The Pomeranian Review September 2007
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SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 12007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 550 PM1I I I I I n m4W miiiel - i SI .w fAi 441 \6fci-'Iv sJ'ul'al Publication of The Ameri V^Ifl JI JY M^epHwA' 30vWgTrip . "9ffiaiIi.]Aiwi4 I5 .'VJ, f V\Kv.fev7v\.itZSXmMiVIV J .rumt\.4 c u7 V'r. .k I1 -c V r IImkr v k-.ii mf viWAA- , i ur S.2 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 550 PM2I I I I I i i i in3.ANDP0MS P O M E IfIAN JAj\l I V iminii.i drjfi MIi m-----1fA xm BifVl4 4.A 6rnvI am thrilled with my new conformation champion boy, Lance, and am excited about having him in my breeding program. Thank you so much to Lance's breeder Carolyn Brandenburg for this typey boy with such a fun and loving personality. Also, a big thanks to handler Nadine Hersil for taking great care of Lance and finishing his championship so quickly Seven Best Of Winners, and a Puppy Group 1. Thank you very much to the judges who awarded Lance his wins, especially his majors from respected judges Mr. Charles Trotter and D, Roy Holloway.Owner - Sandra Johnson 3 2J n d p O jrJ 3 P O nJ 12J jrJ J 2J JrJ 32nni\ Sari dporr3char Website 808 528-'J5'J J-JoJrnen, WJSEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 32007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 550 PM3rm i i i i4Ch. Ayumis Twice The Charisma Ch. Dimonde's Twice Enticed x Piece Of Eden's It's Curtainsm a^ ^PCVIm Y [L Jrt'.li m mxAI 'V. A r fl i.' -V,K, "V.V\\k Jr \w\ V MiiiJitrI Fsi VI 4. vk 4 .0GROUP PLACING \VIRGINIA MEMORIAL DAY CLUSTERf 1 wGLOUCESTER KENNEL CLUB'U,is4OF VIRGINIA 1\.SATURDAY MAY 26, 2007iiTOM DIGIACOMO Kmsssss-1 WK\\y\ U . amCary finished in grand style Multiple BOBs over specials and two Group Placements Thank you so much to the incomparable Maynard Wood for his excellent care and handling of my little brat.Thank you to the following judges who recognized Carys exceptional type and movementMs. Elizabeth Muthard Mr. Robert D. Ennis Mr. Norman L. Patton Mrs. Marjorie A. TuffWDBOW WD -Major WDBOWBOS WDBOWBOS WDBOWBOSMrs. Ann D. Hearn Mr. George J. HeitzmanWDBOWBOB Group 4Mrs. Barbara Dempsey Alderman WDBOWBOB Group 4 WDBOWBOS WDBOWBOSMrs. Ann D. HearnMrs. Olga Gagne Mrs. Carol V.S. GossweilerMs. Victoria M. Jordan-LeichnerPending AKC confirmationBreederOwner Amy TsayWWW.AYUMI-POMS.COMHandlerMaynard A. WoodY74 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 550 PM4rm i i i inou Siosk jdJ y-thi9 9iv\tVr Xx^ V 7 yfI4liaiS I HXr-j.' -mv"11.'.,Pj\h ElBEST OFBREEDVARIETY fiv8- e 1 4Cwl4 \ rBEXARCOUNTY KENNEL CLUB2007"" T. SOSA98 845-4562s f^ST OF4m-,ED OR RIETY illVI I . 4TN\ fi BLOSSOM HEIGHTS BLOCKBUSTER CH PIERCE ARROWS JUSTIN TIMEHEARTLAND'S DRIVIN MISS DAISY CH MT CREST AT SPRINGWOODCH PAUGHPRINTS ON THE MTN CREST MOUNTAIN CREST ABBYMOUNTAIN CREST MARIAH ROBCARY'S YOU ROCK MY WORLDCH STARFIRE'S BRIAN OF LENETTE CH STARFIRE'S ROBCARY SOBE IT STARFIRE'S ADRIANA II STARFIRE'S ROBCARY U GLOWGIRLCH STARFIRE'S NICOLAS EL GRANDE CH STARFIRE'S BETWEEN THE SHEETCH STARFIRE'S LADY OF THE NIGHTPictured winning BOB over Specials for a 4 point major at 13 mos. old. Rocko was BOB over Specials 2 days and WD a third day.This sweet, nice moving boy may be available to the right show home. He has a gorgeous red-sable coat, beautiful ears, ear set, tail and tail set and a fabulous temperament.Caryl Todd Scrimpshercandtscjvtc-com 210-889-8939 cell 210-494-7787Rob Cary Pet ResortSEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 52007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 550 PM5rm i i i inNEWu,o,\rTw,ti'CHAMPION 0 y I c'j\ov,aCh. Bachman's Lady Lexus ROMJ AmCan Ch. Rodi's CR King of Gondor ROMVllUm3T - h\ w44m 5SSIIk v\1V I\WflE Aj.'V,kw viffifiiTs'iIrai1re T\nhjC. SVV jfmI^cS\nN\WVGS jj, KOHLERvIJW. IThanks to Celeste for finishing Johnny so quickly once he got back in the ring. Johnny is proud to have both parents who have earned their ROM. Thanks to everyone who supported my kennel visit. Your support meant a lot and I rdally enjoyed being able to tell my story.' ''' - _ randled By Celeste SolanoV www.crpoms.comBreederOwner Cheri McDonald www.bachmanponig^com_6 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 103 PM6I I I I I i i i inifi.ullllllllllI ITfig"1I 11 II I ft 1 I - ft f '3.Xlr ifli A Af \JJ 9iA .I yii 1 i,t 4fk 4111 wir-f' rm..mI WI \. ^WfPjPB , t0m. , 4 ^'1ft0Vt, 1lb'P i-w ,y yufa. ..-v.xatv n WocXi MJ7Wi4'. ' f wf IILilli Cu i y ili M fr 51 IfiilKC Jj]IffiSHniWn VflV.nlfr II'IH I rj ik\ rirI Mrr1i J i- - 'vII - it rf I111II I VV.VA'.I KIMI I4iftfi lifar if'tv i41fWlSEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 72007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 103 PM74i.BIS,BISS, CH VALCUPY JAN^L' 1iIX r-WinIrik tV \vifl4.Jr4V 4 x4cy j-fTV. I rs3Yi aBEST In SHOWspecialty-. -iT \\r4 '4 fri[..CITY OF ANGELS ] POMERANIAN CLUBtv. .4 4v'- Ws4j\- . v 1 ...PHOTOS by KiT Ii-ir...jaVifi i1Ttefe to' BeogoamfeiaiiTi i mTvi i i i10 mTi i [TCiTi ie ton yourx- iT- i iaii[ t. iTiii i\\I 111 i I III rlanell Reich S Dana Plonkey Owners Jidllu 7T m IJJRS3TTT 11 ll Hi iv48 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 103 PM8rm i i i in1iiVavminrfc] \ 1 i 1 1y D1'Il I 4I 111V 1tit1V v'T \Vk ufi.f 'Vf"iilfi F4ftiiwf\ze I' Ea 4f HI4V,ii1411Tji i[' ItIEHI STSEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 9Hello from Washington State,I live on five acres in the country near Arlington, Washington, with my Poms and my husband Jack McClincy. MyPoms, for the most part, live in my officedog room. They have a doggy door to a big covered deck with a ramp to go down, thatcan be closed off, to a big fenced in play yard. I also have a small kennel that is indooroutdoor and enclosed with fencing onthe outside, to keep critters out. The kennel stores dog gear and has a sink for grooming. My dogs join us for TV, when we gethome. I only have throw rugs in our TV room, so it is easy to keep clean. The laundry room also serves as a whelping roomPomeranianReviewKennelVisitKnockKnockWhosThereJan El PomsAnd her friends at Valcopy PomeraniansHome of Batman and Spiderman and many other Pom charactersWritten by Janell ReichJan El Pomsas it is very warm and close to the dog room. I can sleep on thecouch in the TV room, if needed near the Pommy mommy inwaiting.My first Pom was an orange rescue Pom named Foxy,who went to work everyday with my late husband Frank Reich.When retired he would have to drive around the circle drive tomake Foxy think he was going to work and then they would goin the workshop to work for the day.Around 1987, Frank and I joined the Puget SoundPomeranian Club, in Seattle Washington to learn about showingand breeding quality Pomeranians. After a year of searching,Dana Plonkey sold us a quality female Pom pup on a coownership. Dana and Randy Gemmill became our mentorsfor training and grooming. Dana helped me train and show Home of Jan El Poms in Arlington, Washington2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 104 PM9I I I I I i i i in4m-] fjI^ ,1a1-LAu. -jJsil-i.r.,vr -u\,4 4'J-4Ol4"1v410 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWour first Champion which was ValcopyWakhanMy Style Heidi. She was a veryspunky orange-sable Pom and freewhelpedfour puppies each time. She wasour foundation bitch and mostly GreatElms breeding. I bred Heidi to a PrinceCharming son and got Ch Jan Els Dukeof Earl, who was an American, Canadianand International Champion andCanadian group winner. He was my firsthome bred and Bred by ExhibitorChampion.I bred a few litters and showedand finished some of the girls. Then Danaand I co-owned several bitches he hadbred and helped me finish them. A chancein a lifetime came when Dana asked if Iwanted to take home a black Pom puppy.He was out of Valentino and a daughterof Japanese Ch. Hadleigh Superman, atop winning Japanese Pom. Hideko hadtaken the dam to Japan to be bred to Ch.Hadleigh Superman. I was to train andshow Valcopy Wakhan Batman on a coownership. I was thrilled He was verytiny, had great movement and a showypersonality. Dana helped me show him,when I could not, but I was elated when Ifinished him the weekend of our specialtyat a large all breed show over specials.Dana showed Batman as aspecial and he won two Best in ShowsAll Breed and quite a few Best InSpecialties. Hideko Strausbaugh askedto take him to campaign for two years. Itwas like watching poetry in motion, asthey danced around the ring She madehim Top winning 1 Pom in 1999 and 3Pom the following year. He won two ToySpecialties in New York before attendingThe Westminster Kennel Club Shows,those two years. Batman is the thirdgeneration of black Pom Multiple Bestin Show Pomeranians. His father, CHValcopy Wakhan Valentino owned byDana Plonkey and Randy Gemmill andhis grandfather Ch. Finchs Walks onWater owned by Diane Finch, weremultiple Best in Show black Poms. Theyall have excellent movement and coat.Batman is home with me and still likesto go to the shows, when I can take himalong. He is also happy to be a stud dog,couch potato and run around our Pomyard. Batman has produced some nicedogs and bitches for Dana and I, bothorange and black, with his goodmovement, full coat, good bite and goodstructure.I showed and finished hisdaughter Ch. Jan Els Batgirl, who placedin the Top 10 Poms. She was a Best inSpecialty winner. Dana showed her as aspecial and did well in group with her.She was a real character with lots ofspunk, who showed better for Dana.Batgirl was out of a daughter ofValentino, Ch. Valcopy WakhanCamielle. She was clear orange andfinished before she was bred. I bought adaughter out of Red Riding hood andValentino from Dana. She was a niceorange-sable and Best in Specialtywinner, named Valcopy WakhanAnastasia.My first husband Frank passedaway in October of 1998. He wasTreasurer for Puget Sound Pom Club formany years. I was President, newslettereditor and show chairperson many times.I kept showing and training my dogs afterhe was gone, but it just wasnt the same.He was the Dog Father that stayed homewith the Poms, while I was away teachingart in the public school during the day.I met Jack McClincy in 1999 andI joined his bicycle club. We bought atandem bike. We love to bike, but I havenot convinced him that the Poms shouldbe in tow to go along. He loves the Poms,and helps me with them, but he thinksthe shows are a lot of work for twominutes in the ring. He likes to bicycle tothe dog shows to watch me. Jack has beena hobby winemaker for 25 years. He putout a wine called Hair of the Dog Merlotwith his favorite Pom Valcopy AllieMcBeal on the label.Janell and Jack McClincyHideko Strausaugh and Batman Randy Gemmill handling Anastasia2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 104 PM10I I I I I i i i in4ynriisttmmmLMlvr, "s7,.4,-j.1]4 4.n^vlifrim4tST.jfeas. 3J 1f Jr \ 4Eft vStellar Jays WinerygiGROUPSECONDr 'vot'te'LOS ENCINOS KENNEL CLUB 2004i- 5 yPontin del Roza contains sulfites4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 11By 2003 and I was not showingany Poms. I saw my friend Dana at adog show and he gave me ValcopyCrystalton Chrisma, Kristi, aCanadianAmerican orange bitch grandsired by Batman on the dams side andgrand sired by Chriscendo Classico onthe sires side. We decided to breed herand then I could show her later. I bredBatman to her and she producedSpiderman, Flash and Robin. All threeJanell, Spiderman, Flash and Robinboys are very nice show Poms. We keptSpiderman and sold Robin to NaimiGuenther whose black bitch just won aNaimi Guenther and RobinBest in Show and sold Flash to our showfriend Jeff Kuenz. Flash is finished andRobin is almost finished. I whelped andtrained Spider and Dana showed him.Spiderman was 8 Pom in 2006. WhenSpider was in Washington Dana showedhim and won many Best in Specialtieswith him. His helpers Kim and Rick werehis Pom mom and dad at the shows. Theybathed, helped groom him and take careof him.This year Spiderman is 5 sofar this year thanks to Tish Cannon hisPom Mom and handler now. We feel ittakes a TEAM for us to properlycampaign the exemplary specials dogs.So our TEAM SPIDERMAN consists ofco-owners Janice Pardue, Dana Plonkeyand myself, Pom Mom and Handler TishCannon and helpers Orval Cannon andDottie Bunnigan. Tish and Dottie tookSpider to the APC Specialty in Kentuckyand won an Award of Merit as well asshowed in the wonderful Top Twentyevent.Dana Plonkey and SpiderTish Cannon and SpiderSince I have a small breedingprogram of Spiderman, Batman and mybrood bitch Bonfires Trixie at Rise NShine, I count on my Pom friends andpartners at Valcopy Pomeranians to helpme with breeding. Dana Plonkey, JudyParis and I work well together. Valcopyhas Valentino Poms, Hadleigh and JanShar in their lines.Judy Paris and FlyIn closing I thought I wouldshare some of the things that I havelearned in the almost 20 years in Poms.I still want to learn more and still considermyself a novice at times.As Puget Sound Pom Clubpresident I went to as many APCspecialties as I could and later we hostedat least two APC specialties inWashington. I was able to meet some ofthe older breeders. Edna Giradot told me,if you see a really nice Pom that everyonewants to breed to, you should go backand breed to his father, because that iswhat produced him.Dana Plonkey taught me to onlybreed when I have a purpose, not justbecause that bitch is in heat. He hashelped me be very careful about mybreeding program.I also have started using thefrozen sperm bank to collect sperm frommy outstanding studs. I want to insurethat my breeding program goes on in casesomething happens to one of my dogs orthey just get old. Im glad to say Batmanis still going strongI helped with rescue Poms forawhile and I really admire what the PugetSound Pom people are doing with theirrescue programs. It makes me realize thatwe need to breed less as there are so manyunwanted dogs that are put down everyyear. I have spayed all but one of mygirls.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 553 PM11I I I I I i i i in4"VRRIw4ui NR1 VhiInrSteven Ross SPRING - 2006 i,___4 4,-f. , 1 Lin , f,1f^ ivyAWARD OF MERIT^rJt.NATIONALSPECIALTY I-THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYh i',412 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWI became a real believer in themicrochips when a local vet called to tellme they had a Pom of mine that someonebrought into the vet. I had given one ofour bus drivers an older Pom and it hadgot away from her in a city near her.Someone had found it but had notreported it. I was glad to know that shehad been found.Also, I insist that my pet ownersget their Poms neutered and have a fencedin yard. One of the things I was told whenI started buying and selling Poms was toget everything in writing. I tell people toget a contract when they buy a Pom sothey can take it to their vet to have itchecked outTwo women I really admire inthe Pom world today are Julie Clemenand Celeste Solano. They are reallycareful about having their Poms vethealth certified. They have their eyes,stifles and I think hips certified. Theyare really quality breeders. I wish theywould write an article about it for oureducation section.I truly love the Poms, thecompanionship of my friends in the clubsand the sport of showing. Thanks forvisiting and good luck to all of you inyour care and pursuit to better the breedof the Pomeranian.SpidermanJanell Naimi holding Spider Robin Spider and dam KristiJanell and Debbie, twin day at schoolBatman wins Best VeteranSpiders son Superman2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 553 PM12i i i i n4oMr[helpW 1 7w4 rI best ini- VETERAN Smpstakes,'SPECIALTY' PMwIiy By cI Steven Ross 1 SUMMER - 2004fim W m\i mM. _\ rr i' R1___ASEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 132007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 553 PM13nBISA BISSAmCan Ch Gavels Destiny's Childy yHOF, GC, CGCIHnT.iwV^ra W ^s4fc.JBEST OF BREEDSTUMPTOWN COMBINED SPECIALTIES PHOTOS BYSTEVEN ROSSSUMMFR - 2007Thanks to Michael Heflin for this wonderful Specialty win.Libby is quickly becoming the Darlin Diva of the Pacific Northwest with 1 BIS, 1 BISS, 3 Group ones and 1 Group two in the last week.Congratulations Janell Reich on your kennel visit. Thank you for your friendship and support.OwnerNaimi Guenthernaimig uentheryahoo.comPresented by BreederGale Riversgayelscomcast.netRandy Gemmillrg98112comcast.netA14 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 553 PM14i i i in4Aphrodites Daddy's Lil GirlpsCZ-'Pwt.-C' vliL.Mf-r i \7L1 ir^ Ii^ ''..IAS,4A4.'V 4 4A .-ivv. mPamie started her show career with a bang. She was first introduced to the ring on June 1ith. By July 8th she had earned 5 WB titles and 2 RWB from the BBE class out of 10 shows. I'm very proud of this little girl. She's a nicely put together package. Also, Shimmer, Aphrodites Shinning Star, has earned 4 WB titles and multiple RWB and puppy group wins. 1 would like to thank all the judges that appreciated my girls. Congratulations to Janell Reich and Stephanie Hentschel on your features in this issue.rA..CJAphrodites Shinning StarBreeder Owner HandlerLinda DeCicco - Aphrodites PomeraniansWindham, ME - 207-2121-5812 - Pomsaaol.comSEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 15Lenette PomeraniansBreeders of fine Poms since 19571440 Pom Orchid LaneKannapolis, North Carolina 28081Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 - K. G. Griffith - OwnerCh. Music Maker of LenetteWe are very pleased to announce that Music is now back with us.We would like to thank Al and Jen Lapuz for allowing us to get our boy back into our breeding program.Congratulations to Byron and Christie Lisenbee on finishingCh. Heavenboundstaccato of Lenette the last weekend in July. This makes champion 14 for Music.Congratulations also to Arturo R. Doriet on finishing Ch. Nicolas of Lenette.Best wishes to Janell Reich featured in this issue.We have a lovely 6 month old male out of Ch. Band of Gold of Lenette that we were keeping for ourselves to show.He is now available to a good show home.www.lenettepoms.com2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 553 PM15rm i i i i4AA4,JC mi5^ MW.m w111 'cmAi 47'cAkIAkAk A^9-, A^9-, INdf^9_, I0Rdf^9_, STAKES4 4IICAN 4IAN CLUBERSONdAr nI2002 ffphotoAN iAAAAAAA416 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Members of The Bay Colony Pomeranian Club have had to say goodbye to one dedicatedlifetime member,Claire FlesnerClaire FlesnerClaire FlesnerClaire FlesnerClaire Flesnerand one former member,Anna Bennedetto.Anna Bennedetto.Anna Bennedetto.Anna Bennedetto.Anna Bennedetto.Claire was one of the first members of our tiny club. She was the former editor and founder of the Pom Pow Wow and it washer responsibility until 4 years ago. For several years she also served on the Board for the club.Claire in her earlier days was active in Confirmation and Obedience ring and had a passion for not only the breed but for ourclub as well. Our Logo is based on one of her dogs. She is survived by her last Pomeranian Sparkle.We also say goodbye to former member Anna Bennedetto who originally started in Pomeranians but found her passion in Boxers.She was a spitfire outside the ring as well as in. With Anna you always knew where you stood and if she didnt like your dogshe would tell you and exactly why she didnt like your dog.Both ladies will be missed.Leanne Wilkins President of the Bay Colony Pomeranian Club and editor of Claires famous Pom Pow Wow.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 104 PM16rm i i i inPOMHAVEN POMERANIANS CANADA Pomliaven sends warm wishes and congratulations to Janell and her beautiful JAN EL Poms. It is always a pleasure to spend time witli you at tlie sliows.Introducing...our puppy hopefuls for 2007. We are looking forward to the summer sliows witli our crop of outstanding youngsters.r oVrCl4Colleen Bel an clLeft to rightSam, Paris, Carmen and Lexy.iPomkaveni Canadawww.pomliaven .comV"\rVA ACoOjO5vVA 0mfeovCC'tn'wWt4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 172007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 105 PM17rm i i i in4MTN.VIEWPOMERANIANS IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE OUR NEWEST CHAMPIONCH. MTN VIEWS FIRES AFTER GLOW1Ch. Mtn Views Light My Fire x Rocky Creeks Precious Pom PomWe would like to thank judgesDon Sutton - Best of Breed over specials Mr. Kenneth Miller - major Mr. Chuck Winslow - major Mrs. Robert Forsyth - Best of BreedTTr i1.iWe also want to thank David Fitzpatrick for the wonderful care and handling of Sparky. . iv.V INEW CHAMPION IWWINNERS KBREEDERSOWNERS Roger and Patricia DagueHANDLER David Fitzpatrick \t fAJi .woewsHORt KINNElpit wA----. .4 4pi,-.. -jdTN VEWScrV CreefCHARM BRACELETICh. Mtn Views Light My Fire x Terimar's Ebony Of Mtn. View DOB 92206Squeaky is the half sister to Sparky and starting her show career. Judge Ms. Arlene CzekW 4 \e,vBreedersRoger and Patricia DagueCo-OwnersAlan R. Bower and Patricia DagiBEST Of OPPOSITE AND WINNERS .wY 13007- YCongrats to Janell Reich and Stephanie HentschelPat Dague - Mtn. View PomeraniansP.O. Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 - Phone 540-337-2965 patdaguehotmail.comURL httpwww.geocities.commtn.viewpoms418 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAB 1634 Diane Amble..........................................47-49Advertisers Index.....................................................88AKC News Releases......................................78, 79APC Board Summary Janice Russell............................25APC Membership by State.................................76-78APC National Specialty ..........................................90, 91APC Officers...........................................................23APC Statement......................................................23APC Stats Joan Behrend...................................38-42Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.............................26, 27Back Issue Information..........................................88Behind New Titlists...............................................61Book Review Sally Baugniet...............................71British Poms Stefano Scullino...............................50-54Coming Events....................................................80Cover Story Char Meyer..........................................18Crouching TigerHidden Dragon Geneva Coats.....44, 45Dog World Supplement UK......................................55-60Judges Education Dot Martin.................................31, 31Junior Showmanship Stephanie Hentschel...........28, 29Just FUR Fun...............................................67, 70Kennel Visit Janell Reich Jan El...............................9-12Kennel Visits, Future Features.................................21Membership Report Annette Davis...............................22Memorial....................................................................16New Champions Joan Behrend...............................41, 42Parent Club Conference Brenda Segelken.............32-34Performance News Barbara McClatchey........62-66Pom Club of Central Indiana..................................21Pom Club of Central Virginia Futurity Diana Downey.....72, 73Pom Club of Central Virginia SweepsSupported...36, 37Pom Talk Roxanne Collins..................................75Presidents Report Cynthia G. Boulware.......................24Priority Judging Katie Gammill..............................68, 69Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis...............................22Rescue Update Joanne Norris..........................69Review Advertising Rates.....................................19Salute to Our Armed Forces...................................86Subscription Card Cheri McDonald................................84SubscriptionReview Information............................19, 84Sunshine and Roses Donna Machniak........................74Ways and Means Donna Riehm...................................43Website Address............................................................23Ch. Chars Wild And FreePassion finished herchampionship in an amazing way.She won ten points in one day bywinning two - five point majors.The first at an all breed show andthe second at an evening Pomspecialty.BreederOwnerCharlotte Meyerwww.charspoms.com906-466-9048CharsPomeranians2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 105 PM18i i i i nContents front Cover 1i l2 ii l4Jill rsi01 S']^3-1 \MBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX MAJOR WIN _SALINE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB OF ARKANSASOCTOBER2006 GARDEN STUDIO. INC.s04g 4s'WINNERS Eh4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 19Subscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class...............................45.00USPS Bulk.........................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico.............55.00Foreign.....................................100.00Single Issue.....................................10.00Back Issues....................................10.00 Advertising RatesFront Cover Color.......................600.00Back Cover Color.............................450.00Inside Front Cover Color................300.00Inside Front Cover BW..................125.00Inside Back Cover Color.................300.00Inside Back Cover BW.....................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color........................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW...........................125.00Center Spread BW........................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.....................275.00Full Page BW...................................100.00Half Page Color................................150.00Half Page BW.................................60.00One Quarter Page............................40.00Business Card 6 ......Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25each additional black and white photos are 10 each.SUPPORT THE APCSUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian ReviewBrenda Segelken, Editor11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401-7460Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...............OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1........................................MarAprilApril 1.......ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1.............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......................................SeptOctOct 1..............MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDec.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeThe Pomeranian ReviewEditor...........................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager.......................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comProofreaders...........................................................................................Cynthia LankfordAdvertisement Manager...................................................................................Joan Behrend6 Richmond Blvd, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 PH 631 366-2330 mzjoanoptonline.netBusiness Card Manager.................................................................................Kathyrn Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 ecpomsearthlink.netBrenda Segelken Cheri McDonaldJoan Behrend Kathy Norem2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 105 PM19i i i i nThe Pcmeranian ReviewThe Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 uIkf iMmi J 4vw.Cf TTyk.s L4 4420 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWNovemberDecember 2007Deadline October 1.KENNELAPC VisitsRANDY HOUSTON and CHUCK WHITTEMOREHer Majestys PomsPATRICIA MURKPawegre Poms2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 105 PM20I I I I I i i i in4New PREVIEW VIDEO CLIPS BEFORE YOU BUYFREE LEAFLETS INCLUDED WITH EACH VIDEO GROOMING TIPS, EQUIPMENT NEEDED AND WHERE TO BUY IT, AND HOW TO TRIM EARS.Have you ever wondered how the Poms in the showring and pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, "Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford," by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video, preview video clips, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail Pauline McFarlane at, or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.Congratulations to Janell Reich of Jan El Poms on your Kennel Visit and to Stephanie Hentschel on your Junior feature.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.TTujjjjjjgPomnI IdWl If.Karen Crawford, Xitable PomeraniansandJohn and Pauline McFarlane, FoxxLane Pomeranians4 4A 4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 21Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana, Inc.Will be holding our 5thAnnualPomeranian Specialtythe evening ofFriday, September 14, 2007At the Boone County 4-H FairgroundsLebanon, IndianaRegular Classes - Judge Eugene BlakeSweepstakes - Ken SpringerWeekend shows will be Greater Lafayette Kennel ClubSuperintendent Roy Jones Dog Shows.Show SecretarySherri Alspaugh5400 Lee Acres DriveBoonville, IN 47601812-925-6477paughprintpomspeoplepc.comShow ChairpersonJanice RussellIndianapolis, IN 46222indypomsbcglobal.net2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 555 PM21rrn i i i in4A xH N-ft Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana4 4422 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2318 Rose Garden RoadPittsburgh, PA 15220412 344-8257 391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 infoavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on theapplicants whose names are published in the Review areto go to Janice Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr.,Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be received within30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APCWebsite orcontact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERSChristy Patrick Murphy ORSponsors Diana Gross, Celeste SolanoPatricia Inman ORSponsors Diana Gross, Tammee FelixSherry Dollar TXSponsors Sue Goddard, Olga BakerBuff A. Webb ARSponsors Babe McCombs, David GilstrapGeorge Janice Smith PASponsors Carol Leemhuis, Camilla KnightDebbie Hollander INSponsors Lauretta Flynn, Cathy GouldAPPLICATIONSLaurie Otis OHSponsors David Gilstrap, Fran StollAnne Midgarden OHSponsors Nina Fetter, Carol LeemhuisAmy Tsay VASponsors Maynard A. Wood, Diana M. DowneyMary A. Valles TX and Chelsea VallesSponsors Charlotte Meyer, Diane L. Finch REGISTER OF MERITCH Bachmans Lady Lexus BOwner Cheri McDonaldCH Rodis CR King Of Gondor DOwners Robert and Celeste Solano HALL OF FAMECH Gayels Destinys Child BOwner Naimi Guenther GOLD CLUBCH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself DOwner Lana PriceCH Gayels Destinys Child BOwner Naimi GuentherCH CR Tuff Guy of Isabella DOwners Robert and Celeste Solano,Ron and Merilyn SmithPomeranian ReviewsBack Issuesmake great gifts.Place your orders todayThe Pomeranian ReviewBrenda Segelken11139 E Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401 or simply order online atamericanpomeranianclub.org2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 555 PM22i i i i nMembership CencrtAnnette DavisRegistrar Rem it Carel Leemhuis3 sr .A WrTVH1 _ M4ML2ill.a'W4 4It,f arNv l,vv5Kf5M\ 991laA.,f ,L wv4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 23AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT...................................................................................CYNTHIA G. BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142 PH 972-962-3872 Fax 972-962-3872 e-mail lovencountryearthlink.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.........................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792 PH 218 749-1154 Fax 218 741-9435 e-mail janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.....................................................................FRANCES J. STOLL2488 E Hwy 50, Washington, IN 47501 PH 812-254-3857 Fax 812-254-3254 e-mail stolanne650dialup.comRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................JANICE C. RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222 PH 317 924-9093 e-mail indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.................................................DANA COVENTRY1185 Banbury Court, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 PH 248-540-4888 e-mail caninelegalaol.comTREASURER....................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375 PH 281351-9516 Fax 281 351-6620 e-mail ........................BOARD OF DIRECTORS............................Sally Baugniet David Gilstrap Judith B. GreenJackie Rayner Donna S. Riehm Greggory WatersThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancementof the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested in joining the APC,please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager,Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692. You need not bean APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.JACKIE RAYNER, DONNA RIEHM, DAVID GILSTRAP, GREGG WATERS, FRANCES STOLL, JANICE RUSSELLERIKA MOUREAU, DANA COVENTRY, CYNTHIA BOULWARE, JANE LEHTINEN, SALLY BAUGNIET. JUDY GREEN ABSENT.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 555 PM2344 4j i-4^ a I-A.P mV s,.,ISHs S m r7MV1 M j .-.-4 V 'yV'SIf r3-rJI AV y-V 14, if VV., - A1 1 tr 1111 A ..VA11 1 1 n iini^H24 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWA Message from the Acting President Jane LehtinenEveryone is aware of the vast differencebetween a number of [persons] as achance collection of individuals and thesame number as an organized group orcommunity. A community has a purposeand plan, and there is an almost instinctiverecognition of the connection betweenunity and strength.J. Glenn GreyWe are not a group of randomly chosen people we are bound by our love for our marvelous breed, our concernfor its future and our desire to come together to build the most effective Breed Club we can. As we moveforward, I and your Board of Directors pledge to work with the APC Membership to strengthen our Club and toprotect our Breed.We are tackling important issues in 2007-8. We are revising our By-Laws, investigating potential new Nationalsites and continuing to search for answers to our Breeds health issues among other concerns. Every member ofour Club needs to recommit to working together to accomplish our mutual goals. Together we can insure awonderful future for our Breed and our Club.Were for you.As of June of this year I have been appointed by the board to act in Cindy Boulwares absent. She has been veryill with three different stays in the hospital which two have been life threatening. This will be a big undertakingfor myself as I have never taken on a job such as this but am looking forward to keeping this ship on an even keeluntil Cindy can take back over.As a board we plan on rewriting our by laws headed by Alane Levinsohn, with Margaret McKee and ChrisDickey on the committee, and appointing a standard committee to begin rewriting our APCAKC Standard.Our roster has been mailed to all members and if someone had not gotten theirs please let me know and I will seethat you are sent one. We plan to explore the future possibility of sending the membership roster on CDs or otherdigital format to make better use of our time and money.Input by the members is welcome. My phone number and email addy is always available to the membership, soplease feel free to contact me at any time.Jane2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 555 PM24i i i i nI re m the Presidents A Si3ED MltorCynthia C. Ecuiuare i TV1RsSL.ItVv4i4 44SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 253540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELLJune 2007 Board SummaryMotion passed that APC will draft a letter to AKC informing them of our opposition to the fee increases.A motion carried that APC will make a contribution toward the legal battles in Louisville, Kentucky.The board accepted the proposal for the Anniversary Issue of the Review and a motion carried to move forwardwith plans for this Pomeranian Review Anniversary Issue. The board also appointed Donna Riehm as the boardrepresentative for this Anniversary Issue Committee.July 2007 Board SummaryThe Top Breeders There will be a Gold Club which recognizes breeders that breed 5 or more champions in ayear. This award would be a certificate. After receiving the award 5 times, members will become a permanentmember of the Gold Club and will no longer be eligible to receive the yearly award. This will only be open toAPC Members in good standing. Also, a dog can only be counted once, irrespective of the number of titles anindividual dog receives. This is effective 1108 Motion was made and passed.APC will write a letter in opposition to the California AB 1634 bill. Motion made and carried.Motion made and passed that Janice Russell was appointed Show Chair for the 2008 National PomeranianSpecialty.A motion was made and carried that we select a By-Law Committee to bring them up to date.The By Law Committee has been appointed. Alane Levinsohn will chair with Margaret McKee and ourparliamentarian, Chris Dickey on the committee.A motion was made and passed to send a letter to each person on the Mentor List informing them of thequalifications for a mentor and asking them to let us know if they meet the qualifications with data to supporttheir response date of beginning in Poms and names of champions.Motion made and carried that we contact Onofrio to see if they are interested in being APCs Superindent andget a contract so we will know the cost. We will do all the set ups ourselves as before.Ways Means Erika Moureau volunteered to handle the items that need mailed out for Ways Means andDonna Riehm volunteered to be the interim Ways Means person handling the show and auctions.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 555 PM25I I I I I i i m i nf'it- aV6VI4 4426 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWA sk Us Anything Annette Davis, CNOur question for this issue is My daughter is allergic to her Pom puppy. Is there anything we can doBeing a pet owner is never easy. While pets bring us joy and companionship on a daily basis, they also requiretraining, veterinary care, time, love, attention, and even tolerance. Tolerance is especially necessary when a petowner is allergic to his or her companion animal.Studies show that approximately 15 percent of the population is allergic to dogs or cats. An estimated one-thirdof Americans who are allergic to cats about two million people live with at least one cat in their householdanyway. In a study of 341 adults who were allergic to cats or dogs and had been advised by their physicians togive up their pets, only one out of five did. Whats more, 122 of them obtained another pet after a previous onehad died. Its clear the benefits of pet companionship outweigh the drawbacks of pet allergies for many owners.Living comfortably with a companion animal despite being allergic to him requires a good understanding of theallergic condition and an adherence to a few rules.All cats and dogs are allergenic allergy-causing to people who are allergic to animals. Cats tend to be moreallergenic than dogs for allergic people, although some people are more sensitive to dogs than cats. Contrary topopular belief, there are no non-allergenic breeds of dogs or cats even hairless breeds may be highly allergenic.Dogs with soft, constantly-growing hair - the Poodle or the Bichon Frise, for example - may be less irritating tosome individuals, although this may be because they are bathed and groomed more frequently. One dog or cat ofa particular breed may be more irritating to an individual allergy sufferer than another animal of that same breed.The source of irritation to pet-allergic humans Glands in the animals skin secrete tiny allergy-triggeringproteins, called allergens, that linger in the animals fur but also float easily in the air. Allergens are present in theanimals saliva and urine, too, and may become airborne when saliva dries on the fur. The severity of reaction tothese allergens varies from one person to the next, ranging from mild sniffling and sneezing to life-threateningasthma, and can be complicated by simultaneous allergies to other irritants in the environment.If your or a family members allergies are simply miserable, but not life-threatening, take these steps to reducethe symptoms Create an allergy free zone in the home - preferably the bedroom - and strictly prohibit the petsaccess to it. Use a high-efficiency HEPA air cleaner available at almost any home and garden store or discountdepartment store in the bedroom. Consider using impermeable covers for the mattress and pillows becauseallergen particles brought into the room on clothes and other objects can accumulate in them.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 602 PM26I I I I I i i m i n4- imVrr.T im- - 4.-.ri 3Lil. 1IriL4 44SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 27g Use HEPA air cleaners throughout the rest of the home, and avoid dust-and-dander-catchingfurnishings such as cloth curtains and blinds and carpeted floors. Clean frequently and thoroughly to remove dustand dander, washing articles such as couch covers and pillows, curtains, and pet beds. Use a microfilter bag inthe vacuum cleaner to effectively catch all the allergens. Bathing your pet on a weekly basis can reduce the level of allergens on fur by as much as 84 percent.Although products are available that claim to reduce pet allergens when sprayed on the animals fur, studies showthey are less effective than a weekly bath. Even cats can become accustomed to being bathed check with yourveterinarians staff or a good book on pet care for directions about how to do this properly, and use whatevershampoo your veterinarian recommends.Dont be quick to blame the family pet for allergies. Ask your allergist to specifically test for allergies topet dander, rather than making an assumption. And understand that allergies are cumulative. Many allergysufferers are sensitive to more than one allergen. So if youre allergic to dust, insecticides, pollen, cigarettesmoke, and cat dander, youll need to reduce the overall allergen level in your environment by concentrating onall of the causes, not just the pet allergy. For example, you may need to step up measures to remove cat danderfrom your home and carefully avoid cigarette smoke during spring, when it is difficult to avoid exposure topollen. Immunotherapy allergy shots can improve symptoms but cannot eliminate them entirely. They workby gradually desensitizing a persons immune system to the pet allergens. Allergy-causing proteins are injectedunder the persons skin, triggering the body to produce antibodies protective proteins which block the petallergen from causing a reaction. Patients are usually given one dose per week for a few weeks to monthsdepending on the severity of the allergy and then can often manage with one injection per month.Additional treatments for allergies to pets are symptomatic, including steroidal and antihistamine nosesprays and antihistamine pills. For asthma, there are multiple medications, sprays, and inhalers available. It isimportant to find an allergist who understands your commitment to living with your pet. A combination ofapproaches - medical control of symptoms, good housecleaning methods, and immunotherapy - is most likely tosucceed in allowing an allergic person to live with pets.Of course, if you do not currently have a pet and are considering one, and know you are pet-allergic, be sure toconsider carefully whether you can live with the allergy before you bring a new pet home. Except in the case ofchildren, who sometimes outgrow allergies, few allergy sufferers become accustomed to pets to whom they areallergic. Too many allergic owners obtain pets without thinking through the difficulties of living with them. Andtoo often, they end up relinquishing pets, a decision that is difficult for the owner and can be life-threatening forthe pet.Source re-printed with permission httpwww.hsus.orgpetspet_careallergies_to_petsYour Allergies Your PetOrder a free brochure copy by sending a SASE toThe HSUS, Allergy Brochure PR2100 L Street, NWWashington, DC 20037Our next question is I want to buy a Pom puppy from a breeder across the country but I am worried about theshipping. Is it safe How does it workYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello ID 83204208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792e-mail infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 602 PM27I I I I I i i i in44 4428 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHello, my name is Stephanie Hentschel, and I am thirteen years old. I live in the town of Midland, Michigan, whichis about two hours north of Detroit, with my mom, dad, and two younger brothers. I began showing dogs in 4-H two yearsago, but I did not show dogs in AKC until a year ago. Here is how I became hooked on the wonderful sport of dogs.Our family received its first dog, a seven-year-old Golden Retriever, around 2 years ago and I was invited by myneighbor to do 4-H dog showmanship with her. One day, my neighbor and I were riding our bikes up anddown the road when we saw a person sitting in her driveway playing with a Pom puppy. Myneighbor persuaded me to stop in and say hello to the puppy and of course our neighbor.She introduced herself as Becky Sabourin, of Wyndlor Poms, and let us play with thepuppy while we told her about our dogs and 4-H. Becky told us about her dogs, and offeredus help in handling our dogs and teaching us about dog shows.After that, both my neighbor and I went down to the kennel once a week, learningabout the dogs, eating up all the information we could get. After a while, just I wasgoing to the kennel learning about showing the Poms. My mom and I alsoobserved at many dog shows where Becky was showing, and sheintroduced me to many wonderful people, including Nina Fetter.Nina has taught many things as well, and I always learn somethingnew every time I watch her show. After a few months, I bought anAustralian Shepherd puppy named Alice, and startedshowing her in AKC shows. We quickly moved out of thenovice class in juniors, and started showing in the openclass. This whole time, I was still with the Poms each week.Then, I got the chance to show one of the Poms in breedclass. I was hooked on showing the Poms I continuedshowing Alice, even putting points on her, including aBOB from the puppy class, but I started focusing more on thePoms.A few months later, I received co-ownership onWyndlor Tisha Darla Doright, Darla and we started showing injuniors together. Our first weekend out, Darla and I took BestJunior at a Toy specialty, then Best Junior at the AllBreed show the next day. Since then, we havewon many classes, with one of ourhighlights being November of 2006where we won three open classesin two weekends. InDecember of 2006, Darlahad to leave theJuniorJiveStephanie Hentschel2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 602 PM28n mEffl 1tVJkIJ.V ' .'ijvfn ijt A fc'Jiv,v IS JriHW3 V ''.a'aY 4-i ^vr-iV 't br V.1 ifii. SmXlBif SRWR3a if ieLtk'K3W861W V ' TOSiSV2,114mvISPiAmMSif 187WtfJlCBWiMot aiHMtEraholographby kaiti ChritzZulSEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 29dog shows for a while, so I started working with aseven-month-old puppy, Trudys Say A Little Prayer,Dionne. We went to many shows, including thisyears National, where we won our juniors class. Itwas my first time to the National Specialty, and I hada blast. I met many people, and gained muchexperience. Nevertheless, Darla is back again, andDionne is enjoying her time at home.Currently, the Poms are all I show in juniors,but I have handled many other breeds, includingHavenese, Shar-peis, Aussies, and Collies, in thebreed ring. None of the Poms live at my house, but Iam responsible for keeping all my dogs in showcondition. Since my mom home schools me, I have aflexible schedule, which allows me to ride my bike tothe kennel once a week, if not more, to help withkennel work, bathe, trim, and train the Poms. I havegained so much experience working with Becky andthe dogs.I would like to thank my parents for yourcontinual support of the dog shows, for taking timeout of your schedule to drive and cheer me on, aswell as my brothers, for their encouragement andpatience as I miss many of their sports for my shows.I would also like Fred and Pat Dieball, co-breeders ofDarla, for their generosity in allowing me to co-ownDarla, as well as their helpful hints in the juniorsring. Thanks as well to Brenda Segelken, for askingme to write this article. I am truly honoredHowever, my biggest thanks needs to go toBecky Sabourin. Becky, thank you so much for allyou have taught me as well as your ongoing supportof me in the juniors ring. Your generosity in givingme four wonderful Poms, as well as driving me tocountless shows, has allowed me to live my wildestdreams in showing dogs. Thanks so much2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 602 PM29I I I I I i i i in4- ay' aA V\v__-17 nVI ,P4vYf wfaJUNIORHANDLER V1"\L i-Vmsn4 47.i. " '^rv^ k ' fciiKJUNIOR HANDLER 1ST PLACElU-'-'ArOPEN iy. iVK NATIONAL SPECIALTYMl 2M rwA 007HA x. THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYpholo30holmail.comf.v. IA''lVXA. BOOTH7i rttSTVffl1D430 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationAPC Judges EducationDot Martin is the American Pomeranian Clubs Judges Education Chairperson.Dot may be contacted at 803-831-8086 or edwarda.martinatt.netDot MartinMENTOR or TUTORWe receive many demands, suggestions, requests and recommendations from theAmerican Kennel Club. I doubt that the compliance rate from clubs andorindividuals is stellar.While parent clubs have been occupied with what defines a mentor - judges,breeders and the fancy have continued as usual. We all have agendas andtimetables.It might be good to start with definitions. For that I am seeking advice from Mr. Webster, whose New Worlddictionary is approved by the Library of Congress. That should be a stellar place to start.MENTOR n. a wise, loyal advisor.TUTOR n. a private teacher adj. teachTo separate the two would seem to be splitting hairs. However, A.K.C. does put them in separate sections on ajudges application to judge new or additional breeds. The only difference I have found is where the applicant liststhe wise teacher. A.K.C. does require that the Mentor must do the advising at ringside and sign a form thatstates that the mentor has 12 years of experience in the breed. There are a few other requirements that relate to thedogs being observed but not to the knowledge of the wise advisor.On the other hand, the tutor is not required to prove any degree of experience. This is a good thing since mosttutors are breeders who reside in the applicants home town or state and while they may be people who have manyyears of experience, their dogs are shown by handlers and they seldom are found at dog shows themselves. Hence,their knowledge and experience are not available to new judges at shows. They also probably spend a great deal ofunrequited time tutoring the new fancier who would like to own a real show dog. Prospective judges need thesehometown breeders to demonstrate the different stages in puppies as they grow toward adulthood. Also, there is theaspect of proper grooming and health considerations. This vast storehouse of knowledge and experience shouldnever be obstructed.Now for those of you out there who have not had the required 12 years of experience to be considered a mentor,remember that your service as a tutor is valuable and should be available to those who need the benefit of yourexperience. Either position, mentor or tutor, is an important part of what you can give back to the breed in whichyou have invested your time, effort and devotion.Remember, it isnt you or me or A.K.C. that is important it is those adorable, independent, inquisitive 4 lb. dogsthat matter. Hang in there and serve where you are planted.The Pomeranian is our passion - always has been. As your Judges Education Coordinator, I thank you for yourinterest and encourage you to be available when the call comes.Dot2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 602 PM30I I I I I i i i in4 PRHn4f,ft4 44SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 31The Pomeranian is a Square within a Circle.This statement is NOT in the current Standard.Indeed, it has not ever been in any of the past standards going back to 1916.Anyone seeking to learn about the Pomeranian from breeders, exhibitors andor judges may find themselves scratching theirheads and asking Say What when they hear this description used.The mental picture has been around for a long time. It is a way of understanding what is described in the standard inthe sections on 1. Size, Proportion Substance 2. Neck, Top line Body 3. Forequarters 4. Hindquarters 5. Coat.1. The distance from the point of shoulder to the point of buttocks is slightly shorter than from the highest pointof the withers to the ground. The distance from the brisket to the ground is half the height at the withers.2. The neck is short with its base set well into the shoulders to allow the head to be carried high. The back is shortwith a level top line. The plumed tail lies flat and straight on the back.3. The Pomeranian has sufficient layback of shoulders to carry the neck and head proud and high.4. The buttocks are well behind the set of the tail.5. The coat is abundant from the neck and fore part of the shoulders and chest, forming a frill, which extendsover the shoulders and chest. The tail is profusely covered with long, harsh, spreading straight hair.Since a judge has a short amount of time to evaluate each dog before making a final selection for winners and thepoints at a given show, an accurate summary of these statements can be very helpful.When a class enters the ring and is lined up for a first impression, the 5 statements above can be evaluated even beforethe mandatory hands-on table exam.Keep in mind the square within the circle. The square is formed by the body. The circle is formed by the coat.Artful trimming and sculpting can be deceiving. However, certain components will be obvious to the naked eye.Check the tail set first. It should be set high with the body seeming to extend beyond the tail. The abundant pantsskirt portionof the coat, starts behind the tail and curves outward to the ground but ends just above the feet. The profusely covered long,harsh, plumed spreading straight hair of the tail covers the back rather like a fan and reaches to the ruff around the neck.There may be some trimming to remove stray hairs at the very base of the tail to give a neater appearance. The circle formedby the pants, tail and ruff creates the top and rear of the arc.If the Pomeranian has sufficient layback of shoulders its head will be carried high and will appear to touch itsback, as it is baited and attentive to the handler. The short back will disappear. When gaiting, the head will still be carriedhigh to give the cocky attitude that that states, I am king in this ring.The remainder of the circle is created by the sweep over the head and begins the front arc as the ruff billows outwardbeneath the under jaw and curves down toward the front legs where the feathering fills under the body to complete the circle.The table examination will determine if the body under the coat is square when measured from the point of shoulder tothe point of buttocks and from the highest point of the withers to the ground. Lift the tail to feel for the level top line.I hope this will assist in understanding what breeders, mentors and judges are thinking when they discuss The SquareWithin The Circle.Address questions to Pomeranian Standard CD is available to judges upon request or may be purchased online at WhatSay WhatSay WhatSay WhatSay WhatBy Dot Martin, JEC2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 602 PM31I I I I I i i i in44 4k . t j4fjvK Y4- .-432 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWhat a pleasant surprise Attending AKCEukanuba Parent ClubConference, held in Peach Tree, Georgia, was an absolutepleasure The Peach Tree Hotel and Conference Center is nestledin a beautiful wooded setting about 30 minutes south of Atlanta.David Gilstrap and myself represented the APC. David had a shorttrip, while I choose at my own expense to fly down. A rotatingstorm delayed my arriving flight, but I assure you I was happy tobe safe on the ground knowing the severity of the weatherconditions in Atlanta.Once arriving, no time was wasted. A lovely buffet dinner wasserved and off we went to the first of many sessions heldconsecutively throughout the weekend. Not a moment wasspared. A vast amount of material was presented in one weekend.It is hard to cover all the great information in this short article however, rest assured, I have shared manygreat ideas and valuable information with the APC committee people.The National Specialty What an enlightening discussion on breed nationals AKC offers online sitelocator, system and event planner, to make a specialty successful and profitable. Other presenters sharedpast successful Ways and Means ideas.Health Seminar Dr. Graves reported on his findings about hyprothyroidism. Very interesting report onpast research and common myths of the condition.Governance of Parent Clubs AKC regulates more than 4,800 clubs nationwide. This session dealt withclubmembers complaints and charges, by laws approvals and club relations.Club Education and Mentoring Breed University The Basset Hound Club of America, Inc. offers atemplate for Parent Breed Clubs to easily use for educating the public and prospective judges. Parts ofthis system would be highly effective for the APC.Eukanuba Interesting study on nutrition of the pregnant bitch and after whelping. Commercial break.Legislation Focused on mandatory spayneuter laws, breed specific banning, bans on ear croppingtailBy Brenda SegelkenAKCEukanuba Parent ClubConferencePeach Tree, Georgia July 20 22, 2007AKCEukanuba Parent ClubConferencePeach Tree, Georgia July 20 22, 20072007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 602 PM32I I I I I i i i in4a i trM.1i' TV- A APSES' jl. ulij'r1l"ii x 32ii r.'Vm,LiWi,' vL V e .R5V-v^ gfc..-' u .. j jPr 4 "I^s-iT. . .. uTjp 3 'elL-.i i' ft.14f - 1. SK rj.L J TTM.A . j 4^Wli,1.1-j ..IfjV V..VF 'NsmEf wimLtJ ^^3.\-r^ l"E4 44SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 33docking, home owners insurance discrimination,and guardianship versus property issues. Clubs wereurged to ban together to help fight future anticaninelegistation.AKC Website AKC has a vast amount of ParentClub information online. Many fliers that can beprinted out.Print Materials Resource Room An entire roomdevoted to examples of Parent Club printeddocuments, including but not limited to newslettersand club magazines. Examples of proceduremanuals, by laws, puppy buyer information, sale andbreeding contracts, standards, illustrated standards,club education plans, judge education CDs, DVDs,video tapes, yearbooks and more were also onexhibit. I supplied three copies of the PomeranianReview displayed on a press pull sheet topped offwith a Review mug.Technology Resource Room Two dynamic2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 602 PM334mrHim1TSS' .1 r\o4icey1 rv___^irip4 4\j3A\ wwkiSk \ 4SAy8.^ J wty9__ n4i i i i n iini^H34 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWcomputer techs MAC and PC were on handthroughout the conference to demo a new ParentClub management program. They also tutoredon the use of various Adobe, Microsoft andApple programs.AKC Companion Animal Recovery CAR Carmen Battaglia and staff also presented the fullbenefits of AKCs new CAR system. On thelighter side, early arrivals received amicrochipped bean-bag lost puppy. Uponreturning the lost puppy you were entered intoa microchip system drawing.Even though I took notes throughout the entireweekend, AKC announced at the closing, a CDwill be compiled of all session materials and besent to all attendees. I hope this will allow me toshare more helpful information with committees.The weekend went by much too quickly. I thankthe Board for having the confidence to ask me torepresent the APC. It would be an honor andpleasure to attend future Parent ClubConferences.AKC EUK Parent Club Conference ContinuedAbove Interesting artwork at Peach Tree Hotel ConferenceCenter.Right Print materials examplesComputer lab tech K. C. ShoreAnti-Canine Legislation speaker Jan CooperPeach Tree Hotel courtyard2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 602 PM34I I I I I i i i in4Mwtr,lMrVf7_4 44I Ptt'VVr 'v \T v 7 , v viy.. bv r.i 'triiUlliulnililllHllllllflllI Vv. -4 I3 tMir^S5i88 . . Vill Wm m4WLF-frrZi4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 35 Celebrate the coming HolidaysOne fourth page Holiday Greeting Card only 30.00.Memorialize a special person or Pom in the NovDec Pom Review.Memorial Special - One fourth page only 30.00.ATTENTIONRRRRRegional Pegional Pegional Pegional Pegional Pom Clubsom Clubsom Clubsom Clubsom Clubs Regional Pom Club Event information is publishedfree of charge in the Coming Events. Regional Clubs special low advertising rates. Reports and photos of Pom specialties andmatches are published free.KENNELVisitsRANDY HOUSTONCHUCK WHITTEMOREHer Majestys PomsPAT MURKPawegre PomsAdvertising DeadlineOctober 1, 2007CHECKS, MONEY ORDERS, MASTERCARD, VISA,AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVERY, PAYPAL ACCEPTED.PAYMENT ALSO MAY BE MADE ONLINEAT THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBS WEBSITEat httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgCLASSIFIEDADSonly10.00Turn those unused doggie items into cashEmail your ad copy up to 60 words.fame62401yahoo.comNovDec 2007NovemberDecemberPomeranian ReviewHoliday Greeting and Memorial fourth page specials are black and white and include one photo free.Additional photos are 10.00 each. Regularly priced at 40.00. See page 19 for additional ad sizes and prices.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 602 PM35I I I I I i i i in4iJ1 -1a62B.V,' ] r4 0_AJ - -c i_rit hr\L \, r \L.4 4436 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW Charlottesville-Albemarle KC show June 2, 2007 - Charlottesville, VirginiaSweepstakes ResultsJUDGE Mr. Clayton Mooney, Rockville, MDDogs, 9-12 mos.1 - TRAMARKS TOY SOLDIER Ch. Idlewylds PocketChange Of Tramark x Malashels Maybe Baby. OwnerKay Lyman Margaret McKee. Breeder Travis Clarke.Dogs, 15-18 mos.1 - IDLEWYLDS YKNOT ROCK DA BOAT Ch.Idlewyld Precious Gem x Idlewyld Cameo. Owner BeverlyA Allen. Breeder Margaret R McKee.Bitches, 6-9 mos.1 - LIL BEHRS CINNAMON TOAST Ch. ChriscendoCommunicado x Ch. Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cluster. OwnerElizabeth Heckert. Breeder Joan Behrend.2 - DIMONDES JOKER JOY Ch. Dimondes GemCovered Joker x BlueRocks American Girl. Owner DianaM Downey. Breeder Billie Y Hurst Diana M Downey.3 - APHRODITES BLUE SEA STAR Ch. TrudysKentucky Blue At Aprodite x Windkiss Aprodite StarGazer. Owner Beverly A Allen Linda DeCicco. BreederLinda DeCicco.Bitches, 12-15 mos.1 - MERRY MAID OF LENETTE Ch. Bandmaster OfLenette x Victoria Of Lenette II. Owner Nancy Warner.Breeder K G Griffith.Bitches, 15-18 mos.1 - IDLEWYLD DANCING FIRE Ch. Idlewyld PreciousGem x Ch Idlewyld Piper Of Lenette. Owner Margaret RMcKee. Breeder Margaret R McKee.BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES - IDLEWYLD DANCINGFIREBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN SWEEPSTAKES TRAMARKSTOY SOLDIERSupported Entry ResultsJUDGE Ms. Victoria Jordan-Leichner, Delaware, OHPuppy Dogs, 6-9 mos.1 - APHRODITES BLUEMOON REFLECTION Ch.Trudys Kentucky Blue At Aphrodite x Ch. AphroditesMoonstruck. Owner Beverly A Allen LindaDeCicco. Breeder Linda DeCicco.Puppy Dogs, 9-12 mos.1 - TRAMARKS TOY SOLDIER Ch. IdlewyldsPocket Change Of Tramark x Malashels Maybe Baby.Owner Kay Lyman Margaret McKee. BreederTravis Clarke.12-18 mos. Dogs1 - AYUMIS TWICE THE CHARISMA Ch.Dimondes Twice Enticed x Piece Of Edens ItsCurtains. Owner Amy Tsay. Breeder Amy Tsay.Maynard A Wood, Agent.Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs1 - RAZZLE DAZZLE STRAIGHT FROM THEHEART Ch. Chriscendo Communicado x RazzleDazzle Sound Of Music. Owner Margaret R Johnson Judith B Green. Breeder Margaret R Johnson Judith B Green.2 - FURWEEDS PRINCE O THIEVES BluerocksHappy Talk x Bluerocks American Girl. OwnerHelen Brinn. Breeder Helen Brinn.3 - TRAMARKS REV IT UP Southpaws Tramark CKSolo - Tramark Tuffernhell. Owner Kay Lyman.Breeder Kay Lyman.Open Dogs1 - WOODS LET THE MEMORIES BEGIN Ch.Woods High Tech Toy x Woods Delight Of Millamor.Owner Maynard Wood. Breeder Maynard Wood.2 - CANNON BLUFFS LITTLE BIT MORE Ch.Music Maker Of Lennette x Clairmonts Mrs. RockyRaccoon. Owner Nancy L Warner. Breeder K GGriffith.3 - LYNNWRIGHTS POM TRAVOLTA MajesticsSupported Entryand SweepstakesBEST INSWEEPSTAKESIDLEWYLDDANCING FIRE2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 603 PM36I I I I I i i i in4rAPomeranian Club of Central VirginiaLfr4 4SKl4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 37Masterpiece x Lynnwrights Roxie Hart. OwnerLorelei Sibet. Breeder Donna Lynn Wright AnnetteRogers-Rister.4 - IDLEWYLDS YKNOT ROCK DA BOAT Ch.Idlewyld Precious Gem x Idlewyld Cameo. OwnerBeverly A Allen. Breeder Margaret R McKee.Winners Dog 3 pointsAYUMIS TWICE THE CHARISMAReserve Winners DogWOODS LET THE MEMORIES BEGINPuppy Bitches, 6-9 mos.1 - LIL BEHRS CINNAMON TOAST Ch.Chriscendo Communicado x Ch. Lil Behrs Honey NutCluster. Owner Elizabeth Heckert. Breeder JoanBehrend.2 - DIMONDES JOKER JOY Ch. Dimondes GemCovered Joker x BlueRocks American Girl. OwnerDiana M Downey. Breeder Billie Y Hurst Diana MDowney.3 - MTN.VIEWS CHARM BRACELET Ch. MtnViews Light My Fire x Terimars Ebony Of Mtn View.Owner Alan Bower Patricia Dague. BreederPatricia Dague.4 - APHRODITES BLUE SEA STAR Ch. TrudysKentucky Blue At Aprodite x Windkiss Aprodite StarGazer. Owner Beverly A Allen Linda DeCicco.Breeder Linda DeCicco.12-18 mos. Bitches1 - MERRY MAID OF LENETTE Ch. BandmasterOf Lenette x Victoria Of Lenette II. Owner NancyWarner. Breeder K G Griffith.Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches1 - IDLEWYLD DANCING FIRE Ch. IdlewyldPrecious Gem x Ch Idlewyld Piper Of Lenette.Owner Margaret R McKee. Breeder Margaret RMcKee.2 - SAL-MAR LIL HURRICANE MAGGIE Ch. SalMarStormy Night x Emcees Doritos Sassy Bee.Owner Sally A Jenkins. Breeder Sally A Jenkins.3 - WOODS MENDY OF MILLAMOR Ch. WoodsHigh Tech Toy x Woods Delight Of Millamor. OwnerMaynard Wood. Breeder Maynard Wood.Open Bitches1 - MOUNTAIN CREST RED CLOVER Ch.Mountain Crest Hard Rock x Mountain Crest MaidenMist. Owner Lorelei Sibet Glory-Ann Pigarut.Breeder David L Gilstrap Carlene B Gilstrap.2 - RAZZLE DAZZLE SOUND OF MUSIC Ch.Chriscendo Call To Arms x Candlebrites Cuz ImWorth It. Owner Margaret R Johnson Judith BGreen. Breeder Judith B Green Lisa M Pauls.3 - MAJESTICS VICTORIA IS NASTY Ch.Starfires Nasty Nathaniel x Majestics Jewel OfBrynrose. Owner Beverly B Ferguson CatherineSheridan. Breeder A Rister C Creed B Turner S W Turner.4 - HONEYKIST READY TO DANCE HoneykistReady To Rumble x Honeykist Cloud Dancer. OwnerChristine Bousquet. Breeder Christine Bousquet.Maynard A Wood, Agent.Winners Bitch 3 pointsIDLEWYLD DANCING FIREReserve Winners BitchMOUNTAIN CREST RED CLOVERBest Of WinnersAYUMIS TWICE THE CHARISMABest Of BreedCH. HONEYKIST N MILLAMOR IN HARMONYMillamors Makin My Way x Honeykist After TheGold Rush. Owner Christine Bousquet. BreederChristine Bousquet. Maynard A Wood, Agent.Best Of Opposite SexAYUMIS TWICE THE CHARISMABEST OF BREEDCH. HONEYKISTN MILLAMORIN HARMONYBEST OF OPP SEXAYUMIS TWICETHE CHARISMA2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 603 PM37I I I I I i i i in44 4wlSI.p438 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTop 10BrBrBrBrBreedeedeedeedeedPomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2007 and ending December 31, 2007For Events Processed Through Saturday, June 30, 2007 TotalRank Name Sex BOB Defeated 1 CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up D 58 964Owner K Norem 2 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 39 737Owner L Price 3 CH Finchs Bettin On CharS D 29 498Owners C Meyer, L Saleh, G Bertrand, B Bertrand 4 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 25 458Owners J Pardue, J Reich, D Plonkey 5 CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble D 21 441Owners N Roberts, V Winter, J Cabrera, F Arienti 6 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 40 423Owner R Rechler 7 CH Showcase Got To Be Me D 17 326Owners C Solano, R Solano, A Levinsohn 8 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 19 300Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 9 CH Tim Sues Trick Or Treat D 10 203Owner M Latimer10 CH Jan-Shars Little Ceaser D 27 188Owner H SklarAPC Member denoted by . In order to be eligible for APC Awards and receive a certificateor trophy at the Annual Banquet you must have been an APC Member for one 1 calendar year.Joan Behrend2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 603 PM38rm i i m i nA-nr,N'TVK Xf'MU Vl2 A, ..Y4LTI [piA,4 i41 x_1 44SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 39Top 10All BrAll BrAll BrAll BrAll BreedeedeedeedeedPomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using All Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2007 and ending December 31, 2007For Events Processed Through Saturday, June 30, 2007 TotalRank Name Sex BIS I II III IV Defeated 1 CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up D 6 27 11 5 7 13,086Owner K Norem 2 CH Starfires Here Comes Trouble D 3 5 3 4 2 4,246Owners N Roberts, V Winter, J Cabrera, F Arienti 3 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself D 0 6 11 6 3 3,885Owner L Price 4 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir D 0 3 2 6 11 2,800Owner R Rechler 5 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella D 0 3 5 3 2 2,528Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith 6 CH Finchs Bettin On CharS D 1 5 5 1 3 2,492Owners C Meyer, L Saleh, G Bertrand, B Bertrand 7 CH Jan-Shars Little Ceaser D 0 3 6 6 3 1,842Owner H Sklar 8 CH Jjs Victorian Angel D 0 2 2 1 6 1,429Owner B Heimbach 9 CH Valcopy Janels Spiderman D 0 0 0 3 2 1,379Owners J Pardue, J Reich, D Plonkey10 CH Gayels Destinys Child B 1 1 0 0 0 1,105Owner N GuentherAPC Member denoted by . In order to be eligible for APC Awards and receive a certificateor trophy at the Annual Banquet you must have been an APC Member for one 1 calendar year.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 603 PM39rm i i m i nA-nrf'M\ KA4 4440 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTop TenExhibitor, Breeder, Junior ShowmanshipTop Sires8 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams4 CH Rodis CR King of Gondor3 CH Music Maker Of Lenette2 CH Chars Hunka Burnin Love2 CH Chriscendo Call To Arms2 CH Cottontop Doin It Better2 CH FinchsCharsMakinWavesParti2 CH Heartlands Knight N Day2 CH Janesas American Cutiepye2 CH Janesas For Keep-Sake2 CH Starfires Hello Its El HottieTop Dams2 CH Glen Iris Dutchess of Castile2 Finchs My Bets On You Baby2 Labays Savannah of Lenette2 Pinnacle Holly of Howlene2 CH Pom Acres Classic TNT2 Toyland Jolvin Southern SongTop Junior HandlersCatherine M. Jessen, Juniors ChairNovember 1, 2006 through May 31, 2007Jessica Christiansen 310Stephanie Hentschel 110Rebecca Silverberg 35Gretel Berglund 29Lauren Hamilton 27Chelsea Valles 27Amanda Seitzer 22Danielle Miller 15Taylor Irvin 15Bailey Pfannerstill 15Rosie Sheppard 12Kelsey Russell 6Dannille Hood 6McKensie Barnes 5Amanda Seegars 3Alexis Okamura 3Lee Amber Jessen 3January 1, 2007 through June 30, 2007 as reported by the American Kennel ClubTop Exhibitors8 Diane L Finch3 Charlotte Meyer3 Cathy Anderson3 Sharon Hanson2 Fabian Arienti2 Joan Beech2 Melvin Beech2 Suzanne Berney2 Whitney Blackburn2 Christine Bousquet2 Jose A Cabrera2 Letitia Cannon2 Sharry Christianson2 Charlotte Creed2 Darlene L Davis-Thompson2 Virginia L Dimick2 Nina Fetter2 Lisa M Goodman2 Amy Gross2 Pat Gross2 Sally Hestle2 Cheri McDonald2 Hazel Miller2 Linda Mulso2 Arlene A Otaguro2 Lori Otis2 Linda Pelz2 Annette Rister2 Sherrilynn Rogers2 Betsy Ryba2 Angela Semansky2 Robin Watanabe2 Trish Whitley2 Julie A VolkheimerTop Breeders10 Diane L Finch 5 Charlotte Meyer 4 Sharon Hanson 3 Cathy Anderson 3 Cheri Fields 3 Carol Leehmuis 3 Laurie Otis 2 Fabian Arienti 2 Joan Beech 2 Melvyn Beech 2 Christine Bousquet 2 Jose A Cabrera 2 Letitia Cannon 2 Sharry Christianson 2 Virginia L Dimmick 2 Warren G Dimmick 2 Juanita Fiddick 2 Cheri Fields 2 Jerrie Freia 2 K G Griffith 2 Amy Gross 2 Pat Gross 2 Lisa M Goodman 2 Christine D Heartz 2 Sue Huhn 2 Noble Inglett 2 Barbara Krzewicki 2 Carol Leehmius 2 Cheri McDonald 2 Hazel Miller 2 Arlene A Otaguro 2 Sherrilynn Rogers 2 Annette Rogers-Rister 2 Geno Sisneros 2 Katy Stalnaker 2 Cynthia P Wallen 2 Robin Watanabe 2 Julie VolkheimerThe Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an .In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet, you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 603 PM40I I I I I i i m i n44 44SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 41New ChampionsMay ChampionsCH Bachmans Brightest Star D CH Rodis CrKing Of Gondor x Bachmans Precious Star Ruby.Owned by Cheri Mcdonald Beverly Tiaga. Bredby Cheri Mcdonald Beverly Tiaga.CH Bushs At Last B CH Destinys Romulus OMai-T-Toi x Bushs Jesseabell Of Harlem. Ownedby Kelley L Witter Virginia Bush. Bred byVirginia L Bush.CH Cinbows Prim-A-Donna B CH CinbowsDandy Lion x Cinbows Aim To Please. Owned byCindy L Bowling. Bred by Cindy L Bowling.CH Doggy Pinks Diamonds Are Forever BSunterra Style Stepper x CH Finchs Tailored ToWin. Owned by Ms. Runchana Lertsirisumpun.Bred by Somsak Kitcharoenpaisal.CH Evensongs President Reagan D CH LarajusPalisades Van Gogh x Beau James Whisper O PearlMoon. Owned by Teresa G White. Bred byTeresa G White.CH Finchs Great Potential D CH PufprideSweet Dreams x Finchs My Bets On You Baby.Owned by Apichai Anantrechai Diane L Finch.Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Finchs How Sweet It Is B CH PufprideSweet Dreams x Finchs Jet Black. Owned byDiane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Glen Iris Iceflower D Zanara B MNM NShamai Lancer O Zanara x Zanaras Foolz Gold.Owned by Dr. Cheryl A Jackson Sarah Walker Margie Ehmann. Bred by Sarah Walker CherylA Jackson.CH Highfield Ring Of Fire Of Lenette D CHBand Of Gold Of Lenette x Jorja Of Lenette.Owned by Vikki H. Highfield. Bred by K GGriffith.CH Jan-Shars Just One Look B CH Jan-SharsFresh Off The Farm x CH Jan-Shars Fairest OfThem All. Owned by Sharon L Hanson LetitaCannon. Bred by Sharon L Hanson LetitaCannon.CH Jan-Shars Katy Bar The Door B Jan-SharsPerfect Timing x CH Jan-Shars Brewin Up A Storm.Owned by Alan Guerra. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jan-Shars YouRe The One That I Want BCH Jan-Shars Mini Me x CH Jan-Shars OliviaNewton Pom. Owned by Sharon L Hanson Letita Cannon. Bred by Sharon L Hanson Letita Cannon.CH Janesas Cause For Applause D CHJanesas Applause, Please x CH Janesas Cast ASpell. Owned by Linda L Mulso CathyAnderson. Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Lynnwrights Magnifico By Suber DMajestics Masterpiece x Lynnwrights Roxie Hart.Owned by Suzanne Berney. Bred by Donna LynnWright Annette Rogers-Rister.CH Magic Moments Of Lenette D CH MusicMaker Of Lenette x Vanna White Of Lenette.Owned by K G Griffith. Bred by K G Griffith.CH Pom Acres Norma Ray B CH Pom AcresLets Cruise x CH Pom Acres Atomic Enola Gay.Owned by Juanita Fiddick. Bred by JuanitaFiddick.CH Pombredens Top Of The Line D SharonsSavage-FireOfjanshar x Pombredens CharmingPrincess. Owned by Elizabeth A Molina. Bred byBarbara A Breden.CH Powerpom IM Hot Like Vodka DMelenbri Sweet Talkin Guy x Bavanews DivineIntervention. Owned by Betsy Owens. Bred byPongsakorn Pongsak.CH Premas Gwen My Music Plays B CHMusic Maker Of Lenette x Clairmonts Angelique.Owned by Sherry Letson. Bred by Sherry Letson.CH Pufpride Somewhere In Time D PufprideMystical Clipper x Pufpride Klassi Dancin KIa.Owned by Lavonne Beard Virginia L Dimick.Bred by Virginia L Dimick.CH Synergy Tim Lahaye D CH NoblesRestless Obsession x Ebony Rock PrincessRainbow. Owned by Deborah Wheeler Ruth EHacker. Bred by Ruth E Hacker.CH Three Sons The Family Guy D CH ValcopyWakhan Valentino x Rain Beaus Lil Ms Madison.Owned by Susan Plouf Shelly Weimer-Martin Jeffrey R Kunz. Bred by Jeffrey Kunz.CH Tim Sues Lucky Strike D CH LarajusCosmic Kio x Tim Sues Good As Gold. Owned byJames Walker Tirey Counts. Bred by TimGoddard Sue Goddard.CH Ursa Minors Unconquered Spirit DFoxworth Frontier Spirit x Ursa Minors Ezpz.Owned by Barbara Krzewicki. Bred by BarbaraKrzewicki.CH Weewyns Butterfly Kisses B Weewyn BarBs Doin It Our Way x Weewyns Dark Angel.Owned by Cathy Anderson. Bred by CathyAnderson.CH Winstar Forever Knight D PinecrestsPerfect Pavarotti x Winstar Spangled Banner.Owned by Walda Green. Bred by Walda Green.CH Wyndlor After The Sunset B CH CottontopDoin It Better x CH Wyndlor Magical Mist.Owned by Becky Sabourin Ron Smith Merilyn Smith Deronda Sharp. Bred by BeckySabourin.CH Zorros Lebron James D CH CanterburysMark Of Zorro x Zorros Mistres Of The Night.Owned by Frances Zozzaro. Bred by FrancesZozzaro.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 604 PM41I I I I I i i m i n44 4442 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWNew Champions June ChampionsCH Ansaros Valentino D CH R-Luv ColumbianKingpin x Ansaros Zoe. Owned by Angel L Arocho.Bred by Angel L Arocho.CH Ayumis Twice The Charisma D CH DimondesTwice Enticed x Piece Of Edens Its Curtains. Ownedby Amy Tsay. Bred by Amy Tsay.CH Bachmans King Of The Road D CH Rodis CrKing Of Gondor x CH Bachmans Lady Lexus. Ownedby Cheri Mcdonald. Bred by Cheri Mcdonald.CH Bobiis Wana B Andre Agassi D CH Bobiis I BVanilla Ice x Bobiis Lalique Of GR Elms. Owned byBobii Earle. Bred by Bobii Earle.CH Carleez Defies All Logic D CH Horizon-N-JanesaIndian Sundown x Gar-Vs Beau-Tiful Windflower.Owned by Laurie Otis Anne Midgarden. Bred byCarol Leemhuis.CH Chars Parti Games D CHFinchScharSspellboundparti x Finchs Jazz JamminParti. Owned by Gayle A Johnson Charlotte Meyer.Bred by Charlotte Meyer.CH Chriscendo Chili Pepper B CH Starfires HelloIts El Hottie x Chriscendo Catwalk. Owned byChristine Heartz. Bred by Christine D Heartz.CH Classics High Voltage D CH Classics Just TheTicket x CH Pom Acres Classic TNT. Owned by PatGross Amy Gross. Bred by Pat Gross AmyGross.CH Classics Kissin Dynamite B Creiders Texan OfPrimetime x CH Pom Acres Classic TNT. Owned byPat Gross Amy Gross. Bred by Pat Gross AmyGross.CH Finchs ArenT You Impressive B CH PufprideSweet Dreams x Finchs Seasoned Just Right. Ownedby Diane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Finchs Sonic The Hedgehog D CH ReginapomsPatrick O Finchs x Hickory Bends Genie OFinchs.Owned by Carole S Moore Scotty Lee Moore. Bredby Diane L Finch.CH Fur Rondies Zoom-Zoom-Zoom D CHArticpoms Iron Will x Artic Poms Yakk D Yak. Ownedby Julie A Volkheimer Sharry Christianson. Bred byJulie A Volkheimer Sharry Christianson.CH Gaulkes Just Do It For Tlc D CH KerdansMaxit Out Of Lenette x Gaulkes My Girl. Owned byConnie Charles. Bred by Duane A Gaulke.CH Idlewyld Dancing Fire B CH Idlewyld PreciousGem x CH Idlewyld Piper Of Lenette. Owned byMargaret R Mckee. Bred by Margaret R Mckee.CH Justs -D-N-Hs The Patriot D CH Justs I HaveA Dream x Holihouse Warrior Princess. Owned byPatricia A Foley Kataryn Hartz. Bred by Patricia AFoley.CH Kacees Gone With The Wind B CH Jan-SharsTopsy Turvy x Janesas Topsy At KaceeS. Owned byLisa M Goodman. Bred by Katy Stalnaker.CH Kalos Lance Imstrong At Sandpoms D KalosLionheart Of Lenette x Kalos Two Cents Worth.Owned by Mrs. Sandra L Johnson Mrs. Carolyn GBrandenburg. Bred by Carolyn G Brandenburg.CH Lanas Simply Irresistible B CH Lanas Let MeIntroduce Myself x CH Lanas Copper Top. Owned byLana Price. Bred by Lana Price.CH Luminesques Dont Cry For Me B CH PufprideSweet Dreams x Dhcrew Luminesque Novel Meg.Owned by Ms. Jacqueline A Moore Mr. ScottWolfgang. Bred by Jacqueline A Moore.CH Mi Babe Imagine That B CH Bar-Nets Pride OfOakridge x Jans Dancing Gold Drifter. Owned by BabeMccombs. Bred by Babe Mccombs.CH Mtn. Views Fires After Glow D CH Mtn ViewsLight My Fire x Rocky Creeks Precious Pompom.Owned by PATRICIA Dague Roger A Dague. Bredby PATRICIA Dague Roger A Dague.CH Park Avenues Poetry In Motion D CH ParkAves Playintricks On You x Kitsan Honey Touch.Owned by Tom Wilson. Bred by Tom Wilson.CH Patricias Weewyn Walking Bar-B B CHWeewyns A Walk In The Park x Louisa Of Lenette.Owned by Cristy Christiansen Jessica Christiansen Bailey Pfannerstill. Bred by Cathy Anderson Barbara Wollmann.CH Prestigious Gorgeous George D CH PrestigiousHigh Octane x CH Prestigious Star Parti Time. Ownedby Sherry Dollar. Bred by Sherry Dollar.CH Pufpride Diana Hrh B Puf-Pride Heavenly Rebelx CH Pufpride Cheri Jubilee. Owned by Warren GDimick Virginia L Dimick. Bred by Warren GDimick Virginia L Dimick.CH Sugar Raes I Got You Babe D CH Sugar RaesIm A Believer x Sugar Raes I Beg Your Pardon.Owned by Kevin Orr Angela K Semansky. Bred byAngela K Semansky.CH Valcopy Jamel Lets Rumble D CandyflossCenter Stage x CH Valcopy Stillcove Valentina. Ownedby Dana L Plonkey Judy Paris. Bred by Ron Smith Janice Pardue Merilyn Smith Danal Plonkey.CH Weewyns Cottontop Last Dance D Star HavensChasin Glory x Cottontop Fancy Dancer. Owned byLinda Pelz Cathy Anderson Linda Mulso. Bredby Cathy Anderson Linda L Mulso.CH Xenas Silver Mojo D Tucker Fox x Xena TheSilver Princess. Owned by Christy Murphy. Bred byClark Frone Lora Heah-Frone.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 604 PM42I I I I I i i m i n41 44SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 43LETS GO SHOPPINGThe Pomeranian Dog Power Point Presentation.12.001.00 shippingThe Pomeranian Illustrated Standard.15.003.00 shippingPomeranian Information Booklet 2.00Decals set of three...5.002007 Specialty DVD Conformation.25.001.00 shipping2007 Specialty DVD SweepstakesJuniors.20.001.00 shipping2007 Specialty DVD Top Twenty10.001.00 shippingShipping charges stated are domestic only check our website or email for Internationalcharges.BE SURE TO VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR A MORE DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF ITEMSWWW.AMERICANPOMERANIANCLUB.ORGTHANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT OF THE APC.DONNA RIEHMAPC WAYS AND MEANSWays WaysAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Means MeansDonna Riehm2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 604 PM43I I I I I i i i in4r. 1VV,,f4 4444 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWCrouching tiger, hidden dragon is a Chinese phrase, whichmeans, What you see is NOT what you get. Its a proverb usedto characterize situations and places wherein there dwell hiddenheroes and legends - and where nothing is as it seems whereeveryone conceals their strengths from the others to preservethe element of surprise about people concealing their realidentities - for instance, vulnerability in a strong man,assertiveness in a meek woman - and all the characters havehidden selves or suppressed desires. It also speaks to the factthat deep within everyone is a powerful beast, struggling toget out.Animal rights groups operate under the guise ofbeing benevolent organizations, who have only the bestinterests of animals at heart. Recent confrontations betweenAnimal Rights groups versus animal owners serve toillustrate the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon proverb.Legislation has been proposed in many areas of the U.S.A., andindeed the entire western world, which severely restricts the rights of owners tokeep, care for and breed their pets as they see fit. After many years of propaganda by variousanimal rights groups such as PETA and the Humane Society of the U.S., we are seeing a shift insocietal attitudes. Breeders are now generally looked upon with disdain, and referred to as puppy millssometimes even by members of the dog breeding community Some ordinances now refer to pet owners as guardians asubtle method of removing the control that ownership implies. Pet overpopulation is generally accepted as gospel fact,despite shortages of adoptable animals in many areas of the country. European nations are considering suggestions byanimal rights groups that certain exaggerated physical features such as short noses and bowed legs should be outlawed.Restrictions on cosmetic procedures such as tail docking and ear cropping have already been instituted in several countries.Dogs are targeted for death in shelters just based on the breed they are presumed to be and are usually IDed by someonewho doesnt know a Corgi from a Wolfhound.A law has been in place for over a year in Los Angeles County, requiring that breeders belong to clubs with strictlyenforced codes of ethics. Contracts forcing owners to neuter their pets are now regarded as responsible. The use oflimited registrations is widely accepted as desirable. These subtle changes in societal attitudes toward breeding dogs havebeen due in large part to the relentless propaganda of the various animal rights groups such as PETA, HSUS and AmericanHumane Association. It seems the goal is to eliminate as many dogs as possible from the breeding populations. Bit by bit,Crouching TigerHiddenHiddenHiddenHiddenHiddenDragonDragonDragonDragonDragonlittle by little, slowly but surely, these Animal Rights groupsare achieving their goal of preventing the breeding ofdomestic animals including pets. Population genetics studieshave shown that narrowing of gene pools is generallyunhealthy, and may even contribute to the extinction ofindividual breeds. So why have we dog breeders and animallovers bought into this mindset so easily Why do we thinkthat limiting breeding is so desirable Are we so easily led,that we can no longer think for ourselvesThe animal rights groups present themselves as the ultimate, selflessadvocates for all animals. However, when you consider that their stated agendais the end of any purposeful breeding of animals, the Crouching Tiger doesnot appear so benevolent. Rather than being groups for animals, these groupsare actually against mankind and the human-animal bond. Their view on petownership is that it is overt oppression of animals. Every year, groups such asthe Humane Society of the U.S. and PETA receive hundreds of millions ofBy Geneva Coats2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 604 PM44rm i i i in4piL^A4 4i'_________m4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 45dollars in donations. This money does not go to assist animals in shelters, but to further their political agenda. They wouldlike to eliminate the joyful bond mankind has with animals a bond which has existed since the dawn of time.An easy first strike target in the Animal Rights war on animal ownership is pets because pets are usually held innearly as high esteem as any other member of the family. Gain a toehold in legislating anti-pet breeding laws, and set aprecedent. Then, expand legislation to ban owning-breeding-farming-hunting of ANY animals. No pets. Then, no hunting,farming, fishing, eating meat, wearing leather well, you get the picture. Just visit the PETA website if you have anylingering doubts about their agenda.Here in California, we have become used to oppressive limit laws, license fees double or triple for an intact animal,and restrictive breeding permits. Obtaining a hobby breeder license is nearly impossible assuming one could afford thered tape and the fees. Just last May our own Los Angeles County enacted a mandatory spayneuter and microchipordinance. Representatives from the City of Angels Pomeranian Club spoke against the MSN ordinance at the hearinghowever, the lobbying by animal rights groups was intense. Even Cesar Millan spoke out to say that he favored mandatedneutering, as he felt neutering reduces aggression. Unfortunately, this expert and others like him has absolutely noformal education in animal training andor behavior.We barely had time to recover from the LA County assault when we heard that a new bill was being proposed. AB1634 would have required that all dogs and cats in the state be neutered by age six months, unless the owner qualified,applied and paid for a special intact permit. Commercial breeders would be exempt. This bill was authored by Van Nuysassemblyman Lloyd Levine. Previous accomplishments of Levine include trying to ban the light bulb, and mandating thatsupermarkets provide bins for plastic bag recycling. 1634 was also sponsored by Judie Mancuso and her group SocialCompassion not surprisingly, a PETA-affiliated group, with PETA activist Jane Garrison on the board of directors,along with Mancuso. Mancuso served as the Campaign Director for 1634 a euphemism for chief lobbyist andpropaganda maven. Mancuso put up a slick website touting the bill, even including a sheriff badge emblem to lendcredibility to her website. She later formulated several other websites that mocked and criticized the groups who worked tooppose the bill, such as Save Our Dogs and PetPAC.This bill was based on several false premises, which are briefly outlined here That current policies and programs are not working. The numbers of dogs entering and being euthanized inCalifornia shelters has dramatically decreased over the last 30 years, despite a doubling of the human population in theregion. There is less than one dog euthanized per 300 residents per year... and how many of these are truly adoptable Theestimate is maybe half that number. Lack of reliable shelter statistics make it difficult to get a clear picture. However, thestats are generally overblown, including aged, ill, injured, vicious, and even wildlife That cat and dog shelter concerns are similar. Cats are rarely licensed and often un-owned. Cats comprise the bulk ofthe euthanasia numbers. The only proven method to control cat populations is funding of Trap-neuter-return programs. AB1634 does nothing to reduce the numbers of cats in shelters. That the numbers of animals impounded and euthanized is due to a Pet Overpopulation Problem. The study doneby the National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy found that the top five reasons for animal relinquishment weremoving, landlord issues, cost, lack of time for pet and inadequate facilities. None of these factors are influenced by thepurported overpopulation of pets and AB 1634 does nothing to help pets remain in their homes. If the animals in theshelter were due to overpopulation, we would find desirable puppies available in shelters, there would be no market forinternet and pet store puppies, there would be no need for shelters to import puppies and puppy smugglers and brokerswould be out of business due to market saturation. There is, in fact, a shortage of healthy, well-bred and socialized puppiesand kittens in California. That being sexually intact equates to being bred. We know that for personal reasons many owners choose not tosurgically alter their pets and they are never bred. It is improper that the government imposes its will on these responsiblecitizens in the absence of any public benefit. That neutered animals are healthier physically and behaviorally. Recently published data indicates that for asignificant percentage of dogs this is not the case. There are significant long-term detrimental health effects on dogs fromprepubertal neutering. Promoted under the guise of Healthy pets, this bill does nothing beneficial for any pets health That mandatory spayneuter will significantly reduce shelter impounds and euthanasia. MSN is a documented failurein every area of the U.S. where it has been implemented. That mandatory spayneuter will greatly reduce the Animal Control costs. Analysis of animal control data indicatesthat most costs are the fixed costs of facilities, administration, equipment, staff and retirement benefits. The continuous risein California animal control costs in the face of decreasing numbers of animals impounded refutes this assumption. That the law will not involve veterinarians in enforcement. The requirement for veterinarians to write letters ofexemption and to turn in rabies certificates indicating the reproductive status of the animal-to-animal control identifies the2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 604 PM45m i m44 4'y iST446 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWowners of intact animals. The public will correctly view veterinarians as enforcers.Once again our club swung into action, writing letters to the State Assembly. A couple of us attended a Sacramentohearing in late April. Hundreds of dog people were there. AKC sent representatives to encourage us to contact ourrepresentatives and voice opposition to the bill. We realized that a huge amount of statewide concern was being generated,but we were a rather unorganized mass. AKC was leaving, and somehow, we had to form a coalition to fight this bill.A note was sent out to a few lists, from Bill Hemby. Bill had represented COPS for the past thirty years. He is wellknown in Sacramento, and is a Borzoi fancier. Bill offered to represent the interests of the dog and cat fancy, if we werewilling to support him. Support formed quickly, and PetPAC was born. PetPAC now represents over 35,000 pet lovers.The Hidden Dragon assumed form, and rose on the horizon to fend off the crouching tiger of animal rights groups.PetPAC put on a media blitz to inform the public and legislators of the pitfalls of AB 1634. Other groups joined inthe effort. National Animal Interest Alliance provided information and support. A group of show owners and handlerscalled Concerned Dog Owners of California formed. The Save Our Dogs website eloquently presents the concerns ofmany dog fanciers in the state, and particularly the concerns of sporting dogs, working dogs, farm dogs, police dogs, andservice dogs. The Cat Fanciers Association, a national organization, funded anti-1634 television commercials.One surprising sponsor of the bill was the California Veterinary Medical Association. The California Federation ofDog Clubs launched an intense campaign to notify all veterinarians in the state about their organizations support of the bill.The result was widespread outrage on the part of the rank and file veterinarians. CVMA eventually withdrew support of thebill. This represented a major turning point in the battle against 1634.Desperate to pass the bill, and responding to claims that it would eliminate mixed breeds and working dogs, Levineadded provisions that owners might obtain exemptions to breed their pets once. Now several of his own AR groups wouldno longer support the bill due to it being softened. Unable to please either side, Levine withdrew the bill. However, it willmost likely rear its ugly head again in 2008.The website for California Healthy Pets currently proclaims Dog Fighters Torture and Kill their Animals. Anddog fighters across California are battling AB 1634, because they know the bill gives animal control officers tough newtools to go after dog fighting criminals. We are Californias Animal Control officers. Please help us rid our state ofillegal dog fighters. Please help us enforce current laws against underground breeders. Please support AB 1634, theCalifornia Healthy Pets ActNow the truth has never seemed to matter to these AR groups. And the fact is that dog fighters have not battled1634. They are too busy torturing, maiming, and gambling to care whether they comply with any sort of neuteringregulations. Dog fighting is already illegal in our state. But leave it to the AR groups to use the emotion of this issue toattempt to Get all breeders in the state Judie Mancuso has said that there is no such thing as a hobby breeder, thateveryone is breeding for money and that all breeders should be stopped.Limit laws were originally instituted under this same guise as being tools for animal control to effectively go afterthe undesirable breeders in the community. Now these same tools have become the Laws under which any undergroundbreeder is fair game for animal control selective targeting and punishment. Since it is generally impossible to comply withlimit laws and conduct an effective breeding program simultaneously, hobby breeders need to steel themselves for anotherround with the animal rights groups come 2008.In this issue of The Pomeranian Review we have included an article and photos from the recent California senatehearing related to CA AB 1634. Permission to print has been given by the photographer and author, Diane Amble ofDearheart Chinchilla Persians in San Francisco. Diane is a member of Operation Media, a group of ladies who arrangedfor the appearance of Lassie, Jon Provost Timmy and trainer Bud Weatherwax at the Senate hearing July 11th.Proponents of the bill have been relying on their own version of star power, calling upon retired game show hostand Animal Rights activist Bob Barker to pressure legislators to approve the bill. This strategy worked initially, as the billdid narrowly pass the state assembly. However, the pet-loving opposition groups were well mobilized by the time the billreached the Senate Local Government committee. Apparently, Bob Barker met his match in Lassie, whose presence at thecapital lent a silent strength. This was very effective in staving off the animal rights fanatics... temporarily.The Crouching Tiger of the animal rights agenda remains poised to strike again. We must maintain our HiddenDragon strength to defend our very existence.For further information, please SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 605 PM46m i m44 4m4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 47By Diane Amblebrianamblesbcgloba l.netPART ONE - JULY 10thLOBBY DAYAfter recovering from the momentousvictory of staving off AB 1634 for sixmonths, I have come to realize I mustmake a report There have been a fewmis-conceptions as to what happenedat the Capitol in regards to our celebritylobby visitOPERATION MEDIA, an independentgroup of women, were able to arrangefor Robert Weatherwax, his dogLaddie which represents the 9thgeneration of male dogs bred exclusivelyby the Weatherwax family toact as Lassie, and Jon Provost, whoplayed the role of Timmy, on the TVprogram, to visit with key Senators aswell as Assemblymembers thatsupported us in the Assembly battle,and to attend the Local Governmentsession as well as the rally.Weatherwax Runner meetBecause of a delay in flight plans, andeven misplaced luggage, we could notmeet all our scheduled appointmentsTuesday at the Capitol on time. Apress conference with Senator Runnerarranged by PetPAC was not attendeddue to the late arrival of the Lassieentourage, but Jon Provost was ableto attend with many representatives ofthe Cat Fancy present as well. SenatorRunner and his lovely wife,Assemblymember Sharon Runner,have been a pair of ourmost loyal supporters. Coincidentally,they represent the district thatWeatherwax and Laddie hail from.That seemed apropos to us all uponthat revelationRunner Jon ProvostWhen we arrived, after a quick visitwith Senator Runner, we went to ourfirst appointment to see Senator GloriaNegrete-McLeod, nearly at the scheduledtime, one of our Operation MediaMcLeod constituents had made.Laddie made quite an impression onSenator McLeod and she demonstratedthat with two humorous quipsduring the session the next day.AB 1634Here she is discussing politics withLassie, showing she has no tricks upher sleeves unlike LevineWeatherwax had demonstatedLaddies ability to speak and many ofher aides had come to see Lassie aswell. Jon interacted on a very personallevel with Senator McLeod and sheseemed to really connect to his plea tovote NO on AB 1634 in her committee.It was revealed by Senator McLeodthat her brother is a passionate ownerof Afghan hounds and Akitas Shementioned how much these dogsmeant to her brother.CALIFORNIA BILL2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 605 PM4741hA''fl1li jjtm4L7aiftff- I \5 yvcP- 4r. mn4 4KV'i v.MWM44 ,\vfiik. N-1i4i i i i n48 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWLaddie seemed quite at home in heroffice and was a natural for the task athandSince I had received a special requestfrom Senator Yee to stop by withLassie, we of course did so andSenator Yee came out of committeefor a quick photo op. After greetingeveryone, Senator Yee declared thathis vote on AB 1634 will be a resoundingNOOn our way, we met with some of ourmost courageous defenders in theAssembly.Assemblymember Fiona Ma, whostood courageously as a Jr. memberagainst the onslaught of Levine.Assemblymember Doug LaMalfa alsojoined us and expressed his admirationof Assemblymember Mas vote.Senator Runner now with wife in towboth appeared for time and pics withLassieClearly the Runners were HUGE fansof LassieOne thing I can say that impressed methe most, besides the fact that Lassiebrought the California Legislature totheir knees, is that the smiles werebroad and genuine from even the moststoic legislators. It was as if they hadall returned to the days when Lassiewas our favorite show. It seems thatLassie still was their favorite celebritySenator Harman was able to also visitLassie during a committee break.Mr. Weatherwax, Lassie and JonProvost then rested in the suites wehad provided and later had dinner asour guests. Lassie enjoyed cubed roastchicken for dinner along with purifiedwater and toys and other necessarycanine celebrity accessories suppliedby Operation Media.Meanwhile, during the course of thatevening other members of OperationMedia had secured the cooperation foranother world famous celebrity to callkey committee members to urge themto vote NO on AB 1634.PART TWO - LOCAL GOVTSESSION RALLYEveryone was up early and in theirrespective places before several 100sof supporters arrived at the Capitol.It wasnt long before there was barelybreathing roomIt was wall to wall and hall to hallpacked sardinesLaddie, Mr. Weatherwax and JonProvost were seated upfront as guestsof the committee.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 605 PM48I I I I I i i i in4 'b3F3imstwi7I I6il ft'fiWA,1Vt 1m1 I1L I n- ft Wk. fti'fH fi4 4Vii Vi' P\J\ KVo1\4V VS- WfiHSj4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 49The WWW paced about obviouslyNOT HAPPY.Theusual suspects were lined up andthe first one Levine called wasStrickland, whom he introduced as theDirector of Santa Cruz Animal ControlShe quickly corrected that error to thecommittee claiming to be a shelterworker at theSanta Cruz SPCA, incidentally wherethere is NO INTAKE of animals for thecounty.Upon hearing this correction, Levinespun around looking for someone toblameKind of reminded me of a deer caughtin headlights.. . but uglier...Although there were many speakers,they paled in comparison to ourpresenters, all true experts, wellprepared and came out blasting withfacts and logic.Dr. John Hamil opened for the oppositionwith the 7 fallacies of AB 1634.It is undeniable that Dr. Hamil made astrong case what was wrong with AB1634 and whyOthers followed that presented facts ina scientific manner, clearly andconcisely like Angie Niles who tackledthe complex web of falsehoods spunby the Santa Cruz data presented byLevine.NilesMillerThe Chair listened...Lassie listened...And the rest was jubilation as the billwas pulled after McLeod, Harman andCox gave firm disapprovals to Levinesattempt to yet pull another I promiseto amend and slip this through tacticfailed.Lassie was joined at the rally by manyadoring fans and all those that foughta battle well wonCongratulations to all and manythanksbrianamblesbcgloba l.net2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 605 PM494TTlXL71I-VP iji itfc7SC JiaI I4 4\ 1ti4 i muiii\i,1iA 14 .4i i i i n50 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWThe U.S.A. and the United Kingdom are considered by many as the most influential Pomeranian countriesin the world. Pomeranians bred in those two countries have widely contributed to improve the quality of thebreed all over the world.However, the U.S.A. is such a big country that even to be updated on what happens in your owncontinent can be rather difficult for an American breeder, let alone what happens overseas. Nonetheless, manyAmerican Pom breeders are interested in what goes on in other countries and they like to know more about theirbreed around the world. That is why I thought to talk about some of the Poms that left a mark on the Britishshow scene in the past twenty-five years or so. I am sure I will certainly forget a few of them along the way. Iapologize for that and I assure that wont be done deliberately.Ch.Lirevas Shooting Star wasa small orange dog bred and shown bythe Cawthera team. He was sired byPippity Bo of Lireva out of aMontravia bitch, a kennel world knownfor its Poodles and Afghans but notreally associated with Poms. ShootingStar had a great career with manygroup and Best In Show BIS wins,which culminated with Crufts reserveBIS in 1984. Unfortunately he died at aI shall start from the year 1980when two really big winners were bred.Two Poms whose careers weresensational Ch. Lirevas Shooting Starand multi Ch. Daim Of Sushimoto atCygal.very young age and did not leave a bigmark as a sire.On the other side, Jap Ch, UKCh, Irish Ch Daim of Sushimoto atCygal lived a long and happy life andwas successful in the ring even as aveteran. Daim was a dark orangesablepure Hadleigh bred male HadleighHappy Days x Fanta Girl ofSushimoto imported by the late Mr.Stuart Finley Bisset as a youngJapanese champion. He had a fantasticcareer with many top wins both inGreat Britain and Ireland and earnedthe breed record for the number ofchallenge certificates won by a Pom inBy Stefano ScullinoCh.Lirevas Shooting Star Jap Ch, UK Ch, Irish Ch Daim of Sushimoto at Cygalthe UK, 36 CCs. The record nowbelongs to a bitch but Daim still is thetop CC winning male Pom in the UK.People must realize that GreatBritain is one of the few countries inthe world that do not have a championclass. In order to win the required threeCCs to become a champion a Pom hasgot to beat all the dogs of its sex shownon the day, including the champions.That makes the British title one of thetoughest in the world, especially if youconsider that the UK is a comparativelysmall country and top dogs can beshown at every championship showleaving no room for other dogs to get atitle. Along the years, many worthydogs never finished as they had to becontented with the reserve CCs behindthe top-winning champion of themoment.The breed record had belongedfor many years to the fabulous Ch.Hadleigh Shining Star but just a fewyears before Daim got it, a small andvery successful bitch had broken it.Her name was Ch. Rosskear TripleEcho born in 1982 by Ch. Mycariad ATop BritishPomeraniansCh. Thelbern Mardi Gras of the L ast 25 Y ears2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 605 PM50I I I I I i i i in4j4 4hV4VCilm'UUnit.ia . m__________ _4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 51Winter Flutter at Rosskear x RosskearPutting On The Ritz. She was bredowned and handled by Mrs. AnnWinter and in her career she won 34CCs and was a group winner, too. Mrs.Winter retired from breeding andshowing soon after Echo got her recordand to my knowledge Echo was neverbred from.Ch. Peninans Black Topper at SalvadureAnother extremely influentialdog born in 1982 was the black Ch.Peninans Black Topper at Salvadure.Topper did not have a great showcareer but it is as a sire that he left amark that is still felt today and will befelt for many years to come. He wassired by Ch. Hadleigh SummerLightning out of a lovely black bitchnamed Glenvalley Gossamer. Topperwas bred by Mrs. Shaw and belongedto Mrs. Palmer. He sired manychampions and championship showwinners and is behind many of todayswinners.1983 saw the birth of manystars but the real superstar is thefabulous Ch.Derronils Maxamillion.Ch.Derronils MaxamillionMax was an exquisite Pom of trueHadleigh type sired by CygalsGingerbredman at Derronil byHadleigh Tom Thumb x CygalsSweet N Lovely by Hadleigh RoyalStar. He was very successful both asa show dog and as a producer. In thering he was hard to beat and won manyBest Of Breeds and was Crufts groupwinner in 1986. Unfortunately he diedthe following year at just four years ofage but in the meantime he had sired anumber of top quality Poms and threeof his daughters dominated the ring inthe late eighties.Also in 1983, Eve Smail of thefamous Toybox kennel bred anoutstanding litter by AblechMarshmallow of Andersley out ofToybox Moonlight Serende, whichcontained a brother and sister who bothgot their title and left a mark in thebreed. The female, Ch.Toybox GingerRogers, was one of the top bitches inher days and was a group winner andCh.Toybox Ginger RogersCrufts BOB winner too. The male,Ch.Toybox Firecracker had aCh. Toybox Firecrackersuccessful career too but he will beremembered as the producer of manychampions and championship showwinners.Another top winner born in1983 is Mrs. Websters Ch.Preservenes Asserta of Pomlyn. Likemany of Mrs. Websters Poms he was adark sable sired by Pomlyn Puss InCh Preservenes Asserta of PomlynBoots x Preservenes Sioux Princessand was a toy group winner atchampionship level.Four bitches born between1986 and 1987 dominated the femalePom rings in the following years. Allfour bitches were related to the greatDerronils Maxamillion, three wereMax daughters Ch.PaddockwoodPretty Risky, Ch. PaddockwoodGolden Trinket and Ch. AmcrossTrivial Pursuit and one was a Maxgranddaughter being sired by his sonCh. Derronils Centurion and namedAmcross Mignonette. Pretty Risky andTrivial Pursuit were creamsable incolor, Golden Trinket and Mignonettewere orange. All four bitches had asensational career and it was great toCh.Paddockwood Pretty Risky2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 606 PM51I I I I I i i i in43.y'4Vf 'ti,^siVmaiji__________2t _. _4 4L _fjHtkv 4 u'si.3 ft _452 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWsee them all shown at the same showand trying to guess which one wouldhave won on the day.Ch. Paddockwood Golden TrinketCh. Amcross Trivial PursuitAnother top winning bitchborn in the late Eighties was Ch.Pomirosa Crem Puff, a lovely creamwho ended up her career with 14 CCs.She was bred by Mr. and Mrs. Reidand sired by Cygals Golden Brown ofDerronil.Ch. Tookeys Toyboy was thefirst champion for the famous Tookeyskennel. He deserved a mention as hewas extensively used at stud andCh. Amcross Mignonetteconstantly sired lovely Poms. One ofhis children, though not a show doghimself, proved to be a very influentialstud dog and sired many top winners.His name was Tookeys Welsh Gold andwas exported to the Canton kennel inthe Philippines when Mrs. Keys gaveup breeding and showing.Another group winner of thoseyears was Ch. Oh So Artful at Boreasbut he did not leave a mark as a sire.There were two stars born in1989, both great show dogs with tonsof CCs. One is Ch. Thelbern OliverTwist From Lireva, bred by Mrs.Thelma Alsford and ownedhandled byCh. Tookeys ToyboyCh. Thelbern Oliver Twist From Lirevathe Cawtheras. Oliver Twist won morethan 30 CCs, and he was a BIS winnerat an all breed championship show in1990. He also won BOB at Crufts onno less than two occasions.The second star is Ch. ToyboxPlatignum Phantom, a wolfsable bredby Miss Smail and ownedhandled bySue Smith of the Sueacres kennel.Phantom was by the lovely andinfluential stud Toybox Small Print outof Silver Slipper at Toybox. Althoughhe had a super career, winning 27 CCs,it is as a producer that he will alwaysbe remembered. He sired a number ofchampions and has championgrandchildren as well plus is behind somany top winners of later years. Hehas left an indelible mark in the breed.His grandson UK Ch. Irish Ch. ToyboxSunfox, by Ch. Emadale Sundancer atSueacres, has been siring many topchampions for the Belliver kennel ofIreland.An extremely successful showbitch of the early Nineties was Ch.Shemond Little Miss Brodie at Sidlyn,bred in 1991 by Ms. Park and ownedhandled by Mrs. and Miss Smith. Shewon about 15 CCs in her career andmany other awards.Ch. Peninans Black Topper atSalvadure sired, among many other topwinners, the first champion for Mrs.Turnbull and her Scottish kennelPyropom Ch. Pyropom Othello, ablack dog born in 1988. Othello hasbeen a successful show dog but he leftCh. Toybox Platignum PhantomCh. Pyropom Othello2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 606 PM52I I I I I i i i in4wiA'.iiat- -j ' r mfyIBEjRL 9Awmv71 sip wJivtM,1'9 1111Bwb.t\ifmA im, i1 ^ wi7_____ _____ ____r r,4 4__________________________SMftX-r 3 i- 'f t'1jj niSrfc_____jJhu .kt- ess KM J. vf"vv p j____14SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 53a mark mainly as a stud dog siringmany champions. He sired top winnersfor other kennels too and, even if heproduced mainly blacks, his mostsuccessful son must be the red Ch.Casarows The Red Devil born in 1994Ch. Casarows The Red Deviland out of the red champion bitchKimbering Pommander. Pommanderwas also the mother of Ch. CasarowsPomadoddle, sired by the lovelychampion Thelbern My Dear Boy, avery sweet orange born in 1990 and aprolific and influential stud. My DearBoy sired lots of winners, including afew champions, before he was soldabroad. One of his champion childrenwas Thelbern The Chauvinist who, inturn, sired Ch. Veltuds Mr Koros whowas a group winner bred by Mr. Poweland Mr. Medcraft and owned by theCawtheras.Mrs. Alsford of the Thelbernkennel lives in Jersey, a channel islandand has been having a strongrelationship with other kennels in themainland, mainly the Veltud kennel ofMr. Powel and Mr. Medcraft and theLireva kennel of the Cawtheras.The Veltud kennel hasproduced a string of champions oflovely type but, undoubtedly, the mostfamous of them all is Ch. VeltudsCoch Bach an orangesable boy born in1996 who has had an astronomicalshow career winning 14 CCs, 9 groups,3 BIS and 2 Reserve Best In Show. Healso proved to be a very good stud withmany champion offspring. Coch Bachwas out of a total outcross from anAmerican import, Velvet Touch HiCh. Veltuds Coch BachWins Star at Veltuds, out of a pureBritish bitch Thelbern Miss TittleTattle with Veltuds.At the beginning of the ninetiesthe first American imports started to beseen in the British rings. Possibly thefirst American Pom to be shown wasthe ultra pretty boy imported by MissSmail of the Toybox kennel Am. Ch.Muller Kazar Sungold Illusion atToybox who was a tiny orange ofCh. Muller Kazar Sungold Illusion at Toyboxexquisite type. In England he won oneCC but never titled though he finishedhis Irish title and sired many winners.Miss Smail has been importing manyPomeranians from different countries.Another influential American importwas the lovely Ch. Stolanne HighwayTo Heaven at Toybox who sired manychampions. He was by the lovely Ch.Stolanne Mistique Starlet, sister to thefamous Ch. Stolanne ThunderboltThor.The early Nineties also sawtwo American Poms imported by nowdeceased Stuart Finley Bisset of theCygal kennel. They were CH. LLLKansas Duster at Cygal and Ch. LLLHigh Light Thumbelina at Cygal. Thelatter was a daughter of the famous Ch.Tim Sue Highlight and had a fantasticcareer with tons of CCs and groupplacements. Mr. Finley Bisset also hadsuccessfully shown another bitchnamed Ch. Kerryhill Jasbrew ofPomanna who won BOB at Crufts1990.A male Pom who has had a bigimpact as a producer was Ch. BilijeesWelsh Wizard, bred and owned by Mr.and Mrs. Stone of the Bilijees kennel.Born in 1993 he was sired by anotherbig producer, Tookeys Welsh Gold, andhas sired many top winners including afew champions and a Crufts BOBwinner.During 1994 two Pomeranianstars were bred, both have been greatshow dogs and great producers thoughthey had different type, color andpedigree Ch. Casarows The RedDevil and Ch. Cradarr Military Tattoo.Ch. Cradarr Military TattooThe former owned and bred by Mr.and Mrs. Sparrow was, as the namesuggests, a red and I have alreadytalked about his parents. He was agroup winner and was awarded 16CCs. He sired many winners includinga few British champions the mostnotable of those is Ch. CasarowsSchizo Phonic, a top winning bitchwho has had a great career with CruftsCC and 1 Pom.Ch. Cradarr Military Tattoowas an outstanding wolfsable ownedand bred by Mrs. Wallace and line bredto Ch. Toybox Platignum Phantom. His2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 606 PM53I I I I I i i i in4Mvillii mftA..V_1,i vpJ_P___.77_. '. uJx __.-Vr.4 4irVby Russell Fine Art - W -V.ix. r f.rss ,454 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWmother was sired by Cradarr ChoirBoy a male who never got his title butproved to be a very influential stud.Military Tattoo was a dream of a Pomwho had both type and showmanship.He had a fantastic career winningmany groups and was twice BOB atCrufts. He kept making his presencefelt even from the veteran class. Notonly was he a great champion but alsohe proved to be a fantastic producer aswell with many champion offspring. Hedied last year and it was such a big lossfor the breed undoubtedly one in alifetime dog for Mrs. Wallace.Mrs. Alsford of the Thelbernkennel sent many of her Poms to theCawtheras of the Lireva kennel to besuccessfully shown. Among those, twobitches deserve a special mention Ch.Thelbern Jolie Madame and Ch.Thelbern Mardi Gras. The former wasCh. Thelbern Mardi Grasa successful group winning show Pom.The latter, born in 1996, eventuallyshattered the breed record when shewon her 39th challenge certificate andbecame the top winning CC winner inthe breed. Mardi Gras was by ThelbernThe Fancy Man x ThelbernWilhelmina. When bred to LirevasStar Kissed, she produced a lovelyblack male Thelbern Black To TheFuture for Lireva, himself achampionship show winner.Ch. Foxmitch Fiery Fox is apretty orange male that deserves amention not for his show success butfor his offspring among whom there aremany champions. He is ownedbred byMrs. Fox and was born in 1997 siredby Foxmitch Escada Beaute x BilijeesGold Locket at Foxmitch.A star performer who left ahuge mark in the show ring recentlywas the exquisite black male Ch.Moonrae Ebony Hot Shot, born in1998 and sired by Trenarwyn EbonyCh. Moonrae Ebony Hot ShotMaster out of Carrosita SomethinSpecial. He was bred and owned byMrs. Smith but during his sensationalcareer he was handled by Miss Odd. In2000 he resulted as 1 toy dog in theUnited Kingdom and among the topdogs all breed. He won the group manytimes and was Reserve BIS on a fewoccasions. Many feel he simply wasunlucky never to win a Best In Show.Unfortunately, he died last year at avery young age but he left a championson and other winners.Among the more recentimports of Miss Eve Smail, a dog thatis leaving a mark as a producer isMulti Ch. Petipomfinch DandiCreation at Toybox. He has beensuccessful as a show dog gaining bothhis Irish and his UK title with a groupand reserve BIS win. However, as astud he is proving to be a force to bereckoned with. He keeps siring lovelyPoms and many are already topchampions themselves includingCh.Toybox Golden OpportunityCrufts 2007 CC winner and theexquisite Multi Ch. Belliver LatestCreation, multi group winner, worldwinner 2006 and dog of the year inIreland. I am sure many more willfollow.Following the great Ch.Toybox Platignum Phantom, Sue Smithhas bred many top winners. However,another male that is followingPhantoms footsteps is Ch.SueacresUnexpected, a young dog who finishedfast and has already sired a couple ofchampion bitches and others on theirway. Unexpected is by Sirdar No MoreMr Nice Guy, an orange male inbredon Ch.Derronils Maxamillion and alsothe sire of Mrs. Greggs Ch.CasarowsShine A Light. Casarow Shine A Lightwas bred by Mr. and Mrs. Sparrowwho, at present, are showing a blackmale who is shattering all the records.His name is Ch. Casarows NightfeverCh. Casarows Nightfeverand in the first six months of 2007alone he has won two BIS all breed,one Reserve BIS, one group BIS andBIS at Scottish Pomeranian Club withsix months more to come. Also, he was1 Pom in 2006. He might well end upthis year as 1 all breed and he isproving to be a great ambassador forour beloved Poms.Stefano Scullinowww.geocities.comdoublessepoms2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 606 PM54I I I I I i i i in4pq TIt rr ' v7\k4 4' a4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 55Dog World - Pomeranian ShowcaseSpecial thanks to The Dog World Associate Editor Simon Parsons for granting permission to reproduce the Pomeranian Supplementpublished July 13, 2007. The Dog World Ltd. is Britains top selling weekly canine newspaper. SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 606 PM55I I I I I i i i in4A rvdogworldSUPPLEMENT ^PomeraniansooCMCO5TlRrNARWYtfPomeranians bred for type, quality and soundness through generations. m4 4m\r T ,vUi . m Hi'AZy-L.rJr- 'AW mmmi mmT ISbSViwiii w'^ jglwm, TvV. ,' \ 4-V, ,iV 1Sr V 4- ,Va,yir .V I,rMM'Kar - A HCHAMPION TRENARWYN EBONY STATESMAN JW ShCMTrenarwyn Pomeranians proudly fared fay CAEOLQPfE and MPVUPSEEPf0DDill 7AKlilf .i456 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWDog World - Pomeranian ShowcaseSpecial thanks to The Dog World Associate Editor Simon Parsons for granting permission to reproduce the Pomeranian Supplementpublished July 13, 2007. The Dog World Ltd. is Britains top selling weekly canine newspaper. SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 607 PM56I I I I I i i i in42-dogworld,^A Pomeranians PH showcase supplement July 13,2007 Adog world SUPPLEMENT Pomeranians' SHOWCASEThe essentials of the breedsJ,An all-rounder's view, Albert WightWHAT DOES an all-rounder look for when judging any of these three beautiful toydog breeds They are among my favourite breeds to judge and are so diverse in every sense that the group tide is the closest to similarity that they haveHistorically Britain has produced a number of fantastic representatives of each of these breeds and over the years they have contributed so much to the richness and star quality of our groupand BIS rings.Just think of these BIS winners, the gorgeous Papillon ChTongemoor Miss Peppermint, the Pomeranian Ch Wynwrights Jubilee Belle or the Pug Ch Rosalia of Nanchyl, each a real The Pomeranian 'broad andTibetan Spaniel like.The breed also must have a scissor-bite mouth.The ears must be small,fairly high set,erect of course,and almost buried in be taken with the eyes they shouldW be medium in size and almost oval, certainly never full or rounded nor set too wide apart as this ruins the expression. Expression plays such a vital role andthis is enhanced when the efes are dark with well pigmented rims giving that lively, intelligent look of anticipation.The Pom has a fairly short neck and this greatly assists itto get that overall circular effect when in show stance,the little neck, short coupled body and the high set tail fanning upThe best of the Pomeranians will be fine in bone with small, tight catlike feet. It is essential to realise that they must be balanced and to achieve this the forelegs must have a certain length,ie withers to elbow and elbow to feet being the Over-sprung ribbing and chunky bodies with thick stumpy forelegs should never become acceptable in the Pomeranian and should certainly never be rewarded with top placements.The breed's crowning glory is its coat.A soft fluffy undercoat with a harsh, perfectly straight and lengthy top coat coming through and covering the whole body The mane and chest are particularly abundantly coated as is the tail,with good feathering on the forelegs and thighs.The Standard allows almost all colours, and while I have seen the odd parti- colour and black and tan veryfewotthe latter,and they are frowned upon by the cognoscenti - dogs,other than white,with white and tan markings are 'highly undesirable' here,the vast majority seen in UK show rings are sables, oranges or blacks,though cream, beaver,blue, brown or white are all acceptable. And I wonder if it is politically correct to have a statement which avers'where whole coloured and particolours compete together, the preference should,if other points are given to the whole coloured specimen'.A top class Pomeranian on the move is a sightto behold,they an ooze self-belief, have a brisk action which implies a huge degree of importance, almost a look of mischief and daring with that ready-to-take-on-all-comers airHowever, having known the breed intimately through my close connection with the late great Bob Flavell and his wife Betty, I know that they can also be stubborn and self willed when it suits them - but it simply adds to their undeniable charm.the mane which frames the head. CareMy earliest recollection of this totally charming breed goes way back to the days of the Scottish Kennel Club when it was held at the Waverley Market in Edinburgh.One lady exhibitor seemed to dominate the shows then and to my amazement to each show with a seemingly endless string of orange orbs on legs,fine, compact, profusely coated, eyes ever looking up at her and she seemed incapable of matter who judged She was the legendary Gladys Dyke of Hadleigh fame whose achievements became almost folklore. I think she must have won moreA the bade towards the head creating a real spherical shape.Think Papillon and one thinksof refi nement, elegan ce, butterfly-type flaring ears,tip toe of expectation in stance, that bright ever so knowing almost inquisitive expression and, hopefully, the whole package dressed in a glamorous, silky spariding jacket.A good Papillon will always demand a second look no matter what the opposition is. They are quite special, ever alert and can follow a judge with that Mona Lisa-type glance, just daring you to pass by without notidng them.The head is one of the main features of the breed and it is divided between the oca put and stop two thirds with the stop to tip of nose the other third.The situII is just gently rounded never flat or domed, the stop is very well defined and the foreface is refined and almost pointed with a black nose.The Q'es are round, medium sized are fairly low set and should always give that 'glad to be alive, where is the action' look.The ears pi ay such an important role as they can make or break a good Pap head and expression.They should be large, set fairly wide on the skull allowing the slight skull rounding to be visible,they are rounded at the tips and when held erect they should be about 45 degrees to the head.The ears should be erect except on Phalenes when they are dropped, never thick but should remain fine and are at their best when heavily fringed,giving the butterfly wings shape.Although the neck should be of medium length, some are too stuffy there and the look of elegance and gentility goes, so I err towards more neck rather than too little.The Papillon body is fairly long in ribcage with a good depth of chest, the shoulders well laid,the ribs have a good degree of spring,net short coupled and the underline should rise slightlyThe backline is vital to a good Papillon.The neck line should lead to a level back- too many rise towards the rump or else dip behind the withers - leading to a high set tail which has length, is well fringed and arches over the back with the long coat forming a silky plume.I like to see a good bend of stifle, preferably matching a good front, and another of the breed-specific points is that the bone should be fine, slender, call it what you will, but the overall effect must always be one of refinement, style and oozing class. The feet too are fine,fairly long with tufts of fine hair extending beyond them.First impressions can mean so much and the sight of a good Papillon entering the ring like agalleon in full sail,head,up,ears flaring,tail plumeflowing and the crowning glory being that light, scarcely seeming to touch the ground, totally balanced,free striding action, is guaranteed to make any judge do a mental note to 'look again'.Part of the breed's charm is that they are among the brightest and most intelligent of dogs and are certainly among those mostwillingto please their handlers. I often annot help but smile at the expressions some of them manage to give as they endeavour make their owner happy.It is no wonder they are a huge success in obedience work and agility work- they have a zest for life, have the courage of a lion,the brain of a Border Collie and much,much more. All that and so much glamour - no wonder they are so popular.length.doubles than any other exhibitor everLike a top class Papill on, a really good Pom eranianbe breath-taking, a real show stopper and one not easily overlooked" VThe general appearance and characteristics requirement in the Standard is a good starting poi nt. Compact, short-cou pled, well knit in frame. Exhibiting great intelligence in expression activity and buoyancy in deportment Sound,vivacious and dainty I have to admit that I have often thought the head description of the Pom to be a bit misleading. 'Head and nose foxy in outline' I have seen a fw foxes in my time, but never one with a Pomeranian type of head For a start,a fox's skull is certainly never large in proportion to its muzzle.For me the Pomeranian skull should be almost flat with a good stop and a refined, almost pointed muzzle with tight fitting lips and a decent chin but certainly neverM4 4Ch Wynwrights Jubilee Belle.The eyes should be as dark as possible, large and globular in shape and full of fire with a loolc which says 'devilment' or'mischief' which in a split second an become one of such solicitude and softness that you can easily become enslaved.They are amongthe real characters in the dog world and few have more expressive faces.Agood Pugshape and outline will reveal a hint of arrogance duetothe slight arching of the neck which should have sufficient length and thickness to hold the head proudly, but beware of exaggeration.I like to see really good ribbing on a Pug, shoulders well laid, the forelegs should be quite strong with well weighted bone and they should fit well under the dog.I like the elbow to be placed midway between the wither height and the feet and of course th e forelegs mu st be straight. Chests should have a decent width and to achieve the hoped for shape, the topline has to be level without any trace of reaching or sagging.So I see the body itself as robust, almost chunky,strong in loin, level backed and finishing with a high set tail with a tight twist or curl - a double curl is much desired but seldom seen.The Pug is no lightweight so to suit the needs of a strongly made deg the hindquarters should be muscled with supple hams, enough bend of stifle and well boned hocks.The glorious touch of a real Pug jacket is such a wonderful top dressingto a package. It should be very fine and smooth,quite short and never woolly or harsh to the touch.There is a wide colour range, silver, apricot,fawn or black. Each colour should be well defined and smudging of the colours is frowned upon.There should also be delineated black markings on the a diamond shape mid skull. Not too often seen these days is thetrace.a clear narrow black line running down the badeFinally we have the Pug action, again quite unique. Watched going away the Pug has a slight roll but he uses his hocks well and is quite straight and true. When fore viewed he should display proud head arriage.the forelegs straight and he should have a positive, straight step.Profile action an make or break a Pug as when it is moving in balance, holding its head almost arrogantly and showing a degree of purpose in drive as it circles the ring, it will never fail to draw the eye of the knowledgeable judge. And a top class member of this rather classy breed is a serious threat to all comers in the show ring.So there you have it, one man's thoughts on what makes each of these super toy dogs, so very, very special. If you get half as much pleasure from judging them as I dev you will have had a very successful timemeThe Papillon, ChTongemoor Miss Peppermint.The charismatic Pug is one of theall-time favourite toy dogs. It has enjoyedthe favour of the aristocracy for many years - the late Duke andDuchess of Windsor were notable devotees - and it continues to be held in highregard by so very many toydog lovers. I think that 'once bitten,forever smitten' isan appropriate adage for this delightful breed.Bright,amusing companions, playful, inquisitive and really just fun to be with What more could one seek if after a smaller breed of dogThe Pug should be truly square.'Multum in parvo' is what the Standard seeks and a good Pug is just that - a lot of deg in a little space and deceptively heavy for its sizeAs with so many breeds, much weight is given to the head and in this the Pug is quite unique and unmistakeable. It is totally different from the Pekingese head as this head is round but definitely NOT apple headed, with a short, blunt muzzle which should be quite square.The lower jaw should have width and the bite is slightly undershot though a wry mouth or one with the teeth or tongue showing is to be deprecated. Of great importance are the wrinkles which should be clearly defined.The ears are soft to the touch and have been likened to velvet.There are two types of ear, the rose ear which folds over and then backwards to reveal the burr of the ear, but the most prized isthebutton ear where the flap folding over lies close to the skull. To give the real Pug look of class and good breeding,the ears should be small and quite fine.However, to me the real attraction in the Pug is in its eyes and expression.They speak volumes andthePugis one of the few breeds which an makeme unconsciously smile as I walk around the ring, so effective can their expression be.Ch Rosalia of Nanchyl.phe David Daltoncheek moles,muzzle,thumb markContentsSUPPLEMENT EDITOR SIMON PARSONS LAYOUT PRODUCTION COLIN SWAFFER,PAUL DAVIES,JAMES MORRISSEYCOMMERCIAL BUSIMESS MANAGER ANN GEORGEBREED ADVERTEING EXECUTIVESPAM BLAY, VALERIE LANETRADE ADVERTEING EXECUTIVESROB ASPIN, LEE HUTTONDOG WORLD LTD Somerfield House. Wotton toad.Ashford. KerrtTN23 6LWTel 01233 621877 Fax 012334 Printed by MortonsPrint, Newspaper House. Morton Way. Homcastb. Lines LN9 6JRPomeranians - a lifetime quest for improvementAveril Cawthera-PunfyPomeranian Question TimePugs - a breed you cannot ignoreAlison Mount8The essentials of the breedsAlbert WightTheres nothing a Papillon cannot do 4Mike Foster29Papillon Question Time 6 Pug Question Time 124SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 57Dog World - Pomeranian ShowcaseSpecial thanks to The Dog World Associate Editor Simon Parsons for granting permission to reproduce the Pomeranian Supplementpublished July 13, 2007. The Dog World Ltd. is Britains top selling weekly canine newspaper. SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 607 PM57rm i i i in48- dog world, ajxllim Pomeranians Pugs Showcase supplement July 13,2007Pomeraniansinfluence has been limited in this respect as well.Eve Smail of theToybox Poms, based in Scotland, has probably imported the most over this time and she has worked I with her breeding programme to take the positive from these imports to strengthen I and develop her own strong British lines.W This has been successful in producing a string 1 of champions for both her own affix and 'iJK that of Sean Carroll and James Newmans Kv Belliver kennel based in Dublin as they H y have also incorporated these bloodlines If to strengthen and develop their own. One of the most successful 5050 0 Anglo-American bred Poms in the ring M would be ChVeltuds Coch Bach, who f shone brightly during a short show career ' to be top toy dog in 98. rVA lifetime quest for improvementBy Averil Cawthera-Purdy Legendary HadleighsThere is still a feeling that the Pom kennels of today do not manage to consistently produce the quality of some of the kennels we have seen in the past, most notably the world famous Hadleigh Poms which are legendary and were bred and campaigned by Gladys and Albert Dyke through the 50s,60s and 70s. In terms of type and consistency they have to rank as one of the greatest bloodlines developed in British dogs, producing champion after champion and clocking up over 300 CCs.Spare a thought for the other successful breeders of the time, the Aurum,Cynpegs,Saymar,Andersley,Wynwrights, Ringlands, Haysholm andbut a few they had to make their names competingTHE POMERANIAN may be small in stature but it is large in personality and this is certainly one of the main factors in the ongoing popularity of the breed since Victorian times.The Pom we see in the ring today is very much the result of those Victorian breeders who concentrated on reducing the breeds size, shortening its back and increasing the amount of coat to produce the overall effect of a fluffy ball. The result is a glamorous toy dog with a true spitz temperament, capable being utterly captivating while having a mind of its own. Is It any wonder that they do so well in the big ringsDuring my time in the breed I have been lucky enough to see the British greats of over three decades. Ch Hadleigh Shining Star has to rank as one of the greatest and my personal favourite. He was spectacular, with a compact body,a huge bright orange coat, the most exquisite of refined heads and a plume to his ears and beyond.He dominated the British ring in the early 70s accumulating CCs ata rate which has since been matched only once and doing well in toy group and BIS rings. He was the breed record holder for many years having won 32 CCs in two years.In feet the number of Poms to win in excess of 30 CCs is still only half a dozen. Shining Star is joined by Ch RosskearsTriple Echo,a very pretty bitch campaigned by her breeder Ann Winter from 83-86 and breed record holder for a time with 33 CCs.Our ChThelbern OliverTwist from Lireva,who collected 32 CCs in a show career of two years and was a BIS and multiple group winner and one of the few Poms to have taken two Crufts in centenary year.Past breed record holder of 34 CCs, ChJaplr Ch Daim of Sushimoto at Cygal.Twinklewas owned and campaigned in this country by the late Stuart Finley-Bissett and had an extremely long show career for a Pom winning his first CC in April 82 and his last in June 88. He was dark wolfphoto Thomas FallMary Evans Picture Library Sable With a febuloUS shape and harshChThelbern Mardi David Dalton Preservenes kennels toagainst the HadleighsOn a number of occasions knowledgeable dog folk outside the breed have questioned as to why no one has managed to take up the mantle.There are a number of reasons as I see it Initially and importantly, through the 60s,70s and into the 80s the export demand for the breed from the top kennels of the day was very high with the result that relatively few Poms from these kennels were sold in this country. The vast majority of these bloodlines were lost to future breeders here and they had, to all intents and purposes, to start again with what Next we should consider the changes in how hobby kennels operate. Many of the most successful Pom breeders were maintaining large kennels of 30-plus dogs through to the start of the 80s, long after this had become economically impossible for larger breeds.Quite often kennels had both show and breeding stock and it was usual for breeding bitches their showing counterparts. Certainly, when I started showing in the breed thewere widely used and bitch champions rarely went on to produce.17stand-off coatThe current breed record holder is our Ch Thelbern Mardi Gras.Steaccumulated 39 CCs all under different judges and a number of groups as well. For a bitch she carried an immense coat and had the sweetest of headslike a true Pom she was often naughty but always nice. She and Oliver were both bred on Jersey by Thelma Alsford whose clever breeding programme has produced a string of championss through the 90s and into the new larger than4 4brood bitch and show bitchLarger littersBrood bitches produced larger litters and so selection was possible, kennels had higher numbers of bitches and so were producing more litters with a resultant increase in the range from which Modern living and work conditions,added to greater regulation of breeding over the last two decades, have resulted in a reduction in the average size of the majority of kennelsbitches producing the next generations are show bitches themselves.Taking into account the average litter size of two point something, even with the moves forward in veterinary science and the consequent fall in the Pom puppy mortality rate, the breed is still somewhat of a challenge,as with litters this size you rarely have a choice in puppies but settle for what you get and breed on from there.I would argue that It is extremely difficult to keep a presence in the show ring from four litters or fewer a year, which is the task that many of todays Pom breeders set themselves,sBlack pioneer sele t.A Joining the over 30 club only a couple of weeks ago is the breeds current top winner, Ch Casarows Nightfever, owner-bred by Carl and Julie Sparrow. He is the first black to go over 30 CCs and his show career has been somewhatChJaplr Ch Daim of Sushimoto at Cygal.Ch Hadleigh Shining Diane FtearceKennel Club Picture Library numbers in the and kennels where theunusualin that he is having his best year in terms of group and BIS success and he is now over four years, an age at which most Poms are generally starting to wind down their show career.I must also mention Ch Wynwrights Jubilee Belle, winning two BIS and four RBIS within one year. She was campaigned in the70s by the late Bob Flavell for his wife Betty. She had the sweetest of heads and expressions and a magnificent cream coat which set off her superb pigmentation a treatEssentially, the bloodlines within the breed are still home grown. Over the past two decades there have been some imports, mainly from the US, but numbers have been relatively small and the spread over tirr sufficient to dilute their impact on the breed as a whole. Also, their use has tended to be restricted to the kennels who have imported them and so theirWLIREVA POMERANIANS Celebrate a New Champion . CH LIREVASTHE FUTURES IN FOCUS 3 CCs 2 RCCsThanks to judges Sue Smith, Liz Sumner and Barbara Ainsworth A very big thank you to Thelma Alsford for our new additionTHELBERN WITHOUT A DOUBT picturedOnly shown at half a dozen Ch shows to date and already I CC,2 RCCs and RBIS -Scottish Pom Club Ch07 141MMmx,WChThelbern OliverTwist from Lireva.iphoto David Daltonthan in days past when the top kennels were producing double figures of puppies a year and selecting the best and exporting the rest Having said that,at no time has this breed been easy to produce and I was told early on that Poms werent called the heartbreak breed for nothingColour in Poms has always given non-specialist judges and some specialists a bit of a headache as in this respect our Standard can be somewhat out of step with what appears in the ringThe British Standard states that whole colours, of which it then gives a long list, are all permissible.The problem is that many have not been seen in the ring since the turn of the last century Of this long list the only colours a judge is likely to come across are black,orange and cream.The Standard then tells us that white or tan markings are highly undesirable but goes on to say that particolours with patches of colour evenly distributed are acceptable but that preference should, if exhibits are equal in all other given to wholecolours.This has been the case since the Standard of 1898.Partis and whites have been shown occasionally over the last 30 years and Sue Smith Sueacres has recently imported a black and white parti male from the US and is planning to bring in some girls to join him.Black and lan is undesirable and is not shown in the ring here though the colour is exquisitely beautiful when correctly marked and has been used in breeding programmes.Sables are hardly given a mention in the current Standard with the only reference being to shaded sables needing to have three or more colours as uniformly. f V' Not forgettingLIREVAS SHORT BLACK AN SIDESas if hed let us RC who wants to thank his growing fan club for their support Unbeaten in Minor Puppy classes BPIS - Pom Club Ch RBPIS - Scottish Pom Club Ch BPIS - South of England Pom BPIS -Worcester Malvern BPIS - Pontardawe Already 4 times BPIB at Ch Show level The Lireva Poms are bred, owned, campaigned and loved to bits by Averil Cawthera-Purdy, Mum Averil Cawthera and Sean Gwynne and can be seen in the ring at a Championship show near you with either Averil or Sean Ch Rosskears Triple Sally Anne Thompson458 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWDog World - Pomeranian ShowcaseSpecial thanks to The Dog World Associate Editor Simon Parsons for granting permission to reproduce the Pomeranian Supplementpublished July 13, 2007. The Dog World Ltd. is Britains top selling weekly canine newspaper. SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 607 PM58rm i i i in4dog world, Hdjjilloitti Pomeranians Pugs ShowcaseEve SMAIL roytooxSUPPLEMENT July 13,2007 -9people they have ashow i dog.Then if they win a few ml prizes they go off and breed ^^them willy-nilly, jj Soundness has greatly S i improved over the years I've been in the breed.''y Not as many three-legged hopping Poms around now, thank goodness. Popularity is at an all-time high. Everyone seems ashow quality Pom bitch immediately Oh, that it was so easyMy other concern for is colour. Clear orange and reds are a dying trend. Everyone wants creams and cream sables, a colour not even in the Standard True wolf sables are a thing of the past too. Dirty creams are now called cream sables. Black muzzles are also creeping in and some judges find them acceptable.Theres nothing nicer than a clear orange or red in a group ring. The last one would be Ch Casarows The Red Devil, one of my favourite dogs of the past and behind many of my present day winners.4Some beautiful dogs have been brought in from overseas, main from Japan. Many years ago they were almost 100 per bred, but none left any great legacy behind.PomeranianOne Pom who really stamped his stock Military Tattoo, bred by Pauline Wallace, winner of 16 CCs, one group and many group Pom several years running and topI Ch Cradarrbitches who lack type soundness just to producequality pups - who do not even resemble a Pom - to sell.I noticed in last years list one had aQuestionTimeHe sired six champions, Ch Pomanna Silver Knight at Jacobian, Ch Pomanna Silver Arrow at Jacobian, Ch Cabana Clouseau.Ch Cabana Coralie,Ch Linak Terrific Tiff and Ch Pipe Major.Love or hate his wolf sable colour, no one could take away from him his balance, perfect Pom shape, total soundness and abundant harshpoorSee page 6 for the questionsPyropof CC winnerschampion dam. What does that say Champions often dont produce champions.In my 35 years in the breed, there has been a trend for dogs and forheads and the Andersleys.In Poms, where litter size isvery often by caesarean, we hope to have an outstanding puppy or next champion in the making.When you consider you look for a star in a litter of six, eight or ten in bigger breeds, its quite as big a choice in PomsI line-breed, so can almost always tell how a puppy will certain age. One of my mottos is 'dont throw the baby bath water. Have patience or you may just let a future teenage stage.Soundness and type are paramount in a brood bitch. Also temperament is important for I have never bred from a bitch with a suspect temperament. Nor do I see the point in breeding from largeindness of theAstrid OGILVIE pafeovJ2 normally 3 which he passed on.He was a grandson of Ch Toybox Platignum Phantom 27 CCs,himself sire of five champions. This is a line that has endured, and died he livesCh Cradarr Military David Daltonto go through alarge ph bitches to go through asmall phase. Some all-rounders dont realise itWithout doubt, Ch Toybox Platignand sire of five champions - Ch Emadale Sundancer of Sueacres, Ch Sueacres Silver Dollar, Ch Sueacres Gold Illusion, Ch Chrysolite Silver Star and Ch Linak Phantom Lady.Dusty was a born showman who passed on his type, soundness and character to his offspring, also his soft expression. He has influenced many of todays top wi least in my Going back many years, the Hadleigh and Andersley kennels were the biggest influence on how I see the breed, the fabulous HadleighI Phantom, 27 CCspearl of wisdom.Poms are notorious bad breeders,should be the other way roundTrue head type is somewhat lacking today.I sometimes wonder who tellsalthough he has on through many lines in the UK and abroad, and his young daughter Cradarr Military Parade carries the torch forward, with a RCC and t her first show.When I started in the breed in the late 1970s Bob Flavell told me "If you heartache give them a Pom and if you want them to have misery encourage to breed from it.When you have a glamour girl in a litter keep the plain sister for it will be she who keeps your line goingwith caesarean sections and a very . Size seems tohigh mortality play little part in whether they self-whelp, some little ones pop themout at a W nlyand big strong girls needwith the2Hadleighpion females ht h goneon to breed a champion themselves and quite often it is the sister of the champion who produces the next champion I have found this to be true.Sto give someoneThe first time ChJaplr Ch Daim of Sushimoto at Cygal the hairskennel.the back of my neck stood implyup. I thought he but he sired only one champion, Ch Cygals Platignum Phantom.Of people in other breeds who want to get into Poms,4shaded as possible, yet when judging you will come across a whole variety of them and they are all acceptable if they are based colour and are judged as such.At the moment it can feel as if like the old Ford slogan - you can have any colour so long as its black Kennels and exhibitors who have never shown this colour are being seen with it at the end of the lead - myself included.Ogilvies bitches Chs Pakovs Aint No Lady and Im Viva are evidence to this.Entries are rising or holding, depending on region, and registrations are also steady.The overall quality in the ring down the line is stable although it is difficult to say whether this consistency can be maintained and this will always be the challenge for the Pom breederexhibitor of today.One strength the breed does have is in the loyalty of its breeders with many of the current kennels being lifetime quests for improvement for their owners and compared with many breeds the drop-out rate for those who take up Poms is low.So overall the breed is in a strong position and ready to build on the legacy dating from the late 1800s when the breed was first recognised by the Kennel Club in this country.accepted whole S'4 4Ch Casarows Nightfever, winner of two all-breed BIS this year, photo Les DenmanWide range of coloursThe reality is probably more balanced in that the breed has as wide a range of any time in my memory. Sables remain acolours being shown and winning as firm favourite with their quality dense coats.At the moment clear bright oranges being seen as often as say in the'70s when they dominated, almost to the exclusion of every other colour, although they are still around and Astridaremmif VWr vt -1r i111Ii'm vmminV. mPROUDLYPRESENTSv-' .is -y.v ii \and hi son UeJLNM'v-'KuHnlHITVNGELI IN DISGUISE, ShCM, 2 RCCs TVNGELI SANTA POD, RCCBorn 9.12.99Sire Ch Moonrae Ebony Hotshot Santa returned to the ring after a 2 year break in 06 and was placed 2nd Open Dog every time outThis year 2007 he has done us proudOverall winner East Anglian SupermatchRes BD and BV Pomeranian Open Show1st Veteran CruftsBorn 15.12.05Dam Tyngeli Elegance 3 RCCs Although lighdy shown to date Pod is showing great promiseBest in Show' - Pomeranian Open Show AVNSC and Toy Group - Hinckley District AVNSC 2nd Toy Group - NuneatonRes CC and Res Best in Showsuperbly handled by Roy Rattley2nd Open Dog - SKCOverall winner Veteran Stakes - Border UnionWe would like to thank the judges who have recognised the qualities of our two boys Also home of Tyngeli Tibetan Terriers and Hungarian PulisOwned byROSE OSULLIVAN Tel 01327 300753 Junior and 1st Novice 1st Junior and Res CC - SKCPomeranian Championship ShowOwned byROSE OSULLIVAN and MIKE KENNETT4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 59Dog World - Pomeranian ShowcaseSpecial thanks to The Dog World Associate Editor Simon Parsons for granting permission to reproduce the Pomeranian Supplementpublished July 13, 2007. The Dog World Ltd. is Britains top selling weekly canine newspaper. SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 607 PM59rm i i i in4APomeranians Pugs Showcase supplement July 13,200710- DOG WORLD,f The number of pet owners wanting to breed Poms has lowered the CarLdJuliePomeranianbrow'squality as nI J One of the dogs who Thas impressed I recently was AmMulti Ch Starfires Here Comes Trouble. Bert Easdon give him BOB at the ProgressiveToydog in New York this year.Such style and type and overdone.Closer to home I must mention ChAmlr Ch PetipomFinches Dandy Creation atToybox.sire of three champions including Irelands Top Dog all breeds, two Crufts CC winners, and a CC and a RCC winner, top sire05 and top stud dog 06 from very few puppies.There have been several dogs recently who have been used extensively at stud and who hber of winning dogsIproduced abut in our opinion they have influenced the breed positively. One of the problems within our tend3 Getting uniformity across the board hfew last more than their first few litters.You have to love this breed the difficulties it brings.I understand that the Pomeranian average 1.2 puppies in the litter... if youre luckyIn a good brood I am looking for a self-whelping girl who is just lacking a little, and then my dogs can those points.I have used my American dogs with good success, but whilethey have brought superb coats, fantastic soundness and movement,I find them a little heavy in head and am correcting this with a balance of English blood. in type has beenChToybox Firecracker.very difficult, and kennels who have type eventually and use something to blood.This can bring withphoto David Daltonalways had their have to go breed is that people do to travel to use quality they have a tendency to use a dog around the d then they constantlyhas have a bitch who has never seen the show ring and has produced me a champion in every one of her litters, changing in the presented. Poms in the past were trimmed a lot less than they are today and left in fuller coats.Trimming is a good way of showing off your dog to the best advantage and should be encouraged.Coat texture is changing in modern Poms and needs to begiveit its own problems and while you might pick some traits to advantage you will more than likely get some you dont want.cornergo back and repeat the mating or inbreed which intensifies the faults.3 way PomsiproveThe two dogs who in our opinion have produced quality offspring and are still positively influencing our breed today are Ch Derronills Maxamillion and Ch Peninans Black Topper of Salvadure.They have both produced champions and also quality stock which has continued breed through many kennels and generations.They had the ability to produce puppies who were sound with breed type and showmanship.Black Topper was by a Hadleigh dog. He was a quality black who produced a including some fi some of the best black kennels including Pyropom andThelbern. He gave blacks a boost by improving texture, shape and pretty expressions which were lacking previously. Also he North which made it northern breeders tc the Hadleigh li was used by a lot of kennels.Maxamillion was a consummate show dog who excelled in breed type, had an excellent superb movement. Although not used extensively he produced seven champions of dogs to which line-bred to produce all champions Red Devil, Schizo- Phonic, Bestseller, Shine A Light and Nightfever, a combination of Topper and Maxamillion.hard there have been so many losses within our breed and a lot of the old kennels have gone by the wayside. Without harping backinfluenced our ideas of PomeraniansPXKOV Sue SMITHSuMrts2 0 0 6 UK TOP BREEDER addressed.The trend for thick fluffy coats is emerging and improve this by breeding only from dogs with a fluffy undercoat and a harsh longstraight outer coat.I think the Poms popularity is increasing and this will have a good impact for their future.4 Dogs bred overseas have a lot of good qualities that can be brought i admire the shape and quality coats that are constantly seen overseas along with their showmanship and ability to produce winning offspring.I think in a few years time more dogs will be imported and used to improve these factors.I admire many of the dogs bred in the USA but especially Ch Pufpride Sweet Dreams. He has an excellentinfluenceWhen I started showing Pomeranians in 1989 my first attraction was to Ch Toybox Firecracker, litter brother to Ch Toybox Ginger Rogers.Then came ChToybox Platignum Phantom, sire of five UK champions.2 It is a challenge in itself to breed the correct Pomeranian as close to the Standard as possible.I try to aim for a four pound dog every time and breed only from dogs I admire as a judge and have in my opinion qualities that can be passedA brood bitch needs sound and have no outstanding faults. She needs to be well bred and preferably be from a line known for self whelping. She needs to be around 5 to 5'j pounds for breeding.I dont think the best show specimen produces the best I think that youof breeding good stock from closely bred bitches from excellent lines. IIber of coloursexhibits forrrUK-bred dogs.7 ided in theoffspring. ier for the gain access to as a result hebe very. .ift along with a rich orange colour and showmanship aplenty. He has produced 66 American champions, as well as the Crufts 2006 group winner, so passes on his quality as a stud dog.andbh4 4m.-Ya better chId h plus a berkennel has r recentVK V nwpJILLAPOM PENNY BLACK AT PIKAPOMPenny" at 9 months It is2 - 1st MPB Ch Show 1 - 1st PB Ch Show 1 - BPIB Ch Show 4 - 1st Open Show 1 - PG2 Open Show 1 - RBIS Open ShowPakovs Black Ice 2CCs far, the kennels thatDam Pakovs Makin Whoopee Astrid K Ogilvie, Hailstonemyrc Cottage, Ayr Road, Larkhall, ML9 3DW Tel 01698 791467Sire Ch. Pakovs Mack The Knifewere Hadleigh and Cynpegs, both of which continually produced outstanding specimens. We both constantly strive to prod of this type.We doPo msMany thanks to all judges and breeders 1A and P J Hemsfollow trends still have the same breed Standard that we had when these kennelsTOYBOX POMERANIANSEst 1976ROSE and GEORGE CROSSLEYTel 01536 418891 Email world-renowned, and who are wesomething different We can see that movement and soundness have improved but with any breed thatbreeding and good rearing of puppies.In our breed we have such small litters that there is a tendency for someshowable.ThisTchange our breed intoTBFLBFRN RUM BA BA be achieved by selectiveImportSpecial thank you to Thelma for letting the Pom of my dreams come mtef \ my life, shes my world and Ill alwaysbelieve that every puppy is It in sometreasure her.5 monthsDANtLLLi REID POMtjXpTY TOMS Cynpegs Gentle C M Cooke Son3.ntKihttp7groupmsn.omcheritarfI^ V15 British Champions 90 worldwide titles in 10 countries 107 CCs with 20 different dogs 7 Crufts CCs with 6 different dogsgained doing fewer than half the available shows each year due to location and commitments EVE SMAIL toyboxpomsaol.comCrufts4 Ch Derronills David Dalton460 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSpecial thanks to The Dog World Associate Editor SimonParsons for granting permission to reproduce the PomeranianSupplement published July 13, 2007.The Dog World Ltd. is Britains top selling weekly caninenewspaper. to Jackie Walsh and Eve Smail for their thoughtfulness,work and support to make reproducing this articlepossible.Thanks also to the following who allowed us to use theirportions of the supplementCaroline OddMaureen OddAlbert WightAveril Cawthera-PurdyAstrid OgilvieRose OSullivanCarl SparrowJulie SparrowSue SmithGeorge CrossleyRose CrossleyDanielle ReidSue SmithVycki BrockDog World - Pomeranian ShowcaseSpecial thanks to The Dog World Associate Editor Simon Parsons for granting permission to reproduce the Pomeranian Supplementpublished July 13, 2007. The Dog World Ltd. is Britains top selling weekly canine newspaper. Fall2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 607 PM60I I I I I i i i in4PomeranianSdogs winning when they are not of top quality.This can be seen when they are later sold on and do not win for theirWe have to breed from our show stock and we spend a long time discussing the merits of various stud dogs both from our kennel and outside, also looking at what these dogs produce for others. Sometimes believe that some dogs are allowed out at stud when owners are aware of hereditary faults and bad temperament, and that have long-term repercussions for the breed.Over the last ten years we have had colour trends where some kennels have become fixated particular colour or, more detrimentally, fixated on a particular stud dog. These kennels have suffered as a result and have bred themselves out.Our breed has in the last 20 years imported a number of dogs from around the world.The Japanese dogs which are based on UK exports hhad a lot of influence and ChJaplr Ch Daim of Sushimoto at Cygal 36 CCs holder for abreed recordber of years. American and European imports have been used and owned by a number of kennels for over 15owners.years both of us have awarded top honours to American imports and their progeny from theVeltuds and Toybox kennels. Ch Thelbern Mardi Gras 39 CCs, record holder American.The dog we both admired from overseas Superman, owned and bred by Kazu Igarashi. He had a super head and expression, good coat of great texture and orange sable sadly lacking at the moment. He dog and produced a number of quality offspring for his owner and others too. Carl to buy a struck when he quarantine as he sadly is hardpresent, is partCh Hadleigha great moverfortunate to be ableof his but tragedyreleased fromSUEACRES POMERANIANSSUEfiCRESCENTERFOLD HrjwmCCandBOBBath.judgeTerry Nethercott4 4CCBlackpool,judgeMartin FreemanRoll Of Honours Ml - .wCH SUEfiCRES CREST OF THE WfiVE JW ShCM, 3 CCs CH SUEfiCRES BUTTERCUP JW, 6 CCs CH SUEfiCRES UNEXPECTED JW, 8 CCs CH TOYBOX PLfiTIGNUM PH6NTOM, 27 CCs CH SUEfiCRES GOLD ILLUSION JW, 4 CCs CH TOYBOX ONE STEP TO HEfiVEN, 3 CCs SUEfiCRES FLORENCE, 1 CC SUEfiCRES GOLD TEMPTfiTlON, 1 CCAll owned and shown bySUE FANCY WEE DANDY AT DUNNICHENSired by Top Pom Stud 2006 IrAmUK Ch Petipom Finchs Dandy Creation at Toybox 'Jwarn2'-4 m. f " X.iif wmh2 RCCs under Breed Specialists ^ 1st Pom to win Good Citizen Class at Crufts ^ Dixie has won 17 lsts at ChampionshipOpen Shows - including Limit at SKC, LKA and The Pomeranian Club Championship Show 2007Meet Dixies ancestors on our website - featuring several biographical pedigrees from 1877 onwardsDixie is pictured in a Scottish landscape photographed by his No 1 fan - owner VYCKJ BROCKm4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 61Behind the Titlists CH. BACHMANS BRIGHTEST STARCOLOR ORANGE SABLEDOB JUNE 30, 2006BREEDEROWNERS CHERI MCDONALD BEVERLYTIAGACH RODIS N RAIN BEAUS BODYGUARDCH RODIS BLACK GOLDRODIS CHEAUX-CASE ON ICEAMCAN CH RODIS CR KING OF GONDOR ROMCH RODIS JUST ONE LOOKCH RODIS OVER THE RAIN BEAURAIN BEAUS SHOUT IT OUTBISS CH BACHMANS BRIGHTEST STARCH PRIMETIME NOW IM THE MANPRIMETIME THUNDERATIONPRIMETIME REACH FOR GLORYBACHMAN PRECIOUS STAR RUBYCH NGUYEN CORY LOVERBOY OF GQ ROMCH BACHMANS PRECIOUS JEWELCH BACHMANS LADY LEXUS ROM CH. BACHMANS KING OF THE ROADCOLOR ORANGE SABLEDOB NOVEMBER 9, 2005BREEDEROWNER CHERI MCDONALDCH RODIS N RAIN BEAUS BODYGUARDCH RODIS BLACK GOLDRODIS CHEAUX-CASE ON ICEAMCAN CH RODIS CR KING OF GONDOR ROMCH RODIS JUST ONE LOOKCH RODIS OVER THE RAIN BEAURAIN BEAUS SHOUT IT OUTCH BACHMANS KING OF THE ROADTOYRIFIC BILLY THE KIDTOYRIFIC DION DIABLOTOYRIFIC OF TWO SHADOWSCH BACHMANS LADY LEXUS ROMMASONS STATESMAN OF BEV-NORBACHMANS QUEEN ANNEUNICORNS PRECIOUS JEWELDVD 2007 NATIONALSOrder your 2007 APC National DVDs now.3 DVDs AVAILABLEDVD 1Puppy Veteran Sweepstakes and Junior HandlersDVD 2Winners Dog, Winners Bitch and Best Of BreedDVD 3Top TwentyAPC NATIONAL SPECIALTY DVD ORDER FORMI am ordering ______ Conformation DVD 25.00 eachI am ordering ______ Sweepstakes and JuniorHandler 20.00 eachI am ordering ______ Top Twenty DVDs 10.00 eachI am ordering ______ set of all the above 55.00Please add 3.00 Shipping within US, and 5.00 forshipping to Canada and all Foreign Orders.Make check payable to the American PomeranianClub and mail toWalda Green, 8120 Harvard Dr., Ben Lomond, CA 95005USAPlease include the following informationEmail address___________________________Phone ___________________Include Area CodePlease print information on the shipping label below.Ship From Walda Green, APC Ways Means 8120 Harvard Dr., Ben Lomond, CA 95005 USAShip ToName____________________________________Address__________________________________City_______________State_______Zip________Country________________2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 607 PM61I I I I I i i i in4.4r n4 4i BumHir -L J462 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW NEWS AND VIEWSBarbara McClatcheyPERFORMANCETRAINING STUMPEDAll of us have, at one time or another, suddenly come up against a blank wall in training. Perhaps you havedone everything the same way you trained the last dog and it was pretty successful, too, but it doesntseem to be working on the present dog. It is important for all of us to keep in mind the popular sayingabout the definition of insanity Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting somethingdifferent to happen. There are many, many ways to train a dog to do any activity, and not all of them willwork with all dogs. Most of us realize that even within a breed, grooming will not be the same for eachdog. The same holds true for training.So what do you do when your training comes to a screeching halt Right now, I am beginning to go backto some of my favorite books, which I either read in the past, making use of what I needed then, or readmore recently and now need to get something more out of them. I will be sharing with you from time totime some of my favorites, how I make use of them. This time, I will give just an overview of two olderbooks I consider essentialPlaytraining Your Dog, by Patricia Gail Burnham, was published by St. Martins Press in 1980. Though 27years old, this book contains some terrific training advice. It was written during the bad old days, wheneveryone was training with the jerk-and-pull method, and when I was told by an obedience club that ALLdogs must be trained on a choke slip collar, and that I could not use food in training. Luckily, I had awonderful private instructor who taught me otherwise. Even this book tells you that you must have a slipcollar for training. I like this line on heeling, Really good heeling is virtually a dance form in which the dogand handler are partners. One useful idea from this book is this one, which is about the light line forheeling If the dog decides to smell the ground or wander off, he receives a single light line correction,which should surprise him considerably. Praise him. Do a short heel and stop. Put him back on leash andchange to a different exercise. As soon as that first correction is made, the dog is going to watch to seehow it was done. The first correction in each session with a light line is the only one that does any good.Successful Obedience Handling The New Best Foot Forward, by Barbara Handler, published by AlpinePublications in 1991. Despite the fact that the AKC Obedience Regulations have changed since this bookwas written, it is still a superior guide to preparing to actually enter an Obedience ring. She explains how toascertain when your dog is ready to enter, how to fill out the proper form, and even such basics asexercising your dog, which has nothing to do with calisthenics. She tells how to choose a dumbbell2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 607 PM62i i i in4rIiTtI III11 HY . a AM WZ'J.ft HII I __4 4L J4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 63Performance Continuedwood or plastic size and shape and suggests carrying three with you, one being a lighter color for use ondark mats inside. A stick-figure drawing shows the correct landing area for the Broad Jump. She includessome advice for the small dog also If you have a small dog and show outdoors, practice having the pileof articles invisible to the dog in tall grass or over the edge of a hill or curb so that the dog believes thereis something there to find, even if he cant see it.Competition Obedience Training for the Small Dog, by Barbara Cecil and Gerianne Darnell, published byT9E Publishing in 1994, is of course the classic book on training especially the Toy breeds. Things you willnot get from an author or instructor who has never trained a small dog will be found here. The authorssuggest shortening your heeling stride until the distance between your feet on each step is approximatelythe length of your dog. Otherwise, your dog may appear to be lagging about half of the time. Anotherhelpful hint is to step out [on the Forward command] with your right foot rather than your left . . . to theeye it looks like a lag if the dog isnt aligned or moving with the left foot at the first step of heeling. Theyexplain how to use a dowel for heeling and a leash basket for teaching the stand. They also include acomplete adjustable schedule for training the dog through Utility before entering Novice. You couldprobably train your dog completely using nothing more than this book as your guide.ROACH TERRIERThose of you who have NOT lived in the southern states or in the tropics will probably not understandthis story, but Im going to tell it anyway. My 1 year old Tessie recently took to catching June bugslargish beetles and bringing them into the house via the doggie door, mouth full, lips securely clamped toprevent her prey from escaping. When I caught her doing this, I would say, Tessie You take that rightback outside She would mostly retreat quickly through the doggie door, though once in a while shewould instead crunch and swallow, and I could only hope that June bugs were not toxic.Last week, she came in through the doggie door, and I could see her mouth bulging around her prey.Tessie You take that right back outside Instead, she made a mad dash for the sofa, faced the cornerwith her back to me, spit, and whirled toward me. What What bug I dont have a bug I amrunning over to the sofa with visions of the June bug now down in the cracks between sofa and cushion,and having to fish it out. Nothing is to be seen. Tessie is also looking, and suddenly retrieves it frombehind a toy she had carried up onto the sofa, her mouth now satisfactorily full again. Tessie You takethat outside right this minute Instead, she races across the room and leaps onto my favorite chair, back tome, spits, and whirls. Bug What bug I dont see any bugUnfortunately, I do. Behind her, crawling up my chair, is what in this part of the country is known as atree roach in Arizona, they are called water bugs in Indonesia they are called Indonesian flyingcockroaches. These repellant up-to-two-inch monstrosities live outside for the most part, though when itrains they try to get inside out of the weather. A friend of mine declares they are not roaches at all, butwhen I made the comparison between a sparrow and an eagleboth being birdsshe had to agree that yes,they are roaches, in a sense. They are not, I am sure, happy about being transported by dog.I get my broom, knock the creature to the floor, hold it down with the tines of the broom and step on it.Tessie, meanwhile, is behind me complaining, Mom What are you doing That was MINE I sweep theremains out the door and turn around to see her racing pell-mell for the bedroom. I run behind her. On mybedroom carpet, I find the mutilated and dismembered remains of two more of the things, which I flushdown the toilet.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 607 PM63i i i in4r4 4L J464 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance ContinuedTessie seems to have given up on that sport now, but I wait with some trepidation for her next excitingadventure.HEARD AROUND THE RINGNovice A handler exiting the ring, to an experienced exhibitor, The judge told me I qualified. Qualified forwhatTITLES, WE GOT TITLESAMERICAN KENNEL CLUBCompanion DogSheez All That CD RN, Dorann Laperch, 5262007, ILPSkippy Of Oak Brook CD RN, Gregory Geisen, 6242007Rally NoviceC Js Prissy Prancer RN, Carol J Karrasch, 562007CH Dhcrew Rock-N-Rumble RN, Cindy Onosko, 5202007CH Idlewyld Treasure Trove RN, Margaret R Mckee, 5252007Sheez All That CD RN, Dorann Laperch, 5262007, ILPCoty De Bandit Of Staffordshire RN, Tim Preihs, 612007D D Copper Penny RN, Deb L Beean, 692007Sundance Pufpride Sage RN, Brenda Randy Brill, 6302007Rally AdvancedFoxfire Jack CDX RA MX MXJ AJP, Gail L Donaldson, 5192007Pomhavens Giorgio Armani RA, Karen Brearley Colleen Beland, 5192007Rally ExcellentWenkests Jewel CD RE, Mrs. James F Swimme, 5262007Pom Acres Atomic Dragonfly CD RE NA OAJ AXP AJP, Lois Fae Morkassel, 6302007Rally Advanced ExcellentMorgens Squirrel N Merlin CDX RAE OA, Judi John Rought Elizabeth Baugh, 6232007Pomde Firsthymn Grandquarry CDX RAE OA OAJ, Debra A Watson, 6152007Novice AgilityC Gs Mr. JJ NA OAJ, Cindy Dale, 6302007Loco Dakota Joe NA, Laura Cass George, 622007 ILPNovice Agility PreferredHylan Acres Ptcruiser NAP NJP, Judy Chandler, 5262007Bedazzled By Detail NA NAJ NAP NJP, Beth Christie, 6222007, ILPMACH2 Toyrific Lilbuttons NAP NJP, Anne Kathy Flessner, 6242007Novice Agility JumperButters-Scotch-On-The Rocks RN NAJ, Roger Hill Janyes Lemons, 6122007Snoop, shared by Tammee Felix2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 607 PM644r n4 4o,KirrvmTv 45L J4i i i i n rmSEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 65Performance ContinuedLoco Dakota Joe NA NAJ, Laura Cass George, 6242007, ILPStella Bella Houchens NAJ Kathi Larry Houchens, 6172007, ILPWhitneys Kasper NAJ, Whitney Blackburn, 632007, ILPNovice Agility Jumper PreferredEsmes Haleys Comet Aka Ms Hoo RN NJP, Carol Paris, 5132007Hylan Acres Ptcruiser NAP NJP, Judy Chandler, 5262007Bedazzled By Detail NA NAJ NAP NJP, Beth Christie, 6222007, ILPMACH2 Toyrific Lilbuttons NAP NJP, Anne Kathy Flessner, 6242007Open AgilityDreighton Skye RN OA NAJ, Donna Stanley Sager, 552007Prince Omars Pearlina RN OA OAJ, Rosalene Horner Wayne Carlson., 5272007, ILPValentines Cricket OA OAJ NF, Terri Valentine, 6222007Open Agility JumperDreighton Skye RN OA OAJ, Donna Sager Stanley Sager, 5192007Christannes CGs Jewel NA OAJ, Cindy Dale, 6302007Excellent Agility JumperFinchs Whirling Dervish CD RE AXJ, Paula Kerezsi, 542007Masquerade Parti Madison OA AXJ, Melinda Ryba, 552007CH Carleez Crowd Pleaser AXJ, Janice George Smith, 622007Dreighton Skye RN OA AXJ, Donna Stanley Sager, 6242007Excellent Agility Jumper PreferredSusans Cinnamon Brandi CDX RA OAJ AJP, Susan Pierce, 562007Master Agility ExcellentCheris Popeye The Zailor MX MXJ ,Gena Zglinski, 5272007Castaway ST. Elmos Fire MX MXJ, Julie Vanoni, 6172007, ILPCayden R U Ready CD RN MX MXJ, Patricia Mcmahon, 682007, ILPAgility FAST NoviceMACH2 Judys Itzy Bitzy Mitzi NF, Judy Thompson, 5182007Sparky The Charming Boy CD AX MXJ NF, Mary Sundholm 552007, ILPValentines Cricket NA OAJ NF, Terri Valentine, 5132007MACH Walters Teasie Tootsie NF, Patricia Walters, 5282007Agility FAST OpenLittle Bear MX MXJ OF, Nancy Marmol, 692007, ILPMaster Agility Champion 2MACH2 Walters Teasie Tootsie NF, Patricia Walters, 6172007Master Agility Champion 5MACH5 Little Polly Party Girl, Betsy Ryba, 51920072007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 607 PM65i i i in4r4 4iLHL J466 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPerformance ContinuedMaster Agility Champion 6MACH6 Maya Mango Shes A Delight, Betsy L Ryba, 692007Dogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go .American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APCmembers for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom,etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. All Poms are eligible for theHistorical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in the Companion EventsDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson,TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me Why not joinour e-group Brags and advice available at ActivePomeranian-subscribeyahoogroups.comJune 29, 2007 634 PMnews from EnglandPomeranian wins Best in Show at BlackpoolPhoto by Alan SeymourBest in show at last weekends Blackpool Ch showwas Mr C Mrs J Sparrows Pomeranian ChCasarows Nightfever JW seen here with the judgeGeoff Corish together with Secretary Steve Hallleft and President Peter BaileyAs reported by Stefano ScullinoKENNELVisitsRandy Houston andChuck WhittemoreHer MajestysPomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits.Send information to The Pomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-347-5731. Emailfame62401yahoo.comAdvertising DeadlineOctober 1, 20072007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 106 PM66i i i i n4VM itQ u4 4rL j4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 67Once Upon A Time in Pomeraniaby Brenda SegelkenOnce upon a time, in the far kingdom ofPomerania, lived a shy little Pom namedDuchess Left - owned by Cheryl Kerr. WANTED Unique and candid Pom photos are welcome. Its Just Fur Fun.Duchess lived with two friends in a two-storycondo owned by Lori and Lindsey Kamrath.All the Poms of Pomerania were terrified by thebig bad wizard, Wendell owned by JonMajorsky.The End. Snickers owned by Tammee Felix The End, again. Snickers owned by Tammee Felix For the last timeThe End, The End, The Endowned by Deborah Sullivan.The Poms of Pomerania owned by Lori andLindsey Kamrath all began to sing for joyAnd everyone lived happily ever after.Wendell also had a barred dungeon for hisyounger captives owned by Cheryl Kerr.One day Freedom owned by Erika Pavigliantibrought a magic potion that changed the bigbad Wendell into a sweet and loving friend.Wendell, the big bad wizard, would terrify the Poms bytieing them up top - owned by Lori and Lindsey Kamrathand placing them in huge pea pods owned by Bobii Earle.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 106 PM67i i i ini i i i i 4 o o lrr ____ _IJLYCS\ yi rA'iOi A 0y irri iO -f4.34^.srl 1 - r,r4 r 0itQI4n4\1LLT^jA4.4 4m'TWi4i- t 3s.1 ^ i H a m244 unT y4o r e oOX,1 - ' ko Q468 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJUDGING E. Katie Gammill - Lerna, Illinoisindcrk13011consolidated.netwww.indiancreekshelties.comBreed club education the last few years seems to place anemphasis on property judging. Animals are extolled for having thebest head, best foot, best stop, best eye, best planes, and best coat.Are these truly the bests or simply personal preferences Singlevirtue judging may be a double edged sword. It is imperative theseparticular traits complete the composite regarding breed type in everybreed. However, putting emphasis on one specific trait over anothermay present an unbalanced overall picture of the animal as a whole.PROPERTYPRIORITIZINGANDDogs should fill the eye of the beholder.Should we ignore the beauty of a forest in our quest for a specializedwood Mushroom season finds me foraging near dead elms and I still pickwildflowers, although I cannot fry them in butter.Are judges being misdirected Putting too much emphasis on aparticular virtue and not stepping back to view the animal from across thering results in some unexplainable choices to those watching ringside.By not viewing any animal from a distance, the winner may be lacking.For the want of a shoe, a horse is lost we easily translate into For thewant of a , a dog is lost.Some judges stand on top of dogs studying pieces. They thenreward an animal at the expense of its entirety. Confusion reigns if dogsappearing in a ring for final evaluation appear out of place due to emphasisplaced on a single virtue.Most judges want it all. They seek a blend of temperament, type,showmanship, soundness, and movement. This is prioritizing. The oldAKC standards had point systems. This assisted a judge in identifyingwhere to hang hisher hat. This system contributed to a lookdistinguishing one breed from another. The Great Dane, the Doberman,the Akita, the Malamute, and many other breeds have a specific look.This animal reeks of breed type, which is often called a look of eaglesor nobility. Losing these particulars produce a generic show dog. Thegeneric show dog may do nothing wrong, but neither does it do anythingright.Mediocrity often prevails due to a single fault and the inability of ajudge to forgive. Sometimes, dogs reflecting a breed specific movementlose on that very virtue. In many cases,some faults are so prevalent todaymany people consider them a virtue.Each front fault has acorresponding action and visa versa.Do we address breed faults today, ordo we adjust them Ex straight frontsand over angulated rears some viewas style. Excessive coats requiringextensive grooming to create anoutline could well be too much of agood thing.Understanding the originalintent of different breeds helps toidentify what makes them breedspecific. However, rewarding ananimal on a single property losesappeal when the animal lumbersaround the ring to pick up the covetedblue.Giving this trend towardeducation, is soundness ignoredThose not understanding anatomy andcorresponding movement, mayunconsciously put too much emphasison a single virtue. A particular dog is2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 106 PM68I I I I I i i m i n4TL\9- iSSk\ft.1rnV\4 44SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 69NOT always an outstanding specimenof a breed simply because it doesNOT call attention to itself in anadverse manner. Are we perfectingmediocrityWhen breeders emphasize asingle virtue, breeds begin to change.Heads lengthen, eye placementchanges, legs are shorter, ear carriagechanges, drooping flews destroy a lipline, and so on. By the time it becomesapparent, the dogs not only changein appearance, but there can beadverse temperaments problems.These changes may be so subtle weaccept them UNTILStandards can be confusing inthemselves. That is why it isimperative judges attend seminars.They should NOT let informationoverride common sense andexperience. Judges DO NOT set type.The parent club determines type. Pictorial standards are explicit inemphasizing properties.Not all judges understand Basic Dog 101. This is where breedclubs may get their knickers in a twist.Breed specific movement is part of breed type, as is body shape,top line, and a distinction between toy, moderate, and giant. A good ruleof thumb is The front legs are NOT there to support the head in anybreed. An exaggeration of any one trait may well indicate incorrectness.This article expresses todays general concerns and conversations.Property judging and priority judging are two separate issues. To emphasizeone over the other sends the wrong message. Breeding an animal of TRUEbreed type capable of doing the job as originally intended should be theend goal. Otherwise, our breeds will slide back into muttdom. This initself will thrill organizations of today with adverse intentions regardinglegislation. Without type, soundness, dedication, vigilance, and ethics, oursport will simply self destruct.Judging is a continuous learning process, as is breeding. Everyonemeasures the dog in front of them by their OWN yardstick of combinededucation and experience. No one virtue should take precedence over theentire animal. Prioritizing means consideration to ALL parts in the searchof the whole. When there is less emphasis on specific virtues, exaggerationsand caricatures of breed type will become a thing of the past and theresult will be no less than breathtaking.Prioritizing and Property Judging ContinuedI thought you would enjoy seeing somerecent pictures of how great Brock seeRescue Brockwell in JulyAug 2007Review is doing. As you can see his hairhas come in very nicely and is very soft andhas obviously put on some well-neededweight. Unfortunately, he experienced twoseizures this past month but we are justwatching him per the vet. They were shortand the vet feels they were stress relateddue to his being at the vets office that dayhaving some things done and very stronglydislikes the vets office. He has been doingfine ever since and are hoping that they arejust related to his older age and stress.Debbie RomanoFrom the desk of Joanne NorrisRescue UpdateRescue Update2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 106 PM69mw4 4v W n' rI'. ' vr JrVj - V' r _Hiaa V -J ii I ^ Mil.7.sI i 1itit_i i i i n70 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWHere I come Sent by Diane LuettFall pumpkin owned by Elaine Wishnow.I see you. Shared by Linda Decicco.Oh, my By Linda Haggstrom.Whats up doc Samson owned by Dan and Tammee Felix.Do the watermelon crawl. Bobii Earle2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 106 PM70mA okr.wJfeiB- . v JSS,-sie" 55g3O.r5 . I1l ox IWi7 r-,, - tmmj,fc.S-vVsl,353ar^ " .JKA^r4 4XI fAijf mI0O BOIVn95s'ir VCOv iVTIMJtX,V \8 _v.n ^ , j oo t \y tAi i i i nSEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 71LETSLETSLETSLETSLETSTTTTTALKALKALKALKALKDOGSDOGSDOGSDOGSDOGSBy Anne Roditis Muscat,Amber Quill Press, LLCThere is a brand newPomeranian Book out thatall Pomeranian exhibitorsand breeders, as well aspet owners, will want toadd to their library.srb1copper.netNov-April 38115 Pierre Ln.Zephyrhills, FL813-782-5759May-Oct 3851 Sand Bay Ln.Sturgeon Bay, WI,920-743-9048Book ReviewSally BaugnietThe first two chapters are devoted to the care and training of a new pup. It mentions the pups diet,weaning, and the method for changing the diet. She also mentions hypoglycemic indications and itstreatment. Worming, vaccinating, and common puppy ailments are discussed. Symptoms, causes,and treatments are given. The consequences of not treating these conditions in a timely manner arealso told. This part of the book also gives hints for training a show pup, including table examination,baiting, and lead breaking.Chapters three through eight deal with the preparation for breeding, whelping, and care of thenewborn pups. You are taken through the thought process for breeding for the best show dogpossible, preparing the bitch, choosing the sire, and caring for the pregnant bitch.There is extensive information on pre-whelping signs and preparations, the actual whelping, care ofthe mom and her newborn pups, hand-raising pups, the problems and treatment in newborns.Orthomolecular medicine and conventional treatments in combination with orthomolecular medicineis discussed extensively in the next few chapters. She also mentions preventive medicine and thecorrect usage of vitamins and minerals.Anne talks about communicating with your dog, the methods used to accomplish this, and recognizingthe meaning of your dogs actions. And finally, she mentions the end of a dogs life, euthanasia.Visit Anns website .2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 609 PM7144 4i9i F rT I Wnv 4 vV.v ' Vy.iVi4n\1Pi i^d\j4ii i i n72 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWPCCV Futurity Stakes ResultsJudge Mr. Terry Carpenter, Fishersville, VAPuppy Dogs, 6-9 mos., Red, Orange, Cream and Sable1 - DIMONDES TWILIGHT TALKER. Ch. BlueRocks TalkAbout Me - Honeykist Dark Dorita. Breeder Diana M. Downey.Owner Diana M. DowneyPuppy Bitches, 6-9 mos., Red, Orange, Cream and Sable1 - APHRODITES BLUE SEA STAR. Ch. Trudys KentuckyBlue At Aphrodite - Windkiss Aphrodites Star Gazer. BreederLinda DeCicco. Owner Linda DeCicco2 - TRAMARKS AINT NO SAINT. Tramarks Shoot To Thrill TramarksJTC Ferrari F50. Breeder Kay Lyman. Owner Kay Lyman3 - DIMONDES SKY TALKER. Ch. BlueRocks Talk AboutMe - Honeykist Dark Dorita. Breeder Diana M. Downey.Owner Diana M. DowneyPuppy Bitches, 6-9 mos., AOAC, Pattern or Variation1 - DIMONDES JOKER JOY. Ch. Dimondes Gem CoveredJoker - BlueRocks American Girl. Breeders Billie Hurst Diana M. Downey. Owner Diana M. Downey6-9 Months Age Group WinnerAPHRODITES BLUE SEA STAR6-9 Months Reserve Age Group WinnerDIMONDES JOKER JOYPuppy Dogs, 9-12 months, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable1 - RAZZLE DAZZLE STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART. Ch.Chriscendo Communicado - Razzle Dazzle Sound of Music.Breeders Judith B. Green Margaret R. Johnson. OwnersMargaret R. Johnson Judy B. Green2 - APHRODITES BLUEMOON REFLECTION. Ch. TrudysKentucky Blue At Aphrodite - Ch. Aphrodites Moonstruck.Breeder Linda DeCicco. Owners Beverly A. Allen LindaDeCiccoPuppy Bitches, 9-12 months, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable1 - RAZZLE DAZZLE FEMME FATALE. Ch. ChriscendoCommunicado - Razzle Dazzle Sound of Music. Breeders JudithGreen Margaret Johnson. Owners Margaret Johnson Judy Green9-12 Months Age Group WinnerRAZZLE DAZZLE STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART9-12 Months Reserve Age Group WinnerRAZZLE DAZZLE FEMME FATALEBest Puppy In FuturityRAZZLE DAZZLE STRAIGHT FROM THE HEARTJunior Dogs, 12-15 mos., AOAC, Pattern or Variation1 - TRAMARKS TOY SOLDIER. Ch. Idlewylds PocketChange of Tramark - Malashels Maybe Baby. Breeder TravisClarke. Owners Kay Lyman Margaret McKee12-15 Months Age Group WinnerTRAMARKS TOY SOLDIERJunior Dogs, 15 mos. and Over, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable1 - IDLEWYLDS YKNOT ROCK DA BOAT. Ch. IdlewyldPrecious Gem - Idlewyld Cameo. Breeder Margaret R. McKee.Owner Beverly AllenJunior Bitches, 15 mos. Over, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable1 - CH. IDLEWYLD DANCING FIRE. Ch. Idlewyld PreciousGem - Ch. Idlewyld Piper Of Lenette. Breeder Margaret R.McKee. Owner Margaret R. McKee15 Months and Over Age Group WinnerCH. IDLEWYLD DANCING FIRE15 Months and Over Reserve Age Group WinnerIDLEWYLDS YKNOT ROCK DA BOATBest Junior In FuturityCH. IDLEWYLD DANCING FIREGrand Futurity WinnerCH. IDLEWYLD DANCING FIREFor more information httpwww.geocities.compccv_homefuturity.htmlJune 24, 2007Richmond, VA2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 609 PM72i i i i njvsPomeranian Club of Central Virginia4 44SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 732 - DIMONDES JOKER JOY. TR By Ch Dimondes GemCovered Joker - BlueRocks American Girl. Owner Diana MDowney. Breeder Billie Y Hurst Diana M Downey.3 - DIMONDES SKY TALKER. By Ch Bluerocks Talk About Me HoneykistDark Dorita. Owner Diana Downey. Breeder Diana Downey.4 - APHRODITES BLUE SEA STAR. By Ch Trudys KentuckyBlue At Aphrodite - Windkiss Aphrodite Star Gazer. OwnerBeverly A Allen Linda DeCicco. Breeder Linda DeCicco.Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches1 - RAZZLE DAZZLE FEMME FATALE. By Ch ChriscendoCommunicado - Razzle Dazzle Sound Of Music. OwnerMargaret R Johnson Judith Green Breeder Margaret RJohnson Judith Green.2 - SAL-MAR LIL HURRICANE MAGGIE. By Ch Sal-MarStormy Night - Emcees Doritos Sassy Bee. Owner Sally AJenkins. Breeder Sally A Jenkins.Open Bitches1 - MOUNTAIN CREST RED CLOVER. By Ch Mountain CrestHard Rock - Mountain Crest Maiden Mist. Owner Lorelei Sibet Glory-Ann Pigarut Breeder David GilstrapCarlene Gilstrap.2 - RAZZLE DAZZLE SOUND OF MUSIC. By Ch ChriscendoCall To Arms - Candlebrites Cuz Im Worth It. Owner MargaretJohnson Judith Green Breeder Judith Green Lisa Pauls.3 - CR CLASSIC LEAP OF FAITH. By Ch Cheyennes KodiakBear Second - Ch Rodis CR Queen Of Stars. Owner ChristineCrane. Breeder Robert Celeste Solano.4 - CHRISCENDO COME CLOSER. By Starlights DreamComes True - Chriscendo Cottage Rose. Owner Christine Crane Christine Heartz. Breeder Christine Heartz.Winners Bitch 3 pointsLIL BEHRS CINNAMON TOASTReserve Winners BitchMOUNTAIN CREST RED CLOVERBest of BreedRAZZLE DAZZLE STRAIGHT FROM THE HEARTBest of WinnersRAZZLE DAZZLE STRAIGHT FROM THE HEARTBest of Opposite SexLIL BEHRS CINNAMON TOASTSupported Entry at Virginia Kennel Club All-Breed Show ResultsJudge Mrs. Charlotte Patterson, Destin, FLPuppy Dogs, 9-12 mos.1 - APHRODITES BLUEMOON REFLECTION . By Ch TrudysKentucky Blue At Aphrodite - Ch Aphrodites Moonstruck. OwnerBeverly Allen Linda DeCicco. Breeder Linda DeCicco.12-18 mos. Dogs1 - TRAMARKS TOY SOLDIER. By Ch Idlewylds PocketChange Of Tramark - Malashels Maybe Baby. Owner KayLyman Margaret McKee. Breeder Travis Clarke.Bred by Exhibitor Dogs1 - RAZZLE DAZZLE STRAIGHT FROM THE HEART. By ChChriscendo Communicado - Razzle Dazzle Sound Of Music.Owner Margaret R Johnson Judith B Green BreederMargaret R Johnson Judith B Green.2 - FURWEEDS PRINCE O THIEVES. By Bluerocks Happy Talk BluerocksAmerican Girl. Owner Helen Brinn Breeder Helen Brinn.Open Dogs1 - RAZZLE DAZZLE TWO TO TANGO. By Ch Razzle DazzleHat Dance - Candlebrites Cuz IM Worth It. Owner Judith BGreen Ellen Parkin. Breeder Judith B Green Lisa M Pauls.2 - FIREBROOKS ABBAPOOLAS SUNE. By Ch MagicTouch Of Lenette - Firebrooks Itsy Bitsy Spyder. Owner TammyMoynihan. Breeder Lee D Cook.3 - LYNNWRIGHTS POM TRAVOLTA. By MajesticsMasterpiece - Lynnwrights Roxie Hart. Owner Loreleii Sibet,Breeder Donna Lynn Wright Annette Rogers-Rister.4 - IDLEWYLDS YKNOT ROCK DA BOAT. By Ch IdlewyldPrecious Gem - Idlewyld Cameo RN. Owner Beverly A AllenBreeder Margaret R McKee.Winners Dog 2 pointsRAZZLE DAZZLE STRAIGHT FROM THE HEARTReserve Winners DogTRAMARKS TOY SOLDIERPuppy Bitches, 6-9 mos.1 - LIL BEHRS CINNAMON TOAST. By Ch ChriscendoCommunicado - Ch Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cluster. OwnerElizabeth Heckert. Breeder Joan Behrend.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 609 PM73I I I I I i i i in4hm-LflTAVTBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXBEST IN FUTURITY PUPPY r V '\4 wLzW'BEST OF8REED OR VARIETYBEST IN FUTURITYfi4 4474 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWSunshine RosesandSunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.We continue our prayers for APC President Cindy Boulware. We pray Cindy will be released fromthe hospital soon and gain much needed strength.Donna Riehms son Jim was seriously injured in a cycle accident. Prayers are requested.Condolences go out to Mickey Stevens of Sunnrunner Poms on the loss of her husband, he passedaway on Fathers Day.Well wishes go out to the family of Diana Gross, Belstar Poms, whose father underwent heartsurgery again.We are glad to hear that Carolyn Brandenburg, Kalos Poms, health scare was just that and that she isnow doing fine and we are wishing her continued good health.Prayers and good wishes go out to Naida Colburn, Tomthumb Poms, that the doctors can helprelieve the pain she is in because of a back injury.Lots of prayers go out to Bev Carters, DamascusRoad Poms, daughter Carol has finished chemobut still undergoing radiation. Carol will have surgery in September. Bevs father and brother havebeen battling health issues too.Good wishes are going out to the family of Veronica Winters, Prism Poms. Her son in law hademergency surgery.Prayers go out to Sherry Rogers, LaCueva Poms, Mom who is battling cancer. Alsocongratulations on Sherrys recent retirement.Prayers and well wishes go out to Pat Mappes husband, his is having severe health issue and we arehoping for the best for him.Well wishes and prayers go to Donna Majewskis Donmar Poms husband who is has stomachcancer.Speedy Recovery and well wishes go out to Linda Mulso, Cottontop Poms on her recent illness.Our deepest sypathies to Valerie Crane who lost her 42 year old sister due to an asthma attack.We continue to pray for Dick Johnson, Bronyas husband, who has had cornea surgery.Darryl Baker had successful back surgery June 18, followed by several surgeries to correct arteryblockage. Darryl and Olga are home now and doing much better. We pray for his continued healingand strength.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 609 PM74I I I I I i i i in44 44SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 75Suggestions and techniques in this article are the opinion of each individual contributor. The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and the Pomeranian Review does not endorseor recommend any procedure or accept responsibility of their use. Always consult a professional, legal council andor a licensed veterinarian. Pom Talk questions and comments may sent Roxanne Collins, 6405 W. 650N, Fair Oaks, IN 47943, Ph. 219 866-4464 orpommomnetnitco.netWith Roxanne CollinsOur question is When placing a puppy as a pet, what guarantees do you offer the buyerWhen we place a pet it is normally 6 months old or older. So it has all its shots including rabies. If it has any puppy teeth that need tobe removed, they have already been removed as well it is spayed or neutered in most cases. So by the time it leaves us it has had bloodwork and several vet checks. So the only guarantee they have is 72 hours. Michele - Sincity PomsI handle pets the same as show prospects, other than a spay neuter clause and limited registration. I disclose faults, if any, that the puppyhas, whether show or not. I have often placed puppies as pets, rather than sell as show prospects. I disclose any issues that I am awareof in regards to any health issues of the individual puppy. I ask them to have the puppy examined by their vet within 72 hours. They mayreturn the puppy to me within fourteen days for a full reimbursement of purchase price, less any shipping expense, if applicable.Puppies do not always work out in a new home and Id rather have them back, than where they are not wanted. At any time through thelife of the dog I will take it back and, if applicable, find it a new home. On pets, papers are given after providing proof of spay or neuter,if it wasnt done before the leave for the new home, it must be done by seven months of age. If the puppy is not registered they can pickthe name per AKC. Registration and shot records are given after the fourteen-day trial period is over. Copies are sent with the puppy.Other than these things, no other guarantees are offered. Pati - Patricias PomeraniansI guarantee only against congenital defects heart, eyes, hereditary things. However, since, I do not want my dogs dumped, or going torescue, I request on the contract that the dog come back to me if it is not kept for ANY reason. I will be happy to re-home it myself.Kelley - Petite Acres PomsOn pets I give a 72-hour try puppy out and they can have a vet check the Pom out. If the new owner wants, they can return the puppy fora full refund. All pets are spayed and neutered. On hopefuls I sell at a pet price with the same guarantee above. After the puppy reaches6 plus months old, has a good bite and if male both testicles are down and the owner wants to show they pay a second fee for the papers.I tell the prospective buyers what health issues there are in the Poms and that I cannot for see what issues this puppy will have in thefuture. I have the parents on premise if they wish to see them. I do not sell for high prices, which I feel is fair for all concerned. I do nothave puppies to sell very often. I usually grow my hopefuls out myselfRandy - Randys PomsI guarantee for any puppy I sell against genetic life threatening illness heart or liver up to 2 years of age. They are free from contagiousdiseases when they leave my house, as long as the new owners dont let them go out in strange places for about 2 weeks. Linda DreamWeaverPomsWhen I place a pup as a pet, they get 72 hours to have it vet checked for a full refund.They get one year for genetic problems that are detrimental to health. I do not cover vet expenses once it leaves my home unless it ishereditary. We will talk if there is a problem and go from there. So far all have been very happy with this treatment. On an older dog Iplace as a pet, it is placed as is at time of sale. I offer them helpadvice for the lifetime of the puppydog.Roxanne - Kissami PomsOur question for the next issue will beAt what age do you start table training and how do you introduce table training to themPlease respond via email pommomnetnitco.net2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 609 PM75I I I I I i i i in4Vo\.4ICjkWml2'sm.5ar ^'T.iF""iNr1'i4 4476 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWALABAMAAngela BlockerCarolyn J. BoninJeannie ClemmonsDr. Cheryl A. JacksonJulie JacksonRebecca LaneGeno SisnerosALASKAValerie AllridgeKaren D. WeggARIZONAMarjorie ConwayKaren HuntsbergerMary Ellen JasieCarole S. MooreCurtiss G. SmithARKANSASPat BarnettTheo DockettLloyd Linda FranquesBabe McCombsNorma Lee SmartTerry Brenda TurnerBuff A. WebbStephanie A. WittCALIFORNIACindy L. BowlingLetitia Orville CannonGloria CarlinKay ChaneyGeneva CoatsKim CrowellVida DickinsonDan Tammee FelixJulienne FilbrichMichael Cande L. GordonWalda A. GreenMarilyn HeestandLori Lindsey KamrathMarge KranzfelderBarbi KutilekAnna LafortuneAlfredo Jennifer LapuzAlice LessardAlane LevinsohnLinda Sue LewisJanet M. LucidoCheri McDonaldHeidi Alan MerriganElizabeth Leesa MolinaPatricia MurkLaura L. NewboldDaniel MargaretOntiverosLana PriceJean Elting RoweDeronda Derrik SharpRon Merilyn SmithFran Smith-MilteerDavid Jessica SolisVivian StarkHideko W. StrasbaughTom WilsonCANADACatherine Paige BolahoodBeverley A. CarterJohn Chris HeartzMatthew J. HeindlJen HryniukLaurie KinsmanChristine Larry SurteesCOLORADOMichael, Christina BlakeArmstrongDebbie CarrLisa GoodmanBrenda HeimbachCharlene MarshChantelle Danielle MillerJennifer SmithSusan SwigertCONNECTICUTChristine A. CreaseyDELAWAREJudith B. GreenElizabeth HeckertFLORIDAFabian ArientiArlene F. BenkoAlison BrewsterJose A. Tony CabreraDavid Melissa DahlenburgBobii EarleSally HestleGerald Ashley MillerJessica K. SatallanteArthur G. Susan F. WalkerSharon WheelerFRANCEMuriel MenardGEORGIAWendy DonnellyTina ElliottAngela D. GunterNeal ParlierHAWAIIShari FukuyamaJoan H. KaneshiroMargo KogaRoger LauHazel MillerClarice M. YvetteOganekuArlene OtaguroEllen TakayamaRobin WatanabeIDAHOEric Annette DavisCatherine Lee-AmberJessenKaren PowerILLINOISMary A. BonnellWendy ChambersMarcia Ellen CoxAlden Janet DomraseJeanne R. HegerMari IfflandPatricia R. Krause2007 APC MEMBERSMarian LazzaraVictoria M. LeitnerDebra LowmanPatricia L. MillerLinda L. MulsoDonna S. RiehmBrenda SegelkenHeike WehrleJanet. L. WodrichPaulette ZeccaINDIANASherri AlspaughRoxanne CollinsTom B. DavidsonLauretta John FlynnCathy GouldDebbie HollanderDavid L. LambKathy NoremJoanne NorrisRaymond RadzinskiJanice C. RussellFrances J. StollIOWARandolph ArandRobert Juanita FiddickDiane L. FinchGwen R. HodsonLinda A. JewellKathy LaundervilleTony Betty ShortSteven Mary ThackerKANSASAndrea HallKeith Ruth NeuwayDiana L. OwensJulia M. SmithKENTUCKYWilliam Brenda AdamsEvelyn GarrettCarl ScottLOUISIANACharlotte CreedJuly 31, 20072007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 610 PM764c i,c I-iA4 4Di- tiE B41 ^.iM M4a wo 4 ^awo44i i i iSEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 77Lael EllisJerrie FreiaJessica D. JohnsonBarbara Jonny MessmerMAINELinda A. DeCiccoMARYLANDSuzanne BerneyPaul GatesShari ShieldsR. Lorelei SibetMary Ellen SnyderDonna Lynn WrightMASSACHUSETTSBarbara KrzewickiRonald McKimHeather McKimLinda L. SaballJan StachurskiD. Stephen TurnerMICHIGANDorathy F. BarnesDeborah K. BarrettNancy Robert CoddingtonDana CoventryLouise M. CroweFred Patricia DieballDonna Jean MachniakSharon D. McDanielCharlotte MeyerMarshall Cindy RokosBecky SabourinDanielle Denise SartainBeth ShattuckMelissa SprangerCyndi Vander HornMichael Elizabeth WellsMINNESOTAConnie CharlesDuane A. GaulkeCatherine HarrisonJayne L. HoemkeGail JeubJane LehtinenVictoria Ann PalmerJulia L. SmithShelli L. TradupElizabeth WhitefordMISSISSIPPIBettie J. CarpenterMichael Shalon ParrottMISSOURIKaren L. ChisamJanice L. EarlRon, Sandra Letesha Jr.GirthRex A. HopkinsNoble InglettBetsy OwensPatricia L. RowleyNancy SmithJudy K. StoneMary WellsMONTANAJackie SampsonSharon ShipekNEBRASKAAmy GrossRoberta TompkinsNEVADAMichele, John, Lexus Larissa ArvanitesKaren CrawfordNEW HAMPSHIREThomas BurrowsDonald M. GillCheryl A. KerrLeanne WilkinsBarbara YoungNEW JERSEYMaureen GrecoSusann L. PhilbrookKenneth Jr. Jackie RaynerGail RodgersNEW MEXICOReena FairGloria RockAndy Gina WilliamsNEW YORKGertrude M. AdairJoan C. BehrendMarie E CarloughDr. Rosanne CebelenskiMarjorie E. EhmannDebra GrayBonnie HarrisJacquelyn KleinSusan LucatortoAngela NisbetVictoria OelerichPeter PettersenTeresa PiconMarye E. PiconeMaureen QuinlanJean StumpfJoyce UrbanElaine WishnowSharon M. YampiroDaniel YonaNORTH CAROLINARuth BeamLee D. CookTommy Alta DavisTammie L. FordRosalind GoltzK G GriffithAnne HendlerKenneth Mary McKenzieEleanor W. MillerJacqueline L. StacyVeronica WinterNORTH DAKOTALois Fae MorkasselOHIODan Mary Jane CossNina M. FetterCarol A. GalavichCamilla KnightDarren LaneLaura B. MeinekeEvelyn C. NewyearCindy OnoskoSherrilynn J. RogersJames ShearerBonnie StetsonRoberta TaylorLorinda VasutaHal E. WebsterDoris WheelerNancy B. YoungOKLAHOMAMary AllanFred C. BassettLavonne BeardPaul Cindy GorrellTeresa A. LivezeyRuby F. PooleDr. Roger PritchardOREGONWm. Geri ArnoldCynthia BradleyNaida CoburnDiana GrossPatricia InmanKarleen MorrowPatrick Christy MurphyJean B. SchrollRonald Irene SmithMary StephensLinda TindleTeresa G. WhitePENNSYLVANIADorothy AshbeyJoyce Bob BirksLinda L. HerrmannGerald J. KripakCathy LasotaCarol R. LeemhuisBrian C. LewisLeonard Roberta PodolinGeorge Janice SmithSuzanne WarfieldSOUTH CAROLINADarlene Davis-ThompsonEdward Dorothy MartinBenson E. RayKenneth E. SwainSOUTH DAKOTAAngela SemanskyTHAILANDPonsakorn NissaraKornnithayanon PongsakChajvat TobyTangkaravakunPrakit ChularojmontriTENNESSEEAnn M. BerrymanCarolyn G. BrandenburgDavid Carlene GilstrapRandy HoustonMike Nancy NesbitConnie TrentBrenda Elaine WayChuck WhittemoreValerie WidgrenTEXASDarrell Olga BakerSharolyn K. BeckerCarmen BlankenshipCynthia G. BoulwareKim CagleDebbie D. Green-CaplanTerrill CaplanAlice CarlsonCarolyn Ann CrockettAPC Membership Continued2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 610 PM77m i m4SI 4 O'wfAtcV^ a4 4mal-i 3'a478 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC Membership ContinuedSherry DollarAnita J. FarrKarin GoadTim Sue GoddardJ. Patrick FarmerJackie HirshbergTommi HoobanBronya JohnstonRobert Bob KennedyCarol KivchJessie KleinMary LatimerMarian MaynardBarbara McClatcheySandra McCutcheonVickie McGeheeErika MoureauKevin N. OrrLinda PelzBob Jr. Elizabeth PietzschAdrienne PyeNancy ReedRenate RichterAnnette RisterCharles Audrey RobertsGH Sheila RumbaughTodd ScrimpsherCaryl Fennell ScrimpsherMickey StephensLeslie StoneMark WardVirginia B. WatkinsMike Gena ZglinskiJohn David Connie ZiebaUTAHAllen Patricia ChapmanCristy JessicaChristiansenAudene FrenchGeanene HallJoan JerrellMelissa Mike PfannerstillKelly D. ReimschiisselCarol SchafferGregg Charlene WatersNiki WildeVIRGINIAChristine BousquetHelen BrinnPatricia Roger DagueDiana M. DowneyMarlene Scott HalseyBillie HurstMargaret R. JohnsonDawn Kopf-CollinsKay LymanMargaret R. McKeeHerman Jr. Jennifer MunnStephanie J. PineaultMaynard WoodWASHINGTONRandy BuskeJulie ClemenDarlys FlaataNaimi GuentherPaulette R. HomannShirley Ann LeuVictoria LovelyRichard LuskBonnie McIntosh-TaylorSusan PlouffMarlin Marlene PresserJanell ReichGale RiversMary A. RosenbaumTerry RothellSunny ShawleyRobert Celeste SolanoDiana M. SolanoThomas L. StephensDeborah StoehrMichael M. ThorstadShelley Wiemer-MartinWEST VIRGINIASharon HansonMary Lee LingerJohn Pauline McFarlaneJacqueline MooreKaty L. StalnakerMargery W. SturmScott WolfgangWISCONSINRichard Sally BaugnietSherry L. CartwrightNadine HersilSandra JohnsonJudith A. MehcizDebra SeebeckWYOMINGPati DanielsonUNLISTEDJimmie LawrenceAKC INTRODUCES CONDITIONAL REGISTRATIONJuly 5, 2007New York, NY The American Kennel Club Conditional Registrationprogram is now available for any AKC-registered dog whose parent,through DNA testing, is found to be unidentifiable. Rather than cancelingthe registrations of the individual dog, all of its littermates and all of theiroffspring, AKC will change affected dogs registration to the conditionalstatus.The conditional status will be clearly noted on the registration or pedigree of the unknown dog, as wellas all progeny for three generations, with the letter Q starting the AKC registration number. Conditionalstatus will only be granted in cases where the dog is believed to be purebred, but a registered parent isfound to be incorrect.The Conditional Registration program will foster better relationships with dog owners who discoverthat there is an unidentified ancestor in their purebred dogs pedigree, said Thomas Sharp, AssistantVice President of Compliance. Now these owners will not be penalized with a revoked AKCregistration and the loss of a majority of its benefits. For example, a dog with Conditional registrationmay still participate in any event in which ILP dogs may participate, including Obedience, Agility, andRally.AKC Conditional Registration Continued2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 610 PM78I I I I I i i i in4led j w m^4 EvV p-,- L.'-'N j,''V^POB^a V^x' 15o4 A S S f VrM iSL ^V - fo-l1ffPO^ R4 4O'l 11cv -5^ \^v..IIg-mr.4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 79Conditional registration also offers informed breeders the ability tokeep these dogs and their offspring in a breeds gene pool. To registera litter out of a sire and dame with conditional registration, bothparents must be DNA-profiled. After three generations of DNAprofiledparents, the registrations will revert to regular for the litter inthe fourth generation. This protocol is in line with the acceptance ofimported dogs with three generation pedigrees from the country oforigin.For more information visit httpwww.akc.orgregconditional_reg_info.cfm or contact the AKC DNADepartment at .AKC FULL LITTER REGISTRATION - August 8, 2007A Powerful Tool for Breeders to Help Educate Puppy Buyers and Create Permanent Breeding RecordsNew York, NY The American Kennel Club wants to remind breeders that by using the Full LitterRegistration process registering the litter and individual puppies at the same time on the same formbreeders are helping AKC reach more purebred dog owners. This not only allows AKC to realize itsmission of promoting responsible dog ownership and exposing new owners to AKC programs andservices, it also enables breeders to create a permanent legacy of their breeding programs in the AKCRegistry.Some of the many advantages Full Litter Registration offers breeders include a 29 percent averagediscount on litter-registration fees based on litter of five puppies a 40 percent discount on eachindividual dog-registration fee a streamlined process to complete the entire registration the ability toselect each puppys name, ensuring kennel names are used correctly and increased accuracy of puppyinformation such as color, sex, and markings.An additional benefit of Full Litter Registration is that new owners bringing home their puppy knowthat it has already been registered and granted AKC papers, said Assistant Vice President ofRegistration David W. Roberts. Breeders can also order AKC-Certified Pedigrees at a discount fortheir new puppy owners with the Full Litter Registration option.Full Litter Registration also ensures that each dog bears its kennel name for posterity. This can be apowerful tool for breeders who wish to have their breeding programs become part of the permanenthistory of their breed as well as their contribution to the sport of purebred dogs.The Full Litter Registration application is available as a downloadable form on the AKC web site athttpwww.akc.orgpdfsmasterform.cfm . Breeders who use the Full Litter Registration applicationcan register litters for a flat 25 fee and then individually register each puppy for an additional 12 - a40 savings on individual registration.For those breeders who have already registered a litter, but would like to take advantage of full litterregistration, the Full Litter Offspring application is also available. This application allows the breeder toindividually register all puppies in an already-registered litter for 10 each.AKC Conditional Registration Continued2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 610 PM79I I I I I i i i in4vsmled j Ira4 4480 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contact217 347-5731fame62401yahoo.comRegional Pomeranian Club Specialty coming events are published free of charge.For updates and regional club contact information go to the APC website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgCOMING EVENTSSeptember 14, 2007 - Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana Specialty Lebanon, Indiana. Judge Eugene Blake, SweepsJudge Ken Springer. Show Secretary Sherri Alspaugh paughprintpospeoplepc.comSeptember 15, 2007 - Pomeranian Club of Michigan. The Pomeranian Club of Michigan invites all Pomeranianexhibitors to our specialty show on Saturday September 15, 2007 in conjunction with the St. Clair Kennel Club show,located at the Goodells County Park, MI. Judge Ms. Lydia Coleman Hutchinson and sweepsveteran sweeps Judge Ms.Becky Sabourin. This show is part of a 3-day weekend that features entries in the Great Lakes Toy Club show and theback-to-back All-Breed St. Clair kennel Club shows. Sanctioned B match by the St. Clair club on Saturday nightafter the regular show. Come join the Michigan hospitality by the Great Lakes Toy Club on Friday and the PomeranianClub of Michigan on Saturday. For more information contact MB-F or Melissa Spranger, Show chair, 810-724-5520September 15, 2007 - AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day - New York City, Madison Square Park.September 15, 2007 - AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day - Raleigh, North Carolina, NC State FairgroundsOctober 27, 2007 - Central Arkansas Pomeranian Club Specialty, Benton Arkansas 7 P.M. Judge Elaine Mathis, ShowSecretary Pat Barnett.November 23, 2007 - Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore Specialty held in conjunction with the Turkey Clusterand theNortheastern Maryland Kennel Club at the Howard County Fairgrounds, 2210 Fairgrounds Road, West Friendship,Maryland.KENNELVisitsAdvertising DeadlineOctober 1, 2007NovDec 2007RANDY HOUSTONCHUCK WHITTEMOREHer Majestys PomsPAT MURKPawegre Poms2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 610 PM80I I I I I i i i in44 44SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 81SChampion PomeraniansN6603 Forest Ct., Holmen, WI 54636PH 608 526-1051 sandpomscharter.nethttpwww.sandpoms.comandpomsSJandraohnsonPomsPARKVENUEATom Wilson916-689-1222SACRAMENTO, CAparkavepomsyahoo.comPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLECHCHROM2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 107 PM81rm i i i in4Sar\1hkA- jtyWf'A vmJ kv fLJ I IPmit- w8UvEvensong PomeraniansKevin and Nv Teresa Whitek Portland, OregonLinda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217 vChampion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handling____ 503 www.evensongpoms.comCH EVENSONG WIN N FOR Z GIPPERwww. dream weaverpoms. com4 4JP7ChelanesfKj^iLaCueva KennelrPomeranians amer TrrSpecializing in Parti and Parti-factored Pomeraniansif1 7e rrfufmv "CH CkrissyCH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker PartiElaine Waugh www. chelanes. netChelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington SteeleKeeperCH GunnerTr7' 1Sherrilynn I. RogersorHCH RemyV, rVAm2 53 53[4 \ I1tMM [75]lui482 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWhere Type,Quality andSoundnessCountCheri McDonaldcheribachmanpoms.comwww.bachmanpoms.com909-394-7923Southern CaliforniaPINECREST KENNELSChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherine2404 Reg. Road 57Bowmanville, ON LIC www.manchesterterriers.ca905 697-2488Bolahood818 352-9536website ShowcasePoms.comPomeraniansShowcaseHome of ExceptionalPomeranian DogsAlane LevinsohnShowcase PomeraniansSubscriptionsand Back Issuesmake great gifts.Order online today atamericanpomeranianclub.orgPom Review2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 107 PM82I I I I I i i i in4mm,WINNER'JPOSITr if - wtAJr " SS ^ fa-[MeaKc1 WPfjVLILi]IE iif.i111 tRandy BuskeBreederExhibitorMember American Pomeranian Club Puget Sound Pomeranian Club ^0^1c, '-4 P.O.Box 2408 Buckley, WA 98321-c360 897-2163 253 www.Randyspoms .com4 4.a ' , i.I AVIKi 1packman f ometania^\'A t. f'4ft.4j.ft.F.yiig''1tiJl ilMVCARLEEZ POMSvSVfj6E Carol Leemhuis Pittsburgh, PA Home 412 344-8257 Cell 412 848-6987 J. www.carleezpoms.comHome of picturedBISS Ch. Sundown's Hide N Zeke, CD, ROM, GC Spoiled companions, conformation, obedience and agility PomsWjajim 'jrnbkP'JfiZOyK _ ff 41. rr try78.ISPY 'tWS'9^ 1J .krife4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 83ShyacresProfessional HandlingAudrey M RobertsAlvin, Texas - Houston Areawww.shyacres.comaudreyshyacres.comPhone 713 204-7225Assisted by Jessica JohnsonBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GCCH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay RoadChehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104fax 360 767-0105email Harris20 Oakcrest AvenueMiddle Island NY 11953631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comAvalonCh. Avalons Prince Matchabelli MonteStarfires Conan the Barbarian xAvalons Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792email infoavalonpom.comweb site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.Inquiries welcome.Pomeranians2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 107 PM83rm i i i in4C^yenuwaneV^POMERANIANS REG'D\ y 9\ 4 ' J, V i1^ 1JEN HRYNIUK3789 KOI I TE 122 NOKT1I LAKE NEW BKUNSWICK CANADA E6H2H6 506-894-2225httpJenuwanepoms.tripod.comPoms With Designer Genes Since 19734 4I O-r'4s ' ' 4Iy 4 vaSSIAfete feuiette314 397-5606 V.O. Sax 115 TKaacoutaA. 9A 62255naaetAam.1954Qyi6aa. cam484 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWDel-May PomeraniansDeborah K. Barrett2035 MapledaleFerndale, MI 48220Phone 248 546 6554 Email delmay1wowway.comMountain View PomeraniansPat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477Phone 540-337-2965Champion Regmars Mtn ViewStars ShineTHE POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SUBSCRIPTIONSPER YEARPUBLISHED BI-MONTHLYSubscription CardSUBSCRIPTION MANAGERCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402San Dimas, CA 91773Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE CID NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 Foreign2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 107 PM84rm i i i in4T7 till\ kiiM y Vv 'V.VI 'riH,l miUMfsK U 3 ., " p. 1 - vflbASOH Mr k SKII kErr-' ,Ayumi Pomeranians IairZ3u SiamIfF iHel' 0 rifarAmyTsay BreederExhibitor PCCV - Recording Sec.1 I_ M ft434 589-3652 Lake Monticello, VAifrinp.rdiiI[SfififtlJrWWW.AYUMI-POMS.COMAYUMI.POMSGMAIL.COMOJ,4 4r nl '21WML JSEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 85FabyanPomsAlice R. Carlson6009 Edgewater DriveCorpus Christi, TX 78412361-991-5410361-993-4059fabyanpomssbcglobal.netDiane L. FinchCH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS CH FINCHS CHARS MAKIN WAVES PARTICHPARKERCHSPLASHPhone 985 384-7466Fax 985 384-8628www.janesa.comJerrie Freia1072A Landry LaneMorgan City, LA 70380PomeraniansJanesaBred for beauty and soundness of body and mindDiane L. Finch28453 530 th Avenue, Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 - www.finchspoms.comDeJay PomsBIS, BISS CH. FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOTobyDonna MachniakBreederHandlerGroomer517-546-7446www.dejaypoms.comDana CoventryManagerOwner248-258-9259Attorney at Lawfor the Sport of Dogs2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8112007, 107 PM85rm i i i in4MILLAMOR POMSHiLtr'mmm ' 'T,aKen and Eleanor Miller870 Jersey Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Ph 336-245-9010 Email poms870earthlink.netBreeding again. Puppies avaiCaSCe to Coving Homes.Paush PrintPcmiSiIiJ Sherry ilspaugh Mil si If^6 Cccnville.IN 47601 Pll. 812 925 P477 mm7zm HOI seiie\\ 73 [citlePftW if____4 4Finch's Pomeranians Ltd.1S___naL486 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWWe salute the courageous men,women and their families of ourarmed forces. May they be safeand protected from all harm.Let freedom ring2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 612 PM86rm i i i in4a^SSfelt IK Si^e 3tee^J dbt4r tyo fsjTi]iii[gI[ilSl\ FuSH []oire WA [S[Sj5 WJ W2 SEE 5H m [iflflftllBSRivendellPomeraniansDREAMKATCHERSTOY DOS SHOW LEADSXDEBBIECarolyn Bonin I, - 4 CARR4013 Windswept Dr Madison, Al, 35757 Ph 256-830-0897 P 0 BOX 67 TIMNATH, CO-jr'80547www.Knology.netbonincRivendell.htm970 472-1830BISS Ch Rivendell Applauds Janesa "Baxter" httpdreamkatchersleDds.tripod.coni4 4mE3alashelm0 otes and Shelties\ eonElaine Wishnow718-891-34512351 E. 17th St. Bklyn, NY 11229 Home of quality Poms and SheltiesARon Irene Smith3388B Merlin Rd 356, Grants Pass, OR541-955-5301 -\ xx \\it THomtain ' icdt L i " i i pomuutiiUt4I ^LlHil 4 u4 nf A Multi Group Winning BISS Champion Mountain Crest JJ I David Carlene GilstrapP.O.Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 E-Mail dcgilstrapaol.comVSEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 87A REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S. WatersCharlene R. Waters801-597-3869shimmeree.charlenegmail.comQuality PomeraniansG2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 612 PM87rm i i i in4'p0CowCene - ^JL eahraPomeraniansmvxVKiXALAS VEGAS . VMWJL JLrCene Otaguro HazeC MiCCer Rjo6in tWatana6eSINCITY POMSr. rJohn Michele Arvanites North Las Vegas, NV 702-363-8458 sincitypoms.comJAr-Dan's grooming SaCon Phone 808-593-2322 -yggcatshawaii.comto,_____SoFine PomsHIkMart Latimerwww.solinejDoms.commarojllmac.coml979-690-71794 4Lil-Ponderosa Poms, Regd Moss Meadows PomeraniansIM . mV. V,it^1^ IAmWNtm72 Gina 901 674-0449 dyemossaol.comLoki is owned by Michelle WilhoiteRon Sherry CartwrightPhone 715 874-6936 Email Website httpwww.lilponderosapoms.comHPCh. Moss Meadows Precious LokiT..SugarLamb PomsKIMPOSSIBLE POM...dreams make all things possible..yyiLee-Ann Lambertmcqlnl21.comwww.sugarlamb.coBen'Where You Been My Love o LenelleBill and Kim CrutchfieldP.O.Box 2917, Riverside. CA 92516951 313-9652 website PBIS CH. IOLVIN HOT ON YOUR HEELS___488 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWJan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 10.00To order back issues or single issues, mail checkmade out to the APC toThe Pomeranian Review, 11139 E. Camelot Ave,Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-347-5731 or or you may order online atamericanpomeranianclub.orgThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published andedited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American PomeranianClub, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk,and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply toUSA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscriptionrates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are100.00 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsiblefor the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements,or the opinions expressed by authors. Per APC StandingRule The Editor can refuse any ad. Opinions expressedare not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permissionto reproduce is available only from the publishereditor.Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork andlayouts may not be used without written permission of thepublisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.Alspaugh, Sherri.........................................85Arvanites, John Michele...................................87Barrett, Deborah.....................................84Bay Colony Pom Club.......................................16Behrend, Joan..........................................82Beland, Colleen.................................................16Bolahood, Catherine.........................................82Bonin, Carolyn..................................................86Buske, Randy................................................82, 94Cannon, Tish.................................................7Carlson, Alice.................................................85Carr, Debbie................................................86Carter, Beverley.......................................Back CoverCartwright, Ron and Sherry....................................87Coventry, Dana.........................................85Crutchfield, Bill Kimberly...............................87Dague, Roger and Pat.....................................17, 84Dally, Joe and Janette.................................83Davis, Annette and Erik..............................83DeCicco, Linda.........................................14Domrase, Al Janet........................................86DVD Order...................................................61Finch, Diane...........................................85, 95Freia, Jerrie..................................................85Gilstrap, David and Carlene................................86Greater Baltimore Pom Club..............................93Griffith, Ken and Eleanor.................................15Guenther, Naimi...............................................13Harris, Bonnie...................................................83Hrynuik, Jen.................................................83Johnson, Sandra..............................................2, 81Lambert, Lee-Ann.............................................87Latimer, Mary..............................................87Leemhuis, Carol............................................82Levinsohn, Alane..........................................82Levy, John............................................................95Machniak, Donna.........................................85Marsh, Charlene.................................................82McDonald, Cheri........................................5, 82McFarlane, John Pauline................................20Meyer, Char.......................................Front Cover, 18Miller, Ken Eleanor.......................................85Miller, Hazel...............................................87Moss, Gina................................................87Norem, Kathryn.............................................6, 86Otaguro, Arlene...................................................87Pardue, Janice.........................................................7, 8Pelz, Linda......................................................81Pohlemacher, Paula.............................................84Pom Club of Central Indiana.......................................21Plonkey, Dana...........................................................7, 8Reich, Janell..........................................................7, 8Reimschiissel, Kelly...........................................81Roberts, Audrey...........................................83Rogers, Sherrilynn.............................................81Rosenbaum, Mary......................................83Scrimpsher, Todd Caryl..............................................4Smith, Ron Irene..........................................86Tsay, Amy..............................................................3, 84Watanabe, Robin...........................................87Waters, Gregg and Charlene...............................87Waugh, Elaine.............................................81Wells, Mike....................................................81Westby, Jim........................................................95White, Teresa..............................................................81Wilson, Tom.....................................................81Wishnow, Elaine..................................................86Zech, Tom and Diane.....................................85, 942007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 612 PM88i i i i nAdvertisers Back Issuesas4SBSuH4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 892007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 612 PM89I I I I I i i i in4eranianIi EW\iii THE Of FKSAI PIBICAIION Cf THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CUB INC.1H Ooal PuCicalion of Th Amanean Pomaanin Club. me.cM'A3rt2007TimmIypOJim3007 toHi4.ANNETTE WMICK 4 d VEN1 f A o BEST OFBREEDVARIETYPW . QNATIONAL SPECIALTYrFTHOMAS PHOTOCRAPHY f iLV V t0L lillilI X'- N.k Ju r.yy4y7^viJliliiii'M PftUUIlUI.i Ma Ittll'lld'i^il i iTKsI-iiiljtliKwIi .B' 2m ,,Vt jyjj-jjioiciiS lUiJUJ DiJU UijujWSdn XA-Z fymOr.r\ inNovDecMiip m rvV^. 2 0 0 6 'rOWiC2008'f'HtmvtwkJf iSp ^Joint Joint cthL 7s HeThS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC,americanpomeranianclubNorg90 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBCORDIALLY INVITES YOUTO ATTEND OURNATIONAL SPECIALTYINLOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY.SHOW DATES MARCH 10-12, 2008Mark Your CalendarsWE ARE HONORED TO HAVE RESPECTEDJUDGE MRS. MICHELE L. BILLINGSThe Specialty will be held at theExecutive Inn,978 Phillips Ln., Louisville, KY.Reservation Telephone1-800-626-2706Room rates 91.00 plus applicabletaxes for doubleking room,conference suites 130.00, andbedroom suites 160.00.Check the Web site atwww.AmericanPomeranianClub.orgFor further updates as they becomeavailable.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB NATIONAL SPECIALTYLOUISVILLE, KENTUCKYMARCH 10-12, 2008Would you like everyone to receive abetter quality welcomeexhibitor bag in2008 This will be possible only if wereceive enough DONATIONS to defraythe costs. Bags must be ordered early,so dont delay, donate nowDonate 50.00 or more and you willreceive a free gift in Kentucky. Donateonline at americanpomeranianclub.orgFill out an order blank and specifyWelcome Bag Donation.YOUR HELP IS NEEDED, ACT NOWCollect locally donated items anyamount to fill the 2008 welcome bags.Send your items toBrenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot AvenueEffingham, IL 62401Or bring them to Kentucky.2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 612 PM90Of rl\\w\. ^i4AUCM 7AKU J-^Olo I \. v V.\\4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 91TENTATIVE SHOW SCHEDULEShow Meeting Dates Sunday,Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday March9, 10, 11, 12, 2008Sunday, March 9500 PMShowroom Grooming Room Setup630 PMVendor Exhibitor Setup700 pm - 900 pmHospitalityMonday, March 10800 am - 1000 amObedience1000 am - 430 pmSweepstakes530 pm - 830 pmTop 20Tuesday, March 11730 am - 1000 amRally Trial900 am - 1100 pmJudges Education Seminar1015 am - 445 pmRegular Dog ClassesNon-Regular ClassesJunior Showmanship500 pm - 700 pmPCT Seminar730 pmAnnual Membership MeetingWednesday, March 12800 am - 400 pmRegular Bitch ClassesBOB Competition730 pmAwards Dinner and auctionAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB NATIONAL SPECIALTYLOUISVILLE, KENTUCKYMARCH 10-12, 20082007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 613 PM91r'f \' ,I r0.IAVlV X 3ffW aWT K3SOM30X\i JJ492 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 613 PM92I I I I I i i i in4-mm0IV. ..iA jCJ'Vw' f ^a 2 i-f,Yi1 K 9K..1."j A .Ml m rir. ff'4 4EVERY DAY WE IMPROVE DOGSBECAUSE EVERY DAY, THEY IMPROVEWe all know what a difference dogs make in our lives. So theres no better way to return the favor than by supporting all that the American Kennel Club AKC does. Every dog registered with the AKC helps programs such as the AKC Companion Animal Recovery, which reunites lost pets and their owners. And the AKC Canine Health Foundation, the largest national foundation devoted to breed-specific genetic research. Other dog registries are for-profit-so you dont really know what they stand for. The AKC is not for-profit. Were for-dogs. And for more than 100 years, thats been our sole mission. Visit to find out why an AKC registration is the only registration in the USA that matters.wfmyISmwk a American Kennel ClubNWere more than champion dogs. Were the dogs champion.SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 932007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 613 PM93rm i i i i4SAVE THE DATE SPECIALTY SHOWThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore , SPECIALTY during theNortheastern Maryland Kennel Club Turkey Cluster Friday, November 23,2007Cz^i , 114^'4 3AlThK'^s'Regular Classes Judge Mr. Richard H. Mullenp Veteran Puppy Sweeps Judge Ms. Beverly B. FergusonGRAND PRIZE DRAWINGEvery Pomeranian entry registers your armband into ourGRAND PRIZE DRAWING forFIRST PRIZE DRAWING will be for a Leopard Davenport Dog Sofa4 4'ArANDSO MUCH MORERaffle Drawing for a Year Subscription to The Pom ReaderMikasa glassware as Regular Class trophiesLeopard Dog Mats for Sweepstakes prizesRosettes awarded for all placements.Every exhibitor will receive a FREE gift bag.Plus, after the Specialty, all Pom Lovers are invited to our luncheon. Details to be provided at the show.Questions Would you like more information Want to join the PCGBweb email phone 301-257-5757 mail 4415 Garrett Park Road, Silver Spring, MD 20906'1Ll494 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 613 PM94I I I I I i i i in4iVteii forJdfldll teidionaill HidsJdtl CUsd. mistriidididd i4 ilSSsx.Mb if -21 IfiC-. isSSSSC M PSfldiPipHSsBTo[rSsjjS ''iyrFujitsu's Poms Tom and Diane Zechft. c, Vfc V4 \jwww.members.tripod.comfujHsupoms Ph. 360-871-8404 dmluettwavecable.com1 4mu] TV.-V.T ' siim IMS71 m CflLUJi,VS TOlftUfa rHrvV. 'i'AS RWMti r rki4iWgM. Wv- '-STJJff i \J 'VViiw L ri f un MSaaftK Wl inHs-'.arsim i A8j.lit 3P fy -l,.Tf-f j k-j 1PW1G iV ST31 iTlTi1 -. j 111junell, I have enjoyed being your friend since first meeting you at the Pom Specially January 1992. As always you were most gracious to a newcomer to the world of Poms. Wishing you the bestI have four look-a-like boys available by Ch. Randy's Cash On Hand x Randy's Pomfully Ool Cam.275.00Contact Randy at Randy's Poms253-740-5060 Cell - 360-897-2163 home email website www.randyspoms.com4SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 952007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 614 PM95I I I I I i i i inm,r VVN4 ir4vVm 1V,VAm553Ch. Finch's Top GunCli. Chriscendo Call to Arms - Ch. Finchs One Hot MamaIt Takes A Village...a special thanks to all the Judges who appreciated "Champ, Diane Finch for breeding such a wonderful dog and to Curtiss Smith for his exceptional care and presentation.Owner John Levy Loved and Cared for by Jim WestbyBreederCo-Owner Diane Finch Handler Curtiss G. Smith96 - SEPTOCT 2007 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEW2007 SEPT OCT Pom Review.p65 8102007, 614 PM96i i i in49www.damascusroad. cabevcarterdamascnsroad.caM oCCyCH Damascusroad Deepsea MollyGranddaughter of CH Emily who made breed history in 2006 by finishing her championship with a Group Placement at 13 years of age under Toy Breeder Judges. Molly is also a Group Placement winner and the first in her litter of four to finish. Litter brother Mitch CH Damascusroad Deepsea Mission has multiple Group Placements and finished August 4, 2007. The other two littermates are well on their way to becoming Canadian Champions. Molly and Mitch are champions 2 and 3 for us so far this year, not counting foreign owned Damascusroad kids who achieved new championship titles.14 4 etr JX ks \It 0V [iiwBJ JJi n T T- fz TTi