The Pomeranian Review July 2007

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JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 1Tom NuttingA-N Productions2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1043 PM1JIrDThe Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.nerairiw,VAVI JVa ITliner,A A-F- Ok. TtV ' J mmtVANimAStM A2 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1043 PM2mr n i i i iJ ifttCfakk l MMyfPs92007opCarpenter.\XvThank you Mr. Louie, Jerry and Mike, who are taking care of mpBreeder and OwnerMr. Suradej Ekviriyakit Mr. Je-mail address - Mobile number 66-8-1-823-7333Bangkok, Thailand4JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 32007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1043 PM3CH LOVE N COUNTRY I BELIEVE IN MEMEDoes it again'nW,1m C--V vm isImBEST OF BREEDVARIETYHOUSTON ennel club_______2007COFffT PKOfO BYPATTY SOSA9B5-845-J OFlyMeMe strutted her stuff at the Houston Kennel Club Show and won BEST OF BREED against some very nice specials.We would like to thank Judge Jackie Hungerland for appreciating MeMe again. It is an honor to show and win under your very distinguished judging.I would like to thank my Houston friends for the gracious rounds of applause when we were in the group ring.JACKIE HIRSHBERG TINKER TOI POMS4 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1043 PM4Multiple Best In ShowCh Eagle reeh' s Homin'It Up, HOF, G1 Pom - All Systems and M Toym fltfi .ni LJ' v Christina Freitag 2007^ j. rExclusively Handled by BreederOwnerHina M fetter, PUG. Kathryn I NoremAKC Registered Handler Knox, INLima, Ohio - www.englecreehpoms.comSTTD v VJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 52007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1043 PM5 I N I 4 n i i i i4Sugarlamb Pomeranians11 iscrDean Dennis Piototfrapiy 2007tSf Group 2ndT k AT-orest Cty 5Kennel Club' '' 'ISk ' ' Jwyi .Judge David MarkusHottie came out for a "Special Appearance" one day only. She earned the Group 2 in the morning and completed her Canine Good Neighbor title in the afternoon.Hottie is a "King", BIS BISS AmCan Ch. Jolvins legacy of Ginger granddaughter.Breeder Jolvin Kennels Melvin and loan Beechmb PomeraniansOwnerHandler Lee-Ann LambertCanada - mcqtnt21.coin - - phone 519-396-646476 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1045 PM6iT. ozterataiACfis^n-^r4BEST OF WINNERS IMNATIONAL SPECIALTYHwm .1At only one year and lour months, Mamasita wins include BOW APC National in Kentucky 2007, Junior Peruvian Champion, Two BIS in Peru, World Champion 2007 Mexico, American Champion, Mexican Champion, Three BOS and BOB at Mexico World Show 2007.L---J \ THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomasphoto30fhotmail.comWaiOTV9 simaAIn Mexico, Stariire's Mamsita was BOS three days and one BOB. She has three new titles irom the World Dog Show World Champion, American Champion and Mexican Champion.BESTOFWINNERSBESTOPPOSITE SEXMagic PomsOwner Luisa Leon, Lima - Peru Phone 511 999-79780 e-mail magicpomsyahoo.esBreeders Tony Cabrera Fabian Arienti Handler Mr. Luis MendozaJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 72007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1045 PM7mr 4- n mPRESENTING4CJ[Zorros JJronJamesCh.Canterburys Mark Of'.orro Lottos Mistress Of The Might'tr -ni "ST OFJNNERS331PENN TREATYKICKS COl'.YH KEXNEL CLUBIM 1 MAY 5th.I 2007Perry Phillips 1oLeBron was shown to his Championship by Vikki Oelerich and by my good friend Daniel Yona. He finished with no less than FOUR majorsHis first two weekends out, he received three 3 point majors, and then his final weekend he finished by going BOB under breeder judges Mrs. Jackie Rayner, and then WDBOW for his fourth major under Mr. Fred Bassett. Thank you Vikki and Daniel for finishing my boy in style LeBron is my first homebred champion and has made me very proud.Thank you- All of the judges who appreciated LeBron- Vikki and Daniel for finishing LeBron in style- Brian Incorvaia for sharing your grooming expertise so that I could groom LeBron to his very best.ypiro PomeraniansFran Zozzaro tel 718-769-6531 email zorropomsaol.comw8 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1045 PM8'WOKwt C m. . .Uh aT3fcpv vlV ak\ .MLk11 jg mi 1 t0FV^j ' mmMUGFEcCTTPIWCT ^ mk WINNERSRIO HONDO KENNEL CLUB, HOLLOWAY PHOTOSire AmCan Ch. Rodi's CR King of Gondor Dam Bachman's Precious Star Rubya mThanks to the following judges who helped Orion rise to the top Mrs. Martha M. Olmos-Ollivier, Ms. Marcie Dobkin, Dr. Steve Keating, Susan Nikkei, Ms. Sandra Goose Allen, Mrs. Isabell J. Staffers pictured and William J Dolan, all from the Bred-by Class. Thank youCeleste for suggesting this breeding the first time you-saw Star in persondt was a match made in heaven.1 ' 41Cheri, I am so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. You're a beautiful daughter who has worked very hard tojmprove the quality of your Poms over the years. Congratulations on your Kennel Visit. Thank you for including me in all of the-many aspects of raising these precious Poms. It's been such a delight to watch Orion become a champion in such-a short time. Seems like yesterday he was a puppy and we were watching him grow into the beautiful Pom he is today.BreedersOwnersGheri McDonald Beverly Tiagalouj ftlotKBachman Pomeranians www.bachmanpoms.com4JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 9Hello everyone my name is Cheri McDonald and mykennel name is Bachman Poms. Im sure you know me Imthe one who sends you those pesky Pom Review renewal cards.Im from sunny California and live in a small western townright in the middle of the suburban area of Los Angeles. SanDimas is about 45 minutes from just about everyplace in thesouthland, the ocean, desert and our local mountains. When Ifirst started out with Poms I was still married. We had boughta black and tan Pom from a pet store and that was it for me. Ithought King was beautiful until I went to my first dog showand realized he looked nothing like the Poms I saw in the ring.In 1995 my husband and I split up and later divorced.My love for the Poms is what helped me through that toughtime. The last year we were together we had bought a nicelybred girl from a local breeder and bred her to one of his males.This was the very beginning of Bachman Poms and this litterproduced two girls one of which was Bachmans Queen Anne,a bitch behind all my dogs. Queeny was the matriarch aroundhere for many years. She kept everyone in line in her own quietway. I lost my Queeny about four months ago to mammarygland cancer at age 12.Right after my husband and I split up I moved to SanDimas to be closer to my mom and stepfather and of coursethe family business which I worked at. I rented a small backhouse in the old part of town. It was perfect for me and thePoms except I had to keep the number of Poms I had to aboutfour. I never knew when the landlord would stop by Having tokeep my numbers down in the beginning taught me to be veryselective on what I kept. I could only keep a few so they hadbetter be the best quality I could get. During this time I alsohad all girls. I was very fortunate to have some local breedersallow me to use their males.BachmanCheri McDonaldPomsL-R Queeny checking out the next generation Bachmans Queen Anne guarding her cookies. Bachman Kennel Visit ContinuedCheri McDonald and Diamond in the Group ring.2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1045 PM9I I I I I 4 n i i i iJFkilr 1l[mir4i jfl- VO'_4 4W7WOolaa woWO-_ v P410 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWIn 1995 I had joined the City of Angels PomeranianClub. I also started to go to the dog shows even though I hadnothing of my own to show. Many times back then Id go inthe ring with a friends dog just trying to get some experience.Over the years Ive been very active in the City of Angels PomClub, holding many different offices from President, VicePresident, Board member, Secretary and Show Chairperson.The first pom of my own breeding that I showed in thering was Bachmans Lady Lexus, whose mother was Queeny.Lexus was good at doing anteater impersonations in the grassin the beginning but later got the hang of it, just in time tocome into season. I decided to breed her. Tammee Felix fromSunGlo Poms, whom I had met at the shows, suggested I contactLana Price of Lanas Pomeranians. After talking to Lana onthe phone my Mom and I went out to meet her at her place. Ididnt know it then but that was the start of a great friendship.I bred Lexus to her male Cory, Ch. Nguyen Cory Loverboy ofGQ. Lana had several beautiful boys, but Cory was a nice linebreeding.Ch. Bachmans Lady LexusThis breeding between Lexus and Cory produced myfirst bred by champion, Ch. Bachmans Precious Jewel. Jewelwas special and you could tell she knew it too. The first time inthe ring at six months four days old Jewel earned WB andBOW. I was so shocked I didnt know what had happened. Iremember Curtiss Smith telling me that she earned a majorbecause the points crossed over. I dont even think I knew whatthat meant back then. I still had so much to learn especiallyabout grooming. I knew if I was going to show her myself, Ihad better get some help with grooming. I was fortunate enoughto be able to have Karen Crawford groom her for me. It was agreat learning experience and it allowed Jewel to always lookher best and not be held back because of an inexperiencedowner not trimming properly. Jewel finished very fast withvery limited showing. During that time I was busy makingstained glass trophies for the City of Angels Pom Specialtyand was only entering Jewel one day a weekend so I couldwork on the trophies the other weekend day. When I was makingthe trophies I said to myself that I wanted the Winners Bitchtrophy and sure enough I got it. That probably was the mostmemorable win for me because it was at my own clubsspecialty show. I remember the judge, Michelle Billings saying,Thats a very nice bitch, as she handed me Jewels winnersbitch ribbon. Jewel ended up finishing with five majors.Jewels first breeding wasnt the one I had initiallyplanned, I had wanted to take her to one of the top dogs at thetime but he wasnt available so Lana Price let me use one ofher boys, Primetime Thunderation, Tex. There were two puppiesand I kept her daughter, and we named her Bachmans PreciousStar Ruby. My mom fell in love with Star and wanted to keepher. How could I say noBy this time my mom, Beverly, and stepfather Tedwere more and more involved in the background of myinvolvement with the dogs. I was still working with Ted at hisCh. Bachmans Precious JewelBachmans Precious Star Ruby2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1045 PM10i i i i n INI oJ-l7iesLf. ' t,4i"MW. J v 0i I r ,' y- ' " ' Hir - ,wmma w Qii i.S5.1-IetV4,ft44JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 11business Golden Eagle Mfg in San Dimas. I had been bringingmy mothers with young puppies to work as well as a few ofthe older ones every day. Golden Eagle wouldnt be rightwithout a Pom or two running around the front office. Tedsfavorite stress releaser was to get down on the floor in themiddle of the office and let the Poms climb all over him. Tedhad a favorite Pom of his own named Duke. Duke came towork with Ted every day until he got really sick withpancreatitis. His pancreatitis was so bad that Duke developeddiabetes and needed insulin shots two times a day. Duke alsohad BSD and went through several hair growth stages andended up passing away at 8 in 2005. 2005 wasnt a goodyear for us as Ted passed away in the end of October. I hadfound Ted collapsed on the floor of his office one morningfrom what we now know was an aorta dissection. He was rushedto the hospital and had surgery but ended up in a coma fromlack of oxygen. He improved some over the next several monthsbut ended up having a heart attack in a rehab facility. Since hisdeath I have basically taken over at work doing a lot of whathe used to do. We have some great employees and now mymom, Beverly, and I are working hard at keeping Golden Eaglealive and well. We think Ted would be very proud of us. ThePoms still come to work of course. It wouldnt be the samewithout them.Bachmans Precious AlexandriteBack to the Poms, Jewel had two other litters. Hersecond litter she was bred to Bobiis Demolition Man Omichaand this breeding produced a girl I kept named BachmansPrecious Alexandrite. Ali didnt like to show but she was agreat mom. Jewels last litter she was bred to Ch. MountainCrest JJ who was staying at Alane Levinsohns for a while.This litter produced Ch. Bachmans Precious Diamond andhis little sister Bachmans Lil Precious Jewel. My mom andTed had to keep this little girl named Precious. They didntthink it was right for me to sell Jewels last daughter. She grewto be a whopping three pounds.I bred Ali back to her grandfather, Cory, and thisproduced Ronnie, Ch. Bachmans All American. It was duringthis time that I had a great friendship formed with DaphneBowyer of Bowbell Poms in Australia. We had become goodfriends spending lots of evenings messaging on MSN. She hadseen pictures of Ronnie when he was a young puppy and whenshe found out I was probably not going to keep him asked ifId be willing to sell him to her. I was flattered and since I waskeeping Jewels son Diamond, Id be willing to let him go toAustralia. I wanted to have Ronnie finished in the U.S. beforegoing, so I sent him to Audrey Roberts to be finished. He didquite well with her. Soon he was an American Champion andit was time for him to leave. He has done very well in Australiafinishing his Championship very fast, and he even earned backto-backBest in Shows.Grandma with Precious and DiamondAm. Aust. Ch. Bachmans All AmericanBachman Kennel Visit ContinuedI had kept my Jewel son, Diamond, for myself to showbut I wasnt doing very well. Diamond was a handful and hejust wouldnt behave for me no matter how many handlingclasses we went to. I ended up calling Celeste Solano of CRPoms to inquire about breeding to one of her boys one weekendand ended up talking to her about sending her my Diamond to2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1046 PM114l4ISsvr ' A^7 4 _f^wm14 QAw4m n 4 1 1 1 1 1 12 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWBachman Kennel Visit Continuedhandle. She said she liked challenges and would love to showa JJ son. Celeste worked hard with him and got him showinglike a million bucks and finished him for me. Celeste even tookDiamond to Canada and put a Canadian title on him too. Icant thank her enough since I just adore Diamond. Hes alwaysmaking me smile and hes the first boy I kept of my ownbreeding, and now I can see why people always say they lovetheir boys.After Lexus had a few litters I took her back out intothe show ring and put five points on her but it was hard to getthe major wins and I knew she was just getting older. I knewshe was worthy of finishing and didnt want to waste anymoretime so I decided to send her to Joanne Reed to finish for me.With Joanne, Lexus finished in style getting a five point majorat the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty in Oregon. Onceshe was back home a Champion I repeated the breeding thatproduced Jewel. Of course I never did get another Jewel butthat combo of Lexus to Cory just clicked there are two otherchampions produced from that combo Ch. Bachmans MiniCooper N Cameo and Ch. Bachmans My Dream Porsche.Cooper was sold to a friend of mine named Karen Betz. Shewas just starting out and since I was keeping Diamond I let herhave Cooper. Cooper and Karen did well together in the ringbut it was hard to get those majors. Karen ended up sendingCooper to Celeste to finish. The other was Ch. Bachmans MyDream Porsche. Celeste owns Porsche now and she finished inthree weeks once she got into the ring. Lexus only needs onemore Champion for her ROM and I think shell have that thisyear. Her last son, Johnny, Bachmans King of the Road, Imhoping will finish soon. His sire is Celeste and Bob Solanosboy Strider, Ch. Rodis CR King of Gondor.Celeste and I both needed some new blood so weswapped girls. I was fortunate to get Ch. CR Princess ofMischief. Bob, Celestes husband, had finished Princess duringthe same time Celeste was showing Diamond. Princess alsoCh. Bachmans Precious DiamondCh. Bachmans My Dream PorscheCh. Bachmans Mini Cooper N CameoBachmans King of the Road2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1046 PM1244V. i5K. _ _______XIu___ln\fWyE'-JL-.v^ A tvsV"Li'f5SSp0i.1 k ,-yi45 __svmTTSr 1TOk fii i4m n 4 i i i i i JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 13went to Canada and earned her Canadian title. Princess hashad one litter for me and she turned out to be a great mother.Princess was bred to Cooper and the puppies are a nicecombination of both parents. Im excited to start showing theirdaughter Beauty, Bachmans CR Mischievous Beauty, soon.Celeste and Bob shared one of their nice bitches withme and Im very thankful, especially since everyone kept tellingthem they were crazy for letting a bitch like Princess go. Celesteand Bob always take great care of my dogs whenever theywere visiting. The only time I get to visit Celeste and Bob itseems is when I can slip away from work for an out-of-towndog show. Its always nice to visit with both of them and Imalways coming home with some new piece of great informationwhether it is about grooming or handling.My Mom and I had sent Star up to Celeste to be bredto their Strider. Star and Strider produced my newest Champion,Bachmans Brightest Star. Orion is reminiscent of hisgrandmother Jewel. He knows he is something special and justloves to show and has never known a stranger. He coverseveryone in kisses, even the judges. My Mom and I both wishthat Ted could have been around to see him as Ted was alwayssaying that he wanted a boy that looked just like Jewel.Since I loved Lana Prices Cory I had the opportunityto get a nice Cory daughter named Penny, Lanas CenterfoldPin-Up from Lana. She was a nice brood bitch and alwayswas a free-whelper and excellent mother. She was mated withLanas Ronnie, Ch. Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself. In thislitter, Penny had four girls and they all survived. I kept oneand shes named Bachmans Calendar Girl and another one ofthe sisters is with a very close friend Laurie Koehl. Laurie wasrecuperating from surgery at my house when this litter wasborn and she fell in love with one of the little ones. In anothermating Penny was bred with Celeste and Bobs Beav, Ch.Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second ROM. This breeding producedBachmans Wild Wild West. Wes is with Celeste and so farhes earned five points including a Major at a specialty.About six years ago I moved into another house inSan Dimas to help my Mom who was taking care of mygrandparents at the time. They were getting older and mygrandmother had the beginning signs of Alzheimers and theycouldnt live alone anymore. My grandfather passed way in2003 and my Grandmother is still doing well but shes nowliving in a wonderful retirement home. She had fallen and itwas just getting too hard for my Mom and I to take care of herand run Golden Eagle. My mom and I were being stretchedtoo thin. We see Grandma often since shes only a few milesfrom work.The house I moved into is set up nice. Theres a familyroom thats connected to the kitchen and this is where I spendall my time and so this is where the dogs hang out. Theres adoggie door built into the wall that goes out onto a coveredpatio. The backyard can be split up so I can have the boys andCh. CR Princess of MischiefCh. Bachmans Brightest StarBachmans puppiesBachman Kennel Visit Continued on Page 162007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1046 PM1344f____3 QQM51'4i i i i n 4 iini^H14 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1047 PM1449mnTopper is pictured here on May 26, 2007 at the San Gabriel Valley Kennel Club, finishing his Championship by going WDBW for a five- point major under Judge Mrs. Suzanne Dillin.Handler is Owner Leesa Molina.Congratulations to Tesha Girth on your Junior feature.2ft. Gomhiedan G^op, a cTlve cSineT o p p e rm.v.Congratulations to Cheri McDonald I wish you continued success with the Bachman Poms.You are a very talented breeder and artistQvltieA. ea QtCoOina, - - 3CanBex 0Kicfieffle. daufflin iB'KMn. - eeAa 0ltana44JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 152007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1047 PM15I I I Imr44Cameo PomeraniansI would like to introduce "Lady Geneva" sired by CH Bachman's Mini Cooper N Cameo and "Sir Galahad" sired by CH Bachmanps Precious Diamond. Both are showing and doing greatm-11 l. o..V1. .V3 W7' Vr MC. , I7^ AU4Special congratulations to Cheri McDonald on your well-deserved kennel visit.You have made my dreams come true. Thank you for your friendship and encouragement.Your favorite Bachman fan,rJCaren BetzCameo Pomsm5 r a " M16 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWBachman Kennel Visit Continuedgirls separated if I need to. I have a sliding door in my bedroomso I have easy access to the backyard. In my bedroom, I havea 4 x 8 x-pen set up. This is a perfect place for girls when inseason or if someone needs to be separated. The floor in thefamily room is laminated flooring but the rest of the house iscarpeted. There are doggie gates keeping the dogs from goinginto the other parts of the house. When my grandparents werehere, it was important to keep the dogs away from the frontdoor in case the front door was left open and to keep the dogsfrom being underfoot.I do all the whelping in my bedroom. I like to use 2x3puppy pens and raise the floor up so its easier to reach themother and puppies. I have two pens one in each corner of mybedroom setup for the mothers. If theres a mother that doesntlike having other dogs around I can move her to the sparebedroom. Thankfully Ive only had a few like that most dontmind. When Im whelping I spread all my supplies on my bed,turn on the TV and just wait. Ive learned a lot about whelpingfrom Lana Price. Shes been a godsend on many occasionsand shes always been available on the phone for whelpingquestions. Lanas been a wonderful mentor and I wouldnt knowhalf of what I do or be where I am in my breeding programwithout her. Shes willingly shared her knowledge and her dogswith me and Im very grateful to her for that.I have health tested a lot of my dogs. Ive done theOFA thyroid, patella, CERF eye tests and OFA hips. Lexusand her daughter Jewel both have OFA Excellent hips. I alsotake my young puppies to a vet I trust and have their kneesgraded and their hearts listened to before I decide what Imgoing to do with them. Here in California we have to be verycareful and disclose everything we can to a potential puppybuyer so they dont came back and get us at a later time. Ithink besides the coat loss problems, heart and knee problemsCh. Bachmans Precious Jewel at four months.are the next biggest concerns.Over the years Ive done several co-ownerships. Someof them have worked out great while others went bad. Overall, Id say that Ive benefited from co-ownerships and that itsimportant to work with people who are like-minded. I alsothink its important to have things in writing. Not so much forthe legal aspects, but because I think its important for thedifferent parties to know the rules and know whats expectedof them. If you say youre going to do something, do it. Doesntmatter if you later decide that its not something you want todo. If you gave your word about something follow through.Thats probably the one good piece of advice to people juststarting out. Dont be afraid of co-owning just make sure youfollow through with what you agreed with. When I first startedI did a co-ownership and it was a tough agreement to live withbut I made sure I did.Id like to thank Brenda for asking me to tell my storyand to thank some of the people who have made my journey inPoms a pleasant one. My mother, Beverly Tiaga, and my latestepfather, Ted, for their unending support and love, Lana Pricefor her friendship and knowledge, Celeste and Bob Solano fortheir friendship and great knack for handling my dogs so well.Thanks also to Tammee and Dan Felix, Daphne Bowyer, LaurieKoehl, Karen Betz, Alane Levinsohn, Reed Adams, GenevaCoats, Donna Johnson, Leesa Molina, Lori and LindseyKamrath and all the other Southern California exhibitors. 2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1048 PM1645JPy4MIGAfj'_____IICongratulations CheriThanks so much for all your support in birthingTiny with me.You are a devoted and caringbreeder.I am so fortunate to have received from you, my CH. Mini,The most loving Pomeranian in existenceWishing continued success to a dedicated breeder,A fine person and friend,Cheri McDonald.All the best,Monica Gayle Kern andCH. Absolutely Pabulous Mini TinyJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 172007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1048 PM17i i i in4IIIrrrMulti BIS Aust. Ch. Am. Ch. Bachmans All American aka RonnieCongratulations to a very special friend on your well-deserved kennel visit. Cheri you have accomplished so much with your achievements to date and you have shared some of your best, for this I am forever grateful.Best wishes on all your future endeavours.Proud OwnersDaphne Bowyer Jfljm Belinda McGuinessBowbell PomeraniansSydney, Australiawww.bowbellpoms.com418 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1048 PM18^raci wttrself Uy black and tw\\tr' cfm w. st rtr-w.'MNERESER^HO^VRIO CEUnmeeKtPW OfNMWCILBlue Moon Pomeranians present Merimaur's Heaven Sent, "Phoebe" and Janesa's A Black N Tan Affair, "Devo". This dynamic duo is being shown as a brace in Southern California handled by Lindsey Kamrath. Both are well on their way to their championships with six points for Phoebe and nine points, one major for Devo.Special thank you to Judges Isabel Staffers pictured and Lorraine Boutwell for ^ ^ their most recent points, and to Curtiss Smith for handling Devo to hisfour-point major.__ Blue Moon Pomeranians would like to congratulate Cheriwww. bluemoonpomeranians .com on her recent kennel visit. It's always a pleasure to see you at shows.X tytAsey 4wlJ[jmJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 192007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1048 PM19rmrcqc.'winners oogPuget Sound PomeTanlanCWu jOn rilS-iMApri\S,2WHRoberts VtotosWesn i i i iBachmans Wild Wild West"Wes"Winners bog and Best of Winners 4 pt major at the Puget Sound Pom Specialty under Judge Michael bachel Placed 4th in 9-12 Puppy at the Nationals BreederCo-Owner Cheri McbonaldCh. Bachmans My Dream Porsche"Porsche"Finished in three weekends with several BOW in tough northwest competition Breederco-owner Cheri Mcbonald SEPTEMBER\OPPOSITE SEX KOHLERCongratulations Cheri Mcbonald on your feature this month We treasure the special dogs you have shared with us and wish you all the best in the coming years.Thank you for your friendship and supportRobert Celeste Solano www.crpoms.comT20 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1048 PM20 INI 4 n i i i iNew PREVIEW VIDEO CLIPS BEFORE YOU BUYFREE LEAFLETS INCLUDED WITH EACH VIDEO GROOMING TIPS,EQUIPMENT NEEDED AND WHERE TO BUY IT, AND HOW TO TRIM EARS.Have you ever wondered how the Poms in the showring and pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, "Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford," by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video, preview video clips, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail Pauline McFarlane at, or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.4We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to useAMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Pom'Congratulations to Cheri McDonald of Bachman Pomeranians on your Kennel Visit.ranian Grodwill WnimingKaren Crawford. Xitable PomeraniansandJohn and Pauline McFarlane, FoxxLane PomeraniansMAHALOI would like to say a warm Hawaiian "Thank You" to all of you who supported my kennel visit in the last Pomeranian Review. Your thoughtfulness and kind words were greatly appreciated. Pictured is our latest Samson puppy.Congratulations to Cheri McDonald of Bachman Pomeranians on her well- deserved kennel visit.VlNTflGie pOMORflNIflNI.Ellen Takayama4zJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 212007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1049 PM21 INI n i i i iCb. SnnGlo's lust Lookin For TroubleJACK BAR Tmm wms V, t BEST OF BREED^ SAN FERNANDOKENNEL CLUB HOLLOWAY PHOTO.' L T-V' ISnickers was Best ot Breed at the San Fernando Kennel Club under respected fudge Mrs. Kay Badclitt.We would like to congratulate our dear triend Cheri McBonald and her beautilul Bachman Pomeranians on their feature this month. We've had a lot ot laughs and a few tears over the last ten years.We would like to congratulate Lefesha Girth on her lunior live feature this month.Ban and Tammee Felix SunGlo Pomeranianssunglopomsatt.nethttphome.aff.nefsunglopoms22 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian Club of Central Indiana, Inc.Will be holding our 5thAnnualPomeranian Specialtythe evening ofFriday, September 14, 2007At the Boone County 4-H FairgroundsLebanon, IndianaRegular Classes - Judge Eugene BlakeSweepstakes - Ken SpringerWeekend shows will be Greater Lafayette Kennel ClubSuperintendent Roy Jones Dog Shows.Show SecretarySherri Alspaugh5400 Lee Acres DriveBoonville, IN 47601812-925-6477paughprintpomspeoplepc.comShow ChairpersonJanice RussellIndianapolis, IN 46222indypomsbcglobal.net2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1049 PM22 SPomeranian Club of Central IndianaJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 23Lenette PomeraniansBreeders of fine Poms since 19571440 Pom Orchid LaneKannapolis, North Carolina 28081Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 - K. G. Griffith - OwnerCh. Magic Moments of LenetteCh. Music Maker of Lenette x Vanna White of LenetteHandler Vikki Oelerich 516-795-4058Thanks, Vikki, for doing such a nice job showing Moment.Congratulations to Vikki Highfield and her new Ch. Highfield Ring of Fire of Lenette Ch. Band of Gold of Lenette x Jorja of Lenette.We have two nice show prospect males for sale at this time - one orange and one red.One sired by Band of Gold and the other one by Ch. Magic Touch of Lenette.Best Wishes to Cheri McDonald on your kennel visit.www.lenettepoms.com2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1049 PM234kmbcest9N J y----------- 4 - , .tmk \-r P tr t .^rm jamsimBEST OF WINNERS Is6HARRISBURGKENNELCLUBAPRIL 14, 2007 TOM DIGIACOMOSbwCJ24 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAdvertisers Index......................................................84AKC Pom Point System..........................................70APC Board Summary Janice Russell............................45APC National Specialty Info..............................76APC Officers...........................................................31APC Specialty Judges Critique...................................42APC Statement......................................................31APC Stats Joan Behrend.........................44, 47, 48, 49APC Summer Specialty Information......................76APC Sweepstakes Correction.....................................42APC Veteran Sweepstakes Results.............................42Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.....................................32Back Issue Information..........................................84Central Carolina Pom Club Results....................74, 75City Of Angels Pom Club Results........................50, 51Color Color Color....................................................86Coming Events....................................................76Cover Story..............................................................24Health and Genetics Geneva Coats.........................52-55I Heard It On The Grapevine Katie Gammill..................72Junior Showmanship Letesha Girth.........................40-42Just FUR Fun.........................................................61, 85Kennel Visit Cheri McDonald...........9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16Kennel Visits, Future Features.................................34, 46Letter To the Editor........................................................35Liver Shunts Sally Baugniet............................................71Membership Report Annette Davis...............................30New Champions Joan Behrend.....................................49Northern California Pom Club Results......................35Performance News Barbara McClatchey..................62-67Pom Charitable Trust.....................................................33Pom Talk Roxanne Collins.................................68, 69Presidents Report Cynthia G. Boulware........................34Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis........................36-39Rescue..................................................................56-60Review Advertising Rates.....................................28Salute to Our Armed Forces...................................82Subscription Card.....................................................80SubscriptionReview Information............................80, 84Sunshine and Roses...........................................60Ways and Means Donna Riehm....................................46Website Address............................................................30Front CoverSire Ch Jan-Shars Fresh Off The FarmDam Ch Jan-Shars Beauty Is My BusinessCeasar finished his championship at 7 months of age with 3 majorsand a BOB win over specials. He was Best In Show puppy at EasternDog Club all breeds show, under judge Barbara Keenan. He wonAward Of Merit under Judge Ed Bivins at the nation specialty atLouisville at 10 MONTHS. With very limited showing he has acquired 1Group 1, 4 Group 2s, 5 Group 3s and 3 Group 4s. We would like tothank all the judges that have found him worthy.Front Cover Photo by Tom NuttingA-N ProductionsHandler - Joyce McComiskeyHandler - Joyce McComiskeyHandler - Joyce McComiskeyHandler - Joyce McComiskeyHandler - Joyce McComiskey318 458 9034Breeder - Sharon Hanson Jan-SharBreeder - Sharon Hanson Jan-SharBreeder - Sharon Hanson Jan-SharBreeder - Sharon Hanson Jan-SharBreeder - Sharon Hanson Jan-Sharpomsjanshar.comOwner - Howard SklarOwner - Howard SklarOwner - Howard SklarOwner - Howard SklarOwner - Howard SklarShrevesport, LACH. JAN-SHARS LITTLE CEASARCeasar2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1049 PM24ContentsI1-c. 22-JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 25MEMORIAL TO THE KINGLee-Ann and King2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1049 PM25IN MEMORY BIS, BISS AMCANCH JOLVIN'S LEGACY OF GINGERMy dear friends, There are no words I could say to ease your loss. The "King" wasn't a show dog. He was so much more than that. He was a beloved family member and friend. Though he has slipped from this earth, his light will continue to shine in the light of his grandkids eyes. I see him in them everyday at home.He will always be a part of this home.Beth Shattuck.giivlEh 9L ML, ivyPHOTOGRAPHYBESTIN SPECIALTYffiISPOMERANIAN CLUB OF CANADAiJULY 1999The King and II found out today that a legend had passed. I hadn't known the "King" long but cherished each and every visit I had with him.I remember clearly the day we met as if it were yesterday. I walked into his home and felt the comfort of his kingdom all around me. Oh I knew these folks he owned loved dogs very much. I was lead out to the back yard to enjoy the Pomeranian subjects running around.And then I saw him ... "Who was this guy", I inquired softly. "Oh," they said, "That's the King." I bent down to get a closer look. He was not as big as I'd imagined, but what legend ever is He was pushing ten years by then and yet he still had a presence about him. "Can I hold him Can I take his picture" The King was gracious in allowingme to cuddle him.Isoved and sadly missed by Mel and Joan Beech Jolvin KennelsWhile I know there are many great Pomeranians in our past, present and future, you were my first glimpse at the Pomeranian I hope to someday create. Goodbye King.Lee-Ann Lambert26 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1051 PM26 I N I 4 n i i i i4CH Evensong's President ReagansReaganv- Hnd,.dVEes\ BreedBesUtWMets\tHEW CHAMPIONMl Baker Krmo\ CVub May 19.2007Roberts PhotosBISS CH LARAJUS PALISADES VAN GOGH X BEAU JAMES WHISPER O PEARL MOONThank you to the following judgesMr. Wick Carter BOW 4 point major, Mrs. Carol A. Williams BOW,Mrs. Sally Ray Baugniet BOWBOB, Mrs. Lesley E. Hiltz WD,Mr. Warren D. Hudson BOW 4 point major, Mr. Kent H. Delaney BOWBOB4BreederTERESA WHITEEVENSONG POMERANIANSKEVIN AND TERESA WHITE Portland, OR 503 www.evensongpoms.comHandler JEFF NOKESJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 272007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1051 PM274DamascusEmilypictured at 13 years of age,two days after she became a New Champion roadPOMERANIANSis proud to introduce Emilys great-grandson Harley, our first fourth generation championA.' ' . f ,Tsstmmm jjrtrjgpr,im 5is\CH Damascusroad Deepsea Harlequin HarleyBIS AmCan CH Chriscendo Call to Arms ROMXx CH Damascusroad Deepsea StreamCongratulations Cheri and Bachman Poms on your well deserved kennel visitfour generations of champions Beverley A. Carter88 Conception Bay Highway Holyrood, NL Canada, A0A2R0it shows at 709-229-1783www.damascusroad.cabevcarterdamascusroad.cawww.damascusroad.ca28 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWEditor...........................................................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager...................................................................................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comProofreaders................................................................................................Cynthia Lankford, Joan Behrend, Becky SabourinAdvertisement Manager.......................................................................................................................Joan Behrend6 Richmond Blvd, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 PH 631 366-2330 mzjoanoptonline.netBusiness Card Manager..................................................................................................................................Kathyrn Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 ecpomsearthlink.netSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class...............................45.00USPS Bulk.........................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico.............55.00Foreign.....................................100.00Single Issue.....................................10.00Back Issues....................................10.00 Advertising RatesFront Cover Color.......................600.00Back Cover Color.............................450.00Inside Front Cover Color................300.00Inside Front Cover BW..................125.00Inside Back Cover Color.................300.00Inside Back Cover BW.....................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color........................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW...........................125.00Center Spread BW........................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.....................275.00Full Page BW...................................100.00Half Page Color................................150.00Half Page BW.................................60.00One Quarter Page............................40.00Business Card 6 ......Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25each additional black and white photos are 10 each.SUPPORT THE APCSUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian ReviewBrenda Segelken, Editor11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401-7460Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...............OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1........................................MarAprilApril 1.......ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1.............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......................................SeptOctOct 1..............MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDec.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeThe Pomeranian Review2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1051 PM28i i i inThe Pcmeranian ReviewThe Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.44JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 292007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1051 PM29CH Honeykist N Millamor In HarmonyBest of OppositeCentral Carolina Pom Club Specialty To finish with a 5 point MajorSire Millamor's Makin My Way Dam Honeykist After The Gold RushI idjtfA4 -4Jr. lionand minti'aNEW CHAMPIONBEST OF OPPOSITESPECIALTYCENTRAL CAROLINAPOMERANIAN CLUBTr VhtoyMWThank youMaynard Wood for your wonderful presentation and care of Harmony.Thank you Eleanor Miller for entrusting me with her beautiful sire Sunny.Thank you JudgesMr. Lawrence E. Stanbridge WOS 5 PtsMr. William Cunningham WBWOS 3 Pts Mr. Timothy Catterson WBW 3 Pts Dr. Harry Smith WBW 3 Pts Mrs. Ruth Zimmerman WBWOS 1 Pt Mrs. Vicki Abbott WOS 1 Pt Dr. Harry Smith WBBW 1 PtMr. Richard M. Chashoundian WBWOS 1 Pt Mrs. Neena L. VanCamp WOS_ - J armonChristine BousquetHoneykist Poms 434-277-8918 Lowesville, Virginia30 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgMost major credit card are accepted, as well as checks,money orders and PayPal. Payments for subscriptions,advertising and club fees may be paid athttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.org391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello, ID 83204208-234-0932infoavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting onthe applicants whose names are published in the Review,are to go to Janice C. Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N Dr.,Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be receivedwithin 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. Seethe APC WebSite or contact AnnetteDavis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERSKarleene Morrow ORSponsors Cynthia Bradley, Terry RothellMary Ellen Jasie AZSponsors Diane Finch, Carolyn CrockettGeri Wm. Arnold ORSponsors Celeste Solano, Walda GreenMichael, Christina Blake Jr Armstrong COSponsors Merilyn Smith, Derrik SharpGena Mike Zglinski TXSponsors John Zieba, Olga BakerCarol Rebecca Jr Silverberg CASponsors Alfredo Lapuz, Diane FinchJ. Patrick Farmer TXSponsors Carolyn Crockett, Erika MoureauJeanne R. Heger ILSponsors Judith Mechiz, Paulette ZeccaJulia M. Smith KSSponsors Betsy Owens, Noble InglettChantelle Danielle Miller COSponsors Charlene Waters, Elizabeth HeckertRobert Bob Kennedy TXSponsors Kevin Orr, Erika MoureauJennifer Smith COSponsors Charlotte Meyer, Celeste SolanoMary Latimer TXSponsors Erika Moureau, Linda PelzIrene Ronald Smith ORSponsors Merilyn Smith, Celeste SolanoCharlene Marsh COSponsors Charlene Waters, Erika MoureauAPPLICATIONSSherry Dollar TXSponsors Sue Goddard, Olga BakerBuff A. Webb ARSponsors Babe McCombs, David GilstrapGeorge Janice Smith PASponsors Carol Leemhuis, Camilla KnightDebbie Hollander INSponsors Lauretta Flynn, Cathy GouldCheryl Sidney Martin INPATRONS2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1051 PM30Membership CeucrtAnnette DavisJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 31AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT...................................................................................CYNTHIA G. BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142 PH 972-962-3872 Fax 972-962-3872 e-mail lovencountryearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT............................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792 PH 218 749-1154 Fax 218 741-9435 e-mail janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.....................................................................FRANCES J. STOLL2488 E Hwy 50, Washington, IN 47501 PH 812-254-3857 Fax 812-254-3254 e-mail stolanne650dialup.comRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................JANICE C. RUSSELL 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222 PH 317 924-9093 e-mail indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.................................................DANA COVENTRY1185 Banbury Court, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 PH 248-540-4888 e-mailcaninelegalaol.comTREASURER....................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375 PH 281351-9516 Fax 281 351-6620 e-mail ........................BOARD OF DIRECTORS............................Sally Baugniet David Gilstrap Judith B. GreenJackie Rayner Donna S. Riehm Greggory WatersJACKIE RAYNER, DONNA RIEHM, DAVID GILSTRAP, GREGG WATERS, FRANCES STOLL, JANICE RUSSELLERIKA MOUREAU, DANA COVENTRY, CYNTHIA BOULWARE, JANE LEHTINEN, SALLY BAUGNIETThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection andadvancement of the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested in joiningthe APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review CirculationManager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692.You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1052 PM31I I I I I mr Av I41Ii\P\\k.-NrHH k vftrJ'^L \ '7'p i i wm4 4432 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWA sk Us Anything Annette Davis, CNOur question for this issue is My Pomeranian puppy is a picky eater. What can I doThe first thing to consider is the overall health of your Pom. Intestinal infections or other physical ailments cancause a lack of appetite. A physical exam and fecal exam by your veterinarian is a good place to start.Other suggestions to stimulate appetite are as follows1 Try several different premium foods to see if there is one your Pom likes better than others. Table scraps andfoods that contain sugar, artificial colors, etc. must be avoided.2 Supplement B Vitamins as they stimulate the appetite. Pet Tabs Plus or Human infant vitamin drops withoutiron work well for this purpose.3 Disturbances in the intestinal flora can cause a lack of appetite. Add a probiotic supplement or plain yogurt tothe diet.4 Mix some freshly cooked meat into your Poms regular food.5 Add some greens to your Poms diet. Spirulina, Nurpo, or The Missing Link work well for this purpose.Spirulina is especially effective to regulate the appetite in cases of anorexia or obesity.In serious cases where your Pom is regularly experiencing hypoglycemia1 Keep your Pom comfortably warm at all times and avoid stress.2 Use Nutri-Cal, Pedialyte or Gatorade, and a heat pad in emergencies. See your vet if you cannot quicklyrevive your Pom.3 Treat any parasites or infections that may be present.4 Add finely chopped, freshly cooked meat to goats milk and offer it several times a day. Gradually mix in yourdogs regular food. Make sure you see your Pom consume his meal at breakfast and dinnertime. If your Pomrefuses the meat and goats milk, offer a mix of the following A.M. and P.M. use a syringe to slowly dropper itinto your dogs mouthAsk Us Anything Continued2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1052 PM32--'-rJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 33g 1 teaspoon Dyne or Nutri-Cal 1 teaspoon plain yogurt 2 teaspoons Pedialyte or Gatorade use the clear kind without artificial color teaspoon Spirulina powderIf your Pom is eating nothing except this mixture, you will need to feed it 3 times per day. If he is not drinking orappears to be dehydrated, in addition to the above mixture dropper plain Pedialyte or Gatorade into his mouthevery couple of hours. Continue to encourage your Pom to eat regular food and drink water. Once his health andappetite improve, you will want to wean him from the Dyne or Nutri-Cal as soon as possible.Our next question is My daughter is allergic to our Pom but doesnt want to give up her pet. Is there anything Ican doYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello ID 83204208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792e-mail infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htmAsk Us Anything ContinuedThis past month, the first round of jewelry that was donated to the PCT to fund raise was offered atauction on eBay. It brought in 174.00 after expenses. We thank both the original donors and thosethat bid so generously. In June, more pieces of the donated jewelry will be placed on eBay auctionalong with the Pomeranian purse designed by Timmy Woods. Please open your hearts when bidding forthese lovely items. The funds will be designed to help with research grants for Alopecia X.The PCT was also the beneficiary of a generation donation of 200.00 made by Luisa Leon Segura ofPeru. In addition to this, her chief employer sent in a 1,000.00 donation. It is wonderful to knowthat Pomeranian welfare is a concern worldwide. And it is reassuring that this Trust is able to gatherinternational support and pinpoint its efforts appropriately.Hopefully this summer, its website will finally make its appearance. Also, this summer two otherpublications will feature articles on Alopecia X and the Pomeranian Charitable Trust Fancy Publicationsis having an updated Pom feature issue due out in July and Purinas Pro Clubs July newsletter. POMERANIAN CHARITABLE TRUST2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1052 PM33 I N I 4 i i i in434 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWDue to Cindy Boulwares unforeseen dire personal circumstances, it was necessaryfor the APC Board to place, in accordance with our By-laws, First VicePresidentJane Lehtinen as Acting President. The Board wishes Cindy goodhealth and renewed strength to return to serve as soon as possible.Janes long-time board experience and leadership skills presently leave APC in capable hands.Dear Brenda,I found your address in one of Auth Ruths magazines so I could send you a thank you note for thefabulous birthday card you made for her 94th birthday party and all the effort you put forth gettingpeople to sign it at the specialty. What a wonderful gift - so thoughtful and great fun.Auth Ruth Ruth Beam has really enjoyed reading it and seeing how many signatures she recognized.Thanks for giving her and her party so much publicity. She is a great lady and will be missed in theworld of pom breeding.Sincerely,Gwynne RountreeEditors Note A big thanks to everyone who signed Ruth Beams birthday card at the NationalSpecialty in Louisville, Kentucky and at the show in North Carolina. I failed to count the signatures,but with your help, it was quite a success. There were signatures from Pom fanciers around theglobe. We are very pleased to have helped make Ruths birthday celebration special. Ken Griffithreports the birthday card is proudly displayed on a chair in her room so anyone upon entering canread it. You made it specialLetter to the EditorKENNELVisit Janell Reich - Janel PomeraniansSeptemberOctoberAdvertising Deadline August 1, 20072007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1052 PM34 I N I n i i i ifrom the PresidentCynthia C. EculnareSLBIG KAHUNA^JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 35Sweepstakes Judge Audrey RobertsBest of SweepstakesBachmans Brightest StarBest Opposite of SweepstakesJan-Shars Katy Bar the DoorRegular Classes Judge Darryl Vice6-9 Dogs1st Park Avenues Doubl Platinum2nd Melodylands Dream Come True9-12 Dogs1st Smoky Mtn Rain of Lenette12-18 Dogs1st Jan-Shars A Force to Reason With2nd Cinbows Poetry in MotionBred-By-Exhibitor Dogs1st Larajus Collateral Damage2nd Bachmans Brightest Star3rd Palisades Townsend First Edition4th Vixen Debonair DiamondAmerican Bred Dogs1st Ltds Simon Sez of Koy2nd Mr. Bs Stewart LittleOpen Dogs ROCS1st Serafinas Luc Lessard2nd Park Aves Red Hard and Delicious3rd Park Avenues Poetry in Motion4th Jan-Shars Perfect TimingOpen Dogs BBB1st Redhots Nightlife at PalisadesNorthern California Pomeranian ClubSpecialty Show ResultsSaturday, April 21, 2007Winners DogSerafinas Luc LessardReserve Winners DogLarajus Collateral Damage6-9 Bitches1st Park Avenues Cinnamon Girl9-12 Bitches1st Cinbows Good Golly Ms Mollie B2nd Park Avenues Barbs Little Dira3rd Vibrantlys Coco ChanelBred-By-Exhibitor Bitches1st Jan-Shars Just One Look2nd LTDs Gimme a Chance3rd Park Avenues Whats Love Got ToDo With ItOpen Bitches ROCS1st Cinbows Prim-A-Donna2nd Serafinas Diva of Townsend3rd Jan-Shars Shall We Dance4th Joarts Secret Treasure at LarajusWinners BitchJan-Shars Just One LookReserve Winners BitchCinbows Good Golly Ms Molly BBest of WinnersSerafinas Luc LessardBest of BreedCh. Valcopy Janels SpidermanBest of Opposite SexJan-Shars Just One LookBest Bred ByLarajus Collateral DamageStud DogCh. Cinbows Dandy Lion2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1052 PM35V-Q 1I rf Vt0.l 4,36 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHistorical AwardsAPC Historical Awards must be applied for. These titles are given to Pomeranians by The AmericanPomeranian Club. They may be used as suffixes to the dogs registered name but may not be used whenentering official AKC events. The dogs receiving these awards need not be owned by an APC member.If you feel your dog is eligible for a Historical Award, please apply for it. Please check the APC webpageto see if your dog is listed as having earned an award. httpamericanpomeranianclub.orghistorical_awards.html. If your dog is not listed, please do not advertise your dog as having received anaward magazines, pedigrees, etc.. Please send applications and inquiries to Carol Leemhuis, APC HistoricalAwards Registrar, 2318 Rose Garden Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15220. Lets get those new awardspublishedOffspring titles for ROM, ROMX and ROMS may come from conformation Ch., obedience CD, trackingTD or VST, agility NA or NAP or NAJ or NJP or Rally RA. Only the first obedience, tracking,agility or rally title level is credited. No offspring will be counted more than once toward a parentsROM title, regardless of how many titles that offspring acquires. Only AKC titles are counted.Register Of Merit ROMTo qualify for this awarddogs must produce 6 or more titled offspringbitches must produce 4 or more titled offspring.Register Of Merit Excellent ROMXTo qualify for this awarddogs must produce 15 or more titled offspringbitches must produce 6 or more titled offspring.Register Of Merit Supreme ROMSTo qualify for this awarddogs must produce 25 or more titled offspringbitches must produce 10 or more titled offspring.Hall Of FameTo qualify for this award a Pomeranian mustwin an all-breed Best In Show, orwin an all-breed High In Trial, oracquire a conformation championship Ch. and a Companion Dog Excellent CDX title, oracquire an Agility Excellent AX or Utility Dog UD title, or Rally Advanced Excellent RAE title orearn a perfect 200 score in obedience competition.Gold ClubTo qualify for this award a Pomeranian mustdogs must win 100 Best Of Breeds andor Best Of Opposite Sex to Best Of Breeds, orbitches must win 50 Best Of Breeds andor Best Of Opposite Sex to Best Of Breeds, orwin back-to-back Group 1s, orwin back-to-back High In Trials, oracquire an Obedience Championship OTCh, or Utility Dog Excellent UDX, or Champion Tracker CT, or MasterAgility Champion MACH title, oracquire a combination of 3 different titles, one each from conformation, obedience, tracking or agility.2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1053 PM36 I N I 4 n i i i i4BEIS'9vXr UIom44JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 37HALL OF FAMECH Tim Sues Flying High DOwners J Patrick Farmer, KHebert, S GoddardPomAcres Iridescent Dragnfly AXAXJ RA DOwner Lois Fae MorkasselGOLD CLUBCH Tim Sues Flying High DOwners J Patrick Farmer, KHebert, S GoddardREGISTER OF MERITEXCELLENTCH Finchs Walkin After MidniteDOwner Diane FinchStarfires Strawberry MarmeladeBOwners Jose Cabrera FabianArienteREGISTER OF MERITCH Jan-Shars If Looks Could KillDOwner Sharon HansonCH Finchs Chars MakinWavesParti DOwner Diane FinchREGISTRARS CORNERCarol Leemhuis2318 Rose Garden RoadPittsburgh, PA 15220Home 412 344-8257RegistrarAmericanPomeranianClub.orgSince being appointed as the Historical AwardsRegistrar, I have had a big goal to find a way that allPoms who are eligible for Historical Awards receive them.It isnt the dogs fault that as humans, we dont alwayscommunicate well and stay in touch regarding offspring,that we forget to submit applications, that ownershipchanges or unfortunate circumstances prevent applicationsfrom being submitted or that we just dont know toapply. So, in my quest to be an advocate for all Pomeranians,I have solved the problem for dogs born after 1980.Using an AKC report including all titlists from 1980through March 2007, the following new historical awardsare confirmed.Hopefully in time I will be able to obtain copies ofthe old Gazette Award Books from 1900 through 1980which would complete the American Pomeranian Clubrecords. If anyone lives near the AKC Library in NewYork City and would like to help with photocopying forme, please contact meHistorical Awards are granted by the American PomeranianClub Registrar using the criteria on the previouspage. Applications for awards are normally submittedto the Registrar with proof of eligibility. Please continueto submit applications and contact me with questionsif needed.New AwardsRegistry Of Merit ROMCH Emcees Jackies Esther Bee BCH Lynnwrights Tony Soprano DIf the owners of these dogs wish to receive Certificatesfrom the American Pomeranian Club for these awards,please contact the Historical Awards Registrar.2318 Rose Garden RoadPittsburgh, PA 15220412 344-8257j.leemhuisworldnet.att.net2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1053 PM37 i i i in4Eeaistrar leiurl Card Leemhuism5E j'V4438 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1053 PM384 i i i inAPC Historical Awards ApplicationName______________________________________ DateFull Address______________Telephone________________Name of Pom______________Applying for GC HOFList the win along with the date and event name, or acquired titles below attach a separate sheet of paper for any that will not fit hereE-mail Dog____ Bitch4 4 Important Please see the APC web site, Historical Awards section, for current GC and HOF requirements.Include copies of the AKC title certificates, AKC Awards pages, awards records from the AKC online store httpwww.akc.orgstore, or InfoDog results pages to document the required wins or titles.All applications along with supporting documentation should be mailed to the APC Registrar address also on the APC web site and in current issues of The Pomeranian Review.Revised 1101JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 392007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1053 PM394 i i i inAPC Historical Awards ApplicationName_____________________________________ Date__________________________________Full Address_______________________________________________________________________Telephone_________________________________ E-mail_________________________________Name of Pom_____________________________________________________D Dog____D BitchApplying for ROM ROMX ROMSNames of titled progeny attach a separate sheet of paper for any that will not fit here4 4D Important Please see the APC web site httpwww., Historical Awards section, for current ROM, ROMX and ROMS requirements.Include copies of the AKC title certificates and AKC registration certificates, or copies of the "AKC Awards" pages announcing the titles, or awards records from the AKC online store httpwww.akc.orgstore, for each progeny.If your dog has previously been awarded the title of ROM or ROMX, the progeny used to acquire those titles should not be re-included on this application.All applications along with supporting documentation should be mailed to the APC Registrar address also on the APC web site ans in current issues of The Pomeranian Review.Revised 110140 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJuniorJiveLetesha GirthLife with TroubleBy Letesha GirthI have always had a love for animals, especiallydogs. My passion for dogs grew even more when inJune 2003 my mom, Sandy Girth, purchased herfirst show Pom. I was seven years old at the time.Although our Pom knew what he was doing in theshow ring Mom and I took handling class. Weattended our first show in August of 2003, and two wonderful things happened that changed my life. Firstwas meeting a wonderful lady, Betsy Owens, who saw we were inexperienced and offered her expert helpin grooming. Since then she has become our best friend, mentor and Pom Mom. After they finishedshowing for the day I asked Betsy how old you had to be to show. She informed me Juniors had to be 10years old at that time, but any age can show confirmation. Immediately my eyes got as big as silverdollars. With my mom already being nervous about showing dogs and me pleading all night, she agreed tolet me show the next day. Now I was off and running.I entered every B-match I couldto sharpen my handling skills.At first my dad, Ron Girth,didnt want anything to do withshowing dogs. But after we hadgone to several shows, wetalked him into taking thecamper and watching us show.It was at that show in earlySeptember that we got himhooked on the show world.In September of 2004 our Pom,Serafinas Rush Hour akaDuece, finished his championship. InJanuary 2005 AKC lowered the age tostart Junior handling to nine, at thattime Duece and I began Juniorshowmanship competition handling.Before long I had won my three novicewins to move up to the open juniorclass. I fell 2 wins short of qualifyingfor the Eukanuba Nationals. At onetime during 2005 I was ranked 8 in theAPC junior handlers of Poms. I startedshowing my Beagle part of that yearwhich affected me staying in the top 10.I was proud of what I had accomplishedin 2005. During this time I spent all myextra time watching all thePoms in competition and theGroup competitions. I learnedby watching others, butbecame very fascinated withone Pom and his handler. Hewas CH. Puffpride SweetDreams Parker and NobleInglett.Over time we became friends.In May 2005, Noble didsomething that changed mylife. Noble asked us to takecare of 2 small puppies,2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1053 PM40i i i in4jjy__________LJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 41because he was traveling a lot.The little boy started playinggames of grabbing your pantlegs when our back was turnedand tugging. Mom startedtelling him he was nothing buttrouble, which became hisname. Officially he becameNobles Messin With The Bestaka Trouble. I was excited tolearn he was a Parker grandson.Parents are CH. Nobles BornTo Perform Jag and CH.Nobles Step Aside BoysKendal.Trouble and I spent a lot oftime together. When he wasalmost a year old we thoughtNoble was going to find him ashow home so we asked him ifwe could start showing him toget him used to the show ring,he agreed this would be nice.His first show was Claremore,Oklahoma, in April 2006. Thefirst day, he panicked in thebuilding, laid flat on the floor,and wouldnt move an inch formy Mom. All that afternoonand evening, I worked withTrouble and got him walkingfor the next day of showing.We went in the ring and had agreat time although he tried towalk between my legs at onetime during the down and back.He got 2nd out of 5 in his class.For the next 2 weeks I workedwith him to get his tail and earsup.We next showed in Harrison,Arkansas, with Noble watching.Noble decided at this point hewas no longer looking for a newhome for him. At our next showTrouble won winners dog bothdays. Noble and I were bothexcited. It was at this point Noble askedme to co-own Trouble with him.Trouble was to stay with me, and wewere off and running.It took a lot of hard work to get himconfident enough in the ring to use hisears. Throughout the summer Troublepicked up all his singles and one of hismajors. It wasnt until January 2007before he got his last major. We decidedto Special him some to keep him sharpin the ring. He hadnt quite coated upbut was still getting some serious looksfrom several judges. We showed at the2007 APC Nationals in March and hada wonderful time in Best Of Breedcompetition and Juniors.In April 2007 we had our first BOB winand a Group 4 placement at the KansasToy Dog Specialty. When we went intothe Group ring we didnt think we had achance because a lot of top-ranked toydogs and top handlers were in the ring.But Trouble gave 100 and we madethe first cut of eight dogs. I was verynervous and excited at the same time.The judge had made her first 3picks for group placements, asshe walked towards the endwhere I was. I thought she wasgoing to give it to the dog infront of us, but to my surpriseshe picked Trouble for theGroup 4 placement. I felt likebursting out into tears, and Idid. My dad was standingoutside the ring with a milliontears running down his face.Once I came out of the ring, Ithought he was going tosqueeze me to death when hehugged me. I knew this wasonly the beginning becauseTrouble is full of type andmovement I love him verymuch and he means the worldto me. He sleeps with me everynight.I would like to thank all thewonderful friends and familywho have supported me andcheered me on, with specialthanks to Noble for giving meThe Girth family Shawna, Jared, Ron, Tesha, Sandy and Kyle.2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1054 PM41I I I I I 4 i i i in1__'wwA442 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWthis chance and Grandma Betsy for the expert advice and love. Also, special thanks for the grooming my mom does toprepare for the show and my dad for the last-minute touch ups before we go into the ring. But, most of all thanks for thelove and encouragement they gave Trouble and me. To all the people out there showing good luck and remember, whenyoure messin with the best, youve got TroubleTesha Girth lives in Rogersville, Missouri with her parents, Ron and Sandy, along with her 18-year-old brother, Kyle.Teshas sister, Shawna, and brother-in-law, Jared, live in Highlandville, Missouri.Junior Jive ContinuedCORRECTIONCH PAWGRES DENNIS MENACE.POMERANIAN, VETERAN DOG 6 YRS UNDER 9 YRS.1 CH PAWGRES DENNIS MENACE.Owner Courtney Ted Johnson Patricia Murk.2 CH HEARTLANDS KNIGHT N DAY.Owner Laurie Otis.3 CH. DHCREW ROCK-N-RUMBLE.Owner Cindy Onosko.4 CH. TRESSTIGVE NO BULL IM CUTE.Owner Bonnie Harris.POMERANIAN, VETERAN DOG 9 YEARS UNDER.1 GOLDKIST ROCKIN KNIGHT.Owner Barbara D. Meyer.POMERANIAN, VETERAN BITCH 6 YRS UNDER 9 YRS.1 CH WARRIOR PRINCESS BEBE.Owner Owner Ann M. Berryman.2 CH ZANARAS SAND PEBBLES.Owner Carolyn Brandenburg.3 CH GLEN IRIS CASTLE IN THE SKY.Owners Gena Sisneros, C Jackson, I Taylor L MyersPOMERANIAN, VETERAN BITCH 9 YEARS OVER.1 CH. SOUTHPAW TERALL MIS-BEHAVEN.Owners Leanne Wilkins Sandra Shaneyfelt.2 MOUNT N CREST MISS HOLLYWOOD.Owner Sherri Alspaugh.BEST VETERAN IN SWEEPSTAKESCH PAWGRES DENNIS MENACE.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST VETCH WARRIOR PRINCESS BEBE.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB NATIONAL SPECIALTY MARCH 2007VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RESULTS2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1054 PM424 i i i i nSWEEPSTAKESBESTVETERANNATIONAL SPECIALTYjk4 4 njujuiLMttn-f ILMIV^ WiIk A,NEWCHAMPION\ BEST OF WINNERS 3REENVILLE MISSISSIPPI KENNEL CLUB JANUARY 2007 GARDEN STUDIO. INC. PHOTO BY GREGjr EGROUPPLACEMENT 4M riA -- 1ai. v^iwJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 43For many months I had anticipated the judging of the American PomeranianClub National Specialty. To be certain, I was not disappointed. I must saythat the respiratory infection did not help. Exhibitors were very kind to putup with my coughing for two days. I did enjoy the show and could not helpbut compare the entry to what I remember from the other occasions uponwhich I had judged the event.As is the case in all breeds, qualities are cyclical. Some things improvewhile others decline. The breed, regardless of what some think, is generallybetter than it was at one point.Heads are better than they were for many years during the time when wehad so many baby faces with muzzles too short and eyes large. I did seesome questionable bites. Ears have always been a problem many are still big and poorly set.The length of leg and overall balance seems to have improved. Only a few exhibits appeared to be long in backand body and very short on leg. Tail sets and croups are generally not good. The problem is exacerbated by thelack of understanding of what tails and sets should be. The incorrect trimming of tails only exaggerated the badsets. Tails should be flat into the back with an extension toward the head, not a teacup shape sticking straight outof the back. Coat texture was better than one might expect with some very good standoff coats.I thought dogs were generally stronger than bitches, but I had good representatives in all classes. The puppy dogclasses were very nice. I was impressed with the bred by dogs and certainly the open dogs. My winners dog,Magic Moments of Lenette, was a short bodied excellent coated dog who was not a great, but adequate,showman on the day. The reserve winners dog, Jan-Les A Time Willcome, was a similar type and quality.The winners bitch and best of winners, Starfires Mamasita, was a small bitch, an excellent showman, of verygood quality. She had a great tail set and carriage with head back over her back in a very typical form. Thereserve winners bitch, Chars Forever Diamonds, came from the puppy bitch class and was a very promisingpuppy.The Best of Breed competition was great fun. The breed winner was joined by several nice Awards of Merit. Thespecials bitches were generally lacking coat a condition so often present in bitches. Best of Breed, Ch.Starfires Here Comes Trouble, and Best of Opposite Sex, Ch. Moss Meadows Precious Toki, pleased megreatly. Good type, sound movement and correct presentation put them over the top.Presentation was better than I had expected but most know my position on trimming. The breed is a doublecoated breed you simply cannot trim the guard coat off down into the undercoat and have the breed in coat ascalled for. I still go back to the fact that we trimmed Poms fifty years ago, but we operated on the premise thatthe best-trimmed dog was the dog that you were least aware of his being trimmed. You did not trim main coatwith a straight-line scissor neither did you trim significantly the day of the show. On the other hand, today, feet,hocks, ears and pasterns can be better trimmed.The committee and officers of the club did a great job. If you have never participated in putting on one of theseevents, try it. It is a tremendous responsibility. The venue was good for judging with adequate lighting but a bitwarm on the day. Thanks for your support in my judging of this breed that started my involvement in the sport. Istill love the breed and enjoy judging it.American Pomeranian Club National Specialty - March 2007Judges Critique - Mr. Edd Bivin2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1054 PM43i i i in4WTY'IF^IV J___444 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTop TenExhibitor, Breeder,Junior ShowmanshipThe Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet, you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.Top Exhibitors5 Diane L Finch3 Jill P Beitel2 Fabian Arienti2 Joan Beech2 Melvin Beech2 Christine Bousquet2 Jose A Cabrera2 Charlotte Creed2 Darlene L Davis-Thompson2 Nina Fetter2 Lisa M Goodman2 Sally Hestle2 Hazel Miller2 Charlotte Meyer2 Arlene A Otaguro2 Annette Rister2 Sherrilynn Rogers2 Robin Watanabe2 Trish WhitleyTop Breeders5 Diane L Finch4 Charlotte Meyer3 Laurie Otis2 Fabian Arienti2 Joan Beech2 Melvyn Beech2 Christine Bousquet2 Jose A Cabrera2 Cheri Fields2 Diane L Finch2 Lisa M Goodman2 Noble Inglett2 Carol Leehmius2 Hazel Miller2 Arlene A Otaguro2 Sherrilynn Rogers2 Geno Sisneros2 Cynthia Wallen2 Robin WatanabeTop Sires4 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams2 CH Chars Hunka Burnin Love2 CH Chriscendo Call To Arms2 CH FinchsCharsMakinWavesParti2 CH Heartlands Knight N Day2 CH Janesas American Cutiepye2 CH Janesas For Keep-Sake2 Nans Echo In The Wind2 CH Rodis CR King of GondorTop Dams2 CH Glen Iris Dutchess of Castile2 Labays Savannah of Lenette2 Northmoor Nina Barking Queen2 Pinnacle Holly of Howlene2 Toyland Jolvin Southern SongTop Junior HandlersCatherine M. Jessen, Juniors ChairNovember 1, 2006 through April 30, 2007Jessica Christiansen 255Stephanie Hentschel 81Gretel Berglund 29Lauren Hamilton 27Chelsea Valles 27Rebecca Silverberg 27Amanda Seitzer 22Danielle Miller 15Taylor Irvin 13Rosie Sheppard 12Kelsey Russell 6McKensie Barnes 5Amanda Seegars 3Alexis Okamura 3January 1, 2007 through April 30, 2007 as reported by the American Kennel Club2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1054 PM44 I N I i i m i nAJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 45CHECKS, MONEY ORDERS, MASTERCARD, VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVERY, PAYPALACCEPTED. PAYMENT ALSO MAY BE MADE ONLINE AT THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBSWEBSITE at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.org3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELLApril 2007 Board SummaryMotion was made and passed that Anna LaFortune become a life member.May 2007 Board SummaryMotion made and carried that the JEC provides the total list of people who have fulfilled the minimumrequirements set by the Board to become Judges mentorSeminar Presenters. This list is to be presented byJanuary 1st of each year so that the list can be printed in the Pomeranian Review and approved by the Board.The Board will then send the approved list to the APC web-person for listing on our website.The JEC will include in the annual report to the Board, a list of APC-sponsored seminars presented to judgesgroups during the year. This list is to include the name and location of the Judges group, the number of judgesattending, the name of the presenters and the dates presented. The JEC will send the list of judges attendingeach of the seminars to the AKC Judges Department.Motion made and passed to clarify APCs position regarding Groups. The APCs official position is that itbelieves it is best represented in the Toy Group and it wishes to stay in the Toy Group.Motion made and carried that any member in good standing may bring charges against another member. Notbeing in good standing should include owing the club money for ANY reason, such as dues, late fees, hotchecks, etcMotion made and passed that APC start an APC Rescue fund. Any money used from this fund must beapproved by the Board before it is released.In a called meeting on May 29, 2007, it was necessary for the APC Board to place First Vice-President JaneLehtinen as Acting President in accordance with our By-laws until our President is able to return to serve.A motion was passed that APC will pay the banquet dinners for the Judges, their spouses, Show Chair, ShowSecretary provided it is not a paid position, Grounds Chair, President, Ways Means people working fulltime, Chief Steward and insideoutside ring Stewards, provided they work all three days. The gift doesnt haveto be accepted if a person chooses not to. This rule shall be reviewed at years end every year to assure that theclub can afford it. Motion would replace standing rule 17.2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1054 PM454 i i m i n1 45,0V "'- J14 4446 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWays WaysAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Donna Riehm Means MeansKENNELVisitJanell ReichJanel PomeraniansSeptemberOctoberAdvertising DeadlineAugust 1, 2007Hello Pomeranian fancy,We hope this finds all of you soaking in the joys of the summer season, enjoying our beautiful Poms whether it bein the show ring, whelping that long-planned special litter, or just soaking in the daily thrills provided by our Pomkids at home.I just wanted to let you know that we still have limited edition prints for sale. Details can be seen on the APCwebsite. Two of the available prints are in VERY limited supply. If you have been considering the 2004 SpecialtyEdition The Race Is On, a signed limited edition by renowned artist Chris Heartz the sister print to the 2003Meet Me In Kentucky print that has sold out dont wait. This is a very collectible print. Also, the beautifulblack and white 2006 Specialty Edition print by Italian artist Stefano Scullino is in very short supply. Pleaseemail me at for availabilities on these two prints prior to placing your order.Check out the shopping on our website. A must for any judge, breeder, or exhibitor would be the Power PointDVD which is a visual presentation of the Pomeranian standard, and the Illustrated Standard that describes type,structure and movement with words and illustrations. We also still have APC decals available. They look greaton vehicle windows, tack boxes, etc.As to the APC fundraising, I would like input from our members as to what you feel would enhance ourfundraising efforts both during the year and at the National Specialty. Ideas on raffle items, auction items, etc.are appreciated. What merchandise would you like to see on the Buy It Now tables or at the auction Do youhave a one-of-a-kind craft item that could be donated for the fundraising cause Would you like the specialtyapparel to expand beyond Tees and sweats to perhaps grooming apparel, etc. We have a tremendous amountof talent within this membership so let me hear from you.Thanks to each and every one for all you do in support of the APC.Dont forget the Summer Specialty in Houston. The Pom Club of Greater Houston has a grand event planned2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1059 PM46 I N I 4- n i i i iJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 47Top 10BrBrBrBrBreedeedeedeedeedAPC Member denoted by In order to be eligible for APC Awards and receive a certificateor trophy at the Annual Banquet you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.Pomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2007 and ending December 31, 2007For Events Processed Through Thursday, May 3, 2007 TotalRank Name Sex BOB Defeated 1 CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up D 37 671Owner K Norem 2 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 22 441Owner L Price 3 CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble D 11 355Owners N Roberts, V Winter, J Cabrera, F Arienti 4 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 16 295Owners J Pardue, J Reich, D Plonkey 5 CH Finchs Bettin On CharS D 17 276Owners C Meyer, L Saleh, G Bertrand, B Bertrand 6 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 20 232Owner R Rechler 7 CH Tim Sues Trick Or Treat D 10 203Owner M Latimer 8 CH Rise N Shines Hes A Hottie D 6 172Owner J Clemen 9 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 10 160Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 10 CH Showcase Hot Topic D 9 1332007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1059 PM47mirv-vTA,-w48 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTop 10All All All All All BrBrBrBrBreedeedeedeedeedOwners R Smith, A Levinsohn, M SmithPomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using All Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2007 and ending December 31, 2007For Events Processed Through Thursday, May 3, 2007 TotalRank Name Sex BIS I II III IVDefeated 1 CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up D 2 10 9 4 6 7,762Owner K Norem 2 CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble D 2 3 1 3 2 2,976Owners N Roberts, V Winter, J Cabrera, F Arienti 3 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 0 3 7 3 2 2,498Owner L Price 4 CH Finchs Bettin On CharS D 1 4 2 0 3 1,771Owners C Meyer, L Saleh, G Bertrand, B Bertrand 5 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 0 1 1 3 3 1,444Owner R Rechler 6 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 0 2 2 1 1 1,187Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 7 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 0 0 0 3 1 1,077Owners J Pardue, J Reich, D Plonkey 8 CH Tim Sues Trick Or Treat D 0 1 4 1 1 1,031Owner M Latimer 9 CH Doubletakes Johhny Angel D 0 2 0 1 0 973Owner M Armstrong, C Armstrong 10 CH Jan-Shars Little Ceaser D 0 0 3 3 3 937Owner H SklarAPC Member denoted by In order to be eligible for APC Awards and receive a certificateor trophy at the Annual Banquet you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1059 PM48mr 4- i i m i nA7\MJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 49New ChampionsMarch 2007 ChampionsCH Abbapoolas Sargent Pepper D CH Pometto-Poms Nikki x CHDoo-Shays Abbey Road. OwnedBred by Tammy Moynihan.CH Aljens Princess Caroline B CH Music Maker Of Lenette xAnissina Of Lenette. OwnedBred by Alfredo B Lapuz.CH Animations Marlin D CH Animations Jeep x AnimationsCharly In The Box. Owned by Pat Dresser Lorinda Vasuta.Bred by Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane.CH Babbis Rock Diva Of Prussia B CH Goldkist Rockin Knightx Honeykist New Attraction. Owned by Sally Hestle. Bred bySally Hestle Barbara Meyer.CH ChimurN N ChantN SilvRy Qp Doll B Sandalwood LGVintage Wizard x Chimurs Is Suzi Q. OwnedBred by Faith Chinen.CH Dreamweavers Ring Of Fire D CH Chriscendo Communicadox CH Dreamweavers Sparklin Fire Rose. OwnedBred by LindaPelz Michael Wells.CH Finchs Top Gun D CH Chriscendo Call To Arms x CH FinchsOne Hot Mama. OwnedBred by Diane L Finch.CH Fisbecks Color Me Once Color Me Twice B Fisbecks OneSpecial Nite x Fisbecks Toms Toasted Peanut. OwnedBred byJeanette Fisbeck.CH Furrondies Platinum Jaxx B Artic Poms Martial Arts x PixiesTornado Alley.OwnedBred by Julie VolkheimerSharry Christianson.CH Golden Stars Bobby Dazzler D CH Dominic Of Lenette xPrimetime Satin And Lace. OwnedBred by Anek Sanehmahakul.CH Howlene-Teahra Adonis D CH Howlene-Teahra Impero xPinnacle Holly Of Howlene. OwnedBred by Arlene A Otaguro Hazel Miller Robin Watanabe.CH Janesas Dressed Enuff For Kc D CH Janesas For Keep-Sakex Janesas Dressed In Style. Owned by Carolyn Bonin. Bred byJerrie Freia.CH Jjs Angelica B CH Mercers Utmost Crown Prince x CH JjsShe Talks To Angels. Owned by Julie Javernick Jana Klein.Bred by Julie Javernick.CH Lacuevas One Tough Cookie D CH Cascades Dynamic MagicMan x Reginapoms Rumble Lena. OwnedBred by Sherrilynn JRogers.CH Peachs Gleam Of Gold D CH Keepsakes Make My Day xPeachs Gold N Lace Of Bar-Net. OwnedBred by Bob Pietzsch.April 2007 ChampionsCH Carleez Sundown Conspiracy B CH Janesas For Keep-Sake xCH Janesas Southern Sundown. Owned by Camilla Knight. Bredby Carol Leemhuis Camilla Knight.CH Castiles Corrine B CH Mountain Crest JJ x CH Glen IrisDuchess Of Castile. OwnedBred by Geno Sisneros.CH Chars Forever Diamonds B CH Chars Hunka Burnin Love xFinchs A Classy Blonde. OwnedBred by Charlotte Meyer.CH Cr Queen Of Talk B CH Rodis Cr King Of Gondor xShimmeree Northern Lights. Owned by Joan Rose Gail Stewart.Bred by Celeste Solano Robert Solano.CH Finchs Believe It Or Not D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams xFinchs My Bets On You Baby. OwnedBred by Diane L Finch.CH Finchs Just Tobe Ur Parti Man DCH FinchsChars MakinWavesParti x Finchs Kick It Parti.OwnedBred by Diane Finch.CH Finchs Sweet Dream Parti D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams xFinchs Bet I Can Parti. OwnedBred by Diane L Finch.CH Honeykist N Millamor In Harmony B Millamors Makin My Wayx Honeykist After The Gold Rush. OwnedBred by Christine Bousquet.CH Horizons Hope Springs Eternal B CH Heartlands Knight NDay x CH Horizons Wishful Thinking. OwnedBred by Laurie Otis.CH J-Das Among The Stars B CH Dockilocs As Good As It Getsx Jan-Shars DonT Bust My Bubble. OwnedBred by David Solis Sharon Hanson Jessica Solis.CH Jeribeth Britney B Jeribeth Trace Lighter-N-Air x Jeribeth MyGirl Is Foxie. Owned by Olga Baker. Bred by Olga Baker Joann Sypert.CH Jolvin Sweet Song Singer B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x ToylandJolvin Southern Song. OwnedBred by Joan Beech Melvin Beech.CH Keelie Touch Of Class B Puppy Loves Ko-Jack x Puppy LovesAlley Of Red. Owned by Sally A Jenkins. Bred by John W Keeler Margaret J Keeler.CH Lacueva Jenuwane Debutante B CH Jenuwane Caught You LookN x Lacueva-Dhcrew Pattis Legacy. OwnedBred by Sherrilynn Rogers.CH Legacys Emminent Danger D CH Mibabe Armdndangrous OfElle x Legacys Dreamin N Cream. OwnedBred by Patricia Rowley.CH Majestics Jumpin Jack Flash D CH Majestics Wolfman Jackx CH Majestics Artistic Impression. Owned by Annette Rister Charlotte Creed Brenda Turner S W Turner. Bred by AnnetteRister Charlotte Creed.CH Mountain Crest Traveling Man D CH Paughprints On TheMTN Crest x Mountain Crest Sillie Millie. Owned by DavidGilstrap Carlene Gilstrap. Bred by David Gilstrap.CH Oak Acres Neo The One D CH Great Elms Little Aristocrat x CHPuppy Loves Image Of Beauty. OwnedOwned by Dawn Kopf-Collins.CH Patriots The Hitman D CH Lynnwrights Tony Soprano x SubersJewel Of The Pharaoh. Owned by Suzanne Berney AnnetteRister Charlotte Creed. Bred by Joanne E Rusk.CH Ragdolls Cream And One Sugar B CH Glen Iris Mark OfZorro x CH Ragdolls Goldmst Sugarcookie. OwnedBred byMichael Parrott Shalon Parrott.CH Sandalwood In Beyonce B CH Pinnacle IM StakinMy Claimx Sandalwood Ak Madeline. Owned by Roger M Lau. Bred byJoan H Kaneshiro Roger M Lau.CH Siriuss The Mighty Tonka D CH Cottontop Doin It Better xCH Darlinsumthintotalkabutsirius. Owned by Nina Fetter. Bred byNina Fetter Dorothy Ashbey.CH Sofines Dare To Dream B CH Damascusroad Dream Buster xCH Sofines Legally Blonde. Owned by Barbara Moore. Bred byMary E Latimer.CH Starfires Rhonetta B CH Finchs Walkin After Midnite x StarfiresStrawberry Marmelade.OwnedBred by Jose CabreraFabian Arienti.CH Whiteharbors Tiny Temptress B CH Paradise Valley Moonstruckx CH Promises Sweet Victory. OwnedBred by Suzette Ledford Jerome Ledford.2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1059 PM49 I N I i i m i n50 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe City of Angels Pomeranian Club held its 15th annual specialty show andsweepstakes Thursday, May 24, 2007. This show kicked off a five-day circuit with majors everyday Huge thanks go out to all the members who worked so hard on this project. Cheri McDonaldcreated a beautiful stained glass garden panel for our special raffle, and directed the productionof Pomeranian-etched glassware for the supported entries for the weekend. Cheri worked tirelesslyon every aspect of our show as assistant chairperson. Heidi Merrigan single-handedly coordinateda wonderful raffle, and Karen Betz did a lovely job with the trophies and prizes. Leesa Molinahandled the luncheon in addition to showing her four dogs. Reed Adams managed the set-upof the grounds can you imagine how tired he was from lugging dozens of HUGE tables around.Also, thanks are due to my son Daniel, whom I brought along to help put away tables afterwards. What a HUGE job that isThanks to Alane Levinsohn for managing the sweepstakes funds and handling the catalog ads, Jacqueline Ragland of Ja-LingPekingese who was our smiling ring steward, and Tammee Felix who was our announcer for the parade of titleholders.Thanks to Patti Andrusenki for bringing beautiful flowers and Lana Price helped with etch the trophies day. Laurie Koehlpicked up the gifts for the judges, and our show secretary Rhonda Storm managed catalog sales and raffle tickets.I think every single exhibitor brought food as well as raffle items, so THANK YOU ALL The tables were groaning from theweight I think we had six, 6-foot tables loaded with raffle items and three tables crammed with foodAnd big thanks to my sister Becky, who took ringside photos. You can view them online at httptinyurl.com2pa2p2 or to goto her home page www.cockrumphoto.comOur largest class was Bred By Exhibitor Bitches with nine entries Unfortunately all the entries cannot be mentioned separatelyhere, but we thank the many exhibitors. We appreciate your support. We are already busy planning for next yearSweepstakes was judged by S Kelly Cromer.SWEEPSTAKES RESULTS6-9 Puppy Dogs1-Cameos Sir Galahad BreederOwnerKaren C Betz2-Jan-Shars Bett Your Boots BreederSharon Hanson, Owners Carol and RebeccaSilverberg3-Aljens Ichi of Lenette Breeder KenGriffith. Owner Alfredo Lapuz4-Retro Lord Fauntleroy of PomeranianWorld BreederOwner Elizabeth Molina9-12 Months Puppy Dogs1-Pomadors King Midas of LenetteBreeder Ken Griffith. Owner Lacey Miles6-9 Months Puppy Bitches1-Reed N Cameos Lady Geneva BreederReed Adams, Owners Karen C. Betz andReed Adams2-Bachmans CR Mischievous BeautyBreedersOwners Cheri McDonald, Robertand Celeste Solano.3-Trudys Madison Ave at Sunglo BreedersRobert and Nancy Coddington. Owners Danand Tammee Felix.4-Reed N Cameos Tumbelina Fairy TalesBreeder Reed Adams. Owners Reed Adamsand Karen Betz.9-12 Month Puppy Bitches1-Jan-Shars Katy Bar the Door BreederSharon Hanson. Owner Alan Guerra.2-Maranathas Shanghaied by LoveBreedersOwners Steve and Gloria Carlin3-Mary Magdalene of Lenette BreederOwner Ken Griffith.4-TLCs Tiffany Breeders Melissa Barefootand Michelle Lieberman. Owner MichelleWilhoite.12-18 Month Bitches1-Finchs Sweet Talkin Parti BreederDiane L. Finch. Owners Carol Silverbergand Diane L. Finch.2-Sunglos Kiss Me Kiwi BreedersOwnersDan and Tammee Felix.Veteran SweepstakesCh. Music Maker of Lenette Breeder KenGriffith. Owner Alfredo Lapuz.BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES-Jan-Shars KatyBar the DoorBEST OPPOSITE SEX INSWEEPSTAKES-Cameos Sir GalahadBEST VETERAN IN SWEEPSTAKES-Ch.Music Maker of LenetteConformation Judge William Bergum6-9 Puppy Dogs1-Jan-Shars BettYour Boots BreederSharon Hanson, Owners Carol and RebeccaSilverberg.2-Retro Lord Fauntleroy of PomeranianWorld BreederOwner Elizabeth Molina.3-Aljens Ichi of Lenette Breeder KenGriffith. Owner Alfredo Lapuz.4-TLCs Cashmere Breeder Liz Curtiss.Owner Michelle Wilhoite.9-12 Month Puppy Dogs1-Lanas Love of Gold BreederOwnerLana Price.2-Pomadors King Midas of LenetteBreeder Ken Griffith, Owner Lacey Miles.12-18 Month Dogs1-Finchs Great Potential Breeder DianeFinch. Owners Apichai Anantrechai andDiane Finch.Bred-By Exhibitor Dogs1-Toyrifics Fredrick the Great BreedersGary and Maya Hunter. Owner MayaLandvogt.2-Cameos Sir Galahad BreederOwnerKaren Betz.Open Black, Blue, Brown1-Finchs Youre So Special Nblk BreederOwner Diane Finch.Open Dogs Red Orange Cream Sable1-Bachmans King of the Road BreederOwner Cheri McDonald.2-Starlights Lord Sullivan Breeders Ronand Merilyn Smith, Derrik and DerondaSharp. Owner Masaki Shim Izu.3-Belstars Sweet Lil Guy Breeder DianaGross. Owners Isabell Stoffers and ChristyNelson.4-Pombredens Top of the Line BreederCity of Angels Pomeranian Club Specialty2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1059 PM5044 4aidrOZvJ\V^\y4 mn^H 1i i i i nJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 51Barbara Breden. Owner Elizabeth A.Molina.Open Dogs Any Other Allowed Color1-Kayras Onyx of Magical MeadowsBreeder Kay Chaney. Owners Alan andHeidi Merrigan, Kay Chaney and ReedAdams.2-Janesas A Black N Tan Affair BreederJerrie Freia. Owners Lindsey and LoriKamrath.Winners DogBachmans King of the Road.Reserve Winners DogLanas Love of GoldVeteran Dogs 6-9 years1-Ch. Lanas Im A Topper Too BreederOwner Lana Price.2-Ch. Nguyen Cory Lover Boy of GQBreeder Mischa Nguyen. Owner Lana Price.3-Ch. Music Maker of Lenette Breeder KenGriffith, Owner Alfredo Lapuz.BEST VETERANCh. Lanas Im A Topper Too6-9 Month Puppy Bitches1-Finchs Black Satin Dreams BreederDiane Finch. Owners Robert and CelesteSolano.2-Trudys Madison Ave at Sunglo BreedersNancy and Robert Coddington. Owners Danand Tammee Felix.3-Reed N Cameos Tumbelina Fairy TalesBreeder Reed Adams, Owners Reed Adamsand Karen Betz.9-12 Month Puppy Bitches1-Jan-Shars Katy Bar the Door BreederSharon Hanson. Owner Alan Guerra.2-TLCs Tiffany Breeders MelissasBarefoot and Michelle Lieberman. OwnerMichelle Wilhoite.12-18 Month Bitch1-Finchs Sweet Talkin Parti Breeder DianeL. Finch. Owners Carol Silverberg andDiane Finch.Bred-By Exhibitor Bitches1-Premas Gwen My Music Plays BreederOwner Sherry Letson.2-Jan-Shars Youre the One That I WantBreedersOwners Sharon Hanson and LetitiaCannon.3-Sungolds Star of Wonder BreedersOwners Annaray Rhien and AnnaLaFortune.4-Bachmans CR Mischievous BeautyBreedersOwners Cheri McDonald, Robertand Celeste Solano.Open Bitches Red Orange Cream Sable.1-Retro Gunshy of Pomeranian WorldBreeder I. E. Gunn Boutier. Owner ElizabethA. Molina.2-SunglosSinnamon Sugar PlumBreedersOwners Dan and Tammee Felix.3-Mary Magdalene of Lenette BreederOwner Ken Griffith.4-Maranathas Daddys Little PrincessBreedersOwners Steven and Gloria Carlin.Open Bitches Any Other Allowed Color1-Merimaurs Heaven Sent BreederMaureen Quinlan. Owners Lori and LindseyKamrath.2-Mathews Luscious Lovebug BreederJacklyn Mathews, Owner Carol Silverberg.Winners BitchJan-Shars Katy Bar the DoorReserve Winners BitchPremas Gwen My Music PlaysBEST OF BREEDCh Valcopy Janels Spiderman BreedersJanell Reich and Dana Plonkey. OwnersDiane Sababaj, Carol Silverberg, JanicePardue and Janell Reich.Best of Opposite Sex to best of breedCh. Piddy Pats Sugar Babe of LenetteBest of WinnersBachmans King of the RoadBest BBEPremas Gwen My Music PlaysBest PuppyLanas Love of GoldBest Stud DogCh. Music Maker of LenetteBest BraceJanesas a Black N Tan Affair andMerimaurs Heaven SentPhotos by Becky Cockrum2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1057 PM51 I N I 4 i i i in4 iw iiAANGELS I .CITY OF AN POMERANIANitTtW.\SNACK4452 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHealth GeneticsGeneva CoatsBREEDING FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUMFirst published in Double Helix Network News, Winter 2000by C.A. SharpWhether you think the millennium began in January 2000 or ends in Decemberof this year, its a good time to take a look at the science of genetics and thebreeding and exhibition of dogs to determine where theyve been, where theyare, where theyre going and how each relates to the other.Fortunately, we dont have to go back a thousand years to recap past history in any of these areas. Genetics didnt evenexist before Gregor Mendel grew his pea plants in the mid-19th century. By interesting coincidence, the breeding of dogsand exhibitions featuring dogs had some significant developments at about the same time.For most of dogs history with man, planned breedingas opposed to the happenstance random matings that have alwaysand still occur among dogswas done largely on the basis of performance though societies with a wealthy leisure classsometimes had companion breeds who were probably selected for physical appearance and temperament. Most dogs had toearn their keep, so good hunting dogs would be bred to other good hunting dogs, good herders to good herders, etc. withemphasis put on particular aspects of those traits that were useful to the people in the time and place they were bred.Pedigrees might or might not be kept, depending on the inclinations of the breeder or the culture in which he lived.In the 19th century, social thinkers strongly promotedtheories relating to the importance of ancestry to the qualityand character of the individual. Purity of blood wasconsidered an asset for both man and beast. In this thinkinglay the seeds of our present system of closed breed registriesand the prevailing attitude that any mixing of breeds, forwhatever purpose, is a threat to the well-being of the parentstock on both sides. Like begets like was a breedersmantra.The challenge, My dogs bettern yours has no doubtbeen with us since dog first allied himself with man. Caninecompetitions both casual and formal have been a feature of awide variety of human cultures, but prior to the 1850s, thesewere performance competitions. At this time the exhbition ofdogs in conformation shows was established, based onsimilar pre-existing exhibitions of livestock. The originalpurpose was to display fine specimens of the various breedsin a venue where other breeders and the general public mightview them. The competitive aspect was considered anenjoyable secondary benefit.Over the past 150 years, dog breeders have continued toproduce dogs with the intent of improving the breed,though the definition of what constitutes improving is asubject of hot debate. As changes in technology eliminated orat least drastically reduced the work available for dogsand the need to produce dogs which could perform thatwork, most breeders have focused on producing companionandor conformation show animals, though a significantminority still focus on the functional aspects of variousbreeds.Competitive events continue to exist and have probablygrown in popularity, at least in Europe, North America andother areas heavily influenced by European or Americanculture. By far, the greatest area of competition at present, innumbers of dogs entered and, arguably, total moneyexpended is the conformation show. While the rules ofcompetition vary somewhat from one organization toanother, all of them are keyed to judging dogs on theirappearance and movement at a trot with respect to awritten standard for each breed. Winning has become very2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1057 PM52i i i i nA t IJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 53important, with the public exhibition aspects of the eventssecondary. At many smaller events, attendance by nonexhibitorsis entirely coincidental.While the dog world has been evolving steadily on its 19thcentury foundations, genetics has exploded. Gregor Mendelswork went largely unrecognized until the turn of the lastcentury. For the next fifty years, what was known aboutgenetics was based largely on observations of what wasproduced by particular crosses or how a trait was distributedthroughout a pedigree. Then, in 1952 Watson and Crickdiscovered the double-helix structure of DNA. Since then,cascading technological improvements have allowedscientists to delve into the detailed structure of DNA and thechemical processes by which it functions, both for good andfor ill.As genetic knowledge became available to the public,breeders began to apply basic concepts to their efforts.Words like dominant and recessive, and even mouthtwisterslike homozygous became standard breeder jargon.Those whose breeds could have variations in color or coattype quickly learned how such traits were passed and whatkinds of crosses would produce them - or not produce them,if they were undesirable. The old notion like produces likewas confirmed by genetics. And if it didnt produce like, thenthere was a recessive that one must breed out of ones line.To maintain the quality of a line, breeders have for decadesbred related dogs to eliminate bad recessives and makegood genes homozygous, on the theory that if all the goodgenes were concentrated and the bad ones strictly eliminated,the line could only improve. Most breeders are at leastvaguely aware of something called inbreeding depressionand will seldom or never make matings that would be termedincestuous in humans and they will outcross to dogs theyconsider to be little related to their own every fewgenerations.The quality which most breeders hope to achieve is keyedlargely to breeding to the standard or success incompetitive events, especially conformation shows. Healthissues are often not prime selection criteria, beyondscreening for a few specific ailments known to occur in abreed. At one time, dogs with marginal health or soundnesswould be eliminated from the breeding population by natureor their inability to perform. Today, with few opportunitiesfor screening via vigorous and demanding physical activitiesand with veterinary medical advances which allow dogswhich would once have died or been unable to reproduce tobecome parents, animals of marginal health can become partof the breeding population, sometimes without the breedereven being aware of their shortcomings.The show culture confers the mantle of greatest success onthose who produce the most winning dogs and the dogswhich individually win most often. Some breeders allow thegaudy bubble of big wins to become the guiding light of theirbreeding program, beside which all other considerationspale. When such individuals are successful in producingwinners, others buy dogs from them. The more successfulthey are the more will seek out their stock, at which point thevarious negative traits they may have ignored in their pursuitof show wins can become widespread in a breed.Meanwhile, genetics marches on. We now know that dogshave 80,000 genes or more. We know that many of thesegenes, perhaps as many as 95, determine that what wehave is a dog, not a zucchini. Of the balance at least 4000,some determine that our dog is an Australian Shepherd,rather than a Borzoi or a Papillon. The breeder will havelittle affect on these because they are fixed for dogs or forhis breed. But that still leaves a few thousand genes to dealwith, not a number easy to keep track of.New discoveries and, more important to dog breeders, newscreening tests for genetic diseases are announced withgreater and greater frequency. Some breeders blithely awaitthe day when once can screen for everything with a simpleblood sample and all dogs with defective genes can beeliminated before they are bred. Unfortunately, that day isnot here and is not likely to be for a long time. Such DNAtests as are available are often breed-specific and expensive.To make best use of available testing and such newscreening tests as are developed, breeders need to educatethemselves on the strengths and shortcomings of each test,determine what it costs and analyze how much benefit theirdogs and their breeding programs will derive from each test.For instance, if the percentage of false positives or falsenegatives is high, it is only marginally useful as a screeningtool. If the cost of having the test done is high and thedisease is rare in a breed, is it really beneficial if a line hasno known history of that diseaseBy becoming informed consumers, breeders can make thebest use possible of the technological advances that geneticscience provides. But while many people do their best to besavvy consumers, our relationship with science tends to belovehate. We embrace wholeheartedly those scientificdiscoveries which support our personal view of life and theworld, but those which are inconvenient to our beliefsystems are shunned. This applies to dog breeders no lessthan to society as a whole. Once, when the author was tryingto explain to a breeder how an unwanted color had occurredin a litter, the breeder informed her, I dont believe in thatgenetics stuff. While this case is an extreme one, it servesas a caution to be open to the consideration of newHealth and Genetics Continued2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1057 PM534 i i i i n4 4454 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWinformation even if it is presently inconvenient or appears tonegate a dearly held truth.Like begets like, therefore closed registries and line breedingshould guarantee the continuation of traits we hold dear. Orwill theyIn spite of the best efforts of generations of breeders, geneticdisease is on the rise in purebred dogs. Not just in one breed,but in most of them. Some of this is attributable tomisplaced priorities, such as the previously mentioned focuson show wins. A significant portion is due to the culture ofdenial which demands secrecy about such matters andpunishes those who speak publicly about diseases that haveoccurred in their dogs and, especially, what the pedigrees ofthose dogs were. But at bottom, the problem exists becausewe cling to a breeding modality based on cherished butoutdated notions of how to breed better dogs.By closing registries we have, in effect, created islands foreach breed. While new individuals and their genes mayreach these islands via imports or other means, the newindividuals are often to a greater or lesser degree related tothose already in the closed gene pool, particularly if theexisting population is long-established. The gene pool iswhat it is and one has to make the best of it.But what happens when the environment on those singlebreedislands dictates that some of the population will notreproduce The genes those unacceptable individuals havewill be lost if few or none of the other members have them.If the dog was not bred because it had a serious disease orgross physical deformity, it is probably best removed fromthe breeding population. But what if the dog is only relatedto one with such a disease or deformity, with no certainknowledge as to whether it did or didnt carry the genes forthe problem Or what if it had a strictly cosmetic fault, suchas an unwanted color or a less-than-perfect coat type, ear setor tail carriage Elimination of dogs with minor faults orwhich are only suspected of carrying faults can alsoeliminate the positive genes they carry.Long study of island species has shown that they canflourish, even though they descend from very few foundersand are, necessarily, highly inbred. But Mother Nature cullsmore harshly than any dog breeder. The unfit and even themarginally fit are not likely to survive to breed. And herideas of fitness have much to do with physical health andsoundness and only slightly to do with whom is best looking.Even so, island species are often devastated by theintroduction of genetically more diverse mainland speciesthat either out-compete the island populations, prey heavilyupon them, or introduce diseases to which they are resistantbut the island creatures are not. The average purebred dogwill only occasionally be out-competed by a trendy newimport and it isnt likely to become a new breeds preferredentre, but it can be more susceptible to infectious disease.Study of the genes which govern the immune system ofmammals has revealed that genetic diversity is key to speciessurvival. These genes are often quite diverse, having asmany as 100 different forms. Any individual dog can haveonly one or two types of allele for any of these genes, but thespecies as a whole has many. So, when a new canine plaguecomes alongas it did with parvovirus in the late 1970s andearly 1980smany dogs will die but most will survive. Butour different breeds, on their various purebred islands, mayor may not have the genetic machinery needed to cope.Since the most variability any one dog can have is twoalleles, if a breed has only a few founders, went through agenetic bottleneck due to war or some other disaster, or hasbeen highly subject to the use of popular sires, the diversityof immune system genes may be quite limited.All purebred dogs are, of necessity, to some degree inbred.They all descend from an ancestral population which wasprobably regional and which exhibited a group of traitswhich people found useful or attractive. How inbred they aredepends on a variety of factors How many founders therewere, the history of the breeds population bottlenecks,geographic isolation, and who got bred to whom as well aswho got to breed more than someone else. The trick tomaintaining overall breed health is to hang onto as muchgenetic diversity as is possible within the existingpopulation. But our breeding practices almost guarantee thatwith each generation more genes will be lost.Many breeders do not realize how inbred their dogs actuallyare. When degrees of relationship are considered, only threeto five generations of pedigree are reviewed. But if thegenerations just off the pedigree contain the same namesover and over, a loosely-linebred dog may have aninbreeding coefficient equivalent to the result of a parentoffspring mating. The use of popular sires exacerbates thissituation. When many breeders utilize the same stud, thesubsequent generation of dogs will contain many halfsiblings.Since popular sires arise in every dog generation,and the popular sires of one generation may be the sons ornephews of those of the previous generation, the level ofinbreeding increases.Some have argued that inbreeding depression a complexof reproductive woes and susceptibility to diseases is nota real concern, pointing to laboratory mice as an example.Strains of lab mice are highly inbred, brother to sister formany generations, to render them homozygous virtually alltraits. This makes them very useful to researchers because2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1057 PM544 i i i i n4 44JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 55the strengths and weaknesses of each strain are well-knownand documented so the most useful strain can be selected fora particular line of research.But dogs are not laboratory mice. No dog breeder woulddream of breeding brothersister for 20 generations or more.And just as well that they do not. When lab mouse strainsare developed at least 90 of the lines descending from theoriginal pair will go extinct due to the various effects ofinbreeding depression. Even those that survive are notparagons of health and soundness. Some are deliberatelymaintained due to the presence of a non-lethal defect, othersmight lack such defects but if cast into the mousy equivalentof the real world, would soon perish. Without the highlycontrolled environment of the laboratory, with its regulatedtemperature, regular wholesome food, clean water, andfrom a mousy standpointcomfortable quarters, they couldnot cope.While our dogs may have the best food and housing we canprovide them, they are still much more a part of the realworld, with its exposure to inclement weather, microbes andan assortment of other inconveniences, than is any labmouse. Too much inbreeding puts them at risk ofsuccumbing to those inconveniences.To maintain our breeds into the next millennium, breedersneed to review and revise their priorities.We can no longer breed for the prime purpose of producingwinners in conformation. Physical appearance alone isinsufficient to gauge the overall health and soundness of thedog. The physical and mental demands of showing are notsufficient to separate out the marginally fit and thespecialized environment of the conformation show will notnecessarily select the dog best suited to function outside thatarena.We must put much more emphasis on health, not just theobvious things like hip and eye clearances, but more subtleconsiderations. Does the dog have stamina Is it prone tocatch every little bug that comes along Does it have aqueasy digestive system Is it capable of breeding withoutveterinary or other human intervention If it is a bitch, can itwhelp, nurse and raise its puppies without extraordinaryefforts on the part of the breederFinally, we must strive to maintain whatever geneticdiversity remains in our breeds through assortive mating, themating of individuals who share desirable traits while at thesame time sharing as little common ancestry as possible.If we can do these things, our dogs may survive well into thenext millennium. If we do not, they risk extinction.DVD 2007 NATIONALSOrder your 2007 APC National DVDs now.3 DVDs AVAILABLEDVD 1Puppy Veteran Sweepstakes and Junior HandlersDVD 2Winners Dog, Winners Bitch and Best Of BreedDVD 3Top TwentyAPC NATIONAL SPECIALTY DVD ORDER FORMI am ordering ______ Conformation DVD 25.00 eachI am ordering ______ Sweepstakes and JuniorHandler 20.00 eachI am ordering ______ Top Twenty DVDs 10.00 eachI am ordering ______ set of all the above 55.00Please add 3.00 Shipping within US, and 5.00 forshipping to Canada and all Foreign Orders.Make check payable to the American PomeranianClub and mail toWalda Green, 8120 Harvard Dr., Ben Lomond, CA 95005USAPlease include the following informationEmail address___________________________Phone ___________________Include Area CodePlease print information on the shipping label below.Ship From Walda Green, APC Ways Means 8120 Harvard Dr., Ben Lomond, CA 95005 USAShip ToName____________________________________Address__________________________________City_______________State_______Zip________Country________________2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1057 PM55n i i i i56 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Submitted by Jo NorrisGypsy has found her forever homeRecently we received a request to help a lovelylittle orange sable Pom find a forever home. Herperson had passed away and the owners nephew andhis wife had taken Gypsy. The young couple workedand was expecting a new baby. Gypsy, having beenaccustomed to a stay-at-home mom and 100complete attention any time she beckoned, was nothappy with the young couples busy life style. Theyattempted to find Gypsy a suitable home but were notsuccessful. Then they called the Pomeranian Club ofRescue. . . For the Love of a PomCentral Indiana Rescue.Many of our members helped to transport Gypsy to rescue from the couples home. Sherri Alspaughprovided overnight foster until Cathy Gould was able to get Gypsy and bring her to the Indianapolis area to meetJo Norris. Gypsy then visited the veterinarian. She was spayed, brought up to date on her vaccinations, andreceived a much needed dental cleaning. Gypsy was now available for adoption.A kind woman, who had lost her husband and her Maltese in recent years, again longed for thecompanionship of a companion dog. After the application process, all parties involved knew she would be theperfect match for little Gypsy The lady, a retired homeowner who enjoyed her yard, was willing and able towork through any issues little Gypsy might have after such a tumultuous past few months.Gypsy now resides in a lovely home, with her own bed and all the love and adoration she requires. Bothare happy to have filled a void in each others lives.L Gypsy. Right Gypsy in her new bed Gypsy and herforever Mom Gypsys new fenced back yard.Gypsy2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1059 PM56 INI 4 i i i in14i v4r 'at1 s4I f. mW,-4_____________________4JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 57BrockwellJo Norris writes, This is a short story from one of ourfoster moms, Heather Anderson, Danville, Indiana.Brockwell was rescued from a puppy mill in Missouri.Why We Foster For Smaller Paws Pomeranian RescueFostering is one of the most rewarding and incredibleopportunities I have ever had. I would venture to guess thatthe average layperson believes people foster to save a dog.I imagine we all got into fostering feeling that way.However, I would argue that we continue to do so primarilyfor the incredible impact each dog has on our own lives.Throughout our journeys together, I personally have grownand learned as much from each individual dog as they havefrom me. Each foster has been an incredible blessing to me.My most recent foster, Brockwell, is certainly no exception.I have to be honest that when I first met him, I was sure thatBrockwell did not have a lot to offer. His entire body wascompletely rigid when I first lifted him up to say hello. Hislittle eyes were vacant and hollow looking and his funnylittle tongue flickered in and out of his mouth like a nervoussnake. I immediately assumed he would never bond withanyone. I could not have been any further from the truth.My first minor obstacle was to overcome my own emotionalissue with the fact this little guy had no teeth. I would tearup every time I watched him eat. I could not imagine whathe had lived through or how I would ever be able to helphim move on. I wondered if life would ever be worth livingfor this little guy.Brockwells incredibly poor physical health warranted thatwe immediately place him on a diet of rice and yogurt. Hisfirst few meals were awkward for him as he really did notwant to eat in front of me. Within days, he would dig hiscute little face into that bowl and glance up triumphantlywith yogurt smeared all over his button nose. It was duringone of those glorious moments that I realized Brockwell wasnot pining away for the teeth he once had he was delightingin having a fresh bowl of food to eat and someone withwhom to share it.Our next and most taxing hurdle was his physically healthand emotional growth. Brockwell came to us with a coughthat was allowed to persist for far longer than the vet couldventure to guess. His poor nutrition and continuous diarrhealeft his body lacking the strength needed to fight this coughthat now manifested itself in his lungs. Poor Brockwellwould stand face buried into the ground and suffer for 10-15minute long coughing fits. After a full week of strongantibiotics, his cough did not seem any better.We took him to a nearby vet who listened to his lungs. Hesaid that they sounded like dry crumpling paper. He wasRescue. . . For the Love of a Pomleery that Brock would ever be well. I bought into hisnegativity hook, line and sinker. I spent the entire day offand on crying streams of tears into the shaved brittle coat ofthis frail tiny Pom. I could not believe how unfair life wasfor him. All he had ever known was a cage and now given achance, he might not even make it to a forever home.The only thing is, someone forgot to tell Brock just how badhe really was. When I realized how hard he was going tofight, I took my place beside this little soldier. We continuedhis antibiotics and I continued to lavish him with love andattention. He had decided early on in this relationship thatthere was no better place to gather physical and emotionalstrength than in my arms. Each day, as he gathered morestrength, I would get a glimpse of an incredible forgiving andhappy dog just waiting for his chance to really live life.Soon, his once vacant eyes were a deep liquid brown ofwarmth and emotion. He thought nothing of reaching out toyou, latching your hand with his soft brown paw, andpressing it firmly to his cheek as you cradled his tiny face.His unfurled tail that was once hung down against his rumpfinally coiled up and sprung back to its rightful place upover his back. He no longer walks from place to place itwould be best described as a prance.I will never get over the tenacity of this incredible 4 lb dog.He had been beaten down emotionally and physically almostto a point of no return. He had no teeth, his coat was shavedbecause it had been so badly matted with feces and urine, hewas terrified of human touch, and overrun with fightingillness. And yet, when faced with all these issues coupledwith the unbelievable stress of all the changes in his life, hestill had the heart of a lion and the gentleness of a pussycat.I foster for Smaller Paws and Pomeranian Rescue because itis a place where everyday miracles do happenBy Heather AndersonRescue Continued2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1059 PM57 INI 4 i i i in4i'f C'4458 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWOn Saturday, I drove down to westernNorth Carolina to pick up 19 rescuePoms. On Sunday, some of ourPomeranian Club of Central Virginiamembers came to my house tovaccinate, worm, trim nails, cut outmats and flea bathe them.Diana M. Downey, Rescue Chairperson, Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia,Inc.On June 1, 2003, I received an e-mail from Jean Dickerson of the localPug rescue. In it, she informed me that Alan Cox of a local all-breed rescue hadtaken in a Pomeranian found by animal control running loose on the streets. Afterhousing him overnight at a local fire station, Alan took this sorry looking canine toDr. Sue Atkins of Manakin-Sabot Veterinary Clinic for medical attention. Could Itake over his care and try to place him I immediately contacted Alan and Dr.Atkins.This little dog had a severe case of mange and a rear leg that was literallyswinging in the wind. Because of the mange, he had only a few sparse white hairson his body. Due to his lack of coat I nicknamed him pink dog. X-rays showedthat he had broken his leg just below the hip as a pup, it had been repaired andthen, due to lack of follow up care, the mended bone had not fused, causing hisbody to completely absorb the bone between his hip and knee.After weeks of mange treatments, good food, wormings and vaccinations,he was finally healthy enough to be neutered, and the useless leg was amputated.This little man took everything in stride, and I named him Bowen which isGaelic for little warrior.Rescue. . . For the Love of a PomThe Clark familyTwo of our members are Charlie and Midge Clark. Onetimefoster children themselves, they have been fosteringchildren for many years. Their four foster children from LRare Danielle Bethel, Austin Bethel, Jessica Scott andCaleb Brooks. These kids worked all day long without alunch break. They were wonderful with these terriblyfrightened dogs. The kids were soaking wet and tired at theend but still made sure that they went home with threerescues to foster.Diana M. Downey, Rescue ChairpersonBowen The Little WarriorBowens Rescue Continued2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1059 PM58 INI 4 i i i in..i a u tII_4VONf44JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 59Rescue. . . For the Love of a PomNow that his medical needs had been attended to, Itook him home and started looking for a good home for him.By this time he had a patchy white coat, and eventually itbecame apparent that he was in fact a Beaver light brownParti Colored Pom.In late July, I was contacted by Helen Brinn, whowas looking for a Pomeranian to adopt. Bowen was stillpretty sorry-looking, but Helen fell in love with him rightaway, and Bowen adored her.Helen soon realized what an exceptionally talenteddog Bowen was. When it became apparent that he alerted toher seizures before they happened, she had him listed as amedical alert service dog, which allowed him to accompanyher everywhere. She also had him ILP registered with theAmerican Kennel Club and the United Kennel Club so thathe could compete in various obedience events that shetrained him for. Helen also had him tested as a therapy dog,which he passed with flying colors, allowing him to bringhope and smiles to the faces of those in hospitals andretirement homes. Helen also became the co-chairperson of our rescue group, helping to find loving homes for otherunfortunate Poms like Bowen.Bowen is now officially known as Furweeds Little Warrior, CGC, TDIA and is also a medical alert service dog,top ranked IWPA weight pulling dog and competes in UKC Obedience and Agility events. In 2005 he was also a nomineefor the AKCs ACE Awards. Its amazing what a little love can doAn update from Helen Brinn I go to a nursing home where a gentleman lives who is an amputee he would stay ina corner and not pet any of the dogs for a long time. When I started going with Bowen he started coming out of his shell andhe would only pet Bowen, now he is always waiting for us the day we are suppose to come to the nursing home, and Bowenis the first one he wants to pet.Bowen participates in the APC 2004 Costume Contest.Bowens Rescue ContinuedFRANNYS STORYFranny, a little cream-colored Pomeranian, was turned in to anAnimal Control shelter in Houston by her owners because hereye was coming out of its socket. The shelter called SecondChance Poms, Inc., Houston area Pomeranian Rescue to seeif we could take her. We put together an emergency relay ofvolunteers to get her to us and to our vet as quickly aspossible. Unfortunately, we were too late to save Frannys eyebecause substantial swelling had already occurred preventingthe replacement of the eye, and it had to be removed.Unknown to us, artist Randy Cecil, best known for hischildrens book illustrations, was then ready for a little dogto enter his life. When Randys mother saw Franny, sheFrannyFrannys Rescue Continued2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1100 PM59OIfc60 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWsuggested to Randy that this would be the ideal dog for him. Randy applied and went through our process of application,references, and home visit, passing with flying colors.Randy named Franny after a character in a childrens book he had loved as a child, and she has become the joy of his life.He provides her with more toys than anyone could imagine, and has fixed up his home to accommodate her. He worshipsthe ground she stomps on, as she does when she doesnt get her way. When Randy takes Franny for a walk, he rewards herfor doing her business by giving her a biscuit, but she prefers to carry it until she gets home before she eats it. You shouldalso know that Franny, despite being female, is a leg-lifter. Once, as Randy and Franny were on their way home from theirwalk, someone driving by saw this tiny dog with only one eye and what might have been a cigar sticking out of the corner ofher mouth, hiking her leg on a tree. The driver stopped and said to Randy, Thats the most macho Pomeranian Ive everseen. Yes, replied Randy, and shes a girlAt the time of the adoption, Randy was preparing illustrations for the childrens book, Looking for a Moose, written byPhyllis Root. The written story does not have a dog in it, but the illustrations have Franny on every page opening. As thechildren go looking for a moose, a long-leggy moose-a branchy-antler, dinner-diving, bulgy-nose moose, they just missseeing the moosebut Franny doesnt. In the forest, for example, as the children look amongst the tree trunks for the longleggymoose, Franny stares up at the moose, visible on the page only as four long legs, very similar to tree trunks. If thechildren would only look where Franny is looking as children reading the book do, they would see the branchy-antler moose,the dinner diving moose, and the bulgy-nose moose. At the end, of course, they do see these and other moose, and anyonereading the book realizes that the plural of moose ismooseBarbara McClatchey Rescuesecondchancepoms.orgFrannys Rescue ContinuedSunshine RosesandSunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.Condolences go to Judy Smith -Julias Poms her daughter Julie passed away from cancer. We are sending prayers your way.Condolences to the families of Anna Bennedetto of Sisnben Poms who passed away at the end of April and to the family of DonGill whose father, Maurice Gill, passed away.Condolences go out to PCCI Member Karla Smith of Karlaindy Poms on the death of her husband, Larry.Speedy recovery go out to Kay Chaney of Kayra Poms on her recent surgery.Paulette Smith had minor surgery and will be away from the show scene for a few months. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Weare also happy to report her finger has healed from a bad cut.Prayers and a speedy recovery goes out to Dana Coventry of DeJay Poms on her recent surgery.We continue to pray for Joan Holts daughter, Debra, who is undergoing a health crisis.Prayers go out to Donna Majewskis husband, Joe, who has been very ill.Sending prayers out to Mary Bird, Veronica Winters friend, who is very sick at this time.Please keep Jackie Moores granddaughter and Scott Wolfgangs daughter, Renee, in your prayers. Please pass her nameonto your prayer groups.Our condolences to Barbara Moore and family on the loss of her brother, Ricky.Fabian Arientis mother has been ill. We keep him and the family in our prayers.Cindy Boulware has been hospitalized with pneumonia. We pray for her and the family.Congratulations Deb Barretts first grandchild, Elizabeth Georgia, was born in Billings, MT, May 26.Irene Smiths husband is continuing to heal following surgery for cancer. He is home and gaining strength.Well wishes to Luisa Leon suffering from a respiratory ailment.Ken Griffith continues to have back pain after several procedures. Keep Ken and Eleanor in your prayers.Darrell Baker had back surgery scheduled June 18. We wish him a full recovery.Mark Wards mother, Dorothy Frost, had a stroke May 19.2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1100 PM60 I N I i i i inJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 61 WANTED Unique and candid Pom photos are welcome. Its Just Fur Fun.Member of the PomPom Footballteam. Shane taken by Joan BehrendFootball anyoneOwned by Kelley ScottGive me some of that milk Look I am a GOAT, tooShared by Kathy NoremSee Now do you believe me I told you that outfit made you look fatLinda Pelz Priceless Jest owned by Tammie Miller-Connolly.Shared by Diana Downey2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1100 PM614s \ra r , .fr1 UNT,1Jrwft\LSiVVvg14m n 4 Mill62 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW NEWS AND VIEWSby Barbara McClatcheyPERFORMANCETHE LITTLE RESCUE THAT COULDNancy Marmol has a story to tell that is one of the best I have ever heardI first encountered Little Bear at Golden Gate Park in October of 2001. Every year San FranciscoAnimal Care and Control has a Pet Pride event around Halloween. I went with my PomeranianSasha to participate in an agility demo put on by my club, The Bay Team. I was walking toward the concession area, wearing one of my many Pomeranian T-shirts, when I wasstopped by a woman who said, Do you want a Pomeranian Actually, I did. My beloved cat, Julius,had recently died at the respectable age of 18, and I had decided that, instead of a kitten, I would likeanother dog. Another Pomeranian, of course. So I said, Maybe, but I dont have time for a puppyright now. The woman said, Oh, this isnt a puppy. Come and see. The woman was Michelle Paris, who worked with Grateful Dogs, an animal rescue organization. Shehad this Pom who was, well, not beautiful. He was skinny. His fur was a sort of uninteresting lightorange all over, and it had gotten badly matted so somebody had chopped big chunks out of it. His eyeswere running and he had huge circles under both eyes. His ears were flat and his tail was down. Oh,my. Still, the fur would grow back. He was a nice size for a Pom, just a little smaller than Sasha, whomeasures 12 inches at the withers. I do agility, so I prefer a larger-size Pom, one too big to show inconformation. And there was something about him. Michelle told me that he had been found in a San Francisco park used by many dog walkers and hadbeen picked up by Animal Care and Control. The S. F. SPCA had evaluated him and deemed himunadoptable because he was snappish. Grateful Dogs took him so that he would not be destroyed.There was no information on his previous history. He was intact when he was picked up, and there wasspeculation that he had been used by a backyard breeder then dumped when he got to be too muchtrouble. But nobody really knows. I filled out an adoption application and in about two weeks I took possession of the Pomeranian therescue organization called Rusty. I thought the name was undistinguished and tried to come up with2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1100 PM62 i i i in rl.Mi1JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 63Performance ContinuedNancy Marmols rescued Pomeranian Little Bearthe perfect name. Meanwhile, my husband Harrystarted calling him Little Bear because he wouldsit up on my lap and looked just like a sad, raggedyantique teddy bear. The name stuck. Little Bear was starved for affection. Wheneverthere were any kisses being given out, even airkisses, Little Bear would come running for hisshare. Michelle told me that Little Bearsestimated age was four years. After I had him fora couple of days, I revised that downward, becausehe just had so darned much energy. When I had tochoose a birthday for him so that I could registerhim for agility, I picked November 15, 1998, whichmade him three years old when I got him. I dontknow his age for sure, though. Little Bears foster mom told me that he was a verypoor eater, so bad that she had started to leave hisfood dish in his crate, hoping he would eatsomething. He only weighed 10 pounds and wasvery thin. Well, Little Bear ate the first meal Ioffered him just fine. And he ate the next one, tooand the next, and the next. A month later, Irealized he had gained three pounds and hadbecome a complete butterball. Oops. I started himon prescription diet food. It was clear when I got him that Little Bear hadnot been socialized much. He did not know how towalk on a leash. He was always terribly eager togo out, but once he got out, he didnt know what todo. He didnt know how to play with toys or withpeople. However, he just adored Sasha and wasperfectly willing to accept Sasha as top dog, so Isurmised that he had been raised with at least oneolder dog, possibly his mother. He did know how toplay with Sasha. Little Bear was afraid of allstrangers, especially of men. He would bark ateverybody we met on the street, and sometimes hewould lunge at them. It was clear that hisaggressiveness was going to be a real problem. LittleBear would scream bloody murder and fight like thedickens if anybody tried to hurt him. Unfortunately,he included brushing in his definition of hurt.When I tried to clip his nails, he struggled so hard Iwas afraid that he would break a leg. After a fewmonths of this, our vet prescribed tranquilizers to beused once a month for a really thorough grooming.Little Bear2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1100 PM63^^ZCCCQ 4 i i i ini. 1 VI.Mmi464 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance Continued Little Bear did have some skills, however. Hecould get into just about anything, and he couldget out of just about anything. He dumped thegarbage can with ease. He opened cupboards anddoors. He jumped onto tables and counters.When I put up a baby gate, Sasha looked at it andthought, That means Im not supposed to gothere. Little Bear look at it and thought,Theres a tiny opening, and I can get through itAnd he was gone. I took Little Bear along to an agility trial. I lefthim in the x-pen and got in line with Sasha for arun. I looked down, and there was Little Bear. Ithought, How odd, who let him out I handedSashas leash to the person in back of me, scoopedup Little Bear and put him back in the x-pen. Iwent back to the agility ring and, less than aminute later, there was Little Bear I couldntbelieve it. It was quite a tall x-pen, and such asmall dog could not possibly jump out of it. Afterthe run, I put Little Bear into the x-pen again andhid, wanting to see what he would do. Heinstantly vaulted out of the x-pen like a gymnastthat is, he jumped up, touched his feet on the topof the pen for a moment, then hopped over to anearby chair. I made a mental note to buy a crateto use at trials. Little Bear was so smart. I suspected that in hisprevious life he had been pretty much neglectedand, bored out of his skull, had spent all his timegetting into mischief. Clearly, he needed a job. Itook Little Bear to the agility field when I wentwith Sasha to practice. Little Bear loved runningand jumping and racing through tunnels. Headored the dogwalk and the A-frame. He evenliked the teeter. Little Bear had found his calling. I took Little Bear to obedience classes to preparefor a beginning agility class. We completed an 8weeksession, but then, unfortunately, his kneewent out he had to have surgery for a luxatingpatella. That was a set-back, but the surgery andrecovery went well. When he was healed, westarted a beginning agility class with SandyRogers, who was my instructor with Sasha. Thatwas in May of 2002. Sandy confessed to me, yearslater, that when I first started with Little Bear, shewas sure that I would NEVER make an agility dogout of him. Hah. Little Bear began to lose hisfear of people when it dawned on him thateverybody at agility events carries dog treats, andmany are willing to share them with an adorable,well-behaved Pomeranian. Little Bear is so much fun to have as a teammate.He is always willing to do agility. He never goesout on the course and says, No, not today, I dontthink so. He always, always tries his hardest.Given a choice, I think he would do agility all day,Little Bear2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1100 PM644 i i i in44BBLJ44JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 65Performance Continuedevery day. I have taken him to two 4-day camps, and at the end of each of them, he was still ready togo, when most of the other small dogs had long since wilted and dropped out. I feel so blessed that wefound one another. One day a few years ago, I looked down at Little Bear and realized that he is really quite prettyIt came as a shock, because I had been used to thinking of him as the homely one. He is not asbeautiful as my Sasha, but he has a lovely full coat and the most beautiful brown eyes. It has beenyears since Little Bear has dumped the garbage can. He and I still battle over his weight he doeslove to eat, and I train with food. He continues to be extremely reserved with strangers, and weoccasionally still have problems with aggression towards other dogs, especially when Little Bear isamped just before or after a run. Little Bear still comes running for kisses at every opportunity.I compete in four different agility organizations AKC, CPE, NADAC and USDAA. My ultimate goalmore of a wistful hope, actually was for Little Bear to get a championship in each of the fourorganizations. I thought the first three were doable, but I knew that getting a USDAA championshipADCH would be a stretch. It is a very, very difficult thing to do for any dog, even the most talented.At that time, only two Pomeranians, Cody in 1995 and Muffy in 2001, had ever managed it. In 2005,two more Pomeranians, Surfer and Chopper, completed their ADCHs. I entered Little Bear in his first trial in February 2003. He finished his CPE championship C-ATCHin November 2005. On May 5, 2007, Little Bear finished his USDAA championship ADCH, the fifthPomeranian to do so. I was so proud, I could not stop grinning all weekend. We still need two more Chances Qs for the NADAC championship NATCH. In AKC, we have 12Double-Qs, so we need eight more. Little Bears titles currently areAKC MX, MXJ, NFCPE C-ATCHNADAC O-EAC, O-ECC, S-EJC, O-TG-E, TN-E, WV-EUSDAA ADCH, JCH-Bronze, SCH-Bronze, TM-BronzeA FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE TITLEDonna Sager see her Pom Dreighty in the RN category below writes about her Pom Trevor that he isboth talented AND inventive, which is not necessarily a good thing when it comes to performanceevents. As we all know, AKC has a tendency to write rules stating not only WHAT they want done inan event, but also HOW they would like it done. Trevor doesnt seem to care.Oh he is great at the WHAT, its that HOW that is going to get us. Last night we were practicingfronts. We were working on the Rally call front then 1-2-3 steps back. WELL . . . Trevor absolutelyrefused to WALK those steps to front. He LEAPED instead. I asked and he came right to front wherehe belongs, then I took the first step backhe leaped in the air and landed in a beautiful straight sitright where he belonged, so I took 2 steps back . . .he took 2 leaps and landed in a perfect sit, I took 3steps back and he took 3 leaps . . . again landing in perfect form. I actually hope he will do it in thering. I dont know how it would score, but its so cute Im not so sure I care that much, at least notonce. 2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1100 PM654 i i i in4 4466 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance Continued TITLES, WE GOT TITLESMarch 2007AMERICAN KENNEL CLUBUtility Dog ExcellentSassy Girl Sheffield UDX RAE, 3210732107, Lisa S SheffieldRally NoviceDreighton Skye RN NA NAJ, 33007, Donna Stanley Sager.Duke Louis V RN, 31807, Wendy Lu Steve Lin, ILPCH Janesas Wanna Play Jax RN, 31707, Jean Kroll.Lanas Teddy Of My Heart RN, 31707, Sandra S Harada.Malashels Incredibly Irresistible RN, 33107, Elaine Wishnow.Martis Mini Oreo CD RN NA NAJ OAP OJP, 31807, Marti Halifko.Stans Black Sky Is The Limit RN OA OAJ OAP AJP, 32307, Stan Halifko.Amazing Grace One Step Higher RN, 42807, Robin BotelhoEnbar My Girl Riley RN, 41507, Sherron Mcbee, ILPIdlewyld Cameo RN, 41407, Margaret R MckeeMil-Pines Max In Motion CD RN, 42907, Margery SturmRise N Shines Hot Stuff RN, 4107, Kimberly Kay ThompsonCH Wenkests Drachenfire RN, 42907, Mrs. James F SwimmeWenkests Gold N Dragon RN, 42907, James F Swimme Mrs. James F SwimmeRally AdvancedSundowns Peekaboo At Janesa RA, 31007, Jerrie Freia.Ballykin Commando Cody CDX RA D Ballykin Scattered Stardust x Ballykin Bonjurno Tosca. Ownedby Paulette Zecca. Bred by Renee K Mcgrath D.V.M.. 4107Great Rivers Meg Rules Malashel CD RA B Great Rivers Paint The Town x Priceless Choc SmoresCookie. Owned by Elaine Wishnow. Bred by Diane Price. 4107Pomacres Iridescent Dragnfly RA AX AXJ B CH Pom Acres Thrill Of Victory x Pom Acres Rachel.Owned by Lois Fae Morkassel. Bred by Juanita Fiddick. 4807CH Wenkests Aubrey The Terrible RA D CH Great Elms Little Aristocrat x CH Wenkests Truly GoldN Glow. Owned by James F Swimme Mrs. James F Swimme. Bred by James F Swimme Mrs. JamesF Swimme. 42907Rally ExcellentLobo RE, 42907, Darla D. Hook, ILPSundowns Peekaboo At Janesa RE, 42307 Jerrie FreiaRally Advanced ExcellentHe Sent Tedi Of Tiny Tykes CDX RAE, 4607 Gertrude M AdairShenanigans Jack Frost UD RAE AX AXJ, 4107, Debra A WatsonNovice AgilityValentines Cricket NA NAJ, 4707, Terri ValentineNovice Agility JumperTurbo NAJ, Pamela Arnold, 31007, ILP.2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1101 PM664 i i i in4 44JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 67Websters Golden Tika NAJ, 33107, Heidi BischopingSalt Creeks Fancy Parti Diva NAJ, 42107, Laurie SchwabauerOpen AgilityKoteris Skye Guy OA OAJ, 41407, Allison Holloway Frazee, ILPMasquerade Parti Madison OA OAJ, 41507 Melinda RybaOpen Agility JumperFizzles Lucky Break OA OAJ, 31107, Jill P. Beitel, ILPAjs Wind Beneath My Wings OA OAJ, 42907, Darlene HuntCH Carleez Crowd Pleaser OAJ, 41207, Janice Smith George SmithValentines Cricket NA OAJ, 42807, Terri ValentineOpen Agility Jumper PreferredSusans Cinnamon Brandi CDX RA OAJ OJP, 31807, Susan PierceAgility ExcellentPomacres Iridescent Dragnfly RN AX AXJ, 32407, Lois Fae Morkassel.Lois calls Iri her little 4 lb Power Pom.Little Bear MX MXJ NF, 3407, Nancy Marmol, ILPFizzles Lucky Break AX OAJ, 42807, Jill P. Beitel, ILPExcellent Agility JumperFizzles Lucky Break AX AXJ, 42907, Jill P. Beitel, ILPMaster Excellent JumperCheris Popeye The Zailor AX MXJ, 4107, Gena ZglinskiParis Da Bomb Pom Francine AX MXJ, 4707, Rhonda R HamlettMaster Agility Champion 6MACH6 Bouncin Bundle Of Bear CDX RE, 4607, Shirley MichaelsDogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go .American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APCmembers for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc.,and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. All Poms are eligible for the HistoricalAwards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in the Companion EventsDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson,TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me Why not joinour e-group Brags and advice are available at ActivePomeranian-subscribeyahoogroups.com2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1101 PM674 i i i in4 4468 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Members and friends may answer questions or comment by contacting Roxanne Collins, 6405 W. 650N, Fair Oaks, IN 47943, Ph.219 866-4464 or pommomnetnitco.netWith Roxanne CollinsOUR QUESTION FOR THIS ISSUE OF THE POM REVIEW POM TALK ARTICLE IS ....IN LIGHT OF ALL THE RECALLS ON OUR PET FOODS, WHAT ARE YOU FEEDING SINCE THISRECALLI feed my poms Timberwolf Elk and Salmon Kibble. They get the kibble in the morning, and for supper I giveeach a Natures variety Raw Medallion and mix in the Timberwolf kibble. My Poms are all crate fed. Diane ZechAs a dry food I feed Natures Variety. I try all of their different varieties, but right now I have their Lamb andOatmeal Medley. I used to feed Natures Variety raw food, but I found that some of the ground up bone in it wastoo large or too slivered to feel comfortable giving to my Poms. I now feed Natures Menu, a totally natural rawfood with no ground up bone. It comes in turkey, chicken, lamb and beef. I have all varieties, but so far, the dogsseem to like the beef the best. I also add Wholistic Canine Complete All-In-One supplement to their food. LindaMulsoWeve fed Canidae for at least 10 years and are very pleased. The protein is a bit high but that can be adjusted byadding green beans to their dinners, which they love. Brenda HeimbachI use a combination of the Holistic Eagle Chicken or Salmon and raw veggies and meats. Connie RussellI cook every night, so depending on what we eat, they get cooked chicken or steak, fish, rice, macaroni, carrots,green beans, yellow beans, baked beans. I add Omega 3-6-9 to each meal. They also get cheese twice a week andyogurt every other night. My Poms love oranges, grapefruit, and apples. They are weird sometimes. LaurettaBrownMostly raw food and once in a while canned. I use Stellas and Chewys raw or Natures Variety raw. The cannedis just for a change and I use some of these Royal Canin Sensitive Formula less fat, Merrick food, cannedWellness 95 chicken or beef or Canidae chicken in chicken broth. I never use dry food because of the high fatcontent and the processes necessary to get it into that form. Also, occasionally they get lowfat cottage cheese,yogurt, cooked chicken, or chopped beef for a treat. I have three poms two of these are seniors and rescues.Margaret HealyFortunately for me, I have not had to change what I feed since none of what I feed has been involved in therecall. My puppies get Biljac Puppy and Eukanuba Small Breed Puppy. My adults get Eukanuba Small BreedMaintenance, Nutro Max Small Breed, and Iams Mini Chunks. The only canned food I use has never beeninvolved in the recall, and thats Pedigree I dont feed chunks in gravy. Sherrilynn RogersI feed a raw diet and have been for a long time. The reason I quit feeding prepared dog foods was because of thegarbage they are made from. Our very small dogs are not able to handle the toxins in those foods. And now we2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1101 PM68I I I I JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 69know that the protein levels were a farce. Would I trust any dry food Purina because they dont use importedwheat, rice or corn. The trial feeding is done in their own kennels and they more than any of the others have abetter quality control. But I am not feeding it now. I did raise and show a number of champions in other breedson Purina. Pat MurkI was feeding Canidae to most of mine before the recall and when the recalls began happening, I researched thewebsites in depth and read what others were feeding. I was happy staying with Canidae and have changed theone older senior to Orijen for Seniors. I sincerely wish I had the time to cook for all of mine but and I am sureothers manage their time better than I seem to be able to just dont have the time. I am on one list that hasspreadsheets to give the amounts of the various nutrients required by each dog, and I would be afraid of notgetting the correct amount for each. I am not a scientist, and at this point will leave that to the larger Companies.But some of them dont seem to be doing so well either. I think we just have to be very cautious and make surewe are knowledgeable about the ingredients and where the ingredients are obtained. Roberta MalottI use Natures Variety for my adults, Nutra Source Kibble and Wellness Canned Puppy for the puppies. LindaHaggstromIm not sure why its important but Olivers vet recommended Lifes Abundance. He does very well on it andprefers an occasional snack from my plate. Margaret HosterI am using Canidae, and love it. Sandra CainI have used Eukanuba Toy and Small Breed Formula kibble for years. My dogs have always done well on this. Ionly feed them dry kibble, never moist foods. Luckily, we were not affected during the recalls, so I will continueusing them. Kim ArmourIm sticking it out with Purina ONE lamb and rice, which has always been the best for the multiple dogs thatcome through here, my own and rescues. I think after the problems that all the pet food companies will be ascareful as anyone can be. I dont know any way to be perfectly safe except by raising all my own and my dogsfood in my back yard, and even that couldnt be always perfect. Theres no hiding place down here BarbaraMcClatcheyI am feeding Natures Variety Raw Instinct kibble some of the time, Natures Variety raw frozen diet some of thetime the 2 chubs are considerably cheaper than the medallions or patties. I do some home prepared raw andhave recently joined a local raw feeding group. And have found some meats at a reasonable cost, so will try to domore home prepared raw. Mary AllanI had been feeding Natural Balance for several years and was very disappointed in the way they handled therecall. I was notified by Petco not Natural Balance about the recall. I was on their frequent customer list andshould have been notified by them. I now feed Solid Gold and am very pleased with it. Audrey RobertsIm still feeding my Poms Nutro Ultra dry holistic dog food. It was not recalled. So far, I have never had anyproblems with it and my dogs are all healthy and have nice coats. It doesnt contain corn or artificialperservatives. Sandra JohnsonI have been fortunate that what I feed my dogs has not been recalled. However, over the past few years I havebeen feeding my dogs a mixture of dry dog foods that I feel may help if one of them are recalled. I feed EagleKennel pack as the main dog food and add Canidae. I have also started feeding raw bones once a week. I amlooking into a more raw diet. Bev Stekli2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1101 PM694 i i i i n4 4470 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSuggestions and techniques in this article are the opinion of each individual contributor. The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and the Pomeranian Review does not endorseor recommend any procedure or accept responsibility of their use. Always consult a professional, legal council andor a licensed veterinarian.I have been feeding Chicken Soup For the Pet Lovers Soul and mix it 5050 with Natures Variety Chicken. The puppies getthe chicken soup puppy kibble mixed with Natures Variety raw instinct, and they get a Natures Variety Raw Medallionevery now and again. I have seen great results in coat and overall condition since I switched. Roxanne CollinsHere are links for the total recall info. I hope no one reading this has endured the loss of a beloved pet due to this recall.httpwww.fda. govorafed_ staterecalls Recall.xls_ httpwww.itchmo.comrecalls.htmlThank you for responding to our question this issue. I have not been able to contribute for the last few issues due tocomputer problems. I am glad to be back once again to contribute to the American Pomeranian Club with this article.Our question for the next issue is When placing a puppy as a pet, what guarantees do you offer the buyer Please respondvia email to Roxanne Collins, 6405 W 650 N, Fair Oaks IN 47943 or phone 219 866 4464.Pom Talk ContinuedAKC POMERANIAN POINT SYSTEM 1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 pointsdogs bitches dogs bitches dogs bitches dogs bitches dogs bitchesDivision 1 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont 2 2 5 5 8 9 9 10 11 13Division 2 Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania 2 2 5 5 8 8 10 10 13 13Division 3 District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, N. Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, W. Virginia 2 2 6 7 10 11 14 14 22 19Division 4 Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, S. Carolina 2 2 6 6 10 9 12 10 15 13Division 5 Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio 2 2 7 7 12 12 14 14 19 18Division 6 Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Wisconsin 2 2 6 6 10 9 12 11 17 16Division 7 Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas 2 2 7 6 11 9 13 10 16 13Division 8 Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming 2 2 9 7 15 12 19 14 26 18Division 9 California 2 2 7 7 11 11 13 12 16 15Division 10 Alaska 2 2 4 4 5 5 7 6 8 7Division 11 Hawaii 2 2 5 4 8 5 9 7 10 8Division 13 Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota 3 3 8 4 13 5 15 12 19 14Effective May 14, 20072007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1101 PM70 I N I i i i inJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 71Most of us have never heard of liver shunt otherwise known as Port-systemicShunt. Acid levels are extremely important in the diagnostic screening of symptomaticpotential shunts. Fasting and two-hour post meal blood samples are evaluated for bileacid levels. If the levels increase greatly from a blood sample two hours after the bloodsample taken before eating, a liver shunt could be suspected.There are many different indications that a dog may have a liver shunt. I haddone the same breeding three times, twice with no problems whatsoever. In my life-longexperience with Poms, there were never any of our Poms with a liver shunt and I hadBy Sally Baugniet3951 Sand Bay Lane, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235Phone 920-743-9048, srb1copper.netLIVER SHUNTnever heard about it. I have since been learning all I could.One male in the last litter would do strange things when I weaned him from Esbilac, liquid vitamin, and baby cerealto gradually getting him on regular dry dog food. He would climb out of his puppy pen and follow the walls with his tailand head down as if he didnt know what he was doing - lost and confused. He was fine when I put him back on his Esbilac,vitamin, and baby cereal mixture. Each time I tried to wean him, the same thing would happen. I took him to severalveterinarians. My Florida vet did the blood sample test mentioned above. The levels really elevated, so liver shunt wasdiagnosed. The unusual behavior was from toxins in the body that affected the brain. It made him act like he was drunk.Evidently the blood bypasses the liver and goes directly to the heart so the liver cannot do the duty it was meant to do. Inmost cases, proper diet, consisting of very low protein and medication, will postpone the urgency of the surgery. A diet suchas KD Prescription Diet or LD Prescription Diet and, if necessary, appropriate medications should be discussed with yourveterinarian.DIETARY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DOGS WITH PORTOSYSTEMIC SHUNTSReduced intake of high quality, highly digestible proteinBulk of energy in form of fat and complex carbohydrates e.g., starchSoluble fiber e.g., lactulose to reduce production and absorption of neurotoxinsInsoluble fiber e.g., bran to avoid ConstipationZinc to improve detoxification of ammoniaI found a recipe that I mixed especially designed for liver shunt. The website is listed below.The University of Tennessee is noted for the newest procedure to fix the liver stunt, but I found that there areother universities that now also do the new and more successful surgery. The University of Florida in Gainsville also doesthis surgery. Since Gainsville was only a two-hour drive for us, we decided to take Terry Pomirish Hangin in There tothe U of FL. He was found to have one extrahepatic shunt outside the liver, which is better than more than one and betterthan an intrahepatic shunt inside the liver.As it was explained to me, a metal ring with clay inside of the ring is put around the blood vessel that bypasses theliver. As the clay soaks up moisture it gradually expands and closes the vessel that bypasses the liver and allows the bloodto go to the liver where the liver can then properly filter out the bad stuff. It is important that the closure is done slowlyand that it eventually closes completely. The success is said to be about 80.Terry had the surgery, was neutered, and had an extra baby canine tooth pulled all at the same time, as the surgerywent well. He had his monthly check-up with the acid level test at the U of FL. The vet there said it sometimes takes 90days before the blood vessel closes completely.We are now back in Wisconsin. By the time you read this, Terry will have had his second monthly check-up andacid level test. I am confident it will be greatly improved as he is eating his Science Diet K D very nicely and is actingnormal in EVERY way. I will keep you updated BTW, I call him my amazing 3000 Pom pet. He is the most expensive petI ever had, BUT, it was all worth - httpwww.vetsurgerycentral.compss.htm - httpwww.livershunt.comhttpwww.malteseonly.comshunt2.html - JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1102 PM71i i i i n4'54 4472 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW E. Katie Gammill - Lerna, Illinoisindcrk13011consolidated.netwww.indiancreekshelties.comI HEARD ITON THEGRAPEVINEA few weeks ago, I attended a writing retreat in Eureka Springs,Arkansas. This area offers simplicity, beauty, scenery, and relaxation.One afternoon, walking through the picturesque town, we stopped by anantique and gift shop. Paying for our purchases, we saw two NorwichTerriers lounging behind the counter.As an American Kennel Club judge, I recognized their quality. Delvinginto how they happened to appear here, I mentioned possibly showing the dogs totheir American Kennel Club Championship.They both were AKC Champions The young couple did finish theirChampionships. They attempted to participate in the great sport of dogs. What Iheard next was disconcerting. Their ringside experience soured them fromparticipating further.They tell us of the ringside attitude. They share with me their feelingsregarding remarks made by exhibitors. Feeling this added little value to theirlives, they simply walked away from the sport.Sadly, the camaraderie and good will were not there for them. The constantexcuses of why some dogs did not win and the criticism of the officiating judgesbothered them. They seek a more positive hobby. I fear this happens with manynewcomers. They are given unsolicited opinions, which for many discourage themfrom participating in the sport in the future. Few new exhibitors receivecongratulations upon their win, be it large or small.This saddens me greatly. Many times I stand in the ring with standardsrunning through my head, analyzing and choosing the dogbitch most representinga standard on a given day. I stand there knowingly accepting the fact I am a targetof criticism from disgruntled exhibitors.Judges cannot please everyone. Their responsibility is to study thestandards, educate themselves, and then walk in and judge the class. Until theyenter the ring that day, they have no preconceived idea of what dogs will rise tothe top. Many things enter into their decision conditioning, showmanship, style,soundness, type All of this makes a winner. Good judges prioritize such thingsand select the dog they think offers the most complete package.It takes a tough hide to be a judge. The judge makes three people happyon a given day, those being the WinnersDog, Winners Bitch, and Best of Breedexhibitors. The rest walk away, someconvinced they received fair treatment andthe best dog won. Others look for anexcuse as to why they did not win. Fewexhibitors analyze an entire animal inthree minutes. Judges are required to dothis and they actually go over the exhibit.This examination reveals things neverseen by those outside the ring.Some exhibitors decide the judgedoes not know hisher hind end from ashot gun. Some remark heshe ispolitical or favors handlers. Oftenpeople making such verbal attacks areunaware their particular breed actuallyHAS a breed standard. They are unawareothers are listening to their comments.Some newcomers to the sporttruly do not know the quality of what theyARE showing, but they are willing tolearn. Perhaps their first dog IS a pet.With encouragement, they may see thelight and purchase a show dog that canwin. Some are uninterested in learningfaults and virtues. Winning is the end all2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1102 PM72i i w m'JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 73for them. Some lose their enthusiasm quicklywhen they see how much is involved to becompetitive. Perhaps they lack the monetarymeans and dedication needed to succeed.The majority of exhibitors DO NOTfeel this way. They do not mind when a betterdog stands in front of them. They complimentthe owners on their win and develop arelationship. It is then others become involvedin our sport. Young people are at a premiumtoday, and all of us should treat them withrespect.Admittedly, our sport has its share ofbad losers. We may not throw beer cans onthe track, but negative comments hit just ashard. Being targeted or not, the owners of thislittle business were in the direct line of fire.Shaking my head, I could say little regardingdamage control.Most judges analyze and know whyone dog places over another when they awardplacements. Their heart is uncluttered byemotions. They are doing their job to the bestof their ability. It is an OPINION of ONEperson on THAT day. You can always withholdyour entry under this judge in the future.Consider the following aspect of oursport. Handlers win more because they are thereEVERY weekend 52 weeks a year. They workwith dogs 247. It is their lives. They do notshow dogs out of coat or condition. They studyjudges preferences and backgrounds, and thenenter where they have the best chance ofwinning. They work daily on showmanship andattitude of their animal. They stay for Groupsand Best in Show and KNOW theircompetition.Today, we have Show and Go-ers.They show and simply leave. Many do notstick around to come back in for Reservecompetition. They do not watch Groups or Bestin Show where listening and learning fromseasoned exhibitors at ringside is an education.For every new person seen in the ring,there is opportunity. Mentoring and sharing ofexperience encourages a newbie toparticipate in our great sport. In this way, theygrow and catch fire. Fortunately, the coupleI met purchased lovely dogs. Unfortunately,someone smothered their coals of enthusiasmbefore they had a chance to burn brightly. Thisis sad commentary regarding our great sportof dogs.The sport gives generously, and we should give back to the sport.We live in an environment today of tell it like it is. Hurtful remarks andcriticism do not promote friendships. Destructive comments sour theatmosphere.Society today seems to lack civility. People hesitate to becomeinvolved as others who disagree with their direction can instantly shred theirideas and reputation. In the 60s, I overheard a comment by someone that aparticular winning male dog looked bitchy. Those around saidSSSHHHHHH We do not say things like that. Unsolicited criticism canbe an attempt to sabotage success.There IS a science to achieving success in the conformation ring.There is another science and preparation for obedience, tracking, and agility.One simply does NOT walk in unprepared. Do not complain about the judgewhen you lose. Look around at the winners, and compare them to yourentry. Have an open mind. If you feel you have a winner, stick with it. Donot let someone convince you otherwise until you have tried all your options.Below are listed ways to increase the chance to win the blue ribbon1. Take a handling class. Understand your dogs faults and virtues andshow your dog to its best advantage.2. Do NOT show a dog out of coat or condition. Clean dogs are aMUST Trim nails, clean teeth.3. Dress nicely and be considerate of others in the ring.4. Research what the judge originally bred, and analyze your dogsvirtues to take advantage of this background.5. Keep a record of what type of dog wins under a particular judge.Look at color, coat, head, front, rear, showmanship, and movement. Keepnotes.6. Keep that dog showing even when the judge IS NOT LOOKING.7. Move the dog with your lead and bait, NOT your feet and knees.8. Give a judge at least three entries over time and attempt to establishhisher pattern before giving up.9. Congratulate the winners It may be you next time.10. In a large entry, look for consistency in winners. Take notes.11. Be on time at ringside. Do NOT stand outside the ring while dogsare in the ring with a bitch IN HEAT Stand back.12. Watch Groups and Best in Show Listen to those around you.It is interesting how surprised people appear when they learn thereare things they can do to increase their chances of winning. This is no bigsecret. Books are easily obtainable. Every winner today was at one time anewcomer to the sport. Look around. If someone is new, or seemsuncomfortable as to what the procedures are, give them a hand. Assist them.Treat them with kindness. Be a mentor.Dog shows are simply a vehicle of choice for many seeking life longrelationships, travel, commitments, and success. Good dogs do not alwayswin, and bad dogs finish their Championship. That is a fact Judging is aneducated, opinionated sport and good sportsmanship is imperative if thesport is to survive.Dog shows are fun The bottom line is about loving and enjoyingthe dogs. While seeking this destination, make the ride enjoyable for thosearound you. Life is too short to drink bad wine.2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1102 PM73m74 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWMarch came in like a lamb. The days were balmy and the flower bulbs pushed up through the soil and brought the promise of anearly spring. By April 1 the azaleas were adorning the gardens with lavish displays of blooms. The hardier gardeners among us wereemboldened to start planting tender annuals and vegetables to get an early start on the season. Then treacherous March turned her backon us and let the freezing cold winds and snow blow down on us from Canada just in time for our show.It was just a coincidence that we had a Canadian judge to evaluate the 84 Poms who awaited his consideration. Mr. Stanbridgequipped that he had left Canada to enjoy the pleasant Carolina weather. Show weekend rivaled the coldest weekend we had all winter. OnSaturday, the judges and exhibitors who had rings out of doors were wearing heavy coats and using electric hand warmers. Thats not thebest way to show a dog but everyone buttoned up and made the best of it.This was the 20th Anniversary Show for the Central Carolina Pomeranian Club. We held our first show September 29, 1995, atthe Piedmont Kennel Club showplace in Charlotte, N. C. Refreshments were served with a 20th Anniversary cake. AllExhibitors were welcome. The winner of the laptop computer was Armband 36, Katie Stalnaker. Congratulations to KatyThis year marked the first time the Ann Riddick Challenge Trophy was offered to the Best of Breed winner. It must be won 3times by the same owner of the Best of Breed winner but not consecutively and not necessarily with the same dog. This year it was wonby David and Carlene Gilstrap with Mountain Crest Traveling Man.On Saturday evening the club hosted a birthday party for Ruth Beam who turned 94 years old this month. Many of her friendswere in attendance to wish her many happy returns.Certificates were awarded to the six Charter Members who helped organize the club in 1988. They are Ruth Beam, DorisWarren, Ed Martin, Dot Martin, Rodger Beaty and Vicky Beaty.Congratulations to all winners. We hope you will join us in 2008.Sweepstakes 34 entries 18 males- 16 femalesJudge Mrs. Molly MartinPuppy dogs 6-9 mos.1st Place - Ansors Valentino Owner AngelArocho2nd Place - Jan-Shars LL Cool Jay OwnerSharon Hanson3rd Place - Hickory Bends Sand DollarOwner Tom B Davidson David L. Lamb4th Place - Carleez Thunderous ApplauseOwner Laurie OtisPuppy dogs 9-12 mos.1st Place - Ayumis Twice The CharismaOwner Amy Tsay2nd Place - Showins The Big Bad WolfOwner Audrey Caywood3rd Place - Highfield Strike Up the Band ofLenette Owner Vikki Highfield4th Place - Monarcs Special Blend OwnerShari ShieldsPuppy Dogs 12-18 mos.1st Place - Pinecrest Mannequin Owner CBolahood, D Machniak, D Coventry2nd Place - Janesas Just Because I CanOwner Diane Hall3rd Place - Mountain Crest Love Bug OwnerDavid Carlene GilstrapPuppy Bitches 6-9 mos.1st Place - Keglers Wanna Be A FlintstoneOwner Carol Leemhuis Laurie Otis2nd Place - Kalos Hot Tamale OwnerCarolyn Brandenburg3rd Place - Hickory Bends Rambling EmmaOwner Tom Davidson David Lamb4th Place - Jan-Shars Beyonce OwnerSharon HansonPuppy Bitches 9-12 mos.1st Place - Powerpoms City of Angels OwnerPongsakorn Pongsak2nd Place - Monarcs Mark at MustangOwner Joyce Bob Birks3rd Place - Horizons Hope Springs EternalOwner Laurie Otis4th Place - Honeykist Ready To Dance OwnerChristine BousquetPuppy Bitches 12 18 mos1st Place - Finchs Outa Sight SweetnessOwner Carolyn Garbe Diane Finch2nd Place - Visions Miss Money PennyOwner Nancy EllerBest In Sweeps Ansaros ValentinoBest of Opposite Sex Finchs Outa SightSweetnessRegular Classes 84 entries 33-29 10-6 6Veterans Judge Mr. Lawrence StanbridgePuppy Dogs 6-9 mos.1st Place - Jan Shars LL Cool Jay BreederOwner Sharon Hansen2nd Place - Hickory Bends Sand DollarBreederOwner Tom Davidson DavidLamb3rd Place - Millamors Mandolin TunesBreeder E Miller Owner C Rofkahr JNguyen4th Place - Carleez Thunderous ApplauseBreeder Carol Leemhuis Owner Laurie OtisPuppy Dogs 9-12 mos1st Place - Ayumis Twice the CharismaBreederOwner Amy Tsay2nd Place - Highfield Strike the Band ofLenette Breeder K G Griffith Owner VikkiHighfield3rd Place - Pixies Flyin High BreederOwner C Galavich, D Machniak, ENewyear4th Place - Showins The Big Bad WolfBreeder B Raymond Owner A CaywoodDogs 12-18 mos1st Place - Pinecrests Mannequin BreederOwner C P Bolahood, D Machniak, DCoventry2nd Place - Janesas Just Because I canBreeder Jerrie Freia Owner Diane Hall3rd Place - Carleez Deck The Halls BreederC Leemhuis Owner Linda AltomareDogs BBE1st Place - Mountain Crest Love BugBreeder Owner David Carlene Gilstrap2nd Place - Woods Let The MemoriesBegin Breeder Owner Maynard WoodCentral Carolina Pomeranian Club Show4-6-07Report by Dot Martin2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1102 PM74 I N I i i i inJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 753rd Place - Firebrooks Stoli Ohranj BreederOwner Lee Cook4th Place - Foxwudz Ultra Classic EncoreBreederOwner Laura JenningsDogs Open BBB1st Place - Janesas Horizon CappuccinoBreederOwner Jerrie FreiaDogs Open ROCS1st Place - Mountain Crest Traveling ManBreederOwner David Carlene Gilstrap2nd Place - Magic Moments Of LenetteBreederOwner K G Griffith3rd Place - Pinecrest Island Boy Breeder CBolahood Owner E B Paviglianti4th Place - All-Maes Ready To Rock CinmarBreeder K B Nichols Owner Cindy OnoskoWinners Dog - Mountain Crest TravelingManReserve Winners Dog - Magic Moments OfLenettePuppy Bitches 6-9 mos1st Place - Hickory Bends Rambling EmmaBreederOwner T Davidson D Lamb2nd Place - Jan-Shars Beyonce BreederOwner Sharon Hanson3rd Place - Keglers Wanna Be A FlintstoneBreeder Amy Eiserman Owner C Leemhuis L Otis4th Place - Keglers Meet The FlintstonesBreeder Owner Amy EisermanPuppy Bitches 9-12 mos1st Place - Monarcs Mark At MustangBreeder Shari Shields Owner Joyce BobBirks2nd Place - Pixies Let It Be Me BreederOwner C Galavich, D Megenhardt, ENewyear3rd Place - Powerpoms City Of AngelsBreederOwner Pongsakorn Pongsak4th Place - Merry Maid of Lenette Breeder KGriffith Owner Nancy WarnerBitches 12-18 mos1st Place - Finchs Outa Sight SweetnessBreeder Diane Finch Owner C Garbe DFinch2nd Place - Visions Miss Money PennyBreeder Virginia Renz Owner Nancy Eller3rd Place - Foxwudz Dance With MillamorBreeder B Stetson L Jennings Owner LJenningsBitches BBE1st Place - Luminesque Dont Cry for Me.Breeder J Moore Owner Jacqueline Moore S Wolfgang2nd Place - Horizons Hope Springs EternalBreederOwner Laurie Otis3rd Place - Kalos Hot Tamale BreederOwnerCarolyn Brandenburg4th Place - Firebrooks Thymeless BreederOwner Lee CookBitches Am Bred1st Place - Heavens Justagirl of LenetteBreeder Owner Laura JenningsBitches Open BBB1st Place - Paugh Prints Midnight PassionBreeder N R Coddington Owner SherriAlspaughBitches Open ROCS1st Place - Honeykist N Millamor In HarmonyBreederOwner Christine Bousquet2nd Place - DNHs Liberty At Feher WayBreeder K Hartz P Foley Owner S Feher,K Hartz, P Foley3rd Place - Foxwudz Custom Dresser BreederOwner Laura JenningsWinners Bitch - Honeykist In HarmonyReserve Winners Bitch - Hickory BendsRambling EmmaVeteran Dog 7-9 years1st Place - Ch Sundowns Hide N Zeke CDBreeder Camilla Knight Owner CarolLeemhuis2nd Place - Ch Great Elms Ultra ClassicBreederOwner Laura Jennings3rd Place - Ch DHCrew Rock-N-RumbleBreeder Hal Webster Owner Cindy Onosko4th Place - Ch Heartlands Knight N DayBreeder Barbara Breden Diane KiefferOwner Laurie OtisVeteran 7-9 Bitch1st Place Ch Warrior Princess Bebe BreederOwner Ann BerrymanVeteran 9 Bitch1st Place - MountN Crest Miss HollywoodBreeder D Gilstrap Owner Sherri AlspaughBest Veteran Ch Sundowns Hide N ZekeOwner Carol LeemhuisBest Of Breed Mountain Crest TravelingMan Owner David Carlene GilstrapBest Of Winners Mountain Crest TravelingManBest Of Opposite Sex Honeycrest NMillamor In Harmony Christine Bousquet2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1102 PM75mIk fcPK H'3ft5VFP o 7mAfcES'76 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contact217 347-5731fame62401yahoo.comKENNELVisitsJanell ReichJanel PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominatecandidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits.Send information to The Pomeranian Review,Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. CamelotAve., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-3475731. Email fame62401yahoo.comSeptemberOctoberAdvertising DeadlineAugust 1, 2007Regional Pomeranian Club Specialty coming events are published free of charge.For updates and regional club contact information go to the APC website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgCOMING EVENTSJuly 19, 20 Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty, Portland, Oregon. Trish Inman 22, 2007 Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia, Inc. Sanctioned A Match - Diana Downey dimondeearthlink.netAugust 5, 2007 - Pomeranian Cub of Canada National Specialty, Calgary, Alberta, CanadaAugust 23, 2007 - APC National Summer Specialty - Houston, TX. Tim and Sue Goddard,, 281585-4430Friday, August 24, 2007 - The Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston SpecialtySaturday, August 25, 2007 - The Toy Club of Greater Houston All Toy Breeds ShowSunday, August 26, 2007 - The Toy Club of Greater Houston All Toy Breeds ShowCrowne Plaza Houston-Brookhollow Hotel, Houston, Texas, www.cphoustontx.comContact Tim and Sue Goddard,, 281 585-4430September 14 - Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana Specialty pending AKC approvalOctober 26 27 - Central Arkansas Pomeranian Club Specialties - Pat Barnett barneybarnett1netzero.netNovember 23, 2007 - Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore Specialty held in conjunction with the Turkey Cluster andthe Northeastern Maryland Kennel Club at the Howard County Fairgrounds 2210 Fairgrounds Road, West Friendship,Maryland.2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1103 PM76 INI 4 i i i in4JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 77SChampion PomeraniansN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, WI 54636PH 608 526-1051 sandpomscharter.nethttpwww.sandpoms.comandpomsSJandraohnsonPomsPARKVENUEATom Wilson916-689-1222SACRAMENTO, CAparkavepomsyahoo.comPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLECHCHROM2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1103 PM77 4- i i i i ni v W EvensongPomeraniansKevin and v'' Teresa White \ Portland, Oregon Jm.11F 503314-9026 www.evensongpoms.comCH EVENSONG WIN N FOR Z GIPPERartiChelanesSpecializing in Parti and Parti-factored PomeranianswXT CHChrissy CH GunnerCH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker PartiElaine Waugh www.chelanes.netChelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington SteeleKeeper CH Remy. -43 ImmLinda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww. dream weaverpoms. comLoCuevo KennelPomeraniansSherrilynn I. RogersBreederOwnerHandler3016 Hiawatha Dr Dayton, OH 45414937 275-4062 937 546-1741 Cell lacuevaknlaol.comBreeding for Quality, Not Quantityouterm,mi.'zmfJte ','4478 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPINECREST KENNELSChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherine2404 Reg. Road 57Bowmanville, ON LIC www.manchesterterriers.ca905 697-2488BolahoodElusiveCatherine Jessen4165 E 100 NorthRigby ID 83442208 745-5267PomsandToyPoodles Toys818 352-9536website ShowcasePoms.comPomeraniansShowcaseHome of ExceptionalPomeranian DogsAlane LevinsohnShowcase PomeraniansWhere Type,Quality andSoundnessCountCheri McDonaldcheribachmanpoms.comwww.bachmanpoms.com909-394-7923Southern California2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1103 PM78 INI i i i inWINNERPOSITrz3Joan C. BekrendLong Island, New Y 631 366-2330]ashbeyBISS Ch. Lil Bekrs Thumbellittpw^wgeocitieS^lilbelirs_ponis Handling Se rvices - Limited Boarding Available9I Randy Buske I BreederExhibitorI Member American Pomeranian Club Puget Sound Pomeranian ClubP.O.Box 2408 Buckley, WA 98321360 897-2163 253 740-5060 Wi m 6m mk 'JaatK.HfomentVa.c.hjrLarL anlCARLEEZ POMSCarol LeemhuisPittsburgh, PAHome 412 344^8257 Jk.Cell 412 848-6987 J. www.carleezpoms.comHome of picturedBISS Ch. Sundown's Hide N Zeke, CD, ROM, GCSpoiled companions, conformation, obedience and agility Poms4JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 79ShyacresProfessional HandlingAudrey M. RobertsAlvin, Texas - Houston Areawww.shyacres.comaudreyshyacres.comPhone 713 204-7225Assisted by Jessica JohnsonBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GCCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay RoadChehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104fax 360 767-0105email Harris20 Oakcrest AvenueMiddle Island NY 11953631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comAvalonCh. Avalons Prince Matchabelli MonteStarfires Conan the Barbarian xAvalons Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792email infoavalonpom.comweb site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.Inquiries welcome.PomeraniansSubscriptionsand Back Issuesmake great gifts.Order online today atamericanpomeranianclub.orgPom Review2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1103 PM79enuwanePOMERANIANS REG'D0iiHRYNIUK3789 KOI I TE 122 NOKEII LAKE NEW BKUNSWICK CANADA E6H2H6 Poms With Designer Genes Since 1973Pi 43 ,7Ayumi PomeranianscAmyTsay BreederExhibitor PCCV - Recording Sec.434 589-3652 Lake Monticello, VAWWW.AYUMI-POMS.COMAYUMI.POMSGMAIL.COM80 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWATTENTIONRRRRRegional Pegional Pegional Pegional Pegional Pom Clubsom Clubsom Clubsom Clubsom Clubs Regional Pom Club Eventinformation is published free ofcharge in the Coming Events. Regional Clubs special lowadvertising rates. Reports and photos of Pomspecialties and matches arepublished free.Send coming events, reports,and photos to the editor.Del-May PomeraniansDeborah K. Barrett2035 MapledaleFerndale, MI 48220Phone 248 546 6554 Email delmay1wowway.comMountain View PomeraniansPat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477Phone 540-337-2965Champion Regmars Mtn ViewStars ShineTHE POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SUBSCRIPTIONSPER YEARPUBLISHED BI-MONTHLYSubscription CardSUBSCRIPTION MANAGERCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402San Dimas, CA 91773Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE CID NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 ForeignAKC INTRODUCES ONLINE RECORD KEEPINGFree, Web-based Service Helps Breeders Manage Dog and Litter Records.The American Kennel Club is pleased to announce that OnlineRecord Keeping, a new service for breeders of AKC registeredlitters and dogs, is now available. Any breeder with a My AKCaccount now has access to this free service, which provides acentralized area to manage and maintain dog and litter records online.For more information go tohttpwww.akc.orgservicesbreeder_records.cfm2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1103 PM80 INI i i i innhawL QfyvOcc OS i V4VP^POP^.--_____________4JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 81FabyanPomsAlice R. Carlson6009 Edgewater DriveCorpus Christi, TX 78412361-991-5410361-993-4059fabyanpomssbcglobal.netDiane L. FinchCH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS CH FINCHS CHARS MAKIN WAVES PARTICHPARKERCHSPLASHPhone 985 384-7466Fax 985 384-8628www.janesa.comJerrie Freia1072A Landry LaneMorgan City, LA 70380PomeraniansJanesaBred for beauty and soundness of body and mindDiane L. Finch28453 530 th Avenue, Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 - www.finchspoms.comDeJay PomsBIS, BISS CH. FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOTobyDonna MachniakBreederHandlerGroomer517-546-7446www.dejaypoms.comDana CoventryManagerOwner248-258-9259Attorney at Lawfor the Sport of Dogs2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1122 PM81 i i i i nMILL AMOR POMSKen and Eleanor Miller870 Jersey Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Ph 336-245-9010 Email poms870earthlink.netBreeding again. Puppies avaiCaSCe to Coving Homes.Pauh PrintPerns-4SI Sherry AlspaushPoonville, IN 4761 I Ph. 812 925 6477 paughprintiiomspeoplepc.comi. '' A7 ssFinch's Pomeranians Ltd.cmJM\iL482 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWe salute the courageous men,women and their families of ourarmed forces. May they be safeand protected from all harm.Let freedom ring2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1122 PM82 V,',wrRivendellPomeraniansCarolyn Bonin4013 Windswept Dr Madison, Al, 35757 Ph 256-830-0897www.knology.netbonincRivendell.htmBISS Ch Rivendell Applauds Janesa "Baxter"\alashelPoms and ShelliesElaine Wishnow718-891-34512351 E. 17th St. Bklyn, NY 11229 Home of quality Poms and SheltiesWytPomenactiactMulti Group Winning BISS Champion Mountain Crest JJDavid Carlene GilstrapP.O.Box 22442 Chattanooga. TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 E-Mail dcgilstrapaol.comIDREAMKATCHERSTOY DOG SHOW leadsDEBBIE " CARR lP 0 BOX 67 TIMNATH, CO 80547970 472-1830hftpdreamkatchersleads.tripod.comeonRon Irene Smith3388B Merlin Rd 356, Grants Pass, OR 97526 541-955-5301 - 5K illJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 83A REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S. WatersCharlene R. Waters801-597-3869shimmeree.charlenegmail.comQuality PomeraniansG2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1122 PM83SINCITr pcmsJohn Michele Arvanites North Las Vegas, NV 702-363-8458 sincitypoms.comLil-Ponderosa Poms, Red'dfr \iM.ftCSSmRon Sherry CartwrightPhone 715 874-6936 Email Website httpwww.lilponderosapoms.com1f.M0CowCene - ^JL eahraPomeraniansJLrCene Otaguro HazeC MiCCer Gto6in tWatana6eJlr-Dan's grooming SaCon Phone 808-593-2322 -yggcatshawaii.comSoFine PomsManj LatimerwwwsofinepomsjcommarEjllmac.com979-690-7179am.wn________ HHMHCh. Moss Meadows Precious LokiMoss MeadowsPomeraniansGina 901 674-0449 dyemossaol.comLoki is owned by Michelle WilhoiteKIMPOSSIBLE POM...dreams make all things possible.MMSugarLamb Poms9JT "Ben" Lee-Ann Lambertt Where You Been l My Love o LenelleBill and Kim CrutchfieldP.O.Box 2917, Riverside. CA 92516951 313-9652 website www.kimpossiblepom.commcqlnl21.comwww.sugarlamb.ca_ iPBIS CH. IOLVIN HOT ON YOUR HEELS84 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 10.00To order back issues or single issues, mail check made out to the APCto The Pomeranian Review, 11139 E. Camelot Ave, Effingham, IL62401 or phone 217-347-5731 or e-mail or youmay order online atamericanpomeranianclub.orgThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and editedbi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club,Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk, and 45 per yearUSPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeignsubscriptions are 100.00 per year. U.S. funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible forthe contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinionsexpressed by authors. Per APC Standing Rule The Editor canrefuse any ad. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of theAPC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission toreproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisementsconsisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may notbe used without written permission of the publisher. Original artworkis sole property of the editor.Alspaugh, Sherri..............................................81Arvanites, John and Michele.................................83Barrett, Deborah................................................80Behrend, Joan.....................................................78Betz, Karen..........................................................15Bolahood, Catherine..............................78, 93Bonin, Carolyn..................................................82Bousquet, Christine.........................................29Bower, Daphne.............................................17Buske, Randy.................................................78, 87Carlson, Alice.................................................81Carr, Debbie................................................82Carter, Beverley...............................................27Cartwright, Ron and Sherry....................................83Coventry, Dana..............................................81Crutchfield, Bill and Kimberly...............................83Dague, Roger and Pat..........................................80Davis, Annette and Erik..............................79Domrase, Al and Janet........................................82Ekviriyakit, Suradej.........................................2Felix, Dan and Tammee...................................21Finch, Diane......................................................81Freia, Jerrie.....................................................81Gilstrap, David and Carlene..............82, Back CoverGriffith, Ken and Eleanor.................................23Guerra, Alan.....................................................95Harris, Bonnie................................................79, 92Hirshberg, Jackie..............................................3Hrynuik, Jen.................................................79Jessen, Catherine...........................................78Johnson, Becky................................................89Johnson, Sandra..............................................77Kamrath, Lori and Lindsey....................................18Kern, Monica Gayle........................................16Kerr, Cheryl....................................................86Lambert, Lee-Ann........................................5, 25, 83Latimer, Mary...............................................83Leemhuis, Carol...............................................78Levinsohn, Alane.....................................78, 90Lovely, Victoria.............................................94Machniak, Donna............................................81Marsh, Charlene..............................................78, 91McDonald, Cheri........................................78McFarlane, John and Pauline................................20McKee, Margaret...........................................88, 89Miller, Hazel...............................................83Miller, Ken and Eleanor.....................................81Molina, Elizabeth.......................................................14Moss, Gina.........................................................83Norem, Kathryn..............................................4, 82Otaguro, Arlene.....................................................83Pelz, Linda..................................................77, 87Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana............................22Price, Lana.............................................................91Pruden, Darlene...................................................87Reimschiissel, Kelly.............................................77Roberts, Audrey....................................................79Rogers, Sherrilynn................................................77Rosenbaum, Mary.................................................79Segura, Luisa Leon................................................6Shattuck, Beth......................................................25Sklar, Howard.....................................Front Cover, 24Smith, Irene.............................................................82Solano, Robert and Celeste......................................19Stachurski, Jan......................................................90Takayama, Ellen....................................................20Tiaga, Beverly......................................................8Tsay, Amy................................................................79Watanabe, Robin...................................................83Waters, Gregg and Charlene...............................83Waugh, Elaine...................................................77Wells, Mike...................................................77, 87White, Teresa......................................................26, 77Wilson, Tom.....................................................77Wishnow, Elaine.............................................82, 87Zech, Tom and Diane.............................................81Zozzaro, Fran.........................................................72007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1122 PM84 imeranian ReviewAdvertisersi i i inCack IssuesJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 85 WANTED Unique and candid Pom photos are welcome. Its Just Fur Fun.Pom Idols performJames Brown hits.First we have Ari, owned by Jeanne McNally.Ari has chosen to sing I Got the Feelin.Kim Thompsons granddaughter sings Papas Got a BrandNew Bag, with backup singers Gage and Mickey.Kim Thompsons Gage performsJames Browns first big hit, Try Me. Reba, bred and owned by Dawn Kopf-Collins,dances while singing I Got You I Feel Good.2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1122 PM85 Ar\ n\01if rVI n IQ,fwpp'-VN\5\St. 1 r-jt"SVr1mm4m IM M486 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6122007, 1057 PM86I I I I I m5m Js'M I-wmmn j\y ai25 '14 Jr r HPEH3yji.7vJTrjnrUrsa Minor Six In A Series x Finch'sChars Queen Anne's Lace w Congratulations to Cheri McDonald on your kennel visit. .RED, ORANGE, ORANGE SABLE, BLACK, BLUE, PARTI, CHOCOLATE, SABLE, CREAM, BLACK AND TAN. NOT ALL POM COLORS ARE SHOWNJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 872007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6122007, 1057 PM87mrDreamWeaverintroduces color to our group4RoyalteesDiamond In The Ruff aka "Conner" blktanGeeBears N DW Dreamin O Black Diamonds aka "Diamond" blkWatch for these hopefuls this fall.DreamWeaver Pomsdreamweaverpoms.comi iiinAmerican, Canadian InternationalChampion Randy's Halle BerrieShown exclusively in the Bred By Exhibitor classes by BreederOwner Randy9Halle has added a new accomplishment to her resume, Mother. Puppy hopeful Randy's Can't By Me Love aka the Little Princess, to be seen ring side this fall in the Bred By classes. Congratulations to Cheri McDonald and Letesha Girth on their features.FLASH1 Halite s aisiiteble to a Junior sfiowfiomeRandy's Poms - Randy BuskeBuckley, WA. 253-740-5060 pomfullymytangledweb.comBuckley, WA - Puppies occasionally.4Great River's Meg Rules MalashelCD RA, TD1, CGCMeg will be working towards her next set of degrees after she has her litter.EJiiimt VmnnowI Porns Shaltiasm, 0 7183913451iteliteporri^insn.som IMalat' LOM'BrOOr.iyi malasl4Flnchs-Chars Tonka Tuff TontouMinSire Heartlands Absolute Chocolate Dam Heartlands Chocolate AffairDarlene Prudenwww.prudenspoms.comD3rrene647Z0peopepc.com88 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6122007, 1057 PM88I I I I I mTAZ ZB Z Z4 4^ydleMftct I'uxMcne Itove IGtyl,'ll-A IdteMftctamea t,After only a few weeks training, these littermates both finished their rally titles quickly. Trove's legs included a 1st and a 4th. Cammy's qualifying runs included a 3rd and a 4th.I already held the record for the most dual-titled Pomeranians. Trove has now upped the ante. Gemmy and Cammy congratulate their son Daniel, Idlewyld's YKnot Rock Da Boat, on winninga major, owner-handled by Beverly Allen.Beauty and brains in a well-balanced package.Tfaviaasiet 1R. TftcKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland VA 23063804-556-3380idlewyldearthlink.netidlewyldpomeranians.comTJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 892007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6122007, 1058 PM89EJWFt mmwm mmw-PmWmFp mmiiil'., fc. J-LE V 'I, \' dfv-,'. vfe ^Multiple Group Placing^dvu^jhl J^'V'CyiyO'VX^' ^ervwRanked 7 Pom 20057jyejo^rMultiple Group PlacingCh, ojpRanked 7 Bitch 2001The Red Dogs Red Daughter ^^^her way to her championship in two months from firstpoint to finishing point. She set the rings on in Kentucky, winning not only the 12-18 month class at the APC National, but also a 5 point major at the Kentuckiana cluster handled by breederMargaret McKee. Thislittle girl finished her championship in style by going Winners Bitch at the PCCV supported entry under judge Ms. Victoria M Jordan-Leichner, as well as winning Best In Sweeps the same day.This was finished completelybreederownerhandled by Margaret McKee, andwill soon be setting at Stealurheart.Thanks Margaret for sharing this beautiful Gemmy x Piper daughter with me. May she makesome fnvk of her ownMargaret R. McKee Goochland, VA 804 556-3380mmBecky Johnson Hampton,VAstealurheartl234yahoo.com90 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6122007, 1058 PM90VVTVft'AIIIHits liim Jin iHhii lilita in,lullmmCiilli2006 APC All Breed Dog of the Year 2006 Number One Pomeranian All Breed 2007 Best of Breed Westminster Kennel ClubOzzie thanks all of his fans and friends for such a wonderful year. Special thanks to Curtiss Smith for his expert handling, to co-owners Ron and Merilyn Smith and to Derrik and Deronda Sharp.Congratulations to Cheri McDonald for your kennel visit. Your dogs are lovely and it is such an honor to compete with you on the Southern California circuit.May your stars continue to rise. Congratulations to junior Letesha Girth for your feature.www.sbowcoseDoms.comSender has SPOILED meAs of May 31, 2007 60 Best of Breed 5 Best Of Opposite 23 Group Placements Plus Awards of Merit and Bred By Exhibitor AwardsIt is all more than I dreamed especially of a BLACK.Congratulations to Cheri McDonald on her kennel visitBreederOwnerHanJan StachTableTopPomsVerizJJ zs4fl .vivVjGROUP A I FIRSTVACfttlOfttANC M is 30G f A CLUBJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 912007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1124 PM91Congratulations to my dear friend Cheri McDonald of Bachman Poms on your very exciting kennel visit. You work hard to do your best at everything you do in life, striving for perfection.Your lovely Poms and success are a fine example of that.I can't thank you enough for incorporating my Cory in your breeding program and playing a big role in his ROM.You've come a long way babyLove Ya,nwww.LanasPomeranians.comVery proud owner and breeder of BISS Ch. Lana's Let Me Introduce Myself GC Ranking as of May 16, 2007 - 2 Pomeranian Breed and 3 All Breedstinvj PartiKCPoms is moving bade home to Texas On new home will he in the Ft. Woth area as of June 4,2007. So visit for the latestIt was so nice meeting everybody at Nationals this year and I am looking forward to next year Congrats to Cheri McDonald on your kennel visit and Letesha Girth on your Junior artideSee ya in TexasCkarlene Marsk852647-9821ckairlenekcpoms.com92 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1124 PM92mrmTRESSTIQUE POMERANIANSis very proud to introduce this pretty little FUJI girliVV. V-V rsaw\er1rMr'ua WST'iHSES 'Fa'IKmawME vMrl\a---------- Mythanks to the judges for appreciating Jeanie's good quality Mr. Norman Patton, Mr. Fred Bassett major, and Mrs. Marjorie I TlTuff no pic yet.Congratulations to Chen McDonald on your Kennel Visit. m.m ..ffiSm mBEST OF WINNERS m-rj. z CHESAPEAKE VA.DOG FANCIERSWJfk ASSOCIATION ^J WE SATURDAY JO \S APRIL 28,2007as -WolffrjaswH fWW UK MJUSH msmssmfcsv.ym20 Oakcrest Avenue, Middle Island, NV11953 631-205-5223W jptresspomshotmaiLcomJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 932007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1124 PM93r Jll Si'' V j'T , ''i't'b'Pine crest Little Miss Sunshinemr n mCan. CH. Pinecrest's Ostentacious ROM X Can. CH. Pinecrest's ShimmerAt her first show, Sunny won Best of Breed, a Group 4 and then thrilled us with Best Puppy In Show Well on her way to her Canadian championship, we plan to show her in the USA later this year.Even though we are restricted in Canada from showing many colours, Pinecrest has been working for years with a rich palette of colours in a separate breeding program. Please visit our website Pinecrest Kennels Regd.Bowmanville, Ontario, CanadaCatherine Bolahood www.pomeranians.ca905-697-2488 pinecrestrogers.com94 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1125 PM94Lovely Worther Weight N Gold0tetU \r^,v \ -mm'V . ' iKV HT'V- ^ , 4.. r v, .. ' . ..7 . I iM r \ \f\k V - ,1 f skfr '' V ',f' i dtI2a.\\ LitP .imfl T vc- VV , JfcbSpecial thanks to the judges who have recognized Benelli's quality Dr. Robert Smith - WB, BOS, Dennis McCoy - WB, BOW, BOS Major win, Randy Garren - WB, BOW, BOS, Dorothy Welsh - WB, BOS, Edd Bivin - Major reserve, Patricia Miller - Major reserve, David Krogh - WB, BOW, BOS, Grace Moran -WB, BOS, Stephen Hurt - WB, BOS, Florise Hogan - WBMajor win, and Leslie Hiltz - Major reserve.Benelli needs only a few single points to finish. We thank her vast fan club for their support and encouragement, especially on days when color prejudice, bias, or plain old ignorance prevented her from winning when she should have.The Pom breed standard still states "All colors, patterns, and variations thereof are allowed and must be judged on an equal basis." Big thanks to the fan club prez Kelley Scott, Bonnie Char, who took this photo, and her other momhandler Celeste Solano.Lovely PomeraniansVictoria LovelyMilton, Wfl 253 863 8608 vIclovelypomeranIans.comnsJULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 952007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1126 PM95Presenting the well-loved NEW CHAMPIONCH j'ATV 'JUT DOCKFinishing with a perfect score of three five-point majors in one weekendoa.ocBEST In SWEEPSTAKESNSPx Iki CITY OF ANGELS I POMERANIAN CLUB X\PHOTOS byKT2' 7TailmJan-Shars Perfect Timing X Ch. Jan-Snars Brewing Up A StormSincere gratitude to the judges who recognized her quality.A special thank you to her handler Tish Cannon, and a heartfelt thank you to her breeder Sharon Hanson of Jan-Shar Pomeranians.Xnxjjsbs - Alan Guerra tlltl tl . CAJ JJJU nUA - AJ VNI HMI iA4 I A 4 vBreeder Sharon Hanson Handler Tish Cannon96 - JULYAUGUST 2007 APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 JULY AUG Pom Review.p65 6112007, 1126 PM964CJ fJutt\T,\ \ rJrJrJP14NlilJjJ IjfcdJ Jij rN- -T J"iOtiPalch for us in the coming monthsMountain Crest Pomeranians - David and Carlene GilslrapP.0. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 - 423-987-0266 dcgilstrapaol.coni44