The Pom Reader October 1995

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WM 'Vv SKS-s__0 fr__v Ti HT[BER 1995 VOLUME igii fr.-T'^r RELt 99TSS87St,sk1Ii r.'TJp 'V. .-.,tJi'im jt iIJ\HIj11^Si5jErVjbr1vsv d'V i rfHHhH'. DD1DK"OtrI 5. In' -jC , I i j'-iV aw._____1taiajgtOn the cover, we proudly present Ch. BenRays Emmy Timstopper Emmy, and on this page the champions finished by Benson E. Ray of BenRay Poms.ftry' JPwjj tirBEST OF WINNERS - ^ 40JOWASrrxBE^ WINNERS____q ia1ivI-r,5\-. 1 NWHKEES8f breed 1Irrvj- . .1[3MiiV.iBUff S[1o T[SSv KliHi]iT3ci ijHt SHE SIB7vJ [Sv ijA'V [5fil SE1ojs ft iaing jjggm iivnai IkFEI KBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX 17.SBPiBEST BREED Vi 1] 5IK TILUMBERTON KENNEL CLUB INC .cin NOV 09[5iv HV BUff] ssEj5jS Cos SE c lililVME [SIvsJ...IBSvDiaIS3 rW5j rl [SX\DjHiiiiI Kill T8o nCTheom Reader October 1995 .Congratulationso TO BENRAY POMS BENSON RAY ON YOUR KENNEL VISIT... PRESENTED BELOW IS THE FOUNDATION STUD DOG BEHINDBENRAY and GOLDEN AIRES POMS V ' 0vr\Ata.1ITIlNirjKENNEL CLUB OCTOBER 1986^^PHOTOBr BONNg\Pictured with judge Mr. Robert D.Sharp and handler Mary James i .fitCh. Twin Pines Tico TicoWe started in dogs together and hope to end in dogs together To my best friend and now business partner I admire your honesty and straightforward approach to anything you involve yourself in and hope our combined efforts will be the very best yetSharon Masnick Golden Aires Poms2007 VESTRY DRIVE CHARLESTON, SC 29414 803-571-6165The Pom Reader October 1995THE POMMASNICK, S......MILLER, K.EMORENO, J.NAGY, S. B ....NEWYEAR, E....NIMMO, U..NUNN, R. R....PATTON, A.PHILBROOK, S.POOLE, R...RGS TOYS PEDIGREES..........RAY, B........RAY, K........RAY, W.......RAY PARKER, N.....RAY-DANIELS, R...........RAY-POWERS, S............REGONI, R......REILLY, R. J.RODGERS, G...ROGERS-RISTER, A,ROKOS, M.C.ROSENBAUM, M............SARTA, J.........SMITH, R.........SUMMERS, L..SPROUSE, L....STONE, J..........STROUD, B.P.SWIMME, J.W.TAYLOR, D.....TILLEY, E. H.WELLS, M.G.WHEELER, D..WILFORD, T. D...YOUNG, J........YOUNG, J.........3,33.33ALLAN, M...........ARIENTI, F..........BARNETT, P.......BEAM, R..............BEECH, M.J......BENKO, J. A....BERNEY, S..........BONNELL, B. M..........BOWYER, D........CABRERA, T.......CARSON, M.B.CARTER, MM J.CILIBERTO, B. L.........CONRAD, H........CREED, C............DAHLENBURG, L. DDAUBENSPECK, J..........DOMRASE, A. J...........EPPS, N................FIDDICK, R.J...FINCH, D.............FREEMAN, C......GRAF, H..............HARDACKER, C.HARTZ, K............HARVEY, G.B.HENDLER, A......HIGH, T...............HOVEY, J............HUGHES, S.........HUGHES, T.........KNIESLER, M.....LIZAMBRI, S......McDaniel, m....McGUINESS, B.McINTOSH-TAYLOR, BMcWhorter, j.MARTIN, E.D............. 1995 VOLUME XI, NUMBER EIGHT .33.27.27,36.22- SHOWSIGHT FROM THE EDITORAn update on the invalidNEW CHAMPIONSConfirmed September 1995SPORTSMANSHIP by Nigel-Aubrey JonesThe noted author tackles a touchy subjectKNOCK, KNOCK WHOS THEREThe Pom Reader visits BenRay PomsPR PLAYMATESOur pup-ular photo department. Also page 39THE SUMMER SPECIALTIESSharon Masnick Benson Ray report on the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore and American Pom Club SpecialtiesJUDGES CRITIQUESThe summer cluster SpecialtiesOLYMPIA aka Lois CilibertoIts one of those weeksPR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription ratesON THE LINE by BJ AndrewsFood for thought courtesy ShowSight MagazineSTORK REPORTNew expected litters.,2,33.4012. 16.36,4116.3318.,16.3516.3520.16.35.36,41.35,38.3424. .37.36.3328. .35.33.34 172919, .42.36.3542. . READER is published eleven editor reserves the right to reasonablytimes per year since March 1985 by edit all copy submitted. All articles subDoll-McGinnisPublications, a division mitted become the property of the pub- of DolI-McGinnis Enterprises, Ushers. Subscription price for ThirdIncorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Class service in the continental United Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of States 36.00 per year. Canadian and great admiration for the Pomeranian U.S. First Class 55.00 per year, breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSI- Foreign prices upon request ALLNESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER AREpaid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC- this pubhcation may be reproduced in LICENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP any form without the express written AND ALLBREED JUDGES. Direct allpermission of the editor. The opin- inquiries to Joe McGinnis Editor, 8848ions expressed in this publication Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. either editorially or in advertising Telephone 813-858-3839- FAX 813- copy are those of the authors and 853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST do not necessarily constitute Monday through Friday,endorsement by the publishers. TheThe Pom Reader October 1995.35 . .33.34 .40.3316, .33.33 .31.3611,34wIN DO'OrTJfljlfj27kJ0 'VMl \ 1 -TX ri- [I uwv AMERICAN POMERANIAN,CLUB MONDAY CKEDHESD SEPT. 41. ' I o' BfiM__Caw.Am. Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein Can. ROMXAm. ROM ex Can. Ch. Razzle Dazzle Classique70Cliffy99Uis pictured above going Winners dog under Mr. Dana Plonkey at the American Pomeranian Club in Baltimore. He was Reserve Winners Dog the previous day at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore, under judge Jane Forsyth. We wish Joe the best of luck with Cliff. Although we only have two puppies by him, we are really excited about them.FLASH - CLIFFY FINISHES HIS AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP UNDER MICHELEBILLINGS, HANDLED BY PAM DZIUK.Co-Bred by Christine Heartz and Judy Green Owned by Joe Sarta Twinkle Star Poms, Jakarta, IndonesiarVk .. rw PENDING AKC CONFIRMATIONA1 . i'I6 i . V wMyFROM THE EDIT R w-,OCTOBER ltS VOLUME EIGHTk.1'KAs you know, on this page I normally try to keep things light, elicit a laugh, or, perhaps, provoke a tear. This month, however, Im taking an entirely different approach.I want to take this opportunity to thank you, once again, for the support you have shown this magazine and the friendship you have given me and my best friend. Sometimes it takes a little bump in the road to make you take stock and remind you to appreciate what youve got.As you probably know, my partner Duane Doll was recently taken ill hospitalization and emergency surgery were necessary and although things are quickly getting back to normal, for a while around here it was anything but.Trying to do my work, and what little of Duanes I was able to perform, proved to be an impossible task his absence caused literal chaos. And yet, perhaps, some good came out of the wreckage of the last four weeks.As if there was time to do so which there wasnt during Duanes absence I took a look around me and noticed several things which were definitely out of whack. It occurred to me perhaps belatedly, for others have been telling us for years that he and I have been working far too hard for far too long without a break and with very little assistance. And although the work weve done has happily drawn rave reviews, I wondered, at what cost I realized that work which started out a labor of love and quickly became a way of life had ceased to be in any way enjoyable the company that we invented, nurtured, and proudly owned, and for which we worked tirelessly, had become unwieldy and disjointed. My eternal quest for perfection was not a shining goal to be happily pursued and at times approached my daily work was simply cleaning up the messes caused by others. I came to hate my desk I didnt have time for my dogs.And I never felt like singing anymore.And I made some changes, fast. We have a new staff now, people who share the same objectives as the guys for whom they work and by whom they are paid.- And although for the last four weeks Ive worked longer and harderthan I have at any other point in my life, it is with an enthusiasm and drive that I had lost and was not sure I could recapture. I cant wait to hit the office at 400 a.m. and Im loathe to leave at 5 at7A'I T5M_iknight. And Im doing it with a smile on my face...and a song in my soul and in my heart.My heartfelt thanks to all for your cards, calls, letters, notes, and many, many flowers wishing Duane a quick recovery. The hospital staff said his room looked like a jungle. Hes getting there, fast, and your good thoughts were effective medication. And as always, my best wishes to you as we quickly approach another anniversary for The Pom Reader. Special thanks to our super sales director, Lois Ciliberto, for work above and beyond the call during the crisis.Duane, Lois, and I have exceptional things planned for you - and were going to be better than1 Sever - wait and see. S A a aP m[ w ,hoto by Wei ellerman 121'BWtlitsMllf. lit VTOIE .1... ........7tfyyirn, and Mputnwnt aM auiappad up,...IN THIS SMALL PACKAGE----- v, iTJ-vJ.1 40Njv''A17VJtA, m,.,L 'w 5 I IJ.1i W ' ^ J _ 4 tu.vkflrlA i. U i It I7,lK.fIvf r.v -r 'll1 . 1mrrr hVt .J'' \1f\TSEPTEMBER2gTHdoc wins f EST of breedcentral Carolina Pom specialtyi tllUjv'- - 3VSL Mxx.1.riV t,VtI viBESTSHOWi, A At INX SiHis T.Vi-'-vd'IEI HQW_ - \i.CH. JAN-SHARS DOC HOLIDAY - DOCBEST IN SHOW - THANK YOU MRS. ARLENE THOMPSON-BROWNHandled by pride by Carroll James332yi. BUt Pat StzoudTEL 910-276-8202 FAX 910-276-3004241125]12700 BARNES BRIDGE ROAD, LAURINBURG, NO 28352The Pom Reader October 19958 mamITTDIII IPinehavens Strike Up The Band B byWee Hearts Strikes It Rich x Wee Hearts Molly Bee. Breeder Gale Sharland. Owner Clarice Oganeku. Pinyons Chardonnay Harbor D by Ch. Tim Sues Harbor Lights x Ch. Tim Sue High Lights Chablis. BreederOwner Jean Focke.Rubys Lovely Copper Cougar D by Rubys Pink Panther by Angel x Rockwoods Lady Nina Poole. Breeder Ruby Poole. Owner Victoria Lovely Ruby Poole.Sha Mar Forever Kalypso Kate B byForever Sha-Mar Pick Pocket x Forever Sha Mar Sillys Legacy. Breeder Alesha Marie. Owner Jean Focke.Stolannes Hazy Image D by Ch. Bea Mary Hazy Day x Ch. Stolanne Mica Rockelle. BreederOwner Frances Stoll. Sungolds Style Breaker D by Ch. Sungolds Circuit Breaker x Ch. Sues Jessie of Britestar. Breeder Anna La Fortune. Owner Cinda OConner Anna La Fortune.Wee Hearts Innocent Dreams B by Ch.Southlands Janesa Berry Tby x Wee Hearts Sugar Coated. Breeder Cassandra Ready Evans Regina Ready. Owner Cassandra Evans.Wee Hearts Strike N Distance D by Wee Hearts Strikes It Rich x Wee Hearts Southern Pride. Breeder Cassandra Ready Evans Estil Evans. Owner Cassandra Ready Evans.Yellow Rose Exotic Spice D by Ch. Mercers Exotica x Yellow Rose Smoky Mt Desaree. BreederOwner Annette Lynn HeiseFinchs Passionate Kisses D by Finchs Super Star Cassanova x Ch. Finchs One for the Record. BreederOwner Diane Finch.Forever Hatfield D by Jan-Shars the Real McCoy x Forever Country Charm. BreederOwner Marge Kranzfelder. Jan-Shars Bad To The Bone D by Ch. Jan-Shars Flesh And Blood x Jan-Shars Proud Mary. BreederOwner Sharon Hanson.Jan-Shars N Janesas A Star Is Born Bby Ch. Weehearts Glen Iris Talisman x Janesas Lots of Kisses to Jan Shar. BreederOwner Sharon Hanson. Jan-Shars Sweet Georgia Brown B by Ch. Jan-Shars Absolutly a Master Piece x Jan-Shars Big Mama. BreederOwner Sharon Hanson.Kneislers Heatin Em Up D by Ch. Allayns Feel the Heat x Bev-Nors Toasty Tisha. Breeder Maria Kneisler. Owner Tmmy Sharp Maria Kneisler. Milnes Pride of Patricia B by Ch. Sweethearts Pistol Pete x Mercers Cyclone Lady Val. BreederOwner Jo Ann Milne.Morenos Suni Saguaro Blossom B byMorenos I Lan Warrior of Hy Jan Le x Ch. Morenos Sweet Pea. Breeder Julie Moreno. Owner Gloria Rock.Odysseys Jose Quervo D by Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz x Monnshadows Tiffany Rose. Breeder Janet Manuszak. Owner Maya Hunter.Patricias Shiny Lil Penny B by Ch. Janesas Trendsetter x Ch. Milnes Pride of Patricia. BreederOwner Pati Danielson.Alden Lucky Parti Flash Back D by Ch. Alden Lucky Maplefudge x Aldens Parti Flash Dancer. BreederOwner Alden Janet Domrase.Animations Tik Tak B by Ch. Pomsprings Wild Thing x Ch. Animations Sunny Bunny. BreederOwner Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane.Apolloette Romance Dance B by Ch.Wee Hearts N De Nic Of Time x Apolloette Polly Anna. Breeder Marlene Marlin Presser. Owner Carolyn Latorre.Cascades Sunkist Goldenrod D by Bi- Mar Sunnys Red Robin x Cascades Golden De-Lite. BreederOwner Doris Wheeler.Chapman Luke Skywalker D by Ch. Chriscendo Contraband x Chapys Litl Xanadu-Du. Breeder Allen Patricia Chapman. Owner Charlene Gregory Waters, Patricia Allen Chapman. Dal-Leas Texas Park Ranger D by Ch. Desirees Smokey Mt Prince x Pata Pom Daisy. BreederOwner Gertrude Howell.Extane Dream Ahseem D by Ch. Scotia Chase National Dream x Extane Sleeping Beauty. Breeder Sharon Shipek. Owner Leslie Bracken.Fame Gift of the Spirit D by Ch. Fame Chip of the Great Rock x Ch. Fame Ihs Spirit. BreederOwner Mrs. Brenda Segelken.Finchs Bodacious Ten B by Ch. TimSues Moon Rocket x Finchs Dedra of Kric-Magic. BreederOwner Diane Finch.The Pom Reader October 19959yy\utfxuxvt vcitcttvdit, JAifft 4 A .J,12's,____^BEST OF OPPOSITEPASCO FLORIDA KENNEL CLUBL-'X951JUNEBE mmmmmfilm il iiMu IIflSHAIMEIER PHOTO 8f I A -VS_ 'GUILLYS ELVIRA OF STARFIRESPICTURED WITH JUDGE MR. NORMAN L PATTONSIRED BY CH. STARFIRES NICOLAS EL GRANDE Tkc jccdyet cxtc excited cthu erect fittt khxclc kitclv ettvd to- ette KcBRED BY GUILLY COTOOWNED BYPOMERANIAIMSTONY CABRERA FABIAN ARIENTI 23750 SW 142ND AVE REDLANDS, FL 33032 305-257-2818S T A R F I R ECONGRATULATIONS TO OUR FRIEND, BENSON RAY, ON THE BENRAY KENNEL VISITThe Pom Reader October 199510The next time you ask someone at a dog show What happened to sportsmanship and he replies, Whats that hesitate before you jump to any conclusion. He may not have heard your question. Whats that may well be his way of saying I did not hear what you said.99fNigel Aubrey-Jonesb yhave the same vitality and sparkle on one day as they did on another.The assumption that all judging should follow the same pattern may cause some exhibitors and handlers to make comments that can, at times, amuse, irritate, antagonize and even intimidate some judges. It is on these occasions that sportsmanship seems to disappear and quite often leaves blemishes on the dog scene that have far-reaching effects on newcomers to the sport. It reflects an unpleasant fact that some of these bad sports may well become the judges of the future. It is extremely unfortunate that there are some who have never learned how to lose. They are the odd few who are incapable of accepting their losses and defeats without complaint, the ones who have never acquired the ability to treat their opponents with fairness, generosity and courtesy. Quite often these same people are also incapable of accepting victory without gloating. For them, we quote the famous words of Grantland Rice from his poem Alumnus Football For when the one great scorer comes to write against your name... He marks not that you won or lost... But how you played the whose opinion they seek and respect. Others regard judges as someone to fool into believing their dog is better than everyone elses.Then there are those who treat dog shows like a lottery, with the judge pulling numbers out of a hat. If you show for an opinion under an expert, you get just that. If you do not agree with it, there is nothing you can do about it. If you have entered under a judge with the intention of fooling him or her with an inferior specimen and failed, you cannot complain even if you charge the judge with incompetence, because that is exactly what you were depending on to win. If dog shows are just a lottery to you and your number did not come up, it means your luck was out.It seems fortunate for the sport of dogs that some exhibitors and handlers overlook a very important aspect of showing dogs. One day the dog may look and behave well and win when shown the next day, he may not look or behave as well and must pay the penalty and lose. Past records of wins should not have any bearing whatsoever when it comes to competing in the ring today. It is possible quite often for dogs, like people, not toThe genuine sportsman never bets on a certainty. Being sure of winning defeats the purpose of sport and robs any achievement of all pleasure and satisfaction. So take a chance. Ask again. The answer could give you reason to ponder whether there is any greater lack of sportsmanship at dog shows today than there was in the past. You might conclude that, despite dog enjoyment, reaction and diversion, there has always been present an element that appears to be susceptible to exposing the most unflattering sides of their personalities when they do not win. Call them poor losers or bad 'sports, this minority is present in every form of competitive sport. However, we have to accept that dog shows are different from any other types of sport. They survive through the opinions of judges, and not on the performance of the dogs. Opinions can, do and should vary from one judge to another and from one dog to the next. They are also not entirely free of the possibility of being interpreted at times, as being tinged with prejudice, favoritism, or ignorance. The acceptance of any award at a dog show depends on the attitude of the exhibitor towards the judge. Some regard him or her as anThe Pom Reader, October 1995STARin OUFUWLAXYTHE_ ^H llpKe SkywalkerCh. LaCrreSo O'La.yJ \r tea'gFLASH - LIL LUKEwas awarded Group III at the Columbia Kennel Club show by distinguished judge Michele Billings. Many, many thanks' BEST OF BREEDCfct.Clafkshttq1V.. KBAPRIL1995 PtlOfov 9fJx"VJr,tj\tHERIESZEST FOR FUDGEThank you, judge Mrs. Curtis HumphreyCongratulations to our fellow Carolina Pom Club member, Benson Ray, on his kennel visit. We wish you many more years of successCH. GOLDEN AIRES MOON WALKER exLdCherie PomsED DOT MARTIN 5354 BLUEBIRD LANE, YORK, SC 29745 803-831-808612KNOCK, KNOCK WHOTHE POM READER VISITSBENSON RAY CHARLESTON, SCFor years I have read the Kennel Visits in the wee hours of the morning after work, and wondered if I would ever be asked to do a visit. When the call came from Lois, I felt apprehensive about doing it as I felt I had never had any big wins. However, I did agree. So this is my story.home from a business dinner with Rodney Strong of Rodney Strong Vineyards, hosted at the Wine Cellar that I managed, to find my sister Kenna holding a Pom puppy. I asked her where she got the puppy and she replied, From a lady named Sharon Masnick. She gave me Sharons phone number and I called her the next day. I had the Pom fever again.Sharon had a female available and after a visit to her home, I purchased Golden Aires Rock N Robin who became the foundation bitch of my kennel today. We named her Meagan and when she was three, I decided to breed her. On Sharons advice, I took her back to breed and chose Ch. Golden Aires Magic Marko as her mate. He was a 12 brother going back on Ch. Twin Pines Tico Tico. This very first litter produced a champion who is known as Ch. BenRays Sundancing Simon, the foundation stud at my kennel.When Simon was older, Sharon trained him for me and introduced me to the dog show world. When I took vacation, I headed for Florida to the shows. The judges were Glenda Dawkins, Edmund Sledzik, and Jean Fancy. Simon receivedSouth Carolina. After graduation from the two-year school, I went to California to blow it out After nine months, I had had enough and returned to SC to work for Ryans Steakhouse for a year. I then decided to finish my education. During this time, I met and married Katherine McCollum and we bought a house inI was bom in Aiken, South Carolina and at the age of three moved to Georgetown, SC, with my six siblings and my parents. My father was career Navy and with a family of eight there had to be mles. We grew up on a working dairy and tobacco farm...and work we did. After retirement from the Navy, my father had a second career as an engineer.My brother and sisters worked on the farm and we had cows, pigs, horses, goats, and all kinds of fowl. I always enjoyed the animals and thought of them as my friends.One Christmas when I was fourteen, my dad came home with a nicely wrapped present for everyone but me. I felt let out until my dad said,Bence, your present is in the car. I ran to the car and quickly discovered it was a Pomeranian puppyMy dad had purchased him in the Baltimore area and I later found out he was from the Bonner and Great Elms lines.I named my special Pom, Togo, and he lived in the house as we raised American Pitbulls as catch dogs on the farm. Togo lived to be eleven.I graduated high school in Georgetown and left for Anderson College in upstateThe Pom Reader October 1995IyV JLkmCharleston, South Carolina, which is still my residence today. We agreed to let my sister Kenna live with us while she attended college.In February of 1978, Kenna asked me if she could have a dog and I replied, no. She pestered me every day and I still said no. About three weeks later I returned13TJIB ' ooCOn0ocXmcoCDmiXI t 1-XomXCO ti IP r1Above the trophy room at BenRay Poms displays many win photos Below Ch. BenRays Josh N Envy as a pup11was what a Pom should be of course, this experience was very exciting for Michelle.Reserve wins all three days and I still didnt know anything about dog shows. But I knew I liked my dog. Well, aftery.IIn order to finish, Simon needed one more major and Michelle could not attend the Myrtle Beach show I decided I would take Simon and show him myself. At the show I was so embarrassed I asked Eleanor Rotman for the armband and she politely explained that she was the judge and not the ring steward That turned out to be a wonderful day, though, as Simon flew around the ring, finished his championship and even went Best of Breed over several Specials. As I left the ring, I still remember the judge saying, Young man, that is a sweet moving dog.From a breeder in North Carolina, I had purchased a female that I Named BenRays Lil Bella Sherry and the same day that Simon finished, she was Winners Bitch for her first point. She continued to win and had 17 points, but needed a major and none were to be found in our4I7XI 9\ rV area. I sent Bella to Skip Piazza to finish.Hurricane Hugo took its toll on the people of Charleston, destroying property and jobs. The Wine Cellar restaurant that I managed was destroyed and I was in need of employment. I took the position of reopening The Trawler restaurant as it had been destroyed by fire. In the meantime, I had purchased another female from Sharon and looked around for a proper stud dog for her. I decided on Ch. Texicans Lonestar bred by Erika Moureau of Texican Poms. This breeding produced my third champion who was Ch. BenRays Golden Josh N Envy.The Pom Reader October 1995that third day, I was hookedSharon introduced me to Michelle Miller who was very young at the time, but who had the desire to become a professional handler. I agreed to let Michelle show Simon for me and they won pretty consistently. Under Dorothy Bonner, Simon was awarded a five-point major. She like him so well, she had Michelle re-walk Simon and explained to all ringside that Simons movement and structure14V..I J ..-J jsyrAbove The house Vestry lane, A home to the BenRay Poms MAbove right The first litter C9whelped at BenRay Pomeranians WRight The current hopeful,BenRays MasterpieceBelow Sharon with MasterBottom Benson with his first Pom, TogoMy next fascination was black tan Poms. At that time, Sharon had one that I loved and I asked if she ever decided to place her to please let me know. I ended up buying Golden Aires Contessa Cello Connie and when she bloomed, I contacted Pam Campbell. Connie quickly became a champion in four shows and she and Josh finished on the same daySue White had bred a male that I bought to show and he finished under the guidance of my friend, Mary Evans. He became Ch. Whitehavens Gol Nugget Legacy.After Bella finished, I bred her to Simon and this breeding produced Isabella. During the delivery of this puppy, I lost Bella and this tremendous loss and stressful situation was one of the most horrible experiences I have had to face while being involved in breeding dogs. Isabella became Ch. BenRays Isabella under the capable hands of Pam Campbell and Mary James.u.Opposite PageTop LeftCh. Golden Aires True Reward RuddyTop RightSite of the future home and kennel BottomBenson in the trophy room with Benrays Masterpiece and Golden Aires Just A Free Man. V Ic uIsabella was bred this year to Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker and produced for me the puppy I had dreamed of for years. I have named this puppy BenRays Masterpiece Masters.Sharon bred her Golden Aires Black Magic to Ch. BenRays Sundancing Simon and from this breeding, we have a beautiful black puppy we call Golden Aires Just A Free Man Fred.Two other dogs I am very proud of are BenRays Emmy Timstopper, our cover dog, and Ch. Golden Aires Moonstruck Zak. Emmy is a daughter of Peartrees Piroutte bred by Allison Brewster and was sired by Ch. Great Elms Timmy Timstopper. Zak is a Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker Wally son and his dam was a Ch. Twin Pines Tico Tico daughter. Tico Tico is the foundation stud behind both Golden Aires and BenRay Poms.Vfi,i 5A1 _The Pom Reader October 199515Ihas supported me in all my endeavors. Thanks, MomI am sure most of you have seen the movie Forrest Gump and heard his famous quote that life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you will get. I relate to that phrase and I do believe that you must live each day to the fullest and treat others as you would like to be treated.Sharon Masnick of Golden Aires and I have combined our kennels to produce The Look That Pleases. We have somebeautiful dogs but most of all we are happy with the changes in our breeding plans and the potential this will allow us. My advice is to make a change in whatever it is you need to make a change in for the better.I wish everyone in Poms many more years of pleasure, and thank The Pom Reader for this honor.Benson E. Ray BenRay Poms 2007 Vestry Drive Charleston, SC 29414 803 571-6165Well, the usual questions need to be addressed...I am a down-to-earth person. I believe in what I see not what I hear. I deal in black white. There is no gray in my path of thinking.I enjoy dog shows, good food, fine wine, and all that falls in between.To the novice, I will say be careful. Some breeders may not be what they seem to the newcomer at the beginning. One particular breeder I met early on cost me a five-year friendship with my mentor, Sharon Masnick.On the subject of grooming, I feel whatever you think presents your dog to his best advantage is correct.At dog your dog and goktft a \v \ f rhome.To the judges when judging, it never hurts to be nice. My first few dog shows could have turned me against dog shows due to some judges attitudes. We all pay the same entry fee to be given a fair shake.On the subject of breeding every breeding is an experiment until you see the results.Skin and hair-loss problems cannot be ignored. All kennels have the potential to produce them. What is structure if we have no coatIn closing, I must give tribute to my mom, Mrs. Peggy Carter Harrell whoisThe Pom Reader October 199516POMERANIANSsendjcongratulations toBENSON RAY, BENRAY POMS ontheir kennelX.^ fiwi 14r-inImLiberte Devil Made Me Do ItBEST OF BREED Z1SOUTH V CAROLINA ASH .M-E KENNEL CLUB JSfm - passaMOMvisittSTELLA LIZAMBRI \133 Camelot Dr, Goose Creek. SC 29445yPICTURED WITH JUDGE MR. RICHARD L. BAUER AND HANDLER, MARY JAMES803-553-0188JCongratulations to our brother,Benson RayOn this realization of your lifes dream, whose beginning we all recognized so early in your childhood.We send our love and warmest wishes for continued success in your hardworking labors of breeding and showing the beautiful BenRay Pomeranians now professionally combined with the Golden Aires line of Sharon Masnick.It was obvious to me that Benson had a finesse when he handled animals therefore, Im not surprised he has done exceptionally well in his field of endeavor BruceBrotherWALTER LaBRUCE RAYSistersKENYA C. RAY SHASTA RAY-POWERS RHONDA RAY DANIELS NARDA RAY PARKER1The Pom Reader. October 199517fOalla rjj0ty s' 'Vxw9 vV. At5.ViPROUDLY PRESENTS BARKLEYHV 4.I' SHOP' Ht irimPA . T BESOFWINNERSs MONROE KENNELcSEPT. 1995K. BOOTHBarkley SHAKE YOURTHANK YOU MR. R. STEPHEN SHAW FOR THIS GREAT WINOwned Handled byMARSHALL CINDY ROKOS1436 Cious Road Kingsley, MI 49649Congratulations Benson Ray on your well-deserved kennel visit Best wishes on the combination of BenRay and Golden Aires Poms. Thank you for all your adviceFrom your Pom friends, Marshall CindyThe Pom Reader October 1995IStriOCTOBER 1995IIIYO Its treat timeVinnie courtesy Beth Spinelli Bridgewater, New JerseyCC Submit your cute photo for our popular Playmates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film.v.iY'.. . V mV Please identify Pom and owner. We also enjoy hearing a little about your Pom - brief descriptions are welcome Send toPR PLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604' , \w f. r41Ail- J.A-.4 .- ' .4m.'.V W.-o i uKing-sized bed means fit for a King courtesy Terry Dianne Agertonof lovely Lakeland, Florida77aThe Pom Reader October 199519FOR SALEWHELPED 3595 RED SABLE FEMALE by CH. BIMARSUNNYS MASTERPIECE and out of a daughter of CH. BI-MARS IMPRESSIVE. Very corrrect and sound conformation. High ears and a good tail set. Should mature around 4 12 lbs. Show prospect. 850.00WHELPED 31095 1 RED MALE FEMALE by CH.BI-MARS SUNNY SUPREME out of a BIS CH. Bl-MAR SUNDANCE KID daughter. Large coat and extremely sound. Brood quality female 650.00. Male 550.00. No major faults.WHELPED 8191 BLACK TAN MALE by CH.SANDTOWNS OKLAHOMA GOLD and out of a CH. CREI- DERS SMOKE N FLAME granddaughter. Extremely large coat and beautiful baby face. Proven stud. 600.00WHELPED 5795 RED SABLE FEMALE MALEsired by CH. BI-MAR SUNNYS MASTERPIECE and out of a black daughter of CH. SANDTOWNS OKLAHOMA GOLD. Very short backed and beautiful heads with very high ears. Show prospects. Male 850.00. Female 950.00.WHELPED 32095 RED FEMALE by CH. Bl-MAR SUNNYS MASTERPIECE and out of a GREAT ELMSCREI- DER female. Outgoing personality. Show brood very pretty face.WHELPED 5695 RED SABLE MALE sired by CH. BI-MAR SUNNYS PHANTOM and out of a BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID daughter. Very high ears with pretty face, show prospect. 850.00WHELPED 3795 RED MALE by INTERNATIONAL AM. CH. BI-MARS SUNNYS IMAGE and out of a CH. BI- MAR SUNNYS PHANTOM daughter with GREAT ELMS on the bottom. Outstanding coat excellent head high ears. SHOW HOME ONLY.WHELPED 52795 TWO MAHOGANY RED FEMALES out of CH. BI-MAR SUNNYS SUPREME and out of a BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID daughter. Beautiful color with very pretty heads. Very sound. Huge ears and large coats. Show and brood quality.WE WILL BE OFFERING BRED FEMALES in whelp to our Champions as they become available. Also some of our brood females will be for sale. Most are daughters of BIS CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KID.MARY A. ROSENBAUM38711 200TH AVENUE S E AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98092PHONE 206-833-2160 FAX 206-833-4278The Pom Reader October 199520Monday, September 4, 1995 All Sweepstakes ClassesTuesday, September 5, 1995 Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore Specialty ShowWednesday, September 6, 1995 American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Specialty Show0by Sharon Masnick Benson Rayhome, we left after the Regular class judging. We missed the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimores Crab Feast. Im sure it was wonderful.We arrived home at 330 a.m. and quickly unpacked only what was necessary. We checked on our Poms, who had to remain at home with a pet nanny, and they seemed happy to see us, but quite sleepy and settled. At 930 a.m., the doorbell rang, and to our surprise, it was the AKC representative to do an inspection. Needless to say, we almost lost it The inspector was quite understanding when we explained our situation. Now, I dont function well without morning coffee, but she gave us 10 minutes to get ourselves together. She was very pleasant, but did her job. She checked our records, our breedings, our kennel, and checked for tattoos. She gave us a very good report and said it would probably be two years before we were rechecked. She also told us that 10 Utters was no longer the rule. Anyone can be checked who breeds only one or two litters a year. After she left, we looked at each other and laughed What a way to end a vacation. Thank goodness, we kept a daily log of activities, our records up to date, and our pet nanny kept the kennel as clean as we did. Our advice is to always be prepared, as you never know who will ring the doorbellIf you have never attended a specialty, we encourage you to do so. It is a wonderful way to meet breeders form aU over the country, see all types of Poms and it is an education.Sharon Masnick Benson Rayand some who were applying to be, were in attendance. Those who did not attend missed a great opportunity to learn more about the breed.At 600 p.m., we attended the American Pomeranian Club sweeps judged by Mr. Frank Wolaniuk. We were able to view all the beautiful puppies we missed in the morning sweeps. The total entry was 36 - 21 males and 15 females. The quaUty was excellent and I feel anyone judging would have a very hard time picking winners, as many were quali- fied and I am sure will be champions in 1996.Tuesday morning started with Obedience judging at 800 a.m., 11 entries judged by Mr. Ed Gillespie. Following Obedience was the judging of the Regular classes done by Mrs. Jane Forsyth. She seemed to enjoy herself and made everyone feel at ease. Her entry was 40 dogs - 39 bitches, 22 specials, 4 veterans, 1 stud dog and 1 brood bitch. Again, the quality was excellent.At 600 p.m., everyone gathered for the annual banquet and auction. The food was wonderful and the auction was a huge success with many lovely items to bid on. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the food, auction and the special time to meet and talk with fellow breeders. Im sure many new friendships were launched at the gathering.Wednesday morning at 800 a.m. Obedience judging began, judged by Mr. Ken Nagler. Regular classes followed, judged by Mr. Dana Plonkey. He was very professional and I felt did an excellent job picking his winners. Since we had a 10 hour tripWe drove all day on Sunday from Charleston, South Carolina to arrive in Frederick, Maryland. Since it was a holiday weekend, the traffic was heavy the last two hours. The shows were held at The Holidome - Holiday Inn, located in the Francis Scott Key Mall. The inn accomodations, food and staff were wonderful. It was a very pleasant atmosphere for the shows.We have puppy hopefuls, but they missed the shows by one month. Needless to say, we did not have sweepstakes entries. Since dog shows take us to exciting places, we decided that if we wanted to see the area and do something fun, it had to be Monday morning. We had to miss the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore sweeps, judged by Mrs. Melissa Dahlenburg. We heard she did a wonderful job Our trip that morning took us to Mount Airy to the Berrywine Plantation-Linganore Winecellar. We had a great time visiting, exploring and tasting wine. We left there with T-shirts, a case of wine, and a cookbook. Besides the tour, we got to see some of the lovely countryside.We returned to the inn just in time for the Judges Breed Study and Educational Seminar that was presented by breeder-judge Mrs. Arlene Benko from Florida. Her seminar consisted of a brief history of the breed and the origin of the Pom, the American Kennel Club video, imaging slides, discussion of the breed standard and a hands-on examination of the Pomeranian. The session ended with a very educational question answer period. Several judges,The Pom Reader October 199521aat4ft 19"A.J'utiilII. i diB ViL I_____ IMiW wT-r. ir 4V ..wAi v___tat ft_ v - sc Jft-r' '. -I f'jriHK'.V- lJclTiiiiiiniiA 4r.Fyviierr r ty- ii..r ft f].V.H , .4 Tt'l.-Hr v .. ii' y' 'niA'The Pom Reader October 199522A SPECIALS^ V ''Vfvs -T - , 7-V .ib 2r rItX -7vBEST OF BREED4tX iV 41 j - ' ..Sir Tv- ,-rv- , y , H AMERICAN ^ POMERANIAN,CLUB fi. .- r1- -y 11, ft IM.yllirX ^HC -J11 1W rCl f - -Xr . -7f X. trf-. -,s '0y. IAMCAN CH. CHINADOLLSjrJJ11U.-JjwBEST OF BREED titm-mSHOWNBY HIS SPECIAL FRIEND, SUSAN MALEKTHANK YOU MR. PLONKEY FOR THIS SPECIAL WINJiflVMmmmBRED BYJOHN DARLENE BOYDOWNERSMELV JOAN BEECH - JOLVIN KENNELS, REG.RRB, Aylmer, Ontario, Canada N5H 2X5 [519] 773-2471The Pom Reader October 19957A Ok3. i3R23CELEBRATION[[WINNERS BITCH, BEST OF WINNERS, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX AMERICAN POM CLOB SPECIALTY LThank you judge Mr. Dana PlonkeyY\r ihV wrac.SyJ 5l"V Nfr, WINNERS BITCH POMERANIAN CLUB OF-I GREATER BALTIMORE ^sSPECIALTY_ POKIHAWIAwjjS^.. CLUB 0f . CHEATER ti Bt.ncA Thank you judge Mrs. Jane Forsyth" iwE4 N. CH. RAGLAN GINGER SNAPSTWO 5-POINT MAJOR WINS, TWO SPECIALTIES1UTTINGft HER BEST FOOT FORWARDOWNERSMELV JOAN BEECH JOLVIN KENNELS, REG.RR6, Aylmer, Ontario, Canada N5H 2X5 519] 773-2471.-BELLE SCORERPIi\AThe Pom Reader October 1995Vw 3 rA24 SUMMER SPECIALTIES JUDGES CRITIQUESPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER BALTIMORE SweepstakesMelissa DahlenburgThank you for the opportunity to judge the Puppy Sweepstakes at the 1995 PCGB Summer Specialty. My traveling was fairly easy on direct flights to and from Palm Beach International Airport being on the plane only a little over two hours each way.As usual, the Club did a superb job on the decorations and prizes, centered around the greatest show on earth circus theme.ner Chriscendo Cliffhanger, a lovely balanced dog, short, good head not in full coat and didn't have the fabulous side gait of the pup. Winners Bitch came from my 12-18 class and I see from the catalogue a 12 sister to my reserve dog, I make all my mistakes alike, Raglan Ginger Snaps when in full coat will look shorter than she did on the day but lovely type and way of going. Reserve Bitch went to my baby bitch Jan- Shars Gloiy Glory Halleluyah. My Best of Breed winner came from a class of 21 Specials. Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock. He has beautiful balance, great type and showing very well. The closest runner up was a sable dog formerly shown by handlers down around Texas that I have put up before and shown by his owner here. Best in Show was Ch. Strutting to the Moon a very nicely made bitch who could have done more for herself.Thanks again for a lovelyMrs. Robert Forsything dogs. In the 9 to 12 month dog class of 4 entries, one outstanding dog made his presence immediately known as my 1 st place winner. The Senior class comprised of 4 entries 12 to 18 months dogs, again the entries presented to me in this class were of good quality, beautifully shown, and well behaved. Placing this class was challenging because of the equal quality in all the exhibits.Next was the Enjoying Decision Making Duty of finding the best entries in all the bitch classes. 8 6 to 9 month bitches brought out good to very good entries. 5 9 to 12 month bitches was a repeat of the previous class. Then, the final class of 5 12 to 18 month bitches entries was again to result in an attendance of good and very good exhibits.Who said this job was going to be easy I found the quality of all the puppy sweepstakes to be very challenging in coming up with the final winnersBest Junior Puppy Best of Opposite Sex to Best Junior Puppy Best Senior Puppy Best of Opposite Sex To Best Senior Puppy and finally Grand Sweepstakes Winner.After re-examination of all my winners in the Junior Puppy classes, both on the table and in movement, a final exercise in free standing, carriage, outstanding spirit, and the entries natural desire to almost say pick me, my decision of Best Junior puppy went to the winner of the 9 to 12 month dog class, 477 the Best of Opposite Sex to Best Junior Puppy was the very beautiful winner of the 6 to 9 month puppy bitch class, 421 Jan-Shars Glory Gloiy Haleluyah.Selection in the Best Senior Puppy Classes was again a very rewarding experience of judging the Pomeranian. The Best Senior Puppy of the 2 12 to 18 monthAbsolutes Regal KissesVeteransDogs 6-9 years Ch. Shy Acres Our Man Friday 9 years Ch. Great Elms FirestarterBitches 9 years Ch. Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor Grand Veteran Sweeps Winner Ch. Great Elms Firestarter There were some very outstanding examples of the breed there. In some cases I loved my second place Pom as much as my first choice. I learned my Puppy Grand Sweeps winner. Forever Gidget Goes Western, needed one point to finish her championship. She was lovely, with good lay- back and a beautiful expression enhanced by lovely ears well set on, covered in a beautifully maintained, luxurious proper coat appropriate for her age. She had well defined hocks with quite nice angulation resulting in a strong driving rear, tracking well when viewed from behind.The hand crafted trophies were exceptional and the winners were delighted. The balloons and hand painted posters as well as the clown clocks for raffle were gorgeousThere were 19 dogs entered in Junior and Senior Puppy Sweeps with one absentee and 16 bitcheswith four absentees plus 4 Veterans entered and shown. We were first on at 8 oclock Monday morning and I forgave everything I could for those with stage fright. Thank you to everyone for your entries.My first place winners wereDogs 6-9 months Jan-shars Braveheart9-12 months Mo Beta Star Stopper12-18 months Lynnwrights Make Room for Daddy Bitches 6-9 months Absolutes Regal Kisses9-12 month Stolannes Pormises To Keep12-18 months Forever Gidget Goes WesternGrand Sweepstakes Winner Forever Gidget Goes Western Best Senior Puppy 12-18 mos Forever Gidget Goes Western BOS To Best Senior Puppy Lynnwrights Make Room for DaddyBest Junior Puppy 6 - 12 mos Jan-shars Braveheart BOS To Best Junior PuppyAs so many of you commented, I throughly enjoyed myself and thank you again for the judging privilege.entry.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SWEEPSTAKESJudge Frank R. WolaniukOn Monday evening, September 4, 1995,1 was privileged to judge the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Sweepstakes entry of 21 dogs, 15 bitches and 5 veteran. The hospitality, cordiality, and general welcome by all officers and show workers of the APC was very warm and uplifting. My special thanks goes to Dianne Johnson for providing me with great ring stewards and that never ending super smile. Dianne can make you feel very welcome.My evening started with an entry of 12 6 to 9 month dogs. I had several very good puppies.All entries performed very well and choosing my 4 placements came down to those being most typey, well balanced, good movMelissaDahlenburgPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER BALTIMORE Regular ClassesJudge Mrs. Robert Forsyth Being asked to judge the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore was a great honor. I love the breed having had great success years ago with Serenade of Hadleigh I believe. My entry of 108 was loaded with quality and very few absentees. Starting right in my first class which is where my Best of Winners came from Chriscendo Classico, an almost 9-month-old pup with type, short- body, and lovely head with small eaars and great carriage and side gait. My reserve from the same kennel was my Open red dog winThePom Reader October 199525Roddie Mb-r'AMCAN. CH. CASCADE S SLJNKIST GOLDENRODOUR THANKS TO THE JUDGES WHO APPRECIATED HIS QUALITYVERY ABLY HANDLED BY ROLLIE EVELYN CONLEY. Thank you for all the T.L.C. given Roddie.STATES..UNITEDTHEMrs. Paula Hartinger 2 Points Group IV Mrs. William Kendrick 5 Points Mr. Edd Embry Bivin Mr. Robert MooreI N4 Points5 Points CASCADE KENNE]IN CANADA...Mr. James Reynolds 2 Points Mr. Pico Pico 3 Points Ms. Virginia Lyne Mr. Norman L. Patton 4 Points Mr. Edd Embry Bivin BOB GROUP IIIDORIS WHEELER3016 Hiawatha Drive Dayton, Ohio 45414Tel 513 278-6071 Occasionally2 PointsPuppiesThe Pom Reader October 199526 SUMMER SPECIALTIES JUDGES CRITIQUESDN U EC NTCream Sable Aldens Celebration In Karen, I would like to give mention to this bitch. She is all quality and will finish easily unfortunately on the day she was not showing at her best. She was in beautiful condition, and of good type. And if she should have been more up she could have held her own in winners contention.Best of Breed Ch. China Dolls Terminator. This little dog I am crazy about. I have had him under me before. He is the type as a breeder I strive to breed. He is not perfect, but he has all the right pieces. Short hacked, in great condition, head, eye and expression to die for, proper ear placement. On the down and back he is sound coming at you and a little close going away. On the go around he is at the end of the lead with style and travels with ease. On the free stack he commands attention. A great little show dog with lots of attitude. He has wonderful coat texture with posty legs, and good tail set. He catches your eye the minute he walks in the ring.Honorable Mention to the Specials listed below. I felt all were just beautiful and deserving. When you have a Specials class with the quality I had on this day, you have to just start splitting hairs to get to the eventual winner. I applaud the owners and breeders of these lovely dogs, and can only wish there could be more than one Best Of Breed Winner. Ch. Fame Gift Of The Spirit Ch. Watts Little Socratesgo around he is very stylish with nice carriage. On the free stack slightly hocky. Overall a compact litle dog with nice posty legs.I would like to mention here the winner of my 6 to 9 puppy dog class, Southlands Jack In The Box. This puppy was in contention for winners also but due to lack of ring experience another day will be his. I feel this is a dog we will be hearing more from in the near future.Winners Bitch Raglan Ginger Snaps. This girl is one of those rare finds I call a dual purpose bitch. She would be worth her weight in gold in any show kennel. She reminds me very much of our foundation bitch Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style. Ginger Snaps is a good size girl - she is every inch a showgirl, a real eye catcher. Never stops showing and as sound as you can get. Great on the down and back and has wonderful travel from the side on the go around. On the free stack she has every foot in place. She has the attitude to do nothing but please. She will not only finish her championship with ease, I predict she will be a great producer. Like I said she is one of those rare finds great showdog and type that will produce what ever way she is bred.Reserve Winners Bitch Absolutes Regal Kisses. From the 6 to 9 class this little girl is a real beauty. I feel she should finish as a puppy. Compact with wonderful attitude, pretty head and expression with proper ear placement. Sound coming and going on the down and back, and this little girl is really more to my liking than the winners bitch, but like I said the winners is what I call a rare find and one I would take home because of her quality and her future to produce get like my reserve winnersFirst in Open Red, Orangewithout hesitation, and looked forward with great enthusiasm to what I hoped would be a wonderful and thrilling experience. I must tell you I wasnt let down. This is a time when the breeders bring out the best, and it is only once or twice a year that breeders and exhibitors from all parts of the United States and other countries get together.Before getting to my critique I want to thank the show Chairperson Dianne Johnson and the Show Committee for putting on such a great show and the wonderful hospitality they bestowed on me. I also must comment on the trophies. Due credit should be given to the people who worked so hard at making the adorable ceramic Pom figurines. They were made in all allowed colors and dressed in clown attire. I was thrilled that one was given to me. The show ran smooth and without a hitch. Exhibitors and spectators were gracious and showed great sportsmanship. It was wonderful meeting fellow breeders who I hadnt had the honor of meeting before, and great catching up with those of you I havent seen in a while. Again thank you all for a wonderful and marvelous entry and I wish you the very best.Winners Dog Chriscendo Cliffhanger. Short backed. Very pretty head and expression small ears with proper ear placement.On the down and back he moved nice coming at you and decent going away. On the go around he moved with style and ease. On the free stack he stood with every foot in the right direction.Reserve Winners Dog China Dolls Sudden Impact. Short backed, Beautiful head and expression, small ears with good placement. On the down and back he moved nice coming at you and a little close going away. On theclass puppies was given to the very deserving Pomeranian bitch 458 Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor Topaze, and Best of Opposite Sex to Best Senior Puppy went to the dog 474 Diamondes Flynn Fire Crown.The final - Judging Grand Sweepstakes Winner - It was between Best Junior Puppy 477 dog and Best Senior Puppy 458 bitch. WOW What a Finale Two gorgeous, outstanding Pomeranians. Only one could be the winner. Dig down into the innermost recesses of your mind Frank, judge on the positives, dont rush to judgement. Dont take too long doing it. Yes, I choose the Best Puppy dog, 477, Dars Foxridge Robbie For TR my Grand Sweepstakes Winner. I was sure, I was firm and I was happy with my decision.Veterans Sweepstakes was comprised of 2 5 and under 9 years dogs 1 9 years and over dog and 1 9 years and over bitch. These entries can sure bring a tear or two to the eyes as they proudly show you they still have it. All were still true champion show dogs. My best Veteran Pomeranian went to bitch entry 467, Ch. Southlands Toast To Bev-Nor.Thank you to all the exhibitors for showing me so proudly your beautiful pomeranians, each and every one true and correct to the breed.Frank R. WolaniukAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB REGULAR CLASSESJudge Dana L. Plonkey Being asked to judge a National Specialty is always an honor and a privilege. But it is even more exciting when judging ones own breed. When I was asked to do the honors at the American Pomeranian Clubs September Specialty, I acceptedCh. Reginapoms Classy Beamer Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive Ch. Shy Acres Our Man Friday Veteran Dog, who I kept in to the final cut. At eight and a half years old this little dog is still gorgeous, and still has the attitude and showmanship to compete with the young ones.Dana L. PlonkeyThe Pom Reader October 199527IN LOVING MEMORYjp 1VI 'ib V VGLAMOURMercers Star Glamour Lyn-Lee 2-9-1988 - 10-7-1995-Goodbye, until on some brighter day, in some fairer place you run out again to greet us.SAMIBontons Miss Samantha 1989 - 1995CODYMegs Pixies Wild Bill Cody 5-2-1987 - 10-3-1995aGeo. Helen PapashvilyEVELYN NEWYEAR NEUJAHR POMS4478 RIVER STREET WILLOUGHBY, OH 44094 216-946-1226Elms KennelsGreatCongratulations to Dot Ed Martin for being responsible for our Central Carolina Pom Clubs first - and very successful - SpecialtyAlso congratulations to Benson Ray on his kennel visit and on the championship of his BenRays Emmy Timstopper at our Pom Specialty, September 28thREGISTEREDESPri1 Epii AnnaLli 11ftCH.GREAT ELMS TIMMY TIMSTOPPER 1388 - 1993RUTH L. BEAM P.O. BOX 937, PIIUEVILLE, IMC 28134 Ph 704-889-9233The Pom Reader October 199530Bemie kept him busy while I got a rusty old rifle out of the closet, after calling the police again. With the rifle in evidence, the man forgot all about his puppy, dropped the Dachshund and fled and no patrolman arrived until hours later.The Dachshund went behind a sofa was was vomiting. She had been poisoned. The nearest our vet could figure was that she had either been--------------------- forced to swallowsomething like transmission fluid or that she had been carried in a trunk of a car so long she had been severely affected by exhaust fumes.Whose fault was all of this Ours We were not diligent enough to watch out for our precious 2 champion Pom males, pregnant Pom female and prized Dachshund. Lesson learned the hard way and one we will never forget. This experience has made us so diligent in these creatures behalf that nothing like it has been repeated with us.THE MORAL It is not always possible to protect our charges from every possibility but we can take measures to guard strongly against theft, accident or mysterious disappearance.was about as soft as a wet mop. We went through all kinds of manipulations, proved that the original caller was a grand-theft convictee many times, just out of prison, but the police did nothing. After all, its only dogs...We did get the 3 Poms back, one by one, paying the hundred to a different person each time, but getting the Dachshund back took longer.just when the Poms are left unattended, or how to get into the kennel facility. Or they may simply cut through a fence to get to the dogs while they are exercising in the yard.Back in the late seventies, Bemie I had come from a dog show with 4 crated dogs in the back of the car,3 Poms and a mini Dachshund. Surrounding the crates were show ribbons and a couple of trophies. We had arrived back in our own neighborhood and thought it safe to leave the dogs in the car for a few moments while we entered a cafe for a quick beer and a burger.It was evening and cool and the car was parked directly below a large parking-area light. When we came out, a window had been smashed and the door unlocked and the dogs and crates were gone.On Monday morning, the reward offer hit the lost found column and just after danw the call came from someone who said he had been in a poker game and the dogs that we had advertised were pawned off thereOf course, the caller had nothing to do with the theft but had just coincidentally been in the poker game and witnessed the situation.-3m\\ViD ^2l\'C5'CONTINUEDThe man with this dog waited a week and then said he had fallen in love her and asked that we give him a puppy in her place. We said we would...but we lied.At this point we gave the policed department such h that the detective said if we could pinpoint when the Dachshund would be returned, he would dispatch a patrolman to make an arrest.We pinpointed the time, but the patrolman set up shop in such a prominent position near our house that the Dachshund guy fled.This guy came back after that unnanounced, asking for his puppy in place of the grown female Doxie.However, this do-gooder would help us get our dogs back for, oh, say, a hundred bucks apiece, brought one by one on successive days - no copsUntil the dog howls again...OLYMPIA aka Lois Ciliberto20044 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FL 34639 813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-9613The police were contacted, and a detective duly dispatched to us., but his interest in mere dog stealingaka Lois CilibertoThe Pom Reader October 199531, WATCH FOR COLOR PHOTOS IN THE NOVEMBER ISSUEP O MERANIANSPROUDLY PRESENTS^ ECHO-ECHO\ -rlm14lh 7'Volft S06I0 son oft Cfas. Tfleficeots y tftftotic^YELLOW ROSE EXOTIC ECHOCREAMSABLE DAMYELLOW ROSE SMOKY MT. DESAREEThis exoticallv gorgeous boy will stand at stud at Grafenhorsts by special arrangement. His first pup- pis are due before December.Puppies soon available from Echos littermate, CH. YELLOW ROSE EXOTIC SPICE, a stunning cream sable.CONTACTHORST GRAF 505-475-246512000 NW 2ND STREET PLANTATION, FL 33325 , WU U.Tf.9 Arr.mi\ Zr 3BREEDEROWNER LYNN HEISEYELLOW ROSE POMERANIANSBEST IN SPECIALTY SHOWTHANK YOU JUDGE MR. KENNETH MILLER4A .vVBREEDEROWNERJANICE YOUNG618 W. SPRINGFIELD ROAD ST. CLAIR, MO 63077 314-629-27541Jr3 L\Ffm rvSPECIALTY I BEST OF BREEDI' GREATER DE3 MOINES COMBINED SPECIALTYSEPTEMBER1995 PHOTO BY DOWNEY 1HANDLER MARIA KNIESLER9151 S. DARLINGTON AVENUE TULSA, OK 94137 , 918-492-0520VCH. STAR HAVEN'S RIGHTEOUS ROCKThe Pom Reader October 199534ChesaiMar' A. Rosenbaum 38711 200th Ave. S.E. Auburn, WA 98092 206 833-21604'jfa Ge'e 11C 4 M I 4 MI ft L \. DOT MARTIN 803-831-8086 5354 Bluebird Lane, York, SC 29745 tfUMORb[ 4 4I KEN ELEANOR MILLER3545 NC HWY 152 E SALISBURY, NC 28146 704-857-1197vPomeraniansSUBERROBERT JOAN REILLY 26903 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78258-7102 210 980-2667POMERANIANS4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 410-655-8330diQuality through planned parenhood. Sun-Dot's Champion LinesGrafenhorstsIP Specializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans and ChocolatesPO BOX 9001 TORRANCE, CA 90508CANDE FREEMAN 310 549-2707IIPEANINOTAt Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.POMS OF DISTINCTION ANNE HENDLERBOX 130 SIMPSON NC 27879 919-758-7143KneisCersPictured left, a typical Grafenhorst PomPOMERANIANSWatch for our Poms in the show ring9151 S. Darlington Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 [918] 492-0520BreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465 Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving HomesInquiries Invited Pedigrees S. Stud Fees on Request"We breed for quality."CH. KIVEISLERS SECRET TRADITIOIMThe Pom Reader October 199535E -mALDENS KENNEL MCEESPOMERANIANSHOME OF CHAMPION PARTI GIRLS Ch. Aldens Lucky Parti Flash Back pic.Ch. Alden's Parti Pepsi HiCh. Alden's Parti Chocolate ChipCh. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-DotA1 Jan Domrase, 6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, EL60072. Phone 815 728-0559 Fax 815 653-5106.VISA MASTERCARDT-' 5MORRIS BETTY CARSON 9826 Walthan Road Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024iA318-466-3456sOUTHLANDPOMERANIANSPUPPIES AVAILABLE FROM Ch. Emcees A Chip of Diamond Ch. Emcees Golden Topo De Oro Ch. Emcees Cloudbusters ImageInquiries InvitedCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360Ch. Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor POASTY Pedigrees Stud Fees on Request0iapmcpomsBred forHealth, Soundness BeautyBased upon Theldun, Rhea-Na, Starfires, Bev-Nors, Great Elms. PUPPIES AVAILABLEROBERT REGINA NUNNRt 1, Box 2890, Berryville, VA 22611 703-955-1209TICKLE POMERANIANS 'MAJICBREEDEROWNERP.O. Box 50, Corpus Christi, TX 78403-0050 512 992-8233 after 7 p.m.Bred for Soundness Quality Home of Am. Can. Ch. Reginapoms Luv-A-GatorMO BETASoMSY Joe DaubenspeckRt. 2, Box 78 Inola, OK 74036 Tel 918 543-3451 Exotic PartiStandard Colors Puppies Young AdultsFor Show or PetChampion bloodlines with great attitudes JD'S POMPOUStHome OfCh. JDs Truly A Gem Ch. JDs Midnight Oil Ch. JRs Yankee Doodle Dandy while hes pursuing his career Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestDOVER-HOLIHOUSE POMSchampion stud serviceBLACK TAN and BLACK STUD SERVICE PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYKATHRYN HARTZ 609-695-1642319 Ardmore Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629 For Parti-Colors, call ELEANOR McNUTT 910-531-4282Janet Hovey, 5549 W. Ave. M-2, Quartz Hill, a 93536-3112.Tel 805 722-3307.. 4.RubysPomeraniansRuby F. Poole 918 341 6921 Route 1, Box 190, Claremore, OR 74017.Am. Mex. Champions in orange, red, black, orange sable red sable.LISSA DAVE DAHLENBURG PO Box 1160, Loxahatchee, FL 33470-1160 407 793-0975Specilizing in Emcee, Millamor, Alden Nabob linesOranges, Partis, and Whites now availableRAFFINANPOMERANIANSTZenncil'iLinetree Pomeranians318 West Grahm, Dixon, IL 61021 815 284-3298TfZe.6 r 7cancll-ATERESITA HUGHES3400 Bluebird Drive, Holiday, FL 34690813-942-9194The Pom Reader October 199536fP ^ JV N S I,w.A COLOR-BRED WHITES, REDS and EXOTICSKENNELSKENNELSSpecializing inCOLOR-BREED WHITES CREAMS Pups Available For SaleSUE HUGHESPO BOX 57, SOD, WV 25564 304-756-9356AOEXOTIC SHINING STAR OBEAU JAMESnShesExotic Kennelis looking for a handler to show Star and others. Contact Judy Stone at the address, phone or fax below. Experience helpful.IceWhiteCH. BEV-NOR SOUTHLAND SINSATION isour main man. Quality puppies and young adults occasionally.RAMONA J. SMITH, Box 833, Belfield, ND 58622. Tel 701-575-4125.ivX.Watch for her in the ring mpm m ^ Home of AM. S. CAN. CH.ff J J MORENO'S PERRIWINKLE,I I _ m _ _ ^ Multiple Group winnertJUofteno 8CHACRES KENNEL Molly McDanielP.O. Box 41 Doniphan, MO B3935Phone 314-996-2942EXOTIC KENIUEL Judy Stone711 Mt. Gilead Road Boodville, IN 47601PhoneFax 812-897-2928CT4 SINCE 1 9 6 7 Sv-\JULIE MORENO415-583-4973 after 10 a.m. our time, pleaseCRESCENDOv POMERANIAN s VNEUJAHR POHSColor-Bred WhitesEVELYN NEWYEAR20044 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FL 34639BERIMIE 6 LOIS CILIBERTO 813-996-54994478 River Street Willoughby, OH 44094 216-946-1226AKC POMERANIANS S. MALTESE fWhats gorgeous and glossy and read all overm.,rj ftl. r Aft -A ICX T N i,, MRtCjSf A'Home of the beautiful black Ch. Gailellens Dark KnightBev-Nor, Great Elms, Emcee Bonner Staten Island, NY 718 494-18477 Highland Trail Denville, New Jersey 07834THE POMHome of the Stars of Today and Tomorrowltar haven pomsJANICE YOUNG 18 W. Springfield Rd. Clair, MO B3Q77Puppies For Show, Breeding Pet314-629-2754Ch. Stud ServiceInternational circulation well over 1,000 paid subscribers Your advertising dollar goes further in THE POM READER The Pom Reader is sent as aPOMERANIANSQuality Pups Champion Studs803-472-3002Rosemary E. Regoni 385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322courtesy to every AKC-licensed Pom judge.A ADVERTISING INFORMATIONILOIS CILIBERTO 813 996-5499The Pom Reader October 199537 B S7HBLOSSOMHEIGHTSBLOCKBUSTERL 7 xiszE Uro Ch. Blossom Heights Firecracker ex Blossom Heights McGuires AmyICongratulations to Benson Ray ^I -m13 POINTS, 1 MAJORGon your newl .jn Pictured with Group judge Mr. Cyril Bernfeld ownerbreeder Arlene Benko. Thanks to Mr.Edd Embry Bivin for Best of BreedsChampion Emmy and kennel visit.U.HO T i- ALSO - BEST OF BREEDMsoIEAFort Lauderdale Dog ClubWINNERS DOG Major Spartanburg KC Judge Richard KoestersgVElJ.John Arlene Benko5351 Jeffrey Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33407 407-842-5591t-yBOCA ^ 11^ l II ID e ICCH.KENNEYSROCKETTEof OAKRIDGECONGRATULATIONS TO BENSON RAY SHARON MASNICK ON YOUR NEW PARTNERSHIP BEST WISHES, FROM...ROCKETS TO HER CHAMPIONSHIP IN LESS THAN 30 DAYS Starting her show career at St. Joseph, MO. for her ficstppoints thank you Mrs. Doris CozartlTThen-WB at Des Moines Pom Specialty for Jrppints and a repeat 5 points next day under Helen Lee James. Thanks She is sired by CH. ROCK 'N TRADITION OF OAKRIDGE who is a son of CH. MILLAMORS MARK TRADITION and her dam is also sired by CH. MILLAMOR'S MARK TRADITION. Thank you Sallie Sajonce for letting us have this beautiful girl. Congratulations to Sharon Hicks Brenda Turner for their 3 majors plus on ROCK COMET OF OAKRIDGE. Good luck to all the JAKE kids out thereV"7^d.2. 'ZA ,i.NINA EPPSRT. 5 BOX 150 NIXA, MO 65714The Pom Reader October 199538 Congratulations to BENSON RAY\1 -AA^T .. ft fromfjff.smvfi ALDENSKENNELVVI11AL JAN DOMRASE6180 BARNARD MILL ROAD RINGWOOD, IL 60072 815 728-0559PicturedAldens Celebration In Kellywith judge Mr. Richard A. Koester Handled by Lloyd Raeleen GraserGROUPFIRST VTKENNEL CLUB AUCUST 1995PHOTO BY DOWNEY 071 PATTI BARIMETT31G W. FRANKLIN WHITE HALL, IL 62092-1031217-374-2323I PCMPJSCALVIN TOO 'iCH. CHRISCENDO CALVIN KLEIN ex PJ'S SWEET PRINCESS \ 4THANK YOU JUDGE MRS. PAMELA PEAT FOR WINNERS DOG, BEST OF WINNERS ANDIS- fr.ABESTOF BREED NBreederOwnerHandled. We are extremely proud of this beautiful young dog, and the other great males at PJ's Poms, includingCH. MERRYMONT IMAGE MAKER EMCEE'S GOLDEN DIABLO PJ'S ROCKY OF SHADY PARK Puppies Occasionally Inquiries Invited The Pom Reader October 1995BEST OF BREED OR VARIETY BLOOMINGTON INDIANA KENNEL CLUB SUNOAT AUG.27.1995 BOOTH PHOTO fe3V MONICAs 32A w39omoiM H'O 0so WcnWi 1 1x LS-K I Submit your cute photo for our popular Playmates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film.W fMAIL TOPR PLAYMATES8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604Mom Hes on my side of the couch Photo unidentified eeNo caption necessary...Nicky, 4 years old, is a St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog. He has been doing pet therapy for over 2 years and has made over 100 visits with over 250 hours of volunteer time.He is pictured in the uniform he wears to visit the seniors he brings cheer to at least 2 nursing homes a week.Nicky is owned byDarlene Perkins Stroud, Ontario, CanadaLiwliAmbnlJ,CTherapy IofSNicky j Were proud of both of you. Thanks. JMcGdA. x,3The Pom Reader October 199542 Lavender Blue Chocolate PartiSilver Wolf Sable Black Tan PRECIOUS , J u POMSOTICS Specializing in__ 1 exotically beautiful colorsOregons finest - excellent coatsCRYSTAL HARDACKER 503-463-9360etdcsi4769 Mall CT NE Salem, Oregon 97305We love your outstandingjjsi BenRayPomeranians New Expected Litters 10.00\Thank you for your help and encouragement\ i WHELPED 86952 RED SABLE MALESSire CH. BEV-NORS STATESMAN sonDam CH. BEV-NORS SPECIAL EDITION daughterMARIE BROWIM 410-768-37177 [ Best Wishes fromJIM WENDY SWIMMEWENKEST_ POMERANIANS WHELPED 922954 BOYS - 3 CHOCOLATE 1 BLACK TANSire HEARTLAND'S STAIRS STRIPS Dam KON TIKI COCO CHANELUNDERWOOD POMERANIANS, 10656 Dallasburg Road, Loveland, Ohio 45140. Ph [513 683-4877.formerlyPitti Poms PomeraniansA'iWE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO OUR FALL LITTERS BYWALLY, RUDDY ZAKi Dear Benson, nIm so proud of you Since you were a little boy, Ive seen your love and concern for animals. I remember how you always asked for supplies to build pens and fenced yards for your ducklings, biddies, baby calves, box bulldog, and then finally when you were about 11 years old, we had a little Pom Rays Regal Romper come to live with us. Then, with the I money from your first part-time job at Pawleys Island, SC, you bought Wolfgang ft isengave him to your sister, Narda.I stilll see that sparkle in your eye when I visit and you show me your collection, and you say, Mama, this is duce them to me...and you look so proud.When you say, Mama, I love my little dogsI know you doIm so proud of you you are very special.IllNovember 1995CHRISDEN POMERANIANSDennis Mario LitonjuaDecember 1995APOLLOETTE POMERANIANSMarlin Marlene PresserCongratulatory ads available. ContactLois Ciliberto Tel 813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-9613when you went to college you sadlyand you introAlways MamaThe Pom Reader October 1995143CONGRATULATIONS TO SHARON MASNICK BENSON RAY ON COMBINING THEIR KENNELS...A SPECIAL THANKS TO THEM FOR ALLOWING FREIDA k ARTIE TO JOIN US IN AUSTRALIAtiGOLDEN AIRES ARTEMIS Artie Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker x Golden Aires Wee Heart-ThrobLI appreciate the extra efforts on the part of these two special people to allow me to acquire dogs frAm America. This has been the beginning of a lpbg friendship and I am looking forward to using These dogs in my breeding program. --------------- ----AAAGOLDENAIRES FREE STYLE Freida Chriscendo Current Affair x Golden Aires Double Delite7 BOWBELL . POMERANIANS' Daphne Bowyer Belinda McGuiness C-90 Dickson Avenue Artarmon 2064 Sydney, Australia Ph 02 99831161 Fax 02 4395155 ALSO SEE BACK COVER THIS ISSUE The Pom Reader October 1995in ...WmmmkH b aMi oD oi Han'tM7CDBenRa rh.wsa, SS7 . Hr\V,7I r rSfimm mm 'JMmmsMuaniakj miAtRag ArtemijWWikWLfifdiSfjlii v2-M-sausumr,. JTiWtmff 7 V. fB-'k A V v- .hfcSr i"4B PtteiI'"1UVVn iij '4r L 1vrwV -i\ 9 ns tvjw cl -yGROUPPLACINGw ,m m, wmK^S5 - I 'ihg I flit,1Vt-.K'g SOUTHERN MARYLAND tUB aA - rBOWBELL POMERANIANS Daphne Bowyer Belinda McGuiness C-90 Dickson Avenue Sydney, Australia Tel 02 99831161fc 11HSEY A 4f msiPICTURED i JUDGE MRS. PAULA BRADLEY,rAlso see inside back cover296bartlesTHE POM READE1 ^ BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FL\9571-95592PASSCHB'ST'AN8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1BD4MS 33USANEWS PUBLICATION DO NOT DELAY ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTEDi kA. i