterinarian.The Pom Reader June 1993Did you know...That besides a crate there is a safe way for your puppy to ride in the carYour pooch will sit in a plastic basket, just high enough to see out the window but not be free to move around. The basket is supported by two adjustable front legs and a shoulder-type harness fits over the back of the seat for rear supJmI BI. mm im-mUp liport.The unit has 111m legs which go over the seat back and hold it firmly in place. To protect your pet from sudden stops, a safety harness attaches to two straps on the blanket. A washable carpet provides a slip proof bottom and provides a cushion support.The dimensions are 14 12" long, 9" wide and 6 12" high. It will fit bucket bucket or standard seats.This car seat for dogs costs1111 Ijgjjp I 07 3 If fig 03 '01 0gjISKsSwwiL mmmmunit' ftIvllivsra11111i0.H000Happy traveling with your petSharon Masnick HCR 65 Box 745 Huger, SC 29450 803-928-35119^nro TOP BREEDER1992 m tfl,li\ X- If-V',JV..BISS BISRj'V^ KiA m\v1St-c\\v\oG1 A.P.C.TOP WINNING POMTOP WINNING BLACK OF ALL TIMETieCh. Finch's He Walks On WaterLove, Travis JackieThe Pom Reader June 199310Knock, Knock Who's ThereTHE POM READER VISITSjfmcb's omeramansSurrounded by swaying cornfields and sweeping blue- grass acreage, the house fits serenely into the Iowa country landscape. Looks can be deceiving, however it is a very active place.It is the home of the Finch Pomeranians.Diane Finch, owner and breeder,the family became involved with POA ponies. But it was her own involvement in horse shows that prompted her to become involved in dog shows.In 1979, Dianeshowed a 14-hand dark bay mare as a finalist in the 79 Quarter Horse World Championship and a 16-hand dark bay stallion to many all- around titles. ^ 1 When she replaced the placid,"push-button" stallion with a new trainee, her heart stayed with the other horse and she couldn't "get into"the new horse, j It was then she Diane made the deci- Finch with an armful of the Finch Poms sion to devote Photo by Sharon Rood, The Tri-County Timesfull "spare" -----------------------------------timeto the Poms so they could have their chance in the show ring.By this time, she had had her fill of the show circuit travel, and decided if the Poms were to be actively campaigned, she would have to find handlers for them.m.m.rIMIi ijmm ykmIP'K4' Vrmr r .' ,, , m mSrHmiijl Hsp^'l8lspThe Poms front yard - terraces had to be "puppy proofed" with lattice board as well as the deck - one show prospect puppy jumped from the deck to the grassy area 3 weeks before he won his first points and a Best of Breed The walkout basement opens to a whelping area. ism mhas always had a tremendous love of animals. As a child, she never owned a doll, just pets, and her free time was spent showing Holstein cattle. In later years, Diane became involved in quarter horses and she bred, showed, and trained her own for 25 years, concentrating on halter conformation, English and Western performance. As her children grew, their mother's love of animals was passed on to them andPiSMiDiane originally becamefascinated with the Pomeranian breed by a houseful of Poms that lived across from her high school. Curiousity aroused, Diane did her research when the AKC Complete Dog Book described the breeds' characteristics, she was cerThePom Reader June 199311tain the Pom was for her. Their personality perfectly matched her lifestyle happy, energetic.Diane purchased her first Pomeranian in 1962, an orange female "with a cute face but little else." She then searched for a female that more closely resembled the Champions she had seen. Even back then, she was faced with the tough choice between orange and black. The orange bitch puppy had a black sister which she really preferred, but she reasoned that the black would probably be too tiny so she chose the orange. She never could forget the black, however, and was lucky enough to acquire her a couple of years later she really hadn't turned out too small. The littermates had 19 Champions in their pedigree, going back to English champions through their sire, VanHoozer's Happy Go Lucky. These two females became the foundation for the Finch Pomeranian breeding program.Diane began her breeding career 31 years ago and the person who indirectly got her started was Velva VanHoozer.Seeing Velva's International Champions established Diane's goal - she wanted Poms that looked like that and she wanted some in blackWhen she first got started, Diane most admired the Aristic Poms because she thought they had the prettiest faces, great coats, and overall balance. Of special note were two males of the time Moor's Red Sparkle sired by VanHoozer's Happy Go Lucky and Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly.She linebred back to those VanHoozer males and Int. Ch.VanHoozer's Lucky Dandy Kitch. Stilltoday, Diane is linebreeding back to Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly through daughters of two of her males, Ch. Tim Sue's Moon Rocket and Chesai Touch of Magic.Pedigrees are important to Diane from the standpoint of knowing what certain bloodlinesm.Hi m-wmmi." S3 LSV- ' fSaajggtpossess or lack. She primarily chooses breeding pairs as individuals, and linebreedingand out- ing thetypiness ampretty face for which the program strives important to her.__________________________________________Diane breeds fortypiness and cuteft,A typicalFinchPom sSv,puppy,exhibitcrossing play a big part in theFinch program. All-around soundness, balance, movement, correct legs, structure and attitude are verylittle faces.With regard to the breeding of blacks, Diane has a theory which hmh seems to be proving correct she rarely breeds a black to a H black, she breeds good quali- I ty blacks to reds and H oranges. Her intention is to breed quality into the "other colored Poms, not just to keep a color "pure." Diane still gets jet black Poms her - breeding practice does not "discolor" the blacks or theA ,. - oranges.Walking into the showI ring with a Pom was "a piece of cake" compared to showing a 1200-pound, high- testosterone stallion, Diane felt. However, all the years of traveling the horse show circuit had taken their toll Diane opted to send the Poms with trusted professional handlers.Anna LaFortune finished Dianes first, Ch. Finch's Wee Heart Andy Gibb. He in turn sired Ch. Finch's -i rn\tJ 9gr r\IRf'r'SlThe Pom Reader June 199314ILLINI POMERANIANSsends congratulations and best wishes toDIANE FINCH1992 APC BREEDER OF THE YEARThanks for all your help, encouragement, and my new show girl...FINCH'S FIRE FEED JAKEaX,SiHx. ss\FINCH'S JUST A LITTLE LOVEmmmB3 'mmV.r Sfesmtvm-xx'Cht ApolloetteWildfireoI 1 lxv. .x' 1 t XJLMm Finch's .. X fL f vvBeALook for Jake at upcoming shows with his new friend, Nancy Burnette. Thank you, Diane Finch, for letting Jake be a part of our family.BreederCo-Owner Diane L. Finch Rural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134 515 769-2444Sparkling StarHandlerNancy Burnette501 988-2532Co-Owner Sandra L. SmailR.R. 3, Box 115 Maryville, MO 64468 816 937-2765Your dedication to the breed is obvious...CATHY ANDERSON ILLINI POMERANIANS 815-397-2463ffiea-9g PomsCONGRATULATIONS TODIANE FINCHON YOUR BREEDER VISIT Deepest sympathy from Barb df Steve fogy df aCC our "foasty" kin to our good friends Bev BiCC Morris on your great Coss. There zuiCC never be another foasty."CongratuCations to Diane finch on your kenneC visit jLooffor finch's Ima fzvesome fraveCer zvith Jackie fayner. food Cue If to our good friends ferry Morrozv, fred df JLinda JLezvis and Donna JLynn Wright, zvith fhea-dfa puppies.BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO DIANEAND TO JUANITA FIDDICKON THEIRBREEDER OF THE YEAR AWARDS FROM THEAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB FOR 1992You both have been a big help to me and also dear friends. I wish you continued successTHE NAGYS713 .Marlboro Road Stephens City, VA 22655703-869-3749ROBERTA GLASER GRUNDY CENTER, IOWAThe Pom Reader. June 199315Like Father. Like Son Like Grandson. V\,r i '.. \BIS, BISS CH. FINCH S HE WALKS ON WATER TRAVISA SON OF FINCHS DESIGN BY TRAVIS,mtt tt tt TARttfFINCH'S DESIGN BY TRAVIS - "DESIttA heartfelt "Thank You" to breeder Diane Finch for letting this beautiful, warm-natured Travis-son become a part of our family. Desi is a proven producer, throwing true-to-type with short backs, beautiful faces, small ears, big coats and outgoing temperaments. Currently being shown on the East Coast by Jackie Rayner, he is at stud to approved bitches.Inquiries WelcomeHandler OwnerJACKIE RAYNER 609 890-2624'816 582-3309 KELLY BEGLEY RT. 4, BOX 438, MARYVILLE, MO 64468KEISHA4\ ^TINCM'SA CLASSIC CREATIONl.f jJUDGEMARGARET MATERNAn.Si, tWINNERS "KEISI1A" MAS 8 POINTS INCLUDING A MAJOR PHOTO AS A PUPPY - WATCH LOR HER THIS SUMMER\V.XI BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXMARION KENNEL CLUBKEISHA AND HER OWNER SEND BEST WISHES TO DIANE EINCH AND THE EINCH S POMERANIANS.I-Ifeb. 1992rPHOTO BT K. BOOTH 4. 1OWNERDEANNA FRENCH2220 P. STREET, BEDFORD, IN 47421HANDLER JIM LEHMAN SWANTON, OHIO 419-825-3366The Pom Reader. June 199316Breeder Referral ServiceServing your Club while Educating the EublicBY SHARON IRONS STREMPSKII think everyone active in purebred dogs should be involved with an all-breed kennel club. It gives you a much broader perspective on dogs than a breed specialty club can offer.childhood pet who was accidentally let out by the meter man and discovered sex at 4 Vi years of age. After that he dug himself out every time a bitch in season was within range. It got so bad that the local police recognized him and brought him home in a police car. Thats usually enough For------------- the more persistentones I dig out my copy of MEDICAL AND GENETIC ASPECTS OF PUREBRED DOGS and rattle off a list of defects and ask if the dog has been checked for these since no one wants to breed to that. If all else fails Ill refer them to a breeder to evaluate their dog, explaining that people only want to breed to champions and if the dog is good enough it should be shown.With the studded dog goes the people who want to breed their bitch. They want a puppy just like their Lady. I explain that their dog is a unique individual and even with the best breeding they may never get one as wonderful as Lady. I throw in the genetics routine before I hit them with the bombshell that breeding risks the dogs life. Once they realize that theres always a possibility, not matter how remote, that their dear Lady could die, I find they suddenly lose interest in breeding their household pet. In order to put on shows, an allbreed club has a menu of activities from the AKC, several of which must be fulfilled. My Club has a match show, breed and obedience classes, an educational program for two days at the local mall and a breeder referral service.Of all our activities the breeder referral service is the most important. I know people would think of it as a way to sell puppies for club members.Actually, thats only a small portion of what the service does. More time is spent educating the public.It takes a special person or persons to run this service effectively.Answerers need to be knowledgeable about dogs, patient and pleasant even at times when theyd like to wail the living daylights out of some jerk more on that as I go on.A telephone person needs to be prepared for the types of calls received. I must admit that I was originally selected as a telephone person because I was chatty, available and set high ethical standards for myself i.e., I wouldnt try to sell my own dogs. I learned quite a bit as I fielded calls and my ever-increasing dog library served as a valuable resource. By trial and error Ive developed a standard line of response for all the many questions I hear.My favorite is, I wanna get The Pom Reader June 1993my dog studded. Its difficult to stifle a laugh to this one. Usually well-meaning individuals think their dog needs a sex life or feel their precious dog is so wonderful that he should be out siring more like him. I try to determine their motives with gentle questions. Often the sex life bit6 6comes from the dogs tendency to ride a leg. I suggest how to correct the habit, recommend neutering and reassure the person that the dog can live a wonderful life without sex. The proud owner of the most perfect dog in the world is a bit more difficult. Most of them can be discouraged with tales of stud dogs marking in the house, becoming aggressive toward other dogs, or wandering. I love to tell the story of my husbands9 9rS17steer them toward breeds that are protective by nature and recommend obedience training. I comment on how small dogs can be just as effective by their barking. Goodness knows, my UPS man stays on his side of the fence when mine are out and theyve only barked at himThe hardest calls are from people whose dogs have died.Theyve had their pet 11 to 15 years and had to have it put to sleep. They call to inquire about getting a new dog but mostly they want to talk about their pet and need someone to tell them they made the right choice. I spend time listening and encouraging the caller to share special memories.It helps to make them feel better.The calls that make me livid are from those people whose dog was just killed by a car. The usual story I hear is We just let him out and he always stayed around the house. When I question the person further it turns out every single time that the dog was blocks if not a mile from home Dogs are dumb, I say, They cant judge traffic speed and theyre inclined to wander off to investigate things. I tell them they shouldnt get another dog until theyve fenced in an area for their pet. They dont get any sympathy from me. I try to be polite yet at the same time make it clear theyre responsible for their pets death.Of course, there are the calls from people who cant afford much for a dog and some who dont want to spend a lot of money for a pet. I always recommend local animal welfare groups as well as breed club rescue services. There are dogs out there in need and Im not above promoting them over breeders puppies if the situation warrants.If your kennel club offers a breeder referral service, consider helping out. Its a great opportunity to serve your club and educate the average person about purebred dogs.Dbeautiful coats require daily grooming. Some people want nonshedding dogs but are shocked to learn that they can mat if not combed and brushed regularly.Every so often I get the jerk who wants a mean dog. I patiently explain a mean dog canBreeder referral continued...Sometimes I get calls from people with puppies to sell. They expect me to send buyers to them. When I tell them that they have to be a member of the kennel club and the process takes several months they get a bit upset.Usually they call because they have 8 to 10-week-old puppies that arent selling and panic has set in. I suggest different places to advertise, recommending getting help from the owner of the stud and if all else fails, placing them with the Northshore Animal League a no-kill shelter. I try to throw in a pitch for spaying the bitch if they seem receptive.Occasionally I receive calls checking out a breeder. Not everyone active in dogs belongs to an all-breed club. I try to give potential buyers a list of things to check for to help evaluate the nonmember breeder. Recently I had a call from a lady who said the breeder told her that she was a member of the kennel club. The puppy that she had for sale was four weeks old and it had a runny eye. My caller wanted to know my opinion. I have a responsibility not to leave the kennel club open for a lawsuit but I also have a responsibility to the public. I checked my directories our club participates in two other breeder referral services which encompass several clubs and didnt find this womans name no surprise to me. I mentioned that the state law requires puppies to be eight weeks old to be sold and it would be wise if the puppys eye were checked by a veterinarian prior to sale. It was just enough information to make the buyer decide that she didnt want a dog from the that particular breeder.People want me to recommend breeds for them. I try to get them to borrow a dog book from the library and sit down and see which ones appeal to them. I ask them how much time they have for grooming and training and what size dog do they want. If people fall for heavily-coated breeds I also tell them that thoseThe hardest ealls are from people whose dogs have died. Theyve had their pet 11 to 15 years and had to have it ccput to sleep. They eall to inquire about getting a new dog but mostly they want to talk about their pet and need someone to tell them they made the right ehoice. I spend time listening and encouraging the caller to share special memories. It helps to make them feel better.6 Cturn on its owner I tell them its like giving a two-year-old a fully- loaded gun to play with as it turns out, many just want a dog that will intimidate strangers since theyre on the road a lot and want a dog that will be protection for the wife and children. I try to Sharon Irons StrempskiThe Pom ReaderJune 1993Jackie18illiilliYAKIMAVALLEYKENNELCLUB Ilfm'_ .BEST3A." 1OF .p5 JBREED i'I5f ssi ilSI3X I1 iy.ENTRY \ , p21 1f^44.k. '' '"POMS m.]' 9, yBEST OF BREED YAKIMA VALLEY KENNEL CLUBSPRING - 1993Photography BytMarianne Jloss _sM'f-isJ ftlfippt t,i4THANKYOUJUDGECYRILBERNFELDf.It\ I m mMA _JJ'sLemurian CrystalCH. PEDRON'S DRAGON THE CONQUEROR ex CH. ALEXSAND'S GOLDEN WISPWe are very proud of our homebred girl Our condolences to Bev Bill Norris on the loss ofCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Breeder-Owner JJ. POMSJULIE JAVERNICK 505 824-0434Loved Handled by INGRIDA GASAWAY AHA POMERANIANS 206 843-1543WE FEEDAND RECOMMEND SCIENCE DIETThe Pom Reader June 1993Joshua19ISlife'vfAt'C 3K, "V X-JI or- fey .fy4g This richly-colored black tan son of CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE ROMX is almost recovered from his 1 year shed and is out to show what black tan can do_Sx ,V..'iVUESBME.1BMESS \ R\CV\LKHDmbv. pi Iv]Si] \ -JVJLNola's Joshua Fudge WATCH FOR HIMLovingly Cared For and Handled By INGRIDA GASAWAY AHA POMERANIANS 206 843-1543OwnerRAY MOONEY RAINTREE 206 837-3681WE FEEDAND RECOMMEND SCIENCE DIETThe Pom Reader. June 1993"srmI20fi ARemind me again whyViiSp5 IM OUT HERE. iTv M..f. .mmmuillSsfWhy Im driving between 1i mMiNOWHERE AND NOTHING,-y WSmT 'LieiS8K eHEADING FOR SOMEPLACE." Trf I SiIVE NEVER BEEN AND WHY,wMpllfeAFTER TWO CLUSTERS,THREE WEEKS, COUNTLESSMYSTERY BURGERS AND AFEW TIME ZONES, I STILLLOVE ITI KNOW ITS CRAZY.But last year I startedWINNING A FEW. AND IT FELTAREAL GOOD.SO THIS YEAR, IM GOINGA STEP FURTHER, A MILELONGER. IM GIVING MYSELFL...T'vpi MMAND MY DOGS EVERY'V' .V.SjgSS OPPORTUNITY TO WIN AND gfSSP reTAKING ADVANTAGE OF EVERY Yr'.yygQSBH' jmOFFER TO HELP. TXTodays BreedA4re Here To Help Tou Succeed. ^east once aycar, Purina invites you to enjoy all the benefitsof membership in Todays Breeder AssociationPuppy Starter KitsDesigned with the needs of your puppys new owner in mind, each Puppy Starter Kit contains a Certificate if of Pedigree, a booklet on feeding, training and proper veterinary J care. Plus sample bags for you to fill with a first days supply of S^^suxT^Sjjjpfp Purina Puppy Chowor Pro Plan9 Growth Formula puppy foods.If you maintain three or more dogs or breed your dog atAssociation.TMerWealthCertificate cf Pedigreeit r'.c-rslThePom Reader. June 1993 -'-'J.-'35'tjmsms'S'-Z--jl. - C- Todays Breeder Magazine-A publication created especially for breeders. Every issue offers information on the health and nutrition of your dogs as well as breeder perspectives on such areas as grooming, handling, stress and gestation. Plus breeder profiles and kennel tips.Pro Club RebatesAs a member you can earn rebates of up to 4 per bag on Purina or Pro Plan brand dog foodsby saving and sending in f,._g5^pg weight circles from each bag. Youll receive Pro Club- rebate checks good towards your next purchase of Purina or Pro Plan dog foods.Its an offer so valuable, youd be crazy not to join. For your application, simply IB B TV X jU DfAAf call 1-800-851-3148. U HMidVM CClisaainai Puppy Chew JjTJlyV 401^5^BT\i Ralston Purina Co. 199224IN LOVING MEMORY OH. BEV-NOR'S TOASTED FUDGETOASTYIIVpPi M r m'i rw.i1 7[h 1511rifBEST INSHOWBUCKS COUNTY KENNEL CLUB1981' jv. ASHSEYx'i'ljv wss llilffijf - - - -l . - vscIf Toasty was everything a breeder could hope for besides having thecredentials from a show career he produced Best in Show, Group andSpecialty winners and after he returned home he became one heck of a pet and my good buddy that was my call name for him. After Toasty retired he became a wonChicagoand was a finalist top seven. Toastys major contribution, however, was as a producer. See list of Champions this issue. He was the sire of 27Champions to date with several more nearing their titles...and we didn't even start using him at stud until he retired from the show ring. As you can see, he was a very special dog.OASTY" is pictured above taking a Best in Show at 9 months of age. This was always my favorite photo. Toasty also acquired all the titles the American Pomeranian Club had to offer, Hall of Fame, Gold Club, Register of Merit Excellence. Toasty also had a fabulous show record of 24 Bests in Show and 5 Specialty Bests in Show to make him 198 l's 1 Pom, 6 Toy 1982's 1 Pom, 5 Toy in 1983 he was only shown for 3 12 months, yet he was still 1 Pom and 7 Toy. He was also the winner of the first Purina Invitational Tournament of Champions held inThe Pom Reader June 1993Tbybreeder-owner Beverly NorrisMom" On December 13, 1992, he did not greet me. He was lying in his bed and he just died in his sleep.Myfavoritememoryderful house dog and loved the girls. Being the famous guy he was he was also visited by outside girls. He lived a good life and was pampered and spoiled rotten, ^ as we are a small kennel maintaining A about 10 dogs M only, M some- times mmv'ofr.ifLLr.iwmCh. Toastywas his breeding procedure. He loved me to ^ death, but when jST' he was "tied," no one, not even me, could put a ^ race near his, or bite it he would. Even in his later years, with no teeth, he would still tryToasty will be deeply missed here. He now sleeps peacefully, in our little graveyard, surrounded by a white picket fence, with his father and his son. He may be gone but his sons, grandsons, daughters and granddaughters are producing Best in Show and Specialty-winning Poms to carry on for him. We were honored to be the breeder- owners and caretakers of the one and only... HBev-Nor'sAAToastedHiFudge,ROMX, HOFS VV .yj ^ .tc-V.f.Bev-Nor's Tan-Ya's Crissy, win Best of Breed at the New York APC Specialty. Every time I think I've experienced it all in the dog world...they surprise me with something new.Toasty had not been real well for the last year he had his good days and his bad days - but thankfully the good days outweighed the bad. As much as he loved to be with the girls, the last month-and-a-half we had to move him upstairs to be away from them, as when one would come in season he would get so upset. He became the kitchen mouse, eating people food, watching TV and greeting me each morning with a bark and kicking his feet to say, "What's up today,Toasty's most avid admirer through all these years was Charlotte Creed SOUTHLAND, whose breeding program was based on him.Toasty's dad "Fudge" produced 40 Champions. His son, Ch, Southland's Toasted Fudge top producer 1988 produced 25 Champions another son, Ch. Bev- Nor's Statesman, was awarded Top Producing Stud Dog by the APC in 1992 - this was quite a shock to me as the award came 1- 12 years after his death on 9-6-91. He was the sire of 21 Champions. His loss was hard but he left a legacy in his champion offspring and promising pups. We were also honored to have his daughter, Ch.CH. BEV-NOR'S TOASTED FUDGEGone, but never forgotten.Beverly Bill Norris Bev-Nor Poms 7747 Meadow Road Pasadena, MD 2112228AgGigij 99JWhere you find the fancy's finesti rmum11T LU UDEADLINE JUNE 21st, 1993 Publication Date July 15, 1993Presenting the ShowSight team ames P. Taylor, ShowSight'sadvertising director. James' unique background in dogs includes being the advertising director at KENNEL REVIEW MAGAZINE for six years, as well as being both the advertising director and gossip columnist at THE CANINE CHRONICLE for the past 2 12. This talented young man is finally getting the recognition he so richly deserves. Do not hesitate to call James for...uane Doll, ShowSight'sPublisher and Business Manager. Duane's 30 years as an owner-breeder- exhibitor tell you he understands your desire for only the best for your dog, and his background as operations manager for a large chain of men's clothing stores assures you customer satisfaction, reasonable rates and superior quality. Duane has been publishing monthly purebred dog publications for 10 years.oe McGinnis Jr-,ShowSight'seditor and art director. Joe is a multiple allbreed Best in Show owner- handler whose 20 years in the ring made him acutely aware of the needs of his fellow fanciers. His loyalty to the sport guarantees quality editorial content and his professional background as an entertainer promises he will provide all the glitz and glamour you demand in your high- profile ads. Joe's stellar lineup of writers will leave you calling for more. Joe has ten years' experience as editorart director of purebred dog publications.oll-McGinnis Publications, ShowSight'sproud parent organization. D-McG has been publishing gorgeous dog magazines on a monthly basis for ten years. D-McG's recent transition to the latest high-tech equipment and its new staff of experts guarantees your satisfaction. The timing is perfect for the company's entry into the field of all-breed publications.DOLL-MGGINNIS PUBLICATIONS A DECADE OF SUPERIOR DOG MAGAZINESIMPECCABLEQUALITYADVERTISING CUSTOM- TAYLORED TO YOUR NEEDS8848BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, EL 33809-1604FASCINATINGREADINGGREATRATES TEL 813-858-3839 FAX 813-853-DMCGDYNAMITE AD DESIGN404-953-1940The Pom Reader June 199329PPlERJssiiAiGisT mHrn r UR LLiWHERE YOU FIND TIEI .I I11UPCOMING SPECIAL ISSUES AND DATESISSUESISSUE AUGUST 93 SEPTEMBER '93 OCTOBER '93 NOVEMBER 93 DECEMBER '93 FEBRUARY '94 MARCH '94 APRIL '94 MAY '94 JUNE '94 JULY '94SPECIAL SECTIONS PREMIER ISSUE WORKING BREEDS TERRIER BREEDS OWNER-HANDLERS HANDLERSANNUAL WESTMINSTER PREVIEW SPORTING BREEDS HOUND BREEDS TOY BREEDS NON-SPORTING BREEDS HERDING BREEDSDEADLINEJUNE 15 JULY 15 AUGUST 15 SEPTEMBER 15 OCTOBER 15 DECEMBER 15 JANUARY 15 FEBRUARY 15 MARCH 15 APRIL 15 MAY 15PUBLICATION DATE JULY 15 AUGUST 15 SEPTEMBER 15 OCTOBER 15 DECEMBER 1 JANUARY 15 FEBRUARY 15 MARCH 15 APRIL 15 MAY 15 JUNE 15PERYEAR90FIRSTCLASSPOSTAGEAdvertising information60Call James P. Taylor 404-953-1940REGULARPOSTAGE\The Pom Reader June 199338^J^^plaxmatesJUNE 1993Submit your cute photo for ouv popular Playmates Department Any clear photo will do, color, hlach white, Polaroid or regular film. JVlail toPR PLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604mi .iThere's nothing like a dip on a hot summer's dayRusty, courtesy Janet Sankey, Tyrone, PennsylvaniaftftmDon'tforgetour Playmate of the If car Contest100.00 First Place 50.00 Runner UpSend your Playmates todayMjaf",Si 3J5' gg.ifVSFvStokvt 4J4MULiWl, .itrlyggr OX^'SISTxf v. rv -^vm n m vv"- W-11NOW let those little suckers try to get at me Mitzi Baker family, courtesy Verna Baker, Roaring Spring, PAft ftThe Pom Reader June 199339^P1^playmate s JUNE 1993I Submit your cute photo for our popular Playmates VDepartment Any clear photo will do, color, black white, Polaroid or', m regular,film. JMail' s . ltoBfe PR PLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLYrm HILLSI LAKELAND, FL I 338091604j' y . 1ill JrWAn Invitations here for you.99f rWhat we won't do to look pretty for a party"99Don tforget our Playmate of the Tear Contest........L Ik..... ' ' fe i100.00Jik 3T First Place Iii V, R50.005r 1'iRunner UpSend yourPlaymateTodayis-fc- w- __fpltv-LJmPlaymateson this page courtesy Susan Lucatorto, Floral Park, NTI'm finally ready - Let's boogieftI always dread the morning afterrr 9 9The Pom Reader June 1993mmmafWZSi zLaCheri 1 s4SireCH.rGREAT ELMSTIMMYTIMSTOPPER.41'w.3ZV'sDamLA CHERIE'SHAPPYDAZEtm vX\V^M,.LUMBERTON KENNEL CLUB WINNERS BITCH BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXA, ' AYW' r " BEST C OPPOSI'4L, tUMBESTON kennelCUBjj UAftM.tSM I EASH8EY3 POINT MAJOR1I1 gpmTHANK YOU ED DOT MARTIN FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF HAVING MISS JASMINE IN OUR LIVESSHE IS VERY SPECIAL TO US.LESA KENNELS - SARAH NORRID, OWNER294PR BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGETHE POM READER 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604LIVING WATER POMERANIANS 8182 WHITE RD BOX 11 PHELAN CA 92371 USA 3 PAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND FLtvNews Publication - D- 7ot Delay - Address Correction Requested