The Pom Reader September 1996

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tTr3i,On the CoverDENS KENNELproudlypresents our fifth Parti Champion...CH. ALDENSOur sincere thanks to the hold judges that put her up against some stiff competition and our handlers Lloyd Raeleen who took on the challenge...and made it seem easyALDENS KENNEL6810 BARNARD MILL ROAD RINGWOOD, IL 60072 815 728-0559 FAX 815 653-5106 BREEDEROWNERSALDEN A. JANET R. DOMRASE HANDLERSLLOYD GRASER RAELEEN GRASERThe Pom Reader September 1996BiSr.-'o--1PARTmBEST OFvWINNERSCHICAGOCLUBgoldcoas'JL1JATUR0AT AfcrGROUPWINNING,AY7D A4M \A229r.'A'pS SKBEST OF BREED VARIETYmbPGALVESTONCOUNTY KENNEL CLUB __ FALL 1996 8SOSA COPR. PHOTO BTE. K. SWANSONThank you Mr. Luc Boileau pictured for BOB and Tom Conway for Group II. The same Texas weekend as Klark won BISS Under Darrell BakerKLARK is resting on his 12 Group I, Multi Group placing and 2 BISS laurels this summer he will fly again in the fallBEST WISHES TO FRAN THE GORGEOUS STOEANNE POMS,from _________STAR FI RE POMERANIANSTONY CABRERA FABIAN ARIENTI [Poms SJute23750 SW 142nd AVENUE REDLANDS, FL 33D30 305-257-2818The Pom Reader September 19964Thank you judge Mrs. Jacqueline StacyforBOB AT THE NATIONAL SPECIALTYOlympia, Washington 1996A3m-V2i.yvs1ABESTOF BREEDINPomeranian Clubof AMERICASPECIALTYSUMMER 1996ptMto^rapny By OSteven RossLi_____CH. JAN LE S JllST A DASH OF MILLAMORThank you Jackie Rayner for your wonderful handling of my kidBreederOwner Jane Lehtinen Jan-Les Pomeranians218741-2117Days 218744-5853Eves.Handler Jackie Rayner 609-387-2586The Pom Reader September 1996tetcfvttBEST OF WINNERSMID IOWA COMBINED SPECIALTY FEBRUARY 1996PHOTO BY DOWNEYBEST OFOPPOSITEt-Vsr.xHIBHitjSwsspfe-siFpssteBMi ,vU'SagsCh. Kneisler's PetiPom Ruff N ReddiCh. Jan-Shars In Living ColorJANESAS FOREVER THE STAR XCh. Janesas Glen Iris Star StruckCh. Allayns Sinnerman ToastRUBYS WEE TOASTED BON-BONRubys Sassy Wee Tart LadyTHANK-YOUS TOBREEDER MARIA KIMEISLER for letting me have this wonderful dog and for all your kind advice and help HANDLER CATHY ANDERSON who showed Sam to all his points and took such loving care of himJUDGES MR. JOE TACKER, MR. J.J. HUPP, MRS. J. STACY, MR. F.T. SABELLA, MR. ALAN HARPER,MR. T.W. BALDWIN, MRS. P. HOGG, MRS. S.B. TIETJEN, and MRS. C. A. HERBEL [picturedSam is a gorgeous red sable with a harsh, profuse coat. He has a great layback, nice length of leg, and stands well up on his toes. He is a sound mover with a sweet temperament His wonderful breeding mostly Bev-Nor and Great Elms incorporates some of the very finest lines.PetiPoms Pomeranians Pat Cummings Maryville, Missouri 816-562-2572Tin Pom Reader September 19966Dupre's Sparkling GoldPresentsAb ' '\ s.\V kV, -4BEST\EED\s,1 FlashCasino finished under Mrs. Alfred Treen at Topeka KCNext day went BOB under Arlene Czech Thank you Judges Casino went to visit his handler Jerry Owens and laid the cards on the table for a 4 point Major BOB win over specials under noted Toy Judge Mildred K. Bryant....-kHe then rolled the dice in Washington and walked away with a 5 point major under Jean SchrollBreederOwnerMrs. James R Dupre Sr.10649 US Highway 71 N Colfax, LA 71417318-627-5180The Pom Reader September 1996Congratulations to Fran Stoll on lier Kennel Visit.Handler Jerry Owens 283 NW 40 Road Clinton, MO 64735816-890-22557Jerbo s Kennel Proudly Presentswnatu . i,VaVa, M r V 4 aGROUP\PLACEMENTPLATTE VALLEY KENNEL CLUB ' 1996 sQumo by MELIA Jh \W \aMDupres Sparkling Gold BeautyThanks to noted Toy Judge Lois Wolff White for this special FranCongratulationsStoll on her Kennel Visit.BreederOwner Mrs. James R Dupre Sr. 10649 US Highway 71 N Colfax, LA 71417 318-627-5180 Weve MovedCo-Owner Jerry Owens 283 NW 40 Road Clinton, MO 64735 816-890-2255 Fax 816-890-2242The Pom Reader September 1996HEARTLAND POMSphoto by Art Smith pri nts its new it Champion...inCHOCOLATECh. Heartlands In The IXIicka Time81796 3 pts. BOW - The Finishing TouchPam Peat81896 BOB over 3 Grp. Winning SpecialsDon Sutton81696 BOW for Nickys blk. son, Heartlands Knight RyderTom BaldwinThank you all for recognizing that Champions come in all colors.jOfUfYztuAztumss tv-T^^uxxAy^feicA, AAcuv, aivA tAiv Ajvc^^toAayvzAAAamsy.QAs. ^isAesyya^futu'osuccess uz Az^eecAup tA ewo-tio coAor. Dianne KiefferHEARTLANDSTOP GUN TRADITION72696 BOB from the Puppy ClassHelen Lee James81896 3 pts., BOW from 6-9 Puppy ClassDon SuttonCruise and his human mom wish to thank all his fans at the Washington Specialty for their support and Thanks to Marlin Marlene Presser Ron Fehy Larry Rookstool for their care and handlingHeartlands Almost An Angel x Ch. Rock N Tradition Of OakridgeDianne Kieffer 75E3 1\I_ St. Rd. 1 1, Milan, IN 4703 1 PH FAX 8 1E-EE3-E280 E-Mail dkiefferseidata.com5ti. 9 w V'kkThe Pom Reader September 19969PMSEPTEMBER 1996 VOLUME XII, NUMBER SEVENMkble' eft CtnfetUs14. DID YOU KNOW by Sharon MasnickYou get what you pay for Shoiugirls can free whelp18. PR TOP TEN - GROUP SYSTEMBy dogs defeated in Breed, Group Best In Show18. PR TOP TEN - BREED SYSTEMBy dogs defeated in Best of Breed competition20. PR PLAYMATESOur pup-ular candid photo department. Also p.56.22. A WORD TO THE WISE by Seymour Weiss Vexing conditions24. APC SUMMER SPECIALTIESPhotos and results from Washington34. NEW CHAMPIONSTitles confirmed August 199636. OLYMPIA akaLois CilibertoThere are heroes and villains...28. KNOCK, KNOCK WHOS THEREThe Pom Reader visits Stolanne Pomeranians48. ITS NOTHING PERSONAL by Pam Guevara Only one type50. ON THE LINE by Bf Andrews More Brain Food58. THE POM READER STUD DOG DIRECTORYThe upcoming collectors edition62. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising subscription ratesINDEX TO ADVERTISERSTHE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. Theeditor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for 3rd Class service in the United States 39-00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 60.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request ALL ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO ARC-LICENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP AND .ALLBREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries toJoe McGinnis, Editor 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604 TEL 941-858-3839. FAX 941-853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.AGUILAR, E ........................52ALLAN, M............................52ARIENTI, F.............................3BERRY, N.............................46BERRY, N.............................54BLANK, R. J......................47BONNELL, B. M..............54BOUDREAU, Y ...................35CABRERA, T.........................3CARSON, M. B ................54CILIBERTO, B. L ............55CILIBERTO, L. B ............46CREED, C.............................54CUMMINGS, P ......................5CUMMINGS, P ....................54DAHLENBURG, D. M . .32-33DAUBENSPECKJ.................5 4DAUBENSPECK, J..............60DOMRASE, A. J...............1,2DOMRASE, A. J...............54DUPRE, M ..........................6,7DUPRES, J............................55FIDDICK, R. J ..................52FINCH, D .............................52GEMMELL, R.................12-13GRAF, H...............................53GUYER, P.............................45HAMMOND, M....................55HARRISON, C......................52HENDLER, A.......................53HOVEY, J ............................54HUGHES, S..........................45HUGHES, S..........................55IAMS.....................................15IFFLAND, MB .............19,23IFFLAND, M.B ...............54INGLETT, N ........................17KEELING, M........................46KIEFFER, D............................8KNEESLER, M ....................53LEHTINEN, J..........................4UTONJUA, D. M..............21LIZAMBRI, S.......................52MASNICK, S .......................52mcdaniel, m.........................55MILLER, K. E...................53NAGY, S. B ......................52NEW YEAR, E ....................45NEWYEAR, E .....................55NEWYEAR, E..................63,64NGUYEN, M........................55NUNN, R. R......................54OWENS, J...............................7OWENS, J. B ....................53PHHBROOK, S.....................52PLONKEY, D .................12-13PODOLIN, R.........................57RAINEY, G ..........................55RAY, B .................................52REGONI, R...........................52REILLY, R. J.....................53RGS.......................................52RIEHM, D ............................19RIEHM, D ............................61ROGERS-RISTERS, A.........54ROSENBAUM, M................53ROWLEY, P..........................55RUSSELL, J .........................47SMITH, R .............................55SPROUSE, L ........................53STOLL, F ........................63,64STONE, J..............................55SWIMME, W........................52VILLARREAL, R. K........46WELLS, M. G...................52WILFORD, T. D...............52WRIGHT, D .........................53YONGEN, P. W................39YONGEN, T .........................60YOUNG, J.............................55The Pom Reader September 199610President of the American Pomeranian Club, the wonderful Mrs. Dolly B. TraunerShowSightfrom the editorGO WEST, YOUNG POM, it said they did, and the people that love them followed right along...You cannot travel much farther from my home in Florida and still remain in the continental United States one doesnt make the trip to Washington State without a very good reason. When invited to judge Sweepstakes for the American Pom Clubs 96 Summer Specialty I had several things to take into account one, a very heavy workload two, a very heavy workload, and three a very heavy workload. To devote the time necessary to such a trip is not a decision one makes lightly. It took me all of 23 seconds to say Yes.And thats because a Specialty affords luxury that the average all-breed showcannot afford it is a time to renew acquaintances and meet new friends a time to learn from the greats and share knowledge weve been lucky enough to acquire a time to see Pomdoms finest strut their stuff in large, exciting numbers. It is, in short, the ultimate celebration of the breed and the people who work to keep it strong. That these gatherings are not only educational but also a great deal of fun is the icing on the cake.We had no doubtthat the cake itself would be a masterpiece with Marlene Marlin Presser as guiding lights any event would be well-run. From beginning to end this Specialty cluster showed all the signs one would expect from two past masters at the helm.One could not have found a better show site than the West Coast Tyee Hotel in fact, its not a well-kept secret. As Pom people were moving out, Dalmatian people were moving in for a Specialty of their own. The hotel staff went overboard to make sure that dogs and people were given the red-car- pet treatment. All efforts were made to ensure comfort and security for Poms and people alike. And from all reports everybody thanked the hotel in the best way possible I did not hear one complaint from the management about the dogs. As finding hotel space for dog- related functions is one of the sports pressing concerns at present, I was proud of my fellow Pom lovers and their respect for the property of others. It is my understanding that the hotel is to be razed and a new facility built in its place. We can only hope that the new Tyee Hotel will be as dog- and dog-owner- friendly as the old. In any case, it was a great place for a show and a fine time was had by all.Si 0STAJ^11889APCSummer National SpecialtyAugust 7-9,1996 Olympia, WashingtonP. CA ^ CoUvaLu 1PomciMiUti CLAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.COLUMBIA POMERANIAN V CLUB, INC.PROCLAMATIONWHEREAS, The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding, and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed in Washington State and the Pacific Northwest andWHEREAS, The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club has earned the honor of sponsoring the 1996 American Pomeranian Club National Specialty andWHEREAS, the 1996 American Pomeranian Club National Summer Specialty is to be held in Washington State on August 8, 1996,NOW, THEREFORE, I, Mike Lowry, Governor of the State of Washington, do hereby proclaim August 8, 1996 asPOMERANIAN APPRECIATION DAY in Washington State, and I urge all citizens to recognize this observance.Signed this 31st day of July, 1996,Governor Mike LowryThe Pom Reader September 199611N'The judges relax after a tough job...yours truly with Marlene Presser, Jackie Liddle Stacy,Nadine Hersil, and Fred Bassett.PHOTOSCOURTESYSTEVENROSSTo be included on the roster of judges for these events was an honor I will never forget. The expertise represented on the panels was fairly daunting Obedience evaluation was the job of Pamela Weaver, Noreen Gonce Cartwright, and Jill Jones for CPC,APC and PSPC, respectively Sweeps awards were presented by Marlene Presser, yours truly and Nadine Hersil, and toplisting the events were Regular Class judges Jean Schroll, Jackie Liddle Stacy and Fred Bassett. I must admit to an attack or two of nerves prior to arrival, for the responsibility such an assignment carries is large I said as much to my best friend and partner, Duane Doll, and this was his adviceYou know what you like, and what you like is the Standard. Just go in and find it. That what I like would be present in such large numbers was an event I could not have foreseen.With total entries topping out at 175 the three days were a veritable bonanza for a Pom lover looking to find good Poms. All the judges agreed that the depth of quality across the board was pleasantly high parties and socializing notwithstanding it was apparent that all had come to Washington with one main purpose to showcase this breed we love so much. The Poms we saw were evidence of the good work breeders are doing, work that has put the breed in the great shape it presently enjoys. Next month we will share comments and critiques from the judges they are enlight-r.U 7ss71ueningand encouraging. And although the highlight of my trip was the time I spent in the ring, placing a very close second was the time I spent with the lady largely responsible for the breeds current high status the President of the American Pomeranian Club, Dolly Trauner.Mrs. Trauner is a woman I have admired for many, many years her dedication to this breed and this sport is truly legendary. With degrees in animal husbandry and genetics her grasp on the problems that face her fellow breeders is firm her natural abilities have made her a leader respected and loved by all. The stroke she suffered some time back may have slowed her speech but it certainly didnt dull the razor-sharp mind even on our best days its always been hard to keep up with Dolly. I wish her many more years of good health, because we love her...and because we need her. More about Washington next month in The Pom Reader, where every day is Pomeranian Appreciation Day. Until then I hope you always remember that only through cooperation and fellowship will this breed continue to grow, improve, and thrive. There is nothing we cant do when we work in concert, from Washington to Florida, from New Hampshire to New Mexico, all across America...from sea to shining sea.THE PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB The Pom Reader September 199612 RUDY S GIRLS ATCDauaMaaucuaM^.T. nu.X5CH.VALCOPY WAKHAX VALENTINO x VALCOPY WAKHAN RED RIDING HOODTHANK YOU TO BREEDER JUDGE JEAN SCHROLL FOR THIS WONDERFUL WIN.Thanks to Hideko for handling our little dynamoVALCOPYDANAL. PLONKEY 206-743-1601The Pom Reader September 1996WAKHANRANDY C. GEMMILL 206-322-0587AMERICAN POM CLUB [weekend13a,. SZir\vr71fJWsuft2.V\ BES1 OPPOSUE StX 1 mSweepstakes Pomeranian Club of AMERICA\ SPECIALyiUUER 1996kJ1CH. VALCOPY WAKHAN VALENTINO x CH. VALCOPY WAKHAN ROSEMARIETHANKS TO TOY AUTHORITY JOE MCGINNIS JR.FOR THIS PRESTIGIOUS WUV.Sabrina has 13 pts including a 5 point major at 9 months of age.VALCOPYDANA L. PLONKEY 206-743-1601WAKHANRANDY C. GEMMILL 206-322-0587The Pom Reader September 199614Vwlv3m ID YOU KNOW...When it comes topet care, we usually get what we pay for. It isnt possible to have it cheap, good and fastIf we look for a discounted or cheap rate, we must be prepared for a difference in quality and perhaps a long delay, and less help when we really need it. Sometimes, people who are just starting a business will charge less to get more business. Those who offer better services for less are quickly swamped with business. The only options are to charge more or ask their customers to wait for the services. In some instances a new business partner is hired and we are asked to start seeing them and we no longer see the person we started with.If we want an instant solution for our problems, we must be prepared to pay for it or get less than perfect results. There are some problems that do not have instant fixes and take time to solve. If an animal has spent years developing a behavior problem, it is unreasonable to expect a cure overnight. If weexpect a fast solution, we may not be able to get the most qualified person.If we expect the highest quality work, we must be willing to pay more. The most qualified people are usually the ones who are most busy. A specialist may be the only one who can solve the problem. Most professionals have a waiting list and increased rates for work-ins.When we feel we want it good, cheap and fast, we must consider the long term effects it will have on our animals.nm ID YOU KNOW...Contrary to wide- spread belief,Champion bitches can free whelp, care for their offspring, and still keep a coat...So often we hear wonderful stories about the past greats. Dogs that were special and were remembered for their great accomplishments during their lifelong careers. All of us at one time, have had a very good Pom that has been outstanding in his or her prime and would like people to hear about it. However, many gounnoticed or unrecognized and unappreciated until their short life is over.Recently, Louise and Neal Sprouse visited Benson and me and it was a fun afternoon of talking Poms, exchanging experiences, and looking at pictures. This was a great way to relax after we had all stuffed ourselves on a wonderful meal prepared by Benson. I encouraged Louise and Neal to do an article on the most influential little girl at the Lu-Neals home. The following is an account of Ch. Great Elms Teaka of Lu-Neals.This little girl is not a past great, but very much alive, and has been a very busy Pom during her lifetime. Her name is probably unknown to most of you, but even though she might not be on the top ten list of world achievers, her pedigree speaks for its self.Ch. Great Elms Teaka of Lu-Nealswas always a champion, even when she was only one day old, in the eyes of her breeder and owners, Louise and Neal Sprouse of Greenwood, South Carolina. Teaka was one of three puppies, and of course being the only girl made her even more special to them. The two boys in the litter were sold andby Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader September 1996A Championship Stack.EUKANUBA THE ORIGINAL PREMIUM. V. LAMB S RICEEUKANUBA9 formulaMATUBAt FOR OOGSPifnlum Quality fcoOFo'Do Maintenance_11U . Ull. . X LAMB BRICEEUKANUBAformulaFOR PUPPIESEUKANUBA U6HT4Youve studied pedigrees. Researched bloodlines. Youve done everything possible to develop the best of the breed. Or have youBecause if youre compromising your dogs nutrition, you could be hurting their chances of reaching their full potential in and out of the ring.Get the best out of your dogs by putting the best into them. Eukanuba.Choose from our full line of six nutritious formulas Puppy, Adult Maintenance, Original Premium, Light, Natural Lamb Rice for Adults and Natural Lamb Rice for Puppies. Every ones a winner.EUKANUBAThe best you can do for your dog.FOR THE VETERINARIAN OR PET SPECIALTY RETAILER NEAREST YOU, CALL 1-800-525-4267 IAMSCOMPANYThe Pom Reader September 199616DID YOU KNOWIV 1.... s. edXCJifcfvKTeakabecame a member of the familyTeakais a seven-and-one-half year old female who has produced nine litters over a period of five and one half years. She is a pretty orange, has a correct coat, high tailset, and has an outgoing personality. In the past few years, she has gotten a little bit more reserved due to her age or perhaps she knows that she can be aloof after all her accomplishments.Little did Louise and Neal know when Teaka was bom that she was not only going to be their first champion, but that she had the capabilities of producing champion offspring more than once, and that she would become the most influential little girl in the Lu-Neals breeding program by being the most consistent in her reproduction and never having to have a C section.As the years have passed, Teaka was bred to a variety of lively boys and she always rewarded Louise and Neal with high quality offspring. They became a family very proud of Teaka. I want to mention that Teaka has always produced at least one girl in every litter and that she never loses her coat before or after whelping litters.Teaka has all Great Elms breeding behind her except once with BenRay Poms and once with Millamor Poms. Ch. Great Elms Timmy Timstopper is out of the famous Great Elms Bobby Beam and the memorable Great Elms Sweet Candy. Even though the Sprouses bred Teaka to a variety of excellent males, she always produced the same typey, showy little kids that she herself was made of.Teakas first litter was in February of 1991 after being bred to Ch.Great Elms Sweet Prince. She free whelped three puppies. One of these puppies became her firstchampion, Ch. Lu-Neals Chip of Teaka.From then on Teaka was bred to other top quality Champion males and from these breedings always free whelped males and females. Many of these puppies were deserving of their championship but were sold to be family members in homes where having a loving pet overruled the show circuit at the time. Showing dogs was limited due to health problems Louise had to face.Teaka has been the Sprouses dream, and unlike most dreams, this dream has come true and the dream continues on in her progeny. From a recent litter, Teaka has a son, LuNealsMakin a Mark currently nearing his championship shown by Mary James. She has three more offspring soon to hit the show ring.I want to thank Louise and Neal for sharing their dream with us. In a breed fairly well known for troublesome whelpings and girls who never quite regain their glamorous coats following motherhood, it is refreshing to share the story of a little girl who could do it all.See you next monthSharon Masnick2007 Vestry Drive Charleston, SC 29414by Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader September 199617NOBLE POMERANIANSPOMINIQUE DREAM CHASERCh. Sundot Pominique Starchaser x Ch. Sun-Dots Galactic Dream-i .1BEST Or WINNERS1o SHORELINE Jkennel club r ' lbergwwDEE-DEE is pictured going Best Of Winners under Judge Mr. Fred Bassett.THANK YOUPictured from Left to RightJudge, Mr. Fred Bassett Handler, Joanne Reed Owner, Noble Inglett Breeder, Cande Freeman Actor and Best Friend, Daniel OFlaherty.PUPPIES OCCASIONALLY INQUIRIES INVITEDNOBLE POMERANIANS4440 Sepulveda Blvd. 206, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Phone Fax 818 981-3747The Pom Reader September 1996September 1996Submit your cuts oho to for our popularPlaymates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film.Ahhh------ the water is greatRocky courtesy of Susan Lucatorto of Floral Park1"V4r-141So where this partyjust ISOfcourtesyDarlene Perkins of Stroud, OntarioSend toPR PLAYMATES8848 BEVERLY HILLS, LAKELAND, FL 35809-1604The Pom Reader September 199621Chrisden Poms of Manila sends- , .-w. f-,f1Aw mCongratulations and Best Wishesto a Fair and Gracious LadyFran Stollon her Kennel VisitWe are honored that you have entrusted us to represent the Stollane Poms here in the Philippines as we blend your line with our breeding Program.Philippine ChampionStollanes Chrisden Thor[Ch. Stollanes Classique Comet x Ch. Stollanes Golden SparklerUIOur Little Thor has made a mark in the show scene with his excellent front and rear movement and a face to die for, always winning against several Am. Can Ch. Specials on very limited showing with a record to be proud ofPTDC Dog Show-All Breed-Robert Plumpton-Australia-BOSS-- 5 pts. PCCI Dog Show-All Breed-Toshikazu Uryu-Japan-BOB-Group 2-5 pts. PCCI Dog Show-Back to Back-Mr. Mrs. Derek Hyde-Australia-WD-4 pts. PMPC Dog Show-All Breed-James Hayward-Australia-WD-2 ptsOwners Dennis Mario Litonjua 011M632J-632-7025 Frances Stoll 812-254-3857The Pom Reader September 1996A WORD TO THE WISEBY SEYMOUR WEISSIn an activity such as conformation dog showing, the joint effects of competition and emotional involvement subject all who participate to a number of vexing conditions if you prefer. These common hazards can be neatly sidestepped if we remain aware of them, realize how damaging they can be and resolve not to succumb to their unhealthy effects. In doing so, we not only become better dog fanciers, we also enhance our opportunity to be the owners and breeders of better dogs.Kennel blindness is pervasive, throughout the dog fancy, sapping the objectivity of every affected individual. If we as dog keepers, aiming for the best quality possible in our stock, can not see the flaws as well as the strong suits in the stock, we are in deep trouble. Those persons who are seriously kennel blind will not only not be able to upgrade the quality of their breeding and buy wisely they will unwittingly a bet the loss of quality in their own dogs because they wont be able to see it slipping away. By the time the kennel blind fancier becomes aware of the problem if ever, the damage is done, mediocrity is established and heroic efforts are in order to get ones thinking and perceptions back into a constructive groove once again.The whole purpose of participating in competition with other fanciers is really to compare breeding stock. That purpose is sadly diminished in todays version of the sport, but it is so nonetheless. We all want our dogs to win as frequently as possible, but we know its more likely that they will lose far more frequently than they will win.The wise fancier accepts this and takes this fact of dog showing life as an incentive to breed and own the best possible dogs, show them in the best possible condition under judges who would be expected to select this type within a breed. The wise fancier also knows when, given the caliber of the competition,it will be an easy stroll to the winners circle, an exciting contest between a number of deserving specimens or whether there is no way. This is part of what makes showing dogs as they should be shown, a true pleasure.Strive always to maintain a sense of balance and objectivity in your own view of your own dogs. Never sell them short, but as you take pleasure in their virtues,The Pom Reader September 1996be honest about their faults. In this way, you have as good a chance as possible of not becoming one of this hazards sad statistics. But, be warned there is yet another fancier hazard which is a variant of kennel blindness. It, too, is pervasive and youll know it when I describe it. I call it......Mary Yellow Syndrome. A fancier is affected with MYS when he or she shows the same symptoms we normally associate with kennel blindness. The difference is the mis-evaluation is applied to a friends dog rather than ones own. We have all endured the well-meaning, if unsolicited verbal panacea of an associate delivering a postmortem on a dog of ours after a defeat. We would all be better served to do without such.This person may not even be from your breed and may not know enough about your breed to even form a valid opinion. Indeed, from outside the ring what can an MYS sufferer really know about the dogs in competition or what the judge seeks or finds upon which to base judgment The answer of course is Nothing Mary Yellow Syndrome is a self assumed proxy outrage. The logic is Mary Yellow is my friend, so her dogs are the best and if they dont win, the judge is either an incompetent, a crook or both. The name is my creation.The behavior pattern is the fancys.What could be more annoying than coming out of a ring with your latest hopeful only to be greeted by a well- meaning fool all set to tear into the judge of the day because you, not your dog, did not win MYS can only be cured by the resolve of the affected person. Sadly, most who suffer from the disorder never realize they have it. And its safe to say that if many affected knew they had it, they would probably do nothing about it. Beware of Mary Yellow Syndrome even ifyou need to embark on a lifelong course of objectivity to overcome its dire effects. At the risk of making a really bad pun - MYS can really leave your perspective permanently jaundiced.Another common hazard that makes regular inroads with dog fanciers value judgments is the distressing tendency to hold an opinion of a person against the merit of a dog. We have often been admonished that it is acceptable to breed to a dog owned by our worst enemy if he is the best consort for our bitch.Thats really true, but for most of us it takes an enormous leap of restraint to do this.Judges are often put into the position of overlooking the actions of, shall we say, strongly focused competitors in order to make objective judgments on the dogs before them. This is not simply limited to aggressive handling. If aggressive handling was all it took to strike the right balance, it would be easy to do so. There are gambits - in use like telephoning judges to appeal to them for wins. There is intimidation and all the other tiresome maneuvers to bring those wins in. Quite often the dogs that are the object of these efforts dont even need such help. Many have quality enough to compete on their own merits, but the human side of the equation never sees this and tries a tack chest full of absurd ploys to win underhandedly when it is so much easier and more satisfying to win honestly.Those who truly know what their dogs are and know the deeper satisfactions of the sport do let their dogs merit speak for itself. Given a fair chance a good dog will proclaim its own merit more effectively than any trickery or posturing ever could.Seymour WeissfMarOHC Pomeraniansmsi wBEST OF BREEDOR VARIETYinternational KENNEL CLUB OF [g CHICAGO5106'- Ace Hicyli DealerWe are very proud of this Best of Breed, over specials, at the Chicago International under Jackie Stacy.Asa would also like to thank Judge Wanner for the Group 3 from the classesat the Oshkosh show.Watch for Asa in the ring with Lloyd and Raeleen Graser.Thanks Lloyd and Raeleen for your wonderful presentation of our boy.Congratulations Fran Stoll on your kennel visit. Thank you for being so accommodating with our Angie. Many people talk about treating others in the way in which they would like to be treated, but you actually doit. We are anxiously awaiting our Thor puppies.MarBil Pomeranians MariBill IfflandTelephone 630-876-9622 Fax 630-876-0078 E-Mail TravlinPomaol.comThe Pom Reader September 199624APT SUMMER SPECIALTYPHOTOS BY STEVEN ROSSi XsJ imAsy.T-JV- VIIuirThe Pom Reader September 1996Columbia Pomeranian Club, Inc.Wednesday, August 7, 1996 Sweepstakes Judge Mrs. Marlene Presser Puppy Dogs, 6 Months and Under 9 Months1 Elans Connoisseur Owners Melissa R. David K. Dahlenburg2 Heartlands Top Gun Tradition Owner Dianne Kieffer3 Janessas Righteous Tradition OwnerMaria Kneisler4 Fan-Cs Captain Terrific Owner Florence ScottPuppy Dogs, 9 Months and Under 12 Months1 Absolutes Woody Win Owner Jeanne Robert Blank2 Finchs Hes A Moonwalker Owner Randy Buske Diane Finch3 Donaras Texican Dragon Owner Erika K. Moureau4 Jan-Shars The Puck Stops Here Owner Barbi Kutilek Sharon HansonPuppy Bitches, 6 -9 Months1 Chas-T-Dees China Doll Owner Charles Dee McNeice2 Chriscendo Contemptress OwnerChristine D. Heartz Patricia Chapman3 Valcopy Wakhan Camielle Owner Janell Reich D. Plonkey R. Gemmill4 Stillcoves Precious Moment Owner Dorothy Norman Trosino Cynthia M. BradleyPuppy Bitches, 9 -12 Months1 Watts Little Whitney Owner Delores A. Wan2 Valcopy Wakhan Black Pearls Owner R.C. Gemmill D.L. Plonkey3 Chriscendo Centre Piece Owner Delores A. Watts4 Jan-Shars Starburst Owner Barbi Kutilek Sharon HansonBest In Sweepstakes Elans ConnoisseurBest Of Opposite Sex To Best In Sweepstakes Chas-T-Dees China Doll Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 9 Years and Older 1 Ch. Tim Sues High Lights Owner Tim Sue GoddardBest In Veteran Sweepstakes Ch. Tim Sues High Lights Regular Classes Judge Mrs. Jean B. Schroll Puppy Dogs, 6 Months and Under 9 Months1 Elans Connoisseur Owner Melissa R. David K. Dahlenburg2 Heartlands Top Gun Tradition Owner Dianne Kieffer3 Damata Northwest Spirit Owner Daryls Flaata4 Jan Shars No Way Jose Owner Sharon HansonPuppy Dogs, 9 Months and Under 12 Months1 Jan Shars Baby Huey Owner Sharon Hanson2 Jan-Shars The Puck Stops Here Owner Barbi Kutilek Sharon Hanson3 Finchs Hes A Moonwalker Owner Randy Buske Diane Finch4 Donaras Texican Dragon Owner Erike K. MoureauBred By Exhibitor Dogs1 Jan Les Makin Trax To Pompeii Owner Jane Lehtinen2 Daystar Leslies Batter up Owner Leslie Bracken Karen Power253 Kileis No Worries Owner Kelly D. Reimschiissel4 Salanges Justyn Thyme Owner Sally Lou LindAmerican Bred Dogs1 Raintree Everybodys TalkN Owner Kathryn Hartz Susan Holderman2 Mi-Babe Rainbow Painter Owner Jean CookOpen Dogs, Black, Blue, Brown1 Gailellens Inkspot Of Wynmor Owner Roberta Podolin2 Treasured Deans Black Shadow Owner Dean HerbertOpen Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1 Dupres Sparkling Goldcasino Owner Mrs. James R. Dupre2 Woodroses Tobasco Cat Owner Clarice Yvette Oganeku3 Jan-Shar's Jumanji Owner Sharon Hanson4 Johnstoys Hi Plains Drifter Owner Alice CarlsonWinners Dog Dupres Sparkling Goldcasino Reserve Jan-Shars Baby Huey Puppy Bitches, 6 -9 Months1 Chriscendo Contemptress OwnerChristine D. Heartz Patricia Chapman2 Valcopy Wakhan Camielle Owner Janell Reich D. Plonkey R. Gemmill3 Stillcoves Precious Moment Owner Dorothy Norman Trosino Cynthia M. Bradley4 Janes Princess Patticakes Owner George S. Jane E. ReedPuppy Bitches, 9 -12 Months1 Leslies Daystar Samantha Owner Leslie Bracken Karen Power2 Jan-Shars Star Burst Owner Barbi Kutilek Sharon Hanson3 Valkopy Wakhan Black Pearls Owner R.C. Gemmill D.L. Plonkey4 Sungolds Truly Precious Owner Frank ReichBred By Exhibitor Bitches1 Stillcoves Soul Provider Owner CynthiaM. James N. Bradley2 Extane Lil Ms No Kiss Owner Sharon Shipek3 Two Ts TLC Sassy Salsa Owner D.M. N. N. Trosino C.L. T. Gillespie4 Watts Little Whitney Owner Delores A. WattsAmerican Bred Bitches1 Raines Rhett Butlers Dream Owner Marcia Cox2 Goldspun Kewpie Cuddles Owner Margaret K. Daniel OntiverosOpen Bitches, Black, Blue, Brown 1 Treasured Deans Ange-Noir Owner Dean HerbertOpen Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1 Daystar FG Diamond In The Ruff Owner Karen Power Patricia Foxx2 Chriscendo Centre Piece Owner Delores A Watts3 Sungolds Yes UL Will Owner Tula Demas4 Jan-Shars Alice In Wonderland Owner Sharon HansonWinners Bitch Chriscendo Contemptress Reserve Stillcoves Soul Provider Veteran Dog Class1 Ch. Tim Sues High Lights Owner Tim Sue Goddard Veteran Bitch ClassiFsw^ A Xiii.-a soAPCSLIMMER SPECIALTYPHOTOS BY STEVEN ROSSThe Pom Reader September 199626APC SUMMER SPECIALTYPHOTOS BY STEVEN ROSSVA'_r vI . .SThe Pom Reader September 19961 Ch. Lovely-Polarpom Elizabeth Owner Victoria E. LovelyBest Of BreedCh. Tim Sues High LightsBest Of WinnersChriscendo ContemptressBest Of Opposite SexCh. Valcopy Wakhan Betty Boop Owner Dana L. Plonkey Randy Gemmill Obedience Competition Judge Mrs. Pamela Weaver Novice B1 Souventry Leeza Of Tiny Paws Owner A. Kay Sinnott 1962 First Partis Masquerade Owner Tammie Schultz 184-123 Hes A Heart Stealer Owner Julie Clemen Gary Olson, DVM 1784 Apolloette Chip Of The Rock Owner Mollie A. Breuno 171Highest Scoring Dog in Regular Classes Souventry Leeza Of Tiny Paws Graduate Novice Class 1 Barons Aristic Aurora, CD Owner Kim Crowell Veterans Class1 Stanley Morris, CDX, NA Owner Phyllis A. GriffithJunior Showmanship Competition Judge Mrs. Jean B. Schroll Novice Junior Class1 Brian McSweeney with Simi Acres Special Love Owner Doreen N. Barry Best Junior Showman Brian McSweeneyAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Thursday, August 8, 1996SweepstakesJudge Mr. Joseph N. McGinnis, Jr. Puppy Dogs, 6 Months and Under 9 Months1 Elans Connoisseur Owner Melissa R. David K. Dahlenburg2 Heartlands Top Gun Tradition Owner Dianne Kieffer3 Damata Northwest Spirit Owner Daryls Flaata4 Fan-Cs Captain Terrific Owner Florence ScottPuppy Dogs, 9 Months and Under 12 Months1 Jan-Shars Baby Huey Owner Sharon Hanson2 Finchs Hes A Moonwalker Owner Randy Buske Diane Finch3 Jan-Shars The Puck Stops Here Owner Barbi Kutilek Sharon Hanson4 Absolutes Woody Win Owner Jeanne Robert BlankPuppy Bitches, 6 - 9 Months1 Chas-T-Dees China Doll Owner Charles Dee McNeice2 Stillcoves Precious Moment Owner Dorothy Norman Trosino Cynthia M. Bradley3 Raines Rhett Butlers Dream Owner Marcia Cox4 Foxxglen Dastars Minni Mag Owner Patricia M. Foxx Karen PowerPuppy Bitches, 9 -12 Months1 Valcopy Wakhan Black Pearls Owner R.C. Gemmill D.L. Plonkey2 Chriscendo Centre Piece Owner Delores A. Watts3 Leslies Daystar Samantha Owner Leslie27-LI4vTS1,5r x, Jr^vs ER SPECIALTYTEVEN ROSSBracken Karen Power 4 Watts Little Whitney Owner Delores A. WattsBest In SweepstakesElans ConnoisseurBest Of Opposite Sex To Best In Sweepstakes Valcopy Wakhan Black Pearls Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 9 Years and Older 1 Ch. Tim Sues High Lights Owner Tim Sue GoddardBitches, 6 Years and Under 9 Years1 Ch. Lovely-Polarpom Elizabeth Owner Victoria E. Lovely2 K And Ls Valley Engele Owner Sally Lou LindBitches, 9 Years and Older 1 Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan My StyleBest In Veteran Sweepstakes Ch. Tim Sues High Lights Best Of Opposite Sex To Best In Veteran SweepstakesCh. Valcopy-Wakhan My Style Owner Janell ReichRegular ClassesJudge Mrs. Jacqueline Stacy Puppy Dogs, 6 Months and Under 9 Months1 Heartlands Top Gun Tradition Owner Dianne Kieffer2 Jan-Shars No Way Jose Owner Sharon Hanson3 Fan-Cs Captain Terrific Owner Florence Scott4 Elans Connoisseur Owner Melissa R. David K. DahlenburgPuppy Dogs, 9 Months and Under 12 Months1 Absolutes Woody Win Owner Jeanne Robert Blank2 Shimmeree Ricki Ticki Tavi Owner Gregg Charlene Waters Patty Chapman3 Donaras Texican Dragon Owner Erika K. Moureau4 Jan-Shars The Puck Stops Here Owner Barbi Kutilek Sharon HansonBred By Exhibitor Dogs1 Daystar Leslies Batter Up Owner Leslie Bracken Karen Power2 Lovely How Soon Is Now OwnerVictoria E. Lovely3 Kileis No Worries Owner Kelly Reimschiissel4 Jan Les Makin Trax To Pompeii Owner Jane LehtinenAmerican Bred Dogs1 Raintree Everybodys Talkn Owner Kathryn Hartz Susan Holderman2 Mi-Babe Rainbow Painter Owner Jean Ciik Open Dogs, Black, Blue, Brown1 Gailellens Inkspot Of Wynmor Owner Roberta PodolinOpen Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1 Jan-Shars Jumanji Owner Sharon Hanson2 Painters Tinkle Little Star Owner Kelly D. Reimschiissel3 Southlands Rising Star Owner Karen R. Warren4 Cheyennes Lil Grandview Prince Owner Gary Stefanson Laurie PolinkusWinners Dog Jan-Shars Jumanji Reserve Absolutes Woody Win Puppy Bitches, 6 - 9 Months1 Southlands Mo Cher Owner Charlotte Creed Virginia Watkins2 Foxxglenn Dastars Minni Mag OwnerThe Pom Reader September 199628APC SUMMER SPECIALTYPHOTOS BY STEVEN ROSSA-M-L -6v SPatricia M. Foxx Karen Power3 Shadowhawks Morgana The Red Owner Mary C. Kelly Smith4 Grandviews Cristal Champagne Owner L. Polinkus G. StefansonPuppy Bitches, 9 -12 Months1 Sunterra Sweet Seduction Owner Douglas Stratton2 Leslies Daystar Samantha Owner Leslie Bracken Karen Power3 Jan-Shars Star Burst Owner Barbi Kutilek Sharon Hanson4 Valcopy Wakhan Black Pearls Owner R.C. Gemmill D.L. PlonkeyBred By Exhibitor Bitches1 Extane Lil Ms No Kiss Owner Sharon Shipek2 Stillcoves Soul Provider Owner CynthiaM. James N. Bradley3 Two Ts TLC Sassy Salsa Owner D.M. N. N. Trosino C.L. T. Gillespie4 Watts Little Whitney Owner Delores A. WattsAmerican Bred Bitches1 Raines Rhett Butlers Dream Owner Marcia Cox2 Goldspun Kewpie Cuddles Owner Margaret K. Daniel OntiverosOpen Bitches, Black, Blue, Brown 1 Treasured Deans Ange-Noir Owner Dean HerbertOpen Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1 Daystar Diamond In The Ruff Owner Karen Power Patricia Foxx2 Jan-Shars Alice In Wonderland Owner Sharon Hanson3 Jan-Shars Forever Henny Penny Owner Marge Kranzfelder4 Rubys Lovely Jinni Sais So Owner Julie Clemem V. LovelyOpen Bitches, Any Other Color 1 Travlyn On Down to Rodis Winners Bitch Extane Lil Ms No Kiss Reserve Sunterra Sweet Seduction Veteran Dog Class1 Ch. Tim Sues High Lights Owner Tim Sue Goddard Veteran Bitch Class1 Ch. Lovely-Polarpom Elizabeth Owner Victoria E. LovelyBest Of BreedCh. Jan-Les Just A Dash Of Milamor Owner Jane LehtinenBest Of WinnersExtane Lil Ms No KissBest Of Opposite SexExtane Lil Ms No KissBest Puppy in the Regular Classes Sunterra Sweet SeductionBest in the Bred By Exhibitor Classes Extanes Lil Ms No KissObedience ClassesJudge Mrs. Noreen Gonce Cartwright Novice B1 Souventry Leeza Of Tiny Paws Owner A.Kay Sinnott 196-12Highest Scoring Dog In Regular Classes Souventry Of Tiny Paws Graduate Novice Class 1 Barons Aristic Aurora, CD Owner Kim Crowell Veterans Class1 Stanley Morris, CDX, NA Owner Phyllis A.The Pom Reader September 199629Griffith Brace Class1 Ollie Blue Bluster, CDX, TD, OA Owner Randall F. Morris Ann Griffith Stanley Morris, CDX, NA Owner Phyllis A. GriffithJunior Showmanship Competition Judge Mrs. Jacqueline Stacy Novice Junior Class1 Daine Heinrich with Julies Baby Boomer To Daine Owner Daine Heinrich Open Junior1 Andrew Cariaso with Raintree Everybodys TallcN Owner Kathryn Hartz Susan HoldermanBest Junior Showman Andrew CariasoPuget Sound Pomeranian Club, Inc.Friday, August 9, 1996 Sweepstakes Judge Mrs. Nadine Hersil Puppy Dogs, 6 Months and Under 9 Months1 Heartlands Top Gun Tradition Owner Dianne Kieffer2 Damata Northwest Spirit Owner Daryls Flaata3 Jan-Shars No Way Jose Owner Sharon Hanson4 Elans Connoisseur Owner Melissa R. David K. DahlenburgPuppy Dogs, 9 Months and Under 12 Months1 Absolutes Woody Win Owner Jeanne Robert Blank2 Jan-Shars The Puck Stops Here Owner Barbi Kutilek Sharon Hanson3 Donaras Texican Dragon Owner Erika K. Moureau4 Jan-Shars Baby Huey Owner Sharon HansonPuppy Bitches, 6 -9 Months1 Foxxglenn Dastars Minni Mag Owner Patricia M. Foxx Karen Power2 Southlands Mo Cher Owner Charlotte Creed Virginia Watkins3 Chriscendo Contemptress OwnerChristine D. Heartz Patricia Chapman4 Chas-T-Dees China Doll Owner Charles Dee McNeicePuppy Bitches, 9 - 12 Months1 Valcopy Wakhan Black Pearls Owner R.C. Gemmill D.L. Plonkey2 Jan-Shars Star Burst Owner Barbi Kutilek Sharon Hanson3 Leslies Daystar Samantha Owner Leslie Bracken Karen Power4 Watts Little Whitney Owner Delores A.WattsBest In Sweepstakes Foxxglenn Dastars Minni MagBest Of Opposite Sex To Best In Sweepstakes Valcopy Wakhan Black Pearls Veteran Sweepstakes Dogs, 9 Years and Older 1 Ch. Tim Sues Fligh Lights Owner Tim Sue GoddardBitches, 6 Years and Under 9 Years 1 K And Ls Valley Engele Owner Sally Lou LindBest Veteran In Sweepstakes Ch. Tim Sues High LightsBest Of Opposite Sex In Veteran Sweepstakes K And Ls Valley Engelei_APC SUMMER SPECIALTYPHOTOS BY STEVEN ROSSThe Pom Reader September 199630APC SUMMER SPECIALTYPHOTOS BY STEVEN ROSS___\p. t,iPOM SU CCESS STOFTl yi.-vlri TtsRegular ClassesJudge Mr. Fred Bassett Puppy Dogs, 6 Months and Under 9 Months1 Heartlands Top Gun Tradition Owner Dianne Kieffer2 Jan-Shars No Way Jose Owner Sharon Hanson3 Maranathas Makana Owner Gloria Steve Carlin4 Elans Connoisseur Owner Melissa R. David K. DahlenburgPuppy Dogs, 9 Months and Under 12 Months1 Absolutes Woody Win Owner Jeanne Robert Blank2 Finchs Hes A Moonwalker Owner Randy Buske Diane Finch3 Donaras Texican Dragon Owner Erika K. Moureau4 Jan-Shars Baby Huey Owner Sharon HansonBred By Exhibitor Dogs1 Jan Les Makin Trax To Pompeii Owner Jane Lehtinen2 Lovely How Soon Is Now Owner Victoria E. Lovely3 Kileis No Worries Owner Kelly D. Reimschiissel4 Julies Baby Boomer To Daine Owner Daine HeinrichAmerican Bred Dogs1 Raintree Everybodys TalkN Owner Kathryn Hartz Susan Holderman2 Mi-Babe Rainbow Painter Owner Jean CookOpen Dogs, Black, Blue, Brown 1 Gailellens Inkspot Of Wynmor Owner Roberta PodolinOpen Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1 Elhe Maes Kalasic Memory Maker Owner Julie Kallbacka2 Cheyennes Lil Grandview Prince Owner Gary Stefanson Laurie Polinkus3 Jan-Shars Jumanji Owner Sharon Hanson4 Woodroses Tobasco Cat Owner Clarice Yvette OganekuWinners Dog Absolutes Woody Win Reserve Jan Les Makin Trax To Pompeii Puppy Bitches, 6 -9 Months1 Chriscendo Contemptress OwnerChristine D. Heartz Patricia Chapman2 Foxxglenn Dastars Minni Mag Owner Patricia M. Foxx3 Southlands Mo Cher Owner Charlotte Creed Virginia Watkins4 Chas-T-Dees China Doll Owner Charles Dee McNeicePuppy Bitches, 9 -12 Months1 Sunterra Sweet Seduction Owner Douglas Stratton2 Leslies Daystar Samantha Owner Leslie Bracken Karen Power3 Valcopy Wakhan Black Pearls Owner R.C. Gemmill D.L. Plonkey4 Park Hills Plum Puddin Raintree Owner Shirley J. Parkhill John E. Anderson Ray MooneyBred By Exhibitor Bitches1 Watts Little Whitney Owner Delores A. Watts2 Stillcoves Soul Provider Owner CynthiaM. James N. Bradley3 Two Ts TLC Sassy Salsa Owner D.M. N. N. Trosino C.L. T. Gillespie4 Cheuxs Fashion Statement Owner Catherine H. BreauxThe Pom Reader September 199631American Bred Bitches1 Raines Rhett Butlers Dream Owner Marcia Cox2 Dover-Holihouse Oh By The Way Owner Kathryn Hartz Patricia FoleyOpen Bitches, Black, Blue, Brown 1 Treasured Deans Ange-Noir Owner Dean HerbertOpen Bitches,Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1 Jan-Shars Alice In Wonderland Owner Sharon Hanson2 Sungolds Yes U Will Owner Tula Demas3 Daystar FG Diamond In The Ruff Owner Karen Power Patricia Foxx4 Chriscendo Centre Piece Owner Dolores A. WattsWinners Bitch Sunterra Sweet SeductionReserve Jan-Shars Alice In Wonderland Owner Sharon HansonVeteran Dog Class1 Ch. Tim Sues High Lights Owner Tim Sue Goddard Veteran Bitch Class1 Ch. Lovely-Polarpom Elizabeth Owner Victoria E. LovelyBest Of BreedCh. TimSues High LightsBest Of WinnersSunterra Sweet SeductionBest Of Opposite SexCh. Valcopy Wakhan Hot Gossip Owner Satosho Bessho Hideko Strasbaugh Dana L. PlonkeyBest Puppy in the Regular ClassesSunterra Sweet Seduction Best in Bred By Exhibitor ClassesJan Les Makin Trax To Pompeii Obedience Classes Judge Mrs. Jill K. JonesNovice B1 Souventry Leeza Of Tiny Paws Owner A.Kay Sinnott 193-12Highest Scoring Dog In Regular Classes Souventry Leeza Of Tiny Paws Graduate Novice Class 1 Barons Aristic Aurora CD Owner Kim CrowellJunior Showmanship CompetitionJudge Mr. Fred Bassett Novice Junior Class1 Daine Heinrich with Julies Baby Boomer Owner Daine Heinrich Open Junior Class1 Andrew Cariaso with Raintree Everybodys Talkn Owner Kathryn Hartz Susan HoldermanBest Junior Showman Andrew CariasoThfSutwrwfy Specialty 'iVeeleiShv,-M.i-APKMcM4APC SUMMER SPECIALTYPHOTOS B YSTEVEN ROSSThe Pom Reader September 199632BACKSummer TO BACK\ i BEST IN HEEPSTMESCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB. INC.rSUMMER 19JHANDLED BY BRENDA SEGELKENrMwurtThe Pom Reader September 199633Specialty BEST IN SWEEPSTAKESAMERICANPOMERANIANCLUB August 8, 19963 7 in competitionTHANK YOU JUDGE MR.JOEMCGINNIS JR.1\V\r '.-'tjy... ' CONGRATULATIONS TO ONE OF OUR FAVORITE PEOPLE, FRAN STOLL, AND THE STOLANNE POMSVk'AyrfSSSmSof AMERICAwJS.1 v L 1a ,hM ________1BREEDERSOWNERS DAVID MELISSA DAHLENBURGP.O. BOX 1160, LOXAHATCHEE, EL 33470 561-793-0975The Pom Reader September 199634CONFIRME AUGUST 19Animations Jasmine B by Ch. Pomsprings Wild Thing x Animations Jelly Paws. Breeder Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane Owner Pat Dresser Lorinda Vasuta.Ben-Chers On Fire D by Ch.W1 Dakotahs Lil Huggy Bear x Ben-Chers Midnight Fire. BreederOwner Cheryl A. Loy Beni M. Loy.Chas-T-Dees Jake Junior D by Ch. Rock N Tradition Of Oakridge x Ch Chas-T-Dees Steel Magnolia. BreederOwner Dee Charles McNeice.Forever With One Look B by Forever Aspects Of Love x Forever The Littlest Rebel. Breeder Marge Kranzfelder Owner Letitia Cannon Marge Kranzfelder.Kneislers Toasty Miz Starla B by Ch Jamels Texas Tornado x Ch. Bev-Nors Glen Iris Renesance. Breeder Maria Kneisler Dr. Cheryl A Jackson Owner Cindy Paul Gorrell.Larron Duke of Earl D by Larron Touch Of Tradition x Larron Duchess. BreederRonald J. Feyh Larry L.Rookstool Owner Evelyn C. Newyear.Lynnwrights Serial Mom B byCh. Bev-Nors Nuttin To It x Watts Little Nightfire. BreederOwner Donna Lynn Wright Diana M. Plichta. Mystars Bon Chance D by Nabobs Winter Wizard x Mystars Jolie Fleurette. BreederCharlotte E. Decker Owner Barbara Messmer Jerrie Freia Nina Berry.Partners Wind Dealer D byCh. Masons Shawn Of Millamor x Ch. Ka-Mis Harbor Mystery Gal. Karen M. Crawford Michael A. Crawford Gaila Brickus Owner Karen M. Crawford Gaila Brickus Michael Crawford.Silver Meadows Jus CruisinD by Ch. Silver Meadows Jus A Lil Teddy x Silver Meadows Tu-It Brite. BreederOwner Jacquelyn W. Klein.Tim Sues Just Make A Mark D by Ch.Tim Sue Just A Lil Moonlight x Tim Sues Melisa. Breeder Sue Goddard Tim Goddard Owner Norma C. Gad. Tresstique Black Magic D byCh. Finchs He Walks On Water x Golden Aires Billy Jean. Breeder Bonnie Harris Owner Marie E. Carlough.Ursa Minors Cup O Kona B by Ursa Minors Sea Change x Ursa Minors Small Regular. BreederOwner Barbara Krzewicki.Valcopy-Wakhan Betty BoopB by Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Valentino x Valcopy-Wakhan Redridinghood. Breeder Owner Dana L. Plonkey Randy Gemmill.Watts Little Fox Trot B by Ch. Watts Little Socrates x Watts Little Coconetta Breeder Dolores A Watts Owner Peter A Petersen Victoria Oelerich.Wee Hearts Vintage Champagne B by Wee Hearts Flash Fire x Wee Hearts Summer Wind. Breeder Cassandra Ready Evans Estil Evans Owner Ellen Takayama.Woodrose Nic-Reg Totoro Dby Ch. Sandtowns Teddy Bear x Kiehms Cho Ko. Breeder Clarice M. Oganeku Owner Reggie Kamihara.NEW CHAMPIONS are taken from the American Kennel Club Show, Field Obedience Trials Awards Book and published on a monthly basis as space permits.he Pom Reader September 199635TL6so Cutes' Prime Time Pom-CDeionShown winning BOB from 6-9 Puppy Class.9\BEST OF BREEDor VARIETYCENTRAL FLORIDAKENNEL CLUBWhat a thrill to receive a pull out in such a strong group and to hear your wonderful comments about Deion.Thank you respected Toy Judge, Mr. William Dolan.Thanks to Jodi Eckardt for her expert handling of Deion.Watch for him with his other mom Jeanne Blank, October and November, as he searches for those hard to find Majors up North.Thanks again Jeannanne for letting me Steal one of your good ones.Many more years of success to a very nice lady, Fran Stoll.Deion is loved by Prism Poms 813-991-5066 Veronica Boudreau P.O. Box 313 Lutz, FL 33549-0313The Pom Reader September 199636fc\L2AKA Lois CilibertoLYMPIADogs Howl AndTHERE ARE HEROES AND HUUKScarlet is a heroine. You probably saw it in your own newspaper, as her story seemed to go around the world. She is what cat clubs and veterinarians call a domestic shorthair feline their upscale new fancy term for the old alley cat. My own cat is one of those, domestic shorthair, but I still gaze into her inscrutable green eyes and call her alley cat. She gazes back at me with dignified disdain and I know she knows I love her and am kidding. She is really a Princess Royal in disguise, although she has not, and I fear never will be, a national heroine.Because she never will be, unlike Scarlet, if she wound up in an animal shelter she would be euthanized as quickly as the law allows. In my county, that is 3 days from entering the front door, which ends in exiting the back door of death. She would also, being frightened out of her wits and on the defense, no doubt howl, hiss and bite. That means even faster euthanasia.Bite the animal control employees and you get a sign on your cage.... Not for adoption, bites, Eut. Eut, as you have guessed is short for Euthanasia. One bite and youre dead. Your head goes to the lab tocheck for rabies and your body winds up in, at best, an incinerator, or, at worst, in a bag that ends up in a local university where you are picked out of a barrel of dead cats and used for study by anatomy and biology students.But back to Heroes, or in this case-our heroine Scarlet.Scarlet made headlines from Port Washington, N.Y. after she repeatedly entered a burning building to rescue her five 4-week-old nursing kittens. Scarlet got her name from the red patches of skin that showed through her no longer recognizable coat, which had been singed so badly no one could tell its original color.Scarlet, by her motherly heroics, had her ears badly burned, her eyes blistered shut and her paws as severely singed as her coat. A firefighter coming onto the scene found 2 kittens curbside to the burning building and three others curbside across the street. He instantly recognized what Scarlet had done.Scarlet had repeatedly entered that badly burning building, carrying each kitten safely outside. Then tried to carry each across the street, out of harms way. Her eyes blistered shut,badly burned, Scarlet still nosed each kitten to make sure she had them safe. The firefighter got Scarlet and her brood to the North Shore Animal Rescue in Brooklyn, where her photo, surrounded by her broodlings, was duly taken and flashed throughout the media. Instantly the animal shelter was deluged by people willing to adopt Scarlet and her kittens. Scarlet went through much care and eventually another, happier, photo was flashed through the media of Scarlet, ears misshappen but happily alert, eyes unblistered and dignified, as she was held in the arms of her carefully chosen adoptive new human. All her kittens received equally loving homes. Scarlets original coat color will never be known , but her new fur came in black and white, the legendary colors of villains and heroes, respectively, which gave me the title for this article.The story of Scarlet and her kittens had a happy ending, because she made a heroine of herself. There are occasional other heroes or heroines, either canine or feline, who make the national media through performing heroic acts, or because they were found mutilated and torThePom Reader September 1996Continued37tured by uncaring humans. These, too usually wind up with a happy ending.But for millions out there, their story ends with one last shot. Several Sundays ago our newspaper published a 2-page article, with some pretty horrible graphics, regarding our countys animal control shelter. This animal control shelter system has to take in an average 9,628 animals per year, of which 78 out of every 100 dogs and 97 out of every 100 cats will wind up dying on a cold, stainless steel table. This newspaper article was titled down to their last shot and showed pictures of animals being euthanized by the fatal needle and carcasses lined up in rows, being given final pulse tests by shelter employees before being dragged off to the incinerator.For most of these unfortunates the last gentle pats of the shelter employees readying them with a pre-death tranquilizer and hugging them close as the last shot is given, is the only love they have ever received. However, some have been loved before and find themselves bewildered when they wind up in an animal shelter cage, wondering where their beloved, but villianous, humans have gone. Many villains drop them off at the shelter, or on a roadside, without a backward glance. Many come in with their sad stories I have to move, my landlord wont let me keep a pet anymore or shehe is in need of veterinary care I simply cant afford it.Disposable paper plates, disposable plastic glasses, disposable dogs and cats. Youve heard me say it before. Ho Hum. We are bonafide purebred dog fanciers, it is not our fault these shelters are overwhelmed and that these millions of animaldeaths occur yearly. Or is it our fault The statistics at animal shelters and from rescue workers in all breeds of purebred dogs and cats tell a different story. More and more purebreds are becoming a large part of the disposable animal society. Why The foremost answer is that breeders over-breed and since they cant all be show quality, that leaves breeders or pets. Of the latter, many refuse to use the word pet and sell only what they call breeding quality. Sometimes this is quite kosherand sometimes it is downright dishonest in the light of the buyer being duped. However that may be, very few of our purebreds are sold on a sprayneuter basis or, at the very least, without the benefit of the AKC limited registration portion of the papers being utilized.The next answer is breeders who start out right, get overloaded and cant keep up, or who decide that there is money to be made in selling large quantities, and finally the animals wind up in a filthy kennel situation and sooner or later someone reports them and the animals have to be rescued. For many of these, the rescue happened far too late, andmany wind up being given their last shot.Another answer is that the seller sells with all good intentions and the buyer buys with all good intentions, but somewhere along the line the buyer breeds and cant sell the puppies for what is deemed according to the price they paid for what they bought the right price and pretty soon the offspring wind up in the local newspaper for sale cheap and thereby enter the disposable society situation.And then, of course, there are the continual kennel auctions. On my desk sit 2 auction offering sales that took place in recent weeks concerned purebred fanciers sent me these fliers in hopes I could do something. Some purebred clubs did their best on these, as they have tried to in the past, but there simply isnt enough money to buy up 45 Yorkshire Terriers, 26 Maltese, 28 Shih Tzu, 33 Bichon Frise from one auction sale by one party who was retiring from dogs or 10 Pekingese, 7 Shih Tzu, 18 Bichon Frise, 7 Silky Terriers, 11 Poodles, 7 Boxers, 11 Yorkshire Terriers, 32 Chinese Cresteds and 21 Pomeranians offered at another auction sale, by 2 parties.My particular disgust, in reading these offerings are the following blurbs accompanying the sale announcementsGeorge and I have been breeding and selling pups for 25 years and the kennel has been very good to us, but due to retirement we feel this is the best way to disperse of our stock and equipment. My Shih Tzu have been the base of many a kennel.For over 20 years we have been dedicated to breeding and raising nothing but quality dogs for the pet industry. We are extremely proud ofv44\SjSMlThe Pom Reader September 1996aka Lois Ciliberto38Continuedour dogs and our kennels, but our other involvements are beginning to take up too much of our time. Its time for our labor, dogs and facilities to help some one else grow.With this comes the auctioneers note The [owners] have gotten involved in the Professional Pet Association goals of education and legislation. They are also involved with Missouri search rescue and drug interdiction teams. With 20 years of raising quality pups, if you attend this auction you will like the breeding stock and good equipment.I hand-picked much of my foundation stock in England and chose stock with records of free whelping, good nurturing instincts, excellent milk supply and that consistently produce large litters.These remarks are self- explanatory, and apparently, help move the dogs at these auctions, and, besides knowing that some who are reading this are saying Lois is at it again, I know others are saying, This is all very sad, but these auctions have nothing to do with us. In a way they dont, but in other ways they do. These people didnt get these dogs off a tree, like picking plums, and in many sale ads I read, or faxes or phone calls I receive advertising quantity sales, the same thing is going on. Numbers are being offered, with no qualms attached as to where the animal will wind up, and, without fail, the potential sellers announce themselves as show-breeders.Yet, I know my efforts fall on mostly deaf ears, or on ears who prick up and want to know what guts how they can get on the auction list so they can buy some of this great stuff, or on ears whose lips call me names unprintable and undauntinglyask me what in the world is wrong with them selling, pointing out that every breed magazine in the world and magazines like DOG FANCY. THE AKC GAZETTE and DOG WORLD have all sorts of advertisements listing quanitites for sale from well known kennel names, if they can, why not meWhy not me is a good question. My answer is two wrongs dont make a right and what in the world is in this quantity selling except bucks, and I dont mean male deerSo, I will receive another bad report at the home office and be accused of all sorts of things, but frankly, My dear, if I can change even a teensey weensey piece of this kind of action, which leads, in the end, to the final shot, I will keep up the good work, ignoring my detractors, since the vast majority of caring people constantly urge me to do soAnd if you want the auctioneers addresses or phone numbers, so you can get in on these sweet deer deals for smaller bucks dont call me. My notions of villains and heroes are quite different from that, and I would love to provide you with the horrific graphic photos of lovely,healthy and unwanted animals who are down to their last shot.And for the many who have phoned me about the sweet deals that went sour and nobody cares and you feel helpless, buck up you are cared about, even though there is nothing I can do to help you recover the money you lost. Chalk it to sad experience, and from now on check and re-check before your funds go outIn closing, I am going to offer the phone number of the official AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB representative who will be happy to help you for referrals when you buy. I no longer will refer anyone to anyone, as this is not really my job and it gets moi in too much trouble. If you dont like what you bought, its my fault, and if I say so-and-so is not the one to be trusted, I am in worse trouble, as my remarks are taken as representative of THE POM READER itself and this is clearly not acceptable to me.Daytime Jane Lehtinen Pom referrals only 218-741- 2117.For other breed referrals call The American Kennel Club, at 900-407-7877. They will put you in touch with a member of a dog club for the breed you are interested in.Next month we will visit another heroine, this time canine, and her name is Thumbelina. It will prove to you that you cannot always trust even your own veterinarians diagnosis and that there is a world of miracles out there, for those who do not believe in our disposable animal society.Until the dog howls again....Olympia AKA Lois Ciliberto20044 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FL 34639 Ph 813-998-5499 10 AM-7 PM EDT Fx 813-998-9613 24 hoursAOftirfr \\The Pom Reader September 1996aka Lois Ciliberto3964. KeUrl-Y\wl it 6 Jt uwensired by Ch. Stolannes Classique Cometr. atJr rCongratulations Fran on your visit with the Pom Reader. You are a wonderful friend and have taught us a great deal. Thank you for all your help, encouragement, and friendship. We wish you continued success in all your breeding endeavors.5mM'lH21777 N. Cumberland Rdv Noblesville, IN317773-5912The Pom Reader September 199640Knock, Knock Whos ThereTHE POIVI READER VISITSXXu NFran StollmWashington, Indiana Ch. Stolannes Texas Tumbleweed creamAlthough dogs have always been a part of my life, Terriers, not Poms were my first love. Peggy, a tan Terrier was my first very own pet and was at my side as we explored the farm and helped Dad tend to the farm animals. During my teen years my Mother bred a few Chihuahuas and I thoroughly enjoyed assisting her with the whelping and caring for the puppies. As I recall, her dogs were very good quality and she bred them very carefully to improve her line, but she was never interested in showing. Even then I enjoyed lead training the puppies and grooming the long coat varieties.When I married, my pet was a Chihuahua-Terrier mix named Lita, call name for Estrellita or little star. When she died an untimely death, my replacement pet was a black poodle, whom Ibred a couple times for the enjoyment of whelping and training the puppies. My opportunity to own a Pomeranian came when I met a lady who had a nice black female puppy and was willing to trade her for a silver male Poodle puppy. Although this first Pom died when she was a few months old, the bug had bitten and I was on my search for another Pom. I located a breeder in a nearby town who had a litter of Poms and I placed a deposit on another black female puppy who was only two weeks old. At that point I really knew nothing about the Pom standard of show quality Poms but just knew I liked the breed and their personalities.To show a Pom or to own a champion Pom was a dream that I held onto for many years. Since I knew no one whohad any show experience and had no idea how to begin I continued to breed a few good quality pet Poms and helped my daughter train her Pom for 4-H obedience competition. I became so interested in this aspect of showing that I volunteered to be one of the leaders of the 4-H dog club called Bark n Bite.Through my veterinarian, then, I met Nancy Fry, who had some show experience and was breeding some show quality Poms. She gave me the addresses of a couple of the Pom magazines and I became a subscriber. It was in one of the magazines that I saw a picture of a Pom that reminded me of a favorite pet male who had just died of a heart attack.When I learned that the dog belonged to Opal Dumler of Colorado and that we were planning a vacation to Colorado theThe Pom Reader September 199641A Breeders Dream - Three bitches in a litter and all ChampionsLeft to rightCh. Stolannes Mystique Starlet Ch. Stolannes Mico Rockelle Ch. Stolannes Sweet Ginger BlossomAft9Inext month, I hoped that this might be my chance to buy a show quality puppy and launch a hobby of dog showing. Ms. Dumler was most gracious when I telephoned her and invited me to visit her kennel. After spending a few hours with Ms. Dumler, I chose a well-balanced orange sable bitch puppy. This puppy, O My Starmist Minuette, became my foundation bitch and has achieved R.O.M.X. status by producing eight champions, two of which are group winning specials with Thor having won a Best In Show. This was probably my wisest investment on the way to producing show quality Poms. I shall always be grateful to Ms. Dumler for being so patient and understanding with a newcomer to the show scene and for entrusting me with one of her bestSoon after I bought Misty, Nancy Fry bought a female puppy from Francis Wright Wright Way Poms whom she promised to show. She invited me to get one of yours and go along with her and her daughter, Jenny, who would handle the puppy. The Kentuckiana Cluster was soon and since Louisville was near, we chose this site for our debut little did we know that this was the largest show in the nation that year. Nancy carried her few grooming supplies in a plastic bag and when she talked about purchasing a catalog at the show site, I had no idea what she meant. After observing other exhibitorsequipment and supplies, we decided that one purchase we should both make was a grooming table. I can truly say that I was as green as they come and am very grateful to those who have coached and tutored me along the way.HISTORY IN COLORSWith the focus of this Pom Reader issue on the exotic color Poms, I shall share some of my history and experiences with the various Pom colors. Since my first Pom was black and my first show dog was black, I really did not realize that this was not the preferred color until I started showing. At my first show in April, 1986, my little black male was reserve to a four point major and a couple people told me that I should have won, but he was the wrong color This was my first clue that black probably was not the best color to start out with, but with persistence and many mistakes, he finished his championship with four majorsWhen I attended the A.P.C. Summer Specialty Show in Brush Prairie, Washington in 1992,1 met Nan Shartel who was sitting with the spectators holding a lovely white puppy. I was immediately intrigued with the color and expressed my interest in owning and showing a Nabob White. That fall Nan sent a darling little white boy to me, and although he was in the puppy uglies and his tail was down most of the time, I was in love. Al grew to be one of thesweetest and most devoted males I have ever shown. I never had to guess if he would bait and be enthusiastic in the ring he was always on. When he completed his championship this past January, I realized my promise to Nan that he would be a Nabob Champion, and with his first white puppies on the ground, I believe he will be a strong factor in producing show quality whites.Although I have admired the unusual colors in Poms, I never dreamed that my line and especially Thor would produce chocolate. Kisses was bom to a cream champion Stormy daughter and was the third puppy in a litter of three. I never thought of chocolate as I dried the dark puppy until I turned her over and saw the chocolate nose. I was ecstatic and ran to show Darrell my new prize, but, of course, he was not nearly as enthused as I. It is a new experience as I am showing her now, but I have every reason to believe that she will be Thors first chocolate champion.My partnership with Evelyn Newyear came as a result of her friendship with Nan Shartel and her co-ownership of Al prior to my acquisition of him. Although I have not met her personally, we talk on the phone nearly every week and send many letters, photos, and pedigrees back and forth. She is very much a supporter of the whites and exotics, and has been the source of much encouragement and generosity as she shares my goal thatThe Pom Reader September 199644Top leftBISSBISA Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor The King at Stolanne. Top rightO My Starmist Minuette, R. O.M.X. Foundation Bitch at Stolanne\Promising kids at Stolar Ch. Rock n Tradition of Oakridge 1 Ch. Stolannes Thoradora BellawL ' _____Ch. Stolannes Mystique Starlet The Queen at Stolannethe Nicka Time, a Thor grandson who is a great moving dog with wonderful type, and my chocolate Thor daughter, Kisses, we may have a match. However, I realize that it is important to keep black in the line for the rich color and I am exploring that aspect for quality, too. I am sure there will be many trials and errors in the pursuit of this goal, but I accept the challengeMeeting new people and making new friends are the best reasons for dog showing. Sharing successes and disappointments as well as asking for and giving advice are aspects of friendship that Pom people know best. The generosity and unselfishness of Mary, Janice, Evelyn, The Pom Reader September 1996Donna, Lynn, Renee, Vicki, Pam, and Dianne are unmatched and appreciated beyond expression. I also find it so refreshing to be in the show ring with competitors who are friends and are willing to offer congratulations and best wishes regardless of who is receiving the purple ribbon. When showing and breeding Poms becomes more stressful than enjoyable, I will call it quits since I have enough other stressors in my life.Finally, treating others the way I would like to be treated is the goal that guides my activities. I would not have experienced the successes that I have if it had not been for many who have helped me and I want to do the same forothers. Sharing grooming, whelping, and breeding tips, as well as honestly presenting my Pom to the potential buyer are characteristics for which I want to be known. And for those clients who have entrusted their precious babies to my care, I want them to be assured that I will care for them as I do my own during the time they are with me.Thank you, Pom Reader Staff for the opportunity to present Stolanne Poms and share my experiences and views. It has been interesting to reflect upon colors for this special issue and it has been my pleasure to work with your staff.Fran StollCongratulations to Fran Stoll on her Kennel Visit.The Pom World needs more like her.\eujahrCrystal and ChanelPuppies Available NowEvelyn Newyear Neujahr Poms216-946-1226 _Photo by Karen VillarrealThank you for all your help, and loving support.We love you all the color kids at Fransus, Nabobs, and Neujahrs.Sue Hughes Fransu Poms304-756-9356Oi. Stolanne Kohl Miners Daughter-.1 iBEST OF I OPPOSITE SEX NEW. CHAMPION-3 WINNERS . booth4.EllySire Ch. Stolannes Highway to Heaven Dam Ch. Stolannes Texas TumbleweedAugust 8, 1992 - March 8, 1996I want to thank you, Fran, for trusting me with the babies of yours I have, especially for Elly. She was really special and so are you. You always have time to talk and help novice Pom Breeders like me. You are what a Breeder should strive to beShamrock Kennel Pat Guyer 19359 N. 700th. Street Annapolis, IL 62413-2706Tel 618-569-5975 -Fax 618-569-3309 Champion Bloodlines, Quality PupsShelties Sables, Merles, Tri, Bl-Black Toy Poms Solid Colors, Partis, Exotics Mini Dachschund All Coats, Nine ColorsThe Pom Reader September f 46A faithful find is tkQhedicm offfz...Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus, vi. 16Congratulations to a dear friend,Fran Stolland the beautiful Stolanne Pomeranians Take care of yourself, Fran, for me and those lovely Pom babiesQHajitj KeelingBta Ohaig Pchejia'hicnisCongratulations, FranIn working on your Breeder Visit, everyone I talked with remarked on your greatness of character. Thinking on this, I discovered a saying by Woodrow Wilson, Character is a By-Product it is produced in the Great Manufacture of Daily Duty.Your indefatigable professional care of the Stolanne Pomeranians proves that to be so.BEST WISHESLois Bernie CilibertoCrescendo PomeraniansCONGMTUMTIONS TOFMN STOLLand thank you for my little boy. I also would like to thank Evelyn Newyear and Sue Hughes for thinking of me. Nice knowing you all.Congratulations to Fran Stoll and the lovely Stolanne Pomeranians.iKPSdK POMSRON KAREN VILLARREAL8914 N. TAMPA ST TAMPA, FL 33B04 813-935-6584The Pom Reader September 1996fromNINAS STOLANNE TORNADO picturedI LOVE TORYAND WE LOVE YOUNina Berry Berrys PomeraniansP.O. Box 122, Westlake, LA 70669 1-318-494-707247Ch. Absolutes Woody Wina grandson of the gorgeous B.I.S. Ch. Stollanes Thunderbolt Thoriiiaa OUR GROUP WINNING puppy,YVVVlf fjpjshed with three majors one being a 5 point major in Washington under Fred Bassett. We are anxiously awaiting our first litter sired by Woody at press time. We knew he would be great in the ring, but the real challenge is...can he produceWe shall seeCongratulations to our good friend Fran and the gorgeous Stollane PomsYou are truly a special person.pending AKC confirmation\ vVV\ ABSOLUTE POMS JEANNE ROBERT BLANK16060 Brookside Drive, Buchanan, Ml 49107 616-695-7308Ch. Cin-Jan Missy Sassi ClassiCh. Stolannes Stormy Sequel x Russells Lady Christina pending akc confirmationCh. Cin-Jan Missy Sassi Classifinished at the Michiana Kennel Club Show under judge Ken Miller and in the skillful hands of Sue Malek.CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TO FRAN STOLLfor your continued success with your breeding program and in the ring.Thank you for sharing your knowledge, your encouragement, and support.FROMCIN-JAN POMERANIANSJanice Russell 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46222 317-924-9093ifWINNERSBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXHICHIANAKENNEL.A'The Pom Reader SFrOnly One TypeEven though my personal affairs have made it difficult to raise a litter of pups lately, I still get enormous enjoyment out of attending shows and seeing what other people are currently taking into the rings. This is especially true of my own breed, which explains why I was really looking forward to the national specialty.My favorite pastime at such shows has always been to window-shop the dog classes and Breed for likely stud dogs. And the last national gave me a lot of impressive young males to mull over.Regardless of your tastes, there was bound to be a dog present to whet your appetite. They came in a variety of makes and models from the solid, strapping American boys to the sleek, stylish Europeans. It was a real smorgasbord of stud dogs, and it was interesting to sort them out and weigh their potential. It was great to be given plenty to pick from.Or was it.While I found myself appreciating the spectrum of types that happened to be on parade in the ring that day,I have no doubt thered be many other breeders who would be downright shocked and upset by the variation found in these same dogs.Variation is usually not considered an admirable term to be used in the area of pure-bred dogs, where it is considered a duty to strive for levelness in type. Anything else is considered detrimental to a breed.There is only one true type, and that is the type which is described in the standard How many of us have heard that one Probably all. That phrase is supported to such a degree that it is almost set in stone for many breeders, and the sport as a whole.Well, it may be thought of as gospel by breeders, but is this train of thought an absolute necessity for a breed Indeed, is this even a statement that can be applied to dog breeding, regardless of how widely it is supportedBreeds of animals are actually artificial subsets of a species, designed by humans for a particular purpose and kept as separate breeds only by the diligent selection of bloodstock on the part of the owners. They are selectively bred to look and or perform in a specific manner for the benefit and or amusement of human beings. Breeds can most easily be distinguished from each other by differences in physical characteristics what we call type - developed to aid the animal in accomplishing the job it was designed to do. Breeds of animals are not a natural phenomenon, and most would die out in a single generation were it not for the interest of human beings.Now, as I write this, I happen to have snoozing at my feet a pile of dogs that are all of one breed. As they snore away I can look at them and identify each at a glance. So could anyone else who has experience with the breed, for each thanks to their sires is somewhat different in type, and by the breed standard they dont resemble peas in a pod. Yet my non-doggy neighbors are always astounded that I can call each dog by name, as to them the whole pack looks virtually identical.In comparison, I am now looking out the sliding glass doors overlooking the deck and watching as a pair of Sciuridae Carolinesis pussyfoot along the top of the fence planks that make up the dog yard Ill admit up front, I cant tell one from tother, anymore than I can pick these two out from their relatives that infest my yard.Same goes for the hordes of Tamias Striatus that spend the summer munching on the petunias and driving the dogs nuts by placing their burrows right under the deck, scant inches from the snuffling noses of my mutts. From April til October I have to continually keep an eye onBY PAMThe Pom "'adek September 1996 GUEVARA49all the dogs. One of them is always willing to try chewing big hunks out of the deck planking in an effort to reach to reach these little critters.I don't think Im the only one who cant see much difference when it comes to telling individual grey squirrels and chipmunks apart. They all look amazingly alike to these myopic eyes of mine.Fact is, if you look at almost any sort of wild animal you are going to find an adherence to type that would probably be the envy of many in the dog game.The close resemblance they bear for each other is nothing short of amazing. I dont doubt thered be many a dog breeder that would part with their eye teeth to be able to produce purebred dogs with the same degree of accuracy.While it can be little argued that Mother Nature is a very successful kennel manager, it must be remembered that she is also a very unforgiving one as well.There is an excellent reason for the uniformity in appearance that wild animals display - they must be totally sound and functional for the niche they were designed to fill. There is no space for pets in the outdoors. The slightest deviation from the required type, unless you are an improvement, means you're going to get knocked off. So, among wild animals there is rarely any variation in type that would be noticeable to the casual human observer.Domesticated breeds of animals, however, are a different situation, even though at times I get the impression from the dog breedersthat they wished that wasnt the case. While Mother Nature believes in a strong policy of stringently culling those that arent absolutely true to one type, human breeders neednt be as strict in their requirements for the animals they produce. And that news isnt all bad. If we were as strict in our reasons for culling, chances are that none of our breeds of dogs would ever have a chance of developing in the firstplace, as they defy the whole concept of natural selection.No matter how hard you try, youre just never going to get the cookie-cutter sameness in a breed of animal as you are going to find in a wild species of animal. I even have my doubts that there is real wisdom in attempting to bring that situation about, considering that the genepool of most breeds of dogs is already so small that if their registered numbers were compared to those of wild species, most breeds of pure-bred dogs would probably be considered as endangered species.Because pure-bred dogs are a manmade invention, there will always be a certain amount of personal opinion involved in the decision of exactly what is the proper interpretation of any written standard. I have always felt that it is possible to have enough uniformity in a a breed to be able to easily distinguish it from all others, yet still allow for a healthy variation in type that permits a degree of flexibility concerning the translation of that same standard into a real dog.I can understand how all this might soundlike heresy to many veterans of the dog game. So be it, however, I have also noticed that oftentimes those who hold a strict belief about there being only one true type in a breed tend to be so hidebound by their own prejudices that they are incapable of appreciating any view point other than their own. And thats unfortunate for them.So, is there only one true type to be found in a breed Of course not. Breeding dogs has always been an imperfect science, and the written standards generously worded in enough areas as not to demand that show rings be filled with clones. As long as thats the case - and it always will be - there will always be room for differing opinions and breed types to compete in our show rings.Pam GuevaraWhile it can be little argued that Mother Nature is a very successful kennel manager, it must be remembered that she is also a very unforgiving one as well There is an excellent reason for the uniformity in appearance that wild animals display - they must be totally sound and functional for the niche they were designed to fill There is no space for pets in the outdoors...The Pom Reader September 1'52LIBERTI POMERANIANSStella M. Lizambri133 Camelot Drive, Goose Creek, SC 29445803 553-0188Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms lines AKC Registered Puppies OccasionallyERPOMERANIANSTeri S Dan Wilford 3120 Cormorant Drive Jacksonville, FL 32223 904-2E8-3510 262-8434AN PicturedEMCEES A CHIP OF TERI-DANGroup Placer AKC Registered Bred for Conformation, Obedience AgilityPOMPEIIPOMERANIANSElizabeth Aguilar Catherine Harrison 6l23"-8239 612426-2071Minneapolis, MX Mahtomedi, MXPARISPompeiis Paris Reyoso De Troy Ch. Jan-Les Willie Makit xPompeiis Lucina DiamanteHANDLING AVAILABLE PUPPIES AVAILABLE OCCASIONALLY STUD SERVLCE TO APPROVED BITCHESyFINCHS POMERANIANSDiane L. Finch Rural Route 1515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50134Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water Ch. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Apolloette Wild Fire Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket Ch. Pomirish Robins Top ShelfGreat Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines WliiteRed and Whiteblack parti puppiesMMs R1T2SPORTRAITS OF PERFECTIONMary Gene WellsRt. 2 Box 238, Pattonsburg, MO 64670 816 367-2254dromRR 4, CEDAR FALLS, 1A 50613 319-989-2199ROBERT JUANITA FIDOICKoresR\Ea-^\fa DomA STANDARD OF EXCELLENCESEE US FOR YOUR NEXT SHOW POM.Popular lines colors. Blue-BlueTan-Cream-Black-BkTan.Steve Barb Nagy713 Marlboro Road, Stephens City, VA 22655. 540-869-3749.^SHARON MASNICKBENSON RAY2007 VESTRY DRIVE CHARLESTON, SC 29414 8035716165Formerly Pitti Poms PomeraniansPuppies Occasionally.Champion at stud to approved Bitches.Ch. Pitti Pom's Ul Sir Lancelot Wendy SwimmeOFA Patellar Normal at 47 months Chesapeake, VA 757 488-7117POMERANIANSQuality Pups Champion Studs864-472-3002Rosemary E. Regoni385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322Mary Allan 918-485-3010 or 918-485-1040ILL4YIYS POMM1lflSRoute 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467^APhilbrooksijtmczy GCcnnelSusann Philbrook, Owner 1209 Forceville Drive Westampton, NJ 08060Telephone 609267-4644 SjxdaGzmgin...Pomeranians andchfafteseQdost Coins including PartiAutomated Msgs 609267-3799 and Listen to Instructions" "Fax on Demand List of Available Puppies Manually Dial 9"' "To Fax-Manually Dial 0 and the Send Button" Internet Email ECFD88Aprodigy.comtBtbodSnes include 'Bi-'Mdr, banner, CeadarWood, cAriscendb, Cieider,D-dfee, Cffait-Tims, -MiUoinur, Pomheddi, Scotia, andoNatts.oRGS TOYS PEDIGREESP.O. BOX 331354, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233-1354 Tel 904-720-7667 Fax 904-270-1731 NOTE Unforunately, due to new zoning, all calls must be returned collect. New prices are effective immediately for 3 4 generation pedigrees.Pedigrees researched 3-gen 5 4-gen 8 5-gen 15 6-gen 25 7-gen 40.BREED CLUBS ASK ABOUT OUR DONATION SPECIALSThe Pom Readep September 99653Man. A. Rosenbaum 38711 200th Ave. S.E. Auburn, WA 98092 206 833-2160UKPDONNALYNNWRIGHTMERANIANSChampion Stud Service Puppies Grooming Handling200-B Gateway Drive Bel Air, MD 21014 410-879-1459\lBREEDERS PROFESSIONAL HANDLERS Jerry Betsy Owens Ph 818-890-2255283 NW 40 Rd, Clinton, MO 64735 Fax 816-890-2242Home of Multiple Best In Show WinnersMIliflMORKEN ELEANOR MILLER3545 NC HWY 152 E SALISBURY, NC 28146 704-857-1197Lu-9eas PomeraniansMILLAMOR GREAT ELMS BLOODLINEStud Service Puppies OccasionaCCyLOUISE SPROUSE BREEDEROWNER404 Hunter Street, Greenwood, SC 29646 864 229-6054IPLAINNOTPOMS OF DISTINCTIONANNE HENDLERBOX 130 SIMPSON NC 27879 919-758-7143KheisCer sCH. KIMEISLERS SECRET TRADITIONPOMERANIANS9151 S. Darlington Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 918 492-0520Inquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on Request"We breed for quality."ChesaiPomeranians4 lb. Chocolate son of CH. STARLITE LEGACY CHOCO BEAR at stud for limited timeROBERT JOAN REILLY26903 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78258210 980-2667E-MAIL J.REILLYGENIE.GE15.COMGvafenhorstsSpecializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans and ChocolatesAt Grafenhorsts, we are striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.Pictured left, a typical Grafenhorst PomWatch for our Poms in the show ringBreederHORST GRAF12000 NW 2nd Street, Plantation, FL 33325 305 475-2465 Puppies Occasionally Available to ResponsibleLoving HomesThe Pom Reader SeptemAL JAN DOMRASE6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 60072 Phone 815 728-0559 Fax 815 653-5106LDEN'S KENNELHOME OF CHAMPION PARTI GIRLS Ch. Aldens Chilli Pepper Parti picCh. Aldens Lucky Parti Flash Back Ch. Aldens Parti Pepsi Hi Ch. Aldens Parti Chocolate Chip Ch. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-Dot318466-3456OUTHLANDPOMERANIANSCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360Ch. Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor POASTYrTICKIE RANIANS MAJICBREEDEROWNERyj7jzettP.O. Box 50, Corpus Christi, TX 78403-0050 512 992-8233 after 7 p.m.Bred for Soundness QualityMO BETA jpOMSChampion bloodlines with great attitudesJoe DaubenspeckRt. 2, Box 78 Inola, OK 74036 Tel 918 543-3451 Exotic Parti Standard Colors Puppies Young Adults For Show or Pet4"fMar BilPOMERANIANSMARIBILL IFFLAIMDWEST CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 708-876-9622PetiPom PomeraniaPat Cumming 81wE.POMERANIANSMORRIS BETTY CARSON 9826 Walthan Road Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024PUPPIES AVAILABLE FROM Ch. Emcees A Chip of Diamond Ch. Emcees Golden Topo De Oro Ch. Emcees Cloudbusters ImageInquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestBred forHealth, Soundness BeautyBased upon Theldun, Rhea-Na, Starfires, Bev-Nors, Great Elms. "PUPPIES AVAILABLEROBERT REGINA NUNNRt 1, Box 2890, Berryville, VA 22611 540-955-1209Home of Am. Can. Ch. Reginapoms Luv-A-GatorJD'S POMPOUS POMSHome OfCh. JDs Truly A Gem Ch. JDs Midnight Oil Ch. JRs Yankee Doodle Dandy while hes pursuing his career Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestJanet Hovey, 5549 W. Ave. M-2, Quartz Hill, CA 93536-3112.Tel 805 722-3307.- .Show Pet Puppies Stud Servicec emeswsieasijNINA M. BERRY 3821 Venable Westlake, LA 70669 318-494-7072TZfinncMiLinetree Pomeranians318 West Grahm, Dixon, IL 61021 815 284-3298TZti gr IZennellThe Pom Rf.adep Sfptember199655i oce3'11KENNELS0KENNELSPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY INWHITE, CREAM, BLUE, CHOCOLATE, SABLE ORANGEEXOTIC SHINING STAR NEUJAHRShesIceWhiteWatch for her in the ringKENNELJudy StoneRt. 3 Box 141 Doniphan, MO 63935KENNELMolly McDaniel Patricia RowleyP.0. Box 41, Doniphan, MO B3935Phone 573-996-2942CRESCENDOVPoMERANIANsVBERNIE LOIS CILIBERTO 813-996-549920044 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FL 34639ASince 1959RosewoodPOMERANIANSExquisite home-raised Ch. sired puppies. Reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone calls preferred. Mary A. Hammond. Rt. 4. Box 90, Eolia, MO 63344. Tel 573-485-7667.SZriemdsiy' is. Zie a sfteeialjjtit iat accsfmpraicey to- TZZumAuow, fZmii ZCZmieZZ^for aZnoimp 3. Zoso ZZirey ZZZeat ZB'eaZo ZZZZoZ to visit afrnr osru, ZacZies iai summerUticereu,.fzf\Sy. ffamzsy QjifjZo, tjiSASCOLOR-BREDWHITES, REDS and EXOTICSSUE HUGHESPO BOX 57, SOD, WV 25564 304-756-9356CH. BEV-NOR SOUTHLAND SINSATION isour main man. Quality puppies and young adults occasionally.RAMONA J. SMITH, Box 833, Belfield, ND 58622. Tel 701-575-4125.m.1TAR HAVENJANICE YOUNG Puppies available sired618 W. Springfield Road bv BSS CHSt. Clair, MO 63077 STAR HAVENS314-629-2754 RIGHTEOUS ROCKiNEUJAHR P0H5Co lo - 3 re cl VdZiltc^s PETS ONLY EVELYN NEWYEAR4478 River Street Willoughby, OH 44094 216-946-1226RAINEY'SCOUNTRY COTTAGEPups for pet show occasional breeding stock. Bloodlines include Emcee's, Janesa's, JD's, Millamor, Great Elms, Tomanolls. Pedigrees Stud Fees on Request. Gail Rainey, P.O. Box 136, McKenzie, TN 38201. Call 901-352-2095 2 year old female - Chriscendo LineGr. dau. of Cloud Buster and Calvin Klein 600. 4 yr. old female - Chriscendo Line - Cloud Buster Dau. 600.Due October Utter sired by Sir Blitzen son whiteLitter sired by Prince Charming sonMISCHLA NGUYENPO BOX 27131, SANTA ANA, CA 92799 - 1-714-641-1601Only the Bestis good enough for your Pom.The Pom ReaderYOUR SHOWCASE FOR PUREBRED POMERANIANSThe Pom Reader September199656September 1996r wmSubmit your cute photo for our popularPlaymates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film.I swear it wasnt me who tracked in all thatmudcourtesy of Beverly Pollen of Tacoma, Washingtion-. HPThis winning can beexhausting for Roc-RocA courtesy of Owner Ginger Kilbreth of Chesapeake, Virginia.iThe Pom Reader September 199657vtxcrctcccuxy J^-ZZGailellens Inkspot of WynmorJazz is making music by winning two Bests of Breed under Judges Dawn Vick Hansen and Dr. Samuel Draper.He is a stunning black dog of 3 12 poundsThank you all of his fans.He just needs a Major to finish.Thanks to Gail Rodgers for selling Jazz to me...POMERANIANS ROBERTA PODOLIN8820 Towanda Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 215-242-4348Promising Whites at WynmorCongratulations to Fran Stoll on your kennel visit.You are a truly dedicated Pomeranian breeder with excellent results.Good luck with your Whites Sire Kim Karas Soft as aWhisper, owned by Linda HerrmannDam Wynmors White Swan0JdLkThese white puppies go back to Ch. Ryals Sir Blitzen 5 times in their pedigree and will be the beginning of our white line.Thank you Linda for your continuing help.POMERANIANS ROBERTA PODOLIN8820 Towanda Street Philadelphia, PA 19118 215-242-4348The Pom Reader September 1996Rmidoms leading Stud Dogs, their pictures and Pedigrees - in one handy reference bookYouast.foritSll996X.THEPOMr 5Stud DogrNo more photocopying pedigrees, hunting for photos, and paying lots of postage to tell people about your Stud Dog59Your dogs stunning black white picture, 3-generation pedigree, and information will go out to over 1,000 interested Pom people...all for75PER PAGEHandy catalogue size, this directory will be the most valued Pom reference book around for years to comeDONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO TELL THE WORLD ABOUT YOUR STUD DOG.The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory will be mailed free of charge to all paid subscribersADS WILL APPEAR IN THE ORDER RECEIVED - DONT DELAY - SEND YOUR AD TODAYDEADLINE OCTODER 15Mail photo, pedigree, 50 words of copy or less, and payment toTHE POM READER STUD DOG DIRECTORY8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604 TEL 941-858-3839 FAX 941-853-3624We Honor VISA MASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESSRegistered NameYour fa Stud he9XI 9mPaternal Grandsire SirePaternal GranddamYOUR FABULOUS STUD DOGA Maternal GrandsireH DamGreat Grandsire Great Granddam Great GrandsireiGreat Granddam Great Grandsire Great GranddamGreat Grandsire Maternal GranddamGreat GranddamBrief remarks about your dog, his show career, or his get. Stud fee or any other pertinent information may be included. Less than 50 words.YOUR NAMEKENNEL NAME ADDRESSPHONE FAX IF DESIREDThe Pom Reader September 199660And also a big thank you for handling my Thor daughter to her Championship. Without you, it would not have been possible. You are a very special and caring person who is always there with help and encouragement. I wish you continued success.Twenty21777 N. Cumberland Road Noblesville, IN 46060 317 773-5912, A...Ch. Koh-I-Noors Dream Come Truewith her friend Fran. AT MO BETA WE PARTI HARDYTO4-Aa-_ U.fM'.Ml1 T1 ' t44.V'.OH YES, SOME ARE FOR SALEMO BETA POMS JOE OAUBEN5PECKRT. 2, BOX 78, INOLA, OK 74036 013-543-3451The Pom Reader September 199661Ch. Finchs4THANK YOU ALLfor the many letters and calls, and all the wonderful comments in appreciation of Cubby both in this country and abroad.THANK YOU JUDGESH. BERMAN GROUP 1 A. HARPER GROUP 1 A. TREEN GROUP 2 DR H SMITH, JR GROUP 4KAVConopififo to tnf frUcnd 7-hfin, Stoll on hefr tfcoincJ oiit. tyoui knowledge oft and dedication to tJm toeed ts \confidefi6l. 'Thfinoi ftoi- the ftfuendihif find fill theftun tune.Donna S. Riehm669 Ava Road, Murphysboro, IL 62966 PH 618-684-4644 E-Mail mom4pomsaol.comThe Pom Reader September 199662Mu,YourShowcaseforPurebredPomeraniansSUBSCRIPTIONRATESin U.S. Dollars 11 Issues Per Year Domestic39 3rd class postage 60 1st class postageForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 6.00 each Back Issues 6.00 eachSubject to availabilityuIE R F OjH7fSusADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAnnualPrepaidAd Size Contract Open RateFull Page Deluxe Color 337.50 375.00Full Page Standard Color NA 250.00Full Page Black White 112.00 125.00Half Page 60.00 75-0014 Page 32.00 40.0018 Page 20.00 25-00116 Page 12.00 15-00STORK REPORT NA 10.00All ads 14 page and larger include one photo. Extra black white photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes color photo, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, positionchosen by publisher.ADVERTISING INFORMATIONLois Ciliberto Tel 813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-9613SUBSCRIPTIONSBY MAIL BY PHONEFAXThe Pom Reader Tel 941-858-3839Circulation Department Fax 941-853-36248848 Beverly Hills Telephone Fax orders byLakeland, FL 33809-1604 credit card onlyTHE POM READER VISITSOCTOBERSuzanne BerneySuber PomeraniansNOVEMBERBrenda Phil SegelkenFame PomeraniansDECEMBERJoe DaubenspeckMo Beta PomeraniansCongratulatory ad space is available. Call Lois Ciliberto 813-996-5499 for reservation information.The Pom Reader September 199663STOLANNE Siun n3uIS LL 1u ^Z-3HT199ftLXK- .CH. STOLANNES STORMY SEQUEL X POMPUF WHITE LILLYThis flashy" white 6oy shows CoveCy Tom type zvith very bCach^pigment and great attitude. We betieve hezoitt do his owners proudBREEDEROWNERStoianne Tran StottR.R. 3, ROX 429, WASHINGTON, IN 47501 1812 254-3857CO-BREEDERCO-OWNERfleujahr TveCyn SJewyear4478 RIVER STREET, WILLOUGHBY, OH 44094216 946-1226AThe Pom Reader September 1996NEUHAHR STOLAMVEn9TEAM UP TO PRODUCEQUALITY' TAZZ AND MONTY ARE THE FIRST WHITE BOYS OF CH. NABOB HES STOLANNE MYHEART AND NABOBS START THE NEUJAHRIGHT. THANK YOU, NAN SHARTEL, FOR HELPING US TO SUCH A GREAT BEGINNINGStoLanne tttan StottR.R. 3, BOX 429, WASHINGTON, IN 47501 18121 254-38579\eujaftr Evelyn 9ezvyear4478 RIVER STREET, WILLOUGHBY, OH 44094[216 946-1226LTIm HEIDI BATTES PR 197 E. DUBISSON RD.PASS CHRISTIAN MS 38571-9559 I USA 3^ iBlYftnhiBULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FL