The Pom Reader January 1995

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aINUMBER ELEVENVOLUMJANUARY ..99A Treasure In Chocolatejj. Cl T tCcLFL cl _A LJCLTLk C-CC^-f C7iy Lt Elans Intrigue x Wee Hearts High SocietyThanks to Judge Richard Miller for Best of Breed over Group winning special, to Judge Glenda Dawkins for Best of Winners, and Judge Ken Miller for First Place win at the APC Specialty in New Orleans..........and not a year old yetSpecial thanks to Dianne Kieffer, Heartland Poms, for the pleasure of owning this boy, and to his handler, Brenda Segelken, whose expertise guided him to these exciting wins.Parkers full brother, Taylor solid black, is show ring ready, for sale to select buyer.The Pom Reader January 1995t i i0\ i- n xe vsn6SS6-LZS6E SIAI NVIlSidHO SSVdqh Nossiana -3 6zzzz Z61- Ud Sdiiva I0I3H""mTTrnirrm-mi"Ruk mo, Illinois 62966Thank you, OVPCy for another memorable Mega Matchli m-T.'S BEST IN MATCH 12NOVEMBER 1994 MEMORIES BYHEARTLANDS MIDNIGHT DANCERElans Intrigue x Heartlands Almost An AngelSHOW RECORDBOB, GROUP 3 - Clermont City Puppy Match 91094BIM from 4-6 months Puppy Class - OVPC Match 11694BOW, BOS - Chicago, IL 121994. Thank you Judge Peggy HoggHEARTLANDS EBONY ROSEElans Intrigue x Whisperln Etc Etc DSuberSHOW RECORDBIM - PCCI 10994 Thank you Judge Jack Round1ST PLACE in large 2-4 month puppy class OVPC Mega Match 11694Diane Kieffer7523 N. State Road 101 Milan, Indiana 47031812 623- 2290The Pom Reader January 1995DARS FOXRIDGE\WONAVOvWWvV^NSi"PMfPaddy began with a 5 point major at 7 months of age, completed his champ onship with a 4 point major, taking breed, over several noted specials. Thanks to all who have recognized the quality of this magnificent dog.DAR S FOXRIDGE POMERANIANS385 teep 'food Cwnpebdlt, SC Z93ZZ 803 47Z-36CZThe Pom Reader January 19957tt SXf3BEST OF BREED rOR VARIETYK.BOOTHi'.ki.BISA CH. STARFIRES IM TOO SEXYThank you Mr. Philip LanardJfa tiw foldGROUP I - MR. JAMES MORAN GROUP II - MR. RAYMOND SWIDERSKYGROUP I - MR. RICHARD KOESTER GROUP II - MR. FRANK OBERSTAROwners275 SW 72nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33144The Pom Reader January 19THE POMJANUARY 1995 VOLUME IX, NUMBER ELEVENtfj Cttiienli10. DID YOU KNOW by Sharon Masnick The New Year...are you ready14. NEW CHAMPIONSConfirmed December 199418. OLYMPIA aka Lois Ciliberto Miracles and the Snow Princess17. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates20. KNOCK, KNOCK WHOS THEREThe Pom Reader visits Rhea-Na Poms.30. STORK REPORTNew expected litters31. VIDEO REVIEW by Lois Morkassel Barbara Handlers Best Foot Forward32. PR PLAYMATESOur pup-ular candid photo department34. 10TH ANNIVERSARY OPEN FORUM Responses are pouring in35- MORE PLAYMATESCelebrating our companion PomsTHE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. TheThe Pom Reader. January 1995editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third Class service in the continental United States 36.00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 55.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request. ALL ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC- LICENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP AND ALLBREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis Editor, S848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. Telephone 813-858-3839- FAX 813- 853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.INDEX TO ADVERTISERSADAMS, T................ .....28 LEWIS, FL............. .....29ALBERT, F.....................29 LIZAMBRI, S............ .....28ALLAN, M................ .....28 MBF SOFTWARE....... ......13ARIENTI, F............... .......5 MARTIN, D.............. ......30BAKER, C......................28 MASON, B............... ......27BARNES, DR........... .....27 MASNICK, SJ......... .28, 32BARNES, J................ .....28 MILLER, E............... .29, 32BERNEY, S............... .....29 MILLER, M.............. ......32BERRY, N......................28 MORAN, B............... ......30BOUDREAU, V................ 27 MORENO, J.............. ......28RROnOITTI I.... ..... 28 NAGY, BS....................28BYRD, L........................28 NEWYEAR, E..................30CABRERA, A............. .......5 NIMM0, U................ .15,27CARSON, MB...........28, 29 NINATOSKI, D.......... ......29CILIBERTO, LB............. 27 NORRIS, BB........... ......30CONRAD, H.............. ..... 28 NUNN, RR............. ........7COY, J..................... ..... 11 PATTON, A.............. ......28CREED, C................. 9,8 PHILBR00K, S.................28DAHLENBURG, LD .....28 PL0NKEY, D............ .16,17DAUBENSPECK, J.... .....27 POOLE, R................ ......27D0MRASE, AJ ... .....28 RAY, B................... ......28DOSSINGER, M.......... .....28 REG0NI, R............... ........4FEIST, W.................. .....27 REILLY, RJ............ ......28FIDDICK, RJ.................29 RGS TOYS............... ......28FINCH, D.................. .....28 RIEHM, D................ ....1,2FOLEY, P................. .....29 RODGERS, G............ ......28FREEMAN, C............. .....27 R0GERS-RISTER, AROSENBAUM, M.......SALPURIDO, J................28FRFA 1 .....29 ......27GASAWAY, I............. .....28 ......29GEMMILL, R............. 16,17.....27SHARP, ED............ .....28GRAF, H................... SMITH, R................. .....27HARTZ, K................. .....27 SPADY, LE............ ..... 28H0VEY, J.................. .... 30 STRASBAUGH, ........ ..18-19JOHNSTON, J............. .... 11 WELLS, MG........... .....28JONES, B.................. .... 32 WILF0RD, T............. .....29KIEFFER, D............... .......3 WRIGHT, D................11, 29KNEISLER, M............ .... 27 YOUNG, J................ .....28LACROIX, B.............. .... 29AM,AIM, H. RECIN ATOMS LW A CATORCh. Rhea-Nas Hot Shot of T and T x Chelsea Leigh Nunn'T CWN. - --xx7^AX W1 T'Sl'il 1 ALF.XMl smith.^r I PHOTOGRAPHYmGROUP 1 st,-c SAVEthe children CANADA1994Shown taking a Group I in Canada with Handler John Wickline. Thanks to John Wickline Ce Harrison-Wicldine for your expert care and handling. Thank to Bess Roberts for all your helpYoung up coming shows....Reginapoms Classy Beamer D Reginapoms Classy Mercedes BCongratulations to our partners and good buddies, Steve Barbara Nagy on your well-deserved kennel visitREGINA ROBERT NUNN Rt. I Box 2890 Berryville, VA 22611 J7 f 703955-1209The Pom Reader, January 1995ID YOU KNOW..A New Year is upon us - are we ready for what it might have in storeSince I have had several weeks to reflect upon my life, I am most anxious to face the New Year. I feel the greatest possession we have is the twenty-four hours directly in front of us.After many months of extreme pain and being told by my doctor that I would lose the use of my right leg, I had fusion back surgery done on November 7th. Ive been at home the past two months recovering, and walking has been my therapy. Ive had many hours to think over my years in dogs... dogs that I bought, people Ive met and had dealings with, dogs I have bred, good and bad experiences Ive had and I decided that sometimes we have our priorities in the wrong order. As Im getting stronger Im learning that patience is the ability to keep your motor idling when you feel like stripping your gears.I wish to express a big thank you to all those who send me letters, cards, gifts, flowers and called me to help cheer me up and encourage me. My biggest thanks goes to Benson Ray, who has a hectic schedule, but still found the time to come almost every week to help me groom my Poms. Of course, my husband was the caretaker of everyone 24 hours a day. I dont have words to convey my appreciation.I also want to thank the supporters of the DID YOU KNOW column. This column is for all of us and reader input is welcomed. I appreciate all the kind words about the column.A few days after Christmas, I received a letter postmarked St. Louis with a lot of expression, but not a signature so I cant reply.I wish a wonderful 95 for all of us - even when all dont have the same goals and ideas, may we all strive to do the best ever for the Pom breed that we love so much.Sharon MasnickDID YOU KNOW...................You can be put in a spot when asked to evaluate a dog someone has just prchased from a fellow breeder. From time to time, Imsure many people have found themselves placed in this situation. So, how do you respond without not being truthful to the buyer and yet not making the involved breeders angry when they hear your commentsSometimes one can answer a question with a question. One can offer to furnish a copy of the breed standard. One can also offer to move the dog on a lead and ask the buyers what they see themselves. Encourage buyers to look, think, read and evaluate for themselvesI think one can be safe in pointing out or mentioning all the good points and qualities.The best advice I can offer is to encourage buyers to go directly to the breeder with their questions. Most breeders give an approval time and stand behind what they sell. Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and all of us have opinions, I think it is most confusing for a new person in dogs to ask 10 people what they think and receive ten different opinions. CONFUSED will be the end resultI think it is up to buyers to do THEIR homework before the purchase and to not be in a Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader January 19959by Sharon MasnickDID YOU KNOW....................Nearly all animals experience intestinal upsets at some point in their lives.Vomiting and diarrhea most often start in the gastrointestinal tract. Some animals may deliberately eat grass to induce vomiting when they have abdominal discomfort, or for its laxative action when they eat something thats difficult to pass.If your pet has vomited, but otherwise appears healthy, there are steps you may need to take to prevent more upset. You need to allow the animals stomach time to rest. This means you may offer your animal some ice cubes to lick, but you should withhold food or water for several hours. If the vomiting stops, you may set out a small amount of water about 10 hours after the last episode. If the animal is able to keep the water down, you may start a bland diet in a few more hours. The food should be low-fat, low-fiber, and easily digestible. Boiled rice with boiled hamburger or chicken is a good choice. Begin with SMALL amounts. Gradually, over the next few days, reintroduce your animals normal diet.If your animal has more than one bout of vomiting, even though you gave the stomach a rest, its time to seek the help of a veterinarian.Diarrhea is a condition that occurs when the small or large intestine cant absorb the water it contains due to some insult. Diarrhea can be sudden and of short duration, or it can be chronic. Acute diarrhea is caused by an animal eating too much, eating something new, or by eating something found in the garbage. Most casesof acute diarrhea can be treated at home by resting the intestine.Chronic diarrhea is a serious problem and you should consult your veterinarian. This condition could lead to dehydration, shock, and collapse.The best course is to prevent the upsets in the first place. The following tips could help prevent diarrhea1. Do not feed table scraps.2. If you change the food, do itgradually over a few days time.3. Keep garbage lids fastened.4. Keep outdoor play area clean.5. Have frequent fecal checks doneby your vet.DID YOU KNOW....................Several unfortunate incidents resulting in the deaths of show dogs have raised the issue of once again licensing handlers.In 1977, the AKC voted to cease licensing handlers, but since that time, the sport of showing dogs has grown. After AKC stopped licensing handlers, a new word appeared in the show catalogue. That word was agent. There has been a growth of self-processed agents who promote their handling services particularly to the newcomer. I feel that many of todays agents are newcomers themselves to the sport and charge handling fees to others in order to cover the cost of showing their own dogs. I have even heard the term expense client usedI personally think I can speak about this issue as I have been a victim. I have had two broken legs, the loss of an eye and three trained dogs that, when returned, would no longer tolerate a lead around their necks. It took three months to retrain dogs and Im not sure one will ever trust a lead. I have hadno recourse in this incident.My message is... owner beware... whom you select to handle your dog or dogs. You cannot rely on the reccomendations of others. Most people are afraid to speak out, even if they know something. So, truly, you are on your own to make a wise decision. Below are listed some considerations to check out for yourself1. Check how long this person has been exhibiting dogs.2. Check the number of shows attended in the last two years.3. Kennel facilities should meet a standard of cleanliness and safety, have good housing, grooming area and have heat and air conditioning.4. A safe vehicle to transport the dogs.5. Be able to provide references from clients in writing.6. You should be allowed to see the vehicle and the kennel.7. Has the kennel help been well- trained8. Will the dogs be properly exercised during the week and at shows9. Fees should be in writing.It should be the goal of all to improve and protect the welfare of all dogs being shown, to educate dog owners and aspiring handlers, and support happy and successful participants in the world of showing dogs.There are many dedicated and wonderful handlers out there, so I hope when you are ready to choose one that you will do your homework and connect with one of them.DID YOU KNOW....................Crate Dog Happy Home.When our homes resemble a parade ground due to parties, famibySharon MasnickThe Pom Reader January 199510by Sharon Masnickly gatherings,or children visiting, where do the family pets go A dog house for the outside dog, or a crate for the inside dog is the ideal retreat. A dog crate is a sanctuary for your pet. From a puppy or adult dogs view, it is not so much that he cannot get out, but rather that humans cannot get inOne of the most useful devices for raising a puppy is a fold-up wire dog crate.This device can aid in housetraining puppies. It can also save hundreds of dollars in damage to household items. Since the crate is portable, it can easily be taken along on trips. This makes overnight visits or vacations with the family pet more enjoyable. People who raise, train and show dogs have been aware of the benefits of crates for years. Unfortunately, the new pet owner may not be as well informed.A reccommended procedure to prevent problems is based on several canine tendencies. These are the pups preference to bed down with, or in the presence of, others, to bed down in a sheltered, den- like atmosphere, and to learn through association.1. The crate should be large enough for an adult dog to stand and turn around unimpeded. A wire cage is reccommended for proper ventilation and so it can see.2. Assemble the crate and place it in the bedroom. The bedroom is recommended because the pup wants association with others.3. Introduce the pup to the crate by placing several treats in and around it. Also, feed the pup several meals inside the crate. Remove collar and tags to prevent possible entanglement.4. Well before bedtime, place thedog in the crate and offer a treat. Close and lock the gate.5. Leave the room, but remain just outside in order to audit the pups behavior.6. At the first sign of any separation responses such as barking or howling, intervene with a sharply raised voice. The idea is that the pup associate its behavior with the startling raised voice. Some pups will not respond to a raised voice, but most will respond to the sounds of a shaker can a coffee can with a few coins or a newspaper slapped sharply against the door.7. Usually the pup settles quietly in the crate after three to eight attempts at emotional responses. After the puppy is quiet, keep it inside for about 10 minutes. Do not praise or pet the pup immediately after releasing it. This can reinforce the desirability of leaving the crate.8. After an interval of 30-45 minutes, repeat the procedure. Extend the pups quiet time in the crate to about 30 minutes.9. While the pup is inside the crate, provide one chewable toy. Also any collars or leads should be removed to prevent entanglement.By the time bedtime arrives, the pup has associated being quiet with being inside the crate. Also, the effects of separation are lessened because of the crate being in the bedroom where a family member sleeps.Be advised that usually, after waking, the pup will eliminate. It will probably whine or bark, since dogs tend to avoid eliminating in their bedding areas. The pup can then be taken outside to eliminate.This procedure has several advantages1. The pup does not form the habit of eliminating in the house.2. The pup can be placed in its den when it cannot be watched during the day.3. The separation reflex is reduced, curtailing possible side effects related to stress.4. A pup who has been successfully crate-trained will prefer its den. As the pup matures, it will voluntarily seek out the crate and enter it at appropriate times. The owner can enjoy peace of mind knowing the dog is quite comfortable and not destroying the house.The pup should not be left in the crate over two-to-three hours. The amount of time depends on the dog. In any event, if the dog has been crate-trained, the owners will never find it necessary to dipose of the animal because of destructive behavior occurring during their absence.I was assisted by Mid-West Metal Products Company with some of the material used in this article. My thanks to them.DID YOU KNOW....................As a new year approaches we need to have an open mind. I often read the following words written by Alexander Graham Bell when I feel like Im in a rut.When one door closes Another door opens But we so often look So long... and so Regretfully upon The closed door That we do not see The ones which open for us.Sharon Masnick HCR 65 Box 745 Huger, SC 29450by Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader January 199511In Memory ofCH. COYS TOP OF THE MARK Topper52282 - 112894From the beginning, there was something special in your eyes, A Beauty so unique, it would be easy to recognize.A name had to be chosen for that distinctive face and bark, How appropriate, we thought, to call you Top of the Mark.You grew in our hearts on your journey to fame,And after six bests in show, our lives would never be the same. We decided to retire you at the young age of three, Because you had made your mark for so many to see.It was a pleasure having you with us as you grew into maturity, Each day, coming out to see you and taking care of your needs. We loved you immensely, having you in our home so near,It will be hard to imagine you not being here.You were, within our lives, a very bright star.And even though, now, you seem so far,We know well see you again, Topper, someday soon,This we state with all our love, Jane and June.sends congratulations to our very good friends,Steve Barbara Nagy with a special Hello from Rhea-Nas Top Guns Legacy and Lynwrights Warlock of Rhea-Na.Diane and Pee Wee say Hi also.LYNNWRIGHTS BIG DADDYpicturedk __Donna Lynn Wright 200-B Gateway Drive Bel Air, MD 410879-1459The Pom Reader January 199512fCONFIRMED DECEMBER 1994Crystal Lady Pepper Cameo B by Ch. Crystal C Pepper Dust x Crystals Sparkling Nova. Breeder Judy Shearer. Owner Donna Megerrhardt, Evelyn Newyear Carol Galavich.Emcees Little Chips DestineeB by Ch. Emcees A Chip Of Diamond x Ch. Emcees Rosita Osita. Breeder Morris Betty Carson. OwnerBarbara Mona Gates.Idlewyld Semi-Precious GemD by Idlewyld Onyx x Daybreaks Good Vibrations. Breeder Margaret McKee Fran Warren. Owner Margaret McKee.Lovely Feigenbaum of ChaosD by Ch. Bi-Mar Song N Dance Man x Ch. Lovely Gabrielle-Debutante. BreederOwner Blake Jones Victoria Lovely.Lovely Gabriel of Chaos D by Ch. Rubys One Man ShowEncore x Ch. Lovely Gabrielle- Debutante. Breeder Blake Jones Victoria Lovely. Owner Blake Jones, Ruby Poole Victoria Lovely.McGuires Key To My Heart D by Millamors Musical Rock x Webwoods Mini Stitches. Breeder Goldie McGuire. Owner Eadie Sharp Goldie McGuire.Millamor Little Millie Makit Bby Ch. Jan Les Willie Makit x Bev-Nors Brandi of Millamor. Breeder Eleanor Miller. Owner Bonnie Luce Jane Lehtinen.Odysseys Krystal Rose B by Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz x Moonshadows Tiffany Rose. BreederOwner Janet Manuszak.Sungolds Short N Classy D by Ch. Sungolds Short Circuit x Ch. Sungolds Classie Lass. BreederOwner Anna Lafortune.The Pom Reader January 1995Get Past the Paperwork.You breed and show fine dogs. Its a great deal of fun. Its a heartbreak. Its a thrill that people who do not show dogs never understand.But when it comes time to do the paperwork, its enough to drive you nuts Show Entries. Litter Registration Apps. AKC 3-A records. Pedigrees. Vet records. Shot logs. Financial records.How do you get a handle on it allYou may have tried a computer program and found out that most people who show dogs should not write programs07ie breeder's Standard by MBF Software Interests solves your problems and gives you the freedom to spend time with youroJTie Cgreeders Standard offers the following, and much more Recordkeeping exceeding AKC Reg. 3-A requirements, with reports which closely adhere to their own record book format. Pedigrees in color, with the dogs picture available, in any font Show Entries on Plain Paper Crystal Ball, our exclusive genetics module Automatic reminders and a calendar Full financial transaction history Track Vet Visits, shots, heats and traits 2 BILLION dog capacity Built-in Security Complete help text, and a 200-page printed and illustrated manualdogs and not just your programiHisnHSEMlinZIZHjliHl2iJph CDr^-rrrr........I-- T. 1SDHP mgbsuPedFast. One Window. Four generations. Nothing faster. Nothing Easier.IHISDCBEW_LacShcn FancyFcot L'EmpcrorlacSnen Foncyfeal fnperorugua Mmti PUB oi LacSvn1717133 03 tattoo a petAn Actual dog record. It's as simple as a single click of the button.cffie breeders gtandard is Microsoft Windows Compatible and requires Windows 3.1, DOS 3.11 or newer, 2MB of RAM, a 386SX or better processor, VGA and a hard disk.offie breeders gtandardcosts 109.95, plus 6.50 SH. COD orders are 7.50 additional. We accept Checks, Visa, MasterCard and Diners club cards. OWNERS OF COMPETING PRODUCTS GET 30 OFF CALL FOR DETAILS To order just callEgg] 800-746-9364Our number is open 24 hours per day, seven days per week. All orders filled within two business days of receipt. Checks are welcome at this TeleCheck Services merchant.Microsoft looked at ourprogram and licensed us tosay that we did it right Microsoft,with their own logo. WINDOWSCOMPATIBLEmmMicrosoft, Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation and are used with permission. AKC is a registered trademark of the American Kennel Club, Inc. The Breeders Standard, PedFast and Crystal Ball are trademarks of MBF Software Interests. All sales final once the program envelope is opened. No exceptions.Die Edit Window Brelerenccfl Utility HelpM iBUf'iMirii laiM-Hi in,fQ] H ED S El T1 T'ATie BiwdsYsSlandaidn AKCDogRepaitOil NERSHtP RECORD OF AN INDIVIDUAL DOGEcd. StikTlo-313P^glnH Kpnf LeFtten LUmpnoxSlir Caiuancs cm He Male OTotfamDim Au-ust MoonPiltiefLaeSlicnC-mVr Doj Dili ofButh 303191 Cobr OoUWluaBrn-dT lUnn Yon^Orirr lohnF TintrnoPool Oflk Box 661Annoch IL 60002-187S79 reports, with on-screen previewing.Save paper, save time.ofTie breeders gtanefaref"byMBF Software InterestsPost Office Box 661 Antioch, IL 60002-0661The Pom Reader January 199514AKA LoisLYMPIADogs HowlAnd...Miracles And The Snow\2r--i...seems to be a right apt title for this January issue. Its winter time, its snowy somewhere other than in Florida, and this story unfolded just before the holiday season began... the season when we tend to turn our attention to such things as snow princesses and miracles.Dear Olympia,What a beautiful morning November 16, 1994 started out as... with the warm, golden glow of autumn and the crisp mountain air, one could not help but be invigoratedI let my Poms out into their 2-acre play yard and decided that my little 3 12 month old white Blitzen Snow Princess was big enough to enjoy a bit of playtime with the others since they had been very careful with her.An unexpected visit from my propane gas man warranted my rounding up the disappointed little brat so that he could get at the tanks within the fenced area. This also meant taking down a section of fence so that the truck could get in there, too. After he left, I hurriedly put the wire back up, but since my staple gun was at Moms, I placed a 2x6x8 piece of lumber along the bottom to hold the bottom down to the ground. I let the brats back out to play and went inside.The phone rang and by the time I gotoff 15 to 20 minutes had passed. Something made me look out a front window on my way downstairs to check on the Poms, and there on my front lawn stood two of my older Poms watching the ducks swim on my pond.. Oh boyI flew out the door, scooped them up and began my one little, two little three little indians... I was short one little indian girl My little princess was gone Vanished I panickedAfter running in circles like a maniac, screaming her name while becoming absolutely sickened by the thought of life without this precious little angel that little pink belly is so kissable, I decided that there was no plan of action at that point that I was capable of figuring out to properly conduct this search alone.Within 15 minutes of her disappearance I was a worthless human being, unable to do anything other than search for Princess, I became this fearless tracker in the wilderness... a woman who runs from her car to the house in the dark would now find herself deep in the forest, ALONE, crying like a baby, begging this 2 34 pound puppy to please come home.By midnight on day one I was losing hope. She loves me... if she is alive, she would come to me... the owls were angering me... why the hell did God inventowls, anyway Maybe they ate my puppy Ohh I was ill... OWL FOODThe pond... that wretched duck pond... my puppy was surely at the bottom of that monster, or she would have come to me. It was midnight -1 still had not stopped for a minute since 1030 am... searching. I got the pick axe and the shovel and hiked back there to break open the embankment and drain the pond. I had to find Princess... dead or alive. The ducks were very upset, but, oh well, theyll get over it. Water of that magnitude takes a long time to drain, so I became restless and took to the forest again.At 4am, standing in the moonlight, deep in the woods, crying, I realized that a bear could get me. For a moment I was scared, but then my heart turned to my little Princess out there somewhere and suddenly my demise was not at all important- only finding Princess was. Love has remarkable strength. If she was out there, then I belonged out there, too.Sunrise came and, as the frost glistened across the meadow, my hope began to fade. Twenty hours had passed and not a trace of her. Miles of searching and nothing. I was freezing and exhausted. I returned home a beaten woman... choking on my own tears and half out of my mind,I tended to the other Poms and decided toThe Pom Reader January 199515expand my efforts by calling radio stations and police and veterinary offices up to 40 miles away in case she had made it to the highway and someone found her. Then I resumed my search.As I stood watching the ducks walk across this giant mud puddle that had been their sanctuary only the day before, I knew I was now crazed, obsessed with finding my Princess. I trudged through the muck to find her body, a fruitless effort, but at least I now knew she was not at the bottom of that monster evil pond.My friend Maria told me a prayer that she said always works for her... St. Anthony, please come around, something is lost and must be found." So, I took to the woods crying, pleading, mumbling- must have repeated the prayer a thousand times that day in between calling Princess name... like a babbling idiot just trekking.By dusk I had my own version of the prayer... Oh St. Anthony, please come around... my precious Princess is lost and she must be found. I fell to my knees bellowing this plea as the sun set over the swamp about a half mile away from my house. I was watching the huge black flesh-eating birds swoop from tree to tree and I just hated them for eating my puppy. No more Princess... no more happy face licks... no more Whos that puppy in the mirror... no more little pink belly to kiss. Id rather have been dead than feel the pain I was feeling at that moment... my broken heart wailed.Dark fell on day two and there was little hope. My friend Debbie came over and for hours joined me once again in this relentless search. I must have walked the same paths 50 times in 2 days. Debbie and I were on our hands and knees combing the thick swamp grass inch by inch, thinking maybe Princess was stuck underneath it... in the dark, I might add. I remembered the time I saw a weasel cross the road near there last summer with a rabbit in its mouth and I just knew a weasel had sucked the life out of my puppy. I cried and hated weasels passionately.Debbie came up with the idea that if wecould get one of the Poms to bark, and Princess heard it, she may come out. So there we are... two fools in a com field next to a swamp at 800 at night with a flashlight and the headlights, trying to get my poor little Tiffany to bark at me... making monster sounds and leaping around like Nureyev while she clung in terror to Debbie. Not a peep out of her. Normally, Tiffany wont hush up.Finally, alone back at the house, I just lay there on the bed crying. I could not focus my eyes anymore and I was dizzy. Two days without sleep and food has a way of doing that to you. There was nowhere else to look.My 76-year-old mother was just as dedicated in the search and she stood therecrying as I lay there wailing. I sent her to visit the retarded woman down the road with a picture of Princess to see if she could tell us something. She is incredibly psychic... but no luck. It was 930 pm, day 2.A 2 34-pound hypoglycemic puppy, lost in the woods in the cold for two days didnt have a chance after tonight, I thought... and cried some more. My precious angel had vanished. Lost Stolen How could I go on from hereTotally stricken with grief, I started talking aloud to the air in hopes that if my guardian angels were really there and listening, they could help. I told them that I release them from guarding me and thatthey were free because Princess was more important than I was and to please go to her and keep her safe, wherever she might be. It was 10pm.At 1015pm my friend Linda called to see how I was and the call-waiting beeped. My neighbor over the hill said, Linda, I have your dog. My heart stopped... I ran out the door in my pajamas, past my car before realizing, and had to run back to the car. Hell with the pajamas, but their farm is too far to ran in any weatherWhen I pulled into the driveway, I saw two young men standing in the garage and I stopped to realize that I did not know if she had been found dead or alive. Gathering my last ounce of strength, I opened the garage door. A HEAVENLY SIGHT... my filthy, knotted little beautiful white Blitzen Snow Princess. I grabbed that puppy and fell to the floor crying. She cried just as loudly, as if to say, Oh Mommy, I missed you and I was scared and I love you and oh, Mommy, I thought Id never see you again Everyone there was crying as they felt the love and joy of this wonderful moment. Even the men. Our 36 hour ordeal was over... with a gleeful ending.These two wonderful young men, Ken Witkowski and Frank Santarelli, had come to the Hendersons farm to go fox hunting earlier that evening. They had driven by my 4x8 foot sign I nailed to a pole by the highway with a 100.00 reward offered, but luckily, Marge had told them to keep an eye out for a little white puppy while in the woods. I never liked hunting, but this night I was so thankful for huntersPrincess Uncle Ken and Uncle Frank had driven 30 miles to come to the country hunting that evening. They had bought an electronic distressed rabbit signal and were using it deep in the woods over a mile away from my house when they said out popped this little white puppy. However, when they turned the machine off, she took off running just as fast as a rabbit and they could not catch her. Luckily, she finally got stuck in high grass and theyOLYMPIAJrT4\aka s LilibertoThe Pom Reader January 1995Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Hot GossipThe Pom Reader January 1995'i. -VpHO^BreedersOwners OwnerHandlerDana L. Plonkey Hideko W. StrasbaughRandy Gemmill California20PetruSteve Barbara NagyStephens City, Virginiaf..ueOur Pomoperation is located on our 3 12acrefarm and is actually a part of our 100-year-old log home. We had our long screened side porch enclosed with large windows, paneled walls and insulated flooring. Of course, it is fully insulated, siding-covered and has heat and air conditioning.As they go out into our large fenced yard, the Poms pass through a small covered porch that they can use to get out of the weather, although there are a lot of trees and shrubs for shade, etc.They are not kept in cages inside, so they are able to have plenty of exercise playing indoors. We like to have them close so we can see them at all times and be able to catch any little thing out of place right away. Newborns arekept in our bathroom, next to the bedroom, for the same reason. We give our own injections and try to keep wormings, vaccinations and heart meds up to date and dogs flea- free.I guess you could say I was bom with a Pom, as I received my first at 6 years old as a Christmas gift from my brother. Tinker lived 18 years, which is quite old in Florida with all the mosquitos. I am sure heartworms were prevalent, but still unknown at that time.Tinker was alive when I married, and when my daughter Robbin was bom, she rode on her stroller with Robbins feet in hercoat.Our move to Virginia was in 1960. We were without dogs for a few years as Steve and I both worked in the aero-space industryThe Pom Reader January 199521mtA-w \Left Daughter Robbin and her giant Pom Bud not bred by Rhea-NaAbove A promising Rhea-Na litterBelow The front of the house showing part of the Pom yardand were quite busy. But, after shopping one day, we saw a Pom and fell in love again with these beautiful little dolls. We again purchased a pet, but she died at a year old when she ran across the street to meet Robbin as she got the mail. We were crushed as she was so special.Soon after, we purchased two females that we bred a couple of times. We also got a beautiful black male. At this time, we were not into showing, although we did go to a few shows. There we met Donna Lynn Wright with her first show Pom, and we would talk Poms and showing.When we were down to only one old dog that was lonesome and refused to eat, we contacted Ann Cannon for a puppy. We ended up with the love of my life,Chimmy - a Ch. Annons Magnum Force of Scamp daughter. She was so smart it was scary. I still miss her terribly yet, after her death 3 years ago. We also purchased 3more Poms from Ann.We had seen Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge at several shows, and finally went to see Ben about a Pom. The rest is history. We got a beautiful clear orange Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge daughter who, thanks to the handling of Charlotte Creed, became Ch. Bev-Nors Fudges Image.Tuffy is 10 now and still very special to us. After this bite of the show bug, we purchased several more dogs from Ben.Donna finished 2 for us, one being Ch. Bev-Nors NuttinTo It, who is now owned by Donna and still used by us to sire our show pups.We dont breed a lot, as we dont have the room or the time due to medical problems, but we have had a few nice Poms that have become champions Ch. Rhea-Nas Country DJ of Jan-Shar, owned by Basilio Yap Ch. Rhea-Nas Bev-Nor Shasha, finished byJeanne Blank and Ch. Rhea-Na Bev-Nor Dallas, finished by Jackie Rayner.We contemplated quitting this past year, but since meeting Robert and Regina Nunn, who finished a Rhea-Na bred male, Am.Can. Ch. Regina Poms Luv-A-Gator, we- wa-a-a - vAL TTZYvvyyvY-YvAV. - 1The Pom Reader January 199522Tht Idhetf-7^Continued...KSc, rr- BEST OF WINNERS OPPOSITEmattaponi KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER 1991DAVE ASHBEY2L\ Above Jackie Rayner with judge James P. Cavallaro and Rhea-nas Born On The Fourth of July Left Robert Nunn with judge Ken McDermott and Ch. Reginapoms Luv A-GatorsNEW CHAMPIONBEST OF WINNERS- -lOrIT1 .V -S-PLACING912 MONTHS DOG o- .AMERICAN P OMERANIANa^tn.MC3- TLUEaVWv TOJfZa-.'Z 8ejudgein IKX. i.l ifThe Pom Reader January 199523Right Chimmy doing her thingFar Right Our World Champion Quarter Horse Teddy Dorsett at 2 weeks of ageBelow Handler Jackie Rayner with Ch. Rhea-Na Bev-Nor Dallashave combined kennels and now have several super litters due in December.We have some very nice bitches in our program - such lines as Ch. Absoluts Magic Mountain a DJ grandson, Ch. Tim-Sues Distant Lights, Ch. Tim-Sues High Lights, Janesa, Mosaic, Starfire, etc. And, of course, Rhea-Na, Bev- Nor, and Great Elms.Donna is now showing our beautiful Rhea-Nas Top Gun Legacy. Regina is showing Rhea- Nas Watta Lil Socrates by Dolores Watts beautiful Ch.Watts Little Socrates. He is young and full of spice, but is a true beauty. Regina has 11 points on her Damien, a Starfire-bred puppy. He won the Pom Club of Greater Baltimores Summer Specialty over champions, for a 5 point major.Steve and I bred Quarter Horses also for a long time before showing Poms. We bred a multi World Champion - an Honor Roll more points in an event than any horse in the nation, several superior state champions, halter champions, High Point horses, etc.I think this also helped with Poms, as a halter horse is shown basically for the same things asdogs are. They are judged on movement, coat, straight legs, conformation, etc. I have found that a lot of Pom people were or are involved with horses. With our bad backs, the horses had to go, and we stuck with the Poms.We want to thank the Pom Reader for giving us little people a kennel visit, and we are extremeMU0- ti.amly grateful. Also, thanks to all the wonderful folks who helped get us started, purchased from us, or who just became friends.Steve Barb Nagy RHEA-NA POMSV'VkA'ThePom Reader January 199524FINCHS POMERANIANSCongratulates...CH. FINCHS CLASSIC CREATION Kesha on finishing her championship. Handled by Jim Lyman Owned by Deanna French.mmm 'ss.FINCHS TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLEHandled by Brian Incorvaia Owned by Marla Billig.wV.Congratulations, Barbara Steve Nagy, on your weU-eamed breeder visitDIANE L. FINCHRR1, PO Box 89B Kelley, IA 50134-9801 515 769-2444CongratulationsandContinued SuccesstoBarb Steve Nagyand all theRHEA-NA POMSEMCEES POMERANIANSMORRIS BETTY CARSON PHONE 804741-30249826 WALTHAM DR RICHMOND, VA 23233DOSSMARsendsCongratulationsandContinued Success toBARB AND STEVE NAGY of RHEA-NA POMS.T^hcfis- 'fate l^eficb eft T^eyynfifr letidy huy findMARIAN DOSSINGER414-334-4889The Pom Reader January 199525m mOffering....2 BW Males DOB 1124942 White Males DOB 117943 Wolf Sable Males DOB 112894 1 Wolf Sable Female dob 112894Please call for information.Deposits Required.Pedigrees Upon RequestULDINE NIMMO 417267-2413'-ftWmest Congiiatuations toti^hea-Na '-Pomson thismtt-deseiwed tccogntitonthanks you jjOi trusting us with the excellent ^Poms you hade sent Oout jjtiendship and eating is Uufy a joy.Ramona J-. SmithPRJSM POMS of FLORIDAWISHES TO SEND CONGRATULATIONS TO BARB STEVE NAGY ON THEIR MUCH DESERVED KENNEL VISIT.We also want to send condolences to June McCoy Jane Johnson on the loss of CH. COYS TOP OF THE MARK... truly one of the greats He will be surely missed. Im very proud to be fortunate enough to ownTWO OF HIS DAUGHTERS.See you in New YorkCongratulations to Jeanne Magic on their specialty winVERONICA BOUDREAU 8I396E2H7Nothing For SalePrism Poms Love Science Diet Canine Growth.The Pom Reader January 199528ALDENS KENNELHOME OF CHAMPION PARTI GIRLS Ch. Aldens Parti Chocolate Chip pic. Ch. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-Dot A1 Jan Domrase 815 728-0559 6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 60072318-466-3456OUTHLANDPOMERANIANSCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360Ch. Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor POASTYE.TICKLE PO IRANIANSBREEDEROWNERMAJICP.O. Box 50, Corpus Christi, TX 78403-0050 512 992-8233 after 7 p.m.Bred for Soundness QualityLINCHRIS POMERANIANSHome of Best in Show, Best in Specialty Show Multi Group Winning PomsChampion Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Quality Dogs for Show Pet Fully Guaranteed Home of Pom RescueLINDA BROGOITTI1011 W. Campbell Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85013-2614 602 265-4946QVTAR HAVEN POMS Q Home of the Stars of Today and Tomorros.Ch. Stud Service Puppies for Show, Breeding PetJANICE YOUNG 314-629-2754618 W. Springfield Rd. St. Clair, MO 63077cc3- o n^i, ^ a tda is,K7Sharon John Masnick HCR65 Box 745, Huger, SC 29450 803 928-3511POMSOrange-Red-Sable -Black-BIkTan-Cream-Blue-Parti-White 38 Washington Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314 718 494-1847 or 201 514-4134 7 Highland Trail, Denville, NJ 07834The Pom Reader. January 1995Chesai1 i PomeraniansROBERT JOAN REILLY 26903 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78258-7102 210 980-2667J[\ otenosSINCE 1967HOME OFAM. CAN. CH.MORENOS PERRI WINKLEMultiple Group WinnerJULIE MORENO4' r 7-vtr -a.At415-583-4973 after 10 a.m. our time, pleaseAm. Mex. Champions in orange, red, black, orange sable red sable.LISSA DAVE DAHLENBURG PO Box 1160, Loxahatchee, FL 33470-1160 407 793-0975C T1 fit C4 Linda Ed Spady 813-862-047610421 Hudson Avenue, Hudson, Fl 34669 Inquiries Invited - Puppies young adults available occasionallyStud service to approved bitches - Pedigrees stud fees upon request.The Pom Reader. January 199529ERPOMERANIANSTeri Dan Wilford 3120 Cormorant Drive Jacksonville, FL 32223 .904-268-3510 262-8434AN PicturedEMCEES A CHIP OF TERI-DAN Group PlacerCfobondersWhere Poms are Dual Registered Exhibited AKC-WWKCBreedersExhibitorsFRANK ALBERT JORGE SALPURIDO2398 Tucker Lane, N. Ft. Myers, FL 33917 813-543-1048SUBERIPOMERANIANSSUZANNE BERNEY4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mills, MD 21117410-655-8330Mary A. Rosenbaum 38711 200th Ave. S.E. Auburn, \VA 98092 206 833-2160W ILLflMOPKEN ELEANOR MILLER3545 NC HWY 152 E, SALISBURY, NC 28146 704-857-1197CH. BEV-NOR SOUTHLAND SINSATION isour main man. Quality puppies and young adults occasionally.RAMONA J. SMITH, Box 833, Belfield, ND 58622. Tel 701-575-4125.355. LpiomExantarn.Inquiries Invited RUBY F. POOLERte 1 Box 190, Claremore, OK 74017 918 341-6921DOYER-HOLIHOUSE POMSCHAMPION STUD SERVICE PARTI, CHOCOLATE, BLACK TAN and BLACK STUD SERVICE PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski, 319 Ardmore Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629. Tel 609-695-1642.JJcmesas504-384-7466^PoMgJEM MIA 1072A LANDRY ROADMORGAN CITY, LA 70380Pom AcresRR 4, CEDAR FALLS, IA 50613 319-989-2199QV'i'hdg Q-liUSoundness - Quality - Health Old Great Elms LinesChampion sired or sired by father of ChampionsP.O. BOX 701, PRESQUE ISLE, ME 04769 207 764-6031POMERANE4Puppies Grooming HandlingDonna Lynn Wright, 200-B Gateway Drive Bel Air, MD 21014 410-879-1459JmceesPOMERANIAMCh. Emcees A Chip of DiamondPUPPIES AVAILABLE FROM Ch. Emcees A Chip of Diamond Ch. Emcees Golden Topo De Oro Ch. Emcees Cloudbusters Image Emcees Sun ChipsInquiries InvitedPedigrees Stud Fees on RequestMORRIS BETTY CARSON 9826 Walthan Road Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024The Pom Reader January 199530Barbaras Brats - Poms with PersonalityHome of Wee Hearts The Devil His Due Charlie by ac ch.Chriscendo Western Express out of Southland's Toasted Scarlett, and Tri JCommand Performance Chester. Scotia All The Way. Girls carry Great Elms - Emcee - Jeribeth - Tomanolls - Millamor - Janessa, etc. I am trying to breed quality in my area. Some puppies small adults available. All home raised.BARBARA MORAN 1835 Casteen Road, Leesburg, FL 34748 904 323-8301JD S POMPOUS POMS-Home OfCh. JDs Truly A Gem Ch. JDs Midnight Oil Ch. JRs Yankee Doodle Dandy while hes pursuing his career Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestJanet Hovey, 5549 W. Ave. M-2, Quartz Hill, CA 93536-3112.Tel 805 722-3307.BEV-NOR POMSCH. BEV-NORS SPECIAL EDITION Group I and Specialty Winner Sire of ChampionsCONGRATULATIONS Steve Barbara on your special visit.BEY BILL NORRIS7747 Meadow RoadPasadena, MD 71127 410 255-1343c_Aleujafit ^eau J^ames ^PowsColor-Bred WhitesEvelyn Newyear 4478 River Street Willoughby, OH 44094,216 946-1226Cynthia Wallen 1692 St. Rt. 603 Lucas, OH 44843 419 892-3170 - PhoneFaxPOHIERAlinAiSDOT MARTIN 803-831-8086 5354 Bluebird Lane, York, SC 29745FOR SALE 2 MALES DOB 103194Sire son of Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster Dam daughter of Ch. Chriscendo Calvin KleinHELEN CONRAD 813-475-1724 1677 Manor Rd. Englewood, FL 34223NEW EXPECTED UTTERSThe Pom Reader January 199531E V E WBest Foot ForwardA Video Guide to Successful Obedience Handlingby Barbara HandlerThis is a great video for novice handlers and exhibitors, although it might be even clearer with the book, which I dont have.The tape runs about an hour and covers what to expect when going to a match or show. The setting in the video is outdoors.This is an educational tape, NOT a training tape. It shows what equipment - collars and leashes - are acceptable and not acceptable in the AKC show ring. Best Foot Forward talks about the premium list and which classes to enter. It makes the distinction between Novice A and Novice B very clear. It also goes over the differences in the A and B classes in Open and Utility. The information a judging schedule gives is discussed.Barbara Handler addresses the difference between sanctioned and non-sanctioned matches. She makes suggestions about appropriate attire for the handler.Proofing suggestions are given to use during training sessions to get the dog ready to show. There is no description given of how to implement these suggestions. Not a training tape, remember.Barbara makes suggestions about how early to arrive at the show site, where to set up and where to pick up armbands. She suggests the exhibitor watch the team being judged in the ring to know where to move to start each new exercise.Barbara discusses what a warm-up is, when to do it and what is permitted under AKC rules.She talks about when the dogs name can be used with a command and how to use it. There is a good point made about how too much of a pause between the dogs name and command can be considered a double command.A very important section is the discussion on the terms non-qualifying, disqualifying and excused and what they mean.COMMON handling errors in each novice exercise are mentioned, but the scoring penalty is not. There is also no mention of how to help the exhibitors train themselves to avoid making handling errors.Barbara describes how the dog can be handled between exercises. A point is made of NO corrections in the ring. She explainsthe consequences of correcting in the ring.One thing that I find important that wasnt mentioned was when to remove and replace the leash on the dog when entering and exiting the ring. That can cost points and create a dangerous situation for new exhibitors.Barbara explains what a run-off is and how to prepare for it. This is quite often something not explained to a newcomer.She also tells about returning to the ring for scores and ribbons.In the Open level, she shows a dog being measured in and advises to train this as an exercise so the dog is not thrown off balance for the rest of its performance.Barbara points out that the exhibitor has a responsibility to check the jump heights to make sure they are correct before beginning the heeling exercise.The drop on recall exercise is demonstrated using a signal. The option of using a voice command was not mentioned.There was an emphasis placed on the size of the dumbbell being in proportion to the dog.Again, suggestions are made about areas to proof for the Open ring.I must applaud the emphasis placed on the possibility that a dogs reluctance to jump may be due to physical reasons. There is strong encouragement to have the dog checked for structural and eye problems before proceeding.Each Utility exercise is covered, including the moving stand. At the end of the tape, Barbara demonstrates a good performance with her Golden in the Open exercises.I think this is a good tape if the exhibitor has never shown a dog at an AKC event. It would be more educational if an experienced exhibitor could watch with the novice exhibitor and make additional comments on things that are shown, but not verbally pointed out. Some things can be quite subtle for a novice exhibitor. When the retrieve on flat and the retrieve over the high jump are shown, Barbara held her left hand at her waist when she throws the dumbbell. When the dog leaves on command, she immediately drops her hand to her side to meet the requirement that the hands hangs naturally at her sides. This would be pretty subtle for a novice exhibitor to pick up on.Overall, Best Foot Forward should be in every training facilitys collection to help new exhibitors get ready for showing. For those of us old-timers, it can be hard to remember all the things we take for granted, such as filling out entry forms. This tape can help the novice exhibitor to learn the questions they need to ask to survive being new in our sport. Just remember, the common handling errors are mentioned. There are many more possibilities beyond the ones shown.Best Foot Forward by Barbara Handler is available from Dane Hansen Productions, PO Box 18163, Boulder, CO 80308, or call to order 800-546-8871. 29.99 4.00 shipping and handling.Reviewed and submitted byLois Morkassel 1412 Second Avenue South Fargo, ND 58103A brief resumeI have been training dogs since 1984. In that time, all 8 of my Poms earned their Am.Can. UDs and CGCs. One also has his UKC-CD. Another has her Am.Can. UDs, UKC-CDX, USDAA Agility dog title, CGC, and ROM because all 5 of her offspring which I own have earned CDs.I have taught advanced beginners obedience, conformation and agility classes.The Pom Reader January 1995THE POMSpecial Nettie ft...10th Anniversary IssueIn celebrating our tenth anniversary, we would like to include a very special Interactive Discussion Department. THE POM READER wants your response to the following questions YOUR OPINION ON IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE POMERANIAN BREED IN THE PAST DECADE YOUR OPINION ON FAULTS THAT SURFACED OR ESCALATED IN SEVERITY IN THE LAST TEN YEARS YOUR OPINION ON THE PRESENT HIGH POPULARITY OF THE POMERANIAN BREED in the top 25 all-breeds YOUR OPINION ON HOW THE BREED CAN BE IMPROVED WITHIN THE NEXT DECADETHE POM READER feels that discussion of the above issues by the fancys judges and breeder- exhibitors will be an especially enlightening feature of the Anniversary Issue.All letters must be signed to be published. Give us your opinion, but some brevity must be observed in order that there be space for everyone.Send to Joe McGinnis, Editor THE POM READER 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604 or Fax 813-853-3624DEADLINE FOR RESPONSES FEBRUARY 1, 1995The Pom Reader January 199535JANUARY 1994mok.s v a'Vi.i_Submit your cute photo for our popular Playmates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film. Mail toPR PLAYMATES8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604Snuggling is one of our natural characteristicsStevie Jejfie at 3 weeks Courtesy Victoria Lovely, Lovely Poms, Puyallup, WashingtonSubmit your cute photo for our popular PLAYMATES Department. Any clear photo will do, black white, color, Polaroid or regular film. Mail toPR PLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604PLEASE, PLEASE - TELL US THEIR NAMESNo wonder they dont smell sweet- theyre plasticThe now-famous Snow Princess, home safe sound Courtesy Linda Herrmann, Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania0ftThe Pom Reader January 1995c A9GOLDEN AIRES TRUE REWARDTRUE - a rising star.REWARD - BOB from the puppy class over specials, on to a Group II second time out at 6 12 months.STTumz 9o iSnltz.rTRUE - The team to WATCH in 950f ftl OQgVcVGROUP PLACINGBEAUFORT K CDECEMBER1994 O Baines PhotovagI2BmIreede ySharon Masnick Eleanor Milleromned L loved dSharon Masnick Golden Aires Poms and Shibas 803928-3511presentedh. .Michelle Miller Brian JonesTHE POM REA8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604HEIDI TORREY-BARTLES PR 1 9 5 23229 EAST DUBISSON PASS CHRISTIAN MS 39571-9559 USA 3News Publication Do Not Delay Address Correction RequestedBULK RATE U.S. POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FL