The Pomeranian Review January 2007
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APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 12007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 429 PM1Aiiix0 r rrr ft, r. kI II J4 i j 'iif i a11 3 A4 spvBoaUsSL-Biv 'Pa,1t, -rj i ji. V 4VvAJl ff JwvJm. vk.iyCO wwm.7 jTTJSDUI I rj- rsf rfii 3 ITIujj\IrO[i i i i n rm2 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 429 PM2rm i i i inCli. Marbils Don t Rock Tlie Jukeboxwam \,ir4 21 . AVEV 8K 2 ij .f., gLS V r. -Aa^ fA\A LX1 ,ir iMfiifI nI'-jJ VAj.IPMVt 0 03SITI i4AMr i A' r ,jvMMOfl WA'I FST Cf EREED OR VARIETYSOi'il o' t runiJB K4rvet0.tiSEPTEMBER .2006 O oAftDi 3T0CW. rcft OECC..14f1 pvo10rj ABEST OF WINNERSinWtrijBISS Ck Firekrook s Tabasco Fiasco x Mtn Views Omjx and LaceJackson finisked kis cliampionskip witk a four point major, a five point major, Best of Breed over a lovely special, and a Group Four. He was OwnerBreeder liandled from start to finisk.Tliank you to Ms. Connie Clapp for Jackson s first major, and a kig tliank ijou to Mrs. Jean Fournier picturedfor Jackson's five point major, Best of Breed and Group Four.We are very excited to kave kis first litters on tke ground and look forward to tke dekut of kis get at Nationals in Marck.Congrats to Ckarlotte Creed on ker kennel visit.OwnerBreederOwnerBreederMari HflandDonna RielimMarkil Pomeranians pomsawarjlegrjpt.net618-435-6127Riekm Pomeraniansmom4pomsaol.com618-684-4644APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 32007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 429 PM3I I I I I i i i inA d dJ Ai ' D Jill jIFr A4Even though our little pardner decided to blow some undercoat, we think he still looks pretty cute and decided to do just one more ad before he comes back in and is ready to hit the ring again.Cowboy and his family would like to wish ALL a VERY HEALTHY and HAPPY NEW YEAR Who knows, 2007 may bring a bundle of tiny surprises for the Marcelli clan.We would love to offer our sincere CONGRATULATIONS to his breeders Fabian Arienti and Tony Cabrera for their well-deserved TOP TOY GROUP WINNERS for Eukanuba and for their patience with these total novices in this wonderful breed. Your mentoring has meant so much to oik kL04 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 429 PM4rm i i i i4Cti.Hove N Country 0 Relieve On 7Ae JAeur\ iVCiVrv 1 isr A K'.'Wf HifU T- ^ v1\ ftv44P j\ BP44w Vk - im 47i C Jj 4Ifl V Ur irci V'f7-4 t . .' ' .. 1k iA V4ui 14WinnersMomotoeoloy Dog Club SeoUO,2006rir rk Fr ^L I\What aiA, hoiA,or and thrill to win under the well-respected judging of Michelle killings. Thank you Michelle for appreclatlii,0 MeMe and for rewarding her with wins on two different occasions.Congratulations to charlotte Creed on your Kte^i^el visit.Jackie ttlrshber0 Tucker Tol Points4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 52007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 429 PM5rm i i i in4CkIPeacfi s Uream Hiefieveri.iVARIETY GROUP PLACEMENT fFUN-TIER K.c.OF GRTR.KILLEEN2005COPR. PHOTO BYL. F. SOSA985-84 5 4 562 sIt A A NO ms FAMOUS FA AA HOAR.THE HOMECOMING QUEENCk Hove NCountry 0 HeCieve On JAeJAea \ i wL ^ La4 4f w1 \M... iiST VS. T Pf ijtyowl IJ ^ KJ V V", ibest ofBREEDVARIETYNEW CHAMPIONMAJOf WINTRINITYT^AUEY kc'.Iroof. m AC4Trinity valley K.ennel club - September 5, 2.00MeMe earned her championship at the Trinity valley Kennel club and Flnlshed with a third Major and another BEST OF B'R.FFT from, the classes. Thante you. toJudge C-harles C-. Scott, for this m.ost rn.em.orable, and for appreciating MeMe's charming attributes.46 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 823 PM6i i i i n7o d arCotte, our mentor, congratu fat ions on this richfy deserved occasion of a kennef visit in your honor 'We appreciate the weafth of know hedge in Tomeranians and the sport of dog showing you've shared with us since iQQohWithout you,"South fand', "Majestic" and "Tryn'Rose" Tomer anians wouCdn't he the proud combined representation it is today JAfso, sincere thanks for your never-ending Coy aft y ana true friendship, a near rarity in dogs todayfriends ACways,2 Twister Sisters and a Brother Annette, Brenda and TerryAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 72007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 824 PM7I I I I I i i i inMickf JACK FLASHiiinl Ii11111W '5- ^ 1Spvfjf Sjfv1 '.\t ,^55^ A.b '. H H1\i S BMwW14 4K ol1suffiaHi2iTljl4i]jTjJl Mi 4 diIV \- VSire BISS CH.MAJESTICS WOLFMAN JACK 'JACK' Dam CH. MAJESTICS ARTISTIC IMPRESSIONThank you so much to the very knowCecfaahCe breeder andToyJucfae Mrs. Xathy Boucher Sawyer for this honorahCe win over specialsProud Breeders and OwnersAnnette Rister, Charlotte Creed, Brenda and Terry TurnerTwister Sisters and a Brother pom mom 512aol.com48 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 824 PM8I I I I I i i i in4Rediscovering The Past...m i\--I.. 1MMrm . vHIWLi_____ If-................ w G53Y1.1"k'Jk 4 . .i. w 0 i 7rfvV7 4I. Jij7V jl.-5 sy 7V, I 7TJSV.'im VU.- ,, ,, iwjj V5Si. I U7x5nnlliTaU.K. Brad, Ch. t'lelendri Saet Talkirt Gu 1is stamping his historic English foundation onto his p V'rjrjcwf .CLIf.Ui.JAIpcnW-^ ' '2IPtossPH5 5 m IA'- 'V . 9-L1 \f.Vj .i'7 v PffJSJf ,' r\ 7v tfr vmuxo-Spirit r. CT r rsj-.rVrJ'-ifkBAi rr 'i -'- Aa .I 7,STjR'ur- mCongratulations to Chorlotte Creed, Ton and Fabian.Karen Huntsberger Spirit Pomeranians 520.404.9637Elizabeth A. Molina Retro Poms 818.342.7667 Retro Poms. ComAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 9Lenette PomeraniansBreeders of fine Poms since 19571440 Pom Orchid LaneKannapolis, North Carolina 28081Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 - K. G. Griffith - OwnerCh. Magic Touch of Lenette x Ch. Amber Glow of Lenette 2 male pupsGod is good. God is good all the time but sometimes he has a sense of humor.He has really blessed us with many new puppies and they are mostly all males. Litter after litterwhelped all males. Needless to say we need to move some male puppies. We have the best selectionfrom pets to show prospects we have ever had. We are even offering special deals in order to adjustour number.Congratulations Charlotte Creed on your kennel visit. It has been our pleasure to know you these many years.Please visit our web site or give us a call. www.lenettepoms.com2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 824 PM94-\ . . - fr- \ .iffr '.\yrvV.\yrR fS' -Cfyr . - - , ffiJH VI4 4yr3Z ^ Xyyr\ \yryr m-. Syyr r 4rk^'- i- v'-" ' -.9 '. s , . V .RMikNWf 4f. "W4fya .Q,iit,14f f I 45yr i. mVByr4I I I I rm10 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 824 PM10rrn i i i in4Happy New YearWoodrose's Tradition ContinuesJaket\44 vry Ife A'5Sto]1A4 4aI RF,ST OF WINNERS jpIWinn SPECIALTY SHOWfoMIKE JOHNSON PHOTO11 Mv BIS CH. WOODROSE'S OLDE TYME TRADITION X WOODROSE'S SYLVIA"Jake" is shown winning BW at our Pomeranian Club of Hawaii Specialty under respectable judge Mr. Melvin Beech. He now has 13 pts., 4 majors and needs two singles to finish. He is a fatherdaughter breeding which goes back to Ch. Rock N' Tradition of Oakridge. His sire, our "Corky", is one of the last sons of the late "Jake".Congratulations to the Toy Group Breeders of the year Tony Cabrera and Fabian Arienti. Congratulations to Charlotte Creed on her Kennel Visit feature.WHERE QUALITY COUNTSII IIWOODROSEPH 808 235-8142CLARICE AND YVETTE OGANEKUwoodrosehawaii.rr.com4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 112007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 452 PM11rm i i i in4WoodrosepresentsCHAMPION WOODROSES MINI COOPERfT I 1jLi nliilMMliapr .jt\, 4"Cooper" finished with 5 majors at the Orchid Island Dog Fancier Club, Inc. show under respected judge Mrs. Sharon Francis..BESTOF\VINNERSNEWCHAMPIONHim SHOWr\Q It IKBIS CH. WOODROSE S OLDE TYME TRADITION X WOODROSE S STARBURSTIIrm4 4WOODROSES MAGIC IN THE AIR4'4k T^'I Bangles" is shown winning his second major under respected Judge Mr. Jolly at the Tropical Toy Dog Fanciers Club show. He was handled by our good friend Craig Garcia for this win.r\11 va yJ1 ifWE WISH EVERYONE A HAPPY NEW YEAR. THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT WE HAD FROM OUR FRIENDS AND SPECIAL MAHALOS THANK YOUS TO ALL THE JUDGES WHO APPRECIATED OUR POMS.[\I4aBESTOF WINNERSMAJORToy Group ShowMIKE JOHNSON PHOTOrJegfjWnrCH. ISLAND'S HERE WE GO X WOODROSE S MAGIC SPICEWHERE QUALITY COUNTSWOODROSECLARICE YVETTE OGANEKUph 808 235-8142 woodrosehawaii.rr.com412 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWFinchs Pomeranians Ltd.Ch. FinchsBetn OnaSureShotPartiShooterThanks to Karen Chisam and CarolynCrockett for their exceptional devotionand expertise to finishing these two partis.These two bring the total of titled partis forFinchs Pomeranians to 18.Ch. FinchsSplish SplashPartiSplishDiane L. FinchFinchs Pomeranians Ltd.Finchs Pomeranians Ltd.Finchs Pomeranians Ltd.Finchs Pomeranians Ltd.Finchs Pomeranians Ltd.515-769-2444 - - httpwww.finchspoms.comCongratulations to Tony and Fabian,EukanubaAKC Top Toy GroupBreeders of the Year award winners.2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 452 PM12I I I I I i i i in4wVtoAT \WINNERSreMAJORNEBRASKA KENNEL CLUB 2006photo by MELIASr \fc.1L V4 4csKM 1Kvu.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXV4 5 0TRAVIS COUNTY KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER2006. . NUGENT PHOTOHiv.1. v jkWs4 v 4ora44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 13Frenchie finished her championship in Springfield, Massachusetts under Judge Thomas Baldwin with a four pointmajor and by going BOS over the specials bitch. This was her second four point major as well as our secondBreederOwnerHandled Champion to finish in the last couple of months with multiple four pointers. We wish tothank Judy Green for allowing the lovely Stetson BIS Can Am Ch Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance to come and visitwith us to be shown and bred to Paris, as well as all our dear friends who have been so supportive of us and ourdogs.2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 452 PM13i i i inCh. Achilles Pardon My FrenchiL^u idmA4.V BlJaifft r. rfT39r '-mvs - 5rV vai.4\,ci FiA15sJk\WM,k'VV'i S' V\ . -AllJunior and Jennifer MunnAchilles Pomeranians www.achillespoms.comA14 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAdvertisers Index......................................................76AKCEukanuba National Championship...............60-63, 75APC Board Summary Janice Russell............................39APC National Specialty Info..........................................51APC Officers.................................................................27APC Statement............................................................27APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel................................46-50APC Summer Specialty Information..........................74Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.....................................30Back Issue Information..........................................76Baltimore Pom Club................................................44, 45Bicycling Poms.....................................................36, 37Central Carolina Pom Club.....................................15Coming Events....................................................74Cover Story .....................................................14Health and Genetics Geneva Coats.......................52-55Junior Showmanship .........................................38Just FUR Fun.........................................................43, 75Kennel Visit Charlotte Creed................................32-35Kennel Visits, Future Features.................................39,68Letter to the Editor...................................................75Membership Report Annette Davis...............................26New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel.......................49,50Nominating Committee Report.................................39Northern California Pom Club.............................31Performance News Barbara McClatchey..................56-59Points to Ponder Katie Gammill............................64, 65Pom Club of Central Indiana.......................................42Pom Club of Greater Houston.............................66, 67Presidents Report Cynthia G. Boulware........................28Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis...............................26Review Advertising Rates.....................................24, 68Review FREE Mugs.............................................22Salute to Our Armed Forces...................................73Subscription Card.....................................................72SubscriptionReview Information............................72, 76Sunshine and Roses...........................................68Toy Group Breeders of the Year......................................62Ways and Means Walda Green....................................38Website Address............................................................27Ch Stolannes Back Talk X Heartlands A Flash From HeavnAt only 6 weeks of age, we watched his antics from across theroom one day and my husband exclaimed, Look at that puppyHamin It Up Although I protested, the name stuck and hecertainly did everything he could to live up to the title Hamfinished his championship, owner-handled and from the bred byclass, in 8 shows by nine months of age. Along the way, he washonored as the APC National BOW and BBBE, and finishedwith a BOW win at the Central Carolina Specialty show.We are pleased to announce that Ham and Nina Fetter are theteam to watch in 2007Kathryn J. NoremBreederOwner, Knox, INwww.eaglecreekpoms.comNina M. Fetter, PHA, DHGAKC Registered Handler, Lima, OHwww.ninafetter.comThe Group WinningCH EAGLE CREEKS HAMIN IT UPHam2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 452 PM14i i i i n9Contents front CoverhA'mm fAU X\1s2fi nV4 g 4ana ^Xtadaatt Pttetoyiafiif id iISEw-0h4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 15The Central Carolina Pomeranian ClubCordially InvitesYYYYY OUOUOUOUOUto ourPomeranian SpecialtyFriday April 6, 2007Mr. Lawrence Stanbridge Regular ClassesMrs. Linda Ayers Turner Knorr Sweeps-Jr ShowmanshipFollowed by two all-breed shows on Saturday and SundayLOCATIONPiedmont Kennel Club Showplace13607 Choate Circle, Charlotte, NCENTER EARLY. THERE IS A LIMIT OF ENTRIES AT THE TWO ALL BREED SHOWS..Many valuable class prizes will be awarded at the Pomeranian Specialty 500.00 to Best Of Breed Regular Classes500.00 to Best of Opposite Regular Classes 500.00 to Winners Dog Regular Classes500.00 to Winners Bitch. Regular ClassesWe will be honoring the winners of Bred By Classes with our first annual BEAM AWARD.We feel it is important to recognize the Breeder, Owner, Handler in their tireless effort to preserve thePomeranian Breed.Many other valuable prizes and treats will be given away.This is our 20th Specialty Celebration.COME JOIN USRefreshments will be served after Best of Breed.For a complete list of awards check your premium list.2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 452 PM15I I I I I i i i in44 4416 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 454 PM16I I I I I i i i in4BACHMANS2006 CHAMPIONSL ,, MCamowdV'f.h EglV]tjREST m Ic. y K,if \AmCan Ch. Bachman's Precious DiamondVvvHPA-AM lVmyw.s Sire BISS Ch. Mountain Crest JJ ROM Dam Ch. Bachman's Precious JewelSi1_ iaMiA- t' \4\ Wa\ot t1 siXs1Bred by Cheri McDonaldtn iM 4ft.HR CfH^^Uncete ik fiti -Tj IV. -implvAmCanCh. CR Princess of Mischief\vr1' \i jhin,-A 0jSire BISS AmCan Ch. Rodi's CR King of Gondor Dam Shimmeree Northern Lights2ifA i Vi Ar.Mm t\miiBred by and co-owned with Bob and Celeste SolanouatwMwHThanks to our good friends Bob and Celeste Solano for finishing Diamond Champion 1 and Princess Champion 2 in 2006. We appreciate your dedication and hard work.We're looking forward to a great 2007.Bachman Pomeranians www.bachmanpoms.comHandled by Celeste and Bob Solano 360-273-8722Cheri McDonald 909-394-7923APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 172007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 454 PM17I I I I I i i i in4BACHMAN'S 2006 CHAMPIONSi \ICh. Bachman's My Dream PorscheL- 1V x'JrHXSire Ch. Nguyen Cory Loverboy of "GQ" ROM Dam Ch. Bachman's Lady LexusEs, HELENA MONTANA BB KENNEL CLUR I f SEPTEMBER 9 .A.' BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX'1 aKOHLERBred by Cheri McDonald and Co-owned with Bob and Celeste Solano 1 lIIiHlWWW4 4yOOpl\ ___\ oCh. Bachman's Mini Cooper N' Cameo'y' irrV- 1K 11 \ Sire Ch. Nguyen, Cory Loverboy of "GQ" ROM Dam Ch. Bachman's Lady Lexus- V' i',c kA M3l \^ \LEUUEV. OV.^1 ^ JUNE 2006k-SSS' n '0-l4I if VBred by Cheri McDonald and Co-owned with Karen BetzIvs W9I if ' T\VCeleste Solano finished Porsche Champion 3 in record time. Cooper was shown by our good friend Karen Betz and Celeste finished up the job by getting Cooper his 2 majors. Champion 4 Thank you Karen and Celeste for finishing these guys and bringing Lexus closer to her ROM.Handled by Celeste Solano 360-273-8722Bachman Pomeranians www.bachmanpoms.comCheri McDonald 909-394-792318 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 454 PM18i i i inBACHMAN'S KING OF THE ROADNowShowingwBest In Sweeps at Antelope Valley KCBest in Sweeps at Long Beach KCM 4M mto \ '4jp.v.1feb.A LJohnnywins WDBOW at Shoreline Dog FanciersFLASHV40IV. Sire AmCan Ch. Rodi's CR King of Gondorr FIRST POINTSBEST OF WINNERSO 9Dam Ch. Bachman's Lady LexusBAHIA SUR KENNEL CLUBF, HOLLOWAY PHOTO,4-'Cheri McDonald 909-394-7923 Bachman Pomeranians www.bachmanpoms.comAAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 192007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 454 PM19I I I I I i i i inBACHMAN'S 2007 PUPPY HOPEFULSBachman's Wild Wild WestSire Am. Ch. Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second ROM Dam Lana's Centerfold Pin-UpCo-Owned with Robert and Celeste Solanovrt ameaBachman's All You Need Is Love4- Sire Ch. Nguyen Cory Loverboy of "GQ" ROM Dam Bachman's Precious Alexandrite ., fitCo-Owned with Robert and Celeste Solanofih,. , It MiVwM I__S.GumBachman'sBrightest StarSire AmCan Ch. Rodi's CR King of Gondor Dam Bachman's Precious Star RubyCo-Bred and Co-Owned with Beverly TiagaSK3A t m vCheri McDonald909-394-7923 Bachman Pomeranians www.bachmanpoms.com20 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 454 PM20rm i i i i4LYNNWEIGMTSMAGNiriCO BY SUBEE mLVERSACEk' mT EIANK YOU TO JUDGEMes. Bee Canalizo eoe TME Best oe Beeed. MlL J mm I 'W\CONGEATULATIONS CEIAELOTTEIt suee is eun being paet oe the tt itmatst" team with you.Good Buck Suzanne Beeney4 4Yknot Pomeranians is proud to presentifk. idlewyld s yknct Reck da Beatt . Danieln ii t.We would like to give special thanks toMargaret McKee Idlewyld Pomeraniansfor allowing Daniel to come to Yknot Poms.1VVJWe would also like to congratulate Charlotte Creed on her kennel visit.' A4k4sS- ri, v-uwmv.yknetpems.cem Beyerly Allen Bam GuerraMe4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 212007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 926 AM21rm i i i in4GIANTEDLynnwrightsGia of LenetteGia's first weekend at 6 months old, she won Best Puppy in Sweepstakes and Winners Bitch - twice"Xr v '\5,WINNERS Sincere thanks to Judges Glory-Ann Pigarut, Jacqueline M. Rayner and Barbara J. Wood for appreciating inV.J\ CONGRATULATIONS CHARLOTTEWe've been friends for over 20 years and you still can pick 'em Thanks so much for choosing Lynnwrights Gia of Lenette for me. I will always appreciate Southland Poms. Donna Lynn Wright4 4rm 7 Attitude Plays a Part - Chili Palmer, Qet ShortywPUe proudly introduce to youLynnwrights pom Travolta"Cmili POMER"FA \id \at the Turkey CeusterCHIEI GOBBI ED UP WINNERS DOG UNDER JUDGE JACQUELINE M. RAYNER. i VChiliis owned, handled and loved by Lorelei Sibet - Siren Pomeranians www.onesiren.comdoncyratulationi dkarlotte dreed on your featurepirit meeting you greeted heart, idjour Support, guidance an ndIS want to sincerelyth-, dmce oar me ivbnd dopen armd a an openLnowlecLye are mua me aUhanh ljou for mentoriny yesterdau. todau and tomorrotv.'urWLY22 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWDont forget to pick upyour in KentuckyReceive a FREE MUG by purchasing a NEW SUBSCRIPTION RENEWING your currentPom Review subscription or EXTENDING your SubscriptionAvailable only in Kentucky.Sorry, absolutely NONE will be mailed.FREE 2007 MUGKen and Jackie RaynerJaken KennelJaken5995aol.comCongratulationsand best wishesto our loooongtime friend,Charlotte Creed.Thanks for the memories weshare in the showring andPomeranian breed.Congratulations toCharlotte Creedon her Kennel Re-Visit.I have enjoyed your friendshipover the years.Best wishes in your futurePom endeavors.Jerrie FreiaJanesa Pomswww.janesa.com985-384-7466pomsjanesa.comMultiple Group PlacingBISS Ch Lil Behrs ThumbelinaCongratulations toCharlotte Creedof Southland Poms on her Kennel Visit.Her hard work is evident in the manybeautiful Poms in the ring today.Lil Behrs PomeraniansJoan C. BehrendBreederOwnerHandler2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 926 AM22rm i i i i4V4' n4SAmerican Pamennlan CM4 4S\1. .r Tr.FA.434JX. viLf ^1riV,0JO r wmji \ik 4BEST OF BREED' iSPECIALTY__ NORTHEASTERN SgN MARYLAND'xt 3v"BJWY ' -y. v.^ jrfWY,- f -,YUfr,tSFrI 171 llI. a IVMlt - 1.l i m iHTi.V. -3J V,nilIIn i h 4ft itt7,1',,i. .11 , M -f" T_ 4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 23NEW PREVIEW VIDEO CLIPS BEFORE YOU BUY. FREE BOOKLETS INCLUDED WITH EACH VIDEOGROOMING TIPS, EQUIPMENT NEEDED AND WHERE TO BUY IT, AND HOW TO TRIM EARS.Have you ever wondered how the Poms in the show ring and show pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done Weare pleased to present this Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, by Karen Crawford ofXitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn theprofessional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video,preview video clips, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail Pauline McFarlane at, or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.We would like to thank Mike and Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMInt CH PominiqueChasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Congratulations to Charlotte Creed on your Kennel Visit and to Breeders of the Year, Tony Cabrera and Fabian Arienti. HAPPY NEW YEARKaren CrawfordXitable PomeraniansandJohn and Pauline McFarlane FoxxLane PomeraniansDarla finished from thebred-by class with 4majors and 2 singles. This is our first bred-bychampion and I am thrilled to death. We hopeto have her puppies in the ring later this year.Thanks to the following judgesAnn Hearn - 3pt major WBBOSLoraine Boutwell - 4pt Major WBBOWBOSAnne Katona - 4 pt Major WBBOWBOSArley Hussin - 2 pts WBBOSKenneth Falconi - 4 pt Major WBBOWBOSover special and BOB Bred-byLisa Warren - GRP 2 Bred-byKathlene McClainWeebit Pomeranianswww.weebitpomeranians.homestead.com269-244-5782Weebit PomeraniansCH Weebits Im A PiranhaCH Heartlands Too Tough To Top X CH Showins Queen Of Spades2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 926 AM23i i i i nimVjr4 4kranian Gro Pom'Wn\TT424 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWEditor..............................................................................................................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager...................................................................................................................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comProofreaders.......................................................................................................................................................................Joan Behrend, Becky SabourinAdvertisement Manager...................................................................................................................................................Joan Behrend6 Richmond Blvd, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 PH 631 366-2330 mzjoanoptonline.netBusiness Card Manager...................................................................................................................................................Kathyrn Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 e c p o msnitline.netSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class...............................45.00USPS Bulk.........................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico.............55.00Foreign.....................................100.00Single Issue.....................................10.00Back Issues....................................10.00 Advertising RatesFront Cover Color.......................600.00Back Cover Color.............................450.00Inside Front Cover Color................300.00Inside Front Cover BW..................125.00Inside Back Cover Color.................300.00Inside Back Cover BW.....................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color........................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW...........................125.00Center Spread BW........................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.....................275.00Full Page BW...................................100.00Half Page Color................................150.00Half Page BW.................................60.00One Quarter Page............................40.00Business Card 6 ......Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25each additional black and white photos are 10 each.SUPPORT THE APCSUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian ReviewBrenda Segelken, Editor11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401-7460Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...............OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1........................................MarAprilApril 1.......ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1.............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......................................SeptOctOct 1..............MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDec.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeThe Pomeranian Review2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 926 AM24i i i i nThe Pcmeranian ReviewThe Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 252007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 926 AM25i i i in4Ch.Stolannes A Song For TimothyCh. Music Maker of Lenette x Ch. Marbil's Place In The Sun"4 4jmK k' -VTirnothy, shown and formerly owned by the late Dr. Renee McGrath, finished in only 12 shows with four majors and a Toy Group placement from the classes. He is now at home at Stolanne's and we are really enjoying this sassy, energetic little boy-Congratulations to Tony and Fabian on the recent honor of Toy Toy Breeders. You are very deserving of this award, having worked been so successful at producing top qualilty Poms with fabulous personalities. Thanks for all you have contributed to the PomeranianCharlotte, I have so many wonderful memories of you and your little Poasty in the show ring. Congratulations on your Kennel Visit, and thanks for the memories and contributions to the betterment of Pomeranians.-fFran Stoll - Stolanne Poms - 812-254-3857 - stolanne650dialup.comPHOTOGRAPHY26 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2318 Rose Garden RoadPittsburgh, PA 15220412 344-8257 391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 infoavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting onthe applicants whose names are published in the Revieware to go to Janice Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr.,Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be received within30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APCWebsite orcontact Annette Davis for membership applications.HALL OF FAMECH Finchs Awesome On All Four DOwners Kathy Norem Diane FinchCH Finchs Bettin On Chars DOwner Char MeyerCH Starfires Here Comes Trouble DOwner Veronica Winter, Jose Cabrera Fabian ArientiGOLD CLUBCH Great Elms Pride And Joy DOwner Bonnie StetsonCH Starfires Here Comes Trouble DOwner Veronica Winter, Jose Cabrera Fabian ArientiREGISTRY OF MERIT SUPREME ROMSCH Paughprints On The MTN Crest DOwners Sherri Alspaugh, David Gilstrap and Carlene GilstrapREGISTRY OF MERIT EXCELLENT ROMXCH Gar-Vs Zeek-A Boo BOwner Carol LeemhuisCH Heathers Sunkiss Beach Baby BOwner Char MeyerREGISTRY OF MERIT ROMCH Rise N Shines Leading Lady BOwner Julie ClemenCH Heartlands Bosa Nova Dancer DOwner Fred Pat DieballDHCrew Luminesque Novel Meg BOwner Jacqueline MooreCH Glen Iris Castle In The Sky BOwner Dr. C. Jackson, Dr. G. Sisneros, Dr. L. Myers, I. TaylorCH Glen Iris Duchess Of Castile BOwner Dr. Geno SisnerosCH Great Rivers Cupids Arrow DOwner Sharon YampiroCH Mountain Crest JJ DOwners David Gilstrap and Carlene GilstrapRegistrar Report ContinuedNEW MEMBERSCurtiss G. Smith AZSponsors Alane Levinsohn, Deronda SharpDorothy Ashbey PASponsors Jackie Rayner, Judy GreenAPPLICATIONSWilliam Erika Paviglianti FLSponsors Bobii Earle, Jose Tony CabreraNancy Elizabeth Kooy CASponsors Tom Wilson, Eleanor W. MillerSunny Shawley WASponsors Marlene Presser, Celeste SolanoSandra McCutcheon TXSponsors Linda Pelz, Leslie StoneReena Fair NMSponsors Joanne Norris, Benson E. RayVeronica Ronni Winter NCSponsors Alane Levinsohn, Jose Tony CabreraCH Pufpride Cloudbreaker DOwner Jessie KleinCH Keepsakes Berrie Traditional DOwner Jessie KleinCH Starfires Hello Its El Hottie DOwner Jose Cabrera Fabien ArientiStarfires Strawberry Marmelade BOwner Jose Cabrera Fabien ArientiMillamors Makin My Day BOwner Nancy KoyRegistrar Report Continued2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 531 PM26i i i i nMembership Cepcit Annette Davisregistrar Depcrt Carel Leemhuis sr .A ErTVH A_V A \4 4a \a'iW \ill\ laa 'a1 wnA\\f\ d.7 2]3sim 3s 1-.7OJitj r4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 27AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT......................................................................................MARGE KRANZFELDER 821 Brown Road, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045-9676PH 831 623-9265 FAX 831 623-2612 EMAIL marge_kranzfeldersbcglobal.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792PH 218 749-1154 FAX 218 741-9435 EMAIL janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.....................................................................MARGARET MCKEE 2426 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, VA 23063-2508PH 804 556-3380 FAX 804 556-4107 EMAIL idlewyldearthlink.netRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317 924-9093 EMAIL indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.................................................CYNTHIA BOULWARE 6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972 962-3872 FAX 972 962-3872 EMAIL lovencountryearthlink.netTREASURER....................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375PH 281351-9516 FAX 281 351-6620 EMAIL ........................BOARD OF DIRECTORS............................Sally Baugniet Donna Riehm Alane LevinsohnJackie Rayner Fran Stoll Greggory WatersThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancementof the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested in joining the APC,please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager,Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692. You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.JACKIE RAYNER, DONNA RIEHM, CINDY BOULWARE, GREGG WATERS, FRAN STOLL, JANICE RUSSELL, ERIKA MOUREAUALANE LEVINSOHN, JANE LEHTINEN, MARGE KRANZFELDER, MARGARET MCKEE, SALLY BAUGNIET.2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 532 PM27I I I I I i i i in4HiiV r r1\n \J aA SI1't ^ -w aMA a L i \M -,ITV r nr,if r i JL4 4428 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAs I write this it is November 2006, I will not officially take the Presidentialhelm until January 1, and at this time I do not know exactly who the newBoard will be composed of. I do know, however, that all of the candidateslisted on the nominating slate are equally qualified to hold the position theyare running for and each candidate has the best interest of our breed andClub at heart. I feel comfortable in saying that it will be an honor and apleasure to work with a Board of twelve dynamic people, all of whom arewilling to speak up, speak out, and work together as a team, doing all that they can to further the AmericanPomeranian Clubs goals of improving, protecting, and preserving our Pomeranian breed and our National Club.I must admit I am anxious to get started in my Presidential role and yet the thought of trying to fill the shoes ofthose who came before makes me somewhat apprehensive. Fortunately for me, two of those who came before,Marge Kranzfelder and Margaret McKee have both graciously offered their advisory help anytime I need it. Iplan to take full advantage of their expertise. I just hope I dont burn up their phone lines with my questions.I think we would all agree that it takes a strong Board to properly manage a National Club but, are you awarethat the cooperation, suggestions, questions and yes, even the complaints of every club member also play a hugerole in the management of the club While it is the duty of the Board to speak for, and act on behalf of the Club,it is also the duty of every club member to communicate to the Board their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with thedirection of the Club. I hope that each of you will feel comfortable in speaking with me or any other Boardmember we want to know about your concerns, questions, suggestions, etc. While the Board cant alwaysimplement every suggestion, fix every problem, or satisfy every complaint, we will fairly discuss and carefullyconsider every issue that comes before us.I hope you are planning to attend the March 2007 Nationals in Louisville. A Must Attend Event this year will beAPCs firstever Top Twenty Event. Not only is the Top Twenty Event elegant it is also suspenseful and loadsof fun you wont want to miss it.Another event everyone should attend is the, The Pomeranian Charitable Trust Seminar. Linda A. Frank, MS,DVM, will speak on Hair Today Gone Tomorrow Or what is Black Skin Disease, anyway The knowledgeand information to be gained from Dr. Frank is sure to be invaluable to every Pomeranian breeder, handler andowner.January 1 is the deadline for Membership dues if you havent done so already, send your check to Erika,A.S.A.P.Have a Happy New Year and Ill See you in Kentucky.2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 532 PM28i i i i nI te m the PresidentC ^EZ^ffi 3X\\VCynthia C. Ecuiesvare i TVVdr'WL.0yAsuv4jA4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 292007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 532 PM29rm i i i inAphrodites PomeraniansJasmineAJKJA Seemais proud to introduce our latest ChampionCh. Aphrodites Bluepi W 1m ^ mOw1i.y\ f'TVuV \ AW\ 1 Iu i t,'7 'V. fay '\ji,vAAftViWINNERS' fjfSs tfvnMAJOR WINNEW CHAMPIONCENTRALOHIO lKENNEL CLUBNor. 19,1006 i K. BOOTHtafi V '3wftBEST yOF I OPPOSITE SEXHI A llKI.NM n.omoSeema is my 5th Champion bitch since February of 2005. I once said, "I'll never show another bitch." I've changed my mind. I would like to thank Donna Machniak for always being there to help me out when I get frustrated. Thank you Donna for everything. Thank you to all the judges who appreciated Seema.HandlerOwnerBreederHandlerDonna MachniakLinda DeciccoA30 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWA sk Us Anything Annette Davis, CNOur question for this issue is What herbs can I safely use on my PomMost herbs that are safe for use on people can also be used to help care for dogs. Of course, it is very important to dosethem appropriately and be aware of potential side effects. Herbs are powerful and when used skillfully can be extremelyhelpful. If used indiscriminately, you can cause toxicities or other side effects.I will highlight few safe and effective herbs that I use often. There are a number of good books written by veterinariansand animal care professionals that can guide you in choosing and safely using other herbs see list below.GingerEnergizing herb useful for nausea, GI distress, fatigue, and lack of stamina. Cut a small slice of fresh root then wrap it in apiece of meat or hide the dose in a favorite treat. Other alternatives are a pinch of ginger powder, a small amount ofproperly diluted essential oil, or dry extract capsules. Give before car rides in dogs prone to motion sickness, before mealsfor GI distress, or morning and evening for dogs struggling with fatigue or lack of stamina.GarlicVersatile herb that has been used for thousands of years as a natural antibiotic, to strengthen the immune system, and tohelp control parasites. Modern research has shown that it also helps to lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of cardiovasculardisease, reduce the risk for cancer and stabilize blood sugar levels. A small amount of crushed fresh cloves, a pinch ofpowder, or capsules intended for pets can be given daily.Caution avoid large doses which may cause toxicity andor exacerbate thyroid disease.ChamomileCalming herb useful for nervousness, hyperactivity, indigestion and skin problems. The tea can be added to drinking wateror used as a topical rinse. A tiny amount of properly diluted essential oil can also be used.PeppermintBalancing herb useful for digestive complaints and topically for itching. The tea can be added to drinking water or used asa topical rinse. A tiny amount of properly diluted essential oil can also be used.Tea Tree OilBroad spectrum antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, wound healing oil. A small amount can be applied topically as needed.Lavender OilCalming, soothing oil useful for nervousness, hyperactivity, aggression, and skin problems. One drop can be mixed with2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 532 PM30I I I I I i i m i n4- imVrr.T im- - 4.-.ri 3Lil. 1IriL4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 31gpet food morning and evening or a small amount can be applied topically as needed.Citronella OilNatural insect repellant with a pleasant aroma. Many pet products containing citronella are readily available. Citronellamay cause skin irritation in sensitive pets. Other insect repellant oils include eucalyptus citriodora, cedarwood,peppermint, lavender, rosemary, geranium, and lemongrass. Properly dilute all essential oils before use generally 10 dropsessential oil per 1 oz of carrier for full body application or 20-30 drops essential oil per 1 oz of carrier for partial bodyapplication.Below are a number of excellent reference books which can be ordered from Aromatherapy for Animals by Kristen Leigh BellVeterinary Aromatherapy by Nelly GrosjeanHomeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs by Donald HamiltonThe Holistic Dog Book by Denise FlaimHerbs for Pets by Gregory L. TilfordReputable source for pet supplements and supplies www.kvvet.comReputable source for herbs and essential oils www.timelabs.comOur next question is My Pom has seizures. Is there anything I can do to help control them naturallyYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello ID 83204Phone 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792, Email infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htmAsk Us Anything ContinuedApril 21, 2007Judging starts 30 min after Best in Show at ChiefSolano Kennel Club show in Vallejo, California.Darryl Vice, will judge pending AKC approval.NORTHERN CALIFORNIAPOMERANIAN CLUBANNUAL SPECIALTYSweepstakes will be held during the all breed show on Saturday. Sweepstakes Judgeis Audrey Roberts, pending AKC approval.Show Secretary Walda Green, 8120 Harvard Dr., Ben Lomond, CA 95005 Phone831 336 8285e-mail winstarpomssbcglobal.net2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 533 PM3144 4\ o.o po-VG Vol2vo4ii i i n rm32 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWhen I sat down to write this,my mind went in many directions.First, I feel so blessed to have hadall the wonderful Poms that I wasbreeder or co-breeder of over theyears. Several were BISA,BISS winners, many Group Iwinners and Group placers, andnumerous breed winners.Notable BISA winners wereBISA Ch. Southlands Mr.V.I.P. OIda, BISA BevNorsToastys Tanya thefirst and only black and tanbitch to ever go BISA,BISA, BISS Ch.Southlands MightyImpressive, BISA, BISSCh. Majestics Willie BeSteppin Up, BISA, BISS Ch.Southlands Black Tie N Tails theSouthland PomsCharlotteCreedonly black and tan male to go BISA in the history of our breedCHARLOTTE CREED AND CH SOUTHLANDS TOAST TO BEV-NORand the only black and tan to ever win a BISS, and BISS Majestics Wolfman Jack.I cannot write this article without mentioning perhaps the most famous and loved black and tan Pom in thehistory of our breed, my beloved Ch. Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor Poasty. Even fanciers who did not like meloved Poasty. She was the 1 Pom bitch in 1985, a multiple Group I winner, and BOS winner at two NationalSpecialties as a young dog. Poasty continued to win BOS at the APC National from the Veteran class, BOS atWestminster twice, and numerous BOS at other Specialties. She loved to show better than any Pom I have everseen. I showed her in the veteran class up into her teens and she would always get a standing ovation, with tearsflowing from mine and many spectators eyes. She, in my opinion and in many others, is one who should have2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 533 PM32i i i in4,14 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 33been a BISA winner, but that honor eluded her. But,in my heart, Poasty will always be my Number 1BIS winner.Line breeding and some inbreeding are thecareful breeders greatest tools. But careful isthe operative word. You must be sure neitherparent has a major fault. In order to getconsistent type, line breeding is a must. Breedersthat bounce all over the place will never developa consistent look you must have direction.By choosing a direction, setting goals, selectingthe best gene pool possible, with love,dedication, hard work and by the grace ofGod you may have a show Pom.I want to give credit to all the breeders who havegone before me that helped me be successful. I couldnot write this without giving credit to my mentor,Kennel Visit ContinuedsBISA CH SOUTHLANDS MR. V.I.P OIDABISS CH MAJESTICS CHANGE YOUR LUCKBeverly Norris of the famous BEV-NOR line. Bev no longer breeds, but we have remained lifetime friends andstill stay in contact. Bev still has a love for Poms and likes to hear whats happening. Without her, there wouldhave been no Southland. To you, who are new in this wonderful breed, study, research the pedigrees, and learnwhat were the successful lines that have made their mark on the breed.People in our history like the Mattas, Roses,Schoenburgs and many others in our history providedthe foundation of our Poms in America. Kennelssuch as Sun-Gold, Model, Texican, Dixieland,Cavalier, Showstopper, Bonner, Great Elms, CornDuke, Bev-Nor, Millamor, Jan Shar, Oakridge, TimSue and many others are names that have left adefinite positive mark in the history of our Poms.Longtime successful breeders like Ken andEleanor Miller, Olga and Darrell Baker, Bill andBev Norris, Anna Lafortune, Tim and SueGoddard, Erika Moreau, Ruth Beam, and othersare willing to share their knowledge. Ask them.They will help any newcomer.It would be impossible to mention breederswithout emphasizing Ruth Beam. Onefamous Pom handler said, Ruth Beam hascontributed more to Poms in the United Statesthis century than any other breeder. Her dogsare in the pedigrees of so many great ones.Everyone is familiar with BISA, BISS, Ch. Great ElmsPrince Charming and his accomplishments, but many do not realize that2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 533 PM33i i i in4iWa nANFjn. yr1-, fi 1 I V4 4 i fiSf v434 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWKennel Visit ContinuedGreat Elms is behind so many of our top winning BISPoms. Do your research and you will be amazed.There are many Poms of the past that represent suchdedication from breeders. Some Ive only seenpictures of, such as the Matta dogs, Ch. RidersSparkling Gold Nugget the all time top winningPom until Parker passed his wins, Ch. MillamorsMarketta, Ch. Thelcolyns Showstopper, Ch.Lennis Tar-Lacy Foxfire, Ch. Great ElmsTimstoppers Image, Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer ofOakridge, to just name a few. They were regalin stance, pretty in head and had lovely coats,etc. Of the ones Ive seen in real life Ch. BevNorsToasted Fudge was very similar intype to Tar-LacyCHARLOTTE AND MAJESTICS JUMPN JACK FLASHBISA, BISS CH SOUTHLANDS BLACK TIE N TAILSI am responsible for their livelihood. Theywould not be here had I not arranged thebreeding. Therefore, it is myresponsibility to see that they do notbecome purely a commodity. They are notjust show dogs to come out of a crate forthe show and then put aside. They must beLOVED above all else. Unfortunately, Iand the best moving Pom Ive ever seen Ch.Thelduns Almond Fudge, the soundest Pom Iveseen Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming, Ch.Tim SuesHarbour Lights, Ch. Tim Sues High Lights, Ch.Preshus Petites Gabriel, and, of course, Parker.There are many others, but those are just a fewwho have caught my eye as the type Pom I like.Thanks in large part to the breedersmentioned above, and many not mentioned, inthe time Ive been in Poms, I think Poms haveimproved. There are different types within ourbreed, but to me a Pom must be sound moving,typey, pretty, but fox like expression in head,have a high head carriage and be animated. Ilove a regal appearance I think we need tobreed for soundness more and seek inearnest to decrease faults and hereditaryproblems.My entire philosophy of Pom breedingis based on a deep, deep love for my dogs.2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 533 PM34rm i i i in4iK LLv pW4 4. AMr ',m. - , Av1..sfe ij KVV1J\iwa f V'W -4.A ^s.-.V^ '-Am ' 4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 35think today we have far too many breeders that are inthis for a financial profit and in many cases ethics donot exist.As a member of the APC for 25 plus years, Ichallenge you to give back to this wonderful breed.First, do it for the love and betterment of the breed.Be considerate of fellow fanciers and helpful tonewcomers. Try and direct them within theguidelines of our American Pomeranian ClubsCode of Ethics. These little guys give so much tous. Always put their welfare first. Dont let greedlead your direction.BISA, BISS CH SOUTHLANDS MIGHTY IMPRESSIVEBISA, BISS INT CH MAJESTICS WILLIE BE STEPPN UP GC, HOFBISS CH MAJESTICS WOLFMAN JACKI no longer breed under the Southland banner,but help my friend Annette Rister with her breedingprogram. I only have eight Poms left at my house. Allare geriatrics and deeply loved. My goal is to outlivethem so I can be sure they are taken care of in their oldage. As a true lover of the breed and adedicated breeder, I hopethat before Im gone, my contribution to the breed willbe recognized as having had the ability to create a dogthat was so prepotent with good qualities that hisconsistent good qualities were passed from generationto generation, and that they could still be recognizedas having come from Southland years down the road.In closing, I can only echo the words of RuthBeam, Let us not be satisfied with what we alreadyknow, but forever seek new knowledge in bettercare and breeding of our little friends.Special thanks to The PomeranianReview for this honor and to the manyfriends that have made this venture so much fun.2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 533 PM35i i i in4v4 4w\436 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWI have bicycled over 100,000 milesin my lifetime. When my wife and Imarried, she did not know how toride a bicycle. For some reason herparents never taught her how toride. One of the first things that Idid was to teach her how to ride. Itbecame painfully obvious that heridea of riding and my idea of ridingwere completely different. She washappy to go around the block Iwanted to ride for hours. Her speedwas somewhere between slow andvery slow. While I am not a speeddemon, I enjoy a more rapid pace.The only practical solution to theproblem was to buy a tandem ortwo-seater bicycle. That way wewould always stay together. I didnot have to worry about losingtrack of her and she did not have toThe Bicycling Pomeraniansstruggle to keep up. So we went to a local sporting good store and bought a tandem bicycle.Shortly after we bought the tandem, we purchased our first Pomeranian, Annie. Annie has the foxy look andweighs about 6 7 pounds. She has papers but certainly is not a show dog. About a year and a half later weacquired our second Pomeranian, Sadie. She weighs in at 4 pounds.My wife felt sorry for the Poms when we would leave to go riding as they had this forlorn look that seemed toplead for us to take them. After some crocodile tears on my wifes part I gave in and said that we would see if wecould train them to go along. I had some grocery bag carriers that fit on the back rack of the bicycle. Wemounted those and put some towels in the bottoms of the holders. We then put one dog in each side and startedwalking the bike along with the dogs in the carriers. Amazingly neither of them tried to get out. After walkingaround for a short time we decided to try and ride a little with them in the carriers. We have never looked back.In our neighborhood we have achieved a certain amount of notoriety because of our Poms and the bicycle. Weget stopped in the grocery store and asked if we are the people who have the puppies and the bicycle.Freeman and Lindy Mendell off for a ride with Annie, Sadie and Josh.By Freeman MendellLeague City, Texas2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 534 PM36rm i i i i4I1sm1 ^t 1 m rPiiUmk w55,4 4.'t4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 37Everyone waves, many laugh. Most say as we ride by, Look there areTWO of themA few years back I met our local Medical Examiner who, as it turns out,has a Pomeranian. He lived not far from us and we had talked aboutgetting together with the dogs. One day he saw me in a business settingwhere we had met and remarked that he had seen the strangest thing. Ayoung couple in his neighborhood has a tandem bicycle and ride aroundhis neighborhood with Pomeranians in the back of the bike. He was justamazed. I told him that I was not sure how young that couple was but itwas my wife and I and our Poms.A few times we have gone on organized bike rides in the area. One groupputs on a ride each year where you can ride distances from 10 to 100miles depending on the route you take. They have rest stops set up every 6 8 miles with drinks, candy bars and fruit including watermelons. We getmany comments from all of the riders passing us, as we are not veryspeedy. We usually ride the 30-mile ride, which takes us 2 3 hours as westop at every rest stop. With all of the people wanting to pet the Poms andmake over them while they eat their watermelon, it takes a while for us to get out of the rest stop. One year aswe were closing in on the last rest stop before the finish, a woman had fallen and was having her knee bandagedby a paramedic who had comeacross her. We slowed to make sureshe was ok and then went on. Aswe were sitting in the rest stopfeeding the Poms their lastwatermelon, the bandaged womanrode in on her bike, obviously veryfrustrated at having been injured.She parked her bike and plopped ina lawn chair next to us anddisgustedly said, I cannot evenbeat the PomeraniansA couple of years ago an elderlypoodle, Josh, joined our household.He is a rescue that we took in. Joshnow rides with us too. So we havethe two Poms on one side of thebicycle and Josh on the other. Joshweighs about the same as the twoPoms combined. We are pullingaround about 20 pounds of dogs.A fellow who lives close to us tookthe pictures in this article. He hadseen us riding with the dogs. Hethen started looking for us. One dayhe pulled up beside us in his car andasked if he could take our picture. Annie and SadieJosh the Poodle2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 534 PM37I I I I I i i i in4tgm4 4i f H_438 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe National is almost here. We will all be seeing each other in Kentucky real soon Please remember to bringyour auction donations You have done a great job of helping raise the important money needed to operate thespecialty and club in the past. When you drop items off there will be tags to label them. We need to know whoyou are Also, we hope you are working on those State Baskets They were a huge hit last year We will have aspecial collectible zip tote bag on sale, as well as sweatshirts, T-shirts. And dont forget to pick up your free giftbag, one per entrant, please. We are also offering pre-order for the sweatshirts and T-shirtsSee ya in KentuckyWays WaysAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Walda Green Chairperson Means MeansCongratsCongratsCongratsFrom The American Kennel Club, Inc. Mari-Beth ONeill, from AKCs AVP Special Services, has reported the followingJuniors have been participated in AKC Events this year. We congratulate them on their successes in 2006.The following Juniors handling Pomeranians have met the eligibility requirement for the AKCEukanuba NationalChampionship which was to have five wins in the Open Class with competition within the timeframe for the eventand to have a 3.0 grade point average or equivalent for the past two semesters Jessica ChristiansenJuniors who have handled dogs to Companion Event Titles Abigail Beitel OA Kelsey Kirkpatrick NA Whitney Blackburn AX, NA, NAJ, OA, OAJCongratulations to these Juniors. These young people are our future breeders and exhibitors as well as prospectiveclub members and officers. Job well doneJunior HandlersCongratulations2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 534 PM38I I I I I i i i in44 4k1TN_4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 393540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELLOctober 2006 Board SummaryThe Board completed reviewing the Standing Rules for Section IX Historical Awards.November 2006 Board SummaryThe board has authorized the web mistress to act in her capacity as APC Web Mistress by putting her title afterher name to secure all domain names available in the name of the American Pomeranian Club and that she is tobackorder the .com name.The board completed reviewing Standing Rules for Section III Specialty Shows, Section IV Pomeranian Review,Section VII Agenda, and Section VIII Annual Awards.The 1st through 4th Place winners in Puppy and Veterans Sweepstakes will receive only one prizetrophy and theprizetrophy to be awarded will be a percentage of the total Sweepstakes entry.A trophy will be given to Best Junior and Senior Puppy in Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best Junior andSenior Puppy in Sweepstakes, Grand Sweepstakes Winner, Best Veteran In Sweepstakes and Best of OppositeVeteran in Sweepstakes.Rally trophies equal in value to Obedience trophies will be offered.Board Election ResultsPresident - Cindy Boulware1st Vice President - Jane Lehtinen2nd Vice President - Frances StollCorresponding Secretary - Dana CoventryRecording Secretary - Janice RussellTreasurer - Erika MoureauBoard of Directors SallyBaugnietDavid GilstrapJudith GreenCongratulations to the newly elected APCBoard and OfficersJackie RaynerDonna RiehmGregg WatersKENNELVisitsJohn and Chris HeartzChriscendo PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominate candidates for upcomingAPC Kennel Visits. Send information to The PomeranianReview, Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. Camelot Ave.,Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-347-5731. Emailfame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineFebruary 1, 20072007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 534 PM39I I I I I i i m i nf'it- aV6VI4 4440 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWFLASHWolfie wins Group 1in Miami2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 534 PM40Q 0 0940ffitfi limited sfowingS^ICqwAyIfit record is6 fBest of Breeds3 V' .^5dd ffiioinc rCiiir.V'Vcytdiffliam f^unningfam 4fSASfcW^ 9K ^^T^2safc.-flic fiord 1. MifferIBest fn -Mon 3cgpJ ytaueffMcfifor film in a ring near you witfi fiis freeder^Sowwner ffse Jong d^afrera.frrmdfij owned 6yJiatae jMerts fVeronica WinterAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 412007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 535 PM414.Slorllrrs Here Conies TroubleSM^rA l7\ 'P1 \A a\ - J\ 1J' Ar.,jmm'AIbV7- J"\] Bsr^vtJ3U\.ArV9b,3 n 4 4,Iff Jlr NI \th I1i i\Ai i f ''- fcrVn M i Ly8-Krf 1 5 .V .I S\ Iiv7V " .'.-i ri^ni4. f\ . Ymiml4Xj' js '14Ih.V-t 4'1',KJr.4Ii S iJw-JjniiiM1 t -r JJ4MU _4. M.j 'V 6sa .X V42 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana held its annual AKC sanctioned-B match and costume contest Sunday, October29, 2006.The PCCI holds at least one sanctioned B match each year in addition to several other canine related activities.The match was judged by breederownerexhibitorhandler Laura Meineke of Cincinnati, Ohio, with a pleasing entry ofpuppies, adults, litter class and Jr. Showmanship competition.Our judge obviously enjoyed the puppies so much that she was down on all fours, persuading Fran Stolls coined phrasethe spooked little puppies all the way around the ring. Quite the trick at timesThe PCCI members out did themselves with a bountiful, beautiful buffet and an abundance of treats-n-toys. This was theplace to show your pups and load up on the loot, too.It was a rare treat to see an angel, lion tamer, little Bo Peep, and all the other costume participants. As laughter filled theroom, we were once again reminded, what a joy it is to own these little smiling Pomeranians. All the proceeds of thecostume contest went to the rescue fund.A FEW TRICKS AND A LOT OF TREATSPCCI Match and Costume ContestA special thanks to club members Janice Russell, Sherri Aslpaugh and CathyGould for their continued dedication and hard work to making each of theseevents a soaring successThe PCCI extends our gratitude to all who attended and participated in our fallextravaganza. Thanks also Laura for judging the event.2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 535 PM42I I I I I i i i in4^ thrtjftl^jlA Pomeranian CM] of Centra Indiana4 4i m s XB'v-T'- ', X C. V-r1 r.'imfii'^FIj Hii't Til,.ij. , i'_i^ V.\ 'llf A lu -I1T fcIs-V WvI MJ4^ 7 4 K ft IAr I,rr,s^1LvkvLV4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 43 WANTED Unique and candid Pom photos are welcome. Its Just Fur Fun.Ham a hammin it up Kathy NoremOh my Submitted by Donna WasielewskiDo you think this is funnySubmitted by Donna Wasielewski2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 535 PM43i i i ini i i i i 4i 4 4\ At____ m 4i1mitf'^ \\ \ VACJ vw \rr \ 5 I m Kik H,4 1^25'^BT mt w I'3l\fcvA 1mN Vi I WMKw kl tI- Otnx i 4J 'k. k ijL.'4- 4A f T 4k -M. 4m . 4fkr ^ 'M4 un \ \9 v k k.r7,k k57r Ackv 2JrVif V 0o Vir . Af k Jm .i,- -if.444 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 535 PM44rrn i i i in4Annual Specialty and Sweepstakesfor thePomeranian Club of Greater Baltimoreby Beverly Allen - Yknot PomsO.4'yfis 1v44 The Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore held its Annual Specialty and Sweepstakes in conjunction with theNortheastern Maryland Kennel Club on Friday, November 24,2006. Our co-chairs for this event were Donna Lynn Wright of Lynnwright Pomeranians and Lorelei Sibet of Siren Pomeranians. They did a wonderful job prepairing our event and ensured that it went off without a hitch. We had our lovely Mikasa crystal awards once again which were sponsored the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore and with special donations made by Donna Lynn Wrightof Lynnwright Pomeranians, Margaret McKeeIdlewyld Pomeranians, Judith Green of Razzle Dazzle Pomeranians, Lorelei Sibet of Siren Pomeranians and Beverly Allen of Yknot Pomeranians.The Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore also held a small gathering for all people and Poms after the sweepstakes and specialty. We had wonderful Fall day for this event. The sunshine and mild temperatures made the gathering delightful for all. Our club members out did themselveswith the beautiful display of food for all. A special thanks has to be given to Donna Lynn Wright and Lorelei Sibet for the use of their RVs for thisevent and storage of food. It always amazes me to see the wonderful camaraderie that Pom people have for their fellow fanciers. I have yet tosomeone that was not willing to share information, tips or a helping hand. Thanks to everyone for attendingSweepstakes Results Judge Ms. Glory-Ann PigarutlAVmi 11111DSIBEST IN4 4Sweepstakes Placements Are As FollowsPuppy, 6 to 9 Months DogsMONARC'S SPECIAL BLEND Owner Sharon A Shields Breeder Sharon A ShieldsPuppy, 6 to 9 Months BitchesLYNNWRIGHTS GIAOF LENETTE Owner Donna Lynn Wright Breeder KG GriffithPuppy, 9 to 12 Months BitchesIDLEWYLD DANCING FIRE Owner Margaret R McKee Breeder Margaret R McKeeJunior, 12 to 18 Month BitchesR-LUV ANSARO ROSA LEAH Owner Angel Arocho Tina Petrina Breeder Tina PetrinaJunior, 12 to 18 Months DogsLYNNWRIGHTS MAGNIFICO BY SUBER Owner Suzanne Berney Breeder Donna Lynn Wright Annette Rogers-RisterBest Junior in SweepstakesLYNNWRIGHTS MAGNIFICO BY SUBER Owner Suzanne Berney Breeder Donna Lynn Wright Annette Rogers-RisterBest Puppy in SweepstakesLYNNWRIGHTS GIAOF LENETTE Owner Donna Lynn Wright Breeder KG GriffithBest in Sweepstakes LYNNWRIGHTS GIAOF LENETTE Owner Donna Lynn Wright Breeder KG GriffithBest of Opposite Sex to Best in SweepstakesLYNNWRIGHTS MAGNIFICO BY SUBER Owner Suzanne Berney Breeder Donna Lynn Wright Annette Rogers-Rister4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 452007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 535 PM45rm i i i in4Specialty Results Judge Mrs. Elaine E. Mathis4\ fl4 l-i fr,rWINNERSo\k 5BEST OF BREED7 N-LvSpecialty Placements Are As FollowsPuppy, 6 to 9 Months DogsMONARC'S SPECIAL BLEND Owner Sharon A Shields Breeder Sharon A Shields12 to 18 Months DogsLYNNWRIGHTS MAGNIFICO BYSUBER Owner Suzanne Berney Breeder Donna Lynn Wright Annette Rogers-RisterBest PuppyMONARC'S SPECIAL BLEND Owner Sharon A Shields Breeder Sharon A ShieldsSPECIALTY^ NORtHEASIERN LAN, MARYLANDjAWc Wk lVJmPuppy, 6 to 9 Months BitchesMERRY MAID OF LENETTE Owner Nancy Warner Breeder KG Griffith12 to 18 Month BitchesR-LUV ANSARO ROSA LEAH Owner Angel Arocho Tina Petrina Breeder Tina PetrinaBred by Exhibitor DogsDESTINEE'S SKY RIDER Owner Jean Paul Gates Breeder Jean Paul Gates4- 4Bred by Exhibitor BitchesRAZZLE DAZZLE HALLELUJAH CHORUS Owner Judith B Green Breeder OwnerAmerican-Bred DogsSYNERGY TIME LAHAYEOwner Deborah Wheeler Ruth HackerBreeder Ruth E Jackey Open BitchesBUSH'S AT LASTOwner Kelley L Witter Virginia Bush Breeder Virginia BushOpen DogsMONARCS ROCKET MAN Owner Shari Shields Breeder Shari ShieldsReserve Winners BitchBUSH'S AT LASTOwner Kelley L Witter Virginia Bush Breeder Virginia BushReserve Winners DogMONARC'S ROCKET MAN Owner Shari Shields Breeder Shari ShieldsWinners BitchRAZZLE DAZZLE HALLELUJAH CHORUS Owner Judith B Green Breeder OwnerWinners DogDESTINEE'S SKY RIDER Owner Jean Paul Gates Breeder Jean Paul GatesBest Bred ByDESTINEE'S SKY RIDER Owner Jean Paul Gates Breeder Jean Paul GatesBest of WinnersDESTINEE'S SKY RIDER Owner Jean Paul Gates Breeder Jean Paul GatesBest of Opposite Sex to Best of BreedRAZZLE DAZZLE HALLELUJAH CHORUS Owner Judith B Green Breeder OwnerBest of BreedCH LIL BEHRS THUMBELINA Owner Joan C Behrend Breeder Joan C Behrendand Group 3 Placement446 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWKelly D. ReimschiisselAwards ChairTop 10All BrAll BrAll BrAll BrAll BreedeedeedeedeedAPC Members are noted with an 2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 927 AM46rm i i m i nA-nrf',MV'll. ToALijj\TOPTEN ALL-BREED As reported by the American Kennel Club Top 10 All-Breed-January 1, 2006 through November 11, 2006Wins Group Wins TotalRank Name Sex BIS I H m IV BOB DefeatedCH Showcase Hot TopicOwner Ron SmithAlane LevinsohrfIvferilyn Smith Breeder Alane LevinsohnC. SmithD 1 6 9 18 5 63 7,8071D 0 9 12 10 4 57 5,6452 CH Tokie The Legend ContinuesOwner Chavjat Ta ngkaravakun P la Id t C hul aroj mont n A. Kqga Breeder Chavjat TangkarsvakunPiakit ChularujmonthCH Finch's Bettin' On Char'SOwner Charlotte MeyerBreeder Diane Finchl 43 D 1 8 8 7 1 63 5,3284 CH Finch's Awesome On All Four Owner K. Norem Diane Finch Breeder Diane FinchD 1 5 11 10 3 73 4,9985 CH Jj's Victorian Angel Owner Brenda Heimbach Breeder JJavemickD 3 5 6 3 4 30 4,2586 CH "Wee Hearts Excuse Me Owner G. EertrandB. Bertrand Breeder C. EvansB 1 4 6 8 1 49 3,6627 CHRivendell Applauds Janesa Owner Carolyn BoninBreeder Carolyn BoninJenie FreiaCH Tim Sue's Flying HighOwner J. FarmerK. HebertSue Goddard Breeder Tim GoddardSue GoddardD 0 0 5 7 5 50 3,2678 D 2 6 1 4 3 36 2,8269 CH Starfire's Josefina Is NastyOwner Jose Cabrera,Fabian Arientr Breeder Jose Cabrera,Fabian ArientiB 0 4 4 4 1 18 2,61910 CH Showcase Got To Be MeOwner Celeste SolanoRcbeit Solano Alane Levinsohn Breeder Alane LevinsohnD 0 3 3 4 2 18 1,953wAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 47Top 10BrBrBrBrBreedeedeedeedeed2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 927 AM47rm i i m i nAarn.n TOP TEN BREEDAs reported by the American Kennel Club Top 10 Breed - January 1, 200b through November 11,200bWilis TotalRank Name Sex BOR V I SeatedCH Finch's Bettm1 On Char'S Owner Chadotte MejjerBreeder Diane Finch1 D b3 1,095CH Finch's Awesome On All Four Owner K. Norem Diane Finch Breeder Diane Finch2 D 73 978CH Showcase Hot TopicOwner Ron SmithAlane LevinsohniMeriIyn Smith1 Breeder Alane LevinsohnC. Smith3 D b3 9024 4CH Tokie The Legend ContinuesOwner Chayjat. TangkaravahmfPrakit ChulaiojmontriA. Kbga Br e eder Cliayj at TangkaravakunPrakit ChidanojmontriCH R.ivendell Applauds Janes a Owner Carolyi BoninBreeder CaroljnBaninJenie FieiaCH "Wee Hearts Excuse Me Owner G. BertrandJB. Bertrand Breeder C. Evans4 D 57 8985 D 50 832b B 49 732CH Showcase Got To Be MeOwner Celeste ScdanoCRobert Solano Alane Lednsohn Breeder Alane Levinsohn7 D 29 558CH Jj's Victorian Angel Owner Brenda Heimibach Breeder J Javemick7 D 30 501CH Valcopy Janel's Spiderman Owner J PandueJ ReichD Plonkey Breeder J RaichD Plonkey9 D 18 489CH Tim Sue's Flying HighOwner J. FannerK. HebertSue Goddard Breeder TimGoddardGne Goddard10 D 3b 431A48 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTop TenExhibitor, Breeder,Junior ShowmanshipBREEDERS9 Fabian Arienti9 Jose A. Cabrera9 Sharon Hanson8 Charlotte Meyer7 Sharon Yampiro 6 K. G. Griffith5 Diane L. Finch5 Jerrie Freia5 Carol Leemhuis4 Juanita Fiddick4 Alane Levinsohn4 Geno Sisneros4 Lana PriceEXHIBITORS8 Fabian Arienti8 Jose A Cabrera8 Charlotte Meyer5 Sharon Hanson5 Lana Price4 Diane L. Finch4 Jerrie Freia4 Cheri McDonald3 Randy Buske3 Nancy Coddington3 Robert Coddington3 Cindy Dale3 Juanita Fiddick3 David Gilstrap3 Laurie Otis3 Geno Sisneros3 Celeste Solano3 Robert Solano3 Sharon YampiroSIRES9 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams7 CH Starfires Hello Its El Hottie6 CH Keepsakes Berrie Traditional5 CH Jan-Shars Fresh Off The Farm4 CH Chriscendo Call To Arms4 CH Great Rivers Cupids Arrow4 CH Music Maker Of Lenette3 CH Beau James Dreamtime Indian Rock3 CH Finchs Walkin After Midnite3 CH Jan-Shars N Sync3 CH Nguyen,Cory Loverboy Of GQ3 CH Raintrees Tuff-E-Nuff3 CH Heartlands Knight N DayDAMS5 CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo3 CH Heathers Sunkiss Beach Baby2 CH Bachmans Lady Lexus2 CH Daystar Indian Summer2 CH Glen Iris Castle In The Sky2 Dhcrew Luminesque Novel Meg2 Heartlands A Flash From Heavn2 Honeykist Sweet N Sassy2 Labays Savannah Of Lenette2 Lanas One Penny To Many2 Millamors Makin My Day2 Pomhavens Tiger Lily2 Starfires Marisa2 Starfires Strawberry Marmelade2 Tim Sues Traces Trinket2 Trudys Cream DeliteAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB TOP TENas reported by the American Kennel Club, January 1, 2006 through October 31, 20061 Miller, Danielle 972 Christiansen, Jessica 753 Irvin, Taylor 494 Valles, Chelsea 415 Okamura, Alexis 35JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIPas reported by the AKC AWARDS, Catherine Jessen, Juniors ChairNovember 1, 2005 through October 31, 20065 Bailey, Chauncelamay 357 Bailey, Karinina 308 Stratton, Erika 269 Hentschel, Stephanie 2310 Armstrong, Blake 172007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 927 AM48rm i i m i n4a4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 49New ChampionsSEPTEMBERCH Achilles Fit To Be ThaiD D. CH Chriscendo CallTo Arms x Idlewyld Achiles Star Of Asia. Owned byJennifer L. Munn. Bred by Jennifer L. Munn.CH Babydolls Buckle Up Ur Genes D. AcewinPrisoner Of Azkahban x Babydolls Body Double.Owned by Deborah Sullivan. Bred by Deborah HSullivan.CH Bachmans My Dream Porsche B. CHNguyen,Cory Loverboy Of GQ x CH Bachmans LadyLexus. Owned by Robert Solano , Cheri McDonald,Celeste Solano. Bred by Cheri McDonald.CH Benrays U Gotta Excite Me D. Benaires TrulyRegal x CH Golden Aires Waltzin Matilda. Owned byAnnette Rister, Charlotte Creed, Brenda Turner,S.W. Turner. Bred by Sharon Masnick , Benson E.Ray.CH Carleez Jingle Bell Rock B. CH HeartlandsKnight N Day x CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo. Owned byLaurie Otis. Bred by Carol Leemhuis.CH Casinos Raspberry Swirl B. Oneoaks Sir PrizeKooy x Oregonpoms-Kiss-Cocoa-Goodby. Owned byMary Kelly Smith , Avonda Phillips. Bred by CindaOConnor, Avonda Phillips.CH Classics Live Wire B. Creiders Texan OfPrimetime x CH Pom Acres Classic TNT. Owned byPat Gross , Amy Gross. Bred by Pat Gross , AmyGross.CH Finchs Island Sweet Dreams B. CH PufprideSweet Dreams x Finchs Baby Likes To Rockit. Ownedby Sunny Shawley. Bred by Diane L. Finch.CH Great Rivers Beaudacious Betsy B. CH GreatRivers Cupids Arrow x CH Great Rivers Kalua NCream. Owned by Lisa R. Aiello. Bred by SharonYampiro.CH Great Rivers Beau N Appetite B. CH GreatRivers Cupids Arrow x CH Great Rivers Tiamo LetsHav A Ball. Owned by Sharon Yampiro. Bred bySharon Yampiro.CH Great Rivers Sugar Rush B. CH Gar-Vs IrishCream x CH Ti Amo Liberty Of Great Rivers. Ownedby Sharon Yampiro. Bred by Sharon Yampiro.CH Great Rivers Tonitesthenitehone D. CH GreatRivers Cupids Arrow x Beau James Splendor In TheSnow. Owned by Chantelle Smith. Bred by SharonYampiro.CH Halstons Gypsy Rose Lee B. HalstonsHeartbreaker x Creiders Sweet Pea At Tomho. Ownedby Reeda Lawrence , Larry Lopez. Bred by TommiHooban , Larry Lopez.CH Honey Bears Tybo Express D. Honey BearsMister Ely x Honey Bears Private Treasure. Owned byLinda Zaluska. Bred by Linda Zaluska.CH Honeykist Sweet Sensation B. Emcees DestinTobe Honeykist x Honeykist Sweet N Sassy. Owned byChristine Bousquet. Bred by Christine Bousquet.CH Jan-Shars All Dolled Up B. CH Jan-Shars NSync x Jan-Shars Playboy Bunny. Owned by ElenaTurbina. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jan-Shars High Maintenance B. CH Jan-SharsFresh Off The Farm x CH Jan-Shars Brittney Spears.Owned by Sharon Hanson. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Janesas Naturally Awesome D. DochlaggieDevils Snow x Janesas Chit Chat. Owned by JerrieFreia. Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Koys Majical Moment B. Raffimans Chips AKooy x Millamors Makin My Day. Owned by ElizabethA. Kooy , Nancy W. Kooy. Bred by Elizabeth A. Kooy,Nancy W. Kooy.CH Lanas Can Ya Guess My Name D. CHNguyen,Cory Loverboy Of GQ x Lanas Love At Last.Owned by Lana Price. Bred by Lana Price.CH Lanas Delicious Surprise B. CH Bachmans AllAmerican x Lanas Vanilla N Icee Delight. Owned byLana Price. Bred by Lana Price.CH Love N Country I Believe In Meme B. CHPeachs Day Dream Believer x Love N Country KitKat. Owned by Jackie Hirshberg. Bred by Cindy G.Boulware.CH Luminesques Heaven Can Wait D. CHPufpride Sweet Dreams x Dhcrew Luminesque NovelMeg. Owned by Jacqueline A. Moore. Bred byJacqueline A. Moore.CH Mls New Year Celebration D. CH Pjs MusicMan x Millamors Golden Gem. Owned by MelvinaLangston, Sharon Shipek. Bred by Melvina Langston,Michael Langston.CH Mtn Views Manhattan Promise B. FirebrooksChase Manhattan x CH MTN. Views Autumn Promise.Owned by Roger A. Dague, Patricia Dague. Bred byRoger A. Dague, Patricia Dague.CH Panaches Notable Snooty Fox B. CH NoblesChew Chew Twain x Sundowns Pompanche CoverGirl. Owned by Laura Meineke. Bred by LauraMeineke.CH Paradise Valley Deputy Marshall D. ParadiseValley Brisko x CH Foxworth Fame And Glory. Ownedby Cindy Rokos, Marshall Rokos. Bred by CindyRokos, Marshall Rokos.2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 927 AM49I I I I I i i m i n44 4450 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCH Pom Acres Mr Hollands Opus D. CH PomAcres Atomic Dictator x Skywalkyn Tipn The Boat.Owned by Juanita Fiddick. Bred by Dennis Holland.CH Rain Beau Vintage Hawaii D. CH SungoldVintage Chianti x Rain Beau A Litle Bit Of Grace.Owned by Salina Bailey , Jean E. Cook. Bred by JeanE. Cook.CH Springwoods Tete a Tete B. CH PaughprintsOn The MTN Crest x Springwoods Latest Gossip.Owned by Rebecca B. Jackson. Bred by Rebecca B.Jackson.CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble D. CH FinchsWalkin After Midnite x Starfires Strawberry Marmelade.Owned by Jose A. Cabrera , Fabian Arienti. Bred byJose A. Cabrera , Fabian Arienti.CH Starfires Hot T Molly B. CH Starfires Hello ItsEl Hottie x CH Starfires Fransesca. Owned by Jose A.Cabrera , Fabian Arienti. Bred by Jose A. Cabrera ,Fabian Arienti.CH Tim Sues Cosmic Gold Dust B. CH LarajusCosmic Kio x Tim Sues Good As Gold. Owned byAudrey M. Roberts. Bred by Tim Goddard, SueGoddard .CH Tim Sues Ghost Buster D. CH DamascusroadDream Buster x Tim Sues Traces Trinket. Owned bySue Goddard , Tim Goddard. Bred by Sue Goddard ,Tim Goddard.CH Toon Towns High Society B. Yesacs ToontownNuts and Bolts x Toon Towns Classic Cassie. Owned byMary Ridenour , Michelle Ridenour. Bred by MaryRidenour.CH Tresstique M I Cute Or What B. CH TresstiqueNo Bull Im Cute x CH Tresstiques Road Warrior.Owned by Bonnie Harris. Bred by Bonnie Harris.CH Valcopy Lily Mars B. Candyfloss Center Stage xCH Jan-Shars Everything N More. Owned by JudyParis , Dana L. Plonkey, Letitia Cannon. Bred byJudy Paris, Letitia Cannon.CH Woods Float Like A Butterfly B. CH WoodsTruly A Legend x CH Woods Whispering Mist. Ownedby Maynard Wood. Bred by Maynard Wood.OCTOBERCH Beau James Indian Flame B. CH Beau JamesDreamtime Indian Rock x Beau James DreamtimeOrange Blossom. Owned by Tersa Lyn Haynes. Bred byCynthia P. Wallen.CH Carleez Holly Jolly Christmas B. CHHeartlands Knight N Day x CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo.Owned by Carol Leemhuis. Bred by Carol Leemhuis.CH Chars Wild And Free B. Soldier Of Fortune OfHaase x CH Heathers Sunkiss Beach Baby. Owned byCharlotte Meyer. Bred by Charlotte Meyer.CH Geebears I Am Sooo Naughty B. Nans Echo InThe Wind x Nans Hide And Seek. Owned by GinaWilliams , Andy Williams. Bred by Gina Williams ,Andy Williams.CH Indigos Flower Power B. CH Jjs Victorian Angelx CH Indigos Talk Of The Town. Owned by JenniferSmith , Tristen Smith. Bred by Kevin Smith , JenniferSmith.CH Jan-Shars Pinky Dinky Do B. CH Jan-Shars GoFor The Gusto x CH Jan-Shars The Cookie Monster.Owned by Dottie Dunnigan. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Mythical Princess Of Ogres B. MythicalLegend Of A King x Babydolls Bipity Bopity Boo.Owned by Nady Godbout. Bred by Nady Godbout.CH Pom Acres Ice Princess B. CH Pom AcresAtomic Dictator x CH Pom Acres Victorious Dawn.Owned by Juanita Fiddick. Bred by Juanita Fiddick.CH Pomworth-Kali It Goes Vroom D. CH Sirius ItsAll About Me x Cws Angelic Kalypso Katie. Owned byCurtiss G. Smith. Bred by Chris Woodworth.CH Randys Cash On Hand D. CH KeepsakesBerrie Traditional x Randys Pomfully Dot Com.Owned by Randy Buske. Bred by Randy Buske.CH Randys Halle Berrie B. CH Keepsakes BerrieTraditional x Winchester Simply Magic Randy. Ownedby Randy Buske. Bred by Randy Buske , ShelleyWiemer-Martin.CH Serafinas Lord Jim D. CH Bi-Mars BoogieWoogie x CH Lil Darlins Miz Mizzippi. Owned byMargaret Nance. Bred by Margaret Nance.CH Starfires Hot N Spicy B. CH Starfires Hello ItsEl Hottie x CH Starfires Wicked Mary. Owned by JoseA. Cabrera , Fabian Arienti. Bred by Jose A CabreraFabian Arienti, .CH Starlights My Sweet Dream D. CH PufprideSweet Dreams x CH Sunterra Supermodel. Owned byNoble Inglett. Bred by Suradej Ekviriyakit.CH Ti Amo Joy Of Great Rivers B. CH Great RiversLil Lord Adonis x Great River Spice Of Life. Owned byDr. Rosanne M. Cebelenski, , , Sharon Yampiro . Bredby Dr. Rosanne M Cebelenski.CH Tim Sues Trick Or Treat D. CH DamascusroadDream Buster x Tim Sues Traces Trinket. Owned byMary Latimer. Bred by Sue Goddard Tim Goddard, .CH Weebits IM A Piranha B. CH Heartlands TooTough To Top x CH Showins Queen Of Spades.Owned by Kathlene McClain. Bred by KathleneMcClain.CH Woodroses Mini Cooper D. CH Woodrose OldeTyme Tradition x Woodroses Starburst II. Owned byClarice M. Oganeku , Yvette H. Oganeku. Bred byClarice M Oganeku.New Champions Continued2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 927 AM50I I I I I i i m i n44 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 51SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY WEDNESDAY March 11, 12, 13 14, 2007Show Site Executive Inn, 978 Phillips Lane, Louisville,Kentucky. Phone 800-626-2706 or 502-367-6161.The Judging panel will beSweepstakes Frances J. StollRegular Classes Edd E. BivinObedience Richard H. MullenShow Chairman - Janice Russell3540 Kessler Blvd. N Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222317-924-9093 - indypomsbcglobal.netObedience-Rally Show Chairman - Wendy Donnelly220 Spring Falls Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30004770-753-2715 - timmysmamayahoo.comShow Secretary - Cindy Boulware6450 Rolling Heights Cir, Kaufman, TX 75142972-962-3872 - lovencountryearthlink.netTrophy Chairman - Sally BaugnietAdvertising Chairman - Carlene GilstrapHospitality Chairman - Kelly ReimschiisselWays Means - Walda GreenPhotographer - Judy Mehciz, Thomas PhotographyGrounds Chairman - Gregg WatersJudges Education Chairman - Dot MartinAwards Chairman - Joan BehrendAuctioneer - Bob FiddickTop Twenty Chairman - Joan BehrendChief Ring Steward - Cathy GouldSHOW SCHEDULESunday, March 11100 PM - 500 PMBoard Meeting500 PMShowroom Grooming Room Setup630 PMVendor Exhibitor Setup All those volunteering tohelp the Grounds Chairman set up the grooming roomand ballroom will be given the opportunity to set uptheir own grooming area before everyone else.700 pm - 900 pmHospitalityMonday, Mar 12Obedience TrialSweepstakesTop 20Tuesday, Mar 13Rally Trial900 am to 1100 amJudges Ed SeminarRegular Dog Classes, Non-Regular Classes Junior Showmanship530 pm - 730 pmThe Pomeranian Charitable Trust will host aSeminar Hair today, gone tomorrow Or what isBlack Skin Disease, anyway Our speaker will beLinda A. Frank, MS, DVM, Diplomat, ACVD. Lindais a Professor of Dermatology at the University ofTennessee.Annual Membership MeetingWednesday, Mar 14Regular Bitch Classes BOB CompetitionAwards Banquet and AuctionPending AKC Approval the Pom judging panel for theKY Cluster will be as followsThursday, March 15 - Mid Kentucky Kennel Club JackieStacyFriday, March 16 - Louisville Kennel Club - KenMcDermottSaturday, March 17 - Evansville Kennel Club - AnneRogers ClarkSunday, March 18 - Louisville Kennel Club - KenFalconiJack Onofrio - Superintendent for all KY showsPh 405-427-8181 - www.onofrio.comShowtimeIts2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 537 PM5144 4jC JMf ijjl I rJemya0w\ r71 tFVJw\ U,-"1rS5i'i i i i n52 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHealth GeneticsGeneva CoatsUNDERSTANDING ALOPECIAby Geneva CoatsThe word alopecia means loss of hair. The skin and hair isconsidered a mirror, or outward _expression, of the general healthof the body. Loss of hair is usually a symptom of another disorder.Hair follicles, skin, and the lining of the gastrointestinal tract areactive tissues with a high rate of regeneration and replacement. These are the tissues which are first affectedwhen some sort of toxic substance is ingested. For instance, when receiving chemotherapy for cancer, the sideeffects include GI upset such as nausea and vomiting, and disturbance of the hair follicles, causing a usuallytemporary alopecia. Alopecia is a common symptom for many conditions, and can indicate an upset in thenatural chemical balance in the body. Poor circulation can also result in alopecia.Other causes of alopecia can include hormonal imbalances, allergies, immune deficiency, stress, parasites,infections yeast, fungal andor bacterial and nutritional deficiencies.Many of our Pomeranians have been affected by a condition known as Alopecia X. This condition is a type ofnon-inflammatory alopecia. It is also known as black skin disease or coat funk. Non-inflammatory means thatthe skin is not itchy, inflamed or irritated. The diagnosis of Alopecia X is made when all other causes of hair losshave been ruled out. Characteristically, the hair thins on the thighs and trunk, progressing to baldness in thoseareas. The head and distal extremities are spared. The longer guard hair is usually lost first, which leaves thefuzzy puppy-type undercoat which is eventually lost also. The skin eventually darkens. It is not inflamed or itchy,and does not normally get infected. Hair regrowth following clipping is slow or absent. The age of onset of thiscondition is variable, ranging from adolescence to adulthood. The condition has been noted to be familial inoccurrence. Dogs have been noted to be affected more frequently than bitches. Spitz or nordic breeds are mostcommonly affected. This disorder has become a significant concern for our breed because of its widespreadoccurrence. Complicating the picture is the fact that many differing treatment options can be effective, leading usto believe that we are dealing with not one single condition, but possibly many different, separate problems.The fact that we usually see more males than females with Alopecia X could mean that this is a sex-linkeddisorder. However, because the results with breeding have not proven predictable in this manner, it could be thatthis disorder is polygenic...requiring two or more genetic factors to occur....or the disorder could be sexinfluenced.In other words, the inherited tendency toward development of coat loss may be there, but unless acertain trigger occurs such as a certain hormonal influence, then the dog will not go on to develop symptoms ofcoat loss. Note that in these situations, the dog would still carry genetic factors for coat loss to pass on tofollowing generations, even though he himself may not display any symptoms.2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 537 PM52I I I I I i i i in4.4 r I4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 53Many endocrine hormonal disorders produce symptoms of coat loss similar to Alopecia X. These includethyroid disorders, adrenal gland problems, growth hormone deficiency, and sex hormone imbalances. Neuteringof affected dogs and bitches will sometimes cause hair regrowth, supporting this last theory. If your dog starts to develop a hair loss problem, your vet will likely first check for parasites, allergies and othercommon conditions. He may then decide to check thyroid hormone and cortisol levels. Skin biopsies areconsidered if thyroid and adrenal hormone levels are normal. A biopsy may determine if the alopecia is nothormone-related, but instead related to abnormality of the hair follicles such as sebaceous adenitis or colordilutionalopecia. Skin biopsies in cases of Alopecia X may show a miniaturization of hair follicles, with the skinnormal to decreased thickness. A skin biopsy is suggestive, but not confirmatory, of Alopecia X.The thyroid gland controls metabolism through the entire body, and deficiency is often manifested first by loss ofhair and cold intolerance. Upon diagnosis by a blood thyroid panel, oral thyroid hormone replacement will benecessary for life. Proper balance of thyroid hormone is necessary because too much circulating thyroidhormone is just as bad as too little high levels of thyroid hormones can cause rapid heart rate as well as alopecia.Alopecia is also a symptom of Cushings disease, a problem in which the adrenal glands produce excessivecortisone-type hormones. Cushings disease is also characterized by hunger, thirst, and a pot-bellied appearance.Cushings disease can be due to overactivity of the adrenal gland itself, or the pituitary gland which stimulates theadrenal gland. Cushings disease can also be the result of administration of cortisone-type hormones for otherconditions such as allergies, arthritis or asthma. These cortisone-type hormones include vetalog, azium,prednisone, prednisolone, dexamethasone, depo-medrol and others.Treatment of Cushings disease with Lysodren mitotane is sometimes attempted by veterinarians. This drugerodes the adrenal cortex. It can also affect the sex hormones which are produced by the adrenal glands.Lysodren is sometimes used to treat adrenal sex-hormone alopecia. In one study, 12 of 12 chows were noted torespond. In another study, 4 of 6 dogs were noted to respond. However, if the adrenal glands are damaged toomuch by the Lysodren, an adrenal steoid deficiency known as Addisons disease can result, so Lysodren treatmentneeds careful monitoring by a veterinarian. A symptom of Addisons disease You guessed it....loss of hairTrilostane is a drug which is used to treat Cushings disease. It interferes with the adrenal gland production ofsteroids. In an Alopecia X study done in 2004, positive response was noted in 13 of 16 Pomeranians, and 8 of 8miniature poodles. Trilostane is well tolerated, but is expensive and must be ordered from abroad at present.Growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland and is necessary for hair growth and the maintenance ofnormal elasticity of the skin. Dogs affected by growth hormone deficiency have varying degrees of hair loss anddarkening of the skin, but are otherwise healthy. Assessment of growth hormone or serum insulin-like growthfactor IGF in response to a growth hormone stimulant can be done for diagnosis. Growth hormoneadministration has been tried for Alopecia X. This type of treatment is very costly. In addition to alopecia,growth hormone deficiency is associated with a form of dwarfism known as pituitary dwarfism. Growthhormone levels affect blood sugar... excess growth hormone can result in diabetes, while growth hormonedeficiency can cause hypoglycemia, dwarfism and alopecia.Cyclic flank alopecia is related to endocrine disorders, and may relate to light cycles, because hair loss andregrowth tend to be seasonal. Some affected breeds are the Airedale terrier, Affenpinscher, Bearded Collie,English bulldog, Boxer, and Scottish terrier. Treatment with the pineal hormone melatonin is sometimesattempted.Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland, a pea-size structure at the center of the brain. As our eyes register the2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 537 PM53I I I I I i i i in44 4454 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWfall of darkness, melatonin production begins. At night, melatonin is produced to help our bodies regulate our sleep-wakecycles. The amount of melatonin produced by the body seems to lessen with age. Scientists believe this may be why youngpeople have less problem sleeping than older people. Melatonin is also believed to act as an antioxidant. It reduces freeradical damage, stimulates an aging immune system, protects the cardiovascular system, preserves a youthful circadianrhythm and stimulates the production of growth hormone. Oral melatonin supplementation has been found to be effectivefor hair regrowth in 50-75 of these cases of cyclic flank alopecia. It should be administered in the evening, due to thenatural sedating effects.Melatonin interacts with another hormone produced by the pituitary gland, prolactin, which regulates seasonal shedding andstimulates lactation in the bitch. Elevated prolactin levels result in the heavy shedding in bitches who have recently whelpeda litter. Interestingly, prolactin is closely related to growth hormone.Diagnosis of Alopecia X may be based on response to therapies. Neutering is recommended initially. If neutering isineffective, oral melatonin supplementation may be tried for a three-month period. Melatonin is noted to produce partial tocomplete coat regrowth in 50-60 of cases. Should melatonin therapy fail, methyltestosterone administration may beattempted. However, this can cause liver problems and aggressive behavior. Should melatonin or methyltestosterone fail tobe of benefit, sex hormones are measured by blood tests. If adrenal sex hormone levels are abnormally high, treatment maybe attempted with mitotane Lysodren or trilostane.There are some other drugs which have an effect on the adrenal hormones. These have been used for Alopecia X treatment,with varying results. The drugs include Prednisone, anipryl, ketoconazole, leuprolide and cimetidine.There is data to suggest that Alopecia X may be a primary hair growth disorder a genetic predisposition to the developmentof a local defect in the hair growth cycle, rather than a hormonal condition. There is also a theory that certain hormonesmay adversely affect the hair follicles in genetically susceptible dogs.There are ongoing research studies on the possible heritability of Alopecia X. Liz Hansen at the University of Missouri isinvolved with one such study. She is happy to report that due to recent advances in technology for mapping canine DNA,some painstaking advances are being made in research. Liz is sending out a plea for more participation in this study. Sheespecially needs blood from the normal, nonaffected close relatives of dogs affected with Alopecia X. A close relative wouldbe considered a sibling littermate or same breeding or a parent of an affected dog. By examining the chromosomes thatdiffer between the relatives, they may be able to further isolate an area which could be responsible for an inherited alopecia.For more information on the study, seehttpwww.caninegeneticdiseases.netAlopeciaformALOP.htmor contact Liz email HansenLmissouri.eduby phone, 573-884-3712Once Alopecia X is considered as the most likely diagnosis, no further workup may be necessary if the owners are willing tolive with an alopecic pet. Risks of therapy must be weighed against the benefit of enhanced appearance.OTHER CANINE GENETIC COATLOSS CONDITIONSThere are some other genetic conditions associated with alopecia, including seborrhea, dermatomyositis, and sebaceousadenitis.Follicular dysplasia is a term for a genetic non-inflammatory alopecia in many breeds. Black hair follicular dysplasia is ahereditary alopecia in dogs with some black fur. A genetic defect in melanin transfer and hair shaft formation is thought tobe involved. This is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, and has been noted in the American Cocker Spaniel, bassethound, beagle, border collie, dachshund, Gordon setter, Parson Russell terrier, papillon, pointer, saluki and schipperke, aswell as mongrels. Hair loss occurs in the areas of black patches of skin.2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 537 PM54I I I I I i i i in44 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 55Wooly syndrome is common in Siberian huskies, and occasionally affects Alaskan malamutes and English springer spaniels.Primary hairs are lost and the undercoat is crimped and dry, like wool. Alopecia may occur in pressure areas.Saddle alopecia is seen in Airedale terriers and Portuguese water dogs. Hair loss occurs on the dorsum in a saddle-likepattern.Greyhound alopecia is more prevalent in working dogs, and stress is felt to be a prominent causative factor.Color dilution alopecia can occur in dogs bred for unusual hair color. The dilute form of black to blue and red to fawncaused by dd dilution is associated with this disorder. Not all dd homozygous recessive dilute dogs develop alopecia.There is considerable breed variability. Blue and fawn Doberman pinschers are commonly affected. The main breedsaffected are the Bernese mountain dog, Chihuahua, chow chow, dachshund, Doberman pinscher, Great Dane, Irish setter,Italian greyhound, minature pinscher, saluki, schipperke, Shetland sheepdog, standard poodle, whippet, Yorkshire terrierand rottweiler. Note that only the dd color dilute specimens in these breeds are affected.Coat dilution alopecia is seen in Irish water spaniels, Portuguese water dogs, and curly-coated retrievers. Hair loss isattributed to fracture of the hair shafts.Spiculosis refers to a hair follicle defect in which hairs are brittle and thickened and form nodules known as spicules. In alllikelihood, the defect originates from abnormal fusion of primary and secondary hairshafts, with an onset between 6 and 12months of age. The mode of inheritance is unknown, but the condition primarily occurs in male Kerry blue terriers.X-linked ectodermal dysplasia is a rare condition seen in German shepherd dogs characterized by symmetrical areas ofhairlessness, together with missing or misshapen teeth.Alopecia areata is a rare autoimmune disease characterized by non-inflammatory focal alopecia. The production ofautoantibodies against the hair follicle results in loss of hair, most commonly on the head and neck, but may occuranywhere on the body.Vitamin A responsive dermatosis is seen in the American cocker spaniel, Cairn terrier, and Labrador retriever. Zincresponsivedermatosis occurs in Alaskan malamutes, American Eskimo dogs, Samoyeds, and Siberian huskies, as well asDoberman pinschers and Great Danes. These conditions are not the result of a dietary deficiency, but of a geneticpredisposition to poor absorption of either Vitamin A or zinc, respectively. Massive doses of vitamin A and zinc maydemonstrate improvement in the affected dog.As is true with many characteristics, these alopecic conditions are often hereditary. This possibility should be consideredwhen formulating breeding plans.ReferencesAckermann, Lowell, DVM, PhD, The Genetic Connection, a Guide to Health Problems in Purebred Dogs, 1999.Iwasaki, Toshiroh, DVM, PhD, Non Inflammatory Alopecia, WSAVA 2004 Conference.Rosenbaum,Michelle, VMD Focal, Non-Inflammatory Alopecia A diagnostic, treatment challenge, June 1, 2001.Rosychuk, Rod A. W., DVM Canine and Feline Alopecia Syndromes Where Are We Now, The District of ColumbiaAcademy of Veterinary Medicine Dermatology Lecture, April 2005.Copyright 2006. This article may not be reproduced or distributed in any form without express written consent of theauthor.2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 537 PM55I I I I I i i i in44 4456 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW NEWS AND VIEWSby Barbara McClatcheyPERFORMANCEPUPPY TRAINING for BREEDERSSince I now have a new puppy, Ive been doing a lot of research on preparing a puppy for Obedience competition. Alot of the preliminary work that can be done by breeders will also help the puppies if they are headed into theConformation ring or into pet homes. One of the best-known of these is Pat Schaaps Rule of 7s, reprinted herewith permission By the time a puppy is seven weeks old heshe should have Been on 7 different types of surfaces carpet, concrete, wood, vinyl, grass, dirt, gravel, wood chips Played with 7 different types of objects big balls, small balls, soft fabric toys, fuzzy toys, squeaky toys,paper or cardboard items, metal items, sticks or hose pieces Been in 7 different locations front yard, back yard, basement, kitchen, car, garage, laundry room, bathroom Met and played with 7 new people include children and older adults, someone walking with a cane or stick,someone in a wheelchair or walker Been exposed to 7 challenges climb on a box, climb off a box, go through a tunnel, climb steps, go down steps,climb over obstacles, play hide and seek, in and out of a doorway with a step up or down, run around a fence Eaten from 7 different containers metal, plastic, cardboard, paper, china, pie plate, frying pan Eaten in 7 different locations crate, yard, kitchen, basement, laundry room, living room, bathroomPUPPY SCENT DISCRIMINATION The Shell GameLong before they are ready to train for Utility, puppies can be prepared for the article exercise in Obedience. This is afun game to play with any puppy, even if youre not looking for a future OTCH dog. Get ten margarine tubs, anysize, and cut a hole in the bottom that is big enough to drop a piece of treat through. As your puppy watches, set outtwo or three of them upside down, and place the treat on top. Let the puppy find and eat the treat. Do this a fewtimes, until she is racing out, looking for the treat. Now drop the treat into the hole of one of the tubs, and when shefinds the right one, lift it up and let her get the treat. You can do this one or more times a day, increasing the numberof empties, and rearranging them into straight lines or groups of tubs, spreading them apart, or moving them closertogether. When your puppy has the idea, dont let her see you put the treat in, and begin using your scent command,i.e., Find it Ive no idea who originated this game, but remember reading it a few years back using shoe boxes withholes cut into the sides it may have been in a Front and Finish article. My friend Patti Hecht reintroduced it to merecently.2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 928 AM56i i i in4ri111"Ilfi ii4 i II4v nri inTT 4ft4 4ITi.aL J4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 57Performance ContinuedAnd then, of course, there is the puppy problem known as My names No-No-Bad-Dog whats yours Tessieexplains it this wayMY NAMEby Janesas Wrinkle in Timewith a little help from Barbara McClatcheyWhen my new mommy brought me home,She said my name was Tessie.And when I had a tummy ache,She said that I was Messy.But now I think my name has changedI hear it all the time.No matter what I seem to do,Youd think it was a crimeTessie, NO Dont pull out the KleenexTessie, NO Dont tear up socksTessie, NO Dont pee on the carpetTessie, NO Dont eat those rocksMy name, you see, is Tessie No.I wish my mom would change itShe says if I will just be good,Shell promise to arrange it.Tessie, NO Dont chew my slippersTessie, NO Dont run awayTessie, NO Dont bark at the companyTessie No is here to stay.TITLES, WE GOT TITLESI inadvertently left out the MarchApril titles from an earlier issue, so am including them here. Also, this column isbeing written early, so some titles that would normally appear in this issue will be in the next one. And if you are anAPC member, and I did not highlight your information, please let me knowAMERICAN KENNEL CLUBCompanion DogBusy Bonnie Bear CD, 31106, Jeanne Scott RowleyHoneybear Anderson CD, 32506, Shayla Kim LightnerShasta CD, 32506, Diane Newsom, ILPSunglo N Showcase Gangsta Style CD RN, 32606, Diedre SchloyerPom Acres Atomic Dragonfly CD RA NA AXP OAJ AJP, 4906, Lois MorkasselJan Les Makin Magic CD RN, 82706, Jayne Hoemke Jane LehtinenCompanion Dog ExcellentSunpoms Kodak Moment CDX, 32506, Angie PatchenPleiades Amaretto Golden Glo CDX, 91606, Janice Gretel BerglundRally NoviceGidgets Cinnamon Prince UDX RN, 31406, Mike Carolyn SmithKilpatricks Soot N Silver RN, 3506, Joyce Hayes2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 928 AM57i i i in4r4 4L J458 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance ContinuedLil Cherob Bcnu At Courbette CD RN NJP, 31406, Victoria LeitnerGreat Rivers Meg Rules Malashel RN, 4106, Elaine WishnowMr. Bs A Boy Named Sue RN, 4906, Linda AllardStilloves Chaundi Moody Blues RN NAJ, 4806, Teresa Connors Cynthia James BradleyWenkests Jewel RN, 42906, Mrs. James SwimmeCH Antoms Sir Wiggles Of Wagner RN, 92406, Lesley PettengillButters-Scotch-On-The Rocks RN, 91006, Roger Hill Janyes LemonsIntimidators To Tuff To Tame RN, 92406, Angela BasingerMandis Little Sacci RN9906, Amanda Jason Peterson, ILPPomacres Iridescent Dragnfly RN OA AXJ, 9906, Lois MorkasselRally AdvancedPrincess Wiggles Vonsnifsnif RA, 32606, Lisa Sheffield, ILPSassy Girl Sheffield UD RA, 31406, Lisa SheffieldChaundis Tribble Minot CD RA OA AXJ, 4806, Teresa ConnorsNina RA, 43006, Darla Hook, ILPPom Acres Atomic Dragonfly CD RA NA AXP OAJ AJP, 4906, Lois MorkasselJaken Star Of Stageandscreen CD RA, 82706, Eileen StopaHallie RA AX AXJ, 93006, Suzanne Record, ILPLobo RA, 72206, Darla Hook, ILPStreet Fighting Man CD RA, 92906, Marcia MessinaRally ExcellentMystic Mtn Moonlight Jasmine CD RE, 31806, Paul Deborah CantwellPattybears Irish Dream CD RE, 31106, Eileen StopaPompuf Tipper Bear CD RE, 4806, Jim WatsonSassy Girl Sheffield UD RE, 43006, Lisa SheffieldMACH5 Bouncin Bundle Of Bear CDX RE, 82706, Shirley MichaelsBeelzebubba Pork Chop CDX RE OA OAJ, 9806, Brandon WatsonFinchs Whirling Dervish CD RE OAJ, 9106, Paula KerezsiNovice AgilityFizzles Lucky Break NA, 4806, Jill Beitel, ILPSusans Spice N Everything Nice CD NA NAJ, 43006, Susan PiercePrince Omars Pearlina NA, 82506, Resalene Horner Wayne Carlson, ILPVip-Odyssey Buttons Lil Beau NA NAJ, 81306, Kathy FlesnerPark Aves Lyn Large In Charge NA NAJ, 93006, Saranan TandbergNovice Agility JumperDazie Mae Blackburn NA NAJ, 31606, Whitney Blackburn, ILPSkeeter Rose NAJ, 31806, Robert ShoopSusans Cinnamon Brandi CDX RN NAJ, 31806, Susan PierceFizzles Lucky Break NA NAJ, 42206, Jill Beitel, ILPRoxie Frye NAJ, 4106, Richard Frye, ILPSusans Spice N Everything Nice CD NA NAJ, 43006, Susan PiercePrince Omars Pearlina NA NAJ, 82606, Resalene Horner Wayne Carlson, ILPBedazzled By Detail NA NAJ, 92306, Beth Christie, ILPCH Carleez Crowd Pleaser NAJ, 92906, Janice George SmithCheris Bad Boy Brutus NAJ, 92406, Michael ZglinskiCheris Popeye The Zailor NAJ, 92406, Gena ZglinskiMocha Pickerill NAJ, 9806, Judy Stephanie Pickerill ILPValentines Cricket NAJ, 93006, Terri ValentineNovice Agility PreferredPerfumed Powder Puff NAP NJP, 42206, Joan BehrendNovice Agility Jumper PreferredPerfumed Powder Puff NJP, 4806, Joan BehrendOpen AgilityFizzles Lucky Break OA NAJ, 42906, Jill Beitel, ILPNickie OA OAJ, 4806, Kay Sellman, ILPMACH2 April May Wicket Moxon AprilOwned and handled by Gail Donaldson, WisconsinMACH3 Lord Peter of Bristol Court Keoki FGDCHOwned and handled by John David Zieba, TexasMACH3 Sargeant Ceasar SargeOwned and handled by Frances Fleck, CaliforniaEukanuba Agility TrialAgility photos by Connie Zieba andBrenda Segelken2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 928 AM58i i i in4rrRefrei s^Charter4 4vim1 4vm O'v4rcIIL J4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 59Paris Da Bomb Pom Francine OA OAJ, 4806, Rhonda R. HamlettOpen Agility JumperFinchs Whirling Dervish CD RA OAJ, 31806, Paula KerezsiNickie OA OAJ, 4806, Kay Sellman, ILPSusans Cinnamon Brandi CDX RN OAJ, 43006, Susan PierceOpen Agility PreferredLonestars Lady Foxy Roxy OAP OJP, 4806, Kylo Murray-GannOpen Agility Jumper PreferredPoolside Au Naturel OA NAP OAJ OJP, 3606, Susan MajorAgility ExcellentCastaway St. Elmos Fire AX AXJ, 81906, Julie Vanoni, ILPLittle Bear AX AXJ, 81306, Nancy Marmol, ILPDazie Mae Blackburn AX NAJ, 9406, Whitney Blackburn, ILPExcellent Agility JumperPomacres Iridescent Dragnfly OA AXJ, 32606, Lois MorkasselCastaway ST. Elmos Fire OA AXJ, 43006, Julie Vanoni, ILPParis Da Bomb Pom Francine OA AXJ, 82606, Rhonda HamlettValentines June Bug OA AXJ, 82606, Miranda Terri ValentineAgility Excellent PreferredPom Acres Atomic Dragonfly RN NA AXP OAJ AJP, 32506, Lois MorkasselExcellent Agility Jumper PreferredPom Acres Atomic Dragonfly RN NA OAP OAJ AJP, 32406, Lois MorkasselFoxfire Jack CDX AX MXJ AJP, 4806, Gail DonaldsonStans Black Sky Is The Limit OA OAJ OAP AJP, 91606, Stan HalifkoMaster Agility ExcellentBeau James Fae Joyous Merit MX AXJ, 9206, Chris EllicottFoxfire Jack CDX MX MXJ AJP, 91706, Gail DonaldsonMaster Excellent JumperCayden R U Ready AX MXJ, 8506, Patricia Mcmahon, ILPSparky The Charming Boy CD AX MXJ, 82706, Mary Sundholm, ILPMaster Excellent Jumper PreferredTappy OA OAJ AXP MJP, 91006, Keiko Izumi, ILPMaster Agility ChampionMACH Jan-Shars Dax Emmanuels Gift CDX, 4906, Carlota CloneyMaster Agility Champion 2MACH2 Judys Itzy Bitzy Mitzi, 3306, Judy ThompsonMACH2 April May Wicket Moxon, 4906, Todd Moxon Gail DonaldsonMaster Agility Champion 3MACH3 Maya Mango Shes A Delight, 4106, Betsy RybaMaster Agility Champion 4MACH4 Maya Mango Shes A Delight, 82406, Betsy RybaDogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go . And if you know one of these people, by all means tell them about the awardAmerican Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APC members for at leastone year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc., and the relevant information must besubmitted by the APC member. All Poms are eligible for the Historical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in the Companion EventsDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Or callme at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me Why not join our e-group Brags and adviceavailable at ActivePomeranian-subscribeyahoogroups.com2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 928 AM59i i i in4rRefreshE''j' J iy-.BfiiweifitiI iK I i4 44 . idm -Sm.if- 1 mmL J460 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWKENNEL CLUB OF BEVERLY HILLSThe City of Angels Pomeranian Club held a specialty in conjunction with the Kennel Clubof Beverly Hills all-breed show. The show was held Wednesday November 29, 2006.COAPC provided a hospitality luncheon and raffle after the regular classes. We would liketo thank everyone who participated.Sweepstakes was the first event of the day. The judge was Brenda Segelken. Best inSweepstakes was Jan-Shars Just One Look, breeder-owner Tish Cannon and SharonHanson. Best Opposite Sex went to Bachmans Wild Wild West, breeder-owner CheriMcDonald, co-owners Robert and Celeste Solano.Conformation judge was Mrs. Lee Canalizo. Best of Breed was awarded Ch Showcase Got To Be Me Benjamin, breeder-owner AlaneLevinsohn and Robert and Celeste Solano. Best of Opposite Sex winner was Ch. Lil Behrs Thumbelina, breeder-owner Joan C. Behrend.Winners Dog was Starfires Lover Boy, bred by Jose Cabrera and Fabian Arienti, and owned by Luisa Leon. This major win completed hisAKC championship requirements. Reserve Winners Dog was Islands Luck of the Draw Ace, bred and owned by Sunny Shawley.Winners Bitch was Jan-Shars Just One Look, bred and owned by Tish Cannon and Sharon Hanson. Reserve Winners Bitch was Finchs ABit of Chocolate Parti, breeder-owner Diane Finch.AKCEUKANUBA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPCh. Kalos Rock N Music City Nash won Best of Breed and Best Bred By Exhibitor Pomeranian at the Eukanuba Classic in Long Beach,December 2, 2006. The judge was Jackie Stacy, a highly respected toy breeder-judge. Nashs competition was top ranked Poms and BISwinners from all over the country. Nash is bred, owned, and handled by Carolyn Brandenburg from Kalos Poms in Tennessee. Best ofOpposite Sex was awarded to Ch. Wee Hearts Excuse Me Mimi. Bred by Cassandra Evans and owned by Gail Bertrand.Awards of Merit went to Ch JJs Victorian Angel Spirit-breeder, Julie Javernick, owner Brenda Heimbach, Ch. Rise N Shines Hes aHottie Coltin-breeder-owner Julie Clemen, Ch Showcase Hot Topic Ozzie-Breeders-Alane Levinsohn Curtiss Smith, Owners AlaneLevinsohn Ron Merilyn Smith Derrik and Deronda SharpCongratulations to all the participants and their lovely PomeraniansSubmitted byGeneva Coats2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 928 AM6041A'liik 'Hill'' ' int . YiIV,7 4vm a4Cj4rF .aY- v III 11LI 29 'AMmmm 0dPjfMVVS1 1I ^ rVJ5l l i iiiI IvBB4 4ipfipili 4Ml ps^-y. S- V mm-f-"-.t^41Z^ iOsi4i i i i nAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 61Top 25 PomeraniansCH Finchs Awesome On All FourCH Finchs Bettin On CharSCH Geminis Rockn One Nite StandCH Glen Iris Essence Of CuileanCH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian SundownCH Idlewyld Precious GemCH J-Das Of Myth N LegendsCH Jan-Shars YouRe Not The Boss Of MeCH Jjs Victorian AngelCH Kalos Rock N Music CityCH Larajus Palisades Van GoghCH R-Luv My Private PleasureCH Rise N Shines Hes A HottieCH Rivendell Applauds JanesaCH Showcase Got To Be MeCH Showcase Hot TopicCH Starfires Josefina Is NastyCH Tabletops Black Mail SenderCH Tim Sues Flying HighCH Tokie The Legend ContinuesCH Valcopy BatboyCH Valcopy Janels SpidermanCH Wee Hearts Excuse MeCH Windkiss A Magic SpellCH Woods Que Cera CeraBest in Show winnersBred By ExhibitorCH Antoms Jes A Mucho Macho Man, AnitaFarrCH Antoms Sir Wiggles Of Wagner RN, J RuthWagnerAnita FarrCH Articpoms-Wyn-Lighting-Strks, JulieVolkheimerSharry ChristiansonCH Bar-Nets Pride Of Oakridge, Pat BarnettNina EppsCH Benrays N Millamor Style, Benson RaySharon MasnickCH Blackcrystals Starlite Gem, Cristy JessicaChristiansenPati DanielsonCH Bravo For The Love Of Benji, V J McevillyCH Carleez Crowd Pleaser NAJ, CarolLeemhuisCH Carleez Holly Jolly Christmas, CarolLeemhuisCH Charmin Carmin Of Allridge, Valerie AllridgeCH Chas-T-Dee Vanilla Ice, Charles DeeMcneiceCH Classics Live Wire, Pat GrossAmy GrossCH Classics Wild Mountain Honey, Pat GrossAmy GrossCH Cr Classic Creation, Celeste SolanoRobertSolanoCH Cr Classic Edition, Celeste SolanoRobertSolanoCH Cr Princess Of Mischief, Celeste SolanoRobert SolanoCH Cr Spittin Image, Celeste Favilla SolanoRobert SolanoCH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella, Celeste SolanoRobert SolanoLori DrewCH Cutiepyes Given Thx To Gindee, AdriennePyeCH Daystar Cowboys And Indians, KarenPowerCH Doubletakes Glory Daze, Reena FairCH Dreamweavers Cracklin Fire, Linda PelzMichael WellsCH Dreamweavers Enduring Freedom,Michael WellsLinda PelzCH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up, Kathy NoremCH Eaglecreeks Trufflicious Parti, KathyNoremCH Evensongs Win N For Z Gipper, TeresaWhiteCH Glen Iris Evian DCastile, Dr. C JacksonGeno SisnerosI TaylorL MyersCH Heathercreek Alvin Bat, Judy ParisLetitiaCannonCH Horizons Wishful Thinking, Laurie OtisCH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown, LaurieOtisCamilla KnightJerrie FreiaCH Howlene-Teahra Almond Joy-Yuki, ArleneOtaguroHazel MillerRobin WatanabeCH J-Das Of Myth N Legends, David SolisJessica SolisCH Jolvin Regal Risk, Joan BeechMelvinBeechCH Kalos Blowing In The Wind, CarolynBrandenburgCH Kalos Rock N Music City, CarolynBrandenburgCH Kims Cameo Sir Lancelot, Kim SmithJessica Smith SatallanteCH Koys Majical Moment, Elizabeth KooyNancy KooyCH Labeau Red Sky At Sunset, SharonWheelerPatricia GilbertCH Lessards SwingN Serafina, MargaretNanceAlice LessardCH Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cluster, JoanBehrendCH Lil Behrs King Crimson, Joan BehrendCH Lil Behrs Thumbelina, Joan BehrendCH Luminesque Journey Thru Time,Jacqueline MooreCH Marilyns Little Bit Of Gem, Marilyn GarnerCH Mountain Crest Fridays Special, DavidGilstrapCarlene GilstrapCH Mountain Crest Special Design, DavidGilstrapCarlene GilstrapCH Mountain Crest Special Edition, DavidGilstrapCarlene GilstrapCH Mustangs Beauty Of America, Joyce BirksCH Nans Are You Ready For This, NancyReedCH Panaches Notable Snooty Fox, LauraMeinekeCH Panaches Tresor Trove OJoayne, LauraMeinekeCH Paragons AinT She Sweet, ChristineEndowJanice EndowCH Picons Royal Blossom, Teresa PiconCH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir, Judith GreenCH Rivendell Applauds Janesa, Carolyn BoninJerrie FreiaCH Robcarys Devil Made Me Do It, CarylFennell ScrimpsherA Todd ScrimpsherCH Serafinas Torch Song, Margaret NanceCH Shimmeree Quick Silver, Charlene WatersGreggory WatersCH Showcase Boys Will Be Boys, AlaneLevinsohnCurtiss SmithCH Silhouettes Slow Dance, Elizabeth HeckertJudith GreenCH Silver Meadows T.J.s Dancealot, JacquelynKleinCH Springwoods Tete a Tete, Rebecca JacksonCH Starfires Wicked Mary, Jose A CabreraFabian ArientiCH Stolannes Sucker For Cute, Frances StollCH Sundowns Green Eggs N Ham, CamillaKnightCH Sunglos Just Lookin For Trouble, Tammee Dan FelixCH Sunsation Cast A Spell, Andrea HallCH Tabletops Black Mail Sender, Jan StachurskiCH Teralees Ornge u Mis-Behaven, LeanneWilkinsSandra ShaneyfeltCH Teralees R U Mis-BehaveN, LeanneWilkinsSandra ShaneyfeltCH Ti Amos The Skys The Limit, Dr. RosanneCebelenskiCH Townsend Lil Darlins Hard Copy, Gina AlfordJean Elting RoweCH Tresstique M I Cute Or What, Bonnie HarrisCH Tresstiques Secret Agent 86, Bonnie HarrisCH Trudys Hugs And Kisses, NancyCoddingtonCH Trudys Woody Win, Nancy CoddingtonCH Two Ts Tuff-R-N-Pop, Norman NealDorothy TrosinoCH Valcopy Janels Spiderman, Janell ReichDana PlonkeyCH Weebits IM A Piranha, Kathlene McClainCH Woodroses Peppermint Twist, ClariceOganekuYvette OganekuForeign QualifiersArgentina - Oakrose Canadian CurrencyBrazil - Lake Buena Vista Kim, Lake Buena VistaT4, Max Blaue Liebe Do Miluti, Penelope Iris AzulDo Khyil Khor, Hilmands Candle in the Wind,Aylla Laranja Do Baktaran, Nex Do Mar Bello, IrisAzul Khyilkhor Lea, Lake Buena Vista BrunaCanada - Ch. Flashingstar Top of the Class, Ch.Pomhavens Tommy Hilfiger, Ch.CheyennesThundering Dream, Ch. Jenuwane KoolRunning, Ch. Diogenoir Trek or TreatEcuador - CH.EC. Zira DeClaire Del PanadesGermany - Quentin Golden Dandy von PalatinaAurora, Everything That Glitters By Gernada,Almondis Banjee Boy, Breakin All Rules ByGernada, Piccobellos Baby Popeye, Bjrk vonBobos Schnffelnasen, Robbespierre von LittleDragon HeartIreland - CH Belliver Latest CreationMexico Starfires Chico NastyPeru - Doreen Von Zius, Starfires Lover BoyUnited Kingdom - DKS CH Finchs Ovations ForMe, CH Bryandee Carnival Queen2007EukanubaQualifiers2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 539 PM61I I I I I i i i in44 4462 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAKCEukanuba NationalChampionshipToy Group Breeders of The YearCongratulationsTony Cabrera and Fabian ArientiStarfire Pomeranians2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 539 PM624VXwWA'VVA\s\ '414 4B- mwI SXX. iIifii K fSiAKTyl 04LfcT14s8fM4ii i i n iini^HAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 63AKCEukanuba National ChampionshipLong Beach CaliforniaMeet the BreedPomeranians2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 539 PM6345T T in..r. 4rUmtiit.7i 'v.M. ift' A7^ V,pf ftT lLM ',t'n'I i v D 11II1 ^vSs1N MieiwGs m u "r..[7-Viii f s,Vlssm 5_JT rtTtj i i'-arl3',V1I kw 7vA4 4i r6 A - Wia.4 L ',I-Ir -^4j.jjr3 r. ljwmf4i i i i n iini^H64 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW E. Katie Gammill - Lerna, Illinoisindcrk13011consolidated.netwww.indiancreekshelties.comI have been watching with interest the brouhaha from the sidelines regardingthe AKCs attempt to register pet shop puppies. This came as a surprise tomany and emotions run high. Understandably, the AKC registration of dogshas decreased over the years. Without getting technical, lets address this issuefrom both points of views. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Whether petshop registration is a good idea or not, I, personally, am still mulling over.However, rather than let emotions blur the issue, I am searching for clarityregarding both suggestions. Let us go through the process that triggered thissituation initially. The bottom line is, IF kennel owners, breeders, and theAmerican Kennel Club work together, there will be an acceptable solution forall concerned.My first thought too, was one of disbelief. After all these years, arewe are back to square one Lets address how we arrived at this place ofdisagreement.1. DNA became a requirement after a stud sired seven litters.The puppy mills simply walked away and started their own registries. Onecannot force compliance. We must accept all puppy mills are NOT filthyestablishments. Many are state-of-the-art facilities. Perhaps these puppies donot receive proper socialization in our minds, however, people forced to makea decision that affects their bottom line will find their own solutions.2. Limited registrationThis is a good idea and encourages pet buyers to spay and neuter their pets bycontract. Those in rescue are overwhelmed with unwanted dogs and workhard to relocate them. Breed Rescue is difficult at best and those involvedcertainly have my admiration. However, those pet owners who do NOT breednow take away from the AKCs bottom line.3. AKC added additional registration fee for each puppy in a litter.Do all breeders register all of the offspring of a bitch with the extrarequirement This is thought provoking. If not, this affects the AKCs bottomline. Many pet buyers just want a registered dog and they are unconcernedwith WHICH registry is on the papers.4. Health testingThis is important for our breeds. Breeders must convince the pet buyers theworth of their puppies regarding such testing. Here is the problem. OneTOPOINTSPONDERpuppy must be perceived to be worth more invalue for specific reasons than another puppy.Take into consideration the area from whichthe puppy is purchased. Many breeders form acoalition and set an asking price. The puppy ishoused on their facility, socialized and caredfor, until such time a buyer is found that agreesto pay such price. Many pet people are drivento pet shops due to pricing and what theyconsider breeders demands during the initialinterview for the purchase of a new puppy. Iwould like to add Cross breeds are NOThealthier. There simply is no documentation.The fittest survive as nature intended.It is all about marketing, area, health, andsocialization. If an AKC breederkennel has apet puppy for sale for 1200.00 and someoneelse has the same breed for 400.00, thenormal PET buyer will look elsewhere,especially if heshe feels hassled by ourinterviews. Yes, I ask the same questions ofnew buyers.In the absence of good and valuable reasons toperceive the AKC puppy is of more value, thenthere is a great problem. WE CALL ITMARKETING If breeders and the AKCcannot convince the public their puppies areindeed worth more and are of a bettervalue than puppy mill offspring, they lose by2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 539 PM64I I I I I i i i n40 riit ^X1 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 65default.There are two kinds of value the actual value, and the perceivedvalue, of a puppy the same size and same age. What one personwill pay for a puppy, another would think exorbitant. Inmarketing, there is a price where the consumer will either pay orwalk away for their desired purchase. This leveling is where thebreeders must find directions if they are to convince the publicAKC puppies are indeed superior. On to the attempt to register pet shop puppies.1. If pet shops registered puppies AKC on line ON ALIMITED REGISTRATION, the AKC would receive up frontrevenue to pursue future projects. This would discouragebreeding by the pet public.2. In turn, this allows the AKC to offer literature on the petshop site regarding responsibilities, opportunities such as agility,rally, fly ball, obedience, CGC and new venues. This wouldencourage people into the sport of dogs and perhaps increaseinterest and camaraderie.Now Breeders might consider starting a positive campaignregarding WHY their puppies have more value than the pet shoppuppy.1. See the parents on the premises.2. Lifetime support regarding questions.3. Health guarantees.4. Home placement in case of unavoidable situations.5. Assistance regarding inoculations and grooming of said dog.6. Proper socialization.7. Clean premises.Many reasons may be offered to support the breeders expertiseand dedication, as well as support the bottom line of theAmerican Kennel Club. Perhaps the introduction of such achange should have been handled differently. The fact thatpeople were not aware of the action, many felt bamboozled.Not being consulted in the first place is what started this furor.Had there been open and intelligent discussion with the board,delegates, and those responsible for the suggestion, or action,emotions would not have taken over.Understandably, when breeders question new puppy buyers, thepuppys care and environment are their biggest concerns. Withavailable pamphlets from the American Kennel Club as to Whyto buy from a breeder, we could turn this around and make it alivable situation for all. The world cannot be changed by a singlestroke of genius. On the other hand, you cannot legislate policy.For every action, there is a reaction.BOTH THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB AND THEBREEDERS HAVE SOMETHING WORTH FIGHTING FOR. Ifthey do not pool their efforts, neither may be there for tomorrow.Stepping back and reviewing the situation from all angles mayassist in better understanding by both parties. Only through opencommunication will we find the answer that benefits us all.Points To Ponder ContinuedWhen things get tough, you really find outwho your friends are. Dog people are thegreatest This summer, I became ill. When Iannounced on the local Pomeranian Club ofCentral Virginia site that surgery wasscheduled for mid-September, three wonderfulmembers - Beverly Allen, Becky Johnson, andKay Lyman - came forward and offered totake dogs for an unspecified period. To try tomake it easy for them, I asked them to meetme at the next PCCV meeting to pick up thePoms, which they all did. My daughter alsocame and got four. Kay came to my houselater and picked up three more. As it turnedout, taking them early was a godsend as mycondition deteriorated rapidly after that. Allthree insisted they could keep themindefinitely, took great care of them, andcalled or e-mailed occasionally to report thatall were well. On average, they kept themeight weeks.On Saturday afternoon, September 23, Ireturned home from the hospital to learn tomy amazement that the dog fairies had beenthere that morning. Six members of myobedience club had come out to clean thekennel and bathe dogs. One even left agorgeous cake. I was overwhelmed by theirgenerosity.Of course, there was the usual flurry of phonecalls, e-mails, flowers, and casseroles, manyfrom dog friends.I expect many of you can tell similar stories.We dog people can be a cantankerous bunchat times, ask any Board Member, and wesometimes get all riled up over petty issues.But when one of our own is in trouble, wecome throughTrueFriendsBy Margaret McKee2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 539 PM65I I I I I i i i in44 4466 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston Christmas PartyThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston held its annual Christmas party on December 8, 2006. The party washeld in the custom-built log cabin home of Cheri Fields in Cleveland, Texas North Houston. Santa ClausDarrell Baker was present as well for the benefit of all 23 Poms brought to the festivities and their happyowners.Partygoers enjoyed great food, a wonderful gift exchange, and the company of fellow members and their guests.A wine basket, donated by John David and Connie Zieba and won by Tim and Sue Goddard, was auctioned off.The proceeds will go towards hosting the 2007 APC National Summer Specialty.The Houston Pom Club wishes everyone a happy holiday season and we hope to see you all in Houston nextAugustArticle by Connie ZiebaPhotographs by John David Ziebatoyfoxpomshouston.rr.com2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 540 PM66I I I I I i i i in4The Pomeranian Chrb\j - v. t w,NsjEjgc_3c_iof Greater Honston3 J-.ArV'v, cf1 N -O ov i4 VfeLXv'wrv'WKj 4 ^ 11 Vtf4 1,IMIS 4__________4 4iAw m4.L^j gilife^ l^ IV. O-, r4J'V1n rWLvuo osr -8r yfi.w\lfV4____ ___4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 672007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 540 PM67I I I I I i i i in4i 4 m.fti 'r 4A, w o , nH V--i It tmSfen a wpte5iJA\ams_________iIi I vJSw4 . -'vit 1 m, xJ\hV. m.StM V\\\ ,Amivk .^ r..o^j4.iimvn 'W. 1________4 41 'V wA i__i i'52^r , v4,-TU____ _3\ X,a 7 vi-. V a14UriiI\ A'l-af4T4i____468 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSunshine RosesandSunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.ADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contact217 347-5731fame62401yahoo.comSpeedy recovery goes to Belstar Poms, Diana Grosss father who is having heart surgery.Congratulations to Ricardo Solis on the birth of his niece. His sister Dalia had her first baby, a little girlnamed Nayeli Jean Glaude.Sending good thoughts to Laura Newbold whose house was broken into and 10 Poms stolen.Prayers go out to Denise Leos mom who is having health problems.Condolences go out to Veronica Winters of Prism Poms on the death of her brother-in-law. Also sendingprayers to her mother-in-law who was in the hospital.Please send lots of prayers out to Renee, daughter of Scott Wolfgang and granddaughter of Jackie Moore,Luminesque Poms. She is being treated for a severe illness.Condolences go out to Bonnie Stetson on the loss of her mother.Get well wishes to Deb Lowman recovering from surgery.Get well soon, Diana Downey. Diana fell and broke her leg in the kennel.Karen Chisam has been under the weather lately. Strength and healing to you real soonMay God bless Wayne Norris, husband of APC Member Jo Norris, with strength and healing.Seasons Greetings to everyone and heres to a safe healthy New YearKENNELVisitsJohn and Chris HeartzChriscendo PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominate candidatesfor upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Send informationto The Pomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken,Editor, 11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401or phone 217-347-5731. Emailfame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineFebruary 1, 20072007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 540 PM68I I I I I i i i in44 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 69SChampion PomeraniansN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, WI 54636PH 608 526-1051 sandpomscharter.nethttpwww.sandpoms.comandpomsSJandraohnsonPomsPARKVENUEATom Wilson916-689-1222SACRAMENTO, CAparkavepomsyahoo.comPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLE2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 540 PM69rm i i i in4Sar\1hkA- jtyIf A.mJ kv fLJ I IPmit- w8UvEvensong Pomeranians Linda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217It1 F\ Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show HandlingKevin Teresa WhitePortland, OR 503314-9026 www. dream weaverpoms. comHome of BISS CH LaRajus Palisades Van Gogh4 4fKj^ifrjParlifo 7Chelanesr amer TrsSpecializing in Parti and Parti-factored Pomeraniansmmt^5. 41- \ftat-.fkj CH CkrissyCH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker PartiElaine Waugh www. chelanes. netChelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington SteeleKeeperCH Gunneri\ CireV,1J. Patrick Farmer, Kevin Hebert, and Sue Goddard HandlersRobert Kennedy j. Patrick FarmerCH Kemyr, 1L^dVA- ,Vi rrSTm2 53 53[4 \ I1 MtMM ] lu70 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJoe and Janette DallySt. Louis, MO314 389-3275utrkaosswbell.netWhipstaffPomeraniansWhere Type,Quality andSoundnessCountCheri McDonaldcheribachmanpoms.comwww.bachmanpoms.com909-394-7923Southern CaliforniaPhfax 831 336-8285winstarpomssbcglobal.netWalda A. Green8120 Harvard DriveBen Lomond CA 95005PINECREST KENNELSChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherine2404 Reg. Road 57Bowmanville, ON LIC www.manchesterterriers.ca905 697-2488BolahoodElusiveCatherine Jessen4165 E 100 NorthRigby ID 83442208 745-5267PomsandToyPoodles Toys818 352-9536website ShowcasePoms.comPomeraniansShowcaseHome of ExceptionalPomeranian DogsAlane LevinsohnShowcase PomeraniansBISS2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 540 PM70I I I I I i i i in4rfjWINNER. 5 posir .jJf kV3Is5]iWtiiVihSBSt lJis^r La5T3Randy BuskeBreederExhibitorMember American Pomeranian Club Puget Sound Pomeranian Club ^0^1c,aaL 1fewP.O.Box 2408 Buckley, WA 98321e ..Li360 897-2163 253 740-5060pomtullymytangledweb.comRandyRandyspoms.comwww.Randyspoms.com4 4packman fyometana^li. 1agI.Vs.f4..ii -'TV'\ 4 7".fw "tmHf WIn4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 71ShyacresProfessional HandlingAudrey M. RobertsAlvin, Texas - Houston Areawww.shyacres.comaudreyshyacres.comPhone 713 204-7225Assisted by Jessica JohnsonATTENTIONRRRRRegional Pegional Pegional Pegional Pegional Pom Clubsom Clubsom Clubsom Clubsom Clubs Regional Pom Club Eventinformation is published free ofcharge in the Coming Events. Regional Clubs special lowadvertising rates. Reports and photos of Pomspecialties and matches arepublished free.Send coming events, reports,and photos to the editor.BI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GCCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay RoadChehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104fax 360 767-0105email Harris20 Oakcrest AvenueMiddle Island NY 11953631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comAvalonCh. Avalons Prince Matchabelli MonteStarfires Conan the Barbarian xAvalons Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792email infoavalonpom.comweb site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.Inquiries welcome.PomeraniansMountain View PomeraniansPat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477Phone 540-337-2965Champion Regmars Mtn ViewStars Shine2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 541 PM71I I I I I i i i in4C^yenuwaneV^POMERANIANS REG'DS\A 61 itj1 .... kjkia j,1.JEN HRYNIUK3789 KOI I TE 122 NOKTII LAKE NEW BRUNSWICK CANADA E6H2H6 506-894-2225httpJenuwanepoms.tripod.comPoms With Designer Genes Since 19734 4 4X ' '1AC472 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SUBSCRIPTIONSPER YEARPUBLISHED BI-MONTHLYSubscription CardSUBSCRIPTION MANAGERCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402San Dimas, CA 91773Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE CID NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 ForeignDel-May PomeraniansDeborah K. Barrett2035 MapledaleFerndale, MI 48220Phone 607 435 5325 Email delmaywowway.com2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 541 PM72rm i i i in4LaCuevoKennelr Pomeraniansfi _rt.V V'., 1-ii" - . Jmi VIn 4.S','1jfe424Es ,45_5QfemjSherrilynn I. Rogers s WAa Wa W'tMAmm4 4rtL J4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 73FabyanPomsAlice R. Carlson6009 Edgewater DriveCorpus Christi, TX 78412361-991-5410361-993-4059fabyanpomssbcglobal.netDiane L. FinchCH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS CH FINCHS CHARS MAKIN WAVES PARTICHPARKERCHSPLASHPhone 985 384-7466Fax 985 384-8628www.janesa.comJerrie Freia1072A Landry LaneMorgan City, LA 70380PomeraniansJanesaBred for beauty and soundness of body and mindDiane L. Finch28453 530 th Avenue, Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 - www.finchspoms.comDeJay PomsBIS, BISS CH. FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOTobyDonna MachniakBreederHandlerGroomer517-546-7446www.dejaypoms.comDana CoventryManagerOwner248-258-9259Attorney at Lawfor the Sport of Dogswww.members.tripodfujitsupomsTom Diane ZechFujitsu Poms 360 871-8404We salute the courageous men,women and their families of ourarmed forces. May they be safeand protected from all harm. Letfreedom ring2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 541 PM73I I I I I i i i in4MILL AMOR POMScmm.-.,Ken and Eleanor Miller870 Jersey Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Ph 336-357-0049 Email poms870earthlink.netBreeding again. Puppies avaiCa6Ce to Coving Comes. 4 K ma4 4Finch's Pomeranians Ltd.IA 4p4 -4"r sEv .l\ILL454s474 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPlease contact the Editor to nominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Send informationto The Pomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 orphone 217-347-5731. Email fame62401yahoo.comFor updates and regional club contact information go to the APC website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgSubscriptionsand Back Issuesmake great gifts.Order online today atamericanpomeranianclub.orgPom ReviewKENNELVisitJohn and Chris HeartzChriscendo PomeraniansAdvertising DeadlineFebruary 1, 2007CHECKS, MONEY ORDERS,MASTERCARD, VISA,AMERICAN EXPRESS,DISCOVERY, PAYPALACCEPTED. PAYMENTALSO MAY BE MADEONLINE AT THE AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUBSWEBSITE at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgCOMING EVENTS2007February 12 and 13 - Westminster Kennel Club, New York, NYMarch 12 - 14 - APC National Specialty, Louisville, KentuckyApril 21 - Northern California Pomeranian Club Annual SpecialtyThursday, August 23, 2007 - APC National Summer SpecialtyFriday, August 24, 2007 - The Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston SpecialtySaturday, August 25, 2007 - The Toy Club of Greater Houston All Toy Breeds ShowSunday, August 26, 2007 - The Toy Club of Greater Houston All Toy Breeds ShowCrowne Plaza Houston-Brookhollow Hotel, Houston, Texas, www.cphoustontx.comContact Tim and Sue Goddard,, 281 585-4430September 14 - Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana Specialty pending AKC approvalAMERICAN KENNEL CLUB, INC.260 Madison Ave, NYC 10016212 696-8200Open 830-415 ET weekdays except holidaysAKC Operations Center5580 Centerview Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606919 233-9767Open 830-500 ET weekdays except holidaysinfoakc.orgorderdeskakc.orghttpwww.akc.orgindex.cfmBUSINESS CARD ADVERTISING RATESSmall Ad 70.00Large Ad 100.00No business cardSend your info and we will create one2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 541 PM74rm i i i in4p uRivendellPomeranians.Carolyn Bonin m.L wtjyp4013 Windswept Dr Madison, Al, 35757 Ph 256-830-0897 Wrwww.Knology.netbonincRivendell.htmBISSCh Rivendell Applauds Janesa "Baxter"SAalashel3 It9Poms and SheltiesipElaine Wishnow718-891-3451 2351 E. 17th St. Bklyn, NY 11229 Home of quality Poms and Sheltiesf\4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 75From Jean Schroll, JayJays Poms, Oregon City,Oregon,, APC Life Member1971 and AKC JudgeDear Brenda,Hope this gets there in time.I am doing O.K. I am living in an assisted livingfacility. Its not the greatest but they take care of me.I dont have as much freedom as I would like.I dont get many judging assignments and I do enjoyjudging. Im not sick or anything. Just dont get outas much as I would like.The state took my car and I dont like not having itas I love to drive. This was partly my doctors fault.He was afraid I would go to some big town and getlost.Jean SchrollAKCEukanuba National ChampionshipNearly 2,500 Top Dogs Competed for 225,000 and Top Honors in theSixth Annual AKCEukanuba National Championship on December2 and 3, 2006 in Long Beach, California. The show was held inconjunction with the AKC Agility Invitational and the AKC NationalObedience Invitational entries of 451 and 97 respectively making fora combined entry of nearly 3,000 dogs competing in all three events.The AKCEukanuba National Championship appeared live on AnimalPlanet and the Discovery Channel both nights. Highlights from theAKC Agility Invitational will again air on Animal Planet on February11, 2007.The best in the sport of purebred dogs flocked to Long Beach, Calif. tostrut their stuff at the prestigious AKCEukanuba NationalChampionship. This prestigious competition is invitation-only. Dogscan qualify to attend the show by Ranking in the top 25 of their breed based on breed points accumulatedat AKC shows Receiving an all-breed Best in Show win at any AKC show duringthe qualifying period Winning Best of Breed at any AKC parentclub national specialty dog shows of all one breed Completing their AKC championship in the Bred-By-Exhibitor classIn addition, the top-ranked dog in each AKC-registered breed wereinvited from those countries around the world with registries that issuepedigrees acceptable for AKC registration. The system used to selectthe top dog in each breed is determined by each countrys nationalkennel clubs. Dogs from Asia, Europe and South America competed.LETTER TO THE EDITORIm peddling as hard as I can, but this car wont moveOh What a bad hair dayI did my part, now you make them championsShared by Joan Behrend2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12142006, 541 PM754St T... kh^I 4 \ v'A.E Jvgs\ V 4V\' '. I\Nr f.--------^ ^ P IFjlPJP1W 1 4"' .Ji" fft'i 14,]' A T V -6'U a wy0k Jjf,VAlitiif. - 74 44i i i i n iini^H76 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 very limited supply 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 10.00To order back issues or single issues, mail checkmade out to the APC toThe Pomeranian Review, 11139 E Camelot Ave,Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-347-5731 or or you may order online atamericanpomeranianclub.orgThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published andedited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American PomeranianClub, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk,and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply toUSA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscriptionrates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are100.00 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsiblefor the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements,or the opinions expressed by authors. Per APC StandingRule The Editor can refuse any ad. Opinions expressedare not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permissionto reproduce is available only from the publishereditor.Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork andlayouts may not be used without written permission of thepublisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.Allen, Beverly.................................................20Arienti, Fabian..............................40,41, Back CoverBarrett, Deborah..........................................72Behrend, Joan..............................................22, 70Berney, Suzanne...........................................20Betz, Karen..............................................17Bolahood, Catherine......................................70Bonin, Carolyn..................................................74Buske, Randy.....................................................70Cabrera, Jose.................................40,41, Back CoverCarlson, Alice.................................................73Central Carolina Pom Club...............................15Coventry, Dana.........................................73Crawford, Karen.........................................23Creed, Charlotte.........................................6, 7Dague, Roger and Pat......................................71, 77Dally, Joe and Janette....................................70Davis, Annette and Erik..............................71Decicco, Linda................................................29Farmer, J. Patrick....................................................69Finch, Diane..................................................12, 73Freia, Jerrie..................................................22, 73Green, Judy.....................................................78Green, Walda....................................................70Griffith, Ken and Eleanor...................................9Goddard, Sue...............................................69Guerra, Kam..................................................20Harris, Bonnie................................................71Hebert, Kevin....................................................69Hirshberg, Jackie..........................................4, 5Hrynuik, Jen....................................................71Huntsberger, Karen..........................................8Iffland, Mari..................................................2Jackson, Rebecca...........................................79Jessen, Catherine..............................................70Johnson, Sandra.................................................69Levinsohn, Alane........................................70Machniak, Donna......................................73Marcelli, Jim and Glo.............................................3McClain, Kathlene.....................................23McDonald, Cheri........................................16-19, 70McFarlane, John and Pauline.............................23Miller, Ken and Eleanor................................73Molina, Elizabeth...........................................8Munn, Junior and Jennifer................................13Norem, Kathryn...........................................1, 14, 72Northern California Pom Club............................31Oganeku, Clarice and Yvette.....................10, 11Pelz, Linda..........................................................69Rayner, Ken and Jackie...........................................22Reimschiissel, Kelly..........................................69Riehm, Donna........................................................2Rister, Annette.....................................................6, 7Roberts, Audrey...........................................................71Roberts, Natalie...................................40,41, Back CoverRogers, Sherrilynn.................................................72Rosenbaum, Mary....................................................71Sibet, Lorelei...................................................21Solano, Bob and Celeste............................16, 17, 19Tiaga, Beverly....................................................19Turner, Terry and Brenda........................................6, 7Waugh, Elaine.....................................................69Wells, Mike and Liz....................................................69White, Teresa..........................................................69Wilson, Tom..........................................................69Winter, Veronica.................................40,41, Back CoverWishnow, Elaine...................................................74Wright, Donna Lynn.......................................21Zech, Tom and Diane.....................................732007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 929 AM76i i i inAdvertisers Cack Issuest4.4.-ccfflM 4EoaaHAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 77Full Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00For further information contactEmail us at fame62401yahoo.com2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 930 AM77rm i i m4 y ,.Eni IT uT iEcho just started her show ^CAREER AND LOVED HER TRIP TOArkansas for the Specialty.She took Reserve to a 5-pointMAJOR AT THE ALL BREEDS AND THEN TOOK RESERVE TO A 5-POINT.. ^ MAJOR AT THE SPECIALTY BOTH FROM THE PUPPY CLASS.It tfJ I,Ifl II'irl 'P- Thanks so much to Debbie _______________JNGERY FOR ALLOWING US TO USEebut's Turn the Page, "Segar". Without him, we wouldn't have Echo.u 3- pjfA,V IRESERVE j SAUNE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB OF ARKANSASEmffmBffffpOCTOBER2006O GARDEN STUDIO. INC.ssThanks to Echo's handlers Debbie Kingery pictured and Mari Iffland.JP IS 914a kJ gpip ^r'r.F.Djfi SSsSUEsmumsl^rSlr'-r...Debuts Turn The Page x Mtn. View's HandlersMari Iffland, Marbil Poms Debbie Kingery, Debut PomDEBUTPOMSCHARTE 618-214-7874 1TH is Sweet DreamA A\ rBiflxPOMSAWAYLEGYPT.NET618-435-6127"i-M4 MV.xi Im. vv.lTTPomeranian Review " ft"" Hill 'The Toy Trih MSPECIAL EDITIONSiune s wlET INVQLvftv BREED VARIETYtt MU[iil1NATIONAl'sPECIALTTl IGjCH Starfires Josefina Is Nasty,K 5.s'Wk ylr2.006_rT Lir^7 1,0NJuji-jIiljc I Of iio Uool o RL1 i 1.mj mmGCr[C^n\tisssece NovDecCV.Glen 2 0 0 6 misM78 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPictured winning the Group under judge Grace Moran at Mid-Susquehanna KC on a rainy, windy miserable day is Vicar and hisbreederowner handler Judy the two redheads In very limited showing, all breederownerhandled, he has garnered this Group I, aBISS and Group II judge Arlene Benko and a Group III judge Steven Hubbel.Vicars beautiful face, gorgeous coat, lovely movement and ATTITUDE make him a pleasure to show. Watch for Vicar and Judy in thering its always a blastStetson, Vicars sire, now has his third and fourth champions Vicars litter sister finished at the Pom Club of Greater Baltimorespecialty with her last major. She is now Ch Razzle Dazzle Hallelujah Chorus. We also congratulate Jen and Junior Munn on finishingStetsons fourth champion, Ch Achilles Pardon My French There are other kids out there that are pointedmajor pointed that we hopewill finish soon and give Stetson his ROM.Stetson and Vicar are both available at stud. Check our website for pedigrees on both boys and more pictures www.angelfire.comde2razzledazzleStetson also has a litter on the ground conceived from frozen semen. If you are interested in having semen shipped to you, contact us.AM CAN CH RAZZLE DAZZLE HAT DANCE X CANDLEBRITES CUZ IM WORTH IT2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 930 AM78i i i in4Dazzle DazzlePresentsCISS i li. Cazzle Dazzle Deavenly CheirSi ^'^1 5TA a li r i i XIVIn '4ai,i4GROUPFIRSTrloMID-SUSQUEHANNA VALLEYVf.. OMAINH'.I, 4r..Judy Green Cloymont, DE rozzledazzlepomsverizon.net4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 792007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 930 AM79I I I I I i i i inSpringwood PomeraniansProudly present our newest show hopefuls'9KViSpringwoods Early One Morningh,ZZUSpringwoods Morning Edition4 Ch. Mt. Crest Friday Special x Springwood NortoriousSpecial congratulations to Charlotte Creed, Your dedication and commitment to the Pomeranian is truly appreciated. You stand as an excellent example for newcomers to follow. And, I love the new boy. Congratulations to Toy Group Breeders of the Year Tony Cabrera and Fabian Arienti. Great job StarfireO Springwood Pomeranians fmXBreederOwnerREBECCA B. JACKSO513 Springwood Drive Florence, AL 35634 256-757-9837 springwoodpomsaol.comimSpriri^pjpSRed Traditionj80 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JAN FEB Pom Review.p65 12152006, 930 AM80W . 1 wi_ n. m1K_J L g kL K i _ i 1 ETAS jt. ^ VIVchfxr ^ TLTJ El'wItf.."443 .7Jr., FiT1Tif- ky"I bLrf t^ . 1y . l JT1 Ifcr i . bB ft bsi , i krtS MIfr n24l..i t M JiL .jsSyr7 lriWfiWTIi r "Uflj 7JC, . r .m n