The Pomeranian Review May 2007

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APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 12007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 352 PM1 I N I n i i i i THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.4 g \ g r J - - Dai II f \.\1J J 5 _ JJrj jj J cWw' tt ' vm vKr' 'BEST OFBREEDVARIETYmNATIONAL SPECIALTYA oma2^3THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYlhomasphoto30hDtmail.comIQv uIROUBLE HOF GCd 7a6ian ytfriettBIS BISS CH SwnerA A^aafe c2 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 352 PM2 I N I n i i i icti Eagle Creek'sV5AWARD OF MERITOtNATIONAL SPECIALTY-V -tTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomasphota30hotmail.comlK.r.em' n. Fewne4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 3Breeders of fine Poms since 19571440 Pom Orchid LaneKannapolis, North Carolina 28081Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 - K. G. Griffith - OwnerTTTTThank yhank yhank yhank yhank you Jou Jou Jou Jou Judgudgudgudgudge Bie Bie Bie Bie Bivin fvin fvin fvin fvin for this gor this gor this gor this gor this grrrrreaeaeaeaeat win.t win.t win.t win.t win. TTTTThank yhank yhank yhank yhank you ou ou ou ou VVVVVikki fikki fikki fikki fikki for doing sucor doing sucor doing sucor doing sucor doing such a gh a gh a gh a gh a grrrrreaeaeaeaeat job with Moment.t job with Moment.t job with Moment.t job with Moment.t job with Moment.Prior to the NaPrior to the NaPrior to the NaPrior to the NaPrior to the National,tional,tional,tional,tional, Moment had not been on a lead in o Moment had not been on a lead in o Moment had not been on a lead in o Moment had not been on a lead in o Moment had not been on a lead in ovvvvver a yer a yer a yer a yer a year and ear and ear and ear and ear and VVVVVikki had just rikki had just rikki had just rikki had just rikki had just receieceieceieceieceivvvvved him a fed him a fed him a fed him a fed him a feeeeew daw daw daw daw days befys befys befys befys befororororore the shoe the shoe the shoe the shoe the showwwww.....Best Best Best Best Best WWWWWishes to Ellen ishes to Ellen ishes to Ellen ishes to Ellen ishes to Ellen TTTTTakaakaakaakaakayyyyyama and yama and yama and yama and yama and your four four four four faaaaabbbbbulous ulous ulous ulous ulous VVVVVintaintaintaintaintaggggge Pe Pe Pe Pe Pomsomsomsomsoms..... Ellen y Ellen y Ellen y Ellen y Ellen you arou arou arou arou are tre tre tre tre trulululululy one ofy one ofy one ofy one ofy one of the nicest pe the nicest pe the nicest pe the nicest pe the nicest people we have in Poms.Please visit our web site for the latest info on our Poms. www.lenettepoms.com2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 352 PM3WINNERS DOGMARCHruNATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomasphoto30hotmail.com4 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 352 PM4mr 4 i i i i4ru US r1ae3r jpot' X WCh, Gowkm Rockin' Knight Rufus is a multiple Best of Breed winningAROlWtMAKl AAri AllffA A1 KV\I lltlAlA AnAKAAIAAA AAA AAA 4aA tfAA^AA UAKA AIA Al A Acnampion ana sire or multiple cnampions ana one cop ranKea romeraman special. At stud to approved well-bred bitches. Left Ch Babbi's Charmed One Knight Knight, a Rufus son is a multi Best of Breed winning champion and is at stud to approved well-bred bitches. Right. ' '-v^ryK-v.. _Babbt s Rock Legend of Prussia Bon Jovt is a Best ol Breed winning Rufus son. Continue to watch for him in the ring with co-breeder Sally Hestle.BRED BY EXHIBITOR 4TH PLACE NATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomasphoto30hotmail.comCh. Babbi's Rock Diva of Prussia Madonna. This Rufus daughter finished her championship quickly, moving straight into the specials rena where she remains undefeated in the breed at the submission f this ad. She Is currently ranked 1 Pom Bitch AKC Breed totals,i BEST 0FI BREEDVARIETY\PENSACOLA OOC FANCIERS ASSN COPR. PHOTO BYa metCH WEE RAMBO OF COY'S TOP MARK CH FAME PIECE OF THE ROCK ROCK'S RED SAND CH FAME CHIP OF THE GREAT ROCK FAME'S LEGACY OF JEWEL KEN CH FAME GREAT EXPECTATION FLAMBEAU SPARKING TIGRESS GOLDKIST ROCKIN KNIGHTCH CHRISCENDO CITY LIGHTS CH TIM SUE'S KNIGHT LIGHT TIM SUE'S DUCHESS SABRINA WHID-DON'S KNIGHTING GAIL CH TIM SUE'S HIGH LIGHTS WHID-DON'S HIGH BISCUSWHID-DON'S SANRITO BUTTER CUPS'Jomeraniansever4136 West Queens Drive, Slidell, LA 70458 985 6494136APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 52007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 352 PM5Pomirish Super Grey GhostPomirish Diablo's Super Duper x Pomirish Diablo's Sable Suds- v.'- FmmK3RD PLACE 12 To 18NATIONAL SPECIALTY .UfB THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomaspholo30holmail.coirspeci thank you to Judge Edd Bivin for the recognition of a very promising young dog that has many wonderful qualities. Jack is the perfect ambassador for our beautiful Pomeranian breed. Jack is handled by Janet Wodrich, JanLar Poms, BaugnietOwnerWe ndy LaneGlen Ellyn, IL - Ph. 630-942-8724 w. lanemailcity. comHandlerJanet Wodrich6 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 400 PM6 I N I 4 n i i i iSandalwood pomsCh. Sandalwood JI Martyjr41I4 Ch. Vintage Brandy fHexandra BISS Cfi. Canofyro Tatertot^ JLj.CJ IWaCh. Sandalwood Jl Marty Jr X Vintage Sip O' randy rod Owned by 01 Ion TakayamaCh. Sandalwood Jl Marty Jr X Canefyre's ttispppd Racin' rod by Shari fukuyama Marc Kupau Owned by Shari fukuyama, Caurella Pang Cynne KamiyaCongratulations to 611en Takayama on her much-deserved Kennel Visit.Sandalwood Roger baa2010 pauoa Road, ttonolulu, Hawaii 96813 e-mail sandalwood88yahoo.eom - Telephone 808 524-3877APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 72007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 400 PM74i m m mk' V cEl9uvrvace^ S m Stadia 0ILi^ CfcwmurnCatv CA. Gcuv3aAfioa3 ^j\j 01Laitij. ^i. 9C Gan3ai'vCxKj3 0vJ xmj-a an3 ovfirve^ Atj- Joaa 3wtw4vio arv3 Rxx^l cau o ft '9 t_nvaXtei ^AuA AltcA GteaJc V VmiA Aee-n to, tne jmjipLeAAave aA tu^no3 out nice. m Jiope to fraie ot AuAt tlAoc ojtLr JviA aotHiSandalwood Gpjada Ch. pinnacle I'm Stakin My Claim x Sandalwood Kale Bred and owned by 'Roger kau.Major pointed.Ch. pinnacle Chic petite Sasha Ch. Pinnacle Im Stakin My Claim x Sandalwood flKMadeline Bred by Joan Kaneshiro, Roger Cau.Owned by flmy Malsuoka Joan Kaneshiro- x,A V\ vSandalwood In eyonee pinnacle's Sugar and Cream . pinnacle lira Stakin My Qaim x Sandalwood flKMadeline Ch. pinnacle fro Slakin My Claim x Sandalwood flKMadelinered by Joan Kaneshiro Roger tau. Bred by Joan Kaneshiro Roger hau.l Owned by Roger tau. Major pointed. Owned by Joan Kaneshiro. Major pointed.Sandalwood JO oogal PCh. Jdinnaelp Fm Stakin My Qaim x Sandalwood U Baibie Bred and owned, by Roger lau.Major pointed W.Ihk8 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 400 PM8VintaCh. hyaerps Our Man ParagonVintage pompranians would likp to spnd a warm Hawaiian Mahalo thank you to fludrpy Roberts for hpr gpnprosity in lotting msz usp am on somp of my bitchps in Hawaii, Both am's sirp and dam anz out of pudrpy's big winnpr, Ch. hyaerps Our Man friday andfriday himsplf is thp result of a fatbprdaughtpr brppding.I gupss that is why I am getting such niep puppips out of two diffprpnt littprs that hp has produepd. I am so plpaspd with thp typo that I am getting from him and I am vpry proud to introduce- ' 3LGrptaVintage pouilly fuisseCh. Ithyaerps jzja Va x hyaerps fri's Kannpd 6pnszs oCo alutszVintage friday1 Southern Comfort Vintage Royal Salute to Shyaereiv42K^ \Ci-AMLS''5 vVi. v yjMlCh. Shyaere Our Man Samson X Vintage Slended MargaritaCh. Shyaere Our Man Samson X Vintage Cabernet MayaShyaere Our Man Samson X Vintage Cabernet Mayahyacrps - ftudrpy R.obprts - tludrpyshyaerps.eomVintage - 01 ten Takayaroadintagphawaiiyahoo.comAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 9P restigious P artistake top honors at Nationals1st PlacePRESTIGIOUS ELVIS IS KINGOwner - Robbie HudsonSpring Creek Poms21334 Kuykendahl Suite ASpring, TX 77379281-288-4500- Robbie.hudsonspringcreekclinic.comBreederCo-Owner Sherry Dollar2nd PlacePRESTIGIOUS GORGEOUS GEORGEBreederOwner - Sherry Dollar3221 Highbrook DriveDallas, TX 75234214-215-6052Sherry-Dollarsbcglobal.netItItItItIts hars hars hars hars hard td td td td to be humble when yo be humble when yo be humble when yo be humble when yo be humble when yououououourrrrre 1 and 2.e 1 and 2.e 1 and 2.e 1 and 2.e 1 and 2.WWWWWititititith loh loh loh loh lovvvvve and ee and ee and ee and ee and extrxtrxtrxtrxtreme geme geme geme geme grrrrratitude tatitude tatitude tatitude tatitude to eo eo eo eo experxperxperxperxpert Judgt Judgt Judgt Judgt Judge Edd Bivin.e Edd Bivin.e Edd Bivin.e Edd Bivin.e Edd Bivin.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 400 PM9i i i i n I N I 44itm1ST PLACE A.O.A.C. mrNATIONAL SPECIALTY4JTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomasphoto30hotmail.com7---------- \3-. r2ND PLACE A.O.A.C.4NATIONAL SPECIALTY0THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomasoholo30holmail.com4410 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPLEASE JOIN US IN HOUSTON, TEXASAUGUST 23, 24, 25, 26, 2007 4 DAYS OF SHOWS In a Beautiful Hotel Setting ALL-TOY-BREEDSBACK TO BACK POM SPECIALTIESAPC NATIONAL SUMMER SPECIALTYTHURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 2007Judges Mr. Darrell Baker Ms. Marge KranzfelderPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON SPECIALTYFRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 2007Judges Mr. Forrest McCoy Ms. Audrey RobertsShow Chair Show Secretary - Tim Sue 281 585-4430TOY CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONSATURDAY, AUGUST 25 SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 2007Class Judges Michael Heflin, Carol Kniebusch Noe,Pamela Peat, and Darryl ViceSweeps Judges Erika Moureau, Kathy Sawyer, and Luane 281 376-7218www.onofrio.comCrowne Plaza Houston NW Brookhollow Hotel1-713-462-9977 www.cphoustontx.comWhen making reservations, ask for the Toy Club of Greater HoustonSpecial room rate of 79.00 normally 169.00The Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston is making plans for Texas-sized hospitality and entertainment including afirst-class banquet, hospitality suite, evening out at a popular restaurant, and karaoke in the hotel nightclub. Makeplans to enjoy the fun.Our Houston Club is nearing its 40th BIRTHDAYPLEASE HELP US CELEBRATE2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 400 PM10a r2ZroiWIrO' ^ RE47,V.O M GO u HCcAug. 23, 24, 2007 APC National Summer Specialty Pom Club Of Greater Houston SpecialtyAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 11Introducing the 1st Honeykist Champion of 2007Madonna, Born to Love Bred to WinNew Champion Finished with a 5 point major under toyauthority Sandra Goose Allen. Madonna is my secondchampion for 2007Thank you breeder Judge Mr. William Ferraro and respectedJudge Mr. Houston Clark for back to back Best of Breeds overlarge entries Madonna is 9 Pom.A special thank you to all those who came before me in thebreed. Without YOU this bitch would not existBreeder owner handled by Sally HestleBreeders Sally Hestle and Barbara MeyerCh. Honeykist Out-N-AboutBreeder Christine BousquetCo-Owned Sally Hestle and ChristineBousquetAlso a special thank you to those whohave helped to mentor me in the breedMaynard Wood Woods, ChristineBousquet Honeykist, Jerrie FreiaJanesa, Barbara Messmer Bar-Jons,and Carolyn Bonin Rivendell. You areall so very special to me for all yourdedication to the breed, love of the sport,and willingness to share knowledge.Sally A. Hestle11392 Old Barn Lane, Pensacola, FL 32514 - 850 937-2543Ch. Babbis Rock Diva of PrussiaMadonnaJill2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 949 AM11 I N I 4 n i i i i4hi.loreXZ4I BEST OF OPPOSITE NEW CHAMPION MAJOR WININVERNESS KENNEL CLUB JANUARY 2007Moyer Photo ByRICK3__- ilO nC^ inH FBEST OF WINNERSMAJOR AWARD NEW CHAMPION ' 2 4412 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWBISS CH. LANAS LET ME INTRODUCE MYSELFGo RonnieWe are proud to show off a new Special in town.Ronnie is in the prime of his life at 3 years old and ready to win the judges over.Watch for this flawless mover out in the Midwest exhibited beautifully by NadineHersil. So far just starting out with Nadine he has already racked up 3 Group 1stwo back to back, 5 Group 2s, 2 Group 3s, 2 Award of Merits, 1 BISS withNadine plus 1 BISS in 2006 owner handled. All breeding poms OFA certified BreederOwner Lana Price www.Lanaspomeranians.comLanaspomeranianscox.netHandler Nadine Hersil, 414-481-55562007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 949 AM12T i i m i n i\J' X \\\Av^BEST OF BREEDVARIETY 'COMBINED SPECIALTY CLUBS OF MID IOWA 2007photo by MELIAI \r i 4iLTAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 13Moss Meadows PomeraniansMoss Meadows PomeraniansMoss Meadows PomeraniansMoss Meadows PomeraniansMoss Meadows PomeraniansMoss Meadows PomeraniansMoss Meadows PomeraniansMoss Meadows PomeraniansMoss Meadows PomeraniansMoss Meadows Pomeranianssends congratulations to Michelle Wilhoite of Wilhoite Poms forLoki winning Best of Opposite Sex at the APC National Specialty.Ch Moss Meadows Precious LokiCh Moss Meadows Precious LokiCh Moss Meadows Precious LokiCh Moss Meadows Precious LokiCh Moss Meadows Precious LokiShowins Alanna Metallicaman X TLC Maggie May Rocks OMossExpertly handled by Murray PriceA special thank you to Edd Bivin for this winBreeder Gina Moss www.Mosspoms.comOwner Michelle Wilhoite Michellew0801AOL.com2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 949 AM134c-2mOPPOSITEBESTSPECIALTYNATIONAL ,uTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomasphoto30hotmail.comr14 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAdvertisers Index.....................................................104APC Board Summary Janice Russell....................42-44APC Officers...........................................................23APC Statement......................................................23APC Stats Joan Behrend..............................59-61APC Stats 2006 Corrections Kelly Reimschiissel..62, 63APC Summer Specialty Information......................10, 96Ask Us Anything Annette Davis...................................28Back Issue Information..........................................104City of Angels Pom Club..................................18Coming Events....................................................96Cover Story ..........................................14Crufts Results.................................................79Delegates Report Darrell Baker...................................94Disaster Plan Red Cross......................................74, 75Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow Dr. Linda Frank........45, 46Health and Genetics Geneva Coats..................70, 71Judges Critique Frances Stoll...............................55Judges Education Dot Martin............................76-78Just FUR Fun....................................................58, 89Kennel Visit Ellen Takayama..........................33-38Kennel Visits, Future Features.............................96, 102Letter to the Membership.........................................25Membership Report Annette Davis...........................22National Awards Photos..........................64-67National DVD Order Blank............................21National Performance Photos.............................85National Photos...19,44,45,46,55,68, 69, 72, 73, 91, 92National Results..........................................50-53National Sweepstakes Win Photos.............54National Win Photos................................48, 49New Champions Joan Behrend.......................61Performance News Barbara McClatchey...............80-85Pom Charitable Trust...............................................47Pom Club of England....................................79Pom Club of Greater Houston............................10Pom Talk........................................................88Presidents Report Cynthia G. Boulware.....................24Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis.............................21Review Advertising Rates.....................................20Ruth Beam Birthday Reception..............................29Subscription Card.....................................................100SubscriptionReview Information....................100, 104Sunshine and Roses Donna Machniak.......................95Success, Katie Gammill...................................92, 93Stud Ads.......................................................39Top 20.........................................................40, 41Ways and Means...........................................26, 27Website Address........................................................23Wild Side Lesley Pettengill...............................86, 87Wolfie recently won the APC National underjudge Mr. Edd Bivin. What a thrill to recievethis highest honor under one of the mostrespected breeder judges in the history ofour breedHe then went on to win 2 BISA the followingweekend.This young male is causing a sensation andturning heads wherever he is seen. Thejudges are recognizing his outstandingqualities and their comments reflect that. Heis currently carrying on the high standardsof tradition and excellence set by hisbreeders.Bred by Jose Cabrera and Fabian Arienti.Owned by Natalie Roberts, VeronicaWinter, Jose Cabrera and Fabian ArientiBISS, BIS CH Starfires HereComes Trouble HOF, GC2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 949 AM14The Pomeranian ReviewI II IIContentsI I I ITTFront Cover\f4Vss-44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 15Denny and I would like to thank Judge Edd Bivin for thiswonderful Bred-By Exhibitor win.We would also like to congratulate Ellen Takayama.Congratulations to all of the National Specialty winners.Kilei PomeraniansA Glimpse Into The FutureKileis Denny Crane Lck N LoadDennyBreederOwnerHandlerKelly D. ReimschiisselHighland, UT - 801 756-2092Co-BreederCo-OwnerSusan Adamson2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 949 AM151ST PLACE BRED BY EXHIBITORNATIONAL SPECIALTYMu2007THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomaspholo30hotmail.com16 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Ch. Millamors Mark Tradition BIS BISS AmCan Ch Rock N Tradition Of Oakridge ROMS HOF GC Rock Dancers Little RockCh. Itoba Rock N Roll Legend ROM BIS BISS AmCan Ch Rock N Tradition Of Oakridge ROMS HOF GC Ch. Brilliants Golden Glory Pattys Morning Sun Ch. Kilpatricks Wee Rebel Rouser Ch. Kilpatricks Midnight Thunder Chriscendo Certain StyleKilpatricks Wonder O Thunder Emcees Shaws Wee Sunny Kilpatricks Wee Gold Charmer Chriscendo Certain StyleGeeBears Poms Presents BISS Ch Pawegres Dennis MenaceGina and Andy WilliamsGeeBears PomsEdgewood, New - 505-417-4373Owners Courtney and Ted Johnson and Pat MurkDennis is shown winning Best Veterans in Sweeps at this years Nationals in Louisville.Thank you Judge Fran Stoll for this wonderful winDennis LOVES showing and he shined being back in the limelight.Dennis finished with 3 majors, 4 Best of Breed wins. He is a Multi group placer and winnerand was ranked 11 Pom in the US for 2002 with just 4 months out. He also made the cut atWestminster in 2002. Thank You Courtney Johnson of Passions Pomeranians for allowingDennis to come and stay awhile. Dennis is at stud by private treaty. Stud inquiries welcome.Dennis is shown winning Best Veterans in Sweeps at this years Nationals in Louisville.Thank you Judge Fran Stoll for this wonderful winDennis LOVES showing and he shined being back in the limelight.Dennis finished with 3 majors, 4 Best of Breed wins. He is a Multi group placer and winnerand was ranked 11 Pom in the US for 2002 with just 4 months out. He also made the cut atWestminster in 2002. Thank You Courtney Johnson of Passions Pomeranians for allowingDennis to come and stay awhile. Dennis is at stud by private treaty. Stud inquiries welcome.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 951 AM16i i i i n44-, ' '' .SWEEPSTAKESBESTVETERANNATIONAL SPECIALTYm 0THOMAS 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 172007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 951 AM17WOODROSE PRESENTS... A NEW CHAMPIONCH. WOODROSE'S TRADITION CONTINUESH\cijjjBEST JF winners CHAMPIONNEWHILO SHOWakeCh. Woodrose Olde Tyme Tradition x Woodrose's Jenni"Jake" finished at the OIDFC show under Mr. Richard Lopaschuk of Canada with his 5th major."Bangles"wins another major...WOODROSE'S MAGIC IN THE AIRCh. Islands Here We Go x Woodrose's Magic Spice"Bangles" has 11 pts. and three majors. He is shown winning his third major under respected judge, Mr. Terry Stacy at the Hawaiian Kennel Club Show.anglesMAHALO TO ALL THE JUDGES WHO APPRECIATED OUR POMS... AND FRIENDS FOR THEIR SUPPORT. CONGRATULATIONS TO ELLEN TAKAYAMA OF VINTAGE POMERANIANS ON YOUR KENNEL VISIT."WHERE QUALITY COUNTS"WOODROSECLARICE AND YVETTE OGANEKU Ph 808-235-8142 A J X18 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAlane Levinsohn - Showcase Pomeranians BIS, BISS Am, Can, Mex, FCI Intl CH Showcase Hot Topic, GC, HOF All-Breed Dog of the Year Second Place Breed Dog of the Year BISS CH Showcase Got To Be Me, GC Sixth Place Breed Dog of the Year Ninth Place All-Breed Dog of the YearLana Price - Lanas PomeraniansTop Ten Exhibitor of the Year 5 ChampionsTop Ten Sire of the Year Ch. Nguyen Cory Loverboy of GQ Top Dam of the Year Lanas One Penny to ManyCheri McDonald - Bachman Pomeranians Top Ten Exhibitor of the Year 4 Champions Top Ten Dam of the Year Ch. Bachmans Lady LexusNEW PREVIEW VIDEO CLIPS BEFORE YOU BUY. FREE LEAFLETS INCLUDED WITH EACH VIDEOGROOMING TIPS, EQUIPMENT NEEDED AND WHERE TO BUY IT, AND HOW TO TRIM EARS.Have you ever wondered how the Poms in the show ring and show pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We arepleased to present this Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, by Karen Crawford of XitablePomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professionalbut easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video, preview video clips,satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail PaulineMcFarlane at, or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of PominiquePomeranians for allowing us touse AMInt CH PominiqueChasing Tatonka aka Tony asour demonstration model.Congratulations to Ellen Takayama ofVintage Poms on your Kennel Visit.CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THEWINNERS AT THE APC NATIONALSPECIALTY.Karen Crawford, Xitable PomeraniansJohn Pauline McFarlane, FoxxLane PomeraniansWe hope to see many of you at our 15th AnnualSpecialty show May 25th, 2007 in Pomona, CAin conjunction with the 4 day Mission Circuitcluster. For more information contact GenevaCoats at genevacoatsaol.comThe members of theCity of Angels Pomeranian ClubCongratulate our fellow members who were honoredwith APC awards and other memorable wins.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 951 AM184 i i i i n1DII mmg4 4Q\Oqv^ \V2CV fDlREc00i4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 19We thank Mr. Edd Bivin for Ivys first placewin in the 9-12 puppy class at the NationalSpecialty. We are sorry we missed getting awin picture of her. Ivy has a Best Puppy,and 4 winners bitch so far starting out. Weappreciate all the judges who have awardedIvys quality. And we thank Shari Shields forfor letting us add this beautiful girl to ourbreeding program.OwnerHandled Joyce Birks570-888-4195mustangclarityconnect.comBreeder Shari Shieldsmonarcpomspeoplepc.comMustang PomsMonarcs MarkAt Mustang Ivy2007 National Specialty2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 951 AM19441a VHftafetask.' rn14i i i i n 4 iini^H20 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWEditor...........................................................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager...................................................................................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comProofreaders.........................................................................................................................Joan Behrend, Becky SabourinAdvertisement Manager.......................................................................................................................Joan Behrend6 Richmond Blvd, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 PH 631 366-2330 mzjoanoptonline.netBusiness Card Manager..................................................................................................................................Kathyrn Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 ecpomsearthlink.netSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class...............................45.00USPS Bulk.........................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico.............55.00Foreign.....................................100.00Single Issue.....................................10.00Back Issues....................................10.00 Advertising RatesFront Cover Color.......................600.00Back Cover Color.............................450.00Inside Front Cover Color................300.00Inside Front Cover BW..................125.00Inside Back Cover Color.................300.00Inside Back Cover BW.....................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color........................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW...........................125.00Center Spread BW........................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.....................275.00Full Page BW...................................100.00Half Page Color................................150.00Half Page BW.................................60.00One Quarter Page............................40.00Business Card 6 ......Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25each additional black and white photos are 10 each.SUPPORT THE APCSUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian ReviewBrenda Segelken, Editor11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401-7460Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...............OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1........................................MarAprilApril 1.......ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1.............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......................................SeptOctOct 1..............MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDec.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeThe Pomeranian Review2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 951 AM20i i i inThe Pcmeranian ReviewThe Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 212318 Rose Garden RoadPittsburgh, PA 15220412 344-8257 j.leemhuisworldnet.att.netNEW HALL OF FAMECH Showcase Hot Topic DOwner R Smith, Alane Levinsohn, M SmithCH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up DOwner Kathy NoremCH Southlands Mighty Impressive DOwner Charlotte CreedCH Majestics Willie B Steppn Up DOwners Annette Rister Charlotte CreedSecond Chance Oliver Twist CDX RAE DOwner Barbara McClatcheyNEW GOLD CLUBCH Showcase Hot Topic DOwner R Smith, Alane Levinsohn, M SmithCH Lil Behrs Thumbelina BOwner Joan BehrendCH Southlands Mighty Impressive DOwner Charlotte CreedCH Majestics Willie B Steppn Up DOwners Annette Rister Charlotte CreedCH Southlands Black Tie N Tails DOwners Annette Rister Charlotte CreedNew ROMXCH Glen Iris Duchess Of Castile BOwner Dr. Geno SisnerosNEW ROMCH Heartlands Knight N Day DOwner Laurie OtisCH Sundowns Keegan Xavier DOwner Camilla KnightCH Mi Babe Rain Beaus Margarita BOwners Babe McCombs Jean E. CookOrder your 2007 APC National DVD now.DVD 1Puppy Veteran SweepstakesJunior HandlersDVD 2Winners DogWinners BitchBest Of BreedDVD 3Top TwentyAPC National Specialty DVD Order FormI am ordering ______ Confirmation DVD, 25.00 eachI am ordering ______ Sweepstakes and JuniorHandler, 20.00 eachI am ordering ______ Top Twenty DVDs 10.00 eachI am ordering ______ set of all the above 55.00Please add 3.00 Shipping within US, and 5.00 forshipping to Canada and all Foreign OrdersMake check payable to the American PomeranianClub and mail toWalda Green, 8120 Harvard Dr., Ben Lomond, CA95005 USAEmail address__________________________Phone ___________________Include Area CodePlease print information on the shipping label below.Ship From Walda Green, APC Ways Means8120 Harvard Dr., Ben Lomond, CA. 95005 USAShip ToName___________________________________________Address _________________________________________City_____________________State __________Zip_______Country_______________DVD 2007 Nationals2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 952 AM21Registrar Rem itCarel Leemhuis22 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW391 N Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello, ID 83204, 208-234-0932, infoavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names arepublished in the Review, are to go to Janice C. Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N Dr.,Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be received within 30 days of publication StandingRule II 3. See the APC WebSite or contactAnnette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERSBonnie Stetson OHSponsors Dorothy F. Martin, Jackie RaynerDebbie Carr COSponsors Cristy Christiansen, Babe McCombsDr. Rosanne M. Cebelenski NYSponsors Victoria Oelerich, Maureen GrecoMelissa, Mike, Bailey Jr. Colten Jr.Pfannerstill UTSponsors Greggory S. Waters, Kelly D.ReimschiisselJoan H. Kaneshiro HISponsors Sally Baugniet, Ellen TakayamaNorma Lee Smart ARSponsors Pat Barnett, Babe McCombsKim Cagle TXSponsors Connie Zieba, Barbara McClatchyAPPLICATIONSKarlene Morrow ORSponsors Cynthia Bradley, Terry RothellMary Ellen Jasie AZSponsors Diane Finch, Carolyn CrockettGeri Wm Arnold ORSponsors Celeste Solano,Walda GreenChristy Patrick Murphy ORSponsors Diana Gross, Celeste SolanoMichael, Christina Blake Jr Armstrong COSponsors Merilyn Smith, Derrik SharpGena Mike Zglinski TXSponsors John Zieba, Olga BakerCarol Rebecca Jr Silverberg CASponsors Alfredo Lapuz, Diane FinchPatricia Inman ORSponsors Diana Gross, Tammee FelixJ. Patrick Farmer TXSponsors Carolyn Crockett, Erika MoureauJeanne R. Heger ILSponsors Judith Mechiz, Paulette ZeccaJulia M. Smith KSSponsors Betsy Owens, Noble InglettChantelle Danielle Miller COSponsors Charlene Waters, Elizabeth HeckertRobert Bob Kennedy TXSponsors Kevin Orr, Erika MoureauJennifer Smith COSponsors Charlotte Meyer, Celeste SolanoMary Latimer TXSponsors Erika Moreau, Linda PelzIrene Ronald Smith ORSponsors Merilyn Smith, Celeste SolanoCharlene Marsh COSponsors Charlene Waters, Erika Moureau2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 952 AM22Membership ReportAnnette DavisAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 23The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancementof the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested in joining the APC,please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager,Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692. You need notbe an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT...................................................................................CYNTHIA G. BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142 PH 972-962-3872 Fax 972-962-3872 e-mail lovencountryearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT............................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792 PH 218 749-1154 Fax 218 741-9435 e-mail janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.....................................................................FRANCES J. STOLL2488 E Hwy 50, Washington, IN 47501 PH 812-254-3857 Fax 812-254-3254 e-mail stolanne650dialup.comRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................JANICE C. RUSSELL 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222 PH 317 924-9093 e-mail indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.................................................DANA COVENTRY1185 Banbury Court, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 PH 248-540-4888 e-mailcaninelegalaol.comTREASURER....................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375 PH 281351-9516 Fax 281 351-6620 e-mail ........................BOARD OF DIRECTORS............................Sally Baugniet David Gilstrap Judith B. GreenJackie Rayner Donna S. Riehm Greggory WatersJACKIE RAYNER, DONNA RIEHM, DAVID GILSTRAP, GREGG WATERS, FRANCES STOLL, JANICE RUSSELLERIKA MOUREAU, DANA COVENTRY, CYNTHIA BOULWARE, JANE LEHTINEN, SALLY BAUGNIET2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 952 AM23I II II mrktf .e^\^ IA fc f iWP4 4424 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAs I write this article, it is April and a month has passed since we were in Kentucky, enjoying theNational Specialty, the company of our friends, and all the wonderful Pomeranians we were able toenjoy and admire as they strutted their stuff around the show ring.Considering the flood of calls and emails I received in January and February, from members andnon-members alike, each voicing their fear and doubts about coming to the Nationals. I assumedthat our entries would drop in number this year and I hoped the drop would not be too drastic.By the time the entries started coming in we were working hard on the catalog ads, entries received were recorded and filed to await the firstentry count. An entry count was finally taken on Tuesday, February 21. The total was a mere 136. I realized I had been correct to assumeentries would drop, still, I could not help being disappointed, there were a lot less entries than I had anticipated and with only three daysleft before closing, I didnt think the numbers would go up very much more. My experience as Show Secretary has taught me that you canexpect to receive approximately one third of a shows total entries three or four days before the closing date, therefore, I anticipated wewould probably end up with 200 to 225 entries. I received 35 entries on Wednesday, making our total entry 171.Thursday morning the phone began ringing at 500 am and my fax started spitting out entries, by noon pm the fax cartridge was empty, Ireplaced it and the faxes kept coming. At 800 pm the fax cartridge was empty again but, it appeared that things were slowing down. Icounted entries late that night and was shocked that our count had reached 305. This explained why my fax cartridge ran out twice, wereceived 134 entries in one day and the majority of them had been faxed. The entries were still down by 100, from the 2006 total but I wasthrilled that we had a good deal more than I had predicted. There would be a few more entries received on Friday but there are not a lot ofexhibitors who wait until the last day to enter because there is a risk they wont be able to get entered on time.Imagine my surprise when, early Friday morning the fax machine started up again and just like the day before it continued spitting outentries right up to the 600 pm closing time. I knew we had received a lot of entries, but I was stunned when the final entry count reached407. The entries were no longer under those of 2006, they now exceeded 2006 by 11 entries and for the first time in my life I was happy tobe wrong.I was very proud of all the APC members and exhibitors, who entered their dogs despite the risks. Everyone who submitted entries, provedtheir loyalty to APC and the Pomeranian Breed and I salute the courage shown by each person bringing their dogs into Kentucky.I am pleased to report that the Louisville animal control created no problems for the Club, or anyone in attendance at the National. All thePomeranians brought to Kentucky made it back home safely. I sincerely thank every APC member, exhibitor, guest and spectator whocourageously attended the National in spite of the risk the despicable animal ordinance passed.The National ran smoothly with only minor glitches that Im sure went unnoticed by most of us. It would not be possible to hold a Nationalas large as ours without the many APC members who volunteer a good deal of their time to ensure we will be comfortable, have fun, becomeeducated, and have everything we need to show our dogs. Our Club is indeed fortunate to have so many talented, and willing members. Iwanted to list the names of everyone who worked to make the National a success, but there are so many names that I would almost certainlyforget someone, this would make them feel bad and I would feel like a heel. Therefore, to every member who volunteered their valuabletime to help with the National please accept my sincere thank you.There is one name I feel compelled to mention, she is the member I have voted the National Specialty MVP most valuable person. My votegoes to, Janice Russell, aka, APC Show Chairperson, I am probably the only one who has any idea of the hundreds of hours she put inworking on the seemingly endless list of jobs and chores that must be taken care of to hold a National Specialty as large as ours. Not onlydid she promptly take care of the Show Chair duties, she kept up the Recording Secretary duties as though it was the only job she had. Totop it off, she took care of numerous tasks for me when I fell behind. My eternal thanks goes to you Janice. I dont think I would have madeit without your help this year.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 952 AM24I te m the PresidentCynthia C. EcuiesvareAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 252007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 952 AM254 i i i inAmerican 3onmaman Club, Int.Cindy Boulware, President 6450 Rolling Heights Circle Kaufman, Texas 75142 972 962-3872 Phone - 972 962-3872 Fax email lovencountryearthlinlc.netm\ WAPC BOARD OF DIRECTORSSally Baugniet, Dana Coventry, David Gilstrap, Judy Green, Jane Lehtinen, Erika Moureau, Jackie Rayner, Donna Riehm, Janice Russell, Fran Stoll, Gregg WatersApril 2, 20074Dear APC MembersA few days before the 2007 National Specialty, it was brought to the attention of the Board that a few members had some concerns regarding the procedures used in the Fall 2006 Board election process, of equal concern to the Board, were the unauthorized methods used by these members for the dissemination of information containing several inaccurate and false statements.Due to the manner used to bring this matter before the Board and APC membership, a licensed professional parliamentarian was contracted. The Board chose to take this action to ensure a proper meeting procedure would be followed, and b all APC members would be treated with respect and fairness.A quorum was reached at the Annual meeting by those in attendance. A Point of Order concerning the handling of the election was raised by an APC member, the Point of Order was then ruled upon by the chair and appealed by the member. A lengthy debate ensued, an APC member called the question, and the appealed Point of Order was finally voted on by the membership. It was voted to sustain the Ruling of the Chair by a vast majority of the members present. Thus the election results stand as reported in the January-February 2007 issue of the Pomeranian Review.The Officers and Board of Directors are pleased to continue serving the APC membership, and our Pomeranian Breed. We thank you for your support and encourage each of you to contact us any time you need clarification of information you have received pertaining to APC.We also invite every member to contact us anytime you have a question, suggestion, idea, or complaint. As an APC member it is not only your right to contact the Board with your concerns, it is your duty to alert the Board of any issues that may affect our Club, the membership, or our Breed.If you are interested in volunteering your time on a committee, or job position, please dont hesitate to let us know. Tell us what you are experienced in, interested in, or wish to learn. I assure you with the large variety of committees and jobs our Club utilizes, you wont have too much trouble finding a position that suits you.And finally, I would like to remind everyone, if you wish to contact a Board member their contact information can be obtained, via the APC Membership Roster, the Pomeranian Review, or from the APC website at .Sincerely,Cindy Boulware APC President26 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWaysWays Means ContinuedTHANK YOU THANK YOUTHANK YOU..I can hardly believe another Specialty has come and gone so quickly, but what a fantastic show it was. Our entry was exceptional and asis always the case, our membership voiced their strong support of our Officers, Board, Committees, and those shouldering the hugeresponsibility of putting on a fantastic Specialty.I want to thank everyone that pitched in and helped with setting up Ways and Means. It was an all out effort to get the tables set up and theshirts and tees unboxed and displayed. We had some major shirt folding going on by Betsy Owens, Marilyn Heestand, Carolyn Brandenburg,and so many others. And big Thanks to Sherrilynn Rogers and Vickey Leitner for saving APC the shipping expenses by transportingsome huge boxes of tees and sweats to Louisville.As is so true each year, the membership and friends of APC were so very generous with their donations of items for our fundraising efforts.The donations included handmade craft items, beautiful dog beds, a hand crafted wooden rocking Pom, a large exotic metal bed withleopard furnishings Sherrilynn must have spent hours on that one, art from England, collectible Pom plates, the last l988 Review anniversaryissue, beautiful gold bracelet from Danbury Mint, Pom carousel, beautiful shawl, Pom fabric curling iron holder, yard art Pom spinner, Pomjigsaw, hand towels, metal Pom garden hose holder, puppy play tent, Pom soaps, grooming training tapes, hand painted Pom purse, setsof Pom coffee mugs, two wonderful Pom grooming arms, a fantastic and colorful one of a kind art piece from Peru, a beautiful life sizebrass Pom figurine, an exceptional Pomeranian wall tapestry, full year out of print editions of the Pom Review, flashy dog leads by Diane,Royal Canin Encyclopedia of Dogs, out of print Pomeranian books, Pom calendars, grooming scissors and combs, lots of doggy toys,hand painted wood lead holders, fold down pet carrier, soft side pet carrier, a huge patch work fur bed, Pom figurines, and delicious cookiesfor us humansThe tees and sweats this year were outstanding, a black shirt with the beautiful artwork of Jeanne McNally. Thank you Jeanne for our 2007Specialty logo art, it was truly special, and thanks to Brenda Segelken for always seeing that we have our Specialty attire to commemoratea grand event.This year we did not tag items but asked that our donors sign a log sheet so we could again thank you as we have in past years and I willattempt to list those that signed the log, but before I do that let me extend a thank you to our buyers, some of which purchased multipleitems. We recognize and so appreciate your support of our Club. Special Thanks to Marilyn Heestand for being my partner and mainsupport. She worked the Ways and Means booth from start to finish each and every day.Thank you to the following that supported the APC fundraising with their donationsAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Ken and Eleanor GriffithNancy ReedDavid and Carlene GilstrapDebbie CarrDonna RiehmVicky LeitnerBonnie HarrisBill and Brenda AdamsKathy LaundervilleJudy MehcizBrenda SegelkenCentral Arkansas Pom ClubKelley ReimschiisselJoyce and Gabe BroussardCarolyn BrandenburgDebbie KingeryJanice RussellDeronda SharpRoger LauGreg and Carlene WatersAnn BerrymanLuisa LeonErika MoureauNatures BalanceChristie CreaseyJoan BehrendSherry CartwrightJackie WalshSherri AlspaughFran StollCathy GouldSherrilynn RogersBetsy OwensJanette DallyMari IfflandMargaret McKeeMerilyn and Ron SmithLynn Webster Ways Means MeansDonna Riehm2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 404 PM2644 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 27It was great talking with everyone and seeing Pom friends that we only have the opportunity to enjoy during our National Specialty.THANK YOU EVERYONE Donna RiehmWays Means ContinuedRing Stewards 20072007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 404 PM27i i i in4Vi iwrf. s . xvs VfTpin02im i i'-4uuEft 4.V4A28 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello, ID 83204Phone 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792Email infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htmA sk Us Anything Annette Davis, CNOur question for this issue is What is the best way to wean my litter of Pom puppiesContrary to popular belief, it is not always necessary to wean puppies. Healthy pups who have a Dam with goodinstincts will wean naturally. It is important to have a bowl of clean water and small kibble such as EukanubaSmall Breed Puppy available from the time your pups are 3-4 weeks old. The Mother will gradually nurse thepups less, and encourage them to eat the kibble. Ive even had exceptional Moms that will chew kibble into smallpieces and offer it to their pups. Natural weaning is ideal, and I do not intervene if the process is going well.Unfortunately, not all litters can be weaned naturally. Some Moms lack the instinct to push their pups towardeating solid food. Some Moms even go so far as to jealously guard the food bowl, not allowing their pups to eatanything from it. Monitor the weaning process carefully or you may end up with a hypoglycemic pup or worse.Check the pups often to make sure their bellies feel full, and they are playing normally between naps. If a pupbegins to lose weight, is listless, crying more than normal, or his stomach feels empty, you will need to intervenein the natural weaning process.For pups who need weaning help, first offer mush in a shallow bowl. My favorite puppy mush is human baby ricecereal mixed with goats milk and a little plain yogurt. If the Mom tries to eat the mush, she must be removed tolet the pups have their fill. I let Mom eat the leftovers when the pups have finished, as it is good nutrition for heras well. Remove any mush that remains after hour and wash the mush dish well. If the pups becomeconstipated, switch to human baby oatmeal instead of rice cereal. Once the pups are adjusted to the mush,gradually add powdered kibble, finely minced canned food, or pureed meats. Offer mush 2-3 times per day andleave a bowl of small kibble for them to eat in between. Gradually reduce the mush as the pups successfully eatkibble. Most pups are fully weaned onto kibble by eight weeks of age. Sickly pups, picky eaters, or those proneto hypoglycemia may need mush longer.Our next question is My Pom puppy is a picky eater. What can I do2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 404 PM28--'-rAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 29gRuth Beams new address is White Oak Manor, 4009 Craig Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28211. Phone 704-442-0618Happy 94th BirthdayRuth BeamGreat Elms PomsA reception, hosted by Ken and Eleanor Griffith, was held inhonor of Ruth Beams 94th Birthday, following the NorthCarolina Pom Club Specialty, at White Oak Manor in Charlotte,North Carolina on April 7, 2007. Approximately 50people were in attendance to enjoy the North Carolina porkbar-b-que, potato salad, baked beans, slaw, fresh fruit andrelish trays, as well as birthday cake. Ruthenjoyed the reception and especially enjoyed reading thehuge birthday card, created by Brenda Segelken, signed byhundreds of Pom enthusiasts from over 6 countries at the2007 National Specialty in Kentucky.Photos by Carolyn Brandenburgand Ken and Eleanor Griffith2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 404 PM2944VS4rim-L.N.aSC.ViV4i 1irArs-414m n 4 i i i i i 30 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 404 PM30L-rr4 -. r'V. V''VTHE POAERANiAN LUE, Of HAWAII ONaRATVLATES OUR AEAERELLEN TAKAYAAAON HER KENNEL WIT- ELLEN HAS MEN A AEAMP SlNE 1970 AND HAS SERVED AS TREASURER SiNE 1901. SHE HAS ALSO SERVED AS SHOW ' CIAIRAAN and has always men- AVAILABLE TO ASSIST THE LUMN ANY OTHER APAiTYN - .. POAEPANiAN LW OK HAWAIIA very SpecialCongratulations to Ellen Takayamaof Vintage Poms.Ellen, your Poms impress me but your warm soul WOWs me.TABLETOP POMSMassachusettsjasustachaol.comAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 31Ch. Sungold Vintage Chianti x Rain Beau A Little Bit Of GraceRain Beau Pomeranians is proud to present its latest champion - Ch. Rain Beau Vintage Hawaii aka Brother. I would like to thank EllenTakayama for the use of his sire, Ditto and his handlers, Salina Bailey, junior handler Jordan Rothell and Marlene Presser shownabove with judge, Mr. Steve Arnold. Salina handled Brother to his first 5 point major, while Jordan put another 5 point major on him.Marlene Presser then took over and finished Brother with wins under two Pom breederjudges. I would also like to thank the followingjudges who thought him worthy of his wins William Cunningham - 5 point major, June Penta - 5 point major, Forrest McCoy - 2points, Steve Arnold - 2 points, Dana Plonky - 2 pointsFinally I would like to congratulate my good friend Ellen Takayama of Vintage Pomeranians on her well-deserved kennel visit. Wehave been friends since we first met at the summer nationals in Olympia in 1996 and Brother was named in her honor.R A I N B E UACh. Rain Beau Vintage HawaiiHandler - ApolloetteMarlene Presserapolloettelocalaccess.comCo-OwnerHandlerSalina BaileyBreederOwner - Rain BeauJean Sue Cookrainbeaucenturytel.net2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 405 PM31f\NNER1 OOG 'WENATCHEEi KENNEL CLUB h' PtatoT'ipv tfj Steven Ross SUMMER 200632 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWV Vintage Hot Rum Toddie x Bifrost Humdinger Dwan Ch. MTS Hoilini Focus On Moi Sandalwood EM Ricardo x Ch. Sandalwood Joie of VivreJetta and Focus thank you Ellen for picking us as pick of the litter, and look what happened.Congratulations on your kennel visit.MTS HoiliniSylvia Miyake - BreederOwnermiyaket001hawaii.rr.comMTS HOILINICh. SM-Legacy Object of MystiqueJettaFocus2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 405 PM32 INI n i i i iGROUP PLACEMENTHILO SHOW ne OCtftSW on4wznuAiM44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 33Kennel Visit ContinuedEllen TakayamaVPomsEllen and StrikerWee Hearts Vintage Simply StrikingLet me introduce myself to those of you who havenever met me before. My name is Ellen Takayama and Iwas born and raised in this beautiful island paradise luckyme I currently reside in a suburb just outside ofHonolulu called Aiea yes its all vowels on a hilloverlooking Pearl Harbor. I have been blessed with alovely family. My husband Art and I have been marriedfor over 37 years and we have one daughter, Amy, whomarried her husband Bruce in 2001 after nine years ofcourtship. We are also the proud grandparents of threeyear-oldKelsie who has filled our lives with such JOYthat only other grandparents can understand. My daughterworks for the Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel in the financeoffice and we often travel together and take advantage ofher employee discounts. In fact, we just spent this past Thanksgiving Day weekend at the beautiful Hilton Waikaloa Hotel on the BigIsland and also spent a week at the San Francisco Hilton totally free a few years ago. Now that I am retired, my hobbies includereading murder mysteries - I am a READAHOLIC and read eight to twelve books a month, playing volleyball with my husband in amixed volleyball league that we have been playing in for since 1984 - we are now playing against kids who are young enough to be ourchildren or grandchildren and still have a winning record, and of course trying to breed a better Pomeranian - I am a POMOHOLIC whohas been addicted to Poms since 1978. Now that you know where I am now, lets go back to the past when I grew up in Hawaii beforeit became a state in 1959.My family always had what we called poi pet dogs mixed breed dogs of the Heinz 57 variety which I understand are nowbeing called Designer Dogs and my first dog was a beagle mix named Skippy who was two years older than me. When I was growingup in the 1950s, there was no leash law and Skippy was allowed to roam the neighborhood and sired many little Skippys who werecognized immediately due to his distinct markings which he passed on to his get. His favorite pastime was chasing and barkingferociously at the shiny hubcaps on cars driving by our house. It was a miracle that he never did get run over by these cars and finallywent to sleep one night under the family car and didnt get up the next morning. There were many other dogs over the years that weremy constant companions.ALOHAALOHAALOHAALOHAALOHAand welcome to beautiful HAWAII,the home of Vintage Pomeranians.intagea2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 405 PM33I I I I I I I I ITT4ri4ANA^ ^ ,V - ' r . ,sj34 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWL-R 1981 Ch. Woodroses Shadow Dancer - Shadow was my very first champion 1988 Ch. Vintage Sparkling Burgundy - Sparkles was by first home-bredchampion 1990 Ch. Woodroses Princess Heidi - shown taking BOBGroup III from the puppy class over two Group I winning specials 1990 VintageFlashdance On Ice - Kika Tiger in Hawaiian - never finished but one of my favorites.L-R 1992 Ch. Woodroses Gin N Vermouth Marty 1993 Ch. Wee Hearts Vintage Champagne Bubbles 1995 Ch. Wee Hearts High Fashion 1995 WeeHearts Moonlite N Roses Rosie - pointed but never finished and one of my favorites.Kennel Visit ContinuedI was born and raised in Hawaii and attendedpublic schools in the Honolulu district. Iam the youngest of five children and grewup closer in age to my nieces and nephewsthan my brother and sisters. My siblingsare 8, 13,16 and 18 years older than me whilemy nieces and nephews are three or moreyears younger than me. I met my husband,Art the youngest of 10 children, whileattending the University of Hawaii and wegot married after I graduated with anadvanced degree in education. Afterteaching for a year, I went on maternity leaveand decided that I wanted to stay home alittle longer to raise our daughter, Amy.When I was ready to return to my teachingjob, there were no positions available due tothe ending of the Vietnam War especiallysince I had been teaching at a military school.I put myself on a waiting list but after waitingfor two more years we decided that I neededto return to work if we were ever going tohave a place of our own. With no teachingjobs available, I ended up taking a job at abank as a clerk typist at a greatly reducedsalary in the loan department in 1973. Myduties included typing up loan contracts ona manual typewriter, doing credit lineadvances manually transferring from thecredit line account to deposit in the checkingaccounts that were overdrawn, runningcredit checks via telephone we actuallycalled all the individual banks to get ratingsand any other duties as assigned. I workedat a small local bank, City Bank, which isno longer in business as it was bought outby a larger bank a few years ago. I attendednight classes sponsored by the AmericanInstitute of Banking to further my knowledgesince my degree in education left me severelylacking in business and banking courses. Iwas very fortunate because my bosses wereall very supportive and I received severalpromotions over the years and ended up asan assistant vice president and manager of asmall branch before taking an earlyretirement in 1996.I purchased my first Pomeranian in1978 from an old time breeder, Janet Cox ofHy Jan-Le kennels. I did not even know whata dog show was but just wanted a pretty pet,which is what I got. I thought that if I boughta female and bred her just once, I would getmy money back. WRONG, WRONG,WRONG Twenty-nine years later, I amstill in the RED. Fluffy was a very nice petthat was from excellent lines. I think shewas a granddaughter of one of the topwinning Poms at the time Ruth DotsonsCh. Sun Dots Rambling Man. I bought mynext two Poms from Clarice Oganeku ofWoodrose who was then importing her dogsfrom Norma Creider in Oklahoma. Sheended up selling me a beautiful one-yearoldmale who they had shown as a puppywho had both his majors and already hadnine points. Shadow was everything I couldhave wished for and eventually became Ch.Woodroses Shadow Dancer by winning aGroup I for his last three points. I bred Fluffyto Shadow and ended up with a verydisappointing litter a nice sized femaledelivered breech and dead, a small malewithout a tail the only one I have ever hadborn without a tail and a nice male with anundescended testicle. The male without atail was given to my sister who loved himtill his dying days. The other male was sold2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 405 PM34 INI 4 n i i i i vi J\i. Ik.W,MV1- A V.4 4 V ' 4\ia. Ws,-'' -- ' 4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 35Ch. Wee Hearts Serendipity Sarah litter sister to Rosie Ch. Vintage HotEdition of Howlene Robbie - my first cream and first BISA Pom Ch. VintageHowlene Dresden Doll Demi Sandalwood LG Vintage Wizard - major pointed but never finished - a Striker son.L - R Ch. Sandalwood JI Marty Jr MJ - a Marty son Ch. Vintage Brandy Alexandra Lexi - an MJ daughter Ch. Wee Hearts Kismet of Vintage KatieVintage Tequila Slammer Shotz - major pointed but never finished.Kennel Visit Continuedwithout papers and Fluffy was never bredagain. I guess this was an omen thatbreeding Pomeranians was not an easy joband that I should have quit but I didnt listen.Sadly Shadow died of a heart attack at onlysix years of age and I was devastated andwas going to get out of dogs. However, Iguess it was not meant to be as both JanetCox and Clarice Oganeku decided to sell metwo show potential female puppies.My first homebred champion wasCh. Vintage Sparkling Burgundy akaSparkles. Sparkles was not the prettiest Pombut she certainly was very showy. I was usinghandlers at the time but I had two handlersthat wanted to show her and the only wayout of that uncomfortable situation was toshow her myself. She finished in spite ofmy awkward handling and I was so proudbecause I did it myself breederownerhandled all the way. I showed another malesired by a male owned by my very dear friend,Betty Aona, of Alani Poms and Chihuahuas.The sires name was Ch. Alanis NanakuliFlash and the sons name was VintageFlashdance on Ice with a call name of KikaHawaiian for Tiger. Over the years Bettyand I became the best of friends having somuch fun at dog shows drinking ourwinners or losers coffee depending on thesituation. The coffee was spiked withBaileys Irish Cream and topped withwhipped cream and I fondly remembersitting with Betty at ringside having a greattime - win or lose. Sadly, Betty passed awayin 1995 after battling cancer for a year anddog shows are not quite the same withouther. Betty was the one that twisted my armto attend our first summer nationals in 1989in South San Francisco where we met NormaCreider in person. Nobody ever knew whatNorma Creider looked like, as she didnt liketo take pictures and always used handlers.We were quite surprised and honored whenshe came up to us to introduce herself.My next two show puppies wereacquired from Clarice Oganeku of Woodrose.The female became Ch. Woodroses PrincessHeidi and the male became Ch. WoodrosesGin N Vermouth Marty. Marty finishedin two months in five shows and I think hewas the first Pom to finish as a puppy inHawaii. He had a large fan club but was notspecialed because he really didnt like toshow. Heidi was bred three times and onlyhad one live litter. She was bred to Can.Ch. Chriscendo Conspiracy and there wereonly two puppies in the litter a beautiful malewho was not sound and a very goofy lookingfemale with a longer nose dont know wherethat came from as both sire and dam hadshort noses, flat coat and none of the featuresthat would make her a show dog. However,she was very sound and had good movementand a showy attitude. Vintage Canadian Mistdid go on to become my foundation bitchand did produce two champion males that Iam very proud of BISABISS Ch. VintageHotEdition of Howlene Robbie andmultiple group winner and BISS Ch. VintageVino Vino Vinnie.After finishing both Heidi andMarty in 1992, I decided to try importingPoms on my own and called CassandraEvans of Wee Hearts after admiring some ofher dogs in the Pom Registry now defunct.We talked over the phone and I explainedabout our 120-day quarantine at the time and2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 405 PM35I I I I I I I I ITTr msrs VJrjnic T. iJ I ,ST4 4 . v r ' 4 C -A - Ii^ ..t. ,j . - -.36 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWL - R Sandalwood JO Vintage Galliano Tony Sandalwood EP Vintage Alize Ali.Kennel Visit ContinuedL - R Ch. Sungold Vintage Chianti Ditto Ch. Vintage Tequila Gold - Robbie son and litter brother to Shotz Ch. Vintage Vino VinoVinnie - a Sexy grandson LaRajus Hollywoods Lil Oscarasked her whether she would be willing tosell me any dogs. She said she would thinkabout it and send me a video of her dogs.After I didnt hear from her for a long time Ithought she didnt want to sell me a dog.Then one day she called me and explainedthat her video camera was broken and shehad not been able to take pictures of her dogsto send to me. She did eventually mail me avideo and her dogs were just beautiful. Wewere planning a family trip to Orlando in1993 so we decided to take a detour toVidalia, Georgia to meet Cassandra and seeher dogs. I ended up getting two girls whowent on to become Ch. Wee Hearts HighFashion and Ch. Wee Hearts VintageChampagne Bubbles. The following year,I took another detour to visit Cassandra onour way to the summer nationals in NewOrleans. I ended up with a beautiful maleWee Hearts Simply Striking aka Strikerand two litter sisters since I couldnt decidewhich one I liked better. The orange girlwent on to become Ch. Wee HeartsSerendipity Sarah who became myhusbands heart dog and the sable girl wasWee Hearts Moonlite N Roses who wonsome points but never finished her titlebecause she didnt like to show. She wasjust beautiful and an experienced handlertold me that she was group-winning materialwhen she was a puppy.After retiring from the Bank in1996, I was able to do a lot more breedingand in 1997 got my first cream puppy. Ibred my foundation bitch, Misty, to ShirleyLeus Ch. Amours Thats Hot to TrotHottsie and had a beautiful litter of threepups a red male, a cream male and anorange bitch. The cream male was sold on aco-ownership as a show potential to HazelMiller, Arlene Otaguro and Robin Watanabeof Howlene-Teahra and he went on to becomeCh. Vintage HotEdition of HowleneRobbie, my first BIS winner. I kept theorange female pup in the litter VintageSome Like It Hot Marilyn who went on toproduce some pretty puppies. I made it acondition that the word HOT had to appearin these pups names as a tribute to their sire,Hottsie.I bred Misty to Marit Hattorisbeautiful male, Ch. Starfires Playboy ofHaiku Tony and had a nice litter of fourpuppies three males and one female. Oneof the pups was a lot bigger than the otherthree and was sold with limited papers as Ithought he would go oversize. At threemonths, he was already four pounds whilethe other pups were only half his size. WhenI followed up a year later with his happy petowners, he had matured at five and a halfpounds. A cream male was sold as a showpotential because I felt he was the best moverin the litter. Unfortunately, he ended upbeing too big to show and was replaced witha female from another litter who went on tobecome Ch. Vintage Howlene Dresden DollDemi. Demi a Striker daughter not onlywon BOB and a Group Placement from theclasses as a puppy but also went on to becomea BISS winner, too. The red male pup waskept till he was a year old but I eventuallyhad to sell him on a co-ownership as he wasfighting with my old champion male, Marty,and the two of them would spend all day justgrowling at each other through the fence.Shari Fukuyama was looking for a show malePom so I ended up selling her Vinnie Ch.Vintage Vino Vino on a co-ownership.Vinnie was not named for a long time but Ifinally ended up naming him after awonderful deli style restaurant that we foundin Venice. Shari did a wonderful jobconditioning, training and showing him tohis title and showing him as a special tomany group wins and placements and a BISSwin before he was retired. I kept the onlyfemale pup Vintage Chardonnay for Cassthat also became one of my top producers.Ch. Marty was bred to Roger LausSandalwoods Esmeralda Great Elms linesand produced only two pups a small femaleSandalwood Vintage Fine Lace pointedand a male pup who went on to becomeGroup winnerplacer and BISS Ch.Sandalwood JI Marty Jr MJ. MJ was sent2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 953 AM36 INI 4 n i i i iV V w ntS, KV V 1 4 f v.4 4Vs r \y .- . f r . JP. , TVS- - " x\X . 5X -. ^T.s\ . y-r. APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 37Kennel Visit Continuedto Canada where he obtained his Canadiantitle shown by Naimi Guenther before goingto Washington to be shown by Mark Iseki ofPen Sans Shih Tzus to his American title.Mark even came back to Hawaii for a fewshows to show MJ to a group win and someplacements. MJ was shown by Stacia Ohirafor his BISS win and a BOBGroupplacement at the local toy show.Cass was bred to Ch. Robbie andhad a litter of four pups, three males andone female. The puppies were all beautifulbut this was my HEARTBREAK litter. Thiswas a half brotherhalf sister breedingdoubling up on Misty and I think thebreeding was just too close. One of the malesin the litter I consider the greatest Pom I haveever bred. He went on to become Ch. VintageTequila Gold Quila. The funny thing isthat Quila went through a normal puppy coatloss and was very flat coated and did not havethe typical fuzzy puppy coat associated withBSD. In fact, he never had very much coatbut he would just float around the ring withhis short back, chunky legs with his prettyhead held up high. I can never forget theday that he took BOBGroup I from the BBEclass with me handling. I was very happywith the 5 point major that he got by goingWD and never aspired for BOB or Group Ias that wouldnt give him any more points.I guess because I was so relaxed, I probablydid a better job showing him and the judgecouldnt keep her eyes off of him. Therewere two BIS champion Poms in the ringwith us so you can imagine my surprise whenshe pointed to us for BOB. In group judging,I didnt expect to do anything so we just hadfun in the ring. The judge pointed to us andsent us near the No. 4 placement so I wasvery happy to be considered and was verysurprised when I found out that we had wona Group I. Quila finished the next day butfell off the table at ringside while I wasshowing a class bitch so he was not movingas well that day. He did go on to win BOBGroup I at his first show as a special withhardly any coat. Unfortunately he suffereda severe fall where he jumped from a chairwhile being groomed by someone else andactually knocked himself out. He did recovershortly afterwards but started suffering fromseizures a week later. He started losing morecoat and was put on thyroid medication afterdoing some blood work. I guess I am still indenial, as his coat loss seemed to coincidewith his accidental fall. Today he is aliveand hairless but his temperament is not thesame the vet said that he is crazy and notnormal as he seems to have suffered somebrain damage due to the fall as he can nolonger stay still and is very hyperactive. Butwhen I look at him, my eyes do not see anugly hairless dog I see a beautiful showyPom that I love so dearly.At the same time that I was showingQuila, I was also showing a bitch that I hadobtained from Cassandra Evans of WeeHearts. Katie had to go through the 30-dayquarantine that was required at the time andwas released on a Sunday and shown the nextweekend. I never expected her to do as wellas she did but she finished her title in twomonths, was shown 8 times and was defeatedonly once and became Ch. Wee HeartsKismet of Vintage. In her very first show,she won WBBOS over a special for a threepoint major. Katie was so sound and wouldjust ask for her wins by going up to the judge,cocking her head to the side and waggingher tail. She was such a fun dog to show.I met Anna LaFortune in 1994 at a Californiaspecialty and visited her home in Washingtonin 2001 when I visited my friend, Mark Iseki,who was keeping Katie and a black and tanbitch for me. Anna called me the followingyear and offered me a show prospect maleas her husband was very ill and she wasntplanning to go to the shows. That is how Iacquired Ditto Ch. Sungolds VintageChianti. Anna thought that he looked somuch like his sire, Ch. Sungold Phyner JusWonderful, so I agreed to call him Ditto ashis call name. Ditto was kept by my dearfriend, Sue Cook of Rainbeau Poms, andshown by Marlene and Marlin Presser ofApolloette Poms. Sue has a very nicechampion male out of Ditto who she calledBrother and named Ch. Rainbeaus VintageHawaii. Ditto is now in Hawaii and will beused at stud after losing some excess weight.Ch. MJ was bred to Vintage Sip OBrandy and produced only one female puppywho went on to become Ch. Vintage BrandyAlexandra Lexi. Lexi is the first bitch thatI have bred that has been a group winnerand she was shown as a special by my friend,Dorinne Higuchi Fallas, after I finished herfrom the classes. A repeat breeding produceda breedable size bitch Vintage CabernetMaya.I have attended many APC summernationals 89 South San Francisco, 92Brush Prairie, 94 New Orleans, 96Olympia, 97 Charlotte, 2003 Olympiaagain but attended my first nationals inLouisville in 2003 and 2004. I was thrilledAbove Bruce, Amy, Ellen and Art. Right Granddaughter, Kelsie.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 953 AM37I I I I I 4 n i i i is.V'.\ V.1Wl po.357'iii-vo4 4 . -..' A4. ^ ... r -- '-C^ -' - .sArW ^438 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWto meet so many of the big, importantbreeders and inquired with Audrey Robertsabout whether her big winner, Ch. ShyacresOur Man Friday, was still alive. AlthoughFriday was gone, his grandson, Ch. ShyacresOur Man Samson was still alive. She toldme that she was no longer breeding andreferred me to someone who had just usedSamson at stud, Shauna Jenkins of WindsorPoms. Shauna had a litter of 4 beautifulpuppies out of Samson of which 3 completedtheir titles. I decided to send one of my bestproducing bitches to Audrey to breed toSamson but unfortunately my bitch did nottake. I knew that I was entitled to a repeatbreeding and asked Audrey whether I couldpay to qualify Sam to come to Hawaii withouthaving to go through quarantine so that Icould recoup some of my expenses bybreeding him to more than one bitch. Sheso generously agreed since she was notbreeding any more. I am trying so hard tobreed a nice male pup out of Samson forAudrey and I to co-own and for her to show.While attending the 2003 summernationals in Olympia, I met Laura Newboldfor the first time in person as we hadcorresponded via email earlier. She wasshowing two very nice male pups that werenot available. Laura called me a few monthslater and offered me a show male pup andsaid she would keep him and qualify him tocome to Hawaii without having to go throughquarantine. That is how I acquired LaRajusHollywoods Lil Oscar. I met Oscar at the2004 Nationals in Louisville where Laurashowed him in the large 6-9 month puppyclass where was pulled out for consideration.Oscar arrived in Hawaii in September 2004and won back to back five point majors hisfirst weekend out at an outdoor show.Unfortunately he doesnt like indoor showsand refused to walk at our indoor specialtyshow. He then went through his year oldshed and I accepted Lauras invitation to sendhim back to her to grow coat in the NorthernCalifornia colder climate. Unfortunately hewas stolen from Lauras yard but luckily Ihave three daughters of his that I kept.Oscars dam is from Shyacres lines so I bredone of his daughters Vintage BlendedMargarita aka Rita to Ch. Samson andhave a beautiful little cream girl. She wasborn all of 1.5 oz and had to be tube fed for10 days, bottle fed for three weeks beforebeing weaned at 4 weeks. Everybody myvet, my friends and even myself who sawthis puppy did not think she was going tomake it but she is a SURVIVOR and shewanted to live. She is named Vintage PouillyFuisse Greta and she is a very stubbornpuppy and a lot smarter than me. When shedoesnt want to show she just puts on thebrakes and refuses to walk.I also have two nice male pups outof Samson and an MJ daughter VintageCabernet Maya. These two pups along withGreta have tons of coat and very pretty headtypes. I hope they will do well in the ringthis year.I would like to thank the people whohave been instrumental in helping me alongthe way. First I need to thank my husbandArt who has been so patient dealing withthis OBSESSION of mine. MAHALO abig Hawaiian thank you to the followingbreeders who have helped me along the way1. Clarice and Yvette Oganeku of Woodrosefor my first show Poms.2. Cassandra Evans of Wee Hearts for myfirst beautiful imports3. Roger Lau of Sandalwood for sharingsome of your nice ones with me. Our jointbreeding ventures have turned out very wellfor both of us. Some examples are Wiz Boy,Ch. MJ, Lacey, Mandy, Ricky, Fire, LingLing, Barbies BB, etc.4. Shirley Leu of Amours for the use of Ch.Hottsie, the sire of Ch. Robbie and Marilyn,one of my good producers.5. Marit Hattori of Haiku for generouslysharing your wonderful stud dogs with me.Ch. Conner Chriscendo produced myfoundation bitch Misty and Ch. TonyStarfires resulted in Ch. Vinnie and Cass,another good producer.6. Hazel Miller, Arlene Otaguro and RobinWatanabe of Howlene-Teahra for doing sucha great job with both Robbie and Demi.7. Sylvia Miyake of MTS Hoilini for beinga friend and babysitter from my puppieswhen I travel8. Shari Fukuyama of CaneFyre for doingsuch a good job with Ch. Vinnie9. Mark Iseki of Pen Sans for doing such agreat job with Ch. MJ both in Washingtonand in Hawaii.10. Sue Cook of Rainbeau for taking care ofmy Poms on the mainland and for being sucha good friend11. Anna LaFortune of Sungold for sharingCh. Ditto with me.12. Audrey Roberts of Shyacres for thegenerous use of Ch. Samson.Finally, I would like to thankBrenda Segelken for the honor of this kennelvisit. You have been a great friend over thepast few years.The word ALOHA has threedifferent meanings HELLO, GOOD-BYEand I LOVE YOU. So with fondest ALOHA,I say THANK YOU to all of you out therewho are taking the time to read this article.The pups are all 6 months old now and weigh 4 pounds. They are from two different litters - the first is my cream girl that was born only 1.5 oz and she certainly was worth all thesleepless nights that I went through tube feeding her. She is out of Sam Rita - an OscarCass daughter. The next two are littermate male pups out of Sam Maya - an MJBrandyrepeat breeding of Ch. Lexi daughter. One is cream sable with very little sabling and the other one is orange.Vintage Poms Kennel Visit Continued2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 953 AM38I I I I I 4 I I I ITT^ , v AL4 4. '......- "K\ .-' ^ v ^ 4 ^ . 44\.-...- or '. A-.^ .....s 'V 4 ^ V^ 4-, ^-y .' .'k '-y 'V v v ,CA 4 ,.'' 4^a\V' 's^V 44\y ^ , ^-y"AAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 39MTS POMS SYLVIA MIYAKE, OWNER2010 PAUOA ROAD, HONOLULU, HI 96813ORANGE, SOUND, SHORT BACK, GOOD MOVER. BY PRIVATE TREATY.CH. MTS HOILINI FOCUS ON MOISANDALWOOD POMS ROGER LAU, AGENTSANDALWOOD88YAHOO.COMCH. STARFIRES PLAYBOY OF HAIKUCH. VINTAGE VINO VINOVINTAGE CANADIAN MISTSANDALWOOD EM RICARDOCH. STARFIRES NICHOLAS EL GRANDESTARFIRES VICTORIA OF HAIKUCH. STARFIRES VERONICACH. GREAT ELMS LITTLE DEMETRIUSSANDALWOOD WATTS UP ALADDINCH. WATTS LITTLE KIMME KIDDYCHIPCH. SANDALWOOD HK JOIE OF VIVRECH. HAIKUS AKUNA MA TATASANDALWOOD CJ DAH-LINGSANDALWOOD AF QUEEN SARABIBOB EUKANUBA, DECEMBER 2006, AOM APC SPECIALTY 2007 NASHHAS PROPER STRUCTURE, COAT TEXTURE, MOVEMENT ANDA BEAUTIFUL HEADPIECE ALL ROLLED UP INTO ONE GORGEOUSPACKAGE. PRIVATE TREATY TO APPROVED BITCHES ONLY.CH KALOS ROCK N MUSIC CITYCAROLYN BRANDENBURG, KALOSPOMSWWW.KALOSPOMS.COM 615-452-7463CH. GLEN IRIS IVANHOECH. BIS BISS GLEN IRIS CASTLE ROCKCH. TIM SUES EVENING LIGHTSMARBILS ROCK N CHICAGOCH. TIM SUES MOON ROCKETFINCHS FULL MOONFINCHS BE A SPARKLING STARCH. ABSOLUTES MINI BIKEABSOLUTES FAT ALBERTCH. ABSOLUTES DRIVING MISS HANSONKALOS SPARKLING GEMSTONELAKEWAYS VAN GOLDFANNS AWESOME MISS VICKIFANNS MUSIC CITY CHRISTINAPOMERANIAN REVIEW STUD ADS 2007RED SABLE. CHARLIE HAS BEEN A GREAT ASSET TO OUR BREEDINGPROGRAM. HE HAS GIVEN US CHAMPIONS IN ALL OF HIS LITTERS.WEWILL BE BREEDING HIM TO MANY OF OUR GIRLS THIS YEAR. CH APPLES TRAVELING RAMBLER CLAIRMONTS DYLAN CLAIRMONTS CAROLINA LOLITAJEREMY OF LENETTE CH GREAT ELMS LITTLE TIGER SWEET MINERVA OF LENETTE YOLANDAS TWINKLE OF LENETTE II CH MILLAMORS MARK TRADITION CH ROCK N TRADITION OF OAKRIDGE ROCK DANCERS LITTLE ROCKMUSTANGWEE PRINT TRADITION YELLOW ROSES HHH REDRIDER NANAS MISS SCARLETT WEE HEARTS LITTLE SHEBACH MUSTANGS GOOD TIME CHARLIEMUSTANG POMS - JOYCE BIRKS570-888-4195-MUSTANGCLARITYCONNECT.COM2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 953 AM39rJ Via4___________4i i i i n 4 iini^H40 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe First American Pomeranian Clubs Top Twenty EventChaired by Joan Behrend and Jackie RaynerThe Judges Winner CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up,owned and bred by Kathryn J. NoremThe Peoples Choice Winner CH Finchs Bettin On Chars,owned by Charlotte Meyer and bred by Diane FinchMonday evening, March 12th, was the first Top Twenty Event ever presented by the American PomeranianClub. The top twenty dogs that finished in the breed by AKC results were invited to strut their stuff infront of three judges and their many fans. Our inaugural judges were Mr. Stephen Hurt, our AKC judge,Mrs. Christine Heartz, our breeder judge, and Mrs. Pamela Dzuik, our handler judge.Our judges, handlers, and spectators wore their finest to the event. Twelve dogs presented themselves tothe judges and audience, showing the talent and conformation that drove them to the top to begin with. Afull color catalog of all 20 invitees was available, and spectators who purchased a catalog were able tojudge along with the judges for the Peoples Choice award.The Peoples Choice winner was announced at the end of the evening. The ballots were tallied and thejudges winner was announced at the APCs banquet on Wednesday evening.The First American Pomeranian ClubT 20opOur invitees wereCH Finchs Bettin On CharsCH Showcase Hot TopicCH Finchs Awesome On All FourCH Rivendell Applauds JanesaCH Tokie The Legend ContinuesCH Wee Hearts Excuse MeCH Showcase Got To Be MeCH Valcopy Janels SpidermanCH Jjs Victorian AngelCH Eagle Creeks Hamin It UpCH Tim Sues Flying HighCH R-Luv My Private PleasureCH Starfires Josefina Is NastyCH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian SundownCH Tabletops Black Mail SenderCH Geminis Rockn One Nite StandCH Rise N Shines Hes A HottieCH Lil Behrs ThumbelinaCH J-Das of Myth N LegendsCH Jan-Shars Youre Not The Boss Of Me2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 953 AM40 INI 4 i i i in4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 41Peoples Choice AwardCH Finchs Bettin On CharsTop 20WinnersCH EAGLE CREEKSHAMIN IT UPOther attendees includedCH Showcase Hot TopicCH Rivendell Applauds JanesaCH Wee Hearts Excuse MeCH Showcase Got To Be MeCH Valcopy Janels SpidermanCH Jjs Victorian AngelCH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian SundownCH Tabletops Black Mail SenderCH Geminis Rockn One Nite StandCH Lil Behrs ThumbelinaAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 407 PM41i i i in4r,T' A- 11' ORI Jn 3 r 'wTOP 20 WINNER NATIONAL SPECIALTYM " 2MW 1 iTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomasphoto30holmailcom4PEOPLES CHOICETOP 20-4NATIONAL SPECIALTY4a "Af i5-'n. ' s42 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Recording Secretary ReportJANICE RUSSELLMarch Board SummaryMarch 11, 2006We had a special report from a cluster representative, Dianne OReagan, who said the Louisville cluster will remain here in2008 based on a vote last week. There has been a suit filed and they are waiting on a hearing date. She has talked with the hotelmanager and we are protected here by being on state property at the hotel and fairgrounds.The motion passed to enact the Committee recommendations for the Merle issue. The original merle committee will work onthe enactment of their recommendations and report back to the board.Awards Committee A discussion ensued on the awards. The committee had some ideas but never formalized them to the board.A motion was made and carried that the current awards committee complete their recommendations for awards and submitthem to the board by April 15th.Motion made, seconded and passed that APC will pay AKC for the monthly reports received from AKC that are sent to theawards chair.Motion made, seconded and carried to change the standing rule to eliminate the portion that stated the new titlist would be readat the annual meeting.Code of Ethics motion made, seconded and passed to accept the code of ethic report and enact it after all board member reviewits contents, discuss and accept.Anniversary Issue Motion made to have Brenda Segelken prepare a study for a 50th year anniversary issue of the Review andpresent a proposal to the board. Motion seconded and carried.Audit Committee Motion made, seconded and carried to ask Tim and Sue Goddard and Olga Baker to be our audit committeefor 2006 records.AKC Gazette Columnist Motion made, seconded and carried to request Olga Baker to remain in this position.AKC Delegate Motion made, seconded and carried to reappoint Darrell Baker in this position.A motion was made, seconded and carried that a committee be formed to study and report to the board on APC switching to anot for profit 501 C5, Dana Coventry to head, with assistance from Jackie Rayner.The Junior Award year will be changed to be January to December with the first year being November to December. Motionmade, seconded and carried.Historical Awards Agility- the preferred agility titles were approved as counting towards the sire and dams ROMROMXROMS awards.The RA was approved to count toward parents ROMROMXROMS awards.The RAE was approved as the title level to grant Hall Of Fame Award.March Board Summary Continued2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 407 PM42w\\\1APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 43Mentor Guidelines The following was approved Be a Pomeranian active BreederExhibitor for 12 years with 5 Pomeranianchampions and attended two APC sanctioned seminars. The mentor list was tabled at this time, and will be readdressed laterafter a list is secured.Please see the Committee Reports in the Annual Minutes.March Board Summary Continued Annual Membership Meeting, March 13, 2007, Louisville, KentuckyPresident, Cindy Boulware called the Annual meeting of the American Pomeranian Club to order and introduced the board andChris Dickey, a Parliamentarian who would assist her with this meeting. The roll call sheet was passed around. She checked tosee that all members had a voting card.The minutes of the last meeting were printed in Roster and Review, they stand approved as printed.President Report The President stated there has been a resolution emailed around concerning the validity of the elections.Cindy addressed the way it was held and the way it has been held for at least the last three times while she was CorrespondingSecretary.A point of order was made by a member.Her Point of Order was all three tellers were not together when they counted the ballots.The President ruled on the Point of Order that our Bylaws do not state they have to do that.There was an appeal and the President explained the procedure for this. A motion was made to allow Cristy Christiansensparliamentarian to read information. The vote was taken and denied.There was a motion to have a secret ballot, which failed to pass.The President stated the Point of Order as Would the three tellers not being together be a breech of the Bylaws and change theoutcome of the electionThe vote was taken, the majority voted no and the Point of Order motion was defeated.We then had the Corresponding Secretary report in which she advised she would do all she can to conduct business in accordancewith the Bylaws.Treasurer Report-Erika reported we had income of 117,845.35, of which 91,601.41 was spent leaving a profit of 26,243.94.The February balance on hand is 66,741.84. We have a budget for 2007-2008 with Income of 120,800 and we hope to spend120,800.Committee ReportsShow Chair reported the show is in progress and moving along.Show Secretary reported the entries were up from 392 the previous year to 407 this year. The bulk of entries were mailed at thelast minute.Ways Means Donna Riehm thanked all the volunteers for their help getting the prepaid order ready. There is a Buy It Now2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 407 PM4344 4Hi 3T i' yi i i i n 4 iini^H44 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWgoing on and a silent auction.Hospitality-Kelly Reimschiissel was having voice problems, but it was stated that hospitality was wonderful and big thanks toall the helpers.No Awards Report.Judges Education there were two seminars, one for mentors and a three hour Judges Breed study. Dot thanked all who broughttheir dogs in for the judges to go over. She said the only mentors at the moment are the BreederJudges. AKC suggest strongerqualification, but APC established the following Be a Pomeranian active BreederExhibitor for 12 years with 5 Pomeranianchampions and attended two APC sanctioned seminars. The board needs an updated list of the mentors for review.Historian-Charlotte Creed has sent a picture of a black and tan bitch with the most wins, which will be verified.Review- Brenda stated for the 2nd time in history the Review has shown a profit. This time it was 10,000. She advised shewill continue to make improvements and ask that everyone continue to help by supporting the Review with advertisements. Shealso advised the 50th Year of the Review will be 2008 and she is going to work on a proposal for the board for this anniversaryissue which will be additional to your subscription.It was reported that two remaining previous Anniversary issues are on the auction table.Website Over 200 active pages. In past 6 months the main page has been accessed 267,557 times, Breeder Referral page7,337 times and the national pages 5,235 with the standard page accessed 5,008 times. Web purchases last year was 11,553.94.Jane Lehtinen requested that breeders give their permission to be listed on the web site as that will save calls to her.Historical Carol reported the RAE was approved as the title level to grant Hall of Fame award and the RA and Agilitypreferred titles will qualify parents for their ROMROMXROMS awards.Top 20 Report The estimated income was 7,325 with the actual being 6,325.00 with estimated expenses of 4,470 and actualexpenses of 4,995. Thus leaving 1,329 to carry over for next year if done again, although there was more food items orderedwhich will reduce the balance some.Grounds Gregg reported how pleased he is with all the people that are helping with the set up of the ballroom. It gets bettereach year and he thanks you.PCT- Last year PCT donated 3,150 to the DNA study in Berne Switzerland and 2,500. to Dr Linda Franks study which iswithin 30.00 of what was received last year.The Parents Club Conference appointments are David Gilstrap and Brenda Segelken.New Committee A new committee was established to search for a new hotellocation for our Nationals for 2009. The committeeis Dana Coventry, Jackie Rayner and Fran Stoll.Next years national will be in Louisville in the same location due to a contract that needs to be signed before leaving.Erika Moureau will head up her committee to see what can be enacted on the merle committee recommendations.A motion was made by Liz Wells that the corresponding secretary requests from each committee a one page or less writtenreport reviewing their work for the year and compile in a packet for each member to pick up at the annual meeting. The motioncarried.The Houston Pomeranian Club invites everyone to their show and the APC Summer National in August. Central Carolina also invitesall to their show in April. A lot of cash prizes, laptop etc will be given. Dallas Ft Worth also invites you to their three-day show onSeptember 14th.The Bay Colony Pomeranian Club will have a Specialty Show along with the NorEast Toy Dog Club on May 26th and invites all.Margaret McKee expressed thanks and kudos to all exhibitors for not getting scared off by the Louisville dog ordinance andother non-sensible threats. You showed up in force, Congratulations.Motion made to adjourn. The motion carried.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 407 PM44mAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 45INTRODUCTIONThere are many reasons why a dog may be losing hair.First, we must decide whether the hair is falling out or whetherthe hair loss is due to trauma. The most common cause oftrauma-induced hair loss is scratching. History should clue usin as to whether or not the dog is itchy. On physical examination,trauma-induced itch is usually associated with broken hairs,linear excoriations, and thickening of the skin. The mostfrequent causes of trauma-induced hair loss include allergies,ectoparasites, and infections.If we decide that the hair is falling out, then the nextdecision is whether the hair is falling out from inflammationor a non-inflammatory skin condition. The most likelyinflammatory conditions that we see associated with hair lossare infectious. Hair loss associated with these dermatoses isusually patchy and moth eaten rather than diffuse.Non-inflammatory hair loss is usually more diffuseand often symmetrical. Non-inflammatory causes can be furtherbroken down into two categories diseases associated withabnormal hair growth and hair cycle abnormalities.HAIR CYCLE REVIEWThe hair cycle consists of three major phases telogen,anagen, and catagen. The telogen phase of the hair cycle is theresting phase, anagen is the active growth phase, and catagenis the process by which the hair undergoes involution to theresting phase. Shedding or exogen is separate from the haircycle.The hair cycle of people is an anagen dependent cyclewith hairs remaining in anagen for 2 to 6 years. Dogs dontnecessarily fit into this model. With the exception of Poodlesand probably other breeds that need regular hair cuts, mostdogs have telogen predominant cycles. This means that hairsremain in telogen for months to years without a new anagenhair being initiated. It was shown that the majority of hairsfrom Beagles and Malamutes were in telogen with only a smallpercentage of hairs in anagen. These telogen hairs are wellanchored and do not pull out easily. Thus, the presence ofhairs in telogen alone does not indicate a pathologic state.There are many factors that regulate the hair cycle.There is no factor that uniquely affects the hair cycle withoutinfluencing other areas of the body.DISEASES ASSOCIATED WITH ABNORMALHAIR GROWTHAlopecic hair loss disorders in this category areassociated with abnormalities in the development of the hairresulting in hairs that are abnormal, fragile, and malformed.The most common dysplasias that we recognize are caused bygenetic selection for hairlessness and include the ChineseCrested Dog, Mexican Hairless Dog, and Sphinx Cat. Inaddition, congenital hypotrichosis is a true dysplasia and maybe associated with additional defects in teeth or nails.Color dilution alopecia and black hair folliculardysplasia are alopecias associated with defective pigmentation.Since hair pigment is acquired during the anagen phase of thehair cycle, the alopecia is associated with hair abnormalitiesoccurring during the growth phase. The alopecia usually occursgradually during the first 3 years of life and is color restricted.Color dilution alopecia is associated with the coat color dilutiongene and has been described in Doberman Pinschers, GreatDanes, Whippets, Irish Setters, and Yorkshire Terriers, to namea few. Black hair follicular dysplasia is seen in many breedswith the alopecia restricted to the black haired regions of thecoat.Hair Hair Hair Hair Hair TTTTTodaodaodaodaodayyyyy,,,,,Gone Gone Gone Gone Gone TTTTTomoromoromoromoromorrrrrrooooowwwwwLinda A. Frank, MS, DVM, Diplomate ACVDProfessor of DermatologyUniversity of Tennessee, Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences,C247 Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Knoxville, TN MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 407 PM45I II II m4VI'T rrn \IL4,46 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHAIR CYCLE ABNORMALITIESDiseases associated with hair cycle abnormalitiesinclude endocrine dermatoses, hair cycle arrest Alopecia X,pattern baldness, cyclic flank alopecia, post-clipping alopecia,and anagentelogen defluxion. What these diseases all have incommon is that the hair enters telogen and fails to resumecycling. The telogen hairs eventually fall out and the classicpattern of alopecia bilaterally symmetrical alopecia sparingthe head and extremities is observed. In addition, many of theother cutaneous signs we associate with endocrine dermatosesmay also be seen with these other alopecias associated withhair cycle arrest, including dull, dry hair failure of hairs toregrow after clipping pigmentary changes seborrheacomedones and secondary infections.Histologically, these diseases are also quite similar.In general, histopathology cannot differentiate endocrinediseases from other causes of non-inflammatory alopecia.Therefore, the main reason to biopsy a dog with suspectedhair cycle abnormalities is to rule out inflammatory causes ofalopecia.Hypothyroidism is a common endocrine dermatosisassociated with hair cycle abnormalities. Hypothyroidism,however, is not commonly associated with the classic bilaterallysymmetrical alopecia. Instead, dogs often present with alopeciain areas of wear. Clinical findings include the alopecic rattail, alopecia over the elbows and hips, alopecia around theneck from the dogs collar, and alopecia along the bridge ofthe nose. There may also be a preferential loss of guard hairsresulting in the appearance of a puppy coat. Because thehairs are not cycling, owners may note that the dog failed toshed. In addition, the hairs may become bleached since theyare not shedding out. Hyperpigmentation in alopecic areas maybe observed. Recurrent skin infections are also commonly seen.Dogs with Cushings syndrome often present withbilaterally symmetrical alopecia sparing the head andextremities. In addition, dermatologic abnormalities mayinclude thin skin, poor wound healing, bruising, calcinosis cutis,and recurrent infections. Sex hormone dermatoses are uncommon causes ofhair cycle abnormalities. Sex hormones are produced by theadrenal glands and the gonads. Hyperestrogenism has beendiagnosed in intact dogs with cystic ovaries or testicular tumors.It can also be caused by estrogen supplementation. In additionto skin and coat changes, females will often have enlargednipples and vulva and irregular heat cycles. Males may displayfeminization. Hyperandrogenism is usually associated withtesticular tumors. Symmetrical alopecia is not a commonpresentation of this condition.Pattern baldness is a hair loss that usually starts atless than one year of age and progresses over time. Breedscommonly affected include Dachshunds, Boston Terriers,Greyhounds, and Water Spaniels.Cyclic flank alopecia is a seasonal truncal alopeciathat primarily occurs in adult Airedales, Boxers, and EnglishBulldogs. The alopecia is usually symmetrical and is oftenassociated with hyperpigmentation of the skin. The alopeciausually develops during periods of short daylength, being mostnoticeable in winter and early spring. The alopecia does notalways recur each year. The condition appears to be worse upnorth. The hair usually regrows within several monthshowever, some dogs have a prolonged period of alopecia.Hair that fails to regrow following clipping has beencoined post-clipping alopecia. This is often seen in plushcoatedbreeds but may occur in any dog. This is probably notone disease entity but many. The plush-coated breeds may haveAlopecia X or simply have been shaved during the normaltelogen phase of the hair cycle. Post-clipping alopecia is alsooften associated with surgeries in which the dogs received anepidural. In these cases the hair grows back from other surgerysites but fails to regrow from the site of the epidural. Thereason for this is unknown.Telogen defluxion is an uncommon cause of alopeciain dogs. Illness or severe stress causes abrupt cessation ofanagen and synchronizes hair follicles into telogen. One toContinued2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 408 PM46 INI 4 i i i in4 4f4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 47three months following the stressful incident, the telogen hairsare shed synchronously as new hair cycles begin. The dogexperiences a temporary baldness as new hairs grow.Because all of these alopecic conditions can mimic anendocrine dermatosis, it is important to always rule outhypothyroidism and hyperadrenocorticism prior to decidingthat this is a hair cycle abnormality.ALOPECIA XFor years, breeders of plush-coated breeds andMiniatureToy Poodles have recognized a bilaterallysymmetrical alopecia with hyperpigmentation of the skin thatis not caused by hypothyroidism or hypercortisolemia. Thebreeders refer to this condition as black skin disease or coatfunk, depending on the breed affected. In the veterinaryliterature it has gone by many different names including adultonsetgrowth hormone deficiency hyposomatotropism, growthhormone-responsive alopecia, castration-responsive alopecia,biopsy-responsive alopecia, congenital adrenal hyperplasialikesyndrome, and most recently Alopecia X.The fact that many varied treatments growth hormone,castration, methyltestosterone, mitotane, and melatonin haveresulted in hair regrowth suggests a failure of the hair follicleto cycle properly and that the treatments merely serve to initiateanagen. Hormones are known to influence the hair follicle cycle.Castration, methyltestosterone, and mitotane may result in hairregrowth by merely manipulating hormone concentrations.Melatonin may induce hair growth by decreasing sex hormoneconcentrations in intact dogs however, in neutered dogs, thisis unlikely. Melatonin may indirectly induce hair growth byincreasing growth factors. In addition, melatonin has beenshown to block estrogen receptors in human breast cancer cells.Estrogen receptors are present in telogen follicles and appearto have a regulatory role in the hair cycle. Preliminary studieswith estrogen receptor blockers, however, have failed to causehair regrowth. This is possibly dose-related.Understanding the normal hair cycle control in dogbreeds affected by this condition will hopefully allow us toidentify the pathomechanism of the alopecia. Recent work hasshown that breeds such as the Nordic breeds have hairs in aprolonged telogen phase which may last for years. This is incontrast to Poodles in which the hair cycle has a prolongedanagen phase, similar to that found in people. Interestingly,both of these breed types develop Alopecia X. More researchis needed to unravel the mystery behind this alopecic disorder.Hair Today. Gone Tomorrow ContinuedThe Pomeranian Charitable Trust was pleased to present Dr. Linda Frank of the University of Tennessee as itsseminar speaker during the National in Kentucky. As we had hoped, Dr. Frank helped all of us understand what isknown about the Alopecia X problem so far. Dr. Frank shared her knowledge, integrity, and enthusiasm for thisdifficult topic. Printed on these three pages is a copy of the seminar notes she provided to the attendees.Last year the PCT donated 2,500.00 toward Dr. Franks research grant and 3,150.00 toward the DNA study ofAlopecia X in Bern, Switzerland. We anticipate that both grants will need to be renewed for these studies tocontinue.POMERANIAN CHARITABLE TRUSTTherefore, we are very appreciative of boththe American Pomeranian Club 500.00and the Pomeranian Club of Canada1,000.00 US for their present donations.The PCT also received generous donationsof jewelry some of which is from theLoretta Swit line and an original TimmyWoods of Beverly Hills Sex in the Cityfame purse. To maximize the income ofthese donations, they will be placed onebay. Look for the PCT new website toappear shortly.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 408 PM4744'JGt 0r4ii i i n 4 iini^H48 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCH OAKROSE CANADIAN CURRENCYCH KALOS ROCK N MUSIC CITYCH EAGLE CREEKS HAMIN IT UP CH JAN-SHARS LITTLE CEASERCH VALCOPY JANELS SPIDERMANAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBNational SpecialtyJudge Edd Bivin - Louisville, KentuckyMarch 2007CH. STARFIRES HERE COMES TROUBLE2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 408 PM48 4 i i i i nAWARD OF MERITNATIONAL SPECIALTY. fW' 11 \mrItm BEST OFBREEDVARIETY AWARD OF MERITNATIONAL SPECIALTYM 2A ' , . 1 nNATIONAL SPECIALTYf -ATHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYlhomaspholo30holmail.comuITHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomasphoto30hotmail.comK AWARD OF MERITNATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY4r.I rAWARD OF MERIT _ 'NATIONAL SPECIALTYA 0HOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYAWARD OF MERIT ATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY 1fi.XA.4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 49AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBNational SpecialtyJudge Edd Bivin - Louisville, KentuckyMarch 2007WINNERS BITCHWINNERS BITCH STARFIRES MAMASITACHARS FOREVER DIAMONDSCH. MOSS MEADOWS PRECIOUS TOKIFIREBROOKS THYMELESSCH. STARFIRES VAGABON LOVER CH. ZANARAS SAND PEBBLESJAN-LES A TIME WILLCOMEMAGIC MOMENTS OF LENETTEJESSICA CHRISTIANSEN2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 409 PM49 INI n i i i i4ter ^ii^ ik JPC ' WINNERS DOGK' JLNATIONAL SPECIALTY1s\ .^L1THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYIhomaspholo30hotinail.comBEST OPPOSITE-'HeLv,jiNATIONAL SPECIALTYKVZ-y"THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYIhomasphoto30holniail.coni BEST OF WINNERSNATIONAL SPECIALTYBESTBEST OPPOSITE VETERAN iBESTVETERAN sBESTJUNIOR HANDLERNATIONAL SPECIALTY\NATIONAL SPECIALTY AL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYAH..-ri189RESERVE WINNERS DOGNATIONAL SPECIALTYyuBESTBRED BY EXHIBITORRESERVE WINNERS BITCH NATIONAL SPECIALTYNATIONAL SPECIALTYjfi50 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWOBEDIENCE TRIAL, MARCH 12, 2007Judge Mr. Richard MullenOpen B1st Place 0362 Score 192 SASSY GIRL SHEFFIELD UDRAE. Breeder Lisa L Tennyson - Owner Lisa Sheffield,HIGHEST SCORING DOG IN TRIALSASSY GIRL SHEFFIELD UD RAENON-REGULAR OBEDIENCE CLASSES - Veteran ClassFirst Place 0379 Score 192 BALLYKIN COMMANDO CODY, CDX RN. Breeder ReneeMcGrath, DVM Owner Paulette ZeccaPUPPY SWEEPSTAKES, MARCH 12, 2007Judge Mrs. Frances StollPUPPY DOGS, 6 MONTHS UNDER 9 MONTHS.1ST Place SOFINES OUTTA MY WAY. BreederOwner MaryLatimer Agent Robert Kennedy.2nd Place TRAMARKS TOY SOLDIER. Breeder TravisClarke. Owners Kay Layman Margaret McKee.3rd Place TERALEES DOUBLE DAWG DARE YA. BreederOwner Leanne T. Wilkins4th Place BACHMANS BRIGHTEST STAR. BreederOwnerCheri McDonaldPUPPY DOGS, 9 MONTH UNDER 12 MONTH1st Place FOXWORTH FOXTROT. BreederOwners PamelaDodsworth Larry Fox2nd Place LACUEVA-DCCREW PRIDE-N-PREJUDICE.BreederOwner Sherrilynn Rogers3rd Place PRESTIGIOUS GORGEOUS GEORGE. BreederOwner Sherry Dollar Agent Audrey Roberts.4th Place BACHMANS WILD WILD WEST. Breeder CheriMcDonald. Owners Robert Celeste Solano CheriMcDonaldTWELVE TO EIGHTEEN MONTH, DOGS.1st Place SHIMMEREE STRATEGO WOW. BreederOwnersGreggory Charlene Waters2nd Place CHARS PARTI GAMES. Breeder Charlotte Meyer.Owner Gale Johnson3rd Place PINECRESTS MANNEQUIN. BreederOwnersCatherine Paige Bolahood4th Place MISCHIEVOUS BLAZING BRODIE AT GLORY.Breeder Angela Gunter. Owners Laura Meineke JoAnne NorrisPUPPY BITCHES, 6 MONTHS UNDER 9 MONTHS1ST Place HICKORY BENDS RAMBLING EMME. BreederOwners Tom B Davidson David L Lamb2nd Place CINBOWS GOOD GOLLY MS MOLLIE. BreederOwner Cindy L. Bowling Agent Mary Kelly Smith.3rd Place CHARS FOREVER DIAMONDS. BreederOwnerCharlotte Meyer4th Place RAGDOLLS CREAM AND ONE SUGAR. BreederOwners Michael Shalon Parrott. Agent Linda Pelz.PUPPY BITCHES, 9 MONTHS UNDER 12 MONTHS.1ST Place JAN-SHARS JUST ONE LOOK. Breeder SharonHanson. Owners Letitia Cannon Sharon Hanson2nd Place HORIZONS HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL.BreederOwner Laurie Otis3rd Place PINECRESTS GLISTEN. BreederOwnersCatherine Paige Bolahood4th Place POWERPOM CITH OF ANGELS. BreederOwnerPongsakorn Pongsak Agent Vikki Oelerich.TWELVE TO EITHTEEN MONTH BITCHES.1st Place TOKIE TEODORA. BreederOwners C.Tangkaravakun P. Chularojmontri2nd Place IDLEWYLD DANCING FIRE. BreederOwnerMargaret McKee3rd Place JAKENS CLASSIQUE OF JAN-LE. BreedersJackie Rayner Jane Lehtinen. Owner Bonnie Harris4th Place CH. INDIGOS FLOWER POWER. BreedersJennifer Kevin Smith. Owners Jennifer Smith Tristen SmithBEST JUNIOR IN SWEEPSTAKESSOFINES OUTTA MY WAY.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST JUNIORJAN-SHARS JUST ONE LOOK.BEST SENIOR IN SWEEPSTAKES TOKIE THEDORA.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST SENIORSHIMMEREE STRATEGO WOW.GRAND SWEEPSTAKES WINNER TOKIE THEDORA.American Pomeranian Club National SpecialtyMarch 2007American Pomeranian Club National SpecialtyMarch 20072007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 409 PM5044 4w'ffm. '4v m i i i i i APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 51RALLY TRIAL, MARCH 13, 2007Judge Mr. Richard MullenPOMERANIANS, RALLY EXCELLENT B.1st Place, Score 100 SASSY GIRL SHEFFIELD UD RAE.Breeder Lisa L Tennyson. Owner Lisa S Sheffield2nd Place, Score 85 PRINCESS WIGGLES VONSNIFSNIFRE. Breeder Lisa Tennyson. Owner Lisa Sheffield3rd Place, Score 76 SECOND CHANCE OLIVER TWISTCDX RE. Breeder Unknown. Owner Barbara McClatcheyPOMERANIANS, RALLY ADVANCED B.1st Place, Score 99 PRINCESS WIGGLES VONSNIFSNIFRE. Breeder Lisa Tennyson. Owner Lisa Sheffield2nd Place, Score 98 SASSY GIRL SHEFFIELD UD RAE.Breeder Lisa L Tennyson. Owner Lisa S Sheffield3rd Place, Score 98 SECOND CHANCE OLIVER TWISTCDX RE. Breeder Unknown. Owner Barbara McClatchey4th Place, Score 97 BALLYKIN COMMANDO CODY, CDXRN. Breeder Renee McGrath. Owner Paulette ZeccaPOMERANIAN, RALLY ADVANCED A.1st Place, Score 80 DREAM WEAVER NORTHERNLIGHTS RN. Breeders Michael Wells Linda Pelz.Owners Michael Elizabeth Wells Linda PelzPOMERANIANS, RALLY NOVICE B.1st Place, Score 100 MIL-PINES MAX IN MOTION CD.Breeder Patricia Jo Barnett. Owner Margery W Sturm2nd Place, Score 99 RISE N SHINES HOT STUFF. BreederJulie Clemen. Owner Kimberly K Thompson3rd Place, Score 99 IDLEWYLD CAMEO. BreederOwnerMargaret R McKee4th Place, Score 98 CH. IDLEWYLD TREASURE TROVE.BreederOwner Margaret R McKeeJUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP, MARCH 13, 2007OPEN JUNIOR1st Place LETESHA GIRTH. Rogersville, MO. Ch. NobelsMissin With The Best.OPEN INTERMEDIATE1st Place STEPHANIE J HENTSCHEL. Midland, MI.Trudys Say A Little Prayer.2nd Place CHELSEA VALLES. Bark River, MI. Ch. CharsWild And Free.3rd Place DANIELLE M MILLER. Magna, UT. ShimmereeFrom My Prospective Wow.OPEN SENIOR1st Place JESSICA CHRISTIANSEN. Draper, UT.BlackCrystals Starlite Gem.NOVICE INTERMEDIATE.1st Place BAILEY PFANNERSTILL. Croyden, UT.Shimmeree Slam Dunk.BEST JUNIOR HANDLER JESSICA CHRISTIANSEN.REGULAR CONFORMATION DOGCLASSESJudge Mr. Edd BivinPOMERANIANS, PUPPY DOGS 6 MONTHS UNDER 9MONTHS.1st Place SOFINES OUTTA MY WAY. BreederOwner MaryLatimer Agent Robert S. Kennedy.2nd Place BAR-JONS CHEERS JANESAS. BreederOwnerBarbara Messmer3rd Place POWER POM OF THE CARRIBBEAN. BreederPongsakorn Pongsak. Owner Cindy Durbin4th Place STARLIGHTS SCENE IT DONE IT. BreederOwner Suradej EkviriyakitPOMERANIANS, PUPPY DOGS 9 MONTHS UNDER 12MONTHS.1st Place SINCITYS NO MORE LIES. BreederOwnersMichele John Arvanites Agent Patricia Rowley.2nd Place FOXWORTH FOXTROT. BreederOwners PamelaR Dodsworth Larry E Fox3rd Place FINCHS CHOCATE BON BON. Breeder Diane LFinch. Owners Charlotte Meyer Diane L Finch4th Place BACHMANS WILD WILD WEST. Breeder CheriMcDonald. Owners Robert Celeste Solano CheriMcDonaldPOMERANIANS, TWELVE TO EIGHTEEN MONTHDOGS.1st Place SIRIUSS THE MIGHTYTONKA. BreederOwner Dorothy Ashbey. Owner Nina M Fetter2nd Place MISCHIEVOUS BLAZING BRODIE AT GLORY.Breeder Angela Gunter. Owners Laura Meineke JoAnne Norris3rd Place POMIRISH SUPER GREY GHOST. Breeder SallyBaugniet. Owners Wendy Lane Sally Baugniet4th Place PINECRESTS MANNEQUIN. BreederOwnersCatherine Paige BolahoodPOMERANIANS, BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DOGS.1st Place KILEIS DENNY CRANE LCK N LOAD. BreederOwners Kelly D Reimschiissel Susan Adamson2nd Place DREAM WEAVERS RING OF FIRE. BreederOwners Linda Pelz Michael Wells3rd Place LACUEVAS ONE TOUGH COOKIE. BreederOwner Sherrilynn Rogers4th Place BABBIS ROCK LEGEND OF PRUSSIA.Breeders Barbara Meyer Sally Hestle. OwnerBarbara MeyerPOMERANIANS, AMERICAN BRED DOGS.1st Place MINI-AKERS ARCTIC LEGACY. Breeder PatriciaRowley. Owner Cathie Ake Agent Patricia Rowley.2nd Place LACUEVA JENUWANE TONKA TOY. BreederMrs. Gwen R Carr. Owner Sherrilynn J Rogers3rd Place ADAMS THE FRONTIER LEGEND. BreedersWilliam E Brenda R Adams. Owner Wanda Sue CoxAgent Brenda R Adams.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 409 PM51 4 i i i i n4 4452 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIANS, OPEN ROCS DOGS1st Place MAGIC MOMENTS OF LENETTE. BreederOwner K G Griffith Agent Vikki Oelerich.2nd Place JAN-LES A TIME WILLCOME. Breeder JaneLehtinen. Owner Scott Leach Agent Jane Lehtinen.3rd Place GOLDEN STARS BOBBY DAZZLER. BreederOwner. Anek Sanehmahakul4th Place MOUNTAIN CREST TRAVELING MAN. BreederOwner. Owners David Carlene GilstrapPOMERANIANS, OPEN BBB DOGS.1st Place JANESAS HORIZON CAPPUCCINO. BreedersJerry Freia Laurie Otis. Owner Jerry Freia AgentLaurie Otis.2nd Place M AND MS ESCAPE ARTIST. BreederOwnersSharon McDaniel Robert Meshigaud3RD Place RAIN BEAU BOJANGLES. BreederOwner JeanCook Agent Debbie Carr.4th Place ZORROS LEBRON JAMES. BreederOwnerFrancess ZozzaroAgent Vicki Oelerich.POMERANIANS, OPEN AOAC DOGS.1st Place PRESTIGIOUS ELVIS IS KING. Breeder SherryDollar. Owners Robbie Hudson Sherry DollarAgent Audrey Roberts.2nd Place PRESTIGIOUS GEORGOUS GEORGE. BreederOwner Sherry Dollar Agent Audrey Roberts.3rd Place CHARS PARTI GAMES. Breeder Charlotte Meyer.Owner Gale Johnson Agent Lynn Meyer.4th Place LIL PONDEROSA HERE 4 THE PARTI. BreedersSherri Cartwright Mari Iffland. Owner Sherrilynn RogersWINNERS DOG MAGIC MOMENTS OF LENETTE.RESERVE WINNERS JAN-LES A TIME WILLCOME.77 DOGS, 5 POINTSNON-REGULAR CONFORMATION CLASSES,MARCH 13, 2007Judge Mr. Edd BivinPOMERANIANS, VETERAN DOGS, 6 YEARS UNDER 9YEARS.1st Place CH. STARFIRES VAGABON LOVER. BreedersJose A Cabrera Fabian Arianti. Owner Ana Paola Resera2nd Place CH. SUNDOWNS HIDE N ZEKE CD. BreederCamilla Knight. Owner Carol R Leemhuis3rd Place CH. PAWGRES DENNIS MENACE. BreedersPatricia Murk Brian Corvaia. Owners Courtney Ted Johnson Patricia Murk Agent Gina Williams.4th Place CH. TRESSTIQUE NO BULL IM CUTE. BreederOwner Bonnie HarrisPOMERANIANS, VETERAN DOGS, 9 YEARS OVER.1st Place GOLDKIST ROCKIN KNIGHT. Breeder BeverlyBottoms. Owner Barbara D MeyerPOMERANIANS, VETERAN BITCHES, 6 YEARS UNDER 9 YEARS.1st Place CH. ZANARAS SAND PEBBLES. Breeder SaraWalker. Owner Carolyn Brandenburg2nd Place CH. WARRIOR PRINCESS BEBE. BreederOwner Ann M Berryman3rd Place CH. CASCADES SUNKIST OO LA LA. BreederChris Schaefer Blair. Owner Bev Donna Stekli Chris Schaefer BlairPOMERANIANS, VETERAN BITCHES, 9 YEARS OVER.1st Place CH. BAR-JONS RAVE REVUE. BreederOwnerBarbara Messmer2nd Place MOUNTN CREST MISS HOLLYWOOD.Breeder David Gilstrap. Owner Sherri Alspaugh3rd Place CH. SOUTHPAW TERALEE MIS-BEHAVEN.Breeder Tony Nicholson. Owners Leanne T Wilkins Sandra O Shaneyfelt4th Place CH. SOUTHPAW OF SISNBEN. Breeder SandraShaneyfelt. Owners Anna Benedetto ChristineCreaseyBEST VETERAN CH. STARFIRES VAGABON LOVERBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST VETERANCH. ZANARAS SAND PEBBLESPOMERANIANS, STUD DOGS1st Place CH. HEARTLANDS KNIGHT N DAY. BreedersDianne Kieffer Barbara Breden. Owner Laurie OtisPOMERANIANS, BRACE1st Place, Brace 2FIREBROOKS THYMELESS.FIREBROOKS STOLI OHRANJ.BreederOwner Lee D Cook2nd Place, Brace 1CH. DREAMKATCHERS BIG BAD JAKE.DREAMKATCHERS TIGGER.BreederOwner Debbie CarrCONFORMATION REGULAR BITCH CLASSES,MARCH 14, 2007Judge Mr. Edd BivinPUPPY BITCHES 6 MONTHS UNDER 9 MONTHS.1st Place CHARS FOREVER DIAMONDS. BreederOwnerCharlotte Meyer2nd Place CJ STEPP N LIGHTLY. BreederOwner JuliaSmith Agent Betsy Owens.3rd Place KALOS HOT TAMALE. BreederOwner CarolynBrandenburg4th Place RAGDOLLS CREAM AND ONE SUGAR.BreederOwners Michael Shalon Parrott AgentLinda Pelz.PUPPY BITCHES 9 MONTHS UNDER 12 MONTHS.1st Place MONARCS MARK AT MUSTANG. BreederSharon A Shields. Owners Joyce Bob Birks2nd Place HORIZONS GOTTA HAVE HOPE. BreederLaurie Otis. Owner Katy Stalnaker2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 409 PM52 4 i i i i n4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 533rd Place JAN-SHARS PATSY CLINE. BreederOwnerSharon Hanson Agent Tish Cannon.4th Place HIGHFIELD HONEY BEE OF LENETTE.Breeder K G Griffith. Owner Vikki H HighfieldTWELVE TO EIGHTEEN MONTH BITCHES.1st Place IDLEWYLD DANCING FIRE. BreederOwnerMargaret R McKee2nd Place FIRE BROOKS SINGIN IN THE RAIN. BreederOwner Katherine Kruska3rd Place POMHAVENS ELUSIVE SHIMSHIMSHIREE.Breeder Pat Miller. Owners Erika Bill PavigliantiAgent Ann Berryman.4th Place LACUEVAS MISTY BLUE VALLEY HOUSE.Breeder Sherrilynn J Rogers. Owners Terese AurnerKime, Barbara Kocab Sherrilynn J Rogers AgentSherrilynn J Rogers.POMERANIANS, BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR BITCHES.1st Place FIREBROOKS THYMELESS. BreederOwner LeeD Cook2nd Place JAN-SHARS JUST ONE LOOK. Breeder LetitiaCannon. Owners Letitia Cannon Sharon Hanson3rd Place TRESSTIQUE 4 EVER N BLUE JEANS. BreederOwner Bonnie Harris4th Place DREAMWEAVERS CRME BRULEE. BreederOwners Elizabeth Michael Wells, Linda PelzPOMERANIANS, AMERICAN BRED BITCHES.1st Place CR CLASSIC LEAP OF FAITH. Breeders Robert Celeste Solano. Owner Christine CranePOMERANIANS, OPEN ROCS BITCHES.1st Place STARFIRES MAMASITA. Breeders Jose ACabrera Fabian Arienti. Owner Luisa Leon, Lima.Peru.2nd Place TOKIE TRIUMPH KINGDOM. BreederOwnersC. Tangkaravakun P. Chularojmontri3rd Place CHRISCENDO CHILI PEPPER. BreederOwnerChristine D Heartz4th Place CINBOWS PRIM-A-DONNA. BreederOwnerCindy L BowlingPOMERANIANS, OPEN BBB BITCHES.1st Place PATRICIAS WEEWYN WALKING BAR-B.Breeders Barbara Wollmann Cathy Anderson.Owners Cristy Jessica Christiansen2nd Place LACUEVAS BLUE MOON MACEDONIA.Breeder Sharon Skirbunt. Owner Sherrilynn Rogers3rd Place DEBUTS OVER-N-OVER-AGAIN. BreederDebbie Kingery. Owners Debbie Kingery, Janette Joe DallyPOMERANIANS, OPEN AOAC BITCHES.1st Place LACUEVA LIL PONDEROSA WHITNEY.BreederOwner Sherrilynn Rogers2nd Place MTN VIEWS TURN IT UP TURN IT UP. BreederOwners Patricia Roger Dague3rd Place FINCHS DESTINY PARTI. Breeder Diane LFinch. Owner Charlene Marsh, Parker, CO.WINNERS BITCH STARFIRES MAMASITARESERVE WINNERS BITCH CHARS FOREVER DIAMONDS56 BITCHES, 5 POINTSBEST OF BREED WINNERCH. STARFIRES HERE COMES TROUBLE.BreedersJoseACabreraFabianArienti.OwnersVeronicaWinter,Natalie Roberts, Jose A. Cabrera Fabian ArientiBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREEDCH. MOSS MEADOWS PRECIOUS TOKI. BreederGina Moss. Owner Michelle WilhoiteBEST OF WINNERSSTARFIRES MAMASITABEST PUPPY IN REGULAR CLASSESCHARS FOREVER DIAMONDSBEST BRED-BY-EXHIBITORFIREBROOKS THYMELESSBEST VETERANCH. STARFIRES VAGABON LOVERBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST VETERANCH. ZANARAS SAND PEBBLESAWARD OF MERIT WINNERSCH OAKROSE CANADIAN CURRENCY. Breeder JoanRose. Owner Fabiana TakedaCH VALCOPY JANELS SPIDERMAN. Breeders JanellReich Dana Plonkey. Owners Diane Sababaj, CarolSilverberg, Janice Pardue Janell ReichCH JAN-SHARS LITTLE CEASER. Breeder SharonHanson. Owner Howard Sklar Agent JoyceMcComiskey.CH EAGLE CREEKS HAMIN IT UP. BreederOwner.Kathryn J Norem Agent Nina Fetter.CH KALOS ROCK N MUSIC CITY. BreederOwnerCarolyn Brandenburg2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 409 PM53.rTriamb54 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBSweepstakes - Judge Frances StollMarch 2007TOKIE THEDORASOFINES OUTTA MY WAY JAN-SHARS JUST ONE LOOKSHIMMEREE STRATEGO WOWMUSTANGS GOOD TIME CHARLIECH WARRIOR PRINCESS BEBE2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 409 PM54mr 4 n i i i i iv' MmfcGRAND9iJ'SWEEPSTAKES NATIONAL SPECIALTY R4v-iTHOMAS'.iitw4-w - V - L\L ^r4X J- fr SWEEPSTAKES BEST JUNIOR PUPPYNATIONAL SPECIALTYSWEEPSTAKES JEST OPPOSITESWEEPSTAKESBESTk.JUNIOR VETERANNATIONAL SPECIALTYM 2IPUPPYLaSPECIALTYA JJ4SWEEPSTAKES BEST OPPOSITE SENIOR PUPPYNATIONAL SPECIALTY SWEEPSTAKESBEST OPPOSITEVETERANNATIONAL SPECIALTY wJTA4It_APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 55The Poms that were presented in the Sweepstakes atthe National Specialty this year were the best ever, Ibelieve. In general, they were well balanced, welltrained, and sound. Comparing the puppies I judgedthis year with those I judged in l998, I think thebreeders have produced Poms with shorter backs,better coats, and improved fronts. In fact, I did notfind a consistency of any bad faults, as in l998 whenthere were many bad fronts. There were a few badbites, both overshot and undershot, a few bad fronts, afew back rears, some soft coats, and large round eyes,but none of the faults were widespread.In placing the classes, many times I reverted to themore subjective criteria to choose the places, since Ihad so many very good puppies. This was true inchoosing the Grand Sweepstakes winner - I loved theJunior winner, but the Senior girl had a more maturecoat.The same was true with the Senior winner and the BOSSenior - the amount of coat was the deciding factor. Ifew times I chose one puppy over another because ofthe size and placement of the eyes. And, of course, youall know how much I love a pretty head I enjoyedseeing the different colors, too, and noted that therewas very good quality there.All in all, it was great fun, but very difficult to chose thewinner, since I had so many of them Thank you verymuch for bringing so many beautiful puppies for me tojudge, and thank you again for choosing me to judgethem. It truly was my pleasureSWEEPSTAKES JUDGECRITIQUEFrancesStoll2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 409 PM553imm s.ImIWIW_.ic^asIUv-56 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 410 PM56wShown 8 times this year and his record stands at the followingHOB Progressive Toy Boo Club -Albert Fasdon Westminster kC - 1st AOM - Frank Sabella APB National- BISS - Edd Bivin Ft. Fauderdale kt - BOB - Jean Fournier.Group I - Everett Bean, Jr., BISA Jean Fournier f Ft. Fauderdale kt - IKIB - Everett Bean, Jr.,Group I - Jean Fournier. BISA John Reeve-Aewsom J Durham kt - BOB - Robert Ennis,Group 4-ken MillerRaleigh kt - BOB - William Cunningham,Group 3 - Glenda Dawkins Fayetteville kt - BOB - Dr. Harry Smit h.3 Best In Show, 1 Best In Show Specially and consistently group placing. Expertly shown and groomed byJose "Tony" Cabrera AmBred by Jose CabreraFabian AricntiOwned and loved by \atalie Roberts, HMVeronica Winter, Jose Cabrera and 'fitFabian Arienti.iB 'BIS BISS CH STARFIRE'STAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 572007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 410 PM57 MU4HERE COMES TROUBLE HOF EL458 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPuppy love fest. Thanks to Bobii EarleSleepy puppyowned by Bobii Earle.So much to do So little time Junior Samantha Miller at the APC Nationals.Sam takes a needed nap in the grooming area, while Atom keeps watch.Joe Berryman catches a falling star at the Nationals.Photo by Pat Mappes2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 410 PM58I I I I I 4 n i i i i-4YXjd 2\\wr .'4 figKSBiIVSv0YS 'ftV tVr .sir 'ifc44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 59Top 10BrBrBrBrBreed eed eed eed eed andandandandandAll BrAll BrAll BrAll BrAll BreedeedeedeedeedJoan Behrend2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 410 PM59TA, JrkFw ^ty-SUsJfcjlj Pomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using Breed TotalsRank12345678910Starting January 1,2007 and ending December 31,2007For Events Processed Through Wednesday, March 7, 2007Wins TotalRank Name Sex BOBV Defeated1 CH Lana's Let Me Introduce Myself D 12 3232 CH Eagle Creek's Hamin It Up D 18 2793 CH Finch's Bettin' On Char'S D 10 1964 CH Valcopy Janel's Spiderman D 8 1645 CH Showcase Hot Topic D 9 1336 CH Rise N Shine's He's A Hottie D 3 917 CH Doubletakes Johnny Angel D 3 908 CH Oakrose Canadian Currency D 6 739 CH Howlene-Teahra Precious Cargo D 5 7010 CHTim Sue's Ghost Buster D 4 67Pomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using All-Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2007 and ending December 31,2007Wins Group Wins TotalName Sex BIS I II III IV BOBV DefeatedCH Eagle Creek's Hamin It UF D 2 5 3 3 2 18 4,656CH Lana's Let Me Introduce Myself D 0 2 4 2 0 12 1,674CH Doubletakes Johnny Angel D 0 2 0 1 0 3 973CH Finch's Bettin' On Char'S D 0 1 2 0 2 10 758CH Showcase Hot Topic D 0 0 2 0 1 9 740Starfire's Apolo D 0 0 0 0 2 3 494CH Valcopv Janel's Spiderman D 0 0 0 1 0 8 483CH Indigos Flower Power B 0 0 0 2 0 2 394CH Tim Sue's Trick Or Treat D 0 1 1 0 0 2 390CH Wee Hearts Excuse Me B 0 2 0 0 0 2 38260 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTop TenExhibitor, Breeder,Junior ShowmanshipI would just like to take this opportunity to thank Kelly Reimschiissel for the five years of service that she gave theAmerican Pomeranian Club as the Awards Chair. We appreciate everything you have done for the club. I am happyto announce that I am going to be the new awards chair for the APC. If you need to reach me, you can go through theAPC website, or email me at Joan C. BehrendJanuary 1, 2007 through February 28, 2007 as reported by the American Kennel ClubTop Exhibitors2 Darlene L Davis-ThompsonTop Breeders3 Charlotte Meyer2 Noble Inglett2 Cynthia WallenTop Junior HandlersCatherine M. Jessen, Juniors ChairNovember 1, 2006 through February 28, 2007Stephanie Hentschel 56Jessica Christiansen 37Lauren Hamilton 27Chelsea Valles 26Rebecca Silverberg 20Amanda Seitzer 18Danielle Miller 15Taylor Irvin 13Gretel Berglund 10Rosie Sheppard 8McKensie Barnes 5Amanda Seegars 3Victoria Walsh 1Amanda Hageman 1Jamie Seidman 1The Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American PomeranianClub Members are noted with an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet,you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 410 PM60 INI i i m i nAAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 61New ChampionsJANUARYCH Beau James Back to Indian Rock D CH Beau JamesDreamtime Indian Rock X Beau James Dreamtime Tailor Made.Owned by Cynthia P Wallen. Bred by Cynthia P WallenCH Chars Golden Promises B CH Finchs Golden OpportunityX Hickory Bend Touch Of Phoenix. Owned by CharlotteMeyer. Bred by Charlotte Meyer.CH Chars This AinT No Parti D CH Chriscendo Call to ArmsX Finchs Parti Gone Country. Owned by Cindy Meyer. Bred byCharlotte Meyer.CH Chriscendo Communicado D Peppipoms Classically YoursX Chriscendo Cameo Rose. Owned by Jennifer Munn Elizabeth Heckert. Bred by Christine Heartz.CH Honeykist Out N About B BlueRock Prince of Thieves XHoneykist Out of the Blue. Owned by Sally Hestle ChristineBousquet. Bred by Christine Bousquet.CH Horizons The Passion Of Ali-Mae B CH ReginapomsGator in Motion X CH Kacees LTL Darlin Want-A-B. Ownedby Nina Fetter. Bred by Laurie Otis.CH Howlene Teahra Dolce Meta B Amours Hot Jr Nuff Sed XPinnacle Holly Of Howlene. Owned by Arlene A Otaguro,Hazel Miller Robin Watanabe. Bred by Owners.CH Jolvin Regal Return B Jolvins Royal Review X ToylandJolvin Southern Song. Owned by Joan Beech Melvin Beech.Bred by Owners.CH Nobles Messin With The Best D CH Nobles Born toPerform X CH Nobles Step Aside Boys. Owned by NobleInglett Letesha Girth. Bred by Noble Inglett.CH Nobles So-So Sharp D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams XNobles Simply Stunning. Owned by Angela Semansky. Bredby Noble Inlett.CH Oakrose Canadian Currency D Oakrose One for the MoneyX Oakrose Summerland. Owned by Fabiana Takeda. Bred byJoan Rose.CH So-Me Big Star Of Showins B Larajus Armed andDangerous X Normas Gidget Luvs Moon Dogie. Owned by LoriSolomon Roxanne Mellem. Bred by Norma L Coleman.FEBRUARYCH Beau James Chocolate Riesen D Underwoods King Of TheBlues X Beau James Tartan Tandy. Owned by Tersa LynHaynes. Bred by Cynthia P Wallen.CH Castiles Southern Comfort B CH Jan Les Just a Dash OfMillamor X CH Glen Iris Dutchess Of Castile. Owned byJennifer Murcks. Bred by Geno Sisneros.CH Chars Burnin For You B CH Chars Hunka Burnin LoveX Finchs N Chars Turnin Tricks. Owned by Sharon D.McDaniel Robert Meshigaud. Bred by Charlotte Meyer.CH Clairmonts Glamour Girl B CH Great Elms Mr ChipsX Clairmonts Cover Girl. Owned by Darlene L DavisThompson.Bred by G Lance Bryson.CH Dojos Almost Like Love B CH Lovely TLC DiabloRosso X Apolloette Precious Of Dojo. Owned by ElizabethCurtiss. Bred by Joseph Smith.CH Extane Haleighs Fire Dream CD, RN, NA, NAJ BExtane Fire of Burning Desire X Extane Dream Of Angelo.Owned by Crystal Brown. Bred by Sharon Shipek.CH Finchs Power Play Parti Glitz B CHFinchsCharsMakinWavesParti X Star Havens CountessGlory. Owned by Diane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Islands Luck Of The Draw D CH Ryms W FairWarning X Ch Finchs Island Sweet Dreams. Owned bySunny Shawley. Bred by Sunny Shawley.CH Joaynes Mirror Rambo D CH Starfires Bit OMischiefX Joaynes Magic Sophia. Owned by Nelda J Wekwert. Bredby Joanne Norris.CH Kacees Horizons Just 4 Kicks D CH HeartlandsKnight N Day X Kacees Gone With The Wind II. Ownedby Bonnie Stetson. Bred by Katy Stalnaker Laurie Otis.CH MTS Hoilini Rendezvous Wit Moi B Sandalwood EmRicardo X CH Sandalwood HK Joie Of Vivre. Owned bySylvia Miyake. Bred by Sylvia Miyake.CH Pomirish Louiez Louiez B Kerdans Out Of Thyme atJanle X Dee Dee Of Lenette II. Owned by Sally Baugniet.Bred by Jackie Rayner Jane Lehtinen.CH Pufpride Bit O Gold Beamer D CH Ralston-PufprideDreamer X CH PufPride Mystical Madison. Owned by LindaGreen Darlene L Davis-Thompson. Bred by Warren GDimick.CH Rodis Aldea B CH Rodis Just One Look X RodisOrange Chiffon. Owned by Jan Stachurski GeorgeLandry. Bred by Diana M Solano.CH Royel Sirhenry Episode2aljen D PJs Sir Richard OfGoldchip X Kandi Of Lenette. Owned by ElizabethNormandin. Bred by Elizabeth Normandin.CH Sopphires Route 66 D CH Heartlands Bosa NovaDancer X CH Sapphires Dancing In The Dark. Owned byBeth Shattuck. Bred by Beth Shattuck.CH Starfires Poison B CH Starfires Hello Its El Hottie XCh Starfires Mary Lou II. Owned by Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti. Bred by Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti.CH Windsors Smooth Sailing D CH Rodis Cr King ofGondor X CH Lady Windsor Of Velvetouch. Owned byShauna Jenkins. Bred by Shauna Jenkins.CH Woodroses Tradition Continues D CH Woodrose OldeTyme Tradition X Woodroses Jenni. Owned by Clarice MOganeku Yvette H Oganeku. Bred by Owners.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 411 PM61 INI i i m i n62 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2006 APCAWARDSCORRECTED FROM MARAPRIL REVIEWCONGRATULATIONS TO THE TOP POMS AND THEIR OWNERS. WE APOLOGIZE FOR THE ERRORS.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 411 PM62rrrr 4 i i i nBREED DOGSJanuary 1, 2006 through December 31, 20061 CH FINCH'S EETTIN' ON CHARS 1,244Owner Charlotte Meyer Breeder Diane Mnch2 CH SHOWCASE HOT TOPIC 1,039Owners Bon Smith Mane Levinsohn MerilynSmithBreeders Mane Levinsohn, C Smith3 CH FINCHS AWESOME ON ALL FOURS 995Owners Kathryn J. lbremDiane Finch Breeder Diane Finch4 CH RIVENDELLS APPLAUDS JANE SA 925Owner Carolyn BoninBreeder Carolyn Bonin Jerrie Freia5 CH TOKIE THE LEGEND CONTINUES 898Owners Chayat TanaravabinPraht Chularojmoriri A Kbga Breeders Chavjat TangknravakunyPrakit Chularojmoriri 6 CH SHOWCASE GOT TO BE ME 612Owners Celeste Solano VBobert Solano 'VAlane Levinsohn Breeder Mane Levinsohn 7 CH VALC OPY JANEL S SPIDERMAN 546Owners Janell Beich Dana Plonhey, Janice Pardue Breeder Janell Beich 8 CH EAGLE CREEKSHAMINIT UP 522OwnerBreeder Kctfhiyn J. Pbrem9 CH TIM SUES FLYING HIGH 446Owner J. FarmerK BSsbertSue GoddardBreeder Tim Goddard "Siie Goddard10 CH TABLETOPS BLACK MAIL SENDER 304OwnerBreeder Jan .SJaclmrsfc' BREED BITCHESJanuary 1, 2006 through December 31, 20061 CH WEE HEARTS EXCUSE ME 755Owners G. BertrandYCharlotte Meyer Breeders G. BertrandfB. Bertrand2 CH STARFIRES JOSEFINA IS NASTY 364OwnersBreeders Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti3 CH LIL BEHRSTHUMBELINA 253OwnerBreeder Joan C Behrend4 CH STARFIRESHOT TMOLLY 69OwnersBreeders Jose A CabreraFabian Arienti 5 CH GAYELS DESTINYS CHILD 50Owner llaimi GuentherBreeder Gale A ii'viej'j6 CH JAN LES QUEST OF RANDOM TASK 48Owners Jans LehtinenVictoria Balmer Breeders Jane Lehtinen Victoria Palmer7 CH ANIMATIONS ROCKET J SQUIRREL 38Owners Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane Breeders Pat DresserLorinda Vasufa8 CHLOVE N COUNTRY I BELIEVE IN MEME 36Owner Jackie HrshbergBreeder Cindy Bcniware9 CH PATRICIAS SM OKIN MYSTIC BEE 30Owners Greg Golfomitsos Pati Danielson 10 C H P OMH AVE N S SAVANNAH SKY 29Owner Lana Price Breeder Colleen Bel landAPCmembers are noted with an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards and rec eive a certificate or trophy at the Annual Banquet you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 632006 APCAWARDSCORRECTED FROM MARAPRIL REVIEWCONGRATULATIONS TO THE TOP POMS AND THEIR OWNERS. WE APOLOGIZE FOR THE ERRORS.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 411 PM63 i i m 4 i i i nALL-BREED DOGSJanuary 1, 2006 through December 31, 2006 ALL-BREED BITCHESJanuary 1, 2006 through December 31, 20061 CH SHOWCASE HOT TOPIC 9,768Owners Ron Smith Alane Levinsohn VMerilyn Smith Breeders Alone Levinsohn C Smith 2 CH FINCHSBETTTNON CHARS 6,025Owner Qiarlotte Meyer Breeder Dane Finch3 CH TOKIE THE LEGEND CONTINUES 5,645Owners Chavjat Tangoaravakun VPraldfChularojmontri JA Koga Breeders Oiayjat Tangkaravahm fPraia t Chularojmontri 4 CH FINCHS AWESOME ON ALL FOURS 5,015 Owners Kathryn J. PbremDane Finch Breeder Dane Finch5 CH RIVENDELLS APPLAUDS JANE SA 3,704Owner Carolyn Bonin Breeder Carolyn Bonin Jerrie Freia6 CH EAGLE CREEKSHAMINIT UP 3,129OwnerBreeder Kathryn J. Norem7 CH TIM SUES FLYING HIGH 2,826Owner J. FarmerK HebertSue GoddardBreeder Tim GoddardSue Goddard8 CH STARFIRESHERE COMES TROUBLE 2,058 Owners Natalie RobertsVeronica WinterJose ACabrera Fabian ArientiBreeders Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti 9 CH SHOWCASE GOTTOBE ME 2,007Owners Celeste Solano Robert SolanoAlaneLevinsohn Breeder Alane Levinsohn 10 CH TABLETOPS BLACK MAIL SENDER 1,502 OwnerBreeder Jan Stac harsh 1 CH WEE HEARTS EXCUSE ME 3,645Owners G. BertrandCharlotte MeyerBreeders G. BertrandB Bertrand2 CH STARFIRES JOSEFINAISNASTY 2,619OwnersBreeders Jose A CabreraFabian Arienti3 CH LIL BE HRS THUMBELINA 661OwnerBreeder Joan C Behrend4 CH GAY ELS DESTINYS CHILD 247Owner Naimi Guekher Breeder Gale A Rivers 5 STARFIRES POISON 216OwnersBreeders Jose A Cabrera VFabian Arienti6 CH ST ARFIRES HOT T MOLLY 207OwnersBreeders Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti7 CH JAN LES QUEST OF RANDOM TASK 157Owners Jane Lehtinen 'Victoria Palmer Breeders Jane Lekinen Victoria Palmer8 CH POM ACRE SICE PRINCESS 140OwnersBreeders Juanita Fiddick9 CH TRUDYS AIMING FOR THE TOP 139OwnersBreeders Nmcy Coddington Robert Coddington 10 CH JANESAS TIGER LILY 125Owners Camilla Kihglit VJerrie Freia Breeder Jerrie Freia APCmembers are noted with an In order to he eligible for APC Awards and rec eive a certificate or trophy at the Annual Banquet you must have been a member for one dl calendar year.464 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC AWARDS BANQUET - LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 411 PM6444ft4Iare.i4ii i i n 4 iini^HAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 65APC AWARDS BANQUET - LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 411 PM65i i i i n44V-h 18xufln,S'4466 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC AWARDS BANQUET - LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 412 PM6644W if34Jc-I.n14ie-^4i i i i n 4 iini^HAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 67APC AWARDS BANQUET - LOUISVILLE KENTUCKYPHOTOS BY BONNIE HARRIS2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 412 PM67mr 4 i i i in4T4nvs\\. ^3CWV1Lvrr-..Viw I 5 ,V4 wur 2iImmill 4f -Sraftr sfiirs,,r-'- anorr ^MlJ'Ianffygasg . as. ^44468 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 APC MEMBERSHIP MEETING2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 412 PM68 i i i i nrvwt ivaJ1...h myK5APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 692007 SPECIALTY PHOTOSPHOTOS BY ED AND DOT MARTIN2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 412 PM69444-y.ixir,v-mI i3i13mfisir4470 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHealth GeneticsGeneva CoatsIs a Pomeranian the dog for youWhat to know before you get your first Pomeranian.A cute ball of fluff, a bundle of enthusiasm, a great snugglerThe Pomeranian is a wonderful petBefore you take the plunge, you should be aware that there are some special concerns when it comes to owning asmall breed dog such as a Pomeranian. First, there are safety issues involved. Because they are so small, Poms can easily beinjured. Be careful that your Pom doesnt fall or jump off the couch or the bed. Falling or jumping can result in broken bonesand injured joints. He should be supervised if allowed to navigate stairs.If there are small children in the house, they should be taught to handle a Pom gently and to be cautious not to step onthe Pom or drop it. They should not, as a rule, be allowed to carry the Pom around the house.Larger animals in the household may injure or kill your small dog. They may not intend to hurt the Pom, but they mayaccidentally injure him - for instance, by stepping on him or snapping at him.The Pom is a house pet. He has no defense against wild animals or other dogs who can enter the yard and attack him.Dont allow your Pom to be outdoors unless he is on a leash and you are there to protect him.Your small Pom is sensitive to extremes in weather so, keep him indoors at night and whenever the weather is veryhot or cold. And it should go without saying, never leave your dog in a car. He can die of heat stroke in a short period of time.Next you need to consider some of the characteristics of the breed. Poms can be very vocal. In most communities thereare nuisance laws against barking dogs, so dont allow your dog to bark and annoy the neighbors. Debarking is an option forincessant barkers. This procedure is not without risk, so consider carefully the decision to debark.Regular grooming will be necessary. The Pom is a double-coated breed, which means they have long outer guardhairs, as well as a fluffy cottony undercoat. Poms do shed their undercoat periodically, and will require a thorough brushing orcombing about once a week, year-round. Consistent brushing will keep the shed hair in the trash, instead of on your clothes andfurniture. If you prefer to have your dog professionally groomed, remember to factor that cost into your monthly budget.Poms can be difficult to housebreak. Neutering may reduce the urge of the male Pom to mark his territory in thehouse. For difficult males, a belly band may be necessary. This is a velcro strip which can be wrapped around the waist, withthe addition of a disposable pad which acts as a sort of diaper.Consistency is the key in housebreaking. Frequent trips outdoors are important, with plenty of praise rewarding thedesired behavior. Crate training is another option. There are many books and classes for dog training which can provide youwith more information on training your Pom.Ive decided on a Pom. Now what The search is on for a puppy. Check the American Pomeranian Club for a list ofbreeders and rescue organizations in your area. Avoid pet shop puppies and Internet sales. Pet shop dogs come from highvolumecommercial breeders, who may not provide the same care, socialization, and selection for health and vigor as would ahobby breeder. Look for a hobby breeder who is active in their local andor national Pomeranian club, and who competes withtheir dogs in conformation, agility, obedience, or rally. These activities usually indicate a genuine concern about the welfare ofthe dogs and the breed in general.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 412 PM70i i i i nA t IAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 71Common Health Problems in PomeraniansPomeranians, like all dogs, are subject to a variety of health problems. When you are searching for your dog, makesure to ask about any possible health concerns. Vaccination and deworming schedules should be reviewed with the breeder.Listed below are some of the more common health problems in Pomeranians Luxating Patellas, is a problem of the rear legs. The kneecaps patellas may slip out of place, causing your dog painand lameness. This is the most common health problem in Pomeranians. The most severe cases require surgical correction.There may be a hereditary component to this problem, and breeding dogs should be examined and certified to have minimal orno luxation. Ask to see OFA certification on your dogs parents. A fall or other injury can also cause damage to the knee joint.Thyroid disease is very common, not just in Poms, but in all breeds of dogs. Ask if there is a family history of thyroiddisease. There is also special certification from OFA for thyroid disease. Unfortunately, thyroid problems usually dont appearuntil the dog is mature, so a blood test for thyroid levels should be part of your dogs physical every year or two. Symptoms towatch for are weight gain, tiredness, brittle, thinning coat and irritability. Treatment is thyroid hormone replacement pillswhich are given daily for the rest of the dogs life.Alopecia X sometimes called black skin disease is a certain type of coat loss which is very prevalent in Pomeraniansand also occurs in other related plush-coated breeds. The dog loses hair starting on the rump and thighs, until most of the bodyis hairless except for the head and legs. Neutering may help bring back the coat. Since this condition is believed to have ahereditary component, ask the breeder about the coat status of your pups relatives or, better yet, ask to see them. Rememberthough, that it is normal for a bitch to shed most of her coat after whelping a litter, so if she looks a bit raggedy, dont panic,this does not mean she has Alopecia X Alopecia X is less common in females, and more often seen in males.Collapsing trachea can occur in dogs bred for small size. The cartilage rings of the trachea are weak and collapse. Thesymptoms are difficulty breathing and honking-type cough. The vet may recommend drugs to relieve symptoms and open theairways, similar to those used for asthma.Hip dysplasia can occur in Pomeranians. Although we in Poms do not normally certify hips, ask if there is a familyhistory of Legg-Calve-Perthes or other hip problems. Hip problems can be painful for the dog and expensive for you, assurgery is often needed.Periodontal disease is very prevalent in Poms. If left untreated, tooth loss may occur. Regular attention to oral hygieneis needed, and periodic scaling by a vet may be helpful as well. Feeding a diet with a fair amount of fresh raw foods may helpreduce tooth plaque formation.Retention of the baby teeth is very common. Your Pom may need to have his baby teeth removed by a veterinarian.Hypoglycemia is a serious condition in which blood sugar becomes dangerously low. Small dogs, and particularlysmall breed puppies, sometimes do not have the reserves needed to maintain blood sugar at a healthy level. Seizures and comacan result. To prevent this from happening, make sure to feed your small dog several meals per day with snacks in between. Itmight be a good idea to leave some food available at all times. If you notice your puppy becoming lethargic or trembling, putsome Karo syrup or Nutrical in his mouth if this helps, observe him closely for several hours and encourage him to eat. Dairyproducts such as cheese and cooked cereals such as rice or oats provide complex carbohydrates which can help stabilize bloodsugar.Regular veterinary health exams are essential to your Poms well-being. Look for a breeder who will be available toanswer your questions and help you with any problems for the life of your dog. Ask about the breeders policy on replacementor refund for a dog who develops a serious hereditary condition. You should receive a written agreement or contract whichaddresses this issue spelling out your rights and responsibilities when you buy your puppy.Please do notify the breeder of any health problems which may occur during your dogs lifetime. This information isimportant for them to have when making future breeding plans.Your Pom will depend on you to take good care of him for life. And, in return, you will enjoy many years filled withgrateful love and devotion.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 413 PM714 i i i i n4 4472 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 APC NATIONAL SPECIALTY2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 413 PM7244astsfg tIfS^J.1.SR .vV 9Ufc 3SKMre43S3ftSii Blwsaif WM-mmpjPfWiM fd21vat m4i i i i n 4 iini^HAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 732007 APC NATIONAL SPECIALTY2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 413 PM73o3S5,IcSI.r.-3165053P6frBiu-Atmmm'oSEmMl25. -^3firSB Vww4-474 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAnimal SafetyPets and Disaster Be PreparedThe following information has been prepared by the Humane Society of the United States in cooperation with theAmerican Red CrossOur pets enrich our lives in more ways than we can count. In turn, they depend on us for their safety and wellbeing.Heres how you can be prepared to protect your pets when disaster strikes.Be Prepared with a Disaster PlanThe best way to protect your family from the effects of a disaster is to have a disaster plan. If you are a petowner, that plan must include your pets. Being prepared can save their lives.Different disasters require different responses. But whether the disaster is a hurricane or a hazardous spill, youmay have to evacuate your home.In the event of a disaster, if you must evacuate, the most important thing you can do to protect your pets is toevacuate them, too. Leaving pets behind, even if you try to create a safe place for them, is likely to result in theirbeing injured, lost, or worse. So prepare now for the day when you and your pets may have to leave your home.1. Have a Safe Place To Take Your PetsRed Cross disaster shelters cannot accept pets because of states health and safety regulations and other considerations.Service animals who assist people with disabilities are the only animals allowed in Red Cross shelters. Itmay be difficult, if not impossible, to find shelter for your animals in the midst of a disaster, so plan ahead. Donot wait until disaster strikes to do your research. Contact hotels and motels outside your immediate area to check policies on accepting pets and restrictions on number, size,and species. Ask if no pet policies could be waived in an emergency. Keep a list of pet friendly places, including phonenumbers, with other disaster information and supplies. If you have notice of an impending disaster, call ahead for reservations. Askfriends, relatives, or others outside the affected area whether they could shelter your animals. If you have more than onepet, they may be more comfortable if kept together, but be prepared to house them separately. Prepare a list of boarding facilities and veterinarians who could shelter animals in an emergency include 24-hour phonenumbers. Ask local animal shelters if they provide emergency shelter or foster care for pets in a disaster. Animal shelters may beoverburdened caring for the animals they already have as well as those displaced by a disaster, so this should be your lastresort.2. Assemble a Portable Pet Disaster Supplies Kit Whether you are away from home for a day or a week,youll need essential supplies. Keep items in an accessible place and store them in sturdy containers that can becarried easily duffle bags, covered trash containers, etc.. Your pet disaster supplies kit should include Medications and medical records stored in a waterproof container and a first aid kit. Sturdy leashes, harnesses, andor carriers to transport pets safely and ensure that your animals cant escape. Current photos of your pets in case they get lost. Food, potable water, bowls, cat litterpan, and can opener. Information on feeding schedules, medical conditions, behavior problems, and the name and number of your veterinarian incase you have to foster or board your pets. Pet beds and toys, if easily transportable.DISASTER PLAN - BE PREPARED2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 413 PM744 i i i i n4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 753. Know What To Do As a Disaster Approaches Often, warnings are issued hours, even days, in advance. At the first hint of disaster, act to protect your pet. Call ahead to confirm emergency shelter arrangements for you and your pets. Check to be sure your pet disaster supplies are ready to take at a moments notice. Bring all pets into the house so that you wont have to search for them if you have to leave in a hurry. Make sure all dogs and cats are wearing collars and securely fastened, up-to-date identification. Attach the phone numberand address of your temporary shelter, if you know it, or of a friend or relative outside the disaster area. You can buytemporary tags or put adhesive tape on the back of your pets ID tag, adding information with an indelible pen.You may not be home when the evacuation order comes. Find out if a trusted neighbor would be willing to takeyour pets and meet you at a prearranged location. This person should be comfortable with your pets, knowwhere your animals are likely to be, know where your pet disaster supplies kit is kept, and have a key to yourhome. If you use a petsitting service, they may be available to help, but discuss the possibility well in advance.Planning and preparation will enable you to evacuate with your pets quickly and safely. But bear in mind thatanimals react differently under stress. Outside your home and in the car, keep dogs securely leashed. Transportcats in carriers. Dont leave animals unattended anywhere they can run off. The most trustworthy pets may panic,hide, try to escape, or even bite or scratch. And, when you return home, give your pets time to settle back intotheir routines. Consult your veterinarian if any behavior problems persist.Caring for Birds in an EmergencyBirds should be transported in a secure travel cage or carrier. In cold weather, wrap a blanket over the carrierand warm up the car before placing birds inside. During warm weather, carry a plant mister to mist the birdsfeathers periodically. Do not put water inside the carrier during transport. Provide a few slices of fresh fruits andvegetables with high water content. Have a photo for identification and leg bands. If the carrier does not have aperch, line it with paper towels and change them frequently. Try to keep the carrier in a quiet area. Do not let thebirds out of the cage or carrier.About Other PetsReptilesSnakes can be transported in a pillowcase but they must be transferred to more secure housing when they reachthe evacuation site. If your snakes require frequent feedings, carry food with you. Take a water bowl largeenough for soaking as well as a heating pad. When transporting house lizards, follow the same directions as forbirds.Pocket PetsSmall mammals hamsters, gerbils, etc. should be transported in secure carriers suitable for maintaining theanimals while sheltered. Take bedding materials, food bowls, and water bottles.A Final WordIf you must evacuate, do not leave your animals behind. Evacuate them to a prearranged safe location if theycannot stay with your during the evacuation period. remember, pets are not allowed in Red Cross shelters. Ifthere is a possibility that disaster may strike while you are out of the house, there are precautions you can take toincrease your pets chances of survival, but they are not a substitute for evacuating with your pets. For moreinformation, contact The Humane Society of the United States, Disaster Services, 2100 L Street NW, Washington,DC 20037.In a statement of understanding, The American Red Cross recognizes The Humane Society of the United Statesas the nations largest animal protection organization responsible for the safety and well-being of animals, includingdisaster relief. The American Red Cross is committed to transforming the caring and concern of the Americanpeople into immediate action.More information about pets from The Humane Society of the United States.More information about pets from The American Veterinary Medical Association.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 413 PM754 i i i i n4 4476 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationDot Martin is the American Pomeranian Clubs Judges Education Chairperson.Dot may be contacted at 803-831-8086 or edwarda.martinatt.netDot MartinA Very Tart FruitWhen life hands you a lemon, make lemonade, but it is hard to swallow without alittle sweetener.To those of you who have been willing to serve your breed and the club, I want tosay thank you for standing up and being counted when the call first went out formentors. I am grateful to you and encourage you to continue with your good work.Things are not as bleak as they may have appeared at first glance.In an earlier column, I mentioned the chagrin and upheaval that has been aboundingin the judging community as a result of recent American Kennel Club pronouncements. The prevailingattitude of the fancy has been, as long as it doesnt touch me. Now it has reached farther afield and ischallenging the Parent Clubs. It now appears that All-Breed and Regional Clubs are going to have to get withthe program or face unpleasant consequences.We are all in this together. Judges depend on the breeders and exhibitors to educate them about the breeds. Fanciersdepend on judges to be knowledgeable and fair in evaluating the exhibits dogs that are entered at a givenshow. The clubs depend on judges and exhibitors to support the shows. We all depend on AKC to be wise andprudent. Since we are all in this together, lets add some sweetness.About a year after Charlotte Creed passed the banner of the Judges Education Chairpersons position to me, Ibegan to plot.Lemon 1How could we be sure we had people breeders and exhibitors at shows all over the USA who could talk withaspiring and approved judges about our breed How could we have knowledgeable mentors willing to presentseminars How could I be sure they knew the StandardLemon 2Knowledge of the Standard was crucial. When asked a question by those seeking information, APC mentorsshould have the answer on the tip of the tongue and should quote the Standard verbatim. In this way, our knowledgewould be better than the judges.Having mentors who understand the vital importance of being fair in evaluating all the exhibits at a show could benext to impossible.I love my breed but I love my own dogs even more.Lemon 3Timing. The need was apparent but the Board and Show Chairman had to give us a time slot. We were allowed tohave an hour at the Nationals. It was a lot to ask. So much is always happening. Time was precious. Even so, itcould only be held every other year.Lemon 4In 2006, AKC notified all parent clubs that changes were on the horizon. We had less than a year to prepare.Now the year has gone by. AKC has just this day informed us that they must have a list of approved mentors intheir hands by June 4, 20072007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 414 PM76i i i i nAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 77The lemon is a very tart fruit We can add some sweetness.Sweetener 1We have been working on this for several years and we can have confidence in the people who have beenpreparing for some time. Many have attended every mentor seminar that has been held at the Nationals duringthe past five years. They have also attended the Judges Breed Study Groups and brought dogs for HandsOn examination.Sweetener 2Many have taken the written test on the standard, and then participated in a discussion of the 20 questions onthe exam. The tests were not open book. The mentors passed the tests.Sweetener 3In 2003 the CD with 79 slides on the Pomeranian standard was completed. Over 300 copies have beendistributed to those who want to learn.Sweetener 4AKC only requires that a mentor have 12 years as a breeder exhibitor. There are no other requirements. TheAPC Board of Directors only added five champions and attendance at two APC sanctioned judges seminars.Sweetener 5We are in very good shape. From information that I have, we are advanced beyond what many parent clubshave in position. We WILL rise to the occasionIf you are a member of the American Pomeranian Club, and you are willing to help your breed, please fill outthe Mentor Application on the adjoining page. Send it to me at or mail it beforeMay 15. I will be compiling the list of approved mentors to send to the American Kennel Club by May 31.Mentors will be kept informed via e-mail. Pomeranian Review articles will announce changes. There will be aset of rules for mentors that will be published.I am happy to report that we have taken a very tart fruit and sweetened it into a very palatable and tastyconcoction.Judges Education Seminar March 2007, Louisville, KentuckyJudges Education Continued2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 414 PM77 INI i i i inrfk4yi.z78 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWMentor ApplicationName___________________________________________________________________Address__________________________City_______________State______Zip________Telephone_________________Fax______________e-mail________________________Are you a member of American Pomeranian Club No____Yes______How Long______List other dog clubs of which you are a member_________________________________________________________________________________________________________What year did you get your first Pomeranian _____________________________Are you a Pomeranian breeder_______What year did you breed your first litter______How many champion Poms have you bred ____________________________________List any and all Judges Education or mentoring seminars that you have attended starting with 1997YearPlacePresenter .___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Are you willing to mentor Judges and Fanciers_________________________________Do you own a copy of the Pomeranian CD_____________________________________Are you willing to sign a copy of the American Pomeranian Club Code of Ethics and submit it to theclub No_____Yes______Would you be willing to serve as a seminar presenter Yes_______No___________Signed_________________________________________________________________Please return to Dot Martin, 5354 Bluebird Ln. York, S. C. 29745 no later than May 15, 20072007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 414 PM78 INI 4 i i i in4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 79CRUFTS 2007 RESULTSB R E E D C L A S S R E S U L T SPOMERANIANJudges Mr A BendelowBEST OF BREEDPAKOVS I AM VIVA BOwner MISS OGILVIEBEST PUPPYSUEACRES WHOOPS A DAISY BOwner MS S SMITHBEST DOGCH TOYBOX GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY JW SHCM DOwner MISS E SMAILBEST BITCHPAKOVS I AM VIVA BOwner MISS OGILVIERESERVE BEST DOGCASAROWS STARDOM AT PAKOV DOwner MISS A K OGILVIERESERVE BEST BITCHIRGBPOL BELLIVER LATEST CREATION BOwner MESSRS S J CARROLL NEWMANCrufts 2007The Pomeranian Club in England had its championship show April 1. The Judge was Mrs. Turnbull ofPyropom Kennel in Scotland. Her winners included Dog challenge certificate JANOMAS JUST JOEY, awolfsable taking his third CC and thus becoming a British champion. Reserve Dog CC went to a blackfrom the veteran class Tyngeli In Disguise, a son of the outstanding Ch. Moonrae Ebony Hot Shot TopToy dog in England 2000. Bitch CC was the lovely cream, multi champion Belliver Latest Creation withthe reserve going to a bitch from the Zentarr kennel.POMERANIAN CLUB OF ENGLANDPAKOVS I AM VIVAIRGBPOL BELLIVER LATEST CREATION2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 414 PM79i i i iny Vmi80 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW NEWS AND VIEWSBarbara McClatcheyPERFORMANCEThis column may be a little disjointed. Im having some problems with Microsoft Word thecomputer ate my homework. Additionally, I have a little bit of a distraction outside thebedroom window where my computer lives. When I got home from the Specialty, a cardinal wasbuilding her nest in the tangle of passionflower and coral honeysuckle vines outside the window.It has been fascinating to watch her build, lay eggs, and brood not 12 inches from my window.By the time you read this, the cardletts should have fledged, and Papa Cardinal will be feedingthe adolescents while Mama builds another nest and produces another set of babies. Fairdivision of labor, it seems to melet him take over when they stop being cute little babies andstart making way too much workNATIONAL SPECIALTY OBEDIENCEHigh in Trial at any event is an honor, but High in Trial at a National Specialty is a very specialhonor, and this years winner was Sassy Girl Sheffield UD RAE, owned and operated by LisaSheffield from Millington, TN. Their score was a very respectable 192 out of Open B. This wasSassys first HIT, and Lisa was justifiably proud. Sassy also showed in Rally see below.The Veterans Class was won by Ballykin Commando Cody CDX RN also shown in RallyAdvanced and owner Paulette Zecca of Hillside, IL, with a score of 192 .NATIONAL SPECIALTY RALLYThe highest competition level in Rally is the Excellent class. First Place in Rally Excellent, with aperfect score of 100 went to Sassy Girl Sheffield UD RAE. Lisas Princess Wiggles Vonsnifsnif REtook 2nd, and my own Second Chance Oliver Twist CDX RE came in 3rd. Something that does notoccur in any other AKC competition is the Honor exercise in the Excellent class, in which one dog sitsor downs thus honoring while another team runs the course. For Lisa this meant that she had to bein the ring for the entire time of this class, since she was always either running the course or honoringwith one of her dogsits a lot of work, but Lisa managed itFor the Advanced B class, Wiggles decided to see that Sassy didnt walk away with all of the honors, soPrincess Wiggles Vonsnifsnif RE took 1st place, while Sassy was relegated to 2nd. Oliver again took 3rd2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 414 PM804r n4 4Wa. TfiIii i i n 4 nnnn^^^mAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 81Performance Continuedplace, and 4th went to Ballykin Commando Cody CDX RN with owner Paulette Zecca. The scores inAdvanced B were within two points of each other, and in fact Sassy beat out Oliver for 2nd place on thebasis of time, which is how tied scores for placements are handled in Rally.First in Rally Advanced A went to Dream Weaver Northern Lights RN owned by Elizabeth and MichaelWells and Linda Piez. The A classes are for dogs that have not previously attained an Obedience titleor the Advanced Rally title, and are therefore just starting out in AKC ObedienceRally competition.Rally Novice B placements went to Mil-Pines Max in Motion CD, owned by Margery Sturm1st Placewith a score of 100 Rise N Shines Hot Stuff owned by Kimberley Thompson2nd Place with a score of99 and winner of the run-off by virtue of faster time Idlewyld Cameo, owned by Margaret McKee3rd Place, also with a score of 99 and CH Idlewyld Treasure Trove, owned by Margaret McKee4thPlace, with a score of 98. Other qualifying scores in Novice B went to CH DHCrew Rock-N-Rumbleowned by Cindy Onosko CH Janesas Wanna Play Jax, owner Sean Kroll and Janesas Wrinkle in Time,owner Barbara McClatchey.CANINE GOOD CITIZENLesley Pettengill writes from Dallas, TX, that Wiggles earned his AKC Canine Good Citizen CGCcertificate this past weekend in Glen Rose, TX and I should also mention the same day he also wentBOB. We didnt do anything in the group ring, but all those who passed the CGC got to parade inthe ring before they started Best in Show judging. The BIS sign was already out so we stood next tothe BIS sign smile.Wiggles was a hoot. He did everything he was supposed to splendidly. The evaluator was mostimpressed with the 3 minute out of sight exercise. I left Wiggles on a down stay with the evaluator.About half way through there was a HUGE crashing sound in the building - it was loud enough thatI jumped The evaluator told me Wiggles raised his elbows up about 2 inches off the ground andthen went back into the full down position. His head never left the direction he had last seen me go.The honor dog was an old bloodhounda neat photo opportunity was missed when those two passedeach other. Wiggles has never met a dog he didnt like.If youre interested in learning more about the CGC, go to the AKC website. While it isnt aperformance title, it does show that you have taken the initiative to make your Pom a GoodCitizen.TITLES, WE GOT TITLESOBEDIENCECompanion DogCH Antoms Sir Wiggles Of Wagner CD RN, 207, Lesley PettengillCompanion Dog ExcellentK Bar Js Klondike Bar CDX RN OA OAJ, 207, Carla BrownUtility Dog Excellent 3Gidgets Cinnamon Prince UDX3 RN, 107, Mike Carolyn SmithCarolyn wrote, On Sat Levi placed 2nd in Open B with 197 12 and 2nd in Utility B with 196 ,missing 1st place in both classes by point in each. 2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 415 PM814 i i i in4 4482 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance ContinuedThen today under a very tough tough judge, he placed 4th in UtilityB with a 190. 1st place was aGolden with a 195 12 Levi WON Open B with 194 after winning a run off with our HEELINGTEACHER and her Aussie. D I knew the Open win would be more of a challenge for us becauseLevi likes to hop into a finish and I cant always count on it being straight.Man was I excited but we lost High Combined by 12 also to her. I told her I dont think I couldhave stood up long enough to have another run off with her for HC since my knees were knocking sobad in the first run off. Her heeling is almost breathtaking shes so good and Ive lost run off withher before so this was a very BIG deal for us. My husband taped it and I was so proud of Leviwatching it. Arent Poms the cutest things in the ringOh and I almost forgot - this was our UDX 3 title. DHim getting new titles is still a thrill for me and total amazement. I never dreamed my little Novice Adog would go this far. I give him all the credit because he just loves doing it. The day that he stopsloving it is the day that we stop doing it.Ill tell you a little story on Levi. Carolyn says that after one judge had seen him working in Obedience,Carolyn overheard that judge telling another one, She has the cutest name for himshe calls him FleaBite Poor Carolynwe will never let her live that downRALLYRally NoviceSundowns Peekaboo at Janesa RN, 121406, Jerrie FreiaDD Little Mavrick RN, 107, Deb BeeanPleaides Amaretto Golden Glo CDX RN, 107, Janice Gretel BerglundSunpoms Kodak Moment CDX RN, 107, Angie PatchenAngie wrote that Kodak took a 3rd Place at this trial in Detroit. She also saw another Pom incompetition, which, she says, Ive never seen outside of Pom specialties. This is a good reason whyyou might consider getting onto the Active Pomeranian Yahoo listwe get to talk to others who knowthe joysand perilsof working a Pom in these events. ActivePomeraniansubscribeyahoogroups.comCanefyresSparkling Icee RN, 207, Jodi Shari FukuyamaFoxfire Jack CDX RN MX MXJ AJP, 207, Gail L Donaldson, ILPPrince Omars Perlina RN NA OAJ, 207, Rosalene Horner Wayne Carlson.Rowdey Lynn Martin RN NA NAJ, 207, Rhapsody Rhodes KoenemannTiny Tim Pendelton CGC UD RN, 207, Wendy Janet DonnellyRally AdvancedGidgets Cinnamon Prince UDX2 RA, 121506, Mike Carolyn SmithStillcoves Chaundi Moody Blues RA NAJ, Teresa Connors Cynthia James BradleyRally Advanced ExcellentSecond Chance Oliver Twist CDX RAE, 207, Barbara Mc Clatchey, ILPI actually thought that Oliver was going to finish his RAE at the Specialty, but mis-counted thenumber of shows, so when I got home, the AKC certificate was waiting for me. There is a picturewith this column of Oliver going over a jump in RallyGo Black PomsAGILITYNovice AgilityMasquerade Parti Madison NA NAJ, 121506, Melinda RybaBoffo Barking Binnie CD NA, 107, Julie Lindsey, ILPNorthmoor Riverstone Intel Inside NA NAJ, 207, Trish Whitley Lisa GoodmanSkeeter Rose NA NAJ, 207, Robert L Shoop2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 415 PM824 i i i in4 44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 83Performance ContinuedNovice Agility PreferredIsabel Cox RN NA OAJ NAP NJP, 107, Sarah Ann CoxNovice Agility JumperPom-Peis Nikitas Wish NAJ, 12206, Pat VaroMasquerade Parti Madison NA NAJ, 121506, Melinda RybaLoverboy Fauntleroy NAJ, 107, Sandra Disque, ILPBoffo Barking Binnie CD NA NAJ, 207, Julie LindseyNorthmoor Riverstone Intel Inside NA NAJ, 207, Trish Whitley Lisa M GoodmanNovice Agility Jumper PreferredHermes RN NJP, 107, Laverne Havelka, ILPLaverne writes about a recent excursion into Rally Advanced that, Humans do have to think and itgot dangerous Since Hermie already had his Rally Novice with legs in the high 90s, I reallystudied the signs manual, since Advanced Rally is off-lead. Here were my mistakes After sendingHermie over the jump, I so overcompensated on bringing him to heel before the next station that Istopped and he sat like a good little obedience dog. DEDUCT. [Getting an Agility dog to heelimmediately after a jump, by the way, does not come easily] Then on the station for the HaltTurnRight One StepCall to Heel, I took a rather short step before I called Hermie to heel. DEDUCT.He did his part fineMommy messed up That, with wide heeling, cost us and his score was 84, butgood enough for 4th place out of eight dogs entered. Yes, off-lead Rally Advanced is more difficultthan it looksIsabel Cox RN NA OAJ NAP NJP, 107, Sarah Ann CoxOpen AgilityPark Aves Lyn Large in Charge OA AXJ, 123006, Saranan TandbergSaranan writes, Livie went from leaving the ring at her first AKC trial in December of 2005 tofinishing her OA and AXJ in December of 2006. Big fun along the way and am looking forward tolots more fun and excitement with my little dog.Open Agility JumperMasquerade Parti Madison NA OAJ, 107, Melinda RybaPrince Omars Perlina NA OAJ, 107, Rosalene Horner Wayne CarlsonAgility ExcellentParis Da Bomb Pom Francine AX AXJ, 121706, Rhonda R. HamlettCheris Popeye The Zailor AX AXJ, 107, Gena ZglinskiCheris Bad Boy Brutus OA AXJ, 207, Michael ZglinskiExcellent Agility JumperPark Aves Lyn Large in Charge OA AXJ, 123006, Saranan TandbergCheris Bad Boy Brutus OA AXJ, 107, Michael ZglinskiCheris Popeye The Zailor AX AXJ, 107, Owned by Gena ZglinskiDazie Mae Blackburn AX AXJ, 107, Whitney BlackburnExcellent Agility Jumper PreferredCount Alexandros Marmol OA NAJ AXP AJP, 123006, Nancy Marmol Harry DriggMaster Agility ExcellentLauylys Lickety-Split MX MXJ, 122906, Lynn BradleyPepe MX MXJ, 12306, Leslie Smith, ILPMaster Excellent JumperPepe MX MXJ, 12206, Leslie Smith, ILPCastaway St. Elmos Fire AX MXJ, 207, Julie Vanoni, ILPMaster Agility ChampionMACH Our Little Indy Man 207, Carol Delton Mehlhaff2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 415 PM8344 4i i i i n 484 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance ContinuedMaster Agility Champion 3MACH3 April May Wicket Moxon, 107, Todd Moxon Gail DonaldsonMACH3 MACH3 BubbisBeauty CDX, 107, Jennifer Gitter Jennifers mother, Mona Gitter DVM, wrote, laughing, that Jennifer and Bagel got their Mach 3this weekend. It was very dramatic with a horrible run. Bagel stopped to spin to look at the leashrunner she thought he had treats, then she ran unfocusedprobably still thinking about the treatshe was sure she needed that second. Then Jennifer ran very conservatively and actually was overtime, but less than by a second This from a dog that got almost 900 MACH points last yearMaster Agility Champion 4MACH4 Sargeant Ceasar, 12906, Frances FleckMaster Agility Champion 5MACH5 Maya Mango Shes a Delight, 12306, Betsy RybaPlease understand that a listing in my column is not an official record of your dogs title. The officialrecord is kept by the American Kennel Club and reported to the American Pomeranian Club, fromwhich I get the list. Any errors are my own and are probably not part of the AKC records, which youshould check for confirmation.Dogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go .American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print I use the most recent directory for this,and newer memberships are not always included. Again, this column is not an official site for anyrecords. ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APC members for at least one year are eligible forAnnual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc., and the relevant information must besubmitted by the APC member. All Poms are eligible for the Historical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in the Companion EventsDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, LakeJackson, TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me Rescuesecondchancepoms.orgWhy not join our e-group Brags and advice available at ActivePomeraniansubscribeyahoogroups.com2007MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 415 PM844 i i i inr4 4rt4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 85APC National Specialty, Louisville Kentucky, March 2007Performance EventsAPC National Specialty, Louisville Kentucky, March 2007Performance Events2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 415 PM85 INI 4 i i i in4WM t vpm ...... . ' - '^Z9BH ABBSS MlS H ai SOW it AS1ss astBSirae - r-aft4StartUm \1UV4486 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTake A RideOn TheWildSideIm happy to report that Wiggles now has his CD title withplacements too boot His official name is now CH AntomsSir Wiggles of Wagner RN, CD. He also has his CGC andwe will hopefully have his Therapy Dog Certification thisweekend.For those of you who know me, it has been a dream of minefor the last 20 plus years to attend the Westminster KennelClub dog show at Madison Square Garden. Many a year Ihave sat on the couch with a glass or two of wine cuddled up with a Golden Retriever watching the big event. Iveclapped for my favorites and have been known to do a Tom Cruise couch jumping impersonation when my favoritedog is pulled in the Group. I can honestly say I can get just as crazy as those husbands watching the Super Bowl.Nobody dares interrupt me during the game.Imagine my absolute thrill when I received in the mail an official Notice of Received Entry from thesuperintendent. I had to show it to a couple of people to make sure I was reading it correctly. It wasnt exactlyclear and perhaps Ive spent too many years reading legalese to comprehend the words. When it finally dawned onme, my hands were shaking. Finally After all these years I was not only going to Westminster but I was actuallygoing to compete with my dog I should at this juncture point out it was not with a Golden Retriever but with, ofall dogs, my Pomeranian. I know, its a strange combination but it seems to work. At least they are similar in color.And I suppose if youre going to fly a dog to New York City it is much easier to haul a five pound hairball aroundversus a seventy-five pound Golden.I make plans, fretting over the slightest benign details until the big day arrives. I arrive in New York City onSaturday, as I didnt want any weather delays prohibiting me from attending the show. I want to capture the entiretrip on camera. The Pom has his picture taken with the airline pilot, the bellboy at the hotel, and a NYC policeman.Im your worst nightmare for a tourist. Im snapping pictures of my Pom in every conceivable place in NYC. Itdoesnt help his name is Wiggles I wonder how he got that name. By the way, there is absolutely no grass inNYC. Wiggles is tiny so I improvise. They have unusually large potted plants around the city you guessed it, Iplop Mr. Wiggles in the potted plant with a firm command to go potty. Problem solved.On Sunday afternoon I enter Madison Square Garden for the first time. It is bustling with activity. The greencarpet is rolled out and I have a moment that I still cannot adequately describe. Lets just say I shed a few tears,tears of joy, and the thrill of being a small part of such a grand event overwhelmed me. To some folks it was justanother dog show, but to me it was a dream come true. I didnt care how small my hotel room was, how cold it wasoutside or allowed any of the negative comments I heard previously to dampen my enthusiasm. Call it whateveryou want, my being nave, my hopelessly positive nature, but by golly, I was standing right here at The Garden andthat was all that mattered. Come Monday morning I would be showing my dog as an owner handler prayingnightly that I wouldnt trip in the ring. I didnt need a Best of Breed ribbon, because I had already won I wasstanding on the very ground where so many great dogs and handlers had stood over the years.The Road Less Traveledor How I Survived the Aftermath of Westminsterby Lesley PettengillPermission to reprinted was granted by author.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 415 PM86 I N I n i i i iAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 87Monday arrives and the ring time approaches. This is the moment I have been waiting for. I manage to composemyself and off Wiggles and I go. We show well and Im thankful I didnt trip in the ring. Wiggles somehow capturedthe attention of an Associated Press photographer. She takes his picture and asks for my information. I didnt reallygive it much thought afterwards. A couple of hours later my cell phone is ringing like crazy. Wiggles is the picture ofthe day on so many internet papers that I lost count, including the front page of US News and World Report. It wasamazing and made the trip even more memorable, it that was even possible. I was okay with using up a few minutesof my allotted 15 minutes of fame to a five-pound hairball. I left New York City with memories I will never forgetand if anyone who has never been to Westminster wants my opinion, I say go for it, have a blast and enjoy everysingle moment. This isnt just another dog show by gosh its WESTMINSTERThe show was over and I know how Cinderella must have felt when the clock struck midnight announcing the Ballhad ended. I anticipated a non-descript return flight home the next morning. There was an unexpected twist becausethere always is with stories such as this. The weather turned overnight from just cold to sleet and snow. It didntseem that bad to me, but it was obviously bad enough that all flights were cancelled. My luggage was already on theplane when the announcement was made over the speakers. Youve seen the news where reporters are standingbehind a backdrop of a million passengers waiting for a flight out Yep, that was us - people in lines, show dogs incrates everywhere. No way out, not a single flight was taking off and it wasnt looking good for several days either.Decided the only way out was to drive. I called to check on a fellow club member to inform him of the news. Iassumed his Golden had left with the handler. Nope, hes in a limo with his Golden and crate in route to the airport.My fiance decides we had better upgrade from a Ford Taurus to a Dodge Caravan to accommodate all the extraluggage. I must admit I may have slightly over-packed for the trip to begin with and it didnt help that I had amasseda fairly large quantity of magazines that I wasnt willing to part with.While waiting for my luggage to magically reappear on a revolving conveyor belt, I began chatting with a lady whohas a Belgium Sheepdog with a service dog emblem. Turns out she is from Dallas also. Im not just about to leaveher stranded at the airport so I told her she was welcome to join us on a little road trip as it were. Notice Im leavingactual names out to protect the innocent, except mine of course.So here we are, four people, a Golden Retriever, a Belgium Sheepdog and a Pomeranian with luggage, crates andgrooming tables galore. We are packed to the gills in a Dodge Caravan. Figured if we could just get out of the citywe could drive to another airport and catch a flight back to Dallas. It wasnt meant to be. We called every singleairport along the way and there wasnt an available seat back to Dallas. Weve passed the point of no return so wedecide if we take turns we can drive it straight though. Conversation is lively with each of us exchanging stories.Wiggles hasnt moved from his initial curled-up spot on my lap and hes keeping my lap plenty warm. If there weresome type of AKC event for lap dogs he would surely be a contender. And remember the lady I was chatting withearlier Turns out shes a judge. I suppose if youre going to pick up a total and complete stranger, a dog show judgeis the way to go LOL. Considering the less than optimal circumstances we really had a good time driving down theinterstate.However, what happened during the trip was a wake-up call for all of us. It was very early in the morning and I wassitting in the passenger seat when the driver suddenly falls asleep at the wheel. Turns out my reflexes are still prettyquick and I manage to grab the wheel prior to the vehicle going down a steep embankment at 70 mph. It is only bythe grace of God that it didnt all go terribly wrong. It isnt important who that driver was, because it could havehappened to any one of us, but what is important is that we all are susceptible to sleep deprivation. So know whatyour limits are before you get behind a wheel.We made a couple of stops along the way, but made it back to Dallas in 28 hours. I dont recommend it by the way.We were all exhausted. What did we all do when we got back to our respective homes We all got a good night ofsleep of course, and then drove the five hours to the San Marcus dog shows the next day. Dog show people reallyare insane.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 415 PM87 I N I n i i i i88 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWI had a great time and look forward to next yearCharlene Marsh, KC PomsIt was just great to see the gorgeous Poms from all over the world, meet wonderful people and have three days of specialmemories to take home. Huge congratulations to all the winners.Mary LatimerHad a great time, meeting new friends and visiting with old. And had a great winLinda Pelz, Texas, DreamWeaver PomsI had a great time at Nationals in Kentucky. I cannot say enough about the wonderful people I got to see again or meet forthe first time, the great atmosphere, the wonderful hospitality and of course all of the gorgeous dogs to seeDebbie Carr, ColoradoThis was my first National to attend. I had such a terrific time, meeting and seeing all the wonderful Poms, ownersbreedersexhibitors. Although very sick with a horrible cold Judge Bivins was nice to my little male Bentley and me. Weshowed in Sweepstakes puppy dogs 9 mos and under 12 mos and regular puppy dog class 9 mos and under 12 mos. We didnot place, but I was thrilled to participate.Paulette Smith, Litil Kisses Poms, MississippiConcerning the Hair Loss Seminar One Word DISAPPOINTED. I was hoping to learn more than we already know. Weknow they go bald we need to know WHYVeronica Winter, Prism Poms, NCI had sooo much fun It was so great meeting you and getting to see so many other Pom fanciers that I have admired fromafar. It was like meeting celebs Anyway, the top 20 was great The catalog for the Top 20 turned out great I bought abunch of old Reviews... so happy to see those there. My suitcase was considerably heavier going homeI just wanted to let you know how much fun we had for my first trip to Nationals.The people in the APC put on a greatshow. Thank you very much We are already planning next years trip.Trish Inman, Gemini Pomeranians, Forest Grove, OR2007 was my 4th APC National, which as each time before was wonderful. My only real disappointment was that therejust was not enough time to spend visiting on a more personal level with all the VERY NICE folks.Jan Stachurski, Tabletop Poms, MassachusettsI am from Birmingham, AL and this was my first APC Specialty. As a novice, I was thrilled meeting so many nice peopleand seeing hundreds of beautiful Poms all in one place.Vikki HighfieldI attended my first APC Nationals this year, and I had a wonderful time. Met people that I only had read about and sawmany very nice Pomeranians. It was a great education.Irene Smith, OregonPlease share your overall thoughts on the 2007 APC National Specialty.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 415 PM8844 4urc' r0Se^i i i i n iini^HAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 892007 National Specialty Louisville, Kentucky2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 415 PM8944I- v'4Miw4inrmm 4NonMJ-ft. A ' '' 2SS88 a V1-.filmwI1 v 4 v"I4ii i i n 4 iini^H90 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 NATIONAL SPECIALTYPHOTOS BY PAT MAPPES BRENDA SEGELKEN2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 415 PM90\ liliiLIIAWia Al0V- iI 1-rAJ. I I. -i, LLI II9 JL,I 14i i i i n 4 iini^HAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 912007 NATIONAL SPECIALTYPHOTOS BY PAT MAPPES BRENDA SEGELKEN2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 416 PM91i i i in44mr i4aAl l 1.A\ nudA-tSTTiffF'Pr-1^_S4492 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW E. Katie Gammill - Lerna, Illinoisindcrk13011consolidated.netwww.indiancreekshelties.comTO WHAT DO WE OWE OUR SUCCESSThe American Kennel Club devotes people, resources, time and effortinto the education of judges. Going far and above their call of duty,they put their money where their mouth is. After ten years, let usbe frank. Do we have better judges, or simply more judges Havethe constant changes to the judging application procedure broughtabout by different judging organizations improved judges, or has itundermined the true intent of the American Kennel Clubs best effortsto produce top notch judgesFirst, guidelines clearly express requirements needed to allow one theprivilege of applying to be a judge. There is no guarantee oneWILL be approved to judge. There is less guarantee one will becomea desirable judge if they ARE approved. How many yearsexperience does it require to qualify one to pass judgment onanothers dogs If the AKC chooses to reward long time handlerswith entire groups, it should be at their discretion. In the sport ofdogs, experience and expertise vary.New applicants today may receive an entire group on first applicationIF they fulfill requirements. At other times, the AKC grants onebreed for one to insure the new applicant understands hisherapproved breed fully before progressing. By not understanding type,judges have the opportunity to damage many breeds quickly. TheTO WHATDO WE OWEOURSUCCESSAKC reps observation assistsjudges who may be off track.They encourage the judge toarticulate the thought processregarding their selections.There are those who cannot absorbALL breeds in a group at one time.Provisional assignments are alearning process. Referring back tothe standard while in the ring isbetter than ignoring a star due toan answerable question. Mistakesdetermine a judges reputation andcan detour the desired goals. Thedog grapevine quickly reportsineptness and bad judgment. Onemagazine addressed the lament ofpoor quality dogs in the ring. Itstated, What judges may see in aring could well be what they deserveto see from past selections of theirwinners. If a judge puts up faultydogs lacking in type, their nextassignment may be dogs of this typeseeking a win.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 416 PM92i i w mw.' JAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 93Exhibitors study judges and theirselections. They form opinions as tothe expertise of the judge in specificbreeds. They analyze what judgeswill, or will not, accept. They thenenter such dogs expecting the dogwill be judged on outstandingvirtues rather than shortcomings.What one judge accepts, anothermay find intolerable in hisheropinion.Ask yourself these questions beforeapplying to be a judge. Why do Iwant to judge Will the exhibitorsencouraging me to apply support meas I progress Do I want to judgefor prestige Do I want to fixwhat I consider broken Can Icontribute to the betterment of thesport People quickly identify thosewho judge for personal gain.Judges can only judge whatbreedersexhibitors bring into thering. It is the breedersresponsibility to strive for excellencein breed type. It is the judgesresponsibility to recognize suchexcellence and reward it.As a new judge, someone maychallenge your selections. The AKCwill also hold you responsible, asyour selection determines thebreeds future.Those truly interested in a sport willexcel and stay on top if they seekout the information for themselvesin venues others never think to look.Winners participate in the sport onevery level, every weekend.Winning is grunt work, picking uppoop, driving all night in theelements. It is spending a weekendwith a caustic mentor who, aftertaking valuable time to assist you,finds the knowledge is ignored. It isold books and old people. It is dogs from the past and research for theirintended function. It is sitting ringside through Groups and Best inShow picking the brains of successful people at every opportunity. TheGroup ring allows the comparing of knowledge to other breeds.The first step to success is showing up. Your best friend is enthusiasmand optimism. Success is judging matches for a tank of gas. It is ringstewarding, heartbreak, unfairness, companionship, and friendship. It islearning to lose gracefully and to win with humility. It is all about beinga good sport.Those who choose to pursue judging goals miss weddings, funerals,graduations, family gatherings, births, and may well miss their OWNfuneral. Everyone goes around once, and in that spin, we all have aresponsibility to contribute the best of our best to the endeavors wechoose to be involved. Our sport once was gentlemans judging ofbreeding stock is changing. What is it nowIt is apparent today many young people have not seen the greats ofboth man and beast. They know less regarding the impact various dogsmade on our sport. They cannot appreciate the dedication of thosebefore us. This was drawn to my attention when a visitor asked whatbreed was in our back kennels. Standing nearby were three you pick itChampions merit award winners. When I identified the breed, they werestunned. Their comment You dont see THAT in the ring today. Thisis sad, but true in many breeds. We are perfecting mediocrity. If the pastis not studied, we cannot pull virtues into the present. Where does thisleave us for the futureDog legislation rears its ugly head. This challenge is ominous. AnimalRights Groups, active in legislation, and forcing their beliefs and agendasdown our throats. This affects our owning, showing and breeding ofdogs. Be aware. Become involved. In this way, we can preserve thewonderful sport of dogs. Success is a necessity and is never convenient.Judges Mentor Seminar, Louisville, Kentucky, March 20072007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 416 PM93ll rM IA's94 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAKC DelegateReport Darrell BakerMeeting was rather uneventful, primarily election of new Board Members. Elected ones wereDirectorsPatricia Haines - Cincinnati Kennel ClubKenneth Marden - German Shorthaired Pointer ClubPatti L. Strand - Dog Fanciers Assn. of OregonSeveral issues were voted upon, but none really applying to Specialty Breed Clubs or Parent Clubs.There is discussion going on at the present time on whether to allow mixed-breed dogs in Performance Eventssuch as Agility, Flyball, Obedience, Tracking, Rally, and others. There are obviously two sides to this issue,some saying it would bring in additional people to such events others saying that such events are already prettywell full, without the mixed breeds. Many feel if this happens it would no longer be necessary to even HAVE apurebred dog for AKC activities. This discussion will go on for some time before solid action is taken ... so atthis point it is probably not of great concern to the American Pomeranian Club.This is still NOT yet in effect, but is being discussed and may BECOME a ruling that Specialty Clubs will berequired to host a Match each year, along with their show, feeling that such matches are an excellent way forClubs to attract new people into exhibition of their dogs. More on this later.Meeting this time was in New York City.... next meeting to be in Las Vegas, Nevada in June. September Meetingwill be in Newark, N.J.Regards to everyone.Darrell W. Baker, AKC Delegate to the American Pomeranian Club.KENNELVisitCheri McDonaldBachman PomeraniansAdvertising Deadline June 1, 20072007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 416 PM944APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 95Sunshine RosesandPrayers and speedy recovery go out to Jan Shar, Sharon Hansons, husband who had a heart attack.City of Angels Pom Club member, Donna Johnsons son was recently killed in Texas. We pray for her strength and courageto face these very hard times.Sincere condolences go to Debby Wheeler who lost her husband, Cary Shaver, March 6. He had not been well for some timebut passed from heart attack unexpectedly. She was planning to attend the specialty in Kentucky until this happened.Please remember PCCI Member Karla Smith in your prayers, whose husband Larry passed away in March.Congratulations to Courtney Johnson, Passion Poms, on the birth of her new daughter Kyra pronounced Keira JadeConover, born February 22. Possibly a future junior handler hopeful somedayPrayers go out to Sandra Jean Baker, who lost her beloved husband Richard recently.We were saddened to hear Margo Kogas dear husband, Marvin, passed away last year. Our prayers are with you and thefamily.We pray for continued healing of Erika Moureaus son, after an accident earlier this year.HUGE BIRTHDAY wishes go to the wonderful Ruth Beam, Great Elms Kennels on her 94th birthday, April 2. A hugereception was held in her honor in North Carolina for her celebration. Ruth is now at White Oak Manor Care Center.Good wishes for a speedy recovery go out to Roxanne Collins brother who had open-heart surgery.Heartfelt condolences go out to the family of Linda Decicco, Aphrodites Poms, on the loss of her future son in law. Lindasdaughter, Amber, was to be married March 4 to Robert James Rickett, age 27. He died unexpectedly February 7. Our prayersand thoughts are with you at this time.Best wishes for a speedy recovery go to Diana Gross, Belstar Poms, on disc replacement surgery for at least two discs in herneck.Prayers go to the family of Lois Abjournson of Sandtown Poms on her passing. Lois may best be known for her infamousBIS Ch. Sandtowns Red Hot Pillowtalk.Prayers go out to Bev Carter, Damascusroad Poms, and daughter Carol who was ill. Surgery was done and we pray she isnow on the way to a full and speedy recovery.Our prayers are with Lisa Stasiuk and Michael Carbno on the passing of their two beautiful Canadian Champions Cdn. Ch.Diogenoir Traditn Rocks North - Nixa last April, and Ch. Diogenoir Coyote Stone - Chakotay in March.Our continued prayers for Dianne Kieffer, Heartland Poms.Ron Smith, husband of Irene Smith OR, underwent cancer surgery in April. We pray for a fast complete healing.CONGRATULATIONS to ALL the winners at the Specialty in Kentucky. The Specialty had another huge entry under JudgeMr. Edd Biven, who didnt feel well. Mr. Biven was still able to do a great job judging and patiently examined every Pomentered. We hope Mr. Biven is feeling much better now. We pray everyone returned from the Specialty well and had a safetrip home.Sunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 416 PM95 INI 4 i i i in496 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contact217 347-5731fame62401yahoo.comKENNELVisitCheri McDonaldBachman PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominatecandidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits.Send information to The Pomeranian Review,Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. CamelotAve., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-3475731. e-mail fame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineJune 1, 2007COMING EVENTSCity of Angels Pomeranian Club will hold its annual specialty show and sweepstakes Thursday, May 24, 2007. Ourconformation judge is William Bergum. Luncheon will be provided by the club, and we are having a raffle. This event is beingheld in conjunction with the Mission Circuit, a four-day series at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds in Pomona, CA.Following the specialty on Thursday are four days of all-breed shows, sponsored by Antelope Valley Kennel Club, San GabrielValley Kennel Club, Los Encinos Kennel Club, and San Fernando Kennel Club. The City of Angels Pomeranian Club issupporting Pomeranian entries for each show, with trophies for BOB, BOW and BOS. Trophies will be glassware, custometchedwith a Pomeranian motif. We hope youll join us for this circuit, with a likelihood of majors every day. For furtherinformation regarding the City of Angels Pomeranian Club specialty show and sweepstakes, receive a premium list, donatetrophies, or to enter, please contact the show secretary Show Chair Blue Ribbon Dog Shows, Rhonda Storm and SusanBleckley, Phone 951-681-1470, FAX 951-681-4181. Show Chair Geneva Coats,, Phone 909-6282271.Thursday,August 23, 2007 - APC National Summer SpecialtyFriday, August 24, 2007 - The Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston SpecialtySaturday, August 25, 2007 - The Toy Club of Greater Houston All Toy Breeds ShowSunday, August 26, 2007 - The Toy Club of Greater Houston All Toy Breeds ShowCrowne Plaza Houston-Brookhollow Hotel, Houston, Texas, www.cphoustontx.comContact Tim and Sue Goddard,, 281 585-4430September 14 - Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana Specialty pending AKC approvalNovember 23, 2007 - Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore Specialty held in conjunction with the Turkey Cluster and theNortheastern Maryland Kennel Club at the Howard County Fairgrounds 2210 Fairgrounds Road, West Friendship, Maryland.2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 417 PM96 INI 4 i i i in4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 97SChampion PomeraniansN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, WI 54636PH 608 526-1051 sandpomscharter.nethttpwww.sandpoms.comandpomsSJandraohnsonPomsPARKVENUEATom Wilson916-689-1222SACRAMENTO, CAparkavepomsyahoo.comPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLEROMCHCH2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 417 PM97II V W EvensongPomeraniansKevin Teresa WhitePortland, OR 503314-9026 www.evensongpoms.comHome of BISS CH LaRajus Palisades Van GoghHko"ChelanesSpecializing in Parti and Parti-factored Pomeraniansr^jrwT v uCM Chrissy CH GunnerCH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker PartiElaine Waugh www.chelanes.netChelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington SteeleKeeper CH RemyV3ImmLinda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww. dream weaverpoms. comouter2mtdtafirtfyrJ. Patrick Farmer, Kevin Hebert, and Sue Goddard HandlersRobert Kennedy j. Patrick Farmer 0 jn i ^kpathouston.rr.com98 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJoe and Janette DallySt. Louis, MO314 389-3275utrkaosswbell.netWhipstaffPomeraniansWhere Type,Quality andSoundnessCountCheri McDonaldcheribachmanpoms.comwww.bachmanpoms.com909-394-7923Southern CaliforniaPhfax 831 336-8285winstarpomssbcglobal.netWalda A. Green8120 Harvard DriveBen Lomond CA 95005PINECREST KENNELSChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherine2404 Reg. Road 57Bowmanville, ON LIC www.manchesterterriers.ca905 697-2488BolahoodElusiveCatherine Jessen4165 E 100 NorthRigby ID 83442208 745-5267PomsandToyPoodles Toys818 352-9536website ShowcasePoms.comPomeraniansShowcaseHome of ExceptionalPomeranian DogsAlane LevinsohnShowcase Pomeranians2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 417 PM98XWINNERPOSITr , .. m.Jb'h 4^1 iI Randy BuskeI BreederExhibitorI Member American Pomeranian Club Puget Sound Pomeranian ClubiViP.O.Box 2408 Buckley, WA 98321360 897-2163 253 740-5060pomtullymytangledweb.comRandyRandyspoms.comwww.Randyspoms.compackman Tonetcuti.XwiNAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 99ShyacresProfessional HandlingAudrey M. RobertsAlvin, Texas - Houston Areawww.shyacres.comaudreyshyacres.comPhone 713 204-7225Assisted by Jessica JohnsonATTENTIONRRRRRegional Pegional Pegional Pegional Pegional Pom Clubsom Clubsom Clubsom Clubsom Clubs Regional Pom Club Eventinformation is published free ofcharge in the Coming Events. Regional Clubs special lowadvertising rates. Reports and photos of Pomspecialties and matches arepublished free.Send coming events, reports,and photos to the editor.BI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GCCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay RoadChehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104fax 360 767-0105email Harris20 Oakcrest AvenueMiddle Island NY 11953631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comAvalonCh. Avalons Prince Matchabelli MonteStarfires Conan the Barbarian xAvalons Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792email infoavalonpom.comweb site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.Inquiries welcome.PomeraniansMountain View PomeraniansPat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477Phone 540-337-2965Champion Regmars Mtn ViewStars Shine2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 417 PM99enuwanePOMERANIANS REG'DU0 a3JEN HFLYNIUK3789 KOI I TE 122 NOKEII LAKE NEW BKUNSWICK CANADA E6H2H6 Poms With Designer Genes Since 1973- i..VTm.100 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SUBSCRIPTIONSPER YEARPUBLISHED BI-MONTHLYSubscription CardSUBSCRIPTION MANAGERCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402San Dimas, CA 91773Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE CID NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 ForeignDel-May PomeraniansDeborah K. Barrett2035 MapledaleFerndale, MI 48220Phone 607 435 5325 Email delmaywowway.com2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 417 PM100 i i i infAi,i4 iLaCueva KennelPomeranians7m.1iSherrilynn I. RogersBreederOwnerHandler3016 Hiawatha Dr Dayton, OH 45414937 275-4062 937 546-1741 Cell lacuevaknlaol.comBreeding for Quality, Not Quantity4APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 101FabyanPomsAlice R. Carlson6009 Edgewater DriveCorpus Christi, TX 78412361-991-5410361-993-4059fabyanpomssbcglobal.netDiane L. FinchCH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS CH FINCHS CHARS MAKIN WAVES PARTICHPARKERCHSPLASHPhone 985 384-7466Fax 985 384-8628www.janesa.comJerrie Freia1072A Landry LaneMorgan City, LA 70380PomeraniansJanesaBred for beauty and soundness of body and mindDiane L. Finch28453 530 th Avenue, Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 - www.finchspoms.comDeJay PomsBIS, BISS CH. FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOTobyDonna MachniakBreederHandlerGroomer517-546-7446www.dejaypoms.comDana CoventryManagerOwner248-258-9259Attorney at Lawfor the Sport of Dogswww.members.tripodfujitsupomsTom Diane ZechFujitsu Poms 360 871-84042007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 954 AM101 i i i i nMILLAMOR POMSKen and Eleanor Miller870 Jersey Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Ph 336-245-9010 Email poms870earthlink.netBreeding again. Puppies avaia6e to Coving Comes.Pauh PrintPomsMVUliSherry4lpauahBccnville, IN 4761 I PH. 812 925 6477 paushprintPomspeoplenc.comLsFinch's Pomeranians Ltd.rr \iL4102 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWKENNELPlease contact the Editor to nominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Send informationto The Pomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 orphone 217-347-5731. Email fame62401yahoo.comVisitCheri McDonaldBachman PomeraniansAdvertising DeadlineJune 1, 20072007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 954 AM1024 i i i in4RivendellPomeraniansCarolyn Bonin4013 Windswept Dr Madison, Al, 35757 Ph 256-830-0897www.knology.netbonincRivendell.htmBISS Ch Rivendell Applauds Janesa "Baxter"alashelPoms and Shot tiesElaine Wishnow718-891-34512351 E. 17th St. Bklyn, NY 11229 Home of quality Poms and SheltiesDREAMKATCHERSTOY DOG SHOW leadsDEBBIE CARRP 0 BOX 67 TIMNATH, CO 80547970 472-1830httpdreamkatchersleads.tripod.comk jwy j A Mp ^ ..THocutfaM ne4tMulti Group Winning BISSChampion Mountain Crest JJDavid Carlene GilstrapP.O.Box 22442Chattanooga, TN 37422Phone 423-987-0266E-Mail^POMERANIANSBon Irene Smith3388B Merlin Rd 358, Grants Pass. OR 97526 541-955-5301 - ponmioiTicharter.nel44APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 103Greggory S WatersCharlene R Waters801-597-3869shimmeree.charlenegmail.comQuality PomeraniansA REFLECTION ON THE WATERS2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 954 AM103SIM in pcmsJohn Michele Arvanites North Las Vegas, NV 702-363-8458 sincitypoms.comj._________ ______SoFine PomsManj Lat imerwwwsoliiiepomscomnianjllmac.com979-690-7179Ch. Moss Meadows Precious LokiMoss MeadowsPomeraniansGina 901 674-0449 gdyemossaol.comLoki is owned by Michelle WilhoiteSugarLamb PomsSnitieLee-Ann www.sugarlamb.caiPBIS CH. JOLVIN HOT ON TOUR HEELS0CowCene - ^JL eafiraPomeraniansJlrCene Otaguro HazeC MiCCer Kj6in Watana6eJlr-Dan's grooming Salon Phone 808-593-2322 -yggcatshawaii.comrVLil-Ponderosa Poms, Reg'dSBminiffRon Sherry CartwrightPhone 715 874-6936 Email Website http www.lilponderosapoms.comKIMPOSSIBLE POM...dreams make all things possible.W "Ben"I Where You Been My Love o LenetteBill and Kim CrutchfieldP.O.Box 2917. Riverside. CA 92516951 313-9652 website www.kimpossiblepom.com104 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAvailable Back Issues 10.00To order back issues or single issues, mail check made out to the APCto The Pomeranian Review, 11139 E Camelot Ave, Effingham, IL62401 or phone 217-347-5731 or Email or youmay order online at americanpomeranianclub.orgThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthlyin Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37per year USPS Bulk, and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates applyto USA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 100.00 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible for the contentsor accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors.Per APC Standing Rule The Editor can refuse any ad. Opinions expressed arenot necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce isavailable only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting oftypesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission ofthe publisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.Alspaugh, Sherri..............................................101Arienti, Fabian...Front Cover, 14, 56, 57, Back CoverArvanites, John and Michele................................103Barrett, Deborah...........................................100Behrend, Joan..................................................98Birks, Joyce....................................................19, 39Bolahood, Catherine.................................98Bonin, Carolyn..................................................102Brandenburg, Carolyn.....................................39Buske, Randy.....................................................98Cabrera, Jose A...Front Cover, 14, 56,57, Back CoverCarlson, Alice.................................................101Cartwright, Sherry.............................................103Carr, Debbie.......................................................102City of Angels Pom Club............................18Cook, Jean Sue.................................................31Coventry, Dana.................................................101Crawford, Karen................................................18Crutchfiled, Kimberly........................................103Dague, Roger and Pat..........................................99Dally, Joe and Janette......................................98Davis, Erik and Annette..................................99Dollar, Sherry..................................................9Domrase, Al and Janet........................................102Farmer, J. Patrick...................................................97Finch, Diane.....................................................101Freia, Jerrie..................................................101Gilstrap, David and Carlene.............................102Goddard, Sue.......................................................97Green, Walda...................................................98Griffith, Ken and Eleanor.................................3Hanson, Sharon...............................................111Harris, Bonnie................................................99Hebert, Kevin.................................................97Hestle, Sally......................................................11Hrynuik, Jen....................................................99Jessen, Catherine...........................................98Johnson, Sandra..............................................97Kaneshiro, Joan...................................................7Kennedy, Bob...................................................97Lambert, Lee-Ann.............................................103Lane, Wendy...................................................5Latimer, Mary....................................................103Lau, Roger....................................................6, 7, 39Levinsohn, Alane.............................................98Machniak, Donna......................................101McDonald, Cheri........................................98, 110McFarlane, Pauline.............................................18Meyer, Barbara..................................................4Miller, Hazel.....................................................103Miller, Ken and Eleanor....................................101Miyake, Sylvia....................................................32Molina, Leeza.....................................................109Moss, Gina...................................................13, 103Norem, Kathryn.............................................2, 100Oganeku, Clarice and Yvette.................................17Otaguro, Arlene...............................................103Pelz, Linda.........................................................97Pom Club of Greater Houston TX.......................10Pom Club of Hawaii.....................................30Price, Lana..................................................12Reimschiissel, Kelly....................................15, 97Roberts, Audrey............................................99, 105Roberts, Natalie.......Fnt Cover, 14, 56, 57, Bk CoverRogers, Sherrilynn........................................100, 108Rosenbaum, Mary.......................................99Sklar, Howard............................................111Smith, Irene.......................................................102Stachurski, Jan..........................................30Takayama, Ellen......................................8Tangkaravakun, Toby..................................106, 107Watanabe, Robin..............................................103Waugh, Elaine............................................97Waters, Gregg and Charlene...............................103Wells, Mike....................................................97White, Teresa.....................................................97Wilhoite, Michelle.....................................13Williams, Gina...................................................16Wilson, Tom.....................................................97Winter, Veronica......Fnt Cover, 14, 56, 57, Bk CoverWishnow, Elaine..............................................102Zech, Tom and Diane.....................................1012007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 954 AM104Pomeranian Review i i rmAdvertisersi i i inCack IssuesasAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 105ColorDEADLINE JUNE 1ColorJuly Augustis our designated COLOR ISSUEPomeranian ReviewGreatGreatGreatGreatGreatAdvertisingAdvertisingAdvertisingAdvertisingAdvertisingRates Rates Rates Rates Rates 2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 954 AM105mr n mTtrcrwv Shy ever to- VOnfcatyel^PgiPTo Ellen Takayama of Vintage Pomeranians "FRIDAYS BIGGEST FAN" THANK YOU so much for loving our old French Fry so much THANK YOU forgiving his double Grandson CH. Shyacres Our Man Samson such a pleasurable time in Hawaii with the Vintage girls GOOD LUCK on your current Sam pups and your future Sam pups We are looking forward to meeting Vintage Royal Salute, a lovely cream sable boy by CH. Samson All our best wishes for continued success in the future with your lovely Vintage PomsAudrey Roberts and Jessica Johnson Shyacres Professional Handlingwww.shyacres.com4BISA AM. ChJ. MX. IhJT. CH. ShyaoryGur Mcmfriday HOf^POMERANIAN RNrf ANNETTE'5MICKYENI"N9Ck Sue 6Higliu in106 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 955 AM106 INI n i i i iT ok tlllfillls Mill li irisnl nr in iiimilii-GRANDSWEEPSTAKESr . uiifip F4rCf kNATIONAL SPECIALTYTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYIhomaspholo30hotmail.coms p-W \ VwVTIi. Can. Cli. Starlight's Dream Comes True x Tokie Trj To Catch Meshe ndii Grand Sweepstakes.She was K champipion as a pippj. She nan to lie National 2007, and lor first daj shown, Thank joi so much ti Judge Frances Stoll for awarding this pnpgj. champion for Tokie lo finish in Thailand last gear.BreederOwnerTobj Tangkaravakun6681-640-0961 - www.tokiepoms.comAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1072007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 955 AM107 INI 4 n i i i iPinmnlmmice a in Tliilail rail Claiiin4Is ir111 ti mmetIll\A A QNALi . I ... WA\ vWJM M iifl'v o ^\\NIN II1 "PK^IlLaV'T^ Ip . iasiTiTill.mTHAI THAI 1Ml RK II Jill II I 111 , I II IN I In n nr ri"Dotchf flinished his Thailand Grand Ghampion hj winning Best In Show and Reserve Best In Show in Thailand, April 2007. Be was 3 Pomeranian AH Breed Bjstemj in 2006Tohj Tangkaravaknn0081-040-0901 - BangkokThailandT108 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 955 AM108I I I I I n i i i iM tJ '[ foTiis proudh announce Two New 222 Champs... in One Weekend boy is out of my last Ch Magic OH LsjCLISVSjO OfJ0 fOLICjrj OOOlCJThis handsome orange boy is out of my last Ch Magic litter. After finishing many champions from the puppy classes and for clients over the last 15 years, I finally held one back to finish from the BBE class. He started his show career in the late Spring of last year at almost one year of age. He took third in the large BBE class at the 2007 National Specialty and went on to garner a 4 pt major at the Louisville All Breed shows after the Specialty. At his next show, 2 weeks later, at Pittsburg, he took WD and BOW for a 3 pt major to finish his championship from the BBE class. I am so proud of him. Tuffy is available at stud, by private treaty, to approved bitches.CH TIM SUES DIXIE DYNAMIC MILLAMORS DYNAMIC CHIPJOLLY WEE DIXIE OF TIM SUE CH CASCADES DYNAMIC MAGIC MANCH BEV-NORS SPECIAL EDITION CASCADE BEV-NORS BLACK VELVET BEV-NORS SPANKYD EBONY CH LACUEVA'S ONE TOUGH COOKIETERIMARS CLASSIC AMERICAN LEGEND CH REGINAPOMS READY TO RUMBLE CH STARFIRES WONDER WOMAN REGINAPOMS RUMBLE LENADIMONDES FLYNN FIRE CROWN CH DIMONDES FLYNN'S ZIEGFELD GIRL DIMONDES SATIN SEDUCTRESSThis gentle-natured and sweet little orange sable girl just loves and kisses everybody she meets... even the judges win or lose. She has wonderful type and phenomenal movement but sometimes too excited and antsy, making it difficult to show off her good movement because she wanted to just fly around the ring. We spent some time working on that and we just had to live with the little circle she wanted to make at every turn in the ring because we weren't going fast enough for her. Obviously the judges didn't mind because she finished with 3 majors from the BBE class. She has been bred to CH Tuffy above with puppies due May 4. Serious inquiries only.r cy3RD PLACEEXHIBITORRED BYfrNATIONAL SPl.1RAPHYTHOMASthomaspho manI taf uwane Debutantsnmtr4\1VCh Jenuwane Caught You Look N X LaCueva DHCrew Patti's Legacy, an Int'l CH Jessica's Casanova granddaughterCongratulations to Ellen Takayama on your Kennel Visit. I love HawaiiProud BfederOwnerHandierL30U- Ki nnel Poms, Snemlynn Rogers, Dayton, OH 45414, e-mail LaCuevaknlQaol.comAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1092007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 956 AM109RETRO GUNSHY OF POMERANIAN WORLDNETHERLANDS IMPORT BjBBREEDER INGRID GUNN OWNERHANDLER LEESA MOLINANOORDELOOS IS PICTURED WITH JUDGE MR. DAVID M. KROUGH AWARDING WINNERS BITCH FOR HER FIRST 2 POINTS.ALSO, A THANK YOU TO MS. CHRISTINE SALYERS ANDERSON FOR HER AWARD OF BEST OF WINNERS.CONGRATULATIONS TO ELLEN TAKAYAMA ON HER WELL-DESERVED KENNEL VISIT.110 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4132007, 956 AM110rm m mnOPPOSITE SEXMMiiiiU . uvi-ajiBtjaL0WJSAN DIEGO i POMERANIAN I CLUB. INC. f 1f ' IVYM7 PHOTOS by KITWINNERSDOG 'trSAN DIEGOr-V i v ' ' T'.- POM CLUBSire BISS AmCan. Rodi's CR King of Gondor Dam Bachman's Precious Star RubyOrion earns his first Major going BOS over specials at the San Diego Pom Specialty. Thanks to Judge Ms. Marcia S. Dobkin for this wonderful win Orion also won Best in Sweeps the same day. Orion's beautiful movement and sparkling personality are reminiscent of his grandmother Ch. Bachman's Precious Jewel who was our first Bred by Champion, and we're hoping Orion is our next.While at the Nationals Orion placed 4th in the 6 to 9 Sweeps class under judge Fran Stoll.Congratulations to Ellen Takayama of Vintage Poms on her kennel visit.Breeders OwnersCheri McDonald Beverly Tiaga Bachman Pomeranians909-394-7923www.bachmanpoms.comTAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1112007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 421 PM111 INI 4 n i i i ijai-srar pomsH. JAN-SHARS LITTLE UAR' x V.v\rK.'AWARD OF MERIT t 4C4"NATIONAL SPECIALTYkMTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomasphoto30hotmail.comPictured here with Joyce and Judge Eilil llivin. Sire-t il. JW SIIAItS FRESH OFF THE FARM ROM Ram-tl JAX-SHARS BEAUTY IS MV RIISIAESS Owner HOMARDSKLAR Handler JOYCE MclOMISKYJAI-SHARS JUST ONE LOOKPictured here with Tish and Judge Fran Stoll. Sire Ctt J1YSHIRS FRESH OFF THE FARM ROM Dam H. JA\ SHARS FAIREST OF THEM ALLfiaf ^--3SWEEPSTAKESBESTOPPOSITE JUNIOR PUPPYNATIONAL SPECIALTYMMTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomasphoto30hotm3il.coniSharon Hanson Jan-Shar Poms - ponisjanshar.com112 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWtony cabrera2007 MAY JUNE Pom Review.p65 4122007, 421 PM1124vVrrI9i f1l-TClei1i .tn4AH .imm,rf 4 if Jrjm I I I I I