The Pom Reader May 1995
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MAY 1995 VOLUME XI, NUMBER 3TJ''mstIV THE COVER7^ stuhJtinty ctoufyhtic m. Ctiti.Ch. ,- HilliJAIV-LESmiU nSi3nCl S - 3 aCli a111 111 13 CSS " m 2m in n S m n O m 23 m 3. aT1 _S m Xin Htaa m a H3 Si hai aahiinV'T^ltilktH h tilt 'llMjith fylfisfi'i turd 7dtitMe T^ttmki .tfrJt "i0 WINNERS ,BITCH 1MAJOR ININWaterloo fMM KENNEL CLUBAPFfcjSQ,aME^R.W nUOtOliThank you Mrs. Mildred K. Bryant pic. far 3 paint major, Waterloo K.C., and Mrs. Lena B. Wiseman, WB at Green Bay KCSPECIAL THAIMKS TO THE JUDGES WHO ARE DARIN TD MAKE HISTORY HAPPEN Expecting 2 litters far serious breederexhibitor inquiries Co-OwnerBreedersJUDY MEHCIZ JAIXI LEHTIIYIEIXIWaukesha, Wisconsin 2 1 8-741-21 17 days 21 8-744-5653 eves.The Pom Reader May 19953REGINAPOMS CLASSY BEAMERMmw 1 yi4 w' x , im 1GROUPPLACING L,RALEIGH KENNEL I CLUBSATURDAY MARCH 24.1995 tyS gjJOHNASHKY t BOB over 3 Specials and a Group 3 under JUDGE KENNETH D. FALCONI. Thank you Judge Falconi Thanks to BRIAN INCORVAIA for letting us use your Special SparkyWatch for our new girl, STARFIRES WONDER WOMAN, in May. Puppies Available REGINA ROBERT NUNN BARB STEVE NAGYRT 1 Bax S890 713 Marlboro Rd.Berry ville, VA 226 1 1 Stephens City, VA 22655703] 955-1209 703 869-3749The Pom Reader May 1995THE POMMAY 1995VOLUME XI NUMBER THREEjfible eft Centwitz6.8.1314.151920.21.21.22.SHOWSIGHT- FROM THE EDITORDID YOU Sharon MasnickFood allergies and morePR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription ratesNEW POINTS SCHEDULEHow many for a majorOLYMPIA a.k.a. Lois CilibertoThe Cold Hard Facts Are...PR PLAYMATESOur pup-ular candid photo departmentSPECIALS ADDITIONTop Twenty Poms, Finals for 1994UPDATETop Ten ExhibitorsNEW CHAMPIONSConfirmed April 1995OKLAHOMA DISASTER RELIEFDogs and dog people pitch in24. DEAR POM READER...Letters from Pom fanciersTHE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constituteendorsement by the publishers. Theeditor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third Class service in the continental United States 39-00 per year. U.S. First Class 65.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request. ALL ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC-LICENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP AND ALLBREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis Editor, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809- 1604. Telephone 813-858-3839- FAX 813-853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.MMMtlffiALBERT, F.................... .... 29 McWhorter, j........... ........25ALLAN, M..................... .... 26 MARTIN, D................ ......11,27BARNES, D.R............. ....27 MASNICK, S.J........ ....18,30BERNEY, S.................... ....29 MASON, B................. ........27BERRY, N..................... .....26 MILLER, K.M........ .... 25,29B0NNELL, B.M................28 MORAN, B................ ........30RROCTOTTI T. .....28 NAGY, B.S............. ......3,26BUSKE R...................... .....25 NEWYEAR, E............. ........28Rvnn i. 9.K NIMM0, U................. ....25,26CARSON, M. B............ .....29 NINATOSKI, D........... ........29CILIBERTO, L.B..............29 NORRIS, B.B.......... ........29CONRAD, H.................. .....26 NUNN, R. R............. ......3,29CREED, C..................... .....28 PATTON, A............... ........ 26DAHLENBURG, L. D.... .....28 PHILBR00K, S............ ........26DAUBENSPECK J.......... .....27 POOLE, R................. .........25rWMRASR A Xr I .....28 RGS POMS PEDS..... .........26RHMANTN M ...... 9 RAY, B..................... .........26FEIST, V.W............... .....27 REG0NI, R................ .........25FIDDICK, R. J............ .....30 REILLY, R.J.......... .........28FINCH, D..................... .....26 RODGERS, G............. .........27FOLEY, P..................... .....29 R0GERS-RISTER, A..............28FREEMAN, C................ .....27 ROSENBAUM, M........ .........29f.ASAWAV, l................. .....26 SALPURIDO, J........... .........29GRAF, H...................... .....27 SHARP, E...........................26HARTZ, K.................... .....29 SHARP, D................. .........26HIGH T 2fi SMITH, R...........................29HOVEY, J.................... .....28 SUNRUNNER POMS.... .........25IAMS.......................... ...... 7 WALLEN, C........................28KNEISLER, M............... .....27 WELLS, M. G....................26LACROIX, B................. .....29 WILF0RD, T. D........ .........29LEHTINEN, J................ ......1,2 WRIGHT, D............... .........29LIZAMBRI, S................ .....26 YOUNG, J................. ...... 5,28McGUIRE, G................. .....25The Pom Reader May 1995CH. STAR HAVENSCDD ElV- -J" 1DEL VALLE DOG CLUB OF UVERMOREBEST OF BREEDKOHLERTheRighteousOnewhirls to a finish in just three weekends ofshowsA big thank you to his very capable handler, MARIA KNEISLER. Watch for this dynamic duo in the ring.We would like to thank the following judgesSt. Louis Dog Breeders Assn.Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore Leavenworth Kennel ClubJudge Mr. Richard Miller Judge Mr. Norman L. Patton Judge Mr. Ralph M. Lemcke Judge Mrs. Lois Wolfe White Judge Mildred K. Bryant Judge Mr. Ralph M. LemckeHeart of America Kennel ClubWD, BOW - 4 points WD, BOW, BOB - 5 points WD, BOW, BOB - 5 points Group IIWD, BOW, BOB - 5 points Group IIStar Haven Poms to debut soonSTAR HAVENS TERRIFIC CODY, dog, begins showing in April.STAR HAVENS SPARKLING DANCER, bitch, begins showing in May. STAR HAVENS HEART OF GOLD, bitch, begins showing in May.Janice Young618 W. Springfield Road, St. Clair, MO 63077314-629-2754The Pom Reader May 19956J.iFROM THE EDITORn a perfect world the contents of this page would always be uplifting and upbeat. At times, however, I find it necessary to touch i upon events not strictly held within the confines of the sport of purebred dogs. And how they affect us. And how we affect them. When the events are of a pleasant nature it is interesting to see the correlation. When the events are of a catastrophic nature it is a distasteful task, indeed. This is the position in which I find myself, today.When the bomb went off in Oklahoma City on Wednesday, April 19, 1995, destroying the Alfred P. Murrah Building and taking the lives of over a hundred, it brought a whole new meaning to the term atrocity. The wholesale murder of innocents is a concept difficult to understand. It is particularly alien to the mind and heart of an American, raised and guaranteed the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That said atrocity could take place within The United States of America seems an impossibility. That this godless act might have been perpetrated by Americans is simply incomprehensible.And so we sit, stunned with disbelief, as the toll adds up and the facts flow in. Our hearts break for our fellow citizens, upon whom this misery was foist our prayers flow for the souls of the people so senselessly slaughtered. And our minds rage with anger and a sense of betrayal. We vow to wreak vengeance upon the parties responsible and we mourn the naivete weve lost. Were shaken out of the magnolias but good, now.But wed damn sure better be cognizant of and grateful for the many luxuries that are ours. As we blithely breeze through our everyday''If.'.L h Hi. '" .jt Vaffairs, carrying on our business and pursuing our hobbies, we must be ever aware from whence these freedoms flow, and ever-vigilant in their appreciation, and protection. And wed better make sure that we give back just a little of the precious gifts weve got.The people of Oklahoma City did just that, in their immediate and consummate efforts to aid the population around the country and the world pitched in to help where needed and the people of the purebred dog fancy, again, as in disasters past, banded together to lend a hand.In this issue you will find news of the rescue efforts aided by purebred dog fanciers in Oklahoma City. You will find pride in knowing that our own pitched in, in good old American tradition. You will find reassurance, as I did, that we havent become so desensitized that we are no longer able to empathize. And commiserate.And you will find further evidence that our work is important and of benefit to man. The rescue dogs, so heartbreakingly loyal and vigilant in their duties, give us undeniable proof of the good that we, as breeders, can do. If our work is good.But some dogs of the world did not appear in newspapers or on television screens. As companion animals their role is different - but in my book every bit as important. For I can guarantee you that somewhere, in Oklahoma City, there is a human, harried and heartbroken, deriving comfort and solace from his Pom.That one Pom, alone, should be sufficient incentive to strive for the advancement and protection of the breed. And for all breeds of dogs.For whatever actions prompted by the purpose of their breed, they stand in valiant service to mankind.My prayers go out for those whose lives were needlessly, sinfully, snuffed my sympathy and love go out to all those aching from then- loss. And my thanks goes out to all who aided, in their own way, our fellow citizens in their time of need.And last but not least, my heart goes out to you and me, for this grave injury to our spirit, and to our beloved country, herself now tempest-tossed. May our recovery be swiff, and our optimism, in time, renewed. May our gratitude for all we have dictate every decision we make, and every action we take.And may we behave as selflessly when times are good as we have proven that we can when times are bad.The Pom Reader May 19957A Championship Stach.EUKANUBA9 sr lUKAMUBA sst. Mal. - V. LAMB C RICEEUKANUBA9 formulaNATURAL FOR DOCSPremium Quality food Nk Doflj MaintenanceEUKANUBA-------------------------- NATURAL FOR PUPPIESEUKANUBA91 UGMT 1Youve studied pedigrees. Researched bloodlines. Youve done everything possible to develop the best of the breed. Or have youBecause if youre compromising your dogs nutrition, you could be hurting their chances of reaching their full potential in and out of the ring.Get the best out of your dogs by putting the best into them. Eukanuba.Choose from our full line of six nutritious formulas Puppy, Adult Maintenance, Original Premium, Light, Natural Lamb Rice for Adults and Natural Lamb Rice for Puppies. Every ones a winner. EUKANUBA9The hest you can do for your dogFROM THE IAMS COMPANYThe Pom Reader. May 1995sDidCTOW...\ ID YOU KNOW...that the thyroid is a small gland located under the skin at the center of the neck It is regulated by a smaller gland at the base of the brain, called the pituitary gland. This gland signals the thyroid to produce thyroid hormone and regulates its blood concentration. The thyroid gland is an intricate part of your dogs endocrine system. It can have an affect on many different phases of your dogs health, from the coat all the way to the cell function.Hypothyroidism hypo meaning less than normal is the result of too little circulating thyroid hormone. This is normally caused by the thyroid gland ceasing to function properly. The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Idiopathic Hypothyroidism which means there is no biological reason why the gland is not working properly. Another cause of hypothyroidism is thyroid inflammation thyroiditis which can be familial runs in related dogs.The clinical signs of hypothyroidism can be a loss of hair often on the tail, hindquarters, or flank that is not the result of scratching. Other indications are dryscaly skin, dull brittle hair, fading of the hair color and possibly a development of oily skin. Sometimes dogs will gain weight and become lethargic.A blood test can be done to confirm the diagnosis. If your dog has hypothyroidism your veterinarian will probably prescribe Soloxine tablets that will be given in the a.m. and the p.m. A second test may be necessary to check the dosage.You should see an improvement in the overall health in two to four weeks and your dogs coat may take two to six months to improve.My thanks to my vet for assisting with this information.DID YOU KNOW..........That you can help your dog keep his teeth much longer by following a few simple guidelines...The following guidelines will help prevent disease and reduce the rate of plaque and tartar build up.1. The first step is to get your dog accustomed to having your work on his mouth. To accomplish this, use a little behavior modification and start off slow. Do not push things to the point of agitation and always associate having the mouth handled with something rewarding. Give lots of praise and make it fun. Let the dog lick Nutri-Cal off your fingers while rubbing the gums.2. Start by simply handling the lip area and soon you will be able to rub the teeth and gums with your finger.3. Use a cloth or gauze to gently scrub the teeth and gums, concentrating primarily on the lip or cheek side of the teeth.4.1 recommend the use of C.E.T. paste which is available through your vet or a supply catalog. Cleaning the cheek side of the teeth is important as the salivary glands are located there and contribute greatly to plaque deposits.5. Feeding dry food will help somewhat. Also chewing on milk bones and rawhide chewies does slow down the formation of plaque and tartar deposits.The above tasks are a good preventative program, but will not replace regular oral care at the vets.DID YOU KNOW.........That pets do understand us. Im sure we all have had pets that become eager when we say dinnertime and will disappear when we mention the word vet. I really think that pets do understand what we are saying and I feel it is a matter of taking a word and pairing it with a behavior on a constant basis. If this behavior is rewarding to the pet, then all the better.Our dogs know their names and basic commands such as sit, stay, come and walk and they do recognize certain negative words like NO. Most dogs will respond to the sound of our voice and ourby Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader May 19959In Memory ofSHVED MEADOWS SOCIAL DOSE, CD4-3-92 to 3-24-95One grey June day An Angel came home With me... wrT The sun then came out and stayed.One misty March morn The angel went away. ._____^s. VxN ^ \ Ns.CLAooOBEDIENCE vThe only sorrow you ever gave me was the day you left me.I miss you so, my doll.vTHANK YOU, JACKIE KLEIN FOR MY TIME WITH ROSE. WHAT A GREAT GAL SHE WASBreederJACQUELINE KLEIN 4146 West Lake Road Silver Springs, NY 14550OwnerMARGIE E. EHMANN 1796 Crittenden Road 1 Rochester, NY 14623 716 424-6429VTJ10DID YOU KNOW...body language and respond accordingly.Even if our dogs dont understand a great deal, at least they are great listeners and there is certainly a reward in the social interaction that we can establish.Besides, with your pet you will never have an argument and there is a lot to be said for thatDID YOUKNOW.........that dogs live longer on a special diet and that allergies are the cause for most itching and scratchingSTARVING CANCERDogs Live Longer on Special DietWe have shown that dogs with cancer have dramatic changes in their ability to use nutrients for energy, explains Gregory Ogilvie, DVM,Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.According to Dr. Ogilvie, scientists are now using a mask-like device called a calorimetry unit to measure the rate of metabolism in dogs with cancer. In addition, they have developed procedures to understand how cancer changes the way the dogs body functions and how it makes the animal not feel well.With the new procedure, scientists have discovered that the energy requirements for dogs with cancer are no higher than normal dogs. In fact, cancer actually shuts down the body and prevents it from utilizing food. Even if the cancer goes into remission, the dogs body will continue to use nutrients in an abnormal fashion.Cancer changes the body and thebody doesnt recover from it even after the cancer is eliminated from the body, Dr. Ogilvie says. However, he did discover a special diet that tended to prevent themetabolic process from shutting down.Scientists learned that what a dog eats may contribute to the growth of its cancer. For instance, certain types of food can make cancer tumors grow while starving the dogs body of essential nutrients, thus causing severe weight loss which can be more debilitating than the cancer itself.Dr. Ogilvie conducted a 3-year study that treated cancer patients with diet therapy for 15 weeks. He studied dogs with lymphoma, a type of cancer that invades the lymph nodes and other organs. While lymphoma cancer cells thrive on sugar, they starve the body of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and amino acids. Cancer cells can use sugars, but not fats and protein for energy sources. When the cancer cells use sugars for energy, they produce lactate, a waste product that poisons the host. It depletes the dogs energy allowing the cancer to weaken the body. Meanwhile, the tumor gets stronger. This condition is called cancer cachexia.Dr. Ogilvie determined that a special diet combined with chemotherapy can eliminate all clinical evidence of the cancer and slow the progression of the tumor. He found that dog foods low in sugar and high in fats fortify the body and starve the cancer. Blood samples taken after the dogs ate showed the impact diet had on sugar and insulin.To confirm that cancer changes the metabolic rate, the scientists also measured the metabolic rate by seeing how fast they use oxygen and produce carbon dioxide, similar to the way a car mechanic measures a cars exhaust to gauge the efficiency of the engine.Though treatment wont cure lymphoma, it can improve the quality and quantity of life by nine months to three years.Since these findings, we now believe that it is not the amount of fat in the diet, but the type of fat, Dr. Ogilvie speculated, as he continues to study the relationship of diet and cancer treatment and prevention.DOGS AND ALLERGIESDoes your dog always seem to be itching and scratching He may be trying to tell you something.In the United States, it is estimated that at least 15 of all dogs suffer from itching, dry skin and dull, flaky coatEven if our dogs dont understand a great deal, at least they are great listeners and there is certainly a reward in the social interaction that we can establish. Besides, with your pet you will never have an argument and there is a lot to be said for thatby Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader May 1995LaCheriesOUT id11Wind-JhOPPOSITE SEXHENDERSONVILLE KENNEL CLUBFEBRUARY 1995 PHOTO BYJiimttiisiih llilALLutiYuuu.La Cheries Lil Luke Skywalker x La Cheries Gabriels AngelAt 8 months old - BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX at her third showfor a 3 POINT MAJORTHANK YOU JUDGE MRS. ELEANOR L. ROTMANP.S. LA CHERIES TRIBUTE TO GREAT ELMS was Reserve Winners Bitch at this same showDOT ED MARTIN jfiz jeri5354 Bluebird Lane York, SC 29745The Pom Reader May 199512DID YOU KNOW...caused by allergies, says Dan Carey, DVM, The lams Company. However, recent developments in allergy research promise to provide at least some relief for dogs and their owners.In pets, as with people, allergy symptoms occur when the body comes in contact with a foreign substance, or allergen, to which it is hypersensitive. The three most common allergic skin conditions in dogs and cats are Flea allergen sensitivity Inhaled allergen sensitivity i.e., hayfever Food allergiesFlea Allergen Sensitivity The most common allergic reaction encountered by pets is caused by flea bites. Flea Bite Allergic Dermatitis FBAD affects both sexes and all breeds. It commonly appears in animals three to five years of age. Often pets that are especially sensitive to inhaled allergens for example, pollen are also extra sensitive to flea bites. How can you spot flea allergies in your pet Dogs with flea allergies often exhibit excessive itching and loss of hair on the lower back, thighs, and neck area.Fleas are warm weather creatures. In Northern states the flea population booms with the beginning of spring each year. In warmer climates, pets may be exposed constantly to fleas. Ironically, dogs continually exposed to fleas are less likely to experience an allergic reaction than those exposed seasonally. This is because their bodies have a chance to build up an immunity overtime.Inhaled Allergen SensitivityAllergies to inhaled particles such as pollen, dust, or mold are the second most common allergy in pets. Pets are exposed to allergens by inhaling them or by absorbing them through their skin.Studies show that dogs, especially females, are more likely to suffer from this type of allergy than cats and that some breeds such as the Boxer, Lhasa Apso, Golden Retriever, LabradorRetriever, and Shar Pei are more sensitive than others.Dogs usually develop allergy symptoms at one to three years of age. The main symptom is itching. In severe cases, dogs may show signs of dandruff, redness, or swelling in the feet, face, and ears. Inhaled allergen sensitivities often worsen with age if they are not identifiedand treated properly.Food HypersensitivityFood allergies make up about ten percent of all pet allergies and are usually caused by reactions to protein sources in the animals diet. Food allergy symptoms in dogs include recurrent ear inflammation, hives, and itching.New research in pet allergy management has led to the development of therapeutic pet foods that help reduce allergic symptoms. By incorporating optimalomega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratios and by using only limited highly digestible protein sources, these diets can manage allergic inflammation from the inside out.For all types of allergies, cool water rinses, shampoos, and moisturizers can help reduce your pets itching, discomfort, and exposure to allergens. In addition, if your dog had food allergies, it is important to switch to a brand of pet food that does not contain the offending protein source. Your veterinarian can diagnose and pinpoint your dogs allergyTheabove information was shared by the Wichita Falls, Texas Kovak-Thomas Public Relations, Inc.We appreciate reader input. Send toSharon MasnickHCR 65 Box 745Huger, SC 29450Food allergies make up about ten percent of all pet allergies and are usually caused by reactions to protein sources in the animals diet. Food allergy symptoms in dogs include recurrent ear inflammation, hives, and Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader May 199513READER-7 ICourShowcaseforPurebredPomeraniansSUBSCRIPTIONRATESin U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per YearDomestic39 3rd class postage 60 1st class postage Foreign Rates Upon Request Sample Issues 5.00 each Back Issues 5.00 each Subject to availabilityfl flAPRIL 1995 VOLUME .VI. NUMBER-VADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAnnualPrepaidAd Size Contract Open RateFull Page Deluxe Color 337.50 375.00Full Page Standard Color NA 250.00Full Page Black White 112.00 125.00Half Page 60.00 75.0014 Page 32.00 40.0018 Page 20.00 25.00116 Page 12.00 15.00STORK REPORT NA 10.00All ads 14 page and larger include one photo. Extra black white photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes color photo, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, position chosen by publisher.SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONJoe McGinnis, Editor Phone 813-858-3839 Fax 813-853-3624Telephone subscription orders by credit card onlyADVERTISING INFORMATIONLois CilibertoPhone813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-9613DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604 813-858-3839The Pom Reader May 199514NEW POINTS SCHEDULEPOMERANIANSEFFECTIVE May 16, 1995DISTRICT 1Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont.ENTRY 1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDOGS 2 5 8 10 13BITCHES 2 4 7 9 12DISTRICT 2Delaware, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania.ENTRY 1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDOGS 2 5 9 11 14BITCHES 2 5 8 10 14DISTRICT 3District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West VirginiaENTRY 1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDOGS 2 7 12 15 20BITCHES 2 6 10 13 18DISTRICT 4Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina.ENTRY 1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDOGS 2 6 11 14 19BITCHES 2 6 10 12 16ENTRY 1 POINTDISTRICT 5Michigan, Illinois, Indiana.2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDOGS 2 6 10 11 14BITCHES 2 5 9 11 14The Pom Reader May 1995ENTRYDOGSBITCHESDISTRICT 6Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Wisconsin.1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS2 6 10 132 6 10 125 POINTS1816DISTRICT 7Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas.ENTRY 1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDOGS 2 7 13 17 25BITCHES 2 6 10 14 21DISTRICT 8Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, N. Dakota, Oregon, S. Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming.ENTRY 1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDOGS 2 7 12 15 21BITCHES 2 6 11 15 22DISTRICT 9CaliforniaENTRY 1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDOGS 2 5 8 10 15BITCHES 2 4 7 9 12DISTRICT 10AlaskaENTRY 1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDOGS 2 3 4 5 6BITCHES 2 3 5 6 7DISTRICT 11HawaiiENTRY 1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDOGS 2 4 6 7 8BITCHES 2 4 6 7 8DISTRICT 12Puerto RicoENTRY 1 POINT 2 POINTS 3 POINTS 4 POINTS 5 POINTSDOGS 2 3 4 5 6BITCHES 2 4 5 6 7The Pom Reader May 1995AKA LoisLYMPIA4Dogs Howl And \THE COLDHARDThat dog magazines are not published by philanthropists. Whether they are published by a national club or by private enterprise, they must make money to exist. This means taking advertising, and I dont know of any publication that polices its advertisers with investigations into their breeding or selling ethics. It would be nigh impossible to do so, even if one wanted to.It is a cold fact that in the buyingsell- ing part of dogs, the old phrase caveat emptor prevails. Meaning, buyer beware. Lately I have heard too many stories of newcomers to our breed purchasing dogs via long-distance-dealing and getting less than they thought they were. Sick dogs, dogs with external and internal parasites, and sometimes dogs that are just plain misrepresented by the seller, which leaves the buyer with a handful.There are many ethical sellers out there, but also many who have no conscience. It behooves the buyer to realize that just because a seller advertises regularly in a particular breed publication does not mean that seller wont sucker someone. Before you buy, ask for references of past satisfied buyers and beware of anyone who wont furnish these references. It should be a must that a buyer who is purchasing from someone he doesnt know to ask for the name of the vet the seller uses and call that vet to find out how often the seller brings in his stock and in what health and hygienic condition said stock is usually in.Take the time to establish a written contract, dot all the Is and cross all the Ts. Make sure the dog is being shipped with a vet-certified health certificate and establish who is paying for same. Make it clear how long you have to decide if you wish to keep the dog and under what circumstances you can ship it back for a full refund.And remember, anyone can pay to advertise and anyone can belong to a dog club. If your seller is a member of one or more dog clubs, that is great, but if he uses his position in the club to make hisreputation a bit better, beware. Dog clubs are not formed so that members andor officers can use the club name to enhance their dog sales.The by-word for buyers is to look before you leap. The jump can be high, lengthy and costly in dollars and emotions. It is not always easy getting a refund. And be sure of that health certificate. Recently, cases have turned up where dogs were shipped with bogus certificates and, in fact, many airlines do not actually require one if the seller states they are not a commercial enterprise, just a person shipping one little dog.I know of three cases just recently in which dogs were shipped that were either not healthy, or were misrepresented and the health certificates were bogus in other words, forged or made to look as thought they were official. One Pom of three and a half months was said to weigh a bit over 2 pounds and came in weighing over 4 pounds. In the matter of a certified health certificate, no vet is going to use false weights or attest to good healthThe Pom Reader May 199517when there is a health problem.Dear Mrs. Ciliberto,In reference to your most recent column in the FebMarch Reader, I would like for you to print the following, in its entirety, in your next issueYou correctly reported that, upon investigation, I was totally cleared of any intent to violate the official code of ethics to which I am a signatory and subscriber. Instead of leaving it at that, you pandered to the vindictive interest of some unnamed persons by saying that all the recent dirt-throwing had somehow been helpful to my business in Poms.Let me first state that my Poms are my hobby, and like every other true Pom lover, I spend more time and money on them than I could ever possibly make. Secondly, even a moments thought would tell you that this publicity has caused nothing but harm. I have had people turn and whisper loudly as I enter the ring, and other club members have been pumped for as many juicy morsels as they could tell or invent. I presume the letter you received was the same notice of vindication that was printed in our own clubs newsletter, so the person to whom you referred is now not so anonymous. Also, why was Puf-Pride ridiculed when it was one of many very well-known breeders named on the auction listSince you are so interested with my case, perhaps a few facts should emerge, although I realize there are those that would rather gossip than be bestowed the true facts.Facts I sold a show prospect puppy to a person who, six years later, was involved in dog auctions. She told me she had a few Poms as we all do and that some had the same bloodlines as mine. I, being less experienced than now, assumed that anyone driving extensive miles to a Pom specialty certainly must be dedicated to the fancy.Also, she had sent a few bitches to some of the top breeders in the country to breed, of which she had just picked some of them up. Realizing respectable breeders had done business with her, surely her intentions were honorable - and who is to say they were not at the timeThe puppy she purchased from me was finished and living in a temperature- controlled environment as requested, thus fulfilling our contract.It came to my attention some time laterthat this person was not what I had thought her to be. With this concern, I checked on the dog in question and found he was not for sale and still lived in her house with her. Although his puppies have been auctioned a matter abhorrent to me, but out of my control, he is loved and well cared for, for which I am grateful. I had no other course but to accept this situation and tighten up my contracts.I am a caring, careful breeder. Those that know me consider me to be honest and helpful. Yet, I am being persecuted for something done six years ago. I believe the intent of publishing the auction list in part was to merely show what could happen to our precious Poms. If anything of value came out of this, it is to show others that their life and reputation stands to be judged by vindictive gossipers when all the facts are not presented.Respectfully submitted,Virginia Dimick Puf-Pride PomeraniansDear Virginia,In answer to your last paragraph, I must say that the sole intent of publishing the auction article was to alert us all to the sad and very little known fact that dog auctions are, in some parts of the country, an everyday affair and that breeders need to be aware so their dogs or their offspring wont wind up in such despicable situations.OlympiaVET ALERTA new invention helps to save the lives of pets who stray. A local resident in my area experienced a potentially regrettable situation when his pet Doberman got out of the house and was missing for some hours. Dennis drove around, fearing to find his beloved Gretchen lying dead, or severely wounded by the roadside, a victim of being hit by a car.Later, Dennis realized what might have happened had his dog been injured and someone had humanely stopped to help. Who would know the dogs medical history, or who would sign responsibility for quick emergency treatmentThis brought to mind the medic bracelets people wear. Working in the microfilm industry, Dennis conceived the idea of a vet alert tag that can be attached to any collar. The dogs owner fills out a veterinary-devised medical form, whichincludes the owners information and signature to accept responsibility for emergency care. This form is photographed to microfilm size, easily readable with the aid of a magnifying glass or vets microscope, and encased in a small plastic tag.This idea is one of the best I have heard. I once rescued a dog who was accidentally dragged by a car and needed quick medical aid. Having no idea who owned the dog, I took it to my vet and he could not give this aid without a consent of responsibility form, which I signed, shivering in my boots because if the owner wasnt found, I was in for a big bill. The owner was found and was grateful and I was lucky. But how many people want to sign up for a bill they cant payI would also assume this tag would be looked at by Humane Society workers, in the event the dog was merely lost and wound up in a pound.The medical tag information form, the resultant tag and a mini magnifying glass to read the microfilm for accuracy can be ordered for the inexpensive fee of 15.95 plus 2.00 shipping handling. You can contact Dennis Lamotte for further information at 1-800-275-9899 or write toDennis Lamotte, POBox 216Lutz, FL 33549-0216.The following information, titled The battle has been won, but the war is not over, is one I feel we should all read and take the time to respond. There are many of us who give our own vaccines, but do not need to purchase in lots of 25-50. If the right to purchase vaccines in single doses is taken away, next they will take away the right to buy vaccines at all. In Canada you can only have your dog vaccinated at veterinary costs no vaccine is available to individuals.THE BATTLE HAS BEEN WON, BUT THE WAR IS NOT OVEROn August 24, 1994 a new ruling 9CFR Part 112 was published in the federal register that would dramatically affect dog and cat owners and breeders, This ruling stated that as of February 21, 1995, it would no longer be legal for companies to break apart manufacturers packaging of vaccines. This packaging usually consists of 25 or 50 dose increments. The thought process maintained by the persons responsible for the push for this ruling some major vaccine compaThePom Reader May 199520SPECIAL ADDITIONTOP TWENTY POMERANIANSSHOWS 1194 THROUGH 123194SPECIAL ADDITION is your monthly rating system of the Top Twenty Pomeranians in the United States. Rules for the rating system are as follows BREED POINTS not to be confused with AKC Championship points are allotted to dogs according to the highest placement in any given AKC show, as reported in the AKC Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards book.Statisticians Blake Jones and Victoria Lovely.Any questions concerning SPECIAL ADDITION may be addressed to the editor.POINTS NAME BIS GR1 GR2 GR3 GR4 BOB BISS BOS14100 CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK D ...................................... 2 31 22 20 12 25 10585 CH.FINCHS HE WALKS ON WATER D............................ ............5 23 9 6 7 11 14900 CH. HHH TEXAS TWO STEP D ........................................... 2 12 2 7 1 5 4480 CH.LINCHRIS GENGHIS POM D........................................ ............1 9 5 4 2 13 24400 CH. CREIDERS PRINCE DOM PERIGNON D _________ ............5 8 1 - - - 14250 CH. WATTS LITTLE NICODEMUS D................................ ............1 7 6 8 10 25 2735 CH.STARFIRES IM TOO SEXY D.................................... ............1 3 7 oO 4 11 2250 CH.TREASURED DEANS HI HIERARCHY D ________ ............1 2 6 2 4 10 01990 CH. JAN-LES WILLIE MAKIT D ........................................ ............1 2 4 1 1 4 11830 CH. JAN-SHARS DOC HOLIDAY D................................... 2 5 4 4 18 1815 CH.WATTS LITTLE SOCRATES D.................................... nO nO 2 oO 14 11190 CH. NANSHADOWS MARK OF OAKRIDGE D ________ 2 1 5 oD 9 1110 CH.MCGUIRES WISH UP ON A STAR D......................... 4 - - 2 8 1100 CH.RODIS MR. ROCKY ROAD D...................................... nO 1 1 1 10 945 CH.VALCOPY-WAKHAN HOT GOSSIP B......................... - 2 - - 17 1 3920 CH. ODYSSEYS KENO WIZ D ........................................... - 1 -O 1 2 2850 CH. ABSOLUTES MAGIC MOUNTAIN D......................... - 1 2 - 5 2840 CH. TIM SUES LUCK OF TEXICAN D .............................. 1 1 1 1 9 1800 CH. GLEN IRIS LUCKDRAGON D....................................... - - 2 2 10 2740 CH. WEE PAWS PURE GOLD D ........................................ - 1 1 2 4 9 TiePlacements AlphabeticalThe Pom Reader May 199521IubTOP TEN EXHIBITORSSHOWS 194 THRU 1294The procedure for tallying the point scale are as follows Exhibitors are credited with all AKC Championship points won in the calendar year, as published in the AKC Show, Obedience and Field Trials Awards book of the AKC Gazette. Only this publication will be used for point credits. Many times the actual show dates will vary from the date of publication i.e., a September show may not be published until November. The Gazettes calendar year runs from about October of the previous year to September of the present calendar year.Points are allotted to the REGISTERED OWNER OF THE DOG ON THE DAY OF COMPETITION. Statistician Victoria Lovely and Blake Jones. Any questions concerning UPDATE may be addressed to the editor.The following is the listing of the TOP TEN EXHIBITORS as of the dates above.S. HANSON..........................139C. EVANS ..............................95B. KRZEWICKI....................74C. MACK ..............................69M. KNEISLER ....................63A. LAFORTUNE.................63D. WATTS.............................60V. LOVELY...........................56D. FINCH ............................55M. PRESSER.......................55Tie placements alphabeticalCONFIRMEDBritesatars Mr. Showbiz D byCh. Sun Rays Im A Yankee Dandy x Nabobs Ill Take Manhattan. Breeder Diane Carlson. Owner Barbara Breden.Chelsais Aatuk Cheriwood Bby Tuffys Image of Lenette x Great Elms Cynthia of Lenette. Breeder Joan Reilly. Owner Todd Woods.Extane Bravo Duke ODigdomD by Bev-Nors Fudge Fantasy x Extane Sleeping Beauty. Breeder Sharon Shipek. Owner V.J. McEvilly.Gayels Devilisous B by Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Valentino x Gayel Winter Wishes. BreederOwner Gale A. Rivers.Golden Aires True Reward Dby Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker x Golden Aires Mira O Millamor. Breeder Sharon Masnick Eleanor Miller. Owner Sharon Masnick.HHH Megan Rose B by Ch. Macs Steppin Out x HHH Legacy of Roses. BreederOwner Peggy Hendricks.HHPs Glitter Rock Of FameD by Ch. Fame Piece of the Rock x Ch. Fame Gold And Glitter. Breeder Geneva Pennock Mrs. Brenda Segelken. Owner Therese John Reeder.APRIL 1305Jan-Shars Lover Boy D by Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain x Jan-Shars Something Special. Breeder Sharon Hanson.Owner Lena Nelson.Jan-Shars Elvis Lives D by Ch. Doo-Shays Absolute x Jan- Shars Whitney. Breeder Sharon Hanson. Owner Sharon Ponte- Corvo, Sharon Hanson Neil Ponte-Corvo.Jan-Shars How Sweet It Is Bby Ch. Annons Sir Kennor x Jan-Shars Semi-Sweet. BreederOwner Sharon Hanson.Janesas Barely A Pup B by Ch. Weehearts Glen Iris Talisman x Ch. Bayou View Pop Tart. Breeder John Lewis, Jerrie Freia Adam Verrett. Owner Jerrie Freia.Karokels License To Thrill D by Ch. Tomho Mud Slinger x Cascades Kar-O-Kel Princess. Breeder Karen Schwartz. Owner Heike Wehrle Karen Schwartz.Valcopy Wakhan Tatiana B byCh. Valcopy Wakhan Valentino x Valcopy-Wakhan Schiaparelli. Breeder Dana Plonkey Randy Gemmill. Owner Hideko Strasbaugh, Dana Plonkey Randy Gemmill.The Pom Reader May 1995OKLAHOMA DISASTER RELIEFDOGS AND DOG PEOPLE BAND TOGETHER TO HELP IN THE AFTERMATH OF THE BOMBINGSubmitted by Georgia HarrisOklahoma, in the Heartland of America, a place where Memorial Day weekend is family reunion time and where people know then- neighbors, was struck with the most unthinkable terror at 9 a.m., Wednesday, April 19, 1995 - but the Oklahoma people stood strong together to help one another and the hundreds of volunteers, both two legged and four legged, that rushed to help them. By that afternoon FEMA had arrived with their search and rescue dogs to help in the search already underway with the aid of search and rescue dogs from the Oklahoma City and Tulsa areas. Those dogs were joined by the FEMA search and rescue dogs coming in from numerous locations throughout the country.As did the rest of the world, we sat and watched these dogs on our T.V. screens, going through what was left of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building searching for survivors.By Wednesday afternoon calls were going out on the T.V. for items needed for the rescue teams and every time an item was called for, the Oklahoma people responded. Then, in the wee hours of the morning on Thursday, a different need was called for and immediately answered. The dogs, these relentless searchers needed help. Because of the broken glass, rubble, cement dust, and insulation they had to walk through, their feet were being cut and breathing the dust, etc., they were hurting. A call went out for veterinarians, which was immediately answered. The Veterinarians Association set up a triage at the disaster site and a backup unit a few blocks away. Everything these brave animals needed in the way of medical care was freely given along with medical supplies from the local vets in the area and the local vet wholesalers in the area.But there were other items that these canine rescuers needed. The first call was for boots. This is The Pom Reader May 1995when the dog people of OKC answered the call. Wholesalers in the area were contacted and they in turn contacted manufacturers in Enid, Oklahoma, Ohio, Florida, and Canada. There was no talk of price, they were freely donated and immediately shipped to OKC. In the meantime, the four allbreed kennel clubs sprang into action. Dog food, bottled water, treats, crates, food dishes, and anything they said they needed was supplied. A tent was set up next to the vet tent to store all these items. Instrumental in the early hours of organization was Lynn Bennett of the Mid-Del Tinker Kennel Club. This was after receiving a call from Dottie James apprising her of the situation.Lynn called Hill-Science Diet and immediately there was a truck load of dog food on its way to OKC. While we were waiting for the boots to arrive, the OKC citizens sprang into action, and by that night there was not a set of leather or rubber boots in any store or wholesaler in the OKC area. They had all been sent to the disaster site, but the dogs were going through them as fast as they could be supplied, so another call went out to any person with hunting dogs that had boots, and once again the call was answered by the people of Oklahoma.By Friday, several members of the four all-breed clubs had been to the disaster area to help in any way they could with the rescue dogs. They were Lynn Bennett and Wayne Fessunden of Mid-Del Tinker Kennel Club, Pat Clark and Maggie Shirk of OKC Kennel Club, Sherry Mason of Canadian Valley, and Judy McNamara of Town and Country.Search and Rescue dogs were given treats whenever they found something. Once again, there was a need and it was answered. This is a high stress situation for these dogs and we were told that they get frustrated and sometimes do not rest well because of the stress,so they also asked for pigs ears and chews to give them during their time off to help relax them. These seemed like such small items, yet so very important to them.By Friday there were some sixty search and rescue dogs being rotated out in the disaster area. German Shepherds, Labradors, Belgian Sheepdogs, Rottweilers and others. Then, if these dogs werent going through enough, the rains came with wind chills in the 20s and 30s creating another problem for the dogs.Every insulated raincoat in every store in OKC went to the site, but since winter was over, so we thought, there werent many. So, again, Lynn Bennett knew who to contact. She called Becky of Beckys Pet Fashions in Mid- West City, Oklahoma and Beverly went to work sewing and by Saturday night, 20 coats were delivered and more on the way.This terrible disaster has made those of us in Oklahoma understand the importance of the search and rescue dogs and the bomb dogs. They lead the way, point the rescuer in the right direction and save valuable time in the search and rescue efforts. Believe me, there are not enough of these wonderful animals in America.This terrible disaster could have happened anywhere, but it happened here in our hometown.What a terrible way to find out just how important the fourlegged friends and workers are.We did not have a master disaster plan to help care for these animals. But a few people pulled together and organized one quickly. There were lots of us that made phone calls, but the vets and the aforementioned kennel club members are to be commended for their actions and efforts in the disaster area.But they have just begun With the monies that the four all-breed clubs have already donated, they have organized the Oklahoma Canine Relief Fund.There were search and rescue teams in here, besides FEMA, from Arizona, California, and still more to arrive from California and Canada, rotating out some of those early arrivals. These search and rescue teams pay their own expenses to get to a disaster and return home. They give freely of their time and talent and those of their canine partners.This is just one reason why a relief fund has been set up, to help offset some of the expenses of these wonderful people and their partners. We are hoping that it can be an ongoing relief fund so that we can procure bomb and rescue dogs, get them and the handlers trained, and make it easier for these wonderful teams to get where they are needed, whether it be hurricane, tornado, earthquake or, God forbid, another disaster such as happened in OKC. We are hoping that this can be a national relief fund and not just for Oklahoma. We are asking any person or kennel club who would like to join in this effort, please send donations to Oklahoma Canine Relief Fund co Lynn Bennett 1600 N. Service Road Moore, OK 73160 If you would like further information, please call Lynn Bennett 405-799-7699 Sherry Mason 405-376-2929 Georgia Harris 405-341-3700 Days 405-282- 7783 Evening.Those of us in OKC would like to thank everyone out there for their prayers and donations. The job here is still not done, we are only five days after the blast and there is still a lot of building to go through. While sitting here typing this this morning, they just announced that they had just found a Marine still sitting at his desk - dead - but with hopes of maybe still finding someone alive.Do you have a disaster plan in your area If not - get one now.Submitted by Georgia Harris23OKLAHOMA CANINE RELIEFFUNDBOMBING OF OKLAHOMA CITY FEDERAL BUILDINGA combined effort of the four local all-breed kennel clubs in the Oklahoma City area has formed a general fund to defray the cost of the search and rescue dog teams. We have teams from the area and from all over the United States - they have come to Oklahoma City at their own expense.CANADIAN VALLEY KENNEL CLUBSHARI MASON - 405 376-2929MID-DEL TINKER KENNEL CLUBLYNNE BENNETT - 405 799-7699OKLAHOMA CITY KENNEL CLUBMAGGIE SHIRK - 405 631-0364TOWN COUNTRY KENNEL CLURJUDY McNAMARA - 405 946-1186DONATIONS GREATLY APPRECIATEDOKLAHOMA CANINE RELIEF FUND co Lynne Bennett 1600 N. Service Road Moore, OK 73160The Pom Reader May 199524Dear Joe,I have received some very lovely letters, sympathy cards and some phone calls from around the nation as a result of my Princess memorial in your Feb.-March issue of the Pom Reader. I am very touched as well as surprised.Even in death she has touched hearts... those eyes were ethereal... I shouldve known.Again, I wanted to thank you for the class you used in putting her memorial together... it was elegantly done... the way a true princess memorial should be.Linda Herrmann, Lake Ariel, PADear Pom ReaderYour April 95 issue published one side of the excessive trimming winning point of view. Id like to express my thoughts, as a Pom judge, on the counterpoint.Your Pom standard clearly states, Trimming for neatness is permissible around the feet and up the back of the legs to the first joint trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears and around the anus is also permitted. Overtrimming beyond the location and amount described in the breed standard should be heavily penalized. Short of a disqualification, the heavily penalize command is the strongest a standard can give a judge to mentally eliminate from consideration an overtrimmed Pom.What the owners do with their dogs is their preference UNTIL THEY ENTER THE RING. At that point the standard and the dogs adherence to the standard take over and there are just NO two ways about it the Pom standard - the blueprint of the breed according to its national breed club - states overtrimming should be heavily penalized.Please dont IGNORE the standard that is trying to protect the outline and essence of this marvelous little breed.Joan C. Scholi, Boynton Beach, FLDear Joe Duane,I collect all dog books. No matter where I go I look for different books, magazines, etc. My husband and I were at a swap meet and were walking around, went down a couple of rows looking at many different books, etc.This one guy just did not care about his books. He had different magazines, not the ones that I would buy.God told me to keep on looking so I did and came across 3 magazines that I liked a lot, a Maltese magazine and 2 wonderful Pom Readers. I was so very glad to get them, I thanked God, paid the guy for the 3 magazines and went on my way. I couldnt keep up with my husband. I was snailwalking and had my nose buriedin the Pom Reader. Its a joy to have yourmagazines.On page 28 Letters, I had read that letter from Renee' Fountain from Barstow California. I know just how she feels. On every one of the other breeds of dogs that I like and wanted to talk about with different people, if you did not get your puppy from them, they are very rude, dont have time for you.Tell Renee' that I have had the very same thing happened to me that has happened to her. At first, I bought a Bulldog puppy from a breeder out here. He died within 3 days after I had paid 1,000.00 for him. Then I thought I should buy another one from someone else. It has a cracked rib. The breeder did not care.So I went and bought another one from another breeder. She told me there was no stipulation on her. So I handed her 1,000.00 cash. Then she told me there were stipulations and I could not get my money back. So I gave her away for 300.00.Three years later I still wanted a Bulldog puppy, so I looked around and found a breeder in South Carolina. I paid her the money that she wanted and I still donthave my puppy as of yet.It has been 2 years and no puppy, so I ended up with a lady in Mississippi. She has very good prices on her pups, they are extremely healthy and no stipulations. So I started showing my male English Bulldog pup and you can feel just how much people give you the cold shoulder and talk behind your back. I dont like their ways.Why are people so snotty Thats the same way with a lot of Pom breeders, also. I had bought a pair of Poms from a lady out of state. I just wanted to call around and get some info about Poms. They would give me some info, and they did tell me if I ever wanted a pup just come to them and they can make sure that I get a nice pup.But when I tell them that I had already bought a pair, then they acted like they just dont have time for a newcomer. I had bought a pair of Poms. They had taken my check for the amount they wanted, but to this day I still dont have my Poms.On the Pom Reader it says that I can get it for a year, but I would only get it for 11 months. Whys that How much is a yearly subThanks a lot for taking your time out to read and answer my letter. Keep up the fantastic job on Pom Reader.Sincerely Yours,Jackie Marsh, Chula Vista, California Jackie - First, the easy part. You get eleven issues per year because we publish eleven times per year. A subscription form is in the mail to you. Now, for the hard part. Not everyones been to charm school, nor has the ethics we would like. However, in the Pom world, Ive found far more saints than sinners. Next time ask around a little bit do some research before you entrust anyone with your money or your emotions. And if in doubt...dont buy.Wishing you much luck, I thank you for writing. JMcGLetters are always welcome and will be published as space permits. Writeto POM READER LETTERS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604 FAX 813-853-3624The Pom Reader May 1995AUTUMNS TOMBA LA BAMBACh. Pattys Bev-Nor Teddy Ruxpin x Autumns Valley Morning Sun, Champion ProducervA UAJOBWINNERS DOGThank you Judge Julie Moreno for the very wonderful and meaningful win for TOMBA at the Specialty Show.RANDY BUSKE39225 264th SE Enumclaw, WA 98022 360 825-2103fcfcjinehNow Available 2 Chocolate Tans, 1 Male1 Female 2 Blue Females 2 Blue Tan Females 2 Blue Tan Males 2 Blue MalesPlease direct all inqiries to ULDINE NIMMO Route 2, Box 83 Halfway, MO 65663 417 267-2413Last litter from...Ch. CcysTCP CT TPE HARPvW4Dam Millamors Spice TraditionBreeder OwnerGOLDIE MCGUIRE 813533-8247 PO Box 1055 Eagle Lake, FL 33839ELEANOR W. MILLER GOLDIE MCGUIRE 704857-1197 3545 NC 152 E Salisbury, NC 28146Gunrunner Pomshas several litters available.Great Elms, Bev-Nor, Corn Duke lines. Chocolates, chocolate tans, reds and oranges.915-821-8200FOR SALEShow Quality Male Breeding Quality Female.6 months old, Great Elms bloodline largest.POMETTO POMS Janet McWhorter 301 Roberts Dr., Greenwood, SC 29649 803-229-5972 after 6pm weekendsRubysPomeraniansRuby F. Poole 918-341-6921 Route 1, Box 190, Claremore, OR 74017POMERANIANSQuality Pups Champion Studs803-472-3002Rosemary E. Regoni 385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322The Pom Reader May 199526LffiERTI POMERANIANSStella M. Lizambri133 Camelot Drive, Goose Creek, SC 29445803 553-0188Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms lines AKC Registered Puppies OccasionallySShow Pet Puppies Stud ServiceNINA M. BERRY3821 Venable West Lake, LA 70669 318-494-7072Puppy HavenPOMERANIANSPrecious Puppies Occasionally for Show, Breeding PetPictured Ch. Emcees Jackson of HavensTammy High 703-869-77672280 Front Royal Pike, Winchester, VA 22602 ALLYSCLASSIC P0NERANIANSChampion Stud Service Classic Puppies Available Occasionally - Inquiries Welcome All Colors Including Exotics Allyson Patton, 10324 Dreher Road, Little Rock, AR 72206. Tel 501-8884230-FINCHS POMERANIANSDiane L. Finch Rural Route 1515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50134Ch. Finchs He Walks On WaterCh. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Great Elms.Ch. Apolloette Wild Fire Millamor. Scotiai t. . lines WhitelRed andCh. Tim Sues Moon Rocket ..... ... ,Win tel black partiCh. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf puppiesMNJHs PcPORTRAITS OF PERFECTIONMary Gene WellsRt. 2 Box 238, Pattonsburg, MO 64670 816 367-2254AFFORDABLE QUALITYShow PETHealth guaranteed major medical insurance.EMCEE, MILLAMOR, CHRISCENDO BAVANEW lines Lisa Byrd, BreederExhibitor, 19 Rock Creek Est., Crowley, TX 76036. Tel 817 297-4603d\\za-dVa 0omA STANDARD OF EXCELLENCESEE US FOR YOUR NEXT SHOW PROSPECT. Rhea-Na, Bev-Nor, Starfires, Janesa, Glen Iris, Regina Poms, LLL, Great Elms lines.Barb Steve Nagy713 Marlboro Road, Stephens City, VA 22655. 703-869-3749.IJA POMERANIANSSPECIALIZING IN BLACK TAN Our Bloodlines areGREAT ELMS SCOTIA BEV-NOR SUNRAYINGRIDA GASAWAY 206 843-154334409 Kinsman Road East Roy, WA 95850TOYS PEDIGREES2153 Cypress Landings Drive Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 904-247-5384 or 0-700-RGS-PEDS Fax 904-270-1731Pedigrees researched 3-gen 8 4-gen 10 5-gen 15 6-gen 25 7-gen 40.Amur JHxII PmusCHAMPION SIRED - CHRISCENDO BLOODLINES HELEN CONRAD1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 Tel 813-475-1724.Specializing in Exotic Poms Blue, Latendar, Chocolate, Black, and BlueWhite, ChocolateWhite, and BlackWhite Parti-ColorsSfuzctwv 'KtmtUULDINE NIMMO, OWNER BREEDERRoute 2 Box 83, Halfway, MO 65663 417-267-2413Mary Allan 918-485-3010 or 918-485-1040LMYNS POM6MNMNSRoute 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 744674FantiT ^ vmzmmnmMost colors including parties. Bloodlines include Bi-Mar, Bonner, Cedarwood, Chriscendo, Creider, D-Nee, Great Elms, Millamor, Pombreden, Scotia, SunRay and Watts.Susann Philbrook, Box 1070 Rancocas Rd. Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 Tel 609267-4644 Manual Fax 609267- 3799ext 0 - "From your fax machine, dial ext 9 to receive a faxed list of Poms for saleOnline - Internet ECFD88APRODIGY COMmmm ponipinns4412 SW 7th Avenue, Cape Coral, FL 33914 813 549-7543 BreedersExhibitors EADIE S. SHARP DARWIN SHARP mn^ometamcmsPuppies Occasionally Inquiries WelcomeBenson E. Ray2007 Vestry Drive, Charleston, SC 29414 803 571-6165The Pom Reader May 199527POMS waOrange-Red-Sable -Black-BIkTan-Cream-Blue-Parti-White38 Washington Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314 718 494-1847 or 201 514-4134 7 Highland Trail, Denville, NJ 07834jCw GAeric1 POMERANIDOT MARTIN 803-831-8086 5354 Bluebird Lane, York, SC 29745m BETAfChampion bloodlines with great attitiudes.Joe DaubenspeckRt. 2, Box 78 Inola, OK 74036Tel 918 543-3451 Exotic Parti Standard Colors Puppies young adults For show or petFEISTYS TOYSWE SAVED OUR BEST FOR LAST... CH. female, Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge grdaughter Show quality male - mostly Bev-Nor Excellent brood bitch, producer of champions. REASONABLY PRICED. Victor G Wendy Feist, W5671 Skokomish Valley Rd., Shelton, WA 98584- 360] 427-9380CPCPQuality through planned parenhood. Sun-Dots Champion LinesCANDE FREEMAN 310 549-2707PO BOX 9001 TORRANCE, CA 90508AQfiais- 0 CConeraiaym'The Perfect Pets - Bred for QUALITY BEAUTY TEMPERAMENT AKC Champion Stud Service Puppies DORATHY RAY BARNES 34861 Beacon, Livonia, MI 48150 Phone 313 522-2772neisCtr sPOMERANIANS9151 S. Darlington Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 [918] 492-0520Inquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestCH. KNEISLERS "We breed for quality."SECRET TRADITION rCH. LEES GOLDEN RULE, grandson of Bells Justin of Aristo, out of Masons Poetic Justice and Masons Starbryte.Finished with 4 majors 2 5- pts. 2 werePom Specialties, total 19 pts. Owner Lee JacqueAT MASONS POM HEAVEN, QUALITY COMES FIRST And Handled with lots of Love.BETTY JO MASON 909 657-8166 590 E. Orange Avenue Perris, CA 92571GGraferihorstsSpecializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans and ChocolatesAt Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Pictured left, a typical Grafenhorst PomWatch for our Poms in the show ringBreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465 Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving HomesThe Pom Reader May 19952SALDENS KENNELHOME OF CHAMPION PARTI GIRLS Ch. Aldens Parti Chocolate Chip pic. Ch. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-Dot A1 Jan Domrase 815 728-0559 6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 60072sOUTHLANDPOMERANIANSCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360Ch. Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor POASTY318-466-3456L"TICKIERANIANSPOBREEDEROWNERMAJICyliiettffioyem - ^fasterP.O. Box 50, Corpus Christi, TX 78403-0050 512 992-8233 after 7 p.m.Bred for Soundness QualityJLINCHRIS POMERANIANSHome of Best in Show, Best in Specialty Show Multi Group Winning PomsChampion Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Quality Dogs for Show Pet Fully Guaranteed Home of Pom RescueLINDA BROGOITTI- 14410 N. 71 St Avenue, Peoria, AZ 85381-4752 602 979-5336-vJANICE YOUNG 314-629-2754618 W. Springfield Rd. St. Clair, MO 63077TAR HAVEN POMS Q Home of the Stars of Today and Tomorros.Ch. Stud Service Puppies for Show, Breeding S PetcAIeujafit ^Beau J^ames ^PomsColor-Bred Whites Evelyn Newyear 4478 River Street Willoughby, OH 44094, 216 946-1226Cynthia Wallen 1692 St. Rt. 603 Lucas, OH 44843 419 892-3170 - PhoneFaxChesai4IfI PomeraniansROBERT 8c JOAN REILLY 26903 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78258-7102 210 980-2667JD'S POMPOUS POMS\ f9Home OfCh. JDs Truly A Gem Ch. JDs Midnight Oil Ch. JRs Yankee Doodle Dandy while hes pursuing his career Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestJanet Hovey, 5549 W. Ave. M-2, Quartz Hill, CA 93536-3112.Tel 805 722-3307.Am. Mex. Champions in orange, red, black, orange sable red sable.LISSA DAVE DAHLENBURG PO Box 1160, Loxahatchee, FL 33470-1160 407 793-0975 7ennMLinetree Pomeranians318 West Grahm, Dixon, IL 61021 815 284-3298TZe-ii r 'tyltiity TZentiellThe Pom Reader May 199529ERIPOMERANIANSTeri Dan Wilford 3120 Cormorant Drive Jacksonville, FL 32223 .904-268-3510 262-8434AN PicturedEMCEES A CHIP OF TERI-DAN Group Placer-mGtfPee PPPondersWhere Poms are Dual Registered Exhibited AKC-WWKCBreedersExhibitorsFRANK ALBERT JORGE SALPURIDO2398 Tucker Lane, N. FL Myers, FL 33917 813-543-1048SUBEMPOMERANIANSSUZANNE BERNEY4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mills, MD 21117410-655-8330Mary A. Rosenbaum 38711 200th Ave. S.E. Auburn, WA 98092 206 833-2160IAILLftAOPKEN ELEANOR MILLER3545 NC HWY 152 E SALISBURY, NC 28146 704-857-1197CH. BEV-NOR SOUTHLAND SINSATION isour main man. Quality puppies and young adults occasionally.RAMONA J. SMITH, Box 833, Belfield, ND 58622. Tel 701-575-4125. rBEV-NOR POMSHome of CH. BEV-NORS SPECIAL EDITION - our newest Group I winner and Specialty winner last Ch. Bev-Nor Statesman son. Stud Fee 250.00. CH. BEV-NORS SOMETHING SPECIAL - Nicky is the last son sired by Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge. Stud Fee 250.00.BEV BILL NORRIS7747 Meadow Road, Pasadena, MD 21122. Tel 410 255-1343.DOVER-HOLIHOUSE POMSCHAMPION STUD SERVICE PARTI, CHOCOLATE, BLACK TAN and BLACK STUD SERVICE PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski, 319 Ardmore Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629. Tel 609-695-1642.BERNIE LOIS CILIBERTO 813-996-106020130 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FL 34649hikdu Q-liiiSoundness - cieiality - HealthOld Great Elms Lines Champion sired or sired by father of ChampionsBARBARA LACROIXP.O. BOX 701, PRESQUE ISLE, ME 04769 207 764-6031POMERANKNS Puppies Grooming HandlingDonna Lynn Wright, 200-B Gateway Drive Bel Air, MD 21014 - 410-879-1459EMCEE6POMERANIANSMORRIS BETTY CARSON 9826 Walthan Road Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024PUPPIES AVAILABLE FROM Ch. Emcees A Chip of Diamond Ch. Emcees Golden Topo De Oro Ch. Emcees Cloudbusters ImageInquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestBred forHealth, Soundness BeautyBased upon Theldun, Rhea-Na, Starfires, Bev-Nors, Great Elms. PUPPIES AVAILABLEROBERT REGINA NUNNRt 1, Box 2890, Berryville, VA 22611 703-955-1209Home of Am. Can. Ch. Reginapoms Luv-A-GatorThe Pom Reader May 199530Barbaras Brats - Poms with PersonalityHome of Wee Hearts The Devil His Due Charlie by ac ch.Chriscendo Western Express out of Southland's Toasted Scarlett, and Tn JCommand Performance Chester. Scotia All The Way. Girls carry Great Elms - Emcee - Jeribeth - Tomanoll's - Millamor - Janessa, etc. I am trying to breed quality in my area. Some puppies small adults available. All home raised.BARBARA MORAN 1835 Casteen Road, Leesburg, FL 34748 904 323-8301Pom AcresRR 4, CEDAR FALLS, IA 50613319-989-2199X"X c9n tt , t TFaTxr AIRIESSharon John MasnickHCR65 Box 745, Huger, SC 29450 803 928-3511Your Ad in THE POM READER reaches Pom lovers all overFor information, callLOIS CILIBERTO 813-996-5499GO FIRST CLASSIf m31MAT 1995-ji.Anchorsaweigh, my boys, anchors aweighCourtesyAnita Wolney, Northbrook, IllinoisSubmit your cute photo for our popular Playmates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film.Please identify Pom and owner. We also enjoy hearing a little about your Pom - brief descriptions are welcome Send toPRPLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HILLSLAKELAJVD, FL 33809 1604XI...Men may x is never donvork from sun to sun, but a mothers work eShaxvna and 10-week-old nursing pup courtesy Lovely PomeraniansPuyallup, WashingtonThe Pom Reader May 1995" iVM\1W F 'WJ JU1Vik It was her third BISS Breeders1Owners Dana L. Plonkey Randy GeimnillThank you very much Mrs. Dorothy Welsh for the wonderful BIS SpecialtyOwner1 Ian dJ er Hideko \\. Strasbaugh in Californiafie Pont ^ Reader8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 35809-164NEWS PUBLICATION DO NOT DELAY ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDBULK RATE U.S. POSTAGEPAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FL___