The Pom Reader February 1995
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FEBRUARY-MARCH 1995 VOLUME XI, NUMBER 1TENTH ANNIVERSARY EDITION13JVM3 -0L A iStSpaV4 v\ r^v. a avvr 13SmHAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY TO JOE, DUANE THE POIVI READERjI yi i4s,BOB OR4BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCONROEkennel club FALL. IBM 7f.SOSABMPALL FROM THE PUPPY CLASS...TOP LEFT A glorious win - Stepper goes BOB under breeder-judge Mr. Darrell Baker over 5 Specials at 6 12 months of age August 18, 1994, San Antonio, Texas.TOP RIGHT Judge Mr. Don Sutton awards Stepper Best in Sweepstakes at the Ft. Worth- Dallas Area Specialties, September 23, 1994 Mr. Sutton is now approved to judge Poms and Pekes.BOTTOM October 8, 1994 - Stepper goes Best of Winners Best of Opposite Sex in Conroe Texas under Toy Authority Mr. Frank G. Nishimura.THANK YOU ALL FOR APPRECIATING STEPPERS TYPE STYLEVC 'Bred by Annette Rogers-Rister Charlotte Creed Owned Handled by Annette Rogers-Rister P.O. Box 50, Corpus Christi, TX 78403-0050 512-992-8233 after 7 pmCONGRATULATIONS to Charlotte Creed on your recent wins with TOPPERX11-19-94 - 1-20-95Lumberton KC JOAN G. ALEXANDERWD, BOW............. 2 pts.Beaufort KCDR. HARRY SMITHWD, BOW, Best of Breed over 2 Specials on to GROUP II.............. 3 pts.Savannah KC W. E. DEAN JR. pic. WD, BOW, Best of Breed over 2 Specials.......2 pts.Arkansas KCKEKE KAHNWD, BOW..............4 pts.Manatee KC WAYNE GURIN WD, BOW..............3 pts.Golden Triangle KC FLORISE HOGAN WD, BOW, Best of Breed over 4 Specials.......3 pts.1M.CongtatuMions to Jtoe ^Ducme and rXfie ^orn ^eadeion 10 Qmt yeatisl^ \rm BEST OFBREED V V i SAVANNAH 1K. C. 1It DECEMBER t- , 1994 0 Baines PhotgLOOKING GOOD FOR 95WATCH FOR THE TEAM WITH THE LOOK THAT PLEASESTHANK YOU Michelle and to the judges who recognized this 6-9 month old puppy.A special THANK YOU to Benson Ray who kept Ruddy in show condition while I was ill.OwnerSHARON MASNICK803-928-3511Golden Aires Poms ShibasSharon John Masnick HCR 65 Box 745 Huger, SC 29450-9733Presented byMICHELLE MILLERTin- Pom Fiisiu'aky-m.\iuii 1995Ok CtaisixP,oraChampionJan-Shars99ocubotiJ.auMultiple Group WinnerAlready Quick-On- GROUPS.The-Draw in 1995With our Classic Friend and Handler, Carroll James' -4'I \- A LAi f i aAt.hummmm. miipFEB 4 95MB incMYRTLE BEACHTOYf,INC________Breeder Sharon HansonBiff an d JJPat ^StxoudJlawiLnbwic, J\C 28352-4700 g 7 0 276-8202The Pom Reader February 1995ar-fhlTiw- JlimlHTTK BEST OF BREEDMrs. Barbara JarmolukY NATIONALSPECIALTYfrHMrs. Michelle BillingsP^'PoH\IBEST OF BREEDMr. Luc BoileaureITHANK YOUll.'3CH. STARFIRES IM TOO SEXYTONY CABRERA FABIAN ARIENTI 305 256-2818sA Head of the Game' ' V . r- ' v" y ' JChaivifioivChrisoeim s T. J- WhizMULTIPLEBEST IN SHOW Phil, bornMARIO DENNIS LITONJUA 15 San Juan Street, Kapitolyo, Pasig Metro Manila, Philippines 1600 Telephone 632 6327025 Fax 632 6316658MULTIPLE BEST OF BREEDS3The Pom Reader February 1995\u.zVBISA Philippine ChampionBI-MAR SUNNYS GEE WHIZPhiuppineCanadian ChampionTIM-SUES DISTANT BELL1 ^ TILi iV'Ar-C-BEST IN SHOWPTDC Combined Specialty ShowJudge MR. ROBERT PLUMPTON AustralianunGROUP I10th Federation Canine International All-Breed Dog ShowJudge MRS. DONNA COLECanadaOwnersDENNIS MARIO LITONJUA15 San Juan Street Capitol, Pasig Manila 1600 00-63-2 632-7025The Pom Reader February 1995TLindys BlitzenPrincessJuly 28, 1994 - January 29, 1995dhe would AawefaAei tie diowwowldAy Jxvom...dAe fwime way die toe mii Aeamt.In a magical whirlwind moment in time.m.An angel came and touched me.She danced in snow white lace.With wings as soft as a whisper,She sprinkled the stardust of her grace.She taught me just how far true love will take you, Be it flesh or fur you wearThat boundaries dont exist...In hearts that truly care.She sparkled like a diamond,Melted hearts with all her charm,Spread joy to all who met her.Then left behind this broken heart.In silence I surrender To all I cannot change.But love goes on foreverAnd the light of this little dancing angel...Shall always remain.Mommy loves you Princess.Thank you, Debra, for granting me the priv- iledge of being graced by her love in my life.BreederDebra MansbridgeBox 451, Nordman, ID 83848OwnerLinda Herrmann 717-937-4775 RD5 Box 5703A, Lake Ariel, PA 18436The Pom Reader February 1995V0Wvi 6. V4^0oXJ BEST OFWINNERS^ --------------- VvGLENS FALLS KENNEL CLUBDAV ^ J jsanOUR LIL SALLY...pictured at 7 12 months winning her first 2 points WB, BOW at her very first show under Mrs. Paula Hartinger. Next day out - ResWB under Mr. John Honig and on to the next weekend out - 2 point WB. What a gorgeous little girl - so full of it So cobby And Oh - so soundSIRE MULTI BISS, BISA CH. SOUTHLANDS MIGHTY IMPRESSIVEDAM BOW BOY-N-BEV-NORS SWEET SECRET our Bunny is the last offspring sired by her grandsire, Multi BISS, BISA CH. BEV- NORS TOASTED FUDGE - a breeding that can never be repeatedFLASH - Bow Boys High-N-Mighty - Best Puppy at 1st Match Watch out for this boy with a head to die for.MIGHTY SWEET HIGH-N-MIGHTY - THE BROTHER-SISTER TEAM TO WATCH OUT FORHandled by our good friend Debby Wheeler, Bridgewater, New Jersey - thanks, DebbyBEST WISHES to Duane Joe on the anniversary of a great magazine HUGS KISSES to a special friend Miss Charlotte for taking such good care of our girls on their visits south CONGRATULATIONS to Tony Ch. Starfires Im Too Sexy on winning the National SpecialtyD. STEPHEN TURNER FRANK P. JACKSON 405 Rock Valley Road, Holyoke, Mass. 01040 413-538-7683The Pom Reader February-march 1995'- Vi-Av-V-m. AftSteven RossReeky took Best In Specialty Show. Thank you judge Julie Moreno for liking him, and thanks again to his friend and handler, Marlin Presser.Our other boy, Rikki, took Best In Sweepstakes under Judge Tula Demas. Thank you, Tula, for that nice win.OwnerBreederDIANA SOLANO SE 83 Millcreek Ridge W. Shelton, WA 98584 360 426-5887ROMS WIND DANCERThe Pom Reader February 1995Crood luck wim iiiue Diuy, i hope he does it for you.19 Wheat Fath Koad w., Mt. sinai, i x 11 oo516 331-3004The Pom Reader February 199515PRISM POMS of FLORIDAWants to send congratulations to the very dedicated staff of THE POM READER on accomplishing The Impossible ...10 successful yearsHeres to many more years and much continued success.f5hrAwHiPiBITCHGOOD LUCK CHARM OF PRISMshown taking her first points AND on Friday, January 13thThank you - Mrs. Easton for this wonderful win.Thank you to my good friend, JODI ECKARDT for her expert handling of Clover to this nice win on the Florida Circuit Watch for Clover Si Miracle now with 5 points fromthe Orlando Circuit in the ring again in the spring.Nothing avilable at this time.POMERANIANSVERONICA BOUDREAU Csi3 9612117We Feed Science Diet Canine Growth.The Pom Reader February 1995THE POMFEBRUARY-MARCH 1995 VOLUME XI NUMBER ONE'Tables Cthtetvfrt27. AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB LA CAJUN POMERANIAN CLUB New Orleans Specialties32. SPECIAL ADDITION - FINALS FOR 94 Top Twenty Toys33- SPECIAL ADDITION - FINALS FOR 94 Top Ten Poms38. NEW CHAMPIONSConfirmed January 199534. OLYMPIA aka Lois Ciliberto This is the 111th issue...40. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising subscription rates42. BREEDERS FORUM...Readers respond44. PR PLAYMATESOur pup-ular candid photo department46. DID YOU KNOW... by Sharon Masnick More tips information56. CRYPTORCHIDISM By Tim Graves57. PHENOTYPE vs. GENOTYPE By Vikki PowellTHE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises,Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the pubHshers. TheThe Pom Reader February-march 1995editor reserves the right to reasonably edit ah copy submitted. Ah articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third Class service in the continental United States 36.00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 55.00 per year.Foreign prices upon request. ALL ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC- LICENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP AND ALLBREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis Editor, 884S Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. Telephone 813-858-3839. FAX 813- 853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.INDEX TO ADVERTISERSADAMS, T............. .24,49 LACROIX, B......... ...25,52ALLAN, M............. .24,49 LEHTINEN, J........ ...30-31ALBERT, F............ .23,52 LITONJUA, M.D.......8-9ARIENTI, F............ ...... 7 LIZAMBRI, S........ ..... 49BAKER, C...................49 LOVELY, V.......... ...... 19BARNES, D. R..... .26,50 MARTIN, D.......... ...25,53BAY COLONY PC.........39 MASNICK, S. J.... 3,24,51BENKO, A. J.............23 MASON, B............ ...22,50BERNEY, S............ .....52 MILLER, K. E.... ...25,52BERRY, N.............. .....49 MORAN, B........... ...21,53BONNELL, B. M.17,21,53 MORENO, J................ 51BOUDREAU, V.............15 MORROW, T. T.......... 53BREDEN, R. B...........45 NAGY, B. S........ ...49,58BR0G0ITTI, L..............51 NEWYEAR, E......4,5,22,53BUSKE, R.............. .....53 NIMMO, U........... ...26,49BYRD, L................ .....49 NORRIS, B. B..... ...... 52CABRERA, T.......... ...... 7 NUNN, R.R.............52CARSON, M. B...22,52,55 PATTON, A.......... ...... 49CILIBERTO, L. B....21,50 PHILBROOK, S..... ....45,49CONRAD, H........... ..21,49 POOLE, R............ ...... 52C0T0, G......................39 RAY, B................ ...... 41CREED, C...........13,25,51 REILLY, R. J... ...... 51DAHLENBURG, L. D....51 RGS POMS PEDS...26,49DAUBENSPECK, J.... .....50 RODGERS, G........ ....24,51D0MRASE, A. J.... ..23,51 ROGERS-RISTER, A..l,2,51FEIST, V. W...... .....50 ROSENBAUM, M... ....26,52FIDDICK, R. J... ..22,52 SALPURIDO, J...... ....23,52FINCH, D.............. ..23,49 SHARP, D............ ...... 49FREEMAN, C......... .....50 SHARP, E................... 49FREIA, J............... .....52 SMITH, R................... 52GASAWAY, I...............49 SOLANO, D.......... ...... 14GONZALEZ, M....... .....16 SPADY, L. E...... ...... 51GRAF, H............... .....50 STROUD, B.P............6HARRIS, B..................12 TIDMAN, A.......... ...... 41HARTZ, K............. ..37,52 TURNER, D.......... ...... 11HERRMANN, L....... .....10 WALLEN, C................ 53HIGH, T................ ..53,58 WELLS, M. G..... ...... 49HOVEY, J.............. .....53 WILFORD, T............... 52INGLETT, N...........-59,60 WRIGHT, D.......... ...... 52KNEISLER, M........ .....50 YOUNG, J............ ...... 5119s ir vi i T- 901, _A MAJOR,\BEST OF WHHERSV DINNERS BITCHll TACOMAtt KENNEL CLUB 'WINTER 1995Photography By ^Steven Ross r RULCCH HCMECS14SCh. Kon Tiki Wee Saint From Ruby x Ch. Lovely Cassandra of K and LA Natural ShowdogIn Dad Saintys December Pom Reader ad, we mentioned that his first child would hit the ring in January. Well, Staceys first show was a hit Under Judge Sandy Wheat pictured, Stacey took Winners Bitch from the 6-9 class over 17 other girls. She also beat the class dogs for Best of Winners another 14, and finished the day with Best of Opposite over two Champion females for 5 points. All this at less than 7 months. Thank you Mrs. Wheat for recognizing Staceys style, carriage and showmanship. This is truly one self-stacking baby who doesnt put a foot out of place.BreederOwnerHandler OwnerI landler OwneriL\rt jcmes vic lovely crey pcceeThe Pom Reader February 199522HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY TO THE POM READERGtifiduktmy Cjwb Vham, mmkihftfa Pm I^Midvitkb bmtifjtd mjtfM it iy Ucfaf','Ualeatine d "DayPOM ACRES KENNELRobert Juanita Fiddick 32581 130th St DD4 Cedar Falls, IA 50613 319-989-2199HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY TO THE POM READERny Vuom, mmkimih Pm Pmk\thbbmtifiidinM0M itiytoikfMASON'S GIRLIEOwner Shirley RosenShow Quality Pups AvailableBetty Jo Mason MASON'S POMERANIANS 590 E. Orange Ave., Perris, CA 9E57 1 [909] B57-816BHAPPY 10 TH BIRTHDAY TO THE POM READERGnfMtuhtmy Cjtb X IduAM, tihmkiMythbPm Pwlckthe'bmiitifjul tMjfijihfr itiytitkf1.EmCeesSun ChipsEMCEES POMERANIANSMorris Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive, Richmond, VA 23233 804-741-3024...HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY TO THE POM READERm, VtiCM,6nmkihftfa Pm Ptedfothb bemtifjkl itiyUdfiyNEUJAHR TftGftLONG OBEftll JAMESLarron Elektra Lights x Mercers Elegant Encore Taggy is collecting wins with the loving help of Donna Megenhardt. Thanks Donna, we love youEVELYN NEWYEARNEUJftHR POMS4478 RIVER STREET WILLOUGHBY, OH 44094 216-946-1226The Pom Reader February 199523HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY TO THE POM READERUrGnfyrfitiiktimyVkfiM,tumkitiftiw Pm PmkkthFINCH'S PARTI ALL NITE LONGBlack white grandson of Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water. Watch for Barney in the fall showsFINCH'S POMERANIANSDiane L FinchRR 1 Box 89 Kelley, IA 50134-9801 515-769-2444HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY TO THE POM READERCtnfrituktitnyVmm,thtofikiMythbPm Pttitkhtkb beMtifjulmjfijm,^5ittitukfCH. BLOSSOM HEIGHTS JACKPOTSire Ch. Blossom Heights Firecracker ARLENE JOHN BENKOBLOSSOM HEIGHTS POMS5351 JEFFREY AVENUE WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33407 407842-5591HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY TO THE POM READERGtifUtuktitnyVmm, Pm PMukhthaitbUdhtylALDENS ALL AMERICAN PARTIAt. Jan DomeaseALDENS KENNEL6810 Barnard Mill Ringwood, IL 60072 815 728-0559 Fax 815 653-5106HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY TO THE POM READERDear Joe Duane,Your magazines touch of class positively states Poms are us The information and articles and beautifully coated and your inspiration shines, always placing the Pom Reader in the limelight.Best wishes and thanks from the both of us and our little Wee WondersASUNRAYS GOLD "BULLET"shown here being awarded Best of Winners by the late Josie Mitchell.Wee WondersWhere Poms are dual registered and exhibited AKCWWKCFrank Albert Jorge Salpurido 2398 Tucker Lane. North Ft. Myers. FL 33917 813 543-1048The Pom Reader February 19951 sT.u.IIn4_at'smManypeople were dressed in great costumes which added a real flair to the evening. Following the banquet, an auction was held with great items made or donated by club members.Friday at 800 a.m. the La CajunThe Pom Reader February-march 1995Pomeranian Club was the host of their 1st Specialty Show. What a show and what a group of hardworking, dedicated people. A big thank you to Tim and Sue Goddard, Claudia Pfeffer, Tiny Nelson, Audrey Roberts andNancy Wharton. These people were always busy making sure everything was running smoothly. Sweepstakes Judge Joel Taylor stepped into the ring and judged like a professional. He had an entry of 60. Results were29Puppy Dogs 6-9 Months Chriscendo Centre Stage. Christine D. Heartz, owner.Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months Jan-Shars Mr. Nice Guy. Sharon Hanson, owner.Puppy Bitches 6-9 Months Jan-Shars Sunny Side Up.Barbara Murphy, owner.Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months Jan-Shars Sweet Georgia Brown. Sharon Hanson, owner.Best In Show Specialty Chriscendo Centre Stage. Christine D. Heartz, owner.Best of Opposite Sex to BISS Jan-Shars Sunny Side Up. Barbara Murphy, owner.At 1100, Douglas H. Wilson took over the ring with an entry of 140. He carefully and expertly judged his lovely entries. It was not an easy task to choose only 3 winners. His choices werePuppy Dogs 6-9 MonthsMajestics Willie B Steppn Up. Annette Rogers Rister, owner.Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months Jan-Shars Mr.Nice Guy. Sharon Hanson, owner.Bred By Exhibitor DogsStollanes Hazy Image. Frances J. Stoll, owner. American Bred Dogs Treasured Lucky Boy. Claudia Wallace, owner.Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream, SableYolandas Cool Breeze. Jessica Doyal, owner.Open Dogs, Black, Brown, Blue Heartlands Park Avenue. Donna Riehm, owner.Winners DogJan-Shars Mr. Nice Guy. Sharon Hanson, owner.Reserve Winners DogYolandas Cool Breeze. Jessica Doyal, owner.Puppy Bitches 6-9 Months Golden Aires Bom Free. Sharon Masnick, owner.Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months HHH Megan Rose. Peggy Hendricks, owner.Bred By Exhibitor Bitches Dupres Sparkling Gold Toy. Mrs. James R. Dupre Sr., owner. American Bred Bitches Carousels Lil Ms. Dangerous. Michael Marcotte, owner.Open Bitches, Red, Orange,by Sharon MasnickCream, SableChestaras Fantasia. Bill Beverly Henry, owners.Winners BitchHHH Megan Rose. PeggyHendricks, owner.Reserve Winners Bitch Dupres Sparkling Gold Toy. Mrs. James R. Dupre, owner.Veteran BitchCh. Stollane Mystique Starlet. Frances J. Stoll, owner.Best Of BreedCh. Watts Little Socrates. Dolores A. Watts, owner.Best Of WinnersJan-Shars Mr. Nice Guy. SharonHanson, owner.Best of Opposite Sex to BOB Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Gossip. Hideko W. Strasbaugh, Dana L. Plonkey Randy Gemmill, owners.Friday evening a large group of people went for a river boat dinner cruise on the Mississippi River.We enjoyed the melodies of a Dixieland Jazz Band and dined on the foods that made New Orleans famous.On Saturday and Sunday, several people exhibited at 2 all breed shows in the area.Saturday afternoon I went with a group of 10 to the famous French Quarter. We strolled down Canal and Bourbon Streets and enjoyed street music, shopped at several stores and found a wonderful coffee and pastry shop. Now a visit to New Orleans is not com- lete without a visit to a casino The leaders of our pack were Arlene Benko and Jane Lehtinen. They had better luck than I did, as I won and lost 50 twice.Would I go again You betEveryone should go to a specialty at least once. Great dogs, fun-loving people, wonderful food, great entertainment, fantastic scenery - what more can one wish for in a weekendThank you to Jane Lehtinen for helping me take photos.Sharon Masnick Golden Aires HCR 65 Box 745 Huger, SC 29450 803 928-3511The American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty and the First Specialty of the La Cajun Pomeranian Club of LouisianaThe Pom Reader February-march 1995INTRODUCING.Ml TUMM TIGGERc-At 6 months and 8 days of age, Tigger voyaged to the Big Apple to place 2nd in a large Bred-By- Exhibitor class. Her placement under Michele Billings was especially thrilling because Tiggers rare, brindle colorTigger will join Nedd in her quest to prove brindles can finishCO-BREEDEROWNERSJUDY MEHCIZ Waukesha, WlJANE LEHTINENVI 218-744-2052 Days 218-744-5653 Eves.HAPPY TENTH ANNIVERSARY TO THE POM READER, TO JOE DUANEThe Pom Reader February-march 1995JAN-LES IS PROUD OFJioifk- y LOR ME BADD- mlrism attliiJKf1rSHSm LK rcnj8a 5S-V KRSSrl oSMyvIf- BEST OF T V tuw WINNERS-wvviHiMfnliMwj_ Min1MMABILENEKENNEL CLUBTO _____________________IALLEN PHOTOGRAPHY 0it-.Pictured with judge Mrs. Dolly Ward and handler, Erika Moureau Nedd won 2 points [pic.] and also 1 point under Mrs. Jean Fancy. Fie won the AOAC Class at the APC NY Specialty under Michele Billings. We appreciate the judges who have recognized Nedds quality - sometimes color isnt everythingCONGRATULATIONS to Tony Cabrera Fabian Arienti on their NY Hat Tricks 3 in a rowOWNERBREEDER JANE LEHTINEN 218-744-2052 Days 218-744-5653 Eves.WHO MAKE MY ADS BEAUTIFUL AND TO LOIS WHO MAKES THEM POSSIBLEThe Pom Reader February-march 1995SPECIAL ADDITIONTOP TWENTY TOYS - FINALSSHOWS NOVEMBER 1, 1 9S3 - OCTOBER 31,1994The following system is based upon the number of dogs defeated in ed in Breed, Group or Best in Show competition, according to recordsAKC competition. Each dog accumulates one point for each dog defeat- confirmed in the AKC Show, Obedience Field Trials Awards book.RANK BREED DOG Owner...........................................................................................................................Points1. Maltese CH. SHANLYNS RAISN A RAUCOUS............................................................................ 39591JolyNewcombAbbott2. Poodle Toy CH. MVP OF AHS.................................................................................................................. 29919UedaY oshidaWittmeierPatton3. Affenpinscher CH. OSGOOD FARMS MIGHTY MOUSE......................................................................... 21625Dr. Mrs. B.M. Shack4. Italian Greyhound CH. DONMAR SCARLET RIBBONS...................................................................................19285E. Martin5. Pug CH. LARIMARS TALK OF THE TOWN............................................................................ 17823MartensNeu6. Silky Terrier CH. JENINIS ARISTOKAT..................................................................................................14631ElliottRogers7. Pomeranian CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK.......................................................................................... 13678FetterTaylorJackson8. ShihTzu CH. SHENTES JOLEI IN YOUR DREAMS........................................................................12229WernerPhillips9. Brussels Griffon CH. PAMELOTS OVER THE TOP......................................................................................11631PowellJenner10. Pomeranian CH. FINCHS HE WALKS ON WATER...............................................................................11284D. Finch11. Yorkshire Terrier CH. STRATFORDS BLUE MAX..........................................................................................10852P. Beissel12. Miniature Pinscher CH. CHATEAU ACRES FLAKEY JAKE............................................................................... 10560R. Sufficool13. Affenpinscher CH. DRESS CIRCLE GOOD GRRIEF...................................................................................10254P. C. Dresser14. Pekingese CH. ST. AUBREY BON JOVI OF ELSDON...........................................................................9453CarlstromPennell15. Shih Tzu CH. MING DYNASTY SHOOTING STAR.............................................................................9060BlackburnIseki16. Silky Terrier CH. LUCKNOW LOCAL TALENT........................................................................................ 8871S. Monteleone17. Pekingese CH. BRIARCOURTS DAMIEN GABLE............................................................................... 8614N. Shapland18. Italian Greyhound CH. VOGUES MATERIAL GIRL...........................................................................................8342K. Holmes19. Japanese Chin CH. EASTWYCKS EVIL DOINGS........................................................................................ 7780KennedyFarmerMartenson20. Pekingese CH. REEDMAR POWER BROKER........................................................................................ 7730ReedBrewsterThe Pom Reader February-march 1995SPECIAL ADDITIONTOP TEN POMS - FINALSSHOWS NOVEMBER 1, 1993 - OCTOBER 31,1 994The following system is based upon the number of dogs defeated in ed in Breed, Group or Best in Show competition, according to recordsAKC competition. Each dog accumulates one point for each dog defeat- confirmed in the AKC Show, Obedience Field Trials Awards book.RANK POM................................................................................................. DEFEATED1. CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK....................................................13G782. CH. FINCHS HE WALKS ON WATER.......................................... 112843. CH. HHH TEXAS TWO STEP...........................................................54024. CH. WATTS LITTLE NICODEMUS................................................. 45805. CH. LINCHRIS GENGHIS POM........................................................33946. CH. TREASURED DEANS HI HIERARCHY....................................30817. CH. CREIDERS PRINCE DOM PERIGNON.................................... 24128. CH. STARFIRES IM TOO SEXY.....................................................22809. CH. JAN-SHARS DOC HOLIDAY................................................... 201310. CH. JANS WILLIE MAKIT.................................................................1734The Pom Reader February-march 1995AKA Lois CilibertoLYMPIAMDogsHowl\AndThis is the 111th issue......of the Pom Reader, which translates to our tenth big year From what I hear from our Reader fans, everyone is very pleased that Joe McGinnis, Editor, and Duane Doll, Publisher, created the Reader back in 1985 and had the stamina to stick it out through thick and thin to make the Reader the lovely publication it is todayThanks from Lois Ciliberto, Advertising Director, to all of you who contributed to this Anniversary Issue. I know how difficult it has been at this time of year, between the New Orleans Specialty, the holidays and the APC New York Specialty, everyone is both busy and broke. I know the feeling, and I sure thank those who took time out to congratulate Joe, Duane and the Reader on this special issueRegarding the dog auction article in the November, 1994 issue, Ihave received official information that a Pomeranian specialty club investigated one of their members who had sold a dog into an auction home and found no proof of intent to violate the Code of Ethics. Therefore, no further action will be taken against this member.However, it came to my ears that this member said my article helped her business in Poms. WOW If this statement was indeed made, it is a statement that should speak volumes to us allSpeaking of clubs, I received information that the Delaware Valley Pomeranian Club, formed in 1987, is looking for new members, either in the regional area of the club or from associate members - and also desperately needs donations to fund its Pom Rescue organization. The club serves the greater Delaware Valley area, which includes New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania, northern Delaware and New York City, including the Long Island area. It has associate members from as far away as England and Florida. The club has had problems over the years, but struggles on, albeit with a depleted treasury. If you are interested in belonging to the club and joining in their educational and rescue activities, or wish to make a donation to their rescue effort, please contact Susann Philbrook, President, atBox 1070 Rancoas Road Mount Holly, NJ 08060 PhoneFax 609-267-3799The folowing article, which I find interesting, was sent to me by a TNT client who has raised Maltese and Poms in Europe and now in the United States. Her name is Ingela Gram, and I thank her for thinking of me It seems toThe Pom Reader February-march 199535be perfect for this 10th Anniversary Issue.Kleinspitz und ZwergspitzSmaller Pomeranians of Germanyby Eyke Schmidt-RohdeIn France, the smaller Spitz varieties known in Germany as Kleinspitz and Zwergspitz Small Spitz and Dwarf Spitz are called Lou-lou de Pomeranie Ger Pommemspitz, and in England and America likewise by the name Pomeranian.During the crazy 1920s, these small-sized German Spitz varieties were the publics idol with their bushy, profuse, beautiful tails and their luxuriantly exuberant coats.This infatuation lasted approximately a decade.These two smaller Spitz varieties correspond, respectively, to larger and smaller British and American Pomeranians.These small dogs make companion-dogs par excellence and have found enthusiasts among many famous and distinguished people during the course of history Czarina Katharina of Russia,Empress Marie- Antoinette, Empress Josephine, Sir Isaac Newton and Emile Zola.When, in the 18th Century, the Prince Electors of Hannover Germany ascended to the English throne, the larger German Spitz varieties became the dogs of fashion in England. Gainsborough pictured these splendid beauties in numerous portraits. For example, in the portrait of the famous actress Mrs. Robinson in the costume of Perdita. In the 19th Century, Queen Victoria of England received a few German Spitz dogs as a present during a trip to Florence, Italy these were later shown with great success at the British dog shows of that era.At the end of the 19th Century,the smaller Spitz varieties enjoyed great popularity and esteem, especially in Great Britain. One of these small dogs named Bout de Chou is still famous today for his unforgettable charm and beauty. It is said that an American breeder wanted to acquire him and that he offered to pay the sum of 500 British pounds sterling. The fact, however, that this offer was not accepted caused just as great a sensation as the value of the little dog per se.These intelligent, clever, merry, fascinating, sly, crafty, humorous and highly attractive little dogs are also quite entertaining and a truejoy to own. In spite of their tiny size, these little dogs make peerless watch dogs. Cleverness, intelligence and talented trainability have enabled even the smallest German Pomeranians to enter upon and conduct brilliant careers in the circus and variety theatre. As merry, cheerful, charming and amusing as the smaller German Spitz varieties are, they are just as wide awake, attentive, alert and vigilant, constantly watchful and suspicious of all proceedings taking place in their surroundings.These small dogs report the slightest inkling or suspicion ofdanger with high-pitched, but melodiously pleasant little voices high intelligence and a strong desire to please their master enable the owner to quickly train his little dog not to bark excessively. For a person who is hard of hearing, barking could, of course, be of vital importance and mean the difference between life and death in case of emergency, because the prudent little German Pomeranian, so attracted and devoted to his master, learns very quickly to announce and indicate the ringing of his masters telephone or door bell by barking.Companion Dog 9th Group, as categorized by the Federation Cynologique Internationale HistoryThe Canis familiaris palustris of the Stone Age, skeletal remains of which have been found in and along the lakes of Switzerland and other Central European countries, is the ancestor and progenator not only of all the varieties of German Spitz and Pomeranians, categorized according to size and color, but also of the Nordic and Polar sled-dog breeds. No other group of canines has shown over thousands of years such selective fitness and adaptability prerequisite for survival. If the Spitz breeds, owing to their superb characteristics as working dogs, had not been such advantageous and useful collaborators in mans struggle for existence, these dogs would never have been kept for so many thousands of years as mans servant.Germany is regarded as the country in which the smaller Spitz varieties originated and in Central Europe, Germany has always been allowed to determine the breed standard. The British Pomeranian was imported by Queen Victoria of England from Southwest GermanyOLYMPIAH.\\22aka Lois CilibertoThe Pom Reader February-march 199536Baden-Wuerttemberg at the end of the 19th Century and bred under Queen Victorias explicit methodical instructions. The British determine their own standard. The excessive reduction in size, as often observed in British breeding programs in the past some specimens have even weighed less than 3 pounds, has produced besides some, indeed, very beautiful tiny dogs, unfortunately also tiny dogs with ugly deformities or malformations, such as cleft palate, excessively domed skulls, bulging pop eyes. incomplete formation of the coronal suture resulting from improper closure of the skull bones, etc.An Outline of the German Pomeranian Standard for the vari- ties Kleinspitz and ZwergspitzGeneral overall apperance small, very elegant, quick, agile, nimble and dexterous in movement.Size of the German Kleinspitz German Small Spitz 23-28 cm in height, measured at the withers 9-11 inches these correspond to larger British and American Pomeranians, i.e. those weighing over 5 pounds.Size of the German Zwerspitz German Dwarf Spitz 22 cm or less in height, mesured at the withers under 9 inches in height at the withers these correspond to smaller British and American Pomeranians, i.e. those weighing 5 pounds or less.Head medium-sized when observed while looking down from above the dog, the head should appear broadest at the rear and wedge-shaped in form, the head shold become gradually narrower as the observers eye moves toward the nose tip. The nose tip should be round and small. The nose must be black, except for chocolate-coated dogs, which musthave dark-brown nose pigmentation.Eyes dark colored, medium sized, almond shaped, slightly slanted.Ears Small, erect in position, triangular-tipped not rounded, set high and thus not too far apart.Neck Medium in length with a profuse mane-like collar of fur.Body deep brisket well rounded ribs perfectly straight back, which should be as short as possible the belly should be moderately raised toward the rear.Tail must be set high, medium in length must turn toward the head over the back immediately atits root and should lie firmly and directly on the dogs back, prfer- ably curled or rolled.Legs Medium in length, powerful, straight the hind legs may show slight angulation at the hocks.Paws as small as possible so- called cat paws, roundishly tipped with arched toes.Coat short and dense on the face, ears, legs and paws the rest of the body should be profusely covered with a long coat of standoff texture under the neck and on the tail, the coat is the longest and most profuse the back sides of thelegs should be feathered profusely to the lower foreleg joint and to the right before the hocks.Colors Black, White, Dark Chocolate, Red-Orange or Red, Wolf-Gray the color found in the Keeshond. The tiniest variety called Zwergspitz Dwarf Spitz, which corresponds to American or British Pomeranians weighing 5 pounds or less, may have other colors Blue, Cream, Beaver, Parti- color. Parti colored Zwergspitz must have black, chocolate, gray or red-orange spots distributed over the entire body.Major Faults Flat head domed apple-shaped head eyes toolarge or too lightly pigmented bulging pop- eyes ears too long or set too widely apartfloppy ears not held erectly flesh-colored nose tips wavy or curly hair tail too short undershot bite unilateral and bilateral cryp- torchids.Practical AdviceA dog that can stand cold weather, snow and exertion. Sometimes susceptible to eye inflammations and tartar deposits on teeth. Bathe your dog with a good dog shampoo which replaces natural coat oils as often as necessary, but as seldom as possible. When brushing, patting or combing your dogs coat, always stroke in the direction tail- to-head... this trains the hair of the coat to form the desired stand-off coat instead of lying flat on the dogs body.Thanks again, Ingela.OlympiaUntil the dog howls again...Olympia aka Lois Ciliberto 20044 Stamat Drive Land O Lakes, FL 34639 Ph 813 996-5499 Fax 813 996-9613OLYMPIA\52aka LoisThe Pom Reader February-march 199537Dover-HolihouseOffers for SaleRED SABLE MALE, D.O.B. 92992CH. THELDUN'S ALMOND FUDGE CH. BEV-NOR'S TOASTED FUDGE ROMX BEV-NORS SWEET N SASSY ROM Sire CH. NOLAS JOSHUA FUDGECH. APPLES TRAVELING DIAMOND GREAT ELMS LUVY OF LENETTE TOMANOLL'S JUNE BUGRAINTREES FUDGE IM NUTSCH. CJS Ml AMORSITO DIAMANTE RAINTREE'S MAGICAL MUNCHKINCH. CJS DARK MAGIC AT RAINTREE Dam HAZELS GE JONIE OF RAYNETTCH. PRECIOUS PETITES GABRIEL GREAT ELMS JONI OF LENETTEGREAT ELMS RED LOLLYPOPSire on cover of Pom Reader 793.Call for Photo and Price.Happy 1 Oth^miversaryto Joe, Duane and THE POM READER We have been with you nearly 9 12 years and wish you both many, many moreoServer- HofiFiouse Carnefots 9ostCamelots Rebel Did deceased - 4 champions, 1 C.D. X Ch.Annons LeaTar of Dover, C.D.,ROM 11 yrs. oldDOVER-HOLIHOUSEKathryn Hartz 609-695-1 64SKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski 319 Ardmore Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629609-695-1642DUE TO THE SERIOUS ILLNESS OF PAT FOLEYDover-Holihouse offers for sale2 BLACK TAN FEMALES 3 years old. Proven. Nice markings. One is Champion-sired. Both have many champions in pedigree. Old pedigrees -- SCOTIA, WEE HEARTS, ANNONS, LENNIS, SUNGOLD, and MAY MORNING.2 MALE LITTERMATES dob 494. Not quite show quality. 1 black, 1 cream sable. Champion dam. Many champions in pedigree. Old lines - BONNER, GREAT ELMS, CAMELOT, MAY MORNING and SUN RAY.2 BLACK MALES 14 weeks old.Dover-Holihouse PomsKathryn Hartz, Pat Foley Dan IMinatoski 319 Ardmore Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629 609-695-1642The Pom Reader. February 19953SfCONFIRMED JANUARY 1995Allayns Third Degree Burn Bby Ch. Allayns Feel The Heat x Donaras Ruby Rainbeaux. BreederOwner Mary Allan.Blossom Heights Dynamite B byCh. Blossom Heights Firecracker x Blossom Heights McGuires Amy. BreederOwner Arlene John Benko.Blossom Heights Jackpot D byCh. Blossom Heights Firecracker x Blossom Heights McGuires Amy. BreederOwner Arlene John Benko.Bon-Bons Sass-A-Brat B by Ch.Bev-Nors Statesmans Rocky x Bon-Bons Rowdy Renee. Breeder Bonnie Dale Myrick. Owner Patricia Dorsey.Chapman Patacake At ShimmereB by Ch. Chriscendo Contraband x Chapys Litl Xanadu-Du. Breeder Allan Patricia Chapman. Owner Charlene Gregory Waters.Extane Moonlight MasterpieceB by Ch. Scotia Chase National Dream x Shs Montana Madam. BreederOwner Sharon Shipek.Jaken Rumor Has It O TribbleB by Ch. Apples Traveling Rambler x Jakens Meet Me At Macys. Breeder JacquelineRayner. Owner G. Garrett ODell Jackie Rayner.Jan Les Just A Dash OfMillamor D by Ch. Jan Les Willie Makit x Bev-Nors Brandi Of Millamor. Breeder Eleanor Miller. Owner Jane Lehtinen.JRs Wee Yankee Doodle DandyD by De Artas Misty Baron x Ladi Fox. Breeder Donna Peeler. Owner Gail Rainey.Kneislers Secret Tradition B by Ch. Rockn Tradition of Oakridge x Ch. Glen Iris Castle Secret. BreederOwner Maria Kneisler.Lady Bailey of Vangilder B byCh. Sun-Dots Command Performance x Fus Ball Fistey Nikki Spunky. Breeder Billie A1 Smith. Owner Rick Kelly Van Gilder.Linetrees Jimminy Cricket D byCh. TJs Primetime x TJs Sugar Foot Rag. BreederOwner Mary Bonnell.Masons Shawn of Millamor Dby Bells Justin of Aristo x Del Sols Victorian Harbor. Breeder Betty Jo Mason. OwnerGailute Brickus Karen Crawford.Pinehaven Victorias Secret B Orions Coaltrain Walker Jr xCh. Pinehavens Just An Illusion. BreederOwner Gale B.Sharland.Pollys Adora-Dolly of FF B byCh. Pollys Play It Again Sam x Pollys Cally. Breeder Pauline Cook. Owner Linda Parks.Silver Meadows Trademark Dby Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition x Tim Sues Daylight. Breeder Jacqueline Klein Ron Feyh. Owner Jacqueline Klein.Silverwoods Bertha Tombo Bby Ch. Tomho Apricot Strut x Ch. Silverwoods Rising Star. BreederOwner Bess Roberts Tommy Hooban.Snapdragon Of Brielle D byMerimaur Flash of Fire x Starvenus of Brielle. BreederOwner Kenneth Catherine Lefferts.Watts Little Corky Too D byCh. Great Elms Firestarter x Great Elms Little Cera. Breeder Dolores Watts. Owner Donna Lynn Wright Dolores Watts.Wee Hearts Strike At Dawn Dby Wee Hearts Strike It Rich x Wee Hearts Autumn Breeze. Breeder Cassandra Ready Evans. Owner Barbara Krzewicki.The Pom Reader February-march 199539THE BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBPRESENTS ITS ANNUAL SPECIALTY SHOW IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SPRINGFIELD KENNEL CLUBSATURDAY MAY 13TH, 1995 EXPO GROUNDS WEST SPRINGFIELD, MAREGULAR CLASS JUDGE SWEEPSTAKES JUDGEMrs. Bessie Pickens Dr. Herald OrensteinTROPHIES, ROSETTES AND RAFFLE ^ 4\ -w. jit. f 11For more information, contactGLADYS DYKSTRA, President231 Park Street Easthampton, MA 01027 Tel 413-527-8841For Sale To Show Home Only... _ _. astarfire Re-Mark-Able'Last son of Ch. Coys Top Of The Mark BISA, now deceased, and Starfires Marina, Group Winner producer.Whelped 3-7-94 Color OrangeMARK, who now has 8 points including a major from the puppy class, will be a definite plus to the right show home.Congratulations to all those who have made the Pom Reader the excellence of publications...may your 10th year anniversary multiply in continuous success305-221-6437 GUILLYS POMS 407-622-3709Guilly CotoThe Pom Reader February 199540READERjgmfrz.FEBRUARY-MARCH 1995 VOLUME XI, ITourShowcaseforPurebredPomeraniansSUBSCRIPTIONRATESin U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per YearDomestic33 3rd class postage 50 1st class postageForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 5.00 each Back Issues 5.00 eachSubject to availabilityTHE POMdHEARTLAND'S PARK AVENUEADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAnnualPrepaidAd Size Contract Open RateFull Page Deluxe Color 337.50 375.00Full Page Standard Color NA 250.00Full Page Black White 112.00 125.00Half Page 60.00 75.0014 Page 32.00 40.0018 Page 20.00 25.00116 Page 12.00 15.00STORK REPORT NA 10.00All ads 14 page and larger include one photo. Extra black white photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes color photo, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, position chosen by publisher.In Aprilpiftlbrcck'smzxjffinmtvmwmSuzannePhilbrookSUBSCRIPTIONINFORMATIONJoe McGinnis, Editor Phone 813-858-3839 Fax 813-853-3624Telephone subscription orders by credit card onlyADVERTISING INFORMATION Lois CilibertoPhone 813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-9613DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, EL 33809-1604 813-858-3839The Pom Reader February-march 199541BenRay Poms presents...nm -3WINNERSGolden Aires MoonstruckZakis pictured in September taking his first single.Sire Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker Wally Dam Ch. Golden Aires Here I Am AimeeZak is ready now, and will be out beginning in March at a ring near youHappy 10th Birthday to the Pom Reader.Joe Duane, you guys do a G-r-rr-e-a-t JobBENSON Ray 2007 Vestry Drive, Charleston, SC 29414 803-571-616501IiII8IIIIi01IIiIIIIIII1I1IIIIII1.1In Memoriam Mrs. Wilna ShaakWe are sad to announce that veteran Pomeranian breeder and handler, Mrs. Wilna Shaak of Twin Maples Pomeranians, passed away late January 1995. She is survived by her husband, Mr. Pobert Shaak and her beloved pets. Owning her first Pomeranian at 16 years of age, she has endeavored to make the breed what it is today. Wilna will be remembered by many in the dog world. She has finished numerous Pomeranians Champion and Grand Champion. Wilna also served as an Officer and Show Chairperson for both the Greater Philadelphia and Perkiomen Valley Dog Clubs, winning countless awards, including the coveted Gaines Award from both of her Dog Clubs. Wilna has taught dog obedience classes throughout the years, as well. She was the Pomeranian and Lhasa Apso representative for the Pennsylvania Federation of Dog Breeders for many years. She will be missed by innumerable Pomeranian owners to whom she supplied an invaluable amount of information and support.Adele L. Tidman Shady Brook Pomeranians0The Pom Reader February0199542deaderis respond to tine cuttent...I think the breed is really at a high at this time but certain aspects seem to be pushed aside and worsen with time. I dont think we should toss aside soundness to have the prettiest looking Poms we can. Movement and soundness are very important considering these are the Pom that will be producing our future generations of Poms. Maybe the black skin disease is not any worse or more frequent than it was before but there is surely a lot more being published about it [ed. note - Pom fanciers will recall that THE POM READER was the first publication to tackle the problem of skin disease. JMcG] Unfortunately, I can admit that I am afraid of it, mostly because I have nver had it on a Pom or seen it in person so I guess I fear what I really do not know. I dont feel that it is something that I can work with in my breeding program, but that is my choice. The coats on Poms today seem to be really improved except some of them will not keep that into adulthood and others just have it all scissored off AH breeders seem to have certain things they are willing to give up to get other things they believe are more important. Heads seem to be wonderful at this time, but of course I do not have the opportunity to open those little muzzles and see what their bites look like I also think that it is wonderful to see so many colors in the ring. If they are of good quality, they should be put up to win All colors should be judged equally You should not have to look for a judge that is willing to look at the dog, not just the color. Read your standardGail Rodgers, Gailellen Poms Staten Island, New YorkYou asked for opinions on certain topics and I thought this would be a good time to voice my opinion. I am very concerned about what the Pom Breeders are doing to our breed. I have heard many horror stories and have seen the results of what The Pom Reader February-march 1995is going on in this breed. Some of these breeders are breeding continuously as a monetary business and not for improvement of the breed. To be brief, a good friend of mine just received a six-month Pom from a reputable breeder. The puppy is malnourished half the size [one would expect] of a six-month-old Pom, has bleeding ulcers in her mouth, an infection in her heart along with a heart murmur, and the vet told my friend she would not have survived much longer if she stayed with that breeder. I am also shocked at the AKC statistics on the amount of Pomeranian puppies being produced each year especially when they only average 2-3 per litter.I have had Keeshonds for approximately 10 years and got my first Pom five years ago. I have had two litters of Poms. The first litter, I finished within a year. I have put championships on six of my Keeshonds and have had five litters in 10 years. I feel the purpose of producing a litter is to try to improve the quality of the breed, not for monetary purposes. Im afraid the Pom fancy has forgotten the purpose of breeding, and because of that, the quality of the Pomeranian has a serious problem. I am appaled with the condition that some of these precious little puppies live in, only to be mass produced like cattle for market. The Pomeranian is meant to be a loving companion dog, not a dog with no socialization living in small pens only to be mass produced for profit. We the Pom fancy are the only ones that can put a stop to thisLinda Rindock Honesdale, PennsylvaniaThe various diseases and environmental factors causing hairlessness and skin darkening in the Pomeranian breed do not promise a long and happy life to the Poms who suffer these problems. Indeed, they debilitate the animal and in some cases are lethal responsible for a shortened,unproductive existence. Gradually over the recent years, we have heard more and more about suffering Poms and if recent occurrences are to be believed, it is becoming epidemic. This is a different situation than one dealing with a relatively simple dominant or recessive gene, or even one dealing with a complex inherited susceptibility. Most often when I hear of a problem, there is rarely a diagnosis or a successful treatment leading to longterm recovery. Such a situation can lead to confusion, dismay and even hysteria from the owners reaction.Offering some hope may be the knowledge that pressure will be placed on the Pomeranian gene pool to produce resistant Pomeranians. Therefore, it is extremely important for the Pom breeders to very carefully consider males having prolific coats who refuse to demonstrate any skin or coat problems whatsoever even when exposed to environments causing other dogs problems. I say males because first, their genes are used more often, and secondly, they demonstrate more fragility in this area.If you have such a male and you are sure of him by the time he is 2 to 3 years old, then you should consider using him extensively in your breeding program, as well as repeating the breeding that produced him, andor using his parents individually and as extensively as good husbandry will allow. These individuals may occur anywhere, including springing from the lines appearing more susceptible to problems We must regain our composure and good sense. Rather than degrade individual dogs and breeders, let us concentrate on those worry-free, truly exceptionally coated males who come along to us. Let us be prepared to know one when we see one and use him for the benefit of the future generations of our breed.Melissa R. Dahlenburg Elan Pomeranians Loxahatchee, Florida43FORUMstate oh the ^PomeiianiainOpinion on faults...The major problem I fear is the black skin or Hair Loss condition in our lovely Poms. If the Poms that exhibit this problem continue to be top winning and are used in breeding programs, what will be the long term impact on our breed I think we need to support and fund research for this problem. I also see Poms that are not in proportion. Some exhibit short legs and longer bodies. I think as well as type, beauty and coat, we cannot forget structure.Opinion on Present High Popularity...The Jan. 1995 Gazette reported 2,837 dogs registered and 2,158 litters in 1994. Poms were the first in the Toy group. I wonder if limited registration is being used to our advantage. I think breeders must insist that Poms that are placed as pets be on a spayneuter agreement. New words have surfaced... flea market sales, auctions and rescue. All three words scare me and I hope they will be eliminated from our vocabulary.Opinion on How To Improve...We need to focus on selective breeding and to make this work, be careful of the breeding stock chosen. We need to take a good look at the dogs relatives pedigree. Breed with the plan that the litter to be will have in it a dog better than in any previous litter. I would like to see Winners Dog and Winners Bitch at every show be the soundest of the typiest Poms shown.Sharon Masnick Golden Aires Poms Shibas Huger South CarolinaId like to offer some opinions for your 10th Anniversary discussion. Since I have only been involved with Poms about half that time, and have not yet bred any dogs, I cant comment about changes or improvements to the breed. But I do have some real concerns about the soundness of whats being produced today.I show both obedience and conformation with my dogs. In my opinion, the patella problem has reached unacceptable proportions. And so many of the breeders and exhibitors I meet and speak with simply shrug their shoulders and accept it I cant fathom how so many people who otherwise love and promote their breeds can breed crippled dogs and claim to be responsible. Some comments I have heard are it isnt a question of whether or not a Pom has it, its a matter of how bad it is, or Its in 90 of my dogs. Ive had to have the surgery on several of my dogs now neutered, you can be sure, and from my personal observation it affects the whole dog and their happiness. Think how you would feel if you were tottering around on unstable or painful knees And then you see their attitude come back after the surgery once again, the little eyes are bright, the tail is up, and they play and run. But think of the pain they went through before, and may have to endure again if more surgery is needed later in life.Mind you, I am not talking about poorly- bred or puppy mill dogs - though these surely have it, too. Its in many of the dogs coming away with championships from our show rings, and in many of the most famous lines. Are we inbreeding too much Ive heard that, too, but I dont know what the answer is. But we need to start facing it squarely. Maybe we need to check for it in the ring maybe we need to certify our breeding stock but we cant continue to hide our heads in the sand.Do we really love our breed enough to do somethingPat Cummings Maryville, MissouriI would like to put my 10 cents worth in your anniversary section on the Pom where its been and where its going Improvements I have noticed many morepretty heads in the ring than I used to. It seems to me that tail sets and shoulder angulation have improved somewhat, also.Faults There are very few truly short- backed dogs in the ring nowadays. Most are trimmed to look that way, but if you observe carefully you can see which is dog and which is clever scissor-work. I think that movement in general has declines, with fronts often being worse than rears.There is, of course, the skin condition which is becoming more and more common. This is in my opinion because of the current ability to keep the dogs coated at least some of the time. Thus when they are out there and winning, naturally people will be impressed by the type and wins and breed to the dog, perpetuating the problem.I believe that thyroid problems are rampant within the breed. One can hardly find any breeder that does not have at least one of his dogs on thyroid supplement. It is my feeling that these dogs are as much, if not more, of a problem than the skin condition dogs. Without the supplement many of these dogs are functionally sterile, but a pill will keep them producing more of the same.Popularity I hate it Everyone and his uncle feels that Fluffy ought to be bred to cash in on the craze. Few breeders use the Limited Registration, allowing perpetuation of the many faults we see. Improvement Honesty between breeders and a sincere desire to improve are the only way we can improve our gene pool and our breed. I would like to see shorter backs, correct double coats, better legs and an open registry for skin and thyroid problems.Mary Allan Allayn s Poms Wagoner, OklahomaThe Pom Reader ^ebruary-march 199544FEBRUARY MARCH 19951SophiecourtesyThe McCartys, Huntingdon, Tennesseettlfulte.PR PLAYMATES8848 Tievc'df tfdh itikeitind, 7^1 33809 664Submit tyoM cut photo fOfy OMpopulardepMttnent.CtntyoleM photo mill do - blfid r mhifo, oolofy l^olfiioid ofy ieulM frihn.-31 "Ooh-La-LaRosee des Petits Princes de Urkys and statuesque friend, courtesy M. Muriel Menard, FranceThe Pom Reader February-march 1995453ljtiiirnnka Jfant]jSffgrs Jfor SabLitter bom 121994 three male puppies 2 orange and 1 sable, all are show prospects, excellent pedigrees. Pedigree includes grandsire BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, great-grandsire Ch. Watts Little Dakotah, Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein, also including Ch. Great Elms Firestarter and Am.Can. Ch. Dainti D-Nees Desirae.Litter bom 122294 four male puppies in exotic colors 3 cream and white partis and 1 black and white parti. Pedigree includes grandsire Ch. Pombredens Heavenly Toy Boy, linebred on Pombreden, Burgundy and Sungold lines.Litters also due in February and March.The following dogs are offered free to good homesWill require spay agreement.Maggie - black white parti, 6 year old female, and Mattie - black white parti, 5 year old female.For further information, callSUSANN PfflLBROOKIHjilbrooks ^mmlBox 1070 Rancocas Road Mount Holly, NJ 08060 PhoneFax 609 267-3799 or Tel. 609 267-4644Or, On-Line Internet ECFDSSAPRODIGY.COM Note All long distance calls will be returned collect.Cwgiatuhium h Jm Viurn m tm yeoiw 4 The Vm Umdex, a tewukk piMicaUwzfoy says...CH. POMBREDENS HEAVENLY TOY BOYRobert Barbara Breden 794 S. Willow Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376 909 874-POMSYou are in our prayers, Pat - God loves you...and so do weIsaiah 4031They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.CONGRATULATIONS to THE POM READER on ten fantastic years of publication. When Pombreden began working with exotic colors partis, blues, whites, etc. over twenty-five years ago, we were like lone wolves crying in the wind. No one wanted to hear us until THE POM READER acknowledged our existence.Thanks pardner - where would we be without youLook for Smores my double-up grandson chocwhite parti to be out soonJL- ThePom Reader February 1995ID YOU KNOW..That HOOKWORMS can do enormous damage to your dog before you even know theyre there We wish to thank Valerie Matthews, DVM for sharing this informationAlthough hookworms are not as common a health problem as tapeworms and roundworms, they do pose an important health threat to dogs. For dogs in warm damp climates, such as in the Southeast, they are considered the primary internal parasite. Unlike round- worms, they infect adult dogs and puppies in equal proportion, but they are a more serious helath threat to puppies than to adults. There are two types of hookworms common to the United States. Unicinaria stenocphala is found mostly in the north and is much less common in the south. Ancylostoma caninum, however, is found in both the north and south. Adult worms of both types are off- white, about 1 centimeter long and have large mouths which causethe anterior head of the worm to appear enlarged.Life Cycle and Transmission Unlike tapeworms and round- worms, hookworms can be transmitted directly from dog to dog without the assistance of an immediate host. Adult worms live in the dogs small intestine, where they breed and produce eggs. These oval-shaped eggs, which are microscopic in size, are released from the female worms and passed out along with the feces. Within two to eight days, the larval hookworms hatch and molt twice to become infective larvae ready to invade another dog.Dogs can be infected by either eating food or water contaminated with the larvae, or simply by walking on or lying in soil infested with the larvae, which can acually burrow directly through the dogs skin into the bloodstream. When the larvae are eaten, they burrow into the lining of the stomach and migrate throughout the dogs system for two or three weeks as they develop. Once mature, they return to the interior of the stomach and are passed along to the small intestine, where they develop into adult, egg-producing hookworms. Thiswhole cycle takes from 15 to 18 days.When the larvae burrow into the dogs skin, they enter the bloodstream and are carried to the heart and lungs. There, they molt and break through the tiny air sacs called alveoli. The irritation they cause makes the dog cough, which brings the now mature larvae up to the throat where they are swallowed and taken into the intestines. The life cycle is completed when they molt once more to become adults and establish themselves in the small intestine.Ancylostoma caninum can be particularly dangerous to newborn pups. If a pregnant dog is infected, the larvae migrate to the mammary glands where they collect, ready to infect the newborns during the first week of nursing. Adult worms can, therefore, be present in a pups small intestine by the time it is 2 to 3 weeks old. If larvae are circulating in the mothers bloodstream, the pups can also be infected directly, even before they are bom, in which case they will be releasing eggs by the time they are only 11 days old.Effects and Diagnosis To understand the kind of damageby Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader February-march 199547by Sharon Masnickhookworms cause, it is necessary to examine the way these parasites feed. Hookworms have large mouths and attach themselves to the lining of the small intestine by pulling a plug of the lining into their mouths. Within 30 minutes, the worm digests the plug, disrupting the blood supply to the area and causing blood loss into the surrounding tissues. A worm will ingest two or three tissue plugs then move on to a new area. This is called graze-type feeding because it resembles the grazing of cattle.When the hookworm moves on to a new site, the first site is left bleeding. One adult female hookworm can be responsible for the loss of one cubic centimeter of blood per day. Thirty such pests can account for the loss of an entire ounce of blood each day It is easy to see, then, how a dog with hookworms can become anemic. Blood loss starts as early as eight days after a dog becomes infected, even before the worms begin producing eggs. The period of maximum blood loss occurs approximately 10 to 25 days after infection. Heavy infections can kill very young puppies less than 50 worms, acquired before or soon after birth, can cause a rapidly fatal disease easily confused with other puppyhood diseases such as acute parvovirus, canine herpesvirus and chilling.Signs of severe anemia from hookworms include pale gums nearly white, weakness, crying and unwillingness to nurse. Pups may also have fluid, foul-smelling, almost black feces, but sometimes the illness is so sudden that the owner will not notice a change in the stool. The dark, tarry feces iscaused by the digested blood from the small intestines. In addition to the blood loss, the dog will be nutritionally compromised because of the damage to the small intestine that hinders absorbtion of nutrients. A pup may have stunted growth, a dry coat, weight loss and decreased blood protein, leading to tissue fluid accumulation called edema. Older dogs suffering from chronic blood loss will show signs of iron deficiency anemia.Because hookworms are so small and not usually released in the feces, and because hookworm eggs are microscopic in size, it is not possible to diagnose hookworms just by looking at the feces with the unaided eye. Although dark, tarry feces, anemia, poor haircoat and edema are certainly clues that hookworms may be affecting your dogs health, these symptoms can also be caused by other problems. The only reliable method of diagnosis is to examine a fecal sample under a microscope.Adult dogs should be examined for intestinal worms every six months. Breeding females should also be checked just prior to breeding. Puppies should be checked starting at 2 weeks of age and again at 6 to 8 weeks, when they receive their first vaccinations.Control and Prevention Hookworms prefer moist, well drained soil that is not exposed to drying heat or hot sunlight. The mild weather of late spring, early summer and early fall in temperate climates - commonly called shirt sleeve weather - is their ideal. Freezing weather will kill Ancylostoma eggs, but not Uncinaria eggs. It is especially difficult to control hookworms in sandy soil because the hatchinglarvae will burrow down into the soil during dry periods and resurface when conditions are moist. Control is easier if dogs are kept on concrete or non-sandy soil that is exposed to direct sunlight. Some shading is a necessity, however, to keep the dog comfortable in hot weather.Cleanliness is very important in hookworm control, especially when mild temperatures and prime moisture levels allow rapid hookworm development. Feces should be removed from the yard or run daily. The eggs can hatch and reach infective stage in just six days. If the fecal mass is broken apart by rain or tracking, the eggs will be able to develop much easier. Cleaning concrete kennels and runs with a sodium hypochlorite Clorox solution can also help control these parasites.To control hookworms in gravel or concrete runs, sprinkle sodium borate Borax on at the rate of 10 pounds per 100 square feet. This compound will kill hookworm larvae, but probably not the eggs. The sodium borate should be wet down with a sprinkler to help bring the powder in better contact with the surface being treated. During the spring and summer months, the soil should be treated every one to two months. The sodium borate will not harm the dogs feet, but it is best to keep the dog out of the treated area until after sprinkling if there is a possibility the dog will eat the Borax. The sodium borate treatment cannot be used on lawns or grass runs because it kills grass and most types of vegetation.VIP Hookworm Spray Concentrate, produced by Florida Veterinary Laboratories, can be used on yard and grass runs. Itby Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader February-march 199548by Sharon Masnickshould be applied at two-week intervals, and it will not penetrate intact feces. It is always a good idea to pick up and dispose of the feces in the yard or kennel before treating with VIP or Borax, however. Caution Do not mix these chemicals. Use either one, but never two at the same time. Another way to prevent hookworm infestation is to medicate the dog daily with Styrid-Caricide, which is available in tablet and liquid form from your veterinarian. Styrid-Caricide is usually given to dogs less than a year of age, but it can be used for older dogs as well. The medication prevents not only hookworms, but roundworms and heartworms, too. Because of this, it is essential that the dog be checked for heartworms before beginning this medication.Once a dog is infected with hookworms, treatment will depend on the severity of the condition. The worms will be eliminated with oral or injectable dewormers, but because the drugs currently available kill only adult worms, the treatment will have to be repeated at 10-14 day intervals until no more eggs appear in the fecal exam.If a dog has severe anemia, a blood transfusion may be necessary to replace blood lost due to the worms. If the anemia is not life-threatening, it may be corrected by dietary changes. Dogs that are extremely debilitated from the hookworm infection will need gentle handling if they are to recover - warmth, quiet and good nursing care really help.Strict sanitation and regular fecal exams are the best means of insurance that your dog never has to face recovery from the effects ofhookworm infestation. Consult your veterinarian to find out how much of a threat hookworms are in your area, and work with him to set up a health care program for your dog.BThanks for this helpful information SharonTID YOU KNOW..that you could have a Flat Puppy swimmer in your next litter.A flat puppy looks like a turtle because his legs stick out to the side instead of underneath him. Because they lie on their stomachs, they are flat-chested. Most of the time the condition is caused by a weakness of the muscles which pull the legs together.This disorder is more likely to occur in overweight puppies and in heavy-boned breeds. Slippery floors are believed to predispose to the condition. When puppies are first learning to walk they should be kept on a nonslippery surface that provides good traction.You can assist a flat puppy by making him stand and walk several times a day. Also place him on his side to sleep. A hobble made from tape, placed from elbow to elbow forces a puppy to sleep on his side. It will also keep his legs under him when he tries to stand.I had a puppy like this a few months ago and we worked his legs like a bicycle several times a day to make the legs strong.SharonTID YOU KNOW..A reader response - the following comments are from Nancy Coke WhartonDear Sharon,As usual, loved your column in the Reader. Referring to LinatonePronounced Lynn-a-tone, put out by Lambert-Kay and sold at most show booths and supply shops, we have used it for our 36 years in dogs, first Min Pins, then Poms. In spite of our dry weather in the teens most of the year, we have never had dry, flaky skin, always shiny coats since it works from the inside out. One has to be sure not to give too much I usually give a squirt every evening as stools will get soft and runny as with oil.Happy New Year,NancyThank you Nancy. Nancy is that lady who keeps things moving at the shows. She is a terrific ring steward.SharonSharon MasnickHCR 65 Box 745 Huger, SC 29450-9733by Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader February-march 1995llURit RUiVULK AIN LANS I I i v'N'm tt ^ tw t ta cr49LIBEDTI POMERANIANSStella M. Lizambri133 Camelot Drive, Goose Creek, SC 29445803 553-0188Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms lines AKC Registered Puppies OccasionallySShow Pet Puppies Stud Service'o^mewctMMZMA'NINA M. BERRY3821 Venable West Lake, LA 70669 318-494-7072APACflE POMERAMIAMTHOM ADAMS CRAIG BAKER 11165 Old Squaw Avenue, Brooksville, FL 34614 904 597-3213 Quality Puppies OccasionallyALLYSCLASSIC POMERANIANSChampion Stud Service Classic Puppies Available Occasionally Inquiries Welcome All Colors Including Exotics Allyson Patton, 10324 Dreher Road, Little Rock, AR 72206. Tel 501-8884230FINCHS POMERANIANSDiane L. Finch Rural Route 1515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50134Ch. Finchs He Walks On WaterCh. Finchs Wee Heart Andv Gibb Great Elms.Ch. Apolloette Wild Fire ' Millamor. Scotialines WliiteRed andCh. Tun Sues Moon Rocket wiuMhlackpmiCh. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf puppiesERTlfBs PomeraniansPORTRAITS OF PERFECTIONMary Gene Wells Rt. 2 Box 238, Pattonsburg, MO 64670 816 367-2254-AAFFORDABLE QUALITYShow PETHealth guaranteed major medical insurance.EMCEE, MILLAMOR, CHRISCENDO BAVANEW lines Lisa Byrd, BreederExhibitor, 19 Rock Creek Est., Crowley, TX 76036. Tel 817 297-4603eft A STANDARD OF EXCELLENCESEE US FOR YOUR NEXT SHOW PROSPECT. Rhea-Na, Bev-Nor, Starfires, Janesa, Glen Iris, Regina Poms, LLL, Great Elms lines.Barb Steve Nagy713 Marlboro Road, Stephens City, VA 22655. 703-869-3749.IJA POMERANIANSSPECIALIZING IN BLACK TAN Our Bloodlines areGREAT ELMS SCOTIA BEV-NOR SUNRAYINGRIDA GASAWAY 206 843-154334409 Kinsman Road East Roy, WA 95850TOYS PEDIGREES2153 Cypress Landings Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 904-247-5384 or 0-700-RGS-PEDS Fax 904-270-1731Pedigrees researched 3-gen 8 4-gen 10 5-gen 15 6-gen 25 7-gen 40.Jftattor HtIICHAMPION SIRED - CHRISCENDO BLOODLINES HELEN CONRAD1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 Tel 813-475-1724.Specializing in Exotic Poms Blue, Lacendar, Chocolate, Black, and BlueMite, ChocolateWhite, and BlackMite Parti-ColorsShadow 'KemteLbULDINE NIMMO, OWNER BREEDERRoute 2 Box 83, Halfway, MO 65663 417-267-2413Mary Allan 918-485-3010 or 918-485-1040LL4YIYS POMR4m4DSRoute 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467amttnmnmMost colors including parties. Bloodlines include Bi-Mar, Bonner, Cedarwood. Chriscendo, Creider, D-Nee, Great Elms, Millamor, Pombreden, Scotia, SunRay and Watts.Susann Philbrook, Box 1070 Rancocas Rd. Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 Tel 609267-4644 Manual Fax 609267- 3799ext 0 - "From your fax machine, dial ext 9 to receive a faxed list of Poms for saleOnline - Internet ECFDS8APRODIGY COMAmcTmPOAEPiiniflns4412 SW 7th Avenue, Cape Coral, FL 33914 813 549-7543 BreedersExhibitors EADIE S. SHARP DARWIN SHARP III^PometamansPuppies Occasionally Inquiries WelcomeBenson E. Ray2007 Vestry Drive, Charleston, SC 29414 803 571-6165The Pom Reader February-march 1995Man7 A. Rosenbaum 38711 200th Ave. S.E. Auburn, WA 98092 206 833-2160 fllLflMOPKEN ELEANOR MILLER 3545 NC HWY 152 E SALISBURY, NC 28146 704-857-1197CH. BEV-NOR SOUTHLAND SINSATION isour main man. Quality puppies and young adults occasionally.RAMONA J. SMITH, Box 833, Belfield, ND 58622. Tel 701-575-4125.BEV-NOR POMSHome of CH. BEV-NORS SPECIAL EDITION - our newest Group I winner and Specialty winner last Ch. Bev-Nor Statesman son. Stud Fee 250.00. CH. BEV-NORS SOMETHING SPECIAL - Nicky is the last son sired by Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge. Stud Fee 250.00.BEV BILL NORRIS7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. Tel 410 255-1343.DOYER-HOLIHOUSE POMSCHAMPION STUD SERVICE PARTI, CHOCOLATE, BLACK TAN and BLACK STUD SERVICE PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski, 319 Ardmore Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629. Tel 609-695-1642.The Pom Reader February-march 1995POMERANIANS -Puppies Grooming - HandlingDonna Lynn Wright, 200-B Gateway Drive Bel Air, MD 21014 410-879-1459EMCEESPOMERANIANSMORRIS BETTY CARSON 9826 Waltham Road Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024PUPPIES AVAILABLE FROM Ch. Emcees A Chip of Diamond Ch. Emcees Golden Topo De Oro Ch. Emcees Cloudbusters ImageInquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on Requestm0leLjmap0msBred forHealth, Soundness BeautyBased upon Theldun, Rhea-Na, Starfires, Bev-Nors, Great Elms. PUPPIES AVAILABLE1ROBERT REGINA NUNNRt 1, Box 2890, Berryville, VA 22611 703-955-1209Home of Am. Can. Ch. Reginapoms Luv-A-GatorA0az0 0jmy'az'asThe Perfect Pets - Bred for QUALITY BEAUTY TEMPERAMENT AKC Champion Stud Service Puppies DORATHY RAY BARNES 34861 Beacon, Livonia, MI 48150 Phone 313 522-2772CH. KNEISLER'S TOASTY MIZ KAYLAKneisler'sPomeranians9151 S. Darlington Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 918 492-0520Inquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on Request"We breed for quality."MAt Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Pictured left, a typical Grafenhorst PomWatch for our Poms in the show ringBreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465 Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving HomesThe Pom Reader February-march 199553JD'S POMPOUS POMSHome OfCh. JDs Truly A Gem Ch. JDs Midnight Oil Ch. JRs Yankee Doodle Dandy while hes pursuing his career Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestJanet Hovey, 5549 W. Ave. M-2, Quartz Hill, CA 93536-3112.Tel 805 722-3307.Autums Tomba La BambaCh. Pattys Bev-Nor Teddy Ruxpin x Autums Valley Morning Sun - champion producerFOR SALE Male Pom puppy, blk tan, 10-13-94, Pom Acres Beverly Hills Hunk x RGs Senora Ukashe. Randy Buske, 39225 - 264th SE, Enumclaw, WA 98022. Tel 360 825-2103.Thank you Emily Untalan, Breeder, Wendy Feist for allowing me to own TombalFEBRUARY-MARCH 1995 VOLUME XI, Im . 11 j3k 1 1t21,11 iMiHAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY TO JOE, DUANE THE POM READERfo'i' etiSi 7^encAfeujafit Or Qeau Joannes ^PomsColor-Bred Whites i ^Evelyn Newyear 4478 River Street Willoughby, OH 44094, 216 946-1226Cynthia Wallen 1692 St. Rt. 603 Lucas, OH 44843 419 892-3170 - PhoneFaxGG G er ay POMERANIA1ISDOT MARTIN 803-831-8086 5354 Bluebird Lane, York, SC 29745 Puppy lid veilPOMERANIANSPrecious Puppies Occasionally for Show, Breeding PetPictured Ch. Emcees Jackson of HavensTammy High 703-869-77672280 Front Royal Pike, Winchester, VA 22602 7ennell\Linetree Pomeranians318 West Grahm, Dixon, IL 61021 815 284-3298TZtb r 7ennellTim Terry Morrow 703-776-74901246 N. Frederick Pike, Winchester, VA 22603Champion Bloodlines Puppies AvailableBlack, Chocolate, Orange, Red, Sable, Black Tan, Parti-ColorsBarbaras Brats - Poms with PersonalityHome of Wee Hearts The Devil His Due Charlie by ac ch.Chriscendo Western Express out of Southland's Toasted Scarlett, and Tri JCommand Performance Chester. Scotia Ail The Way. Girls carry Great Elms - Emcee - Jeribeth - TomanoH's - Millamor - Janessa, etc. I am trying to breed quality in my area. Some puppies small adults available. All home raised.BARBARA MORAN 1835 Casteen Road, Leesburg, FL 34748 904 323-8301aThe Pom Reader February-march 199554FEBRUARY-MARCH 1995. r .k- -.Mmm"_Peek-A-BooCourtesy Dolores A. Watts Watts Poms Brandywine, MarylandPRSubmit M6UU tuie fsOtU fiCi- eue eultPr e'foupntitei' depfifittnea. Cinq ciejPr will de - blade - white celt, PehPuid efy icaula fjilm.X\ rrC.PLAYMATES8848 Ticvt^df rfdh tciktdcind, Pt 33809604Lets take another look at this Stud Service Contract...Mujfin courtesy Sondra Mitts Bethany, OklahomaThe Pom Reader February-march 199555EMCEES POMERANIANSEMCEES KIT CARSON Ch. Emcees A Chip of Diamond x Emcees Toy Felipa Emcee, Models, Great Elms and Crescendo bloodlines Pictured at 5 12 months.vWCH.EMCEES A CHIP OF DIAMONDCh. Emcees Terrific Wee Chips x Ch. Emcees Sparkling Miss ModelEmcee, MOdels and Great Elms bloodlines.IJ..... .EMCEES JACKIES ESTHER BEEChip-A-Way Chips of Aristo x Wee Hearts Sandi of Emcee Emcee, Models, Great Elms, Wee Hearts and Crescendo bloodlines. 5 point major at 6 months."VEMCEES GRAN DORITO CHIPSCh. Emcees A Chip of Diamond x Wee Hearts Golden Emcee Emcee, Models, Wee Hearts and Crescendo bloodlines. Needs a major to finish.A special thanks to Maynard Woody our handler for these Poms.Morris Betty Carson9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024The Pom Reader February 199556i juua^CRYPTORCHIDISMMy champion bitch had a litter of puppies at the beginning of September. One of them is a beautiful at least to me little boy, and I am waiting, as many breeders do, to see if his testicles decide to drop into their correct position within the scrotum...BY TOM GRAVESCryptorchidism is a big problem in many Toy breeds. As such, I think the subject deserves a column in the Pom Reader.Before we get started, lets get our terminology straight. Some people like to refer to a dog with one testicle in the scrotum as a monorchid. This is incorrect. A monorchid would be an animal with one testicle. Most dogs with undescended testicles actually have two testicles, one of which has chosen not to take its normal position within the scrotum. The term cryptorchid means hidden testicle. In a unilateral cryptorchid, one testicle resides within the scrotum, while the other is hiding either in the inguinal canal or within the abdomen. I have never seen a monorchid dog - a dog with only one testicle. I have, unfortunately, seen many cryptorchids.In a normal dog, the testicles are descended into the scrotum by 10 days af age. If, by the time the dog is 8 weeks old, a testicle has still not descended, the dog is called a cryptorchid. These rules may not apply to the Pomeranian. I have known of dogs in which both testicles were scrotal at 8 weeks of age, yet eventually became cryptorchids. Conversely, I have known of instances in which breeders claim testicles did not drop into the scrotum until almost a year af age. As usual, Toy dogs break all the rules.At any rate, the bottom line is this an alarmingly high percentage of male dogs end up being cryptorchids.Cryptorchidism is, in fact, the most common reproductive disorder of male dogs. According to one study, the Incidence of cryptorchidism in the dog population is 13 percent. Researchers have found that The Pom Reader February-march 1995there are certian breeds that are predisposed to cryptorchidism. Those breeds are the Miniature and Toy Poodle, Pekingese, Yorkshire Terrier, Miniature Dachshund, Cairn Terrier, Chihuahua, Maltese, Boxer, English Bulldog, Miniature Schnauzer, Shetland Sheepdog and you guessed it Pomeranian.Whether the testicle descend normally or not is determined by genetics. There is nothing you can do about it once a puppy is bom. Various treatments for cryptorchidism have been tried, including hormone injections. These are not successful, and should not be tried.Getting rid of cryptorchidism is likely to be difficult business. The inheritance mode of the disorder is not completely understood. At present, cryptorchidism is thought to be a sex-limited atosomal recessive trait. That means that both parents have to be carriers of the gene in order for it to show up in a puppy. As strange as it might sound for someone who does not know genetics, a female can carry genes for it as well as a male. That creates a problem. Since females do not have testicles, it is difficult to tell if the female carries the gene. However, if a bitch produces a cryptorchid puppy, she must be a carrier, since in order to express a recessive gene, a puppy must get that genetic material from both its father and mother.Furthermore, if a puppy is not a cryptorchid, that does not mean that it is not a carrier. A dog with normal testicles can produce a cryptorchid puppy if he carries the gene. If you have a cryptorchid dog, you should have him castrated. In fact, castration of cryptorchid dogs is crucialfor two reasons 1. Cryptorchids should not be used for breeding 2. There is a higher rate of testicular tumors in undescended testicles than in normal testicles. This has been well established by epidemiological research.As you might know, cryptorchid dogs are allowed to be exhibited at English dog shows. This is in contrast to AKC shows at which cryptorchidism is not allowed. I think it is unfortunate that a dog can become an English champion with only one testicle in its scrotum. Cryptorchidism is an unhealthy state and measures should be taken to eliminate the condition.Decreasing the incidence of cryptorchidism in dogs will depend on responsible breeding programs. Being a realist, I know that if every bitch that ever produced a cryptorchid were spayed and every sire of a cryptorchid castrated, there would be very few breeding animals left. However, at the very least, males and females which have produced cryptorcids should not be mated to each other.On a related topic, a breeder recently asked me if it is necessary that a dogs testicles be both of the same size. It seems that her dog had been dismissed from the ring for the reason of having one testicle smaller than the other. IN my experience, it is not uncommon for testicles to be slightly unmatched in size and I would not consider it a problem. However, extreme differences between testicular sizes could be considered pathologic. There are a number of conditions which can cause testicular hypoplasia. Also, there is a direct correlation between testicular size and sperm production. Dogs with larger testicles are more fertile.57' 1 ai n aPhenotype vs. GenotypeBY VIThe very first comments I ever heard about breeding dogs centered around the terms linebreeding, pedigree and type. Even in a neophyte stage of comprehension about genetics I grasped the importance of linebreeding to a good breeding program, for it made perfect sense. It was only upon further study that I realized the full import of linebreeding as well as the inherent dangers. A favorite roundtable discussion amongst dog fanciers seems to be whether type- or line-breeding is superior, when in actuality to do either without regard for the other is folly.In technical terms, the word phenotype is used to describe the dogs outward visible characteristics. The word genotype is used to describe the dogs genetic makeup, encompassing all the traits you cannot see as well as its type. A pedigree is a tool breeders use to find out as much as they can about a dogs ancestors, since the breeder may not have seen any of these dogs. A conscientious breeder retains all information about any dogs he or she may be interested in for later use, integrating wins and quality of offspring into this information bank so as to better critique a pedigree. As I mentioned last time, it can be a mistake to breed to a big winner solely on the virtues of his show career, for show wins do not necessarily make good pups. The following example gives you, the breeder, a hypothetical breeding to play with... what would you do with this potential breeding, and also the one that followsSuppose the top-winning dog is beautiful, has everything you think you want to combine with your linebred bitch and the stud dog lives only 25 miles away. You have perused the pedigree, made some inquiries into the dogs lineage, seen some of his offspring and everything looks good on paper. However, you have turned up two things in your studies you dont like None of the studs offspring have near his exemplary type and, all of them have a coat texture you dont like... Your bitchs coat is not her strongest point, but the stud dog himself has a wonderful coat texture. What do youK K I Pdo now Do you go ahead and breed to him anyway, blaming all the problems on the bitches he was bred to Or do you think twice about that pedigree you studied, becoming critical of a linebreeding for the mere sake of line breeding due to the fact that the breeder of the stud has cemented in certain undesirable traits through his injudicious linebreedingIt is surely a dilemna, but one that is easily rectified. Find another dog that has the type you want but does not carry the problem with him in his pedigree. Unless, of course, you are hell-bent on breeding to that top winner no matter what, in which case you simply pay your money and take your chances. The problem with that is that dog breeding is a respected science, not a gambling trip to Vegas, and as we talked about a few months back, reputable breeders view it as a serious business. The future of your breed and the sport of purebred dogs rests on all breeders shoulders.So how do you approach the question of whether to type- or pedigree-breed Scientifically, lets look at a beautiful example of a potential linebreeding that would produce the type you desire, but in your careful study of the common ancestors, you discover a few very important genetic traits.Hypothesis Assign the letter A to the bitchs maternal grandfather and B to her maternal grandmother. Now assign the letter AA to the studs mother, because she is also dog As litter sister. Assign BB to the studs paternal grandmother because she is dog Bs full sister from a repeat breeding. Make further note of this fact dog A is also the bitchs paternal grandfather as well. What you have here is a very pretty linebred pedigree which, on paper, looks great and should really produce well for you. But... here are the problems the prospective breeder turned up with research. Dog A died of complications stemming from kidney problems. He had a grandson who was out of his litter sister, dog AA, that died at a very young age of kidney failure, and two of the grandchildren of dogs A and AA have very serious kidney problems at a WELLyoung age. If you linebreed the bitch and the stud, you will be doubling and tripling on these problems. Are you willing to take the chance to produce some typey linebred pups To further complicate this scenario, lets talk about dogs B and BB. Both have severe skin problems and light eyes, a fault in this hypothetical breeding. Not only does the pret- ty-on-paper breeding have the potential kidney problems, but you now have the added possible skin problems and light eyes a fault to your typey line breeding. Now what do you doMy scenarios are in no way meant to say that linebreeding or pedigree breeding is bad, any more than occasional outcross of pure type breeding is bad. Every one of these ways of breeding are valid and good when used correctly. It is your job as the breeder to understand the pitfalls like the above mentioned cases as well as to recognize the advantages of whatever type of breeding you are looking for at that time. Be judicious in your practices and your genetic choices for you are the artist creating the final picture, the ultimate dog. Always understand that for all the virtues there are in pedigree breeding, said breeding is only as good as its components, the stud dog and the brood bitch, and their ancestors. It can be the best breeding in the world on paper, but if the vital components, the genes, do not measure up to what you want, you will ot get what you want. Think about the virtues of the dogs in question, not the virtues of the pedigree vs. type breeding or outcrossing. Genetically it is to your advantage as a breeder to use linebreeding to cement in wonderful qualities if you can find complementary specimens free as much as is feasible of genetic faults, illnesses, etcetera. You can do it top breeders do it daily with great success. Always strive for the best possible breeding, even if it means waiting, for it is better to get what you want than to keep failing because you are not using the right ingredients. Remember, what you breed is a reflection on you and your good kennel name.BThe Pom Reader February-march 199558CALL US FOR YOUR NEXT SHOW POM1294 2 Males, 1 Female soldCh. Great Elms Little Sparky x Red Great Elms Bitch.Am.Can. Ch. ReginaPoms Luv-A-Gator x Janesas Charlies Angel Dor dam of our Little Socates Pups will be mostly Bev-NorJanesa.SilverwoodRhea-Nas Watta Lil Socrates x Jan-Shars Absolute Secret.Rhea-Nas Watta Lil Socrates x Thelduns Diamonds and Pearls.1294 4 FemalesLynnwrights Dracula almost finished x Blue Bev- Nor- LLL-Bonner show prod. Some Blue due in February-March.Bricor Reginas Plan needs 1 point - Specialty BOB x Janesas and Pagalews X-Troidinaire.Woods Blaze of Glory x ReginaPoms New Agenda. Models- Great Elms.Silverwood Bricor Reginas Plan x Silverwoods Classy Dottie Great Elms - LLL.Thank you, Jeanne Robert Blank, for Jan-Shars Absolute Secret Absolutes Mountain Mist little sister to BIS Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain. A special thank you to the Pom Reader and all our friends for the honor of our kennel visit.RHEA-NA POMS REGINA POMS713 Marlboro Road Stephens City, VA 22655 Rt. 1 Box 2890 Berryville, YA 22611703 869-3749 703 955-1209Puppy Haven KennelsEMCEES POMERANIANS HAVE DONE IT AGAINJACKSON took Breed over 3 SpecialsThank youJudge Mr. Allen Bunker for this big win.Watch for Jacksons children and grandchildren this spring summer in the ring.1-W 1r Z Zit IrCH. EMCEES JACKSON OF HAVENS Breeder Morris Carson OwnerHandler Tammy High 703 869-7767WOODS DR. BUNNY OF EMCEE BreederHandler Maynard Wood Owner Morris Betty Carson 804 741-3024The Pom Reader February 1995PO oNIANSBISS CH. JERBQS BORN TO BOOGIE - HANK NOBLE . HANK would like to thank the judges for Hanks wins in 1994. He started showing at 6 months 1 day of age on 1-14-94.TACOMA KC 1-14-94 Mr Don Rogers.................................. 4th PlaceSAMMAMISH KC 1-15-95 Miss Arlene A. Czech................3rd PlacePUYALLUP VALLEY DF, 1-16-94 Mrs. V. Olmos-Olhvier.4th PlaceCOLUMBIA POM CLUB, 1-20-94 Mrs. George Wanner Sr....3rd PlaceCOLUMBIA POM CLUB Sweeps Mrs. Jessie Stephens.3rd PlaceSCOTTSDALE DFA, 3-26-94 Mrs. Sharon A. Krogh............ 1st PlaceKINGS KC, Hanford, CA, 3-31-94 Mr. Frank Nishimura.1st PlaceSEQUOIA KC, Tulare, CA 4-1-94 Mrs. Betty Dullinger.1st PlaceSUN MAID KC, Fresno, CA 42-94 Dr. Wm. S. Houpt.1st PlaceKERN COUNTY KC, 4-3-94 Mrs. V. Olmos-Olhvier............. 1st PlaceWD, BOW, 4 Point Major 7 dogs9 bitchesTANANA VALLEY KC, 5-24-94Mrs. Sally Bremner......................... 1st Place, BOW, 4 Point MajorTANANA VALLEY KC, 5-28-94Mrs. Marion Postgate.......................................1st Place, WINNERSTANANA VALLEY KC, 5-29-94Mrs. Sally Bremner..........................................1st Place, WINNERSTANANA VALLEY KC, 5-30-94Mrs. Donna Cole..............................................1st Place, WINNERSPUYALLUP VALLEY DF, 6-11-94 Mrs. Bettie Krause.... 1st PlaceTACOMA KC, 6-12-94Mrs. Mary McCoy........................................... 1st Place, WINNERSSHASTA KC, 6-17-94 Mrs. V. Olmos -Ollivier........... 2nd PlaceCHICO DOG FANCIERS, 6-18-94Mrs. Sharon Krogh....1st Place, Winners Dog, BOW, 4 Point MajorCLACKAMAS KC, 6-26-94 Mr. Jack D. Russell............... BEST OF BREEDMT. BACHELOR KC, 7-3-94 Mrs. Elaine Rigden............. BEST OF BREEDEPHRATA-MOSES LAKE KC 9-17-94 Mr. E. Sledzik....BEST OF BREEDEAGLE ROCK KC, 10-21-94 Miss D.D. Nickles............... BEST OF BREEDIDAHO CAPITAL CITY KC 10-23-94 Mr. C. Deer...........BEST OF BREEDMID-CONTINENT KC OF TULSA, 11-5-94Mrs. B. Dexter.......................................................BEST OF BREEDSOONER POMERANIAN CLUB OF OKLAHOMA CITY, 11-9-94Mr. Charles S. Deer.............................. BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOWNOBLE HANK would especially like to thank hiswonderful HandlersJERRY BETSY OWENS, 32510 8th Ave. South A,Roy, WA-98580 Tel 206 843-1365Proud OwnerNOBLE INGLETT20908 Abalar Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91364Tel 818 313-9813Judge Miss Dorothy D. Nicklesy BEST OFflJudge M.r Edmund R. SledzikoblePOMERANIANSProudly PresentsA d,4ax - jiASPECIALTY BEST of BREEDOKLAHOMA CITY COMBINED SPECIALTIESNOVEMBER1994PHOTO BT DOWNEY dTj7 'BISS CH. JERBOS BORN TO BOOGIEHankwould like to thank judge Charles S. Deer for this spectacular win at the Sooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma City Specialty this past November.BREEDERHANDLERJERRY BETSY OWENS32510 8th Ave. South A, Roy, WA 98580 206 843-1365PROUD OWNERNOBILE INGLETT20908 Abalar Street, Woodland Hills, CA 91364818 313-9813THE POM READER8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604News Publication Do Not Delay Address Correction RequestedBULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FL