The Pom Reader December 1995
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aTH rmv 'n viiA'm it in y .. vEDJm 4. ' S. . 3D . , iiVvjALCD, WA0 CJI ii fn 4 c.Li. x, 11 1Me141m -2 fibLX 31 ...1' V -' o i-i. irppc r 1 , ^ W, M '. . v -X u M s' ' wdc " - -.' m4 - _----------\X VC4 " X V c,\ A - .5j_ " V mb 14' Lt H rx - wf -i .Ss, i' V. ' i \ VAjljw 1 3k tW4S^ A - JH Vr ' X nw -s^dt v^by.iiv '_. Tv.JXviv. 'x X. X-9 .. . o .t v iLVvWtV1\F^ w rr \i Vj x 'ft.Tp'- ' . V.H AX s ' JT^ V ^lT jov.r - r2ON THE COVERitA ABISS CH.STARFIRES SUPERMANth te pletiMth finest dtsc^tfimfitMut^ judgejSa ,Wa ...I rrV-K imbVARIETY GROUPFIRST PrI Vtll Ft,IM jot aI. SHI '5 I^Tf.sos1STARFIRESPOMERANIANSTONY CABRERA FABIAN ARIENTI 23750 SW 142ND AVENUE REDLANDS, FL 33032 305-257-2818The Pom Reader December 19953. - ao. ^l4 iAMiONE MAJOR TO FINISH SHOWPUPPIES AVAILABLE BY CH. LYNNWRIGHTS DRACULA LYNNWRIGHTS POMS200 B GATEWAY DRIVE, BEL AIR, MD 21014 410 879-1459 PUPPIES GROOMING HANDLINGr,f. - rCPv tvks\Slnv -.mThe Pom Reader December 1995V_______4THE POMDECEMBER 1995 VOLUME XI, NUMBER TENINDEX TO ADVERTISERSMcINTOSH-TAYLOR, B ...38 MILLER, K. E MORENO, J . .NAGY, B. S .38ALLAN, M.........AQUILAR, E . . . .ARIENTI, F.........BERNEY, S........BERRY, N..........BONNELL, B. M BROGOITTI, L . .CABRERA, T . . . .CARSON, M. B CILIBERTO, B. L ... .16,41CONRAD, H.........CREED, C ............CROCKETT, C . . . DAUBENSPECK, J .DOMRASE, A. J .FIDDICK, R. J . .FINCH, D .............FREEMAN, C . . . .GRAF, H...............HARRISON, C . . .HARTZ, K ...........HENDLER, A . . . .HOVEY, J.............HUGHES, S..........HUGHES, T .........INGLETT, N.........JACKSON, F.........KNEISLER, M . . . .LEITNER, V ........LITONJUA, D. MLIZAMBRI, S.......MARTIN, D .........MASNICK, S........McDANIEL, M . . .DID YOU KNOW by Sharon MasnickOvernight success judges are people too10.3938.411,214. 13,38NEWYEAR, E . . . .27,41,43,44NIMMO, U...........NUNN, R. R ...PANLILIO, M___PHILBROOK, S . . .POOLE, R.............PRESSER, M. M .RAY, B.................REILLY, R. J ...RGS TOYS PEDSRISTER, A............ROBERTS, B........RODGERS, G . . . . ROGERS-RISTER, A ROKOS, M. S ROSENBAUM, M .ROWLEY, P.........SHIPEK, S............SMITH, R.............SMITH, T..............SOLANO, D.........STONE, J .............TAYLOR, D ........THOMPSON, M . .TURNER, B .........TURNER, D .........WELLS, M. G WILFORD, T. DWRIGHT, D..........YOUNG, J ............NEW CHAMPIONSConfirmed November 199539.40.40 .38OLYMPIA aka Lois CilibertoHoiv to win a Group without even hying18. .4015.91,2.40 3824. A CHRISTMAS TAILA yuletide classic, by Connie R. Warnock.40.7,34.3817,40 3826. PR PLAYMATESOur pup-ular candid photo department .3915.40 38.40 15,22-23KNOCK, KNOCK WHOS THEREThe Pom Reader visits Apolloette Pomeranians28..38 .33.4135,3842. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates.403939 .37,38 39.41.40editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third Class service in the continental United States 36.00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 55.00 per year.Foreign prices upon request. ALL ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC- LICENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP AND ALLBREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis Editor, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. Telephone 813-858-3839- FAX 813- 853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.THE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises. Incorporated, S840 thru SS4S Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland. Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. TheThe Pom Reader December 19953439.40 .41.41 35.40 .33.41.516 . INGLETT 4440 Sepulveda Blvd. 206 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Phone 818 981-3747HANDLERSJERRY BETSY OWENS JERBOS KENNEL32510 8th Ave South, Roy, WA 98580 Phone 206 843-1365SOUTHLANDSTOASTY MIZ KATIE- 4 c_SJmr, Olyizet- JiThanks to judge Mrs. Joan Gordon Alexander for this 4 point major.BESTOPPOSITE SEXOKLAHOMA CITY KENNEL CLUB 1995PHOTO BY PETRULIS9 fSUNGOLDSSUZETTE7n ji 4.S^ire4. yim^r y yySetzieIAt 9JtBESTOPPOSITE SEXaiIkSUZETTE pictured here going Winners Bitch and Best Opposite from the 9-12 puppy class for a 3 point major. Thanks to judge Mrs. Margaret Renihan. Special thanks to Ray Anna for Suzette. 1tri-state60t ANNIVERSARY1995AHANK - BISS AmIntl Ch. Jerbos Born To Boogie while still pursuing a show career will be standing at stud at Jerbos Kennel. Inquiries invited.Look for Hanks first litter in the ring starting in January.Hank Sun-Dots Pominique Rose produced Addie - Nobles Perty Lil CajunQueen.uThe Pom Reader December 1995iKaMieJt A 1i Bryn Rose Mighty MagnificentCh. Southland's Mights Impressive x Ch Shards Southern BrsnRosciMaggie is blossoming into a stunning beauty. Our delicate rosebud has her first major from the puppy class and has planted 7 points in her Championship garden. Our appreciation to handler Sharon Hieks for her care and guidance in helping Maggie bloom into a "magnificent BrynRosc prize.fCarA INAtPomeraniansv.S.W. Brenda Turner 3910 Concord Place Texarkana. TX 75503 903832-7742addes-gne, acjvMh-v zod-zee-w-wiAVVni iSiiLV ME r i'tsc KCOOKphoDOGraphvMvjn^ri]CH. APOLLOETTE TALK OF THE TOWN COREYiCOREY is pictured going BOW for a 3 point major under Mr. Usherwood. He finished his championship at 6 MONTHS 3 WEEKS OLD. Thank you to all the judges who appreciated this puppy.We have a black tan male, who has a 3 point major, for sale.APOLLOETTE POMS MARLIN MARLENE PRESSER 740 RHOADES ROAD, WINLOCK, WA 98596 360-785-0903uPENDING AKC CONFIRMATION iPH AT 1 A___8ick to S PoUt Mijo'vi fiA tfa SfrCA6^X4 AAXk tk^lJ ^lAcJl ^ Tv \h- HENCongratulations to Basilio Yap for a wonderful and exciting show and for the beautiful trophies-N1st Philippine Pomeranian Club National Specialty Show WINNERS BITCH BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Judge Dr. Ray LoIWe also send our congratulations to Marlin N Marlene Presser and theApolloette Poms on then kenneliV HI i V-Ii i-.l'D'I-M-li.tkfavM- a^04 Q.^Aa^,Qo'izbcc'rh- fan 4UMsh^ 6A- 4OMIA.visit 44m i \CHRISDENSLIL CTIEROBAM. CH. GREAT ELMS PRESENTS SMOKE Y-JOGLEN IRIS LORELEI D ORx\tTa^o j4tfa^4- fanU\ VSuAJUlrJ, 64L -jptfXty- fa-ctfT\IP.0MS2ndPhilippine Pomeranian Club National Specialty Show WINNERS BITCH Judge Dr. Elmer PinedaI_BREEDER PROUD OWNERSLil Cherob Poms Cheryl Roseboom ChrisDen Poms Manila Dennis Mario Litonjua704 733-9005 00-63-2-632-7025The Pom Reader December 1995CIMIPILE9A N I A NSALUTES A CHAMPION THAT NEVER WON A SINGLE POINT.yi X ^v\jabsolutely positively nost definitely without a doubt100yivSan pancisco Sta^'JW rV ^' -i'5 c k o^0 Jf\ 1 a\MAJORSIREBISA PHIL. GR. CH. BI-MARS SUNNYS GEE WHIZDAM PHIL. AM. CH. JAN-SHARS HILLBILLY HEAVENCH. CHRISDENS MAJOR OF EMPEE145THP.C.C.I. All Breed Show - Judge C. V. Sudarsan India - 5 Points 146th P.C.C.I. All Breed Show - Judge John Rowles Australia - 5 Points 147th P.C.C.I. All Breed Show - Judge Kenen Fujita Japan - 5 Pointsspecial148th P.C.C.I. All Breed Show - Judge Lynne Lee MalaysiaBEST OF BREED BEST IN TOY GROUP BEST IN SHOWPHILIPPINEa s aBORNHe has excellent movement with good reach and drive, short back and excellent layback of shoulders, gorgeous head and outstanding personality.qualitythere substitute MARIO J. PANLILIO JR.21 NORTH LAWIN, PHILAMLIFE HOMES, DILIMAN, QUEZON CITY 1104 PHILIPPINES 6329283196 6329281132 632 8420325 FAX 632 9214372foris noThe Pom Reader December 199510II I Hi 1119Masnickby Sharonv \Aand evaluate the dog. Now, with this in mind, have you been watching the judging procedures before you go into the ring Have you got the correct arm band on Are you watching, so that when your turn comes, you can walk right in and present your dog You all say yes, but think back, was it really yesduce with certain females. We have to breed, keep records, grow out puppies, and experiment to find out what works. Sometimes, a breeding that is repeated will not produce the quality that a breeder got the first time. On an average a female that is bred once a year will produce about six litters so we have only six times to see what can be producedSo, it takes years to accomplish our goals and we have to be PATIENTDID YOU KNOW...YOU CANT BE AN OVERNIGHT SUCCESS WITHOUT LOTS OF WORK, PATIENCE AND TIME Ive always tried to be helpful, understanding and patient with new people who want to show dogs and become breeders. Sometimes, the end result has been a feeling of accomplishment and other times the situation turned out to be a feeling of disappointment. Some want instant stardom and do not have the knowledge, the love of the breed, and the patience to make it all work.First, pick up your arm bands as soon as it is reasonable to help the ring stewards keep their records up to date. Report absentees promptly. It is frustrating to be standing in the ring waiting to judge a class, while the steward is calling a number, to suddenly have an exhibitor say, Oh, thats my dog and it is absentNow, with your dog ready and your armband on, you are ready to watch the judging pattern. Unless you are first, you should be able to do exactly what the judge requests. If you are aware of a novice handler, make sure he is cognizant of the procedure, and if not, explain a little to him. We all were beginners at one time. As time goes on, we tend to forget our own ineptness and our blunders the lead that slips off the reluctant dog not doing the correct pattern and, most of all, over-handling I, myself, am guilty of all three in days past If you have sold a puppy to a novice, and he is in your area, guide him along to show him the ropes, so to speak. Back to the pattern. Nothing is more time consuming than doing the wrong pattern, since the judge will usually request that the exhibitor do it againDID YOU KNOW...That judges are people, too The following was written by well-known judge Miss ARlene A. Czech, and we thank her for this insight from the judges perspective...It takes years for an established breeder to have success and predictability with a line of dogs. Even then the heartbreaks and disappointments occur. Recently, we struggled to keep a newborn alive and lost the battle after eleven days. Countless hours were spent and it really hurt to work so hard and still have the puppyLaments of a JudgeEXHIBITORS PLEASE HELPDont get me wrong I enjoy what I do when I am judging. Its just the things that exhibitors do or do not do that thwart me. I have been much aware of the muliple problems, but no as much as when observing some new breeds under another judge. Their comments are similar to mine, and so I would like to present them to the fancy...Whether you are a novice or an old timer, please pay attention to the following requests. Many of you are aware that the judge is allotted approximately two minutes per dog that is, two minutes to gait, examinedie.My point is, the people who want overnight success arent created from the mold that will produce a dedicated breeder. Sometimes, a novice will purchase a wonderful puppy from an established breeder and will make it to the winners circle. When this success doesnt continue, it causes resentment, jealously, and usually the dog or dogs will suffer.We all can own champions that produce with almost any female they are bred to. Other males may only proThePom Reader December 199511Jjit' CJwiob- Kennel...THIS OUTSTANDING LIL' MALEJj Cdwiob-'bOSHKOSH BY GOSH^-or Aif.ft.imsiiPiv V. 1.f m Vm S ____BESTOFWINNERSCENTRAL K INDIANA\\kennelCLUB SATURDAY SEPT.23,1995 WjSpBOOTH PHOTO '''Sh't MONICA ^ m CU J IKTi'iiMm-ASIRE CH. GT. ELMS PRESENTS SMOKEY-JO DAM GLEN IRIS LORELEI D'ORdtiaMA, to jcudqe dim Ctteneon jon thi.^ nice, lain and thanks Cdveiyt Rotelsoom, tneeden and dean fyuend, fen thin nice wtnnenlPROUDLY OWNED AND SHOWN BYVICTORIA LEITNER - COURBETTE POMERANIANSRT. 1 BOX 338 BONNIE, IL 62816 618-279-3130The Pom Reader December 199512UYou sometimes are not aware of the fact that in setting up your dog as the judge approaches, you may be blocking his view of the dog, and therefore, losing some evaluation. I love it when I see the back of the handlers head instead of the dogs headentered in a different class in the same breed, and each is owner-handled. Here, time can be wasted, if the handler doesnt have the arm- bands on in sequence, with someone standing by to help rip off the old one armband and hand the new dog to the owner. Then, since every dog could conceivably win its class, the owner should have that many substitute handlers available to bring them back promptly into the ring.I have seen this done very efficiently, without a spare moment lost. They have everything laid out, with people standing by. One dog after the other goes into the ring, gets judged, and no time lapses between dogs. Winners class is ready to go when Open is done. It can be done so get organized We all have seen this confusion that ensues when they are not prepared, and the judge is twiddling hisher fingers while the exhibitors round up help. All these little delays can add up and make a judge late for group. Then the exhibitors are upset, waiting for the judge. We try to accommodate all exhibitors, and what I have suggested here will make our day pass more efficiently and we can all enjoy it moreArlene A Czechthe right way.There is a good reason for doing the same pattern. This way the judge can see all the dogs in the same manner. Gaiting the same direction makes a difference. We are not only judging your dog, but comparing it to the others in the class, and we have to have the same conditions for comparison. Some handlers will do this deliberately to show off a special side of the dog, or to hide a side of the dog. Please, dont do itBack to being ready to show. The ring steward calls your number to go into the ring, do you then stop and brush the dogs fifteen times more, or do you go right in Obviously, you should answer, I go right in. But many do not. We stand in the ring, while one hair or another is moved from one side of the dog to the other. Really, the dog should be ready And if you think about it, when the long haired dog begins the gaiting pattern, they shake and mess up all the careful grooming and parting done beforehand anyway. Every judge can see that you have spent much time on the grooming if you have. The coat condition will indicate this right out as the judge touches it.All right, now we come to the individual examination of the dogs. Again, stop fidgeting with the coat. And above all, stop fussing with the feet, back, tail, etcetera. You are only delaying the examination and in doing so bring the judges eyes to the part you are trying to correct. I must tell you right here that that is my worst fault in handling over-handling ARLENE CZECH Some of the judges have even told me to take my hands off the dog, the dog is doing fine You sometimes are not aware of the fact that in setting up your dog as the judge approaches, you may be blocking his view of the dog, and therefore, losing some evaluation. I love it when I see the back of the handlers head instead of the dogs head. Another point here, many times a judge is examining a dog, and would like to compare it with one previously examined. So he looks at the lineup and the dog is sitting down, or with Toys, up in the handlers arms. How can we compare He either forgets that dog, or takes extra time to look it over again later.There is the key word time. You also are putting your dog at a disadvantage if he is not being presented his best the entire time in the ring.Then again, we have the exhibitor with multiple entries. Each one isHeres hoping 1996 will bring you closer to your dreams On behalf of The Pom Reader, I wish you great holiday memories and a super 96Sharon Masnick 2007 Vestry Drive Charleston, SC 29414 803-571-6165The Pom Reader December 199513EST N V1ATCHRHEA-NA'S I GOT YOU BABE - "CHERn7 MONTHS - 1 ST SHOW - EXPERTLY HANDLED BY DONNA LYNN WRIGHTWINNER - 6-9 PUPPY BITCHES - WINNER BEST SENIOR PUPPY2Sr. 0 - K-i14 tlA f ' \ . .1 V4 A .Vk- .f.T l\ _ \\T LJUSw A\ V.\jr . I\V,A M v s_SIRE RHEA-NA'S WATTA LIL' SOCRATES DAM JAN SHARS ABSOLUTE SECRETSHE HAS THAT BEAUTIFUL SOCKS HEADTHANK YOU JUDGE JEFF BAZELL AND THE OHIO VALLEY POM CLUB FOR A THRILLING WEEKEND. IT WAS GREAT TO FINALLY MEET, IN PERSON, SO MANY WONDERFUL POM FOLKSCONGRATS TO THE OTHER PLACEMENTS WITH RHEA-NA IN THEIR CLOSE PEDIGREES - 9-12 BITCH 1ST PLACE BRED BY RHEA-NA 4-6 BITCH 1ST PLACE BRED BY LYNNWRIGHT, 2ND PLACE BRED BY RHEA-NA 4-6 DOG FIRST PLACE AND BEST JR. PUPPY, BRED BY REGINAPOMS WHISPERING LANERHEA-NA THANKS AND CONGRATULATES EVERYONERHEA-NA POMSBARB STEVE NAGY713 MARLBORO ROAD STEPHENS CITY, VA 22655 PH 540-869-3749The Pom Reader December 199514fnilICONFIRME1 V E M B E RI51XII1ISarah Goodrich Owner Beverly Henry Sarah GoodrichMo Beta Of Lenette B by CHMerrymont SatRday Nite Fever x Becky Of Lenette Breeder K. G. Griffith Owner Joe DaubenspeckPeannetes Wisp Of Meri An B by CH PAcre Magnum Force OPeannete x Merrymont Blaze Star BreederOwner Anne HendlerReginapoms Classy Beamer D by Starfires Altar Boy x Silverwoods Classy Dottie BreederOwner Regina Robert G. NunnToylands Legacy From CalvinD by Toylands Designed By Calvin x Toylands Christian Spirit BreederOwner Pat CarneyWatts Little Lee Renee B by CH Great Elms Firestarter x Great Elms Little Cera BreederOwner Dolores A. WattsWestwinds Gypsie Dancer B by Yolandas Traveling Trooper x Jds Gold Tiara Breeder Janet Hovey Dee Chappell Haley Owner Janet HoveyHere I Am Breeder Sharon Masnick Owner Benson E. Ray Sharon MasnickHomesteads PansyPennyworth B by CH Homesteads Spit N Polish x CH The Pines Nutmeg BreederOwner Jean M. HurleyJan Les Maker Of Fools D by CH Jan Les Willie Makit x Starfires Poliana Breeder Jane Lehtinen Jose Cabrera Owner Jane LehtinenJan-Shars Sunny Side Up B CH Jan-Shars Flesh And Blood x Jan- Shars Miss Moonglow Breeder Sharon Hanson Owner Barbara S. MurphyMajestics Miss Liberty B by CH Southlands Toasted Fudge x CH D Judges Morning Majic BreederOwner Annette Rogers-RisterMasons Huggy BearOMillamor D by Bells Justin Of Aristo x Masons Angelica OMillamor Breeder Betty Jo Mason Owner Gailute Brickus Karen M. CrawfordMilos Mist-Chief Of Avalon D by CH Great Elms Firefighter x Milos Mist Of Avalon BreederAbsolutes Biker Babe B by CH Jan-Shars Harley Davidson x Jan- Shars Madonna BreederOwner Jeanne Robert BlankAllayns Precious Lil HotshotD by CH Allayns Sinnerman Toast x Rockwoods Precious Daisy Breeder Mary Allan Ruby F. Poole Owner Mary AllanAllayns Saucy Starlet B by Allayns Royal Resource x Allayns Elfin Stardancer CD BreederOwner Mary AllanElans Miss Muffet B CH Apples Travelin Diablo DElan x Razzle Dazzle Music DElan Breeder Melissa H. Dahlenburg David K. DahlenburgFinchs Exquisitely Obvious Bby CH Tim Sues Moon Rocket x Finchs Magically Impressed BreederOwner Diane FinchGlen Iris The Sun King D byCH Jamels Texas Tornado x Glen Iris Southern Fancy Breeder Dr. Cheryl A. Jackson Donna Hobart Owner Steve Jill CookstonGolden Aires Moonstruck Dby CH Golden Ares Moonwalker x CH Golden AresiThe Pom Reader December 199515u Death with the might of his sunbeam, touches the flesh, and the soul awakes.- ROBERT BROWNINGOUR MOST SINCERE CONDOLENCES, CHARLOTTE, ON THE LOSS OF ONE OF YOUR BELOVED RAYS OF SUNSHINE.CH. BEV NORS FUDGE DELIGHT93081 - 11995POOKIE WAS YOUR FIRST CHAMPION AND TH FOUNDATION OF THE FAMOUS LEGACY OFSOUTHLAND.CAROLYN CROCKETT LINDA BROGOITTI ANNETTE RISTERThh Pom Reader December 199516Our condolences, Charlotte 9 On the loss of your first Champion and founda- V tion bitch, CH. BEV NORS FUDGE DELIGHT. N. Without Pookie and her legacy to the \ breeding program we share we would not \ be where we are today There are no \ words to adequately extol her contribu- \ tion to the Pom BreedW\Thy day without a cloud hath passed, and thou wert lovely to the last.a9 LORD BYRON D. STEPHEN TURNER FRANK P. JACKSON BOW-BOY-N-SOUTHLANDS SHOW BIZ BIZ, great grandson to Pookie, just went BOW for a 3 point major his first time out as an adult. Pookies legacy lives on...BOW BOYSCH. BEV NORS FUDGE DELIGHT 93081 - 11995CH. BEV NORS FUDGE DELIGHT93081 - 11995lYFIRST CHAMPION FOUNDATION BITCH OF SOUTHLAND POMERANIANS [vsN.CHARLOTTE Therose is gone from the stem, but the family tree lives on in the great Southland legand She died in beauty, like a rose blown from its parent stem.C.D. SILLERY9BERNIE LOIS CILIBERTO CRESCENDO POMERANIANSThe Pom Reader December 199517IN LOVING MEMORYPOOKIE at 3 monthsCh. Bev-Nors Fudge Delight9-30-91 - 11-9-95POOKIE in her prime.A ray of sunshine left us on November 9 as my beloved Pookie passed over the Rainbow Bridge.What was a birthday present propelled me into the dog show world creating Southland Poms. She was my first champion and the foundation of Southland.Pookie, I will miss you so especially your patty cakes and the way you would go outside only on your terms if you wanted to and if not, back under the bed you would go.I know you will be waiting for me across the Rainbow Bridge and I will see you again someday, my little friend...1uCongratulations to Marlin Marlene Presser on your kennel visit.CHARLOTTE CREED 6618 LOST RIDGE, PINEVILLE, LA 71360 318-466-3456The Pom Reader December 199518AKA Lois CilibertoLYMPIA MrDogs Howl And rfe' \VHOW TO WIN A GROUP WITHOUT EVEN TRYING ilung. When you are showing someone elses dog you seem to work a little harder getting it ready and also get a little bigger case of nerves, especially if you know it is one terrific dog and deserves to win.While Bemie was gone, I went ahead and loaded the wagon and then dressed to go pick up the female. Bernie arrived home just in time for the trip to the airport and so we buzzed off.The plane was on time, Air Freight moved the female through quickly. We looked her over and beamed, a very nice brood gal who immediately licked our faces and said Hi. So far so good.One half of the way home the wagon started acting up, I was driving and got nervous, but Bemie said, Its nothing, keep going. So I did, then I noted the temperature gauge and it was - HOT.I said, Lets stop and check this out. Bern said, Hey, almost home, keep going, its getting late and by the time we settle this new gal in and do final loading it will be bedtime and we have an early morningThe day started off pretty good. It was Friday and the weekend dog shows were coming up in Sarasota, Florida. The usual stuff was going on, pack this, pack that, check notes, re-check notes, brush out the male Pom entry, fill his crate with plush pads and a toy and write extensive notes for our then teenagers to place on each Pommie left at home for their adequate care while we would be gone.Then it happened. We had been waiting to get a female from a friend and she called to say that she would be shipping that morning, which meant we had to make an unscheduled trip to Air Freight to pick up the girl. No big problem, just another 2 hours added on to the schedule. Squeeze it in somewhere, although it was very exciting to know she was finally coming....Bemie had to go on to work for a few hours and I busied myself preparing for the weekend shows. We were showing a male for another person, a brother to a dog we had started showing who had unfortunately died suddenly of a collapseddrive to the show. Whatever is wrong with the temp gauge is just - er-ahh-nothing.Eight miles from home the car wouldnt go over 25 miles an hour and I kept insisting, Lets turn off and stop. Bern just kept saying,Put the pedal to the metal. The metal hit the floor but the car said, No way. Finally within 3 miles of home smoke poured from the engine. I shouted See there, and pulled over - pronto, skipping onto the grassy road bed, cars beeping behind me and I jumped out to grab the dog crate in case the car was going to blow up.Bemie got the hood open and smoke poured out so bad you couldnt stand near. A neighbor happened by and pulled over to say, Wow. Wow, I said,does not sufficiently cover this problem He drove me home with the dog and Bemie stayed with the car. One of my teenaged daughters was home and____The Pom Reader December 199519got out her little red Camaro.We sped off to make two trips to bring home all our packed dog gear for the shows. The tow truck eventually made it into our driveway and the mechanic who followed just stood there shaking his head.I knew what that meant. Expensive Going to cost a bundle And, of course, there was no way the wagon was going to work anytime soon. Blown head gasket. Takes time, said the mechanic. By this time it was eight at night and we lived rural and nowhere even close to a rental car agency.To meet our show schedule we absolutely had to leave at 6am to show at 10am.Every car rental in Tampa was closed, except near the airport, an hours drive away and both our daughters, by this time, being Friday night, had scattered.Bemie settled in the new female, and too calmly went about getting supper started and checking all the other Poms while I kept on the phone trying to figure how to get another car. All we had, besides the wagon, was Bemies heavy duty work truck designed to haul a flat bed trailer with 30-50 foot portable buildings not a very good thing to use to get to a dog show.At midnight, I had given up.Bemie was readying for bed. All our show gear was stacked by the front door. The show male was in his kitchen x-pen, barking away, all excited, knowing he was going.In walked my oldest teenager,Leslie. Ha She saw the look in my eye and said,Mother, forget it. My car is too small for all the stuff you carry to a show I said, Well, your sisters car is even smaller and damned if Im driving a red Camaro with dual exhausts thats been revved up for a racetrack by her boyfriend Besides, everything in that Camaro is rigged up with bent coatOkay, okay, Mom, keys were tossed Can I go to bed now I grabbed the keys. Leslies light snapped off, just as the other teenager girl was sneaking in the front door. Quite sure I had long since gone to bed and would never know what time she got in. Of course, I saw a long story coming on and I was too tired to care. Go on to bed, Jackie, and if your sister needs to go somewhere tomorrow, take her in your dam ol Camaro. Honestly, red Camaros At your age I had a lot more sense....But Jackie had tip-toed into her bedroom and I looked at Dusty, sitting there in the kitchen x-pen, panting with excitement and, I do believe, laughing at all us fools. Go ahead, laugh, I told him, This is all for you - and God help you if you lose tomorrow Snap-off went the light and I slammed into bed, too tired to take a shower, but with just enough sense to snap on the alarm.Only problem was, the alarm was programmed, somehow a little genie running around to make a mock of the best laid plans of mice and men for 530 pmBernie would sleep through the second coming and I am always trusted to hear the alarm. Which didnt go off. But the trusty old house cat came to the rescue, a little latebut better late than..........I woke as Sylvester jumped on my pillow and then on my head. Meeooww Translated, this meant, its way after dawn, the suns up, I4 -jr'\\ V,11 i.I\CONTINUEDhangers, I know that boyfriend mechanic of hersI forgot about Leslies boyfriend mechanic. Why do teenaged girls insist on small cars and boyfriends who always have their heads under a car hood Anyhow, it was nearing 1 am and I had to get up at 6 I rolled up my sleeves and caught Leslie sneaking into her room. You are totally selfish, I said. You just want to keep your car because you have something big to do on Saturday Well, Mom has something big to do on Saturday and its not my dog and it has to get there, If he wins he will finish and I cant disappoint his owners and....aka Lois CilibertoThe Pom Reader December 199520it I yelled. Thats it To an optimist, dog-show fanatic like Bernie, there is no such thing as thats it. Shut-up he yelled back, and got out and ran around the car. There were 2 major sized pins that held the door on. The bottom one was missing and the top one had been jammed in halfway, meaning, Leslies door had fallen off before and her under the hood boyfriend had done his usual job, except he forgot the coat-hangerBernie grunted and groaned and shoved and got the door on and jumped back in. Pedal the metal he said, and so I did. He was behind the morning news and Dusty, crammed in the tiny backseat was barking away. I hope you win, I yelled back to poor Dusty and he stopped barking. Good, I muttered. You aint never gonna even get in the ring, how are you gonna winTooling down the highway, we came to the first major stoplight where we had to make a left turn. Bernie peeped out from behind his newspaper and meekly said, Hold onto the door. Hold onto the door What do you mean..., and I was around the corner, one hand on the door handle. What do you mean, hold onto the doorAhem...well, its just hanging here by a half a pin and it could fall off at any minute. NO KIDDINGAll our turns were left ones till we hit the main interstate and were in the clear. I held grimly onto the door at every turn with my left handror the hell with my hair the dog and the handler is the important thing.From driveway to roadside on that property was about 900 feet. As I settled behind the wheel, handing Bernie my coffee mug as he was splashing on the ugg cheap cologne. I yelled nerves frayed For Gods sake, dont get any of that stuffwant breakfast I groaned and rolled over for half a second. Then I shot bolt upright. My God What time...The clock hands pointed to quarter to eight Egads Bernie - wake up We missed-we cant go to the dog show The second coming he might sleep through, but a dog show He was bolt erect in a flash, squawking like a hen being chased by a mean rooster.Its not my fault - who kept insisting on putting the pedal to the metal and caused the blown head gasket Oh, shut up I laid back down. Bernie was up and tossing clothes around. I threw him Leslies car keys. You want to go, you go, youll never make show time anyway, I said.NlvW\\ 'Viiini\V'sThenI realized,Bernie was the handler and I was the manager. Hed never get the dogready, his arm band -----------------onand make the ring without me...and I knew I had to drive. Bernie, then suffering tunnel vision, could not go over bridges or superhighway overpasses. But well never make it I said again. He called me a D.... Pessimist and glared. When that Italian glares, get movingNo time for showers, throw on clothes, toss food at the cat and crate the dog, run to the car and try to cram everything in a 2-door, 4- cylinder, that you just barely cram into a 4-door, 8-cylinder wagon. We made it into the car by 830 am Bernie was still combing his hair and splashing on cologne and I just refused to look in the rear view mirCONTINUEDinmy coffee, and slammed the car door. Something happened, but I wasnt sure what. Knowing we had an hour and a half drive, barring being stopped for speeding, to get to the show site and run like hell to ringside, panting if we made it I didnt take time to figure out what happened.At the end of the driveway leading to the highway, Bernie said, Hey, get the morning paper, so I can read while you-ah-pilot. The paper was on my side and I stopped, opened the door, reached for the paper. Cursing Bernies calm stupidity,Who needs a paper at a time like this, and the door fell off Thatsaka Lois CilibertoThe Pom Reader December 199521and steered with my right, and never got to slurp down that coffee, which is just as well as Bernies cheap cologne had smothered it with an uggy flavor looking back, I realized that cheap cologne was half alcohol and maybe drinking that coffee would have been a big help.We sped past the limit, but saw no red flashing lights and heard no sirens. As the timepassed and ring time -------------------------gotcloser, Bernie managed, by wiggling about, to get the dog from the crate, brush him up, put on his lead and, at the same time, magically get his tie on with its Windsor knot.How he managed this, I had no time to figure. I was too busy hanging onto that damn doorThen, to leave the interstate, nearing the bridge we had to cross and the show site immediately after, I had to make a sharp right.Grabbing that door handle, I sped to the right and Bernie peeked over and said, more meekly than usual, I wouldnt hold onto that door now, if I were you. Why not Gravity, you see. Going sharp right, with the wind just in the right direction and the door which was never tight could swing open and... Lois could go with it Thanks a lot Anything for a dog show. Only I used an expletive-deleted before dog show.We screeched into the show grounds, Bernie shouting directions as we dodged here and there looking for a place to park none in sight, then he jumped out, Dusty in hand, leaving me with one morethought- Dont open the door to get out - crawl out the other sideTo crawl out the other side, I had to get over the 4-on-the-floor gearshift and then scramble to find the grooming case, crammed somewhere in the back and run like hell to find my way into the building and to the ring. Where I found Bernie, armband on, in the ring he had noluck in the group which I knew was useless as the group was full of well- known specials and I was still worried about the car door and crawling back over the 4-on-the-floor gearshift. Also, I had to find the girls do my hair you know.The group was full and there was a handler with a Toy Pxoodle and he went in first. Bernie, whose manager was in the girls room, got in last, still struggling to get his armband back on. The handler with the Poodle was pretty mad when the judge finally walked down the line and put the Pom up front. Dusty could out move any dog and he did, and he won the group and finished with a BANG. Lois just made it to ringside, again, to see Dusty on that group ramp and the Poodle man cussed us out, he said we bought the judge. But I said to him Hey, when you gotta hold your car door on. how can you afford to buy the judgeOf course, this flew right over the Poodle handlers head, but everyone else there that day said I should write this one up in The Pom Reader, and I just, finally, did.Happy holidays to all of you...and heres to all your winsUntil the dog howls again...........95^7"\vMV \ 'vill\CONTINUEDdog brush, the dog had no pre-show prepping, other than what happened in the front seat while Bernie struggled with his tie. And my hair was a messEveryone greeted me with Hi, you just made it and I couldnt manage a smile. 1 wanted to tell them about the other times like driving in my pajamas to the show site and staying out in the car while Bernie won the breed over 5 specials and...but thats another story.Dusty kicked his legs, barked and showed his stuff and went breed and everyone came to congratulate me. In those days fellow exhibitors did that Everyone also said, GoodOlympia aka Lois Ciliberto20044 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FL 34639 Ph 813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-9613aka Lois CilibertoThe Pom Reader December 199522ancvBE SO FANCY5 T I C 5 SA JAIw 'A j VJL'Sfv iCmifi 4.STOF OPPOSITE HOBBS N.M.KENNEL CLUB RINEHhRTPHOTOGRAPHY v joe.jAiCH. SOUTHLAND'S TOASTED FUDGE X CH. EGO RATIONS TIGKIE LEEFANCY PICTURED HERE UNDER JUDGE PAT HASTINGS - THANK YOU FANCY IS BEAUTIFULLY SOUND IN STACK AND MOVEMENT, LAYBACK OF NECK, EARS TAIL SETPOSSIBLY ONE OF LIE TOASTYS LAS SHOW GIRLS HES SIRED 30 CHAMPIONS AS OF DECEMBER 3RD, 95. CONGRATULATIONS, CHARLOTTE CREED, ON YOUR NEWEST CHAMPION,MS. ELLIE - CH. SOUTHLANDS SIMPLY ELEGANT. vsticBRED, OWNED HANQLETBY ANNETTE ROGERS-RISTERThe Pom Reader December 1995BEST IN SHOW SPECIALTY WINNER GROUP PLACERMA J FS TICS WILLI E B ST E P PIN UP \ 'ftt w.t STEPPERPICTUREDHEREGOING BOB UNDER HIGHLY RESPECTED JUDGE MICHELE BILLINGS,bM5\-pj. xOF BREEDCONCHOKENNEL CLUB RINEHARTPHOTOGRAPHY n joe1l1FT5 ARFST.Qf 1 CH. MAJESTICS I BE WILLIE BAD X CH. SOUTHLANDS MS. RUTH OF G.E.MULTIPLE GROUP PLACER FROM THE BEGINNING IN THE PUPPY CLASSES. NOW A MULTI-BISS WINNER LA CAJUN POM CLUB 52B95 DALLAS-FT. WORTH POM CLUB 92295],AND HES NOT YET TWO YEARS OF AGETHlayThe'PO BOX 50, CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78403 512 992-8233 aft. 7 p.m.wasThe Pom Reader December 199526tDECEMBER 1995m3 r i ItI 1ISubmit your cute photo for our popular Playmates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film. \KJ Please identify Pom and owner. We also enjoy hearing a little about your Pom - brief descriptions are welcome Send toVHow could Santa resist thisTucker Taylor courtesyBarb Smith, York, PennsylvaniaPR PLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604We only did it cuz we were promised treatsMethi, Meisha, Max, Misty, Mandy, Noel Mikey dressedfor the occasion courtesyDarlene Perkins, Stroud, Ontario Canada6C trt iff- s ' HThe Pom Reader December 199527We re Sorry NEUJAHR WHITESA big apology to the breeder who is upset that we listed her kennel name with those our Poms are based on. We give credit where its due. Repg. 35- Sept. 95 NEUJAHR POMSAy EVELYN NEWYEAR216-946-1226 - Leave Message APHOTO BY LARRY BYERLY1Prayer of a Pomeranian PuppyPlease, God, let me go to a loving pet home I am a brand new little personality I am happy and curious and loving I am looking forward to my little life.Please, God, dont let me go to a breeder Please dont let me be put in a cage to spend my days Please dont let me be put in a run where I have to fight for my food Please dont let me be cold, or wet, or scared, or muddy Please dont let me be used to make money.Please, God, I am a little bundle of love I want to give this to someone.Please let me be loved and held and cared about...Please, God, let me go to a loving pet home. AnonymousThe Pom Reader December 199530has worked into our breeding program very nicely. Great Elms is also part of many of our pedigrees and I must thank Ruth Beam for being a consistent breeder of such nice Poms.After Zack died, we hadnt saved a male out of him for us. Cheryl Bergerson called and asked us if we would like a Zack son back that she had bought as a puppy. We said yes. He was 8 years old. Apolloette for Your Eyes Only was in beautiful shape and we decided to show him and see what an eight year old could do in the show ring. He finished his championship in 2 months. We were very proud that a Pom we had bred could obtain his championship at 8 years of age.AmericanCanadian Ch.Apolloette Afternoon Delight owned by Carolyn Latorre and also Cathy Cinnamon, has been doing well in Canada. He won the Canadian Pomeranian National Specialty in 1994. Again, another excellent mover.We have had numerous Poms who have placed in the groups and who have finished their championships very quickly. The most recent is Ch. Apolleotte Talk for the Town who finished at 6 months and 3 weeks old. We have been fortunate to have bred some really nice black and tans Ch.. Apolloette Wild Fire, Ch. Apolloette A Unique Pleasure and Ch. Apolloette Santana being some of them.We are now showing a male and female black and tan. Apolloette has finished over 50 champions. Right now we are handling a male Pom, Ch. Rodis Mr. Rocky Road, for Diana Solano, and he is number 2 Pom in the breed standings. Ive hit some of the highlights of the show careers of just a few of our Poms. The Poms have been a big part of our lives and we have had a lot of fun with them over the years and have met some wonderful people. Raising and showing dogs is not without heartaches but the good times do make up for the bad times.When Marlin and I look for a show puppy we look for movement, a cobby dog, with good lay back of shoulder, typey and a good, outgor.t8DELMONTEKennel ClubGROUP THIRDjr'y.- y-S8 ____-Above Ch. Apolloette A Unique Pleasure with Marlene and judge Mrs. Bettie KrauseLeft Ch. Apolloette Moonlite Gambler1ABelow Some of the trophies made by Marlene Marlin for the American Pom Club Specialtyv ' t]The Pom Reader December 199531ing personality and showmanship. Socializing puppies is very important. Ours are all raised in the house. They are handled several times a day and we get down on the floor and play with them. We train them in all kinds of places and never let them have their heads to the ground. We have done a lot of handling in the past and are still doing some. We have not only handled Poms but Chihuahuas, Cocker Spaniels, Keeshonds, Siberian Huskies and many more. Marlin and I are a team and we do the dogs together. He is as good at whelping puppies as I am if not better. We dont always agree on a dog and each of us has our favorites.Marlin and I are a team and we do the dogs together. He is as good at whelping puppies as I am if not better. We dont always agree on a dog and each of us has our favorites... \1 v' s m m riAcKOR. CAL OAUFORMAON368 FOX k COOX WARREN e-T-3TrrWyiXiamiki MrA\Both Marlin and I have been very active in all breed and breed clubs. MarHn has been show chairman for Golden Valley Kennel Club, the American Pomeranian Club Specialty in New York and for NCPC. He has been on the board of Golden Valley Kennel Club, held numerous offices for NCPC, including president and is now a board member of the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club. I have been on the board of APC, been an officer of San Joaquin Kennel Club, held numerous offices for NCPC, been assistant show chairman for several clubs and I am now the President of the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club.Marlin and I, with the help of our sons, have made trophies for several of the Pom Specialties, including the National in New York. We made trophies out of wood and also have made ming trees.r 42 aTop Ch. Apolloette Foolish Pleasure winning Best of Breed from the Veterans Class at 8 years of age, NCPCnsn.VjECenter AmAust. Ch. Apolloette Gone-A-Lot as a puppykcvRight The Pressers love for all dogs shows in their successful handling of many breeds...but Poms remain 1 in their hearts and in their homejThe Pom Reader December 199532There is no greater pleasure than to help a friend with a simple act of kindness, a smile, a word or a deed. We are glad that God has given us the love for each other, our family, our friends and our little furry friends, the Pomeranians.Top Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready RockyCenter A Typical Apolloette pupBottom Ch. Apolloette Moonlite GamblerGrooming and trimming seems to be a very controversial subject at the moment. We like our Poms to be well groomed and clean without being overtrimmed. Feathering is part of being a Pomeranian and trimming off all the guard hairs sculpturing and having all the pants and feathering trimmed off is taking away from what a Pomeranian truly is. Our standard calls for the body coat to be Double coated a short, soft, thick coat consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give the proper texture for the coat to form a frill of profuse, stand off, straight hair. Hindquarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks. By trimming off all the guard hairs and pants and feathering we are not following our standard at all. Our Poms are no longer the furry, beautiful Pom they were meant to be.Marlin and I love and enjoy our dogs and hope we will be able to enjoy the sport of dogs for many years to come. To our family, thank you for understanding when we couldnt be with you and were away at dog shows. To all our friends and people we have met in the fancy, we want to thank you for helping us, for advising us, for lending an ear when we needed to talk, for educating us, for working with us, for your encouragement, for enjoying all the good times and the bad times, for just being there. Special thanks to the many judges who have judged our dogs and appreciated what we have tried to accomplish with them.The Pom Reader December 1995tipiWe hope during the time we have been involved in dogs, we have been able to help someone else along the way. Hopefully we will be remembered as people who cared about animals and people. There is no greater pleasure than to help a friend with a simple act of kindness, a smile, a word or a deed. We are glad that God has given us the love for each other, our family, our friends and our little furry friends, the Pomeranians.Marlene Marlin Presser Apolloette Poms\ 433would like to send his best wishes to his very good friends, Marlin Marlene Presser, on their kennel visit. Its really hard to find the right words to thank them properly. We are just glad to have them as friends and mentors and hopefully one day with their guidance our kennel will be as successful as theirs.OwnerBreederSE 83 Millcreek Ridge W, Shelton, WA 98584 360 426-5887ffcwoodSJ POMERANIANS.VCONGRATULATIONS TO A GREAT COUPLE MARLENE MARLIN DR. DOLITTLE ON A WELL-DESERVED KENNEL VISIT.HERES TO MANY MORE YEARS OF CONTINUED SUCCESS WITH APOLLOETTE.IA1ilBEST OF WINNERS V3E8B SOUTHERN MARYLAND, \ KENNEL1 \ . 1IPHHEHjSUNDAY JULY 30,111 frEt - BESS P. ROBERTS15802 Letcher Road Brandywine, MD 20613 301 579-6462WOLFIESILVERWOODS WOLFGANGPictured with judge Mrs. Paula BradleyUThe Pom Reader December 199534CONGRATULATIONSAPOLLOETTEKENNELS aka Marlene Marlin Presser on your well deserved kennel visit. You have worked for many years long and hard to better the Pom breed and you have put in many hours working on the club shows to make them a big success. I myself have reaped the benefit of your experience and generosity. Your help guidance is much appreciated.Iii,4 1 I ^XTAINIE LIL MS NO KISSCh. Apolloette Coast To Coast AftLX .1Ch. Extane Moonlight MasterpiecePictured with judge Mr. Robert MooreGROUPFOURTH SK1- gj TELLO STORE --------------VMJLE1REHHELCLUB RINEHART PHOTO l V'L..V 4SHARON SHIPEK4803 - 3rd Avenue South Great Falls, MT 59405 [406] 452-9104Sty'\ _____AVAILABLEPUPPIESMARLENE MARLIN PRESSERCONGRATULATIONSTOiTwo Great Friends more like familyTwo Excellent HandlersTwo Outstanding and Perceptive Pomeranian Breedersthanks to both for my 14-year Champion Pom, Jennie, my Pet Therapy Pom, Roxanne, and her ten-week-old prospect, Hope.Love and Congratulations to both Marlin Marlene Presser who are ApolloetteIWE WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SAY THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP IN HANDLING AND CARING WITH OUR DOGS.jjYOUR FRIENDSHIP IS VERY IMPORTANT TO US AND WE MISS YOUMARIE V. THOMPSON TOMPARKSMerced, California2340 Mona Court, Merced, CA 95340-9707 209 383-1633Temporarily at 15819 Ada St., Canyon Country, CA 91351. Tel 805 251-6295.WITH OUR THANKS LOVEMY JOY POMS DORIS POMSSUE CHEWNING DORIS WEAVERThe Pom Reader December 199535FINCH'S P0PKR1M1S INTRODUCESFINCHS PaiPOM DR CdM WFHK6R4Vi\Jand his twin sister, FINCHS SHESA WALKS ON WATER handled by Scott Perry.Sire CH. FINCH'S HE WALKS ON WATER Dam FINCH'S DAZZLIN' HOTRODDER pointedCo-Owners Pat Cummings Diane Finch and lovingly handled by Pat Cummings r','HiXc ,COIMGRATULATIOIMS Marlin S Marlene Quality Comes In AH Colorsthanks for CH. APOLLOETTE WILDFFIRE. DIANE L. FINCH R.R. 1 PO BOX 89B KELLEY, IA 50134-9801 515-769-2444Presser on your kennel visit A specialCONGRATULATIONS TOTHANK YOU FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP, KINDNESS SUPPORT. THE GIVING YOU HAVE SHARED WILL HOLD A SPECIAL PLACE IN MY HEART FOREVER. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR CONTINUED SUCCESS.PICTUREDAPOLLOETTE CHAMPAGNE SPLASHTONI SMITHCHAMPAGNE POMERANIANS 5598 S. Crosspark Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84125The Pom Reader December 199536wDECEMBER199534Ml s,Dont worry - this year I made the list and I checked it twiceRocky at 9 months courtesySusan Lucatorto, Floral Park, New YorkSubmit your cute photo for our popular Playmates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film.MAIL TOPR PLAYMATES8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELA1VD, FL 33809-1604Dont ever sneeze in a snowbankcourtesy Kris Vaughn, Boise, IdahoccPLAYMATESThe Pom Reader December 199537Valle r0oA'. N.6 f -rf y. A.C'"4BARKLEY SHAKE YOUR BOOTY" WAS OOUBLETHANK YOU MRS. DENNY KODNER FOR CHOOSING BARKLEY ONFRIDAYHANDLED HERE BY OWNER CINDY ROKOS.ihappy holiday wishesto APOLUBETTE POMERANIANS ON THEIR KENNEL VISIT.D_THANK YOU MRS. PEGGY DILLARD CARR FOR THIS EXCITING WIN ONSATURDAYHANDLED HERE BY OWNER MARSHALL ROKOS. uPARADISE VALLEY POMERANIANSMARSHALL CINDY ROKOS 1436 CLOUS ROAD KINGSLEY, MICHIGAN 49649 PHONE 616 263-7382TM mJ____The Pom Reader December 199538LIBERTI POMERANIANS Co 6 Idea l Cii'li1 SHARON MASNICKCVStellaM. Lizambri133 Camelot Drive, Goose Creek, SC 29445803 553-0188Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms lines AKC Registered Puppies Occasionally SrTeri Dan Wilford 31 SO Cormorant Drive Jacksonville, FL 3S2S3 .904-268-3510 262-8434 IkBENSON RAY'AN PicturedEMCEES A CHIP OF TERI-DANGroup Placer2007 VESTRY DRIVE CHARLESTON, SC 29414 8035716165POMERANIANSAKC Registered Bred for Conformation, Obedience Agility^atuir Jltll limtsrCHAMPION SIRED - CHRISCENDO BLOODLINES HELEN CONRAD1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 Tel 941-475-1724.iNElizabethAguilar 612377-8239 Minneapolis, MNCatherine Harrison 612426-2071 Mahtomedi, MNr Specializing in Exotic Poms Blue, Larndar, Chocolate, Black,t \Stuzctofooand BlueWhite, ChocolateWhite, 'KmvteLbPARIS77ccHANDLING AVAILABLE PUPPIES AVAILABLE OCCASIONALLY STUD SERVICE TO APPROVED BITCHESand BlackWhite Parti-ColorsPompeiis Paris Reynoso De Troy Clijen-Les Willie Makit ULDINE NIMMO, OWNER BREEDER Route 2 Box 83, Halfway, MO 65663x 417-267-2413Pompeii's Lucina DiamanteFINCHS POMERANIANS Mary Allan^ 918-485-3010 or 918-485-1040W \Diane L. Finch 515 769-2444Rural Route 1 Kelley, IA 50134LIAYNSPOMCMMdNSCh. Finchs He Walks On WaterCh. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Great Elms,J Millamor. Scotialines WhireRcd and Whiteblack parti puppiesCh. Apolloette Wild Fire Ch. Tim Sues Moon RocketRoute 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467Ch. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf^Ijxllirodks 4^aitrijMost colors including parties. Bloodlines include Bi-Mar. Bonner, Cedarwood, Chriscendo, Creider, D-Nee, Great Elms, Millamor, Pombreden, Scotia. SunRay and Watts.Susann Philbrook, Box 1070 Rancocas Rd. Mt. Holly, NJ 0S060 Tel 609267-4644 Manual Fax 609267- 3799.Hi.ext 0 - ""From your fax machine, dial ext 9 to receive a faxed list of Poms for saleOnline - Internet ECFDSSAPRODIGY COMMJYcM^S loTTASAPORTRAITS OF PERFECTIONMary Gene WellsRt. 2 Box 238, Pattonsburg, MO 64670 816 367-2254. oROBERT JUANITA FIDDICKomCH. STUD SERVICE QUALITY PUPPIES HOME RAISED S. LOVEDDANIEL TAYLOR JR. BONNIE MclNTOSH-TAYLORP0 BOX 889W A 9 8 5 7 6cresRR 4, CEDAR FALLS, IA 50613 319-989-2199 RAINIERRGS TOYS PEDIGREESiurVa i^o721ecl- P.O. BOX 331354. Atlantic Beach. FL 32233-1354 Tel 904-720-7667 Fax 904-270-1731A STANDARD OF EXCELLENCENOTE Unforunately. due to new zoning, all calls must be returned collect. New prices are effective immediately for 3 4 generation pedigrees.SEE US FOR YOUR NEXT SHOW PROSPECT. Rhea-Na. Bev-Nor. Starfire's, Janesa. Glen Iris. Regina Poms, LLL, Great Elms lines.Barb Steve Nagy713 Marlboro Road, Stephens City. VA 22655. 540-869-3749.Pedigrees researched 3-gen 5 4-gen 8 5-gen 15 6-gen 25 7-gen 40.BREED CLUBsf ASK ABOUT OUR DONATION SPECIALSThe Pom Reader December 1995.I39ChesaiMary A. Rosenbaum 38711 200th Ave. S.E. Auburn, WA 98092 206 833-2160 m 4 JPOHERAilAlDOT MARTIN 803-831-8086 5354 Bluebird Lane, York, SC 29745 \1MILLflMORi K KEN ELEANOR MILLER3545 NC HWY 152 E SALISBURY, NC 28146 704-857-1197 PomeraniansSUBERSUZANNE BERNE Y ^4 lb. Chocolate son of CH. STARLITE LEGACY CHOCO BEAR at stud for limited timeROBERT JOAN REILLY26903 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78258210 980-2667POMERANIANS4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 410-655-8330PQuality through planned parenhood. Sun-Dots Champion Lines GrafenhorstsZP ex- Specializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans and ChocolatesPO BOX 9001 TORRANCE, CA 90508CANDE FREEMAN 310 549-2707PEANNETLill k.At Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.POMS OF DISTINCTION ANNE HENDLERBOX 130 SIMPSON NC 27879 919-758-7143 A\J\iieisler'sPictured left, a typical Grafenhorst PomPOMERANIANS Watch for our Poms in the show ring9151 S. Darlington Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 [918] 492-0520mBreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465 Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving HomesInquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on Request"We breed for quality."JCH. KIXIEISLEHS SECRET TRADITIONThe Pom Reader December 199542READERTourShowcaseforPurebredPomeraniansSUBSCRIPTIONRATESm U. S. Dollars11 Issues Per Year THEHI3 ' - J Aiv f i5" ilL 2... 1,.A.Domestic39 3rd class postage 60 1st class postage \Foreign Rates Upon Request \ Sample Issues 5.00 each Back Issues 5.00 eachSubject to availability \ s. ' 1i-i. Vi' - H^ISDEN'S CALANU B.T.J. WHIZ.SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONJoe McGinnis, Editor Phone 941-858-3839 Fax 941-853-3624Telephone subscription orders by credit card onlyADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAnnual Prepaid Contract337.50Ad SizeFull Page Deluxe Color Full Page Standard Color Full Page Black White Half Page 14 Page 18 Page 116 Page STORK REPORTOpen Rate 375.00 250.00 125.00 75.00 40.00 25.00 15.00 10.00ADVERTISING INFORMATIONLois CilibentoPhone813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-9613NA112.0060.0032.0020.0012.00NAAll ads 14 page and larger include one photo. Extra black St white photos S5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes color photo, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, position chosen by publisher.DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604 941-858-3839The Pom Reader December 1995NEUJAHRCH. NABOBS TALK OF THE TOWN HANDLED BY ANNA LAFORTUNELittle Marcus never placed less than BOW during his fast climb to his title. He is retired now, but his little look-a-like son, our NABOBS WEE WINTER WONDER is carrying on the quality.EVELYN NEWYEAR NEUJAHR POMS 4478 RIVER STREET, WILLOUGHBY, OH 44094 216-946-1226 leave messageAGENTSDONNA MEGENHARDT and DONNA MACHNIAKA Tlt4. 1 1Vr . \ ii I1Wr tiiU It V NV m n1, A\.Um.ft- 3BBEST OF WINNERS f'long beach kennel clubFOX l COOK408-T28-3T8T\\vst.E7DEC 11988' l VICKYt\NEUJAHRWinter Whites and other holiday ColorsWishes all Poms lots of hugs for the Holidays' b9bNABOBS HERE COME THE GROOMj Nabobs Winter Wizard x Ch. Nabobs Talk About Harlem Breeder Nan Shartel OwnersEllen Evelyn NewyearV.c.anega Av'- 1V7L v tAJdlXL1 jl\V--. 1 rAMl 1s"3 t\rmS" [WV'L_riY7M, \-Age 6 monthsA i U r, v rT 'JL JIiNABOBS WINTER WIZARDCH. NABOBS TALK ABOUT HARLEMmmNEUJAHR POMS EVELYN NEWYEAR 4478 RIVER STREET WILLOUGHBY, OH 44094 216-946-1226 AGENTS DONNA MEGENHARDT DONNA MACHNIAK296THE POM READER8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGEHEIDI TORREY- BARTLES 23229 E DUBISSON PASSCHRISTIAN MS 39571-9559PAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FL3USANEWS PUBLICATION DO NOT DELAY LPfJ