The Pom Reader August 1995

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VOLUME IX, NUMBER EIGHTAUGUST 1995i, I VI1 ,vvB.f'.VHULTI BISS CH. VALCOPYWAKHAN HOT GOSSIPBREEDEHSOWNERS DANAL PLONKEY1 TATIANAVALCOPY-WAKHANmu..Our appreciation to Mr. K. Igarashi4rrCH. HADC0CH-SUPER HANPICTURED AT 11 MONTHS OF AGE OWNED BY HADLEIGH KENNEL MR. K. IGARASHIJlA SHE HAS JUST RETURNED FROM HER VISIT TO HADLEIGHS TOP PRODUCING STUD DOGCH. HADLEIGH SUPER MANBREEDERSOWNERS DANA L. PLONKEY RANDY GEMMILLLOWNERHANDLER HIDEKO W. STRASBAUGHwk k " ui.i _ _CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR KENNEL VISITT .FIRSTDANA RANDY-.V6-9 MONTHSNATIONAL SPECIALTY[ AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB tTHANK YOU FOR THE JOY OF OWNING AND SHOWING THE DREAM GIRLS...HOTSY, POI-POI and KIKI.BEST WISHES FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUCCESS.FEB. 11-12.195TCM NUTTINGHUGS AND KISSES...APC NATIONAL SPECIALTY '95 BOS PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Junior RWBBEST IN PUPPY at 6 monts of ageThe pwmV I4MS s4iA'wm...V ' IK'-J'1\Sjf.BPMvBa ar z' m KA.a 'Aisi 1 -^V. I]JSi V A'-'.I''0-HIt gf'ssp, iftl aI-000 Anting Vimml V.V B "Sisir. K ivJ\S'r.J.i r\aA Al' AVARIETY group A AAS FIRST.-V'\M[7TId I[ij[ij[ITa j - Y J.iC-i,'A v.'-ANOTHER GROUP 1'V4THANK YOU MRS. ELAINE MATHISKlark, Tony Fabian and all the Starfire Pomeranians send congratulations to Dana and Randy on their breeder visitSTARFIRE POMERANIANS TONY CABRERA FABIAN ARIENTI 23750 SW 142nd Ave., Redlands, FL 33032 305 257-2818 A-\.33___4THEPOM.25,29ALLAN, M........ .ARIENTI, F.............BERNEY, S.............BERRY, N----------BONNELL,BM-.BROGOITTI, L___BYRD, L_________CABRERA, T____CARSON, MB--CILIBERTO,BL.CONRAD, H_____CREED, C_______DI BREEDING_DAHLENBURG, LD DAUBENSPECK, J....DOMRASE, AJ..FEIST, VW.........FIDDICK, JJ......FINCH, D................FOLEY, P..............FREEMAN, C____GEMMILL, R____GRAF, H-----------HANSON,S--------HARTZ,K_______HEALY, M______HENDLER, A......HIGH, T_________HOVEY, J_______HUGHES, T_____JONES, B________KNEISLER, M___LITONJUA, DM.LIZAMBRI, S____LOVELY, V______MARTIN, D______MASNICK, S..........MENARD, M.........MILLER, KE......MORENO, J_____NAGY, BS_____NEWYEAR, E.___NIMMO, U.............NINATOSKI, D.....NUNN, RR____OHIO VALLEY POM CLUBPATTON, A_____ _____PHILBROOK, S..............PLONKEY, D....... ..........POOLE, R____________PRESSER, MM_____RGS TOYS PEDIGREES.RANDALL, B.................RAY, B.............................REGONI, R......................REICH, JF__________RIELLY, RJ________RIVERS, G___________RODGERS, G______ __ROGERS-RISTER, A__ROSENBAUM, M.SHARP, ED.SMITH, R...........................SOLANO, D..STRABAUGH, H..TAYLOR, DB.TURNER, BT.WALLEN, C_WELLS, MG...I .3.28.25INI. . .27.26.27AUGUST 1995 VOLUME X I NUMBER FIVE .25,31,32.28.261, ....26.256. SI IOWS1GHTFrom the editor.27.27.....5.268. NEW CHAMPIONS Confirmed July 1995 13,29....25A .5OLYMPIA aka Lois CilibertoEars and Rears Are...10. .26..........25 -30..........'2814. DID YOU Sharon MasnickCuring itchiness and more.28.25V .28.25PR PLAYMATESOur pup-ular candid photo department17. .28.2715.25KNOCK, KNOCK WHOS THERE The PR visits Valcopy Wakhan Poms18..25R .1,2.5,27PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates24. .16.25T .29.25STORK REPORTNew expected litters29- .28I .23.26-7.28.27reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third Class service in the continental United States 36.00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 55.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request. ALL ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC-LICENSED POMERANIAN, TOY GROUP AND ALL-BREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis Editor, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. Telephone 813-858-3839- FAX 813-853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.THE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809- 1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this pubHcation either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. The editorThe'Pom Reader August 1995.11,28.....25.28.231,2.28R .23,, TDYAP, B_____ ....9YOUNG, J. .2845nctWINNER'SBITCH\best of oppositeLONGVIEW- \r KENNEL CLUBWINTER 1995r,iLOVELY WHITE N YELLOW GOLDJUDGE PAUL KATZAKIAN was around and encouraging from our start. We first met him when I was still training Ch. Shawna at fun matches. We always enjoyed and appreciated Paul, not just because he gave us many nice wins, but also because he was such a pleasant person to spend time with. I will really miss hanging out with Paul by the Group rings comparing our thoughts on the ideal babe. We are glad that he is no longer suffering. -VicVICTORIA LOVELY RUBY POOLE BLAKE JONES 1406 54th Avenue E., Suite D, Tacoma, WA 98424-1284 Fax 206 922-0110AMAZING BUT TRUE... WE HAVE DOGS FOR SALECongratulations to Dana and Randy. As far as were concerned, you guys RULE in the northwest. And Randy is such a studThe Pom Reader August 1995SbowSigbtTIooVCDYouve paid your dues, youve done your research. You have painstakingly put together the best genetic package you can envision, and youve taken every precaution to ensure health. Now comes the hard part...D\ -XJCDIV cJ3mJ3ZaCDyWHAT DO YOU DO WITH THE PUPSFROM THE EDITOR "provide a loving, caring home.History has shown this to be so much baloney. It does not take membership in an exclusive club to appreciate the beauty of pet ownership it takes a special kind of human heart and soul and these are owned by individuals from all walks of life.So what do we do with the pups Il be the first to admit I have no rigid list of requirements for prospective owners other than the obvious, but then again, I havent sold all that many pups. I have, however, been around this sport for many years and am not without experience. I know what Id do - Id like to know what you do.In upcoming issues of THE POM READER Id like to address the subject of placing companion pups - how to, how not to. Drop me a note and share your thoughts. Because although the show ring and the sport of purebred dogs is my number one interest, I cannot forget that the real reason behind any of this is the protection and advancement of this breed we love, the Pom. And the Pom is a companion animal, period. We breed to a Standard that applies to the show ring - but that Standard is intended to protect the attributes that make the Pom a happy, healthy, home companion.I expect interesting response, as always, for Pom lovers are as strong in their opinions as they are in their love for the Pomeranian.Until next month...Poms Awayring pups for whom a show career is in the cards are rarely difficult to place. Pups more suited to the living room than the arena must also be carefully and selectively placed. And therein lies the rub.We who fancy the smaller breeds of dogs are obviously faced with smaller numbers. Finding the perfect home for one or two pups is difficult, of course - try finding responsible owners for six or eight. I do not envy those whose breeds produce large litters finding suitable situations for those one cannot keep is problematic at best. And the standards by which we judge new owners are not writ in stone.There are those who claim to subject prospective puppy owners to exhaustive inspection and require gilt-edged recommendations prior to a sale. How wonderful. The problem is, the average buyer is not going to be thrilled to subjected to such scrutiny, and may even be offended. There are also, lets face it, people active in the sport who would sell a puppy to anybody who happens to knock on the door or dial the phone we are in competition with less selective purveyors when it comes to finding good homes for young pups. We must treat each inquiry with respect, then use our own judgement.And even then its confusing. The standards by which society measures success and stability are not necessarily good clues a butler in the hall and a Benz in the drive do not ensure responsible pet ownership. Yet many equate a persons ability to pay a large price with a guarantee he canEverybodys quick to tell you what you cannot do, and to whom you cannot sell. So youre understandably nervous, and tempted to keep them all. Thats the perfect answer. Its also virtually impossible.The number one cause for people getting out of dogs is an overabundance of same. Weve seen it time and time again the starry-eyed newcomer to the sport, enviously watching the established breeders. He decides to give it a go, starting with one Pom, then another, then another, until finally the household becomes unmanageable. Not everyone is blessed with a kennel set-up, and very often housing becomes a major problem. Unless the entire household is also involved, it can become a bone of contention, for multiple dogs necessarily require a lot of attention, time, and money. Before you know it, the dogs consume all the free time one has to give, and the other household projects hit the back burner.And thats just the dogs we bought, those from whom we hope to build the bloodline of our dreams. In order to be a breeder, you have to breed. And unless I misunderstand the laws of procreation, when you breed...pups result.So if were lucky were presented with a bunch of adorable babies. At birth, they all look like champions, and plans are made accordingly. As they grow, however, some will quickly distance themselves from their siblings when it comes to their adherence to our Standard. Those whose natural attributes are truly outstanding will be destined for the showThe'Pom Reader August 19957Valcopv WakhanTTie 2kie.kiav y S' Al a1.r rA rSi v \i^jiBEST OF WINNERSA MAJOR I6REATER CLARK COUNTY KENNEL CLUBSUMMER 95ISC S315- jCh. Valcopy Wakhan Valentino x Valcopy Wakhan Red Riding HoodLittle Boy has a total of 5 Points, 1 Major, from the 6-9 puppy class. CO-OWNED BY DANA PLONKEY RANDY GEMMILLQohgiafaMiohs Daka Qa.'kdy - Tha'hk you foji oMouii'kg to ou^h this goigeous boyGAY AGale A. Rivers 360 697-1085 1912 Ptarmigan Lane, Poulsbo, WA 98370ElThe Pom Reader August 1995ajwitak. Jrr.. CONFIRMED JULY 1995Odysseys Just Do It D by Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz x Queenaire Christi. Breeder Janet Manuszak-Lucido. Owner Alice Lessard.Pixies Steel Magnolia B by Pixies Constant Sir Prize x Pixies Constant Nuisance. Breeder Carol Galavich. Owner Carol Galavich, Evelyn Newyear Evelyn Conley.Pom Acres Sables Regina B by Ch. Pom Acres Stuningly Sable x Pom Acres Tilly. Breeder Juanita Robert Fiddick. Owner Eleanor Rada, Jackie Parisek and Juanita Fiddick.Post Oaks Classy Show D by Ch. Ch. Shadomountin One Man Show x Carousels Touch-O-Class. Breeder Pam Gault. Owner Patricia Amy Gross.Shady Park Trace Tradition B by Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakbridge x Ch. Shady Park Cassie Rock. Breeder Diana Nolan. Owner Diana Lucy Nolan.Swoodbricor Starlite Moonman D by Stafires Altar Boy x Silverwoods Strutting Ashley. Breeder Bess Roberts. Owner Alfred Barbara Boehmer.Tiffanys First Angel B by Donoras Pip of DJs Piper x Meine Kleine Liebschen. BreederOwner Edith Landinger.Wee Hearts High Fashion B Ch. Wee Hearts Cant Touch This x Ch. Wee Hearts Miss Hannigan. Breeder Cassandra Ready Evans Estil Evans. Owner Ellen Takayama.Aldens Cajun Spice OWoodrose D by Ch. Aldens Rudy Valentino x Aldens Miss Kissey. Breeder Alden Janet Domrase. Owner Yvette Clarice Oganeku.Creiders Time For A Tiger D by Ch. Sun-Dots Command Performance x Creiders Sweet Lu Lu. Breeder Norma Creider. Owner Norma Creider Lois Abjomson.Daystar Zuran Girls Night Out B by Jan- Shars Ace In The Hole x Daystar Zuran After Midnight. Breeder Karen Power. Owner Leslie Bracken Karen Power.Gailellens Dark Knight D by Ch. Doo-Shays Baby Face Nelson x Gailellens Darkness At Dawn. BreederOwner Gail Rodgers Ted Rebovich.Hi-Crest Chrisma Winsome High B by Ch.Creiders Prince Dom Perignon x Haikus Aussie Fox Glow. Breeder A Hirahara. Owner S. Hirahara.Jan-Shars Maybelline B by Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain x Jan-Shars Something Special. BreederOwner Sharon Hanson.Karens Shadow Play In The Dark B by Ch.Silver Meadows Danny Love x Pueblo Lil Missy Rapp. Breeder Cynthia Rapp. Owner Karen Michael Crawford.Majesties Willie B Steppn Up D by Ch.Majesties I Be Willie Bad x Ch. Southlands Ms Ruth of G.E. Breeder Annette Roger-Rister. Owner Charlotte Creed Annette Rogers Rister.The Pom Reader August 19959l9 IpmmkrTmTJtil]^2y k B4, ,PHILIPPINE AMERICANCH. c vrv iox SYLVESTRE STALLONEJan-Shars Garth Brook of Canton x Tena Babe of Lenette IIThank you, Edna Voyles, for this win Sylvestre finished in grand style with 3 Breeds and 3 Group placements along the way. Thank you judges for recognizing this outstanding dog. Sylvestre is for sale to a showbreeding home. With his pedigree and showmanship, he will be an asset to any breeding program. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY TO AGENTCongrats to Dana Randy on your breeding program pending AKC confirmation See pedigree and cover photo in Dec. 94 issue.AGENTOWNERBREEDERABSOLUTEJeanne Blank 616 695-7308JAN-SHAR Sharon HansonCANTONBasilio Yap PhilippinesThe Pom Reader August 1995and dont bother congratulating anybodyHowever, all is not lost. There still are people who care and Bemie and I appreciate the calls regarding our back cover on the July Reader. We have nothing to sell, but it sure is nice to know that people can admire others dogs and also welcome us back. For those who liked the beauty of the cover itself, it must be said that our editor, Joe McGinnis, is the artistic genius who does all the artwork in the magazine and I know how thankless that job can be. Thanks you, JoeOn this subject, I must add here that any ads I take are not given to me because I work for the magazine. I had one caller who referred to how nice it must be to get a free back cover I also heard that it must be nice, now that Duane Doll, our publisher, is a co-owner of a Pom who is advertised in the Reader, TNT and ShowSight that the dogs owner gets freebies Absolutely falseMany will remember when Duane Joe campaigned their Pom Abe to 1 status in the breed some years back. We all know theyve been Pom lovers for a long, long time. Duanes co- ownership on this new Pom is another example of right being right to wit, its high time we get back to the basics of Pom anatomy and worry more about such values as good movement and overall type than absorbing our time in squabbles over colors, trimming and in my words show me ears. To this end,I feel Duane is to be congratulated for making a statement he believes in. Not too many dog magazine publishers would brave such a step. Which shows me, again, that all is not lost. Sportsmanship in the dog fancy still thrives, although sometimes you have to be really brave to show it and sometimes you have to search a while to find it.Until the dog howls again...Olympia a.k.a. Lois Ciliberto 20044 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FL 34639 Ph 813-996-5499 Fx 813-996-9613been beaten by a bum and everyone at ringside knew it. Bemie was nonplussed, to say the least. He managed to keep his cool and remark that yesterdays bum was his dog, but this seemed not to abash the people. Bemie should have further said that he heard no grumbling at ringside about their dogs loss, but instead, went on his way. In telling me of the situation, he remarked that he guessed plain old fashioned courtesy had gone the way of camaonswithout same. Eventually, enough of these specimens fill the ring that the judges begin to say ho- hum and begin to look at the heads, and in so doing, must have the ears erect to show the head to best advantage.In a recent show experience I watched ringside as one judge spent three minutes going up and down the line-up for open dogs asking for ears. This, when AKC wants no more than 2 minutes per dog maximum for over-all judging of each dog. In this case, the judge picked a dog who had both good rear and front type, but then in bitch and breed classes, put up specimens that had deplorable rears andor fronts.This I did not find coincidental. In the end, the final call had to do strictly with ears, and I cannot find it in my show-going or breeding soul to accept this as a standard for judging our breed.Herewith I may get some angry people who will s-p-e-1-1 me out, but this crossover thing giving one sex Best of Winners just because it will give that sex a major already won by the other sex is often ridiculous. If both specimens are worthy, that is great, then give both a major win. It is hard enough to find majors, we all know. However, when one sex specimen is not worthy of going Best of Winners which often leads to Best of Opposite Sex or to Best of Breed, then what on earth is the point What are we teaching hereSportsmanship is another point we need to touch on. My husband is a very old-fashioned exhibitor, starting in the mid-fifties, who will congratulate anyone who wins, even when he himself loses, even when he thinks the winner is less than worthy. Recently, he faced a situation that has nearly changed his mind on being so sporting.A dog who had won over his entry eventually went on to place in the Toy Group and Bemie heartily congratulated the handler and owner. The owners friend, standing nearby, leaned over to say that yesterday their entry in the classes hadThe Pom Reader August 1995OLYMPIASr.VV \T vv'sakaLais Cilibertoraderie at ringside, where once exhibitors cheered one another on and then went out to dinner, winner sitting with loser and everybody friends. Today you go ringside, achieve your loss or win and turn around and everybody is stampeding to the nearest door.When it gets to the point that people cannot accept their congratulations with graciousness, or feel that their dog should never lose, then I guess we must face the fact that the dog show sport is no longer a sport and treat it according to the new mles. Business is business, get there, win or lose, and get the hey out...The Pom Reader, August 199513- Ahead for 495tin cnPH. GRAND CHAMPION CHRISDENS WIZARD MAIDEN mis No. 1 Pom in the Nation Multi-Group Winner Consistent Breed winner...and shes just barely a year old.The Wiz Tradition Continues...iCHRISDENS MAJOR of EMPEELiving up to his name - A 5 Point Majoron his first show, first time out at 7 months.Need we say more...Congratulations to Dana Plonkey Randy Gemmill on their well deserved recognition for continuously producing oustanding Valcopy-Wakhan Poms... and we are proud to be one of their BEST15 San Juan St., Capitol Pasig City, Philippines 1600 632 632-7025CHRISDEN POMS Dennis Mario LitonjuaThe Pom Reader August 199514-Did youknow...aiVThat recent break-throughs may help heal itchiness in dogs Animals with sore, red or itchy skin should be brought promptly to a veterinarian for a diagnosis and treatment. If your vet is not sure of a diagnosis then you should be referred to a veterinary dermatologist. Identifying the cause or the causes of an itch can take time. New advances may make the process of detection and healing easier than ever.A yeast known as Malassezia pachydermatis is a common cause for itching and smelly skin in dogs. This yeast is normally found in the ears and on the skin of all dogs. But under stress, certain conditions such as moisture, inflammation and allergy, this yeast will multiply and cause redness and itching.A diagnosis can be found by doing a skin scraping.Treatment is with the antifungal drug ketoconazole and antifungal shampoos.Another cause of itchy skin is allergies. A new test is availableto find the cause of the allergen. Vets can now perform a special blood test to identify the problem. This test means one needle instead of many.Antihistamines are now taking the place of cortisone in the treatment of itchy skin with much safer results. Two of the most common used are Benadryl and Elavil.Shampooing once or twice weekly is often a helpful source of treatment. Some of the new shampoos and rinses contain specific anti-itch agents such as colloidal oatmeal or a topical antihistamine.Always be sure to check with your veterinarians.DID YOU KNOW...Reader input is always welcomed and replies are published if thought to be of interest to the readers. However, if we print information, we do it with the thought in mind that what we receive is true and factual information.DID YOU KNOW...AKC requires us to keep goodqID YOU Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader August 1995THE OHIO VALLEY POMERANIAN CLUB SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1995 Holiday Inn, Columbus East 1-70 JColumbus, OH 43232-4180 IRESERVATIONS 614 868-1380 or 800 HOLIDAY RESERVATION DEADLINE OCTOBER 20, 1995 Mention Ohio Valley Pom Club to get 62.00 flat rate.4AAA AAAA AAAA AAmmJUDGESTEFFERY BAZEL, Bremen OhioAll Males, All Females, Best Jr., Best Sr., Best In MatchTERESA BAZEL, Bremen , OhioJunior Handling and CostumeCLASSES2-4 Months, 4-6 Months, 6-9 Months, 9-12 Months, 12 Months OverAWARDS200, Pewter Ice Bucket4 Jefferson Cups..........................100, Revere Pewter Bowl........................25, Octagonal Pewter Tray........................25, Octagonal Pewter Tray.....................................................Gold Medal....................................................Silver Medal................................................ Bronze Medal...................................................Pewter MedalBEST IN MATCH ................................BEST JR., BEST SR., BEST ADULTBEST JR. HANDLER.............................BEST COSTUME...................................1ST PLACE EACH CLASS...................2ND PLACE EACH CLASS..................3RD PLACE EACH CLASS...................4TH PLACE EACH CLASS..................ENTRY FEESFirst entry of each dog 8.00 Additional entry same dog 4.00 Costume and Junior Handling Classes S8.00 Parade of Champions 4.00ENTRIES CLOSE OCTOBER 20, 1995Hospitality Saturday evening, November 4th at 7 p.m. All are welcomed. Dinner will be following the show. Reservations requiredDONATIONS ACKNOWLEDGED30 and over will receive after 11595 a Pewter Porringer with OVPCs logo engraved on it.Mail all entries and donations toBETSY RUTH NEW4736 Hunting Creek Drive Grove City, OH 43123 614 871-8661The Pom Reader August 199516DID YOU KNOW...signs that your pet is overheating such as lethargy, intense panting, and excessive salivation. To avoid this problem, keep plenty of fresh water available, make sure your pet has shade, restrict exercise until the cooler part of the day, dont overfeed, never leave your pet in a car and be sure to keep your dog brushed and free of fleas.and date sold or shipped.In all cases, the information must go with the dogDID YOU KNOW...Older pets need plenty of rest and exercise to stay healthy Many health problems faced by senior citizens are the same problems that face older pets. These problems are heart and kidney disease, cataracts, obesity and high blood pressure. To detect symptoms at their earliest and most treatable stage, many vets offer comprehensive exams for geriatric pets.Remember it is hot and your dog gets hot, too. Watch forrecords on all dogs we purchase and breed. If properly completed registration papers are not supplied when you ship or deliver a pup or adult dog to another party, you must be prepared to provide a bill of sale.For a registered dog, you should provide the following information The breed, registered name, registration number and date sold or shipped. For a dog that is not registered individually and is still on the blue slip, you must provide the breed, sex and color, date of birth, litter number, names of sire and dam, name of breederSharon Masnick2007 Vestry Drive Charleston, SC 29414 803-571-6165by Sharon MasnickAPOLLOETTE SENDS CONGRATULATIONS TO DANA PLONKEY RANDY GEMMILL AND THEIR LOVELY VALCOPY-WAKHAN POMS i tiOLLOzttzI1APOLLOETTE JESSIE JAMESii vm,1 - Ch.. Apolloette For Your Eyes Only x Ch. TJs Calamity JaneJESSIE is shown taking a 4 point major under judge Mrs. Peggy Carr. He now has both his WINNER'S 1nSDOG\4ttoshtsPOMERANIANSA MAJOR SAMMAMISHKENNEL CLUB WINTER 19951jMARLENE MARLIN PRESSER P.0. BOX 259, WINLOCK, WA 98596 360 785-0903 IFfHIk .o'jtThe Pom Reader August 199517AUGUST 1995, ft -' A.I1 1k 7 aSr1rJ Submit your cute photo for our popular Playmates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film.4v \Wanna play with meSugar" is 11 months old. She is involved in Obedience and will hopefully be ready to show in a few months. Her favorite thing to do is to play with her Pom buddy, Cocoa, who is 6 months old. ourtesyElizabeth Kathi GullacePittsburgh, PennsylvaniattctsiPlease identify Pom and owner. We also enjoy hearing a little about your Pom - brief descriptions are welcome Send toPR PLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604 Im getting tired of the O.J. Simpson Trial.Cleopatra D courtesy Patricia DiLeo, Glenview, Illinoisa yyThe Pom Reader August 1995ISr^r^ rr^r\ ri\ sV J VV JWhe j Thea m VISITSTHE P READERDANA L. PLONK IE YRANDYGEMMILLPOMERANIANS SEATTLE, WASHINGTONDana and I have both been involved in the dog show world for over 30 years, and friends for the last 20 years. Dana was a professional handler for years as well as a breeder-exhibitor of mostly Poodles. He has produced many champions in all three varieties, including several All Breed Best In Show and Best In Specialty Show winners. He is still heavily involved in the breed. Dana has been judging for the last 5 years and is licensed by AKC to judge all three Poodle varieties, as well as most of the Toy group. I have been involved with several different breeds, but my main interest was the Pekingese. I owned an All Breed Best in Show winner, as well as produced several champions, including 2 Best In Show Specialty winners.For the last 9 years I have been handling most of the Toy breeds as a professional handler, although on a limited basis.About 10 years ago, after taking a hiatus from dog shows, I decided to reenter the dog show game. I spoke with Dana about a partnership. We checked several Toy breeds and decided on the Pomeranian. Valcopy Wakhan is a combination of both our individual kennelnames. Danas is Valcopy, mine is Wakhan. Our partnership gives us two different viewpoints and opinions. Sometimes we have disagreements, but life is full of compromises.For the next year or so, we looked for top quality foundation stock. This posed quite a problem. We found it disheartening that we couldnt buy top quality stock from top breeders. There just never seemed to be any available. From that experience, we vowed to let our top stock go to responsible homes. At this point we had purchased a couple of dogs, but they just werent what we were looking for. We then purchased our true foundation bitch, Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style Glitter, from a Peke friend of mine, Charles Hunsaker. Glitter grew up to be a lovely dual-purpose 5 12 pound combination of show dog and Top Producer. Glitter finished her American and Canadian championships in short order. We decided to breed Glitter to a little Great Elms-bred male we had finished the year before, Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Idolmaker. From this breeding came three bitches Ch.Valcopy Wakhan Fashion Vogue, Ch.Valcopy Wakhan Just My Style foundation bitch for Frank and Janel Reich, and Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Dressed To Kill co-owned by Dr. Elizebeth Eken and us. Glitter was then bred to Ch. Merrymonts Saturday Night Fever. This breeding yielded two bitches Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Fever and Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Scarlett Fever. Glitters last litter was sired by Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein. From this breeding came our lovely Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Lily Dache.During this time frame there were several other dogs that were purchased or bred by us Ch. Patricks Mr. Dallas finished in 3 shows over National Specialty weekend, Ch. Patricks Miss Anneke, Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Cover Girl, Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Foxy Jessica finished in 4 straight shows in National Specialty competition, Ch. Daystar New Attitude, Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Oh So Snazzy, Ch. Valcopy Wakhan She Bear, Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Holly Go Lightly and Ch. Apples Traveling Andrew. At this point we did some experimental breedings within our own kennel. None of these breedings yielded anything weY A IV Y G E M M I L LThe Pom Reader August 199519r'\i ^ J-7' 4 4" ^r r.' ,,rInV "Bp i 1LAsw Dana Plonkey, Randy Gemmill and Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Valentino, on the occasion of the All- Breed Best in Show, Whidbey Island KCLJ 4 M'Far rightCh. Valcopy Wakhan Scarlett Fever,VRightThe adorable Ch.Valcopy Wakhan Oh So Snazzy, a favorite but due to small size 3 12 never bred, but placed in a wonderful homeThe Pom Reader August 199520rA\ftiV m oytKWi'1,4r iJ \.y.y.--.Tyi - . . J'v -'i ' .' MltV 1 . '- -- -xPWis. is...m Xi- - 4 V.-BESTOF WINNERS5-^v 01mmCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB 'vis vSUMMER 19864'j33V jif 455 4The Pom Reader August 199521Winners Bitch at just 6 months of age. Three months later she was a champion We felt that Ki Ki was possibly one of our best, and this confirmed our early feelings of her quality. Congrats to Hideko, a most valued friend.Dana and I both do a lot of traveling. We are always looking at dogs from a breeders standpoint. We both want a dog that stands on his own, four square, and demands attention. A pretty face is a plus, but we demand a high head carriage and a smashing side picture going around that big ring. Since both of us have been handlers, we know the value of condition and grooming. Dana and I agree on the trimming issue. It should be a personal thing trim if you are comfortable with it, or dont - who really cares We want our dogs to be as beautiful as they can be, therefore we trim to emphasize their positive traits. There are more important issues that plague the Pom, unsound legs and the big unmentionable coat problem. Trimmed hair grows back bad legs and hereditary problems can threaten the life of your dog and threaten the well-being of the breed. We as breeders have got to be honest and open minded when evaluating our stock. This is THE only way we will continue to keep the Pom the way we love them. Were always appalled when a judge dumps a beautiful specimen of the breed to an inferior one due to trimming. We think it boils down to what is more important a good dog trimmed, or a bad untrimmed one. You be the judge We do feel over-trimming does go on in the ring. There is a fine line between over-trimmed and undertrimmed, but again, its a personal choice.We have several exciting litters planned for the future and hopefully there will be improvements in each. Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Titiana has just returned from Japan, where she was bred to the wonderful Ch. Hadleigh Superman. Thats about as exciting as it gets Our goal is to be standing next to that Best In Show marker at the Pomeranian Club of America, with a beautiful dog that is BREEDER-OWNER- HANDLED At this point, our goal is in reach, with perseverance, patience and luck, it will happen.Randy Gemmill Dana Plonkey 734 19th Avenue East Seattle, WA 98112The Pom Reader August 1995were thrilled with.Dana and I always feel that each breeding is important and every dog should be bred to the best possible type match. To accomplish this, we have spared no expense to breed our bitches to dogs from all over the country. We feel this keeps new blood coming into the area. We have found that Pom breeders tend to breed only in their own areas and never seem to go out and try something new and exciting. All of our outside breedings have brought improvements in our line, bringing us closer to our ideal. We feel that type breeding is more important than breeding to a pedigree. To make this breeding successful, You must know the dogs behind each parent to keep improving.Dana has been doing a lot of judging the last few years. This affords him the opportunity to see many other dogs in other parts of the country. We are always looking for that special dog to add to our breeding program.Several years ago, I got a call from Dana after he returned from a judging assignment on the east coast. He had just given the Breed to a gorgeous little black dog and we needed to breed to him. The dog was Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water. We sent Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Valentino Rudy, Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Hot Gossip Hotsy and Valcopy Wakhan Kandy Kisses pointed. Hotsy owned by Hideko Strasbaugh and us has won 3 Specialty Bests In Show and is a Group winner. She has numerous Group placements. Rudy and Hotsy are in the Top Ten Poms so far this year 1995. Rudy had just started his Stud career and the results have been phenomenal. In the few breedings we have done, each has produced something wonderful. He has produced 3 champion daughters this year Ch. Gay Els Devilisious owned by Gale Rivers, Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Tatiana owned by Hideko Strasbaugh and us and Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Qiana also owned by Hideko and us.We also have 3 pointed puppies out at the shows, sired by Rudy. They are Valcopy Wakhan Rose Marie major pointed, Valcopy Wakhan Liz Taylor, and Valcopy Wakhan The Sheik coowned by Gale Rivers and us. The Sheik just made his debut by going WD and BOW at his first show at barely 6 months of age. This little black boy is quite the looker. We also have 2 beautiful babygirls at home out of Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Scarlett Fever. Mary Rosenbaum Bi Mar has a beautiful black puppy girl waiting to make her show debut. We feel very confident that Rudy is destined to be a Top Producer.Due to limited space and time, Dana and I have always tried to keep our number of dogs to 10 adults. We feel you dont have to have huge numbers of dogs to have success. The key to success is planning each breeding as if it was your last. To continue to move forward in our breeding program, we have always tried to place our dogs after they retire in good pet homes so they can have the best life we can afford them.PHOTOS LEGEND - OPPOSITETop Left Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Hot Gossip winning her first Specialty BIS from the Open Gass, to finish her championshipTop Right Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Dress To Kill winning BOS at the Columbia Pom Gub Specialty under Dr. Harry Smith, Jr. - at 7 12 years of ageBottom Left Ch. Patrick's Mr. Dallas pictured winning WD, BOW at Columbia PC over 50 males on National Specialty weekendBottom right Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style winning as a puppy. With Judge James Moran.Due to our low number of dogs and Utters, we have very few puppies. We have been quite lucky to get the few we have sold into loving show homes. Our relationship with Hideko has been a blessing. She is not only an exceUent handler and groomer, but truly loves her dogs. Having known us from the Poodle breed, Hideko came to us looking for a good foundation bitch. At that time we let her have Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Hot Gossip as a puppy. Hideko and Hotsy continue to rack up the wins. Hideko returned to us again, this time going home with Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Tatiana. She was owner-handled to her championship by 13 months of age. Most recently, we let Hideko have Ch.Valcopy Wakhan Qiana Ki Ki. Hideko decided her first show would be the Pom National in New York. Ki Ki went Best Puppy In Show and Reserve22 I m I 'A iAUGUST 1995tv\2i iSubmit your cute photo for our popular Playmates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film.MAIL TOPR PLAYMATES8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809 1604I feel pretty, Oh so pretty...Poochie, courtesy Darlene Perkins, Stroud, Ontario, CanadaDear Playmates - AND THEY SAY POMS ARE NOT TOUGH This is a little female, who weighs in at 4 12 and this is how she spends her spare time, and weekends, and vacations...ON THESubmitted by Julie Moreno, Morenos Poms, San Bruno, CABIKE See note for details...AHere ya go What a trailhound, huh Bunny has amassed over 2,000 miles of off-road biking experience, including the world- famous Mammouth Mountain its the mountain-biking mecca.She steals the show everywhere we go. Even strangers stop us to take pictures.Bunny has her own riding helmet, but she gets too hot in it.When were done riding, she always takes a solid nap. Like she did all the peddling or somethingShe loves riding and gives us a hard time if we try to sneak off without her\. ,\W v\M JA\bWAYNE MICHELLE KIBAShe also goes out on the boat, with her own Life preserver Yes, she is an athletic Pom Bunny is owned by Wayne Michelle Kiba66The Pom Reader August 199523CH. RODI'S MR. ROCKY ROADRODI'SWIND DANCERRocky 1. is pictured taking Group II under Judge Ken Miller and Rikki r. is pictured taking Group II under Judge Joe Walton. Thank you, judges Watch for several of Rockys daughters to enter the ring soonCh. Cherlyns Showtime for Pattys x Jer Mars Classic Misty MomBev-Nors State of Affairs x Bev-Nors Toasty MelodyilFLASH Rocky wins back- to-back Specialties in Brush Prairie, WAi RODI'S POMSS u9 C BreederOwnerin GROUP DIANA SOLANO SE 83 Millcreek Ridge W Shelton, WA 98584 360 426-5887sV G 'V' 0TOYGROUPCongratulations to Dana Randy on your well deserved kennel visit and also on your continued success with Rudy and his offspringJ3xjncif\o ^\acjnLj-LCEntCongratulations, Dana Randy, on your kennel visit. Thanks for all your helpBest wishes fromAM. CAN. CH. VALCOPY WAICHAN ssiJv4r 1VVs7sIUsbHMheIJr -Maggie is our first of many babies sired by BIS Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive.^onizrianian67' e Brenda S. Terry Turner, ownerbreeder 3910 Concord Place v\ Texarkana, Texas 75501 ' 903 832-7749^ Janell Frank ReichPO Box 464, Arlington, WA 98223 360 435-5978The Pom Reader August 199524READERTfSPOMYourShowcaseforPurebredPomeraniansJULY 1935 VOLUME XI, IMU B E RI SUBSCRIPTIONRATESin U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per YearDomestic39 3rd class postage 60 1st class postageForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 5.00 each Back Issues 5.00 eachSubject to availability\-M' ILWSTAR HAVEN'S RIGHTEOUS ROCKSUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONADVERTISING RATESJoe McGinnis, Editor Phone 813-858-3839 Fax 813-853-3624Telephone subscription orders by credit curd onlyIn U.S. DollarsAnnual Prepaid Contract337.50Ad SizeFull Page Deluxe Color Full Page Standard Color Full Page Black White Half Page 14 Page 18 Page 116 Page STORK REPORTOpen Rate 375.00 250.00 125.00 75.00 40.00 25.00 15.00 10.00NA112.0060.0032.0020.0012.00ADVERTISING INFORMATIONLois CilibertoPhone813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-9613NAAll ads 14 page and larger include one photo. Extra black white photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes color photo, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, position chosen by publisher.DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604 813-858-3839The Pom Reader August 199525czs- o il^ idLIBEDTI POMEQANIANcvStella M. Lizambri133 Camelot Drive, Goose Creek, SC 29445803 553-0188Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms lines AKC Registered Puppies OccasionallyJ SHARON MASNICK 2007 VESTRY DRIVE CHARLESTON, SC 29414 8035716165LIRGS TOYS PEDIGREESShow quality chocolate male for sale 4 mos. old0 P.O. BOX 331354, Atlantic Beach. FL 32233-1354 Tel 904-720-7667 Fax 904-270-1731 NOTE Unforunately, due to new zoning, all calls must be returned collect. New prices are effective immediately for 3 4 generation pedigrees.Pedigrees researched 3-gen 5 4-gen 8 5-gen 15 6-gen 25 7-gen 40." BREED CLUBS ASK ABOUT OUR DONATION SPECIALSi.JVSShow Pet Puppies Stud ServiceNINA M. BERRY 318-494-7072 3821 Venable West Lake, LA 70669v._i^annr PtII Pomsjjg^f Puppy HavenM POMERANIANSk'.vPrecious Puppies Occasionally for Show, Breeding PetPictured Ch. Emcees Jackson of HavensTammy High 703-869-77672280 Front Royal Pike, Winchester, VA 22602CHAMPION SIRED - CHRISCENDO BLOODLINES HELEN CONRAD1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 Tel 941-475-1724.ALLYSCLASSIC POMERANIANSSpecializing in Exotic PomsBlue, Lavendar, Chocolate, Black,SkacOmand BlueWhite, ChocolateWhite, and BlackWhite Parti-Colors 'KemteLiChampion Stud Service Classic Puppies Available Occasionally Inquiries Welcome All Colors Including Exotics Allyson Patton, 10324 Dreher Road, Little Rock, AR 72206. Tel 501-8884230ULDINE NIMMO, OWNER BREEDER Route 2 Box 83, Halfway, MO 65663 417-267-2413Mary AllanA 918-485-3010 or 918-485-1040W AFINCHS POMERANIANSRural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134ADiane L. Finch 515 769-2444Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water Ch. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Great Elms\ il Ch. Apolloette Wild Fire i Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket rij Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf5LL4YIYSPOMMNMNSMillamor, Scotia lines WhitelRed and Whiteblack parti puppiesS3 Route 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467^fljtltr0oks 4fancij ^ DtttBramansMost colors including parties. Bloodlines include Bi-Mar, Bonner, Cedarwood. Chriscendo. Creider, D-Nee, Great Elms, Millamor, Pombreden, Scotia. SunRay and Watts.Susann Philbrook, Box 1070 Rancocas Rd. Mt. Holly, NJ 08060 Tel 609267-4644 Manual Fax 609267- 3799ext 0 - "From your fax machine, dial ext 9 to receive a faxed list of Poms for saleOnline - Internet ECFD88APRODIGY COMMJYMs IotioPORTRAITS OF PERFECTIONMary Gene WellsRt. 2 Box 238, Pattonsburg, MO 64670 816 367-2254m POflMfisAFFORDABLE QUALITY xSW,4412 SW 7th Avenue, Cape Coral, FL 33914 813 549-7543 BreedersExhibitors EADIE S. SHARP DARWIN SHARP IIIShow PETHealth guaranteed major medical insurance. EMCEE, MILLAMOR, CHRISCENDO BAVANEW lines Lisa Byrd, BreederExhibitor, 19 Rock Creek Est., Crowley, TX 76036. Tel 817 297-4603^ometamansdfCx^Afa [Pom aaASTANDARD OF EXCELLENCE Puppies Occasionally Inquiries WelcomeSEE US FOR YOUR NEXT SHOW PROSPECT. Rhea-Na, Bev-Nor, Starfires, Janesa, Glen Iris, Regina Poms, LLL, Great Elms lines.Barb Steve Nagy713 Marlboro Road, Stephens City, VA 22655. 540-869-3749.Benson E. Ray2007 Vestry Drive, Charleston, SC 29414 803 571-6165The Pom Reader August 199526903 832-7742Brenda terry turnerf. 3819 Concord Place Texarkana, TX 75501 Chesai0LDonzsxaniani .jAeriy ju m ms\ '1 \'L ClDOT MARTIN 803-831-8086 5354 Bluebird Lane, York, SC 29745MO betaChampion bloodlines 41 ' with great attitiudes.w Joe Daubenspeck ' Rt. 2, Box 78 Inola, OK 74036 Tel 918 543-3451 Exotic Parti Standard Colors Puppies young adults For show or pet PomeraniansFEISTYS TOYSWE SAVED OUR BEST FOR LAST...-CH. female, Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge grdaughter -Show quality male - mostly Bev-Nor -Excellent brood bitch, producer of champions. REASONABLY PRICED. Victor S Wendy Feist, W5671 Skokomish Valley Rd., Shelton, WA 98584- 360 427-9380ROBERT JOAN REILLY 26903 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78258-7102 210 980-266731Quality through planned parenhood. Sun-Dots Champion Lines GraferihorstseU.CZr Specializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans and ChocolatesCANDE FREEMAN 310 549-2707PO BOX 9001 TORRANCE, CA 90508PlANNLTiAt Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.POMS OF DISTINCTION ANNE HENDLERBOX 130 SIMPSON NC 27879 919-758-7143KheisCer'sPictured left, a typical Grafenhorst Pomk POMERANIANSAWatch for our Poms in the show ring T9151 S. Darlington Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 918 492-0520 BreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465 Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving HomesInquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on Request"We breed for quality."CH. KNEISLER5 SECRET TRADITIONThe Pom Reader August 199527EALDENcS KENNEL MCEESPOMERANIANSHOME OF CHAMPION PARTI GIRLS Ch. Aldens Lucky Parti Flash Back pic.Ch. Aldens Parti Pepsi HiCh. Aldens Parti Chocolate ChipCh. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-DotA1 Jan Domrase, 6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL60072. Phone 815 728-0559 Fax 815 653-5106.VISA MASTERCARD' rar-MORRIS BETTY CARSON 9826 Walthan Road Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024iA318-466-3456sOUTHLANDPOMERANIANSPUPPIES AVAILABLE FROM Ch. Emcees A Chip of Diamond Ch. Emcees Golden Topo De Oro Ch. Emcees Cloudbusters ImageInquiries InvitedCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360Ch. Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor POASTY Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestGv inapomsPBred forHealth, Soundness BeautyBased upon Theldun, Rhea-Na, Starfires, Bev-Nors, Great Elms. PUPPIES AVAILABLEROBERT REGINA NUNNRt 1, Box 2890, BerryviUe, VA 22611 703-955-1209TICKLE POMERANIANS MAJICBREEDEROWNERP.O. Box 50, Corpus Christi, TX 78403-0050 512 992-8233 after 7 p.m.Bred for Soundness Quality Home of Am. Can. Ch. Reginapoms Luv-A-GatorLINCHRIS POMERANIANS JD'S POMPOUSHome of Best in Show, Best in Specialty Show Multi Group Winning PomsChampion Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Quality Dogs for Show Pet Fully Guaranteed Home of Pom RescueLINDA BROGOITTI14410 N. 71 St Avenue, Peoria, AZ 85381-4752 602 979-5336r,yurrHome OfCh. JDs Truly A Gem Ch. JDs Midnight Oil Ch. JRs Yankee Doodle Dandy while hes pursuing his career Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestPom AcresJanet Hovey, 5549 W. Ave. M-2, Quartz Hill, CA 93536-3112.Tel 805 722-3307.RR 4, CEDAR FALLS, IA 50613 319-989-2199RubysPomeraniansRuby F. Poole 918 341-6921 Route 1, Box 190, Claremore, OR 74017Am. Mex. Champions in orange, red, black, orange sable red sable.LISSA DAVE DAHLENBURG PO Box 1160, Loxahatchee, FL 33470-1160 407 793-0975Specilizing in Emcee, Millamor, Alden Nabob linesOranges, Partis, and Whites now availableRAFFINANPOMERANIANSirnici rLinetree Pomeranians318 West Grahm, Dixon, IL 61021 815 284-3298TZe-b r TfldNp 7ennell"fTERESITA HUGHES3400 Bluebird Drive, Holiday, FL 34690813-942-9194The Pom Reader August 199528Teri Dan Wilford 3120 Cormorant Drive Jacksonville, FL 32223 ,304-253-3510 262-3434 a'AN POMERANIANSPicturedEMCEES A CHIP OF j TERI-DANGroup Placer 2G044 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FL 34S39BERWIE S LOSS SCBLIEERTO 813-996-5499POMERANIANSS-S AKC POMERANIANS MALTESE f'k,, fi Jmi CH. STUD SERVICE QUALITY PUPPIES HOME RAISED LOVED-wK'hk Bev-Nor, Great Elms, Emcee Bonner Staten Island, NY 718 494-18477 Highland Trail Denville, New Jersey 07834mDANIEL TAYLOR JR. BONNIE MclNTOSH-TAYLORGARDENa aCALIFORNIAGROVE,371 43 5 37-33 33 Home of the beautiful black Ch. Gaileilens Dark KnightHome of the Stars of Today and Tomorrow__JE .______ _"H SUZANNE BERNEY4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mills, MD 21117410-655-8330H jm HAVERLPOIVIS. jjLWVS1S W. Springfield-Rd. - St. Clair, iMO 33077Puppies For Show, Breeding PetJANICE YOUNG 314-S29-2754POMERANIANSCh. Stud ServicePOMERANIANSQuality Pups Champion Studs" 803-472-3002Rosemary E. Regoni 385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322fMary A. Rosenbaum 38711 200th Ave. S.E. Auburn, \VA 98092 206 833-2160f\ cMILLMOPNEUJAHR BEAU JAilES P0HSColor-Bred WhitesMr KEN ELEANOR MILLER3545 NC HWY 152 E SALISBURY, NC 28146 704-857-1197EVELYN NEWYEAR4478 River Street Willoughby, OH 44094CYNDI WALLEN1692 St. Rt. 603, Lucas, OH 44843 TelFax 419 892-3170IS IB SiCH. BEV-NOR SOUTHLAND SINSATION isour main man. Quality puppies and young adults occasionally.RAMONA J. SMITH, Box 833, Belfield, ND 58622. Tel 701-575-4125.SCy.110bkm m - Home of AM. CAN. CH. J y MORENO'S PERRIWINKLE, II a _ Multiple Group winnerJvvomo sFOR THE HOME OFFICES OFDOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICiOTOWSTELEPHONE 941-838-3839 FACSIMILE 941-853-3624 SINCE 1367 \JULIE MORENO415-583-4973 [after 10 a.m. our time, please]DOVER-HOLIHOUSE POMSCHAMPION STUD SERVICE PARTI, CHOCOLATE, BLACK TAN and BLACK STUD SERVICE PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYKathryn Hartz, Patricia Foley Dan Ninatoski, 319 Ardmore Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629. Tel 609-695-1642.The Pom Reader August 199529ChrisDen Pomsof Manila2frCongratulatesJANICE YOUNGifor her well deserved Kennel Visit, and we are eternally grateful for sending us one of your best breedingsNow gracing the shows of Manila...Dennis Mario Litonjua 15 San Juan Street Capitol Pasig City, Philippines 1600 632 632-7025Starhavens Tina SparkleBISS Ch. Starhavens Rock N James x Starhavens Terrific RobbinAllavns offers one show prospect to show homeSTORK REPORTCh. Creiders WinterhawkCreiders Queenaire Charmer mjr. ptd.Queenaire Suncharm Orange sable female, whelped 52595Ch. Southlands Toasted Fudge, ROMX Allayns Goin Fer BrokeShamrocks Tarbubble V Allayn Dam of 3 Ch.Whelped 72195 2 Females, 1 Male. Inquiries invited.Sire AmCanMex Ch. Allayns Sinnerman ToastDam Allayns Wicked Lady Sir Impressive daughterMary Allan, Rt. 3 Box 531A, Wagoner, OK 74467. Tel 918 485-1040CDcrLUQMARY ALLANRoute 3 Box 531A, Wagoner, OK 74467 918 485-1040OWhelped 61495XLUBRENDEARA POMERANIANSProudly offers2 Small Black Tan Males 350.00 eachBrenda Randall 601 434-6681Whites, Wolfs, Chocolate Tan 350.00 up.C6D I Breeding, AKC, 4690 Westfall Rd Lancaster, OH 43130. Tel 614-969-32104 4 4IN OCTOBER...REN RAY POMS RENSON RAYIN SEPTEMBER...EXOTIC COLORSThe Pom Reader August 199530LES PETITS PPINCES PE UREYS in TrancePresents...CMkm44x iGOLDEN AIRES CHECK MATEtCh. Great Elms Topbrass O Yolanda x Golden Aires Wee Heart Throb, a daughter of Ch. Chriscendo Western Express ii \ ciCheckers won his first C.A.C. and Best of Breed at 12 months. I want to thank Sharon Masnick for allowing us to own this wonderful little darling 3 12 lbs. Thank you, Sharon for making this dream come true. It is an honor for me.,. 'mM...av3-^1 j- __OWNER MURIEL MENACE 1435C SAINT MARTIN DIES DESACES, EDANCETiffany's PRINCE siNPJ O ^RINBev-Nor Special Edition x Bev-Nor MindyAndys first day out with Beverly...uBEST OF WINNERSBEST OF BREEDThank you judge Mrs. Betty Dullinger 9 9 9fr.. wS i I _1\ i 11i BreedersHandlersBeverly Ferguson Catherine Sheridan9267 Ft. Smallwood Road, Pasadena, MD 21122 410 255-7926lBEST OF BREEDtiters' 70ti northeasterna,I Ar------- CLUBWjufrW.M 'jXfrc^y1Thank you, Beverlyi\Owner fRlN'S P0NS MAUREEN A. HEALY88-39 205TH ST., QUEENS VILLAGE, NY 11423 718 740-9029The Pom Reader August 1995_iih3L'[ihw_____rA tfItrSireCh. Tim Sue's Moon RocketDamFinch's Dedra of Kric-Magic IThank you judges for Bo's Championship. He is proudly handled by his owner, Bobbie Glaser, and Cathy Anderson.Congratulations Dana Plonkey a Randy Gemmill on your Valcopy-Wakhan Kennel Visit - and continued success with your CH. FINCH'S HE WALKS ON WATER Best In Show and Best in Specialty Show son, CH. VALCOPY-WAKHAN'S RUDOLPH VALENTINO and his gorgeous offspringIIVMsr____________ QUALITY COMES IN ALL COLORSIFINCH S POMERANIANS DIANE L. FINCHR.R.1, P.0. BOX 89B KELLEY, IA 50134-9801 515-769-2444s SiI U ZlV941sses ICubby 11XISired by Finchs Super Star Cassanova and out of Ch. Finchs One For The Record half sister to multiple Best In Show Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water JHes a mover, a charmer, and hes gorgeous And Cubby is offered FOR SALE as a special to an appropriate show home.Thank you judges Alan L. Harper and Harvey Berman for back-to-back Group I wins Richard Bauer for Breed and Group I wins James P.Cavallaro and Dorothy Welsh for Breed and Group III wins. All wins were over multiple Best In Show toys. Now specialed by Cathy Anderson.\\\\ , A. 0VhpQUALITY COMES IN ALL COLORSuR.R.1, P.O. BOX 8 9 B KELLEY, IA 50134-9801 51 5-7 89-2444 HANDLER CATHY ANDERSON GROOMER SCOTT PERRYTHE POM READER296HEIDI TORREY- BARTLES 23229 E DUBISSON PASSCHRISTIAN MS 39571-9559BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1 604 PAIDUSA 3PERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FLNEWS PUBLICATION DO NOT DELAY ADDRESS'CORRECTION REQUESTED