The Pom Reader June 1995
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MU M B E R 4- v v ^ HjCit..-\r-1miB-irrI IBred and proudly owned by Basilio C. Yap, SILVER is one of the first successful combination of the American JANSHAR line out- crossed with the English MAXAMIL- LION-HADLEIGH line. A favorite among most Japanese and Taiwanese judges, she finished her Philippine Championship title 15 points quickly including Best of Breed and Best In Toy Group wins and is close to her Philippine Grand Championship title additional 25 points. If opportunity permits,I want to send her to the U.S.A for her American Kennel Club championship.SILVER is sired by AM. PH. CH. RHEA NA COUNTRY DJ OF JAN-SHAR the grandsire of Ch. Absolute Magic Mountain. Her dam is my breeding sired by DERRONILLS DEAR HEART an ENG. CH. DERRONILLS MAX- AMILLION son and her grand dam was sired by ENG. CH. TOYBOX FIRECRACKER.Belated congratulations to THE POM READER on their anniversary, and congratulations to Ruby Poole on her kennel visit4LVBreeder and Proud OwnerBASILIO C. YAP CANTON POMERANIANSPasay Central, P.O. Box 453Pasay City 1399 Philippines' J"SSSSSSfHW f ' COW 'f l SOSStarfireseBB 9T mi.1\yCh. Starfires Nicolas El Grande x Starfires VeronicaEven Kryptonite cannot stop him from flying around the ringGroup I from puppy class - Mrs. Sue Woodle BOB over specials to finish his championship - Dr. Edward Patterson Group II - Mrs. Charlotte Patterson BISS from puppy class - Mr. Darrell Baker...and he is only 9 MONTHS OLD Thank you judgesFLASH BACK-TO-BACK GROUP ISThank you judges Mrs. Margaret Renihan Mrs. Betty MooreSTARFIRE POMERANIANSTONY CABRERA FABIAN ARIENTI 23750 SW 142nd Avenue, Redlands, FL 33032 305 305-257-2818The Pom Reader June 1995THE POMJUNE 1995VOLUME XI NUMBER FOUR'Thbe el Ctdciit10. NEW CHAMPIONSTitles confirmed May 199512. DID YOU Sharon MasnickBuyer Beware Open Fontanelles18. PLAYMATES - WINNER FOR 1994 Results of the voting20. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates22. PR PLAYMATESOur pup-ular candid photo department26. OLYMPIA aka Lois CilibertoPoms are 10 and 432. KNOCK, KNOCK WHOS THERE The PR visits Rubys Poms, Ruby Poole44. DEAR POM READER...Letters from our readersTHE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll- McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement The Pom Reader June 1995by the publishers. The editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third Class service in the continental United States 36.00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 55.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request. ALL ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC-LICENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP AND ALLBREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis Editor, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33S09-1604.'Telephone 813-858- 3839- FAX 813-853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.INDEX TO ADVERTISERSABJ0RNS0N, L................... 23ALBERT, F........................ 43ALLAN, M.....................29,40ARIENTI, F......................... 3BARNES, D. R.................41BERNEY, S........................43BERRY, N......................... 40B0NNELL, B. M...............42BOUDREAU, V...................31BR0GI0TTI, L.....................42BROWN, M. J..................27BYRD, L........................... 40CABRERA, T.......................3CARSON, M. B............ 43,46CILIBERTO, L.B.....31,38,43CONRAD, H.......................40CORLEY, J........................ 36CRAWFORD, S.M.......... 38CREED, C......................... 42CREIDER, N...................... 27DAHLENBURG, L.D....... 42DAUBENSPECK, J...........27,41DOLL, D.......................... 6-7D0MRASE, A. J............... 42ENVIR0TR0NIC, INC........... 38FEIST, V.W...................41FEYH, R........................19,30FIDDICK, R.J.................42FINCH, D.......................... 40FOLEY, P.......................... 43FREEMAN, C.....................41GEMMILL, R.......................9GRAF, H........................... 41HARTZ, K......................... 43HIGH, T............................40HOVEY, J..........................42HUGHES, T....................36,43JACKSON, F...............23,24-25JONES, B...........................37KNEISLER, M................ 36,41LACROIX, B......................43LEHTINEN, J.................... 6-7LESSARD, A......................21LIT0NJUA, D. M.............. 11LIZAMBRI, S..................... 40LOVELY, V................... 37,39McGLOTHLIN, B................ 38MARTIN, D..................... 5,41MASNICK, S.J............... 40MASON, B........................ 41MILLER, K. M.................43NAGY, B. S......... 15,40,47-48NEWYEAR, E.................... 13NIMMO, U.........................40NINATOSKI, D...................43NUNN, R.R........ 15,43,47-48PATTON, A....................... 40PHILBROOK, S...................40PLONKEY, D.......................9POOLE, R.................. 37,39,42RGS POMS PEDS.............40RAY, B............................. 40REGONI, R........................42REILLY, R. J...................42RIGSBY, B........................ 38RODGERS, G..................... 41ROGERS-RISTER, A........ 42,46R00KST00L, L................ 19,30ROSENBAUM, M............ 17,43SALPURIDO, J................... 43SHARP, E..........................40SMITH, R..........................43STRASBAUGH, H.................9TURNER, D............... 23,24-25WALL, D.J....................29WALLEN, C.......................13WELLS, M. G.................. 40WHEELER, D.....................19WILFORD, T.D.............. 43YAP, B........................... 1,2YOUNG, J......................... 43a Sa Cfietieg ^uke QkymdkviiwfBEST OF BREED Cfa. ClafksbuKjW.X6.APRIL1995 Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker x La Cheries Zest For Fudge Judge Mrs. Curtis HumphreyDwnetThcmcfc Qd ^AAattinThanks to all the judges who selected Lil Luke Pending AKC Confirmation.FLASH...Congratulations to Lisa Mike Carbno on their new Canadian Ch. La Cheries Hope For DiogeniorSa Cfiede ^owetanicms5354 Bluebird Lane, York, SC 29745 803 831-8086The Pom Reader June 1995BrindleFUASH ^NTHtNKYOU"jKn ubovrIF f-ilINEDD sends congratulations to his brindle sister JAN-LES RUMM TUMM TIGGER for her wins, including a major and a BOB and BOS over SpecialsTHE BEAUTIFUL BRINDLE BOY...FIRST PLACE - AMERICAN POM CLUB SPECIALTY AOAC CLASS JUDGE MRS. MICHELE BILLINGSWINNERS DOG, BEST OF WINNERS - MRS. DOLLY WARD WINNERS DOG - MRS. JEAN FANCYBEAUTIFULLY PRESENTED B YWNERBREEDER JANE LEHTINEN 218-741-2117 Days 218-744-5853 Eves.The Pom Reader June 1995Thank you Dr. Berndt-'jgMs1BEST OF BREEDVARIETY STEPHENVILLE j KENNEL CLUB 19 9 5PHOTO BY PETRUUS6----------L E 5 S COLOR ME BADDWINNERS DOG, BEST OF WINNERS, BEST OF BREED JUDGE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB NOTED TOY AUTHORITYDR. ROBERT J. BERNDTERIKA MOUREAU 713-351-9516PROUD NEW CO-OWNER DUANE DOLLLakeland, FloridaShowSightFROM THE EDITORWhen the curtain rises one last time, and the performers advance to the footlights, the audience pays tribute by applause and verbal cheer. Yet not one in the audience is unaware of his own fatigue he almost feels as if he had been working right along. In fact, he has.rjudgingdogs the willing suppression of sentimentThere is a term for it the willing suspension of disbelief. For the spectator to accept the plot, or the lyric, or the illusion, he must disregard his cynicism for the running time of the production. He must believe that the actor is an ogre, a sinner, a saint he must trust that the singer expresses truth and he must willingly follow down the road he is led. It is the magic of the performing arts, and the ability to be charmed by it is possessed by all but the most insensitive.It has a parallel in the sport of purebred dogs. In order to accurately assess the quality of an animal, within the confines of the event, one must ignore the very quality which endears dog to owner and for which the companion animal exists the judge cannot be swayed by sentiment, nor by imagination. It is difficult, for the dog- lover is by nature attuned to the outpouring of love from the canine heart and head, and our judging process makes no allowance for its measure. We are strictly to weigh the exhibit against its written, static standard. And yet it is our nature to reward loyalty, and friendliness, and spirit.This was never so apparent to me than during a judging assignment in England, during which I found the easiest class to judge in the history of dogdom to be one of the most difficult decisions I have ever had to make.The art of judging dogs is not the simple exercise that some would perceive it to be. One must accept the confines of the active criteria, using it as a guideline by which decisions are made one cannot predict the exhibits future quality nor impact on the breed for the judging call must only cite qualities in evidence on the day. And ones own particular preferences must only be called into play when all other areas of concern are equal. This is, then,The Pom Reader June 1995the willing suppression of sentiment. By the same token, ones own emotions must be ignored when arriving at a responsible decision as a dog show judge.There is nothing quite so exciting as a class of lovely, quality dogs placing them in order of adherence to the Standard is an exciting and pleasurable task. By the same token, there is nothing quite so difficult as evaluating inferior specimens, for one simply chooses the lesser of many evils to illustrate his point. On the day in question I had been called upon to evaluate many classes, comprised of both types of collections, and felt that I was adequately fulfilling the role I was asked to play. This feeling of contentment was about to be dashed.At first sight the Veterans Class appeared to pose no problem at a glance I saw there were but three contenders and only two of any visual interest whatsoever. Upon closer examination I found the two males to be in great shape, given their ages, and they fulfilled all aspects of the Standard in admirable fashion. To most any eye their placement was a tossup each possessed sufficient quality to advance to further competition. By the merest suggestion of superior head properties the sec- ond-in-line, lighter-colored dog moved forward in my estimation I placed him at the head of the line. And then I approached the examination table upon which my old lady awaited.One could quickly dismiss her from consideration on coat quality alone her hair was thin and in places it was patchy. The manner in which she moved her head led me to believe that if she had vision at all it was far from acute, and joints that may have once proudly carried her about now showed the ravages of aging. Her hindquarters seemed too delicate to resisteven the slightest pressure, and her dentition was such that her tongue could not help but protrude. Yet she welcomed my strangers hands, and her tail slapped back and forth without relent. With grave misgivings I asked to see her gait.She hit the floor and suddenly she was once again a star she took off like a trooper, full of pride, full of love. I felt she would have walked for miles in concert with her owner and for that alone deserved a large and shining prize. My heart swelled with love for the aged princess and from my eyes the tears freely flowed. I immediately decided that by virtue of her spirit she was far and away my winner that day.But of course that is not the way things work, and when viewed alongside the others it was apparent that her place in my heart had no bearing on her place in the line I had no choice but to distribute the awards in order of adherence to the Standard on that day. And that day, she was third.As I handed out the ribbons I felt like hell. Why have we subjected her to this, I raged, in mental disagreement with myself. Hasnt she given enough How can I possibly give her anything but the worlds most wondrous rewardWell, in a way, I guess I did. For right there in England, in front of everyone, I picked her up. And I gave her a kiss. And I wished her many more days of love and health.And I vowed never again to judge those past their shining hours by those a little closer to their prime.-GPHOTOBY DUANE DOLLHof Gossip Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Hof Gossip9 Another BIS Specialty And more GROUP Placements ^1COLUMBIR POMERRNIRN CLUBWINTER 1995- N9^Ci.Pictured with Judge Mr. Charles C. Scott Our heartfelt appreciation to the Judges.BreeersOwners Dana L. Plonkey Handy Gemmill UotsytOwnerMandler Hideko W. Strasbaugh PO Box 536 Cupertino, CA 95015The Pom Reader June 199510fC O N F I R M E D MAY 19 9 5Absolutes Harleys Son David D by Ch. Jan- Shars Harley Davidson x Jan Shars Madonna. BreederOwner Jeanne Robert Blank.Aldens Great Zen Galli D by Ch. Aldens Hero of Hercules x Ch. Aldens Spring Daisy Dancer. BreederOwner Alden Janet Domrase.Apolloette Strike The Gold D by Ch.Apolloette Ever Ready Rocky x Apolloette My Foolish Heart. BreederOwner Marlene Marlin Presser.Chas-T Dee Born To Show D by Ch. Rockn Tradition of Oakridge x Macs Lady Courtney Royale. BreederOwner Rheadene McNeice.Conjers Baron Von Batman D by Elegants Baron Von Ruff Ruff x Toris Elegant Orange Blossom. Breeder Connie Jerry Brown. Owner Bonnie Mclntosh-Taylor.Elans Inclination B by Ch. Elans Inferno x Idas Little Grade. Breeder Melissa Dahlenburg. Owner Betty Bohrer.Fame Ihs Spirit B by Ch. Fame King Linus x Ch. Frys Magic Jeanne. BreederOwner Mrs. Brenda K. Segelken.Itoba Darling Clementine B by Ch. TJs Primetime x Itoba Coulda Woulda Shoulda. BreederOwner Joyce B. Winkels.Jan Shars Mr. Nice Guy D by Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain x Unicorns Sweet Pea of Jan Shar. BreederOwner Sharon Hanson.Jeribeth Prince Playboy D by Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Jeribeths Miss Marana. BreederOwner Olga Baker.Kneislers Nickis Tradition B by Ch. Rockn Tradition of Oakridge x Kneislers Top Notch Megan. Breeder Claudette Confer. Owner Catherine Breaux Maria Kneisler.Lees Golden Rule D by Masons Poetic Justice x Masons Star Bryte. BreederOwner Lee Jacques.Millamors Brandi Maker B by Ch. Jan Les Willie Makit x Bev-Nors Brandi of Millamor. Breeder Eleanor Miller Beverly Norris. Owner Eleanor Miller.Queenaire Classy Darlin B by Queenaire Ramboling Sun-Dot x Queenaire Blaze of Glory. Breeder Dudley Wanda Roach. Owner S. Hirahara.SWood Bricor Reginas Plan D by Starfires Altar Boy x Silverwoods Strutting Ashley. Breeder Bess Roberts. Owner Regina Robert Nunn.Sandtowns Lovin Teaspoon B by Rubys Pink Panther By Angel x Sandtowns Cute Jasmine ORuby. Breeder Lois Abjomson. Owner Clarice Yvette Oganeku.Sun-Dot Pominique Starchaser D by Ch. Sun- Dots Chewbaka x Sun-Dots Taffy Twirl. Breeder Ruth Dotson. Owner Cande Freeman.Woodroses Short Circuit D by ChWoodroses Mochi Bear x Woodroses Orange Sherbet. BreederOwner Clarice Yvette Oganeku.NEW CHAMPIONS are taken from AKC records and published on a monthly basis as space permitsThe Pom Reader June 1995114 ChrienTop Winner andProducerPH. GRAND CH. BI-MAR SUNNYS GEE WHIZtAzc XX^zrzrzzrzi CxO^ 02...PH. CH. CHRISDENS B.T.J. WHIZBISA Phil, bom Multi-Breed WinnerCHRISDENS WIZARD MAIDEN4 shows - 3 BOB and 1 Best in GroupCHRISDENS MAJOR OF EMPEESoon to hit the show ring.NEWCHRISDENS WHIZ KIDSSoon to hit the show ring.\.'as-- .'DENNIS St MARIO LITOINJXJA 15 San Juan St., KLapitolyo, Pasig City, Philippines 1600 632 632-T025 Fax 632 631-6658The Pom Reader June 199512Did youKnow...ID YOU KNOW...When dealing with people it is always a two-way street and sometimes the seller should BEWARE and sometimes the buyer should BEWARE. Sometimes honesty is lost along the way and people get angry, but most of all, the breed we love so well suffers.From Gail Rodgers, I received the following information and am happy to pass it along. Many thanks to Gail for sharing this information with us.Buyer Beware...Just thought I would drop a line to try and help some future purchasers of Pomeranians or dogs purchased for breeding in general. I recently purchased a Pom bitch from a breeder in my area for a decent amount of money, as she was proven and at the time of purchase I was told she was a good free-whelping white brood bitch that has already produced two litters with surviving puppies. I took this breeders word for it and that was a big mistake on my part. I guess I know now why she was selling the bitch.After never getting a litter from her,and at the advice of a friend, I later called the AKC to see when the two litters were bom and how many puppies they contained you just need the females AKC registration number. They said there is no record of this bitch ever producing any litters Not only should you check the AKC records, but you should also get the statement from the breeder, in writing, that the Pom is proven with living offspring. When this breeder was confronted with her statement at the time of sale, she said yes, the bitch had litters, but none of the puppies survived. I guess she does not realize how ridiculous this sounds. Yes, I agreed to purchase this bitch even when I was told at purchase time all her puppies had died in all her litters... I dont think soThis bitch will be spayed and placed in a loving pet home. Yes, I am out a lot of money, but somehow I feel better knowing that I have learned a lesson and this bitch will have a wonderful caring home for the rest of her life. I just cant understand why some breeders will continue to pass off their problem breeders to other breeders. Why cant they just be placed in loving pet homes Is it the money they may stand to lose Unfortunately, breeders like this know that a lot of people have compassion and would rather get the dog a good home than have it returned to the breeder. It is a shame that when youare looking for some of the exotic colors in Poms there are many breeders who feel they can take advantage of the situation. Buyer beware...Not too long ago I had also sent a deposit to a breeder in Canada for a Pomeranian puppy. Well, needless to say,I have no puppy and I dont have my deposit money back. It is difficult to proceed with action when this person is not in the United States. It may be best for purchasers in the United States to receive a dog C.O.D. instead of forwarding any funds up front. You also have the option of contacting the Canadian Kennel Club. I have not been able to get hold of this breeder for months and she does not respond to any letters. Ive been told that she has done this to many people and that she does go for people out of her area. I guess she feels and knows she can get away with more. Buyer beware...When you make any kind of purchase or arrangement with a breeder you are most protected when you get everything stated in writing. I hope that this will help someone that has the intentions of purchasing some breeding dogs in the near future.Gail Rodgers, Gailellen PomsStaten Island, New YorkI am very pleased to report that I have received input regarding the article onby Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader June 199513BEAU JAMES NEUJAHR VBEST OF BREED OR VARIETYDANEMMETTKENNELlii IAPRIL 1 1995 vBOOTH PHOTC yYJAEGEB9fNeujahr Tagalong OBeau JamesBred and raised by Cyndi Wallen. Lovingly Handled by Donna Megenhardt.CYNDI WALLEN1692 St. Rte. 603 Lucas, OH 44843 419-892-3170 PhoneFaxColor-bred Stud Service Available.Puppies Occasionally.EVELYN NEWYEAR.4478 River St. Willoughby, OH 44094The Pom Reader June 199514DID YOU fontanelles.Did You Know.............From Rosemary Regoni comes the following helpful information...Dear Sharon,After reading your latest column in The Pom Reader concerning the problem of open fontanel, I just had to respond. This condition, called a molera, is extremely common in the Chihuahua breed also.In fact, it is only the large coarse Chihuahuas, of poor quality, that will not have an open fontanel.The size of the molera is directly related to the size of the dog the smaller dog having the larger molera. Having bred Long Coat Chihuahuas for many years prior to Poms, I can assure your readers that I have never seen a dog develop any problem related to the open spot on its head. Not only are these little Chihuahuas healthy, but they are extremely intelligent as well, ranking highest in numbers of obedience titles obtained by any Toy breed, and for surpassing most large breeds as wellOne of the tiniest we have bred had a large molera and lived in excellent health until she died at age 15 years. This little champion weighed less than 3 pounds and was bred once a year, producing 12 beautiful pups in six years, which were also timy and had the open fontanel. We, too, have had buyers take their new pups to the veterinarian for a health check, only to be told to return the dog because it had an open fontanel. The day that anyone canfind a correlation between that open spot and ill health, I will become concerned about tiny dogs having moleras.The Chihuahua, being the smallest ofall dog breeds, has not been downsized through selective breeding. They have always been tiny and, in spite of open spots, they are a tough little breed of dog. Perhaps some of our colleges need to do a better job of educating prospective doctors of veterinary medicine in this regard.Rosemary E. Regoni Dars Foxridge Pomeranians Dear Sharon,Just read your article in The Pom Reader about fontanel problems in Poms.I have never had this problem in my breeding of Poms, but have been breeding Chihuahuas for twice as many years and the condition is an accepted part of our breed. We do have the same results with the veterinarians giving us a hard time about this condition.The Chihuahua Club has come up withthese two articles, of which I made copies, to give to anyone who gets one of our puppies and is going to their vet for a clean bill of health. Hope this idea will be of some help to you. Bob Bohrer, Bohrer Kennels Zionsville, PA The following comes from Robert and Betty Bohrer.The Chihuahuas Molerasponsored by the Chihuahua Club of America Historically, the Chihuahua developed in Mexico and the United States has displayed a soft spot on the top of the head. In the Chihuahua, this spot or fontanel is known as a MOLERA and is the same as that found in human babies. In the past, this molera was accepted as a mark of purity in the breed and is still mentioned in most Chihuahua breed standards the world over.It is important to note that while many Chihuahua puppies are bom without the molera, there are probably just as many bom with one, and its presence is nothing to become alarmed over. The molera in a Chihuahua will occur on the top of the head and may vary in shape and size when present.Unfortunately, many lay people and some veterinarians not familiar with the Chihuahua, have tried to link the mere presence with a molera with the condition known as hydrocephalus. This has caused many newcomers to the breed serious concern and undo worry. The truth is that a domed head with a molera present doesWe, too, have had buyers take their new pups to the veterinarian for a health check, only to be told to return the dog because it had an open fontanelle. The day that anyone can find a correlation between that open spot and ill helath, I will become concerned about tiny dogs having Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader June 1995AMCAN CHAMPION15rgflSiaEft.'IV4vBEST OF BREEDHARRISBURGKENNELCLUBSATURDAY APRIL 15, 1995935JOHN ASHBEY60th AnniversaryThanks to John Wickline and Ce Harrison - Wickline for all your EXPERT handling and tender loving care of Reginapoms Thanks to all judges who saw the great quality in MIKEY. His soundness and movement. Thanks to Donna Lynn Wright for your expert care and handling of Rhea-Nas Watta Lif Socrates needs one single to finish. Look for Rhea-Nas Michael Angelo in the ring this fall - sired by Mikey. We have a couple of bitches bred to Mikey.RHEA-NABarbara Steve Nagy713 Marlboro Road, Stephens City, YA703-869-3749REGINAPOMSRobert Regina Nunn Rt. 1 Box 2890, Berryville, VA 22611703-955-1209The Pom Reader June 199516DID YOU KNOW...Zionsville, PAThe following comes from Robert and Betty Bohrer.The Chihuahuas Molerasponsored by the Chihuahua Club of AmericaHistorically, the Chihuahua developed in Mexico and the United States has displayed a soft spot on the top of the head. In the Chihuahua, this spot or fontanel is known as a MOLERA and is the same as that found in human babies. In the past, this molera was accepted as a mark of purity in the breed and is still mentioned in most Chihuahua breed standards the world over.It is important to note that while many Chihuahua puppies are bom without the molera, there are probably just as many bom with one, and its presence is nothing to become alarmed over.The molera in a Chihuahua will occur on the top of the head and may vary in shape and size when present.Unfortunately, many lay people and some veterinarians not familiar with the Chihuahua, have tried to link the mere presence with a molera with the condition known as hydrocephalus. This has caused many newcomers to the breed serious concern and undo worry. The truth is that a domed head with a molera present does not predispose the Chihuahua to this condition. Along with the observations of devoted breeders over the years, there is adequate medical evidence to support this statement. In Diseases of the Brain 1989, Green Braund stated that many clinically normal Toy breeds may have open fontenelles without associated hydrocephalus. Drs. Walters and Rivers, veterinarians at the University of Minnesota, concluded that there did not appear to be any relationship between the presence of a fontanelle and the condition of hydrocephalus. Dr. Alexander de Lahunta of Cornell University in New York, one of the top neurologists in this country, stated that it would be wrong to conclude that any opening is abnormal.While it would be impossible to list allthe medical documentation in this paper, these few included here are perfectly clear the presence of a molera does not mean the dog has a medical problem.The Chihuahua is a little dog They belong in the house, at their owners side, returning all the love they deserve to receive. With or without a molera, thehealthy Chihuahua that is loved and given proper veterinary care will live well into its teens as an irresistible member of the family.Baby mammals require skull bones that can contract in the birth process. Chihuahuas and some other breeds of small dogs retain a vestige of the incomplete joining of the bones in the head as they mature. Located on top of many a Chihuahuas head is a depression known as a molera. It is analogous to a fontanel in other young mammals. The outline of the molera may vary both in size and shape. Some can be circular some are shaped like diamonds some feel like a long seam. Over half of the moleras eventually close entirely, though it may take three years or more to do so.During the development of this breed in Mexico and the United States, this hole in the head was accepted as a mark of pure breeding in the Chihuahua. Thus many early breeders would not consider breeding Chihuahuas unless they displayed the molera Most of the Chihuahua standards of perfection all over the world recognize the historical insistence on moleras by including reference to them. WithWhile it would be impossible to list all the medical documentation in this paper, these few included here are perfectly clear the presence of a molera does not mean the dog has a medical Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader June 1995BI-IVIAR POME RAIMI AIMS17CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDAt 15 years of age, we are very proud to see that our multiple Best In Show Champion, Bi- Mar Sundance Kid is tied for number one sire in the nation for 1994.FOR SALE Whelped 103094 Red Orange Female by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Masterpiece and out of Ch. Bi-Mar Sugar Pie Honey. This is a show and brood quality female. Both sire and dam are champion producers. This line has produced Toy Group and Best In Show winners. Show home only. Whelped 9294 Red Orange Male by Ch. Bi-Mars Bing-Bamb-Boom out of a daughter of Ch. Bi-Mars Sunnys Phantom that also carries the Great Elms bloodline. His sire is a littermate to BIS Ch. Bi-Mars Sunnys Gee Whiz. This guy has very high set tiny ears with the conformation and temperament to be a top show quality male. Show home only. Whelped 4795 Two Red Orange Females and One Male sired by IntAm Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Image and out of a daughter of Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Phantom. Whelped 3195 One Red Male by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Supreme and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. Whelped 5995 Two Sable Females and One Male sired by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Masterpiece and out of a black daughter of Ch. Sandtowns Oklahoma Gold. Whelped 5295 Red Sable Male sired by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Phantom and out of a BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughter. Two litters due the end of May, one sired by IntAm Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Image and one by Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Supreme and both litters are out of BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid daughters.MARY ROSENBAUM 38711 200TH AVENUE SEPHONE 206-833-2160 AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98092The Pom Reader. June 1995ISWhen it comes to dog food, I read the fine printAngelcourtesy Toni Jeff Dickerson, Baltimore, MarylandJIs Santa ever going to comeOr Too much Hot ToddyHot Toddy, courtesy TJs Poms, Antelope, CaliforniaThe Pom Reader June 199519BEV-NOR CASCADE LARRONSPOMERANIANS POMERANIANS POMERANIANSDr Kill On MThank you, Beverly Bill Norris, for the truly rare opportunity to acquire your exceptional bloodline to incorporate it into our breeding and showing programWe are sincerely sympathetic, Bev, regarding your tremendous stress at this time, with your Moms and Bills illnesses and having to part with your precious Poms Our target is to carry on your program and to always keep you in our minds.Three cheers for our mutualBulls EyeCASCADE Doris Wheeler 3016 Hiawatha Drive Dayton, OH 45414 513-278-6071LARRONLarry Rookstool Ron Feyh 2520 Eakin Road Columbus, OH 43204 614-274-2118The Pom Reader June 1995V7^20READERfcutntn fumm fiffic'iTourShowcaseforPurebredPomeraniansSUBSCRIPTIONRATESm U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per YearDomestic39 3rd class postage 60 1st class postageForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 5.00 each Back Issues 5.00 eachSubject to availability9 AADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAnnualPrepaidAd Size Contract Open RateFull Page Deluxe Color 337.50 375.00Full Page Standard Color NA 250.00Full Page Black White 112.00 125.00Half Page 60.00 75.0014 Page 32.00 40.0018 Page 20.00 25.00116 Page 12.00 15.00STORK REPORT NA 10.00All ads 14 page and larger include one photo. Extra black white photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes color photo, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, position chosen by publisher.SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONJoe McGinnis, Editor Phone 813-858-3839 Fax 813-853-3624Telephone subscription orders by credit card onlyADVERTISING INFORMATIONLois CilibertoPhone813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-9613DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, EL 33809-1604 813-858-3839The Pom Reader June 1995MEW CHAMPIOM A GROUP, TOO21CHAMPION ODYSSEYS JEST DO ITVa tlCh. Odysseys Keno Wiz x Queenaire Christi taking a Group II from the classes at the Sacramento Kennel Club under Judge Toddie Clark.Nike is in training for his dual titles in obedience and awaits girls by private treaty only.Bred byJANET MANUSZAK- LUCIDOOwnerTrainerALICE LESSARD 1254 Magic Sands Turlock, CA 95380 209-667-2648Exclusively handled byJEFFREY HEIM 209-858-5989The Pom Reader June 199522JUNE 1995I wish they had child-sized portionscourtesyJean Dull, Rochester, MinnesotaSubmit tytuir cuter fhet eufr feutoirPifiyenfited depfifd- tncut. duty clefiv phetc Will do - blficle white celtfy T^elfiswid c^ ^e^ulfiirT^lefitCr idewtifrf T^tm find ewue^. 'dlerfihtetydty hefisdtify fir littlcrfibeut tytuir T^em - buefj dicuitunt fiw WelcctncrSendttPR PLAYMATES8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809 1604YsNvDont touch my toys.Sara Lee courtesyC. Anderson, Rockford, IllinoisThe Pom Reader June 1995' cv 4LOurSweetJeremieFudgeproducing beautiful puppies in the Family tradition.Jerry is one of the last Toasty sons.Stud Fee 250.00 to approved matrons.BOW BOYSWE FEED SCIENCE DIETD. Stephen Turner Frank P. Jackson 405 Rock Valley Rd., Holyoke, MA 01040 413 538-7683 MorningsAfternoonsAfter MidnightSANDTOWN POMERANIANS0wynatccttlw4 tx'Poteot emteC allot.20e itt OtelozAortuz xsie eAfie- cuzltcf fesioutt d excefetiottal^oxtiaUUt. Cove cutcCacii2tCoi te Ctsieect aAifted, tfatooK^ tetf one douttct avtct zve c^oocC tePifiesKZwtett.LOIS ABJORNSON PO Box 432, Sand Sprigs, OK 74063 918-245-69154fS...V'.\'V. ... v' . . ,\\W\ v\'i\\\S\NSavtcCtcvtt ^ucCcUf24Mow thrilled we are to have acquired.CH. BEV-NORS SOMETHING SPECIALNIKKthe last son of Ch.Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROMX.Stud Fee 250.00And...The BOB, Group National Specialty Winning Bitch...CH. BEV-NOR SOUTHLANDS WHO MEone of the last Lil Toasty daughters. Shes a champion producer of gorgeous, super-sound kids. We anxiously await her litter, due 71095.ABbwZkSpecial thanks to our friend Beverly Norris for allowing these two special kids to join our fabulous Bev-Nor Southland family of Poms here in New England.Thanks also to my life-long partner, Frank, for staying home tending to business and caring for the kids and encouraging me to go the extra mile. I quote Miss Charlotte...Obtaining the Best of the Best from the Best You see... we believe in the Family... do youBOW BOYSWE FEED SCIENCE DIETThe Pom Reader June 1995D. STEPHEN TURNER FRANK P. JACKSON 405 Rock Valley Rd., Holyoke MA 01040 413 538-7683 MomingsAftemoonsAfter midnightWhat every Debutante should be...25Simply Elegant... and Mighty SweetBOW BOYS MIGHTY SWEET, pictured above at 9 months making us so proud again. Shes so full of it and oh so fun to show. Multi BISBISS Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive x Bow Boy-N-Bev-Nor Sweet Secret our Bunny the last offspring sired by her granddad, Multi BISBISS Ch. Bev-Nor Toasted Fudge ROMX - a beautiful breeding, never to be repeated Mighty Sweet is lovingly handled by her good friend Debby Wheeler of Branchburg, NJ. Thanks, Debby, for always being there...and dont changeWe have 3 handsome boys all coming of age... We are not sure who to let go 1.Bow Boys N Southlands Show Biz 121493 by Ch. Southlands Showstopper Breed-Group Winner x Bow Boys Wake Up Lil Susie Toasty grandaughter. 4 12 lbs., bright orange beautiful head, neck coat - ring ready.2. Bow Boys High N Mighty 53194 by Multi BISBISS Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive x Bow Boys N Bev-Nor Sweey Secret last Toasty daughter 3 12 lbs., red bm, foxy baby, no back, 2 Major Res.-just started.3. Bow Boys Jus Wild Bout Harry 52694 by Ch. Southlands Sir Impressive x Bow Boys Bev-Nors Aint She Sweet. In-bred on Fudge, Toasty, Lil Toasty Statesman. Red, foxy, no back.These 3 puppies have been beautifully show-trained by our friends, Beverly Ferguson, Pasadena, MD Debby Wheeler, Branchburg, NJ. Thank you, galsOnly those that appreciate the Family inquire, pleaseBOW BOYSD. STEPHEN TURNER FRANK P. JACKSON405 Rock Valley Rd Holyoke MA 01040 413 538-7683WE FEED SCIENCE DIETThe Pom Reader June 1995AKA Lois CilibertoLYMP3rTTXTMDags Howl And\POMSARE 10 AMD 4Pomeranians have shown up on the AKC charts as number 10 in individual registration and number 4 in litter registration. I dont find this cause for breaking out the champagne bottle. In fact, it is downright deplorable.Think about it. We registered 39,947 Poms last year and 26,991 litters In litter registration, we only got outranked by all 3 varieties of Poodles, the mighty Rottweilers and the ever popular Labrador Retrievers. Now, I ask you, can the tiny Pomeranian, who is noted for its poor whelping dams and Fading Puppy Syndrome, among countless other reproduction problems, have climbed to these heights And whyFor a breed to be popular it has to have something attractive to the public. Being overly fond of Poms, I can see how this breed can achieve that, but I cant see how breeders achieved it My 28 years of Pom breeding experience taught me that the heartaches far outnumbered the joyous occasions. Have I missed something lately Is there a magic formula Are puppy mills and backyard breeders responsible If they are, how come itis that we are always getting calls from breeders or hope-to-bes who complain that in purchasing from other breeders they got suckered inMy last column, which touched on the buyer beware syndrome, promptly brought in a horde of calls about breeders who have been caught in the I didnt get what I thought I would machinery. The Pom Reader has a large companion dog following and I hardly ever hear from them about complaints on buying. But, my goodness, the breeders out there are sure outdoing one another in buying and selling and yelling lawsuits Which reason leads to a lot of selling - because the Pom, being so popular, has a tremendous horde of breeders who wish to produce better Poms for future breeding and showing, or merely because of the breeds popularity and this facts insular value appealI think you know the answer to that question. But where will it endHopefully, in the words of AKCs John Mandeville in the AKC April 1995 Gazette The American public almost always has afad breed. Invariably, such breeds have unique and appealing qualities. They also have attributes that do not really make them candidates for mass popularity. The result is a sharp increase in popularity and an equally sharp decline.Poms, indeed, have unique and appealing qualities, yet, they have attributes that should prevent them from being so highly popular. Small Poms and small children often make for disastrous results. Small Poms jumping off and on furniture can result in serious injury, even death. If not the latter, their stifles go and a frantic owner calls me to say that her vet is charging her 450.00 to pin Tootsies back leg, or legs. How did this happen I take a deep breath and we go through the facts of life.Another problem I often encounter is Pom males being allowed loose in the yard and, with typical Pom tenacity, trying to protect its territory from neighborhood dogs and usually wind up being killed.The above problems are more related to environment and accidents, but then consider all the inherent genetic problems such asThe Pom Reader June 199527C RHPfRCRCWeR'S TIMf fOK A TKjCRpictured above right at 7 weeks of age, is now a champion. Congratulations to Ruby Poole on her kennel visit. May you have many more years of continued success.Mrs. Norma Creider Phone 918-446-6839PINEDAROSA POMERANIANSsends heartfelt thanks to Ruby Poole Rubys Pomeranians forRubys One JVLan Band Rubys Precious Cassi.Bandy and Cassi join us in celebrating this momentous breeder visit to Ruby, who has been most sincere in sharing her Poms and her Pom lore with us, for which we are gratefulKnowing our past relationship has been wonderful, we look forward to our future relationship with pleasure and to meeting you personally in the near future.MARIE JOSEPH BROWN 115 Midland Rd., Glen Bumie, MD 21060 410 768-3717.-v.s jit. V__MOBETA Exotic Partibs Standard Colors Puppies Young Adults918 543-3451 For Show or Pet' Champion Bloodlines with great attitudesJoe Daubenspeck Rt. 2, Box 78 Inola, OK 74036MO BETA POMSpresentsThree of a Kindour latest litter of partisYes They are for saleCONGRATULATIONS TO RUBY BILL of RUBYS POMS We at Mo Beta are so proud to call you friend Our heartfelt thanks for all your help. Your knowledge and love for the breed is unsurpassed. Our Poms love you as much as you love themThe Pom Reader June 199528open fontanelles, subluxated stifles, inadequate tracheas which collapse under stress, black skin disease, uterine inertia, etc., etc. The list could go on and on. Long-tenure Pom breeders who have followed up with their sales could curl your hair with the problems that crop up, whether a dog is placed in a breeder home or a companion home.If John Mandeville is right, and in his article he was using hindsight based on accurate breed figures, then our breed will, and should, decline in mass popularity. Thanks to Gail Rodgers for the AKC information.Another problem... recently brought to my attention by several exhibitors... are Pom teeth in relation to the show ring. Our breed, like many small breeds, is notorious for tooth tartar build-up and even though the teeth are cleaned constantly in some Poms, by the age of three they often loosen and fall out. I have had Poms whose teeth were constantly tartaring by age 2Most of the teeth which loosen are in the front upper and lower rows, but not generally in the canines, which, after all, determine the bite. Since our standard does not demand a count for full dentition, and providing the canines are in place to determine the correctness of bite, why should judges make a big deal of examining for missing, unnecessary teeth and many times not awarding a win because of one or two minor missing front teethMany Poms do not mature in weight and coat until age 2- 3, and in many by then the teeth are going. We had a case some years back where the female we obtained was severely matted and after coat conditioning it took a year to get her ring- ready. By then she was a modest three year old. Her teeth had received bad care prior to purchase and, though we had the teeth cleaned twice during that year, two front lower teeth fell out. This girl was very deserving of finishing and four judges thought so, too. She was awarded a 4-point major in hot competition and three 2-point shows, then we ran into judges who disliked the missing teeth. One even said, You shouldnt enter little old ladies in beauty contestsOur little old lady - at age 3 - cmon She never finished and today I recall it well whenI get calls about this minor missing teeth situation. Is this a subject that should be broached in our new standard, or am I all wet... againOn our last months front cover and in our FebruaryMarch Issues centerfold and on our August 1994 front cover appeared brindle- colored Pomeranians. Of course, this is paid advertisement and you could say I was prejudiced in bringing up the subject. You would be wrong, but Id rather be thought prejudiced in this matter than prejudiced to hate the Pom wearing this color just because of its color.To be frank, it is not my color, but then neither are some other colors I have seen. But if I were judging the breed and a color is disliked came in, I would consider it as evenlyas any other color in the ring. It is an allowable color according to AKC. The American Pomeranian Club has not specifically downed the color, either. It is not listed specifically in our old standard, but neither are a lot of other colors now being accepted for registration.I am hearing lately a lot of controversy on the color, mainly because a breeder of the color is showing the color frequently, and secondly because of the advertisements in our magazine. There seem to be some discussions among judges as to what to do with the color and I have heard through the grapevine that some breeder-judges are active in downing the color.Everyone has a perfect right to hate acolor, but until and unless our standard or AKC disallows the color, then it seems to me that judges should judge the dog under the color on an equal basis.On a good note regarding this controversial subject, I am also hearing that many nonbreeder judges are making inquiries about the color and only hope that they come to the decision that, providing a color is acceptable, then judge it just like any other color. Revolutionary New Flea Control Available only through your vet if heshe doesnt have it yet, tell about it. This new product is called Program Lufenuron and was developed and researched CIBA Animal Health of Greensboro, NC, who makes the following claims Program is a once a month tablet that controls infestations, has no contraindications, no warnings and no side effects. It can be administered to pregnant and nursing mothers, breeding males and to puppies as young as six weeks old. It was also found safe to use in conjunction with other medications, such as vaccines, antibiotics and heartworm preventa- tives, and for a severe preexisting infestation, in conjunction with temporary conventional insecticidesIn the research, Program was demonstrated in dogs of various breeds, sizes and weights, and the research showed that one tab monthly proved effective for one full month and prevented nearly 100 of treated flea eggs from developing. Treatment may begin at any time of year. Within 6-12 hours, any fleas that bite a treated dog will be unable to reproduce.If you or your vet want further information, contact Karen Pineman or Earle Palmer Brown at 212 463-6972 or Suzanne Losquadro at 212 463-6957. This information was taken from a recent Pet Business Magazine.I am hearing, once more, breeders concerned about giving full dosage of vaccine to puppies and small Poms. Years back I contacted Dr. Carmichael of Cornell Veterinary Institute and he said that vaccines are not made to consider weight or size, but rather to correctly provide the amount of anti-virus necessary for protection against same. He said whether it be a Chihuahua, a Pom, or aOLYMPIArtfsTTaka s UmbertoThe Pom Reader June 199529Congratulation^, IRnbp, from...gHIapngquality makt a iriftontt.4.BEST OF OPPOSITESrCOLUMBIA MO KENNEL CLUB MARCH1995PHOTO BY DOWNEYALLAYNSNAUGHTY BY NATURENubbin is shown going BOS over a Special from the puppy class. Allayns Precious Lil Hotshot bred by Ruby and myself took BOB over 2 Specials from the Bred-By class 4 pt. Major the same day. A big Thank You to judge Ruth Winston. Thanks also to judge Alexander Schwartz for Hotshots second 4 pt. Major.BreederOwnerHandlerMARY ALLANRt. 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467 918 485-1040MeuseVDOCsJ At AirsMIGHTY MOUSEWe would like to thank all the judges that have recognized our boys quality. Special thanks to judge Mrs. Betty Moore pictured for awarding him BOW for a major at Palouse Hills. Also, congratulations to Blazin Sunmark Gold-N-Token, owned by Aija Poms, for his major on the same circuit 4 days later under judge Robert Caviness.Congratulations to Ruby Poole on your kennel visit11Thank you, Mr. Frank Oberstar, for the FINISHING major and Group IIIBLAZIN POMERANIANS iana clulie Wall110 West Paula Drive, Sandy, UT 84070 801 568-056430Great Dane, the full dose must be administered to be effective, period. Young puppies should not be given vaccines intended for older pups or adults, and there are so many opinions about vaccine schedules that I leave that to your vet or Cornell.My vets have advised me in the past that reactions to vaccines are extremely rare, only surfacing in about 1 of canine population, and that those they used to see had the Lepto in it. They also inferred that often, when breeders think they see a vaccine reaction, or a resultant death, it is usually because the dog was inadequately nutritioned, or suffered hidden health problems or worm or parasite infestations.In breeding Poms since 1967, we have never had a vaccine reaction, and I have only had reported to me one death of a Pom after a vaccination and that case never was able to confirm exactly what killed the dog, which was a two-year-old of 8 pounds.I am also against hooking Poms on products like Nutri-Cal. Just as we get hooked on caffeine and demand its effect on our system, so can a Pom begin to wait for its fix on these products. We do keep Nutri-Cal around for stress times or for fasting periods and do administer about 20 minutes prior to a vaccine, but we do not routinely administer it. I think we sometimes tend to develop our own sugar babies.A note on Parvo vaccine In a recent study conducted by the University of Wisconsin- Madison, Ft. Dodge Duramune vaccine protected 100 of all vaccinated puppies against the deadly Parvo virus and displayed the best clinical assessment scores of all vaccines tested. The vaccine contains 7 times the number of virus particles per dose than any other vaccine. This has been the only Parvo vaccine we have used for years. Olympia.Our most heartfelt sympathy goes out to Betty Jo Mason Pom Heaven on the most tragic loss of her youngest daughter and 3 year old grandson, Sunday, June 11th. A gas leak in the home they were moving into caused their accidental death. Betty Jo and husband, Perry, are devastated and need your prayers. Betty Jo delivered this grandson herself in her own home, when his birth happened so fast there wasnt time to get to a hospital.It is with great sadness that we learn of the illness of Patricia Foley of Dover-Holihouse Pomeranians. Pat is currently on chemotherapy, battling cancer and, I hear from KathyHartz, that Pat is bearing up well, but needs our prayers.Also, Erika Moureau tragically lost both her mother and sister is an auto accident. Our hearts and sincere sympathy go out to Erika.Dolly Trauner is making a comeback from a recent illness and we wish her all the best. She is one grand lady whose sincere interest in Pomeranians and the American Pomeranian Club goes without sayingIn ending this column this month, once more, Bemie and I wish to thank all of your who sent cards or flowers or who phoned after the death of our daughter, Debbie. We were not prepared for the avalanche and are still dazed, but very, very grateful to know how many people care and that they took the time to let us know it We also wish to thank the Reader publisher, editor and staff, who surprised us with such a lovely and unforgettable tribute to Debbie. When I saw it, it choked me up for hours, but now I keep it as a very sentimental remembranceUntil the dog howls again...Olympia aka Lois Ciliberto 20044 Stamat Drive Land O Lakes, FL 34639 PH 813-996-5499 FX 813-996-9613LARRON POMERANIANSWishes to express their deepest sympathy toTIM SUE GODDARD on the recent loss ofAM. CAN. CH. CHRISCENDO CITY LIGHTSCity Lights lit up our life with his superior offspring and we know there are many Pom fanciers who share our sentiments in that regard No words can convey comfort for the loss of such a beloved Pom and great sire, but, Sue Tim, we are with you at this time in our hearts.Your good friends and admirers of all the Lights that City Lights lip upLarry Rookstool Ron FeyhThe Pom Reader June 199531stepper is steppn OPA JP wmkBISS CH. MAJESTICSWILLIE B STEPPN UPCONGRATULATIONS ANNETTE ROGERS- RISTER on Steppers championship, achieved April 22, 1995 We have never seen Stepper in person, but have greatly admired him from afar ever since his first puppy photos came into the Pom Reader and Top Notch Toys, where he was splendidly displayed on the back cover 1094. We wish you continued success as you pursue his Specials career. Give him a hug for usBernie Lois Ciliberto CRESCENDO POMERANIANSPRISM POMS of FLORIDAdend cowiywatadottowiA 'to PPuyy GPoode on Aiew toel- deenoed conned vttt. GPwyj yoco awe 'twuy yne vory ntce ady and dPm ydad JmetyouAPe ado umaA to eonywatadote Tony dddixon cwi tAe ^adadoiA ujtwiA wotA tioor vufi^iyj do A. dbawfiwe iddiewwuin... SPdAdoAot tAe ATAcaA djkecvadty fiaym tAe cdaMej nuwnewouti 0l GPP awwl Go-oafi^daoomewefo amd noiO dPacAo-do-dPaoo Ad'wyufey GnebfVeronica BoudreauThe Pom Reader June 199532r TCtrXrT^- r 11-AArT JvajulMsl r_________THE POM READER VISITSRUBY POOLERubys y omsCLAREMORE, OKLAHOMA------- PO.WELCOMETO RUBYS POMS...Let me introduce the three main men in my life.The largest and most handsome is John William Poole II - a.k.a.Bill. Not only is he the best carpenter in the world, he loves all animals, especially dogs. He is my husband, staunchest supporter, greatest comforter and my best friend. Lucky me.The medium-sized one is Drum, who takes his job of protecting his Poms and his people seriously.The little fellow is Boo, a cranky old man that rules us all with an iron paw by day and gets more than his share of our king- sized bed every night.We are also owned by a pet Brahma bull, named Shah-Moo and his 10 wives and their babies.We moved our menagerie here 6 years ago to be closer to Bills work. Everyone thought that we were crazy to leave behind a beautiful home and kennel to move to a 50-plus-year-old house that was literally falling down. We knew that we were a little crazy. Hey, we raise Poms and it helps to be a bit crazy. It keeps us from going totally insane, and a good sense of humor, a positive outlook and a good mate can get a person through some very difficult times.We are surrounded by 42 acres, which gives us lots of space and privacy and protects our neighbors ears from all the yappy kids here.The first thing that Bill did was to turnthe old detached garage into a Pom house with individual compartments and divide the yard into sections for males, females and teenagers. The Poms had air conditioning before we did, so that first summer, while Bill was turning 1,200 square feet of rubble into 2,100 square feet of comfort, I hid out with the Poms. Smart, huh It took him 5 years to completely remodel the old house and add on a newkitchen, den and puppy room with an outside door to an exercise area for the moms and toddlers.Our mamas come in from the Pom house a week before their first due date, into my officedelivery room. I keep a constant eye on them and their newborn babies for a few days and when Im sure that all is well, they move to the puppy room where they remain until they are old enough to be gradually introduced to the Pom house and yard. Usually about 12 weeks.I dont work outside our home, so I fill my life with the pleasures of being wife, mother of two grown children and Nana to four grand-critters, ranging in age from 10 to 19 years. My other titles are Domestic Technician, Collector of Recycled Dog Food, Chief Breeder-Feeder, Head Whelper, Sgt. in Charge of Basic Training, Guru of Grooming and Resident Vet. I also enjoy visiting with friends and family and going to as many dog shows as time off from my many positions will allow.How did I get so many impressive titles I grew up in the hills of Arkansas, in a family of animal lovers. My father and three brothers raised fine hunting hounds and the puppies were my favorite playthings. One day, at a family picnic, I met a beautiful fuzzy little Pom that was visiting from California. I fell in love with it and never forgot it, and since there werent any resident Poms in Arkansas, at that time, I didnt see another one for many years.The Pom Reader June\ a r rKWINNERS BITCHIOKLAHOMA city kernel Club 1885photo it Pt INDUSThe first win remains a thrill...Ruby with Pagan winning under Mrs. Mildred K. BryantIn 1976, my daughter Carol wanted a Pom puppy as a graduation present. I was more than happy to buy one, so at the end of our search we found her. Where Back in the hills of Arkansas.We never intended to breed Dandy, she was just our toy to play with. Two years later, when Carol was about to be married, she found me crying. When I told her I was crying only because she was taking Dandy away from me, she signed her over to me with the stipulation that I have her bred and give her a puppy. After I recovered from that first messy, traumatic experience of delivering a tiny female puppy and watched her grow, I was hooked.So, I bless Carol when things are good...and blame her when things are not so good.In 1982 I went to my first dog show and got bit by the bug badly.I talked to the exhibitors, made a total nuisance of myself, but did learn where to buy a book on Pomsand I also subscribed to the AKC Gazette.I was totally confused by the different types of Poms that I saw in the ring until I read an article that basically said, ...pick the type of Pom that you like, breed to the standard and there will be judges that will agree with you. Olga Baker, as I told you when we met in person a few years ago, I dont know whether to bless you or blame you, but I do thank you for that enlightening article.I was like most novices. I made many mistakes, paid many dues and learned a lot of valuable-but-expensive lessons. While I was struggling along I made a vow that if I ever got into a position to help anyone, I would do so with honesty and to the best of my ability.The person that I bless, or blame, the most is Lois Abjomson, breeder and exhibitor of Sand Town Poms.For some reason she liked and trusted me enough to let me have Sand Towns City Slicker. He was heavy line bred on the Sand Town and Creider lines. He was my foundation stud and the sire of my first two champions.Following total renovation, the house surrounded by 42 acres is a peaceful home for the Pooles Poms - the flag flies at half-mast in honor of the Oklahoma City bombing victimsr .-j-t J '' AVA_The Pom Reader June 199534ArmmLois took me under her wing, gave me constructive criticism, encouraged me and comforted me. She taught me that there is no such thing as a perfect Pom, to take a good one and try to make a better one, to have faith in myself and my Pom and dont throw the baby out with the bath water. The only way that I can repay my dear friend of many years is to pass all of those things along to the people that I have been fortunate enough to help.Slicker, bred to Savages Star Dust Dee-Nay, produced Pagan. On 111185, with Lois looking over me and Pagan, we took our first Purple. Thank you Mrs. Mildred K. Bryant for the 5 points and also for the most memorable day in my show career.I have bred several champions since then, but it is the only time that I have ever cried like a child in the ring. By the way, Lois, I still owe you for a collect call from Ft. Smith, Arkansas on 6687 totell you that my home bred was now Ch. Rockwoods Pagan of Dee-Nay.From Edna Girardot I acquired Scotia Command Chantilly Lady. She and Slicker gave me Ch. Rockwoods Bills Best Buddy. Those were my basic foundation stock and can be found in most of my pedigrees today.A few years ago,I chose to stay at home with Bill and the babies. Since then I have had some wonderful handlers. Thank you Hiram Stewart and Kathy Bucher- Sawyer. Thank you Maria Kneisler for finishing Cougar and Tammy Sharp for Winners Bitch on Rubys CherryBombette - both on May 28th, 1995 under Judge Peggy Hogg.When I met and fell in love with Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel and was fortunate enough to breed to him, I liked the cross so well that I went on to crossing my basic lines back and forth with Precious Petite, Southland and Bev-Nor.All of our Poms - champions, brood, seniors and pets alike - are loved and cared for the same, but I would like to talk about one composite of all the lines that I have worked with over the years.Rubys Sassy Wee Tart Lady was bom during the pandemonium of moving, remodeling and financial stress, so even though she was very deserving of her championship, she was relegated to the whelping box for the betterment of the breed. She has done a great job of that and, in my mind, is a winner through and through. Line bred to Ch. Shadomountin One Man Show, she produced Ch.Rubys One Man Show Encore Cory and Rubys One Man Bond.Line bred to Ch. Allayns Sinner Man Toast thank you, Mary Allan, for being such a good friend, she produced Ch. Kontiki Wee Saint from Ruby, Rubys Wee Toasted Bon-Bon a pointed girl owned by Maria and Rubys Wee Butter Cup Sharp, who is producing nicely for Tammy Sharp.When I was fortunate enough to become close friends and co-owner with Victoria Lovely and Blake Jones, I was thrilled at the prospect of breeding to a fine male that I admired so much, but scared to death of the responsibility. After Vic promised that she wouldnt break my knees if anything happened, BISS BISA Ch. Lovely Jessie Sais So came for a visit. One of the fine results of our out- cross is Jessie and Sassys daughter, Rubys Wee Jezebel Sais So.Ch. Cory and Ch. Lovely Lady Shauna Debutante produced Ch. Lovely Debonaire Encore and Ch. Lovely Debutante Finale. Ch. Cory and Ch. Lovely Gabrielle Debutante gave us Ch. Lovely Gabriel of Chaos. These outcrossmmIilewhelping room, an expectant mom draws inspiration from winners' photos on the walls-------------------1The Pom Reader June 199535RulochHomeostasis1 ' es have done well in Group, but better yet, they are producing offspring that we are proud of.Ch. Sainty and Ch. Lovely Cassandra of KL are the proud parents of another outcross, Ruloch Homeostasis. Stacy is disrobing now, but will be back in the ring soon. We are very proud of her. Ruloch is a contraction of Rubys, Lovely and Chaos. Finding that our lines have crossed so well is a wonderful and rewarding experience.I tell wanna be breeders that a pedigree is only worth what you know about the genotype and phenotype of the dogs in it. Every breeding must be planned carefully, whether it is line breeding or outcrossing. My worst tum-off is when someone just wants to breed a few pet litters to get their investment back. Wrong No matter how hard a breeder tries, there are going to be some pets, but to not work for the betterment of the breed is, to me, unconscionable, so my show and broods must all have this potential.I am happy to help newcomers if they are still interested after they hear my horror stories about miles of travel in all kinds of weather, getting beat by an inferior dog because of a political or ignorant judge yes folks, there are some, spending a lot of money in a weekend and coming home with nothing but a 3.00 catalog to show for it, spending hours leaning over a whelping box to finally deliver a stillborn puppy or watch them fade in a few days, spending hours and weeks training a gorgeous young male that could be a BISA but finally having to admit his anatomy is going to remain incomplete. Sorry, but if this was easy or profitable, everyone would be doing it.On the positive side If you love the breed and enjoy the camaraderie of friends and exhibitors, it can be one of the most rewarding hobbies that a person canbe involved in.My future hope for the breed is that all judges will become color blind when it comes to a good Pom being a good Pom. The quality of partis and other colored Poms has improved greatly in the last few years. Vic, Blake and I have a 6-week-old parti girl with 3 sisters who have the parti factor. We arent going to throw the babies out with the bath water and we shall see what we shall see.Genetic problems in our breed are very real. I believe that there are so many informed and dedicated people addressing these problems that we will see great improvement in the future.Trimming in moderation for nearness and leaving the double coat in evidenceis, to me, the key word. Personally, I get nervous when I see a fuzz ball with little or no guard hair showing unless it is in the puppy class.Im not involved in obedience, but I do admire those that are. Especially Jo Ellen Corley and Mid Knight Shogun U.D.. He was one of my first Pom babies and Jo Ellens first Pom. Happy is 13 now and retired. We were both greener than the grass in Oklahoma back then, but have learned a lot and had lots of fun in our friendship over these many years.It would take me hours to mention all the fine Poms that I have admired overthe years, but I do want to congratulate Norma Creider on the championship of her beautiful young male, Creiders Time for a Tiger. Congratulations also on their wedding anniversary. Jim said it seemed like 89 years, but Norma said it was only 49.Im sure that I havent dropped any great pearls of wisdom in your ears, but I hope that you all have enjoyed our visit half as much as we have. Let me leave you with this last thought with which Im sure many of you will identifyOn my way to the vet, I sat thinking about how its enough to drive a person to drink. I must be insane to stay in this game and watch my bank account just keep on shrinking. I have had my hands on, around and inside a Pom, have been urinated, regurgitated and defecated on, my hair is a mess, I seldom wear a dress, and its all due to being owned by a Pom. When I put away my heels for old tennis shoes, my skirts and dresses for faded old blue jeans, I went a bit crazy. But I have lots of fun. Only a Pom person knows of being loved and owned by a Pom.May all of your efforts be PurpleRuby F. Poole Rte. 1 Box 190, Claremore, OK 74017 918-341-6921s1-uii x-4v ^ S4tk 77V -Ts-.VThePom Reader June 199536KNEISLERS POMS CONGRATULATES RUBY POOLE ON HER WELL DESERVED KENNEL VISITHere are two fine examples of Rubys breeding effortsKNEISLERS PETI POM RUFF N REDDI Janesas Forever The Star x Rubys Wee Toasted Bon-Bon - a Sassy daughter Owned by Pat Cummings, Peti Poms. Bred by Maria KneislerRUBYS OK GATOR SHOWSTOPPER Ch. Bev-Nors Little Showstopper x Ch. Rubys Gator Maiden OklahomaShe only needs a few singles to finish.Owned by Maria KneislerMARIA KNEISLER 9151 S. Darlington Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74137-4006 918-492-0520PUPPIES FOR SALEMales and FemalesSIRED BYSON OF CH. EMCEES A CHIP OF DIAMOND CH. MCGUIRES KEY TO MY HEART CH. WEE PAWS PURE GOLDtn ketitifd oiutTERESITA HUGHES 3400 Bluebird DriveThank you, Ruby. Fourteen years ago you made me the proud owner of Midnight Shogun UD Hop Sing. Had it not been for you, there would not have been a UCDX, Im A Wee Bit Flashy CDX, Can. CD, My Fine and Dandy Man CD and Rubys Gold-N Git-Tar Man.Holiday, Florida 34690 813 942-9194RASFINAN POMERANIANSfritfn till efj uy..Joellen Corley218 E. Chestnut, Coweta, OK 74429 918 486-5534The Pom Reader June 199537AGROUPtEFFORTirrr Jr livCH. GABRIEL - Group placerCH. LITL COR - Group placerJEZEBEL - Major pointed7.0ySTACY- Major Pointed CH. FINALE - Group placerRULOCHRUBY POOLE RUBYS POMS CLAREMORE, OKVICTORIA LOVELY LOVELY POMS TACOMA, WABLAKE JONES POMS OF CHAOS PUYALLUP, WAThe Pom Reader June 1995Congratulations to Rubys Poms on your kennel visit.When we entered the Pom show world, we found Bill and Puby Poole, who were willing to trust and help us. Also in them we found two good friends that we enjoy very much.Thanks guys, we appreciate you so muchMarico PomsSteve and Marie Crawford 11717 E. 128th Place Broken Arrow, OK 740113S______________________________________________________________________Relax, Ruby - its overI know it was hard work, but now the sweet fruits of labor are reaped. All your friends couldnt say enough good about you, but one whispered in my ear that you lost 3 pounds in the doing of this visit. I get a kick out of that, maybe I can tell future breeder visit honorees that its good for their figureCongratulations and best wishesBemie Lois Ciliberto CRESCENDO POMERANIANSBEV'IES POMERAHIMIoffers for your consideration3 Litters Due in June JulySire Ch. Britestars Mr. Show Biz orange Dam Pombredens Darcy of Gabriel redSire Pombredens Charisma of Paul blue beaver-white partiDam Pombredens Christened by God chocolate-white partiSire Pombredens Blue Suede Shoes blue Dam Jeans Gods Beauty Tawny fawnInquiries Invited. Pedigrees, videos on request.BEVERLY RIGSBY BOilinE MCGLOTHLIV C1 2 Box 26S6-B Kennewick, WA 99537 509-382-0165HOUSE-TRAINING MONITORMonitor your dog after house training so you are sure he is not making mistakes A10-second warbling alarm lets you know if your dog urinates while wearing the monitor. Your relax while your dog learns Machine washable. 100 cotton panel Elastic back strap Comfortable, nylon shoulder strap Hook Loop fasteners Adjustable neck strap. Measure dog from neck to base of tail. 84.95 plus 5 sh sorry, male dogs only. MN residents add 6.5 sales tax. ENVIROTRONIC INC.,526 Silver Lake Rd., St. Paul, MN 55112. Tel 612 633-8551.COMINGATTRACTinKNOCK, KNOCK THE POM READER VISITS...STARHAVEN POMERANIANS JANICE YOUNGIN JULYVALCOPY-WAKHAN DANA PLONKEY S RANDY GEMMILLIN AUGUSTCongratulatory ad rates apply callLOIS CILIBERTO 813-996-5499The Pom Reader June 199539RUBYS WEE JEZEBELSAIS SOBISA, BISS Ch. Lovely Jessie Sais So GC, HOF x Rubys Sassy Weetart LadyOlBreed 2Steven RossorVark.ivrThank you, Dr. Harry Smith and Mr. Robert Caviness shown for Jezebels recent back-to-back Major wins.CONGRATULATIONS RUBY ON YOUR KENNEL VISITThank you for everything youve shared with me. I look forward to many more years of our One-in-a-million, special friendship. -VictoriaOwner - Handler Breeder - OwnerVIC LOVELY RUBY POOLEThe Pom Reader June 199540^5LIDEDTI POMERANIANSStella M. Lizambri133 Camelot Drive. Goose Creek. SC 29445803 553-0188Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms lines AKC Registered Puppies Occasionally3Show Pet Puppies Stud ServiceNINA M. BERRY3821 Venable West Lake, LA 70669 318-494-7072Puppy HavenPOMERANIANSPrecious Puppies Occasionally for Show, Breeding Pet Pictured Ch. Emcees Jackson of Havens Tammy High 703-869-7767 2280 Front Royal Pike, Winchester, VA 22602ALLYSCLASSIC POMERANIANSChampion Stud Service - Classic Puppies Available Occasionally Inquiries Welcome All Colors Including Exotics Allyson Patton, 10324 Dreher Road, Little Rock, AR 72206. Tel 501-8884230FINCHS POMERANIANSDiane L. Finch Rural Route 1515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50134Ch. Finchs He Walks On WaterCh. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Great Elms.Ch. Apolloette Wild Fire Millamor. Scotiam- - , , tr r , . lines WltitelRed andCh. Tim Sues Moon Rocket . ... .WIntelblack partiCh. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf plippiesMKMY ROT2ASPORTRAITS OF PERFECTIONMary Gene WellsRt. 2 Box 238, Pattonsburg, MO 64670 816 367-2254AFFORDABLE QUALITYShow PETHealth guaranteed major medical insurance.EMCEE, MILLAMOR, CHRISCENDO BAVANEW lines Lisa Byrd, BreederExhibitor, 19 Rock Creek Est., Crowley, TX 76036. Tel 817 297-4603^ia-d\faA STANDARD OF EXCELLENCESEE US FOR YOUR NEXT SHOW PROSPECT. Rhea-Na, Bev-Nor. Starfires, Janesa, Glen Iris, Regina Poms, LLL, Great Elms lines.Barb Steve Nagy713 Marlboro Road, Stephens City, VA 22655. 703-869-3749.The Pom Reader June 1995C A O Jl .ID KL^X^r .V l XXXDXLXSharon John Masnick HCR65 Box 745, Huger, SC 29450 803 928-3511RGS TOYS PEDIGREESP.O. BOX 331354, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233-1354 Tel 904-720-7667 Fax 904-270-1731 NOTE Unforunately, due to new zoning, all calls must be returned collect. New prices are effective immediately for 3 4 generation pedigrees.Pedigrees researched 3-gen 5 4-gen 8 5-gen 15 6-gen 25 7-gen 40." BREED CLUBS ASK ABOUT OUR DONATION SPECIALSjiUanor ^ItllCHAMPION SIRED - CHRISCENDO BLOODLINES HELEN CONRAD1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 Tel 941-475-1724.Specializing in Exotic Poms Blue, Latendar, Chocolate, Black, and BheWhite, ChocolateWhite, and BlackWhite Parti-ColorsStuZcLoWULDINE NIMMO, OWNER BREEDERRoute 2 Box 83, Halfway, MO 65663417-267-2413Mary Allan 918-485-3010 OR 918-485-1040LL4YIYS POMR4MWMSRoute 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467jjjllpliirDaks ijjlmttpramartsMost colors including parties. Bloodlines include Bi-Mar.fl ,3 Bonner. Cedarwood. Chriscendo, Creider, D-Nee, Great Elms,jUr Jm'ijjj Millamor, Pombreden, Scotia, SunRay and Watts.ft W Susann Philbrook, Box 1070 Rancocas Rd. Mt. Holly,3 V NJ 08060 Tel 609267-4644 Manual Fax 609267- 3799,Iext 0 - ""From your fax machine, dial ext 9 to receive a faxed list of Poms for saleOnline - Internet ECFDSSAPRODIGY COMm portfumms4412 SW 7th Avenue, Cape Coral, FL 33914 813 549-7543 BreedersExhibitorsEADIE S. SHARPDARWIN SHARP III^Ben^ay ^PomeiantansPuppies Occasionally Inquiries WelcomeBenson E. Ray2007 Vestry Drive, Charleston, SC 29414 803 571-616541POMSOrange-Red-Sable -Black-BIkTan-Cream-Blue-Parti-White38 Washington Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10314 718 494-1847 or 201 514-4134 7 Highland Trail, Denville, NJ 07834POMERAlIlilllSDOT MARTIN 803-831-8086 5354 Bluebird Lane, York, SC 29745MO BETAChampion bloodlines i-B1 with great attitiudes.w Joe Daubenspeck ' Rt. 2, Box 78 Inola, OK 74036Tel 918 543-3451 Exotic Parti Standard Colors Puppies young adults For show or petFEISTYS TOYSWE SAVED OUR BEST FOR LAST... CH. female, Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge grdaughter Show quality male - mostly Bev-Nor Excellent brood bitch, producer of champions. REASONABLY PRICED. Victor E Wendy Feist,W5671 Skokomish Valley Rd., Shelton, WA98584- 360 427-9380317 1 Quality through 'V'V'T . t 7 planned parenhood.I Sun-Dots Champion LinesCANDE FREEMAN 310 549-2707PO BOX 9001 TORRANCE, CA 90508SAtoQcuv- Q ome'amasis.The Perfect Pets - Bred for QUALITY BEAUTY TEMPERAMENT AKC Champion Stud Service Puppies DORATHY RAY BARNES 34861 Beacon, Livonia, MI 48150 Phone 313 522-2772KjteisCer CH. KIYEISLERS SECRET TRADITIOIMPOIVIERAIMIAIMS9151 S. Darlington Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 918 492-0520Inquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on Request"We breed for quality."CH. LEES GOLDEN RULE, grandson of Bells Justin of Aristo, out of Masons Poetic Justice and Masons Starbryte.Finished with 4 majors 2 5- pts. 2 were Pom Specialties, total 19 pts. Owner Lee JacqueAT MASONS POM HEAVEN, QUALITY COMES FIRST And Handled with lots of Love.BETTY JO MASON 909 657-8166 590 E. Orange Avenue Perris, CA 92571GrafenhorstsSpecializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans and ChocolatesAt Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Pictured left, a typical Grafenhorst PomWatch for our Poms in the show ringBreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465 Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving HomesThe Pom Reader June 199542.4-- ALDENS KENNELHOME OF CHAMPION PARTI GIRLS Ch. Alden's Lucky Parti Flash Back pic.Ch. Alden's Parti Pepsi HiCh. Alden's Parti Chocolate ChipCh. Alden's Midget Parti Dot-To-DotA1 Jan Domrase, 6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, EL60072. Phone 815 728-0559 Fax 815 653-5106.VISA MASTERCARD318-466-3456OUTHLANDPOMERANIANSCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360Ch. Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor POASTYL."TICKIE PO .RANIANSBREEDEROWNERMAJICP.O. Box 50, Corpus Christi, TX 78403-0050 512 992-8233 after 7 p.m.Bred for Soundness QualityLINCHRIS POMERANIANSHome of Best in Show, Best in Specialty Show Multi Group Winning PomsChampion Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Quality Dogs for Show Pet Fully Guaranteed Home of Pom RescueLINDA BROGOITTI14410 N. 71 St Avenue, Peoria, AZ 85381-4752 602 979-5336Pom AcresRR 4, CEDAR FALLS, IA 50613 319-989-2199RubysRuby F. Poole918341 6921PomeraniansRoute 1, Box 190, Claremore, OR 74017ffft D0 POMERANIANS1 H BC Quality Pups Champion Studs 803-472-3002FoxridgeRosemary E. Regoni385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322ChesaiPomeraniansROBERT JOAN REILLY 26903 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78258-7102 210 980-2667JD'S POMPOUS POMS3fVHome OfCh. JDs Truly A Gem Ch. JDs Midnight Oil Ch. JRs Yankee Doodle Dandy while hes pursuing his career Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestJanet Hovey, 5549 W. Ave. M-2, Quartz Hill, CA 93536-3112.Tel 805 722-3307.Am. Mex. Champions in orange, red, black, orange sable red sable.LISSA DAVE DAHLENBURG PO Box 1160, Loxahatchee, FL 33470-1160 407 793-0975Linetree Pomeranians318 West Grahm, Dixon, II. 61021 815 284-3298The Pom Reader June 199543ERIPOMERANIANSTeri Dan Wilford 3120 Cormorant Drive Jacksonville, FL 32223 S04-268-3510 262-8434AN PicturedEMCEES A CHIP OF TERI-DANGroup PlacerCttFondersWhere Poms are Dual Registered Exhibited AKCWWKCBreedersExhibitorsFRANK ALBERT JORGE SALPURIDO2398 Tucker Lane, N. Ft. Myers, FL 33917 813-543-1048SUBE1POMERANIANSSUZANNE BERNEY4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mills, MD 21117410-655-8330Mary A. Rosenbaum 38711 200th Ave. S.E. Auburn, WA 98092 206 833-2160Ur ILflMOPKEN ELEANOR MILLER3545 NC HWY 152 E SALISBURY, NC 28146 704-857-1197CH. BEV-NOR SOUTHLAND SENSATION is our main man. Quality puppies and young adults occasionally.RAMONA J. SMITH, Box 833, Belfield, ND 58622. Tel 701-575-4125.Ql'i'hdtj QdiiiSoundness - duality - HealthOld Great Elms Lines Champion sired or sired by father of ChampionsBARBARA LACROIXP.O. BOX 701, PRESQUE ISLE, ME 04769 207 764-6031DOVER-HOLIHOUSE POMSCHAMPION STUD SERVICE PARTI, CHOCOLATE, BLACK TAN and BLACK STUD SERVICE PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski, 319 Ardmore Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629. Tel 609-695-1642.nApOMERANIANsBERNIE LOIS CILIBERTO 813-996-549920130 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FL 34649Home of the Stars of Today and TomorrowJTAR HAVEN POMSJANICE YOUpre\^BWB W. Springfield Rd. 314-629-2754 St. Clair, MO 63077Ch. Stud Service Puppies For Show, Breeding PetRASFINANPOMERANIANSTERESITA HUGHES3400 Bluebird Drive, Holiday, FL 34690813-942-9194Specilizing in Emcee, Millamor, Alden Nabob linesOranges, Partis, and Whites now availableEMCEESPOMERANIANSMORRIS BETTY CARSON 9826 Walthan Road Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024PUPPIES AVAILABLE FROM Ch. Emcees A Chip of Diamond Ch. Emcees Golden Topo De Oro Ch. Emcees Cloudbusters ImageInquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestBred forHealth, Soundness BeautyBased upon Theldun, Rhea-Na, Starfires, Bev-Nors, Great Elms. PUPPIES AVAILABLEROBERT REGINA NUNNRt 1, Box 2890, Berryville, VA 22611 703-955-1209Home of Am. Can. Ch. Reginapoms Luv-A-GatorThe Pom Reader June 199544Dear Pom ReaderI am writing regarding the letter from Jeanette Malle in the April issue.I have been breeding and showing dogs for almost 25 years. I have only bred two different kinds of dogs in all that time. In 1979, I accomplished a 1 ranked dog for its breed. But, sadly, Jeanettes letter is true. You dont get a pat on the back and a good job, you get a knife in the back instead and comments like, Oh hell, SHES here.What happened to the sportsmanship we instill in our Junior Handlers or do we send them the message its kill or be killed What a sad message from sad people.Although I do not know Tony and Fabian personally, I have seen their dogs and their ability is obvious. To them I would like to say... its lonely at the top, or so they say, but guys, smile and be kind to those who throw stones, for they are of a mean nature and would resent ANYONE who could breed a dog, whelp a dog, train a dog, groom a dog, show a dog, and win with a dog like you two have. They envy your ability and your dogs. And guys... SO DO I. The difference is that I will tell you to your face what I think, unlike others who would seek to discredit you and diminish your accomplishments while trying to feather their own nests.Thank you for representing my breed so wonderfully.Laureen Ivey T eakwoodLaureen - Ive said it before, and Ill undoubtedly say it again...within the framework of competition, energy levels are high and on occasion tempers will flare thats a given in any arena. The true sportsman learns to use that adrenalin rush to aid his performance, not to the detriment of his physical or mental health - notto mention that of his fellow competitors.Certainly we all want to win - thats why were there. The secret is in how you let it affect your day, your dog, and your life. If you measure your own merit by one judges opinion of your dog, then youre truly barking up the wrong tree. And if this misguided idea of self-worth thentranslates into envy, or anger toward a winner...well, thats where all the trouble starts.Like it or not, show wins - or seeking to attain them - provide the impetus to strive harder, breed better, and aim closer to the Standard of perfection. And the sport of purebred dogs is provides the vehicle for the protection of this companion-animal breed we love so much.JMcGDear Joe,Some very disturbing news was given to me last week. I learned that there are breeders that do not feel brindle should be any other allowed color in our breed. Actually, brindle is not a color - it is a color pattern as is parti must have a blaze and pattern, and a color tan.Whether it is a black tan, chocolate tan, blue tan, etcetera, these are color patterns - not colors. The markings must be correct and if they are, they are a definite credit to our Pomeranian breed. This is one of the exciting things about our breed. There is a variety of colors and patterns. These colors patterns are in the genes and we must pull them out to get this if we are to produce what was meant to be. Most Pom breeders are trying to perfect our regular colors but some of us want to perfect ah our wonderful original colors some of which have practically been lost.Conformation and quality are first on all our lists but if you get both of these in an exotic color or color pattern, this is an extra special credit toward a breeding program. As most of us remember, the first chocolate tan which is a pattern shocked all of us with her quality and color.Terry Morrow Terimar Poms Winchester, Virginia Terry - Until such time as there is a disqualification in the Standard, dogs must be judged according to merit and color should count little. And Pom breeders agree that at this point in time at aH points in time in my book soundness is far more important than color. Thanks for writing JMcGLetters are always welcome and will be published as space permits. Write toPOM READER LETTERS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809 1604Or, for your convenience,FAX 941-853-3624The Pom Reader June 199545JUNE 1995mSubmit your cute photo for our popular Playmates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film.1Wow - check out the one in the bikiniMistycourtesy Darlene Perkins, Stroud, Ontario, CanadaPlease identify Pom and owner. We also enjoy hearing a little about your Pom - brief descriptions are welcome Send toPRPLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HILLSLAKELAND, FL 33809-1604i' ir___Heres one good way to beat the summer heatDaughter Shelly and her three buddies on a summer night in San Diego, courtesy Gloria Carlin, Hanalei, HawaiiThe Pom Reader June 1995Elp ^Uapsfirs pfilltt P jifeppttCh. Majestics I Be Willie Bad x Ch. Southlands Ms. Ruth of G.E.Multiple Group placer from the beginning in the puppy clases. Now a BISS winner La Cajun Pomeranian Club, May 25th.Watch for STEPPERS unique style and presence.Available at Stud to selected bitches. 200.00.Congratulations Estelle McDonald on your recent champion, Macs Reach For the Gold Stretch, and to Carolyn Crocket on your newest champion, Tim Sues Hoity Toity Tootie.ciHHct^0sfxtr jjlltmcr miictrtsBred, Owned and Handled by Annette Rogers-Rister 512 992-8233 aft. 7pm PO Box 50, Corpus Christi, TX 78403EMCEE S POMERANIANS804 741-3024CH. EMCEES GRAN DORITO CHIPSA Ch. Emcees A Chip of Diamond son Models, Great Elms, Wee Hearts and Crecendo bloodlines.At Stud to approved bitches on a limited basis.Fee 300.00MORRIS BETTY CARSON 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 23233ST______CwuXiVi\JThe Pom Reader June 1995Want to get a headRHEA-NA'S WATTA LIL SOCRATESREGINAPOMS CLASSIC BEAMER Starfire's Altar Boy x Whispering Lane LineA STANDARD OF EXCELLENCEl^fteal\a ^PomsSteveVBarb Nagy 703-869-3749CPcqina QPomsRobehirRegina NuVm 703-955Contactus for your next Show prospectWe strive for correctness, movement, disposition as per the Standard - pups in the ring soon - one isDonna Lynn Wright for superbly handling Socks and Warloc and Diane Plichta for good- naturedly putting up with all of us - you are very special And thanks to John Wickline, Ce Harrison Wickline, Tony Cabrera Fabian Arienti, Mark Carol Baldwin Brian IncorvaiaThe Nagys and The NunnsRHEA-NA'S BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULYAlmost Finished Ch. Bev-Nor' Southland Sinsation x Bev-Nor's Too Hot To HandleNunns ^EA-NA'S TOP GUN LEGACY 1 _nQ Great Elms Top Gun Prince Charming brother1 x Glen Iris Distant SmileWE FEED SCIENCE DIET ThePom Reader June 1995The Pom Reader. June 1995'i t0, t09viRHEA-NAS WATTA UL' SOCRATES "IN LIVING COLOR"RHEA-NA POMS STEVE BARB NAGY 713 Marlboro Road Stephens City, VA 22655 703 869-3749WE FEED SCIENCE DIEThe fcjtcic'i8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604NEWS PUBLICATION DO NOT DELAY ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED