The Pom Reader November 1996

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NOVEMBER 1996 VOLUME NUMBER NINE Vava0iiZZsB''Msam____ON THE COVERo V.Spending a lifetime in the company of Poms is in itself its own reward.Winning dogdoms ultimate accolade, an All-Breed Best In Show, on a homebred is truly the dream of a lifetime.My thanks to all for many years of friendship and enjoyment special thanks to the Pomeranian breed for the untold pleasures it has given.ySANDTOWN POMERANIANStoo- AbkAnU'ti, OwnSiSAND SPRINGS, OKLAHOMAThe Pom Reader mm3V.EFX. Aromatic Pest-Away Mist Pure Essential Oil CombinationSafe and effective for you and your pets, this tried and tested formula contains a high concentration of the natural essential oils of citronella, cedarwood, eucalyptus, and peppermint. Simply mist your pets coat each day to effectively repel fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and other insects. This unique formula is specially formulated with soothing Aloe Vera, Vitamin E, Panthenol and Phospholipids to increase the sheen and manageability of your pets coat. To obtain the best results, place a few drops of the pure essential oil combination on your pets bedding each day as well. Christmas Special 4 oz. Aromatic Pest-Away Mist 12 oz. Pure Essential Oil Combination for only 12.00 Attractively packaged in cobalt blue glass bottles with lovely color labels Please mention The Pom Reader when ordering.Time Laboratories has been a leader in the industry for over 20 years. We offer a complete line of 100 Natural Essential Oils, Aromatherapy and Personal Care Products, Massage, Bath and Spa Products, our very own Aromatic Diffusors and more. Please request our catalogue today.Time Laboratoriesproducts from natures lab P.0. Box 3243 South Pasadena, CA 91031 208-232-5250 Toll free fax 888-TIME FAXVisit our web page e-mail Distributors Wholesale accounts welcomeThe Pom Reader November 1996THE POMNOVEMBER 1996 VOLUME XII, NUMBER NINE'7ft 6te Ctntenti6. DID YOU KNOW by Sharon MasnickIncreasing litter size hypoglycemia and more14. OLYMPIA aka Lois CilibertoTime for our annual Potpourri16. NEW CHAMPIONSTitles confirmed October 199618. PR TOP TEN - GROUP SYSTEMBy dogs defeated in Breed, Group Best In Show18. PR TOP TEN - BREED SYSTEMBy dogs defeated in Best of Breed competition20. PR PLAYMATESOur pup-ular candid photo department. Also p.42.22. KNOCK, KNOCK WHOS THEREThe Pom Reader visits Fame Pomeranians44. PR VITAL STATISTICSAdvertising subscription ratesTHE POM READER is published eleven times per year since March 1985 by Doll-McGinnis Publications, a division of Doll-McGinnis Enterprises, Incorporated, 8840 thni 8848 Beverly Hills, Lakeland, FL 33809-1604, out of great admiration for the Pomeranian breed. EDITOR JOE MCGINNIS. BUSINESS MANAGER DUANE DOLL. Postage paid at Lakeland, Florida. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the editor. The opinions expressed in this publication either editoriaUy or in advertising copy are those of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by the publishers. TheThe Pom Reader November 1996editor reserves the right to reasonably edit all copy submitted. All articles submitted become the property of the publishers. Subscription price for 3rd Class service in the United States 39-00 per year. Canadian and U.S. First Class 60.00 per year. Foreign prices upon request .ALL ISSUES OF THE THE POM READER ARE SENT AS A COURTESY TO AKC-LICENSED POMERANIAN TOY GROUP AND ALLBREED JUDGES. Direct all inquiries toJoe McGinnis, Editor 8848 Beverly Hills Lakeland, FL 33809-1604 TEL 941-858-3839. FAX 941-853-3624. Office hours. 9-5 EST Monday through Friday.INDEX TO ADVERTISERSAbjomson, L ........................1,2Aguilar, E..............................38Allan, M................................38Alspaugh, S ..........................30Arienti, F...............................11Arrigani, C.............................34Berry, N.................................40Blank, J ...................................7Bonnell, B M ....................40Boudreau, V............................7Cabrera, T.............................11Carson, M B......................40Ciliberto, L........................37, 41Clemen, J...............................17Cox, MB ...........................33Creed, C ...............................40Cummings, P....................36, 40Daubenspeck, J.....................40Domrase, A J ....................40Dossinger, M.........................32Dunn, T.................................35Ehmann, M ...........................28Fiddick, R J...................38, 43Finch, D.................................38Garrison, S............................32Gilstrap, D.............................30Graf, H..................................39Hammond, M........................41Harrson, C.............................38Hendler, A.............................39Hovey, J................................40Hughes, S............................5, 41lams.......................................15Iffland, MB .......................40Iffland, M..............................20Kern, R .................................21Kneisler.................................39Lehtinen, J.............................29Litonjua, D M......................9Lizambri, S............................40Long, G.................................32Machniak, D .........................33Masnick, S .......................37, 38McDaniel, M ........................41McGuire, G ..........................35Mffler, K E .......................39Nagy, S B..........................38Newyear, E ........................5, 41Nolan, D ...............................13Nolan, L................................13Nunn, RR .....................31,40Olson, Dr. G..........................17Owens, J B....................37, 39Philbrook, S...........................38PhiHpp, P..............................35Rainey, G..............................41Ray, B .............................37, 38Reed, S .................................41Regoni, R...............................38Redly, R J..........................39RGS Toys Pedigrees .. .38Riehm, D...............................20Rogers-Rister, A....................40Rosenbaum, M..................39, 43Rowley, P .............................41RusseU, J ..............................37Sabourin, B ...........................34Scott, FC............................35Segelken, B .....................47, 48Shields, S...............................36Smith, R................................41Sprouse, L.............................39Stone, J .................................41Swimme, W...........................38Time Laboratories ..................3Underwood............................45Wens, M G........................38Wilford, T D......................38Wright, D...............................39Young, J................................415A9mFRANSU IV \EI JAHR FANCY I AMFransu's Mister Twister x Fransus Honey BunV-.1Fancy shown taking back-to-back majors on the Wine t- \ Country Circuit. Thank you to judge Mrs. Lorene '-V Vickers-Smith and judge Mrs. Lydia ColemanHutchinson pic. for appreciating our little girl.And thank you, Donna Machniak, for your expert, loving handling.Vsi-X IHV.tjff f tiV15 -4- r ..t sv no J-BESTOF DINNERS OPPOS .m-' ]KsSSsfovum v_ItVtASSOCIATION ic SU0.A S^ 25 19V,EVELYN NEWYEAR AGENT DONNA MACHNIAK FRANSU POMS SUSAN HUGHES NEUJAHR POMS 517-546-7446 304-756-9556The Pom Reader November 19966UUV'n ID YOU KNOW...that changing a brood bitches environment can increase litter size...We have a bitch that we will call Madame in this article. Madame is a lovely red and cobby bitch that is a free whelper and has always taken care of her puppy. The problem is that for three litters she has only had one puppy in every Utter. We have even had her checked by a fertiUty specialist who could not find a reason for the small Utters. The ninth and tenth days were determined to be the prime time to breed her.Madame loves to stay at my feet or under the kitchen table during the day. She is five and has always seemed sad in the kennel. When out of the kennel, she is happy and plays with toys and trots around the house as if she owns it.The last time Madame was due to come in season, we decided to let her go Uve with our grooming assistant in an only-child situation. When she came in season she was returned to us only for the stud services. At her new home, she UvedbySharonMasnicklike a queen with a satin bedThe gestation period passed and we were phoned that Madame is now the proud mother of four puppies and aU were doing fine.Madame was always bred two times on the 9th and 10th day of her cycle to the same stud. Now we dont know for sure but...aU factors indicate that the change of environment increased the Utter number from one to four. Every variable was the same except she was an only child in a new environment.I would like to give credit to Benson E. Ray for his input with these articles of real life experiences. This column is for everyone involved with breeding and showing Poms. I would Uke to encourage readers to send in their real life experiences too, as we can aU learn from each other.piH ID YOU KNOW...THAT GRIEVING CAN ONSET HYPOGLYCEMIA............Hypoglycemia as we aU know is very common in young pups. We have two puppies that are thirteen weeks old and they have been together since birth. We noticed one becoming very dominant and we decided it would be best to separate them. We placed them in two pens 2x3 beside each other. The dominant puppy seemed okay the first day but by the second day was eating less and was not as playful. The less dominant puppy was glad to be by himself. Both of these puppies were in our kitchen to be monitored. On the third and fourth day, the dominant puppy seemed not to be hungry at all. On the fifth day, we found him in a state of hypoglycemia. We immediately gave him nutri-cal. He soon was restored to a normal condition after the nutri-cal, fresh water and a meal. At that point, we put the two puppies together and they were happy to be with each other. We made sureThe Pom Reader November 1996m these two haceseionat theeanne^Absolute s Pzime Ajime Pom with his other mom Jeanne tiAAlank, as he searches uv Alorth fpr those hard-to-fjind majorsJEANNE BLANK [61 B] 635-73CB Buchanan, MichiganVERONICA BOUDREAU [B1 3] B31-0OCB Lutz, Florida^onazatulations to PPzenda on a well-deserved kennel visit. QtJe know how jzoud you aze ojj yoitz k-ley yed children.The Pom Reader November 19968YOU KNOWthey had lots of toys.After the short separation, we discovered the dominant puppy to be less dominant and the shy puppy to be more self-assured.When puppies are weaned from the dam, they become dependent on each other. They eat together, play together and cuddle for warmth. We must always monitor young puppies when taken from the dam and also when separated from a sibling as hypoglycemia could occur.Another hazard is electrical shock caused when a pet bites into an electriwhen you are not going to win Point and fact, is it worth it The mature dog doesnt finish, the puppies dont get points, the newcomers are discouraged and possibly lost to the fancy. Veteran exhibitors show less and less and then MAJORS ARE STILL HARDER TO FIND.To all exhibitors of the breed, please consider the end result before you needlessly take single pointsTwo other fogs could have had their singles out of the waynm ID YOU KNOW...It Appears ThatMajors Are Getting Harder and Harder To FindWe have been attending several shows the past few weeks and many exhibitors are counting or checking to see if there is a major and if it is holding. We personally have three dogs that need majors to finish and have entered them numerous times and did not show them as there wasnt a major. Upon checking our show records, we have found that over the past six months there have been five dogs already singled out in other words, needing only major points to finish and still being shown at single point shows. In conversations with several new people to the fancy as well seasoned veteran exhibitors, we discovered they all felt that this practice is unfair. It is discouraging to the newcomer, because that one-point win on a very nice puppy could be just what they need to inspire them on to a well deserved championship. From the veteran exhibitors standpoint, why even bother to show against a dog or a bitch fully mature that already has all its single pointscal cord. You may see burns inside the mouth. When the teeth bite into the live wire, the current will flow through the pets body and can damage the lung tissue...m ID YOU KNOW...M WE NEED TO MAKE M ^ THE HOLIDAYS SAFE FOR OUR PETSOne holiday hazard is the tinsel that we use to decorate our Christmas trees. Tinsel is totally indigestible and will clog the digestive system. It can cause chronic vomiting and weight loss.Another hazard is electric shock caused when a pet bites into an electrical cord. You may see bums inside the mouth. When the teeth bite into the live wire, the current will flow through the pets body and can damage the lung tissue.Many plants in the home are toxic to pets. Mistletoe and poinsettia are the two most common and they will cause foaming at the mouth, vomiting and diarrhea if ingested.Chocolate toxicity is common during the holidays. Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine which is toxic to animals.During the holidays, we have lots of company and our schedules are hectic. It is best to put our pets in a safe place away from the bustle of holiday activities so they wont slipThe Pom Reader November 1996 by Sharon MasnickSendsCONGRATULATIONS BEST WISHES to Brenda Segelken and her FAMEous Poms on the occasion of her kennel visit.From the Philippines...BEST PUPPY IN SHOW [ALL-BREED]ChrisDens Heir ApparentPOMOF MANILAAifi m'W-1From Malaysia...RESERVE BEST IN SHOW [ALL-BREED] BEST PUPPY IN SHOW [ALL-BREED]Malaysian Ch. ChrisDens Wizard FairyBREEDERS DENNIS MARIO LITONJUA15 San Juan Street, Kapitolyo, Pasig City 1600, Philippines E-Mail Tel 632 632-7025 Fax 632 671-5086 632 631-6389The Pom Rujer November 199610Did You Know...out an open door, be stepped on or given something to eat by a child. Avoid the stress, by putting your pet in a play pen or in his crate.nm ID YOU KNOW...M YOU CAN STILL m ^ WIN A POINT WHEN YOU ARE THE ONLY CLASS ENTRYAt a show recently the entry was 1-1- 1-1, and we debated about showing our puppy bitch but decided to go ahead at least for experience. The male was pulled and we showed the puppy bitch and went back in for Breed. The two specials were present and we ended up with WB and BOS over the bitch special for one point. Often times when we consider entries and there is no competition in the classes, exhibitors will pull thinking there will be no point. Our experiences over the last month has proved that wrong. Our puppy bitch has acquired five points by going Breed or BOS over the specials every time she has been shown. We have learned, if you need SINGLES and your dog is entered, show your dog and you might go BOB for a point or possibly two.ID YOU KNOW...I have always encouraged reader input and I received some comments after my article DID YOU KNOW THAT CHAMPION BITCHES CAN FREE WHELP. The purpose of the article was to let readers know that Champion bitches can free whelp and care for their young. In the case of the bitch I wrote about, I found itAfter the Pom came, the happy lady now walks her every day and has a reason to get up. It has helped improve the health and life of this senior citizen. And, in fact, I feel BOTH SENIOR CITIZENS HAVE BENEFITEDquite shocking that she never blew her coat after having a litter. I have never in twelve years had a coat remain on a bitch after having puppies.As for the number of times, and how frequently a bitch is bred this can only be determined by the owner. It has been my practice not to breed a bitch until she is at least eighteen months old and in some cases they have been two years old.If I wait until they are two, I will sometimes breed them two times and then skip. The majority of the time my bitches are only bred once a year.In my opinion, at whatever age a bitch is bred - and how frequently - must depend on her overall health. It also depends on the number of puppies she had to take care of and how quickly she bounced back after weaning them.One reader suggested that I do an article on What happens to Show Dogs when their show days are over I would like to hear input on the subject. At our house, we will always have room for senior citizens.Recently, a lady who works for Benson asked him if we had an older Pom for her mother. We had an eight-year-old, spayed female that we gave to her for her mother. Recent reports are that she doesnt have to worry about her mother being lonely, or not getting out and about and enjoying life. After the Pom came, the happy lady now walks her every day and has a reason to get up. It has helped improve the health and life of this senior citizen. And, in fact, I feel BOTH SENIOR CITIZENS HAVE BENEFITEDHeres wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. See you next month, here in The Pom Reader.Sharon Masnick 2007 Vestry Drive, Charleston, SC 29414by Sharon MasnickThe Pom Reader November 199611Multi Group BISS WinningCH. STARFIRE "SUPERMANNw,P\Vfr SPECIALTYBEST OF BREEDHOUSTON COMBINED SPECIALTY ASSOCIATIONFALL 1996 6 COPR. PHOTO BYPATTY SOSAr4-889-9996^ottierar^r_Thank you Breed authority, Mr. Darrell BakerKLARK had a great summer vacation and is now ready to fly around the ring this fall and winterto add to his well-known youthful recordCongratulations to Brenda Phil the lovely FAME PomeraniansSTARFiRE POMERANIANS'TONY CABRERA FABIAN ARIENTI23750 SW 142ND AVENUE REDLANDS, FL 33030 305-257-2818The Pom Reader November 199612AKA Lois CilibertojiT LYMPIADogs Howl AndAND IPS POTPOURRI TIME AGAIN...I am working on several articles of great interest, but unfortunately they take some time to research and so for this month we are going to do a collection of miscellaneous items, as we usually do once a year. So far as my research projects go, they have to do with the mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas which currently seem to be causing reproductive problems in many breeds, including our Poms, for which future column I asked for any information I could get from our readers out there. I received responses from 2 people on this one, and others who have had the problem aren't interested in discussing it, or so it seems. The old "sweep it under the rug" and it will not be evident routine. I am assuming, however, we are making progress but it is a subject of some depth.Also, I am interested in your views on tattooing versus microchipping for ID purposes. We published an article titled "Let the Chips Fall Where They May" in the June Reader and Top Notch Toys magazine, and have some very interesting input from people who have said they are against toy breeds being "chipped," which ARC is now promoting over the tattooing. Anything you would care to contribute to this subject, please address to Olympia, AKA Lois Ciliberto at the address or fax at bottom of this column. Please give me your name We willhave another very-near-future column on this subject and your ideas are important, since we are all toy breed fanciers. Some think the microchipping is painful, that it is useless for Humane Society purposes in identifying lost animals and that the chips do migrate, despite the Home- Again Shering Plough company reports on their new chips to the contrary, and AKC's approval of this company for microchipping. Send us your point of view Locally, I am seeing many chipping clinics, sponsored by Shering-Plough and AKC at our dog shows and matches. But I have no idea how many toy breeders are trying this method or how painful it might really be.On another subject, vaccinations, I recently got quite a shock. Last year we pubished an article in this column mentioning that pharmaceutical companies, via proposed federal laws, were attempting to make it impossible to purchase vaccines from wholesale catalogs, unless you purchased in unbroken lots. The idea was that often wholesale companies ship vaccines in single doses to suit the need of the buyer, but they break the package to remove these dosages and thereby do not send the written instruction on proper usage. Many breeders fought this proposed law, but it went into effect in February of this year. In other words, federal law now has a statute that prevents breeders from buying vaccines, except in unbroken lots of 25 or 50, whichever the case may be for that particular vaccine. This is fine for many breeders who have larger numbers to vaccinate, plus gives them the advantage of a better price by buying in larger lots. However, it is difficult for those who have only a few dogs, and maybe a resident kitty, who give their own vaccines and could never possibly use a batch of 50I called my usual supply house here in Florida, and began ordering just a few vaccines and was stopped in mid-sentence and told about the new law I had never figured that law would pass, but was told it definitely did and that I either have to get an RX from my vet Ha-they won't or go to the vet and pay a price for a single dose that is 5-6 times my regular wholesale price and you can bet they get it at a much better price themselves plus pay for the office visit. Next it will be you won't be able to purchase vaccines at all without an RX or going to your vet, just as it is in Canada An inch becomes a foot and a foot, sooner or later, a mile.Just read that Motel 6, the supposed leader in budget lodging, which a lot of show travelers like to use because of the budget part, has announced that it welcomes pets with their owners. The policy they announced is allowing one pet per room in most of the 760 Motel 6The Pom Reader November 1996135Introducing Another New ChampionCH. SHADY PARK DANCING RHYTHMKneislers MakinMe Dance x Ch. Deartas Rock NJessicaI 0 A Pending AKC confirmationShown with Judge Joe Gregory for a 4 point major.Thanks to all of the judges for recognizing him. Also to my friends and family for their support.Congratulations and Best Wishes to a wonderful friend, Brenda Segelken, on your well-deserved kennel visit.He finished going BOB over a nice Special and a Group II under Judge Edith Izant.Puppies for sale in the future BIS AmCan. Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge granddaughters and a great granddaughter. 796 896.Male puppies LLLMillamor Bloodlines 1096.Proven 2-12 year old black and tan male Great grandfather Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel. 594.mmBreederOwnerHandler2f yVc^zsiCo-owner5108 N.W. Parkdale Rd, Kansas City, MO 64151 816-741-1650The Pom Reader No\tmber 199614ContinuedfTj'l\V5hosteMes. A few local Motel 6 inns in the area where we show, have always welcomed our dogs and the traveling cat, who has to go along and only charged us for one, even if we had fiveBut if you have only one, its free, it seems, and many travel with but a single pet and I felt it was worth mentioning to our readers. They have 2 phone numbers for information on their pet welcome, including literature to share Michelle Parker at 214-388-6161 or Diana Orban at 201-605-2121. I have found their budget- priced inns to be very clean and very comfortable.Excerpts from a media article that tickled meThis article was titledOur Reigning Cats and Dogs and written by Jeff Stryker it appeared in the St. Petersburg Times Newspaper...It may be difficult to discern any real difference between the presidential candidates on welfare, crime or drugs. But there is one stark difference does the American public want a cat or a dog in the White HouseBob Dole says, "We're going to put a leader in the White House. I have a Schnauzer named Leader. Leader is going to replace Socks. Socks, as you know, is 1st cat. Socks, the incumbent, is not likely to take this lying down. The fur has begun to fly. Socks Clinton and Leader Dole are already at loggerheads on the World Wide Web. Leader Dole's home page http\\www.first features pictures and testimonials from other Republican top dogs. Socks Clinton is host of the White House web site"The White House for Kids"httpAYwww. white The White House paparazzi gave Socks a taste of Washington early in the Clinton administration. Rep. Dan Burton, R-IN, demanded an accounting of taxpayer funds used to answer Socks' fan mail.The scandal passed.Socks must have known what he was getting into as First Pet. During the last presidential race, George Bush said, "My dog Millie knows more about foreign policy than those two bozos," referring to our current President and Vice President. And Mollie's book Wm. Morrow, 1990 showed her surrounded by National Security advisers with the caption, "I often sit in on morning briefings."Of 42 U.S. Presidents, 33 have had dogs in the White House. The right presidential pet has undeniable propaganda value. When Franklin Roosevelt responded to accusations that he had ordered a destroyer to pick up his dog "Fala," who had been left behind on the Aleutian Islands, he defended the Scottie's honor "I am accustomed to malicious falsehoods about myself...but I deeply resent libelous statements about my little dog."Richard Nixon used FDR's gambit in his famous "Checker's" speech and commentators noted that Herbert Hoover's campaign shots with his massive Belgian Police dog "proved effective propaganda against the prevalent idea that Hoover was a machine instead of a human being."The debaters may well ask whether a miniature Schnauzer is up to the task of humanizing Dole. Just picture him playing fetch. But are cats any competition Does anyone remember "Misty Malarky Ying Yang"Amy Carter's cat or "Shan"the Ford's Siamese Cats are identified with femininity, independence, sensuality, even witchcraft. [Well, it is Halloween night as I write this Olympia]"Socks" has proven to be sufficiently scruffy and scrappy to shake that aloof feline image, but with "Leader's" hot breath on his neck, Socks could probably use some help. President Clinton might consider reaching out to a broader base of pet lovers as Harry Turman supposedly said, "If you want a friend in Washington, buy a dog."From the St. Petersburg TimesBy the time our readers read this, we will know whether the incumbent "Socks" or the new "Leader" will be running the White House And people talk about politics in the dog show world...............Happy ThanksgivingUntil the dog howls againOlympia, AKA Lois Ciliberto20044 Stamat Dr.Land O'Lakes, FL 34639 Phone 813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-9613P.S. Don't forget to send in your ideas on tattoos versus micro chips We will address that one in the January issue. In December we hope to address the mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas. Anything on the subject that you are willing to share, would be sincerely appreciated and we will use Anonymous information for that one, since people seem afraid to admit having experienced the problem I feel the sharing of the information on this widely spreading problem is far more important than who has had a problem with it And remember...if we dont ADMIT its broken...we cant FIX itaka Lois CilibertoThe Pom Reader November 199615ACk ampionsnip kip Stack.EUKANUBA' THE ORIGINAL PREMIUMEUKANUBA1Picmxn Quality Food For Pupp. V LAMB RICEEUKANUBA0 formulaNATURAL FOR DOCSMaintenanceA Ltim a A LAMB fi RICEEUKANUBA formulaTumi FOR PUPPIESEUKANUBA UGHT iitYouve studied pedigrees. Researched bloodlines. Youve done everything possible to develop the best of the breed. Or have youBecause if youre compromising your dogs nutrition, you could be hurting their chances of reaching their full potential in and out of the ring.Get the best out of your dogs by putting the best into them. Eukanuba.Choose from our full line of six nutritious formulas Puppy, Adult Maintenance, Original Premium, Light, Natural Lamb Rice for Adults and Natural Lamb Rice for Puppies. Every ones a winner.EUKANUBA______ r__________FOR THE VETERINARIAN OR PET SPECIALTY RETAILER NEAREST YOU, CALL 1-800-525-4267 IAMSCOMPANYThe Pom Reader November 1996mmCONFIRMED OCTOBERAldens Chili Pepper Parti Bby Alden Lucky Parti Ace OHarts x Aldens Heroine Of Hercules BreederOwner Alden A. Domrase Janet R. DomraseAllayns Celestial Doll ValsuB by Ch. Allayns Feel The Heat x Ch. Allayns Celestial Fudge Breeder Mary Allan Owner Valerie AllridgeChestaras Royal Secret B by Ch. Prince Baker Of Jeribeth x Prestigious Roxie Rockette Breeder Olga M. Baker Beverly M. Henry Owner Bill Beverly HenryChipawas Cochise Beaver D by Chesai Little Beaver x Chipawas Pocahontas Nakita BreederOwner Mark Ward Dorothy FrostCin-Jans Missy Sasi Classi B by Ch. Stolannes Stormy Sequel x Russells Lady Christina BreederOwner Janice C. RussellE-Ts Glory Tradition B by Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition x Rubys Wee Toasted Bon-Bon Breeder Claudette Confer Maria Kneisler OwnerClaudette ConferJan-Shars Glory Glory Halleluyah B by Ch. Jan- Shars Johnny Be Good x Jan- Shars Almost Heaven BreederOwner Sharon HansonJan-Shars Magic Touch D byCh. Absolutes Magic Mountain xCh. Jan-Shars How Sweet It Is Breeder Sharon Hanson Owner Clarice M. OganekuLuv-Ns Storibook Cupid D byBritestars Chip-A Ways Romeo x Bobbis Luv-N Moondust Molly Breeder Roberta Gilroy Owner Kimberly E. ReadMichael Northern ExposureD by Sharels Southern Prince x Susitna Katagnik I Luv Lucy Breeder Terry Sara Dennison Carolyn Tumage Rob Dennison Owner Betty B. LohmanPebblebrooks Shaded Lady Bby Pebblebrooks Nightshade x Creiders Countdown To Glory BreederOwner Patricia Fred PhilippPinyon Silver Sparks AngelicD by Pinyons Shining Knight x Ch. Sha Mar Forever Kalypso Kate Breeder Jean Focke Owner Rhonda ArcherPPP Ambers Threza Lucky charm D by Peter Pans Smudgy Shadow x Chestaras Forever Amber BreederOwner Lael EllisRhea-Nas Watta LilSocrates CD by Ch. Watts Little Socrates x Janesas Charlies Angel Breeder Barbara F. Nagy Jerrie Freia Owner Stephen V. Nagy Barbara F. NagyRuloch Aurora Borealis D byCh. Rubys One Man Show Encore x Rockys MidnightDLite Breeder Ruby F. Poole Blake Jones Victoria Lovely Owner Blake R. JonesSilver Meadows Jus Elliott QDby Ch. Silver Meadows Jus A Lil Teddy x Ch. Silver Meadows My-T-Preshus BreederJacquelyn W. Klein Owner Kathleen Hefner DVMSusitnas My Lil T-Buc Tuc Bby Ch. Jamels My Southern Diamond x Susnitas Angie Breeder Carolyn Tumage Owner Sheron SpryTeri-Dans Maggie-Du B by Millamors Rock Dance x Emcees Jackies Queen Bee Breeder Terry Wilford Morris E. Carson Owner Terry WilfordTiffanys Babe In Toyland Bby Tiffanys King Arthur x Ch. Tiffanys First Angel BreederOwner Edith M. LandingerTreasured Deans Sweet SeuzyqB by Tim Sues Whogotcha Tail x Tim Sues Tu Sweet N High Breeder Edwin Dean Hebert Sue Goddard Owner Edwin Dean HebertValcopy-Wakhan Rose MarieB by Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino x Valcopy-Wakhan Golden Pearls BreederOwner Dana L. Plonkey Randy GemmillNEW CHAMPIONS are taken from the American Kennel Club Show, Field Obedience Trials Awards Book and published on a monthly basis as space permits.The Pom Reader November 199617 A-sai-J.V. t f____ 1 , 5HES A HEART STEALER STEALER LEFT AND AIJAS SPARKLING CHABLIS CHABLIS RIGHTBoth earned a leg on their CD title at the Columbia Basin Pom Specialty. Stealer also placed third in his class. Watch for Stealer and Chablis at future specialties in the NW for completing their CDs.The parti Poms have a special place in our hearts. Stealer was rescued from a puppy mill and is ILPd.Watch for our un-parti - Rubys Lovely Jinni Sais So Ember. She is pointed but is on maternity leave. Shell be back in 97. A special thank you to Victoria Lovely for this wonderful girl.Ol7fl find double Clemen ICiie Cl Shine2015 Olympia Avenue NE, Olympia, WA 98506 360-943-1010The Pom Reader November 1996ISPR TOP TENGROUP SYSTEMBY TOTAL DOGS DEFEATED IN BREED, GROUP, BEST IN SHOWShows 119G 83 19GStatistics The American Kennel ClubRank Pts NAME Owner1. 4468 CH. CREIDERS PRINCE DOM PERIGNON Owner. M. M. Koga2. 4083 CH. DAMATA TIMBER COUNTRY Owner D. Flaata3. 3524 CH. VALCOPY WAKHAN HOT GOSSIP Owner StrasbaughPlonkeyGemmill4. 2512 CH. JAN-LES JUST A DASH OF MILLAMOR Owner J. Lehtinen5. 2370 CH. SWOODBRICOR STARLITE MOONMAN Owner A. B. Boehmer6. 1748 CH. MO BETA STAR STOPPER Owner Robert Koeppel7. 1745 CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK Owner. WorkJacksonTaylor8. 1519 CH. MAJESTICS WILLIE BSTEPPN UP Owner A. Rogers-Rister9. 1469 CH. STARFIRES SUPERMAN OwnerJ. CabreraF. Arienti10. 1341 CH. ELANS PALM BEACH POLO Owner T. M. SosnoffM. D. DahlenburgPR TOP TENRank1. 9.10.BREED SYSTEMBY TOTAL DOGS DEFEATED IN BREED COMPETITION Shows 119G B3 196Statistics The American Kennel ClubPts NAME Owner672 CH. JAN-LES JUST A DASH OF MILLAMOR Owner J. Lehtinen569 CH. CREIDERS PRINCE DOM PERIGNON Owner M. M. Koga508 CH. VALOPY WAKHAN HOT GOSSIP Owner StrasbaughPlonkeyGemmill469 CH. DAMATA TIMBER COUNTRY Owner D. Flaata451 CH. MAJESTICS WILLIE BSTEPPN UP Owner A. Rogers-Rister320 CH. SWOODBRICOR STARLITE MOONMAN Owner A. B. Boehmer279 CH. ELANS PALM BEACH POLO Owner SosnojDahlenburg266 CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCK Owner WorkTaylorJackson245 CH. ABSOLUTES HARLEYS SON DAVID Owner BrankMeyerLaffler229 CH. SANDTOWNS RED HOT PILLOW TALK Owner L. AbjornsonThe Pom Reader November 199619leuLcL Like te ccrtvy tatccLate-L -BEST OFWINNERSHUNTINGDON VALLEY -5^ KENNELCLUB '-v5 3sCJONKEN BEV ROBERTSONON THEIR WINS WITH REGINAPOMS BENTLEY OF CE-WICK.SIRE BISS CH. S'WOOD BRICOR REGINA'S PLAN DAM SILVERWOODS CLASSY DOTTIEALSO TOWES SHANK DOTTIE NESMITHON THEIR WINS WITH REGINAPOMS NAUGHTY BY NATURE. SIRE AMCAN CH. REGINAPOMS LUV-A-GATOR AM BEN CHERS MY GAL SAL BREEDER REGINA NUNN CAROL BALDWIN.\IfitBEST OF ____________________BREED - VARIETY J11 WgM fMioI l1 ifa. , - v\ . - -yci Qa,U L^tuunyieu Vy\aU studRegina Robert Nunn Rt. 1 Box 2890, Berryville, VA 22611 540-955-1209The Pom Reader November 199622KNOCK, KNOCK WHOS THEREThe Pom Reader VisitsPOMERANIANSBrenda Segelken Effingham, Illinois" 1 A -- i1996 has been quite an eventful and adventuresome year for FAME and the Segelkens.Due to Phils job loss printing firm closed after 30 years we relocated in May. Our new home in Effingham, Illinois is centrally located between St.Louis, Missouri and Indianapolis, Indiana, and is an easy access to numerous dog shows.The FAME Poms are enjoying a 13 acre fenced back yard, and are quite comfortable in our garage temporary housing until the kennel room is constructed. They enjoy the constant attention of the home life. Whelping bitches and young puppies occupy The Pom Room, which is a spare bedroom, next to the master bedroom.Phil and I have been married 31 years, we met when I was in Kindergarten. Our son,Wayne and daughter-in-law,Sheila, have a 3 year old daughter, Karley future top Junior Handler. Our son-in-law, Greg Kueker and daughter, Leslie, have a 2 year old daughter, Elizabeth future Petite Super Model. Being a grandparent is really GRAND, however, it is so much fun that if we had it to do all over again wed had our grandkids first.Currently, I am proud to say that I am a housewife. I am also a Kennel Manager, puppy socializer, unlicensed veterinarian our kennel exclusively, groomer, breeder and handler. Before the move, I had 20 years experience as a Professional Dog Groomer, managing my own shop. I have always been active in my church, serving as VBS Director, playing in a Hand Bell Choir, Adult Choir, and Prayer Group Leader. I served 3 years as the American PomeranianBreed Referral Person and APCAKC Pom Rescue Coordinator.In the past, I have trained Poms in Obedience, Agility, and Therapy work. I show my own Poms in conformation, and handle Poms for 4 clients. Russell and Jo Ann Kern, Donna Riehm, Pat Philipp, and Mari Iffiand keep me quite busy with their gorgeous Poms. My hobbies include drawing, oil painting, amateur photography, original Pom jewelry, sewing and antiques.Of course, I am a breeder at heart, always striving to breed that PERFECT POM Presently, my Poms are allowed to occupy most of my time. With Phils help taking care of the kennel, I am able to travel several weekends a month to shows. I caution anyone beginning to breed an show, that nothing can replace the hourslove youlose with your children, parents, and family. This is a very time consuming sport.Our Poms are heavily line- bred, and at present, we have 10 bitches and 3 Champion stud dogs. We have kept three bitch puppies this year, as four of our bitches are no longer producing. Fames breeding program has been largely based uponCH. DIXIELANDS ROCK OF MILLAMOR, and CH. COYS TOP OF THE MARK. Other great lines in our pedigrees include Millamor, Great Elms, Van Hoosiers, VIRA, Aristic, and Gold Toy, which without these great breeders, FAME would not be possible.My first Pomeranian was purchased from Jewel Weber, JEWEL-KEN in 1982. CH. FAME GREAT EXPECTATIONS grand- sire was bred by Jewel. Jewel is a great source of Pomeranian wisdom, and is currently establishing her new line of Poms. Without the help and confidence of Norman and Geneva Pennock Long and the late Ruth Pennock HHPs, FAME would not exist. They entrusted me with their beautiful Poms and were there with answers to my continuing questions on whelping and puppies. The combination of their breeding knowledge and my handlinggrooming abilities has produced more success and fame than I could ever dream. Geneva and I agree, credit for our success must go to the Lord, who continues to bless us richly every day.Geneva originally bought her first Pomeranians from Joyce Brown of Cumberland, Indiana, breeder of the Gold Toy line and used CH. GOLD TOYS GAY FLAME on several bitches. Norma Jean Brown from Indianapolis, Indiana ownedThe Pom Reader November 199623A^T fTop leftMy first show Pom Fames Lil Sparkling Fancy. The year was 1983, and it was our second show.Top rightCh. Wee Rambo Of Coys Top Mark is shown winning the Stud Dog Class at the 1991APC Summer Specialty. The Poms left to right are Ch. Wee Rambo Of Coys Top Mark, Ch. Fame Piece Of The Rock, Ch. Rambos Double Rock Top Mark, Ch. Fame King Linus, and Fame Gold And Glitter.Center rightPoms playing in the backyard of my'W ' ' J-an-_________________________Illustrating the true glamour of being a breeder, Im in a motel room in Baltimore, MD, trying to get a breeding on these two Poms when Donna Riehm snapped this. By the way, this DID have a happy endingHILLr-K-TThe Pom Reader November 199624A-T Jv.1mmWIN N E R SVNEWCHAMPIONMOBERLY MO KENNEL CLUB MARCH 1994PHOTO BY DOWNEYkBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXk' g CLUB SlfJShot905Vi ,.l S. BOOTHijTop leftCh. Fame Showtime, owned by Roy Chan of Hong Kong. Top rightCh. Fame Gift Of The Spirit.Center leftCh. Fame Chip Of The Great Rock, Chips," a true Showman at heart. He was 9 Pom ARC' in 93, 94, 95.Center rightCh. Fame IHS Spirit, who was also 1st Place in Bred By Exhibitor at the 1995 N.Y. APC Specialty. She is the proud mother of a new litter, 2 males, bom 102196Bottom leftFame Mon Sheree Amore, who won Best Bred By Exhibitor at the 1996APC National Specialty. She needs 5 singles to finish.The Pom Reader November 1996CH. DIXIELAND ROCK OF MILLAMOR. CH. BROWS ROCK N ROBIN, CH. BROWNS GAMBLING MAN, and BROWNS WEE FLAMBEAU MARK to name a few, which appear in most HHPs Poms pedigrees today. Geneva also bred several bitches to CH. VI-RAs PRINCE CHARMING and CH. VI-RAs FANCY TANGO DANCER, owned by Ralph and Vivian Bouse of VI-RAs kennel. These lines were later combined with a CH. COYs TOP OF THE MARK son, owned by Geneva, shown by Jennifer Carlton CH. WEE RAMBO OF COYs TOP MARK that has produced the FAME Poms.While the FAME Poms will continue to carry on the HHPs Poms in their backgrounds, I am sad to say that I recently acquired Genevaa last litter, 3 puppies 1 orange sable male, 1 black male, and 1 black female. Geneva has bred Poms for over 40 years, beginning when she was 12 years old. A job well done, GenevaWhen I began showing, I did not know anyone in the dog world, so I learned everything the hard way. I can now laugh at myself as I recall the time I called a show superintendent and asked how to fill out an entry. I wanted to enter my little dog in as many classes as possible at one show. She could be in Puppy, Novice, American Bred, and Open, couldnt she The lady laughed and then helped me understand the show process. While ring stewarding years later, a lady had a pet quality dog entered in several classes same show. The judge was pleasant but offered no advice. After the judging finished, I quietly approached the lady and explained the classes and the shows. I saw myself years earlier mirrored in her ignorance, and certainly offered to help.I began to show Pomeranians in 1983-1 didnt know to groom or show a Pom. The second day in the ring, Fame Lil Sparkling Fancy went WB for 2 points. I thought all the other Poms there were much prettier than Fancy. Barb Chance told me not to sell her short, that she was closest to the standard. Before the day was over, I had a handler approach me to show, finish, and special her. I didnt know what that meant, so why would I be interested I thought they were trying to steal my dogThe next shows I attended, I was helped by a friend who shows Collies. She was so concerned that Fancys legs were stained and dirty. She kept trying different cleaning and whitening techniques and products. I learned later that she thought Poms legs on solid oranges were supposed to be white Some help, huh I was graetful when a judge that day encouraged me to continue to show my Poms and took time, when photos were taken, to explain how to trim ears. She had given Fancy WB for 2 points.The funniest thing that ever happened to me at a dog show was I lost my skirt. I really did. It was a denim wrap-around popular years ago at dog shows that tied in the front. Thank God I was not in the ring. However I was in the middle of a 4-way stop, pulling my dogs and gear on the roller base. It was pouring down rain another thank you, God so I had a 34 length rain coat on. I felt something hit the top of my foot and looked down and YES - it WAS my skirt I had to drop the roller base handle, reach down, and pull my skirt up, easing it ever so slowly under my rain coat. I did not look up once to see who was watching. The traffic was stopped before I began crossing and I just prayed that I would be able to finish crossing without hearing any tires screeching, fenders bending, or loud laughing.Several years back, Phil and I raised domestic rabbits. Rabbits proliferate so quckly, that within a few months time, you can see several generations, results that would take years in dogs. Phil the wiser of us two was able to separate emotions from the breeding program. I quickly learned how devastating it was to breed a known major fault. It is very hard with Poms to detach your heart and listen with your mind.Our greatest compliment about our FAME Poms has come from several visiting breeders when they say, Your kennel is boring. Not an insult, as we believe that consistency has been one of our greatest assets. For the past several years, all our Poms were orange, orange sable or red, the smallest being 4 pounds, and the largest 6 pounds. However, we currently have two black puppies repeat breeding of HHPs Lady Lexus to compliment our breeding programs future. I did not get correct type or soundness with my past experience with the exotic colors, so I bred mostly oranges. My hat goes off to the dedicated breeders of exotics for the drive and fortitude to continue I love your results, keep up the great workThe greatest asset to our breding program has been our bitches. Our top producers quality, not quantity has been our three Champion females. Bred to any male, they have produced well. OUR SHOW DOGS ARE OUR BREEDERS. Ninety five percent of the females here could easily have finished their championships and obedience titles. Our stud are all Champion, Group winners.We have never bred a male or female on thyroid medication or steroids. We recently had a male that went through his adolescent shed and was quite ugly. While talking on the phone to a friend, I mentioned that he would be castrated if he could not come up with coat naturally. He must have overheardthe conversation, as he seemed to coat up overnight. I was serious, too I have no place in my breeding program for such dogs and will hold this standard in thefuture, no matter how great the dog or bitch is.Bone structure is important in our Pomeranians. Try to attend a seminar, read or purchase a video on structure and movement. Then go over your Poms, all of them. What is closest to correct Then watch your dogs movement. Which one is correct A Pom cannot move correctly without proper structure. I get goosebumps literally when I see a beautifully moving Pom. Stand back and watch your puppies in a large flat room. Which puppy can walk as fast as his littermates can runl This will usually be your sound, correct puppy.We do not, nor will not breed or show runtsdwarfs. We usually keep the medium or largest in the litters to continue our lines. We have bred for consistent size and type. Common sense has been my best guide when breeding. Evaluate each dogs or bitchs strengths and weaknesses. Be honest with yourself Then breed to compliment each other. I check the pedigree for close iinebreeding, but evaluate the dogs, not just the pedigree. Also, once your line is established, you will know by 2 or three generations what strengths and weaknesses your dogs have, what traits you need, and which to eliminate.The best advice I would give to someone starting a breeding program or wanting to improve, is to use the best quality free- whelping bitch you can afford. Take her to a Champion stud that will improve her weaknesses. Always breed better Never compromise quality. I do not breed a tiny male to a large female to get a medium sized dog. I breed two dogs preferably within 12 pound of each other. Your size will become more consistent, dont be upset with the occasional throw-back - it will happen.Since our breeding program is small, I will never likely win the APC Breeder of the Year Award. With the growing number of Pom litters produced every year, and the high rate of Poms needing to be rescued from humane shelters, wouldnt it make sense that the APC Breeder of the Year Award be given on a percentage of Champions produced versus the number of puppies producedTwo more pet peeves are1 - Handlers, who is the breeder of that show dogSpecial Are they responsible breeders, with great concern for the future of our Poms I am concerned when winning is more important than the future of the breed. Did heshe come from a puppy mill Does this or can this happen What effects will this dog, if finished, have on our Poms future Do you care or must you have somethinganything in the ring25The Pom Reader November 1996262 - Judges Please be considerate Please dont rush us around the ring We have paid up to 35. per entry, paid outrageous motel bills, traveled hundreds of miles, lost hours of sleep, groomed for hours, put years of work into our breeding program to show to YOU We dont need lectures, roughness, or rudeness. We would like your honest opinion If you dont enjoy the shows, the people, dogs and judging, then please RETIREIn the show ring, I have found it is to my advantage to keep my mouth shut to the judges, concentrate on my own dog, and carefully watch the judge. I love to judge fun matches, and I feel they are very important for a puppys socialization. However, I do not place much value on match wins.We rarely win at a match, as my pupies are usually ugly little things, until they are 7 or 8 months old. It just bums me up to see everyone elses gorgeous puppies, while I hide my ugly little puppies Watch out when they grow up. though.FAME has not had a Best in Show yet, however, our Champion FAME stud force three generations are all Group winners Through the years, we have enjoyed wonderful, wonderful wins. The Louisville, Kentucky spring shows are the largest in the United States and are very competitive. Most of the top winning Pomeranians are shown there each spring. FAME Pomeranians are usually well represented at Louisville. These wins come to mind as being special. CH. FAMES PIECE OF THE ROCK, Rocky was winners dog two days at Louisville, Kentucky, for two back-to- back 5 point majors. He had only been on a lead, and begun his show career 1 month earlier.The following year, CH. DOUBLE ROCK TOP MARK, Brother, full littermate to CH. FAME KING LINUS Linus owned by Geneva Pennock, went BOB at Louisville, Kentucky. In 1994, CH. FAME CHIP OF THE GREAT ROCK, Chips, a Pocky son, won BOB at Louisville. This was the only time I literally cried in the ring. I lost it that day In 1994, CH. FAME IHS SPIRIT, Spirit, was WB and BOS for a four point Major. In 1995, Rockys grandsonSpirits son, Ch. Fame Gift Of The Spirit, Gift, went WD BOW from the Bred By Exhibitor class at 7 months, for 2 back-to-back 5 point majors. These were not easy tasks, anyone ever attending the Louisville shows will attest to the quality of of the exhibits there, as well as the high number of entries.CH. FAME CHS SPIRIT, Spirit, won first place in the Bred By Exhibitor class at the American Pomeranian Specialty in Ner York in 1995. What a win What a compliment to our breeding program Then in 1996 FAME SHERE AMORE, Sheree, took First in Bred By Exhibitor and Best Bred By Exhibitor inthe shows at the APC Specialty, I could hardly believe it. Sheree needs 5 singles to finish.I dont recommend this to anyone, but as fate would have it, I have finished 2 bitches while carrying puppies. First, CH. FAME GREAT EXPECTATION, Greaty, only needed two points to finish. I had spent a fortune on her trying to get those last two points. Finally, she won her class and a 5 point major, and continued on to Best of Breed and a Group 1 that day. She was 4 weeks into her pregnancy. CH. FAME IHS SPIRIT, Spirit, finished very pregnant. Recently, I put another point on a bitch about 3 weeks along - think its the motherly glowA quick tip for anyone traveling with Poms, especially puppies. I have found the stress of traveling usually usually catches up with at least one dog per trip. Therefore, I carry medicine to stop diarrhea. However if it continues, or, OOPS I FORGOT THE MEDICINE, I have found that a vanilla shake from Hardees made from non-fat yogurt is great. Follow these instructions carefully, the first step is of great importance. First, you drink 34 of the shake.Ahh, so good in the hot summer Then let the rest melt. Let the puppy or dog lick up the rest. They love it and it worksFAME puppies do not leave before they are 12 weeks of age. Pet puppies are placedsold then. I prefer to keep a show prospect for at least 6 months. It takes devotion and work to bring a puppy up to be a show dog. There are teeth to watch, crate training, socialization, lead training, baiting, table training, conditioning, bathing, etc. Hours and hours of work, if left unattended can min a dogs future career. When I asked years ago what I should do for my show prospect puppys future, the answer was, keep them happy. There is certainly more than that with the Pomeranians.Obedience training is great fun, and bonds the owner and dog. Taught correctly, most Poms love it. You will leam to lead break and train your dog, and your dog will know what is expected of him. My first CD Companion Dog, Obedience title, on a Toy Poodle, was acquired in three shows, and in the ribbons all three times. Rocky loved working in Agility, however, being the only toy dog in the class, the instructers did not bother to continually raise and lower some of the jumps, etc. He passed the class with flying colors, however, it was not fair to continue when he was expected to jump twice the height of the other dogs for their height.I am thrilled that the new Pom Standard has deleted the grooming penalty. I cant imagine any judge penalizing a Pom for poor grooming. A dog has no say if the person grooming it can please that judge thatday with his grooming techniques. A judge should judge dogs, not grooming. Most Pom groomers try to accentuate the dogs assets and minimize his weaknesses, and yet each have their own unique style.If you are trying to leam to groom your show Pom, I recommend beginning with one of your kennelor pet Poms in huge coat and practice, practice, practice. If you groom several dogs and do not like what you see, then ask and pay someone, whose Poms grooming pleases you, to groom your dog. Ask if you may watch.After that, try again on your kennel dogs. If you still get results that are not pleasing, then you may want to hire someone to groom and show your Pom. A well groomed Pom is a work of art It takes practice, dont get discouraged too soon.Breeding, caring for and showing Poms can be very tiring emotionally and physically. I have a bone condition that haunts me every hour , and am in constant pain. However, the emotional pain of losing puppies, breeding set-backs, and and disappointments are harder than the physical pain. At least once a year I am discouraged and ask myself why I continue. I tell Phil I am quitting. He ignores me. Then my special little Poms give me kisses, kisses, kisses, and I laugh outloud at their antics, and hee I go againThe best reward of breeding and showing Poms has been making new friends. We have met the most wonderful people from around the globe while showing. We would like to express ou sincere thanks to the many, many people who compliment out FAME Poms. Your words of encouragement are welcomed. If I can ever be of help to you whomever you may be, grooming, breeding, training, whatever, please feel free to contact me. I never know the right way, I do know the FAME way. I am always interested in other breeders advice and information.It has been an honor and a pleasure to work with the Pom Reader fot this visit. I hope that someone can glean something of worth. Our accomplishments at FAME have been great, and with our Lord as our guide, our future hold no bounds. The best to you, and your breedingshowing program and the Poms Thank YouTo my husband and clientsFor your financial assistance, and your emotional supportFor your encouragement,and just listeningFor your delight at what we did great, and your indifference when we didntFor the memories, FAME and glory, I thank youLove, Brenda and FAMEThe Pom Reader November 1996Fame Prodigal Son, Sonny, a Gift baby owned by Lucy Go of the Philippines.27SILVER OR GOLDGod, tell me quickly, What is this, These tiny strings so rare Their value must be, oh so great, No, No, I shall not share Theyre on my socks, in my drawers They creep around at night.To church, to bed they travel well, Theyre never out of sight.It must have wealth and magnitude, No fat or cholesterol.Why else would this be in our house on dishes, clothes and walls But, last I shall forever know,Ill send this creature far. To a lab to test and magnify In search of what you are.It glistens, glitters and reflects. Just look its everywhere.Ill gather it and bottle it.Ill be a millionaireYoull not get rich, the Mrs. says, Not strings of gold so rare. Shut up and eat your veggie soup, Relax, its just POM HAIR Brenda Segelken 1994Grand-aughter Elizabeth Kueker Black HUP puppy.Ch.Fame IHS SpiritfFame Christmas Story, owned with Roy Chan of Hong Kong.Left to right Fame Home Alone, and Fame Areola Lola - Gift babies. Typical ugly Fame Poms, they will become clear orange adults.Granddaughter Karley Segelken monkey faced Rocket, 4-12 mo.SnZii.Fame Poms playing in the backyard.v- _The Pom Reader November 199632CO\'GRATTJLATIO.\S TO5_______________POMERANIANSPHIL BRENDA THE "FAME POMERANIANSTHANK YOU FOR CARING, SHARING, AND BEING SUCH A GOOD FRIEND BEST WISHES FOR THE FUTUREHOOSIETR HOMETPLHCEGENEVA PENNOCK LONG 317-794-4086oarnax P, 0721My interests have changed, and I will focus on the red and orange colors. The following are for sale and are all in-home raised and healthyDARK BLUE FEMALE BLUETAN FEMALE REDWHITE FEMALE BLUETAN FEMALE1 YR. OLD - 700.00 7 MO. OLD - 700.002 YRS. OLD - 500.00 2 YRS. OLD - 500.00Litter due October by above femaleJ\\c Lxyaxian3936 Hi Mount Road, Kewaskum, WI53040 414-334-4889CO\GIT4TlLVTIOXS TO'SffamePOMERANIANSWIESIIWIMWS ELOUITILEE CSOE SffiUDTTCti. Rock IV Tradition of Oakridge x Dazzling Rock of DakridgeJake wants to congratulate his son on hisBACK-TO-BACK GROUP IS. THANK YOU BETSEY Leedy and Joan G. Alexander. Congratulations and Best Wishes to Brenda Segelken and her beautiful Fame Poms.Handler - Diana lYolan Breeder - Nina Epps Owner - Shirley Garrison30825 Harding Road Green Ridge, IVIO 55332BEST OFBREEDVARIETY MOBERLY MOiKENHEL CLUB OCTOBER 1996photo sr oowNEr tKThe Pom Reader November 1996CONGRATULATIONS TOinterne33POMERANIANSIIIA41i 'AQfi'Xij 1988-1996CONGRATULATIONS TO A WONDERFUL LADY AND HER BEAUTIFUL FAME POMERANIANS ON THEIR KENNEL VISITBRENDA, THE TIMES SPENT TOGETHER MAKE FOR SPECIAL MEMORIES. THANK YOU FOR SHARING YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM. YOUR FRIENDSHIP IS TREASURED.onmCONGRATULATIONS TO-POMERANIANS - Dairies Dhett Butlers DreamJanesas For Petes Sake x Pomaraineys Lovely LydiaCONGRATULATES BRENDA AND PHIL SEGELKEN ON THEIR KENNEL VISITMany thanks to Jean Schroll, Jacqueline Stacy and Fred Bassett for our First Place Class, ALL THREE DAYS.Scarlett sends her love, thanks, and best wishes to Brenda for her training and fantastic handling at the APC Summer Specialty.PS - Our newest addition to the family and Scarletts Special Friend Fame Mr. Personality CH. Fame Showtime x Bos Charms A-Plenty sends his own congrats to his FirstMom breeder Brenda Segelken.oAhOwners Marcia and Bruce Cox Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 Breeder Gail Rainey 901-352-2095The Pom Reader November 199634 CONGRATULATIONS TOPOMERANIANSWc6Sire Ch. Fame Gift Of The Spirit Dam Wee Hearts Old Flame BurningCongratulations to a wonderful mentor, conscientious breeder and friend, on your featured Tame Kennels'SZkcmi ZrenZa,Pictured is just one of the quality litter resulting from Tame" breeding. First time out, 3-l2 mo., took Group I at the prestigious International KC Puppy Match.ieece\- .fda.y- ja'is Owner Cjarott .y''yxrsdCONGRATULATIONS TO657^ fUPOMERANIANS1 0JAlex is pictured going Best Of Winners under Mr. Thomas Kilcullen. Thank YouHe is now looking for his majors to finish.Congratulations to Brenda and and the lovely Fame Poms on their well-deserved ken- nel visit. .Congratulations also to Alexs daughter, Forever With One Look, on finishing her title wittmthree 4 pointmlajors. Way to go, DivaWynd[oi dPorru. dB Eclztj aJjouxin2814 Blackhurst Fid., Midland, Ml 48642 517-832-3408JPa asm Jm4ThePom Reader November 199635COYGRAfcLATIOXS TO POMERANIANSOUT MIT mm AND OMCMUimiOHITOBRENDA S PHIL SEGELKENaTHE FAME POMERANIANSYou have spent much time thought in your breeding program, and it showsWe thank you for everythingm - a PomuflMMflOMHCt i ML SCOTT2958 Mayfield Road, Wickcliffe, KY 42087 502-335-5416MCGUIRES POMERANIANSsend Congratulations to Brenda Phil Segelken of FAME Pomeranians.SPECIAL THANKS FOR FINISHING KEY.CVCH. MCGUIRE S KEY TO MY HEARTGoldie McGuire 941-533-8247 P.O. Box 1055 Eagle Lake, FL 33839C mom,onren aon your weTseservecf ennel\visitK6ooippllielOUM POCDGRANIANSandour dearly belovedfACDG JACQU6 QUSTOWCONGRATULATESBRENDA SEGELKENAND THEFAME POMERANIANSON A MUCH DESERVED KENNEL VISIT,AND WISH HER MANY MORE YEARS OF CONTINUED SUCCESS IN HER FAMOUS BREEDING PROGRAMThank you, Brenda, for entrusting me with Jacque. Limited Breeding - Puppies OccasionallyTfreLcDA cd. Dunn3400 Carvale Drive, Aberdeen, MD 21001The Pom Reader November 199636CONGRATULATIONS TOPOMERAJMAJVSMonArc PomeraniansSends congratulations Best Wishes to Brenda Segelken her beautiful FAME Pomeranians on this special occasion. Brenda, a big Thank You for Molly as well as your good advice and support.MONARC S RITZI BITSCh. Reginapoms Classy Beamer xFame Good Golly Ms MollyA special thanks to Jane Lehtinen for her expert handling Judge Lee A. Reasin for finding Ritzi worthy of this win.I have two very promising Show potential litters Both sired by AM\CAN CH. Reginapoms Luv-A-Gator MikeyINQUIRIES WELCOMESHARI SHIELDS -5511 LINWOOD COURT, LANHAM, MD 20706 301-577-9010 E-MAIL SSHIELDSEROLS.COM78w. vWINNERS0Congratulations to Brenda FANE...FROM PAT, FACE, ANDALL YOUR FRIENDS ATPefom Pomeranians903 S. Market, Box 279 Maryville, MO 64468 816-562-2572PetiPom Shes No Angel BerlhaSCh. Finchs He Walks On Water x Ch. Finchs Pearls And LaceThe Pom Reader November 199637CONGRATULATIONS TO_____________________________________POMERANIANSOzr Fery Warmest Wishes to Brenda Phil The Fabulous FAME Pomeranians on this very Special OccasionIts nice sharing similiar pedigreesYour Good Friends...Benson Ray Sharon MasnickBEN RAY GOLDEN AIRE POMS2007 VESTRY DRIVE CHARLESTON, SC 29414 803-571-6165On this well deserved occasion to the beautiful FAME Pomeranians Best Wishes to our friends Brenda Phil...Were still hoping for a gorgeous FAME femaleJERBOS POMERANIANS818-890-2255Jerry Betsy Owens 283 NW 40 RD., Clinton, MO 64735'SeuiMeft4. S'leectesn.Best Wishes to you for the continued success of Fame Pomeranians. Remembering New York the first time with pleasant memories.Cin-Jan Pomeranians Janice C. Russell 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive Indianapolis, IN 46222 317-924-9093]exu' AAA'enda and AAAid,^oo never mad, 6al Aofo u anddo Am nea^dMm, oneve' AAfeelayfAA"Aw a you- and, odi ad o ur cnwersaldona o v er Ad oey special occasion Afooed^youn j'eoder addAo, andSduuaA to AianAoyon AoAor aAyour Aad aor A on id. cmyA named Aroyd mo snm aerygfzmd.mem- or dm... Adooduco omyoun And endeam- orfd sASamed do mfurrA'incereAy,Apod GAAedoof-tm dteada^ GhzfdThe Pom Reader November 199644TK1FOM.-sYourShowcaseforPurebredPomeraniansSUBSCRIPTIONRATESin U.S. Dollars 11 Issues Per Year Domestic39 3rd class postage 60 1st class postageForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 6.00 each Back Issues 6.00 eachSubject to availability3FPKT IfS 7ii 0 L II M E XII Nw rMIXWfrN V iVY cV ill'll t re re i.\ 7ADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAnnualPrepaidAd Size Contract Open RateFull Page Deluxe Color 337.50375.00Full Page Standard Color NA 250.00Full Page Black White 112.00 125.00Half Page 60.0075.0014 Page 32.00 40.0018 Page 20.00 25-00116 Page 12.00 15.00STORK REPORT NA 10.00All ads 14 page and larger include one photo. Extra black white photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes color photo, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, positionchosen by publisher.ADVERTISING INFORMATIONLois Ciliberto Tel 813-996-5499 Fax 813-996-9613SUBSCRIPTIONSBY MAIL BY PHONEFAXThe Pom Reader Tel 941-858-3839Circulation Department Fax 941-853-36248848 Beverly Hills Telephone Fax orders byLakeland, FL 338091604 credit card onlyCeftnitifyINDECEMBERHOLIDAY GREETINGS andTHE POM READER VISITSMo Beta PomeraniansJoe DaubenspeckCongratulatory ad space is available. Call Lois Ciliberto 813-996-5499for reservation information.The Pom Reader November 199645UDDei\WOOD P OA\SPROUDLY PRESENT OUR FIRST BLUE AND SOME OF HIS FRIENDSV VSfr.v.V sXr, S2 -ssWe would like to give many thanks to Dianne Kieffer Heartlands Pomeranians for the many years of honest dealing and loads of help in developing quality Poms.We would also like to congratulate Fran Stoll Stolanne Poms on acquiring her latest chocolate. He is a beautiful boyWe are also announcing eight puppies now for sale chocolates, chocolate sables, black tans, and sables with good breeding...that showsUNDERWOODS POMERANIANSWITH QU ALITY COLORS10656 DALLASBURG ROAD LOVELAND, CO 45140 TEL 513 683-4877TKEPOMSetdfreiidtityTO THE POM WORLDFOR INFORMATION, CONTACTLOIS CILIBERTO 813-996-5499riebedty che hti eufr Cfoculjititn. rlebedq elihti tufaThe Pom Reader November 1996The perfect Holiday a Doll-McGinnis Dog MagazineTHE ORIENT EXPRESSMore News More Views of all tilings Pekingese 12 Issues Per Year 42 Third Class U.S. PostcIrr'i m- TERMITE8848Beverly Hills Road Lakeland, FL 33809-1604 CHECK, MONEY ORDER OR CREDIT CARDTOP NOTCH TOYSThe Fascinating Toy Breeds 11 Issues Per Year 40 Third Class U.S. PostTHE DOBERMAN DIGESTOur guardian and companion The Doberman Pinscher 6 Issues Per Year -"48 Third Class U.S. Post BY PHONE941858-3839CREDITCARD ONLY-DOT'-1'AT 941-853-3624CREDIT CARD ONLYI A HOLIDAY GREETING CARD WILL BE SENT ACKNOWLEDGING YOUR GIFT.VSNAs Distinctive as ilje Dogs it RepresentsSHOWSIGHT MAGAZINEThe Premier Showcase for the Sport of Purebred Dop' 12 Issues Per Year 60 Third Class U.S. PostThe Pom Reader November 199647r4 GENERATIONS OFr7X^' W16 POMERANIANSAri 4r.I\e .FROM TOP CH. FAME CHIP OF THE GREAT ROCKCH. FAME GIFT OF THE SPIRITCH. FAME PIECE OF THE ROCKand puppy hopeful on lower left FAME HOME ALONE1omeramansBRENDA SEGELKEN44 CAMELOT AVENUE, EFFINGHAM, IL 62401 217-347-5731IrL- ftr \3 MULTI GROUP WINNING CHAMPIONS and our exciting YOUNG HOPEFULGENERATION TO GENERATION...THE QUALITY CONTINUES27570The Pom Reader November 19964 GENERATIONS OFCiBRENDA SEGELKEN WITH I.tor.irCH.FAME PIECE OF THE ROCK "ROCKY"rCH. FAME GIFT OF THE SPIRIT "GIFT"-3HOME ALONE KEVINCH. FAME CHIP OF THE GREAT ROCK "CHIPS"SEEFAME POMERANIANS BRENDA SEGELKEN 44 CAMELOT AVENUE, EFFINGHAM, IL 62401 TEL 217-347-5731 INSIDE BACK COVE RTHE POM READERHeIdBATTTES,,,,,,,l,,,llpo,^g7,"^'II'l'iill II23229 E.DUBISSONRPASS CHRISTIAN MS8848 BEATRLY HILLS ROAD LAKELAND, FL 33809-160439571 9559USABULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND. FLNEWS PUBLICATION DO NOT DELAY ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED