The Pom Reader February 1996
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THE POMFEBRUARY-MARCH 1996 - VOLUME XII, NUMBER ONEfCH. FINCHS PASSIONATE KISSESON THE COVERFINISHED FROM THE PUPPY CLASS... MULTIPLE GROUP WINNING SPECIALCH. FINCH S PASSIONATE KISSESThanks to Diane Finch for the opportunity to have this wonderful boy, and THANKS to all the judges for recognizing this outstanding dog, placing him over top winning Specials and to Group wins over multiple Best In Show Toys.Special THANKS to his handler,Cathy Anderson, whose love and professional expertise guided Cubby to these exciting wins.,94_CUBBY, pictured winning under judge Mrs. Dorothy Welsh, isOovned lovedAlehin669 64vov lido ad Ifluiphpslo^o, Jllinod 61966 68-64-64-4- eveningCongratulations to a specialfriend...Diane Kiefferon a much-deserved kennel visit. Your dedication in trying to perfect this breed is commendable your Pom kids are always SpecialThe Pom Reader February-March19963HOOT MID KmnCLS presentsCH.HICKORYBEND'SmrjVfl4Kikm h oCLSLBESTOF WINNERSARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB 1996 PHOTO BY PETRULisej.. ^CH. NANSHADOW'S HURRICANE JUAN CD x HICKORY BEND'S CHARMING ASTAHICKORY BEND KENNELS WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE FOLLOWING JUDGES FOR THEIR APPRECIATION OF THIS CREAM SABLEMRS. ROBERT FORSYTH MRS. BETTY MUNDEN pic. MR. MERRILL COHEN MR. MRS. WILLIAM BERGUM MRS. PAULA BRADLEY and MR. ROBERT MOORE.BRED AND OWNED BYDR. TOM DAVIDSON REV. DAVID LAMB812 737-2860CONDITIONED AND HANDLED BYNANCY BURNETTE501 988-2532The Pom Reader February-March1996THE POMFEBRUARY-MARCH 1996 VOLUME XII, NUMBER ONEMbfrle efj Contents8. NEW CHAMPIONSTitles confirmed January 199612. DID YOU KNOW by Sharon MasnickDiscipline, Lyme Disease, and more14.16.PR PLAYMATESOur candid photo department. Also p. 34.OLYMPIA aka Lois CilibertoUp, Up and Away...19. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising subscription rates20. KNOCK, KNOCK WHOS THEREThe Pom Reader visits Heartland PomsTHE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. TheThe Pom Reader February-Makch1996editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third Class service in the continental United States 36.00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 55.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request. ALL ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC- L1CENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP AND ALLBREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis Editor, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. Telephone 813-858-3839- FAX 813- 853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.HEX TO ADVERTISERSAGUILAR, E................. . . .32 LAMB, D......................... . . . .3ALLAN, M.................... . . -32 LINDYS ......................... . . .13ARIENTI, F .................. ... .6 LIZAMBRI, S ................. . . .32BEECH, J. M............. ___ 27 LOVELY, V .................... . . . .9BERNEY, S .................. . . .30 MARTIN, D..................... . . .33BERNEY, S .................. .. .33 MASNICK, S .................. . . .11BERRY, N .................... . . .36 MASNICK, S .................. . . .32BONNELL, B. M . . . . . .36 MCCABE, R.................... . . .30BRANN, M.................... ----- 31 mcdaniel, m.................... . . .37BYRD, L ....................... . .37 McINTOSH-TAYLOR, B .. .33CABRERA, T................ ......... 6 MENARD, M .................. . . .15CARSON, M. B____ . . .36 MILLER, K. E............. . .33CARSON, M. Sc B____ ----- 38 MORENO, J..................... . . .37CILIBERTO, B. L . . ----- 31 NAGY, S. B ................ . . .32CILIBERTO, L. B . . . . . .37 NEWYEAR, E................. . . .37CONES, R .................... ___ 28 NEWYEAR, E................. . . .40CONRAD, H ................ . . . .32 NIMMO, U ...................... . . .32CREED, C ..................... ...36 NUNN, R. R................. . . .36CROUCH, K ................. ___ 26 PHILBROOK, S.............. ___ 7DAUBENSPECK, J . . . . . . .36 PHILBROOK, S ............. . . .32DAVIDSON, T.............. ......... 3 PODOLIN, R................... . . .29DOMRASE, A. J . . . . . . .36 POOLE, R ....................... . . . .9DUPRE, J....................... ___ 15 POOLE, R ....................... . . .36EPPS, N.......................... ___ 26 RAY, B ............................ . . .11FEYH, R ....................... . . . .30 RAY, B ............................ . . .32FIDDICK, R. J _____ . . . .32 REGONI, R ..................... . . .37FINCH, D ...................... . . . .32 REILLY, R. J................ . .33FINCH, D ...................... . . . .38 RGS POMS PEDS . . . . . .32GRAF, H ....................... . . . .33 RIEHM, D....................... . .1,2HACKMAN, J. C . . . . . . .31 RODGERS, G.................. . . .37HARRISON, C.............. . . . .32 ROGERS-RISTER, A . . . . . .36HARTZ, K..................... ...36 ROOKSTOOL, L ............ . . .30HENDLER, A................ . .. .33 ROSENBAUM, M........... . . .33HERRMANN, L ........... ___ 26 ROWLEY, P.................... . . .37HOGG, D ...................... ___ 28 RUSSELL, J..................... . . .29HOVEY, J ..................... . . . .36 SCHROLL, J.................... . . .31HUGHES, S .................. ...37 SMITH, R......................... . . .37HUGHES, T................... ...36 STOLL, F ....................... .39,40IAMS............................. ___ 10 STONE, J......................... . . .37IFFLAND, M. B____ ___ 27 TAYLOR, D..................... . . .33INGLETT, N ................. ......... 5 WELLS, M. G.............. . . .32KEIFFER, D.................. . . . .32 WILFORD, T. D_____ . . .32KIEFFER, V.................. . . . .29 YOUNG, J........................ . . .37KNEISLER, M.............. . . . .335O M E R A N I A N S NEW CHAMPION BACK-TO-BACK A POINT MAJORSmf 1f 'UjThank you judges Mrs. Peggy Hogg left] and Mr. Timothy CattersonMiz Katie is pictured with handler Jerry Owens and proud owner.CH. SOUTHLANDS TOASTY MIZ KATIEHANDLERSJERRY BETSY OWENSMoving to Missouri...WATCH OUT MIDWESTOWNERNOBLE INGLETT4440 Sepulveda Blvd. 206 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 818 981-37474NEW CHAMPIONMAJORTONER'S BITCH TACOMASTCVtN a OSS PHOTOThe Pom Reader February-March19966-^Ps.T H S0^R3FCICRSE NEXT GENERATIONSIRECH. STARFIRES NICOLAS EL GRANDEMSS\\i'v- 'y^ ' w- , ' ^TOW CABRERA FABIAN ARIENTI 23750 SW 142ND AVE REDLANDS, FL 33052 305-257-2818The Pom Reader February-March1996cpfiifBrook s pancy JVoudPy ^Introduces...q\vo oj Our 9Prom^s^n0 G^fsP. phifitrooks Hpgic ust PFiifbroofcs ]ecfamona JJe^unaMerrymont Poppin Fresh x Philbrooks GE Jersey Tomatoe Philbrooks All Fired Up x Philbrooks Easy EzmeraldaPedigree includes Gh. Chriscendos Gflfvin Kfcin, Gh. Great m's ^irestarter, and Gh. C-ONJees Jarin JujJie.Whats that JTash passing by in the ring2 Its Jixie. One tough fittfe dog that even A at 510" have troubfe keeping stride with white in the ring. L woufd fike to thank everyone Jor the enormous amount oj praise we have received ringside about my fittfe tpixie. cIt is wonderjuf to know how weff received and foved pixie is by my Jeffow breeders, handfers, and fPom Janciers. ghe is the appfe oj my eye and personijies type, movement, and terrijic show attitude wrapped up in one very smaff package.Pedigree incfudes Ch. Chriscendos Ga^in Klein, Gh. Great 0m's ^irestarter, and Gh. J-Cl\ee's Jarin JujJie.Xpna s a beautijuf coated very sound bitch with great fegs. 4 thought you coufdnt top Esmerefda, AGnas mother, but she has one oj the most jfamboyant personafities A have ever seen. We are very Jond oj her and think shelf do great in the ring in 96.gusann cphifbrook breederG"wnerExFiibitor 1209 Qporceviffe rive cWestampton, GNgJ 08060Sorry, we do not ship^cpfione 609 267-4644 609 267-3799'Jong Jistance Ga^s 'Returned GoffectInternet Email ECFD88Aprodigy.comThe Pom Reader February-March19968ff1C O N F I R M E 1I A X U A R Y 19Benrays Emmy Timstopper B by CH Great Elms Timmy Timstopper x Peartrees Pirouette BreederOwner Benson E. RayCrystal Bud-N-Promis B by CH Lili-Rocks Bud Light x Crystal Coral-Dust BreederOwner Judy ShearerDamata Timber Country Dby CH Texicans Highball x Rosehills Simply Ma Va Louis BreederOwner Dartys FlaataFluffaloves StormtrooperD by Bavanews Desert Storm x Fluffaloves Cotton Kandie BreederOwner Barbara MaccrimmonFoxx Glen Dastar Magnum Force D by Jan-Shars Ace In The Hole x CH Lady Patricia Bubbles of Joy BreederOwner Patricia Foxx Karen PowerGreat Elms Top Choice Of Lenette D by CH Great Elms Little Tiger x Great Elms Lydia Of Lenette BreederOwner K.G. GriffinHaikus Wind Shadow Dby CH Creiders Prince Dom Perignon x CH ApplesTraveling Polly Breeder Marit Hattori Owner Judy R. LeadbeaterIdlewyld Koh-L-Noor Topaze B by Daybreaks Little Deuce Coupe x Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor Diamond BreederOwner Margaret R. McKeeKitsans Kitkat B by Kitsans Kandi Man Rogueland x Amplified Images Suzina Breeder Wm J. Gray La Ray A. Gray Owner Trilvie V. HanyesMark Tradition Of LenetteD by CH Millamors Mark Tradition x Sherrys Rose Tiana Of Lenette Breeder K.G.Griffin Owner Tom Sylvia MiyakePost Oaks One Tuff Classy Man D by CH Shadomountin One Man Show x Delemas Touch-O-Classy BreederOwner PamJ. GaultPrimrose Sizzlin Gold Gizmo D by CH Puf Pride Bit O Gold Chance x CH Allayns Dazzlin Gold Darlin Breeder Donna Parkenson Owner Mary AllenRodis Wind Dancer D byBev-Nors State Of Affairs x Bev-Nors Toastys Melody BreederOwner Diana M. SolanoSun Rays Sun Glory B by CH Sun Rays Riders Tornado x White Havens Tea-Keela Breeder Fern Rodriques Owner R.Potts G.C.WatersTerimars Playboy Tyler D by Great Elms Top Gun x Puppiluvs Little Red Amber Breeder Tim Terry Morrow Owner Shelia M. PadillaUrsa Minors Pale Moon Rising D by Calanu Yukon Jack V Watts x CH Pinehaven Sweet Memory BreederOwner Barbara KrzewickiWee Paws Preferred Stock D by CH Janesas Trendsetter x Janesas Monkey Business Breeder Judy ONeil Owner Diana CastroWee-Paws Ada Daba GabbyB by CH Janesas Trendsetter x Janesas Monkey Business Breeder Judy ONeil Owner Diana CastroThe Pom Reader February-March1996es8icaaEr_-arr.0 0GROUP 4thBELL VERNONKENNEL ASSOCPhotography BySteven RossRUBY'S LOVELY MISS JESSICABIS CH. LOVELY JESSIE SAIS SO x RUBY'S IDA MS KNUTHINSpecial thanks to Mrs. Wanner for Jessica's BEST OF BREED win over 5 Special dogs for a major, and a nice Group placement. Jessica is BIS Ch. Jessy's 2nd daughter to win the breed over specials.AVAILABLE3 show quality dogs, 2 show quality bitches. Several nice brood bitches. Prices start at 450.JESSICA'S BREEDEROWNER^ulby PooCLAREMORE, OKOWNERHANDLER1406-D 54TH AVE E. TACOMA, WA 98424The Pom Reader February-March 199610ACL ampionsmphip Stack.EUKANUBA THE ORIGINAL PREMIUM Prtmlum Quality Food Foe Oo^i Maintenancei^zziukanuba h-L. V. LAMBS RICEEUKANUBA9 formulaNATURAL FOR DOGSinu m a S LAMB fi RICE'EUKANUBA9 formulavLSuLC for puppiesEUKANUBA9 UGHTYouve studied pedigrees. Researched bloodlines. Youve done everything possible to develop the best of the breed. Or have youBecause if youre compromising your dogs nutrition, you could be hurting their chances of reaching their full potential in and out of the ring.Get the best out of your dogs by putting the best into them. Eukanuba.Choose from our full line of six nutritious formulas Puppy, Adult Maintenance, Original Premium, Light, Natural Lamb Rice for Adults and Natural Lamb Rice for Puppies. Every ones a winner.EUKANUBAThe Lest you can do for your dog.FOR THE VETERINARIAN OR PET SPECIALTY RETAILER NEAREST YOU, CALL 1-800-525-4267IAMSCOMPANYThe Pom Reader February-March1996Ruddy says...I got to show my FACE in December 1995 for a BEST OF BREED win-rBEST OF BREED or VARIETYCENTRAL FLORIDA KENNEL CLUB DECEMBER 19953PHOTO BYCH. GOLDEN AIRES TRUE REWARD1995 has been a year of change for BEN RAY - GOLDEN AIRES POMS. RUDDY showed his owners that even after a vacation he still loves to show his FACE and winRuddy is at stud to approved bitches. Please call for fee and pedigree.We all plan to show our FACES more in 1996.BENSON E. RAY SHARON MASNICK2007 VESTRY DRIVE, CHARLESTON, SC 29414 PH 803-571-6165 FAX 803-556-6011The Pom Reader February-March1996Did You Sharon Masnick4DID YOU KNOW...WE AS OWNERS MAY CARRY SOME OF THE BLAME WHEN A PET ACTS UNDISCIPLINEDIf you come home from work to find your dog has piddled on the carpet again, should you yell and punish the animalUnfortunately, some people use a lot of hitting and yelling and that kind of behavior only teaches a dog to be afraid of you. It doesnt solve the problem, it only adds to the problem.Think about it Most of the time a dog comes to greet you when you come home from work with his tail wagging. If you start yelling, the dog thinks he shouldnt greet you. To a dog, our reaction is confusing and anxiety-producing.Training should begin at a very early age and it should be consistent. Training should be done with firmness, consistency, and with lots of love and praise.Early training prevents bad habits from developing. We need to show the animal what we want him to do using the same commands and we need to remember to praise him when he does do what we expect. Too many times we gear ourselves to do more correcting than we do teaching.Just remember our dogs should not think that their name is NO.DID YOU KNOW...THAT YOUR DOG MAY BE AT RISK FROM LYME DISEASELyme disease or Borrelicsis is a tick-borne bacterial disease which can affect humans as well as animals. It was first discovered in the United States in 1975 and was reported in dogs in 1984. It has rapidly spread across our country affecting many victims every year.The carriers of this disease are ticks. Ticks are blood suckers and they draw their life from other creatures. When an infected tick bites, the bacteria is transferred to the blood of the host.Lyme disease has the potential to exist in The Pom Reader February-March1996any area where infected ticks are present.Secluded wooded areas where people live and spend leisure time are the natural environments for ticks and lyme disease bacteria.The symptoms of Lyme disease in an animal is arthritis, sudden onset of pain and lameness, lethargy, loss of appetite, depression, and a high fever. This disease will affect the heart, brain, and kidneys.In the early stages, lyme disease can be treated with several broad-spectrum antibiotics. However, treatment is not always successful.To prevent Lyme disease, it is important to routinely check your pets after they have been outdoors brush your pet after each outing. If a tick is found, remove it carefully with tweezers and wash the bite area and your hands.Lyme-Vac is the first Lyme disease vaccine for dogs and it has proved to be highly effective and safe.My thanks to Dr. Tom Hentges DVM for his input for this article.DID YOU KNOW...YOU NEED TO PUP- PYPROOF YOUR HOME There are several things you can do to make your home safer for your pet.1. You need to provide a bed for your puppy to sleep in. It can be a warm rug or an old towel. It should be made so it can be removed easily and washed. If you have to leave the pet overnight, he will be able to have the security of sleeping in the same bed.2. Dogs need to have access to water at all times so a 24-hour water bowl is a must. It should not be made of plastic as that can be chewed. A ceramic or pottery bowl is a good choice.3. You need to have plenty of newspapers on hand to keep the floor of the puppys living quarters covered until he is housebroken.4. All windows of your home should have screens to prevent mosquitoes fromentering. They carry heartworm disease.5. Many household items can be dangerous to a puppy so they need to be kept in a safe place. Chemicals, mouse traps, electrical cords, rat poison, and small objects need to have a place and be kept there.Puppies are curious and in a few minutes they can find something that could be harmful to them.DID YOU KNOW...WORMS CAN BE A BIG THREAT TO YOUR DOGS There are two important species of round- worms and hookworms that commonly infect all dogs. These intestinal parasites can cause poor growth and even death. Dogs of all ages are at risk but puppies are the most vulnerable. A fecal sample will determine if these parasites are present.Many puppies are bom with round- worms, which they contract from their mothers before birth. These worms can also be passed in egg form through a dogs feces. Roundworms live and grow in the dogs intestines, and can reach lengths up to seven inches. Signs of this disease are a dull coat and some dogs may experience vomiting and diarrhea. Lung damage, pneumonia, and liver damage may also occur.Hookworms are also common in puppies. If left untreated, heavy infestations can cause a puppys death within weeks. Hookworms can be passed through the mothers milk, or in egg form via the feces. Infection can also occur as the result of larvae penetrating the skin causing a local rash, after which they migrate via the bloodstream to the intestines. Hookworms can cause diarrhea, severe anemia, and weakness. Dogs may also lose weight.It is best to have a fecal check done on your puppies to be sure.Sharon Masnick2007 Vestry Drive Charleston, SC 29414 803-751-616513IMBUE nosTO THE INDIVIDUALHAND SEWN, PLUSH, SHERPA-FABRICKENNEL PADS VARIED SHADES OF PASTELS 16x21 24x30 30x304.50 5.50 6.50OTHER CUSTOMIZED SIZES AVAILABLEMany other handmade, customized doggy products CUSHIONS AND COATS TA yoi. ww APC Na..GREAT GIFTS - TELL A FRIENDplus UPS cost by weightFABRIC SAMPLES AVAILABLECALL FOR YOUR SPECIALIZED ORDER 717-S37-4775iX4dy4' Ptui PwAwdlRD5, BOX 5703 A LAKE ARIEL, PA 18436The Pom Reader February-March199614w91919149IfKmaUlMKMX 9 ItMO UBUIf7imvwioiir^K9iiTm9I always dress for theoccasionNickyat 4 years of age celebrates Valentines Day and St. Patricks Daycourtesy Darlene Perkins Stroud, Ontario CanadaMAIL TOPR PLAYMATES8848 BEVERLY HILLS, LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604The Pom Reader February-March199615es ^Petits ^Princes de lrmsPRESENTSf arlinj es Petits c.Princes e dlrltysPHOTO AT 3 MONTHSDARLING is the first daughter of GOLDEN AIRES CHECK MATE. Again, thank you very much Sharon Masnick. Checkers was Reserve Winners Open Dog at the Breed National Specialty [120 Spitz all classes. The mother is THELBERN MAY BEE, 100 English lines Thelbern, Paddockwood, and Toybox, winner of several CACB and Best of Breed.PPfluriel PPYCenarcl14350 SAINT MARTIN DES BESACES FRANCECH. DUPRE S SPARKLING GOLD RUFFLECH. DUPRES SPARKLING GOLD BUCK X DUPRES PRECIOUS RENEELa Cajun Pomeranian Club Specialty- Best Of Opposite Sex 5 points judge Mrs. Barbara Brooks picturedHouston Pomeranian Club Specialty- Best Of Opposite Sex 4 points judge Mr. Kenneth MillerRiverside West Kennel Club - Best Of Opposite Sex 3 points judge Mrs. Elaine MathisAlexandria Kennel Club - Winners Bitch 1 point judge Mr. Robert MooreGolden Triangle Kennel Club - Best Of Opposite Sex 3 points judge Mr. J. E. GregoryTHANK YOU JUDGES FOR THESE NICE WINSOwnerBreederExhibitor Mrs. James R. Dupre Sr. 10649 Hwy 71 N., Colfax, LA 71417The Pom Reader February-March1996iA mA At-s'-.'CAKA Lois CilibertoLYMPIADogs Hoivl AndUP, UP, UP AND AWAY...Things are looking up for a Crystal River, Florida, resident, whose new Funeral service consists of scattering cremated remains of pets via balloonDoes this idea ruin your lunch At first glance I thought how ludicrous... and then, I got to thinking and read the article thoroughly. The article appeared in the St.Petersburg, Florida Times was written by Mary Ann Koslasky.In my family, cremation has been practiced for generations and so I am quite accustomed to the practice and, in fact, consider it quite a clean way to go. Sometimes, however, when the subject comes up in conversations amazingly it does whether it be human or pet burial or cremation, I find many people who absolutely abhor the thought of cremation, and yet I read many stories in the paper about burial plots being dug up to make room for building progress and that in time to come there will be very little space left for cemeteries.However that may be, we will notdwell on personal predilection or abhorrence of human cremation Pet cremation is another matter. In 1978 we purchased a large piece of rural property and the former owners had been in the dog fancy. On touring the grounds before purchasing I kept noticing a mound that was bordered by bricks, but its location and bareness gave no clue of what in the world its purpose was. A former rose garden, I wonderedThe real estate salesperson shook her head and said she had no idea. Anyway, after the purchase we spent some years doing many renovations, inside and out. Finally,Bemie got around to the mysterious mound. Its location near the house was inconvenient and we needed the dirt to place in another area that was lower and filled with water after every rain. When the bulldozer began on the mound, I happened to be nearby and was astonished to see all sorts of bones coming to the surface.On inspection, these proved to be dog bones and they had originallyrtfsSU\22been fondly buried in tiny caskets, which, of course, had deteriorated to the point of being almost unrecognizable. After a consultation with the nearest neighbor, I discovered that the original occupant of the property had Yorkies and Poodles, which she bred and exhibited and adored.Upon the death of each, she held elaborate services for burial in the mound, and atop each grave was a cross with the appropriate names and dates. The real estate salesperson had arranged to remove the crosses, fearing it would turn off a potential buyer. So she did know the purpose of the mound.As the bulldozer worked, Bemie and I discussed the situation and came to the conclusion that it was only right to arrange for re-burial of the remains, and a large hole was dug on a particularly scenic area near the pond where the remains were duly deposited and the grass allowed to grow over. Naturally, aThe Pom Reader February-March199617lot of sifting had to be done to remove the bones from the dirt and as this went on, I thought, again, of how all Egyptian mummies, eventually do disgustingly rot and do become, literally, the dust from which the Bible says we came and to which we will return.However, dust is dust and ashes of the cremated are dust as well.Back to Crystal River A dreary Thursday dawned cloudy and fog- shrouded, as if to emphasize the gravity of putting a special friend to rest. For Rose Burgin, caretaker of many special friends, it was not the first time she had faced saying good-bye to one of them. But it was the first time she had ever commended one to the Heavens.Through a special service called the Eternal Ascent Society, the cremated remains of Midnight, a beloved cat, were placed in a specially designed blue balloon. Burgin stood in front of her home and planted a kiss on the balloon, saying a tearful, Good-bye Midnight.I love you, baby. The balloon was released and ascended to the Heavens.The balloon, silhouetted against the sun-washed white of the clouds, rose higher and higher until the tiny dot became cloaked by the distant mists. Midnight the cat now had his final freedom he would not be buried. For Burgin, it was giving Midnight a Highway to Heaven. Wegot him this far, God will have to take him the rest of the way. Burgin holds a strong belief that God created all creatures with a soul. I concur in that beliefBurgins Midnight was the first client of the Eternal Ascent Society, which is the brainchild of Crystal River resident, Joan West. Her process is simple. West places the cremated remains into a latex balloon and inflates it with helium. The balloon rises to a height of fivemiles, where it freezes at a temperature of minus 40-degrees. As pressure causes the balloon to expand and undergo what is called brittle fracture, the balloon breaks into tiny spaghetti-like strips that scatter as they fall earthward.The fine, powdery ashes are blown with the winds, and, if they return to earth, they pose no health or environmental problems. To further ensure the safety of birds and animals, West ties a knot in the balloons, not allowing strings or ribbons.West, who now holds a worldwide patent on this unique service, uses a completely biodegradable 100- percent-latex balloon, which is produced from the sap of the rubber tree, the same material used to make rubber surgical gloves. She has constructed a special Plexiglas box for carrying the balloon from the crematory. So if the balloon breaks before delivery, the ashes can be easilyswept into another balloon. If the ashes scattered on the ground, there would be a major problem.The usual cost of cremation alone, for ground burial, with granite urn with brass nameplate is 80.00-90.00, depending on the weight of the animal. Some pet crematories go much higher if you wish single cremation and burial space, rather than a group cremation of many animals, whose ashes would mingle and you would have no control over the final remains. Wests service runs an average of 150.00, which includes cremation.This unique, cleanly, and to me, spiritual way of dedicating a beloved pet to the Heavenly winds has been written up in various magazines and has been widely publicized in Britain. Also, a vet student at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, has chosen the Eternal Ascent Society as the subject of a term paper..ff\V\CONTINUEDaka Lois CilibertoThe Pom Reader February-March199618I am given to understand that a funeral home in the Crystal River area is working on plans for cremated human remains to ascend in similar, but larger, balloons. Considering that my own will directs my remains to be scattered over the Gulf of Mexico, our local harbor and beach area, at a cost of 375.00 for scattering alone, I am sitting down to make new instructions.And from now on, I see no reason why all our beloved pets cannot follow or proceed in similar fashion. Its a heck of a lot better than a box in a hole in the ground, which will someday be bulldozed and no one will give a fig for the bones...To end this column on a lighter note, I cant resist the recent article in our St. Petersburg Times about the lady who, as a manicurist, paints finger and toenails for a living and indulges only in the simple life, like most of us God-, IRS- and AKC-fearing hard-working folk. Laura Hammond of Tampa, Florida, hardly considered herself a wanted criminal until a Sheriffs deputy walked, quite serious-faced, into her salon last month, read her the Miranda Rights and arrested her. The charge she had failed to obtain a rabies tag for her dog, Buddy, in 1985. Buddy, the 65 pound mutt Laura rescued from the Humane Society has been dead for 8 years.In the county in which Laura lives, the fine for not having a rabies tag ranges from 25.00-82.00,depending on whether the dog has been vaccinated.Laura was degraded and humiliated to be thusly approached and arrested in her salon, in front of her clientele, and at first felt horror on seeing the deputy, as she figured someone in her family had died.A Sheriffs office spokesperson remarked that a warrant was a warrant, however old its age and there are literally thousands of minor- offense warrants at large, but when an anonymous caller phones in like in Lauras case, and they get an address they follow up. Its the law and their duty.Laura said she had no idea that her Buddys rabies tag had expired, never received a notice on it and speculated that in 1986 someone with a grudge must have reported her dogs lack of current tags. Then, 10 years later, another someone called the Sheriffs office and told them about the old warrant and where Laura worked. Ye Gads Whata grudge can doThe deputy who arrested Laura turned out to be very kind he did not handcuff her, which is common routine, and permitted her to drive with her sister to the police station, where she was booked and a court date set. A retired county judge heard of this ridiculous situation and offered Laura his services at her side in court. At this writing I dont know how Laura fared, but I found this original article very interesting in light of the cold, hard fact of the tremendous overload of violent crimes being perpetrated every second in our communities that require more and more deputies and more and more Sheriffs office budget increases from our taxes. Not to mention the fact that Humane Societies today have far more to concern themselves with than who has or does not have a current rabies tag. In Buddys case, he was rescued from almost certain death from a Humane Society, lived a good life and I believe his soul must have howled when his spirit witnessed this bizarre and senseless situation.Until the dog howls again....Olympia AKA Lois Ciliberto 20044 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FL 34639 Ph 813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-96136MVi\CONTINUEDaka Lais CilibertoThe Pom Reader February-March199619 setREADERI II P0IFEBRUARY-MARCH 1996 VOLUME XII. NUMBER0CH. FINCH S PASSIONATE KISSESYourShowcaseforPurebredPomeraniansSUBSCRIPTIONRATESin U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per YearDomestic39 3rd class postage 60 1st class postage Foreign Rates Upon Request Sample Issues 5.00 each Back Issues 5.00 each Subject to availabilityu2SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAnnualPrepaidAd Size Contract Open RateFull Page Deluxe Color 337.50 375.00Full Page Standard Color NA 250.00Full Page Black White 112.00 125.00Half Page 60.00 75.0014 Page 32.00 40.0018 Page 20.00 25.00116 Page 12.00 15.00STORK REPORT NA 10.00All ads 1 4 page and larger include one photo. Extra black white photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes color photo, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, position chosen by publisher.Joe McGinnis, Editor Phone 941-858-3839 Fax 941-853-3624Telephone subscription orders by credit card onlyADVERTISING INFORMATIONLois CilibertoPhone813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-9613DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604 941-858-3839The Pom Reader February-March199620\ 9 P\llhe 'ThebeTHE POM READER VISITSDianne Kieffer, Milan, IndianainnhiSttSlrSHEAHO. v_______I am married and my husband's name is Bob and we have 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls. My husband is a Mechanical Technician and I work part-time as a nurse. Our oldest son, Tim, is married and they're expecting our first grandchild in May. Another son, Chris, will graduate from BYU in April and had previously served a mission in Amsterdam for two years. Our family is Mormon and in keeping with our faith, our last son Matt, will be serving a mission in Portugal this summer. Our oldest daughter, Vicky, is living in Oregon and our youngest Missy, will graduate from high school in May, then attend college.I believe the knowledge I learned when I was breeding and showing horses has helped me greatly in breeding and showing my dogs. IThe Pom Reader February-March1996learned to recognize type, soundness, movement and balance in horses and it was pretty simple to figure it out with dogs, as these things are the same in any animal. I have been unable to show my dogs as much as I would like due to my working every other weekend as a nurse and to my commitment to attend church with my family. However, I do squeeze a dog show in here and there. I have always primarily enjoyed the breeding aspect more than the showing.I have always had animals in my life. I believe I turned to them for the love I felt I lacked in my family life as a child and my early adult years. I think at some time I owned every animal there was, but eventually settled on dogs. My first Pom was a little black bitch I purchased froma breeder. She was my labor of love. Due to lack of funds because my husband and I had just recently married, I arranged with the breeder to do her ironing and wash her walls until the balance was paid. Back in 1964, I believe, it was 30, but it might as well been 500. However, we lived in an apartment and soon found we couldn't keep her. Years went by and I dabbled in Poms here and there only having 2 or 3 as pets and raising them just for the pure enjoyment of having some little puppies. I eventually ended up with several bitches which were of decent quality by my standards at that time, but they were the only kind of Pom I had ever seen. Through a friend, I got the number of a Delores Hughes, who she said had some very nice Poms. I contacted her and went21.isx4Photos-Top Left Ch. Heartland's Classic Treasure Top Center Heartlands Amazing BlueTop right Daughter, Vicki Kieffer, and HL Squeak Above, left Matt, Timmy Missy with Pom friends Above, center Heartlands In The Nicka Time Above, right Heartlands Top Notch Tradidion Right Heartlands Taylor MadeThe Pom Reader February-March1996up to see for myself. How lovely her dogs were. I had never seen such beautiful dogs That was when the bug first bit. I knew I had to have some of those dogs. I purchased an orange 2 year old male from her named Dee's Villa Dandy Boy, and proceeded to go home and find homes for all my other Poms. Unfortunately, she had not kept up with the little dogs vaccinations, and before I could catch him up to date he got sick and died. So it was back to square one. I contacted Mrs.Hughs again to purchase something else from her, but she had nothing. While I was there though, I noticed a Pom Review on her table. I looked through it to find some other breeder in my area and found an ad by David Hogg of Kia's, so I contacted him. Though he had nothing, I did find others to contact, but it didn't seem anyone had anything for sale. I called David again and he gave me Fran Stolls number of Stolanne and Sue White's number of White Haven's. Though Fran had nothing, on contacting Sue she did have some white bitches available. I eventually decided to purchase the 2 white bitches, though white was not what I really wanted. David assured me Sue was an honest, reputable breeder who had nice stock, and that was very important to me at that time. I knew little as far as good bloodlines and knew very few people. Sue bred both bitches for me. She bred White Havens Macy White to her Ch. Shirwoods Golden Nuggett. I kept an orange bitch from this breeding named Bunny. I made a trip to Cassandra Ready Evans in Georgia to purchase some breeding stock. I acquired a blacktan male named, Heartland's Little Bit O'Ritz, Scooter, and a blacktan bitch named, Wee Heart's Witching Ours, Chloe. Chloe was breed to Scooter resulting in a blacktan bitch named, Heartland's Take A Chance, who died one day after whelping puppies, lacking one point of being finished. A breeding to Ch. Tia-Lings Dream Maker owned by Paula McBay, would produce the Champion litter of, Heartland's Just A Dream, and Heartland's Witchey Woman. One of Bunny's daughters by Scooter would also be bred to Ch.The Pom Reader February-March1996Tia-Lings Dream Maker. My return puppy would be an orange bitch named Heartland's Almost An Angel, who is currently one of my best brood bitches. Macy was then bred to an orange Millamor male I purchased from Geneva Long, DeArta's Foxy Man. This breeding was to produce HL Squeak, a black male whom I still have. On another trip to Sue's,I spotted a lovely orange sable bitch named Wee Heart's High Society, Sophie. She was not for sale at that time, but I asked Sue to please contact me first should she become available. Due to a change in circumstances, Sue contacted me and let me know Sophie was for sale and arrangements were made for me to purchase her. I had seen some blacktans and had a great desire to breed some myself. The unusual has always been interesting to me. I contacted my friend David and he told me of a very nice breeder in Maryland, Sue Beaney, with a blacktan Ch. male, Silva Laee Littlest Outlaw. I contacted Sue and arrangements were made for Sophie to be bred. This resulted in a litter of 3 puppies, two of which I lost to parvo. A repeat breeding resulted in a pretty little orange sable bitch named Heartland's Fancy Free, Tess. Little did I know that my simple dog operation was in for a big change.On Spophie's next heat I wanted to breed her for orange so I again contacted David. He told me of a wonderful Ch. orange male owned by Fran Stoll called Stolanne Thunderbolt, Thor. I made the trip to Fran's and decided that her Thor had to be the most beautiful dog I had ever seen. The breeding was done and when I went to pick Sophie up I took her daughter Tess for Fran to see what one of Sophies puppies looked like. Until this time Tess had been in my kennel almost untouched by human hands. Fran was quite impressed with her. She said she was lovely and should and should be shown. I knew nothing of showing and at that time had no desire to learn. All I really wanted to do then, was to improve the quality of my dogs, not show them. An agreement was reached and Fran said she would show her for me. Itwas decided that Fran would take her to the Oklahoma Specialty, which was connected with some all breed shows for fun and the much needed experience for Tess. Well, while in Oklahoma, Tess got back-to- back 5 point majors going BOW and WB. Fran has reminded me of those early days when she called, full of excitement over her wins. All I said was "Oh, a 5 point major, is that good" I guess that sure took the wind out of her sails. At that time I had no idea of what she had accomplished. Tess went the next weekend to DuQuoin, IL, where she took a 4 point major. Then to Edwardsville, IL, where she finished with a 3 point major. She finished in 3 weekends under Fran's expert handling. That was the beginning of the show bug. Tess was later bred to a son of Angel's, Heartland's He's Got The Look. The result of this breeding was an orange bitch named Heartland's Misty Heather, who will make her show debut at the New York Specialty.The breeding of Thor and Sophie resulted in a lovely orange male who I named Heartland's Special Treasure. He was my first venture into showing my dogs myself. My friend Connie, who has Goldens, and I decided to enter our first show at Marion, Ohio. Talk about the blind leading the blind We had neither one shown before and really had no idea what we were doing, but the desire was there. We were both so nervous we hadn't slept all night, to make matters worse, we showed at the same time at opposite ends of the building. We weren't going to be able to support each other. We knew few people there, so we were on our own. I can't say we found most people there to be too friendly. However, I did recognize 2 faces there, Ron Feyh and Larry Rookstool, whom I had met at the OVPC Mega Match. I never would have made it that day without them. I don't believe I did anything right. I went into the wrong class, forgot my bait, and put my dog on the table when I wasn't suppose to . The judge was kind enough to go on and award my dog the points. I knew I never wanted to be embarrassed like that again,23so I went right back to Ron and Larry to try and learn what I had done wrong, and how I could improve. There were more than willing to help me. I owe much to them.Two weeks later through a turn of events, I found myself and my puppy Skipper on our way to New York. Why I wasn't sure, but we were going anyway. We might even get to have some fun. After the show two weeks before, I knew there was no way I was going to show this puppy in front of all those people and risk embarrassing myself and making my dog look bad. It was decided that Fran would handle him. I wonder what I was doing there with my little puppy. Me a total unknown amongst all these others who I felt were so much more qualified to be there than me. I could not believe it when on Saturday at the Puppy Sweeps, from all those lovely puppies, my little puppy was chosen. I didn't think it could get any better. Then on Sunday in the regular classes, my puppy was again chosen for BOW and an Award of Merit.I shall always be grateful to those judges who appreciated his quality. I shall never forget winning the specialty. I still get tears in my eyes when I view the tape. It gets more special each year.Well, as high as that high was, Louisville was that low and worse. I figured my puppy and I had it sown up. He would probably finish his championship in Louisville, If not, at least take the points one day, WRONG Not only did he not win or finish, he couldn't even win his class, I just couldn't believe it. How could this happen What was wrong Well, welcome to the world of dog shows. On top one day, at the bottom the next. To make matters worse, it was also my introduction to some of the negatives in showing. The backbiting and gossiping that goes on. I was sure unprepared for this. This was probably as close as I have ever come to getting out of showing and anything of like nature. However, after rethinking things for a few days, I knew I loved my dogs, I had things I wanted to accomplish, and I wasn't going to let these few incidents change myI shall never forget winning the specialty. I still get tears in my eyes when I view the tape. It gets more special each year.Well, as high as that high was, Louisville was that low and worse...I just couldn't believe it. How could this happen What was wrong Well, welcome to the world of dog shows. On top one day, at the bottom the next...plans. There are going to be problems of some sort with anything you do. You just have to rise above them and go on with things. There are a lot of wonderful people out there and in a few who try and complicate it for everyone else. Its very important to form your own opinions. Try not to be too judgmental and try not to listen or believe everything you hear. I have been enjoying my dogs ever since.I finished Skipper form the puppy classes. 11 was great to have my first Champion I finished myself. A repeat breeding of Skipper produced a lovely orange bitch named Heartland's Classic Treasure, whom I finished in 7 shows. Also, in Skip's litter, there was an orange sable bitch named Heartland's Lucky Charm. I kept her and decided to breed her to HL Squeak. I knew they both had the potential to produce exotic colors behind them. This breeding resulted in an orange, a white and surprise, a chocolate.The chocolate was named Heartland's In The Nica Time, Nicky, due to almost losing him at birth. This little dog is most special to me because he's a very nice exotic, and I guess because he loves me as much as I love him. Every step I make, he makes. Nicky currently has 9 points.I plan to finish him, though any of you who have shown exotics know how tough it is. I have definitely found good exotic colors to be hare to breed and show, but that is part of the excitement and challenge. Nicky, bred sparingly, has several very nice show potential puppies in black, blacktan, chocolate and chocolatetan. One of his daughters, a black bitch named Heartland's Bewitched, will make her debut the weekend of the specialty at the Indianapolis show.One event I have enjoyed attending for the last four years is the Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club Mega Match. It is always fun and a change from the stresses of point shows. I don't think anyone comes away empty in one form or another. There is something for everyone. It's a treat time to get together with fellow Pom lovers, look at each others puppies, visit, and just have a good time.The Pom Reader February-March1996At regular shows everyone is too busy going about their own business to do any of this. I was fortunate enough to have my little black bitch, Heartland's Midnight Dancer, go BIM in 1994. Her father, Elan's Ingrigue, had gone BIM Adult the previous year. In 1995 my chocolate went BIM Adult to my delight. If ever you have a chance to attend, by all means do so.I have bred Skipper several times, but for one reason or another have lost a lot of his puppies. I finished one bitch, Ch. Heartland's Claim To Fame, who was out of an orange bitch on loan from Brenda Segelken of Fame. I currently have a show quality daughter of his who is the result of a father daughter breeding.I have done several related breedings lately and have had very good results. I recently bred Nicky to his mother and have a top show potential black male as a result, which I will be using in my chocolate breeding program.In my ongoing efforts to always be improving my puppies, I notice an ad by Nina Epps of Oakridge Poms for their dog, Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge. The dog had everything that appealed to me and as a sire he seemed to be producing most of the things I felt I lacked in my breeding program. Not only that, but he appeared to be siring a lot of puppies carrying the traits I admired most about him. Arrangements were made with Nina to breed my bitch, Heartland's Almost An Angel, who is a Millamor Great Elms cross. Angel is my best brood bitch when it comes to being a mother and to the size of her litters. How excited I wasYou're always hoping for that perfect puppy. This breeding resulted in four orange boys, two of which I kept, and two of which were placed in show homes. Heartland's Top Notch Tradition will make his debut at the New York Specialty, handled by Fran Stoll. A repeat breeding of Angel and Jake and Angel's daughter Penny, has produced nine puppies. I lost two of them at birth, but still have three girls and four boys remaining. Two black girls, an orange girl, and four orange boys.One questioned asked in this kenThePom Reader February-March199624nel visit was differences your dog responsibilities have made in everyday life. I should say, What life Where do I start You know those little poems and stories you read about how you know when you're hooked on dogs and showing, I fit all of them. My husband and I can never go anywhere together. I'm up all day and all hours of the night for puppies. I miss work, take dogs to work and hide them somewhere on our floor. I spend all day grooming puppies, show dogs, trimming nails, putting dogs on the lead, cleaning kennels, breeding dogs, sending out correspondence to prospective byers, talking on the phone, and the list could go on and on. There are not enough words or pages to thank my husband for all he puts up with and all he does for me with my dogs. Without his help and support I would be unable to do anything. He is my Pomsitter while I am away at dog shows or out of town visiting our children. I am very particular who takes care of my puppies for I find them to be very fragile. You definitely need someone familiar with the breed and he has sure put in his time. I am also a member of the Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana, where I am serving as secretary and breeder referral person.I don't think it can be stressed enough how important the time you spend with you puppies is. I handle puppies everyday from birth and most of the time several times a day, especially as they get older. I brush, groom, talk to and love them. At about five weeks of age I start letting them run around on the floor and I sit there and play with them. This makes confident, happy, well- behaved dispositions and a well- rounded dog.I have been told by Fran Stoll and Donna Riehm that I have an eye for a good dog. I guess I really hadn't thought about it like that, but I do know what is pleasing to me. The first thing I look for is overall balance and proportion. If the overall picture at first glance is to my liking, then I would do a hands on for structure, good substance and bone, then check movement and soundness. I like good layback of shoulder and anice length of neck and leg. A pretty head is desirable, but I wouldn't rule a nice dog out just because it didn't have a pretty face. I breed type to type and if there is a nice pedigree to go along, that's an extra added bonus. As a breeder I think each person has to decide what faulty they can and can not live with. There is no perfect dog and each person will make different choices, always with the goal in mind of breeding the perfect dog, or at least improving what you have.As for newcomers to the breed, I would say to try and find someone you trust to help and guide you. Be patient, it takes time to achieve you goals. Go to shows and to different breeders and look at what is available to Poms so you have an idea of what you want. There are many different types and colors to choose from. Everything will not always go well. Learn to roll with the punches. It does get easier. Attend some shows and watch and listen to other show people. Everyone has something to offer that will work for you or that you didn't already know. Experience is the best teacher. Don't be afraid to ask some questions. If you are going to breed Poms, remember they're called the "heartbreak breed" and it seems we all have our share. We all lose that special puppy or litter, but there will be another. Keep heart and just try again. It might be better next time. Be sure and have a good vet that you have confidence in and who is willing to work with you. If you don't have any, try and find a breeder near you and see who their vet is, or who they might recommend.In closing, I would like to thank the Pom Reader for giving me this wonderful opportunity. I have read and admired the kennel visits for years, never dreaming it might happen to them. Thanks Lois, for the dog talk we have shared and to Duane Doll and Joe McGinnis and other members of the staff for the wonderful job they always do on the magazine. Much appreciation to all those fellow Pom lovers who have guided, encouraged and supported me over the years and helped me show my dogs.25r.\Photos Top left HL RhembrantTop right Ch. Heartlands Just A DreamAbove left Son, Matthew, with DeArtas Foxy Man and HL Squeak Above, center Heartlands Ebony RoseAbove, right Ch. Heartlands Special Treasure Below, left Heartlands Vintage TraditionBelow, right Heartlands He Got The Look and Heartlands Pennies From HeavenVimHEAHI kThe Pom Reader February-March199626tfamty Mill ffammanianAV JAl, ^Rj Vf IWJnk.r.i 4 4AWHERE DREAMS BEGIN...COLOR-BRED WHITE STUD SERVICE AVAILABLEPEDIGREES UPON REQUESTDEDICATED TO CARRYING ON THE LEGACY OF CH. RYAL'S SIR BLITZENLINDA HERRMANN R.D. 5, BOX 5703 LAKE ARIEL, PA 18436 PH 717-937-4775CONGRATULATIONS TO DIANNE KIEFFER ON YOUR KENNEL VISIT - CONTINUED SUCCESS WITH HEARTLANDrPT TJi illLrMiCen^ifitulfitdn^ te 12ifinnen he^ kennel oCdt. Ct leoelty Ifidy find tv dediefited 6ieede^. kfettdi' nJihinfy continued succeedCH. OZARKS SPIRIT OF OAKRIDGESire BIS CA Ch. Rock N Tradition of OakridgeDam Merry Rock Music of OakridgeSPIRIT finished from the puppy class with 3 majors and 3 BB over Group winning SpecialsBREEDERCO-OWNER NINA K. EPPS 600 N. GREGG ROAD NIXA, MO 65714CO-OWNER KAREN CROUCH RR 5 BOX 348-A ROGERSVILLE, MO 65742The Pom Reader February-March199627MarBil PomeraniansPresentsHeartlands Midnight SaranadetCongratulations, Dianne Kieffer and the Heartland Poms, on your kennel visitSaraM ITSliLx .MThank you Donna Riehmfor trusting me with this beautiful girl and thanks Dianne for creating her, and for your honesty and guidance.SARA needs one major to finish. My Doll and your Nicky were a terrific match. Watch for their little girl in the ring.Dianne, lam grateful for our friendship and hope it continues for many years.Owners Mari Bill Iffland MarBil Pomeranians West Chicago, IL 708876-9622Breeder Dianne Kieffer Heartland Pomeranians Milan, Indiana 812623-2290Photographer Phil Lapi Chicago, IL Groomer Scott Perry Rockford, ILCANADIAN CHAMPION JOLVIN'SAMCAN. CH.HEARTLANDS SPECIAL TREASURE X JOLVINS GOLDEN RAINBOWpiecesCongratulations, Dianne Kieffer and the Heartland Poms, on your kennel visit Heres wishing you continued successTTLlLx liAxUv __ POMERANIACLUB OF ' CREATESX i BaltimoreWJOAN b MELV BEECH RR 6 AYLMER, ONTARIO CANADA N5H 2R5 519 773-2471The Pom Reader February-March199628To Dianne... You Go, Girl Congratulations on your kennel visit - Im so proud of you Best of luck to the Heartland Poms 1jji7^nyCH. DIA S JUKE BOX JOHNNY BEAR7th generation of breeding here at Dias - this 3 12 pounder is siring beautiful pups. A big thanks to Fern Rodrigues who finished him on the west coast. Pictured with judge Mr. Mitchell Wooten and handler Richard Camacho.DiaaPa weuiniandDAVID HOGG 317-966-8878 321 SOUTH 14TH STREET RICHMOND, IN 47374Sapphire Pomeranianssends congratulations to fellow chocolate lover, Dianne, on your well-deserved kennel visit Thanks for letting me buy Holly Utter sister to your chocolate, Nikki. Amy and Hazel send hugs to future husband, Nikki...and are dreaming of chocolate babiesJosie - BT Luke - Cream sableExamples of our chocolate-factored puppies photos at 8-10 weeks' Y5iUi7ny MNOTICEThis logo is copyrighted.All unauthorized reproduction is forbidden. A limited number of 8 12 x 11 art reproduc tions are FOR SALE. 15 each 3 USA shSAPPHIRE POMERANIANS RUTH A. CONES9422 S.RD1, ULYSSES, KS 67880 316 353-1702 7pm-10pm CSTThe Pom Reader February-March1996Congratulations, GrandmaWe grandkids and mom, too wanted to say congratulations on your kennel visit this month. No one deserves it more than you. Congratulations to Topper, too, on his New York Specialty Win We love you.HIP.S. - Rhemi paid for this ad with his show fund money\LLx js.m9kTAYLOR, RHEMI, ALEX and MOM 4000 SW Carman Drive, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503-697-566741HL RHEMBRAIMTCongratulations to Dianne Kieffer on your well-deserved kennel visit - and receiving Best of Winners at the Pom Specialty with Topper.uTTUx US.HEARTLANDS PHANTOM OF WYNMORphoto courtesy of Linda HerrmannSire Heartlands In The Nicka Time chocolateDam Heartlands Pennies From HeavenThank you, Dianne, for Phantom. He should be out showing his summer to make you proudWYNMOR POMERANIANSROBERTA PODOLIN8820 TOWANDA STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19118 215-242-4348Congratulations Dianne on your kennel visit and best wishes on your continued success.Special thanks for the girl that stole my heart.TT TlitUiatJ 1CIN-JAN MYSTIQUE OF HEARTLANDCIN-JAN POMS JANICE RUSSELL 3540 Kessler Boulevard N Dr Indianapolis, IN 46222 317-924-9093The Pom Reader February-March199630We would especially like to applaud Heartlands In The Nicka Time for his fabulous win at the Ohio Valley Mega Match, and Heartlands Top Notch Tradition for his Grand Sweepsakes and Winners Dog awards at the National APC Specialty in New York Putting that together with the Delaware Valley P.C. Fun Match win at the APC Specialty makes this 8 month old boy something really special 4 TT\j mm toDianne, we have enjoyed your graciousness when we have met at shows and consider your diligence in caring for your Poms and your natural eye in evaluating good conformation, as well as your eagerness to seek and use advice, also something really specialALL OUR BEST...LARRON POMERANIANSLarry Rookstool Ron Feyh 2520 Eakin Road Columbus, OH 43204 614-274-2118TIN1 n mJ1u. 9to1 V\m1.LCongratulations to my friend Dianne Kieffer on this Breeder Visit and on taking a BIG chunk of the Apple at the New York APC Specialty Everyone was thrilled for you and Heartlands Top Notch TraditionSUBER POMERANIANSSuzanne Bemey 4815 Wards Chapel RL 410-655-8330 Owings Mills. MD 21117Congratulations to Heartland Pomeranians Dianne, there is no perfect Pom, but you sure came dose with Nicky Further proof of the hard-working pudding is your fantastic wins at the National with Heartlands Top Notch Tradition Congratulations to Dr. Tom Davidson Rev. David Lamb on finishing Ch. Hickory Bends Feudin FuryRHUBR00K POMERANIANSRuth McCabe Rt. 1, Box 31 812-536-3982Spendal, IN 47585The Pom Reader February-March199631Coft^lOttutotiOOlO toTTT\mJ Dear Dianne, Many of your fans ads were printed prior to the National APC Specialty in New York, making it too late for them to congratulate you on your FANTASTIC wins there. By special request HEARTLANDS TOP NOTCH TRADITION Ch. RockN Tradition of Oakridge x Heartlands Almost An Angel8 Months Young - Handled by Fran StollAPC Grand Sweeps Winner, DVPC Match Winner, APC Winners DogCONGRATULATIONSCRESCENDO POMERANIANSBernie Lois Ciliberto20044 Stamat Drive, Land O'Lakes, FL 34639813-996-5499ConyuUutovtiono to44n nmJ jm mCongratulations, Dianne and Heartland Pomeranians, from your high school chum and show motel pal, Connie and the Morning Glory Golden Retrievers. At shows we have shared many nervous moments and it is a good thing we were not together in New York when your fabulous puppy, Heartlands Top Notch Tradition swept the Sweeps and went Winners Dog at the National APC Specialty No fingernails would have been left, but HALLELUJAH afterwards Your friends...MORNING GLORY GOLDEN RETRIEVERSJohn Connie Hackman9228 Leatherwood Rd.,Guilford, IN 47022812-623-2257Con^Aatnattooio to Conf^iotuoitlono toIin n4L441 rp AJJ8mCongratulations to Dianne Kieffer and the beautiful Heartland Pomeranians on this well-deserved and very timely Breeder Visit I wish you had been in New York to see your lovely Heartlands Top Notch Tradition winning Best In Sweeps and Winners Dog at the National APC Specialty It was a thrill for all who were thereALL MY BEST FOR YOUR FUTURE SUCCESSESJayJay POMERANIANSJean B. Schroll 12950 S. New Era Rd. 503-650-0023 Oregon City, OR "97045Dear Dianne,You chose the right logo for your beautiful Heartland Pomeranians, as I know only too well how much of your heart has gone into your now successful venture. I also know the hard road you had to climb to get where you are from where you started and I want you to know I am immensely proud of you and those lovely PomeraniansI LOVE YOU MOMMartha BrannThe Pom Reader February-March199632LffiEDTI POMERANIANSStella M. Lizambri133 Camelot Drive, Goose Creek, SC 29445803 553-0188Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms lines AKC Registered Puppies OccasionallyERPOMERANIANSTeri S Dan Wilford 3120 Cormorant Drive Jacksonville, FL 3S223 904-268-3510 262-8434AN PicturedEMCEES A CHIP OF TERI-DAN Group Placer 1AKC Registered Bred for Conformation, Obedience AgilityArtElizabeth Aguilar 612377-8239 Minneapolis, MNCatherine Harrison 612426-2071 Mahtomedi, MNPARISPompeiis Paris Reyoso De Troy Ch.Jan-Les Willie Makit xPompeiis Lucina DiamanteHANDLING AVAILABLE PUPPIES AVAILABLE OCCASIONALLY STUD SERVICE TO APPROVED BITCHESFINCHS POMERANIANSDiane L. Finch Rural Route 1515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50134Ch. Finchs He Walks On WaterCh. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Great Elms.Ch. Apolloette Wild Fire Millamor. Scotia , ,, 1-. . lines WhiteRed andCh. Tim Sues Moon Rocket ..... ... .Whiteblack partiCh. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf puppiesMmv r OTT2SPORTRAITS OF PERFECTIONMary Gene WellsRt. 2 Box 238, Pattonsburg, MO 64670 816 367-2254ROBERT S. JUANITA FIDOICKOMRR 4, CEDAR FALLS, IA 50613 319-989-2199 oresR\tA STANDARD OF EXCELLENCESEE US FOR YOUR NEXT SHOW POM.Popular lines colors. Blue-BlueTan-Cream-Black-BkTan.Steve Barb Nagy713 Marlboro Road, Stephens City, VA 22655. 540-869-3749.SHARON MASNICKBENSON RAY2007 VESTRY DRIVE - CHARLESTON, SC 29414 8035716165JHatuir PmnsCHAMPION SIRED - CHRISCENDO BLOODLINES HELEN CONRAD1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223 Tel 941-475-1724.Specializing in Exotic Poms Blue, Lamiar, Chocolate, Black, and BlueWhite, ChocolateWhite, and BlackWhite Parti-ColorsShadowzmetbULDINE NIMMO, OWNER BREEDER Route 2 Box 83, Halfway, MO 65663 417-267-2413Mary Allan 918-485-3010 or 918-485-1040LIAYIYS POMMNWMSRoute 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467OPfiiCb ro o fs fancy KcnncCSusann Philbrook, Owner 1209 Forceville Drive Westampton, IMJ 08060 Telephone 609267-4644Specializing in...Pomeranians and MalteseMost Colors including PartiAutomated Msgs 609267-3799 and Listen to Instructions Fax on Demand List of Available Puppies Manually Dial o To Fax-Manually Dial 0 and the Send Button- Internet Email ECFD88Aprodigy.comBloodlines include Bi-Mar, Bonner, Cedarwood, Cdriscendo, Creider,D-Me, threat Elms, Millamor, Bombreden, Scotia, and WattsRGS TOYS PEDIGREESP.O. BOX 331354, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233-1354 Tel 904-720-7667 Fax 904-270-1731 NOTE Unforunately, due to new zoning, all calls must be returned collect. New prices are effective immediately for 3 4 generation pedigrees.PedigTees researched 3-gen 5 4-gen 8 5-gen 15 6-gen 25 7-gen 40." BREED CLUBS ASK ABOUT OUR DONATION SPECIALSThe Pom Reader February-March19963333l-karMary A. Rosenbaum 38711 200th Ave. S.E. Auburn, WA 98092 206 833-2160POMERAMIAMSDOT MARTIN 803-831-8086 5354 Bluebird Lane, York, SC 29745A ILLflMOPKEN ELEANOR MILLER3545 NC HWY 152 E SALISBURY, NC 28146 704-857-1197SUBERICPOMERANIANS4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 410-655-8330srCH. STUD SERVICE QUALITY PUPPIES HOME RAISED LOVEDDANIEL TAYLOR JR. BONNIE MclNTOSH-TAYLORPO BOX 889 RAINIER, WA 98576PLANNPXPOMS OF DISTINCTION ANNE HENDLERBOX 130 SIMPSON NC 27879 919-758-7143Kjteisler'sCH. KIUEISLERS SECRET TRADITIONPOMERANIANS9151 S. Darlington Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 918 492-0520Inquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on Request"We breed for quality."ChesaiI Pomeranians4 lb. Chocolate son of CH. STARLITE LEGACY CHOCO BEAR at stud for limited timeROBERT JOAN REILLY26903 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78258210 980-2667GrafenhorstsSpecializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans and ChocolatesAt Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Pictured left, a typical Grafenhorst PomWatch for our Poms in the show ringBreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465 Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving HomesThe Pom Reader February-March1996mi34FEBRUARY MARCH 1996i rWe always mind our business... MONKEY BUSINESSBrandi Sierra at 2 months courtesy Vivian Brown, Kingsport, TennesseeSubmit your cute photo for our popular Playmates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film.Please identify Pom and owner. We also enjoy hearing a little about your Pom - brief descriptions are welcome Send toPR PLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604WI swear I can smell treats.CookiecourtesyS. Lucatorto Amy Blau Floral Park, New YorkThe Pom Reader February-March199635rr mCH. ROCK N TRADITION OF OAKRIDGE x HEARTLAND'S ALMOST AN ANGELJ-0rlLvK'viIiHEAsFirst weekend out at the New York SpecialtyAPC BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES - Judge Sue Goddard BEST IN MATCH DVPC - Judge Delores Watts APC WINNERS DOG Regular Classes Judge Mrs. James Edward Clark APC BEST PUPPY IN REGULAR CLASSES - Judge Mrs. James Edward Clark My deepest appreciation to the judges who found TOPPER worthy of these wins over so many other fine Poms. To all the fellow Pom lovers who supported cheered him on, especially to friend, Fran Stoll, for her expert grooming handling of him.CONGRATULATIONS to friend Donna Riehm on her purchase of the black male Special, CH. FINCH'S PASSiONATE KISSES Cubby continued success to them in the future. CONGRATULATIONS also to Fran Stoll on finishing her white boy, NABOB HE'S STOLANNE MYHEART Al. Also, CONGRATULATIONS to Carol Galavich Bonnie Stetson on their new Ch. Pixie's Sweet Dreams and on her Award of Merit at the New York Specialty. Her sire is CH. HEARTLAND'S JUST A DREAM.DIANNE KIEFFER - HEARTLAND POMSThe Pom Reader February-March199636tALDENS KENNELHOME OF CHAMPION PARTI GIRLS Ch. Alden's Lucky Parti Flash Back pic.Ch. Aldens Parti Pepsi HiCh. Alden's Parti Chocolate ChipCh. Alden's Midget Parti Dot-To-DotA1 Jan Domrase, 6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, EL60072. Phone 815 728-0559 Fax 815 653-5106.VISA MASTERCARDS318-466-3456OUTHLANDPOMERANIANSCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360Ch. Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor POASTYTICKIE PO RANIANS MAJICBREEDEROWNERyiizettesP.O. Box 50, Corpus Christi, TX 78403-0050 512 992-8233 after 7 p.m.Bred for Soundness QualityMO beta Champion bloodlines with great attitudesJoe DaubenspeckRt. 2, Box 78 Inola, OK 74036 Tel 918 543-3451 Exotic Parti Standard Colors Puppies Young Adults For Show or PetDOVER-HOLIHOUSE POMSCHAMPION STUD SERVICE BLACK TAN and BLACK STUD SERVICE PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYKATHRYN HARTZ 609-695-1642319 Ardmore Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629RubysPomeraniansRuby F. Poole 918-341-6921 Route 1, Box 190, Claremore, OR 74017RAFFINANPOMERANIANSTERESITA HUGHES3400 Bluebird Drive, Holiday, FL 34B90813-942-9194Specilizing in Emcee, Millamor, Alden Nabob linesOranges, Partis, and Whites now availableitcfE.POMERANIANSMORRIS BETTY CARSON 9826 Walthan Road Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024'APUPPIES AVAILABLE FROMCh. Emcees A Chip of Diamond Ch. Emcees Golden Topo De Oro Ch. Emcees Cloudbusters ImageInquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestMBred forHealth, Soundness BeautyBased upon Theldun, Rhea-Na, Starfires, Bev-Nors, Great Elms. PUPPIES AVAILABLEROBERT REGINA NUNNRt 1, Box 2890, Berryville, VA 22611 703-955-1209Home of Am. Can. Ch. Reginapoms Luv-A-GatorJD S POMPOUS POMSHome OfCh. JDs Truly A Gem Ch. JDs Midnight Oil Ch. JRs Yankee Doodle Dandy while hes pursuing his career Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestJanet Hovey, 5549 V. Ave. M-2, Quartz Hill, CA 93536-3112.Tel 805 722-3307.5Show Pet Puppies Stud Servicesj ac wnesYmmsiJNINA M. BERRY 3821 Venable - Westlake, LA 70669 318494-707256 3e until\Linetree Pomeranians318 West Grahm, Dixon, IL 61021 815 284-32987U Sr 7fZenndlThe Pom Reader February-March199637ft oce3rKENNELS lb aKENNELSSpecializing inCOLOR-BREED WHITES CREAMS Pups Available For SaleEXOTIC SHINING STAR NEUJAHRShes IceWhiteWatch for her in the ringEXOTIC KENNEL CHACRES KENNELJudy Stone Molly McDanielRt. 3 Box 141 Patricia RowleyDoniphan, MO 63935 P.Q. Box 41, Doniphan, MO 63935Phone 314-996-2942Breeder of StarCYNDIWALLENBEAUJAMESPOMSCRESCENDOVpoMERANIAN s vBERNIE LOIS CILIBERTO 813-996-549920044 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FL 34639il'S'cUeZenAKC POMERANIANS MALTESE Bev-Nor, Great Elms, Emcee Bonner Staten Island, NY 718 494-1847Home of the beautiful black Ch. Gailellens Dark Knight7 Highland Trail Denville, New Jersey 07834Home of the Stars of Today and Tomorrow.. LIAR HAVEN POMSJANICE YOUNG 618 W. Springfield Rd. 314-629-2754 " St. Clair, MO 63077Ch. Stud Service Puppies For Show, Breeding PetNEUJAHR POHSColor-Bred WhitesEVELYN NEW YEAR4478 River Street Willoughby, OH 44094 - 216-946-1226ACOLOR-BRED WHITES, REDS and EXOTICSSUE HUGHESPO BOX 57, SOD, WV 25564 304-756-9356trCH. BEV-NOR SOUTHLAND SINSATION isour main man. Quality puppies and young adults occasionally.RAMONA J. SMITH, Box 833, Belfield, ND 58622. Tel 701-575-4125.cUoteno SINCE 19 6 7Home of AM. CAN. CH. MORENO'S PERRIWINKLE, Multiple Group winner2SINCE 1 9 B 7JULIE MORENO415-583-4973 after 10 a.m. our time, please]jSFOAfyj, POMERANIANSQuality Pups Champion Studs803-472-3002Rosemary E. Regoni385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322AFFORDABLE QUALITYShow Pet health guaranteed major medical insurance. EMCEE, MILLAMOR, CHRISCENDO BAVANEW Lines. Lisa Byrd, BreederExhibitor, 10113 Sunrise, Crowley, TX 76036. Tel 817 2974603.Whats gorgeous and glossy and read all overInternational circulation well over 1,000 paid subscribers Your advertising dollar goes further in THE POM READER The Pom Reader is sent as a courtesy to every AKC-licensed Pom judge.ADVERTISING INFORMATION LOIS CILIBERTO 813-996-5499The Pom Reader February-March199638EMCEE POMERANIANSCH. EMCEES GRAN DORITO CHIPS5 lbs.Sire Ch. Emcees A Chips Of Diamond Grandsire Ch. Emcees Terrific Wee Chips. Great Grandsire Ch. Emcees Chips Of DiamondOffspring to be in showring soon All clear orange Emcees Midori and Emcees Little DweebsWe have other litters from Dorito. NOTHING for sale. Stud fee 350.00Morris Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 23233'VABEST OF WINNERSFURNITURE CITY KENNEL CLUB SEPTEMBER 1994PHOTO BY faOACfinch 4 fioato on fondDANISIRE BURGUNDY LIL CASINO DAM FINCHS AMBROSA MYSTERY 12 sister to Ch. Finchs He Walks On WaterQuality comes in all ColorsCongratulations Cathy Anderson on Finchs Stealn The Show, black white parti.BREEDEROWNER DIANE L. FINCHFINCHS POMERANIANS PHONE 515-769-2444 HANDLERPictured with judge Mrs. Jacqueline Stacy CATHY ANDERSON 815-397-2463The Pom Reader February-March1996WINNERSBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX-y A--WISCONSIN 09 KENNEL39-MLoianne owteramamCONGRATULATESDIANNEKIEFFER ON THE HEARTLAND KENNEL VISIT.It has been fun sharing some of your successes and I wish many more for you1Frances Mf. ftoTRR3 BOX 429 WASHINGTON, IN 47501 812-254-3857The Pom Reader February-March1996r5LJ' x i Tl, y.f I jf' yNEW WHITE CHAMPION"'fcrlT2iCsHRWINNERSTn_UB, INC.AuRDAY g, .rtN.20,1996 .. . v.booth photo bytrademan\ZJlf'lllisllllilkNABOB HES STOLAIXIIXIE IVIY HEARTTHIS EXCITING IVEW WHITE CHAMPION FIIMISHED TO HIS TITLE DWNERHANDLED BY FRAIV STOLLOWNERHANDLER BREEDER NAN SHARTEL CO-OWNERFRAN STOLL STOLANNE POMERANIANS EVELYN NEWYEAR NEUJAHR POMERANIANSRR3 Box 429, Washington, ll\l 47501 812] 254-3857 4478 Riuer Street - Willoughby, OH 44094THE POM READER 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604HEIDI BATTES 197 23229 E DUBISSON RD PASS CHRISTIAN MS 38571-9559 USA 3BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGEPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FLNEWS PUBLICATION DO NOT DELAY ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED