The Pom Reader October 1996

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9r' f AyiMOCTOBER 1996 VOLUME NUMBER EIGHTA3T\ ,b\ V -rmJ -T-PCr-fr. V wft 4r i'CI,- ISN rVj SSfA 'di.Ti.Vi. mj.- ^ r ..1 1ft S.'._____On The Coverwe present Golden Aires Moon Dance, Golden Aires Moon Chip, BenRays Emmy Too Too, and Ben Aires Medallion. Dance and Chip are sired by Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker x Golden Aires Make A Wish 9 pts.. Too Too is sired by African Am. Ch. Golden Aires Moonstruck x Ch. BenRays Emmy Timstopper. Dally is sired by Ch. Golden Aires True Reward x Golden Aires Mira O Millamor.GOLDEN AIRES ILL BEN RAY Bennie Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker x Golden Aires Robin Western Express daughterBEN AIRES MADELINEMattieCh. Golden Aires True Reward x De Artas Waltzing Matilda --TWe still smile with pleasure at our Senior Citizen, Ch. BenRays Sundancing Simon, pictured at nine years of age.V1995 CCPC VETERAN DOG SEPTEMBER 1996 CHARLESTON KENNEL CLUBVETERAN DOG1996 CCPC VETERAN DOG' The Pom Reader October 1996Sharon and I, both having grown up on farms in separate parts of the country, still look forward to the fall of the year.When fall arrives, we have always known that when the bachelors buttons bloom, you had better have it in your hands...or you will surely wait till next years harvest.CONGRATULATIIONS to Daphne Bower on finishing Ch. Golden Aires Free Style in Australia and to Angie Rosenberger on her four-point major on Golden Aires Send Me A Lover Luv at her first show in Alaska.We are proud to announce our first Utter from Ch. BenRays Masterpiece x Ch. BenRays Emmy Timstopper.14r32fitl - fafi 1m-Vtf , \ f40BEST OF WINNERSDEL-OTSE- NANGO KCJune 28. 1996 C Perry PhillipsCh Shfifr trtUiciiMtifaPictured here with judge Dr. Bernard L. Esporite and Handler Pam Dziuk. Congratulations Clarice and Yvette Oganeku on finishing Ch. Jan-Shars Magic Touch and good luck with Jan-Shars Make Mine A Double.304-497-2446 days 304-497-2289 Fax nights]The Pom Reader October 19964'P'leeuted 'PwCeTANNERis shown taking a Group II on his first weekend out handled by Benson E. Ray. Many thanks to Mrs. Virginia Hampton for appreciating Tanners type, soundness, and ring presence.SPECIALTHANKSto Benson E. Ray Sharon Masnick for their care and handling ofTANNER.TANNERwill be at stud to approved bitches until February of 1997 with Benson Sharon. Fee and pedigree upon request..8- K,-w'PI.LrpIImm-lOMWlANGELICS BIT O PRID TANNER JOBreeder OwnerDIANA POLLARD23 Thomas Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 914-473-1358The Pom Reader October 1996Handled ByBENSON E. RAY SHARON MASNICK2007 Vestry Drive, Charleston, SC 29414803-571-6165CH. MAJESTIC'S I'M JES MEANT TO BE'mMmJesse-Be featured here with Sweepstakes Breeder-Judge Mrs.Beverly Norris of the noted Bev-Nor line going Best in Sweepstakes at 6-12 months of age.THANK YOUFinishing her Championship the same day her father wentBEST IN SHOWSIRE BISA, BISS CH. MAJESTICS WILLIE B STEPPN UP DAM CH. MAJESTICS I BE ON PARADEBISA, MULTIPLE BISSCH. MAJESTICS WILLIE B STEPPN UPWINS BEST IN SHOWPictured here with popular Judge Mr. James MoranTHANK YOU, SIRGroup Judge Mr. Leslie Rogers B.I.S. Judge Mrs. Jean SchrollTHANK YOU FOR THIS MOST MEMORABLE WINP.O. BOX 50, CORPUS CHRISTI, TX 78401 512-992-8233 after 7 pmThe Pom Reader October 1996EflftSt it-' A. r.- tiLiTHE POMft vOCTOBER 1996 VOLUME XU, NUMBER EIGHT10. DID YOU KNOW by Sharon MasnickVitamins Brewers Yeast Decorating for the Dogs14. OLYMPIA aka Lois CilibertoFor love ofThumbelina18. PR PLAYMATESOur pup-ular candid photo department. Also p.39.20. NEW CHAMPIONSTitles confirmed Septetnber 199622. KNOCK, KNOCK WHOS THEREThe Pom Reader visits Suber Pomeranians28. A WORD TO ME WISE by Seymour WeissShowing Puppies30. PR TOP TEN - GROUP SYSTEMBy dogs defeated in Breed, Group Best In Show30. PR TOP TEN - BREED SYSTEMBy dogs defeated in Best of Breed competition39. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising subscription ratesTHE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doh-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thru 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this pubhcation may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editorially or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. TheThe Pom Reader October 1996editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for 3rd Class service in the United States 39-00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 60.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request. ALL ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC-LICENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP AND ALLBREED JUDGES. Direct ah inquiries toJoe McGinnis, Editor 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604 TEL 941-858-3839. FAX 941-853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.INDEX TO ADVERTISERSAGUILAR, E........................ 34ALLAN, M ...........................34BAPTISTA, A ......................40BAY COLONY PC ..............19BERNEY, S.............................9BERRY, N.............................36BONNELL, B M...............36BOWYER, D .................. 32,33CAPLAN, C .........................29CARSON, M B ................36CAUDURO, F.......................40CILIBERTO, L..................... 27CILIBERTO, L..................... 37CREED, C.............................36CUMMINGS, P.................... 36DAUBEN SPECK J .............36DAVIS, AE........................13DOMRASE, AJ..................36FIDDICK, RJ..................... 34FINCH, D..............................34GRAF, H...............................35GREEN, J..............................27HAMMOND, M ...................37HANSON, S ...........................3HARRISON, C .....................34HENDLER, A ......................35HOVEY, J............................. 36HUGHES, S ......................... 37IFFLAND, M B ................36KIEFFER, D ...........................8KNIESLER, M......................35LIZAMBRI, S....................... 36MASNICK, S ......................1,2MASNICK, S........................34McDANIEL, M ....................37McGUINESS, B ..............32,33MILLER, K E...................35MORROW, T T.................. 7NAGY, B S.......................29NAGY, S B.......................34NEWYEAR, E......................13NEWYEAR, E......................37NUNN, RR ........................36OHIO VALLEY PC .............19OWENS, JB.......................35PC OF GRTR BALTMORE .27PHILBROOK, S ...................34POLLARD, D ........................4RAINEY, G...........................37RAY, B ................................1,2RAY, B..................................34REED, S................................37REGONI, R...........................34REILLY, RJ.......................35RGS POMS PEDS ...........34ROGERS-RISTER, A ............5ROGERS-RISTER, A ..........36ROSENBAUM, M ...............35ROWLEY, P......................... 37SMITH, R..............................37SPROUSE, L........................ 35STONE, J..............................37SWIMME, W........................34TENNEY, C C.................. 29WELLS, M G....................34WILFORD, T D................ 34WRIGHT, D..........................21WRIGHT, D..........................35YOUNG, J ............................37Terimar PomsBELLE. VVIcTERIMARS BELLE STARROWNER SHEILA PADILLA XEHOTSIJx . i Kv XKf5l,WIIC CH. TERIMARS DARK LADY DIXIE JCH. TERIMARS I'M A HQTSTEPPERIN THEWINNERS CIRCLETYLER ei 1COKIE ' Prc CH. TERIMARS PLAYBOY TYLER OWNER SHEILA PADILLATERIMARS CHOCLAT ANIMATIONLTAr ,.A,cTERIMARS LOOKIN' TOTALY AWSOM HANY HORE TO COME SOONThank You Judges for seeing the quality of our PomsSPECIAL THANKS TO OUR HANDLER, JACKIE RAVNER, ANN CANNON, ROBERT S. REGINA NUNN, BARBARA NAGY, DELORES WATTS, SHEILA PADILLA, WES SHANK EVERYONE WHO HAS HELPED US WITH OUR SUCCESS.Show Quality Black Tan Male for sale. Others also available.TIM Sl TERRY MORROW 1246 N. Frederick Pike, Winchester, VA 22603 540-667-7490The Pom Reader October 1996rrCongratulations toPomeranians-BROTHERS WIN BACK TO BACK TOY GROUPSCruises the repeat breeding of Topper, both by Ch. Rock N Tradition Of Oakridge x Heartlands Almost An Angel."loppejiCH. HEARTLANDS TOP NOTCH TRADITIONGROUP 1 9896 CLERMONT COUNTY KCThanks to Judge Betty Munden, pictured, for this special win.Also thank you to Ron Feyhfor handling him.Qjmise.HEARTLANDS TOP GUN TRADITIONGROUP ONE ON 91596 LAFAYETTE KENNEL CLUBThanks and Appreciation to Judge Sadie Thorn, pictured.Lacks 1 point of being Jinished.CONGRATULATIONS TO SUE BERNEY ON HER KENNEL VISIT.r4...r.ToyCroup-IfOSX^Diowkae e7523 N. ST. RD. 101, MILAN, IN 47031 812-623-2290The Pom Reader October 19969FOR MY KENNEL VISIT9iVQoeieao it or not tii m era ItySty.SUZANNE G. BERNEY 4815 WARDS CHAPEL RD OWINGS MILLS, MD 21117The Pom Reader October 199610Pim ID YOU KNOW...Everyone has heard about vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fiber, fats, and protein but do we really know the full importance of these nutrientsThere is no doubt that dogs are carnivores. Our dogs descended from a large family of carnivores wild predatory animals that survived by eating other animals. The digestive system of our dogs is very similar to that of his forefathers. This means our dogs are meat-eaters but not an animal that exclusively eats meat.Fats are essential in every dogs diet. Fats are the best source of energy. Energy is needed to maintain the body, to run, to play and to grow. Fats contain about 2.5 times more available energy than carbohydrates or proteins. Fat soluble vitamins help protect our dogs against cold, protect the body organs, and help promote healthy coats.Carbohydrates are the primary source for short-term energy such as running. Carbohydrates also help to provide fiber which is necessary is a-bySharonMasnickbowel regulator and also influences the absorption of nutrients.Proteins serve as the building blocks for muscle, bone, blood, and also they help the immune system prevent disease. Source of protein are found in meat, fish chicken, egg and soya or wheat. Proteins found in eggs and chicken help to keep the stools firm and small.Vitamins and minerals help our dogs develop his bones, teeth, and coat. A balanced food should contain all the required vitamins, minerals and trace elements, balanced to the energy content of the food. Excess vitamins may lead to diseases.Water is a very important nutrient to our dogs. Dogs should have fresh water available at all times.Remember that need for variety is a human trait so feed your dogs a complete and balanced diet that he enjoys and remains healthy on.nm ID YOU KNOW...If dogs come in we usually rearrange thedecorating.The following article deals with living with dogs. Permission to print this article was given by Mike Walsh.As we often say in the canine community, lets cut to the chase. Some of you humans are making us and yourselves-crazy. Your behavior is downright schizophrenic, and its making nervous wrecks out of both of our species.On the one paw, you want our unconditional love and loyalty, tail- wagging adoration and constant companionship - all those fuzzy- wuzzy feelings you have come to expect from those of us with cold noses and warm hearts. On the other, you pant for picture-perfect rooms, stylishly decorated, fashionably appointed - hopelessly impractical.Well, chew on this You cant have both. And the sooner you face up to that simple fact, the better for both of us.The Pom Reader October 1996DID YOU KNOWnWhen you let a dog in the back door you can throw your dream- house aspirations out the window. Yes, it may seem like a sacrifice now, but youll thank us later. Youll save tons of money by not having to buy expensive fabrics, furnishings and floor coverings. You wont have to obsess over housekeeping. Thats the truth, and as a member of your species said, the truth shall make you free.Not that we mean to be, well, dogmatic. Were more than willing to compromise. After all, at bottom, we both want the same thing, right A place that provides protection from the elements and co2y comfort. Period. Everything else is icing.But honestly, when you decide to live with a dog, you need to make a reality check. Scrap those old notions about decorating. Buttery damask, creamy chenille and oatmeal Berber Forget it. Ditto for pale pastels, black velvet, shiny satins and delicate silks.Listen, its for your own good.You can spend the rest of your life barking DOWN and NO or you can give in and get real and make the most of our time together.Sooner or later, youre going to relent anyway. One day youre going to let a sleeping dog lie - on the couch, in your easy chair, on the foot of the bed - because youve found him there for the millionth time and because you no longer have the resolve to resist the inevitable.So, why wait for defeat by your four-footed friend Why fight a battle you cant and in your heart really dont want to win You cant beat us, so do yourself a favor and join us. Well scooch over.Were not just decorative accesWerenot just decorative accessories, you know. Were not living knick- knacks, either. No, were and how many times have we heard this - MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY. How many times have you flung a newspaper at your kinfolk to keep THEM off the reclinersories, you know. Were not living knickknacks, either. No, were and how many times have we heard this - MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY. How many times have you flung a newspaper at your kin-folk to keep THEM off the reclinerWere even willing to let you take it a step at a time, it it bothers you that much rug, chair, sofa, bed in that order. See, in terms of comfort, our priorities are not really so different from yours. We prefer incrementally softer surfaces to hard ones. Is that so hard to understandLook, for a change, follow OUR lead. Best color scheme Earth tones win paws down. From where we sit on the sofa, by rights dirt colors are tops. That way we dont get blamed. Anticipating your reluctance, however, we also suggest pine-needle green, gravel gray, tobacco-brown, deep-sea blue, spice colors, autumn-leaf shades ... you get the idea. These are the hues most species on the Earth live with quite happily. Get with the program.Pattern Again, a sensible camouflage print of the sort found in Army fatigues makes the most sense to us. You can compromise, though, with any dense print from paisley to plaid, as long as it has a dark background. Save the light colors, subtle patterns and delicate fabrics for the draperies. We just dont care about window treatments one way or the other, so knock yourself out.Of course, it could make sense just to decorate around your dog. Black dog Black sofa. Brown dog Brown carpeting. White dog Well, a white dog is not any more capable of wiping its feet on the mat or its muzzle on a napkin than a dog of another color, so were back to dirt- tolerant earth tones Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader October 199612Did You Know...Which brings us to shedding.Hey, its what we do, all right Judging from the sales of Minoxidil and sundry other hair-replacement products, its what you do too. And you dont hear us whining, do you Eeeew, Spike, theres a human hair in my Alpo. EeeechCommon sense says that if you have a navy bedspread and a black mohair sofa, then you shouldnt let yourself fall in love with a white or blond dog. Choose a dog that fits your color scheme, or a color scheme that suits your dog. Just dont come yapping to us because we have fur coats. Its the way were made.Ditto for upholstery fabrics. In a contest between our nails and your loose weaves, knits, nubby textures and anything quilted, the upholstery will lose every time. For the benefit of both of us, stick to lightly woven, snag-resistant yard goods for cushions, and avoid corduroys and any fuzzy fabric that tends to mat and shine after weve licked our, uh, paws too.Oh, and slipcovers. Slipcovers are so smart that, if they didnt already exist, a dog would have to invent them just to keep peace in the household. Of course, an old Army blanket thrown over a sofa works just as well as far as were concerned.If you havent noticed, dogs have claws, and claws will scratch wood floors. Shoes will scratch wood floors too. So will furniture. If you have wood floors and a dog, youll have scratch marks, no matter if you have polyurethane an inch thick.Get used to it, get over it or call the carpet installer.Mike Walshnm ID YOU KNOW...Brewers Yeast Its a food Its afood supplement Who cares Its so rich in so many basic nutrients that lots of experts have stopped trying to describe brewers yeast and have simply taken to recommending it.But its still a little ironic that nutrient-rich brewers yeast comes out of the same vats as nutrient-poor sugar. Brewers use yeast to ferment barley and hops into beer, but you should use it as a concentrated source of B vitamins, minerals and high-quality protein. This wonder yeast contains thiamine, riboflavin, B^ and folate.Plus, its 40 to 50 percent protein by weight, contains very little fat and is a rich source of several important minerals - iron, potassium, calcium and, perhaps most important, chromium.Besides adding this all-purpose nutrition to our lives, brewers yeast also works directly to fight two major health problems diabetes especially the type that strikes older people and cholesterol-induced heart disease.Diabetes represents a failure of the bodys system of carbohydrate metabolism. People with the disease have trouble regulating the use of the glucose blood sugar produced from the carbohydrates they eat, and they may require injections of insulin to do the job. But scientists are finding that the dependence of some patients those with adult-onset diabetes on insulin can be decreased, even eliminated, through the manipulation of their diet. These researchers have found that rats with problems of sugar metabolism were helped when Brewers yeastwas added to their diets and they determined that it was the trace mineral chromium doing the trick. Chromium is chemically linked to a combination of Niacin and amino acids in a way that helps it increase the effectiveness of the bodys own insulin in regulating blood sugar levels.Chromiums benefits apply to humans as well as to rats. In one demonstration of that fact, scientists at Columbia University worked with elderly people, some of them diabetic and some of them not. The volunteers were fed either chromium-rich brewers yeast or chromium-poor torula yeast as a supplement to their diet. The brewers yeast improved sugar metabolism, not just in the diabetic patients, but in all the people tested.On a second front, brewers yeast also looks like a strong weapon in the fight against cholesterol and heart disease. J. Clint Elwood, Ph.D., a professor of biochemistry, and his colleagues at the State University of New York, Upstate Medical Center at Syracuse, studied the effect of brewers yeast on serum cholesterol.In the first trial, volunteers were instructed to take 20 grams about 2 tablespoons of brewers yeast each day for a total of eight weeks. After the eight weeks, blood tests revealed that the cholesterol levels of the group had decreased significantly, says Dr. Elwood. The average decrease for all subjects was 10 percent, but a few of the volunteers had truly dramatic reductions in then- total cholesterol levels. One dropped by approximately 110 points, while another decreased by 100, placing them both within a normal range.Sharon Masnick2007 Vestry Drive Charleston, SC29414by Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader October 1996In Loving, Memory of Ch. Nabobs Talk Of The TownyV ALL THE GOOD DOGSWhat purpose did they serve, all the good dogs that once ran through the world and wait now in the shadowy quiet of the pastThey lightened our burdens and drove away our enemies and stayed when others left us. They gave aid and comfort, protection and security. They held a mirror wherein we might see ourselves as we long to be. They gave us a glimpse of the world beyond the narrow coniines of our own species.Although we make dull students, slowly they help us learn how to command and to protect with wisdom and justice and imagination.They taught us and still teach us the joy of giving generosity and kindness and love - without thought of gainful return.And now - all the fleet hounds, the staunch mastiffs, the loyal shepherds, the dancing toys, the fumbling puppies, pets on silk pillows, workers plodding at their tasks, the special ones you loved best, those of ours we still miss - all the good dogs, goodbye, until on some brighter day, in some fairer place you run out again to greet us.George and Helen PapashvilyOur hearts are with you, Nan Shartel, on the loss of your dear little Marquis. Evelyn Newyear Neujahr Poms 4478 Piver Street, Willoughby, Ohio 44094AMCAN CH. MORENOS PERRI WINKLECh Sweethearts Forever Bravo x Ch. Morenos Buttercup Blossom.PERRI WAS RATED 3 POM IN THE U.S. IN THE TOP 20 IN ALL-TOY RATINGS IN 1993A big thanks to our pal Julie Moreno for allowing us to co-own this beautiful boyi. iWE ARE EXPECTING LITTERS BYCH. STARFIRES ARMANI, AMCAN CH. MORENOS PERRI WINKLE, S. BISS CH. STARFIRE'S SUPERMAN.AVALON WISHES TO THANK JULIE MORENO, TONY FABIAN, VERONICA BOUDREAU AND ALL THE OTHER GOOD FRIENDS WHO HAVE HELPED MAKE OUR BREEDING PROGRAM A SUCCESS.ANNETTE ERIC DAVIS 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204 208-234-0932 FAX 208-234-0792CH. STARFIRES ARMANI MULTIPLE GROUP WINNING AMCAN. CH. MORENO'S PERRI WINKLE [co-owned with Julie Moreno Quality Puppies available occasionally. Inquiries Wecome.The Pom Reader October 199614AKA Lois Ciliberto5-.AkLYMPIADogs Howl AndThis is Thumbelinas Story...In the recent September issue of The Reader, my column dealt with heros and villains, and at the finale I mentioned that this column would be devoted to a canine heroine. Thumbelina is a Pom miracle, if not actually a heroine in the sense of having performed some heroic deed in order to save a life. etc. But she did become a Poster Child for the Animal Medical Center of New York City and her story is one which I simply cant deny sharing with our readers. Here is Thumbelinas story in the words of her BreederOwner, and in the words of the Animal Medical Center that saved her lifeFor love of ThumbelinaBY LINDA HERRMANNDaybreak...Id been driving for hours when the sun rose over Manhattan. The New York City skyline looked like an oasis to me through my tears. The finest Animal Medical Center on the east coast lies on the other side of the George Washington Bridge from where I sat snarled in traffic...time ticking away rapidly...Thumbelina barely alive snuggled in sherpa in my mothers lap...a far cry from that joyous moment I had first set eyes on her only 3-12 weeks earlier. Not much bigger than my thumb, she arrived in this world and stole my heart...Her birth had been a very difficult one that after an entire night of counting contractions and calling my vet at home to try to convince him to meet us at his clinic...resulted in a C-Section on my beautiful wolf sable gal, Gidget. I was as exhausted as poor Gidget that morning...disappointed in the lack of immediate response of my vet and questioning why men dont think birth is such a big deal to worry about its expediency.Thumbie was the runt of the litter. She was always getting pushed aside so I started supplementing her with a bottle from the start...around the clock. She knew my body when I would enter the room even with her eyes yet unopened. Her tongue would comeT. llThePom Reader October 199615Continuedout and shed start smacking her lips anticipating her bobby. She had me wrapped around her thumb so to speak and I was totally in love with her...she was my innocent angel.On Thanksgiving Day I had let three hours lapse between bottles due to having company. I arrived in my bedroom to find Thumbie in the middle of the floor on her back screaming her heart out. Her mom decided to move the litter under my bed for fear the company would come upstairs and take her babies I guess. I scooped up Thumbie and ran for the phone to call the vet, and her head had an enormous lump on it.A young vet was on call that day and I was worried about his competency but I had no choice. He refused to x-ray her, would not give me an antibiotic, and insisted she have a shot of Dexamethasone to relieve the swelling. I was very upset about the lack of concern on the vets behalf, but even more concerned about the effects on Thumbies little immune system that the drug would have since I knew that it would shut off her immuno response temporarily.Home I went with my wounded angel.Within 4 days her head was so engorged that her eyes were sealed shut and pushed grotesquely from their sockets...she was dying. I rushed back to the vet and insisted on an elder vet examining her. He decided she had an abcess on her head and took her to another room to lance it. He returned with her in his hand, screaming her head off...incision dripping blood down her face...and announced to me that she needed to be euthanized immediately...that she was hydrocephalic and that there was no fixing this problem. Herscreams were all I really heard after that. I became furious at this horrible sight of my baby suffering and lying in the palm of the hand of someone who was insisting on killing her. I said she is not hydrocephalic, she was fine until her mom moved her the other day and she got hurt...stitch her head up Ill find somebody to help her. After trying to convince me to let him kill her again he finally gave in and closed the incision, and stormed off. Now what, where, who...FAST...the drive homewas hell. All that blood...all those I had to play beat the clock to save her life.Exhausting every vets office within a 50 mile radius of my house with phone calls I became despondent...even Cornell Universitys small animal clinics neurologist turned me down after he spoke to my vet on the phone...I was crushed.Finally at 10pm that night I was able to catch the heartstrings of theappointment desk operator at the Animal Medical Center in New York City, She gave me an appointment with the chief of their neurology department for the first thing in the morning - a light at the end of the tunnel...someone was willing to at least see my baby and form then- own diagnosis without speaking to my vet.But there we sat snarled in traffic...Thumbie clinging to life...and our appointment already an hour past its scheduled time. Choking on my tears, I held her in my hand...felt her tiny heartbeat...listened to those tender baby sounds...she didnt have long to live and I was dying inside.I skidded into the parking garage...frantically valeted the car and ran inside. I was crying hysterically at that point...yelling my puppy is dying...they wisked us away into an exam room where we were immediately seen by a doctor while they paged Dr. Richard Joseph, Chief of Neurology. They wasted no time in tending to her.Dr. Joseph took a look at her and I could see through my tears that his face was definitely concerned. He wanted to know who diagnosed her, where are the x-rays, who cut her head open, and what antibiotic she was given. Well, when I told him the story he was pretty upset. He then proceeded to tell me that if she were a true hydrocephalic he could indeed help her as he has many patients with such a condition if shunted, live normal lives.However, he did not think this was the case but needed to x-ray her to give me an accurate diagnosis. Off they went.He returned with a fleet of doctors. Showing me on the films thatThe Pom Reader October 1996aka Lois Ciliberto16Continuedher brain was infected from frontal sinus all the way back to the cerebral cortex...I stood there in horror as he explained that this is commonly seen when a mama dog or cat moves her babies, very often a tooth will accidently puncture the skin and since there is enough bacteria on a tooth to cause an immediate infection which was the lump I saw on her head Thanksgiving Day that Thumbelina now had her entire brain infected because she was not given an antibiotic right after she got hurt. At this point her life was nearing its end. She had a one in one hundred chance at survival if they operated on her.The Dexamethasone shut off her immune system, as all steroids do, and here we stood at the crossroads of life and death. My heart broke...the one in one hundred odds he kept stressing...I was crying so hysterically at that point that the only thing I heard next out of all the conversation was WE ARE WILLING TO TRY TO SAVE HER BUT YOU MUST REMEMBER THAT EVERYTHING IS STACKED AGAINST HER AT THIS POINT...WE HAVE THE EXPERTISE TO OPERATE BUT SHE IS WEAK...ITS YOUR DECISION Well, to a mom, one in one hundred is better than zero in one there was no question about it. We were going all the wayI kissed her goodby and off they all ran.She was whisked to ICU and there the neurological team went to work on her.Neurosurgeon Dr. Heidi Hottinger performed the delicate task of opening the skull of this tiny angel. She then proceeded to remove whateverinfection she could from the brain orbit. Two tiny drain holes with hoses were placed into her skull so that they could flush and drain the brain orbit every few hours thereafter. A catheter was placed into her bone marrow to get a direct antibiotic drip into her blood stream. She also needed a blood transfusion from the loss of all her blood from the initial incision that my vet made. All this on a 3-12 week Pom puppy the size of a hamster-IHer doctors fell in love with her and 24 hours a day she was tended in ICU by a neurologist. I drove the switchboard crazy every few hours checking on her. When I heard they were tube feeding her because she would not nurse the bottle, I got in the car and flew to NYC with a bottle and her formula. This was post surgery day 3 when Dr. Joseph rounded the comer with her in his hand and a big smile on his face I was thrilled. Hoses out of her head, one eye barely slit open, the minute he handed her to me she started smacking for her bob. we alllaughed as she sucked away like a little piggy. The doctor was amazed and asked what was in her bottle since she refused to eat the Esbilac they were giving her. When I explained about how we add yogurt, milk, evaporated milk, egg yolk, and sugar or honey to sweeten it and hide the taste of the Esbilac he said that it was the healthiest formula he had ever heard of, and they wrote it down...She remained in ICU for an entire week before I got the call that I had been anxiously awaiting. Thumbelina could come home provided I would follow their intensive care instructions to a T, but she was far from being out of the woods and I was not to get my hopes up yet...and that she may also may not be normal if she did survive.I made her a heavy sher- pa-lined bedsack with a hot water bottle pocket so she would not get a chill coming home. Bless her bald little head, she slept all the way home in the car I know this for a fact because I stopped 20 times to check on herHer around the clock care was exhausting, but the joy of seeing a new sign of improvement each day was so rewarding that the energy to carry on was always there.A month after surgery she was having abnormal eye movement and her perception was way off...still, she fought on. Her eyeballs looked like they were quivering in their sockets It was bad...not a good sign her doctor said, but far too early to know how she would end up. She was kept on Amoxicillin since it is the only antibiotic that crosses the brain barrier and we all prayed for the best.The Pom Reader October 1996aka Lais Ciliberto17ContinuedWe had another set-back when she was 6 months old and had a reaction to an innoculation and just curled up in a ball, refused to eat or walk. A CAT scan at that time proved that when my vet lanced into her head he had indeed cut a wedge out of her brain. He has since admitted to that and that was the reason he wanted to euthanize her in the beginning. The truth always comes out and the old saying of doctors burying their mistakes can indeed hold true.At this writing, Thumbie is a 1-12 years old. She is a fat little six pound angel with a heart of gold. She is handicapped in that she is missing the wedge out of her motor function portion of her brain so she walks crooked and when she runs she hops like a bunny which makes her all the more endearing. She is a living testimony to the old saying of my dads, and continues to echo on long after his passing. He always said,Where there is life there is hope. You must always give life a chance.As my little miracle hops through life in true THUMBIE BUNNY style, I look on in awe of her courageous struggle for life. She is a mighty Viking warrior in a little orange fur suit. Through all her pain and suffering she never once has shown any nasty trait...only sweet, loving trust.From the moment she arrived in this world I was amazed that something so tiny could be so PERFECTLY formed...she stole my heart for a reason. You see love can make you do things that in retrospect may surprise you, but the at moment that you are going through the crisis, you just do whatever you have to do to get the one you love the help they matter what it takes. Love knows no boundary between flesh or fur, we are all Gods children walking lifes path side by side and must reach out when another entity needs help.With sleepy little eyes and the innocence of an angel...I get the joy of waking every morning to the love of Thumbelina.Linda HermannThumbelina will turn 2 years old on November 4th, and the last I heard, she was bunny-hopping to a Polish Polka with her fond owner. Thank heaven for miracles in the canine world and for people who go beyond the premise that dogs are as disposable as paper plates and plastic glasses and that dogs are here only to be used for breeding or selling, and for caring owners who take a chance on second, or even third medical opinions before opting for quick euthanasia.Until The Dogs Howl Again...Olympia, aka Lois Ciliberto 20044 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FI 34639 PH 813-996-3499 FAX 813-996-9613aka Lais CilibertoThe Pom Reader October 199618i October19969t5Submit your cute photo for our popular Playmates department. Any clear photo will do - black white, color, Polaroid or regular film.Asi iVI never met u meal I aidnt like ANGELPhoto by Vince Griffey Courtesy Pat Cummings, Maryville, MissouriClean up WHAT roomThis is a picture of my 5-month-old blacktan, Tag. He loves to get out all of his toys, but refuses to put them backHe is my best friend and I waited 6 years to find him. After my first Pom died I wasnt going to get another one but after a little while I had to have one.My husband and I searched for years and then we found my boy. Someday we hope to get him a brother or sister.I love reading The Pom Reader. Thats where I found the breeder who led me to Tag.Judith Parks Brockton, Massachusetts5.VaV9\ky ^ ^Send toPR PLAYMATES 8848 BEVERLY HILLS, LAKELA1VD, FL 33809-1604The Pom Reader October 199619Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club Educational Videos for SaleGrooming The Pomeranian by Christine HeartzWhelping The Pomeranian by Doris WheelerHandling Ring Procedures With the Pom by Joanne ReedOVPC Mega Match Tapes from 1988 thru 1995 also available.Each Video 25.00 includes postageMake Checks Payable to OVPC.Please no credit cardsMail Checks to9995 Rogersville Road SW Baltic, Ohio 43804Bay Colony Pomeranian Club incites you to Bttend...Our Annual Specialty Show will now be held with the South Windsor Kennel Club on Saturday, Nov. 23, as part of the 4-day Thanksgiving Cluster at the Big E, the Eastern States Exposition Grounds in Springfield, MA. We will also support the entry on Sunday, Nov. 24, at the Springfield Kennel Club Show. These are Big Shows - Expect MajorsAt our Specialty Show we will have Beautiful Trophies, a 5050 Raffle, a Boutique Table, and Goodie Bags for all exhibitors We will also have a Buffet Lunch bring your own chairs. Our Sweepstakes will have prizes, including a 100 Vari-Kennel for Best in Sweepstakes, and a Pet Comforter for B.O.S. to Best in Sweepstakes.The Specialty Judge will be David Krogh, and the Sweepstakes Judge will be Kitty Burke. For more information, contact BCPC Secretary Don Gill,242 Central Street, Manchester, NH 03103, phone 603-669-6564The Pom Reader October 1996.-vN.V . XL ilrnaaa-.j,C04AAAAAAAJim Shearer20ICONFIRMED OCTOBER 1996Absolutes Mini Bike D by Ch. Jan- Shars Harley Davidson x Jan-Shars Madonna Breeder Jeanne Robert Blank Owner Summer Chavous Jeanne BlankAbsolutes Sizzlin Magician D byCh. Absolutes Magic Mountain x Lyngayles Sizzlin Wizz Kid Breeder Jeanne Blank Gayle Vautaw Owner Jeanne Blank Robert BlankBenrays Masterpiece D by Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker x Ch.Benrays She Is A Bella Breeder Benson E. Ray Owner Benson E. Ray Sharon MasnickBig Cs Impressive Hytime D by Allayns Darlin lil Dandy x Hazels Moon Rock Dee Dee Breeder Elizabeth Deuel Owner Elizabeth Deuel Sandra DavisCandyfloss LiL Star From Kaz B byHadleigh Super Man x Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Tatiana Breeder Hideko W. Strasbaugh Dana L. Plonkey Randy Gemmill Owner Hideko W. StrasbaughChulas Wee Terminator D byAldens Spirit Of Spartan x Chulas Misty Dragon Mark BreederOwner Norma G. GadDossmars Fancy That B by Golden Aires Nick O Dossmar x Rhea-Mas Peach Of Dossmar Breeder Marian F. Dossinger Owner Nancy Hunter Extane Gracie OCoimtin Hrs B by Bev-Nors Fudge Fantasy x Fanfares Sweet And Sassy Breeder Sharon L. Shipek Owner Sharon L. Shipek Julie MeyersFinch Song Ultralight Aria B byFinchs Super Star Casanova x FinchsTantilating Treasure Breeder Diane L. Finch Owner Marilyn Bergan Golden Aires Knightwalker D by Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker x Goldenaire Le-Bit O Weeheart Breeder Sharon Masnick Owner Karen Brooks Janesas N Jan-Shars By George D by Ch. Weehearts Glen Iris Talisman x Hi line Janesas Trend Breeder Jerrie Freia Owner Sharon L. Hanson Jerrie FreiaJanesas Sunkisted Mee-Gee B by Ch. Janesas Sunkisted x Ch. Mee-Gee Gold Frost Of Janesa Breeder Polly Ferguson Owner Evelyn ConleyJoarts Sugar And Spice B by Ch. Queenaire Handsome Stranger x Ch. Joarts Goldilocks Breeder Doris Pierce Owner Thomas B. Anderson Kneislers Petipom Ruffnreddi D by Janesas Forever The Star x Rubys Wee Toasted Bon Bon Breeder Maria Kneisler Owner Pat CummingsMacs Step By Step D by Ch. Macs Steppin Out x Macs Bold And Gold Breeder Mrs. B.G. McDonald Owner Sheila FieldsMi Babe Aim For Fame B by Ch. Rain Beaus N Belles Aahs x Mi Babe Soft Impression BreederOwner Babe McCombsOksana Of Lenette OB by Ch. Millamors Dance Of Sourwood x Cheyennes Bun Bun Of Lenette BreederOwner K.G. Griffith Philbrooks Magic Pixie Dust OB by Ch. Merrymont Poppin Fresh x Philbrooks Ge Jersey Tomatoe BreederOwner Susann Lillian PhilbrookPinyons Tinker-Belle OB by Ch. Ka- Mis Harbor Mystique x Ch. Pinyons Shining Glory BreederOwner Jean FockePost Oaks Misty Morning B by Ch. Creiders Tulsa Tornado x Delemas Touch-O-Classy BreederOwner PamJ. GaultShycres Sweet Lovin Man D by Ch. Shy Acres Our Man Friday x Musicks Sweet Dreams Breeder Audrey M. Roberts Owner Russell C. Kem Joann KemSouthlands Jack In The Box D byCh. Southlands Showstopper x Southlands Dipped In Fudge Breeder Charlotte Creed Owner Charlotte Creed Virginia Watkins Annette Rister Star Havens Shadow Sparkle B by Ch. Star Havens Rock N James Brown x Star Havens Terrific Robin Breeder Janice Young Owner Julie JavemickVIPs Sudden Impact D by Ch. Linchris All The Right Stuff x VIPs I Can do That Breeder Fran Smith OwnerFran Smith Sheila GordonValhallas Rock-N-Roll Of Oakridge D by Ch. Rock N Tradition Of Oakridge x Ch. De Artas Golden Gina Breeder M. Deane Rinehart Nina K. Epps Owner Melissa SprangerWatts Little Peaches-N-Cream B by Ch. Great Elms Little Sparky x Ch.Watts Little Peaches BreederOwner Delores A. WattsWee Hearts Musical Tunes D byCausin Music At Oakridge x Wee Hearts More Than A Wish Breeder Cassandra Ready Evans Krista Ready OwnerJean GoodsonNEW CHAMPIONS are taken from the American Kennel Club Shoiv, Field Obedience Trials Aivards Book and published on a monthly basis as space permits.The Pom Reader October 199621Congratulations to POMERANIANS y- l ,4mU^ .iljWy -. O V -vV .4 VMK li hBESBREEDLEHIGH XSP. VALLEY Cg^j Q KENNEL CLUE , ,rr__FlashMunchkinfin-ished on 92796 after only 7 weeks of showing. His sire is Ch. Lynnwrights Dracula, his grand-sire on both-sides is Ch.Bev-Nors Nuttin- To-It.Ch. Lynnwrights Wizard of Oz, pictured winning Best of Breed over specials from the Bred-By class for a 5 point Major, at 9 months of age.Thanks to all the judges who have loved this puppyCh. LYNNWRIGHTS WIZARD OF OZFlash Munchkin takes another B.O.B. at James River K.C.from the Puppy ClassesCONGRATULATIONS to my close friend, Sue Berney on her kennel visit and HOORAY For Suber Presents Atom Ant sired by my stud Ch. Bev-Nors Nuttin-To-It. Adam is 100 show dog.Donna Lynn Wright 200-B Gateway Drive Bel Air, Maryland 21014 410-879-1459 E-Mail Lynn Pom AOL.comThe Pom Reader October 199622.......................... KNOCK, KNOCK WHOS TMEHEi3THE POM READER VISITSSuzanne BerneyOwings Mills, MarylandSUBER^POMERANIANS JHi, my name is Sue Bemey, a REALLY TRUE POM LOVER, a proud member of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore, an avid Pom breeder and kennel owner. I am also a member of the American Pomeranian Club, Delaware Valley Toy Dog Club, Baltimore County Kennel Club, and the American Boarding Kennel Association. Hello to all our Pom friends and to the large Pom family joined together by the Pom Reader First and foremost, let me thank Lois at The Pom Reader for selecting SUBER POMS for a kennel visit. I am truly honored and deeply appreciative for this opportunity to tell my story.Little did I know, when I acquired my first Pom, some 15 years ago, the extent to which it would change OUR lives.The OUR is our family. My husband Stu shares my love of Pomeranians, my hopes, my dreams, at least some of my many Pom idiosyncrasies. Our three children Debbie, Karen and Rick and our six grandchildren all love Poms Thank goodness although NONE OF THEM CAN REALLY UNDERSTAND MEStu and I have been married for 33 wonderful years but my story actually begins before we were married. I have always been an animal, and particularly a dog lover. I brought a dog into our marriage and we have always had pets throughout. As our three children grew, each family member had hisher own dog or cat 5 total, but I was the self- proclaimed nurse, veterinarian and midwife. When one of our dogs was aboutm i\Vto have puppies, I would stay with her through the delivery even at the expense of my job...I did have a very understanding boss at the time. In those days, 20-25 years ago, things were different and breeding was more for fun than the real commitment to excellence that I now feel. In those days, my breeds were Poodles and Collies, primarily, and I had bred some wonderful pets.Then, one amazing day, July 16, 1982, Stu was out taking his daily morning run through our neigborhood with our Poodle, Heide, when a dog ran down a driveway and took a chunk out of Heides side. I rushed her to the vet and while in the office, I caught a glimpse of a little orange ball of fur, with a bright red cast on her leg, hobbling around theAbove leftTootsie, Suzannes foundation bitch. Above rightFoxie, Suzannes first Pom, now 15 years old.The Pom Reader October 199623cVrt - TsaitrftExv w.O-Vl24fcf WrE______TopPom yard.Center rightPom grooming room.BottomAerial view of the house and kennel.The Pom Reader October 199624'r\ c9hcU2Vi- r.vTopleftSubers Ill Impressyou Charm. Top rightCh. Pomsprings Pink Cadillac Center rightAmCanBer. Ch. Subers Blaze of Glory BonJovi.Bottom leftDinah is Dynamite.Bottom rightMy sled pulling or pushing dogsALEXSMITH BEST IN SHOWWEAU6UW1993-vyThe Pom Reader October 199625office. I came to find out that it was a 6- month old Pomeranian a foreign word to me at that time puppy whose leg had been broken when she jumped off her owners lap. The owner wanted her put down, but the vet decided to set the leg and find a home for her. I told Stu about her and forgot her. Stu, without telling me, went to the vets office and brought her home four days later. I was the BEST MOVE WE HAVE EVER MADE, unquestionably, and has totally changed our lives for the better. Foxie became our beloved household pet and is still going strong today. Even though she has aged considerably she still has her same wonderful, peppy personality and loving attitude.During the next year, we heard through the grapevine about a Pomeranian organization and joined the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore. Being pet lovers we joined mainly out of curiosity. We were amazed, immediately, at the depth of knowledge and love and friendship that we saw there. The members took us in and our True Love for Poms was cultivated into what we are today Stu, a Pet Pom lover and me, a Pom DEVOTEE in the truest sense of the word From the beginning, we learned more and more about Pomeranian health, grooming, showing, breeding, appreciation, and most of all, LOVE We watched, in awe, as Diane Johnson, Delores Watts, Rose Keller,Judy Green, Bess Roberts, Toni Dickerson and all of the other members showed us the ropes. From the beginning, I couldnt believe that I would someday be showing Poms. It seemed so above us at that time. We loved the members and have been members in good standing ever since. I have been President of the club and, currently, Stu is the President. We are still very active and have put on many great national shows in the Baltimore area.These experiences convinced Stu that my true calling was animals, and one day in June of 1983, just by chance, he saw an ad in the Baltimore paper for a Large Dog Kennel for sale. We went to look at it and our minds started to race. It was very run down and in need of many major changes. After a month of intense learning, investigating, financial dealings and scary moments, we took over as owners on August 1, 1983- I hadnt eventold my employers because right up to August 1st we werent at all sure we would make the deal fly. Fortunately, it did and after two weeks when poor Stu had to take care of it for me, I became the OwnerOperator of DEER PARK KENNELS. It had 78 indooroutdoor runs which were heated the air-conditioning didnt work. The lights, drains, and water, also needed work as did the outdoor runs which had grass and weeds growing up 7 feet tall. We weeded, scrubbed, painted, fixed and fixed until it became a respectable boarding facility. We also added grooming, training, and general dog supplies. Three years later, in July 1986, Baltimore Magazine named us Best Kennel in Baltimore. We were genuinely shocked but proud as peacocks. Today we have a total of 137 spaces available for boarding, up to 21 employees, 4 groomers, 3 trainers, a wonderful reputation and the kennel is full all Summer and Holidays DEER PARK KENNELS has also become the unofficial home of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore. We host many of the clubs matches, picnics, meetings and working sessions. In addition to our 25 Poms, there are often upwards of 100 Poms at these gatherings and people from all over the country bring their motorhomes and fill the area. To us, the more the merrierDuring the last fourteen years I became much more interested and knowledgeable about Poms. Over the years, I went from Foxie to Ernie Bemey, our second Pom, a pet male, to a Pom addition on the house. Our Poms now have their own wing, complete with two rooms, doggie doors built into the walls, 15 runs, their own deck with ramps, and a very large running yard.In addition, our whole house is a living tribute to Poms. In every room, we have Pom artifacts, statues, light switches, wall hangings, and of course, pictures Our den and kitchen are Pom galleries with many reminders of what Poms mean to us. Over those 14 years, I was quickly learning about what made a GOOD POM, and I could easily see shortcomings in my pets. Then, one day at a Pom picnic, I bought Watts Little Surpriz Package Tootsie, from Delores Watts. She was my foundation bitch, my entry into the netherworld which, from up to then, I could onlywatch from the sidelines. I followed this purchase with several other major purchases from known breeders. One was a dog named Silva Lade Littlest Outlaw Rowdy from Dianne Johnson. He was a black tan and my first Champion. I bought several other show prospect puppies that didnt turn out, we can all relate to that. At this time, my closest friend, Rose Keller, was invaluable in helping me with my Poms. She had been raising Poms for many years and took me under her wing. I couldnt have done it without her Today, we are closer than ever, share many Poms, and see each other every day. I cant thank you enough, RoseOne of our most exciting times was Great Elms Prince Charming n winning the Garden. I had been in New York for the Pom Specialty and had watched on Monday, the first day at the Garden, with some of the clubs members. We were ecstatic when Prince took the Breed.Skip Piazza was an active member of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore and so we all felt a sense of pride at having one of our members do so well. In addition, I had set up an appointment for that Wednesday to breed Tootsie to Prince. When he took the Group we couldnt believe it. I had to return to Baltimore on Tuesday, and Stu and I watched with tears streaming down our faces as he took Best in Show. The next day Stu and I both went up to Skips Kennel in Pennsylvania and enjoyed some Champagne, examination of Princes trophies, many laughs, good fellowship and an extremely successful breeding to Prince. Stu brought his camera hoping for some hot-shots and Skip asked him to take pictures for Princes publicity. Skip posed Prince and we began taking pictures. Skip loved them and used them for years thereafterWe have several hanging in our Pom gallery and currently are giving new members of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore a framed picture of Prince. These have been a big hit with our whole club. We all know how important Princes victory was to our breed and we, personally saw a major -increase in calls for Pom puppies directly after his win That breeding to Prince actually started my line. It produced Ch. Subers Heza Dream Maker. I took a Prince daughter and bred her to Ch.The Pom Reader October 199626TI ^ v-L^ebtABEST OF WINNERSTop leftCh. Whispering Lane Nevada Top rightThis is my Chinese Crested,Ch. Sun-A-Ras Senterfold DSuberBottom rightSabers Presents Atom AntA -a"A.\rkmmElans Fireworks which produced AmCanBer. Ch. Subers Blaze Of Glory. I recently bred Subers Ill Impressyou to Ch. Bev-Nors Nuttin-To-It and that breeding produced Subers Presents Atom Ant, the nine-month old puppy that I am nowshowing, who has gone Best of Breed over Specials 4 times and has made the cut each time in the Group. Thanks to Donna Lynn Wright for letting me use this great dog. Donna I own a dog together, Ch. Whispering Lane Nevada which she finished in 10 weeks. So far he has produced many show prospect puppies.I also have two other breeds, Chinese Cresteds which I have finished both dogs and one Miniature Pinscher red puppy which I am currently showing, but nothing can take the place of a Pom.I have truly been blessed with manygood friends, from all around the country and Canada because of my Poms. I have been visited by and also visited two really good friends Dianne Kieffer from Indiana, and Elizabeth Dupuis from Ontario, Canada have corresponded regularly with both of them and Sherry Christianson of Alaska. I have bought, been given, traded, bred to, and sent my Poms to each of them and consider them real inspirations to me. Experiences like these have enriched my life greatly and I thank them for their additions to my Pom lineTwo years ago, I bought a 27 motorhome and joined the travelin group of Pom owners on the show circuit. During that time, I have met many new and wonderful Pom lovers from all over the country. I have traveled to shows in mini-caravans or in the samevehicle with Donna Lynn Wright,Delores Watts, and Bev Ferguson. This diversion from the rigors of the business world is like a paradise to me. It enables me to see many parts of the USA, meet many new friends and, most of all, enjoy Poms 24 hours a dayWhen I think of what Poms have done for me, I can best sum it up as followsA -1 am sure that we own DEER PARK KENNELS because of our love for Poms.B - My best friends are all Pom people.C -1 have traveled throughout the United States, Canada, and Bermuda pursuing my love of Poms.D - Had about 100 Poms over the years, each with hisher own personality, characteristics, and L-O-V-E Suzanne BemeyThe Pom Reader October 199627Congratulations to SUBER^POMERANIANSCONGRATULATIONS TO SUE AND HER SURER POMSon this well deserved kennel visitr Way to 5or fcuhkyPictured is Razzle Dazzle Winters Song at 7 Months of age. She is now growing coat and will be out in the ring this winter. Her sister, Razzle Dazzle Willows Song co-owned with Suzanne Warfield has been out in the ring since summer and is already pointed. They are by Chriscendo Centre Stage x Razzle Dazzle Summer Music.luJLy CoeehCongratulations to Congratulations to'SUBERgTPOMERANIANSSUBERrv POMERANIANS ^fctfUUT.C-'ixlroMPThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimorealso wishes to congratulate all the following members who have been honored with a Breeder Visit in The Pom ReaderSincere Best Wishes, Sueoc tom S^ieacer- zSiaffArlene Benko Blossom Heights Suzanne Berney Suber Morris Carson Emcee Diana Downey Dimonde Dianne Johnson Silva Lade Tommi Hooban Tomho Sharon Masnick Golden Aires Barbara Nagy Rhea-Na Dolores Watts WattsI understand that I am to look forward to a simply stunning photo of you and a Pom, done in 1959I cant wait Everyone is telling me about Atom-Ant your great success with him Good luck on his future in the show ring all Suber Pomeranians.The Pom Reader October 1996WORD to the WISEBY SEYMOUR WEISSTo the dog breeder, the most gratifying side to being a part of this sport is the chance to work with puppies of all ages...and successfully working with puppies calls for a bottomless reservoir of patience.Developing patience in sufficient degree is far more than pressing a button or flicking a switch. It really can take years to learn to wait and give a budding superstar all the time it needs to live up to its early potential.How exciting it is for the breeder to see a new litter from a special mating that was so long in the planning. It's even more wonderful when one of these long anticipated babies is of the sex you want, maybe the color you'd hoped for. If the youngster you have your eye on continues to grow into the dog of your dreams, you cup truly runneth over - and you don't even need to wipe it up Your world is that beautiful. All you need to do is grow the puppy on, train it and condition it right and when the time is most appropriate, bring it out with a bang.The point I plan to develop here is this when is the time appropriate So many young animals are brought into the ring when they are woefully unprepared to make their marks in competition and such premature introduction impacts negatively on these dogs for the rest of their show careers. It's sad, it's wasteful and it doesn't have to happen.Not all breeds mature at the same rate. Within breeds individuals will mature at different times. Maturity will be dictated as much by hereditary patterns within families as by breed dispositions - maybe more so. In working with a line of dogs, it is vitally important to be able to project when an individual will be grown-up enough to seek after its title, be ready to special, to breed or to be used for whatever purpose owner, breeder or handler determines. Brought out at the right time, a deserving dog will usually justify the faith put into it. Rushed out in a tearing hurry, there is every reason to expect disappointment and it would not be the fault of the dog.There is no doubt that a seasoned breeder knows enough to allow the puppy to proceed at its own pace and will pick just the right moment to try for the acclaim he feels his new star deserves. But not everyone is resolute enough to sit on such a comer. The inexperienced dog person, whether first-time exhibitor or one whoThe Pom Reader October 1996has been showing for a time, but has never run with a real topper, may make this regrettable mistake and live to suffer its consequences.I believe a puppy must be allowed its puppyhood. We all take these babies and put them up on a table, arranging their external anatomy in a pattern to please ourselves and patiently communicating to the puppy that it has to stand like this and when that lesson sinks in, we are not only happy, we are on the road to our next great one. We teach them to accept the lead and to gait attractively to make the most of their assets and to minimize their shortcomings as much as possible. We encourage animation on the lead and work for good deportment. If we have done our work well, we hope we will come up with a dog whose attitude matches its conformation. Such an animal has every chance of landing us in the purple on a regular basis.Compare the prospects of a well- trained, well-timed, well-managed youngster with those of a flyer of equal merit that has been rushed into the ring too soon by an over-anxious owner. The antsy owner of the promising puppy is not unlike the quintessential stage mother - the unfortunate puppy often reflects the human youngster pushed from pillar to post while mom pursues her own visions of grandeur.There stand owner and dog, for all intents and purposes, "wired" and the judge recognizes this as surely heshe recognizes the quality of the puppy. But even a beautiful baby is tough to judge if it has to be subdued before it can be evaluated. Let's suppose the puppy has been gone over, perhaps with a bit of difficulty, and it is now time to evaluate the movement of this "prodigy in pickle." If the youngster is all over the ring on the gaiting pattern, its performance moving matches its performance standing. Would you consider such a dog ready for competition You would not, I would not. Anyone who has been around the dog world long enough would not, either. The tough part is if the particular animal is obviously a superior specimen - it hurts to see it lose because someone could not do their homework or wait for the bestmoment to bring out a wonderful youngster.The first-time exhibitor is frequently hard-pressed to wait for the puppy to reach the six-month milestone so the show career may proceed. How devastating it must seem to the newcomer when the judge does not seem to share his or her enthusiasm for the puppy. Actually, the judge could, but in the judge's experience, the puppy must wait and the awards must reflect this.We can understand a novice showing prematurely out of enthusiasm and inexperience, but when the seasoned dog people push their puppies unreasonable, we must wonder why the finest fruits of a breeding program must be plucked and bruised before they are ripe. We all know people who rush out to handling class at the end of the work day and some of us make more than one handling class a week. Some will try getting in as many as they can grab. Is this to school puppies or to drag the social side of dog show weekends on to week- nights, hummmIt's very possible to overdo the training of a show-quality puppy and we see jaded animals all the time - animals that are the victims of well intentioned yet insidious burnout. And the worst is - by the time these young dogs are physically up to the competition, and maybe above it, they act like they could not care less. And they act that way because they have long passed the saturation point. And they don't win The eminent Henry Stoecker once observed to a post-Westminster luncheon audience that a successful show dog must be like a chorus girl It's got to have it and it's got to flaunt it. Food for thought for us all.A young puppy with a bright future is for all that a growing baby with the attendant growing pains. At some point, it will be teething, a bitch puppy will go through the bewildering discomfort of her first season and all will cope with the lessons of life, the syndrome of adolescent rebelliousness and a host of other knotty problems to be met and dealt with. In the face of all that overexposure of puppies in the show ring is truly unwise.Showing at the odd match, doing a reasonable number of handling classes and proudly showing puppies in futurities and sweepstakes is wonderful. Let's just remember that babies are babies and there will be plenty of time for the heavy demands of serious competition at a later date. What that flyer needs now is the loving support of a devoted owner in a safe, happy home. If you are fortunate enough to be watching over a really exciting youngster of this kind, you should be glad to wait now. Wait now and win later - it will be worth it.Seymour Weiss29Congratulations toSUBERICPOMERANIANS^Deai Sue,AAy sincefte congiatufations on youft kevweQ visit and my uiafim thanks oft youft allwags being wiping and avaifabfa to hellp othetislQood SPucb with cAtom Ant.CftystiqueClufiistine c. CapQanCongratulations toPOMERANIANSCongratulations to Suzanne Berney and the. Su6er Pomeranians. de cannot Thank You enough for allgour help faith our Breeding Program 8 espe- ciaflg for our exchanging of Poms tiithin this Prog rami Cur Best dishes to gou on this Special Occasion and Best of Luck tiifh Bfom s BnfCHAR-TEN POMERANIANSChuck Charlene Tenney Linthicum, Maryland 410-850-4521Congratulations toPOMERANIANSWell, Suzanne, its about time and we wish you, our good friend, all the best of luck with The Suber Pomeranians inthe Future CongratulationsSteve, 'The, fatten,- 'fin,Coming Attractions...THE POM READERvisits...FAME POMERANIANS BRENDA PHIL SEGELKENin NovemberMO BETA POMERANIANS JOE DAUBENSPECKin DecemberLimited Congratulatory Ad Space Available. ContactLOIS CILIBERTO 813-996-5499The Pom Reader October 199630PR TOP TENGROUP SYSTEMBY TOTAL DOGS DEFEATED IN BREED, GROUP, BEST IN SHOWShows 1196 73 136Statistics The American Kennel ClubRank Pts NAME Owner1. 4290 CH. CREIDERS PRINCE DOM PERIGNON Owner. M. M. Koga2. 4083 CH. DAMATA TIMBER COUNTRY Owner D. Flaata3. 2927 CH. VALCOPY WAKHAN HOT GOSSIP Owner StrasbaughPlonkeyGemmill4. 1950 CH. JAN-LES JUST A DASH OF MILLAMOR Owner J. Lehtinen5. 1745 CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK Owner WorkJacksonTaylor6. 1469 CH. STARFIRES SUPERMAN OwnerJ. CabreraF. Arienti7. 1337 CH. MAJESTICS WILLIE BSTEPPN UP Owner A. Rogers-Rister8. 1325 CH. SWOODBRICOR STARLITE MOONMAN Owner A. B. Boehmer9. 1279 CH. SANDTOWNS RED HOT PILLOW TALK Owner L. Abjornson10. 1260 CH. ELANS PALM BEACH POLO Owner T. M. SosnoffM. D. DahlenburgPR TOP TENRank1. SYSTEMBY TOTAL DOGS DEFEATED IN BREED COMPETITION Shows 1196-73196Statistics The American Kennel ClubPts NAME Owner523 CH. CREIDERS PRINCE DOM PERIGNON Owner M. M. Koga469 CH. DAMATA TIMBER COUNTRY Owner D. Flaata446 CH.VALOPY WAKHAN HOT GOSSIP Owner StrasbaughPlonkeyGemmill438 CH. JAN-LES JUST A DASH OF MILLAMOR Owner. J. Lehtinen397 CH. MAJESTICS WILLIE BSTEPPN UP Owner A. Rogers-Rister273 CH. SWOODBRICOR STARLITE MOONMAN Owner A. B. Boehmer270 CH. ELANS PALM BEACH POLO Owner SosnoffDahlenburg266 CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK Owner WorkTaylorJackson233 CH. ABSOLUTES HARLEYS SON DAVID Owner BrankMeyerLaffler229 CH. SANDTOWNS RED HOT PILLOW TALK Owner L. AbjornsonThe Pom Reader October 199631W 9IIDmOMO IKO.\ - 'areUflAt our house, its always treat timeBrandy at 5 years, and Krystle at 3 12 years courtesy Paige Bailey, Warren, New JerseyIm always sad when the kids go back to school. Magencourtesy Sarah Burton Chapen Hill, North CarolinaSend toPR PLAYMATES8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1604The Pom Reader October 1996e ______Mary and Gene WellsRt. 2 Box 238 Pattonsburg, MO 64670 816-367-2254HOME OFMULTI-GROUP WINNINGMULTI-GROUP PLACINGCHAMPIONSERPOMERANIANSTeri S Dan Wilford 31 SO Cormorant Drive Jacksonville, FL 3S223 904-268-3510 262-8434AN PicturedEMCEES A CHIP OF TERI-DAN Group Placer fAKC Registered Bred for Conformation, Obedience AgilityPOMPEIIPOltaNIANSElizabeth Aguilar Catherine Harrison6l237-8239 612426-2071Minneapolis. JLV Mahtomedi. MSHANDLING AVAILABLE PUPPIES AVAILABLE OCCASIONALLY STUD SERVICE TO APPROVED BITCHESAPARISPompeiis Paris Reyoso De Troy Chfan-Les Willie Makit xPompeiis Lucina DiamanteftFINCHS POMERANIANSDiane L. Finch Rural Route 1515 769-2444 Kelley, IA 50134Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water Ch. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Ch. Apolloette Wild Fire Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket Ch. Pomirish Robins Top ShelfGreat Elms, Millamor, Scotia lines WhiteRed and Whiteblack parti puppiesdWornRR 4, CEDAR FALLS, IA 50613 319-989-2199ROBERT JUANITA FIDDICKcresR\]fiEa-^J\fa Pc omasSEE US FOR YOUR NEXT SHOW POM.A STANDARD OF EXCELLENCEPopular lines colors. Blue-BlueTan-Cream-Black-BkTan.Steve Barb Nagy713 Marlboro Road, Stephens City, VA 22655. 540-869-3749. The Pom Reader October1996rBENSON RAY ft2007 VESTRY DRIVE CHARLESTON, SC 29414 8035716165NCh. Pitti Pom's Lil Sir Lancelot OFA Patellar Normal at 47 monthsFormerly Pitti Poms PomeraniansPuppies Occasionally.Champion at stud to approved Bitches.Wendy Swimme Chesapeake, VA 757488-7117j, POMERANIANS^ Quality Pups Champion Studs864-472-3002Rosemary E. Regoni385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322Mary Allan 918-485-3010 or 918-485-1040LMYMS POMR41MMSRoute 3 Box 531 A, Wagoner, OK 74467nr iO.^Pkilbrook's ^Joncy GCenneLSusann Philbrook, Owner 1209 Forceville Drive Westampton, NJ 08060Telephone 609267-4644 Specializing inPomeraniansandKiidtesetUast Colors mctiidiiuj tPartiAutomated Msgs 609267-3799 and Listen to Instructions Fax on Demand List of Available Puppies Manually Dial 9 To Fax-Manually Dial 0 and the Send ButtonInternet Email'Bloodlines include 'BiArfar, Bonner, Ceadarwood, Chriscendb, adder,D-dfee, greatJEdns, SCdlamm, PomBieden, Scotia, and'Watts.RGS TOYS PEDIGREESP.O. BOX 331354, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233-1354 Tel 904-720-7667 Fax 904-270-1731 NOTE Unforunately, due to new zoning, all calls must be returned collect. New prices are effective immediately for 3 4 generation pedigrees.Pedigrees researched 3-gen 5 4-gen 8 5-gen 15 6-gen 25 7-gen 40." BREED CLUBS ASK ABOUT OUR DONATION SPECIALSwArtarmon. 2064 Phone 9906-2164 Sydney, Australia9-5 SYDtselinda McGuinessFax 9983-1161 24 hoursThe Pom Reader October 199635Man' A. Rosenbaum 38711 200th Ave. S.E. Auburn. WA 98092 206 833-2160pDONNALYNNWRIGHTMERANIANChampion Stud Service Puppies Grooming Handling200-B Gateway Drive Bel Air, MD 21014 410-879-1459BREEDERS PROFESSIONAL HANDLERS Jerry Betsy Owens Ph 818-890-2255283 NW 40 Rd. Clinton. MO 64735 Fax 816-890-2242Home of Multiple Best In Show WinnersA ILLflMORKEN ELEANOR MILLER 3545 NC HWY 152 E SALISBURY, NC 28146 704-857-1197Lu-9eas PomeraniansMILLAMOR GREAT ELMS BLOODLINEStud Service Puppies OccasionailyLOUISE SPROUSE BREEDEROWNER404 Hunter Street, Greenwood, SC 29646 864 229-6054PIIANNPTPOMS OF DISTINCTIONANNE HENDLERBOX 130 SIMPSON NC 27879 919-758-7143JOteisCer sS' fitCH. KNEISLERS SECRET TRADITIONPOMERANIANS9151 S. Darlington Ave. Tulsa, OK 74137 918 492-0520Inquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on Request"We breed for quality."ChesaiI Pomeranians4 lb. Chocolate son of CH. STARLITE LEGACY CHOCO BEAR at stud for limited timeROBERT JOAN REILLY26903 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78258210 980-2667E-MAIL J.REILLYGENIE.GE15.COMGrafenhorstsSpecializing in gorgeous Blacks, Black Tans and ChocolatesAt Grafenhorsts, weare striving for superb temperament, superior conformation, and exquisitely beautiful coats of the proper texture.36ryy AL JAN DOMRASE 6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 600721 y M Phone 815 728-0559 Fax 815 653-5106caJAden's kennelHOME OF CHAMPION PARTI GIRLSCh. Aldens Chilli Pepper Parti picCh. Aldens Lucky Parti Flash Back Ch. Aldens Parti Pepsi HiCh. Aldens Parti Chocolate Chip Ch. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-To-DotOUTHLANDNK POMERANIANS t318-466-3456Charlotte CreedCh. Southland s Toast to K.6618 Lost Ridge Bev-Nor fwTvvvPineviUe, LA 71360 POASTY1JVlaMbW_____________4"TICKIE POMRANIANS MAJICBREEDEROWNERylfirielley blisterP.O. Box 50, Corpus Christi, TX 78403-0050 512 992-8233 after 7 p.m.Bred for Soundness QualityMO beta with great attitudesy Joe Daubenspeck7 Rt 2, Box 78 Inola, OK 74036Tel 918 543-3451 ExoticParti Standard Colors Puppies Young AdultsFor Show or Petk9vLar BitPOMERANIANSMARIBILL IFFLAIMDWEST CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 708-876-9622W1E-.POMERANIANSMORRIS BETTY CARSON 9826 Walthan Road Richmond, VA 23233 804 741-3024PUPPIES AVAILABLE FROM Ch. Emcees A Chip of Diamond Ch. Emcees Golden Topo De Oro Ch. Emcees Cloudbusters ImageInquiries Invited Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestBred forHealth, Soundness BeautyBased upon Theldun, Rhea-Na, Starfires, Bev-Nors, Great Elms. 'PUPPIES AVAILABLEROBERT REGINA NUNNRt 1, Box 2890, BerryviUe, VA 22611 540-955-1209Home of Am. Can. Ch. Reginapoms Luv-A-GatorJD'S POMPOUS POMSHome OfCh. JDs Truly A Gem Ch. JDs Midnight Oil Ch. JRs Yankee Doodle Dandy while hes pursuing his career Pedigrees Stud Fees on RequestJanet Hovey, 5549 W. Ave. M-2, Quartz Hill, CA 93536-3112.Tel 805 722-3307.e'rShow Pet Puppies Stud ServiceNINA M. BERRY 21 Venable Westlake, LA 70669 318-494-7072oll'fi Pomeranianst Grahm, Dixon, EL 61021 815 284-3298r TZenneMLIBERTIPOMERANIANSCh. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms lines AKC Registered Puppies Occasionally Stella M. Lizambri 133 Camelot Dr. Goose Creek, SC 29445 803 553-01883771 4 0ce y 0KENIMELS KENNELSPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY INWHITE, CREAM, BLUE, CHOCOLATE, SABLE ORANGEEXOTIC SHINING STAR NEUJAHRShesIceWhiteWatch for her in the ringKENNELJudy StoneRt. 3 Box 141 Doniphan, MO 63935KENNELMolly McDaniel Patricia RowleyP.O. Box 41, Doniphan, MO 63935Phone 573-996-2942OMERANIAN sBERIMIE LOIS CILIBERTO 813-996-549920044 Stamat Drive Land OLakes, FL 34639Ch. Rosewood's Masterpiece Since 1959 yRosewoodPOMERANIANSExquisite home-raised Ch. sired puppies. Reasonable prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone calls preferred. Mary A. Hammond. Rt. 4, Box 90, Eolia, MO 63344. Tel 573-485-7667.tfK SUE HUGHESSUE HUGHESPO BOX 57, SOO, WV 255S4 304-756-935GCOLOR-BRED WHITES, REDS and EXOTICSSandy's pomeranians759 Brazeale Lane Atlantic Beach, Florida904 249-1017BREEDING FOR QUALITY AND SHOW PROSPECTSPUPPIES AVAHABIECH. BEV-NOR SOUTHLAND SINSATION isour main man. Quality puppies and young adults " occasionally.RAMONA J. SMITH, Box 833, Belfield, ND 58622. Tel 701-575-4125.TAR HAVEN POIVISJAIMICE YOUNG Puppies available sired618 W. Springfield Road by BISS CH.St. Clair, MO 63077 STAR HAVENS314-629-2754 RIGHTEOUS ROCK- 'NEUJAHR POHSCJolor'-JBr'ed XS^fa ites PETS ONLY EVELYN NEWYEAR4478 River Street Willoughby, OH 44094 216-946-1226RAINEYSCOUNTRY COTTAGEPups for pet show occasional breeding stock. Bloodlines include Emcees, Janesa's. JD's, Millamor. Great Elms, TomanolTs. Pedigrees Stud Fees on Request. Gail Rainev. P.O. Box 136. McKenzie, TN 38201. Call 901-352-2095he TeeidefyYOUR SHOWCASE FOR PUREBRED POMERANIANS8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, FL 33809-1 604 TELEPHONE 941 -858-3839 FACSIMILE 941-853-3624NOBODY ELSE HAS OUR CIRCULATION...NOBODY ELSE HAS OUR STYLE ADVERTISINGLOIS CILIBERTO 813-996-5499The Pom Reader October1996The perfect Holiday a Doll-McGinnis Dog MagazineTHE ORIENT EXPRESSMore News More Views of all things Pekingese 12 Issues Per YearO 42 Third Class U.S. Postrr km ftmim8848 Beverly Hills Road Lakeland, FL 33809-1604 CHECK, MONEY ORDER OR CREDIT CARDTOP NOTCH TOYSThe Fascinating Toy Breeds 11 Issues Per Year 40 Third Class U.S. PostmmTHE DOBERMAN DIGESTOur guardian and companion The Doberman Pinscher 6 Issues Per Year --48 Third Class U.S. Post BY PHONE- 941-858-3839CREDIT CARD ONLYilMUPMlI mini941-853-3624CREDIT CARD ONLYA HOLIDAY GREETING CARD WILL BE SENT ACKNOWLEDGING YOUR GIFT- kl - - ' -^ ------------------------------------4sDistil iclne as ttx Dogs it RepresentsSHOWSIGHT MAGAZINE SThe Premier Showcase for the Sport of Purebred Dogs 12 Issues Per Year 60 Third Class U.S. PostThe Pom Reader October 199639'A w1ocA'--A'.- JAMESYourShowcaseforPurebredPomeraniansSUBSCRIPTIONRATESin U.S. Dollars 11 Issues Per Year Domestic39 3rd class postage 60 1st class postageForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 6.00 each Back Issues 6.00 eachSubject to availabilityajKfj ftADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAnnualPrepaidAd Size Contract Open RateFull Page Deluxe Color 337.50 375.00Full Page Standard Color NA 250.00Full Page Black White 112.00 125-00Half Page 60.00 75.0014 Page 32.00 40.0018 Page 20.00 25.00116 Page 12.00 15.00STORK REPORT NA 10.00All ads 14 page and larger include one photo. Extra black white photos 5-00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes color photo, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, positionchosen by publisher.ADVERTISING INFORMATIONLois Ciliberto Tel 813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-9613SUBSCRIPTIONSBY MAIL BY PHONEFAXThe Pom Reader Tel 941-858-3839Circulation Department Fax 941-853-36248848 Beverly Hills Telephone Fax orders byLakeland, FL 33809-1604 credit card only...THE POM READER VISITSINNOVEMBERBrenda Phil SegelkenFame PomeraniansINDECEMBERJoe DauhenspeckMo Beta PomeraniansCongratulatory ad space is available. Call Lois Ciliberto 813-996-5499for reservation information.The Pom Reader October 1996\ BEST BREEDOF iCHARLESTONkennel CLUB INC-IP. PHOTO^SEFTjTgibeimix ANrrimii iCh. Golden Aires Moomvalker x Ch. BenRays She Is A BellaMASTERS is shown going Best of Breed handled by Sharon Masnick. We are proud to announce he has new co-owners, Alexandre Bastos Baptista and Fernando Jose Cauduro. Masters will be at stud with Sharon and Benson until February of 199BenRay and Golden AiresBenson E. Ray and Sharon Masnick 2007 Vestry Drive. Charleston, SC 29414 Ph. 803-5" 1-6165 Fax 803-556-6011THE POM READELL8848 BEVERLY HILLS ROAD LAKELAND, El, 55809-161PSS CHhVotwSms'39571-9559 3AIALEFER PomeraniansAlexandre B. Baptista and Fernando Cauduro R. Rio Grande 434101, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 04018-001 Ph. and Fax 55 11- 549 9686USABULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND. FLNEWS PUBLICATION DO NOT DELAY .-OTDKI-.V ORKFCTION REQUESTED