The Pom Reader April 1996

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f tI IVON THE COVERWIf a picture' is worth 1,000 . . words... then this one . says it allCH. SWOODBRICOR Smm j mONMANSAMMI is a wonderful little dog who is alert and proud with a foxy expression. In limited showing in 95 he was a multiple Group winner with multiple Group placements. We wish to thank all the judges that appreciated his fine qualities of type, soundness and great movement. He is seen in the ring with his good friends Beth and Ernesto who do a superb job. SAMMI is back out in 96 to continue his career.fSammiPicturedat left with judge Mr. Joseph E. Gregory, handled by Beth, and on right with judge Mrs. Paula Bradley, handled by ErnestoMs'We mourn the passing of Terry Childs, longtime friend mentor, without whose help Sammi would not be ours todayThe PoReader Apr96EXPERTLY HANDLER BY Beth Sweigart Ernesto Lara \ OWNEDAlfred Barbara Boehther. I OCEANSIDE, L I., N.Y.3m'iyf.1t0-1.BEST BREEDOFKENNEL CLUB INC yTphotoIImarIOsKLARK wishes to thank Phillip Lanard III for the Group I in Lake City, FloridaSTARFIRES MORGAN 6-9 mos. puppy bitch is proud of her two majors under Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Alderman and her BOB over 4 male specials under Dr. Wm. HouptSTARFIRE POMERANIANSTONY CABRERA FABIAN ARIENTI23750 SW 142ND AVENUE REDLANDS, FL 33032 305-257-2818The Pom Reader APRn.1996THE POMAPRIL 1996 VOLUME XII, NUMBER TWOeft Ctntcudi6. DID YOU KNOW by Sharon MasnickPuppies, eye problems, aid more10. PR PLAYMATESOur candid photo department. Also page 18.12. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising and subscription rates14. NEW CHAMPIONSConfirmed March 199615. STORK REPORTNew expected litters16. YOKO YAMAMOTOFamed Japariese artist on exhibition in New York20. KNOCK KNOCK WHOS THEREThe PR visits Candyfloss Pomeranians32. OLYMPIA akci Lois CilibertoThe APC National Specialty36. APC NATIONAL - RESULTSSweeps, Regular Classes ObedienceTHE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, S840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS, BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. TheThe Pom Reader Aprjl1996editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for Third Class service in the continental United States 36.00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 55.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request. ALL ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC- LICENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP AND ALLBREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries to Joe McGinnis Editor, 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604. Telephone 813-858-3839- FAX 813- 853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.INDEX TO ADVERTISERSAGUILAR, E...... ........38 LEHTINEN, J....... -----29ALLAN, M ......... ........38 LIZAMBRI, S ...... . . .38ARIENTI, F ........ ..........3 MARTIN, D ......... . . .39BERNEY, S......... ........39 MASNICK, S......... . .7,38BERRY, N ......... ........40 McDANIEL, M__ . . .41BESSHO, S......... 22 McDonald, b. e . . . .30BLANK, J. R ...........29 McINTOSH-TAYLOR, B .39BOEHMER, A. B___1,2 MEYER, L............ - - -29BONNELL, B. M........40 MILLER, K. E ... . . .39CABRERA, T __ ..........3 MINDS EYE........ - - .31CARSON, M. B .........40 MORENO, J.......... ___41CILIBERTO, L. B- -31,41 MURASHIMA, S . . .- . .19CONRAD, H ___ ........38 NAGATA, C......... ___26COTO, G............. ..........5 NAGY, S. B __ . . .38CREED, C .......... ........40 NEWYEAR, E...... ___41DAUBENSPECK, J........40 NIMMO, U............ - - -38DOMRASE, A. J........40 NUNN, R. R___ ___40FERGUSON, S . . .........30 PHILBROOK, S . . . - - -38FIDDICK, R. J . ........38 PLONKEY, D__13,43,44FINCH, D........... . .30,38 POOLE, R ............ ___40GALAVICH, C . . .........11 RAY, B .................. . .7,38GEMMILL, R..... 13,43,44 REGONI, R .......... . . .41GRAF, H ............ ........39 REILLY, R. J__ . - .39HAMMOND, M . .........41 RGS TOYS PEDS .38HARRISON, C . . .........38 RODGERS, G....... ___41HARTZ, K .......... ........40 ROGERS-RISTER, A___40HENDLER, A . . . .........39 ROSENBAUM, M . .- - -39HOPKINS, L....... ........41 ROWLEY, P......... ___41HOVEY, J........... ........40 SCOTT, F. C__ - - -31HUGHES, S ....... ........41 SMITH, R.............. . . .41HUGHES, T........ ........40 STONE ,J.............. ___41IGARASHI, K__ ........23 STRASBAUGH, H . ..43,44IKEUCHI, Y....... ........42 TAYLOR, D.......... - - -39KNEISLER, M__ ........39 WELLS, M. G ... - - -38KRANZFELDER, M..........9 WILFORD, T. D . - - -38LAFLER, M........ ........29 YOUNG,J ............. ___41The Pom World was on Inhale...Now it can Exhale.miinrs WAITING TO EXHfllfJmMi--- wawThank you Mr. Ken McDermottLOLITA, shown above at 7 months of age, now has 3 BOBs over Specials from Puppy Class Lolita is walking in the proud paw prints of her famed sire, BISS CH. STARFIRES SUPERMAN.Congratulations to Hideko Strasbaugh the Candyfloss PomeraniansBREEDEROWNERGuilly Coto 305-221-6437EXCLUSIVE HANDLERDale Adams 407-622-3709The Pom Reader April19966--m ID YOU KNOW...It is important to watch how puppiesplay togetherWe recently had a litter of two females and one male that we put in a large puppy play pen after weaning. They seemed to be playing together fine. One evening I came home to find the male growling and crying. I checked him and his stomach seemed full and he had a normal bowel movement. His symptoms indicated low blood sugar so I gave him some Nutri- Cal. I watched them closely and felt he was okay that evening. For several evenings I watched them as he seemed to be fussy every night when I got home. Finally I discovered that one of the females was jumping on him and was trying to nurse his genitals. We removed her and placed her in her own pen. She began to entertain herself with toys and seemed to be content. I watched the male and female that we had left together closely and soon discovered the male was starting to get bossy with the other female. He pushed her down and tried to play rough. So, we removed her and put her in a pen ofher own also. All three puppies soon settled down and played with toys and were not so fussy. They began to develop their own personalities and were much quieter. We have started to lead train and table train them. We realize they were much better off being solo than they were together. We feel they needed each other to a point and then they were ready to be alone and bond with people and play with toys. If they had been left together much longer we might have experienced personality problems and would have had a problem with shyness and with training.After this experience, I will always watch how puppies react with each otherPim ID YOU KNOW... That a dogs hear- ing is one of his best developed senses.Most dogs seldom need to have their ears cleaned. A certain amount of wax is normal and necessary to maintain the health of the tissues.To clean a dirty ear, moisten a cloth with an ear cleaner and wrap it around your finger and insert your finger into the ear canal as far as itwill go and gently wipe the surfaces to remove dirt, excess wax and debris. You may also squirt the ear cleaner into the canal and gently rub the ear to loosen any debris. Some ear medications come in tubes with long nozzles which are inserted into the vertical canal while holding the nozzle parallel to the dogs head. You must be careful that the dog doesnt jump or twist his head and cause the tube to lacerate the thin skin of the ear canal.Many infections will involve the horizontal ear canal and it is important that the medicine reach this area.With your fingers, you must rub the cartilage at the base of the ears to disperse the medicine. You will usually hear a squishy sound.A common problem we all can experience with Poms is ear mites. They are tiny bugs that live in the ear canals and feed on skin debris. The characteristic sign is itching, head shaking and crying in a very young puppy. The discharge from the ear is reddish-brown, or black, and waxy.At times, the ear mites may leave the ear canal and travel to other parts of the body. They are highly contagious. It takes about three full weeks to eliminate this problem. You may use Canex or some other ear mite medbySharon MasnickThe Pom Reader April19967fBE9icy - gOL'D'E^iAI'RTS POMS FROWDLy PpTSPMU.MAScTcL WFB DALEn..' .'isdlmVaPiw i.WBMjRyVrS MHSTER2IECECH. MILLAMORS TRADEMARK CH. MILLAMOR S MARK TRADITIONMILLAMOR S SPARKLING MUSIC CH. GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKERCH. COYS TOP OF THE MARK DE ARTAS DANCING MARKETTADE ARTAS WEE DANCING CHERI BEN RAYS MASTERPIECEGOLDEN AIRES MAGIC MARKO CH. BEN RAY'S SUNDANCING SIMONGOLDEN AIRES ROCK N ROBIN CH. BEN RAY'S SHE IS A BELLACH. BEAVER OF LENETTE CH. BEN RAY'S LIL BELLA SHERRYGREAT ELMS ROSE OF TIARAMasters type and balance correlates what we have been striving to produce for 10 years at Ben Rays and Golden AiresThanks to judge Glenda Dawkins for this win and thanks to Dale Adams for her expert handling.BENSON E. RAY SHARON MASNICK 2007 Vestry Drive, Charleton, SC 29414H 803-571-6165 FAX 803-556-6011The Pom Reader April 9968Did You Know...ication in the ears and flea powder on the surface of the body or a flea shampoo.T\M ID YOU KNOW... That most disor- ders in your dogs mouth can be identified by a careful inspection.A careful inspection of the lips, teeth, palate, throat, gums, and the soft tissue of the chin and neck will help identify any disorders to the mouth. Lymph nodes are small, movable, non-tender nodules beneath the chin, at the angle of the jawbones, and below the ear. When they are swollen and tender, this indicates a mouth or throat infection.To examine your dogs bite, close his mouth and raise his upper lip while drawing down on the lower lips with your thumb. This will give you the chance to examine his gums and teeth. Healthy gums are firm and pink. Bluish-gray gums are a sign of shock and dehydration. White or pale gums indicate that blood loss, iron deficiency, or parasites are present.If your dog has bad breath, it may be due to a mouth infection or poor dental hygiene. This condition can lead to a poor coat, loss of weight, and in general, poor health. The infection could spread through the dogs system.A dog with a sore mouth drools, shakes his head, paws at his face, and refuses to eat, and will attempt to shy away if you try to look in his mouth. The membranes inside the mouth are reddened, swollen, and very tender. The breath has a bad ordor.There are several causes for a sore mouth. They include retained baby teeth, tartar build up, trauma, vitamindeficiency, diabetes, chemical irritants, and distemper.Recurrent stomatitis sore mouth causes traumatic ulcers of the mouth where jagged or diseased teeth make repeated contact with the mucus lining of the lips and cheeks. The treatment is to have the teeth cleaned and diseased teeth removed.nm ID YOU KNOW... That if your dog has matter in his eye, squints, his eye waters, and he paws at his eyes, you are probably faced with an eye problem.In order to examine the eye, you will need a good light. To examine the eyeball, place one thumb against the skin of the cheek below the eye and the other thumb against the ridge of bone above. Gently draw down on the lower thumb and apply countertraction with the other. Reverse this procedure to view the eye behind the lid.Dust, grass seed, hair, and dirt are common foreign substances in the eye. If the foreign body can be seen, it can carefully be removed with a blunt-nosed tweezers. Also, a moistened cotton swab can be used to gently swab the eye. Many times the object will adhere to the cotton swab. If there is quite a bit of dirt in the eye, the eye should be irrigated with saline solution. If the foreign substance is removed, finish the task by applying an antibiotic ophthalmic ointment to the eye.To successfully apply eye medication you will need to pull the eyelid down and apply the ointment to the inner surface of the eyelid. Eyedrops may be applied directly to the eyeball.Rub the eyelid gently over the eyeballto disperse the medicine.Eye problems should not be neglected in the hope that they will clear up. If there is any doubt and improvement hasnt been obvious in twenty- four hours call your veterinarian immediately.m ID YOU KNOW...It helps to train together.I recently started to train a male by letting him walk around the kitchen with the lead on. Everytime I removed the lead he would fight and scream. I always moved slowly and was careful when taking the lead off and talked to him to calm him. When I started to put pressure on the lead he would become very upset. One morning we put his lead on and my friend held the lead and I got on the floor with Nutri-Cal in my hand. My friend would apply pressure to the lead and I would give Nutri-Cal to the puppy. I kept moving backwards and slowly he would move forward for the Nutri-Cal. We did this exercise several times and finally he found out the lead and pressure would not hurt him because something good happened. He has started walking on the lead fine and struts out ahead of me and has fun.I feel training sessions need to be short and end on a good note. It takes longer for some than it does others. We have to be in tune with the situation and we need to be calm and patient.Sharon Masnick2007 Vestry Drive Charleston, SC 29414 803-751-6165by Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader April19969Hxdeko0TteUnited gtates is fortunate you now make your Rome Rere. ^Pomeranians are fortunate to Rave you interested in tRis Breed. 4 am jortunate to sRare your jriendsRip.\ Cook Jorward to your many years of success.0Forever lours, ^arge Q^ransjefder 415-572-0149314forever oTiis A\pmentmale pictured at 4 months of ageiHE ROM READER APRIL lyyo10APRIL 1996Submit your cute photo for our popularPlaymates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film.xay - time for treatsBrandy at 5 years of age courtesy Paige Bailey, Warren, New JerseyI got anown makeit all better. Sassy Teddy courtesy Wanda Swallows, Clarkrange, Tennessee.MAIL TOPR PLAYMATES8848 BEVERLY HILLS, LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604The Pom Reader April199611^ AtegP- \i r-'^v.4VA1, i'', - A , iV ai SU.-isWii'. ir 1m-, c--44ViinumflBV5P tmafitsOr __33v -kv. y.v-' ' -. IllviXfcyf- i x^7 7^ 'dsuid 7 CtCh. Tia-Lings Dream Maker x Wee Hearts Witching OursDreamer is seen here taking a Best Of Breed from the classes over BIS special, finishing easily under the excellent handling of Donna Megenhardt. He was bred by Dianne Kieffer.BELATED CONGRATULATIONS TO DIANNE ON HER HEARTLAND KENNEL VISITDreamerhas a gorgeous daughter, Ch. Pixies Sweet Dreams now being specialed who at 8 months of age, took an award of merit at the APC Specialty in N.Y.Carol Galavich Evelyn Newyear52821 German Hill Rd. 4478 River StreetPowhatan Pt., Ohio 43942 Willoughby, Ohio 44094614-458-1705The Pom Reader April199612READER4YourShowcaseforPurebredPomeraniansSUBSCRIPTIONRATESin U.S. Dollars11 Issues Per YearDomestic39 3rd class postage 60 1st class postage Foreign Rates Upon Request Sample Issues 5.00 each Back Issues 5.00 each Subject to availabilityTBL POMFEBRUARY-MARCH 19 9 6 VOLUME XII. NUMBER ONECH. FINCH'S PASSIONATE KISSESSUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAnnualPrepaidAd Size Contract Open RateFull Page Deluxe Color 337.50 375.00Full Page Standard Color NA 250.00Full Page Black White 112.00 125.00Half Page 60.00 75.0014 Page 32.00 40.0018 Page 20.00 25.00116 Page 12.00 15.00STORK REPORT NA 10.00All ads 14 page and larger include one photo. Extra black white photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes color photo, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, position chosen by publisher.Joe McGinnis, Editor Phone 941-858-3839 Fax 941-853-3624Telephone subscription orders by credit curd onlyADVERTISING INFORMATIONLois CilibertoPhone813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-9613DOLL-MCGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, EL 33809-1604 941-858-3839The Pom Reader April199613p'ieicntuifi...VALCOPY WAKHAN BETTY BOOPCh. Valcopy Wakhan Valentino x Valcopy Wakhan Red Riding HoodWINNERSiBITCHwprogressive dog clubFEB1996THE STANDARD'IMAGECHUCK TATHAMThank you Mr. Oberstar for this prestigious win She was also BOS in Sweeps and RWB at American Pom Club. This gives Betty Boop 13 points and 3 Majors at 7 months of age.Congratulations to Hideko on her well deserved recognition. Thanks again Hideko for taking Betty Boop to the Big Apple." Best In Show wishes for Hideko and Hotsy in 96.BREEDERS, OWNERS, HANDLERSValcopyDana L. Plonkey206-743-1601WakhanRandy C. Gemmill206-322-0587The Pom Reader ApmU996mssCONFIRME MARCH 199Aldens Celebration In Kelly D by Ch D-Nees DBonaire Diplomat x Aldens Last Celebration BreederOwner Alden A Domrase Janet R. DomraseAnnons Temperature Rising D by Ch Annons Dandie Kit Kat x Golden Oaks Scarlet Fever BreederAnn Cannon Carolyn C. Lewis Owner Ann CannonBabe N Woods Marianete Copy D by Pom Groves Masterpiece Copy x Chesal Soft N Sweet Breeder Lee Nut Owner Anne WylieBel-Mel N Sandon Spark Plug D by CH Windjammers Touch Of Petite x Bel Mels Golden Eclipse BreederOwner Patricia M. Melton Sandra F. MilesBen-Ji Ima Little Sally Dog D by Carousels Bronco Billy x Ben-Ji Midnite Star Dance Breeder Judy Sams Owner M. Deane Reinhart Judy SamsChestaras Fantasia B by CH Glen Iris Luckdragon x Chestaras Summer Mistfire BreederOwner Bill Henry Beverly M. HenryDainti Charming Legacy D by CH Danti Bev-Nors Ebony x Pramadas Fuzzy Phenomenon Breeder Doreen Fernandez Margaret Peat Owner Nancy Jo Rieke Doreen FernandezDanas Adonis Of Mai-T-Toi D by Mai-T-Tois Arizona Tumbleweed x Silver Meadows Sweetpea Breeder Dana C. Kelly Owner Angela Nisbet Carol RenonElans Palm Beach Polo D by Elans Double Entendre x Elans Inclined To Devilry BreederOwner Melissa David DahlenburgEmcees Gran Dorito Chips D by CH Emcees A Chip Of Diamond x Wee Hearts Golden Emcee Breeder Morris E. Carson Betty F. Carson Owner Morris Betty CarsonFoxfires Milliondollar Baby B by Puf-Pride Golden Sandollar x Ch Dupres Wake Up Little Suzy BreederOwner Janine G. PannellGayel Amette Coming Up Rosa B by CH Valcopy Wakhan Valentino x Gayel Winter Wishes Breeder Gale A. Rivers Owner Geri William ArnoldGuiltys Elvira Of Starfire B by CH Starfires Nicolas El Grande x Grafenhorts Lil Miss Dolly Breeder Guillermina B. Coto Owner Jose A. Cabrera Fabian ArientiJanesas Maxx-Factor D by CH Weehearts Glen Iris Tailsman x Janesas Hi-Struttin Mary Breeder Jerrie Freia Owner Gerald Miller Jerrie FreiaKitsan Justifanci Star B by Kitsans Kandi Man Rogueland x Kitsan Bell Star O Moonlight BreederOwner Trilvie V. HaynesMi Babe Rain Beaus Glamour B by Rain Beaus Just For Kixs x Rain Beaus Bubble Up BreederOwner Babe McCombs Jean E. CookMorenos Believe It Or Not D by Morenos I Lan Warrior Of Hyjan Le x Morenos Phyner Golden Jubile Breeder Julie Moreno Owner Linda S. Brogoitti Julie MorenoOzarks Spirit Of Oakridge D by CH Rock N Tradition Of Oakridge x Merry Rock Music Of Oakridge Breeder Nina K. Epps Owner Karen Crouch Nina K. EppsPeannetes Dawn Breeze B by Lu Neals Kasha Of Great Elms x Peannetes Morning Image BreederOwner Anne HendlerPixies Sweet Dreams B by CH Heartlands Just A Dream x CH Blakes Made To Order Breeder Bonnie Stetson Owner Carol Galavich Bonnie StetsonThe Pom Reader April199615NEW CHAMPIONS CONFIRMED MARCH 1996Rocket Comet Of Oakridge D by Ch. Rock N Tradition Of Oakridge x Fancy Gold Kandee Of Oakridge Breeder Nina K. Epps Owner Sharon Hicks Brenda TurnerSouthlands I Be Mighty Good B by CH Southlands Mighty Impressive x Southlands Dipped In Fudge Breeder Charlotte Creed Owner Carmen BlankenshipSouthlands Simple Elegant B by CH Southlands Toasted Fudge x Idas Princes Of Bev-Nor BreederOwner Charlotte CreedStarfires Sophia B by CH Starfires Nicolas El Grande x Starfires Infinity Breeder Jose A Cabrera Owner Jose A. Cabrera Fabian ArientiStolN Gntimn Strt Yur Engins B by CH Stolannes Classique Comet x Dias Ballerina Bear BreederOwner Frances J. StollStrutting Red Lepton B by CH Tomho Strutting Baby Cakes x Silverwoods Amazing Star BreederOwner Howard SkiarSun-Dots Galactic Dream B by Ch Sunpdots Chewbaka x Sun-Dots Taffy Twirl Breeder Ruth Dotson Owner Cande L. FreemanTanglewood Rootin Tootin D by Eastwycks Electirc Toaster x Tanglewood Jelley Bean BreederOwner Carol J. AubutTerimars Im A Hotstepper B by Tarn-Mars Gambler Man x T And Ts Hot Red Roxie BreederOwner Mrs. Timothy MorrowTexstars Toally Arizona B by Texstars Texican Tornado x Texstars Electric Bb Breeder Bonnie A. Brown Owner Bonnalee Jean AcquardTheiduns Small Wonder D by Cupaluvs Tomdandee OTheidun x Theiduns Designer Jeanne BreederOwner Thelma M. DunnTiffanys Prince Andy O Erin D by CH Bev-Nors Special Edition x Bev-Nors Mindy Breeder Beverly B. Ferguson Catherine A. Sheridan Owner Maureen HealyTim Sues l ightning Strikes D by Ch Chriscendo City Lights x Tim Sues Country Girl Breeder Sue Goddard Tim Goddard Owner Alice R. CarlsonTreasured Deans High Loansum D by CH Tim Sues High Lights x Treasured Lil Bit Of Misty Breeder Claudia Wallace Owner Dean HebertV I Ps Luvalot B by Bev-Nors Patriot x Sun-Dots Miss Congeniality Breeder Donald C. Clark III Song S. OhClarkOwner Fran SmithWatts Little Maximilian D by CH Great Elms Little Sparky 1-93 x Watts-Scotia Little Annabell BreederOwner Dolores A. WattsYolandas Cool Breeze D by CH. Millamors Mark Tradition x Yolandas Traveling Tequila Breeder Yolanda K. Webster Owner Jessica K. SmithYolandas N Golden Aires Duke D by Ch Great Elms Topbrass O Yolnda x Yolandas Twinkle Of Image Breeder Yolanda K. Webster Owner Curtis MackOHIO VALLEY POM CLUB Educational Videos For SaleGROOMING by Christine Heartz...............................................25.00HANDLING RING PROCEDURE by Joanne Reed _______25.00NATURAL WHELPING by Doris Wheeler ..............................25.001995 OLYMPICS SPECIALTY MATCH NOW AVAILABLESPECIALTY MATCH VIDEO WMARKED CATALOG_____25.00VIDEO ALONE ............................................................................20.00Contact Jim Shearer9995 Ragersville Rd. SW, Baltic, OH 43804. Tel 216-897-0720STORK REPORTNEW EXPECTED LITTERSWHELPED 22696 2 MALE PARTIs BLACK WHITE RED WHITE Sire Guitars Tiny Flame And Show Dam Nelsons Parti Panda BearFAIRWINDS POMERANIANS. 23229 E. Dobisson Road, Pass Christian, MS 39571-9559. Tel 601-255-2000 after 230 p.M. CSTWHELPED 121895 2 SHOW POTENTIAL MALESSire Ch. Mixons Rossi of Fripp son of Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition x Great Elms damJanet McWhorter, 301 Roberts Drive, Greenwood, SC 29649. Tel 803-229-5972 evesweekends.WHELPED 22596 3 MALESSire Ch. Bev-Nor Southland Sinsation Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge x Lynnwrights Miracle Worker Dam Berrys Pink Lady OMia Ch. Southlands Apollo Creed x Southland Janesas Hi Hope. Two will be available to homes seriously interested in this family of Poms. MIA POMS, Ramona Smith, Box 833, Belfield, ND 58622. Tel 701-575-4125.The Pom Reader April199618i 1996 rm J- fWell, all right - one for the road. Button courtesyBarbara Mona Gates, Clarksburg, MarylandSubmit your cute photo for our popular Playmates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film.Please identify Pom and owner. We also enjoy hearing a little about your Pom - brief descriptions are welcome Send toPR PLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604Wake me when its over. See Morecourtesy Teresa Greedy Lancaster, CaliforniaThe Pom Reader April 1996Congratulations To Hideko1995xL RaStz-''V y8 month old puppyOWNERSetsuko MurashimaPhone 02454-2-2096 36-4 Daimon lisawa-cho Fukushima-shi, Fukushima-kenJAPANThe Pom Reader APRn.199620Ar ,, n r9r ._. n rHhe i 'ThcueTHE POM READER VISITSHIDEKO STRASBAUGH, CALIFORNIAFrom Japan with dreams...I was pleasantly surprised and honestly flattered to be honored with a visit so early in my American experience. I want to begin by thanking the many of you who are my friends for your kind guidance and friendship over the past years.Although I am a relative newcomer to the American dog show world, I have been breeding and showing dogs for over 30 years. Most of that time was in Japan, so most Americans don't know much about me. Forgive me if I tell you more about myself than you are interested, but I hope I can use this opportunity to tell you some things about my life, my dogs, and my dreams.My mother bought me my first show puppy, a Rough Collie, when I was 11. My first attempts at showing my dog were based upon lessons I had learned from reading books. In our first show together, we received the blue ribbon over 12 other dogs in the ring, all handled by adults This gave me confidence and from that moment on, I have felt the draw of the show ring.Many more show puppies came to our house during those first few years including other Rough Collies, Doberman Pinscher, Japanese Chin,Toy Poodle, Miniature Dachshund, and others. I thoroughly enjoyed showing dogs, and though my mother was supportive, other members of my family showed little interest in my hobby. My mother was supportive mostly because we had an agreement --1 could show dogs as long as I remained in the top of my class at school.My first real success showing dogs came with my Toy Poodle. I bought him when he was four months old. I trained, groomed and handled him myself. Our first show together was at the biggest show in Japan. He won Best Puppy In Show When he was 10 months old, he went BOS over many specials at a Tokyo area Poodle Specialty. The next year, again at the biggest show in Japan, he won the Variety and we showed in the Group ring together. Both of us were still young and even though we didn't win anything in the Group, it was a very special experience. We had a lot of fun together.I fell in love with horses when I was young and when I was 17,1 began attending a riding academy.Fortunately, the academy had many very good and experienced horses and riders, including some who were training to represent Japan in the Olympic equestrian events. By watching these excellent horses, I learned the basics of structure, correct gait, soundness and training, but the most important lesson I learned is the relationship between bone structure, movement and temperament, all of which combine to produce a spectacular, showy animal. Though I wasn't thinking of dogs at that time, this later became a fundamental precept of my philosophy about breeding and training my showdogs.Not long after I turned 18, my father's health failed and he died. I lost my mother when I was 12.1 was alone, and lost everything and had nowhereto live. I didn't know it at the time, but my life was about to make a major change in direction.During my early years showing my Toy Poodle, unbeknownst to me, someone was watching me carefully. He apparently saw something in me that showed promise and he wanted me to have an opportunity to show specials in Japanese dog shows. He had been looking for me for quite some time and as fortune would have it, we found each other at this very difficult time in my life.Mr. Yoshio Ikeuchi took me under his wing and helped me find the opportunities I needed to expand my knowledge about conditioning, training, grooming, handling, and breeding.With the help of his exceptional veterinarian, I was even able to learn some of the basics of veterinarian care. Mr. Ikeuchi also arranged for me to attend seminars and dog shows abroad.When he felt I was ready, Mr.Ikeuchi introduced me to clients who owned very excellent, but as yet unknown dogs, that they wished shown to prominence. I was responsible for their care, conditioning, training and handling -- quite a responsibility for one so young. With these dogs I was able to experience the excitement of showing them to BIS and BISS and in the process learned a great deal.It sounds like we won all the time, but of course that wasn't the case. The Japanese dog world is not much different than the American dog world in most respects. The same types ofThe Pom Reader Aprh.199621PhotosTop left Judge Maxwell Riddle at the 1982 FCI Tokyo World Dog Show, awarding Hidekos 10year old Champion Maltese bitch a Group 2.Center left and right Hideko teaching her students.Bottom left Hidekos first Pom, Ch. Morenos Dandi Lion.Bottom right Hurricane and BIS WinnerwBrady.talflwili'iri JLcLm-i-iPHOTO rr _______ _5 n UITCHtU. ' The Pom Reader April1996Congratulations To Hidekocmmmm Hwwv 77T e .iA'ISatoshiBesshoNew Co-Owner of Hotsy TO SHARE THE DREAMS 1-22-5 Miyakodai, Kamisoch, Kakogawa, Hyogo-kenJAPANThe Pom Reader April199623Congratulations To HidekoWORLD FAMOUS HADLEIGHL.j.ft-vSv-2Ch. Hadleigh Supermanat 11 months of ageBred and Owned byKaz IgarashiTokyo JAPANThe Pom Reader April19962453''.'2'. m._IVJkPhotosTop left Hotsy and Betty Boop celebrating Girls Day\ a Japanese celebration.Top right Judge Mrs. George Wanner with new Champion Hotsy and Daddy Dana.Bottom left Littermates by Mac Japanese CACIB Ch. Joice with his breederownerhandler, Eriko Hidekos student and BIS Winner Japanese Supreme Ch. Max with Hideko.Bottom right Eight week old puppy out of Ch. Hadleigh Superman and Tatiana.The Pom Reader April199625results occur and for the same reasons. Sometimes it was discouraging, but Mr. Ikeuchi taught me to never give up and that to be successful, I had to continue to always do my best, congratulate the winners when we lost, and learn a lesson from the experience.Due to my busy show schedule, I was limited in the number of puppies I could raise, so I only bred very few litters at that time. The results however attest to the quality of those breedings as I bred two BIS Toy Poodles out of my champion boy.When I was 26,1 bought two foundation bitches from Mrs. Virginia Milroy's Wavir Kennel and began breeding white Miniature Poodles. Those breedings were just for myself for showing and enjoying dog shows.Some have asked where my kennel name Candyfloss came from. One day while I was at a Japanese festival, someone tapped me on the shoulder and asked me where I had purchased the cotton candy. Of course it was my toy poodle boy in full show coat. I bred 16 JKC Champions, one AKC Champion, two Supreme Champions, three CACIB Champions, four BIS winners, two BISS winners and many group winners. In 1985, Candyfloss was awarded Top Miniature Poodle breeder honors. My all-time favorite Miniature Poodle is JKC, CACIB, Supreme Champion Candyfloss Windsong, BISBISS winner, and 1985's top-winning Miniature Poodle in Japan. She was awarded Best Bitch in Show in 1985, at the FCI Asian International Dog Show, the largest dog show in Asia. In 1985, she won Reserve Best Bitch In Show CACIB Champions competition at the FCI Asian International Dog Show. She was also selected to appear in commercials for Science Diet in Japan.She was a truly spectacular show dog, capturing the attention and hearts of nearly everyone who saw her in the ring. Her movement and showmanship were like a dream come true for me. These were traits that she fortunately passed along to her children. She produced three BIS winners included the 2 Miniature Poodle bitch in Japan.Before I came to America, I had my own dog grooming school. I taught my students five days a week and on weekends we showed our dogs. I also authored a monthly grooming article for Japanese dog magazines, I was very busy but I enjoyed a fulfilling life.In America, my life has been very different. When I came here to marryJim, I had to give up my grooming school and a very successful career breeding and showing my dogs. At first it was difficult because I loved what I was doing in Japan so much. Also, it was difficult to get started again in America because I had to learn many new things and did not know very many people in the American dog world.I continued showing my Miniature Poodles in America, but all the while, I was thinking about showing other breeds also. I have always liked Pomeranians so I began a search for one I felt had the qualities I wanted. It took me quite a long time two years before I finally found a beautiful light orange puppy being shown in our area. It was Julie Moreno's Dandi Lion. I didn't know much about him at the time, but I was very attracted to him even before I learned he was a multiple group place. I purchased him, finished him quickly and specialed him throughout the remainder of the year.My search for nice Pomeranians didn't end with Dandi, I was still looking for an outstanding bitch on which to found my breeding program. At about that time, I saw a picture of Ch. Finch's He Walks On Water and I was intrigued. From the picture, I was able to imagine how he moved and I liked him very much. Shortly after that, I heard from Virginia Milroy that Dana Plonkey had a litter of Pomeranians. Which I called Dana and found that it was a litter sired by Travis, I was dancing in Virginia's kitchen. Dana told me one girl was available and that was the beginning of a truly special dream for me.I visited Dana and saw the puppies. He patiently explained to me about the puppies and what he knew about them to that point. He was very kind and honest with me. After listening to him,I asked him to pick a girl for me. He agreed to send me one of the bitch puppies when they were more mature and could travel easily. The little girl was Hotsy.When Hotsy came to me, I took her from the crate and checked her out.She was very sound and beautiful with a very cute expression, but the feature that brought chills to me was when our eyes met and she seemed to be saying to me, "I am the one." We fell in love with each other at that moment and the love affair has been wonderful.With such nice dogs to show now, it was important for me to learn theAmerican dog scene and especially how to present my Poms to the judges. I spent a lot of time watching and learning and trying my best. In Japan, Pomeranians compete with other Nordic breeds such as Huskies and Malamutes in the group ring. For that reason, movement and endurance is very important. This is just one example of the apparent difference in preferred qualities between American Poms and Japanese Poms. I have spent much of my time with my antennae out trying to learn what American judges find most appealing in Poms.So while I have been working hard and have felt lots of stress when showing, Hotsy has been having too much fun. She loves to show.Hotsy finished her championship with a BISS at the Columbia Pom Club Specialty in 1994. At that time, we decided to continue showing her as a special. Her first year as a special wasn't easy. We had some success in the breed ring against heavy competition, but finished the year with only two group seconds. In our area, we have many well known professional handlers with well known toy specials.Despite our paucity of success, I kept showing Hotsy because I believed in her quality. And also, because I wanted to show my gratitude to Dana and Randy for letting me have her. An most importantly, something inside me wants to believe there is room for someone pursuing their dreams in the dog world.Our second year specialing Hotsy felt like coming out of a long dark tunnel and emerging into the sunshine. Hotsy started winning in the group more often, still facing some of the best known Toy specials in the country. The highlight of the year was winning BOS and Award Of Merit at the APC National Specialty in New York. We had multiple BISS wins and multiple group wins that year and she finished 1995, as the number six Pomeranian and the top winning bitch. This year, we had a nice start in January, with a BISS at the Columbia Pom Club Specialty, her third win there in as many years. We had a nice February in New York too, with a BOB at the Toy Progressive, BOS at both the APC National and Westminster. We hope this year will be another successful one.In case you're thinking Hotsy is the only love of my life, I have to tell you about the other girls who came to meThe Pom Reader April199626Congratulations To Hideko1 AtFCI J. CH. HONEY LOVE of BRILLIANT GEM1992 1993 The Top Winning Pom in Japan1992 JKC Pomeranian National Specialty BOB1993 JKC Pomeranian National Specialty BOB Exclusively based on the HADLEIGH line Brilliant Gem PomeraniansCHIEKO NAGATA32 Shimodate, Ibaraki - Pre., JAPAN Fax 0296-24-2775The Pom Rjeader April 1996oPhotos27Top right Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Tatiana with son Masumi.Below left Judge Michele Billings awarding Ch. Valcopy- Wakhan Oiana her class at the 1995 National.Bottom left Hideko with Valcopy-Wakhan Betty Boop.Bottom right Judge Frank Oberstar giving Hotsy BOB at Progressive Dog Club in February.- - iFIRSTifs.6-9MONTHSNATIONAL SPECIALTY AMERICANPOMERANIANCLUETOIsinwmBEST OF BREED^PROGRESSIVEJar7D0C ciuaffuV, FESCT STANDARD IMAGE CHUCK TATHAMThe Pom Reader April1996from Dana and Randy. Together with Hotsy, I call them the dream girls. The second girl from Dana and Randy was Yalcopy-Wakhan Tatiana. She finished her championship when she was one year old. Next came a beautiful orange girl, Valcopy-Wakhan Qiana. Her first time out was at the 1995 APC National Specialty in New York, when she was just six months old. She was awarded RWB and Best Puppy in Show. Three months later, she was a champion Our latest acquisition from Dana and Randy is Valcopy-Wakhan Betty Boop, an exciting orange sable girl who, at seven months old, was awarded RWB and BOS Puppy at the APC National this year, and WB at the Toy Progressive. We have high hopes for Betty, possibly as a special after Hotsy retires.As a mother and wife, I have many other activities to keep me busy. I try to limit myself to five or six dogs at our house at any given time so that I have enough time to play with, exercise and groom them. I try to raise my dogs to sparkle in the show ring. I also want to keep my bitches in shape so their whelping and raising puppies will go more smoothly. I want them to be healthy, with lots of stamina and a playful happy character.I haven't bred many litters of Pomeranian yet, but I have a clear vision of what I want. Soundness, good bone structure, proud carriage and stunning movement. A dog like that makes me feel that even in a large group ring, there isn't enough room to contain us. Attitude is very important. Beautiful eyes are also important to me and a pretty face is a plus.One of the things I believe about breeding is that the bitch's quality is very important. I learned long ago that I can send my bitches to any excellent stud dog to get the traits I am looking for, but the bitches quality is essential.I feel that bitches have a very big influence on their puppies quality. I find it interesting that there are so few Pom bitch specials out there. Perhaps it is because their owners find it difficult to compete against the boys, but consideration for Best of Breed, despite any coat shortcomings related to their season, etc. I have seen good quality bitches receive Best Opposite to rather mediocre boys. I am grateful to the many judges who have found Hotsy worthy even among some nice boy specials.When I visited Mr. IgarashisThe Pom Reader April199628Hadleigh kennel in Japan in early 1995, I saw his top producing stud dog JKC Ch. Hadleigh Super Man. I was impressed by his beautiful orange color with harsh textured coat, beautiful headpiece with elegant and sweet expression. He was very short-backed with excellent lay-back of shoulders and high tail-set. At nine years old, his condition was still excellent -he stacked up with a beautiful silhouette and his movement was superb. I was allowed to hold him and evaluate his structure. His stifles were solid as a rock. I was very excited to be able to see and touch him.Later that year, we were able to send our girl Tatiana to Super Man for breeding. She free-whelped two beautiful girls and one handsome boy. In the litter, one girl received most to the Super Man influence and she is with Dana now. He named her Valcopy- Wakhan To Die For. I kept the other girl and the boy and we just started showing them in our area. In the future, I think this outcross will bring something exciting to our breeding program.Last February, we sent Tatiana to Florida for breeding to Jean Hurley's Ch. Homestead's Spit N' Polish, ROM. We are awaiting the outcome of that breeding at this time.We are nearing the time when we want to send Qiana to be bred and Dana is helping me to arrange a breeding with a Canadian stud dog.My Pomeranian breeding program is just getting started. I am grateful to Dana and Randy and to Mr. Igarashi for their help and advice in this area.I am rather new to Pomeranians and I can't presume to offer advice to anyone, but I would like to offer some simple suggestions that can be used or not as you think may help.When purchasing puppies, I always try to have a clear understanding of what I am looking for and will look a long time until I find it. I don't get impatient and compromise. This is a long-term endeavor. I don't need to be in a hurry.Building trusting relationships with other breeders is essential. As an example, my relationship with Dana and Randy is founded on complete trust of one another. And I respect very much the principles on which Mr. Igarashi bases his breeding program and try to respect his wishes when it comes to integrating his dog's influence into my own line.Play with your dogs. By that, I mean give them a life outside the show ring and they will be alive inside the show ring. I feel it is a very crucial part of their training and it makes a difference in the way they respond to my direction and training.Give them plenty of exercise, too.Try to watch as many good dogs as possible to gain an understanding of what makes good dogs good. The standard is only a starting point-it's not the last word on quality. There is a lot of variety even among the best dogs, and it's difficult to appreciate that unless you actually go out and watch them. It will also help you learn about future directions for your line's breeding program.When you are evaluating your own dog, you better be more strict than you would be of another's dog.To close, I would like to thank the many kind Pomeranian people who have helped me through these early years with guidance and friendship.During our most difficult times, total strangers offered kind words of encouragement to keep trying. Their faith in our eventual success helped buoy my spirits.Thanks also to the many kind professional handlers. They have treated us fairly and with respect.Thanks also to the many judges who have found us in the show ring and had the courage to pick up a no-name owner handler over many nice specials. Those wins mean a lot to me. I don't want to mention names for fear of leaving someone out, but you know who you are.I know I have already thanked Dana and Randy, but since I can never thank them enough, I'll just say it again.Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.To Mr. Igarashi, who allowed me to use his exclusive, non-public stud dog Super Man, and who understands the dream I am trying to reach for, I owe you a debt I can never repay, except with my promise to respect your principles and trust, and do my best to reach for the "stars".To Mr. Ikeuchi, thank you for the years of believing in me.Thanks to my family for the support and patience to put up with me while I chase my dreams.Hideko Strasbaugh291AWARD OF MERITAMERICANPOMERANIANSI'CLUBSATURDAY E3 SUNDAY WV - FEB. 10-11.1M8TOM NUTTINCCH. JM LES JUSTA DASH OF MILLAMOR^circusThank you Mrs. James Edward Clark, for this 2 Award of Merit in a Specials class of thirty-two at the American Pomeranian Club National Specialty in New York February 11, 1996MARCUS went right on to win 2 BOBs on the hotly contested Kentuckiana Circuit in LouisvilleOwnerfane ^ehtinen218-741-2117 days 218-744-5653 eves. BreederEfeanor ^Xjder Presented by ^Jackie Q^a^ncr609-587-2586CONGRATULATIONS TO HIDEKO STRASBAUGH THE CANDYFLOSS POMSiCongratulations to our good friend Hideko on your well deserved kennel visit Your true love for your dogs and expertise in handling is a pleasure to watchTHE PROUD HOME OFCM. ABSOLUTES MAGIC MOUNTAINwinner of 6 Bests in Show and 2 National SpecialtiesABSOLUTEJEANNE ROBERT BLANK 16060 Brookside Drive Buchanan, MI 49107 616-695-7308Davey is co-owned byLynn Meyer Mary Lou Lajler and expertly handled by Lynn MeyerMuffipfe Group WinningCR ABSOLUTES BARLEYS SON DAVTD^picfured wifh fwo of his kids3r30Congratulations and Best Wishes Congratulations and Best Wishes-It00^ tooHideko StrasbaughHideko Strasbaugh -Candyfloss-Candyfloss- onheron her Kennel Visit,Kennel Visit also on her recent winss 'fcmnei "6ye "Home of Takusan Champions Poms Empirein Tiniest Empire BUT we are mightyPast, Present, and Future Ch. Susans Help from Estelle Empress StellaSusan Y. FergusonBilly G. Estelle McDonald -Palace Keeper10011Shadyview Dr. Dallas, TX 75238 2804 N W25th St. Lawton, OK 73505-2132214-340-3176 405-355-7028OWNERHANDLEDThank you judges Charles M. Mulock and Peggy Hogg for Barneys wins. Barney is showing with the enthusiasm and fantastic ground covering movement of his grandsire, Travis,Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water.Pictured with judge Mr. Raymond V.Filburn.Finchs Parti All Nite LongBarney ___________rJ\iBEST OF WINNERSSOUTHEASTERN IOWA KENNEL CLUB FEBRUARY1996DOWNEY PHOTO BY SSEOCongratulationsHidekoStrasbaughon your Kennel Visit, and your gorgeous Travis daughter, Ch. Valcopy- Wakham Hot Gossip, Hotsy.Diane L. Finch Finchs Pomeranians 515-769-2444The Pom Reader April199631jBEST OF WINNERSCENTRAL IOWA yFEmphoto or meo fThanks to Jane Lehtinen for a great job of showing JULIE ANN, and all the judges who appreciated herBEST OF BREEDMinneapolis, MNBEST OF BREEDSt. Cloud, NDRESERVE 2ND PLACENew YorkBEST OF WINNERSDes Moines, IAjudge Dr. Harry Smith Jr. pic.Watch for Julies half-brother, CaptainMN-CS POMEMMIdNSFLORENCE CARL SCOTTWICKLIFFE, KENTUCKY NOW AVAILABLE POMERANIAN VIDEOCaring for Your Pet Pomeranian In-depth presentation includes Pom characteristics, history, personality, health care, grooming, puppies, advantages of choosing a breeder, behavior, training, and more. Expert information. Professionally produced. A must for Pom enthusiasts and new or prospective owners.Send 29.95 4.00 sh to Minds Eye Productions, 3930 N. Ventura Drive, Suite 150, Arlington Heights, IL 60004.To order by phone, call 847255-0523 Fax orders can be sent to 847506-8999 VISA MC AcceptedDear Jim Hideko,We certainly had some hairy times getting this well-deserved Pom Reader visit together, but now that its all said and done, its beautiful and a grand tribute to a lovely lady, Hideko and the beautiful Poms with which she has won so fabulously. It was a particular pleasure meeting Hideko and Hotsy in person in New YorkHeres to the future success of theCandyfloss PomeraniansBernie Lois Ciliberto Crescendo PomeraniansThe Pom Reader April1996AKA Lois CilibertoLYMP1ADogs Howl And,THE APC 1996 NATIONALThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. 76th Annual Specialty Show, 5th Obedience Trial was held Saturday, February 10, and Sunday, February 11, 1996, at the La Guardia Marriott Hotel in New York City.There were 195 Pomeranians entered in this specialty, with a total entry of 280. Tim Goddard served as show chairperson, Lois Morkassel as Obedience chairperson, with assistance by Mary Vickers and Margaret McKee. Beverly Henry served as show secretary.The show committee consisted of Tony Tellez, Sharon Masnick, Nancy Wharton, Jackie Rayner, Jim Shearer, Olga Baker, Sharah Lisebeth, Dick and Bronya Johnston, Mary Vickers, Wilma Diehl and Audrey Blake.All the above, plus the many others who were very active in sharing in the tremendous work to make this a very memorable and successful specialty, are to be applauded for their effortsI could not attend Saturdays Sweepstakes, because of other commitments in New York City proper, and therefore am lacking in Sweepstakes photos. On Sunday, I arrived very early, thanks to Tony Cabrera and Fabian Arienti sharing their cab with me from Manhattan to the Marriott at the airport,a nice feat which was repeated they escorted me back to my in-city- hotel very, very late in the evening. This return ride was made most enjoyable by the presence of Sam Zaneoff, whom I had not seen since 1973- We shared some very old memories, and between the four of us we managed to forget our exhausted bodies by sharing quite a bit of laughter.Believe me, anyone who attends any specialty event and stays all day and into the banquet evening, is exhausted and needs some levity This goes double for all the worker-bees who make the 2- day event run smoothlyNot being in attendance at the Friday and Saturday evening hospitality affair, co-chaired by Olga Baker Sharah Lisebeth, I have to admit to a great deal of envy after hearing about the absolutely sensational event these 2 evenings turned out to beOn Sunday, everyone told me that this particular hospitality event should and will go down in APC history as something almost unbelievable Having attended many specialty and all-breed hospitality affairs in various breeds over the years, I have never heard the likes of this oneI am informed that a gracious lady,XTMv\S3who prefers remaining anonymous, spared no expense to ensure that both evening events would be a true class A act, with the most exquisite cuisine The motif was an enormous ice sculpture, surrounded by a 3-foot-high bowl of caviar, cheese and meat trays, sandwich trays, hot beef and pork dishes, veggie platters, delicious, mouth-drooling pastries and not just one of everything, but two of everything and for the entire evenings...and a free bar.Good thing I wasnt there...I have a capacity for prawns and caviar that is astounding and I probably would have embarrassed myself In the light of levity again I was told that some gentleman was he really one staying at the Marriott kept grabbing quantities of prawns and eventually made off with a thousand dollar bowl of caviar, before anyone realized he was not with the Pom group Speaking of that, bear in mind that my sources tell me this 2- evening affair cost a minimum of six thousand dollars per, and many estimated much moreAstoundingEspecially so to the time-honored APC treasurer, A1 Williamson, who wasThe Pom Reader April1996dMSRICrtM POMMTIMN CLUBFEBRUARY 11,1 99B NEW YORK PHOTOS COURTESY OF JUDY MEHCIZ LOIS CILIBERTO. aniteLY-_K jfc iii mThe Pom Reader Apro.1996AMERICAN POMERANIANS CLUB NATIONAL SPECIALTYJUDGING RESULTSSWEEPSTAKESSaturday, Feb. 10, 1996 Judge Mrs. Suzanne L. Goddard JUNIOR DOGS - 6 - 9 MOS1. Heartlands Top Notch Tradition, Owner Dianne Kieffer2. Foxworth Fighting Edge, Owner Pamela R. Dodsworth3. Subers Batman Forever, Owner Suzanne G. Bemey4. Silver Meadows J.C. Perriwinks, Owner Jacquelyn Klein9 MOS UNDER 12 MOS1. Elans Never Say Die, Owners M.D. Dahlenburg2. Tanglewood Wise Guy, Owner Howard Sklar3. Majestics Sir Godfrey, Owner Annette Rogers-Rister4. Fame Encore Encore, Owner Brenda SegelkenSENIOR DOGS -12 -18 MOS1. Teakwoods Two Thumbs Up, Owner Laureen Ivey2. Southlands Jack In The Box, Owner Jerry Gray3. Tomho Rebel Lee, Owners Tommi Sandi Hooban4. Shyacres Sweet Lovin Man, Owners Jo Ann Russell KernJUNIOR BITCHES - 6 - 9 MOS1. Valcopy-Wakhan Betty Boop, Owners Dana Plonkey Randy Gemmill2. Starfires Morgan, Owners Jose Cabrera Fabian Arienti3. Elans Eclipse, Owners M D Dahlenburg4. Heartlands Misty Heather, Owner Dianne Kieffer9 MOS UNDER 12 MOS1. Valcopy-Wakhan Scarlet Letter, Owner Dennis Litonjua2. Fan-Cs Julie Ann, Owner Florence Scott3. Elan's Eclipse, Owners M D Dahlenburg4. Idlewyld Diamond Diadem,Owner Maragret R. McKeeSENIOR BITCHES -12 MOS UNDER 18 MOS1. Ragland Ginger Snaps, OwnersJoan Melv Beech BEST JR IN SWEEPS Heartlands Top Notch Tradition BOS TO BEST JR IN SWEEPS Valcopy-Wakhan Betty Boop BEST SR IN SWEEPS Ragland Ginger Snaps BOS TO BEST SR IN SWEEPS Teakwoods Two Thumbs Up GRAND SWEEPS WINNER Heartland's Top Notch Tradition VETERAN DOGS - 9 YRS OLDER1. TNTS Puttin on the Ritz, OwnersKaren Shaver Marcia Doane BEST VETERAN IN SWEEPS Ch. Lil Shavers DevastatinBOS TO BEST VETERAN IN SWEEPSTNTs Puttin On The Ritz The Pom Reader April1996REGULAR CLASSESSunday, Feb. 11, 1996 Judge Mrs. James Edward ClarkPUPPY DOG - 6 MOS UNDER 9 MOS1. Heartlands Top Notch Tradition, Owner Dianne Kieffer2. Chriscendo Crowd Pleaser, Owner Christine D. Heartz3. Jan-Shars Bond James Bond,Owner Sharon Hanson4. Whispering Lane Academy Award, Owner Carol J. Baldwin9 MOS UNDER 12 MOS1. Tanglewood Wise Guy, Owner Howard Sklar2. Elans Never Say Die, Owners M.D. Dahlenburg3. Tru-Keps Cocoa Royale, Owners Irvin Trudy Keplinger4. Aliayns Sweet Lil Gamblin Man, Owner Mary Allan12 TO 18 MOS DOGS1. Blakes Pride And Joy, Owner Evelyn Blake2. Shyacres Sweet Lovin Man, Owners Jo Ann Russell Kern3. Jessicas Jessie James, Owner Jessica Smith4. Jeribeth Lance-Son Legacy, Owner Olga M. BakerBRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS1. Tomho Rebel Lee, Owners Tommi Sandi Hooban2. Dimondes Satin Satan, Owner Diana M. Downey3. Teakwoods Two Thumbs Up, Owner Laureen Ivey4. Fame Encore Encore, Owner Brenda SegelkenOPEN DOGS - BLACK, BROWN, BLUE1. D-N-H's Walk-N After Midnight, Owners Kathryn HartzPatricia Foley2. Tresstique Black Magic, Owner Marie E. CarloughOPEN DOGS - RED, ORANGE, CREAM SABLE1. Absolutes Sizzlin Magician, Owners Cail Dumoik Gale Sharland2. Tomho Arizona, Owner Tommi Hooban3. Dugas High Endeavor, Owner Sharon Dugas4. Ppp Ambers Threza Lucky Charm, Owner Lael EllisOPEN DOGS - ANY OTHER ALLOWED COLOR1. Homesteads Damfino, OwnerJean M. Hurly2. Janesa Pen Urs Dixieland Jazz,Owner Rosalind Goltz3. Anndees Dapper Dan, Owners Ann Cannon Dolorez Eitleberg4. Forever Aspects Of Love, Owner Lael EllisWINNERS DOG Heartlands Top Notch Tradition RESERVE WINNERS DOG Tomho Rebel LeePUPPY BITCHES - 6 MOS UNDER 9 MOS1. Valcopy-Wakhan Betty Boop, Owners Dana Plonkey Randy Gemmill2. Jan-Shars Oops-A-Daisy, Owner Sharon Hanson3. Pinehavens Abstract Illusion, Owner Gale Sharland4. Puf Pride Ms Cloud Knigne, Owners Warren Virginia Dimick9 MOS UNDER 12 MOS1. Fan-Cs Julie Ann, Owner Florence Scott2. Janesas Catch Me If You Can,Owner Jerrie Freia3. Elans Eclipse, Owners M.D. Dahlenburg4. Valcopy-Wakhan Scarlet Letter, Owner Dennis Litonjua12 TO 18 MOS BITCHES1. Raglan Ginger Snaps, Owners Joan Melv Beech2. Ben-Chers Cherry Muffin, Owners Cheryl A. Beni M. LoyBRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES1. Fame Mon Sheree Amore, Owner Brenda Segelken2. Rhynstone The Siren, OwnerJoyce Urban3. Watts Little Peaches Cream, Owner Dolores A. Watts4. Candyfloss LiI Star From Kaz, Owner Hideko W. StrasbaughAMERICAN BRED BITCHES1. Just Shadows Of Tinker Bell, Owners Susan Holdeman Kathryn Hartz2. Gailellens Diamond In-The-Ruff, Owners G. Rodgers T.Rebovich3. Philbrooks Desdamona Deluna, Owner Susann PhilbrookOPEN BITCHES - BLACK, BROWN, BLUE1. Award Withheld, Lack Of Merit2. Tomho Struttin Shanana, OwnersBrian Incorvaia Tommi Hooban3. Golden Aires Black Magic,Owners Sharon Masnick Benson RayOPEN BITCHES - RED, ORANGE, CREAM SABLE1. Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor Diamond, Owner Margaret R. Mckee2. Tomho Chasing Rabbits, Owner Tommi Hooban3. Cantons When Stars Collide, Owners Basillio Yap Sharon Hanson4. Whid-Dons Treasured Anise, Owner Dean HebertOPEN BITCHES - ANY OTHERALLOWED COLOR1. Chriscendo Colour Picture, OwnerChristine D. Heartz WINNERS BITCH Chriscendo Colour Picture RESERVE WINNERS BITCH Valcopy-Wakhan Betty Boop VETERAN DOGS1. Ch. Might Dainti Lord Peter Pan, Owners P. Langevin Gloria Setmayer2. TNTs Puttin On The Ritz,Owners Karen L. Shaver Marcia DoaneVETERAN BITCHES1. Emcees Simplemente Miel,Owners Diana M. Downey Morris E. Carson2. Ch. Lil Shaves Devastatin,Owners Karen, Kathryn Helen Shaver3. Annons Angel In The Mist,Owners Ann Cannon Dolores EitelbergSTUD DOG1. Starfires Alterboy, Owner Brian IncorvaiaBROOD BITCH1. Ch. Pinehavens Just An Illusion, Owner Gale Sharland2. Idlewyld Koh-I-Noor Diamond, Owner Margaret R. MckeeBEST OF BREEDCh. Glen Iris Castle Rock, Owners N.Work, C. Jackson J. TaylorBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCh. Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Gossip,Owners H. Strasbaugh, D. Plonkey R. GemmillBEST PUPPYIN REGULAR CLASSESHeartlands Top Notch Tradition,Owner Dianne KiefferBEST IN BRED BY EXHIBITORCLASSFame Mon Sheree Amore, Owner Brenda Segelken AWARDS OF MERITCh. Starfires Superman, Owners JoseCabrera Fabian ArientiCh. Jan-Les Justa Dash Of Millamor,Owner Jane LehtinenCh. Elans Palm Beach Polo, OwnersM. D. DahlenburgCh. JRs Wee Yankee Doodle Dandy,Owners Gail Rainey Janet HoveyCh. Pixies Sweet Dreams, OwnersCarol Galavich Bonnie StetsonOBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSESJudge Mr. Jerry Iermiero NOVICE A CLASSPrincess Lacey II Score 189 Owner Carol R. Leemhuis Dimondes Gem Fire Score 187 Owner Diana M. Downey NOVICE B CLASSMegans Magic Man Score 183 Owner Marti Halifko Inkling The Big Bad Wolf Score 143 Owner Sandra D. Plum UTILITY A CLASSFinchs Little Sister Megan, C.D.X. Score 150 12 Owner Marti Jalofkp HIGHEST SCORING DOG IN REGULAR CLASSES Princess Lacey IIHIGHEST SCORING DOG BRED BY EXHIBITOR CLASSESDimondes Gem Fire37judging deportment, gave each and every one ample consideration and after the final cuts, the ringside became reverently hushed as Mrs. Clark had to make the last decision.Knowing some of the owners and handlers of the champions left in the final cut, I went back and forth to them and they were all as nervous as one would expect them to be. One owner compared it to awaiting the birth of a baby, with floor pacing and all, and another chewed fingernails to the nub. At this point I had no envy for Mrs. Clark, as any in her final cuts could have been chosen as Best In Show anywhere in dogdom and if anyone knows the hotly contested competition between the top specials in the nation, it is the judge in command that dayI myself got so nervous, I left the room for a moment and at that precise timing a great roar went up and I knew the Best In Show had been selected. Following this came the Awards of Merit, all very well deserved. [Accompanying this article is a complete officially marked catalog listing of all winners and placing from sweep- stakes, regular classes, and obedience.]I cannot end this write-up without remarking that it was a great pleasure to meet Dolly Trauner and Julie Moreno, after nearly 22 years since we originally met. However, I was very saddened to learn later that many people viciously gossiped that Dolly, our current APC President, had imbibed too muchRidiculous Dolly suffered 2 strokes from which she has recovered via intense optimism and much therapy and Dolly, who has devoted herself selflessly for sooooo many years to the Pom breed itself, and has proved to be an innovative President of APC for two terms now, is, as one wag put it, so intellectually capable, that if she is only functioning at 85, she can still outdo all of us who are functioning at 100 capacitySo lay those imbibing rumors to rest, please. Now, had you caught moiat the wine and cheese party.....youmight have been half right.....The banquet on Sunday evening wasa packed event, and Tim Goddard did an excellent job of commanding the podium for the giving out of awards and thanking the worker-bees who made such a huge specialty event run so smoothly. Tim then got his unsuspecting wife, Sue, to stand and give a speech, which she did with much good humor, remarking on her judging of the Saturday Sweepstakes.Rumors had persisted prior to, during.c06to\CONTINUEDand after my visit to the APC Specialty that people were disgruntled at paying the price of 28.50 for the banquet, whose menu they did not seem to like. I am informed that last year the banquet cost was 38.00 with an all you can eat and choose buffet and there was dis- gruntlement over that price. So this year the price was lowered to 28.50 and a dinner planned with no choices or all you can eat.I believe that hindsight now will make people understand that it is better to pay a little more for a great buffet, or at least a selection of what you prefer as an entree, than to groan about prices, where the differential is only about ten bucks. Those who planned the banquet tried to keep the cost down, and in New York City, that is not easy However, the hospitality events, including the free coffee and various doughnuts and Danish during the show hours, more than made up for this disgruntle- mentAll in all, it was the first APC specialty event I have attended since 1973 and I found it to be a wonderful event that no one should miss for so long As for the long-enduring debate as to whether the APC should move its National event from New York to another area - well, in my mind, not even being an APC member, its none of my business, but I think in honesty, it should be up to the majority of exhibitors who come year after year.Perhaps, a poll for the officers and board to the membershipSometimes the membership of a club, any club, think they have no voice. i.e., vote, and that should be seriously considered.In ending, since so many have asked, it is true that the 1997 National APC Specialty Regular class judging will not be Mr. Edd Bivin, as it seems he had other commitments. Word is not at all official on the regular class judge for 97, but some sources say it very possibly will be Mrs. Julie Moreno, which everyone is applauding, if this is so. The Sweepstakes judge will be Charlotte Creed, another very popular choice Soooo. get those Pommies ready for New York in 1997At the 1996 Specialty at the Marriott in the show, grooming or Ladies room area a small bracelet was lost by Kathryn Hartz of Dover- Holihouse Pomeranians. This bracelet has little monetary value to anyone, yet is of immense personal value to Kathy, as it was the last gift from her husband in 1979 before he passed away.It is a gold bracelet with a garnet pendant. Kathy is offering a small reward for the return on this fond memories bracelet and she can be reached by phone at 609-695-1642, address 319 Ardmore Ave. Trenton, NJ, 08629. Kathy realizes it is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but in her sad loss, she still has hope someone who reads this column might have found it.Until the Dog Howls Again...............OLYMPIA Aid Lois Ciliberto 20044 Stamat Dr.Land OLakes, FL 34639 Ph 813-996-5499 Fx 813-996-9613aka Lais CilibertoThe Pom Reader Aprh.199638imrnn pomebaniansStella M. Lizambri133 Camelot Drive, Goose Creek, SC 29445803 553-0188Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms lines AKC Registered Puppies OccasionallyERPOMERANIANSTeri Dan Wilford 3120 Cormorant Drive Jacksonville, FL 322231904-268-3510 262-8434AN PicturedEMCEES A CHIP OF TERI-DAN Group Placer' AKC Registered Bred for Conformation, Obedience Agilityf- PCMffiANIANSElizabeth Aguilar 612 377-8239 Minneapolis. MSCatherine Harrison 612426-2071 Mahlomedi. MSPARISPompeiis Paris Reyoso De Troy Ch.Jan-Le's Willie Makit xPompeii's Lucina DiamanteHANDLING AVAILABLE PUPPIES AVAILABLE OCCASIONALLY STUD SERVICE TO APPROVED BITCHESFINCHS POMERANIANSDiane L. Finch Rural Route 1515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50134Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water Ch. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Great ElmCh. Apolloette Wild Fire Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket ........ .Win tel black partiCh. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf puppiesMillamor, Scotia lines WliiteRccl andMJHs R OlAA.PORTRAITS OF PERFECTIONMary Gene WellsRt. 2 Box 238, Pattonsburg, MO 64670 816 367-2254dromRR 4, CEDAR FALLS, IA 50613 319-989-2199ROBERT JUANITA FIDDICKoresR\]zza-f\fa lPcomSEE US FOR YOUR NEXT SHOW POM.A STANDARD OF EXCELLENCEPopular lines colors. Blue-BlueTan-Cream-Black-BkTan.Steve Barb Nagy713 Marlboro Road, Stephens City, VA 22655. 540-869-3749.Ciibcz1 QUA ROM MAQMTCKSHARON MASNICKBENSON RAYratine ifiitifinj2007 VESTRY DRIVE - CHARLESTON, SC 29414 8035716165iKatuir Jlill Poms'CHAMPION SIRED - CHRISCENDO BLOODLINES HELEN CONRAD1677 Manor Road, Englewood, FL 34223Specializing in Exotic Poms Blue, Lamiar, Chocolate, Black, and BlueWhite, ChocolateWhite, and BlackWhite Parti-ColorsTel 941-475-1724.StuzdmtULDINE NIMMO, OWNER BREEDER Route 2 Box 83, Halfway, MO 65663 417-267-2413Mary Allan 918-485-3010 OR 918-485-1040LL4YIYS POM6R41MNSRoute 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467cPftiC6rooR^s fancy KcnncCSusann Philbrook, Owner 1209 Forceville Drive Westampton, l\IJ 08060 Telephone 60S267-4644Specializing in...Pomeranians and MalteseMost Colors including Parti""Automated Msgs 609267-3799 and Listen to Instructions FaX on Demand List of Available Puppies Manually Dial 0 To Fax-Manually Dial 0 and the Send Button- Internet Email ECFD88Aprodigy.comiBloodlines include Di-Mar, Bonner, Cedanoood, Chriscendo, Creider,D-lfee, Cjreat Dims, Millamor, Domlreden, Scotia, and WattsRGS TOYS PEDIGREESP.O. BOX 331354, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233-1354 Tel 904-720-7667 Fax 904-270-1731 NOTE Unforunately, due to new zoning, all calls must be returned collect. New prices are effective immediately for 3 4 generation pedigrees.Pedigrees researched 3-gen 5 4-gen 8 5-gen 15 6-gen 25 7-gen 40.' BREED CLUBS ASK ABOUT OUR DONATION SPECIALSThe Pom Reader April199639Man,' A. Rosenbaum 38711 200th Ave. S.E. Auburn, WA 98092 206 833-2160Axt GAericr POMERAIMISDOT MARTIN 803-831-80865354 Bluebird Lane, York, SC 29745 It LflAOPKEN ELEANOR MILLER3545 NC HWY 152 ESALISBURY, NC 28146704-857-1197s LnPOMERANIANS4815 Wards Chapel Road Owings Mills, MD 21117 410-655-83303^ G^Ayyyyryyyy^JCH. STUD SERVICE QUAUTY PUPPIESHOME RAISED LOVEDDANIEL TAYLOR JR. BONNIE MclNTOSH-TAYLORP0 BOX 889RAINIER, WA 98576PkANINLTIPOMSBOX 130OF DISTINCTIO ANNE HENDLER SIMPSON NC 27879 919-758-7143NJneisersCH. KIMEISLER5 SECRET TRADITIOIMPOIVIERAIMIAIMS9151 S. Darlington Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 [918] 492-0520Inquiries Invited Pedigrees S. Stud Fees on Request"We breed for quality."ChesaiLK Pomeranians4 lb. Chocolate son of CH. STARLITE LEGACY CHOCO BEAR at stud for limited timeROBERT JOAN REILLY26903 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78258210 980-2667E-MAIL J.REILLYGENIE.GE15.COMGrafenhorstsSpecializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans and ChocolatesAt Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Pictured left, a typical Grafenhorst PomWatch for our Poms in the show ringBreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, EL 33325 305 475-2465 Puppies Occasionally Available to Responsible, Loving HomesThe Pom Reader April19964074ALDEN KENNELHOME OF CHAMPION PARTI GIRLS Ch. Alden's Lucky Parti Flash Back pic.Ch. Alden's Parti Pepsi HiCh. Alden's Parti Chocolate ChipCh. Alden's Midget Parti Dot-To-DotA1 Jan Domrase, 6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, LL60072. Phone 815 728-0559 Fax 815 653-5106.VISA MASTERCARDS318-466-3456OUTHLANDPOMERANIANSCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360Ch. Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor POASTY muTICKIE. IIPOMERANIANSBREEDEROWNERMAJICy0ineX - yiistetP.O. Box 50, Corpus Christi, TX 78403-0050 512 992-8233 after 7 p.m.Bred for Soundness QualityMO BETAyPnsChampion bloodlines with great attitudesJoe DaubenspeckRt. 2, Box 78 Inola, OK 74036 Tel 918 543-3451 Exotic Parti Standard Colors Puppies Young Adults For Show or PetDOVER-HOLIHOUSE POMSCHAMPION STUD SERVICE BLACK TAN and BLACK STUD SERVICE PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYKATHRYN HARTZ 609-695-1642319 Ardmore Avenue, Trenton, NJ 08629RubysPomeraniansRuby F. Poole 918 341 6921 Route 1, Box 190, Claremore, OR 74017RAFFINANPOMERANIANSTERESITA HUGHES3400 Bluebird Drive, Holiday, FL 34690813-942-9194Specilizing in Emcee, Millamor, Alden Nabob linesOranges, Partis, and Whites now availableEnvwPOMERANIANSMORRIS BETTY CARSON 9826 Walthan Road Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024PUPPIES AVAILABLE FROM Ch. Emcees A Chip of Diamond Ch. Emcees Golden Topo De Oro Ch. Emcees Cloudbusters ImageInquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestSatrtBred forHealth, Soundness BeautyBased upon Theldun, Rhea-Na, Starfires, Bev-Nors, Great Elms.PI TRIES AVAILABLEROBERT REGINA NUNNRt 1, Box 2890, Berryville, VA 22611 540-955-1209Home of Am. Can. Ch. Reginapoms Luv-A-GatorJDS POMPOUS POMSHome OfCh. JDs Truly A Gem Ch. JDs Midnight Oil Ch. JRs Yankee Doodle Dandy while hes pursuing his career Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestJanet Hovey, 5549 W. Ave. M-2, Quartz Hill, CA 93536-3112.Tel 805 722-3307.egShow Pet Puppies Stud Servicec wnesnsictMijNINA M. BERRY 3821 Venable Westlake, LA 70669 318494-7072 Linetree Pomeranians318 West Grahm, Dixon, EL 61021 815 284-3298 2^ tflauty 7ensieUThe Pom Reader April199641A 0anKEIMNELSCOd a1KENNELSSpecializing inCOLOR-BREED WHITES CREAMS Pups Available For SaleEXOTIC SHINING STAR NEUJAHRShesIceWhiteWatch for her in the ringBreeder of Star55CYNDIWALLENBEAUJAMESPOMSEXOTIC KEIMIMEL CHACRES KENNELJudy Stone Molly McDanielRt. 3 Box 141 Patricia RowleyDoniphan, MO 63935 P.0. Box 41, Doniphan, MO 63935Phone 314-996-2942CRESCENDOLpoMERANIANsvBERIMIE LOIS CILIBERTO 20044 Stamat Drive813-996-5499 Land OLakes, FL 34639mm T.O'UdAKCPOMERANIANS MALTESE Bev-Nor, Great Elms, Emcee Bonner Staten Island, NY 718 494-1847Home of the beautiful black Ch. Gailellens Dark Knight7 Highland Trail Denville, New Jersey 07834Oar haven^7 pomsJANICE YOUNG Puppies available sired618 W. Springfield Road by BISS CH.St. Clair, MO 63077 STAR HAVENS314-629-2754 RIGHTEOUS ROCKNEUJAHR POMSColor-Bred WhitesEVELYN NEWYEAR4478 River Street - Willoughby, OH 44094 216-946-1226A oCOLOR-BRED WHITES, REDS and EXOTICSSUE HUGHESPO BOX 57, SOD, WV 25564 304-756-9356CH. BEV-NOR SOUTHLAND SINSATION isour main man. Quality puppies and young adults occasionally.RAMONA J. SMITH, Box 833, Belfield, ND 58622. Tel 701-575-4125.oUoteno SINCE 1 S B 7JULIE MORENO415-583-4973 [after 10 a.m. our time, pleaseHome of AM. S. CAN. CH. MORENOS PERRIWINKLE, _ Multiple Group winnerJPOMERANIANSQuality Pups Champion Studs803-472-3002Rosemary E. Regoni385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322JAFFORDABLE QUALITYShow Pet health guaranteed major medical insurance. EMCEE, MILLAMOR, CHRISCEND0 BAVANEW Lines. Lisa Byrd, BreederExhibitor, 10113 Sunrise, Crowley, TX 76036. Tel 817 297-4603.-"T Since 1959 yRosewoodPOMERANIANSExquisite home-raised Ch. sired puppies. Reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone calls preferred. Mary A. Hammond. Rt. 4, Box 90. Eolia, MO 63344. Tel 573-485-7667.Whats gorgeous and glossy and read all overTHE POM READERInternational circulation well over 1,000 paid subscribers Your advertising dollar goes further in THE POM READER The Pom Reader is sent as a courtesy to every AKC-licensed Pom judge. ADVERTISING INFORMATION LOIS CILIBERTO - 813-996-5499The Pom Reader April199642Congratulations To HidekoHidekoWe are taking good care of him.Focus on your dreams.Do your best.Yoshio Ikeuchi Tokyo JAPAN, Phone 03-3697-4036X 3 rGROUPPLACEMENT-Yr4 - ,iMulti-Group Placer Ch. Morenos Dandi LionWith Our Best WishesThe Pom Reader April19961996HOTSV.IN1U1pPROGRESSIVE DOG CLUB BOBAPC NATIONAL SPECIALTY BOSWESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB BOSBest Of Opposite SexThiWestminsterKf WEI Cl B\\\1i. aim ij-ij. i'fn.T," Sr\ntwp w.....Chuck Taiham 'OCH. VALCOPY-WAKHAIU HOT GOSSIP PICTURED WITH JUDGE MR. ALEXANDER C. SCHWARTZ, JR.BREEDERSANA L. PLONKEY RANDY GEMMILLOWNERSSATOSHI BESSHO HIOEKO W. STRASBAUGH DANA L. PLONKEYThe Pom Reader April1996"Si____THEPOM READER8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604USABULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FLNEWS PUBLICATION DO NOT DELAY ADDRtwo uORRECTION REQUESTED