The Pom Reader July 1993

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VOLUME VIII, NUMBER FOURJULY 1993ii.'V,AWmmfwit m- mimJ0S418iSuii. - [2ROn The CoverJodiA^ .5 Does ItNIlr ^ ifThe Fudge Tradition Carries On WD - Ruth Davidson majorWD - Dolly Ward major below WD, BOW - Florise Hogan r. WD, BOW, BOB - Tom Conway Thank you very much to all the judges that recognized the quality of our stunning Black Tan boy...t ClN\ C VBEST OF WHUERS mi i, vron TR NOLASJOSHUAFUDGEwr5E3" ' TfE\ Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge ex Great Elms Luvy of Lenette 1 f[,' J JOSH IS AT STUD TO APPROVED BITCHES ONLY- CHAMPIONS - ANGEL - TIKA - MAXOwnerRAY MOONEY MP 3.2 R Skye Road Washougan, WA 98671 206 837-3681HandlerAgent INGRIDA GASAWAY 34409 Kinsman Road E Roy, WA 98580m-vifSCIENCEDIET RECOMMENDEDThe Pom Reader July 19933W-,presents 1Although Wally's specials career was ended due to an injury that resulted in the loss of an eye, he is proving his worth as a prepotent stud siring his type.Congratulations to those who have shown and will be showing Wally offspring. if.mi t m m sW'S CH. MILLAMOR S MARK OF DIXIELAND CH. MILLAMOR S TRADEMARKMILLAMOR'S MUSICAL BOX CH. MILLAMOR'S MARK TRADITIONCH. MILLAMOR'S ROCK MUSIC MILLAMOR'S SPARKLING MUSICMILLAMOR'S MOLLY BROWNAT STUD TO APPROVED BITCHESCONTACTSHARON MASNICKCH. MILLAMOR'S MARK OF DIXIELAND CH. COY'S TOP OF THE MARKCEDARWOOD'S LINDA LEIGH DE ARTA'S DANCING MARKETTACH. LLL DYNAMO DANCER OF OAKRIDGE DE ARTA'S WEE DANCIN CHERICH. DANCING GOLD MUFF OF OAKRIDGEHCR 65 BOX 745 HUGER, SC 29450803-928-3511The Pom Reader July 19934I ItLVpresent ,A son r, - -s v- ' 'VKIPfk9CAN. AM. CH. GOLDEN AIRES KIP A WEE HEARTw. 7msiii v- 'T'ijfL s.S3 v -\.y.xisicA daughter. f f 8 I WENDY L-ivGOLDEN AIRES WINDWALKERftSXT.' 4 c,W . 3.pp vINQUIRIES WELCOMEWSr ors-2K 'BREEDER-OWNERSHARON MASNICK 803-928-3511AGENTAL MINIERO 803-858-9050The Pom Reader July 19935had funCAROLINA POM CLUB MATCHat the CENTRAL4kBEST PUPPY IN SWEEPS ROSIE was owner-handled by Jean Goodson to this impressive win Congratulations to Jean who has quite a talent for training and presenting a Pom. Watch for Rosie and Jean in the winners circle soon.m BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN REGULAR CLASSESr- mmxz[A]l ','Vi 1111Sail lack iGOLDEN AIRES ROSELANImBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPS41ma31aGOLDEN AIRES MOONSTRUCKHandled by Sharon Masnick Judge Chris Mullen1MThe above three puppies were sired by CH. GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKER. Watch for "Striker" and "Walker" to be out with AL MINIERO in the near future.Our thanks to Ken Eleanor Miller - MILLAMOR - for our foundationiHuyLVBreeder-Owner SHARON MASNICK 803-928-35111 Agent AL MINIERO 803-838-9050GOLDEN AIRES KNIGHTWALKERHandled by Sharon Masnick Judge Dolores WattsINQUIRIES WELCOME WE DO PLACE THE GOOD ONES. TOOThe Pom Reader July 19936rjheINDEX TO ADVERTISERSAdams, T.......................Allan, M........................Baker, C........................Bard, A..........................Barnes, D.......................Beam, R........................Bemey, S.......................Berry, N........................Black, E. V.................Byrd, K.........................Byrd, L..........................Carson, M. B............Cates, B. C................Ciliberto, L. B...........Colclasure, S.................Creed, C........................Dickerson, T. J..........Domrase, A. J...........Dunfee, N......................Feyh,R ..........................Fiddick, J.......................Finch, D.........................Freia, J...........................Gasaway, I.....................Graf, H..........................Green, J.........................Griffith, K.....................Hartz, K.........................Hersil, N........................Hilleary, G. C...........Hovey, J........................Jones, B.........................Lane, D.........................Litonjua, D. M..........Lovely, V......................McCracken-Purvis, P....McWhorter, J................Mack, C.........................Magtibay, A..................Maimon, L. J............Martin, D.......................Mark, J..........................Mason, B.......................Masnick, S....................Miller, K. E................Mooney, R....................Nagy, S. B................Nimmo, U.....................Norris, B. B..............Philbrook, S..................Podolin, R.....................Presser, M. M............RGS Pedigrees PomsRandall, B......................Ray, B..........................Reilly, R. J...............Rogers-Rister, A...........Rookstool, L.................Rosenbaum, M.............Sarta, W. H...............Sharpe, E. D............Shipek, S......................Smith, R.......................Sprouse, L.................... .Vasuta, L......................Visich, F.......................Wagner, C. r............Wells, M.G................Whaley, S.....................Yap, B...........................,42READER. 1993 VOLUME VIII, NUMBER FOUR .30,32,44.32TABLE OF CONTENTS. the cover NOLA'S JOSHUA FUDGEOwned by Ray Mooney.ON BEING GENEROUSBarbara LaCroix recounts getting her first Pom.DID YOU KNOW by Sharon MasnickGuest columnist Cheri Lessacher shares a frightening experience.SPECIAL ADDITIONTop Twenty Pomeranians.UPDATETop ten exhibitors.PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.OLYMPIA aka Lois CilibertoThis article is stolen...MY POM PAL by Pam West"The Imaginary Steakhouse Pom" by Barbara MontgomeryNEW CHAMPIONSMay June 1993.PR GENERAL INFOAddress changes advertising, etceteraPR PLAYMATESOur popular candid photo departmentDEAR PR...Letters from our readers.KNOCK, KNOCK WHO'S THEREThe Pom Reader visits Watts' Pomeranians.2. .33.45.3914. .32.31.3216. 1,2,31.33.4618..33.32.4518..40.3119. .9,31.4610,11,12,1320. .9,31.45.3022. .3110,11,12,13.4324. .32.43.2525..3,4,5,32.321,226..25.3128. .31.31.4634. . POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editor reserves the rightThe Pom Reader July 1993to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third Class service in the continental United States 36.00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 55.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request. ALL ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC- LICENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP AND ALLBREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis Editor, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. Telephone 813-858-3839. FAX 813- 853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday..32.48.3015,'A4 4 4M'a' fk'15 s OTSRjggoI HjtggiiS 4S3 S3 S3 S3 [5 [5S S3 TSTg S][nnajrri 51g_wJrwas]fcvS3 SfS s ,VW, iIlfsmsJv, \MIyyyiysyvySkS3 -\yfm'i - ,^ r.VvpiS3S3 .. m.. .Vi .1A Ax1 ^A0Mm Ummfc.v-. y'.SKiIPi 5CijltfPS3 lag 51 [gil"a Fa1BasalSTSjgSl Jr S3S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3i il05bmsbiigw4 tv\v V- 'llfgjwV'. 'k' i pmittanS', r lW EE 1977E E EMANUriTajW8From The EditorRecently an item appeared in one of my other magazines that had me in hysterics. In June's Humthink, a monthly article which chronicles the antics of a bilingual Pekingese, Manticore Miss Bah-Humbug, as told to her owner Louise W. King., also known ^The Big Crazy, "Bug" tells the tale of a New York misadventure undertaken by her friend, Pom Frite. It is so refreshing and Pom-like that I reprint it here...Sipr'HUMTHINKOr Pom Frite Strikes Twice by Louise W. KingSo Ill recount an Histoire du Pom Frite...although Pom Frite is not her real name and she is not a Pekingese Pom Frite has frequently visited us in Connecticut, disguised as a Disruptive Element...and turns up at a lot of unexpected places in a black bag. Places such as the opera, movies, restaurants, airplanes...and Saks Fifth Avenue.Once upon a time last April,Pom Frite and her owner lunched with The Big Crazy at the China Bowl. Pom Frite was as good-as- gold-plated and quiet as a crocodile, in the black bag during lunch.After lunch, en route to a movie Strictly Ballroom, highly recommended by The Big Crazy, Pom Frite was let out of her bag, to zoom along the sidewalks of New York. At the corner of Eleventh Street and University Place, Pom Frites attention was attracted by a small portly child, walking along the opposite edge of the sideThePom Reader July 1993walk...hand in-hand with his mother. Pom Frite lunged at the child, almost quicker than the eye could see...but was mercifully intercepted by her scarlet retractable lead. There was a flurry of surprised exclamation and apology...then everyone continued on their way.A block from the movie house, Pom Frites owner discovered that her checkbook was missing from the pocket of her parka - but was unconcerned. After the movie,Pom Frites owner called her answering machine, for word of the missing checkbook...and indeed, someone reported that it was found Someone not very far away. Pom Frite and her owner hurried off to collect the checkbook.Later that evening, Pom Frites owner called The Big Crazy - a trifle rueful - because the checkbooks rescuer was also the small, portly child's mother - and Pom Frite had siezed the opportunity tolunge at the child again, in his own apartment, while her owner was thanking the mother for returning the checkbook. The Big Crazy said, consolingly, that she thanked God she owned slow-moving Pekingese and that she never carried her checkbook in a shallow pocket1993, Louise W. King Reprinted from The Orient ExpressLouise W. King is a highly-regarded author and a good friend "Bug" is going on fourteen years of age Pom Frite belongs to a neighbor of theirs and Pom Frite's owner subscribes to this magazine I believe this will come as quite a surprise.Our thoughts are with all those suffering from the devastating floods in the midwest. Here's wishing a quick end to their immediate difficulties and a rapid recovery from the damages.Until August...Poms AwayJMcG9introducesLoveCy CPoms...of A\UTL RYLoveCyDe6onaire K EncorexI'if' ,-RUBY'S ONE MAN SHOW ENCORE'Hj 'XCH. LOVELY LADY SHAWNA-DEBUTANTErWhelped August 12,1992THANK YOU JUDGES BEST OF WINNERS. ...4-27 Dana Plonkey4- 28 Dorothy Welsh pic.5- 2 Cyril Bemfeld5- 29 Elaine Young6- 27 William Bergum2 points2 points3 points 5 points 2 pointsWENATCHEE iKENNEL CLUBSPRING - 1993 i Photography By MarianneIIVaLoveCy Toms ofChaos, . M 1 f,^-tj2w.tPoms..RJVICTORIALOVELYBLAKEJONESill4 i .'iff Hi ml i If 1 Hif I H I 0S1MIsThe Pom Reader July 199310AJM KENNEL Join forces in upgrading theOBIE TOOK MANILA BY STORMIf .MW'.pIfmmWigfMiiiINT'LAM.PHIL. CH. BI-MAR SUNNY'S OBSESSIONBISBISS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid x Bi-Mar Kat Ballou OBIE finished his Philippine Championship in just 4 shows. He's been siring well and we are thrilled with our "OBIE" BabiesThank you MARY ROSENBAUM for letting me have OBIE, for your willingness to share your knowledge and experience and for all your help, guidance and encouragement.OwnerAmbassador Antonio Magtibay11 Martinez Street, Mira-Nila Homes Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines Tel 632 967244 Fax 632 974453Co-OwnersDennis Mario LitonjuaThe Pom Reader July 199311CEIRISDEN POMSPomeranian Breed in AsiaJONATHON MAKES MANILA"tmm.', t pim'M4Mv" Af3-iMSdsr.r ,' \33Vs S,a PL . v vIt4ghfed i m m III' - - .SHIinnCAN. CH. BAVANEW'S STARFIGHTERBISBISS Ch. Bavanew's Somewhere In Time x Bavanew's Golden Starmist JONATHON will surely have no difficulty in finishing his Philippine Championship. He will be an asset to our breeding program.HOORAY to LESLIE RAMSAY of CALANU REGd for sending me this outstanding male. I truly admire your honesty and insight into upgrading the breed. Thank you for your unselfish help and encouragement.Co-OwnerAmbassador Antonio MagtibayOwnerDennis Mario Litonjua15 San Juan Street, Kapitolyo Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines, 1600 Tel 632 6327025 Fax 632 6316658The Pom Reader July 199312muKENNELA STANDARD OF EXCELLENCESSends a special thank you to SHARON MASNICKfor sending "SPEC" to Manila. Your friendship, knowledge and experience is truly exceptional-MPGOLDEN AIRES MIDNIGHT SPECIALLa Cherie's Oreo Double Fudge x Golden Aires Lady KayeSPEC is already pointed and on his way to his Philippine Championship. He's been siring well and producing show quality puppies.WE-cSK,1'' 3 W Mi221H ..t V .-air rv.X, ' LTr"^B' L i,dioifS MS 'i'os-5 15Igp - - - - ^ ayG .'St.I vl'-V---AJM'S MIDNIGHT STARGolden Aires Midnight Special x Feistys Sheer Splendor Judge W. D. Crowley Australia.Multiple Best Baby Puppy Best Philippine Born BreederOwner Amb. Antonio MagtibayCHRISDEN'S BLEU SAMSARAGolden Aires Midnight Special x Jan Shars Made In The USA Judge Izumi Fukagawa Japan. Best of Opposite Sex and Winners Bitch at 8 months, defeating Intl, AmPhil Champion entries.BreedersOwners Dennis Mario Litonjua11 Martines Street, Mira-Nila Homes, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines Tel 632 967244 Fax 632 974453The Pom Reader July 199313y . I \ffl i 4 IBSift1 rsf FTVT i fl W'95t V v ,.v ,\ . Our strength lies in the quality of our bitches.nttAMPHIL CH. POM GROVE'S FIREGLOW OF BI-MARL7" - ......C.m.'W ..m.CTi. Tim SWs Neon Lights x Ch. Wagner's Golden DreamSHSC M [SjE. "'rilI. rSWitAMPHIL. CH. JAN SHAR'S HILLBILLY HEAVENCh. Blake's Sir Robert John x Ch. Jan Shar's SaydeiJtitf' V vwe i2F' r^y-si.iS y..' iVV.. hfL'xa 58k1 vy , ULMlt. iL.0^. Soon to Grace the Shows of ManilaCAN CH. TIM-SUE'S DISTANT BELLIntl AmMex Ch. Tim-Sue's Distant Lights x Tim-Sue's Tu Mini LightsCALANU'S FANTASIABI-MAR'S GEISHA GIRLCan. Ch. Bavanew's Aurora Borealis x Bavanew's Baby KakesBIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid x Bi-Mar Impressive SummerQuality produces Quality We are thrilled with our Obie " Babiesir rrCHRISDEN'S OBSESSED CHEWBAKACHRISDEN'S HEAVEN'S O.B.'T-tfBIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sunny's Obsession x Ch.Jan Shar's Hillbilly HeavenCh. Bi-Mar's Sunny's Obsession x Bi-Mar's First ClassMARIO DENNIS LITONJUA15 San Juan Street, Kapitolyo, Pasig, Metro Manila, Philippines 1600 Telephone 632 6327025 Fax 632 6316658The Pom Reader July 1993assured me that a Pom was not what I wanted at alL I went back to mv book and re-read the information given on the breed. Yup that is what I wanted.I purchased a Dog World and read all the adds and checked off those that said what I wanted to hear. Then one by one I called breeders and listened to what they said about their dogs. There was a lady in Iowa who would send me a picture of a litter and let me choose one.Then she looked at a map and decided that I lived too far away to send one of her babies to me.It tookthis pink wet tongue slurped my face. She was not shy, she did not cower in the back of the crate. It was love at first sight for both ofMy 80-year-old mother had stolen my Doberman. She lives with me in her own apartment in my large house overlooking mountains in the far northern part of Marne. It is not the end of the earth, but you can see it from here. To go a show in this state you have to drive 5 hours, turnpike speeds. Since I have two broken vertebra and a broken ankle where the soft tissue never healed I resigned myself to not showing.My husband owns a restaurant. One morning there were several customers making a lot of noise outside. Wanting to quiet the disturbance, I edged over to the group to see what was happening.Several people had a young Cocker by the collar and were arguing over who was going to take the Stray home. Noticing that there was a tag on the collar, I scooped up the pup, thanked my customers for the care they hadgiven the pup-------o that he hd notgotten run over and went in to phone the vet to find his parents. Of course they were not at home, they were looking ,for my charge. For several hours I fed, watered and played with this pup waiting for his mother to listen to the message I had left- and come get her very sweet kid. as I played with him, I decided that I was going to get a puppy. One of my own that I could show and that would not eat me out of house and home like another Dobe would do. I bought a dog book and started reading descriptions and looking at pictures of the various breeds. I settled on a Pom. My Pug friend The Pom Reader July 1993us.Quickly I closed the door of the crate and scarfed it into my car. Down the road to a parking lot where once again I opened the crate so that she could come into my lap. My husband - bless him - did not like the Dobe. He would walk him, and feed him and pet him...but he would not like him. He took Ilk our new baby and held her up in front of A him to look her over. A pink tongue shot outof her mouth like that of an Iguana and she planted one ^ right on his nose. He laughed, hugged her and planted one on her nose. It was okay - he loved her, too.That night she spent on our bed, between our pillows. Although her registered name is Mischief Maker, she is our bed her call name is Bug. Our first Pom...But by no means our last.yBarbaraLaCroix4 hmonths B for me to h convince her to send my check back but to send me one of her little ^ furry balls of happiness to brighten up our lives and to ban depression in our home forever.We drove 3 hours to the airport.We have our own airport but that would have been another layover and another several hours of travel for the pup We watched as she came off the plane onto the cart and before she arrived at the ticket booth, I had money in hand and thrust it before me. After all the stuff was signed and everyone had checked the pup, she was MINE I opened up the crate andBarbara LaCroix Windy Hill Poms Predque Isle, Maine15II ALIIAI. 'IWVZ \1\ 2--, \Hv.4i11.' SEffllafliMc\V .0,225S I g WW-g-'j''LvS^ui- . . wAz...iiiUISllli L1LTS4Llki1ns ........-U ,Ch. Extane Vanilla Fudge SundayBISA, BISS AND MULTIPLE GROUP WINNER Pictured with judge Dr. William S. HouptOWNERBREEDERSHARON SHIPEK4803-3 AVE S, GREAT FALLS, MT 406-452-9104HANDLERSMARLENE MARLIN PRESSERThe Pom Reader July 199316DUbySharonMasnick DID YOU KNOW.that sharing experiences, good or bad, can be of help to everyone with Poms This month my column is written by Cheri Lessacher of Griffin, Georgia. before.A quick office visit, and my vet checked each puppy over for any congenital defects that might be present before he snipped off the offending appendages.All three puppies were fine, with no detectable defects obvious at that time.So, the dewclaws were removed in a normal fashion.During the ten minute ride home, I became aware that one of the babies kept crying in a piteous way. The other two girls slept quietly. If I think back on it, right then I had a sense of foreboding. "Don't be silly", I told myself. "You've never lost a puppy to dewclaws being taken off" But a sense of trouble loomed in the back of my mind.Once home, I returned the precious puppies to Ashley's devoted care. Of course, she looked at me accusingly, and had to give them a vigorous cleaning. I relaxed after all, everything appeared to be normal now.My relief was short-lived because soon "Baby Puppy", as I had dubbed her, was wailing again. This continued for the rest of the day, with intermitent stops of silence for an exhausted nap. I kept a watchful eye and observed that "BabyPuppy" would nurse frantically for a moment, then quickly shove herself away and resume crying again.By evening, I had begun the hated task of tube-feeding. Long ago I had learned to never let a poorly-nursing puppy go for even eight hours without a solid meal.She might have been getting some nourishment from Ashley during those brief, frenzied moments of nursing, but I knew it could not be enough. I used Ashley's own milk for the first feeding. Then every three hours through the night I used Esbilac. "Baby Puppy" submitted quietly to the tube-feedings, and seemed a bit more content.The next day, nothing seemed better. I continued my every-three-hour feeding schedule, but "Baby Puppy" continued to cry in distress. "What was wrong" I called my vet. It was suggested that a bacterial overgrowth might be present, or perhaps a lack of "good bacteria" was not present in the intestines. Okay. I started giving Amoxicillian two times a day, and used a baby teaspoon to get a bit of live culture yogurt in her. The Amoxicilin was for the possibility of bacterial overgrowth, and the live culture yogurt was to replace "good bacteria in her intestines.DEWCLAWS and BONE INFECTIONIt was April 11, Easter Day. My bitch, Ashley thanks Gloria, for letting me have her delivered three beautiful and healthy female puppies. Ashley was bred to my beautiful male, and I was very excited about the potential show quality of this litter. That I should get three lovely girls, and a first-time mother who acted like an old super pro bitch, had me in seventh heavenIt's my practice to always have the dewclaws removed between the third and the fifth day after birth. My vet assures me that this is the optimal time to have it done.Because these pups were just slightly smaller than usual, I waited until the fifth day. They were fat, healthy, and nursing well. With a mother hen's pride, I carried my small, content darlings down to the vet to get rid of those nasty little dew- claws. I had watched to make sure that everyone was well fed and quiet before gathering them up for the trip. Just a routine procedure, one I've done many timesThe Pom Reader. July 1993I saw no improvement at all. By late that night, I was very tired and getting desparate.At one a.m., I began inspecting her body for the tiniest sign of something not right. As I looked closely at her front legs where the dewclaws had been removed, I thought I detected just the slightest hint of puffiness over the joints. And was that a slightly warmer-than-usual temperature I detected in those joints Crazy woman that I was by then, I got out my small clippers and shaved the hair off both legs from knee to toe. Aha What was this Just above her left toe I discovered a small, pus-filled pimple. No bigger than a pin head, but this was not normal, and I had finally found concrete evidence of something I left the pimple undisturbed so I could show my vet in the morning.At eight a.m. I was on my vet's doorstep with "Baby Puppy" securely wrapped in her towel and heating pad.My regular vet was not there yet, but his associate examined the puppy and announced "...bone infection from declaw removal." By then my regular vet had arrived and confirmed the diagnosis.They both explained that the mother's milk usually provides protection from bacteria entering the bone and causing infection. For whatever reason, "Baby Puppy" had not received the benefit of this protection. The only thing that mattered now was, "What do I do to save my puppy"The pustule was lanced, allowing the poison to start flowing out. I was instructed to keep this "drain hole" open and cleaned with Peroxide three times a day.accompany all bone infections.Only slight puffiness and warmth need be present to signify trouble.Otherwise, the whole thing very much resembles the baffling "Fading Puppy Syndrome".I began a strict regimen of anti-biotics and disinfected the drain hole and kept it open. Twenty four hours later I was stumped again. "Baby Puppy" had gone into a semi-coma state. She was limp and lifeless, dead to the world. She breathed, never cried, and was like a wash-rag zombie. Faithfully, I tubefed her every three hours around the clock. I scrubbed her little leg and kept the drain hole open and disinfected. But this was like caring for a dead puppy. She hung limp and lifeless in my hand with no recognition of the world. Back to my vetIcarried "'Baby Puppy" home, satisfied that there was a real reason for her to be fading. At least I knew what I was fighting now. Tired as I was, I renewed my vigor and redoubled my efforts...myself. I felt joy, relief, and success all in one moment "Baby Puppy" was seventeen days old, and we had made itEach day from then was an easy pleasure. Ashley welcomed back her long lost puppy and took over all maternal duties. "Baby Puppy" resumed nursing from Mom like it had always been this way.Every eight hours or so, I offered "Baby Puppy" a bottle. She smiled and cuddled into my hand to suck the offering with pleasure. It's great to have two moms"Baby Puppy" is now eight weeks old. She has one front leg with a big "knot" at the joint where the foot takes an almost horizontal turn to the side. The infection did penetrate that bone. The other leg is normal and straight. Surgery is forecasted for the future to repair the little leg to a more normal state.I have to admit, I'm a bit nervous about having dewclaws removed now. But I will still continue to have this procedure done despite my fear. It is a rare evil that seldom happens, I'm told. Just once was more than enough for me This lovely puppy will never be able to be shownI don't know how to end this article, except to say that "Baby Puppy" is a tribute to the spirit, the will to survive, and what we both accomplished together with a monumental strength of sheer will. We both survivedagain.Diagnosis - the antibiotics were depressing the puppy in a horrible way. But the regimen must be continued to fight the bone infection. I had nothing to lose. It was live or die. I can't describethe following nine days in detail. I fed her every three hours, day and night, with Esbilac, then CliniCare by Pet AFG. I supplemented with Glucose 50 and water in between those feedings.God bless my family. They merely fled in terror at the sight of me. I had become a monster and no one dared ask"Clindamycin Hydrochloride"Antirobe Aquadrops was prescribed twice daily to fight the bone infection. Aspiration of the fluid on the joint was deemed to be a last resort. Such an action would most likely cause severe bone deformity in the legs. At this point, we were hoping that the joint had still not been traumatized. I carried "Baby Puppy" home, satisfied that there was a real reason for this puppy to be fading. At least I knew what I was fighting now. Tired as I was, I renewed my vigor and redoubled my efforts.At this point I want to add that visual examination was almost impossible. Only the little pustule gave me hard evidence of bone infection. This "pimple does notme for anything. I had become a raving, sleep-deprived, don't-speak-to-me lunatic. I heard whispers of "Mom is saving another puppy. Better hide". I have such a wise familyDay ten of the treatment finally arrived. "Baby Puppy" was taken off all the drugs. Ten hours later I was pleased to have to fight with her about a tube feeding. In fact, she fought me so strongly, I offered her a Foster Smith feeding bottle of formula. With gusto, she guzzled it down and smacked her lips, looking at me with slightly hazy but cheerful eyes.Cheri LessacherHappy Breedings To You, CheriThank you for submitting this article. Reader input is encouraged, so let us hear from you, too.SHARON MASNICK HCR 65 BOX 745, HUGER, SC 29450 803-928-3511Suddenly, I began to cry like a babyThe Pom Reader July 199318.w\V-1 \ 'VIIul\s'Iabfo Lois CilibertoDogs Howl And This Article Is StolenBut for a good cause. It was lifted from Quincy Illinois KC Tattle Tail who lifted it from the March-April issue of the Western Rottweiler owners' NEWS, via Colonial Rottweiler Newsletter. In the April Reader my column dealt partially with AKC rules on disqualifying dogs and with the question as to why dogs can be disqualified from showing yet still retain their breeding papers. The stolen article below fits right in.-JfJust how far are we going to allow the AKC to push us towards the brink of reasonWell, when you hear this, you may well agree that we are up against the wall.On Thursday, Nov. 12,1992, the American Kennel Club's Chief Counsel Sam Perry stated under oath at an AKC trial during cross-examination that under the amendment to chapter 14, section 8, of Rules Appying to Registration and Dog Shows, that his interpretation of said rules rendered bitches who had undergone a caesarean section shall not be eligible to compete at dog showsMr. Perry reiterated this opinion several more times. This unbelievable legal opinion has sent shock waves throughout the fancy and the halls of the Ivory Tower.Reasonable, sophisticated, intelligent AKC insiders are appalled...yes, there arefor the first time this month with the purpose of studying and reviewing Chapter 14, Section 8, and its amendment.Dr. Hritzo assured me that the committee is made up of real dog people...that they are very interested and dedicated to this committee and that, if they are of like mind and spirit as I found Dr. Hritzo to be, perhaps reason will prevail in at least one very important area of AKC jurisdiction.Dr. Hritzo was very assertive in his assurance that his committee would welcome, encourage correspondence from any of us. They want to act as much as possible on behalf of the wishes of the grass roots of the fancy. For God's sake, let's take their good will at face value on this one Drop a note or a letter of any length, as informal or otherwise as is comfortable for you to state your exactIN THE BEST INTEREST bF PUREBRED DOGSBy Judith Donaldsonsome of the above described. Are they, however, the "movers and shakers" We will soon find out.Dennis Sprung and Jim Crowley both refreshingly intelligent and helpful men at the AKC referred me to Dr. Robert Hritzo, Chairman of the Privileges Committee of the Board of Directors. I interviewed Dr. Hritzo, a physiciansurgeon, yesterday and he told me about the new AKC committee that he now chairs, first mentioned to me by Sprung and Crowley. This new committee will meetopinion on what you feel is and is not acceptable medical treatment and procedure for our dogs.We all know the difference between cosmetic surgery and surgical repair. As things stand, THEY do notArtificial teeth in a Doberman missing a few. OSC surgery on a Great Dane's shoulders. Severed ligaments on Greyhounds' ringed tails. Eyelids sutured open on Shar Pei. Implants in faulty ears. Tattooed eye rims and nose leather. Surgical removal of white markings. Braces on overunder wry bites. Removal of white haws. Illegal Of course.Do you want your bitch to present you with a litter of monkey-tailed little darlings because you did not know that the daddy himself "once upon a time" looked like an Afghan Hound between his hip bonesNor do you want to compete against a dog whose premolars come from the lab and not the gene pool you have struggled to protect.But what if you had a bitch who had bloated and surgery, but decompression drugs during the procedure and after Or what if torsion had occurred and she was surgically saved What if your young dog had dislocated his shoulder while hell-raising with a couple of big guys and your vet popped it back in place and pinned it for a few weeks to keep it thereOr the Bulldog and other breeds' bitches who commonly have caesareans and bounce back to win and will produceFor God's sake, let's take their good will at face value on this one Drop a note or a letter of any length, as informal or otherwise as is comfortable for you to state your exact opinion on what you feel is and is not acceptable medical treatment and procedure for our dogs.We all know the difference between cosmetic surgery and surgical repair. As things stand, THEY do not-Judith Donaldsoning the puppies, but who later free- whelps. And sure, in a hairy breed it is harder to find the section scar, but if someone else knows about it and becomes your enemy it's a simple step to the AKC rep. Read the above article very carfully to get its full intent and send in your letter. SAY SOMETHINGWHY ARE FIRE TRUCKS REDFire trucks have 4 wheels and 8 men.happen with those xrays Will they be red-flagged to the AKC Will the AKC pull that known dysplastic dog as soon as it is bred or exhibited Will it be diquali- fied and have charges brought against the owners and handler Or is the genetic defect okay as long as you don't try to improve or hide itUrge the good doctor to help us help our dogs. Surgery or treatment to restore an injured or ill dog to his birth condition should not be discouraged.Write to Dr. Robert Hritzo 326 Warner Road Hubbard, OH 44426Everyone knows that 4 8 12. There are 12 inches in a foot. A foot is a ruler. Queen Elizabeth, a ruler, is also the name of the largest ship of the seas. Seas have fish. Fish also have fins. The Finns fought the Russians. Russians are red. Firetrucks are always 'rushing', therefore firetrucks are RED. Quincy 111 KC Tatlle Tailagain.Or the puppy with a broken toe in a splint and wraps for six weeks who grows up to be a champion and sire of distinction. Wise words by John Harsen Rhoades "Do more than exist - LIVE Do more than touch - FEEL Do more than look - SEE Do more than hear - LISTEN Do more than talk - SAY SOMETHING"Hopefully, to Dr. Hritzo, whose committee is, according to the article above, encouraging our point. In our breed, caesareans are common. Wouldn't it be hideous to have this common problem a preventive to showing a bitch Now, I look at it this way. A bitch who must be sectioned with each litter, well-perhaps that should be discouraged for the good of the breed. But we all have had the rare bitch who gets one crosswise or who, on first whelping, goes into inertia, endagerAllof these routine occurrences are now illegal. Where does common sense and protection of the gene pool start and where does it end Should it end at the treatment of an injury or illness obvious to all but the most obtuse of us and the AKCThe AKC will register dogs with known, even visible, genetic defects of the most crippling nature Blind, distorted limbs, epileptic, cataracts, PRA, thyroid disease, cardiac anomalies, and elbow and hip dysplasia.If a dog gets back an OFA evaluation stating that the hips will not pass, he can still compete in the show ring. What willHow's that for logic This kind of logic can result in such unbelievable ideas as banning a C-sectioned bitch from the show ring, whilst retaining her papers to breed and the papers of any dog disqualified for such reasons as lack of testicles,etc..Until the dog howls again...Olympia aka Lois Cilibertonote new address 20130 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FL 34639 813-996-5499The Pom Reader July 199322by Pam WestMyPom PalThe following story is an absolute delight. It further illustrates the lengths to which we go for our Tom Pals...aV' TheImaginary Steahouse Tomby Barbara MontgomeryBecause, dear one, no one - and I mean no one - offers red and white parti Poms for sale. Were fortunate we could locate one so near. How many times had I waxedf fThe Western Sizzlin in Waxahachie is where ny husband will meet you, Mrs. Smith not her real name blithely informed me, her cheerful phone voice spanning the miles from McKinney to Waco. Do you know where that eloquent in detailing the scarcity of partis to my disinterested siblingWell, go then, she finally conceded, but I still think there has to beis95No, I responded with dejected determination, but Ill find it.Okay, good. He says to tell you that it is located on the North Loop. He used to live in Waxahachie.Right, I sighed, hanging up the receiver in resigned confusion. For all I knew of Waxahachie, Texas, the North Loop could be located somewhere near the Rio Grande."Seems like a strange way to get a Pomeranian, my suspicious sister sniffed when informed of my latest madcap scheme. "Youre going seventy miles to Waxahachie,and theyre traveling 70 miles from McKinney to meet you at some restaurant Whydont you just get one of these She inquired, indicating the many ads in our local newspaper.The Pom Reader July 19935566After the steak- house foulup,Sara Lee says,"Nexttime, we'll go MexicanJ55 TACO -BU95y 66 66 r Y^, -V'waneasier wayThe steamydampness of a Central Texas April morning cloaked the landscape in an eerie gray as I prepared to depart for Waxahachie the next day. When the abruptringing of the phone pierced the still, gray silence, I realized trouble was already lying in anxious wait for vulnerable prey.Miz Montgomery the masculine voice was tinged with----- ..._______ apologetic apprehension,"This is Ron Smith. I wanted to tell you that Im going to be a little late in gettingin to Waxahachie. I was so busy with them horses and their trailer that I got all the way to Frisco for I discovered that Id forgot your little dog Had her crate and food on the kitchen table all ready to go, too, but I just clean forgot herOh, dear I exclaimed, much distressed. Oh, dear95 559923"Yeah. But I got her now and were on our way.By the time Waxahachie appeared on the horizon, I was less than confident about the entire venture. My lack of confidence dissolved into horror, however, when everyone I met in the town swore that there was no North Loop. Or Western Sizzlin.99Aint no ca-fay here by thet name, they would insist earnestly. No street called thet, either. You shore yer in the right town, Missy"Rv IP't Sc.I dont know anymore. Is there any steakhouse in Waxahachie"cc ' aSara Lee, named for her coat coloring's resemblance to a coffee cake, prepares to bed down in her new Waco home.Wall, yeah. Go on up the road about a mile.variegated, swirling consistency of a Sara Lee coffee cake wasThars a Golden Corral ca-fay on the right. Mebbe them folks kin help.interested restaurant staff scrutinized us, causing my facial tone to deepen to scarlet for Mr.Smith was the epitome of Texas handsome.That Catfish King used to be a Western Sizzlin about ten years back, he informed me. Guess Ive been gone too long, huhYes, yes, yes I exclaimed impatiently, But where is my girl I cant wait any longerHe motioned for me to accompany him to his pick-up cab, where the little Pom had enjoyed the journey from McKinney in a comfortably-padded crate. He reached confidently into its interior and brought forth a ball of red and white fur, which I hastily seized. Her tiny chocolate eyes peered anxiously at me with an awareness far beyond her twelve weeks, as she hesitantly placed an - oh, so small - paw on my shoulder. Her neck was clothed in a snowy Sheltie-like collar, while her sturdy legs created the lovely illusion of being shealthed in white silken stockings. A perfect gray-soon-to- be-red saddle girded her pleasingly cobby frame, and, altogether,she was a delight to behold. The99Totally devoid of any hope of a rendevous with the Smiths or my Pomeranian, I proceeded to follow the locals disjointed instructions, and found that, sure enough, there WAS a Golden Corral up the road. As I timorously approached the busy cashier, my courage waned how could I inform this upright gentleman in such a respectable environment that I was planning a rendevous with a man I had never even metduplicated splendidly in her fluffy coat."SaraLee...SaraLee... I murmured into her wee ear while cuddling her close on the journey home. "Do you think you will like Waco, SaraLeeHer only reply was a delicate sigh of contentment ,as she gently snuggled more securely into my neck. But a verbal exchange was unnecessary for either of us, for an exchange of hearts had already occurred SaraLee and I were now hopelessly in love.And because of the Waxahachie confusion, in our circle of family and friends, she will forever hold the appellation of The Imaginary Steakhouse Pom.9999a99Finally the cashier noticed my hesitant confusion and rescued me from my plight.You Barbara he inquired happily.Why, y-y-es, I stammered in surprise."Well, your date is over at Catfish King.This helpful information caused me to flush a brilliant crimson. Oh What is he doing there I breathed at last, overcome with embarassment.Dunno, the amiable cashier assured me. But he said to tell you that he ison his way over here now.Five minutes later an apologetic Mr. Smith was explaining as ana99We thank Barbara for sharing this wonderful story and photos with us. Readers are encouraged to share their adventures - write toMY POM PALCO PAM WEST 3521 Buckner-Tarsney Road Grain Valley, MO 6402999The Pom Reader July 199324cHbwPublished May June 1993ions...MAY Southlands Super Impressive D by Ch. Southlands Sir Impressive x La Cheries Cinnamon Imperial Breeder Charlotte Creed Beverly Norris Owner Charlotte CreedHeart's High Society BreederOwner Dianne KiefferAbsolutes Magic Mountain D by Ch. Jan-Shars Mountain Dew x Jan Shars Madonna BreederOwner Jeanne Robert BlankJakens Juniper B by Ch. Tomho Caviar Dreams x Jakens Afr Violet Tanglewood Breeder Jackie M. Rayner Carol J. Aubut Owner Sharon Diana Elphick Jackie M. RaynorWee Heat's Tight End D by Ch. Sungolds Kazar Quarter Back x Wee Heart's Heidi Breeder Cassandra Ready Evans Regina Ready Owner Diane L. FinchAutumn's Cara Mia Lil' Rider Dby Ch. Sungolds Rider Almond Roca x Ch. Autumn's Car Mia Monique Breeder Emily Untalan E. C. Untalan Owner Arthur D Stevenson Emily UntalanMerrymont Gold Card B by Sun- Dot's Mastercard x Ch. Merymont Gold Fever Breeder Patricia J. Griffin Owner Nick Joines Patricia J. GriffinWoodrose's Mochi Bear D by Ch. Great Elms Chip of Gold x Ch. Sandtown's Sweet Socks BreederOwner Clarice M. Oganeku Yvette H. OganekuCollier's Golden Guy D by Sir Golden Champion x Mayken Collier Dream Luv Breeder Kenneth W Mayes Lula Mae Collier Owner Jose Antonio VillapandoRocky Peaches 'N Cream B by Rockys Chip Of Gold x Rockys Sister Baby Breeder Virgina Rockhold Owner Barbara S. ChanceJUNEFame Showtime D by Ch. Wee Rambo of Coy's Top Mark x Watch Fob's Brite Cherry Breeder Geneva B Pennock Owner Donna Riehm Brenda SegelkenCreiders Queenaire Hawk D by Ch. Creiders Winterhawk x Queenaire September Mom Breeder Mrs. Norma Creider Owner Marit HattoriSusitna's Mr. Personality D by Sharels Southern Prince x Sharel's Southern Diamonelle Breeder Carolyn Tumage Sharon L. Hicks Owner Leslie B. RogersDar's Foxridge Ming's Cendree B by Dar's Great Elm's Fox Of Lenette x Dar's Foxridge Ming Dawn Breeder Rosemary E. Regoni Deena A. Swinney Owner Jeanne C. BlankLovely Sopapilla Sophia B byLovely Gentleman Jeffrey x Lovely Polarpom Elizabeth Breeder Victoria E. Lovely Blake R Jones Owner Victoria E. LovelyTim Sue's Stage Lights D by Ch. Chriscendo City Lights x Jolly Wee Lady Of Pete Breeder Tim Goddard Sue Goddard Owner Vicki Clendenin Ron Feyh Larry L. RookstoolDelSole Breckfast At The HarborB by Ch. Tim Sue's Harbor Lights x Sun Ray's Ash Lee Breeder Susan Conlee Owner Jill Stan CohenLu-Neals Chip Of Teaka D by Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince x Ch. Great Elms Teaka Of Lu-Neals BreederOwner Louise SprouseNEW CHAMPIONS are taken from the Awards publication put out by the American Kennel Club. New Champions are published as space permits.Goldcrest's Imperial Warrior D by Del Sol's Lil' Babear x Rider's Angel Of Goldcrest BreederOwner Glenn C Bernardo Kelly J RogersMerrymont Primrose Path B byCh. Chriscendo Calvin Klein x Merrymont Cameo Keepsake Breeder Patricia Jo Griffin Owner Carolyn Tumage Heartlands Classic Treasure B by Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x WeeThe Pom Reader July 1993THE POM READER is mailed the very day it comes off the press and everyone's issue goes out simultaneously. Third Class Mail travels in bulk and may take up to three weeks to arrive the United States Postal Service will not guarantee a definite delivery time for third class mail. First Class Mail, while at a higher postage rate, arrives within two to five days of mailing.MLGENERAL INFO Address changesMNM'S POMERANIANSPlease advise of an impending change of address as early as possible to ensure uninterrupted receipt of your POM READER. This is especially important for 3rd class serviceremember, third class parcels are not forwarded by the post office. If an address change is not received before shipment, the post office simply rips off the back cover with the inaccurate address and sends it back to us, then charges us for the privilege. Then your POM READER is tossed into the trashWhen advising of an address change, please either include your old mailing label, or copy the name and address exactly as it appears on the label again, this will ensure rapid and accurate reflection of your change in residence."Portraits of Perfection"Linebreeding of Distinction Studs of Inherent Quality Striking Show Candidates Mary and Gene WellsRT 2 BOX 238, PATTONSBURG, MO 64670 816 367-2254Pi4Advertising1 Advertising is easy in THE POM READER, as we do all the work for you If at all in doubt as to the content or design of your ad, feel free to contact Joe McGinnis, Editor, at 813-858-3839. Here are a few tips to help you design an effective, attractive adWORDS LESS IS MORE. Too much text may detract from the overall impact of your ad. Keep it simple and to the point.PHOTOS BIGGER IS BETTER. The more space for your photo, the greater the impact of your ad. And one very important point to remember...DO NOT FOLD, SPINDLE OR MUTILATE There is no need to damage your photo in any way for it to appear in your beautiful ad. All cropping, size reduction or enlargement is accomplished in our darkroom. Please do not staple or tape anything to your photo. All photos will be returned in the condition received, by first class post. ..GnfciAw.fMASON'S CLOUD DANCER 12 brother to BIS CH. Phantom of the Opera SHOW QUALITY POMS TOP BLOODLINES PUPS ADULTSBetty Jo Mason590 E. Orance Avenue Perris, CA 92571 909 657-8166 CirculationTHE POM READER has worldwide circulation. Now in our eighth year, each month we see an increase in happy readers around the globe. For more information, contactomeramanm The Perfect Pets - Bred For QUALITY BEAUTY TEMPERAMENT AKC Champion Stud Service Puppies DORATHY RAY BARNES 34861 Beacon, Livonia, MI 48150 Phone 313 522-2772 \ 5mv,Pfie Pom Readersa- dVa 07218848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604 TEL 813-858-3839 FAX 813-853-3624A STANDARD OF EXCELLENCERhea-Na, Bev-Nor, Great Elms, Glen Iris, Janesa, Tim Sue - bred litters throughout 1993. Info package on request. Barb Steve Nagy, 713 Marlboro Rd., Stephens City, VA 22655.703-869-3749.The Pom Reader June 199326aJULY 1993\h- Submit your cute photo for our popular PLAYMATES Department. Any clear photo will do, black white, color, polaroid or regular film. MailyX11lbwtoPR PLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604This new bed's not all it's quacked up to be.China, " courtesy Ally son Enlow, Thornton, Arizonaftft1y.rDon't forget our PLAYMATE OF THE YEAR CONTEST... First Place100Runner-Up50Subscribers will vote inDecember and the winners will be announced in the Eebruary- March issue. Send your PLAYMATES todayyv ,,,y.\m wsswwm 'M.S'Ujm_ ' V Vva^jSH\VaVaAAaYa -. Ia V ^fvi' ft u.j, I.fti.ff. _ 4_ 'k-j i -, 'AW.Ufif. . WTiIi lr_ AY AY AYA f AT A Y AFATAT.1 . ' 'iTATVfLove my dog.Courtesy C. Anderson, Rockford, IllinoisftThe Pom Reader July 199327a\JULY 1993sbDon't forget our PLAYMATE OF THE YEAR CONTEST... First Place100Runner-Up50Subscribers will vote inDecember and the winners will be announced, in the February- March issue. Send your PLAYMATES todaym,A, --iaca1"I'm no good at all until I've had my morning coffee."Lindy's Miss Winifred Pooh" at 7 weeks, courtesy Linda Herrman, Lake Ariel, PennsylvaniarrwftwyTiSubmit your cute photo for our popular PLAYMATES Department. Any clear photo will do, black white, color, polaroid or regular film. MailHIMHi"I'd like to get my teeth into whoever gave her that camera for her"Mikey " ready for Halloween, courtesy Regina Robert Nunn, Andrews Air Force Base, District of Columbiato V - "PR PLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HELLS LAKELAND, EL 33809-1604The Pom Reader July 199328grabbed a tube of toothpaste, coated the bums and the child was quiet while this Super nurse is still trying to unlock the drug cabinet.I keep a notebook handy with the tips I leam in it. When a situation arises I can rely on my notes for all the solutions the that worked for me and almost as important I write down the things I try that dont work. I find in an emergency I will repeat the same errors over and over if I dont refer to my notes.Barbara H. Grimison West Point, MSDear CP..Dear SirI received the additional copy of THE POM READER last week. Thank you very much. I had requested the extra copy because "Rusty" and "RJ's" picture was in the May Issue and I am so proud of them.Even though I am not a breeder I do enjoy your magazine so much. Your articles are very informative.I have many letters to write concerning the two items you had featured in OLYMPIA,Both my Poms take "for human use" drugs to survive and I think it is, for lack of a better word, just plain STUPID to enforce such an outdated rule as to not let veterinarians use these drugs to treat animals. After all, veterinarians are trained and very talented in trying to keep animals alive and healthy. My veterinarian is probably one of the most intelligent people I ever met and if it wasn't for his knowledge and caring, my two guys would have died years ago.Second half of articleI chose Poms for a reason to keep and love as my pets, their qualities were bred into them to make them such adorable companions. When the time comes, I'll need to get another Pom to love and cherrish like I do Rusty and RJ. When either of these two pass it will be traumatic and if there is a ban inrespond.Sympathy for Evelyn and her pups. I am like her. I dont up on a pup until the last breath is drawn, and then I have known to perform C.P.R. if my husband isnt there to stop me.Electric heating pads have their place and I couldnt get along without one. I have worried about a fire just like Evleyns.My solution HUNTERS SOCKS AND CAPS They operate on batteries. To regulate the heat I fill disposable gloves or ziplock baggies about 14 to 12 full withwarm ""NEW COLOR LIST BEING ADOPTED BY AKC...For those of you who have run into difficulties in getting your Pomeranians registered on the basis of its color, Good NewsAbout three years ago, AKC updated some of its computer programs, one of them being the program listing coat colors of all the breeds then recognized by AKC. The list adopted for Poms at that time was fairly limited. It included several terms that had never appeared in the breed standard, such as Silver. Some were simply synonyms for Orange, such asGolden, Fawn, or Blond. These extraneous terms crowded out some of the legitimate terms, such as Cream-Sable. Breeders who had formerly experienced no difficulty registering a Parti-color were suddenly required to describe their Parti-colored Poms as White with Black Patches.Individuals attempting on their own to get the problems resolved reported negative responses from AKC personnel. They were sometimes required to submit color photos of the dog for someone at AKC to make a determination as to the acceptability of the color designated on the blue slip by the breeder. One reported response from an AKC person was that all existing lists had been furnished by the respective parent clubs. This spurred me, as President of the American Pomeranian Club, to contact AKCs Director of Registrations, to leam the facts and try for a solution. The Director,LettersfromourReadersa 5water, place thisbetween puppy and heat source. The water-filled container molds somewhat to the pup keeping more body surface warm. The heat source socks maintain the temp of water in the bag. Keep a thermometer with the pup so you can regulate the heat as necessary.First Aid for bums TOOTHPASTE. This is non greasy, stops pain almost instantly, will rinse off completely with cool water.I learned this working the Emergency Room. A child came in with bums to the bottom to her feet, from running over a floor furnace. Her screams were heart breaking. A fast-thinking E.R. Dr.5breeding purebred dogs, I would have no way to get another little dog with the qualities I so adore.Thank you again for the extra copy and the information in Olympia which I am going to follow up on A.S.A.P.Sincerely,Janet SankeyTyrone, PennsylvaniaDear Joe,After reading Evelyn Blakes tragic burn article I just had toThe Pom Reader July 199329Actually, it is an opportunity to exhibit at two different matches in one day, as the Burlington Club's match will take place on the same site following the Specialty.Entry fees for the DVPC Match are 6.00 for regular classes, 4.00 for non-regular and obedience classes, and 6.00 per team regardless of how many dogs in the team. There is a 1.00 discount for each pre-entry. Judges are Mr. John Price, an AKC- licensed judge, for all regular classes and junior showmanship, and Ms. Deborah Wheeler, breeder-exhibitor, for Sweepstakes, nonregular classes and obedience. Classes offered arePuppy Sweeps 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, and 12-18 monthsPuppies regular classes 3-6, 6- 9, 9-12, and 12-18 monthsAdults Novice and OpenNon-Regular Brace, Teams, and Parade of ChampionsObedience Sub-Novice and Novice AB.There will be prizes for everyone, and DVPC will hold a bake sale, the proceeds from which will go to benefit the Club.For further information, readers may contactRoberta Shields Armetta, DVPC Match Chair 908-787-8596 Gail Rodgers, DVPC Match Secretary and Trophy co-chair 718-494-1847Sue Philbrook, DVPC President and Trophy co-chair 609-267- 4644.Dear 2...all designated areas, changes the dogs basic genetic make-up from being anything other than Dobie- pattemed.The choices that will be appearing on the blue slips will be as followsCOLORSRedRed-sableOrangeOrange-sableCreamCream-sableBlackBlack and TanChocolateChocolate and TanSableBluePamela Mathews, is a charming lady knowledgeable, understanding, and fully cooperative. As of this date 6-03-93, 1 have received her verbal approval of a revised color list, and her assurance that a formal written approval will be in the mail shortly.The blue slips will contain 14 choices, instead of the current 9. It includes the 13 colors most commonly seen in Poms, and the term, Parti-color. To register a black Parti-color, the breeder will check the color Black, and the pattern Parti-color. Rarely seen colors, such as Wolf-sable or White, will not appear on the blue slip, but are available on an alteMately acceptable list. Black Mask and White Markings are considered paffems and will also be available on the alter- A nate list. A Black MiMasked Orange Mi Pom would have m the color Orange a I circled on the blue slip, and the pattern Black Mask I written in. MlPreviously, when AKC has asked for \ a color photo, the Vfinal determination ^ was made by someone at AKC. Henceforth, when a color designated by the breeder is questioned by AKC, and a color photo requested, the matter will be referred to the American Pomeranian Club board for a ruling.The proposed list does not provide for a Doberman-patterned Pom to be registered as a Black Cream, or a Black Silver. The breed standard asks that the tan be of a rich color, and that it appear in specific areas. Neither the dilution of the tan to a much lighter shade, nor a failure of the tan to appear inBlue and Tan PATTERNS . Parti-Color ^ The additional V^choices on the \m Alternate List willLetters beCOLORS Beaver Brindle Chocolate- sableWolf-sable White7 PATTERNS Black Mask White Markings Dolly Trauner, President American Pomeranian ClubContinued from previous pageSue Philbrook, PresidentDelaware Valley Pomeranian Club, Inc.Hi GuysThought you might like to know about our upcoming Fun Match.The Delaware Valley Pomeranian Club, Inc., will sponsor a fun match on Saturday, September 25, 1993, in conjunction with the Burlington County Kennel Club all-Breed "A" Match, to be held on the same site as the Burlington Club's point show on Rt. 541 in Lumberton, New Jersey.The Pom Reader. July 199330LU-NEALS POMERANIANSPresents OUR NEW CHAMPIONCHIPEMCEE'S POMERANIANS 804 741-3024Ch. Lu-Neals Chip of Teakaout of Ch. Great Elms Sweet Prince x Ch. Great Elms Teaka of Lu-Neals7rx rarii^ eThanks to all the judges who put CHIP up. Special thanks to judges Mrs. Joan Alexander and Mrs. Glenda Dawkins pic. or the 4 point major.FOR SALESHOW QUALITY - RING READY 1 Year Old Orange 34 Great Elms and Emcee Sire Ch. Great Elms' firestarter Full breeding as Ch. Prince Charming Dam Emcee's Solid Gold Tinker Sire Ch. Emcee's A Chip Of Diamond Available to good show-breeding home INQUIRIES INVITED MORRIS AND BETTY CARSON 9826 Waltham Dr., Richmond, VA 23233BreederOwner LOUISE SPROUSE 404 Hunter St. Greenwood, SC 29646 803 229-6054Handlers CARROLL MARY JAMES^Pomztto ^Ponuaffordable quality Pets from 200 ShowBreed stock from 300 Health guaranteed, major medical ins.EMCEE, MILLAMOR, BEV-NOR TOMANOLL Linesa Lisa Byrd, 19 Rock Creek Est. Crowley, TX 76036 0-700-PARADER or 817 297-4603VnPRESENTSGREAT ELMS PUPPIES FOR SALEp if aEDAR POMERANIANS4412 SW 7th Ave Cape Coral, FL 33914 813 549-7543 BreedersExhibitors EADIE S. SHARP DARWIN SHARP IIIiiSired byCh. Great Elms' Something SpecialD.O.B. 4-13-93aLiving Water PomeraniansChampion Bred Exotics 619 949-5426All colors including parti-colors with the bloodlines of Pombreden, Sunray, Mason's, Adkins, and some Millamor.DamCh. Great Elms' Sweet PepperD.O.B. 2-21-93r " JANET MCWHORTER301 Roberts Dr Greenwood, SC 29649 803 229-5972White Parti-color litters due... jj Puppies for sale for breeding, show or pets to love.SHEILA COLCLASURE8182 White Road Phelan, CA 92371Mason's Parti Bon BonCh. Alden's Lucky Maple Fudge x Masons Parti Karmel KatidiThe Pom Reader July 199331Lovefy^Bcv-3Vgr PornsBEV-NOR POMS offers puppies by our newest Group I and Specialty winner, CH. BEV-NORS SPECIAL EDITION son of CH. BEV- NORS STATESMAN, Top Producing Dog APC 1992. We also offer a stunning, 7'A-month-old red-orange daughter to a show home. Bev Bill Norris Tel 410 255-1343.VICTORIA LOVELYBLAKE JONES12022 30th St E., Puyallup, WA 98372Poms7747 Meadow Road Pasadena, MD 211227\ija PomeraniansSpecializing in Black Tan Our Bloodlines are Great Tims - Scotia - Bev-Nor - SunRay34409 Kinsman Road East Roy, WA 98580Show Pet Puppies I --, Stad ServiceA at xDltomeramam'L.tP.O. Box 907 318-582-6690 203 Larry Street Iowa, LA 70647 Ingrida Gasaway 206 843-1543ftjSCGNt0VloMenaNiaNSPOMERANIANSTHOM ADAMS CRAIG BAKER 11165 OLD SQUAW AVENUE, BROOKSVILLE, FL 34614 904 597-3213Quality Puppies Occasionally-i W ff \ Studs in residenceII l^_ CH. Circle M. Comes a Hossman]m ^1 CH. JDs Midnight Oil CH. JDs Truly A Gem, W CH. Goldcrests Pacific DreamerPedigrees and Stud Fees on Request.JANET HOVEY5207 W. Avenue M-8, Quartz Hill, CA 93536. Tel 805 722-3307.POMPOUS POMSA Lois Bernie Ciliberto 9605 Land OLakes Boulevard Land OLakes, FL 34639 813-996-5499OVShadow^-KennelsFINCHS POMERANIANSRural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134 Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water pic. Ch. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Apolloette Wild Fire Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket Ch. Pomirish Robins Top ShelfGreat Elms, Miliamor, Scotia lines Whitered and WhiteBlack patti puppies.Diane L. Finch 515 769-2444VSpecializing in Exotic Poms Blue, Lavendar, Chocolate, Black, and blue white, chocolate white, black white Parti-ColorsRoute 2 Box 83, Halfway, MO 65663Uldine Nimmo, Owner Breeder417 467-2413Mary Allan 918 485-3010MNMS POMERANIANS All am t 0n Portraits of Perfection"FEATURING Linebreeding of Distinction Studs of inherent quality Striking show candidates POMERANIANSRoute 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467MARY GENE WELLS 4986 Avila Way, Buena Park, CA 90621. Tel 714-994-0259fbpmxks gcmqj fmnetamugcApottoette Susann Stackhouse Philbrook Behind such well-known bloodlines asBox 1070 Ran cocas Road Mount Holly, NJ 08060 609 267-4644Show, breeding and pet Most colors including partisChampion Stud Service Quality Puppies Bi-Mar Bonner Cedarwood Creiders D-Nee Great Elms Pombreden Sun-Ray Marlene Marlin Presser 209 886-564021789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95215POMERANIANSSUZANNE BERNEYDeer Park Kennels 4815 Wards Chapel Road ^ Owings Mills, MD 21177301-655-8330Puppies Available Serious Inquiries GREAT ELMS Line129 RICE DRIVE GILBERT, SC 29054POMERANIANS CURTIS MACK 803-892-5255The Pom Reader July 199332'fT'VEmcees Pomeranians MILLAMOR^ i- KEN ELEANOR MILLER 3545 NO HWY 152 E SALISBURY, NO 28145 704-857-1197Puppies Available FromCh. Emcees Im Hy Chips Ch. Emcees A Chip of Diamond Ch. Emcees Golden Topo de Oro Ch. Emcees Golden Sea Raider Emcees Golden Boy Inquiries invitedPedigrees Stud Fees on RequestMorris Betty Carson 9825 Waltham Road Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024-MIA PomsHome of Ch. Bev-Nor Southland Sinsation and his ladies of distinction, daughters of Ch. Thetduns Almond Fudge, Ch. Bev-Nor Statesman and other quality lines.RamonaJ. Smith, HCR4Box26B, Bowman, ND 58623. Tel 701-574-3158.Aix. vsTi2CH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD DIAMONDGrAIN 0HK5 POM 5 ft POMSBILL and CAROL CATES948 WYNDSOR DRIVE HIXSON, TENNESSEE 37343 615-842-8184HCR 65 BOX 745 HUGER, SC 29450JOHN SHARON MASNICK 803 928-3511Home Of Ch. BenRays Sundancing Simon Ch. Whitehaven Gol Nugget Legacy Ch. Golden Aires Contessa Cello Ch. BenRays Golden Josh N EnvyfyenfJUyPOMERANIANSV2007 Vestry DriveCharleston, SC 39414 803 571-6165Living iVaier 'PomeraniansWere expecting 6 new litters of partis and whites in April and MayTEL 619 949-5426Prov. 224. By humility and fear of the Lord are riches and honor and for information.D0VER-H0LIH0USE POMSip ixiar Champion Stud Service Parti, Chocolate, Black Tan and Black Stud Serivce Puppies OccasionallyKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski 319 Ardmore Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629POMERANIANSMARY A. ROSENBAUM38711 200 AVENUE SE AUBURN, WA 98002206-833-2160 609-695-1642803-831-8086 504-384-7466uma oim^ P.O. Box 2775Morgan City, LA 70381POMERANIANS DOT MARTIN 5354 BLUEBIRD LANE YORK, SC 29745Jerrie FreiaPedigreesC^SCGNtlOPOMS-OLois Bemie CiiibertoPomeranian pedigrees researched in any length. Monthly specials to registered breeders. Beautiful originals with Champions in red. Colors free. 3-generations 8 4-generations 10 5-generations 15 6-generations 25 7-generations 35. Please include copies of AKC registration papers for easier reading and complete information.NOW SERVING ALL BREEDS RUSH AVAILABLE FAX AVAILABLE 904-270-1731. SPECIALS FOR QUALIFIED BREEDERS. Orders taken by phone 904-270-1733 or 904-720-7667 24 hour ordering available by FAX 904-270-1731.9605 Land OLakes Boulevard, Land OLakes, FL 34639 813-996-5499AcresPcimerarlaris KennelsShow rebate. 1 year guarantee on pets. 2 year guarantee on show and breeding stock. Major medical insurance for same periods. Quality puppies.RGS PEDIGREES POMS2153 Cypressland Drive, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233. Tel 904-270-1733 or 904-720 7667.R.R.4, Cedar Falls, IA 50613 319-989-2199The Pom Reader July 199333Grafenhorsts Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnerSpecializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans ChocolatesAt Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Pictured left, a typical Grafenhorst Pom.Watch for our Poms in the show ringPWa,' Nv--.WL\Sf2 KCh.Apples Traveling Rambler x Libby of LenettePUPPIES ARE GENERALLY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE PRICES. PETS FROM 250.00 FREE PRICE LIST AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST.WE SPECIALIZE IN THE GREAT ELMS BLOODLINE. WE DO HAVE SOME CHESAI AND ARISTIC-BONNER POMS.Satisfactions is guaranteed at LENETTE.Return your Pom within 3 days for a refund if not satisfied.BEST WISHES TO MORRIS BETTY CARSON FOR CONTINUED SUCCESS WITH THE EMCEE POMSS.SHOW BREED STOCK FROM 500.00BreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving HomesChesaiALDENS KENNELHome of Champion Parti GirlsCh. Aldens Parti Chocolate Chip pic. Ch. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-Dot A1 Jan Domrase 815 728-0559 6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 60072POMERANIANSSmoxitfiXaruCPOMERANIANS CHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE PINEVILLE, LA 71360 PHONE 318-466-3456SSL cCh. Southlands Toast To Bev-Nor POASTYMi mr.wd, TICKIEMAJ1CRobert Joan Reilly 26903 Highway 281 North San Antonio, Texas 78260512 980-2667BreederOwner ANNETTE ROGERS-RISTER PO BOX 50, CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78403-0050 512 992-8233 after 7 p.m.BRED FOR SOUNDNESS QUALITYThe Pom Reader July 199334Knock, Knock Who's ThereTHE POM READER VISITSCfcPattS PomeraniansDOLORES DAVE WATTS AND FAMILY, BRANDYWINE, MARYLAND"Noel," sent to them by Edna Girardot of Scotia Poms. One by one, Noel romanced the family members until it became obvious that this was the breed for them. Dolores studied the Standard and with careful deliberation chose her foundation stock. Dolores wisely availed herself of Edna's considerable expertise, and the results were immediate the first litter bom at Watts' Pomeranians produced two pups - both of whom attained their championships handily.Dolores and Dave Watts and family embraced the Pomeranian breed with great enthusiasm it was a relationship which would bode well for all concerned.Dolores and Dave themselves have worked tirelessly for the American Pomeranian Club Dolores served many years as a Director and eventually was elected to the Club Presidency, a position she would hold for consecutive of the greatest things about the sport of purebred dogs is that it can be a family affair Mom, Dad, the kids and the grandparents can all derive great pleasure from the sport. It took a family member, however, to upset the Watts' applecart, forever changing their direction in the sport.Successful breeders of Saint Bernards, the Watts' had learned their early lessons in genetics and the art of showing dogs before becoming involved with the Pomeranian breed. When daughter Laura expressed the desire for a smaller, more cuddly pet, Dolores did her homework and decided that a Pomeranian was the answer. She contacted a long-time breeder, and the wheels were set in motion for a lifelong love affair with the breed and a friendship which would prove to stand the ultimate test.It was Christmas Eve, 1972, when the Watts family picked up their first Pom,lA-IDave stepped in upon her retirement from office as a Vice President for the Club, also holding office for two years.vBfi"So the famWipRight,Doloresand Ch. Watts' Little DemetriusSi.K Left,The home of the Watts' Poms in Prince George County, MD.Xf\tc-som.VgJUliiiimThePom Reader July 199335m the display, above each pen, of its occupant's ribbons and show photos. Although kennel help is employed, there is no doubt that this is a definitely hands-on operation. The kennel is so impressive by normal standards that a county inspector, during a routine check,declared, "Mrs. Watts, these dogs do not have a kennel, they have a home. This has got to be the finest facility in the County, if not in the State."One would hardly expect the breeding program to be have been planned with any less attention to detail. Dolores' plan to blend the best of the Scotia stock with the venerable Great Elms 1i'jI- if - u frv.v 4mV.I The I whelping roomfea- I tures all 9 the amenitiesjPir ']F -i piI] 91Xwm, A Watt's dam proudly watches her broodStates for approximately ten years, twice holding the coveted position as Number One Breeder in the U.S. Dolores feels that linebreeding is the best way to go but will outcross on occasion if she feels the need to improve even more with something particular in the other bloodline.Dolores also gives credit where creditily was off and running in the pursuit of excellence in Poms, but the family home would have to undergo some changes. Again, family ability and expertise came into play Dave, a custom-home builder adopted the design of the kennel as his personal challenge. It is a facility that has been impressing people ever since its construction.For ease of operation it was decided to place the kennel facility close to the house - so close, in fact, that is actually a wing of the residence. The elaborate officei m i, L1 tv ----------. ' --------- ^ ..leads to the 24x14 whelping room there is space for 10 whelping pens. Four of the pens have exits leading to a fenced exercise area for the mothers, and eventually, for their The kennel room walls are decorated with the dogs' ribbonspups. iThe main kennel room measures36x24. It is a tribute to great planning and execution.The nine 6x8-foot pens have "doggie doors" leading onto separately-fenced, 55-foot-long exterior runs. The kennel room is heated and air-conditioned, and weekly steam-cleaning keeps everything shipshape. An additional homey touch issSis due, namely to her husband Dave. Dolores' freedom to travel to shows and Pom functions is directly due to Dave's knowledge and capability of taking over when she is gone...including the whelping of puppies. It is his willingness to be anThe Pom Reader July 1993line worked well to date her breeding program has produced upwards of 55 Champions, and Dolores has been in the top ten exhibitors ranking in the United36Sweepstakes classes at the American Pomeranian Club National Specialty in February, 1994.Dolores is also involved with Breed Rescue in her area of Prince George's County, Maryland, and has been doing this work for many years with different organizations who have called upon her at one time or another, aware that they can count on her dedication to thethe greatest. Several of these special homes have more than one of my older guys and they are all very much loved."The years also bring memories, good and bad. One of her worst experiences involved a bitch, Ch. Scotia Commander's Rockette, who had a C- section and who died three days later. Watching this bitch go down, Dolores says, was a terrible experience. A small bright spot was that she was able to save the pups, both of whom attained their championships and carry on the legacy of their dam.One of her more humorous experiences is truly hilarious. Dolores says"One one of my trips to New England,I had a member of my family my stepmother to be exact with me. I was showing two bitches who each needed a few points to finish to their titles. On this particular day, after very heavy rains the night before, we proceeded to the show ring to exhibit the dogs. I gave her the bitch to take in which had virtually no competition in that class allowing for the fact that she was an individual with no dog experience. Well, the judge told her to go over and take First Place. As he, the judge, had his back turned to pick up her ribbon, she proceeded over to first place, bent down and was taking the First Placek'-VsKAiif-sstgslp . ' - active partner in the dogs that has allowed Dolores to travel extensively, and for this she is grateful. Dolores says," Traveling is definitely a heavy chore when showing dogs but I have always found it to be rewarding, for there are so many places and people I have come into contact with that would not have been possible had I stayed at home all these 22 years."Dolores and Dave's immediate family at present includes her son daughter-in- law, Steve and Dottie, daughter Laura known to most of their Pom friends as "Tish", and four grandchildren, David Paul 16, Connie Marie 13, Alan 4, and Samantha Jean 2. This family support system has also made it possible for Dolores to be active in other Pom Clubs. She is a charter member of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore - the PCGB hosted the Americanbreed and to dogs in general.As the years carry on the laws of longevity come into play - most forcefully in the sport of purebred dogs. Lucky are the breeders who can carry on the genes of those beloved Poms who have gone before. Many of Dolores' "oldtimers" are gone now and most recently she lost her top Stud Dog, Ch. Watts' Little Chipper of Great Elms. Chipper produced about 14 Champions. Dolores tries very hard to ensure that the dogs live out their lives in comfort, often placing older males andW......s ,4mPomeranian Club Specialty in 1990, did a fabulous job, and will be hosting the specialty again in 1995. She is also a memberPI4mof the Central Carolina Pomeranian Club, and just recently finished judging a Fun Match for the Club where she hadLiThe kennel itself is actually an addition to the house, guaranteeing lots of interaction between people and Pomsimsmy. i"26 of those fuzzy little babies to look at. I had a great time." She has also judged a Fun Match for the Delaware Valley Pom Club, judged Sweepstakes for the NCPC Specialty, is scheduled to judge for the highly-successful Ohio Valley Pom Club "SuperMatch" and has most recently been extended the prestigious honor of being voted by the membership to judge thei.females in special homes where they can give and receive the love for which they are so aptly suited. Dolores says, "Being in a kennel life is one world but living out their days in that special environment issign out of the ground When the judge turned around, here was this woman with dog in one arm, and the First Place marker in the other arm. He again turned around and for the first time ever I saw a huge smile on this judge's face and his arms were folded with one hand over hisThe Pom Reader July 199337X- Jff. -36fi UEEYlES BOfiff ffffi.' 7EEEEE Yt -i-9syvilbm mV mv52 w' .CEffPfiy 3rr0ff7etaii-iyH0 wtetme tfA6 ME TMEM7E7EE0S Sy fypp EPEE N70- 903 --MEE ye^V7ii m5mouth. I just know he was probably saying, "Oh my God, I dont believe this"Me -1 just wanted to disappear the fastest way I could. With the quickness that you sometimes need, the judge was able to contain himself, get the sign back and give her the blue ribbon. She went back in for Winners Dog and won the Purple Ribbon with no further incident. The people ringside were hysterical with laughter and needless to say, I heard about this blooper for weeks. It was all in good innocent fun and as the judge commented towas one. After seeing his picture, Dolores start in Poms and was so caring and help- knew she had to have a Pom with his style ful to other people, Edna Girardot. Edna and exceptional looks. Another male she came to live with us to live out her life admires is Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond. Dolores bred one of her females to Diamond, never quite expecting the depth of quality to be produced one of the offspring is Ch. Watts' Little Dakotah, owned by the Baldwins in Pennsylvania - he is still going strong and still producing beautiful offspring.Dolores' favorite female is Ch. Scotia Boston Dee Dee Alexis. She feels that Dee Dee represents the epitome of the breed standard, right down to Thank you, Dolores. the size of breeding.and, as the Pom world knows, was with us for 8 wonderful years. I have a card which Edna made for me herself and I feel it expresses how she felt about us. To this day, she is sorely missed by us."In summing it all up, Dolores quotes a another family member. "As each year goes by, there are new places and new faces appearing all the time, but as my Dad once said to me, 'If you can count on one hand, the number of true friends you have, you are blessed.'"I am blessed."The Watt's mentor and deariG .Hr- iwJ r . 7J friend, t Edna T Girardot I 1989,"Z with Marlene mZM PresserJMcGBut uppermost in her mind are441isS-T' ,0 .5 two friends she made and kept through the years, ladies who are legendary in the breed. Dolores speaks fondly of her close association with Ruth Beam of the Great Elms Poms.T. v .l\iShe states "Ruth possesses a world of knowledge about Poms and has done so much toward making the breed what it is today."But the biggest expression of gratitude is reserved for a special person. Dolores says, "I will always have a special place in my heart for the lady who gave me myme, the next time I saw him, "that had to be the funniest situation I have seen in dog shows - ever" The judge was Morris Howard, recently deceased.Dolores also recalls several Pomeranians that had special impact on her life Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper PodTHEENDThk Pom Rfadf.r 38Congratulations, Dolores, on your continued success gj 1 rfNrCH. GREAT ELMS FIRESTARTER - better known as "Smokey"from everyone atTarahitCBut especially Smokey's daughterCh. TARAHILLS GARDEN PARTY.Love,Cheryl Rosie Lynn WagnerThe Pom Reader. July 199339CONGRATULATIONSTo Dolores and Dave Watts of WATTS POMS on their kennel visit. Continued success with your great breeding programWe would like to announce that the THE OHIO VALLEY POM CLUB JUDGES PANEL is now complete with the addition of Mrs Dolores Watts. Date November 14th, 1993.WATT'SLITTLEPENNYSERENADE1 'Ch. G. E. Little Sparky x Watt's Scotia Pinch A Penny5 ylmr\ -.m'AISrv4 pt major1 "X Vo__1 --mm- fafeSkGrand Rapids Kennel Club Thank you judge Mr. Norman Patton.sIAs ...2pointsBattle Creek Kennel Club Thank you judge Mrs. Evelyn HonigRtx iMc.\h'\ if - l[l]A. -vV []fBEST PUPPY IN SWEEPSMICHIGAN POM CLUBj j]mtrkennelm[TjTjME v 5] iVm WMMfsm.5 till ft vftv WvAVC'.u.vSI MI Rill.M-A 2520 EAKIN RD, COLUMBUS, OHIO 43204 M-A614 274-2118RON FEYH LARRY ROOKSTOOLThk Pom Reader July 199340UrnII 1A asiiWATTS'LITTLELADYCATHERINEJP'Ch. Silva Lade Outlaw Josey Wales x Ch. Watts' Little PeachesK TF'i ..4rV -fv gW.Our Little Lady Catherine was awarded BOW and BOS under judge Paula Bradley for a 4 point major at the Hendersonville NC Kennel Club show.rwa i\ ' 4s I. \S 'MiM ...mmm mHer proud owners would like to thank Dolores Watts. Dolores epitomizes all that is outstanding in a breeder, does so much to advance the breed, and has ^ a real heart for these lovely g little bundles of fur.Dolores truly deserves a tribute..-vV mmIg. v.jVrV. i Jr - - , -r fT VSi 2m i' i\L. fi].v.- -rflwt] .IS 'Cy. kfci mBUMsOwnersGARY CAROL HILLEARY 17 Westminster Bridge Way Lutherville, Maryland 21093 410 321-9306Handler SUE WHALEY 13007 Brandywine Road Brandywine, Maryland 20613 301 372-1744BreederDAVE DOLORES WATTS 4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, Maryland 20613 301 372-8782The Pom Reader July 199341sunup Kernelsw J wish to congratulate Dolores David Watts and all the "'Little Watts" on their kennel visit. w AJ3 1VThank you, Dolores, for using me as your handler for all these years - I'm looking forward to many more successful years in the Pom worldilm Vm-hW.y SC"mm..yiHl.IKirlWiY ' .wmmMi- m'fWvs, k-- 'ffl r, .3 j mm m-SUE N. WHALEYALL-BREED PROFESSIONAL HANDLER13007 Brandywine Road Brandywind, Maryland 20613 301 372-1744The Pom Reader July 199342t \s m'xiM Jil.5r Jjfta-j' Jj ,yZ^sIXvmx. -5 i -.c- . fL _ f A f I 5 ^ n aSaX -." k AftT1V h. i,, V .- w15n ^cfc -. m--c .J B] famETO] BOI].Ljyi 'x"'\-..........i CH.WATTS' LITTLE CILLAShown with judge Mrs. Pamela B. Peat and handler Lorrie CarltonCHI-CHI Sends Congratulations And Best Wishes to her fatherAMERICAN CANADIAN CH. GREAT ELMS' LITTLE DEMETRIUS and to DAVE AND DOLORES WATTS On Their Kennel VisitWe also have a Demetrius son DAN-D'S LITTLE JOHN. Watch for him in the ring soonOWNERDORATHY F. BARNES34851 BEACON LIVONIA, MI 48150 313 522-2772The Pom Reader July 199343CONGRATULATIONSDOLORES WATTSFrom Our Pride And Joymm. vLmWATTS' LITTLE APACHE And The Pup TOM CRUISE SAWYER We Wish You Continued SuccessJANE MARK FRANK VISICHi SFCONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR KENNEL VISIT DELORES AND DAVID WATTSWynmor's Charles Edgar SmallWelcomes his wonderful companionsWatts' Wee Wandap MmM-'irWatts' Little Francois MLaura and Jerry MaimonThank Them For Their Friendship And Generosity.IfsThe Pom Reader July 199344EMCEE'S POMERANIANS CongratulationsAND CONTINUED SUCCESS TODolores and Dave \ Watts and all xWATTS POMERANIANS.HAPPY KENNEL VISITt\'fik.-vlaPfe Ch.EMCEE'S CLOUDBUSTERS IMAGE AmCan Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster x Emcee's Tinka TarOwners Marlene Roantes and Morris CarsonmW.Ip--Aim Inquiries Invited. Show Potential 5-6 Puppies out of Ch. Emcee's A Chip of Diamond II.Morris Betty Carson9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024rToDave Dolores WattsofWatts' PomeraniansfromRuth Beam and "Demetrius and the Great Elms PomeraniansftThe Pom Reader July 199345Paul, Beth William and Kathy McCracken-PurvisOFFER OUR HEARTIESTCONGRATULATIONS6Qlered aic QiavirfTODAVE AND DOLORES WATTS AND THEWATTS' POMERANIANSON THIS VERY SPECIAL OCCASIONAffect 'WiAedDolores and Dave, words cannot express ourDEEPFELT GRATITUDE FOR ALL YOUR HELP ANDFOR"SPARKY", "LINDA" and"LACEY".We love not only their beauty, but their wonderful PERSONALITIES...PRODUCTS OF YOUR TLC.^ Afuceedd.Aafate QlusifeeAcwz CanadaTHANK YOUCONGRATULATIONSCONGRATULATIONS AND MANY THANKS TODOLORES WATTStoDolores and Dave Watts and Watts' PomeraniansfromNadine...MY MENTOR AND GOOD FRIEND I GOT MY START FROM YOU WITH MY LITTLE BITCH CH. WATTS' LITTLE COUNTRY BUMPKIN.THANK YOU THANK YOUwith special regards fromCISCOn vL^SHARON SHIPEK 4803 3RD AVE S GREAT FALLS, MT 59405 406 452-9104Nadine Hersil, Handler Cudahy, WI 414 481-5556The Pom Reader July 199346Animation CONGRATULATIONS TODOLORES AND DAVE WATTSSendsCONGRATULATONS TODOLORES WATTS\\i' and1 vl WATTSPOMERANIANSLORINDA VASUTA DARREN LANE 63 East Cuyahoga Falls Ave. Akron, OH 44310 216 762-7567ON THIS VERY SPECIAL OCCASIONBEST WISHES FOR THE FUTURE AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP AND ALL YOUR KINDNESSES...AND FOR JUST BEING YOUCongratulations to DOLORES WATTS on all your successes, and thanks for your helpdbr'i FROM YOUR FRIENDS AND ADMIRERSABIGAIL BARDsrbi. A POMERANIANSjand0ABBY" ... THE LIGHT OF MY LIFETTROBERTA PODOLIN8820 Towanda Street Chestnut Hill, PA 19118 215 242-4348CONGRATULATIONS AND WARMEST WISHES TODOLORES WATTSAND THEWATTS POMERANIANS ON THIS WONDERFUL OCCASION 1 cannot imagine a nicer or more deserving person than you, DoloresTOandTHANK YOUforWATTS' LITTLE MARQUIS, our CHIPS who is a four-pound stick of orange dynamite whom we adore.He knows exactly what he wants and how to get itON THIS WONDERFUL OCCASION fromRAZZLE DAZZLE POMERANIANSFrom your friends...ERIC AND VIRGINIA BLACKand "CHIPS"CAMP SPRINGS, MD.JUDY GREEN 822 PARKSIDE BLVD CLAYMONT, DE 19703 302 798-3023The Pom Reader July 199347TONI AND JEFF DICKERSON of TINY JOY POMERANIANS congratulates and sends warm wishes toDOLORES WATTS of WATTS' POMERANIANS, a truly lovely lady who is dedicated to the Pomeranian breed.THANK YOU, DELORES, FOR OUR LOVELY, SWEET POMSWE LOVE I YOUiM . W "VmSai tX ANGEL SAYS,WATTS'LITTLEKISSY9 ft METOOftWATTS LITTLE ITTYBITSAt Studrtfirfv M1m-iAs,i-. K V''d jGLEN IRIS' HOT ITEM 4 12 Pound Orange-Red MaleInquiries for Stud Services and Puppies WelcomeKILIBRENS DOUBLE FUDGE 3 12 Pound Chocolate MaleALDEN'S CHOCOLATE LANDMAN 12 Pound Chocolate MaleFOR SALE 2 white females, one black-pointed, one brown-pointed. 1 chocolate female. All sired by ALDENS CHOCOLATE LAND MANKELLIE BYRD BRENDA RANDALL 3981 Hwy 373 Columbus, MS 39701 601 434-6681The Pom Reader July 1993AM. CH. WATTS1TWords can never express our gratitude to breeders Dave Dolores Watts for entrusting this beautiful young Pom to us. Pictured winning under breed authority Sue Woodle, and handled by Sue Whaley, "Cysco" is a dream come true.Ilip t A Si-AVty\'"A1r-v SpaFLASH f Mm-pFIRSTSHOWMiItvAs,'BEST OF WINNERS IN MINDONESIAN4TOYGROUPimLANCASTER KENNEL CLUB KERNANsH, 1993 W.1 TWINKLESTAR POMSWIJYUNG "JOE AND HERLINA SARTA PODOMORO SPORT CENTRE M2-2, SUNTER, JAKARTA 14350 INDONESIATELEPHONE 62-82-1016739BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGETHE POM READER 8848 BEVERLY HI EES LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604PRTO BOX"USTY77665 PAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND FLNews Publication - Do Not Delay - ESTEDYDdiyu ocf